The Sevan Podcast - #811 - Morning Show | Greg Glassman calls in | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Back? Yeah, first time. Bam, we're live. It's been like eight months.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Are you glad to see him? Yeah, it's really good to see him. Crazy. Good morning. Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead, Caleb. No, it's super good to see them crazy good morning sorry go ahead go ahead get them no it is it's super trippy like just not seeing them are you I wonder I wonder what it's like I don't see my
Starting point is 00:00:53 kids for like two weeks well phrase that I don't know if I've ever gone two weeks without seeing them I don't even know if I've gone two days without seeing them but I'll take them on these trips. Like, like I just went for 10 days to Greg's house and I come back and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:11 holy shit, they're different kids. I wonder if you, and I was with them every minute, but I can just tell something happened. I wonder if it's like that. Um, when even at your age,
Starting point is 00:01:22 when you deploy for eight months and you come back and your parents are like, holy shit, Caleb's so different yeah probably i think for us it's we're just kind of used to like leaving and coming back like at least like between within my family yeah so we always end up going to like my brother will he like went off to school and i went off to school and then we come back and my dad would deploy and that kind of thing but i think every time we've left and come back it's been like there's like a different chemistry oh wow is it usually for the better it's never it's not consistent you don't know like that um i'd say like with what if you send your kids away to college and they come back libtards that happens i had a friend who sent his kids to to Stanford and now he doesn't talk to his
Starting point is 00:02:05 kids anymore. Really? Yeah. They came back completely brainwashed. Yeah. I suppose if you put them in that, like that world for so long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:16 That's the, that's all they hear all the time. And they probably never leave the campus. They probably have everything within there. I don't know. That's Boston's also a weird place. So Brandon Waddell, They probably have everything within their... I don't know. Boston's also a weird place. Brandon Waddell.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Sevan, there are days I come home from work and I think my kids have changed in just eight hours I'm gone. Yeah, it's a trip, right? Such a trip. I had never heard... One of my sons does baby talk. He can talk like a baby and he doesn't. It drives me crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:46 He does the shit with his mouth when he does it. And it fucking drives me nuts. I can't stand it. And Avi never did that. And now Avi's eight and I see him dabbling. He tried some baby talk on me like a little bit. About two weeks ago he started and he's been trying a little bit every day with me. I'm like, hey dude, I don't want to be a dick, but if you talk like that, I'm not talking to you. me i'm like hey dude i don't want to be a dick but if you talk like that i'm not talking to you it's weird
Starting point is 00:03:07 though because like i don't want to stifle his creativity i like the fact that like part of me is like yeah that's cool he's working on voices and then the other thing is like i don't i don't want to hear your baby talk no not like my whiny voice not like my whiny voice i'm a fucking grown ass man you watch how you talk to me a fucking artist no beaver doesn't have kids he's fucking not even 30 got a dog and a cat god last night's show was huge guys what a trip huge like huge asshole uh so uh i've had some pretty interesting talks with... Oh, I don't even want to go there. I'm going to try to avoid talking about
Starting point is 00:03:50 game stuff. Let's start with this. Have you guys seen this? Kelly Slater. Do you guys know who that is? Kelly Slater. He surfs. The surfer is Kelly Slater. Everyone know who that is? 471.lly slater yep kelly yeah in the voice yeah they can do crying whining in their regular voice those are the voices okay here we go let's watch this uh well first of all it says here
Starting point is 00:04:20 my mom lost her jaw and tongue and my my mom lost feeling in her jaw and tongue and in her hands and feet she has what seems to be some type of transverse myelitis kelly slater says his mother developed a neurological disorder from covet 19 vaccine i just want you to hear a little bit of this world's greatest very anti someone just doing their own thing that have now either had themselves or someone else affected by the vaccine a number of people i know i've talked about this before i have no number of people i know died i know a doctor who stopped administering in australia because two or three of his patients died on the sunshine coast um uh um you know my mom was personally affected she lost feeling in her jaw and tongue and her hands and feet um she has what seems to be some type of
Starting point is 00:05:12 transverse myelitis uh my friend's mother from barbados right now is in the hospital in florida and she's dying slowly from the effects of the pfizer vaccine um she's on a quick downward spiral and they don't know how to fix it. It's baffling to me that anyone would be forced to continue, forced to have a vaccine to keep their career, their job,
Starting point is 00:05:36 their schooling, their place in society, their ability to go buy food in the store. All these things are, it's like a dystopian society to me. And I don't think people realize that because it comes on in small waves that get you conditioned to being okay with this and then this and then this and then this will. And man, it's, it's wild. But you know, if you want the vaccine, go get it. That's fine. I'd rather you not because,
Starting point is 00:06:00 hey, if something did happen, you can't really reverse that, but don't force it on to me or, you know, my loved ones. And don't make me out to be a bad person because of it. Because if it works, then you're fine and you shouldn't worry about me. By the way, as Jim Cleese says, seven out of eight of those guys were at January 6th storming the Capitol. That's a joke. That's a joke. And then look at and then look at pink i want you to look at on the opposite end of this we have pink the artist and um
Starting point is 00:06:32 what a fucking joke did i send an exact link to the to the things well yeah i don't know what happened to it i think it did on the bottom i can get it for you too in the private chat if you want it's so crazy i know she is such a clown what a joke of a every time i click on it it just goes to her oh her page here i i i got it right here don't worry it's almost like it's gone i I got it right here. Bam. Pink. Partnership with Pfizer Inc. And then it says hashtag ad. It's so easy not to support fucking douche nozzles like this.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And she wears cross earrings her god told her her god told her to go out and get the injection unfortunately i was unaware of the first time i got kovid is 19 so it's super important to me that everyone knows what risk factors may put them at high risk too this is why I want to help people know plan go when it comes to COVID-19
Starting point is 00:07:56 know your risk for severe COVID plan what to do if COVID-19 strikes holy shit Plan what to do if COVID-19 strikes. Holy shit. It's not a bomb. Oh my, I know, it's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Who is that? Who is that dude? That's Pink. That's the artist. That's like the badass artist who like dates the motorcycle dude. She's a fucking sellout of the highest order what a joke what a joke but probably just a complete retard probably completely clueless of uh of of the damage she's caused i i wonder if there's one person who saw that she took it
Starting point is 00:08:47 and that pushed them over the edge and they took it and they died. Yeah, one of my family members got blood clots and ended up getting a hysterectomy because the military made it mandatory. That had nothing to do with the vaccine, though. Don't worry. Oh. Did they have their uterus removed because of that?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yes, I guess. Oh, I guess they had a blood clot in there. Maybe. I know. She used to be punk rock. It's punk rock. It's so trippy. What has happened?
Starting point is 00:09:23 What has happened? Tragedy. I want to show you good every time i tried to click on that link it would show it and then it would like disappear like it would like i you know you can't repost paid ads either which is a trip like you can't repost stuff that's paid or sometimes or i can't even find links to them sometimes sometimes like i'll see something cool on there yeah you know like something like something they're selling in a shop there that turns a rock into a necklace and i want to send it to my wife maybe i don't know something for my kids to play with and uh and i can't do it i want you to see this 453 and some of you, this is going to be like one of those things that only 1% of you might get.
Starting point is 00:10:09 But I'm telling you, it's so fucking true. This is going to be the clip they're going to play in 10 years. I know it's no big deal. It's only CrossFit, like who cares? But this is the black page, meaning that's what we used to call it when I worked at CrossFit Inc. This is the page where you don't put anything on that distracts from the methodology. We had a rule there. You never let anything cross the barrier from games because once you do, you know that it's been bought.
Starting point is 00:10:43 This is a giant sign that training's been compromised. It's over. I am showing you the artifact that is the beginning of the end of CrossFit Inc. I swear to you. You are looking at it. I'm not being dramatic. You are staring at it right dead in the face. This is's instagram account selling you fucking shit food
Starting point is 00:11:08 seven i eat there you can make clean choice clean choices there there's plenty of fucking arguments plenty of fucking arguments that seed oils are worse than sugar if you are still eating seed seed oils if you don't look at the back of every fucking package of everything you buy, you better start. You better fucking start. Yeah, you better fucking start. You better not be feeding those to your kids. You're going to make them fat and they're never going to come back. They're never going to come back. This is completely insane. So this is something that Leif Edmondson,
Starting point is 00:11:50 the guy who worked there, this would have never happened if he was there. This is a fucking scary, scary day for the CrossFit brand. I can't emphasize to you how bad the media department is there, whoever's in charge, that Allison lady. She belongs to Chris Spieler's gym, which I think is an affiliate just so it can get search engine optimization, but it's
Starting point is 00:12:14 not actually an affiliate. There's some screwball shit going on over there. Bad, bad, bad move. this is a no one this is just there's no one at the helm anymore people this is the beginning of the end if you like that brand it's done it's toast uh dick butter it's don's fault just admit it stop sucking his nuts um i will not stop sucking his nuts oh that could be a dr seuss thing stop sucking his nuts i will not stop sucking his nuts you cannot make me stop sucking his nuts his nuts are my nuts nuts are fun nuts are not dumb dick butter go back to your mutter uh
Starting point is 00:13:07 uh yeah thank you this is this is uh oh and and that also shows that i'm not homophobic either just another great example thank you thank you i love nuts i love sucking don's nuts it um gay dr six Thank you. I love nuts. I love sucking Don's nuts. Gay Dr. Sims. This is so fucked up, dude. God, I used to love going to Chipotle. There was one right by my house in Berkeley. Chipotle.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Chipotle? How do you say it? Chipotle. Chipotle. Chipotle. i don't think i'm mad hey can you no one ever messes up mcdonald's right no so this is french mcdonald's mcdonald uh hey that's i, I'm torn. They need sponsors.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Great, yeah. Get all the sponsors you want. You're not understanding what I'm saying, Spiegel. Do not let them cross the barrier. See how it's on the CrossFit Instagram. Pile as much of that shit up as you want at the games. All of it. Listen to me, people.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Pile all of that up at the games. Never let that into the methodology.'s, it's in the methodology. The L one is done. I cannot recommend the L one anymore. The L one is done. It's compromised. They're, they're bought. They're this, this, they're bought.
Starting point is 00:14:34 They are done. You have to donezo. It's done. They, the methodology has now taken money. It always starts off with, well, a little bit of the vaccine is okay for the elderly population. There's nothing in this.
Starting point is 00:14:57 There's nothing at Chipotle that lines up with the CrossFit methodology. There's nothing over there that they have to offer. Nothing. You're not listening. Step on sponsors want exposure. You're not listening. You're not fucking listening.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You're not fucking listening. Here, I'll give you a metaphor for it. They, they're basically basically they're basically this if someone said um i don't i don't have a paper street coffee tattoo or a california hormones tattoo on my body it's not it's not if i did it would be a forever thing for me it would be a forever that's what you do when you let chipotle in they are now a forever mark on crossfit they are now influencing what is crossfit if crossfit if crossfit was something they're now influencing it it's like it's like putting a chemical in the water and a frog grows a third leg a fourth leg
Starting point is 00:15:58 fifth leg yeah they've cross-contaminated yeah completely it's fucked it's done it's the beginning i swear to you that's it it's over it's over you it's shit weird shit's gonna dude i'm listening every day well thank you i appreciate your loyalty i want crossroads to get as much money as they fucking can get rich sell steroids on your games page do it sell crack cocaine i don't care do you never let that stuff into the house into the cell it's now one of the organelles like that like that organelles it's a good word thank you no i don't have any tattoos two minutes after the reebok deal greg made fun of them for putting out butt sculpting shoes exactly organelles any number of organized or specialized structures within the living cell yeah they've let it inside a living the living cell of what is
Starting point is 00:17:06 crossfit but more importantly but not more importantly equally important that they're that's it they're done is um it shows who's running the show it's just it's just there's no one there who knows anymore there's not enough people there who know when i used to work at the home for disabled adults if there were like five of them there and me, like I would start feeling retarded. But as soon as there were like four or five staff there, if we had a one-to-one ratio, I'd feel like something changed. Like, oh, brain power's elevated. I'm not retarded anymore. It was so weird. It's like when I hang out with my friends who have kids and all they do is hang out with their kid, like their baby, baby kids baby kids yeah and then all of a sudden you start having conversations with them like adult to adult
Starting point is 00:17:49 yeah and they start talking to you like they're talking to their kids hi Caleb yeah hi it's fucking trip dude like you like some oatmeal Caleb exactly Caleb go sit in the chair I'll bring you some oatmeal and then they tuck a napkin in your shirt yeah like i met my niece yesterday for the first i haven't seen her in like a long time obviously and i was like what's up dude like my niece is like 10 months old and i was talking to like an adult and like her mom comes in her mom's like oh my gosh hi how are you how are you caleb oh my gosh hi little one and i'm like what is the fuck is i like i forgot how to talk to children but like when she came in it was like this is what you
Starting point is 00:18:31 don't have to do that don't do that children don't like that no kid wants to talk to you like that yeah that's why you talk to your kids like a normal person not too normal though i fuck my kids up a little bit i think they have they have some potty mouths yeah i probably said a hundred cuss words just in the span of 10 minutes of hanging out with that child yeah when you left they're like mom uncle caleb uh has potty mouth yeah she's probably just saying fuck all of a sudden that's her first word oh how old is she 10 months oh yeah it's fucked over there at crossfit i'm sorry if you're an affiliate i'm just telling you now you want to get ahead of the curb don't do the opposite of what jason kalipa did just jump off
Starting point is 00:19:16 the ship what he what the fuck is he doing he's coming on the show we got him scheduled i have no fucking idea what he's doing now is not the time to reaffiliate sorry chris cooper fucked up too love him too dumb mistake i know don's cool i love don i got it oh god his nuts in my mouth right now but and they're wonderful nuts um freshly shaven but it's toast okay so and you guys can just know you guys can just know um it's it's coming now here uh the the irony you're gonna love this the irony is um um let me see if i can find it the irony is, um, uh, let me see if I can find it. The irony is,
Starting point is 00:20:13 um, uh, I had some, oh, the irony is four 60. Look at four 60. These two gyms, these two gyms,
Starting point is 00:20:24 I was told deaffiliatedated but they're still doing the open yeah don is uh don is teabagging seven yeah okay that's fair i believe i i understand uh buffalo's home of fitness built on inclusion uh-oh your gen your your fitness is built on inclusion why can't god hi i'm savamitosian my cardiovascular system is my cardiovascular system is built around my heart how can i help you god these people are retarded anyway scroll down a little bit hey when you see that they're they're um home to inclusion you should just know that these people are racist homophobes oh yeah look at the overcompensating look at 23.1
Starting point is 00:21:19 they have shirts that say anti-open open club they do yeah right here oh my goodness that everything has to be and look at the purple hair good job guys so all i just think is is that they have no they have no values they have no no this is no integrity gym what's the name of it again how the fuck are you piggybacking off of something if you de-affiliated nickel city athletics no sign of crossfit anywhere you know they do crossfit you know they have the open anything that says athletics or like fit is definitely a crossfit gym without being affiliated. Yeah. And then, and then,
Starting point is 00:22:06 then there's another one lumber lumber city or something. It was also hilarious because of the gym that they're going to next week for the open is I think technically not really affiliated. No shit. It's like big old fitness home of CrossFit Omaha. Oh, yeah, that's a lot lumber.
Starting point is 00:22:29 At least I'm okay with that. They're probably paying affiliate fees. Lumber city athletics. No sign of the word CrossFit. Scroll down a little bit. I think these douche nozzle. Yep. There it is.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Open 23 a. Do you have no shame? God, you guys are tools i bet you they i bet you they do equity too that one's not as bad as the other one but 17 months to the non-complete non-compete clause is done for greg let's see what happens and then he's going to own all the athletic clubs uh no no nicole carroll in the training department uh who the fuck knows what dave's position is head of growth and um and uh
Starting point is 00:23:21 and and and some guy who's I don't know who it is but he definitely didn't work there when I was working there head of training and now Chipotle has infiltrated the training department it's fucking amazing
Starting point is 00:23:40 I didn't think I didn't see it coming just like that that fast we've talked about Amazing. I didn't think I didn't see it coming just like that, that fast. We've talked about Kate Gordon's podcast before, 462, and someone sent me there yesterday and they said, hey, it's going to be one on oral sex. I think you would really like it. And I listened to it at one point seven five time. I don't know if you guys have ever done that. I've never done that. It was kind of crazy. But basically the takeaway is the first half of the podcast is her talking about how watching her boyfriend have sex with other women can be hard sometimes.
Starting point is 00:24:21 But she's working through it. It's kind of weird. She views sex. Sometimes I think she may. Kate used to be on the show a bunch. It's almost like hearing someone talk about doing CrossFit. Like because it's uncomfortable watching other chicks blow her husband or boyfriend, she does it anyway knowing that that hard thing will help her get through shit. I don't know if she's doing it to like some sort of enlightenment or like self-emotional abuse you know like some people like to be hit i i like a little i like some emotional intensity i guess i like the things that are intense emotionally but she basically
Starting point is 00:24:55 that the first half is about dealing with watching like your your boyfriend coming home from dates and smelling like other women's pussies. And then the second half is her going into detail about how she's now learned how to have orgasm through oral sex. And the takeaway from that is that you need to have an orgasm first before... You need to have an orgasm first before he starts giving you or she starts giving you oral sex.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Open the blood gates first? Yeah. I knew that, by the way. Girls should always just have an orgasm even before you come in the room. Let me know when you've had one or seven. I'll be in there after that. Thank you. And we'll be done in 10 seconds.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah. I'll prime the pump for me. Speaking of orgasms, if you need a, what's that called? Something that stops you from having sex? Is there some food they give you that can – I was going to say a chastity belt.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Yeah, like a chastity belt. Well, here's something that 466 will definitely – if you're feeling distracted and you want to have sex, just watch this. This will quickly change your mind. This is a convention of Mrs. Clauses, and they're talking about how they should behave as Mrs. Claus. And this lady, a radical PhD Chicago feminist at a Santa training camp. When he's not there, she's in charge. She takes care of him like any good wife.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I'm Dr. Claus. I am not the wife. I have my PhD. You're not going to call me Mrs. Claus. I'm Dr. Claus. My spouse is trans and I'm queer. Actually, when we come together, I really want to not bring up the fact
Starting point is 00:27:02 that we're married and instead really emphasize like Santa's got a job and I've got got a job we work together and really make that space for folks when he's not there so she doesn't want the other lady saying like hey uh as mrs claus you have to let everyone know that when he's not there um yeah you're cleaning up and shit and that when he is there you take care of him like bring him food and stuff and and this lady's like nah fuck that i'm doctor i'm mrs doctor claus i'm doctor claus these poor old women are just like doing that for fun this is like their book club and this lady just comes in and ruins it for everybody oh Brandon Waddell fucking dropping bombs
Starting point is 00:27:46 uh Santa isn't real just like being trans isn't real how dare you children cover your ears uh uh oh uh oh I'm sensing something weird here Douglas bubble
Starting point is 00:28:02 trousers no no way no no way no no fucking way dude the thing is what he's saying is just let these old ladies enjoy things yeah just like we'll let you enjoy playing trans just don't push it on our like well i was gonna say just don't push it on our kids but but the irony is they push Santa on our kids. Oh, how did they get that walrus to wear a sweater? Jeez Louise. Yeah, that lady loves the cookies part of Christmas. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Intendu. That's an African name. uh the uh intendu that's the african name um uh this is asinine the whole show is asinine the whole this whole show is asinine uh one of my guys i work with told me his 12 year old daughter wants to be trans it is like that like uh two years ago they all wanted to be youtubers and that fucking sucked and now they all want to be trans i'll take youtuber this is asinine 499 trish trish getting a little fucking frisky with the money did Trish change her name from Nintendo to Trish in the last 30 seconds she just said the exact same thing woke woke Santa
Starting point is 00:29:34 okay back to $4.70 penis I think she ate Santa whoa Sean Newton solid hey the comments like are half the show like honestly there's so many great lines oh
Starting point is 00:29:56 this is so good I love this this is a great joke here we go you know what happens when a Jewish guy walks into a brick wall with a full erection? Mutt, he breaks his nose. You know what happens when a Jewish guy walks into a brick wall with a full erection? Mutt, he breaks his nose.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Half of that joke is his face. half of that joke is his face would you rather be a jew and or asian and everyone's making fun of how little your dick is or black and it's all everyone's just making fun of how big it is these these this world is not fair okay we need a theme song for this game too democrat or republican you choose brought to you by pfizer thank you our biggest sponsor yet get your injection today um um 469 democrat or republican brought to you by pfizer here weh grade girls, and I asked them to tell me what their goals were. This one particular young lady said that she wanted to have two kids. So I said, so are you going to have a husband?
