The Sevan Podcast - #824 Morning Show | Bringing the Heat - Live Call In

Episode Date: March 6, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Said no to the invite? Yeah. Man, we're live. Going on.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Hey, remember that video I showed you guys last night that I told you I'm obsessing on? Yeah. I just can't stop watching it. You think that video is inappropriate for this show? No. No? No. You think it's inappropriate?
Starting point is 00:00:51 I felt like we were showing something very similar. Maybe we have. Maybe I go into different moods. Maybe I'm not consistent in my... I watched it again this morning. I woke up this morning and watched that video again. I think something's wrong with me. I've never really been like that, but I just can't stop watching that video.
Starting point is 00:01:18 You know what it is? The clips are too short. I need five minutes of that just to like study what's going on i suppose like the 30 second loop it's it's truly fascinating every i think every person i've shown it to is pretty like happy that they saw it i haven't showed it oh i did show it to one girl how'd that go whatever she goes i can do that and then i go you can can you show me and then she goes no the thing with my eyes i can do that with my eyes and i was like oh that's a disappointment that's not the part of the video you wanted recreated
Starting point is 00:01:57 i don't think that that that i don't think that's good for you the i think no well that i don't know about that the other part the dance i don't think that's good for you. The I thing? No. Well, I don't know about that. The other part, the dance. I don't know if that dance is good for you. I think long-term, it might fuck your shit up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yeah. You only got so many of those wiggles in the arsenal there before we start having issues. Yeah. Do you guys want to see it? I don't know if you guys want to see it. I mean, some of you definitely want to see it? I don't know if you guys want to see it. I mean, some of you definitely want to see it. If you're on a big TV, probably. The thing is, after Google imaging big dick guy, I don't think anything is inappropriate anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:34 All right, fair. You know what it is, probably? I'm probably a little embarrassed that I watched how many times I've watched it. Just never get to it yeah I just don't think like a 50 year old man with three kids should be just like obsessing on a video like this it seems a little I don't know I hope I hope I hope more for myself wouldn't that be funny you know your screen at your phone I mean I wear cashmere sweaters yeah you're above a video like that in a cashmere yeah do you know just go around playing in those that in a cashmere yeah do you know what i mean just go around
Starting point is 00:03:05 slaying those videos in a cashmere yeah something doesn't seem um oh yeah and then i see people like paulina in the comments and i met her in person and i definitely now don't want to show the video even though she was the one that said let's see it oh she did i didn't even see that she's such a nice lady look Look at Connor Johnson. Can you play that video with that astute gentleman on the show here? Look at his icon photo. Wow. Good morning, everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Step on in. Integrity. Someone sent me a video of Candace Owens defending Rihanna's finger diddle. And I was kind of excited to see it. And the first thing I noticed on a completely superficial level is that Candace looks like a clown. She looks like she fell off the set of – she looks like a Ronald McDonald character. She has so much makeup on. And it's so – something doesn't look right with her.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I wonder if she maybe has an eating disorder even though she was pregnant like she looks gaunt or something but i've seen other pregnant women maybe women start to look like that when they're breastfeeding but and she's a beautiful woman so i hate to see her looking like that let me see if you can uh i don't see it maybe put uh candace put candace owens rihanna and then go to videos and maybe you'll see the picture. But here's what's crazy. And I hope this doesn't happen to me. And I think it does happen to me.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I think as people become, I think the reason why people have liked her so much is because of her logic, right? She speaks so logically and she's young and she's feisty. And sometimes I get a little bummed that of how aggressive she is. But I think when people start to become really popular, at least in their own head, they stop using their logic and they resort to just, uh, idiot.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Oh yeah. There she is right there. That's the outfit. Yeah. That is not flattering on her. No. And if you see, maybe if you see the actual video, she, um actual video, she, the makeup on her is crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But she says, she opens with the premise that the reason why the video is not bad is because there's no dildos or butt cheeks in it. And so she's saying it's like, there's noildos there's no butt cheeks it's not a big deal she's just performing her music and it's like saying that argument when you come out with that premise is like saying it's okay that they beat the jews at least they didn't it's not like they took them to auschwitz and burned them in the ovens it's like you're saying you set the bar so low with your opening premise that as long as there's no butt cheeks or dildos's like you're saying you set the bar so low with your opening premise that as long as there's no butt cheeks or dildos in it you're cool with the video what you're doing that's like shock effect to say that and be like but there's but she can build those at your kids school
Starting point is 00:05:57 well but she but she's doing it to defend she's doing it to defend uh it's like people do that in my comments all the time. Two wrongs. Like there's this guy who just can't, who's just got his heart on for me. And anytime I say something, he's like, but Trump did it. It's like the two wrongs. I'm like, yeah, so what? Trump also fucking took a million dollars from Pfizer and was pushing the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I ain't on his dick. Yeah. And that was when it was bad. Remember when he was, when he was behind it, it was bad. So I just hope I don't become intellectually lazy like that well there was no dildos in it so it's absolutely fine that she diddled herself like i mean can't you just give me another reason why it's cool that she diddled herself and then smelt her fingers like like like like this how about this you know before the super bowl started
Starting point is 00:06:46 they ran an ad saying hey this show isn't for anyone under 18 years old and that there were going to be some things some pretty risque dance moves in it i'd be like okay yeah that's cool oh i was gonna say did they do that no fuck no you know we took a bet as like what song she was gonna open with didn't i did i say this already on the podcast? Say it again. Repeating things is my way of doing things. It was a funny bet that was going around. What was Rihanna's opening song? Then we made a list of all
Starting point is 00:07:13 her hit songs. She has a lot of hit songs. We picked one out and everybody ruled out Bitch Better Have My Money as the opening song. They're not going to show that on the Superbowl. Yeah. And that was for sure the song that she opened with.
Starting point is 00:07:29 It's fucking awesome. Which was pretty funny. Yeah. I, I like, I enjoyed all the music. I didn't, I didn't think the dancing was anything special.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I thought those things flying over the stadium were kind of cool. Cool. I thought they were cool for a minute, but I think they got, I got a little bored with them. I did like the fact that it was the first, it was the best half to halftime Superbowl show I've ever seen. There's no denying that.
Starting point is 00:07:54 And because I could see her, usually it's just chaos down there, right? There's like a million people and too many singers and yeah, like stop it. Is that what you're referring to last time when they had all like eminem 50 cent dog out and it was and i was brokenhearted that eminem went woke i didn't know woke yeah he's a full-blown racist yeah he's a full-blown did you see what xavier
Starting point is 00:08:18 the uh uh posted on his instagram now the guy we had on the show, the guy who goes to your gym? Oh, bums me out. Wait, why? Hold on. It's just more intellectual laziness. I like the guy, but it's just like, why would he do that? I always wondered if you think there's some sort of like script that has to be followed or at some point, you know, like everybody's all independent, then they get hooked onto like Blaze TV or whatever the, you the you know network is and then all of a sudden they're
Starting point is 00:08:48 kind of like shuttled down a path like like regular mainstream media you think there's truth to those smaller ones like that too say it one more time say one more time like now that he's attached to i forget which one is like blaze or turning point or something like that that you're kind of like funneled like like if you and i disagree now that we're on blaze like we can't disagree we have to like we have to kind of stay in our in the same lane together maybe i don't think it's explicit but maybe implicit let's look at this comment dan guerrero dude it was a halftime show all right dude she she carried it on her own while pregnant yeah i i i agree who gives a shit about this i don't know you seem to you want to let me know it's a halftime show and she did it while she was pregnant who gives a shit about this i don't know you seem to care i just thought it was
Starting point is 00:09:37 intellectually lazy that uh candace owens um i don't think the premise for your argument should be, well, at least there were no dildos. I just think that sets the bar too low. My wife cheated on me again, but she didn't fuck the guy this time. She fucked – my wife cheated on me again. She fucked the guy, but she didn't get his phone number. It was fantastic. It's not a long-term thing. It was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's a one-term thing. It was fantastic. It's a one-time thing. I think it's a, I disagree with you. This is lazy as well. I disagree with you, Dan. I think that this is a fun example to illustrate poor thinking. So what was your feeling on the,
Starting point is 00:10:21 what do you call it? The diddle? I don't think it's appropriate for the halftime show. I don't want my kid to be like, why did she touch your vagina and smell it? I don't want to, like, I don't think, like, I just wanted to watch football. I want to talk to my kids about that later. Isn't that always the case with the Super Bowl show, though? Isn't there always some sort of risque scandal so you so advertisers really get their
Starting point is 00:10:46 money i should have known better it's my fault i agree yes if that's where you're going i agree no no no i was just saying it just it just always seems to be something that happens remember when justin timberlake like ripped off the like top and like jenna jackson's nip showed on live tv and you know why i was upset about that because to day, I don't feel like I ever got a good shot of her titty. I was like... You were robbed? Yeah, I was like, what? I was proud of myself.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Yeah, anyway. That's funny. Sevan or Hiller, who to watch? Hiller. Always Hiller. Yeah, I thought I saw he had something like a live up. Right now? Yeah, he's live by himself right now.
Starting point is 00:11:28 He probably did it to be an hour out in front of us, and then we switched on him last minute. Oh, shit. Wow. Just send him a link. Poor Andrew. Morning. Hi, good morning. I tried to go live with Andrew yesterday on my Instagram because I wanted to congratulate him on his year. Okay. Hi, Corey.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I wanted to thank you for the bedroom recommendation. I switched my grip up and nothing's been more fantastic. Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome. You went shotgun. Oh, boy. Yeah, I appreciate that. You're very welcome. It's been an incredible sense. You're very welcome. It's an incredible experience. Yeah. I appreciate that. You're very well. Incredible sense that you're very welcome. It's an, it's an incredible, uh, experience. Yeah. You have a threesome.
