The Sevan Podcast - #808 - The Morning Show w/ Sevan Matossian

Episode Date: February 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Why did they stop being responsive after a couple hours? Bam, we're live. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I think good morning. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Jeremy Eat World. side of the bed Jeremy Jeremy eat world Tom Guerin clock cutter Jeffrey Burchfield vindicate cheese Louise hit the like button softly says Spiegel and softly, says Spiegel. Someone sent a an email to the Sebon podcast email saying they had to stop
Starting point is 00:01:16 listening to the show because my phone was too loud. I had to turn my phone off during the show. I hardly ever hear my phone during the show. I can only remember one show that you had your phone going off consistently and it was because of that one chat oh is that recently yeah it was like two days ago three days ago uh jake chapman bruce wayne devesh clock cutter uh an american teen invites a pure-blooded Australian Sheila to a prom in San Francisco
Starting point is 00:01:50 I don't think there are any pure-blooded Australians anymore they got them all I'm reading this book it's called the The Moth in the Iron Lung. Sounds like a lame excuse, Seve. What's a lame excuse? To not watch a show. Oh, on that guy's part? I don't know what that... Hi, Paulina.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Good morning. Good morning to my holy spirit a god and savon thank you cheers is that lipton i i i i'm reading this book it's called the moth uh the moth and the iron lung i have three hours left in it no do i just let you guys know i was lying i'm not reading it. I'm listening to it. And I think where the book is going, I'll keep updating you. I'm going to get this author on so we can talk to him. the U.S. government for all farmland to be sprayed with arsenic and lead. That was the pesticide that was used. And that was done for many, many years to get rid of moths, especially this moth called the, I think it's called the gypsum moth that came from Europe. And at some point there were so many moths in the streets of Vermont that when you walk down the street, you would slip and fall because there were so many of them. There were so
Starting point is 00:03:52 many of them that you would go to bed at night and then you'd wake up in the morning and your trees would be completely delieved, meaning all the foliage would be eaten off of them. And then the moths would start coming into your house. the caterpillars it was a massive massive problem was consuming all the food all the uh all the crops yep those guys god we have those like crazy in california and and so they started spraying everything with this arsenic and lead and this arsenic and lead was uh killing a lot of people uh there started being arsenic poisoning uh that was happening to children and like any good company this arsenic and lead pesticide company hired doctors and lawyers to do studies saying that it wasn't the arsenic and the lead that was killing the kids. Sound familiar? But what ended up happening is there was such a large
Starting point is 00:04:48 consumption of arsenic and lead that it started weakening the gut biome, started weakening the immune system, started making it so that people, I don't know if it's called leaky gut or what, but basically there's this process when you eat food that the food as it passes through your digestive tract it's blocked from your bloodstream and so your digestive tract your stomach your intestines all that shit kills all the bacterias and bad shit in there that's why they were in the book they use an example if you ate tetanus you don't get tetanus tetanus has to be put directly into the bloodstream for you to get it which is very hard to get you basically have to step on some sort of like
Starting point is 00:05:29 rusty nail or some shit like that and so what they're suggesting is that polio had been around in this book they're suggesting polio had been around fucking forever but what was happening is because there was so much arsenic and lead in our food supply that it weakened the large intestine and people were basically getting their uh their intestine was basically leaking into their bloodstream and one of the manifestations of that was a disease called polio polio colitis getting into your bloodstream and giving you polio. And, and, and, and, and it looks like the book's going to say that the sanitation issue was just totally misunderstood. And the irony of all of that
Starting point is 00:06:15 is that's exactly what happened with COVID-19, right? They thought, they thought it was COVID killing them, but all of us know that it wasn't it was the fact that you're addicted to refined carbohydrates because you have fucking idiots out there selling snicker bars thinking it's cute and and cans of sprite to little kids a little sugar is okay a little bit of heroin is okay. of sugar addicts everywhere. And next thing you know, you are blaming the symptom, which is the death by COVID. That's the symptom, but it's not the cause. The cause is just poor diet. And the cause wasn't polio that was killing people. It was the fact that the food supply had been compromised by arsenic and lead. And you can see this can't there was a bunch of stories during the beginning
Starting point is 00:07:26 of covid that i would point out that were just like this the homeless issue is exactly the same it's not a homeless issue it's the fact that people have chosen to do drugs over getting shelter uh steve on heavy seve you've seen the nasal polio vax was shown to be giving but yeah well i do know this matt burns i do know that the the stuff that i've been reading about polio recently i thought i heard a phone vibrating the the stuff i've been reading about polio recently is that the largest the most number of cases maybe the only number cases, the only cases of polio on the planet are caused by the drug to prevent it rather than actual polio. So, yeah. Yeah, Greg had polio.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Hopefully someday he'll tell that story. Because it is an interesting story. He was probably one of the last people ever to get it he's definitely got to be he was at the tail end of it i don't know any other people alive who have it so there anyway i'll keep telling you about the book it was the book was recommended to me at dinner by um one of the speaker's wives william briggs's wife we went out i went out to dinner with one of the speakers from broken science and his wife and and a bunch of other
Starting point is 00:09:00 people were there and the wife's like oh you got to read this book what's the show about today dick and it's about dick and dykes i was thinking more about that that lady who told the guy wearing my shirt that i was i'm homoph wearing my shirt that I was homophobic. What does that word mean, homophobic? Maybe I am homophobic. Does that mean that I don't want to be anally penetrated? Because a person with dyslexia, nope. Nope.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Well, I do have prejudice against gay. What's prejudice mean? I extra like gay people. That's the part that's fucked up. A preconceived opinion that's not based on reason or fact. No, no, no. I'm not prejudiced. Well, you tell me.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Caleb, pretend like you're gay. Hi, Sevan. Do you like penis? Yeah. Okay. Well, then I'm not. Thank you. I you like a penis? Yeah. Okay. Well, then I'm not – thank you. I appreciate you doing that for me. Then I don't have any – I'm prejudiced, but it's not based on preconceived opinion that is not based on – oh, it's based on reason.
Starting point is 00:10:20 based on reason. I just assume that my prejudice towards gay people is that if you have a penis, you like a penis. If you have a vagina, you like a vagina and that you really don't want the other genitalia around you. Oh, let me do one more question to Caleb.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Caleb, get back in character. Ready? Caleb, do you like, do you want, I know this hot chick that wants to sit on your face. Can she?
Starting point is 00:10:40 No, thank you. We'll see there. Thank you. I appreciate it. Now you can go back to tell your wife i'm sorry uh okay well there you go sebi you got that hoodie from the dave matthews concert why is it because it's like uh is that like because it's acid wash this is i got this from um
Starting point is 00:11:02 what's the guy's name who was on the show last night jr how james james howell yeah james howell sent it to me and some hats for my kids uh wow already an oscar from paper street coffee oh it gets better don't worry gabe good morning gabe paper street coffee i'm out i'm out gabe what everything i have left is in the grinder send the sun send uh regular and decaf uh pronto please and anyone else who wants coffee please go to a paper street coffee don't spell out street just put st and i use the code word sevan and you get a fat discount cheers yeah cheers hey i wonder what that what there should be some really harsh word for people who accuse you of
Starting point is 00:11:56 shit falsely isn't that isn't there a word for that i don't know it should be slander or i guess it's not really a harsh word. I want a word like bigot. Or cum guzzler. Douche nozzle? That's kind of a fun word. If I call someone a douche nozzle,
Starting point is 00:12:17 it's kind of a compliment. It's so fucking annoying that you would think that that shirt is anti-gay so lame shitbags that's a good one oh good morning Hugh oh is that a Polish name Hugh Azel
Starting point is 00:12:39 oh smear merchant wow clock cutter that's nice oh i like that that is nice good morning rosie jesus heidi boom huge fan of the armpit uh okay uh regular and oh scott's whites are in the house a regular and decaf gabe has like eight kinds of regular it's a very good point um caleb before we get all crazy i want to do 446 and um you were i want you to this is kind of long you can skip through it if you want but i want you to watch this video with us and tell us um you can even maybe skip i think it's two minutes you can even skip to the middle i don't think i can do that with this one. Oh, all right. But this chick right here, Emily...
Starting point is 00:13:50 Cairns? I think she wants to be in a one-arm category for the CrossFit Games. What's that called? Upper body adaptive. Okay, let's just say that and they won't give it to her i really like looking at her her fucked up a little arm by the way when she shows it like i didn't even expect it okay such i'm such a weirdo but for some reason i like looking at it it's like flamidamide babies. I can't stop staring at that thing.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I have so many questions about what it can and can't do. And she kind of gets into it, into this. But anyway, I digress. That was my own weird fixation. But tell me, in your professional opinion, should she be in the one-arm category, like with the upper body one point maybe, Scott's saying? This isn't Laura. This is some girl other girl i forget emily with the nice eyes and in the in the kind of i i give it well i'm not
Starting point is 00:14:54 going to tell you what i'm i'm going to stay on by i'm like i don't want to bias you okay okay but she's pissed because she got some sort of rejection letter from CrossFit saying, like, you're not targeted enough. All right. So I woke up to the most dismissive emails ever from CrossFit, me asking how I appeal this. Clearly, I was asking, you know, can I apply through a different category or, like, how do I go about this? Because I clearly have an impairment. Okay, pause okay pause sorry so she's bummed right yeah it's a i don't really like when people are like this is the most worst thing ever i'm already kind of like i know i'm sorry so i i wish she wasn't so dramatic i want to tell you i dinged her some points for that, too. I agree. It's like, hey, dude, look at you.
Starting point is 00:15:47 You're fucking hot and you don't have any acne. Life's good. Just chill. Yeah. It's like, fuck, what if you were elephant man? But go on. You're right. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And you're young. It's like, dude, I'll take your shit. You want to be fitty? Exactly. I know. But let's give her a break. Here we go. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:04 All right. So we're basically just like, luck you know qualify no like if you feel you fit into a different category this is how you go about it this is what you do like i'm sorry but i definitely have an event if you look at my arm let's start with look at look at isn't that amazing she start with the size. Look at, look at. Isn't that amazing? She's not faking that, right? She's not like tucking one shoulder or something. That shit on the right is fucking, something's wrong with it. Yeah, you can, there's definitely like not as much muscle tone.
Starting point is 00:16:36 It's smaller. How about her hand is clamped shut? Sorry, not something wrong with it. It's grown differently. I don't even, is it grown? What is Herb's policy? God, look at my fingers compared to hers. I'm like a dwarf. Look at – I have like this little sausage-shaped mitts.
Starting point is 00:16:54 She has like – her fucked-up hand is cooler than mine. But something's wrong with her shit. Yeah. I would fucking arm wrestle the shit out of that right arm. Only the right arm, though. Only the right arm. Yeah, I would fuck her up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Right. Right handed. She's, she's not, something's not right. Yeah. I love it though that she shows that look at elbow doesn't straighten. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 It looks like Josh Bridges elbow. Hey, it's like one of those. Have you ever seen, if you go to like a Walmart or something or a Kmart and you look in the parking lot, those black birds and start staring at their legs, there's half those birds there have a
Starting point is 00:17:26 fucked up leg. I'm not even exaggerating. Yeah. They're all fucking like got claw feet or legs broken off. What happens to those birds? That's a hard life. They probably just keep flying as much as they can. Okay. So she's a runner.
Starting point is 00:17:42 She's not a handstand walker for sure, this girl. Definitely. Okay. This is clearly a runner. She's not a handstand walker for sure, this girl. Definitely. Okay. This arm is clearly a lot smaller than my dominant arm. You know, leg length difference is something that does qualify to get you into the games. All right. I definitely have a difference in size here. I agree.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I've got my forearms on the table. What the fuck? look at her wrist dude oh wow there is the forearms even shorter that's crazy she got a bird hand on that right hand yeah it's basically like it's like a claw yeah okay so we agree something's jacked up yeah definitely okay that's not a filter no No, I don't think so. They are different sizes. I cannot supinate my hand around to face me. Like I literally have no extension through my wrist and you're telling me. What does that mean? What does that, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:18:40 She can't supinate, she can't do this thing. Yeah. So, so like supination is like your hand up, like your palm up and then pronation is your palm down okay she can't like rotate her palm so she can't wipe her ass with that hand no she can't supinate unless she does it with like the back of her hand oh and uh and she and she can't get extension what does that mean like she can't flex her wrist or extend her wrist up like that. Okay. Perfect. In the open. How am I meant to do a handstand walk?
Starting point is 00:19:09 How am I meant to put my hand flat? How am I meant to do a clean? I can't go into this position. Like, my wrist is fused together. I can't put my hand flat. To put my hand down, I have to do this. Oh, my God. Look how nice her legs are. My thumb is permanently dislocated.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I cannot put my thumb out. I clearly have an impairment. I have 50% less muscle in this arm than I do in my good arm. Yeah, that shoulder's... I literally, like, putting a cup of coffee to my mouth is a struggle. I have to take my mouth to the coffee. Like, I am furious that a... Something's wrong with me. I just can't
Starting point is 00:19:46 get over how attractive she is. I can't even listen to her. I want to see her legs again. She should have done this with a bag on her head. Just audio. Oh, look at David. What a crybaby. Dude. My God.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Okay. This is where we miss grown-up uh brian reporting oh my god it's just so hard i'm just such a it's like thing is she's a sunflower i just see her as a sunflower i don't see i can't even listen to her she's just a big giant sunflower to me i don't know what that means but i just i love a sunflower uh wait hold on bailey wants to say something uh bailey walker they just said she doesn't fit in that category right she probably does fit into another though correct she still has an arm or other people in the category don't category don't have one at all. Well, that's why Clive wants an adult here to be like, no.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Well, Caleb, he's in the military. He'll figure it out. Hang tight. I keep interrupting him. Hang tight. Caleb will figure it out for us. I think she really just needs to send another email. Well, it might be too late now, right?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Shit's closed up. Yeah, maybe. I don't know. I just usually, from my perspective, if somebody emails me in the negatory and doesn't give me an option, I'm just going to email them back and say, hey, what the fuck? How about this one, neuromuscular? Yeah, I suppose. I think palsy itself is a neuromuscular. It looks like, well, her kind of palsy is is a neuromus it looks like well
Starting point is 00:21:25 her kind of palsy is like uh here i'll show you what i found about her palsy i'll read this too uh here's an adult this guy's an adult uh uh tyler watkins the issue is the adaptive athletes have to perform a workout viewed by crossfit to determine if they qualify some are treating it serious and giving effort. Others are making it look worse. Oh, you mean like, like, like, like you want to be in the one leg category. So you just drag your leg around, even though it does kind of work. Oh, neuro is gone. Oh, well, that explains that.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Oh, put her in the hurt. Do they have a hurt feelings division? Probably. I wish they had a vaccine injured division we should look at her uh instagram when this is done and see if we can see more of her legs one of the major issues is crossword only has a handful of categories where other adaptive competitions have about double the number of categories i don't know if that is i don't know if problem is the right word but i hear you i mean dude there's only 20 i think yesterday brian showed me there's only 20 dudes
Starting point is 00:22:34 in the short statured one the midget division and but those dudes should be fully exploited by the way yeah i i would bring those fuckers into the coliseum and have them do something for sure boxing everyone wants to see those dudes do shit i want to see those dudes do like bar muscle-ups and shit oh we just we're not we just skipped to trying to find her legs oh yeah is there is it can we start at the end again or no yeah hold on okay let's hear let's hear her out maybe she she comes up with something um a topic this sensitive to someone here we go nice in such a terrible terrible way like CrossFit you you need to do better
Starting point is 00:23:29 like what is happening you're trying to make it fair but by not allowing people who have legitimate disabilities that is not making it fair I'm so mad right now I don't even know what to do I can think of a few things you should do I'm so mad right now. I don't even know what to do.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I can think of a few things you should do. Why does it say Erb's Palsy? Erb's Palsy. I think that's the kind of disability that she has. It looks like the way that it's described is that she had some sort of trauma to her. So there's a nerve cluster in your shoulder. It's called the brachial plexus, and it kind of like innervates all of your, like from your shoulder down.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And so when you have a trauma to that, you can cause atrophy or decreased growth in the musculature around in the arm. Maybe the division should be called. Somebody's going to get their feelings hurt division. Well, that would be more ideal probably because she's pissed because basically two, two things are conflated. She doesn't feel like it's being handled sensitively enough,
Starting point is 00:24:41 which unfortunately I'm the wrong person to talk to you about that because i have no i i struggle with empathy in that division but the other thing is she she i think she doesn't she's pissed because she does think she's i don't know what the word is tarted handicapped fucked up broken. She thinks she fits into one of the categories. And they say she doesn't. She's pissed. I mean, she doesn't really fit into the normal. I mean, I shouldn't say normal to like the open category either.
Starting point is 00:25:20 So I suppose if she's not going to fit into the open category, then she should probably fit into one of the other ones. Well, that arm is clearly not can't do all. Like, I mean, that arm is clearly not can't do all like if i mean that arm is not an arm yeah it's not super functional i think she probably has she's probably figured out a way to use do some things with it like she said she can like at least hold a coffee cup yeah but at the same time like she's not going to be doing muscle ups or handstand walks or like, does she have a boyfriend? I think I saw that she might have. I'd love to interview him just for like five minutes. Can he call in?
