The Sevan Podcast - #799 - 2023 CrossFit Open w/ Brian Friend & J.R. Howell

Episode Date: February 15, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Say that to you? Yeah, you're like, this guy, Sousa, he wants us to start the podcast. I want to do it with you. What do you think? One show a week. We got this, right? I'm like, one show a week? Yeah, I could do that.
Starting point is 00:00:09 It sounds fun. I miss it. Yeah, that does sound fun. Three months later, you're like, every day? Bam, we're live. And we've been going, yeah, that's good. It's an evolution. How long did it take to go?
Starting point is 00:00:21 We went from one day a week to one every day. How quickly? Six months, I would say say to get to every day yeah to get to to get consistently every day i would probably say that's about right i remember you also saying it'll be crazy when we do three a week do schnozzle three a day uh in the center square today we we have Mr. J.R. Howell with the – I don't know what that thing is on his back. Oh, Brian had a long – That's right. We talked about – oh, it is his new sponsor, that too.
Starting point is 00:00:55 We talked about – Brian had a tough night last night. A lot of vigorous exercise, maybe pulled a muscle in his back or something. So he's trying to stay warm. I did thrusters today, J.R. No way. of vigorous exercise, maybe pull the muscle in his back or something. He's trying to stay warm. I did thrusters today, JR. No way. Increasing weight thrusters with chest-to-bar pull-ups and double-owners just for you. You're so ready for
Starting point is 00:01:15 the open. All you needed is that one session. I've done two thruster workouts in the last 12 months. Don't feel bad for Brian, but you should see the other guy. The other guy's really fucked up. Sorry, what did you say, JR? I've probably sent him 12.
Starting point is 00:01:31 12 workouts with thrusters in there. Buck for a piece. I found this coin today. Masters Fitness Collective. Isn't that nice? I need a new coin. I need a new one? What's wrong with this one? It's not the one i gave you you gave me a coin no but i'm gonna give you one okay oh drama maybe i need a second coin little lover's coral coins are important okay the the 2023 CrossFit games are about to begin.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And when they begin, they will open with an event that's called the open. Do we know how many people are enrolled so far? Halpin would know. He would. Okay. And he would tell you everyone's ID number. Hey,
Starting point is 00:02:22 Halpin, if you, in an hour, we're going to do a show review. When this is over, you guys hang tight. First, J.R. Howell is going to tell you what all the open workouts are. And then at 7 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, we have some incredible video to show you. It is an interview that Brian Spin did today with Bob Eubanks from the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:02:43 And we have watched it. Dave Eubanks. And we have watched it. Dave Eubanks. And we have watched it and analyzed it. And we have gotten down to the bottom of the strength of field numbers and worldwide rankings. And if you're from Africa, you should definitely, all six of you who watch this show from Africa, you should pay attention.
Starting point is 00:03:04 In fact, Sevan has spent so much time preparing for this that he finally figured out that it's called Strength of Field. Strength of Field, yes. If you are of melanated skin and from the African continent, I want to tell you, bring your box of Kleenex because we have some serious issues. We're going to expose tonight. That's in an hour. Oh, until then, this show is going to be fun and positive and upbeat. We're having JR on. Don't be a douche
Starting point is 00:03:32 nozzle. I did say something similar to that. Lucky Camera Strap is $10 from Australia. Stoked for the big crew today. More to come if JR predicts workouts that are in my wheelhouse. Hey! Already fucking with... Mr. Lucky lucky what are you good at send your list of movements in uh okay um so let's talk about some big really big picture
Starting point is 00:03:54 stuff first uh so tell this is the um a community event that turns into a crowning the fittest person in the world do we have any questions on whether the crossfit game crowns the fittest person in the world. Do we have any questions on whether the CrossFit game crowns the fittest person alive? Does anyone, is anyone pushing back on that at all? I think if the singular question is at the end of the CrossFit games, are we, are we finding the single fittest man and women and woman that we've done a
Starting point is 00:04:18 good job of doing that? Yeah. And this person is fit as shit. Yeah. I mean, I think in the history of the games that there are less than a handful of situations between men and women where you can even really draw into question whether the best person won. Great. And this really is the fittest person on the planet. Whether you want to argue, well, you guys define fitness, blah, blah, blah. Shut up up just come participate and by that it means these guys adrian bosman and crew test all the time domains uh the modal domains the it's it's all it's all being tested in the games yeah not necessarily in the open right okay and the first event and there's
Starting point is 00:05:00 basically four events and it goes the open the quarterfinals the semifinals and there's basically four events, and it goes the Open, the Quarterfinals, the Semifinals, and then the CrossFit Games. And it narrows down, as you might imagine. They cast the biggest net. That's the Open. Anyone in the world can enter. All you need is – you do need a computer or access to a computer to register, right? That's the barrier of entry and $20 credit card? Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yep. Jonah, 7x eight uh two euros please no wall walks in uh first wad for three years in a row i think that's a i think that's a very reasonable request have there been wall walks uh two last two the last two years and i would i would love to see a actually an entire competitive season this year with no wall walks. I think that would be fine. Yeah. Well, I think that they're a great movement to put in the open, fairly accessible. You could argue maybe a movement that people can get their first of during the open that maybe have never been able to get all the way back to the 10-inch line.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Last year, you could almost dub it the year of the shuttle run, right? There were supposed to be shuttle runs the first workout in the open. They got switched to box jump overs because of some people's limitations with space. Quarterfinals had shuttle runs. Semifinals had shuttle runs. And the games had a shuttle run workout. so i think after a year like last year it would be completely feasible for boz to just put him away for a year and then bring him back out later this is also the first year that adrian bosman is doing the programming for all of the events correct open quarterfinals semifinals and the. And for those of you who don't know, that in the center square is J.R. Howell. He's the owner of CrossFit Crash, an affiliate on the east coast of North America.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Down below in the red is the executive producer of the Sebon podcast and owner of CrossFit Livermore. That is just outside of San Francisco, California. Up in the right, Brian Friend is the leading sports analyst and opinionated maker in in the uh crossfit space i'd like to also be acknowledged for working at a crossfit gym in the central part of the u.s he's a man that also wants to be acknowledged for working at a crossfit gym in chicago in Chicago. And the other guy is Caleb Beaver and
Starting point is 00:07:26 he is on every show and he brings up the visuals and pipes in if someone says something that's wrong. Don't fuck it up. Yeah, he's the fact checker. And for two euros, you can completely derail the show.
Starting point is 00:07:44 So, what's that say about us? Okay. And so we've got some things established, and we're about to start the first. The Open is a three-week event. Tell us. I won't screw this up. Go ahead, Brian. Tell us about the Open, when it starts, and what exactly it is.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah. It will start this Thursday. There will be a live announcement from Spain at the Caja Magica featuring four of the fittest two men and two women in the world. They'll announce the workout. They may have some other people do the workout additionally to those four, but it'll be the first athletes to do the workout and a lot of people around the world will do the workout over the next four days. You have four days exactly to do the workout and submit it. And then the process will repeat itself two more times over the next two weeks. And this is the second year in a row it's been three weeks or how many years? Because it used to be four or five weeks, right? It's the third year. Third year in a row.
Starting point is 00:08:41 The first year there were three weeks of the Open. There were four scored events because the last week had a two-part event. Last year, there was a three-week Open, and there were only three scored events, which is the fewest that the Open has ever had. This year, we have three weeks again, and we don't know the number of scored events that we'll have. Okay, so the announcements will be on February 16th, February 23rd, and March 2nd. And what time will that happen, and where can people watch the announcement live? I believe it's at 3 p.m. Eastern.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah, noon Pacific is what CrossFit will advertise it as, since their headquarters are in the Pacific time. 3 p.m. Pacific, and it will be streaming on CrossFit Games YouTube. And there's a deadline for when you have to turn in your score, which always creates some drama with athletes thinking that they put in their scores and missing the deadlines, et cetera. And when are those deadlines? They're on the following Monday.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Is it the same? Is it noon? Or did they keep it at the later time, JR? It was usually 5 p.m. Pacific time, right? Yeah, it used to be. And I think it even was all the way up until at least last year. I'm sure someone in the comments will correct us, but I want to say it's still 5 p.m. Pacific. And just so you know, nothing that we say on this show is official you just watch the watch this show because i guess it's just more fun to get your information from here than anywhere else
Starting point is 00:10:15 but if you really want the official information you probably have to go over to acrossfit hq to their website and then if and then we'll and then you can also then come back here and we'll decipher it for you because a lot of their stuff needs deciphering last year um uh jr howell did an amazing job of uh giving us some insight into what the workouts could possibly be it was truly remarkable uh all kidding aside jr you killed it he um it didn't come easy. He studied the podcast that Adrian Bosman does with Pat Sherwood very thoroughly. He went back and looked at gazillions of old journals. Your podcast. I'm sorry? Your podcast with Adrian.
Starting point is 00:10:58 My podcast with Adrian. And he's been pretty obsessive about it. So this year it's going to be three weeks. Like we said last year, mostly it was Dave Castro who programmed the Open. And then after that, the programming was mostly Adrian Bosman for the quarterfinals, semifinals. And then it was completely him for the CrossFit Games. And we definitely saw Adrian's signature on it. Would you guys say that's fair?
