The Sevan Podcast - #788 - Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And so it looks, bam, we're live. So it looks like the person's in studio. I'll have to show it to you. I do know who you're talking about now, the MMA guy. The MMA guy, yes. Yes. I do know who you're talking about. UFC guy, MMA guy, yes.
Starting point is 00:00:13 That's a cool, no, no, either way. It took me a minute to realize who you're talking about. That would be so easy to do, and then it would look like kind of, it would make people feel like they're more in studio. He just has a huge screen with the dude's face on it that would be cool and that would be easy to do i think just what get like a little drop down screen or something or i would just i could just get a huge monitor and kind of reorganize it so i have those live seats in here but then also a screen so when i'm talking and then a camera angle and it shows that I'm looking at a monitor or the monitor.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Oh, because the monitor could be on that wall behind those seats. That would be a cool setup. How do people I'm going to have to look at it again. I'm trying to think how people see him and the monitor at the same time if it's a side shot but i guess when the guest talks they cut to that monitor usually and it's like over his shoulder isn't it no they actually see him or is it they just cut to the full monitor they just cut to that hey could we cut to a shot of just you talking straight from here like what if we went like oh no it goes to how do we make how do we make it so it goes to you oh it just has to be whoever's in the pole position
Starting point is 00:01:29 yeah there you go oh okay so that's what i was going to do on our next one where we're just going to have that and they have this new feature too uh what uh what's Oh, the little writing below the writing? Yeah, that's awesome. They're going big. Hey guys, in a few minutes we're going to have Philip Kelly on. I see him in the comments already. We're going to ask him how it's going. If you didn't see the episode with Philip, Philip was on the show and we talked to him about his journey through getting COVID-19, the Chinese virus. It's okay to call it that right there's the spanish flu the chinese virus the armenian penis they are there's just things that are what they are it's not inclusive language uh did we shoot down that balloon i saw we shot down the balloon yeah we did agreed upon, yes, the balloon was brought down.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, now they're mad. Now the Chinese are mad that we shot it down at all. They said it's like an act of war, essentially. Or it could – it was too much. It was too much of a reaction, overreaction. Hey, I was starting to think that it was too high for us to shoot it down and that we were embarrassed that we didn't have guns that went that way we didn't have the technology yeah no we definitely have the technology for that uh and and then and then um uh you know the jews have those satellites that shoot lasers in outer space that marjorie taylor green talks about so that maybe they use one of the jew satellites to shoot it down um yeah makes sense how how listen if you can call it jew satellites you can call it the
Starting point is 00:03:12 chinese flu you can call it everything you want you can call it the black nba which is whatever doesn't mean that there's no white guys in there it's just it just is what it is how about how about my kids school my kids school my friend's school in berkeley the public school system they're celebrating black lives matter with black uh history month do they not know that no do they not know how corrupt black lives matter is i don't think they realize that it's like a business oh they just think it's like a word and that it's only that it's owned by white democrats that's the high that it's part of the whole enslavement process it's like a word. And that it's owned by white Democrats? That's the high, Steve. That it's part of the whole enslavement process?
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's so fucking weird. The Democrats are so fucking weird. Oh my god, you guys are so fucking weird. You guys are dangerous. I want to send my mom all the Klaus Schwab shit. Are you guys seeing that? Like they put out the plan for the planet earth in 2030, 2,500 calories a day,
Starting point is 00:04:07 only three new pieces of clothing per year, no own private vehicles. They don't realize that this is the Democrat agenda. No one will ever eat meat or dairy again. Have you seen all this? It's on their website. It's nuts, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:22 It's new. I don't know if it's new. I just saw it today 2016 i think is when they posted it yeah here i'll pull it up these guys how come how are any democrats not like uh-oh we're on the wrong team well now they even have it more laid out yeah i saw something else this morning where they have it more laid out they have their first like prototype cities coming out just like can't you just do that in toronto and we can visit this is what enslaved
Starting point is 00:04:49 humans look like or is that what toronto already looks like hey i talked to this friend of mine who lives in china and three years ago when i used to talk to him about china he would be very defensive. And now he's like, dude, worst place fucking ever. He said during the lockdown, all the cities were locked down and the people were forced to stay in their buildings
Starting point is 00:05:16 and that the government would bring you food and that the food that would arrive there half the time would be rotten. I mean, they're doing that to uh some military guys too so no shit yeah for a while like when covid first happened they were like delivering food to people's rooms and it was like a moldy couple pieces of bread and a piece of ham and mustard oh my god yeah he said the fucking whole country like that he said it was so bad he said china was on the verge of civil war he said he wants out but three years ago he was defending it it must have gotten so weird in some places like canada uh australia portland
Starting point is 00:06:04 Portland. I want to tell you now, just right off the bat, and I don't want to upset my wife, but when they start letting men into – like they're already starting letting men into women's prisons and they're raping the prisoners. You all know that. And we all saw the story of the boy that they let rape those two girls at those high schools. He raped a girl at one high school in the bathroom because he was dressed as a transgender. And then he went to another high school and raped another girl. The spirit of what I'm saying is correct. I think one girl he just sexually assaulted and the other one he actually raped.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He penetrated his penis into her. We've covered that story many times on the show but when those parents start um killing the other parents and the um and the kids who are doing that i just want you to know that i i i don't uh condone it but i also don't um i i give parent if you hurt if you hurt someone's kids, I give them carte blanche pass. I just do. I don't – I absolutely don't condone it, but I would never – if you rape someone's daughter and they kill you, I would never spend a percent of my money, especially if you do it under the guise of letting a dude into where women should be. I'm not giving anyone – I have no – I don't know how to say it but
Starting point is 00:07:30 it's gone to complete insanity it's gone to complete insanity mode it's and now we're at the point so fat people need to speak up against COVID blacks need to speak up against the Democrats and now we need, real strong lesbian women to stand up against and men and gay men to stand up against the transgenders.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I mean, these are these are kind of all abominations of your things that you thought were going to be cool. You thought Black Lives Matter was going to be cool. It's not. You thought trannies were going to be cool. No, they're not. Well, it's not that. It's that when you bend the rules and change it to this fucking crazy land, there's going to be a large group of people that also take advantage of that, too.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Caleb's cat looks like a raccoon. That was weird. Yeah, exactly. It's gone too far. You start off by saying, hey, we're going to do affirmative affirmative action. And I get it. I was totally for affirmative action. But the truth is, is that it's racist and it puts black people ahead of white people and ahead of Chinese people and ahead of Mexican people. And it plants a seed of racism. And the same thing happened. Like you think it's going to be cute to do a transgender reading hour at the library, but it's not because now you have people with mental illness around their sexuality reading
Starting point is 00:08:50 to your kids. It's not cute. Yeah. It's so weird. And then they, a lot of times the school people, like the teachers or the board that, that is pushing for these things will say, well, we need, we need to have more acceptance and more tolerance. And I just keep going back to like, well, why don't you just base it off how the kids are treating each other? If you see a kid that's treating another kid poorly due to whatever the reason is, aren't you as an adult and a teacher there to stop that from happening? Right. So you don't need to change the fucking bathrooms and make all these like ridiculous rules to keep people being accepted and tolerated. You just have to make sure other human beings are good human beings to each other as we've been doing or should have been doing all along and start and i approve
Starting point is 00:09:30 anyone like yesterday my wife we were looking for a place to take the kids to party after the jujitsu mat ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju the grappling match remix and um they the And the Yelp thing said gender neutral bathrooms. Oh, you went there, right? Because you felt safe and you made sure everybody else, they were safe there. That was inclusive language. Just stop going to those places. Hey, because all bathrooms are gender neutral. They always have been gender neutral.
Starting point is 00:10:01 There's no thing anyone could stop anyone ever in the history of mankind from going. All bathrooms for the history of mankind have been gender neutral. What's no thing anyone could stop anyone ever in the history of mankind from go to all bathrooms for the history of mankind have been gender neutral. What they haven't been is sex neutral. And you don't want to go to a place that has sex neutral bathrooms, especially if you're a woman, if you're a guy, you don't give a shit. But like yesterday,
Starting point is 00:10:17 uh, last week I went to the park and there was a homeless guy taking a shit in the men's bathroom. So I, and I had to go so bad. So I went into the woman's bathroom. It's the cleanest place on earth. Do you do not want men in your bathroom? Sounds you're for it now all of a sudden huh well i broke the rules i was embarrassed i shit quick and wipe fast i i gave it two wipes instead of my usual three it was it was a you know i realized i was breaking
Starting point is 00:10:39 the rules guy uh jay hartle a guy at my gym old gay guy, hates how trans jumped the coattails of LGBT, says it ruins all the hard work. Yeah, exactly. It ruins all the hard work. That's why that dude has to stand up now. Especially the lesbian women need to stand up and just open a can of just full ferocity and ferocity of fire hey did you see that get the fuck out of our space in the la airport don't know if this is true so people in the comments don't jump on me i just saw it on the internet of things but it looked like they were putting urinals in one of the women's bathrooms at the airport yeah is that is that real is that a real thing only kayla would know i went to uh viscosity yeah viscosity yes open to just open a serious can of viscosity with ferocity
Starting point is 00:11:34 i went to the starbucks yesterday and they had like it was just like a bank of like bathroom stalls and like you just all stand in line together. Dudes and dudes and chicks. What city, New York, New York city. It was just like a, it was just like a room of a bunch of different stalls, a bunch of stalls. And then everybody just stood in line together and waited for a stall.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It wasn't like the work. Did the stalls go to the ground? It was just shitters dude. It was just all shitters. And did it go to the ground or's it was just shitters dude it was just all shitters and did it go to the ground or could you see underneath them oh yeah it was like rooms it was like basically like like floor to ceiling walls that's a little bit better but listen women you do not want you fucking idiot film happened figured out no not want to know it was a go ahead because the women's bathroom was being remodeled. Wait, but the urinals were new.
Starting point is 00:12:29 And the woman was in the one with the new urinals. No, it was a men's bathroom that was used because the woman's was being remodeled. Oh, so they switched the sign on the door from men's to women's, and someone went in there and saw a urinal and thought that – okay. And the urinals were covered. Like they were covered like they weren't going to be used. Okay, got it. Good dude happened. Hey, and how about – well, that's – I approve of that too.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Get rid of the men's bathroom and give the women an extra bathroom. I totally – Mid-field side. Yeah. The only type of sexism should be to benefit women. Call me sexist, but it's just the way it is. There was another thing I saw yesterday. I was at Ohlone College in Fremont, and I was in the men's bathroom there.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And there was a sign that said if I needed – what's the stuff girls use when they're bleeding? Feminine products? Yes. what's the stuff girls use when they're bleeding like feminine products yes if you need it god what would feminine sanitary sanitary napkins what the fuck something like that but it was stuff that only women would need and it was in the men's bathroom and it said if you need these products we have them available free at all times at the front desk is there anything men get free all the time is there anything men get free all the time sanitary net what what isn't that what they're called or is that like 80s talk i don't know but but either way you don't need that in the men's bathroom made me hate the college
Starting point is 00:14:02 you you don't You don't need that in the men's bathroom. Made me hate the college. You don't. Yeah. My wife always had one of those things like swimming at the bottom of her purse. I don't remember those things. I don't remember my mom's purse having that. But definitely my – I feel like any time I look into my wife's purse or used to look into it there would be like or her wallet or anywhere there was one
Starting point is 00:14:28 of those things like it looks like a bullet always a few of those you know i'm talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah like you just want i just want to shove it up my nose every time i see it that's where i didn't think you wanted to shove it but i'll take it it just looks like it fits perfect up there I think you wanted to shove it, but I'll take it. It just looks like it fits perfect up there. It probably would if you had a nosebleed. Did we give Mr. Kelly a link? I did.
Starting point is 00:15:02 So Mr. Kelly, Philip Kelly was on, he got COVID, was in the hospital, basically should have died. Crossfitter, and then survived. and he's been on the comeback and then when he was on the show um i talked to him about california hormones and he's he's been i think he's been taking california hormones some form of medication that was prescribed via the blood work he had done there for the last couple months hey i want to say something hillary made a video yesterday where he went to reddit and i watched it and people say all this crazy shit and people people are so stupid hey listen if you're you can always say that the thing with the liver king is you have to know i'm not taking sides just like i didn't take sides with nicholas joyeux I don't care if anyone does steroids.
Starting point is 00:15:48 And yes, I'm very, very thankful that... Hi, caller. Hi. Go find. Go interrupt. Find. Hello, Savannah. Sorry for interrupting. Calling you from Bolivia, actually. Bolivia. In South America? Central America? South America, Savannah. South America, yeah, okay. I love your show.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Oh, thank you. Watching you since the pandemic started, yeah, with the Jaws and Maths podcast. Oh, wow. Hey, is Belize the same as Belize? No, Bolivia. Oh, Bolivia. No, no, man.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Bolivia, okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Olivia okay yeah yeah yeah well just calling because I believe
Starting point is 00:16:29 three four shows ago you were speaking with Brian for some other sports that are actually dangerous I just wanted to recommend you to watch a Netflix documentary
Starting point is 00:16:44 it's called Local Games Local Games? I just wanted to recommend you to watch a Netflix documentary. Okay. It's called Local Games. Local Games? The first episode. Yes. Yes, sir. And the first episode is Calcio Historico.
Starting point is 00:17:03 It's like a match of football, but with very heavy violence. It's wonderful, actually. It's better than MMA for me. Hey, did you watch the fights last night? No, I couldn't. Yeah, I didn't make it to the... I didn't see the Derek Lewis fight. I didn't see the main event. I went to bed early, too. So I still don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Hey, I'm looking up local games. What is it? Home game. God, I don't know hey I'm looking up local games it's home game what is it? home game oh home game god I don't listen so good no he said local game it might have been translated differently for him oh okay
Starting point is 00:17:33 he translated it from Spanish to yeah sorry about that no it's fine yeah yeah yeah okay I'm gonna watch this with my kids right after the show home games
Starting point is 00:17:44 and I should watch episode one? Yeah, Couch or Story Go Okay It's like a soccer game with some fighting in it From Florence, Italy Okay It's wild Is it?
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh, it's nuts Yeah Okay, I'm into it, thank you Hey, how did you find the podcast? Are you a CrossFitter? Yes, I do CrossFit. Oh, awesome. And what's the name?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Do you go to a gym or you just do it at your house? No, we don't have a field over here. But yes, I train at a gym that is called Synergia Lead Training. Is it owned by the cartel? No, unfortunately. I'm just showing you my prejudice. All those of us who live in America, just like you think we all are transgender, we think that everyone there is part of the cartel.
Starting point is 00:18:45 In both are kind of right. Yeah. So I apologize for my, uh, so when you were filming the crossword documentary, did you identify as a camera? Yes. I identified as a camera. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:00 I did. Okay. Well, thank you for calling. Thank you for answering. Yeah. Call back anytime, brother. Good to hear your voice.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Tell me your name. Angelo. Angelo. Angelo. Great to meet you, brother. Yes, sir. All right. Talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Please call back. Love your podcast. Great content. Thank you guys for all you guys are doing. Okay. Thank you. Awesome. Adios. Thank you you have a good one bye there was a time in my life where like i knew all the countries right and like i knew like how many continents there were and i knew the states and all the capitals and now my brain is
Starting point is 00:19:36 just mush when someone says bolivia i'm like is that the capital of colombia you know like i'm just like well it's not differently too so is morocco and spain like i'm just like i'm just like well it's not differently too so is morocco and spain like i'm just like i'm just a mush puddle hi philip what's up dude hey what's up guys how you doing good is that you uh that i'm getting feedback from let me see it could be my heater furnace was just on oh okay it goes it could be i could uh it's fine ear pods but i think that Oh, okay. It goes... It's not that bad. It could be. I could... It's fine. No.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Your audio is great on your computer. Yeah, it sounds good now. This is just an iPad, actually. Hey, where'd you get that CrossFit Forging Elite banner? It's a secret. You volunteered somewhere and ripped it down? no no yeah no i got it on ebay super cheap actually a long time ago wow yeah i wanted something for my garage they didn't make uh they didn't make no rep flags back then so hey i wish i would have taken all that stuff back in
Starting point is 00:20:43 the day when i would go to all the regionals and stuff. I wonder if I could have sold all that crazy shit on eBay now. For sure. Probably. I have some great Pukie posters. I actually have a no rep flag. I haven't put it up yet. How's life? It's good.
Starting point is 00:21:02 I actually was sick this week um coincidentally so is that scary for you when you get sick now no no okay but that's a common question that people well people ask me all the time when they see me out and about and i run into people they sometimes people will ask me if uh it's a concern for me, right? Am I worried about getting sick again? And, well, no, I'm not. Same as before I got sick. I am not going to live my life going around being afraid to get sick of something, right? To get sick.
