The Sevan Podcast - #789 - CrossFit Affiliate Series | Javier Jaime Part 2

Episode Date: February 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 uh the sponsors are i think we did a whole show this morning we we live calling show we didn't mention california hormones but they're the sponsor but we had philip kelly on but we didn't tell people to go to california hormones not explicitly but we have the banner you talked about it people knew it was coming from them working with them yeah oh yeah sorry mooney bam we're live i i just think that um it's just our sponsors are so crazy we never have to like plug plug plug them like no one like sarah never calls or gabe never calls and was like hey you didn't do this or you didn't do that and the thing is is that we had a guy on who's uh telling his story of his journey with california hormones
Starting point is 00:00:41 and uh we never mentioned in california hormones is paying for it and we didn't mention um their sponsorship i just think that that and i never get a call from sarah or anyone over there on her team who's like hey dipshit you're not filling your end of the bargain yeah you did you see my like posture there i was even like like cowering like feeling like we should have done that because they're so awesome to us hey and and um they don't even ask us to do those follow-ups like but for anyone who's wondering like they don't tell us hey we have to do a show with philip kelly we did we we just decided hey let's follow up with these guys and maybe philip's gonna say it's horrible and ruin the whole sponsorship for us
Starting point is 00:01:18 javier what's up dude hey how are y'all good it would be like if we sent Javier Paper Street Coffee. He's like, this tastes like shit. Like, oops. Well, that would never happen. I've never had it. Well, I have to get you some. Javier Paper Street Coffee. I should try it.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And a CEO. We're going to send you some. I was about to say, it looks like I need a CEO shirt there. Yeah, you definitely. What size are you? Large. Large, okay. I'll send you a text.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Go ahead. No, I just said extra medium okay perfect medium hey real quick before we start soccer mom was super nice and sent me a pair of like her husband's unused uh uh nano twos are you kidding me no and i got him like a week at the gym and i'd like set them aside and i just kept forgetting to make like a post or anything about it i saw that she was in the comments earlier I don't know if she's still here live, but talk mom. Thank you so much. I super appreciate it. What size?
Starting point is 00:02:10 My size. Size nine. That's crazy. Yeah. She messaged the, uh, podcast Instagram. And I happened to see it when I was in water,
Starting point is 00:02:17 putting something to it. I was like, yeah, I wear those. She's like, all right, awesome. Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:20 She sent them over. Thank you. You can start wearing your noble now. Just kidding here. This is a picture of her and Stacey Tovar. Right? Yeah, that looks like it. Is it?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. I'm a huge fan of Stacey Tovar. As you guys know, we have our twisted story together. Do you know our twisted story, mine and Stacey Tovar, Javier? I don't, no. Basically, I did twisted story? Mine and Stacey Tovar, Javier? I don't know. Basically, I did a podcast with her with the CrossFit podcast, and we started talking about the birth control she was on and how it affected her performance at the games and basically how she wouldn't she wish she wouldn't have taken it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Oh, yeah. And how the other athletes were telling her, like, yeah, when we got off this birth control, which is birth control is just fancy word for hormones right right these kind of hormones uh we got stronger and then the new york times when they were attacking greg they made sure to put a paragraph in there about me about how i was creepy and talked to girl about their menses and their birth control and and the funny thing is i never went back and watched it because i was afraid of what that the new york times might be telling the truth and that I might have been creepy about it. And then flash forward two years and Andrew Hiller did a piece defending me and he showed that clip. And I was if I was creepy, I that's as gentlemanly as I can be.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I mean, I was so sincere and gentlemanly and I was wearing a clean shirt. And hey, one thing is she she posted it and defended you. Stacey Gilbert herself. That's a big thing. Of course, yes. It's like way before Hiller made the video, she posted something. And she was like, this is why there's a stigma around talking about this
Starting point is 00:03:53 because of things like this. It's like, this isn't good. So she did that as well too. Well, I listened to your podcast with Elliot. Holsey? Is that how you say that? Elliot. The guy who had the, one of the first guys to have like a million um subscribers on youtube the black guy yeah yeah he had some
Starting point is 00:04:11 thoughts on birth control yeah i mean a shitload who did who just talked about it with us in extensively i think sarah sigman's daughter or someone brought it did yeah yeah like she she yeah if you're a female athlete you should not be taking that stuff. That's for sure. I don't think. Or timing it, right? Yeah. I don't know. I don't think you should be messing with your hormones. If you, if you're a, if you plan on being a professional athlete,
Starting point is 00:04:35 I don't think you should mess with your hormones, period. Isn't that, isn't that the kind of the foundation of the zone diet, not to mess with your hormones? Go ahead, Javier. You were going to say something. No, you're talking to the wrong guy about that. don't know okay but you know like you know you're in the fitness industry and you're working with men and women i mean this stuff comes up i can't tell you how many times you know you you have people talk to you about that like i mean what what are you supposed to do like i'm sorry i'm a guy i can't talk to you about you know right your menses yeah yeah right um uh and and it also is uh relative to relevant to obviously pregnant women and their
Starting point is 00:05:12 their flexibility issues and all the chemicals that their bodies produce during uh their pregnancy to prepare their whole pelvic region you know and their stomach and all that shit to prepare to give birth to a baby but that that's what Sarah was saying. Sarah was saying that she was drawing a correlation between her injury and her menses and basically saying that I think it was during her menses she was either more or less flexible and she thinks that there could be a serious relationship there that needs to be looked at, that women need to be like cater their training especially their peak top end training to their menses and right then my mom texts me stop talking about menses no no no no
Starting point is 00:05:52 no no she would never do that she's not here i grew up with my mom and my sister i was a pro from i was desensitized and i was a pro at a young age i'll get out a whiteboard we can like you know talk talk through it diagram it out uh katie uh very grateful for part two yeah me too this is gonna be cool oh cool for you katie um for those of you who didn't see part one uh this will definitely be good you don't need to see part one you should go back and see part one but this will this will be good enough to be a standalone for you too we have javier jaime He is the owner of CrossFit OTL. Although that may be not true, we're going to find out for that for sure today.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Because what it sounds like is that this gym is part of his kids' continued education. We had that guy, Matthew Boudreaux, on here who runs the Acton Academies. He owns three schools. And basically, the premise of those schools is that the kids run the schools. They hire the teachers. They do the cooking for the food. They run the finances. Part of their education is running the school. And it sounds like that is something that you did. So I want to go back a little bit, Javier, and ask, you started by saying basically you didn't, and um, I want to go back a little bit, Javier and ask, like, um, you had started by saying basically you didn't, um, home and then we'll get to how that got integrated into the CrossFit gym. Yeah. You didn't, um, you didn't think you were going to homeschool your kids
Starting point is 00:07:13 and your kids weren't homeschooled and you have three kids, right? No, no, we have two, two, two. Okay. Yeah. One boy and one girl. Okay. Yeah. That's right. So no, no homeschooling for you you were gonna do just public education well we we were gonna do um an education how's that private school is the choice we took early early on in my career i was doing security sales i was selling like video cameras and access control systems into school districts. Okay. And, you know, sometimes you get a peek behind the curtain at what goes on in those places
Starting point is 00:07:48 and you're like, oh, I don't know about that, you know? And so I was doing security systems for a really large and very well-off school district in town. And I was visiting with a security director and he was telling me all these things that were going on in this very exclusive school district. And I'm like, oh my gosh, you know, it's like, it doesn't really matter, you know, which, which one you're in. There's always things like that. But yeah, we had decided to go private school after we had contemplated homeschool. We did the private school for three years with my daughter,
Starting point is 00:08:16 one year with my son, and then we decided to homeschool at that point. So it was a third grade for my, for my daughter in kindergarten, first grade officially for my son. And neither you or your wife had been homeschooled. That's right. Both of us went to public schools and universities. Yeah. Elizabeth Michael, Beyond the Pill. I think she's recommending that. Beyond the Pill. Jolene Brighton. All right. Put that on. If that author is still alive, I'll read that book. I only read books where I could potentially have the author on my show. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm going to write that name down though. Cause that would be awesome to bring in an expert Jolene Brighton. There you go. Look at you. Oh yeah. She looks like she's still alive. Okay. Okay. This is about the menstrual thing. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. We can't stand subject here and so the kids i didn't know if it was like the red pill you know like i don't know yeah i saw that at first too yes yes the red pill um okay so uh so so then you put in neither you or your wife have been homeschooled um were you scared like when my wife talked about homeschooling i'm like are you kidding
Starting point is 00:09:22 me we're like i'm a moron i wanted to be like like, maybe I even said we're both morons. I don't think she liked that part. private school, you're like, they haven't figured out, they know what to do. This is the path, people follow this path. And if they go down this path, then they go from here, then they go to college, and they interview, then they get out of college, they go interview for a job with somebody, they get a career, and they move on. And when you homeschool, you're like, how much of that am I abandoning that? Am I doing the right thing? Am I equipped? Do I have temperament? Do I have the knowledge, the experience? Do we have the tools, the resources? You know, anybody who homeschools their kids for even one year would question all those things, much less, you know, the majority of their education. And for your parents, wasn't like the, at least for me, my parents, the
Starting point is 00:10:18 push was always stay in school, go to college. That was like the crown jewel. Well, I'm the first college graduate, like on my side of the family. And that was the message from my dad. My dad was like, you know what? I don't want you using your hands the way I have to, to make a living. My dad was an auto mechanic while he was alive. And he's like, I don't want you to have to do this. Use your brain, go get an education. This is something we didn't have. Go get an education. They didn't really know what that meant though. It wasn't like, I don't want you to have to do this. You know, I want, you know, use your brain and go get an education. This is something we didn't have. Go get an education. They didn't really know what that meant, though. Like, it wasn't like, hey, go do this and follow this career path and you go work for
Starting point is 00:10:51 this company. They're like, you know, go get an education and get a job that you don't have to work, you know, this hard labor that I have to. And so that I took to heart. I'm like, OK, first of all, my dad was telling me. And then the other was I'm kind of growing up around people who are struggling to make ends meet. I'm going around family who is, you know, who are chronically sick and ill and alcoholics and things like that. And those are all things I'm like, OK, I'm going to get away from that.
Starting point is 00:11:17 My dad's telling me, go do this. So. So, yeah, I took the path of going and getting my my college degree, getting a job with a corporation. I've been there 23 years at the same company. Ken Walters, this is our in-house detective. Javier has one heck of a Lincoln profile, just as awesome in his day job as it sounds he is at his CrossFit training. Oh, hey, thank you. Our research assistant. Says the 82-year-old guy with his shirt off that still looks like he's hard as a rock.
Starting point is 00:11:46 He looks jacked. Yeah, he is. And he's nowhere near 82. That's me just fucking with him. I was thinking about it when you asked him if he was scared about doing homeschool. And I brought up that statistic real quick at the top of Google about how it grew exponentially, tripled in the last 2020, 2022, and, uh, grew two to 8% each year. So it's growing. Yeah. Right. So when we started, I mean, there's plenty of people in Texas that are homeschooling, right? So it's not like this totally new concept, especially in Texas or even
Starting point is 00:12:17 tons of Christian fanatics doing it. Of course. Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Fanatics. Uh, and, uh, but we definitely, you know know early on for us it was you know we we tell people oh we you know people always ask so where do your kids go to school where do you kids go to school like oh they homeschool like oh how do they get how do they get socialized how do they get their protein yeah like a step back yeah yeah yeah yeah it is how do they get it's it is how do they get socialized that's right away that part cracks me up yeah i'm like well all right there's plenty of answers for that sort of thing but you know how do they get socialized? That's right away. That part cracks me up. Yeah, that's the part where they have to get to. I'm like, well, there's plenty of answers for that sort of thing. But, you know, how do they get socialized?
