The Sevan Podcast - #809 - Josh Shakespeare | Bill's Long Lost Grandson... Probably

Episode Date: February 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I always wonder how the show starts for you guys. Is it the thumbnail and then all of a sudden the thumbnail's gone and the show just starts? You can be like somewhere else in the room
Starting point is 00:00:46 and you're just waiting for it to come on or something. And then you hear the audio turn on or how do you know the show starts? Is it the thumbnail? I think after every show is recorded, I don't know what the time the time uh domain is on it but after after a little bit it gets shoved over to rumble we have some automated process
Starting point is 00:01:14 where it goes to rumble i just wish we could figure out how to make it go live on rumble uh some of you guys have been putting time stamps in the comments i really really really really really really really really appreciate that when you guys put time stamps in the comments that saves me so much time it's it's uh it's so awesome and i appreciate it so those you've been doing that when you see parts of the show you like and then you put time stamps so then i can just grab them and then just uh upload them to wherever youtube that's awesome and it looks like we'll be getting our instagram going again we had uh brandsteader doing it for a while then he moved on to bigger and better things and so now we're just uh in a holding pattern but it looks like it's going to get going
Starting point is 00:02:00 again josh what's up dude hey hey what's going on can you hear me perfectly yeah totally oh that's my life too you got the rain going are you in california yeah yeah oh sorry me too oh yeah yeah i had a feeling i was like you said i kept looking up what pst meant and i'm like that's this time zone right like why are we um and usually when we try to do podcasts with people in california they're really? 7 a.m.? Oh, yeah, absolutely. I was very, very upset. And I was like, ah, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I've woken up a lot earlier for a lot. Well, shit, I didn't want to be up for it. So I actually I wouldn't mind doing this at 7 a.m. Hey, I really appreciate it. In the future, when we have you on, we'll move it. We'll make it to a time that's conducive to you. What city are you in? I'm in a glass of park right now.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Where is that? What is that? Northern or Southern? Yeah. Southern Cal Los Angeles. I'm in, it's like 10 minutes outside of Glendale. I just tell people Glendale cause nobody knows where's where glass of park is. Even if they've been in California for like 20 years. Okay. So I rarely see a comedian do an armenian joke and on your instagram i saw an armenian joke and i'm like how does he even know what armenians are and then i was like ah because he's in i should have known i should have
Starting point is 00:03:18 i should have known that's one of my favorite jokes. Thanks. Yeah, yeah. I live in Glendale. Well, technically Glendale. My gym, which is Gold's Gym, it's at the Glendale Galleria. I'm sorry if the rain is too loud and you can't even hear me. No, you're good. You're good. You're good, brother. You're good.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Okay, great. Because I do have roommates and I'm like, I don't want them to fucking talk to me about the day or whatever. But yeah, so I go to Gold's Gym at the glendale galleria and it's just nothing but armenians there who all train and do muay thai and i i'm around them all the time i'm around so many vape shops so yeah it's like a lot of people didn't know who our kids were until they got here yeah is that is that big business for the armenians because i every time i've flown into la my uber driver's armenian and after like five, I hear he's got like 20 Uber cars and that's his business.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's like every Armenian's in the Uber business. Is the vape business big for them too? It's a vape business. It's luxury car dealerships, which are all fronts for drugs and more than likely guns. Okay, good. Yeah, they're like the mafia over here. But they're a lot of fun. They're a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah, they're like the mafia over here. But they're a lot of fun. They're a lot of fun. And that's awfully racist and prejudiced of you to pigeonhole us in vape stores. It's so funny. So I'm obviously 100% Armenian. And my dad came to this country. And guess what he did? He ran a fucking liquor store.
Starting point is 00:04:43 He ran a fucking liquor store. A Middle Eastern guy comes to the United States and runs a liquor store go figure it's so funny how uh people get freaked out by stereotypes and and uh and the store next to my dad's liquor store was a jewelry store and that was another armenian guy and then the guy across the street was a carpet store and that was an iranian guy and it's like yeah people certain people from certain ethnicities will gravitate um to uh to certain businesses i'm trying to like i'm trying to think the last time i went to a um cleaner and uh the owners weren't asian yeah um it's just i actually got uh i did i did alterations for a few jackets and the woman behind the counter was an Armenian woman. So that is... Glendale.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Glendale transcends everything. Everyone there is Armenian. Everyone there... No, literally. It's nothing but wedding dresses. You also notice that too. I'm like, huh. It's normally under this
Starting point is 00:05:38 where I'm from, but it is... I mean, you guys do it better. I will say that. You guys are very family oriented and you guys seem to value the dollar. I think, you guys do it better. I will, I will say that you guys are very family oriented and you guys seem to value the dollar. I think most European immigrants do that. So, I mean, it's definitely aspirational. It was a trip for me living in Northern California and then I, you know, going to Glendale and going into a Safeway because, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:03 there's no Armenians up here and then going down there and it was like holy shit everyone in the safeway speaks armenian like the checkers the back it was weird it was a really trippy phenomenon yeah armenian women are very very beautiful truly they are i spent i spent a little bit of time in armenia and i was i was quite surprised another another thing is is i'm surprised i'm five five and I thought that when I would go to Armenia, I would be tall. But no, I'm short. Just like I'm short in the States, I'm short. I was short in Armenia. I'm 5'4", and I can only buy jackets made by Asians or Italians
Starting point is 00:06:41 because the men of these races are very, very short. You know what's crazy about you being 5'4"? You are completely proportional. Ah, you know what? When you see you on video, say that again. That's some of the best compliments. I've gotten that before, but not this prominent. And that is just one of my favorite compliments.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I appreciate that. Thank you so much. before but not like this prominent and that is just one of my favorite compliments i appreciate that thank you so much there there becomes a point when a dude drops under like five six where there's like weird shit like his forearms don't match his thighs match his feet match his head and like you can see him from uh uh i don't 100 feet away and you're like something's fucked up there like he got like he didn't he's not down syndrome no but it's like either but something's wrong so too big torso too small of legs or two big legs and small torso so i understood that going into it i'm very very very meticulous about my overall appearance yeah which is why like i can only get like jackets that are cropped with like very like low hems sometimes it'll be a woman's jacket because it only looks good like the jacket goes too low past the waist right i can't i like wearing clothes
Starting point is 00:07:50 that look like they were made for me specifically so like it'll be anything from like uh maybe like a top gun maverick jacket that like tom cruise wore because he's like 5'8 or something like that or it'll be like uh uh like very very slim chin, anything that makes the body look like I'm taller than I actually am or everything just looks very well fit. It's a very – yeah. I want to talk to you about being 5'4 for a second, but before I do, I want to introduce everyone to how you popped up on my radar. I'm going to play this clip from Instagram. Hey, everybody, by the way it's uh this is josh shakespeare and uh i this clip popped up on my instagram and i was an uh instant fan um and i think i'm viral yeah i can't wait to get to your origins, how you got to think the way you think.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Because for me, how old are you? I'm 24 now. Yeah, it didn't happen. I'm 50 and it didn't happen to me until I was like 48. And it took a lot of people fucking reprogramming me. But it's amazing how clearly you think. But anyway. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I appreciate it. Here we go. This is the clip I saw that got my attention. Here we go. So funny. Here we go. This is the clip I saw that got my attention. Here we go. So funny. He went to a BLM protest.
Starting point is 00:09:09 A Black Lives Matter protest. There was like hundreds of thousands of black people there. And he specifically only shot and killed like a domestic abuser and a pedophile. That's why it's hilarious. Everybody was like, he's a white supremacist. I was like, nigga, are you sure this nigga's not the Punisher?
Starting point is 00:09:22 he's a white supremacist. I was like, nigga, are you sure this nigga's not the punisher? I think I woke up and chose justice. Um, how, so when you come up with that and, and, and also I'm a, uh, I'm a, uh, closet comedian. I'm such a wannabe comedian. Uh, never been on stage. I hide here in my little office and crack jokes to people on the internet how did you come up with that do you remember when that joke hit you uh oh that's a good question do i remember when that joke hit me yeah it was actually uh so rarely does this happen but it was over the span of two days like most jokes takes comedians like weeks months sometimes years a lot of the times but for me um, um, because it was, uh, it was a joke where I thought to myself, okay, so we have the fact here
Starting point is 00:10:10 and how can I just kind of flip it on everybody else? Oh, very difficult to, to make facts that make people uncomfortable. A lot of the times funny. Um, uh, especially when there's like this, this level of denial going around. Especially when there's like this, this level of denial going around the country, there's like this atmospheric, admitting that I'm wrong would somehow reshape my whole identity. So it was, yeah, I was, it was nighttime. And I was planning on going up the like the next day. So it just, I was writing and I was like, let me just come up with this idea. Let me just see if I can just take another stab at this. Because I've tried to make jokes about this in the past, like maybe right when it happened, like a year or a year ago.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Because it was a trial that was going on for a very long time. I tried to make dozens and dozens of those, but they just never worked. and they just never worked um but it was on that angle of like a white guy who you guys call a white supremacist that only shot other white people that'd be like the worst that's like the worst white supremacist i've met in my life like i used to have a joke where i'd be like if i worked for the kkk and kyle came into the office that day and he was like yeah by the way i went to a blm protest i didn't kill any black people but i tried i'd be like dude you're fired demoted you're demoted not the wrong guys turn in your turn in your hood please you didn't even get an arab or an armenian you just got straight white dudes and they had like tattoos they look like one of us why are you do you know how to do this hey it is it is pretty crazy
Starting point is 00:11:44 and then you have to well on top of that you have to be up to on all the current events right you have to read about it like i had to go out of my way and read that the guy one of the guys that was shot was got out of jail earlier that day or the night before he had sodomized like seven kids between the age of seven and 16. Like I did like dig to find that and that he was actually going down the street screaming nigga. Like that's what he was doing. And that dude took a and it's like, wait, maybe Kyle Rittenhouse was with the BLM protest. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's like, are you fucking kidding me? How is any I mean, I don't want to condone violence, but how is anyone upset? I mean, I'm a father of three kids. How is anyone upset that that guy got killed? Oh yeah, no, I was, I said this before. So, but you have to research that. What if your audience didn't know the answer to that?
Starting point is 00:12:36 What if they didn't know that? Then do they not get the joke? They would see a lot of what in my standup, because I cover a lot of topics just like this. A lot of it is explaining a lot of set. A lot of the setup is explaining and then making the joke. And then the trick is to be as interesting as possible for that amount of time it takes for you to explain something where you go, oh, well, he said this and people think this, here's the joke. So it is like playing tennis almost with the audience and seeing if they know how to use their racket.
