The Sevan Podcast - #810 - CrossFit OPEN - 23.2 w/ Hiller, Self, Howell, Ingraham & Friend

Episode Date: February 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Where is J.R. Howell? I'm so addicted to Mexican food. Caleb, hi.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Good to see you. Welcome, everybody. Chase Ingram, Taylor Self, Mr. Brian Friend. um welcome everybody chase ingram taylor self uh mr brian friend uh thank you uh chase and brian for coming on last minute to observe and make sure uh as he gets further on with his california hormones program he's becoming more and more unruly so we need more and more judges i was gonna say did you have brian and i in here to lifeguard this whole situation? Uh, Mr. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:01:09 See you later, buddy. Yeah. Who's leaving? Uh, 23.2. Uh, who here,
Starting point is 00:01:15 uh, Brian, did you watch Mr. Friend? Did you watch a 23.2 with, um, Roman Krennikoff and Mr. Belner?
Starting point is 00:01:21 I stopped watching after Kathleen and Joel. Okay. You got your fill. No, I watched your phil no i watched all of them i watched all of them uh taylor were you able to catch the uh event yeah i had just eaten like a bagel with lox you know what i mean cream cheese salmon i understand like an hour to digest locks or just i watched them uh lucky camera straps from australia 14.99 thank you dude thank you uh what a crew and thank you for my uh custom uh mouse uh pad from lucky camera straps chase don't be jealous um and uh jr did you get a chance to watch it yeah i watched all of it and how did you have time to watch it you're
Starting point is 00:01:59 always whenever i call you're like oh i gotta go someone's crying but you have time to um but you have time to watch 23.2 yeah I watched it uh in the Lowe's parking lot while I decided the diaper well that makes me feel better I hope it was miserable for you well I decided how much tape I have to go by like I do every Thursday uh in regards to you're talking about the shuttle sprints yeah just whatever the layout is and what kind of tape do you use just uh paint painters tape no uh 3m tough if you're an idiot oh okay well there you go that's why i said 3m duct tape um immediately off the floor yeah painters tape and rubber matting do not mix and from uh it's i i why is that i have painter's tape on my
Starting point is 00:02:46 floors for my kids i bought all different colors i bought like you know like 10 different colors and i use it like to mark out the floor i mean they don't know how to use painter's tape oh we know they've they've they've they've been there since that interview you did with dave eight years ago yeah oh is that why you haven't come up yet. That's the point. Oh, okay. All right. And Chase, did you see it? Did you by any chance get a chance to see it? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Start to finish.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Chase was there last week for one of the most memorable open workouts in the history of CrossFit, 23.1. And Andrew, did you see it? Did you see Roman and Vellner go? Yes. Yeah, I think it's pretty crazy i didn't watch last week and kudos to crossfit for picking velner and krennikoff because i really wanted to uh see that go down um you guys impressed brian impressed with the performances i thought pat was going to win it uh just the first at least a at least a, uh, Roman had a better strategy than him.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I think Pat, I mean, I thought within two minutes, I was like, Pat started too hot and maybe he'll keep it up, but I, I was skeptical and he was not able to. What do you mean too hot? I mean, he was only one. He was only half the shuttle sprint ahead most of the time, right? Yeah. But it was just the, it's not necessarily the rate at which he's doing them. It's how he looks doing it at that rate
Starting point is 00:04:05 and i thought i just thought it looked less sustainable than the pace roman was moving at even though it was a fairly similar rep count early on uh taylor surprised at the outcome of that a i was i was surprised pat didn't win yeah i think that's as far as my expertise on the subject goes i thought that pat would be a better runner and maybe a little better at burpees because he's a little bit lighter um and he's great at upper body pulling so i thought he was going to take the dub but he couldn't couldn't swing him man i mean uh jr to you how long it wasn't until the end that roman passed him right like at the very very end like one minute yeah like in that in the last set you would say like the last round of work so they um yeah i mean it i don't know to
Starting point is 00:04:52 me and i would i would love to ask pat what where he started to feel it like if it was if his legs just started getting juiced and he just couldn't make himself run any faster if it was just heart rate if it was, um, um, that his low back was blowing up from all the bending over and all the hinges, like who knows what it was, you know? I know where I started to feel it. And where's that? At the start, it just was a hard workout.
Starting point is 00:05:18 I felt probably got really hard at the 25 burpee pull-ups from 20 to 25. Vindicate, get your CEO shirts open next week in omaha any of you media boys have a hookup for me to get an invite oh it is in omaha next week have they announced that yeah they announced it on the live stream today is that at casper bauer's house i don't know ah okay westerland'sacey Tovar. Ah, okay. Westervan's old place. Ah, okay. And they recently moved into a facility that they basically built from the ground up, so it should be pretty nice. Awesome. Chase, why couldn't Pat just dig?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Why couldn't Pat just be like, fuck it, I'm not going to lose? I think he's a pussy. In no way, shape, or form did I think Pat was winning that workout. Really? You didn't? From the beginning, you knew, uh, from the beginning, I was like, Oh wow. Pat's put it on him. And I was a little nervous on Roman. I would say second to last shuttle runs.
Starting point is 00:06:15 He looked like he was hurting pretty good after the thing. It was the third 25. Yeah. Burpee pull-ups. But I thought Roman was winning this start to finish when it was announced. So you didn't think – do you think that he beat – do you think that was all Roman's plan, just stay behind him the whole time and know that at the very end I'm going to just run past him?
Starting point is 00:06:36 I think Roman – I don't know. I mean, I don't know how much – how cognitive he is of other athletes and what they're doing on the floor. I think he was just like, I'm just going to stay with this pace, no matter how bad it hurts. And I'm not going to go any faster or any slower. And it's pretty much what he did is Pat just slowed down a little bit at the end.
Starting point is 00:06:55 That was the, that was it. Uh, Michael C let's get it already. Hiller. Don't crap yourself. Are you guys here to watch Hiller do it? The Hiller's the sideshow. What are you
Starting point is 00:07:05 shooting for, Hiller? Is JR here? JR isn't here? He is here. JR's here. He hasn't said shit yet. I was going back and forth on whether it would be a good idea to walk the shuttle runs and just keep a 128 pace the entire time on them and then
Starting point is 00:07:21 slaughter the burpee pull-ups. That's kind of what i did is that right i got 158 is that is that a strategy right there i didn't even think of that is that no i didn't i didn't actually walk but my last two shuttle runs so after the set of 25 i was like shuffling so slow and then when i finished the 30 i did like two really really slow and then had like 10 seconds left and did like one fast uh hiller 165 reps and a 280 thruster what were the what what are the highest reps we've seen so far in the leaderboard didn't roman get something like 168 yeah you got 168 and pat got 162 roman roman's roman's fastest to slowest shuttle split was 58 seconds in a minute 21
Starting point is 00:08:08 hillary i think you said you walked it test run at a minute 28 that's uh that's pretty crazy but how here's the question how many of those rounds were 121 for roman versus how many were 58 seconds right it was just his last round he averaged 11 a 1 of 11. Jacqueline Robertson from Canada. Always a big thank you, Jacqueline. Hey, is there a faster time on the leaderboard at this point, Brian? Has anyone posted anything faster than Roman's or more reps than Roman's 168? I don't know. Want to check? You check the private chat, Savon?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Oh, did someone say it in there or are you just telling me I should look? No, it's up now. We're good. If the average athlete in the announcement got 105 and two of the fittest dudes on the planet Earth got 165, that means tens of thousands of men will occupy the 106 to 164 resulting in hundreds or thousands of ties why not have born tie break go both ways b is the tie break for a and a is the tie break for b uh so it makes perfect that may but i haven't given much thought that makes perfect sense to me and i'm not sure why they don't didn't think to do that yeah that's a who said that is that
Starting point is 00:09:23 your idea uh this is tim paulson he just tagged me on it and this happened like it was like a minute ago so i sent it to caleb wow i didn't even think about that what are they going to do about that about the tens of thousands of ties in between 100 and uh and 160 and also wonder what the thought process is behind not making it reps plus load for one score that's that's the more that's the more broad question um that we definitely could talk about but in the case that they chose to go in this direction and i you know i was we were obviously texting earlier and i had asked you guys like what's the tie break for the second part because obviously there's going to be a ton
Starting point is 00:10:00 of ties on the weight lifting and then you know i i guess i didn't think about it until tim said this but it just makes sense if you're going gonna choose the tie break of the first part for the second when they're clearly two contrasting you know styles of workouts are gonna favor different different athletes then why not make it just the inverse if that's the if that's the the route you're gonna go uh hillar how close are you to being ready do not jump up and jump back okay i say i say we let um hiller go let him rip and then come right back uh while hiller's catching his breath uh we talk about andrew a little bit and then we talk about this uh tie break and scores and what we think how this we think this is going to uh play out taylor if he's walking 90 seconds between every set he's going to be able to
Starting point is 00:10:42 do that i don't i don't know i don't think he's going to be walking. I don't, I would not recommend jumping up and jumping back. I think a quick step up and step back is, I really do think that's better, but. There's no way Hiller thrusters too. There's the,
Starting point is 00:10:56 you guys are crazy. I bet Hiller gets heavy. No, he's a one 22, two 50. I'm going one 22, 50, one 20. Right now. I wouldn going one 22, 50, one.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Right now. I wouldn't have been able to do a thruster after the reps. You should run until about the 20 to 25. I think if you're going to walk, that's when you do it, but I walk on the big sets. Cause you don't want to run and get back to a big set, like run in the short sets. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:22 It's more important. It's about the runs. Cause it's going to take longer than the burpees. So the runs are more important. So like after the 15, then you can think about walking. God doesn't. When Chase talks,
Starting point is 00:11:31 the advice sounds so good just because the tone of his voice, he's like the Reese Davis of CrossFit. I just love listening to him. I think so too. That's a great comparison. Yeah. I don't know who that is, but I can't,
Starting point is 00:11:41 I don't even listen to what he's saying. I'm just like, yeah, it must be good. It must be good. I think step up and step back, dude. I really do. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:49 All right, Hiller. We're ready when you are. Oh, wait. Let me get some guesses here. Sevan goes with 120 reps, 250-pound thruster. That's Sevan. Brian, what are you going to guess for Hiller? I'll take the over on the reps and the under on the thruster.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Wow. Wow. Okay. So you're not even going to give us a number, but you're just saying less than less than a one 30 and two 40. Oh, one 30 and two 40. Okay. Uh, Brian, uh, Taylor self. I think, I think between one, I think over one 50 on the shuttle and then probably then probably 270 maybe on the thruster.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You're out of your fucking mind. Didn't somebody say 280? Didn't you say 280, you midget? Who, me? Yeah. No, so I read that. I read that from someone's business. I read that from crazy people like Audrey Fraser.