Starting point is 00:12:48 What about sports? What about this? What about that? And I think they're all legitimate questions because they were the kind of things that I didn't understand either. But then after a while, you almost kind of get a little tired of answering them because you almost feel like they're not. It's not about like sincerity.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Like, how do you do it? It's almost like a like, wait a minute. Are you kind of questioning my, you know, my choice my choice my parenting but that is what 100% what they're doing because that's what we're doing right like that's crazy yeah yeah it's less crazy though yeah well the thing is too is I can't remember if Jeremy Kinnick shared this with me or some some homeschooling person but they were like I read on their Instagram uh look how you turned out you don't think you could do a better job at educating your kids than the education you got. And then I was like, oh, yeah, I think I'm an idiot that's not aggregate or at least take my kids to places where they'll have the opportunity to get a better opportunity. Right. Yeah. And we even had over over time, you know, we kind of had a change of what we expected. I
Starting point is 00:13:56 think at first we said, OK, we're homeschooling the kids for whatever the reasons were. Right. Whatever time educating, being close to them, staying close, you know, the idea of say, you know, protection from a mindset or a, you know, you almost think of like right now, I see so much in social media, people are like, take your kids out of school, like homeschool them because of all of the pressure that the schools are under to have, you know, certain types of curriculum and messaging and things that, you know, they're being exposed to in library time and such. And, you know, but back then we were just like, okay, I think this is the right thing for us. And now if we've, as we've gone further into it, you know, I get, it still doesn't get
Starting point is 00:14:36 any easier every year because you still have to motivate kids, right? Like, hey, do your work, do your stuff. My son's probably listening upstairs, right? Knowing he has some stuff he has to do by tomorrow morning, know right nick yeah subtle hint yeah yeah he's up there watch your pride chime in right in a second hey um but but the thing is i don't at least i don't know about uh the level your kids are at but like i don't even know what grade my kids are in i'm gonna say first grade and third grade or kindergarten second grade something like that my wife does it all but but it's not regular.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You don't the part that was scary is I thought it had to be like regular school and it's not regular school at all. Right. It's like it's I'm not trying to I thought homeschool is you just replicate what they do in the public school. It's it's not like that at all. Besides the reading and math, it's, it's, um, at least for us, it's nothing like that. It's across the board. So, I mean, you know, we see some programs that like our college prep homeschool programs. And so it looks a lot like a regular school. Oh, okay. I haven't got there yet, but it's not. And then there's other people that, you know, just, they don't do anything, but they keep their kids at home. Our kids are part of a community. They made up once a week with other people that are also doing the homeschool
Starting point is 00:15:49 and they visit once with a tutor. The homeschool parents are still responsible for all aspects of the education, but they go to this community because it's, you know, it's helpful for the people who are doing this together. I'm saying this, it still isn't easy, right? It's still a challenge. And so when you have, you know, so for example, so my- When you say it isn't easy, isn't easy for you or isn't easy, right? It's still a challenge. And so when you have, you know, so for example, so my- When you say it isn't easy, isn't easy for you or isn't easy for the kids?
Starting point is 00:16:10 I think, no, I think it's, well, you know, we threaten the kids with like putting them in school. Like we used to, like, we're going to put you in school. They're like, no, you know, so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Whenever I drive by a school, I go see those kids. They go to the one behind the fence. I go, yeah, the kids behind the fence. You want to do that? They're like, nah. I'm like, all right, be good. I do that, too. Yep. Well, you know, I mean, the reason why you're choosing homeschool is you want the best for your kid and you think. Sorry, Nicholas. Sorry. I don't trust these other people, these other humans to have the capacity to manage a classroom full of 30 kids and possibly the blue hairs to teach them something weird. Right. Well, the Furbies to, you know. Yes, I have I have concerns. I mean, when they know when I see the flags outside the school, I start to question what they're teaching there.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Sure. Yeah. Well, I mean, right. And in choosing the best for them, I say, well, that's probably not the best for them. So, you know, so then while you're going through the process, I mean, just like they aren't necessarily interested in doing homework in a public school or private school for, you know, they're going to also, you still have to go through the same motivational challenges and get them on task and do, you know, doing things. It's not like it's the magic answer, right? It's not like the magic pill that says, pill that says okay cool if I homeschool my kids they'll love it the whole time and they'll do everything that they're asked but I will say that they do work a lot more independently like they do a great job and especially if they're doing things um you know if there's a good definition and structure about what's expected of them then you'll find that they take a lot
Starting point is 00:17:41 more initiative at certain times of the day like get things done like there'll there'll be times until that, you know, my, both my kids would get up first thing in the morning, knock out as much school as they could, right. Thinking they're getting away with something so that later on in the day they would have free time. But the reality is they kind of just were setting good practice of getting up first thing in the morning and knocking things out that were, you know, that were really not something they want to do. Then they spend the rest of their day doing, you know, something else, you know, that were really not something they want to do. Then they spend the rest of their day doing, you know, something else. And what's crazy is that's learning. That's the part, that's the part that's trippy, right? So you're, my kids get up,
Starting point is 00:18:12 they go get their backpacks that are hanging in the entryway. They bring them to the, to the bar in the kitchen. That's, they do their, their work there for an hour, put that away, eat breakfast. And then it's, and then the rest of the day is learning, but it's just like, it's, it's, it's just learning because, because they're not in front of a TV and because they're, you know, not in front of an iPad and they're not in front of a screen and they're not, you know, I'm screwing off, you know, at school. It's crazy. They don't have to worry. It's just a day full of learning, whatever, you know, that may be going to the beach, going to the museum,
Starting point is 00:18:44 taking, uh, tennis classes, uh, watching their dad, you know, that may be going to the beach, going to the museum, taking, uh, tennis classes, uh, watching their dad, you know, uh, fight with other drivers in the traffic jam. It's just like the whole thing is an education, right? That must be you. Cause that wasn't me. Right. Right. Not me either. Other, other homeschooling. Well, you know, they, they created a lot of time in the productive part of the latter part of the day that they took on other tasks and other roles. So both of them paid for their first vehicles on their own through the jobs that they had, that they were able to create money and wages for themselves while other kids would
Starting point is 00:19:15 have been at school. Right. So they get their school done in the morning. They get up, do their job. My daughter was a nanny for a family, another homeschool family, and she helped watch the kids and all the money that she earned, bought her her first car before. How old was she when she started that Javier? Probably about the same time that she was doing the, uh, the, the kids think maybe 14, 13. Wow. Okay. Okay. So she would, so she'd go over to this family's house. They had like five kids. And so she'd help watch them. Um, also another very like CrossFit centric household too. Really, really
Starting point is 00:19:42 cool family. And so she watched their kids and she was around, you know, and they had a couple more kids. So she was around for all that, you know, their next kids being born. And so they paid her. She used that money and she bought her first car. She was 16. So basically three years of savings. Yeah. And then she was able to buy her car. She was also making some money from her job her job at, as the CrossFit kids assistant. Right. So she was getting wages from that too. Oh, was your gym open at that point?
Starting point is 00:20:09 No, no, no. This was the other gym, the gym we were at. Oh, that's where she was kind of like apprenticing. And she was like assisting another lady who was the CrossFit kids coach. It was a big class. So she was assisting that CrossFit kids class because it was, you know, it was a bigger class. So she was there. So she was learning all of the, you know, how to give kids the instruction on how to do squats and lifts and all that good stuff, which is, it was almost better to have to teach kids. Cause when you, when you make it so simple, then you have to go teach an adult, like the more complicated you make it, the harder it is. So it was a good skill. How old's your daughter now? Well, now she's 20.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Does she ever talk about wanting kids? Oh yeah. She wants kids and she wants kids and she wants to stay home. That, that is, that is one of the primary reasons why when we had a conversation about the career path that she would take and having been in working for, you know, a corporation for 20 years, and I've been around plenty of professional people. And even this is a situation, my wife, my wife was also professional, you know, working in healthcare environment. She was the vice president of human resources before she stayed home with the kids. And we remember that, that moment where we had to make a decision. Do I want my wife's income to continue for the household? And she was making good money. She was a B she was like a VP of HR, right? Or what a disgusting job though, but go on. Well, she was a b she was like a vp of hr right or what a
Starting point is 00:21:25 disgusting job though but go on well she yeah she said she couldn't do it anymore like especially in the hospitals um but i would love to talk to your wife about hr hr is a disgusting disgusting place to work it is anyone who works in hr you're a miserable fucking creature sorry i digress i agree oh it's bad it's bad you're a fucking hub of tattletales and abuse and you're you it's gross i i'm pissed at hr i hate hr no we just we just peeled off the tab there man yeah sorry okay no that's okay i mean nothing against your wife nothing against your wife i'm glad she got out no well she started as a recruiter and then she but she was making good money before we had the kids and we had the kids it's like she didn't i like that i like a woman who makes a lot of money good yeah yeah well she
Starting point is 00:22:08 she she was and then she stopped because she decided to stay home with the kids right so so that was a bit that was a major decision that we had to make and it's a decision i've had to see a lot of other people make or we've seen a lot of other people and i know that the idea of staying home with your kids and never mind homeschool, but like, you know, being a stay at home mom or homeschooling, we had that conversation about like, which path after this homeschool curriculum for my daughter, what she was going to do. And when she knows she wants to have children, she loves kids. That's why she loves doing the CrossFit kids class. That's why she loves, uh, and that's why she nannied for a family that had so many kids. So she loves them. I know that she wants to have kids. And I said, well, you can choose this path
Starting point is 00:22:46 of going to school and getting a degree and going and getting a corporate job. And then the idea that you make enough money that you'll be able to help support your family. But then when you have a kid, you're gonna have to decide, are you gonna go back? Are you gonna stay home?
Starting point is 00:22:59 And the decision that we made, and we talked about it on the last call, was that she had developed all of this knowledge from one, being that CrossFit kids assistant coach, the other, because we had adopted this lifestyle dating back to when we started CrossFit about health, wellness, nutrition, fitness, eliminating all of this trash. She had done that senior paper I told you about where she was really talking about all the corruptness that led to the way that the sugar industry had kind of fooled us all. Oh, someone asked me for a
Starting point is 00:23:28 copy of that paper, by the way. Oh, we got to go find it. And I thought they were crazy. They're like, Hey, can you ask Javier for a copy of that paper? I want to see it. And I'm like, I'm not asking him that, but here I am asking. All right, here I am. Uh, right. Yeah. So, so the decision was, okay, you can go do do something like we just had this talk even earlier today we're having this conversation with with her and and you know we were kind of restating and reiterating our point was that if she already has this this capability to bring value to people through her own skill set, through her own knowledge, her own capabilities and being able to coach people, coach them through health and wellness. And she also has her PNL one, right? Her PN. What's that called? Precision nutrition. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:15 So she got that, too. Right. So she got that also when she was 17. So, OK, so you've got the ability to market yourself and to sell services that people will find valuable so and you don't have to do that in a corporation so you can do that independent she doesn't even need a CrossFit gym like she could just be a trainer but we decided that the the idea of opening the gym first of all it had been a dream for us it was something because we love CrossFit but we also knew that what would be just as important as her having those skills. There you go. The PN was. Is this is this is this in the CrossFit family? These people, you know, at one point it was like a parallel thing. That's how we found out about it. Who's the owner of the company? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:25:04 Great question. I don't know. I've seen a lot of CrossFit athletes that have got the PN. Oh, Dr. John Berardi and Phil Caravaggio. Joined together on two. Okay. All right. I'll check it out later. Okay. It's a lot of nutrition, but it's also a lot of coaching.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Okay. It's a lot of coaching. You had to help people eat better without, like, the same way you would help people help people like squat better. It's like CrossFit. Yeah. I mean, you have all this great knowledge. You still have to get people to be able to understand and comprehend it. And you have to understand personalities and psyche and all of that kind of stuff. Right. Cause you can't just, who's the better coach, your, your daughter or your son. No, one's listening just between me. She's great with the kids. He's more technical. He's kind of like me, right? So he's more technical. She's good with the kids. Sorry more technical he's kind of like me right so he's more technical
Starting point is 00:25:45 she's good with the kids sorry nicholas she's better hey um he but he also got his he also got his uh his l1 when he turned 17 also this i bet you i i wonder what you think about this i want to ask you this then we'll go back to your story and then we'll come back to what i'm asking you don't so don't but i wonder these these social skills your kids are building are going to be a rare commodity i think in two years like now and even even in 30 years and man like you and i grew up in a in an era where like your personality gets you to the 51 yard line for sure and they told us it was going to be college but it's really who you know and your And they told us it was going to be college, but it's really who, you know, and your personality. I wonder if it's going to become even more valuable or if it's going to become unnecessary, but just imagine, I can't think of better training to deal with
Starting point is 00:26:34 people than what your two kids have gone through. But anyway, go, so go back to, uh, what were we talking about before? Let's go back to that. I don't want to throw you off. You were trying to, you were trying to make me pick between my daughter and my son. Oh, yeah. But right before that, even before that. Oh, well, just the idea that it wasn't just about, like, say, having that knowledge, being able to work it. But I think you mentioned, I'm not sure the guy you're talking about before, but of owning and operating a business, right? Being able to start one. It's not like I had a successful gym that was 10 years old and they were growing up into it and they were just going to adopt it. Like we're literally starting it together. So it's not like we're immediately profitable that we immediately have all of the answers and we have all the process ironed out.
