The Sevan Podcast - #820 - Jason Khalipa | The Happiest Man Alive

Episode Date: March 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Damn, I forgot to warm my voice up. Damn, we're live. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Hello. There he is, Jason Kleba. Good morning. That was easy. That was easy. Good morning. How are you guys doing? Dude, you look lean. Hey, it's the lighting. I got the lighting going on here. Holy shit, you look lean. Are you getting ready for a jiu-jitsu tournament?
Starting point is 00:01:00 Dude, I actually, I'm not, but I need to be. I was training down at Jocko's gym and I hurt my knee a little bit, but i'm uh i'll be fine i'm all good oh what do you mean you heard it dude i was in an open guard position so um are we live right now we're live we are hey but i don't think your mic's working jason i think that i think the audio is getting picked up from your computer i think well let's try it all right how's that better oh yeah much better yeah now it sounds good right yeah you were it sounded like we caught you taking a deuce but now you're in the studio dude so um yeah you know I was in an open guard position so basically I was I was laying you know kind of sitting on my butt laying on my back and. And a guy was trying to, sounds weird, but he's trying to pass my guard and just kind of hit me from the side of the knee. Um, but yeah, I had some great roles do. It was incredible. I was down at victory MMA
Starting point is 00:01:53 with Jocko and his crew. Um, so it was definitely worth the little knee, knee, knee sprain now getting back at it, but that's why I had to, um, so I had to miss, uh, at it but that's why i had to um so i had to miss uh the second open workout so basically i did the first open oh yeah so i did the first open workout i really enjoyed it second one came up and then i happened to be rolling like the day of and then dude i just could not be doing shuttle runs in a heavy thruster with a busted knee so um is it just bruised you think or you think something actually stretched or tore uh kelly sir thinks it's just like a sprained knee so i is it just bruised you think or you think something actually stretched or tore uh kelly sir thinks it's just like a sprained knee so i'm not too i'm not too concerned about it it's just it's enough for like dude i'm not trying to win the the open to mess up my you know i don't i
Starting point is 00:02:36 don't want to mess up my knee anymore so i'm good just taking some time all good dude this is the dude oh dude he's a badass this guy yeah dude you don't know who jocko is i mean i do i do i just wanted to make sure and i know i i usually when people say his name they say the whole name jocko will oh it's will links i thought it was willix it's like it's like jocko willick so yeah he's got a bunch of things going on but we were down at his gym and i was training with um him and his guys so yeah it was all good. Hey, um, does he own a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 00:03:07 Dude. So, so interestingly enough inside victory MMA. So victory MMA is, I actually do it. It was incredible. So what's incredible about it is that their price point's pretty low. Um,
Starting point is 00:03:19 I've never seen anything like it. Actually. It's an old racquetball court, uh, club kind of like where I started in the fitness space. But it was converted into having jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, et cetera. But they also have a very small CrossFit box that's like, dude, it's old school, man. I'm going to try and help them out with it.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Maybe give them some like – like they don't have any air bikes in there. It's old school for sure. Yeah, this is it. Oh, they got girls there. That's it's it's old school for sure yeah this is it oh they got girls there that's that's the crossfit space yeah oh is that is that rig set up like that those bars it still looks the exact same 100 it's great oh wow um it reminds me of what's his uh one of the places where i'm i i watched you work out once in china show The gibbings at CrossFit Milpitas. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:09 It's an old racquetball court converted into a CrossFit gym. So that's 800 square feet of excellence right there. Hey, did Austin have two courts though? Was he balling? Dude. So he, he started off with one and then, you know, we, uh, we're balling. And so we broke, we broke down some, uh, we opened some doors and then got into the second one. broke we broke down some uh we opened some doors and then got into the second one didn't i visit a facility that you had one time that was like 50 000 square feet and it was multiple racquetball
Starting point is 00:04:32 courts and yes so we we had that no that one so that one was next to the um remember that one was next to the casino and uh all was good uh and uh that location was amazing we had indoor diving we had judo we had dude you know it's funny i brought this up on a podcast the other day one time i don't know if it was dale sarin i think came with his crew and they did larping in the gym like on a saturday they did it a few times i think um we had all kinds of shit that went down at that gym but uh no we don't have any more. The casino went away and the riff, you know, it got pretty rough over there. And basically we just, we could not continue, um, on a month to month lease, um, not to
Starting point is 00:05:14 get all businessy, but you know, when you have a business and you, you're on a month to month lease, I mean, that's not a good way to run it because you can't make investments into the property because you don't know if your landlord is going to kick you out the following month uh larping is uh when you role play and he would dress up as a knight right i know it sounds like some fucked up shit live action role play oh yeah dude i mean bro i walked in there and just just it is here to like just i mean dude the the swords when they hit the other metal it was anyways it was good reminiscing on that yeah that shit that shit was uh that shit was crazy i mean literally they hit each other full full contact with the um steel uh mallet or a sledgehammer
Starting point is 00:05:57 into some dude's head yeah yeah um dude i didn't realize i always forget that you guys have comments and that this is a live podcast. So good morning, everybody. Hope everybody's doing crazy. Uh, everybody's doing good. I saw that Jason has crazy energy. Hey, I worked out in the garage this morning with my daughter, got my coffee on. I'm feeling good. Ready to rock. You already worked out with your daughter every day. Yeah. 6.00 AM. Holy cow. Does she, is it easy getting her up at that time? Yeah. Surprisingly she's easier to get up than, I mean, my son's very difficult to get up. But yeah, Ava, every morning we train in the garage. We keep the workouts between 10 to 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:34 This morning she did intervals of eight cal ski and then DT. So five deadlifts with dumbbells, five hang cleans, five push press. And she did that for eight minute amrap um this morning and then while she normally does that um i always ride the c2 bike um or work on mobility or whatever dude that's crazy my kids uh i i every morning when i come in here they're they're asleep out cold yeah i mean dude i don know. My daughter has like an hour long, like routine before she goes to school. So she likes, and then normally we, we plunge. Um, but my, I, I, I got to refill the plunge cause I was gone for a week. I was in some plunges too. Yeah. Every day. Yeah. It's actually been, um, incredibly, uh, profound on her, um, on her mindset. It's been probably one of the biggest things that I've noticed for
Starting point is 00:07:26 the kids is, um, the, the cold plunge and how it impacts her mindset. Tell me more about that. I wholeheartedly believe that. Tell me, tell me, tell me what's going on. Give me no details too small. So you have an ice bath and she gets in it for how long? So we have what's called, how did you get her to do it the first time? So we have a product it's, it's, it's called the plunge. And the reason, so I've also had other products, but I just didn't find myself using them because we originally had like a giant Yeti cooler that we would put ice in. It just was a really difficult situation because it wasn't designed for that. Right. So you have to go buy ice. Cause I don't have an ice maker. Then you'd have to keep it clean. And it just was like, it just seemed wasteful too. Cause I'd like fill it with water, use it for like a week and then have to re it just seemed
Starting point is 00:08:11 not the right way. So the, the cold plunge, um, yep, that one, um, that was actually on shark tank and buddy of ours, Ryan owns it it, co-founder of it. They're actually out of Sacramento area. And so we got one of those and what we do is we keep it at 55 degrees, 53 to 55 degrees. Right now it's currently at 55. We go as low as 53 and it doesn't sound that cold, but it's pretty cold. And we go in for anywhere. We go in for three to five minutes. So I go in for five minutes. The kids go in for three. And yeah, essentially the way we came up with it is that, you know, Santa Cruz ocean is, you know, it could be as low as like, what, 50 degrees, I think. And so the way I figured it is like, it's like throwing the kids in the ocean for three
Starting point is 00:08:58 minutes. And dude, I'm telling you, man, the mental resilience to not want to do it. Then they get in. Then when they get out, they're just like in a completely different mood. So when I find the kids are being like, you know, if there's ever like a state of depression or a state of like, um, anxiety or, or whatever, I found that it's been helpful for me and for the kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Crazy. I need to get one of those. Uh, you, uh, I don't, um, that, that plunge looks amazing. I was looking at this one that, uh, Josh has to the other day, he has this thing called King cool. Oh yeah. There's a, there's a few gigantic. Yeah. There's a few other brands. Look, I mean, I'm a big advocate for it. Um, I think it's been, it's been a, it's been a good, good component for, for my life. I mean, I have a sauna and I have a cold plunge. I think the cold plunge is easier to use, not because it's easier, just because it's so much shorter. You just jump in for three to five minutes.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Boom, you're ready to rock. They know not to pee in there? I hope so. You told them, hey, don't pee in it. It's too small, too small. This isn't a pool. Don't pee in it. Funny you mentioned that.
