The Sevan Podcast - #812 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: February 26, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And this stream here? No. Whenever I want to get into mine, I just open up a private browser.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Oh. Oh, oh, I see. I see. And then I got to go in through there. So the Sevan podcast has a priority on your own browser for admin damn right well it's either that or i once i'm out i'm out and i'd have to ask to be let back in again oh fuck that well never becomes annoying a nuisance i hate being a nuisance bam we're live uh i'm looking um there so at the three hour, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:05 It happened after the three hour mark, we played something from horizon season two to horizon season 22 episode one. Are you racist? And it was from the three hour and six minute mark to the three hour and seven minute mark. And it says this video cannot be monetized and blocked in all territories. So I trimmed it like six hours ago and youtube's still like you know often authenticating it and then there was another one where i talked about
Starting point is 00:01:31 uh did you see the boobs bit about the guy who's like my wife has huge boobs no that's at the end of the show yeah and then he's like i think it's like the very last clip and he's like you know why my wife has big boobs because i don't give up my dreams. When I was an eight-year-old boy, and it's a pretty funny bit. You should play it again. That one, though, it says add revenue paid to copyright owner. So it's eligible. They can choose. Yeah, for revenue sharing.
Starting point is 00:01:59 So they, from what I understand, get alerted, and they can decide whether or not to monetize off of it or just shut it down. How come Instagram, that shit, I'm just pulling that shit off of IG. Is it not? It might be on YouTube somewhere too. But how does, how does, but my point is, is how does Instagram not block that stuff? How do they get away? How do we get away with posting that stuff on Instagram, but not on?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Instagram not blocked that stuff. How do they get away? How do we get away with posting that stuff on Instagram but not on? I have a feeling YouTube's algorithm is way more intricate than the Instagram algorithm. No, but wouldn't they sue? The reason why they have – why aren't people suing Instagram being like, hey, you're letting people steal our shit right like like this this horizon season 22 episode one was a clip i'm sure i played off of instagram and it's on instagram and people can steal it and poach it on instagram and you don't get a message but on youtube for some reason you get fucked
Starting point is 00:02:55 that's interesting i don't have an answer for you on that all right i can speculate that's all it would be Look at your signage back there Yeah you like those? Yeah those are dope Whose idea was that? Those are my idea Dude it's great That's Shia LaBeouf
Starting point is 00:03:17 That's The Rock That's Ruth And that's Napoleon Yeah You know all those guys? I do I didn't think you would I do I know know all those guys? I do. I didn't think you would.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I do. I know who all those guys are. And Labouf, I don't see you really play that clip that often, though. Do it. Those other guys I see you play, but I don't see you play Labouf. I don't know why he gets to go up there. He periodically just walks around the screen and then screams, do it. It's not all that often.
Starting point is 00:03:44 You're right. Trying to think if there's anyone else who deserves it more than him. Not to this point. I got a couple that I'm going to make, though. You idiot. You idiot. It doesn't matter. I try to throw him into everyone.
Starting point is 00:04:06 When I was watching the Medeiros gym walk around and he kept on saying like i had a feeling that maybe i thought that was to you i thought that was to you no i did one with maderos too you've been busy you've been watching my videos no yeah that sucks when was that uh maybe three weeks ago this is bullshit i got i got three days until i hit a year though february 27th and it's been a year right oh congratulations yeah how long are you going on i think you missed a day recently two days you missed two days oh yeah you're going to and coming from Arizona right uh yeah I didn't like it I didn't like that at all
Starting point is 00:04:51 oh you got and you got Hiller fit down there I like that I approve that was your idea I approve okay where's this where's this Medeiros one scroll a bit I'll find it. Right there. Tia Medeiros, the Star Wars background.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah, that one wasn't too bad. I'm in pain. I'm in... Did he say anything to you about it? No, he didn't. Is her gym just way better than his? The biggest difference between the two of them was that hers was almost entirely brand new with a couple of the barbells that she had gotten being
Starting point is 00:05:31 something carried over from a previous whatever, but it seems like half of the stuff he had had before. Um, the things that, did he have a sauna or an ice bath? No, I don't think she had them yet either. She said that she wanted them at some point or they were the plans he got the monkey rig too here's how that worked is their custom rigs so hers was custom and his was custom yeah and there's no way to figure it out so i just kind of
Starting point is 00:06:01 figured how much metal they had in there. And I stuck them in via monkey rigs. Actually, my next video on Madero's is better than this one. When's that coming up? It's right after this one. It was just kind of, if you go back, and then if you go to the one where there's a horse it's just a horse it's the thumbnail that one right there and then do you see this one i think maybe no no no i didn't did he contact you after he made this?
Starting point is 00:06:49 No, but I had them all chopped out and I go, fuck it. I'm going to put it up into its own video with some music. And I don't know why, but I felt like the horse's mane kind of had a little bit of his mullet in it. So I threw up some horses in the background. And it's 200 and something like are you oh are you um are you liking all this oh i want to ask you about this one before i forget let's just start off hot uh handicap or not let's go we talked about that remember you said i didn't have the balls to do it. And you did it. Damn right.
Starting point is 00:07:28 You can't just say I won't do it. God, it's good. You like it? Oh, yeah. Hey, did you choose that as your thumbnail for Froning to pop up or is that random? That's random. Wow, that's lucky as fuck. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:41 It's cool though. Yeah, I don't remember that part of the video. I just watched this today. How could I not remember that part? That was a little joke I had, I guess not so much of a joke because they should be a little bit more clear about what the standards are. Just like kind of everything, I suppose. But this Alan, is it Alan or is it Alec? Alec Zirkenbach, but I love how you kept calling him Alan.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Where's Alec? Alec Zirkenbach. Alec Zirkenbach, but I love how you kept calling him Alan. Apparently, they have to send in a picture, and then they just say, nope, that doesn't work. You don't classify for this category based upon this. Try another category. Hey, look, he's part of CrossFit's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council. That's the one that doesn't even exist anymore. It doesn't exist? They got rid of it? No. Well, they haven't announced that they've got rid of it. But Athena called in the other day, and I've talked to a couple other people,
Starting point is 00:08:38 and they said the council hasn't met in forever. And the chick who runs it, that chick with the mental disorder elaine um she's still there uh head of global diversity equity inclusion it's pretty funny i just think it's hilarious that the guy who's part of diversity equity and inclusion isn't allowing the girl with the fucked up arm into the crossfit competition so good diversity this guy um this guy and i uh recently he's not fully aware of it because he doesn't know what's going on but our paths have crossed he has uh said some shit about. That's gotten back to me. And he, he's treading on very thin water.
Starting point is 00:09:27 He, I, if I was, if I, if I, if I was him, I would, I would not be happy.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I can't tell you guys cause there's lawyers and shit involved, but this is not, this is not someone that I'm happy with his behavior. Alex Zirkin Bach. This is not a Alan. No, it actually is Alec. Oh oh you can call him alan though that's the last time i'll correct you but this guy uh yeah this guy it's funny too because i was trying to
Starting point is 00:09:55 contact this guy to have him on the show to blow up the um for for every this is this is good for you guys to know for all of you who are involved in the uh i don't know what you guys call it the adaptive division or whatever for the crossfit games i tried to have adaptive athletes on to blow that adaptive division up at the crossfit games this year and this guy would not get back to me and and now i know why uh you mentioned it so you gotta spill the beans i really can't i really can't can't. But it's all crazy woke shit. It's like it's more about, it's rehashing some pretty dirty shit.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Seven correcting names. But I, hey, I'll tell you this, Gregory. I hope it comes out. I hope it comes out. I'm dying for it to come out. How would it come out? Allison, I can't wait to tell you about it.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Ask me about it. I can't wait. I've probably told you already. This guy just... Holy... You ever seen Allison's profile picture? No. Not like that. No. I heard I yelled
Starting point is 00:11:02 at a couple of your friends. They were talking real loud Oh at Greg's thing She didn't have any friends there She came by herself She came with her husband and her kids were sick So her husband was with the kids in the room She didn't have any friends there I don't think
Starting point is 00:11:14 Allison do you have any friends there They were just talking real loud I couldn't even hear the speaker So I yelled at whoever that was I wasn't going to yell I just said shh Oh really at Greg's event you shushed someone yeah they were being give me the details about that i want to hear this i want to hear this greg spoke what was it maybe 20 minutes or so and it was great and then each of the guest speakers the doctors had maybe 45 minutes or
Starting point is 00:11:42 so a piece and i think it was the third or the fourth and her name is heather see she said right there oh i i mean you have friends but i don't know i didn't know you had friends there i mean i know you have i'm your friend but and then there was maybe 200 people there in attendance sitting around or maybe 150 i don't know somewhere around there and oh shit it was a trt shush this does kind of fall into the category if i do stuff like this now that usually i would think about now i act on it so i'm sitting in the chair i'm all the way to the left and then behind us i believe you were standing in the back and there's a window and there are these two girls and i guess one of them was allison's friends sitting over there and they're
Starting point is 00:12:24 not having friends there i still dispute that. She did not have any friends there. I still dispute that, by the way. All right. No friends. There were two girls over there and they're talking. And it was as if there was 150 people having the respect and listening to the doctor. And then there was two people having their own conversation. And for all I know, they were talking about whatever that was being said on stage.
Starting point is 00:12:42 But it kind of stretched out a little bit. Right. And I felt as if I gave them 30 seconds and I gave him a minute and then I got up out of my chair and I walked over and it's as she looked up because I was gonna go get down next to her I was gonna go you gotta be quiet everyone here is trying to listen to this guy talk and I can't focus all I can hear is you talking to your friend but all i got to was a shh because she looked up like she knew i was coming for her it felt like i could be wrong well i could be wrong too she says she has a lot of friends there i didn't know you i didn't know you knew anyone
Starting point is 00:13:12 there um and uh and so you shushed her and did she was she like oh sorry sorry oh oh shit it was her i know who it is that's not her friend that's not your friend did you know her dude did you want that because she was drunk oh that chick was loud as fuck i know exactly i'm friends with that girl that chick was crazy that chick talks to me like this like we're on fucking ecstasy at a rave that chick she was now whispering oh yeah she was blasted oh you have okay so back in the day okay okay i i now i know the connection my bad you're right uh allison does know her from way back holy shit i get you and i know exactly where you guys met and everything now wow the librarian no rep Wow. That's Greg's pilot's wife. I'm sure she's a very nice person, but she was very loud.
Starting point is 00:14:11 She's very nice, but she was blasted for like three days. She was, she, they went to, I think she was, she had, she has four kids, so she didn't have her kids with her. And she was, they went to that golf thing that was there that huge golf party i would like a golf party and i would have come yeah yeah what about it though well there was something i wanted to tell you about oh i'm thinking about doing a um golf show with brian friend you mean a disc golf show uh yeah uh yeah he sent me a link to the show I have to watch. I pulled this up for you because I just figured you'd like to read it out loud. Who's the chick with the big tits in the chat?
Starting point is 00:14:55 There's so many. Which one are you talking about? The one without friends. No, she does have friends. I was totally wrong. No, no, no. She's saying she has friends she does she does i was wrong i was okay okay okay i mean i'm her friend i hang out with
Starting point is 00:15:11 her uh by the way um allison we're doing a skate lesson tomorrow with luke uh you're welcome to join us i think it's gonna be like around 1 30 do you know anything about disc golf have you played uh very little there there's a there's a hole right across the street from my house so there's Do you know anything about disc golf? Have you played? Very little. There's a hole right across the street from my house. So there's this huge field that my neighbor has across the street from my house. And then my other neighbors put a couple baskets up in it. So there's that.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I bought some. I bought some. And I've played fucking shitloads of Frisbee, just not with those dumb discs they play with. But I wonder if I can find it. Hold on. Let me see if I can find it. Hold on. Let me see if I can find this and share this. Go ahead. This would be something that I actually should just ask Brian about.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Do they call it froth? Or is that not a thing? Frothing? Like frisbee golf. Froth. Froth? Froth. He must have. Why would you text me?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Me? No, Brian, why would you text me a YouTube video? So you can watch it? No, email that shit to me. I don't watch YouTube videos on my phone. I don't watch YouTube videos on my phone. Really? You're part of that generation.
Starting point is 00:16:21 Where you watch them on the TV. I actually really do like watching. It's a treat to watch them on the TV. I watch all of your shit on the tv i actually really do like watching it's a treat to watch them on the tv i watch all of your shit on the tv all of it with the big old headphones on yeah but you know what i have started doing i've started watching um who watches a youtube video that's like printing a youtube video. I, um, I have been watching them in one and, uh, one and one, uh, one and one quarter and one and a half speed. How does that go? I mean, I can get way more done. I feel kind of bad today. I watched your, uh,
Starting point is 00:16:55 handicap one at regular speed, like just out of respect. It's not disrespectful. If I, if I could, I would just run it quicker. Oh, oh seven your show is doing great no need to sabotage with frisbee golf uh barry mccalkiner uh seven prints his directions you did you have a map book i'm sure you did like a map book that you had sitting in your car for long trips yeah yeah yeah and i had all the map i had maps i love triple a i love maps gone are the days of the map book on it oh i probably need to know for all for not someone in the chat can you answer whether or not it's for all i'm probably going to get in trouble for playing this right I was going to say that don't get in
Starting point is 00:17:45 trouble yeah I mean as it catches that wind really hard to not let the putt get away from you as we see Gannon here I mean that's a that's god that was pathetic I was thinking that was fucking pathetic are you kidding me I should be on the pro i should be on the fucking pro circuit that was a fucking i'm really weak ass toss it was starting to speed up what's that thing in his hand what was that thing in his hand did you see that that little it's like an eye pillow this is really why brian should get away from you as we see oh come on dude you are a bitch that's the same shot it's got i know i had to rewind it i couldn't believe what a bitch he is you go to another one another shot another spot yeah in this video all right you want to see
Starting point is 00:18:38 someone throw with some oomph i just want to see him not suck okay i've seen brian throw one before you can whip it okay oh here's the same dude good feel a little awkward on the second shot in my opinion the front the first eight holes are going to be essentially all tailwind as well so just know that as we look at these the dear god yeah that thing i i strike that comment from the record, Your Honor. He is not a bitch. Look at on ESPN 8, they had a grocery bagging competition. Hey, there's an entire movie on that. You watch your mouth, Barry. Oh, my goodness. Employee of the Month. Come on. It's one of Dane Cook's best films.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Well, you lost me. Dane Cook was in films. Dane Cook's best films. Well, you lost me. Dane Cook was in films? Dane Cook was in films? Yes, sir. He was in that, and he was in the one with Jessica Alba. So he was in, damn, he was in Jessica Simpson and Jessica Alba. Two different movies. Both great. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Let's watch the rest of this throw. Front nine here. Give an opportunity to go really, really big. And Gannon, that was a high shot. That's in a great spot. He's going to have a good angle to the pin, but if he... What the fuck? There's no dress code? What the fuck is this guy wearing?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Hey, that's fucking Bill Henninger plays pro golf. Hey, and yet, no, Allison, it was a Costco movie Oh my god But it was still good One of his best stand up talks Was with a guy Hey I'm gonna watch this The whole thing
Starting point is 00:20:18 Can you see how many views it got It has 421,000 subscribers 3,001 likes 583 fucking comments i am a base and did fuck me up a little bit and got in my head he's like your channel's doing great don't fuck it up hey should i start another channel what would you start it with disc golf yeah just on YouTube like Nate did. That'd be... Hey, go to this channel, Jojo Miz Pro. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And see what their videos look like. Go to their videos and just see how they perform, right? 39, 90, 29. 72. Oh, and dude, these are every couple hours. Look at that. In this one day, it got 400,000 views no so the
Starting point is 00:21:10 2023 season is off to like oh my god how would I ever keep up with this shit can you sort by popular see how their best ones are doing damn damn What with this shit? Can you sort by popular? See how their best ones are doing? Damn.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Damn. Dude. This is your calling. Another sport with fucking. I can see Brian parlaying his presence on your for all things show into his own disc on The Brian friend disc. Where's Sousa when you need them? What's the word you keep using for all F R O L F. Golf is a corrupt sport.