Starting point is 00:12:11 So here's the, here's the question today. And then I'll let y'all go. I've had, I've had a couple of people give me a different perspective on issuing burpees to my daughter as punishment in the house yeah yeah and you you and josh talked about it the other day again where y'all were having fun with giving burpees to your daughter but is there anything to be concerned with them associating that you know what you're gonna do you're gonna end up doing uh uh cory is you're gonna associate punitive damages with exercise and make exercise not fun
Starting point is 00:12:47 for your kid here's the thing man if you're a fucking asshole parent then you're an asshole parent and and and everything you tell everything you do with your kids is gonna fucking uh your kids are just not gonna want to be around you um. My kids just know, like this F-bomb slips out of your mouth, you do 10 burpees. I just look at them. You do the 10 burpees without crying, you only do five. It's like our penal system. You start crying, maybe it's doubled.
Starting point is 00:13:19 You act like a real douche, and all three of you go to the garage. I didn't hit him. Yeah, but you're his brother. I think he learned that from you. And it just becomes fun. Yeah, there's these people who think that like for me, it's always just fun. My life is like this podcast. There's a bit of just like
Starting point is 00:13:35 it's high energy and there's always a bit of just like hey, this is all just a show. Even the part of the burpees, like, Hey, you play along with the game or shit's going to get weird. But I think that some people, I mean, if you're a fucking asshole and you wake like it's three in the,
Starting point is 00:13:54 if it's three in the morning and you see your kids left their toys out and you wake them up and drag them out to the garage where it's 34 degrees and do burpees. Yeah. It's fucked up. It's abusive. I think. But, but if, but if it's like if it's integrated in the uh in the relationship i wish i could explain it better there's a um my kids still love doing burpees my kids will say to me still the shit that i punish my kids with my kids will just come up to me at least at least once a week and be like hey can we go in the garage and get strong I mean I always tell them that too I go god you're so
Starting point is 00:14:29 lucky you have the greatest dad in the world when you get in trouble you get strong well I wasn't too concerned because I every every burpee I issue I do half of them with her oh that's even crazy I've thought about that maybe I should do them with them and then i'm like fuck that one time my kids did like 300 burpees an hour we'll say it again it's like the military if you fuck up we we have to pay punishment together so like don't fuck up the whole team yeah just by your actions yeah and i do a lot of that uh a group group punishment and it takes the kind of the um the abuse element out you know the site it takes out the psychological abuse like one of my friends is like hey i have a daughter i can't treat my daughter the way you treat all three of your boys they have each other because they kind of feel
Starting point is 00:15:13 like it's them against me which is kind of cool right and and the truth is too i would say a huge chunk of the time that when they're in there taking their punishment, it just turns into a workout. You know what I mean? So like, like sometimes if they're just wild fucking wild, I'll take them into the garage. We don't always do burpees and I have an assault runner and I'll set the assault runner for 99 rounds and I just have them do 30 seconds on and they just go in a circle. And although that takes 45 minutes,
Starting point is 00:15:44 by the time they're done with that, they're ready. We've never just done that and then left the garage. It's always like, okay, we're warmed up. Now what? So I don't know. And sometimes, you know, Corey, sometimes it's just I have a bucket of really soft balls. And they like this game too, but it's their punishment. And I just line them up against the garage and they just,
Starting point is 00:16:06 it's their favorite punishment. And I just throw these yellow soft balls at them. They're like, we've been bad. Can you throw the balls at us? So, I mean, it's not, I don't know if you're using, if you're using the burpees just to be an asshole, then yeah, your kids are probably going to hate. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, I don't, it's not, some kid drops F-bomb in the back of the van, it's raining outside. I don't pull over and make my kid do 20 burpees on a gravel road.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's not like that. But, I mean, like the other morning they did 300 burpees in less than an hour for fucking off. I mean, they weren't stoked. I made them do a hundred of them with dumbbells in their hands, two and a half pound and five pound dumbbells. And I usually set the timer, right? I have an interval timer. So it's like totally manageable.
Starting point is 00:17:02 So that's how, that's how I do it. But yeah, there's, I get that all the time the time hey you're going to make your kids hate exercising hey fuck off and have your own kids alright appreciate it brother Andrew Hiller has more viewers than Sebon always he has more subscribers he has more viewers
Starting point is 00:17:20 he has bigger muscles he's talking about whatever the open workout. That's like flies on shit to these fucking people. Good point. What's that, Wall Walks? I'll listen to it for another week. Sign me up. Let's talk about
Starting point is 00:17:35 it. It's fine. I don't know if you can call yourself a seven on Easter if you drop this show and go to Hiller. Thank you, Jeffrey. Jeff, I deadlifted 295 yesterday on accident. It was crazy. It was crazy. Go, go, go. I'll go
Starting point is 00:17:54 to Hiller. I don't, we, I'm just going through the motions today. I haven't even shown you, I'm so, Hiller's confident and full of luster and TRT and I'm over here like too insecure to show you my favorite video because you might judge me over your bitch about rihanna did a little yeah yeah let's bring up a scoring system about crossfit athletes that'll get them over here oh my god
Starting point is 00:18:21 our numbers are skyrocketing. Just mentioning it. Okay. All right. We're at now. I got my long infinite list of numbers here. Ready to rock. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah. You know, I think I put something at the top today for us. Okay. All right. Easy access. The one that just says yikes. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:41 that, that big, that writing thing. I already, I already said in the hari uh sing show i like that show i walked into the party at greg's house yesterday and someone goes i go what do you think of the show uh and they told me it was boring really yeah someone told me that last night at the party he definitely didn't look the part of all the affiliate like compared
Starting point is 00:19:01 to all the affiliate owners we've had on and him it does it's like doesn't match up you know he's a different kind of affiliate owner yeah and it was crazy how much he was like into the um keeping that name yeah yeah which i don't blame him for by the way i think yeah you got crossfit new york city yeah you hold on to that until the bitter end yeah that that was. I thought that was interesting too. Yeah. Let's see. You know what? I'm going to – when I finally like hit a wall, like when I think I've actually done a bad bit on the show this morning, I'll show you guys the video.
Starting point is 00:19:38 That'll be your out? Yeah. That'll be like, oh, shit, Sevan. You showed us. Just fuck it up. Cue it up. Okay, Number 17. Hey, Alan, someone sent me a picture of a liver King video, Alan Kestenbaum.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And they're sitting at the dinner table and someone's sitting there wearing a CEO shirt. I was wondering if that was you actually. Eric Brandt. What about last night? Nine 99. Oh yeah. Last night was cool. I was just the reason why i was late to the show today i'll tell you in a minute hold on hold on mr eric uh look do you think that's really a picture of eric eric's one of those dudes that's bald in the front but still has long hair i think that is a real picture of eric just
Starting point is 00:20:21 because of like the shallow depth of field and stuff like that. It doesn't seem like it was just grabbed off the internet. And he has a—that is his hair resting on his shoulders, right? Yeah, that's what I think it is. And he has a tank top. That's probably him. Yeah, that's probably him. He's probably got some guns under there.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Okay. Oh, sorry. Back to this video. This one's pretty crazy. I debated whether showing you guys this, but I watched it like 10 times. So I'm like, yeah, they probably want to see it. This chick's going for a lift. And we'll play it a bunch of times in a row so you can see it.
Starting point is 00:20:54 It's fucking crazy. Do we do the audio for it? Or is it just me? No, no. You don't need to. I trip when I watch videos like this because I'm always watching the people around. Like their reactions? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah i do
Starting point is 00:21:05 that a lot too first i watch the video and then i start looking for people's reactions the guy in the left you go ahead and play it the guy in the left is uh oh oh i couldn't tell if that i can't tell if that weight actually lands on her head. Oh, yeah, it does. Yeah, it does. You think so? Yeah, you could tell. But when her arms extended out, it looks like she kind of pushes it away or at least slows it down right there. Man.
Starting point is 00:21:42 So I don't know what her legs are doing. What what was the lift what is the is it a snatch what is it no that's a clean and jerk so she's got it looks like she made the clean in the sense that she got up over her head and now she went to bring her feet together to complete the lift she lost stability and it looked like the bar just started receding too far back and she just freaking lost her balance her legs kind of go sideways yeah she got the stanky leg going i like how this the comment here is where are the spotters what huh what would they have done like catch the barbell as it was falling yeah that's just someone who just doesn't understand the sport yeah the spotters are you just drop the fucking bar and get out of the way that's like saying when denar hamlin went down where was the defibrillator it's like it's coming yeah it's
Starting point is 00:22:30 coming let me see one more time i want to see why because i was just looked at the fall i wasn't even paying attention to the lift let me see that let me see that one time i want to see what the so she receives this oh okay here and then you can see how the bar is a little bit off kilter and as she goes to push her back foot back, she loses her balance. And then the bar comes too far back. I don't like her split jerk position either. Yeah, it was fucked from the get-go. Because you see how her back foot turned.
Starting point is 00:22:55 So if we watch it again here. Her back foot turns and her heel drops to the ground immediately. She's not on the ball of the foot. What are her shoes doing? What are those pieces of material hanging off her shoes? I think those are the Velcro strap across the front of those. I mean, there's got to be no bull lifters. Everybody turns an ankle on a pair of no bulls.
Starting point is 00:23:14 My goodness. Yeah, good observation, Weston. A big crowd for a local weightlifting meet. Yeah, very true. A big crowd for a local weightlifting meet. Yeah, very true. Very true. Oh, and that's 180 pounds? What is that 180.2 back there? Second lift, 180 pounds?
Starting point is 00:23:36 Oh, good catch, yeah. Yep. I mean, that's a pretty... Oh, that's a good point, too. Jason Miller, she might be blacking out. That's a really good point. Yeah, that's a pretty... Oh, that's a good point, too. Jason Miller, she might be blacking out. That's a really good point. Yeah, that's true. Except for she was pretty far along the lift.
