The Sevan Podcast - #776 - We're Taking A Break | Live Call In

Episode Date: January 25, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live i locked my studio last night and then when i came up to it this morning i was like oh shit all the doors are locked and i got all three locks on the door yeah ours on the windows you've seen it yeah it's four knocks so i i'm like oh fuck when i in my it's dark here so i run back in the house i'm like where's my keys where's all my shit i got nervous because you're so like scheduled and disciplined that is like one minute past and normally that wouldn't be an issue yeah i'm like worst case scenarios going through my mind i'm like a little kid this morning i'm so excited that i'm traveling and and i'm so excited about that we got in one more show before i take off and that that gives me all
Starting point is 00:00:42 day today when i get to the house to look for a place to set up my podcast gear i'm bringing it all the whole portable studio yeah like i'm bringing in the live the phone the everything i'm gonna show up to greg's house today with just like 15 bags of shit he's gonna be like what are you doing like where do i set this up where's the studio please yeah yeah into the studio how are you i'm good wait uh have you have you taught a class already today no no not on these days that's good yeah i uh i saw uh dave was it uh dave castro um i forget what he told me his job is now at crossfit inc but you got a lot of you know him as the guy who used to run the CrossFit Games. He's been on the podcast a bunch.
Starting point is 00:01:30 He was at the – where was he? Oh, he's at Fort Bragg. He has his Instagram here. And they're doing 124 – Oh, wait a minute. Look at this. Yeah, right. Yeah, that's what I saw this morning, too, if it's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:01:49 This guy sitting next to him? Yeah, and you know what's crazy? That dude is trying to remember which CrossFit gym. I've been trying to get that dude on the podcast. Not like, I mean, I think I i've he probably doesn't even know that but like i've been hitting up i think i hit up his affiliate instagram or something anyway i think eventually i'm going to get him on the podcast i'm on the trail now but when i saw that i wanted him on for the affiliate series and then i saw that that's pretty cool right
Starting point is 00:02:19 so it says um oh this is dave's instagram fun evening oh I'm just getting my shit together hi everyone fun evening with Savannah Georgia area affiliates we invited them to meet up to discuss a new army project we kick off tomorrow that army project by the way is I think they're gonna
Starting point is 00:02:36 I did the math on it and I think they're going to put 7,700 soldiers through a one day CrossFit introductory course that's unique for these soldiers. And I just thought, wow, that's going to be fucking amazing for the affiliates in that area. Cause those dudes are going to need to go to affiliates eventually. Yeah, hopefully. Well, well affiliates, affiliates everywhere around the world. So let's say let's say half of those dudes stick with CrossFit and and all of them introduce at least one person to CrossFit. So we're back up to seventy seven hundred. And if there's seventy seven hundred affiliates in the United states and that's 2400 to every affiliate just through that program just some simple like just thinking you know math yeah yeah that's cool fucking i love i love amazing it's amazing yeah i love that it's like
Starting point is 00:03:37 it's really where i think that uh hopefully crossfit does more of that and sees kind of the benefit of going after some big wells like that, like the army. Cause don't do black history month. We don't need fucking rub your gen, the same genitalia on my face month. I don't need a fucking, um,
Starting point is 00:03:54 uh, it's celebrate the fucking menorah month. Fuck you. Like I just do this. This is it. This is good. I don't, I don't need any,
Starting point is 00:04:02 I don't need anything else from HQ. Nothing. So good. Don't do a stupid else from HQ. Nothing. So good. Don't do stupid fucking shit on your game's Instagram, anxious Alex. Jeez. Talk to us like you have a pedophile fucking running your Instagram account. Don't do any of that stuff. Just normal.
Starting point is 00:04:18 How do you think they test that? You think they ran that by a test group and were like, hey, we think we're going to do this. What are you guys? What's the beta test? What do you guys feel guys feel okay in all sincerity here here's what it is there's people over there working at crossfit that are part of that group that's uh where it's like 70 of the males today haven't had sex because they jerk off to to porn right and so like we're in that we're in that kind of in that phase in society. There's a whole segment of young men who are just like spend their time on Twitch video games and masturbating to porn. And so you have some people over there who are trying to get people to do CrossFit instead of staying true to CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And then so what you're getting is a short term. You know what I mean? Does that make sense to you? Yeah. Like I'm trying to sell you something. They're trying to sell you something something trying to they're trying to sell you something and saying instead of staying true to the brand and it's just crazy short-sighted it's crazy short-sighted so that's how you end up with these weird like this it's worse than juvenile it's it's um it's perversion not in the sexual sense but it's a like this show is juvenile but it's a it like this show is juvenile, but it's a, it's like a twisted, um, like, Hey dude, dude, there's no, there's no if, ands, or buts, if, ands, or buts about it. If you do CrossFit, you're a badass.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That's just the way it is. Don't, it's just the way it is. Hey, you think, uh, Dave, I'm going to answer this too, after I ask him, but you think Dave put that first picture with that guy at the CEO up just as a little podcast. Yeah. I'm going to say yes. So you don't have to. Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:54 okay. I don't know. I don't, I mean, I, I think Dave and I are very close, but not in the work sense. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:03 I mean, in the sense, like if he called me and said, Hey, um, I'm stuck, my power's out in my house and my generator's low on gas. Will you go put gas in my generator? Like, he'd be like, I'll be there in five. Yeah. Just like when I lost my job, like no shit, Dave did stuff like bring meat to my house from his freezer for, from his dead cow. You know, I just think we have that uh relationship around the work shit though he's it's a little different right he tries to keep me at like arms distance
Starting point is 00:06:32 but but maybe but he's got some love for you and i think what you kind of get into that soft thought form a little bit he does a little bit more than he would now what he's what do you do for me fuck no not a million years but well i will say this if he hated me that picture would never go up yeah that's true right yeah like um i can i can think of one or two people who've done some really mean things to him over the years and uh that would never um he'd have purposely been like fuck that don't put that picture up yeah but it is weird it's so weird that he comes on the like i mean you know he didn't come on the podcast forever i couldn't get him to come on and then all of a sudden he's
Starting point is 00:07:09 like hey i'm coming but i'll only do it in your office all right that's a good friend but i i think that he was doing that he was doing that to push you and to push himself a little bit yeah maybe oh okay yeah he definitely does like to make things uncomfortable. Yeah. And I like, and he knows I like it. So the black licorice effect, you know, that's why I like going to every time I think about going to meta, like we joked about getting in suits and having you go back there and be like,
Starting point is 00:07:34 hi, we want to speak to a customer service representative. We seem to have lost my account. Like, like when I think about it, like think about us, like getting there, like I could start,
Starting point is 00:07:42 like my palms would start to get sweaty. Like you get a little nervous about it. And that makes me want to go do it i'm like oh i need my account back i need to tap into that hey great guest yesterday hey he's a trip i don't understand him i don't understand how him at all like psychologically like i'm it's like almost like i'm talking to an alien but i and not but and i really like that yeah we talked about i think some people in the chat were saying he was like going too quick and stuff and i don't think he was going too quick but he touched a on a lot of really good subjects that you kind of wanted to like pause them for a minute and be like okay
Starting point is 00:08:18 stay right here unpack all this let's stay here okay now move forward in it so there will i i do sympathize in the sense that there was a lot of meat on the bone when he was he was moving kind of quickly through it but i really enjoyed his uh takes on it and by the way just for the record the chat is always so sure of like what's going on and what's happening i had to leave because i had to coach the youth program guys i didn't go why what did they say happened so we're like he's getting a drink at the bar like philip, he saw me struggling. So I guess like, I just like was like, ah, like freaked out and left or something. And like, I was cracking up reading the comments.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And just, just, just coaching a class guys had to be that seven 30. No one actually likes black licorice. Yeah. It's my favorite. And also you're right. That's a hundred percent true. I can't stand it. But like, if I had to choose between black and red i
Starting point is 00:09:05 would choose black every time i don't understand black licorice either but i but i don't fuck with the anus ever i don't like it i don't i'm not interested in it i'm not i'm not zero zero zero you better be careful you're gonna say it so much that the chat's gonna go the opposite way they're gonna be like he loves the anus seven aaron gin was so good he's so logical he talked about faith but he did not use uh did not use faith to justify his arguments yeah yeah right isn't that great that's the problem with like candace owens and shit like that and that whole prager you people they uh they use um their faith like uh like the left uses gender it's it's bad it's sloppy it's lazy thank you for that what a astute observation katie that was good sounds like something i would say thank you is black licorice uh an anal thing no i was just
Starting point is 00:10:04 thinking like i don't like anal it's not like i like i hate anal so i always have anal with my wife like i don't want like like the terror i have of every time i wipe my butt that my finger is going to slide on the outside of the toilet paper and rub my anus is is uh like i just i don't want anything i don't want anything to do with my butt the only time i get i mean i wash my butt good but that's it i feel like the the the soap is in my hand is like the um is the like it's a shield gives me the power it's the amulet that allows me to get close to my anus and then other than that i have no interest in any to force feel this but the point is is that i can't stand black licorice but i love but i love eating it too so it's a but the anus is just strictly negative ghost rider
Starting point is 00:10:50 uh hey seve this this came in my dms hey seve first i'd like to thank you and your team for your podcast i can rarely make the shows when they're live but i look forward to seeing the new youtube podcast notifications when they're posted i'm a crossfitter and I've worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years, four of which were with Big Pharma, where I've been part of many commercial drug launch teams before I left to work for a small pharma company. I always feel a sense of pride once they would get FDA stamp of approval because I'm conditioned to think we were helping treat people and cure people of their diseases. It wasn't until i heard you mention how the ex-fda commissioner now part of the moderna pfizer did it uh did it start opening my eyes on how
Starting point is 00:11:31 intertwined the government is with big pharma so this person heard on the show holy shit the ex-fda commissioner is now part of moderna and pfizer by the way it's not just one. Go look up who's on the board of Coca-Cola, Pfizer, the FDA. You have to know this. And we talked about it. It's making its rounds on Instagram again. And you have to fucking know this. We talked about it two years ago fucking every day for a week. Like Dr. Fauci's wife is basically in charge of all the ethical decisions over at the NIH, National Institute of Health.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Like she is his partner in crime. She signs off and makes the arguments of why it's okay to force kids to take injections. So a bunch of you got – I have to tell you this, a bunch of you got all twisted and all fucked up. I'm going to tell you some things and you're not going to like it. The best way to raise your kid is to homeschool them, vaginal birth, breastfeed, and don't circumcise your males. It's it's you can believe me or not believe me. I'm just telling you the truth. I'm not saying that people don't end and don't get a divorce. I'm not saying that there's not
Starting point is 00:12:47 like exceptions to this. Like the mom has cancer and they shouldn't breastfeed or you had some fucked up kids at 60 years old and they were born prematurely and thank God you were in a hospital or your wife's breast milk
Starting point is 00:13:03 has some recessive gene that only Ashkenazi Jews have and and you can't i'm not saying that but 99 of you who have any pushback on it it's not pushback with rationale it's pushback with arguing your limitations well my wife couldn't do this because of this her uterus was too i can't homeschool because i can't afford it it's like none of it's like no actually savon that's not true uh the studies show that like like it's all just rationale i don't care i make all sorts of fuck-ups too i use a phone i love my phone that's made with slave labor with chinese people have to kill themselves for me to get it i love it i'm not asking um i'm not attacking anyone i'm not i'm not attacking
Starting point is 00:13:50 anyone i'm just saying like the best babies come out you want to give your kid the best chance possible this is the way i don't need to hear any of your fucking excuses or or anything love your kid and hang out with them and raise them. You had them. Don't put shoes on your kids. I mean there's a whole list of things that are the better way to raise your kids. I can't – I didn't make those – I'm not making this up. I'm not saying it's 100% right.