Starting point is 00:25:53 I want to have some questions. Maybe not. Okay. So what, what do you do, Caleb? We have, we have a thousands of more of these videos to look at.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Send a scathing email to CrossFit. That's what i would do what what oh she has a kid already little photodump christmas years oh that's her brother and it doesn't help that she has an english accent because that makes her even seem more mature to me is that is that the that's the standard for maturity yeah okay i'm just like hey you're an adult suck it up hey uh but i i let her in i would let her in into the one-armed hey what's the worst thing that can happen other one-armed people are like fuck that that bitch is too capable yeah i don't see why they wouldn't just be like yeah sure no problem like i don't i don't know that they have so many people in that division that they can't just well you don't want to screw you don't want to screw them and be like you know how like they're letting like leah thomas you
Starting point is 00:26:54 don't want to like they're letting dudes swim in women's meets you if that arm is oh let's look at that red dress picture yeah let her in i i can clearly see in this photo something's wrong with her arm the fuck i'm just imagining i was imagining myself going out in that dress what i would not be comfortable in that that's just no you can't i feel naked in that you're definitely not a homophobe then uh just oh there what about this that's interesting just tell her she can't use that arm well that's what they do in like the upper the in that division like if somebody has like like they have the arm but it's not fully functional they make them like strap it to their chest basically and then they can only use their
Starting point is 00:27:43 like dominant arm no shit yeah i've seen it uh i can't remember exactly where i saw it but like the guy has an arm like he has two arms one of them's just not functional they have the other one attached to their arm and is that the rule they tell you you can't use it yeah because oh mark Fuentes is saying not true. All right. Fine, Mark. Tell me what's right. Bro, she has arms? I know. Right. You only see legs. It's so hard.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I'm telling you, don't smile and put a bag on your head and resend the video. Don't stand up and show us your quads. So fucking... it's like it's like it's like talking to us about eating keto while you're parading around a fucking box of chocolates well i say let her in and i say it's too bad you can't vote on it you can't get all the other one-armed dudes to be like, no, too much arm. I mean, that's the only drawback.
Starting point is 00:28:51 If at the end of the day, it's equivalent to letting a dude into a chick's competition. Like if she's just too good, right? The whole point is you have to be fucked up. So they're trying to give a place to even the playing field. Oh, here we go. Patrick Clark. One leg to stand on. There's another adaptive athlete. There's a lower body though.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Oh yeah, I've seen this chick. This chick's account is huge. She's all over my... CrossFit or Instagram search wants me just to spend all my time on this chick's account um oh matt burns that's an interesting litmus test does she masturbate with that arm what if that was one of the 20 questions to see right you're out can't can't compete yeah completely functional why can't it be something like hail a cab why does it have to be to masturbate so crass okay anyway uh so caleb can you give us a final does she if you were on that games team would you let her in yeah for sure yeah okay me too
Starting point is 00:30:05 all right i don't yeah that's pretty pretty stupid oh we need an audio cue for that like caleb has spoken that um i don't know if we should keep going down perving on athletes category but okay we'll take a break from perving on athletes uh 447 um i thought this was interesting because this is this is kind of this is kind of what i do with my kids i really like this go there's something called the rule of a hundred a rule of a hundred states that if you spend a hundred minutes he means a hundred hours any discipline in a year which is
Starting point is 00:30:56 about 18 minutes a day any discipline playing the violin karate mma, deep sea diving, whatever. Pick the discipline. 18 minutes a day, you will be better than 95% of the world's population in that discipline. That doesn't mean you're gonna win an MMA title. It doesn't mean you'll be the best violin player, but you'll be better than 95% of the world's population. It's consistency. So imagine this. If my kid is eight years old and I say,
Starting point is 00:31:27 Charlie, every day for 18 minutes, we're going to work on soccer. And next year, we'll do that with the piano. And next year, we're going to do that with meditation. That's my whole kid's life. 18 minutes of reading a day, 18 minutes of writing a day, 18 minutes of math a day,
Starting point is 00:31:44 18 minutes of piano a day, 18 minutes of skateboarding a day, 18 minutes of reading a day, 18 minutes of writing a day, 18 minutes of math a day, 18 minutes of piano a day, 18 minutes of skateboarding a day, 18 minutes of tennis a day. That's my whole kid's trip. 18 minutes of sitting and meditating a day. I think it's crazy. I imagine people believe learning something is going to take some like grand amount of time. You can actually do it pretty quickly. If you just spend a little bit of time every day. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I, um, uh, I remember one time I was talking to someone in the CrossFit community, a really big name in the community. And I said, yeah, I've written two books. And all I did was I spent about an hour every day for like six months. And they got so fucking angry at me because this person's written a bunch of books, huge books in the space. It's not that. It's eight hours a day for six months. I was like, all right, fine. Eight hours?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah, something crazy like that. Maybe more 10 hours. And they poo-pooed me you're sitting down for eight hours on the computer and that's all you're doing is writing i guess i don't know i think when we had brian monarch on the guy who did the what was that book called um about the bitcoin billionaire one i think he said that he just sat down and like for an hour a day and wrote something for an hour oh that guy's name was brian mont no no no sorry that was a comedian um mets no he had a g name ben mets metsfield mets god you have a good memory uh that's what he did he wrote he said he wrote hour a day, like in the morning. Ben Mesrick.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Oh, yeah. Good job. I think he said that he just sat in his office and just piddled around on his computer for an hour a day or something. He just spent – he barely spent any time at all on it. Even just 18 minutes a day reading? Yeah. I guess what I would do – Ben Mesrick. I kind of got into a habit of like reading
Starting point is 00:33:46 20 minutes every day like before i would go to bed yeah and so and i've finished more books in the past six seven months than i have in probably the past four years hey have you noticed that your reading's gotten better yeah like i can i have a better comprehension and I can read faster now. I don't read for a long time and then I read something. I have to read the, the getting back in is crazy. I have to read like the same sentence, every sentence twice. And once I warm up, it's like, Oh, thank God. Now I can just read. I can just like pick out the words now instead of having to like, and the dog ran across the road
Starting point is 00:34:25 because those are the books i'm reading anyway it's children's books bob bob books okay let's go back to uh looking at games athletes um can you pull up that amy kringle kringle podcast that we were fucking with yesterday with pedro yeah pedro hit me up uh from coffee pods and wads and he said he did ask her if she had a boyfriend and he said she's uh he said he really liked her she's cool as shit. He said she was very present. I think that's what he said. And it's at 5630. He asked her if she has a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Someone thought that I was making fun of Pedro because he talks too much. No, I've actually given him the opposite critique. He lets his guests talk too much. So I wasn't making fun of him at all. It was just, I mean, I was making fun of me and Caleb and her and him yesterday.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It was just a little bit. But I wasn't like directly making fun of him. Okay. Coffee Wads and Pods. The host Pedro, 5630. We're going to find out does Amy Kringle have a boyfriend are you in a relationship no
Starting point is 00:35:51 okay have you like you said you had an ex-boyfriend how long ago was that the cyclist oh shit crazy follow-up question this was about two what month I keep losing track of the months like two years ago did he have a big nose so i'd say it's kind of hard if you're if you're
Starting point is 00:36:11 at the level that you're at it's probably hard to have not hard to have a relationship but it's probably a lot more work maybe to have a relationship unless they're also yeah doing crossfit and how you know, unless there's an under, like, I just feel like someone who does CrossFit full time, dating, like, a nurse will be difficult because it'd be a lack of understanding of. But it's just going to be a lack. So he's one more boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Whereas, like, if two people do CrossFit, it's going to be easier to understand, I guess. He can be more empathetic towards sore legs. Why did you break up so why did you break up why did you break up yeah yeah so he was so he does um here we go okay keep in touch with him now and then he does triathlon so like that i guess worked because he understood like what you used to try out as well didn't you ah fuck me hey yeah she is pretty too she's crazy
Starting point is 00:37:09 hot what if there's that show Kate Gordon did Kate Gordon does a show with Con Porter where she asks him all sorts of sexual questions they did a show together
Starting point is 00:37:23 yeah they did a show together. I listened to the whole fucking thing at the end. She asked him if he takes it in the dumper from girls. She does. She does. I mean, they, they,
Starting point is 00:37:38 they talk. Um, but, uh, someone, someone, someone should do that show with the girls where they talk about intimacy oh we used to call it the alphabet game and so it would be like you found us some here we go yeah okay so it would be like literally we'd be like alphabet game we'll take our clothes off and we would just go through the alphabet from a to z and try and think of some sort of sex act with every letter of the alphabet and it was going so like one week like one time i
Starting point is 00:38:09 would start and then we would always say so i'd do a she'd do b and vice versa the next time she'd start with a then i'd start with b and it was oh my god you'd be like like it was kind of always like a try it let's go did you ever get past like e well yeah like i feel like you'd get carried away and you can but we would but that's the thing like that's the whole idea of we enjoyed the fun of that experience that wasn't necessarily an extremely erotic experience it was about just exploring our sexual curiosity and being a bit silly with it all. Like being a little bit kind of like... Can you give me examples of what you would do? How are they just going to leave it like that? I was invested.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah, I forgot that we were doing a podcast. Me too. Oh. Audrey, he is gorgeous. Bailey, Khan is so damn hot. E, oh, Eric, E for elbow. Game would be over with A with my wife. Elbow deep.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Oh, we shouldn't have opened this up. Phillip Kelly, Khan, sexy as fuck. this up uh philip kelly uh con sexy as fuck i don't you guys just leave this podcast and go listen to that one that's if you want to hear con who who wants to hear con talk about his sex life do you want me to play what brian sent us last night play what what brian sent us last night oh yeah that if you have that yeah that's actually a great idea. That will help fix people a little bit. They're off their rocker right now.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I am sweating a little bit. I was thinking about taking my socks off. Here we go. I've had a lot of sexual escapades, as I let you know, like having little adventures with some freaky Chicago girls. And I've come to the realization, I've been talking to one, that I don't think pegging is necessarily that gay. I've had a lot of sexual... Oh my goodness. Mr. McGavin, is that do you think that was an accident?
Starting point is 00:40:33 He fell off. I feel like he looks too awkward for it to be like. Plant, but also maybe he's played to that and he's like, yeah, I'm going to fuck this up. Man. Poor guy. The word the guy is saying, it was the world. Never mind. That's what.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Oh, that was the world saying it was. It is gay. Oh, gotcha. OK. OK. OK. Thank you. Do not put your paw in my coffee god just told him he was wrong oh that's gross yes 100 accident wow
Starting point is 00:41:14 um okay i don't uh oh by the way i I actually there was something in here you know I don't use the word gay play 439 speaking of gay like I don't use the word gay like I would call someone a retard like because
Starting point is 00:41:39 it actually means something but like if someone does something like if that's not actually gay then i don't use the word gay like oh here we go these guys i stopped doing that are so gay you still call things gay yeah i just thought i just i just thought we were extinct really that's retarded oh my god you still say that too people that like me but but retard the reason why i don't use the word gay yeah like i wouldn't say that like
Starting point is 00:42:13 something's gay as fuck unless it was gay as fuck like but like it would have to actually be like it would have to be like two rainbow colored bears having anal but like i don't just refer to something as gay anymore. Like if I went into a bike shop and there were two bikes and I wouldn't be like, I don't like that one. It's gay. I just don't do that.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I stopped doing that years ago. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I feel like, I feel like it's bashing gay people. I haven't done that in 10 years, 20, 30 years. It makes me feel,
Starting point is 00:42:41 people do have done that on our show. Even use the word gay like that i just don't but i'm but i but i'm not hating for those who do i just don't dudes i dudes act pretty gay when you're sitting around each other for six months so yeah that's that's definitely dude sitting around together for six months could be considered gay. Shit gets gay, for sure. Yeah. Here, Christine Young. I do say gay to refer to gay.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Yeah, thank you. Me too. Con is gay as fuck. I agree. I do agree. Is he gay or is he just open? No, he's gay. He doesn't know it, but he's definitely gay.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I don't know. Maybe he's gay he doesn't know it but he's definitely gay or he I don't know maybe he's open I don't understand Khan exactly I do think he's a good dude but he has to be careful because the dark side likes to get the good dudes and you just got to be careful not that the dark side has anything to do with being gay it just has to do with
Starting point is 00:43:43 what's the thing so open that your brain falls out that's a thing yeah i'll show you oh here we go uh 443 i think some people forget what are starting to forget what woke is. You know, it's become, and I make fun of it too, because it's become an eye roll. I only heard it. I don't know what it was three, four years ago, five years ago, we heard the term woke and it was like alert to injustice. Okay, I'm down with that. Yes, it became sort of a byword for a lot of this goofy stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:31 My politics hasn't changed. They've changed. Five years ago, no one was talking about defunding the police. I never heard that phrase five years ago. Letting three-year-olds decide what gender they are. This wasn't something five years ago. Free speech, you know, used to be a left-wing thing that we were proud and owned. And now that seems to be under attack.
Starting point is 00:44:52 You're right. You haven't changed, but the liberals have. When you say woke. Yeah. Woke is when you think it's okay for kids to generally mutilate themselves. Is that the definition now? I i mean it's just all those things that fall into that category i mean i don't know if it's the definition those are all
Starting point is 00:45:12 examples of woke behavior woke behavior is confusing the words gender and sex which which it's fucking look at how fucking which is crazy how many people do it. What's that guy's name? Crowder? Is there a guy, Larry Crowder? Sure. Crowder? I want to show you this video. Play 441. I want to explain to you guys. I know most of you have heard this talk, and maybe now is the time for some of you to get up and go to the bathroom but if you're having a discussion of whether the sasquatch has fur or uh hair and that and and worried about the distinguishing between whether the sasquatch has fur or hair you and you start to forget that the sasquatch isn't real something's fucking wrong
Starting point is 00:46:00 with you and that and those are the pitfalls that human beings fall into and hopefully that just stays in the woke crowd but you're going to see the steven crowder guy is a fucking retard too this chick fucking schools his ass you have to you have to know what's real and what's just a concept like when i'll use this example red does not is does not really mean stop. It's just an idea. And we've decided to act on it. Green does not actually mean go. Money doesn't actually have any real value. These are just things that we agree on.
Starting point is 00:46:41 But a rock falling through the sky is really a rock falling through the sky. Are you guys able to understand the distinction between that? those words are signifiers for something that we're witnessing that we're objectively witnessing that we can observe and then measure that rock was up there and now it's down here we will never be able to measure the fur on sasquatch or uh whether it's fur or hair, we will never be able to measure how much red means stop or how much it means, it's just all made up shit. And some of the, but there's this crazy, and that's what gender is. And that's where all the confusion lies, I think.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I thought it was, it's such a stupid idea that I'm presenting. I can't believe how many fucking people don't get it. But I think maybe that's why where all the idiots are hanging out. such a stupid idea that I'm presenting. I can't believe how many fucking people don't get it. But it, but I, but I think maybe that's why we're all the idiots are hanging out. And that's why there's this confusion between gender and sex. You can look up the definition of the word gender.
Starting point is 00:47:38 It's a cultural phenomenon. There's nothing real about it. Even when you suggest that you have a gender, you're starting to play their game. You're a fucking retard. No one would have a gender if someone didn't introduce the idea to you. A rock exists without the word rock. Do you guys understand that? Do people fucking not understand it? Sex exists without the word sex. It's called your penis and your vagina. It's your chromosomes. Look at this guy's like, what? Yeah, I know. Isn't it weird? I'm sorry. I don't mean to wake you up too quickly in the morning.
Starting point is 00:48:18 There's things that are in your head and in your imagination. And then there's things that are real. When you conflate the two you are a full-blown liberal i mean retard sorry i get those words confused sometimes liberal is not a real fucking thing it's just like it's this it's a word we use we gather up a bunch of fucking thoughts and ideologies and behaviors and inferred and we use those to categorize a group of people. Same with conservative Republican. You guys understand that, right? You have to be able to have some discernment.
Starting point is 00:48:51 Okay, here it goes. Here Crowder says dumb shit again. I saw Donald Trump Jr. doing this dumb shit too the other day. You're just entering the world of idiocy when you guys are fucking conflating words. So what gender do you think you are? I'm a male. Maybe I think you're a woman. No, legally I'm a male.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It says on my driver's license that I'm a male. That's your sex. There you go. You just called him on it. Male and female can be used to describe is that a male gender or is that a male sex. Those two are interchangeable. But the thing on your driver's license is a reference to your sex. The thing on your driver's license is a reference to your sex, not your fucking gender.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah, exactly. Thank you. there's no such thing as gender yeah you can not everyone has a gender if you don't want to play that game what kind of what kind of magician am i in dungeons and dragons i don't play dungeons and dragons and i'm not a magician, I don't have one of those. But everybody has a sex. Everybody. Yeah, Steven Crowder. Yeah, he gets fucking tooled by her. It's because he's so worried about arguing and being right.
Starting point is 00:50:16 He doesn't stop and listen. And he's letting this bitch conflate the words. And you're never going to get anywhere with anyone on that. I saw that and I was like, Jesus Christ me like no science could be done like that you can't be like conflating breast cancer with brain cancer is that a helicopter airplane that just flies that's smart people don't hang out there. Well, actually, unfortunately, more and more smart people are falling asleep in that. Everybody has sex – has asex.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Not everybody has sex. What's the difference between gender and sex? Playing catch-up to this game of semantic jiu-jitsu sex is just something you can point at your penis and you there you have something physical that denotes it that makes it real your chromosomes your cock your vagina your ability to have kids the characteristics of whatever animal you're looking at and gender is just made up shit like um uh irish dudes think that wearing a skirt makes you very manly it's just subjective shit whereas us human us men in the united states thinks wearing a skirt is gay see i use it like that meaning and meaning you like to take cock and it's just all made up stuff just based
Starting point is 00:51:45 it's on cultural norms it's just nothing but people will fall for that shit like someone like someone will ask you what's your gender and the first thing i'll be like i don't got a fucking gender a big old fucking 10 inch kielbasa in my shorts i don't need a gender slap my i slapped my mom with i slapped your mom with my gender last night what what'd you say i said we have kielbasa in the fridge there you go need a gender thank you bob uh bob jerome gender is a social construct referring to characteristics of women men boys girls masculine and feminine oh clive sorry that's more scottish to be fair savvy although we did have some kilts in
Starting point is 00:52:27 ireland too thank you yeah you're right yeah that like us us americans when we see those fucking hairy scottish dudes come out in the skirts and you're a fucking 10 year old boy i'm like oh those dudes fucking are homos from san francisco that's cool let's party but they're not those are like the manliest of men that like chop wood and shit over there. That's just gender shit. That's like Baryshnikov used to wear fucking tights and a wife beater. Looked homo as fuck to people in the States. But to me and my Armenian heritage, I saw him as a Russian fucking gangster god that slayed Beaver. It's just a, it's just a, geez, Louise.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Gender, I hardly know her. Thank you. I'm glad, I'm starting to, yeah, exactly. Does anyone here think that red really means stop? Or it's just something that we've agreed upon so we don't get in car accidents? We all on the same page with that one too? Definitely, because I continue to walk across the street regardless of the light color. Right, right. Fuck you. I ain't accepting red as stop. Definitely because I continue to walk across the street regardless of the light color.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Right, right. Fuck you. I ain't accepting red. Stop. 437. Slade beaver, sea beaver. The different kinds of beaver. Yeah, you got to use thank you. You have to use the word beaver sea beaver at the different kinds of beaver yeah you got to you thank you you have to use the word beaver right that was a freudian slip okay uh okay yeah this is i like this
Starting point is 00:53:54 see most people don't find the love of their own because they're not being the love of their own life you see the law of the universe is you attract what you are. And if you're not being for yourself, what you want to attract, you won't attract it. You will only attract what you are. And if what you're being is desperate, in need, in a state of lack, in not enough for myself, so I need somebody else to fill this for me. You will always attract people who will take advantage of the void that you have within yourself. So you must be able to identify what do I want to attract and then become that for yourself in order to have it in your life. You see, most people.