Starting point is 00:21:58 They're all just used to the gills. I'll hear that Brian for all for all theme golf. Foughing. you found it no i just put frothing golf frothing golf balls frothing meaning frothing no frothing frothing yeah froth discs frothing f-i-N-G? Frolf. Oh, Frolfing versus disc golf. Oh, shit, there's something called Frolfing. A Frolf like disc golf is played among groups with a disc, originally a Frisbee disc. That's about where the similarities end. Frolf, unlike disc golf, is a freedom, amorphous, ever-changing game
Starting point is 00:22:41 that can be played anywhere and everywhere in the world. Heidi, stop trying to make for all happen. It's never going to happen. I think this is my balls before sex. I think, I think for all is, um,
Starting point is 00:23:00 for is a correct or corrupt website. I think for all thing is just like you play in the streets and like you hit cars and shit i'm guessing this call seems professional it's like crossfit versus that functional fitness movie on netflix you ever see that no say that again there's this i think it's on netflix it's called functional fitness and it's god awful it makes you want to die the whole time you watch it it's a it's a tv show or it's a what is it you exercise it's a movie it's it's a documentary oh yeah i'll affiliate or have you seen it no i'm sure i'll hate it all the knockoff ones all the ones that in dubai everyone that's not been done by heber and mars or mariah is just garbage sorry it makes you want to die
Starting point is 00:23:51 anyone who wants to feel really bad go watch functional fitness on netflix that movie was so bad judy says functional fitness doc what's there it is. I found it. Should we watch the preview? Hell yeah. I'll pull it up right now. All right. Are we going to get in trouble? Can we watch a preview without getting in trouble?
Starting point is 00:24:13 I think so. Yeah. I think as long as it's a reaction. Calling it Frawlf is like calling CrossFit fast exercising. No shit. Really? Tell me if you can hear this. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:24 I saw it. I like Talena fortune uh fortunato she's cool can you hear it it's one of the most extreme workouts in the market this workout could literally aren't we gonna get in trouble i'm pausing it oh okay oh my god that guy they call him the beast the entire time That guy, they call him the beast the entire time. Is that Rich Froney? Oh, they got Ronnie Coleman? You know who this guy is?
Starting point is 00:24:56 Oh, shit. That was the WWE guy? You actually know some of these people. That was Jimmy. That was like the Hart brothers from when it was WWF. Something goes to death. Did someone hurt? Someone hurt. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:25:12 She's just face down, ass up. That chick is busted. Dude, they gassed this guy up like nothing else. He's just the beast of the box. They call him the fire breather and everything. Hey, Annie. Go to the gym every single day. High intensity is really the best high.
Starting point is 00:25:35 You never heard of this, huh? No, I remember. They got who? Annie Thoris' daughter. Yeah, good on them. Who's protecting her brand? Who let her in that movie? Yeah, that looked like Ron Jeremy. The porn star?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah. Oh, was that Tia? No, I don't think so. Talena Fortunato, yeah. Yeah, any pregnant woman I see, I think is Tia. Talena had twins. She was a beast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:09 That Jason Hopper. Yeah, that is Jason Hopper. He's been in the sport a while. I think Talena was the first girl I ever saw compete with, uh, fake boobs. Those aren't fake.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, she has, I think she has fake boobs. They never moved. They can, they moved around like fake boobs in there. Top comment. Such an exciting movie to watch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Are there any girls now competing with fake boobs? Good question. Like real competitors like in the top like who go to the games? Should we pull up the entire leaderboard just so we have a reference point? We can go, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I was looking. It's a bad idea. Do you follow any UFC? Did you see Conor McGregor's back and he's getting ready to fight again? Yeah, and he's all juiced up. Yeah, he's juiced to the gills. And his face is like different it's it's like he's gone to alexis and she's done something to him like to his eyebrows
Starting point is 00:27:12 or his skin like he looks like he went hollywood he looks like what happened to eddie murphy like he doesn't look cute yeah he looks like what happened to brook ends like something's i look at him and like some my radar is going off it Like he looks like he's starting to look like an AI. It's crazy. Kelly Baker's are not fake. There is no way. I just saw him like that. This is this is what he looks like now.
Starting point is 00:27:39 He's giant. Yeah, he's giant. But I mean, his face like something's too perfect too manicured too he got coiffed oh maybe you think that's it GH is changing his face I know it grew Kelly Baker's tits are not fake dude
Starting point is 00:27:56 dude he's huge I stood next to them I mean her them well the thing about Conor McGregor is he also is so thin from all the weight cutting i mean there was a point in my life where i weighed and i was the same height i weighed 130 pounds do you have a picture of that i do i'd have to find it for sure i'd like to see that sometimes he He's so gone.
Starting point is 00:28:25 No, I asked Danielle Brandon if hers were fake. I asked her on the show. I can't believe I didn't get in more trouble for that. Yeah, those are not fake. And hers changed size during the season. You can see the girls that changed size. Tia's boobs got big all of a sudden. That's a good question because I wonder if you can even compete
Starting point is 00:28:48 with fake boobs that high of a level because they also, a lot of the time, they cut into the pec muscle there. I didn't know that, but I thought they just put a slit in and just fired some juice up in there. There's two types. You can go over
Starting point is 00:29:04 or under the muscle, and apparently the ones that are under also look better. So if you want to get them and get them done right, you go under. And I might be wrong about that. Maybe it's better for some the other way. But if you go under the muscle, there's also a way more strenuous recovery to it. Andrew, how do you know? I know. I know. Clip it. Clip that. Let me. Andrew.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Andrew. How do you know? I've been with people with faith. Oh, you're supposed to do the line. Deliver the line. Andrew. Andrew. No, no.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I do the Andrew. How do you know? And then you go, I know. I know. You do. line, deliver the line. Andrew. Andrew. No, no. I do the Andrew, how do you know? And then you go, I know, I know. You do. You deliver like Terminator. Andrew, how do you know? I just know. There it is. Google, clip that meme.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's Hiller. He just knows. Google, Google. Hey, that could be a great name for one of your videos. I just know. I just knows. Google. Oh, hey, that could be a great name for one of your videos. I just know. I just know. Here. Guys, do you have any idea how much shit Andrew knows that he just can't act on?
Starting point is 00:30:15 Oh, that reminds me. A lot. So you and I were talking about someone today who we suspect is involved in three or four debacles. Did you see in that thread we were on? Someone's like, holy shit. Remember last year? Let me go back a little bit. I'm all over the place.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Last year we did the open, and there were a lot of hiccups, right? You made that video with the list, and it was a shitload of hiccups. And people were like, hey, dude, that's just because it's new. video with like the list and it was a shitload of hiccups and people were like hey dude that's just because it's new and there's a with there's been a change and dave's moved out and like shut the fuck up and be cool and then there was the camp that's like no there's always been this many mistakes you're just not paying attention and now we're off to kind of a crazy start we're off to a little bit dude the list last year i think it was 57 times but that was also over the course of two months this is two weeks right so i'm hearing that the person who was uh the the muscle up are we allowed to talk
Starting point is 00:31:15 about that yeah oh yeah so so the person who what's the guy's name bjorgvins uh i'm gonna i'm gonna have to start a new page in my notebook for this. No, no, no. I don't think it's Bjorgvin. Bjorgvin Carl Goodmanson. Supposedly she was the judge of his muscle-ups. That one I did not hear, but it's very possible, and I guess we can even figure it out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:42 We can go to the live stream and we can look. Okay. Is that the same person who was also judging Vellner this week? figure out okay and then we can go to the live stream and we can look okay and i'll do is that the same person who is also judging velner this week oh wait on the bar for uh who is that at oh yeah and then uh and then velner and then and then this week they're involved in the thruster debacle because they're giving they're saying they're they're they're telling you uh directions on the thruster are you guys following this whole fucking thruster thing? Do you guys want to see something really weird?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Did anyone ever answer you, Andrew, on Instagram? Answer me about what? About the thruster. About what we were talking about with the weight? No, the double bend. In my mind, Adam Neifer,ifer nefer knifer knifer in my mind it would be you'd be hard-pressed to say that there's a better coach than adam knifer just by his creds 10 times crossfit games athlete a 13-year owner of an affiliate and now the coach of uh justin madaris
Starting point is 00:32:39 and ellie turner right i mean he oh yeah there she is is that b yeah, there she is. Is that Bjorgen? There she is. That's the chick, Becky Marsh. Becky. Or Becky Harsh. Becky Marsh. I believe. I'm not sure. But, yeah, that's the same person, isn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So the word on the street is you want to see my thrusting technique? You would have to go to Type in Sevan. I can't pull up multiple screens at once, but that was one screen. And here is the other screen. That's the same person, right? Oh, it is. It's Becky Harsh.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Oh, yeah. Okay. Becky Marsh. Becky Harsh. Okay. Oh, shit. She got a nice butt. Look at that picture she posted.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Is that her butt? That thing's crazy. I like the one on the right. She's a droid. That's the issue here. I like the one on the right. The one on the right looks wider and better. Who am I splitting this?
Starting point is 00:33:39 I think that might be the point, right? I don't know. I don't know. That which, I don't know. Bigger, bigger, which one is, uh, I love how good,
Starting point is 00:33:48 I love a good now. And then on the left, this is this morning and on the right, exactly three years ago, January. Oh, wait on, on the left is this morning.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And on the right was exactly three years ago, January. Oh, so her butt used to be bigger. Oh, she was saying, she's definitely a tanner on the left yeah i don't even see the difference she had a shower head oh good eye
Starting point is 00:34:12 hey this is a trippy then was severe caloric deficit zero alcohol working out in isolation both muscle music both muscle groups uh and people hair extensions uh now eating plenty of food fuel my training soul enjoying some drinks crossfit every day with my people my hair grew i god this is i don't want to this is one of those photos i can't i don't know the difference does any can you it does look as if, well, either she's shifted her hips because clearly she's tilted one way here and she's dead on in this direction. Uh,
Starting point is 00:34:54 you've had a great, I would just say you had a great body then and you have a great body now and I'm glad you didn't get any more tattoos. Thank you. Peace and love. You don't like tattoos. No, I like them. I'm just, they Thank you. Peace and love. You don't like tattoos. No, I,
Starting point is 00:35:05 I like them. I'm just, they're okay. They're fine. I don't have any tattoos. Are you going to get one? That would be something that you would do now that you're all TRT'd up. No,
Starting point is 00:35:16 I always, I sit on it for, I, I, I, I in the past have thought about it and then I sat on it. And after three or four of those deciding that i didn't want one i decided that i'd never want one because i'll never sit on it long enough
Starting point is 00:35:30 and decide that i still want it uh someone is saying that the the one on the left the butt it's more lifted but i think it's just it's hard to tell because of the shadow but anyway um okay so she so she judged she has some job at CrossFit. I don't know what it is. Good picture. Wow. It doesn't matter. Oh, that used to be her.
Starting point is 00:35:57 That's incredible. That fits – and that works perfectly with the rock there. Wow. She seems pretty funny. Like she has a good attitude you're making me not want to rip on her hey hit that one in the middle with that guy what is this for demonstrated competency oh level four which guy this guy right here yeah who's that yeah that guy could be like greg glassman's little brother. This is her husband, it appears. Crazy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:27 You scored, dude. So she, what I'm hearing is that she judged Bjorven Carl Goodmanson. She was responsible for the weights on the bar. I don't know. Do you have any confirmation on that? That she was the one responsible? As much confirmation as I have on many things, which most of them don't go to tape.
Starting point is 00:36:53 For that reason, the only ones that go to tape I've got pretty good confirmation on. But you can see that she was indeed there, correct? She was definitely Bjorkman's judge. I was told she was responsible for the weights on the bar at the weight debacle, 23.1. And then she was Velner's judge. Can we prove that? Can we prove she's Velner's judge? Obviously. Who do you think I am?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Damn, you're good. I'm Caleb, but... Is that her on the right there? That would be her, yeah. She's having another good hair day. Give it a minute. Right there. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Becky, there you are, girl. Okay. But is she the judge just for the... Oh, it's just one judge. Yes. Okay. I bet if we looked at the list oh my goodness somewhere that's her right there oh my god get to the point longest story ever dude have you not fucking figured out what the point is she's the judge for bkg on muscle ups that
Starting point is 00:38:01 were good she's the she fucked up the weights on the bar at 23.1 and she was fucking Vellner's judge and gave him a rep when he fucking did what a Hobart says you're not allowed to do. And then she was also the one who put up that tidbit on how to do a thruster where everyone, you know what a thruster is. Yeah. You know what a thruster is.
Starting point is 00:38:22 You still need me to spell it out to you. Fucking Barry. Barry, my cock in your mouth. Where is that? Where is that? Where is that video? And I guess, yeah, we don't need much more confirmation than that. I just would like to.