Starting point is 00:21:37 I mean, I'm just not going to live that way. And you only live once. So I got to live. I can't be stuck in my house you know yeah what do you have just just a stuffy nose cold yeah for the most part i did have like what felt like a i had a pretty good like a headache monday tuesday and a little bit wednesday and uh so i could have had like a mild grade fever of some type but i if it was covid i wouldn't know because you didn't get tested no why would i right exactly is there any reason why you
Starting point is 00:22:15 should why you would well uh i probably would test myself if i was feeling the same way that I did when I was sick before. I mean, I was, I was bedridden sick, right? But even then I probably might not, I might just start checking my blood oxygen to make sure that that's up. And if that was up, I wouldn't, if I saw that dropping, then I might start, then I might take take a test what do you use to check your blood oxygen out uh the watch the apple watch or one of those oximeters no i have um i don't have the newest watch that will do that but i have um i have the blood no it's but see i barely even use that thing anymore a pulse oximeter yeah i have those all over the house i just never use them anymore gotcha oh yeah something like that yeah yep i have those all over uh wow look how cheap that one is there's one for 14.99 yeah
Starting point is 00:23:13 14 bucks you can pick them up at target or like walgreens or whatever wow that's crazy uh i think some of the stores up the prices on those during like the pandemic. Sure. Cause I bought one at, uh, I bought one at Walgreens when I first came home from the hospital and, uh, it was 50 bucks.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah. 34 99. Now I'm seeing the exact one from Walgreens. Should we make CEO flags? I like the bam or live flag. Somebody else suggested that up here. Phillip, so you were in the hospital for 40 days, right? No, more.
Starting point is 00:23:54 59. 59. In 40 days, you were unconscious. They kept you in coma. Yeah. I guess I guess because mostly because I was fighting
Starting point is 00:24:07 well I was fighting the vent and I was really agitated they said and then how long ago was that August 2021 to October 2021 okay that sound came back yeah can you turn that whatever that is off
Starting point is 00:24:23 what it does is it damages your voice makes your voice funny i always like when they're in the gym i thought about setting one of these up in the gym a what like microphone and a spot to podcast oh hey get more convenient sometimes for me hey you could do that especially if you got a mic that was super-duper directional to where you couldn't hear shit past here. I mean, they have those. I think – can you hear me now? When I go back here, does my voice go way down? It sounds far away.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Yeah, it goes way down. Yeah. There's a real nice – like if I got a real nice one, like you said, a directional one and set it up there, you wouldn't be able to hear it. I'm in an office too, so the door would be shut in the office plus the directional mic plus you probably wouldn't hear too much of it but you definitely catch some background noise of like barbells dropping every now and then and like the coach yelling which might be cool it would be if you could see it it would probably be fine because then people's brain would register it's the problem when you don't see it and then you hear the sound like if we saw a fan swinging back and forth behind them and that sound was happening it
Starting point is 00:25:27 would probably be okay we'll have to try one time i'll set up i'll do a little setup at the gym no plan b flag yeah there you go the no plan b thing everybody always just relates that to abortion right away i never like think about it that way that i'm like wearing it and somebody will mention something about it maybe we could put no plan b or c with all alphabets hey suza what do you what do you think the record is um for most i may have to answer this question here i'm gonna ask this question then we'll and then we'll answer it when we when philip goes but what do you think the most people anyone has ever had sex with in a gym like like what's the most people like what like whether it's an instructor
Starting point is 00:26:16 like do you think that there's some guy who's a member at a gym who's had sex with like five different girls there and in his tenure there or 10. Yeah, for sure. Okay. What do you know? Recently there was that women at that police department. I think she became kind of famous. She slept with a bunch of the.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Like everybody on her ships. There's gotta be some crazy stories. Okay. So Phillip, so 40 days in coma, 59 days in the hospital. And then, and then how long ago was that? It was October – August to October of 2021. Oh, okay. And so basically we're – this August will be two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And then when did you start the TRT? Well, actually, this weekend is the end of my eighth week. Oh, no shit. Congratulations. How's that going? It's going good. It's going good. I actually, I made a list of.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I don't know if I believe you. You went like there was something wrong. I've been sick. Oh, good. Okay. Okay. Okay. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I've been sick well you know just a couple little like miss like taps on uh getting more like uh syringes and needles but we got it figured out yeah you know i spoke to gary roberts and his pharmacy gave him the wrong shit i was glad to hear it was his pharmacy and not california hormones yeah his pharmacy gave him the wrong stuff. Well, so let me just, I'll clarify too, because I've, I've spoken a lot with Amanda over at California hormones.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Okay. And you know, they, they send in the orders to the prescription to the pharmacy. And so then California hormones can only do so much. The pharmacy is the one who then has to like do their part. Right. So I understand that,
Starting point is 00:28:07 uh, you know, the ball can be dropped there. So no big deal. I, like I told Amanda, I said, we live in California,
Starting point is 00:28:13 so I can go get needles anywhere. Right. So that's not a problem. Head down to the city. Uh, one quick, one quick thing real quick. Uh,
Starting point is 00:28:22 I had sex with nine ladies, uh, from my gym. Okay, hold on. We'll come back to that in 15 minutes. And then someone else, there was another one. What happened to Hiller Fit? Nothing happened to Hiller Fit.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I called him last night and asked him if he wanted to do a show. I gave him 20 minutes notice, and he said no. He only gets 20 minutes notice. No, there's no. I'm just trying to do as much shows as I can. I should have done this one with Phillip a month ago. I'm just behind the ball. Nothing. I love Hiller. That was my fault last time. I didn't send Phillip done this one with Philip a month ago. I'm just behind the ball. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I love Hiller. That was my fault last time. I didn't send Philip that link. We were supposed to see. We're halfway through the show. Okay. Okay. So eight weeks is coming up.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Today? Well, yeah. This is eight weeks. I'll take my ninth week. I'll take my first injection on Tuesday, this coming Tuesday. I thought California Hormones shipped everything in a box. So what happened was is they do, and they launched that, and then there were some issues with it because for legal reasons, I don't know the specifics, but it had to come from
Starting point is 00:29:15 a certain kind of warehouse, and it wasn't coming from that warehouse. So they had to put that on pause, and they're refiguring that out. So now it's back to the old way is that correct philip as far as i know i haven't received one of those boxes but okay it's not a big deal you're just drawing it yourself out of the out of the bottle yeah that almost seems fun you know at first i've never done heroin but i did you know start to feel like wow this is i feel like I've seen this in a movie, but. Yeah. Do you, you should, do you ever put the, um, the rubber thing? I was thinking about starting a show like that one day where I put the rubber thing around my arm and like, I'm holding it in my mouth and I'm like shooting.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Oh, bam. We're live. You can make CEO slash California hormones bands that you could give people oh wow do you do that do you put it like a little uh uh wrap no your veins are good i inject it in my butt it's a you put it in a muscle you're not putting it in a vein oh if you want to inject something into a vein then you need a tourniquet to like make the vein more pronounced yeah you can inject it or like start an iv or something like that if you and if you if you crossfit you the phlebotomist doesn't even really need that band they can see the veins in our arms that's true that was the same thing the person played taking the blood when i was in newport last time said it's like oh i love the
Starting point is 00:30:39 crossfitters they're already they're ready to rock they're all they need you you gave yourself away with that because when i went down there to have my blood done, Amanda asked me, do you need anything? And I was like, what would I need? And she started laughing and said to the girl who was going to draw my blood, she goes, well, sometimes you tough guys, you guys come in here and she goes, you guys get lightheaded, you pass out and all this stuff. Well, tough guy, he already wasn't referring
Starting point is 00:31:06 to me so that's who's fucked it up for all the crossfitters now they all think that we all faint hey all i hear is all the ladies in newport remember me so i don't know what the issue is you motherfuckers weren't memorable true okay so when she told me that plus by then like how many how many needles and stuff have i had in me now after being through what i after going through what i went through the hospital i'm like go ahead true true uh so so eight weeks uh what's what's what are the biggest things you notice uh well i don't want to just say more energy because that i feel like you guys already get that but so for my situation i I will tell you that I'm looking down at my list here. One of the things that I was
Starting point is 00:31:52 symptoms that I have been having ever since then after coming home are every now and then throughout the day or multiple times throughout the day, I would get like this wave of dizziness just hit me. And so I just would have to stop. And just like, sometimes I would just put my hand on like the counter or the desk by me and then just chill for a second and then keep going with what I was doing. But that's that's since gone away. I was I was tired midday most days and felt like I needed naps and that I haven't felt that way. And, and that was not something that I don't think that was like, like a conscious thing. You know, I don't want it to seem like, oh, because I know that I'm taking TRT. Now I don't need those things.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I'm just living my life regular and noticed after the fact, oh, wow, I haven't been needing to like take a break throughout the day, you know? Also, I shave my head all the time. And so my head is, my hair is growing really fast, faster, which I think, I think Hiller mentioned maybe. Yeah, he did. Yeah. So shaving my head all the time is not a big deal. I already do that. But if you have a beard guys, and you're trying to like maintain it, go with this fast as it's growing now. I mean, it's like, I'm, I feel like I'm in a barber shop in my house all the time. Just trying to keep up, just trying to, that's what it's like being Armenian. I have to, I basically shave every day. So I'm shaving. I do have to do something every
Starting point is 00:33:24 day. And I don't know, I'll probably have to get extra shave every day so i'm shaving i do have to do something every day and i don't know i'll probably have to get extra large shirts i probably ordered too small of a shirt when i ordered this large but so you are getting bigger are you getting stronger yeah for sure um i haven't i haven't been i haven't tried heavy lifts yet um not even chill heavy lifts like like uh like maybe like a couple reps deadlift or a bench press or maybe like a weighted pull-up if you try to do those i did uh i went with my wife to an affiliate about a month ago um and uh they were deadlifting and at first like in my head i was like oh man i haven't deadlifted in a year and a half.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And everybody there, they know that I'm like everybody there knows that I'm a CrossFit trainer, but they don't necessarily know that I'm in like recovery. So I have this little bit of ego thing going on in my head. Like these people are going to like be checking me out to see how much I can deadlift. But we were they were doing I forget what it was, you know, maybe you were doing like three sets of five, then five sets of three. But, uh, I got up to, I think two 35 or two 45. And I, that surprised myself because deadlift hasn't ever been a strong lift for me anyways. So in my mind, for me to be able to go that heavy,
Starting point is 00:34:46 and I was doing that for reps. Were you sore? You know what was sore? My upper back. My upper back's always sore after I deadlift because I'm trying to keep my shoulder blades retracted. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I don't want my shoulders to pull forward. So that's the only thing that was sore, and that's always been that way when I would deadlift. Yeah, that's awesome, dude that was sore and that's always been that way when i would deadlift yeah that's awesome dude yeah that that is awesome and you've been a year and a half since you fooled around deadlift yeah he's well yeah for sure yeah most of my workouts like i know you ride the bike a lot in your garage yeah uh the majority of my workouts all this training i've just been using dumbbells so alternating dumbbell snatches dumbbell uh you know hating cleaning jerks in my workouts oh because i knew that i was going to be coming on here the last time was around the time when
Starting point is 00:35:42 hiller was posting his angie time and his score and i think he was i think you guys talked about it so i did angie so i could give you like a number of something right and so what i did was as soon as i started tell me what angie is again that's the thrusters pull-ups row row no it's a hundred pull-ups a hundred sit-ups a hundred oh okay push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups and air squats too. Right, right, right. Which one am I thinking? What's the one where it's the row, thrust, or pull-up one? Jackie.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Jackie, okay. Oh, Jackie. That's a good workout. Okay. That's a great workout, yeah. Okay, so Angie, sorry. Anyways, yeah, so I said, okay, well, I'm going to do a benchmark workout so I can give you like a number or something or just wherever I just to give you an idea of where
Starting point is 00:36:29 I'm at now. And I surprised myself because, well, as with most of my workouts, whether I write it for myself or if it's a benchmark workout, I, I scale a lot of things, not necessarily the weight that I write out for myself before i start but um i may end up modifying things as soon as the workout starts and i'm in i'm like okay i already know i need to change these things in my head and i do so yeah exactly jeremy uh so as soon as i started angie well i went into that thinking okay i'm gonna do my pull-ups in sets of five and uh hey dude just the fact that you would attempt that workout 400 reps of of pretty significant body weight movements is pretty crazy to the average person right i guess well or just anyone who's been through what you've been through
Starting point is 00:37:21 yeah yeah definitely the average person 100 pull-ups could probably kill most people yeah what's the statistic on how many people have gone through something like you have and then they're like a year later like i'm new my 100 pull-ups like it's like it's gotta be so few people you and maybe one other person they're not i know i know my my doctor told me that i'm still early in my recovery and i need to not get frustrated with things so So I guess, you know, I guess he's right. But so I did,
Starting point is 00:37:47 I went into that workout and I already knew I can't go through it all the way straight through like pre getting sick. I would have done the workout that way, but I said, I, there's no way I'll be able to get through that in a reasonable amount of time. And I don't want to be out here working out for 45 minutes. So i did was i did 10 rounds of 10 of each movement cool and uh for me i already
Starting point is 00:38:13 knew for those movements in the workout i knew the pull-ups were going to gas me the most sit-ups you're on the ground push-ups you know and then the air squat so it was the pull-ups is what gassed me at the beginning of each round but i i still was able to just like i mean i felt like i was cooking through that workout and so i finished in 23 38 wow dude holy shit so what i did was and i was able to sustain this i would do five butterfly pull-ups come down off the bar then i would do five kipping pull-ups and it was intention i did it intentionally that way yeah because i want to work on both uh i just need to i need to add more of that into my training so it worked out perfect actually does your doctor crossfit that's a great question no no were you sore from that workout not really no shit see that's weird i mean i move every day i do two little workouts
Starting point is 00:39:09 every single day and if i did that workout i would still be sore i would for sure be sore from that uh probably the sit-ups and the pull-ups would make me sore my lats and my stomach would be sore for sure for sure you know i kind of feel like i can't do 100 pull-ups without getting sore ever actually now that i think about it i don't even toes to bar if i do toes to bar my lats will get sore yeah well i do a lot of pull-ups i do a lot of pull-ups too but 100 pull-ups is crazy maybe not though for you're breaking it up like that in those sets so breaking up the movement 23 38 dude i i mean i was cooking i was pushing myself and yeah did you ever have to break up the push-ups were you able to do all the push-ups unbroken
Starting point is 00:39:51 no i have to break those up push-ups i did those in sets of five also okay but i have to break those up push-ups will i i will fail out if i do huge sets of those so the sit-ups and the squats were like just nothing the squats were a little bit more like okay you just got to push through these right because they can start to get uh tiring but i just i felt like that was more mental and i just told myself these are just air squats you can do this you know did you want to try that if you weren't trying to do that the pull-ups were what were really gas to me so i was like i gotta get through this so i can get back to the shitty part and get through that again i know right bruce that's nuts hey um do you think you would have tried that if you weren't um doing the california hormones the trt replacement i would have tried
Starting point is 00:40:38 it anyway i did cindy a year ago oh okay my score was like six rounds in 20 minutes yeah yeah okay so actually hey i'd love to see you do cindy i'd love to see you do 20 rounds of cindy now and see and see what just who cares about the time domain just do the rounds and see how many how fast you could do 20 rounds i bet you if you gamed, you could get really close to 20 minutes. I could get close. Probably. Um, I bet you, I bet you, if you don't get close, you're going to be like at 19 rounds at 19 minutes. And that last round is unfortunately going to take you like three minutes or something weird is going to happen. You know what I mean? Now that happens, you're like, I'm going to get it. Yeah. And then you get stopped on something. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I'd rather not know how much time is left because that gets into my head too.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I was going to do Cindy again this week. I marked it on my calendar a year ago when I did it and told myself, you're going to do it again in a year. And obviously I knew I would get further than six rounds, but still I just wanted to do it again a year later. get further than six rounds, but still, I just wanted to do it again a year later. So with me getting sick this week, I was like, I just don't feel I'm at like a hundred percent. And I want to be able to have my energy, like, and just not have like this headache when I go to do that workout. So yeah. How about boners? How about erections? What about them? Are they different? Are they different? I don don't i don't notice that they're different like i was thinking about this yesterday i don't notice that they're different like hiller
Starting point is 00:42:09 mentioned necessarily but okay uh i think he's on a little bit higher dose of uh testosterone okay yeah i'm sure he is like seven times the amount probably probably have you put on any weight or lost any weight my guess is that i have put on some weight because like my like i said like my i usually wear a large shirt but now i'm starting to feel like is this large a little too snug and maybe i need to get into an xl but your body composition changing at all? That I don't really know necessarily. Okay. Do you think you would know? Because Gary acts like it's not affecting him and it's 100% affecting him.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's like, he's like, it's not affecting me at all. I can't wait to work out three times a day. I'm so fucking excited. I want to bone all the time. Oh my, like, I mean, you know, like Gary's like, it's clearly affected Gary. And he's like, I want more. I agree with that. But you know, when you see yourself every day, you don't notice things that other people do. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And so I'm only eight weeks in now, so, yeah, Trish. So the magic of testosterone is the recovery, not the performance. Are you working out every day? Yeah, maybe one rest day a week but i try not to because i i like to do something i like to move every single day i gotta do something if i don't man if i go two days and i can't get a workout in i'll start to get grumpy i don't know if anybody else is like that yeah that's how I get too hell yeah so like this week even with me feeling sick
Starting point is 00:43:50 when the sun was out and it wasn't raining I would throw on my weighted vest and go for a walk at least outside just to do something has anyone said anything different about you has your wife said anything like hey just to do something. Has anyone said anything different about you?
