The Sevan Podcast - #804 - Let's Keep The Party Going | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 21, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. My back hurts so bad because I was in bed for fucking 16 hours. I woke up yesterday and I didn't, I didn't, bam, we're live. I didn't feel like myself, like, like maybe like I had allergies or something or my throat was all scratchy. I didn't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:00:43 And then at about noon, my eyes started burning and my head started pounding it was fucking crazy and then i just lost all my like physical strength so at like 2 30 i climbed into bed and greg was having this huge uh you know launch of the broken science party at his house and everyone was there my wife sent me pictures of the kids over there with like rodney mullen and shit and then uh and then they and i just i was stuck in bed and then finally at like nine o'clock i took four uh advil pm and i went to sleep and then I woke up at six, six this morning. I can't tell if I'm better or not.
Starting point is 00:01:29 No, no respiratory stuff though. You know what I mean? Just all head pounding. And, uh, all I can think of is, is it felt like I had the worst allergies of all time in the world, but I don't really have allergies.
Starting point is 00:01:42 So I don't know what it could be. You sound a little better. Do I? Okay. I can't know what it could be. You sound a little better. Do I? Okay. I can't tell you what's going on. I'm in so much pain though right now because I was in bed for 18 hours. Oh, you're back? Fucked up. Fucked up. And I didn't work out yesterday because I was sick. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Allison, good morning. Welcome back. I saw Allison briefly last night. Oh, she was at Greg's? Yeah. I was like running and gunning, though, so a chance to say hi hi allison hi caleb hi hi caleb hi when uh there's this um confusion as human beings that we think that when we have a problem that we're going to think our way out of it. And what's funny about that is it's thinking almost is the cause of every single problem. So you, you think you have $4,000, you loan it to someone because you think it's yours. And those are all just thoughts. And then the person doesn't pay you back so now
Starting point is 00:02:46 you have a thought that you think that the money was yours and you gave it to that person and now you think they owe it to you back because that was what you guys decided but it's all just thinking it's all made up it's all delusion and then the only way ever to get over any of that is to accept the fact that it wasn't your money and let it go you're not going to think your way out of it you do you want to die thinking that that person owes you that money do you want to accept the fact that it wasn't your money and let it go. You're not going to think your way out of it. Do you want to die thinking that that person owes you that money? Do you want to hold on to that forever? That's how everything works. You never think your way out of a problem. Never, ever, ever, ever. You have to accept the problem. Never think your way out of a problem. Almost. I mean, I, I'll say almost cause my wife doesn't
Starting point is 00:03:25 like it when I say never. Cause you have to realize what is a thought? What is a story? What is the narrative? What have you spun up? What lie are you telling yourself? And if you do think you thought yourself out of a problem, I have an eating disorder. I have an eating disorder. I have an eating disorder. You're going to have to, at some point, accept it. You don't get to add other thoughts to it that make that problem go away it doesn't it doesn't work that way that's not how the brain works it's not like um it doesn't work that way there's acceptance except the the person you absolutely hate the most god we're seeing some really disgusting stories uh Just another story to call a story a disgusting story.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I know it's brutal, man. Acceptance is the only way. I like the last time you were talking about doing something, and then if somebody doesn't reciprocate in the way you thought, then you're upset about them or to them, right? Like, hey, I just held the door open for you didn't even say thank you like fuck off like it's a little bit different but at the same time no i know exactly what you're saying yeah and then because you have a thought that goes with holding the door open for someone yes exactly and then now you're thinking oh well they didn't they didn't reciprocate that thought so they must dislike me or i must i must now dislike them or you spin some story about how
Starting point is 00:04:44 you're angry about it rather than just doing it because maybe that's the person who you are. You're doing it for yourself. And then at the dinner table that night, you spin up a story on top of that. I can't believe how rude people are. I held the door open for Starbucks and six people walked through and not one of them said thank you to me. I'm so guilty of that shit. So good. A while ago, everywhere I always used to go, my dad, everybody called.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Everybody, sir. It didn't matter if it was like the gas station tended outside, cleaning out the trash. Didn't matter if it was the guy rubbing through your recyclables to clean it up or the CEO of some company, right? Everybody was, sir. And I remember asking sometimes, no one ever really called you that. He goes, it's not for them. It's for us. It's a standard in the way that we conduct ourselves.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So we're not doing it in the hopes of that it's reciprocated. And somehow we're doing it because that's the standard that we hold. We're doing it for ourselves. So that always stuck with me. I, I need to take my hot girl walk this morning, feeling sort of low. I'll be right back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Take your time. Yeah. You do sound better. I was worried about you last night when i called you oh yeah i've never i've never heard a picture i had two sweatshirts on i was under the blankets i was just shaking i was a mess hey and i was so bummed i wasn't at greg's event i mean i came out i know and it was it was funny because last night, literally everybody I ran into, they're like, oh, hey. Then the next words, where's Savon?
Starting point is 00:06:07 And I was joking because I was like, whenever I go to events at the gym, I come in and I'll say hi. Everybody goes, oh, hey, where's Grace? I'm like, oh, she's over there. Then I go to other events and they'll be like, hey, where's Savon? I'm like, hey, guys, what about me, okay? What about me? I was spinning a story. I was spinning a story.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I get that too if I go somewhere without my wife. Where's your wife? Yeah, I'm like, they don't want to see me. The thought that I had that made me think of this thing, it's a little bit disconnected. It's a little disjointed. But CrossFit made a huge mistake. It's crazy because I trained that dude over there who's making these mistakes. It's so sad. They put their apology on Facebook, Instagram,
Starting point is 00:06:53 and Twitter. You don't ever do that. You don't ever do that. You don't start, what is your apology? Why would CrossFit apologize for 23.1? Why would they? I don't care whatever reason you come up with. You don't put it in all three places. As a matter of fact, you don't even put it on any of those platforms. Oh, how, how bizarre that you would let that apology go on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, where you're basically just asking, you might as well have just gone out there and say, Hey, talk shit about us. Why not put a tasteful apology just on your own website? That's what I would have had my team do. I would have never had my team apologize fucking on social media. It's crazy too, by the way, if you want to see the different kinds of social media twitter is really a vicious place twitter's like the red because on instagram it's a little more balanced hey it's no big deal you guys loaded the wrong way it's fuck it bygones be bygones but twitter is just like man enormous enormous miscalculation dude you have you have children running your shit bro yeah that's a bummer i think they you're talking about it's not even a b team it's not even a b team it's not these are like tiktok people running it this these are like slaves to social media why would you apologize why would you explain yourself on twitter instagram and facebook
Starting point is 00:08:21 we're all three places that's what i mean you're to, and this is where I, this is a little deeper pit of a bit of wisdom, but you're not going to fix that problem by thinking your way out of it. I was thinking, oh, they think that they're doing that for themselves. They think they're taking like ownership or something by saying, sorry, on these platforms, platforms, there's nuances to this. By saying sorry on these platforms. There's nuances to this. Just put up a one-page, like, hey, we fucked up. This is the situation, and we're working on it. By the way, when this event, when this happened, were you going to say something before I to Gabby and Laura, right? Because like, hey, sorry, you got to do the worst thing ever again. We fucked up. That's on us.
Starting point is 00:09:08 If you guys want to post something about it, we're cool with it. We're just going to release an apology on the website and it is what it is and we're just going to move on from this. Or if you're going to put it on social media, just lean in hard. Be like, well, guys, we're at it again.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You thought it was going to be better this year? Psych. Or you know what would have been even crazier is have Adrian come on. A straight video of Adrian. Way harder to hate on Adrian to his face when he's talking to you through video. But to put it on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, I mean, you're just – it's like, hey, ass-pound us in every room. Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Why? That's just for PR. Yeah, what are you doing? Why? It's a PR debacle. It's a failure. It's a failure. I guarantee you by saying sorry in all those places, all you've done is let the world know, hey, we're fuck ups,
Starting point is 00:09:58 and these people hit us for it. Just on your platform, a single page. This isn't rocket science, Don. But what this is, is it's having just anyone with the is the word modicum? Modicum? I need to look that up. Where's Caleb? We didn't look up that word.
Starting point is 00:10:16 He's not in his chair. I got it. M-O-D-I-C-U-M? God, I should never spell out loud. People will find out how dumb I am. Yeah, you never do that. You never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do that. Apologize on three platforms like that.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Knowing that the net outcome is going to be just attracting haters. Yeah, it's chum for haters yeah and it's one of those things too if like if there was a hundred people that knew and that cared about it it's going to be the same hundred people that are going to know and care about it yes well whether you do the apology or not right yes but now it's like you said you exacerbated the issue it was like a small little house fire now you let the whole forest on fire you let the whole forest now the whole place is a place instead of just the small container one. You know, you knew Hitler was going to make a video about it.
