The Sevan Podcast - #815 We All Want to be Friends with Josh Bridges

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. What'd you say? Nothing. I said good to see you.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Bam, we're live. Hey, dude. What's up? Hold on, shit. Hey, I was thinking we're like in the final're like in the final phase of our of our friendship you think we have a friendship that's cool it's i just feel like we went through all these phases and like i was like actually like excited just to see what you were yesterday i was like oh this is actually cool i'm gonna get to hang with josh i know man me too same i i just usually feel like i got these layers of like
Starting point is 00:01:05 i don't i don't know what it is but i but i i finally see you as like a human being you're just a good dude now i like that i like how long after 10 years i'm like getting settled around you it's me i'm finally getting like comfortable around you i'm not all coming coming out of your shell yeah i'm just like well i'm just like calming down i'm just like okay there's no josh likes you there's nothing to prove you don't have to juggle four balls every time you see him like just be cool so hey hey let's let's let's take it back a notch then all right i like you i like you juggling you like me dancing a little bit exactly exactly uh you're in colorado yeah what can i i mean i think i've done a couple shows here with you you have but i'm just i'm i'm just maturing so quickly josh i'm doing a show every
Starting point is 00:01:53 day i know i mean you get little i know you're big time now you're too good you're too good for me i'm just settling into my own i'm just like i was like holy shit this is like this is crazy. I feel like just a different person now talking to Josh. I'm a little less insecure, a little more just like, oh. Yeah, I can see that. I mean, you're big time. You're number one podcast. And two number ones, number one and number one. Give me two.
Starting point is 00:02:25 America. And I've never even seen that girl before. Who's that? She's just here to see you, Josh. America. Yeah, there's a couple cuties in the chat now all of a sudden. I don't know. Dude, you're killing it. I took a long stroll through your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:02:47 You're killing it. Yeah, you're man you're i can't believe how hard you're still gone i can't believe how fucking great you still look when's the last time you were on the show six months ago anyone know actually i don't know i have no idea it's been a while yeah it's been a while i can find out look ten dollars i already made ten dollars off you i'm like i like you $10 and this isn't the Josh and Josh and Savant show this is just the Savant show yeah this is just oh yeah I didn't even write oh my god I didn't even think about that that's how presumptuous I've become you are you are you're real care you're you know you're a real piece of work hey so what Josh is referring to guys is this.
Starting point is 00:03:25 There was a station that was Josh, Matt, and Sevan, and then it was Josh and Sevan. And then this is the first time where I invited him on, and I didn't even think of scheduling it on that station. You didn't even invite me on. I invited myself on. Well, that's just because I'm not fully confident yet. Yeah. Tell me, what do I want to hear about first um you're married now no not married yet i'm engaged oh yep and and and are you living together yes and you're loving that yeah it's very happy
Starting point is 00:03:56 holy shit it's been it's been it's been great you know how old are you 39 god it was that was that um was part of you kind of dreading that what the living together no not that just starting a new relationship just like oh fuck i gotta get someone get like i because i i think about it sometimes don't tell him but i think sometimes what if my wife died and i had to like start a new relationship i become a fucking i become a monk yeah the thought of getting to know another person again and like had to like start a new relationship i become a fucking i become a monk yeah the thought of getting to know another person again and like having to like learn to shit with the door open and all that again i don't ever want to have to go through any of that again you know you know what i mean like i don't want to do that again yeah yeah i mean it's definitely i don't know
Starting point is 00:04:41 i don't even know how to describe it but yeah yeah, it's been a great, it's been an awesome process. I've loved it every second of it, every step of the way. And then, and then on the flip side, I see my, how my, my boys are now, my oldest is eight and I see him experiencing feelings and emotions that I'm like, holy shit. I haven't had those feelings or emotions in 30 fucking years. Like just really intense, passionate emotions. You know what I mean? Like a girl looks at him wrong and he cries. And part of me is like, God, I wonder if Josh is going through that again at 39 because you start a new relationship. Like that feeling of like meeting a girl.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It's always around girls. I don't know about that. You know what i have had that same thought where you're talking about when it comes to um crossfit and working out i used to have these like overwhelming like rushes when i do good in a workout right like uh the celebrations um and i could get those in training a lot and i don't get those anymore like i don't like get crazy fired up if i hit a lift or if i finish a workout really fast i like and i do train alone a lot more than i had been in the past eight year or seven years um but, but yeah, like I just don't, I don't have those like,
Starting point is 00:06:06 like fiery moments as much anymore. And I miss them. I do. I like, I remember I actually was, had that thought driving somewhere not that long ago, maybe a week or two ago. And I was like, man, I don't have that. And like those, that, that feeling you get when you hit a lift that you wanted to hit or whatever i also don't do as much oil lifting as well so that was where you typically got a lot of those feelings but how about how about those feelings being in a new relationship with a girl were those like feelings like you hadn't experienced in 20 years um like nervous about the first kiss yeah for sure yeah of course not even that just kind of
Starting point is 00:06:47 like i'm even talking about more childish shit like just writing their name in your head carol c or just being excited you didn't do any of that i don't know about that you didn't just you don't you like when you're in the dating phase you have like a piece of paper and a pencil out, and you're just like J-O-S-H. I'm talking to Josh. Josh. Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't think we're on the same page, pal.
Starting point is 00:07:14 No? Hey, you didn't cover your books when you were a kid in that brown – like the paper bag? Yep, I know what you're talking about. Okay, and then there was a girl, and you would write her name all over the book, all over the brown paper bag? You know what you're talking about okay and then there was a girl like you would write her name all over the all over the all over the book all over the brown paper bag you didn't have that i don't i remember seeing girls do that for guys i don't remember the dude i'm done with this conversation yeah andrew uh solo way i can't tell if he's got a dog under his arm or a dead animal. I don't know what's going on there. I got to meet Josh Bridges in Jax.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I think – what's Jax? Jax was last year at the GORUCK event. Made my day. Thank you for being a good dude. Yeah. He probably got to meet Sydney too. She was there with me the whole time. That's your girl? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Is this Josh announcing his comeback for Masters with rich? No, I'm not. I didn't do that. I didn't, I did the open workout, but I didn't, I didn't, uh, um, pay. Is the, you didn't pay what? Oh, oh, gotcha. Like I didn't, like, I didn't like, uh, sign up for the, uh, why did I didn't, I didn't do either. I didn't pay or do it. Why did you, uh, why, pay or do it why did you uh why why didn't you sign that why didn't you sign up you're a crossfitter through and through you're always you know pushing the methodology i still have um i am very much so and i but i still have some limitations i'm actually i just went and saw my doctor up in vale for my elbow um i just i'm just getting tired of
Starting point is 00:08:41 like positions not being able to get into certain positions with my elbow. I can't really go overhead. Like this thruster workout this weekend, this weekend I won't. I don't go overhead very often with either a push press. I can do – Rogue has this really cool bar, the M – what is it? The M – shit. I can't think of the actual – can you look it up for me, Matt? The M, the one that has all the
Starting point is 00:09:06 different members and i can hold the bar like this and i can press that overhead a lot easier but like getting a bar like this just it really hurts my elbow and so i don't i don't jerk um or push press or i'll snatch it's weird to snatch because it goes directly overhead is all right but show me show me which arm and what position you're not digging like this elbow my left elbow yeah like that's like so that my clean can you kind of see it yeah yeah yeah i can see we can see it yeah it's like if you're going for symmetry we can see it so the uh um that one right there the the rogue MGs for, yeah, that thing's awesome. That's actually allows me to go overhead with like strict press.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Uh, and so that's the only bar that like doesn't crush my elbow when I go overhead. Cause it's that neutral grip, right? Yeah, exactly. It's different grip, right? I'm not like here. I'm not trying to get it down onto my shoulders. Um, and in place, cause that thing actually sits off your chest and has that, uh, it's different grip right i'm not like here i'm not trying to get it down onto my shoulders um and in place because that thing actually sits off your chest and has that uh it's not a perfect line
Starting point is 00:10:10 either it kind of has that curvature and so it goes up it just sits it sits really nice and it's helped a lot actually with my shoulder and and um uh you're done uh yeah dear bill and katie thank you i think katie's with a c it is is. But thank you, Brandon LeCocq. He's foreign. It doesn't count. He wouldn't know. LeCocq. Are you done trying to – are you in a stage in your life where you're not fixing shit?
Starting point is 00:10:38 You're just waiting for it to heal on its own, like surgeries and shit like that? So I am going to try to get – I'm going to do one more surgery on this elbow um i went out and saw my doctor in dale like these the doctor i go to is in the stedman clinic it's basically a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon's office um if you walk through the halls of the office it's literally go walking down a hall of fame of every athlete that's ever been injured in any professional sport like my doctor did tom brady surgery he did edelman surgery he did uh gronkowski surgery he was the who's edelman edelman was the wide receiver for the patriots okay um you know he's he's worked on some multi-million dollar leg joints and so uh you know and he was he was also the doc the orthopedic surgeon for
Starting point is 00:11:28 the seal teams when i was in and so shit is that how you know him i met i did meet him back then i didn't realize he was at the stemming clinic when i initially in 19 when i went there uh for my knee uh i didn't realize that that's where he was at, but then once we reconnected, it was like awesome. So Matt Provencher. Matt Provencher is not going to actually do my elbow because he's not an elbow guy. He does knees and shoulders. But he has a good buddy there at the Stedman Clinic named Dr. Hackett who's going to perform that. That's a tough name.