Starting point is 00:31:13 And I said, please tell me why you would choose in the eighth grade to have a goal of having two kids and not be married. Said, because if I'm married to him, I can't collect child support. And then she said, why should I marry a man that I have kids with? He might be on drugs. And I said, God damn it, caller. Hi. Oh, shit. oh shit our first good caller in months i want to apologize for snapping at you go on hi stevan it's uh it's clive hi clive um hey when you call you can hear you can hear the show's going right you can hear the show yeah okay so just so you guys know because because of the
Starting point is 00:32:15 rinky setup we have when you call it just interrupts the show so anyone who calls interrupts the show which is fine i like that that's good we have the number at the bottom but then when i answer you guys got to wait until the bit that's being done is done and then you guys talk okay i love you peace go go ahead clive now now you're in i love you you're one of my all-time favorites uh please go ahead i'm sorry i my my phone is still connected my bluetooth earphones so i didn't have to hear anything um yeah sorry um so today my kid one of the kids from come out from school uh he's six and uh they had been learning about japan today for some reason uh and he was saying that they were all doing pretend japanese uh language voices uh it was funny and he did an example of it, trying to be a little Japanese man.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And I was almost tempted to tell him that we can't really do impressions of other people. But then... What was he doing? I was like, How handsome you are. What do you think? What?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Was he doing that shit? He was nowhere near as good as that. I have to say, it wasn't up to that standard, but I held back and I, I checked what was going through my brain a little bit more. Hey, that's called meditation,
Starting point is 00:33:42 by the way. Good job. That's meditation. Good job. Watching your thoughts. I appreciate that. Sometimes as parents, we try to instill what we believe to be the correct morals in our kids. And then sometimes we do things just because we're trying to protect them against the common reaction in society. And I realized at that point that I was about to give him advice to protect him from potentially being canceled.
Starting point is 00:34:12 You know what I mean? Yeah. You got to protect. Isn't that crazy? You're going to try to protect your fucking, your kid has no idea that it would be inappropriate because it's not inappropriate. And then we project that
Starting point is 00:34:25 shit onto him yeah good job good catch let someone else fucking ruin his life you're his dad yeah so yeah i do want to share that little story with you um it cost me a lot it cost me a lot calling from all the way over on the other side of the pond here so i'll leave it at that okay thank you for calling thanks bye bye for calling thanks bye love you guys bye um it costs money to call i think it's free if i call anyone isn't it i don't know it's overseas so i know it's costing me a lot when i had when i tried to call people overseas oh i had no idea uh but do japanese people make fun of people
Starting point is 00:35:06 speaking like they but do Japanese people make fun of the speaking people like they did oh like do Japanese people make fun of white people oh yeah yeah they do that's awesome I'll have to find a video sometime there's a I'm a little nervous 468
Starting point is 00:35:24 doesn't have anything written under it. I wonder what that is. Okay, let's try 468. Okay. Do you want to see the Chinese guy? Sure. Yeah, yeah, I love it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I think we've played some of those. Oh, yeah, yeah, this one. This one's great. Yep. Hey, Bobby. Look, look. I'm American. I think I'll use my credit card do you guys have anything non-dairy anything gluten-free
Starting point is 00:35:52 yeah that's fucking brilliant god that's so good that's that noise sucking my boogers? Sorry. What numbers do you want me to play? Sorry. I'll try not to do that. My mom and dad hate that too. What? A tongue lick? What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:36:20 All right. All right. All right. Settle down. Settle down. Settle down. 468, please. Sometimes I turn away when i do it heidi i come over here oh that's even better could you hear it yeah oh oh this is crazy this will help for anyone who
Starting point is 00:36:40 is disgusted by my uh boogers This will definitely, this will fix it. This is fucking crazy. I watched this a hundred times last night. I was trying to understand this. Do you know what happens here? I was trying to understand if there's any reality to this. You might have to turn the audio off. I think I will, yeah. You think there's any
Starting point is 00:37:02 reality to this or it just happened to line up perfectly? Both. Yeah. you think there's any reality to this or just happened to line up perfectly both so you think her boobs are actually helping her there oh yeah for sure they're like a shelf that lady is so little with the biggest tits. The small ones usually do have the biggest tits. Wow. How does that work? Um, click on her.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Are her, are those boobs could real boobs. Is that, those aren't real. Are those real boobs? Can we see if there's any other, so hard to tell. Oh, there she is holding a giant pickle oh she's a foreigner yeah i think she's french
Starting point is 00:37:53 oh look at that handstand one makes me think that they're not real whenever i see side boob like that i think maybe they're not real they're just perfectly in place yeah yeah that's probably true uh chris uh is chubbing up over here although they look god it's so hard to tell oh wait let me see that one with her boyfriend i don't know man that looks real that's tough oh heidi says they're fake she would probably be the all right the highest expert on such topics all right all right i know guys who are like that too who like anytime they see a girl with big tits though they just say they're fake and it's like come on i i don't know they look real yeah thank you trish i know immediate immediate sean fake as fuck too much separation no no no really i don't know i feel like i've seen plenty
Starting point is 00:38:50 of separation in my day either okay i can walters has a whole new take on it they're just fine that's no matter what they're yes oh my god natty or not what a great um i was talking with hillary the other day and you know the chick that we were talking about with one arm he said he was thinking about doing a handicap or not on her handy or not it's awesome right handy or not uh prosthetic boobs are still boobs what would i what would i dm her hey are your tits real you should go on the show i'll have hillar do it uh did he call it he put that video did he call it handy or not hey are your tits real you should go on the show i'll have hillar do it
Starting point is 00:39:49 uh did he call it he put that video did he call it handy or not oh kyle landis looks like uh colin lawrence from the side there that little bit of his face yeah i i agree with you ken ken why does everyone say big ones are fake just like when people are jacked they're always on the juice. The thing is, in California, it's like, especially in Southern California, they're all fake. It's like, oh, shit, he did do it. Wow. Oh, he should have called it handy or not. Oh, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Hey, can I see the comments on that? He's completely left me in the dust for followers, for subscribers. I think, thanks for making a video. And the question keeps coming. Thank you. Oh, no. I was hoping there'd be like something up there that's like how dare you mock uh the road oh this is uh the road to hell is paved with good intentions i think this would
Starting point is 00:40:52 be damn near impossible to fix with so many different types of impairments and different degrees of impairment i couldn't figure this crap out i tore my left bicep and left labrum can't externally rotate past 60 degree or put my arm directly overhead without a shitload of pain. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. The adaptive division is a fucking mess. How about if you're in a wheelchair or not?
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's the only standard. I mean, just, I don't know. Make it easy. Uh, I don't even know what I'm talking about. Maybe it's not a mess.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Who cares? I don't, I don't, I don't even know i'm talking about maybe it's not the best who cares i don't i don't a canada home home of free med oh okay so 467 god canada i'm so sorry i'm so sorry if you're not rich in canada you're fucked you are so fucked this i'm trying to get this kid on by the way this is a 17 year old kid who was fucking arrested because he didn't want boys in the girl's bathroom and there were girls complaining about it at school and the teachers wouldn't do anything so he stood up for them and organized a protest i can't believe these are real cops if you're a fucking cop in canada you should fucking you should rally up a bunch of other cops and go talk to these cops and unfuck them this is crazy i i can't see the police in my town and i live in libtardville doing this they would never this. They still know not to do this.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Arrest a kid for fucking. This is crazy. Look how they start. They start digging through his shit, too. I mean, I guess they search him like he's a violent criminal. And then they have people pushing them back. Like there's cops that are doing crowd control. Look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Starting to dig through his shit. Yeah, like that chick tells him to stand back yeah that's your typical fucking god there's so many god I fucking can't stand some female cops uh Seve they good point Matt Burns Seve they arrested people for being good point I take it back I feel sorry for people in the US
Starting point is 00:43:24 too they're just enforcing the law for being the beach good point i take it back i feel sorry for people in the u.s too enforcing the law uh you can be arrested in canada for using the wrong pronouns oh sorry sorry sorry sorry uh and also that country offers free medical care as long as you don't need the the service within four years if you just can't get your head voting for trump i want you to watch this video 465 and if this doesn't convince you that anything is better than voting democrat then i then i can't help you uh oh i want to look this lady's name up
Starting point is 00:44:06 too. This is the guy that was put in charge of fucking nuclear bombs in the United States, I think. Remember this guy? Yes. I don't know. Wasn't it nuclear waste? Was it nuclear waste?
Starting point is 00:44:21 He had some fucking job where he had to take care of something nuclear. That was a pretty fucking important job. He's a Biden appointee. This is the guy that looks like Taylor Self. And he got in trouble because he was nuclear waste, not nuclear bombs. Ah, well, thank you, Chris Carter. Sam Brinton.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Nuclear waste. I feel so much safer now. Thank you, Chris Carter. Sam Brinton. Nuclear waste. I feel so much safer now. Thank you. This guy was in charge of fucking nuclear waste, a Biden appointee. So if you appoint someone like this, you have to know right away they have a mental illness. I know that's not going to be a popular discussion. But if you're born with a penis and you're confused, you have some mental illness. If you're born with a penis and you're confused, you have some mental illness. If you're born with a vagina and you're confused, you have some mental illness.
Starting point is 00:45:08 You have some mental instability. I'm not saying that you can't still do some good things like be the world's greatest juggler, but you 100% can't be in charge of nuclear shit. Anything nuclear, waste bombs, anything. You can't. Just suck it up. There's stuff that I couldn't be in charge of too. I can't play in the NBA. They're just stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:33 It's just – and this lady, her name is Asiak Hamsin, Tanzanian. No, no. Sorry. I think it's Asiak Hamsin. As sea of thompson i see it asya space comes seen oh oh i'll see a hamsan she's a tanzanian fashion designer based in houston texas and she lost her luggage in 2018 at dca i think that's uh the airport in dc washington dc and she recently heard or maybe it's Dallas-Fort Worth. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Recently I heard the news about Sam Britton luggage issue. Surprise called it a luggage issue. He was stealing people's luggage. And she found all of her fucking one-of-a-kind clothes that she designed him fucking wearing i look at this fucking dude this is the dude who's in charge of nuclear waste this dude stole this other lady's i so do you do i just want to ask you do you think that trump would appoint someone like that or do you think he'd point some fucking grumpy grumpy old white dude who would fucking just be so serious about the fucking nuclear waste um this person the person you're looking at the biden is just wants to kill
Starting point is 00:47:06 themselves because they're not happy with who they are the person trump would appoint would want to kill themselves because they thought that they did a bad job this is un-fucking-real how anyone still goes liberal you know there's this whole thing right now about how maybe that company, Dominion, that was being accused of the machines being hacked and rigging the election, that somehow those Dominion machines were either hacked and the election was stolen. Or the people at Dominion knew all along and the whole election was rigged. There was a bunch of, you know, reporting on that during the election. And now Dominion is suing Fox News because they're saying Fox News knew that the story wasn't true and they still let it out anyway. Who cares relative to this? Can anyone do any relativity? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:48:15 When the guy who's in charge puts someone mentally ill in charge of the nuclear waste, it's fucking nuts. I bet you Sousa wouldn't put that person in charge of anything at his gym you know why because that gym has to be successful so that he can buy food for his family we hope so what do you guys talk about canadian cops yeah nuclear waste nuclear waste okay that's good i'm very informed on nuclear waste matters. You'd probably be a good replacement for this person then. No, we got it up. Now this is
Starting point is 00:48:52 more my alley right here. That's my people. Hey, did you hear about... Are you watching this thing about this gym where the roof collapsed? I think it's number 17 at the very top.
Starting point is 00:49:09 This roof, this, this, this roof collapsed at a CrossFit gym in Alaska. And, um, I think a lady died who has three kids. Money for women killed in anchorage building collapsed so don't know jim crazy right yeah i have a a friend of a friend um knows the or a friend of
Starting point is 00:49:39 mine knows the person who is judging the woman who died in this oh my gosh and she she just reached out um it's crazy hey it was during the it was during the oh we have a oh oh shit i should pull that bug down in the corner has that been there the whole show yeah stuff on podcast you're also fooling around with that last night. Bam. Okay. So they were doing the open when that happened? Yeah, it was after, was it 23.1 announcement? They were all doing it together. I judged Tia Toomey in the open one year. I judged some chick who got killed while she's doing the open by a collapsed roof.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Oh, shit. You win. Damn. So it was because of the snow, right? Didn't they get just really heavy snowfall and then the structure, the integrity of the structure just fell? Let me see. Scroll down a little bit. Let me see what it says.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah, it's pretty devastating. Keep going. Let me see a little bit. God, it must suck being a fireman there. The roof collapsed at her South Anchorage gym this weekend. Anchorage Daily News reported that Turnagain CrossFit was holding a fitness competition Friday evening when the roof collapsed on its building. More than two dozen people were there at the time. Most people ran outside, but three were trapped inside.
Starting point is 00:50:57 One was found dead in the collapse. Oh, fucking God. It was already raised more than $40,000. This is the one that Chris Cooper gave $5,000 to. Of Alaska's 17 CrossFit gyms are part of a community and the connection inspired her to start the fundraiser. She had friends who were in the building at the time of the collapse and initially started at a fundraiser for the gym,
Starting point is 00:51:22 which has already met its... Oh, really? They were already doing a fundraiser at the gym? has already met it oh really they were already doing a fundraiser at the gym she had friends who were in the building at the time of the collapse and initially started a fundraiser oh for the gym which has already met its fifty thousand dollar goal when she learned someone had died in the collapse she created a second one oh shit so wow there was already one fundraiser going just for the gym wow oh gotcha gotcha and then they yeah then once they learned the news of the person passing they started a fundraiser for the family right yeah is that what i'm reading
Starting point is 00:51:53 right yeah okay i hope so because i can't figure it out for the life fuck it's terribly sad it's also just a great reminder to appreciate the day and those people around you, right? And know where you're – Pink wants you to have a plan for in case you get COVID. You should have a plan also if your roof collapses. I think Brandon Waddell said dive under the rogue rig. Yeah, jump under the rogue rig. That thing is pretty sound. Man.
Starting point is 00:52:32 How many, it was in what town again? I'm sorry, Anchorage. Was it Anchorage, Alaska? Soldotna. I imagine that that's a pretty tight-knit community. And that's just me. I'm completely imagining that because I imagine every community in Alaska is like a smaller tight-knit community and that's just me just i'm completely imagining that because i imagine every community in alaska is like a smaller tight-knit community oh what was your score on the open
Starting point is 00:52:50 what me i'm just being an asshole i heard i heard that chipotle is sending 1000 burrito bowls to that gym fuck tr, Trish. Hey, Sousa, what do you think about them advertising Chipotle on the CrossFit Instagram account as opposed to the CrossFit Games Instagram account? Oh, it wasn't on the Games? It was just on the
Starting point is 00:53:18 regular one? It was on both. Oh, that sponsorship money must be strong. Must be big, man. I don't know. I don't like it. I like to separate it. I like to separate the two. Like, whenever they're doing the stuff with the sponsors, with the games,
Starting point is 00:53:30 but I get why they would switch it over because maybe it has to do with the open. Greg, what's up, dude? What's up, buddy? How are you? Good, man. How are you? Awesome. I'm having a blast, and I'm stoked you called i know we had talked
Starting point is 00:53:47 about this alaska thing and you got pretty passionate about it yeah am i am i on the air yes you are okay hey everybody listen here's what i'm calling i'm headed south on a interstate 15 in the middle of the snow beautiful day here i can't do anything from my ship but when i get home um prompt me and i'll go on to go fund me or whatever it's put me in the right direction what i want to do is is i got five for the gym recovery and 15 to the family that lost mom and the three little boys damn damn so i, but what I want to do is I want to, I want to, I want to entice HQ,
Starting point is 00:54:28 Don and company to, to at least match that just by my dead reckoning here, driving. It's about three and a half, four hours of a business days affiliate fee. And, uh, I think they could,
Starting point is 00:54:40 they could give a, give a morning to an affiliate that, uh, that, uh, I think they could give a mourning to an affiliate that fell into such a horrible tragedy. That's really all I got. Hey, I appreciate it. It's crazy generous of you, and you've always been crazy generous like that. And thanks. Hey, are you going to come on the show and let us pick your brain and shoot the shit with you?
Starting point is 00:55:05 Yeah, I'm in a position to do that. I think that'd be kind of fun to do. Awesome. Oh, yeah. And congratulations. Go ahead. Thank you. Yeah. Early next week would be would be perfect. Awesome. Hey, congratulations on the broken science. We all had a blast there. That thing was an incredible event, hugely successful, and you're the man for doing that. I can't wait to share the content that comes out of that event. You know, we referred to those folks that could speak so eloquently on the failures of modern medicine, the ills of modern medicine, what we call the mess experts, experts on the mess.