Starting point is 00:14:20 99% of the fucking parents who send their kids to school who want to argue with me, I guarantee you 99.9 to infinity. You've never once gone and sat in on your kid's school. I went to school for 13 years. No, more than that. 23 years if you want to include college. 10 years of undergrad. And I never saw a parent sit in on a classroom. You know why?
Starting point is 00:14:40 Because they don't even fucking know or care what the curriculum is. Get it? So don't tell me like, care what the curriculum is. Get it? So don't tell me like, oh, but there are some good schools. Of course there are some good schools. I'm not arguing with that. But if you've never sat in your kid's curriculum or your school, like, I'm just telling you the best way. I think maybe there's a best way to wipe your butt too. Front to back.
Starting point is 00:15:07 But I'm not as sure about that as I am about this other shit. That's it. I'm not saying like – I know everyone's trying their hardest. I sent my kid to school for two years too. The only reason why we homeschooled him was a fucking accident. I'm not saying that like I'm smarter than you or you did something wrong. I'm just saying that it's best not to eat after six o'clock at night it's it's for most human beings that's optimal just some things
Starting point is 00:15:32 like that opportunity cost is a thing sure yeah let's kill everyone who's committed any crime and and shit would probably get better on the planet but i don't think it's the right thing to do. Yes, opportunity – like there's all sorts of ridiculous – there's all sorts of notions you can put at what I'm saying. But they're not arguments for what the truth is. Here we go again. If homeschooling is not viable for a family, it doesn't mean that it's not superior. It doesn't mean that it is not – I don't mean that it is not i don't understand what that i can't read sorry i thought i was gonna say it doesn't mean that it's superior to yeah here here's what it comes down to so many parents do not want to deal with their kids yeah i don't want to deal with my kids education i have
Starting point is 00:16:18 zero involvement in their fucking schooling because i don't want to so many parents are freaking out when their kids were at home yeah yeah yeah exactly uh that's an opportunity that's murder it's the same thing yeah it's what's just a different kind i mean now you're now we're just playing semantics yeah yeah circumcise in the future if you want it yeah you want to fucking generally mutilate yourself just let the kid do it later on in life see the movie american uh uh circumcision it will fucking blow your mind i'm why i'm afraid it's already been done i can't reverse it and i'm not suggesting anyone does reverse it by the way but but there is actually a movement to reverse it too there's some shit but i would not do that how would you do that like you glue it
Starting point is 00:17:01 back on or something dude there's this machine you can this thing you can stretch your skin but here's the thing the most interesting thing is this there is something called like stenosis or something like i anyway we should maybe we'll do a movie night where we all watch that movie yeah you don't would not want to be i know that right exactly i know i didn't want to go there either but yeah you can't be as an adult you would never be circumcised unless i don't know god something there have to be some excruciating circumstance it wasn't until i heard you mention how the ex-fda commissioner are now part of moderna pfizer did it start opening my eyes on how intertwined the government is with big pharma and really understand why pharma companies mandated the jab to stay employed then when i heard you all refer the drug companies
Starting point is 00:17:43 want to treat you but still make you sick enough to rely on their drug, it hit me smack in the face that the industry would crumble if any of these companies had a cure. Now that I've been red pilled, I see very clearly how the industry is nothing more than a for-profit business and the expense of being, and the expense being sick patients. Yeah. Kind of unfortunate that I still work in the industry, but at least I have the knowledge to just accept the norm yeah all of that's like that's true with a racism all of that stuff that's the craziest part too they got this whole cohort of people arguing the realities of racism that aren't that are not reality yeah and uh and uh well first because most people don't even know what racism is. It's the same thing with homeschooling.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Like, I had no idea what it is. But they don't know what it is, but they go into it because it creates money. Same with homelessness. There is no homelessness. It's a misnomer. But it's a billion-dollar industry in the state of Washington alone. Let me repeat that again. The homeless industry in the state of Washington is a billion-dollar industry.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Now, if you make $250,000 a year being the head of some food bank, do you want homelessness to go away? Not unless I get a new job. I wonder if there's not many problems. There's just mostly industries, right? Uh, like if we find a society and a problem in society that we can't seem to figure out how to fix, there usually seems to be an industry attached to that. Right? Yeah. Well, and that's the cool thing about CrossFit that like, um, you get to just keep doing it over. It's a, it's a, there's a maintenance,
Starting point is 00:19:23 a cool maintenance piece to it. You don't just get fit and then quit. Okay, got it. Right. There is no top of the mountain. Daniel Garrity. Now I know why someone likes Aaron Ginn. He just covered 14 topics in the last 30 seconds.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Hey, there is one hack to what you were saying with the homeschool and everything else. Yeah. hack to what you were saying with the homeschool and everything else yeah and i just think that if you were to build like a pyramid of a raising a kid that might be kind of cool to think about but uh at the at the base of it well by that you mean like there's there's these kids who i know who are homeschooled but one day a week the parents send them to a three-hour class that takes place on the beach and it's studying the ocean. Well, that sounds awesome. That sounds way awesome. Yeah, but what I was going to say is that-
Starting point is 00:20:09 Is that what you mean? Instead of just homeschool, there's like a- No, I just meant that regardless of your situation of circumstance, because just like in a lot of these topics we talk about, context really matters as to like why you're doing what you're doing, right? Like some, like you've heard the parents or the people make the argument, made it last time that if they can't afford it that you're partly going to school for a daycare because you need it you're probably going to school for education but the number one um underlying factor that will be beneficial across the whole thing is just parent
Starting point is 00:20:37 involvement so it doesn't like yeah yeah yeah because if you're so if you take your parents and that would start with suza i'm giving the parents the money so the parents could pick the school that they want to send their kids to. Hey, that would get us to the 50-yard line because then all the schools would be competing for the money. We'd have competition, 100%. But I know that's not exactly what you meant by parent participation, but giving them money would empower the parents to participate. of money would empower the parents to participate. Well, that would be at a tax level and being able to have more option and choice of school, which technically, if you think about it, if you don't really have an option for the kids in your school, you don't really have a freedom to choose. Because for me, freedom is equals the options of choices. So if you have to stick to one due to
Starting point is 00:21:18 your tax and due to where you live and everything else, then there's not really a freedom of choice. You're just kind of stuck with what you got. But the point being is that you could have a kid that's being homeschooled, that's still being all screwed up. I mean, you take your kids, for example, the process in which you're vetting all the adults that are in front of them, who you're choosing to get in front of them, how long you're choosing to use each one of these people, what you choose to, the timing that you choose to sit down to do their homework, the other practices and disciplines, like them having to sit still and breathe. I mean, I've been around a lot of young kids and I have not seen, this is going to go back a couple of years, four-year-olds sit there in silence for two to three minutes. It's crazy. No homeschool or regular school or anything is going
Starting point is 00:22:00 to do that shit. That's all parents. That's all you and Haley, right? So regardless of people, rather than us getting into this argument about which is right, and I think majority of the people kind of know that you're right, more involvement, heavier involvement in your kid's life is going to set them up for further success, but maybe their situations don't dictate it. So rather than looking at it as an A or B, just have as much possible involvement in your kid's life as you have with the situation that you're being dealt and chances are they're gonna come out okay do you do did you have uh do you remember having friends spend the night like in sixth seventh and eighth grade we did but it was like it was like birthdays and stuff like it had to be a more special occasion like i knew a lot of my friends that were just like had kids that could spend the night on like a school night yeah
Starting point is 00:22:43 i thought that was crazy like oh no this yeah the school night shit was crazy but it wasn't until we were i'd probably say like fifth or sixth grade and then it would be like you know a birthday party we'd have eight to ten kids over we'd go to like the putting golf course and ride go-karts and then go back and all spend the night like get a movie and spend the night there i i had this uh friend jeff holman who would spend the night all the time like on fridays and saturdays sixth seventh eighth grade and it was always the same thing we stayed up real late my mom would be asleep and then we would lay out shit loads of blankets on the floor and then we would sleep or i think normally i would lay out blankets for him and I would on the floor and like build like a cushion and then I would sleep in my bed. And we would talk all night.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We would just lay there and talk and just, just, I just remember how fun it was. And then, so I put my kids, my, my, well, my wife does it 90% of the time, but we put our kids to sleep every single night. And it's one of those things that is frowned upon in the kid raising community um you you're you're supposed to just put your kids to sleep and let them fall asleep themselves but in the last week is but we don't do that we lay down with our kids and go to sleep with them and then and then get up and once they fall asleep we get up and leave and last alone, and the conversations then are so fucking amazing. So these are the questions I've heard from my boys. What's the meaning of life?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Where were you before you were born? What happens when you die? Are we going to be allowed to go to our grandmother's funeral? What is the definition of – like what is sex? What is that? What does that word mean? It's just a constant barrage of big life questions dude it's crazy it's crazy just from sleep just from yeah it's it's it's a yeah pillow talk with someone yeah so great thank you hey that's what happens when you give them real life interaction and expose them to a bunch of things in life rather than putting a screen in front of them.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah, right. And and and and kind of just like like for me, maybe it is better that if I would have like taught my kids a little more independence to put themselves to sleep, all that like a lot of. But I don't know. They didn't. The vajankal never came up. Thank you, though. Yeah, but they're going to have their whole life to sleep independent. You're only going to have these moments in time now.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah, it was – I don't know how they don't drop from exhaustion every day either. Dude, the kids are crazy with their energy. If you could find a way to bottle that and sell it, we'd be billionaires. Zero side effects, but you're going gonna have intense energy for the whole day i told him uh what happens after you die i gave him um i gave him the uh darwinian answer then i gave him the god answer as options then i gave him the god answer mixed with the darwinian answer that god like created the darwinian answer and then i gave them the solution they sit in circle every day where they have to sit quiet and i told them in that process that their mom's teaching them is the answer to everything if they can master that
Starting point is 00:25:56 sitting thing but i told them it's a crazy lifelong practice but they could get the answer themselves from the source they're willing willing to put in the time with a stillness and silence. So those are the three. My wife's like, damn, you did good. I was like, thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's funny watching them do that too. Like, uh, obviously you've seen them do that. Yeah. Yeah. A couple of times. And it's funny.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Cause, uh, obviously like the oldest one is like, he sits there and he looks like how you expect somebody to sit there and meditate. But I was watching Ari do it last time I was over. Yeah. And that poor kid was he was like it was like a capsule and there was something in there just trying to like bounce out of them. Like he's just like.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Like you could tell you just like fighting it the whole time, you know, like his body's just like we need to run. But his mind's like trying to stay centered. It's pretty cool. I saw him lick it. His brother put his hand in his face the other day and he licked his brother's hand. Ari licked Joseph's hand. And I saw it in the mirror. I go, dude, you just licked your brother's hand.