Starting point is 00:11:59 That's a tough name, brother. That's what I said. I was like, damn, what a surgeon's name. Yeah, yeah. I was like, can you meet my wife? I'm a hoe. I know. It's what I said. I was like, damn, what a surgeon's name. Yeah, yeah. I was like, can you meet my wife? I'm a hoe. I know. It's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm a hoe. It's Native American. It's Native American. I'm a hoe. And this is my doctor, Dr. Haggett. Yeah, exactly. The fuck? I know, man.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I know. So, yeah, there he is. He's the man, brother. If you guys' knees are up. I'm good. I'm good. My knee's all fucked up hey fix you up um why why not just um
Starting point is 00:12:31 why not just leave it alone i mean you fucking look amazing we're gonna look at some of your instagram shit and amazing i mean it meant you're like you're i mean you look really fucking good you look like you look more like a ufc fighter now than a crossfitter i mean you look really fucking good you look like you look more like a ufc fighter now than a crossfitter i mean you look fucking like an you look more like an athlete which is kind of crazy than you ever have in your life have you lost weight you look small like you look smaller and more capable i i had you know what the first time i checked my weight was literally like three days ago and i was i thought that i hadn't lost any weight because i think on the one of the pod you look like an action figure you used to be so fucking buff and muscle bound like more like noah
Starting point is 00:13:09 yeah and now you're kind of like what are you saying bro what are you saying bro now you're looking you better fucking watch it pal you just look more um and your legs look more defined and yeah yeah i definitely i stepped on the scale a few days ago for the first time in god i couldn't tell you i i don't really care too much about weight, more about based on feel. But I weighed 165, which I normally weighed around 170, 172. And so I have leaned out a little bit. But I'm eating the carnivore diet. I've been doing it for over a year now.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Hey, your skin looks different. You think so? Yeah. I thought it was – you know know what i think i thought it was because you lived in colorado you kind of have like that like you ski look to you but maybe it's well we did i did just go i did just go skiing oh you okay yeah you look just for a day just for a day uh sunny no it wasn't oh you look like you got does anyone agree with me he looked like like he got that ski like that ski like plastic surgery look like he just got like that one like you didn't have any work done on your face or anything did you fuck no you know no don't you ever don't ever okay did you get your eyebrows worked on or anything no little dr hackett action yeah
Starting point is 00:14:20 you don't look the same you look a little different yeah botox yeah the botox oh yeah windburn maybe i mean he looks all smooth and shit i mean i did just get in the cold tub i just saw a cold tub and sauna every single day oh eat lots of liver i uh you know i'm eating i eat literally red meat honey fruit and eggs um sweet a sweet potato here and there still when i feel like i'm gonna work out hard um how about your your cold tub's crazy you like that thing yeah king cool baby king cool how uh how much is that uh that thing's like 11 grand dude i have never it's a it's got a uh it's got bluetooth in it if you need to listen to music hey are you breaking ice right there what are you doing right yeah it was negative seven that day oh shit it was
Starting point is 00:15:12 like i'm literally so when i step out of my ice tub the ground freezes immediately like it's crazy is your girl filming this yeah babe come film us and um how this is fucking nuts when i saw you go under here yeah i do it every yeah every day it's like i've been doing this i've been cold tubbing for like seven years this company reached out king coolman they're awesome two young guys um they make these things by hand uh it's absolutely the most beautiful uh ice tub i've ever seen i've seen some cool ones. I'm like, oh, I want that one. I want that.
Starting point is 00:15:46 So that thing is just a legit tub. Yeah. Yes, it's legit. And everything's kind of in that compartment there in the front. Yeah. So it hides it so that you don't see it like some of the other ones. Yeah, just it's phenomenal. It's a great product.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And how often do you have to change the water on that? Not very because it does have that you know it has a circulator it has a uh like once every six months the ozone probably yeah it depends on how it also depends on like how dirty you get into it like i do get into mine straight out of the sauna pretty sweaty a lot and so um i haven't had to change it i've only had it for two months um and i haven't had to change the water yet and it's the best one you've ever had oh god without question yeah it's crazy i saw that and i was like oh god he got a great sponsor yeah yeah they're cool dudes too, man. Colorado guys? Utah. Hey, so if it's negative 7 outside and you get into that, does it feel warm?
Starting point is 00:16:54 No. If it's 33? No. No. No. Like this morning, I think it was only like, it might be like 10 degrees out right now. I just got into it right before this. What was it i'm gonna say something it's 25 out really weird here you don't feel like um you get so tense in there like you could injure yourself getting into a cold tub like i feel like if i got in that thing first thing in the morning like i could throw my back out i'm not joking like
Starting point is 00:17:23 i would tense up so much that my fucking back would go out i know exactly what you're saying like you do okay good when you're so when you're so cold and you're like you're like flexing oh yes yeah i know you're saying no i don't when you get in there you just have to i mean you could i actually anytime i feel really really tight if i get in that cold tub and i think the same thing that you're thinking like i might i might injure myself because i'm like like yeah you know you are a little tight at first yeah but then i just like relax and literally like you only have to stay in for like two minutes and then the moment i get out that's an eternity i feel a million times better i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure
Starting point is 00:18:00 i'm sure maybe just you're not as strong as me and you're not capable of injuring yourself like i'm really i can't flex i can't flex as hard as you could i'm really strong and i could just like i bet you've impregnated a woman just by flexing yes yes is that the first time you've used that is that for me yeah thank you yeah that's i can see it that's that's you got a little savant out there running around you don't even know about yeah same yeah i seriously because i take it i when i wake up in the morning i can barely move and then i take a super hot shower and i'm and i'm just i'm just i turn into like flex armstrong yeah i could see that you know what i mean just want i'm like really cold you want me to do cold i tell you what man i like hot showers like i'm not this guy who's just like i'm not a
Starting point is 00:18:47 nutcase i'm not a psychopath right i love hot showers but man when i started doing cold tubs the way you feel after you get out is crazy yeah there's obviously some chemical release right yeah that dopamine release that um it's uh nerve of all that of all that shit that's the only one that i've like you, they're like, Hey, take this pill. And after 12 months, you'll feel better. It's elderberry and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Right. Yes. But that, um, maybe the carnivore diet and, but ice bath for sure. It's like, I don't know what your drug experiences are, but it really is like, holy shit. Am I on drugs for a half hour when you get out? Something's exactly you're through the you're through you are you are in the happiest state you'll ever be in yeah it's crazy it really
Starting point is 00:19:29 is i remember when i first started doing it man are you addicted you think to it i'm like if you didn't do it would you miss it would you be like oh yes when you travel uh yeah i still do i try to do uh cold showers when I travel most mornings. Um, do you get the same effect from a cold shower? I've taken cold showers. It doesn't do shit compared to not, not, not nearly as, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:51 no, not really as much. Um, how was I going to say, I don't know, but yeah, just to be in like, um,
Starting point is 00:19:58 like, like taking drugs, like the happiest 30 minutes of your life afterwards when you get out. And I was asking, Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. When I remember the first time I time i yeah when i first started doing it i was just like i didn't know that much of like about it there wasn't as much research it was like 2017 or 2016 is when i started doing it and so there wasn't that much out there like there is now and man
Starting point is 00:20:18 like i just kept being like people kept asking me why are you doing this why are you doing this and i'm like well i heard it can help with getting sick and and i'll tell you what after i fucking do it for the first 30 minutes i've never been happier in my entire life it's crazy yep the first time i did it um maybe only time i did it i did it with miko salo in um in finland in finland nice and we were in a we were in a sauna that was so fucking hot that i thought I was going to die. Glass sauna. And then we walked out naked into a bay that had like ice floating in it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:20:54 That must have been Christmas for you. Walking out naked with another dude. And Easter and my birthday. With Miko. Yeah, exactly. Hey, it's weird. I can't remember seeing his penis isn't that weird i don't believe you for a second i don't did you not peek or what do you know what i was worried about though so we're in there naked and we're sitting on these towels and i and i was
Starting point is 00:21:18 embarrassed like if i got up and there was like some sort of like brown stain on my towel or something like that like i like like holy shit this is like i'm gonna be sweating through this fucking because i'm i got a hairy ass and it's like it's my butt is like it just it crushed an animal like a bear crawled in there and got killed and i was like i remember that just be getting hard to be settled because the whole time i'm thinking if i get up someone's gonna know like the little brown stain on his towel but it wasn't but then we went to the cold and i and i couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes it was serious i was so embarrassed but i couldn't stop laughing for 30 minutes that's awesome do you want to finland i gotta do that i gotta go
Starting point is 00:21:54 i'd love to go out to finland hang out with miko uh sebon has one tucked in the spank bank for sure uh mike c michael c you uh you would look like you just got tased josh uh josh hit the chuck norris josh is the chuck norris of crossfit that's fact yeah that's fair i like that do you still do the uh carnivore savant uh i try to but i'm pretty sloppy with it i've been i've been on a month of pretty hardcore drinking. Nice. Good. What's your drink of choice? I go to all these fancy places.
Starting point is 00:22:30 So it's always – You've been hanging around with some bad people again, huh? Yeah, spicy. Anything spicy. Anything with jalapeno, spicy margarita. Yeah. Spicy Moscow mule. Anything hotter the better. Like I want it to burn.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So you like mezcal? I don better. Like I want it to burn. So you like Mezcal? I don't. I'm not familiar with that. Mezcal is like a – people call it like a tequila. It's like a spicy tequila or a smoky tequila. Sorry. I love it. It's actually one of my favorite drinks right now too.