Starting point is 00:13:08 It's it's it's a lot. But I found out I knew about the whole Kyle Rittenhouse situation, like sort of the day it was the days following the incident and the independent leagues. I'm not sure if you were on Twitter at the time, but when a lot of I don't do too much twitter I'm stuck on instagram very yeah I left twitter years ago um but like uh I followed many many accounts at the time um through like a burner twitter account where I just use it just to maybe like look for material or whatever yeah and um yeah like like the day after it happened people would post independent links or videos from people that were around Kyle at the time. So I kind of knew the truth as it was coming out by like Andy Ngo and all these other independent – Yeah, actually, it's funny. I do know – I say I don't do Twitter, but I know his – I know that dude's Twitter account. I get notifications. notifications exactly exactly so when the riots were happening he like had like the videos ground level of everything that was going on whenever before this cnn or any kind of corrupt news source
Starting point is 00:14:10 could get their hands on it so i i kind of immediately knew like the day after he shot the guys i saw the video of kyle with their like oh yeah i'm here to like clean up for the businesses and shit and i was like oh he didn't he didn't literally did anything wrong to me so um so yeah he i think he's gonna get rich josh um he i think he already is have you seen his girlfriend i mean no amazing she's very very attractive absolutely gorgeous good for him yeah yeah i think he's i think those law i think he's gonna win those lawsuits against those uh like cnn and stuff and i think he's gonna get crazy rich as he should same thing with the covington kids so is uh which one is the covington kid is that the one at uh at
Starting point is 00:14:52 the steps of the lincoln memorial i believe so where the uh where he's just smiling and yeah the native american guy and him are in a face-to-face off yeah yeah yeah and then like everybody across the country we're like i know that smile you know what's crazy is i fell for that yeah that's before i saw before before i saw the all the footage i i thought you know in my mind in my mind i thought that he went over and was taunting the native american guy and then when you see the whole footage you see the native american guy came over and got in his face and at that point i was like i wouldn't i wouldn't tolerate any adult getting in my son's face like that no no absolutely not and optic wise i'm gonna be completely honest just because i don't concern myself with any of this too much just looking at the photo i'm like okay i could see how it looks like he's laughing in the guy's
Starting point is 00:15:41 face and he's taunting but i'm like oh it was the completely different it ah it was it was i completely no no no shame no judgment i get it yeah great it's it's it's crazy um how long have you been doing stand-up i've been doing it for four years now and and how many ups is that meaning like what do you mean like how many times have you gotten in front of a crowd in uh in peddled jokes peddled humor it's got to be like it's got to be like at least over a thousand now there's like a little bit over a thousand i i can't even believe that that the the few comics that i've had on here that's what they do um i had a um this guy
Starting point is 00:16:25 on here hans i don't know if you know him but he's i saw him from um kill tony he's an asian dude he's had a couple things go viral too and he sounds familiar i think he got a gig opening for joe rogan but he told me that he was living in a van doing two shows a day for like a year and i'm like i can't even get my head wrapped around that there are a lot of us who actively choose to live in our cars and their vans too i know a few comedians like that as well yeah and they do and they manage to they manage so you know as long as they do what they love and i wouldn't choose to live in a van if i had the choice but you know yeah i don't think he i don't think he wanted to it was i don't think he wanted to, it was, I don't think he wanted to, especially it was in New York city.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. I didn't know New York. Oh, fuck that. No, I had the choice. Cause I'm from Connecticut. I had the choice to either live in New York or LA and I chose LA because of the weather. And I realized I'm saying that as it's hailing right now, but, but you get the, um, is, is it weird being in the hive la is really fucked up like worse than or by that i mean you got all the dudes who are just completely terrified of covid the masks the crazy wokeness the unable to distinguish between um you know gender and sex all you got all my my all the relatives you know we haven't gone to family gatherings down there because we wouldn't wear a mask. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 And I commend you guys for sticking to it. Truly. You guys are very, very strong. I still to this very day, despite the fact that people still want to forget all of this happened or how they behave for the past three years, despite the Project Veritas video, I commend you. And we would have gotten along very very well during the pandemic if that's the case but um is it hard being there um it it used to be for it used to be hell for the first uh right during and then after the pandemic um but now it feels as if we fully a lot of people have fully let it go because i went to uh there's like this business
Starting point is 00:18:26 that i there's this comedy you know the comedy store right i don't know it i mean i know of it just because i'm from just from instagram from seeing all the the comedians there right right so i'm not stripping in the areas where like this the big cities and stuff um those areas uh i went past a store that i used to walk down to go to the comedy store all the time. And they used to have outdoor seating. And I went there again about like a week ago, it's gone. You know, when they would have like those translucent setups on the curve, so people could just like sit outside. But like, if people walk by COVID wouldn't get them or some shit that's gone now. So I was like, Oh, wow, we're fully, completely out of it.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But you still see people wearing masks. But yeah, everyone here basically used to be a Nazi for about like two years straight, three years straight, if anything. I can't. Go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. Sorry, you go ahead. No, I was going to say that despite me reminding them, they seem to not care or want to remember. So go ahead.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Are they scared now that they all got the shot and they're seeing what's coming out? Are they scared? Absolutely. I'd say so, yes. I was doing a show last night. No, no, no. A couple of nights ago, I was on stage, and I was like, hey, did you guys see the Project Veritas video? And then, like, one guy, like, laughed and said no because he was like – because he knew what I was talking about, But he was like, no, I didn't see. And I was like, you did see it.
Starting point is 00:19:48 And it was that it was in that moment that I realized, oh, like this video has like over a million views just in the span of a couple of hours. I know most people have probably seen it, but just are pretending they haven't. So it's because it's too scary. It's too scary, right? so it's because it's too scary it's too scary right it's way way too yeah of course i mean imagine seeing something so uh identity shattering see imagine seeing that where you just you literally see the super villain just found out that the drug you took that you thought was going to save your life is actually a ticking time bomb wait yeah you were you were the experiment you were a heart attack yeah yeah you were literally i i love seeing memes like that where they were like uh like i know people that can't afford water right now but the but the vaccine
Starting point is 00:20:36 comes with a free burger and fries i was like you know but i was like come on you know and then you have what's going on with in ohio right right now and medical professionals telling everyone it's okay. I'm like, these are the people who said they had your best interest at heart health-wise two years ago. So it just doesn't pan out. But, you know, it is horrible out here. Is it all fodder for your comedy? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:21:03 It's a blessing in disguise. It's bittersweet because I get a lot of material from it, but then at the same time, I get a little too frustrated. And then I start to get a little unfunny. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You definitely don't want to do that. No, but it's a hard line to walk because a lot of these things do make you very passionate. There was this clip going around of a new york city comic and he was talking about i wish i had it but it just reminded me of it and his whole shtick is just bashing the people
Starting point is 00:21:33 who live in new york city about how if it wasn't for the people in the midwest if it wasn't for the the red states you wouldn't be able you wouldn't have milk you wouldn't have food you wouldn't have electricity and he's just it's a fucking if i find it i'll send it to you but i wonder if you could i wonder if you could make a whole can you survive there just at your shtick just being bashing liberals um bill who is it bill burr he's kind of gone down that route right yeah he has um yeah yeah you are yeah you're thinking of him and um and bill maher's kind of flipped the script, right? And Bill Maher's kind of flipped the script. knows what he's talking about. Bill does do that. It's always great to see Bill go up because he has a way of, for some reason, making it work because not everybody could pull it off, even
Starting point is 00:22:30 myself included. So yeah, that's not all my material either. It's just bashing liberals. You just catch the most controversial opinions that I make jokes about that exist sort of in like this little bubble of time because, you know, I wanted to drop a lot of these jokes before people officially stop caring or don't remember who I'm talking about anymore. So, yeah, but no, no, no, that I wouldn't say that's my entire stick would be shitting on liberals is more so just like being like, well, this is your argument and let's unpack it. Fair, fair. That, and that sounds better to keep a clear mind. Were you, were you ever a liberal? Did you have, did you, did you make a journey? Did you make a journey that you would think is a blue to red pill journey? No, no. I've always just been, I've always just been centrist as far as like,
Starting point is 00:23:22 or rather moderate as far as just heavily capitalizing on common sense. Because a lot of people now are seeing things coming out about certain conservatives or certain Republicans as far as inconsistencies in their in their logic or what they claim they fight for. And then you see this on both sides. So I'm just like, yeah, I agree. for. And then you see this on both sides. So I'm just like, yeah, I agree. If they have a lot of, if they have too much money or a lot of money like that, they, they, they usually aren't, they usually don't have your best interest, despite what they may say. Some may be better than others, but I'm like, eh, I'd rather just be like, all right, that's just not right. But let's just make fun of it at the end of the day. Were you born in LA? No, I was born in Florida, but raised in Connecticut.icut yeah just from a young
Starting point is 00:24:08 age you went to connecticut uh yeah like i was like probably like three or something when i moved over to connecticut like i didn't even remember i had no idea what was going on and it was and that's where you were raised until uh until you came out to la yeahA.? Yeah, until 19. Like at the age of 19, that's when my mother and I drove across the states from Connecticut all the way to California. And then I moved out here. So, yeah. And why did you drive across with her? So, it was too much to like move all my stuff via like flight.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So, she booked the flight flight a few days in advance, and then we drove across the states just so she could basically make that flight back to Connecticut. Because we also got the car in Connecticut and then drove it here. We couldn't – it was too much to have it moved from Connecticut over there. Was that your first time leaving home? Absolutely, yes. moved from Connecticut over there. Was that your first time leaving home? Absolutely. So at 19, your mom helped you move to Los Angeles to, were you going to school here in Los Angeles? What was the goal? The goal was just to find a job here and do just acting and comedy because I did it when I was 18. I used to travel back and forth from Connecticut to New York to do background acting and then at that time I was in a couple of major shows that were going on in New York like Law and Order or
Starting point is 00:25:36 Tell me a story unlike TBS like the streaming platform or CBS, excuse me And yeah, so I was like, you know, let me just fully move to because there is no comedy scene or acting scene in Connecticut. So I was like, I can't I want to kill myself from here any longer. So I just decided to move over here to the Golden State. Is the goal to be an actor, a film actor, TV, stage, in the comedies just to keep you sharp? Or is it just to – what is the goal? How do you see what you're doing? How do you see yourself? The goal is to just be really, really, really, really good at comedy, really, really funny, make comedy and make content that people can really connect with. It used to not be like that. content that people can really connect with um yeah it used to not be like that it used to just be like oh i want to have this hot take and go viral but now there's like a much more holistic
Starting point is 00:26:30 approach to it so there's that and then yeah i also do want to be uh really really good at acting i want to be successful at acting like do do commercials and tv shows and stuff like that it used to be i want to be like this i used to really really want to be this like almost denzel type of actor where i'm like winning oscars and stuff but i was like nah i actually have more of a passion for for comedy specifically so so i'd say the acting is just to keep that side sharp and there's also like the financial aspect of it but yeah comedy seems to be the first love and then i also make my own videos so yeah i can see director and uh writer in the future like for scripts and stuff because i've always done that even when i was younger so yeah the you there's a lot of effort um and thought and
Starting point is 00:27:18 details into into the videos on your youtube i always trip on that i'm like oh man he spent he spent you know six hours setting this up for, you know, a 45 second video. Yeah. It was how a lot of the content is going back. It's, it's not that good, but I did put my best foot forward. I did cut corners a lot when I was younger in the game. Um, but now that I'm older now and seeing what it takes, I'm like, Oh, should I need a computer? I need this type of equipment just, just to make the process a little bit faster because I'm using a very old computer at the moment. So, um, but I did, yeah, I, uh, I did a lot of the content before it was a good, a lot of it was bad, but some of it was great. And I did have a lot of fun making it. So. So two, 250 days a year year you're on stage for the last four years you could say so yeah yeah i'd say that and do you ever do two a days uh yeah i i um the past uh dare i say month um yeah it's been two to three going up two to three times um every other day oh shit and do
Starting point is 00:28:27 you hate that or do you like that a little bit both i think yeah every i mean even like the the the best actor the best comedian eventually you're gonna start to hate it and then like it and then love it and then it's it's everything has like its own ebb and flow i think chefs hate making food sometimes hey josh as these four years go on do you see yourself taking more and more risks so i've been doing this podcast every day for let's say two years i don't know if that's true but let's just say every morning 7 a.m i do this podcast and um and i go through uh little growth spurts in like things that i'm willing to take the risk to do so i've been using I've been in the last like five or six months,
Starting point is 00:29:06 I'll do voices. Like if someone does something to annoy me, like, like if I'm, if I'm reading something Joe Biden said or something, something like, Oh, and Joe's really scared of the, and the first time I did that, I'm like, holy shit, what am I doing? Or like, I'll sing a few bars, even though I can't sing and I'll catch myself taking risks that I would have never taken. How do you develop? When you see yourself getting better or developing, are you kind of shocked to see stuff that comes out of your mouth and you get a little bit of panic even? No, not panic. There have been times in the past where it was mild shock at like well where did that come from but the more um let's see do you know what i'm
Starting point is 00:29:55 saying like if you you have to constantly be developing and pushing further right let's say you're a high wire artist um and you start walking on a rope that's like eight inches wide but by then every every year you got to make it narrow and narrow and take more and more risks and then eventually you have to learn how to juggle and then you got to get out there on a unicycle and then you got to get out there holding a bitch with one hand and it's like holy shit i'm assuming it's got to be like that with comedy you have to yeah because i feel like that with the podcast i have to every day do something that makes me a little uncomfortable and push the margins of my failure. You know, push out. Absolutely. That's exactly. Yeah. I'd say what it is is you just getting more comfortable with it, which as a comedian it takes.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And it's interesting because it takes different elements for different people. I was Andrew Schultz. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. He has my favorite quote about stand up comedy. He was like, standup comedy is like being a basketball player, but every time you get on the court, the hoop is a different height. So you get more comfortable, but it's very case by case. Not everybody gets comfortable or pushes their own boundaries the way you and I do at our own, at the same exact pace. So, but you are getting more confident, which a lot, a lot of artists do in their craft, the more they do it.