Starting point is 00:54:45 And I said, when I, when I heard that, I was like, when I met my wife, I was like in a deep, deep, deep search for God,
Starting point is 00:54:52 like crazy search. I wanted to go into the unknown. I wanted to go into the abyss. I wanted to see the power of the universe. I wanted to witness it, experience it. I wanted to serve. I wanted to serve. I wanted to see the power of the universe. I wanted to witness it, experience it. I wanted to serve. I wanted to serve.
Starting point is 00:55:08 I wanted to serve God. I wanted to give my life to that power. Instead, I found Haley. Haley is God. I guess. But it seems it was a good, I'll take it. When I heard that, I was like, oh, what headspace was I in? For years when I met Haley, that was like the headspace I was in.
Starting point is 00:55:36 What do you think? Well, let's stay on this theme with this dude. What do you think about this one? This one I was tripping on a little bit, 436. I wanted to push back on this one a little bit. This one I was tripping on a little bit, 436. I wanted to push back on this one a little bit. I was basically in denial the entire time.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Once I had met my now wife to when we got married. Denial about what? Like that we were going to ever continue to be together. Oh, and then were you like at the wedding and you're like, like oh shit like when did you stop being in denial are you still in denial no i probably stopped being in denial i think we had been together for probably three or four years and then after that i was like all right maybe this will maybe this will work out because i mean did you think you didn't deserve her no i just had a feeling that like she
Starting point is 00:56:31 wasn't going to stick around because i knew i knew from a really long time not that not because of her but because of what i like i always anticipated joining the military yeah and so i was like well this the divorce rate in the military is insane and like nobody maintains relationships while they're in the military so i just assumed that there was no possible chance that it was going to work out but we just you think you did that to protect yourself emotionally meaning you're like okay i like this girl she's fucking everything i could marry her but this bitch is going to kick me to the curb when i go in the military and i'm just going to accept it.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Oh, absolutely. I definitely did that to keep myself from like being emotionally attached or like losing my shit because she's super fucking cool. Yeah. I don't know why but I just love emotional pain. Do you remember the first time you cried over a girl? Yeah. It was my senior year of high school. That long?
Starting point is 00:57:32 That was the first time you cried? Wow, that's pretty good. Yeah. That's quite a run without crying over a girl. Yeah. It was like my first long relationship. And then we were both going to college in different places, like hours apart. And I was like, this isn't going to work out. I'm sorry. and i was like this isn't gonna work out i'm sorry and then he broke up oh god did you go out drinking no i just i would i played uh
Starting point is 00:57:54 soccer at the time so i was like i thought you were gonna say xbox no i played soccer at the time for the college so i I was very focused on playing. I had this girlfriend in the second grade or third grade, Kim Cavender. I would walk her home from school. She was from the South, redheaded girl, crazy accent. I would even hold her hand and shit sometimes. That's crazy. Yeah, and she moved.
Starting point is 00:58:22 You'd hold her hand all the way to the house? No, just a little bit here and there. that's crazy yeah and she moved her hand all the way to all the way to the house no just like a little bit here and there i wanted to touch her so fucking bad like her hair and i wanted to like hold her and like anything you know what i mean yeah like like just like sit on the ground and put your feet against each other you know like and like i just fuck she was so awesome i wonder what happened to her but she fucking moved moved, and I was fucked up. I cried in my mom's arms for a long time. I moved so often that I was just kind of, like, numb to it.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Like, I got used to it, like, making friends with people and then leaving and never talking to them again. So one time I had a friend in— Hey, that shit doesn't happen anymore what are you social media these fucking kids like my nephew came here when to visit me uh i don't know when he was in the sixth grade and now he's 20 and he lives here in santa cruz he just moved here and it's been in those he has the same friends because he kept touch through through him through snapchat or whatever they keep in touch with yeah it's like best friends here it's so weird okay go ahead yeah i had a friend that before we had phones in it or anything i had a friend best friends all the way through elementary school and then while i was when i moved here
Starting point is 00:59:36 he like texted me out of the blue like in the middle of the night and was like hey man i just want to say i'm sorry for the way that i treat. I hadn't talked to this guy in like years. Yeah. And I was like, I just I'm sorry for the way that I treated you and all this shit. And like, I'm trying to be a better person and blah, blah, blah. And it literally read like a suicide note. Yeah. Like he was just like trying to like cut ties with everybody.
Starting point is 00:59:58 I tried to call that guy like 20 times. I'm like, dude, what are you talking about? Like, you can't be doing this shit. Hey, maybe he was going through AA and he was doing like his amends, like step 74 or whatever that is. Yeah, very possible. Finally, I like he responded like probably 12, 15 hours later. But like we hadn't talked for years. And finally, he just like sends me that because we have social media and like he can like we see each other on like a regular basis.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Yeah. Just through the screen. screen but yeah that was fucking wild and and did he kill himself no he stayed he was i think he just like you said i think he was just trying to like make amends for nonsense that he did or something i don't know it was weird um i've never cried over a girl david weed white but i cried every i cry every day over hurt dogs on tiktok i don't even get it there's always tiktoks or like videos or reels of dogs that are like homeless or like need surgery or they swallow too many socks or something and they need their stomach pumped and somebody needs to pay for it because the owners don't have insurance uh feed it to an alligator uh wait what what is this uh uh kenneth the lab uh real men don't cry we just bottle it up there's some truth there's some truth to that i know that's not a popular belief but it is important to push that shit down sometimes i like what uh i did i've told you guys the story when i did get fired from crossfit in 2020 i did my wife's like i got home my wife and i both fired on the same day i'm like did you cry
Starting point is 01:01:35 and she goes yeah i go okay i'm like i'm going in the room uh i'm gonna cry a little bit she's like all right it was so weird like i can't i've been only twice in my life i was like i like i just knew i needed to go do it yeah i know like i didn't like i didn't want to i just went in there and closed the door and laid on the bed and just waited for some tears to come down my face what's got to be really weird is both of you having the same situation occur to you at the same time and both of you having to go through it because i imagine usually and we didn't even talk about it meanwhile we didn't even talk about it i'm not just like did you cry she's like yeah i'm like all right i'm gonna go in the room and cry now i went in there and closed the door and cried i just imagine like when something bad happens it's usually to one partner or the other it's never like at the same
Starting point is 01:02:20 time yeah it's like it's like it it's like oh my mom died but your mom like but it's not your mom so you're good like yeah somebody is able to support in that situation that's fucking crazy you know it's crazy too is he i mean it obviously it's just so fucked financially and um we didn't even like it was like too bad to even talk about yeah like like even to this day like every once in a while she's like uh do you want to talk about our finances i'm like not really she's like all right let me know when you do uh she's such a good girl what is this where we were yeah okay yeah okay enough of that crying and about my fucking life falling apart all right here we go hey hey i'm just joking no one fucking send me uh something tell me are is everything okay i get worried about you
Starting point is 01:03:12 everything's fine i'm just i'm just being melodramatic me and my wife are great um she paid the mortgage this month uh everything's every we're we're sticking in there. Everyone be chill. Do this exercise with me real quick. It's another fun one. Cross your arms. Now, cross your arms the other way. You feel that? It feels weird. It's like, what the f***? This is not right.
Starting point is 01:03:48 What you're experiencing is cognitive dissonance. It's your brain saying, hey, this isn't how we do things. Like, go back. You feel the discomfort. If you're keeping your arms that way, you feel the discomfort. Like this urge to go back to like the original way you cross your arms that way you feel the discomfort like this urge to go back to like the original way you cross your arms this happens anytime we try to change something in our lives for the better what we're not familiar with our brain will always try to go back to the familiar get comfortable with being uncomfortable do this exercise with me real quick. Hey. In college,
Starting point is 01:04:31 this is so inappropriate. In college, this girl jerked me off once like this. More than once. But instead of like this, she jerked me off like this. You know, with her hand like this, like shotgun style, I guess it's called.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Okay. And I switched. off like this you know with their hand like this like shotgun style i guess it's called okay and and i switched i switched at the end i mean not permanently but i but i switched i was like wow how how have i uh it's like i thought i knew how to jerk myself off the bed. Yeah. It's like going at the park and being in like you're on the monkey bars and you're the kid who always climbs to the top and then walks across the top. You know, that kid, it's like Avi. And then one day you see a kid to use the monkey bars like this and you're like, no shit. You can hang from them.
Starting point is 01:05:20 It was like, wow. I was like, wow. I was like, uh, wow wow i never would have guessed there's something so much more masculine jerking off like this than like this i can't really explain it it's like flipping someone off like this versus like this this is so much more masculine this has like some valley girl shit in it yeah it's like when someone grooms their beard too much, you know what I mean? It's like your eyebrows are done.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Your beard's groomed. You're all coiffed and you're a dude. And it's like, and then you have the tattoos and you get the lotion on them. It's like, it's too much. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:00 There's something just like, kind of just. You're going to have like 10 people after the show. Try that out. I hope so. I like a hand job like it's the last bit of ketchup in the bottle. You like getting a little pat. Oh, my goodness that would be so funny if a girl did that to you she was jerking you off and like you just weren't busting up so she started slapping you on the back really hard you're like what are you doing she's like i'm trying to get it out that would be so funny god if you're a girl please do that to what your boyfriend and tell me how that, tell me what he says.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Hit him right on the small of his back, like right above like his butt crack. Really hard. Just start slapping him on there. Like with the heel of your hand too. Oh my goodness. That's funny I will tell you this there's a lot of stupid like advice out there like in women's magazines like of stuff that like you should try with your guy so much stupid shit like as he's ejaculating push on that spot between his like
Starting point is 01:07:25 anus and his ball sack and like the button yeah whatever just like there's just all sorts of like there's your boyfriend does not want you trying anything new like just just stick to like what you know but same old hand job yeah but i will tell you this with peace and love. If you want to expedite a hand job, use both hands. That's it. That's all I'm going to tell you. Or if you want to emasculate them, use both hands.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And be like, where's your penis? Okay. Enough of that we're never gonna get any sponsors never um i you know i've had my issues with matt walsh but i throw him in the category with james o'keefe i just um no no it's for everyone trust me it's for everyone quiet mason you don't know shit when's Throw him in the category with James O'Keefe. I just – no, no. It's for everyone. Trust me. It's for everyone. Quiet, Mason.
Starting point is 01:08:28 You don't know shit. When's the last time you had a two-handed handy? I don't know what you're talking about. I've had my – but there's these people you've got to give a pass to. They're just doing so much good in the world that I just give them a pass. It would be like um i just i give james o'keefe like if james o'keefe took a sandwich from a pregnant woman i i zero judgment zero and that excuse me matt walsh it's hard for me to judge him because he's done so much good
Starting point is 01:08:59 um yeah but that that's just a little much you You expedite a hand job, use your mouth. I mean, that's just asking a little much. I'm just saying. I mean, of course, but I'm just saying, like. Bare minimum. Just double hand on that thing, and that thing will blow. I think he did get removed. Develop yo self.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I get it. See it? Develop yo self. Wow, that was great. Thank you. Not even grass. See it. Develop yourself. Wow. That was great. Thank you. I'm not falling for that again. Um,
Starting point is 01:09:34 uh, what causes neck issue? Yeah. Yeah. Blowjob causes neck issues. Very dangerous. And I like Matt Walsh. I just,
Starting point is 01:09:42 I like what he's done. And if he, I'm kind of okay. I mean, he's, he's pretty conservative of like maybe even beyond my liking, but I don't care. Like, I don't care if he not worried about him hurting anyone's feelings.
Starting point is 01:09:55 He's done too much. Good. Okay. Go ahead. Insults. Dylan Mulvaney as eerie, weird, and bizarre. You can get the point across without saying it. There's nothing he said that isn't true, but it accomplishes nothing.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Factually, he's not wrong. If your job is to win hearts and minds, I don't think this is the best way of doing it. They all agree that I'm right, but they think that it goes too far by saying it out loud. I'm here to tell you that you are delusional. We got into this position in our culture precisely by valuing politeness over truth. think that it goes too far by saying it out loud. I'm here to tell you that you are delusional. We got into this position in our culture precisely by valuing politeness over truth. Where did you get this idea? That the way to win the culture is by being nice. Is that how the left won the culture? Have you been paying attention at all? When I look at what these people have done to our country, the devastation they have wrought on a generation of children and adults alike. I get very angry. These people are after my kids and yours and everyone else's.
Starting point is 01:10:50 So yes, my words reflect anger because I am angry. But the problem is not that I'm angry. The problem is that you aren't nearly angry enough. Matt Walsh. So for those of you who don't know who Dylan Mulvaney is, Dylan Mulvaney is this TikTok wonder star dude that turned into a girl. And I guess he called – I guess Matt Walsh called him eerie, weird, and bizarre. And Dylan Mulvaney is eerie, weird, and bizarre. There are some very eerie, weird, and bizarre. There's some very eerie, weird, and bizarre qualities of them. Maybe you could pull out and look. Maybe there's a different...
Starting point is 01:11:30 And I'm okay with little name calling. This person is eerie, weird, and bizarre. To be completely honest, I have trouble looking at this person. A couple of my friends send me a lot of the transgender stuff and I just don't even click it because I it's to me it looks like a crash they look like crash victims I feel like I'm looking at a victim of someone who got hit by a car and like disfigured or dismembered it's the the same way. I have trouble looking at some women. Like when I'm in LA, I've had all that plastic surgery and their lips are doing that weird shit. This dude just looks like some LA chick to me. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:14 this can, can you go back to, we'll go back to Matt Walsh's Instagram and you can see on his Instagram. I think on the clip, maybe go to the wide, the, all of his posts and we can pick one where he rips Dylan, Dylan Mulvaney. But Dylan Mulvaney is huge on social media, like his biggest catcher in David's Daughter. Oh, here we go. Let's see. Might be the hottest I've ever looked and will ever look in my lifetime.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Dylan Mulvaney is intentionally degrading women every time he does this woman-face minstrel show routine. He is insulting and demeaning them and profiting off of it. Since I have two daughters and a wife, I take this kind of thing personally, which is why I have to say to Dylan, you do not pass as an attractive woman or as a woman at all. Even with 50 pounds of makeup and plastic surgery
Starting point is 01:13:06 and clever lighting tricks, even then you still cannot escape what you really are and what you will always be. Even your personality is contrived. Even the people who pretend to accept you as a woman are only pretending because they're afraid of being lectured if they don't. You will never be able to actually have the identity
Starting point is 01:13:23 that you're trying to appropriate, nor will you ever be able to fully have the identity that you're trying to appropriate, nor will you ever be able to fully escape the identity that you're fleeing. The best you can hope for is some kind of limbo, the worst of all worlds. And yet, even in that limbo state, you will still be a man, just not one that any of us can respect. I mean, I fucking it's harsh as all that is. I fucking agree. That is that's never going to pass as a woman. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:13:51 And she's not attractive or he's not attractive and everything about him is fake. The personality is fake. The voice is fake. It's just all fake. My life is so fucking easy because I don't have to do, I do nothing. I've even lost my razor. I pack my razor up to go to Broken Science and I can't find it. What were you going to say, Caleb? Sorry, I'm waiting to get to the picture that I was going lost my razor. I packed my razor up to go to broken science and I can't find it. Are we going to say Caleb? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I'm waiting to get to the picture that I was going to talk about, but it looks like it's just caked on. Like if you were to just like, take your finger. Right. Yeah. And just, that's why I don't,
Starting point is 01:14:16 that's why I don't respect so many of those fitness influencer girls either. Cause they put in as much work to their look as, as a, this, this girl, I used to love Christmas Abbott, just fucking showing up somewhere with a ponytail and no makeup and just
Starting point is 01:14:28 sweat pouring off of her. And then I would see her all dressed up and I'm like, what did she do? Why? I love nothing more than my wife is sweaty as fuck and a pair of Lululemons or a tennis skirt. Yeah. It's pretty.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I don't even like God can you I was going to say something that was really gross I was going to say can you imagine kissing that you'd just be covered in a layer of makeup yourself I don't even like the smell of that stuff
Starting point is 01:14:58 yeah it's yeah I'm okay with Matt Walsh full throttle baby destroy seek and destroy like it's um yeah i'm okay with matt walsh full throttle baby destroy seek and destroy like it's um it's yeah protect your protect your uh protect your wife and your and your daughters at all costs and hayden what you got to do there's nothing there's nothing over top i mean that's full-blown mental illness that is not what you were not made to live like that i mean and i know we all go through maybe a fate i don't know if we all do but people go through phases where they do fake and they posture i
Starting point is 01:15:35 mean caleb went is still in the phase where he dresses up and he thinks he's in the air force um puts on like garb and shit and like hasn't a military ID bought online, but there becomes a point where he'll just stop. If you need one, I know a guy. Thank you. I'm dead. God,
Starting point is 01:16:00 there's poor golf kids in high school. Do you remember all that shit that they would do? Think about how normal they seem now. Right. Like those are the cool kids now. That's like a trend. It's like where the goth chick's at. People just like, that's like a.
Starting point is 01:16:23 A hashtag? No, yeah. I guess it's like a hashtag, but like guess it's like a hashtag but like a i don't want to say a fetish but like something that people are into now it's goth chicks it took me forever to figure out what a hashtag is oh are there still goth chicks is that is that still a thing i think so i i remember being in college and uh there were there the vast majority of the hippies that i hung out with worked so hard to be hippies. They got the corduroy pants. They would cut them.