Starting point is 00:22:57 This girl I know is always sending me pictures of her just – videos of her just drinking Mezcal. Yeah. Just out of all. Remind me to send you her Instagram account. She's crazy. me pictures of her just videos of her just drinking mezcal yeah just out of all remind me to send you her instagram account she's crazy hey she just she she's a she's the only fans girl she got like 600 000 followers on instagram and she just got kicked off of instagram rolling fans for uh instagram dude that would be crazy to get kicked off like i'm like i'm like damn what was damn damn bro what did you do what is happening josh do you have any friends who aren't instagram only fans not that i know of really you don't have
Starting point is 00:23:34 any no no you didn't know no dudes you don't know any there's no stories of any dude seals or who have that's what i know of wow i want i to. I want to. I don't know. Hey, there's a there's a dude in here in our in our in the comments here who's an OnlyFans guy. And I've become friends with him. And the other day, this fucking guy sends me a receipt and shows that he made like eight hundred and forty seven dollars. And he says, hey, dude, I made that selling three pair of underwear. He's like, you have to sell. And then he's like an asshole. He goes, you have to sell 42 shirts to make that much money
Starting point is 00:24:07 i'm like and i'm thinking myself more than 42 because you're just like straight profit that is wild that's a it's a wild world we're living in right now man nuts you wipe your ass with your underwear and then put it in an envelope some fucking seal it right weird shit going on in this world right now bro only fans i think you get actually those little brown spots have on so that might be something you do you do there you do uh how are uh how are the kids i want to show you this video. I saw this the other day, and I was like, I wonder what Josh would think of this. It's the top one up there, Mr. Sousa.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Our kid's too young for this. Oh, yeah. Hey, are you still watching UFC pretty good? Oh, yeah. Yeah, good. Me too. Did you see Dana went through that whole health thing, that whole health scare? Well, I saw that he lost a bunch of weight and all that yeah he's not red anymore yeah he um he looks good yeah how
Starting point is 00:25:10 about chandler fighting connor baby i feel horrible for connor i think chandler's gonna i think chandler's gonna knock him out too i think he's gonna use mean one of one of connor's when connor was actually still really good one of his hardest fights was chad mendez right yeah and i mean like that fight right there chad mendez versus uh chandler that would be a phenomenal fight yeah right and so the only thing that uh mendez the only reason mendez lost is because he gassed in like the fourth round i mean he like 100 i agree he just turned to shit in the fourth round and fucking connor uh he was crushing him dude yeah yeah and uh and chandler's that same guy you know what i mean like they fight they're both wrestlers um uh and and and then who turned into strikers and so i think it's going to
Starting point is 00:26:03 be i think it's going to be uh a good it's going to be a good day for Chandler. You know, that, that, that thing that they say, like a bear can just grab you and just like throw you 20 feet in the air. Yeah. I feel like Chandler can do that to Connor.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Like he could just walk up to him and grab him and just toss him in the air like a sack of shit. What kind of shit do you think Connor's on on to get up to that 260 or whatever? Is that how much? No, he didn't get up to 260. There was one tweet that said he weighed 120 kilos. Well, that's fucking ridiculous. The most I saw him look like he weighed is maybe he got up to 200, 190.
Starting point is 00:26:45 But regardless, he's already been drunk at the um oh at the tough house at the ultimate fighting house and they have a rule there no drinking and how serious could be taking the fight if he's drinking shouldn't he already start be cutting weight look at his fucking head man yeah it's ridiculous i mean that's the thing that's that's like that's so shitty that he like he obviously got on something you know and you do think it is shitty yeah it's shitty because he was healing from something and so that's the only way he healed from it right right he broke that he broke his leg and he got on the juice to expedite the healing yeah or that's how he justified it yeah you're not okay with that no not okay at all now and not in a not
Starting point is 00:27:26 in a fucking fight when he like these guys who are fighting man like i don't know i just think that that's so fucked up it's even it's even a worse kind of cheating because like if someone cheats and you get into a crossfit they just ran faster and you took your money this is like they're pounding your face and what yeah right exactly okay yeah uh yon clark so josh can treat himself to paper street coffee bottle highway coffee i do i do want to talk about uh good dudes and i do want to get back well uh let's wait before we go to this let's talk about connor a little more oh yeah um i don't think he's going to be prepared i think he's going to go out there i think he's going to struggle to make weight and um i hope the fight goes yeah i was going to say i don't think he's going to be prepared i think he's going to go out there i think he's going to struggle to make weight and um i hope the fight goes yeah i was gonna say i don't think
Starting point is 00:28:08 the fight's gonna go i'm really scared about this john jones uh gone fight too like gosh he jones was in the era of when main cards would fall apart like monthly right you know right right so i'm always a little nervous when john jones fights if he's gonna make if if something if something weird is gonna pop up or in the in the car it's not gonna go because personal something personal josh like like something in his personal life or like yeah exactly anything anything exactly like anything you never know you never know what jones man i mean i love watching him fight but But, man, like, there is the— I mean, God, how many fights did he get against DC, you know?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Did you see he squashed the beef with DC? I saw something about it, yeah. Which is kind of—which is interesting. I mean, sure, why not? Yeah, I guess, right. I mean, DC's retired. Squashing beefs is nice, actually. To be honest, I'm actually shocked that he's coming back.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I didn't think he ever would. I thought that it lingered too long. Do you think he wins that fight? Yes. You think Jones wins? I think Jones wins. Jones is... Takes him to the ground and murders him.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I don't even know if he'll have to take him to the ground, to be honest, man. He's so good did you see that statistic where he's only fought for the title he's fought for the title for 12 years this this is his first non-title fight i think it's crazy wait is it a non-title fight i don't know what's happened over there in the heavyweight yeah the heavyweight division is weird because and gone is gone right i don't know i don't know who the uh and the the the light heavyweights weird division too they got a new guy in there who is it jaylen turner no who is it uh jim uh jamar hot hill yeah yeah yeah jamal hill or something hill yeah no you're right it is jamal hill you're right you're right oh who is the heavyweight champ susan do you know it wasn't it wasn't gone and i but i but i don't
Starting point is 00:30:06 think he's in the in the ufc anymore right no he's asking for 30 million for a boxing match yeah and so this might actually be for for the title uh david they are fighting they are fighting for the ball no shit okay that's okay yeah so like every fight that, um, John Jones has been in for 12 years has been a tight, it's been a championship fight. Uh, and Nathaniel, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:30:32 there do school Richardson. Wow. What a name for do's go. John Jones can slam a six pack of Tecate, do a line of Coke. And then beat up a 240 making this up lifelong fighter all in 24 hours shevchenko i don't know who alexa grosso is do you know who she is yeah i just i mean just a little bit i don't think she has anything for shevchenko she has poor shevchenko's oh nichols
Starting point is 00:30:59 on that card oh that dude's a stud yeah i watched him all through college man that dude's a fucking animal and then those two fights on um dana white's contender series holy shit crazy hype behind him yeah crazy hype i mean he was argued like he's a three-time national champ for penn state um like a freak freak wrestler and that i mean he's just like you can tell he just doesn't give a shit like he's just gonna go out there and he's ready to crush people i think he's gonna he's gonna be fighting for the um the belt in the two years in two years i think um are you watching the beef between uh gordon ryan and uh nikki rodd and and craig jones are you seeing them do you know who those people are yeah i know who they are um i don't know who the last person you said was but i know who gordon ryan and uh nikki rod
Starting point is 00:31:49 are uh i've heard about it someone else was talking to me about that the other day it's pretty funny is it oh it's savage it's pretty funny because yeah it's a it's a good it's a good uh internet fight it's um and uh it's you know it's like who doesn't like a good internet fight god we're all over the place let me go let me i'm gonna switch subject yeah this guy's so great um this guy so this guy was the one who uh he's um what's his he's a volkanovsky is that you savon he's picking up and kissing yes it is scroll up do you know do you know who Gabby Garcia is? Gabby Garcia. Six foot five, you know, female, the greatest jiu-jitsu female fighter ever, 280 pounds, juice to the gills. Oh, I think so.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Go to Craig Jones' Instagram, Suze. It's on there. And he has this thing going like where he's fucking her. But he's really not. But you got to see this. Do you know which one it is keep going keeps going you'll see he'll be like holding a pair of her underwear and the underwear is huge it's ridiculous it's fucking ridiculous this is craig uh what's his name craig jones he he's the one that do you remember when, oh, look at what, there she is. Yeah, that might be, and he's a huge dude.
Starting point is 00:33:09 But scroll down, it was right past that. The fight for equality continues. Is that what it says? Yeah. Okay, dead center there, right there where she's there. Look at this. Okay. Let's see that.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Guys, me and Gabby did roll today. I'm not going to say what happened, but we did make a bet. And that bet was whoever loses has to make dinner. And here I am at Gabby Garcia's house with some dinner. Oh, wait, scroll. Let me see. Go back to the page. There's one where he does this thing where he plays a prank on her and he pulls out these giant underwear anyway do you
Starting point is 00:33:45 remember when um uh do you remember when that guy who is the guy uh the mexican cat who looks like a white dude out of la who was choking volk he had him in a rear naked choke and volk got out of it um is this just recently yeah at the 145 weight uh he had – they called T-City. Yeah, Brian Ortega. Yeah, so Craig Jones – everyone's crediting Craig Jones, including Volkanovski, for why he got out of that. Super – so that's kind of his claim to fame. Oh, God, there's so many fighters to talk about. What did you think about that fight, man, that Volkanovski maklava? out what did you think about that fight man that volkanovski um maklava i i think volkanovski is i can't i'm so blown away and so impressed i don't even know what to say and if he had one
Starting point is 00:34:32 more round man that fight was that fight switches and it's volkanovski like i was so impressed i i hope they run that back i really do because for the the third round or was it the fourth round the fourth round is where makhloba basically just stalled and like took the round and then man i was like oh it was a bummer hey dude that was one of those fights where it was really frustrating because you knew islam uh makhachev won but but uh i like what the way you call him but but volk kicked the shit out of him so bad in the fifth round and you knew it was it was one more that's exactly what i thought i go oh shit one more round and he he murders islam murders him murders him yeah i know man i i became like it took me a little while to to start liking
Starting point is 00:35:27 volkanovski because remember those first title fights against holloway they were close super close man and like i actually thought that holloway won one of them too and uh and so i wasn't like on the volkanovski train and then now dude like it's hard not to be he i don't know if you remember he was on the show. Oh, was he? Yeah. And he's pretty guarded. I mean, he stayed on with us for an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Yeah. But we didn't get anywhere. He's guarded. He's hard to like in that sense. He doesn't – he didn't ever give it up. Yeah. And he's kind of like that in all the – in all those behind-the-scenes things they do, whatever they are.