Starting point is 00:12:40 She's got 280. Give me a fucking break. 69, 420. He's fucking fucking old how old are you hillary he's getting old he's in his 30s 31 yeah uh hillary sprint and jump he doesn't want you to beat him i want you to beat me did he beat the shit out of me last week i'm pretty pissed about that uh chase ingram uh please your wisdom i would say 143 and 235 i gotta know all these numbers put me because these don't mean anything to me right now good good good good and mr howell jr nostradamus 142 262 yeah i thought you're gonna uh prices write me for both of them killer if you get to 155 that's finishing the 30 burpees okay so 125 is finishing the shuttle after the 25 and then whatever you get from there into the 30 burpees or past it
Starting point is 00:13:43 uh ladies and gentlemen if you would like a free doctor's consultation. We're going to have to count for him. He doesn't have a judge. He's going to lose. He'll lose count. Dude, I don't know. I would have for sure lost count on this motherfucker. Someone should keep count for him.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Are you going to do that, Suso? Can you do that with a pen and paper? Thank you, brother. I have one as well. Just so you guys know, Lucky Camis Traps $2.99 from Australia. Andrew Hiller has a show called Testosterone Tuesdays on his account. He takes you through his journey with California hormones. You too can partake in the California Hormones life. You go to
Starting point is 00:14:28 put in the code word. I don't know if it's Hiller or Savon or what it is, but one of those will work for you. You can get a free doctor's appointment if you live in California and get free blood work. No, free doctor's appointment anywhere in the United States and then free blood work if you live in California. Did you get a face the other way? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I think he's doing that so we can actually see his burpees and his pull-ups. That's good. Not like a fucking... Hiller has a nice back and a nice front. Hiller, we'll look at either side of you, buddy. Whatever works for you. I just love this gym setup. It's pretty fucking sweet.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm so jealous. Hey, notice how he has the 25-foot side on the other side so we can't actually see and make sure if that's 25, we can see. I just dig like the bowling kick out. He has with his legs. You do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, not really. I just think it's cute. Yeah. It kicks that leg out. Like he's just, you know, rolling one down the lane.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Oh, wait a second. He's a little knock need. Wait, how many shuttle runs is it 10 10 every time he's on six this is finishing six so that's 25 feet each way right there correct yes god that doesn't look like seven feet both feet have to get on the other side of the line and one hand has to touch the ground
Starting point is 00:15:46 yep three points of contact and this is for 15 minutes yeah this is the most boring fucking workout ever to watch my boss andy he's like i'm not fucking watching this it's like watching paint dry. Taylor, what round did it really hit you? I think the round of 25. I got to 15, and I was like, I kept my burpees the same speed the whole time, but at 15 and the round of 25, I was pretty fucked up and knew that my shuttles were going to slow way down, and they did. Four. Four.
Starting point is 00:16:30 we're going to slow way down and they did four and so there's no rule on the setup for the pull-up bar except the fact that you can't touch it you can't be able to touch it when you're standing on the ground okay two more i believe mentioning to like know, you're able to kip if you want, but how many people are going to employ just a little, um, just a little knee tuck, just a little like bring the knees up. Taylor, did you ever start doing that? Or did you pretty much jump into a strict every time on my last rep of the 20, 25 and 30? I think I do that on the very last rep. But when I'm in a rhythm, I typically don't bring the knees up.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I have a pretty good jump. I can jump pretty well. And then I have really good strict pull-ups. And I like burpee pull-ups a lot. So do you not think he's doing that efficient enough, JR, right now? I think the pull-up bar is probably kind of high. It looks
Starting point is 00:17:22 kind of high for him. I think his arms are going to him if he keeps five so what should he have done like stood on something like a thin mat like a one inch mat two inch i think the the rule said if you want to do that you have to use a mat that your entire body can lay down on that's a uniform surface so like a little riser wouldn't work. Is that right? Yeah. Like your whole body has to be on it for the burpee to count, which would mean if your line is also starting there, then you would have to almost do it. You'd have to do it behind, like maybe a foot behind.
Starting point is 00:17:56 It seems weird. That means you would have to run on top of it every time you turn around on the shuttle run. Or you'd have to do your burpee at a 90 degree angle, like the pads here and the lines there. We set a long gymnastics pad up at our gym after i did it and it i mean a two inch surface was no issue for the for the shuttle run so he's doing 15 15 now that's his third i love counting because i can't read all the fucking dummies in the comments i don't get i don't get sucked into the shit talking. So from a programming standpoint, we look at week one,
Starting point is 00:18:32 and we see what some people would call two, let's just say, high-skill movements, like people that are maybe on the border trying to make it into quarterfinals. And then here we have a new movement. We have a burpee pull-up, at least new to the Open, new to CrossFit competition, programmed by the crossfit games team like i know they've done it at rogue before but where do you see some of the movements that now we're used to seeing in the open do you do you do you think of those things like oh wow maybe this year we're not doing chest to bar and we'll do them in quarters or in semis instead, where usually we see movements like chest-to-bar, toes-to-bar always in the open.