Starting point is 00:26:56 He goes, I know it's disgusting. I'm like, how is that a response? You are dust and unto dust you shall return. Is that what, where's that from? It's like a Bob Dylan line or something. Oh, that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Okay. Uh, three 65, uh, unbelievable. When girls do math, like it just keeps, maybe homeschooling is not right.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Maybe I don't know shit. Cause I see stuff like this and I'm just like, wow, I do not understand. Like, I think I have girls figured out right maybe i don't know shit because i see stuff like this and i'm just like wow i do not understand like i think i have girls figured out but i don't i don't have anything figured out i'm just just a pompous little man i just can't believe girls do math like this so it so breaks my paradigm of the way women think not supposed to do math here we go my paradigm of the way women think. Not supposed to do math. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Maybe the person who tells you this, but no man will ever be inside of you as long as he was inside of his mother. He was there for nine months. Nine months is 6,570 hours. That's 394,200 minutes. Divide that by 10 being generous for the man. He has to be inside of you 39 420 times think about that next time he sucks on your titties i hate to be the person i don't know why she had to throw in
Starting point is 00:28:12 that last part that really just fucks me up but she's basically saying that if you if you if you push the penis inside of a woman and you stay in there for 10 minutes every single day you would need to do that 30 for 39 420 days in order to be inside of a woman as long as you were inside of your mom yeah yeah see oh yeah thank you daniel good that that's what i was trying to explain that's why she divided it by 10 because she's saying that like the 10 is generous yeah good catch yash she's saying like if you if you can keep your penis inside of one for 10 minutes at that, she's being generous. Maybe that's a subtle dig. That's a lot of soaking.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Gosh. Oh, Jay, you are a good dude. Jay Ruffner, I will speak for every guy in here. We'll give it a shot. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. You're a good dude. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Okay. Yeah, 10 minutes per encounter. Yeah, I had to watch it twice to get that. Yeah. Okay, well, that's – it's just incredible that – I mean, that is just – breaks my paradigm. Women just contextualizing and making things relative. I don't think most humans do that but i just never give women credit for that and that's the third i'm over
Starting point is 00:29:29 three on my women in math i i may have to just shift my whole i might have a paradigm shift i think i'm with heidi on this one what did she say yeah thank you that's yeah that's why the titty thing like what what really can i just put all my blinders on that one yeah yeah weird comparison it's all we're all one heidi at the end of the day it's a sad it's a sad world are these just populating in your explore page uh no um they get sent to you or something almost everyone sends it to me the only time i show stuff that's not sent to me is sometimes i accidentally will scroll up after someone sends something to me and i'll see something else good but this is all curated by the um by the team here
Starting point is 00:30:17 that's awesome yeah what's funny is the people who send me the most i never even see them in the comments good morning soccer mom good morning yeah never even see them in the comments. Good morning, soccer mom. Good morning. Yeah, but if you think about the amount of people that are engaged in the comments versus the amount of people that are watching the show, there's a lot more eyeballs watching than there are chatting. Right. Right. But these people are so important to the show now. Oh, no question about it.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Kenneth and Bailey. Yeah, it's crazy, right? And it's always cool when you see a new name pop up and then the whole chat just embraces them. Like, oh, hi. The chat's kind of like you and Caleb, though, in the sense that the thought of them not being there now terrifies me. They're like my crutch. Grace and I do a live on Sundays for the nutrition challenge, like in the evenings. And we recap some of the stuff that's going on in challenge and then she'll talk about something in nutrition so last time it was the difference
Starting point is 00:31:07 between like uh artificial like sweeteners and uh alcohol sugars and then before that it was like uh what is a protein and stuff but it's funny because i'm so used to having the chat and like the high numbers on the view like this sucks 20 people she's like you need to bring your energy and i'm like there's no one in the chat i don't know what to do there this sucks 20 people she's like you need to bring your energy and i'm like there's no one in the chat i don't know what to do there's like 20 people watching i've seen stevan steadily engage the people in the chats more and it's really nice and i appreciate it alan kesson his multitasking skills are next level congratulations stevan on being able to engage your guests the phone line
Starting point is 00:31:45 suza caleb and the chat i really appreciate your skill and the cultivation of you as a podcast host alan jesus christ why don't you just come over and blow me dude while you're at it good dude alan yeah you are a good dude it is hard to multitask because if you get if the chat gets going and you look over here for a little bit and you read a few and then try to catch up like what the fuck are they talking but then you come back to the conversation you're like oh oh i'm lost what are we talking about divesh maharaj maharaj maharaj divesh maharaj uh the hammer uh imagine going back to pre-recorded episodes without the chat like early on. Old school. We could premiere a few episodes.
Starting point is 00:32:27 The ones we premiered had some people in the chat, which I thought was really cool. Say that again. Sorry, I was tripping on this girl's last name. God, I love her last name. Dack. So inappropriate. Say that again. What?
Starting point is 00:32:40 I don't know. I already forgot. I was cracking up at you. Dack. I just see that and I think it's not a real last name. I think she's like a made up, made up person. Lou Dack. Oh, I say that if you go and read the chat and get caught up in that and then come back to the conversation, it's easy to get lost a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Yeah. Especially if you have a guest like how Aaron was last night and they're really sharp and they're on it and it's it's going back and forth quick you come over here and you read a few of these and you figure out what's the context that they're talking about you come back and you're like oh for aaron i try to use stuff to just um slow him down like add some humor like he's like well when winston churchill uh and netanyahu they both had similar leadership styles i'm like okay uh this guy says you look like a beaver. Just so you know, over here in the comments, you know what I mean? I'm like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah, yeah, it was good. 364, Joe Biden. I think this is unfair. What I wrote here hates your kids and so do all Democrats. But but this is just an emotional outburst like me. This just shows how immature i am but but how i how how how uh expert uh doctor who claimed obesity is genetic and has nothing to do with optimal nutrition exercise or sleep has been named by biden administration for the
Starting point is 00:34:00 2025 dietary guidelines advisory committee fatima cody for the 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Fatima Cody. Will you scroll down a little bit? This lady wants to prescribe kids who are 12 years old a diet drug. She wants your kid to take drugs. And if by the time they're 13, the drugs haven't worked, she's open to doing surgery on your kids. That was the one I highlighted in my 60-minute video. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 She advises the pharmaceutical companies that are a sponsor on this broadcast. You know, I've been seeing – this isn't going to go well. This is going to be like the homeschooling thing. This is going to really piss some of you off too. Damn it. I wish I could just get in line with you guys look at this lady's face in her hair okay there's this whole cohort of women who like i bet you that takes an hour to get her like that by herself or with the team by herself. She cannot look like that without an hour's worth of work.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Just stop. Everyone just stop. Someone sent me a thing yesterday of some lady. They're like, this lady's so on point. And all I see is that it took her two hours to get ready. And I just think, what a fucking miserable life. What a fucking, like my life is not like that. I mean, well well look at me
Starting point is 00:35:25 i don't know if it's a wig or not but it's just every time i see a guy with a suit and who's clean shave and i think wow that's that's 30 minutes at least he's got to put the suit on. He's got to shave. He's got to then use the tissue to fix the cuts. He's got to make sure that the suit's picked up from the dry cleaner. He's got to make sure it's hung right. He's got to take the plastic off. He's got to walk that plastic to the trash can.
Starting point is 00:35:56 He's got to throw away that cheap, dumbass fucking hanger that's got the cardboard thing in it. It's just a whole, your whole, it just sucks. Okay, Trish. As a black woman of myself, of course, it's just a whole your whole it just okay trish as a black woman of myself of course it's a wig god if you were a black woman i swear to god i'll try to suck myself off on the show that would be that would be amazing trish will forever be a mystery i'm just to say it's a black woman just to just because just because you want it to be. Anyway, don't don't put your kid on diet pills. And here's the thing. I don't need to explain it. Don't put your kid on diet pills and don't let anyone cut into your kid because you overfeed your kid and don't walk them.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Just treat your kid like your dog. Feed it less and walk it one to two hours a day. Walk your child. Oh, I can't, Simon. I don't have the resources. I don't have the resources to walk with my kids. Oh, you asshole. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:56 I kind of like that place. It reminds me of somebody from like The Simpsons. I forget the name of the character. You know what's crazy, though? This woman is without a doubt doubt, probably very intelligent. Yes. And so do you think she struggles with it morally, or do you think she just blocks it out? No. Super blue pill.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Be completely, completely targeted. Like, she's really convinced herself that this is the path, and that this really going to like help kids and parents and everything else. And it's not going to be harmful and there's no longterm bad result because they just can't help. She's so excited. She's more excited when her drug gets approval from FDA than having an orgasm. Her,
Starting point is 00:37:36 her priorities are out of whack. Yeah. Yeah. So true. Intelligent and paid to play. Yeah, I guess you're right. I just I have more hope because like she's a doctor. So, you know, she's like she understands certain things and
Starting point is 00:37:52 how they work within the body and understands long term versus short term, you know, fixes and at least you would hope optimal health and everything else, but still choose to go down this path. And at some point, you know, like maybe she picked up the wrong brownie at a party and it had like you know 100 milligrams of thc yeah and then she just gets deeply thinking about like her job well she needs new friends too fucks her up people are so afraid to admit that their doctors don't know doctors give people so much security that they're not even willing to acknowledge especially older people like my age like 15 and above like doctors give people so much hey you said it everybody has a price right you talked about that at the beginning one of the shows i want to play a quick game with you you could you could use the chat you could use the chat to cheat
Starting point is 00:38:38 if you could have a regular guest on who would it be if i could have a regular guest on yeah yeah now you know i'm a strategist and this might give some people insight to my thought i'm already cheating i'm writing down names that's fine is it just personally who would i want to talk to and like like selfishly or it doesn't matter just you think it would be good for the show i don't care don't make me fire you though well obviously me no i'm just kidding um i don't care. Don't make me fire you, though. Well, obviously me. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Fuck that. Once a month, like if we had to pick, if we had to pick once a month guests, you better get, you better, I'm going to give you 10. You're going to get 10. We're going to play a game. We're going to go back and forth for 10. We're going to get 10 guests. Okay. Then I'm just going to go completely like selfishly and I would just have PBD on.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Okay. Patrick. So once every two months, Patrick I would just have PBD on. Okay, Patrick Bet- Patrick Bet- So once every two months, Patrick Bet-David. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to say Garrett Glinton. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Once every two months. Okay. Okay, your turn. Zoe Harcum. Oh, good. Wow. I'm going to say Chris Wark, the vet on the other side. He's always the meat girl.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I'm going to say Chris Wark once every two months to talk about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. Okay. I keep wanting to go outside of the CrossFit space, but yeah, Glassman, obviously. Wow, okay. A great one to – Okay. I'm going to say Rich Froning. Okay. So that was one in the Crossfit space each right uh i would have alex stein oh good wow yeah and and you know what's good about this too except for greg glassman it's people we've
Starting point is 00:40:18 already had on you have to sorry that i forgot about that rule it has to be people we've already had on oh i was just about to go outside of that. Okay. I'm glad you said that. Yeah, people we've had on. Okay. Okay. Garrett Clinton, Rich Froning, Patrick Bed-David, Zoe Harcone, Chris O'Rourke, Greg Glassman, Alex Stein. I'm going to say Aaron Ginn. Yeah, good one.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Okay. And that might be proximity bias. I like him, but what the fuck would Alex Gazan talk about every two months, motherfucker? Tell me. What the fuck are you doing, Alex Gazan? I like her. I like her. What do me and Hunter even talk about, Bailey?
