The Sevan Podcast - #818 - Trolling the Open Leaderboard w/ Brian Friend, JR Howell and Claire Bays

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Test back. I'm fucked. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:34 What were you saying just now? Who, me? Yeah. Just chilling. No procedures can hurt back his little boys, JR. Claire, hi. Welcome to the show. Hello. Thank you for having me. Hi. procedures can herd back his little boys, JR. Claire, hi, welcome to the show. Hello,
Starting point is 00:00:54 thank you for having me. Hi, you know Brian because we met through Brian and JR's above you. Familiar, not personally, but yes. And then Caleb is down there. It's like a Brady Bunch episode. Let me do one thing here really quick before we get started. Normally we're a little more organized than this. There's no normal here. Thank you. Would it even be related to CrossFit if it was super organized? Good point. Some would hope so.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Fucking great point. I have a printer that's – I have like my wife. I have a printer that's like so old. And I'm trying – I was trying to print out all these cool things that Brian made for the show so that I could have them in hard copy so I didn't have to look over there. And it's just taken for – I forgot to hit and then right and then I and then so I was over that's why we're late because I was waiting for the printer and that's what you're doing it's just so slow it's crazy let me see if my wife hi babe hi hey there's some papers coming out of the printer really slow could you bring them in my office as they're done?
Starting point is 00:02:05 There's no rush. Yeah. You're wonderful. Joseph's already on it. Oh, you're a wonderful human being. Thank you. Oh, and so are you. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Okay. Say hi to Claire. She's new to the show. Hello. Hello. How are you? Don't be rude, Haley. Don't be rude.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Great. How are you? All right. Thank you, Bye. Okay. Bye. Claire, you, you, you're a CrossFitter. I do be doing CrossFit. Yeah. And how long have you been doing it? Like seven years. I think I've been watching you longer than that, but, but doing it for about seven.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Holy shit. This is your seventh, this is your seventh open? Yeah. Seventh? Yeah. So I guess then it's at least that long if this is my seventh open. Yeah. Were you like a high school or collegiate athlete just looking for something to like do or how did you, how did it cross paths with you? Uh, it was about the only thing gym wise to do where I'm from. And so I was in my twenties trying to not be obese. I didn't play
Starting point is 00:03:03 any sports growing up. Oh yeah. Me neither. Were you, were you just play any sports growing up oh yeah me neither okay were you were you just a goofball growing up like me uh i mean i was artistic i was kind of i was artistic too i was lots of shit i was great at smoking weed yeah stuff like that i didn't have any sports background like the thought like you had like when the first time you saw clean or snatch you were like or deep d-ball, you were like, huh? Completely confused. I remember watching the sport in like, I don't know. I mean, Annie's early days.
Starting point is 00:03:33 So it was not like, Oh nine, somewhere around there is when I first was introduced to it and was like, you know, just watching it thinking that's, that's pretty cool. That's wild. But it wasn't until a handful of years later when I finally mustered the courage, I actually went into that CrossFit gym to my, uh, town 2013, scared the shit out of me. Didn't go back till 2016. Oh, wow. Wow. And so did you keep doing it, but just kind of like closeted, like at Globo gyms or at home? I went to a Gold's Express by myself. And just tried it out? Just looked at the videos and tried the shit out? No, no, no. I had no idea what I was doing. I would like hang out on a treadmill and then
Starting point is 00:04:04 maybe I'd go over into a squat rack and not squat right. And yeah, it wasn't until I got desperate enough and went back to the CrossFit gym and then they spent some years trying to help me figure out movement patterns. And that was a journey. And which one was that? Which gym was your first gym? Coda CrossFit. Wow. Oklahoma. Yeah. There's six different Coda affiliates. Shout out Bryce. Oh, that's good. Is that home for you? Oklahoma? I live in Austin, Texas now, but I am from Shout out Bryce. Oh, that's good. Is that home for you? Oklahoma? I live in Austin, Texas now,
Starting point is 00:04:26 but I am from Oklahoma. Yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. I just hear about Oklahoma, something there. Is that where the open is?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Have you ever been to the red river shootout? Oh, many, many times. Yeah. We don't have a lot going on. So that's a big moment for us. What is that?
Starting point is 00:04:41 Is that a bar? No, but I would have been there too. It's a, it's an annual college football game between University of Texas and University of Oklahoma. Is that where the Open is? It's in Oklahoma this 23? I mean, it might as well be. Oh, right, right, right. I know it was an O. I know it was some kind of O. This is Trolling the Leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:05:05 This is a show, a thought that Brian and I played around with back in 1987. And then our paths separated. And then earlier in the year, this year. I'm surprised you remember my year of birth, Seth. I'm very good. Is that really the year you were born? It is. And then Brian this year was like, hey, dude, we should just – I mean, we knew we were going to do some shows covering the Open.
Starting point is 00:05:32 He's like, let's do a Trolling the Leaderboard show. And I was like, that's a cool idea. So here we are. J.R. Howell, a new friend also, not as new as you, Claire. You're really new, like minutes. Just you're still in the uh seedling stage um gestation maybe even uh i would say that uh jr and i are more in the uh infant stage we're about to get out of diapers wow yeah and caleb and i don't have a long friendship either but
Starting point is 00:05:58 we've really we're we've like done ecstasy together like we've spent so much time together we expedited our relationship you know with mdma you can do 10 years of relationship in one evening if you use a therapeutic dose should we walk down that journey or no no no we're stick to the stick to the games here um so 23 uh point two um do we want to uh i know um it's kind of interesting i know there's this tug of war here. Uh, Brian called me earlier today and was like, Hey dude, I'd like to like give the athletes a lot of attention. And I know there's been some hiccups here and there, but last week we spent 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:06:34 on the hiccups and I'd like to spend a little more time on the, um, athletes than the hiccups. And I'm, I'm totally, uh, fine with that. Um, and I, the, the main hiccup that happened in the last 24 hours is kind of like a nothing to me. Just basically the thing that happened with Sasha Nevis is basically she just had a – Are you using nothing as an adjective or a noun here? Like a nothing burger. It's a nothing burger to me. I mean basically she just had her shit uploaded and her video was cut like for whatever fucking reason.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And she uploaded. And so people were like, Hey, she's a cheater. And then everyone's like, wait a second. That's a, that's a GoPro setting that obviously she's not aware of and probably
Starting point is 00:07:14 shouldn't be aware of. So, well now everyone's aware of it. Right. Yeah. I mean, that was resolved between proven who she's competing with this year and CrossFit there,
Starting point is 00:07:24 you know, athlete relations team. Andrew brought some attention to it publicly, and because of that, it actually helped facilitate the solution to that problem. But from everything that I've been able to see, no foul play there at all. Just an unfortunate mistake. And yeah, hopefully everyone can learn from it and fewer people make that mistake next time. And then I do think that there have been uh several there are several other errors that we've seen in terms of the leaderboard or posts that have gone up on crossfit games instagram with the wrong reps mentioned um but we'll maybe we'll leave that for the end if we're
Starting point is 00:08:00 desperate and we'll just dig right in on performances if you want uh i mean i'll just say that even in some of the stuff that we're going to talk about tonight while we're trying to highlight the athletes, it's, you know, as everyone knows, it's a massive job to administer this competition. It's hundreds of thousand people worldwide. There are dozens and dozens of divisions, but there are some, you know, if you're looking at the leaderboard and everyone has a different interest within the leaderboard, there are still, you know, if you're looking at the leaderboard and everyone has a different interest within the leaderboard, there are still very blatantly inaccurate scores from the first week and a ton of inaccurate scores in the second week.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Obviously we hope that those will be cleaned up, but we have to give CrossFit time to adequately do that. I think so. You know? Yeah. Well, since you've opened that, that window and shouldn't window, shouldn't the scores be accurate from week one already? I would say yes in the case of, you know, scores that are leading their division worldwide. Like that at the very least should be taken care of. For all the divisions, short stature, masters,
Starting point is 00:08:57 like, hey, get the first page correct. Yeah, and there are a couple that are still outstanding, not correct, which is, yeah, is disappointing. You would think that at least they could get those things right. And what I, one of the things I tried to do last week and we'll do today is to pick at least the winner or the perceived winner of every workout in every division and give them a little bit of credit or attention. But when it's, you know, just in doing an hour of research of preparation for that, I was able to very quickly see which of the scores were most likely not valid scores. And so we'll acknowledge that when we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:09:33 And I even color coordinated them so CrossFit can copy my homework and get to work on it. Yeah, you did an amazing job. I hope my pieces of paper, I hope all my pieces of paper come through soon. I think we should start. JR, do you want to open with anything? You look like you're hard-pressed to say something. No, no, no. I think 23.2 was definitely something that none of us really saw coming, 2A or 2B, and the movements that were chosen, and then obviously to do a max lift at the end. I think for the most part, at least I know my community had a, had a blast with it. Most people redid it. I think some may should have, some may should have not. Um, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:15 it was, uh, I mean, it was a fun time. Oh, what, what, what do you mean by that? Uh, some people, what, what, what bad could happen? What, what no good could happen from redoing it? Well, in a workout as simple as 23.2 a, it's really easy to say, Oh, I'm just going to do my burpees a little bit faster, or I'm just going to run a little bit faster. I'm just going to run a little bit slower, but what people have to realize when they're going to redo any workout is that however much they hurt during the workout, the first time they're going to have to hurt more to get more reps. And that's a lot easier time, they're going to have to hurt more to get more reps. And that's a lot easier to say you're going to do than to actually do.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And then in a workout that has two scores, you may get four or five more reps and then do five or six less pounds on the lift. And then you're stuck trying to figure out which score to take. And sometimes it's not even that big of a difference. The answer is to take the heavier lift. Claire, are you familiar with Andrew Hiller? He comes on the show sometimes. Yeah, yeah, definitely familiar.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And you guys all saw he put out that video where he's, I didn't see the video, but I've seen a lot of chatter about it. I wish I would have watched it where he walks the shuttle runs and then recommends that to improve people's scores. And then people redid it. The two people I know who did it are… I redid it, Stefan. Yeah, I know you. I saw you redid it and your score improved and moved you up like 3,000 places, according to Mike Halpin. And then Sarah Cox from California Hormones redid it, and I think it improved her by several reps.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Did you see that, Claire? What do you think about that the walking the gaming of it i honestly i think it's i mean it's like athlete athlete iq like i think it's fun i think all these workouts have so far have just been like really cool to be able to retest without much repercussion like on the body so far so uh i think it's entertaining i didn't think to walk it. That's actually a good point. You know, some of the way CrossFit workouts historically, if you want to redo them, I mean, you're really going to be paying for it. These ones are pretty approachable in terms of a redo.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Absolutely. Now we know why Claire's here. She brings up the term athlete IQ. We'll be stealing that. Um, and, uh, what do you think about that, JR? That's a great concept. Wear and tear. Like, do you agree with her that both of these are like, Hey, um, for the gut, for, for most athletes, um, in their prime, this, this isn't one that, um, is going to hurt you. It's, it's not like, well, let me, let me throw some out there. It's not like high rep deadlifts, right. Or, or, or heavy deadlifts where it's like, shit, you better not redo that. heavy deadlifts where it's like, shit, you better not redo that. Yeah, for sure. And what's ironic about that is that we're at the point now where the highest level athletes know they're going to move on to the next stage. So there's really not any reason to redo. Whereas back in the day, when you had to finish top 30 or 40 to make a regional, or even in 2019, where they took automatic qualifiers from the open to the games, you may have to redo a workout that had 200 squat repetitions or 150 light hinge repetitions or 600 double unders. And you're doing that two and three times in like 72 hours. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:13 I mean the, the wear and tear now for athletes that are maybe just trying to get into that next stage of quarterfinals, you know, she's right. It's not going to beat you up as much. Hey, what do you think about this idea? I, you'm i watch the ufc a lot and i do talk about that fighter iq and this idea that claire just brought up the claire bays we should have that the claire bays uh uh athlete iq um it's true right i mean those are those are the things that we we always hear um that that that might be the way to describe uh what's the champ's name uh mr maderos uh justin maderos's name like people are talking about oh he doesn't make errors maybe this is the the term she's finally put a concept to it he has a high fighter iq high athlete iq
Starting point is 00:13:56 i love it yeah i love it too good job claire yeah i feel like mine went changing here so say that again say that again i feel like mine went down this year so we'll say that again say that again that's what i feel like mine went down this year well yeah you just changed the vernacular we'll see if a real media picks it up and we can squeeze it in there next to nothing burger uh okay what about um uh going back are there any notable athletes that had to redo it? Like with an upload error, have we had any errors so far in the first two workouts where, um, you know, like, um, like some, like someone double dipped on that, on the thruster and they had to redo it. Or have we have, do we have any issues like that, that we've seen so far in the, in the first two weeks?