Starting point is 00:44:09 Has your wife said anything like, hey, your penis is as thick as a Coke can or you get angry, you're getting angry. You're now hitting the kids with a closed hand. You used to only hit them with an open hand. No, no, she hasn't it's and and who gives you the injection i do i asked her if she wanted to do it one time and she's not really good with needles and i hear that she wasn't uh she wasn't like excited i said it's okay you don't have to do it i'll do it hey can she pop pop pimples on your back and zits?
Starting point is 00:44:47 Is she good at that? She loves that shit. Oh, my wife sucks at that. It's almost like I didn't get a real woman. Sometimes I wonder if she's a robot. I'm like, hey, can you pop? I know I got something there. Can you get it?
Starting point is 00:44:57 And she. Get it yourself. Yeah. No, she won't. My wife wants to be able to do it. She just doesn't. She wasn't like gifted that skill that every other woman has getting blackheads. My wife just doesn't have it.
Starting point is 00:45:10 I don't know. So I, I've told him there's been a few times in the past where my wife is maybe getting one on my back and I'm letting her, I'm like, all right. And I'm trying to breathe through it, but I feel like she's taking her time on purpose.
Starting point is 00:45:21 She enjoys it. They love it. It's so bad. I tell her like, I'm going to sock you. if you like speed this shit up i'm gonna turn around and deck you you got it i love doing that shit personally i love a good blackhead that's got like a hair attached to it or something oh it's like that's like gross me out hillary's like that too we're sitting behind somebody one time and he's like you see that and i'm like what he's like you see that see that pimple on
Starting point is 00:45:47 that guy's neck i just want to pop it i was like oh fuck oh my god oh man okay i have to tell you one thing before before we do get off those simon because okay please when i was on before we we did we veered off into another direction then we ran out of time okay but that never happens on this show i'm sorry probably suze's fault i know but i feel like in order for for this uh like friendship to to continue i have to tell you this and so when after i came home and uh was in my recovery and everything you already know what i'm going to say, right? No, I'm scared. You had dreams about my wife? No, no.
Starting point is 00:46:28 You're going to shift her out and get a little. While I was sick. Okay. And even once I was awake and then after I got transferred to rehab and while I was sick, those doctors and those doctors, while I was sick, let's say even in ICU, were giving my wife the hardest time because we weren't vaccinated. Oh, okay. Which is a pretty shitty time to give my wife any discussion about it
Starting point is 00:46:52 when I'm on a ventilator and unconscious, right? Yeah. I mean, I wasn't supposed to get out of the hospital. And so. I forgive you, my son. I forgive you. I know. So we get home and obviously my wife is super traumatized from what she went through while I was sick.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I mean, basically, because nobody could go and see me. And then she's trying to raise our kids and keep everyday life as regular as possible for them, getting them to school, telling them, yes, daddy's sick, but he's doing good or whatever it was, just trying to keep things regular for them, keep them in their routines, like with my son going to baseball practices and stuff like that. How old is he, Phillip? He is 10 now. Yeah. Crazy traumatic for your kids. Crazy traumatic. Yeah. My daughter was five at the time and so in her mind
Starting point is 00:47:46 she it really was just like oh yeah daddy was sick or whatever no big deal but my it did affect my son uh i just recently found out that there was days when my my in-laws would would be taking him to school and then he would just start crying saying i want my daddy yeah and uh and so i was like like that hurts to hear obviously but so uh long story short i've been home probably a couple months and the whole time my wife kept bringing up like the vaccine discussion and i told her i said if you want to get it yeah it's a personal choice so if you want to get it right i'm sure, dude, I'm sure they vaccinated you when you were unconscious. I hate to say it. I'm sure they did.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Isn't that illegal? Well, Paul was here, and they vaccinated him when he was unconscious. The other guy who was in coma. Oh, fuck. Well, I mean, you know, I wouldn't. I'm sure they did. Don't you think they did? You're asking me? Yeah. yeah i mean anything's possible if they give me remdesivir without my wife's knowledge
Starting point is 00:48:52 yeah they did that and they did that yeah i don't know what really like the protocol is for something like that if if the paramedics come and pick me up at my house because I'm unconscious and my oxygen is in the 50s, so they rush me to the hospital, then are the doctors just and obviously they were using remdesivir on people or they're just like, OK, just immediately just start this, this, this, this, this, this. You know, that's what I picture in my my head get him get him intubated right away start these things and remdesivir is just part of the cocktail right uh so i you know maybe maybe somebody did do that but you know with the way kaiser's set up i mean and i imagine most hospitals are this way nowadays everything that they give you is it's the bottle scanned. Everything is scanned. It's put on the computer.
Starting point is 00:49:49 They scan your bracelet. It's all like it seems to me like it would be hard for somebody to sneak something extra here. If they're going to they're going to administer anything to you, they're going to have it documented. So if you I'm guessing you probably have all your medical records. If you just look through it, you can see if something was administered. Yeah, there's there's like a very significantly unlikely chance that anybody anything would have been like sneakily administered to somebody without it being documented. So if it's not if it's not documented in your medical records, then you're probably good. your medical records and you're probably good okay i apologize for interrupting your story so your wife is concerned so she ended up going and getting vaccinated and i i don't have a problem with that right i mean it's it is what it is of course we're seeing all of these things come out
Starting point is 00:50:33 now like side effects and things which were bound to happen and uh so she got it and then she was starting to i'm gonna say pressure me but i don't want her to like feel whatever she's gonna feel i'm just gonna feel but there was pressure there right and after everything that i'd gone through i just and she's obviously going dealing with her like ptsd i mean if i cough she's like are you okay i'm like i'm fine and she's not she's not like a hypochondriac or anything she shouldn't want to lose her husband. She didn't want to lose her husband. And so she's just like, she, she, she kept like just bringing it up.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Have you thought about it? And I just, you know, when your wife keeps bringing something up and you're like, I'm not sure how many different ways I have to tell you. No. Yeah. How are we going to pay the mortgage? I don't know. It just got to the point where I was like i'm just gonna get the fucking
Starting point is 00:51:26 thing so that i can get her off my back yeah i'm tired of talking about it yeah and so i and she's like she said i don't know what it's gonna do she's like yeah you already have antibodies you were sick that makes sense to me she's like i don't know if you i think the doctors got into her head a little bit too sure and she's, if, if you were to get really sick again, if the vaccine is something that's going to give you an additional layer of a fighting chance, why would, why not just get it? And I said, I'll just go get it and we can be done talking about it. So I got the vaccine and I got the,
Starting point is 00:51:59 how long ago was this? It was, it wasuary of last year hey um i have friends who don't know that i know that they're vaccinated and their story is exactly the same like dozens of friends whose wives and in-laws like shitloads that that's the way they ended up getting the vaccine your exact story yeah and so my thing is even almost even more so is that uh do you have any side effects from the vaccine i don't know maybe me being dizzy is from getting the vaccine oh right right how would you know right so yeah you know i want to be transparent in these things oh i'm so glad you are dude you're the best and even with that being said like like, I'm still not like I. I got the dumb thing and I still look, I'm even without that, I'm not afraid to go out and be around people.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I don't think there is enough known about these vaccines for them to be pushed on the people the way that they are. Right. And so I still feel the same way about things as I always did for the most part. And it's unfortunate to me, in my opinion, that there's not more people willing to say, you know what, maybe we were wrong about this. Right, right. But I hope I'm wrong about it. I don't know. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that because the majority of people did get the injection, I hope that the injection was the way to go.
Starting point is 00:53:28 I really, really, but from the bottom of my gigantic, enormous heart, I hope that everything that I suspect about the vaccine is wrong. God, that would be so awesome. I would be so happy. awesome i would be so happy the problem is is that those people who are involved in the making of it have been made us so suspicious of them it's so disingenuous everything they say we saw i mean that guy offering french fries and hamburgers yeah i mean oh my god crazy ah crazy anyway well nobody bats an eye at it too no yeah no one no one like i was just saying there's a whole school district the berkeley unified school district is supporting black lives matter this month it's like the one of the most corrupt organizations that we've seen come in the last fucking five years and all it's doing is fucking abusing berkeley yeah and all it's
Starting point is 00:54:24 doing is abusing black people. I mean, it is at the core of so many black men being killed in the last two years at the core of it, a 34% increase on black on black crime since that whole BLM defund the police movement started. I mean, it's like it's fucking genocide on fucking black people.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And it's in, and yet the Berkeley unified school district is supporting it with the notion and the premise that it's supposed to be helping black people and let me tell you berkeley's like one of the whitest uh communities like you could ever be in it is it's it's so i mean that was one of those it was that's one of those communities by the way where i would walk around outside during the mask era and like a lady rode by me and my kids and yelled at her kids don't go near them because my kids weren't masked this is like outside in a park i don't i'm not a fan of berkeley it smells there oh it's crazy dude i i didn't i hey but it's really nice i'm telling you what's crazy is that
Starting point is 00:55:18 geographically it's one of the nicest places on earth you can grow anything that it's yeah well anyway mr rhodes hi love you buddy uh have you seen that have you seen that hey do you have do you have buyer's remorse do you ever get scared like listening to this show and there's like jesus someone like i god i hope that doesn't happen no no i see stuff i mean i see stuff too. It's just, I don't know. I, I, maybe I just like to try to like think positively and think, well, I already like had the brush with death and, uh, you know, I bet you half the listeners of the show are vaccinated. I bet you more, more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I think it's 69% of the United States. I saw. Yeah. Just statistically speaking, if we have 200 people watching, just do the math on it. You're going to have that same statistic right here. Hey, if something did happen to you, though, imagine how horrible your wife would feel from the vaccine. Yeah, maybe. But her and I have talked about it, and she knows it. I'm not a pushover, and she knows that I'm not going to do anything.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I'm if I, if I was like just super dead set, but I also do. Right. Good point. Well, you did say you took it to get her off your back. I did. I did. But it was more so like to give her some peace, additional peace of mind. What if she wanted to put a strap on, on, would you, would you, would you acquiesce?
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm so glad I didn't tell my parents to watch this because i've told that story of that girl who begged her boyfriend to take it with the strap on and then uh then he liked it and then she hated him for liking it and she left him that's the condensed version she lost all respect for him that's a setup yeah it's kind of uh uh uh black harvard girl white boyfriend begged him to take it in the dumper he eventually after a couple years acquiesced he started wanting it she said i'm out she's not respectful okay i was gonna say though because you mentioned the berkeley you said that's a school district that's doing that yeah bb berkeley unified school district i'm sure
Starting point is 00:57:29 there's tons of school districts in california that are supporting black lives matter it's it's we live in crazy town banana pants here i know i do have the school parent who's trying to this this parent who's trying to talk to me about my kid claiming he's racist but hey dude are your kids vaccinated i know it's none of my business but hell no so so i have a really close friend of mine probably listening to the show right now who got his fucking kids vaccinated so that they could go to college after he had been adamantly against them getting vaccinated and then his kids and his wife pressured him to get vaccinated and he got vaccinated because the kids got vaccinated. That shit makes now we're getting into fucking just crazy, Bill.
Starting point is 00:58:13 I don't even want my kids to go to college. Yeah, me neither. But I was going to say, have you seen the documentary? The what is it? The greatest lie ever sold. The one that Candace Owens made about? No, I haven't. But I have seen the preview for it. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:58:31 You got to see it. And people who don't like Candace Owens, who I don't think really have actually listened to or paid attention to some of the things that she does. She comes a little strong. She's got a lot of venom in her. I like her, but she's not my cup of tea. She reminds me of like old school Trump or old school Fox news yeah but i like my she's like yeah but i mean she in that in that documentary she goes around and she interviews she goes and interviews george floyd's roommates and they haven't seen a penny from black lives matter oh yeah oh george
Starting point is 00:59:00 floyd is the world's what a lack of contribution he gave to society. The thing about it is like I support Black Lives. I don't support that organization of Black Lives Matter because so far, as far as I can tell, they're not doing anything to give back to the community with all of the funds that they've been raising. No, they're just trying to profit off other people. Dude, worse than that, they're demanding that people with colored skin fucking play the victim. That's what they're – that's all – I don't give a fuck what they do with the money, actually. I don't care what they do. They're just demanding that people with colored skin play the victim. And, hey, like those two dudes we had on the show two days ago, Alex Caceres and –
Starting point is 00:59:39 Darian Weeks. And Darian Weeks. Like, those are UFC fighters, and they'll fucking tell you, hey, listen, bitches, no one's coming to save you. Like, fucking tell you hey listen bitches no one's coming to save you yeah this is bullshit yeah no one's coming to save you i really don't care if what they do with the money to be honest i like i of course they're corrupt but but but i would be okay with them stealing the money if they would just be honest it's the same with fucking lebron i don't want to have an opinion about him but like i saw this thing people celebrating he broke some basketball hoop record and like in my mind he's just a guy that sells sugar water to little black kids and white kids he's a scumbag yeah he's not and i would be okay with that
Starting point is 01:00:16 if he were honest about it and on the other side he had some fucking balance where he's like hey listen all black people stop worrying about fucking all the fucking white racists there's no end game there just do your best like if he said that i'd be like you're absolved of your sins my son but he but he's not he just wants everyone to play the victim as he sits in his ivory tower they have to because in that they could keep that narrative going they could keep people attached to that story. The only people who play the victim roles who ascend are politicians. None of us can play that role and ascend. I can't do it.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I can't do victim mentality. I have like no patience for it at all. Why is Joe Rogan's podcast bigger than mine? Like if I was sitting on my couch crying that I got so sick from COVID. I have like no patience for it at all. Why is Joe Rogan's podcast bigger than mine? Yeah. Like if I was sitting on my couch crying that I got so sick from COVID, like, I did feel sorry for myself when I got a strike. I wouldn't,
Starting point is 01:01:13 when YouTube, when YouTube comes after me, I did feel sorry for myself for a minute. I feel sorry for us when we have all this fucking awesome content, nobody clipping it. That's what I feel bad. bad i would i don't know how to clip it oh quit with your fucking excuses philip yeah i don't know oh oh heidi pop that pimple on my back please heidi you know what i'll say because i see how he's commenting. What I like about you, Sevan, is you – I feel like there's nothing that anybody could say to you, like for the most part.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Somebody can try to say something mean to you, like even to your face, and it just doesn't even faze you. It just is like you don't even know they were trying to like – Well, I do have a bit of ignorance is bliss going. That's for sure. I do. Yeah. Well, I do have a bit of ignorance is bliss going. That's for sure.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I do. Yeah. Sometimes I'm watching, and people don't really do that to you, but I'm like, if somebody in the comments says something, you don't even realize that they're trying to be a dickhead to you sometimes. Yeah. And I'm like, wow, I wish I was like that. Mike Halpin posted something on his Instagram the other day that was kind of ripping on me, and I reposted it, and I didn't know until later that someone said, hey, dude, he's ripping on you. It's better, though, because you don't allow anybody to have that control over you. So it's good.