Starting point is 01:16:50 They'd sew the patches in them. They'd put the egg whites or egg yolks in their hair to make dreads. I mean, they worked so hard. That's how they do it. Yes. They would collect all they would have, like all the cassettes of Grateful Dead concerts. It was just a crazy. God, it was just a crazy um god it was crazy there were so few of us that were just dirt twirlers we were just got our clothes out of the free box and didn't wear shoes
Starting point is 01:17:13 yeah it was it was yeah it's crazy how hard people try to fit in. Okay, let's do something really weird. You guys want to do something really weird? This is like so far out of my comfort zone. I don't know. The show is really morphed, I feel like. Someone asked in the beginning, what's the show about? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Big Kitty Goth Girls. Big Kitty Goth Girls. Oh. I think she Goth Girls. Oh. I think she corrected herself. Oh. Yeah. Ronnie Eaton. Ronnie Eaton.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Ron Ronnie Eaton. Ronnie Eaton. Nope. Regular name. So I've got a team of three and we miss sign up for Pensacola Beach Brawl. We live in Alabama and suggestions for good competitions. Also we suck. Oh,
Starting point is 01:18:07 like, no, I don't know any of that stuff. Sorry. Uh, if you suck, I know a guy. That's me.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Uh, my real name. There's, I, I don't even, someone, you guys are going to have to go wild in the comments here and caleb and i are gonna have to do some real research i didn't research this at all this is 429
Starting point is 01:18:30 i'm gonna play two clips for you i do not understand what's going on here at all but while caleb plays this i'm gonna google michael perkins and see and see what I get. You want me to play this? Sure, yeah, yeah. Is Michael Jackson really Teddy Perkins? Could Teddy Perkins' character attending Grammy Awards be Michael Jackson's disguise? I don't know who that guy was I hugged,
Starting point is 01:19:04 but it was the guy from Atlanta. He showed up. Inside, Teddy Perkins' character was so respectable that everyone was buttoning up in front of him. Could master of disguise Michael Jackson have attended the Grammy Awards and made a big craze? No, he's alive. He developed a rare skinze. Michael Jackson wins.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Because the truth always wins. If you want to watch the video in more detail, click on the link in our biography. Why do I feel like super creepy all of a sudden? It's fucking weird. Someone sent me a whole slew of weird shit. Look at Vindicate. What the fuck is this? Okay, now click the next one.
Starting point is 01:20:05 Click the next one. Has anyone ever even heard of Teddy Perkins? That's the same link twice. Oh, it is? Okay. Does anyone know who that is? Is that someone famous? Who is Teddy?
Starting point is 01:20:18 The character Teddy Perkins, while not entirely, is reportedly heavily based on Michael Jackson. Hiro Murai, sounds like a Japanese name, was nominated for the 2018 Emmy in Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series category for Atlanta. Teddy Perkins, 2018, but lost to Amy Sherman Palladino for The Marvelous Miss Maisel. Did I say the guy's name was Teddy Perkins? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Donald Glover plays Teddy. Yeah. That's not, that's not, I don't, you think that was Donald, a guy named Donald Glover? Yeah, that's super weird so he's that's a that's a that's a tv character for some show yeah donald glover plays him what's donald glover look like yeah here i'll show you is donald glover a black guy? Oh, shit. No shit. Oh, how can they be in the same place then?
Starting point is 01:21:35 That's Donald Glover with the character he plays? Well, that's some weird shit. Yeah, look at the neckline. It looks like they're either wearing a mask or they have a bunch of makeup on. Oh, yeah, shit. Wow. So somebody yeah, shit. Wow. So somebody's playing them. But I guess in the show, it is Childish Gambino.
Starting point is 01:21:54 Donald Glover is Childish Gambino. Those are a bunch of different names. Oh, really? Donald Glover and Childish Gambino are the same dude? Yeah. Donald Glover. Childish Gambino is like his music name. God, that's a lot to uncover.
Starting point is 01:22:10 So is that really? So that's a, that's a different Ted. That's not, we don't know who that is in the red jacket there. Cause the guy in the left childish Gambino normally plays that dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:22 That's some weird shit. That face just is so fucking freaky. Yeah, look at those cheekbones. The eyes. Yeah, look at this guy saying, yeah, Donald Glover is Teddy Perkins. Well, not in this photo, he's not. Yeah, it's super trippy. Weird. Weird.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Anyway, all right. It's like a nightmare. We'll stay on top of that story for you guys. Michael Jackson. So I already decided I'm not homophobic. I'm erasing 4 4 426 okay good good i'm glad we could uh get to the bottom of that today thank you you helped me through that i'll bring back the uh the act anytime thank you appreciate it uh
Starting point is 01:23:20 don't give a fuck just keep the i don't give a fuck. Just keep the, I don't give a fuck. Just keep piling up. Fair. I fair. I fair enough. Uh, four 25. Uh, basically you're going to play these two back to back. Oh, is that the same clip again?
Starting point is 01:23:40 It's the same clip twice. God, I'm really fucking this up yeah it is you want me to play it anyway yeah go ahead play it anyway so so this is uh hold on this is a matthew uh boudreaux's um instagram account this guy's been on the show several times um he says there are some amazing teachers out there though the government school system is something i i'm adamantly against this is not one of those teachers either way get out he says this guy's the one of the founders of the acton academy sending your young hero to be trained by the enemy for 13 years is hardly a great strategy no matter how many good people are involved in doing the
Starting point is 01:24:24 training if you need help breaking that cycle we've got your back this is some really really hardly a great strategy, no matter how many good people are involved in doing the training. If you need help breaking that cycle, we've got your back. This is some really, really gross shit you're about to see. Master's degree, because when I got certified, I was told I had to have a master's degree to be an Arizona certified teacher. We all have advanced degrees. What do the parents have? Are we vetting the backgrounds of our parents? Are we allowing the parents to choose the curriculum in the books that our children are going to read? I think that it's a mistake. I'm just speaking from the heart. The one line that I love is, we must remember that the purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught. It is to teach them what society needs them to be
Starting point is 01:25:12 taught. We, I have a whole premise is that she has a master's degree. Fuck man, get your kids out. I don't know how to say it. Get your fucking kids out. These people... If you want someone to talk to, by the way, if you're thinking about homeschooling, you can always DM me. Talk to anyone.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I'll have my wife talk to you. I'll talk to you. I know it's scary, but if you can offer any structure or schedule for your kids at home, keep them away from the screens, I'm telling you, they'll turn out great. Teach them some values. Oh, there you go. Or Kenneth to lap or DM me, go to a Jeremy Kinnick's Instagram account. He's got tons of information. I think,
Starting point is 01:26:14 um, in a couple of days too, we're going to have a guy on who's like a fucking homeschooling guru. He's so great. Uh, Ronnie Eaton, uh, got six kids might actually dm you wow six
Starting point is 01:26:27 uh 424 it's impossible to express the shitty ideas and behaviors of these people oh this may have gone with fortune maybe i screwed it up maybe this is Oh, this may have gone with 425. Maybe I screwed it up. Maybe this is part of 425. No. Oh, yeah. So just so you guys know, this guy on the right here, I think he ran for president. His name is Budij. And he is the secretary, travel secretary, road – he's the biden put in charge of like roads and travel like he's responsible to oversee the government's uh responsibility with airplanes and highways and trains and department of the department of transportation secretary god i can't believe that came to me and uh here he he has not been to east pal, Ohio yet. This is so weird.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Follow that up with asking, will you be heading there? I am planning to come. I've been careful to respect the independent role of the NTSB and stay out of their way. But we're now entering the phase where it's about policy. It's about what my department does, which is ensuring that there's a high standard for these railroad companies. department does, which is ensuring that there's a high standard for these railroad companies. And I think an important part of that process is to be with the residents of East Palestine, to hear their stories and to talk about the action that we're taking right now.
Starting point is 01:27:54 So I'll follow that up with asking, will you? How is that even an answer? How the fuck is that an answer? He just asked him if he's going there and he says something about respecting the NTSB and then now it's my office almost time for my office to do something holy shit like he was waiting for somebody to make a move and now he's like
Starting point is 01:28:16 alright I'm gonna take over or just get down there dude just offer the people can you imagine living down there people must be scared shitless. Oh, yeah. Let's see if I can find this. He's such a shitty person.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Hey, now's not the time to play politics. Why not just fucking be like, oh, my God. Stop playing politics. Is that what he is? Is he the transportation secretary? I don't know. You tell me. I didn't say what he was. he the transportation secretary i don't know you tell me i didn't say what he was i'm trying to say i'm trying to say something yeah thank you billions the dollars overseas to protect somebody else's border what about uh let me see us what about us
Starting point is 01:29:00 what about us i'm not asking for a fortune. I'm just asking for some justice. Whether you vote for me or not. These people are just like, they're going kind of crazy. We're going to be looking for a lot of chemicals, including dioxin. We're doing a lot of soil sampling and water sampling. My view is that it was a bad decision to release it and burn it. I have undergraduate and graduate degrees in chemical engineering. I mean, I've brought respirators and stuff with us the problem is to wear a respirator you need to know
Starting point is 01:29:28 what to protect from right hydrocarbons acid gases we're here i think the first group independently to try to figure out what should be here because what they were measuring most of the time is what they call vocs which is just some generic it's not a specific chemical, right? I couldn't in good conscience. I thought BOCs was like people of color or something. BIPOC. Black Indigenous People of Color? Yeah. Oh, BIPOC. BIPOC.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Yeah, it's pretty shitty. I can't believe that nobody's done anything about that yet. I'm trying to get this dude on who's like an expert on the crash. He's a pretty cool Asian dude. Pete was given the position as a concession to his presidential run. He has zero experience in this role. Mike McCaskey. Man. Makes you wonder who else gets put in those positions, huh? What number was that? 424.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Oh, good. It's gone. What about 427? I'm looking for the follow-up to that Matt Boudreaux post. There was a second post I found that I wanted to clump it together with it. Oh, this is fucking crazy, too. Listen to this shit this is elon this is the guy that owns tesla by the way here we go so much power over the white house that they can exclude tesla from ev summit in case that wasn't enough then you then you have uh president biden with mary barra at a subsequent event congratulating uhulating Mary for having led the
Starting point is 01:31:07 EV revolution. I believe it was in the same quarter that GM delivered 26 electric vehicles and Tesla delivered 300,000. They have so much power over the White House. They have so much power over the White House that they can exclude Tesla from an EV summit. In case that wasn't Electric Vehicle Summit. Then you have uh president biden with mary barra at a subsequent event congratulating uh mary for having led the ev revolution i believe it was in the same he's talking about how he wasn't invited to some electric electronic vehicle vehicle summit i don't know how old this is and mary barra is the chief executive officer, CEO, of General Motors. They had made 20 – they had sold like – what did he say? 26 electric cars, and he had sold 300,000?
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yeah, crazy, right? There's a little bit of politics involved. That's wild. That's wild. Bob Jerome, this is all bullshit. The Dems will steal elections until Republicans learn how to counter. This is a pretty bad administration. Pretty bad. this is a, this is a bad, this is a pretty bad administration. Pretty bad. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:30 four 22 doesn't have anything written on it either. Maybe it's four 22. I'm looking for, man, I've gotten, I was sloppy last night. Oh no, sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah. Four 22. The surgery center today and I'm going to tell you why I will never run out of job.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Okay. So look at this time is at 7am and they have all the breakfast ready and look at the cookies. This is a cake, muffin, biscuits. And if you come all the way over here, you have croissant. You have this. I don't know what this is, but this looks like a big cake. And look at this. This is lasagna.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Lasagna, I will never pronounce this properly, but something that is not good as well. This is not only inside the surgery center. I'm pretty sure this is outside the surgery center in the kitchens of all the other patients, families, rooms as well. So that is why I'm saying that my job will be evergreen until this changes. So I'm Dr. Paul Manicom, probably some sort of heart surgeon, right? It's crazy what everybody eats on a regular basis.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Dr. Paul Manikin is saying that because of the shitty food that they serve in the hospital, he will always have people to operate on. Thank you very much. Come again. Get your Slurpee at the 7-Eleven. Thank you. Not just any 7-Eleven. His dad's 7-Eleven. Thank you. Not just any 7-Eleven. His dad's 7-Eleven.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Yeah. Go to my dad's 7-Eleven, buy a large Slurpee, drink for six years straight, then come. I will perform open heart surgery on you. Thank you. Yeah. Whenever I go into the break room at work, it's just covered in sugar and carbs and bullshit. And none of it is good for you. Look what I wrote for four 13.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Can you see four 13? Uh, yeah, my wife, my wife is that my wife asked me yesterday. Well, in a gentle way to stop saying that word around the house, like don't call the kids pussies or stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Yeah. I didn't realize that that is like people get offended by calling, being called pussies. I started saying that again recently. Yeah. And I started getting scolded for it. By your wife? People in general.
Starting point is 01:35:09 They all look at me like, what? You can't say that. Yeah. I get my, my wife is Mike. One of my, one of my kids has been using it calling, calling other people pussies. Oh shit. I'm such a horrible dad.
Starting point is 01:35:27 So I've been told to... And I'm going to try to. I'm not going to try it. I'm going to just keep it on the show. This is called 413 Pussy Delivered. Hello? It's Megan. Megan who?
Starting point is 01:35:44 The one with all the awesome stuff for you. What kind of stuff? Coffee, pussy, and juice? And cigarettes? Next door, honey. Next door. Hello? hello that dude fucking that dude was having pussy coffee and juice and cigarettes delivered to his house
Starting point is 01:36:15 yeah don't call your kids pussies yeah that the thing is is you're not supposed to do it because it's like insensitive but the real thing is is you just don't want your kids calling other people that. God, that was brilliant. Just when Tiger Woods handed that dude a tampon. God, it's so good. I fucking love that. Oh, it's so good. You know there's worse shit going on in the golf course than that.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Oh, my God. It's so good. I feel like golfers are probably the worst offenders of everybody uh jay my uh that's a pretty good accent there um i uh ruffner jay ruffner jay ruffner jay ruffner jay ruffner um uh this is that's actually my real voice. This is actually my real voice, Jay, and I have to pretend to have an American accent for this show. Thank you. Now you know.
Starting point is 01:37:23 How about 411? A correlation between strength and happiness. Strength and happiness. I wonder what happened to this guy. They're saying that he was set up. They found evidence that he was set up. Are they letting him out? I don't,
Starting point is 01:37:48 I haven't seen anything past that yet. His name is Emery Andrew Tate. My father was Emery Andrew Tate also. I'm named after him and I was built to live in his image. I understood a lot of basic tenants and a lot of basic things about the world for a very long time. I understood that physicality is important. It's the bottom line. It's the final decider. It's actually kind of interesting that a lot of basic tenets and a lot of basic things about the world for a very long time. I understood that physicality is important. It's the bottom line. It's the final decider. It's actually kind of interesting that a lot of these tech guys and tech people, they pretend physicality doesn't
Starting point is 01:38:12 matter and they make all this money and they own Facebook and Amazon and whatever. But eventually they end up doing MMA like Zuckerberg or taking testosterone replacement like Jeff Bezos. It gets to a point where you finally must accept the reality that your physicality and your mentality as a man are linked and you cannot be happy and strong in your mind if you are weak in your body. You need to have a strong body to have a strong mind as a man. There's no way to escape it. And that's one of the reasons why I preach so much about training, learning to fight, get in the gym, get bigger, get stronger. You will fix your mind if you fix your body. You should be as mind if you fix your body. You should be as strong as you possibly can.
Starting point is 01:38:47 My name is Emory. I want to add to that, by the way. I think that there's, God, man, I think there's some like absolute truth that he's saying there. And if you're a woman and you don't go after a man who has that in his mind, who views the world this way, then you're not going to be happy with that man and if you are a man who doesn't see whatever the attributes are that make a woman a woman
Starting point is 01:39:12 then you're not you're going to end up not being happy we need that other we need that other half i don't want to say what necessarily what those attributes are for a woman, but man, these dudes who are getting involved with these alpha women, you are going to have some real tough roads ahead of you. Caller, hi. You want a mama. Hey, man, what's up? You want a mama. A man wants a mama woman. Like, I didn't even know my wife was a mama woman. Thank God she turned into one. But you want a mama a man wants a mama a mama woman like i didn't even know my wife was a mama woman thank
Starting point is 01:39:47 god she turned into one but you want a mama woman hey what's up dude so uh long time listener for some caller oh i thought you were will plumber okay go let's do this let's party good to have you on buddy all right so uh you've mentioned in the past you ran into Yao Ming once, and I want to know if there's a story there. Oh, yeah, yeah. I was homeless at the time, and I would shower and work out at the rec center at UC Santa Barbara. And I remember I was out in the field just outside the rec center. I don't remember what I was doing there. I had just gotten there. I was probably stretching or something or locking my bike up or maybe I was running some sprints or doing something just outside the rec center i don't remember what i was doing there i just gotten there i was probably like stretching or something or locking my bike up or maybe like i was running some sprints or doing something just outside the rec center and i looked at the rec center the pool was outdoor and i looked inside you know the steel bars and i could see holy shit it was empty
Starting point is 01:40:36 the place was empty and there was a dude laying on a lawn chair and he was so fucking big it was like one of those things where i looked away and looked at him looked away and looked at him because i was like did i eat some moldy pizza how the fuck could someone be that big it was literally like that and he was must have been young at the time like maybe 16 or 17 i don't know he was a kid and so i go in there and i and i normally didn't swim um at least not first i would usually work out first and but i went straight to the pool and he was in a lawn chair and i started laying out my shit in the lawn chair next to his so i could be close to him and just examine this this creature and it was a fucking asian dude who had a fucking is the femur the one between the knee and the hip? Yes. I just remember looking at that bone on him and thinking that bone in him looks like it might weigh or be bigger than me as a human being.
Starting point is 01:41:34 I just remember. And I just hung out there. You know what it was, I think, too? It was Michael Jordan ran his camp. Oh, I lost the color. Anyway. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:41:47 I didn't, I didn't, I don't think I hung up on you. Hi. Hi. We got disconnected. Sorry. I didn't mean to hang up.