Starting point is 00:27:13 That's why I decided to use Two Brain because I said, well, I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to starting across the gym. So is there something that will help me in making the right decisions and giving me feedback about like, am I doing the right thing? Am I marketing the right way? Am I setting up the right system, setting up the right pricing? And so I decided, you know what, if I'm going to invest in the gym, I need to also invest in its success. And I decided to sign up for the Two Brain program. And I use that as well to say like, that's, there's so much, there's so much content that they have, they make available to their members and like any single template of anything you could imagine. It's kind of like having a franchise without them making you
Starting point is 00:27:53 do anything, right? Like you can pick anything you want out of their library and like, use it. It's yours, right? How old's Nicholas? He's 17. He's not yet 18. Are they both still in the house? Yeah, they are right now yeah would you ever kick your kids out or would you let them live there forever well no they need to get out at some point they do i don't know about kicking out but yeah no i mean i encourage them to get to me i mean the whole goal is freedom right i want them to be free right that's it and so you know you're not going to be free in here because i'm going to tell them when they go to sleep and you know so they're good oh right right and what about leave and come back? Can they do that?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Under the right circumstances. Yeah. Yeah. Like if they leave and get addicted to drugs and then they get, then they go through rehab and they're better and they need to get back on their feet. They could come home. Well, that's pretty extreme, but okay. You weren't going to offer something up. So I had to come up with. All right. Yeah, of course. Of course I would accept them, man. So I had to come up with. Yeah, of course. Of course I would accept them, man. You know, they're my kids.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I love them, you know, but, but it's tough love, right. You know, it's been that way the whole time. Yeah. I'm trying to also justify my existence. I was like getting, I was in and out of the house for a long time and my, my mom always welcoming back, but then I would always get, I would get, get booted out again, but then I would come, I would come back. Well, my mom is listening. So I think my mom's listening she signed up for this um did she kick you out no oh no i mean i left when i was 18 to go to school i moved to another city i came back for one summer then i never moved back in i was you know oh that's it that's wow
Starting point is 00:29:18 no people do that i don't know that's what i did you know i fuck i don't want my kids ever to leave i don't care that's where you're going with it well i mean i think what if they move out of the state we'll get back to two brain and how you bought the gym but let's go here for a second what if they move out of state i'd be sad yeah i'd be really sad i wouldn't want to see that but i mean obviously we can't help them i think that was one of the other things too i think one of the other things is like when you go through college and you come out and it's like kind of like a lottery pick. Like I interviewed with a couple of companies when I graduated and I had the option to move to two cities that I didn't want to pick for myself.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Right. You know, I mean, I probably could have kept looking, but I had two nice offers out of college. And one of them was to move to Pennsylvania and the other one was to move to Dallas. And I was living in Austin at the time and I never lived in Dallas. And I said, well, I'm gonna pick Texas. So we just stayed in Texas. And I- Where does your mom live now? She's in San Antonio.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I grew up there. How far is that from you? Four and a half hours, depends on, yeah, four hours. I looked at homes there. Every once in a while, I go to Trulia and look at homes there. Man, I don't know about now, but a couple of years ago,
Starting point is 00:30:23 you could get some crazy stuff there for cheap. Like for 500 grand, you could buy a mansion. Yeah, sure. In San Antonio, yeah. I mean, I think, yeah. I mean, Texas, generally speaking, compared to where you're scared of California, you know, for sure. So when your daughter graduated first from high school? She did during the lockdowns. She did during the lockdowns.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Yeah, during the lockdowns. And that's when you guys started talking. And so that's when you were doing classes out of your garage, two kinds of classes. There was a... We had the moms and the seven. We had the homeschool football boys at nine. And then you, so there was bootcamp moms, football boys and then Javier playing CrossFit. Yeah, I was at another gym. Yeah. Oh, you were OK. You weren't doing CrossFit. OK.
Starting point is 00:31:20 OK, I can. I'll tell you, I'm going to tell you 20 percent. Remember this number 20 percent. And I'm going to come back to that. OK. Then the lockdowns happened. And I'm going to come back to that. Okay. Then the lockdowns happened. And my daughter who had been helping out with the kids' classes at the other gym, when they resumed classes and everybody went back to the gym, they didn't automatically resume the kids' classes. And so some of the kids wanted to still work out. So then some of the kids started coming to our garage. So then we had the moms, the football boys, and then the kids. And so we're already kind of operating there. And I said, okay, well, let's go ahead and, you know, let's pull the trigger. Actually, we already knew we were going to do it. We were waiting for a building to make, to become available. And it was like a quintessential
Starting point is 00:31:58 CrossFit building, big metal building with the, you know, the flyway roof and the tornado scenario kind of thing. You know, it's a raggedy looking thing. And we're like, well, this would be perfect to throw across the thing here. And then it just, that's the one that didn't work out that we were going to call on the border. Right. So that one didn't work out. We moved somewhere else, but that took like a year of negotiating with the owner to try
Starting point is 00:32:18 to get in there. And ultimately the city like did not let him move in without doing a million dollar improvement on the premise. And he said, forget it. And then he, then he left. And that almost, that almost sunk it for us. Like, we're like, holy crap. Like that was the place we were going to go. We were ready to sign the lease and start construction. And then it was gone. Do you let your kids do the negotiating? No, no, no, no. You, you did it. Well, I mean, again, I, I don't claim to be an expert in it i have a we have a really good friend who's in real estate development and he's uh and he really helped us out with that
Starting point is 00:32:51 but were your kids interfacing at that point though were you like hey like when who runs the gym now is it you or your kids my wife your wife i always forget about the wife it's funny people always give me credit for raising these great kids. And I'm always seeing myself. I'm not, it's really my wife. Everyone always forgets the general manager. Right. So yeah, we, you know, she, she never thought that she would do well. She knew once she started doing CrossFit, right. She was into it. She liked it and she was fine.
Starting point is 00:33:20 She wasn't trying to like set PR or do any comp training like that, but she just, she understood that there was like, this was the most efficient way for her to stay healthy and fit. So she was doing that. But once we decided to open the gym and we got to a place where we were looking at, at the time we were opening the gym, the only two people with certificates in the house were my wife, I mean, my daughter and myself. We were both L1s and I decided, you know what, before we open up, I'd want to take the L2. So we both took the L2 right before we opened. Cause I felt like I really needed that extra bit of like, you know what, before we open up, I want to take the L2. So we both took the L2 right before we opened because I felt like I really needed that extra bit of like, you know, the coaching principles that you get out of L2. And we loved it. We took that one together. Yeah, that one's awesome for like practical coaching.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Like you come back with so many tools and like such a good knowledge base and classroom management, too. Like as your guys' class started to get bigger, that was probably a huge benefit by going to the L2. No, it was great. In fact, one of the – I don't know if I can give it away right in the L2, but one of the days, one of the workouts we did was a strength only for a whole hour. And I had never experienced that. Every CrossFit gym I'd ever worked out in, strength was jammed into a little 15-minute section before you did your Metcon. And we made a whole hour's worth out of a 5x5 front squat. Metcon and we made a whole hour's worth out of a five by five front squat.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And it was like, blew my mind because it was like, I had completely abandoned the idea that you would make a strength workout, a whole workout in CrossFit. I'm like, well, no, you don't think you're supposed to kill yourself every day. And, um, and what I, what I love about that is that kind of circling back to, we talked about the cap training, um, the, the, the, the cap plan, uh, program that they build that into that training now right
Starting point is 00:34:47 so that's in there you know so even in our box like we'll have days where all we do is five by five front squat or five by five back squat or five by five deadlifts and you're like the whole hour is just that you're like yeah and the members are good with it like nobody hangs around and like lingers next to an assault bike when you're not looking to get on it like sweaty real fast that's what i always run into i always run into that issue like whenever if i do like a heavy day you get everybody squatting half the members are like oh that's it we're gonna go do some sit-ups and some rowing in the back corner and you're like well i think that's a class management thing too right and that's the thing that we learned in that in that if you if there's a way to manage the class so that you can
Starting point is 00:35:20 do that so where people are really into it and also you get the whole class. Like we did this whole rotation thing where instead of everybody going at once, we literally did one person at a time and you had like a three minute window, right? It's like person one, two, three, four, five. And that way the coach sees every single person do the lift instead of everybody simultaneously squatting and you don't see anybody. Right. Dude, I love that. What about, what about this? This is way off subject, but what about the fact that some people might be embarrassed to do it in front of the rest of the class? I'll let you know, like I got a hundred pound back squat and there's a girl 12 years older, 12 years older than me. That's got a 200 pound. You go at the door, right? Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:35:57 I think, you know, we don't always use that method. We do sometimes like for the most part, we'll do, sometimes we'll do half the rig. Like we'll do people on one side of the rig. Cause we have like the two sided rig, like this half goes and'll do half the rig. Like we'll do people on one side of the rig because we have like the two sided rig. Like this half goes and then this half goes. So, you know, people can still hide a little bit. We got our eyes on the folks that we know are struggling. Like Olivia Kerstetter's in your gym. Yeah, we don't have any of those.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And she's just she's just back squatting. OK, I want to bring up 20 percent. And you told me to remind you about 20 percent. But I'm gonna wait one second before I bring it up. And you told me to remind you about 20%, but I'm going to wait one second before I bring it up. I always have this question. When you are running that gym at your house with all those people coming in and out, do you know what I'm going to ask, Sousa? I think so.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Where do people drop their deuces? Do they have to come in the house and use your bathroom? You know, we had a bathroom, but I mean, it wasn't like a ton of strangers. These were all like – I'm not worried about strangers. I'm worried about the- The traffic. The football boys? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I'm just worried about your toilet, just your piping and all that. How many bathrooms did that house have? It has enough. It has like four. I don't know. We have quite a bit. We have a guest bath that nobody uses that's close to the garage, and that's the one they would use.
Starting point is 00:37:01 But most of them made it just a whole- I mean, it's just an hour class, right? Yeah, but listen, it's just an hour class, right. You know, like, Yeah, but listen, you have a gym. I think there's people there who just come there and that's like what they use your gym for. They deuce and then they work out. I mean, Especially the morning guys, like right before when we're about getting ready to start the work out, somebody comes flying out of the bathroom, right. We're about to start the clock. It's mostly the women on double under day.