Starting point is 00:11:08 You know the podcasts are going to talk about it. You know what I mean? So just let that be. Dude, Hitler went to town. I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I can only imagine. He went to town. And it's got a shit ton of views. Haley, the sheets in that bed are soaking wet because I was sweating all night.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I mean, it's like a puddle in there. And you're never going to believe this. Avi peed the bed last night. Yeah, I'm on my show. And the crazy thing is, I mean, it's your fault because you keep them up so late. You took them to the movies and you bought them probably like twizzlers or some shit just blame the wife let the eight-year-old off i'm just joking babe definitely not your fault but and we're out of soap to do the wash all right well that's funny you said you guys want a little behind the scenes in my life dude i thought for sure last night so i was so because i got into bed like
Starting point is 00:12:13 at 2 30 i was so fucking sick and i was just shaking and then avi wanted to sleep with me last night so and there's a king-size bed at this vrbo so like in the middle of the night i'm just soaking wet right and then a couple hours later he's tapping me and he's like i peed my pants i'm like no shit i'm like no you didn't i'm like that's me i'm sweating like a pig he's like no i'm like how do you know he's all smell smart kid didn't pass the spell test that was a tough night yeah i think wait i think what you had claimed the video of adrian i think would have probably been the best response there. Just a video of him apologizing and explaining the situation.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Explain. I like what you said. Lean into it. Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Adrian Bosman. Things don't always go as planned. Didn't that happen at the games one time, and that's a jump rope workout where it was loaded wrong and it was supposed to be 135 but it's 125 or something like that maybe but maybe it was everyone seven when you were sick do you feel like you just ignored it and it will go away like yeah totally hey like literally i was at uh like yesterday i took the
Starting point is 00:13:20 kids out to eat at this restaurant and um i I started just falling apart right there in the restaurant. You know, does that ever happen to you? You're just somewhere and all of a sudden you get sick and you just start falling apart. I was like falling apart and I'm just like, there's no fucking way. And I kind of enjoyed being sick yesterday. Like, it felt like I was drunk. Kind of enjoyed it. Hey, what about modicum?
Starting point is 00:13:43 Does it mean just like a little bit? What's modicum? Yeah. Oh, sorry. I didn't bring it up here. This is tough on the laptop. Kudos to you, Caleb, for doing this on the laptop overseas. Here we go. A small quantity of a particular thing. Okay. That's someone's favorite word now because it says cum in it. Yeah, modicum. Thank you. Yeah, I just feel so bad for them. Sean O'Keefe, $50. It's 2E. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Thank you. Holy shit, dude. Is that real? Is that Matt's long-lost cousin or something? I don't know, but that's really kind. Save it, disguise. Patrick Vellner got 304 yeah just uh there's just so many mistakes being done over there that don't need to happen i mean it's good for me it's great and it allows me to get on my high horse and just be like yo
Starting point is 00:14:43 yeah you know this mistake is so bad that I actually thought about not saying it on the air and just going straight to Don with it like text Don and be like yo Don what the fuck dude but chain of command Savan you can't just go straight to the top all the time you gotta route all your sources first
Starting point is 00:15:02 my wife Marie and I watch all the time and love your show. Thank you. Say hi to Marie. Thanks for waking people up, guys. We're doing our best. Laura did the workout again, got 261. Top girl score is 380.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Not possible, right? Okay. Is that one of those fake scores? Somebody inputs it wrong? Definitely. We had somebody from our gym do that, like, probably three years ago on accident. Like, did the scaled version of, like, the handstand, one of the handstand push-up workouts. And then Morning Chalk Up published her on it.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It was like, the top three scores are, and her name was up the clock. And she was, like, mortified. She was so terrified about it. We thought it was hilarious the top three scores are in her name and she was like mortified she was so terrified about it we thought it was hilarious i gotta find it it's a and we still have screenshots of it uh i don't remember what year it was but one of the years when we did the open we did it in someone's garage at their house and joe alexander i think he's a flow master and a former navy seal i could be wrong about that but i don't think i am he was judging dan bailey and he judged and he miscounted one of the reps or two of the reps yeah and that's one of the things that you needed
Starting point is 00:16:10 all the cleans to advance so that's like okay yeah and what ends up happening is joe alexander lost his job uh he uh he didn't lose his job as a flow, but he was no longer allowed to judge that year at the CrossFit Games. There was a swift and immediate. I love Joe. Everyone loves Joe. Joe's awesome. Joe's fucking the man. I've been part of the equipment.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I've been part of the equipment on the gym multiple years, and we have to check the weights multiple times and caught mistakes too. Oh, so I'm guessing Vincent Ramos, at his affiliate, he's the dude who sets up the gear for the Open? No, he's a volunteer at the Games. Oh. Yeah. How do you know that? I met him at the Games.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Damn, you know your shit. Yeah, and Vincent, I do have those shoes, so next time I run out to Sevan's house to return equipment and we hang out when he gets back to Santa Cruz, I'll take care of that for you and make sure he gets the note. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. I don't know what you're talking about, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:13 The top men's validated rep from we're getting a report right now is 380. But the video link is broken. That's 76 more reps than Vellner. That's awesome. it's validated but the link's broken that's makes sense uh i guess there's some issue with the tiebreaker too all right uh anyway just it just lets you know i i guess we could just be patient there it's it's it's but it's definitely the rookie hour over there Anyway, it just lets you know – I guess we could just be patient there.
Starting point is 00:17:47 But it's definitely the rookie hour over there. That wall ball target, I don't know if you guys remember, but we talked about what it said in the – what is that called? Not the range of motion, but the – Genesis course. Well, that too, and that's where I was going. In the rule book book it talks about where the wall ball has to hit and then someone showed me not only is that in the rule book for the games but that's in the judges course yeah and there was a discrepancy between the two dude the picture doesn't match up to what the writing says
Starting point is 00:18:20 classic the picture doesn't match the writing classic so you don't know so you don't know what the uh what the uh what the rules the what's what there's a word for it the i'll come to me some sort of phrase you don't know what's a valid valid throw here it is oh yeah wow caleb you're good uh this is someone sent me this in a text judge's course i took last night to validate scores versus the standards you can't make this shit up so it says the ball has to clear the center of the ball has to clearly go over the line and they have a red cross by it but the center of that ball is clearly over the line and then and then the shows it, the ball over the line. It's like, which one is it?
Starting point is 00:19:09 And then look at the top one. Check, check. I mean, it's so – they live in bizarro world, dude. Oh, I don't know if that's what I'm doing. Are you comparing the judge's course photo to the new standard? I think it was the same photo. I think that the top one is from the judge's course and the bottom one is from the standard. Just get the wall ball over the 10-foot target.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You mean the whole ball or you just have to hit it? I say you should just have to hit it. Just make a target. Well, I guess some people – well, I guess some people it's not just floating. I don't know if it is simple, Victor. I don't think it's that simple. The judges' course was having issues too. Did the server – Caleb, did you take it by any chance?
Starting point is 00:20:03 No, I didn't. Like the server and stuff on it was like super slow and it would say it would save your stuff and then you go back and you'd have to like repeat it and i kept just putting in this infinite loop of the pulling one where you would get all the questions right and then it like wouldn't save and then it wouldn't say complete then i'd have to go back and like redo it and redo it and redo it it got to the point where you just knew the answers it was like six that's that's like all uh all the computer training that we have to do in the military like it'll eventually just keep repeating and repeating and then you know all the answers
Starting point is 00:20:34 uh i saw trish says sorry i'm a bit foggy this morning well that's weird that you said sorry it doesn't seem out of character that you're saying sorry. She never says sorry. I'm a bit foggy this morning too. 448, this is a good one. I think this, I don't know who this guy is, but I think he makes two appearances on the show this morning.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Here we go. In the deep south, days of KKK, Jim Crow segregation, it was the greatest environment for a young man to grow up in. We as Black Americans, even though segregated, were the same way as other Americans across our country. It was the Jewish communities, it was the Polish communities, the German communities, it was all together. They understood one thing about our country, what a great place to be.
Starting point is 00:21:22 We're all proud to be Americans. We understood the only way that you can actually get respect is not through demanding it, but commanding it. And how do you command respect the old American way? You work harder, you run harder, you study harder, and you gain people's respect. That was my community, by the way. A little history that you don't know about because left has done a really good job of hiding this process. You see, it was the 30s, the 40s, 50s, and 60s. There was a Black community, my community, the laid-out country and the growth of the middle class. Men matriculated from college. Men committed to marriage over 70% in the percentage of entrepreneurs.
