The Sevan Podcast - #813 - Let's Start with The Truth | Live Call In

Episode Date: February 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. No, it just woke up. No, it's been up for like 30 minutes or so. Bam.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We are live. I was thinking this morning, I couldn't come up with a really good analogy, but I was thinking about our friend who is making all these bad decisions right now because instead of asking questions, they're just acting. And everyone can see it around them. It's like they're spraying gasoline on a fire. And we're like, dude, you got to use water. But no one's saying anything.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's so crazy. It's so fucking crazy. But no one's, why don't, why don't you think any of us are saying anything? I was trying to think about it this morning just because like the person is just a bully. Well, sometimes when you get super close to the fire to put it out you're the one that gets burned yeah yeah right right great point great point actually that is why i think you just nailed why i don't uh why i'm not going over there everybody's so weird it would be so easy to be like uh i can't believe we're watching this i mean it's fun
Starting point is 00:01:44 part of me enjoys it. It's like, you know, on Instagram, like someone shows you a clip and it's like someone, like you remember during the pandemic, you'd see people filling up plastic bags full of gasoline and the gasoline's leaking out and then they put the gasoline in their trunk and you're like, what the?
Starting point is 00:02:02 On Instagram, it's funny. Right. But when you're at the gas station, like we are, it's, it's, it's, it's also very uncomfortable. Especially if they started smoking a cigarette while it's filling up. Yeah. It's so fucking, that's what we're watching. I want to, I want to tell you guys the, um, some more intimate details about it. Not, not, not because you're missing out
Starting point is 00:02:26 or not missing out if i tell you but it's just such a classic story of it's um i want to lump it up in the woke camp but but i mean i see people i see people on the left and right do this all time when someone should be asking questions and taking responsibility and instead just pointing fingers fucking everywhere and blaming like this person's trying to put this fire out with gasoline while screaming, um, that the people who tried with water idiots, it's, it's, I can't believe we're watching it, but I am enjoying it. Are you enjoying a little bit of it? I just, just,
Starting point is 00:03:03 there's nothing at stake for me. The fire is so far away from my own house i guess there's i guess there's a there you could say that there's a lot of stake for for humanity yeah yeah you know what i mean if you believe in it's a little bit of the butterfly effect if this thing gets fucked up um a lot of i guess other people could lose out on opportunity yeah that's true the pizza might never get invented if this if this person stumbles and falls right yeah yeah i didn't think about it that way but you're correct i mean in that way there's a lot at stake one of our colleagues was like pretty pretty sad by what what they're seeing happen and i'm like hey dude it's it's it's like a knife fight but it's just rubber knives
Starting point is 00:03:53 like don't worry like no one's gonna die but now now that i'm talking to you i'm like well maybe maybe i don't know we're i don't know but i'm gonna tell you guys sooner or later i'm talking to you i'm like well maybe maybe i don't know we're i don't know but i'm gonna tell you guys sooner or later i'm gonna have to tell you guys the detail because it's such a great story this uh yeah take a stab at it please no no no no i was actually i was gonna i was gonna change over to something that i think you would you would like and think it's funny because i know we're we're getting big time when I start getting just some hate in my DMs. Oh, really? What about?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, I was told I was an uninformed moron. Oh, really? Regarding what? The best part about it was I didn't remember even saying it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I'm talking about. yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh when i think it was the last live call we were on and um i had ended something by saying yeah and too bad they got they got trump out of office it'd been terrible if we bought uh brought back jobs in america or something yeah along that line
Starting point is 00:04:59 manufacturing in america or something like that oh oh i is this person gonna say that there's less unemployment now than when trump was in office please don't tell me they said that no actually they're they're writing to me which is hey thanks for saying that so now i know how much of a moron you are oh but they don't tell you what they don't tell you what no no no leaked article no being like hey you're wrong there wasn't actually like but the funny part was is i thought it was going to be something that i would really leaned into and like talked about. And so I just,
Starting point is 00:05:26 I thought it was hilarious that it was just like a passing comment. You know, it was. That was in your DMs. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. I don't remember you talking about that either.
Starting point is 00:05:37 It was literally just like a in passing comment. I was like, yeah. And how terrible was it? Got Trump out. I wanted to bring jobs back to the US. And I think I said, they're taking away my jobs afterwards or something like that. Very tongue-in-cheek.
Starting point is 00:05:52 We are not – we – I mean someone took the time out of their day to write that to me. I would say 10% of the YouTube comments are just a reminder to me that people aren't listening to the show. Oh, yeah. When you find that one, that's just like, you can tell just by reading it, they're like, what the fuck is this guy? Yeah, like you didn't even listen to it. Like you got triggered and just wrote this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:28 uh someone said was someone was saying to me that um uh i should contact kevin ogar's wife if i want someone to come on here and talk about the um adaptive class at the crossfit games there's tons of athletes i could reach out to we had someone we had a great dude on here a jedediah right is that who it was yeah it was awesome yeah i would and i'm sure i'll invite him again um as we get closer to uh game season he was he was a great guest my point was is that there there's a guy over there that guy alex zirkenbach who would rather he's more concerned about himself and the in the woke agenda and just all the crazy shit that they do over there than than promoting what's right they have people like that on the affiliate team they have people like that on the games team. They have people like that on the games team. It's the nature of, well,
Starting point is 00:07:06 you have people like that in the white house and people like that, you know, all sorts of people who would throw the baby out with the bath water, cut off the nose, despite the face, however you want to, however you want to word it. It's just, it's crazy. There's this line that I've used many times in my life. The thing that distinguished me from a lot of people is I need to get what I want. I don't need to be right. And that has served me so well in life.
Starting point is 00:07:34 That has really, really, really, really served me well in life. So. Yeah, I mean, I i mean really well i got some great stories that i'll say for 10 years from now where i made out very well just just making sure i got what i want instead of uh people feel uh fear zirkenbach yeah yeah exactly that's what happens when you get power there's a lot there's a lot of people there who uh fear him because um they're you know when there's people in power there's other people who will feel that they'll lose their job yeah exactly and that's why some of the other people i've contacted and who haven't responded to me who i'm i can't believe wouldn't come on the show to help push the uh adaptive agenda and get it some attention I assume that I assume because I know these people and I don't want to call
Starting point is 00:08:28 them out by name, that they're just afraid that they'll lose their job. Good morning, Mr. Spin. Good morning. How is getting what you want being different than being right? That is a, that is a good question but i do i i do completely agree it's like first before getting emotional about something like decide what's the best outcome for you like what are you actually trying to get out of this and then stay focused on moving forward towards that even though people might be slinging mud at you at the process as you move towards that i'll give you total uh i can't think of a real life
Starting point is 00:09:03 example right now but i'll give you total bullshit, I can't think of a real life example right now, but I'll give you a total bullshit example. I'm leaving out the house and I have five minutes to get my kids to tennis and my wife is upset at me about something. And instead of standing my ground and being like, no, I did turn off the stove. I'm like, you know what? There's a good chance I did leave it on.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And she's like, okay. And then I get out of the house and I get my kids to tennis on time. And that's the lesson where they learn the trick that makes them pro. And then they make $10 billion and I ride off into the sunset. And I'm telling you, it's worked like that for me. I'll tell you, I got two houses. Two houses.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I got down payments for two separate houses because there were people around me who had too much pride to just let shit go. And, uh, and I was like, Hey, that's, there's no, they're there. Like, I don't have to compromise my integrity at all. And, uh, it's just, it's just, I needed to get my kids to tennis. There's no, that was the goal in the moment. So that's the difference. And so my wife, this is just bullshit too, by the way. Um, I's the difference and and so my wife this is just bullshit too by the way um i just made this up but my wife can then think that she's right and i left the stove on but i got what i wanted and so that that that's sort of the difference and you can see that all the time i mean with egomaniacs it's so easy to do that too it's so easy to do that too. It's so easy. It's so easy to take their lunch. I hate to be out someone, but Suze is a master at that.
Starting point is 00:10:36 A master at what? Taking the lunch from the egomaniac. Predictable behaviors. Dark Lord, Revon, I love what you guys are doing for the community and spreading the word keep it up thank you dark lord that was a weird statement to make uh do you want to be right or do you want to be happy yeah yeah that's good too yeah that's another great because yeah i'm when I get to tennis, I'm watching my, what I want to do is I want to be sitting in my tricked out lawn chair at a
Starting point is 00:11:13 seascape tennis club, watching my kid play tennis. Yeah. And that, and I'm tickled. And then I call Sarah Cox and we tell jokes to each other and plan on my visit. Yeah. That's way more fun. And arguing about the stove. Yeah, I'm going down to Newport on the 7th or the 8th. My kids have a jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:11:34 This coming month? No, May. I'm really excited. Hey, is it going to rain today? Is it raining at your house right now? Have you looked out the window? It is raining? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:48 It's not raining right this second, but was it's super gloomy let's talk about more important things let's get into specifics today uh uh jt watkins um how often do you all wash your vehicles are you allowed to do that in cali you know i hadn't washed my forerunner in five years and I went on a trip and I came back and my nephew had watched, watched it, watched it, watched it, watched it, watched it. Oh, what a good dude. I know. That's cool. Right. Did it look way nicer? Were you like surprised? Way nicer. Yeah. I didn't recognize it yesterday. My wife was somewhere in the car and I parked next to it bringing some other kids there. And, uh, I was like, Oh, that's the nice foreigner. And then I think obviously that's ours and i was like oh shit it's black now it's not
Starting point is 00:12:30 gray anymore yeah i'm the same way not often father not often no one who has time for that. I should get David Goggins on the show. I should. I know. If anyone knows him, tell him. We would totally bro out. Yeah. I think he would. It would be cool.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, Jake Paul fights tonight. 4.38. Sorry, I just sent it to you. It's not even tonight. He fights in a couple hours. I thought, wasn't it? Didn't Dana? I saw something about Dana White. It's not even tonight. He fights in a couple hours. I thought, wasn't it? I saw something about Dana White.
Starting point is 00:13:09 This could be old or out of context, but didn't Dana White say something like they only sold half the tickets and it was being switched or shut down or something? Honestly. Holy smokes. I love staying on top of the fight game, and I'm thinking I don't know if I'm going to buy this. I don't think, I suspect I'm not going to. If it, I suspect I'm not buying this.
Starting point is 00:13:31 But I watched the hype. The hype was pretty good. Yeah. Want to play it here? Sure. Deal then, since you're so confident. If you win, I'll pay you double what I'm paying you already. But if I win, I take everything that I'm paying you.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Deal or no deal, since you're so confident. Take it. Deal or no deal? Take it. Take it. Sit back down. I just want to shake your hand. Sit back down.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You've dealt. You've got a deal. All or nothing. All or nothing. You've got it. You've got it. You've got it. You've got it. He's got it. And you know what's funny? And then he rips on him a little bit. He's like, his dad sounds just like his brother, which is crazy.
Starting point is 00:14:29 His dad sounds just like, dad sounds just like his brother which is crazy his dad sounds just like and looks just like tyson fury but right then jake paul said exactly what i was thinking he's like that's funny your dad had to make the deal for you he's a world-class shit talker that's for sure um seven uh did you see woody harrelson's rant on snl no i almost got in a fight with woody harrelson one time. What? Yeah, on campus at UC Santa Barbara. He was there, and I was talking to him, and he just turned into an asshole. It was crazy. What was his rant?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Is he – it's funny. One of the things I heard from Howard Stern when I was on there, like everything about him is woke and then he's complaining about cancel culture and i'm like dude dude you're you're you are cancel culture he's starting to look like he has down syndrome as he gets older a little bit i think smoking that much weed isn't good for you and not long term i think anything long term is that it's good for you. And not long-term. I think anything long-term is good for you. Judy Reid, I wonder if Harrelson can get canceled from that movie White Man Can't Jump. God, I really enjoyed that as a kid. Wait, is that true?
Starting point is 00:15:42 No. I knew it wasn't true as soon as I saw it. I like how you knew exactly what I was reading, too. I know. You knew exactly it wasn't true. I'm sick one of the wrenches on him. How about this, 439, to see if you can tell me what's going on here. What is, what is, Joe Biden really is weekend at Bernie's.
Starting point is 00:16:04 It's not even a joke anymore right unfortunately not it always looks one of one of our close friends told me that um joe biden looks like two people are always holding his arms to help him walk and then they're cgi'd out he really is dr romanoff's example of the pose method in running you know dr romanoff He really is Dr. Romanoff's example of the pose method in running. You know Dr. Romanoff? The running guy from the CrossFit world? He's the Russian running coach.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Anyway, he invented pose running. Basically, it's just lean forward and catch yourself. That's what walking is. Yeah, I was familiar with that. Yeah, it's just lean forward and catch yourself. Look at this fucking guy. Where is this? Is this Russia?