Starting point is 00:38:42 There's pictures over there, videos over there. I would like to i would there's pictures over there videos over there i would like to know for sure if i need you to back up the story and just throw this on top of it to finish what happened to the person who messed up the rep count in dan bailey's garage fired 2000 and no longer well fired from that job was still was still allowed to work at CrossFit, but was fired from that job. The one fluid movement from the down all the way to the up. You don't want to sneak an accidental jerk in there and end up with a no rep. That's 20. And that's what he did, right?
Starting point is 00:39:18 He did an accidental jerk in there. It doesn't matter if it was a knee buckle it shouldn't matter that's that's the issue at hand a knee a knee buckle that's like um mormons uh saying it's not sex if you don't thrust if you just do soaking if you just put your penis in there and just chill is that real soaking i don't know that's what i heard could you help yourself if you were in that position? No, I try that sometimes.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I could just sit there and blow. The timer starts from the second it goes in there. Okay. I see. Okay. 3.2. No cheeky business. Once you get the bar to the rack position,
Starting point is 00:40:03 it's just a thruster. And you know what that is. Squat a little parallel, and you then get the bar overhead to the locked-out position in one fluid motion. A squat to a jerk won't count. It's just a thruster. You know what that is. Oh, my goodness. You know what that is.
Starting point is 00:40:22 Okay. I look like you there with the shirt and everything. Except you're all jacked and an old dude but yes your hair is nicer than mine uh i uh where was this knuckle buckle knuckle buckle uh oh uh she was not responsible for loading the barbells in madrid from somebody who was there yeah but he was up in the fucking box he has to protect her he's a good dude he's a good dude he's on her team he's a good dude
Starting point is 00:40:55 and he was up in the box yeah but if he was a good dude and on her team and knew the truth don't you think he would have just not said anything like maybe alright good point that's why I like to do what I do on our team and knew the truth, don't you think you would have just not said anything? Maybe. Good point. That's why I like to do what I do.
Starting point is 00:41:11 I try to see both sides the best I can. I try. How many times is someone allowed to call me during... If you call me once during the show and I say podcasting and then you call back? Well, it depends on who it is. Is it Greg again? Can we get him on? Greg's like, I heard you got a $500 donation.
Starting point is 00:41:36 So I'm calling every show just to pony you up. I got hot. What video do you have coming out tomorrow? Do you know? I went to Arizona. Oh. You can hear it on here, right? And now I can control the back end.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I'm just going to play the intro. Yeah, please. I like that I can do this now. I want to ask you about meeting Don Fall, too. I can't believe you met him. The reality is steroids don't do shit for you if you don't put in the work and learn how to suffer. That's the sport of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Doesn't matter how strong you are, doesn't matter how good at gymnastics you are, you need to put in the work. So people want to say steroids, steroids, steroids, and the reality is you can take all the juice in the world and it sucks. So just look at me. Yo.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Dude, his fucking head is huge. Oh, it's already uploaded? Yeah, it's ready for tomorrow. What do you think I'd do? You think I'd upload it in the morning and die? I don't know. Hey, that's crazy. That's an incredible shot.
Starting point is 00:42:39 His voice is deep, too. He's a fucking man. Hell yeah, he's huge. He's 227 right now, he said at night. Man, did he tell you what he's taking? He's not taking anything. Oh, he's natural? That's what he says.
Starting point is 00:42:58 No shit, he's standing by that? Watch the video, right? Can you click in one i guess we i guess we only do like one of these a month i should just tell you what the video is all about and then people watch it tomorrow too or or can you give us a little bit more like in the middle yeah yeah let's see oh okay we'll uh heidi we'll take a 10 minute break and we'll come back ladies and gentlemen take a 10 minute break heidi has to put her kids to sleep okay let me see let's see do you have him lifting no he's coaching here i'll play this spot is that his girlfriend yes seven seconds seven seconds seven seconds still here no not yet did he tell you i was coming here okay all right we are here All right. We are here with. So, Tune, everybody's favorite.
Starting point is 00:43:46 My favorite, at least. You've always been one of my favorites. And the first question I want to ask, Bill. Yep. You're not in CrossFit anymore. So, Natty or not? Half Natty. Half Natty?
Starting point is 00:43:56 No, Natty. Should I dive into that? Okay. He says he's Natty. And he said he was Natty. And I did a little bit on you with a doctor. I did a live as soon as everything came out. And as you may or may not know, because I don't know who watches any of my stuff and Phil's getting ready to do a class.
Starting point is 00:44:12 And he was nice enough to let me do all this stuff. I wasn't on board with that. I didn't think so. And I don't think many other people were as well. And I don't think you really talked too much about it since. Have you? No, no uh i said my piece and the people are going to believe what they want to believe and uh i know the reality of of the sport and competition i don't really have much else to say in regards to that okay well what about did you ask him if he's a black guy or a white guy
Starting point is 00:44:51 i don't think he's black uh i can't fucking believe he's natural from the bit you've educated me on about fucking juice i i told him that i didn't think so right there even i said you heard me say i don't think so and i don't think so and he just he said he is hey why wouldn't he just come clean is he doing some sort of sport or something god did you see his ass is huge in this video the squatting video did you see this he squats 500 for 10 and i asked him i go how is that possible because i am like i said i don't think that you are i said it there i'm saying it now i don't think that you are. I said it there. I'm saying it now. I don't think so. But tell people how this is possible. You're squatting 500 for 10, and you're 20 pounds heavier. And then I have this bit right here where he tells me how come, how to get massive. There you go.
Starting point is 00:45:37 No cardio, consistency, eat a lot, don't waste any energy. So basically, he eats 5,000 calories a day. He never does any conditioning, which is mainly what he did in the sport of CrossFit. And then we don't waste energy is kind of a bit that I've had as well, which is once I stopped coaching at the affiliate spending 10 to 12 hours on your feet a day. And I sit here all day. I got stronger just from not moving as much. Well, that's interesting. I do. He is.
Starting point is 00:46:07 He's fun to hang out with, right? I mean, I enjoyed interviewing him. He's cool. He's a very cool dude. Yes. And so is Jordan. His chick? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 There they are. This is him in CrossFit shape. Oh, her body's crazy, too. Dude, she's strong as fuck, too. She's a power lifter um she's kenneth kenneth the lap i'm out maybe you could choose different words next time i'm going to enjoy time with my wife see y'all tomorrow night okay his class i didn't say this in the video and i wish i had had a bit on this so maybe i'll say it now he has this gym called iron sanctuary i don't believe
Starting point is 00:46:45 that it's an affiliate but it's very similar as you can tell just by looking at it and on saturdays i stopped in and i got him during the gymnastics class and afterwards there's a strongman class and before it was the crossfit style class and i thought that was very cool because what people would end up doing is they would do the gymnastics class and stay for the strongman or they would do the crossfit style class and then stay for the gymnastics and either way they were kind of touching on a couple of different parts of it so i did think that that was cool how they were running it so everyone here they're doing a bunch of rope climbs they're doing handstand push-ups and basically skill work
Starting point is 00:47:21 which is something that i hear out of a lot of affiliates that they don't get very much of just some, some skill work on that sort of stuff. And then the strongman class after they've got yokes, they've got sleds. What is she? What? Look at her face. What ethnicity is she?
Starting point is 00:47:37 She's foreigner. This is why you're a better interviewer than I am. I like those drawers there too. Those steel drawers. Those are cool. They are cool. Now you're the one noticing stuff in the background. No, is that video published?
Starting point is 00:47:54 No, not yet. Tomorrow morning. What time tomorrow morning? 8 a.m. Central. Hey, have you ever had a bad day? Actually, if you go on Twitter. Sorry, I wanted to say that. If you go on Twitter, I posted it on Twitter already.
Starting point is 00:48:07 No shit. Why do you do that? To draw people there? Sometimes I do that, right? Draw people to Twitter. They can go follow the link through my Twitter, at HitlerFit. And what was your question? Have you ever had a hurt knee?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Yes. Why? Like that lasted more than a day? Yeah, twice. I've had, I bumble it out in CrossFit once. And then basically the way I've always fixed it whenever it's tweaked in CrossFit is I pull a sled backwards and it always fixes it. I don't know why, but then I see the knees over toes guy has a lot of backwards walking on
Starting point is 00:48:41 treadmills and it fixes it. There's something that goes on. But then the other time I'd pop my meniscus wrestling in college popped it what's that mean it's a way that i say it was a minor sprain it kept me out for a couple weeks that was it sometimes when i mix movements like i mix deadlifts and squatting or something or deadlifts and i just i just make i or no you know what it is it's uh deadlifts and squatting or something or deadlifts. And I just, I just make, or no, you know what it is? It's deadlifts and heavy D balls, like shouldering balls. So if I do, if I mess up your knees, is that what you're saying? Just like my knee will just hurt a little bit the next day,
Starting point is 00:49:16 but it'll usually go away really quick. Like what part of it? Unless that's the middle day, this part right here, right here. Inside. Is that your right or your left knee? That's my left knee. Less than a day. This part right here. Right here. Inside. Is that your right or your left knee? That's my left knee. So my left knee. The inside.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Right there. Yeah, just on the inside. Just like a little sore there. Like almost like it hits something. Like it's bruised. And this morning, it hurt a little. Yesterday, I did this fucking crazy fucking workout. I basically did 100 dead
Starting point is 00:49:45 lifts and 100 burpees and 120 calories on the assault bike as fast as i could okay and 100 dead lifts 100 burpees 100 cows on the bike yeah and i started with 100 no i think i did 120 calories on the assault bike in 10 minutes basically i had 10 minutes to do and the goal was to 120, 100, 100. So I did 120 calories on the assault bike. Then I did 120 calories, 100 burpees. And then I did 100 deadlift. And I had to fit them all in.
Starting point is 00:50:16 That's it. I'm Googling it. I'm not. I'm not Googling shit. And then today, this morning, my knee was just a little sore on the inside. And then now it's fucking really it's really hurting i did it i did it pretty fast for me too i was fucking wounded i did it when you do burpees say it again do you ram your knees to the ground during your burpees not really i'm pretty like i bet no no i don't that's a good that was a good that's a good question that's's a good, that's a good assessment though.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I'm so strong in that bottom anyway. I just pop, I just explode out. I made my kids do 200 burpees yesterday. I've never made him do that, by the way. Avi said he was fucking sore today. I usually have him just do a hundred. Anywhere up your leg, is there anything tight? Like if you were to grow up into your groin and play around on the inside of your thigh there's nothing fibrous and no not that not that i know of it should have
Starting point is 00:51:09 gone away by now but as i sit here it's getting worse i'm like wait what's going on interesting i'm not a doctor but i would bet usually that happens from what i've seen from doing too many squats christine just says you're you're old and then i would try to do you have a sled just pull that thing backwards for 400 meters or so dear bill and katie i don't have a sled i wish i did no i don't wear knee sleeves i don't wear any the only thing i wear is i wear a shin um whatever it is you don't know what i'm talking about like up in here where there's sometimes your your adductors are just a little bit too tight.
Starting point is 00:51:47 They got rope in there. You're like, oh, shit, I got to stretch this guy out. I just wear when I deadlift or do rope climbs, I wear whatever that thing is that protects your shins. That's a good question. Are your toes forward or angled outward when you land on top for your burpees? Usually my toes are forward. I'm pretty explosive and i keep my feet close i don't let let myself start turning into a duck you know we gotta see you work
Starting point is 00:52:10 out one of these days even when i squat i squat narrow you're a flexible dude yeah so one of the most and most accurate things i'd ever seen and heard was when I was in California with you in Newport. And I think we were off the show and Susan and I were talking and you walked away to the window and you do one of these. Yeah. You put your arms behind your back. Yeah. And Susan goes, yeah, he looks like that old Asian man when he looks out the window with that huge stretch. And it's just like I could see it happening.
Starting point is 00:52:47 It was pretty funny. Hey, it's funny because I learned that from my grandfather. My grandfather would walk like that. And he would walk around with his hands behind his back like that. Are you kidding me? Who moves better, you or TDC? Dave moves like a fucking chicken that got shot with a 12 gauge. He moves horribly.
Starting point is 00:53:13 The one thing that Dave's really good at that I just can't fucking believe that he's better than me at, for sure, that I just can't believe is bar muscle-ups. Like, I think he could do 20 unbroken which is this is this is fodder for my channel but you've seen this but if you ever see dave squatter run it's fucking scary no is that sarah sigman's daughter it's sarah i think sola and annie no shit sarah's at Annie's gym? I had something to do on this, but this makes it easier on me. And Barry keeps on saying, let's talk about Annie's no reps.
Starting point is 00:53:54 What no reps? Exactly. That's what we're here for, no? Unless you'd rather not. I mean, it is your show. No, no, no, no, let's do it. Let's do it. I'm so game. I mean, it is your show. No, no, no, no. Let's do it. Fuck, let's do it. I'm so game. I love just the flow of the show.
Starting point is 00:54:09 There's no... This is going to be like my morning. Oh, they're all on the same bar? So... Is Sarah's chin going over the bar? So that's the issue here. This is what I was going to do a bit on. I had this all teed up and ready sarah's judge is back here that's where i'd be right why the fuck would you
Starting point is 00:54:32 be just like look at her back every time she does a pull-up before crossfit pulled down my video which they did and they should have done it the only thing that i kept on reading over and over again is that the proper position to be standing and judging people on just about every single movement was three-quarters out in front. So if you're judging her, you don't stand in front. You don't stand behind. You stand three-quarter position out in front. Can you see where my mouse is right here?
Starting point is 00:54:58 It's kind of right out here. Or even over by these numbers. But it's basically where Frederick and whoever the fuck this is over here are standing. Frederick's probably a little bit too perpendicular or horizontal to Annie, but this is a good position, this guy over here.
