The Sevan Podcast - #771 - Live Call In | Hooking Up w/ The HR Lady at Work

Episode Date: January 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 BAM! We're live. Hello. When I was a little girl, my father took me to the circus. I remember it as the first time I realized that all my thoughts were my own. I was wearing my favorite blue dress. I thought, no one knows that this is my favorite dress, but they can probably sense it. I feel different wearing it. When the clowns came out, I thought, in the same way I am wearing this dress, they are wearing their clown makeup. I wonder what they feel as clowns.
Starting point is 00:00:41 clowns ladies and gentlemen our perception of ourselves is our choice only you can control how you choose to perceive reality that is fully your story to write Jody hi Philip hi
Starting point is 00:01:00 Christine Young hi these fucking people will go out and take ayahuasca. Oh, I'm working on myself. I'm working on my, I'm going to take ayahuasca. I'm working. It helps me with my mental health.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I'm working on dick butter. I'm more, I'm working. I'm going to take ayahuasca and I'm going to find myself in this journey. Me, me, me. Uh,
Starting point is 00:01:24 I have an idea for you before you take drugs and have a hallucinogenic trip why don't you fucking just give away everything you fucking own and start at the top of the pacific crest trail or whatever the that thing is and and just walk it from uh canada to mexico and And don't bring any money. Just bring a sleeping bag. When's the last time you saw synchronicity in your life and you saw that the universe is conspiring to help you? And yet I'm going to take ayahuasca because I want to find myself.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I want to tap into the ancient spirits of the Native American culture and find my path and my true self. Yeah. the native american culture and find my path and my true self yeah drugs are a shortcut and shortcuts are cheap and short-lasting the synchronicity is i thought of all this in the shower and i come out here and trish teed this shit up like a champ i was just thinking about it today i was like man so many people want to just it's only five days of your life just go lay down and die you have nothing to lose just take the journey inward and you know you can't do it you already have four kids i fucked
Starting point is 00:02:43 up someone whatever excuses. Just do other shit to constantly make yourself uncomfortable and heighten your awareness and start finding the synchronicity in your life. Find the every second of synchronicity in the universe is conspiring to help you in your life. It's there, man. It's there. So there. Listen, every time you look at your phone, you're missing the opportunity for getting the message from somewhere else. And I'm not against phones.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I love my phone. Hold on. I got a call. But there has to be times that you're like, there doesn't have to be, but if you don't want to be a robot, then, then, uh,
Starting point is 00:03:28 get synced up, get synced up, make some shit weird for yourself. Like, who is I talking to? Oh, oh shit. This guy texted me yesterday.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I got to fucking respond to him. I forgot. I don't know if he wants me saying this. He's, he's a, he's a, a famous guy in our community. I'm just going if he wants me saying this. He's a famous guy in our community. I'm just going to text him back hi so I don't forget to text him later.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And he said he's doing a no-buy January. And I think that's where you try not to spend money for a month. That's impossible. You got to pay rent, yeah. I mean, when I was a little kid, I used to take my finger and push my penis inside myself and then watch it spring back out.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Some people would say that's impossible, but it's totally doable. I heard that stunted scrub. By the way, all men, for you women who are listening to this all men did that that's like one of the things you do as a little kid well i don't know with us boys with foreskins like we could take our foreskin and just kind of just start playing with it and then just kind of push the whole penis down and you i guess it gives you more to hold on to and manipulate but
Starting point is 00:04:41 yeah what a cool thing to find i wonder if it's like that for girls do they just one day just do they find their vagina and start playing with it like what is this what is all this skin down here why are there elephant ears down here do i hear from down here hello talk to me talk to me it's an ear talk to me i'll come down here hello talk to me talk to me it's an ear talk to me i'll come down here and talk you you you your kids can't go to school unless they take these drugs your kids can't go to school unless you take these drugs. You have to take them to this building and there's a guy in there in a white coat and he's going to inject your kids every two months with drugs.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And then if you follow that protocol until they're 14, we'll keep letting them go to school. It's a good trade. How was I ever so stupid? How was I ever? It makes no sense when you just put words to it. You know what my son said to me the other day? This is like one of the crowning achievements of my fucking life.
Starting point is 00:05:55 When they said this, you're going to love this Sousa. Cause this is like how I think he said, and I was so proud of him that he thinks like this. I had farted and it stunk so bad. Remember I called you last night and told you I had the worst gas ever like i like i i've just completely gone off the reservation the last two get two days guys i mean i am just i can't tell you the shit i've been doing it's not ayahuasca but like cookies and i ate a cookie last night fucking crazy one no need
Starting point is 00:06:18 to eat it i'd eaten a whole bag of cherries already oh my gosh yeah i forgot all about that it was probably the cherries and then i ate this cookie this giant cookie and um anyway so i i came home and i stunk and and my kids were showering and i was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and i'm just destroying the bathroom and my son goes the air that comes from your butt smells so bad. I just love the way he said it, the air. The air that comes from your butt. I guess air does come from my butt.
Starting point is 00:06:54 He understands what's happening. There's air that's going from your butt that smells really bad. Is there a more accurate description? I don't think so. I had explained to my kids what a dutch oven is dutch oven for you those you don't know it's it's when you're in bed with your wife or your girlfriend and you fart and you pull the sheets over her head or your boyfriend i sorry i didn't mean to be i don't know why but i literally thought you're gonna explain a kitchen appliance to me right now and so one of my i told my kids what that was
Starting point is 00:07:29 and one of my kids is like hey can we do a dutch oven i'm like no it's not like you don't ask for like i didn't teach it to you so we like we could do one this guy at the party last night said something to me this i'm really curious what you think about this susan this this is what a simpleton i am but this really kind of unfucked me a little bit this guy goes hey have you ever thought about writing a book on how you raised your kids i'm like on what and he goes on how you raised your kids and i and I stopped and he knew exactly what I was saying. He then said, or what, what I was thinking, he knew he had rocked me. He then said, yeah, you know, not how to raise kids, but how you raised your kids. And soon as he said that I could get my head
Starting point is 00:08:19 wrapped, like a lot of people said, Hey, why don't you write a book or write a pamphlet or a postcard or something, put some things down on how to raise a kid. And whenever I think about that, I don't find it appealing. Like I did – oh, yeah, I know. But as soon as he worded it as how you raised your kids, I'm like, that's pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, it fit. Like whatever he said,, that clicked for me. If a girl does it to a guy, it's called a French oven. Oh, I wonder if that's true. Urban Dictionary? French oven? Dutch?
Starting point is 00:08:54 I just really want to know who Trish is. Dutch oven? It'll ruin it for you. It's going to ruin it for you. Yeah, you're right. Hey, do you want to put, do you want to put a good morning, Sean? Mr. Sullivan, Kenneth. Hi, seven on, uh, about to start a mommy blog. Damn.
Starting point is 00:09:14 That hurt. Well, that set me back another year. I actually, it could be a father blog and that's way more needed now than ever. Huh? Yeah, sure. You could take that angle. Uh,
Starting point is 00:09:28 French oven, urban, uh, dictionary. I was surprised that you didn't want to get, I seriously, you're like one of the, um,
Starting point is 00:09:42 early bird people. And yesterday when I told you six 30, I was, I was, when you fart into your girl's vagina and then close it really quickly and pull a blanket over it. What the fuck? Why? How would you when a French oven is when you fart into your girl's vagina?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Well, at least it's your girls. And then close it real quick and pull a blanket overhead. That makes no sense. That makes no sense. That makes no sense. Right? You can't fart into a vagina, right? I don't think so, no. Yeah, that makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:10:18 That was stupid. The Urban Dictionary can be childish. Right. I am childish. Thomas Paine, yeah, yeah. Maybe you you're right you're in the easy phase right now with your kids i had this crazy discussion i had i've had i had a really um i mean for me it's not like it's deep this is not deep but i had this great realization people will say don't force your kids to do stuff completely stupidity dumbest thing ever said absolutely force your kids to do stuff so this started with i was at the skate park
Starting point is 00:10:56 and there was a kid there and he's eight years old and i hadn't seen an eight-year-old kid who is as good of a skater as my kid not i mean all of course all over instagram but not just like at the park or very rarely so we were talking and she's like hey man my kid's so motivated my kid asked to come to the skate park every single day um when we're at home he's talking about tricks he wants to try and that he's going to practice when he gets to the skate park and i'm like oh it's such a trip and she goes why i'm like because my kids aren't like that she goes what do you mean i'm like i take him to play i take him skateboarding tennis jiu-jitsu piano every day and i never hear them like excited about like doing it it's just like it's what we do i never hear them it's just what we do
Starting point is 00:11:39 just like our cycle yeah and i mean occasionally they'll be yeah i hear them say more often than not that they don't want to go yeah like you know once a week they're like they're like oh it's too cold for the skate park or i don't want to go or just whatever by the way i never engage in those things ever ever ever i never engage and um so i just put them in the car and we go. But then I realized, oh, shit. It's completely okay. Here's the rule about forcing your kids to do stuff. It's once you force your kid to do something, it's on you to make sure they succeed.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And if you force your kid to go to school, it's very hard to make sure they succeed, and I'll tell you why. When I went to school in kindergarten, first, second, and third grade, I was the smartest kid in my school, smartest kid in my class. Like, I just knew I could do everything better than everyone else. My hand was always up first. I always got called. I was like the most polite kid to the teacher. I was adding, subtracting subtracting multiplying i was doing all that way before all the other kids the way i could add and subtract in the first grade was like there were the third graders couldn't do it i just it just stuck um i knew how to listen i had focus all that shit then in the third grade so by the time I got to the third or fourth grade,
Starting point is 00:13:05 I started getting a little bit lazy. I didn't know how to do school because I had just been coasting. I started getting into a little bit of trouble. Not bad trouble, but I would be like... Disruptive in class. Yeah, cracking jokes, brought eggs to school to throw at cars,
Starting point is 00:13:21 just some shit like that. You know what I mean? to throw at cars, just some shit like that. You know what I mean? Doing like at recess, like just doing stuff I shouldn't be doing, trying to break windows at the school. But the teachers and everyone still liked me. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like I was... Yeah. I was still... And I was a very polite kid. By the time I got to the fifth grade, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. Because all I wanted to do was play with my friends and i started falling behind in math by the time i went to the sixth and seventh grade i was completely had no fucking clue what was going on zero and it it because it happened so slowly it wasn't a nightmare but it was crazy stressful and every day i would go to school it be like, how am I going to get through today?
Starting point is 00:14:08 It took me until I was 50 to figure out what I was doing. At the time, I didn't even know. But it was like, while other kids were learning and passing the class, I was trying to figure out other ways to get past the class. Could I steal the teacher's books? Who would I sit by? You were gaming the system. Yeah. Just figure. Yeah. Any. Yeah. And no one was like, was like hey don't do it this way let's just go back two years
Starting point is 00:14:29 and get you caught up right by the time i was in fucking high school it was like fucking all-out war by any means necessary like kidnap a teacher you know what i mean yeah it's all you knew at that point yeah we didn't do that but you know what i mean like kidnap a teacher duct taper and tell her like hey um if you don't give me an a i'm gonna fucking uh shave all the hair off your dog yeah rather than studying you're dedicating your time to breaking into the laptop and changing your score a hundred percent yeah hundred percent yeah and not because i was a bad kid because the rules were i had to pass right and i and, and I had already been set up for failure taking the traditional path. So with skateboarding, it's not like that with jujitsu and piano and tennis. It's
Starting point is 00:15:15 not like that at all with that. It's all on me. It's not on my kids at all. Can I stay 100% disciplined to never give them a fucking cell phone can i make sure that i never get lazy and not take them to tennis class even if it's freezing cold even if it's raining even it's blah blah blah will we to go i i have pneumonia and i can't i'm afraid of covid so i i can't take them to the skate park because they have the yellow tape around it. Oh, my kids are going to get sick. I'm so scared my kids are going to get sick. Well, so you don't understand.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Some parents have to stay home. Well, some kid died in Idaho in 1352 with pneumonia. None of that comes in. None of that shit comes in. What year was third grade for you? I was just a, I was just a, oh,
Starting point is 00:16:14 I was born in 72. So 80, I guess 1980. So I just realized, oh shit, because when you, when you put your kids in things and you're, and you're disciplined as the parent and you, and you keep them to it and you make sure that they do it, then it's on me and they're eventually going to succeed. Like you don't ever, ever skateboard better than you really are.