Starting point is 01:02:31 I admire you. Thank you. Thank you. I just want more money. I just need more. I just want more money. That's it. I have enough friends. I just want more money.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I just want to keep selling the truth. Did you take the facts? 44% yes, 56% no. Yeah. friends i just want more money i just want to i just want to keep selling the truth uh did you take the facts 44 yes 56 no yeah and here i probably believe those numbers too uh from people who watch the show and the show fucking alienates people because i'm such a dickhead about it like if you did take the vaccine why would you want to watch this show so you can be reminded every day of the people who are dying from it i mean i don't think it's such you're a dickhead about it but people just don't want to i don't know people aren't willing to just say yeah i think i was wrong about that like just say it who cares it's okay to admit you're wrong right
Starting point is 01:03:14 uh what should i ask bill and katie for omar dear bill and katie hey i oh anyway is it and anyway we should do a whole show on people. We need to get someone on, like, if there's some like protocol, um, like you have to rub, like you could rub some clay on yourself or something that helps extract whatever was in the vaccine. No, they'll just come out with another vaccine. Yeah, exactly. Hey, I, I, I'm hearing that the I'm hearing that they're putting it in food somehow
Starting point is 01:03:47 and that basically it's going to get to everyone anyway. That the Chinese have figured out a way to put it in eggs. That's why our eggs are so expensive. Because they're vaccinated eggs? Yeah. Well, Philip, thank you, buddy. We'll talk to you in four four more weeks thanks for all the transparency the man i love you i'm glad yeah i'm glad our paths have crossed hey you're you're
Starting point is 01:04:11 close to me you're in fairfield vacaville vacaville okay all right i'm sure i'm sure our paths will cross sooner or later yeah you passed me in tahoe i'm sure it was oh yeah that's uh yeah i can't uh I can't remember. Greg was driving and I was just like, just in a chatterbox in the car. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's the way that you would go by 80. We went to Truckeeside.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah. Yeah. We went through Auburn and then, and then where it splits off to Reno, we went to Reno way, not the South Lake shore. Okay. So you didn't take 50. Yeah. No 50. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Hey. And when it gets sunny, maybe you can come down here with your family. We can hang out. Yeah, for sure. Just weather. I only like the rain if I'm in Hawaii, guys. Dude, how much rain has it been here? It's raining again here. I'm fucking tripping.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I hate it. I like the sun. I like it hot and I like it sunny. It's coming. I hate it. I like the sun. I like it hot and I like it sunny. It's coming. It's coming. Yeah. All right, guys. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Have a good day. All right. Thanks, man. Peace out. See you, Phillip. He's chill. He makes me feel like I'm on meth. He's so chill.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I was trying to find. I'm kind of happy i missed most of the shows last week should keep me entertained for the long drive today that's how i feel about like when i haven't seen a good movie i always know like okay that's a good movie i can watch okay uh david weed says he slept with nine girls at his gym you think that's true nine yes yeah there's another guy who said his body count six in his gym was six someone else in the comment the other two i think it was jay hardell said six so that means david like has a nice body right well there's just a lot of uh tension at the gym sometimes but i have a story we won't go too far into detail do you see before you tell me the story do you see the tension do you see it like like like like um yeah it's people moving their bodies wearing half half dressed they're dressed in small tight things and chemicals that we can't see just pouring off of people
Starting point is 01:06:23 and they see each other you know know, three times, four times, five times a week. And yeah. And, uh, and do you see it like, like a guy walks in and it's his first day or a girl walks in its first day and like you're standing back and you're like, okay, no, did you need, do you need a, how does, what's his face say it all this time status status in the gym so if you got a little status and you're the coach and you're leading the class it already gives you like that leg up you know what i mean so then you oh so
Starting point is 01:06:55 you're saying that people want to bang the coaches because they're the ones up in the front of the class and the coaches have an easier time banging the people that they're teaching wow for sure and it i would say it mostly skews young people. I need to do it. So you're saying if we did a live podcast, there would be people in the audience I could bang? Yeah. If we had a live studio audience.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Yeah, yeah. And by the way, our poll, now that it's gaining more traction with 60 votes, we have 52% yes, 48% no. Yeah, okay. So just like we were talking about with the number of viewers, just the math on the people that took it, it checks out. Sexual clout.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Someone said, Kenneth, the lab called it sexual clout. There you go. And I think it obviously depends at the age in which the trainer and the people who they're going after are, because the younger you are in your 20s the more likely i feel like that is to have happened we used to make a joke at the gym that cfl stood for like come find love because we've had so many members come in meet each other at that gym and then um marry each other and shit say that again go back to what you were saying before the younger
Starting point is 01:08:03 the coach the more likely that they're banging the staff. Yeah, I think if you're in your early 20s and you're coaching their part-time and maybe you have another job, you're basically using it as like your fishing pond. For sure, dude. Because if you're really serious about... Wow, even Caleb agrees. Yeah, if you're serious about making it a career, you probably
Starting point is 01:08:20 don't want to start out by banging all the people that you're training. And the reason why is eventually that's going to end or they're going to start out by banging all the people that you're training. And the reason why is eventually that's going to end or they're going to find out about each other and you're going to end up losing members and that's going to become the reputation, right? So a while back when I was, I'm trying to say this with avoiding any incriminating details, but I was talking to a gym owner of a gym. This was probably about nine, 10 years ago. So he goes, yeah, he goes, well, and he gets real quiet and he calls us in his office and he's referring to the trainer.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Were you a coach there? No, no, no. We were coming in as prospective buyers. Oh, okay. And the guy who owns it at the time brings us into into this uh into the office and he kind of like lowers his voice and he looks around and he goes hey and just as a heads up the chance of one of these uh husbands rolling up during mid-class and is beating that trainer's ass is pretty high because he's banging like half the married women that go here oh shit it was like so much so that it was like even he was like it was like a fair like warning like hey if somebody i'm selling you a gym that there could be violence in i'm selling yeah if this happens i just want you to know out ahead
Starting point is 01:09:34 where do you where do you where do you bang a holy fuck where do you bang a client well i mean that's just where the interaction starts and then it's like hey we're going out for a girl's night downtown it's like oh yeah well the trainer from the crossfit class gonna be there and then things just escalate you just take him to your car i mean or the gym or maybe even if you're lucky do you live out outside of your parents basement a house yeah but not if they're married. I mean, they're banging inside the gym. I mean, maybe they were.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I don't know. That's some crazy shit. Yeah. Car, probably. Bathroom. Car. Bathroom. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Heidi's got, don't get your honey where you make your money yeah well that's going to come down to the culture of the gym right like the younger so if you're a gym owner and a lot of your coaches are in their early 20s and they're all hanging out with each other and they're drinking on the weekends with each other and shit like that all of these issues are for sure going to happen all affiliates have an unofficial bang program even at the empire huh i don't know what that's like oh at the mayhem empire seven we're not homeless or 16 we're not banging in cars anymore i just don't i just i just i'm just so naive i don't get hey and don't be and everything's documented these days too right so like
Starting point is 01:11:13 it's like all you have to do is like pick up your boyfriend's phone and look at his text or your girlfriend's phone look at her text and you're hosed oh yeah for sure but going back to what i said before is like that creates a bunch of situations. Have you ever lost gym members? Have you ever – where a girl just stops coming because she banged some dude or a dude stops coming because like – Yeah, for sure. They just don't want to see the person anymore, so they stop coming. Well, if it's a trainer and all of a sudden – and like the deal that we have at the gym, like I know some gyms will have policies.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Like if you're a trainer, you can't date any of the clients and all as i hear that as is please keep it a secret from everybody to make it weird because you're not going to stop that shit right like how about this uh we had two members go that were having an affair because we didn't want that in our in our gym oh meaning meaning there was oh that was like the um that was like the CEO at CrossFit. He was married, and his mistress was married. That was the chick that he brought in that ended up replacing me. They were both married, but they were both fucking each other. Hey, and you know what's weird is at the time, I didn't think that that was a bad thing.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Like when I first met them. Like they were on an even playing field or just that like who cares mind your own business let people fuck other people but it but it but it's also like um there's a letting people smoke in the bathroom component to it because then it downward spiral. Yeah. And yeah, it causes all sorts of distrust and unsettling behavior. Everyone starts questioning, wow, if you'll cheat on your wife, you know, what else won't you do? Yeah, you'll steal the $20 that was left on the floor or whatever. They start to go there.
Starting point is 01:13:02 But I heard this line one time that like your standard in the culture of where you work is what you tolerate. And I'm applying that to where we work. Right. But it could be applied to anywhere. So whatever your standard is in life is what you're tolerating around you. And if you're a owner of the gym and you make a, like I would say before you make a rule, you're like, Hey, you can't date any of the clients that come in here. Well, you're just essentially having it set up to where they're just going to do it behind your back. And then it's going to create this like secret, secretive culture. And at some point you have to lean into that. But if you just don't, I like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:13:38 I don't have any policies or anything like that. But at the same time too, I make a very clear like separation to where a lot of our trainers and the way you don't ask your coaches not to bang the clients. No, I don't, I don't get involved in their lives in that way. If it became an issue, like if it became an issue and like you were there and I knew that you were banging like two or three of the girls, we're having a conversation. I'm pulling you in and I say, Hey, what's the deal? I'm not going to pay you anymore because clearly you're extracting your own value in here and this could become toxic to my gym.
Starting point is 01:14:07 So what's the deal? Do you want to volunteer one class a week or do you want to get back on the straight and narrow with us? And at the same time, like a lot of the people that have dated in there, like meet their spouses and like every, you know, they meet somebody, they go on, it's just a natural progression of their relationship. Not anything bad happening. Uh, my gym owner cheated on her husband with one of our members led to divorce she's still the gym owner now the guy she cheated with is her boyfriend and co-owner all right thank you spencer i know this conversation is great and deserves a dollar 99 from everyone here's the thing too um basically what it does
Starting point is 01:14:44 is because it's such a premium of secrecy allows people to it makes everyone else makes everyone feel uncomfortable or adds to people's uncomfortability because of the line. If it wasn't such a source of lying, then it probably would be OK. For instance, if if the president United States is cheating on his wife, we can't have that because if someone finds out, then they can leverage that to get favors from him because he'd want to protect that getting out to the constituents or his wife. And that's what we're trying to avoid. So, but also, and we've talked about this before on the show, if I, if, if, if Caleb's wife finds out that me and my wife are getting a divorce, then Caleb's wife, it plants the seed in Caleb's wife. Well, you know, Caleb's only a nine out of 10 and I didn't even ever think of divorce as being possible. So maybe it seems to be working out for seven and Haley.
Starting point is 01:15:31 So, you know what I mean? It sets these, you want stable people around you. I don't want to find out that my, my best friend is, well, now that I'm older is cheating on his wife or I don't want my wife to find
Starting point is 01:15:44 out about that and start thinking that I'm cheating on her. It's a weird game. It's a weird game of consciousness. Well, and it also sets the culture at your gym because then you get a bunch of weird, oh, so-and-so can't be around so-and-so. Are they going to come to a different class? Do they haven't showed up in a little bit? Are things really awkward? I will say that I can't speak for all things, but from what I've witnessed in the different jobs that I've had in being an affiliate owner going on my 10th year right now, it all just depends on how you behave at the top. So if you're a gym owner that's allowing that –
Starting point is 01:16:15 Oh, so you think that gym where the owner's banging some of the clients and everyone just starts banging, it becomes the banging? 100% because here's why. They need to create that opportunity, right? How do you create that opportunity? Alcohol. Yeah. Or if I have all we go out, we go drinking, we hang out together. Drama will ensue.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Anytime you mix a group of people and I'm kind of referring to going back to what we're saying earlier, like younger people and you mix, you know, people in their 20s with alcohol and you put a lot of them around in a room together. Eventually, drama will strike. And so if, especially, I know a lot of affiliate owners could speak to this too, that if you just kind of like pull yourself out of that and you, you just become observant of it, you'll watch these groups cycling it out.
Starting point is 01:16:56 And if you're not involved in your trainers, aren't involved or by and large, they aren't. And especially you as an owner are involved. It just kind of happens in the gym, becomes a witness to it. It never becomes the culture of the gym oh i like that yeah i like it because it's fun to talk about i i personally um if i like i don't know i would have a pretty high threshold for the uncomfortability of it all
Starting point is 01:17:22 just for the fact of being able to watch it all play out i the drama and the the narrative is is so fun to me yeah well it just depends on what you're because so like we get a lot of times that people come in here and they're like oh this is such a family environment we have a big kids room a lot of the parents bring their kids in with you we have a youth program the parents are really involved like we're involved with like uh doing donations with like the elementary schools the the middle schools. Right. So that becomes your culture. But a lot of times when you see these gyms that are like, I don't want to blame it on like being like too competition focused, but if you have kind of a different focus placed on your gym and a lot of
Starting point is 01:17:56 it is like, Oh, we're competitive. We work out hard, but we play hard too. We drink on the weekends and we all meet downtown and we do this. Inevitably, you're going to run into a bunch of fucking issues that you're going to have to deal with at the gym. I was coaching. I was a coach dating a member. Now she's my wife. Dollar ninety nine. Spencer Albright. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Hey, Spencer, me too. Oh, oh, really? That was a. Yeah, I wasn't I wasn't a coach at that. I wasn't coaching at the time. But yeah, that's how that's when I met. Hey, I can't think of the time. But yeah, that's how, that's when I met Grace. Hey, I can't think of any better place to meet a mate. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Call her, hi. Hey, Devon, it's Spencer Albright. Hi. Just got that comment in. Oh, hi. Nice to hear your voice. Thanks for the $1.99, Spencer. Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 01:18:42 What's going on, Sousa? Hey, does your wife ever have concerns that like, hey, that's your protocol is to bang the clients and so that you're going to bang another one? No. Oh, good. So funny story, the owner, when we started hanging out, he said, you know, I know you didn't sign a contract or anything, but don't be banging members. And I was like, well, I'm not. I just am dating one. And it's kind of serious. And also at the time, he was dating a girl that he met because she was a member.
Starting point is 01:19:14 So he was kind of being hypocritical with that. I do know couples who will bicker a little bit in front of the clientele. And it's always a little bit weird for the clientele. Bickers too strong of a word, but I'm sensitive to their. Their comms in front of the group. You know, like, like if one of let's say the guy says to the girl, hey, we bring all the wall balls around and she'll be like no why don't you do that and i'll talk to the class and it's like oh and you like sense like uh okay you know what i mean like you sense that there's more there like someone like like someone like there was there was some ego conflict and it's just it's a little it's a
Starting point is 01:19:59 little trippy because you're paying witness to their relationship yeah she was like always you know super i would say most people in the gym wouldn't have even known we were dating and you know i was the coach and she was the athlete while we were in the gym so it was pretty good on that side it was kind of more awkward the owner was the guy that had a little bit more of a public bickering that you're talking about with his girlfriend at the time. Yeah. God,
Starting point is 01:20:28 I hate it when I bicker when anyone sees me and my wife bicker. Yeah. But we, we ended up another funny thing about that same owner, my wife. Now, before we started dating, he asked her out and was rejected.
Starting point is 01:20:42 So that kind of also contributed to him not really wanting me dating her wow wow hey dude i have some i have some great stories about that from crossfit hq from just unbelievable stories like that um that i'd like to share maybe like in 10 years great just on fucking believable just yeah that's men and women that's the thing too it's just 10 years. Just un-fucking-believable. Yeah, that's men and women. That's the thing, too. It's just fucking men and women, right? And we just want to just be intimate with each
Starting point is 01:21:13 other and take showers together and wrestle. Like, yeah. Yeah, but we ended up leaving, so it all worked out. Oh, you ended up leaving? Yeah all worked out oh you ended up leaving yeah i mean we moved and there was a lot of other stuff going on with kind of what y'all are talking about members yeah dating each other people like to bone man yeah i don't blame them
Starting point is 01:21:39 yeah me neither i don't blame them either and i like hearing about the stories as long as they're kind of like i like hearing about other people's stories i like the the drama is uh always a fun narrative for me intrigues me yeah but do you think there's some crazy record out there like some guy has slept with 27 women at a crossfit gym in a three-year period which which gym does uh hunter mcintyre go to right now you think he's just oh and vick just has some like world records there oh yeah he's like a hot knife running through butter right now wow wow come on san diego they don't wear any clothes it's sunny all the time wow look at yeah clock wow What do you think the record is, Spencer?
Starting point is 01:22:27 David said, Weed said he's been with nine women at the gym. You think that that's, like, close to the world record? No, I think that's on the low end. Wow. Wow. And, hey, here's another thing. Juiced-up dudes really, I don't know if girls know this, but I've seen the ugliest juiced up dudes in the world and there's whatever
Starting point is 01:22:48 they're giving off girls just float to it. Like, like, I was about to say, I was, I was a young 20 something. I mean, I'm still a young 20 something year old, but you know, the 9 30 AM soccer mom classes, not that I would have ever gone for that, but I feel like that would have been a little bit easier for something like me to pull off. So I think younger guys, you know, with the moms and some of the other girls that are like a bit older and single might be able to pull off a little bit more than nine. Hey, so my wife used to go to CrossFit Aptos to the soccer mom class. And I seen this soccer mom class and it was like 15
Starting point is 01:23:27 women deep in there. I'd say 14 of them were just hot. And so my wife would always go to that class and she would always tell me about it. Oh, this girl was there. These girls are there. It's just the soccer mama. She would tell me this person cheated on this rep or this person didn't do this. And she would just tell me the fun stuff. And I would hear about it and my wife went to it was committed to it and then one day i'm um at the at this uh area where we go to all the time it's it's the top it's at the point you know where that is asusa right and there's these steps that go down to a beach and so at the top of where these steps are they go down to a beach a beach a ton of people fucking hang out you know like a guy with a guitar some kid selling lemonade but whatever some bunch of kids smoking weed it's just at the top of the stairs it's a cool hangout place we go there all
Starting point is 01:24:09 the time to hang out the top of the stairs and there's this guy there and he's the most beautiful man i've ever seen and he's wearing shorts and he's fucking tall and he has his shorts pulled up really high and he's laying on the concrete they're sunning like and i tell my wife i'm like look at this fucking dude's body and she goes oh that's fucking mark he comes to our fucking mom's class i'm like what what'd you say i'm like what i'm like you've been going to that class for a year and a half and you never mentioned mark there he is half naked yeah so maybe you're maybe that dude was just there just slaying just slaying it I haven't seen the thumbnail
Starting point is 01:24:49 for today what is the thumbnail for today I haven't seen it did Caleb make it or Sousa I haven't seen it it's the Popemobile one oh nice good job anyway so yeah so you think the soccer mom class is if you're a young man looking for experience that's where to go uh yeah yeah i would say that probably i mean we had some hot older single
Starting point is 01:25:15 women you know that weren't even moms you know never been married that's even even a bit easier single moms yeah well i'm thinking of like a couple specific girls you know they were just you know in their mid-30s single uh you know kind of around time to settle down generally and they're kind of lonely looking for love i'm i'm always surprised at the stories i hear also of the masters games athletes, the women. I've heard a handful of stories that are fucking blow my mind. But it's just people, just people with vaginas and penises. I guess.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Right. God, I'm so glad. I'm like in jail. I'm like in just I just live in this really tight loop. You're in the equity experiment now. I am. I am in the equity experiment. Being in the equity.