Starting point is 00:37:20 You know, they're like, I got to go. Oh, they want to empty the bladder. They're going to empty it anyway on the double unders. these are all moms right there's no young there weren't any young ladies well you don't understand javier there's pelvic floor exercises themselves but they wouldn't you need a certificate and please come and get the okay okay so so you guys opened the gym and from the beginning is that supposed to be that was going to be a continuation of um of the homeschooling also yeah that's right so the college education yeah 20 were you going to say something about 20 well yeah so we'll finish that thought about the the continuation the continuation is not the idea that they're going to run and
Starting point is 00:38:01 operate crossfit gyms their whole life maybe it it is. Maybe they'll, maybe Nick will go create one on the other side of town. Maybe he'll be CEO of CrossFit Inc. Oh, well, there you go. Always hiring. Add that to my LinkedIn profile. Yep. There you go. Oh, what would you add to it? A father of CEO of CrossFit Inc? Yeah, could be. Oh, that's badass. Yeah. You never know. he's pretty ambitious yep well i didn't say he he started his own company he was like 15 14 he's probably gonna correct me so so with that free time like one day him and his buddy like went to like a hobby store and picked up some little screen print thing and they came home and made a screen print and they're like here you go like they made a gift for me and they're like here you you go. Like they made a gift for me. And they're like, here you go, it's cool. Okay, they got it for free.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And then next thing I know, like within a couple of weeks, he's got a contract with the school doing shirts for like a school. And then he ends up like a couple of months later having a contract with the school for the whole year, like printing all their uniforms. Wow. Nice.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So he was printing like a little private homeschool thing. I mean, I don't know how many thousand dollars or 20 000 30 000 he did revenue like maybe that first did he ever own a triple beam did he ever own a triple beam what is that what's a triple do you know what a triple beam is no i don't it was the cornerstone of my business as a young man a triple beam you can pull up a picture of it. Or do you want me, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:26 you don't, none of your kids ever owned a triple beam. What did I have? No, I didn't. Show them, show them, show them what a triple beam is.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Nicholas, do you know what a triple beam is? You're lucky. Your dad doesn't know what a triple beam is. Like at Mooney. Old school as a mofo. Everybody's everybody's first purchase. Yeah. This is a triple beam. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. No, no.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Yeah. My mom was so square. I probably got her to buy me my first triple beam. It's for science class. What about the small baggies? It's for his physics lab. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. Categorizing species. categorizing species i have a um i have a novelty bag of weed around here somewhere novelty i move my i don't i don't i don't do any i don't do drugs i drink a little alcohol i don't do any i don't take i don't even take tylenol it's a prop um i'm a good boy now it's been many 30 years um oh steve on don't be bad i'm not i'm just wondering like his kids making shirts and i'm just let me tell you entrepreneurs want to get
Starting point is 00:40:31 into the drug business as kids because you don't you just see that there's a great turnover and it's easy and you know a lot of customers right you're like especially if you don't do drugs you're like fuck i'll be amazing at selling his mom would be like sniffing that out from like a block like a mile away like what what the hell's going on yeah yeah yeah she she put it into that real fast yeah so no so he did that yeah so that's what he so while right so my daughter was doing the crossfit stuff and learning and doing the kid stuff he he started making these shirts and doing this other stuff and then in the process of that he was learning how to market for himself and so he learned how to create his own Shopify store, how to create his own website and how to market all of his own stuff. He does all of his own video editing,
Starting point is 00:41:13 his photo editing, his photo shoots, and he does all that. He's got his own like apparel brand that he markets and sells and stuff. So what's it called? What's it called? It's on his, it's on his Instagram. I think it's made, made for glory, right, Nick? Yeah. He sounds like he's a go getter.
Starting point is 00:41:29 It's funny how all the weird stuff you learn when you're not in school, huh? That's right, man. You're like, Oh man, this kid doesn't know. You're like,
Starting point is 00:41:35 what are they going to do? I'm like, I have no, no, I learned how to be, I'm not concerned about that. There you go. His made for glory right there.
Starting point is 00:41:43 The one above. Oh, look at him oh i like it oh look at there's the opium poppies there they are there you go see there they are awesome good for him if you ask him if he wants to sponsor a podcast dude he would. Absolutely. Made for glory. We already have a clothing company. He's got 11 posts, so he's got a few up on you there. Dude, he did the whole thing with the archive and his stuff right there. There you go, him and his sister.
Starting point is 00:42:17 That's awesome. That's him and his sister right there? Yeah, that's my daughter. Both your kids? Yeah, that's them. God, you're lucky. I like that cord. Is that the same one you're wearing, yeah yeah yeah yeah he made this those are nice um of course if you're going to open a crossfit gym it doesn't necessarily mean your um kids are going to work there their whole life but but what a training ground ground right because everything needs to be done there from
Starting point is 00:42:43 clean the bathrooms to manage the accounts to to pay the taxes to, I mean, the whole thing. Does your wife slowly push things off on them as they want to do stuff? Well, yeah, that, and that's the idea. So like, you know, obviously I made an investment in the gym, right? So I can't like start it up and go, here you go, kids. Hope, please don't mess this up. Right. So we're, we're definitely with the years of experience we have in corporate America and just, you know, being more mature and older, obviously we, you know, we're, we're using the mentor program. We're trying to set all of the things up so that it can be a successful gym. And then they learn that and basically apprenticing in that process. And then taking on a lot of the roles as they get more,
Starting point is 00:43:19 you know, more time under their belt, you know, and like at first, you know, I was doing all of my, uh, my wife and I was doing all of my uh my wife and i were doing all the coaching uh isabel was still doing the teens um now it's the point that i don't really i maybe coach one class a week maybe like tomorrow i have a six o'clock and that's it when when you bought this you're gonna regret being on two shows i'm sorry we're getting too friendly when you buy your um when you bought your house um who does the adult stuff you or your wife like who like signs all those paperwork and sit in those meetings with like the mortgage people and all that yeah yeah well both of us but she's like she's like the
Starting point is 00:43:55 keeper here's the thing that sucks i just run away i'm like can we get that house my wife's like yeah i'm like all right i'm gonna go outside okay so i'm gonna walk to starbucks i'll be back in three hours okay here's the thing right i married probably like the most excellent manager in the world right so the the i'm yeah i'm proud of what i've been able to offer the kids but i'm even more grateful for like what the the kind of excellence that my wife has and the pride that she has in her work and the things that she does. And pretty much anything that she touches, she improves, right? And she makes it better. And, and so that's great. So she manages. Yeah. She told you, you were fat. She did. She picked me, right? Tune in for part one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Hey, that shows how much she hated her HR job. Your wife had fired people for saying less. I'm telling you. She's fired plenty of people. Right. For saying less than that. That's great. Yeah. That's awesome. She's super compassionate, but if she had to like be cold, hard and cut you off, she can do it easy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:58 Gone. See you later. And the gym's a year old now. It's a year. Yes. And it has 120 some odd members 120 yep and um what at what point do you decide to use two brain before i even opened can you tell me how they popped up on your radar and yes okay exactly isbo and I took the L1 together and one of the instructors was the owner of CrossFit Strong here in Dallas. OK, Gail Yoakum. I don't know if you guys know Gail. He's he's he's buds with Chase Singer. I like I like that name. I know that Yoakum. And he was our instructor.
Starting point is 00:45:41 He was one of the instructors. And, you know, I just, I left there from the L1, then all the whole COVID thing happened. And then one of our family friends, one of our real close family friends, her husband, who I know pretty well, he was like in a fraternity with Gail. And he's like, oh man, I know that guy. I'm like, oh, crazy. Cool. He was actually in his wedding together. It was kind of small world. And when we were thinking about opening the gym, I'm like, well, gosh, who do I call? Like, I mean, I've been working out in the same gym. It was kind of small world. And, uh, when we were thinking about opening the gym, I'm like, well, gosh, who do I call? Like, I mean, I've been working out in the same gym. It's not like I knew every CrossFit owner in town. I'm like, who do I call? So I called Gail and I asked him, I'm like, is there like a way to find a mentor for CrossFit? How did you end up with
Starting point is 00:46:18 Gail's phone number? He was your L1 instructor. He was my L1 instructor, but he was also the best man at my friend's wedding. They hadn't seen each other in a while, but they knew each other that way. Okay. So you got his number from him? I think I had his email. I don't know. I might have just looked him up on – no, actually, I DMed him on Instagram. That's what it was.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I wanted to drive home the point there of how accessible these L1 trainers are. This CrossFit L1 thing, I know I jerk it off all the time. You can go to an L1 and befriend one of these trainers for the rest of your life. Like these are cool, really, really cool people. He's a cool dude, man. His place is nuts. He's got like a whole like gym. He's got like the ninja thing with the kids.
Starting point is 00:47:03 His program has a lot to do with his kids too so he's got like a huge gym and i think he's got like a facility that has all of the ninja you know warrior not the ninja warrior try is that what that is you know that yeah yeah yeah yeah so he's yeah he's got that he does big comps there him and chase for always seem to be like pretty tight like they don't They do a big comp there. Look at his kid. That's his kid. His kid wrestles like that.
Starting point is 00:47:29 That wrestling shit's hardcore. Yeah, it's cool. I want to follow him on Instagram right now. Basically, I just wanted to drive home the point. What's his Instagram again? G-A-L-E-Y-O-C-O-M. Yeah, you got to go to CrossFit Strong. That's his
Starting point is 00:47:49 He's a God-fearing man, proud husband and father. God-fearing? Oh, I mean he's scared of God. Okay. Proud husband and father, strong fitness. He has a digital currency company and is world foremost expert on marble slab mixings.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I have no idea what that means. Me neither, but it's – I mean, I haven't talked to him since before I started the gym. But, I mean – Okay, don't, don't, don't. I'm not bad-mouthing him. You don't got to distance yourself from him all of a sudden. I might.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I don't know what the marble mixing thing is. I don't know. Maybe that's a triple beam-like reference. No, no, no. That's just like shit you put in your bath, like bathroom walls and shit. Rich people. It's just rich people shit. right easy there don't get all squirrely on me javier you're like oh my signal's breaking up where'd javier in fact i don't know at all
Starting point is 00:48:34 actually pull the plug okay so so you were able to be friend you went to an l1 able to befriend a guy and use him as a resource that was just my point okay he connected me to brain i called those guys and you know i got connected uh with, checked out the program, signed up for a mentor before we opened. And so, you know, got guidance and input and stuff on how to set up, you know, your pricing, your playbook, how to market, how to do a, how to do a kind of a grand opening type thing. So you can get as many people before you open the doors. So it has all of that stuff to really help you get going. And, you know, and I just didn't want to, I didn't want my inexperience with running and operating a gym to be the
Starting point is 00:49:12 reason why we weren't successful. So I said, okay, I'm not going to leave it up to me. I'm going to get the input of what, apparently, you know, what two brain says is like, you know, the, the, the knowledge of hundreds, if not thousands of gyms success, I'm going to take that and use it and um so so let me repace this here i know i wasn't it wasn't 100 my best listening skills just now you you uh to contact to um yokum and he told you about two brain you read the free book and after reading the free book then you're like oh this is good stuff and then you reached out to him and you weren't scared of the money they asked for because I know it's not cheap.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Oh, no. Heck, yeah. I was afraid. Yeah. OK, great. I mean, it was it was I mean, it was more money than, you know, than for sure. I mean, it was a lot more money that I was going to be comfortable paying. But then I thought, well, the cost of me not being successful because I didn't get the help would be even worse, right? Like that would be worse. So to me, I felt like it was an over, plus I also think of it as like tuition for the curriculum that they offer. That's not just for me. I mean, if you go, I'm sure all their mentoring programs are similar, right? So I can only speak about two brain, but if the, the,
Starting point is 00:50:26 the amount of instruction that they have, there's like just hundreds, if not thousands of hours and videos on how to sell, how to close, how to operate, how to set a process, how to do financials to support. I mean, it's all there. Like there's no excuse for you not to be able to piece together a successful business from the material that they have. And who do you, do you, can you say who your mentor is over there uh yeah karen hazleton today it used to be jeff juca we switched when we went from our uh our on-ramp to our growth mode on-ramp on-ramp and were you ramp up not on itramp, ramp up. We ramp up to growth.