Starting point is 00:10:04 peeing too small too small this isn't a pool don't pee in it funny you mentioned that i mean not about pee but i i would um i used to have a lot of guys come by the house um who are training for like adcc and different big jiu-jitsu matches and dude if people don't um typically if i have people come over after we work out or whatever i'll have them rinse off with a hose before they jump in um even though there's filter and whatever it just it gets dirt in it like if you're like i don't know if i'm running a trail in los gatos and i go jump in the thing it's kind of gross so yeah we hose off that thing does have a filter so how often do you change the water in that oh dude yeah it's it's legit it's like a it's like a jacuzzi like you know like whirlpool yeah it has a filtration system it's got some chemicals in it
Starting point is 00:10:45 just in terms of like you know chlorine or whatever um i change the water like once every month how much is that thing caleb i think five grand five grand the one the one that josh bridges has is like 10 grand 11 grand yeah they have an excel version it's a little bit more expensive and they have a hot cold which i wouldn't recommend. The reason why the hot cold is there is because people on the East coast or different areas, it was freezing. And so they actually had to like, like if they left it outdoors,
Starting point is 00:11:13 cause mine's outdoors in California, it's not a big deal, but in other States it would actually get too cold below what people wanted. So there's a heater function on it to heat up the water a little bit. Hey, did it snow at your house last week? It's snow. I was out of town but yeah it's i don't know yeah it was it was snowing over the 17 i'm close by that yeah it's absolutely bizarre hey um uh so you when you go to these places like with jaco and you roll with them are you you're comfortable yeah so in this particular case when
Starting point is 00:11:43 i went to jaco's gym i got invited um how long have you been doing jiu-jitsu jason six seven years yeah was there a point where it was weird you would go to a gym and you're like shit i'm not sure if i really know jiu-jitsu and then you're like oh actually i guess i do know jiu-jitsu well i mean in this particular case you know i got invited um jp dental he's a former seal. He's on the echelon front side with leadership with Jocko. And so, um, I've been talking to them a lot and so I felt comfortable. We, you know, but I just jumped into a class and then I pulled off and we did something on our own. Um, yeah, I'm comfortable.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Um, I think that, uh, I'm at a point in my journey that I, I could, I could regulate the intensity. Um, you know, that takes a while to get that way, but it takes about a year, I think in jujitsu to be able to regulate that, which is why, you know, my least favorite people to roll with are, you know, large athletic white belts. It just, they're, they're just so out of control. So yeah, I'm at a point where I feel more controlled. I actually had a friend roll with you in,
Starting point is 00:12:41 in like your first few months and he said it was scary. He said, and this guy's a really good brown belt he goes yeah you got to be fucking really careful with that dude i go why he goes he's so fucking strong and he just fucking won't come out there and something weird will happen so yes in your buddy's defense like i didn't know what i didn't know and i wanted to try and be a good training partner i just didn't know you know he wasn't bad mouthing you by the way he wasn't like hey he's a fucking spaz he wasn't like that yeah yeah i yeah but it's just in the beginning you don't know how to control yourself and then um you start playing off the other person so when you start feeling restricted you start
Starting point is 00:13:13 getting a little aggressive and it's just anyways after like a year of jiu-jitsu then you start kind of mellowing out a little bit hey have you had to switch gyms have you had at the original gym you started at did you ever have you peeked out at where you're at and then ever had to be like, okay, I've been here a year and I should have probably left like six months ago or a year. I've maxed out this place. Yeah. You know, the difference between CrossFit and jujitsu is in CrossFit, you know, I'm a big believer that every member every day should be receiving the same experience, whether you're elite brand new or whatnot. And I think sometimes we cater towards the newer people and we don't give any, we don't give as much attention to the people that have been there a while because you just
Starting point is 00:13:50 assume they're going to keep coming back. But our members are one bad experience away from never coming back to our gym. And I think it's important to give even the elite in our gym, some type of insight, guidance, support, something, and not just assume they're fine. But that same thing in jujitsu is a little bit different because I feel like in CrossFit, you could be elite, beginner, whatever. You could all work out. You could all get value for years and years and years. In jujitsu, the struggle is that training partners becomes a really big, important factor. So if you're trying to excel or if you're at a point where you're just mopping the floor with everybody at the gym, you know, sometimes you need to go find comp classes at other gyms or whatnot to give yourself
Starting point is 00:14:28 a different stimulus and to find guys that are your size, your level. So I go to two different gyms sometimes for that reason, right? Not, not because I'm like mopping the floor, but just because it just gives you different looks. That's all. Yeah. With kids, my kids went to one gym for like three years and the first two years were amazing and then the last year i was like oh shit like they're spending 15 minutes a week practicing tech falls and and they shouldn't there's absolutely no there's no reason and just all sorts of shit like that and i'm like and i don't even do jujitsu and i'm like okay and then as soon as i switched them um they just started exploding
Starting point is 00:15:05 because then the next level they went to the instructors were talking to them like over their head and so then they had to play catch up but recently i took my kids to a gym in arizona and there were three brazilian black belts there running the gym and i was like really nervous that like do my have my kids really been doing jiu-jitsu right yeah yeah like it's like here's the test because taekwon taek jiu-jitsu you can't fake jiu-jitsu it's not like you know taekwondo you can do it for six years and walk away with your black belt just check the boxes right and some of those dojos um it's not like that but they went there and they fucking the teachers like holy shit these fucking kids are legit i was like because i think people can do martial arts for 10
Starting point is 00:15:43 years and just be like oh shit i was at the wrong gym and i wasted 10 years right i mean that happens frequently i'm sure it happens every now and then i haven't seen it as much in jiu-jitsu especially with the you know jiu-jitsu is aggressive i mean it's yeah it's aggressive yeah it's a lot i i love it though i mean obviously this isn't a podcast to preach on jiu-jitsu i'm just saying like if you're out there and you have not tried jiu-jitsu i think you missing out. And if you're a jujitsu guy and you haven't been, you know, adding in at least some type of lifting protocol or whatnot, I think you're missing out too. What about striking? Are you, are you fucking around with any striking or kicking? Yeah. So I did Muay Thai for a few years. Um, I have a basic framework of, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:21 strikes, um, you know, that, that I work with my kids and that I train, I have a bag, I have tie pads, I focus mitts. So I have a basic framework of, you know, hands, elbows, uh, knees, but I wouldn't call myself as proficient there as I am. I'm probably more proficient at this point on the ground, but I have a sparring background. Do you, do you, uh, throw hands there every week? Did you, I, I, I, I use my bag in the garage, which is not the same as getting sparring. Um, I'm going to look to this summer. My, my intention is to maybe hire a boxing or Muay Thai coach once a week to spar with, or maybe just show up at the gym and start sparring just because, you know, I used to spar a
Starting point is 00:17:02 lot and then I didn't know that you did yeah and then i got kicked in the face one time and so i'm we tie you were sparring wow dude i had no fucking idea actually we used to have it at the same gym like way back in the day um actually before i got into crossfit i used to do sancho which is chinese kickboxing very similar to my time i did it a lot and austin begeben and i we both did it a lot and Austin Begibing and I we both did it for years then I ended up doing it again later on but when you're good at it he looks long as shit yeah he's he's got some long kicks you know yeah you don't want to get front kick by that guy no so but the the problem was is the reason why I stopped sparring is because
Starting point is 00:17:40 at the time I was you know um at the time I was going to school or whatnot. And I would only spar like twice a week. And dude, when you spar, like in jiu-jitsu, you might get tapped. You might get whatever. But in sparring, dude, when you get kicked in the face, it just fucking sucks. And so it kind of demotivated me. But I got to get back in the game. There was one particular kick that you got kicked in the face. And you're like, time out.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'm taking a little break from this. After I got kicked in the face and you're like time out i'm taking a little break from this after i got kicked in the face i took a pause and then i ended up coming back and i did you know i've done a lot of break your nose or get knocked out um no not that time i have broken my nose i have been knocked out but not not not from that kick in the face um what was it about that kick dude it, it just, I don't know. Just something about it. Like I'm just standing. It's like almost like that. What's that movie? Rush hour where they're in that dojo and you just get like, or like whatever, you just get kicked in the face.
Starting point is 00:18:35 That's what I felt. I'm just sitting there. I'm ready to spar. And then boom, just anyways. Like a Will Ferrell movie. Yes, exactly. Crazy. Kalipa is bringing the love and viewership up uh nice we're good oh all right someone is thanks tyler yeah does he eat snickers and drink coke i don't
Starting point is 00:18:56 know he's talking about but not me i can only imagine seeing a clip of bear paw coming at my face uh jason what's up with um what's up with uh uh gordon and um and craig jones and and nikki rod are they having fun doing this dude oh my gosh so for those who aren't aware um i uh dude so so you got you got your friend you're pretty close with nikki right i'm pretty close i mean i know all of them and man it is it is just dude have you seen what craig jones has been putting out he's he's amazing he's like a saturday night live care well he's i shouldn't disrespect him like that he's he's like a skit character he's amazing i'm telling you if if people in cross actually texted this like if there was a villain or a relationship like this in CrossFit, I think it would actually help the sport. I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:45 dude, these guys, you know, they got Nikki. Nikki Rod is one of the guy's names. This is Craig Jones. Um, and then you got,
Starting point is 00:19:53 did you see this video where this chick busted this? I watched this last night. Which one's this? This chick bust this dude's leg. He says, no chick will ever beat me. And she fucking snaps his fucking knee. Dude. Sorry. Go on. So on so tell me about uh what's going on what's going on with nikki and gordon and craig dude so gordon um is you know
Starting point is 00:20:16 the goat right now right in no gi jiu-jitsu and he had a fight with Felipe Pena. They have fought officially three times. Pena has won twice. Gordon has won once. And they were going for match number four. So they were talking some shit, getting ready for it. It was hyping up the fight. And Gordon's really good at that. And then like a few days before the fight, like a week before the fight,
Starting point is 00:20:44 Gordon basically, you know, he has stomach issues and pulls out. that and then like a few days before the fight like a week before the fight gordon basically you know he has stomach issues and um pulls out and he's notorious for that right i mean not notorious for pulling out but he has some he has some legit medical issues he has some legit stomach issues and nikki rod jumps in but then nikki rod and gordon were having a bunch of beef because nikki rod basically basically g Gordon is calling him Nikki fraud. And then Nikki's on this kick to say he's natty and Gordon's juice to the gills. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Yeah, dude. It's just, you guys, it's a pretty fun. It's pretty fun to watch. Do you think that, that either of them are getting in the other one's head?