Starting point is 01:41:56 No, it was me. It was my fault. Okay. Michael Jordan was running, ran a basketball camp out of there at a UC Santa Barbara. I wonder if you could, I wonder if I could fact check that if I'm making that up.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Michael Jordan basketball camp Santa Barbara. Michael Jordan Basketball Academy. That's cool. Is it in Santa Barbara he did one at UCSB but that was in 2017
Starting point is 01:42:31 did he do this would have been 19 no this would have been 2000 2000 anyway there were shit loads of famous basketball players there I don't remember seeing Michael Jordan but like maybe it was like Charles barkley or someone i saw some famous people i'm almost certain it was anyway yeah so i just saw him there and i just was just tripping on him
Starting point is 01:42:53 but i had no idea who he was you know what i mean i don't think he was yaoming yet yeah yeah it's interesting it's interesting it's cool man i got i got a couple questions can i continue oh please please yeah so uh this is kind of a heavier question but uh is there That's interesting. That's cool, man. I got, I got a couple of questions. Can I continue? Oh, please, please. Yeah. So this is kind of a headgear question, but is there anything that your kids could do that would make you not love them? I, I, I don't know. I, I, I've thought about that. I've thought about that question many times. Get tattoos. And I, I, I really don't know. I do. And I and i and i and i don't have a favorite i i
Starting point is 01:43:29 love them equally um but there there is definitely there's been as they get older there's things that um i don't know what the word is but there are but there are some things that frustrate me that I'm watching, that I'm watching inside of me, that I want to make sure don't grow. I don't want to have any – basically, at the end of the day, I don't want to put any barrier that my kid doesn't feel comfortable coming to me with. You know what I mean? Do you have an example of what you're referring to? I don't, but sometimes I just a like i'm angry at them like like in a way that i'm not like as they get older and they do more things that that make me angry like so i'll give you an example of something that makes me angry that i just don't give a fuck about but that makes me angry um i uh yesterday
Starting point is 01:44:22 they had taken a table and put it on this oriental rug in my living room and they'd taken their notebooks in there and they were drawing on their notebooks with colored markers and i walked in there and they didn't want me to see what they were writing because they wanted to surprise me so they threw their notebooks underneath this table that's on a fucking rug that i had in my that my that's been in my family for let's say 100 years and it's on the white section and i'm like guys you can never have pencils and pens in this fucking room do you hear me i've told you that a fucking dozen times the fuck out of here go do that on the table
Starting point is 01:44:56 and they pick up all their shit and they scramble out there and in in i'm falling into the weeds here but at that point i feel kind of bad because they were excited to show me something. So I go over there and I calm down. I talk to them. But like that shit doesn't – that's not the kind of stuff I'm talking about. Like that shit, I don't even care. That's all an act on my part. But there's some other behaviors.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I can't put my finger on them, but maybe some attributes, deep characteristics that I see sometimes as I'm that. I'm like, man, I got to make sure I don't let that irritate me. I got to like, I got to accept that. I got to make sure I accept that. I wish I could think of one to give you. I can't, I can't think of, um, I can't, I can't think of anything specific right now, but no, I can't, I can't, I can't imagine imagine it i'm in a space where i would die for my kids like almost constantly well can i can i put a situation out there please what if one of your kids killed one of your other kids uh well you you know what's interesting is that you say that is uh one of my kids did kill one of my kids yesterday no um i i they they they really fight a lot like they love fighting there's so much combat shit going on in their downtime and sometimes when they start like
Starting point is 01:46:15 they'll start wrestling and they'll be something sharp around or a door and i'll say to them i'll be like hey dude do you guys ever think of the fact that if one of you really severely injured your brother knocked took hurt scratched his eye or broke his arm or that you'd be able to live with yourself and they look at me like i'm a fucking idiot they're like dude we're six and eight shut up and uh well i so i would i would say that that's not super uh malicious but what if they uh like had a had malice in it honestly i don't think i i don't think i could i don't think i would hate that i don't think i could i don't think i could hate the kid yeah but i but i might kill myself i i i'm trying i it's really not good'm watching your kids not get along with each other.
Starting point is 01:47:05 It's like the worst thing for a parent. I mean, I told the kids recently they were fucking hitting each other and I go, Hey, how would you feel? And it always escalates. I go, how would you feel if I hit your mom? They go, we'd hate it. I'm like, well, dude, I love you guys so much. And you guys are just fucking beating the shit out of each other.
Starting point is 01:47:22 They're like, don't worry about it. I'm like, all right. Hey, did you kill your Heidi? As has a question did you kill one of your brothers or sisters no i no i did not good question no no no uh do you have any siblings i do have a sister did you guys get what's your age gap uh she's just two years older than me two and a half years older no we we got we fought horribly and we were latchkey kids i was i was tortured as a kid like torture yeah yeah my life i mean like getting a shit beat out of me by her was like just seemed like or being torment i just feel like i was there was always
Starting point is 01:47:55 some sort of beef between us and you know from 7 to 15 i was home alone with her when my parents worked and it was fucking gnarly but but we fixed it somehow we fixed it uh i don't know i don't know who the instigator was i was a pretty nice fucking kid i was a pretty nice yeah i was a pretty nice boy um and my sister definitely was uh my sister was a badass i was not a badass like my sister would go outside in the yard and just beat up the neighbor's kid like older boy or something like she was she was a tough kid but um but now i'm very close to my sister like like yeah like i would call like i would just call her just to say hi and just shoot the shit have you guys ever discussed uh uh your your past, I mean, kind of just like this,
Starting point is 01:48:45 like, fuck, that was tough, man. You would be on me. I don't have any ill, any ill will towards her for it. Zero.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Yeah. Like zero. I would do anything for her or her family. I really fucking love my sister. She's kind of a hero to me. Yeah. Uh, so interesting.
Starting point is 01:49:03 I'm one of eight. I've got seven siblings holy shit wow it's a lot yeah yeah my biggest regret to this day is how i treated my younger sibling i was i was horrible to them which which number were you you were the oldest yeah yeah so i'm number three i've got two older sisters and then five younger siblings and uh i was i was horrible to them and that's uh by far my biggest regret to this day it's crazy did you did you ever touch them inappropriately uh not not sexually but uh i would uh i would lay hands on them inappropriately
Starting point is 01:49:36 oh yeah then if you didn't do anything sexually you're at the you didn't do nothing you're good okay well thank you it's okay a few black eyes a broken arm like to be to be honest with you that's like just the biggest thing that having three boys the boys are capable of fucking anything as you know and so i just need to make sure that they don't do anything stupid to each other and that's another reason why i never wanted to see an ipad or an iphone or like just crazy shit because i don't want them to, let me tell you when I was a little kid, there was a boy down the street whose dad was a cocaine dealer and he'd seen, he'd seen dicks in girls' mouths and he would put his dick in any kid's mouth,
Starting point is 01:50:16 lickety split on the street, boy or girl. And thank God I, my mom didn't let me go down there and play at that house, but fuck I would, the stories I would hear that kid's dick was in everyone's mouth. And I guarantee, I bet you that's more kids than not. I bet you that's this journey of a lot of kids. And, um, I don't want my kids to be a part of that until,
Starting point is 01:50:38 you know, until they're older, like nine and a half. No, no, I'm joking. I don't want my kids to be a part of that until they're fucking old enough to consent.
Starting point is 01:50:49 Yeah. Definitely understandable. Can I hit you with one more question? Sure, absolutely. People are hating on you in the comments, but I'm loving you, so don't worry. Go ahead. Who was on your cross at Mount Rushmore? Me.
Starting point is 01:51:08 And my arm would be around Ariel Lowen. Only two? That's it, just us. Yeah. No. Fuck, I don't know. Uh. Rich and Josh Bridges for sure.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Oh, you mean like that? Yeah. There's, I love Rich. It's up to you. I don't know. I would, I would put, to be honest with you with the first person that you thought of was, uh, um, the first person I thought of was Greg. I mean, that's just who I think right away. And then I thought of Ariel just because I just think she's such a beautiful person.
Starting point is 01:51:45 I just think she's just like the hot mama superstar. I just love her. And I think she has good values. And then there's so many. It would be hard not to put Dave, Nicole, and Greg up there. Yeah. And as far as athletes, okay.
Starting point is 01:52:13 I, I just put rich up there. I'd make a fucking statue. Can I be a statue of Liberty? I would just do rich. Yeah. He's a allow it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:22 I'm trying to think again. Josh has been great. There's so many great people. It's so hard not to fucking put Tia in that group. I'm not... I don't know Tia at all. I've said less than a thousand words to her in my life. But as I get older, it's just more about the... I just really respect Rich's values.
Starting point is 01:52:40 Like, just really, really respect his values. Yeah. All right. Well, I'll quit bringing the ratings down, man man i'll get out of your head oh you were great uh uh some tim brown wants to know my favorite color your favorite come on guys really i i squeezed in some pussy and some dick comments and all sorts of shit in there i made this good i made this bit good what are you talking about all right well thank you for calling. Cool, man. See ya. Wow. It's a tough crowd. Jeez Louise.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Can't get too greedy. 406. This one says, not all melanated people just the ones that agree with white people this is going to be fun I think oh man 405 is
Starting point is 01:53:33 going to be good too wow okay 406 oh god I love this doesn't that guy just looks fun doesn't he that guy in the front of the classroom yeah he looks like my godfather serious yeah your godfather's a melanated dude yeah how did you never ever fucking tell me that that should
Starting point is 01:53:54 get you like uh my godfather's a black guy my godmother is uh gay so fuck off they actually couldn't be more opposite like my godfather's a black guy. My godmother's a raging Catholic. Rich Holton, you say pussy and dick, but not – yeah, you can't say that word. That's because my mom does not want me saying that word on the show. So there. That's why I don't say that word. So there. That's why I don't say that word. An Antifa member attempts to silence a black voice at a Turning Point USA event. Here we go. A black voice.
Starting point is 01:54:35 There's no such thing as a black voice. Voices don't have color. But anyway, I'll give you a pass on that. Okay. Whoa. Isn't that what you're supposed to do? What? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:54:45 Hold on, hold on, hold on. We always got nothing to say. You want to play the game. Let's play the game, baby. Let's play the game. I'm not here to play the game. I'm here to disrupt. You've got to understand that. Are you not trying to shut down my voice? That's the point of me getting here.
Starting point is 01:55:01 Are you supposed to uplift black voices? Are you the president of your political opposition? Are you supposed to uplift black voices? Let me hear you. Not every situation. Aren't you supposed to uplift black voices? And Whitey's response was, not in every situation. And what he really means to say is, not if it doesn't agree with fucking Hitler. It only matters if you agree with us. I was just on those fucking idiots, those fucking fascist scumbags website today outwad what fucking pieces of shit they are, what lying piece of shit. And they have all this stuff about how they accept people.
Starting point is 01:55:43 They are the least accepting people. Of any organization I've ever seen. God, they're fucking horrible. I don't know how fucking noble affiliates with those fucking pieces of shit or anyone does. They are so bad. They are such a hateful organization. I say that with peace and love okay uh 405 um 80 percent of men are unattractive this is why i don't understand why in my life it was never there
Starting point is 01:56:15 weren't just shit loads if i was born today as a kid i mean i i've done pretty well with what I was given. I'm not... I didn't let any of my... I never went to hell in a handbasket. Okay. Action. And women only swipe right 5% of the time. Men are ugly in pictures, though.
Starting point is 01:56:42 No, no, no. Women find 80% of men unattractive. Not, eh, okay, men unattractive not uh okay like unattractive well what about in person anywhere anywhere yeah so one out of three men either are virgins or haven't had sex in the past year it's a bigger and bigger percentage of men aren't having that's like why do you think women say things like men are trash all men cheat because we're all sleeping because everything funny has a little bit of truth in it right but it's because we're dating the same ones and women only swipe so so when i don't know i i haven't ever got that i missed the
Starting point is 01:57:11 whole swiping shit but women only swipe right five percent of the time i'd love to know how often men swipe right that means you like the person that means you're willing to get naked with the person if you swipe right right for a guy i don't know what a girl thinks but every every this is the general rule of thumb it goes in steps like this every man on planet earth actually think thinks every woman on planet Earth is fuckable. But some men will tell you that it's not. They're not. Those guys are lying.
Starting point is 01:57:55 And then of those men who are lying, half of them maybe don't know they're lying. But if you were to put them on an island with that girl, he would change his mind within 15 minutes. He would recalibrate. I know Caleb doesn't always agree with these, these things. It's just, I don't think women are hardwired like that. I don't think, um, men just want to get on a motorcycle. They don't really care if it's a scooter, electric or motorized, or they, they just want to get on one and just feel the wind in their face. electric or motorized or they, they just want to get on one and just feel the wind in their face.
Starting point is 01:58:29 They just want to have the experience of being naked and someone touching their hot dog. They just want to touch a boobie. Like, I mean, we're just tarted. We're just, we just want to just, and it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:58:42 The women aren't like that. And that's good. I think that's a good thing, right? It makes us men more competitive and have to show up, right? Yeah. Keeps us healthy and strong that we're competing. Well, it shows that women don't want a lackadaisical partner. What do you mean lackadaisical?
Starting point is 01:58:59 Like one that's not willing to put in any effort. Right. Like physically, mentally not willing to put in any effort one that's like like physically mentally not willing to put in any effort right i mean it's almost like a it's it's almost driving the speed like our species forward to survive so that we have like dominant males males who are willing to compete to to work to put in the effort to bring home the bacon if you will and maintain the house you think that's true that 80 like i'm trying to think of i rarely see someone that i would say is on what does that word mean unattract is unattractive the same as ugly i rarely see someone that's that i think is
Starting point is 01:59:40 ugly i don't remember the last time I saw someone that I thought was ugly. That Teddy Perkins thing was kind of ugly. Yeah. That freaked me out. Not pleasing or appealing to look at. Yeah. I'd say. Okay.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Yeah. Hit ugly. Let's see. Repulsive. Okay. So, so Teddy Perkins. Ugly.
Starting point is 02:00:05 Oh, that Dylan Mulvaney repulses me. Yeah. Like, I want to look away. Teddy Perkins, I just find unattractive. Dylan Mulvaney, I find ugly. Like, there's something that makes me want to look away. Like a dead squirrel in the road. But I want to look away from a dead squirrel, not because it's ugly, but for other reasons.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I'll keep staring at a dead squirrel. Oh, shit. As the prophet Daniel Brandon spoke in Book of Sevan, Chapter 2, Verse 7, women control sex, men control relationships. I think Azusa said that, but I appreciate it. men control relationships. I think Azusa said that, but I appreciate it. Yes, you could say the book of Savant is the show. The identity doctor seemingly blamed all her issues
Starting point is 02:00:54 on men when it sounded like all she did was date douchebags. Anyway, what a weird... I can't imagine... I don't think 80% of women are unattractive. That just seems... That's just crazy to me. I can't imagine – I don't think 80% of women are unattractive. That just seems – like that's just crazy to me. I can't – when I heard that, I'm like, oh, I bet you that's true. I bet you women do think 80% of men are unattractive.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Philip Kelly, Emily Kaplan controls the sex. Yeah. I think she has – I think she likes to control everything. She's a top. Is there a difference between unattractive and having a punch me face? Oh, so all these things are coming in.
Starting point is 02:01:43 Let's see. Now I know why that person stopped listening. Oh, because of all the... Oh, someone said that they called just to try to end that call. I don't understand the text. I can't even read it. Oh, David. Emily is fire.
Starting point is 02:02:12 You want to put it to Emily? Who doesn't? Wow. Wow. Everyone wants to put it to Emily? Should I have her on and just people can call in and quarter? Travis, hi.
Starting point is 02:02:39 What's up, man? It's come up in the chat a few times and the world wants to know how did the talk go with Rosemary yesterday? Oh, she didn't even, she didn't even mention it. No,
Starting point is 02:02:53 no, she didn't mention trouble. Uh, she, no. Okay. Cause like I talked to her and then, and then I saw her,
Starting point is 02:02:58 she came to a obvious jujitsu class and uh, so I could leave and do the podcast last night. And she brought Avi home. I wonder if my dad's listening to this show. My dad just sent me a text that says sex versus gender. Really? Dad's never been in the chat. He's got to get on this. No.
Starting point is 02:03:22 No. Oh, it's already a fucking disaster, the definition from Webster's. Or no, Merriam-Webster. Sex is often the preferred when referring to biology. The preferred, it's the fucking definition. Well, gender is the preferred word when referring to behavioral, cultural, and psychological, meaning made-up shit. Young people are more likely to challenge gender norms than they grow up with. That's the thing, though.
Starting point is 02:03:52 The definition doesn't distinguish between the fact that one's real and one's not. And you know what? That is the problem with society. Everyone is so – it's weird that people don't have that skill. I wonder if that just means that they're um i think of them as pupa pupa what are those things pupas if you can't distinguish the difference you're still a pupa pupa yeah you haven't turned into a fly yet you're just a fucking caterpillar you don't know i don't even know what a pupa was. No, I do.
Starting point is 02:04:26 A pupa, an insect in its inactive, immature form between larva and adult. I think he means fupa. I think it was larva. Fupa. When you were referring to biology, sex is usually the preferred word, especially when writing in a technical style. How about when you just want to communicate truth to someone you fucking idiots when you probably want to use the word gender when you're referring to behavioral cultural psychological traits typically associated with
Starting point is 02:04:56 one sex gender is usually the preferred word here are some examples just because i like a dildo in my ass doesn't make me less masculine. That's just part of my gender. When you're probably fine with using either word. Gender is interchangeable sex when used to mean either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species that are distinguished respectively as female or male. No. Actually, you're not.
Starting point is 02:05:23 Hey, would you refer to a – is an automobile a truck? I think automobiles is everything. All of them, right? Trucks, anything on the road. Yeah. Like a person. Yeah. And the reason why that's not working – well, automobile, a road vehicle typically with four wheels powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor and able to carry a small number of people.
Starting point is 02:05:54 It's a bad example because all of those things actually are. They signify something that is. I'm trying to think. Gender is just such a weird word because it does not – people accept it. trying to think gender is just such a weird word because it does not signal people accept it the the whole debate is occurring because people accept it as reality when it's not it's just fucking not and you can't accept it as reality or else it goes down a slippery soap of fucking mental illness you cannot accept gender can i call all my car a truck just because I want to? No. I lost nothing. Well, you can. Not a truck. You can.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Hey, well, that's another, I guess you could kind of use it like that. If you were to rent a fucking car and you get there and it's a fucking two-door truck, you'd be pissed. Yeah, what's the difference, car or truck? What's it matter? Clock cutter.