Starting point is 00:31:12 So yeah, I'd say that's the way it is for everybody, but it's just our, our measure of evolution is just different because, you know, I'm 24 and you're, I'm not sure how you said 50. Yeah, exactly. I couldn't, I thought you were like younger 40. So sure how – you said 50? Yeah, exactly. I couldn't – I thought you were younger, 40. So, yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Thank you. You should see when I shave. I look like I'm 17. You should see me naked. I look like I'm 12. Nice. So then your mom brings you out here, and did you already have an apartment and some money saved? How do you do that?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Did you have relatives? Uh-oh, you froze. Repeat. Okay. You're back. Repeat that. So, so you come out here with your mom, she drops you off and do you have money saved for an apartment or something, or do you stay with relatives or how does it, how do you, how do you get, get your feet? Yeah. So I moved. So I got here. Um, we got here um we before this we uh before we officially drove out here we flew out here for a week to set up appointments to look for apartments um and the one we ended up going with was a basically hostel with like 50 people all living in one house and in bunk beds and all in the same room. And, um, there was like multiple rooms in this house and there was like one girl's room that was co-ed. And then there was like
Starting point is 00:32:29 everywhere else with boys. And, um, it was like two other bunk beds in my room and the rent was only 600 a month. Uh, and yeah, it was in like a shady part of downtown Los Angeles, but it wasn't that dangerous. Nothing bad ever really happened to me, thank God. But there was like roaches there and there was like a few mice in the stove and everything was just dirty and everyone there didn't clean up after themselves. So that was like our first spot. And my mother like hated it, but I was like, this is how I know I'm actually doing this. So, and everybody has to start out somewhere um and i did have a uh some money saved up at the time so yeah
Starting point is 00:33:10 and then i had a job too because central casting was also in new york at the time and then i just switched over to california so what's that mean central casting that's just the agency that i went through at the time like to do background acting like that's how i did law and order in new york and yeah and it's funny people in the comments are like holy shit 600 for a hostel because you know in some places in the country 600 is your mortgage and you own the house yeah and you were living with mice and 49 other dudes in a house yep yeah yeah yeah that's crazy and then um and then how quickly before you got your feet on the ground and started getting gigs like started finding your home what did you call the place the comedy store yeah but that's not my home like i don't i don't that's not like i don't
Starting point is 00:33:55 regularly go out at the comedy store at all but like um that's like a place i frequently go to like i frequently go to different comedy clubs but like i'm not i'm not even at the level that people think i'm at as we speak uh i'm still like slightly known but like not like off to the side um right but people started to know me around like year two when i still kept doing it during the pandemic so yeah and where do you do and what so so where do you do it is it just anywhere it's just looking for places where there's stand-up uh before local bands coffee shops like you're just constantly hustling to find spots absolutely yep yes that's exactly what it is and it never stopped and then there's like dry periods for a lot of people especially um yeah even as an actor you'll see this where you'll like get booked for like a, one month, and that goes by nothing.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And then it's just ebb and flow. Is it exhilarating or depressing? Both. Both? Both. All the time. Yeah, that's kind of why i chose those it's exhilarating because you're getting you have to you you're putting yourself out there and it's depressing because
Starting point is 00:35:09 you're constantly putting yourself out there yeah absolutely it's stressful very very stressful but worth it of course dude it's in in the truth is um from afar, I think it's what every person would want to do. It's like, holy shit. Like every 24, you're living the dream. Oh, thanks. Thank you. I appreciate that. And you don't have any responsibility. You don't have kids or a dog or a cat. It's just you. No, thank God. I do want a dog, though. Don't do it. Don't do it. There'll be plenty of time. yeah i do want a dog though yeah don't do it don't do it there'll be plenty of time get a girlfriend with a dog get a girlfriend all right i'll try to do that don't do
Starting point is 00:35:51 it uh so so then you're so you're in this hostel and how long do you stay in this hostel um until during the pandemic um because uh as you, like a lot of people started to move home back home. A lot of people moved from L.A. back to their house. Sadly, they came back. But a lot of people moved to their hometown. And the manager of the hostel at the time was like, all right, we can't because too many people are moving out. We can't keep it going. So we're going to shut the house down. And then I just moved in with one of the guys I knew there that I was that I got along with well at the time. So the two of you found another spot. Yeah. Was he freaked out about COVID?
Starting point is 00:36:41 No, we were very like minded. We were were like we're not we don't give a fuck yeah and you're healthy you take care of yourself you don't eat like you're not obese no no i go to the gym pretty much every other day so uh uh dogs are the best no see the problem with dogs are is they they they might be the best but um he doesn't need anything holding him back he's he's he wants to take off in a rocket ship uh does he crossfit you fuck around with crossfit uh yeah actually i love calisthenics i do boxing so yeah oh sweet uh on your own like shadow boxing or just you or you got a trainer on my own i used to have a trainer and now i now i do it independently
Starting point is 00:37:21 um but i just i stay sharp and i follow a bunch of boxing accounts and I try to do like a little light sparring with anyone at the gym that I can, that I'm comfortable with doing it with. So. Yeah, that's cool as shit. And what about the CrossFit? You just do that on your own, like set up in a little corner of the, of the, the Globo gym, or you actually go to a CrossFit gym? No, I actually do. I do it by myself, like in my own,
Starting point is 00:37:41 a little section of Gold's gym, like, cause they don't even have like a sled push. So I have to like makeshift my own sled push. Like, you know, those black boxes where people like jump on them. I'd have to put weights on them and then just drag it and push it back and forth. Yeah. And people give you shit for that, for doing that in the gym? No, no.
Starting point is 00:37:59 They're like, oh, that's like a really smart idea. I'm like, yeah, we don't have like a lot of asphalt. We don't have fake grass. We don't have like a large fake grass field field it's for a lot of women and booty shorts are just kind of like pretend stretch so i have to kind of make do with what i have at that time so i like pretend stretching people yeah there's they're always very funny to me it's like that's not a real that's not a real pose and and you were doing f45 for a while too i saw on your instagram f45 what is that oh i thought f uh it's it's kind of like um crossfit it's it's a knockoff it's marky marks it's mark
Starting point is 00:38:32 walberg's knockoff way back in your instagram account i saw you at an f45 gym you don't recall this is old this is i think you're talking about um it's not planet fitness speak easy fitness i don't know i just saw you like you you look like you just sweat done some sweating and maybe i could find it hey do you archive your account do you call your account or is that everything you've ever posted because you don't really have a lot of posts no no some some of it is archived but yeah i don't have a lot of posts what you're seeing is me being very very well versed in how to use hashtags and sort of marketing so yeah i don't have a lot of posts normally you'd see someone with like this the the amount of followers i keep getting with with like over
Starting point is 00:39:18 a thousand posts which i do actually want to reach at a certain point but yeah i don't um some of it is archived but genuinely that is just about as much as i post here and there i'll archive some posts like even reposts so but yeah no that's just that's mainly a thing i've posted so far um uh the so then there's that and there's kd mma which is an old uh which is a gym like sort of up the street um it's an mma gym but that's where i learned boxing so that could be what you're talking about okay maybe it is i'm scrolling through here hey the girl that you did the podcast after sex with is that an armenian girl no um that was uh she's a jewish woman uh actress slash model uh yeah yeah sarah so so when you wanted oh wait did i find it did i find that
Starting point is 00:40:08 45 when you want to do a bit like that are you like how does that work you're like hey come over to my house i got this idea um you're gonna be getting out of bed and getting dressed i'm gonna talk about the sex we had yeah i had to get she's like are you fucking crazy josh fuck you i'm not doing that how about you get in bed and all and and i'll and i'll talk about you hey that can be that can be pretty funny to do that to have her version too by the way yeah i was you know everybody and their mother was like oh you should keep doing this here's another idea here's i was like yeah but then it's like you got to keep it consistent and that is in of itself a niche i And I didn't want to do that. I wanted to have this thing sort of exist just for what it is, even though people were like, yeah, you should make like an episode two or three or four.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And I'm like, no, you trust me. You don't want that. In theory, you'd think that you'd want it. It'd be like coming to America. Like you think you want it. You don't. Just leave it alone. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:41:03 But yeah, that was a lot of fun i did i got her through uh another female comedian that i was friends with at the time i was like do you know any actresses that are willing to do this because i don't want to cold call anyone and be like hey this is what the idea is to be like we'll be much better if i was doing it through a woman and sarah is already low-key a nude model so she was totally fine and she was down with whatever so that was a lot of fun day yeah she was great yeah yeah she played her role great I had this friend um Travis Bajent tell me one time that there's two kinds of vacations there's vacations that are too long and then there
Starting point is 00:41:43 are vacations that are too short and you always want a vacation that's because there's never the perfect vacation and you want the vacation that's too short so that way you'll want to go back again he says if it's too long it ruins the whole fucking vacation i agree with that uh josh uh who is your barber my My husband needs lined up. Love your videos. I get my hair cut at an Armenian barber shop by a gay black woman in Burbank. And she does an amazing job. Armenians are racist and homophobic. How could there be a black and homophobic how could there be a black um and sexist how could there be a black not not all of them that says surprisingly i i was surprised
Starting point is 00:42:32 at the number i mean it's like that with everybody but you know they're actually very good people if you're very respectful i do don't like it because i i can just sense it when i go to certain areas that a lot of them think that i'm a part of blm and i just and i'm like guys i'm not i'm not with them it's just me it's it's okay yeah isn't that isn't that crazy yeah the blm thing was so fucked up now they now they just think i'm one of them that's actually worse i'd rather you just hate me because you think i'm black that's just but now it's just way way way worse i i i want i like it worse. I like this gaze against groomers, and I like the melanated people speaking up against BLM, and I like obese people speaking up against COVID. For that reason, it's like, hey, COVID's not killing anyone. It's because I have a fucking sugar addiction.