Starting point is 00:16:43 No. Ukraine? Where is this? This is Russia? No. Ukraine? Where is this? This is nuts. Watch what happens. Hey, isn't it obvious? Let me ask you just a quick question. When he's walking, where do you think he's supposed to be walking? I would assume just straight down
Starting point is 00:16:58 the red carpet line, right? Yeah, like he's supposed to stay on the carpet, right? Yeah, 100%. Just walk straight down it. That's what the carpet's for. Yes knows that you know that we all know that yeah it's the red car okay now watch this shit this shit is crazy okay turn around oh no hey it's like how many people look how the look he comes and like has to it's like a he's like the dog trainer you see him have to do yes and then he's got to keep him on and then once he goes off they don't make it look too forceful like they're controlling them they
Starting point is 00:17:43 kind of just like okay yeah we'll just go with it as if you're supposed to be here off the red carpet. It's so dog trainer. It's so it's it. That's exactly what it is. If you ever taken your dog to a dog class, that's exactly what it is. Yeah. He does the whole spin and everything. Fuck, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's kind of sad. Like if that was like your relative or something like that, and they were parading them out at some point, you would kind of be like, Hey guys, come on. This isn't cool anymore. Why would that guy,
Starting point is 00:18:13 why would that guy give two shits? If we started world war three, he wouldn't. Right. He didn't care. He's dead in a, in a week anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I'll never see the end of it in a year. Crazy. Justin Zumbo, it's way sad. Ryan Sampson, it's so fucking sad. It's just elder abuse. Mike Oxlong, yeah. I wonder why his wife doesn't say something. Hey, you think you'd hand him an iphone and say hey can you do me a favor we're looking for this email from a week ago can you go ahead and and
Starting point is 00:18:51 open it up on your inbox and you just hand him with the phone like can you navigate that does he have that skill set yeah and if he doesn't isn't that just a massive red flag for how the fuck is he supposed to like run the country and understand what's going on? That's a good question. Ryan Sampson, definitely not. That's crazy. Hey,
Starting point is 00:19:14 did, did CrossFit ever, do we, have we gotten any definitive acknowledgement on either way on what, what the, the thruster is? Yeah. The thruster.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Do we know yet? I mean, other than Greg stapling it down for everybody the other day, I don't think we've heard anything definitive. I want to see if – I wonder if – I'm going over the leaderboard right now. I wonder if Patrick Vellner's score still stands. I have it. I assume that I get all um news now from that text thread so yeah yeah yeah like it's like something didn't pop up like that i'm assuming it's still standing
Starting point is 00:19:54 i don't see velner in the top 50 uh change my number wow joe scali number 34 do you know who that is yeah wasn't isn't he an old-time competitor? Yeah, I haven't seen that name in forever. Yeah, Joe Scali. Yeah, I don't see. That's interesting. Hey, there's somebody with my last name. You see that?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Number 42. Is it you? Oh, yeah. Wow. Definitely not me. You only have one Z. Yeah. It's about the same as that.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Of course I know you only have one Z. Yeah. I'm just, just about as buff as that guy too. Same physique as well. Look at that dude's hair. What is that? Like a Lego head?
Starting point is 00:20:43 22. Hey, did you run the open in your affiliate? Yeah. How'd it go? It went good. You know, we didn't have like a ton of people sign up this year as we have in the past, but that's mostly just due to our pushing of it, right? Like you only get as many people signed up for the open as the coaches and the affiliate owners really really like push for it so it was a smaller group which was actually
Starting point is 00:21:09 nice as far as a logistic standpoint but it's still a long night because i mean i coach friday i coached that 5 30 a.m class so i get there at five and i think i got home last night from friday at just after nine nine p.m damn suzy you're brazilian are you portuguese are you brazilian i'm portuguese yeah oh yeah you look at actually yeah my size from kawaii uh pat redid it um someone sent me a post today you you remember the uh the video of alessandra pichelli uh crossfit put out former games athlete alessandra pichelli doing 23a and 23b and someone pointed out to me that she doesn't start behind the line on the shuttle runs oh no and she doesn't and she does and clearly on one of them she doesn't both feet are in front that's rough it's an endless shit show of stuff how how do you i mean you are on the inside of a
Starting point is 00:22:08 lot of that for years how does that communication breakdown happen are people just siloed off or maybe because no one's scared anymore like dave like struck the fear of maybe i i don't i i'm i'm part joking but part serious maybe without Greg and Dave no one's scared enough to do their job I mean people there used to also really care but I'm thinking of the people's names who work there now and
Starting point is 00:22:33 it's not a you know who they are unless they've really stepped up I mean there were some I mean I'm trying to think obviously adrian bosman is a beast yeah of course um uh todd woodman's on the team i think or he was chuck carswell but i'm thinking about the people who are actually in the games office at hq and they're all mice they're mice they're yeah i i don't see anyone there being uh speaking up
Starting point is 00:23:04 and and also there might be a little bit of the factor like we were saying earlier people are They're – yeah, I don't see anyone there being – speaking up. And also there might be a little bit of the factor like we were saying earlier. People are scared. I'm going to point something out and give – like I'd rather just keep my job and get my paycheck. Yeah, yeah. You're the one that points it out, so then all of a sudden you became the person blamed for it. I'm personally – I just think it sucks that these mistakes are happening with kind of the pass of the torch over to Boz, because I just feel like he deserves like better. So if there was a, a team around,
Starting point is 00:23:28 and I don't know how much autonomy he does deserve better. He does deserve better. Yeah. I mean, I know from what I watched in the past and how much he puts himself into these things and how much he tries to operate at like the highest level that, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:40 he's just like super disappointed when these mistakes happen. Cause I feel like it takes away from all the good that he's bringing to the table oh you want to see you want here i'll show you this i went over to the crossfit podcast uh last night you found it i found it good job and uh they now have a they uh a few months ago they had 1050 subscribers now they have 1060 subscribers they put on 10 subscribers well someone's gonna be in trouble for that and they have a new show they have a new show on the crossfit podcast that's run by adrian conway and he's done five shows and they're mixed in there with the shows chase does okay and they don't together too, right? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And Chase and him do some together too? Adrian and Chase? I guess. I guess. Whenever I see Adrian and Chase on there, I just always assume Adrian Conway is just a guest. Adrian Conway is, you know, L1 trainer, very well-spoken, handsome buff, former games athlete.
Starting point is 00:24:43 But he's done these five shows. They're not doing well at all. Um, but his fifth guest is someone who works in the game to games department named named. Oh, fuck. What's her name?
Starting point is 00:25:01 Heather. Fuck. Maybe you could go to the Crossfit podcast and look at episode five they're not even five shows in i don't know why i didn't think of this earlier they're not even five shows in and they have someone on there they have a diversity equity person at the highest level on the crossfit games team can you imagine how crippling that is and i watched the video you want to fucking blow your brains out. Almost nothing is said.
Starting point is 00:25:26 The whole interview is just a waste. I kind of, when I saw it, I kind of wanted to like erase it from my head because I like Adrian Conway and I don't want to think that he's woke. But one of the questions he fucking asked this lady is like, can you tell us what it's like working in a male dominated sport as a male dominated field as a woman and it was just like and first of all she didn't give any good she didn't give a good answer like i wanted her to be like this one time i was using the bathroom and a guy came in there and pushed his dick up against me and told me that if i didn't take the cock i wouldn't get
Starting point is 00:26:01 promoted instead it's left as more woke fucking vagaries it's so it's so empty it's so vapid but it explains her every every word out of her mouth is everything that fucking the broken science conference was like yeah this is what you should be worried about at one point in there what's your name name? Heather what? Lawrence. Heather Lawrence. Equity and inclusion in sport. I mean, I don't know how Adrian Conway let them name his fucking show that. By the way, another interesting thing, by the way, is that they never had a symbol. Will you go back there a second?
Starting point is 00:26:40 They never had a symbol for their podcast, and now they do. I recognize that one. Yeah, that's the one from my, the one I had the podcast. They've just repurposed it, which I'm okay with. They've put on 10 subscribers, but this, um, this is you, this interview is fucking painful. This is what's wrong with CrossFit. Well, listen to her talk. Do you want to play it?
Starting point is 00:27:00 No. Well, if you, at one point she says at one point at the five minute mark, she she's alluding to the fact that she's educated and has a Ph.D. And that's really new for CrossFit to have people come from academia. And she couldn't be further wrong. Melissa Yinger over there who worked for me is a Ph.D. And I want to say French literature or some shit. The fucking guy who is the CEO, the dipshit who crashed the company i think had two phds in uh in in english and in uh greek uh history trust the experts oh she and don't get me started on this chick's haircut i if there's a correlate if there's a correlate for uh mental illness it's this haircut and i hate to take it to somewhere so shallow but they're super superficial uh those are old bro i don't think conway's doing them anymore uh bro uh i think these are new will you go to the where you go to the page
Starting point is 00:27:56 three weeks three weeks ago yeah this is not old this is all new shit so if you want to know what's going on with the games team and what adrian has to deal with this this lady's probably asking him uh adrian uh there's a disproportionate uh um well you saw what they do at the white house they don't care about competency they're collecting white uh women they're collecting women black people and uh trannies and gay people that's what that's how they're they're imagine a deck of cards one tranny one black dude uh one woman uh one midget uh one armenian i already got the armenians aren't good uh oh that black guy doesn't think like us take i need that card back give me that
Starting point is 00:28:38 one oh god i will skip the black guy now too. Gay guys. Hey, man, the black guys. 437. Man, the black guys are going to do it. I'm telling you. They got to do it. I think they're going to do it. I think the black guys are going to do it for us.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I swear. I believe it. Do you think they're going to do it for us? Go from slaves to saviors. Look at this shit. I believe it. Do you think they're going to do it for us? Go from slaves to saviors. Look at this shit. I believe this. Maybe I'm delusional, but I believe this shit right here. Black people are going to save America from Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Amen. I think so. Okay. Look at the guys laughing. We got tricked. He's weakened at Bernie's, bro. So black people is like, yo champ, we might need Donnie back in there.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I'm hearing the hood. Black people. Yep. People are waking up to the bullshit. Thank you for our money. But the part where you think that we're too stupid to get driver's licenses uh we're not gonna tolerate that yeah the thing the thing the difference between woke white people and woke black people is black people aren't pussies i know that's a sweeping generalization but in general but yeah but you see what i'm
Starting point is 00:30:06 saying right like if you're woke and you're white you're you're kind of being a coward and lacking courage comes with it but if you're woke and you're black you you kind of you still you still got you for some reason you get to keep your courage. It's kind of weird. Sunday morning tithes at Church of Savon. Jeremy at World. $5. Oh, I wish I had some good God stuff to post. Maybe there's something in here about Jesus I can find.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Oh, that would be good. You have like a – A Jesus section? Yeah. For my base? Yeah, thank you for saving me. As you knew, I had nowhere to go with that. I didn't even know what it was called, scripture.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Is that what it is? Like a reading, like a scripture reading every Sunday? This just says great teacher. How about 434? Let's do 434. Here, Jeremy, I would like to dedicate this next segment to you. I'm not sure if it is from our Lord and savior, Jesus Christos,
Starting point is 00:31:08 but either way, I think this would give a stamp of approval from, from the King. Here we go. It's possible. So that everybody feels good about themselves. Like if you're fat, whose fault is that?
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yours. I'll tell you that straight up. That's because of the things you put in your in your mouth will you pause or some shit down here this is a high school teacher he just told his class if you're fat it's your fault because why are you putting your mouth this is a high school teacher talking to his class okay here we go through but everybody wants to be body positive let's let's let's celebrate fat people why you're gonna fucking die because they're fat y'all laugh this is the truth again don't care you're fat it can be genetic that's bullshit that's a fucking excuse
Starting point is 00:32:01 can be genetic yeah guess what my entire family's fat. I'm not. I'm one of the most in-shape people around here. I do marathons. All my parents are fat. My parents are fat and so is my brother. That's not genetic. That's a fucking excuse. That's okay. That's fine. That's the mindset y'all have. Let's find an excuse. It's somebody else's fault.
Starting point is 00:32:20 It's always somebody else's fault. I couldn't get to class, coach. Whatever. It's somebody else's fault. It's not get the class, coach. Whatever. It's somebody else's fault. It's not your fault. It's like responsibility for yourself. Okay? No one cares, especially when you come to my class. And y'all probably should understand that by now.
Starting point is 00:32:33 We're almost 20 weeks into school. Some of y'all still don't understand how it operates. Some of y'all still don't understand if you just turn your work in, you'll pass this class. Okay? The people who do, you're like, yeah, it's fucking easy. I don't see how you're failing. But, I mean, there's over 50% of this class has failed. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And that frustrates me as a person because I just feel like I'm wasting my time talking to a bunch of idiots who don't give a shit. That's frustrating as a teacher. I wish I could be in my position. They've got heads up now because Coach Dickey's throwing the F-bomb out everywhere. It's amazing how many people pay attention now. Coach Dickey. I need you repeating it.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, y'all pay attention now because I'm fired up. Because it's annoying. Five minutes ago, most everyone else's head was down. And I'm just talking to a blank audience. That's just... Now, I don't know if this is true, but I heard this guy is a customer of California Hormones. That it could... I don't know if this is true but i heard this guy is a uh customer of california hormones that it could i don't know verify that but i heard that uh he went to ca and plugged in
Starting point is 00:33:33 code seven we got his free doctor's consult so what do you think that you think that dude got fired you think he's facing like scrutiny with like the board and stuff now no i honestly i i think so many people get away with that shit i think it's the unless he's in chic scrutiny with like the board and stuff now no i honestly i i think so many people get away with that shit i think it's the unless he's in chicago someone i agree with this clip is that the same mindset comparable to the notion that alcoholism is genetic as well your thoughts you know i was i was telling my we drove by the other day uh there's a bunch of tents on the side of the freeway and my son goes hey are those homeless people i go ah kinda and he goes what do you mean i go well they're not they're homeless by choice he goes what do you mean i'm like well the real problem is that
Starting point is 00:34:10 they're drug addicts he goes what's that i go i go it's the stuff that people take that makes it so like you start talking to yourself and and you slowly start to die it kills you he goes why would people want to do that and i go it's like food to them he's like it can't be food to them food keeps you alive i'm like oh fuck he's fucking me up i'm trying to try to figure out how to explain them what i was just trying to explain to him the priority i tried to give him the list of priorities of how people want to live their lives and those people have chosen something a pathway that's made it more important to them to get drugs than to have shelter and so now you're bringing up the question which is a fucking great question um is
Starting point is 00:34:52 is the is um you agree with the clip that it's it's other people's fault is it comparable to that notion that alcoholism is genetic. I honestly don't know. I don't have an opinion on it. But where I take it is, are people addicted to being a – this is where I take it. Are people addicted to being a victim as much as they're addicted to alcohol? Like is it – how hard is it to stop um what's harder quit smoking cigarettes quit drinking alcohol um quit late night snacking or quit playing the victim
Starting point is 00:35:33 that's where i took it i kind of flipped the script on it you you know what i mean uh kenneth am i i don't know i've never i've never even heard it thought of that way. Are people addicted to a certain way of thinking? Is everything just thought process? Because they're like, oh, but you have these receptors and they – I know when I've quit nicotine, I have – it's a physical – I go through some physical shit like twitching and shit. And I catch myself being tense and go ahead to it might do that have you seen that like cartoon where it's like a guy getting into a uh limo and he's like dressed like a businessman and then he's passing a walking past a guy that's like uh has like the typical
Starting point is 00:36:16 homeless look sitting on on the curb against a fence and he says hey man i'm only here because my dad was alcoholic and then the guy getting a limo says yeah me too oh shit yeah yeah it's interesting because like i'm only here because my dad beat me yeah me too that's good how do you why do you think that there's a difference between people like that right because you could have two twins and wasn't there an experiment i don't know enough about this to talk about it like well here look at this real quick uh humanity is genetic i mean that's that's another thing too. Chris just pulled the fucking – lifted up the curtain. It's all relative and contextualized. If you're going to say you got to be careful with saying these things that are just like blanket statements, unless you're, unless you're willing to accept it intellectually everywhere. Sorry. What were you going to say? Wasn't there a doctor that was, did a bunch of experiments by like taking these twins that were in foster care triplets and then dropping them into completely different environment, like home
Starting point is 00:37:21 environments to see how they would, how they would end up. is it is it nature is it nurture yeah that's what i'm talking about yeah i saw that movie they took those three kids um those three boys jewish boys and they separated them which is crazy is that they found each other i can't remember that's really crazy i can't remember what how yeah they put one in like the rich home one in the poor home, one in the poor home. Yeah, one in middle class or something like that. And just saw what ended up happening to all of them. Dude, imagine running those experiments. Yeah, you're fucking... That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Wait till you see this thing that I... Wait till you see this. Those are the experiments we know about. Think of the fucked up shit that's happened that we don't yeah i i saw some i saw some fucking i saw some experiment they were running on subway trains in the 60s in the in the in the 30s 40s 50s and 60s spraying gas on the subway riders and just seeing how they would react yeah it's crazy uh i'm trying to see what number it is i can't find it there's crazy experiments going on
Starting point is 00:38:33 i mean i play one on uh that jerry news account every week my social experiment i just put like an ambiguous comment that could go either way as far as who i'm what you know side of the fence i'm on and just watch the sharks just attack each other just chum the water just chum the water they attack me they attack each other they agree with me like it's hilarious mr russ stevens i was thinking the video you had of the democrats hating on republicans what if the videographer simply didn't show those that were friendly to Republicans and it's just an echo chamber? I'm not sure I follow that, but I want to. Monster energy drinks, coffee and cigarettes are what replaces alcohol at AA meetings.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yeah. Seven, when are you going to come out with a better clothing line? I don't understand. You mean than this? Fair enough. I haven't been sending you my text messages with life is RX. You're going to fucking, they're,
Starting point is 00:39:47 they're shifting. They've been bought again or they're shifting companies or something's happening. Okay. It's like the eighth time. It says many times as CrossFit's had CEOs vindicate. I will fight you, Nathan.