Starting point is 00:55:13 45 degree angle. Right. How the fuck is Sarah's chin getting over the bar there? I know we're far away, but I wouldn't... That's about as high as it gets right um i would bet uh ten dollars it's not oh shit this fucking thing don't zoom in oh that sucks i don't know how i don't know how they do that on your your side of it but oh no is poor sarah gonna fucking not make it to the games
Starting point is 00:55:44 because of this video absolutely not because cross poor Sarah going to fucking not make it to the games because of this video? Absolutely not because CrossFit ain't going to do shit and it sucks. That's the issue that we're facing this year, in my opinion. I hope no one from CrossFit is watching this. Her reps are fine. Well, the thing is about the horizontal
Starting point is 00:56:00 plane. Let's watch this. Sorry, and then say it. Sorry. I want to see a bunch more. Okay. Okay. So there are some, and that didn't look like her chest touched the ground. But that one was clearly... Oh, that's solid. That one was clearly okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So she's winning this workout? Does she beat you? Are we going to get in trouble? Are you going to get us in trouble? For what? For playing too much? Yeah. I just paused it for you. I'm going to go to CrossFit Games and see the leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So Barry said, let's talk about Andy's no reps. But if you ask me, that was a good one by Sarah. Yeah, Andy's doing it. Right. Oh shit. The game's website is totally different now. Dude, where the fuck have you,
Starting point is 00:56:52 where do you go for the leaderboard? There's no leaderboard button. There is too. So this one looks better than a couple of them. It says a game season competition athletes media where's the leaderboard there's no leaderboard i got it tell me which button is in game season filter over open and then a sidebar pulls up and you can go to leaderboard oh jesus he had nothing to do with this i heard it was dave eubanks who created the new website it's horrible
Starting point is 00:57:30 it's already horrible you can already tell it's a fucking mess it's whoever picked that picture behind the leaderboard it's horrible with that girl doing the burpee with her hair up like that how am i supposed to understand all this shit alex kazan first place it's like a lot of these look just about fine and like you don't need to do more than you need to do hey that that chick on the right is solvig is that solvig i do believe so yeah she's in fifth place worldwide yeah she's in ninth holy shit what leaderboard is to finalize in a couple of days so i'd say that 80 of these from sarah if not more look good and here's the other thing is the angle of this camera you're going to get a better look and because because pointing up on
Starting point is 00:58:21 the bar it's going to look higher than it would if it were horizontal. And when you have to break the horizontal plane of the bar, the camera would be best placed horizontal to that bar to get a best video of it. Yeah, that is kind of a joke where her judge is. Was that BKG rubbing the back of the other judge? I didn't see that, but BKG's in here, no? I don't see Annie or Sarah on page one. Oh, Haley Adams. Dude, they don't have their scores in yet.
Starting point is 00:58:55 That's the thing. I think I've seen this. This is a... There's a Haley Adams from Australia who's in 73rd place. That one is a no rep. Oh, okay. Let me see. What were we looking at? Oh, you're back. Here, check it out.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Buster, walk, walk, walk, dump, back. That looked good. What was wrong with that? Are you looking at Annie or are you looking at Sarah? Annie. Annie looks fine. Yeah, that looks great. Hey, although it says the bar has
Starting point is 00:59:27 to be over your body how's the look over here i don't i don't animate our back far enough no she's fine amongst amongst the things that we're dealing with that one's gonna be okay and if you watch Sarah there, it's hard to tell whether this is not her submission video. This is Andy's submission video. Sarah's just in the background. What do you think? Was that one good? No, that's a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Thank you for checking. I'm testing you. I appreciate it. I passed the judge's course with that. Here's Solvig over here. Annie, if you can get out of the way, that'd be great. We're trying to watch. Oh, my God. That was crazy. She was warring with that.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Right. That was close. Sarah, like that squat. I know she had an issue with the knee okay that's good one more time oh oh so people are gonna look at that slight right knee and that's the issue yeah i see that little dip and people are people everywhere and there was a conversation going in the group chat about this. Did you see that? No.
Starting point is 01:00:47 The conversation in the group chat was basically, there's a spectrum in which the scores are now going to be put into the leaderboard. At least this is how I'm looking at it now. Based on skin color? That's exactly what I would say. Now, 10 out of 10 thruster looks something like a video I put up today with Dimitri Koclov and a handful of people in the lighter weights because it looks as if they were doing 95, 65.
Starting point is 01:01:15 They're 10 out of 10, exactly the way that a thruster is supposed to look where once the knees and the hips are extended, they remain extended through the top position. Correct? That's on your youtube video where you're rating them or um no i'm not no no no this is this is another bit that i'm going to do on a future video with the permission of somebody from our group chat and a thruster of theirs at least at this point unless they change their mind but was it john young yes okay so you Was it John Young? Yes. Okay. So you kind of do know what I'm talking about. Yep.
Starting point is 01:01:52 So at which point the thruster that was hit before the final thruster looks immaculate because there's no reason to be warring with it, as you just said. But when the war comes into play, that's when the discrepancies are now starting. Are you dipping? Are you walking? Did you go forward? Did you go backwards? What does it mean to step forward? Is it now a split jerk to a degree? Because technically when you walk, you are now re-dipping. And if you say that you can walk, the only way you can do that,
Starting point is 01:02:14 as you can see in Ben Smith's comment on Twitter, is to bend the knee, which is the Game of Thrones quote. I kept plugging that into my video today. They bend the knee. You can't walk without bending the knee. CrossFit says you can't re-dip, but they say you can walk, and you can't have one without the other. So it's kind of confusing. So what CrossFit has now done is they have allowed the entire world to have abstract visions of what the thruster is. Now, I've created a spectrum, and in my head,
Starting point is 01:02:43 the vision in which we've gotten in the chat of the individual who hit the final heaviest lift has an 8.7 out of 10 on the thruster which if it's anything other than a 10 out of 10 it should not be allowed which is what we heard from greg earlier on the show oh yes oh shit what do you think John did? Do you think he did the accidental jerk? There's a redip. But everyone in the fucking world is going to go, it was your last one, it's okay, and everyone's doing it anyway. Well, why are you saying that?
Starting point is 01:03:15 Well, they let Vellner do it on the live stream, and that is the issue. Look at this comment by Adam Knifer. Have you seen this seen this oh yeah you i think you commented on it yes this is my video today this dude oh it is okay this dude wants to this dude wants to uh run this in his um affiliate affiliate yeah he's got 200 people to put through the open. And he wants to know, I'm going to read what Adam Neiffer says.
Starting point is 01:03:49 I'm actually very unclear on the thruster standard. You guys, there's very few people in the space. He's probably one of the most senior people you could be in the space of CrossFit, period. He's on the pantheon of fucking affiliate owners, the top 10, top 10 coach, top 10 everything. He's been everywhere. He knows everyone. I'm he has greg's phone number in his phone if that dude called me i'd pick up immediately i'm i'm actually very unclear on the and he's justin madaris is an ellie turner's coach i'm very uh and he's been to the games 10 times i'm actually very unclear on the thruster standard i understand that a front squat followed by a push jerk is not allowed and that the bar must travel from the bottom of the squat to the overhead
Starting point is 01:04:28 position in one fluid motion. My question is, does this need to be a strict thruster with no re-bend of the knees or is the re-bend of the knees allowed as long as the barbell continues to move in one fluid motion as we saw from Pat on the live announcement? Saying that we know what that means about the thruster on this video does not clear it up i am actually not sure what it means just trying to clear the standard up before we brief the whole gym for the workout tomorrow thank you crossfit responds dear dear crossfit do not fuck if someone asks you how old you are and you say 74 pounds you come across like an asshole crossfit responds feet moving is okay as long as they stabilize the lift that no one even knows what that means why have you introduced this stabilized lift no one knows what the fuck that means jerking or re-dipping is not. Okay. So the rep must be completed in one fluid motion from the bottom of the squat.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Go ahead, pull that up. What do you want me to read? Tank top Todd. Hiller got butt hurt. People frame by framed his muscle up lockout and then frame by framed their thrusters. Incorrect. I frame by framed my own muscle ups because people don't know what the fuck they're talking about. frame by frame, my own muscle-ups because people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Then Hiller responds to CrossFit Games and says, CrossFit Games, can you tell us whether or not what Vellner did on the live stream fits the description you just provided? Dude, that's such a fucking easy question to answer. Hey, they must be scared. Is that what you and I were talking about? That's it.
Starting point is 01:06:03 That's what we were talking about. Tell me why you think they're scared. Look at, this is fucking CrossFit Roots, dude. This fucking gym probably goes on that same pantheon with fucking Adam Neiffer. Who the fuck are, who is Tank Top Todd?
Starting point is 01:06:22 CrossFit Roots is Nicole Christensen. That's the gym. She's probably level four too, by the way. Yeah, she wants to know. Nicole Christensen wants to know. Yeah, she has the same question. This is CrossFit level four. She works for fucking CrossFit Inc.
Starting point is 01:06:39 She wants to know. Hey, this guy, this person who's answering the crossfit games uh it has is like just a nobody just like some fucking ding dong like the person who's answering all of these yeah the person who works for crossfit is answering this is just a ding dong like just like uh just a ding dong it's nobody it's the same thing everywhere yeah exactly somewhere told them to say that everywhere oh my goodness what a fucking piece of work oh unbroken biscuit crossfit games is not answering so i'm asking you could you please explain to me how it is anatomically
Starting point is 01:07:19 possible to lift the foot from the floor and afford so what does crossfit need to say they just need to say what hit what uh they just need to be like yes adam you nailed it as long as the bar is moving forward and doesn't start moving up and doesn't stop a knee bend is okay that would be a fucking wonderful response right and we'd be like okay thank you what do you think they're afraid of why are they afraid to commit one way or another? Is it like why I didn't want to like, like, is it like being in high school and you want to, you just want to keep the door open in case you meet someone this weekend?
Starting point is 01:07:52 I mean, like, what are they doing? Why don't they just answer? It's so easy. They're running a competition. They need rules, right?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Remember yesterday after the show we were in, I was in my house and it was me and susan alexis walked in and she had no idea what was going on yeah i asked her hey how do you do a thruster and then she explained it yeah and then one of us goes what if you walk around she goes that doesn't count and i think that that might be the best way because alexis works all day like she got she left at 9 a.m and then she got back at 9 p.m., and she had no idea what the fuck was going on. So she walked in, and we asked her.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And this is the issue. In three seconds, you should be able to say, I've been doing CrossFit for X amount of time, and this is what a thruster looks like. If it doesn't look like that, for this reason, then it doesn't count, and they're unable to say that. And I think that Alexis actuallyis actually and why and why why what why are they unable to say that this is this is what happened alexis next goes maybe 30 minutes later they're leaving it open
Starting point is 01:08:59 because now they've opened the door and they're afraid to shut it which is what you just said you just said that but you you have the high school example you want to opened the door and they're afraid to shut it, which is what you just said. You just said that, but you, you have the high school example. You want to leave the door open so that if things go awry, you can't be pointed at to say, you said this and you're now allowing this. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:09:16 It's almost what happened last year. Everyone's pointing out things that went wrong, but now there isn't any clear instance as to what is wrong. So everything is okay god that this is this is crazy frustrating i hear you uh barry mike cockner um i was referring to annie shuttle runs it looks like she didn't cross over the line okay we'll go back to that in one second uh extra sloppy when you dip you drop under the bar if the knee bend does not clearly involve an improvement of position under the bar the rep is good oh yeah is that what you think you think he's i i i disagree with all of it i disagree with all of it.
Starting point is 01:10:06 I disagree with all of it. What do you think? What do you, what, how can you disagree with all of it? What do you think? You just, you have to do it the way Annie did it the way we saw Annie do it or the way
Starting point is 01:10:15 we saw, um, uh, I saw someone else do one today. You have, or I, uh, we saw,
Starting point is 01:10:20 um, uh, in our thread, someone posted, um, who's the super strong guy, Thor, Rochelle?
Starting point is 01:10:26 Raleigh. Raleigh. Griffin Raleigh. Yours has to look like fucking Griffin Raleigh's or Annie Thor's daughters. I disagree. I think the second you buckle your knee, it's a fucking, or whatever, you can call it whatever you want. 100%. That's what we think.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Yeah, I think that you're getting an advantage dimitri colclough yeah so this guy sure makes a lot is saying hq fucked up saying you can move your feet and they know it i don't know though here's the thing you have to remember adrian has kind of set precedent that um he likes to leave these things open. He did it with the sandbag. There you go. That's what she was saying. Never seen anyone do frame with a knee bend. Right?
Starting point is 01:11:12 Yeah, it's fair enough. Yep. I'm telling you what it means. Dipping under the bar improves your position. If the stepper buckle does not improve your position under the bar. Hey, dude, I think for sure if you made it, if you can lock out, then it improved your position. The way that I put it in my video is there are people in this world such as dimitri kolkov who practice this for a living they do one movement maybe not the thruster but they snatch they clean
Starting point is 01:11:37 a jerk and maybe even roman is one of those people and now he has the opportunity to express that strength and what happens when you allow people to fuck around like this is they kind of bastardize the work those other people have done to get there. Look at this. Dick Butter doesn't fucking get it. Dick, I'm going to explain something to you. Don't worry about, don't worry about the people who are walking around. You guys are overthinking these knee bends. When someone is making a small stutter step,
Starting point is 01:12:02 Vellner didn't make a small stutter step. Hey, you want to do something really quick i can re-bent his fucking knee dude i don't care what you call it a re-dip a buckle or whatever he re-dips this is good the re-dip is defined by bending at the knees before your arms are at extension the thruster your knees and hips are extended followed by a pressed overhead stabilization isization is not a re-dip. You ready for this? Sure. Oh, the Heidi Krum's thing. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Nice ass. Boom. Here we go. Oh, she re-dips, right? She re-dips. Yeah. i give it to her but yeah there she is i know oh shit she takes responsibility all right she doesn't she's strong enough to where she doesn't have to well you say that but it wasn't expressed there and right right right right i'm still saying that she you know if she was games athlete i would ding her for that a thrust a thruster jerk yeah but in a way that's exactly what velner's 270 looked like just a degree less less obvious
Starting point is 01:13:20 less obvious but yes and then i got one more to show you uh oh now that you paid 4.99 i totally agree with you uh let's not let crossfit standards make crossfit as unbearable to watch as weightlifting why not know up everyone who presses out of a lift to then why not know everyone this is what it's supposed to look like Why not know everyone? This is what it's supposed to look like. When did he do that? Nine years ago.
Starting point is 01:13:58 What do you think? I didn't see any rebound or anything. That's because that's what it's supposed to look like. Cozy Ghost, in competition, the best solution is no knee bend. The weights may be lower, but the standard of no dip, walk, step, strut, dance would level the field. And that's the fucking thing. That's the, yeah, that's it. There's no, that's it. Cozy Ghost, comment to the day.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Oh, okay. And Annie. Okay. Sarah wants us to go back to Annie. You want us to look at, you look amazing, Sarah Cox. What about Annie? I thought we saw hers. It looked fine. Did it not? Um, uh, don't worry, Phil. I'm on T now too. Sarah, you're the shit.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Damn right, Sean. Okay. Let's go look. Let's go look back at, uh, um, Annie Thor's daughter.. Damn right, Sean. Okay, let's go look back at Annie Thor's daughter. Sir, yes, sir. Great to see California Hormones is in the chat. Go to If you have any questions about any of that, you can call Hiller and ask him, and he can give you anecdotally uh his um his journey with ca you can also he does a video called TRT Thursday and
Starting point is 01:15:11 then when you go to the website it's that right knee and then they'll walk back uh and then when you go to the website you can type in the password seven you get a free doctor's consultation and if you're in california you can get free blood work and i think they're they're gonna have some new offices in northern california here soon too did she even like hold that thing over her head what the fuck is this the one you're talking about earlier i mean that's not over the middle or slightly behind your body it's a good thing she went heavier what the okay let's uh then we want they want to look at her shuttle runs mr hiller all right they're saying she didn't clear the line okay any of them or which one is there a time if i can go to here let's go let All right. That one, she's clearly crossing the line. That one did not.