Starting point is 00:23:52 We just don't have the video before this. But yeah, that's a real possibility. Yeah, dude, check it out. You're so right. There's a moment where all of a sudden she just puts her head back. Like someone punches her in the face. Yeah. That was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:24:04 That's like those chicks that we've seen who fall we you know that girls with the giant titties falling forward this is the this is the giant head going backwards wow yeah yeah yeah how roberts does she grab her knee at the end there oh another great observation i didn't see that one let's see let's see if she she grab her knee at the end there? Oh, another great observation. I didn't see that one. Let's see. Let's see if she does grab her knee. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Something happens. Maybe Hal's right. Dude, her legs do some Bambi shit. Yeah. Look at it. Look at that. Oh. Oh, and he's talking about she's grabbing her left knee.
Starting point is 00:24:43 So the one. And before she leans back, it's like something happens right at the knees. Yeah. She gets weak at the knees. That's for sure. She saw me in the audience. All right. And man down.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, for sure. This is an hour earlier than we normally do our show. And last night we were at a party at Greg's. You know, I do this to myself. I ruin parties for myself because I drink so much water. So I was drinking. I was diluting. I was drinking like such diluted drinks that I have to pee so much.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I probably drank six sparkling waters yesterday. I said hydrated. Yeah. So there were eight fights and i probably uh went to the bathroom eight times i probably had to go to the bathroom in the second round of every fight yeah it was it was it was awesome there was uh there was more brisket than you could possibly eat there that's so good this morning i was on the toilet three times i had to text suza like hey i'm gonna be late i mean it was crazy and my wife threw up in the middle
Starting point is 00:25:45 of the night like she got some bad meat yeah it was crazy i asked her this morning i have to do she's supposed to take the kids to two birthday parties back to back today i said i got it of course back to back birthdays my wife doesn't get sick so do you follow the water guy, Martin Reese? No. Who's that? Yeah, it was like I have like a bubbly bladder this morning. That's a great description of it. I don't know what that is. But I ate so much. I ate two huge plates of brisket probably last night.
Starting point is 00:26:20 I felt like four pounds of brisket. I mean, not at once. night probably i felt like four pounds of brisket i mean not at once like i probably ate two pounds at four and then another two pounds at like nine it was so good and it was super easy just to just keep eating it and i put so much fucking hot sauce on it i don't even know why we order the steak uh i just started following the water uh sommelier sommelier guy as a joke and now two years later i'm obsessed with finding new and more challenging waters thank you for this water sommelier yeah we had someone on who said that um um you should only drink rainwater didn't we i don't know rainwater unfiltered rainwater not in palestine that's for sure oh did you see yeah did you see that
Starting point is 00:27:17 they when did you see that snowball when they light the snowball on fire oh fuck no and it melts because there's plastic in it maybe i have a clip of that somewhere it is i i can't even believe this is real have you guys seen this clip where the guy gets the snowball lights it on fire i've seen the one where they're like out in the like back country with next to a creek and they just throw up a rock into the creek and it just bubbles up all oily. Oh, 454. Look at 454. No, not rainwater.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Rainwater. Rainwater? See if you can see if we get a spike in viewers when Hillary goes off the air. Okay. Hold on. Let me bring up his thing so I can see. Hiller must be getting lazy. Only lazy people go live.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Did she die? That's a great question. Let's just say she's okay. Let's just say, Chris, she's fine. Now, 454. Yeah, sorry. I was checking in on Hiller's and then I see people that I'd normally see here over there.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Make a list of their names. There's a few right on the top. Yeah, sorry. I was checking in on Hillers, and then I see people that I'd normally see here over there. Then I got— Make a list of their names. I will. I will. There's a few right on the top. Make a list of their names. Bruce Wayne, you're toast. Audio for this one? Yes, yes, please, please, yes. Watch this. I'm here with Johnny.
Starting point is 00:28:42 A little snow. Okay. This should be melting. This is a snowball from the deck, and check this out. I'm here with Johnny. A little snow. This should be melting. This is a snowball from the deck. And check this out. You figured this would melt. Nope.
Starting point is 00:28:55 There's smoke coming from that. Look at it. It's turning black. That's because there's plastic in there. And it smells like plastic, Johnny. Look at that. It's not melting. No melting. No melting.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And black. What the fuck? That's plastic. That is plastic. Oh my God. This is not melting. So the effects of Ohio and many of the other explosions, there's been at least five
Starting point is 00:29:24 that we haven't even been told about. Do you think water would be coming from this? This is meant to be pure Canadian snow. You think the... Look at the... Look at the comments. They're turned off?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Oh, shit. There used to be comments on comments on it yeah there's no option to see him now oh that's stupid audrey they won't show that on tv there's all sorts of people trying to give explanations for this oh in the comments yeah well actually uh yeah it's it's uh it's because the flame is too close to the snowball or that's the way snow reacts or it's just all this shit that I'm like, really? Imagine. Yes. Thank you, Kenneth. Someone with snow. Go outside and test this right now, please.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Yeah. Yeah. Can someone do that? Yeah. No, actually, don't. I don't want to lose the viewer. Can someone tell someone who's watching Hiller to do that? I'll go to his comment section and him know oh my goodness you go back to hillar where you came from mlk5240
Starting point is 00:30:33 uh what are they test what are what are what are we testing uh heidi so heidi that that guy took a snowball and then he holds a lighter underneath it and the lighter just – the snowball doesn't melt. It's basically just turning black. And what they're saying is that the assumption there is because of all the chemicals that are in our air right now because of all these fucking accidents that it's made it so the snow and the water and the shit falling from the sky has some plastic component to it. That it's changed the consistency, the makeup and the shit falling from the sky has some plastic component to it that it's changed the consistency the makeup of the snow and i don't know enough about fucking physics and weather patterns and how molecules behave to be like is this true or not who has snow now yeah oh look at heidi says she's gonna try it yeah oh look at heidi says she's gonna try it geez okay plastics no 454 we'll get to the bottom of this shit
Starting point is 00:31:28 right here right here in doctor science the doctor science show maybe now's a good time to show that video that i didn't want anyone to know that i watch now that heidi's gone yeah uh here we go uh kenneth the lap uh with our first uh expert opinion uh odds are probably 50 50 thank you interesting that was just we could say we could send heidi a link and do it live that that's i mean i don't know how yours up yeah you guys then we'd have Heidi on. And, okay, let me see if I can send this over to... I'll send Heidi over. It'd be funny if she clicks it and she's really just sitting in the living room and you could hear Hiller's video in the background.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Oh, it's Heidi. That would be the end of us. She's like, oh, I was just getting ready to type in the comments. It didn't work. Wasn't even going to run the experiment. Oh, Hiller just texted me. I bet you. I wonder if he was like, oh, I'm going to do this video live because I know these guys are going to go on at 7. And then we're like cycling.
Starting point is 00:32:37 We went on at 6. Susan, what are you doing today? You're hosting a half marathon? No. There's a half marathon that's being ran in Livermore. and we just have a across livermore just has a booth down there oh so that's the kind of stuff you have to do if you're affiliate owner yeah we set up a little recovery booth except for the weather's supposed to be real shitty oh i'm not looking forward to it how was the drive home from greg's last night dude when i got home my house was
Starting point is 00:33:02 making sounds i've never heard it make i've lived here for fucking six years the wind was nuts was it windy oh i must have just missed it no it's the drop home was perfectly fine oh my god it was crazy windy there's just okay look at look at uh chris uh cordino uh my snowball melts very clean not like that dudes at all wow it's pouring in livermore now wow okay rb in livermore is it pouring i haven't i can't even see out the window it's still dark outside uh my snow melts with just a little black which i attribute to the butane so that's what people were saying in the comments that there was some black but but why why would the i i didn't understand why the butane would make it black. But like I said, I'm no, I'm no physicist.
Starting point is 00:33:49 You're no expert. Yeah. I'm no, I'm no chemist. How do you know? My snowball melted as well. Yeah, it's weird. Oh, oh, thank you. Oh, why are you and Hiller both live at the same time by the will
Starting point is 00:34:07 by the way hillar got mo viewers well thank you that makes me feel so good yeah i'm glad he told us he has more subscribers that's fucking dying to know you can lift more than us. 18. They said sorry. All the way back up. Okay. Audio. Audio. Yeah, they got a live call in.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, I didn't think so. We do. Yeah. Yeah, guys. Action. Sure. Let's see what this young lady has to say. Action. I can apologize right now.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I'm deeply sorry for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry for any government employee that was fired from their job because of their vaccine status. I'm deeply sorry for any government employee that was fired from their job because of their vaccine status. And I welcome them back if they want to come back. You want to know what I heard? I heard we lied. You guys find out and you caught us. So we'll just cover it up with a deep apology. How about no? How about they get their jobs back and they get tons of financial, like, what is it? Compensation? These people are actual psychos. They ruined lives.
Starting point is 00:35:36 They ruined people's lives. People literally couldn't pay their bills. People literally lost their homes. They lost their life insurance. They lost their health insurance over a lie. What do you think peeps? Is this a good enough apology? Is it good enough? What is going to be good enough? How about we lock up every single person who went along with this lie and enforced these unconstitutional mandates and crimes against humanity on populations and they go to jail for it how about that how about that i can apologize uh it's it's interesting there's an interesting uh um
Starting point is 00:36:18 thing going on here right the reason why pfizer is never going to come out and and say that those those vaccines injured people pfizer is never going to come out and say that those those vaccines injured people and no one's ever going to come out moderna they're never going to come out because if they do it's going to cost them a shitload of money legally they probably can't even come out you could argue that it's against their fiduciary duty that they have to defend their lie right as a corporation there's no people there it's just a bunch of written paperwork that people made up i know so many people have a hard time understanding that. It is always just people here.