Starting point is 00:40:03 There, please send any inquiries about the apparel. CEOs? Vindicate. I will fight you, Nathan. Please send any inquiries about the apparel. Joggers would be cool. I would love some joggers. I'm kind of into joggers. Did you see the flag? Do you think being into joggers means I'm gay?
Starting point is 00:40:19 I'm open. I'm open. Well, that makes two of us because I've been into joggers. I wore joggers back when I first went to the gym. Everybody made fun of me. It was like 2015 or something like, what are you wearing? Look how skinny your sweats are. That looks ridiculous. And then like two years later, everybody has joggers.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You think this is this guy's real name? Savon is coming out with a line or no Ad adolf oliver bush oh i ate eight off oliver bush eight off oliver bush i ate off oliver bush is that what it is that's it that's yep that's one of those that's awesome that's one of those uh the screaming mike the only problem that belongs to like santa cruz we're just waiting for a cease and desist yeah that's that's my my favorite shirt though or like favorite design i would have to say really sure yeah i like it it's too complicated for me but a lot of people like it yeah i really like the way all the vindicated shirts like fit and feel too me too i like the way they fit too yeah
Starting point is 00:41:25 a 436 look at this shit we need to google this guy's name i i can't believe it uh someone on an ethics committee would really say this this is some bizarre shit um so an australian peter swed said australia just denied a mother from getting a life-saving heart transplant because she isn't vaccinated this is what pure evil looks like and this guy nathan anderson i want to google this guy's name he responds hey peter i'm actually a cardiologist and chairman of my hospital's ethics committee oh this isn't evil it's actually a cardiologist and chairman of my hospital's ethics committee. Oh, shit. This isn't evil. It's actually a wise utilization of scarce resources.
Starting point is 00:42:11 This guy's insinuating that a heart transplant shouldn't be wasted on someone who isn't vaccinated. Ethan Anderson, MD. His mother just got denied from getting the heart transplant. And he's saying, yeah, we have to give it to somebody who's vaccinated over someone who's unvaccinated. Yeah, like, hey, she couldn't get the heart because she's not vaccinated. Which I would think would be a better couldn't get the heart because she's not vaccinated which i would think would be a better person to give the heart to uh dr nathan anderson is an md and an emergency medicine specialist in amory wisconsin has over 18 years of experience in the medical field he
Starting point is 00:42:55 graduated from university of minnesota st paul campus oh so i i mean he's probably woke as fuck right yeah uh j nara writes someone uh ignores data, blindly follows paid-for and controlled narrative consensus in order to virtue signal. Yeah. Hippocratic Oath died a few years ago, sadly. This is amazing. This is a problem. This is why, going back to that chick Heather Lawrence, who's on the games team. She's like, they're like bragging that she's a PhD and that she went to college and that she comes from academia and they have something to teach CrossFit. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:34 It's like you ding dongs. You're the ones who took the fucking rings out of parks because they were dangerous and told people to stop squitting, squatting below parallel. Yeah, then falsified a bunch of data to try to change it. Right, right. No, Ms. Lawrence, actually, a couple of universities over from the one you went to in Ohio, they tried to say that CrossFit injures people. And made up data about it. Seven, I work in a pediatric heart unit,
Starting point is 00:44:02 and our transplant community had the same conversation about denying a transplant to a child because the parents weren't vaccinated. Honestly, it would make sense if they did it the other way around. If they said, hey, we're not sure if we can give this heart to someone because they were vaccinated. At least then you could logically explain it. Crazy. then you could logically explain it crazy uh the ethics committee and hospitals have to ask every possible question that's normal that's their job hey but you know that they didn't ask it the other way around is the point trish you know they didn't they weren't like well we shouldn't no one was like well actually we shouldn't give it to someone who is vaccinated you know no one said that that's the point of this
Starting point is 00:44:48 i and maybe it's just because i'm not uh informed enough but i don't even like why why would that even become a discussion now at this point like we knew we know that the vaccine did nothing that they claimed it did nothing so if that's the case then why are we even deliberating between who is and who isn't inside these hospitals anymore especially when they need care that has nothing to do with covet at all all right guys headed to church love you all jessica uh will you be um uh concealed carry in church just in case pray for us please nathan anderson md collects shells on the beach and makes lovely art that he sends to family members at christmas i always just think that a lot of the people that are flow down the academic
Starting point is 00:45:38 pathway and get their like phd and stuff like that it just reminds me of somebody who's really good at following system and procedure. Yeah. You know, like here's the roadmap. It's been laid out for you. Go down this path, get these credits, check these boxes, memorize it this way. Tell us what we wrote down in the textbooks, regurgitate it back to us, follow all the same system and procedure in hospital. Don't worry about actual patient care, critical thinking.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Just go down and connect the dotted lines like you were taught and collect your paycheck and do what we say. That's all of academia. So that's, uh, you remember the book range? Yes. It can't just, yeah, go ahead. Well, it's just like the opposite of that right yes yes so like if you yes wow you have a good memory that's crazy thanks but one of the things that i took away from that is like the different things that i do so when i'm over and i'm learning more about like what the firefighters do and their job and the way that their leadership and communication happens from the top down and how that organization happens. And then I'm like over on the other side, working with the podcast and like the guests and stuff like that and seeing how that goes. And then back over at my gym while listening to a book on,
Starting point is 00:46:54 you know, hospitality on four-star Michelin restaurants, three-star, four-star Michelin restaurants. As you kind of collect all that data, you start to kind of like cross-pollinate each little thing. And you see these little carryovers of how it works. And you can start to almost circle around and connect the dots. And the one thing that I always told people is it's almost like starting CrossFit. It's like flying a plane over your city. The first time you fly by, you're only going to be able to be like, okay, well, there's downtown because I could see that. And that's the baseball field because I could see that. And the third time you fly by, you're like, oh, well and that's the baseball field because i could see that and the third time you fly by you're like oh well that's actually north you know that's east avenue that's like north livermore street and then by like the fifth time you can fly over you're like there's my house
Starting point is 00:47:32 that's my walking path and everything and then it becomes more and more clear and i feel like when people just follow down that system of memorization and the way the educational system is is done they're not even looking at outside the plane window to connect all the dots or to see the bigger picture they're just staring down at the controls and you miss everything else that's happening so the more range and the more breadth and depth you have across a bunch of different things the more like useful you are there's more utility to you as a person you're able to critically think when when uh when um this is a little of going back a little bit for those of you who can't distinguish between equality and equity equity is like concerned about the outcome that's why as soon as you
Starting point is 00:48:16 see the word equity you should you know that they're racist you either you know that they're racist they're sexist they're homophobicobic. They're all the things that they claim that they're for. They are those things. They have no – because equity always comes at the cost of equality. Always, always, always, always comes at the cost of equality. Yeah, and in order to believe that, you have to believe that you're a victim, right? Yes. Explain that to me.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Meaning like if I'm saying, hey, this is unfair. Sevan gets this, like everybody, you know, he gets interviewed by all the athletes and everybody really like him. I want to have that. When I show up at Water Blues, I want all the athletes to gravitate towards me like they do Sevan. Why don't they? Why don't I have that same one? And now all of a sudden, that's not looking at the huge repertoire you built over 15 years working with them. It's just me wanting the same outcome as you. Therefore I'm a victim of this. So yeah, exactly. So that's how equity works. So, so I show up somewhere and I can interview all the athletes because I've been doing it for 20 years and they'll talk to me and, and I have a rapport and I know where to stand and where to be and just all these things that I've acquired. It's their first day there and they're like, hey, it's not fair.
Starting point is 00:49:28 They're not going to get that access. So equity is when you tell me I can't show up until 10, but everyone else can show up at 8 so that they can get a head start on me. Because it's not fair because of all the skills that I have and I've acquired. And then you hide it under the fact that um it's also that it's because I'm white when it has nothing to do with that but then but though but they will convince you that it is that's equity so when you see that that's why it's so disappointing to see Adrian Conway do that as soon as you see equity you know oh shit those people don't care about equality like the second you see that she tries to say
Starting point is 00:50:05 in there in her defense she tries to say in there that her first and foremost thing is i'm paraphrasing is to um do what's best for the sport and then second to see how she can get more women involved there's a thing in there too but you know it's just all you can just tell where she comes from if you want to be really frustrated, if you want to ask her, I mean, me personally, Jay Hartle, you're not white.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Um, Savon, you're not white. Me, me personally, like, I think the strongest way that I can vote is with my money. And that,
Starting point is 00:50:36 that's another reason why I would, I have no interest in, um, the only way, the only way you could actually really vote as much as I think that like everyone should take their L1. Like I wouldn't, I have no interest and i want crossfit to succeed because i'm a fucking parasite on the ecosystem but i would never give money to that company never ever ever ever ever i
Starting point is 00:50:54 i um i don't have i don't have hope i don't have hope for it right now and and when i see things like that that shit sucks that shit is really bad you know what else it takes away from uh what crossfit actually did which was the first sport that i know of that built up men and women completely even playing field the whole entire time as far as pay camera time uh barrier to entry i mean they're literally playing on the same field as each other minutes apart from each other. Oftentimes the women's story gets more talked about because for a period of time, it was just such a competitive field in different regions that it was just frankly, more exciting to watch. And it takes away from all of that when we go back and say, Oh, well,
Starting point is 00:51:38 this is a male dominated thing and blah, blah, blah. It's like, I remember years back when the military wanted to change its standards on the, on the pull-up, the strict pull-up and eliminate it or make it for one. And, uh, I think it was Greg or who posted it probably might've been leaf, but they had a bunch of women with their backs turned with their shirts off. So you could just see their backs, but they had no shirts and they were all doing strict pull-ups and the quote underneath is, well, it looks like someone forgot to tell our women they can't do pull-ups. So that's what it was written. That's what it was written that's what it was written and then it was just like this like collage of like you know women doing l-sit pull-ups pregnant women about to burst just cranking out strict don't you think
Starting point is 00:52:13 we're past that now though like when you see that now in hindsight like that's what they like that's what i feel like that lady that that lady heather lawrence i feel like she's still trapped in fucking 2002 well she's keeping us there it just like just like everybody else is right because like instead of recognizing how far especially the sport of crossfit what what that's done for yeah quote unquote evening the playing field you're you're basically saying oh well we could do better and and not acknowledging what you actually already did she wants crossfit to celebrate that more and it's like crossfit to celebrate that more and it's like you see celebrating it only makes it so like it's less normal yeah it's being we don't need to celebrate because it just is our reality yeah no one no one's no one's tripping on that except you
Starting point is 00:52:55 let it speak for itself i don't think that chicken is on staff. I think that interview is old, although they just posted the video of it. Athena Perez, what if we said, hey, can we make it easier for international affiliates, allow them to pay in their funds to make it more equitable and accessible? Is that not a good example? You mean like if the – you mean like the the dollar the way the dollar works so like if it's three thousand dollars here three thousand dollars in in in in portugal is you know equivalent to them paying twenty thousand dollars that's an that that's something that was always being brought up in all of our meetings and there becomes a little bit it becomes a slippery slope there because
Starting point is 00:53:43 what about the people in mississippi who's 7Eleven still has a dirt floor and gas stations still have dirt floors and people still there have outhouses. What about those people in the United States? Do we allow them to pay less affiliate fees? Yeah, I think that there's probably the correct equation where you could look at different sections and what the cost of living is there and then adjust it according to that. There's got to be some equation you could look at that would give you a basis. They're doing that now. They're allowing certain countries to pay less money to be affiliates now. Yeah. That is happening.