Starting point is 00:43:24 anyone it's because i have a fucking sugar addiction i just it's it's crazy that we've come to that but we kind of need these people from their superficial genres or niches to speak up and be like yo what the fuck don't put me in that fucking pigeonhole absolutely yeah yeah yeah you're absolutely right i mean it is they we are the most necessary, I'd say. Are you having fun? Would you say you're a happy person? Yes. Yeah. That's why I'm very present.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I like that. And your cohort in your field of comedians, are they happy people? No. No. No, not at all. I wouldn't say so. But they're learning to be. a lot of people seem to be tell me why is that that that's like the stereotype like inside the comedian is frowning and suicidal um a lot of it uh superficially a lot of people think it has to be that way there's this narrative
Starting point is 00:44:21 that runs in a lot of artists where they're like you have to be always depressed or you have to always be anxious or you have to always in order to know that you're good at this or know that you're going to make it which is the dumbest fucking shit i've heard in my entire life you have to be doing drugs you have to be neurotic all that shit that goes with uh being creative yes that that yes that that uh that story that everyone keeps telling themselves which is not true at all um you can, they're absolutely comedians who are, who are very well adjusted, happy people that are, that are hilarious. Um, uh, there's that, uh, a lot of people, a lot of humans just are masochists by nature. I'd say a lot of people want to be miserable. And, uh, that's number two. And then number three, I think people just haven't found the
Starting point is 00:45:04 right guidance. I was lucky enough to find a great i was lucky enough to find uh just like the perfect therapist to the point where i'm like i wouldn't even call you a therapist and now i'm just happier but you know i just you have a therapist well i used to i just we just sort of separated um maybe like two weeks ago because she moved to a private practice and we agreed that that was the universe telling me I don't need therapy anymore. So we separated and she subscribes to Eastern philosophy, which is meditation and presence and very like Buddhists. I recommend everyone get a therapist that does that because not every therapist is, a lot of them are crackpots. So I got, i lucked out so that's why i think all these three to four elements are why people are so depressed and why people
Starting point is 00:45:52 think in comedy as an artist you have to what that really is is just a self-comparison you're always going to self-compare i'm sure you compare yourself to other podcasts all the time yeah i always tell myself how much better i am i just yeah i stopped listening to howard stern when he became a pussy a couple years ago and then recently i just drove back from arizona to california and the car i had had serious xm and i listened to him and he i was so happy how shitty he was i know that's really not a nice thing to say and i know that's a serious problem with uh people in, in sort of the entertainment business too, but man, he has really shit the bed. He has really taken a downturn. He wasn't funny.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He was beyond, he was crassier than I remember. I like crass humor, but he was crassier than I remember. And he's just scared. He's so scared and closed minded. Absolutely. I know you're seeing that a lot. You're seeing the fall of a lot of people and it is very, very sad, but you know, you're seeing the fall of a lot of different businesses. I was talking to, we went to Abercrombie and Fitch when I visited Connecticut, like a couple of weeks ago, I was like, this is a completely different store. It's not the same anymore. It used to be dark and classist. I miss that. Hey, um, did you ever work there? At Abercrombie and fitch yeah i applied
Starting point is 00:47:06 applied once didn't get the job they um uh there's this guy who's a regular on the show who used to work there and he told me there's a documentary i need to see about it do you know about that oh yeah yeah i've heard i've heard about the documentary which is pretty much just going to reaffirm everything that i already believe and they were like oh we you know we were like oh god like everything you feel about howard stern how I feel about Abercrombie and Fitz just as a brand. Because if you go to their Instagram right now, they're like, how do you want to celebrate black history? And it's like this, this obese black woman, like kind of promoting the products. And it's like, they would have never made this for you like years ago. They're just,
Starting point is 00:47:40 they're so scared and they just want to, overall, I miss – I like businesses that do the exclusion thing because it's like if it's for everybody, then there's no – that's why we have fake Gucci bags. It's not supposed to be for everybody. I used to work there. That company has DEI now, and their product is trash. What does DEI mean? Diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Oh, boy, yeah. correct yes they're the they're the ones who say like if you work somewhere they'll say hey um please don't say shoot me an email anymore we're in sensitive times and we don't want the word
Starting point is 00:48:16 shoot used or or or don't don't say uh don't if you walk up to someone who's of color, don't say to them, do you like my new black shoes? Try to use a different word besides black. Yeah, please don't just talk. A lot of people are actually sensitive to volume, and if you could just maybe keep it down a little bit, we will now be using sign language. Don't ever tell a person of color that they're articulate because um that's offensive that's very very offensive please please don't ever ever use the word urban or anything like that or inner city please stop what has happened do you know do you know um if you try to uh you know like when you squeeze one end of one of those those animal balloons how it bubbles up on one end all fucked up right like you squeeze it and you get like a weird like it gets thin and it looks like it's gonna pop on one end um sex is like that too if you fucked with someone's like
Starting point is 00:49:16 the course of their like sexual expression you could fuck someone up right let's say yeah like showing us that's what so many kids are fucked up a seven-year-old kid gets his dad's phone and he sees some porn and it's basically and you see he sees a blow job at seven and now you've squeezed one end of the balloon and now you've stained his brain something's gonna be that's gonna cause some sort of weird pathology now um race is like that this whole thing that we've gone through in the last two years it's done that like they tried to fix uh race relations well i don't even know if they but they just completely fucked it up
Starting point is 00:49:51 like yeah completely over correction yeah like no one ever knew if they had a black or a white checker asian checker at the supermarket but now if you have a black checker you know yeah like oh shit it's yeah you're like like you're like you're tripping out like am i gonna say something fucked up do they think i'm a white supremacist i mean i don't but but but i know people do but i always do this level of fear that it's just i mean you'll see that with like the majority of um with like a lot of white comedians i went to new york recently and it's the same thing and it's very sad to watch what happened to that like they're scared like the so many white comedians go on stage and their
Starting point is 00:50:32 whole act is i get that i look like i'm a white supremacist but i'm not that's the whole act i'm not racist but it's just a regular looking white dude yeah exactly and he's like i know you guys are thinking where was i on january no we're not bro yeah right we're not you have a vape right we we don't we don't know we we know you weren't there but you just you you decide you that everyone is going to automatically think that you're racist is i mean and i scratch that that is actually real that the that the majority of liberals you encounter are going to think that you're racist and then you have to over correct in your head but like me i'm like i just wouldn't give a fuck i would just say how i felt about whatever it is so um do you vape no i used to but i quit yeah it's it's horrible for you dude i
Starting point is 00:51:16 vape for a little bit it's fucking horrible absolutely and it really it don't it only hits you when you do like uh combat sports or rigorous training. I don't think people who rigorously go to the gym and put their body through a lot of stress will scratch that. No, every Armenian I know smokes, even if they do Muay Thai, so scratch that. What do they smoke? Are the Armenians vaping? Are they smoking cigarettes? They're vaping and smoking cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:51:43 So that's how you can tell who's older and who's younger. So older men, the older, they smoke cigarettes. It's like skinny cigarettes. And then the younger smokes, they vape. It's like Beverly Hills versus Bel Air. Very old-fashioned killing yourself, new-fashioned killing yourself. We're doing e-cigarettes this time. I used to do this thing when I would smoke i smoke cloves those de jarms never heard no shit they smoke cloves brandon is that true because i i used to smoke cloves
Starting point is 00:52:15 they're brown cigarettes they're they're from indonesia there's 12 in a plat pack it's kind of like a dark red pack it's thin it's small but the anyway and i would smoke i'd take a hit and they crackle oh wow and then and then i'd bring my my mouth forward like this like i had a fucked up one of those fucked up asian like underbite thing and i'd let the smoke out and i would then breathe it back in in my nose i think it's called the french inhale yeah french and how that's exactly what that's called yeah that's nice i'd never heard of these cigarettes before i used to smoke green tea cigarettes and black tea cigarettes so it's like no uh nicotine no tobacco it's literally just black tea and or green tea and it was supposed to get you to quit smoking i never
Starting point is 00:52:59 smoked um i just need it it was just the oral fixation so uh did it work yeah they're very i recommend everyone get them you can get them in montebello they they come they're made in montebello so if you live in california and you order them they'll be in your house in under a day uh yeah and yeah and they're called they're by billy 55 that's like the brand this is fucking crazy that's exactly what it looks like i have that in my house right now like i still have like a like a cart you can get an entire carton for only 20 and they go very quickly and yeah that's exactly what i used to smoke and you can just get them and they come in a carton like i think like a pack of um how come i've never heard of these well it's healthy it's good for you like and it's actually
Starting point is 00:53:46 and it's actually effective to to quit smoking so you wouldn't really they don't really it's not good for you though right i mean it's still inhaling smoke right yeah but it gets you to stop because it's not because oh so every smoker i've given that uh those green tea and black tea cigarettes too said this tastes disgusting and i was like yeah if you don't like it then that means it's it's working to help you quit smoking like i i used to do nicotine gum just for the just just for the creative and productivity boost and after like a couple of days i was like this is disgusting and i spit the gum out so yeah yeah nicotine it's the nicotine nicotine is i mean quitting i i smoked and i quit that and then i um and then i vaped a little bit
Starting point is 00:54:27 very little it's fucking it was so hard to quit and then i chewed a little bit and that that chewing is satan chewing was like the most enjoyable thing i ever fucking did i just am addicted to nicotine i just love fucking nicotine i don't know what it is i mean i do know what it is i just wish i didn't i wish i had never fucked with it yeah i totally get it but intentionally i did it to to to just be more productive i was i was working like a job at the time that was like very demanding and i was like okay i need to be sharper so i did the nicotine gum and then like i realized you're not supposed to chew it really it was just like chew it a couple of times and then keep it under the really it was just like chew it a couple of times and then keep it under the under the gums of your teeth yeah so that it could soak into the so um and then that for some reason that was very easy
Starting point is 00:55:11 to quit so i just i just kind of stopped it just for some reason i was like i'm gonna spit it out i no longer have the need to smoke anymore or vape because i never smoked cigarettes but like to to vape to to consume more nicotine so like i it was actually very easy to cut it out for me but i had physical i had like physical twitching and shit josh i was like twitching and shit yeah i was like laying a bit and i was moody as fuck for three days no what's a sauna did you go to a sauna like oh no i should have huh like sweat you're saying sweat help sweat out the uh that's probably why it was a little bit easier for me because like every time i work out almost there was a
Starting point is 00:55:49 time where almost every time after my workout i would go to the sauna or the steam room and that's like a great way to just bleed out a lot of toxins from the system it's a great way are you scientologist over no no oh are you religious at all uh in a manner of speaking like i believe in the universe and i i guess i believe in like i guess the christian god but i'm not like i've never been to church or anything gotcha you ever you ever read the bible or or listen to it or audio no i've tried no i couldn't get past like the first couple of pages i'm like i i don't know what the hell you guys talking about um back in the day i'm like i said i'm 50 i bought the um all the tapes it was like a book full of cassette tapes oh like the audio book you know the audio
Starting point is 00:56:36 book yeah and it was it was it was just when yeah it was the audio book but all in cassettes and it was like when cassettes were going out so like that thing probably would have been like twelve hundred dollars when it came out but like i got it somewhere like for like eight dollars i remember no and i listened and i listened to the whole thing i listened to it twice it's pretty good i enjoyed it there's some sections in there that just drag on and on but most of the part most of it was i was glad i did it it's crazy you ever had youtube and listen to it for free free now yeah right good thank you getting educated by a 24 year old those are the things i need to hear bible for free on youtube hey um uh you ever had anyone walk up to you and ask you to take jesus christ as your lord and
Starting point is 00:57:17 savior and then and then a couple of times yeah and then what do you say do you do it no no i actually get left out and feel kind of jealous when the guys don't ask me if I'm Jewish. There are like a lot of Jewish people that also solicit the people and they ask, hey, are you Jewish? And they like primarily ask like white guys. I'm like, I could be Jewish. Right, right. I did it. Some guy came up to me in England and asked me if I would take Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Starting point is 00:57:43 And I said, yeah, and I did it. Some guy came up to me in England and asked me if I would take Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I said, yeah, and I did it. And then I remember like, I don't know, 10 years later, my sister is a Christian. I think she's born again. She's pretty hardcore, 20 years, and I'm not. But I still accepted. If the guy wants to introduce me to something that'll save my life, I just did it. And then like 10 years later, I was with my sister somewhere.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I think we were up in the Berkeley Hills by a, what are those things with the horses that go in a circle? Carousel. We were by a carousel. Right, right. Those things have a name. What are those things? Carousel. Carousel?