Starting point is 00:21:56 And that entrepreneur base of 40% in our community led to 50% to 60% of Black Americans in the 1960s being part of the middle class. So, no, don't believe the leftists about how oppressed we've been. We were kicking butt, period. I lived it. I grew up in the Deep South. Days of KKK. You can see all the statistics, by the way, if you pick up a thomas so well book thomas soul so well the oldest bible in the world 1100 years old this is for you guys out there this is for my base the bible beating base
Starting point is 00:22:19 for the caller yesterday yes i think that i think that is true though isn't that weird about the show I think the show does have like a Christian base I think so too I'd have never in a fucking million years thought that I would be like surrounded by Christians like if you'd asked me when I was
Starting point is 00:22:42 like in the 10th grade 10th grade, 10th grade, two years ago, I'm confused. Uh, yeah, I'm confused too, dude. So you're going to, this story, Susie's going to love story. Susie, I think this dude who owns this Bible bought it for $375,000 or $275,000 not even that long ago. Wow. I want to say in the last 20 years. And I think he's going to sell it for – I saw anywhere between $35,000 and $50,000,000. An oldest near-complete Hebrew Bible set to fetch $50 million at auction.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I think it was printed in 1100 A.D. Sotheby's will bring a classic, your favorite book, the Bible. I just made that up. Codex Sassoon. We'll bring the Codex Sassoon, the earliest, most complete Hebrew Bible extent dating to the late 9th century to auction in May. Composed of 24 books divided into three parts, the Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Writings. The Hebrew Bible makes up the foundation for Judaism as well as the other – Abrahamic.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Thank you. Abrahamic faiths. Thank you, Caleb. See if you can whisper those so people don't hear you. Thank you. Christianity, in which these texts are referred to as the Old Testament and are incorporated into the biblical canon by the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant sects among others. Oh, that's the OG book
Starting point is 00:24:26 as well as Islam. So all these other... This is like... It's like some book that J.R. Rowling made and then there's like a million spinoffs, right? Like the Rosetta Stone. Yeah, there's like so many spinoffs
Starting point is 00:24:40 off this original Bible. Islam. The Jews. Everyone's like splitting their own shit off. Or were the Jews the first one? The Christians are the split off. Anyway. I wonder if you can buy this book.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Like a reprint of it now. You know what I mean? Like the guy who owns it for 50 million. Oh, here we go. Coming to auction for the first time in more than 30 years with an estimate of $30 million to $50 million. Damn. Sotheby's recently established a new benchmark for the historical text and manuscripts at auction with the sale of the first printing of the US Constitution. Dude, it's a fucking printing, and it got $43 million for the first printing of the US Constitution. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:25:28 this constitution excuse me uh while the sassoon bible has been uh recognized for its importance by scholars for generations it has remained virtually out of public view for centuries and will be exhibited for the first time in 40 years at sotheby's london before moving to a tel aviv uh in march dallas in april los angeles in april and finally new york in may several owners notes found on the pages of this manuscript attest to the travels of the Codex. Imagine you wrote in that book. Like you just put like a little note to yourself that has nothing to do with the Bible. Love this verse. Or don't forget after you read to feed the cows.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Or don't forget after you read to feed the cows. It was probably rebound at this stage. Okay, so it's been rebound. By an anonymous hand added a dedicatory inscription to the pages consecrated about the Jewish history of Makassin except that the famed early 12th century Norman convert to Judaism Obadiah Hager
Starting point is 00:26:33 passed through her town on his way from Aleppo to Baghdad. Oh, so someone converted this cat to being a Jew. To a Jew. Can you imagine that? Someone just passes through your town on the back of a donkey and switches you from christian to jew uh come here look at chris draw a dick on it uh how hot abraham's wife uh how hot can you believe how hot how hot abraham's wife uh how hot can you believe how hot how hot abraham's wife was there's no way you could be drunk at 6 30 a.m
Starting point is 00:27:11 anyway uh so i you know some books uh increase in value did you have fun yesterday what are you doing at greg's suza yesterday we just went there and um i took some still photos and got everybody's well you're part of the broken science media team yeah so i got some still photos of the people at the event and then we just well worked with a couple people to make sure all their slide deck was ready, and I actually wasn't there for very long. I pulled the Dave, showed up for five minutes, took a shitload of selfies, bounce. Oh, no shit? Pretty much.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Well, you had been there all day, right? Yeah, yeah. Minus selfies part. Then we came back to the the ballroom which i am in right now and um got everything set and then i actually just decided to do the podcast in here so we could just run it right up until the time i have to start working in here oh you're in the ballroom where the broken science event's going to take place yeah i want to see it yeah is anyone else in there negative in fact i showed up up and they don't actually lock the doors.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Apparently, they just zip tie them together. And the poor security guard that was trying to let me in at 7 a.m., which we asked to have it opened at, had like a pair of like kids scissors trying to like get them. And I just felt bad for the guy because the zip tie was like super thick. It was like FBI raid your house thick. Did he get it? But he got it open? Oh, he got it. He got it. He got it.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Yeah, yeah. It just took a moment. I was just sweating, standing there out of my backpack, which wasn't helpful because I'm watching the time go on to get ready for the podcast. And so I just got to hurry over his shoulder.
Starting point is 00:28:54 But here we go. So this is looking out from the stage. All we can see. Oh, okay. Oh, nice. Wow. Oh, shit. That's nice
Starting point is 00:29:05 I'll be standing in the back somewhere do you think it's irresponsible do you think it's irresponsible of me to come there if I was sick yesterday not if you stay in the back this is what the front of it looks like Azusa doesn't have a knife kenneth delapp that's amateur hour well yeah i flew here brother no check bags never that if i can avoid it you gotta get one of those uh like fiberglass things
Starting point is 00:29:41 it'll just you just sneak at their security. A fiberglass thing? There's like these knives that won't get picked up by TSA. You just hide it in your bell loop. That makes me feel comfortable. Bad guys will do bad guy things, man. 100%. My parents made me go to Sunday school. By the way, when you donate 50 bucks, I'll read all your shit.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Sean O'Keefe. Automatic. Yeah, automatic. Parents made us go to Sunday school. I always use humor to get through it. I believe there is a God, but man's influence ruined my family going to church. I mean, there's that phrase, right? God was made in the image of man.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Okay. Okay. Okay. uh okay okay okay uh le douche lebron le douche 446 oh hey bruce you know what's crazy the show numbers are skyrocketing by the way and and and the live viewership is weird. It's like doubled. I wonder how much of that has to do with the fact that you started making thumbnails. I want to say it's zero, but I think I'm lying to myself. I want to say it's all because of me, but I suspect it is not true. Some awesome thumbnails.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. So, thank you. I think you have changed the game game for us bruce wayne bruce posted a picture of himself yesterday he looked like john travolta it was a trip a former nba a player takes vicious shot at lebron james after he broke scoring record by the way it's not a vicious uh shot at all uh moral zero value zero principle zero empathy zero bow down to china one congratulations to king james for breaking the all-time scoring record 38 388 i mean hey it it i'm not it's cool basketball's cool of all the professional
Starting point is 00:31:41 sports i think it's one of the coolest for sure. The athleticism, all that. But at the end of the day, it's just putting a ball through a hoop. It is nothing. It is just such nothingness. And if you become great at doing something that's so meaningless as LeBron, and you don't have morals, values, principles, or empathy, and you bow down to China, you're kind of the worst of the worst kind of human beings imagine what how he could change the world imagine if he would have said hey i'm not taking the injection and i and i say that everyone in the nba not take it
Starting point is 00:32:17 hey i'm not i'm not i don't i don't believe in black Lives Matter. I believe all lives matter. What if he had done all that? What if him and Lil Wayne, Denzel, and Morgan Freeman would have got together? And like, yo, it's like this, motherfuckers. Damn. Crazy, right? Yeah, if you actually. Crazy. He was super young when he got brought into the fold of the hollywood fucking media you want to you want
Starting point is 00:32:46 to get rid of a word i could get behind this you want to get rid of a word never say black people again never distinguish between ethnicity or uh never never describe someone by skin color let's just switch to uh ethnicity i was talking about that yesterday about elizabeth akamali i could give two fucks about her being the most decorated black female CrossFit athlete or black athlete. I want to know what ethnicity she is. Where is she from? Where's your people? That's what I want to know. Yeah, and most people won't even get past your first sentence of that before the outrage kicks in, the story spins up, and they don understand what you said in regards to what whoa you mean what i just said just now yeah yeah well they're clueless they would never even get past that very first the very first sentence it would just stick there and they're like oh there it is we found an attack it's crazy like hold on did you listen to the whole thing no hey i do think? No. Hey, I do think it would be crazy impressive, though.