Starting point is 00:54:20 They should. I don't – yeah, you do agree with that? I don't know if I agree with that. I agree with that because if we're going to say that this is going to be a small business miracle that has the complete – like a really low barrier to entry to where you could go get your L1, you could write your essay, and you could affiliate, and you could start training your neighbors right there in the garage, then I think that that needs to stay true and can be adjusted per where you live. Let me give you an example. Push back on that a little bit. Same with L1 too. Well, I've already given you one example.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It's going to get really tedious throughout countries because the economic disparity, I'm not saying that is a bad thing, but the cost of living in San Francisco is way different than living in rural Mississippi. But what about the L-1? You can't lower the price of L-1 in fucking – in poor places because those instructors still have to go there. They still have to fly there.
Starting point is 00:55:14 The cost isn't cheaper to do those L-1s there. We don't know that. So that's one thing that I would consider, right, because the L-1 does have an overhead expense. It costs money to fly those trainers out there. They have to have a facility you know all that stuff so yes there would be much much of a different way to look at that maybe you couldn't knock the price off that at all maybe it just is what it is once you calculate everything for them to still be able to make like a profit margin but the affiliate fee is just a licensing fee there is no overhead for you with that at a certain point because because you're leveraging it each
Starting point is 00:55:47 year hey well maybe i would like to know how much kalipa pays for his affiliates too i would love to know that too how many does he have in total i don't know six four three um what about what about the fact that um what if they just allow i don't want to solve the problem here okay well there's two sides we are available for a consultation i don't want to solve the problem for them right now yeah um uh but but but going back to what um uh athena is saying is that a place where equity is good the thing the point there is at that point it's um The thing – the point there is that at that point it's – I would need to think about that a little bit more. Well, if I could help you out a little bit, I would say we would simply base that off like a math equation and the reality of the economic situation.
Starting point is 00:56:44 We're not basically saying like, oh, well, there's more men or there's more women. So we need to even this out. You're just simply looking at people or whatever, whatever the case, you're just simply looking at like, what is the cost of living to to to live there and to work there? And what does that look like? And then can we adjust the affiliate fee to to represent that a little bit better? I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. Do you think food should be... Do you think that, like, gas is so expensive where I live compared to, like, Arizona?
Starting point is 00:57:12 Gas is, like, $5.59 a gallon here, and it's, like, $2.99 in Arizona. That adjusts. Well, it's fucking bullshit. Housing adjusts everywhere we go. Housing adjusts everywhere we go. Housing adjusts everywhere we go. Why wouldn't an affiliate fee adjust?
Starting point is 00:57:31 That's a good point. You know what I mean? So the building that I pay for and I'm going to use it. But I don't like that. I don't think it should be like that. I don't think it should be like that. But it has to be like that. No other way I could think about it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:57:45 make sense if like you know what what if i have if you have the same size building that i have here in limoore california right off the freeway next to these major shopping centers the price that i pay for a month per that versus if you just had uh the same size building smack dab in the middle of nowhere in like kansas or something those are not those are not equal things and in the in the gas station at Big Sur, the gas is like $10 a gallon because how the fuck is that truck supposed to get out there and fill that gas station?
Starting point is 00:58:11 It's out in the middle of nowhere. Right. And so there's different factors that are leveraging on that, which I do like your point better about not changing the price of the L1 because that's a service with an overhead behind it. So you've kind of just done the math already as far as what we need to cover our expenses
Starting point is 00:58:27 and still make it worth our while, pay our trainers, what have you. So that may not have a change at all and that would make more sense. Whatever services the affiliate team or CrossFit's providing based on the money that they make from affiliate fees is then being subsidized by the gyms
Starting point is 00:58:43 who pay more money into it always first class always subsidizes the coach yeah yeah don't hate the rich people i'm willing i'm willing to make a concession and agree with matt suza but in trade i would like people to stop hating on rich people the only problem that i would that i would have or the only concern i could foresee with this is that they need to be CrossFit needs to be completely open and transparent about like, hey, this is the equations that we use for this. This is
Starting point is 00:59:11 our thinking. This is how we're going to do it and this is why. And you have to make that I wonder what McDonald's does. Call her high. Hey, good morning, guys. It's Jethro. How are you? Hey, Jethro. What's up, dude? Jethro, what's going on, man? Not much. Hey, for Susan, real quick, what doethro. How are you? Hey, Jethro. What's up, dude? Jethro, what's going on, man? Not much. Hey, Susan.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Hey, for Susan, real quick, what do you think about this idea? I reached out to Dave, and we actually had a little dialogue. What about garage gyms affiliating? Obviously, not a $3,000 fee, but a smaller fee. You can incorporate that into your level one as a discount. You can be a CrossFit garage gym affiliate. You have the name. CrossFit could provide something like a special banner or something.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Be on the affiliate map and still raise some revenue that way. How do you feel about that? He fucking hates it. He's an affiliate owner. All you garage gyms could burn in hell. I mean, that always just gets tough because like, well, how would you set the price? And then I, you know, how many, I love it by the way.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I love it. Get me affiliated. But I do like the fact that there would just be more people attached to the CrossFit band and to the CrossFit community. So that portion of it, I like, but I just, I don't know how, I don't know how that would work as far as like creating each of them as like a business, because some of the homeowners associations would kick people out.
Starting point is 01:00:34 All of a sudden you had 20 cars in front of your house. What would be the point? What would be the point Jethro of affiliating? Like what would be the point? Yeah. What's just to fly the flag or. Yeah. Just like garage gym owners are pretty proud and happy of what they've accomplished in their gyms and what they promote on social media. I'm thinking if you had a garage gym affiliate, the response to social media would be tremendous. People constantly posting videos, going viral, even more so than it is now.
Starting point is 01:01:03 So just, you know, it would be more exposure. Interesting. Yeah, if you're doing it for the sake of exposure. Ukrainian flag on your garage door, the gay flag and like a CrossFit flag, just like, fuck, I rock. No thanks. Yeah, I mean, can't you do that now already
Starting point is 01:01:23 and just affiliate your garage? But I mean, you have to just pay $3,000 for it. That's basically what we're saying is lower that cost, knowing that you're in a garage. Well, I'm thinking if you incorporate that into a level one, if it's a $1,000 L1 fee, if you affiliate and pay $400, use that towards your L1 and then make it more accessible for people to get the L1 and bring the methodology to the communities or something to that effect. Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't mind it. Maybe you'd have to call it something different. It would be like a garage affiliate or something.
Starting point is 01:02:02 You'd have to work out the term there. But I don't know if you could make it be exact as a CrossFit affiliate. Cause look at this, look at this. Oh, go ahead. Sorry, Jethro. Go ahead. Go ahead. Look how big, look how big street parking is getting, how much exposure they're getting. Now if you attach that, you know how people buff out with like the shoes and the clothing, something, another revenue stream for CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Cause they're always complaining about, you know, no one one signing up for the Open. That's how SoulCycle made all of its money, clothing. And same with Zumba. They're just crazy clothing brands. It's a trip. Look at this guy. Look what this guy says. I don't even
Starting point is 01:02:40 understand this. David Uffland. Uffland. If you want coaches and owners to have a living wage you will need to reduce the price reduce the no increase the price reduce the price of what this could allow for more gyms to open which is the goal correct there's a bunch of ideas like colliding into each other what would reducing the price of affiliate fees help them make a better living wage i don't i don't see that at all like you're saying lower from three thousand to two thousand so instead of them making fifty thousand dollars a year they make fifty one thousand dollars a year yeah i would say david we have an awesome episode on the cost of running
Starting point is 01:03:12 an affiliate you should definitely go check that one and then and then if more gyms open that would be bad for the other gyms in the area theoretically i i don't know there's too many ideas there uh for me to really get that but in conclusion to what jethro is saying, I actually, if we're talking about, we want to have the sake of this for more exposure and to have more people wave the CrossFit banner, then I would definitely be on board with that. I don't think it's opening more CrossFit gyms, so I would hate that they would do this and then they would attach it to their number of affiliates around because I don't see them being exactly as the same thing,
Starting point is 01:03:45 but as far as exposure and more, more people doing CrossFit in their job, in their garage together, I would, I agree with it. Thank you, Jeff. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Bye. Did we, did we bomb the pipeline? The one, the 435. Yeah, like did that Nordic Stream pipeline. I am not informed on that at all. So we could explore this together.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Is that our fault? Look at how fucking pissed this guy is. This is pretty crazy. I mean, we saw yesterday, you know, we talked. Well, we've talked about the Ukraine quite 2 pipeline, as has been asserted by Seymour Hersh and his article, will you call for the United States to acknowledge and admit that that was an act of war against Germany and Russia? And I'm asking this because this may be the only way to prevent the rest of us from being killed in a thermonuclear war. And I don't want to be fried. Don't you think the media should be reporting on whether or not this is true?
Starting point is 01:05:06 And don't you think you should be inquiring into whether or not this is true? Well, thank you for the question. One, I've got no information to suggest that the United States was involved in bombing the Nord Stream pipeline. Because he would have, you would have, you would have been, you weren't briefed on it. Sir, you got your chance to ask a question. You weren't given information because he explicitly says you weren't briefed on it. Shouldn't you inquire?
Starting point is 01:05:32 So here's what I'll say about, I think, President Biden's leadership generally as it relates to the Ukraine and Russia. We committed an act of war. What are you doing to respond to that we have to hold biden accountable listen you're from brooklyn right you know when to call bullshit when you see it so do i this is bullshit right now and i see what's happening right now that does not silence me so you can hear me right now i want you to say something is he mic'd up because we're all going to die from a nuclear they pulled his mic it looks like you stop it and you at least put an inquire Is he Mike, though? They pulled his mic, it looks like.
Starting point is 01:06:07 But we still hear him. Here's what I'll say. Say it! That's fucking bullshit! Do not do that! You will end us all dead! We need peace! We're going to continue to stand with the Ukrainian people against their war. And this war against Vladimir Putin. Because it's not just a battle between Ukraine and Russia. It's a battle now between democracy and autocracy. It's a battle between truth and propaganda. You are leaving. Listen, did you even read the allegations? No.
Starting point is 01:06:47 How about accountability? Not airheadedness. It's a battle between tyranny and freedom. We need to get this guy on the show. How about conversation, not cremation? Diplomacy, not destruction. How about that? How come it's all of a sudden the Republicans give a fuck about like if they always give a fuck? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Someone just sent me the Woody Harrelson thing. In the world, get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I don't know if we're going to get away with posting this. I'm sending this to you. this is going to be gnarly hey it is pretty crazy if we fucking bomb that thing
Starting point is 01:07:31 yeah that thing's how Russia that thing's how Russia was selling oil to Germany that pipeline I guess like I said I wish I was more informed on it. I don't know enough.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Seema, they're trying not to bruise Putin's ego, but hurt him economically. We don't actually want war with us. We want to send arms, I mean, help to other countries to fight our wars because we aren't fit. Well, that's true. Yeah, all I know is that it seems like every time there's a switch from Republican to Democrat and whether that actually has anything to do with it or not,
Starting point is 01:08:09 it seems like the U.S. is getting into another war it should not be involved in. And yet now we're spending super amount of time, resources, and soon American lives to go get involved in something that I would say majority of the Americans have no idea what the fuck it's about or why we're doing it or what the outcome is going to be in terms of being beneficial to the American people. And we continuously have crises that are happening here that are getting worse and worse and worse every single day. So there is there is no there is no doubt. Right. saw that they were opening up their attorney general in the ukraine was opening up an investigation into the biden specifically hunter with ukraine and illegal dealings and fucking a week later joe biden went over there and had their secretary general fired or sorry their attorney
Starting point is 01:08:56 general fired uh or else the u.s wasn't going to give him a billion dollars in aid in a nutshell we saw that fucking happen. Yeah. I mean, how many of these, like, that's some crazy, that's some,
Starting point is 01:09:09 that's some crazy coincidence. Yeah. Lots of crazy coincidences these days, huh? Do you see what I just sent you? I haven't seen this. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I have it up on here. I struggle with anything good coming out of SNL because they were so pro fucking injection. Yeah, it's tough. Anything out of Hollywood in general, right? They're not even funny anymore. Yeah. I see them as not good people over there. I really like Dave Chappelle's monologue when he started it, though.
Starting point is 01:09:41 That was like months back, but it was pretty funny. And I just watched it because I pretty much watch it is like a bond movie it is like a bond movie i was thinking that the other day too i said our life has turned into a bond bond movie okay let's uh yeah that's true that's a good when you are the most powerful player you make the most powerful moves it's just crazy that the american people just keep falling for it over and over again i mean just look back at the past, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 01:10:07 50 years of, of these proxy wars that we've had starting from Vietnam until now. And just ask yourself, like, what has that actually done? You know, I have, I have people all around me who,
Starting point is 01:10:17 who still want to defend the measles and polio vaccine, but refuse to look into it after watching just happened with the COVID vaccine. And I get it. It's so hard on brainwashing yourself, but just go look into it. It won't take you long, 30 minutes to an hour.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And you'll be like, Oh, Oh yeah. Hey, we play this SNL skit. Do you think we're going to get in trouble for this? We're going to get copyright block for this. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:42 It's so hard because you would like to think no, because it's instagram but i don't know that's how the algorithm works i think it's just picking it up by the voice piece i haven't seen this so stand by okay here we go the biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes and people can only come out if they take the cartels drugs and keep taking them over and over i threw the script away i mean who is gonna believe that crazy idea i was like this the biggest drug cartels in the world together okay i mean that's that's it he nailed it i mean that's a that's a valid narrative on on what happened biggest drug cartels in the world get together they pay off the politicians and they
Starting point is 01:11:42 pay off the media and they're like hey if you don't buy our drugs and take them then we won't let you out of your house thank you whether it's true or not it fits i could put it fits it's a it's a it's a um it fits yeah i almost got in a fight with Woody Harrelson. It got fucking real contentious. Fucking crazy. I don't pay to see that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:11 It was nuts. I didn't want to fight. I didn't want it to be hostile. He got, he took offense to some, something I said to him. And then you just got in your face or something like that. Yes.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Or fucking yelling at me. My buddy was there. My buddy's like, Hey, settle down. I have the video somewhere that would be amazing if you had that video we have to post that i got the whole thing on video uh okay uh how about how about uh uh graciano the wall street lifter you can hit the the bottom one the instagram one 433 crazy yeah dude's just a beast crazy i want you to watch his knees closely
Starting point is 01:12:54 yeah i watched the watch his knees closely does he get a double lift uh 405 Bam How is that even possible Let's see it zoomed out here Trish does Make a good point here uh you want to fuck with us with our marks just yeah that's great good job god it's so impressive the way he works with the energy of the bar too as he kind of does that bounce and then rides it
Starting point is 01:13:38 up as the bar oscillates a little bit there it's like incredible oh yeah I got a comment from CrossFit. There it is. Cool. There what is? Whoop, there it is. Click the reply. There what is? Chicken dinner.