Starting point is 00:36:48 When we use words like government or corporations or that shit or demons or devils or evil, it's just – once again, it's just intellectually lazy. It's just people. But if we take – I feel her anger, but if we don't accept people for their apologies or their mistakes and we still want to punish people after they apologize, and if we're still angry and we don't forgive people, then why would anyone ever want to come out and be honest? Oh, look at this. I just want to live with honest people. That's the – Is that a dog? What's up? All right.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Here you see we have snow. Oh, Heidi, you are fucking amazing. I can't believe this is real. God, you have beautiful hands. I should be detached by a wild dog. It's not wild. It's just X-Wild. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Hi, friend. Don't say any cuss words. I won't. Yeah, but try holding the phone. What's happening? Pop that safety out of that lighter. Just get a little key in there and pop it out to the front.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Heidi, why do you have a lighter? The lighter candles. It's for candles and stuff, you know. Well, okay. Let me go get a better, like an industrial candle lighter. We'll be back. Yeah, or even just light a candle. Just light a candle?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah, just bring a candle out there there and that way you can just hold the snowball over it oh okay all right i'm on it i'll be back just a thought okay okay we try a round two science with heidi god that that kid's voice is so cute yeah it was especially because it was unexpected, you know? I just, I want to accept people's apologies. I don't know. I felt like that lady's apology was pretty good. And when you say you want to financially compensate those of us who got fucked, I hear you.
Starting point is 00:39:00 I'm not against it. But then it's like, you know that it's just our money too it's just it's like it's like reparations it's just our money and eventually every time we print more money to do to fix things like that it just ends up going back to you know who bezos it all flows back to the top yeah it all flow it always does that yeah because they know how to yield the power of capital It always does that. Yeah, because they know how to yield the power of capital. Hey, did you see in an unprecedented move, Walmart is shutting down six Walmarts in the Pacific Northwest?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Because of being robbed? I don't know, but I saw a picture of one that was completely fucking empty yesterday. It's pretty crazy. Interesting. I don't know. I want to accept people's apology. That lady's apology was pretty fucking good to me. An apology without some sort of action as to how it's not going to happen again doesn't mean shit. Yeah, maybe not.
Starting point is 00:40:04 I also don't need any apologies i i also don't need any apologies i also don't need any apologies look at this uh this is pretty crazy look at um look so this will take us back to uh that democrat republican thing again you know you're told as a little kid the democrats are for the poor and Republicans are for the rich. And then you get older and you realize, no, the Democrats want to keep you poor and the Republicans want to remove government so everyone can get rich. And you start to realize that if you try to like if your lemonade stand ever makes it bigger than one lemonade stand. If you ever start working hard and making money, you realize, holy shit, the Democrats fucking hate you. Well, here's a perfect example of it. 463.
Starting point is 00:40:47 The Democrats do not want people coming into this country unless they're vaccinated. They just voted on it. I don't know. Last month. And the Republicans won. And only all the Republicans voted to open the border. 463. All the Republicans voted to open the border to people who aren't vaccinated
Starting point is 00:41:05 and um all the democrats except for seven voted against it here's the number one tennis player in the world in the history of the world novak djokovic he's not being allowed to come into indian wells that's uh palm springs california he's not being allowed to come to Florida to play tennis I know I started early oh is that why our viewers just jumped fuck you guys go back over and watch you assholes you trait and son of a bitches you're always welcome here I
Starting point is 00:41:40 understand we started early we started early Novak Djokovic, they're not going to let him into the country even though – because the law doesn't take effect until May. They're not dropping the ban on the unvaccinated until May. And so they're not going to let this guy in. Do you know who this hurts? Okay, we'll come back to Djokovic. Doesn't hurt any rich people.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh, shit. Okay, we'll come back to Djokovic. Doesn't hurt any rich people. Oh, triple. Hey, it's like, fuck you. My one lighter doesn't work. How about three candles? Well, the problem is like this, the candle scented, right? So whatever happens here is probably. Oh, our
Starting point is 00:42:21 experiment is biased. Yeah, it's botched. Got some chemicals, yeah. Wait, is it burning the snow or is it melting the snow? It appears to be melting it. Heidi, are you in Siberia? No, Wisconsin. You know this.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Are you being held against your will or are you there freely? Well, you know, combination of both probably. Here, I'll try. This is how last night. That's a good shot though. It's beautiful. Here, I got a fancy one. Oh my god, this is so good.
Starting point is 00:43:00 This is good. How does anyone watch Hiller when we have stuff like this? Guys, look it. Look it. Oh, my God. It's melting. That's an iPhone?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yep. That is brilliant. That's so good. God, Heidi, that's so good. I think it's just melting it. Yeah, it is. We can see it. That's an incredible shot.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Trish, I'm clipping this. you probably clipped your sons trish wow this is incredible okay okay so and look you can see the dirt falling out of the eyes i don't see anything i don't see anything that looks like that um black shit um that was in the other video those are just speckles of dirt the dirt dirt's just falling out, right, Heidi? Is that what you see? Yep. Yeah, that's beautiful. God, I want to do a whole.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Are we smoking crack on the channel? That's what it looks like. Pretty much. Same thing. What an incredible shot. Mm-hmm. So there you go. She's like, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:44:04 That's why you guys pay me the big bucks. That's right. Yeah, look, even Allison says that it's a beautiful shot. Yeah, it's great, isn't it? It is, yeah. It's very peaceful there right now. Journalism at its finest, thank you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Mitch-a-palooza. All right, so I guess in the meantime, we've done uh we're kind of like our own project veritas here so heidi your vote is is that there was some plastic uh shit in that other snow probably yeah that's my vote yeah or you know what though too um what you're gonna ruin the story you're gonna ruin the story. You're going to ruin the story, but go on. I noticed that in other areas, just if we're talking, you know, whatever. I've noticed that in a lot of other areas, they have more of the chemical spraying in the sky. And I feel like in Wisconsin, that's not as like that's not happening as often.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Like we often have very blue, clear skies. That's not happening as often. We often have very blue, clear skies. You don't have chemtrails everywhere like we do? Not all the time, no. I don't know what to believe anymore. Look at this guy followed Hiller over here to tell him to get off of here and go back live. That's amazing. This is not something you will find on regular TV.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Hiller, go fix your audio, please, and go back live. Wrenches, ban that guy for life, please. Jake Schmittling. Ban him for life. All right. I'll let you guys get back to it here. Okay. Thank you. Beautiful place. Can't wait till you invite me over to visit. Thank you it here. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Can't wait till you invite me over to visit. Thank you. Okay, bye. Thanks. Our field reporter and Project Veritas ain't got shit on us. This is real fucking investigative journalism. So Anthony Hendricks is confirming that it can depend on the air pollution.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Yeah, that was the... That fucking snowball that that guy showed in Canada doesn't even melt just turns black hey Hiller's audio is fucked good I mean oh that sucks so they're not gonna allow Djokovic into Florida or Palm Springs
Starting point is 00:46:24 and guess who suffers because of that? Only the poor people. Only the people who work at the hotels, who work at the restaurants, who park the cars, who sell the – do they have those hands like they have at football games? The number one hand, the big hand? The foam hand? Yeah, yeah. Those are the only people that suffer. No rich person suffers because Novak Djokovic isn't being let in.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah. Not one. But tons of fucking working class mofos. I like his polo a lot. Tons. Barry, Barry, my cock in her. Mick cock in her. Barry Mick cock in her.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Every Sunday we send a viewer a link and they go live. No, don't start like no, no, no, no. That was such a one off. Oh, you have to unbanned Jake for for life now. Oh, all right. Jake, you're always welcome on the show. You're back in buddy yeah on van great you need to buy uh 41 more for me to make as much as my buddy who sells his
Starting point is 00:47:32 underwear on only fans mr hiller uh okay so i just saw that and I'm just like, it's one more crazy thing. That lady's apologizing for not letting people work at the job because they got fired because they didn't take the forced injection. Meanwhile, Novak, oh yeah, you want to play that? Look what a study is. Go to the next clip. Go over two more. You can even play, this audio is great. We'll play a little bit of this what a stud this guy's this is i guess what values and principle look like this is uh if you if you're a mayhem athlete this is the kind of shit you this is what you sound like to pay that that is the price that i'm willing to pay ultimately are you prepared to forego the chance to be the greatest player that ever picked up a racket statistically because you feel so strongly about this jab yes yes i do but as things stand if this means that you miss the french open is that a price you'd be willing to pay yes that is the price that i'm willing to pay and if it means that you miss wimbledon this year again that's a price you're willing to pay yes yes yes yes
Starting point is 00:48:47 why no fact why why because the principles why decision making on my body are more important than any title or anything else I'm trying to be in tune with my body
Starting point is 00:49:04 as much as I possibly can. What do you say, Adam? That's good. Why? Why, Sousa? Would you leave me and go work on Hiller's podcast? Why? Why, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:49:17 He needs help with his audio. That's why. Why, Sousa? Why? Hey, I was talking about it with some people at the party last night. And we were talking about how big pharma's interests currently are aligning with everybody that they spend money on, right? Or the other way around. And they asked, they're like, well, shit, everybody's got a price, right?
Starting point is 00:49:39 And I go, yeah, and the fucked up thing is everybody's got a price. And a bunch of people that aren't even taking the money would all still say, oh, well, shit, it was $100 million. I'd do it too. So you're kind of insulated from responsibility, right? If you're like, we're not doing this. We got to do the truth. Then big pharma steps in and goes, hey, Sevan, here's $100 million. I just need you to just never talk about this again.
Starting point is 00:50:01 And you go, okay. And then everybody goes, oh, what a sellout. And then they find out, well, you got $100 million oh well fuck i do 500 mil too i get it i get it so you're almost they don't even say they don't even say that though i mean that's what yeah well kinda like i think we're we're never ever in a million years going to hear LeBron James say, hey, I know that pushing Sprite to little kids is worse than all the gun violence done in black America today. Because if you just look at if you do the math, the sheer number of days that I've taken away from people's lives by by supporting the spread of fucking chronic disease is horrible. But I did it for the money. No, he's never, never going to say that.