Starting point is 00:33:48 I do think it's pretty crazy impressive when girls make it in guys' sports. But if there was a female field goal kicker or something in the NFL, I could get behind that. Like, then distinguishing. I don't know why. I guess it's because it's just so like, I do think that there's, I don't think, because I don't think that there's a difference between people with black skin and white skin,
Starting point is 00:34:08 but I do think that there's a difference between people with penises and vaginas. Call me weird. Evident by a lot of things. Yeah, I'm just weird like that. And I think if you do start distinguishing between people like that, strictly by the color of their skin, instead of celebrating what you're really doing on the most deepest – once again, it's just how the human brain works.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's like how you – if you tell someone don't fall, all you're telling them to do, you're just introducing the idea of fall to them. We don't do don'ts as human beings. That's like one of the hardest things as a parent. You see your kid doing something like – the scares you. You should give them like hold on tight. Not don't fall. You're strong. I know you're strong. You know, just say something good like that. God, you're strong. Um, but, uh, um, put, put your attention on your hands. But, but when you think you're,
Starting point is 00:35:00 you're, you're celebrating a difference, all you're doing is reinforcing the difference and um and i think it is okay to reinforce the difference between men and women i i don't think that i think it should be celebrated yeah celebrated thank you celebrated it should be celebrated and and and there's a it's like the yin and yang man it's the two opposite sides but they balance each other out without one you can't have the other look at brian spin knows all the good shit i think her dad's from nigeria on the case what about um what about uh carl saunders did you see her post someone sent this to me this morning i'm slow i don't know why i'm Like I didn't know Barry, my cock in her.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'm just glad you did it because I would've got hammered by you guys. If I was the only one. Hey, so yesterday I was freaking out about everything. Well, now everybody is coming out saying, Oh, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I didn't, I made a safe space. I made a safe space. That's what I do. I'm a, this is like, yeah, my first handy was from uh my neighbor his name was todd yeah it's i'm being it's okay dude my first handy was from a neighbor named todd yeah everybody just comes out it was the same dude what the hell holy shit we're all neighbors todd's just out here skiing he's made suez has made it safe but so yesterday i was freaking out the whole show looking at the names and then finally uh someone gave me one well it was like eaten ass or something huge anus
Starting point is 00:36:37 or there was huge huge ass asshole huge and then there was uh eaten ass i think e-a-t-O-N. Anyway, there'll be a name in there eventually. It was pretty funny. He was so proud of himself. Have you ever known anyone who's like a horse person? Like a hardcore horse person? Yeah. And have you ever heard them talk about how sometimes you have to break a horse?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Yeah. No. It sounds like the fucking worst thing ever. i don't think i would be made to do that it's basically you have to fight the horse which which oh here it is eat you turn eating my ass welcome to the show eating uh i i guess i i i i guess when i say you fight the horse you have to abuse the horse you have to like beat up the horse you have to do some shit that like looks like you should go to jail i can't i can't believe it's it's okay to do it but but if you hit four uh if you hit 444 here here's a guy trying to break his horse. And I personally like the way this one ends. I think in a lot of circumstances, it might not be so good.
Starting point is 00:37:51 This one's going to be kind of hard to see. You'll see it a few times. And don't worry, they play it in slow motion. It's some pretty crazy shit. Enjoy this. I don't know why I follow this Instagram account, but I do. This is the same one last week where they put the horse in the back of the truck that was full of people. Okay. So he kicks the horse, right?
Starting point is 00:38:23 And then after this, they're going to show you how he's kind of chasing the horse in a circle so like the horse knows it's coming look how much that guy's pulling on the horse's face so he can lean back and kicking him at the same time it's like the way it's like grabbing the back of some dude's head and then um kneeing him in the face then um kneeing him in the face okay here we go boom now look at this boom look at look how he's chasing that horse knows he's gonna get kicked look and boom horses are smart i just they kind of know what's but they're all kind of i'm kind of with that. Yeah. I don't think you get to kick someone. And look at that.
Starting point is 00:39:07 That dude kicks his toe. That dude's got, like, boots on, right? He kicks his toe into the underside of the horse. It looks like it's like his shin. He, like, puts his shin right under his belly. Well, that makes me feel better. Hey, if you're going to kick a horse like that, you you got to be smart enough not to be in the wrong uh well that's why he's got his vest on
Starting point is 00:39:27 oh my goodness uh so cory there is a list of uh there's a list buddy at least you're not on the list yeah you're not on the list but there's a list that i send every morning to caleb and susan he's been tripping out for like the past 30 minutes uh the horse knew it was coming it's been kicked before yeah oh i'm starting to get sick again. Have I ever blown my nose on air? Might be a first. You've done far worse. Oh, thank you. I knew someone would chime in here.
Starting point is 00:40:18 It's a hot girl with thick black hair. Renee Pape. Is that a real name? Renee Pape? Renee Pape. I think so okay i live on a ranch and this is not normal for breaking a horse i've trained a lot of horses and so has my family this is the worst of the worst on youtube oh good well that makes me happy so you like it that that horse kicked him too sit down dude i think usually they just exercise them without anybody on them for like an extended period of time.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Say that again, Caleb. They usually just like exercise them without anybody on them for an extended period of time. So they'll just like run them in a circle a bunch until they finally. Oh, like break them down. So then they'll chill out a little bit. Right. I do that to my kids. I mean, Dogs horses kids
Starting point is 00:41:08 Girlfriends what did you say Susan I asked I asked Renee if she's a crazy horse girl I've only met One girl that was really into horses And she was nuts Yeah and in like a Good way though I guess Yeah Susan were you a fan of the horse
Starting point is 00:41:24 Girl meaning she was good in bed Is that what you're saying In like a good way, though, I guess. Yeah, Susan, were you a fan of the horse girl? Meaning she was good in bed. Is that what you're saying? Okay. I call her hi. What's up, boys? It's Plummer. Plummer.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Just real quick before we have Wholesome Plummer on. If a guy calls a woman crazy, that's code for all the other guys know what that means just so you know like okay uh okay hi hi mr plumber hi hi i i called because we're talking about horses i figured you needed something to talk about other than that okay go ahead what do you got i i don't know i'm just fucking no what okay plumber plumber calls me like your show sucks. I'm going to add value to it. I'm not sure how. Where are you these days?
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm in Indianapolis finishing up my senior year. What did you think about a 23.1? Did you watch it live? I didn't watch it live, but I did it yesterday. And how did it go? It went well. I just don't have ring muscle-ups i went fast to the first part though but yeah and oh no oh sorry well hold on my wife's talking to me. I'm sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yes. Say yes. Asking what time we'd like to meet over there. Can you get the boys dressed in time? Okay, well, what was I going to ask? I was going to ask you something. Let's just get down to the nitty. Horse girls are the best rides. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:02 All right. All right. All right right diggity what's that guy's name on a family guy diggity what was that guy's name on family guy uh osman hey a plumber what didummer, are you okay with the wrong weights being used? I honestly think that they should... I'm totally okay with it. I think they should just change the workout. I'm dead serious. Should they just change it to lower the weight? Yeah, for the whole world.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Like, fuck you. Laura and Gabby did it. Fuck off. We change it. It's just gangster. I think if they wouldn't have gotten called out for it, they wouldn't have done anything. No it, they wouldn't have done anything. No, no, no way. No way. If they wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:43:52 gotten called out for it, no one would have known because no one on their team knew. Exactly. Right? I mean, it was a green plate and then a blue plate for the men. You think that's automatically 95, one 35,
Starting point is 00:44:06 but right. It takes someone like Mike Alpin to look at it. Well, thank you. Good to hear your voice. If you don't have any stories, but you ever slept with a horse girl. I'm not hooked up with a horse girl.
Starting point is 00:44:24 No, I haven't, but I've heard about him all right did you have a neighbor named todd no i did not have a neighbor named todd all right lover let me explain this you're a young man you go find yourself a horse girl at least once all right yeah all right roger that susan i'll get on it just don't do anything crazy this is a short relationship for like 60 days or less. 24 hours. A quick burn.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Wear your Kevlar vest. All right. Thank you, brother. Oh, shit. I hung up on him. That was on accident. Sorry, plumber. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I was trying to – I didn't have my phone plugged in. I was checking the battery on it. Sorry, Will. Sorry, Will. Okay. 445. This one is called Democrat or Republican? A D or an R?