Starting point is 01:14:00 What is that? It's a perfect response. It's a perfect response. It's a perfect response. You want to just see all the dumbest responses on, in our ecosystem. Look at just what the games and CrossFit posts, how they respond. It's just vapid,
Starting point is 01:14:15 meaningless. You have to read into it. It's just fucking, it's Twitter talk. I like what Trish, this is, so we, we fight fire with fire.
Starting point is 01:14:28 They spread their fucking bullshit and we fucking bomb them. That's like what we do. Michael Levis, pool boy. I'm so sexually aroused by that lift. That's healthy. Yeah, it's so awesome. Graciano is a bad-ass. Uh, Susan, can we talk about the bar oscillation more?
Starting point is 01:14:53 It's surprising how many CrossFitters don't know what it is. Well, I would say most of them don't lift it up to have to worry about it. What's bar oscillation. It's like, you know, when you have a bunch of weight on the bar and you walk it out and you can start to see it move or flex yeah that's that's the bar oscillating is that movement in it and happens all the time and so um i don't know exactly like using the bend using the momentum of the bend to like yeah exactly so by go up yeah if you're gonna do like a you know if you're gonna do like a squat clean or something like that and you drive as the bar flexes if you stand there for a minute
Starting point is 01:15:29 as it starts to drive up and you drive up with the bar there you're working with the energy of the bar makes sense uh steve flores this is exactly right crossfit has 19 year old tiktokers replying to these people yeah they dumb everyone down that that was the it's all the exact opposite of what greg used to do smart everyone up uh 432 i'm a huge fan of a giant head on a woman i just love giant head it's just there was this there's this guy this specific post though this is a page yeah just a page because this lady has a huge head i just love this lady's head this is a wonder woman her head is so fucking big look at her on the right there look at that fucking giant melon god i love a giant head look at him
Starting point is 01:16:22 i don't know why there's got to be something do you like a girl with a giant head look at him i don't know why i there's got to be something do you like a girl with a giant head i i just don't think it's that giant you don't think her head's look at that fucking she's like a horse it's like i'm look at that one we're sitting down with the legs open in that in that in that tuxedo go back over there you don't think that's a giant fuck it no not that not uh sorry not that one that's a big melon though too that uh there right there yeah i dude look at that fucking jaw in her head her head's a fucking watermelon kenneth the lap doesn't see it either i think if you were standing next to her you'd know let me see go go um
Starting point is 01:17:08 let me see there's gotta be one it's gotta be bigger than you don't think that's bigger than a normal person's head look at that one with her in the red suit right oh look at her as wonder woman that thing is fucking huge dude and i've always known that about myself, that I'm just attracted to a woman with a giant moon head. I mean, you, you would know better than me then. I don't know. It just doesn't look.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Oh, she's Israeli. I had no idea. Yeah. She's a fucking side profile of it. Well, that makes sense. She got a giant Jew brain in there.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I had no idea she was Israeli. Hey, keep going there. You'll see. Yeah. Well, that makes sense. She got a giant Jew brain in there. I had no idea she was Israeli. Hey, keep going. You'll see. Yeah, look at that. Look how perfect both their skin, like their skin. Look at her head compared to that other lady's head. Look at their jaws. Wonder Woman has two jaws.
Starting point is 01:17:58 You got to have a strong jaw if you're Wonder Woman. No, my wife doesn't have a big head. My wife has a little pinner head. But she's Ozkenaziazi so she got the jubilee dude you don't see how huge her head is you know what video she's in she's in that video with the guy um uh that guy who um from maroon five or something the guy who sings that song and like all the girls are around him do you know what i'm talking about it's adam levine i think it's adam levine song yeah okay and she's in that video and in that video i saw that video the other day and i just was like who is that and i was like oh that's wonder woman fuck i like her because her head is so huge
Starting point is 01:18:39 there we go with the yellow spoon oh yeah yeah okay proportional somewhat look at it compared to the other lady's head yeah it's bigger dude it's 10 or 15 percent bigger her head is a fucking bowling ball anyway i find her so incredibly attractive. Wonder Woman is like the most beautiful woman who ever lived. That Gal Gadot lady. Yeah. How many followers does she have? Maybe I like her because she kind of looks like... 97 million?
Starting point is 01:19:20 Holy fuck, dude. She could probably sell some Paper Street Coffee, huh? She could slang it. Damn. Oh. Anyway, she's so hot. It's fucking crazy. God, it's fucking a big old giant melon. She's made fun of that probably in school when she's a kid
Starting point is 01:19:46 who's laughing now yeah fuck you hey the the the dilbert guy said some weird shit did you see that the guy who does the dilbert cartoon he might be toast oh you know he used to live out here in pleasonton yeah she is hot as fuck it's crazy do you. David, you think she has a big old head? Oh, you're a Jew, too? You're Israeli, Seema? You guys got big heads? My wife's Ashkenazi, 100%.
Starting point is 01:20:15 She got a little pinner head. Oh, dropped a comment, huh? But she does. My wife has a very nice jawline. Incredible. You want to see... huh? But she does. My wife has a very nice jawline. Incredible. You want to see. Oh, here we go. You want to see an attractive woman with a big head.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Look up Giada. Here, let me see. You just better not take us like the Pornhub. Oh, goodness. Trust you guys. Come on. G-I-A-D-A-D-E. It did not take us to a...
Starting point is 01:20:47 Is it a chick with a giant head? Yeah. I'm going to like her. Probably. Thank you, Alan. Oh, her head's kind of upside down. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I mean, she's a... I don't know. Is her head huge it is compared to look at the her head like compared to this shot of her body yeah i'm not that you ruined my whole thing alan you ruined my whole listen listen it has to be a beautiful big head it can't just be big you ruined the whole fucking the whole bit's fucked up i knew that's the problem with these live shows okay wait till you see this this is some this is this is weird
Starting point is 01:21:30 um no not not just like i'm not talking about a receding hairline i'm just talking about a giant head okay i'm moving on but she's good gal gadot um this guy dilbert tmz says it's a racist rant there's absolutely nothing racist about it at all but it is some weird shit canceled he this is a white guy i can't tell if he's joking or not but he identified with being black and he wanted to like be a part of like a really you know positive force in the black community and then he saw some poll where half of black people thought that um he basically hated white people and so it made him be like okay i'm no longer identified being black and i'm not i and basically I'm not going to talk to black people anymore, and you shouldn't either.
Starting point is 01:22:26 What? It's like, you see, it's 431. There's a video. Oh, okay. You have it as a thing. Sorry, sorry. I never told you the number. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Okay, here we go. Yeah, you may have to play. There's like a commercial or something. Oh, it's a joke? You think it's a joke? Oh, that would make me feel a little better. It's definitely not a racist rant, but it would definitely make me feel better if it's a joke.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Scott Adams, that's his name? That's going to load the ad first. Then we could play it. Oh, so you're saying this is out of context, Mr. Zombie? Hmm. Well, shall we watch i think that's racist and you're out of your fucking mind trish what are you woke oh you how is that racist it's only racist because you're calling them black people or you're calling them white people i mean that in itself is has undertones of racism seen recognizing someone by the color of their skin the That's on the thing on the side. Medical doctor.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Two minutes and eight seconds long. Do we want to play that whole thing? Yeah, let's play it. Fuck it. It's good. This guy isn't pretty mainstream. Dilbert. Well, Rasmussen Poll had a provocative little poll today.
Starting point is 01:23:46 They said, do you agree or disagree with the statement, it's okay to be white? That was an actual question. Rasmussen asked white and black voters and probably others, do you disagree or agree with the statement, it's okay to be white? 26% of blacks said
Starting point is 01:24:03 no. It's not okay to be white it's such a 26 percent of blacks said uh no it's not okay to be white 21 percent weren't sure add them together that is 47 percent of black respondents were not willing to say it's okay to be white can you pause that i'm not sure if it is either i like what are the circumstances you mean on a sunny day no it's such a weird it's such a weird question uh okay let's go on I, it's such a weird, it's such a weird question. Okay. Go on. That actually, that's like a real poll.
Starting point is 01:24:34 This just happened. Did you have any idea? Would you have imagined that that could have happened? So I realized, as you know, I've been identifying as black for a while, years now, because I like to be on the winning team. And I like to help. And I always thought, well, if you help the black community, that's sort of the biggest lever. You know, you can find the biggest benefit. So I thought, well, that's the hardest thing and the biggest benefit.
Starting point is 01:25:00 So I like to focus a lot of my life resources in helping black Americans. So much so that I started identifying as black to just be on the team I was helping. But it turns out that nearly half of that team doesn't think I'm OK to be white. Which is, of course, why I identified as black, because I could be on the winning team for a while. But I have to say, this is the first political poll that ever changed my activities. I don't know that that's ever happened before. Normally, you see a poll, you just look at it, you go, whatever. Oh, this is interesting what other people think. But as of today, I'm going to re-identify as white because i don't want to be a member of a
Starting point is 01:25:28 hate group i'd accidentally joined a hate group so if you're nearly half of all blacks that's the part that they're saying is racist because he called black people who don't like white people a hate group but that's not racist by the way but go on it's weird it's not misogynist either it's not homophobic either i know you're you i'm trying to stick it in the bucket you're trying to stick it in the bucket let's give it these next 50 seconds before we make our decision here okay okay uh are not okay with white people according to this poll not according to me according to this poll uh that's a hate group. That's a hate group. And I don't want to have anything to do with them.
Starting point is 01:26:07 And I would say, you know, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Hey, so when he's it's so crazy, too, because it's just I hope it's a joke because it's categorizing people just by the color of their skin. So basically he's doing an algebra problem here he's saying that there was a poll and half of black people don't like white people so for your safety if you're white stay away from black people we need uh william briggs to weigh in on the induction or deduction in the statistics of uh tim brown i'm not sure if he's racist or not let's cancel him
Starting point is 01:26:50 wow why would you release this this is the kind of stuff that's just not net positive anyway yeah i'm gonna say it's it's racist just not not for anything that he's saying but it's just pushing the racist agenda it's just like hey it's more just like categorizing us by color yeah i don't understand that like what was optimal outcome of of like this what was he trying to accomplish here he is he damaged goods is that what you is he is he crazy did we just play spend two minutes on a crazy guy is he damaged goods i don't i've never watched anything with him so it's hard to tell like is this his mannerism of like is it just dry like humor like is he being sarcastic like is he actually concerned like what what exactly is happening look at trish just giving him a full
Starting point is 01:27:41 pass i see what he's saying i don't think it's profound or terribly funny. And it's too hard to parse. It's okay, Scott. I dropped the ball, too. He's giving like a little like, hey, he had a senior moment. Like when they pulled Mel Gibson over in Hollywood and he was drunk and he's like, fuck the Jews. They're like, okay, okay, Mel. We're going to give you a pass on that.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Okay, Mel, calm down. Interesting. All right. we're gonna give you a pass on that okay interesting yeah I don't really I'm sorry I feel like I wasted some of your time well I just don't really know what to do with that I don't think I think it's fucking insane to think that half of black people don't I bet you I bet you it's less than 1% of people
Starting point is 01:28:24 if you were to just ask people with melanated skin, is it okay to be white, I have to guess that the vast majority are like, wait, that doesn't even make sense. What? Can you be transracial? Like multi? Yeah, Obama was transracial, wasn't he? Yeah, like where on the spectrum does it like where's the tipping point i hate you know what i couldn't i couldn't i couldn't uh oh no one if you just have a little bit of black in you you're black um nick at at gilbert's uh have you seen the joan hill movie
Starting point is 01:28:56 you people i couldn't stand it dude i'm so sorry i really tried to enjoy it i couldn't fucking stand it it's so fucking la like yeah that's it's that is not um that's not even a joke that's how those people are they nailed it you said it you said it best when you're like his the character jonah hill's character is just a liar the whole time yeah yeah and yeah the jon. And yeah, the Jonah Hill's character. Yeah. And no one addresses that once. Yeah. It's just a fucking pathological liar. No one addresses it.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Yeah. That to me was really, really weird. And it's always funny too. How many times could they remake the movie off the same premise of like. Black guy dates white girl, family's disturbed. Or then you just, I mean, whatever. Switch. You don't even have to go that far.
Starting point is 01:29:43 It's like, it's like person dating person to meet the family like how many movies have been made about that and then the different scenarios i mean like uh uh meet the parents were probably the all-time great though yeah oh yeah yeah yeah that's with uh uh ben ben stiller and robert denaro yeah with dustin hoffman in that too i't know. I'm so bad with actors, names and like movies, like, like people like when you're talking to Hillary the other day and he just fucking remembers all these movie lines and shit,
Starting point is 01:30:13 dude, first off, I don't watch movies basically at all. And number two, when I do watch him, there's no way I watched it enough times to ever like, remember the lines. It's pretty impressive.