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah. Okay. And the guy comes up to me and says, hey, will you take Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? And I said, of course. And then he said, repeat after after me and i did the whole fucking shtick again and my sister's like and my sister's like hey i thought you already did that i'm like is there some rule like you can't do it like you know is there some rule you can't like if you get baptized twice it reverses it yeah i don't know like is there something you can't do it twice
Starting point is 00:58:43 yeah yeah yeah like can you have too much of the body of christ is that like one of those it's so funny to ask around and fuck around with the rules and like sir you're being very offensive right now i'm like are you sure i just have questions yes i just have questions um what will you do what will you do today josh what will a typical day be for you? So after this podcast, what will you do? After this podcast, I'm going to go back to sleep. Okay, good. I'm going to wake up, write some jokes, erase a lot of jokes, go do an open mic,
Starting point is 00:59:22 consume just enough caffeine to get me through the day and hang out with some more comedians uh come home probably if i can try to do yoga um and i'm then i'm gonna meditate and then go to sleep and then the same exact thing is gonna happen the next day and then more and more and then probably a job yeah and what will the job be oh another sort of freelance no no just some sort of freelance because i do need to pay the bills so like i do work but it's some sort of freelance it would be like background acting or like some production gig no shit you do that too you do production work too as an artist like you need to freelance jobs are your friends so like dog walking i i made so much money and i had like just about every delivery job under the sun
Starting point is 01:00:11 during the pandemic so like uber eats roadie um shipped shopper instacart uh amazon flex every independent way like they're like you ever bone anyone you deliver you ever bone anyone you um delivered something to i wish but no i did meet um one of the actresses from the runaways the show um that marvel show that was fun you recognize her and you're like hey you recognize even when she was wearing a mask yes i recognized her and i was like oh you know it's cool i was on that show i was in the background i was in the season finale and she was like oh it's cool and i was like oh dope yeah god i always i always think that if you're a delivery driver especially someone who looks as good as you that someone would invite you in like someone lonely thank you so much no but i'm surprised i haven't been i'm Actually, I haven't been on proposition to be a sugar baby yet, but, um,
Starting point is 01:01:09 you know, Are those, are, are there dudes out there who are, uh, that's what a sugar baby is. One of the first people, one of the first friends I made in Los Angeles was a sugar baby. Yeah. There's just someone, you know, like older women who just need companionship. I don't think sometimes you don't even have to fuck them.'ll just send you money and i'm like that'd be a nice
Starting point is 01:01:29 job i look like i'm 10 so and and like and you just basically hang out with them at their house and go shopping with them and you just you just chill with them that's exactly yeah and they just pay your rent for you and i'm like that sounds like a sweet gig sign me up but for some reason i haven't been able to pull that off when did you when did you realize um you were short how old were you do you and do you remember like someone had to did someone explain it to you or did you come to it like for me i didn't realize i was short till i went to college and then i would like you can't get that girl she's you're too short and i was like holy fuck i am short how did i never realize that um middle school um but like
Starting point is 01:02:13 that's six seventh eighth grade yeah around that time which is like around the time you get interested in the girl so you're you know but um uh but i never really cared surprisingly i actually enjoyed being this height and it was just through someone making fun of you is that how you figured it out yeah that's usually how it is or just you know you being excluded from something there's always a level of exclusion as to how you figure out there's something wrong with you oh that's right that's right i i also also remember there was this backstop that all the boys would run and jump up and grab their hands like the 10 boys I hung out with every day at lunch. And then they would pull themselves up and sit on top. But I couldn't do it because I was like short and a little fat. Yeah. Yeah. And so I would hang out with those dudes, but I would always be the one at the bottom. Like, so we'd all be eating lunch, but I i'd be the only dude down at the bottom it's like i was the dude that rode the bike and everyone else rode the skateboard too it was kind of fucked up yeah it's like that for a lot of us so yeah for me it was like that um there were short guys that were like many managing to pull it off but for me
Starting point is 01:03:18 i was like oh okay i'm also short but like it was never like really i don't i don't recall it being a hindrance when i was younger i never see anyone i if i see someone shorter than me i know it like i'm in line at the coffee shop and someone short me walks in i'm like holy fuck you know what i mean or if i talk to someone who's shorter than me and i'm looking down a little bit it almost makes me feel uncomfortable because i'm used to talking like this yeah yeah looking at people's nostrils yeah i um it it's great when you see other short guys being able to pull it off where they like carry themselves like a tall person which is fun yeah um yeah you're you see you see a lot of that here in los angeles which i'm very happy for a lot of a lot of the short rarely do the short men here carry
Starting point is 01:04:05 themselves like they're short right uh you know seven's watching too much porn hub i don't even watch porn hub what are you talking about uh tall people do the same yeah i bet you it's weird like that too right you're fucking 6 11 and a dude walks in who's a whole head taller than you you must be like what the fuck yeah yeah that's got to be like so weird to be around yeah it's a trip uh yeah nick all my black friend uh say that again because i've been like uh you ever like get on well i'm sorry let me read the comment go get your comic yeah yeah nick all my black friends stopped growing at around five five and i kept growing it's awesome jeremy you're six five that's this dude this dude's a black dude too by the way
Starting point is 01:04:49 holy shit i had no idea you were so big i like i like your name jeremy um i love that band too oh is that i don't even get i always see that what what is his name about what is that jeremy world that's a band you know you know that song um it just takes some time little girl you're in the middle of the middle by jimmy eat world it's by jimmy eat world play that you should play that song it's a really good song yeah it's like one of those uplifting songs in the in the midst of bullying in the early 2000s which ironically was when abercrombie and Fitch was at its peak. Let me see if I can find it here. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:29 that's, I think I could be wrong, but that is what Jeremy's name is in reference to. But what I was saying earlier was that like, I've been at the height. Yes. Oh yeah. I do know this song.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Okay. All right. Such a good song. Sorry, go ahead same. Oh, yeah, I do know this song. Okay. All right. Such a good song. Okay, sorry, go ahead. No, but yeah, so like I've been on like elevated platforms, and I'm like, oh, so this is what it feels like to be six feet tall, but it just feels uncomfortable because I'm like just having longer legs and longer arms just makes me feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:06:01 You mean for a show? So you'll get an acting job, and they'll be like, hey, we need Josh to be taller, make him five an acting job and they'll be like hey we need uh josh to be taller make them uh five inches taller and they'll do something to you something like that where like um if you yeah like when you do like stand and work where they just have you stand in for somebody else so like sometimes they'll put you on a platform so that you can be taller and i'm like oh so this is what it feels like to be six feet tall it doesn't gotcha yeah uh uh yes uh josh is my new favorite comedian well there you go oh thanks i appreciate that thank you guys thank you jeremy there's no way you're six five
Starting point is 01:06:35 heidi coming in putting a slap down on jeremy um is that a reference to heidi croon uh no i think that i think that really is her name god there's so many you know there was there's a guy in here um josh his name is uh barry my cock in her barry mccockner and he's in for six months i would read his name and i didn't know i was like one of those fucking idiots and then finally someone on the show explained it to me you know that's barry my cock in her and i was like fucking idea and then everyone in the comments told me what a jackass i know that's barry my cock in her and i was like that's fucking hilarious fucking idea and then everyone in the comments told me what a jackass i was that's fucking hilarious dude which i'm sure similar to you i'll take any attention i can get whether it's good or bad
Starting point is 01:07:15 that's funny as fuck barry my cock in her um so so you earlier you were saying that sometimes you'll erase a lot of jokes what does that mean erase jokes like if the joke isn't working like as you try it up at like multiple different like so it just doesn't hit then you just you're gonna have to like put it in the you have to throw it away uh after a little bit so i'm gonna do that with like uh an entire uh act i've been trying to work on for a while That just hasn't worked out so Yeah that's what that means Is that painful?
Starting point is 01:07:50 Absolutely It's like a piece of you is dying Yeah and especially it sounds like it's not just One joke it's something you've been working On and polishing and polishing and then It dies Yes that's exactly what it is It's two things in particular but yes yeah
Starting point is 01:08:06 it reminds me of do you remember being a kid when you would be they had that brown paper you would write on with the blue blue lines on it and then you would erase and the paper would tear and you were like you remember that's like yeah i remember the erasers that would make the blemish is bad it would make it worse yeah yeah and you're like fuck this is not going how i want it this is not this is fucking a disaster yeah yeah yeah i actually never thought about it like that but yes that's exactly i would say it's exactly like that are you getting better after four years of uh of daily absolutely every day i'm like every single day anthony jesson like had that quote he was like yeah just write a lot go up a lot and then you'll you'll get better and it is a bittersweet pain um but yes it is
Starting point is 01:08:56 oh it growing pains have you ever hit rock bottom in your life josh have you ever had uh hardships that had you hit rock bottom in your life, Josh? Have you ever had hardships that had you hit rock bottom? No, but I felt suicidal a couple of times when I was here. So, yeah. Oh, while you were here – while you were in L.A.? Yeah. That's pretty low. That's good.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Even before I was in L.A., but yeah. In regards to what? What was motivating that? Just like what's the point of life? Before LA, it was being in Connecticut, maybe want to kill myself. And that's not even a joke. And then when I got to LA, it was just the loneliness. And then it was the unhappy.
Starting point is 01:09:44 It was just being unhappy with where I was and where I thought I should be and what I thought I should be doing. Um, and what I thought life should have felt like at that time. So then that's when, uh, the depressions seeped in and I mean, and then obviously you had the pandemic, whatever, everyone was depressed then. So, um, but yeah,, I'd say that was a pretty low point for me. It was like the first two years when I was here. And when those thoughts first start creeping in, are they – are you shocked to see them, to witness them? No. I usually just make a joke out of it. Like I cope with just making a bunch of suicide jokes that like make everybody
Starting point is 01:10:25 laugh so right um all the all the shit in my life that happened when i was younger i now see flowers growing out of it yeah so so just as a the the time i had to shit in my van because i couldn't hold it is now like one of the funniest stories i have right that's hilarious man so it's interesting we're getting jumped and beat up at you know when it happens it sucks and you hate those people for years but 20 years later it's a funny bit yeah it's it's very funny you know a great thing has come from great pain sadly but that is that is how it is you you know the song by bob marley um you're running and you're running and you're running away, but you can't run away from yourself. Do you know that song? No, but I have a Bob Marley fan.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Um, it's interesting. I was kind of picturing what if I was your mom and you were in Connecticut and you were depressed and you went to LA, I would get nervous because I would, I'd want you to be close to me just in case you needed someone to run to. That's exactly what the, um, it was, uh, it was a very emotional day when we, um, like our last day together because, you know, we lived with each other our whole lives and then, um, and then not anymore. But yeah, now, I mean, now it's just, we talk every day. So yeah, that's just about, you know, I have a really, you have a good, close relationship with your mom. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Me too. It's the fucking best. Yeah. I hope I can have the same relationship with my kids. Oh, yeah. Sevan, you should start every show with the poo in the van story. I don't know about every show. I don't know about every show. I don't know about every show.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Um, and, and is that why you ended up going to therapy because you were suicidal? Um, not suicidal to the point where it's like, it was debilitating and it's all I thought about. There would just be days where I would have huge dips in depression and I would just think about,
Starting point is 01:12:22 I would have like, that would play with the thought. Um, and there was never like any serious attempts, but you never put a hose in your, in your muffler and brought it into your window and sat there and tried to start your car. Okay. No, no. It would be like a couple of times on the freeway where like, I'll close my eyes for 10 seconds or some shit like that. Like, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:43 like the pussy version of suicide. Um, and then, uh, uh, yeah, I went to therapy and then my therapist was, uh, a dumb, uh, feminist, which was, she was not helpful at all. She only, she only really did. I mean, you know, I'll give credit where credit is due. She did help me out a lot. She did open my eyes and she did tell me reveal to me that i did have a ocd so that there was that but that subsided over the years thankfully um but yeah and then i had another therapist and then and then she got she got the she got deported to china um and uh yeah it turns out she was responsible for covid and then after that I found another therapist and then, and then now here I am. So. What's OCD? How does someone point out to you that you have OCD? I wonder if I have OCD.
Starting point is 01:13:32 You probably don't, if you have to question it, but the, you know, I would just explain to her my day to day and she'd be like, oh, you have OCD. I'm like, oh, okay, great. I didn't know that. I would just, yeah, I would just be like obsessive it would just be obsessive thoughts regarding um just social interactions so oh yeah I don't have that over social but but I obsess of things like some things around my house so like last night before I went to bed I checked we have three doors that go out well we have three doors that we use that go in and out of the house. Yeah. So before I go to bed, I check all the doors
Starting point is 01:14:08 and then I climb into bed and then I get up out of bed and I check all the doors again, thinking that maybe I didn't look at them right. Yeah, I think we all have that. And then maybe I do it. Is that OCD? It's like every night.
Starting point is 01:14:22 It's fucking weird. I even tell myself, look at the fucking door it's locked don't come back i'm like all right i see it be cool chill easy go easy on me i'd say i wouldn't say i think that's just like a level of like healthy you know anxiety i wouldn't say it's ocd i'd say if there was like a number or a thought attached probably ocd like i'm going to die if i don't check the the the doors uh every like blank hours if there was like a number oh shit oh shit yeah oh is there a number jeffrey says that's just called being old and senile all right good yeah i don't um i i i feel like i'm around people who
Starting point is 01:15:00 obsess on uh personal interactions like did i handle that right does that person like me what was that person really saying to me and that shit seems exhausting i would fucking lose my shit that you're talking about like that yeah very very exhausting but um i'd say with enough practice can easily be managed and and overcome um so so you kind of do fit into that category of um a comedian there's something no there's some not anymore oh darn it now i don't really give a fuck anymore as far as like social interactions i'm like oh i i don't care anymore oh and and the suicidal shit's gone yeah oh all right well darn. So much for that. So much for pigeonholing you as a typical.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I found a good healer. I found a good, I found a good, yeah. Was, was, was that, were you joking when you said that lady was responsible for COVID? The lady, the Chinese lady got deported? I was joking. I was joking. She did get deported to China though. I'm not, that wasn't a joke.
Starting point is 01:16:03 She did like, we were making some progress in therapy, and then she, like, hit me with it one day. She was like, yeah, unfortunately, my visa got, my visa is expired, so, like, I can no longer be your therapist. I can no longer do therapy. But from what I heard, she's back now, so. Does she have a Chinese accent? Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:33 Jake Chapman, relentless questioning, severe anxiety, obsessive behavior related to anything and everything, and at the cost of reality and relationships. Correct. Yeah. Like you just can't stop. And I guess nicotine does help fix that though, right? Because nicotine always brings me like this it brings the whole into a fine it makes you sharper and it makes you focus more focused but like there was a time where i mean caffeine doesn't make you it doesn't help at all caffeine actually increases anxiety yeah for sure um there was a you know a lot of athletes um do caffeine and I had this athlete on here the other day.