Starting point is 00:11:28 More than fair. Yeah, for sure. And remember, those were games predictions, not open predictions. So I'm not as big on claiming to know what workouts or movements are going to show up in the open. I love to do it. It's fun to, to make predictions, but in the last 13, well, in the last 12 years, we've had that many years of one person programming to where we could make pretty educated guesses of where it was going, movements that would show up movements that would show up together in the same workout
Starting point is 00:12:00 movements that would show up on which week of the open, we kind of had a good rhythm and we're kind of able to do that. And now we don't have any. So this is like the first year that we get to see any trends start to develop. Lucky straps. I think if I'm reading this correctly, $5 from Australia is asking, do we think there will be more or less participation? It does say, by the way, in section 1.2 of the current rule book that the scores must be submitted by 5 p.m. Pacific time on Monday. Okay. That's actually a little more than four days that you have to do it. They're announced at noon Pacific, but you have an extra five hours on the back end. So you have 50 or four days plus five hours to submit your scores.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And another thing that we have already this year is we have the equipment list, right? For basically anything for all the online competitions. Well, yes and no. There's a website, slash announcement 13969 slash open. That lists the equipment list, but it has this caveat here. Check out this page for a nonspecific and nonexhaustive list of equipment you should have access to if you plan on competing in the open and any online events during the season. Okay. So they've given us some equipment that could possibly use with the acknowledgement. How do you interpret
Starting point is 00:13:25 that non-specific and non-exhaustive uh i don't know that's very interesting like are the kettle bells rogue kettle bells or the kettlebells kettlebell masters or do they have to be i don't know that non-specific thing is is is is confusing non-exhaustive means that hey like we can add anything to the list that we want to yeah not not unlike the uh bullet points that read a wall space for wall walks handstand push-ups but not limited to etc and a pull-up bar for but not limited to pull-ups toes to bar bar muscle-ups right jump ropes plural why not just put jump rope it's always said jump rope on the equipment list and now but i'm okay with this right they're just they're trying to they're um they're checking they're doing two things one is
Starting point is 00:14:18 they're providing a baseline list of equipment so people can get prepared and secondly they're leaving room for change if they feel like they need to make it at the last minute. And just to give some credit, people have been screaming for years, like, can we at least know some things ahead of time about what equipment might be in the later stages? And they even have at the bottom for GHD and rope specifically for the climbing rope, that those two implements will not be used in the open, but could be used in the quarterfinals and age group semifinals stage. And, you know, the big talk has been about the kettlebells being added. And they even released a video recently saying
Starting point is 00:14:58 there's been a lot of worry about the heavy kettlebell movements coming up in the open. You can rest assured that those will not be used until the later online stages but they said that they said that they did yeah um when they say later online stages are they talking about week three or they're talking about quarter finals quarters or age group semifinals okay yeah but you know they've they've gone ahead and let people know hey if you don't do work with kettlebells and you plan on making it to those stages you've got a lot of time to put your hands on them and do a lot of different things which is cool hey that um that rogue website that um caleb just had up is that a page on rogue that has all the equipment already just set up for you i think that was a post from the game site so the games had posted the link
Starting point is 00:15:41 and then it just basically said everything that the games requested be available to you from the open until quarterfinals. Okay. That's cool. So if you need it, you can go to Rogue and just snatch it up. Lucky Camera Straps with the big street parking campaign. I can't see them using the rower in the open. What's he talking about? What's he talking about?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Yeah, so the video that was produced, I mean, I thought Boz was awesome in it. You even talked about the production of it, how good it was. And at the end, I think he says something along the lines of, we're specifically calling out all street parking members to sign up for the open this year and participate. specifically calling out all street parking members to sign up for the open this year and participate so i think a lot of people are using that to infer things like oh there's going to be tons of dumbbells or there's going to be devil press there's going to be movements synonymous with street parking programming which which could be people don't have access to a gym right in the garage yeah right but does their um does their weekly programming do they not
Starting point is 00:16:47 program rower and then like substitutes for that or do they just assume that people don't have a machine i think they program all of it but always have substitutions for people without because i've i i but i'm not super familiar with their programming but the stuff that i have seen before has had implements of like an assault bike and stuff like that who knows someone in the comments has got to know that's a great point i'm going to guess that they don't use a lot of assault bike they don't use rower they don't use ghd a lot i'm guessing i don't know there's a lot of sandbag and dumbbell from the media i've seen and like sleds and stuff hey a sandbag on that list jr no no um okay uh and so we're going to start we're going to start
Starting point is 00:17:23 week one week two week three well what can you you tell us about what you think about week one? I know that some years they like to have started week one so it's accessible to everyone. So that's not the week you want to scare people, I guess, scare people with double unders or muscle ups or anything, would scare people away. Cause I think that they're trying to make it so that people who aren't signing up into the last minute won't be scared when they see that first workout. And do you agree with that? And, and does it help you kind of, uh, think about what they might program first? Yeah, I think Chase, he said it best on an open show that he and Bill did recently. It's a, it's a workout that most everyone can do, but no one wants to do. So usually they'll try to scare you with pain, discomfort, and not a heavy barbell or a complex body weight movement. And even in the past, I mean, you know, we have so many years with Dave and he kind of followed along with this. I mean, some people could argue that the workout that started with one wall walk and ended with a set of 21 wall walks was pretty aggressive.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But for the most part, usually the first week, anyone could do. And he kind of understood that. And I think Boz does too. Especially since it's only three weeks and we're not sending people directly to the games, which they did in 2019, that the movements that come out week one are going to be things that most people can do. And most people have access to. Oh, in 2019, they, they did do, they did have some direct qualifiers and they also program the most biased workout. One of the two most biased workouts in the history of the open for week one.
Starting point is 00:19:01 That row wall ball. Row wall ball and a 12 minutes of burpees were the two are the two polar extremes of most favorable for tall and short athletes respectively there is hard data to support that and we and i mean i know a lot of people don't care about the numbers and the trends but some people do and when we talk about these things and how much information we had in the last 12 years, think about things like this. Snatching, toes to bar, and double unders have been in every single open up to this point. Those were all perfect. Say those four again. Snatch, toes to bar, Toes to bar, double under, thruster.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Snatch has been in week one of the Open in 2011, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, and 22. Snatching and burpees, that combination, showed up five times in 12 years. So those two movements together. Wall balls and ring muscle-ups, 2012 and 13, that was a repeat, 14, 15, and 20. Thrusters is the last week, I'm almost positive, all but 2020. And that was the year they were in a 20-minute AMRAP with dumbbell thrusters. So I mean, there've been things over the years that we kind of know is coming. And I think that makes it fun. Like everyone would say around week three, this is usually the muscle up week. You know,
Starting point is 00:20:29 this is usually when rings come out and everyone starts to drop off, you know, weeks one and two are pretty accessible. And then weeks three and four, usually there's a chipper in week four, or, you know, we know the last week is usually going to have thrusters. I mean, it kind of made it fun and it kind of made it at the same time, unknowable. So this workout that you mentioned, like the seven minutes of burpees, that can't be seen anymore. Right. And that that's things like that are gone when you limit it to only three or three. I think I think if you wanted to bring that workout back as a as a repeat workout in this format with a three week open that you would need to couple it with something else. So you might do AMRAP seven minutes of burpees at the 10-minute mark, barbell complex in a
Starting point is 00:21:08 five-minute window. So you have a heavy with a bodyweight ninja like softball. Yeah. I think making it three weeks from five weeks really does affect the programming in the way of single modality workouts where you just have a body weight movement for seven minutes straight. You just have a weightlifting movement seven minutes straight. They could do it. I don't think they will do it. And, you know, to Brian's point, some might say, what about seven minutes of burpee box jump overs? Sure. But the people that you saw excel at seven minutes of burpees are probably still going to excel at that same thing. The box being 24, 20 inches doesn't automatically give an advantage to anyone that's taller. Yeah. It doesn't turn it into a couplet.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And I actually, I wrote an article about this that has not been published and probably won't be published on bar bend, but I will eventually publish it somewhere. And it, and it shows a hierarchy of, of movements relative to height performance and it was actually a really cool study and my kind of the reason that i wanted to highlight this is because there's some specific movements and movement combinations that are very favorable to a specific demographic of height and it's really the only one we can measure because weight is there's no way of tracking weight accurately in the CrossFit Games current system. And the same goes for people that are shorter.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Like there's some workouts and some movements that are very favorable for that. So if you're the programmer for the open and you want to have a relatively balanced test and you're going to choose either one of those movements specifically, and especially in a combination like rowing and wall balls, then you need to have something that offsets it. So that's why I say that if you're going to have a burpee test, then you need to also have a rowing test or a weightlifting test. Where did the data come from that, that article? Awesome guy named Mark Baum that would,
Starting point is 00:22:56 will get the credit for all of the work that he has done and would have, but, and well, he will. How significant is the difference between like, say you have two athletes that have the same capacity, but they're the difference in height. Like how, like does the, the taller,
Starting point is 00:23:13 it's hard to say with capacity. What this does is basically it uses something called rank correlation. And so zero is neutral that it had no favorability relative to height. That workout in, in 2019 was a negative 0.448 value. And the next closest one was negative 0.247, which is 18.1. So it's twice as favorable for tall athletes as any other open workout ever
Starting point is 00:23:38 programmed. The burpees 12 minutes of burpees was a positive 0.376. And the next closest one was 19.4 at positive 0.304. Then there's a big drop to 0.2308 for 13.5. So there's one workaround. So he got the data from the open and he just picked 100 people that he could find their height on. No, the top 2,500 every year that did that workout. How did he get their height?
Starting point is 00:24:07 It's on the game site. There are a few that might not have it listed, but it's going to be a fairly good representation of the top 2,500 performers on every workout that's ever been done in the Open. He did the same for the games. Obviously, there's less people. Are you launching a website, Brian? Are you launching a website?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Launching a website? I think so. Okay. Go ahead, Jare. Sorry. That's interesting. What? That 18.1, you spent half the workout on the rower because that was toes to bar, dumbbell hang clean and jerk, and calorie row. And so when you take the top five that favor the tall and the top five that favor the short, there's a very distinct pattern that comes into play. And you can see that the movements are relatively the same. the short, there's a very distinct pattern that comes in, uh, that comes into play. And you can see that, you know, that the movements are relatively the same. So three of the five favor rowing, all of them had weightlifting component. Um, those are the two things that
Starting point is 00:24:55 were, uh, favorable for the taller athletes in the field. And we can presume the taller are also the heavier. And then for the lighter one, three of the five included burpees. And there was never anything heavy that showed up the heaviest thing we ever had. And one of the favorite, and then for the lighter one, three of the five included burpees. And there was never anything heavy that showed up. The heaviest thing we ever had. And one of the favorite, the shorter athletes was a hundred pound thruster. Will you look up 20.5? I'm curious to see that workout. That was a choose your own adventure.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Wall ball, ring muscle up calorie row. If that one was almost a zero or if that one's still favored the taller person because of the wall balls, I would say say i would say because of 40 ring muscle ups it probably evened it out but i can't use it 20.5 correct it's the eighth most favorable workout in the history of the open for taller athletes so you could argue though that there are only about five movements that are more favorable for taller athletes in crossfit wall balls anything with a box so a box jumper a step up rope climbs rowing what else well any machine i would say right um when you say like weighted running you mean just like every inch taller you are you'll see the curve go up they just do better
Starting point is 00:26:01 on average like from five five to six two you just see that line like on the rower just better yeah if you're i mean you still have to like assuming that the same the same capacity is there right right uh i going back to these uh four movements that have been in all the opens the snatch the toes to bar the double under the thruster i'm really surprised the burpee's not in there it was not in 2015 and in 2016 it was in the open twice in 16.1 and 16.5 oh interesting wow um any do you think there will be something jr there'll be something new this year in the open that we've never seen before this turkish get up or these you know this whatever this is going to be. Boz, I think he said on an interview, maybe that he did with Miranda recently, um, where
Starting point is 00:26:52 she kind of was, you know, trying to get a little bit of information for the community and digging a little bit. And he said, as far as there being something brand new off the wall, no, but he did make a comment that new to the open. Yes. But if you've kind of been around for a while and you've been paying attention, it's not a new movement. And like he, I think even made that claim on the crossover double under, he's like, just because it's, it's a, it's a new
Starting point is 00:27:15 movement to you. Doesn't mean it's new. Like you can watch Matt Murski doing it on every second counts. Like it's a jumping rope, you know you know is not is not a new thing and people have been doing single unders for you know you learned how to jump rope you're probably doing single unders and they count the games this is a good guess you think it's something like this that might be hard to judge though so yeah and that's a great point what's sdl hp sumo deadlift high pull it's actually usually usually you see without the L, STHP. I kind of was wondering that too and was talking to Chase about it. Sorry to interrupt real quick just to help people out.