Starting point is 00:55:42 the experts on the mess. And I knew that what they all had in common, the Zoe Harcourt, Malcolm Kendricks, Thomas Sheaford, they're all in possession of some critical bit of knowledge. You can call it essential, essential in the sense of like, the way we use the term in biology, necessary for the optimal functioning of the organism. But they were in possession of some vital bit of essential knowledge that was counter to the mainstream view.
Starting point is 00:56:14 And in each case, what they had in common was the broken science. That is, the failures of academic medicine to foster science that replicates. medicine to foster science that replicates. And that's why it is that so much of what is so important, nature of statins, nature of obesity, nature of diabetes, the origins of heart disease, the reality of statins, they go on and on, the etiology of cancer. All these things are corrupted by the academic science, and the truth finds no quarter because it isn't profitable in no small part. What I saw in the event we did is an experiment, but what I saw is that what was the best of CrossFit health can easily fly under the broken science rubric,
Starting point is 00:57:13 and it's beautiful. It was the part I liked best anyway. So here we are. It was great to see Malcolm and have Thomas up there, and I enjoyed it. It was a, it was a kind of a proof of concept. Um, Greg, uh, since I have you here, let me follow that up with this. Um, will there be, for those of us who want to share all of this with our kids and with future generations, is there a plan for some sort of curriculum or some sort of long-term, like
Starting point is 00:57:42 something we can feed to our kids on a daily or weekly basis, like a 52-week program so that our kids can understand science? Yeah, that's exactly right. And I'm talking with people at Hillsdale and some other places. I don't want to reveal my partnership with partners, but we're definitely exploring that i'm going back to hillsdale college in april and we're going to continue to have these discussions but what i i do not believe that anyone's going to fix what's wrong but i do think that we can provide resources that would allow any man that's my any man concept as opposed to every man.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I mean, you got to rock her up, right? People used to say to me, journalists would hit me with, you got to admit CrossFit isn't for everyone. And I finally learned to say, yeah, but it is for anyone. You have to show up. You have to want to do it. You have to try. And beyond that, there are no prerequisites.
Starting point is 00:58:41 So your willingness to engage. But I think what we can do is provide resources that could protect any man. And I'm tempted to use words like immunize, inoculate, vaccinate, but I just say protect people from the tyranny of shitty science and its purveyors. And that feels to me very much like a continuation of what was the best of Prostate's work. So I'm quite at home here. Go ahead. The problems in fitness were extensive,
Starting point is 00:59:18 and it stemmed in no small part from the deficiencies in academic strength, in addition to academic sports medicine, the failures at the ACSF and the NSCA. And so what do we do? We lead with constantly varied high-intensity functional movement as a stimulus produces work capacity across broad-time and mobile domains. There's the theory, and what is the academic world response with fabrication, falsification of data? And then in court, it turns into perjuries. That's the word of the federal judge, not me. And what was displayed is the worst behavior you'd see sitting on the bench
Starting point is 00:59:58 for 35 years. And so the academic response was as vacuous, as empty as you can imagine it to be. But you couldn't find success in the fitness space without realizing that medicine was similarly afflicted across almost every facet critical to our being able to take responsibility for our health. Everything from what's for breakfast to, you know, what made Grandpa diabetic. Nothing but abject failure. And so this launched from that. It just went upstream. And now I can speak to what's wrong with academic science that made academic health and academic fitness wrong. It's the same problem. It's the same problem. And the problem is, is that the bulk of academic science is tainted. I'm going to make exceptions to the natural sciences, less so in chemistry, biology, applied physics, theoretical physics has its
Starting point is 01:00:59 issues. But the natural sciences are largely not victims of this replication crisis. The horror of the replication crisis is that medicine is its most prominent, let's say, victim. Yep, yep, yep. Horrible. So I still got a lot to talk about. Love those affiliates still. got a lot to talk about. Love those affiliates still. They're doing, without a doubt, the most important people in their community in terms of everyone's well-being. There's no other professional that does for the folks what they do for the community. Not the preacher, not the doctor, not the dentist, not the social worker, counselors. No one has the positive impact that the affiliates do on folks there. I'm still proud of everyone.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Good. Hey, as people heard your voice on the show, Greg, like 300 comments poured in. And too many to read here, but people just telling little stories about how you saved their life and how much they love you and how much you're missed. So it's great to hear your voice. Greg, I want to ask you one superficial question. Okay. Yeah. Cause we got this little incident yesterday during the open. I'd like to hear your opinion on it. The, the, one of the workouts was to just, you had five minutes to do a max thruster. And so when you did the thruster you were supposed to as you caught as you uh start you started in the rack position you lowered and you pushed up you had to do it in one
Starting point is 01:02:32 clean movement and at the top there was to be no like uh extra knee bend uh do you agree with that that if you're going to set a max thruster and there would be a standard for it there would be just have to go straight up so what you're talking about is the thing we used to call the Grady McDonald where you, where you, before you get the full extension, you do a little jerk. Yes. Reengage the hip and knees and it's like a very, very high kind of jerk movement. And you can't just do that every time.
Starting point is 01:03:02 It's never really once. I know. I know it's a fault. In competition, do you give that a no rep? You have to, or you have to let everyone do it. Right. Bingo. Okay. It's kind of like balancing a deadlift. If one guy can't, the other can. The poor guy that can't, that's following the rules, that has decided disadvantage on the guy that can't that's following the rule is that it's decided disadvantage on the
Starting point is 01:03:26 guy that i mean we we had guys that learned how especially with the uh solid rubber plates on cement to accelerate the negative portion and get and actually have have it clear 15 inches on the rebound you know and i think that's a pretty different move but the same thing with this greedy mcdonald's movement all right well it's good pretty different movement. The same thing with this greedy McDonald's movement. All right. Well, it was good to hear you weigh in on that, dude. I love hearing your voice, uh, safe travels. And, uh, I can't wait till next week. Thanks, Abby. Bye everyone. Love you.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Yeah. I love you too, Greg. Thanks, Greg. Incredible. Incredible. incredible incredible not only did we get a uh i want to be like daniel brandon right now not only did we get a uh in totality twenty thousand dollar donation from mr glassman but we also got the finally a definition on a fucking rule for the open it's amazing we accomplished that in about, what, five minutes? HQ, where you at? Philip Kelly.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Greg is the go. Holy shit. Sevan, I hope you're sitting down. I hope you're sitting down. I didn't even know you could donate that much money. I think it's an accident. If that is an accident, let me know. Yeah, it's gotta be an accident. If it's an accident if that is on accident let me know yeah it's got to be an
Starting point is 01:04:46 accident it's on accident we apologize there is no refunds but we thank you very much eric wise only on the seven on podcast you're welcome people uh judy reed best podcast ever so great hearing greg's voice let me see what the fuck is going on uh greg jody lynn greg is a true leader thank you very much for joining us on our favorite podcast thanks jody you're the best um wow let me see what the fuck is going on down here uh barry mccawkiner no no uh barry uh tracy ten dollars thank you what does that say? Conditioning something? Something. Where is this fucking crazy donation? You can just click it at the very top.
Starting point is 01:05:33 You don't have to scroll through the comments. Oh, really? Yeah. Holy shit. Look at this guy's face. Frank. This guy looks like he fell out of... This is like an ex-Chip and Dale dancer. Frank, congratulations. You now own the show. Yeah, Frank frank what do you
Starting point is 01:05:46 want to come on you just bought yourself frank hold on let me take don's nuts out of my mouth and put your nuts in there i'll wash it out uh frank uh thank you dude incredible yeah that is fucking nuts that is uh wow five lessons of tennis for my boys. Holy shit. That's crazy, dude. Wow. Greg's the man. Frank. I want to take a picture of that and post it to my IG. I'll make sure to smile and not be like doing some weird screenshot photo.
Starting point is 01:06:17 You always get a few. God damn. Holy smokes. I don't even recognize that name from the comments at all. I've never seen that. I never see that dude in there. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:34 All right. Is he single? Asking for Heidi. Hey, what's this face make that brandon weed made with those eyes like that like a bro come on maybe uh yeah he's not an appropriate yeah you did just heidi take one for the team you did just buy a date with heidi absolutely holy there he is again oh wait there is again yeah 59 year old master listen all the time thank you fucking a dude wow frank you get my phone number if you want my phone number
Starting point is 01:07:10 you get all of our you get entered into any group thread you like just let us know the thread who's this frank guy 59 year old master don't worry about it all right um cory leonard who is the real media now biatches oh it's just a nothing burger um someone told me that uh tommy and shawnee said that about um about the fact that uh pat velner the whole pat Vellner, Roman Krennikoff, rower debacle and people touching the rower. Him and Shani and Lauren talked about it a little bit on their podcast. So I went over and listened to that 10-minute segment. It's weird they're not on YouTube anymore.
Starting point is 01:07:58 They're only on Apple and Spotify. Why do you think that is? I think it's because they're embarrassed that their numbers were so low on YouTube that they're hiding them. I mean, that's only a guess. That's the first thing I thought of, too. That's funny. I just figured they could do it remotely and they don't have to worry about any production or anything like that. Well, they are making Instagram clips from them, so they do have video.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Heidi Krum, I'm 15 minutes behind. What did I miss? You'll be going on a date with frank get in i want you to increase start doing about 10,000 air squats get that ass firm uh lots of lunges we appreciate it thank you uh anyway so i i um exactly seven no one watched. So I listened to it, and they have the issue wrong. They are explaining it wrong. The whole thing is a mess the way they explain it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 They're basically – they think – well, I don't even want to get into it. But at one point, Tommy says – calls the issue a nothing burger. What's a nothing burger? Is that like a saying or is that like – I don't know. It is pretty funny, though. It is now, I guess. I liked it that he said it, a nothing burger. But it's not a nothing burger, but it's still a good line. He just should have saved it for when it was a nothing burger.
Starting point is 01:09:16 A real nothing burger. I think they thought when Dave was fired was a nothing burger. Oh, it is. Something that it turns out to be. Incidentificator laughing in substance yeah wow it's a real it's a real wow there we go another nothing burger of a debate it's a nothing maybe i should just listen to that show to increase my vocabulary i think we increase the vocabulary jody jody's never getting Jody. Jody's never getting ignored.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Clive. Jody's never getting ignored. $99. It's crazy. It's crazy. Jody, you can date Heidi too. So he's probably given a thousand dollars.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Oh yeah. I thought a nothing burger was tofu. Okay. We got to settle down. We got to get back on the show. Possible burger. We're like, we're like that classroom in the second grade, like when a parent comes and shows the hamster,
Starting point is 01:10:10 and then the parent leaves, and the class is in disarray for fucking... Yeah. Or you have... Have you ever had those teachers that you know if you say the right thing, it's going to go on a trigger, and it's going to go way far off the lesson plan?
Starting point is 01:10:20 So you just plant one of the kids to be like, I have a question about whatever. They're like, oh, well, let me tell you. you hold on and then they just go way off to left field we got to clip that greg coming on a couple things we got that needs to be a clip also for um oh him deciding what the the thing is that needs to be clipped with what uh what hobart said hobart said you can't do that you can't sneak an accidental um jerk in there and that's exactly what velner did well it's no funny business i don't you know no he says cheeky business hold on let's see no cheeky business oh no you did at the end right
Starting point is 01:11:02 he said don't sneak that that jerk in there huh yeah let me see yeah he said yeah he called he calls it an accidental um here let me see if i can pull it up here real quick hey you know what was interesting because i went back and i watched the open announcement totality velner just missed the lockout on that rep previous yeah 270 then he gets the next one and that's when that little subtle knee bend came yes the question now is is did that subtle knee bend was that the differentiator one fluid movement from the down all the way to the up you don't want to sneak an accidental jerk in there and end up with a no rep that's 23.2 no cheeky business so no accidental jerk you can't do an accidental jerk hobart says it yeah and that's what greg was referring to right the jerk
Starting point is 01:11:55 yeah no accidental jerk that they played that right after the event yep there's gonna be some issues did they ever uh come and anything come out with with velner's lift is it still good that two 270 is the is the made lift and that one before it what was it 250 255 where he took the step for for who for velner velner oh yeah i don't know i haven't looked at the leaderboard the truth is i don't yeah i don't know i love it after the after they announced the workout they have like five different people giving like rules validations on everything and yet none of them actually validate the rules. Hey, what's interesting is the girl who speaks. I don't know if you guys know this.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I should actually show you this. Sorry, one more thing. This girl right here, I don't know who she is. I don't know if she was at CrossFit when I was there, but she was the judge of Patrick Vellner. And she's also. And BKG. Yeah, I heard she fucked BKG hard.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Like in the workout or extracurricular? In the workout. I don't know about extracurricular. The lockout, supposedly she was no-repping him on muscle-ups that were clearly muscle-ups. Okay, here we go. She kind of reminds me of the... I shouldn't say it.
Starting point is 01:13:24 It's just a thruster and you know what that is swap a little parallel and we then get the bar overhead to the locked out position in one fluid motion a squat to a jerk won't count it's just a thruster you know what that is uh can we talk about uh can we seven should have asked greg if the girl using her boobs on the muscle up should have counted it definitely counts i'm not saying it doesn't count i'm just wondering if it actually helped or looked like it it just looked like it helped if his optical illusion was that a clip you guys. I saw the beginning of it. She gets caught up on it. I don't know if caught up on it.
Starting point is 01:14:09 It's crazy. Her tits are crazy. They're just hooked on. All tits are crazy. Just draped over the fucking bullet bar. Ain't nothing wrong with that. How about this? This is
Starting point is 01:14:24 the kind of stuff that I show that I don't know if I should show because I don't know if it helps anyone. This is so painful what I'm about to show you. This is the kind of stuff that kind of ruins your day. That makes you think, you know what? I'm not even going to work today. I'm just going to go to the bar. I'm not going to have kids. This is so bad. It's a 464 it's so bad this is this is why we have a luggage thief a tranny luggage thief watching our nuclear waste
Starting point is 01:14:58 in charge of nuclear waste because of this shit this is so nuts and said chase would you rather... Oh, no, sorry, sorry. This isn't it. Sorry, this isn't it. Sorry. Hold that. Smash the hottest trans person. I liked where that was going. Yeah, we'll come back to that. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:15:17 This will be all of them, and I mean... 453. Which one is it? 463. That's what it was, yeah, gave you oh oh sorry sorry 464 sorry sorry that was the first one that i just played oh no it's not that one. God, I thought that was it. This is 463.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Yeah, that one's not it either. Hold on, hold on. Oh, okay, it's 452. It's 452. Is it 452? Hold on, hold on. Oh, yeah, it's 452. Yeah, 452. Ah, yes.
Starting point is 01:16:15 So now is a good time to just go up and if you don't want to have your day ruined, go get a glass of water, refill your coffee or something. This one hurts. It is majority people of color for the first time in history. The cabinet is majority female for the first time in history. A majority of White House senior staff identify as female. Forty percent of White House senior staff identify as part of the racially diverse communities. And a record seven assistants to the president are openly LGBTQ+. So again, this is something that the president prides himself on. The cabinet is majority people of color. Amazing. Wow. I'm proud to be an American. Imagine imagine caleb and his cohort being out there on the front lines fighting for this country and the dudes in the cabinet are being busted for stealing women's clothes from luggage but it's okay because it's the first time that the majority of the cabinet has been black LGBTQ, T, C, D, double X women.
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's a fucking – I'm fighting for the right to be able to steal luggage. Good on you. You're welcome for my service. What happened to like when it was just cool, like this person grew the longest mustache or like this guy has six wives? Like, can we go back to like shit like that? Like, those are the weird things. Why does it why why does it have to be?
Starting point is 01:17:38 Why does it have to be so weird in such important roles? Well, I just want to know what the fuck does that have to do with making our country better? What the fuck does that have to do with inflation? What the fuck does that have to do with our broken education system, with our broken Western medicine system? What the fuck does that have to do that we're getting ourselves involved
Starting point is 01:17:54 in these wars outside of our countries, donating shitloads of money to Ukraine when we have this whole entire catastrophe happening in Palestine? What the hell does any of that have to do with anything that is going wrong in the country? How the hell does any of that have to do with anything that is going wrong in the country how is that solving any fucking problem the border is wide open the southern border hundreds of thousands millions have come across and how could you be worried
Starting point is 01:18:18 about anything else and that's another single issue no matter No matter how much you hate Republicans, I get it. It's okay. It's just so insane. Vote for them. Close the border. We're not a country with an open border. It's so insane. It's a puppet show.
Starting point is 01:18:37 It really is. Not even like – it is a puppet show, like an actual puppet show. Someone wrote that, Corey Leonard. It's a puppet show. Yeah. I don't mean like a puppet show like're putting people in like to manipulate them i mean it's like actually like oh that big bird would look good standing over there yes like imagine how fucked you have to be to listen to that and be like i finally i'm proud good thing we got
Starting point is 01:18:57 donald trump out of there heaven forbid he brings manufacturing back into our country it's like it's insane okay uh 464 it's so fucking depressing but at least we all get on his tweets yeah yeah right i uh i want i want biden supporters to logically explain how the country is better away okay yeah this is fucking weird too this is yeah this is weird he said chase would you rather smash the hottest trans woman in the world or the oldest woman in the world honestly bro the oldest woman in the world because then i wouldn't be gay are you like chase how dare you be transphobic yes actually what the do you mean because if i had sex with a woman, I'd be having sex with a biological man. And I don't want to do that. Because I'd be gay if I had sex with a biological man.
Starting point is 01:19:49 That's not gay. That's gay. And I wouldn't kick you out the f*** if actually. I'm trying to be a part of something that sort of takes you out of it. She's right. I mean, that's really hateful, bro. She's not. She's not.