Starting point is 00:21:21 I feel like they're both that they're not. Dude. I actually think it's either a, they're like like because they used to be training partners so i think either a they're just doing what's good for the sport and hyping it up like this is actually a really good thing or b they really dislike each other but i'm telling you the uh man the videos from these guys are hilarious so so this is a basically they've been accusing uh gordon's accused accuses nikki rod of lubing his body up uh before the matches and this is them making fun of themselves is this is this craig jones making fun of him yeah we totally lube up yeah yeah and
Starting point is 00:21:57 then craig jones did like a huge like apology uh video saying they donated to like this stomach problem it's uh hey brandon uh he says met kalip in the bathroom at a restaurant during rogue most awkward handshake ever that's funny uh what's up man thanks for listening um what happened to um did you talk to nikki about that when you were with him a couple weeks appreciate that andrew when you were with him a couple weeks ago do you talk about that do you do you bring up to nik, hey, what's the beef with you and Gordon or no? Nah, dude. I mean, look, I don't want to put him in a position where I just was like, hey, man.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Dude, I've met Gordon. I've rolled with Gordon. Super nice guy. Has always been super cool to me. Nicky Rod has always been good to me. Always treated me really right. I worked out with him. He's a beast, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:43 And then these other guys guys i've never met um penna but uh i've met craig jones and dude everybody's super cool they just got their beef going i actually think it's a good thing for the sport it drives hype look at um look at he just tosses that ball over uh his uh shoulder like it's nothing bro this guy he's just got some natural athleticism his movement overhead you know a lot of grapplers that i work with their shoulder range of motion is just really poor because they're so used to being in this closed off kind of like wrestling position and so when you when you get them to open up their shoulders it makes a huge difference like for him doing a devil's
Starting point is 00:23:20 press or holding the dumbbell is that bag that ball right there is that a 50 or 60 or no that's a um that was tell me that's 180 that was 80 yeah dude what's this guy saying who's oh christine saying damn it jason focus yes sorry i have what they call attention problems don't don't listen to them dude what about the footage you just nikki why he's always letting his dick flop around in his shorts have you seen these videos he makes where like he's on like you can see his dick bouncing around in his shorts he does that on purpose right hey man i i don't know i'm not trying to i don't know what you're looking at but uh you know a video i'm talking about he's he's on the um he's on his driveway and he's wearing some boxers and you can see his fucking sausage slapping around in his shorts dude he's probably
Starting point is 00:24:10 maybe he's more comfortable i don't know let me see where it is he he's on his driveway at his house we filmed a video a long time ago on the double under at the gym and we had to refilm it because it was just too, uh, it was just too much. Dick bouncing around too much, too much bouncing around. Wow. It's great. Natty Natty rod. So, so you filmed a double under video and you had too much dick bouncing around me. Yeah. No, who had the too much dick bouncing around in the double
Starting point is 00:24:45 under video oh no this is alex rawan years ago and then you know pat barber he would normally just free ball all the time so he always had some something going on some dick moving around in his shorts he was letting it ride that needs to be a bigger trend dude i can't do it i didn't even i didn't even said he's the only one watching that i didn't even see him do any double unders i just i just i only saw dick the whole entire uh he did 200 double unders i didn't see one i don't know how a guy works out uh i mean not to go off on a tangent but like you gotta have you gotta have some type of compression i mean i agree i generally work out um if i'm doing like something simple i'll wear like just like boxer briefs but if i'm ready to you know get after it i'm wearing compression shorts all day you got to keep it
Starting point is 00:25:29 tight you know yeah i wear i wear these things that are kind of like tighty whities but they're briefs they're just really tight briefs yeah yeah i mean the compression feels good when you squat i feel like i get an extra bounce um but also i don't know how people do stuff when they're like yeah i don't know man especially like if you're snatching or something. No, no, thank you. Hey, Jared Perlmutter went to Orange Theory. Oh, you know what? I always called him Jared.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I found out last night his name is Jared. Yeah, Jared Perlmutter. Yeah, JP. Yeah, he went to – yeah, he took a role at Orange Theory, and that's kind of complicated how that all went down. But yeah, he – yeah. a role at orange theory and um that's a kind of complicated how that all went down but yeah he um yeah hey does and does he still own a crossfit gym no he sold that one great it's it's so crazy that he went there you know there was another uh executive there at crossfit who went to orange Orange Theory. Yeah. Jason, Jason, uh, something Dunlop. Yeah. Yeah. What, what a, uh, I just don't see the, I mean, I've never worked at Orange Theory. I just don't see the cultures
Starting point is 00:26:34 having anything in common. When I saw Jason Dunlop's, um, uh, he re he wrote something about how excited he is to go work at, at work at Orange Theory and like help the brand. It was like the antithesis of everything that you're supposed to say, you know, about helping people and getting people fitter. And it was crazy. Yeah, maybe. I mean, I look at it a little bit differently. Like my opinion is that these guys are professionals. They're trying to provide for their family. They're trying to, you know, this is their career. This isn't a game to them. You know, this is something that, and if they feel like they're at an organization and they don't feel like it's the organization, like I think that the problem that the struggle, and I know
Starting point is 00:27:13 some people are talking about reaffiliation here, let's talk about it. The struggle with CrossFit, and I think it's something that's really important to note is that, dude, you could love the community. You could love the methodology. You could be all about that shit a hundred percent, but you know, it is a business. And if you are part of the business, or if you don't align with where the business is going, it doesn't mean you're anti-CrossFit. It just means that you're trying to do what's best for the people that depend on you. And for these people, it's their families, it's their whoever else. So if they don't feel trajectory or growth at CrossFit HQ, it doesn't mean that they're anti-CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It just means that they see potential somewhere else, and they want to impact lives through that route. Maybe I'm being soft about it. It's just the reality is like— No, no, no. I think everything you're saying is right, but it's like this. If you work somewhere—and I don't know what it's like to work at CrossFit now, but if you work somewhere and it has certain values, and then you switch places that don't have that values and you're compromising your values. But I saw that he had a, he, him in there. And that makes me think that he got something wrong with his thinking process anyway. And I'm friends with
Starting point is 00:28:13 him. I like him. But, but when I see that, I just see fucking closed-minded bigot. That's my immediate reaction. Yeah. So, and I I'd say that, you know, if your goal, so what's your goal, right? If you're, if you're a professional in the fitness space, your goal is to impact people through fitness. Your goal is to provide for your family. Right. And if you are not gaining traction or growth in an organization, dude, I just think we have to give these guys like, and maybe people are going to be like, Hey, fuck you, Jason,
Starting point is 00:28:40 whatever. It's just like, look to me, it's really, you sound compassionate. I think you sound compassionate. And I think you, I am compassionate because dude, at the end of the day, like you can still love CrossFit and believe it's the best way to get people in shape. It doesn't mean that if there's no opportunities from a, from a growth perspective, it doesn't mean you might have to go take another opportunity from a business perspective to provide for your family. Like, dude, that's your future. That's your livelihood. You got to send your kids to college. And if you don't have trajectory with the organization it doesn't mean you can't still
Starting point is 00:29:07 support crossfit you know like right i just i think the the struggle is is like you know crossfit's impacted a lot of people's lives and so when you do anything that you know seems anti-crossfit you seem like you're like and i understand how people i don't think orange theory is anti CrossFit by the way. Yeah. It's just, it's a different path, you know? Yeah. You know what I mean? I, um, in going along the same lines of what you're saying, I can think of a dozen affiliates who've told me that they were going to
Starting point is 00:29:38 close. Hey, I'm just not going to do this anymore. Then they have a client that, um, they cure of type two diabetes and then they get purpose and they stay open another year and then after that they close right that's right so there is that when i was just actually talking with suza quite extensively about that you probably have had this too where there's these moments where you're like you want to close but but you feel like you're helping so many people you can't dude so one of the and that's real and that's a fucking that's a pretty crazy place to be in i hope that anybody listening right now if you get propositioned to take over
Starting point is 00:30:10 your gym because the owner right now more than ever there's more crossfit gyms that are switching ownerships if you get propositioned or if you think that it's a good idea to take over your gym with a group of people in your gym because you know the owner is going to close it and the only reason why you want to keep it open is because you don't want to lose your community of 50, 100, whatever members. That's real. That's a real feeling you're talking about. Take a deep breath and realize that is not a good reason to continue that business. It is just going to delay the inevitable. If you're treating like a hobby and not like a business, what's better off for the overall community? And this is like, I'm talking 10,000 foot view. What's better off is that that
Starting point is 00:30:45 location shuts down. Those members go to other CrossFit gyms that do treat it more like a business said they could stay there sustainable for the next 10, 20, 30 years to come. What's not good is a group of five people taking it over. No one makes any money. They treat it like a hobby and it ends up devaluing the overall product of CrossFit. Like I'm a big believer that as a whole in an industry. And one of the reasons why we can talk about reaffiliation with CrossFit is that I want to see CrossFit thrive. And I think that affiliates need to continue to treat it more like a business. And we got to stop thinking that just because you treat it like a business, you're anti-community or you're anti-coaching. No, the more I mean, treat it
Starting point is 00:31:23 like a business. I don't think treating it like a business means compromising your integrity, your values, or your morals. No, I'm saying you got to, like, for example, if I, if you're a full-time lawyer and part-time gym owner, but your coaches don't show up on time, they, you know, you don't answer your phones. You don't answer your emails. You're giving a poor experience. Like what happens is what we should all be afraid of in the CrossFit space is people that own CrossFit gyms that don't treat it like a business. The reason for that is that when new people, they finally get the courage to call CrossFit gym, they don't get an answer back for four days. They don't get an email back for four days. They go in for their first experience and the coach is coaching. The guy
Starting point is 00:32:04 just says, Hey, you know, come back later, whatever. We need to have their first experience in every experience as premium as possible to raise the bar of what people expect when they go into a CrossFit gym. It's really important because that will create a legacy for the next decade, two decades for consistency. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right here, but more and more these franchises that used to be great, like Starbucks, like 15 years ago, you couldn't work, walk into a dirty Starbucks. Now it's like, now it's 50, 50. Right. And so my thing is like when CrossFit first started, there's a low barrier to entry, which was really good for so many reasons. But over the years,
Starting point is 00:32:43 the inconsistency became a problem and it is a problem today. And so as affiliate owners, we all need to hold each other accountable to rise the tides because that's only going to set the tone for the next decade. Or otherwise you're going to stay where you're at. Where there's inconsistencies, you go to one gym, you might do 200 GHD sit-ups in a day. You go to another gym, might you know be in a you just there's inconsistencies we need to try and just get a little bit a little bit more professional let me let me propose this idea to you when i hear the word professional i'm i'm i'm triggered i'm like oh fuck dude so i'm trying to trigger you i don't want you to come fight me completely trigger send my boys over to
Starting point is 00:33:21 your house i'm triggered and and i know that's my issue that's totally my problem but here's the thing more and more like i see a place like rich froning's place and i would say you know we all know it's professionals all get out but way before their professionality is their values they put their values ahead of their profession i think from what i see you mean uh like in, in terms of, like, religion? You're talking, like... Well, I think their values come from their religion, but I don't think that they're religious values. I mean, they're values that,
Starting point is 00:33:54 like, I view Rich as a role model for myself in terms of his values, even though I'm not religious. Like, I like the way he carries himself. I like the way he treats other people. I like... You know what I mean? Yeah, me too. I would prefer gyms put their values. I don't know. Maybe I'm just playing semantics here, but that word professionalism, it just sounds, um, those are the things like when it's in vogue to do things, okay, this month we put the BLM flag up