Starting point is 00:27:56 You're talking about with the kettlebell, JR, right? Sumo deadlift high pull with the kettlebell? Because normally we see with the barbell, right? But now you're talking about with the kettlebell. So I think a kettlebell would be more likely, but I was actually thinking that it would show up in the open with a barbell, right? But now you're talking about with the kettlebell. So I think a kettlebell would be more likely, but I was actually thinking that it would show up in the open with a barbell. It is in the judge's course and has been every single year. And yet they never use it. Also, they've never done back squats. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Go back to that. You tell me about this judge's course thing. What's that? So when you take the judge's course, they have all kinds of
Starting point is 00:28:21 movements that you have to look at the points of performance on and look at. Tell me about the judges course. That's the thing where you have to pay $10 to take the online course so that you can judge people in the open and sign off on there. And for the rest of the season. Yeah. And it used to be a way that, you know, you have to take it if you're going to validate scores for sure. Okay. Depending on what gym you go to, people will you'll you can judge but you know if the person who's taking the courses they're watching and validate scores
Starting point is 00:28:50 whatever you know the rules have changed that comment by that covian covina this is really compelling what you're saying this is an interesting comment um sumo delf high pull certainly could come up in the open it's very very rare that the, that a main site workout has any movement that's also repeated the same week of the open. This could be like a, maybe a, a little nod to a 22.2 or 23.2 or three, but basically eliminates it from being a possibility this week. And you know, when you have a, you know, when you have a movement like, um, light sumo deadlift high pulls or, um, really light hang power cleans where there's just so much opportunity for is the hip all the way open? Is the knee fully extended before the elbow drops below the bar?
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's really hard to tell because you can go so fast. What if you did sumo deadlift high pulls for a set of 50 like they did at regionals one year at 135? A lot of those guys, even at that level, were doing singles at that point. Just like singles on power cleans, I would argue that's not very difficult to judge. And like we talked about in the judges course, that movement is there every single year and it's never been used. And it's a foundational movement. Look how long it took for GHD sit-ups to make their way to a stage lower than semifinals, right? They were in quarterfinals the first year.
Starting point is 00:30:09 They were in quarterfinals last year. Maybe could be eventually in the open. I don't know. But if you're looking at old school movements that have been around for forever, that they put a lot of value on. As long as the level one's been around, it's been taught to CrossFit coachesfit coaches around the world right so do i think it could be a judging nightmare yeah but would you i don't know some would push back but go back to what you were saying you're saying course it's there and the judges course is made specifically for judging the open quarterfinals
Starting point is 00:30:41 semifinals uh the games i'm assuming that every games coach has taken the judges course. And for masters, teams, I mean, it's the... The comment section is doing very well. I had three things in mind. The comments have hit two of the three things that I thought might be a new thing in the open this year. I don't think the med ball clean will show up in the open, even though it
Starting point is 00:31:05 crossed my mind as a good possibility to. I think that will get a lot of heat in terms of difficulty to judge. Inverted burpees, they've been kind of promoting those a little bit. I also do not think that will show up in the open. What's an inverted burpee? Hi, Victor. Thank you for the $1.99. What's an inverted burpee?
Starting point is 00:31:23 It's a way to progress toward a press to handstand. That's what it is. What's the movement? What's it look like? You roll onto your back. You roll up onto your feet. There we go. And then you kick up into a handstand. You can do it against a wall or freestanding like this. Ah, okay. That'd be way too hard to judge, right? Unless you did it up against a wall.
Starting point is 00:31:44 that'd be way too hard to judge, right? Unless you did it up against the wall. Yeah. Up against the wall could be something that's judgeable, but I still think that the transition from getting on your back to your feet is going to just leave a lot of room for gray area. And I don't think we need this. So yeah, going back to the judge's course thing, there are a few movements. The pistol has always been there. And I think a lot of people probably in the comments are saying too, but that judge's course was also used for later stages. So if you knew you were going to have to judge pistols at the regionals, you need to be able to spot the flaw and you need to be able to see discrepancies in movement when you take the course for the open. Look how long it took the pistol to come to the open.
Starting point is 00:32:23 What, 2020 was the first year with the ladder, with cleaning jerks and box jumps. Back squat has never been done in a workout. You could do light back squats from the floor. You could do box step-ups with a barbell. You could do what I think is probably coming. This is a little bit of a trickle down effect from the games is look at the progression of single of unilateral movements. So starting out, we did dumbbell snatches. You had to alternate, you had to alternate for 2017 on all those dumbbell snatches. In 2018, you had to do five dumbbell hang cleaning jerks on the right or five on the left, and then switch arms at five and five. You weren't allowed to alternate. Ever since then, it's always been alternating. The rule is always alternating. When you lunge, you have to lunge right leg, then left leg,
Starting point is 00:33:12 right leg, then left leg. You can lunge for distance. Last year, we lunged for reps instead of distance. Why don't they just tell you, stand in this spot, do 10 lunges on the right leg, step back, step forward, and then do 10 lunges on the right leg step back step forward and then do 10 lunges on the left leg step back step forward no one ever practices that it's a trickle down from the pistol at the games when they had to do a certain number of reps on one leg and then a certain number of reps on the other leg maintaining balance not letting their foot touch the floor i'm going to tell you this just so you know uh. Greg Glassman absolutely hates those. Lunges standing in place?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Step back lunges? Yeah. And not lunging like horizontal displacement? Yeah, basically walking. He wants to see. He saw me doing lunges when we were in Tahoe last week, and he came over and just fucking slid. I was doing them in place, and he fucking just railed me.
Starting point is 00:34:03 He changed my workout mid-workout. Me and his wife and my wife what if you have limited space maybe you could do a backwards into a forwards lunge i i tried to talk my way into some shit i'll bring it up to him again but just so you know i'm not sure if that's in the journal anywhere either i'm not sure i'm not sure if he's written on that so yeah like last year during the you know last year the age group semifinals they they lunged for for reps with a barbell. And it's the first time I think it's been done in an online stage since 16.1, which was an overhead walking lunge with a 95-pound barbell. It's usually been dumbbell.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Dumbbell front rack, dumbbell hang position, double dumbbell overhead. That's been programmed all different ways. But with a barbell, just like with step ups most people just do it with dumbbells they do dumbbell step up on the shoulder they do it from the hang position with both dumbbells at the side but what did rogue do this past year in their qualifier they had barbell step ups in it and that's i mean people it's it's intriguing to me that you say that most people don't do these things we do these things things at the gym, but we never do them in a Metcon. We do it as a strength training, an accessory work for leg strength.
Starting point is 00:35:10 Yeah, we did barbell step-ups today in the gym. In the Metcon. No, no, for strength. For the strength, yeah. Going back, what's the range of motion for a sumo deadlift high pull for a judge? What would that be? Usually the bar or the object is meant to clear the collar bonus. God,
Starting point is 00:35:28 that's tough. That's going to be tough to judge. I wonder if you could say... Yeah, there's too much gray area. Again, I think the load has to be heavy enough. If Taylor's listening right now, he would say things like, well, listen,
Starting point is 00:35:44 everyone's clamoring for dumbbells or for kettlebell snatches in the opener in quarterfinals you know what's wrong with a kettlebell swing you know how is a shoulder to overhead any harder to judge than a kettlebell swing you know he's pretty big component you know like a big advocate of if someone's if someone can't get arms covering ears in a kettlebell swing, they probably can't in a push press either. So what's the problem? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:10 I think if I, I don't disagree with Taylor there. I think if they do want to introduce kettlebell swings into the competitive season that they should start at a later stage. So they have a narrower field to exercise, to do that exercise with an exercise being here's the standard we're looking for. Watch the best in the world do it. And now it's like, oh, well, that's something that maybe I should be ready for next year.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And I know exactly what CrossFit's looking for. I would not like it if they put them in the open this year and introduce the standard at the same time. That's what you're going to just open yourself up to ridicule and problems. Why do you say that, though? Because the kettlebell has a clear ending, just like it would be a push trick. So it's still dynamic. You could still see the extension of the knees,
Starting point is 00:36:50 the hip and the arms, right? Yeah, but right now we're sitting here with four of us who have a combined like 50 years of doing this. And there's probably 10,000 people that have been doing this for less than six months that will sign up for the Open. Now, of course, the coaches should be in a place to administer that rule i'm just saying that i would i would i think that it would be better off for crossfit's sake and that's the one thing
Starting point is 00:37:12 i'm trying to push them towards more and more is make decisions that are easy for your team to manage you're always telling us you have a small team don't make a decision like that that's going to be unmanageable uh william leaper thank thank you, 499. Appreciate it. I want to also, Anthony, TPA, wall walks into wall-facing handstand push-ups. Aggressive. Since that
Starting point is 00:37:36 movement was introduced at the games level first, and people can argue, well, they introduced single-enders at the games level first. True. It's a little bit different. They did that for accuracy. They did that for an unbroken set. It was just there so that if you did mess up, you couldn't advance. Since they introduced that wall facing handstand pushup at a deficit,
Starting point is 00:37:54 really on the ballistic block at the games. I think the idea of just seeing, seeing them do wall facing regular strict handstand pushups is probably more likely at the semifinals level or even at the quarterfinals level. Definitely not the open. What Jr is trying to say is what Ken Walter said. Uh, no way.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And can I throw out my one prediction of a new ish movement that we might see in the open and see what Jr thinks about it since no one's brought it up. I'm excited, Brian. And it's, it is actually a little bit in line with this thing he's talking about of doing movements on one side and then the other. It's a single-arm dumbbell thruster.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I think that's great. And I think that if they did that, there would be a requirement to do a certain number of reps on one side. Yeah, do 10 on one side, do a gymnastics move. 10 on another side, do a 10-cal row and repeat that for 16 or so. And that's a great shot in the dark. You took Brian. It's not a bad idea. You've kind of softened the blow on, on what I wanted to say and made me feel a little bit more comfortable. And all you guys are doing great rolling with the punches and Jair, you're especially a straight shooter. I want you to know that. And I think that, yeah, yeah, you should. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And none of this show has been overkill. We're at 40 minutes, and we just keep turning over new stones, and I really appreciate it. If any of you guys have any ideas that you'd like me to bring up on the show regarding the Open, feel free to shoot me an email.
Starting point is 00:39:16 No battle is too big or too small, and the deadline for that email could be within the next 24 hours. And if you have two ideas, you can send them in one email because I like it when you kill two birds with one stone and that also saves me a lot of uh time and so that i don't have to bite the bullet by opening uh two emails and uh and if you do have a bad idea you won't i won't like come at you kicking and screaming i'll be cool and i won't jump the
Starting point is 00:39:38 gun i'll probably read it a few times and i'm just take a stab at it and let's communicate and be open and i just want you to know that i'm really blown away by our camaraderie. Thank you. Okay. I think it was – do you remember when they did – Brian, when they did the – I'm going to mess up the combination of the three words, but it was like breathe, lift, whatever. And there were movements you could do at home during COVID, I believe. you could do at home during COVID, I believe. Do you remember that one of those workouts had dumbbell snatches and in it, there was a requirement for you to do all the reps on the right arm and then I think do burpees over the dumbbell and then all the reps on the left arm.