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't, I don't think there's been anything publicly about that. I'm sure there are. I mean, I know that a lot of the top athletes, they'll do the workout early, they'll watch it back and they'll make sure that everything is good to go, especially if they're in contention to potentially win one of the workouts, because there's a little bit of money on the line and those would be heavily scrutinized, but nothing public, nothing problematic in that regard. There are, there are two other things that I would like to just mention before we start looking at the athletes. One of them that you brought up already, I don't want to spend a ton of time on it, but I think it's good to just get it out there a little bit because it addresses a bigger issue. And last year during the Open, for the first time, the owner of the gym that I work at and I both kind of agreed
Starting point is 00:15:21 that with the new standard for the burpee that was introduced, it was the first time in the history of doing the open for us, which we've done 20 combined opens that we weren't really sure what the standard was. And we weren't really sure if we were following it. And it was difficult to coach it to people at the gym. And everyone was asking, is this okay? Is this okay? And I just have this echo in my mind now of Becky harsh saying, you know what a thruster is, you know what a burpee is. And I just, I think that it would be practical to have, especially movements that are so common like that, just have a document that comes out every September 1st and says for the next 12 months, this is the standard. And the burpee standard is unchanged. And the thruster standard is unchanged. And the pull-up
Starting point is 00:16:01 standard is unchanged. We're introducing a new movement this year, kettlebell swing, and it'll be labeled new movement, just like on the rule book. When there's something new, it's labeled there. That way, when we come to competitions like this, we don't have to spend time trying to re-educate the people on our gyms or re-educate the world about what a burpee is now. Everyone should know what that is so that we can do the workouts. We can do them well. We can have fun and we can celebrate the community instead of focusing on all these little nuances that change overnight, and then everyone has to scramble and try to figure out how to accommodate. Oh, sorry. Wrong, wrong. Tammy Bologun, Claire, is she the diversity ad? Some may say. That is the rumor. Brian, that would be very communal that thought you had
Starting point is 00:16:45 you know that what i like i like that because that wraps up the community with the sport like that that's a nice integration between like what's going on in the affiliates and then what's going on at the cross again yeah yeah for sure and the other thing is that i'm honestly i'm sick of hearing crossfit has a small team we know you have a small team. So make decisions like that. They make it easy on your team. Don't introduce a brand new standard to a competition as 320,000 participants. You're asking for a headache. So I think that that would be a really simple thing that we could do that would alleviate
Starting point is 00:17:19 a lot of these, frankly, unnecessary conversations and concerns when this time of year comes around. I would also like to add this. I think what you could say we're in the Adrian Bosman era. And the Adrian Bosman era is going to be the common sense era. And whether you like that or not, and I know that has some connotation, a positive connotation on it and some slant. Adrian is a dear friend of mine. he's gonna you know the sandbag at the games that was so bizarre to me that there weren't a number of
Starting point is 00:17:50 limited lifts you could do on the fucking sandbag when you're done you're done that was fucking weird but that's the Adrian Bosman era and it's like I think what they're doing with the thrusters hey was Vellner trying to cheat no was Jason Grubb trying to cheat no so we'll let it go
Starting point is 00:18:05 i think i think we're gonna i think that's the era we're in and we can either accept it or fight it thoughts anyone good my favorite kind of uh people to work with uh nicole uh gazan is this a um is this a is this a real Gazan? I don't know, but is Nicole Gazan the athlete to watch, or was there supposed to be a name included on this message? For an athlete to watch, 14 to 15-year-old girl scaled. She's 13, maybe a name to remember. I wonder if it is the Gazan's younger sister. Well, Alex Gazan is doing extremely well so far in the Open this year,
Starting point is 00:18:43 and if that is the case, then at least we know she has a good role model teaching her the ropes. That is a lot of money. I appreciate it. I will spend it wisely. There will be no sugar purchased or no, it will not go to any woke organizations, I promise. I can promise you that. Okay. All right. Last one. Last one before we get to the athlete stuff on. Please. And we certainly, Caleb, you can pull it up if you want to. But today, finally, I was able to publish this article that I've been talking about
Starting point is 00:19:12 that is a historical study of the height of athletes relative to open performance since the inauguration of the Open in 2011. Oh, my favorite subject. This is good. And I just want to clarify. How tall are you, Claire? How tall are you? Between 5'7", 5' clarify. How tall are you, Claire? How tall are you? Between 5'7", 5'8". How tall are you, JR?
Starting point is 00:19:29 6'0". Brian, you're 5'10", 5'9"? 5'10". Okay. And you? I'm 5'5". I don't really know. Last time I measured, I was 5'5".
Starting point is 00:19:38 Okay. And I think I'm in that era in my life where I could get shorter, especially with how much weight I'm lifting these days. I'm strong like a fucking bull. It's like making me shorter. You don't spend time on that decompression table that Mr. Spin has in his garage? No, that thing hurts me. I hung upside down.
Starting point is 00:19:54 That hurts me. I start to spin. I get vertigo. I'm at that age. Anyway, I just wanted – there were several comments that were very similar in response to that article. We're not necessarily saying definitively one thing or another. All we're suggesting is that we have data available to us. We've been doing this now for over a decade to open. And we, this, this guy, Mark Baum did the, did the research. He was able to pull the top 2,500 athletes that completed every
Starting point is 00:20:25 workout male and female since 2011 and do what's called a rank correlation study charting their height versus their performance against those other 2,500 athletes. And then you can, there's a plot chart. And if you go to the article and you're actually interested in, in seeing which workouts favored, is it not a, it's, it's objective. It's just factual, which workouts go a little lower than that, Caleb, to the one that's like orange or green? Yeah. So the taller lines above the horizontal axis there will be more favorable to tall athletes. The lower ones are more favorable to short athletes. On the far left, you can see that one that dips way down there.
Starting point is 00:21:02 That's 12 minutes of burpees. It's the most statistically favorable to shorter demographic of athletes. If you go all the way to the right and look at the one that's really tall and high, that's 19.1. It's rowing and wall balls, and it's the antithesis. It's very favorable to taller athletes. That makes a lot of sense. When you look at most of them are actually pretty close to the middle and pretty well balanced. None of us are saying that it's a problem to have rowing or wall balls in the open. No one's saying it's a problem to have burpees in the open or chest of our pull-ups or thrusters or these things that commonly favor one or the other.
Starting point is 00:21:33 What we're saying is if you are going to have them, that you should, you should be conscious of the way that they impact the leaderboard. And so if you're going to have a workout like 23.2A that has burpee pull-ups with a variable height pull-up bar, then you need to know from testing and from history that that's going to be favorable in general. Now, there certainly can be some exceptions and we'll talk about some tonight, but it's going to be generally favorable to the shorter athlete. You might say, well, it offsets by the run, but the problem with the run is that you have to turn around so often that you don't really get to stride it out that much. And every time you do, you have to bend down and touch the ground, which is also harder for the taller athletes.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's a longer range of motion to cover. So then when we first saw this workout last week, we thought, oh, well, this is actually fine. Even if it is favorable for the bodyweight athlete, the shorter athlete or whatever, we have a heavy lift to offset it. And based on this study, historically, the heavy lifts are generally favorable for the taller athletes, mass moves, mass theory. I have been thinking this weekend, and I'm certainly open to being wrong about this, but there may not be a more favorable strength movement for a shorter athlete than the thruster because that press out at the top is everything. And every
Starting point is 00:22:45 extra centimeter inch, et cetera, that you have to press out a maximal load without, with no longer having the momentum from your lower body. I mean, you know, the difference between holding a 25 pound plate here and holding it out in front of you. And if you're pressing that overhead, it's a similar example. So I think that overall this workout in isolation is going to end up being a lot more skewed towards a shorter athletes, the combination of them than I thought originally. And so because of that, I'm just going to wait and see what happens in 23.3. And if there was any thought to potentially counteract that, I would love to see the calculation for this, what he means by shorter
Starting point is 00:23:22 and taller and how he did that. I keep trying to think how he did that. And I, and I, and I can't figure it out because they're all relative to one another when you say shorter and taller. Yeah. And there's going to be of 2,500 athletes. I mean, we can just, just talk about, man, we can assume that, you know, 99% of them are going to be between five, five and six, three, you know, so there's going to be, you know, hundreds of people at every one of those intervals. So it's, it's not, maybe not a perfect study. Um, some athletes don't report their height, but it gives a general overview. And when you look more closely at the movements that are being, you know, commonly showing up in one or the other, it's very logical. Let me throw this out there. I would suggest that there's a point where you can become so short that it actually hurts you, that you don't actually even fit in the short category.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I would argue that like Colton Mertens is there or what's his name? Scott Tetlow, the worldwide winner of 23.2A. Tetlow or who's the guy? What's Ricky's brother's name? Benny. Benny Gerard. Yeah, I would guess that. But I would guess on the tall end, that's not true. I'd guess a seven foot.
Starting point is 00:24:31 I guess a seven foot dude, tall dude would do fucking great on the row wall ball. Do you have that video that I sent of the six foot eight guy? Oh, is that what that is? Like I was trying to figure out that. Who is that guy on Instagram message me? And it was like his Instagram was like six foot eight crossfitter and i was like you're six eight he's like yeah this is him standing at the highest pull-up bar in his gym before uh the open before they changed the pull-up bar height for him he's i mean look that's ridiculous yeah that is ridiculous
Starting point is 00:24:59 and then they they were able to they of course had to take everything apart move it up to the highest rung and he was then able to clear it by an inch. I'd like to see how that guy moves. 6'8", that's a lot of dude. But if you think back to the chaos workout at the games in 2018, they had that red strip across the North Park field. And we have an amazing visual, just coincidentally, that Fraser and Fikowski were in lanes next to each other. And Fikowski doesn't even have to jump. He just waves his hand and touches the banner.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And Fraser has to do a pretty significant jump to get up there and touch it. But they're doing the burpees at basically the same rate because just as much of an advantage as Brandt has of touching that strip, Fraser can get off and up and down the ground faster because he's six to eight inches shorter than him. And, you know, it was just a thought that I had this weekend. What if they just standardize the pull-up bar height? And they said, all the men have to do a 90-inch pull-up bar height for this workout. Suddenly, all of this conversation is probably irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Oh, and what about that box that Mertens had to get over at the games? He had to, like, take a step back. Do you remember that that thing though like by nature there are going to be movements in crossfit that are more favorable to taller athletes very few but some and then juxtapose there's going to be most movements that are more favorable to short athletes i guess what i'm saying is there's a point where you can become so short that you're really fucked i guess it's true but tall too i guess it's true tall too but you know to brian's point about a standardized pull-up bar height, let's come back to that
Starting point is 00:26:27 for a second because I think it's something that people miss. In the open, this was perfect for a standard because most people have a bar or multiple bars at their gym that they always use for pull-ups. You're usually not going to pick a pull-up bar that you can stand flat-footed and grab. You're going to pick one or you're going to have one in your garage if you have a home gym that's just out of your reach. So it was perfect. And sure, there's some instances where you may have a gym owner that will move one a little bit higher or a little bit lower for you if you're kind of an outlier. But for those that think something like this can be done in an in-person competition, I'll push back on that. Whenever they did 30 burpee ring muscle-ups for
Starting point is 00:27:07 time at regionals, they did not go out there and adjust rings. Remember, there are fixed heights for pull-up bars and for rings when you get it to in-person competitions. If you start to adjust, just like in the open, if they would have said, hey, you can either use a 93-inch bar or you can use an 88-inch bar. If you're shorter, you just have to jump higher. If you're taller, you just get to stand up and do a half pull up. For those of you that don't like that, that would be like me saying, here's a 15 foot rope, Brian, you only have to go to 14, eight Jr. You have to go to 15 feet. Claire, you have to go to 15 to 14, two. It wouldn't make any sense. It would be just like extend your arms over your head. Brent, you have to go to 14-2. It wouldn't make any sense. It would be just like, extend your arms over your head. Brent, you have to go 11 and a half foot wall ball. Colton,
Starting point is 00:27:50 you get to go to nine and a half. No, there are just some movements that by nature we don't mess with. They're just more favorable to different body types. Yeah. So you're in favor of that. Just you take it the way they do it at the games. Hey, like or the semifinals, weren't there two heights? You get to choose one or the other. You have to. Yeah. Because if you if you start adjusting one thing, you have to adjust everything. But for the open, this was saying that you just have to use one one pull up bar height if you're a male and then one if you're a female. It's it's a lot easier. I'm sorry. It's a lot harder to do that than to put two tape lines on the ground and say hey 55 inches is wall walks for females 60 inches is wall walks for males so
Starting point is 00:28:31 much easier uh the owner of the crossfit gym i go to is a giant cheat okay uh does he does or she does they do it does open workouts in secrecy away from all other gym members comes up with ridiculous scores. Oh, that he, of course, it's a dude that he is 100 percent incapable of doing. And then he validates his own fake score. God, I wish this money was coming from Brazil. So don't want this to be in the United States. This is bullshit. You guys hear any of this? You guys see any cheaters out there? Claire, you see any cheaters out there?