Starting point is 00:36:06 What are those things called? The Embedded Series. Oh, yeah. Okay. He's a little guarded. Got it. Sevan, have you reached out to him again? Yeah, only 1,700 times.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Yeah. He ain't coming on the Savant show no more. Maybe the Savant and Josh show, but not the Savant show. Right. It's true. I can't even get jack de la magdalena on anymore yeah yeah there for a while you were on the ufc kick right you had that like yeah who was like hooking you up is that not happening anymore we had aljo on too
Starting point is 00:36:36 no i i really i think it's um it's like what you how we started the show i've just gotten so full of myself and i think i'm the shit now that I'm just like, fuck those dudes. This show is killing me. Yeah, back it off, man. Hey, you got to go back to humble savant. What about Tiger slipping the tampon? Do you know about that? Absolutely loved it.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Of course I do. It's brilliant. I watch golf no matter what. I watch golf every weekend. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I fucking love golf, and I don't care what you say. So did you see that in real time when he did it?
Starting point is 00:37:09 No. Were you watching? Oh, I was watching that morning, but it must've like walked out of the room when that happened because I think it was on the first tee with Thomas. And actually Netflix has a really cool show right now called full swing. Maybe that's like actually going in with the pga and they're um interview
Starting point is 00:37:26 or like basically doing shows on like justin thomas and jordan speith and those guys but yeah that that was hilarious i mean you could tell when tiger like had to apologize for it he's like sorry he did apologize for it yeah yeah he's like he's like it's just guy stuff man like i like sorry sorry if i offended anyone you're just like come on like are you kidding me hey he should have ridiculous in the press conference he should have bought a box of them and then like for anyone who's offended i've brought extra can you imagine yeah best out to the question like i hope tampon i hope tampax whatever the fuck that brand is, pays him so much money. Cause they deserve it.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh shit. Yeah. There's gotta be a good tagline in there. Tiger won't put it in for you, but it's what he, but he approves. Oh, so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:38:20 What have we come to that? That's, that's like the thing they talk about or that they're upset. I mean, God, it, well, he's the guy's like the thing they talk about. Or that they're upset. I mean, God, it – Well, the guy's 44. He's had his back fused together, his leg broken. I mean, don't get me wrong. A lot of these are self-inflicted dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But, I mean, he's still out there like playing amazing golf, like whatever. Didn't Rich give Josh a tampon after that 405 deadlift uh he might have he could have he might i might have killed him though at the time at that time at that moment that was one of those moments that feeling we were talking about earlier yeah right right that was at the games that wasn't at a um the games that was the games the 13 final uh final two events okay for some reason cinco one and two um uh from trish oh hello josh trish we have no we don't know what trish is a regular on the show we don't know if trish is a man or a woman or uh we don't know we don't assume her gender no fluid it's fluid oh tiger's 47 oh 47 wow i thought 44 yeah he doesn't he doesn't look so
Starting point is 00:39:32 good he's definitely looking a little uh weathered yeah or like maybe he had some surgery that went wrong or he needs to hit that carnivore diet and it's on a cold tub yeah the ice bath for sure. So you think – oh, is this the sorry? Can I hear him say sorry? Oh, no. This is just a photo of him looking at me. Well, he actually looks pretty good there. Do you want me to find the sorry clip?
Starting point is 00:39:56 Sure. I'd love it. It was in the post-conference presser. It's ridiculous that he would say sorry. I hope it's really over- top fake sorry i didn't like it when he apologized when he did that thing remember when he got caught with like the 17 hookers or something and nike had to make an apology commercial well he had uh that was when he was apologizing to his wife i believe i didn't like that either it's like well i would have so
Starting point is 00:40:22 much more respected him if he would have been like um everywhere i go uh well first of all i have hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and everywhere i go uh i think he's a billionaire sorry sorry billion sometimes i lose count and uh josh i'm tiger woods please be quiet and every and everywhere i go uh there's just so much vagina being thrown at me like like i've been injured by flying vagina and uh i just anyone who's never experienced that shut up don't judge me you know what i mean don't you judge me yeah how the fuck is anyone you never got you never took the golf huh no you look like a golfer you look you seem like the guy you should who would get his kids in the golf you know you got like a golfer you look you seem like the guy you should who would
Starting point is 00:41:05 get his kids into golf you know you got your kids in tennis and all that's true all these other sports man you you want your kids to go places i mean josh don't you feel like you're you and you and your you and your wife you're not tall people all right so golf shorties can play golf oh yeah and tennis is actually one where like here and there you'll find a shorter person, but not, not all too often. Most of them are monsters. So you want to give your kids a real like advantage. Start having them swing them golf clubs can play basketball that's fine like we ain't gonna lean into it too hard all right like like let's be real here i'll i'll i'll support you and i'll try to help you be you know be able to jump higher and dribble and like dude my oldest like his basketball dribbling skills are are crazy like it blows my mind sometimes um and i'll let him play basketball as long as he wants but i'm like man you want to lean into something i'll lean into we can lean into golf like it is it is
Starting point is 00:42:12 the longevity of the sport is crazy are there any but but it's it doesn't seem fun oh my god it's so much fun really so much fun it seems just so stressful like you're outside on green grass like hey josh do you know do you don't all the guy the pros seem weird like even scott stalling's a little weird a little bit of autism too focused a little like like a pack of bees are attacking him and he doesn't know because he's cutting his nails it's a it's a mental game for sure man and i think those guys they can get messed up mentally for sure like they can right yeah any books i've read about like those those uh excellent coaches when they talk about the golfers i'm like god that sounds horrible yeah i mean i love it i love the game i've been playing
Starting point is 00:42:54 you know since i was eight and so it's just such a you do it's like i don't know like even a bad day you're still having a great time out there. Does your chick golf? Yeah. Oh, well, that's fucking fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. You don't feel like you're wasting time watching golfing? No. I love golf. I love it.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I do. I really do. You're not a new blend of good dudes or I should be doing some programming? I do programming. Actually, typically when I program, I have golf in the background because golf is on every weekend,ursday friday saturday sunday it's the sport that never leaves you no matter what what what do you think about that um that golf thing that they do in phoenix where like dudes are taking off their shirts instead of telling people to
Starting point is 00:43:40 be quiet they're like telling them to be loud waste management i i want to go that'd be really fun um yeah i think it's cool i think that's a cool event and everyone like loves it like scott talks about it he's like oh it's it's a cool event um that 16th hole where it's like it sounds like you're in a football stadium and they're trying to you know and you've seen and there's actually a lot of hole-in-ones on that hole too um you don't think it's like bastardizing the the game it's not like degrading the game it's not no i'm not i'm not uh old-fashioned i know some of those old-fashioned guys you're like you don't think it's a slippery slope like well we'll let we'll let a couple boys in the girls bathroom and next thing you know you don't think it's like that we let we let no i don't think because that's that's been happening for years already and like
Starting point is 00:44:23 there's other courses aren't like that. All right. What a crazy – waste management is an awesome experience. Got to do it. Yeah. I've heard it's pretty cool. And this year, the weekend it was happening was a Super Bowl weekend in Phoenix. I was like, damn, Phoenix is – it's going to be gnarly this weekend.
Starting point is 00:44:42 A friend – I was in Phoenix that weekend, and a friend of mine went to the golf event. And what were you doing in Phoenix? Just hanging out with Greg. Oh, and, uh, he had a, he had a conference there,
Starting point is 00:44:54 a broken science conference, a little different than the Superbowl and, uh, waste management open. Sounds the same, same, same, but different.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And, uh, um, a friend of mine went and, uh, I saw him at a dinner party afterwards and he goes hey you want to see a picture of my wife and i'm like sure and it's a picture of his wife and her friend with their fucking shirts off out in on the 16th hole i'm like wow they like to party wow yeah okay all right bruce wayne great question uh he's he's 6 000 uh followers short of being invited to
Starting point is 00:45:27 yeah man seriously i'll work i'll keep working on it all right i i actually saw i was in greg's house and the tv was on and greg was sitting on the couch and we were talking and then i looked up and scott stalling was swinging yeah i'm like hey greg well look at the watch the tv like you're watching this guy's a crossfitter and so i took a picture and i sent it to scott but he fucking he's green now is he green to you did he change his phone number he must have blocked you is that what happens you go green when you're blocked i think so fucking blocked you got blocked punk ass hey he wouldn't block me he doesn't know he doesn't even know me well enough to block block me he doesn't know he doesn't even know me well enough to block me his number hasn't changed he might have had his phone off maybe i
Starting point is 00:46:09 don't know does that happen yeah i could think i think i think it does because like if i text people who are like maybe i know they're flying um they'll be green when they're typically blue yeah it's not i message or there's not a wi-fi can you can you look on your phone right now iMessage or there's not a Wi-Fi can you can you look on your phone right now yeah and um do you see do you see uh are there three fives in his um phone number let me see not in a row but yeah I know we're saying no well No. Well, fuck. I have the wrong number. I'll get you squared away.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Is his area code 865? Yeah. Well, shit. uh yeah well shit okay you may i mean he might uh he might have uh changed his number i think you put me when i first started the podcast you put me in touch with him yeah you know what i think he did i think his number did get changed yeah you're right i remember him texting okay okay well. That makes me feel better. So I sent a picture of Greg watching it to him and I was so excited. It's a random now. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:34 What the fuck is this? Sean, thank you for the $10. You think society has any right, before we play the Tiger Woods clip, you think society has any right to be upset about that tampon thing you think there's even like one like well yeah it's a little awkward yeah me neither me neither so stupid yeah so not even a little bit right no because it's
Starting point is 00:47:55 what about this but he's behaving like a 14 year old boy everyone everyone wants to get everyone wants to be offended man everyone wants to be offended like but it's it's ridiculous you know like whatever yeah look at uh that shit so fuck no uh fuck no no disrespect yeah oh but but but but he's making a lot of money and there's there's there's there's women watching chain sorry what does that got to do more fuck no's fuck no fuck society yeah god look at that dude's chick jb get on your brother that's his sister that's his sister either way uh chase brian good try but uh no no okay yeah i guess i was ghost okay let's watch uh tiger woods apologize here and then we got a i want to ask josh about those before we lose him um ask him about those kids fighting if he's okay with that yeah hey what's uh this is a the clip from from
Starting point is 00:48:56 tmz what do we think we can play the whole thing it's gonna slap us no no seven seconds seven seconds seven inches just take seven inches of it I'll just get it a seven at a time. Permanently damaged. All right. Here we go. It hasn't turned out that way. If I had offended anybody, it was not the case. It was just...