Starting point is 00:19:10 I love that. I mean, I think there are a lot of elements we're starting to see from Adrian, even through just two weeks, obviously there's one to go, where he's, you know, I think getting back to something that was missing, which is some fun and unpredictable elements of the Open. I think the last two years were a little bit stale relative to some of the previous, especially like the middle teen years, 15, 16, 17, 18. And he's kind of reopening this idea that, yes, there still is this stage of quarterfinals,
Starting point is 00:19:42 but we haven't replaced the Open with that and open becomes something different. It's, again, more wide open where we don't necessarily know what's coming. There's a lot of things that you have to be prepared for. I think that the workouts have been clever so far to the fact that, you know, everyone can do these things or can at least start these things. But you still are, you know, this is still going to get a good separation between who's fit and who is, you know, able to do these things, but not do them that fast or that well. Well, lucky camera straps, $2.99 from Australia again. Wad Zombie, always maybe the best supporter of the show. Hiller needs to get on that Phil Toon tanning protocol.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Wad Zombie, Phil Toon's a black guy. And he looks like robert downey jr and is this is this is this a real name luis you like that suza luis lemos is that a real name luis lemos one more this guy's always dropping bucks it is yeah this guy's always dropping the big coin. Let's see. What time is that? Six something? Yeah, 620.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Dick Butter, they caught Taylor wearing clothes from the luggage he stole. Taylor, I reposted your four tips for this workout, which I think are excellent tips. At what point would you say to someone, um, that doing this jumping strict pull-up as opposed to maybe starting from kipping in the beginning would be like the breaking point. Uh, can you explain that? Can you, yeah, like obviously if you can do the jump into the strict pull-up instead of having to kip every time, that's great. But if you're, you know, if you're working with just a general population, you're affiliated and you're like, well, I know this person like can probably only get 10 pull ups that way before they're going to have to keep, would you say they should just skip from the start? Absolutely. I think, I think if you at any point, unless you're getting deep into the round of like
Starting point is 00:21:38 25, I think if you at any point are getting like a quarter of the way up and finishing it out with a strict pull up like Hiller is doing now, I mean, obviously he's upper body dense and strong as fuck, so he's going to be fine. But once the average CrossFitter starts doing that, I think you just go to a KIP. I believe that's 14. Is he at 25?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Is he at 25? No, this is 20. No, this is 20. 15. What did you say, Chase? You started with a KIP? For my burpee pull-ups, I kip every one of them. I jump up
Starting point is 00:22:08 high enough to grab onto the bar in a hollowed position or the opposite of a hollowed position. No, I grab it in a hollowed position, so my transfer is very quick. I'm using my hips right from the start. I'm trying to save my arms. Almost the opposite of what
Starting point is 00:22:23 he's doing. He just switched. Did you was doing. He just switched. Did you see that? Yeah, he just switched. He switched what? What did he do? He started kipping? Yeah, he kipped on his last one.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Trish, Taylor looks like he would manage the fuck out of an auto zone. I did work at a motorcycle shop. Damn. Trish fucked you up. So finishing the round of 20 burpees right at 8. Oh my goodness. This is when it starts.
Starting point is 00:22:51 You sold motorcycles, Taylor? You worked at a motorcycle shop? I didn't sell them. I worked on them. I also wrecked one. We had a customer buy a brand new bike and I wrecked it in the parking lot. So that's 50 total burpee pull-ups at this point right eight minutes that's that's that's where the score comes from i'm
Starting point is 00:23:12 coming if he wants to get to the 30 come on hailer is that how you get the points the point the number is the number of burpee pull-ups no no it's you still get a point per shuttle run but i'm just thinking like a transition name of burpees and the time it took him to get to this spot. So he's done 50 with the shuttle runs. He's moving way better than I thought at nine minutes. I thought he'd be already walking. Good transition. Smooth transition. Turn and go. Chase, when you see a movement like this early in the season do you start to think
Starting point is 00:23:46 about possible progressions through the season like do you think we've done burpee ring muscle ups twice in competition once in the chipper and then once at regionals 30 for time do you see something like this turning into burpee muscle up bar muscle up and then maybe do becoming like burpee pullover type thing at the yeah pullover i mean if we have a double crossover then a bar pullover is on the table for sure i think but not to the cross the games it might be that opposite trickle down we talked about this the other day is that we'll see things at the games and then at regionals or semifinals the next year and then it's open the year after that this could be the trickle up effect where here's a little precursor in the open we may see a burpee muscle up in quarterfinals or semifinals it'd be cool to see in semifinals because now that they have this standard they
Starting point is 00:24:35 can do burpee chest to bar they can do burpee bar muscle up they can do whatever i don't i don't like the the pullover i was just i was alluding it to like if they're gonna do the double crossover no for sure for sure i i i think your rationale is spot on i just am not i'm not a you know hey how would you if they did the burpee pullover how would someone get down from there you would lower yourself from a negative bar muscle up Or you do a forward roll out of it? I think it would just come back down. Like a bar muscle-up. Believe this is 15.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I would love to see how they would do that. You're saying that you could see them doing pullovers? Pullovers when you're hanging from the bar, you throw your feet up, and then you get on top of the bar like a little girl at the park, right? They did pullovers in the Pendleton obstacle course. How many? Was it just one? Just the opener.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah. Right. Okay. Got to jump, Hiller. Jump more. Jump. Jump less than Kip. Can you hear us? There you go. Yeah, he can hear us. I can hear him Jump. Jump less than Kip. There you go.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, he can hear us. I can hear him breathing. He can definitely hear us. Catch his straight arms and kip the shit out of it, bro. I don't know. I think. I don't know. I believe.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I mean, it's slowing down. It's doing it. You can't see. I think it's 11. One more. Last rep. Let's 11. One more. Last rep. Let's go. Brian, with your members tomorrow. Walk.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Quick turnarounds. Slow on the run. Turn quick. These 30s are going to be the whole workout. Yes. He just finished his second shuttle run after the round of 25 burpees so what number is that on we should have had a score sheet up i believe that he's on after he finishes this i'll be at 125 okay what's the time at 12 12.15 I need to do 18
Starting point is 00:26:46 Come on bro To get to your number exactly Yeah Nice of you to join us Dave For the last two and a half minutes of Of Hiller's workout Do you have any advice for him? Is he walking?
Starting point is 00:27:04 No come on. What happened? You didn't pay your electricity bill? I'm driving in a car. I'm in North Carolina. Just visited with a bunch of affiliates. Now heading over to some pub where someone's having a retirement
Starting point is 00:27:19 ceremony. You want to come across with Charlotte? Does that work better? There we go. I'm good. Fantastic. Taylor has a question for you, Dave. Are i'm across with charlotte well does that work better there we go i'm good oh fantastic uh taylor has a question for you dave are you coming across charlotte you're gonna see andy no i'm not in charlotte i'm actually in uh southern pines right now oh okay yeah so um are we live is this like or is this just a no no no one can see it well like 1500 people can see us but not just a hair under 1500 you don't have shit for engagement that's it hillary you're killing it buddy you're killing it push hard 18 hillary push hard uh dave castro is watching and judging the shit out of you
Starting point is 00:27:59 push hard buddy 90 seconds i'm watching i'm driving um what's uh what's the word what are you guys up to who's on the show i can't tell i'm not looking oh we're watching we're watching andrew hiller do the last minute in 10 seconds of the uh 23.2 before he gets to the thruster what do you think dave what do you think his max thruster is going to be? Can you answer my question? Who's on the show? Who's what? Taylor Self, Brian Friend, Chase Ingram,
Starting point is 00:28:34 J.R. Howell, and myself. We're watching Andrew Hiller do the workout. Where am I going? We just made $15 because you're on the show. Let's go, Hiller. Any idea where he's at?
Starting point is 00:28:49 13 deep into the round of 30. You got 30 seconds. Got to go. Is that what your question was? No, no. We're watching Hiller. You're supposed to be cheering Hiller on. You're supposed to be the motivation he needs
Starting point is 00:29:02 for the last minute of his workout. That's 17. 15 seconds. Go, fucker. Come on. 10 seconds left. 19. You got 10 seconds. Let's go. Let's go. Jump up.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Come on. 42. One more. One more. One more. You got 20 deep into the round 30 nice what's the rep count taylor 142 wait wait uh 145 he doesn't even get to enjoy this right it's just straight to the thruster the clock's already started brian how long brian how long after the 15 minutes hits do you tell your members tomorrow they have to get a lift in? I think it completely depends on their capacity and the weight that they're going to be opening with. I mean, I think some of them will be ready within a minute, but the ones that really go deep on this, I'll probably tell them to take two before they even touch the barbell.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Taylor, what about you? What would you tell your competitive people? I recommend 45 seconds. Wow. To get a 135 as a guy or a 95 as a lady. Look, he's hitting it about 45 seconds. It's kind of like what he's doing. Yeah. He's going a little heavier.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I don't think it's necessary to go that. Wow. Easy day. Yeah, I think you get an easy one out of the way, and then maybe four more attempts. So five total or four total, I think is more than enough. Shit, he's going to hit my number in the second round. Hey, and he's just going on top of the collars.