Starting point is 00:29:09 I mean, I think the level of integrity in the sport of CrossFit is usually high. I mean, people in this realm have a good bit more of it, but I do think that year over year, even just, I don't know, the floor plans and so on, it's kind of, I don't know that I feel like all CrossFit coaches and gym some are maybe not um taking it as seriously when it comes to the standards because of the lack of communication and stuff i think i think there's a difference though between taking it not taking it seriously and um uh like cheating like that year
Starting point is 00:29:56 that they had some crazy handstand push-up thing on the wall and you had to find the hype i just ignored that i was like look if i'm my elbows are i'm not trying to cheat if my elbows are locked out i'm giving myself the fucking rep heels against the wall that's enough for me like there becomes a point right you know a lot of cheating brian i mean yeah there are there are people out there they will look for every edge and every shortcut and that's the that's the argument in favor of crossfit with all the standards and and nuances that they write in there is that they're trying to account for that. And it is sad that they have to, uh, uh, for seven to elbow surgery after all those 75 pound dumbbell snatches, Jeremy world. Thank you. My shoulder feels great. Um, uh, Steven Den Braver dollar
Starting point is 00:30:38 99. I appreciate that. I will send that right over to Brian. Um olsen dudes oh good to see you brother a little dinero for seven tossing that 70 pound dumbbell around like a boss yeah it was like my trabajo like my trabajo all right uh you want to turn with the uh no hold on i want to see if i got any more money hold on oh shoot darn it okay you're out i'm. I'm out of money. I was going to do Women Adaptive. Are you cool with that? Love it. Okay. Women Adaptive, Mr. Beaver.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So basically I tried to do this last week. We ran a little bit out of time, but I wanted to try to congregate or aggregate all of the best performances from every division. And there's a lot of divisions. Here, there's only two colors on the screen. The black ones are scores that I think are definitely valid. The red ones are scores that I'm not sure if they're valid or not. And I would encourage whoever's doing the review process there to check them out. But either way, as it stands on a leaderboard, when I did this four or five hours ago, these are the best
Starting point is 00:31:43 performances by all the adaptive women in each division what is intellectual you don't know the difference between equality and equity and then you get to go in the intellectual division is that really a division they call it that intellectual wow i did uh that that's that's interesting all All right. Uh, any, any, any standouts here? Anyone you're, um, you want to specifically like, uh, I mean, I don't, uh, I was really, I was kind of pressed for time, so I didn't get the chance to put all their scores in here as well, but, um, I don't know. I don't recognize a lot of the names. Valerie Cohen obviously was the champion at the games last year in lower extremity division. She's one of the, I would say, premier and dominant adaptive athletes in the sport right now.
Starting point is 00:32:30 But this is an area of the community that is growing, that there's been some more and more conversation about. And I hope to learn more about these athletes in the next couple of years. Yeah, I just want to give some love to a member and a coach of mine, Noel Henderson. She is currently second in the world in the multi-extremity female. So fingers crossed. She finishes another good week next week and she's going to the games. Multi-extremity meaning what?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Oh, sorry. Go ahead, Claire. No, I just said go Noel. Yeah. What does that mean? A multiple extremity, like missing a hand and a foot uh no it could be like neuromuscular like she's got um cp okay oh gotcha okay i'm looking at this um i'm looking at uh valerie's uh cohen's oh lower extremity okay i was like hey she got both her arms okay so she got something wrong with her
Starting point is 00:33:26 right leg yeah i don't know why it's kind of weird but i'm starting to get i think the adaptive class is kind of cool i mean it's really cool it's cool that there's uh an opportunity for those athletes to to compete and anyone who's ever seen them actually compete in live competition. I mean, it is extremely impressive. Yeah. There's like a juggling aspect to it, right? Like seeing someone juggle like six balls, like you're seeing them do something and you're trying to imagine yourself doing it, the stuff that they do with one leg or one arm and you just, you can't, it's pretty cool. All right. Any other games champs in here? Not and to cody birch's question yes like the and the ones that i've highlighted as red that means one of two things either their score is like 50 reps greater or 30 pounds heavier than the next rep and i'm talking like 130 pound lift
Starting point is 00:34:16 compared to 100 and or they might you know they're not really um ranked like they're ranked like close to last in their division, but have this one score that's a clear outlier relative to the other. They certainly could be legitimate scores. I would just say those are the ones that if I was on the review team for CrossFit that I would begin with asking for those videos to make sure that those are actually legitimate. And I hope obviously that they are. Hey, Patrick, I am seeing this, that Valerie was a collegiate gymnast. Did she injure her leg in gymnastics? That wouldn't be surprising, right?
Starting point is 00:34:52 That's a tough sport. I'm trying to scroll down here. Were you asking Patrick? We were hoping he would reply. I saw him in the comments. Yeah, maybe he'll reply. Should just have him on the show. Okay, women's adaptive.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Okay, we will do a – I'll reply. Should just have him on the show. Okay. Women's adaptive. Okay. We will do a, try to do a little more thorough next week. It's my fault. I should have pulled up a bunch of these Instagrams ahead of time. Oh, it says, yes. Oh shit. So she did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:17 She did injure her leg. She was able-bodied and then she fucked her leg up doing gymnastics in here. And now we get her across it. It's awesome. All right, cool. That was a cool story. I've always said it's where professional athletes go to die. Man Adaptive. I recognize Kevin Ogar's name.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Casey Acree, we had him on the show. Yeah, so a couple of guys here, Casey Acri and Tom Miazga, that are the class of their divisions by far at this point. Kevin Ogre's name is in purple because he's actually second place on that workout in his division. The purple ones are the ones where I'm 100% sure the score ahead of them is not legitimate. Okay, and why would it be in there?
Starting point is 00:36:03 It's just an error, just a fat thumb. Yeah. I mean, there's two, there's basically two reasons that you're going to see inaccurate scores at the top of the open leaderboard in any division. One is because someone made a mistake in the way that they entered their score or a keyboard entry. Like you said, two is that they're intentionally trying to get to the top of the leaderboard, take a screenshot and show all their friends, Hey, I was the best in the world at this. Which sucks, but it happens. Sevan has a performance-enhancing nose. It's got to be some racist or ethnic discrimination there or something.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And no issues, even though Kevin Ogar works at CrossFit, no issues with him. Can he go to the games? can he compete at the games even though he's a insider i think so yeah yeah they don't get any rules against that okay and um casey acrey uh games winner last year seeing if i recognize anyone else oh and this guy uh mike uh in the short stature mike would would widi was i see him all over instagram he's the swoosh guy right whoosh yeah all right cool all right i wonder if has this has this grown has the adaptive division grown is it growing helping us data on that he sent it to us the other day let me ask this. Are there any divisions that aren't growing? Are there any divisions
Starting point is 00:37:27 that are shrinking? Yeah, he sent us that the other day, too. I can't remember exactly what he said. Okay. We should just do a show of bad shit happening in CrossFit. Cody Burch, Sevan loves the short stature division ever since he found out about it last week. That's great.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I would give them total um i would give them total uh center stage there's some other classes i would put in there too that don't exist we'll talk about them off the air and try to be on my best behavior okay uh brian um right at the top here's unimpressive performances. Should we just dig into that? You can. Do you regret using that as a title for you're okay with it? I mean, you heard it say out loud, you're not like, God, that's kind of mean. Or is it a compliment? Are you like, yo, fuck, I expected better from you? No, I mean, we clarified last week that these are all relative, first of all. And second
Starting point is 00:38:26 of all, there is completely the possibility that something is going on there that makes their score or their performance justifiable just from the level of expectation that I personally have for certain athletes. When I'm scrolling through the leaderboard, there's stores that stand out that weren't as good as I thought that they would be, or that I'd hoped that they would be. And these are not necessarily, uh, when, and when we get to the impressive, they're not necessarily the best ones on the leaderboard either. They're just the ones that stood out to me. Uh, when he said clarified, did you think he was going to talk to you, Claire? What's good? No, I don't think so. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Um, uh, Casey Acree has won seven of the 10 open workouts has competed in the last three years. Um, I'm going to predict, we haven't had any, uh, adaptive athletes in the open this year, like for the open events, right? For 20. We have, we have not. Okay. So you can expect to see a handful adaptive athletes. I think it will be the short stature. Uh, this is a cut a breaking news um 23.3 we'll have a parade of short stature athletes uh performing for you are you going i am going yes you perform i'm gonna be standing over bring your dumbbell hey you get off your tippy toes there's no way you're taller than me get off your tippy toe unimpressive performances oh my goodness oh my goodness brian oh my goodness for some people it's kind of a compliment you get annika greer here she's never been to the games
Starting point is 00:39:51 and it's like okay oh sorry for the women well there's yeah okay fine 23.2a you okay with this yeah okay uh you got annika greer on here and it's like yeah you never been to the games and brian's talking about you kind of cool yeah okay. We expect more from you. But fucking Laura Horvat? Yeah, I mean, that's the same score that I got. Damn. That hurts. JR, is Brian—oh, let me go to Claire first. Claire, is Brian being too harsh? Are there any names on here? And you're like, come on, Brian. I mean, unimpressive. I guess I'm looking at the names to see if I actually feel that way.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Sorry, we didn't give these to you in advance. Sorry. No, no, no. No, I got them. I got them. Okay, okay. Yep. Madeline Sturt, I mean, was this a short person's workout?
Starting point is 00:40:43 I'm hoping Mark will be able to do this actual study and give us the real data on that, but it seems that way. Claire, short person workout? Based on what he has said, I'm going to go ahead and like, I think Brian does a lot more studying of these things than I do, so I'm going to just jump in the boat there. Then why JR's Madeline Sturt uh um have such a bad score well you know we can talk about a lot of things like um maybe some of these athletes have some injuries and that's probably more of a reason for 23.2 b but you never know I mean there a lot of them are just now starting to ramp up their training so let's say that after last week we had a lot of hanging reps.
Starting point is 00:41:28 We had muscle-ups, we had toes-to-bar, and a lot of people got back to toes-to-bar. Most people, including us, when predicting 23.2, no one that I heard said that they thought we would be hanging again and doing any kind of pulling. we would be hanging again and doing any kind of pulling. So what if on Wednesday or Thursday, some of these athletes did tons of high volume, pressing high volume, pulling, maybe they did a lot of barbell cycling and just the bending over back and forth over and over again. We heard a lot of people say that there was some lower back fatigue, kind of sneaky built into that shoulder run burpee workout with all the hinging. And they just went to do the workout. They're not going to change their, you their training schedule hey i'm supposed to do it friday morning my low back's a little bit tight my biceps are blown up from all the rope climbs i did on
Starting point is 00:42:12 wednesday because i didn't think we'd be pulling again and they just weren't able to get a score that they're capable of that's very possible for a lot of these people gotcha um who who who's this uh a a a for burke a for burke who's that so you gotta you basically have a mix of athletes Gotcha. Who is this? Aifa Burke. Aifa Burke. Who's that? What is she doing here? You have a mix of athletes on this list. Some of them that you recognize because they've been to the games. And you would just think that pretty much regardless of what the workout is,
Starting point is 00:42:36 that they wouldn't be finishing outside of the top 500 in the world. And all of these are that. Some of them are athletes that i specifically am looking at this year as having a chance to make the games so gabby mcclelland a for burke kerstetter anika taylor how that have not made the games before that i'm i'm looking to see if they've improved in some of the areas that they may need to if they want to make that next step and um you know this is just an example of a workout where they're not doing great
Starting point is 00:43:08 compared to what I would hope for someone who's trending towards making their first CrossFit Games. Okay, fair enough. Kerstetter, how is she doing compared to, does she have to do two? No, no, no. Because the standards for the 16 and 17-year-old division is exactly the same as the elite division.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Okay, so Brian read my mind there. How is she – is she beating all the teenagers? Either her or Trista Smith. They're pretty much running away with it. Okay, and we still don't know whether Kerstetter is going to go big girl or little girl. Correct. I mean, we know what she said but she doesn't have to make that decision yet so what did she say that she was going to try to compete
Starting point is 00:43:51 in the elite division this year no shit okay that's what i think if i'm wrong about that is i apologize all righty uh anyone here um that you're concerned about that you're like uh-oh the red flag in the long run probably not okay so there is someone uh anyone you're concerned about uh claire any rumors you're hearing laura horvath she injured no i mean i think that what if all these athletes also just tested this one time and didn't get the feedback of like hey it slowed down on the run whatever and i don't know if they just did it one time and moved along like maybe they didn't get the feedback of like, Hey, it's slowed down on run or whatever. And I don't know if they just did it one time and moved along. Like maybe they didn't have the feedback of the things that would have helped them get significantly better scores is what it sounded like.