Starting point is 01:26:12 The other thing too is like a lot of the – like one of the spouses sometimes will start CrossFit and the other one maybe isn't there in their life yet. And so all of a sudden this person goes through this radical fucking change of like what they used to be and who they used to be. And then they start building this story in their head of like, oh, my spouse doesn't want to do this. I'm investing more into myself. I deserve more. They just want to do this lame shit. And then once that story starts to spin, I feel like they start to use it over time as like an excuse to drift away from their spouse. Hey, or just this. I i remember the first of the season we
Starting point is 01:26:46 did of kelly and the fat man gary lost 100 pounds and he was at a party and a girl basically walked up to him said hey i'll fuck you in the bathroom right now what a class act and he had never heard that before in his entire life i mean that's a lot for a dude to handle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if you weren't getting that thrown at you every day like i was in my earlier youth you wouldn't know how to handle that i would lose my shit if someone said that seven what's the name of your other channel about parenting i watched about 100 of them a week ago and can't for the love of me uh remember the name i don't uh i need that's a good point i'm gonna make a video for that channel today a capable parent capable capable i don't know what it is it's capable child parenting what is it yeah well child parental parent consulting yeah
Starting point is 01:27:33 capable child parenting consulting i charge five hundred dollars an hour and you should sign up now because uh the line is very short. But the wait time's crazy. Thank you, Spencer, for calling in, brother. And congratulations on finding love. Appreciate y'all. After I told that little spit there about
Starting point is 01:27:58 a bunch of women coming and offering themselves to me in the bathroom when I was younger, all the insecure dudes showed up. Why? What's going on now? Look at Caleb's smile over there because he's the first one bullshit i got jeffrey bullshit listen here gentlemen your boy was a bartender okay oh you're a barista so bartenders some things man so bartending's crazy too because everyone's bartending yeah i mean that's next level but you expect it you're in a you're in a bar and you're serving drinks you get hey remember sex in the city that when those movies came out yeah i never saw them but i remember when that
Starting point is 01:28:34 was huge i didn't see him either but i was worked right across the street from a movie theater black angus at the bar never sold so many cosmos to groups of single women in my life oh they would go see the movie and then come over oh or before they would come in and they would get a bunch of drinks and they'd be all it was like a whole it was like a thing you know they would like dress up and they'd be there then they would like act out their favorite uh characters um tank reeves uh i train with my wife every day with who with the neighbors you uh wouldn't have it any other way that was a joke um uh yeah when before i had kids i trained with my wife every day too twice a day fucking loved it uh after listening to this podcast i'm definitely signing up at the local crossfit gym
Starting point is 01:29:18 there we go yeah join your affiliate dick butter bartended for six years uh kenneth the lap what's the difference between a bartender and a dealer one's legal and pays the government the other one doesn't there you go it's a good answer i mean literally that's it think about if i was like hey step on caleb i got this really cool idea why don't you guys come over we're gonna try this drug this drug is gonna make you act like you would never really normally act before matter of fact you might not even remember the back half of the night you'll do a bunch of stuff that's way out of character you guys down let's do always alcohol alcohol um do we want to go through um some of these uh suze's wife slaps him from
Starting point is 01:30:02 outside the screen just a hand coming across yeah that would be awesome wow you're calling now he's talking about his bar stories it's all bullshit uh here we go uh tank reeves see you later buddy enjoy your trip to costco uh you seem yeah enjoy a trip to costco for free food color hides correct by the way hey siobhan you guys still alive i got cut off i was listening and then uh my daughter called me so i i wanted to call in i didn't know you guys still on you wanted to call in and listen to the show because you couldn't listen from your device oh you think that is craig tank reeves is craig just because of the uh okay yes we're still on thank you for checking on me what's going on yeah i know who it is you just wanted to call and just to check on us make sure we're okay we're fine for sure for sure caleb
Starting point is 01:30:50 welcome home i want to start with that good to see you back on man um what's up so man so first i want to give a shout out to philip was an awesome interview. Phillip is in the Daz group that I always talk to you about. And we talk offline quite a bit. And I've been going off on these Black History Month rants of mine as a black guy. I guess I'm open to that. No, but I didn't want to come on and do that. I just wanted to give them first a shout out. And then second, what are you guys doing on Thursday?
Starting point is 01:31:30 I'll be landing in San Francisco. You guys want to meet up? Oh, no shit. That is way too much planning for me. But how far south are you coming? I think that's as far south as I'll be. The original plan was San Jose, but then that got changed to San Francisco. And then from there, we're going to Yosemite through Monday.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Who all is going? Who's doing that? This father's group? Yeah. So myself, Wes Pyatt, Danny Lear, Daphne and kilos, uh, owner guy, um, handful of other guys, gym owners and stuff. Dude, that is so cool. That is cool. Yeah. Very, very exciting. Um, I'll definitely keep you posted on that. Send me pictures, text me pictures.
Starting point is 01:32:16 That's so cool. I will for sure. Definitely. Um, and make sure from your tent, you play the podcast loud on your phone at 7am to wake everyone up. I actually do plan on doing that. I actually do plan on doing that. I really do plan on doing that. No shit. I was going to ask. So I'll land in San Francisco Thursday and then Sunday night.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I'll be headed back to stay in a hotel before I fly out on Monday. Where should I not go in San Francisco? Fuck everywhere, dude. So you're going to land in San Francisco. Do you know where you're staying in the city? Like the hotel? I know Thursday I'm getting picked up from the hotel, or excuse me, from the airport.
Starting point is 01:32:59 And then Sunday after the Super Bowl, I'm going to drive back and stay in a hotel. No idea which one, but that is the plan. So I'm like, where, like, where do I not, what hotel do I not want to stay? The thing is the whole city is like covered with zombies. I was going to say, just make sure you go find them. Yeah. They lurk everywhere. Yeah. You probably do want, it is part of like the tourist. Yeah, you probably do want it is part of like this, the tourist attraction.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Now, you probably do want to at least see them. Sure. Yeah, you probably do want to at least see them. I don't know where there's got to be areas of town. You know, there's the whole area over by golden gate bridge where the cops keep the zombies out yeah all the rich area like down by knob hill and down by the bay yes yes that's probably where you're going to be honest you're probably right off in barcadero or as far like around well they're there the zombies aren't in barcadero for sure yeah but they like hose them down you know
Starting point is 01:34:01 they like power rush them off every night. I don't know, dude. I don't know. That Embarcadero area. You're asking kind of the wrong people too, because we have a threshold for it because we see so much of it. Like there's stuff that you, what city are you coming from, Jeremy? Milwaukee. Oh, so this is going to be, oh, this is going to be nothing for you then.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Okay. This is going to be nothing. Yeah. Yeah. These are That's something. Yeah, these are just more wealthy. These are just zombies with more resources. Our zombies have more resources than your zombies. I think Philip is probably staying South San Francisco because that would be closer to the airport rather than going into the city.
Starting point is 01:34:38 But if you are staying in Embarcadero, like Union Square, like walk-up market, there's a street called Golden Gate Street. It's also known as Pill Hill. It it's in the tenderloin over there do that during the day but you could venture down there and down like polk street has a bunch of like really cool like the gay bar scene and stuff or you could go over to the castro a lot of that stuff where it's a little bit more of a richer neighborhood they they tend to keep a lot of the homeless and the addicts out yeah the gay bar scene is is way safer as long as you don't take your eye off your drink all the gay like hardcore gay areas are way safe because those motherfuckers got money like up market street in the cash row by like 7th street and
Starting point is 01:35:14 then if you're in that if you go to the tenderloin that's that's close that's like right off of like fifth and pal don't go there you could you could venture around there then union square is not too bad grace and i used to go there every... Union Square is cool. Union Square is cool. It is, but it isn't because you have to, unless you're planted into Union Square. Otherwise, you have to either come in from Mark Street
Starting point is 01:35:35 of Tenderloin or the Cashew or back by Mission. That area is probably crazy bad. Hey, if you're staying in South San Francisco, you won't even be near... You won't even really be in San Francisco, by the way. If you stay near the airport, you are not in San Francisco. Yeah. You're like Daily City.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Hey, honestly, I'll give you something easy to do. You should walk up and down Lombard Street. Lombard Street, okay. I think. Yeah, it's a cool thing to do. You'll be happy you did it. It's the most, yeah, it's the crookedest street in the world. It's a huge thing to do you'll be happy you did it it's the most yeah it's the crookedest street in the world it's a huge tourist destination there'll be zero zombies there they will not allow zombies there yeah not enough we drove an 18 passenger van at one time
Starting point is 01:36:15 down lombard it was a disaster yeah i couldn't believe it was a military was it a military van like a government van i mean no it was like a rental but like massive 18 passenger van the slowest thing my uncle has a condo right on the corner of lombard street so when you come out you could look over out to the golden gate bridge or you could go a half block over to lombard and they take a um segway tour up his street so that way they could go down the top of it and we would sit there like during holidays or whatever and you would watch the people come up on the segue and like out of a group of five people one person was eating shit because no shit you've seen someone crash on a
Starting point is 01:36:55 segue oh dude i saw this asian lady she was dressed to the nines and super what looked like designer clothing purse like like i mean she was done up she looked real nice and the segue tour thing is down at the bottom of the hill so essentially they get you set they go through a little safety thing they bring you up to the top of the hill kind of teach you like how to maneuver it and then you go down lombard street it's part of the tour right and as they come up the condo that they have is on the corner and both of these are windows and like the kitchen tables right here but you're just above walking, like just above height. Whose house was that you were in? This is my uncle's house.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Damn. It's one of his houses. And we were sitting there and this whole tour came up. What Susan's talking about is very, very, very, very expensive. Yeah, it's crazy. And this lady comes up and you would watch them because they would start to do their practice maneuver and you could start to see somebody getting squirrely and we would be
Starting point is 01:37:50 sitting there at the table like taking bets like, oh, is she going down? Is she going down? And sure enough, boom, fucking Segway flies out. Her purse and everything goes everywhere, hits the ground hard. I didn't know you could crash on those. Oh, dude. Yeah. That's amazing. That is amazing. That's amazing. That is amazing.
Starting point is 01:38:07 That's crazy. Jeremy, all right. Well, stay in touch, please. One more thing. I know Heidi's probably telling me to get off now, but I made that comment when you were talking about the hooking up at gyms, and I wanted to get to this perspective. He's a gym
Starting point is 01:38:22 owner. I'm not a gym owner, but basically managed the gym across the gym i'm at and uh then at a handful throughout the city this is this one i started like over 10 years ago and um the current owner actually i was like her first coach um and she's the one so she she ended up hooking up with this member. They're older, like a little older than Siobhan. And they hook up. She was married, had a kid or two, and she leaves him. And now she's with that guy. He's a co-owner with her now.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Combine that with the fact that they're like absentee owners like they're never there their communication is piss poor at best susan how if you're in my situation you're trying to improve your affiliate and drive home to members the importance of community and and you do that from the front right you know from a position, but your owners are like never there and they have that weird history. What do you do? Depends on how committed you are to the gym. And if you see yourself being there for a really long time
Starting point is 01:39:37 and want to continue to develop your career, I would ask them if they would be comfortable with a meeting and then I would sit down and non-accusatory, I would just be, hey, straight up, I'm investing myself a lot into this gym. I see myself with the future in there. What is the future to you guys with this gym? What is your intent with this? What's the long-term vision look like? And then based off of that conversation there, maybe you could get some more insight as to what their intentions are. And if they have no intention, maybe that's a good time to throw out the offer and say, Hey, have you guys ever thought about selling it? Hey, and here's the thing too, as hard as this is,
Starting point is 01:40:09 sometimes you just have to leave. Like I I've had to switch programs with my kids in certain programs and I love the owners and I love the, and I, and I love the gym, but my kids have maxed out what they're capable of there. And like, maybe like, maybe that place is maxed out, like what it's capable of offering you because you, cause you want to give a lot to that community. Right. Is what it sounds like. Yeah. I started that gym and that's funny you say that. Cause I did leave some years ago, the former prior owner was,
Starting point is 01:40:38 you know, it was a long story there, but I left and went to a couple other gyms. But i said i started this gym um you know a long time ago and uh it so you know it just has my heart you know what i mean so last year middle last year i came back and now you know i see who the owners are now and they're never there and like members are asking me all the time and you know i'm trying to give them answers trying to guide them trying to lead them and i don't want to trash the people you know but it's frustrating it's really frustrating you know yeah well first i would just decide what exactly is that you want to do do you want to continue to invest your time or not
Starting point is 01:41:19 and then i would ask if they were willing and open to have a conversation and then i would go from there but i think ceylon is right in the sense of that like if they just aren't ask if they were willing and open to have a conversation and then I would go from there. But I think Ceylon is right in the sense of that. Like if they just aren't, um, if they just aren't receptive to that, they have no intention of selling it or changing anything. They're not receptive to your advice, even though your boots on the ground that they're not necessarily there all the time.
Starting point is 01:41:36 If all that lines up, then it probably was in your best interest to invest your time somewhere else. They might tell you to fuck off too. They might. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's common you'd be surprised how common it is for uh main coaches or people that are taking a lot of the um hours to really lean into it and then not get the same support that they want uh back from the owners and that's always a tough situation because you've
Starting point is 01:42:00 invested so much of yourself into it and you become you know you build the relationship with those members but unfortunately the truth truth is that they own it and it's their call at the end of the day. They built the platform. So if they're not open or receptive to any of those things, it probably is best to invest your time somewhere else. Jeremy Wadzambi wants to know if you have time to tell us about your childhood.
Starting point is 01:42:19 You guys are ruthless in the comments. Thank you, Mr. Jeremy, and stay in touch, please. Yeah, let us know. Absolutely, love you guys gym was i calling it a gym i always call no i don't know i don't know what you were i'm just reading a comment sorry i just never really i've never really said box that much ever um we're having a javier back on today i'm pretty excited about that yeah 5 p.m um jiu-jitsu tournament was awesome yesterday i want to tell you something that i saw yesterday this was a big jiu-jitsu tournament thousands of people and my kid went to the uh compete at the event i i put up a video of it i think at three plane brothers this morning and the first
Starting point is 01:43:06 match they put my kid up against who's a white belt is a gray belt it's like because they're so fucking unorganized and it made me realize that every single fucking thing like i would rather a competition not pay out prize money made me realize how amazing all the crossfit competitions are oh no not this one. Sorry. It's at Three Plain Brothers. Hey, though, you can play that real quick. Let me show you how strong a fucking CrossFit kid is. You have some great videos of him, too.
Starting point is 01:43:38 This is with 10 seconds fucking left, and you'll see in a second, this kid is huge compared to my kid. Avi's probably five pounds away from the max weight limit of this weight class this kid's probably five inches taller than obby but watch this this is with 10 seconds left this kid's on top of obby full mount watch look how strong obby is get the fuck off and let me just throw your ass on the ground you sit your ass down boy yeah obby's a savage it's not only his strength there which clearly plays a role but it's actually like to just his movement like he knows to get his knees on the inside he's creating the space
Starting point is 01:44:11 he's planning like right there knee on the inside creates more space plants and stands and then look just grab straight he just moves so well yeah i told him i said hey dude you have to know one thing there's not one kid there that if you don't get your arms wrapped around him you can't pick up and throw on the ground you have to know how strong you are does he believe it yet yeah he believes it after this tournament there were more double legs he did more i'll post some other crazy double legs he picked one kid up and just tossed him it was nuts so is he so is he realizing now like holy shit i'm just at a completely different level five tournaments of crying and just getting his ass handed to him yeah now it's it's it's it's game over okay so so look you can't put a fucking gray belt against a white belt at a tournament what you'll ruin a
Starting point is 01:44:55 child you'll ruin and and this happens there's there's a thousand people watching this there's fucking people everywhere there's there's three judges on the judging table and there's a referee out on there and they let this fucking happen and it just made me realize how great crossfit tournaments are uh versus jiu-jitsu tournaments every jiu-jitsu tournament there's some dumb ass shit going on like this i mean look at you can go ahead and play this look at our the our he's a savage too look at this look at this but he has no business going against this kid right it's still handling his own ari's in the black i um i and then and then they disqualified that kid i'm like why are you disqualifying the kid
Starting point is 01:45:43 he's a fuck it's not his fault like there's a judge out there who should have been like hey why is there a gray belt going against a white belt makes no sense and uh yeah it's it's just let him go though it's so annoying yeah he's dope hey that he would there was an 11-man bracket, and Ari took gold and Joseph took silver. They had to fight each other in the final. Cool, right? Yeah, I just wonder what Ari's going to latch on to, like, sport-wise. Because he's your freaking, like, head charger. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:21 You know? Like, he's like— Well, crazy, too. Least talented and becoming the hardest worker and and someone was telling me the other day hey those are the people that become the best because they have to work hardest for what they have yeah but he just has something with his pain and fear tolerance that's just different like when we were watching him surf that one day and and the other boys were just a little hesitant or whatever he's just like ah like charging the
Starting point is 01:46:43 ocean with his board and popped up first. Remember to sit on that thing? And I was like watching him. I'm like, oh, OK. OK, he's he's a little different. Like he he's doesn't have the same like fear tolerance. Susan, let me show you how I choke people out. I like it.