Starting point is 00:45:11 Can we get a guess? I need a hot toddy and a sauna. Oh, that's nice. I don't know what my head can... Glenn Quagmire. Is that really his first name, Glenn? I don't know if my head can handle... I'm very nervous that this headache will come back. The headache name glenn i don't know if my head can um hand i'm very nervous that this headache will come back the headache was crazy i don't get headaches
Starting point is 00:45:28 4 45 i'm gonna get as soon as you guys load up in the car i'm gonna go i'm gonna go to breakfast uh so this guy's name this is this is the this is one of the craziest stories ever. Randy Obernauer, 74, of Kilowana, Canada, cries as he tries to clean his own catheter. That's the thing that goes in your cock, by the way, so you can pee without going to the toilet. It's one of the most uncomfortable things I've ever had done to me. I had it done to me as a little kid when I had surgery on my head. It's so you can stay in bed and pee. It's horrible. But anyway, his friends had requested
Starting point is 00:46:05 additional care for him but his care providers asked if he would be interested in undergoing euthanasia instead what i'm pretty sure this is a true story guys i know you you want to be like no there's no way this is true look this up this is absolutely nuts so these are once again just throw this in the list of democrats i know there's someone out there like well not all democrats are like that i'm not talking about all democrats what i'm saying is this is all this is part of that platform for that political party fucking nut that doesn't happen under Republican leadership where someone needs their catheter clean and they offer to fucking smoke you. That's fucking one world fucking Nazi socialism, Democrat shit. It's all in that bucket.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Well, yeah, of course it's true. It's Canada. Canada. Yeah. Kenneth DeLapp. Yeah. Audrey, my horse girl college roommate had the most gigantic ass. That's just a great sentence.
Starting point is 00:47:18 It's from all the English saddle riding. It's from all the Armenian saddle riding. No, it wasn't a joke. It wasn't a joke. They weren't like, hey, do you want us to kill you? What if they did that? What if the government sent you that? We can just kill you instead. Just kidding. They put like a J slash K. J-K
Starting point is 00:47:39 at the bottom. Unless you gotta do it. Renee is sad because that chick had a huge ass don't be a huge ass is good i know you're not talking about the okay okay so i i this this whole i i'm probably going to be stuck on this idea for a while i don't want to alienate my democrat listeners, my fellow atheists like myself. But fuck, dude. Our party is fucked up. All the worst shit.
Starting point is 00:48:12 We don't have any of the good stuff. We don't have any. All the dumb shit is our party. We're fucking all the gross fucked up shit. Do you think Jeffrey Epstein was a Republican or a Democrat? I think he was a – Exactly what he was. He was on both sides of the fence there, brother.
Starting point is 00:48:31 No, he was a fucking Democrat, dude. He was a fucking Clintonite. We checked that list out yet? I started to. Yeah, it's great. I don't want to do it until it becomes like official, whatever that means. Official, yeah. With the Democrats, one thing you can guarantee is they're going to keep the poor extremely poor.
Starting point is 00:48:49 A shitload of people are going to die in a proxy war. The defense budget is going to go through the roof. The military industrial complex will continue to get its it's a huge slice of the economic pie. And I'll get my tiny slice. Oh, yeah. You don't even get a slice. Oh, yeah. Are you talking about are you seeing what's happening? I guess Kamala Harris slice. Oh, yeah. You don't even get a slice. Oh, yeah. Are you talking about – are you seeing what's happening?
Starting point is 00:49:05 I guess Kamala Harris said two important things today. She's excited about the new school buses because each child will have their own USB charger, and the buses will have Wi-Fi so that you can further program our kids. And I guess we're saying that they – acts against humanity, that Russia has done acts against humanity. acts against humanity that russia's done acts against humanity yeah did you see that clip um where they talked about it was a reporter that was pushing and i don't know the the whole entire context on it but it looked like it was you know a general spokesperson that was up in front and he was going you know russia's uh getting its army and it's it's really stacking up against on the on the eastern side and then the reporter goes yeah because isn't nato pushing over there and he goes oh that's awesome because russia was invading uh is invading the ukraine or um uh you know putin's straight calling them nazis now and uh and yeah and he goes he goes yeah
Starting point is 00:49:59 so ukraine's not part of nato though and he's like kind of stops and he goes well they're pushing onto the east side russia's forming its military and he goes again because nato is expanding east to its borders what else is it supposed to do and he goes well we're there to protect ukraine he goes ukraine's not part of nato i don't do you see the issue here yeah so it's actually nato pushing forward not the russians and it was it was interesting to watch them if you see that send me that i want to see that i know i know i saw it on a on pbd's podcast it was just a clip on there about it but it was crazy for those of us living under a european rock what's the epstein list about so there's this there's this guy uh jeffrey epstein
Starting point is 00:50:43 and he had an island. And this island was financed by all the biggest fucking banks. I'm speaking in huge sweeping generalizations so you can get it. But this island was – and he were financed by the richest people in the world, owners of Victoria's Secret, huge fucking banking conglomerates. And basically what he would do is he would fly dudes out there to fuck underage girls. And there's a whole Netflix series on it that's almost impossible to watch. I watched like the first 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:51:11 I want to fucking throw up. I don't even want that shit going in my head. I'm in such denial. But basically he got arrested for it eventually. And then he died mysteriously in jail in the United States. They say he hung himself. But there were supposed to be cameras in his jail and there were supposed to be guards watching him. And the guards like took a break
Starting point is 00:51:28 and the cameras were turned off. And so now his chick, his main madam, who's hot as fuck, by the way, they don't ever make her look good, but she's in jail and she was sentenced to jail. And there was, during the court case, there was a list of all of their top clients. And now the list is about to come out.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's got people on there like fucking Justin Trudeau and shit like that. It's going to be wild. That shit's crazy because you remember that when the judge that was originally residing on the case had that FedEx employee come up full on in a FedEx truck and everything else and rang the doorbell when they went to answer for the package. He just fucking whipped out a machine gun and just blasted everybody through the front door. Wait, where was that? At Epstein's Island? No. That was like during the, when the case was going on with Epstein, the judge
Starting point is 00:52:18 that was residing over the case, a FedEx delivery truck pulled up like it was going to drop off a knife and ring the doorbell and fucking blast her husband, blasted her kid And she ended up just being downstairs In a different spot at the time So she didn't get hit But that's some crazy like out of a movie shit
Starting point is 00:52:34 You know what I mean Oh shit I just coughed a piece to my lung Wow I'll be there in a minute Hey that's really what happened We need to pull that story up i remember that someone trying to kill the judge she wasn't killed though right no she wasn't but i think her husband or and her kid was or something like that and i don't know if that dude ever got
Starting point is 00:52:57 away or ever got caught that what what does this mean oh shit there goes my voice what does this mean the epstein mafia all had one thing in common but Savon ain't touching that one with a 10 foot pole I don't know help a brother out Simon hope it's so vague Simon just say it God it's a nice oh that's it
Starting point is 00:53:20 my voice is gone son of a bitch New Jersey federal judge's son killed husband injured by gunman dressed as a delivery man. Wow. Yeah. Wow. That shit under the rug. I mean, think about the access. Like if you go try to steal a FedEx truck, how far you think you're going to get?
Starting point is 00:53:49 Hey, stop saying shit like this or scroll down a little bit. This is just ridiculous. Phil Murphy, whose son was murdered and husband seriously wounded yesterday in a brazen, cowardly act of gun violence. There was nothing cowardly about it, you dipshits. I hate it when they do that like they call the fucking uh the the the 9-11 bombers cowards like shut the fuck up they were not cowards as psychopaths they were they were they went in there to die on the plane yeah and kill everybody else with them hey shut it i wasn't even Shut it. I don't even drink that much. Stop saying that. Paragon of health. I really am.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I really am. Okay. Okay. Last one. Last one. Here we go. Is your daughter retarded, stupid, or an imbecile? Or does she have a lack of uh sense of humor or hate the female form oh here we go so here's the thing this is this is just great this lady thinks that asking if that women right this this girl right here hates the female form and thinks that this question is inappropriate and this is kind of like once again how you expose just bad thinking action a lot of people don't watch the women's leagues do you think it might help if they played topless no that's extremely misogynistic and
Starting point is 00:55:10 disgusting the ratings would probably go up right yeah but that's pretty what do you think's a better idea to get the ratings up educate and advocate for women's rights especially with where would the money come from that's why i'm trying to figure out revenue streams well you have to spend money well they've definitely been spending money. So Noah on the topless thing? Women should play naked? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do you like it?