Starting point is 00:16:39 You're never put into a situation to skateboard better than you really are because if you are, if you do, you know what happens? You eat shit. Yeah, you crash, right? are because if you are if you do you know what happens you eat shit yeah you crash right yeah thank you thank you mr and so it doesn't it doesn't happen everyone's like like i mean it happens but you know what i mean it's not it's not like you you you then have a choice that's where you stop and keep and start working on something you don't move on to fucking algebra if you can't do eight plus seven perfectly. You're not doing a kickflip until you fucking ollie. You will never advance in jiu-jitsu until you've – well, your teacher could lie to you. Yeah, but the mats don't lie, so it doesn't matter. Your opponent will show you where you are. You know, when you're a little kid, you think it's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:32 You think things like you hear like, oh, if you're a black belt, you have to fight everyone in the class and win. And so like your brain starts running ahead and you're like, God, they must have to set up these fights. starts running ahead and you're like god they must have to set up these fights no that environment if you go every day for fucking 16 years and you eventually get your black belt you either have a shitty teacher or yes you can beat everyone up on the mat and you know it and they know it and that's what's happened over the 16 years and they're on the map there is there is one way to try to try to screw it in jiu-jitsu though a lot of times the guys will pivot and then you could see that this is exactly what people do in their minds when they come up against that challenge like you'll catch a higher belt in a move yeah and then right as they catch you rather than them trying to escape it they'll
Starting point is 00:18:13 be like yeah yeah no keep rotating to your right and then lock it in like they're like i let you get it you know yeah yeah really you see that shit That's dirty. Yeah, that's happened to me. That's dirty. No one wants to get tapped out by the white belt who's been a white belt for three years because he only shows up once a month. All you parents out there who have kids who are in jiu-jitsu, by the way, I just did this the other day.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Fucking I think I'm brilliant for it. Go show them Nicky Rodriguez videos as a blue belt because my kids sometimes will get caught up on belts and i'll be like oh let's watch some blue belt videos and watch as he just destroys all the black belts so you know the belts don't mean shit i mean they mean something but especially that no gi stuff because in a lot of places there is no belt like when you're on the mat floor you know like go to that plan b and and wherever it is austin texas they're not in gis and a belt right so there's
Starting point is 00:19:06 not a differentiator it's just the mat it's just the time on the mat hey um so recently i was thinking i'm going to get into jiu-jitsu um and also recently my kids my kids are now old enough obby's old enough and my other boys are old enough to where we we wrestle a lot now like i wrestle with them every day and it's there's no no fucking way I'm doing jujitsu. I get hurt every fucking day rolling with my kids. Like after wrestling with them for 30 fucking minutes, like I always stand up and I'm like, fuck my back hurts or my hips hurt or I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:36 no, I'm not doing that. Are you doing a proper warmup? I don't know. I'm a little, I don't, I'm yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:44 dude, they weigh 50 pounds i should just be able to just doesn't matter you're still moving your body in ways that you're not normally i guess you're right you're right no my knees are great my knees and my dick are fucking amazing special so i do have a question about what you're just saying earlier about the school stuff i know you're just you're using that as like to to relate the two things but what was it like for you in high school as you finished up? Did you ever kind of get it together in high school, or did you just hang it right until you knocked out that door?
Starting point is 00:20:10 No, bro. It became horrible. In hindsight, I lived under so much stress. Yeah, me too. I lived under so much fucking stress. It was completely unnecessary. And you graduated at the height that if you didn't go to college, you were just a dumb fuck and threw away your life.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yes. I was at the teenage point where people were like, well, there are other options. For you, it was like, oh, so you're choosing to be a loser. Cool. I cheated every day. Cheated. I put that in quotes. But it wasn't cheating. Now, in hindsight, I realized it wasn't cheating.
Starting point is 00:20:44 It's like saying – it wasn't cheating. It was fucking survival. I was a survival. I mean I guess I gained other skills from it. Better skills? Yeah, but it wasn't – yeah, I had to do – I did – every single day at school, I did something that was – I could have been suspended for or expelled for or – yeah. And, you know, complete bullshit. It's just such – it's such – and you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's just such, it's such, and you know what? Because my parents were workaholics and they were both great parents, my mom and dad. But if you don't raise your kids, like you're just not going to see that shit. I've never tested my testosterone. I would, I would never, I don't do any of that stuff. I don't believe in any of that stuff really. I'm so healthy and so happy and so energized and so i i i don't ever like i don't care i don't do any of that stuff by the way if you do want to get your blood work done you want to get all get those testosterone levels up.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Go to for your free consultation with the doctor. And if you live in California, especially in Southern California, you can contact them and you can get free blood work. They have really cool labs. They're really cool people. You can get your levels checked and start on that journey. Obviously, as you guys most of you know, you can go over to Andrew Hiller's YouTube page, HillerFit. He has an episode called
Starting point is 00:22:37 Testosterone Tuesdays. What a brilliant idea. How'd you come up with that, Andrew? He takes you on the journey it's really fucking cool they'll talk to you about it and it's easy to get in touch with and talk to you about it so i i don't know any of that stuff i don't know like my blood levels i don't know i tried but i got i wussed out i i've had athletes i've had some like some weird like scaling skin peeling on my foot since i've been like five years old and that's like the only thing wrong with me other than that i'm kind of a perfect human being
Starting point is 00:23:08 well not that it's not perfect and like hair between like the back of my tricep now to my neck is starting to connect not bushy but like it it wants to be one giant back piece like hey i got people think i'm a hairy guy i'm not look at that thing guys look at that fucking thing wow just a scrum little bitch but i ain't but i have this tough of hair that goes from like my tricep up my shoulder now it's connecting to my neck it's coming it'll get you susan givea. Give it 15 years. Yeah, it's not that I didn't want to know my T levels. It's that I literally had an issue with the blood in the nails. Tell them, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Tell them. I was just filming Andrew getting his, and we were hanging out at the CA Hormones Lab. And I don't know. All of a sudden, I got super woozy, and I kept trying like push it down. I was like, just don't entertain those thoughts. Hey, do you know, Oh, do you know it's happening when it's happening? Like, you know, when you walk on stage to talk in front of people, you're like, Oh shit, I'm getting nervous. And you're like, why you can't, even though you're not, you're not nervous, your body's getting nervous. And you're like, dude, what are you doing? Joe? But you just can't. Is it like that?
Starting point is 00:24:23 That's exactly what it was. And then the more i tried to not think about it the more i thought about it and then i was like okay well i'm just gonna film it not look and then by the time i turned away it just it was too late that this i was going down the spiral and then all of a sudden i just had a physical reaction to it like the color completely drained out of my face and i was like feeling super woozy and laughing at myself a little bit because i wasn't expecting that to happen i love the idea of like i love the idea of getting all juiced up and needles and i'd snort i'd snort a line and smoke and all the stuff around bad around i don't even i guess i shouldn't mix it with snorting lines but
Starting point is 00:25:02 all the stuff there's so much stuff I want to do. I just don't. I just. It's not a good long-term thing for you or. I obviously snorting drugs is what I was referring to there, but like. You know, I was also thinking the other day, I was thinking like, I feel like a couple of days ago, I got on my high horse about like cheating on your wife and how dumb it is. But like, shut the fuck up stevan like nowhere in my life is there like just pussy throwing itself at me i talked to 10 moms at the fucking skate park every day and not one of them has ever given
Starting point is 00:25:38 me a hint that they find me attractive or like like like like anytime i get on my high horse about that you guys tell me shut up like no like i don't live in a world of temptation it's like saying i never eat candy but i live on the moon like yeah of course you don't eat candy you jackass you live on the moon okay so i i just just thinking about that it's not like tiger woods and there's just bitches lined up outside my house like it's not like that. And I live in San... I don't think I do... Anyway, I should not be on my high horse with that.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Thank you. Thank you, Kenneth. That's cool. One of my friends in college said, dude, if I was gay, you would be the last fucking person I'd want to fuck. I'm like, oh, thanks. That's not nice.
Starting point is 00:26:23 No, I know. That wasn't nice. What's up, Caleb? Morning, Caleb. Hey, how's it going, guys? Good. Should I have not just brought you in? You know what? That was a little aggressive. I'm going to let him bring himself in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. When he's ready.
Starting point is 00:26:35 When he's ready. Yeah. Don't you force it. I see Josh has completely abandoned Seva. I wonder if he'll bring in Barnacle Bailey as retaliation. Josh is completely. I just talked to Josh two days ago. Three days.
Starting point is 00:26:50 He just says it like that. But like, you know, well, it worked. Dipshit. Hey, dude,
Starting point is 00:26:56 everyone wants to come on the show. Don't get it twisted. It's what I realized. And the people who aren't don't want to come on the show. Like they're so fucking scared for some reason. They start calling me and texting me and want to stay friends with me.'t don't want to come on the show like they're so fucking scared for some reason they start calling me and texting me and want to stay friends with me like don't worry i'm not gonna like flip out on you yet yeah no just you gotta keep that level of fear you know i say this with all love and humility yes she hey yes she does oh yes she oh yes she does they all want to come on i it's hard for me to realize that i tell you
Starting point is 00:27:28 guys this now it um later on suzer will have to talk me off the fence because he has to deal with the insecure savon who's always like yeah i don't know if this show is gonna make it people don't like me but when i'm on this show it's like i'm telling you it oh please oh please oh please they all everyone wants to come on don't fucking get it twisted especially those ones who say they don't or that they even think that they're bold enough to attack yeah they can't attack and when i mean all i mean all of them all of them i i know don't forget i lost the war with my dms guys by the way i forgot to tell you that last week i lost gave up i haven't cleared my dms and i just can't oh it's just hundreds a day long yeah it's hundreds a day now i just can't i but i'm. I want you to know I haven't given up.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yeah. It's bad. I used to never go to sleep with a DM. Now there's hundreds. Yeah, I think... Caller, hi. Miss Lynn, hi. Hey, how are you guys? Good morning. On fire. Fantastic.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Great show so far. Thank you. I just want to tell you, Wadapalooza coverage, as usual, was great. Thank you. I just want to tell you, Wadapalooza coverage, as usual, was great. Thank you. Yeah, everything was great. I still have a couple shows to catch up on, but thank you so much, Sousa, for being out there.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Oh, my pleasure. Yeah, that's always the... Isn't it weird that... I mean, the really hard part was Sousa heidi on the ground yeah and that's the highlight too that's where you see this stuff that no one else gets to see when they're at home and we'll do the same thing at the crossfit games this year but well i think we will but isn't it weird that like they don't do like other people don't do that like if i'm a
Starting point is 00:29:20 venue if i'm a venue i have like a um corral cam with a good mic on it, and I'm just streaming to another channel where you can see what's going on in the corral. Dude, that would be a huge channel. I can't believe Guadalupalooza, Loud and Live, or even CrossFit Games doesn't do that. Yeah, well, at least huge props to Guadalupalooza for letting Sousa do it. The games won't let anything like that happen because they're so fucking scared. Well, and short-sighted. But the CrossFit Games Insta site was using all kinds of Wadapalooza material this weekend.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I know. Isn't that funny? I know. I was like, you don't even want to be part of it, but here you are using all the material. And I don't know if you noticed, but it looked like the majority of it, they were filming a computer screen to get their clips, even though they had five people there who could have filmed it in real time. No, don't get me started. Yeah. Anyway, I want to say hi.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I've got a couple appointments, so I'll be listening off and on. I've got a couple appointments, so I'll be listening off and on. But always good to have you in the morning on a daily basis. Don't change anything. My wife used to say that, too, and now we have kids in our bed. Well, I've been there, too. But anyway, we all have our vices, right? Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:42 All right. Okay, bye. You guys all take care. Where'd caleb go i'm i'm on pause hi caleb damn i can't see you on the screen because i put it on pause he said he no one can he was just i i brought him in for seconds putting a huge chunk of meat into his mouth okay and then i called you and then i don't know if he disappeared but anyway you guys all take care okay bye thank you bye yeah yeah i would i'd really like to do it while some of the haters are still there
Starting point is 00:31:15 um so that i could love on them and in person i would really um but uh go ahead i just gonna say going through all that footage at the end though holy shit if you actually went i would hire someone to do that now i would yeah i would have someone do that now i was talking with ben and like scott and the mayhem team and carlos and stuff and i was like how much like i was talking with scott i was like how much footage do you guys have to go through and he was like it's crazy it like, I was talking to Scott, and I was like, how much footage do you guys have to go through? And he was like, it's crazy. It's absurd. Absurd. Damn, you have to go through all of that. Sevan, how much would it take for the behind the scenes?