Starting point is 01:30:23 I think it's, I think it's sticks with him the first time. I can could believe that i watched him make it one of his videos once like when we were in newport together and i just went and filmed that thing on the beach and like how quick he is and the stuff like you're right like that says shit is like filed in the top of his head and he'll like hear me say something that on the beach is like oh hold on and he'll like type it and type it in and like boom up comes this like perfect piece of like clip that like fits in there and it like is funny and everything else and i'm like how do you remember that and he's like i don't know yeah he i feel like he does it every show now live too yeah oh okay interesting trish is just
Starting point is 01:30:57 saying he lost it they're basically saying that whole thing was a, and it was a badly delivered joke. Now he's canceled. I'm a transracial. Everything in the bedroom. I'm with my ninth wife. Sorry. I want to read that. A well-endowed Somalian man. Turned into a well-endowed.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Okay, 430. It doesn't matter if this is true. It doesn't matter if what he's saying is true. It happened. 430. Oh, okay. I saw this. You did? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Did you send this to me or did it just populate? I think it probably just populated in my thing. Okay, here we go. So I want to explain something. Okay, here we go. It doesn't matter if the pharma companies bought the media, bought the politicians, and then we were forced to take the drugs. It doesn't matter if the story is true or not. It happened. Someone threw a rock and it hit Susan in the head and he's dead. If that really happened, it happened. And if you want to spin some narrative around it or put some nuance to it or say a girl threw a rock on a Sunday because of something she remembered Sousa did to her 13 years ago and then someone paid her $8. It doesn't – like none of those things matter. It happened.
Starting point is 01:32:49 And so when we talk, we dress things up, and you have to be careful not to look at the clothing and make sure that you just remember that it's something dressed up. You have to – like you throw a sheet on an invisible man, and now you can see him because the sheet – because it holds – it's like that. He's under there, and when you take the sheet off, the guy's still there. You just can't see him. these words are just that sheet so listen to what this guy says and if it freaks you out or anything don't worry it's just the sheet explaining the uh the the insides and it's a little freaky okay go action outside and looked up and the sky was full of planes dropping paratroopers on you Okay, go. Action. bodily autonomy that they were coming to give you a number, round you up like cattle, and put you in sectors where you can't go more than 15 minutes from your home, where you have an expiry date on your digital money, and you have no future for what but what they say. What would you do?
Starting point is 01:33:58 What would you do? Now my question is, what would you do if those same people, instead of dropping out of planes like paratroopers on your head, spent the last 40 years slowly infiltrating your governments, right from municipal levels up to federal levels, using blackmail, bribes, and every other kind of fucking bad thievery that they do. other kind of fucking bad thievery that they do. Now they're here in your yard and they want to take the same things, your sovereignty, every belonging, your personal bodily autonomy, your freedoms, and your right to move around. They want to come and remove your free will. They want to remove God from your life. They want to take over and make you an Amazon. No.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Oh. What's an Amazon? I don't know. Let's look it up. It was like it was hard for him to talk towards the end. He was like winded. Someone was saying it was a digital AI. Trish, hear me out. I kind of think dudes like this are living a fantasy that they really want to like he was like winded and like he had like someone was saying it was a digital ai uh trish
Starting point is 01:35:05 hear me out i think i kind of think dudes like this are living a fantasy that they really wanted it to be true and to eventually happen so they can be the hero in their own story i hear you that makes uh uh that makes sense but there's a there's a um a thread there that's that's happened i mean he's basically describing the fucking matrix right i mean we're what he said whether you believe it happened that way or another way like i can go outside right now and go to the supermarket and see people who are like oh shit they're victims of what that guy just described i can see them all around me mm-hmm it's here it's happened autom automaton autumn automaton what is that an automaton
Starting point is 01:35:50 yeah it's not far off that's the thing it's here like we're doing it we're in some sort of weird like civil war fucking something's happening for sure maybe something's always happening maybe it's like seven there you go there you just did it if you put it in context and relativity something's happening for sure maybe something's always happening maybe it's like seven there you go there you just did it if you put it in context and relativity something's always happening you said nothing automaton a moving mechanical device made an imitation of a human being
Starting point is 01:36:17 well someone was someone was suggesting the comments that that guy's an automaton kind of look like it anyway I don't i don't say that shit to scare you i think that if you stay awake you'll be fine um 429 diversity oh this should be fun why can't we just have someone at CrossFit on the games team be just like, I fucking love this sport. CrossFit saved my mom's life.
Starting point is 01:36:48 I fucking can't believe how excited I am to fucking work here. This is the greatest ever. I'm going to do my best to make every single fucking day and everything I do better for you as a participant in the CrossFit games and for the affiliates who want to attend. And I'm just so pumped. And I'm going to pay attention to every big picture thing and all the parts of minutia.
Starting point is 01:37:07 I'm going to make this just a great fucking event. And how I'm going to do that is Why can't we just Oh, I forgot. Yeah, we got rid of those people. Never mind. I'm going to make sure that the women are equally represented, especially the women with three toes and the ones with webbing.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Oh, yeah, this is good. America needs a type of diversity that produced the Tuskegee Airmen, not the identity obsession that created Sam Brinton. You scroll down just a tiny bit. Is there? There's nothing else to it just kind of goes this is this is a good instagram account uh delano squires representation does matter but merit sorry it's okay we're on a delay huh i thought you were fucking with me no representation does matter but merit skill competence and dedication matter more we need a type of diversity that produces men who fly planes
Starting point is 01:38:19 not who steal from airports taylor self is on the show again Not who steal from airports. Taylor self is on the show again. I still haven't made it to your last night. I spent two hours in the DMS, two hours going through DMS and I still didn't get to your DM. Wad zombie. It's crazy. Holy crap.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And I'm flying through them and i'm flying through them i'm flying through them uh uh okay so that's our diversity bit my internet has been crap today has it been super choppy on your end uh not too bad sometimes you pixelate a little bit but your audio has been good okay good because it keeps showing me that i only have like one little Wi-Fi bar. It keeps moving around a ton. Normally, it doesn't move around at all. It's my life. Jesus, even I don't have time to answer DMs. It's kind of just my life. I saw Trish made an Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Yeah, I started following. Me too. And it's a trip because half the stuff that's posted, I'm like, fuck, I can't tell if this is real or not. Uh, um, I don't use my,
Starting point is 01:39:31 it's a good point, but she, she, she only, she, it, it only has like, um,
Starting point is 01:39:36 seven posts. I know, but there's just like, Oh, pick up some new decor. And I'm like, is that a sign that you actually bought in a picture in front of your house? Or is that just some like fucking googled
Starting point is 01:39:46 image that you posted you know I'm gonna have to start reverse uh google searching all Trish's images I know the account I hope I never meet Trish I hope I never meet Trish you'll never meet Trish you'll never meet Dick Butter
Starting point is 01:40:00 there's certain we'll never meet Barry McConner Barry Mcockner. A Barry McCockner. I should make an IG account. I don't use a web... It's a Sony A6600. It's a Sony camera with a... It's like a $1,000 camera with a...
Starting point is 01:40:19 It's probably a $1,500 camera with a $1,000, $1,400 lens or something on it. That's what it looks like. So you can see every like wrinkle and all the details and shit. Okay. 428. You can't know unless you sit really still. Still. Still.
Starting point is 01:40:39 You can't know unless you sit really still. Sanguru. Don't do it, Barry. It's a black hole, says Isaac Abad. Oh, here we go. Right above our mouth. Suppose you don't brush your teeth for three days. Though this nose is right here, it won't tell you, you have not brushed your teeth.
Starting point is 01:41:08 The whole room will know you have not brushed your teeth, but you will not know. This is the human predicament. It's very easy to see what's wrong with this guy, what's wrong with her, what's wrong with her. It takes a lot of observation to see what's wrong with her what's wrong with her it takes a lot of observation to see what's wrong with this our nose hey that's what we started the show with this guy's saying that you could fucking not brush you could have the worst breath in the world and your nose won't tell you fuck you stink but everyone else around you will know wow that guy got some ass breath and that's like that's
Starting point is 01:41:46 like what we started the show with we have this friend we're seeing like every like it's so obvious to all of us that i mean it's so obvious what this person is that this person is pouring gasoline on the fire and yet no one's saying anything like really you can't smell your own breath it's so fucking bad here's the thing too here's what's wrong with humanity this is on a side subject here people don't even know what bad breath is you eat six pounds of garlic and someone says you have bad breath you don't have fucking bad breath that person doesn't like garlic and they have they're bringing a presupposition of what they think i know you guys are going to hate this they're going to have a presupposition of what they think it should smell and shouldn't smell like someone's breath if you've ever smelled
Starting point is 01:42:28 bad breath it's fucking bad it's like something died it's like in the person's mouth it's fucking gross it's the same thing with bo there's some sense on people that we've just like we've come to the point that if it doesn't smell like bruteut 33 or Old Spice, we hate it. That's the same thing with titties. I talk about titties all the time. All you jackasses out there that are stuck on the fake titties, you're just so missing out. Titties, bad breath, and body odor. Like you guys just don't get it.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Yeah, garlic is life. Thank you, Jacqueline. It's just like, oh my my god I eat ass and people say well yeah poop smells bad that's right and that's accurate oh now Nathaniel if you shit on someone for having bad breath you're racist my goodness I'm just saying I'm just saying that um don't be skewed by don't ruin the world for yourself by listening to what fucking procter and
Starting point is 01:43:35 gamble tells you something should smell like it's weird that the things that smell really good are also the products they sell right right It's weird that the things that smell really good are also the products they sell. Right, right. That's pretty funny. I mean, we've talked about that notion that bras actually make titties more saggy. Right, that's a theory we had on the show. Yeah. From two guys without titties.
Starting point is 01:44:04 It was right. Well, and we had the the show yeah from two guys without titties well it was uh it was uh right well and we had the testicles uh we uh we have the study of one with uh hiller because his testicles are droopy and that's because he used uh he used something that held them up for so long that they weren't able to build their own compression shorts i can't even imagine having saggy balls oh my goodness fragrances are shit Barry McCockner I could I was never a free ball guy were you a free ball guy i was never
Starting point is 01:44:49 a free ball guy even in my dirtiest dirt toiler days i just wasn't a free ball guy oh well it's like viore shorts i have this like built-in liner and normally i would never wear shorts with the built-in liner yeah but it has like this like compression short kind of built-in liner and like in 2017 or something like that i put on a pair of their shorts and i was like holy shit these are the most comfortable things ever and i don't have to put on underwear before i put them on so then i bought like every single color they have and so if you consider that free-balling then yes yeah wow hey that's the commercial lauren khalil wish she could do you just did it how how the fuck does Viore sponsor fucking Morning Chalk up
Starting point is 01:45:27 when Susan almost just got me to fucking buy a pair of Viore shorts? Like, just stop the show and buy them. Yeah. That's crazy. I'm not even joking. Yeah, and they're awesome, too, because you could pack them. Look at McCockner is backing you up. Viore has the best shorts ever.
Starting point is 01:45:41 Oh, no. Oh, no. McCockner knows. McCockner knows. And when I see what Lauren Kalil did, it makes me not want to. Viore has the best shorts ever. Oh, no. Oh, no. Cock in her nose. And when I see one Lauren Khalil did, it makes me not want to buy Viore. It makes me hate them. It has nothing to do with her. It's just that it's so fake.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Yeah, it's just that script that they have them read. But the cool thing is, is the shorts are super durable. The pair that I had, the original pair that I got in 2017, done power cleans with them, wear them to the beach, swim in the ocean, whatever. Just rock them the whole time. They're still holding super strong.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Do they still make the ones you like? Yeah. That sucks when you love something and then they don't. Well, that's why I went crazy and bought like – I think I bought like seven pairs, just all different color pairs so I could just only have to wear those. And then each year I'll get like a little bit more of them. So now I just have a shitload of them. Mike Olivas, Viore Sunday performance joggers are the best ever, and you can steal them now with Sousa's 40% off discount code.
Starting point is 01:46:43 Just put in Sousza at see mike knows wow alan keston bomb uh i like 10,005 fun fact josh bridges used to be sponsored by viore wait are we pronouncing that right viore yeah yeah yeah you know who just bought a shitload of viore clothes is that friend of ours that lives in arizona oh really yeah a shitload he told me he loves that shit it's super they're super comfortable and they're they're great great product but yeah i do that and then i bought a pair of uh vulcan joggers like the canvas vulcan joggers and same thing i like threw a pair on and i reallygers, like the canvas Volcom joggers. And same thing.
Starting point is 01:47:27 I like threw a pair on and I really liked them. And then I wore them to like the crotch ripped out of a black, like the black pair I had. And so next time I went on the website, I just bought every color they had. Well, that's interesting. How much was that? Like 500 bucks or something? Less than that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:43 But I never fucking, I never buy clothes. So then when I find, it's like, like people make fun of it and call it the work uniform because it's just Biore shorts, Volcom joggers. My boys wear those girls leggings from Amazon. I get them in three packs and that's just what they wear for their pants.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Then they wear those white bleach wife beaters. That's just what they wear for their pants. And then they wear those, uh, wife beaters, those white bleach, wife beaters. And that's just what they wear every day. Yep. Well, when we were at Greg's house, um, Avi got some hand-me-downs from Greg's son.