Starting point is 00:50:46 No, he would never say that. He's never even going to face it. He's never even going to face it on his own. He won't even allow himself to think that. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with that. Someone writes in the comments, I can't wait till Savon accepts Jesus and he has to apologize. Someone wrote this on YouTube and you have to apologize for all of your sins and you have to face all the lies and sins you've done in front of God. Listen, you fuck nut.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I'm never going to get a chance because fucking people like LeBron are going to be up there just fucking apologizing for like 3 million years. I'm going to be in the back of the line. Yeah, you don't want to be stuck behind that being like yes in the third grade when the teacher walked by i did try to look up her skirt i did i'm sorry i know that's the worst thing i've
Starting point is 00:51:33 ever done oh you know one time i did throw a rock at a school bus i'm sorry yeah i threw a water balloon at a car yeah i did meant to say that john woosley is a rat on my podcast i'm sorry i know he's just i know deep down inside he's just a brother of love one one one love god i'll hug woosley tell me do you got fucking people like fucking lebron out there and you're worried about what what i'm gonna say to god i'm gonna be in the back. Uh, I'll be so quick. Okay. One time when I was five, I took a massive shit and didn't wipe my butt and ran out and played with the other kids.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Okay. Not one time, a thousand times. And then all my underwear when I was five had shit stains on them and my mom had to wash them. I'm sorry. That's like the worst shit I've done with my life. Yeah. I,
Starting point is 00:52:26 I stole a stack of hall passes in high school and I would fill out hall passes to, um, for my friends so that they could get out of class straight to hell. Yeah. And then God's going to be like, God's going to be like,
Starting point is 00:52:43 so on. I actually had you do that. That was under my guidance. That was not a sin. I too wanted to see your friends get out of class. Those are my children. Don't be so arrogant to think you had any choice in anything you did. I am God, Savon. You have no free will. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Well, thank you, God. I do appreciate that in this journey here on Earth, you've made me kind of disgusted by buttholes and poop and kept me away from that. You're very welcome, Savant. You're very welcome. You're one of my favorite children
Starting point is 00:53:22 on Earth. This is an interesting church. Yeah. Well, thanks, God. I mean, it was a pretty good life, and I appreciate you keeping me. I don't mind just like only doing like three sexual positions and just being chill. Cool. It's a rotation of three. I'm just so glad you didn't make me interested in the butthole.
Starting point is 00:53:40 My pleasure, my son. No, my pleasure. in the butthole uh my pleasure my son no my pleasure and and i will not be sending you back to earth to uh to to live a life where you ever interested in butthole god that's awesome that's it no it's no i i i'm not a fan of any butthole stuff i i'm a fucking simple simple person okay now let's show the video i'm gonna show you guys this video that i did it'd be embarrassed to show you guys oh my gosh is it all these is it in those clips here or should i just you can go at any time over to hill or fit and he will explain to you that walking is better than running if you want to get a higher score on the 23.9.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Am I breaking this up? Yeah. We're going to watch this video 600 times. Before you start this, I want you just to look at these girls for a second. I never even noticed that girl in the red has a tattoo between her
Starting point is 00:54:42 stuff. Oh, yeah. And under her collarbone. God, this video. Okay, you guys ready? Okay. Here we go. I don't know what to say about this.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I'm just going to watch this. Okay. to say about this on the courting sponsors segment this is so good here it is i wait i want you before we start hold on okay here's if this isn't just your i don't want you to think this is just your typical titty video this is there's a there's so many nuances to this video right don't you think susan yeah there's like there's a there's a lot going on there's a there's a coordination piece that is just mind-boggling here oh jeff you shouldn't see this dude we're not just talking about their outfits yeah it's it's just fascinating it's fascinating okay go ahead i kind of went from church sermon to this this is good okay and you know what's funny is so i went over to try to find these girls like i wanted to see at at i wanted to see the original account and and that that the account
Starting point is 00:56:01 that paul glee account is a private account. Is it one of the chicks? I can't even tell. Okay, well, let's watch the video and then we'll go see. I'm a happily married man. Yeah, this is not good for, well, if you're happily married, I don't know what to say about this. Natty or not? Yeah, another fantastic question.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I don't think you can do what you're about to see if you are natty. This is not a natty. This is not a natty phenomenon. Oh, Allison, I showed your husband this last night. I'm sorry. Or not sorry. I don't know. But I just I need people to show this to because I can't even believe what I'm seeing. All the chicks like show it already. Geez.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Okay. All right. Here okay all right here we go here we go how how in the world i want to see the rough cut of this i I love their expressions, too. Look at their... Look at the girl in the red. Her... Her smile? Yeah, just everything about her. Dude, that's...
Starting point is 00:57:12 Will you play the music once, just a little bit? Yeah. That can't be sustainable. How can I make it bigger? I don't know. There we go. There we go. Wow.
Starting point is 00:57:33 How did you do that? How do you make it bigger? I just double clicked like my mouse. I still don't really know how to work the zoom on the mouse, but I get it right like 50% of the time. How long did it take him to do that? The thing with his eyes? No, no. Like how long did it take him to coordinate their boobs?
Starting point is 00:57:50 They're going at the same – I think they're going at the same – they're at the right and left. I don't know. Okay, we got to know this. All right. You're always showing my husband videos of girls. It's my karma for what I do for a living. All right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Just that one. And one other one. Well, I showed him a whole account. Trisha's comment. What? This is the kind of video your uncle shows you when you're 12 and discovering sex.
Starting point is 00:58:22 And it makes you deeply uncomfortable. You know, when i was five my uncle took me to go see saturday night live saturday night fever i was five years old five my uncle was probably 20 at the time and during the nude scene he put his hand over my eyes there's a fucking suicide scene in that movie guy jumps off a fucking bridge oh anyway i i so i saw that and then and then i had to i i didn't know i didn't want to lose it because i knew i'd want to see it again. So I sent, so I sent it to some people. Like, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:59:08 who can I send this to? I don't have a lot of people I can send that to. Like I'm 50. You know what I mean? Like, who am I going to send that to? Well, we just put it on the show here.
Starting point is 00:59:19 So now it's sent to a lot of people. Yeah. Jeremy world. Oh, wow. Super late. I didn't get the memo seven just dm'd you something a friend sent me maybe material for the next live call and show five dollars thank
Starting point is 00:59:30 you okay all right i can't i can't think that that's good for the boobs real boobs you can't do that with real boobs first of all there's like something under there right those that's like that's just moving like that because there's those are fake boobs oh really what do you think i don't know i thought they moved like that because the opposite no no we need we need a poll looks like those are absolutely uh those the real boobs would never do that. What we need is a couple more viewers to run our experiment live here on the show. Yeah, someone – who wants to run that experiment live right now? Two types of people here. There's no way that's real.
Starting point is 01:00:19 One natty or one not. Yeah, there's none. No, you could definitely do that with real boobs. See – wait, whereessica t's comment no you can you can definitely do that with real boobs no no no no chime in ladies here we go yep and i'm no no no no no no let me tell you no you fucking no knucklehead i'm going to give it a try thank you listen listen real boobs you might they're real you're out of your mind allison you're out of your fucking mind okay pull that video up again you're at there's no real boob in the world that looks like that unless unless
Starting point is 01:00:58 they're growing you'd have to be like 14 years old they're growing hey the the the real boobs could go up and down like that maybe not side to side like that look at the chicken the rat dude that there's a lot of movement there dude those boobs you're those boobs are so fucking fake there's a lot of oscillation on that bar oh my god you thank you thank you thank god want someone they're fake thank you i know then jonathan fucks us up allison is the resident boob expert that's there's probably some truth to that too bad we didn't know their hand i know nothing about boobs that hurts that oh thank you olivia thank you those are They're fake boobs. They're called gummy bears. Personally speaking, gummy bears are meant to feel and look real.
Starting point is 01:01:49 There's like different types you can get? Like gummy bears? I thought it was just like one type. Those are the kind of boobs that ruin real boobs for all guys, by the way. Because they think that real boobs can look like that. Point in case myself, huh? Yeah, you just shook yours from side to side yeah but but they they're not gonna do that like like real boobs the nipple will still be like going this direction when the boob
Starting point is 01:02:14 comes this way those are just see how those stay together i need a closer view just go in the mirror and try doing that to yourself and see what happens. They won't even, real boobs won't even move like that together from side to side. They'll get out of whack. They'll start, real boobs start circling and shit. They start doing weird shit. They have a mind of their own. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Well, you asked before, you're like, that can't be good for it. Well, it's definitely not good for it. They're fake. There might be some sort of. Yeah. Stretching the skin out. Yeah, or busting inside. What's that guy to the right holding a camera of himself?