Starting point is 00:31:55 You know what? I would almost, to be honest, I would almost maybe go film it for free, just because I could parlay it into so much good shit for this podcast now. What does that say? If you get to own it, then it would be worth its weight in gold for the channel. Or even if I didn't own it, just getting affiliated with it. More and more as I look back, it's kind of like one of the best things that ever was that happened at CrossFit. I mean, Minutes Watched, it was our biggest show ever in the history of CrossFit. Yeah, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:26 So bigger than anything. So I don't know. It would never happen. There's no one there smart. There's no one there with an IQ over 100 in the marketing department. I don't even mean that as a mean way. I just mean it emotionally. IQs are so low, so low.
Starting point is 00:32:46 That's going to be a huge problem with all of society here in a minute. I get a feeling that people who are working at CrossFit are more concerned with their own hierarchy and making their way in the company than they are trying to actually produce good stuff for the company. That's exactly it. Everyone who works in corporate America knows that's where it is. That's where it is everywhere. It's all about self-preservation and having themselves climb the ladder and very much reaching outside of that to figure out what's good for the company as a whole. Microsoft and Google both fired over 10,000 people this week.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Did you see that? That's just the start. It must be weird in Seattleattle when they fire 10 000 people uh wad zombie i think dave's coming on the podcast tomorrow should i leave these out near him so he can plug all these again did you see him he came right in here and started fingering your cards it's crazy oh wad zombie thank you so much for you're so fucking cool you've been and bruce wayne bruce wayne has been sending us thumbnails and wad zombie oh i'm fucking burning this jason hopper one oh my god i'm joking i'm joking i'm joking uh look at two alexis raptus as should be
Starting point is 00:33:59 probably one of my new most favorite athletes. One for each hand. Yeah. Yeah, well, Adzami has been helping out with the mic solution for our next live behind the scenes stuff. It's been really helpful. Yeah, so cool. Dark Lord Ravon.
Starting point is 00:34:17 $10. Oh, instead of Sevan, he's Ravon. Oh, is that what it is? God, I hope not. I don't want to be a dark lord. Can I be a light lord? God, I hope not. I don't want, I don't like dark. I don't want to be a dark Lord. Can I be a light Lord? Okay, here we go. I want to show you something.
Starting point is 00:34:31 This is a perfect, sorry, you don't have this one, Caleb and Matt. That's why I pulled it up. This is a perfect, uh, um, uh, it looks like Caleb's finishing up stuffing stuff in his face and he will be on very shortly. Now, all you gay men out there can now unzip your pants and I present to you. How about the guys who want to just watch Caleb just eat? That's part of their fetish. Uh, this is exactly what it, this is exactly how Democrats work.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You have to understand this. Exactly. This is not, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not, this is exactly how the government works. Exactly how the government works when it's manipulated by corporate America. Oh my God, I feel like a girl. No problem. We'll chop your penis off.
Starting point is 00:35:26 a girl no problem we'll chop your penis off you guys know that there hasn't been a surgical solution or remedy allowed for mental illness since lobotomies were made illegal lobotomies where they literally opened up the front of your skull and took a fucking butter knife i know you guys think i'm joking but i'm not and just mash the front of your brain. Science. Mash the front of your brain with a butter knife after they remove the front of your skull cap. That was a solution for mental illness. And now, now they got, the surgery is back for mental illness again, and it's chopping the penis. But, and that's how Democrats work, work right they're there to help you those fucking idiots think they're really helping you they really do they think that they're helping kids by removing their body parts well this is it i saw this and i was like holy shit so this is a kid this is a string right here that's holding
Starting point is 00:36:20 a cigarette lighter at a market in Pakistan. Pakistan. I don't really know that, but that's what they look like to me, so I'm going to go with it. In Pakistan, this is a string. You guys see it? Caleb and Sousa, this white string looks like fishing line. And then there's a cigarette lighter here, and you got this boy with a nice yellow shirt on. And he's barely tall enough to reach the cigarette lighter and get the cigarette up there at the same time. He's trying to keep his mouth
Starting point is 00:36:48 on the cigarette so he can and ignite a cigarette. Actually me. That's you? Same sweatshirt. Wow. He's trying to light a cigarette and he's in Pakistan. This is Yash
Starting point is 00:37:03 as a little boy. Look it. There's Yash as a little boy and thank you yash for submitting this video and so here we go oh man he's trying so hard to light it now look at this look at um there's a hand coming in in the lower left hand side that's about to grab the boy into the screen. By the way, those are, I don't know what it is in those bags. I'm going to say dried fruit. Here it comes. Look at a hand grabs the boy. Now you can see the cigarette lighter.
Starting point is 00:37:35 The boy's shocked. And some adult has grabbed him. Uh-oh. Grabs the boy. The boy's like, oh, shit, right? I i'm not that dark the fuck you're not dude are you kidding me fuck you could live in compton with a pass yeah i know that did look like a flaccid cigarette right i think i was noticing it was bending too. Actually, maybe it is a rollie. So he's trying to light a cigarette in the market in Pakistan,
Starting point is 00:38:11 and some dude grabs his arm. Oh, yeah, yeah. You colored folk get lighter as you – isn't that funny? The colored folk get lighter as you get older, and the white folk get darker. Your skin gets softer and lighter and our skin gets wrinklier and darker and we get dive cancer skin cancer okay so the kid got grabbed and he's getting yanked oh no he's getting taken out that's probably the taliban that got him because
Starting point is 00:38:39 all fucking colored folk in pakistan are taliban he's in big trouble okay ready now remember that's that that that guy in the green is the uh is the government and you're the you're you're the kid in the yellow oh i see what's going on here no problem. Let me give you a light for your cigarette. And the man lights the little boy's cigarette. And the boy lives happily ever after. Are you fucking kidding me? Are you kidding me? Meanwhile, the government's wearing masks so they don't get sick from COVID
Starting point is 00:39:28 But they light your cigarette You see that? Did you also see the second generation Cementing that they will also smoke and light cigarettes With the younger kid watching it? Yes good point I didn't think of that So right The one that just came up in the orange shirt
Starting point is 00:39:43 He's looking at it Wow that's cool And the came up in the orange shirt, he's looking at it. Wow, that's cool. And the other one in the green and red. And now we have a second generation. Dude, look how long that kid's shirt is. Tuck that shit in, bitch. I thought it was cool. Oh, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah. Hey, all you got to do is put hustle on it, and it's a fucking Craig Ritchie shirt. No, I'd be more upset if it was marijuana. I'd be even more upset. No, I don't know. Nicotine's worse than marijuana. I don't think marijuana's addictive, but nicotine. Well, isn't the nicotine, like,
Starting point is 00:40:13 it's really bad as it's processed here, right? So if that's just, like, straight-up nicotine rolled into a cigarette, it wouldn't be as bad as if it was, like, a marble light out here. I don't, I... Right? Isn't there, like, fiberglass and, like, other shit inside of as if it was like a marble light out here. I don't, I, I. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Isn't it like fiberglass and like other shit inside of it? So it like. Maybe. I just can't just, why is that? Why are you lighting a kid's cigarette? It's just, it's just how the Democrats work. They think they actually think they're helping. Yeah. Well, you're a white supremacist if you don't.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Right. Hey, I just love, I love the way they they the way the adult even drags them over there to like that's that's them saying like, hey, if you don't drive over here in your car and get this injection today, we'll do it through your window. You won't be you won't be allowed to go to work tomorrow and your kids won't be allowed to go to school. So come here and let me light that shit. Well, it's because all the money has gone to lighting research and lighting cigarettes and rolling. I'm not actually figuring out if they're good or bad for you. And they're moving at the speed of science. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And they're just following the science. Hey, you know what I heard? I was speaking to a guy, a former CIA guy yesterday, Caleb. And they said that the mandate for the soldiers not to take it, it's just bullshit. They said like, there's still, it's what people are still telling them that they need to get it. Yeah. The guy, what were they saying? That that's like, that's for the outside world to see, but in the inside, you still have to take it. God, how did they explain it to me? It was so good the way they explained it to me i wonder if it's still being like like the providers are still like oh you
Starting point is 00:41:49 should get another one you know like they're still because sometimes you have just like lingering one of dale you know that guy dale we had on the lawyer yeah i was talking to someone who works for him and they were saying that some of the guys are still getting their boosters who are in there. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. We – Even people who are suing the government for having to take it.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, they're a completely different option at the end of the spectrum because some people are like, oh, I'm old, and I need to get another booster. It's like, no, you don't. It's not required. You definitely probably don't need it anyway. God, taking shots is fun though. Yeah. Hey,
Starting point is 00:42:33 I heard the Navy's mandating the monkeypox vaccine. That can't be true. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. Everybody needs a control group. The U SS. government? I thought when you joined the military, you just walked on a line and they would just hit you with those guns.
Starting point is 00:42:50 They do. They do. You just have shot lines. That shit's been going on since the 60s, right? Oh, yeah. It's like your flu, anthrax, hepatitis, tetanus, HIV.
Starting point is 00:43:11 That's chlamydia. Yeah. I will tell you. Penicillin. That's what it is. Penicillin is another one. One really cool thing that's happening at CrossFit that I heard is that I think we talked about it on the show before is they're doing a program with the they're doing two programs with the army. One, if you're in the army, you can take the L1 for free, which is just so awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:33 That is cool. And it could be a boon for the investors at CrossFit Inc. If they could just figure out how to get people in the army to take advantage of it. Fuck, it can be a cash cow for those people. army to take advantage of it it would fuck it can be a cash cow for those people and they could sleep well at night knowing that they're they're helping everyone by doing that but the other thing is is that thing at fort bragg that dave's been posting about over 7 000 soldiers i bet you are gonna get i was just trying to piece together things that i've heard about it are going to get a one day basic level one over the next year. 7,000 dude.
Starting point is 00:44:09 That's so good for the affiliates. That's like a, that's like that shit trickles down to the affiliates so quickly over the next five years. It's fucking rad. Hopefully it is. It's going to blow those 7,000 soldiers away. It's going to fucking explode their brains what they're going to learn.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And then you're saying that when they get out that they'll come in two affiliates? They're going to tell their moms, their dads, their friends. Each one of those soldiers on average is going to get – I'm just making this up – put five people to do CrossFit. So now you're at 35,000. Oh, yeah. There we go. Oh, shit. I didn't even see this.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Oh, Ben Smith was there yeah a great morning oh look there's don and i saw don as you scrolled over great morning at fort bragg with general donahue and some of the soldiers from the 18th airborne corps ben smith came out and helped our team coach a large group of soldiers new to crossfit yeah wow holy shit that's some that's pretty amazing that they got ben smith there i thought rich was gonna go but great they got ben oh yeah that's cool wow do i have some stories about those people all of them yeah all of them cool maybe not so much maybe not so much don don i know a good great story about todd can't probably can't be said on the air. I know a great one about Joe that might be able to be said.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I don't. Oh, I think that's Kelly Jackson in the. I don't really know. I like Kelly Jackson. I don't really know any stories about Lindsay Marie. I got some great stories that probably can't be said on the air. Chuck cars. I have some great stories.