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yeah, I don't mind it. Me too. Nice, dude. Hey, here's the deal. She, that girl thinks that if women play topless, that it would be shitty, disgusting, and misogynistic. Imagine thinking that women topless is disgusting. Imagine that.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Explain that to me. She is a woman. Well, she's not a lesbian. That's for sure. Are you out of your – how is that misogynistic? No, you thinking that it's disgusting is misogynistic or getting close to it. That's how ass-backwards they are, and I leave you with this. Do you think they're Democrats or Republicans?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Okay. I leave the floor to you guys um you guys are great people uh enjoy the rest of the show with uh susan caleb and um they don't know that i'm about to leave the show are you guys ready to go to what yeah let me give you guys you guys get five minutes don't put that pressure on us nah i love you guys bye okay every time he leaves i'm always the first thing i thought is like okay well what are we going to talk about and then 900 things run through my mind at the same exact time and then i just freeze and don't talk about anything at all yeah well there's a comment from katie gannon that i thought was interesting are you gonna read it or am i i I'll read it. Am I the narrator? Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:56:46 A gym in Anchorage had a nightmare Friday night lights situation. Turn again, CrossFit. Partial roof collapse. One lost life. One critical. They must have got a lot of snow or something. That sounds pretty shitty. Damn, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Was there a GoFundMe? We can put that up. Yeah, let's find it. Show that. My 23. Yeah, let's find it. Show that. My 23.1 is – that hasn't happened. I've been in Phoenix since Wednesday night. But when I did it in 2014, I got 10 muscle-ups. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:57:19 That was 10 years ago. Yeah, and I was probably much fitter then because I was, like, training full-time and still thinking I was going to regionals and how to score 10 muscle ups. You weren't even fucking close to regionals. That's wild. Yeah. I don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:34 I can't remember if I did that in 2014, but I think I did the open, but I don't think I recorded it because I tried to look at my scores and I just, there was nothing in there. You talk about Hley and cara um yeah so i brought up on that story uh hayley i didn't realize this but in hayley's post she said that she has an eating disorder and everybody's been saying that i was like where are you seeing that apparently it's true um oh so that's why she's like like doing the whole step away thing yeah that's why she's like like doing the whole step away thing yeah that's why she's not not competing this year and then carla said she's not competing this year at all like she's not even going to do the open she said that's the first time in 10 years that she's uh not doing any any competing in crossfit
Starting point is 00:58:23 at all she even did it pregnant that that makes sense though because she's been in for so long and like at some point you're just kind of like you know how many how many last runs are you going to give it right yeah i was impressed how she did last year yes you're back no i'm not hey um uh look at look at if you guys want to look at something look at car saunders most recent post and she says she can't run and like like an idiot i went to the fact that like something's wrong with her legs or something but then someone else mentioned hey it's probably because um from the someone sent me this and said it's probably from the vax and she can't elevate her heartbeat oh nelly not this one is it yeah this is it this is this this this concerns me a little bit we should try to get her on the show and see what's going on
Starting point is 00:59:12 okay uh take a look if you guys want something to talk about this is interesting i'd be curious to hear you guys speculate on i'll be listening in the car you guys are the best bye bye i i'm always like i wonder too like how far down the rabbit hole are we going with the whole blame it on the vaccine thing? But it does, it is hard not to do that when you have all these like really fit individuals that all are having a bunch of random issues. And by random, we mean common denominator issues. But I hate it when it's going right to the vaccine speculation yeah i mean there's a lot of things that can go wrong with all sorts of people so i mean i don't know here let's listen to this we haven't really done this before but i thought i would jump on here
Starting point is 00:59:55 and um give you guys a quick tip uh for the open if you are doing the CrossFit Open. So if CrossFit is, this is for you. I don't think this is it. She's promoting it. The interesting thing, too, about, like, somebody said, was it Brian Spence that Hayley had an eating disorder? Oh, okay. And, I mean, that's tough because didn't she say she's been doing CrossFit since she was 14? Whenever you're ready, go ahead and play it.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm just chatting about it a little. Oh, Brian Spence says that was it. Oh, okay. He said that was the clip. All right, from the top. Everyone, I haven't really done this before, but I thought I would jump on here and give you guys a quick tip for the Open if you are doing the CrossFit Open. So, for CrossFitters, this is for you.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I have just finished my mobility routine and a 5K walk to start my Saturday because that is all I can do right now. I will not be doing the Open workout, Devo, but it's nice to have a break from something so that you can miss it. Apparently, I got one of the high scores for this workout. I don't remember why or how I did that. But I do know that if you are going to redo the workout, which most people do, you won't get a better score just by really wanting a better
Starting point is 01:01:10 score. So make sure you analyze what you did the first time and make some changes. I think a lot of people often think that just because they really want it or somebody else got a score, that they're just going to automatically do the workout again and they're going to get a better score. And they don't take into consideration the fatigue from the first effort um or the fact that maybe they haven't actually changed anything so make sure you analyze what you did try and um recover as best you can give yourself a big gap before you do it again you know mobilize drink heaps of water eat heaps of food the brian spindley is in the wrong direction we We just got a bunch of advice from the open with Cara. Nothing about not being able to run.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I guess she did mention that she's only able to walk. So it sounds like she can't really elevate her heart rate much. But that could be a whole host of reasons. She could just be anything. It could be anything. I don't know. That's's weird the vax obsession in the u.s is crazy total non-issue in the uk you guys are insane like you guys as an us or are you just blanket stating the whole entire united states also too like what type of uh what type of like
Starting point is 01:02:19 news is coming out with a bunch of athletes having tons of medical issues there. Is that something that is allowed to be said in the UK and that you guys are getting or what's going on with that? Heaps of food, Jack. Yeah, that's what I heard too. Blanket the whole US. Good for you, Russ. That's a great mindset. You keep that together. Oversimplifying, overgeneral Russ. That's a great mindset. You keep that together. Oversimplifying, overgeneralization. That's what we love. Yes. Nice. Yeah. All of us, all of us suck all the time. I'm not saying that's, that's evidence. I'm saying it's an observation of something that is happening a lot that wasn't happening before. Not, not claiming it as, as evidence,
Starting point is 01:03:01 just claiming it as an observation. It's easy to go as long as the comments keep going, because then I could just continuously use them for content. Yeah, exactly. Hey, did you hear about that airplane in December that took off from Kauai and then went up about 2,200 feet and then dropped just above 700 feet above the ocean, only to then accelerate back up to the to the top and then level back out 10 minutes after that as like the people on the plane claimed it felt like a roller coaster ride that uh that 10 minutes after that the pilot came out it was like hey guys you felt a couple g's there but we're okay everything's okay and we're back on track what the hell no yeah that's crazy you know there's like that plane that does the they have like that g plane where like you go
Starting point is 01:03:51 up and down and like it's like the does the uh weightless flights or whatever that's how i imagine that being that's terrifying yeah they said it was 2.7 Gs that the people felt as it dropped, which is, of course, somehow populated in my news article moments before I got on a plane. So that was great because all you guys know from the past how I feel about that. And I was like, why the fuck was I scrolling through this? And the algorithm populated this in front of me right now. It was not good. It can hear your fears. hears them i know it knows the
Starting point is 01:04:27 other thing that was saying about hayley a little bit is like when you start that young and this is something that we talk about at the gym when we go into like i like to call it the nutrition reset rather than like a nutrition challenge because it's not based off like uh weight loss or body fat like percentage there's a bunch of different um metrics that we take as far as like making it the ultimate goal but one of the things that uh that i always think about is like when when people get into the sport super young and they become very obsessive about measuring and weighing their food and everything else like that like what type of uh consequence will that have in the future and i don't think it's very uncommon for people to experience what Haley is experiencing there with when you become super obsessed about everything
Starting point is 01:05:12 that's going into your body and weighing and measuring and stuff like that. What negative effect can you have on that, have on you in the long term, right? And I wonder if that has anything to do with what she is experiencing now with the eating disorders yeah the uh i'm always surprised when you have kids when you have somebody who starts something so young and they're able to continue to do it for like a long time like 10 15 years after like especially if you started at 14 15 years old i just imagine that has to be either you figured out pretty early how to balance those things like being a kid and going to school
Starting point is 01:05:50 or hanging out with your friends and stuff like that or you just like, I don't know. I imagine you just have to figure out really early how to sort that stuff out. Otherwise, you're going to get burnt out and you're going to not enjoy doing it anymore. Yeah, 100%. I think a good example of i mean i don't know her super well but it just seems like she's she's
Starting point is 01:06:11 got a little bit of a balance there where she'll she gets to hang out with her friends she gets she doesn't really seem to be super neurotic about everything yeah i mean you have to be in in this isn't it's not just a crossFit thing. Obviously, we're just using this as an example. But you guys know that you've had a freaking coach that's just completely obsessed with the record of the team. And you might be a talent on that. So all of a sudden, there's a ton of pressure to do well and all this stuff. And it just becomes like this obsession.