Starting point is 00:30:35 We cool with that? Oh, nope, nope, nope, nope. Here we go. You're allowed to have people change your weights for you, so he's choosing not to use that here. Elise Carr-Ridau, $9.99. Thank you very much. What were you pumping your fist for, Chase?
Starting point is 00:30:50 You just like your love in the opening letter. No, it's close to the number. But as close as I was to that, it would be apparently as far as I weigh. A way of a guess for this one. Wow, $2.35. So I told him before that he would hit $2.75. He said he thought he would hit like $2 I told him before that he would hit 275. He said he thought he would hit 280.
Starting point is 00:31:08 He said he'll hit 275. Let's go. Come on. Wow, wow, wow. How much is that? How much is that? 235. What is Taylor, and I guess JR specifically,
Starting point is 00:31:23 what do you think about that jump? I think you need a big jump. What was the jump? Can you tell us what the jump is? No, no. I mean that he literally jumped off the ground with the weights. As long as your knees don't re-bend when you land. Yeah. I think the jump is necessary.
Starting point is 00:31:36 I mean, that's a lot of pressing. It's a lot of arms in that workout. The burpee pull-ups are brutal on the chest and the pulling. I don't know. I like the jump. burpee pull-ups are brutal on the chest and the pulling i don't know i like how i mean how hard is it to jump off the ground with all that weight and not re-bend your knees um i don't ever think about that i don't think it's like straight yeah you just i don't think your body would naturally want to keep them straight just out of self-preservation i mean have you ever hopped
Starting point is 00:32:06 four inches off the ground and land with your knees locked no but but he's not he's not coming four inches off the ground one i think two on a thruster like a push press if you're gonna fail for me i'm not bending the knees when i fail i'm getting the bar like to forehead level and it's like god it's not going any further coming down where do you see his feet coming off the ground? The top of the thrust? He literally jumped. A little more rest here.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You got two minutes. I was going to say, this is attempt three. Three minutes. Recover. Those 15s? Audrey Fraser, $10. Thank you, dear. Eric Wise, thanks, brother.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Way to go, Hiller. $4.99. Mine was $2.62, right? Put the fractionals on. Come on. Go another five if Hiller hits $2.50. Mine, Blender 5, $4.99. What's he doing here?
Starting point is 00:32:55 He went down. He's going down 10 pounds back down to $2.50. $2.55. You need a big rest here. Last attempt, a big rest. I got another question for you guys, and i i apologize i haven't had a chance to read the rules thoroughly do men have to use men's barbells or the other way around because the last time i did a heavy thruster was in a competition and it was a male female competition and in practicing building up to that i was really struggling to hit 185 with a men's bar
Starting point is 00:33:22 but then we found out at the competition that everyone had to use a woman's bar and i hit 185 with a men's bar. But then we found out at the competition that everyone had to use a woman's bar and I hit 185 easily. You know, that doesn't count, right? What? That doesn't count. Why not?
Starting point is 00:33:30 What doesn't count? Let's go, Hiller. Let's go, Hiller. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Let's go. Let's go. I'm just fucking with you, Brian. Well, it counts because I was, I was forced to do it i'm just curious if that's if there's anything in the rules that prevent someone from me like oh maybe i'll use a
Starting point is 00:33:50 woman's bar for this i had a couple people ask me at the gym could they use a women's bar for the cleans last week and it didn't say that they couldn't use it right yeah i haven't seen it jeremy world uh ten dollars Gas money for TDC. Well done, Hiller, at $255. Jeremy Garcia, how close should your max thruster be to your max press? What's he defining as a press? I'd say it's probably supposed to be closer to your push press. Way closer to push press.
Starting point is 00:34:24 My max thruster is very close. Here here we go last lift oh take it deep around so this is good come on are you gonna do it or not just to finish up with that last guy my max thruster is very close to my max like push jerk not push press good job hillar my my max push press i think is like 265 and my max thrusters 275 uh do we have a count for his reps caleb or suza 145 so we got a 145 which would make that taylor's oh whoa which would make that Taylor's. Oh, whoa, which would be Chase. And we have 255, which would be Seve. I want to check that too. What? What did you say?
Starting point is 00:35:10 I said 250. Well, I said. You're over, bro. You're right. What are we talking about? I want to check that 255 review and see if there's not a knee bend because I want to nail it. I have a screenshot from the CrossFit Games website.
Starting point is 00:35:24 That word's okay. Jason from Canada. Pouring the money out of Canada while you still can. Thank you. $6.99. Oh, do we want to, while he catches his breath here. Oh, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:37 That's $2.35. That's $2.35. $2.55. What are we looking at here? We think there was a little knee bend. I'm just talking with him. No, let's check it. Let's check it. Let's check it.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Let's see. This is not it. This one I missed. Next one. Next one. Hey, a knee bend is just a nothing burger anyway. Just a little nothing burger. Let's see it.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Ooh. Well. Well then. Man, it's so weird because you didn't bend it to get under it. You just took a step back. He starts moving back before he reaches extinction. I would go ahead and say 235 is the number then. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Really? We're giving that to you. I want to give it to you. So Roman got one for walking backward. I think this looks better than. Actually, than actually go to Ben Smith's Twitter. They responded to him on this matter. I like it. 255.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Fucking put it. Hold on. Before we get too much further. Hold on one second. Sarah Cox. Oh, 49 99. Great work.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Hiller with a little needle. Good job. Michael C. That last thruster was a no rep. you mean the one he didn't get well uh so what are you guys looking at specifically tell us what you're looking at because those all look good to me and if hillars doesn't count does that mean velners doesn't count caleb can you pull up the um actual wording of the rule book while we're talking about this or for this workout. Are you saying that because he took a step back in the motion of taking a step back, your, your knee joint closes a little bit and that's a no rep.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Well, read the, it's the other space. Read, read the, um, rules as they're written here. I don't know if we've ever seen the rules written quite this way before. Uh, okay. Uh, each lesser attempt begins with the barbell on the ground. Collars must be placed outside the plates. The crease of the hip must be clearly passed below the top of the knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed but not required. Everything on the left looks like very understandable,
Starting point is 00:37:39 and we've seen that a million times. Okay. And then there's a picture with a gentleman fully extended, and it says the rep is credited when the athlete's hip's a picture with a gentleman fully extended and it says uh the rep is credited when the athlete's hip knees and arms are fully extended the bar is directly over slightly behind the middle of the body nice okay the rep must be completed in one fluid motion from the bottom of the squat a front squat followed by a jerk is not allowed okay athletes are allowed to receive assistance, loading the bar to their
Starting point is 00:38:05 next lift. Any successful attempt where the bar leaves the ground before the five minute time cap will count. I don't see anything about a re-bend in there. There's nothing. And so that it's just that one bullet, the rep must be completed in one fluid motion from the bottom of the squat. And then this weird addition, a front squat filed by a jerk is not allowed. And a jerk means that there's a re-bend of the knee. So there's like, you have to interpret that based on that caveat that they included there. At least that's how I'm reading it. A front squat followed by.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah. I don't think that's. God, that would be tough to, for me to call that a front squat to a jerk. What, what Velner did or what Hiller did. Uh,
Starting point is 00:38:49 CrossFit games, feet moving is okay. As long as they stabilize the lift jerking or re-dipping is not. So like, but to me, like, why are you having to add that in? That shouldn't,
Starting point is 00:39:00 that should probably just be a bullet in the original rules. And it's, I mean, it's like, everyone knows that you cannot re-dip your knees in a thruster. So why don't you just include that there? What Hiller did was a step. What Vellner did was a re-dip. And Roman also did a step.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And Roman did a step. Did Vellner really re-dip? I didn't see that. I mean, his feet were in one place, and he went in that joint. The knee joint closed a little bit and then reopened it. Caleb, we have a video of that in the group thread from earlier, I think. It was probably like 50 messages ago, though. Michael, see, that last thrust was a no-rep.