Starting point is 00:40:14 So I'm just thinking of times when they've actually said, you're going to do this single arm or single leg movement, but you're not going to alternate. It hasn't happened often. And I don't think it's something people train a lot. And I think it's a great prediction that there's going to be some kind of unilateral movement where you are not allowed to just prevent fatigue by switching every rep. Thanks, Sarah. Sarah Cox
Starting point is 00:40:45 thank you very much appreciate it we would not have anytime you see Sarah Cox's name look at Brian and say thank you Sarah for bringing us Brian does not even exist he's a hologram that Sarah gives us the money to make sure that we can run
Starting point is 00:41:00 his AI yes Mr. Beaver I see you bowing down to Ms. Sarah Cox Andrew Hiller will be coming on the show in 19 minutes that we can run his AI. Yes, Mr. Beaver, I see you bowing down to Ms. Sarah Cox. Andrew Hiller will be coming on the show in 19 minutes. Andrew Hiller does do a show every Tuesday called TRT Tuesday. And Sarah is a great sponsor for my show and Andrew's show, as you guys all know. There was a comment in here I wanted to bring up to you. Savon, do you smoke pot? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Can someone tell me what that rant was you just did? Oh, you'll know soon. Yeah. I appreciate you noticing. Is that a preview of the second hour? It's a good shot in the dark. That is a, um, I just did want to throw it, just throw it out there before we get sidetracked that we want to do this every, every Tuesday for the next month or so through the,
Starting point is 00:41:51 uh, the open and into quarterfinals. And I think it's a, one of the very few opportunities we have to talk about some stuff that goes on during the open that I won't really get talked about anywhere else. So if you know someone that's doing something cool in the Open that's unique or different and likely going to get lost, send it to one of us.
Starting point is 00:42:09 If we get a ton of them, we may not get to all of them, but we'll try to highlight some stuff that's cool, that's happening around the world that, like I said, probably will not be broadcast too publicly otherwise. And Sevan will at least five times each week go on and troll someone who he thinks isn't trying or thinks that the Open doesn't matter and call them out on their poor scores. You have me confused with Andrew, but thank you. I appreciate it. I just joined. Has JR already guessed all the – yes, he guessed all the workouts go back.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Perfect. Not only, thank you, Brian, for saying that, not only will we be doing this every Tuesday, on Thursdays, after they announce the workout, Taylor will be jumping on, I believe, J.R. will be jumping on, Brian, of course, is always welcome, and Andrew Hiller will be here, and we will, Taylor will have already done the workout, and then we will watch Andrew do it live and discuss the open every week. So I think that we're going to try to shoot for like 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on every Thursday. So we're going to be doing a lot. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be big open days for the next couple weeks. Do you guys want to talk about – take a quick stab? I know it gets easier as the open goes on, but let's talk about with our 17 minutes left before barbells, not barbells.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I do want to ask. Barbell spin comes on and Andrew Hiller comes on. I do want to ask about the kettlebells and what you guys think about them because a lot of people are excited about the kettlebell. They think the kettlebell is going to come up in the open. It may just be saved for quarterfinals, for the age group semis, if they choose to use kettlebells in the open. It may just be saved for quarterfinals, for the age group semis, if they choose to use kettlebells in the open. Something that I don't think a lot of people are paying attention to is there are only three weights listed. Think about the age divisions
Starting point is 00:43:56 that are doing the open. It's everyone. The lightest weight is 35 pounds. Lightest. weight is 35 pounds lightest. The thought of doing anything other than a goblet squat or a farmer's carry, maybe a kettlebell deadlift. There's no way, there's no way. And there's no way that some age divisions are going to use the kettlebells. And they're going to say, if you're at this certain age, you're going to use dumbbells instead, or you're going to use a barbell instead. I just don't think that's going to happen. I think the, the, the, the movement choice that we have for the open using kettlebells is like three or four movements. And I think that's goblet squat. I think that's farmers carry farmers carry maybe. And yeah, I mean, they say you need floor space. It doesn't say they're going to use the floor space in the open. It only says that the ropes and the GHDs are going to be used in later stages. So
Starting point is 00:44:48 they may not use the space at all, but after all the shuttle runs last year, what does that leave lunges, handstand walk and carry. So other than that, with the kettlebells, wait, wait, handstand walk with the kettlebell. No, no, no. As, as things that you could use the clear for floor space clear floor space for the floor space for it just it um i hope they do find a way to use the kettlebells i think it'd be awesome to put them in the open but i think that the the number of movements yeah could they do a single arm hang clean and jerk sure but i still think 35 and 53 for some of those age groups are going to be way too difficult for, for something single.
Starting point is 00:45:25 No, and they're not going to, and they won't do that. I mean, they've already said they're not going to use the heaviest one. So if you're, if you're programming the 16 and 24 kg as the RX that covers 17 to 54, but everyone outside of that division has no other option.
Starting point is 00:45:37 So I think Jair's right on the money there. And I, I never thought that the kettlebell is going to be in the open this year. I do think it will be in the open eventually, but I think that we'll have other versions of kettlebells listed weight-wise and that'll be an indication that it's more likely to happen what about this year everything that the kettlebells can do the dumbbells can do too and they have dumbbells 20 pounds to 70 pounds and at that point it then you have to start almost thinking turkish get up i give a minute
Starting point is 00:46:04 you could do those with the dumbbell too. I was going to say there, there isn't one thing out there. I want to say this. I, you know, Adrian loves kettlebells. I could totally see them,
Starting point is 00:46:12 him trying to put them throughout the games this year. That being the theme open quarterfinals, semifinals and the game. I mean, could you see that also? I mean, look, he had,
Starting point is 00:46:21 we had kettlebells in the semifinals for online last year. We had kettlebells in the,ifinals online last year. We had kettlebells at the games in a fairly demanding fashion last year. So he's already done it at two stages of the season. My instinct when they first showed up was they're going to be in the quarterfinals this year. And I think if they are in the quarterfinals, they're going to show up in a dual fashion. So you're going to have dual kettlebell squats or dual kettlebell lunges or kettlebell cleaning jerks like they did with the alpaca last year um things like that it's going to be it's going to be in the clean in the in the quarterfinals he's got so many options because he could do a progression of those
Starting point is 00:46:58 things too he could do a clean and jerks in the first three rounds and double kettlebell snatch in the last three rounds so it's just so many things that the quarterfinals caliber athlete can do well with kettlebells. Just to me, it makes more sense. It's not, I mean, look, he certainly could do it, but I would bet heavily on quarterfinals for the kettlebells. So the wall balls have been out of the open for the last two years. Do you think the wall balls come back? I think they probably should come back.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I think that it's a it's a good move open movement and the fact that they haven't been there for a couple years i think is fine that's basically what i'm saying about the wall walk is we had them for two years let's get rid of them for two years we haven't had the wall ball for two years bring the wall ball back yeah and something i think a lot of people should take note of is that you know year, I think there was a thought of like, is he going to program a heavy wall ball, like for the age group semifinals or, you know, even for the quarterfinals, are we ever going to see a heavy wall ball? What happened? What happened? They went to a higher target. And then what do they do at the games? They went to an even higher target using the same ball. So
Starting point is 00:48:01 heavy wall ball, there's nothing on the equipment list for quarterfinals or age group semifinals. But if you have a wall and it's 10 feet, it can probably be 11 or 12 feet also. Good point. What do you think we're going to open up with? Do you think the, um, the open's going to be just a couplets and triplets? Is that what you're thinking? I was thinking about this the other day that there, there hasn't been a chipper in the open in a while. And the first open I did was 2014. And I think that it's the most famous chipper the open's ever had was a 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 ending with re-muscle up. And I couldn't do a re-muscle up at the time. I've done that work at a few times since, and I love that workout. I know some people are saying we might
Starting point is 00:48:40 not have a repeat, but I think that that would be such a great repeat workout. And you could get a chipper, which is a format that we haven't seen in a few years. So for, as far as, you know, they've had AMRAPs and time cap workouts and that's about it recently with a three week, with a three week open, do you think they should still even do repeats ever again? I mean, I think something like that would be perfectly fine. You're repeating a workout from nine years ago. Right. And it's got and it's a great workout. And it's not, you know, I don't think like the days of repeating the same workout from the previous year.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I don't think that that's necessarily needed. But there's some great workouts from 2011 through 16 that haven't come up in a long time. And there's a whole new generation of CrossFitters that haven't done that workout or seen that workout and the ones of us that have might be like damn man you know it's pretty cool to be able to do that 10 years later and do just as well or better on it yeah and i think that you know for the last for i guess 2021 20 and 21 no no i'm sorry 21 and 22 um just 21 having a complex at the end i think the best way that strength has ever been tested in the open are the 16.2 slash 19.2 and 17.3 formats where you have a certain time window the barbell gets heavier and heavier the gymnastics stays the same or progressively gets harder or more repetitions and that's the way that you you earn your heavy
Starting point is 00:50:11 barbell you earn your right to to work more but everyone gets to play and i think that will come back whether it's deadlift whether it's snatch whether it's uh whether whether it's a thruster ladder they've never done a thruster ladder in the open. You could argue that they did it recently. What last year when they did 95 pounds, 115, 135. Right. But you know, something like that, I think we'll come back around as the way strength is tested. Um, I think just lifting just a barbell, how heavy can you go, is kind of going to be pushed to the wayside a little bit. What do you think about single-unders? Clock Cutter was asking about single-unders. I think if I had to bet whether they would or wouldn't be in the open, I would bet that they would.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Really? You think it's going to come in the first workout? You said would not? Would. You think they will going to come in the first workout? You said would not. Would. It will be. Yeah. If he had to choose one way or another, if you handed him, if you said, hey, JR, are there going to be single unders in the open? You have to pick yes or no.
Starting point is 00:51:17 He's going with yes. I would go with no. What would it be with? Do you have something in mind? I would go with no. What would it be with? Do you have something in mind? I think that it would be with another Griffiths movement and with double unders.
Starting point is 00:51:32 I do. Yeah, I really do. Like a progression. Yeah, I think it would be a progression, just an open style version. I programmed the workout last week. It was 60 single unders into 30 double unders, 12 hang power clean and jerks into 12, 6 hang power snatch. It was a work to rest. Oh, my God. It was brutal workout.