Starting point is 00:34:20 this month. We put the Ukraine flag up. We put the signs on our bathrooms that say gender neutral like we do things that like add no value don't stick to our values and and we're doing it because it's the professional thing to do as opposed to maybe your value is a treat people like how you would want to be treated right like that's a fucking great value and dude i think values are incredible right obviously you need to have core values. Like I have a core values. We have a mission and a vision. We have a company that believes in these things, right? For us. And obviously-
Starting point is 00:34:51 What's one of the values for NC Fit? Like what would one of your values be? I'll never settle, right? Is like- Okay, yeah, I like it. Culture first, you know? What does that mean, culture first? Well, like we want-
Starting point is 00:35:04 Say hi to everyone because that's part of our culture. Make? Well, like we want to hide to everyone. Cause that's part of our culture. Make eye contact, like that kind of stuff. That's also part of professionalism. So like, my thing is, I think, I think we need to get rid of this idea so that, and this is a really important theory that we could talk about. We could debate. If you don't make, you cannot give. If you don't make, you cannot give. I just got done with an annual fundraiser for pediatric cancer. If the individuals that came there to donate don't make, you cannot give. I just got done with an annual fundraiser for pediatric cancer. If the individuals that came there to donate didn't make, they have nothing to give towards the things they care about. So if you're a business and you're a CrossFit and you don't make,
Starting point is 00:35:36 how do you give more to your coaches to provide them a professional career, right? How do you provide for your own family? And then how do you then give more opportunities for your members to then thrive and then later go give back to the things you really care about? But so making money in CrossFit needs to be broken down that it's not a bad thing. It is a tool you can go do really good things with, including we got to get the base of what coaches get paid up. I agree. I want every gym owner i i think it's disgusting that gym owners don't make way more money and and and coaches it's crazy we did that show with chris cooper where i just showed like hey motherfucker don't be 150 for a gym membership is not expensive what do you do you want your coach to live in poverty how much do you think the average crossfit gym owner makes right now in the book that i saw um that chris cooper put out
Starting point is 00:36:24 like the state of the union, it was, it was under 30,000. It was like 22 or 26,000 a year. Exactly. So how do you create a sustainable model off CrossFit? If the leader at the organization is making not HQ, I'm talking about at the affiliate level is making 30 grand a year. What can that individual then provide for their coaches to pay? And then therefore, what type of service can you provide? So what I'm saying is that when we talk about values and things like that, of course, those are critical, but we need to also discuss how do we create a system where these owners make more money so that they could pay more money so that they could provide a better service to their
Starting point is 00:36:59 members. That's we're in alignment there. We want to provide the best service because if we don't have these conversations, Savant, CrossFit will not get to its potential. If Dawn wants to reach 30 million people, we need to have the average service level increase so that more people tell more people about how excellent CrossFit is. And my thing is a part of that, a piece of that is that we need to treat it more like a business, which is more professional, you know, make sure we have clear guidelines about how we want our classes to be coached, how our coaches want to perform and act so that this way more people come in the door and they stay in the door so we can generate more revenue. We can give more back to coaches. It's
Starting point is 00:37:38 just a cyclical thing. So when I'm talking about business, those are the factors I'm thinking about. I mean, Siobhan, how many gyms have you been to where you call ahead i mean dude i called six gyms last week not one of them answered their phone that's simple shit we're talking about i'm not trying to like reinvent the wheel here you know a caller hi hey savon i just want to share a quick story uh jason okay by the way i really appreciate your patience you're the best you're already the best that we've ever had for being so patient. Don't fuck it up. Don't let it, you can only go down. Okay. I'm out. No, I'm just kidding. No,
Starting point is 00:38:13 it was probably about two or three years ago. He'll probably remember this. I emailed him because I had a coworker that was dying of cancer and I asked him, could he send a quick little video to kind of motivate my coworker just to kind of through his fight. This coworker was a huge CrossFitter, went to all the games, followed athletes, and Jason was one of his favorite guys. So I didn't tell my coworker this, that this was going on. And then maybe a week later, my buddy calls me and says, says hey you're never gonna believe who sent me a like a motivational uh video and i said oh who is that he goes oh
Starting point is 00:38:50 jason clepa and uh you totally made his day he eventually uh succumbed to cancer but it was his second fight but the moral of the story is like doing the right thing when nobody's looking like the definition of integrity like that's's what Jason did by doing that. Nobody knew that he even did that. He didn't share it. He didn't post it. He didn't toot himself on his own horn, but he made someone's day that was struggling through a really difficult time. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I've sent more messages like that than I wish, than I wish I could. Right. Like, I wish I never had to send those messages. I'm really sorry to hear that news. So thanks for. Yeah, but he was really, really made his day though, Jason. So like, I mean, you made his day a little bit better and he was still CrossFit all the way to the end, help us build a corporate gym at work,
Starting point is 00:39:40 just because everyone told us we didn't have space to do it and he made it happen. So all those little things that you do uh behind the scenes mean a lot to someone one other thing quick savannah if you don't mind is uh this is rb by the way um what you talked about on uh as far as gyms and competition all that if if i work at jason's gym i'm 22 years old i want to be a firefighter my dream is to really be a fitness trainer. If I have no compensation, no 401k, no future in fitness, I'm going to walk where there's compensation. So a lot of really passionate employees are going to other careers
Starting point is 00:40:16 because CrossFit gyms aren't offering them opportunity. So good for what he's doing. You're 22? No, I'm not. I'm 52. Oh, I was like, what the fuck? When I worked at a gym when I was in my
Starting point is 00:40:29 early 20s, I was offered a GM role, and it was a really successful gym, and I ended up choosing a law enforcement career knowing there was going to be competition. Don't make it sound like it's just Jason who wants to do that. I did a whole show with Chris Cooper fucking saying how much more money
Starting point is 00:40:45 owners and coaches should get. You watch yourself. I listen to it. I listen to it all the time. You're trying to make it sound like I'm getting a little defensive. You're trying to make it sound like Jason's trying to help coaches, and I'm trying to fucking put my foot on their neck. No, if I want to piss you off, I'll mention Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:41:01 So I won't do that. And then I want to hop off, otherwise Jeff and the crew will slap me around. So anyway, thanks for doing what you're doing and keep doing it. Thank you. Yeah. You know, just real quick, I want to, the, you know, Philip says, Greg preached about being a professional in the bathroom clean. He said that was the most important thing. Um, he made the product excellent and the money will come not to chase money. So Greg and I agree in many, many ways on that, right? You, the product has to be good. Everything I'm talking about leads to a better product because you could take care of your coaches better. My thing is Philip is that just
Starting point is 00:41:37 having an excellent product is not good enough. If that's the only thing, like if you're not as well as doing the other things, for example, following up with, following up with new leads, having a system where you could integrate people into your, into your membership. Like there are other factors. Like if you're a really good chef, it doesn't make you a good restaurant owner. You could be the fucking best chef ever. You can make the best pasta ever. You could be the best coach in the world, but it doesn't necessarily make you the best gym owner. What you could do is take those skills as the best coach ever and go find a great CrossFit gym. And now you could earn huge potential. I'm just saying we have to differentiate. It's not only about the product on the floor. There's other factors about
Starting point is 00:42:20 owning a gym. Just there's other factors about owning a business in general you know uh about this podcast is we do all these podcasts and we hardly make any clips and the podcast is growing and growing and growing it's growing at a pretty crazy rate but i always wonder what if we made clips what if we had the resources to do that right and it reminds me what you're saying about a chef or a gym we don't what if we every show like other shows like patrick bet david makes fucking 10 clips from every single show he does and and you know people make reels and all that shit and we don't do any of that yeah hey you know we're not being very professional on a on a on a side and dude so is that it's just
Starting point is 00:43:00 another way of getting your message out there to more people right is what we're talking about but hey back to what the gentleman was talking about. If you're someone out there or, you know, if anybody, uh, if there's any way we could support with, uh, you know, in particular with pediatric cancer, whatnot, just this is a complete side note. Just, uh, let me know. Um, I sent out messages more than I'd like to admit. Um, but just, just let us know if there's something we could do to help out those people. Cause that's really important to me. Um, I want us, uh, when you just recently reaffiliated, how many gyms do you have Jason? Dude, between corporate wellness license owned, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:36 around 25 and it's, it's complicated. Cause we have corporate wellness locations with Western digital and Lucas films, which you've known about. I had gyms with Lucas films. That's crazy. Yeah. We have a location in San Francisco with them. It's complicated because we have corporate wellness locations with Western Digital and Lucasfilms, which you've known about. I didn't know you had gyms with Lucasfilms. That's crazy. Yeah, we have a location in San Francisco with them. In the Presidio?
Starting point is 00:43:52 Yeah. Holy shit. At LDAC. Is that a private gym? Yeah. It's for employees of that location only. Crazy. crazy. And, and, uh, so we have licensed locations and we have our own brick and mortars, which obviously through COVID we've seen tremendous consolidation, um, in our, in our
Starting point is 00:44:09 owned, owned and operated. Right. So we'll be rebuilding that. It just, you know, look, it was, it was tough for a while with, uh, through COVID. So, yeah, I think the, the long, I'm seeing some questions come up about it. It's really this simple. I've always been, and I always will be an advocate for the CrossFit methodology. I've never, it's, it changed my life, changed many people's lives. And I've always been an advocate for the games. And for anybody who's ever met me in person, just talk to me, Savan, he's asked me a lot of hard questions. That's what I've always been. I've always been focused on that. There's just was differences in perspectives of leadership with CrossFit. We had a different vision on where I thought the business side should go. And, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:52 we went our own path. Um, the new CEO of CrossFit, uh, is a member of our gym. I like the direction they're going. I want to support CrossFit and see the overall ecosystem rise up. I, and ultimately I'm always going to be placed within that ecosystem. So I should do whatever is in my power to try and help it as much as I can. It was like a, you know, that's, that's ultimately where I'm at. It feels right. Feels like good timing. I want to do it for myself, for our business. I think it's the best decision for everybody. So yeah, I'm pretty aggressive towards these people who when they when the whole Floyd 19 thing happened, there was a shitload of people who said I'm out. And the way they said they're out, they didn't say anything. They absolutely didn't say anything.
Starting point is 00:45:41 They weren't. No one was like, hey, I saw Greg with his Ku Klux Klan mask or I saw Greg diddle a girl in the bathroom. They just left these vapid like, hey, I won't tolerate that. But they never even said what that is. I want to tell everyone here, and I think Jason will be OK with this. Long before Floyd 19, Jason had a contentious relationship with um dave and greg it was a very it was a very and what's interesting is that jason and dave have really polished up their uh friendship frequently i'll hear stories or i'll call over at the ranch and dave will be there now shooting with uh jason and his kids but but jason went through some pretty hard shit he got hazed pretty hard he climbed the ranks
Starting point is 00:46:21 pretty uh he was very loyal to crossfit and then he hit some really bumpy roads personally with Dave and Greg and Jason hung in there for a long time. And some would say that Jason would. I don't think it's a stretch to say that CrossFit disrespected Jason on more than one occasion. That wasn't necessary. Just personally, mono to mono shit. Would you say that's inaccurate um and you were very patient with crossway and so i think for jason it was more like there was a final final straw that like okay i've kind of had enough of this yeah i mean i'm right is that a fair characterization i mean i've been in some meetings where shit gets weird where you were treated in ways that probably shouldn't have been treated i mean look man here's the reality like
Starting point is 00:47:03 you're always pretty tough i think anybody listens to your podcast knows that, um, for you to come out, like I I've been really, I haven't really ever said anything about anything. Um, whatever you want. Right. Right. Um, but it's not my place. Um, I'm just, look, I'm just looking at that. That's a fair characterization though, that there was, there was, it was definitely some bumpy roads for years between. Yeah, there was, there was many bumpy roads for many years, but at the end of the day, look, um, I want to focus on the future. I want to support, I want to see this thing grow. I want to watch the tide rise and I'm really focused on where we're going and not where we were. Yes. We definitely had difference of opinions. We definitely had some, some bumpy and not many people know about that. You are uniquely familiar with it. And anyways, for anybody who's commenting on the live stream.