Starting point is 00:40:55 What? I can't remember one fucking thing I've ever talked about with Hunter. Yeah, Jesus would be great. We haven't had him on. I would fucking. we haven't had him on i would i would i'd give my fucking leg to have jesus on and an arm and i truly would james townsend would be great james townsend would be great i agree that would be interesting to watch mine and his relationship evolve too. Okay. Sorry. Don't get me wrong. I love Hunter too. I love Hunter too. And I love Alex Kazan,
Starting point is 00:41:35 but every two months, like what would we talk about? Oh, Blade. Yes. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Your turn. Don't choose him. Don't choose him. I'll go with, I was going to say Jorge Ventura. So I'll stick with, I'll stick with that. Okay. Jorge Ventura. I'm going to say Jorge Ventura, so I'll stick with that. Okay, Jorge Ventura. I'm going to go with Blade. Yeah, Jorge Ventura. You didn't pick him. Okay, so we have Garrett Clinton, Rich Froney, Patrick Bed-David, Zoe Harcum, Chris Work, Greg Glassman, Alex Stein, Aaron Ginn,
Starting point is 00:42:00 Blade, and Jorge Ventura. Yeah, then if we added one more into that mix, it would definitely be Dave Cascio. Wow, okay. I like that. I think there's so much meat on the bone with him there that publicly, and myself included, because I haven't spent much time privately with Dave, but I know that there's a lot of meat on the bone in terms of what he offers and stories or life lessons
Starting point is 00:42:21 or different things like that that he doesn't normally break into. I like this. I w I would, I would do Danielle Brandon. I like her a lot. Oh, Ed Caron. Aaron Jin. Right. Did I say again? Jen, you're right. Jen. What about, um, uh, Andrew Hiller has left the chat. Andrew Hiller could come on every week. What do you, what do this is a once every two months, listen. So that's three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven that's 12 people okay so that's but no one's funny we don't have anyone funny yet dude all those shows are funny okay you seven come on okay thank you good you'll make the comedy happen no more daniel brandon are
Starting point is 00:43:00 you kidding me how isn't it fun it's like like awkward fun. She's cool with being awkward. I'm cool with being awkward. I think it'd be wild if we get her on for that relationship show. But if she was like 100% in and promoted it through her Instagram and was like, hey, guys, later this evening, I'm going to be doing this. Like, whatever. Here's the time. And then 10 minutes before we went on, I was like, I'll see you in 10 minutes. Hit me with your questions.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Call it. And like populated it through her, her Instagram. I think, I think the calls would light up like crazy. Just what, like almost half a million followers. Danielle. Yeah. That's a really good point. We need to take advantage of all that.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Who wants to do that for us? Promote people before they come on and then promote them after they leave. Oh, she wants a 600,000. Yeah, she's exploding. I saw Medaris is exploding too. Someone said Pat Sherwood. Here's the thing. Me and Pat do not have a relationship at all, zero.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I mean, we do. It's not even one I'll probably ever talk about because it's – we're not even, one of us isn't human. One of like, we're not the same animal. Like we can't mate. Like Pat's a penguin and I'm a fucking ostrich. Like we can't fuck. And so,
Starting point is 00:44:15 uh, I don't know who's who, but, um, but if you want to see me and Pat interact, he came on the seven podcast or the CrossFit podcast, two episodes in a row. I had a
Starting point is 00:44:25 really good time with him they're two i think they're two really cool episodes but other than that we will uh never interact ever ever again in this lifetime ever so there's that by the way on the show tomorrow we have we're uh i don't know if personalities is the right word but but i'll give it to you oh i would so that's funny you bring up david lucas part of me thinks it would be cool just to try to have him on once every two months too and because i fucked that up i that was when i you know there's these absolutist rules that i have always be nice to the guests that one i should have just been like you know what i'm breaking the rules just break oh travis is pretty funny i'm breaking the rules i really need to have james townsend on for just a full episode we've never had him just in an interview have you he's
Starting point is 00:45:16 always just contributed to the competition but i do think about him more often than probably than i should and i and i it's stupid that i haven't done that okay oh yeah grunler would be dope grunt you know what the problem with grunler is it's just too easy fuck i like you bitched out jesus thanks bruce uh grunler is so easy oh james they answered in the chat yeah there he is yeah yeah i know that's i didn't forget about you i'm just being stupid i think about you all the time. I need to fucking get off my ass and do that. Dear Bill and Katie.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Dear Bill and Katie. Please get me James Townsend on the podcast. I know he was rude. I know. And I handled it all fucking wrong. I think it'd be hilarious if you. Oh, Dale Saran would be great, too. My God.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yes. Yeah. Go ahead. Say that again i was gonna say i just would wonder like when he would receive the text david lucas and it was like hey man we'd love to have you back on the show again like i wonder what you would think it'd be like fucking really or like would he just ignore it or would he just be like okay i'll come sit on the show again okay let's let's get him let's get him on we'll do david lucas and jason hopper and jason hopper james towns and when um i come back from uh we'll send out those invites
Starting point is 00:46:32 yeah chafee would be good hey so i i love josh i love josh because of all the stuff we get to talk about and fun but i want to have those exact same conversations with james towns and like me like me and him need to dig into like raising kids and just all that shit like there's so much we could talk about that's um there's so much life shit uh me and him could talk about i think it would be it would be i know it'd be good for me okay 363 enough of this stuff but that was good right right like maybe um – Yeah, where were you going to go? Was there anything with that? Were you just kind of –
Starting point is 00:47:07 No, I've just been thinking about it. I know every once in a while you and I talk about having regular guests. And I thought I wonder who – I wonder – I saw – someone sent me Brooke Entz's Instagram yesterday, and they said she's turned into Michael Jackson. And I kind of saw it a little bit, unfortunately. Colton needs to be on. Colton's hard as fuck to interview. You have to understand that.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I do want to get Colton on soon and find out what's going on with him, but you have to understand that is hard. That is a hard interview. Like James Townsend, Bill Gr grunler those will not be hard yeah jr howell makes uh uh jr colton makes jr howell look like the easiest interview ever i mean colton is hard to interview fun though i enjoy it it's awkward as a motherfucker i enjoy it what number were you looking for 36 363? 363, yes. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Fooling around too much. I don't think this was a real commercial, by the way. How much of it? You can show the whole thing. Fuck it. Okay. Hey, what's that you're doing? Girl, girl, what's that you're doing? You've got to show me the steps to do it. So now I'm going to learn how to do it.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Oh, juvenile. Juvenile. oh juvenile yeah you know that's all the arm and hammer would be an interesting guess i agree that's just all ego that i don't have him that i don't talk to him that's all just like i thought he just completely dropped off why i know but know, but he's like my brother. He did. But I, I, I should, I've texted with him every, I don't know. I've texted with him.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Maybe like not in a long time, but like every, maybe six months I would send him a text or he'd send me a text. We probably have texts like 10 times in our lives, but it was like once every six months. And that's just all ego on my part. I just don't, there was a guard.
Starting point is 00:49:46 There were some people that I just didn't like but not for no i didn't have any good reasons not to like him it's not that i didn't like him i just i didn't want anything to do with that that's those circle of people fun i funny enough now i am those circle of people arm and hammer is like well i got to go raise a kid here so on you you take the mantle it's like i had your shit job so on now you have it take it so i don't know maybe maybe one day he's probably every everything i've ever watched of his there's a part of me that's a very um i feel very uh familial with him or there's something there's something endearing about him even i don't know but i'm stuck not liking him like in a really superficial way i've tried to get derrick wita on i've tried to okay i should have never opened this window now i'm obsessed
Starting point is 00:50:36 i tried to get derrick on i if i can't but i could try again. Oh, Jason CF Media. Yeah, that would be weird. He's a trip. I should meet him. He is a trip. People like David Goggins, I just feel like they're so saturated in this space. Zero interest in him and Jordan Peterson, even though I love both of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Zero interest in having him. I just feel like there's so much content with them that, like, not to say that we wouldn't get stuff or you wouldn't get stuff out of them that isn't out there already. I mean, you do it with rich all the time, but still it's just like, well, it's pretty, I, I'm, I'm pretty proud of the fact that we get, um, uh, rich, um, on and we get unique stuff. Wait, John, Sevan, do you wear, uh, I don't wear deodorant ever ever ever ever ever like like i i own some deodorant it has to something really weird has to happen i don't know what it is occasionally i'll see myself put it put it on it has to be like i smell myself and i stink
Starting point is 00:51:41 so bad and i'm and i have to rush out and like i I'm going to my kids' jujitsu class and I know I'm going to be smashed in there next to 20 parents on a rainy day in a small room. But I can't even think of one example where I've had to do that. And I use Dove soap and my wife made me stop ordering it from Amazon because she says it's poisonous and I'm switching to some like hippie weird bar shit. Like, uh, has a weird name, like boronon soap or something i don't know what it is but yeah i don't i don't wear it to go there uh but i i love bars of dove but i think i have like two left and i'll never get to use it again the state of new york just outlawed tide did you see that yeah you tell me about that that's crazy yeah my wife's been telling me never we can't use my wife outlawed that shit in the house fucking two years ago wait now is it one specific product that's from tide that's outlined so whatever that i just saw it's an orange it's an orange container of tide it looks like the one that fucking i used to get the pods for like tide beyond or tide natural or and not only that but they say that the ingredient that's toxic for you in there isn't even on the ingredients list because it's a byproduct of two other
Starting point is 00:52:51 ingredients that mixed or some shit wow yeah i would i would have uh um eva kleros and kowski on she's fucking brilliant i'd totally have her on i haven't heard that name in forever oh yeah buffalo tallow soap maybe i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna I totally have her on. I haven't heard that name in forever. Oh, yeah. Buffalo tallow soap, maybe. I don't know. I don't know what I'm going to. I love soap, though. Soap is fun.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yes, New York has banned certain laundry detergents. It's like, yeah, my wife told me this years ago. I thought all laundry soap was made in one factory that's probably true too procter and gamble my sister that's my sister anyone who has questions about like that she has the whitest fucking teeth and smells good and has perfect hair like if you want to know like what to brush it and she's like a she lives in a fucking ranch like in the middle of nowhere ask her all that stuff how do you have white teeth and not use toothpaste like she makes all that shit herself i think
Starting point is 00:53:50 uh what the fuck is going on okay 362 what the fuck is going on yeah my sister can tell you like the starter kit if you want to start like using shit that's not poisonous on your body that works yeah she's like the pretty version of me this for this i don't know why alanis morissette she's the one that sings isn't that ironic yeah alanis admits in music industry is run by elite pedophiles they're all child rapists isn't it ironic and then david uh david harris jr how does this guy get to keep his blue check mark in his account and i'm fucking toast yeah that is crazy right he puts some crazy crazy this guy's office this guy's off the uh let uh let me read what this um let this be a tipping point where other celebs get the courage to speak up this evil must be exposed and every predator
Starting point is 00:54:53 held accountable judgment day is coming this isn't news all right i just i i don't i i can't believe it i just i i don't understand how i'm supposed to believe that that i guess i guess that one hollywood director i told you guys about um the one who told me like uh to jerk off in socks and then you know six months later he's busted for raping the this kid i mean i guess trying to think if i've met any other uh oh here uh she raises her kids a lot like you seven i've been following her for years she's a little weird about covid but does some good stuff with her kids. Oh, Ms. Morissette.