Starting point is 01:02:51 Zoom out for a second. Those are people who like the video or something? Wow. It'd be a shame if that song was promoted to use this video, if my song was promoted. Look at this asshole. Sad it's the only offer they have. What? You don't know that. You haven't talked to them yeah women with a coffee cup parents are proud oh man people are
Starting point is 01:03:14 so fucking uptight my goodness boring though that's when they you could tell these dudes do not get laid i thought it was fucking cool this is how the milkshake is made first decent comment two future stars and only founds dad will be proud but look they look like me when i was young now my titties would whistle if i shook them like that yeah exactly yours would be a new santa cruz in new york at the same time if you did that yeah look dude all you have to do is post a video like this and it's just an insecure dude magnet. They just all show up and comment.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Please guys stop simping. What's that mean? That means that's like what the make memes, WOD memes guy does. It's like you hang out with girls and you'll agree with anything they say in order to get attention from them. Even if they're degrading
Starting point is 01:04:08 themselves. That qualifies as this? Well, they're saying that people who are enjoying this are simping. This is a fucking legit experiment. We got questions that we're trying to have answered. I don't know how that's simping. Oh, here we go. That is accurate. At a bachelorette party last year we had nipple
Starting point is 01:04:26 tassels we all jumped in our tassels went in circles yeah i know my boobs i know boobs sounds like a great party yeah where was that at just out in the street you guys are just tasseling just tassel on nailed it yes've nailed many of things in this. Oh, no, the comments are simping. Okay. But you could do, real boobs could go up and down like that, but they won't go right to left like that. Anyway, I'm glad you,
Starting point is 01:05:00 this bit went off better than I thought. I was, I still might, this is going to be, every once in a while something happens on the show where in the middle of the day, I'm like, I don't know if I should have said that or shown that. This could be one of those things.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I wonder if I showed it every show if eventually I would become numb to it. That's the cure for it. Yes. Does someone want to watch this show? Oh, thanks. Now you really fucked me up. Gummy bear breast implants oh wow i love some boobies but this video annoys me wow please explain more why why oh probably because
Starting point is 01:05:37 it cuts to a dude right like you're feeling some type of way then it cuts to the dude and you're like no uh at at a port at port saint joe florida a retirement community from my friend sarah's bachelorette party before she found her man everyone knew sarah and her tits oh like she was that girl who always pulled her tits out at the bar it is what it is we had to pay homage homage to her tits one last time oh that's cool so like a fun group to hang out no one no one had pulled there well i was gonna say no one pulled their tits out at the party last night but that's not true that is not true one person did. Okay. How about 461? What you're about to see, this is Australia. This is once again – I'm not even saying I'm Republican. I just want to show you. Someone's like, hey, you never show both sides how stupid the Republicans are. show both sides how stupid the republicans are okay well i i'm sorry but these are just the things the subjects i'm i'm focused on right now it just so happens the democrats are always the
Starting point is 01:06:51 ones who are retarded this is this is in australia and this police officer made a a fake vaccine passport but it's obviously a joke because on her fake past uh fake vaccine passport she wrote her name as like fuck face right or like go fuck yourself like that was her name on it right yeah and then it says date issued and it said double go fuck your face or go fuck yourself like it was just a meme it was just a total joke vaccine passport but she lost her job for it for forging a document so imagine that imagine if imagine if a cop pulled you over and you pulled out your license license and you handed it to me he goes what what what else is that in your wallet and you show him and go oh it's just a fake driver's license, joke driver's license I made.
Starting point is 01:07:47 He's like, well, that's illegal. I'm going to put you to jail. And you're like, no, no, dude. It says right here my date of birth is that – it says my name here is God, and my date of birth is infinite, and my birthplace is Mars. And it's a total obvious joke. And he's like, nope, sorry. It's like monopoly money. It would be like going to jail for having monopoly money
Starting point is 01:08:06 and they're like well you tried to pass this off as real money yeah you tried to try to use it yeah obviously a joke yeah this this this is uh republicans don't do this kind of stuff at least i haven't seen it this is this is all just socialist this is people just fucking manipulating the law to get what they want let's see go watch this guy's great i believe there was an officer that was charged for a mean for a covid vaccine certificate and is do you know what i'm talking about yeah is it is that is that not bizarre well that was our policy at the time so to to charge officers without means you don't want to be on camera not without notification without can we get someone to Well, that was our policy at the time. To charge officers without memes? You don't want to be on camera?
Starting point is 01:08:48 No, not without notification. Can we get someone to comment on that? Because to us, that's Rebel News. She doesn't know where Ari's from? Avi, I'm in for Rebel News in... Avi, sorry, Avi. Avi Yemi, what a great name. Watch, keep going. He's going to explain it.
Starting point is 01:09:07 He's going to explain it here in a second. You think we're going to get in trouble for playing this for so long? Oh, you muted yourself. You do. Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Now, just when you thought things couldn't get even more crazy in this country town, we find a former police officer if i pause that partly through like that might might help us out a little bit fighting charges for what seems was a covid19 vaccination go fuck yourself. Yeah, look at, look at, you see that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:47 That's what she had. Go fuck yourself. On her vaccination card. Try using Monopoly money at a casino. It's not a joke. Oh, really? Like they would, they'd fuck you up? Well, they'd probably kick you out.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah. She lost her job for making fun of their religion yeah that's a great point that's a great way to word it uh it's a way of instilling fear and compliance you must not point out that the emperor has no clothes mitchapalooza mitchapalooza. Mitchapalooza. Alright, let's go back to that video with the girls dancing. Are we really? No, no. I'm joking. I have to
Starting point is 01:10:33 jump off in a couple minutes too here. Oh, the show just blew by today. I know. I know. Thank you, Corey, for calling in. Okay, how about 460 this never gets old that means when i write something like that that means that we may have shown it before but i didn't know but i'm trying to cover my tracks by saying this never gets old just in case yeah cover your bases yeah just in case yeah here we go thank you it doesn't make sense that
Starting point is 01:11:02 conservatives don't like abortion. You're going to love this. It's so funny. You think conservatives would love abortion, right? It's such a conservative thing. Abortion's just dead liberals. We're not aborting farmers and electricians, it's just piles of music theater majors like i was thinking it doesn't make sense that conservatives don't it's a good joke right yeah it's pretty funny
Starting point is 01:11:37 it's a great joke and why because there's it's like it's so it's so true it's like that guy who says it's like that comedian says hey if you're gonna get married um and you want kids and you want a wife that wants to stay home and like raise your kids you might not want to marry a liberal you might want to marry a conservative oh good to know marry a liberal. You might want to marry a conservative. Oh. Good to know. Savant should have played the video of the girls dancing when that one dude who doesn't watch porn was on.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Oh, the that guy was good. Brett Pike, the homeschool guy. You can't do that. That's like putting weed in the hookah when they think it's hookah. It's fucked up. That's a good point. It's a great example. It's not cool. Yeah, why don't the conservatives – isn't it funny? They're only – yeah, it's bizarre.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Bizarre. You would think if they just let it go, it's kind of like weeding itself out, just more idiots. Self-correcting yeah um oh this is good 458 i like this you can't hide who you are from your family and friends this is an interesting thing by the way this is a really really uh if you are not comfortable with who you are or you haven't kind of like settled into who you are. This is from Matt Boudreau. He's been on the show. This is a great line. A man can fake it with others all he wants.
Starting point is 01:13:13 The relationship with his wife and kids will tell you the truth. The way they tackle life, the sparkle in their eyes. Watch them and you'll know. And then he goes on to say, hang around young people long enough and you'll get a pretty solid idea of who their parents are same is true for a man's wife and children watch how they interact with him each other and the world around them you get a pretty solid idea of the man himself and this is a uh it's it's because you're so intimate with these people, your kids and your wife, if you aren't real, you'll become exhausted. It's kind of crazy. I went to bed at 1 and I got up at 5 this morning.
Starting point is 01:13:57 And I'm not going to say that I wasn't tired, but I'm so fucking excited every morning when I wake up. And I have so much energy because I'm just myself. What does that mean, I'm just myself? It's not that I don't... I still try to stay in a meditative state. And watch everything as it comes out of my mouth and stay present. It's not that I don't give a shit. I do give a shit.
Starting point is 01:14:22 And it's not that I don't give a shit. I do give a shit. But if things happen that I don't like, if I have characteristics that I don't like, I just try to work on them. Not defend them? Yeah. That's a good way to put it. I just try to work on myself to make myself a better person. I don't always just keep swearing around my children and be like, well, it's just who I am.
Starting point is 01:14:53 I might think, okay, I noticed that my children are saying this word now. Maybe I should stop saying it around them. Or I don't just eat whatever I want, whatever desire comes up. I'm still on guard but but if you if you can't if you god i wish i'm gonna have to work on this if you can't be yourself around your wife and your kids it's gonna be exhausting i mean i i guess i guess i guess i'm preaching to the choir those you know that who have jobs where you can't be yourself that's why work is so exhausting because you're going there and you're not being yourself takes a lot of work to hold up a fake
Starting point is 01:15:29 persona yeah or defend a bunch of untrue things the way you feel interactions with other people around you all the time take some bandwidth to be like on point like that i i think in the funk i i do say i do i do see that i do see um when i when i look at kids i and i see behaviors in them and the way they act and stuff i i often think okay that's probably because of these things that happen at home for them this is you know a lot of the things you happen at home for them. This is, you know, a lot of the things you'll see kids act out is just the relationship. They're acting out with their siblings and with other kids, the relationship that Haley and I have with each other.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Like I see it all the time. Unfortunately, you see it most in bad shit right long do you know I know that you have to go you have to go in 14 minutes or so I have to go like pretty much now okay let's then let's just talk about this one last thing how about um are you gonna stay on take some calls i don't know i feel like
Starting point is 01:16:51 when you're on by yourself people are more obligated to call it like they'll it's easier for them to call in how about this how many people fucking told us that they received emails from CrossFit saying that their scores weren't validated? Oh, yeah. Do you know what that is? You might think, oh, it's no big deal, Savvy. It's no big deal. It's just an error in computing. You know what it reminds me of?
Starting point is 01:17:15 Every day I get spam on my phone that says your Amazon account has been hacked. Your Apple account has been hacked. Your PayPal has been hacked. It's like, how the fuck does crossfit games fuck that up it happened guys you had validated scores but your affiliate members were getting emails saying that you didn't validate the scores and then some of our scores that were submitted but weren't available for us to click validate, like popped back up like after the validation time. Oh, so did those people get fucked? I think it might have gone through
Starting point is 01:17:52 because Grace wrote him an email and was like, hey, like I checked this pretty religiously to make sure everybody's score gets validated. Yeah. And these weren't here. And then it popped up into my inbox afterward, the time to validate. Like, what can we do about this?