Starting point is 00:47:52 You are always open for communication. Dude. You've always been like, hey, you always, you're the dude in the relationship who's like, hey, I'd like to work this out. she was like, Hey, I'd like to work this out. Yeah. I mean, I hope that anybody who's listening to this, who thought otherwise here's from Savan, who's probably one of the toughest in the, in the ecosystem, um, you know, his perspective, because I'm not prepared to share like anything. Um, because I just don't think it's the right, you know, I don't think it's right, but it did lead to why we made certain decisions for our business. And ultimately what I thought was in the best direction for, for people that depend on us, you know? So yeah. When, when I saw that you were reaffiliating, I thought to myself, well, he's just eventually, and maybe it's just because I'm,
Starting point is 00:48:36 I don't have the hope that you have. All that's going to happen is he's eventually going to de-affiliate again. Like I, like I would predict in five years, you're going to de-affiliate again. And, and, but, but I also found when I, when I, when we spoke on the phone, I found your reason for affiliating crazy compelling. And if I could paraphrase it, you're like, Hey dude, um, I don't, I don't, I don't like, uh, high intensity, um, movement gym or functional fitness gym on my shit. Cause it's, I want the word CrossFit on there because it's CrossFit. And you know what, when you said that, I was like, yeah, you know what, as much as I was like, why is he reaffiliating? He doesn't need to do that. I was thinking
Starting point is 00:49:11 myself. Yeah. Whenever I see H I I T or functional fitness on a gym, I just think you cheese dicks. I immediately think cheese dick. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's, it's a number of factors, right? Yeah. But one thing that is, is like, I have always for, from day one, I have been about trying to support gym owners and coaches to provide for their families, provide for their coaches, provide for their members. It's always been, I've been true to that since day one. And that was one of the parts of contention with, with anyways. And for me, like, I'm not helping this ecosystem if I'm detracting from it as a hit gym or
Starting point is 00:49:48 a functional fitness gym. I'm not helping the people that I really care about, which is our coaches, our owners, our members, et cetera. So that was a major thing for me. Like I had to come to, I had a moment where I'm just like, dude, what am I doing? Like I'm detracting from the future instead of adding to the future instead of supporting. And then the second is, dude, I rolled up to the gym one day. I saw functional fitness out there. I was just like, dude, you know what? This is really bothering me. And if it bothers me,
Starting point is 00:50:11 why don't I just pay a little affiliation fee and move on? Like it's- You are paying affiliation fees, Jason. I heard you weren't. Yeah. We signed up for affiliate. We're paying our affiliation. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. That's good. I'm glad I got that rumor cleared up because I was like, I don't want to play gotcha with them. i did hear i did hear that you weren't paying fees that basically they came crawling to you and they were like hey if you uh let us put cross no that's not true okay no that's not true i i would say they didn't i said it's been a mutually conversation but we're being especially for for the future, like there's no, like,
Starting point is 00:50:51 no, there's, we are, we're cheated as everybody else, you know? Yeah. Now our goal is to get our, their, with our licensed partners, our goal is to get them reaffiliated and we're working through some strategy on that. But in regards to like where we're going, yeah, that's, we reaffiliated and our goal is to get all of our partner gyms to reaffiliate as well. Meaning. So like the gym at Lucas would be across the gym. Um, yeah. Or like, like an NC fit partner gym. Like essentially what we've done is we have, um, you know, we're, we're, what I like to think about is that we're a gym that I think does CrossFit in a specific way, right? We have specific branding. We have specific everything, right? We do it a certain way.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And if people want to align with that certain way, they could be a NC fit partner gym. And also a CrossFit affiliate is easy is the future of where I see that going. They'd be both. So the product they produce in their gym is going to be CrossFit, but their brand is going to be an NC Fit gym. Someone commented this on Dave's YouTube channel. I think it's a total fucking mischaracterization of what I said. Caleb will pull it up here in a minute, and I'll read it to you. They wrote this. Dave has this, the week in review.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And it says, it's Christopher Saunders. Dave, how do you feel about Sevan saying on his podcast, this is not the time to affiliate with CrossFit? I can't remember if I said that, but I probably did say that. In the last few months, I've been pretty vocal about the woke shit that they're doing there and the DEI council stuff and the shit show that is the media team. And I don't think the Chipotle stuff belongs on the CrossFit side. I think they should keep it on the game side. And I'm all for them making shitloads of money
Starting point is 00:52:32 off of snicker bars and Chipotle, but just keep it out of the methodology and keep it out of the affiliates. He specifically mentioned Jason Kalipa. Every chance he gets, he takes his frustration out on those affiliates doing the work. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:52:45 I take out my frustration on the affiliates? I have a fucking weekly affiliate series, you fucking ding-dong. Take it out on them. I take it out on your mom's backside. Anyway, I just don't – I just don't – I just – I'm not judging you. I'm just saying for myself I, I'm not, I'm not judging you. I'm just saying for myself, like, I like, I'm curious. I'm glad you reaffiliated. Cause I'm curious how it's going to work out for you.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And, um, and, and I also think that you're going to influence a lot of people. I think that every year there's 500, I'm making this number up. There's 500 gyms that sit on the fence and whether they're going to affiliate or not. And they see that you reaffiliated. So they're going to affiliate. I think you, I think you easily have that kind of, um, I think, I think you have more pool with affiliate owners than you do with games athletes. Uh, I hope so, which is a smaller number, but a, but a, but a more important metric for sure. Financial. So look, the games have always
Starting point is 00:53:40 been great to me. I loved competing them. They did more for my life than I could possibly articulate. Um, but you know, my, my passion really lies with supporting gym owners and coaches. I want to watch them make big impacts so people can say whatever they want. They could, it doesn't at this point, you know, I've had to learn how to get a little bit thicker skin. Like I let somebody's comments sometimes affect me at the end of the day, I got to do what I think is right. And I did what I thought was best for our business and the people that we support and i'm doing that now like i sleep better at night knowing that you're paying your affiliate fee and you have the word crossfit on your gym as opposed to functional fitness i do yeah that's awesome i do and people can say whatever the fuck they want like at this point you can't argue with that there's nowhere to argue with that if you
Starting point is 00:54:20 feel if you feel like that's the value thing, that's going back to your values. Yeah. Like, and yeah. So anyways, I think like, for example, we're paying for and hosting an L one for our coaches here in a couple of weeks, a private L one, we are paying for that, right? Like, like those are important attributes for our business. So if people want to say, they can say whatever they want, we're contributing to the CrossFit ecosystem. What are they contributing? I don't know. But if you're going to talk shit, it's just, it's unfortunate how people have these skewed views of, of, you know, and they, they're so aggressive, but when you actually sit down and talk, I think they'll realize that we probably have more in common than they think, you know, we're trying to do the same thing. I, by the way, I don't see people talking shit about you,
Starting point is 00:55:02 just so you know, you're, you're extremely, uh, loved. I feel like, Hey, what do you think about this thing that they're doing with the army? But when I see that they're, they're going to Georgia and they're doing like 244 one day classes, like this is fucking incredible for affiliates. This is like, this is like the best thing that could happen for affiliates. It's like a five-year investment in affiliates worldwide. Dude. I think it's, it's, it's incredible. I think, you know, so Dave led the charge on that,
Starting point is 00:55:27 if I'm not mistaken. I mean, it's just, it is, it's a lot of work. I can only imagine what that's like. I think it's great. I think anything to grow, I think anything to grow the popularity of CrossFit in a positive way, I think is very important. And what I mean by positive is showing the education behind it, also showing some of the professionalism behind it, right? These guys getting trained by professional coaches who are doing it right. I think any of those things are going to be great for CrossFit long-term. Like I've really changed my view on CrossFit in terms of thinking so narrow and now thinking a decade out, like where does this thing go 10 years from now?
Starting point is 00:56:06 And if you really want to hit millions of people and reach its potential, there's certain things that need to happen. This could be a great example of that. Joe Kelly, good morning, guys. Would love to get y'all insights on 23.3 Hint. We have no interest in that. Do you want to see? Sorry, Joe.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Joel, Joel, Joel Kelly. Well, I don't even know what his hint was. What was his hint? Do even know what his hint was what was his hint do you know what his hint was uh yeah that oh a hunter was searching in the forest for the tracks of a lion and catching sight presently of a woodman engaged in felling a tree he went up to him and asked him if he had noticed the lion's footprint anywhere or if he knew where his den was the woodman answered if you will come with me i will show you the lion himself. The hunter turned pale with fear and his teeth chattered.
Starting point is 00:56:47 He replied, oh, I'm not looking for the lion, thanks, but only for his tracks. Jason, what's the word? Sorry, I'm getting distracted by the comments. Yeah, okay. I don't have- Thank you for your money. I don't have any,
Starting point is 00:57:04 oh, there you go, Savoy. That's a big question. That's a hot topic. Oh, and listen to this guy's name. This is a trick name. Bury my pole. I think that might actually be his name. No, wait.
Starting point is 00:57:21 No way. Who's done more for CrossFit, Kalipa or Froning? How about this name, Jason? Barry Mycockiner. This crowd. That was... Barry Mycockiner says you're a great role model and father, Jason. Well, thanks, Barry Mycock.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Seeing Jason happy makes me happy. Wild zombie. Hey, I am, uh, yeah, I mean, there's not much to be, uh, you know, as far as I'm concerned, you know, we've gone through some, some shit the last couple of years. Um, you know, whether it was closures, you know, I'm in a really, I'm in a really positive state of, of a lot of areas. One thing, you know, my daughter, March 29th hits her cancer free mark. So that's like a huge deal from a personal. What does that mean? Cancer free mark. That's three years to explain that to us. Dude. I mean, it's the, it's, it's five years out of treatment. So what happened is so she got, she got diagnosed in 2016. She had a two and a half years of treatment.