Starting point is 00:55:49 All right. I just have so much – Hey, what about Cain Velasquez, that dude who diddled his daughter? He worked at his mom's – his mom owns a daycare and the dude who diddled his daughter worked at the daycare and he and he tried to shoot that dude and missed and accidentally shot his dad and aaron gin was talking yesterday about common sense. Yeah. There's a piece of common sense,
Starting point is 00:56:31 right? That someone diddled your kid and you try to shoot them. I mean, it sounds, sounds like, sounds like common sense. It seems like the logical path. Yes. And, and so so then and like and then as a parent i'm happy that he capped that dude because now that's one less dude to get my kids well he didn't succeed right he shot his dad right right so
Starting point is 00:56:59 probably some firearm lessons first i guess that's the problem. And he shot him while he was in a moving car from another moving car, and he could have, like, what if he would have hit my kid? Well, that's why he can't just have the visual ante. You tried to kill the pedophile, and you shot my kid. Right. Yeah. James Townsend and I will be doing a show where we talk about
Starting point is 00:57:22 what type of training our kids are doing now. Sounds like. I got it written down. Hit them up. Okay, 361. Brace yourself. Get a box of Kleenex. Start with the top one, and then we'll play the bottom one.
Starting point is 00:57:37 This is, I don't know why. I just like this stuff. But probably someone will cry. Maybe I'll cry. Someone will cry. Okay'll cry someone will cry okay here we a muslim father uh this is a muslim father forgives his son's killer okay here we go for you that you have to be in this situation i wish i could help you as i help my son to be a good citizen. If Salahuddin were to be here, if he alive, he will forgive you.
Starting point is 00:58:10 That's the way he was. That's the way he is. I'm not angry at you for being part of hurting my son. I'm angry at the devil. I blame the devil. I blame the devil, the devil, who misguiding you and misleading you to do such a horrible crime. I forgive you on behalf of Salahuddin and his mother. I'm sorry about what happened today, but But I do applaud you. Because it takes a powerful man to know that somebody has hurt them.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And do what you... Get up there and say what you just said. I have a child. She was four. I can't imagine the hurt, the pain from the blood. This doesn't end here.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah. from the visionary. This doesn't end here. Fuck you. Fuck you. Crazy. Fucking crazy. Take some mental toughness for that one is that what healing looks like i mean it's the start dude oh my god he said if my son was here he'd forgive you that's nuts okay let's go to the next one this next one's pretty crazy too i don't know if this guy's like a famous rapper or what or what he does i tried perused his instagram for a second to try to figure out who he is but uh i couldn't figure it out but he's
Starting point is 00:59:54 got three million followers um yeah they hugged isn't that crazy they hugged i know i was just like holy shit hey the the fact that that the fact that that dude in the orange jumpsuit said all that stuff is crazy, too. And that his daughter was there. Oh, my God. What a fucking, like. I wish we had more context on what actually happened, too. Oh. Koran verse 40
Starting point is 01:00:25 kenneth the lab propaganda oh my god you guys are killing me no no why was that filmed okay watch this this this is pretty this is crazy too here we go 20 30 niggas my My homies is dead. I'm here, though. I'm going to say some shit. This is documented. I got a TED talk.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I forgave my brother's killer. I'm saying it to say this. They could have killed my brother. My brother died in my grandma's arms. That fucking house that we grew up in. He shot my brother. He ran to the house. He thought I had a nanny hug when she opened
Starting point is 01:01:07 the door. So I'm telling you there's some real shit there. If I ain't let that shit go, I won't be right here today. I won't be here for my niece and my nephews. Me and Gil won't be doing this. Y'all won't know me. I won't be able to get you out of this game. When I had to leave,
Starting point is 01:01:23 I had to let that shit go. When I let that shit go,. But I had to leave. I had to let that shit go. When I let that shit go, nigga, I started to grow. I started to glow. And now I'm here today and it was hard as a motherfucker, man. I can name 20, 30 niggas in my home. Let that go. I started to grow and I started to glow. Damn.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I didn't think I was going to cry like this. Forgiveness is crazy. I don't even know was going to cry like this. Forgiveness is crazy. I don't even know if forgiveness is the right word. I always feel like that word doesn't do it justice. Anyway, we all got to do it, man. It's the, yeah, we all got to do it. We all have to do it. It's the only way for our own personal happiness
Starting point is 01:02:07 do it for selfish reasons that's that's got to be that's because that's a date that's not something you decide and then you're like okay i've decided this now we move on like that's going to be a daily battle it's the first thing you think about when you wake up it's the last thing you think about when you go to bed you know like you don't decide you mean like you mean like which part the the loss of the um all of the fuck is swallowing so loud i'm not swallowing at all that's the second time you said that i don't swallow here do you is it i got fucking super conscious about it i don't swallow i haven't heard anyone swallow you're having flashbacks to last night heidi who's swallowing oh which which part is the the whole thing like thing. First, just to be able to, like,
Starting point is 01:03:07 get yourself in a position to allow that to be a thing, right? To allow it... Sorry, now I'm stuck on the whole swallowing thing. There's no swallowing sound. Yeah, there's two people that fucking... I'm guessing you... It has to be me. It's not you.
Starting point is 01:03:22 All the times I... Look at fucking... John just fucked me up. That's someone's mom you're talking to. You're right. All right. Fine. Fuck. I take that back, Heidi.
Starting point is 01:03:34 You're not having flashbacks of sucking cock and swallowing semen from last night. I apologize for making that insinuation. Thank you, Philip, for unfucking me. Holding me accountable. And a great contributor to the show heidi crew get your book on amazon now rewind it 30 seconds how about just just turn your sound down a little bit what do you got hey if you hear it again tell me i'll pull up YouTube and pause the show. Write the time code down. I'm celibate for the glory of God.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Yeah, we know what Catholic girls do when they're celibate. Thank you. Show. It's just the whole thing. Forgiveness. Back to forgiveness. Yeah, back to forgiveness. I'm going to sit this far back from my thing because the chat has now made me self-conscious.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Dude, if i hear you swallow i'm gonna ejaculate myself you no one no one she's imagining shit there's no turn your volume down slightly but you have to read you have to like take yourself down the path of forgiveness every single day for probably a really long time like you don't just make that decision and then wake up and you're lost your loved one like someone killed your mom or something yeah yeah dude that's just crazy hey so so let's say let's say kane would have killed that dude i guess you could forgive yourself too well i mean that's ultimately what you're doing because the forgiveness is ultimately for you, not for them.
Starting point is 01:05:08 It doesn't change anything in their life. Right. It only changes you because if you're not forgiving them. That's the point, right? To get free. Because it's like you're an anaconda and you swallowed a cow and you're holding on to it. Like you got to get free from whatever. It's a crazy story you've told yourself in your brain i hate this guy because he killed my kid like
Starting point is 01:05:28 fuck what a story right to hold on to for the rest of your existence i heard this thing that was that was like uh for the first responders they're saying every time they go to a call they like pick up a rock it was an analogy they pick up a rock and like put in their backpack and the worst the call is like you go from like a medical and like some crackhead guy hit like hitting a fender bender by a car and their legs messed up you're like okay basically a pebble you're not really picking anything up then you roll to the car where the alcoholic mother just backed over their two-year-old kid yeah it's a heavier rock you're gonna you're gonna put inside that bag and so over the years you collect i'd probably kill myself if i did that yeah so over
Starting point is 01:06:05 the years oh no no or you have to do some service i forced myself to do some service like i would just pick up dog shit at the park for the rest of my life if i accidentally killed my kid i would i would do some what's that guy the guy who pushes the rock up the hill yeah i forget the name of something i would fucking hate oh my god so, each time they pick up a rock and they load it up, at some point in some sort of outlet, they need to set the backpack down and unload a few of the rocks. Otherwise, it just gets too heavy to bear, and eventually they break underneath that pressure. Is that when you find Jesus, you think? When you set down the bag or when you break under the pressure? You break under the pressure.
Starting point is 01:06:44 when you set down the bag or when you break under the pressure you break under the pressure what was that line like if we all have a crack in us if you don't let the light in the crack will kill you or what's that line there's a great line i just it's crazy that there's so many uh wise lines and i'm 50 and i'm still hearing some of them just give it a few minutes tris will put it in the comments google searches it it is a great – John Young is always eating, yeah. I know. I'm over here taking sips of coffee, doing everything I've normally done for the last 800 episodes, and now I get hammered. I could ask people not to eat on the show, but I kind of like it. It's like watching them – it's like them holding up a sign
Starting point is 01:07:27 hate me i just like this i do not google search uh that has offended me more than anything you've ever said well what is that line what's that line um there's a there's a there's a great line uh google search it trish there was something in here that james townsend said too about uh the the amount of weight from unforgiveness is unbearable yeah okay enough of this uh uh 360 now this doesn't get any lighter i don't think 360. No, this doesn't get any lighter, I don't think. Oh, so what you're about to see is a lady trying to justify abortion because some babies might be retarded. And the thing is with this is this is – what percentage of people are born retarded anyway?
Starting point is 01:08:30 I, I, I work with disabled adults for five years, very, very closely, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for five years. I can't ever remember having a day off.
Starting point is 01:08:38 I made a movie about it. It's called our house. It is an intense, it is beyond intense. It is, it is it is something that's um you're dealing with people who they know they're they're meant that they have a a mental capacity that's different than the rest of humanity and they hate it it sucks for them and the biggest reason it sucks for them is they want intimate relationships and they can't have them. That was what I learned there working there five years.
Starting point is 01:09:08 They want intimate relationships with people who aren't retarded and they can't have them in the way that like you and I can have them. You know, like me and my wife can sit around and kiss and hold and have a deep. Because I shouldn't say they can't have them. They don't have them because no one healthy is looking to have that kind of relationship with a girl with Down syndrome. Right. It's just it's so so the opportunity for them to have that isn't there. What was the name of the girl that was featured in in our house? Do you remember her name?