Starting point is 01:16:09 What the fuck? Go back to that one. What the fuck? This is the line, like right here. Because that's also like right under the pull-up bar. They're all going to that line. What did she just hand to Frederick? There you go. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh, shit. This is the line right here oh so she's is he allowed to hand her chalk mother of god hey there's the yellow line over there that she's that that i'm looking at oh which one it's not this one right here that's not the one that you're talking about no i was i can't even see that one there's a line right there in front of the matting okay right there are the mouses like she's across the mouse it looks like she's stepping on the line of her being completely honest
Starting point is 01:17:02 which isn't good because this is a submission video. Usually, the pull-up bar is being put right underneath the front of the line, which is where they're all running to. You can see it more clearly over here by Sarah, right? This right here? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:23 I guess it would just be the equivalent of that next to annie dude sarah's judges that's a fucking major mistake dude terrible it's terrible it really is the thing that really pisses me off and this is what everyone didn't get about rich's videos like he's that wasn't a submission video by rich i go yeah that's the fucking point it's a promo for crossfit mayhem and they're not trying to incriminate Rich Froning by showing something that people are confused about, that being the wall ball height. That was the big thing of contention right then was where are we supposed to throw the wall ball? Froning is clearly throwing it somewhere now none of us know because it's a promo video. And in this thing, which technically would be a promo video for or daughter
Starting point is 01:18:06 YouTube channel. Hey, everyone go watch Annie do the workout. Okay, cool. But she's incriminating Sarah with this judge right here. And nobody thought of it, but that's a,
Starting point is 01:18:16 that's a fucking great point. That is a fucking great. How did people not? I wish this is me driving that point home. That is a Davidsonidson the video man awesome job because he's protecting the athletes buttery bros they fucked over catrin in that one video that was my buttery bros exposed because hey look at look at catrin david's daughter not doing a single rep but we're still going to put this into our freaking video
Starting point is 01:18:40 and now you got sarah here getting torn up because andy wanted to put a video on the internet like is her chin over the bar i don't know why can this guy even tell fuck no we can't tell he's in the wrong spot who are you who is this person why was barry mccawkner uh watching this who watches this shit we do i don't know man i i would never watch this unless there was commentary or something that i could take away and bring to you guys so so barry we didn't she looks like she's crossing the line to me fuck have i been drinking tonight no i have not i'm going to the workout description to see if there's anything about giving shock. Hey,
Starting point is 01:19:26 you know, my mom, my, my mom has been used as the demo girl for both 23.1 and 23.2. Like in the, in the literature for the masters athletes, it's all my mom doing the demos for the movements for the scaled movements. That's where she was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 It's pretty cool. Right. That's very cool. How do I see that? You don't want to pull that up. Do you? No, I would,
Starting point is 01:19:49 I, I, uh, foundations, upper I'm looking for masters, right? Yeah. I had a link on my phone and my,
Starting point is 01:19:58 this, my phone's not directly connected to this computer. It kind of sort of is. Well, see, you told me that, and then I was looking for it when I was doing the judges course and I didn't see her
Starting point is 01:20:08 in the judges course, so I figured it was somewhere else. Uh-oh. And I don't see it on here either. Thought I was getting in trouble. Oh. I wonder where Susan is. Don't tell anybody. Susan's drunk. Don't tell anyone what your mom i thought no no no my mom's trouble no oh no no here we go okay yeah i see it here
Starting point is 01:20:35 uh i'm gonna send uh you a link to it hold on i do not read anywhere being anything about not being able to be handed chalk what did you say you just did you sent me a you sent me something I sent you the PDF but you're not allowed to interfere with the oh well you're not allowed to touch
Starting point is 01:20:59 any of the equipment is the chalk part of the equipment I don't even know why they fuck around with that stuff like if it says in the rule book like no one's allowed to touch anything unless otherwise stated like why does anyone even like risk that this is what this is what you wanted up right there she is yeah week two there's my mom she was there for week one too kind of cool right when did they do this oh a long time ago when i worked there oh that's not true maybe i'd already been fired i think there was something fun that was kind of funny a funny
Starting point is 01:21:36 part of it too that you rub it in your face hey i'm still being featured no but it was funny too because um she would go there and there were people there she liked, but there were people that I would just tear up on the podcast like fucking Eubanks and shit. And she has to walk next to them? Stand in the same room as them? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:21:58 I don't know. She's her own person. She handles it good. She's a nice person. How old is your mom? 104. Shut the fuck up. 79. Maybe she's a nice person 104 shut the fuck up 79 maybe she's 80 79 so say for whatever yeah i don't care hey listen fucked hard uh mark fuentes who cares if they get handed chalk what possible advantage does someone get over anyone else oh look the rest of us had
Starting point is 01:22:22 to reach down three inches to get more chalk dude there's fucking rules just for a fucking reason that's all i'm saying if there's fucking rules and you're a professional athlete then just follow the rules lock your fucking knee out don't have someone fucking throw you granola bar in the middle of the fucking workout no no other no i hate to use other sports as examples but no other sports are fucking doing that unless it's just part of the fucking protocol like in um what's that sport where they fucking run that in a marathon like they got the fuck they they like they got the state you got to run the route and they got the stations and the people throw you water and you can stop and get it and blah blah blah like you just have the rules or don't have the fucking rules oh he wrote a
Starting point is 01:23:09 skateboard but it was only for 100 feet and actually a skateboard makes it harder because that kicking motion is less efficient and burns more energy no you can't ride a skateboard even for 100 feet even if it was harder i'm just saying keep the fucking rules that's it i'm just saying keep the fucking rules. That's it. I'm just saying keep the fucking rules. Or don't. But they have rules. And it would be so much easier. And that's what fucking Hiller and I are just getting off on, on the fact that they're not following their own fucking rules.
Starting point is 01:23:36 In the presentation for 23.2, James Hobart came on afterwards and said, don't anyone try anything like a sneaky accidental jerk cheeky cheeky boy and sneaky he says sneaky and cheeky it's like dude you can't write a better script for fucking hillar and i to be like what it's just it is what it is what it is oh you know i just looked at that and i go wonder if someone's gonna call in it's just it is what it is what it is oh you know i just looked at that and i go wonder if someone's gonna call in it's like i triggered them to call call her hi well i just wanted you to give have the opportunity to just you know yell at me in person instead of mark
Starting point is 01:24:17 fuentes in the house this is good okay tell us school us. School us, Mr. Fuentes. Well, I think the common movement, like Claude, covers the whole skateboard thing, if you were to want to do that. But chalk is like, sure, why not? Why not have someone at a granola bar either? They'll probably slow down their workout. They probably wouldn't want to, but I just don't get it. Hey, if you were trying to get to the games, would you fuck around with any of that?
Starting point is 01:24:50 With someone handing me chalk? just with any like like like it says in the rule book no one's allowed to touch any of the equipment unless stated by crossfit inc would you yeah but talk talk is not equipment okay well i would i i wouldn't screw with anything i wouldn't draw any attention to myself for like, for anything. So what is water equipment? Yeah, I don't think I wouldn't have anyone interfere with my workout at all. Zero. If I, if I was, if I was an actual games level level, uh, if I wanted to make it to the games, I wouldn't, I wouldn't do anything to draw attention to myself at all like that I wouldn't have anyone hand me water I wouldn't have anyone
Starting point is 01:25:28 hand me chalk I wouldn't let my judge touch me at all I would be just I would be serious as a fucking heart attack I'd be scared that some dickhead like Hiller would catch me and it wouldn't be some compassion do you care if someone hands someone water or chalk in a
Starting point is 01:25:44 workout it depends on whether or not there's a rule against it would the bad signal go up and it wouldn't be some compassion. Andrew, do you care if someone hands someone water or chalk in a workout? It depends on whether or not there's a rule against it. Would the bad signal go up? Go ahead. I think water and chalk is very different than turning on the rower and there is no rule against water or chalk. I think it's very different than turning on the rower too.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I still wouldn't do it. Now, I do think that there should be a rule saying that you should have no extrinsic help on an open workout. That's what I think. Because the other day or yesterday, I did the workout in here and everyone watched me do it. And I didn't have, number one, a judge. But let's just say that I wanted to submit a video online and I had to change my own weights. I am at a huge disadvantage for having changed my own weights compared to
Starting point is 01:26:28 everyone else who now did the workout. And let's just say I did have a judge. Now that judge's job is also to change my weights, but that's not their job. Their job should be to judge. Correct? Yeah. I think that I think up here is they should say you cannot have any help. Your judge is there to judge. If your judge gives you water, that's help. The only reason why you should get help for changing weights, the only reason you should get help is if you're running the games and just for the sake of logistics, you have to have help
Starting point is 01:26:58 so that you're not taking forever to get everything on and off the field and stuff like that. Or how about this? How about this? to get everything on and off the field and stuff like that or how about this how about this if i'm if i'm a if i'm a black guy and it's saturday night at 8 p.m and i'm on the freeway and the speed limit 65 i go 64 i don't i don't go 65 or 66 i don't go 65 because i don't want to fucking uh what if my speedometer is off and i don't go 66 because I know fucking cops hate black dudes and they're going to pull me over
Starting point is 01:27:26 I can tell in your heart you really believe that too I'm just a metaphor I'm speaking like that was my woke persona Savannah that's non-binary Savannah speaking can you put Savannah back on Savannah is really dumb
Starting point is 01:27:44 you know what i mean like i'm not gonna go someone pulled that up as kind of an example the speeding thing if i'm like if i've been drinking and driving i go fucking 64 everything's on the fucking line i go 64 and a 65 can i let me give a counter example please please please i was a judge we're like a real sports show with you calling in this is fucking great i was a judge at the 2021 game right for the teams the adaptive the age groups so one of the we were all gathered together uh one of the briefings and one of the guys goes because he was a thruster i think too does the head have to go through the window right was his question meaning like
Starting point is 01:28:30 not only does it have to show control at the top of the rev but does the head have to like break a plane through the window and I thought I feel you I hear you to me that's a dumb question because I'm like look the standard is full extension overhead.
Starting point is 01:28:47 I'm not watching the head. I'm watching the arms. And there's a straight line from the toes all the way to the top. That's what I'm watching. I'm not watching the head go through a window. Because a head through the window thing is a point of performance. Mark, I agree with you 100%. But Hiller actually talked about that at the Zealous Games. There were people at the Zealous Games that had full extension. of the window thing is a point of performance mark i agree with you 100 but that hillar actually
Starting point is 01:29:05 talked about that at the zealous games there were people at the zealous games that had full extension it was a good thruster but they didn't fucking put their head through the window but it's not about the head being in the window it's about that that's a point of performance that they people at the point that coaches use to go hey when you're doing this rep focus on putting your head to the window that way your body ends up in a position that it needs to be. But really what we're looking for is a straight line. But we're not going to tell them, we're not going to tell a newbie that. We're not going to tell a newbie, hey, because they're not going to be self-aware enough.
Starting point is 01:29:35 So they say head to the window, that kind of thing. So, but if someone goes out there as an athlete and says, all right, the new standard is now head to the window. And I'm not, this is going 64 and a 65 is a head to the window. They're going to be focused on something where they're now their hips aren't like straight. So what we're going to tell them is we're focusing on the wrong thing. As I'm saying,
Starting point is 01:29:54 Well, maybe, maybe, but then let's say that I think, I think the Zellos thing, it said the head actually had to be in front of the arms or something. No, it didn't. No. Oh, well, so, so, so I, I agree with you in theory, but it needs to be in front of the arms or something no it didn't no oh well so so so i i agree with you in theory but it needs to be stated that way like hey i would have loved to have been like hey the bar just has to be moving in the right direction bend your knee as much as you fucking want
Starting point is 01:30:17 for the record i agree with what mark's saying you you do agree i agree yeah i agree with what mark's saying and what is he saying I think I agree with it too but reiterate what he's saying bar over the elbow over the shoulder over the hip over the knee over the heel which is a straight line it's like you're just stacking the bones right so the question that he said was asked
Starting point is 01:30:38 was does the head need to come through which the head has nothing to do with the body being in a straight line the head could be I guess it could be way the fuck back there but there's a good chance that it won't once you have hit straight line okay and let me also reiterate this mark if i was being judged and i had one shot at it it might be a good idea to remember that cue that point of performance um you saw in froning's early years i mean he puts his head through yeah there'll be there'll be no there'll be no mistake you even saw that the annie um video that we saw when he did a thruster um at one point hillar was like oh shit did she actually have
Starting point is 01:31:16 that straight up but if she would have pushed her head through we would have known but it was kind of it was it was flirting with disaster but i agree with you i agree with you in theory the same same thing for this. So if you guys are talking about feet going backwards or walking a little bit at the top of the rep, if it's not explicitly forbidden,
Starting point is 01:31:37 it's allowed. Everything in the common move, the common movement clause, you know, you could debate that as much as you want. But if this person's like, like,
Starting point is 01:31:46 okay, Annie's here, she's going to walk backwards on a rep. As long as that knee, that knee doesn't re-dip, that's a good rep. Her right knee does, her right knee does bend.
Starting point is 01:31:56 What do you mean re-dip? I don't see a re-dip there. I don't see a bending. I don't see an additional bend. Not in that, not in that lift, but one of her lifts. Maybe it's the next one. Weren't you guys talking about how she's
Starting point is 01:32:10 walking backwards, though? Yeah, hold on. Hold on one second. Here we go. She does both. She does both. That right leg bends and then it goes back up and then she takes a step back. I'm not so much worried about it.
Starting point is 01:32:25 I'm not. But you know what? Hers isn't. Vellner's, it's both knees. Yeah, no. Vellner needs to be know that. Oh, you do agree. What the fuck, Mark?