Starting point is 00:58:27 in 2016, she had two and a half years of treatment. And then this is five years after her last treatment. And so she took her last chemo pill March 29th, five years ago, 2019 or whatever. And now here we are five years later, and it's a major, major milestone. So between that, the gyms being open, like I'm in a gym right now with members crushing it on their workouts. And like, this is where I, I love to be. So yeah, I'm stoked. Hey, um, do you think that that's probably that what you went through with your daughter's the most profound impact of anything that ever happened in your life? I'd say that that, and then competing at the CrossFit games, both of those, I'd say that competing at the CrossFit games was the most impactful thing for my mindset. I had to learn how to overcome adversity and that really helped, uh, when things got real, uh, in the hospital. So I'm forever grateful. I mean, look, I I'm, you know, I believe that
Starting point is 00:59:22 Greg Glassman is the reason why five days ago, I'm at a hotel and there's kettlebells in the gym. And I believe that the CrossFit Games laid the framework for me to be able to help overcome those type of things and my wife. So, yeah, man, I got a lot of gratitude for what I, you know, yeah. I don't use this word very often because I don't know what it means, but I'm just going to use it anyway. Do you think it changed your heart as a human being? Do you think what you went through with your daughter? This is kind of a gross thing to say, but there's times like I'll be mad at someone and then I'll be like, holy shit, the family looks good. Are you fucking kidding me, Jason?
Starting point is 01:00:05 That's a fucking amazing picture. Oh, thanks. Yeah, that was that was like, oh, my God, I haven't seen a picture of Ava in five years. She looks fucking beautiful. She's like a full blown girl now. Dude, I know they grow up fast. So that was two weeks ago at Ava's Kitchen, which is an annual fundraiser for pediatric cancer.
Starting point is 01:00:21 Anybody wants to come out to the Bay Area next year? Come on, see us in February. I'll think I'm mad at someone. Like someone did something really bad to me, right? And then you think, oh, but if that person could stop, help stop me from anyone hurting my kids, like compared to that happening to like someone hurting my kids or diddling my kids,
Starting point is 01:00:42 that person's like my best friend. Like the person I hate the most in CrossFit, it's nothing compared to like someone hurting my kids or diddling my kids, that person's like my best friend. Like the person I hate the most in CrossFit, it's nothing compared to like if someone accidentally bumped into my kid in the mall. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? It's like, as soon as you have kids, everything comes into perspective.
Starting point is 01:00:55 I'm just wondering if like, is that something that like permanently like opened up your love for the world or your compassion or your like, it changes the relativity and context of everything when it's like oh shit my daughter's life on the line yeah i think so um it changes your perspective because what you learn is that you know it's interesting because i've been in the hospital on some really shitty days savon like i mean i've seen some stuff that i wish to never
Starting point is 01:01:23 see again um You know, I walked in on a room and we were giving checks out as a part of a donation, you know, but not strategy as part of a donation and giving, we were walking into hospital rooms. It's like two years ago. And unfortunately the child was literally dying and they ended up dying about two hours after we went in there. And those are things that like you cannot unsee. And when you, when you go through these things or when it's with your child or whatever you see, right. Bald kids throwing up and whatever, like super aggressive, right. It changes your perspective. And so when you're out in the public and someone's honking at you because you don't, you know, go at the green light,
Starting point is 01:01:58 you're like, dude, just chill. But you got to realize something I've had to like go through over the years is that what's really bad for that person is maybe the worst thing they've ever gone through. And I hope the worst thing they've ever gone through is someone not going at a green light or whatever it is. Right. But that perspective shifts, like as you get older and you deal with more shit, you realize like some things just don't really matter. But to that person at that time, it really did matter because to them, that was the worst
Starting point is 01:02:24 thing they've ever gone through. And one thing that I've had to learn is that going through this or even going through shutdowns at the gym or whatever it is, is that like just having appreciation for when things are good and learning just to treat everything with a different perspective after going through those certain search situations. Yeah. That's, that's the biggest, I think, change for me, you know? Um, what do you think about, um, you ready? You ready, Jason? Yeah. Are you asking me? You know, I can't do all the comments. Yeah. Go ahead. Ready for this? You ready? I'm just scared. Cause this one, this one's a tough question. In, in, in Washington DC now they've passed a law that as long as you've lived in the country for 30 days, you can vote.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Oh, boy. Here we go. What the fuck is that? Leave the border open for two fucking years. Let a million people come in. By the way, one thing to always remember that those people coming across the border aren't Mexican. It's like less than 5% of them are Mexican. They're just everything. And now in D.C., all you have to do, you can bring the article up.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Doesn't even sound, does it sound, it sounds like I'm making that up, right? It's, it sounds like you're making that up, but we can go. Yeah, it doesn't even sound, it doesn't even sound possible. Would you, what's it, you live in Los, Jason lives in one of the greatest cities you could ever live in. It's really weird that the town I live in, just 17 miles from Jason, is full of homeless people and drug addicts for some reasons jason's town's fucking perfect oh you gotta come why can't my mayor go over and ask jason's mayor uh uh hello uh mr mayor of los you live in los gatos yeah god you're fucking spoiled privileged motherfucker hey uh uh jason um uh it's crazy dude they're letting people vote in the in in the district of columbia jason's like you know i Uh, uh, Jason, um, uh, it's crazy, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:08 They're letting people vote in the, in, in the district of Columbia. Jason's like, you know, I told you I only had an hour. We're an hour and three minutes. Well, I gotta, I gotta, I mean, I gotta go. No, I'm just kidding. I'm okay with tough questions. I think as long as tough questions, I'm able to answer them with, you know, research and understanding the situation. I think a lot of people, you know, who put up a really good post, you should actually pull this one up on your podcast. Tim Kennedy put understanding the situation. I think a lot of people, you know who put up a really good post?
Starting point is 01:04:25 You should actually pull this one up on your podcast. Tim Kennedy put up the best... Uh-oh, who's calling in? It's the same guy. It's RB again. Yeah, what? You're not even part of the show. You're calling twice.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Oh, no, it's not RB. Oh, okay. I take that back. I'm only mad at you a little bit then for interrupting, not as much as I portrayed in that first comment. Go ahead. Yeah, I know. This is Philip Kelly.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Oh, Philip, what's up, dude? Yeah. You can call in any time. Strike all that from the record. Jason, I know I'm coming at you hard in the comments, and I just want to say, I know it's easy to be somebody behind a keyboard and making these comments and asking these questions,
Starting point is 01:05:04 but I want to tell you where I'm coming from. And that is from a place where I used to look up to you as a role model. And I appreciate everything that you've gone through. And I'll tell you that Sevan knows my story with battling COVID. But even when I was going through rehab, I use your AMRAP mentality, but I have never quite been able to get over you de-affiliating at the time. And for what seems like the reasons for you de-affiliating. And so that's why I am trying to, I'm trying to more or less like earn back my own love for you and look up to you the way that I used to. And so I'm hoping that this is more of an opportunity for you to not necessarily explain yourself, but kind of like, I don't expect you to kind of win over my graces,
Starting point is 01:05:55 but I am trying to ask questions to get down to the bottom of it because I do want to look at you the same way that I used to. Yeah. Well, well think about like this. So first off, thanks for calling in because I think it's a lot easier to call. Like this is, this is, this is a conversation. I agree 100%. I 100%. When you responded the way that you did, I totally agree with everything that you said. So that's why I wanted to call in just to kind of clear it up because I don't
Starting point is 01:06:17 hate you. I do just kind of want to know more. I've just heard Jason. I've just heard, help me out me out here you know i actually had to have one of these conversations with uh a good friend of mine hey he's speaking for thousands of people by the way that's the that that that whole thing and it's good thanks for philip for having the fucking balls to say it because there's thousands of people all over that loved all the that that thing fractured the community so so thank you for calling ph calling Phillip and Jason's a great guy. There's no one more real than him who can, who can answer it compared to the other ding dongs. So, so first off, I think Siobhan alluded to just a fraction of, you know, the backstory, right? You know, let me, I'll just
Starting point is 01:07:00 shine some light. So we provide programming to many, many gyms. And at the time we had many, many gyms that were looking for leadership. They were looking for, at the time they were, they needed support. They didn't know what was going on. We were getting flooded with messages. What are we doing? What's happening? And we thought at the time, right, the best thing that we could do to serve our community was, was that action. And it was a, it was a combined decision from our entire team. And we went in a path and I don't expect people to understand the full backstory because I'm not prepared to really talk much more about it because I want to talk about the future. But at the end of the day, I just hope that you could look at all the decisions I've ever made. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:46 We do. We try and do the right thing to support our community and the people that depend on us. And we have a, you wouldn't have de-affiliated Jason. If you can go back, do you think that you, you wouldn't have rehabilitated, you wouldn't have de-affiliated. I wish we were never put in that situation, Siobhan. You know, it's funny because
Starting point is 01:08:05 I reflect on this a lot. I do. I reflect on it a lot. And we made the best decision we could at the time with the information we had to support the people that really depended on us. And it's not one or two, you know, Philip, we're talking about thousands of people that really depended on what we were doing. And it's a lot of, there was a lot, but I wish that we were never put in that situation. I wish that none of it ever went down ever. I, it was not good. And that's my opinion on it. But you know, the past is, is what it is. I have to be accepted and we need to move forward. And if people want to move forward with me, let's rock and roll, man. I'm ready to rock. I'm ready to support. If not, then you know what? Nothing I do or say is going to help them understand what
Starting point is 01:08:48 we felt at the time or the decision we made because they only know a fraction of the story. They don't know the whole thing. And we just did what was the best we could. Yeah. And to your point, Jason, I mean, you obviously are much like in a amplified spotlight position, right? But I had so much pressure from my end too. So in your defense, I mean, I had a corporate account call me and say, hey, we saw the tweet that was happening. The vice president's on the phone with HR. They want to know what your response is to it. So there was so many people that were pushing for a response. And if we go and I look at the DMs that we received from our members and everything else, there was a ton of pressure at the time.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And it's hard to look back at that time with the knowledge that we have now and then make those same judgments on the decisions that were made. Because unfortunately it just, we just didn't have all the information. And I know from my, from my point of view, the pressure for some sort of response or action was intense. So I can only imagine from where Jason is sitting with the amount, with how much more that's amplified, that how much more of that pressure and everything else you would have felt to make a decision to step up and to do something. So it was just a
Starting point is 01:09:48 really tough time. It was a difficult situation. It sucked. And I wish it never happened. I had a member take sweatshirts and said, CrossFit's racist. We're done with it. And we're throwing my CrossFit Live More sweatshirts into a trash can and posting it and tagging us and tagging other members. There was some extreme stuff that was going on that happened through that time that was really tough to try to manage in a leadership position. Yeah. And my thing is, Savan, dude, I love coming on this show. I'll have tough conversations. But honestly, when it comes to this, I want to move forward. And I want to talk about growth. I want to talk about success. I want
Starting point is 01:10:24 to talk about the affiliate community and CrossFit in general thriving. That's what I want to talk about growth. I want to talk about success. I want to talk about the affiliate community and CrossFit in general thriving. That's what I want to talk about. And if we continue to talk about the past, I'm not, I'm not like anti talking about the decisions we made. I'm okay with it. I have them. Right. But I want to talk about the future. I want to talk about where the fuck can we go? How do we thrive? How do we reach millions more people? And us bringing up the past is not going to help us with the future, in my opinion. And I'm okay to talk about it, right? I already have in the last, whatever, 30 minutes. I'm just saying for the future, we as a community
Starting point is 01:10:54 need to come together and move forward. That's my take on it. Barry Tracy, Barry Tracy, Barry Tracy, $10 sending positivity to Jason and his family. Phillip, thanks for the call, brother. And yeah, that was Chase Ingram saying that he had similar shit happen to him. Yeah, he was saying somebody – people were quitting his gym. I mean we had that same thing. It was intense, like the pressure to make some sort of response or at the time to like post the black square.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And like, literally, I got a call from a corporate account. They're like, hey, what's your response to this? And I'm like, I haven't even spoken to the people this high up in the company, let alone they care about my response to this, you know? And my thing is, look, for any affiliate or in listening, we need to talk about how do we support our coaches? How do we support our members? And how do we build a business that thrives? Because that's going to help the overall ecosystem.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And if someone goes in and has a poor experience, one bad CrossFit experience, they're going to go tell three friends how shitty CrossFit is. If they go in and have the best experience of their life, they're going to tell three friends of how amazing it was. And we as a community need to do more of the positive experience if we want to reach the potential of what CrossFit has. So that's my take on it. We got to stop talking about, we need to start thinking about things that really matter. What really matters is building thriving business that gym owners can support coaches, that can support more members, that could impact more lives. That's it. Hey, why are you, um, why are you having an L one at your gym for
Starting point is 01:12:25 your, um, coaches? I'm assuming they're all L one already. It's just a refresher. Yeah. Well, we have to refresh them. Yeah. Oh, to update them. A lot of inspired. Like I went back and retook my, so I'm a level four CrossFit coach. And so you are congratulations. It's so interesting because, you know, you could have people say, so I'm a, I've won the CrossFit games, competed there eight times, worked on CrossFit seminar staff. I'm a CrossFit level four coach, but yet I'm somehow anti whatever. Anyways, it doesn't matter. And you're an affiliate owner. By the way, that's a whole nother topic maybe for another show.