Starting point is 00:44:30 But I think I, and adore, adore her. But last week did Brian, I thought you had said that you thought Sarah Sigmundsdottir was going to have like a really good year, right? Was I wrong on that? And so how do you feel about this week for her oh she's not on this list that's good why did she shit the bed she's 235th in the world right now uh 363rd on a and 1808th on b wow claire's prepared wow 18 1800 I just went searching I was just curious because I remember you saying you thought she was going to do well this year and of course who doesn't hope for that
Starting point is 00:45:12 she's amazing right so uh I just didn't in the case of Sarah Sigmund's daughter I actually love seeing her not lift heavy in the open I say save your heavy lifts for as infrequently as you need to do them. What do you mean? You don't want to see her hurt herself? Yeah. But she should be good at that, right? I mean, the strength is sort of in her wheelhouse. Yeah. I mean, I obviously have no idea, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they just said, that's good enough. Let's move on. And for me,
Starting point is 00:45:46 what stands out is the first workout, you know, the running and burpees workout. I'm not surprised that a lot of women in the world can beat her in that. And lifting. I'm actually, I'd be happier to see her do 176 here than, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:02 at 226. And who knows what's going to happen then. claire did you say she's 235th in part a or that's her overall overall right now overall yeah yeah uh i think she came out with a 15th on on the first workout and then went 363rd on an 1808 i guess you've got it literally right there yeah uh but so someone said that she did it beside Annie. Are Annie and Katrin working out together right now, too? I don't think so. I mean, I don't think so. That would be weird since Katrin's pressing for the whole I live in the United States thing, right? I mean, they have such similar scores.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Who, Annie and Katrin? Mm hmm. And what are they? I mean, they have such similar scores. Who, Annie and Katrin? Mm-hmm. And what are they? I think that Annie is 67th worldwide and Katrin's 80th. I think they lifted, let's see here. I don't want to say it wrong, 187. It's okay. Everyone say it.
Starting point is 00:46:58 It's just a nothing. I think they had really similar, like, just work. I think I looked at their scores across the board, and they had, like, similar ones across the board. So I don't know if they were hanging out side by side. No, I haven't seen any of the footage of Katrin working out. Have you guys? Very infrequently recently.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Not this open. I haven't seen any of her open. Could we check out Katrin's Instagram, Mr. Beaver? catcher in Instagram, Mr. Beaver. That totally off subject. I just saw it here. That show I did with Brian Shantosh was my 800th show. That's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:38 That is wild. Glad you didn't stop at 500. Thank you. Actually, no, it wasn't 365. At first, it was just one every day for a year, and then you're going to stop. Just lost in the quicksand now. I don't even know. I think it was 500. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Let's see her 1.7 million followers. Okay. Let's look at her most recent post. Let's see. Oh, she looks lean and mean. Let me see this most recent one. Is this… There's nothing from the open here.
Starting point is 00:48:04 There isn't? Okay. No. It's a day ago. She's doing some rope climbs did you recognize that jim do we know where that is i think she's in idaho where she lives that that log cabin look all right uh okay unimpressive women uh and and laura and laura horvat uh well let's go back to Madeline Sturt real quick. Madeline Sturt out of Australia, nothing to be concerned about, no rumors, because this is her year, right, with Tia and Cara gone. We're going to get Madeline back in the United States.
Starting point is 00:48:37 I mean, it's not going to be easy. And there's another woman that I'll bring up, I think, on the impressive performances list that will be a potentially problem for her um ellie turner's competing there jamie simmons is competing there you may think that maddie sturt is the next favorite of of the women to make it but there will be some others in the mix it's not a it's not a shoe in at all and of course they could they could earn another spot i think that you're out of your lane. I think that's the Mike Halpins.
Starting point is 00:49:10 We need Mike Halpin to tell us that. Brian, are you suggesting that Jamie Simmons is a better crossfitter than Madeline Sturt? Yeah. Okay. I disagree with you. Claire, would you like to weigh in? Nope. Okay. JR there would you like to weigh in nope okay yeah jr would you like to weigh in yeah i agree with brian oh fuck you guys okay uh in uh should we just stick with this the same workout go through all of a okay 2023a so should we go to impressive uh women sure balance out the negativity with the.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah. But especially because this is probably my favorite one of all the ones that I made today. Okay. Impressive performances. 23.2 a. And they're in the order. I included their age for this one because this is just insane to me.
Starting point is 00:50:04 And I highlighted two sets of women there that had the exact same score. If you don't know who Pamela Gagnon is, she's one of the best gymnastics coaches in CrossFit. She works for Mayhem now. And she's a great follow on Instagram for pretty much anyone. A great follow. I want to second that. She is a great follow. I want to second that she is a great follow on Instagram. And if you go to YouTube to watch any demo videos, if it's not Julie Foucher and James
Starting point is 00:50:29 Hobart, it's probably her. Yeah. Okay. Go on. Sorry, Brian. She's 49 years old. I got 169 reps on this workout. Just, just to put it in comparison. When I say that that previous slide was unimpressive performances, every single one one of those women including the best one on that list bailey rail was still 11 reps behind her which is over a minute of work at this stage in the workout 45 seconds to a minute of work at least there's also the girl that i said earlier trista smith 17 years old 32 years age gap getting the exact same score and when i saw this today i was was just blown away by it. Are you sure you have her name spelled right? I think so. It's French.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Oh, I have it spelled wrong, of course. How dare I? How dare I? I'm looking for her Instagram. Anyway, while you're doing that, there's a variety of uh of names on this list also you see jen ryan masters age 43 years old and kendall gilmore 16 year old girl getting this exact same score and i thought particularly in the women it was just kind of uh awesome and cool that this huge variety of age women were able to all put up relatively similar performances.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Hey, so there's two girls right there that beat Olivia Kerstetter. Trista, Olivia had a 151. Right. Yeah. So there's Trista and Kendall both in her division. Yeah, Olivia smashed them on the lift though. And it's like knowing those athletes, it's not surprising that they would outperform her on this workout and that she would outperform them on that workout. And so in this small case study of just those three athletes or even one of these against Olivia, what I had thought originally about this workout is that the ones that do well on part A will likely do not as well on part B and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:52:18 They're an elite that will do great on both. Hey, isn't that amazing that a 16- 16 year old girl could beat Laura Horvat at this by 22 reps. But this is what I'm saying about this workout that, uh, seven, there's a guy at my gym that I coach. Um, he's like 3000 in the world or something like that. He got one rep different than Jason Hopper on this workout. Jason Hopper is one of the 10 fittest guys in the world. It's a, it's just a weird workout. Claire, you agree?
Starting point is 00:52:55 I think we've got a lot of differences from A and B. Oh, are we, do we see? So it's funny cause you kind of answered the question I was going to ask. Are we going to see the same thing with the men? Do we see 16-year-old boys beating – no, no. Women are a different breed. No, but we never really have. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:15 It's a stark difference between the men's and women's field. Another great – by the Fergie show, teens dominate most Olympic sports. Teen girls, he said. What did I say? Oh, yeah, teens dominate most Olympic sports. Seven girls. He said, what did I say? Oh yeah. Just teens. Uh,
Starting point is 00:53:30 Katie Gannon, uh, seven. You're a great host. Oh, thank you. Very, very kind.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Uh, that was funny as shit. I would just like to say that score by Catlin Van Zyl was one of the most impressive that I saw this entire week. We've been, I mentioned earlier, there were a few outliers in terms of bigger athletes that did well on this workout. And she's one of them that definitely stood out to me. So extremely well done there. How do I know her? Where did, where did,
Starting point is 00:53:59 where we saw her somewhere recently we were covering her. I kept calling her Van Zyl. Was that Wadapalooza? Who is she? She was on Sarah's team. It was supposed to be emily ralph end up being victoria compost competing with them and she will be one of the women that's in contention for a game spot in oceania this year okay oh yeah yeah there she is all right i can't remember if it's her. I get her confused with one other girl. That chick has a kid? Mm-hmm. Crazy. Oh, why Emma Tall? That's the girl.
Starting point is 00:54:33 She was on the show, the last chance qualifier girl. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Is she going to the games this year? I would say she's assuming that Europe's going to get nine to 12 spots for the women. Yeah, I think she's a good bet to get one of those spots, especially when I see something like this. Like I just wouldn't. This isn't a workout that I would think I'm a tall for.
Starting point is 00:54:55 So when I see someone that I'm saying, oh, running, I don't know, getting off the ground, fast burpees, pull ups. But she did well on this workout. That is like the contrary to like the women that I'm looking at. Maybe they'll make it to the, but she did well on this workout. That is like the contrary to like the, the women that I'm looking at. Maybe they'll make it to the games. I see them not do great on this workout. Seeing her do well in this workout gives me even more confidence for her season. She's big, right? She's she's, she's strong. I mean, she's a, I want to say she's big, but.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I mean, she's relative to the field. She's probably twice as big as mine. Right. And, and, and how about Jen Ryan and Pamela? Uh, uh, Gagnon,
Starting point is 00:55:29 do they, are they, are they, what? Daniel Daniel. Yeah. That's what I said. How about Jen Ryan and Pamela Daniel,
Starting point is 00:55:36 uh, game? Do they go to the games or these games athletes? I don't think Pamela will even try to go to the games and being the last age, uh, eligible in her division. It's going to be very difficult anyway. And being the last age eligible in her division, it's going to be very difficult anyway. It's really, really rare that that happens,
Starting point is 00:55:48 especially with only 10 athletes in the field. Jen Ryan has been to the games many times before on teams as masters. I think it would still be hard for her to make it this year, but she'll probably try. Okay. Amy Morton, is she a master? Has she been to the games? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:03 First year, I think. I think she's in contention for podium at the games? Yeah. I think she's in contention for podium at the games in that division this year. Wow. Okay. Amy Morton. Oh, there she is. Okay. Let me take a look at her. Oh, she's fucking private. Let's go to the men.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Okay, fine. Part A. You know how I know the barbell spin follows her. That's how I know it must be her. Oh, CrossFit athlete. That's always weird when the athletes are private, right? I'm going to try to follow her.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I always think it's a little creepy to hit follow on someone you don't know. Can we do unimpressive or is it too late? You're the boss. Let's do unimpressive? Or is it too late? You're the boss. Let's do unimpressive then. Very well prepared. Unimpressive. Oh, it's actually mislabeled, Caleb. I didn't get it correct.
Starting point is 00:56:59 It's the one that starts with... Oh, no, wait. Where is it? That's it. That's it. That's it. That's it. 23A. Oh, yeah, that is it.
Starting point is 00:57:07 My bad. I remember seeing Guy on there and tripping. Guy Malheros, Moritz Feibig, Fabian Benito, Patrick Vellner with the asterisk mark? That just means that he did it at the live announcement. Philip Muscarella, Spencer Panczak, second week in a row. Oh, we should have that too. People who just are repeat offenders, uh, Augustine, uh, Raquel May and Jake Berman, another repeat offender, Jake and Spencer staying on the ass list.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Yeah. And, um, I misspelled Guy's name. I think that's bothering me anyway. I misspelled Guy's name. I think that's bothering me anyway. Um, you know, we talked about the fact that, uh, it seems like a lot of, of athletes of this caliber should be doing better on this workout. You know, there's, uh, I can't really think of a reason why these, some of these guys would be doing this poorly on this workout. When the men's division you're talking about, these scores are like well outside the top 500 some of them are outside the thousands on this workout i mean it's and i know that there are a lot of people that will not be nearly as fit as them that can do well on this workout but i would expect that these types of athletes that are contending for the games could at the very least get 165 to 170 reps. J.R., you agree with that?
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah, maybe. I mean, like in the case of Spencer Panchuk, if you go and look at his scores, I mean, I would say 296, he should be on the impressive list for the lift because although he is really strong overhead and all the Panchuk guys are strong, I wouldn't expect him to be up around 300 pounds on the second part. So maybe he just went through a pretty big strength cycle. Maybe he's just getting back to a lot of monostructural conditioning or just simple body weight stuff as the season ramps back up.