Starting point is 00:51:06 And that was like pre-opening the gym? Yeah, it was like, you know, it's, you know, I'd say we're, you know, when we got to that, when we initially were kicking, kick-starting, we were trying to ramp everything up, right? So marketing materials, getting all of your process set up, getting your playbook, getting your price book, getting your, you know, getting all of that stuff done, that initial setup. Yeah, I was working with Jeff Fuca. Got it. Okay. From, he's out of Arkansas. i think he's a little off and then uh he has a crossfit gym um and then we switched over to another man aaron hazleton she does not have a crossfit gym i think
Starting point is 00:51:37 they used to be crossfit now they run like more of a personal training studio but hey did you know that's how basically that's how susan and i cross past is there two brain no i didn't know that so i had this i had um i had chris cooper on who i love chris cooper by the way coming on this week i saw he was on later this week yeah have you met him no i haven't met him no dude tell him i just gave him a great commercial right so yeah you did well he's gonna help but whatever clip it we haven't we'll get to the we'll get to the climax here of whether how helpful it was in a second all we know is that you've used it but um so basically i had him on the podcast i did not want it was the crossfit podcast i was like like i give two shits on how to run an
Starting point is 00:52:19 affiliate but like so i had him on and he was really nice. And I was, I really enjoyed like just spending time with him in the same room. And it was, what was interesting about it, it was one of our least popular in terms of numbers podcasts I'd ever done over at the CrossFit podcast, but it was the most engaging by tenfold, meaning we'd never had so many emails and requests and thank yous. And people were like, because we were speaking to our base to our base right affiliates and people who are really interested in crossfit so i had him on a second time and then later on down there so then eventually my time at crossfit ran out i get fired and uh uh matt matt reaches out to me and i'd seen matt around the community before and matt reaches out to me and basically says hey i want to pay something forward to you. And I said, what's that? And he said, I know you haven't done a CrossFit podcast in a couple of years, but I listened to your Chris Cooper podcast and it saved my gym. It put me on the scent and I went to Chris Cooper route and it saved my gym. And I went from a gym that wasn't making money to making money. And now I have extra money and extra resources. And I'd like to provide some of those resources to get you to start
Starting point is 00:53:26 podcasting again. And that was, and basically I said no. And then he insisted. And then my wife's like, dude, are you kidding me? This is the,
Starting point is 00:53:34 the world you're, you always talk about how the world's conspiring to make you successful. This is the world speaking to you through Matt Sousa. And here we are 700 shows later or whatever. I've been saying 700 shows forever. It's almost a hundred. This is like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:53:47 I made that up when I said 700, right? For all I know, it could have been 200. He doesn't do the details. Yeah. We're like seven, eight.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I think this is seven, 88. Look at, I just got four 99 from CrossFit OTL. Oh, sponsorship money. Yeah. He's,
Starting point is 00:54:00 he's, he's trying to market man. That dude, he's, he's, he's the chart us your money to come into his room okay he got in trouble we didn't find out later wow you want to talk to me i know i'm your brother but it'll be a dollar yeah no literally he charged her a dollar and she paid it
Starting point is 00:54:16 and she's like just to come into the room a little counseling just watch it yeah watch it yeah he's a shady businessman so so you when you sign up that you, you, you enjoy, I mean, obviously you must really be enjoying it. Cause like I said, it's not cheap, but we, I haven't talked to one person who wasn't successful using the program. And when he described it and also why pay for it, he gives, that dude gives away almost everything for free. Why pay for it? The mentoring, the mentoring. Yeah. Well, I mean, there's a lot more stuff available in their,
Starting point is 00:54:45 in their, you know, library. So. Okay. Yeah. When I said he would give away most of his stuff for free, maybe he only gives 2% away for free, but it's a ton. It's like, I mean, he was sending free books out to affiliates. Yeah. I mean, the books are great. So the books describe all of his process and mentality and approach and stuff like that. When you, when you're, when you're an active member of their, of the program, then literally, if you need like a copy of something like copy of this document, right? Like there you go, boom, you know, it's, it's, it's part of the library and it's just like this massive library of things that you can just copy and use, whether it's marketing material, whether it's copy for an advertisement, whether it like a year's worth of uh social media posts or blog posts it's all it's all there so you can use it
Starting point is 00:55:30 also wow so it's everything from like accounting stuff to superficial stuff like well i guess accounting superficial too but to a list of posts you might want to make or templates for instagram you just copy and paste. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. It's all there. It's great. And, and you get to talk to the other people who are in the program. So you can see like,
Starting point is 00:55:51 like if, if an affiliate's just crushing it using a certain, like, I don't know what you would call it, um, a module or a certain path using the two brain stuff that everyone will tell you, Hey,
Starting point is 00:56:00 this guy's killing it over here using these posts, this accounting, this. Yeah. They have a Facebook community also. So you can just like ask the question hey what are you doing here you know and people you know be like chiming in like here you go you buy this kind of rubber flooring use this kind of do this you know you're negotiating with the land all that all that stuff like whole community there's like a infinite amount of resource as long as you go
Starting point is 00:56:21 ask the question it's there everybody's super helpful two brain two brain crossfit is doing something similar though too they are i don't know why they just don't find a way to partner with wait what are what are they doing that's funny greg would have never gotten into that space oh oh okay so let me see the website? Two Brain – let me see the URL. Hey, so he's going to bring us on the – he's going to come on the show, and you know what we're going to do, Javier? We're going to actually lay out a spreadsheet. I started getting annoyed at people saying how expensive CrossFit gyms were, like really fucking annoyed.
Starting point is 00:57:03 saying how expensive CrossFit gyms were like really fucking annoyed. And so I want to lay out what it would be like to have 200 members who you charge $200 a month and to show that, Hey dude, that doesn't even give like in an expensive area, like downtown Austin, that's not going to give a coach the ability to make $120,000 a year, which is probably the poverty line there for a four person family and a, and to take weekends off. Like, what do you expect from these owners?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like, you can't work every single class. You can't work more than 300 days a year. I want to just break it down and be like, stop it. If you don't want to be in a community that's helping you stay fit and healthy and stay away from the world's most vexing problem, chronic disease, then don't do CrossFit. But if you want to be in that community, and here's another thing, I mean, I'm sure you know this, but every dollar that people give to you is basically a donation to the community. Not one dollar that they don't give to you doesn't make the community better. So for every kid taking a class at your gym, a husband or a wife is being made there who's going to be better than the husband and wife who's not in that gym.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I mean it's like a – it's crazy. It's crazy what a CrossFit gym – I think I made – I think I said this on – this isn't going to be popular. These are not the thoughts of Javier Jaime. isn't going to be popular. These are not, these are not the thoughts of Javier Jaime. I wanted to know this. These are not, I made a post like you want to donate money to like Black Lives Matter. I might have the same thoughts. We'll see. I'll try to keep it neutral. If you want to donate money to like Black Lives Matter or the Ukraine or like, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:43 cut the penis off a child, uh, pro off a child protocol, just save your money and donate it to your local CrossFit gym. Walk up to a CrossFit gym and be like, hey, here's $50, and I want to buy a membership for the next person you come in here you think deserves it for two weeks. I think that's a way better spend of money if you – and people got upset at me for saying that, but I stood my ground. Like, fuck you. It's so good for the world, for each person to support their CrossFit gym, even if you don't go there. Amen. I do agree with that. Amen. It's great, right? You're making better husbands, better wives, better employees, better workers.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's a huge burden off of society off the health care system to support a crossfit gym i haven't seen anybody come through the doors go through the program and come out and go like that was really not good for my life i've never heard anybody say that yeah that's a good point me neither yeah well you know what's funny is i do see these people on the internet saying that but it's always like some girl young girl in her 20s or some guy young guy who's like it was the pressure at the crossfit gym that made me take uh shoot the steroids into my butt or or the you know what i mean like it's like hey stop yeah stop you were going to get persuaded to do something stupid
Starting point is 00:59:55 wherever you went agreed do you put it we earlier today we talked about uh i'm not gonna go there okay we talked about uh people having relationships in the the gym, but you're too above board for that. Let's go somewhere else. Yeah, they got the family culture vibe. They're going to stay away from that. I don't see Javier out drinking downtown with the members getting cut loose anytime soon. Yeah, that is one of the things that Sousa said. He did say like, hey, you want to stop people from just randomly hooking up in the gym or you want to keep that down to a minimum don't just have all these parties with all this drinking you know all
Starting point is 01:00:28 the time and i thought that was that's kind of some sound advice yeah that's a good advice it well i mean you know it's especially a year in now it's so much of it's social right so it's like people in the gym and and you'll experience this as time goes on you're gonna have groups of people that are friends with each other that kind of cycle in and out. But sometimes that friend group or that pool for you to come in and Grace gets kind of upset sometimes because half the time she wants to do some of the social things. It's not always like drinking downtown, right? And since we don't ever really do too much of them, just because we're not, we're always working and doing a bunch of other stuff too. And we have that slight bit of separation and you stop getting invited to them after a while. And she's always bummed by that. But that separation over the long
Starting point is 01:01:06 term is important because as these friend groups cycle in and out, you're on the outside of it. So you don't, you never really get sucked into it. And that's the most important piece of that. Yeah. Those are some good lessons too already. Yeah. We're already starting to see like the, you know, there's, there's an aspect of these relationships that can be personal. And then some of them that absolutely need to be. And at all times we have to take a professional approach, right? So it's not like everybody's our best friend, but we, we, we care for everybody that comes through. We want them to get their, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:35 you know, their results, but for sure. I think there's a, there's a line there. Yeah. Yeah. And alcohol blurs the line. Yeah. Great point. Yeah. And alcohol blurs the line. Yeah. Great point. Yeah. Hey, are there a lot of families at your gym that homeschool? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's not exclusive that. But yeah, we have homeschool. I mean, you know, you know, that's the circle we run in. Right. So it's not like I'm hanging out with people in this other environment. But I mean, as new people come into the gym, they have no idea that we're, you know, kind of, you know, that are life and revolving around, you know, homeschooling our kids. And they're just there working out. It's CrossFit. You know, we're showing them how to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:14 We're showing them how to, you know, how to be healthy. And they can be none the wiser about our whole homeschool program. It's because, you know, you saw on our social media. It's not like we're blasting this across the world. Like, hey, we're a homeschool family. You know, suck it. You know, we didn't do your public good stuff like we're just you know that's just what we chose to do right right exactly and and what about using the facility to um
Starting point is 01:02:37 do you teach any classes there that are exclusively for homeschooled kids like there's this program around where i live where it's like one day a week and you just drop your kids off and it's three hours and the whole class is on the beach it's like uh for homeschooled kids it's like a oceanography oceanography class like do you guys have something like that where you're you do something at your gym it's not an extended program we just have a class we have we continue this nine o'clock class when if you think about it during monday through friday nine o'clock class. When, if you think about it during Monday through Friday, nine o'clock class means kids are in school except for the homeschool kids. Right. So, so that nine o'clock class is still a lot of homeschool athletes that come through that homeschool kids that come through that program at nine. And then exclusively homeschooled kids. Well, none of the other kids are available.
Starting point is 01:03:20 So right. Right. Not, not on purpose, but they're in school correct right and so we made that available because a lot of these homeschool kids are still in homeschool athletic programs too like my son was in football and some of our other athletes are in baseball they're in volleyball or they're in the cross country or track so the evenings are for their sport and they still need to get some other training in and so they're not working out at a school, right? So they don't have a school. So they don't have a weight room facility or any other place to train or any instruction. Their parents probably don't have the knowledge, experience or resources to do it. So yeah, so they come to us and at nine o'clock, we have that class. And it's, again, I say it's reserved for homeschool kids. Occasionally, we have an adult drop in because
Starting point is 01:04:03 we're actually using the same programming. So I'm not like creating like some fancy programs. Like you're homeschool kids. You're just doing the teen version of my workout of the day. How many, will you have a big class in there? Will you have 15 kids in there? Yes. And I guess that becomes a place where those parents can kind of network. No shit. You're homeschooling too. Yeah. Me too. Oh, what are you doing after?
Starting point is 01:04:21 So they network there. It's mostly drop off. I mean, you know, but yeah, but they, but we, a lot of them know each other. So most of the referrals come from other friends. So like a homeschool friend says, Hey, come work out with me. And then they bring another kid. And then, you know, so then it kind of grows from there. God, I just thought of a business for Nicholas. He could get a past 17 person passenger van and pick those kids up and drop them off.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Don't give him any ideas. Dude. He's already Googling right now what it costs. Dude, the parents would love you for that. And then for added money, they can get a baggie full of sliced oranges and a piece of beef jerky. That's what I was going to say, yeah. What's that called when you do that?