Starting point is 01:32:36 Yep, it's a re-bend. What Vellner did. Okay. Well, then we're on the same page. I'm okay with Annie's too. Fuck, let's shake hands. I wish I could shake your hand. Done deal.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Take your girl and go. You're on the same team. I'm okay with Annie's too. Fuck. Let's shake hands. I wish I could shake your hand. Done deal. You're on the same team now. Yeah. You're saying that Vellner was a good rep? No. Neither of them were good reps. Based on the rules. What CrossFit put out?
Starting point is 01:33:03 God damn it. Do it. Do it. We have plenty of go ahead based on what crossfit put out someone's saying hillary needs to see for jesus he's not that sleepy no i'm just listening i'm for once based on what crossfit put out this rep by annie perfectly fine because she's walking around she's just stabilizing the lift based on what crossfit put out both of what belner did were not okay but they allowed both of them which is why there's an issue because on the second one he's bent on the first one he takes that giant step forward which you could arguably say is some sort of a jerk slash stabilize but that's the issue yeah but the only thing yeah they really missed the part on this whole workout where this should just be you like you load your bar you touch all the
Starting point is 01:33:54 equipment you get your own everything like that's what i think i mean i mean for the love of god if you if you're worried about them hitting something heavy or giving them enough time give them an extra minute. Say, hey, you got six minutes instead of five minutes, and now you've got to load your own bar. I've never seen the issue with that. Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks, guys. Thanks, Colin. I apologize for swearing at you earlier. We cleared it up, so I think we're back to, you know, we love each other again, right? Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Thanks for calling. Good, good call. I don't apologize for swearing at Todd earlier. Tank top Todd. Yami is in the same league as knifer. So he's good with the reps. They're good. Hard to argue that hard to argue that.
Starting point is 01:34:40 And he's coaches and he's coaches on another level. That's there's no doubt that dude's a beast um uh peter booty uh anyone note that the description says any configuration of the pull-up bar but the diagram has two options
Starting point is 01:34:58 i don't see an issue with that how many options did you want them to give you Mr. Peter Mason Mitchell no if you walk even with straight legs you have now lowered your height before Barr has been at the top of the rep that's a jerk an absolutist like myself
Starting point is 01:35:20 dude the only way that they could have done this would have been to say, don't move your feet. You can't re bend it at all. Cause it fixes all the, it fixes everything. Do you disagree?
Starting point is 01:35:34 If your feet move, if you re bend your knees, your hips, once they've been extended, it doesn't count. If you want to follow the rules, if you want to follow the rules, if you want to follow the rules, what you're saying is true. If you want to follow the rules if you want to follow the rules if you want to follow the rules
Starting point is 01:35:45 what you're saying is true if you want to follow the rules i don't know i don't know if we want to follow the rules okay i'm gonna todd and i are on good good terms again we're good again sorry i brought your comment down oh good terms okay okay hold on a second uh can you explain while you explain split times i'm going to pull up jason grubbs post oh you want me to explain split times i would have to bet that they're wellubb's post. Oh, you want me to explain split times? I would have to bet that there's no context to this. So I would have to bet. Just for this workout. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:11 It would be how long did your set of 10, 15, 20 burpees take you? And maybe it was what was your average split of five reps over the course of those 25 burpees so if you're getting fatigued and your 25 burpees are now 10 reps per burpee instead of seven reps per burpee on the set of 10 your split times are exaggerated and they're probably more likely talking about the shuttle runs because it's always 10 and you could see on a mcu post that roman's first round was 58 seconds and i believe his final round of shuttle runs was a minute, 18 seconds. So it's basically take all the shuttle runs. And each, each time you set a shuttle run,
Starting point is 01:36:49 that's the split time. It's right. Will you, will you fuck me up if I pull up a morning chocolate post? No, not at all. I'm going to play this. Well,
Starting point is 01:36:58 someone's saying this, but I love magician grub. Everyone be cool here. Everyone be cool. What are you talking about? Is this his whole one and done? That was tough. I bet he beat me too.
Starting point is 01:37:09 He's a, he's the man. Where's the configuration too, by the way, on the, whatever they're called, the spreadsheet or a description. Okay, here he is.
Starting point is 01:37:31 He's hiding his knees. What? That's no good, homie. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Damn it, Jason. Don't do yourself like that. Now we're not talking about any incriminating Sarah. We're talking about Jason Damn it, Jason. Don't do yourself like that. Now we're not talking about any incriminating Sarah.
Starting point is 01:37:48 We're talking about Jason incriminating Jason. Oh, shit. Oh. He probably got a YouTube channel where we can really bust his ass up. Oh, shit. He does. It's a well-performing YouTube channel as well. Damn, Mr. Grubb.
Starting point is 01:38:08 This is your painter's tape, by the way, isn't it? Hey, he's a... This is a games champion right here. Champion, right. That first one looks good to me. But this one, something weird's definitely going on. Okay, he's up. That's their extension.
Starting point is 01:38:22 You can't re-bend anymore. So that's... There you go. Damn. Can't play again. I think he bends even more. Oh, yeah. There was a little stutter, maybe even a double bend.
Starting point is 01:38:43 There you go. A little up and... That's unfortunate. Oh, Jesus. And was a little stutter, maybe even a double bend. There you go. That's unfortunate. Oh, Jesus. And then the issue is you see what's straight again. It's kind of the instance I say, once you show us what a good rep is, we see Sarah Saban's daughter doing chin-over-the-bar pull-ups, breaking the plane. So it's very clear what it looks like when she doesn't do it the right way in that video.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Right. Here's split times. Right. This is what I was talking about. I was wrong. Pat had 58 seconds on the first round, but this is the split of 10 shuttle rounds every round. And I don't think these are correct, actually. What has happened to the morning chalk up?
Starting point is 01:39:20 I went over to their YouTube station. They're just, they're done. They're just done. Should we go over there? God. Got more content? Cozy Ghost agreed in a competition. Lock it
Starting point is 01:39:38 and leave it. No issues to follow. Yeah, look at three weeks ago. They're done. Three weeks ago, homie. Hey, there's some crazy incriminating shit coming out, by the way, of people. This is going to be a mess. There's some shit that Hiller showed me today of people with pull-up bars that i'm sure he can't say yet but um this is elite level athletes like clearly the put they
Starting point is 01:40:17 can touch the pull-up bar when they're flat-footed it's crazy shit that wasn't one of my finds either but it was in a chat with me and i i uh fucking that's bad god i hope that's wrong i hope that's wrong i hope it's so wrong i really like that athlete same i really like that athlete i really like grub too what are you gonna do i give him a pass what am i gonna do i was wondering if he put that video up he did not anything else i should pull up while i'm on here why is his why does his account and his thumbnails look better than my shit um i don't know did he hire your your backup guy or is that or is that taylor
Starting point is 01:41:08 elite doesn't mean ethical you ever do this look at your own show uh that 14 000 already that's pretty cool that's you doing it it's probably at 15 000 that's probably like behind. Holy shit. Look at that picture trolling the leaderboard of coming up of J.R. Howell. I think that's Bruce Wayne making those. I made that 23.21. The Greg video is still down. This one right here.
Starting point is 01:41:37 Yeah, somebody asked me about that earlier. Bruce is making tons of these. Look, we have Dallas Alexander coming on. Do you guys know who that is that's fucking canadian special forces wouldn't take the jab and now he's coming on the jbg app look at this picture of jr just cropped on top of what is that fucking christopher columbus i don't know it's crazy this josh bridges one is pretty good i'm a fan of that and whoever made this one with you and the ai that's great
Starting point is 01:42:05 bruce wayne nice job bruce wad zombie today what about this school bus school bus is good but you've used that before i have right i have used the crash school bus let's see let's check out my uh dc dnc austin miller canadian money 699 i haven't used this broken school bus before you're out of your mind that was eight days ago there's a school bus i swear you and i did it oh it's a train yeah okay there you go nine months ago there was a train that was close yeah yeah i get the locomotives confused hey i saw i saw bro i watched um talking elite fitness did a show like a pre-show for 23 point something which one and now um uh talking uh i don't know what it was. It has a lot of views. It had 24,000 views on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:43:06 But Brian now, it looks like Talking Elite Fitness is now Brian, Lauren, Tommy, and Shawnee. Brian's on Talking Elite Fitness? I think he's their dude now. Is he your dude still? Now, that's a good question. Is he your dude still? Now that's a good question. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:43:31 No, I'm sure he is. I'm sure he is. The question is, is the Hiller, will I still have him? Will I change the locks on the door? I'm the captain now. That's what you're saying, right? No, I have to have Brian. Stop doing game shit if we don't have Brian.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Just move on to something else. Move on. We'll move on to. Oh, that's why I'm going to be doing Frisbee golf with Brian. We're done with the CrossFit stuff. I don't know where Patrick Clark is. We have to ask Brian what happens. Brian was at morning chalk up then he was a barb and now he's over talking late fitness i think the most amazing about brian and i think you said this recently is he's he's like a walking
Starting point is 01:44:16 encyclopedia you you can just say hey who's that and he did a podcast with somebody in the space named Claire. Did you see this bit? Oh, I did. I watched a video of it, and Brian said he invited her onto the podcast on Tuesday. I think that chick's coming onto our podcast with us. Is she? Okay, well, here, I'll pull her up because I thought that this was a good bit from Brian because what he does is exactly what he says he's trying to do here. Jethro Cardona, did you
Starting point is 01:44:47 notice that Patrick Clark and Scott Schweitzer had a tiff like two weeks ago? In the comments? No way. Oh, Brian was just left barbend after two weeks? What the fuck? Barry Mike Hawkener.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Allison, I see Brian makes me sleepy like is that code for horny or just sleepy that sounds like something straight out Austin Powers do I make you brandy baby make me sleepy baby
Starting point is 01:45:23 no Brian is just a friend of the show. Uh, talking to Lee fitness. I don't know. Uh, pull up Lauren Fisher's video. Which one? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:45:32 Let's look at, um, she's over at training. Think, think. Does Lauren have a YouTube? Uh, I went to,
Starting point is 01:45:42 um, her, I'm on her Instagram. Where? Well, I'm on, i'm on her instagram where well i'm on i'm on her youtube now she has a 23.1 tip video dude when did i become your backhand guy that sounds so sweet um she i there's someone else at training think tank i was tripping on to lauren fisher's over there and was someone else at training think tank. I was tripping on to Lauren Fisher's over there and someone else. I bet Brian can't wait. Wait, where are we?
Starting point is 01:46:14 I shit vindicate. I bet Brian can't wait to partake in the emoji draft. Good times. He would never do that. He's pretty protective over his band uh brand he is what am i looking for here wow this dude hey this guy's been around forever tank top dodd yeah drywall dude do you know drywall i don't i don't know if i know him but i know of the days of him that was. I didn't do any internet shit.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Like I was too busy making shit to worry about drywall, but drywall and WOD, WOD cast podcast. That's I've been on that show. That's with Eddie F right. That's his show. And he, Oh,
Starting point is 01:46:57 Bethany Shadburn. Yes. Bethany Shadburn is at a training think tank. Now I was kind of hoping she would retire. Cause I wanted to interview her. And then she kind of fell off the, I don't know, the schedule or something. Or she didn't want to, or we didn't want to, or something. Well, I know we did.
Starting point is 01:47:14 I know we would never not want to. Okay. Lauren Fisher's pull-ups. Okay. Here we go. How'd you find this? Where is this? This is on Lauren Fisher's Instagram.
Starting point is 01:47:24 Okay. Let's do it. And I'm paused at this moment here, where it appears as if Raptors has essentially an entire foot on the ground, but her hand is still touching the bar. Wait, where is this? Training tank. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:47:40 Oh, no. That bar is not high enough for Alexis Raptors. What the fuck is going on? This can't be real. Can you play this video? Yeah, I can play it, but that was a pause where she's coming off of the bar. I don't know if I'm going to be able to grab something better than that while we're doing it live. They're moving.
Starting point is 01:47:57 Good. I don't know if Alexis Raptus had both her feet go over the line either. Oh, no. Oh, no. over the line either oh no oh no that's a bad look there's even a slight bend in the knee and the hand is still on the bar and the elbow is bent imagine if you straighten that thing out
Starting point is 01:48:18 holy shit huge anus TTT or some fucking cheaters easy buddy easy that's my girl Miss Raptor she's definitely not a cheater so did you see the thing with James Sprigg either oh no
Starting point is 01:48:38 what if people just draw off like flies this year just getting cancelled James Sprigg I bet you at least 75% of this What if people just draw off flies this year, just getting canceled? James Sprague. I bet you at least 75% of this affiliate members didn't even check the thumbs together. I wouldn't check. I wouldn't check any of the standards. Oh, did he take that down? Oh, he took it down.
Starting point is 01:48:57 What did he have? A video of him doing the workout. Or maybe, is it a story? He took it all down? Oh, man. Dude, people are being wild. What happened? video of him doing the workout or maybe is it a story? He took it. He took it all down. Oh man, dude, people are being wild. What happened?
Starting point is 01:49:09 He was doing the workout. He has squirrel one 70 something way up there. And then when you're watching it, he appears to not be doing it to a bar. That's high enough. Cause he's just rocketing through these things. I need to hide my screen for a minute because i have messages with james and i need to see if they're in here i do have permission from james
Starting point is 01:49:31 to share this so i'll do it right now wow here we go fuck i knew that the show would start getting crazy at an hour 50 hour 50 uh can't wait to see your update on Clydesdale. Who's update. All right. Uh, uh, Victor Brown, Victor Brown.
Starting point is 01:49:52 It's fair. Rep. This is rap. A rap. This is reps are perfect. Uh, fuck off. I agree.
Starting point is 01:49:58 I agree. How do I show this without, uh, showing the entire message is a Jesus, Mason is a savage. At this point, Andrew Hiller, I just assume that most high-level athletes cheat. The average affiliate holds much higher standards. Holy shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:18 I don't know if I can show this without showing my entire messaging inbox, which is unfortunate. But it's basically just him showing that he's to the standard. And I asked him, I go, can you show me a picture of it? And he actually posted it to his Instagram at one point. He said that he was being reamed so hard by everybody that he apparently pulled it all down. And he was just showing off his workout video. And then he also showed that he had measured it the right way. Can you take a screenshot of it and then pull and then text it to
Starting point is 01:50:47 me and I and I post it yeah yeah give me a minute I'm on it I'm on it that's nuts huh I mean we were screwing around right showing that like the shenanigans you could pull you could pull your
Starting point is 01:51:06 shoulders down right right and i've seen a handful of these that you just think it's it's the exact same thing that crosses my mind i go wow that looks really fucking close and i was actually going to repost this, but considering he was already going through a hard time, I'm like, dude, this picture is just of your upper body. What's going on below the belt. You know, you know, Greg donated this morning $20,000 to that on the show when he called in to that, to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:39 5,000 to the gym in Alaska and 15,000 to the family with the kid that, uh, I sent it your way. Yeah. No, yeah no seven gets no reps from mike use what are you talking about i'm using the mic great going fit calm media tell me advise advises me you sent it what's wrong yeah what's wrong with your mic i don't know maybe i was talking maybe i was talking like back here or something. I think if I sip on this, this late, I'll be fine. No. Oh shit. That doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:52:11 I know. That's why I didn't post it. But it is the exact same picture you put up earlier. Just zoomed in. So I can clarify that. It's the same picture, but he just zoomed in. Well,
Starting point is 01:52:24 his shoulders. Okay. So I can share this. I guess it's hard same picture, but he just zoomed in. Well, his shoulders. Okay. So I can share this. I guess it's hard to take. I guess this works. If I were to just put that on the internet without much of a background to it, it would have been ripped apart. This isn't a picture.