Starting point is 00:58:57 And his focus going into this was, hey, I'm just going to keep a good pace and I really want to see what I can hit under fatigue because lifting under fatigue is something that i want to get better at uh i don't want to break your heart but he is not on the impressive list for part b either sorry uh uh and any standouts here claire for you and are you shocked by seeing any of these names on here you're looking at gee and you're like oh man why why why 155 not necessarily i mean he's a pretty big dude right he's carrying a lot of muscle he's carrying a lot of muscle he's just yeah he's a big boy so i mean like if this is favoring a smaller guy then this is not favoring him so i mean mind you i think on this
Starting point is 00:59:37 one his was like 5384th so that's like down there you know but 5384 i believe on this workout yeah i wonder if that's the worst for any uh uh games uh athlete who was at the games last year god dang uh what about pat velner do you think them uh that we're seeing a waning Pat Vellner, Claire? I'm curious. I don't think I have any sort of opinion other than that we went... I don't know. I hope not because who wants that? Right. But you have an eye
Starting point is 01:00:16 on him. Yeah. You're looking over there and being like, Pat, you okay? Just like, you okay, Pat? Yeah, you good, bro? Yeah, you good? JR, what's going on with patrick velner you good no not at all i don't think so i think it's i think some of it's just the product of hearing the workout first having to perform it probably with the most harsh and most critical judging standards of anyone that probably did it um being a really really
Starting point is 01:00:40 long-armed athlete and we've already talked about that but there's a picture i saw of him and roman in a freeze frame and pat is actually off the ground higher up than roman and he's shorter and he's got a shorter pull-up bar that doesn't make any sense so it just shows you how long comparatively like his his arms are to have to use a pull-up like that this is all music to brian's uh ears yeah i like it uh lucky camera straps australia ten dollars what do you guys think of the score balance between part a and part b in general are the average males much stronger than they are fit or vice versa that's a big question there are more games athletes at the top of A than B. Hmm.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That's normal for strength stuff, though, right? Don't we see a bunch of specialists usually come in? Yeah, and especially because there was no gate to Part B. You could just log a rep and then just whatever you want for the rest of the time and, uh, and go do a big lift. So as long as you can do one burpee pull up, you're good to go. Did we see anyone game it like that? Not quite that egregiously,
Starting point is 01:01:52 but you know, some of the stronger lifts have pretty low scores on the, on part a. Did, did it, did, do they pay out a prize for each for part a, there's a $2,000,
Starting point is 01:02:05 $2,023 prize. And for part B, there's a two thousand dollar two thousand twenty three dollar prize and for part b there's a two thousand twenty three dollar prize yeah and uh snorri made a post about this today because one of his athletes kelsey keel had the second best lift in the world they posted her score about five hours shy of the competition deadline uh thinking it would be good enough to win she's never won a worldwide open workout before. And a woman who has done the open a few times in the past, I think this is her fourth year doing it. She's notoriously great at strength, notably good at strength. She's very strong.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Did a much, not that impressive workout A, and then outlifted her by, I think, four pounds or something like that to win the workout. Oh shit. So she waited either that, or she redid it after seeing that. That's awesome. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Anyway, but you know, you, um, do you, you know, this is a question for CrossFit. Like,
Starting point is 01:03:01 do you want to reward that? Do you, you know, there's only four workouts probably. It's only four men and four women worldwide that are going to win that money. Do you want someone who sandbags the buy-in to that heavy lift to be eligible to win that money? Or in some cases we've seen, nevermind, I'll just stop there. Well, do you think it's outside the spirit of the games or do you think that something
Starting point is 01:03:25 technically should be fixed? I mean, I think it's a question that I wonder if CrossFit asked that question of themselves before coming up with the rules here and the eligibility for winning that prize money. And if they didn't ask it, I'd like to know why they didn't ask it. And if they did ask it, I'd like to know what the reason was for not having some, at least some kind of gate to that, to being eligible to win the prize money. There is a, like, if you don't have a video, you can't win it. The guy who won 19.1 was like a six foot seven guy from Norway, but he didn't have a video. So he was in ineligible to win the prize money. That's the only criteria that I know of in the case like this.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Did that same thing happen in the dudes? Is there some freak Russian that won? No, it was a guy who was a Wall Street weightlifter. Oh, he did win it? Yeah. Oh, shit. Hey, is there drug testing for the... There's no drug testing for the Open either.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Well, there's a list called that people are on. And I think that at any point, if you register to compete, they can say you have to take a drug test. Yeah, 375 pounds. No doubt about it. He did that easy. The kick at the end gets me.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Unreal. That's the kick for me. And just from a programming standpoint, a lot of people will push back and say, well, this is how you fix that. You give everyone a 20 minute window and you give them an amount of reps they have to do for time and whatever time they have left in the 20 minute window, they get to lift. So if you're not fit enough to at least complete a certain amount of work in the window, you don't get to show how strong you are. Well, there are a lot of people in the community that, I mean, how few reps are you going to give?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Are you going to give 120? Are you going to give 130? So some people do a six-minute workout and some people have 14 minutes of lift and then some people have an 18-minute workout and just have time for one lift. So that's difficult. But we have seen in the past, right? 15.1, 15.1A, 18.2, 18.2A. I guess you could still say, right? 21.3 and is it 21.4, Brian? That was actually 0.4, not 3A. And then this year, whenever there's any kind of a max lift, it's really just going to flip the leaderboard. And that goes
Starting point is 01:05:46 from the worldwide leaderboard to Masters leaderboards, everything. You won't find JR on the leaderboards anymore is what he's trying to say. That being said, the thruster is a pretty good one. I mean, I'm reading into it, but Brian says
Starting point is 01:06:02 if there is a workout that's good for the shorter athlete to strength movement, it is the thruster. So that does make it a bit of an equalizer, doesn't it? Oh, you mean instead of just saying that the lift is always better for the bigger, heavier, taller athlete? Right. Or, yeah, maybe it's some sort of equalizer I'm thinking. Maybe I'm not thinking clearly on it. Do you have a thought there, Claire?
Starting point is 01:06:30 About the lift? I don't know list you look like you're you're curious i'm just intaking the information thinking about it oh here we go this guy this fucking guy is this justin fucking number i mean hi nice to hear from you justin no justin hi i i have a prediction i think that atrian's gonna do sorry Claire I forgot to tell you there's five of us on the show I forgot to tell you about Justin Justin you're an hour and six minutes late buddy I know coaching all right go ahead I think there'll be a single modality gymnastic test for 23.b I think Adrian's seen the disproportionate strength test thing happened before and i think the writing's on the wall from what we saw in the games that he thinks we should be prioritizing gymnastics and i think for the first time we'll have two two parts i agree there will be two two
Starting point is 01:07:20 parts i agree this is fucking so obvious i agree uh yes thank you all right sorry for calling yeah apology not accepted okay oh that was that was a way better call than yesterday uh mark kramer uh australia uh two dollars the team keeps getting bigger and better we'll see it's a little early in the show one thing one one simple thing that they could do is you you know we'll just take this exact workout. You could just say, if you don't finish the 25 burpee pull-ups, you're not eligible to win the prize money. It only applies to the first place person worldwide. If you haven't at least done that much work.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I'm just picking a number. But that's one thing that they could do to at least prevent someone like that from doing one rep and then taking the, the $2,000. I, I, I don't know. I kind of like it. Do you guys, do you,
Starting point is 01:08:10 are you okay with just some fucking juiced up Russian coming in and just taking the money? Sorry for being so ethnic, ethnic, uh, uh, we can pick any ethnicity, Claire.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Sorry. I'm looking up at you and you don't even know that I'm talking to you. Claire, are you okay with, uh, you okay with someone just coming in and taking the money doing five reps and lifting heavy and taking the money yeah i i think great in scheme of things i'm just not that concerned with that detail but there's just yeah get the money come think about welcome you into the community even if you have fucking low uh low morality and low values you're welcome
Starting point is 01:08:42 we'll fix you jr do you have a problem with someone coming in, doing five reps and then warming up and like, like we know the wall street weightlifter can do a four Oh five, right? You know, he can do a four Oh five thruster. Yeah. I mean, we've seen it in his training videos. I don't know. I mean, I think for everyone out there that's saying it doesn't matter anymore. They're not qualifying people to higher stages it it does matter if a thousand people do that to those people that have thrusters that are getting knocked down a thousand more spots and then they don't meet their goal of competing quarterfinals that year oh well shit
Starting point is 01:09:17 that's true that's true that sucks actually okay for the sake of qualification not for the sake of the prize money yeah yeah like i don't not for the sake of the prize money. Yeah, yeah. Like, I don't care. Come in and get the prize money. But for the qualification, that kind of hurts a little bit. For sure. Gabby Parrish, a good contribution, if it's true.
Starting point is 01:09:34 We will find out here in a minute. I don't think that most of those scores are actually valid. Only six men in the entire world beat Mal, Matt Fraser, O'Brien in 23.2 a that's the most impressive that's most impressive noteworthy i think it's is that true yeah i don't think it's six either hey so 23 that's a fucking i didn't even think about that are you 23.2 and a is the same for dudes and chicks right oh that is great what a great data point how come we're not just drilled that oh my god it's it's not drop the ball gabby you schooled us you're on the next show it's like it's like carrie pierce winning mary yeah um we we i guess we talked about that a little bit last week we were wondering if if any – It's the second week in a row, right?
Starting point is 01:10:25 It's the second week in a row the workout's been the same for males and females. What was the first one? I forget already. The chipper. But there wasn't – There weren't less cows and there weren't less muscle-ups or anything like that. Can we see that? Can we see what –
Starting point is 01:10:40 Can you validate that, Caleb? Can we see the leaderboard? Can you validate that, Caleb? Can we see the leaderboard? There's still a few names on the men's leaderboard that are above this that I've never heard of them before. So her is 188. Okay. They have been pulling names off the leaderboard,
Starting point is 01:11:02 so they're working on it. Oh, shit. Wow. There are only five ahead of her in the off the leaderboard, so they're working on it. Oh, shit. Wow. They're only five ahead of her in the men's leaderboard. So she ties with – I don't recognize any – No, no, no. We know Scott Tetlow. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:15 That's it. We know Charles Coran from last year, that open guy. Yeah, that's the guy from Mayhem. Oh, no shit. That's the guy? But click on his name. He's not at Mayhem anymore. Look where he's training now. Yeah, Rich kicked him the fuck out. Oh, no shit. That's the guy? But click on his name. He's not at Mayhem anymore. Look where he's training now.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Yeah, Rich kicked him the fuck out. Oh, my God. Holy shit. He went to Krypton. Claire, do you know what we're talking about? The facilities and who is a part of them? Yes. Or no, just that this guy, Charles Coran.
Starting point is 01:11:43 So he won the first two open workouts i think like worldwide last year he did better than rich and he was training out of mayhem and no one knew who he was he was just some dude there taking classes and we were kind of using him as the litmus test that it was a bad open because some some random dude at mayhem was was winning the open and now maybe it wasn't because he's going somewhere else and doing it again yeah now he's over at uh krypton okay i have not heard of diego victor lungdahl was like fifth place in the open worldwide last year so he's shown some capacity in these style of tests yeah i think he won 22.1 and then the guy immediately below him is another person i have not heard of previously from mexico how about there's a guy down there, a guy named ESPN Dale?
Starting point is 01:12:30 Espen Dale. The second E is critical to the team. Whatever. Don't ruin my story. And then Ricky Garrett is doing pretty good. Ricky Garrett is doing great. He's got a seventh place and a ninth place on the Metcons. His lift is not bad, but it's punished heavily with a 600 place or whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:12:54 I hope that guy in second place is a real dude, Lucas Panac. Oh, this is good. Okay, so, okay, Gabby. So that's, I mean mean mal is just an absolute savage and she's all well we'll get to her right we'll get to her mal you're fucking gabby you're fucking up the show uh steven uh den braver 499 23.1 was more indicative of elite fitness than this workout i think we talked about that last week people i mean you really like that one right jr and brian you guys were like fuck that's the one.
Starting point is 01:13:25 And Vellner was second in the world. Huh, strong point. Overall, I would say, like, we're showing these unimpressive performances from this week. Don't weigh too heavily into them. I would be more concerned if there was someone that did, like, surprisingly poorly last week than this week. Okay, so that validates Stephen's comment.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Honestly, in my opinion, this workout, the combination of these two workouts is better suited for a small field of athletes, not for a hundred thousand people in a division. Uh, Bruce Wayne, uh, I want to thank you for all the thumbnails and for the, uh, last minute update, getting Claire in the thumbnail. That was good. And I appreciate you making her just a little bit smaller than me. Just a little bit. Who was that?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Shout out. Thanks. Bruce Wayne. Yeah. Thank you from Claire. Also. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Unimpressive. Anyone else on here? We want to talk about Spencer Panchuk. Anyone you're worried about any injuries is Jake Berman. It was last year. His, his only hope to go to the games is he just a training partner now no he's ramping back up i think he is i think yeah i think he'll be ready to go if he's good i'd like to get him on the show he's never been on the show right he might be cool he is cool he was on once with noah i think they were just in the car
Starting point is 01:14:40 but yeah i remember that but he's never we never got to like just hang yeah he's got he's got a cool story he does have a cool story uh both inside and outside of uh crossfit or fitness realm he sounds more like he's gonna end up being on the demo team if he doesn't get his shit together that's the motivation they need he's gonna hear to hear you talk some shit. You're going to be on the demo team. There's your first clip for this show, Savant. Thank you. You're going to be on the demo team. By the way, come on my podcast. Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Get your shit together. Okay, let's go over to Impressive Males 23.2. Oh, shit. We have so much to do. We better stop dilly-dallying. Oh, shit. We have so much to do. We better stop dilly-dallying. Oh, shit. We forgot the kids divisions. We're going over to impressive performances, 23.2A.