Starting point is 01:19:59 We would technically be homosexual. A trans woman is a biological man. Sue me. It's true you know what god said it said he made the man and women so there's a new biological fact there's a couple of weird issues here right like so who cares if if it makes you gay like so what like but the part that she's tripping on is the fact that she's calling it homophobic which it's not she oh no no sorry not the fact she calls it homophobic she's claiming that it is a woman the part yeah well that's
Starting point is 01:20:41 idiocy number one yeah but they're both kind of idiots. Like who – like if – like I don't think you get to choose – I wouldn't even – Like why don't you want to be – like why don't you want to be gay? Like I can understand if he just said, hey, I'm just not attracted to dudes. The whole premise is fucked. What, are you not allowed to have preferences anymore? Yeah, I agree too with that. Yeah, what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Like, hey, would you have a sex with a chick with blonde hair or or a brunette oh i prefer blonde because i don't like brunette oh well that's fucking trans felbaker how about you know it's like what you can't even just have a preference he couldn't be he could just start with that i prefer uh vaginas and not penises turned inside out i'd really like to see i i'd like to um uh tape his eyes shut and let a dude suck his dick and see if he gets hard. Yeah, you would. That's just called stimulus. But she's a nut job because she thinks that trans women are really women. If they were, you wouldn't have to have that word about it.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Hey, I don't eat candy because I don't want to be a candy eater. I don't care about that. I don't eat candy because I don't want to eat the candy eater i don't eat i don't care about that i don't eat candy because i don't want to eat the sugar i don't want to eat the bad shit right so he's saying he doesn't want to fuck a dude because he doesn't want to be gay like i don't get that like that's not how you turn gay you could fuck 200 dudes and still not be gay i mean if you were forced to do it do you know what i mean yeah like you could be tied down on your fucking uh uh face down with your ass up in there and 200 dudes use you like a bicycle rack and uh that doesn't mean you're gay yeah it doesn't work like that yeah that's just prison yeah that's just you know what are you gonna start start getting off on
Starting point is 01:22:20 14 year old boys who are fucking couch cushions don't act like you never stuck your chin in a couch cushion don't act like you never explored between mattresses and then realized it was a mistake and you have a weird rug burn that burns in the shower don't fucking go there with me don't do that don't put a label on me mattress you mattress fucker yes i'm candy phobic she got up and left. You have to be. Does she have a trans brother or family member and it just gets too close to home? It's too emotional?
Starting point is 01:22:53 I thought she said she didn't have any trans friends. I think she said as a biological woman with a trans woman friend, I'm offended and getting up. That whole entire like charade and show was just ridiculous in the first place like if you're gonna come on a show like this right or any type of podcast where it's clearly you're gonna debate and have a chat to get that upset and then and then walk out of the room like you you have zero zero like control
Starting point is 01:23:23 over your response like she doesn't even have free will. She's just programmed by the fucking matrix. And all it takes is one or two little trigger words and she would jump. You and I could have sat down and been like, hey, let's do a bet. If I say X, Y, Z, is this going to be 20 seconds before she leaves in an outrage? Or are we going to go 30 seconds? Well, if you phrase it like this, it'll be 20. If you phrase it like this, we'll get her from 45. You already know the sequence of events before even half the people you don't even have to talk to you could just kind of look at and just test the water and you could be like okay i already know and can predict everything you're gonna do because you're a fucking dog reacting to a bell you're not you're
Starting point is 01:23:59 not a human that's taking in information and then processing it. Crazy. For those of you, I'll bring this up to you too, man. For those of you who just think it's the COVID vaccine and then that you're against and then you're going to fall back asleep and you're like, oh, but the polio one was important and the measles one was important. Don't fall back asleep.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Go do your research. While you're awake, go do your research. Go to Broken Science. There's so many fucking scams, dude. There are so many scams. Did we already play 464? I don't even understand this. Maybe that's Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Oh, another just winner in the White House. Oh, no. Okay, we just played 464. Good old Cack's Kamala Harris. Oh, another just winner in the White House. Oh, no. Okay, we just played 464. Good old Cacklin Kamala. Oh, she's a fucking mess, huh? Nothing makes me feel safe in this country like those two on the front lines. You know, when Biden makes a surprise visit to Ukraine, I'm like, God, I'm in good hands. That guy's charisma.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Jeremy, we need something uplifting after these last two. Okay. Do you want to see something uplifting? Get out your magnifying glasses. Yeah. People have to read the book Dissolving Illusions. Yeah, I know. I'm going to get some of these guys on the podcast soon here.
Starting point is 01:25:22 We're going to have at it with this whole vaccine thing. It's like we had the flat earther on i'm not convinced i'm still going with its round uh we're gonna get a vaccine person on here and we're he's gonna unfuck us a little bit um look at go ahead where you say didn't kamala harris bang her way to the top too she did yeah that's like like like i take you far yeah like like like a couple people i know at crossfit hq yeah it's the playbook yeah okay sorry hey and those people at crossfit hq bang their way to the top may or may not be involved in letting chipotle post on the crossfit instagram account i see somebody see somebody posted the irony of that. They did Chipotle with shuttle runs.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Because if you eat Chipotle, then you run to the bathroom. Hey, dude, mark my words, Susie. You know there's that video going around of the guy from the FBI, from the Russian KGB from like 50 years ago, talking about how this whole thing has been planned for 50 years. That Chipotle, mark my words, go talking about how they they're this whole thing has been planned for 50 years that chipotle mark my words it crossed the barrier from the game site to dot com mark my words that's the beginning of the end this is the day february 24 2023 that now the training department has been bought you now
Starting point is 01:26:39 are now influenced by fucking chipotle and i think mcdonald's owns chipotle oh dude what if they have a little it's over it's done little uh chipotle fucking uh dude uh logo on the sleeve completely influenced now don't get me wrong like i've said keep all that shit on the game side of the house it's totally fine but you have now sold you've now sold a piece of your dna it's over it's done so bye-bye okay so let's just run a scenario here. I'm going to push back on that a little bit. Please, please. I think maybe they have the crossover
Starting point is 01:27:11 because it's the open. And so they're trying to have that bleed over to the sponsorship. It doesn't matter. You never let the people who can, you never, so now you have to know, once you take money,
Starting point is 01:27:23 and I know you know this, and I appreciate you pushing back. once you take money – and I know you know this and I appreciate you pushing back. Once you take money from Chipotle to run CrossFit Inc. and pay its bills, you are now a subsidiary of McDonald's. You are now a McDonald's company. They're now owned. You have to understand that's – it's just how the world works. It's just like you think it's all cute and funny that the US government taxes cigarettes or taxes soda companies and you're all proud of it. We're going to tax them all you've done is made the u.s government part owner of coca-cola and
Starting point is 01:27:48 part owner of philip morris that's the only way it works they're part owner of chevron they're part owner of all the things that they're taxing the fuck out of yeah now they're in bed together you cannot let chipotle um uh chipotle chipotle it doesn't matter you can't let fat mcdonald's um onto into the methodology they are now in the methodology they now own a little piece of the methodology yep it's done it's over bye-bye beginning and it's all over and it's because that i told you guys before the guy who did all the programming for dot com his name was leaf ed Edmondson. He was in charge of everything that was forward-facing, meaning he was – anything that we published in the media department or anywhere in the company, even if it was Greg who sent it out, anyone, Marshall, anyone, if it was going to go out to the world, there was a guy that was at the fucking – at the very tip before it broke out and all you jackasses saw it out there
Starting point is 01:28:45 and his name was leaf edmondson he was there fucking forever not as long as me and he worked for me and i would even tell him hey push that thing through and he'd be like no you keep it fucking closed no you'd fucking fight with me about why i can't go out he was always right and he would have never let that happen do you think chipotle is just at least inside the uh apn now is that the thing that where affiliates get free shit yeah so because there's a there's one literally walking distance like when we run our 800 what's in it for me i'm just trying to see what do i get something out of it is that where is that the value proposition for the affiliate well you know what someone told me they said it's it's crazy that they're giving um that they they should be giving the year the the chipotle giveaway should
Starting point is 01:29:37 not be going to the tip of the spear to crossfit athletes they should be giving it to affiliate owners who are like have the most entrances in the open or shit like that. But once again, CrossFit HQ rewarding the tip of the spear. Yeah. You know what would actually be would be a pretty good idea. Like, let's say that they looked into Chipotle or whatever, and they decided that it was the right partner due to like the way that their food is sourced and that all checked out. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:00 So then then you could go in and they made like a strictly meats and uh and veggies bowl that was like the crossfit bowl and then with seed oil seed oil it doesn't well again it's prefaced by like the the food kind of checked out to begin with right like that right i don't i just don't think you should let anyone on to the crossfit side of the house ever doesn't matter how good they are if god wants to sponsor no sorry i i agree but we all never let anyone into the methodology side of the house that's what's so cool about the games you could sell your soul you could sell cigarettes over there sell crack who cares sell it all on the game side a vape like a vape a model so fucking beautiful
Starting point is 01:30:40 a seve uh why on site at the games is the food such garbage didn't they sell it already no that uh i do give them a pass for because when they rent the venue there's certain um rules about the people who are already there um already have uh rights to people they've already sold the rights of who can and can't sell food they're separate from the contract you get what i'm saying so So that venue – that's why when Gabe goes to these places, you can't sell coffee because the venue comes with its own coffee cellar. There's shit like that. That was the same thing at – Greg wanted all the no-Coke sold in Carson. For some reason, we couldn't do that, I remember. Yeah, because that's how the venue itself makes additional dollars on top of it. They have to own all of that. One last point. I just want to close the loop on what I was saying
Starting point is 01:31:28 about the Chipotle thing. If they're already going down that route, the genie's out of the bottle. Okay. So we already agreed that it was terrible, but the one thing that would help that is like, I was saying, if there was a crossover partnership, so they do this thing with the open, right? Chipotle in the open. But what I would like to see is rather than crossfit pimping us out being hey here's chipotle let's put in front of all our crossfit all our crossfitters eat chipotle maybe we could have a little back and forth like now there's the crossfit bowl that's actually branded that's inside chipotle and then at least you might even get a fucking member or two out of it like if we're already going to go down that path and it can't be stopped right so let's not
Starting point is 01:32:01 pretend that you know the genie's out of the bottle, we can't do anything about it. Well, then how do we actually maximize that to bring people into the CrossFit affiliates too? Well, now you're thinking. The Marlboro Lights CrossFit Games. Oh, here we go, Trish. God damn it. Seeds are packed full of vitamins, fats, and nutrients.
Starting point is 01:32:20 If you aren't eating seeds, you're an idiot. Oh, shut up. You could get alcohol out of CrossFit. Yeah, and if you know the right dude you go down the right alley you could probably get some coke too i don't what's the point what do you mean uh 461 you could for sure get some now there's a watch this closely we're gonna have to watch this a few times this one's a trip this one's a trip i don't know where I, where, but they're, they're basically in, uh,
Starting point is 01:32:46 Ohio in East Palestine, Ohio. And this is the, um, Ohio governor and EPA chief proving to this woman that her tap water is safe by pretending to drink it. Now look at this guy with his back to us. Uh,
Starting point is 01:33:03 uh, this is some weird shit right here okay here we go i think that's the governor by the way and i think the black dude might be head of the epa or something and in the old old gray haired dude with his back to us is uh the governor okay so he's getting water here we go they filled up their water. I'll tell you, we believe in science. So we don't feel like we're being a guinea pig, but we don't mind proving to you that we believe in water.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Watch the guy with his back to his drink. Does he actually drink? Look, does he drink? Look, keep watching. Awesome. That's good whoa that is some weird drinking technique right it's not my water but thank you i think i don't think he's drinking the water fuck no he didn't drink the water head higher and higher there's no way he's drinking that water so the governor's in of a god that thing is that train thing is so fucking weird didn't take a sniff of it he's he's like, I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:34:26 And then he goes, no way. Dude, this is fucking crazy. Did you hear what he said? We believe in the science. We're not some guinea pig. We've been saying that for years. He said that? He said the guinea pig line?
Starting point is 01:34:39 Yeah, if you play it again, if you hear it, he says, we believe in science. We're not making you some guinea pig, or I'm not some guinea pig. I want to say this. I want to say this i want to say this real quick pause this real quick this here this is the problem guys you have to listen carefully to what i'm saying i don't have an issue with coca-cola i have a problem with the meddling in the science i don't have a problem with chipotle eat all the fucking chipotle you want i don't i don't like chipotle but i don't see why it's so bad you guys aren't fucking listening you aren't fucking listening someone else says to blame matt fraser he brought chipotle no matt we should thank matt fraser for bringing chipotle you're fucking totally missing the fucking point the point is this You can't use the dollars that run the company and keep the methodology pure from someone who doesn't give a – you can't take money from the fucking bad guys to keep your shit pure.
Starting point is 01:35:35 You can't let Chipotle into the methodology side of the house. Chipotle is now paying Nicole Carroll's, Dave Castro's, and Don's fucking paycheck. The fucking whole thing has been compromised now. On the game side of the house, it doesn't matter. Sell your soul. That's why the company was set up so perfectly. I've said this a thousand times. I used to say this on the CrossFit podcast. Do anything you want on the game side of the house.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Sell pussy. Are you not fucking listening? But now James Hobart is a fucking sellout. Sorry, James. Because he now gets his fucking paycheck paid by Chipotle, motherfuckers, by McDonald's. McDonald's doesn't own Chipotle anymore, by the way. Oh. They sold all their shit. That's correct it was compromised when greg sold it that's correct yeah that's right linda linda linda listen that's good that's good
Starting point is 01:36:36 you you cannot allow those people to be on the methodology side of the fucking house. And I'm just telling you it's done. Don't be like, I don't understand why someone... Let the athletes make some money. Yes, let the athletes make fucking money. Thank you, Corey. Let them all make money. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Don't let fucking snicker bar don't let fucking anyone into the methodology side of the house and now it's over it's done they've sold out i'm just telling you you don't have to believe me but just i get so frustrated when people conflate what i say or confuse what i say i don't want to be misunderstood that's a great song i don't want to be you know what i'm talking about by the animals i listen to that i listen to that song and i'm like it's the theme song for the for the podcast you gotta listen to it after god that was so good that video was so good the crickets one literally like i was listening to at the gym as i was cleaning up like i like my cheeks like side was hurting i was laughing so
Starting point is 01:37:53 hard at that yes they're all compromised now they'll all do whatever chipotle tells them they'll do whatever chipotle tells them now it It's done. It's in the contract. That one little in. They're in. That's how it works. It works every time like that. There's no example where it didn't work like that. It's when interests collide.
Starting point is 01:38:19 That was part of the question that I asked Don at the affiliate gathering too. I asked him if like, hey, when you guys start taking on these sponsorship monies or and i did ask him if he if they were taking part owner of some of the companies right like a percentage of ownership of some of the countries countries companies that would that change the messaging would they influence what you guys were doing because that's the biggest thing once you start to take money you get that outside influence the whole entire thing folds after that doesn't matter the company come on man come on man perfect
Starting point is 01:38:52 their mouth has been bought no it's not it's not um it's not uh it's not two companies, but you don't want to – the more you rely on that money being everywhere and having influence everywhere in the company, the harder it is to separate it. So you just draw a line and saying, hey – it was even a mistake, I bet you, if you ask Greg. In hindsight, Greg wishes he would have never allowed there to be reebok crossfit gyms so reebok had like at some point 100 or 300 gyms that they gave money to that they that they would you know they would contact matt and they'd be like hey for a thousand dollars a year we'll pay your affiliate fees and give you five thousand dollars worth
Starting point is 01:39:40 of clothes can we call your gym crossfit uh reebok livermore hell yeah and in hindsight greg wished he would have never allowed that and actually in the beginning he said no no no and then somehow some something i can't remember the details we'd have to ask greg but basically the rule was is never let anyone onto the methodology of the house when we and he never wanted the shoe money to rely on the shoe money the plan was always it got fucked up when he had to go to war with lauren and we had to use that money to fight that lawsuit but the goal was was to always use the sponsorship money to push that money back out
Starting point is 01:40:18 into the community either to play the pay the employees of crossfit or do nice things for the affiliates but make it nothing that the company relied upon to operate so that you wouldn't be beholden to any of them. But like someone said in here, it was fucked the day Greg sold the company because you have now investors there just trying to maximize profits. I get your point for sure. No, Chipotle ads on the CrossFit Instagram. That is solely for the promotion of the Instagram. You all said Chipotle was paying their salary now, but they were always. No, they weren't.
Starting point is 01:40:54 They weren't. Yeah, and a simple way to do it, too, is you would actually separate that by, like, on the business side of things. I would run two separate P&Ls. So you'd have a profit and loss for CrossFit in the affiliates, profit and loss for the games. And if the money over here in the games section was subsidized by the sponsorship, as long as it didn't touch or hurt this P&L, this could go away and it wouldn't affect this. The second this P&L bleeds in, like how you were saying, Will, then you have the problem. So for another example, if every time we had Brian Friend on, it was sponsored by whatever sponsor. And then we said, hey, that's a separate thing. So when Brian Friend is not on, we're going
Starting point is 01:41:29 to say whatever the fuck we want. And if that goes against that sponsorship, you guys got to be cool with it if you want to be in bed with us in totality. And they said, hey, we're cool with it. But every time Brian's on, we're going to go this way and we're going to sponsor it this way. And then when he's not on, you guys do whatever we want. We say, okay, great. So then if that money goes away, we go, hey, sorry, the money went away for this particular show, but it didn't affect this side of the house. And you could run it off to separate P and L's, even though they dump it to the same bank account. Uh, Nick, Nicholas, uh, Canarius, uh, Canarius, uh, someone, you don't think Donvall can navigate the balance of increasing sponsorship revenue
Starting point is 01:41:59 and staying true to the mission. No, no, no human being can. There's no human being that can do that absolutely not he seems pretty focused he can be focused all he wants once his paycheck is being paid by fucking chipotle he's done it's done no you cannot it's impossible no no no no human can do it i can't do it great can't do it no one can do it that you you have to keep them away at all costs once you take everyone is susceptible it's done all they're going to do is one they do it that you you have to keep them away at all costs once you take everyone is susceptible it's done all they're gonna do is one they're in now you have to understand they're in it's not can he do it he's already not done it they're in they've just let it's cold outside and we're just letting one rat in the kitchen tonight to sleep just one because it's cold outside it's okay seven we can keep the rats out
Starting point is 01:42:48 motherfucker i just saw you let one in you cannot well we let that one in i i don't care how the fuck he got in uh i i don't even i'm not even why, why do you refuse to pronounce Chipotle correctly? Okay, fine. Chipotle. Chipotle. Fine. Chipotle. And I do believe Monster is no longer a sponsor of the games.
Starting point is 01:43:17 Chipotle. Well, they are. They just changed their... Now it's called Rain. They did something cheeky. Snuck a drink in there. Chipotle. Is that right? And what am I saying? Chipotle. That's what I've been saying.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Chipotle. Chipotle. Oh, you think Chipotle is different than Chipotle? Chipotle and... Fuck you. I'll say it how I want to say it oh my god chipotle dude because there's eventually eventually there's gonna be something in the l1 guide that they're not gonna fucking like and it's gonna change or they're gonna release a nutrition
Starting point is 01:44:00 course and they're gonna use no he was saying how would it help how could it actually help oh and i was saying by having a CrossFit, you could do a CrossFit thing on the menu. So then you come in and you're like, you know, some sort of cross branding. So people that are going into Chipotle that don't know about CrossFit, we expose to the, to the brand somehow. There's examples of this everywhere, by the way. It's not like I'm just like making this up and like, man, wow.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Someone's either crazy or wow. Someone's got this amazing business savvy and insight there's examples of this just fucking everywhere the entire fda cdc coca-cola um nike it's all uh any of these big companies they're completely fucking compromised there's nothing true coming out of any of them anymore now we're fucking talking, Sean. Hell yeah. Go figure that for an owner. Now you have to deal with inventory
Starting point is 01:44:51 and sanitization of foods and food handler cars. The toilet. We need something. Yeah, let's figure it out. Segway. 459. 459. what you want to see here
Starting point is 01:45:12 just enjoy this just enjoy this just enjoy this from daily bible verses cop just pulls a guy off what looks like the edge of an overpass bridge where he was going to commit suicide. And just talking to him. Just helping a brother out. Just chilling.