Starting point is 00:45:36 They could all probably told in the air. Ben Smith. I got some stories that probably can be Dave. I got some that can and can't be. That's a good group of people. I got good memories. Yeah, that is Chuck.
Starting point is 00:45:48 That's Chuck dead center. He, everyone's representing CrossFit and Dave's representing a company that sells bullets. And, but which is, you know, which is appropriate,
Starting point is 00:46:01 socially appropriate in the environment. He's in very socially appropriate. That's what you call leadership dipshits it's so many you fucking knuckleheads don't know not you listeners i just mean people who don't listen although i did see an advertisement with l1 and they were going to like on the on the uh the route of like if you're getting into this and you want to be good at the sport come like craft your movement with the l1 and i don't i don't really know how i felt about it i hate it just the way you said it good at the sport yeah it was like i don't have the exact way so i'm paraphrasing it but grace saw it and she was like oh you're not gonna like the wording of this and i was like why and she was like because it's it's like come and work on your
Starting point is 00:46:41 movement and i was like well as long as the curriculum doesn't change and you're using different marketing plays to get people in the room, I'm not that upset at it. I think I remember there being some law that if you're selling a car, you can't show it peeling out or something in the commercial or you can't show it doing excessive drive. It's some shit like that. Yeah, like you can't show people drinking alcohol in alcohol ads. commercial or you can't show it doing excessive drive it's some shit like that yeah like you can't show people drink some alcohol in alcohol ads oh you can't if you're watching they're never drinking it you're right there are always clips of like them like having fun with a drink in their hand or like a bottle nearby oh yeah never noticed but they're never actually like taking a sip of the drink meanwhile there's that guy who has that Instagram account where he just does – he rips the bottle cap off his beer bottle, licks the bottle, and makes some –
Starting point is 00:47:31 and then he – have you ever seen this thing called the tornado? I need to try this one day. Have you ever tried that, Caleb? You seem like you could be young enough to have tried that. Yeah, yeah. Does it work? Is it work? It definitely works. Yeah. Do you know what it that, Caleb? You seem like you could be young enough to have tried that. Yeah. Does it work? Does it work?
Starting point is 00:47:46 It definitely works. Yeah. Do you know what it is, Susan? You swirl it around and then drink it so it comes out faster or something? Do you swirl it around once it's up? You turn it up and do it? How do you do it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:01 So as you're drinking it, you swirl it around a couple times, and then it just shoots down the billet a lot faster. I'll practice with the carrot. Yeah, keep practicing like now on the show. That's good. No. Don't anyone take a screen grab. 356 Clown Show. I think I'm coming back on today at noon, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:22 I'm really going to try to because Brian's in. Is he still in Cookville? He's in Cookville until Sunday. I texted him this morning and asked him if he wanted to come on at noon today. I hope he does. Don't forget to relax your throat, Savant, so you can guzzle faster. All right. I was always good at beer bongs. I could put that – I could just fire those down.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Oh, this is amazing. This is that girl, Greta um thumberg i didn't know she she's like she's of age now she's like old enough to like like someone's giving it to her she's like over 18 right yeah leo's giving it to her uh yeah this is oh leo and leonardo dicaprio yeah but i heard she's autistic. I think there's rules about fucking disabled people. She has like Asperger's or something? I just heard she has autistic, but this is fucking crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I would love to meet her and be like, I would love to compare notes of what she's seen in the world with what I saw in one year in my life. Oh, isn't she autistic? Yeah, maybe you can't. I think that there's rules about boning disabled people, maybe. Anyway, maybe she can't take it. But anyway, watch this.
Starting point is 00:49:38 This is crazy. This is just low emotional IQ shit here. This is the problem with just people. Go ahead. People are suffering. People are dying and tired. Guess what, motherfucker? People are suffering.
Starting point is 00:50:01 One more, Caleb. One more. God. People are dying and tired. Guess what, motherfucker? People are suffering. I don't need my car to go that fast, but I do need my car to shoot fucking flame out of some tube that's off to the left of the hood. Oh, my goodness. I do need it to go that fast now.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Dude, imagine at a stoplight if you had your car do that. Like if that happened next to my mom while my mom was sitting in her car, my mom would fucking die. And I have a healthy, healthy strong cross-fitting mom but she couldn't handle that amazing what a what a joke you remember those girls who's dying who what is she talking about who you think that there's someone dying from climate change that's relevant to anything that's like worried about cops killing black people. It's like you are a complete fucking idiot in the place you're putting your energy. You have been completely fucking duped.
Starting point is 00:51:14 You do know that 80% of the United States is going to die prematurely because of fucking what they put in their mouth, right? You realize we're in a population decline that has nothing to do with the weather you i want to say something but i know my wife won't like it but you see that that girl is stupid and anyone who believes that and not only that there's a whole generation that actually is climate change actually scares them and keeps them awake at night. A whole generation of people. Sorry, go ahead, Caleb. Did you see that she
Starting point is 00:51:50 staged an arrest of herself? Yeah. She's such a piece of shit, dude. Hey, dude, you know she's just a tool, right? Now she's just being used. Now she always has been yeah yeah that's a get you know those girls that threw the like was it paint or soup or something on that painting yeah you know that uh but i just want to be clear here real quick sorry i know mike
Starting point is 00:52:18 i i got you off on the wrong uh mike says really 80 of the population is going to die from a dick in their mouth? That is not what I meant, but it's important I clarify. I was ambiguous and I could see how you went there. It's from putting in hot dogs with a bag of cherries
Starting point is 00:52:38 and frosted mini-wheats. Okay, go ahead. Patrick, but David had those girls on the show did you ever see that by any chance no he brought the two of them up and he was like he had Greta Thunberg on the show
Starting point is 00:52:51 no he had the two chicks that threw the soup on the show oh no shit yeah and he goes look we're not going to play a gotcha like I legitimately want to give you guys your space and a platform to talk you're going to go through a extreme measure so here's your platform why are you so ambitious or not ambitious but um whatever i can't even dedicate it to your cause thank you and they literally thought that they
Starting point is 00:53:16 were gonna like die in the short term and they were like we we can't not be dedicated to it he's like well you guys are young you're in your early 20s like why aren't you you know doing stuff and think about your future and like have some fun like you're in college like like we can't have fun everybody's gonna die there's no reason we have to say and they were like but they were 100 bought in on it and with just him not arguing back but just asking a few questions like you could see the wheels were starting to turn towards the end of the conversation oh yeah because he was like, this doesn't make sense because have you thought of this? And have you thought of this?
Starting point is 00:53:47 And if this were true, what about this? I thought he was cool. Real cool. Like almost like talking to him as if they were like his kids, you know? Like not just arguing to be combative, but just like asking some really good questions and not being judgmental or attacking their answers. Like letting them answer and then not really even responding to it but then asking another question uh uh bruce uh wayne about
Starting point is 00:54:11 patrick david says you should have him back on savvy you know what happened bruce by the way thank you for the thumbnails i'm you know what's crazy a lot of people have done a lot of nice things for the show but but the thumbnails you make i feel like i made them like i feel like you get me like the weird shit you do to them i thought you made them until you told me that they bruce wayne sent them yeah um so uh after we had oh here it is for those you guys want to watch this is the stage and you know what i want to give greta um asperger thumb uh some i don't like maybe that maybe this is staged but maybe it's supposed to be staged
Starting point is 00:54:47 maybe she's not trying to pass this off as real I don't know what's really going on so I don't jump to the conclusion just so you guys know that this is staged by that I mean it could be staged
Starting point is 00:55:04 but I don't jump to the conclusion that it's staged to try i mean it could be staged but it could it i don't i don't jump to the conclusion that it's staged to try to play it off as real like i i just can't do that to someone like maybe she was just there maybe i don't know maybe it's a nike ad yeah exactly thank you thank you yeah maybe it is a nike ad like seems a little odd for all that but we'll give her the benefit of the doubt yeah so i i i had travis bajan on and it was kind of a breakthrough for me because i didn't prepare for that at all and i just had him on and he's just a friend and i was i was pretty relaxed although he seemed like he was stoned out of his mind to me but but i but i enjoyed having him on a lot and he's a dear friend
Starting point is 00:55:39 i consider him like in the best friend category and the next day when i had chafee on i told suza i said hey i'm gonna try to do chafee like i did travis i mean i researched him but i'm just gonna just like fuck like being stiff with people or like trying to accommodate them based on the fact if they're a five-star general or the president or just being i don't want to say just be me with them, but, but, but something happened when I was with Travis that made me like get back to my roots. And he goes, yeah, like, like, and then basically in a gentle way, Susan said, yeah, you fucked the Patrick bed, David podcast up because you weren't yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And the next day I was like, it's really stung when he said it. So I let it kind of pass. And then the next day I tried to bring it up to him. So do you think I did bad? Do I need ayahuasca? Did really fucked up patrick bed david he's like no no uh cory hi morning hey have y'all seen the food pyramid yes uh yes i'm surprised somebody hasn't called in asking about that i'm just joking we got got, I ordered 300 boxes of lucky charms from Amazon yesterday. I can't wait to start eating that. Smart.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Get out ahead of the curve. Hey, I heard you talking the other day about sleeping your way to the top. Yeah. Yeah. Not only sleeping your way to the top. Here's the thing. I just realized you just have to fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Like, so let's say we had some girl work for the seven podcast you just have to fuck the highest dude you can up on the rung so you don't get fired so like you start with bruce wayne and then you work yourself so like yeah if you fuck caleb yeah yeah if you fuck bruce wayne it's just like we're just going to talk about you if you fuck caleb hr might have to have a you you have some leverage you fuck susan it's like oh fuck you fuck me and you got the fucking whole you own the show now just once do you think not even fuck me you just have to reach into my pants and give me a handy and i'm and you own me now for the next 20 years just bat your eyes what would say that again
Starting point is 00:57:40 caleb sorry hold on cory say that again kill bat your eyes at me that's all i need yeah yeah i'm fucked and so that's all you have to do you get a job at crossfit inc you're a fucking intern and then you just shoot you pick the three highest dudes who are on the fucking totem pole like you try to fuck dave don and uh i don't know who else uh nicole carroll i guess you're a girl you could fuck a girl but soon as you do that you're you're you're a girl. You can fuck a girl. But soon as you do that, you're in like Flynn. I don't know why at 50 I'm just figuring this out, and that's how the world runs. That is how the fucking – I don't know how the whole world runs, but there's a segment of the world that runs like that. And let me tell you, if you got video too, you can film that shit as fucking –
Starting point is 00:58:22 you're blowing dawn, fall, and you put your Apple apple watch out to film that shit do those have cameras yet no not yet oh oh my god dude oh my god okay sorry cory go ahead complete their way you think guys can sleep their way to the top i mean there's one there's one guy who can and it's like a jerry springer episode but no you cannot. It depends on your work environment. If you're with a bunch of gay dudes, maybe. Oh, very well said.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And that's the other thing. So it's a double-edged sword. God, women are such a fucking fantastic piece of hardware. What a fucking trip women are. God, because they keep us from being idiots, and yet they can fuck us up too not that i want not that i want to play victim or give them the role like i mean fuck if you get a corporate job just chop your penis off well i'm i'm here to i'm here to give you a sample at lowe's when i was in college the hardware store oh i love this take your time with this story if
Starting point is 00:59:22 there's ejaculation in it please please, please. Okay. Go ahead. Well, um, the HR lady was going through some hard times with her husband and I worked in the back in the installed sales area and I wasn't married at the time. And my, um, she decided that she was going to flirt with me a little bit and one thing led to another. She ended up going to third base with me and I decided that it probably wasn't the right thing to do because she was married and from there on out, it was smooth sailing. We got to define third base for us.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Generally speaking, what does third base mean? That's everything except penal vaginal intercourse. Yeah, she went down on me let's put it that way the hr lady blew you yeah nice and so so from for the next like two years until she got fired for the next two years i can do whatever i wanted to do guys can't sleep their way to the top. So if Caleb's looking for a promotion,
Starting point is 01:00:28 he can probably sleep his way to the top too. It just get rejected. Holy shit. Corey, did that happen at Lowe's or did you guys meet off campus? It progressed at Lowe's. So like so like you know she showed me her boobs at low and um she was sending me pictures at low but um the actual activity took place off campus hey was it the hr lady for that store the hr lady for corporate it was the hr lady for the store. And,
Starting point is 01:01:05 and did her husband ever find out? Yeah, I think he did. Did he talk to you? Yeah, he sent me a message and I tried to play it off, but we were really good friends and they were going through some hard times. And so we,
Starting point is 01:01:18 we actually became closer because of it, I think because I knew it was the wrong thing to do. Um, and obviously I've never done anything like that since. I was young, dumb, full of cum, and kind of made a mistake. But it happened, and my life for the next two years at Lowe's was magical. I could come in late. I could leave when I wanted.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Never got written up. It was fantastic. Did you ever ejaculate at Lowe's? At Lowe's? By myself, maybe. No, I'm not talking about like a break, but did she ever like? No, no, no, no. That's another thing women should know.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Men have ejaculated everywhere. Like there's no, anywhere you've sat, like the confession, the dentist chair, like anywhere you think that may have like, just get over it. Men have ejaculated everywhere. yeah we're men that's right home yeah any like there's no spot that hasn't been ejaculated no location oh my god all right well i wanted to add my hey can you do that tornado beer thing for us again no i'm good thank you where are your hands if you hold your hands over your head i'll do it like the hr like the hr lady here it is here it is there it is there it is for the viewers hey stefan show me how you brush your tongue i'm gonna appreciate it okay that was an awesome bye hi the. Bye. Bye. The fucking The Lowe's Lady. The third base with The Lowe's Lady and the goodbye from the kid.