Starting point is 02:06:43 Sex is purely a biological term then some uptight conservatives started replacing the word sex with gender on birth certificates they started i don't think gender is on birth certificates i don't think that word's on there it's not on my driver excuse me it's not on my driver's license uh birth certificate what do I what do I refer to the the person at my Walmart here that it's clearly
Starting point is 02:07:11 male dresses in dresses and combat boots and wears furry ears and a tail other than mentally ill
Starting point is 02:07:23 Joe hey yeah birth certificate it says sex I just looked it up oh shit there's a non-binary birth certificate gender neutral options for vital records holy shit
Starting point is 02:07:40 wow wow yeah you can't do that it's crazy you can't do that you're gonna end up having a problem you're gonna end up with people getting raped in jail what a mess that means you'd have to get a new bursar
Starting point is 02:08:00 correct once you decide what you want to be new bursar ticket. Once you decide what you want to be. Yeah. Once you turn seven and you decided that you want to dress in fairytale land. Then you get to change your bursar
Starting point is 02:08:22 ticket. Cool. Cool. Cool. I love the way this world's going. Oh, here. This is the only... Gender and sex have both... Let me see.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Many religions frown on having gender outside of marriage. That does not work. Yeah, duh. This article is stupid but I appreciate my dad sending it to me anyway alright I just wanted to check on Rosemary make sure everything was good yeah she's cool
Starting point is 02:08:59 I'm glad you said that because I'm going to hang out with her today there you go. Okay. Spend time with mom. Bye. See you Travis. Cool. Oh, get your shirts from Travis.
Starting point is 02:09:10 Get your CEO shirts from Travis. Damn it. The new reel is fire. What reel? We have no, we have no one running the Instagram account. Castro just released a clue for 23.2 I mean does it even matter who gives a fuck
Starting point is 02:09:27 how does anyone even fucking understand what those clues are oh hold on Instagram Dave Castro no this real oh Castro. No, this reel. Oh.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Oh, I'm not going to like this. People tell me, hey, good luck. I hope your podcast takes off. I feel like telling them to go fuck themselves because it already has taken off. Yeah. I agree. Oh, Sousa's part's good. I'm only four drinks to the win there. Thank you, Phillip. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Four drinks fasted. Hey, could you tell that I was drunk there, Phillip? Because I couldn't even tell I was drunk. It was weird. I had the first drink and I was like, ooh, I feel buzzed. And then the second, third, and fourth one i was didn't i felt sober again uh okay i'm looking at the clue oh it's a ladder a ball ladder wall ball ladder i don't i don't understand oh shit from my hometown I own a home in the city Vallejo California high oh shit it says Vallejo I could not tell that you were drunk or if you were even buzzed oh Philip hey what's up god Vallejo I could get oh huh I've owned a house there for 10 years I don't live in
Starting point is 02:11:00 Vallejo that's crazy it hasn't gone up gone up in property value. I always think about your story when you went to Kaiser and Vallejo. What, just that it was just the walking dead? 3,000 obese people and me and my mom? Yeah, yeah, Vallejo's bad. But no, I could not tell if you were, well, maybe a little buzz, but that's about it. I had a few drinks, but I didn't even get a buzz. It wasn't inappropriate. You didn't go home and few drinks but I didn't even get a buzz.
Starting point is 02:11:26 I wasn't inappropriate. You weren't like you didn't go home and been like yep well that guy's got a drinking problem. No not at all but I did dude I swear every time I looked your way you always had all the hot chicks by you. I did? All the time. Oh that's awesome. Yeah
Starting point is 02:11:42 yeah and meeting Allison in NYC was pretty cool. She's, uh, well, she's a looker, right? Oh,
Starting point is 02:11:50 that's for sure. Uh, but anyways, I just wanted to tell you, no, you were, uh, you were coherent and,
Starting point is 02:11:58 didn't, didn't embarrass yourself at all. So thank you. I need that. I'm going to bring you everywhere I go so you can give me feedback on that. Thank you. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:07 All right, Caleb guys, have a good day. Okay. Bye. Bye. California hormones contestant. Number two,
Starting point is 02:12:16 Philip Kelly. I should have asked him. I should have asked him how the juice is going. He looks buff as shit. How about a 404? The conflation of rap culture with melanated culture. 404.
Starting point is 02:12:38 I think we've played this before, but. Oh, we have. If we have, we don't have to. Okay. Yeah. Let's do it again. Here we go. Ah, hold on. Yeah, this one never gets old. How good is Morgan Freeman?
Starting point is 02:12:54 I like Mike Wallace, too, to tell you the truth. Don't you find... Ridiculous. Why? You're going to relegate my history to a month? Oh, come on. What do you do with yours? Which month is white history month? Come on, tell me. I'm Jewish.
Starting point is 02:13:12 I'm Jewish. Okay, which month is Jewish history month? There isn't one. Oh. Oh. Why not? You want one? No, no.
Starting point is 02:13:22 No, I don't either. I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history. How are we going to get rid of racism and stop talking about it? I'm going to stop calling you a white man. Yeah. And I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace you know me as Morgan Freeman
Starting point is 02:13:48 I know this white guy named Mike Wallace you know what I'm saying it would be okay history it would be okay to say that except that was my point just black culture and black people the conflation is that once again I'm never culture and black people it's the conflation
Starting point is 02:14:05 is that once again i'm never going to be able to convince the world that what i'm saying is true we live with such lazy people maybe i should stop calling them lazy and they won't be lazy anymore but that's the problem it's the conflation between the culture and that and the skin color culture is fucking a train wreck the people with the skin color are just regular people it was back in 2005 did you ever tell your parents about violence you saw at school i never did like if there was a fight at high school i would never come home be like holy fuck mom these kids fought today and there's fighting every day in school uh i wouldn't tell them about the fights that i saw but i told them when i got beat up in school
Starting point is 02:14:51 oh you would tell them yeah yeah did you get beat up every year at least once a year yeah for a while it was like once a once every couple weeks no shit yeah same kid same kid oh fuck what how did that stop uh i ended up moving so it was it was whatever like i had gone from elementary school to middle school and then right after we had gone to middle school my dad got orders to go somewhere else so we just left i don't think i've ever uh i don't ever remember fighting the same kid twice can you imagine beating someone up and then beating them up again i would never do that the first time i beat my sister up i never never beat her up again. I mean, and I was like, I was 0 in 7,000.
Starting point is 02:15:46 And then all of a sudden one day I was 1 in 7,001. I was like, all right, can't do that anymore. And everybody left you alone? No, no, it's just my sister. No, my sister. I'm saying like when I would fight my sister, like I lost fights with my sister from the, you know, the second grade to the ninth grade. And then I punched her in the face and that was, she cried. And like,
Starting point is 02:16:05 I'm like, Oh fuck. I won that fight. And then I never fought her again. I was done. I can't imagine beating a kid up at school and then fighting him ever again. Did he start the fights? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:17 All the time. What a fucking asshole. It was always at the bus stop. Like we would get to the bus stop. It was like fucking seven in the morning or whatever. And he would always fuck with me. And then whenever I would. Older?
Starting point is 02:16:29 Was he older than you? Yeah, I think so. By a couple, by a year or two. Yeah. And then he, uh, on the way back, we would get on the same bus to come back because we lived in the same neighborhood. And he would fuck with me while we waited for the bus to leave. then yeah it was just pretty it was pretty consistent and then i just left so it was kind of whatever but push you down kick you slap you just that kind of shit yeah he used to like play drums and so he had these drumsticks and he would just like hit me with them or like
Starting point is 02:17:00 he like at one point he like raked it across my ribs and just like kept hitting me with the drumsticks and stuff and i like i'm just i'm pretty like whatever like i just kind of leave everybody alone so i thought it was like insane that this guy was picking on me like i didn't i had no idea what to do like no but i didn't like do jiu-jitsu or like i didn't know any martial arts i was just like a normal like just a kid that kind of didn't do anything. And so the athletic and then, yeah, it was weird. I'm the black kid that didn't act black enough.
Starting point is 02:17:30 They got my ass beat by black kids. Uh, weekly. Wow. The same fucking kids. Yeah. That's bizarre. I mean,
Starting point is 02:17:42 there was definitely some kids who picked on me, but they didn't beat me up. Like, like maybe once they beat me up and then they just picked on me. You know what I mean? Like if I was at the bus stop, like with you, they'd be like, don't, don't, don't stand near the bus stop or don't get on the bus with us. Or, you know what I mean? It'd be some horrible shit like that, but never,
Starting point is 02:18:00 they would never like hit me or I, you must've dreaded riding that bus. God, you're, that must've been, how many years did that go on for? It was I, you must've dreaded riding that bus. God, you're, that must've been, how many years did that go on for? It was probably, it was probably just a couple of months. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:10 Oh God, that must've been so stressful. Yeah, it was, it was pretty, it was pretty annoying. I was thankful when we got orders to leave though. That was like a fucking saving grace.
Starting point is 02:18:20 Did you ever see the kid's parents? No, I never saw his parents. And what's funny is we lived in the relatively the same neighborhood and I never saw the kid's parents no i never saw his parents and what's funny is we lived in the relatively the same neighborhood and i never saw the kid in the neighborhood i'm pretty sure both of his parents worked so they just like were never around and so he just did fucking whatever i told my dad i was being bullied by some huge kid at the bus stop he taught me how to throw punches that was all it took i stood up to the big fat kid and he kept
Starting point is 02:18:45 walking that was it what's funny is the kid was like the same size as me i was like he was like maybe a little like thicker but we were like the same size but he just like nobody had ever been like an aggressor towards me before so i had no idea what to do if they're older too it makes a huge difference yeah yeah i was like this is fucking weird and nobody else knew what to do either we were all just kind of like the new kids at the school like all of my friends yeah we're just like oh i guess welcome to middle school you know it's so weird to see asshole kids yeah oh i remember the clip that was supposed to go with that uh uh play 440 maybe this was supposed to go with the matthew abudro clip this is it.
Starting point is 02:19:47 Oh, yeah. You can play this like three times. This is fucking hard to get your head wrapped around. This is crazy. Here we go. Good afternoon, parents. Good afternoon, boys and girls. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 02:19:58 Hey. Not nice. No, thank you. No, thank you. Do you need to leave? No, bitch. Oh, good job. Yeah, he's out. How that that's a classroom and there's some lady who's like saying hi to the parents and the kids like she's there probably like to tell them like i don't know let's make something up like some new equipment they got at the school that they all can use right yeah and some fucking kid tells her how old is that kid he's probably five five he tells the lady
Starting point is 02:20:49 shut the fuck up and some people in the you know hey that's the difference between melanated people and white people like did you hear like when he says shut the fuck up bitch a bunch of people chime in no thank you let's not talk like that like like it takes a village right yeah if someone like if there was just all white people knowing what a set of thing quiet crickets silent it's like it's like i used to go to this movie theater uh during the day in l.a and it would always be just me and uh black women melanated women. And they talked to the screen during the fucking movie. Stand up and yelled the screen. What the fuck?
Starting point is 02:21:29 Yeah, they just talked to the screen. I saw the Tina Turner movie in there. And they talked to the screen the whole fucking movie. At first, I was like upset. And I'm like, I'm just going to take the clock, break this up as a cultural experience.
Starting point is 02:21:47 Hey, that, that, that town that Philip called me from Vallejo, where it says his phone was calling me from there. If you go to a movie theater there, it's just, um, that town is ghetto as fuck, but there it's just a mix of people, right? It's a mix of ghetto fuckers, white, white, Mexican, black, everyone's ghetto there and in the that in the movie theater there they have a really nice movie theater and that movie theater everyone answers their phone during the movie oh my god hello yeah i'm in the movies i'll fucking call
Starting point is 02:22:17 you later a dime bag all right the fuck you looking at oh Oh, sorry. My flashlight's on my phone. Sorry. My flashlight was on my phone. I was fucking up the movie for you guys. All right. I got to go. I got to go. Like six times during the movie.
Starting point is 02:22:37 Yeah, I mean diverse. Sorry, diverse. Yeah, yes. Relay was very diverse. That was a great reenactment of that. Thank you. That was really great reenactment of that. Thank you. That was really good. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:22:50 Hey, just so you know, for all you fucking poor fuckers listening to this show, never been to the rich part of the neighborhood, they don't talk in the movie theater. They don't litter. They don't litter. Can you imagine that and the gas stations in my neighborhood in the bay area literally i swear to god someone would pull up next to you at the gas station you'd be pumping they'd open their car door and just dump out a fucking like box of fried chicken or empty their ashtray or like anything just start pushing Coke cans and beer cans out the door. And just leave it there.
Starting point is 02:23:26 And then fill up their gas tank and drive away. There's fucking trash cans everywhere. That's what they do in Jordan too. People just like stop at a stoplight. Or at a roundabout. They'll just dump all their shit out. And walk away. Or drive away.
Starting point is 02:23:40 Fucking Arabs. You filthy monsters. And then there's people who are employed to clean that shit up. Oh, that's cool. But it's never ending. That's cool. I appreciate that maybe. Do they dump it in the same place?
Starting point is 02:23:56 Is there a spot you're supposed to dump it so people can clean it up? I have no idea. Oh. It's just, it's everywhere. There's like a road cleanup crew and then you just see people throwing shit out of their cars for them to pick up. Look at this guy. Gay, for sure gay. And I mean it in the clinical sense.
Starting point is 02:24:12 I don't mean it in the derogatory sense. Oh, Ed Bauerfit. Ed Bauerfit? Ed Bauerfit? Nope, real name. What happened to the upcoming live stream with Dave Castro? no real name uh what happened to the upcoming live stream with dave castro um i we scheduled him and then it got and then we had to reschedule him and instead of just pulling it off the schedule we keep just pushing it down but he's coming on he's he's i think he said he's traveling
Starting point is 02:24:39 for a week or something i can't remember maybe he's doing the open announcement oh i haven't seen jiggy josh in a while um okay so that was school god can you imagine your kid doing that hey the reason why that kid did that is because that's how the dad talks to the mom. Or the mom talks to the dad. Oh, for sure. He had to have learned it somewhere. Oh, we did the cross your arms and learn thing, right?
Starting point is 02:25:22 Hey, did you hate crossing your arms the opposite way? I don't like that. Yeah, it was kind of uncomfortable. I didn't know how to. You can change your name. Yeah. Hey, I've never seen that one. That's brilliant.
Starting point is 02:25:43 Genitals. Genitals is in the house. Thank you for watching the show, Genitals. Nice. That's good. That's great. When is Greg coming on? He actually told me he was going to come on. I should send him a link and he'd come on, but he said that to me a bunch.
Starting point is 02:26:08 434. This guy, Thomas seafreed excuse me oh i'm burping so much today this guy uh my wife's fasting today so i'm gonna fast today with her kind of weird to do it on a sunday this guy thomas seafreed was um at the broken science conference that greg just had and em just had, and he got a standing ovation and he was amazing. I mean, truly amazing. And here he talks, a guy's going to talk about the benefits of autophagy based on Thomas Seyfried. Autophagy is when, my understanding of it is when you go without eating for so long that your body starts consuming itself. And the first things it starts consuming are bad cells, injured cells. So cells you have around your body that aren't participating as a net positive. So some people would claim that when
Starting point is 02:26:59 you go into autophagy from fasting, your body would consume its own skin tags. So you see people who have a shitload of skin tags and they go for a long 10-day fast and their skin tags go away because their body consumes them, recognizes them as damaged or bad cells. Okay, action. In America, one in three women are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. And for men, one in two, go to and you want to fact check that. It's on there right now. Cancer is everywhere in America. Dr. Thomas Seyfried, who's an oncologist from Boston College, has said in his research that if you completed a seven-day water fast once a year, you would reduce your risk of any cancer by 95% because of this autophagy
Starting point is 02:27:43 process. How empowering is that? We have control here. Wow. Have you done a seven-day fast? I did a five-day water fast and I achieved what's called maximum autophagy, which is what he was referring to. It's in America, one in three-
Starting point is 02:27:57 Hey, as great as it is what these guys are sharing, I see just two dudes who want to get naked and fuck each other. The way these guys look at each other. I agree. Also do a seven day fast. I maxed out my autophagy. I would have, but I reached maximum autophagy.
Starting point is 02:28:23 So I didn't, I didn't finish the seven day fast. like I said I was going to do. Is there a way to measure autophagy? Oh, I think Paulina changed her. No, that's the same. Is there a way to measure autophagy? That's a great question. Like he's saying, he reached max autophagy.
Starting point is 02:28:44 What does that mean i like the way you write i write like that too when i text people like he's saying oh wow we're i need a dick hello welcome to the show i don't think so, but I drink coffee. I'll tell you this for anyone who's about to embark on that five-day water fast. I've done the five-day water fast twice in the last couple of years, and I don't think I recovered from them very well. I start eating. All of a sudden, I can never get full after that. I have a couple of months of just really weird eating habits.
Starting point is 02:29:24 Like eat everything this guy has fucked me eyes yeah for sure these two dudes wanted to just get in the 69 these guys want to show me the real definition of gay hey or i'm just projecting i'm open to it what uh do you think it's weird that the the of The Matrix, a movie that talks about just the grand illusion of things, would go further into the illusion and become trans? I always trip on that. They've invested more into The Matrix. The way out of The Matrix is stillness and quiet and self-realization, not tattoos,
Starting point is 02:30:07 piercings, um, plastic surgery, fake boobs, uh, general mutilation. And, um,
Starting point is 02:30:13 I don't know just these things. Just do you see what I'm saying by that? You understand what I'm saying? Not entirely like, like, you know, everything's already, the matrix is just horse shit.