Starting point is 00:49:19 That smirk. It's like, I don't give a fuck, sorry okay let's go more friends having fun and yeah as i said if i offend anybody in any way shape or form i'm sorry he was not intended to be that hey did someone ask him to say that yeah a reporter asked about it. But do you think Nike makes him say sorry? Maybe, yeah, possibly.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Like he got a call? He's been in the game long enough to know that this is just protocol, right? I think he knows he has to do that shit, exactly. Why not double down? Why not double down? Yeah. And get more publicity. He's not you, Savan. That's why.
Starting point is 00:50:10 The people offended at Tiger's joke are the same people that think it's fine for Dylan Mulvaney to sponsor tampons and appropriate womanhood. God, do you know who Dylan Mulvaney is, Josh? No. Good. Good. Good. Is that a, who is that tiktok uh superstar tranny like it's a dude who's turned himself into a girl and it's it's um it's it's not cool it's not cool what
Starting point is 00:50:36 he's done i mean it it's it's fine it's fine what if if he wants to do that for him or if he wants to do that for himself turn himself into a girl but just the way they've paraded him around like, hey, everyone should do it. You know, I just saw this lady yesterday. It came out in a news report. It was a man. Do you know the SEAL who switched himself to a woman? And now he's switching himself back to a man. No, he was like, they're too, they're too willing to do these surgeries and hormonal effects too quick
Starting point is 00:51:07 because sometimes it's just like, he basically is like, come out and be like, I don't know what the fuck was going on for a while. Right. And that would, yeah, it was.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Yeah. Well, basically all there's so many that are coming out now and men who they transition to women. And this is, they all have the same tagline. They're like, I went in there with a fucking mental disorder and instead of helping me they allowed me to
Starting point is 00:51:29 self-diagnose as transgender and they acted on it they allowed me to self-diagnose and they acted on it we just covered yesterday about a poor guy who had his fucking penis removed and now he wants to come back to being a dude and it's like yeah dude like what are you doing someone's not okay and you're performing surgery on them what are you doing it's it's mean people are so scared to like dabble you mean like have any issues with it or like i think someone i think i've listened to a rogan podcast where they're like there's no you're not allowed there's no crazy like every aspect of every type of human being. There's like, everyone is allowed to have some, like, there's some crazy out there and there is something, there can be something issues. And this is the, that's the only one where it's like, there's, there's no room for crazy. Like
Starting point is 00:52:16 everyone has, Oh, if they're, if they want to transition and they want to be transgender, like, great. Let's, let's help them out right now hey um i i heard another uh professor like it i don't remember where columbia or something say if someone's anorexic we don't help them get skinnier we don't like hey we'll cut off half your stomach and make you skinnier or um and and they said the last surgery that they ever did for um a psychiatric uh disease or issue was lobotomies and that's where they removed the front of your brain and took a butter knife and mashed you jesus and they don't do that anymore now now once again there's a psychiatric issue and we've started doing surgeries for
Starting point is 00:52:54 psychiatric issues again it's like dude leave leave these fucking people all to make money i think too dude oh right right nuts you know you can't go in um to the hospital josh and be like hey i don't identify with this arm i'm cutting off you can't do that they can't do that legally really yeah no but if but if you don't identify with yourions and shit like that do you do all that are you still involved in the community uh not really no i mean those they are they do have dave goes to that stuff you don't get invited do you not get invited i guess not yeah i don't know um no yeah i don't i don't go out i haven't i've only been to san diego maybe twice since i moved um and that was for two camp those two camps that i've been doing oh how are the camps going they're going great yeah they're going great man i mean both i've
Starting point is 00:53:58 done three of them and uh they're a lot of fun and we're actually in april we're going to come to the uk and do pay-em camps in the UK. Holy shit. Yeah, go check them out on Eventbrite. There's a link down at the bottom of the pay-em camp, Sousa. I wanted to ask Josh about some of these pictures. Why are you going to the UK? Just there's a demand?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, they just, across the gym, reached out and was like hey man i think we have um you know a lot of people who'd want to come out here and and uh and do the pay him camp for you or pay the do the pay him camp with you and so um yeah we're doing some we're gonna do four one-day events over there at crossfit free soul in newberry um so all these pictures are from one camp these are all the same that one is yes that's the last one we just did same cohort okay so so what's going on here tell me what's going is that San Diego that's San Diego that's San Diego that's on Coronado Beach we uh just finished up um a little beach workout uh the final morning on Sunday morning and uh crushed a good beach workout and then yeah it's a lot of big dudes yeah it's a lot of dudes i think that we only had one female that this one
Starting point is 00:55:12 we've we normally have like three um we had like five people who this is their second one of the first three oh shit yeah and why are people saying they're coming back? Oh, they just had such a great time. Um, and it's not the same. I mean, we do a couple of the same, we do a, uh, a trail run. That's still the same, but everything else is different, you know? And then people ask different questions. We just hang out. Um, it's at my house in San Diego where I trained out of my gym, out of my garage, sorry. And out of my garage sorry and uh yeah it's a cool time it's a good time so there's a historic piece to it too they can see where you came up yeah exactly I mean it's like it's not just a normal gym it's my uh garage gym and then we do the trail run that one right there that I literally ran weekly um and then we go to the beach in Coronado
Starting point is 00:56:02 and do a little beach beat down hey who are the people there are there are there are these aspiring games athletes are these people who want to become seals are these um it's all kinds of people man uh you know it's like it's literally every different it's it's people who for some reason i don't know they just resonated with me and they want to come i don't know pick my brain and work out and uh there are like we had some younger kids we had this time this was funny this is a crazy story so we're sitting there talking we're doing a q a and the guy is like i uh he's like how long do you think you could do like crossfit and be okay you know and not get injured and um how how how sustainable is crossfit and i looked at him i was like well i've been doing crossfit you know since
Starting point is 00:56:51 january 2005 and i'm doing i'm fucking doing pretty great i don't think i'm ever going to go away from it and i go how long have you been doing crossfit and he goes he goes well this was my first crossfit workout and i was like why are you here and i was like in my head i'm like i was so confused and baffled and it kind of came off wrong like why are you here yeah it was more like how do you hey congratulations that's a huge compliment i was like how do you know who i am like yeah if you don't know CrossFit, you know, like, I don't know. It was like, I was so confused. And he wasn't even, and then it came out, another guy goes, yeah, this is my first CrossFit workout too. I was like, holy shit, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So, these guys found you on Instagram. Yeah, they just found me on Instagram. Yeah, they just resonated with my my uh i don't know with with me as a person or whatever and then they both decided to come to the camp it was fucking crazy i was hey i i don't know how to say this um without it sounding weird but um i wish there was a better word than cool i mean you are pretty fucking cool you weren't always cool though were you were you always cool i think uh i think so i think i've always been pretty cool seriously even in high school you were cool you're always cool i mean what do you mean by that um you uh
Starting point is 00:58:18 people want to gravitate to you you're fun to be around people want to talk to you you're like um you. You're like, um, you know, there's like, like there's a lot of fucking rocks out there and then you just see one rock and you're like, fuck. And you're on the beach and like, Whoa, that rocks fucking all soft and polished. And it's like a perfect shape. And it's just, you're really nice. You're just like a really cool human being. Like you are. I don't know. I don't know. Like if I don't know if I've always been that way, but I mean like i've always had friends and i've never and i've never had like one group that i stuck with you know i was like oh i only hang around with these guys where you see that right yeah yeah people who only have their five ten friends um in high school like i was friends with most people
Starting point is 00:58:59 i felt like um and so i don't know like i like i had this friend one time it was a girl and i was like man you're so nice and she goes you know i had this just this awakening one day once someone goes hey you're just a bitch and that day forward i realized oh shit i don't want to be a bitch anymore and like you didn't have like some sort of like there's no moment in your life where you're like hey i'm gonna drop this and everything changed for you or like hey that's dumb that i do and then no i mean i definitely like i've had dumb moments in my life i mean i in high school i i drank way too much and probably was an asshole at times i shouldn't be an asshole but you know typically i'm what do you think you do to work on yourself that makes you so cool what makes
Starting point is 00:59:45 you i don't i mean i don't think i'm that cool but i mean you are so fucking cool i feel like i've always just been like tried tried to be true to myself you know like never i've never tried to be people's be someone else to be someone's friend i try to tell my kids that you know like i see my older son sometimes just, he's a people pleaser. And so like, uh, I think sometimes he, he wants people to be his friends. And I'm like, man, like if you have to change who you are or do things that you don't feel are right to be someone's friend, you don't want to be that person's friend anyways, you know? And so I think that's something I've always told myself.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I'm not going to change for anybody. And I don't know if it's just me being – I don't even know how to really put it. But yeah, I've just never really wanted to pretend in my life. I've never tried to be – I'm not an ass kisser. Never? You weren't in high school and you tried and then all of a sudden at one point you're just like, fuck, this is too much work. I'm done.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I'm just going to do it again. No, I never really wanted to try. You just knew from the beginning. I just knew from the beginning. I don't know. Yeah. I never wanted to please anyone. I mean, yeah. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Hey, I think how that translates is that. Oh, here we go. Dario. Pam Camp 03. I'm class Pam Camp 03. I had a blast hanging out with a bunch of good dudes and girl. Dark Lord, pay the man $10. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Manny C. Serrano. Josh, my 20-year-old boy is joining the Navy. You were one of his inspirations. I appreciate that. I hope he crushes it. I think when someone like you doesn't, when you don't try to please people it makes it so you're actually more accepting of other people and so other people feel more free around you probably too so you're free and so then they feel free right yeah i could see that yeah do you get exhausted by people who
Starting point is 01:01:35 are posturing like if you go somewhere yes like that hollywood type like someone's posturing and oh for sure it's it's very exhausting it's uh yeah i'm trying to think of an example yeah i mean so so this you do this camp um and then you're about to do a fourth one so but why one day in the uk why not why not uh um i just feel like i i want to a lot of times if you do a three-day camp right some people just can't make it because it is three days and they can't get three days off and so i feel like if i'm traveling over there um you know you can do multiple days if you want to because they're not going to be the same day okay um but but i like that i like that we're doing four separate days, technically.