Starting point is 01:09:40 They're Laura. Yeah, Laura. She had this. There is a scene in this that i like the rest of you kind of like watching like observing and you do a great job with that with that video where there's like this it's a real heavy one but there's this undertone of kind of like comic relief that keeps happening through it yeah yeah but there was um that that lightens it up to allow you to digest the the content but she had there was a scene where she like freaks out and she's like
Starting point is 01:10:06 you don't understand i just don't want to be like this i don't want to be the person that i am in my head i just want to be normal and she like yeah and i heard her do that and i was like damn like that like she has enough like consciousness of what's going on with her situation and the environment around her to know that like she she can't just go through the motions of of you know normalcy and she's kind of living with this condition but she's like aware of it enough to know that she has the condition and that fucking struggle then they're like well are you yeah the struggle's real she's like i don't want to take my fucking meds and it's just like damn like i felt she felt it seemed to me like she felt trapped
Starting point is 01:10:45 in her situation. And there was like a little light that she could almost see her way out. But for whatever reason, she just can't quite make it through the door. And that I was like, that's I felt really bad. I once lived in a retirement community. Almost half of the children were retarded with Down syndrome. It was because they were accidental babies by the retirees. Yeah, I think old people have tarted babies is not uncommon uh then but i'm not sure what the numbers are on that so don't uh then they accidentally have a retarded child uh at the end of their lives they know they will die soon and the retarded child will be alone around the age of 20 yeah that part sucks damn um ryan stokes i'm adopted just found out some of my history recently, and I'm glad my 20-year-old birth mother on welfare didn't abort me.
Starting point is 01:11:27 You guys hear that? Shit. No one wants to be fucking aborted. God, I wish I knew now what I knew when I was 20. People act too like sometimes it's a trade-off right so if you have a if you're pregnant when you're really young and you choose to go down the abortion route you're gonna live with the consequences of that choice if you also have a child when you're really young and then put it up with adoption you're also still gonna live with the consequence of that choice i'm not painting
Starting point is 01:12:02 either as bad or good i'm just saying that there's some sort of reaction for everything that, that happens. And sometimes when we get into these debates, we lose the sense of context that we think like, Oh, well, if you just do this, it'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:12:15 This is what I agree with and everything will be good. Or if you just do option B, you'll be fine and everything will be agree with. And I think we just have to realize too, that a lot of these discussions, everything is just going to be a tradeoff for which consequence you're okay accepting. It would be great. I want to make some movie that's like – I want to see some sort of series that shows like a 20-year-old man who has a baby.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Like his wife has a baby, and she's a crackhead and runs away or something, so he's stuck with this baby. And it's like a 20-year series and it shows a 20-year-old boy raise a kid from when he's 20 to 40 like there's a way to do that that would be so fucking fun it would be hard but there's a way to do that where you're just a 20-year-old dude with a fucking 21-year-old dude with a one-year-old child and and you just fucking go to just you blaze your own path with that child even if it means living in a van you blaze there's so much opportunity now that there wasn't fucking 20 30 years ago start a fucking youtube channel showing you how you raise your one-year-old how about that dude cory we had on the show cory ushawa or something he's a fucking youtuber who's raising his fucking daughter
Starting point is 01:13:32 and he taught all he talks about is like pedophilia and shit and i think he's making men's ends meet do you remember that guy no i don't that's surprising i usually remember cory cory with a K oh um yeah we had him on early on right yeah that's a young dude raising his daughter maybe two daughters or some shit yeah yeah well that's a great he wasn't a great guest but but but I but
Starting point is 01:13:58 I'm still impressed by I think you were his first like interview podcast because then his Instagram and stuff like recently catch a lot of attention and blow up again no no no right before we had him on like you were following for a little bit something of his popped and he went from like you know 10 000 to 100 000 or something like that his shit's kind of dark he's like really focuses on like balenciaga shit yeah well that's another consequence of fashion so if you're really young and then you end up having the kid a lot of times people will step up into that role and will make them into the person that they are i mean it
Starting point is 01:14:28 happened from one of my close friends nick you met him at beer 30 yeah and and he was literally we always make the joke that he came out of the closet once he had a kid but he was literally living in my friend's closet in la just like partying there was a mattress in there he was living in it and uh he started seeing this girl and got her pregnant and uh i still remember the day he called me like freaking out and he's like yeah and she's all religious and shit so she's keeping it because you know at early 20s that's how you know you're not thinking about it at all you're like wait you didn't take the easy way out fuck this could be over tomorrow if i would have had a kid at 20 i would have totally had the girl get an abortion or asked her to 100 100 fucking percent and um that really the daughter
Starting point is 01:15:11 was the best thing that happened to him he got his shit together went to school now he's uh he's an editor and does a bunch of like film production stuff he works for tubi now has a great job his daughter is in middle school they have like he couldn't imagine life without her right and it brought him to the point to where he is now and they actually just had a uh second a second child together and they're married oh congratulations and together for like and they're still having sex because they had a baby years crazy uh the story you wanted already exists jeffrey dahmer okay uh 360 so so it's a bit i don't even know if we need to hear this we kind of oh yeah okay fine let's hear this fine we did open the phone lines there with a lot of special needs kids
Starting point is 01:15:55 i have a brother who's 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a one-year-old and i know what that means financially emotionally emotionally, physically for a family. And I know not all families can do it. And I have a step-granddaughter who was born with Down syndrome. And you know what? It is very difficult in Florida to get services. We're just going to go with that? We're just going to pretend like she didn't just use her brother and other family members to justify abortion? We're just going to smile and nod and call it a choice to end the lives of children in the womb with disabilities instead of calling it lethal ableism like it actually is. As compassionate as that may have sounded, Anna Navarro was saying that her mother
Starting point is 01:16:32 and other family members should have been able to legally kill her brother and step-granddaughter and grandson because they have disabilities. You cannot advocate for our world to be more welcoming and accommodating for people with disabilities while also advocating for the legal ability to be able to target them to death in the womb strictly because of their disability i have a family okay uh 359 saving a business oh you're gonna love this 358 it's amazing god i don't know if 358 is going to translate to this podcast, but man, it's so good. 350. So 359. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You guys ready for this? You're going to love this. This is James Hobart being featured in a post on Morning Chalk Up's Instagram. The idiocy, I say this with peace and love, just continues over at the Morning Chalk Up. Tune in for James Hobart's appearance on Coffee Break Conversations with host Presley Hirsch as they discuss CrossFit affiliates programming changes in CrossFit over time,
Starting point is 01:17:36 how to be a better coach, and how to approach programming for an entire gym. Coffee Break Conversations are weekly half-hour interviews. Is that new, by the way? I think so i've never seen it before coffee break conversations are weekly half-hour interviews with industry experts available for morning chalk up uh you're if you're an rx member so so so you're if you're not an rx member of the morning chalk up sign up today for a dollar and uh you can cancel at any time you fucking goofballs building a paywall and sticking James Hobart behind it is not going to save you.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Is our idea. Damn it. No, just ever idea. This was, uh, needs to be, whoa,
Starting point is 01:18:16 whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Starting point is 01:18:19 whoa, whoa, week seven week. What? Oh, clay clays back in action. Oh, we love Hobart. We do love Hobart.
Starting point is 01:18:28 But it's time to have him on and ask him why he's being put behind a paywall to save the morning chocolate. It's not going to work. What are you guys doing putting Hobart behind a paywall? It's only a dollar. It's only a dollar. Then just have people subscribe to the show. Just have people subscribe to it. Then just ask for a dollar you have to just have people subscribe to the show make the whole just have people subscribe to it then then just ask for a dollar be like hey guys we if you're reading our shit give us a dollar you're that that's not going to work
Starting point is 01:18:56 another failed mating strategy by the morning chaka uh tyson fury was a preemie and not expected to live was going to be underdeveloped he's six nine 270 pounds in the heavyweight champion ryan there is no way he's 270 he's 370 that fucking bag of jelly but i love him no money no show bart no money no show bart uh okay um and i do want the morning chalk up to succeed i just think putting hobart behind a paywall is just completely silly uh i'm gonna say it's a swing and a miss okay a 358 this is truly incredible i if you don't have a 60 inch tv i don't know how you're going to enjoy this but um this is just bizarre these are these are millipedes baby millipedes and this is how they're traveling
Starting point is 01:19:53 see that and and the scientists spec are speculating theyulating they're traveling like that for safety. But they're just like all staying on top of each other and just moving forward. It is a heap of millipedes. Isn't that incredible? If I saw that on the side of the road, I'd think I died and went to heaven. Yeah, you're really into insects though. I would be so, I mean, i've seen some incredible insect shit live but that is i have not seen that i've come across a um a ladybug like breeding ground once which was absolutely actually two or three times in my life i've come across lady ladybug breeding no that's
Starting point is 01:20:43 not gross those are millipedes they're not they're not like slimy worms those are millipedes they're so neat they're so intricate they have so many little cute little legs yeah bird would love that right that's that's what i kept thinking too i just kept thinking like something would yeah it is like antifa that's funny i was gonna make oh heidi i would shoot that my goodness oh my goodness they would just move around the bullet they would like scurry out then come back together maybe that's the swallowing sound you heard it's those things just climbing over each other uh yeah ken walters god's work i know it is i guess you're right it's just it's just brilliant just how they're moving like that so they appear like a larger animal yeah uh that's how that's how woke society moving across social media
Starting point is 01:21:38 i don't know if i'd eat a millipede i would eat a millipede before I licked a butthole. I'd eat a handful of those fuckers before I'd look at a butthole. That's the ultimate comparison. Yes. So those were juvenile millipedes just moving across. Okay. 357. You won. That's correct. You won.
Starting point is 01:22:05 That's correct. You won. I can't tell if this... I can't tell. It's okay. This one, it's a little slow. If we miss the beginning, it's okay. I can't tell if this guy's being serious or not or what,
Starting point is 01:22:20 but I thought it was quite apropos. Are we going all one, two minutes? No, maybe we'll go one minute. Okay, you let me know. I'm going to play now. Okay. Completely. Having said as clearly as possible that the anti-vax
Starting point is 01:22:40 people seem to be the winners, I want you to hear that clearly, the anti-vax people appear to be the winners. I want you to hear that clearly. The anti-vax people appear to be the winners. The anti-vaxxers clearly are the winners at this point, and I think it'll probably stay that way. And I don't want to put any shade on that whatsoever. They came out the best. They have the winning position. The unvaccinated have a current advantage. Because they feel better. The thing they're not worrying about is what I have to worry about,
Starting point is 01:23:15 which is, I wonder if that vaccination five years from now, because really the anti-vaxxers, I think, were really just distrustful of big companies and big government. That's never wrong. It's never wrong to distrust government. It's never wrong to distrust big companies. So if you just took the position, let's just distrust everything the government did, well, you won. You won. You won completely.
Starting point is 01:23:45 I did not end up in the right place. Agree? You would all agree with that, right? So, yeah. So what he's basically saying is, is that all I have to worry about now is like the normal shit I ever had to worry about. Like, am I going to get sick?