Starting point is 01:06:38 And the long term of that is not good. Because if you think even if you have a long career in CrossFit, somebody, let's use Tia as an example, right? Was one seven times. That's still such a small portion of your life. So without actually having somebody who's looking at everything holistically, meaning like, hey, there's going to be an after this and what are we doing and what type of things are we doing now that aren't going to be realistic in the future? And how do we balance that out to make sure that there's some longevity to what you're doing? It's super important because if you don't have that and you're just solely focused on that little portion, like that's when people have serious issues coming out of it because their whole identity is wrapped up in just that one thing. I mean, every day and the way they live
Starting point is 01:07:20 their life and everything else, which is going to happen either way. But if you have somebody guiding you in the right direction, especially I'm talking about teenagers here, and let them know that, hey, this is just a small portion of your life. We hope that you have a long, great career and you could do this professionally. But there's no way that we need to think and set everything up like that right now. It's similar to like when you have people who join the military at 17, 18 years old, and they're fresh out of high school.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I mean, some of them even have done like ROTC in high school and stuff like that, where they've just obsessed so much about being in the military. And that's like their only identity. They wear the camo clothes outside of uniform. They're like, everything about them is screaming like screaming like hey i'm in the military kind of thing and then they stay in for 10 15 20 years and as soon as they get out they don't know what to do with themselves like they're 38 years old and they can pick up another career and they don't know what they're like well i've been an infantryman for 20 years or i've been like i've just run a gun for so long or i've done something that doesn't transfer out into the real world. Like, I don't know what to do with myself, you know? And so if you, if you don't have somebody, if you don't have somebody, yeah, my only identity is army vet. Stop calling me out, Caleb. Hey man, you got to find some other stuff to do too i mean you would do you do a pretty good job of that but if you're if you're stuck and being like where's my military discount bro you gotta get fucked buddy yeah i mean well all the great resources that we have here in the united
Starting point is 01:08:57 states for the people that serve our country right they just go to the to the to the vet stuff and they help them out with that yeah yeah yeah they. Yeah. They, they give us like a transition course. Like you're supposed to like, Oh, here's a, here's a couple of weeks of classes. We're going to tell you about what it's like here. We're going to help you with your fucking resume.
Starting point is 01:09:14 And we're going to tell you, Hey, these are all the transferable skills that you have. And then as soon as you, as soon as the day comes, like your badge gets revoked and see you later, dude. Nobody gives a shit about you.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Nobody cares, man. The cogs keep moving yeah there yeah there you've already been used up and kicked to the curb uh chris but self-discipline is not a mental disorder not not what i was referring to there in terms of self-discipline i was just saying just leaning too hard into one thing and not looking at how much time you actually have in your life, focusing solely on sports, because very, very few percentage of that at all has a longevity in their sport past their teenage and early 20 years. Exactly. Okay, boom. Well, it's 810. So we're're gonna have people showed up in this ballroom to start setting up in a moment here anything else you want to do before we sign it off no i think that's it well that's good this is the first time that we've had savon drop off and me not go into a complete panic i think i think we did okay which is you know which is funny too because we have
Starting point is 01:10:24 obviously a lot of people that that rotate in and out of the show. And like, sometimes they'll get the confidence that they'll be like, oh, fuck this. I could just do this on my own or I'll go somewhere else. And then in the absence of Sevan, like you could show how much, like he's moving the show forward and how much that he is it, right? He's the foundation of it. And he makes all of
Starting point is 01:10:46 us look really good so when he's here and it drops off you can tell you're like and it's funny because i had my own podcast for like three years but i rely so much on him pushing the show forward and everything else that we're lucky enough that we just get to come and log in and sit down exactly and like his mind and like people i don't think realize like how much he puts into this i mean i know some of the rate the regulars and stuff like that do but i mean his mind is always moving towards the the the show it's always about advancing it it's always about evolving it it's always about content and everything else and it makes it easy for us to just comment come on here and just and just kind of follow along on the, uh, the coattails. I mean,
Starting point is 01:11:26 especially what, what he's, um, you know, what he's done for me, it's like I'm sitting in this ballroom and have this opportunity only, only because of him. Right. So if I would have prepared a little bit more, uh, material, we could have, we could have pushed this out a little bit longer to that 90 minute mark. And maybe he would have been, would have been stoked. Um, Mike, did we talk about travis mayor being out this year he broke his hand and all of us are really sad because travis
Starting point is 01:11:49 mayor is the fucking man he's the dude so when i was quick story when i was flying back from guadalupalooza uh super early in the morning getting back onto the plane on monday morning because i fly all the way back across the country so it's like that full day of travel and um i always try to just get the hell out of there as early as I can. And I woke up and I'm beat because I was running around with my iPhone all weekend, you know, doing the live stuff. And you know how demanding that is, Caleb, you're doing it from that end too. It's crazy. And so I'm just like super tired and I'm walking, getting on the plane. And all of a sudden I see somebody with a phone, like pushing it, like it was pushing it towards me they're like hey what were your thought of those last event and i like looked down and travis mayor on my plane no shit yeah yeah it was it was hilarious i started cracking up he's a he's
Starting point is 01:12:35 a great dude he was one of the first people that when i went out to waterpalooza made it really comfortable to kind of break the ice i mean him and him and uh ariel lone they were like super cool to me broke the ice on it because people don't realize like and i didn't either because we always see it from this end right but i'm just a fucking dude out there with an iphone on a tripod walking around putting it in people's faces asking questions like that it's not it's pretty funny watching you walk around like whenever i saw you at water palooza i was like this is hilarious honestly yeah yeah and you're just kind of like cruising around trying to find some sort of content stuff like that um there was a question i saw up here and i was when i posed that uh
Starting point is 01:13:17 no i was just gonna say barbara uh brian's been here but how about Tia doing 180 reps? That is disrespectful. The disrespect Tia has to come on here and crush all of us. I mean, it just shows how amazing she actually is. And I'm not sure, you know, we could have the debate as far as, you know, when the baby in the womb is a baby. But if we're going to claim that a baby, is that the fittest baby in the world right now too? Is that how that works?
Starting point is 01:13:49 I think so. Oh my goodness. That is incredible. I can't believe she's doing toes to bar. Jonathan sent me the DM and I was just like, oh my gosh, I just sent back the disrespect. The disrespect. Top 12% of women submitted scores.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Incredible. You know what too she'll probably get a bunch of shit and people be like that's so bad for your baby oh my gosh blah blah blah blah blah and it's like not that fucking long ago like we didn't live in this this bubble wrapped society
Starting point is 01:14:17 like you know what happens if you're pregnant and a fucking bear came and attacked like you had to run you had to get away. It's crazy what is prescribed, if you will, once women get pregnant. As soon as you go to the doctor,
Starting point is 01:14:33 they're like, oh, hey, you're pregnant. Here's a host of things that you should not be doing. Like, quote unquote, should not be doing. They're like, oh, make sure no weight bearing. Make sure you're not on your feet for too long. All this other shit. It's crazy. In the military, oh, you make sure no weight bearing or like make sure you're not on your feet for too long. All this other shit. It's crazy. In the military, though, they like at least for the docs that I work with who have been pregnant, they have them working basically until like a week prior to their due date. Like the it's crazy what happens. They're like, oh, well, you can wear tennis shoes instead of boots, but you still need to be seeing patients for 10 hours a day.
Starting point is 01:15:06 And I was like, damn, that's kind of fucked. Yeah, and it's funny too, because we had the whole debate, like having a baby in the hospital versus not. And I get that there was a lot of tragedy that came back in the day. But think about where we came from as a human race, right? You were just in a fucking teepee and like had a baby there. And it was like, and we made it this far. So, and I'm not using that as an argument because I know that at that time too,
Starting point is 01:15:33 like infant mother death was extreme. So I think that's it. Let's give us your most embarrassing moment making content at these things. I mean, all my embarrassing moments are public because I'm live the whole entire time. I mean, I still get shit for, oh, there's the two, right? It was when Sarah Sigmundsdottir didn't have her best showing in that one event. And it was funny because Ariel came out and started talking to me right away. And I was like, oh, my confidence is up.