Starting point is 00:51:51 And it was a really cool mind-body trick to go from the singles straight into the doubles. JR, can you give us some ideas of what you would feel comfortable sharing with what you think week one would be? Could be some good workouts, a couple ideas. sharing with what you think week one would be could be some good workouts couple ideas yeah i do kind of think you know for the longest time people would call like crossfit snatch fit because it was like all we ever do is snatch you know and the first workout almost always has snatches you know dave always programmed snatch the first week i i do think that boz values expression of control coordination um all that kind of stuff at a really high level so i think that something unilateral in week one is is going to happen whether it's a step up whether it's a
Starting point is 00:52:37 lunge whether it's a single arm dumbbell movement um that would be what i would guess coupled what does that mean unilateral like a step up using using one leg at a time or using one arm at a time okay so something like um uh if you guys never tried the workout or a version of the one they did at the games um with the kettlebell lunge and the toes to bar i think something like lunges with toes to bar would would be awesome toes to bar is very accessible for most people and it's going to push a lot of the population. Hey, I can do this one RX. I may not be able to do any other one RX, but I can do this one because I can get that big swing and I can still do some really small sets of toes to bar. But I think something like toes to bar
Starting point is 00:53:18 lunge variation, toes to bar wall ball, something like that, I think is, is, is going to be in the first week. I don't think we see a barbell in the first week. Uh, toes to bar lunge. That's just toes to bar lunge, toes to bar wall ball, um, burpee toes to bar something, some, something like that. I think it's going to be really accessible. I think it's a beast, very simple. And they do have pressure on them, right? What are the pressures of programming to open in three weeks? I think the pressure is to find the balance between something that is fun for the entire community and challenging enough for the best athletes in the world. And in the different time domains and modalities, what are the time domains we'll be looking at in these three weeks? Well, kind of interesting, actually. Last year, we had time domains and modalities, what are the time domains we'll be looking at in these three weeks?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Well, kind of interesting, actually. Last year, we had time domains of 15, 10, and 12 minutes. The year before that, 15, 20, 15, and then another 7 for the lift. And the year before that, 15, 20, 9, 20, and 20, which is really strange to have three 20-minute time cap workouts in the same open. I would say, well, one of them was an ab ramp. So a lot of 15s and 20s but you'll get one that's like 8 to 12. uh and i guess i guess one of the ways to think of it is with only three workouts we're talking about the fact that you can't just have burpees for seven minutes. They have to be some sort of couplet. They have to test other... I think they'll all be mixed modality, yeah. I think they'll all be mixed modality.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And I think that JR is right. Like, if you're looking at the style of workout, the best bet for the first workout is a couplet. And I think that then there'll be evolutions of a little bit more complex. Maybe you get a triplet or a chipper. And in the last workout of the open, to the last week, you might get a progression, you know, where you do rounds of something that progresses, it sounds of rounds of something harder, and maybe even goes to a third
Starting point is 00:55:13 iteration. How many scaling options does the open offer? Is it just crazy? It is. Scaling and then foundation, scaled foundations, Rx'd, and then obviously there's adaptive. And there are also different versions for those things of the 14 and 15 year old and 55 plus divisions. So it's, you know, it's one workout in theory, but that one workout for the games team ends up becoming, cause you have to have men and women across probably at least a dozen, maybe pushing towards 20 when you factor all the things that we just listed in versions of the same workout. So it's a lot to prepare that and then organize it in a way that's digestible and then write movement standards that are easy enough for the entire
Starting point is 00:55:55 community to do. It's a big job. And that's why you're saying they should make it simple because then if you go back to what the team has to analyze, it's not just those workouts, it's across all those divisions. So the workload gets insane. So a burpee wall ball is much better for them rather than a movement that might have some gray area where you're going to have to analyze it and really break it down. That's a ton of manpower to do that.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Sevan, sorry. Seve, are you doing adaptive masters? No, Mason. I'm doing masters no mason i'm doing you know what i'm doing yeah you know what i'm doing uh brandon le cock look at that icon photo is that real uh five dollars what would be the best repeat i think in the last week on boz's story i'm almost sure someone sent it to me that he reposted dave announcing seven minutes of burpees and like put something on there like that was a good time or those were good times and whether you think it's foreshadowing or not brian i i pose this to you if he did seven minutes of burpees or seven minutes of burpee box jump overs or seven minutes of wall walks and then followed it by a barbell ladder like he did in 2012 with the snatch ladder and seven minutes of burpees, if the chipper was week three, do you think that's a balanced test in three weeks?
Starting point is 00:57:19 Oh, if that was week one, week two, and then week three? I think it would be. Yeah, I mean mean i do because i think you have one that offsets the other and hopefully the chipper is is you know pretty neutral in that regard so if the only question is it's a balanced test i think that people would be disappointed in that disappointed sure i don't think there's a there there has never been a more accessible workout programmed than that what would it be mixed with seven minutes of burpees and what uh some kind of barbell ladder that just got basically saying the week one seven minutes
Starting point is 00:57:49 of burpees week two uh increasing weight snatches within seven minutes and the last bar is an amrap if you get to it week three you have a chipper with five or six different movements that's a pretty well balanced test you have one that's very favorable for the body weight one that's very favorable for the strong and then one that's you know if you got to be fit to do well and there's some there's no matter what there's i don't think it'll i don't think that that's a guarantee i don't think that it'll happen i but i do think that it would be a balanced test in isolation william leaper another 10 bucks thanks brother that other five didn't go unnoticed. I appreciate it. Our shuttle runs. Our shuttle runs are going with the wall walks.
Starting point is 00:58:29 They're in the closet. We'll see them again in 2025. Yeah. I mean, that's a. Yeah. I mean, like, I don't know if we can say that going in the closet. Let's just say we're going to kill them for two years. I think that's a great point.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Jesus, that's where we got to. It's better to kill someone than put them in the closet. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, man. Yeah. Yes. Man. I don't think you saw what that did. You don't want that headache again.
Starting point is 00:58:53 I don't think that if quarterfinal athletes can't count them correctly, we're going to expect all the open athletes to not lose count on shuttle runs. I don't think so. We are one minute away you have an estimate prediction for the first workout that's how please please you have uh 52 seconds yeah brian probably has an actual prediction i just have an idea of what i think well formatting i don't care about the 52 seconds seven i'm gonna okay take your time fine so sorry 52 minutes what i meant to say no i don't need much time basically I do think that a couplet is a very good prediction for the first open workout. I also think that it, you know, you, for me, it's,
Starting point is 00:59:30 it's like you have the two best women in Europe, the two best women, men in Europe competing. And I don't just want to see them do a two minute, a two, a two movement thing for 15 minutes over and over again. Like that. It's so it's such a, it's a shame when you have such good athletes there. So I picked something that I thought would be a little bit more fun, still a couplet-esque, but I was thinking, and it's been kind of funny that JR's brought up some of these things. I was thinking that you had a dumbbell and a box. You get single arm dumbbell clean and jerks with box jump overs for three or four rounds, progressing to single arm dumbbell thrusters with burpee box jump overs for three or four rounds, progressing to single-arm dumbbell thrusters with burpee box jump overs for three or four
Starting point is 01:00:08 rounds of some reps and whatever. And now it's like still very accessible, very little equipment needed, don't need a ton of space. Almost everyone can do it, but it's got an element of fun and then an evolution that allows the fitness of those best athletes that are performing it to shine through a little bit more. So what is the prediction one more time? Burpee box overs? No, single arm dumbbell clean and jerks. So maybe do five or 10 on the right. And then you do some box jump overs, five or 10 on the left, some box jump overs, not burpee box jump overs, box jump overs.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And you, after you complete a few rounds of that, then you have another dumbbell movement and it's thrusters, single arm on the right. You do some burpee box jump overs, you after you complete a few rounds of that then you have another dumbbell movement and it's thrusters single arm on the right you do some burpee box jump overs single arm on the left burpee box jump overs and you do you know three or four rounds of that yeah so kind of like you know quarterfinals had a mandatory rest in there but kind of like he did the first year where he had the strict handstand push-ups i think with the dumbbell hang clean and the double under, and then it was the dumbbell push press with the kipping handstand pushups and the double under. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:09 So it's like two couplets just roll right into each other. Dumbbell on a box. Very easy. That was kind of, that was just the thought that I had. That might be fun. Uh, Jethro,
Starting point is 01:01:18 uh, car core, car Dona, Jethro Cardona. Love that. Brian. Uh, welcome to the show, Mr. Hiller.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Hey. Any chance we see devil presses? I think we will see a double dumbbell movement. So I think that whether it's double dumbbell snatch, whether it's a dumbbell box step ups or step overs, whether it's dumbbell burpee deadlifts, whether it's devil press. I think that we, we haven't seen a double dumbbell movement since dumbbell thrusters in 2020, 20.2.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So I think a double dumbbell movement in the open will happen. Uh, Mr. Sousa is, uh, Mr. Spin coming on. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:01 he's here. I was going to, I was going to pull, I was like, wait, I want to see him. I don't even see him. Yeah, I was going to put him up, and I was going to drop myself off. But first, I wanted to go on the record.