Starting point is 01:02:53 So he was friends with the husband. Oh, my lips are chapped. That story couldn't have gotten any better. Oh. That was great. I know. I know. Jeremy, I'm a Jackling of course story too i know
Starting point is 01:03:06 i sometimes i feel like something's wrong with me because i when he starts telling the story i start getting aroused like not like heavily like i don't gotta chub but like i could feel like i'm like wondering where my wife is like i'd like to know i'd like to look at her call her he's probably out low you're right hey my wife was the hr at lowe's which what which store wait a minute hi how are you calling good how are we doing boys it's plumber oh plumber oh speaking of what a great name plumber uh you know what i should have asked him, too? Like, would you not have hooked up with her if she wasn't the HR lady? Like, I remember, I don't know, 20 years ago thinking, yeah, I'd fuck Oprah just because she's rich and powerful. She's, like, office hot, I bet. But she probably wouldn't give the HR lady a second look.
Starting point is 01:04:03 But, like, in Lowe's in that, and she's the only one to look at, she's like 10 out of 10 there. Yeah, office hot. What a great line. Yeah. So there's this rule in the Army where every girl is a plus two, basically. So when you went to basic training, we had girls, but not the best of looking. so you just recalibrate if you go like oh i would never have sex with that girl you're like wait a second and then you're like
Starting point is 01:04:32 she's a six oh that's an eight oh fuck she's awesome you just you just do that and the longer you're there yeah it's just kind of like it starts out as an automatic plus two then each week is like plus half a point. Oh, by the time you're there, like you just see fucking a hamburger on the ground and you'll fuck it. Like after a month, it doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah. You're there for 10 weeks and you're a bunch of 18 year old kids basically. And you're told don't do anything. Hey, a plumber. You probably haven't seen one of these yet, but a pregnant woman's vagina looks exactly like a fucking hamburger it is so crazy it has these two big buns and then the piece
Starting point is 01:05:15 of meat in the middle you're gonna i'm telling you it's wonderful it's the most wonderful kind of vagina pregnant vagina wait till you see a pregnant it just looks just like a hamburger amazing wow yeah it's so cool it's crazy how they start to look like it's month seven take month fuck uh uh uh what's that called maternity leave take a month off in month seven it's the most wonderful vagina the world has ever invented oh my god my God. I'm telling you. I know. Look, you guys don't understand, but just wait. Wait till you have a seven-month pregnant woman.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I can't wait to call her when I find out. Yeah, look at Bruce Wayne. It's so juicy. Yeah, it's crazy. Okay. It's crazy vagina. Sevan's on a different level today. Okay, we're good.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I'm glad. I'm squinting my eyes a little bit. Like, I feel puffy too much partying uh will plumber from eric weiss for $1.99 how's the new internship plumber dude it's been uh honestly it's been really great um first week was good uh gotta work with all of our pit crews and it's pretty cool what we're doing of like trying to turn basically if you picture mechanics trying to turn them into professional athletes and like the the company spared no expense for anything like we have a brand new facility with
Starting point is 01:06:38 just amazing equipment where do you work where's your internship equipment where do you work where's your internship chip ganassi racing company oh so it's an it's an indycar company so we have uh four cars four indycars and then a couple sports cars and a bunch of other stuff all right that's cool indycars sound yeah all right well good to hear your voice yep see you guys don't fuck well hey if you fuck have you if you fuck the hr lady will you tell us maybe okay thank you i mean he already has so here i really want to start the instagram account with people. Did you guys by any chance see the end of the show yesterday? Yes. I really want to start an Instagram account of just people like breaking shit, like giant people breaking shit.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Are you going to replay it? It's in here somewhere. We'll get to it. Okay, 355. Oops. This is from the LA Times. Oh my goodness. This is just
Starting point is 01:07:50 you guys, I won't say much about this. We'll move through this one very quickly. Very, very quickly. American Idol singer CJ Harris dies at 31. And if you scroll down, I want to know. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I got to disable my ad blocker. Oh. We'll go to his cause of death. Guess what he died from, Sousa. I'll give you one guess. COVID. No. He's 31 years old.
Starting point is 01:08:21 What? Blood clots. Okay. You're out of the game. Uh, what Caleb, what did he die of? Uh,
Starting point is 01:08:29 heart attack. Harris died Sunday after suffering from what appeared to have been appeared to have been. What does that mean? When he, he, he died like this. He grabbed his chest.
Starting point is 01:08:44 God, my tits are getting firm. Y uh harris died uh um i've been doing a lot of bench uh harris died sunday after suffering from what appeared to have been a heart attack in his hometown 31 years old okay sorry mr har. I'm sorry that you died. Okay. There's some people send me. I get 10 of these a day. Young people dying of heart attacks.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Usually I don't show them, but I'm like, you know what? This one I'm going to show. Yes, thank you, Yash. Thank you. I watched them on show enough times to know it was a heart attack yes uh 354 no nobody care nobody who's care who's care you've never known any uh foreigners who talk like that who's care who's care nobody care no nobody so here you go this is coming coming, guys. Just watch this. This is just, I don't know, an hour ago this happened or 72 hours ago. But this is the CEO of Pfizer talking.
Starting point is 01:09:54 He's so excited. Listen to what he's excited about. This is great. All right, check this out. This is the chairman and CEO of Pfizer. Hear what the CEO of Pfizer, your most trusted company, actually has to say about these tracking pills that they're making. Hear this out. Maybe I will use an example. I think it's fascinating what's happening in this field right now. I mean, FDA approved the first FDA approved some crazy ass shit.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Now, this idea of like FDA approved, we clearly know it's fucking bogus and super one-sided. Electronic pill, if I can call it like that. So it is basically a biological chip that is in the tablet. And once you take the tablet and it dissolves into your stomach, it sends a signal that you took the tablet. Imagine in the near future they tell you, you have to take this pill. And once you take it, it'll alert us that you actually took the tablet imagine in the near future they tell you you have to take this pill and once you take it it'll alert us that you actually took the pill and it's in your system bro these guys are going to track everything that you do do you get it so imagine the applications of that compliance compliance compliance compliance follow the rules be a slave obey
Starting point is 01:11:02 listen shut the fuck up, sit down and take whatever we want to fucking give you. The insurance companies to know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them. It's crazy, bro. It's crazy, bro. It's crazy, bro. And you know what? They always use. Okay. It's just's just nuts that Bula says compliance. It's for compliance so the insurance companies know that I took – what? But no one cares. Just so you know, no one cares. Like that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:11:42 You have to stand up for yourself. Like most people are just going to do do this oh it's funny it's like kenneth said down there like a cell phone that's all i was thinking is like this is already happening right and it's happening by go leave your house right now whoever you are drive 15 minutes realize you forgot your phone you'll fucking turn around you'll be late to wherever you are doing because you cannot leave your phone you don't need a computer chip bro it's already one you're carrying around yeah they may just so you know if you do do that you should know that you should fucking throat punch yourself you just had an amazing opportunity that happens to me maybe once a month where i forget my cell phone at home. And I just love the fact like leverage your ego and don't turn back and get it. But my wife might call me. What if my kids, what if the school calls? I have all sorts of stories of why I must carry my phone.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And that's what I mean. Like, you're not cool like me. You're not intuitive like me. You don't see the synchronicity of the world like me. You don't see the magic of the world. You don't get to have fun every day because you just react and go back and get your phone. You're just fucking stuck in the matrix when you should just be like, holy shit, I'm going to be like Sevan. There's no fucking way I'm turning back from my phone and I'm seeing that this is a great opportunity for me.
Starting point is 01:13:14 I'll be like Sevan without the swearing and the sex talk and the arrogance, and I don't have to be 50. I'd be fucking cooler than him. 25-year-old version of him. be fucking cooler than him. 25 year old version of him. It ends up, it's all true,
Starting point is 01:13:31 which is just fucking crazy. Three 53. One by one, we find out it's all true. Everything Donald Trump told us about Joe Biden. It was all, it was all fucking true. Thrown out of the military. He was thrown dishonorably discharged.
Starting point is 01:13:55 That's not true. It wasn't just use. And he didn't have a job until you became vice president. What you know about that is true. He made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow. That is simply not true. We've both we've already been through this. I think the American people would rather hear about more substantial subjects. Hey, it's all true. It's all true. And the commentator is like, let's talk about more substantial. You don't think it's they didn't think it was relevant that his son was on the take from China and Ukraine. Didn't think it was relevant that his son was on the take from China and the Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Even even the presidential debate was rigged against fucking Trump. It's all true. It's worse than true. It's worse than true. Trump just barely touched on it. None of it. No, no, no one's pushing back. There's no more fact checkers on Facebook about this subject, by the way.
Starting point is 01:14:46 No one's pushing back. All the books are out. You can go read all about it. And Joe's on the take, too. All you have to do is realize he's the guy who's called the big guy. Well, I mean, he's been lying since a long time ago. They have stuff back with him like the early 90s where he's like, I graduated top of my class and I did this and I did that. And then that and it's like no he didn't at all well and he's and he was raised with black people jewish people and puerto rican people which is not true i mean how could you be raised with all three of those
Starting point is 01:15:14 come to the bay area yeah pick one damn what a hero you are i don't even blame any of these politicians for lying. They wouldn't get away with it if we actually held them accountable or cared. So it's not even their issue. It's our issue. 352, yeah. 352. By the way, I don't expect any of this to be fixed, but you don't have to live by it, and we can all just wake up.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Okay, 352, racist cops are not the problem. Stop assuming that black people's biggest fear is racist cops. It's racist in every job. You know what's more terrifying than a racist cop? A racist lifeguard. A racist cop got gotta at least break a sweat. Lie to somebody. A racist lifeguard
Starting point is 01:16:12 just have to not notice you out there. And you dead. So ask yourselves, is it that black people can't swim? Or have we been the victims of a decades long conspiracy by the aquatic wing of the Ku Klux Klan? Stop assuming that black. And what's crazy is you think it's funny because it is funny.