Starting point is 00:39:38 I'm not sure what he's talking about here. Is the thruster judging going to be a nightmare? Just go to the chat. Just got to the chat just got to the chat uh five dollars star win 21 i do think that it's going to be pretty difficult and so basically um especially given what happened in a live announcement today i am assuming that cross it's going to be fairly lenient on that like i i think if they're given roman and velner and i would give taylor that to or um hillar two 55 rep. And if those are all good,
Starting point is 00:40:05 then I think that that's something you can look at where like right in the line there is going to, I think they're going to have to make it acceptable for this. And, um, we haven't, I don't know if we've necessarily seen it yet, but I think that the, like what we're about to see from Vellner here is about the limit of what you should be able to get away with. Here's the thing too. I do want, i do want to reiterate this before we play this clip
Starting point is 00:40:27 after the event james hobart did say i don't want to let's not see anything cheeky with a redip he didn't even he didn't even call it he didn't even call it a um a jerk i don't think and so i and don't get me wrong i'm not suggesting that um i don't even think uh velner was conscious that he did that right i mean it's not like he's cheating he's just no no and that's he's just trying to get the fucking weight overhead yeah yeah it should be like blatantly clear that nothing on roman velner like all you can do is the best you can do. And especially in a case like that, if you have a judge, uh, did you go with the judge? I think if your knees re-bend at any point, it's technically a no rep. And at this point, the only thing we're talking about is how lenient CrossFit is going to be on their standard.
Starting point is 00:41:18 But the binary standard of good rep and no rep is knees hips extended bar pressed overhead with no reflection or re-bend of the knee or the hip and if you do have knee flexion or hip flexion after you extend it's a no rep well that means anyone who takes a step is a no rep because no you can you can step forward without you know same thing you're not leaving the knee out of flexion maybe um uh rep counts uh nice job hillar mind blender fi uh hillar any any thoughts on the workout i'm watching my 235 right now let's see velners i didn't see this even though it's potato ball 235 i stepped forward on it's like it's overhead and then i walk with it once it's overhead which is fine which should be fine
Starting point is 00:42:12 but then again we don't it's madness how much conversation we're having about it it's so much ambiguity it's and he goes up and there's the bend oh man that is so so so if this were an olympic lifting competition that would get red lights across the board it would that so that's enough there well they don't do it on the knee but like on a lockout for a jerk if the elbow collapses at all yeah yeah i'm just saying like if we're if we're looking at the one thing that determines a good rep or bad rep at olympic lifting meet if that elbow bends at all it's a no rep it's over red lights i guess i mean this is a this is a good point right here allowing the feet to move opens a can of worms well that was a shit so say that again chase i said the non-feet moving thing was
Starting point is 00:43:03 a shit show at regionals what was the standard for the strict press at the games when they had the total in 2018 because um was it like the heels couldn't come off the ground and you could bounce it off your shoulder you could do whatever you wanted man you could do a push press other than using your legs apparently uh jenny sock uh huge taylor self-fan smtp is this shit uh it's it's a weird thing because we see the rules at the crossfit games with the sandbag and they were allowed you know it was it was pretty uh it was pretty open hey if you want to lift uh if you want an extra lift go ahead that adrian purposely kind of leaves these things a little bit loose and as a fan it worked out great at the games right that was fucking awesome last minute you bring in the heavier bag we'd never
Starting point is 00:43:50 seen that before that was an audible letting the athletes get an extra lift if they wanted to that was all great and then it comes to this and and can we have it both ways or do you guys i would have rather seen a squat snatch i thought he was gonna say snatch when he was saying no and one rep because it's like the you know i mean i guess the thruster is is different as well but you had the front rack last week and i don't know uh hillar who who's gonna win this in the men and who's gonna win win this in the women? Do you have any opinions on that worldwide? I like Brian's prediction of Graciano on the thruster. Graciano, the Wall Street weightlifter.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You don't like my prediction of William Leahy? Well, I don't know enough about him. I like Yonakoski for some reason on the – or Ricky. I like Ricky on that. He's a lot on the shuttle run portion. And he's a good puller. I haven't heard anyone be critical about this workout. Everyone seems to love it. It's checking all the boxes after last week.
Starting point is 00:44:54 How about women? Do you guys like Christy Aramo to win this one? She retire? No, she's still doing it. And I've got to keep an eye on Christine Middleton for the lifting. I don't think Christy Aramo wins 23. A. No.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Give me someone else. Or Emma. I think maybe, maybe Emma carry two for two. Hey, what happened with Emma score? Did Emma score changes? Did she still,
Starting point is 00:45:17 is she still the champ for 23.1? What happened over there? By one rep instead of 10 reps. She got a nine rep penalty for wall ball depth. And has anyone checked it? Hill, are you doing a video on it have you i saw i saw a post she made like a reel and and the one rep i saw i was like that's not hip crease below the knee guys weightlifting portion oh good call oh you're hurt hiller you're hurt uh back blows up a little bit yeah i'm good too i was fucked up after that yeah he seems fucked up like are you about to throw up like you're hurt, Hiller. You're hurt. Back blows up a little bit. Yeah, I did too. I was fucked up after that. Yeah, he seems fucked up.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Are you about to throw up like you're doing that thing like a dog? No, I'm probably still got my back. My leg is down. Just sending out the vibe over there. Jeremy Eat World, $10 more bucks for Taylor and SMTP programming reps on reps of burpee pull-ups. You can Venmo me that, Sevan. Absolutely. Philip Kelly, $1.99.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Hiller and Brian and Taylor and JR and Chase and Seve. Injections and bats. Do you like this workout, Chase? A and B. Instead of three workouts now, we have four workouts. We have four scores. The more scores for me, the better. I like more scores. Do I like A and B scored instead of three workouts now, we have four workouts. We have four scores. The more scores for me, the better. I like more scores. Do I like
Starting point is 00:46:27 A and B scored separately? No. Okay. And what about the actual workouts? I like it a lot. And why don't you like them scored separately? I don't think you should score single modality tests as a full scored event by itself. In the open? In the open.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We've talked about this. in three weeks of i would say this because because we were talking about this earlier and there were basically two things that were thrown out in the group chat that i thought would have been better because i agree with chase as an independent test part a great as an independent test part b great and both relevant for crossfit and overall fitness and they balance each other out obviously but the two things we talked about jr brought up one earlier is the potential to find a way to just combine the scores and obviously if you're designing that you want relative uniformity where the they weigh similarly um and you think you'd have to have a little bit of a thought
Starting point is 00:47:20 behind that because the men's thruster weights is going to be, you know, so much higher than the women's. So you might have to do like men's rep count in part a 1.5 and women's is just counted as it is. And maybe it balances out that way, but you'd have to do some testing to figure that out. I also think that there's a possibility that you just impose a minimum for part a. So maybe you say you have to finish the third round. And if you don't finish the third round of 15 burpee pull-ups and 10 shuttle runs, then your score on the lift counts as scaled, you know, and that way everyone who finishes that, then they can lift. And we know they've at least done this much work to earn the right to have an
Starting point is 00:47:55 RX lift. And if you weren't able to do that, that's fine. You're still on the leaderboard, but your lift, no matter how high it is now goes below everyone who was able to make that minimum. And again, you'd want to do some testing to make sure you get the numbers right. But the thought, like the theory of that are, those are two things that I think could have been considered to make what are good tests independently, a better reflection of overall fitness on the leaderboard. The other one is just taking part a as its own score, rank the world part B is its own score,
Starting point is 00:48:22 as its own score, rank the world. Part B is its own score. Combine those two place finishes to get a number, and then you score that. It's kind of like averaging the two. Because they're two completely different tests. This test of strength has nothing to do with people's fitness level. Zero.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Now that you have seen this... Go ahead. Were you going to say something, Taylor? No. Now that you have seen this, go ahead. Were you going to say something, Taylor? No. Now that you have seen this, JR, you've seen the workout. You've seen this heavy thruster. Does that give you ideas for next week? Like, okay, since they did this, they're going to have to do this next week to balance it out.