Starting point is 01:45:39 Yeah. But this doesn't make for good TV. This doesn't make for good uh doesn't fit the narrative no no look at and now look he's there with his family and look like that chick's wearing danny spiegel's top are they praying together yeah it looks like. I mean, who knows if they're praying, but just. That's the dude's dad and the cop hugging. Thanks for saving my son. Wiped the tears off his face. Yeah, but they won't show this.
Starting point is 01:46:14 I know. Isn't that true, Justin? The woke would blame the officer for not letting him do it. They would just clip it right there and be like, and then he was beaten afterwards. You guys should have seen it. Hey, you know that happens every day right there that happens every day that's only 365 but every day cops save someone's life in the united states every day did i tell you the story that when uh when grace was driving back from downtown there was a dude in the middle of the
Starting point is 01:46:42 street and he had tried to hang himself on the bridge and the zip tie snapped and he fell down and she was the first one that pulled up no where did i fucking tell you i didn't tell you about that when was that in livermore yes okay so there's a railroad track and then there's a main road that goes into into downtown livermore right so it dips underneath the railroad track it's just a little underpass and she was driving back from downtown with a friend of ours. And she pulls up, she goes, wait, there's somebody in the road. And so this guy was kind of late, like sitting on the road, like here would be the gutter. And he's kind of just like right off to the side, but like clearly could get hit.
Starting point is 01:47:15 So they kind of slow down. She's like, hold on, hold on. Cause you could see some people kind of up at the top of where the overpass is. Cause there's an apartment complex right there, like coming out a little bit. So they stop. And so she's like, I think he's like on drugs or something. So she yells up to the people like, Hey, overpasses. Cause there's an apartment complex right there, like coming out a little bit. So they stop. And so she's like, I think he's like on drugs or something. So she yells up to the people like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:47:28 is this your friend? Like what's going on? And they don't speak English. They're kind of just like looking like super frazzled. So she goes down there, like runs back and looks out where the, where the guys and realize that his legs are folded underneath him. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:47:41 And she goes, Oh shit. So then she, she stops for a minute and then looks back up in the our friend that that she was with he parks the car so then like he comes back down too and it just so happened that it happened to be a uh firefighter paramedic was like two cars back and sees them stop so then he stops so then he runs over and grace is kind of like looking down at him and then he comes over and he immediately starts going to work, checks, looks, recognizes the lakes right away,
Starting point is 01:48:06 goes to check for a pulse. He said, then he just looked up at her and was like, Hey, you might, you might want to take a couple of steps back. Did someone call 911 already? She goes,
Starting point is 01:48:14 yeah, we already called number one. He goes, okay. And then kind of like slow down. She was like, Oh fuck. Something's something's wrong.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Like he just checked his pulse. So then anyhow, a cop, a cop rolls up uh ent comes on see they start working on him and right away the cop looks at out at the out his legs and goes like this and he immediately just brings his flashlight up to there and you could see the zip tie hanging oh shit and so she saw that she saw that she didn't see him fall she pulled up she saw the zip tie oh yeah so what had happened is he had zip tied himself like just to his neck and it was
Starting point is 01:48:45 just hung by another zip tie and he flipped his body over the rail thinking that it would hang him off this uh overpass yeah instead it it the zip tie broke under his weight and so he just came down and broke both of his legs and flopped back over and so he was all fucked up and out of it and couldn't like answer anything and so the next morning she's like, tell him about this when you go home. And I'm like, what the hell? So he,
Starting point is 01:49:08 he goes off, he survived by the way. Uh, we found out that there was a couple of people that worked at one of the restaurants, like was his sister, like knew him. Um,
Starting point is 01:49:16 and so we drive up, uh, not drive up, but we're walking back downtown. It was relatively close. And she goes, I kind of want to go up there. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:49:23 okay, well let's go up there. So we get up there and kind of hop over the fence to where he was there was a full pack of cigarettes that had two cigarettes pulled out of it one was halfway and the other one was completely down there was a lighter sitting right on the edge there was the zip tie that was still connected and three zip ties right down where we were did you smoke one of his cigarettes for him just like no i didn't touch any of it no no but i just i looked at it smoke one of his cigarettes for him just like no i didn't touch any of it no no but i just i looked at it and i was like back for him i started i started
Starting point is 01:49:50 like thinking to myself like that guy that guy bought that pack of cigarettes walked down here like contemplated that whole entire thing and and like smoked his last cigarette sitting up here and then zip tied himself and i'm just i was wondering just kind of like trying to put myself in a situation like where where do you have to be in your life to really like you know go that far and contemplate that and um it was crazy and then a train started you could find out you lost your job at the white house because um someone else was uh a tranny and you were just a regular white dude so you lost your job it was nuts and then it was funny because like from my uh past um aerosol rts adventures you could hear this like the and i looked at her and we you kind of have to move a little bit out of that tunnel and i go
Starting point is 01:50:37 hey we have to go a train's coming and she goes how do you know i go because the track makes it's gonna go quick and sure enough it was like and it starts to come and she's like fre. And I'm like, hold on, take your breath, get over to the side, trying to remain calm to get her back and over the fence. And the whole time I'm thinking, fuck, there's going to be two dead people up here. I'm going to get her over. The train's going to come through. But luckily, we got over to the other side. Let that be a warning.
Starting point is 01:50:59 If you guys are ever on the railroad tracks for any reason and you start to hear a slight buzzing noise, get the hell out of the way. Because if that thing comes and you're relatively close you could also get sucked underneath it hey that's crazy that um she wanted to go back to the season of the crime yeah it was almost like she had to like she was like yeah yeah yeah and she was she was she was good after that she works in a hospital so there was like like she's kind of been exposed to that type of stuff and i mean not in that but, you know, loss of life and what have you. Don't use zip ties is the moral of the story.
Starting point is 01:51:33 463, this will, let's look at this. This will be all of them. And I mean all. Let's see. Yeah, thank you, Matt. You got exactly what you needed to out of the story uh you were running a train on her yes our ontario woman files lawsuit against health care provider using irreversible gender transition michelle zag zag zagna a 34 year old woman from aurelia ontario recently announced a lawsuit she filed against eight doctors and mental health professionals who treated her over the years alleging that they failed to address her complex mental health needs and instead allowed her to self-diagnose as transgender and undergo irreversible procedures that she now regrets yep you're fucked up in your head completely a scrambled fucking mess
Starting point is 01:52:20 you self-diagnose as transgender and they lop your cock off medicine end of story that's going to be all of them no one's no one's ever going to be like happy about it not one person it's like covid i want you want to show me the healthy person who's died you're never going to see one tranny that's like oh my god i'm so happy that i lop my cock off or not not one doesn't that's not how life works we don't we don't we're not made like that you have to do inside work to get happy not outside work yeah uh 458 this is o'keefe on his feet is it matt o'keefe did you see matt matt uh fraser i only watched half of it released a video with amanda nunez i'm so excited to see it with amanda nunez i'm so excited to see it so excited to see it oh james o'keefe o'keefe on his feet uh james o'keefe those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones
Starting point is 01:53:15 who actually do those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do i'm in a war room at midnight with a few happy warriors making moves. O'Keefe tips at Proton Mail. I think that's a Steve Jobs quote, isn't it? Yeah, I think you're right too. So as you can see, it's on. It looks like he got kicked out of Project Veritas. Veritas. And now he's on his own.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Book selection is nice. You know those books? No, I just find it funny that the title is Crucified by Christians. Like he's being crucified by his own people. Who replied to my post?
Starting point is 01:54:00 It says View Replies. Probably yourself. Oh, maybe. That would be fucking hilarious yes Evie hey girl what's your name oh Keef dressing like Glassman yeah that is funny right
Starting point is 01:54:19 yeah it's kind of a fit how the how the fuck you get fucked out of your own organization? It happens all the time. Watch, watch, watch. You're going to watch Chipotle fucking fuck CrossFit out of its own organization. Just watch. Hey, and they're all going to pile in now. Just watch. If they don't put a fucking end to that i can you imagine who's running that account they don't even know
Starting point is 01:54:51 it's some fucking dumb fuck who sucked cock to get to the top and now they're fucking crossfit and all the affiliates and they don't even know fucking you suza sorry i knew i felt something you're you're lucky you're lucky you pivoted to this podcast. I'm lucky? You're lucky. The luckier I get. Yeah. Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 01:55:19 Yeah, I was thinking that too, actually, Eric. I was thinking I'm preying on him during his week moments. Maybe O'Keefe will come on the show and needs the airtime. Jenna Tulls, Fraser versus Nunez. Let me get a new one. Jenna versus Nunez. Rolling was fantastic. Love when people are shown jiu-jitsu and realize how awesome it is.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Sousa will take over Sevan podcast. Watch out. I tell Se tell seven's not here and i freak out you guys really see suza's gonna take money from suza's gonna take money from chipotle and take over the podcast my chipotle shirt uh 457 god we got to get do you have time uh guys i want to get through like 10 of these yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's fine. Examples of contradiction. I like this right here. It's a little girl. She's talking to her mom, and she says, Mommy, what is contradiction?
Starting point is 01:56:22 And the mom responds, believing that 18-year-olds couldn't understand their student loans, but 7-year-olds can choose their gender. It's like, yeah. Perfect. Number 456. These idiots are so late to the party. Look at these fucking morons. USA weightlifting. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Wow. What happened? You got racial equity in the sport they don't even know what equity means does that mean giving steroids to everybody look at this guy this guy says it perfect equality is opportunity equity is outcome you don't have any right to an outcome just opportunity thank god for people like derrick and his photography man and and then then you know this person's woke look at the look at the one about look at
Starting point is 01:57:17 the one right below it you know this guy's a fucking woke idiot because he writes it's a doc go keep going it's a doctor first of all it's because he's a doctor. This comment section turned out exactly like I imagined. It's sad. What do you mean? Like he said nothing. No, you are sad and your feelings are your own. I give you permission to stop playing the victim and be free. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:57:38 Like you fucking idiot. That's always what the woke people do. They never say anything. That's why like all the outs from the Catrons doters and shit they never said anything that's just woke people it's just signaling yeah like once again that guy says nothing to racial equity in sport yeah look at there it is uh the gym is the most equitable place it doesn't discriminate 45 pounds is the same weight no matter uh who you are anyway it's pathetic they're late to being woke usa weightlifting the inclusion playbook you god you guys are scumbags i had to find some way to become relevant because it's definitely not happening with their weightlifting uh 454 might as well just keep hammering the crossfit thing
Starting point is 01:58:32 look at this fucking idiocy fucking more idiocy from fucking crossfit i'm sorry and one last thing too about those about the sponsorship thing like a lot of people were like kind of defending it or will defend it. And look, that's fine. I definitely think that. But if you don't have somebody like us who's going to hold them accountable and push them back, you're going to get what we got in the fucking US government, which is zero accountability. So whether you agree with this sponsor or the other ones, you got to look at the framework of what we're talking about and then lean back against that, because that's the only thing that's going to hold HQ accountable. Because if you didn't have that, then it would really just spread quickly.
Starting point is 01:59:09 Because you know, anytime they think of a sponsor, they're like, well, okay, how is the community going to react to this? Is it going to be really vocal about it? Will it resonate well? And without at least having that filter through it, then we could be in big trouble quickly. Look at this slap in the face to all affiliates around the world this is like just this is just crossfit uh black page spit in your face i became involved with crossfit around the same time as the nsc nsca published a fraudulent article that included fabricated data about crossfit injury rate and it should go on to say uh and we took money from your biggest threat that's what crossfit
Starting point is 01:59:48 inc did this is what rosa did when rosebuth he took money from the biggest threat in the history of the world to crossfit affiliates to all gyms everywhere to anyone who believes in in uh and being able to teach people how to move places balletaces, ballet places, fucking dojos, jiu-jitsu dojos. Greg fought, that whole NSCA thing was basically going to be the beginning of fucking licensure for all gyms everywhere in the United States, any kind of gym. And CrossFit had, and Greg had them on the ropes
Starting point is 02:00:21 and instead Rosa came in, took fucking money from them, and then sealed the case. And we have no idea how much, huh? And now they're trying to leverage some guy who's like, who's a great dude, Grasciano Rubio. They're trying to leverage his post to say they did something good. Who the fuck works there but but affiliates will fall for it oh it's not that big a deal seven don't worry it's only one freezer of coca-cola in every gym hey so you know those little videos that i made up out of the gym that were like addressing some
Starting point is 02:01:03 like major objections to people starting CrossFit or going into their affiliate? Yes. Do you think – my ego is coming out here. Do you think – trigger warning – that the reason why they never elevated any of those or even reposted it on a story when I tagged them on every single one was because my affiliation with the podcast? Will you play one really quick? they just weren't like good enough yeah oh dude if they'll post that shit that grassy i like grassy on a rubio but if they'll post that shit that your shit's as good or a thousand times better yeah grass, Grasciano Rubio is a legend. I agree. Who the fuck knows? Is it on your personal one?
Starting point is 02:01:50 No, no, not YouTube. On Instagram. Sorry, Caleb. Is it on your personal on CrossFit Livermore? It's both. I collaborated with both across. Okay. I don't even think I have.
Starting point is 02:02:01 I don't even think I'm allowed to collaborate. I wonder what Grasciano Rubio. I tried to do it. What? Well, I've tried multiple times. It won what gross you know what well i've tried multiple times it won't allow you to collaborate i've tried no collaborating savvy yeah not that one um go to the either that one there or that one there or this not the 60 minutes one but the triple the bc like either one of those yeah yeah let's go triple the obesity yeah i like this the captain affiliates i'm speaking directly to you what you possess is a solution to the world's most vexing problem, the real pandemic, chronic disease.
Starting point is 02:02:31 In the U.S., obesity rates from 1987 to 2021 have tripled in that time period. If we don't carry this message, if we don't take the CrossFit methodology, pick up the banner and do it ourselves, nobody else will. It's not up to the government. It's not up to CrossFit HQ. It's up to you, the affiliates and the L1 trainers to take that message and spread it. No one's coming to save us. It's up to you. I have to, didn't you just do an event at your gym where Don was there and they talked to affiliates who had de-affiliated just to kind of like hear them out? Yeah, it wasn't really a vet. It was kind of like a private invite thing but yeah they don came to the affiliate all i'm saying is is that people know who you are they're watching your account um you're as vocal as you can be as an affiliate i would hate yeah i i know that there's other things that we have done
Starting point is 02:03:21 that they definitely i i know that there's haters there of this podcast and they would rather hate on us than do things that are what's better for the community. That's not my opinion. I objectively know that. And I apologize. I can't give you examples, but I don't want to dime people out, but it's been very, very clear to me. Yeah. And that one maybe wasn't the best example because people are saying, I use the word pandemic and they maybe want to stay away from that. But there's other ones that when I talk about the community, I've done two of them on the community or how the-
Starting point is 02:03:56 Hey, dude, if they would just ask you to remake, back in the day, if I was head of media and I saw that and there was a word in there I didn't like, I would just be like, hey, I really liked that. Would you mind remaking it? And the affiliate would be like, no, no problem. I'd be like, hey, can you just do it with the light on your face instead of your back? Or can you do it without the Coke sign in the back? Or it's just something. Yeah. The caption that says vaccine problem. But you know this too, Sousa, right? You know this too, that there are people there who it's
Starting point is 02:04:24 more important for them to protect their ego than do what's best for the affiliates. And once you know that and you've witnessed that, it's hard ever to fucking trust them at all. Right? Yeah. Yep. Sean Sullivan, remember the people who boughtfit uh bought it to destroy it from within uh that one with uh you guys and rodney mullen is epic yeah which i really gotta thank you for that because i wasn't gonna do it and i asked i asked you like dude let's go oh that was a funny
Starting point is 02:05:01 something funny happened there right what do you mean like i went over there like when we went over there to say hi to him yeah i said did something funny i can't remember i can't remember either uh 455 common sense world i should keep proposing greg's five buckets of uh death it's so good. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, totally. So good. So good. So I have questions. Large chemical spill in Ohio.
Starting point is 02:05:35 Where are the environmentalists? Grown men are showing up in women's locker rooms. Where are the feminists? People are losing their jobs because they're not complying with a mandatory poke. Where are the human rights activists? Are you catching on yet? Anyone else have questions? So those people who normally stand up for those things are the things that are supporting it now.
Starting point is 02:05:57 Something happened to those people. I used to be part of those people. I don't know what happened to them. It was like magic. Poof. 451 climate. So weird. Yeah, all those people are for the people who are supposed to be against the men in the women's bathrooms are now for it.
Starting point is 02:06:19 I don't know what happened to them. Crazy. I would love to see you as like a with that liberal mindset now so so weird so weird okay here we go think about then anything that is about climate we're talking about the environment we're talking about extreme changes to the climate that manifests itself in a number of ways including extreme weather events Think from my home state of California, wildfires to hurricanes, tornadoes. Think about the climate issue in the context of what we need to do to deal with, for example, extreme heat and what that means in urban
Starting point is 02:06:58 communities where there's only asphalt that just actually exasperates the heat effect and where there are no trees and what that means in terms of the public health consequences of that. When I think about... Did she mean exacerbates? Did she mean exacerbates? I just heard extremes and heats.
Starting point is 02:07:22 I've heard enough. I'm terrified. She said exasperates. I wonder if that's a word. Uh, a, so like, like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:07:34 yeah. Like get it. Yeah. Like squeeze something out, squeeze the tar out of the asshole. Uh, irritate and frustrate. Exasperate.
Starting point is 02:07:48 I think she meant exacerbate. And you could tell it's all bullshit because she says extreme and uses like different adjectives to just to describe it in this like big way but doesn't ever tell you like you know hey guys 10 years ago the average temperature was x now it's x now it's x but if we look back at them we could tell that you know like give some sort of parameter some sort of definition and then, and then paint the picture of what it is. Instead. It's just like, Hey guys,
Starting point is 02:08:10 you should be afraid and go along with what we say. I want to hear her explain climate change. She said there's tornadoes and hurricanes in her home state. We don't have those just in case anyone's wondering. I live in California. We don't have tornadoes or hurricanes. Till harp starts doing something. Call her, hi.