Starting point is 01:16:44 And what's crazy is you think it's funny because it is funny. But 300,000 Americans will die this year because their doctors fucked up. Because the medical community did something that accidentally killed them, gave them the wrong pills, plugged them into the wrong IV bag, typed their name wrong into the computer. It's the third leading cause of death in the United States, medical error. And 150,000 of them will be black people. I just made that up. I don't know how many. 50%. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:20 But they're worried about, but we're worried about cops shooting unarmed black men because it happened 12 times. Listen to the – do not see the massive amount of EDC. And that's bound to happen that people are going to get hurt because they're out there trying to protect us and there's guns. And just explicitly in that job, there's going to be accidents that kill people because it is a – we've put them in a really violent, intense scenario where they're dealing with the worst in society. Doctors are supposed to only do things that help you survive, and yet they're the third leading cause. Twelve-armed black men who get shot, you can easily figure out that every one of them deserve to get shot. I don't know what deserve means, but… Every one of them? That's not true.
Starting point is 01:18:20 You could. That's an absolute answer. Hey, well, here's the thing. This is what I mean by could. Twelve is such a small number. That's an absolute answer. Hey, well, here's the thing. This is what I mean by could. 12 is such a small number, it's an outlier. We don't even know if it's true. There's 12 lies about fucking black men being shot by cops out there out of the 365 million stops. So although what Sousa is saying might be true, you can't prove everyone.
Starting point is 01:18:47 be true you can't prove everyone you would you you statistically could be like hey that's such an insignificant number 12 unarmed black men being shot of the 365 million people that are pulled over that um it's not worth the conversation no not if not if you want to put any uh over 250,000 people in the u.s die each year because of medical errors making it the third leading cause of death in the country and you know what i'm totally open if someone's like no it's not seven it's the 18th and only 100 000 people died i don't care like it doesn't disprove my point or you could easily find that it's three million people died like i don't care that's that's not my point by the way uh 12 is the ideal uh body fat percentage for a black man well thank you yash uh racist cops are not okay uh 351 go woke or go broke thank you for uh helping me with my
Starting point is 01:19:35 absolutist you and uh patrick velner and my wife have been absolutely helpful in making me uh trying to get me off the absolutist uh NHL player who refused to wear the Pride rainbow, Ivan Provorov, had his jersey completely sell out on NHL shop. So this guy won't wear the, I love the same genitalia that I have in my pants flag, and then his jersey sold out. the same genitalia that I have in my pants flag,
Starting point is 01:20:04 and then his jersey sold out. I'm surprised somebody in the hockey world hasn't. Say it again, Caleb. I'm surprised somebody in the hockey world hasn't already lashed out against this in the past. Just because those guys are a little more hardcore? Yeah, I don't know. Maybe that's just it. I think all professional athletes have a pretty big component of selling out, right?
Starting point is 01:20:32 That's what I was going to say. I think it's less about the flag, and it's more about him just resisting to go with the narrative and agenda. You could replace the flag with anything else, and as long as he pushed back against just doing it because they're doing it because that's what they're told to do it's like that's why people supported it i think he well i don't know maybe you're right but i think he was saying some shit about he i think he's pretty hardcore religious dude makes sense he's like protestant or orthodox christian or something which for the first time i really get now why religious people don't want um i get why religious people are against homosexuality like i finally in the last like month i figured it out i get it from that will to bow guy it's against natural law and religion is just i mean
Starting point is 01:21:19 there's a huge component i think yeah it's a natural law seven what's natural law well listen to the show maybe you'll figure it out along with me. But the way I understand it is like natural laws, like the tree, the leaves fall off the tree every, every winter, winter, winter, spring, summer, fall, in the fall. Yeah, that's what they call the fall, fall. Yeah, they fall off the fall, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:42 And that's natural law. And so like you need a man and woman together to raise a healthy child and to procreate and have a kid oh natural law is a theory and ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values they govern their reasoning and behavior i i don't think it's a i don't think that's a philosophy i think it's more of a sign it's caught i don't necessarily think it's something that's like proven that's why it's still like theoretical you know what i mean yeah there's no there hasn't been like any data saying like hey this is
Starting point is 01:22:17 okay maybe okay i see what you're saying thank you but we could clump up a bunch of shit that we know is true and kind of put it under this flag as natural law about men and women and people. Right. But we're just products of our environment, right? So that's what created the natural laws. We acted this way because this is how we survived in our environment. And as our environment changes, wouldn't that natural law change? Sure.
Starting point is 01:22:44 Yes, I could see that. So that's why it'd probably become a philosophy and not a law. Like it doesn't matter how we act in society. Like if you still jump off a building, you're going to splat on the ground due to gravity. So it doesn't matter what that society is made up of. That will still exist. But if the rules in society or something changes and acceptance changes. I don't think it's rules and acceptance.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Oh, maybe. changes and i don't think it's rules and oh maybe i was thinking of more like really um superficial things like um some cells can split and procreate that way but like we can't as humans like we got you have to put the penis in the vagina and ejaculate and you and you can't have two penises do it or two vaginas do it you gotta like to like get the baby batter out of the testicles into the vagina. And there's just that way that it happens. And that's natural law. And I think that there's a lot of unknown components about that too. Like just from a phantasmagorical thing, like maybe when you do that,
Starting point is 01:23:41 that's when the soul comes into the body. Or there's just this thing that happens. And i would lump that up with natural law too but if you're saying that it's changed because it hasn't always been like that because amoebas used to split i guess i see your well i'm also saying too like we're at a place where we could we could artificially create a child right so like you could still take all the components but it doesn't need to happen can we do that we can do that already? We can just grow a kid in a jar? I'm pretty sure, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:09 I know quite a few people who have done it already. You grew a baby not in a womb? Well, yeah. I mean, usually what happens is they'll just put it in a test tube and grow it until it's large enough to be incubated within a woman. Oh, yeah, yeah. tube and grow it until it's large enough to be incubated within a woman oh yeah yeah okay but i imagine the same concept would occur if you just continued the growth without putting it into the womb hey look that up real quick if they've ever grown a bit i fuck we would i guess if they're doing that they're doing that like in china in an underground lab right i mean you wouldn't yeah you wouldn't really know but have we ever grown any animal outside of a womb to maturation i don't know if we have but it's getting close to being able to
Starting point is 01:24:52 do it that's for sure yeah that that and you know what so this since that's outside of natural law that might that might fuck some shit up i think what we do go ahead oh i was just gonna say like how do we know that's not part of our natural evolution anyways? I guess we don't. Because the goal is just to be able to procreate and survive. And then we found a more efficient way to do that. I saw this womb facility. That thing is crazy.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah, totally phantasmagorical i don't even know what that word means i just um oh here we go uh thomas akinas uh theory of natural laws, I'll have to read that. I think maybe I read that once when I was 19 or something. I'm doing some zone 2 training. Okay, so at that point, you could just lump everything up as just natural law. Right. Yeah. Because as it naturally evolves, it's hard to differentiate, right? Hey, you could say no matter how fucked up shit gets, it'll always course correct itself and get back on course. Yeah, I believe that too.
Starting point is 01:26:09 It's always going to have an equilibrium point or it's going to come back to center at some point. In my Tao Te Ching, where is my Tao Te Ching? There's a line in here that says all problems must flourish before they come to an end. Oh, please be Will to save me. Beat these guys
Starting point is 01:26:26 asses, these heathens I'm on the show with. Will? Thibault? Mr. Thibault? Hey, what's up guys? Is this Bill? No, it's Jethro. Oh, fuck. Hey, Jethro, what's up? Are you on my side or on Sousa's side? I'm not on his side. I'm just
Starting point is 01:26:41 discussing it. Jethro? Not to jump ahead for the programming, but are you going to have Dr. Malhotra on tomorrow? No, we're rescheduling Asim Malhotra. But he has been on the show before. Oh, he has? I just listened to him on Bert Weinstein's podcast. Man, he is awesome. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah um that but but if you want
Starting point is 01:27:07 to know about the first time he ejaculated how much he loves his parents uh then watch my uh watch the time he was on my show haven't we had him on twice already before maybe i think i think he's might have been twice his base third time potentially i'm having trouble with Brett Weinschnitzel a little bit. Because... I feel like within listening to him and Dr. Malhoney and just some of those guys who are doing the circuit, maybe this is how people feel about me. I feel like I know everything that they're going to say. I'm convinced. I I know, I know. I feel like I know everything that they're going to say. Like I'm convinced I get it.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I know. All right. We still have to educate those that don't know. You're right. You're right. So listen to this one. Okay. And then,
Starting point is 01:27:56 and then three 49 is called com rag. I know I'm going to get so much in trouble for this. Oh, and three 48 is breaking shit. Okay, Jethro, because I have to take my kids to tennis. Go, go. You're up. So my nephew is one years old.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Oh, did he sleep with the HR girl? Not yet. Oh. So he's starting to walk and she brings him over and he's got these proper walking shoes. And I said, what the hell are you doing doing why are you putting shoes on this kid for and i hate to really beat a drum but people don't even think why would you put shoes on a toddler who's learning to walk when he was walking he looked so awkward the same reason when you put tape on every girl's mouth on the first date you never because
Starting point is 01:28:46 you just you just you don't give them a chance because you just get damaged by that first girl who talks too much no i i fucking agree with you 100 that one did that one fell flat a little bit sorry yeah it's nuts it's nuts right jethro hey did she understand what you were talking about about how well i could i couldn't blast her too much because i kind of pick on her for not letting her kid she lets her kids sleep in her bed she doesn't feed him enough i feel like i'm just harping on stuff that i would think she doesn't feed him enough what do you mean you know she doesn't like get the right proper nutrients like she's only feeding him like whatever she's eating and like little bits and pieces of it he needs a full meal he's a year old now yeah he's not on the tit he's not he's not on
Starting point is 01:29:30 the tit no she didn't do the breastfeeding he's probably just intermittent fasting yeah don't be so judgmental hey jethro it really it really is too the the foot thing is crazy the the the man she's especially since she didn't breastfeed she's got to keep the fucking shoes off them it really just ups the kid's challenge and reduces the kid's ability at the same time and people will say the dumbest shit too they'll be like well if you don't put shoes on a kid by the time they're two or three it'll make it really difficult when they do start wearing shoes shut the fuck up that's like i'm gonna feed my kid sugar to inoculate him from sugar like i heard that shit too.
Starting point is 01:30:06 And I didn't really put shoes on my son. And you can tell he's got those wide feet developed. He's a dancer now. It helps out so much. And I'm sure your kids have the, you know, widest muscular feet that you can find in a kid. Hey,
Starting point is 01:30:20 yesterday, my kid just out of the blue, took his shoes off and started skating at the skate park with no shoes. And don't get me wrong. I was like, dude, please put your shoes on. And he's like, no. I'm like, all right, fine. But it's like, yeah, they're not afraid of their feet or the environment at all because 80% of their life is barefoot.
Starting point is 01:30:38 And they're so much better for it. Hey, what kind of dance does your son dance? What kind of dance? Hip-hop, contemporary He used to be a gymnast for seven years And then he went to dance That's fucking cool What city does he live in?