Starting point is 00:48:58 And have we ever had part A and part B twice? No. No. No. Okay. I would say yes and no um yes it makes me think there's still a ton left to be done but then who's to say that any of those movements have to be done because in the past we've always done thrusters for reps and what did he say when they interviewed
Starting point is 00:49:18 him yeah everyone's always used to doing moderate to light thrusters and now you get to go heavy on the thruster we've had double unders toes to bar and thrusters and now you get to go heavy on the thruster we've had double unders toes to bar and thrusters and every single open well maybe now we don't do double unders next week we did a lot of running which is still kind of a bound so maybe we don't do any kind of box jump or double unders next week we haven't done anything unilateral so we haven't done any lunging we haven't done any um dumbbell yet do we do dumbbell do we do kettlebell do we do neither are they all safe for quarters so like i think everything is still on the table and then it could just be you know like a classic couplet or triplet which it probably will be because there
Starting point is 00:49:55 was already a trip for week one i was actually just sitting here trying to think he mentioned a monostructural gymnastics couplet has only been done one other time in the open, and that was 21.1, correct? Double under wall walk. That's the only other time it's been done. I think the biggest clue that we have going into the final week is the time domain, that we've gone 14 and then 15 or 20, depending on how you score this. So I think it's pretty likely that the next workout has like a 10 or 12-minute time cap at most, but that the elite athletes are finishing like the four to seven minute range. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Well, yeah, I would say four to six. Yeah. Mike C four 99. You guys are being short sighted. We now know we don't have to worry about thrusters, pull-ups or burpees for next week.
Starting point is 00:50:38 It's true. And here I was, I thought that the last week was going to feature all three, but I was one of the go. BLT strong $10 for Hill Hiller not being a pussy. Well done. Well, he's about to hang upside down. Something is wrong with Hiller.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I have not seen him like this. Lucky Camera Straps, $2.99. Again, Hiller looks like he is in struggle town. He is. Something happened. We'll find out in a minute. Something is up. JR will beat Rich in this workout guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Let's fucking go. Anthony. Don't you put that pressure on me. Anthony TPA. Elvin Gonzalax. Is that a real name? Is that a real name? Is that like Latinx?
Starting point is 00:51:14 Elvin Gonzalax? Anyway, thank you. Elvin Gonzalax. Thank you. Seven, I got to go. Thanks for having me on. See you guys around. Thank you for coming on. Later, Brian.
Starting point is 00:51:23 What about – so what about – remember last year in the first two workouts, there was some guy in Rich's gym who was leading – who was on the leaderboard crushing it, and that was – and then the third workout came. Do we have anything out of balance? Wasn't his name Nick Curran or something? I can't remember. I don't remember his name. Do we have anything out of balance this year like that?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Do we have anything out of balance this year like that? Are the first two workouts so far on one side of some domain, time domain, weight, gymnastics, anything like that, where we have the wrong people on the leaderboard and all this is going to shake out differently in week three? We would have if he didn't do the part B. We would have. Okay. But I think with – yeah, I don't think overall leaderboard you're gonna see that but you'll definitely see a ton of outliers on a and a ton of outliers on b probably only the fittest doing well on both speaking of outliers on b do you think that there is going to be one man and one woman just out alone at thrusters that there won't be a tie
Starting point is 00:52:20 at the very very top oh look at a 315 yeah i imagine i imagine there's going to be some pretty crazy a 330 oh so he is the batman he does hang upside down good night hillar i'll come in and turn the light off i'll be when the show's over i'll just come in and turn the light off for you buddy i feel like you're so vulnerable in that position anyone ever just sack tap you when you're hanging like that? Oh, that would suck. I would be pissed. That sucks that you even say that to them. Throwing lacrosse balls at you from across the field.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I know someone hates that. We used to play this game when I was like 17. We would like sit in a circle with a lacrosse ball and just roll it at each other's nuts. That's pretty funny. Yeah. You're supposed to throw the ball, Taylor. Were you allowed to block it,lor no no blocking um can we can we look at the leaderboard now and and just see what's going on what what the um um if so so people are already uh putting stuff in not more okay so the the fact and that's in the order okay and so these three guys who are beating
Starting point is 00:53:34 roman krennikoff is that real so jake burman that's a good one to look at just because he's a he's a he's a high level athlete missed the games by one second last year one spot so one 162 and 275 i was thinking what like what kind of fringe games or games athlete expect to hit as a goal where if they're under that line it's a problem like oh man like my i would i would consider this a lot more like a like a power lifting type strength capacity versus like a snatch or a clean and jerk it's a little bit less technical than those like what do you think taylor chase to 265 260 if you're not hitting at least that it could be a problem yeah like i think some guys are just going to do some ridiculous numbers at a weight that's what five years ago you'd be in the top 50 yeah
Starting point is 00:54:26 taylor hit or you didn't do it on what the thruster yeah you didn't do yeah i didn't do it i'm not ready so fucking heavy yeah i'm not ready to squat under andrew does it feel heavier on your legs coming out of the bottom of the squat or just all triceps on the press out so it's the front rack for me because of the elbow issue. It's just getting in there. Everything was tight from all the pressing off the floor. Uh, JV team.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Thanks for keeping me company while I'm out of town for business. This is way better than porn. Good job, Hiller. Well, thank you. That's weird. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Yeah. That's weird. Yeah cool yeah that's weird yeah oh i was like can i just push a button i panicked i was like my board's over here and i was like oh shit i just fucked up the show god this is turning into a professional show i can't even believe it uh mark uh bearfield uh chase will explain to you what a pullover is i just i think i'm uh little kids in a uh schoolyard park go ahead chase yeah you jump up to the pull-up bar and you pull about 90 degrees with your elbows and pull your feet over the top of your head across the bar and then you roll over into a top position like a bar
Starting point is 00:55:44 muscle i was listening to you guys talk about that. I was going to throw one in, and then Taylor said his pull-up cadence changed. I was going to try and throw a pull-over in there. So you can see this. And they were saying that there was one in the games before in Camp Pendleton, but it was just one. And the thing is, is if they do do those uh multiple reps of those i'm curious how they're going to get down the boys
Starting point is 00:56:10 like i've tried to string as many as i could together by like four or five i've yeah shit gets weird no hey that would be tough for the masters too those fuckers will get dizzy yeah just talked to jake and he said he kipped every single pull-up and got that 162 jake berman told you well if only he wouldn't have kipped he'd got a lot better than 162 okay oh what was hillar's score again it was what say it again 145 145 uh hillar do you wish you would have k in hindsight? No. I'm happy I didn't walk in hindsight. I would also say Jake is, he said this before, I think, but he's top five in the world at burpees, maybe top three, as far as speed goes, for sure.
Starting point is 00:56:55 No question. And so he had an advantage there, but he still didn't get close to Roman's score or Vellner's score, still 20 away. No, he tied Vellner. Well, they both got 163 oh oh okay okay sorry sorry i was looking at it yeah okay oh well fantastic shit crazy he also he also won the lcq workout that was the ascending um or maybe it was descending uh shuttle runs and cleaning jerks at 225 so So he was good at shuttle runs too. Can we look at the leaderboard one more time and see what's going on with the women? Is this normal for,
Starting point is 00:57:29 for the people who are putting in their scores right away? Are these people who aren't serious about going to the CrossFit games or is this probably the opposite? They're just wanting to get it done. They're pumped up, they're fired up and they're getting the shit out of the way. They're throwing a troll score and then they're're gonna see how many people beat them and then go redo no shit yeah first page so i don't recognize any of these names well it's because other people haven't done it so their scores are you're gonna get a hundred thousandth place if you haven't done
Starting point is 00:58:02 it yet well i'm just saying in the in the boys division we i was recognizing some of the names and over here with the girls so what is the best girl score right now let's see ha take that julia will um will any women uh beat uh will the men have the top score on uh 23.2 a any chance a woman could be yeah and men will for sure have the top score on 23.2A? Any chance a woman could beat the men? Yeah, men will for sure have the top score. 175. Cool.
Starting point is 00:58:35 What's the top weight on the thruster right now? Can he filter by B? Wow. Who is that? Some fucking ogre named Helga. Nope. Rubia Sohail. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I bet she's big boned. Not in like a derogatory sense, but just like. Too late. Too late. Too late. Am I canceled? I bet she's fucking yoked. Taylor, you were canceled like months ago.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Hey, is that her? She got 100. she got a hundred on 23.2 a right which is terrible i got canceled by that kid uh what's his name that video gorbanzo corbano corbano seven my first hater made a youtube video about me and the title of it was self-made training program sucks no shit he said in the video and i haven't even looked at his programming but i just don't like him i don't think you should come back on seven show oh wow wow how long ago was that that he made that that was like a few days ago and a couple people like dm'd him and he deleted the video off youtube oh darn i wanted to see it put it back up i want to see it was it was pretty funny
Starting point is 00:59:46 i saw it how was it hillar sent it to me i woke up i was like in panic mode i was like hillar probably screened it probably captured it and about making a video on it yeah are you really no no he is he is i have uh let me go to our text i can show you the thumbnail to it um chase do you know what the workout is for next week? Nope. So would you guys like to make any predictions on what you think it might be next week? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Please. I know he said we're talking about double unders maybe not happening. I think they are. I think they are too, by the way. I could could see so we've had ascending skill pulling movements before and i think we could have an ascending skill pressing gymnastics movement so something like wall walks in the first round handstand push-ups in the second round and handstand walks in the third round i like that um you keep everything located in one
Starting point is 01:00:46 spot you still have the 25 feet that we've used once already and then something like double unders mixed in there with something with a dumbbell whether it's walking lunges uh or dumbbell snatches or both but i think it'll i would be curious to see if Boz does the skill speed ladder deal that he did in terms of instead of weights, a pressing skill test. You think there'll be an A and a B next week for the first time? We'll have two A and Bs? No, I don't like those to begin with, so I hope that's not the case. I'm predicting another A and a B. I think we may have some rest intervals.