Starting point is 01:24:01 Which I didn't worry about, but let's say I did. Am I going to get sick? Do I have to worry about getting COVID? How much vitamin C should i take should i not eat this ice cream it's gonna hurt my immune system and i'm gonna like not be able to fight off the winter's cold but but the people who did take the injection i don't know if it's true because i i don't know how many of them have been red pilled but if you did take the injection and you are red
Starting point is 01:24:21 pilled then i i feel bad for you. Cause that, that is going to be a thought that's going to be running through your brain. Maybe till for a long time. It affects us that aren't vaccinated too. I mean, because I'm worrying about our loved ones. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:37 And so it's like, like, yeah, we, in that, I don't know if it's, we won, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:24:43 you don't want to win that war. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, the truth is too, is I, in that, I don't know if it's, we won, but it's like, you don't want to win that war. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, the truth is too, is I, is I hope I'm wrong. I hope that the vaccine is like, is it actually is great. And, and it, and it, I really do hope that from the bottom of my heart to strike me down dead if I'm lying, because I'm, if, if, if I'm wrong, it's okay. Everyone wins and that's dope if i'm if i'm right then that's bad then then then i guess to put it more like how suza said in the more realistic
Starting point is 01:25:16 sense is we all lose um so uh yeah and i think it was positioned as like a war or right or wrong by the individuals who were forcing it upon everybody else. Because I was never in the camp of telling anybody what they should do. I was just in the camp of let me do what I'm going to do and don't worry about it. Yeah, yeah. yeah yeah so i never wanted there to be a this or that or right or wrong or we won or we lost in the first place that was thrusted upon us by the corporate media and all the talking heads demonizing individuals that wanted autonomy over that particular issue when it comes to their body and not over other issues when it comes to their bodies right whole thing i just saw uh kamala harris talking about liberty and i wanted to fucking run my head into a brick wall she's fucking insane uh it's not all black and white um i got vaxxed and boosted and i've had some weird effects from it blood clots oh fuck that would
Starting point is 01:26:16 scare the shit out of me a trouble breathing and lower uh lower lactate threshold what's that mean lactate threshold what's that like i'm assuming it means like fatigue happening in workouts like quicker and stuff and then ability to flush it recover it i don't know we'll have to ask him to uh clarify but i've also experienced a lot of members and and people that had the same thing yeah the ability to push past fatigue yeah yeah su Yeah. Sousa throwing words, Mason Mitchell. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Just as long as none of them hit me.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Okay. Um, uh, Oh, it happens at four to five minutes as opposed to 10 to 12 minutes. Yeah. And that's, that's typical.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Like that's, I've, I've heard that from a bunch of people in the gym and witnessed it. People that normally would be fine. They run a 400 meter as a warmup and they come back and their heart rates through the roof and they can't catch their breath. And these are normally people that would crush the Metcons. So it took a little bit to move past that. Hopefully everything's all right for you now.
Starting point is 01:27:20 A lot of the people that were experiencing that were definitely better now in the sense that they don't experience it as much. I agree. Judy Reed, I agree. It's not about winning or losing, but the sinful part of me wants to say told you so. Sousa, smart as fuck. Jay Hartle. That's from an Armenian guy. That must mean it's true.
Starting point is 01:27:42 I get super nervous when people say that about me, though. When are we going to get an affiliate series with Sza oh that's a good question he's kind of like you have to watch all 700 shows and you can piece one together you know what i mean like eight seconds here 20 seconds here it's funny because i've talked about this with grace i've uh held back like quite a few major nuggets of like stories that like i've leaked to you in in conversations and stuff but it's funny like i i try to like hold a bunch of like stories back just so we could slowly leak them in live call-ins and like stuff over time so that way you really can piece it piece it together if you want to uh my gym would not allow us in unless we were vaccinated and boosted i uh rafael the urso yeah time to find a new gym hey i know that so god
Starting point is 01:28:32 at that point it's not even a crossfit gym there are some things that are that make us a CrossFit gym. And not allowing someone in there because they won't take a forced drug is completely missing the point of what a CrossFit gym is. Completely. You're not following the charter. Stop paying your affiliate fees and move on not you're not following the charter stop paying your affiliate fees and move on you're not following the charter you're not you're not taking advantage of the brand value the brand value is we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem we're badasses we eat right and move right and we can fight off
Starting point is 01:29:18 anything oh this is an interesting bit uh sickle cell anemia didn't help yeah yeah that that injection only gets more complicated with uh the more shit you got going on right um okay 356 i i man i got you i did heavy deads yesterday i told one of my friends i told one of our friends i did heavy deads and i should have never said it because you know what their first question to me was how heavy is heavy yeah yeah why why why why why can't you just be like oh cool savvy getting strong why you asshole 356 but i got some like weird like not an injury or not um like you know like i don't know if it's fosger you know when you get like something like that's just kind of like stuck just to like work itself out it's in your back you feel it yeah back just like in between like
Starting point is 01:30:17 a shoulder blade and a collarbone or a trap or a ladder it's just like this sometimes i'll get this just from sleeping weird but it works itself out it needs to be like pushed on like with a thumb or something uh new york has banned certain laundry detergents will allow other states will other states follow okay we don't have to play that but but don't play it okay yeah but but oh does it play yeah maybe yeah look at the laundry detergents. Okay, this will answer your question. Which laundry detergent? Breaking news. New York has just banned several popular laundry detergents, one you might even have in your home because it contains trace amounts of known cancer-causing contaminant 1,4-dioxane. Here's the list.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Tide Original. Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin, of course. Gain, Aroma Boost, Arm & Hammer Clean Burst. You won't see 1,4-Dioxane listed on the ingredient label since it is a byproduct, but here are the ingredients you need to look out for. Make sure you're checking for these ingredients in things like soap like body wash, baby products, shampoo, personal care products, cosmetics, and deodorant. And remember the concept of bioaccumulation. It's not just your laundry detergent that contains this. If you're using all these other products that contain trace amounts of 1,4-Dioxane, it really becomes a problem. I don't know how I feel about taking your shirts off in the gym.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Like, I think I'm agnostic on it. Like, I don't care. Do what you want. I haven't done it in years. I used to do it when I was, like, younger and was, like, a competitor. But we don't even – a lot of the times I either work out with a class or I work out in the middle of the day when there's not a class there. Me and the other coaches will get together and work out.
Starting point is 01:32:05 And I still don't even really do it then anymore. I don't know why. I just stopped. I don't know if I'd be a good affiliate owner. I like uncomfortable situations and shit. What do you mean? Here's the thing. If someone was wearing clothes and
Starting point is 01:32:23 they were too tight and you could see the outline of their cock and balls, would you say something to them? Say they couldn't work out in their gym. Like, like if they're wearing sweats and the whole time they're working out, you can see their helmet. I mean,
Starting point is 01:32:33 there's always someone like, is it just a one-off or is it every time? Like there's that kid in PE class. Like you get like, and swimmers, there's sports you see on TV. There's just stuff you see where you just always, I mean,
Starting point is 01:32:44 anytime a camera pan to rich froning um at the crossfit games he was adjusting his nuts that's different than obviously um just seeing the helmet i don't ever remember seeing rich's helmet but there's there's just there's just those dudes you just always see their helmet like they they just because of the clothes they wear you know i'm talking about yeah yeah and it's like uh i i don't say anything to them what why i just can't see saying something i mean here's the deal you as the affiliate owner you are the like protector of your culture and your community so you have to decide as the owner like what you're gonna deem acceptable or not and set the standard and then you have to just uphold the standard regardless of what ends up happening because if you don't have any standard
Starting point is 01:33:31 or anything you go by then people are going to notice that what you're trying to get ran over a little bit that my friend allison who's in the chat she lives by me and whenever like i whenever i go out with her and she's breastfeeding and whenever i go out with her go somewhere with her or i'm at jujitsu with her or i'm at the beach or wherever i've did dinner and she has fucking eight inches of cleavage showing and side boob and maybe some nipple just because the kids are all over her tits uh it's i thoroughly enjoy how it makes everyone feel uncomfortable around me i just fucking throw my feet up and just like i fucking just love it when uh i was in madison it's crazy her boobs are crazy when i was in madison for the games we were walking
Starting point is 01:34:13 downtown and some chick was just there topless oh really yeah and like some old couple and this was just in passing because i like saw him as we were like passing it or whatever it's a whole couple was like you you can't be out here doing that that's illegal and she was like like knew the law and was like well no it's not you know blah blah blah and cut it she's like well i don't like it she's like well i'm sorry you feel that way kind of like moved on that is that misogyny if you don't want topless women is that misogyny it was a woman that was saying it to the woman yeah i think that there's a lot of women out there i think there's a lot of people out there who hate the the female form that's weird yeah you know there's a bunch of us walking downtown to eat that day we saw that it was just kind of
Starting point is 01:34:56 like uh and i thought it was funny because grew up in the bay area in san francisco like you just see at least she was like a young like decently attractive girl without a shirt on you don't see the old man with his fall taken out that's what you get in sfo yeah you do get that all over san francisco that's true uh women should not take their shirts off it's overt sexualization and a way to pass soft core porn onto teen yeah well tell that to meta bro oh man. Oh, man. Okay, 355. I was kicked off of IG. Oh. I should go.
Starting point is 01:35:39 So I'm driving to Tahoe today. Oh, this is nuts. This is nuts nuts i don't know why i never saw this before there's probably so much of this out here this is mark zuckerberg telling people not to take the vaccine on his own fucking platform in 2021 this is what i was kicked off i don't even know if i told people i don't remember what i said but i was kicked off of instagram for saying less than this that's for sure okay action the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's dna and rna last week facebook says it would remove any content that quote claims the covet 19 vaccine changes people's dna we just got a new leaked tape from Zuckerberg himself violating his own code of conduct.
Starting point is 01:36:30 I share some caution on this because we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA. Basically, the vaccine is modifying people's DNA. But then Zuckerberg, on November 30th, in a public live stream Q&A appears to somewhat change his tune. My understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA. No. Isn't it interesting that as soon as he's made up his mind or appears
Starting point is 01:36:58 to have made up his mind on the topic, he disallows the almost 3 billion Facebook users to do the same. Rules for thee, but not for me. Just don't know the long term. Zuckerberg doesn't control Facebook, just like Dorsey didn't control Twitter. Are you telling me that Mark Zuckerberg, if he was my friend, couldn't get my Instagram account back? I call bullshit. I bet he can't. We're going there.
Starting point is 01:37:21 We're going to meta. The quickest way to modify your DNAna is to damage it with alcohol or improve it with crossfit okay um okay so i was kicked off of instagram for saying stuff like that and i don't expect an apology it's fine uh 354 i just wait can i don't even want my account back can you just give me my blue checkmark back on my new account? We got to at least break 10 grand on that. Have you broken 10 grand on your new account? No.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Brian Friend has more Instagram followers than I do. Can we combine, Dars? Anytime I think my life is good, I just remind myself that Brian Friend has more followers than me. And that just brings me back down to reality uh 354 uh god chicago needs to get rid of its mayor so bad she looks like a capable fit individual look at that photo well i do like this about her i do like it that she doesn't like at least she just comes out as herself. That's who she is, and I just like her. This guy, Zeke Arkham, was on the podcast, by the way. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 01:38:32 I didn't do him justice. But this fucking mayor, she's telling people to stop using – oh, there we go, Mason. There we go. God. Uh, cause I did heavy, I did heavy deadlifts yesterday. I am, I'm kind of, I am kind of like, I'm puffy now. I got inflammation from it. I never do heavy deadlifts, heavy deadlifts. That's why I'm looking kind of swole. uh you know like that workout inflammation this lady at least she doesn't like try to dress up and be all fancy like she just does herself which is she looks like something from men in black right like it's some weird shit but anyway laurie lightfoot okay here we go how can you stop people from taking cash hey we already talked
Starting point is 01:39:23 about this but here we go. Here we go. To stop using cash if they don't want to keep getting mugged. What's up, everybody? Zeke here. So Lori Lightfoot, as you can see, is blaming Chicago residents for having cash. She's basically saying, don't carry cash on you. And if you get robbed, it's your fault because you had cash on you.