Starting point is 01:17:05 It was the only athlete I've ever had on here who doesn't do caffeine, and that's exactly why. He says it fucking gives him anxiety. That was Jorge Fernandez out of San Diego. Jorge Fernandez, nice. Jorge Fernando. I get my Mexican names. Jorge Fernando or Jorge Hernandez, someone will tell me. That's dope.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Good for him then. But yeah, I totally get it. And that's hard that's hard quitting caffeine if you're uh do you do caffeine especially when you go on stage absolutely yeah um but like not but sporadically not like there I used to be addicted to caffeine where like to the point where like I knew exactly how many milligrams of caffeine were in certain drinks and certain cups of coffee and shit Jorge Fern Fernandez. Thank you, Steven. Hey, so you, and earlier in the show, you did say, when I said, what are you going to do later on today?
Starting point is 01:17:50 You said, uh, you were going to take a mile. I'm paraphrasing, but a mild dose of caffeine. You'll drink just, yeah, because I use it very strategically because like, for example, I only got five hours of sleep last night because I was up late, like editing a video. like for example i only got five hours of sleep last night because i was up late like editing a video um and then i woke up uh here i am now and then after this i'm gonna go to sleep but like when i wake up i need to like sort of be up to to boot because i have like a lot there's like a lot of let's say pre-game that i have to do before i actually go out on stage because i'm already scheduled to go up later tonight so and then like i have like 60 other things to do so um that's just to keep me uh alert and aware uh because like it's a lot of um a lot of what i consume is to make up
Starting point is 01:18:37 for the morning and uh lunch hour does that make sense so like i i haven't eaten like a proper breakfast in almost a year now so like i'll just wake up at like one o'clock in the afternoon and then i'll eat a meal big enough for breakfast and lunch and i'll be good for the rest of the day and then like maybe one more meal at night why do you wake up so late why do you wake up comedy comedy is a job where you you're our shift starts at 7 38 o, sometimes 7.30 if we want to get there early. And then it goes to like sometimes 2 a.m. That's like the shift of every comedian, I'd say stand-up comedian or performing artist. And then you have to unwind until 4.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Exactly, yes. And then go to sleep and then you wake up at 1 o'clock, which is why you need a freelance job. Like a 9 to 5 usually isn't going to work because you have no idea when you're going to be. If Dave Chappelle pops in at the comedy store, you're going to be there until like 4 a.m. Why is that? Because he goes for hours.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Oh. Trish, we have nicotine receptors on our brain. We are meant to use nicotine. You have a mouth. That doesn't mean I'm supposed to stick my dick in it. We have nicotine receptors on our brain we are meant to use nicotine you have a mouth that doesn't mean i'm supposed to stick my dick in it what kind of way we have nicotine quiet trish meant to meant you have you have lungs you're meant to breathe that kind of reminded me of like uh i don't know like there's a video where they're like your brain on this and they like literally explain it to you with like a dry erase board and shit
Starting point is 01:20:03 and they did one where it was like this is your brain on nicotine so i think she might be right about that where there's like receptors in our brain that it makes you more okay no no go ahead no no sorry sorry i keep interrupting sorry go ahead tell me no no no don't worry about it no they were like um because i looked it up the caffeine makes you faster, and nicotine makes you sharper. But go ahead. I'm looking at nicotine receptors. What receptors are active? Nicotine binds to the nicotine cholinergic receptors, facilitating neurotransmitter release and thereby mediating the complex action. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:42 What happens in – I don't know if we have nicotine here i'm gonna pull up a picture here i'm not doing this receptors in our brain i mean is it a receptor that's just for nicotine i've oh you're asking siri nice good job okay here we go uh i don't know if you have a place in your brain that's just waiting for a hit off a fucking Marlboro Light. That's the part. Like, I'm just not seeing it. I just can't believe it. It's just waiting. Yeah, I mean, you have a stomach that's waiting for food.
Starting point is 01:21:15 It's just like a little guy in our heads just pacing back and forth like it really needs a cigarette. That's fucking hilarious. Yeah. Trisha's always right. All right, fine. trish is always right all right fine trish is always right there's quite the little uh there's a um 100 we do you're telling me trish there's something in your brain that is just waiting there and if you never took a hit off of nicotine it would never get used that's interesting yeah i don't know i i'm struggling to believe that we have nicotine receptors in our brain that's amazing just like is it just a camel in sunglasses is that what the is that what the nicotine receptor looks like in
Starting point is 01:21:58 our head yes yes yes it's just it's just a. He's just standing there with a lighter waiting for the cigarette to come. He's literally doing that. That's great. Do you mess with weed at all? Yes. Yeah. I can't mess with that, too. That shit makes my brain too noisy.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Yeah. I mean, I don't want to be the guy that's like, oh, it depends on what you use, but everyone's different. Yeah. For me, I don't want to be the guy that's like, oh, it depends on what you use, but everyone's different. Yeah. For me, I just use specifically the Indica version of it, which is just mainly it focuses on the body. And I don't need it, but it's the best unwinding tool because I don't drink. It's the best unwinding tool because my body is always sore. Because I'm like, I'm always walking or i'm always working out to some degree yeah good on you you work out every day seven days a week
Starting point is 01:22:54 uh i want to say five but you would say you like it for me it's a it's a it's a um that's my therapist working out so before you came on the show i i went to your youtube channel before the you know the show yesterday and i and i sit on the uh assault bike and i just watched shit loads of josh shakespeare you know the shorts interviews you've done you know listen to the yeah i know it's fucking stoked to have you thank you what what do you think when or isn't technology a trip that some just random 50-year-old dude could reach out to me like, hey, you want to come on my podcast? Yeah, it is weird. But, I mean, hey, it's very welcoming, truly.
Starting point is 01:23:34 It is a dream come true, actually. Well, that's awesome. That's really awesome. Well, it was nice getting to know you. And you're always welcome back on. I admire anyone who's – Pardon me on again. Well, it was nice getting to know you, and you're always welcome back on. I admire anyone who's – Pardon me on again. Yeah, okay, great.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Let's stay in touch. You have my number. If there's anything I can ever help you promote, I just admire so much what you're doing. I admire all the honesty talk. Thank you so much. That you do, especially since you're in the hive. I always trip on people who are in the hive who might get um you know blackballed or alienated because oh sorry you can't say blackballed that's uh sorry about that yeah yeah it's it's a very offensive triggering word for me i please don't
Starting point is 01:24:15 ever use that word just because i don't have balls i don't identify as someone who has that so but thank you genuinely and we'll close on this a nicotine ach receptor have been implicated in a variety of brain functions including neurodevelopment learning memory formation reward i don't know why it has to be called a nicotine receptor oh it's called nicotonic yeah nicotonic oh nicotinic nicotinic uh jackie miley he is great oh my god yeah he is great right no thank you thanks jackie and he's single he's single he's single yeah you're single right yeah yeah nicotinic is the that's interesting it's just nicotine so we have nicotine receptors in our brain that's fucking hilarious i had no idea there's like this there's people in our brains that just like wearing a leather jacket just sitting by a water fountain we want to be cool that's just hilarious um have a have a fabulous
Starting point is 01:25:19 day i appreciate you getting up early i promise you the next time we do this, we will do it at a later time. Maybe I could even do it like at 2.30 in the morning after a show. No, you don't want to do that. Trust me. No, no, no. In the middle of the day, like at 5 o'clock, that would be nice. Like 6, maybe at 3 p.m. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:42 That would be great. We would be a pre-stand-up, like a warm-up. Absolutely, Okay. So, but I would be like, we'd be a pre standup, uh, like a warmup. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be great. Or just on a day where I'm not even going to go up. So that, but, but other than that, yeah. And so I told him to get a girlfriend with a dog. Yeah. Yeah. That would actually be nice. I didn't even genuinely, I didn't even think about that. I should do that shouldn't i but thank you so much for even having me it's a double whammy anytime brother all right uh josh uh great meeting you please stay in touch and uh our paths shall cross again thanks for thank you
Starting point is 01:26:17 thanks everybody for watching thank you so much for the compliments thanks for having me on i'll see you guys later not compliments just observations just observations thank you josh shakespeare seven look into nootropics i need your thoughts is what is that like mushrooms i i was with someone yesterday and i was like hey i can't do drugs ever i don't want to do anything that like makes it so like i can't drive my kid to the emergency room you know what i mean i could never be so free right now where i i think i would be comfortable like taking mushrooms or ecstasy or lsd or something you know i have i have mdma here somewhere too believe it or not i know you guys have seen the giant bag of weed someone gave me this like i've never even opened this you guys want to see this this is kind of You guys have seen the giant bag of the league. Someone gave me this.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Look, I've never even opened this. You guys want to see this? This is kind of crazy. Someone gave me this. One of the employees at CrossFit Inc. gave me this. I can't believe I've never opened this. I shit you not. And I did something for him.
Starting point is 01:27:23 And he said, hey, I gave you two hits of Molly. This is like fucking i don't know how long ago it was i think he watches the show the guy i mean i i feel something in here i feel something in here oh nelly this is crazy there they are i can't even tell they look like um Ellie, this is crazy. There they are. I can't even tell. They look like, um, they look like Flintstones. They look like Flintstones.
Starting point is 01:28:03 It's a blue pill. It's a really weird shape. I can't tell if it has something written on it. Can you guys see that? There's two of them. Bam. No, I don't think it's Viagra. Anyway, there's the... No, no, what? Do it.
Starting point is 01:28:30 Are you fucking crazy? Fed's about to show up at your house, bro. Fine, show up. I don't even know what it is. I just know that he said, Hey, I really appreciate what you did for me and I gave you two hits of ecstasy. So that's that. Put it back
Starting point is 01:28:45 in the drawer. And I'll stay in there forever. What else is in this drawer? This knife? I don't even know I had a knife like this. What do you think? My vision's gone to shit. Openal.
Starting point is 01:29:11 It's an Openal. Sounds very nice. You want to see what else is in here? Look at this. A DVD CD player for a fucking Apple computer. Which, at most, you've never even seen one of those. Huh? for a fucking Apple computer. Which most of you have never even seen one of those. There's a couple of other things in there that probably
Starting point is 01:29:37 I shouldn't show anyone. Imagine what I can't show you if I can show you the ecstasy. Fed's about to show up at the dough. Seve looks awkward holding bad things. You mean just the way I was like... Maybe I should change the thumbnail to this show to just like ecstasy. Seve has the blue meth. Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 01:30:10 The blue meth? Oh, from – what was that movie? Breaking Bad, the blue meth? Show us. We won't tell. I don't own any dildos. There's no dildos in my house no dildos or vibrators or any type of uh sex i mean not that i know of
Starting point is 01:30:30 so no sexual paraphernalia there's condoms i should have asked seth gruber what he thinks about condoms it seems so short if i get off right now right what a short show that would be i've been doing some three-hour shows no caleb today do you guys notice no caleb It seems so short if I get off right now, right? What a short show that would be. I've been doing some three-hour shows. No Caleb today. Did you guys notice? No Caleb, no Sousa. We could call Sousa.
Starting point is 01:30:51 You want to call him? Let's call him and see. I'll try punching in his number. He's in my favorites. Oh, I wonder if I'm taking the kids skateboarding today hold on let me i should put my wife's phone number in here can you guys hear me dialing let me see because it's raining which is bizarre
Starting point is 01:31:19 yeah just me i could call boz should we call boz oh the the open thing is today at 12 right let's hear your 23 i don't have any hello users bailey okay um oh maybe she won't answer because I'm calling on that phone. She didn't recognize that number. I wonder who this is. Let me see. That was weird. Sorry for that noise. Hello, user's Kaylee. Leave was weird. Sorry for that noise.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Hello, you've reached Haley. Leave a message. Thanks. Hey. Hi. Hey. Did you just call? Oh yeah. Was that you calling me back on the, on the phone here? I did. I was just curious to see what would happen. Oh yeah. I did. It came in with something that i didn't feel comfortable answering i'll tell you after the air that was interesting remind me to tell you what i
Starting point is 01:32:29 saw on the phone hey um am i taking the kids skateboarding or is that canceled it's canceled okay all right i love you i'm gonna hang out with the team for a little bit okay i just have to leave like at 10 30 for a class. Okay. Oh, you're getting something waxed or? Class. No. Getting your nails done? Yeah. My hair, my nails. You're a good dude. Tanning bed.