Starting point is 01:02:09 I'm going to give my prediction. It's going to completely throw out everything we just talked about in its entirety. But I think it'll be a repeat workout. I forget which year it was. I think it was like 2011. But it was five power cleans, 10 toes, a bar, 20 wall ball, 15 wall balls. And it was like a 11.5, 20 minute AMRAP. Boom. There it is. There's my prediction. And here's Mr. Spin. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Hey, Mr. Spin. Wall facing handstand pushups. I'm putting Mr. Spin and Mr. Spin. Before we get down and dirty, do you have any predictions you'd like to make i know you're more of the uh objective journalist but is do you want to do a prediction would you like to do a prediction uh i'd have no idea this time um i mean i i think they're gonna do at some point throw some shuttle runs in there but i don't think it'll be the first one oh jesus i think it think it'll be a mistake, but it'll do it. Oh, well, now I'm feeling better. That's your prediction.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yesterday, Brian Spinn did an amazing interview. This morning, Brian, thank you. This morning, Caleb should have corrected me on that. This morning, Brian Spinn did an amazing interview with Dave Eubanks. Have we officially transitioned to the second half of the show? We have. Do you have to go? I do. So JR and I are going to bow out. Oh, okay. We'll let you
Starting point is 01:03:34 fine gentlemen take it from here. JR, you guys are welcome to stay. Yeah, I got to get in bed. It's already 10. Okay. Enjoy. Think of me. Love you. Okay, bye. I'll be listening, but I also am get in bed. It's already. Okay. Okay. Enjoy. Think of me. Love you. Okay. Bye. I'll be listening,
Starting point is 01:03:47 but I also, I'm going to go, I'm coaching every class. The next two days, getting up at four in the morning tomorrow. So thank you. I'll see you tomorrow. And I look forward to hearing what you guys have to say.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Thank you. Bye Brian. It's going to be nice knowing Brian's listening to us as he falls asleep. He's counting. He's counting Hiller doing a TRT injections. Did you guys see lucas parker's in the chat two injections uh that's barry mccockner it looks like uh he just looks like uh lucas parker um so this morning uh mr spin did an interview with uh dave eubanks it
Starting point is 01:04:18 was a great interview uh it was great because it really brought some very interesting attention to a topic that I hold dear and near. I don't remember what year it was. Maybe you guys can help me, but I don't, I think it was 2018 or 2019, 2019, 19,
Starting point is 01:04:35 19. Um, that Greg Glassman changed the format of the CrossFit games and they invited every single country champion. I don't know if you guys remember that. That caused a lot of frustration on a lot of people's, for a lot of people. What it did do is it made it the most eclectic CrossFit Games
Starting point is 01:05:03 in the history of the games by far. Is it eclectic or eclectic CrossFit games in the history of the games by far. Is it eclectic or eclectic? Yes. I'm trying to use a word that's different than inclusive. I figured. What it did is it allowed the largest range of ethnicities
Starting point is 01:05:21 and nationalities to participate eclectic, eclectic idea style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sourcesities and nationalities to participate eclectic uh eclectic idea style or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources thank you what did i say what did i know you're right you're right you're right okay thank you uh eclectic i appreciate it eclectic was the most eclectic cast of characters ever at the crossfit games now that was not greg's intention i don't he he wasn't this wasn't uh he – we didn't have a DEI council. This was just – he was like, hey, man, let's let everyone participate. Kind of at the root of the CrossFit Games was to make it so that it was the most potent fitness methodology, lifestyle methodology for human beings to do. All of us who are humans,
Starting point is 01:06:06 who have the DNA that makes us humans. And then if you follow this lifestyle protocol, your body would respond in such in the way that it's supposed to, and you'd be the most robust human being alive through this diet and movement. And he wanted to make it for, he knew not everyone would do it, but he knew anyone could do it and that it would have a huge benefits for them that that group had uh the rainbow there man uh you could hold up a chart and it would be from white to black like a piece of paper and you could hold it up to the people there and it would be the broadest range of any of those a group of people ever at the crossfit games do you understand what i'm saying the the The melanin in human skin at those games was the whitest. Oh, you said the rainbow,
Starting point is 01:06:50 and I thought we were getting sponsored by Skittles. Oh, no. Sorry. The black and white rainbow. The skin color rainbow. Not the other rainbow. I'm up to speed. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Let her roll. DEI, Dick's Energy and Inspiration. Correct. You feel where we're going with this. This year. I want to explain one more thing to you, and then we're going to play this clip from the interview. Basically,
Starting point is 01:07:16 basically, in order to get to the CrossFit Games, in order to get people from your region to the CrossFit Games, you need to accumulate points. The people in your region need to accumulate points to make it to the CrossFit Games. Ironically, the greatest way to accumulate those points is at the CrossFit Games. So if you can't get to the CrossFit Games, you can't get the points to come back to the CrossFit Games. So if you can't get to the CrossFit Games, you can't get the points to come back to the CrossFit Games. I know that's a little bit dizzying. It's like those people who say invest a bunch of money in the stock market so you can make more money.
Starting point is 01:07:56 It's like it's a 10% investment on your $10 million you invested. You're going to make $100,000 a year and have to work again in your day in your life. It's like, well, where am I going to get 10 billion to invest it's like wait you don't just have that sitting around right and i'm going to explain one more thing to you and if you don't get this it's okay it's going to start it's going to start to make more sense to you but brian spin basically did a calculation and that basically if your region there are these seven regions if your region doesn't have at least five people go to the CrossFit Games… No.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Five in the top 100. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. If you don't have at least five athletes in your region who are the top 100 best athletes in the world, fittest athletes in the world, your chances of getting someone new to the games are nearly impossible. Mathematically fucking impossible. So this method that they've installed, that they've put into place, has made it so it's
Starting point is 01:09:01 almost impossible, no matter how great, no matter how many great athletes come out of Africa, Tia would have to go there. I mean, literally, Tia or Justin would have to fucking go there in order for Africa to get enough points. Basically, someone from Africa has to win the games if they ever want to get another person into another spot to qualify to go from the semifinals to the games if they ever want to get another person uh into um another spot to qualify to go from the semifinals to the games and i want you i want you to listen very carefully to this interview here this is dave eubanks this is the guy who is in charge of of making this new protocol of organizing this new protocol that takes you from the open to the to the crossfit games action my video on africa um one of the things that it appears by looking at the math is that after you know it takes about five athletes in the top 100 to have a shot at getting into the top 100 but looking at the scoring table for africa right there's 4,800 800 for the top three
Starting point is 01:10:08 and it drops down pretty pretty significantly below that which if they do well in the opening quarterfinals they're given about 6,000 points so they need about 1,500 over two years in semifinals which doing so almost is near impossible for Africa. Am I thinking about that right? I mean, is there a path for Africa? So you don't need to worry about any of the numbers you heard, but basically what he has just said to Dave Eubanks is, am I thinking about this right?
Starting point is 01:10:41 Is it almost impossible for someone new from Africa, besides the one spot that's already allocated, to make it to the CrossFit Games? Action? Yes, please. To get five spots in the top 100, given the semifinal scoring table. No, I think you're right. the top 100 given the semi-final scoring table no i think you're right it is going to be very very difficult um for africa to get enough people in the top 100 for them to earn an additional games qualifying spot and i guess the question i put back to you is is your contention that africa
Starting point is 01:11:15 should have an additional games qualifying spot right pause pause no he he responds he's asking mike do you think that someone deserves to go from Africa? That's not what Brian's even proposing at all. He's asking this guy, hey, you've built this system that's supposed to let people get to the games who are good enough to get to the games. It's supposed to be this egalitarian, equal playing field. Let's have a mathematical equation or a protocol or an entry that makes it so people who are good enough can go let's give opportunity and brian's like hey you haven't done that for the entire africa region uh can can you rewind it just like 10 seconds hit the um j key and then
Starting point is 01:11:58 play this again this is just this is fucking crazy to me in the top 100 for them to earn an additional game score um for africa to get enough people in the top 100 for them to earn an additional games qualifying spot and i guess the question i put back to you is is your contention that africa should have an additional game qualifying spot right now no i'm saying i don't think i don't see a path that they can get there, though, in any time down the future because just qualifying for the games right now pretty much guarantees you're in the top 100 for two years. You're going to get somewhere in the 4, know, 4,000 to 3,000 plus point range, which is well above most likely the 7,500 it's going to take to get into the top 100.
Starting point is 01:12:55 But if you finish in third place, fourth place twice in Africa, you're only going to get an additional 800 points, right? You're going to be to be around 6800 points leaving only three in the top 100 i just don't see a path that even if there were great athletes that came out of africa they're never going to get five spots to get that opportunity yeah and so i mean it's possible that's one of the things we look at in the offseason but um i mean what I would say is that... He needs to be like, fuck you, Brian. There absolutely is. This is a totally fair protocol that we've vetted and works.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Yeah, they hate Asians even more coming from Yash. Let me see. Halpin has a couple things in here unfucking me a little bit. Not almost impossible. It is impossible. If your region does not have five spots, they don't get an extra spot. This is true for Oceania and Africa. It's weird that it took me three shows to finally pick up on this. And then also for Halpin to unfuck me yesterday.
Starting point is 01:14:05 And then Brian spent to do this great interview. If Africa had Tia, Cara Saunders, Ellie Turner, and Jamie Simmons, they could never, ever send more than one athlete with the points table and the two year look back.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Holy shit. Is that true? They could have Tia, uh, Mal, Laura, Danielle, and they still would not. Why don't we just say hypothetically they've got 50 Tias sitting over in Africa? You have to have five athletes in the top 100. Oh, five.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Okay. If you guys don't understand, I want to try to explain this to people who just aren't um uh following along clearly basically there's this thing it's and it's hard to follow there's this thing it's called the um strength of field and basically and and basically that's the number of points you get a worldwide ranking and then that gives you a certain number of points so hillar may have 10 brian spin may have 10 and i may have 10 and we're all from africa so that gives us 30 points right and so those 30 points in our region then they look at a chart and we're all from Africa. So that gives us 30 points. Right. And so those 30 points in our region, then they look at a chart and they're like, OK, how many people get to qualify for the CrossFit Games based on the fact that their strength of field numbers and their worldwide rankings numbers equal 30 points? And what they're saying, what Brian Spin and Halpin
Starting point is 01:15:20 are saying is it doesn't matter how many points they fucking get. They can't get enough points because the way they've set this up for Africa ever to have another person qualify besides the one. Now, you might think and that's what Adrian was saying. And I want to defend Adrian here a little bit. And I am biased. I fucking love Adrian to death. But Adrian said, does it pass the sniff test? And what he meant by that is, does the same number of people get to go this year in 2023 that probably would have gone in 2022?
Starting point is 01:15:46 The answer is yes. But why concoct this protocol that now makes it absolutely impossible for anyone from Africa to go? And if you wanted to use the CrossFit Games logic, this is where it gets weird. games logic this is where it gets weird you would have to say that they're 100% racist that they fucking hate black people and
Starting point is 01:16:12 Arabs I'm just using their logic I don't actually think that but I know Dave Eubanks is woke as fuck and I just want to say one thing I don't want to drag you two into this but I want to play one more fucking clip and then I want to ask you guys about this Caleb can you play the next clip where mr spin asks him are you happy with by the way
Starting point is 01:16:31 you're the i told i knew you were fucking amazing a lot of people i told you i wish i was you now i doubly wish i was you or at least you were my son or something um um this is crazy watch the rest of this and i don't think that they're racist but this has made it the least inclusive uh crossfit games in the history of crossfit games it's it's loaded so that melanated people from the african continent cannot go and i'm just using their logic and i would uh recommend that eleanor fromI Council, who's so fucking concerned about us using words. And that's what I was making fun of her earlier. If you went to her LinkedIn profile, she's posted phrases that people shouldn't say anymore, like shoot me an email.
Starting point is 01:17:16 That was me making fun of her. I would say that Mr. Eubanks should be have to do 52 weeks of sensitivity training and maybe send him to the Congo. Yeah, Eubanks is exactly right. Or Asian. Yeah, he hates Asian people too. I mean, this is batshit crazy. But I want you to know, I actually don't think he's racist. I just think he's a moron.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Okay, action. So those are great things, but I think it is serving the purpose that it is meant to serve. Oh, sorry. Can you start it back 10 seconds earlier? Okay, here we go. Action. It should continue to be, and I encourage it. Those are great things, but I think it is serving the purpose that it is meant to serve. Like you said, it gives commentators and athletes and fans a lot of stuff to talk about, about where the worldwide rankings are. And it gives us an objective system that we can look at and say, hey, if
Starting point is 01:18:08 you're in the top worldwide 100 after quarterfinals, you have material bearing on how many game-is-qualifying spots are going to be in the semifinals. So it serves the system it's supposed to serve, and that's to keep Africans out. I rest my case, Your Honor. Mr. Spinn, when you did this
Starting point is 01:18:24 interview, and you're at 2438 and you ask him that question, like, you're I rest my case, Your Honor. Uh, uh, Mr. Spin, uh, as, um, as at the 24 minute mark, when you bring this question up, are you, are you nervous to bring this question up? Because you know that it's going to act, it's good. He might dig himself into a fucking corner. I mean, I knew going into this, obviously he's been on several podcasts, CrossFit and Talking Elite Fitness, where it was very just, this is the greatest system ever. Nobody has really complained about it. I didn't want to just get in to start throwing mud the first minute, right? I mean, we weren't going to serve, you know, a top 100 and that's going to send people to the, to the CrossFit games and it's really no different. Um, and so, I mean, asking that question, I wasn't sure, first of all, if he's even going to react to it.