Starting point is 01:01:24 not the case i'm predicting another a and b i think we may have some rest intervals if it's an a b and b is like a 1k row test or a max unbroken bar muscle-up test then i'll change my mind something single modality to offset bar muscle-ups chase yeah then they're gonna have three weeks in a row of upper body pulling well that's why i said ascending ladder pressing i was just talking about there. Hey, how would, how would that look? Um, max bar muscle ups in 90 seconds, something like that. One shot. Oh, you get one lift. You get, you don't get to add all your lifts together. Right. Right. Uh, Hiller, any, any thoughts on the workout? Anything you want to say?
Starting point is 01:02:01 Taylor, any thoughts on the workout? Anything you want to say? Shuttle runs, I've never been great at, and they were actually not too bad on this workout, although I actually had no idea where my number was going to fall. So I know Taylor said 58 was your score, correct? And I didn't know where I was, and I kind of always like to chase numbers once I know where they're at. And for some reason, I figured that that would have been 28 on the round of 30.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Not you were in the shuttle runs on the next round, correct? Yeah, just three. And that means that Jake and Roman, all of them were into the shuttle runs on that round as well. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be a mess. Don't walk. That was a bad idea. And I thought I was actually catching my breath a little bit on those.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yeah, me too about halfway or maybe three quarters of the way into every single one of those sets of burpees for the 15 20 and 25 it kind of hits you yep you too yeah the the 20 and 25 for sure like on 15 into the 20 i was like damn and then on like you know 17 15 into the 25 it just it got painful and then the orders of them felt great yeah you get there and you go oh shit but then you start running and you go okay we can do this and it is very much like cindy i felt where you're just kind of going in a circle and there's spots where they're slightly easier than other spots and then there's spots that beat you up a little bit and it's it's a cool test i like it a lot actually the chat on the games the med was talking mad shit about it but i kind of liked it and then i liked it as i was doing it too i fucking love burpee pull-ups so no complaints here how about keeping track on your own hiller of
Starting point is 01:03:34 the numbers i i go by ones so i counted to 20 every time which people probably shouldn't even hear me say that that's gonna fuck the whole world up i don't even understand what you mean by that oh okay but what what what about the burpee pull-ups adding five every time that wasn't a problem for you no that was fine no it was good and actually believe it or not not having music on and then listening to what you guys are saying i don't think it it was just interesting it's different than any other open workout i've ever done ever where there's all this preparation all this thought that goes into it. I'm just kind of doing it and playing it by ear and seeing how it goes. But I was going to get to Chase.
Starting point is 01:04:11 When you swam and you would do something like 100 meters, would you just count to four? Short course? Or let's say you're doing 500 meters. You count to 20. Yes. Right? So I kind of looked at this as if i were doing 500 meters and you just counted 21 2 3 4 which would technically be two reps yeah because if i if
Starting point is 01:04:31 i counted by twos or you know every two i'd lose track by the time i got to the next 50 well i told jr i was doing those warm-up walks and as i was doing that i was losing track and i go fuck i'm gonna have no idea where i'm at i gotta count one at a time i think that's important as you're warming up hey have you and your judge on the same page as far as what's in your head versus what they're saying because i would hear taylor say he's on seven i go no i'm on 15 i did not do that did i really fuck up that no no you didn't fuck no no he's he's counting one two three five, and you're counting down and back as well. Ah, okay, okay. Pick up some Paper Street Coffee, P-A-P-E-R-S-T, coffee during the show.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Also, Seve, Paper Street Coffee is not a thing the more you know. Yeah, if you type in all of street, you'll be fucked, and you won't get the discount when you use code Seve on. Hiller, I'm going to ask you a loaded question. I apologize. No, a question with a presupposition in it did you hurt yourself on the first lift because i think that velner had something happened to velner on the first lift too i think he started off too heavy and something happened no no i didn't making that up you didn't hurt yourself on the first lift first lift felt great the for some reason the 235 i i this arm is my my shit arm so like this thumb so as you get to this shoulder because i'm missing quite a bit of flexion so when i racked the 255 even this pinky wasn't on the bar even as it was overhead i had this huge indent on my ring finger from where i
Starting point is 01:05:58 was supporting the bar so i kind of pressed it as if i had four fingers i was in the adaptive division for a minute oh perfect uh steven flores two dollars uh does someone else want to read this what is this guy guessing what it's going to be uh double unders handstand push-ups that workout was three rounds for time 10 dumbbell hang power cleans 10 strict 10 strict was first double unders, followed by one minute of rest, and then three rounds for time, 10 dumbbell push press, 10 kipping handstand push-up, and 50 double unders. Just flip those. Handstand push-ups were first every time.
Starting point is 01:06:33 No. Strict was first. I'm telling you, the handstand push-ups were the first movement. Oh, first movement. First movement. Okay. Oh, damn. Damn.
Starting point is 01:06:41 It's getting hot. Guys, did you guys discuss? Yes, this question. This is it. I wanted to go over that. And then after this, let's not forget to talk about what CrossFit's thinking with all the ties, if it's really an issue or not. Okay. Mark Tabaka, $600.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Thank you. Can you guys please discuss the height standard? What do you want us to discuss? Basically, you can't touch the bar when you're standing on flat-footed above you. please discuss the height standard. What do you want us to discuss? You basically, you can't touch the bar when you're standing on flat footed above you. I suppose I didn't show myself doing it, but I did do it before that. I can go do it right now.
Starting point is 01:07:13 If you're curious, they were saying Hiller that your bar was too high. It wasn't too high. It's perfect. Really? Can you go do it real quick? Yeah. Hey, how do you do that? How do you move your camera around like that isn't it it's not attached to your computer oh that's nice dang it's how i've been telling you we need to run
Starting point is 01:07:33 the games dude we can walk around the computer and stuff and just got to get a mobile hot spot and then we can do the whole deal right oh shit and you could just have two people one person hold the computer and one person hold the camera oh wow yeah retract those shoulder blades that's beautiful dude hillary i want you to do your i'm gonna pay you a million dollars and uh and have a person of your choice blow you i want you to stand under there one more time and i want you to show us how you can cheat show us how you can really touch that bar that you're just cheating scoot over that way a little bit more to your right oh wow he's are you reaching reach scoot over more scoot over more to the right more more more more more more reach up as hard as you can i touch that bar and you get as many blow jobs
Starting point is 01:08:17 from whoever you want the rest of your life and chipotle i fucking knew it dude i fucking knew i want to talk about this though because this is important you can get like three inches of scapular mobility just by retracting the shoulder extending the shoulder you know the standard says you gotta touch your thumbs though i can't do that my thumbs are touching no actually jessica it's not totally random blow jobs are a great incentive for men worldwide it's a It's a known thing. Sorry, Chase. Sometimes the show dips below your standards.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I apologize. Extend the arms overhead. Yeah, so as long as your elbows are extended and your arms in line with the body, but you have all this range of motion right here. Yeah. I don't know. So Hiller's on testosterone, and he knows some other tricks also. Well, he didn't trick anything. Everyone and their fucking brother who's smart is going to do that.
Starting point is 01:09:11 True, JR? Yeah, I mean, as long as the arms are – I mean, when I judge people tomorrow, I'm going to be looking for a locked elbow on both sides and the thumbs touching. That's it. I'm not going to be wondering, can you shrug? Can you whatever? Yeah, it's just going to be that. Push until you feel some sort of impingement. Until it hurts.