Starting point is 01:15:39 Oh, I thought maybe a pan check got on there. Nope. Okay. We just talked about most of these guys. And the ones that we haven't talked about, Dallin Pepper stands out to me here for a man of his size, phenomenal performance on this workout. And we know that for years now he's been working on his running
Starting point is 01:16:00 and his cardio and his endurance and seems to be paying off, at least in this workout. This is the type of performance that I'll like take note of because I'll be looking next year to see at the games later this year to see if he can make an improvement from 18th or 19th that he was. And this is something that's positive for me in terms of that trajectory. Jethro Cardone show bridges video. No, but thank you. But no, but thank you. I don't recognize a bunch of these dudes names. Obviously, Will Morad has been around forever. Let me ask
Starting point is 01:16:33 you about Scott Tetlow. I thought last year was his last year. I thought last year we had him on or we spoke to him and he's like, yeah, I spoke to my wife and my family. And last year, this is my last year. I'm putting my shit together and going for it. At this point, every CrossFitter is grouped into the same category for me as I'm not buying it. No one's retiring. Fine.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I get it. Yeah. And how's the one that said on had the cool exchange after the Jackie workout at the semifinal. How's the guy that they had that pleasantry exchange after the workout was over. He and Tetlow. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Okay, good. Wow. And they both made the impressive performance list. Crazy. And some of these, like there's obviously a lot of people that did better than Hal, you know, a few hundred or whatever it was,
Starting point is 01:17:21 a hundred people, but he, Justin Rhodes, those are some guys that I'm looking at this year to see what they can do. And so I'm just taking note and just kind of putting them on people's radar here in case they end up doing something special at semifinals. This is a Cody Wilson. Josh got one 90. Yeah. So did Charles Coran.
Starting point is 01:17:50 No great job. Josh is coming back on on we already got him rescheduled though we'll show the video then the time for that shit now but thank you all right next list i can't wait hold on katie gannon we got to do just some of the we got to be nice to some of the people this is a required kindness to katie uh victor so happy to see him back there uh mr schweitzer hal fisher uh puked on an air runner right beside me at regionals when i was judging wow i think i saw that too and you just saw remember we played that and you just see the puke just go in the runner just get cycled into the runner that was awesome thank you uh that was a better contribution than katie's good job sc. Chase Ingram, he also didn't do the lift. Wow. Oh, who? Bridges. Bridges, yeah, fair.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Yeah, and he told us, I think, ahead of time that he wasn't going to do that. Claire, I'd like to introduce you to one of our most prestigious listeners, Jenna Tulls. Hello, Jenna. We love you. Everyone does. Hello, Jenna. Yeah, Jenna Tolles.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Yeah, everyone does. Everyone loves Jenna Tolles. All right. Okay. Impressive performance. Where do we go from here? 23.2B, unimpressive women. Nah, maybe we can skip that. The unimpressive lifts? Nah, maybe we can skip the unimpressive lifts.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Really? Come on. I didn't mean to give you a complex. Let's do it. I was saying more so from a time perspective. No, no, we'll go through this fast. I don't see the unimpressive performances by women, 23.2. Wow, Alexis Raptus. Was she on the list last week?
Starting point is 01:19:26 Is something wrong with her? Is she okay? I want her to do good. Kind of three different groups of women here at the top. Those are, you know, games athletes from last season. Not necessarily terrible lifts, but not as, you know, I would expect them to all be closer to the 200-pound mark, a 195 to 205 range um but it's really important to note here
Starting point is 01:19:48 that uh you you know because of the time constraint it's very possible that all of these women had 10 to 20 more pounds on the bar and were this far away from completing the last lift and didn't get it and then they were just having to rally to accept this score um that happened to you know not not just elite athletes but a lot of people on this style of workout and there's another reason why i think it's kind of a weird one to have with so many athletes participating in the same division uh let me claire what what do you think um do you know what bethany shadburn? Do you have her number? Does anyone know?
Starting point is 01:20:29 When I see a number that I think maybe I could have done in my 30s, I get concerned for the athlete. Something's wrong, right? 157, that's like... It's a surprise. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. That's really low, right, JR? Yeah, I mean, it's lower than I would expect. But again, she's been someone that's
Starting point is 01:20:45 had to come back from multiple injuries, so maybe she's just getting back under a barbell these days. Patrick Clark, three of those athletes train out of CrossFit Oslo. Saharkaya Matilda Garmz and Leah Storen. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:21:02 I like your... Any other concerns about Alexis Raptus? I mean, this is a top 10 in the world games athlete, right? Yeah, could be for sure. I mean, she was last year. Crazy. Okay. And what about Bethany?
Starting point is 01:21:17 Do we know anything about her? Is she going – is she going to go for it this year? Where is she training? Who's her coach? Is she still with the Las Vegas guygas guy mr kotler no i think i think raptus hiller and shaburn are all ttt now yeah oh that's right i'd seen that okay and someone i think said in here she might go teams um okay well that's uh molly great question but if she's over at uh training think tank i'd have to say yeah she's definitely trying to go to the to the games and we did see ellie on the
Starting point is 01:21:51 impressive list for listen listen sorry go ahead jr i'll handle this guy in a minute go ahead i'm sorry claire you go ahead all i was gonna say is bethany made a post specifically about this workout but anyway go ahead dude i i've done that i used to my go Bethany made a post specifically about this workout. But anyway, go ahead. Dude, I've done that. I used to my go to in a pinch was a fucking 30 cleaning jerks with 155 pounds. So you pipe down over there. What were you going to say? No, Claire, what did she say in her post?
Starting point is 01:22:20 Looks like I just kind of skipped down to the bottom where she's talking about the lift. I was unable to finish the round of 30 burpees and hit four shuttle runs and hit 157 on a thruster. May not seem like a whole lot to some, but this is more than just numbers for me, and I'm so proud. So maybe I should go ahead and go back up and read the first part before we get there. Was she wounded or something? Yeah, rehabbing her back. Okay, rehabbing her back. Okay. Yep.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Advocating for myself in the gym gym what the fuck does that mean how do you advocate for yourself in the gym like hey i'm using the bench press get away i'm sure there are you know there are a lot of these words mean a lot more to her than than most of us probably know yeah and it could be that like she genuinely is like feeling good while she moves maybe i mean who knows but i know she's had a lot of injury issues in the past you know so maybe like prioritizing like um if i'm not feeling healthy maybe i'm not doing the thing i don't know i certainly have not spoken to her but maybe maybe that's what these words are speaking to jay what do you think about that uh grip she's choosing to use there i actually heard about a lot of people using that supinated grip more so the mixed grip though i heard was a really um really effective grip that's one one over one under yeah dude you
Starting point is 01:23:32 know who she looks like in this i cannot even believe i've never noticed before gal gadot gal gadot a little bit hold do you guys know who that is wonder woman is it is it good though or is it i mean i wouldn't have known her by name but the other day her face popped up in my search and she got a huge head and she's hot as shit you know put her on the impressive list bethany shadburn has a huge head i never really had this chick right here yes she of that's impressive crazy wow all right bethany you go good dough good dough good dough how's a guy named hugh uh i'd like you to meet someone else claire i'd like you to meet my friend uh hugh uh asshole um uh please say hi to you how the fuck are you uh correcting us on names seems like there's a lot of history here.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Oh, these are all my friends. No, just a huge head. The whole head is huge. It's not just the forehead. The entire head is a beautiful giant head. The bigger the head, the more beautiful the woman. It's a correlate. Okay, unimpressive performances by men, 23.2. Hey,
Starting point is 01:24:41 so do you want to take her off the list after reading that with the emotional kind of appeal, Brian, from Shadburn's post? I have no emotions. Okay, fine. Unimpressive performances. God, that must have broke your heart. Lazar Jukic, Janikowski, Cole Grieshaber, big man. Saxon Panchik, always got the Panchiks.
Starting point is 01:25:02 This show just hates on the Panchiks now. Noah Olsen, Justin Medeiros, the champ. What? panchic always got the panchics uh this show just hates on the panchics now uh noah olson uh justin madaris the champs what i actually wanted to point out the panchics i know they're they're showing up on the unimpressive list i'm not actually worried about them at all i actually think this might be in their best interest and that what jr was talking about earlier is that if they're on a strength cycle and they're not they're not really focusing too much about metabolic conditioning right now that is totally fine especially for sax he's, you know, it's possible that he's peaked at the games with like fifth or sixth place. And if he's not willing to accept that,
Starting point is 01:25:34 then he needs to do something differently. And maybe instead of, I mean, he is historically one of the best open athletes that we've ever seen. I do these metrics. They're not very scientific. They're just me looking at the leaderboard and assigning certain parameters to things. He's amongst the open elite historically. I mean, he is one of the best of the best of the last two years. There's only three men that made my list. And he's one of those three, along with Jeff Adler and Rich Froning. So the fact that he's on these lists is just because he's not performing relative to what we're used to in the open. But if that translates to him being better at the games, then it was all worth it.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Uh, do you think this, this is harsh Jr. What do you, what I'm saying? He gets put on an unimpressive list. I think there's a lot of dudes on here that are some of the strongest guys in the sport.
Starting point is 01:26:23 And I think Brian even knows that too, that it just might be one of those, hey, let's just hit a good number, let's move well, and let's not worry about 20 more pounds just to risk something silly. Pretty much everyone from Medeiros down on this list can probably qualify for that. Did you see this?
Starting point is 01:26:43 Our very own Tyler Watkins thrustered 316 that's not that's not who you think it is oh that's another tyler watkins yeah i'm pretty sure that's the guy that well i'm pretty sure that's probably the one that was on rhapsody's team oh all right tyler i'm putting you back in the dork category sorry hey how come all of these don't have video submissions by them? I don't get it. Like, so I'm looking at Rossiano Rubio and he's 375 and shouldn't there be a video submission? They're not required to submit a video.
Starting point is 01:27:17 If CrossFit asks for a video, you have to supply one. CrossFit asks for a video, you have to supply one. But if they ask for it and you supply it, you don't have to upload it to your games profile to be available on a leaderboard there. Anyone who's doing that is doing it for one of two reasons, either because they want to or because they're doing it at a place that's not an affiliate in good standing.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Oh, okay. Okay. Bjorkvin Carl Good goodmanson 276 yeah i mean yeah i understand luis oscar uh mora uh the strong kid out of mexico yeah maybe the most surprising i'm here i mean i would i would just think that he could probably do 300 i would have thought he could probably do 300 pounds. I would have thought he could just do 300 pounds on any given day. Just knowing how strong he is in general, but Jukic brother is not known for being strong.
Starting point is 01:28:13 And yet you got Lazar on here. His younger brother did better than him on this. No shit. Man. Something's wrong with Lazar. I will see. All right. Fine. Um, who do you who okay fine the thing is that all these lifts are like in the thousands so they look really bad but at least velner is not necessarily that bad i could have put velner and i could have put velner on this list the thing is
Starting point is 01:28:39 that i wasn't expecting velner to do great on this list. Some of these guys I was expecting to do probably 10 to 20 pounds better than this. This is David Laughinghouse. They are scared of Hiller. That's why there's no video. That's what he's... Okay. Unimpressive, man.
Starting point is 01:29:04 We will put you to rest we're not even getting oh my god we're an hour and a half in uh impressive uh let's are we going to redo impressive women yet you're supposed to be keeping track of the paperwork okay i am uh impressive performances by women 23.2 b emma mcquade jessica androzik, Carolyn Stanley, Chelsea Nicholas, Sidney Smith, Valentina Rangel, and Mia Hesketh. I don't fucking know any of these people. I know one. I know one.
Starting point is 01:29:38 There's some pretty incredible stories on here. Chelsea Nicholas is 35 years old. She put 222 pounds, which is better than Gabby McGowan, Laura Horvath. I mean, I was really, really impressed with that. Valentina Rangel competed at, in Dubai and blew her back out, like slipped the disc in her back. I cannot believe that she's back and lifting this well a couple of months later, but she is. And Mia Haskett, if you haven't seen on her Instagram, she put up, she thought she was done with PRs in CrossFit and she had a lifetime PR on a
Starting point is 01:30:06 thruster during this workout and was ecstatic about it. So why, how old is she? Mia? Yeah. In her thirties, I think. It's interesting. Emma McQuaid, where was she that she let us down? That's not fair. That's not the right wording where we were surprised. I didn't have her on the unimpressive list last year. I, last week, I thought that that 23.1 would be a workout that we would see 10 top 10 top 20 worldwide from someone like her she was well outside of that but she did have a phenomenal lift this week so wanted to make sure to give her credit for that too um and emma didn't didn't have
Starting point is 01:30:42 a stellar performance at wataalupe either, right? Who's Emma? Yeah, Emma McQuaid. She did not. I don't think she could. She was the team, I think. Yeah. She won Guadalupe the year before that.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Right. And that's why I was thinking, okay. I just remember the last couple of things that we've seen of her. I was surprised she didn't do better. Who was on her team at Guadalupe? Do you remember? It's okay. It's okay. No, it was a good team. water palooza do you remember it's okay it's a good no it's a good team it was the go wide team jack and dalstrom and sola sigurd her daughter i think yeah okay all right all right um barry barry's asking why kelsey keel christine middleton danny spiegel amanda barnhart are on this list because because they did what I expected them to do.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Very impressive, but not necessarily surprising. Impressive performances by the men. Oh, OK. I know some of these dudes. Twenty three point two. Tyler Christofal, Anul Akai. It's interesting that you put him on here with the 291. It's interesting that dudes made it on here with the 291 it's interesting that dudes made
Starting point is 01:31:45 it on here with less than 300 pounds william lahey the fourth you're big on him you're big on bill right you're kind of high on that dude right now so two a couple different things going on here i would say of all of these lifts the one i'm most impressed by is tyler christopher at the bottom i don't know why i didn't sort him up to be second from the top here but you know he's kind of known for not having great overhead strength let him down last year uh at the semifinals prevented from making the games so really impressive lift for him there and then yeah there's like the guys that are below 300 that are that are on this list are guys that you would not expect to be doing like if i told you that norman woodring beat bronteslaw elenkovich on a one-arm max thruster like you would say no way in
Starting point is 01:32:24 hell like it's never going to happen. And he beat him by like 20 pounds. So that's why they're getting on this list. God, that's a great name, Woodring. Jason Hopper, 305. Is he getting stronger? Is he getting stronger, JR? Yeah, he's getting stronger everywhere.