Starting point is 01:52:37 You can't see his legs. And I go, well, the picture of his legs is right here. I mean, it's not right here any longer because he brought it down, but it was right there. I mean, it's not right here any longer because he brought it down, but it was right there. Oh, cool. Luke Parker doing a thruster.
Starting point is 01:52:50 Let's see how this one looks. I have to close a bunch of windows before I share this so people see all my... For the record, Luke Parker's thruster looks immaculate. Should I show that? Sure, please. Just to give Luke Parker some props right here. Because for everyone who wants to know what a good hard thruster looks like. Good hard thruster.
Starting point is 01:53:15 If they ever stop showing each other during the pump up, here you go. Here he goes. wow hey and he jumps and it would have been really easy for him to re-dip and he didn't it would have been really easy for him to re-dip and he didn't yeah looks like 290 something that's the thing like uh yeah that's yeah i think it might be worth playing this right now which is your bit on oh here okay that's uh the sprague picture of his hands and i can confirm i saw his entire rest of his body he's not doing anything weird look at his shoulders dude they look his arms straight, and he's pushing pretty high. I mean...
Starting point is 01:54:07 But when you watch the video in real time, it looked like there was something fishy going on. It did? When you watch the video, yes. However, the picture clears it up. Is this the way your fingers have to be you got to make the international symbol for vagina the illuminati sign no you're supposed to do this oh this but is there really too big of a difference i don't think there's any difference
Starting point is 01:54:39 all right can i play this video that you took from earlier because sure yeah feet were wide were too wide set oh shit like he was doing the fucking splits hey were there any rules of where your feet had to be when your hands were up
Starting point is 01:54:59 did they talk about that well I'm on the scorecard right now wow your feet while standing with the hips and knees straight extend the arms feet together it says with the athlete standing behind the bar the feet have to be together oh okay look at this this person jason rosales all mayhem athletes have good thrusters probably because they program one rep match recently. But Grubb is a Mayhem athlete. Probably going to get ass pounded by Rich tonight.
Starting point is 01:55:32 Why can't I hear this? Yeah. Ready? Okay. I want to ask you one superficial question, okay? Yeah. Because we got this little incident yesterday during the open. I'd like to hear your opinion on it.
Starting point is 01:55:45 One of the workouts was you had five minutes to do a max thruster. And so when you did the thruster, you were supposed to, as you started in the rack position, you lowered and you pushed up. You had to do it in one clean movement. And at the top, there was to be no extra knee bend. Do you agree with that, that if you're going to set a max thruster and there would be a standard for it, it would just have to go straight up? So what you're talking about is the thing we used to
Starting point is 01:56:14 call the Grady McDonald where you before you get to full extension you do a little jerk. Reengage to hit the knees and it's like a very, very high kind of jerk movement. And you can't do that every time it's ever really once.
Starting point is 01:56:32 I know it's a fault. In competition, do you give that a no rep? You have to, or you have to let everyone do it. Right. Bingo. Okay. It's kind of like balancing a deadlift. If one guy can't, the other can. The poor guy that can't, that's following the rules, that has decided disadvantage on the guy that's... I mean, we had guys that learned how,
Starting point is 01:56:57 especially with the solid rubber plates on cement, to accelerate the negative portion and actually have actually have have it clear 15 inches on the rebound you know and i think that's a pretty different move but the same thing with this greedy mcdonald's movement all right well it's good to hear you weigh in on that dude i love hearing your voice uh that's it that's all you ever have to hear it's all i ever it's all i ever say which is if you allow one person to do it and half of the world is doing it the right way they're all at a huge disadvantage uh elliot sulcus is that a real name that one is uh greg fucking invented this shit now we've got people running the show letting this shit slide
Starting point is 01:57:43 well what's so funny do you want to see one more funny thing uh did you look at this uh yeah i'll turn this off what am i looking at am i drunk when i post that shit? Why do I do that to myself? I don't know. I think you look good. California hormones. I want to show you this. This just shows me how – I don't want to get started on how stupid it is that they posted this on Instagram. I'm all for posting on games. I'm not going to get started on what if how stupid it is that they posted this on instagram like i'm all for posting i'm not going to get started on that i already did that this morning on this
Starting point is 01:58:31 but i want to show you this um look at look at um what crossfit post it's so fucking insincere look at i never got my know-all gift card. And then they say, stay tuned to get open announcements. Okay, hold on. For free entrees. Keep this shit on the game site. Double chicken. Just chicken.
Starting point is 01:58:58 Look at it. This is Becky Harsh. This is the judge we were talking about earlier. Bowl, light white rice, double, double fajita veggies, double pico on the side. You must love double unders then. That's what CrossFit responded. What the fuck does that even mean? Wait, wait, let's throw up.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Throw up a little bit. Throw up, please. Blair, none. Because they have sunflower oil. That's my guy, Blair. Bam, bam. Burritos to go, brown rice, black beans, chicken, actually double chicken, cheese, mild, and guac. Will Branstetter, he's the smart one, that Michael Hustle.
Starting point is 01:59:41 Michael Hustle to go, always on the run. You probably have a solid MRF. And they get this theme where they joke around with every single person, like putting in, tune in to the, where is it? Hold on. Just everything about it is so fucking insincere. Keep going. Burrito bowl with steak, rice, no cheese, guac.
Starting point is 02:00:03 And then CrossFitfit response good stuff you know it's extra but you get it anyway you probably love two-part workouts a good one rep mech one rep met one rep max after a metcon it's almost like it's a fucking ai responding but you know what the people are eating this shit up it's like some millennial fucking moron that may sorry i shouldn't attack a whole i'm fine it's like some millennial moron who gets paid 12 an hour fucking answering these let's look at this this is fucking nuts this is where it's just like a fuck you to everyone in crossfit which once again i'd be okay if it was on the games but it's on crossfit too look at burrito bowl white rice extra pinto beans, extra fajita veggies, carnitas,
Starting point is 02:00:46 mild guac, large chips. CrossFit responds, large chips, delicious. Do you use them to eat your burrito bowl as nachos? Listen, fucktards. This is the CrossFit Games fucking Instagram. Why are you promoting large chips? Like, I don't care if you eat that stuff. Go ahead. It's not what the brand is supposed to be promoting.
Starting point is 02:01:04 It's just because they sucked that $10 million dick or whatever they paid them. Yeah. Soon, soon. Hey, and this opens the door. Soon they're going to be kneeling. There's going to be someone kneeling for the national anthems. They're going to be forcing the athletes to get the injection because they're going to be taking money from Pfizer. I mean, I think everyone knows the NFL took like $120 million from Pfizer.
Starting point is 02:01:24 Of course those dudes have to get the injection. It's just all. I just wish the next kid, can you slide over, click on the arrow next to what's your order? There you go. What do you think about this? and Justin are making a shitload of money from it, but it's fucking hilarious that people are actually saying in the comments, oh my god, Justin, that's my favorite bowl too. Or Tia, that one's fire. It's like, dude, are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 02:01:55 They get paid for this. And I'm glad they get paid, but next week Justin might be eating Taco Bell. What'd you say, Hill Hiller no one eats that bowl to you that bowl sucks it's terrible hey Sevan what's your Chipotle bowl I haven't I mean
Starting point is 02:02:14 I haven't had one in fucking 20 years I mean I used to eat that shit that there's one right by my house and I used to eat that shit every day and what you just said which is next week it might be taco bell um right uh yeah it could be taco bell and good on him i hope he i hope he makes a shitload of money but it's like the people can people are communicating with them like this is real there's nothing about this that's
Starting point is 02:02:38 real uh extra sloppy uh couldn't agree more with seven on this one you're both idiots on velner and lane norton though what'd you say about lane norton he's a douche he's he's starting to act like a woke douche he he went after uh paul saladino made a whole post and didn't say anything he sounds like a fucking white like a white douche a white woke douche he just sounds like a oh i didn't mean white he is white he's he's just he's he's he's mean he's vile he's a fucking and and how are we wrong about velner oh he he wants to give velner a pass i want to give him a pass too i i don't fuck the rules fuck the rules give him a pass you just hate the rules extra sloppy that's why you're extra sloppy
Starting point is 02:03:26 you hate the rules stay true to the brand don't let this shit stay keep this shit on the game side where you have all the retards and what you're saying is that collaboration at the top right crossfit games and crossfit do not run fucking ads on fucking the black page do not run ads they have that's what you called that's what we used to call this the black page crossfit you don't run fucking ads on the black page ever you never let anything into the house of the affiliates or the methodology ever ever ever ever ever listen to this georgie on a brain you're you're as fucking tarted as fucking he is do you want me to pull it up right now lane is none of those things he follows what current research supports please how about just what common sense supports i'll pull it up for you georgiana jethro knows i'll
Starting point is 02:04:17 pull it i made a video on velner that's what jethro is talking about. I'll pull it up for you, Georgiana. Here, let's go. Lane. Jethro Belder lost his title. He's a fucking hater. Is it this one right here? I love Chibolet and CrossFit. Go F yourself if you're going to make CrossFit about hating corporate sponsors and the end fitness is a hobby, not a religion, get over it. Cozy Ghost has been
Starting point is 02:04:50 on fire all day and then he's just throwing this at us. I missed it. Hold on. I'm looking for my... I just read the whole thing to you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm searching for my Paul Saladino clip to put Georgiana on her place. Alright, well, in relation to this, CrossFit and CrossFit games going after Chipotle.
Starting point is 02:05:09 Cool. I'm actually a huge fan of Chipotle personally, but I've also eaten it basically no less than three times a week since I was. Yeah. He doesn't. That's just another. He, that guy's not listening either.
Starting point is 02:05:22 This guy's fucking. If I go to my trash can in my house, I'll find something. I take that thing out out every day but there will be chipotle in there and the thing that savon keeps talking about and we talk about with it what is it that you say it's it's the the someone keeps on changing they sell little pieces of themselves it's not it's the uh brand equity they're spending their brand equity never stand this and here's the thing i love crossfit and i love chipotle go fuck yourself you're going to make crossfit about hating corporate sponsors dude they own crossfit when they take money they own you they own you
Starting point is 02:05:57 it's what you you want to grab your ankles cozy ghost and be like just ram that cock into me as hard as you can i don don't. I don't. I'll let the games do that. But I want to stand for the little bit of truth that we have around health and fitness and wellness. And I want to keep it true with the methodology. I know it's really hard to understand, by the way, too, because we're surrounded by fucking sellouts. I know it's really hard to understand, but we should never ever fucking let those fucking, well,
Starting point is 02:06:27 it's not, it's not my company. Before you play this, when you did the episode of the liver King, and this will get people all riled up because liver King, that was what maybe 12, 14 months ago at this point, when you interviewed him and it was three hours long,
Starting point is 02:06:40 somewhere towards the back end of that episode, you had a bit where you were asking him about things that he put out into production and people left and right are asking him if they want to make a liver king this or liver king that and he spoke about a liver king line of knives blades swords it kind of goes really closely along with what he was doing the ancestral lifestyle yeah and he goes no i don't want to do that because the further away i get from my message every time i do stuff like that it just takes away from the one thing that I'd hold dear and dear. Those are the nine ancestral tenets. And that was him pushing away people who are paying him money to push a product because the second he did that, you sell a piece of yourself.
Starting point is 02:07:19 Your brand equity. You spend your brand equity. Don't do that to the affiliates. Georgiana Brain. That's a great name. I spend your brand equity. Don't do that to the affiliates. Georgiana Brain. That's a great name. I've seen it all. You can't convince me of anything by Saladino, who's not an expert in many of the things he speaks on. Only woke people use the term expert anymore. Don't use that anymore. And I'm not trying to convince you of anything about Paul Saladino, just so you know uh who makes clue makes claims on foods unsupported uh by literature okay but you you you you've now done exactly what i'm going to show you
Starting point is 02:07:52 that lane has done you haven't said anything to me except you want me to believe you because you use the word expert and i can't do that and so here's lane here's Lane taking shots at Paul Saladino with no fucking proof. This is how the woke mafia works. This is exactly how they work right here. I'm going to play it for you. This is how, this is how cancel culture works right here. Paul Saladino fan before this,
Starting point is 02:08:15 this video is disgusting. I hate Paul. And this video is disgusting. I don't like him. That's that. Okay. I see what they serve in the cafeteria in a children's hospital. Western medicine doesn't really care what they feed patients.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Pretty sure they don't. Oh, we, anyone who's been, so now you, Paul has made a claim. Western medicine doesn't care what they feed people. Anyone who's ever been to a fucking hospital knows that that's a hundred percent true.
Starting point is 02:08:36 But if you, but you don't have to take his word on it. That's his premise. And, and like a 12 year old girl, Lane Norton rolls his eyes. Huh? Huh?
Starting point is 02:08:45 We got some facts here? I don't care what they feed kids either. Oh, and a head shake. That's good. Solid. More saddening. So let's go check it out. French fries and chicken tender.
Starting point is 02:08:55 And Paul's showing that he cares because he's specifically a pediatric hospital, children's hospital. He shows the French fries. With 490. He shows the cake. Calories. Flamin' hot Cheetos. He shows the Cheetos. Orange, vanilla, Coca-Cola. He shows the french fries He shows the cake He shows the cheetos
Starting point is 02:09:06 He shows the coca cola He makes a statement We should treat our children better Does anyone refute that It's crazy We need to do better for our kids Oh I love it when people use sick kids as props Now he
Starting point is 02:09:22 That's the way he's using sick kids as props? Where does that even come from, Georgiana? Was that in the literature? Is that what makes him an expert? I didn't see any kids. Yeah, but he's trying to stand up for kids. How is anything – how did this get by? Okay. I'll take it.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Lane does a lot of great work and points out a lot of fucked up shit. Cool. Okay. He's great. He's awesome. But he shit the bed here. This is just a complete fucking joke. Push their agenda.