Starting point is 02:08:29 Hey, Siobhan, it's Craig. I'm from Oklahoma. Hi, Craig. Ryan, I will not take Trudeau over her. Sorry. Okay, go on. I really just wanted to call. I never get to listen at this time. I never get to listen live because I'm at work from 9 to 11 when y'all are on.
Starting point is 02:08:45 And I just wanted to call and thank you and Matt and Caleb and everybody for being seekers of truth. I don't always agree with everything you all say. I agree with more than I don't. But I'm just grateful to have a podcast like this to listen to where people are just trying to get down to the bottom of things and the truth. And just wanted to call and say I appreciate you guys. And thanks for everything you're doing. awesome hey i appreciate it hey what makes today different than uh why aren't you at work today i'm a firefighter and we work 10 shifts a month and i happen to normally normally i coach uh and because it's an open day today i don't coach till this afternoon
Starting point is 02:09:20 so normally i have to coach in the mornings when i'm off at fire service but today i'm off because i don't go still 4 30 tonight so anyway how's your back i'd listen how's my back yeah my back my back's good good i'm glad to hear it yeah yeah yeah anyway uh grateful for everything i'll do and like i said i listen all the time i probably listen to 600 of your episodes i just don't ever get to listen live and i just wanted to call and say thanks so what's something um you don't agree is anything stand out that you don't ever get to listen live and I just wanted to call and say thanks. What's something you don't agree with? Does anything stand out that you don't agree with? Like just on top of your head that I keep repeating over and over and you're like, dude, you got it wrong.
Starting point is 02:09:52 Oh, I won't say. I should probably change my verbiage. It's not necessarily that I don't agree with you. I'm raised in Oklahoma as you can imagine. I'm a Protestant and so I honestly think it's super cool to have caught on to you guys. I've been doing CrossFit for about four years now. And I caught on to you guys because of the Matt
Starting point is 02:10:09 Savon and Josh podcast. And then I've just been listening ever since. And I'll be honest with you, as a Protestant and a believer in God, it's super cool to see your journey from three years ago to where you are now. And so I think it's super cool to hear your talks on abortion and just all the different kinds of things that you discuss. So like I said, I'm probably a little bit more, I'm considered a liberal in Oklahoma, but they would be laughed at if I was called a liberal in California. So yeah, all my friends say you can't be a liberal and a Christian, Yeah, all my friends say you can't be a liberal and a Christian, but I'm considered pretty liberal here, but I would be exceedingly moderate anywhere else in the country. But it's just cool to see that balance because we don't get that a lot in Oklahoma.
Starting point is 02:11:03 Like I said, there's nothing wrong with right or left or whatever you want to believe. I just don't like the extremes, and we don't get very much moderation here. And so it's cool to hear you guys talk and really try to seek the truth, not this way or that way, but what's true about this topic. And so anyway. Hey, are most of your friends conservative? Uh, yes. I, I'm kind of an anomaly because I went to college for vocal performance. So I have like a theater background. So I'm a fireman that also does theater. So I have a ton.
Starting point is 02:11:33 All my fireman friends are Republicans or conservatives. And then everybody in the theater, as you would imagine, is very liberal, especially for Oklahoma. They're very, very liberal. So it's kind of funny i get both sides of it but i would say the majority of oklahoma would be considered extremely conservative so hey how was vocal school i want my kids to be singers singers yeah do it it's like anything else man you you can have a like you can be naturally gifted and you might then become pat vellera matt frazier but anybody can do it. Just like CrossFit, man,
Starting point is 02:12:06 anybody can do it and get better at it. And, and like I do it as a hobby, I love it. And it's, it's, uh, I was 270 pounds. Uh, when I became a driver, Matt might understand this. I became a driver and got lazy and, uh, got up to like 265 pounds and CrossFit changed my life. I'm two of five. Now my wife too, my wife lost 75 pounds. I got up to like 265 pounds and CrossFit changed my life. I'm 205 now. My wife, too. My wife lost 75 pounds.
Starting point is 02:12:27 Our two daughters. Wow. Yeah, we have twin 18-year-old girls, and we all go to the gym at the same time at 430 in the afternoon and work out together. And it's literally, other than Jesus Christ, it's changed my life more than anything ever. You think I'm going to get saved? You think I'm going to find Jesus going to come ever save me? Is it my fault or his fault? I think he's dilly-dallying.
Starting point is 02:12:50 You're already there. You think he's dilly-dallying? Yeah. Once you're a seeker, you're on the right path. It is Jesus Christ's work, but you do have to accept it at some point. But believe it or not, Siobhan, there's tons of people that listen to you, probably thousands that pray for you every day, because I think it's that important. But I do think, I also don't think it does me any good to push you. That's something between you and God. And for me to push you would be pointless,
Starting point is 02:13:17 but I can pray for you. And it is really cool to hear your journey. Awesome. Hey, dude, thanks for calling. You the man. Thanks for being a good firefighter out there. People in your community are lucky when you show up. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. Well, like I said, thanks, thanks for everything you're doing for the community. It means a lot. All right, brother. Thank you. Thank you. All right. See ya. Okay. Hey, and tell people about the show so we get more listeners. So I get rich. I do. I tell people all the time and they're like,
Starting point is 02:13:45 Siobhan who? And I'm like, no, it was really, he's a big deal. It's not Siobhan. It's not Chipotle. It's Siobhan.
Starting point is 02:13:50 It's not Siobhan. It's not Siobhan. It's Siobhan. You 100% got me. Cause I was like, why is he not pissed off about this? Because he should be pissed off. Cause he gets pissed off at his name.
Starting point is 02:14:02 So you're, you're a hundred percent right. All right, brother. Thank you. Thank you bye no one's ever no one's ever said my name right my mom doesn't you just change it reminds me of i used to go to school with a girl named talia and like we're in the same class all the time like you ever have those same people that kind of follow you from grade to grade and you end up having like at least one class with them or a bunch of them her name was talia and she'd always either say it's talia and then if you said talia she'd say it's talia and then just confuse the fuck out of everybody sounds like a good girl was she hot uh no no she was cool though i liked her
Starting point is 02:14:41 she wasn't bad looking i don't feel bad now, even though she's probably not going to watch the show. She wasn't bad-looking. Moderate. Yeah, thank you, Caleb. She's a mid. Seve, are you ready to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? I am. I've done it many times. There you go.
Starting point is 02:14:59 Now it's done. Congratulations. Is that how that works? Congratulations. You're a Christian. Can somebody fact-check this? $4. Congratulations. Is that how that works? Congratulations. You're a Christian. Can somebody fact check this for 50? Oh, shit. Did you see my room shaking?
Starting point is 02:15:14 No, I'm joking. Oh, I was like, what the fuck? Did you see what, uh, um,
Starting point is 02:15:21 um, Seth called you, what he called you at, and then in the, his podcast, a Taoist? A Taoist. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Taoist.
Starting point is 02:15:28 Yes, yes, yes, yes. That was a good one. Okay, sorry. This is, okay. I don't know if this is true. This is just, I don't know if this is true. Here we go. The sovereign nation, it was attacked and invaded illegally by a dictator who rues the end of the
Starting point is 02:15:46 Soviet Union. Surely those of us who believe in the rule of law and international stability should be doing everything we can to make sure that Ukraine prevails, shouldn't we? I don't agree with what you said in your question there. There were some opinions you put in there. The thing is, with this conflict, it actually started in 2014. We had the Minsk agreements where there was an agreement between NATO powers and Russia and Ukraine to give Crimea autonomy and to give the Russian-speaking people in the Donbass autonomy as well. But those agreements are broken. And what you have is the Ukrainian regime, the Poroshenko and then the Zelensky regime afterwards, have been bombing and shelling ethnic Russians in the Donbass area for eight years,
Starting point is 02:16:26 with 14,000 people at least being killed. And so I think what's happened there is that Putin has basically gone in what he calls a special military operation in order to try to protect the lives of Russian people in the Donbass, because Western governments in NATO were actively arming the Ukrainian government, which actually is filled with real Nazi battalions like the Azov battalion and the right sector and so on. So it's not quite as how you laid out in your question. And the thing is, I think people in this country are completely fed up of it because it's got really nothing to do with the lives of ordinary people in the UK and are fed up of the government and the power in the world. Okay, so what this guy is saying is that
Starting point is 02:17:10 in 2014 there was an agreement called the Minsk Agreement and Crimea should have had autonomy and because the Ukrainians weren't allowing it, that pissed the Russians off. They're also saying that over the last eight years, Ukrainians have killed 14,000 people by bombing ethnic Russians that are in the Donbass region, wherever that and that also that they have nazi battalions
Starting point is 02:17:30 and they're in their in their uh midst uh dick butter so many actual nazis in the ukraine and libs are all in uh the ukraine war is a giant money laundering scheme. All of that is true. What are you saying? Yeah. If you pull up on Wikipedia, like what the Azov battalion is,
Starting point is 02:17:58 it says that they have some neo-Nazi ideology, but I'm not a hundred percent sure, but 100 sure but yeah definitely i mean we've been giving far too much money to them considering what's going on in the united states i don't think that we need to be doing that victor brown when i read his comment i do in that funny accent a russian accent uh seven did you see the jake paul tom fury press conference they made an all or nothing stipulation no i don't know what that is oh who gets the money when you say all or nothing or who i um that fight i see is like at 2 p.m eastern time which is weird like i like that means i'm probably not gonna watch it i'll be doing show with my kids right no i'm laughing at this other comment that just came in from our caller which
Starting point is 02:18:51 is funny because he he slipped something in there that he he realized after the fact who which guy craig wait a minute did someone call me a homo yes when when you said you do singing it was just a you know it's just just a bro joke those are ones i usually edit out i don't usually let that stuff out i'm not proud of that joke you said i went to vocal school and i yelled homo it's just a it's ditzy i usually try to keep my humor my humor around the 14 year old level that was like more like 12 year old level I did see that did you see Nikki Rod is fighting Penny on Saturday
Starting point is 02:19:34 instead of Gordon Ryan I saw that okay 449 I wonder if anyone's making the journey with me Okay, $449. I wonder if anyone's making the journey with me. I wonder if there's anyone who's like, maybe someone might get... Oh, we already saw this. Don Lemon, douche nozzle.
Starting point is 02:19:53 We already saw this. Douche nozzle. $448, diversity. God, I would like to get through so many of these. Oh, this one's going to be good. Dude, last night's show was huge. Did you see the fucking numbers this morning? Oh, yeah, this is good.
Starting point is 02:20:08 Patrick Bet David was a guest on the show. Here he is speaking to this lady. This is a lady who was doing the podcast circuit about a year or two ago. She escaped North Korea. I don't know if this is an old clip or not. I think it's a new clip because she looks different. Something's happened to her. The United States has happened to her.
Starting point is 02:20:29 Yeah. Freedom has happened to her. Yeah, and this is a recent clip. I think she was on last week or something like that. Okay, here we go. I invited to speak at FBI Dallas last year. And then two days right before my event, the head of diversity calls me. And then like two days right before my event,
Starting point is 02:20:45 the head of diversity calls me. And then she calls me. My political opinions are too controversial. So she has canceled me. Get out of here. Bingo. At FBI.
Starting point is 02:20:56 I told you. But we agreed that I'm going to only speak about my experience from North Korea. Nothing about American politics. Just my journey to freedom. And they still didn't let you? No. In Dallas. Wow. FBI Dallas. Nothing about American politics. Just my journey to freedom. And they still didn't let you? No. In Dallas?
Starting point is 02:21:07 Yeah, FBI Dallas. Which is in Texas, which is still a red state. So that's very weird. What was the justification? I guess I was not diverse enough. I'm in the head of diversity. I'm an Asian defector. North Korea.
Starting point is 02:21:23 You're not diverse enough. That chick was invited to speak at the FBI and their head, did you see? Sorry guys, they said their head of diversity called her and it was a she. I would love to know if any of those DEI people, if there's any men. And I would guarantee you that if there is a man
Starting point is 02:21:40 who's a head of a DEI in a company, 100% he's gay. Yep, that's what i was gonna say a hundred a hundred percent yeah it's all women or it's only gay and why is that because we're different we're different could you imagine defecting from north korea and then going to talk to an intelligence agency about your time in north korea which we have i don't know very minimal knowledge of and And then the DEI director says that you can't come speak
Starting point is 02:22:07 to an intelligence agency because you're not diverse enough. Are you shitting me? You know how much information you just didn't give this person? All of these FBI... Wrong priorities again, Caleb, right? Wrong priorities again.
Starting point is 02:22:22 Have you guys heard her talk before? Like her experience yeah the stuff she says like yeah when she came here and they were like hey like what's your favorite color and she was like what there's not even language that exists for me to have a choice about my favorite color she had no idea what you what you want to wear like how's this and she's like i get to choose what i want to wear and like people think that that you know we're fucking we're a couple couple uh couple of weird twists away from headed that down that path too far to where it can't be undone hey i'm gonna say something i just it's it's pretty out there i'm gonna explore but i i bet you that most racist men are gay too. I bet you if like you went back in time and you fucking unhooded all the KKK
Starting point is 02:23:09 dudes, that something fucked up happened to them. And their racism is a twist of some sort of inability to accept the fact that they want cock in their mouth. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm dead serious. No, it doesn't sound that crazy.
Starting point is 02:23:22 I'm dead serious. It just sounds so a confident, a confident man and maybe confident woman has no interest in any of those things. I would never – I don't think about gender. I don't think about being gay or straight. I don't identify with being white or black. I'm just – I'm so fucking deep and entrenched in this stillness of fucking who I am. I am. And when I see any of those things manifesting, I just think fucking.
Starting point is 02:23:55 So I think unfortunately, I think something got to you at a young age and fucked up your shit, fragmented your personality. Yeah. fucked up your shit fragmented your personality yeah i mean think about how crazy it would sound if i was like hey guys you want to all dress up in these fucking ghost costume with these hoods so no one knows who we are we could go over and just hate on that group of people and you're like shit i don't know i mean i gotta get the kids ready for bed i mean i just got home from a hard days of work we gotta get dinner started and i'm like no no no trust me this is priority we gotta go over there and and burn some crosses on some front yards because this is going to do. I mean, it's weird.
Starting point is 02:24:30 Is this sound? I'm even going to say the David Goggins shit and the Jocko Willick shit and all that shit. Something's weird. Like, I don't think real men pound their chest like that. Wait, who do you think pounds their chest? Both those guys? All those guys. Like, i don't
Starting point is 02:24:45 think you i never have to do anything to pretend to be a man i never have to do i never do anything out of my i'm never like hey i'm going 60 on the freeway and that's kind of feminine i'm gonna go 68 i don't it never influenced i never do anything like the the only i never do anything to try to convince anyone that I'm more manly than I am. Never. Nothing. Do you consume a lot of their material, though? No. Those two guys?
Starting point is 02:25:12 No. Okay. Just from the stuff I see on Instagram. Yeah. It's like this chest-pounding shit. You're saying I'm off? It's just more motivational? Yeah, I've listened to all of Goggins' books or both the books, and've read both i've read any books okay and i would apologize i retract thank you for
Starting point is 02:25:29 correcting me oh goggins was severely abused in his book okay oh big time his dad was like a pimp and used to beat his mom and fucking it's an intense story and then in the second book he bring have you listened to both of them caleb the newest one dude he brings his mom into the studio on the second one and they go his mom into the studio on the second one and they go a little bit deeper down that rabbit hole of their relationship and basically he's like hey when we were getting fucking beat and this terrible life was around us like what like what took so long to escape it like what were you thinking kind of deal it's it's kind of intense justin h you're off on jocko okay cool well good that makes me happy i don't think
Starting point is 02:26:03 there's ever um i don't think there's no one has to pretend like it's not those aren't healthy behaviors by healthy i don't mean that they're unhealthy it's just that you should just let them go just do what you want to do just be a good person just do the right thing just i'm not holding the door open because it's something men do maybe that's what my mom taught me when i was little i'm holding the door open because it's something men do. Maybe that's what my mom taught me when I was little. I'm holding the door open because Caleb has three drinks and he's coming behind me and it's the fucking decent thing to do. It's just a human being.
Starting point is 02:26:33 Yeah. I should have sent you this clip. There was a clip of a, of not those kinds of drinks. I was thinking more like it's a coffee shop. Like I see, I was picturing you like this, you know,
Starting point is 02:26:41 like when you hold like three drinks and you do that weird thing with your fingers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. You get all three of them in there. weird thing with your fingers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. You get all three of them in one sitting. I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately.
Starting point is 02:26:53 Okay, fine. I strike that from the record. Sorry about Kako and Goggins. And Walkins. Goggins and Walkins. I apologize. They're great dudes. And I don't want to dog anyone who's making a valuable contribution to making people better.
Starting point is 02:27:09 Rough start, caller. Rough start. Caller, hi. That's enough. Felt like someone was calling in maybe from an airplane or something, like a pilot hey I'm live on my podcast can I call you later nice yeah just check out that text I sent you and see if it's good or bad
Starting point is 02:27:32 oh okay yeah I didn't comment on it because I kind of had some strong feelings about it and I thought I should say it to you exactly and I haven't sent it yet so I'll wait for you later the great Travis Bajan Kako and Dawkins I haven't sent it yet, so I'll wait for you. Okay. Later. Bye. The great Travis Bajan.
Starting point is 02:27:49 Kako and Dawkins. Yeah, thank you. I'm so glad you unfucked me. Thank you for gently doing that, Sousa. I appreciate it. Call or hi? Better audio or no? Oh, much better. Thank you. You guys were talking about manly men i figured i'd call in yes good job i don't know is this gabe or jethro i'm gonna go with gabe gabe yes it's gabe do you think you and jethro sounded like gabe yeah i know i mean from the
Starting point is 02:28:22 east coast kind of like a new earth area so i guess all right very manly you guys very manly voice uh so i'm calling i'm making your uh your blend right now oh that's awesome i am literally the next cup of coffee i have i'm literally going to run out of paper street coffee now here's the thing since a lot of people are on are would people be okay what do you people like your blend your little decaf and a little bit of caffeine 50 50 type of thing yeah so what i was asking gabe i was like hey i'm mixing the beans i'm mixing decaf and regular beans what about making a blend that's just half and half so i can drink coffee but it's just not as strong
Starting point is 02:29:01 because i like it like if i do three podcasts a day that's a lot of coffee to drink um i mean up to up to the people if uh if they like it we'll put it on the website if not it's only for you okay um does anyone want um no 50 50 from mike straight off the bat mike yeah jory leonard no wow this is no oh wow she's louise guys eric as well no it's only for you then oh so eric says is there an option to make it even stronger uh cory we need all the caffeine holy 50 50 minus the decaf we could do we could do uh we could do 50 50 minus the decaf. It'll just be your regular Tyler. Dylan Rogers, no. No, all or nothing.