Starting point is 01:12:57 But you and Panchik and Rich are kind of a dying breed. Dude, 100%. And we own gyms that are in, like i'm in one right now so anyway but i had to go retake my level two because um i uh my my level four uh expired so i retook my level two i went and actually took it in person with austin it was great and now i'm gonna go retake my level three so i can reinstate my level four because that's important to me you know like if we're gonna hold our coaches accountable to enhancing their their um education you know we have to lead and do that ourselves so mine had expired so i went back and took my level two a couple weeks just so people know it's it's probably
Starting point is 01:13:34 a little i don't want to say it's weird but you have to understand that jason was on the fucking seminar staff for and one of the most loved and most able seminar staff so now he's going back there and taking the classes that he used to teach at the highest level so so it's it's a pretty big chunk of humble pie that jason's eating yeah a lot of humility for that he was teaching it he's teaching it now he's sitting in there and yeah that's awesome though he's getting paid to teach it and now he's paying money. Now he's paying, yeah, yeah. Bro, you got to practice.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I mean, for me, if we want to try and lead and say, hey, it's important to educate yourself and have these credentials, then we got to go out there and go do it ourselves. And who am I to do that if I have an expired level four or I was this person who used to teach CrossFit seminars? It's like, dude, you're only as good as you were your last class, right? So you got to be able to coach and you have to be able to have these seminars. I think it's really important. This is, uh, by the way, this is Shanna Medeiros. This is, uh, Justin's mom. Yep. This chick birthed Justin Medeiros. Oh, hi. She carried him around for, she carried Justin for nine months. Shanna or Shanna? Shanna. Shanna rhymes with banana. I had to get schooled a few months ago.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Thank you. Hey, so Siobhan, I got to jump off here, but dude, I always love jumping on with you guys. And thanks, dude, for coming on. You know what? Look, as much as like, as much as people like, and especially on your pod, you know, look, if they want to come at, if they want to have real conversations, like, dude, the call in from Philip was awesome. I'm down to do that. At the end of the day, I just want to see this thing grow and reach its
Starting point is 01:15:08 potential. And that's where I'm at. And people can either believe it or not, but that's where I'm at. And I've been that way for two decades. Right. Um, you know, and, uh, you know, that's it. So I got you, man, Jason, thank you for coming on. talk to you soon uh final thought is your family is fucking gorgeous and uh congratulations yeah for those people who are wondering ava's kitchen is gonna be next february we don't have the exact dates we just had it um and so if you want to support uh team negu uh never ever give up they're an awesome organization don't say that word on this uh on this show please don't say that word on this show, please. Don't say that word again on here, please. Thank you. Thank you. Never ever.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Just keep going. DressFoundation is a nonprofit that we donate through. So make sure to check them out. Give me a call and let's work on the name of that organization. We'll work on that. Give me a call. You're on a long drive. I'm on a long drive. We'll brainstorm. Hey, when are we doing this again? Soon.
Starting point is 01:16:04 Anytime. Soon. Come on. All right, guys. Have have a good one i'll talk to you soon later jason thanks jason team negu yeah yeah yeah hey why even don't you call an organization and the act the wrong word could accidentally just pop out of your mouth i don't know i don't you don't know it's because you're not fitty. Every time I talk, there's eight words competing to come out of my mouth. When I say the number seven, I'm capable of saying the number eight or six at all times. Anything goes. Who knows?
Starting point is 01:16:37 Phillip Kelly, what a boss. Hoping Jason's able to bring more positivity to CrossFit. Thanks, Jason, for chatting. I'm going to send Phillip like $1,000. He made the show. Yeah, I mean, it's kind of cool. He's crazy passionate. He's crazy passionate. Crazy passionate.
Starting point is 01:16:50 It's cool that Philip kind of stuck his neck out there and asked that question and kind of did it. Because you do know a handful of people, like you had said, Tavon, are thinking it or wondering it. And he stepped up and asked it. How did it go with Claireire uh bays the other day was that was that good how did that go did we did we like her right are we pulling the audience are you asking me personally so yeah you you and caleb like what did you guys think okay we want to go
Starting point is 01:17:18 first she i try not to look at her too much because it's it's like she's really pretty so i was like just trying to like to stay focused i didn't want to like just stare and get distracted but she but um she's good she's she's engaged right she was like laughing and like face gestures and like she took notes she had notes prior and was taking notes throughout the show yeah i think i liked her i liked her i would like to see her get a little more seat time because it's tough to come into that dynamic, just like dropped into that. But the one piece of feedback that I would give her is like,
Starting point is 01:17:52 don't be afraid to lean into your opinion, like form an opinion based off the information that you have on the athletes and then just lean into it. Because if you try to play the fence of like, not wanting to say, uh, seven on score sucked. We expected better out of him
Starting point is 01:18:06 we don't know what's going on he's probably hurt and caleb crushed it i didn't really expect that he came out of nowhere um until you start getting comfortable just leaning into your opinion like that and then and then just saying hey it's my opinion if you don't agree that's okay too uh it'll be hard to get hard to get into the flow of it or or maybe yeah maybe that could be her shtick i like when she would push back on brian and you those are my mike mccaskey uh claire is beautiful met her a few times in person uh she needs more time to get comfortable yeah that's what i think but she didn't fuck up at all i can't think of like i'm not critical she didn't fuck up at all at all like there's zero fuck ups yeah
Starting point is 01:18:45 i thought she did great like coming into that situation and kind of found her groove and and it was cool uh we're not allowed to have personal opinions about athletes anymore yeah yeah we'd hate for some of them to feel uncomfortable and cry when you're around then you can no longer film them that would be a tragedy i wonder what mason mason i wonder what may oh we got to get cat sheer back on the show we got to get her back on the show um uh who is she where did she come from uh does she have friends i she brian was on her uh podcast and um uh brian was on her podcast and um he said hey, we should give it a try. What? Look at this.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Sean M. She wasn't that good. She is pretty. She didn't fuck up because she didn't really have an opinion on anything. I don't know. I think she I mean, dude, if you sat her, you could. J.R. is going to hate this. If she if she if you sat her next to J.R. looks like a mannequin. Like you can't get one fucking response from him.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Imagine being me and saying the funniest shit mankind's ever heard and then trying to just one tiny fucking crease maybe in J.R. or Brian's face. Wait, can I defend J.R. real quick? No, fuck him. He doesn't even have a wrinkle on his face because he's never shown emotion. He hasn't shown emotion since he's been five. Go ahead. Defend him. Go ahead. him he doesn't even have a wrinkle on his face because he's never showed an emotion he hasn't shown emotion since he's been five go ahead defend him i was just gonna say i've come into that seat a couple of times after coaching all day at the affiliate like your social bandwidth is pretty
Starting point is 01:20:11 fried and then to sit down at nine o'clock his time after he's already put the kids to bed and then jump into the energy that you bring to the shows which is unmatched by your talent set on unmatched thank you you. Thank you. Thank you. Caleb, bathroom break for you. It's hard to kind of like get that up after coaching all day, especially if it's been a rough day. So we'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 01:20:36 And then I think Kat said something about. And no one be like they were talking shit about JR. Shut the hell up. This is all a compliment. The fact we even, JR's a god. We throw rocks at him and before they hit him, they burn. So don't act like anything sticks to him. He's like a hot pan.