Starting point is 01:02:31 All over the UK? No, just all across it. Free soul. It's in a good location. It's like 40 minutes outside of London. And so, you know, easily accessible. And they're the ones that reached out. So I was like, yeah, let's do it. Are you dreading the trip? Like, what will you do? Will you go like four days early and stay four days late so that – I'll probably go two days. No, so what we're doing, so I mean my lady, we can travel. We're going to do two weekends. And then the week in between, we're going to like actually go travel and like check other places out, other parts like London out and stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I've been to London a few times. I don't really need to check it out, but she wants to go. Right. The thought of – I've reached this place in my age the thought of getting on a plane for 10 hours makes me want to throw up dude yeah i like i you know it's crazy it's nice being in denver because it's more middle of the country and everything's a little bit shorter to get to when i was in san diego man everything was fucking four or five hours. Every. But you had a great airport though. Denver's an ass airport.
Starting point is 01:03:27 San Diego, you just pull up and you're there, right? Denver's like, what the fuck? I hate the Denver airport. Me too. It's horrible. I fucking hate that airport, man. And you were spoiled by San Diego. It's tiny.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Dude, I was in San Diego. I'd be, I could be at the airport in eight minutes from my house. Now it's 38 minutes and it's so far that you, and it's so in the middle of, it's basically in fucking Kansas. It's not even in Colorado. I agree. I agree. Thank you for saying that. And, and they did it on purpose. And you want to know why I figured this out is because people basically have to drive there and park there. They're fucking making millions of dollars a day on parking millions. Do they have, they have two parking lots on both sides of the airport and dude it's 30 a day to fucking to park there and i'm talking like if it's less if i'm traveling for more than three days it's not worth taking
Starting point is 01:04:18 like an uber to it it it would be just the same price right so i parked there almost every travel and it's like they're i'm like trying to i was like doing the math because the parking lots are always full and i'm like they're making fucking millions of dollars a day has your car been broken into at the airport no uh one of my friends just had his catalytic converter stolen at the san jose fucking international airport okay that makes me want to kill someone if it's not safe to park your car at an airport then fuck you does he have a toyota uh toyota or civic or some little shit box yeah dude cadillac converters on toyotas are like high dollar i had a cadillac my cadillac converter stolen off my my first forerunner in san diego
Starting point is 01:05:00 yeah in front of my house me too yeah you just start driving you start driving you're like why does it sound like i don't have a muffler hey um and then and then you get to denver and then you got to get in a shut then you park and then you got to take the bus to the shuttle and then the shuttle to the airport it's i just feel like i'm watching my life flush down the toilet dude and then you got to take the uh the train to your thing and it's always fucking packed always no matter what time of day you go that denver airport i think it's the most osama bin laden's on your flight who cares no one cares it is uh it is a fucking ordeal man that that that uh airport is not the deal. Yeah. Hey, yesterday I was – I wonder if I can explain this.
Starting point is 01:05:51 I'm curious to get your advices on this. Yesterday I'm – this is the first time I'm going to tell the story completely honest. Awesome. It's going to be good. You know when there's a freeway like this, and then you have to go under the underpass and then turn to get on the freeway yeah right so you go under the underpass you know this spot too uh susan it's at the bottom of my street i go down my street and i'm getting on the freeway to go south south down on the freeway and so there's a lane here and a lane oh it's backwards there's three lanes at the stoplight before the left hand turn to the freeway there's three right? So there's the lane that turns left to go onto the freeway.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Then there's the lane that goes straight. And then there's another lane that goes straight. And everyone here is backed up fucking three stoplights back because everyone's turning left to get on the freeway. The far right lane is wide open. So I stay in the far right lane, go all the way up to the front. It's a red light. Then at the green light, I gun it and get in front of it.
Starting point is 01:06:46 I knew exactly where you were going with this story. Okay. I knew exactly where you were going with this story. Not a good dude. No wonder you switched coffee companies. I'm fucking confident as fuck because they got testosterone on paper. Okay. So,
Starting point is 01:07:09 um, uh, and I, and I was late. I had my two, my two, uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:14 no, no, I had my son in my car. No, I had all three of my boys in my car and I was taking him to tennis and I was late. And the car that I pulled in front of as is, and now I'm pulling up,
Starting point is 01:07:23 he gets pissed and it's a van. A van off. No, it's a big, huge van. Like a sprinter van or something? It said like Satoria Emporium on it or something. Yeah, like a sprinter van, and it was like a commercial van. And he pulls out around me, speeds up next to me like he's gonna fucking pull in and hit me he decides it's feisty he decides it's not a good idea and goes one more car forward
Starting point is 01:07:53 and pulls in front of that car just as the lights turning red and fucking rams that car and fucking hits it what yeah and although they're only and it's it's a uh it's a scion it's a little scion oh yeah i know yeah a little like it's a uh it's a scion it's a little scion oh yeah yeah a little like it's a little it's like a cube that with wheels mouse car yeah yeah yeah and i'm like holy shit and now i'm staying like i don't pull for off all the way forward i've like because i'm thinking that guy's gonna get out and i'm gonna have to fucking speed away with my tail between my legs and uh like he's just pissed and he's going to take it out on someone. And so the guy in the Scion is like honking his horn and like going like this, pull over, pull over.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And now, so that van's at the red light to be the first one to turn left, then the Scion, then me, and then we're all going to get on the freeway. The light turns green and the van just gets on the freeway. Oh, because they'll hate Brian. So the Scion floors it after him is chasing him. So I'm like, fuck it i'm gonna watch this shit so i chase but i'm staying back like 10 cars because i got my two boys in and i'm thinking the worst i'm thinking someone's gonna pull out a gun and start shooting oh yeah so i i take pictures of the cars with my phone i get video i take pictures and uh and uh eventually
Starting point is 01:09:03 the scion uh puts on its signal and it's like trying to tell the the van to get off and the van won't and the scion just gets off and gets off the freeway and the van keeps going but he's going weird slow he's going like 47 in the slow lane and all the cars are passing us and i don't want to pass him because i don't want to look at his eyes right i don't want to i don't want him to swing over and fucking hit me or nothing so um so we go we go and he gets off and now they've both gotten off and it's over okay but i didn't drop it i called 9-1-1 oh i reported the end and i reported the incident what did you tell him give him the fucking license But I didn't drop it. I called 911. Oh. I reported the incident.
Starting point is 01:09:47 What did you tell them? I gave them the fucking license plates, numbers of the fucking cars, and I told the lady the whole fucking story. You think they got a hold of anybody? I don't know. I'm like, hey, I just saw something fucking crazy. I didn't tell the part about me inciting it. I left that part out. Investigating it.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Lighting the fuse. No, I didn't get off I went What's the moral of the story Do you think that I should have Afterwards I was like maybe I shouldn't have called 911 Maybe I should have left it alone Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:17 I mean What would you do I don't think I would have called anybody No I would have been like Go ahead let me out I would have been like that's. No. Go ahead. Let me know. I was like, that's fucked up, man. I'm going to grab that car.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah, you think it was. Later. So I started thinking that maybe, I started thinking, oh, shit, maybe the Scion was like an illegal. Because there's tons of fucking Mexicans. Because I'm around tons of fields and shit. I'm like, what if I fuck that dude in the Scion? That's why he let that guy hit him and run. Or he probably, maybe he thought it wasn't that bad
Starting point is 01:10:46 and it was like maybe he didn't want to fucking get into it with the dude in the van and like he thought there could have been dude it was bad it was fucking bad it ran the Scion so fucking hard the Scion even though it was only going five miles an hour the Scion like just slid over like six feet like wham
Starting point is 01:11:02 like just hit it right on the side like get the fuck out of my was the whole door messed up the whole uh front uh left yeah fender and door were just smushed in jeez yeah that's uh i mean those cars are pieces of trash but i mean i don't know you know hey maybe he's gonna replace it soon anyways look at melissa uh you should not have called not cool seve really i should not have well if the dude, Seve. Really? I should not have? Well, if the dude in the Scion called and then gave the license plate number and said he was in a hit and run, and here's the license plate number of the car, and then you called behind it and then confirmed that story. I don't know that. You're speculating that maybe he did. I'm speculating it.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Well, why else? Because the Scion got off the freeway first, right? So maybe he called and gave the license plate number. They're like, okay, thanks. We'll keep an eye out for him. We dispatched it to the units. And so he said, okay, fuck it. I'm going to pull off.
Starting point is 01:11:47 Because ultimately, what are you going to do? So you're going to chase him down? You're going to do a little pit maneuver or something? Sean M., you instigated a fight and then called the police on the people who were fighting. You accidentally instigated a fight. Accidentally? I don't know if I accidentally. Accidentally.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Josh asks Sevalon about his MDMA stash. What is that? Nothing. You got an MDMA stash? Tell me about it. Tell me the story. Sousa always saving Seve. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Now I'm getting tore up. The Dispatcher answers 911. It's him again. It was only my third call this week. Hey, Peggy. Seve on again. We got another one. So do you think it's wrong?