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah, it's like you're screwing everyone in your community. You're taking away people's time. It's sloppy. It's really, really sloppy. I bet you I would love to see how many of those. You think they sent out 10,000 of those? Or do you think they sent out 100, thousand emails that says your score is invalidated and so that's a hundred thousand points of confusion they entered into the system yeah just chaos it's pathetic yeah that's pathetic
Starting point is 01:18:37 trish should call in who is trish no trish don't call in please don't trish clipped me out of uh andrew hiller's behind the scenes thing at broken science did you watch that um i'm sure i did oh here i'll pull it up in your honor with you leaving trish is that that account is just trish right yeah trish the dish three in one oil oh no i haven't seen this wow okay here we go it's that gopro footage that gopro set of hillar has a sick yeah project veritas status because i definitely didn't know it was recording what he was talking to me i loved these cups at greg's broken science thing look at the look at the cups they're they're disposable cups but they look like they were
Starting point is 01:19:35 steel they were sturdy too yeah those are classic classic uh suza what you doing down here i'm the media dump dude so all the s SD cards that come out of these cameras I keep them all organized And then I organize and put these files And upload them onto this external And then I've got it Sousa God Trish, you're desperate for content
Starting point is 01:19:59 Fuck Boom Boom Boom Fuck. Boom. Boom. Just sitting in the corner. Eggplant. Oh. That won't give me an emoji of an eggplant? That's what I do, too.
Starting point is 01:20:22 I type it in just to hit the button. It's easier than finding the emoji. Oh, boy. I do have to leave. Okay, bye. Are you staying on? Okay, good. I like that. I like that. Take some calls. I'm going to listen. Okay, bye. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 01:20:41 It's hard for me to leave. No, you hang up first. Okay, bye. Should I hard for me to leave. No, you hang up first. No, you hang up first. Okay, bye. Should I kick Sousa out? Wait, my thing's not working down. So he doesn't feel bad? Oh, I can't kick you out because you're an admin. I am impossible.
Starting point is 01:20:57 And then there was one. Oh, Trish, you've got Trish19. Look at that. Oh, this is kind of a – is your, holy shit, Trish. Look at this. Oh, my God. Look at this. This, we had this.
Starting point is 01:21:17 We had this at my house growing up as a kid. I think we had this. Wow. Look what Ron pulled out of storage. Our corningware coffee percolator. Yeah, we had something like this. This is crazy. Wow.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Dang. This is nuts. Wow. You're really going big on your account noble what's this hoover ball train hard no excuses all right uh yeah i watch i didn't even drink coffee when my mom had that when we had that thing that it was it was like a percolator right and you would see the water the wall i like that i like taking that thing apart as a kid and like trying to understand how it worked like
Starting point is 01:22:16 they boiled the water and it came up the pipe and it filtered through the the coffee look allison's like what is that it's like it's an old school coffee maker a percolator oh that conversation I was having the other day where I got all wound up about the police officers and lowering the standards so that women could become police officers the thing is this and it was being misunderstood that for some reason I didn't want women as police officers. The thing is this, and it was being misunderstood that for some reason I didn't want women as police officers. I don't care who's a police officer, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I just don't want the standard set for a sexual outcome, for a sex outcome. I want the standard set for other reasons. So just like I don't want the standard set for my surgeon to be the color of his skin. I don't want the standard. I want my to be the color of his skin. I don't want the standard. I want my surgeons to be set for the competence in that position. So whatever would make someone the best police officer in the world, that test.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Oh, thank you, Mike. So I don't even need to explain it. Only that one person. And here's the thing. This is going to get really crazy for some of you. and here's the thing, this is going to get really crazy for some of you. Uh, that kind of thinking, um, that's where science goes wrong because you, you don't know the exact goal you're going for. You're not defining, you're not defining anything. So if your goal, let's say, let's say you were running a strip club, right? And, um, you wanted to, the goal was to bring in as many men to have them give as much money. So you would want to find the attributes of those women
Starting point is 01:23:49 who perform at the strip club that would, that would bring that money. You wouldn't be like, I just want black girls or I just want Asian girls. You'd be like black girls and Asian girls bring in the most money. Therefore I want black girls and Asian girls. Like that's how it works. You have to have, but for some reason in politics, it hasn't gotten like that. And then and then on my Instagram, someone was saying that these things are in place not to bring women in or bring trans people in or not to bring gay people in, but've already admitted that they're doing it to bring in those people, not necessarily to find the best people for the job, but to make sure it's like even Ronald Reagan said it. I'm going to appoint the first female Supreme Court justice. He was guilty of it, too. He went after someone because they had a vagina. Now, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:24:44 If you want a Supreme Court justice that has a vagina, you're only cutting the population in half. So you still have a pretty solid pool of people to pick from. If you cut the population even further and you want it to be a black lesbian, now you've cut the population into into just an in a tiny little section and the chances of you finding the best person become almost impossible for the job of being a supreme court justice i think 13 if you're saying i think 13 of the u.s population is melanated and then half of that is um half of that is probably women so let's say six and a half percent but then if you're looking for lesbians it's probably one percent less than one percent it's point zero zero zero zero zero one
Starting point is 01:25:38 percent of black women are probably lesbians and then if you want them to be attorneys it gets even smaller right because you're looking for a supreme court justice it just stops it's it becomes a point where it just stops making sense at all and that's why just a little bit of discrimination like ronald reagan was using sets precedent for there to be a lot of discrimination. But here's the really scary part. Those people who use their mind in such a shallow way and they say, hey, we're going to change the test on how to become a United Airlines pilot. We're going to make the test easier to become a United Airlines pilot so that we can get more women and black people in. You have to understand that eventually those are the same people,
Starting point is 01:26:42 that it's the same logic that says, hey, in order to reduce murder in this country, we have to kill all black people. Do you guys see the connection there? are being committed by men, penises with melanated skin, the fastest way to reduce that number would be to eliminate all melanated men. That's their thinking. That's their thinking. And it ends up going there.
Starting point is 01:27:24 It always is a slippery slope. It's the way those people think that's so dangerous. It's the way they think. And what happens is the people on the right start like, it gets twisted. And they start taking intellectual shortcuts. And then it starts appearing that you're racist and you hate black people or you hate trans people or you hate gay people or you hate Jews. It starts getting twisted because it's a shortcut. They start taking these shortcuts in their thinking. That's what the people on the right end up doing because they get so frustrated with the with the twisted thinking of the people on the left.
Starting point is 01:27:58 They start taking shortcuts. And it's exhausting to keep always having to explain these things to them that's why that's why metaphors analogies and similes are so powerful bye Trish I wonder how my wife's doing that's the thing when there's this illusion the illusion of doing good really you're just perpetuating
Starting point is 01:28:43 the bad you're setting a precedent what else should i play what's this oh this is crazy you guys want to see some fucking crazy stuff this is oh man this instagram account is called the hoods finest You guys want to see some fucking crazy stuff? This is, oh, man. This Instagram account is called The Hood's Finest. I wish I could play this bigger.
Starting point is 01:29:11 I don't know. Can I double-click it? Oh, no. He said he just double-clicked it and made it big. This is an Amazon truck. More boobs? This is an Amazon truck that just pulled over somewhere, okay? And this lady down on the bottom in the purple that I'm circling, I think she's the driver.
Starting point is 01:29:31 And she got out to deliver a package. And look at this fucking chaos. Her truck's being looted. Look, people are just stopping in their cars and robbing. Now watch the lady she's the driver she's not doing anything she's just standing there and she's got something in her hands look in her hands she's holding something and that guy pretends like he's walking away and then grabs whatever's in her hand so hard that it throws her to the ground
Starting point is 01:30:14 nuts right i don't know i don't know where this is this is absolutely nuts no she shouldn't do anything i agree with you kenneth i'm not blaming her for not i i think she should have just walked away and bought a sandwich i don't even think i feel so bad for her look at her that's someone's mom dude that's some poor lady who's just trying to fucking work in honest days fucking work i don't even know if this is the united states i don't know where this is i'm assuming it's the united states i'm assuming it's chicago Assuming it's Chicago. It's crazy. It breaks my heart to see people behaving like this.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And here's the thing. Eventually, this will be brought to an end. This is going to be stopped. Yeah, it pisses you off, right? It's infuriating. Don't let it make your skin boil. This is going to be brought to an end. And how it's brought to an end ties back with what I i was just telling you before those same liberals who are thinking that thinking of like pigeonholing people for the color of their skin and their sexual identity eventually they're going to take care of this problem and it's going to be so ugly people it's going to be so bad i'll show you you want to see i'll show you an example of it
Starting point is 01:31:43 happening right now you want to see some crazy shit? Look at this. So we just saw an Amazon truck getting ransacked, right? Ransacked. Good guess. Detroit. Great guess. Great guess.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Might not be pretty when it's ended. I know. It's not going to be pretty, dude. It's not going to be pretty. It's going to be so bad. But I'll show you how it ends up going down. And it'll be done by the same people who now are claiming that they're for equality and shit. But really, it's just equity.
Starting point is 01:32:18 They don't care. And here it is. I'm going to show you this. These are... I think I'll show you this one first. I don't know if you guys know what's going on in El Salvador. But they're rounding up all the criminals. And I want to read some of this shit to you. but they're rounding up all the criminals. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:32:47 I want to, I want to read some of this shit too. It's fucking crazy. Uh, El Salvador crackdown breaks the gangs at huge cost to human rights. Uh, El Salvador is brutal. Crackdown on gangs has led to thousands of arbitrary detentions and the militarization of the streets.