Starting point is 01:20:51 You can't do anything to him. And then Kat had made the discussion like you need someone who knows the sport. I think Claire does have quite a bit of knowledge on it. I think it's just going to take a little bit of time for her to get comfortable kind of spreading her wings and letting that out there, especially the group that name it a multiple guests at the same time uh there's only 16 homeless people in las gatos i know las gatos it's so funny when like you hear that santa cruz needs to figure out how to deal with its homeless problems uh no uh there's a city right next to us that has none jean john clark from uh the european continent from blex. When JR speaks, he hits the bullseye every time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:28 He does, though. And did you see Caleb sent us something that I think Oregon solved the homeless crisis problem? They did? Yeah, they just gave everybody $1,000 that they could spend however they choose. And we know for a fact, based off our statistical evidence, that most people that don't have homes are not that way because they're financially illiterate. So they're going to take that $1,000, and I know they're going to put it to good use. And J.D. Josh, I don't bend a knee. I bend both knees.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Thank you. You got to get that right. Seriously, I'm sending you some knee pads. About time. Oregon proposes a bill that would give homeless 1 000 a month to spend with no restrictions nailed it hey so here's the part you have to understand how fucking crazy this is money is human energy it is the it is tantamount to human energy that's what money is we've all agreed it's what i use to buy your time it's what i use to buy your time it's
Starting point is 01:22:26 what you use to buy my time they want to take my time and give my time to these people this is equity this is not equality this is the opposite of equality they want to take my time. Your kids' time, too, brother. Yes. Yes. And they want to give it to these people. I'm not willing to give my time to anyone. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll give
Starting point is 01:22:59 so many other things, not my time. What the hell is my wife doing? It's nuts yeah geez louise don't worry seven california will pass the bill before oregon uh will so we can be first vomit i hate that word professional it means nothing to me every time i love jason but every time he said it means nothing to me it's a vapid word it means nothing it to me professional means i'm hiring someone um hey there's no difference between hiring a chick with huge tits and hiring a gay guy that's all that like i cannot did you see her tits
Starting point is 01:23:40 oh my god um why'd you hire him oh my god did you hear that list that dude is gay as fuck i told him to bring his boyfriend and we'll hire him too thank you that's good that was good is it different tell me am i off it's exactly the same thing right what do you mean i'm a loss of i'm that's what's going on in the world today they're hiring people based on the color of their skin based on whose genitalia they want to hold in their hand based relative to their genitalia why not just hire chicks for the size of their tits oh my god that why'd you hire that girl because every time she comes to work i can see her nipples through her shirt oh why'd you hire that guy well because he's black why did you hire that person why'd you fire that person because he's white why'd you fire that girl because every time she comes to work i can see her nipples through her shirt oh why'd you hire that guy well because he's black why did you hire that person why'd you fire that person
Starting point is 01:24:27 because he's white why'd you fire that girl because she got her tits are sloppy yeah okay yeah there's no there's no there's no it's it's it's one for one accurate right yep are you telling me that the that the color of someone's i guarantee you if you have giant tits that your perspective on the world and how the world treats you is way equal to the way the world treats you based on the color of your skin you know what i mean like people be like yeah the world treats me differently because i'm black the world treats me differently because i'm short let me tell you the world treats you fucking different if you're a fucking double d on 110 pounds especially if you're jogging to catch the bus uh 67 years old and i can still bounce a dime off my ass
Starting point is 01:25:16 i don't tell me stuff like that about you We just Because when I find out she's 67 It makes me want to be nicer to her than I want to be I was going to say something about sperm bouncing off her face But I can't She's not 67 There's no yeah I agree with you There's no way because like now that Trish has a Instagram you guys should go follow it
Starting point is 01:25:40 Hey what if they Did do that Okay we We hired this uh we have a we hired oh you want to see something crazy i was gonna save this for the live call-in show you guys i don't know if you guys are ready for this this is gonna fucking freak you out i love when we already talk about crazy subjects and then you stop and go you guys this is this is the craziest thing i feel like i i'm gonna scare away a 200 of you should log off you don't want to see this well if you're not a regular on the show you're not ready for this do
Starting point is 01:26:16 not do you do not want to see this this is like the super red pill shit this is the kind of shit that i could accidentally make me like like i might kiss start carrying a bible around with me i'm this shit type in australian gender they have they have a uh they have the gender they have the general of australian gender now like they have a a gender council they have a head they have like a cabinet member that's involved with gender equality australian gender equality this is gonna absolutely fucking blow you away i don't know if i've ever seen a human being like this uh type uh put head of maybe head of this, the woman's name is, um, something Campbell, C-A-M-P-E-L-L or something. Copus Campbell. This is, had you seen that? Oh, dude, you are going to trip this. I can't believe this is actually a real human being. This play the video, dude. I don't know. I don't have a
Starting point is 01:27:21 video, but is this who you're talking about? Yes. go to video go to video and watch this and you feel free to stop feel free to stop the video periodically it's that one uh go down a little bit a little bit more uh i assume her first uh okay that one play that one right there uh iran no higher yeah play let's uh one right there uh iran no higher yeah play let's uh let me see if the show that is to woke virtue signaling gone mad and identity politics on steroids what penny wong's latest ludicrous careful this we might get busted for this keep going keep going okay yeah right here see if they'll play they're gonna play this watch this. Watch this. This is going to blow you away. I'm incredibly honored to take on this role as the lead international advocate for Australia's commitment to gender equality and the human rights of women and girls and persons of diverse gender. She's a reptilian for sure. Look at her. Reptilian.
Starting point is 01:28:20 What the fuck is that? Oh, yeah. It's the gender equality ambassador. Yeah, I don't even believe in demons, and I think I, like, I don't even know what that is, dude. She doesn't even blink. If you go on and try to listen to the fucking what her job is, it's mind-boggling. You want to see one more thing? I have two minutes. We'll,
Starting point is 01:28:46 I will come back to her on the live calling show. She needs some time. We need, that's called the robot. I know. I'm, I'm wondering if that's our first like AI, um,
Starting point is 01:28:55 leader. Go to, go to this guy's, um, Instagram account. Um, there's a guy, a noble guy,
Starting point is 01:29:02 Todd Menley or something. Was it, was noble noble was noble enforcing that their employees get the vaccine i'm pretty sure they were does anyone know i don't know for sure for sure but i do remember us like even like talking about that a while back too yeah weren't they i do remember yes someone someone texted me was like yeah they're enforcing people to get the vaccine scroll down a little bit more i someone sent me this i thought this was so fucking bizarre go to that picture on the left where it shows that guy sitting at the combine okay listen to this uh this this guy todd menley i don't know what he does but he's someone important at noble like the chief operations officer or something and noble is now affiliated with the fucking nfl
Starting point is 01:29:50 which is fine hilarious uh arriving at the combine is a dream come true for these prospects and a dream come true for me too oh really that was your dream to go to the combine peddling shoes in the reimagined athlete experience. NFL prospects are kitted with their gear re-imagined athletes. What's that word? Uh, Denar Hamlin tells us the truth. Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:13 he's this chief marketing officer in, in the re-imagined athlete experience. That's where you imagine that, uh, Denar Hamlin, um, didn't, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:20 get in or tells the truth about the injection instead of avoids the question. NFL prospects are kitted with gear and welcome to the world-class training and recovery center we create we created for them to prepare for the biggest job interview for their life oh you guys created oh my god but here it is you ready team noble killed themselves Yeah, you guys did kill yourselves. You literally required – I don't think you can say that. I think that's insensitive. We literally – I think that they asked – they forced their employees.
Starting point is 01:30:57 They told their employees that they had to take the injection. Team Noble killed themselves to bring this to life, and wow, did it turn out pretty special. You know that – I don't think that that's the appropriate word of killed i think that's insensitive that's definitely on the do not use list yeah it's definitely way that's way insensitive what's your um uh what are your buddies at outwad gonna think not happy with that i for one would like to see a written apology this guy these How does anyone take these fucking people? I know he should have triggered himself. I would love to know how many of their staff have myocarditis.
Starting point is 01:31:39 That's set up all done by Rogue too. I heard a rumor that Noble pays their athlete $180k a year. But I heard Mal's making a million a year. year the mill that's why she's that top comment amazing that's right fulfill your contract now yeah yeah oh i went through i went through and looked at i went through and looked at all the the fucking blue check marks chugging the coccola yeah yeah do they think suicide is a joke no written oh my god that and that's what i meant that's why i don't like when jason uses the word professional i just want to know what your values are yeah i just want to know what your values are and that's what philip kelly was saying philip k was saying where are your
Starting point is 01:32:16 values jason's saying i wish it didn't happen and like i don't i i like jason i don't want to like and i appreciate um his moving forward thing but but it's just at that point, it's just now politics to me. And I'm not here to like be an asshole to anyone. I really don't want to be, especially if they're on my show. I don't want to be an asshole. Some of my show, but like, I mean, those words mean nothing to me professional. I wish it didn't happen. Like all those things are, I mean, they mean something to me,
Starting point is 01:32:46 but I, but, but I, I just want to get down to like the nitty gritty. Yeah. I wish I had the financial means to be like, fuck you all you, but I didn't.
Starting point is 01:32:55 And so I fucking buried Greg so that my staff could put food on their table. I'm cool with that. I'm cool with that. Yeah. They say never waste a good opportunity or never waste a good tragedy. Right. Seven. How come every time I park my, uh, Susan asked, right? Sevan, how come every time I park my – Susan asked me this the other day.
Starting point is 01:33:07 How come every time I park my car in front of your house, a tire is missing, and then I look at your eBay account, and you're selling a tire that looks just like the tire at my house? Well, that's the taxi parking in front of my house. I was going to make more jokes about it. I really wish it didn't happen. That's what I did. But – Look, dude, I'm just trying to move forward here.
Starting point is 01:33:24 You're bringing up old shit well i i looked at our downloads um last night it was the first time i had looked at our downloads in uh months i used to be obsessed on downloads i'm glad you stopped looking at them yeah but we're, but I think we're up over 20 million downloads for the show, which is fucking crazy. I never even thought... Because I saw some people bragging about having a million downloads. We have six million, you two.
Starting point is 01:33:56 So... Miller. Miller. Yeah, it's cool. Everything's going. I brought that up just because when we still don't have... Our sponsors are just brave as shit please support our sponsors because we because we just talked the truth oh that's a good question there's actually a clip isn't there didn't you
Starting point is 01:34:14 film that the the beginning of the riff and a behind the scenes that never came out oh probably there's all sorts of stuff i trish asked me that tomorrow and I'll tell you some stuff, but, but I did, I did see some, I mean, it wasn't like, like someone out and slashed his tires, but, but I saw Jason get treated in ways that I personally would never treat anyone. I wouldn't even treat Tommy and Shawnee that way. Like, like I, I don't treat people to their face poorly. Okay. How did HQ mistreat Kaliba dollar 99 a Jiggy Josh for 99. Did y'all see Matt roll with Amanda Nunes?
Starting point is 01:34:46 I didn't make it that far in the video. It took too long. I got to go. Going to the skate park. I love you guys. We have a show tonight at 5 p.m. Yep. Caleb, thank you.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Sousa, thank you. Bye-bye.

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