Starting point is 01:05:02 A little recovery bundle. He just brings a little recovery. No, no, when you run a CrossFit gym, but you have all these other things you sell to people. What's that called? Oh, yeah. Yeah. What's that called when you do that? A little recovery bundle. He just brings a little recovery. It's kind of like a bar. No, no. When you run a CrossFit gym, but you have all these other things you sell to people. What's that called? Oh, gosh. Side hustle? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:11 You got a little side hustle? Ancillary? I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Some ancillary. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The kids who get the bundle set up in the front. Kids who don't sit in the back of the bus.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Platinum package versus. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Your parents still love you. They bought the coach seat. Yeah, yeah. It's three to a seat instead of two to a seat. Oh, my goodness. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:38 By the way, Isabel did authorize the sugar paper to be released. So, yeah, we're going to find it and we'll get it back. Oh, cool. Okay. That's that's awesome that was quick that was good so so what about other um gyms does it seem like a missed opportunity to you for other gyms so so i was uh we had someone on um who was in the state of california we had a woman on who was an attorney and she got masks outlawed in schools in the state of Utah so that under no circumstances did you have to require kids to wear masks in the state of Utah. And I forget her name, but now she lives in Monterey County, and she's trying to get all sorts of stuff off the books that they make kids do here in the state of California, which is just – it's absolutely nuts. state of California, which is just, it's absolutely nuts. Um, and during that, um,
Starting point is 01:06:30 podcast, I did some research and basically schools are closing down all over California because they don't have enough kids anymore because during this, this, uh, this closure, this response to this flu, um, uh, kids aren't going back to school. So I think the I think what I saw was one point eight million less kids go to public school K through 12 in 2023 than they did in 2019. So it went from like 51 million to 49 million, roughly. That seems like what about that is an opportunity for CrossFit gyms all over to start sort of offering that homeschool PE class at 9 or 10 a.m.? Yeah, I think so. Absolutely. I think it is a great opportunity. I mean, assuming that they're, you know, that they want to staff the gym at that hour if they normally wouldn't. But yeah, so that was, you know, the model for us in that was when the kids, before we ever did CrossFit, like actually right about the time I started CrossFit, the kids were doing Taekwondo.
Starting point is 01:07:25 Isabel and Nick together were doing Taekwondo. And there was a homeschool mom that had a Taekwondo studio and she was a homeschool mom. And so she offered a homeschool class that was also similar. It might've been after lunch. It was like at one. Because the regular kids' class was in the evening, right?
Starting point is 01:07:42 Like four after everybody got out of school. The homeschool version was during the day when only kind of kids that could attend were homeschooled. So we kind of picked that model up off of them. And we said, well, gosh, if we ever do something like that, we'll offer a homeschool version. Hey, Nicholas, pipe down. You got a black belt from a homeschool mom.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You pipe down back there. You don't want to mess with that lady. She would. She would scare you. tell me you got your black belt easy there buddy just how much does that 17 passenger van cost you should have already bought it yeah financed it yeah i told him like man what do you remember anything from that i don't know he's just like i remember a lot of poking and stuff like you know whatever he but he still probably has his black belt.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I guarantee you it's hanging in his closet somewhere. That's my purse. I don't know you. Hey, but that black belt probably doesn't even fit him anymore. No, he was a kid. I mean, he was like 10. I don't know, something like that. He was small.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Do you go to church on Sundays? I do. In a Christian church? Yes, sir. Okay, so there's nothing weird about you. Just like you're not like, I should be careful because my Scientology friends are over right now. They might be listening. But you're not a Scientologist or a Jehovah Witness.
Starting point is 01:08:57 You're just a normal dude. Normal dude. Non-denial National Christian Church, yes. You could have been, oh, was a king of the hill. Okay, I didn't get it. I was like, I wonder if somebody would get that. Somebody got it. could you could have been um oh was it king of the hill okay i didn't i was like i wonder if somebody would get that somebody got it so you could have been one of the pilgrims you're just a dude were your parents um uh religious people no well i mean you know so we grew up my parents were well i was initially baptized Catholic. We attended church occasionally. I did my first communion. Probably didn't go back to church again until I was an adult, really married. So yeah, I did not. Did your wife take you there? Did she make you go?
Starting point is 01:09:41 We started together. We started back up together. So yeah, but I mean, yeah yeah i mean she she helped me see the light wow thanks good yep did she say that oh no you're just saying thanks in general i'm just saying it yeah okay probably listening somewhere yeah uh 90 of the people i've run into who homeschool are christians yeah hey dude when my my um did you ever think it did you ever think it was crazy like did you ever my my sister homeschooled her kids and she took the brunt of that shit from my parents right like what are you doing and then and then by the time it came to me i was like my sister had smoothed out all the she took all the heat she took the heat dude she took the heat yeah by the time i had home they didn't even care they're like all right okay yeah no one's ever said a thing to me no from a family perspective, nobody, nobody really challenged that.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It was, that was not, I would say no, really nobody was ever trouble about it. It's just, you know, you get the questions or the looks, that's it. You know, not the look, but people are like, you know, why, you know, why are you homeschooling? You know, are you afraid of this? Whatever. We're okay with that. And, and, and also you're, like you and also you're like you said you're in texas and you're christian so like your group is kind of of the larger groups that are doing it they're
Starting point is 01:10:49 probably christians in texas my sister's a christian in texas well shit there you go oh there you go where she lived i don't on a big ranch somewhere in the western texas like she her and her husband take care of this huge ranch where people come and shoot animals dead oh there you go. You pay expensive money to shoot rare animals. Protein. Yes, that protein, I know. That's the libtard in me still talking.
Starting point is 01:11:11 There's still a little bit. Can't take it out of me. I'm still in California. Those rich people come and shoot those rare animals. Hey, she sent me a picture the other day, Javier, and it was some rare animal. It's a four-legged animal, Javier, and it was some rare animal. It's a four-legged animal, like dead. And it was in her closet, and it was a baby.
Starting point is 01:11:34 The mom had died, and the animal had worked its way into the ranch house, and it was hiding in her closet, like a little tiny. And she sent me a video. I wish I should actually play the video. And it's one of her dog's healers licking its ear inside its ear in the closet my sister's like isn't that cute and i'm like yeah that dog just told her we're gonna kill you later run we're gonna kill you later run right you were describing the whole scene it was it was sounding pretty creepy yeah i mean here that my here this animal is running to my sister.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I'm just picturing like something out of like the Halloween movie, you know. Oh, my goodness. Here this, my sister sends me the cutest scene in the world of a healer licking the inside ear of this baby animal. And I'm just thinking, it was actually my sister's, it was actually my wife's line. My wife said it to me, but she didn't have the balls to send it to my wife. So I sent it to her and I took credit because I thought it was funny. Um, what about, so, so how long will you stay with a two brain? Uh, you know, so we're like at the year anniversary where you get to extend it like
Starting point is 01:12:39 month by month. Um, and so we're, you know, so we're staying with, uh, with Nicole because we, we want to get to the stage where we're meeting. Not we're staying with uh with nicole because we we want to get to the stage where we're meeting not nicole not nicole are you testing me you're with uh caitlin caitlin i'm sorry karen karen i don't know why i said nicole yeah karen yeah karen all right you were i thought maybe you were testing me yeah no no you tested me yeah okay good okay all right i got i wrote her name down somewhere she said it's. She sent me an email. She was like, hey, how did your podcast go? And did Siobhan hire Nicholas yet? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Yeah, Nicholas, we are hiring. Our wages are very competitive, too. We're paying in fentanyl. Foxconn. I don't know if you guys like that. The hours are like Foxconn. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:23 We're competitive with Foxconn. Yeah, yeah. We won't put up with Foxconn. Yeah, yeah. We don't have, we won't put up a net around your house in case you decide to jump from the roof. Do you know what Foxconn is, Javier? Do I? It sounds like a conference. No, Foxconn is the world's largest company in the world. I think they have a million employees and they have one facility that has 200,000 employees. They make iPhone.
Starting point is 01:13:47 They make all the phones and stuff. Yeah. And they had to put the nets around the building because dudes were jumping off to kill oh my gosh yeah not funny yeah but factual there i've been in one of the facilities before that they have here oh here in china no they had foxconn had facilities in the u.s i think oh good on them yeah hey what about all this what what's going on why is everyone moving to india why is apple and who did i hear someone else big is moving to india why do you know why apple's moving to india me no yeah i keep hearing that we're gonna actually i mean in the industry that i'm in i see a lot of things being outsourced to india so maybe just to move closer to the labor. I heard twice in the last week, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:26 one from someone a very reliable source and one from not a very reliable source that, um, uh, we're ramping up for some sort of physical altercation with China in 2025. Have you heard anything like that? Me? Um, no. Oh, okay. Other than the priming of the spy balloon in which we were all, I mean, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 01:14:41 I'm probably following all that same stuff there. Right. But I'm not exactly mean you know i mean i'm probably following all that same stuff there right but i'm not exactly you know a political science whatever you have any mill guys who go to your gym any what uh military guys uh well yes there's some military guys yeah first responders thank you no no no police no fire no ambulance drivers no no not yet no i get a lot of nurses oh okay the nurses love crossfit yeah they do awesome a lot of nurses the people that have it took javier's podcast to get us to 20 500 subscribers are you kidding me we did that uh that's the third time we've done it i've've been following it. It's been toggling back and forth for like the last 24 or 36 hours. Dude, Nicholas, imagine if you jumped on this podcast.
Starting point is 01:15:32 In five years, we were bigger than Rogan. You could say it was you. You were the... The tipping point. You were the guy. Yeah. Oh, my wife's correcting me. I do have a firefighter in there.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah, I do have one. I mean, but, you know, again, we're still growing. We're getting a lot of. It's probably a volunteer firehouse, and that's why you didn't acknowledge. I don't know. I'm just, you know, I'm getting fact checked right now. It's what's happening. OK, I'm speaking. I'm getting fact checked. Like I'm getting text like I see your earpieces into. He's getting feed from the control. Nicholas, you're not even 18. This is 18, an older older show you should know that one more month okay one more month we'll let him fly he's he's homeschooled he's like
Starting point is 01:16:12 higher higher him a month early um so so so going back to the um uh two brain thing um so you're gonna stay with uh karen k Caitlin Hutchinson. Karen Hazleton. Karen Hazleton. And you're going to stay with her because you're in the growth module. Yeah, we're in the growth stage. So the next stage for me in terms of we've done all the process, we've set up all the back of the house stuff. Any of the places we're using, like, say, automation for response to customers,, setting up a website, social, all that stuff. We're pretty comfortable with where that is. Now we really want to optimize the, all of the financial transactions, all of the management
Starting point is 01:16:52 of our accounting and make sure that that is set up for success. And to me, like that's really one of the biggest takeaways that we get out of this. Cause I mean, I can't have, if the business isn't profitable, then I can't keep helping people. So we need to get the business to be at the profit level that we need to. And you, you, you opened up kind of jokingly, like Javier's not the only owner. No, you're right. It's a, it's a family thing. So it's, it's me and my wife and Isabella and Nick. They're, we're all owners. Do you realize how invested some of the people are like that like they just love that gym like that it really is i hate to be cheesy but the best hour of their day oh i believe that yeah i mean there's i guess you used to belong to a gym so you know yeah no yeah i do i do i mean i look forward
Starting point is 01:17:38 to it every day i mean there was i mean there was there was a part of it that was i look forward to the workout i look forward to being with you know look forward to being with the community of the guys that I would work out with every morning. I enjoyed somewhat of the competitive aspect of it and the other, the cooperative, the lifting up, the encouragement of that too. That goes to the 20% number. Oh, yeah. Bring it back, 20%. Oh, yeah. Did you mention 20%, Javier?
Starting point is 01:18:04 What was that you wanted me to bring up? I totally remember that. Oh, yeah. Bring it back. 20%. Oh, yeah. Did you mention 20%, Javier? What was that you wanted me to bring up? I totally remember that. Oh, thank you. The 20%. Checks out. 20%. That's the intensity level that a gym brings you versus working out at home. How do I know?
Starting point is 01:18:17 Okay. Oh, I like this. Working out in the gym. God, that's so true. I'm such a schlep. I'm pathetic. That's okay. We're here for you.
Starting point is 01:18:24 Thank you. I was working out inp. I'm pathetic. That's okay. We're here for you. Thank you. I was working out in the other gym for eight straight years, you know, had reached a level of fitness capacity and strength capacity and whatever that was at the age of, I guess I would have been three years. I'm hating this part of the show, by the way,
Starting point is 01:18:39 I'm pouting. Just a disenormant. Cause I work out at home and you're, and you're dropping way too much truth on me i'm about to tell you you you know who taught me saving the fat man what's the name of the show killing the fat man hey okay all right dude so this is what i was so afraid of right so when we went home from we stopped working out at the gym after covid and i came home everybody else was working out in a class okay my wife is working out in a, everybody else was working out in a class. Okay. My wife
Starting point is 01:19:05 is working out in a class. My son is working out in a class. Isabel's work, Isabel and I are not. Isabel's coaching the kids' class. She's not in the other classes. I'm not coaching. I'm not working out in the classes. So we're both working out independently. Now we're following the same program, right? So the program that we're using in my garage gym, I'm doing the same for it's just as thorough and, you know, complete as the program I was using before. But during that time that I was working out at home, you know, a little cherry picking here and there, a little shaving reps here and there a little, you know, maybe not today. But I was still getting three or four workouts, you know, a weekend, maybe five. So it wasn't like my the amount of workout I was still getting three or four workouts, you know, a weekend, maybe five. So it wasn't like my, the amount of workout I was doing was dropping, but definitely the intensity, right?