Starting point is 02:29:50 All right. Well, I'll give you guys a caffeine decaf option only, and then the 50-50 will just be the cellar. Okay, thank you. Dylan asks, do you drink it in a sippy cup? God, I'm getting tossed. I'm getting beat up here. All right, let me go make sure I don't burn half this place down. I'll talk to you guys.ppy cup. God, I'm getting tossed. I'm getting beat up here. All right.
Starting point is 02:30:05 Let me go make sure I don't burn half this place down. I'll talk to you guys. Thank you. Thanks, Gabe. Wow. Perfect way to test that little market research, huh? And quickly, we now know. I think the way Gabe gets the caffeine out of the beans is not unhealthy.
Starting point is 02:30:21 I think there's a chemical way that might be unhealthy um but i think he does it with water or something okay oh yes decaf is unhealthy he's saying allison don't tell him uh sean m uh what idiot invented decaf i know when i'm big on the when i'm drinking shit loads of coffee i think that too uh i like the d i like decaf you get like a late afternoon coffee what um will you um google that why is decaf unhealthy and i'll read it there's something about the camp the process um of how they take the caffeine out of the beans that's supposedly bad for you you get you know you get simple green in your coffee or some shit they still make simple green do you remember that
Starting point is 02:31:10 stuff simple green but you can buy but but you can buy a decaf that's that's that doesn't have methylene chloride oh here here gabe is just the process of decaf is horrible horrible in what way bad for you the hard uh decaf facts uh the process process uh the hard beans are warmed and soaked in liquid dissolve in liquid to dissolve and remove the caffeine in one of four ways. Using water alone, using a mixture of water and solvents, most common, methylene chloride and ethyl acetate. Applied either directly or indirectly or using water and super critical carbon dioxide. Yeah, let's do the mountain water process. Oh, Swiss water process.
Starting point is 02:32:04 Yeah, let's do that mountain water process oh swiss water process yeah let's do that for savvy let's do that for savvy yeah yeah i know cat the cat decaf is for pussies i there's no doubt oh come on a little late afternoon coffee but you don't want to be up all night because you got to wake up at 4 45 in the morning every day nothing wrong with that there was this example that william briggs gave at the conference broken science conference i wanted to share with you guys and i'm going to give you two examples and you can do with it what you want uh the swiss water process the swiss water process is a patented decaffeination method
Starting point is 02:32:38 that uses only water to remove 99.9 of the coffee's caffeine content hey that's an interesting thing i wonder if you could use the water process and just remove 50 of the caffeine yeah time and a half yeah uh if i ask you to pick a number caleb seven oh perfect between between one and five and and i will write this number down perfect i love this i will i will write this number down here hold on one one and five yeah one one and five yep you drink some water but before you pick the number um i want you to tell me what the chance is that you get it right. What's the chance you get it right? Wait, do you want me to help you out with it?
Starting point is 02:33:33 Sure. He first picks the number, and then after he picks it, you say what is the probability that that is right. I could go either way. I think I can go either way. Okay. What are the chances are that you get the number right? Or pick a number. We can go either way. Because first I can go either way. Okay. What are the chances are that you get the number right? Or pick a number. We can go either way. Because first he's got to establish the hypothesis.
Starting point is 02:33:50 Oh, sure. Okay, fine. Sorry. So I have like one in five chance of getting it right? Yeah. Okay. That's about 20%. You have a 20% chance of getting it right. Sure. Okay. So did you pick a number?
Starting point is 02:34:10 Yeah. Okay. chance of getting it right sure okay so did you pick a number yeah okay and then i show you the number no wait hold on you you have to you have to ask him to guess the number that you picked guess the number i picked yeah between one and five savon picked the number he wrote it down now you need to guess the number that he picked. What do you guess? Three. Okay, three. Now what is the probability? Oh, no, no, no. I was going to guess the number. No, no. What is the probability that you guessed the correct number that Savan wrote down?
Starting point is 02:34:36 20%. Okay. Savan. So then I show you this and you see the number. And the number is 1 is 1.73210 oh we're doing those numbers huh yeah
Starting point is 02:34:54 and the point is this the point is you can only know what you know and if you don't know if you don't know that it's any number then you can't have perspective on it. You can't – there's something that – you're looking at it wrong. You can only offer the knowledge or the ideas or the guesses based on the perspective you have.
Starting point is 02:35:17 And if your perspective of numbers is just 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then of course you're going to think you have a 20% chance of getting it right. or five, then of course you're going to think you have a 20% chance of getting it right. And if no one told you, or you don't have that perspective, or you don't think like that, you'll be, you'll be totally off. I'm going to give you, I'm going to give you another example too. If I, if I flip a, if I flip a coin and I ask you if it's heads or tails, right. And I, and I put my hand on it and I, what's your chance of getting it right? Right. And I, and I put my hand on it and I, what's your chance of getting it right? 50%. Right. And now I go like this. And what's my chance of getting it right?
Starting point is 02:35:54 A hundred percent. Right. Because of my perspective. So just remember that. You just have to remember that's what's going on around us nonstop, continuously. It's just a fucking matter of perspective. The probability of you getting something right, it's all based on your perspective. It's a huge reason why there's no truth in science. You want to add something else to that, Sousa?
Starting point is 02:36:28 I know you do. No, I like the way you explained it. But what happened for people that are in the broken sciences, Briggs ran this experiment. He did the same as I think. He wrote down a number and he said, okay, the number is through one through five. Somebody tell me the number that I wrote down. And then somebody said two.
Starting point is 02:36:45 And then he goes, okay, well, how'd you come up with that number? What deductive reasoning did you use to use that number? And he says, well, I saw you write it down. And the whole room laughed and he goes, okay, so what are the, what's the probability that it's right? He said, well, 20%. He goes, well, you just said you saw me write it down. Your hypothesis is pretty sound.
Starting point is 02:37:00 You have evidence. Then the whole room started to agree, right? So what the point of that was, is it was actually built off of an incorrect hypothesis. So the model that that gentleman was using that everybody agreed, which would then become consensus, was built off a false hypothesis to begin with. Okay. And then so once Briggs spun it around and showed that it was the 1.7 number, the whole entire thing completely failed and all the evidence that was supported by that person writing it down and then the consensus of the group agreed
Starting point is 02:37:30 they weren't anywhere close because then going to what Sevan said, the perspective up on it is that they were just looking through a number like one, two, three, four, five. They didn't actually use the whole entire scope of spectrum to look at the problem. I'll give you another example too. We, um, the,
Starting point is 02:37:46 we were told that the vaccine prevented transmission. And then once it started prevent, once it started going through, uh, once we saw that it didn't prevent transmission, they interviewed the head of the CDC Walensky. I don't know if you guys remember this video, I showed it and they said, Hey, like what made you think that it, prevented transmission and she said well because we were hoping what cnn was reporting was true and that's the experiment that you just ran right now holy fuck you were you were hoping that what cnn was said was true you're the head of the cdc
Starting point is 02:38:20 it's uh that's like me hoping that what mom says about santa claus is true yes and then basic everything you do off that premise of that that's true so then the way i conduct myself and everything i do is based off off of that supposition okay um um we were hoping uh that what pfizer said was true okay uh 447 behaviors of a confident person i don't have a bunch of these this made me this was unsettling for me this made me very unconfident i don't believe in evil. Stevan, you are leaving out the fact that a lot of people in charge have evil intent. Interesting. So what are the behaviors of a confident person?
Starting point is 02:39:17 They don't cross their arm. Confident people don't cross their arms because they're not feeling defensive, nor do they have anything to hide. All right? Or they just have smoking habit. They don't constantly check social just have smoking habit they don't constantly check social media okay i don't constantly check social media only five hours a day they listen 10 times more than they speak i don't i definitely don't do that uh they celebrate their peer success i do that confident people don't't seek approval from others.
Starting point is 02:39:49 God, I don't know about that. I'm not sure I understand that. Can I read the description of that? Don't we want approval from other people? What do they mean by that? Confident people gain attention due to their brilliant work since their self-worth comes within. They don't need approval from others. But they do their brilliant works to show
Starting point is 02:40:06 others right no one's writing novels if there's no one to read them true yeah like i said i would quit this fucking podcast if it wasn't growing uh they never gossip oh i'm fucked confident people realize that another person's private person's private is none of their business when people engage in gossip all it serves is to make themselves more judgmental and toxic god i love gossiping it's like my sugar i love telling stories i love shit oh shit i love gossip. I know it's great. Isn't it? Uh, they're in a pleasant mood.
Starting point is 02:40:52 Most of the time. I'm all common. People are, aren't easily thrown off their emotional game. They don't feel insulted or slighted as easily as other people. And this is part of their appeal. Yeah. I'm almost always in a pretty damn fucking good mood. Even when I'm in a bad mood,
Starting point is 02:41:03 I kind of enjoy, I'm in a good mood. I enjoy it. Uh, they maintain good mood. Even when I'm in a bad mood, I kind of enjoy, I'm in a good mood. I enjoy it. Uh, they maintain eye contact. Yeah, I go to, I'm great with eye contact.
Starting point is 02:41:10 They aren't ashamed to ask for help. Fuck. No, I'm not. I'll ask for help in a second. All right. So you got like a eight out of nine of them. No,
Starting point is 02:41:18 there was like a few, I crossed my arms. I gossip, uh, keep going. Go. There was another one. Keep, go back up the other way um they never gossip god i'm the opposite i'm always gossiping they don't seek approval from others i like
Starting point is 02:41:34 approval from others i like my wife wait four let me see what was four they what they celebrate what they they celebrate their i do that uh they listen. I'm half. I'm only half. I have four of them I don't do. Wait. Repeat the four you don't do. I cross my arms. Okay. I don't listen ten times more than I speak. Okay.
Starting point is 02:41:57 I do seek a little bit of approval from others. Everybody does. Okay. Keep going down a little bit. There is one more, I think. The gossip. The gossip, yeah. Okay. So that's four. All right. going down a little bit. There is one more, I think. The gossip. The gossip, yeah. Okay, so that's four.
Starting point is 02:42:07 All right. I have room to grow. If I had all of those, I'd probably just be dead. Right? That's when you transition. You transition, all right. I guess you have to know your audience. I don't like those people who don't know their audience.
Starting point is 02:42:29 That's what I mean. Approval from others. Like if I sense that someone's not listening to me, I'll stop talking. Okay. If I'm in the room talking to my wife, leaves the room, I stopped talking.
Starting point is 02:42:42 I don't keep talking. I'll yell at my wife through the house we'll have conversations from the kitchen to like the living room to like upstairs wow my wife will keep talking if i leave the room like does she say she could still hear you or is it just like she's like fuck it i'm just gonna finish this damn thing like i'll be carrying the basket of clothes like to the laundry room as i walk to the bedroom and she'll start talking to me and i'll just keep walking away while she's talking to me because i got the basket i'm trying to make it over there and she'll just keep talking to me and i'll come back and i'm like what did you say the whole time i'm walking away i'm like
Starting point is 02:43:21 oh she's not gonna stop i usually just say just say, I'm listening, keep talking. And then I just continue to walk away. You know, like the drunk guy that's at the party that'll be talking and you're like, fuck, how do I get out of this conversation? So you just exit stage left and then they just keep talking until they make eye contact with somebody else and they just keep rolling that conversation. Hey, there was this dude who was like one of greg's right hand man he was in the council really smart guy he worked at crossfit and he would um uh
Starting point is 02:43:54 uh still on podcast he would oh we have to remember to get that clip, that Don – that clip, the Greg Glassman clip. I have to – I wonder where that is. Was that – does anyone remember where that was? Was it the hour mark? It was just past the hour mark. Yeah. Okay. He started at 53 minutes.
Starting point is 02:44:17 Oh, is that when he called at 53? This guy literally would talk, and we would be in a room together and i would leave and go to the bathroom and come back and he'd still be talking and it wasn't like an isolated incident like he he just didn't even know he would just be talking like this and he said some really smart shit but man pauline is a good dude thanks thank you thanks paina. Do you remember her? Did you meet her? Did I? Yeah, she was at Broken Science. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 02:44:50 Hopefully. She was the 20-year-old girl who, tall, swimmer, came from Texas just to hear Greg speak for the day. Oh, that's awesome. Hi, Paulina. If I met you. 433, Joe Biden. I hope this is funny. A lot of those people that I met right before the event started, I don't know why, but I met you. 433, Joe Biden. I hope this is funny. A lot of those people that I met right before the event started,
Starting point is 02:45:11 I don't know why, but I was super anxious before it started. Before the event. Yeah, running around, checking those cameras. I had to stand on that stage so that way Jay could frame all the stuff up and things. It is nerve-wracking. Yeah. That's good. That's healthy. I was just going to sit in the back with you so i don't know no part to play hey look i don't give a shit what you say you can pull off
Starting point is 02:45:34 anything you want all white people look alike any whatever joke or whatever you want to do if you think that this person right here cnbz and this person msnbc one day ago all right one day ago if you think that this dude right here him all right is the same as vice president biden vice president biden from seven years ago if you think this is the same person. Hey, look, I don't get. I'm telling you, I trip on it every time someone says that I trip on it. I go, is this going to be one of those things where we. Did I hear Joe?
Starting point is 02:46:18 Come on, man. Come on, man. Every time I hear someone say that it's not the same something happened to him right i mean he's had massive plastic surgery it's not the same fucking guy dude like he's at the age where like it kind of goes exponentially right like seven years from how old is he now 79 but he looks younger now than he did then he looks smoother now oh i thought he looked better as the vice president well he looks more like a human he doesn't look human anymore it'd be like a something on the simpsons or futurama where they just grab the back of his skin and like stretch it tight and clothespin it back there it's it's something uh look at okay so andrew is saying a
Starting point is 02:47:02 person can change a lot in seven years especially at that age also the presidency ages you i hear you yeah oh they that has been a thing with the president's like aging super quickly like if you look at that photo of obama like you gotta know droning all those innocent kids and children in other countries really uh his blood is basically adderall now lucky i'm just telling you i don't want to be one of those stupid people like in a few years when they we find out he's a he's a cia oh shit oh shit joe bye i mean something is up something is up joe i up. Joe, I'm telling you. Hey, did they ever say that he got... Did someone really give $500 to the show? Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 02:47:51 It's still lingering up there. Hey, I'm clicking the button and I can't... It won't pop up. Oh, dude, I got you. It's only because it highlights it at the top for us. It won't bring it up unless we go find that comment. Frank Curto. Wow. highlights it at the top for us it won't bring it up unless we go find that comment frank curto wow fucking tripping i wonder if eric's i wonder if he's tripping i wonder if he really meant 499 and he's gonna text me later and be like hey you got to give me that money back i need that
Starting point is 02:48:18 i didn't want to say anything how to get my girl an abortion you got to give that back to me oh fuck he's 60 years old i don't that back to me. He's 60 years old. I don't think he's... If that guy's 60 years old, that's crazy. That guy should be in movies. Okay, I just... Let's just stay on the pulse with this Joe thing.
Starting point is 02:48:40 We're gonna get to the bottom of it, I think. Fraudulent credit card. That would be awesome he's like here's four grand i don't give a shit it ain't my credit card can you sell wall space behind you yeah i'd sell that shit to chipotle oh yeah any wall i'm in front of you can you're at here Any wall I'm in front of you can – Your ad here. Okay, 445, government abortions.
Starting point is 02:49:13 That's my good old government abortion. How can you explain the deregulation that the Republican Party supports for smaller government and simultaneously the hundreds, if not thousands, of bills passed by Republican officials since 2011 that have policed the woman's body and limited female access to contraceptives and to abortion. We talk about birth control and abortion. Let's set aside for one moment the debate about whether or not abortion is a constitutional right. I would submit that it is not. You can read the constitution, squeeze lemon juice on it, hold it upside down. It's just not in there. But let's assume it was.
Starting point is 02:50:10 Let's assume it was sort of invisibly there as part of the Bill of Rights, right up there with free speech and right up there with the right to religion and the right to assembly and so on. Here's my question to you. Why should the abortion right be subsidized when none of our other fundamental rights are? I mean, you have a right to free speech. Does the government give you money to start a newspaper? You have a Second Amendment right to own a gun.
Starting point is 02:50:36 Is the government going to buy you a shotgun? You have a right to free assembly. You've got to do it on your own time. You have a right to a free exercise of religion. The government's not going to pay for your churches. So since the government pays for none of our other fundamental rights, why does this right get to protect all life in the constitution? What is it? There's three things like free. There's three things. I don't understand how there can be abortion still.
Starting point is 02:51:13 I really don't how it's legal. What are the three things? Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Yeah. Life, liberty.
Starting point is 02:51:20 Thank you. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So it'd be number one on that list then. Yeah. It's kind of all of them. You're fucking all of them by killing the baby. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So it'd be number one on that list then. Yeah, it's kind of all of them. You're fucking all of them by killing the baby. It's life.
Starting point is 02:51:30 Life, yeah. Got no liberty in there. Yeah, it's abortion healthcare. Yeah, it's like... Yeah. God, it's so... That guy's smart though, that Dinesh D'Souza guy. 438, I hope most conspiracies end this way.
Starting point is 02:51:53 Yeah, you don't get to start a newspaper. The government's not going to subsidize you starting a newspaper, and they're not going to subsidize you killing your baby. Yeah, that was a great rebuttal to that. I like how you isolated the issue. Sorry. They said that they would be like sea monsters. Yes.
Starting point is 02:52:12 And then a study came out that when whales have sex, they usually have threesomes. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, where there's one female and two males, so there's more chance of her getting pregnant. Good for them. Yeah. And while the other male is waiting, he will flap his dick out oh yeah yeah and that was the sea monster and that was the sea monster that would it looks like a tentacle but it's a whale's dick wow yeah wow what a what a great portuguese insight it does look kind of like a whale's dick right there yeah now can you google whale dick
Starting point is 02:52:42 yeah please there it is over there yes Yes, on the right. Absolutely. Look at that. Oh, shit. Yeah. Oh, my God. I've learned something today. Do you know how back in the day? What if all conspiracy theories ended this way? Well, it was just a giant penis.
Starting point is 02:52:57 No shit. Just a really hairy guy walking in the woods. It's crazy. That's fucking crazy. Daniel Garrity throwing a wrench into the woods. Crazy. That's fucking crazy. Daniel Garrity throwing a wrench into the conversation. We subsidize lawyers for defendants in speedy trials. I think that would be an easy one to talk around, though. Because you're innocent until proven guilty.
Starting point is 02:53:22 Yeah. And the burden of proof is going to be on the person that accused her, right? God, Will wants to support the Chipotle thing so bad. They've had those for years. Chipotle's a lifestyle bowl now on their app that are paleo, keto, and Whole30 friendly. Well, great. They've had those for years. Do they have one without seed oils?