Starting point is 01:32:40 He went for 320 and missed, but it really really really close miss so it was a pretty big jump uh tim paulson big guy short and that probably happened to almost everyone where they made a 10 to 20 pound jump at the end and barely miss it it's either that or you barely hit it and so we don't necessarily know where these guys fall like the difference between that 20 pounds from woodring and and bronislaw maybe bron went from two 76 to three 16 and missed it by a centimeter and Woodring PR his, his thruster and his previous lift was two 73. And if,
Starting point is 01:33:13 if just those things that happened to go the opposite way, Braun would be at three 16 and normal would be a two 73. Like we don't know. So, um, Tim Paulson, big dude, short arms,
Starting point is 01:33:30 right. Still great lift. Um, lift um and yeah like you know his annual ability he wouldn't necessarily peg them as being super strong i wouldn't peg him regardless okay and that team that team looks that team looks strong right now because we'll probably see Tola on the impressive on both. That's right. Before we go to impressive both. Oh, no. Shit. Okay. We did unimpressive 23.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Okay. We got those guys unimpressive. Before we go to impressive on both. I want to go through the men's divisions from 14 years old to 65 years old minus the individual. It's 23.2 A and 23.2 B. Oh, interesting. Impossible to say for 35 to 39. Why is that? Why do you have impossible to say for 35 to 39 why is that why do you have impossible to say because there was like when i checked earlier this afternoon they were like uh almost up to 10 scores at the top of the leader board that i and i had no idea which ones were valid or not it was it was just crazy okay i'm willing to bet that they're better now because they've made a lot of changes since i sent you those things five hours ago. But it was just indecipherable, basically.
Starting point is 01:34:49 I'm just going to go take a quick peek. Not that I want to spend time on it, but I'm just curious if it's men 35 to 39. Scott Tetlow's in purple here because I knew that there were several scores on the leaderboard ahead of him that were invalid. Now those scores have all been removed and he's where he should be, which is in the first place. Hey, so the leaderboard automatically puts people in both categories? Mm-hmm. Okay. Everyone that's in gray on this is all of their workout standards are the same.
Starting point is 01:35:20 So they will all be in both the open division and their specific age division when applicable okay and the and these are the uh these are the winners those are the top scores when i checked at four o'clock this afternoon anyone in particular you want to talk about any any games champs on here previous game champs got a russian guy there in 60 to 64 for you. Igor. Igor. No, I mean, Yanis Papadopoulos, people probably recognize him. But a lot of new names here. So, you know, this is an opportunity for some people to make a move. And always in the age group divisions, there's new people entering the scene. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Let's look at the women. So, okay. Let's look at the women. Uh, 23.2, a 23.2 B 14 years old to 65 years old. I recognize that name. Elizabeth Ramsey. Did she win last year? I don't, I don't know. Okay. You have a Kurt. So Kerstetter, Kerstetter one B. Oh b oh and we'll find out does she win both what do you mean does so isn't there a boat oh no no okay sorry sorry sorry i got confused by the pages okay they're scored separately okay yeah and there's a lot of of well-known names on this list i mean kelly friel is is incredible. Susan Clark back in the mix. She's undefeated at the CrossFit games. Will she,
Starting point is 01:36:47 if she goes for another title this year? Oh, wow. How many games has she been to? I think five. I think she's five for five. It's either four for four or five for five. She's never lost.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Vilma Diaz is going to give her a run for her money. I wonder what the max thruster is for those chicks. I think that was one where, where Vilma's lift is going to give her a run for her money. I wonder what the max thruster is for those chicks. I think that was one where Vilma's lift was like 130, and the next one was like 100, and that's why I put it in red. Or is that women 60 to 64? Dude, 185 pounds? What's the next one after that?
Starting point is 01:37:21 You're telling me a 60-year-old woman thruster? What's the next one after that? 147. Yeah, so that's why I put it in red. That a great example 147 145 142 fairly believable 185 massive outlier could be true i would want to check the video okay and and so another thing is you're telling me a 60 year old woman got 10 pounds less than fucking bethany shadburn no she got 30 pounds more no sorry for second place 147 oh yes yeah something's not right but that woman if the woman who's in second place if you look at her other scores
Starting point is 01:38:00 she's clearly one of the best in the division so it's you know and it's not that unbelievable relative to the scores right below her david hippenstiel got 192 pounds second place 65 plus men i wonder i wonder if when uh when hillary goes to heaven if god's gonna be like dude you were picking on an old dude you're all juiced up and you're picking on an old dude it's fucked up they're gonna have a little sit chat at the gate get back down there and god's gonna be old as shit all wrinkly wearing a diaper i want to look at the uh women 65 plus too i'm curious what the max Max Thruster for a 65 plus year old woman. Holy shit. For 65 plus?
Starting point is 01:38:50 Yeah. I don't even know if I can do this with the current status of my back. 167. 137. You're telling me that lady did 20 pounds less than Bethany Shadburn? She got her nutrition on point. I don't know what to tell you. Who, the old lady?
Starting point is 01:39:12 Yep. God, yeah. She's sleeping 12 hours a night. I'll do a cup check on her. Holy cow. Oh, yeah. Solid photo. Solid photo. Those are twice the size of uh those are twice the size of uh dave castro's calves my god
Starting point is 01:39:35 okay um impressive performances uh let's start with the uh boys. These are the guys that Brian really likes. He thinks they gave it their all and they, they believe the open means something. How are you doing for time? What's your name? You guys know who I'm talking about. Mr. Howell.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Are you serious? Yeah. How are you doing for time? 45 minutes ago. I was, I was out of time, but now, now we, yeah. Well, cause we, cause I need to ask you, 45 minutes ago, I was out of time. But now we've – Well, because I need to ask you –
Starting point is 01:40:09 we need to get at least some predictions for you. Okay, we'll go through this fast. Jeffrey Adler, 181.312. Tola Amorikini. Why is Tola on here? Big guy who got a 175. You like that? Phenomenal.
Starting point is 01:40:20 And one of the top five or ten lifts in the world. I mean, this – like J.R. was saying, this is one of the standout performances of the Open this year, regardless of what happens next week. When I was in Nashville, he was there and he was running the entire time. Yeah, OK, I agree. Big dude, giant dude. What about who's this guy in red, Darren?
Starting point is 01:40:43 what about who's this guy in red, Darren? Well, his scores may not be as great as everyone else on this list, but he's from Africa. And those are still pretty impressive scores. They rank very highly in Africa. And I think he's a relatively unknown name that could potentially challenge for the game spot this year. So I wanted to acknowledge that. And who knows?
Starting point is 01:41:03 Maybe Africa will get an extra spot. Actually, we do know about that. So wait, on the impressive Tyler Christoffel's in fourth overall right now, I think. And he's not on this list. Yeah, yeah. Get him. Well, is that because he landed on the B list?
Starting point is 01:41:22 So he's just, he got his spot? What was his score on the middle workout? 61st. No, no, no. 267th on the running. 172 reps. Yeah, no, I just was pretty selective for this list. There's certainly other people that could have been on it.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Gotcha. I like that, though. Yeah, get him. Yeah, do that. I don't know. Seven likes that a lot. No, I just think it's impressive. I mean, for him to be – I mean, obviously, yeah, it's just three tests, right?
Starting point is 01:41:47 But, like, still, that's – I mean, and that lift was bonkers. And he's a big dude, right? I think it's like 195. Tola got 11th with that 327. Hey, did any of these ties cause any problems any problems oh okay and tyler got 27th sorry if you just said that no i mean we just uh i think help and told us today that there were you know three to five thousand people at every number for like 50 numbers in a row on 23.2 a okay so i mean that's you know that's just a decision that across like that was obvious that that was going to happen so they just just obviously were okay
Starting point is 01:42:32 with it or so if i so if i if they put me like at 32,000 but there was a dude who got the same score to me who was at 27,000 i would tell everyone i was 27,000 fittest in the world i wouldn't accept being 5 000 places lower if i got the same score as some dude if you did one rep worse but yes even if i did one the same reps the same reps jack farlow 317 pounds you know jack farlow is claire yeah emma's boyfriend yeah yeah she watched him at rogue emma's boyfriend. Yeah, yeah. She watched him at Rogue. Emma's boyfriend. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:07 I like Emma. Yeah, she's sweet. Yeah, I like Emma, too. And I like Jack. We got to have Jack, Emma's boyfriend, Farlow on again. You have to say Emma Lawson, though. There's too many Emmas that are already at CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:43:17 Yeah. Colton Merton's currently in third place in the World Wide Open. Yeah, he's killing it. Now you fucking know. Okay. Impressive. How does it make you feel, Siobhan?
Starting point is 01:43:31 Like, do you like that? You know, for little guys? I fucking love Colton. Yeah. I love Colton. And it's actually pretty cool. You know, the thing that we've talked about, the potential for these workouts to be a little bit favorable for a certain athlete or another but if you look at the men on their own in the top five in the world you have jeff adler who i would say is basically like prototype games athlete body type tola marquino bigger guy
Starting point is 01:43:56 colton mertens smaller guy tyler christopher pretty average size for a games athlete and reggie fossa short but but uh you know ways about what you'd expect and a pretty good blend of, of, uh, body types and strengths and weaknesses historically there. So. And a Jew in sixth place, roll Dan gold bomb. A Mexican Jew. Yeah. That's awesome. Holy shit. That's more of the list we expected from Luis Oscar Mora.
Starting point is 01:44:27 These guys are so strong. I figured they both have a list like this. God, that's awesome. Cam Crockett, you know, showed up. I put him on my list there because he's another one of these guys that if he just tightens up a few things, he could become relevant in the extremely competitive North American field. That's a good list. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Now we switch over to impressive women. Man. Claire, is Mal O'Brien going to win the games this year and then be the games champ for the next five years? Too early to say. Those are two separate questions. Oh, man. She's like you, Brian.
Starting point is 01:45:01 She plays it safe. JR, is Mal O'Brien going to win the games this year and then win for the next five years? I think she's going to win the games this year. When Tia comes back, we'll see. Really? Really, I think she's going to win the games this year, yes. Yeah, I get that,
Starting point is 01:45:17 but you think Tia's going to have something for when she comes back? I think Mal's about to go into the stratosphere, dude. I think we never thought that there would be another rich froning and then we got matt fraser and then we thought there'd never be another matt fraser and we have tia and i just think that uh i think this chick mal is just a freak of nature outside of injury i think well i guess that's a problem too uh jacklyn has a good point we have no idea where em Lawson is going to land.
Starting point is 01:45:48 That thing's still moving to the moon. God, the women's division is so great. Gazan, how she's performed at least this year so far. She's done really, really well. Paige Powers. Brian, anything you want to say kelly baker impressive uh impressive performances women both yeah i mean
Starting point is 01:46:13 that's it that's that's a name i don't hear very often anymore no she's well she hasn't been uh she hasn't really been competing but she's making a push to get back into the the the mix this year. And so far, she's looking really good. A team or individual? Individual. Ellie Turner, you like her? I thought this was a great performance for Ellie.
Starting point is 01:46:34 Again, not someone that I would thought would get 168 reps on part one. Lift is about what I expected, but the combination is very impressive to me. Yo, that girl can run. I'm telling you. Don't. And we're listing off all these names. Yo, that girl can run. I'm telling you. And like, you know, we're listing off all these names, like the women's division is coming. Like you, you know, I think of someone like Amanda Barnhart's perennially in the top 10, eighth to 10th, almost every year. It's like,
Starting point is 01:46:56 that is going to be even with Tia out, Cara out, Haley out, Christy out this year. There's just a wave of women coming behind that are legitimately good talented and threatening yeah ellie's a freak i i think she's so underestimated i i she's awesome elisa fuliano um she's the one that had the uh alzheimer and alzheimer's as i tap my head the fuck's that thing that when it gets in your joints, it fucks your joints up? Arthritis. I knew it was an A word. I thought she had arthritis and really bad and last she was a one and done last year. I mean, I kind of thought the same, but she was
Starting point is 01:47:33 impressing me at Guadalupalooza. She's been impressive to me here in the open and there are going to be good women that don't make the games in Europe, but she's going to be in the mix from everything that I've seen. Anything you want to throw in here, Mr. J.R.? Yeah, I'm just really pulling for Shelby.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Neil, after barely missing out last year, she's another Crucible competitor, her and Ellie Hill are both. So it's good to see Shelby's back at it. J.R., giving some love for the athletes that competed the Crash Crucible. Yeah, and I wanted to get her on there because, you know, just in case there's people that aren't aware of how good she was, except for one workout last year, she is legitimately talented and could make the games.