Starting point is 01:46:57 How like every time you come over, he wants to try to. And by the way, to their jokes are no joke. Avi's got me a couple of times that I'm like, oh, shit. Like, I'm not I have to tap out. I'm not getting out of it. I'll show you guys one more match. Sorry to bore you guys with the kid videos. Look at this video.
Starting point is 01:47:14 It's the first time I've ever seen Avi choke someone out in a tournament. Caleb, I think it's on the seven on RINSTA. It's two. It's a video from yesterday. And this is for the gold. And this girl, this is this is like a 63 pound class, and Avi, I think, is 55 pounds. And this is them fighting for the gold. And this girl was just fucking mopping people up.
Starting point is 01:47:34 And this is no gi. So this is basically just wrestling. And this is the end of the match. Sweep. Yep, great sweep, right? sweep right pick yep now he's got her back she's just strong though yeah how about that roll she did right there that was tried to buck him yeah that was so nice she knows her shit and watch him slide this other hook into see him fishing for it and then look how look how strong she is. She is going to stand up. He told me afterwards he didn't like looking at her face. He said he saw tears.
Starting point is 01:48:11 He said he didn't like that. Yeah, because look, she's going to cry. And look, he's going to be the teacher. Yeah. He's a stud, and he's a killer too. But at the same time, you could tell he doesn't get his kicks off winning as much as he does like showing the other boys stuff and things like that. It's nuts that he stayed on there. Hey.
Starting point is 01:48:31 He had it. He wasn't letting that thing go. Judy Reed, proud parent, please don't be sorry. We love to see it. All right, all right, all right. But I know no one likes anyone else's kids. He knows his power too. So when he yanked in and her eyes went to go bulge out he probably was like oh
Starting point is 01:48:46 shit like i don't think he's really uh used his like because he doesn't seem like no but look at that sweep though dude that's so good i started this uh i like it when savon chokes me unsporty beth uh there was this thing i tell my kids um about a month ago i told i started i explained to them the uh concept and i learned this from Tony Blower, by the way, give yourself permission. I said, you have to give yourself permission to go full throttle. You have to give yourself. So before every match I went up to my kids, I'm like, you have permission from me to unleash just fucking holy chaos on your opponents. Do not hold back at all.
Starting point is 01:49:25 Do not let them set the tempo or control the energy. I'm giving you permission to do it. I'll take responsibility for the outcome. Go. And then afterwards, I'm like, you know, my permission doesn't matter. It's all about the permission you give yourself. They're like, okay, we get it. So, yeah, it's pretty stoked.
Starting point is 01:49:41 We've gone through a lot of tournaments, and there's been a lot of tears, and a lot of kids who didn't like this. Joseph hadn't done a tournament in two tournaments, and he went out and fucking kicked ass this time. And it was a steep learning curve for us. It was fun to go to a tournament finally and see the boys get golds and silvers. It was really cool. That match where Avi popped up and double-legs that kid at the end,
Starting point is 01:50:04 he lost that match by, like, one point point it was such a shame because he threw that down like three times that cost him the gold but whatever um all right uh should we do some of the hour and 50 first clip of the day did we do did I show you guys Pink, how she's a shill for Pfizer? She took money from Pfizer? Yeah. Okay, I'll erase that.
Starting point is 01:50:35 So weird that she would do that. I told you my thoughts on burning cities down. Cops. We talk about cops. Poor cops. Service.
Starting point is 01:50:55 Poor cops. We need to get laid back soon, huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'd love to do that. A couple breakdown videos. How about 3866 this one's kind of funny horse see this is uh some dude thought it would be cool to put his horse in the back of a pickup truck that's already full of people look at this look at this shit
Starting point is 01:51:21 i don't know why i follow this account but they always have good stuff that's a horse right now Look at this shit. I don't know why I follow this account, but they always have good stuff. That's a horse, right? Not a donkey. Is that a horse? Jesus. Jesus. Dude. Holy shit. dude holy shit
Starting point is 01:51:47 is that dude drunk oh look at this look at that girl's top oh I saw boobs hey look the horse just goes over and starts eating the bush he don't even care he's just over there God I cannot believe how racist this video is When I was in Jordan
Starting point is 01:52:12 They did the same thing I don't know I just said that Go ahead Hey there's stations like that It's CNN's like that Like I just can't believe how racist that is But I can't even make something up But it's just funny When I was inordan i saw them do this with a camel and put it in the back
Starting point is 01:52:30 of a truck yeah they put it on the back of a flatbed truck and then they took ratchet straps so it was like some kind of truck that has like a crane on the back yeah like and so they had this crane over the top and then they put the camel and there's two of them two camels on the back of this flatbed truck and then they took ratchet straps and ratchet strap to the camel to like in the laying position on the back of this flatbed truck and then like transported it down the highway what were the ratchet straps for they laid the camel down the camel was cool with that just chilling dude two of them yeah i just googled a camel on flatbed truck images i can't find anything oh shit oh shit there are camels though in the back of trucks yeah let me see if i can
Starting point is 01:53:19 find it it was a long time it was like probably three or four months ago hey that's a good camel if you could put ratchet straps on them to hold them down oh yeah he was just chilling yeah there's a traditional camel market and i'll uh yeah i see i don't see the ratchet straps but they just got them in the back of pickups there's a lot we have some weird animals on the planet we are weird animals on the planet yeah this is on the same trip that uh the yeah it was it was so weird i'd like to hear the rest of that story stevan do you do your boys see how close you are to your mom it will be important to you yeah dude let me tell you my the best thing that ever happened to my mom is is the fact that I'm trying to always show off to my kids how much I love my mom.
Starting point is 01:54:10 I kiss my mom 10 times every time she comes in the house. I call her every single day. I'd say half of those times are because I just want to hear my mom's voice. But the other half I'm trying to show off, be a good example to my kids. She's over with them all the time, too. Hey, I will call the second this show is over. I will call my mom and ask her if she wants to go out with me and the kids. It's raining here.
Starting point is 01:54:30 I don't give a fuck. And my mom will be like, yeah. And she'll be, I'll meet you somewhere. And I'll be like, no, I'll come pick you up instead. What the fuck? My mom have to drive somewhere to meet me. I'll go over to her house, pick her up, take her and the boys to the beach. It'll be raining.
Starting point is 01:54:42 We'll hang out in the rain. We eat some quesadillas i won't because it's my fasting day and uh we chill yeah my grandpa did the same he actually got a a trophy for a little league baseball because he made it to every single one of my brother's little league games oh that's awesome and he drove from oakland out to here every time and he actually went and saw my cousin's games out in Seattle and stuff like that, too. Yeah, I don't even say that word anymore. That's the only censorship I got on me.
Starting point is 01:55:12 I won't say that word. You guys can say it. I ain't hating. But does he? Yeah. Ryan Stokes, this is like watching construction fail videos from india china wow that sounds like a great uh theme hey you know what's crazy is you go to those countries and their scaffolding's made of wood like just like sticks and shit like 30 stories of sticks
Starting point is 01:55:38 i'm a bigger fan of their toes. Oh, camel toe. Oh, I almost googled camel toe. You're a douche. You're a douche. Okay. It might be worth just, how about 383, don't do drugs. I don't know what this one is 36 year old lindy lanix has died suddenly from cardiac arrest she bragged on facebook about getting her last booster and dismissed the injection safety concern.
Starting point is 01:56:25 Fuck the haters. She even changed her cover photo to trust the science. Trust. How many more need to die? I feel like I should start. For a while, I stopped doing these, and now I feel like I should start doing one every show. If you zoom out a little bit, you can see her. Look, that's like a Walgreens sticker.
Starting point is 01:56:40 She got it at Walgreens. God, she's born in 1986. Walgreens sticker. She got it at Walgreens. God, she's born in 1986. Uh, there,
Starting point is 01:56:51 there's a place where you can actually click and see maybe more science. Is that it? Please. It's weird. That's become the religion, right? Oh, tomorrow we're having,
Starting point is 01:57:02 um, yeah, totally their religion tomorrow we're having on um emily emily caplan she's the lady who runs the crossfit book account and she's partners with greg glassman on the broken science and it'll be fun to um her. Oh, text message from my, oh yeah. Thank you. My wife wanted me to remind,
Starting point is 01:57:32 she was reminding me that Joseph won his jujitsu match 32 to zero. Wow. 32 to zero. Isn't it eventually just a tech fall? How do they not just like, yeah, you're done. Anyways,
Starting point is 01:57:43 Emily, Emily, I'll come back to joseph in a minute emily caplan's coming on that's gonna be a fun uh podcast we'll get i'll ask her about all sorts of just fun stuff i'll ask her how she met greg we'll ask her about uh what's like working with greg now we'll ask her about broken science we'll ask her when the crossfit book is coming out we'll ask her what she thinks about the nsca case uh it'll be it's gonna be a cool uh podcast really uh smart lady uh and very worldly like knows her shit i've been around uh so so joseph um didn't want to uh do uh his match and him and
Starting point is 01:58:14 the two guys walk out there and and before they come botch before they fight both the kids were crying because they didn't want to be out there well at least he probably felt good like hey this guy doesn't want to be out here either i kind of feel sorry for the other yeah yeah and he told us that afterwards i'm like hey why'd you go out there he's like fuck i saw that kid was crying i thought i could beat him he's like all right i got this dude i was like you're a beast afterwards those he does stuff does he feel like a sense of like accomplishment or is he just he's so proud over or he's so proud what's crazy too is he just relieved? He's so proud. He's so proud.
Starting point is 01:58:50 What's crazy, too, is he's technically just on a whole other level. His tennis, his body movement, he's the best mover of the Matosian clan. But, man, he just— Ari just wants to get out there and show the world what he's capable of, and Joseph's just way more timid about that. But Joseph did win 32-0, which was just absolutely nuts. Yeah, that's awesome. I mean, he – I'm going to make a post of that here when I get off. Yeah, he's absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 01:59:15 All three of their different, like, personalities too. Yeah, totally different kids. Not even close to the same, yeah. That's cool. Okay, so we saw a camel. Don't do drugs. You could die suddenly. There's probably, it's probably not the injection.
Starting point is 01:59:30 There was probably fentanyl in that. So I just don't want anyone to think I'm making any accusations or assumptions. Yeah. Oh, look, how nice of you. Oh, my wife's sending me a video of his 32 to 0 and she must be sending he Joseph must be watching so he probably felt bad because I hadn't mentioned his name or shown his video oh he's watching the show Joseph I'll give you your own show buddy I'm gonna show you on the next show okay we saw the horse um um anything with the horse is kind of funny to end on, right?
Starting point is 02:00:08 The horse is funny to end on. It's pretty funny. Oh, shit. Hold on. I found the picture. Of a horse strapped down? Camel. Camel strapped down? Camel, yeah. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Wow! Two camels. That's not how I would have pictured awesome. Wow. Two camels. That's not how I would have pictured it. Yeah. They're just chilling though, you're right. Hey, dude, those straps are on tight. I fucking know, dude. It was wild.
Starting point is 02:00:36 I can't believe that I was watching this. Oh, that's awesome. Hey, imagine how fucked that would be if that truck crashed go back to that other picture oh for a second there in that driver's side looked like there was like a dog driving it or something i wouldn't be surprised racist racist racist you're saying that uh afghanis look like dogs racist that's the that's how they transport camels when they are going too far for them to walk
Starting point is 02:01:11 how about 374 how about this fucking crazy woke bitch fucking played in Saudi Arabia for 24 million dollars that makes Beyonce a whore by the way I'm saying that with peace I'm saying that with peace the head of the illuminati i'm saying that with peace and love what a fucking shit bag what a fucking shit bag dubai paid beyonce 24
Starting point is 02:01:33 million how can you be woke and play it's in saudi arabia you can't by the way oh my goodness call it democracy of tyranny and you won't recognize tyranny when it hands you a check god you're such a fucking useless bitch how does anyone listen to her music anymore these people are such fucking crazy sellouts oh i was watching something too i forget where it was so i can't credit it but they were talking about beyonce they're going yeah all you guys like it was a panel of women might have been the fresh that Fresh and Fit podcast, like a clip from there. But they were saying, look, you guys are buying what she's selling. She's all the single ladies.
Starting point is 02:02:11 I'm going to replace you in a minute. Oh, I hate that song. The single ladies are going to put a ring on it. You fucking bitch. And he goes, but look at the way she acts. Yes. She's loyal to her husband, Jay-Z. Jay-Z got caught fooling around with another chick
Starting point is 02:02:25 she's still there like she does all and so it's funny that the messaging that comes across in her music isn't the way that she is living her life oh hey the surest way to listen listen women if you have to ask your husband to to for a ring or to get married, you should know you're not the right woman for him. If you have to do anything like that, like an ultimatum. Yeah, if you have to do anything with an ultimatum, you deserve all the wrath that comes on you after that. The ultimatum. Yeah, if you have to do anything even remotely like comes on you after that. The ultimatum. Yeah. If you have to do anything even remotely like that, you're done.
Starting point is 02:03:10 For any bad things that happens to you around that ultimatum, just be prepared. You deserved it. You asked for it. You demanded it. You earned it. All those words. Put a ring on it. Shut your fucking mouth.
Starting point is 02:03:25 I think sometimes, too, because the wedding industry is so fucking crazy that like half the women that are pushing for like that ultimatum or like, you know, wanting to flash forward it or mostly because they're just in love with the thought of the wedding. Right. I have no idea if that's true. Hey, dude, I I don't even understand any of that. I don't claim to. I don't have any empathy for it. I don't I have no idea if that's true. Hey, dude, I don't even understand any of that. I don't claim to. I don't have any empathy for it. I have no understanding. But I have had friends who have literally gotten married to save the relationship.
Starting point is 02:03:53 That's weird. That's like when – have you seen the thing too when couples are like – And by the way, it didn't work. It didn't work. Yeah, no shit. The only thing worse than that is I hear like, oh, well, we had a kid because we're just trying to work, like work through things and make our relationship better. And you're like, whoa, you had a kid like you don't think that's going to put an immense strain on it. Like that seems like it would do the opposite.
Starting point is 02:04:15 You're done. You're toast. You're toast. Go to fucking Rome for two weeks. That'll help. I my I was afraid that I was going to die and like maybe and all my shit was gonna like i wanted it to be easy for my wife to get all my shit and i was afraid that if my wife died my wife actually had a shitload of money in her name in a bank account and i wanted to make sure if she died
Starting point is 02:04:35 i got all her shit and actually all our shits in her name like i don't have any houses or anything in my everything is in my wife's name i don't do any of that stuff full circle back to homeless right we wouldn't own shit if it wasn't for her dude that minivan i drive i took my mom with me to toyota and had my my mom like buy it i just gave her the money or something i can't remember exactly how it worked out but she like did all the paperwork i just sat there i just paid for it you can't do any of that stuff and um uh yeah um so so then my we just went to the courthouse we had some chinese lady marry us and um it was actually they actually you still have to do a ceremony it's kind of weird and then she gave us some blessing in chinese which at first yeah it was actually really cool i was like what would you say oh chinese blessing oh you're very good awesome yeah and she was pregnant with twins and obby
Starting point is 02:05:31 was there that's what my wedding was like i could tell my mom was bummed i mean not bum bummed she's the only family member there we needed a witness oh you didn't get like a full like wedding little ceremony no speech no it was a random Chinese lady Like it was just available there She was just on shit Yeah she was probably hired in some DEI fucking thing In Oakland
Starting point is 02:05:56 It was in Oakland or Alameda or something Yeah My wife doesn't have a wedding ring either But Did she release the ceremonial chinese bible in the thing yet hey oh god just all that dumb shit oh god you guys do some of the dumbest shit ever if you spend more than 30 cents on a fucking set by the way stop calling it a gender reveal party it's a sex reveal party if you spend more than 30 cents on that you're a jackass i've told you guys this story before i put
Starting point is 02:06:31 ten thousand dollars in each of my kids names in a mutual fund when they're 77 years old those will be worth over 11 million dollars each yeah but they won't have the experience and joy of watching the video of their gender reveal party. That is true. Everything comes with a cost. That is true. What Susan just said. Everything comes with a cost. Hey, and I'm not dogging on people who do buy wedding rings or who do buy marriages, but just, but just, but just think it out first.