Starting point is 01:30:54 We live in Massapequa Long Island, New York How old is he? He's 14 now He's a stud dancing He's the only boy in the company And he's in the dancing he's the only boy in the he's the only boy in the company and he's in the front of the all the dances and gymnastics really helped him out with all that stuff because they
Starting point is 01:31:10 pimp him out with like tricks and flips and hey is his social iq off the chart oh he's one of the most popular kids in school yeah dude if you're 14 and you can and you're a dancer and you can just hang with girls all day you're you're you're either just fucking broken or you're 14 and you can, and you're a dancer and you can just hang with girls all day, you're, you're, you're either just fucking broken or you're fucking socially just so advanced. No, no, he leans into it and you know, he's all about the hanging out and you know,
Starting point is 01:31:35 he was out at a party. He was out at a party last night till 12 midnight. He's only 14. Crazy. All right. Keep that cell phone away from him. I'm tripping on that. I'm tripping Jethro
Starting point is 01:31:46 that the first time I ever saw anyone have sex was me and yet by the time a kid has sex today he's seen 800 people have sex before he does it himself anything and everything you want to see how old are you I'll be 49 in March
Starting point is 01:32:00 so did you ever see porn before you had sex yeah when I was probably 10 how where did you ever see porn before you had sex? Yeah, when I was probably 10. How? Where did you see it? On a VHS tape? VHS tape. As soon as the parents went away, we'd grab theirs and hide and watch it and make sure to look out the window, make sure they weren't coming. Yeah, wow. And which one did you watch?
Starting point is 01:32:20 Was it like a Behind the Green Door or some shit? That one? It was some popular one that everyone saw like was it the one where the guy dresses in the in the Wheaties box and he has his penis hanging out of the Wheaties box I don't remember that one that was like the popular one the behind the green door my friend played that for me once but that was like I didn't see people have sex I just saw the guy he was like dressed in a Wheaties box and like his penis hanging out of the Wheaties box or not Wheaties. What's that stuff?
Starting point is 01:32:48 It's like oatmeal, but it's got starts with a W. Weetabix. No. Isn't there something else like oatmeal? It's like porridge oatmeal or. Fuck, I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:33:04 I'm no prude, fuck i can't remember i'm no prude but i trip on all these instagram reels and pictures of these sheer shirts they're pretty much naked oh nipples now go on instagram it's a go but you can't say the word covid or it gets uh it's a go one they're paid for when they're not holy cow everyone's so advanced i just remember the i was 18 when i lost my virginity and i just remember just looking i just the first hundred times i had sex maybe thousand i just couldn't believe my penis was going into a vagina i would just sit there and just stare like frozen no not oval cream of wheat yes yash cream of wheat yes that doesn't begin with a w i know please it's my show stop sweet yeah yash must read the reason the tape is backwards so he got cream of wheat
Starting point is 01:34:00 like in like in china arabic anyway so they read backwards you lost your virginity at work oh corey you have to call in on later on today and tell me that story with the hr girl oh no he only got the third base with her yeah oh yeah look at yes yeah third but you're right i was asking what the fuck is that yeah that's i didn't even i couldn't even believe that i that's how i felt too like what is that oh my god you have a vagina i just couldn't believe and now people watch porn i was completely dumbfounded by the whole thing i couldn't believe it when i saw a girl in a bra oh times have changed yeah yeah accessible to everyone and anyone and i wouldn't change anything college is what like was a perfect time to just go crazy i'm'm glad I slow-rolled that
Starting point is 01:34:46 shit. That's the first thing I realized in college. Everyone smoked and everyone had sex. Then you could just bone anyone. Just go over to someone's house and just watch TV and wait. Just like Corey said when he was working
Starting point is 01:35:01 at Lowe's. At Abercrombie and Fitch, everyone had sex with each other. Everyone. Oh, God, I got to hear JR's stories. What was it? Hey, Jethro, what was the name of that movie that I need to watch? White Hot.
Starting point is 01:35:15 White Hot. Man, it brought back some fun memories, but let me tell you something. Those Abercrombie days, those were hot. All right. Thank you. And congratulations on the sun.
Starting point is 01:35:29 That's really cool. You have a son who's a dancer. I love that. Yeah, man. He loves it. All right. Have a great weekend guys.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Bye. Later. God, the calls are getting better and better. I hope people share stories. Uh, uh, three,
Starting point is 01:35:43 uh, 49. Um, I hope people share stories. 3.49. I told my wife I was going to talk about this clip. I don't know where to go with this one. I don't know if she has a filter on this camera. Yes. to go with this one i i i don't know if she has a filter on this camera but yes if you're a man and you're attracted to her and i don't mean like uh like like like if if you have a desire to meet this i don't mean attracted to her like the way maybe dudes are attracted to anime but like if you have a desire to go out with this girl to date this
Starting point is 01:36:25 girl you need your fucking head checked like if your radar doesn't go off in the first second that there's zero happiness here that this is just a 100 i titled this click comrag and i think that there might be a whole slew of people out there who are like this and don't get me wrong i'm not attacking women there's probably a correspondent man that's equivalent to this but like you should see this and just click away you should like you want a nice red-headed girl who doesn't wear fucking makeup and that you find out in the field picking date making daisy necklaces as your wife you want a girl who does just who can't stop going to the crossfit gym right and doesn't mind wearing sweaty clothes like you do not want this you are so fucking unhealthy if any part of you doesn't realize you need to run as far away as you can from shit like this there's a whole
Starting point is 01:37:21 instagram account this level do whatever this this instagram account is a nightmare and yet i think it's trying to be passed off as real yeah this is a cum dumpster thank you moral spiegel this is just this is just this is the worst of humanity i feel bad i don't want to pick on her but i like like this chick needs to be taken out to fucking the middle of fucking uganda and left there in the desert for five days maybe it'd take five months with her okay let's go action talk to your treatment from men i make sure that his words match his actions if he's telling me one thing but doing a whole nother,
Starting point is 01:38:06 canceled, blocked. For example, if he tells me, oh, you're so special to me. Okay, well, what makes me so special? He needs to court me properly. He needs to take me out. He needs to prove the words that he says. Don't let these men tell you anything that they're telling all the other girls. They know what game they play I make them stand on what they say This is number two They tell me Oh we're gonna go to this restaurant
Starting point is 01:38:34 On this day at this time I hate her She's bringing out the worst in me Listen No guy has a special line for you We use the same lines on all you bitches no guy has a special line for you we're just young we're dumb we're 18 years old we're just trying to fucking figure out how to fucking go out with you we just want to fucking go to the movie with you and maybe see like if you hold our fucking hand
Starting point is 01:38:59 if you're like just you fucking whore like get the fuck out of here wait wait i don't wait why does it why are you that angry about what she said i don't get it it's just it's all just like so superficial it's just like it's like it's all it's like shopping for she's making like finding a boyfriend is like fucking like shopping for a fucking car like there's you're never gonna find happiness in there in there like seriously i mean this with no joking around you want to have fun with the boy you really just want to fucking find a guy at your 18 year old girl ask a guy out get get two fucking baseball gloves go out into the fucking middle of the park and play catch with him for an hour and talk to him he
Starting point is 01:39:40 will think you're the fucking coolest dude ever and you'll find out if he's cool and just throw a fucking tennis ball or baseball back and forth at each other for a fucking hour. And then maybe bring a cooler that's got a fucking cup of White Claws in it that you can drink afterwards. Fucking all this nonsense. And you can do that with any guy, whether he drives a fucking Lamborghini or he's a fucking homeless pile of shit like I was. Like, don't worry about any of this bullshit. How old do you think that chick, this chick is?
Starting point is 01:40:10 I don't even fucking know. I, it's just, I just see her life going to like, this bitch ends up on Epstein's Island. You know that, right? Or maybe she was on Epstein Island.
Starting point is 01:40:19 That's why she is the way she is now. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Go ahead. I dare you to click it. I fucking dare you. Oh shit. Wait, is the way she is now yeah maybe yeah go ahead i dare you to click it i fucking dare you caleb oh shit wait let's look at her profile so many fucking words dude oh my god highly desired wait
Starting point is 01:40:34 look at that the the fucking bow on the what is that a land rover she's in a in a range rover there's a bow on a range rover she has a that ass cannot be real none of that is that real date marry and win the hearts of and and you men who think like it's gonna be fun that's gonna be fun you're out of your fucking mind hey i'm no i have no issue with women also like wanting to date rich men i'm not saying like that by the way i'm just saying like how old do you think she is though you think she's like what 57 in her mid-30s i have no idea she's just fucking a joke i've really come on as five cups of paper street in i just i just feel so bad it's not the right word. And just like why 35?
Starting point is 01:41:25 Yeah. That's a stinky dump dumper. You know, what happens too is like that, that shit is so, uh, there's only a very, very short timeline for women like that for guys, because here's the deal. Like as a guy, like the older we get, the more money we get, the higher our value becomes women and women like her just have this short little window because once she crests over that age limit or once she kind of gets done with that lifestyle, a guy in his 50s or even his fucking mid 60s, especially if you got a lot of
Starting point is 01:41:58 money, if you're in that nine figure club, you'll just go down and grab the next 21 year old. nine figure club you'll just go down and grab the next 21 year old and just and i've seen that i've seen the i've seen i've seen it they just guys will just keep going through and yes yeah so like women like her and with that same kind of mentality especially like this uh generation of like that's coming up on only fans like they really have to understand that that window is small it's still not as small as it is for crossfit game athletes but that window of like your popularity and like money making at being at your highest value that window is super tiny and the type of men she's going after going after quote unquote yes like their way that window just gets get better and better and better and better and better as they age you'll find a millionaire in their fucking 70s and look like a 21 year old that looks like her every day of the week i want to give women a checklist of a guy three things i'll just get
Starting point is 01:42:50 just really quickly three things you want from your guy a guy who values his time a guy who's not addicted not addictive and uh not not addicted personality meaning he doesn't do drugs or addicted to alcohol um and uh a creative guy so so that uh what was the first thing i said values his time yes so values his time is huge because i know some really fucking cool people who don't value their time like they do the stupidest shit so let me tell you something a sign of some like hoarders don't value their time you want a person who's not afraid to just throw things away like you want someone who's like a minimalist they have a mindset not a scarcity scarcity i gotta keep all of it yes away yes there's plenty of more i could always get it more
Starting point is 01:43:42 you want someone who and then you want and then you want them to not be a drug addict. And, and, and then the third thing was what values time, not creative, creative. And you want someone who's creative. Yes.
Starting point is 01:43:56 You want someone who's creative. And because of creative people are often, they, they know how they'll be happy people and healthy people because that is their medication. They're medicating. They're creating. And from there, you'll see also when they, they'll probably end up being really hard
Starting point is 01:44:16 workers because people who value their time will be creative and hardworking. And then it gives them a great earning potential. So there you go. There's three things. Don't worry about this other shit. Like what line he uses on you. We're fucking dudes. We're retards.
Starting point is 01:44:31 We know you're pretty. And can I touch your boobs? The fuck does he use the same line on you? If he tells you the same stuff, he tells the other girls. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. Yeah, that's pretty bad you know what she knows what she's there for and you know what she's there for and the only person she's fooling is herself with like you know trying to avoid the lines of every you know no no no we know what you're here for. It's a short time. A good time, but a short time.
Starting point is 01:45:08 I think we can do two more. I think we can do, okay, 350, believing. Believing. Just find a guy who's actually nice to you, too, and not a guy who does everything you want. Because you want to be careful you don't get a beta guy. But you want a guy who's nice. You do not want a beta guy. They're super cool and nice, but after two years, you will want to be careful you don't get a beta guy. But you want a guy who's nice. You don't not want a beta guy. They're super cool and nice.
Starting point is 01:45:27 But after two years, you will want to vomit. Okay, action. Players don't believe that they can beat Rafa and Novak at all. Some others think they cannot beat them in a Grand Slam. So what is impossible to envision is impossible to do. It's as simple as that. And the champions are able to not foresee any limits
Starting point is 01:45:48 within themselves. That's the big difference. And I always tell this story that when Roger and Rafa were dominating the men's tour, outrageously, I had discussion with most of the top 10s and they were saying to me
Starting point is 01:46:00 that it was impossible to win a slam in their mind. And a young guy, 19 years old, suddenly came out and said publicly, I'm going to beat them. And this guy was Novak Djokovic. In the tennis world, said what a shame, how this guy can be so cocky and things like this. It's not cockiness, it's confidence.