Starting point is 02:30:26 It's where we act out all our pathologies, and it's just all the bullshit. And yet you're going to participate in the bullshit? I mean, one of the greatest ways you can participate in the bullshit is having some sort of, like, general mutilation surgery. Like, because, you know, the creators of the Matrix are trans now. Those dudes turn themselves into girls. Oh, they are they are yeah you didn't know that oh sorry so maybe nothing i would say okay well first play this clip 432 sorry it says is it weird that the creators of this movie are trans like if the goal is to get out of the matrix uh you don't you don't invest more into it the matrix is everywhere it is all around us even now in this very room you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your
Starting point is 02:31:13 television you can feel it when you go to work when you pay your taxes it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. What truth? That you are a slave, Neil. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch, a prison for your mind. So there it is. So like there is, when you do stuff like that, you're showing that you're a slave to your mind right like uh like um
Starting point is 02:31:48 you're participating in the matrix you're a slave to your mind you're slaved your thoughts so they had some thoughts that made them want to like switch from dude to chick and maybe they don't believe their own shit. Maybe they think the Matrix isn't a good metaphor for the world and this is just all fiction to them. Or maybe you teach what you most need to learn the most. I don't know. Oh, yeah, there they are now. The sisters are both trans women.
Starting point is 02:32:18 The sisters, they're brothers, you jackass. The Wachowskis. Oh, the Matrix is a trans metaphor oh well fuck who am i then matrix are about being transgender that was the original intention but the world wasn't quite no shit will you click that i had no idea i thought it was a more like a um a religious uh oh here we go wow i'm getting schooled hey hi first time call a long time listener good to hear from you just wanted to say that sophia stewart is actually the creator of say that again wait wait wait say it again Sophia Stewart
Starting point is 02:33:05 Sophia Stewart yeah okay you google her you'll see she's with the Wachowski brothers she what
Starting point is 02:33:14 she fucked the Wachowski brothers oh Sophia oh oh oh tell me her name again Sophia Stewart Stewart Sophia Stewart.
Starting point is 02:33:25 Are you, are you Italian? You sound like Victor Brown. Like you got like an Italian affect. No, I'm, I'm all skin, but a little darker than Italian.
Starting point is 02:33:34 Sophia Stewart. Stewart. Sound like, you know what I mean by affect? Like your voice, like, like, like,
Starting point is 02:33:39 like you held someone up, but you've held someone up at gunpoint for money that they owed someone else. Oh, wow. Yeah. owed someone else. Oh, wow. Yeah, she sued them. Oh, wow. That's why The Matrix 4 was a weird movie because it was more so promoting the game
Starting point is 02:33:56 than actual going into detail. What was next? Wait, why was it weird? Say it again. It was weird because what? They were like promoting a game Yeah Oh like a video game Oh that's fucking stupid
Starting point is 02:34:12 I mean they couldn't use the search material anymore Because they were like liable They did So they had to finesse a way to like Did she win? Yeah I believe so yeah that's why they
Starting point is 02:34:26 yeah that's why they couldn't couldn't do what they wanted to do originally uh oh I need to um I need to um have her on the show that's why
Starting point is 02:34:47 does she work at a strip club what does she do her Instagram account oh she's got a huge rack did you go to her Instagram account yeah i'm on it right now uh haven't in a while mother of the matrix yeah does she work my voice is deep guys i'm not i'm not trying to make my voice deep it is what it is oh yeah you're hard to understand i apologize
Starting point is 02:35:20 but but but not in a bad way if you had a if you had a good mic you could be like a world-class dj it's good i didn't mean don't don't get it wrong don't get it twisted i can't tell which there's a yeah she she she has her rack out quite a bit if you oh yeah i want to have her on oh here's a picture of her in Fishborn I should probably be looking at this with everyone so they can see it okay so okay I need she's an interesting
Starting point is 02:35:55 I've seen a podcast and an interview with her before she's definitely like an interesting person and she also wants to get credit for the Terminator as well yeah and she won so she's wealthy yeah she's
Starting point is 02:36:11 Sophia oh mother of the Matrix mother of her name again for those who are asking Sophia mother of Her name again for those who are asking. Sophia. Mother of the Matrix.
Starting point is 02:36:33 Okay, cool. Thanks, dude. What a great contribution. I'm going to try to get her on. Yep. Fantastic. This is Jiggy Josh, by the way. Oh, Jiggy Josh. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 02:36:41 You're the man. All right. What other stuff do you know? That's it for now. Thank you, bro. All right what other stuff do you know uh that's it for now thank you for both all right cool all right all right love seeing the comments bye well shit i'm i'm wondering who this guy is in the picture with her where she's wearing a mask at the mgm is that i'll i'll pull it is that someone? Is that her boyfriend? Well, if it is, she's straight cradle robbing. Dear Sophia, please check your emails.
Starting point is 02:37:18 I'm guessing that's someone famous who's in like her next movie or something. If you guys want to see her boobs, look down here. Wait. Right here. There you go. Creator and owner of the Matrix and Terminator film franchises. Nice. Very nice. Very nice.
Starting point is 02:37:40 That's pretty cool. The Terminator 1 and Matrix 1 were incredible. Yeah, those are good movies that's why i wonder if that's why the terminator went super off the rails after a couple movies oh what do you mean like because it just got weird yeah after like two or three movies this uh the second one was pretty amazing too that was one where he walks like there was he turns into that liquid shit that was like crazy special effects when i was a kid yeah the liquid terminator he's gender fluid i want to try to find something in the middle here okay 106 a vaccine kill the man oh god wouldn't it be nice to get rid of 106 the gateway pundit
Starting point is 02:38:28 106 this is like the this is like in the middle of no man's land um corner confirms covet 19 vaccine killed 26 year old man from new zealand oh september 22nd 2022 god that's how old some of these pics are that i've grabbed according to reports rory died in the house he shared with his fiancee ashley wilson he was found by ashley in the bathroom of a doomed in home at 4 a.m since getting a shot on november 5th roy had been experiencing myocarditis like symptoms for about two weeks. His death led to the coroner's inquest that was conducted by coroner Sue Johnson not to determine civil, criminal, or disciplinary liability, but to establish when and where Roy died and the cause and circumstances around his death. The inquest lasted three days.
Starting point is 02:39:19 The inquiry was a fact-finding exercise to consider whether the coroner needed to make specified recommendations, which may reduce the chances of further deaths in similar circumstances. She released in her findings, I am satisfied from the written evidence I have received and the oral evidence heard at inquest that I have sufficient evidence to now establish the following. The cause of Rory's death. Jesus, get to the point. He had no alcohol, cannabis, cannabis synthetic cannabis or any other drugs
Starting point is 02:39:45 were detected uh samples were also taken which confirmed caffeine and a metabolite of nicotine in his blood hung then carried out intensive pathological examination of the heart there is no current test that will show the COVID-19 vaccine in the heart tissue, but Hung was able to exclude other causes of myocarditis, such as rheumatic fever or by infection. I mean, we just know by now, right? So the only way to determine if somebody was killed by the COVID-19 vaccine was if they were almost entirely healthy, had no other concerns whatsoever, and they found myocarditis with no other cause. Yeah, that's not very convincing.
Starting point is 02:40:35 I hear you. Even though I believe it, I hear you. That's insane. So that's why basically nobody's being diagnosed. That's insane. So that's why basically nobody's being diagnosed – being – The only facts we have is that we have an increase of death in people between the age of 18 and like 49 of 40%. Yeah. And that's the shit that's making everyone go, what?
Starting point is 02:40:58 And that just started a couple years ago. And it seems to be a lot of clotting issues. It's fucking crazy someone i'd love to see all of this stuff is organized organized what the fuck does that mean organized nothing organized what are you talking about how numbers are established i mean dude you guys are thinking way too much into it it's too deep yeah don't get too deep, Damien. It's fucking. The numbers are only so I don't tell Caleb, hey, scroll down to like page 13 and pick the one that starts with big tits. Which is even funny because there aren't pages. It's one just continuous fucking note that spans as far as you can scroll.
Starting point is 02:41:52 Okay. How about this one 93 you fucking liar this one should be good these are just old this is so old oh here we go 41 states plus the district of columbia the average gasoline price is less than two dollars and 99 cents and if oh we've shown that one uh 86 uh funny not funny sorry you guys the show's over now we're just cleaning up notes. You're welcome to hang out as we clean up some notes. 86, funny, not funny. Okay, here we go. If you could just support the WNBA the way you support a fat chick that's proud of her body and is no longer a threat to you, that league would be doing better numbers than the NBA.
Starting point is 02:42:42 Oh, my God. That's one of the saddest things I've ever seen. Oh, my God. You're a goddess. You're gorgeous. You look great in that bikini. I would kill myself if I looked like that. Keep eating.
Starting point is 02:42:52 Keep eating. You saw an alcoholic. You'd be like, oh, my God. Look at you. You're face down, passed out. Your kids are crying. You're a hero. You're a god.
Starting point is 02:43:00 Keep doing what you're doing. Be like, dude, you need to get your fucking shit together. Get off the sauce. Ladies, if you could just support. That's great. That's very funny. 83 porn stars fighting. Now, I wonder how long ago I made these.
Starting point is 02:43:19 83 porn stars fighting. Holy shit. Wow. I don't even remember this. This is real? That chick had no chance. Yeah, not even. She couldn't even get out of her seatbelt.
Starting point is 02:43:50 I wonder if she feels bad. Oh, they have a round two? And they switch seats. All right. Russia. I don't even know if that's Russia. Yeah, go ahead. Pick the next number.
Starting point is 02:44:15 What do you want? Pick the next number. Go ahead. Watch us not have that number. No, we got it. Trust me. We got it. One through, what is it, 600?
Starting point is 02:44:24 500? have that number no we got it trust me we got one one through uh what is it 600 500 which one do you want daniel 16 fuck i don't even think we have a 16 holy shit it's the first one we have okay this one this one's called the left continues to hate on black people they don't want anyone out of the cage that's uh that's the only equality the left wants they want everyone in the cage that's good i like that okay here we go oh back to kyrie irving that's how old 16 is thank you i'm gonna get rid of 16 so bad bye bye here we go thanks damien they're really giving kyrie irving the Kanye West treatment. So this happened very recently that Kyrie Irving teamed up with the Brooklyn Nets and they claimed they would each donate $500,000 to the causes and organizations that work to eradicate hate and intolerance in our communities, basically to combat anti-Semitism. But that wasn't enough.
Starting point is 02:45:20 And it never is, because just announced the Brooklyn Nets are suspending Kyrie Irving for at least five games without pay, saying they were dismayed by his failure to unequivocally say he has no anti-Semitic belief. Now, mind y'all, this is all because he didn't apologize for posting a link to an Amazon movie? The Nets claim that he is unfit to be associated with the brooklyn nets what you can't have a difference of opinion without being unfit hey so you can't publicly you can't be on a basketball team if you think jews are money grubbing of uh whatever i don't know i don't know what the stereotype is the hook nose uh whatever like you can't you can't have that
Starting point is 02:46:14 thought you couldn't be on a can't do that with any sports team any pro sports team i bet wow that's fucking nuts to me so so they really do own you so that so kind of like that blm protest really is true except you really that that's one of the things that i guess some i guess i mean there's other jobs that have rules you can't be president united states and cheat on your wife because it compromises you right isn't that like one of the rules unless you're bill clinton right or jfk i wonder what jobs you can have and and be in like hate someone for like their like have like i don't even know if hate what if you still loved you what if you thought what if you thought um uh what if you thought um ashkenazi jew Jews were smarter than all black people, which the science shows that they are.
Starting point is 02:47:07 But what if you said that out loud, but you still love black people and you still love Ashkenazi Jews. But you said that out loud. Could you keep your job as like and I guess depend on what position you played. Could a black dude say it? Apparently not. Oh, yeah. He that was a black dude. A black dude can dude say it? Apparently not. Oh, yeah. He that was a black dude. A black dude can't say it.
Starting point is 02:47:30 And that is kind of amazing. I mean, I kind of get some. I mean, I sure as fuck don't. I sure as fuck don't want my my surgeon saying that they fucking hate Armenians. He might nick an artery while he's in there. The heart surgeon, right as you go under, he's like, this motherfucker ends in IAM? Fuck him. Verify full name, date of birth?
Starting point is 02:47:55 Yeah. Can't do it. You see him. Sorry, dude. You're dead. Call her. Hi. Hey, how's it going?
Starting point is 02:48:04 It's good. It's fun. It's fun. Life's fun. Great, great. Question for you. Does the Savant podcast have any intentions or plans in the future to bring back
Starting point is 02:48:18 Killing the Fat Man? Oh, bring Gary Roberts back on? No, it doesn't have to be Gary, but a similar... No, that shit costs money. I'm not doing anything that costs money like that. Hey, can I ask you a question? Have you been listening to the whole show today? Most of it, off and on.
Starting point is 02:48:36 I've had a few calls that have jumped on, but yeah, off and on. Did you hear the part about shifting your grip from your jack-off grip from a uh thumb up to thumb down to yeah supinated to pronated thank you yeah yeah yeah because i'm getting this because of the echo in the bathroom i'm getting this feeling like you're trying that out right now while you called me definitely yeah it's awesome it's like it's someone else it's like it's someone else i i yeah where are you would you take a bathroom break and call me they've been making us do that uh it's the gym i go to we did at the end they make us do these super daily hangs for yeah and so it's i i could go all day till like i'm 15 again it's awesome
Starting point is 02:49:20 uh i i'm not gonna invest i don't think i have to. This show would have has so far to go before. And maybe there is some pretty crazy growth going on right now. But this show would have to go so far before I started investing money and other shit like that. Like we need to make sure like we're so far. We need we need equipment for Kayla. We need to be able to get the Instagram account going. I mean, maybe I don't have the right sequence of events to do, but it's not like it's some athlete asked me the other day in my Instagram. I thought it was pretty funny. They said, Hey, will you sponsor any athletes? And I'm thinking to myself, I said, no, not at this time. Thank you. But what I really want to say is you fucking idiot. How about you offer to fucking wear my shirt to help my podcast? But, but, but I didn't, you know what I mean? Like, yeah like yeah yeah but i mean i'm just not there yet we're not there yet say that again i mean but you're on i mean come on you're on instagram telling people to fuck off you're you've already taken off so i mean thank
Starting point is 02:50:17 you that is that what a metric what a metric you were doing you were doing numbies on YouTube, you know, 20K subscribers. I just, yeah, the Fat Man is inspirational. I could sell these glasses probably to run the Killing the Fat Man series. I mean, let's start a GoFundMe. Just for a Killing the Fat Man series? Man, these glasses. These glasses I'm wearing here are so scratched that everything is a little foggy. I might need to stop.
Starting point is 02:50:55 These? Yeah. All right. All right, well, are you voting that we do start Killing the Fat Man? Yeah. Gary Roberts is. I will tell you this. Okay, so here, you're actually going to like this.
Starting point is 02:51:12 Sarah Cox over at California Hormones did say that if Gary did a monthly series where every month he released an episode talking about his journey with California Hormones, that we would pay him money. And it was a significant amount of money just to make the video. And he could say whatever he wants, you know, it was like a couple thousand bucks. So, I mean, that option is there for him. He just didn't take it. Maybe I'll call him today after the show and be like, Hey dude, people want to see killing the fat man, uh, season four or whatever, where you, where you get Gary on the juice. He's good. I think he's good. I think he's been going.
Starting point is 02:51:51 I'll schedule him. Let's call him. Should we call him? Hell yeah. Let's call him. Gary changed my life. He changed your what? Your life? My life, yeah. Maybe he'll tell us more about his lovin's.
Starting point is 02:52:09 Okay, here we go. Get another fat man. I don't know. No. Hey, I'm live on the air. Seve! Hi. What's up, man? Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 02:52:24 What's up? You're live? Yeah. Talk to me. People want you to come on the show, and people would like you to do a new season of Killing the Fat Man. And I know that we had talked about you doing that with some financial compensation, and I'm just calling to see when we can have you on the show next and then you could give us any updates on whether you're gonna do it killing the fat man season 3 all juiced up I'm ready I was just I as I was driving home from the gym last night. I had the camera on my rear view mirror filming, saying to myself, I don't know if I am worthy of having something to tell, but I'm still talking.
Starting point is 02:53:16 I just say it just needs to be put together. I've been capturing all of this journey. I just haven't cut it. Awesome. You demand. All right. So I'm going to schedule you to come on so we can talk about it a little more in depth and get an update on you in the next like week or two. Is that cool?
Starting point is 02:53:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I just took my blood labs this morning to check. Uh, I just came back from the doctor to test my T levels. How are they?
Starting point is 02:53:48 They only drew the blood. I haven't got the results yet. Okay, awesome. How do you feel? Do you look good? Do you feel good? Do you feel strong? I mean, I just PR'd, and I was only maybe 10% above my numbers from 3 months ago
Starting point is 02:54:07 I had higher expectations I don't know what in 3 months what percentage should your PR's go up I don't know what that I do know this I know your mile time is fucking crazy now so I'm ready to talk
Starting point is 02:54:23 ok I just to be honest i mean to managing two babies my wife took on a new job eight months ago and she's been working like like till midnight and i am i am alone in a lot of the managing of babies and this the timing to edit has just been not there but i've been working out awesome i love you dude this is great news i'm gonna have suza schedule us and we'll talk it's gonna be great and congrats on the two babies you demand low stress you demand thank you okay bye i don't want to stress gary out and act like i was putting pressure on him i'm not eric weiss, is Gary getting adequate love?
Starting point is 02:55:05 Yeah, we'll find out all that, right, Eric? Phillip Kelly, for your savings account, thank you. I need my savings account needs that. Thank you. So, everyone, we need to get the L1 winner on yet from my giveaway. Oh, yeah, did that guy go? Did he go to the L1 already? All right, so call or. Hi. Are you there?
Starting point is 02:55:29 I'm still here. Yeah. So appreciate the, uh, the, the consultant. Looking forward to the, uh, the show. Yeah. Okay. Do you want to pick a number? Sure. Go ahead. Any number? 18 to 500. 18 to 500. 18 to 500. Yeah, that's good. 283.
Starting point is 02:55:52 Oh, perfect. Hold on. Let me see. Sometimes there's some missing. Let's make sure we have a 283. Nope. Another one. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:56:00 We have a 282 and a 284, but no 283. Damn. 227. There we go. All right. Thank you very much. Talk to you soon. Thank you all. Bye. The page is gone. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 02:56:19 Yeah. Oh, that was all Nancy. The second link is there, but the first one's not. Just some Nancy Pelosi shit. Okay, here we go. Yo, what's up, guys? So quick update and some bad news. Unfortunately, the Nancy Pelosi video that I posted the other day was Samson.