Starting point is 01:39:46 So, Lori, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to do this for free because I'm a charitable kind of guy like that. This is a crazy idea, but I think it'll work. I think it'll work. Just give it a shot. How about you empower the cops to actually do their jobs? How about you coerce the DAs to actually fight for stricter sentences and then you impose it on the judges to actually carry out those sentences and thereby make crime something bad make make it a deterrent you know people don't want to do crimes i don't know it might work
Starting point is 01:40:22 might work zeke work. Once again, guess who that hurts? That only hurts poor people. You stop allowing people to use cash and that only hurts fucking poor people. What do they call them? The marginalized communities? Fucking idiot. Sevan, definitely Brandon.
Starting point is 01:40:38 You're like way back in the show when we were definitely Daniel Brandon as a regular. Yeah. Oh, you do think zeke is a great guest okay i thought he was great i thought i did shitty i thought i was a shitty host for him i would say that was one of my worst shows i don't know what was wrong with me sometimes i'm just not on this morning i'm on uh Uh, okay. Uh, three 53 dads. What do you think about three, three more minutes?
Starting point is 01:41:08 Sure. Okay. And then I'm going to, and then I got to finish packing and, uh, head over to my homeboy's house. It is. So 70% of inmates are a product of a single parent household. What they don't tell you is that single fathers produce similar statistics of those of homes with two parents, while single mothers don't. So the key to keep your children out of prison is the father.
Starting point is 01:41:36 But mothers are awarded custody 90% of the time. Women are incentivized to leave a marriage. And prisons profit $74 billion a year. Am I thinking too much or is this some sort of plan? You got it. Be a dad, be a dad, be a dad, be a dad. I mean, you don't have to be a dad, but if you have kids, be a dad. Just be a dad.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Just be a dad. Just be a dad. Why? No, it was good. Okay, cool. Yeah. Sometimes I don't know. I, you know, it's funny. Susan sometimes will be like, oh my God, you really hit it off with that guest. And? No, it was good. Okay, cool. Yeah, sometimes I don't know. You know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:42:05 Sousa sometimes will be like, oh, my God, you really hit it off with that guest. And I go, I hated them. So I don't know. So I don't know. I don't know. I'll take your word for it. I'll take your word for it. 352 dress code.
Starting point is 01:42:23 If you have kids, be a dad. If you don't have kids, don't be a dad. But if you have kids, be a dad. If you don't have kids, don't be a dad. But if you have kids, be a dad. Don't be a dad, be a father. Fine, good. I'll take it. Call me a boomer, but I don't think the casualization of our dress code is good for society. Not saying back to suits and dresses to the grocery store, but damn.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Lazy appearance leads to lazy attitude. Lazy behavior. It's human nature. good for society not saying back to suits and dresses to the grocery store but damn lazy appearance leads to lazy attitude lazy behavior it's human nature pretty soon nobody will get haircuts or shave i it's the irony here right because on one hand i'm saying just go on natural like if you're fucking uh black chick uh let that um fro fucking go and if you're a white chick stop covering your entire fucking face with Avon products so you look like a mannequin whatever you know
Starting point is 01:43:15 I guess it has nothing to do with ethnicity or race but you guys are it's just too much you're spending an hour getting ready your piercings your tattoos all your hair like we still have to fuck you and look at you in the morning like why can't you just like see what we're gonna get right now and you know what fuck guys who can't appreciate you're just you're for who you are now i i get it you want to wear a
Starting point is 01:43:40 little eyeliner you want to fucking put a push-up bra on for a night out or you know some some tools to on exception to seduce or to up your game but all this work that being said how is it that everywhere i go there's kids who look like shit wearing sweatpants that are three sizes too big or pajamas to tennis class or they're unkept, or you're walking around with your kid somewhere and your kid has food all over themselves. Like, make your child and yourself and your life presentable. Make yourself presentable. I'm not even saying, like, the things like, you don't need to be a tool of the man like i'm cool you don't want to wear bra let those fucking things hang you don't want to brush your hair cool but a clean shirt
Starting point is 01:44:33 not dirt on your face like yeah bro exactly bro just be a bro i always prefer the natural look yeah it's it's absolutely absurd how many people take their kids out and if your kids look worse than you in public i i just ding you for that i just think you're a piece of shit parent not i don't think you're a piece of shit as a person but why why do you look good and your kids look like shit? Yeah, tangled hair, not necessarily good. So is there like a tipping point?
Starting point is 01:45:10 Like there's, in your opinion, is there like a certain amount of presentability and getting ready? And then if you go too far, it's like too much and it's too superficial for you? Yeah, like you have three necklaces on, two bracelets, three earrings, six coats of fucking makeup. Your hair's coiffed and your hat's on sideways. And you have a vape pen and your shoes are untied just enough so they fit. And you're walking along the beach. Like, yeah, you're a fucking idiot. Like, there's nothing about you that seems fun.
Starting point is 01:45:42 You know what I mean? There's not like you. Like, I just know already there's nothing about you that seems fun you know what i mean there's not like you like i just know already there's nothing about you that's fun you're not you're not fucking cool like like no amount of money's ever gonna make you cool right so like susan if me and you had 10 million dollars and we went to cabo san lucas together yeah. We would be four days away from going to a nude beach together because, because we don't give a fuck. Yeah. But there's some people who can just never get there.
Starting point is 01:46:12 They just can never get to just like, Oh fuck. This is life's easy. Yeah. Just brush my teeth, exercise a little bit. Not sure. I don't have like any like you know what I mean like like there might be a time to trim
Starting point is 01:46:29 your pubes your bush is so big you can't find your penis nose hairs like you just want to trim a few off just because it's distracting when people talk to you but like to wax the whole inside of your fucking nose and you have a standing appointment every two months
Starting point is 01:46:44 it's just like and if someone's gonna be like oh but someone I like having my nails done and my shit wax Wax the whole inside of your fucking nose and you have a standing appointment every two months. And someone's going to be like, oh, but someone, I like having my nails done and my shit waxed. Okay, if you like doing it, good, do it. I'm just saying that on the flip side, I know you panic and you miss a day at the beach because your hair is at that length. You ready for this, people? I'm about to fuck you up. Your hair is at that length where you can't get waxed because it's not long enough. But you can't go to the beach because you have to let it grow a little longer for your waxing appointment in two days and you feel uncomfortable to be showing everyone that little bit of hair
Starting point is 01:47:12 you have because you can't get a wax because it's not long enough you see you see the the problem you have because you're just not cool you're just not cool just like fuck it fuck it just go to the beach so i got a little hairy legs today so every now and then i feel like i should step again if i went to the gym like this couple months back and i was leaving from one thing to the other and i was just stopping in to grab something and i had a pair just a pair of jeans on yeah i had a college shirt yeah like three people were like are you going to like a an event right now are you going to like a wedding or something i was like oh okay i just have fucking jeans on yeah yeah but i just wear like volcom joggers majority of the time because they're comfortable and i coach a lot and uh you say
Starting point is 01:47:55 that like you've had that problem before i don't know what problem you're talking about but dude there was a time in my life where i thought sweating was disgusting not disgusting i just didn't ever want to be sweating there's i used to carry a in third grade i carried a comb in the back of my back pocket i was always combing my hair so cool i haven't fucking combed my hair in 20 years or brush my hair unless i'm doing a joke like brushing it all down in the front to make myself look like a fucking weirdo like i just yeah i just yeah i i i have some shortcomings i wash my asshole and my cock and balls with soap i i i'm not totally free i you know i cut my toenails there's some things i i do cut my fingernails i don't i don't like if i see nose hairs uh hanging out i start pulling them out
Starting point is 01:48:47 you pull your nose hairs out with your fingers me yeah yeah they don't get like super long like that but i have yeah i reach in there and just grab them and pull it it is yeah for pain or what's that it sucks dude and hey and the ones that are what's this part of your nose called i have no clue the part that separates your nostrils it's got to have a word it's hair hairs that grow out on the side on that thing i always look at those and be like man do i god i don't want to pull you but they have to make your eyes water and wax the taint i don't even have any hair on my i don't think i have any i should ask my wife oh yeah i don't think i have any hair between my balls and my anus it's funny i've never even thought about that i saw this too i think uh there was an issue
Starting point is 01:49:36 with our phone earlier oh shit i don't i took the phone down it's back oh shit i took because i'm going to tallow today i took the phone i'm just looking here now the phone's not here i was just thinking i was like man we had no calls that's unusual usually get like one or two and then i started like looking back in the comments and realizing that people were commenting that the phone line wasn't working oh my goodness okay well um you you, you know, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:50:06 I'm not just full blown. Like I'm not just like, let your like no brushing. I have some, I have some hangups too, but, but being free is awesome. Let me tell you like,
Starting point is 01:50:17 and people know when they're around those free people, you gotta be healthy though. If you're going to be free, that, that, that kind of like comes with it. You can't, if you're a hundred pounds overweight overweight you don't even have the options for these things because mold will start growing on you i don't mean that like i mean that literally but if you're
Starting point is 01:50:37 a healthy person you can just start letting shit go that the rest of fucking society is a slave to and you'll actually be more attractive to people i'm sorry jody uh hopefully when i get to tahoe today i'll find a place to set up and we'll just be doing live calling shows all week okay uh guys thank you what this was a big show that this morning did you notice that i had fun with it no i wasn't paying attention too much to the numbers i was like just like yeah lots of viewers today i think our uh headline got some traction though oh oh oh nice yeah so the thing is this um i don't know what's going to happen the next three days i didn't know we were going to do this show i was supposed to leave for tahoe at six in the morning and then it moved to eight in the morning and now it's moved
Starting point is 01:51:22 to 10 in the morning and so that's cool so that let us do a show so i just don't know what's going on for the next three days uh you were off today i was not off today i should some point player i'm not off today am i suza no not at all yeah i'm excited i was so excited to come and hang out with you guys this morning all right um thanks as always for the conversation shoes the seven safe travels okay guys thank you uh we will see you guys uh hopefully tomorrow i'll find a room in the house in tahoe i'm bringing all my shit i got like my mixers and my cell phones and my extra monitor my fancy computers probably do a test run tonight or something you think yeah oh yeah maybe we'll do a test run cobra roads a cobra i saw you text me i haven't even opened the text yet um i will uh i
Starting point is 01:52:06 saw that the that movie um you were in the documentary is now going to be made into a feature-length film but i will i just saw the headline of your text i'll look at it and um i'm away from home for the next four days cobra so uh let's talk on the phone and hang out it's always great talking all right guys um sevan drops off suza takes over someone wrote in the comments you know it's funny you say that someone wrote in the comments um you know uh se suza and caleb need to drop sevan nobody wants that i was like ouch ouch all right buh-bye

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