Starting point is 01:48:16 Laura Clifton is the other woman from Australia that I was talking about being a threat in Oceania earlier in the show. She made the games two years ago ahead of Maddie Sturt. She's coming back after competing team last year, I think, and will be a threat to get one of those three spots. And then the bottom two women in gray, their numbers are not as good as everyone else's, but they're competing in Asia. Dewan Zhang trains with Seungyong Choi, and none of the Russian women competed last year in South Korea. I don't know if they will this year or not, but if they do, Svetlana Veselova is one of a couple of Russian women. They also could potentially qualify for the games this year because they're
Starting point is 01:48:51 guaranteed two spots. Oh, that's cool. I hope they both make it. They have great names. Svetlana and Dewan, Dewan Jung. All right. Oh, no, no mention of Mal O'Brien. No mention of Daniel O'Brien.
Starting point is 01:49:07 No mention of Daniel Brandon this week. 27th. That's where she sits overall, 27th? Oh, wait. Yeah, I think so. I think that sounds right. I'm sorry. No, don't be sorry.
Starting point is 01:49:18 She's doing fine. Yeah, I was going to say, I just don't think there was anything shocking. I had a question I just genuinely don't know. Barnhart. I know she, you know, she moved camps, right. And does she usually do really well in the open?
Starting point is 01:49:31 She's, I mean, we can check real quick, but yeah, she's pretty much as well on everything. 20th, 20th, 24th, ninth,
Starting point is 01:49:36 27th, the last five years. Okay. Oh, so last year was her best year. Ninth. Yeah. I think it was four years ago in the open.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Oh, but, but that was, but did you, what, how did she ago in the open oh but but that was did you what how did she finish in the open i thought that's what uh claire was asking how did she finish in the open and i thought you said the last year she finished ninth in the open that was her best year the last five years she's been 20th 20th 24th 9th and 27th so 2019 was her best she's currently sitting in 10th like i just you know, she is one of the top 12 women in the world over the last three to four years, you know, according to pretty much everyone. And, you know, she'll be in that mix again this year. She's doing great.
Starting point is 01:50:15 I really want to drive this home here, guys. You're looking at the ranking right here up on the screen here. Mal O'Brien, Paige Powers, Emma Lawson, Alex Kazan, Ariel Loewen. Kudos to you, girl. Zoe Warren, Oyana Moya. This is first through seventh. There's only one person up here who has a first place. And there's only one person up here who has a second place. And that person also has 107th.
Starting point is 01:50:42 And that 107th makes perfect sense. And it fucking doesn't matter. As Andrew Hiller would say, it doesn't fucking matter. This is an unstoppable force. Well, this is a last year. Just add to your arsenal here.
Starting point is 01:50:57 Seven last year on the open workout. She was first, second and first worldwide. Yeah. And in the year before that, which was her first eligible year, she also had finishes of second and fourth on two and in the year before that which was her first eligible year she also had finishes of second and fourth on two of the four open workouts so now she's got one two three four five six seven top four finishes in the last three years at the open
Starting point is 01:51:15 uh jackie uh miley uh i feel like there is sexual tension between daniel brandon and mal o'brien you feel it you feel it you feel it uh that 107th is her worst finish in the open uh since 21.4 yeah it doesn't right patrick doesn't even matter right it's like who gives a fuck it's a strength workout it's just whatever yeah i mean she if top top top thousand in that and we're good to go. Yeah, go Page Powers. I completely agree. Huge, huge, huge fan. Awesome. Gazan, it's going to be awesome.
Starting point is 01:51:54 All right. Next week, JR is about to tell us what the workout is going to be next week. Everyone get your pens and pencils out. Yeah, I wish I was going to be able to do that. I felt pretty confident with what I thought would not be coming and what I thought would be coming. But after seeing the dot-com workout for tomorrow, I'm now really rethinking the idea that we're going to get a lot of dumbbell work on Friday. I kind of thought that the movements that traditionally we've seen that I couldn't see being left out would be dumbbell, jump rope, and some sort of handstand movement. And we got a lot of dumbbell reps here. Traditionally, we don't see a lot of repeat movements in the same week programmed
Starting point is 01:52:43 that shows up for the open. But this year a different year and maybe that's just something that they're doing to throw us off and while we won't be repeating any of these movements we may still be using dumbbells kettlebells are still on the table so i haven't completely dismissed those but i was pretty confident and still am pretty confident in those three movements. If we don't have a jump rope, I think we'll be using the plyo box. I don't understand, JR. Sorry. Help me out here, dude. So you see this workout and you think these movements are going to be in the open or they're not going to be in the open?
Starting point is 01:53:18 I don't think they're going to get a lot of dumbbell use period after having a workout with 80 dumbbell reps in it the same week. Okay. What were you thinking it was going to be? Just out of curiosity before you saw this. dumbbell shoulder to overhead with handstand pushups and double unders, and then maybe double, double dumbbell ground to overhead with like a wall walks and single unders, you know, something like that,
Starting point is 01:53:51 some kind of progression. Okay. Uh, uh, let me ask you some things here. Uh, uh, the,
Starting point is 01:53:56 um, double under, are we going to see it on Thursday? I think so. Okay. Uh, Claire double under, I mean, we see it a lot. I think more, I. Claire, double under?
Starting point is 01:54:06 I mean, we see it a lot. I'm more curious about time domain. I don't know. Okay. I think it's going to be less than 10. Whether it's a back-to-back with a mandatory rest or whatever, I think it's going to be 10 minutes or less. Brian, any thoughts on it?
Starting point is 01:54:27 I agree that I think it'll be probably a 10-minute cap with the best in the world finishing, you know, four to six minutes. We get one of those most years. We haven't had anything in that time domain yet. I, we have had double unders every single year. I mean, JR and I were basically on the same page. The thing is that, you know, last week we had in programming leading up to the open, there were put, there were a lot push-ups, there was a lot of running, and then we got burpees and running.
Starting point is 01:54:47 So I'm wondering if that trend is no longer going to be any kind of insight to the Open workout anymore. What about a handstand hold in a box? A free-standing handstand hold? For a Part A and a Part B, yeah. What's the scale for that? The 40 by 24 and hold it against the wall as long as you can fuck i don't know i don't know you have to you have to think about those things okay have
Starting point is 01:55:11 they ever done a handstand hold in the in in the open no just in stage one of the games 2020 um steven uh den braver uh dumbbell snatches, double unders, overhead walking lunges, and handstand walking. Danielle Brandon and Mal O'Brien are the best on their hands, and they're in the open announcement. It's going to be an earn your fitness programming. They're both in the open announcement. Is that correct? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:55:38 I think that would be really cool if they did a gated style where everyone had six minutes to work, and if you were fit enough, you could work for nine. If you're fit enough, you could work for 12. and if you were fit enough you could work for nine if you fit enough you could work for 12 if you fit enough you could work for 15 um i'm a little hesitant to think they're going to use the floor space again i think using it for shuttle runs um was great they said you were going to need floor space i found it um improbable that they were just going to skip it all together and wait to use it for quarterfinals when gyms want to make sure that logistically they can have setups for their members. But I don't think lunges or handstand walks will come out after doing shuttle runs the second week.
Starting point is 01:56:16 It's a bit of a setup if they know it's going to be on your hands and they bring Daniel Brandon in, right? I mean, she's kind of on an island by herself there isn't she i thought mal o'brien was i would say as far i would say as far as being great come back yeah it's like i would say it's alexis raptus daniel brandon mal o'brien yeah okay all right all right all right uh i don't think adrian's putting much thought into who's competing there from what i've seen so far i don't think herian's putting much thought into who's competing there from what i've seen so far i don't think he's putting too much thought into uh whether the the affiliates can accommodate it or not the equipment list is out there and you know floor space is included all the things that are included is expected to be had if you
Starting point is 01:56:59 want to participate i think he's programming these these workouts just with his own thoughts about what is going to be a great start to the season. He probably knows about what's coming ahead of time. And I don't think he's considering all of those things necessarily that we're used to seeing. We've had an opening workout in week one that was more high skill than we've ever had before. We had this workout in week two that we usually would see in week one that was more high skill than we've ever had before we had this workout in week two that we usually would see in a week one who knows what i mean i think it's actually great on his behalf that he's making it more unpredictable and harder for jr for sure uh okay uh jr give us a give us a final uh recap on what you think this thing's going to be no pressure i'll just stick to the i'll just take the instincts i had going into it before i saw the
Starting point is 01:57:49 dot-com workout or anything like that i think it's going to be a dumbbell workout with a progression so like a easier dumbbell movement into a harder dumbbell movement with jumping rope i said early on i thought we would do single unders in the open so i'll stick to that I think singles will be in the open and then double unders will be the progression. And then I think there'll be some sort of handstand progression. Probably. While walk to handstand pushup. Or maybe vice versa. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:58:19 You think Jr is pretty smart, Claire? When it comes to this sort of stuff, certainly more so than me. Yeah. He's a sharp cookie. anything else any closing uh remarks uh Brian um no I think it was nice to feature a lot of the athletes this week and excited for the final week of the open look at look at Jair's kind of like sliding under the table no and a triplet makes sense chipper week one classic couplet week two chipper week three uh triplet week three makes sense i like i like what jr is thinking i i feel like it might be some kind of ascending rep scheme fairly quick you know like a 9 15 21 maybe like dumbbell snatch per arm
Starting point is 01:58:59 box jump overs or something like that uh caller hi hey uh hey you know who did that does anyone know who did that hey hey what's up dude what's up what's up thank you dude what's up what's up thank you well i don't know if you need those other three guys yeah me neither fuck these guys all right well i appreciate you calling it's colors like you that make this show make me feel wait wait wait wait wait i'm really calling i need to know an answer straight except for saturdays and sundays i'm open perfect okay no here's the question if roman beats justin this year who who's gonna who would you pick the next year and if roman beat justin two years in a row who would you pick the next year and And if Roman beat Justin three years in a row, who would you
Starting point is 02:00:06 pick the next year? I actually like the question. I actually, I get it. I feel ya. I feel ya. He's counting out Ricky, huh? Literally all together. He didn't come up once. Yeah, I like it. I like it. Uh, he can't, he only won.
Starting point is 02:00:21 If he wins one, it's only one. Well, and then Justin has to fucking get rid of Ellie and go back to working out. Right. I said it. I said it here first. Right. But here's the question for Brian. Brian, how many
Starting point is 02:00:38 times in a row will Jeffrey Adler have to beat Vellner before you will choose Adler over Vellner? That's a great question. Well, this year they're competing in different semifinals, so it'll be a little different than last year. But I had them ranked one spot apart on my power rankings prior to the Open. And because there's been so many changes already
Starting point is 02:01:00 with people withdrawing from the competition, and I think we actually have learned quite a bit from this year's Open. I think I might put out another list pretty soon. So we'll see. Good. Those shows get me a lot of money. I mean, viewers. I mean, I enjoy those shows. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:01:15 Claire, do you have a question for Claire or JR also? Anything? I just think JR's strategy of not saying too much is a great way to keep one from looking foolish I've blown that already have a good night guys thanks for calling
Starting point is 02:01:35 he's on to me say that again JR he's on to me Claire do you have any final remarks other than I was just curious what the thoughts were on the time domain. Nope. Good having you on. I think you probably spoke about the same amount as JR did on the first show he was on.
Starting point is 02:01:58 Way more. You think she did way more? In a good way. All right. We'd love to have you back. I'm just here to add diversity, thank you i appreciate it who's that looking in your window back there are we talking about right over here yeah and those uh in those yeah you're sliding glass doors someone's standing there uh creepy yeah i don't know yeah who's the blonde four-year-old in your
Starting point is 02:02:20 in your background who oh, that's Avi. People have... Oh, okay. I think I have heard you. Dude, that's Avi. Do we need to now go to every... Wait, what's going on behind Brian? Is that blonde hair, though?
Starting point is 02:02:34 Or is that just the background? No, that's blonde hair. He had blonde hair. That is crazy. His hair was that blonde. Yeah, crazy, right? That's what we did to JR when he first came on.
Starting point is 02:02:43 He sat in front of... When he first came on the show, he sat in front of a window. So we would say, hey, JR, who's behind you? And since then, yeah, he didn't sit over there anymore. He didn't like that game. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Tomorrow morning, 7 a.m., Jason Kalipa will be on at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 02:03:03 And that's cool. All right. Bye-bye.

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