Starting point is 01:19:46 wasn't sure first of all if he's even going to react to it um but when he said that you know there's there's really no way for it i knew that he probably hasn't done the math on it um or or worse i i think i honestly think that what they've done and i'll be well what do you think do you have any opinions on um whether this is um this is stupidity or this is actually cool because it keeps the status quo or do you have any thoughts on on how they ended up in this position where they have to answer a question that basically says yeah it doesn't matter how good the athletes are who come out of africa they can't come to the games i think they created a system that was going to mimic what 2022 looked like um with math rather than than saying here's how many spots you get and what really threw me
Starting point is 01:20:38 off is if you listen i asked about the minimum number of spots. Why not start with one? And the answer was because the rule book was already in process and it already had defined the number of minimum qualifying spots. So we built the unallocated spots and the calculations off of that versus maybe doing the right thing and saying, hey, everybody gets one spot. And I heard you ask him that question twice. Because when he said it, you said, I just want to clarify, you built this system after the rulebook. I couldn't believe it. If you're building an entire system that's meant to be off of the best athletes getting there why are you throwing two spots to asia and two spots to
Starting point is 01:21:26 latin america with you know just based off history i mean basically at the point that they see someone great the next great person come out of africa after um let's say uh jason smith like let's say or keelan henry they're basically just going to have to go. They're going to have to change the rules. They're going to have to arbitrarily now just add someone and be like, okay, now two people get to come from Africa and making this kind of a mockery of the whole,
Starting point is 01:21:53 uh, the haunt method that they're parading out. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you could have, that's the only way, right?
Starting point is 01:22:00 You could, you could have Keelan win in 23 and then next year, then 24,ason smith win the games so you'd have two crossfit games champions out of africa and they still would not get to the games in 25 it's unreal that they put this much work into parading this out this is like uh this is like this ends up being like BLM. They put all that work in and all you get is a 34% increase in black homicide.
Starting point is 01:22:30 It's fucking nuts. If you had Jason Smith one year in Keelan, when the next year, you're also assuming that one of them would not make the games in the following year, which would be impossible. If you really think about it, the games champion,
Starting point is 01:22:42 not competing in the following year. Well, unless he was pregnant, which I think banks thinks that men can get pregnant. I, and I don't mean that jokingly. Holy shit. Uh,
Starting point is 01:22:53 what are they, what are they, uh, going to have to do to, or do you think how, how long are they going to run with this? Or do you think they're going to double down on their error or they're going to have to back back out of this?
Starting point is 01:23:03 I mean, nothing's going to change for 23. I think's that ship sailed um someone there's someone there's going to realize what they've done right that they've made it impossible from uh anyone from the african continent i mean can't someone get can't someone call the biden administration and have them just i think what you'll see is especially when when you start throwing out, and he has these new point tables for the new semifinals, right, based off of 13 athletes or 12 athletes in North America going. What that's going to do is more athletes have the opportunity again. I think Mike talked about it on your last show,
Starting point is 01:23:41 that there's more opportunity for these guys in North America and Europe to push into the bottom half of the top 100 and kick out those athletes that are in Oceania or Africa or Asia that might've been in the 90th, 90th to a hundredth. And now they're in the 101st to 110th. And so I think what you'll see is in 24, you'll see even less of the smaller regions have a representation in the top
Starting point is 01:24:08 100. Wow. And that's moving the needle in the wrong direction. They knew they were moving, sorry, this is Mike Halpin. They knew they were moving out of Asia during the games last year when he announced a permanent visa, so they knew
Starting point is 01:24:26 in giving two spots to Asia that it was to athletes that have only finished in the last. I think he left out Roman. That's what he meant, Roman. Yeah. I mean, when they put the rule pick out, it was called the Roman rule. Everybody knew it.
Starting point is 01:24:42 When you're creating this. Yeah, I mean, everybody knew it. So yeah, when you're creating this and yeah, I mean, let me see that again. I pulled that up again. Sorry. Let me, uh, Halpin, uh, Mike Halpin, an important reminder, the top athletes Keelan and Michelle Bazin, they have dual citizenship. They can just leave and compete somewhere else. That's good. Holy shit. This is, uh, Jake um uh dome uh but i think the crossfit team is right in saying that an individual athlete's placement is not a good metric of how many spots
Starting point is 01:25:14 that region should have all right what should they do hey here's the thing anybody got something there this if this was a matured sport and we started let's say this was a matured sport let's say brian and we gave just each region five athletes right or six athletes let's say 42 people come to the games and then every and then we start the de haunt method then then we're good to go right actually but eventually someone could get into a pinch and get down to one or zero again if you started out with five each no i mean because because that scoring table the problem is you have over two years you have eight scored opportunities and we know half of those are meaningless the opening quarterfinals are meaningless and dave admitted that right there everybody gets the same amount of points right the games again is only for the top 40 athletes
Starting point is 01:26:09 so the place where you make a movement is in the semifinals that's the only way you can get from outside the top 100 to inside the top 100 is basically going to the games or getting enough points to crack that 7,500 threshold. So basically you're just going to be in that situation. You're pretty much going to be five in every region every single year. So remember the year that the South had, what's going on with him? There was a, it's Haley Marpat. It's Haley Marpat. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:47 I'm in Arizona, and I heard Hale. It was very notably weaker in the South, in the Americas. And then everyone just kind of knew, but no one really had too big of a problem with it. I don't know why they don't just give more spots to Africa and say, well, you got them because you're Africa, and they're just... It would be like the South region back in North America.
Starting point is 01:27:07 What was it? During the regionals, of course. I mean, there's several different ways. I mean, I've looked at it by looking at the top 100, and if you're in first place, you get 100 points, second place 99, and using the daunt that way. That way, like I pushed Dave, Justin Medeiros should count worth more you know get
Starting point is 01:27:28 more votes than say the 99th place person in in the world um and what that does is if you look at giving one spot to every region and doing that calculation it gets about to the same spot, but after a year or two, you have room to kind of move in and out of that. Um, but it, it's a tough situation given that we only have eight scored events and only four matter in a nutshell. Uh,
Starting point is 01:27:59 and I'm gonna take a stab at this. I'm going to see if, and then we'll let, uh, I'm going to see here. Andrew's taken a Brian's take in a a nutshell basically what we're saying is this if you don't start the cards are stacked so that whoever fuck i don't even know how to explain it is as simply and eloquently go ahead mr spin you want to take an idea a stab at it just basically for people who can't follow the math
Starting point is 01:28:21 and the numbers just be like hey this is the fucking problem. And this is why Africa is fucked. Yeah. The problem is the DeHunt method requires the way they have it set up. You have to have five people in the top 100 to have a chance at the DeHunt method calculating to give you an additional spot. One of those 17 unallocated spots. give you an additional spot, one of those 17 unallocated spots. The problem is the point structure for semifinals in Africa, where they only give you one, you don't have enough athletes based on the scoring table, which you get 4,000 for first, which you win that you go to the games, you're in the top 100. Second place only gets 1,800. Third place only gets 1800 third place gets 800 fourth place gets 400 you need
Starting point is 01:29:10 at least 1500 points off of two semi-final events in two years to break into the top 100 if you do the math fourth place and fifth place do not get there if they get fourth and fifth two years in a row. So next year or the year after, Africa will only have maybe three athletes in the top 100, and so they'll never get an additional spot to the games. They'll always keep one. Basically, if you can't make it to the games, you can't get enough points to get more games athletes there and they've set it up that africans can't get to the fucking games the end
Starting point is 01:29:52 hillar do you want to take a stab at it just uh i i listened pretty closely to of course the drug interview with the Blue City team, and I did a video on it. And what I took away from their interactions with the people over at CrossFit is that there's too many people. By the way, that was a great video. That was a great video. I watched that. Thanks. Too many people doing too many jobs.
Starting point is 01:30:27 doing too many jobs and when you do too many jobs issues like this could possibly be arising which is they haven't looked into this and brian has figured it out and then now you're saying they're going oh shit on their end of the table thinking they hadn't thought about this scenario and now they got to figure it out on the fly or is there a world where they do already know about it and they just don't care um uh a reminder the athlete that just went to the games from africa for women is going team so there's 4 000 less points and one less african athlete in summation i just want you to have to do this why do they have to do this it's so confusing the sport doesn't need to get harder it needs to be simplified so that people don't have to dig through and figure out how the fuck everything works. I mean, 2019 was ridiculous, but everyone knew what was going on, pretty simply. remember those people who said that i'm out when it was by far there were more ethnicities and more nationalities at that crossfit games than all the other crossfit games combined
Starting point is 01:31:33 combined and remember the people and i want to say probably more people with uh gay people too let's just throw that in there even though i can't prove that. I only suck three guys' dicks there. But remember, that's the guy they kicked out. That's the guy that they hated on. And now we have the most restricted CrossFit Games ever, especially if you're from the African continent.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Just remember that. Remember those people. Those I'm out people. It's weird. Didn't Jesus say something like they know not what they did? Forgive them. It was 2018, 2019. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:32:22 All sorts of funny. All sorts of funny looking people. Armenians and shit. Weird looking motherfuckers from the Middle East. I was there. Look at all these weirdos. Yeah, it's lit. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I want to show you this too, by the way. Mr. Beaver, could you pull up the... There he is. There's my boy. Can you pull up... This is posted today on linkedin this is at this is someone that your affiliate money is going to remember they just fired the black guy uh who was running the affiliate department too don't forget that gary gaines big fan of gary gaines not because he's black but because he's a this fucking thing's about to come down here in Arizona. Can you hear this shit?
Starting point is 01:33:06 It's getting scary. Can you, Caleb, on LinkedIn, the head of their DEI council just posted this bunch of words that you're not supposed to say. This is where your affiliate money is going to.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Her name's Eleanor... Can you imagine? She's a professional censorer she professionally censors words censors people seven is in tucker carlson mode i don't mean to be i just want to can i be martin luther king or some shit i want to be gerard butler in 300 what do i got to do? I'll kick Dave Ubex. What is wrong with you? I almost clicked the wrong button. Exactly, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:33:50 That should also remind the PFAA, the DAC, and the I'm Out athletes that in 2020, athletes seem to have all the power, but in 2023, it's back to CrossFit can do what they want.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Yeah. I mean, it's, you should have, the grass is not greener on the other side of the hill. Caleb, are you, are you working on it or? Oh yeah, he is working on it. I just want to show you this.