Starting point is 02:53:42 Have you ever had Chipotle before? Me? I used to live off that shit there was one by my house shit was so fucking good yeah i just had it the other day double meat please double yeah my wife gets mad at me because that's really all i want to go eat double me yeah yeah exactly my wife too my wife hated it the one right by the the one right by the gym sucked a lot and then the one up the town over was really good what's the difference between a good one and a bad one? People who work there?
Starting point is 02:54:07 Yeah, 100%. Like you come in and they just don't really care. They're closed an hour before they really actually close. They don't really have shit. It's not really being made up. The customer service sucks, which is crazy. Which is crazy because they have so much control over the brand. But yet I could go to one Chipotle and then I'm completely turned off from Chipotle
Starting point is 02:54:26 for the rest of my life if I only go to the one that sucks. Wow, where have I heard this before? Dang, I wish they would do something about that. With all that control, you figure it would be just a fucking consistent product every single time. Nah.
Starting point is 02:54:41 Damn. Damn, Susan's dropping bombs. does susan not work at hq i really do work there uh seven wants a whole uh seven wants whale cock uh worth of meat in his bowl i love it when there's a new person working there says mike sour and you ask for double meat and they load it up i like it when they fucking give you they would give you the free the guac for free or when the new person scoops guac and it's like the whole ladle yeah you know that's gonna be a dollar extra you know that i'm a dollar extra i don't give a fuck dude yeah fuck off I could have been eating already if you wouldn't ask me that
Starting point is 02:55:29 take my money double beat 431 is this true what is chipotle it's mcdonald's but with mexican food What is Chipotle? It's McDonald's, but with Mexican food. Quite viral recently on TikTok for videos about BlackRock. What is BlackRock and how do they own everything? Yes. BlackRock is an organization, it's a company publicly listed on NASDAQ that has tens of trillions of dollars of assets under management. They disclose that they have like 14 trillion, but that is only BlackRock. Then they own majority share in most of the companies in America,
Starting point is 02:56:15 right? So they also have money and funneled through all those things as well. So what companies? They own Pfizer, they own Moderna, they own all the airlines, they own all the social networks. So when you see all this stuff, all this agenda, kind of everybody working together, then you have to realize who actually owns it. This isn't a conspiracy. You go to Yahoo Finance, you go to top holders of all these shareholding companies, and you see BlackRock and Vanguard at the top. So you go to Amazon, for example, you go to Yahoo Finance, you go to Amazon, you go to the ticker of the stock, you go to top holders and you realize Jeff Bezos and the biggest holder of Amazon. It's like, Oh shit, he's no longer the majority shareholder of his company. So he doesn't make the final decisions. So he doesn't have the
Starting point is 02:56:54 big say the CEO of the bank Santander was sitting at a round table at the FII conference. And they were talking about what is the problem with the current system? And I think this was like a was sitting at a round table at the FII conference and, uh, they were talking about what is the problem with the current system? And I think this was like a Freudian slip. She, she kind of slipped. I didn't think she intended to say this. She said, the big problem is that we have to make our investors in our, we went quite interesting, right? Yeah. That's it. I know. cut it off at a weird point
Starting point is 02:57:25 yeah yeah yeah i thought i thought he actually was going to say what was said this guy is not in a good place in the fitness health continuum uh every idiot today can have a podcast well that is true blackrock isn't a company it's a whale dick hey so i picture andrew coming up with that line and being like that's fucking good but he's holding his kid in his hand right and he's and he's got his phone in his other hand he's all fucked up but he's got to figure out how to type it and he knows it has to be timely did you see it oh he's also just sending it i'm just laughing hysterically yes
Starting point is 02:58:18 that was the biggest nothing burger ever played on this show. All right. Turns out Black Rock owned that podcast and cut it early. Yeah. 430, Nickelodeon. Oh, this one didn't sit well with me. This one's going to require us to do some Googling. We're going to have to fact check this. Is it a Nickelodeon show?
Starting point is 02:58:44 You're going to see. It you're gonna see it's not good it's not it's not good at all oh i liked nickelodeon growing up yeah you're not gonna like this at all guess where it goes hey and before it goes guess where it goes uh probably some pedophilia thing yeah yeah that's what i would think too i forget i can't remember if it is or not but it's something satan it. Yeah. It ends up just not being good. Okay, here we go. Might blow your mind. And then again, if you're used to it, it might not.
Starting point is 02:59:11 So look, if you're a 90s baby like me, you were probably raised up watching, I don't know, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, stuff like that. Let's show you something kind of interesting, right? So Nickelodeon, stuff like that. Let me show you something kind of interesting, right? So Nickelodeon. So that's a Latin name. But did you ever look at what this name meant? Let's find out. So if you go on Google and you type in translate to English, right? You're going to be on this page right here.
Starting point is 02:59:44 So you want to make sure you go to Latin, right? You're going to be on this page right here. So you want to make sure you go to Latin, right? So detect from Latin to English, and then we're going to type in, we're going to do it in spaces. So N-I-C and then space K-E-L-O and then space D-E-O, right? Nickelodeon. That's, that's everything with the exception of the N. But what does it say? It says, I don't care about God. God created the whole world with words. And I was saying this growing up and I was watching this. Is it still a coincidence? Why would these billions of dollars, these companies that's worth billions of dollars,
Starting point is 03:00:19 why, if God wasn't real, why would you spend all of this money and all of this time naming your whole like cartoon platform why would you name it i don't care about god look at geez louise that's reaching me okay can you scroll back a little bit i want to type it in blow your mind i'm on that website i want to type it in can you scroll back or no i don't think no no i can not on the real yeah i was gonna say i'm real i that this is absolute horseshit how about just look at the etymology well uh so what was it uh i wish i could spell it out i hate nick oh that's literally what I found. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 03:01:08 Is that how he spelt it out? No, that's... I forget how he spelt it out, but I think it was a little bit different than that. All right, well, good. Just keep fiddling with it until we get the answer we want. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 03:01:30 That's not confirmation bias at all i hate nickels damn it i knew it all right well good there was another one where they did that like if you change it to latin and you space it out um mike mccaskey this is stupid the term nickelodeon comes from a five cent jukebox popular to turn less injury. Yeah. God, someone can explain that to Mike. Oh my God. Yeah. That's, that's the definition of the word we're talking about.
Starting point is 03:02:03 The definition of the word in the talking about the definition of the word in the United States Nickelodeon we're talking about the fucking roots of the word going back to the Latin roots like all our words have right do all our words have that yeah it's all like right which is the
Starting point is 03:02:18 derivative from Latin the root is Greek someone knows I hate good music. Nickelback. Damn. Hey, it's just another N-word. Oh my goodness. Just another N-word. Nichols. I kind of like those ones that are a little bit
Starting point is 03:02:38 of a stretch though, you know? Yeah, I'm glad. I'm going to say we fact check that and it's bullshit. Yeah, go ahead. Let him know. You should DM him. 423 automated. I may have shown this yesterday. Oh yeah, I showed this yesterday.
Starting point is 03:02:59 I don't think Sousa got to see this. Maybe you should just show him anyway before we erase it. Have you seen this thing, Sousa? Oh, goodness. think suza got to see this maybe you should just show them anyway before we erase it have you seen this thing suza oh goodness i think i've seen enough i don't know i think it's cgi i think we've decided it's cgi it's not even a real machine which really sucks okay it's like something Kate Gordon would have. That makes me feel uncomfortable. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 03:03:32 That makes me uncomfortable. 420, woke is letting men into women's prisons. Oh. Oh, we may have already seen this one too. I'm erasing it. I'm erasing it. Oh erasing it oh no here we go an incurable brain virus that's infected our country's entire leadership class it started in the universities now it's infected our corporations this infects every major sector of society dad look they are suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. The woke mind virus has infected a lot of institutions.
Starting point is 03:04:12 The woke mind virus will go down as more dangerous than the lab virus leak. They're saying it's a virus, kind of parasite. They've all been infected by the woke virus that has emasculated their brain you're saying it's mostly people in the city tons of woke white people have all coalesced in those cities and you should get moving this woke sickness is already spread throughout our society m&m's going woke min Minnie Mouse is going woke. Mr. Potato Head is going gender neutral. American Girl dolls are going woke. My Little Pony going woke.
Starting point is 03:04:51 Xbox has also announced they're going woke too. Pizza Hut going woke. CVS goes woke. Microsoft Word is going woke. The military may be going woke again. It is everywhere you look. I don't think I've seen anything spread so fast in my life. There's nowhere to go. United Airlines wants to get a little bit more woke. Race and gender are irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Once you
Starting point is 03:05:16 forget that, airplanes tend to crash. What the woke mob is trying to do, silence opposition. Silence our speech. They bully the population into silence. It's pretty good, right? That's pretty funny. It did spread so fast. That's what I was saying. Did it or did it just reach a tipping point? It's just weird
Starting point is 03:05:45 how it infected the people that I thought would be the people who were against it I guess I was always misunderstood you think James O'Keefe's new thing is going to make it that's a good question you think James O'Keefe's new thing is going to make it? That's a good question. Do you think maybe he's got time to come on our show?
Starting point is 03:06:12 God, I hope so. I DM'd him. 4-12, we let prisoners go so that they won't get the flu? It's always a good sign. Shoot, I lost that one. What number is this? 412? 412. Oh, okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 03:06:39 American fugitives have discovered there's no such thing as a free lunch. They were among 3,000 wanted persons sent invitations to a party and a football match, but they didn't know that the offer to see the Washington Redskins in action had come from the police department. They're queuing for a free ticket to watch the Redskins football team, a chance few Washington people could resist, which is exactly what the local police were banking on.
Starting point is 03:07:02 They'd sent out invitations to pick up tickets for yesterday's game to the last known addresses of 3,000 criminals on the run. The operation took weeks to organise. It started soon after dawn yesterday. Waiting in the wings was the SWAT team, armed policemen ready to pounce. The smiling lady gently steering this man along the corridor is a policewoman. So are the cheerleaders.
Starting point is 03:07:32 Most officers carried a gun, including the Indian chief and the man who played the chicken. Claiming your free ticket was easy. All you needed was proof of identity, which the police checked with the team upstairs. Confirmed. Another winner, Mr. T, Mr. T. What a marvelous occasion. Lucky winners overcome at the prospect of watching their favorite team play, wall-stopping their free tickets. but the master of ceremonies was a senior policeman hey can you imagine it would they could they could they do this today they did it with a lot of winning too they did i think so it was like you won some prize and like and then you show up and they yeah they're i don't know how if that was also recent but it was something like this where i watched it 3000 people they were winning
Starting point is 03:08:26 tickets to Redskins game, and when they show up there, they arrest you for some fucking warrant. So you know those are low-level criminals. Not very good at being paranoid or skeptics. Oh my god. Clearly pre-internet. Jessica Pearson.
Starting point is 03:08:47 Jessica, I think I got a package from you and a nice letter by the way thank you I just saw a short on New York City teacher talking to kindergartners about figuring out their gender yeah that's using words like non-binary the fuck they are kids yeah well they are fucked now. You did receive a package from her.
Starting point is 03:09:12 Is that what she said? Yep. Thank you. She has a business. It's a CBD business. I think she sent me a cream. I need to look more closely. I should bring it in here in my office and show you. I don't think I did. Oh, this one just says boobs. 408. I'm so sorry. She said use it on your back.
Starting point is 03:09:43 Oh, okay. I'm hungry. hungry yeah me too oh oh this is gonna be great my wife has big boobs this is great i like this already my wife has big boobs you know why because i don't give up on my goddamn childhood dreams. I'm not a quitter. Eight-year-old me? Eight-year-old me fucking loves me. When I was eight, all I wanted was a girlfriend with big boobs and a race car bed, and I am halfway there. Big boobs are interesting. I feel for her, because she can't really hide them. She can cover them up but everybody knows they're there it's like throwing a tarp over a porch of a house
Starting point is 03:10:33 no one looks at the house like look at that house that doesn't have a porch you can still see the shape in the side. You're like, that house has some big-ass porches. Like, you know. My wife has big boobs. That's funny. That's why I think I can be a stand-up comedian. All right.
Starting point is 03:11:02 That's kind of a good one to end the show on right there's a good positive note it's a little something for everybody in that one yeah a little what was it again uh uh kako and in dockins yeah kako and doggins uh um i uh Jan Clark uh I haven't managed to catch live this past week
Starting point is 03:11:29 shame on you thanks for all the great shows and open coverage Caleb uh Caleb show that video I sent you on IG no you cannot
Starting point is 03:11:35 no it's gotta have a number attached to it now you're in big trouble Jan I knew it I knew I knew
Starting point is 03:11:40 I knew you were saying too many nice things Jan fucking jeez look at him. Play number 536. Do we have... No, I don't know.
Starting point is 03:11:52 I was playing John. Somebody tried to guess a number to select the other day and out of the 500 that are on that list, we didn't have like two of the three he guessed. Yeah, that was crazy. How is that possible? That's funny.
Starting point is 03:12:11 How about this is kind of a weird... How do you not just take him home? 280. How do you not just take him home? I wonder what that's in reference to. John said, pushing my luck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He tried to buy us
Starting point is 03:12:26 like chipotle yeah you gotta have frank money we just frank just up the ante and fucked all you guys you think your 499 euro get to anywhere now you're all fucked down frank recalibrated us i wonder if there is a 69 we'll check after this he reset the big blind i wrote why don't you just take this guy home here we go step bump step bump bump step bump step bump bump five six seven eight step bump step bump bump step bump step bump pot of beret kickballball change, step, clap. Okay. Five, six, seven, eight. You know what would be good is if you hit kicked and then you kind of did that in a barrel turn and then ha, you know?
Starting point is 03:13:22 That was good. That would be. That was really good. You a dancer? No. No, no, no. Not a... I'm just drunk.
Starting point is 03:13:31 Ah! Up against the vehicle right now, sir. You are! Oh. Oh! That show is awesome. So good. John Clark, Caleb, add a said video to
Starting point is 03:13:47 the list do you know what he's talking about you i didn't know i probably have an idea but i get sent like 20 30 40 you guys you guys are crazy 80 a million videos have you got to the point where you just don't even look at them anymore no i'm still watching them and like but I have like I have to do it in section so if I don't respond to you and like immediately it's because I'm waiting until I have like I'm like shitting or something and then I'll because I don't really scroll through my feed anymore I just like go through my
Starting point is 03:14:16 DMs and then there's no time for the feed the feeds just insanity yeah Nicholas Flores wants me to just fucking The feed's just insanity. The feed can get fucked, yeah. Nicholas Flores wants me to just fucking twist his balls into it. That was my, I saw the Nickelodeon thing. I take full responsibility for that.
Starting point is 03:14:38 I agree. That was stupid. Trish is triggered. Triggered by that video. I agree. That was dumb. Every once in a while, there'll be a weak point in the show. Wow.
Starting point is 03:14:52 Could you twist my left ball? Anything for you. I got whatever germs Devon had last week. I feel like crap. It doesn't help that we can't go outside, even though I'm about to go outside i can't believe it's friday i am so fucking pumped we have josh bridges on tomorrow what a good fucking life
Starting point is 03:15:10 i should sit around in the gym with my kids all day today and watch andrew hiller videos and then have andrew hiller on tonight i really want to do like some midnight shows you've been saying that for a while you know i'm just a puss can we like change we like change the theme or something like late night with seven oh that would be cool you intro the show i want to get daniel brandon on and find out if if torres is giving a tour well we already know the answer to that torres just so hip that i didn't realize he was like a coach when i saw him at waterpalooza yeah yeah like you know like the it's back like the coaches to dress a certain way it's just kind of like run of the mill but he was like he he was fucking hip and looked good and like his clothes
Starting point is 03:15:55 were probably designer or maybe not maybe they're a thrift store like that's how cool he is they look designer but they're really their thrift store badass yeah he's kind of got that hair too yeah the hair the hair hey what about this one kanye is jewish 266 i just are you deleting these off of these two are you like yeah i am i am did we move it to google doc or we're still no no no i know we didn't i just got to say that uh oh well shit that's awesome that is jew jew jew jew kanye jew kay Caleb and i see oh sorry go ahead i was gonna say Caleb and i secretly wanted to be a google doc because then we could switch out the links and stuff and just add total chaos you just call a number and you're like, hey, which one was this?
Starting point is 03:16:45 And then you play it and it's like something that we like snuck in there, like just like, oop, slid it in there. Okay, go ahead. That's how we get John's link in there. She's giving it to him, man. Okay, maybe she is. Fair enough.
Starting point is 03:16:56 Who am I? Wes said he can't be an anti-Semite since he's Jewish himself. I am Jew also. Do your research on it. I wanted to learn more about his Jewish heritage. So I went to his childhood friends to find out more. That's where he lived.
Starting point is 03:17:13 That was his childhood home. Right up there. It turns out Kanye is indeed from a family of Orthodox Jews right here in Brooklyn, New York. I mean, some people call him the perfect Jew. By bar mitzvah, Kanye. Really? His bar mitzvah was in the synagogue down the block. By lighting the menorah, I used to skip the candles by accident.
Starting point is 03:17:32 And I always just say, Kanye, all the lights. So that's actually from you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all the lights. That's from me. His ad-libs are Jewish professions. So this is where Kanye was chanting every day for years. He would sit right here. Why do you think he says all these negative things about Jews?
Starting point is 03:17:49 He's just a self-hating Jew like me, like you. So Kanye wasn't lying. He really is one of the most Jewish people ever. No matter where you may roam, you can always come back home. No matter where you may roam, you can always come back home. They'll come go you can always come back they always come back listen juye oh shit how about how about how about 241 oh this i think we've done this one first trend chant trans no we're not doing this it's time to go okay
Starting point is 03:18:27 three hours i gotta i gotta be pretty bad i just wasn't gonna break before you all right that's healthy yeah that's pretty pussified if you have to pee before me uh guys um i uh tomorrow morning we have josh bridges on 7 a pacific standard time which is a really weird time to have him on um but we're doing it right i'm looking at the why is it a weird time to have him on. But we're doing it, right? I'm looking at the... Why is it a weird time to have him on?
Starting point is 03:18:49 Because he doesn't like to do morning shows. It's an hour early or later for him, though, too. So it's like 8 a.m. And I'm sure we'll open up the phone lines for that. Then Sunday we have a live call-in show. And then on Monday we have Ronnie Teasdale, Rob Earth. And then on the 28th we have Brett Pike, homeschooling guru. That's going to be fucking awesome.
Starting point is 03:19:10 Ba-boom. Okay. I'll see you guys later. Thanks for tuning in. Frank, Curto, thank you again, dude. That's a new record. Incredible. Yeah. What a trip. Okay. uh kurto thank you again dude that that's a new record incredible yeah or trip okay bye-bye thank you caleb adios

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