Starting point is 01:48:17 And one of them was these camo stretch pants that they're, they're, they're like boy stretch pants. They look like jeans, but they're like a stretchy material. Like you could work out and I'm skating, I'm squatting them, anything. And he wore them once when we were here. And one of the other parents that said to me said to Avi, Oh my God, Avi, you're out of uniform. You look so good. And so I, that's it. Avi's done with the girl's stretch pants he's now moving to boys clothes
Starting point is 01:48:45 like i went i just went to online and bought him six pair of those he has a new awesome yeah he's he's graduated you know what's funny is uh the other day grace like came out of the the bedroom she was getting changed and she's like you know what you can tell savannah i'm real pissed off by him and i go why she goes i can't wear this outfit anymore because i feel like i'm a three playing brother and she was it was a white feeder with some just black stretch pants that's like a white it was like a white t-shirt yeah with just the black stretch pants that just like you know don't cover the ankle and i was just cracking up she's like i'll just fit right in i'm a playing brother now he gave it up greg gave us uh greg's wife gave us two pairs of pants
Starting point is 01:49:24 and i was so scared that they were going to be like designer pants and one of them was designer pants they're so nice but i was scared because they're like 90 a pair i can't buy fucking six pair of 90 pants for my kids yeah but the other ones were from target only 14 so that's his new outfit um 421 this mom and the school district allow boys to watch girls change their clothes at school oh have we have we already watched we may have already seen this i noticed that i erased them here but they're not erased on my phone sometimes yeah and this one's like coming up with like a bunch of ads and stuff okay there we go um 13 year old harassed by gender fluid male lesbian oh yeah this is good this is good i'll read this one this is good okay bring it up don't buy from target oh how come oh my why
Starting point is 01:50:15 too late what's wrong with target where should i buy from amazon from bezos oh did oh yeah i think we played this already i I played this already. She's complaining that dudes are watching her daughter change in school and she's being nice when she should not be nice. She should be like, hey, motherfuckers, you have boys in my fucking 13-year-old girl's dressing room. And that's the one where I was like, where are the fathers and uncles? The fathers and uncles should just come down there and crack. Okay, go ahead. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:43 They're in the bathroom, Jayden. No, I'm just kidding. I was wondering if anybody else does this like i tell um grace all the time like if we frequent like something that we shop like we use amazon like you were saying you use amazon or like it reminded me when ken said don't buy from target the rule is is like once i figure out how much like on monthly or yearly we kind of spend at these reoccurring places that we shop at for groceries or whatever, house supplies and stuff, I try to buy a certain percentage of stock in those same companies. Oh. Oh. So you have a commitment to them.
Starting point is 01:51:20 You're invested in spending money there. Yeah, and I figure it's like – and this is just a mental thing that i play i don't know if there's any like mathematical truth to this but i feel like hey if i'm gonna give them that much money we need to own a piece of the company right right so we shop at target we own some target we do a lot of our home improvement stuff at home depot we own some home depot yeah we own some walmart owns an amazon biggest one is apple wow i i like that i don't actually i don't actually go into a target i actually um i just ordered it online on target i don't think i i don't think i've been in a target in 10 years or 20 years or whatever yeah i mean i i usually don't do i get lucky grace does pretty much all the shopping. The thought of going to Target makes me ill.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Where's Isaac's comment here? Okay, Fiore, this is your free. It's the Core Short. K-O-R-E. Those are the ones that I buy all the time, and they work fantastic. Are they above your knee? I can't have something below my knee, either. No, yeah, they're above the knee.
Starting point is 01:52:21 They're not, like, super short, but they're above the knee. Dude not like super short but but they're a um yeah they're above the knee dude josh bridges wears some short shorts i was looking at his video like five inch inseam yeah yeah they have those in those core short but that's just a little too like your cock could fall out your helmet could fall out easily do one of those squat cleans and get a peekaboo yeah hello i'm not gonna be good how about uh 419 welcome to the land of liberals think like me think like a liberal here we go fuck Fuck, finally? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:11 Only in 2020 could you go into a bank without a mask and not be served. Be refused service because you are not complying with a mask mandate that is not a law. We have finally come full circle. Due to the uptick in crime, if you wear a mask, no entry. Well, holy shit. About time. It only took you getting robbed, assaulted and, oh, I don't know, threatened within an inch of your life in broad daylight in New York City for them to finally have some common sense. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:53:39 I don't. God, have you. And every time I talk to someone who lives in New York, it sounds absolutely fucking horrible. Like everyone's just a moron that turned into a moron there. So now they have signs up saying masks aren't allowed in the bank. I always thought that that was so weird too when we did the whole mask thing and like everybody was masked up it's just like man if you would have been standing in a bank and you like look over and someone's got sunglasses on and a surgical mask and they are walking up in 2019 your heart rate would have skyrocketed you'd be like this shit is getting robbed and then now you're just like oh no that's just that's just karen and she's
Starting point is 01:54:18 gonna come in here and bitch at you now because you don't have your mask on i have i have a family that that must be a problem for them because they they still want to wear their masks when they're indoors that's a trip isn't it i wonder if it's weird for them that i'm in their family and they're like i would lick the side of a fucking donkey uh jeremy garcia i love waking up with the morning call and show great listen during my morning long run awesome good to have a youtube brother oh that's cool i got kind of a little like hold on hold on i'm gonna put that uh jeremy garcia i'm just putting a tick in the mexican column we're only allowing so many mexicans to listen to the show this morning uh we have a you know because
Starting point is 01:55:02 we're trying to get equity equity we have so much bandwidth i was gonna say jeremy's just making me feel lazy because they're just sitting here and i could just imagine him out on a run now how is he typing if he's out on a run okay now we're talking donkey but not eat a snicker bar. Oh, no. Oh, no. One of my sons won't take the mask off. Oy, oy, oy.
Starting point is 01:55:33 The masks are just gone when he wakes up one day. There won't be a choice. I'd lick the side of an Armenian. Oh, I'm done with my run. Good. Oh. Verdu. I just like this guy's name. I wish this guy said cooler shit because I like his name
Starting point is 01:55:45 he said.5 that's funny that is okay good job oh it's just that Walmart saw too many masks I drove through San Bernardino County coming back from Arizona. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 01:56:06 I went into it. Do you know who's been fucked by the masks is the Mexicans. It's so weird. When I go to Watsonville, it's all the Mexicans are wearing masks. They got totally scared to fucking death. And I drove through San Bernardino County and I went into a Starbucks and it was all Mexicans. And half of them had masks. I'm like, oh shit, they fucked you guys.
Starting point is 01:56:28 It's been a while since somebody now has walked in because like there was a lot of people through that weird period where california some places were still doing the mask thing some places weren't and like so we'd have a lot of first-time people that would come into the gym to check it out they would like halfway have the mask on kind of unsure of how it's gonna go but it's been it's been a while since somebody's walked in with the mask on and kind of unsure of how it's going to go but it's been a it's been a while since somebody's walked in with the mask on now remember i told you my knee was hurting i told myself i wasn't going to bring this up on the show yesterday do you remember that so it so it was really it was really hurting and then somewhere throughout the day it stopped hurting so i worked out yesterday now turning again and i went to bed and everything was fine dude it hurts so fucking bad right now i keep leaning back like this and having to stretch my
Starting point is 01:57:11 leg and open it like it's like this because i'm sitting and i keep opening it like this but i can't even do it myself i have to use my other foot to push it open because mentally my brain won't let me straighten my leg because it's afraid of the pain so the other i put my other foot and force it up like that damn that's not good no but it's on the inside i uh sema i think sent me a something or posted something that it's like maybe my hip flexor it doesn't feel like an injury do you know what i mean yeah it's just pain feels like something's tight well have you just done the old fashioned sat on the ground and roll the barbell across the top of your quad? No. Oh, but it hurts to the touch today.
Starting point is 01:57:50 Hurts where? Like where? Just on the inside. You know this thing? You know this thing? From doing rope climbs and pegboards? Yeah. You have like one of those on your knee, I think.
Starting point is 01:58:00 On the inside. It's like something is, I think something is attached there and it's irritated. You need to do banded hamstring curls 4x25. God damn, whatever it is, it's fucking sore. You know what you should do is after the show, when you have the boys out in the garage and you're having them go through stuff, sit down on the floor. You have a 45 pound barbell yeah take
Starting point is 01:58:26 the 45 pound barbell start on your quad and just set it on top of your on top of your quad like you know how the collar has a little like edge piece where the plates slide up against yeah so take that edge piece and let it just roll down the middle of your quad about two inches up above from your knee and hang out there with it on both both quads and do like three to four minutes per side. Maybe you could FaceTime me and we could do it together. Yeah. Well, I'm going to go, uh, coach, I'm going to go do the mobility class after like right after this and then sit with your, you know what a 90, 90 sit is. So you have one leg bent in front of you and it's like at a 90 degree angle. Then you're back behind you. It's like a pigeon. Is that a pigeon pose?
Starting point is 01:59:02 Yeah, kind of, but you're not like your legs not extended it's also in a 90 90 position okay and then you take that take the same barbell and then put it on the inside of your legs like your abductor and then so the barbell runs out that way and then same that that centerpiece come down at around four inches below the knee and then start rolling your abductor and if all those are tight, just hang out there for a little bit and just roll each side. You could do the voodoo floss, but I would definitely suggest from what I'm just, the little bit that I just heard from what you were saying, the pressure point inside your abductor with the barbell would probably be more effective than the voodoo floss. Because if that abductor is the spot that's really tight, it'll take some focus pressure there
Starting point is 01:59:45 to loosen that up and it would be more effective than the voodoo floss it's crazy that the pain went a hundred percent away during the day and and and when i no not really showered the hot water it went away too yeah because once you stimulate blood flow right so the lack of blood flow is in what's causing the pain that you feel and then once you get up and you get moving moving around and you start to get some more blood flow to it, then it doesn't bother you as much because it's warmed up, the blood circulating. Then when you stop and sit again, it starts to get tight. And so that's what I always tell people too because a lot of times when people experience that, they'll just go right to like, oh, I'm injured. I can't do this anymore. I need to go see the doctor and i'm like like if you're waking up and you're moving around and then all of a sudden the pain is going away
Starting point is 02:00:27 it's just significantly subsiding once it warms up that tells you that it's more of a musculature like stiffness or tightness rather than like an acute like injury in that yeah yeah it doesn't feel injured yeah definitely doesn't feel injured i take it when we go through the mobility i stretch like a mofo i stretch yesterday for fucking two hours. I do so much fucking mobility shit. I've always done it. Like since I've been a little kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:50 But sometimes it doesn't need to be stretched. Sometimes it needs to be kind of massaged and rolled out. Yeah. I don't do any massaging shit, but I do all sorts of like stretching and. Yeah. And I think you should definitely work that barbell across your quad or your abductor today.
Starting point is 02:01:04 You don't think it's good. Is that help? I don't think it's like some sort of like aliens or they put something in my And I think you should definitely work that barbell across your quad and your abductor today. You don't think it's good? And see if that gives it help. You don't think it's like some sort of like aliens or they put something in my water because of my podcast? I hope so because that would make much better content than me explaining how to roll out your quad with a barbell. Or maybe get on some TRT. Okay. Also an option, always an option, if you go to CAH ca ca type in code sevon to get your free bread work if you're in california but you'll definitely get the
Starting point is 02:01:31 free doctor's consultation no matter where you are that is true what he said is a hundred percent and each with each visit you get a pair of free viore shorts is this true vindicate you get seven fifteen percent off too i always think that like if i can don't run the banners and caleb is so good at running all the banners and stuff yeah he's like he's he's great at it and i always get like two hours into the show and we run our first pair that's why caleb is the man the subscribers are really going up too by the way The subscribers are really going up too, by the way. 10 a day or something.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Yeah, that's awesome. Oh, it is true. So if you go to Vindicate, okay, so if you do go to Vindicate, you get 15% off if you use the code SEVON. Yeah. My kids love the shirts. Love the shirts. He's got some joggers too. I think that's what I saw on Vindicate's Instagram. It looked like there's some joggers that might be coming out.
Starting point is 02:02:29 418, another reason you should definitely vote Democrat. Stay away from those fucking Republicans. We need another party altogether. Here we go. 418. So far have been transferred to this female prison. Approximately 40. And how many people have gone from the female to the male prison? Zero. And how many more are they? There are 287 pending applications. To go from the male prison to female prison? 287 pending applications. To go from the male prison to female prison. 33.8% of that 287 are registered sex offenders, meaning this is not their first offense or a sex crime. So you think some of these people are doing this on purpose, come to the female prison?
Starting point is 02:03:18 Yes, with bad intentions. Do you think this number will grow over the next few years as more people find out that they can have this option to go into the female prison? Absolutely. There are very few reasons why someone wouldn't want to take advantage of that. To be forcefully housed with a serial rapist is extremely callous and abusive. What it's done is provided the same privileges, the same opportunities to predator and victim. Look at that guy's face okay stop uh yes we have seen this thank you trish and thank you mr souza uh but the point is is that there are no women going to the men's prison it's only men going to the women's prison
Starting point is 02:03:59 i mean wouldn't you no republican no once again no Republican would ever vote for that, would allow fucking men into the women's prisons to rape the women. And that is what happens. Sorry. Go ahead, Sousa. I would say if I had a prison sentence, I'd try to push to be in the women's as hard as I could. Fuck yeah. I'm like, get me the hell out of here. I don't need to be freaking passed around the prison cells.
Starting point is 02:04:23 I go to the women's one. 417, The Selfish Wedding. Repeat video. God, I really don't want it to rain today. Oh, yes, I have. Someone just texted me yes full uh piece on youtube okay here we go this is called the selfish promise to be your biggest advocate and your best friend. I commit to sharing with you in seasons of abundance and in seasons of scarcity. I promise to be your biggest advocate and your best friend.
Starting point is 02:05:20 I commit to sharing with you in seasons of abundance and in seasons of scarcity. I don't know if you guys can see that. It's stuttering on my end. But this. Oh, fuck. The minister chick or I didn't even know those could be girls. Girls can marry people. I didn't know.
Starting point is 02:05:40 Man, we've really come a long way. Yeah. Anybody can do that. You just go through and get like a temporary like deputization i thought you had to be an old dude with a beard uh but they didn't even stop to check on their friend and that right there is what i when i think of weddings that's what i think of oh my god it's all about me i don't know if you guys could see it was stuttering on susan but a lady a lady was like they there doing the wedding vows for what appears to be her friends, and she just starts throwing up. Yeah, she was officiating the wedding, and during the vows, she just freaking turned and threw up.
Starting point is 02:06:14 Yeah, thank you. Officiating the wedding. That's the legal term. Yeah, and the people who were getting married didn't even check on her. No one checks on her. No one cares. They just keep going. She actually looked annoyed.