Starting point is 02:06:56 I'm not, I'm not, I think dude, some of the best parties I've ever been to in my life have been wedding parties. They are so fun. They bring so much fun and joy and happiness and love and camaraderie good play for the families to meet up i'm not shitting on them one of my friends didn't invite me to his fucking wedding because he thought i shit on weddings it's like no i don't live in this world of duality like the rest of you peasants you have to understand i may i mean i'm like forrest gump i'm an enlightened
Starting point is 02:07:25 retard i just think people too just don't think that far out in front like i know a lot of people my age and like i don't either someone else had to think it for me like probably my mom told me well the other thing too that's crazy is like i i know a lot of people that are my age are a little bit younger that are just swimming up to their years in debt it i mean lots of my wife have no debt debt would kill me and they're talking i would i would never be able to sleep if i had debt it would kill me and they're talking about their this for their wedding and this and that and they're spending all this money and in the meantime they're still doing weekend trips here and there and going to concerts and festivals and i'm just like you know that any number less than zero is zero.
Starting point is 02:08:07 So you're spending money that you don't have. Like if you have tens of thousands of dollars in debt and you're going out and doing all these things, like you're just, it's just, you're just wasting and buying and selling more and more and more of your future. Because eventually that shit catches up.
Starting point is 02:08:22 You can only- It's more ridiculous than two camels strapped to the back of a tow truck. is ridiculous as a jewish woman how did your family feel about it let me so this is how jewish families go well my sister's wife had two amazing weddings we didn't need to have a wedding two amazing weddings and but as jewish families go they go from they want you to marry a jewish boy to they don't give a fuck. They want you to be married and start having kids. And, dude, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:08:59 What me and my wife have given our family with our three boys is, like, everyone knows to be quiet. Like, my kids love their grandparents and their extended family. And they shower my, our extended family with love. So I think everyone's quiet. They're like, all right, they gave us three amazing boys. And you have to imagine we all come from people from hardcore academia too.
Starting point is 02:09:18 They think we're batshit crazy for no injections and homeschooling, but, but they, everyone just keeps their mouth shut and just rolls with it. Yeah. Did you get a lot of pressure for the, for the vaccine? Uh,
Starting point is 02:09:28 no, no, no. Cause I'm, I'm out with like this. I walk around like this with my fucking claws out and teeth. Yeah. I got so much pressure.
Starting point is 02:09:38 I'm a, I'm, I'm nasty. You know, it's funny though. I didn't get pressure from, you're a nice guy though, too. I'm,
Starting point is 02:09:44 I'm a little more, you don't, you don't have stank on you. I haveank on me like i'm ready to fight i started i like lean into it like i lead it with curiosity someone's like yeah you should get the jab and i'm like what what made you think about that you know and they're like yeah i don't do you're not gonna argue with me and i'm like no no no i just want to know how you got that but the point is fat shaming someone like right off the bat is three people who i did not get pressure for the vaccine well four i guess my parents so count them as two grace count that as number three and then my brother number four those four people never never never brought up one one time i think at the beginning grace was like hey are you thinking about getting it or like what's like, what's your stance on it?
Starting point is 02:10:26 And I was like, no, I'm not. And she was just like, okay. And then that literally was it. She never re-brought it back up. And I had to jump through a ton of hoops to go to family reunions where I was outcasted. Couldn't stay with certain family and shit. Caleb had his job held against him. So did everybody else.
Starting point is 02:10:45 I was lucky enough. No, but he really had his job held against him. So did everybody else. I was lucky enough that... No, but he really had his job held against him. No, no, I know. I have friends who are cops where every single person in the police force got the injection except him. But Caleb was like, hey, we're going to kick you out.
Starting point is 02:10:58 To be fair, if I hadn't taken it, then I wouldn't have gotten deployed and wouldn't have six months of working on a show too. Hey, they would have kicked you out. They would have kicked you out. Yeah, for sure. And what's funny now is there everybody that they did kick out their message. The recruiters are messaging them saying, hey, there's no vaccine requirement anymore. Like, you want to come back? Like, fuck no, dude.
Starting point is 02:11:21 Hey, your stepmom, your stepmom's new or your stepdad, I know, is molesting you for three years, but I want to tell you, your mom has now divorced him. Come back home. No, it's okay. I'm good. Like, nah, dude. It's a bunch of bullshit. I have debt mainly because of Super Chats, and I approve. You're a good dude, Wadsami.
Starting point is 02:11:43 I just pretended I got it. Kept my family off your back fair yeah easiest way yeah just not have to deal with it that way hey it's it was actually you know it's crazy it was actually the reverse now that i think about it i was the asshole telling my family members how dumb they were for getting the injection and that's kind of like been my my mom always told me that from a young age that my defense is going on the offense. And so that's probably like I immediately probably just started attacking people for getting it. And they just knew right away to build a hedge against them being able to attack me.
Starting point is 02:12:17 And then what's crazy is my wife finally, I was still willing to wear the mask, like to go into places and get what i needed or or just not go to those places and my wife was actually who's the most docile gentle fucking human being ever she just stopped wearing her mask and she would go into whole foods and they'd be they'd be like ma'am you have to leave and she would just ignore them and she'd go to a check stand and they'd be like ma'am i'm not going to check you out and then she'd keep going to other check stands until finally someone would check her out it was some bizarre shit behavior on my wife's part just stay chill i heard a lot and i saw this like older lady not have hers and she like rolled into the grocery store because it was the same here like the pressure was immense if you walked
Starting point is 02:12:57 somewhere without a max you were like enemy number one yeah she like came into the store one of the workers was like oh ma'am you need your mask and she goes oh honey not me i'm okay thank you though and then he kind of just like didn't know what to do because she was so nice and he just moved along and i have my fucking little mask on and i was like i am such a bitch it was just some random lady you saw do that some random lady i think i called you and told you about her like you had called me and i was like dude i feel like such a wuss because this older lady probably in her like early 70s or something was just kind of like super polite about it and was like no that's not for me and like kept moving on with their day and the guy like didn't really know how to react and then here i come with my little handkerchief over my face
Starting point is 02:13:38 like okay what am i even doing here the first thing that happened when i walked into the into the clinic when i got back i was like walking the hallway, like I wasn't wearing a mask or anything. And I didn't realize that they're still mandating it in our hospital. And I was just like walking by. And then like the, like the boss of the hospital, like, like ran me down to give me, she's like, do you have a mask? was like no why would i have one and then she like was like okay well let me go find you and she like walked around the clinic i just i literally just stood there and waited for her and it's like this is a this is a colonel and i was six like scrounging around the hospital trying to find me a mask because i wasn't wearing one
Starting point is 02:14:22 like hey hilarious hey how crazy and those people who are like let me find you mask they have no idea what pieces of shit they are hey i wonder if you could be like hey i will not put on a mask unless it comes in a sealed bag i don't want a mask that anyone else has ever touched right and it's just a box like the people just put all their fucking hands in like yeah i don't see the difference yeah there's only one time that i got angry about it was actually at my grandfather's funeral and they already had it to where it was super like was that was it outside no it was inside and it was they they were trying to limit the number of people but i mean he was 95 so it wasn't like there was a ton of people and a bunch of the
Starting point is 02:15:00 family didn't travel at that at that time but i remember like walking into there and they kind of make you do the dog and pony. And so I kind of have the thing and I go to walk in and I'm like, what the fuck am I doing? I'm not wearing this. My grandfather was fucking, you know, fought World War II and shit. And here I am with a little bitch ass mask on
Starting point is 02:15:15 separated six feet away from the rest of my family. So I just took it off. And then one of the really overweight fucking people that worked there tried to come over and tell me to put it on. And I just looked him right in the face, and I was like, not happening. And that was it?
Starting point is 02:15:30 And then just stood there and just fucking stared at her. Yeah, and she was just like, okay, and left. And normally, I don't know what really came over me. It's probably just the fact of also grieving the loss or something, but I was like, yeah, this is the stand. Like, fuck off. It's not happening in this in this situation uh let me read through some of these um uh if someone tells me they're pro-vax i will argue against if someone tells me they're anti-vax i argue against it i
Starting point is 02:15:59 like to see people's reasoning if it's flawed i fight being anti-vax is just stupid it just seems like one of those people that would just argue just to argue only got pressured by my employer uh i was ostracized at work for not getting it um i i should have pulled a caleb and refused to get it uh does caleb get a chinese spy balloon a battle ribbon i refused and they still didn't kick me out. Joke was on me, I guess. Why would any family members even ask that? My cop husband was pressured to do it. I fought for him and got an exemption. Oh, that's awesome. My cop friend who didn't do it, he had to basically just take the nose test every single day and then eventually stopped doing that. And of course, no one enforced that. Trish. Oh, Trish is employed. My employer had a requirement that we get it. Then it slowly went away.
Starting point is 02:16:46 Like when your parents ground you for six months and by the second month, they let you start going out again. I had to get I had Kermit the Frog. I had to get the COVID vaccine one day and then the flu vaccine the next day. So I didn't get kicked out of school. God, that's so crazy. god that's so crazy that is so crazy uh victor brown the most educated are always the easiestly influenced i know why is that uh mr pedro pedro from coffee pods and wads i stopped wearing a mask at school and got looks like i was walking around with my dick out jokes on them i wouldn't even notice if i had it out oh my goodness uh uh david weed is in here in spain the cops gave you tickets on the beach boardwalk if you didn't have a mask wow oh you're in spain
Starting point is 02:17:37 so you're some mill guy so david is a mill guy who is on some sort of disability he's getting three grand or four grand a month for some mental disability and he's living his best life in spain and his only grasp on reality is the seven podcast i like that story. Well, it's good. It's good. I'm with it. It's perfect. Yeah. How about fucking Ben Bergeron's gym?
Starting point is 02:18:11 They they they claimed like some sort of they patted themselves on the back for closing early. But they were some sort of leaders. They sort of they insinuated that all gyms should close down. They wore masks and then they put those plastic things behind them. But here's the thing that I trip on, and I like Ben, but there's nowhere in stillness, there's nowhere in space and in stillness, which is something that Ben Bergeron prides himself, I think,
Starting point is 02:18:42 on cultivating through all of these stoicism books and such. Where there is direction to do any of that. If you would have just sat still, anyone, for two or three minutes and just looked to the heavens and been like, God, should I get the injection or wear a mask? I don't even believe in God. You would have gotten the answer. Fucking knuckleheads here in uh um i was uh at amazon at the time they shamed the people who didn't get it if you got the jab you didn't have to wear a mask so there were like five of us that had to continue wearing masks
Starting point is 02:19:15 just so they knew who you were and you know what i would always do i would get my mask i would tear out the inside layer those black ones so it's super thin and then i would just take scissors and snip a shitload of holes in the mask so that i could breathe easily that would have been okay had to get the injection to keep my job and i mean i i wore like i'd take my the hospital once so i had to wear it i had to get uh the injection to keep my job at social security few weeks later they lifted the requirement oh god that shit just pisses me off a bunch of followers at the gym they followed the covid shit followed the woke crowd with glassman now they
Starting point is 02:19:54 follow up a bunch of names follow a bunch of names on the games leaderboard I just one of the bigger disappointments for me was listening to the bergeron in um uh fuck i forgot ryan holiday yes ryan holiday is another piece of shit what a joke dude all these people just expose that they don't practice what they preach they all expose themselves yeah i was like hey dude i'm totally cool if you fuck up that's the thing like i don't i like but if you don't but if you like like the liver king like
Starting point is 02:20:32 i'm all for honesty i put that premium on honesty like like let people be honest give people the space in the room to be honest like you fucked up you shouldn't talk shit about greg you fucked up you shouldn't put masks on you shouldn't have gone though you know dude i um i remember listening to that podcast and i was like excited about it because i thought they're the whole podcast was going to be just on how they're processing things you know like he was on ryan holiday's podcast the way around oh ryan holiday was on his podcast i'm pretty sure yeah and uh i was like i was looking forward to because i just thought it was just going to be about like them discussing how do we how do we know what we
Starting point is 02:21:10 believe to be true how are we seeking and processing the truth in a time like this how are we cultivating some awareness some stillness how are we able to just take in the information without reacting or responding super quick like i thought like this was going to be like the the theme of the podcast and they immediately both just went into like apologizing as to why they were white for like the first 15 minutes and the part that oh my god are you serious hey that's just poor hey that so think about that how weak your fucking mental horsepower is to think that there's any help in feeling bad for what your um uh ancestors did and how do you even know yours did it like where does that end it doesn't where yeah where does that end i'm just curious what happens when you go back to 3500 years ago
Starting point is 02:22:01 and you find out that there's a shitload of black people who are enslaving white people and that and what happens then i just watched the dumbest fucking movie ever on fucking netflix i wanted to enjoy it so much because it had eddie murphy on it and i fucking hardly ever watch tv i watched so little tv and i spent fucking two hours with my family watching it by the way if anyone wants to see this movie you want to see how dumb people are in los angeles it is a pretty realistic portrayal of people in la it's crazy what's it's eddie murphy with jonah hill you people or something it's about a jewish dude i just watched that that's fucking crazy yeah i've never i would have never that's so i never watched it and grace is like you're gonna put this on you know i think it's
Starting point is 02:22:49 kind of but what do you and what do you think you didn't like it i just it just made me just realize why i hate everyone in la those people aren't acting you have to know those people aren't like that's that's really what la is like that poor girl lord like did you see how made up everyone is what happened to julia-Stryfus's face? She has so much plastic surgery. Eddie Murphy doesn't look human. This girl, Lauren London, the black girl in the movie, Amira, they must spend an hour making her up for every scene.
Starting point is 02:23:18 You want to talk about systemic fucking racism. You present that other woman's hottest shit though by the way that that older eddie murphy's wife in that movie um she must be like japanese and black or something she's fucking hot and kind of into old ladies though but um uh it's so fucking crazy hey if you only present black people on tv that um that taken, it takes them two hours before they can show their face. That's to me, it's just the worst kind of racism. It's the same thing with like that, that chick that, uh, um, Andrew Hiller got in a fight with on YouTube. I forget her name, not on sporty Beth, but one of the other chicks, it's like, dude, it clearly takes you an hour
Starting point is 02:24:00 before you can leave the house. Yeah. Julie LaRue. even know oh i love david de covney but how much plastic surgery did that seinfeld chick have we were 30 minutes in and my wife and i were still arguing whether that was really her or not finally someone just yeah this is uh this movie was so fucking annoying there were some funny parts in it there were some funny parts yeah when they're in the car and he's like uh you know the the the song by uh what niggas in paris by jay-z or was it jay-z and kanye west kanye west and he's like trying to get him to say it but yeah yeah that was pretty funny there's some there's there's definitely some funny parts where they poked out some stuff and jonah hill's great for the first 30 minutes and then his shtick is just old and he's just a path at first I was like is he trying to be funny or is this character a pathological liar
Starting point is 02:24:47 because that character never told the truth yeah yeah yeah that was weird about everything and I was like how is that at some point you have to like I started feeling sorry for the his wife I was like oh shit you're married to a fucking liar but it was but they were playing it off like it's supposed to be funny I don't know
Starting point is 02:25:03 yeah yeah yeah it was weird it was weird who was in paris yeah yeah uh oh i don't know if you were supposed to feel guilty about being white it was pretty balanced it made fun of the black people as much as the white people it was balanced in that sense but it just means but though but la people are such douchebags if you live in la get out get out move move anywhere oh the joneses thing is real like you got to have shoot gucci shoes if they have gucci shoes and you have to like there's no being yourself in L.A. It is a crazy competition. It's all a facade. You can't, laugh out loud, you can't take the general statistics and apply it to all the podcasts. Libs aren't going to watch this show.
Starting point is 02:25:56 I bet 10% or less have taken the Vax who listen to this show. And you'd be wrong, Jonathan. No way, dude. More than 50% of the people who listen to this show are Vax. Guaranteed. Yeah, we already took our completely sound bulletproof poll. Science. Trust the science, Jonathan. We had a medical professional.
Starting point is 02:26:17 Sevan, has the woke world told you what it means to be cisgender? That's just me, right? right that's what i am right that's like if you're just a dude who likes girls i try not to learn any of that stuff i do my best but i think i know that one is just if you're a guy who likes girls there's a lot to keep up with can a girl is a girl who likes guys is that cis cisgender too? That's pansexual. What happened to straight? Pansexual. You mean racist? Yeah, right. You mean white supremacist?