Starting point is 01:34:12 It's a, it's a Lincoln post, LinkedIn post. Have you seen it Tuesday? Have you seen this post? I sent you a screenshot of it. I cannot believe that there's someone at HQ that makes money. Hey, uh, Hey, dear Don. Oh, yes, Malcolm X. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:34:29 I'll take it. Thank you. Appreciate it. Jesus, change your profile pic. It chubs me up every time I see it. This is Elaine Marino. She, her, ella. Ella.
Starting point is 01:34:43 I do like the fact she speaks Spanish. Global, global head of diversity, equity, inclusion. Global. Dude, stop playing adult. Fuck. Global. And she's reposted the lead from Atlanta. Like, that should disqualify you, by the way,
Starting point is 01:35:07 of anything that we believe that you say as soon as we know you're from fucking Atlanta. So she doesn't want us to say pull the trigger. She wants us to say going to launch. You shouldn't say I'm going to take a stab at it. You should say I'm going to take a first pass at it. And she has all of these things. That's your affiliate
Starting point is 01:35:28 money, people. Did I tell you I got in a fight with someone at Office Depot today? I think I used all the phrases on the left in the middle of it. Beware, Savant may lose power. I ain't losing shit. I ain't got no power. I got nothing. He's a straight shooter.
Starting point is 01:35:44 That's straight out of Office Space. Come on. he's a straight shooter that's straight out of office space that quote come on he's a straight shooter what the fuck is the a pronoun that's she i'm okay with a yeah uh yeah i guarantee she doesn't crossfit either probably probably not what is wrong with the stuff on the left can you tell me like what's wrong with saying i got i was blown away that was awesome oh she's riding the horse because I watched CNN today for two hours. She's riding the horse there. They can't stop talking about. It's so funny. They didn't care. They didn't care when Joe Biden about the laptop and they didn't care that the virus was made in China. But now all of a sudden they're focused on these balloons from China and they're focused on the school shootings.
Starting point is 01:36:24 It's bizarre. Stop watching that shit unless you're just there to do research. Sevan, do you want us to be an affiliate owner? Sevan, do you want us to be an affiliate owner? Is that what you're saying? I want you to do whatever you want to do, but you're paying money to the mothership and I just want you to know what it's for. Hey, every single affiliate owner I've had on and I have one on a week i try to has been like yeah i pay money because of for brand loyalty that's what they do it because they're good people with values they're good fucking people with values people with values don't need their money spent on being told what to say or excluding people from the african continent of making it to the games that's not their that's not those kind of people
Starting point is 01:37:03 that was deep that's what i kinds of people. That was deep. That's what I'm saying. And, and I, and I would love for CrossFit to succeed. And I, and I love Don and, or I love what Don's doing.
Starting point is 01:37:12 I'd like to love Don. And I would like, and I, and I love Adrian that I actually do love Adrian. There's people over there that I dig, but I'm just seeing this dumb shit. I mean, look at,
Starting point is 01:37:21 look at my buddy. Sousa fucking pays money over there. Doing it for Sousa. Hey, I pulled this this up earlier do you think that looks like eubanks it looks like me if i fucking got juiced up in plastic surgery got a fucking i think that looks a lot like eubanks without the airpods and of course uh you know what's funny too is my mom uh uh you my mom hates it when i say anything bad about eubanks because uh he was the he was the instructor at her level one and she said he was a fucking class act and a good dude
Starting point is 01:37:56 natty booty okay uh and uh thank you uh mr spin uh thank you mr hiller uh mr beaver does anyone daddy booty. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Spin. Thank you, Mr. Hiller. Mr. Beaver. Does anyone have anything that they want to say? Yeah, I might be late to the party on this. I'm sure you guys are going to laugh at it, but at some point, did we realize that it's Barry McCaulkin? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Oh, shit. No. I Barry McCaulkin. No. Oh, no. Barry McCocken. No, I never knew that. I was just thinking about it when you said it earlier, the way you said it. I was like, wait a minute. Have we ever acknowledged this? He's been on the show.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Bro. I never knew. I never knew. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. It's been like 100 shows. Who said it first? If Simone did, I wonder who said it first.
Starting point is 01:38:47 I always say it's Dave Barry McCockiner, but I never – I'm like the guy on The Simpsons, the dumb shit. I was there too. I didn't get it. It's been at least four months that I've known this and just brought it up thinking everyone knew. Caleb, you knew? Caleb, you knew?
Starting point is 01:39:03 Bro, I knew for like a hundred shows. What are we going to share with the rest of us? You know we're slow. I thought we all knew. You're going to spell that out. Hey, I thought we knew all the perverse jokes. Barry?
Starting point is 01:39:19 McCocketer? I had no idea. Come on, back to seriousness. I don't want this show to fall into the gutter all right sorry i thought we i thought it was like free swim i get what you're saying seven but i think you need to tell the other people working within hq your opinions on this like who like how this i am what do you mean i am this is the show i mean i um i i i i am i mean uh i don't want to like bug this shit. I mean, I've, I've texted on a few times,
Starting point is 01:39:45 some things that I think that I tried to get his ear on some, maybe some things that I've witnessed that I think that could be fixed. That could help. I don't want to, I mean, Dave knows sort of how I feel. I don't, I don't want to tell you the honest truth.
Starting point is 01:40:03 I'm pretty sensitive around this time of year with talking to Dave about game shit at all. I mean, today I spoke to him on the phone. We talked about motorcycles. And whether... Why he shoots 22s all the time? Say that again? Did you talk to him about why he shoots 22s all the time? No.
Starting point is 01:40:22 No, I didn't. Why he's been shooting a lot of... Like, what do you want me to do who do you want me to call but they know dude they know the dude all so many fucking people watch this show how the fuck could they not know they know they know yeah i mean they um uh suza is intimately uh i mean, he's a fucking affiliate owner. I mean, he talks to the peoples. The people. They know.
Starting point is 01:40:52 They all know. What's happening over there is some of the Rosa squad is still in there, and they're just fucking up. And basically, here's the thing that needs to happen. And some people are going to really hate this. But basically, everyone who put up, and I'm using this as a a metaphor everyone that put up a blm sign in their front yard basically let the rest of us know they're the fucking racists and so like we had a moment two years ago where everyone got to fucking the the light was turned on in the kitchen and we saw all the roaches scurry everywhere and we saw where they hide and what they said and we saw what
Starting point is 01:41:22 what each person stood up for right it's like this a little kid walked into a room with a cap gun and we saw who the heroes were that tackled them and we saw the people who ran and we saw the people who held up babies for protection we saw that we know who they fucking are we know who the cowards are we know who the courageous ones are and it's like and so now it's this, this, um, we just know, and I'm not saying that you can't become courageous, but, but I think what mostly is people are, uh, are just doubling down on their stupidity. And that's what you have at HQ. There's a, at some point, Don's going to have to realize, Hey, I'm either going to fire all the pussies or I'm going to fire all the courageous people, but they're never going to fucking move forward. They either have to turn into orange theory, you know, or they're going to have to turn back into CrossFit. And to turn back into CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:42:12 you're going to have to clear out the idiots. You need people like Dave who will be like, like at my L1, my first L1, Dave said, we have 65 pound bars over here for Fran. That's for women and pussies. That is not inclusive language.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Yeah. And, and, and I was offended. I was offended. I really hated him for that. And now I've come around. Now you're okay with it.
Starting point is 01:42:35 You're okay. It's like, I mean, still dickhead thing to do, but I'm okay with it. Hey, I have to agree with your mom because I was a fucking 45 pound bar guy. There wasn't a category for me, super pussy.
Starting point is 01:42:48 And do you know what I did? I hid in the ring like a pussy. There was a boxing ring there, and everyone there did Fran except for me because I was scared because of what that Navy SEAL said. You stood in the corner with your camera? And a couple years later, Dave told me, Hey, I saw you hide, you little bitch. Oh.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Yeah. Wow. Hey, I stumbled upon an old video on YouTube, and I have a quick question. You'll be able to answer it in one second. There was a guy. Sorry. Uh-oh. Why did Nicole even come back?
Starting point is 01:43:16 Just curious. Send her an email and ask her. Please. Go ahead. She may not get your email. There was a guy named Andy Ol olsen he was like a light technician yes do you know the video he was there yes i remember when he came to crossfit hq you made a video where dave basically gave him a little feedback on his one muscle-up attempt and then
Starting point is 01:43:37 he got it on his second try ever yeah question hard-hitting question. Was that video staged? Yes and no. That guy weighed fucking 120 pounds and was strong as a fucking bull. Yeah, he almost got it on the first try. Sorry, Dave. Any jackass could have taught him a muscle-up. Yeah. He was an electrician. He had forearms like fucking Popeyes. He was like, mwah.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Yeah, he got the ball and he had it down. It was funny. Brian, Mr. yeah, you got the ball. Yeah. He had it down. It was funny. Mr. Spin, how's your CrossFit? It's going all right. I'm dealing with a little knee injury, but it's fine.
Starting point is 01:44:13 How'd you do that? Box jump overs. Just a lot of volume of them. How's the kids? They're doing well. Basketball on Saturdays, soccer and start next month. So busy.
Starting point is 01:44:25 How's that day job? I'm doing both. So, yeah, trying to keep up with it. How's the marriage? Fantastic. All right. Is that a real plant? You got some lightning going down.
Starting point is 01:44:38 It is. It is. Oh. I heard that one. I hope that clears up by the time I fly in. Oh, out there, the neighbor's alarm's going off. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:51 The bad part of Arizona. All hell's breaking loose. Mr. Spin, how are your forearms? They're fine. All right. Interesting question. Getting stronger, you think? What's that? Getting stronger, you think? What's that?
Starting point is 01:45:07 Getting stronger, you think? Oh, very much, yes. Not Hillary strong. What's your favorite muscle on your body? This is getting weird fast. I need to get more than one word answers out of you. And I need to know why it's your favorite muscle. You really like your calves. I like you.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Like you really like your calves. I do have nice calves. You're upset. I do have nice calves. They didn't protect you during your box jump overs. I ran when I was younger. So the calves are doing well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:37 I've actually seen pictures of your calves. They look great. On Thursday, ladies and gentlemen, the plan is Mr. Spin. I miss you from Gabe at paper street coffee, the other bold sponsor for the 7-1 podcast. I just want you guys to know on Thursday, brought to you by Paper Street Coffee and California Hormones, we will be doing an open show right after the open announcement.
Starting point is 01:46:03 Excuse me. Taylor Self will do the open announcement excuse me uh taylor self will do the open workout then he will come on the show and myself and jr and taylor and maybe caleb and suza will then watch hillar do the workout live you going with that hillar yeah? That's going to be this Thursday, so plan on like 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. And maybe since Halpin and Spin have been so good to me this week, I'll invite them on. Mr. Spin, that's where you go. I'd be honored. I was reading the comments. Sorry. That happens. Okay. thank you very much everyone
Starting point is 01:46:49 uh fantastic show uh we will be um clipping this uh last half hour and making its own video very soon um please uh share it uh mr halpin would be honored i would love to have you back. All right, guys. Talk to you soon and buh-bye.

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