Starting point is 01:12:37 I like how you use Peggy. Do you think it's wrong that I called? Yeah, I think it's messed up, man. You do? I mean, I don't know. I don't think it's wrong, but it's weird. suze's story it makes me look like a good guy i try to do that that's my role dude yeah thank you calling the police is like force it forcing tiger to apologize i like that one yeah yes wrong really okay we'll have to do a show and someone people can call in and chastise
Starting point is 01:13:07 me and tell me why it's wrong yeah how are the boys i'm a good samaritan seven you were a little tattletale in grade school too dick butter jesus what a name we got quite a cast here the other person should be the one calling no victim no crime no no and she's this is a fucking cop are you fucking kidding me what if that guy was drunk on the road there's also don't make me get into i'm not i'm not gonna fight with you guys i have josh here but i'll fight with you guys hey you can't have someone on the road who's fucking ramming people yeah that's a little gnarly that's a gnarly like aggressive move and i was really excited i it. I was it's only the second time in my life where I've seen a car intentionally hit another car and take off and take off. Yeah, I saw I saw that once in New York, too. I saw I saw BMW ram a cab at a red light and push it through the fucking red light and then speed away i wish i had that like don't care attitude right you know like how much money do you have to have to have that like fuck it i just i just rammed cars either a lot either
Starting point is 01:14:10 a lot or a little a lot of little either zero or a lot of zeros yeah exactly how are the boys man they're good they're they're really good life's good i um i took them to you know you got me all fucked up because i do know that the average height of a pro tennis player a male is uh it's something crazy it's like five yeah it's something really weird those tennis boys that are tall can rip on that ball man and there is one uh jew venezuelan jew who's like number nine in the world who's like five nine but my kids won't even be close to five nine look up um so the look up how midget tennis matt chan is not matt chan um maybe oh six two the average height of the top 10 male tennis players in the world is there was
Starting point is 01:15:00 this there was this usa guy who was asian he was asian though um and he was not very tall i think his last name was chan i don't remember what the first name was hey dude when my kids go to uh tennis tournaments yeah all there's uh it's it's him he's the token white dude then there's one token black dude and then the rest are uh asian and uh and indian and then when we go to uh we go to a bunch of jiu-jitsu tournaments oh my boys destroyed their last jiu-jitsu tournament nice yeah fucking dudes up that was awesome like lots of gold michael chan mo chang chang there it is wow look at his quads i thought he was tall i thought he was shorter than that he was a stud though
Starting point is 01:15:50 i thought he was shorter than that he was a stud though um and uh so um and they go to jiu-jitsu tournaments and it's all it's all black hairs right it's all filipinos and mexicans and that it's it's all just like latin people people south of san diego right yeah and then um and then you go to um skateboarding events uh and it's it's all just you know fucking whiteing events, and it's all just fucking white kids. It's a trip. And so I like the fact that my kids have these three cultural experiences, right? They go to these things that are kind of – it's like Dave told me. If you go to a shooting competition, it's all Filipinos. They just run that shit.
Starting point is 01:16:22 That's interesting, man. I wouldn't even have any idea that right exactly right uh fernando pmi premium services i haven't seen you in a while uh fernando fernando it said donating money to savan you should go to good dudes coffee and actually just buy a bag of coffee i'm sorry this podcast is over you all know this podcast is i was going to donate 50 dollars but for you not being a good for you not being a good dude i'll donate 19 i am a good dude i pulled a drunk driver off the street no you're not now he's drunk yeah yeah here's the shortest uh pro tennis player five six damn that's the short there's shorter nba players wow you know what i mean like like
Starting point is 01:17:05 moxie bose was 5'3 spud webb was 5'6 or 5'5 that tall he was 5'5 or 5'6 um but that's crazy the shortest pro tennis player is 5'6 and i would what's the highest you got your kids the wrong sport but what's the highest that guy's ever ranked? I don't believe that guy's even pro. He's from Belton. Fuck that guy. Fuck that guy. Crazy. How crazy is that?
Starting point is 01:17:31 And Mugsy Bogues was like an all-star. I feel like he was the token midget. 5'3", man. That guy was ranked 29th. In the world? Yeah, in 2004. It was like his highest ranking. 29th, July world yeah in 2004 it's like his highest ranking 29th july 5th of 2004 i wonder who the i wonder who the um shortest guy is now on the circuit anyway so basically all they do
Starting point is 01:17:53 you know what i'm thinking um uh josh so two of the boys are six and one of them's eight so their day is like you know piano tennis jujitsu skateboarding you know repeat those are the main things and then you know i was thinking like when the twins are eight and they play a lot of music and they sing and shit when the twins are eight and obvi's 10 i'm gonna hire someone to see if they can like get them to play music together okay and that'll be their next thing because pro skate they're never the pro skateboarding pro tennis pro jujitsu they're not pro skateboarding, pro tennis, pro jiu-jitsu. They're not. It's so funny how we assume that our kids are going to go pro.
Starting point is 01:18:30 And I do the same thing, man. Anytime my kids get involved in anything, they're going pro. Well, I don't want to say I assumed it. They cried at their first. They still cry. Like, my son won the fucking gold at the jiu-jitsu tournament in a massive bracket with 11 dudes and you know i asked him shit like hey how'd you know you were gonna why'd you go out there you know last tournament you didn't go out there you were scared he's all i saw the other
Starting point is 01:18:53 kid crying so i was like fuck it i could beat him those combat sports like that right wrestling jiu-jitsu boxing i'm sure is kind of like this too. I'm sure, which is, I think it's kind of, I don't know. I don't know how much I believe in like little kids boxing anyways, but, um, I, uh, like that's the easiest sport to tell when a kid is winning and winning, they're losing. If they're winning, they're not crying. And if they're losing, they're crying. It's like, man, it literally wrestling was nuts. Um, Both of my boys are doing basketball now. What's crazy is that I'll hear the tennis coach talk about stress to the kids about being out there. I'm like, dude, there's nothing more stressful than a jiu-jitsu tournament. I mean, tennis is stressful.
Starting point is 01:19:38 But my kids are so stressed before a match. So stressed. I remember the butterflies. I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach before wrestling matches in high school. You know, like the amount of nerves going out on that mat. And then,
Starting point is 01:19:52 and then you just like, and then the whistle blows and it's like, they all go away. Game on. That's why people get injured in those sports. Yeah. Cause it's two dudes. It's two dudes,
Starting point is 01:20:02 full throttle, maximum adrenaline. Right. Yeah. And girls now, I mean, girls, full throttle, maximum adrenaline, right? Yeah. And girls now. I mean, girls wrestling is freaking huge now. And savage. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:11 They're freaking animals. Like the girls, USA wrestling for girls is phenomenal. Like our program is crushing it. We had the blonde girl. What was her name? Started with an M, but she won the blonde girl. What was her name? Started with an M. But she won the gold medal. And, dude, girls wrestling took off.
Starting point is 01:20:32 I wonder if she's going to eventually go to the UFC. I doubt it. She's been back into her career for wrestling for sure. I can't. You looking for it, Sosa? Yeah, is it? She's got blonde curly hair okay this is not this is not i saw two grown ladies fight at a wrestling meet the kids were like four and five i could see that for sure god what is her name i don't know why i'm drawing a blank i haven't had enough coffee yet
Starting point is 01:21:02 it's crazy how much the parents yell. Oh, dude. I've almost gotten a couple fights at wrestling matches with my kids. Yeah. Well, I was also coaching. And so I was coaching a different kid, not one of my sons. And the other team's coach after the match, I mean, the kid, like our kid just crushed the kid. And the other kids, must have been his dad, I think, that came up to to me and he's like, your son was, or your kid was biting my kid.
Starting point is 01:21:29 And I'm like, looking at this guy, I go, that's a pretty crazy accusation. Exactly. And I go, that's gnarly. And if I would have seen him biting and I could see the whole, I mean, I'm clear as day. I'm like, I would have told him to stop. I would have called, I would have stopped the match. You know, I've been like, Hey, telling the referee, like, Hey, he's biting him. And I would have lost my to stop I would have called I would have stopped the match you know I've been like hey telling the referee like hey he's biting him and I would have lost my shit
Starting point is 01:21:47 on the kid right right you know and I'm like you're telling me you think that I'm teaching my there she is yeah Helen uh Morales that's it yep oh she looks European as fuck yeah she's uh she won the gold medal um gosh I think 12 it was 2016 or yeah 16 and like after that man girls wrestling just like took blew up in the states um but anyways so yeah like uh so the dad comes up to me and he's telling me um you know your kid was your kid was uh biting my uh my wrestler my son and i was like you're telling me like you're basically calling me a piece of shit because you're saying i would tell my let my kid bite your kid in a wrestling match yeah that away take it personal and the dude was like right in my face and i'm like bro you need to back up your kid was losing so he was
Starting point is 01:22:43 crying and he lied to you because he lost oh shit i was like i was, you need to back up. Your kid was losing, so he was crying. And he lied to you because he lost. Oh, shit. I was like, dude, just back up, man. Like, this is stupid. I'm like, the kids were like nine years old at the time. I was like, you're out of your mind. You should have been a dad. How's it going?