Starting point is 01:16:04 This is cool. Oh, there's Sarah. Let's go grab her. she ran away like okay it's crazy i was bold of you but it was it was a good effort it was a good effort and i love how it continues to escalate every time somebody retells it they're like yeah she ran away and she's a chaser down with the camera and then that she was crying and yelling get away from me yeah and the other uh moment was like when um after the swim event two years ago and hayley's like knee was bleeding for whatever reason and i just like came up with like point the camera at her knee then point the camera at her face and i was like that looks kind of bad are you okay and then she just walks away i don't remember that that was awesome yeah i was like oh okay
Starting point is 01:16:46 that was not good on my part but you know you live and you learn you got to test it out and the thing is too is if you try to wait for if you're out there making content like that and trying to talk to those athletes if you wait for like a good moment you're gonna get fucking nothing because you know especially that first year when nobody really, you know, the podcast was still relatively new. Sure, we had, you know, we were known in the space, but it wasn't like how it is now. And so that's tough. Like people are just going to come up to you. And now to this time around, I got that a little bit more, which was nice, which helped kind of with my confidence getting out there and talking to them. But yeah, it's not an easy task.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Oh, Trish, you lift me up and then you slap me down, huh? My historical data from the Flintstones. Well, that's not true because the Flintstones are a vitamin. So I don't even know what you're talking about. I only know the mouth of vitamin. Imagine that, a fucking pressed pill
Starting point is 01:17:43 as like a vitamin, targeted towards towards kids they're the best ones oh sakura i'm good thank you i don't know if you saw the episode but thank you so much for the uh nano twos that was awesome really appreciate that that's dope the prime time alex stein of maybe i just go that route and just go fucking lunatic and like run up and be like hey i heard you were screwing so and so is that true is that true and put a camera on their face that'd be fantastic oh my gosh all right well anything else you would you would like to uh add here kip before we sign it sign it off? No, this has been a lot of fun, Sousa. Glad we got ambushed today.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Yeah, that was good. You always got to be kicked down to the deep end and see if you can swim or not, right? Sure. Yep. Got to. Sousa and Hiller said, no. I got yelled at. I went back and watched that one, and we were there when California Hormones
Starting point is 01:18:44 bought everybody drink after our ceo board meeting at the games and it's funny because i watched that back and you could see um you could see hillary and hipsteed like in the small corner of my camera which was just set up sitting there as i was like talking with everybody and you could hear someone yelling like pick up the camera run to get over there with him what's he doing he's just sitting there talking and i had like no idea there was even over there that was happening i was like oh my goodness i was like i don't think he can hear you yeah he was he was uh it's like turn it up turn it up get to my closer my closer my closer kenneth this is just a fucking backhanded compliment
Starting point is 01:19:22 you're so good. But yeah, you guys are cool. I guess we'll, we'll, we'll go with you guys for now. Thanks. So funny.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I don't know. Maybe. Sorry. When I posted that question about who has manlier hands between Colton Mertens or, uh, uh, seven from when Colton
Starting point is 01:19:45 posted that posted that video with the audio yeah that was great by the way uh Ariel's husband Dylan DM me and said neither is me Dylan's awesome I was like that's awesome what a good uh Katie the funny thing about that is in 2017 I started a a podcast and the 20 viewers that just left were my 20 viewers that only watched it. So I actually did an interview with Sevan, the first person to interview Sevan, drove to his house and interviewed him in his garage. No CrossFit talk. It was just about his kids. And then I interviewed Adrian Bosman and Craig Howard. And then that was transitioning into helping out with this podcast. So I did have my own podcast. I did it every single week. I also used to film a ton of stuff with the gym
Starting point is 01:20:33 and make little videos about it when my members would go to competitions or lifting meets and all that type of stuff too. So I also, back in the day, used to film all my friends skateboarding. This is when it would have like the mini hi-8 tapes and you'd have to plug it in it was like right when a lot of the digital stuff came out i think we got like a final cut like downloaded illegally off limewire and like uh would edit up the videos that way and i would go around and film all my friends that skated and i was good enough to be in like the good group of skaters but definitely not like the top tier like a lot of good like ollie and kickflip and then just ride around no no no no no no no i could do i could do more than more than that um you had to
Starting point is 01:21:15 at least uh board slide the carnegie handrail here livermore and you had to do a sort of trick down the granada eight this is a it's a actually yeah you probably could look it up carnegie park in livermore california and that was like the it was like what they called the beginner handrail so you had to like you had to board slide that in order to like be in the cool kid yes a hundred percent i filmed with a fisheye lens ken platt did you film with the fisheye lens yes it got it like super close it was hilarious uh what are your thoughts on individuals doing crossfit global gyms i mean a ton of people start there and then they realize they don't want to be looked at like a weirdo and they usually go to an affiliate the interesting thing about a lot of the access only gyms yes oh look at you caleb
Starting point is 01:22:01 so you'll have to go to the front entrance. That's the side. Yep. And then go down. Yep. And then spin. And then can you go in any further? But that stair set right there in front of the fountain. So interesting story about that stair set.
Starting point is 01:22:15 When we went down there to board slide it, one of my friends got his foot caught in the rail and fell down the flight of stairs and landed on his fucking face and busted out his two front teeth and yeah and it was crazy because he looks up and when he looks up it was just blood is pouring and we were we filmed everything we did back then right so we we had it on film but there was that fountain ah there it is yep yeah that hand roll right there you had the board slide so for those of you guys that are listening to this there's like it's i There it is. Yep. Yeah. That hand roll right there. You had the board slide. So for those of you guys that are listening to this, there's like, it's like, I think it's like a six or seven stair, uh, handrail. It's got a super short runway and then it runs right into the fountain. So you had to stand on the stairs, drop the board down. You got one good push and then you had to, uh, had to hit the, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:01 handrail. This is a seven or eight stair. Um, Trish, I can't remember, but I just had dreams of that fountain because it was making this noise. When he hit the ground, it was just like, boom. He stood on the stair. He dropped the board down. One good push and he'd go. That was the problem. His foot was too far forward on the board. When he went to Ollie to hit the stairs, his foot slid off the front of the top of the board and then he tripped on the board and so when he went to ollie to hit the stairs his foot slid off the front of the top of the board and then he tripped on the handrail so it was nuts do you follow uh nija houston
Starting point is 01:23:33 oh yeah so the videos that he's been posting of like every every like miss that he's had i don't know know how, how you say that, but he has just like a series of videos where he just posts the, um, like everything that he's ever missed basically. And it is disgusting. Like the falls that he's had from like 10 stairs, 15 stairs, 20 stairs.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Yeah. It's bad. I did. Long swoopy hair. I didn't have that long of hair back then, but it was long. But yeah, that was kind of the entry point, right? So then what I did with that camera and the illegally downloaded version of the editing software was I went to all my buddies and I went, hey, I'm going to all film you guys. Yeah, that handrail is gnarly.
Starting point is 01:24:22 and I went, hey, I'm going to all film you guys. Yeah, that handrail is gnarly. And I would film all of them and then I would make a little DVD and I'd go down to the local skate shop and I would help get them sponsored. And then, yeah, that sucks. And once they would get sponsored, like I'd make them the tape,
Starting point is 01:24:42 I'd go there, I'd drop it off to the owner of the skate shop and we'd talk about it and the skater would come in and then I would just ask, like I'd make them the tape. I'd go there. I'd drop it off to the owner of the skate shop. And we'd talk about it. Then the skater would come in. And then I would just ask for like free stuff. So once they got sponsored, I'd be like, hey, like give me like a free board. Or like if you get a discount, like buy me this or whatever. DC or Osiris.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Osiris D3s. If you didn't have a pair of those Osiris D3s at some point, did you even really skate? Trish, come on. Is that even a question? You pretty much had me pegged on this show. You should know. Trish asked, street or vert? 100% street skater.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I mean, we made some of the ramps. But at the same time, he wasn't. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yes, bro. They were fucking moon boots. Those are disgusting. Yes, bro. They were fucking moon boots. Those are disgusting. Dude, it was, they were gnarly.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And you'd wear them with like baggy pants and shit, you know, and the tongue would be totally pulled forward and partly laced. Oh yeah. Yeah. Harvey, do I know you? Todd from the board shack? Is that who you're talking about right now? That's a throwback. Or was that Union Skate Shop? Or is it Todd, the one who gave you your first handy?
Starting point is 01:25:52 That's what he's talking about. Oh, you're so good, Caleb. You're right. You're right. I'm like thinking about the skate shops in Livermore. Like which one was I think it was Mike who owned the board shack. And this dude, there'd be like a bunch of like seventh graders in there. This would go to the back and just rip a bong and shit and then come back out and be like, you guys want to watch a skate video or get some free stickers?
Starting point is 01:26:18 It was hilarious. Dude, I love stickers. Dude, this dude bought so much inventory. The skate shop was just stacked with shit and like within like a handful of years of course he was out of business but oh my god that's hilarious oh goodness okay all right i'm ready to jam i gotta get some stuff over here all right do i need to end it we held it down for a little bit yeah you could end it. Cool.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Adios, everybody. Have a great day. Later, dudes.

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