Starting point is 01:32:56 All right. All that. Okay. Okay. Love you. Bye. Bye. I love you. Okay. Now let's call, uh, let's call Sousa. He probably isn't going to recognize this number either. I don't think the cops can just come to my house because I, I made up some story about how I have ecstasy in a drawer.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Can they, it's just a prop, right? Uh, I'm calling Matt Sousa, executive producer of the seven podcast. He might not answer. I've been Matt Souza, executive producer of the Savant Podcast. He might not answer. I've been kind of harsh to Matt the last two days.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Maybe that's why him and Caleb didn't show up. You reach Matt. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Oh, okay. I see the text. uh skateboarding's been canceled all right you guys see me try to run the show by myself for a second live call-in show okay oh this is fun this is fun. This is fun. For those of you who are watching on screens, you're going to want to see this. This is very interesting. Oh, but I'm not going to be able to do the stuff that Caleb does. Caleb knows how to make the screen big.
Starting point is 01:34:36 I don't know how to do that. Wait till you see this. How do I make this big? Oh, there we go look at this thing someone sent me this this thing is bizarre what do you think of that what do you think of that you think that's real or you think that's
Starting point is 01:34:59 CGI isn't that a trip it's like some sort of it's called good night what a bizarre machine it's it's like a windmill and each blade is like or no it's like a steam engine but each blade is a tongue and it's licking what looks to be an apricot or a peach that's been opened up. And I like it how the apricot and the peach is like on wires that bounces up and down. Oh, oh, that's got to be CGI. Did you see how that it's dripping?
Starting point is 01:35:41 That can't be real, right? Okay, that must be CGI. Because that thing wouldn't drip like that over and over. Okay, that's fake. Okay. All right. Well, I'm glad I was able to figure that out with you guys. Looks like a torture device. Not real. Reminds me of Amsterdam. Yikes.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Yeah. Trish didn't like that. Okay. Oh, you think it's very sexual? Never even crossed my mind. morning we have i forget that this show even has guests oh good tomorrow we don't have a guest again uh tomorrow morning no guest oh we're on this evening at 5 p.m uh with andrew hiller we're going to watch Andrew Hiller do the workout and Taylor and J.R. will be here.
Starting point is 01:36:47 I think J.R. will be here. J.R.'s kind of hard to pin down. He's got like shit going on like a business and kids and shit. And then tomorrow morning we have a live calling show. I got to have Hiller on. He's made so many videos.
Starting point is 01:36:59 I want to talk to him. We got to just catch up with him, right? Just hang out with Hiller for a little bit. Saturday, Josh Bridges coming on. And then Sunday, Life Calling Show. And then Monday, we have Ronnie Teasdale coming on, Rob Earth. That machine is the biggest tease. Yeah, what a trippy machine, right?
Starting point is 01:37:24 I once hooked Ron up to a sump pump and sucked the soul out of his body ron who jeremy wow listen listen to this uh ron rigged one of those up to my old sewing machine oscar meyer wieners and a few dowel rods my goodness you miss hiller yes call hiller old sewing machine, Oscar Mayer, wieners, and a few dowel rods. My goodness.
Starting point is 01:37:46 You miss Hiller. Yes, call Hiller. Hiller has to be on here with his face. Oh, shit. James O'Keefe. That's what I wanted to ask him about. all right uh i am really enjoying the trish ig so far there's a trish ig trish has an ig is that true i don't think i don't uh heidi says uh seven each week you should have a 30-minute segment with a regular joe from the chat it'll ruin it it'll ruin what if you meet
Starting point is 01:38:41 any of these people in real life it'll ruin it for you just like if any of you ever met me in real life it would ruin it for you trust me hi j any of you ever met me in real life, it would ruin it for you. Trust me. Hi, Jeremy. What's up, dude? That's not what Phillip said. Phillip said you were pretty cool to me in real life. Yeah, he's fucking lying.
Starting point is 01:38:54 I'm telling you. It's going to be a letdown. He seems like that kind of a guy. That just loves everyone. And that being said, I did like meeting him said i did like meeting him i did like meeting him so maybe that was just a fluke maybe he's a good dude but anytime anyone calls in everyone's like i fucking hate that guy hang up on him shut up and it's like geez that's that's why i called in i was you're talking about hiding i was like let's see if uh let's see how long i could talk
Starting point is 01:39:23 before heidi tells me to shut the fuck up. Hey, what did you, what did you think about that guest we just had on? What did you think about, uh, Josh Shakespeare? That's actually why, uh, I was calling in. That is a stud of a human being. I mean, you've had some killer guests. Um, that guy was amazing. Well, why did you like him so much?
Starting point is 01:39:43 I, he seems so, I didn't realize how you... It's always interesting to me when I talk to really young people like that. Sure. Like he seemed almost a little guarded. He seemed a little guarded. At first, yeah. But I thought, you know, with your style and how you typically go with people like that, you got to open up a lot.
Starting point is 01:40:03 I mean, hell, he was talking about suicide. I mean, does it get deeper than that? Yeah, that's it. That's a great point. And I do, and I was going to, I will say this by the last 30 minutes, I was like, Oh, this guy feels like a friend now. Yeah, totally. Totally. I really liked them, uh, for all of that. And because, you know, as a black dude, that's why I jokingly put a comment in there when I first tuned in about, oh, a black guy that doesn't talk like he's black or whatever. Right. I missed it. OK.
Starting point is 01:40:31 Yeah. Well, I mean, but that's how it was growing up for me. Black guy that I just, you know, you know what my name means now. Jerry World, Jimmy World. They're not not a hip-hop group, let's just say that. So I'm into, not that I don't like hip-hop, but I'm into all sorts of things. Basically, the color of my skin, as you always talk about, and I've believed since I was a kid, it doesn't matter. It definitely makes me receive the sun a hell of a lot better in the summer than a white person. That's for sure. But besides that, it doesn't matter. And the vibe that I got that I think all of us got from Josh was just that it doesn't it doesn't matter what you're, you know, as Hiller says, it doesn't matter what your skin color is and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:41:21 And I just really liked his style and his view on that. I thought that was fantastic. So it really hit home with me. Yeah, I would like to have him on again. I'd be curious just to see just how our relationship progresses. I feel like I also, the show, I feel like I used to have people on like him all the time. By like him, I mean people that I didn't know
Starting point is 01:41:41 and it was going to be kind of an awkward interview. And I just feel like I hadn't done that in a while. And then that we were back to that kind of with him. It just reminded me of a lot of guests from like year one. Yeah. Yeah. And I was going to ask, uh, that's a great point. I was going to ask, like, how did you come across him? Just on Instagram. I just saw that bid he did on written house. And I was like, fuck, this should be good. Um, I'd be curious to have this on. And I'm kind of like to blindly invite people on the show, always kind of hoping I'll get someone who isn't red-pilled. I would like to accent.
Starting point is 01:42:13 We had a guy on here. We stumbled upon him who was crazy blue-pilled guy. Do you remember the guy? He was the guy that did the snapping. He's like crazy woke. What was his name? He did that thing. Does anyone know that guy's name it was um was it recently no it was like a year ago he does the songs and he and he hits the table
Starting point is 01:42:34 he'll be like i'm so happy i'm so happy that i believe in feminism So go fuck yourself if you like Trump. Remember that guy? No, I don't remember. I have to look back. I want to know who you're talking about. Anyway, no, no, not Tyler Fisher. Although Tyler Fisher was interesting too, right? That's a guy who...
Starting point is 01:43:01 Yeah, that was another interesting guest. The comedians are hard, man. They're fucking weird yeah yeah that's another great point there's some comedians that were like do they have any depth in their life at all
Starting point is 01:43:15 this guy was like this is good this is good okay good that makes me happy you guys don't know who I'm talking about oh Josiah wow Elise Carr Radao Radao me happy you guys don't know who i'm talking about you guys don't oh josiah wow elise car riddow riddow uh what i believe uh yeah she says it was uh josiah yeah that's the guy it was some guy named josiah yep you can't expect a comedian i don't expect them just to turn it on
Starting point is 01:43:40 but if i get called to be on a podcast i'm gonna carry it unless unless the host wants to carry it then i'll then i'll back down josiah fraser maybe that's who it was yeah that guy was so fucking blue pill and trapped in his head but it was still fun having him on i like the challenge um uh but um yeah if i if i went on a podcast uh you can't expect me to turn on, but I – yeah, I don't know. I just think that if you show up to someone's house, if someone has me on a podcast, if – like when Peter asked me to go on the podcast, I'm like ready to just like – I want to give him something. I want him to – I want to make sure that when people watch that podcast with me, they're like, holy shit, I didn't know or i can't believe he said that you know what i mean i'm gonna slip in at least one fucking joke that's why your podcast the first one with uh uh kosh at you add value and you make things better than you left them i think that that's why i was sending all the clips of that one because that whole
Starting point is 01:44:46 three hours of you guys talking was about adding value. I think as human beings... Where did you send clips? Wait, wait, wait. Where did you send clips? I think I sent them to your Instagram and then the podcast's Instagram about adding, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:01 the values he was talking about and then the overall, the overarching theme of leaving things better than you found them. I think, I think, I think we've lost that largely in society. People just, they don't want to add any value. They just want to bitch and complain. Are you really 6'5"? Hell no. In my head, yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:22 But 5'10", 5'10 in real life. By the way, if anyone – oh, you know what we need to upload? We need to upload when David Lucas was on here, that clip that we made of him. But if anyone has timestamps from shows that I did that you think should be clips, just please put them in the comments. Some people send me shit on instagram there's no fucking way like if you send me a link to a seven minute video on instagram there's no fucking way i can watch that i'm going through like fucking the thousand dms and you want me to stop and spend seven minutes on your shit there's no fucking way or you send me something that I need to keep forever like a time
Starting point is 01:46:06 code please don't do that don't send me more unless it's a seven minute clip of you telling me how great I am do not send it is Heidi yelling at me yet to get off the phone no she
Starting point is 01:46:21 wants to know what time the announcement is what time is the announcement? Eric Weiss says, okay, Jeremy, stop the slurp session. I didn't feel like him. He wasn't blowing me. What are you talking about? Down there, Mr. Weiss. He's in the dad's group with us.
Starting point is 01:46:37 Oh, how was that? How was Yosemite? Holy crap, man. Coming from a place like Wisconsin, pretty flat here, few Hills here and there to go to, to go somewhere like that. We went to San Francisco to Groveland,
Starting point is 01:46:52 which was beautiful too. And then drove up to Yosemite and, uh, Ooh, that was incredible. I've never seen anything like that. Uh, besides on pictures and there's a great time,
Starting point is 01:47:04 a lot of stuff in the works. Did you guys climb Half Dome? We climbed something. It was really foggy. You got to see enough, but I don't remember which one we climbed. We climbed
Starting point is 01:47:20 something, led us to a waterfall. I cried a little bit, and then we climbed back down. Oh, that's nice. You did cry a little bit and then we climbed back down oh that's nice you did cry a little bit yeah some tears were said that's for sure um just because it was just a long hike and just emotions were stirred that and uh not to get too personal how you can tell me put up now for sure but i'm going through a divorce and got three little kids and oh there's a lot of a lot of shit developing in my life. And, uh, it was just kind of one of those moments I was standing there. I was like,
Starting point is 01:47:49 Oh wow, this is pretty cool. This is pretty crazy. Things are going to be okay. So on and so forth. Wow. Um, can you tell us why you're going through a divorce? Or better not to talk about it on here? No, no, that's fine. I'm good. I'm, you know, I'm reading, uh, I read this book, uh, mindset, Carol Dweck, really good book. And it talks about growth mindset versus fixed mindset. So to sum everything up, basically I am of the growth mindset and,
Starting point is 01:48:19 uh, ex-wife was not of the growth mindset and we clashed. And, uh and yeah, that was it. Oh, that fucking sucks. This probably doesn't help to say this, but I always think like if that's the one thing I really want to avoid, that seems like such a divorce seems like so much hard work. It's shitty, man.