Starting point is 01:23:01 You should have been in my place. I love it. you just made that dude's day you made josh bridges laugh austin good job that was good it it it is crazy it is crazy crazy intense with the parents some of the parents are like just leaning over the fence yelling so loud and i'm like almost to a point where it's like inappropriate and i've done this thing there i was just at a match recently where um it was it was no gi and the other kid was fucking avi up fucking avi up and the mom was just yelling just yelling yelling yelling yelling yelling and i'm just being calm being calm and then finally avi gets the kids back and starts choking the kid yeah and uh i start i look at her and i start screaming
Starting point is 01:23:45 squeeze obvi squeeze but i would have never said it if she would you know what i mean yeah like she opened the floodgates and he ended up tapping the yeah i mean that that that like um aggressiveness can be contagious man yeah sure yeah no you're just like you got you gotta like really step back and like step back from it because if not like you can get really well and everyone at these events could kick my ass like all the moms and dads like like everyone's got cauliflower ear and like all the chicks are like it's crazy it's hey it's kind of like it's like part low rider convention there's so many ladies with like huge fake tits and these shirts that are too small and they're with their husbands who are fucking like
Starting point is 01:24:29 it's nuts i saw this one dad he was uh he told us he called his like literally called his 10 year old son he was told me he's being a pussy wow i was like jesus man i was like is this for real like yeah he literally like he literally walked off the mat the son was like pretty beat up because he lost his wrestling match and i get it man like how you expect a five to ten year old be able to handle their emotions from a match like that where they really like they just got handled and then most adult men can't handle their emotions and you're gonna and this dad is like expecting his 10 year old son to be able to like chill out and be okay with just getting beat up on a mat you know and he's like calling his son a pussy and i'm like i wonder why your son is so fucked up man like that it's so it was so wild like it it in fury like my blood was starting to boil when i would see shit like
Starting point is 01:25:19 that you think there's any um there's any win in that direction? Like you do hear these stories of these great people whose dads were just fucking monsters to them. I mean I think there can be. I think it just depends on how the kid takes it, right? Like it's a big risk. Like, hey, you can call your kid a pussy and slap him around, and there's a 1% chance he might be the greatest ever. But there's a 99% chance he gets addicted to fentanyl and dies. Or I think – yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Right, like I don't think the risk versus reward there is too high. Yeah, I think it's lots of affliction shirts, exactly. I just think it's just crazy, man. i just think it's just crazy man um like like um uh we had amanda levy on here a female jiu-jitsu fucking super stud chick and her dad used to take her to jiu-jitsu tournaments and sign her up in her weight class and then the three weight classes above and she said she'd go to tournaments oh and 14 jesus just and her dad just didn't care like get out there and to work yeah it's wild like it's like borderline abusive but now she that that girl gabby garcia that giant chick that um she beat gabby garcia and she's 60 pounds less than gabby garcia damn yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:26:38 so at some point you're just kind of like god at what point do you just um uh um i mean i definitely i've definitely said that to my kids before not in that environment i've said to my kids don't be a pussy get out there but not but not obvious not like um not like not like in a derogatory term not like well usually i'm usually i'm joking it's not at a fucking wrestling tournament and they just fail it's more it's more it's more like he threw his fucking shoe in the swimming pool and it's cold and i'm like jump in there and get it and he's like no i'm like you threw it in there don't be a pussy get it take responsibility you know what i mean it's like that it's not like hey that dog bit you go bite him back i'm not like a complete asshole but there is a time to be like right to
Starting point is 01:27:24 i mean there's definitely times to like talk. Are you really soft dad? Are you really soft dad? No, I wouldn't say I'm soft. My kid just got in trouble at school. And you said, did you win? No, if it was a fight, he wouldn't have been in trouble. Unless it was, unless he instigated it. Unless he lost no but i i made him like we went downstairs and i was like listen like i know that uh me punishing you putting you in your room sitting in your room ain't gonna do anything and so we're
Starting point is 01:27:58 gonna go downstairs and you're gonna do burpees until i'm tired of watching you do burpees we did burpees for a while. And I was like, I didn't get tired. I wasn't tired. I was like, I was enjoying myself. And so I was like, did he cry? Did he cry? No, he, uh, he didn't cry.
Starting point is 01:28:20 He was, he's the good thing about my older son is he mans up and he takes, um, he takes punishments and he, uh, he, I feel like he does learn from them. Right. And he actually, and he normally takes them like a man though, too. He doesn't, they're not like a man, whatever you want to call it. Like he, he, he handles it. He takes it on the chin. He's like, there's sometimes actually, I'm like, dude, you should have told me that before I punished you because I probably would have changed the punishment.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Like he's more, he just owns up to it though. He's very much like, okay. He's like, yeah, I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry. Like I should have, I should have have done that. I'm sorry. I should have been better. And then afterwards, I'm like, we're doing burpees for, God, I don't know, 35 minutes or so. How many do you think he did?
Starting point is 01:28:55 Do you think he did 200? Probably. If I had to guess, I don't know. I didn't count one. And I told him that. I go, I didn't count even one. I have no idea how many you did um just to make it he's staying even the worst and then afterwards he kind of tells me the the full story of the like why he got in trouble and i was like dude why didn't you tell me that
Starting point is 01:29:15 first he's like well because i you know i could have done you know done a little done a little differently and not not retaliated basically because he was kind of instigated in the situation are you gonna tell us what it is well he so what i was told was that he was teasing a girl he likes her no no she liked him and so well so yes so i so in my in my head i was like oh we i'm like we don't pick on people we are not bullies and what's and i will not tolerate in this house whatsoever like if i catch catch you picking on someone that an innocent person, like, like that is when you're going to pay, you're going to pay the man. So it was okay that I called the cops. I was standing up for someone. That's good. Okay. And so, but then it comes out, he was really more so retaliating because she was picking on him
Starting point is 01:30:01 because he, they dated, whatever they were boyfriend and girlfriend 12 years old. And he broke up with her and she, you know, so she started like, she was upset because she still liked him. And so she was calling him short or something. And so he was pissed and him and his, but like, they basically just were like, he was like defending himself almost. And I was like, like all right so you should
Starting point is 01:30:25 have told me the whole story but still next time just walk away the girl obviously just hurt is her feelings are hurt and that's how she's handling it right right so yeah it was passion passion 12 year old love man it's it's rough just the way a mother likes it oh you you have a um you have a 12 year old and uh 10 year old yeah i um i had the boys uh this has happened a couple times the boys were uh taking a shower getting ready for bed and they were fucking around in the bathroom and i have a rule no fucking around in the bathroom and they fuck around a lot dude yes they fuck around so they have a tub and they just like splash like it's a fucking well no this is they were in my i have a tub and they just like splash like it's a fucking well no this is they were in my i have a shower that's just open no door so they were getting in their shower
Starting point is 01:31:11 and i was fucking getting their night clothes and they start fucking around in there start pushing each other i have a rule don't touch anyone in the fucking shower you guys because it always ends up turning into a fight right and so they they start do one of them starts doing it and i just turn off the shower and i dry them and one of them's like oh you're gonna make us do burpees it's freezing cold in the garage you know probably 40 degrees i'm like they're fucking right i've made i've had them all put on underwear i took them to the garage i had them do 100 burpees and one of them goes that's not so bad so i had to do another fucking hundred you know you do this is two nights ago so they did 200
Starting point is 01:31:45 fucking burpees and they're and they're just laughing at me the whole time you know you gotta do i just fucking put them back in the shower i'm like you win five pound dumbbells in their hands they don't like those burpees anymore oh right i actually have two pound dumbbells that actually would be good yeah i did that actually i started with man makers so i was like no we're gonna do depth well devil presses and i was like we're gonna start with devil presses then in my head I'm like he's got a basketball game this weekend he might get sore from this so I was like after like five minutes
Starting point is 01:32:12 of devil presses I was like alright put the dumbbells down we'll just go to body weight wow oh I'm gonna do that you know what I'll probably just get like one pound weights that's a great idea they're too small for the fucking assault bike my kids are like this tall yeah the assault bike my oldest eight-year-old's this tall my oldest can now just do the biker like he's just now tall enough to like with the lowest
Starting point is 01:32:37 seat setting your kids have swagger oh my gosh i know it's crazy isn't it dude it's nuts they drip they talk about drip now and i'm like what the fuck are you talking what is that what's Oh my gosh. I know. It's crazy, isn't it? Dude, it's nuts. The drip. They talk about drip now. And I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? What is that? What's drip? Drip's like. That's swagger?
Starting point is 01:32:50 Like chains and like, yeah, like wearing basketball jerseys and hats and flat, you know, I'm just like, okay, fellas, you're fucking drip out of here. Avi walks into every room like he fucking owns it. People are like, who the fuck is that kid i love it i'm taking avi to um he's loaded in the car right now i got a text from my wife i'm taking him to tennis now nice well good thanks for coming on of course man congrats on the camp in uh the uk sounds cool yeah it'd be fun. We didn't even get to talk about your coffee business. Yeah, we didn't.
Starting point is 01:33:27 We talked about a lot of random shit. All right. Triple STD. Jesus. Why don't we – I'll just bug you again and maybe have you – I need more time with you. Yeah, let's go. I'll do it. All right.
Starting point is 01:33:44 I'm around. Hey, yeah, let's go. I'll do it. All right. You do me a thing. I'm around. Hey, yeah, one final thing. What about this time? Usually when I tell you 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, it doesn't matter what time you zone you in. You're like, fuck you. I did it. I had to set an alarm for this morning.
Starting point is 01:33:57 I was actually kind of pissed. I'm not going to lie. I like my sleep, man. I like my sleep. I'm actually really surprised. So you've become a little more humbler. You're less demanding. You're lower maintenance than you used to be. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a good dude. All right. I drink, I drink the right coffee.
Starting point is 01:34:16 All right, brother. Thanks for coming on. And, uh, well, yeah, we'll bug you again. Let's do it super soon. Are you staying involved in all the CrossFit shit? Like the games and all that? Yeah. Okay. Following it, you know? Okay.'ll uh have you want to get your uh expert opinion on some things there you go we'll see all right i don't know i'm not uh i'm not your bad boy no you're definitely not bad boy yeah we gotta get both of you on here together i think he popped on last time i was on he did that's good yeah all right um i'll bug you tonight during the fights oh yeah who's fighting tonight i can look at look at holy shit hey josh rich frowning you think that's him do you think that's him or do you think that's uh i think that's that is him i'm not fucking that up again last time he commented i'm like if that's really rich i'll eat my socks and someone's like dude that's it i bet it's rory isn't allowed to hold this rich isn't
Starting point is 01:35:08 allowed to hold that phone dude come on the fuck out of here it's me it's me rory i mean rich i mean rich same letter same letter one time he popped in here and he said i said if that's really rich i go shut up everyone if that's really rich i'll eat my socks and then my i looked and i got a text message put one in your mouth i was like fuck i love it nice all right um i'll bug you i'm taking my kids tennis josh i dude you're the man thanks for coming on always uh mi casa su casa as they say in the hood i don't know what that means, but sure. Okay. Later, dude. Later, fellas.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Later. Fuck. We got Rich actually scheduled. How exciting is that? Yeah, I was just going to say, Savon was just joking about that lax test. You can please text us back whatever you feel on any timeline, any time, Rich.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, always. We don't need it. Yes, text away. Oh, if Colton's in the house. Oh, Mr. Mertens too holy shit good morning okay I have to go I'm late do we have a show tonight no
Starting point is 01:36:16 ask if he's going to do more YouTubes does he need a videographer who and that's a swing and a miss camera he just left the building. Yeah, sorry. Alright, guys. I will talk to you guys soon. We have a live call-in show tomorrow morning.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Susan, you the man.

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