Starting point is 01:33:11 The violence became entrenched and the homicide rate was regularly 50 per 100,000. To put that in perspective, in the U.S., it's 7.8 per 100,000. perspective in the u.s it's 7.8 per hundred thousand and we know and the thing is too is you know in the united states what's kind of cool is you know where all the homicides are so you can stay away from them like if you live in berkeley there's no homicides but on either side of you there's richmond and oakland or like in santa cruz there's no homicides right but if you go to chicago so it's it's it's even they had the the the you can even stay away from the homicides if you want. Prison deaths mount. The deaths in the prison mount. In El Salvador, as the gang crackdown continues, the arrests of more than 55,000 people have swamped an overwhelmed criminal justice system with defendants having virtually no hope of getting individual attention from judges.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Here it is. Look at CNN. attention from judges so here it is look at cnn salvadoran authorities are committing massive human rights violations with nearly two percent of the country detained do two percent of the country detained this is insane this is so fucking wild but listen that this is this is way mild compared to the vaccine protocols that we had in this country. You see the thing there? They're calling it a massive human rights violation with nearly 2% of the country detained. We had fucking 100% of our country fucking put under a given ultimatums.
Starting point is 01:34:42 El Salvador population of 6 million. Here it is, guys. Ready? This is so awesome. El Salvador population of 6 million has gone 300 days without a single homicide. Before Bukele took over, it was considered the most dangerous city in the world, most dangerous country in the world. There were 382 homicides in the city of Los Angeles last year with a population of 3.8 million. El Salvador now has the lowest murder rate in the Americas. Nayib Bukele approval rating is 90%. It's the best approval rating for any leader in Latin America. Yeah, those people were fucking being, those people were terrified.
Starting point is 01:35:34 But here it gets even crazier. I'm going to show you this video I saw on Twitter. This video is so gnarly. Here we go. Let me see if I can. Okay. Here we go. Let me see if I can. Okay, here. Here we go. Watch this shit.
Starting point is 01:35:50 This is going to blow you away. This is, maybe someone's going to be like, hey dude, this isn't real. This is a movie. Because you can't even believe what you're about to see here. Watch this.
Starting point is 01:36:04 These guys. They say that if you stop running, they'll just shoot you. That's why all the guys are running. Say, hey, don't stop running. And they also said that if you fall down or trip, they shoot you also.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Yeah, they're probably going to send all these dudes to the United States. Look at this. Can you fucking believe this? So they shave all these dudes' guys' heads. It's nuts, right? This is like some fucking freaky movie. Truck loads and truckloads. $5,000.
Starting point is 01:36:59 I don't know what they're going to do with them. They're all MS-13 and Cali-18 members well they're there it's gonna be it's gonna be yeah it's martial law straight up seven look up el salvador mega prison david weed that's how you do it David Weed, that's how you do it. Hey, and when this happens, when this happens in the United States, no one will care either. Like all the like just like we're not seeing any human rights activists or environmental activists or anyone speaking up at all the atrocities that have happened in the last two years in this country. It's just just, you know, we guess podcasts like this one and just some conservatives uh the the same thing will happen again it's gonna be it's it's coming
Starting point is 01:37:53 it's coming there's gonna become a point where someone's not gonna take it anymore we're gonna probably i'm guessing we gotta be getting close to electing that person i think most of us are just fed up, right? It's nuts. El Salvador. God, I don't live there. Those guys all look scary, right? Scary dudes.
Starting point is 01:38:26 And we'll leave on this note. I think we'll leave on this note. My plan is to leave on this note. Here we go. This is about gender. Gender. about sex uh inequality uh regarding pay for female soccer players versus male soccer players and of course once you look at the math um you see you see what's what's going on here it actually is the women uh who are getting paid more than the men. And yet it's the way the media makes it is that the men are getting paid more, which is nuts. The bonus difference between the men's team and
Starting point is 01:39:15 the women's team. The women got paid out from a pool of $30 million from the Women's World Cup. The men would draw from a pool of $400 million. $400 million, $30 million. Why is that? It's because the Men's World Cup generates $6 billion in revenue. The Women's World Cup generates $131 million in revenue. The Women's World Cup players get paid out 20% of the total revenue. The men get paid out 7%. As a percentage point, they are getting much more. The problem is for anybody desiring equal pay, and by the way, I think equal pay is a ridiculous concept in and of itself. If the women generate more revenue, they should get paid more than the men. Don't strive for getting the same. Strive for getting what you're worth. And if you're worth more, then get more. When you talk about the bonus difference between the men's team and.
Starting point is 01:40:15 So the the themes of this show are that the majority of you don't know the difference between fake boobs and real boobs. And and you don't know the difference between fake boobs and real boobs. And, and you don't know the way boobs in gravity and physics work. That math is important. If you want to do what's best for people and you shouldn't hold women down by comparing them to men because women are probably better than men. What are some other themes? I think that, I think that's the the two the two good themes i was thinking also i was thinking i don't know if i should talk about i'll wait i'll wait i was going to bring up the danny spiegel video again i'll wait it'll be fun to bring up when there's more people on here
Starting point is 01:40:58 i need i need a suzer hill or someone else oh three don't move to el salvador thank you I need a Sousa or a Hiller or someone else. 03, don't move to El Salvador. Thank you. She has that. She has that video we played on here, if you insist, Ms. Valenzuela. She has that video that we played on here miss danny spiegel where she says uh i think i'm paraphrasing but don't judge me for the way my body looks or it's not about the way my body looks but it's but it's about um what my body can do
Starting point is 01:41:39 and yet i don't think she would even have 500 followers if she didn't have a body with the way it looks, regardless of what it could do. And it appears to me that she leans into the way her body looks and exploits the way her body looks. And I say that with peace and love, like, fuck, if I had that body, I'd be exploiting it too.
Starting point is 01:42:07 But there's an inconsistency, a dishonesty, a lack of genuineness. Like, why can't it be both? What's wrong with having a beautiful body? Nothing. Nothing is wrong with having a beautiful body. Don't, don't, don't hate your body.
Starting point is 01:42:34 My, my gym is about to sign with tear. I hope they don't go woke. Yeah, I agree. It's, it's, it's it's it's fake i don't know if it's fake as fuck or it's just like a massive disconnect it's a massive disconnect john jones so nicely ended gone last night he turned a corner yeah i felt bad for gone but yeah jones was incredible how about the fucking mexican chick uh she looks like she's 14 she's adorable looking what's her name
Starting point is 01:43:11 uh who beat uh shevchenko that was incredible that was incredible absolutely incredible a massive disconnect yeah you think yeah I don't think she's a bad person either. I think she's just something. Someone needs to just help her think better. She's missing something. She's missing some stuff. She needs someone to help her think correctly. It would set her free too.
Starting point is 01:43:39 And what's amazing is if someone helped her think and she could get disconnected from some of her presuppositions and some of her insecurities, then she could actually accomplish her goal of what she wants to do by influence women. She's getting women to – she's actually getting women to buy into that there's a problem that then needs to be solved. Well, you could bypass the whole thing by just hit the reset switch on that whole line of thinking. Okay, that's actually not what's going on. You're bringing your insecurities to a reality that some of us just don't live in. Come out of your head. It's okay out here.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Yeah, Mexico must be going nuts. I was pretty happy for it. You called that, David? What's her name? Alexa Grosso? What was her name? Alexa Grosso? Anyway, great fights.
Starting point is 01:44:42 Bo Nickel was amazing. It was an awesome night. It was an awesome night. It was an awesome night. And I love brisket. There was so much brisket. Yeah. Yair, Brandon Moreno for sure. Grosso for sure.
Starting point is 01:44:58 I think Yair still got a little bit of work to do. He's going to have to beat Volkanovski. Oh, about Bones. Yeah, Bones handled his business. John Jones Bones. I think he was nervous, man. I think he was really nervous. I liked his post-fight interview where he said he felt goofy in his stand-up game a little bit because I guess he did feel like he had some ring rust. Thank you, Chris. Alexa Grasso. Yeah, she was a sniper. Hey, it's crazy. It's crazy
Starting point is 01:45:34 that she finished her in a submission. Absolutely crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. That's no easy task. And Shevchenko wants an immediate rematch she said why do you think jones is unlikable there's would you think that there's something about him that just doesn't
Starting point is 01:45:56 seem real like why i wouldn't say he was fat he's big i wouldn't say he was fat he's big I wouldn't say he was fat but he's huge I think when he gets on top of you he feels really heavy though and I think Gon was tripping
Starting point is 01:46:20 and by the way I saw in an interview before the fight they were interviewing Dana White and Dana White said Francisis ningano will never come back to the ufc that that kind of sucked to hear that all right um show is over uh tomorrow morning we have do we have sam briggs on tomorrow morning i'm pretty pumped for that yeah sam briggs 7 a.m it's been a while i love sam she's great then tuesday we have tyson bajan uh he is uh he finished finishing up the um nfl combine today so that'll be cool to hear firsthand from him what he's going on
Starting point is 01:47:05 then a wednesday holy shit you know who we have wednesday rich froney oh this is a crazy week sam briggs tyson bajan rich froney oh my god on thursday we have dallas alexander you guys know who that is that's the the dude. He was Special Forces Canada. Wouldn't take the injection. Got kicked out. He's the same thing as Devin Lorette. What is it? What is that?
Starting point is 01:47:33 What do they call it? JTF? Crazy. And then Friday, we have Gary Roberts. Dude, this week is nuts. We need a live calling show. I need to have Dave on again. I'll call Dave and bug him and see when he's coming on again.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I would like to do that. I need to call Adrian Bosman too. I'd like to have Adrian on and get his thoughts on how the open went. God, how stoked are you guys this week? Sam Briggs, Tyson Bajan, Rich Froning,
Starting point is 01:48:10 Gary Roberts, Dallas Alexander. That's a fucking lineup, dude. That dude, Alex Alexander is a bad dude. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Thanks for hanging with me Sunday morning. We started an hour early. I welcome all of you who came over from Hinter's Hillers Hillers show and I can't wait y'all
Starting point is 01:48:37 to hate on Rick like you morons did on Jason I can't wait for y'all to hate on oh Rich no one's to hate on. Oh, Rich. No one's going to hate on Rich. Come on. I always think Glassman's coming on. Bye-bye.

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