Starting point is 01:46:20 And he happened to do it. Not because he said it, but because he deeply believed it. A lot of players don't... It's so good. Yeah. That guy's supposed to come on the podcast. We let that fall through the cracks. I think that was my fault.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Hey, and by the way, that same belief definitely goes with people and like money and stuff. I mean, do you hear it all the time? I'm like, I've heard somebody, well, i was talking to a bunch of my and my neighbors recently we were all went outside to witness a crash but um they're over there talking one of them goes oh yeah i'm getting this new job with bar as people are kind of like oh what do you do what do you do he goes yeah and he goes i heard that one of their operators can make up to 200k a year and the other guy goes damn i wish i
Starting point is 01:47:04 can make that much at my job and the guy goes i wouldn't even know what to do with that much money and i'm sitting there thinking like 200 grand a year motherfucker i want to make that in a month yeah just so people know nothing like you're like what would you do with all that money your your mind is so fucking small all you're thinking about is the shit you can't consume. You're not expanding your mind. You're not understanding that you just bought back years of your life. People have to understand that money is just your time already purchased by the system in which we live.
Starting point is 01:47:42 When you're fucking born, your debt already starts. Your parents are picking it up. But then the second you're 18, go get a job. Why? Because you have to pay your way into society. You are buying your time. Everybody is buying your time.
Starting point is 01:47:58 Explain that to me again. I got it for a second. I really like that. Explain that to me again. The second you're born, you're already owed. You're owing money. You're owing money to the system. You need to pay for a second. I really liked that. Explain that to me again. The second you're born, you're already owed. You're owing money. You're owing money to the system.
Starting point is 01:48:07 You need to pay for a roof over your head. You need to pay for groceries. You need to pay for everything. So you're already indebted to society, right? And one thing that the rich understand is they're not going to trade their time for money because there's a really big cap on that earning potential. It doesn't matter. Even if you were
Starting point is 01:48:25 making a higher income for average and you're making, let's say, $85,000 a year, how many years would it take if you didn't have to spend any of that to save up to get five years of your life back? Oh, man. You understand? So once people start to switch gears and they say, wait a minute, money isn't to consume things, but money is to buy my time back. You could reframe the whole entire thing. And the first step is to really understand that trading your time for money is the most inefficient way to create an income.
Starting point is 01:48:57 But it's important to do it at least some point in your life. You have to do it at some point in your life. But the thing is, is to be able to evolve outside. Why do you think that the school systems, and especially college, nobody teaches what money is. What is money? And how is it changing over the years? And why is it that right when I'm born, I'm indebted?
Starting point is 01:49:15 You can't get out of that. And Congress is putting more debt on our future. Most people think it's money to consume things. I need this, I need that. And they stay in the scarcity mindset forever with money, never really truly understanding what it does or owning an asset and how that does. And then,
Starting point is 01:49:32 so all the people that are owning stuff that has this keep dividing further and further away because they actually fucking understand what money and its relation to time is. And the only differentiator on your earning potential is the fucking decisions you make. We all have the same amount of time. And at this point, 2023, we all have a huge abundant to access the information and distribution of that information. So now we have more tools at our disposal. But still, most people won't understand.
Starting point is 01:50:02 They'll still go to work for something to be paid for their time. You know what's funny? You said Tommy G was talking about some shit like this. Like basically like, hey, dude, there's an actual road to becoming rich. You could just get on it and go. Yeah, and the first key is just understanding how that money works and understanding how debt works and how you're already indebted and how you get yourself out of it. Sevan should be on online education, be valued as much as in-person education. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 01:50:40 Not going to let Paper Street employees listen to this. That's why the school systems don't want it man you got to be a good slave you got to go to school go to college so you could get a good job that guy speaking of time uh patrick montague the guy you just heard or whatever his name is that's serena williams coach he charges um five thousand an hour if you want to pick up a private lesson from him thousand an hour if you want to pick up a private lesson from them to any um to any coaches out there by now i think it's too late but to any coaches out there who've never worked with crossfitters you'd be completely fucking blown away it doesn't matter what you teach but if
Starting point is 01:51:20 like you walked like if you're if you're a parkour instructor and you had to teach just like 30 40 year olds some basics about parkour you'd be like holy shit this is hard but if you had 30 uh um if you had 40 30 if you had 30 40 year olds who were crossfitters you'd be like holy shit and i remember this from the early days because we would have gymnastics experts come in and teach like a group of us some like some gymnastic stuff and it would be like 20 crossfitters there and they would be like holy shit we cannot believe we're around people who are this capable and how easy and how quickly crossfitters learn um uh that being said that's how i feel about my kids like pardon me is like that guy montague would be lucky to fucking have someone like my kids like i feel like all even as much as i love all my instructors that teach my kids i also know in
Starting point is 01:52:09 my head man those instructors are so lucky that they get to be around my kids it's crazy that's a good belief to hold because you understand their worth and their value right and everybody should hold themselves at a high worth and a high value it's fucking nuts everyone so anyone who crosses past the mistakes oh by the way oh will you pull up my instagram uh i don't know if it's three plane brothers or mine uh jeremy world suza fires me up i know it fires me up too you know you know it's true being around your boys you're absolutely true in everything you say like with them like having a been around them as much as i am like i i like gravitate like half of the time i'm coming to your house probably more i'm like excited that i get to see them oh that's cool and then when
Starting point is 01:52:48 they're having to do their school work or other stuff and it's like quiet time i'm kind of like oh man i don't know hurry up i'm here to play you yeah i'm like finish your guys's shit let's go wrestle okay play that clip where it shows avi jumping out of a bull so there's two things here i want to show off like how amazing is. This is about a 12-foot wall with about two feet of vert, and it's got a pool coping on it. That board's hanging way off. This is
Starting point is 01:53:14 crazy. I can't remember ever seeing anyone at the skate park do this, but I've been going to the skate park for three years. Before you even go into it, people that will watch this this you have no fucking idea what it's like to stand on the edge like he's doing with his board over and look down because you could just see this and you could see the height of it just by the instructor down
Starting point is 01:53:33 at the bottom of the coping there he's six feet tall yeah he's six feet tall it's just it's crazy this is crazy so uh so this we've been going to skate park for almost three years okay action i'm on a new level i'm on a new level i'm on a new level and like i don't even know how he knows what the exit strategy is but he knows like i seem to do something like what's where's he gonna go and then he just jumps out oh my god you're such a little stud yeah and uh and so while i'm down so i go down into the bowl and i have a broom and a blower because i always do like because it's winter time and there's just shit in the bowls yeah and i'm down there and some i heard some guy i was on a bmx bike at the top of the bowl and he goes to the skate instructor. I heard him go,
Starting point is 01:54:25 is that seven? And he goes, yeah. And I look up and I go, Hey, what's up? And the guy goes, Hey,
Starting point is 01:54:31 I recognize your voice. I listen to your podcast. And I was like, I haven't had like a, a sighting out in the wild in like six months. It made me feel cool again. That's dope. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:42 It was pretty, it was a good day. My ego and my, it was just blowing up down there my kids tearing it up someone to recognize my voice i know you only have a couple more minutes i don't want to get into it but did you look at the notes that i sent you for the ai discussion uh this quickly i tried to write it how you write your notes so i felt at home when you look through them hey take a moment look later. Hey, I was thinking we should do a show, like a segment on the show where we,
Starting point is 01:55:10 it was just cause it wasn't your fault. It was just, I was just in a hurry. I was just like flying through them. We should do a show where we pull up that AI website and, and ask it questions. So people who don't know it exists will be like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:55:24 I put down a little like information in there and the other things that spin off of that information and those links. I was excited. I only want you to just glance at it because if you notice, it has a couple points of information and then it breaks with a couple open-ended questions, leaving it open for us to discuss. I'd like to lead the conversation, but I don't want you to look at those links until we're live because I don't think you I don't know how far down the rabbit hole you've gone yet. And I want you to I want to see you react to these things that we're going to show you like live if you don't if you haven't already seen. OK, I haven't seen much. I just went to that. I just got an account at that one place where you ask it questions. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 01:56:04 uh uh all right i i think we're done uh do you want to watch i i really okay i'll finish with this let's let's do the 348 breaking shit i already showed this once i really want to do a instagram account if i don't know how i'm going to do this with my life but i really want to do a instagram account if i don't know how i'm going to do this with my life but i really want to curate just people breaking shit oh i just am fascinated by this whole idea of um i hope this lady's okay by the way i didn't say that in the last show i really don't want her to be hurt but this is just truly incredible this is a doordash i guess employee who's delivering um food and we looked at this yesterday but it's just worth looking at again okay action here we go she's struggling to get up the stairs oh there's audio.
Starting point is 01:57:12 I didn't realize there was audio yesterday. So I can't tell how big this lady is, but she's struggling to get upstairs. She's got a mask on. So I think what happens is she pushes on the railing and it takes her off her midline about a half inch and she drops to one knee. And when she drops to one knee, she can't she can't hold herself and her shoulder hits the railing and just blast. Oh, good. Great. Stop, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:57:45 I didn't know idea that happened. The entire vertical boards come off the horizontal board on the bottom. How can that be? In her defense, that looks like a really shitty railing. It does, yeah. How can that be? How did that... But also, just imagine
Starting point is 01:58:01 if I came up those stairs, I would never consider touching that railing. Never. My eyes would be on the prize. I'd be looking at the door. I've built some of those before, and they're like – you just use framing nails, and it's not – they're like the smallest nails. And if you just get any amount of time – Hi, babe.
Starting point is 01:58:22 Hi. Hi. All the way. Yeah. It reminds me of like the trailer park handrails. Hi. Yeah. It reminds me of the trailer park handrails. Hi. How much longer do I have to go? I have to leave in two minutes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:58:34 Okay. Bye. Okay, bye. Should have asked her if we had time to have sex. She said she's leaving in two minutes. Yeah, twice. You got no time to do that. Maybe four times if you're lucky. So, Caleb, what were you saying?
Starting point is 01:58:47 There's little tiny finishing nails holding that bottom on? Just those uprights, those upright pieces of wood are just held together by framed nails. Like, it's basically nothing. It's like taking a staple and putting it into wood and saying it's going to hold it. So, it's a faux. It's not even real railing. It's like it's faux railing. Pretty much.
Starting point is 01:59:07 Yeah. Okay. Play a little more. That's incredible. I never saw it become like that. Okay. So she's already, she,
Starting point is 01:59:15 okay. Wow. Great. Oh, okay. So she, she's still holding the food. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:59:24 Okay. So it rotates her because she doesn't even have the reflexes to let go of the railing and it rotates now watch her legs there at the end the way they just kind of like just like come off it like they're not even attached to her do you know what i mean like it's like oh i feel bad laughing but it's just it's actually not fuck i like is it already bending or does it look like the fence is – No, no, right here, right here. As soon as she goes, okay, she puts that foot up. That hand's going to come over the other side of that pole.
Starting point is 01:59:53 Boom. Biggest mistake. Because look at the tilt. Look how far she's leaned over it. So that's like – it's about getting ready to take full body weight. Oh, wow. Oh, man. And the second it gives she comes she comes
Starting point is 02:00:06 leaning over so it's not like a loss in midline it was like her center she had no center of gravity there it was like she was already tilted off to the side and the second that rail gave away she just rotated right right into it didn't my by the way that's a great example why you don't put shoes on kids that's what it's like this is putting – that's what a kid feels like learning how to walk because they just can't figure out where their center of gravity is. And then on top of that, you put shoes on them. You know what I made this video just a 10 out of 10? Is that that happened because yesterday you asked, you said, wait, what happened to the food? Then you went, oh, wait, there it is.
Starting point is 02:00:41 It made it. The person who ordered that DoorDash just like opens it, like like leans over like grabs the food and just like slowly shuts the door okay guys i i'm gonna try to come back on in three and a half hours with brian friend uh i'm not sure if it will happen or not but i'm gonna try love you guys a great show susan thank you mr beaver thank you thank you and uh buh-bye

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