Starting point is 02:26:52 Fascist? That's what straight is. Okay. How are you guys on time? I got to go pretty soon here. What's this Alex Stein one, 363? That might be old erasing it from the list oh yeah look at yeah so this is interesting alex stein is in the uk
Starting point is 02:27:19 and he's calling prince uh andrew out for being a pedophile. I think there's some video. I think he starts his new show student too. King Charles evicts disgraced Prince Andrew from Buckingham Palace. What's the leniency you have for pedophiles? I guess even if they come out, I guess that's where uh you you have to where i'm inconsistent you have to call bullshit on me because i don't i don't i don't um i don't know if i i don't like forgive them i don't think i have any i don't know if i'm big enough for that
Starting point is 02:27:58 no way fuck them all yeah it that's um that's i there's... There's a hat. Hey, dude, I'd rather be molested than killed. I guess... Because you get to live? Yeah, because you get to live. I'd rather have someone molest a child than kill a child. There's also different levels of molestation. What Alex K cassara said
Starting point is 02:28:25 a guy broke into his fucking house and was robbing his house and as a little kid he said something from his bed no don't take my nintendo and the dude takes him in the closet and fucking skull fucks him that he said he made him touch his dick that's what i'm assuming he did put his dick in the kid's mouth. Hey dude. Oh man. I don't know if I can forgive someone for that ever. Yeah. That's fucked. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:28:50 I don't, I, I need not in the state of mind I'm in now. Now I want to say some stuff that would upset my wife that I want to happen to that guy. Yeah. That's a thin line to cross. Yeah. I don't know exactly what you mean by that,
Starting point is 02:29:03 but yeah, execution by a firing squad for pedophiles is pretty lenient. I know. I don't want to say that out loud. I feel like we shouldn't be. I feel like we're all just like cells living in the body and we shouldn't want to kill any of the cells. But man, that's some pretty hardcore cancer. Did you see the TV network due to rape raped toddlers and now faces max for 20 years
Starting point is 02:29:26 no but i saw the i saw the uh i saw the guy who stayed at boston children's hospital and won the nobel prize who raped more than 50 boys we did a piece on him gosh this is dark now kill them all god let god sort them out uh should have stopped at the camel all right when when you can't learn a lesson and your friends and family hate you uh disneyland is a sugar vacation um disneyland is a sugar vacation okay let's do that let's just look at that one real quick we'll just just go through that one quick. We won't be mean. We won't hate on anyone. What number is that? Three.
Starting point is 02:30:09 You do? What number is it? Oh, 359? Yeah, 359. Okay. The person who tagged you in this wants you to go to Disney with you and eat all the food. Here we go. Oh, my God. Yeah, that's Disneylandneyland seriously that's what i remember about it
Starting point is 02:30:29 just watching people eat that stuff hey there was a vegetable option you guys didn't see that corn it's slathered in uh butter cinnamon and sugar but uh it's corn It's corn. Yeah, that's crazy. Keep the corn on our face. So when I told Greg, I said, hey, about a month ago, I told him, I said, hey, dude, Disneyland's so fucking bad. And I basically told him that it's just a place where people go to eat sugar, and that's all it is. And I'm not joking. It's not poetic license.
Starting point is 02:31:03 Like, literally, that's what it is. to eat sugar and that's all it is. And I'm not joking. It's not poetic license. Like literally, that's what it is. Just like when you go to Baskin Robbins, you know, like yesterday I was thinking about taking the kids to Baskin Robbins and I pictured myself sitting there in the, you know, after you order your ice cream, just sitting there and eating sugar. And I'd be like, yeah, that's the experience, right? It's 30 minutes of eating sugar. And I'm not even hating on that. That's just what it is. That's fun. I'm not, I'd like eating ice cream.
Starting point is 02:31:27 And so we ended up not going, took them to Mexican food instead. Poor kids. Poor kids. I know that's good. Cause now they're appreciating that. Yeah. They were just happy that they got to go out.
Starting point is 02:31:39 And so, and so I told Greg, I said, Hey, that's all Disneyland is, is it's people in their brains looking for an excuse to go somewhere and eat sugar. That's all it is. It's just like a trip to Baskin Robbins, but it's, but you get to do it for like three days. And he kind of put, he didn't, he pushed back a little bit on that. And then, so he went to Disney world recently.
Starting point is 02:31:55 Oh, nevermind. You were right. He didn't say no, but he basically said that like, it was the worst, worst way to spend four days of his life that he could ever imagine like i wish i could remember his exact words it was so fucking eloquent but he absolutely despised it like everything about it he said that there was no the place had zero testosterone yeah i don't know why one step yeah why one step away from alcohol because sugar like you enjoy when you're eating an alcohol even after you drink it you get to enjoy it for a couple hours maybe alcohol yeah maybe she's just talking about like the emotional pool you know like you feel stressed or you're celebrating something there's usually some
Starting point is 02:32:42 sort of sugar alcohol tied to that right right oh Right. Oh, it's Sevan's birthday, so we're going to go over, we're going to drink today, and blah, blah, blah. Oh, he's having the kids over for the birthday, we're going to have cake and all this. So they're just usually closely tied to some sort of feeling of celebration
Starting point is 02:32:56 or happiness or something like that. And then you... And drinking is just what you do when you get home from work. Yeah. Drinking is just what you do when you get home from work. Yeah. Yeah, Disney World does need to contact California Hormones.
Starting point is 02:33:15 Trish, chemically, socially, emotionally. Yeah. 352 is thumb shoes Biden oh here this one's interesting 348 breaking shit god this one might be a good one to end on please be it's something good breaking breaking stuff is always seen this like a million times
Starting point is 02:33:42 oh we have okay I'll race it god am I that bad at erasing stuff speaking of which though this hell he's seen this like a million times oh we have okay i'll race it god why am i that bad at erasing stuff speaking of which though this so hell you've seen this oh yeah okay just one time for this just just one uh we analyzed this we broke this down we needed blade for this show actually this happened to somebody else tested there ouch this happened again to like an uh like a really old woman that was delivering pizza she was probably like 60 70 years old and uh she like fell going up the stairs to deliver the pizza and the people she was delivering to like made a gofundme and like it was it's got like 150 000 or something is there a video for it uh yeah
Starting point is 02:34:27 i'll have to go search for it real quick so i don't know what's going on okay lauren khalil so there's this uh there's this here's the thing we'll finish on this there's this thing called the morning chalk up um and it covers the crossfit space and it was kind of the premier, I guess, written information content for CrossFit Inc. And there was a guy over there named Justin LaFranco who owned it. And he's a weird dude for a variety of reasons. You can take my word for it or not. I don't care. But he's weird.
Starting point is 02:35:00 He's trippy cat. And he's got some issues that I'm sure a lot of people have. Anyway, so he's running this thing and he's getting weirder and weirder. And basically he was in cahoots with CrossFit and there was some weird shit going on there for during the whole Rose administration. And they had this fucking complete scumbag working there, Andrew Weinstein. I was just thinking the other day, I think I said this on the show, how weird it is that the people who fired me are now no longer around crossfit and think of i i liked on but think how dumb everyone is there for not bringing me back now maybe i've just said too much to come back but think how dumb they are the guy who fucking was the head of the rant was the
Starting point is 02:35:40 second guy ever hired on the media department and was there from when it grew to 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms. But then they have my interns. They have my interns who work for the company now running the media department and people who suck cock to get to the top. I mean that with all due respect. People who actually blew people to get their jobs are now in leadership positions there. And I can say that knowing that they can't fire me because I know know that right that no one can sue me or say anything because i know that how's that anyway oh what a fucking mess but they were so all that woke crowd and all those woke people they're still there they know why they were hired either whether it be for their um sexual
Starting point is 02:36:21 who they sleep with uh the color of their skin. They all, everyone knows who they are. And the time, it'll only be a matter of time before the people who own that company figure it out or Don figures it out. They already have crazy shit going on there that I don't want to tell you about because I don't want to upset my friends
Starting point is 02:36:38 who still work there. And I don't want to upset Don, but slowly it'll come out. But I'm not obligated to tell you either because I'm not the fucking morning chalk. By the way, the morning chalk up knows too. Everyone in all the news outlets knows exactly what's going on over there. It's like CNN.
Starting point is 02:36:51 They know what's going on. They're just not – everyone's afraid to report on it. I would say that I'm not afraid. I'm just trying to be loyal. But anyway, so – and it's fun too. It's fun to be in the know and kind of not tell you guys. I'm so cool. So Lauren Khalil was over at the Morning Chalk Up and they had they have real issues over there.
Starting point is 02:37:12 Yeah. Yeah. You'll eventually know. They had real issues over there. Like, as weird as the issues going on over at CrossFit Inc. now. And so LaFranca went missing for a while. And you know that Brian and Patrick Clark left and Tommy left. And they had some other real issues going there and some lawsuits or at least some potential lawsuits and litigation opening up there between two of their superstars that were left on the team. And now Lauren Khalil is left. and um so i where lauren cleo will go i mean i could guess um i i would guess that maybe she's going to go to barbend where patrick and um brian are or she's going to maybe leave the space altogether maybe she's going to go back work for television news or uh who else is uh she could go to um i think she should just do her own thing she could do her own thing um maybe she'll uh uh
Starting point is 02:38:07 look to do more um commentating maybe try to work with uh hamilton road uh who knows other people in the space but i haven't talked to her and i know that she i just know from what she posted and i didn't even read the whole post i just skimmed through it um but it's kind of it it's all inevitable the woke people their shit is just they're savages they eat each other there's no loyalty there they're scumbags of the highest order you know that from listening to this show and just from the ones you see in your own life. What, what did I, what did I miss? Should I read something? I can't use that album beaver and get Lauren over here. Here's the, I don't, I don't think, um, I don't think, I don't think Lauren,
Starting point is 02:38:53 I don't think Lauren Khalil is a good fit for this show. I really, I really don't. Um, I maybe if, uh, uh, uh, six months ago I, Oh, Lauren has a job. What's her job? Oh, working at a gym. Yeah. Maybe she'll. Yeah. You're if that's what you mean. I, I, I don't, um, she, she, she made a great guest for the show. I don't think, uh, I don't think I'm interested in investing more energy and resources into the crossfit space than i have already and other people have developed crazy too right i mean i i would have jr on fucking all the fucking time i would have taylor on i enjoy working with tyler watkins john young um uh mike
Starting point is 02:39:38 halpin just all any of the people that we've had on over the years fuck we did hopefully get james townsend back on for to help us with the games so i think lauren's um too professional for this show she's well i think she and i think we'd have her on in in in different settings right like yeah she'd come on and contribute or like i like to have her when we do the competition stuff maybe she'd come in here and argue with a couple of the boys like that shit would be fun right but she wants to do more crossfit stuff and i want to do less crossfit stuff for sure yeah so um i think i haven't talked to her in six months i think i think one of the things when i wanted to bring her on the show one of the things i wanted to do is give her the the room to explore other shit the cool thing about this show is if you are the kind of person who wants to explore other ideas this is a fucking safe place to do it this is a fucking really safe place to do it
Starting point is 02:40:31 she's gonna land on her feet just fine okay so she's gonna she's gonna go over to get with the programming and do um hey here's the thing with what chase is saying right here there's nowhere to land on your feet in the crossfit space everywhere you land you're gonna land on your knees so there's nowhere safe to land on your feet so i guys on one hand i see what chase is saying but um there's no um there's no there's no there there in this space there's no it's it's really hard to find security so anyway that's that that and if you keep reminding me i'll keep sharing you my my thoughts on um on what what's going to happen there with her i'm sure in a second well i'm what i'm more curious about hey can we go to morning chalk up to their youtube station i'm more curious about, hey, can we go to Morning Chalk up to their YouTube station? I'm more curious what's going to happen to their – I mean –
Starting point is 02:41:27 Just to let you know, I got a jam pretty soon here. Okay. Yeah. Bye. Okay. My breakfast time is gone. I still got a few more minutes, and then I'll do whatever I got to do. So, oh, rebuilding the big plan ahead.
Starting point is 02:41:45 CrossFit CEO Don't. I just think 30 million people. So click on that. And let's see. And then click in the middle somewhere. Oh, shit. So she had Don on again. Let me hear the audio on that.
Starting point is 02:42:00 I want to hear how good or bad his audio is. I wonder because this is something that I've had conversations with a lot of Don't get us in trouble. Seven seconds. Drop it. Drop it. Drop it. And then move it forward to where you see him talk. Otherwise we'll get dinged.
Starting point is 02:42:12 Again, if I come back to you for us, as we look at our 2030 vision and where we're going. Okay. So, so that's interesting. That's a day ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:42:23 Well, I don't think that was recorded a day ago. She loads a lot of stuff in the pipeline, right? Yeah, what's going to happen to... What's going to happen to... Will you bring up the Morning Chalkup again?
Starting point is 02:42:39 I want to see how good they're doing over there. YouTube or... The Morning... Oh, yeah, just their YouTube station. I want to see how good they're doing over there. YouTube or? The morning. Yeah, just their YouTube station. I want to see how. So that's a huge video for them. About 2,000 views in 24 hours and then 2,000 views in four days. The one before that with Val Kilmer.
Starting point is 02:43:03 No, Patrick Bellner. Yeah. in four days the one before that with a val kilmer no patrick bellner yeah who's i don't know who's gonna run this station for them they are in um yeah they're in a world to hurt i guess in a week or so we'll find out huh i guess or maybe she'll vanish for a few months like uh maybe her and justin lefranco are running away to get married he because he's gone and maybe they're going away to start their own thing together uh judy reed it was crazy that she posted the dawn interview and then announced she was leaving morning chaga the same day uh shout out to hillary for uh being a real g i tried to get hillary to come on the show with me last night surprise show uh presley will likely move into that role j-lo has absolutely mercilessly
Starting point is 02:44:02 mercilessly ass bangbanged his own company. Oh, oh. But I've never even seen – I've only seen – I've never even – does Presley talk? You've met her, right? I've only seen her in the comments in here. Has she ever been on a podcast? Has she done any speaking up front? Not that – I don't know.
Starting point is 02:44:21 I don't know. But I feel like she could do it. She definitely has a – from the conversations I've had with her, she has a personality. The question is, I know her and Lauren and stuff are pretty tight, so the question is, is she going to stay or is she going to leave with Lauren? She's gone. You've heard it here first. Presley's leaving.
Starting point is 02:44:37 Is that literally or figuratively? Literally. No. No one knows what happened at morning. Uh, Justin LaFranco or no one wants to talk about it publicly is actually the truth. Everyone knows there's something going on. Just no one's talking about it. Uh, she does her coffee podcast and used to have her own show before.
Starting point is 02:44:58 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I could definitely see that. Oh, she got a coffee podcast too. Like yours, coffee pods and wads. See syndesist. Oh yeah. see that oh she got a coffee podcast too like yours coffee pods and wads cease and desist oh yeah that's presley that is a huge fuck up get that shit out from behind the paywall please that is a disaster
Starting point is 02:45:16 uh is justin sharing a padded cell with rosa now okay at 5 p.m pacific standard time today we will have jaime back on mr jaime javier jaime um and uh he owns crossfit otl on the line if you didn't listen to the first podcast we did with him it was yesterday it It was awesome. Uh, we've never done a second part with an affiliate owner, but I, but he has this whole homeschooling thing he's doing and I want to hear all about it.
Starting point is 02:45:51 He will be on today at 5. P.M. Then tomorrow at 7. A.M. Pacific standard time. We will have Emily Kaplan on, uh, affectionately known as the Glassman whisperer.
Starting point is 02:46:06 You want to hang with my mom what are you doing now Caleb I'm gonna go make lunch and then but it's our fasting day what are you doing what the fuck is fasting no way no fucking shot I did that I'm not doing that shit anymore
Starting point is 02:46:21 and then what you're gonna eat yeah fucking workout is your wife okay with you coming back and doing the podcast I'm not doing that shit anymore. And then what? You're going to eat? Yeah. Fucking work out. Is your wife okay with you coming back and doing the podcast still? I don't know. We might have something planned for this afternoon, but we'll see. No, I just mean in general. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:37 She's cool with that. She is. You get any slack for the podcast from your wife? No. None? None. All right. S suza uh what are you doing after this um i'm going to immediately leave here and go to the gym i'm now fasting too on for the whole on sundays on sundays that we do two hours of 46 minute shows and i don't get to
Starting point is 02:46:59 eat before oh right right i tried i want to try but like I'm one of those that like I just like when my blood sugar gets low, I always start to just feel like not woozy but just nauseous a little bit. I don't know why. Yeah, I go through that. I go through that through the day. Some days, especially if I abuse myself on Saturday, there will be a moment where I feel nauseous on Sundays. Hey, I'm a little jealous that she interviewed Don again. It makes me want to interview Don again. Sometimes I like to just interview people after other people have interviewed them to show them that I'm better than them. We'll just get them on again. Hey, we saw you on the morning track.
Starting point is 02:47:35 We're going to need, we're going to need some time. All right, guys. Um, thank you very much. Love you guys. See you guys this afternoon. Bye.

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