Starting point is 01:19:51 I didn't have anybody I was chasing or somebody chasing me. I didn't have the motivation. And so when I got back into the gym at our, when we opened up our gym and I started working out again, they're almost all of my metrics, right? So everything from like my Fran time to my squat number to my deadlift number, they were all down 20%. Wow. Now, I believe it. After about four or five months of working out in the gym again, just doing the programming, not doing any extra work.
Starting point is 01:20:20 I wasn't like getting extra strength in or spending extra time like trying to get my squat numbers up they're all back to where they were pre pre-covid now and my friend time not so much but all my strength numbers for sure but my met cons are coming back up again and i'm three years older right i'm 48 uh my my wife teaches crossfit in the garage a couple times a week just to random women we've met just you know moms we met at the skate park or just wherever our kids go friends of our that we've met around the homeschooling community and the other day i did a workout uh with my wife um the lady didn't show up my wife still did the workout in the garage and i did it with her it's the first time i'd like gone in there i don't know where the kids were they must have been in my mom's house so we worked out together it was a 30 minute
Starting point is 01:21:01 workout with five stations and afterwards she's like hey i'm sorry it's kind of a lame workout. I'm like, dude, she's like, what? I'm like, that's the best workout I've had in fucking three years. She's like, really? I'm like, and it was because, and I, cause we used to work out all the time together or I would go to an affiliate or something like that. And that, and it's been three years of me just working out at 10 PM or 11 PM in the garage by myself. And you're so right. Yeah. I hardly ever go. I mean, I have to do some really trick i have to really trick myself or manipulate myself to go into the into the pain cave yeah it doesn't happen it doesn't happen yeah i i i'd stop short i'd you know maybe pull up you know a few less reps or
Starting point is 01:21:37 just like today i don't feel like or i'd cherry pick i'm like you know like nobody's gonna care i'm not with the class so like i feel like squatting instead of doing snatch or something so yeah intensity's gone intentionality's gone and accountability is gone and so like i made a point i made a point for me that i work out with a class like today as the owner right like i attend a class i i attended as like any other student um we even had this talk today as a as the staff it's like you're attending the class you're just like any other student somebody else is coaching you go through the warm-up just like everybody else says you go with this you know you we do it all exactly as if we were a student and it's really because if it's the best for them it's the best for you right so why would i do
Starting point is 01:22:18 something different why why would i be marketing to people that i'm going to come help you out here yet i'm going to do a different program right now I mean you know every now and then I got you know I have access to the gym anytime I want right so if I want to get an extra you know a couple sets of squats or something like that sure I'll do that but I mean these days I'm just doing the workout and you know I PR'd my snatch my squat my bench all within the last couple months. Wow. How long have you been doing CrossFit? Eight, 10 years. Dude, that's crazy. Yeah. 48. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Are you on drugs? Are you taking testosterone? Me? No, no. Just absorbing. Yeah. Me neither. But if you do want to take it, you should go through California hormones, but I'm not taking it either. But if you do. Noted. Hey, why do you, why, why, why, why a CrossFitfit gym why pay affiliate fees why not just uh be um um nicholas nicholas and his sister uh fitness on the why why aren't we just on the line fitness
Starting point is 01:23:18 what's your daughter's name again you say it again isabel isabel isabel and nicholas uh crossfit fitness i think they crossed it yeah for me right yeah right okay uh you can say cf cf uh isabel and nicholas cf two reasons um first reason um i the certification is pretty much doesn't apply right so i'd have to go get a different kind of certification of which i don't really believe in uh a lot of those certifications what do you mean no you wouldn't no you wouldn't you could i think at least at least when i when i worked there you could teach crossfit you just couldn't call it crossfit if you were if you were certified oh okay maybe i'm answering it differently than than what you're saying um i'm saying like why i guess maybe it's
Starting point is 01:24:03 an ethical question so yeah like why affiliate what guess maybe it's an ethical question. So why affiliate? What the fuck do they offer you? You already are an amazing person, clearly with insane values that provide an insane service to the highest level you can. And you have a great community. Why pay $3,000 a month to CrossFit Inc?
Starting point is 01:24:21 Because I believe in the methodology. And I don't want to like poach the methodology and then not be part of that community and the other google man you know crossfit near me yep that's what i was gonna say we talked about it the first time yeah i mean uh i would say a good amount of our leads right now come either directly from the crossfit headquarter you know the crossfit hq website or somebody says crossfit near me, and I can't call myself CrossFit if I'm not, right? There's plenty of other little micro gyms around here that do some different things. There's some ex-CrossFit gyms around here that are offering fitness programs. They used to
Starting point is 01:24:54 do CrossFit. They don't do it anymore. But when people Google CrossFit, I'm close by. They come to us. So do you find that people are going through, the main website, finding you on the affiliate map and then going to your gym? Yeah, we get a mix of both, right? So we get some people on the affiliate map that look... Usually people that are familiar with CrossFit know to go to CrossFit and look at the affiliate map. Like if they've done CrossFit before. So if I get like the experienced CrossFitter from another gym,
Starting point is 01:25:20 and they're like looking for a new CrossFit because they moved in the area, they look at the affiliate map. If it's somebody who just like heard of crossfit then they just pull us up on google hey what do you think about this what do you think about this idea sorry did you have another question susan no no this is tommy here he met i mean uh tommy tommy pain but your thing threw me your icon picture threw me off there um it's a year not a a month, a year. If it was 3000 a month, no, no way, man. Yeah. Um, what if, what if they, um, they have, do you use like your, um, affiliate rep or like, there's these people that they, that they have, they just fired 16 of them, right? They had like, they had, but, but they got a bunch more. They got like these people
Starting point is 01:26:03 that represent that, that I guess your gym can locally like there's one for California. What's his name? It's the West coast, Jordan Holland and Katie Hogan, Jordan Holland. Yeah. Yeah. Jordan Holland, Katie Hogan. So they're on the West coast. And like, I guess, I don't know exactly. Maybe Susan can tell me, but if you're like affiliate, if you have a question, you call them. Right. And it makes you feel like you, you have someone. That's how I found you? That's right. And it makes you feel like you have someone. That's how I found you.
Starting point is 01:26:27 That's how you go. Okay. Okay. Chase is going to hate this question. There we go. Yeah. Go ahead. Ask me a question.
Starting point is 01:26:34 I'm going to bash him. I don't know how much money they spend on those people, but why not get rid of those people and allocate those sources to continued education for the affiliates that's free. Well, that's a great question for the CEO across it. But what I can tell you is that when Chase specifically took over this role, he sent out an email and it says, hey, I'm just a Zoom call away. If you want to talk, I clicked on it, set up a zoom call, had a call with him. Great call. Had a second call with him. And that's when he said, Hey man. And I told, I was telling him the story and he's like, Oh, he needs to,
Starting point is 01:27:12 you know, hear from you. I mean, you know, what else does he do in the community? I mean, I see a lot of his. So active. Well, I mean like specific to our reps. I mean, but the thing is he made himself available. If I had questions, I know he would answer. And, you know, and he was yeah, he's immediately available. So and I know for crying out loud. I mean, say that again. It's Chase Ingram. I mean, you know, I mean, that's true. And that's really that's true. It is. And I will say this. I don't know. I don't know all the reps, but I will tell you that if you say something to him, you can almost guarantee it's going to work its way up the flagpole like that dude's not afraid.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I believe he's a you kind of fucked up my whole argument because you have Chase because I mean, he's he's a savage. So it's hard to, yeah. And I don't, I guess you're saying he is the one that directed, he probably heard me talking about homeschooling and probably said, hey, you got to reach out to this dude. Yeah. I said the word homeschool and it was just like a, like I could, we were on a zoom call and then like his eyes lit up.
Starting point is 01:28:17 He's like, oh, I need to connect you with someone. I'm like, okay, cool. He's like, do you mind? He asked me, do you mind if I do? I'm like, oh, of course. Sure. Yeah. And I appreciate you talking to me. You're one of those people that I feel like, like you're gonna have to take a shower after you're done
Starting point is 01:28:29 talking to me or like change your shoes or something or at least wash your hands like you're just such a good you're such a good dude you're like I've been in dirtier places man you know okay wow you know okay I mean I would I would love to be a repo man in college you know say that again I used to repo furniture in college. Like, that's one of the worst places to put your hands in other people's furniture. Do you fight? Do you know how to fight? Me?
Starting point is 01:28:51 No, I've never shook that up. But you repoed furniture? I mean, I didn't fight people for it, but yeah. But you had to walk into someone's house and be like, well, and take their couch? Yeah, take their couch, take their refrigerator, take their stoves up. This was my college job. This was my college job. One of my college jobs.
Starting point is 01:29:09 Wow. That's awesome. Show up. Hi, who are you? I'm here for that. Talk about like, you know, like these skills that you learned. Before I could ever take something from somebody's house,
Starting point is 01:29:20 I had to talk them into letting me into their house to take their stuff. So, I mean, it was like a real, you know, it was training and negotiating with people. Because the reality is, yeah, I was a repo man. I was a collector. So I was a collector for over 90 days. So if you were behind in your payments, I was a collector. I'd call you up.
Starting point is 01:29:36 If you didn't come, then I'd get in the car, go knock on your door. If you open the door, I have to talk you out of your stuff. And the only thing I had to threaten people with was, hey, if you don't pay, you're going to have bad credit. They already have bad credit but we'd still have to talk them out of you know talk me into getting to their house taking apart their kids you know twin bed and bunk beds and taking that apart and taking it back to the to the furniture can you imagine personally taking out a loan to buy a couch? All over the place, man. Everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:06 I mean, people just... No, but you personally, can you imagine your money is so tight that you would take out a loan to buy a couch? Well, from this place, it was pretty sad. That's why we repoed a lot. Yeah. I just like to have it as the collector. I just like the fact that he's the collector Dude imagine how fucking How clueless you are
Starting point is 01:30:27 To think That that's a good way to spend your money Like I would have no furniture Before I would ever do that Or just free shit you find it all over the place Yeah yeah yeah totally or just free shit But like my kids would sit on the floor Way before I would take a loan out
Starting point is 01:30:41 To buy a fucking couch There's nothing that would take Let me tell you a quick story, and this will maybe give you an indication of some of the places that you might be repoing from. Susan, by the way, if you have to go, I know you have a class to teach at 6.30. I do, yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:53 I'll see you guys later. Javier, it was great to meet you, man. Hey, thanks, Matt. Take it easy. Bye, guys. Bye, Matt. I'll bug you later. Okay, sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:31:00 So I go knock on a door at a house, and I'm there to repo a stove. OK, I don't know what I'm going to repo until I look at the file. So I'm going to repo the stove, knock on the door. Lady opens the door. I tell her I'm there to collect the money or to take the take the item, whatever it is. And so she's got a pretty thick accent and I couldn't quite understand her. And so she tells me I tell her, hey, I'm here to take the stove.