Starting point is 02:06:24 Yeah, yeah. How terrible would she throw up during my wedding? I wonder what the fucking story is there. So we put the mic on that camera. It was way too good. And then that was one of the comments. And then Trish put, Susan needs whatever mic that lady had. Yeah, so I don't know why my internet was acting up.
Starting point is 02:06:44 I thought it was like hardwired into the computer too. So now that makes me think I did that completely wrong. Oh, you could go up to the little internet thing symbol at the top, the bar, and then go to Wi-Fi settings. Yeah, like network preferences. Yeah, and then hit details. Where it says Ethernet? No, that's not right. It says connected.
Starting point is 02:07:10 It does? Yeah. Like mine's connected to the Wi-Fi. Oh, did you see the network button? Click that network button on the left column. It goes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and then network. Wait, you're not talking about that. You're talking about through the um general
Starting point is 02:07:26 settings right yeah okay and then um wi-fi and it shows mine's connected to wi-fi and the land connection it says usbc land and wi-fi does yours say that no i think i don't know mine says ethernet connected wi-fi connected okay So they're both connected. Yeah, but that's weird that it's like... Stuttering? You look good now. You look good now. Well, it's only when I go to share something, which is weird. Kind of strange.
Starting point is 02:07:57 Turn off Wi-Fi when you're using Ethernet. So that's probably what it is, huh? Savon Liverking recently mentioned working on a documentary about his natty journey. Thoughts? Let's see what happens. I'm going to try to turn my Wi-Fi off and see if it – Uh-oh. Now am I still connected to you?
Starting point is 02:08:14 Sousa. Are you fucking with me? Sousa. God damn it. I really couldn't tell uh my hair was pretty long and then i and then i uh i don't know if you're making fun of me or not my hair was pretty long my hair is crazy thick my hair was pretty long and then i wanted to have it all shaved off a buzz cut and they said no it's super cuts my hair was too nice which is kind of weird to go in there and be told i couldn't cut my hair
Starting point is 02:08:43 and then um and then so then she just shaved the sides cut the sides and left the top long so that's it's kind of it's it's kind of a unique i've never had a haircut like this i do need another haircut though uh 416 clothing this will be the real test i trip every time I do the podcast or see a picture of myself because when I walk around during the day, I don't think I'd look like this. It's so weird. Okay, here we go. Anyway. This is weird. They go small, medium, large
Starting point is 02:09:15 and then extra large, extra extra large, extra extra extra large. Something happened at large. They just gave up. They were like, I'm not doing any more adjectives. You just keep putting extras on there. We could do better than that. Small, medium, large.
Starting point is 02:09:34 Whoa. Easy. Slow down. Stop it. Interesting. American. Clothing sizes are... Different clothing sizes.
Starting point is 02:10:00 That would be interesting. Just to take us above extra large. You're very much talking to me. You go to super cuts that's blue pill central oh my goodness yeah I put on my six masks and I get in my plastic cubicle
Starting point is 02:10:17 oh shit 414 there's a four there's a 414 b do we want a or b with a okay like i think there's like two sometimes i don't know why there's an a and a b that was weird here's what we got okay uh house votes to end covid vaccine requirements for foreign air travelers oh this is cool i don't know when this uh they voted on this it looks like in february early february but i still think you need it if like you flew in today so i don't know when this goes into effect but here's the part i wanted to read you guys ready the house of representatives of the united states of america voted to end COVID-19 vaccine requirements for foreign residents arriving at U.S. airports, one of the last standing pandemic restrictions.
Starting point is 02:11:15 Here it comes, people. representatives voted 227 to 201 Wednesday in support of a bill to end the requirement, meaning 227 people voted to stop requiring vaccines to come in this country, and 201 wanted to keep it going. Every Republican supported the legislation, as well as seven Democrats. Nearly all adults visiting the U.S. who aren't citizens or permanent residents must show proof supported the legislation as well as seven Democrats. Nearly all adults visiting the U.S. who aren't citizens or permanent residents must show proof of vaccination before boarding their flight under the current Biden administration regulations. Why? How is that possible? That this is split along party lines?
Starting point is 02:12:09 split along party lines how is that possible that that piece that we ran where there's a a mental virus it almost feels like it could be true like somehow some people got infected with like a mental virus a retard they got like a retardation virus and it's like group think at its finest the democrats at the top want to push a certain narrative and if you want to be part of that club you better fall in line and fall in suit otherwise they'll just push you out even even some of the most social socialistic uh uh socialist countries on the planet have gotten rid of that like all those norwegian countries up there um you can get i don't know what this is isn't that what ozempic is all the celebs take it you
Starting point is 02:12:59 can get that through california hormones too by the way i would love for someone to someone does that through californ hormones, tell me. If you want to go to, put in the code word SEVON, say, hey, you want to try the diet? I'm dying to know here was someone's firsthand account of what the fuck that is. I haven't, yeah, I don't know. It's weird. It's a trip.
Starting point is 02:13:23 I don't, it seems like so many fucking people are taking that. I'd be scared to put anything in me like that. Yeah. But fuck, Hiller's getting strong. Yeah, he looks great. Yeah. That looks great. Oh, we got to get Kat or Phillip or Gary on.
Starting point is 02:13:49 Do we have either of them scheduled? No. Okay, I'll bug you later today. 414B, Kat said her vagina dried up. But then she got back on it. She got it wet again, I guess. Okay. 414B.
Starting point is 02:14:12 Everyone thinks they would be Oscar Schindler if they lived in Nazi Germany. COVID has shown that most people would support the Nazis. Look at my post. Bingo. Hey, how proud must my mom and dad be of me how fucking proud why because you stood strong against the fucking oscar schindler i don't even know who that is i didn't see that movie but i'm assuming it's like like i hid the jews in my fucking basement because you could think clearly yeah how fucking proud must they be of me imagine imagine being a grandparent and knowing that like i didn't get my kids injected
Starting point is 02:14:55 like somewhere even even though my parents went full fucking you know yes yes mr biden um they imagine how proud they must be that i didn't get their fucking if i was my dad i would be like holy shit my son did it he saved he saved the armenian sperm it's crazy i'd be so he's a pure blood i would be so proud of me i know you guys aren't gonna like this some of you are gonna fucking flip but you gotta you gotta start reading about all drugs you gotta start reading about all the injections it's funny too because like all the people that read all the people that i got pressured from to receive the vaccine like yeah didn't nobody says anything now like no one ever no one would come back up to
Starting point is 02:15:46 me and be like hey like dude you're a boss good job not like i was looking for that anyways and someone close to me one time was like well why wouldn't you just take it and i said well because i'm i'm not into it and i why why reason your mom doesn't take it? You dipshit. I was like, why would I not conform? And they were like, well, it doesn't matter what you do.
Starting point is 02:16:09 You're that. That's not like, and I was like, so I'm voting like against it with my actions. And they're like, well, your vote doesn't matter. Your vote doesn't count.
Starting point is 02:16:15 And I, and I just said, I'm comfortable with that. I understand. And I'm okay with that. It'll count when you have fucking myocarditis. And then they were like, well, I'm just saying. And I go, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:27 And I don't disagree with what you're saying either. I don't disagree that I was going to change something. I was just saying I knew what I was facing and I made my decision and I was comfortable with the outcomes regardless of what they be. Like Novak Djokovic. And I had to jump through a bunch of hoops at times
Starting point is 02:16:44 to get stuff. And, you know, it was a big deal, especially going into some of the fire stations a while back and things like that. How about the people who feel, imagine how shitty you must feel if you got your arm twisted to do it,
Starting point is 02:16:56 how fucking resentful you must be. What's it? Yeah. Yeah. Char, the guy Bonabi. I can't, that person just wanted me to try to pronounce their name.
Starting point is 02:17:06 Wait, you didn't get injected? I think they made facetious in their comment there. I know it's the name. No, I don't know. I know that that movie was huge when I was a kid, Schindler's List. I never saw it. I never saw it either. I mean, I know he's like some guy who saved a bunch of Jews.
Starting point is 02:17:25 Yeah, that movie. The thing about – the reason why I didn't see that movie, Verduzco, is because I heard like 14 of the people that they showed who died didn't actually die. God, I have an echo. And I just didn't need any more convincing. But recently someone's been telling me that they have some great footage of the blood clots that they're finding in people. So maybe I should go look at it. I don't like to be exposed to that stuff. I just live in ignorance.
Starting point is 02:17:53 I don't blame you. Almost all my clients in Boston still require vac status for new candidates. Are you like a massage therapist or a chiropractor or a doctor? It looks like she's just a job recruiter. Oh, oh shit. Meaning like all the companies. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:08 That crazy. And by the way, too, I don't, I think that people should just be, um, should just process all the decisions that they're making about themselves and especially what they push other people to do to just make sure that they're
Starting point is 02:18:22 comfortable standing by that decision, regardless of the one you made. Right. don't i don't know everything and i can't make the decisions like for you but as long as you're somebody who's like hey i took in all the evidence that i did at the time and i decided to go with the vaccine and and it is what it is like good on you but it just really sucks for those people that are like i didn't really want to do it but i got all this pressure then i was forced into it and then you know that's a shitty position to be in i work for a data analytics company their existence depends on data they absolutely refuse to accept the data on the vaccine and still require it and say get boosted yeah that's fucking batshit crazy but i hear you
Starting point is 02:18:59 hey dude all the insurance companies know yeah they have all the insurance companies know they know the truth yeah all the insurance companies know find someone who works in an insurance company and ask them hey so what's going on are more people dying oh what's going on with health care what's going on with like did you see do you have any information on the vaccine they all know yeah because and they're making moves to make sure that they keep making money off of whatever like they don't i mean i don't know if they don't care, and no one wants anyone to die. And why do they know? Because their whole business model is ran off like statistical predictability.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Right? That's one of the few places in the medical profession where there is real science. Yeah, because they're not going to fabricate anything. They're just going to look at the statistics of it and the data, and they're going to take it it in and say, hey, can we make what's the predictive value about this that we're taking in? Have we taken in all the information and have we processed it correctly? Because then you could say, yeah, we're going to charge all these males 16 to age 24 much more on car insurance because the predictive value of them crashing their car into something is very high compared to a female 16 to 25 years old. Therefore, they cannot justify on paper the significant upcharge in car insurance as they can with males. Perfectly said.
Starting point is 02:20:19 Okay. I got to run pretty soon. Okay. Do you want to get one more in? Sure. The last day of our nutrition challenge. I think some of the people that are on this podcast have been watching grace and i's live when we do the nutrition challenge what time is your nutrition challenge at 9 30 um it started at it started at 8 30 oh you're an hour late yeah grace is okay with it she's like do you have a podcast? And I was like, yeah. She goes, okay, I'll get other people to help me set up a thing. And I felt bad because she's setting up this big, like, fun obstacle course,
Starting point is 02:20:52 an adult obstacle course at the gym. Oh, and you're going there. And I'm going to go there. Yeah, I'm going to try to get some footage. And then tonight at usually at 7 p.m. or 6.30, we go live on CrossFitLimor's YouTube channel, and we do like a nutrition Q q a and recap the day and talk about the nutrition challenge i'm fasting today good on you uh 403 hey you know when your body have you ever noticed like there's times in your life where your body just goes through a
Starting point is 02:21:17 change like like in a month like like when you're 17 to 18 there's like a month and you're like whoa something just happened i I don't know. I remember being like conscience of it. Oh, I'll talk. I'll talk to you about it later. Something's happened to me. I just got like my Bob fucking knee hurts. I'm just something's happening.
Starting point is 02:21:35 I'm just I'm just like, fuck. I think I just like I clicked over into the God's like, OK, throw him in the old bucket. OK, good. Yes. Have on. Yeah. Two S's. One T. Yep. OK. I don't know if it's the old bucket okay good yeah seven yeah two s is one t yep okay i don't know if it's the old buck i mean that drive from arizona is oh you think that may have fucked set my knee up for
Starting point is 02:21:53 failure i mean that and the inflammation uh habits of your nutrition that were introduced in your diet during that week wow wow that's brilliant's brilliant. At least that's what I would tell you. Look at Katie's doing it too to me. Oh my. No, my dick is hard as a rock. Fucking knock out your front teeth with that thing. 403, 403. I don't even know what this is. There was nothing written by it. Oh, this is good. Yeah. I like this. This is good. Oh shoot. I clicked the wrong button. Okay. And we're in.
Starting point is 02:22:26 They're taking the wheel. I have an eight-year-old daughter who is absolutely dynamic, who can do anything. Athletically, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally, she is a dynamo. And I don't want a man swimming against her in the pool. The fact is, I don't want her playing against boys in soccer. I don't even let my sons rough her up. Do you think I'm going to let your son rough her up? This is what we're talking about.
Starting point is 02:22:51 Policy going back to the parents. Because if you think people who love America are willing to fight for it, you haven't met parents yet. Because I'm telling you, parents will go further down any street than anyone who loves their country my name is brian i'll thank you for your service and we're taking back the wheel the parents are taking and we're taking back the wheel that's good dang i like the parent there's like two parents behind him and as his speech went on like their head nods and smiles like grew more and more he's noddingding his head. Yeah, they're like we agree with that.
Starting point is 02:23:28 Tomorrow we have Ronnie Teasdale. Yep. That's cool in the morning. Yeah, that'll be fun. Oh shit, the fucking live call number was... I just put it on for shit. Glad to be active, Verdusco. Nathaniel Verdusco Richardson. Glad to be actively
Starting point is 02:23:43 following you again, Savantel Bridges. He's got a hidden Ironman race these next couple of summers, Boulder home of the race CrossFit. I don't know what that is. Well, I'm glad to have you. The show's exploding. All the new people who've been coming on.
Starting point is 02:23:57 Thank you. You guys are great. We're having a blast. And we'll see you tomorrow morning with Ron Ronald Teasdale, otherwise known as Raw of Earth. Have a good Sunday. Bye-bye.

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