Starting point is 01:09:36 It's like the handstand push-up standard where you had to reach overhead. All it says is put your arms over your head, lock your elbows, and touch your thumbs. It doesn't say protract the scapula. The standard of arms overhead with thumbs touching is going to take a lot of people out of rx what does that mean no what huh no um our moon shoes a lot no i don't think you're allowed to use any um there it did say something in there about the floor cannot give any bounce right so i'm assuming you know you can wear those fucking nike whatever things with the carbon footplate that makes it feel like you're on a trampoline do those exist really yeah those
Starting point is 01:10:11 running those running shoes are insane and they have they have uh now insoles that they sell that are like carbon that make your shoes super bouncy so am i supposed to unbolt my squat rack and weld it to be taller uh oh, wow, that's interesting. Oh, are you in a garage, Jim? They don't give a fuck about street parking, I guess. This is the setup, Sevan, for the next CrossFit Games. Yeah, and then what do you do? You have someone hold the computer and then someone hold the camera?
Starting point is 01:10:38 They're two-man teams? We can hook up a mic so we can talk to people without being janky. Dude. That's incredible uh so um let's talk about the the scoring again um what what is going to happen here when we have uh 10 000 people colliding for does that matter hundreds of thousands but yeah what are we going to do but i'm just thinking like 10 000 people are going to have a score of 132. Yeah. It's like,
Starting point is 01:11:08 if you have, you know, like if you have people that are like, I finished a 20,000th in the open and my only goal is to finish higher than I did last year. What are you going to tell them? You're going to tell them, Hey,
Starting point is 01:11:19 it's going to benefit you a lot more to lift heavy, heavier than it's going to be to bury yourself. And so why is that? Explain the math to me me i'm not following you because of all the ties but there's gonna be that many ties on the thruster too but just in general i think whenever we've done a 15.1 15.1 a whenever we've done anything like that in the past it has been um 18.2 18.2 a it's benefited you way more to lift five more pounds than it is to get five more reps yes does it does it affect anything is it bad why is it bad is it bad only for that reason for trying to figure out your own personal placement amongst other people like what
Starting point is 01:12:04 percentile you fall under? Or does it influence the quarterfinals or semifinals? I mean, it could have a big implication on people that make quarters or people that don't make quarters. Good call, Mike. What did Mike say? He said that I could put my computer on do not go to sleep mode and put it in the backpack.
Starting point is 01:12:29 And then Heidi said that I could get a golf cart with some boom mics or maybe it was Travis wow oh that would be so crazy a seven podcast golf cart hey what if you use one of like those segway things but not a full-size one they make little tiny ones like a five hundred dollar one they sell them at Costco wow i wonder if they'd allow that at the games you know they weren't allowing electric scooters at the games we brought them one year with the media team electric scooters you ever try to bring electric scooter to like just like one of those ones you stand on chase to get around at the games they didn't let you bring those no because it was just dangerous just Just so many people. Yeah, those things. Like one of those. Yeah. How about bringing one of those in? Oh, a Segway?
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah. Put a handicap placard on it and just do all your interviews from there. If anyone says anything to you, you're just being fucked up. I got a ripstick. Do you know what those are? I do. Dude, don't say that. Your boys have ripsticks?
Starting point is 01:13:24 No. He doesn't know what a ripstick is. No, it's basically a skateboard with one wheel on the front and one wheel on the back, right? Right. I was telling him I was the ripstick master. He goes, I don't even know what that means. I'm old. Anything, any stones we want to, anything we want to talk about?
Starting point is 01:13:42 Do we want to talk, do we want to chat about what's going to happen with patrick velner how we think that's going to play out i personally say give him a pass uh but but i but i do think that the rules say he doesn't pass judge made the call on the floor i think they should just leave it alone fair his last lift is going to be the one that stands right taylor do you have thoughts on it had been bad i don't think the right thing though to do is to let it stand to be honest can't bend the knee i think they probably let it stand but if they're gonna readjust the scores from last week for those athletes they should probably readjust his but we'll see the real question is that i post on every social platform no they should not they should not post on every social platform should they or
Starting point is 01:14:26 it's will they yeah no you guys keep all your dirty laundry in one place uh they allow one wheels one wheels what are one wheels oh oh no i can't imagine that patrick that patrick that's the first time you've been wrong in 6,000 posts. There's no fucking way they allow one wheel. They allow wheelchair, maybe. Electric wheelchair. I think I've seen Sam dance around on one wheel at the CrossFit Games. I think you're right, actually.
Starting point is 01:14:57 You saw him with what, one of these? Yeah. Yeah, maybe in the camping area, but if you come flying out of there into where all the other people are, there's no way. Don't mess with my photographic memory, dude. There's no way. Maybe just for a second, but he got the slap down put on him. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I got to jump. Thank you. Thank you, Taylor. JR. Guys, fabulous show. Appreciate you guys all being here. I think we turned over a lot of stones i think we had fun hillary you demand always started the show yeah great job tried to crush taylor we're tied one to one two three two to one you got me on the thruster going down bitch
Starting point is 01:15:39 uh tomorrow morning we have a live call-in show on saturday we have uh josh bridges on sunday we have i don't know who on monday we have ronnie teasdale and uh i just got a nasty text uh and that's it uh we will see all of you guys oh i see caleb's girlfriend in the back there or wife or fiance girlfriend wife i see your wife uh stay over 1000 viewers the whole time uh i'm proud of you seven well thank you hey i might be going somewhere next week did i tell you that oh where are you going portland oh i did hear that yeah i did hear that i did know that i did know that yeah you're going to do the um are you allowed to say where you're going i haven't confirmed yet i think it's actually washington to be exact i think you'll probably fly into portland but you'll be going to washington right i figured that would
Starting point is 01:16:41 just be cool to say chase you know do you know where he's going? You guys all know where he's going. It's just whether you can piece it. Take it back, Savon Dancer and Jared Wayne. Stevens had them last year. I'm not saying they didn't have them. I'm just saying. Terry.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Well, no one's going to say shit to Sam Dancer and Jared Stevens. Why the fuck would you go to Portland? It is a shithole. He'll be leaving that shithole. It is a total street shithole. Why the fuck would you go to Portland? Have you seen the movie The Ringer? The funniest quote in any movie ever is when he goes, we went to go get ice cream. And the dude goes, when the fuck did we get ice cream
Starting point is 01:17:25 the ringer we went to go get ice cream what the fuck hillary how do you know this stuff johnny knoxville you know jeff tremaine the director of those movies what about him his brother was an administrator at my high school and so Johnny Knoxville spoke at our graduation. He was our keynote speaker. This is it. Oh, really? Isn't that crazy? That's badass. Hey, does that guy in the blue shirt have Down Syndrome?
Starting point is 01:17:55 Yes. It's a movie about a guy pretending he's a retard to compete in the Special Olympics. Right. You can't make that anymore, right? That won't go? No, but it's still one of the best how many seconds can i do hillar without getting kicked off seven david what the hell i have been worried sick relax honey i just took him to the mall to hang out the mall oh that was pretending to have a oh my Oh my God, this movie is crazy.
Starting point is 01:18:26 That was seven seconds exactly. Am I safe? You're safe. You're good. It closes at nine. It's 12 o'clock. You stopped off for ice cream. When the fuck did we get ice cream?
Starting point is 01:18:36 Oh, how do you remember that stuff? It leaves lasting memories. How the fuck does he remember that stuff it leaves lasting memory like how the fuck does he remember that stuff you know it's another good movie is dickie roberts childhood star that's what i just said really walk down the stairs he goes pretend you got a bike holy shit a bike holy shit a bike you're a kid i got bikey that's so funny uh make sure everyone who's watching now, please subscribe. Hit the like button. And for all the people who have already been red-pilled and you have woken up and can think for yourself, you can take tomorrow morning off. Tomorrow will be a complete – we will start the morning just completely unfucking all the blue-pilled people.
Starting point is 01:19:19 You know who you are. You're fucking confused. And I am here to love you and help unfuck you. All have a good evening. Chase Ingram. You are a fucking amazing man for being on here. Taylor self. You I've watched you go turn from a child to a teenager to just a complete stud. Thank you. And Andrew Hiller. You're injured, buddy. You are fucking injured. injured uh executive producer matt souza thank you and the man always on the controls who um makes me act like uh the show runs smoothly mr c beaver thank you bye

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