Starting point is 01:31:23 She's like, you know, after a couple of minutes of trying to communicate with her, she's like, Oh, that's fine. It's shot. You can take it. I said, it's shot. What do you mean? It's like, like I'm thinking shot. Like, you know, it doesn't work. Like it's yeah. She goes, no, you know, chat, you know, drive by like what drive by. So I get led into the house. I walk into the house and there's literally a bullet hole in the front of this stove, right? There's a bullet hole to it. And somebody had drive by in the house, shot through the side door, shot into the house and into the stove. And so here I am in this house, you know, unhooking this thing. And you're standing in a spot where if you would have been standing there three hours earlier, you'd be dead. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, I mean, I was
Starting point is 01:32:03 young, right? I'm like, okay, whatever. So I started, I started doing this thing to turn the gas off, disconnect. And then some kid comes downstairs, you know, look like he just finished smoking weed. He takes like a hundred dollars, a couple hundred dollars out of his pocket, hands it to me. I'm like, see you later. I'm out of here. So I collected the money and I was gone. But, but that's. Oh, and so they, and so you re-hooked the stove up with the bullet hole in it. But that's – Oh, and so you re-hooked the stove up with the bullet hole in it. Yeah, well, I never really could. I don't even know if it was working. I mean, honestly. Maybe the range was working, but the stove – Or maybe they were using it to heat their house, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:32:32 You couldn't. I wouldn't have put it past this house, yeah. The little hole in the oven made it so that you could cook cookies and heat the house at the same time. Side benefit of having a drive-by, yeah. Hey, when you would do that, did you go by yourself? Most times. Yeah. Yeah. Dude. I mean, I was in college. I was pretty naive. I'm like, you know what? I'm indestructible. Nobody can hurt me. I literally walked down the street, you know, going from house to house, usually in a pretty sketchy neighborhood,
Starting point is 01:33:01 right? And the only thing I had to protect myself was a big D battery mag light, you know, just kind of carry that around in case a stray Rottweiler or something came chasing after me. Hey, naiveness is the best. It's the, it's the best. I wouldn't do anything like that now. Are you kidding?
Starting point is 01:33:16 Yeah. Yeah. You know too much. Yep. And you have kids. You can't get killed. For sure. Yes. So it was good. Oh no, that's right. I'm going to hang up on you. Go ahead. Say what you want to was good oh no that's right i'm gonna hang up on you go ahead
Starting point is 01:33:28 say what you want to say no that's it all right hey it's a great meeting you dude this was great thank you yeah you make me have faith in humanity that there's good dads out there like you good business owners good husbands you're a good dude i appreciate it thank you thank you very much i've been following you for many years, so I can't, I can't even believe I had this opportunity to talk to you, especially after all of the, the, the different, uh, uh, speakers you had on here. It's like amazing to think that I'm even on the same. Oh, you're, you're at the, you're at the top. I'm telling you, I've never did a, uh, I never did a, um, I never, it's one, it's my fasting day. The last
Starting point is 01:34:02 thing I want to do is a podcast in the evening. Then I've never done a followup with an affiliate owner, but man, and Anna, you're the worst prepared I ever was. And the irony is, is I was like, shit, I think I need three hours with this guy told Suze afterwards. I like there's more. So yeah, I'm glad to have the opportunity. It's been great. Yeah. I'm tell your wife and your kids that they're lucky to have you.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Oh, I tell them every day. Yeah. Tell your wife and your kids that they're lucky to have you. Oh, I tell them every day. Okay. You have my phone number. If there's ever anything you want to do together, anything I could ever help you promote, don't hesitate to bug me. I am just like your wife in the sense that I'm a good HR person. I'm good at saying no, but I also want to help everyone who's doing the right thing for the right reasons, for the right people, uh, for the right people or even for the wrong people, as long as for the right reasons. Well, okay. Hopefully we got both of those right reasons,
Starting point is 01:34:49 right people. Yes. Uh, so, uh, great to meet you. And, um,
Starting point is 01:34:54 uh, I hope we run into each other again. And, uh, it chase is now one for one for recommending affiliate owners. Oh, very cool. Good.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I'll let him know that too. All right, brother. Have a good night. All right. Thanks. Bye. Bye. Nicholas, owners oh very cool good i'll let him know that too all right brother have a good night all right thanks bye-bye nicholas thanks brother you were good uh you gave a lot of good uh fodder fun stuff in the comments sebi uh no using other people's uh money 18 months no interest no payments fair enough and you don't even look a day over 44 by by the way, half the age of 41, half the age of 82.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Good man, Javier. Thanks for sharing your days. Yeah, I should have said that, too. It was pretty cool that he came back on. I know it's kind of a pain in the ass to him podcast. Sam Steen. I've been looking forward to CrossFit gyms in Dallas to drop in when I'm visiting in March. Definitely going to OTL now. Yeah, that seems like a good dude. Sam, dude, your body looks huge compared to your head in that picture. Maybe just one of those giant dudes. It's not bad either.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Just the fact that I'm talking about you, you should feel good about yourself. Victor Brown, good shit, Sebi. Thank youbi thank you as always man i got wound up i saw that um hillar did a thing a video with my name in it and he went to reddit i enjoyed javier too he's cool you're you i don't know what to say about i have nothing nice to say about your instagram photo what tommy who cut your hair like that in the front why is it not like what's the okay never mind um crossfit coaches are better than doctors unsporty beth what about both though what about a crossfitting doctor hey you know who i saw today at the, um, I, I, I, I went to a coffee shop today. I parked my car at the beach and then I walked for like 40 minutes to this coffee shop with my kids.
Starting point is 01:36:53 It was pouring rain when I started walking. And, um, by the time I get to the coffee shop down at the other end of the, the, the, the walk, the sun was out. There's a dude who looked all buff and shit sitting at the entrance door of the coffee shop. And I'm outside drinking a cup of black coffee, watching my kids go crazy, ruining the peaceful area for all the other patrons. And this dude says, hey, what's up? And I go, hey.
Starting point is 01:37:17 He goes, you don't recognize me, do you? And then right at that moment, I did recognize him. And this dude had gotten so fucking big and buff and it was uh julie fouché's ex-husband danny danny i forget his last name he's a doctor and and i had talked to him like i had gone out to dinner with him and some other people one time before and i'd sat across from him for an hour and talked to him and he was really at that time it was probably four or five years ago and he was very nice but he was very young i don't want to say naive i mean he's a fucking doctor
Starting point is 01:37:50 but he was very young and i had the fucking greatest conversation with him for an hour today in front of a coffee shop in santa cruz it was so cool i wish i could remember his last name dan i have his phone I have his phone number. I text him, told him it was great seeing him. That's like a huge ordeal for me to text someone. I don't want to create more text in my phone. I want to see if I have his name spelled right in here. I have his name spelled Danny, D-A-N-I.
Starting point is 01:38:21 I don't even know if that's right. I'm kind of a weirdo like that. You're Cuyo. Danny, you're cool you're cool yo danny you're cool cool yo anyway i had a great talk with him i remember that julie kind of did him a little dirty on not kind of i would be fucking mortified if my wife fucking posted what she posted about him but i fucking i uh what to see exactly. What did he do to Julie? See,
Starting point is 01:38:48 see how you word that. That's exactly how she left it. That's why I Janelle. Nice kid. Janelle Winston. That's how that's, that's why. Thank you,
Starting point is 01:38:58 Sean. Great show. Anyway, I'm smutting up the show that we had a Javier's Javier show. Want to see something cool? I'll show you something cool. Let's see. Javier Jaime.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Savon Rinsta. I'm going to show you this a video i made today i this is the first time i've edited a video inside using um instagram kind of weird it's because it's so tedious but i want to show you this video uh setting share wait what am i doing i have to pee so bad i can't think straight you know when that happens i'm like squeezing squeezing please go away p um uh yes sebon has the best podcasts yes i agree and the best people who work for free also um
Starting point is 01:40:07 uh so what did he do uh so so maybe i could get him to come on and tell his side of the story i don't know it's a little lecherous on my part let me see if i can make this bigger how do how do do Caleb and, um, how do Caleb and Sousa do that? Make this bigger. How do I, I don't know how to make this bigger. Like I do plus and minus and it doesn't work. They do like some zoom thing. Anyone know, can anyone share with me? How do they make the, uh, image bigger? know? Can anyone share with me? How do they make the image bigger? That would be amazing, right? That would be crazy. But I know that I'm not very fond of his, I'm not very fond of her for some of the stuff she did during the I'm out portion of life. Anyway, I'm going to play this for you.
Starting point is 01:41:02 And you're going to see, my kids obviously do crossfit and you're about to see uh how strong a uh crossfit child is but by the way the parents were uh tripping on uh the other parents were tripping on how strong obby is it's weird because i don't see it because i take it for granted but but i but in this one match you're about to see picks that kid up puts him down like it's nothing right and obviously and then there's then there's this this uh girl this is in the final match uh for those of you who are worried about him wrestling with the girl uh don't be the girls at this age are savages this isn't the final girls dominate at jiu jitsu in the city of an eagle categories for sure but basically yeah that's hard to watch.
Starting point is 01:41:47 There he is with his coach. This is the one. This is a big kid. Now watch this. This kid's got Avi's single leg. Look it. He has Avi's single leg, and he takes Avi down. No, I didn't show this this morning.
Starting point is 01:41:58 Easy, Jay Hartle. Easy. Now watch this. I didn't show this this morning. He takes Avi down with a single leg. Avi grabs him fucking on his glutes. And from the lunge position, picks him off the ground and sets him down.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Yeah, he choked her out. She didn't like that. Yeah. Yeah, she's about to pop her head off. And you know what's crazy? you should hear the parents yelling yeah was that you yelling squeeze obby squeeze yeah you know what i want to be completely honest with you the only reason why i did that is because the mom the entire mat that chick was savage she was big and fast and more coordinated and just dominating and then finally she when obi fucking got on her back
Starting point is 01:42:47 I was like, all right. Let me do a little screaming of my own Yeah, she wasn't right I go I asked avi I go. Why did uh, why did she uh, why did the ref stop the match? He goes I was gonna put her to sleep Heidi, that's what he calls me. That means father in armenian. He goes i'm glad he stopped it He goes i'm sad when I saw her tears. I said, I hear you. I was sad too.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Julie Fouché is a non-playable character with a medical degree after her name, completely programmed by social stimuli. Is that what non-playable character means? No, fuck no. No way. no way, someone wrote in my comments that I said I would never let my wife, I would force my wife not to get an abortion or something, because I said, there's some clip where I say I would never, I would, I don't know what I said, but I basically was saying something like if my wife got raped, I would, I would still raise the baby like it was my own. I'd never let her get an abortion, but I don't know what I said, but someone construed it as like I would force her not to.
Starting point is 01:43:55 Like I can't force my wife to do anything. Like people read shit so fucking or hear shit so fucking weird. Fucking numb nuts. It should have been, it should have been construed that I would support my wife. Not that I would force her. You see it that way as force because you're a scumbag yourself. I'm not a scumbag. Not even a little bit.
Starting point is 01:44:19 I don't even have a little bit of scumbag in me. Pick up dog poop. Anyway, I was pretty proud. It's pretty crazy that you could, that's some cool CrossFit strength right there, right? There he is on the bottom.
Starting point is 01:44:34 This is how strong you used to be. This is a big, big, great baller. Gets out from underneath a full mount, picks the kid up and throws him on the back. This is kind of fucked up. He kicks this kid in the face. Oops, sorry.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Hey, none of this came easy, by the way. I'm telling you, the last five jiu-jitsu matches or tournaments we've been to before this have been a complete nightmare. The future is here. The future is here. The future is here. Dana White should call and sponsor the podcast to sign. Oh, to sign. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. To sponsor the podcast where I let Avi get some brain damage for sure.
Starting point is 01:45:15 I didn't know we were going to go there. I didn't understand that sentence at all. Was it a sentence I said? I don't understand half the sentence that I said. One of these times, someone's going to piss himself. It hasn't happened. You know what's crazy too, is I could be here and I'll catch my mind wandering about me imagining peeing in the yard. And that's like the worst thing you can do if you have to pee is start seeing yourself pee. if you have to pee is start seeing yourself pee oh jessica's here time to go uh guys thanks for having me in your life for now on 45 minutes uh couldn't have done this without paper street and california hormones you guys know that and tomorrow at 7 a.m we have the greg whisperer on
Starting point is 01:45:58 uh you're not going to want to miss this uh emily caplan uh we're going to talk about how she met greg what's going on what she knows about the met Greg, what's going on, what she knows about the NSCA case, what's going on with the CrossFit book, what's going on with Greg's broken science. Maybe have her tell some funny stories that she knows. She's really in the know on a lot of subjects around the CrossFit ecosystem. She is a confidant to many, many, many people that even surprises me. I think she's maybe even more in the know than I am. Uh, when is TDC coming on? Very soon. Uh, he's, it's been, it's totally been, uh, mostly my fault. He keeps telling me to, to get the shit organized. Right.
Starting point is 01:46:36 And I just need to do it. So, uh, very soon. All right. As they say in the hood thank you sean god you already said it thank you can we buy cross it back from the vultures uh as they say in the hood buh-bye

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