Starting point is 02:09:59 I had several people from this hospital reach out to me. He had several people from this hospital reach out to me. Liar. Liar. from this hospital reach out to me he had several people from this hospital reach out to me liar liar prove me wrong he's lying imagine defending hospital food what in the i had several people reach out to me from this hospital and say there actually are some healthy options. There actually are some healthy options. I know, I go back and forth on Lane 2. I'm just, the truth is, Bruce, I go back and forth on Lane 2. I go back and forth on Lane 2.
Starting point is 02:10:39 Cafeteria. That he completely glossed over. He wasn't even, hey, he wasn't even, he wasn't even he wasn't he wasn't even using kids as a prop that's lane projecting he stayed in the facts it's a fucking children's hospital that's lane spinning woke bullshit uh he says he completely glossed over he's given us no facts he but he did establish that he hates paul in the beginning he's disgusted by her it's not sensationalist we all know what's most important to paul secondly if more conjecture a particular patient has a specific dietary need or requirement they now he's like
Starting point is 02:11:14 now you know that hospital if someone has a specific dietary need and it just goes on with this idiocy you can watch it i've already done this once to him but it's sloppy can you tell me really quick what made him watch that and made him upset what does he have against he hates paul he this dude's a fucking world-class fucking hater that's the problem that's why people go back and forth on him like me like sometimes you're like okay this is pretty good and then you're like hey dude you're missing the target totally he's he's the guy who's like there's no proof that this amount of fentanyl uh kills you but never mentions but leaves out omits the fact that like hey everyone who does a large majority of people who do this much amount of fentanyl end up doing this much and dying and that and that fentanyl is fucking
Starting point is 02:12:00 causing the collapse of the fucking uh the drug culture right now it's fucking killing people by the fucking tens of thousands he'll omit all that but talk about it's okay if you take a little fentanyl and you just get sick of his fucking unable to contextualize or put anything in relativity i know you haven't seen this but what you're talking about here made me think about it because paul saladino is going to a school and talking about how it's no good right and you mean a hospital he's going to a hospital and says it's no good yeah right he's saying the food there's no good and somehow lynn norton found something wrong in that yeah which we don't we don't see it right right it's not good he doesn't show it to us he's the guy who's supposed
Starting point is 02:12:45 to be all the literature he spent some of his brand equity there that's what happened he spent some of his brand equity there we're supposed to believe him we're supposed to just hate on paul this right here is a guy his name is penguins he's a huge youtube channel and right here in this video he goes over how these two people are found trying to make a video they had they hired this dude over here to play a homeless person yeah they make this huge fucking truck full of ramen and they make this video about how they're going to help this homeless dude by feeding him ramen out of their truck and it like so they give him this bowl and then they just give him this
Starting point is 02:13:25 handful of noodles look they go into the back of this flatbed truck and he grabs a handful of ramen noodles and like when you're watching this and you can find out that they hired this guy and they actually tried to get away with making it a good deed that's clear as day but i just the parallel i'm trying to draw is i don't get how lane norris could have looked at that and even chalked anywhere near close to that to the point where he'd make a post about it do you follow or no no that's where my head goes with it i do i do like the truck full of noodles these people make a truck full of noodles and try to fake doing a good deed so they had a
Starting point is 02:14:04 friend of theirs go pretend to be homeless one of his big points in the full video is youtube is that they don't feed the patient's cafeteria food that's in saladito's full youtube video no maybe in um uh uh and maybe in lane norton's hello come on hi i'm not i'm not i guess i'm just not i'm just not attracted to the dude's And maybe in Lane Norton's. Hello, Siobhan. Hi. I guess I'm just not attracted to the dude's presentation at all either. Okay, go. I'm biased.
Starting point is 02:14:35 Hi. Yes. Call it. Hey, Siobhan. Senator Fidelis here. Hey, what's up? I work at a hospital, and we just had an event on healthy eating. And I said to the chef, why is it served in the cafeteria?
Starting point is 02:14:49 And he said, it's too expensive. He says, carbs are cheap. And that's why it's served. But is there a healthy option? Oh, of course they have salad in the cooler. Yes, of course. So that's all I got to say about that. So whoever, who was it that you're showing at the hospital is correct.
Starting point is 02:15:13 I bet you. Well, I just I've been to hospital cafeterias and I haven't seen one healthy option in there. I've been I've been in I was just at I just went to a ski resort. I've been in I was just at a I just went to a ski resort there wasn't one healthy option in the place not even one not even even the hot dog was stuffed with some like weird cheese or something um I if I believe that you if you are in a hospital and you're saying like hey can I get a fucking pork chop and a handful of lettuce that they could probably make it to you do i think it's on the fucking menu no i think for breakfast they walk in there i've been i stayed at a hospital for two weeks as a young boy i was in the hospital for two weeks they come in there there's two choices it's like air it's like airplane food it's fucking a bowl of fucking sugar cereal and a glass of
Starting point is 02:16:01 fucking orange juice or i mean mean, that's the, that's what they feed you. Even when I was staying, I stayed at a really fucking nice hospital, John Muir and like Lafayette or something. Walnut Creek, California for two weeks. It's fucking,
Starting point is 02:16:14 the biggest thing that stuck out to me was they bring you jello and ice cream. And there was ice cream with every fucking meal when I stayed in the fucking hospital. Sorry, go ahead. Oh man. I was going to say what stood out to me the most is when he says it's cheaper to serve carbs of course dude it's all garbage this how is a hospital have you you know you go to your hospital and they have that room like where
Starting point is 02:16:35 you can go into it's the store and they got uh like cards in there and stuffed animals and shit and they have the biggest wall of candy you've ever seen bigger than the wall at 7-eleven at the hospital right my my lion yeah yeah yeah they got 18 choices of snicker bars they got snicker bars like this big bigger than my cock better i just wanted to share a real life a person who works in a hospital and yeah i know it's a joke there's nothing you can defend in a hospital. I know. It's a joke. There's nothing you can defend at a hospital. Yes, someone could. Someone send me a menu of the hospital where it's like a steak just cooked with salt and a
Starting point is 02:17:13 glass of water and a side of broccoli. What's even crazy, if you go to Whole Foods and you look at their salads and they look all healthy and shit, read the ingredients in there. Always sugar. I can't ever remember. Whole Foods and you look at their salads and they look all healthy and shit, read the ingredients in there. Oh, no. Always sugar.
Starting point is 02:17:29 I can't ever remember. It's like quinoa and broccoli and tomato and then it says sugar. You're like, what? Makes it taste better. Alright, they know that. We lost Georgiana. Okay, bye. Alright, bye. Hey, you can hate on Paulul all you want just show me like just go in go in there
Starting point is 02:17:49 and just be like yo paul's a fucking idiot look they got steaks over here they got a um bowl of broccoli over here whatever you tickle your fancy you think is healthy but i just showed you what a douche nozzle he is hey joe rogan said that paul saladino is the real liver king so suck that lane norton that's just that's just all slander for his own brand it's all just slander better i was gonna say slander hey is lane norton is he juiced up can you pull I pull up pictures of him? I mean. I don't know enough about him.
Starting point is 02:18:30 What? Me? No, I wasn't. I wasn't. I just thought. Oh, yeah. You're making noise. Like, what?
Starting point is 02:18:38 Oh, here we go. True story. Unfortunately, the heart is a beast, but the plumbing was not so good. I had an emergency triple bypass 18 months ago. I can tell you the food in the hospital is not healthy do you think this guy really ice climbs because that is some crazy shit well it's not even that it's not healthy right i mean it's like really bad for you ice climbing no um my pop my ppee food was pretty good, too. Custom omelets for breakfast. What's pee-pee?
Starting point is 02:19:10 This is wiener. You know, pee-pee. My pee-pee food? Oh. Dick food? Dick food. I would say Lynn Norton is natural. Oh, postpartum. No shit.
Starting point is 02:19:21 So she's saying she was in the hospital and they brought her pretty custom omelets for breakfast. Well, good on that. Shit. Maybe they got some special shit for the pregnant woman. I stand corrected. Georgiana, you're welcome back. You win. Carbs are cheap, of course.
Starting point is 02:19:37 How did you know you needed a triple bypass? Penis penetration. It means little weiner, pee-pee. It's what you call it when you're your kid's age, but I think they call them cock and balls. Mine call them cock and balls. When I was your kid's age, I said pee-pee. I was offered mashed potatoes after heart surgery.
Starting point is 02:20:03 I like mashed potatoes, but the mashed potatoes they give you are different yeah exactly there you go i ate a lot of what my wife didn't want yeah that's when people would visit me in the hospital they eat all my leftovers too as long as you spent wow uh two My daughter spent various weeks at the hospital last year. Bedside food was healthy and high quality. No shit. I believe you, but I need to see a picture.
Starting point is 02:20:34 I bet you it was orange juice, jello, ice cream with one of those wooden sticks, a small piece of cheesecake, and maybe a salad with some Italian some italian dressing on it i just find it so fucking hard to believe but i believe uh here we go philip kelly i stayed at kenfield marin for rehab in the cafeteria there was fire serve me salmon fucking a lane norton it depends where you go semper i'm waiting for a follow-up on that. What's wrong with my Costco shirt? I haven't had any sort of extended stays in a hospital. Either way. I don't know. So you stay at a hospital and the food's great.
Starting point is 02:21:19 I think if you ask a lot of people who work at the hospital, they feed the people who work their absolute garbage. And there's Coke machines on every floor and oh look at this broccoli grilled chicken small serving of soup for example wow i'm in trouble and there's a fruit tray around i crushed the whole thing oh this knee that's what fitness in a hundred words kind of fucks me up with it's like eat little not much uh fruit some fruit i think it says on fitness in a hundred words so whenever i'm around a fruit tray i always think it says eat some fruit not the whole fucking tray you dipshit what is your go-to fruit do you eat fruit every day do you eat an apple
Starting point is 02:22:01 every day i really like pineapple for some reason and if i have apples or i really like gala apples do you i don't know i'm trying to eat more fruit i've been trying to eat more berries i've been trying they're expensive it's seven dollars go ahead so quick and yeah i stop every day and get them basket of uh of raspberries eat meat and vegetables nuts and seeds some fruit and i eat the whole fucking thing it's fruit whenever it's around me i went to a wedding on sunday these are these are evil dried mangoes are evil because it's all sugar hey i'm reading strawberries are the best for doctor the problem is the pesticides man i'm reading some pesticide shit and strawberries are fucked sorry go ahead hillary the costco mangoes aren't bad for you what's wrong with mangoes the dried mangoes right i it feels like i'm eating candy
Starting point is 02:22:55 they can't possibly be good for you and i eat too much i can't have that shit around the house here i'll pull them up because the ones at costco i think because they taste so shitty they're actually good for you. Oh, well that's good. No sulfur on them. Just straight. I'm going to,
Starting point is 02:23:10 I'm going to let you know in about two seconds. Wow. We're at two and a half hours. This is crazy. How are you feeling? Good. I'm hungry. I didn't eat to the,
Starting point is 02:23:19 like tonight. You need some, so the Costco's got two types of mangoes, by the way, they've got ones that are are and are not sweet. And I think that the sweet ones are the ones you're thinking of. Here we go. Kirkland mangoes.
Starting point is 02:23:34 No, no. I think my dad brought me a bag of the ones that aren't sweet. I just want to eat them all. I'm craving them now just by the talk of them. Well, so here's the thing. You chew on them so much. Here you go yeah those are the ones yeah yeah and you want to eat these whole like there's nothing wrong with them the calories half cup how many how many servings are in that bag 28 which is well so it takes you how long to chew on one. Yeah, I know. And the bag's huge. Right now.
Starting point is 02:24:05 Costco's also got another type and they're sugary as all get out. Let's see if I can find those ones. Is it these? I'll run through the whole bag in three days. Wow. Who said that? Mason Mitchell. Mason.
Starting point is 02:24:24 I mean, it's just fruit right just it's dried fruit we don't know i i um i have three boys and we don't run through that bag in three days that's crazy okay what's your go-to fruit what'd you tell me did you tell me one i don't really about berries i uh raspberries blueberries i've been trying to eat more i've been trying to eat pears i've been trying to eat some pears what's the deal with the berries i don't know just low glycemic tastes good feel good i just like them i don't know why what's the one you said you had in your backyard that i didn't really understand look like a tomato it's orange what is that called that i never heard of oh persimmon so good right right oh
Starting point is 02:25:06 my god so good crazy you said you were eating one i'd never heard of a persimmon crazy good and you have a tree a persimmon tree two two percent trees my neighbor has three persimmon trees that are so fucking big they give thousands and thousands of persimmons probably i could probably take all the persimmons off my nature neighbor's trees and dry them and i could live off of them just for a year that's i'm not joking there's probably enough food there i like grapes too tyler do you remember alexis on that lemon tree and she goes wait a minute lemons on trees oh yeah was that her yeah yeah yeah yeah in scottsdale yeah it was pretty funny she said what are these on the ground alexis or lemons they fell off that tree. She goes, what the fuck? They fell off this lemon tree? I think I might drop into CrossFit Livermore on my way to Oakland at the end of March.
Starting point is 02:25:50 I want to be coached by Sousa. I have to pee. I have to go. Wow. This was fun. Thank you. Was this our longest show? It's up there.
Starting point is 02:25:59 Just the two of us. We were just kind of shooting it. Yeah. It's close. All right. I think we've gone close to this before. Allison's still here. She's been here since the beginning.
Starting point is 02:26:08 Uh, uh, no. Um, thank you. Uh, but thank you. Um,
Starting point is 02:26:15 Alexis is listening. Oh my God. She's still here too. Hey guys. Thank you. Tomorrow morning, 7am Josh bridges. It's going to be a good time. I'm going to go, too. Guys, thank you. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Josh Bridges. It's going to be a good time.
Starting point is 02:26:28 I'm going to go eat now. Thank you, everyone. For those of you, I lost my cool on. I apologize. Thank you for being a foil. Georgiana, you're a good girl. Cozy Ghost, Mark Fuentes. Hey.
Starting point is 02:26:45 Lane Norton. I don't even know if there is a Chipotle in Santa Cruz. My wife wouldn't let me eat that shit anymore. I guess I could sneak out. I haven't been known to do that. Okay. Bye-bye.

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