Starting point is 02:56:36 I know you guys were super looking forward to that song happening, but it keeps getting taken down from TikTok. It got like over six million views and went viral but we can't this is amazing more than 24 how do you hear this unfortunately i think because it's too controversial we can't make a song out of it we'll have to make it up to you guys at a later time with a different song so Yeah, right. Hey, Kato, you want to know who I would fuck? Nancy Pelosi. Someone tell that granny to blow me. I'd take out her dentures, put them on the dresser,
Starting point is 02:57:11 slide off her panties and proceeds. I'd whip out her knockers fast as dark, throw them in the percusses like a boxing match. I'd rub her by the nipples on the flip-flop, but would down her to the flap end of the window, let it spin them all around and go. Yo, what's up, guys? How good is that guy?
Starting point is 02:57:23 Hey, go to that guy's account that guy is amazing i forgot all about that have we ever played that before yeah we have played that yeah i forgot that we did that god this guy is so good what is that speaker nancy pelosi why uh stop playing nancy oh shit nancy can you watch this and record your reaction? Send it back to me. Thank you. Wow. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:57:49 There's an official video of it. Can we see that? Let me go find it real quick. What an incredible fucking wow. I wonder if we're going to get in trouble for playing that. I can't remember if we did, but. Crazy. in trouble for playing that i can't remember if we did but crazy god that song is so good i love rap music i can't believe i haven't had to pee yet it's got to be coming soon i peed in the middle of last night's show with Brian. And did you see me get up at one point?
Starting point is 02:58:25 Yeah. I'm going to pee so bad. Caller, hi. Hey, Siobhan. It's Ryan Stokes calling from Canada. Hey, what's up, Mr. Stokes? You guys were talking about, just earlier, about the professional sports leagues and, you know, abiding by their rules and here and there. So there was recently a hockey player in the NHL that refused to wear the pride jersey.
Starting point is 02:58:49 Like every so often they throw on a pink jersey or whatever. So, you know, pride awareness in every league. And I think his name's Ivan Polakoff or something like that. He plays for the Philadelphia Giants. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. His coach supported him on it, though, I saw. Yeah did and he you know he's russian orthodox he basically think he said later on that you know he's like this is my religious views and i want everybody
Starting point is 02:59:16 to respect mine because i respect everybody else's and uh pardon me he he later said, he's like, you got to understand, if I wear this jersey, this affects my family and what happens to my family in Russia. And not probably in a very severe way, but I'm sure that, you know, if his family's walking around the streets in Russia, I'm sure there's, you know, how they treat gay people in Russia it's probably not very good and if also people in Russia see him wearing this pride jersey they're gonna you know retaliate in some version of a way maybe minor or whatever or bullying his family he didn't want that and
Starting point is 02:59:57 after all this stuff happened I guess his jersey was one of the top selling jerseys yes it was the top selling it fucking sold out yeah hey here's the thing, man. I wouldn't wear that shit either. Listen, if I was gonna wear a fucking gay flag shirt, I would wear it when I went
Starting point is 03:00:14 to the gay parade. And I would highly recommend anyone who wants to fucking party, go to the gay parade. It's fucking dope. Go to San Francisco. Go to Lovefest. Go to fucking Blowjob Week. Do all that shit. It's fun. Dudes were running around in assless chaps getting crazy but if i'm a fucking i'm not wearing a shirt that says i fucking support people who want the same genitalia they have and their pants rubbed on their face while i'm playing a hockey match it's it's fucking it alienates people it's
Starting point is 03:00:42 fucking stupid it means it's fucking stupid. It's fucking gross. It's conflating sex with sports. And you know what? It is on the verge of fucking having some pedophilia fucking component because fucking kids go to fucking hockey games. Right. And it's a fucking disaster. You don't have to be a fucking rocket scientist to realize that.
Starting point is 03:01:04 And to conflate it with inclusiveness and fair rights is fucking, it's so gross. It's so selfish. So today in Canada, we have a thing called, I don't know if you guys have it down there. It's anti-bullying day. It started with, I don't know if the kid was in the States or Canada where he got beaten up and killed for being gay. So we have a day here. It's today. Anti-bullying day where they suggest that everybody wears pink to work or to school or whatever to support this day.
Starting point is 03:01:38 The boys are wearing this for bullying. What is anti-bullying? What is anti-bullying? What is anti-bullying? Like, I know what, there is no such thing as anti-bullying. It's like anti-racism. It's not even, how about you just don't bully?
Starting point is 03:01:55 God, it's so crazy. Yeah. Fuck Canada. I fucking hate, I really dislike your leader. You have to know that. I really dislike him leader. You have to know that. I really dislike him. I think more than I dislike any person.
Starting point is 03:02:10 I don't know him personally, but I really, really dislike him. I think he's a horrible person. And a lot of people have been hurt because of him. I think he's going to be out on the next election. I don't know how we can't get him out earlier than that. He's worse than our president. You know that. And ours is bad.
Starting point is 03:02:27 He just tripped upstairs again. Oh, I know. Hey, I want to play something for you. Play 435. Listen to this. This is just listen to this fucking moron. I wonder if he's ever even been to China. I wonder if Trudeau's ever been to China.
Starting point is 03:02:47 Hey, and once again, if you voted Democrat, this is what you like. This is like, this is the thing. I don't understand how you could be a Democrat anyone anymore. Listen to this. This is crazy. Here we go. actually have for china um because their basic dictatorship because their basic dictatorship is allowing them uh to actually turn their economy around on a dime he used dictatorship and allowing them back to backwards Back to back words. Well, apparently, apparently during the convoy, the non-vaccinated, including myself, were considered racist. Yes. Yeah. And our president did that shit, too.
Starting point is 03:03:37 Yeah. All right. Well, thank you. Go ahead. Sorry. I think the thing that Caleb was saying there about him falling down the stairs and Biden falling down the stairs again, from what I heard, it wasn't him.
Starting point is 03:03:50 It was some of his aides and he wasn't even there. That plane was supposedly in Poland where he was already in the Ukraine. Okay, thank you. That was some really tough audio to deal with right there.
Starting point is 03:04:14 Yeah, I don't – I think – I doubt that they flew Air Force One. Well, I don't know this. Whatever. Did you see video of him falling up the stairs? Yeah, it's right here. It's a new video? Yeah, it just happened today. Oh, well, then it's real.
Starting point is 03:04:35 Let's see. Are you saying it's like a stunt dummy? No, he's saying that they couldn't place him in Poland because he was somewhere else. But that's definitely him. Turns around and waves to everybody. Hey, does he feel embarrassed that he fell? I don't know. Probably.
Starting point is 03:05:11 Maybe. Hopefully. The thing is, I don't think it's a big deal that he fell, except that he's always falling. Yeah. Yeah. Mentally and physically um I've shown we've looked at the catcher and David's daughter doppelganger
Starting point is 03:05:36 a lot right yeah we have what about this what about what would your wife think about this how about 215 oh shit we're over three hours yeah how come you never have to pee i don't know because uh i've just staved off having to pee for so long. I think I've trained my bladder a little bit because I had to walk so far to go to the bathroom. So I was like, I can hold it. And then I would just hold it for hours. Wow. I feel like I held it for hours. And look at Jay Hardell, military bladder. Mayor Eric Adams on Thursday named Laura Kavanaugh to lead the New York City Fire Department, the first time a woman has led the agency in its 157-year history. Kavanaugh, the acting commissioner of the department for the last eight months,
Starting point is 03:06:37 was promoted to the post of commissioner at a news conference at a fire station in Manhattan, surrounded by a large group of top women leaders in the mayor's administration. They're doing all of themselves a disfavor by celebrating the fact that I kept coming back to her over and over again. The mayor said over and over again, I just kept coming back to her leadership. Well, that's good. I like that. Kavanaugh 40 will oversee 17,000 employees, including firefighters, emergency medical workers, and units such as the 9-11 dispatch operations. As of August 11th, sorry, as of August, there were 141 female firefighters, the most in the history of the department. Okay, well, that's cool, but I hope it's because they're good. Didn't New York City have a firehouse that was all women and they had some major fucking disasters there?
Starting point is 03:07:18 They were unable to do some calls that they showed up at? Possibly. up at possibly i want i want to know the numbers between of how often a female unit has to request assistance on a call i don't think there is more than one all-female uh firehouse no i mean like when so when usually on like a medical call they they have two people running on the medic, like on the ambulance. So there's a driver and then a paramedic, and the paramedic will sit in the back whenever they pick up a patient. So I wonder how often there have been two females on the same ambulance who have had to call for assistance for a patient that they couldn't move or somebody that they couldn't get under control or something like that. Right. I'm looking at,
Starting point is 03:08:11 I don't see it. I don't see the link. Someone wanted me to look at Lane Norton tearing into, into Paul Saladino. I don't see it. About hospitals. Oh, is this it? I don't see it.
Starting point is 03:08:59 I don't – I'm going to tell you I don't like Lane Norton though. He's a half-truth salesman himself. Look at just this click, just this thing, and he's a drama queen. Just this one thing I clicked on here. He says, anyone else find it hilarious that Paul made these claims shortly after his business partner Larry Liar King, I mean Liver King, got busted for using over 10K of illegal steroids per month while claiming natural? What do you mean illegal steroids? What do you mean he got busted? Yeah, Lane Norton's a crybaby.
Starting point is 03:09:37 He is a world-class crybaby. I don't find his shit palatable. I don't think he's doing anyone. I don't follow his shit too closely. But I don't find this shit palatable i've sometimes i feel like he falls into the weeds so fucking hard yeah i'm not um does this guy claim to be natural does he claim to be natural lane norton yeah i don't know people love them
Starting point is 03:10:12 i don't see that paul style i don't see the Paul Saladino. I don't see the Paul Saladino. Oh, let's see. Abductors feeling nearly 100% after three weeks of aggressive rehab and load management. I've used pause deadlifts to decrease the load while also still making these difficult week three 565x3. So he's not natural?
Starting point is 03:10:42 I don't know. I was just showing a video of him. Looks pretty decent to me. It was very eye-opening because I saw the video from Saladino first. When I saw Lane's video, it was a major what-the-fuck moment. I am curious to see if Lane Orton orton is what was the video that there that there's healthy food in hospitals i've been to plenty of hospitals where there's no healthy food i remember in just rows and rows of vending machines with just just the most horrible
Starting point is 03:11:21 shit in them but maybe lane thinks that fruit loops are like maybe he and maybe he thinks that uh he also looks at snicker bars and is like well they only have four grams of sugar maybe lane's that guy shitloads of protein though dude yeah i'm not that guy where is it i want to see it i want to see it where is it uh here's seven truths i see one paul saladino video he's ripping on about testicles um how at risk were you to die of cancer? Do you like drinking alcohol? I don't see it. I'm going through his Instagram. I don't see it. God, he rips into everybody. I don't see it. Sorry. Oh, here we are. Here we are.
Starting point is 03:12:28 Oh, okay. Here we go. I found it. I'm going to go. I'm about to go hard in the paint on the Carnivore MD. Here, I'm going to send you a link, Caleb. Here we go. Found it.
Starting point is 03:12:42 Thank you for waiting, guys. Sorry. Here we go. Found it. Thank you for waiting, guys. Sorry. I like him personally, but he's definitely an acquired taste. I couldn't stand him for a while.
Starting point is 03:12:53 Okay, maybe he'll grow on me, too. Why does, because Bono, I don't know why I look like Bono. Okay, here we go. Action. I wasn't a big Paul Saladino fan before this. This video is disgusting. We're going to see what they serve in the cafeteria in a children's hospital. Western medicine doesn't care what they feed patients.
Starting point is 03:13:18 Pretty sure they don't care what they feed kids either, which is even more saddening. So let's go check it out. We've got french fries and chicken tenders. A banana cake with 409 calories. Flamin' Hot Cheetos, orange, vanilla, Coca-Cola. We should treat our children better. It's crazy. We need to do better for our kids. Oh, I love it when people use sick kids as props to push their agenda. I had several people from this hospital reach out to me and say, there actually are some healthy options in that cafeteria that he completely glossed over. It's not sensationalist. We all know what's most
Starting point is 03:13:45 important to Paul. Secondly, if a particular patient has a specific dietary need or requirement, they formulate those diets for those people specifically. This particular children's hospital deals with a lot of cancer. Let me tell you something that really pisses me off. And many of you watching pause this pause this so now we're we're i don't know how for a minute in and he hasn't said anything but he's rolled his eyes at least once and he hasn't said fucking anything nothing zero he hasn't been like he hasn't said oh yeah that they do offer steaks or it's easy there was an abundant abundance of steaks and there's a thousand There was an abundance of steaks.
Starting point is 03:14:28 And there's a thousand doctors listening right now that are saying, Lane Norton's full of shit. Hospitals don't have healthy choices. And if you have to specifically ask at the cafeteria for a healthy choice, that doesn't count. If it's not readily available? Yeah, you fucking idiot. That's why I fucking can't stand this guy. And he's accusing Paul of being, I don't know, he didn't use the word salacious, but whatever.
Starting point is 03:14:49 He used some word like a, he's the epitome of that. Okay, go on, go on, please. Start giving unsolicited advice on how they can treat their cancer or cure their cancer. You're a fool. Just telling you. Those people dealing with cancer cancer or cure their cancer. You're a fool. Just telling you. Those people dealing with cancer are already dealing with cancer. Okay, pause. So he's saying that now you shouldn't offer unsolicited advice,
Starting point is 03:15:13 meaning if people didn't ask for it, is that what he's saying? To help them cure cancer? Right. So I'm just curious, Lane, when do you help people? If you saw a woman on fire, would you throw water on her? If you saw a child molester, would you stop the child molester? Once again, he's saying nothing. He's just exposing himself as being a fucking coward.
Starting point is 03:15:31 He's such a cunt. How does anyone like this guy? Go on, please. With enough emotionally and physically to use kids as props and to shame the kids. Wait, wait. Okay, so look at that. Look at, look at. He's saying he's using kids as props. to shame the wait wait okay so look at that look at look at he's saying he's using kids as props no dude he's at a fucking children's hospital you're saying that he's using
Starting point is 03:15:52 kids as props i promise you this guy is so fucking miserable this is a guy that shits in the toilet and is like that's not mine this guy couldn't take responsibility for a fucking this guy can't take responsibility for fucking anything i guarantee you this guy is gross to be around and that this is not his internet persona this guy sucks this guy does not this guy only cares about pushing him and not what's better paul is definitely on the side of the good fight and why wouldn't why wouldn't you why wouldn't you just help paul why won't you just help Paul? Why wouldn't you make something constructive?
Starting point is 03:16:31 Hey, Paul, I actually went to that place, and they did have some eggs. It's so easy to say that he's using the kids. No, you dipshit. He was at that hospital. That's you saying that. Go on. And the hospitals doing this work is frankly disgusting. And so I guess I would put out one more plea to you,
Starting point is 03:16:52 which is do better, man. I wasn't a big policy. Nothing. He said nothing. He didn't show us the A. He didn't show us the alternate choices. He didn't even tell us what the alternate choices were. He didn't even tell us, fuck this guy.
Starting point is 03:17:07 Get this guy the fuck off the show. That guy sucks. Cason, Paul is right on. I visited someone with dementia last week, and the food they're feeding is so bad. Pancake, I know. Of course, Paul is right. But Blaine Norton is a cunt of the highest order. It makes me – and you know, what's crazy too is,
Starting point is 03:17:25 um, uh, when people like Joe Rogan have him on, I wonder why Joe just can't see that. I bet you he does. Okay, good. I mean, I think he's been around long enough to know.
Starting point is 03:17:40 I, I don't know if he's woke. I don't know if Blaine's, uh, that, that guy's woke. I, I,
Starting point is 03:17:44 yeah. Lame Norton. He sucks. I don't like, you know, I don't like if he's woke. I don't know if Blaine's... That guy's woke. Yeah, lame Norton. He sucks. I don't like the other guy either that's really popular. I'm not... Well, I shouldn't say. I don't want to... The... Yeah, that guy is an asshole.
Starting point is 03:18:01 I think that guy's an asshole. Imagine being a girl. Would you want to date him? Does anything about him seem fun? No. No, he's a douchebag. Do you know, he's like the evil version of Thomas DeLauer. You know who that is?
Starting point is 03:18:22 The keto guy we had on the show. Yeah. Thomas is like so chill and easy to talk to and open lane norton is just a fucking dick what is that his name lane norton lane yeah i mean he is the product of academia that's not a uh that's not usually a good maybe he is woke he's definitely a full-blown hater that's not usually a good, maybe he is woke. He's definitely a full-blown hater. I think people are scared of him. It's funny.
Starting point is 03:19:04 Paul makes a video that goes into a hospital, shows you the food, and all this guy can do is just say it's a lie and roll his eyes people from the hospital contacted me several that means nobody you know and all they were saying is like we have healthy we have healthy options and he probably didn't even inquire further. He just continued to complain about how terrible Paul Saladino was. Yeah. Thanks for getting me riled up. It's a pleasure. All right. Well, thank you guys. Great show.
Starting point is 03:19:43 Let me get off before we drop below 200 viewers. Have a great day. Tomorrow we have a comedian on, Josh Shakespeare. I'm pretty excited about it. I haven't had a comedian on in a long time. The shows with comedians are usually complete disasters. We shall... Oh, here we go go here's one other thing dylan hospitals give people with type 2 cookies uh give people with type 2 diabetes cookies and tons of sugar added
Starting point is 03:20:16 shit with no teaching of what they of course yeah i know that's why it's weird that this guy is defending hospitals maybe that dude had a kid die of cancer or something maybe that's why he's so defensive like that maybe he's got some sort of weird maybe he was bullied as a kid no yeah maybe none of his arguments make any sense david lucas was horrible yeah sucked hard i know i screwed that up i should have come at david hard i should have made that funnier i I didn't pivot. I'm a more seasoned podcaster now. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 03:20:49 Jeremy, we're all doing Spiegel's job. We will talk to you guys tomorrow, morning, 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Bye. Bye-bye.

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