Starting point is 01:48:47 Especially, you know and i don't discredit anyone uh who was single or excuse me i didn't have kids but when you when you had kids and my kids are five eight and ten it's like they don't deserve this you know like let's let's work this shit out it can be worked out there's no abuse there's no anything like that it's just you know little things that can be worked on that i tried and he didn't want to and that's the hardest part is the kid oh i don't wish down anybody she doesn't want to try no no she didn't want to try she was just yeah it's just she wants to party she wants to do her thing and i'm like yeah i don't i'm not that i don't like to party sometimes, but like I'm not trying to be wasted all the time and stuff like that. And that was her thing. It didn't work for me.
Starting point is 01:49:33 I had this, I had this girlfriend that, um, it was like that too. Um, she, she wanted a certain lifestyle. And I remember the thing, some of the things she wanted to do. And one of the things was, was to go out one day a week to a bar and drink a glass of wine. Oh yeah. And she wanted like that kind of like commitment from me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:55 That's too much. And I'm like, like, I can't, I can't, I can't, I like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:49:59 I don't want to do that. I don't. I mean, if it happens, it happens if we go to the bar seven nights a week, but I can't like there's months will go by where i need to just have my head down and be working exactly i can't give you that and it's like two three days a week with three kids and work and and and all this shit and you know i coach cross it uh manage a gym and everything and i'm like i'm
Starting point is 01:50:22 not you know i can't do that. I can't, I can't give you that. And, uh, that was like a deal breaker for her. I'm like, that's, that's pretty wild,
Starting point is 01:50:30 man. Like that is wild. A woman who's married to a guy with three kids would, would be like understanding of that. But I don't know. Do you want to hear something crazy? I never take my wife out. And I mean, never. Do you want to hear something crazy? I never take my wife out. And I mean, never.
Starting point is 01:50:47 Do you do that on purpose? No. No. Like, for me and my wife, like, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Like, if we go grocery shopping together, it's like fucking date. That's like our date night. Hey, if that works. I mean, I fucking love it yeah i mean if she ain't mad about it she's not like well you know like no she doesn't
Starting point is 01:51:13 there's there's shit that has to be done our life's just not there i agree we worked out for the first time she asked me the other day she said hey i wrote this workout up you want to do it and i said yeah and she looked at me like like i had she had seen a fucking ghost i'm like yeah and it was probably the first i mean we and we went from doing every single workout together for fucking five years we went from taking every if one of us was showering the other one was showering we went from taking every shower together for five years we went from i mean just completely to like yeah you're fucking right we have three fucking kids yes exactly like dude like that stuff is gone forever but right it's and i don't feel like it's gone forever yeah no it's not but there's work that needs to be done and yeah
Starting point is 01:51:56 that's awesome that she's cool with that though and i wouldn't be able to enjoy myself spending money at a bar knowing i could use that to buy batteries for my kids toys i just wouldn't yeah totally i just couldn't um i don't know seven take your wife out once in a while i knew so is that jody no it's trish but the good guess jody i actually um uh this morning, I was going to lean over and get a piece. But, of course, fucking there's someone was in the bed with us. Always. Always. I was like, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 01:52:36 It's funny. It'll get better. It'll get better. My kids are, well, two of them are a little older. It'll get better. Yeah. I don't mind. It's just, it's all fun and games.
Starting point is 01:52:45 Hell yeah. Love'll get better. Yeah, I don't mind. It's just it's all fun and games. Oh, yeah. I love it. OK, well, brother, I'm sorry that you're going through that, but you sound like you have your head on your shoulders. And I'm glad you got to come to California. And Yosemite is a great place to blow off some steam. I hiked Half Dome one time. It was like 11 miles up, 11 miles down. And I remember it was extremely emotional for me. And I didn't expect that when I went on the hike, it was just like something I wanted to check off a list.
Starting point is 01:53:08 It was very emotional for me. Oh yeah. Totally. All right. I appreciate it. Yep. Thank you. I appreciate you too.
Starting point is 01:53:19 Thanks for calling. All right. Peace out. Bye. Damn. People live lives, dude. A divorce with three kids I would get a swastika tattooed on my forehead
Starting point is 01:53:35 before I'd want to do that on my whole face I would seriously take a fucking ice pick and run it through the center of my penis before I did that. I cannot fucking think of anything I would least rather do. Oh, my. Oh, my. I actually had a friend call me the other day.
Starting point is 01:54:01 Famous guy. He said, fuck, we're so lucky. Oh, do you want me to heat heat up ground beef oh please um and say god we're so fucking lucky and the first thing i thought why because we're not divorced i forget what he said i think i think he said no he said. I think he said. No, he said something else. But he was like, yeah, that too. One of my friends who's a physician, a doctor, got a divorce a couple years ago. And like he's always in my ear, don't ever do that. That's funny you asked me, Sevan, are you carnivoring?
Starting point is 01:54:44 I am very, I've had a fucking i've been raging the last last month and i've kind of gone to shit i'm still working out every day still being pretty good like um you know like a greg's thing i didn't eat any cake or i didn't eat the mac and cheese but fuck dude i've been drinking like a fish just everywhere i go i feel like and so i was thinking maybe i should just do i really want to do that thing jayfee um did where you just uh have a steak every night and then uh and water i'm not jacked i'm just i'm big i mean i work out a lot i'm just i'm just i'm just you know what i mean'm not jacked. I'm a schlep right now.
Starting point is 01:55:27 But I was, Daniel, I was actually thinking about it. But I appreciate it, Phillip. Yeah, everyone there looked jacked. There's a lot of nice bodies there. A lot of, like, people who look like they work out. Alcohol is just super sugar. Well, great, thanks. That's why I didn't eat the cake.
Starting point is 01:55:49 No, not really bloated. i don't get bloated i'm just i'm just you know when i drink i just get like more stiff and probably inflammation just when i think of bloated i think it was around the gut it's just everything you know what i mean i mean i feel great now i i actually fat normally you know i guys i on Sundays. But yesterday, I didn't eat at all yesterday. So now I'm like approaching probably 36 hours or something. Because my wife said she was doing it today. So I was like, you know what? I need to do that. It doesn't hurt to get an extra day of not eating in.
Starting point is 01:56:19 I tried. I tried Eno Explode. Because I heard Hiller talking about it. I don't know if you guys have ever tried that shit. That shit's crazy. That shit is crazy. Matt Burns, does Greg drink a lot? No, only after 7 p.m. does he drink.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Chafee had a plate of steaks every night, not just one. Oh, okay. A whole plate. Yeah. I'm down with that. I think Greg might come on the show Friday. Oh, Greg Matosian. I know I saw that.
Starting point is 01:57:04 That's weird. Dude, that Don Lemon thing is crazy. Should I play that? Phillip, that Don Lemon thing you sent me is crazy. Used to take that when I was deployed and I was intense Brandon Lecoq Brandon Lecoq yeah
Starting point is 01:57:38 you've been carnivoring and feel the best you've felt in your whole life yeah it's crazy probably shouldn't get nutrition advice from hiller are we allowed to type if greg is on yeah type away uh um i've been saying what for two years though that i'm good that I was drinking a lot this month. Don Lemon would love Sevan's microphone. This video that Philip sent is so crazy. I wonder how I get it to this computer.
Starting point is 01:58:19 Let me see. You guys will trip. It's like I stole his entire shtick from him and he abandoned it. It shows how fucking people can be kind of almost red-pilled and then get blue-pilled. I guess I knew that was possible. I'll wait till you see this shit. Let me see if I can find it. How do I send it to this computer?
Starting point is 01:58:57 Hmm. Oh, maybe I'll just go to this Instagram account. Blegsit. Bleg Instagram account. Blexit. Blexit? Blexit. Blexit. You guys are going to trip on this. Blexit.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Oh, here it is. Okay. There you go. Really? Here's just five things that you should. We want to fix the problem. Here's just five things that you should think about doing. Here's number five. Pull up your pants. Walking around with your ass and your underwear showing is not okay. In fact, it comes from prison when they take away belts from the prisoner so that they can't make a weapon.
Starting point is 02:00:01 And then it evolved into which role a prisoner would have during male on male prison sex. The one with the really low pants is a submissive one. You get my point? Can you guys hear this? Number four now is the N word. By promoting the use of that word when it's not germane to the conversation, have you ever considered that you may just be perpetuating the stereotype the master intended acting like a now? Number three, respect where you live. Start small by not dropping trash, littering in your own communities. I've lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life. I rarely, if ever, witness people littering.
Starting point is 02:00:41 I live in Harlem now. It's an historically black neighborhood. ever witnessed people littering. I live in Harlem now. It's an historically black neighborhood. Every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away. Just being honest here. Number two, finish school. You want to break the cycle of poverty? Stop telling kids are acting white because they go to school or they speak proper English. A high school dropout makes on average $19,000 a year. A high school graduate makes $28,000 a year. A college graduate makes $51,000 a year. Over the course of a career, a college grad will make nearly a million dollars more than a high school graduate.
Starting point is 02:01:19 That's a lot of money. And number one, and probably the most important important just because you can have a baby it doesn't mean you should especially without planning for one or getting married first more than 72 percent of children in the african-american right right where did this don lemon come from where did he go hey what's crazy is he's gone full flamboyant gay dude now. Like he's completely revamped himself. He's completely. Hey, there's an interview he does with Morgan Freeman where he's like, God, I'm so tired of being the black guy. I wish I'm so tired about talking about racism and all that. And Morgan Freeman's like, then stop talking about it.
Starting point is 02:02:00 And instead, in the last two years, he's gone full fucking retard. Is this when Don Lemon was straight? I guess guess i don't know what happened to him he's gone he's gone full victim though he's gone full uh he's gone full white supremacist it's crazy you think that's what it is trying to stay relevant that you just sell out that hard i mean that's fucking crazy i think you have to like literally fall asleep and forget where you came from all right uh thanks for tuning in i'm going to go eat um some meat i'm going to work out a little bit and i'm actually i think i'm going to watch the um the open it's uh who it's a velner against krennikoff right that'll be cool yeah uh morgan and denzel have some great interviews uh wad zombie so does uh lil wayne there's some great there's some great ones out there
Starting point is 02:03:00 some great great talks on it uh don't ever go full retard yeah oh are you guys watch so listen to this so i want to tell you a little bit about tyson bajan so if you guys don't know the reason why no one's talking about him otherwise some of you think you know what the fuck you're talking about but you don't is the nfl teams do not want to talk about him because they don't want to draw more attention to him because they don't want him to get fucking picked they want him and the dread the combine's coming up and uh very soon and tyson's going to be performing at the combine and uh esp there's i think there's gonna be 106 guys or something at the combine and uh espn only picks five guys to do features on and they've picked tyson and you know why that i and they've picked Tyson.
Starting point is 02:03:49 And you know why that I think they've picked Tyson because they know, because they know that's not the story that they want to miss. They know, and no one knows for sure what, what, what round he's going to get picked in. No one knows the drafts three days. And if he gets picked at all, it'll be a fucking miracle, right? No one's been picked from division two since 1996. No one's ever been picked from his college since 1960, but maybe he will get picked in the first round. And it'll be the fucking biggest story in football for the, you know,
Starting point is 02:04:16 for that blip for that moment, you know, go on to be a franchise quarterback and it'll be like, Holy shit. And that's what I'm betting on. He just played the senior bowl, the biggest football game for all of college football. quarterback and it'll be like holy shit that's what I'm betting on he just played the senior bowl the biggest football game for all of college football he threw 17 completions the next best quarterback there through 11
Starting point is 02:04:33 and and he was voted by the players as the coolest player there all the players so I hope he goes to the Giants but isn't that a baseball team oh you change your picture again is there still a New York Giants this is the New York Giants San Francisco Giants anyway I'm pumped I'm pumped for
Starting point is 02:04:58 him anyway he's gonna be doing the combine I'll keep up to speed on how he does there and then the draft will come yeah and someone Matt Burns is saying you can watch the combine if you have the nfl network oh uh new york giants oh my guy all right so uh yeah all right jess baby gabe what's up paper street, what's up? Paper street coffee. What's up? All right. That being said, I will see you guys,
Starting point is 02:05:27 uh, this evening. Um, hopefully it's a workout that we can watch Hiller do in his garage. And, uh, I will talk to you guys soon. Bye.

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