The Sevan Podcast - #825 - Sam Briggs | CrossFit Games Champion - Fittest Woman in the World

Episode Date: March 7, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:41 Hi, dog. You've got a dog's butt. I love a dog's butt. I it nice i appreciate it so good about you some people push the dog off the couch you just reframe it so it's just more ass that's great pretty good dude uh where where are you uh at home in in home is? Cincinnati, Ohio. Oh, how are you liking that? Yeah, it's good. I have a, do you know what Trulia is, the real estate app?
Starting point is 00:01:14 Nope. It's just like, do you know what Zillow is? Yep. Yeah, it's just Zillow. I actually think Zillow bought Trulia. But basically, I like looking at Cincinnati because because in California I'm poor but when I look at Cincinnati I'm like oh like you could actually live there and have like a refrigerator that works and kitchen drawers that work and like you can live like a human being there yeah definitely I mean we bought um we bought our
Starting point is 00:01:39 house in 2020 during lockdown um and definitely kind of like for the money we've got a decent size house nice yard and it's in a nice area so definitely get more free money than you do in california is cincinnati coming up what's it doing uh yeah and so i'm not in the city center we're kind of in the suburbs um i'm in westchester so a lot of the areas around are definitely kind of up and coming and could it be the next austin or the next port like like portland was doing it i don't know if you ever been to portland portland was killing it there were so many young people there crazy entrepreneurs there and then no shit it's like fentanyl took over and just bad thinking took over. And the whole city in the last five years just went just straight into the gutter.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I mean, it's just it literally is like zombies there. But I always thought Cincinnati could be one of those places where just young people like excited young people could go and afford stuff and like just start cool businesses. excited young people could go and afford stuff and like just start cool businesses yeah i mean like especially if you go into downtown there's a lot of it's definitely got a younger vibe and um a lot of nice kind of like restaurants and uh like bars and kind of like breweries and stuff all popping up which is definitely a lot more trendy and kind of up and coming comic book shops breweries i know but any comic book shops you know your comic do you know when's last time you read a comic book sam um probably ever have you ever read a comic book yeah so when i was younger um especially like while i was still in school i studied art and I wasn't ever any good at kind of like realistic drawings I was more into your kind of like cartoons and caricatures so I used to get a lot
Starting point is 00:03:33 of comics then and kind of take my inspiration from drawing from comic books and then you would draw on your mom's face too I would yes you really did that your mom would be sleeping and you would draw on your mom's face too. I would, yes. You really did that. Your mom would be sleeping and you would draw on her face. Yeah, I had a little mischievous streak. With a Sharpie, like a permanent marker? Oh, I don't know if I ever was that bad. I would maybe use a permanent marker kind of like on her leg or her arm or something. But I don't think I ever used a permanent marker on her face. i mean she could she could correct me on that one maybe i did you ever draw on nicole i've tried like she's just sleeping and like you draw a sunset on her back or something
Starting point is 00:04:17 so i've tried but she's she's a lot more on the ball and, and she's stronger than me. So she just beat me up. Uh, Jake Chapman, Sam is the reason. Thank you, Jake. I started CrossFit. You,
Starting point is 00:04:36 you were, you were, um, you were only doing CrossFit for four years when you won the games. Um, yeah. So I started in 2009. Um, first. So I started in 2009. Um,
Starting point is 00:04:48 first games in 2010. Nuts. Hey, um, the, the fact that, um, you won the CrossFit games and then the next year, um,
Starting point is 00:05:00 didn't go to the games. Do you think that's just a fucking in hindsight now that's just a colossal failure on the crossfit games like they um i think it was just bad for everyone you the sport the you know the spirit of everything like as i as i read that section in your book and i think back i go yeah that was a fuck up that was a that was like a mistake on the um organizers part that was Dave Dave Castro's fault I think there was a lot of changes that kind of happened changes going into that year um obviously they got rid of the past champion rule so if they they've kept that um me and Annie both wouldn't have taken a spot so that would have been I think even Catherine might have made it to the games that year and that was the year that she missed as well
Starting point is 00:05:54 okay your honor Miss Briggs is avoiding the question I would like to approach the bench one more time okay thank you your honor uh here's the deal what's it say you you were just as fit in 2000 you won the games in 2013 yes in 2014 your injury free sam briggs maybe the best you've ever felt yeah no definitely i was definitely in a lot better shape uh in 2014 and if you look at the results of all the other workouts minus the handstand walk um i definitely kind of like proved my like fitness and my like strength um there um it was just one of those unfortunate things back in 2013 the scoring was different which was then changed in 2014 and then in Europe we have a lot of ex-gymnasts so max distance handstand walk for somebody who
Starting point is 00:06:56 played soccer all the life is a lot harder for somebody who's done gymnastics all the life yeah I just as I read it uh maybe i'll just keep saying it for you it's it's absolutely nuts that they didn't make sure that you went to the games or or at least at least it should have been a huge enormous flag of how fucked up the programming was i mean i in hindsight i think they just really really botched the programming that means they accelerated it too fast it was just a huge it was a huge miss now in hindsight when i think especially for how how amazing the 2013 games were and that there were some unanswered questions uh with annie being gone and that it was just a great
Starting point is 00:07:37 opportunity to have annie back it was just it was a it was a screw-up i'll say it for you they really they shit the bed and as i reread that in your book, I can't even believe it happened. It's an embarrassment. It's a stain on the sport. There, I said it. You're so positive. Yeah, go. Tell me. Luckily, I won the lotto
Starting point is 00:07:58 that year and walked away with $30 million. At least I still made it back to the games in 2015 and more years like yes it wasn't like that was the end of me i didn't let it kind of destroy me yeah it and it could have right it could have been just like straight to heroin and drinking well you never know you you liked drinking in college you were. You were kind of a normal college kid. You got a job at a bar and just partied. Yeah, definitely kind of played sports all the way through my younger years
Starting point is 00:08:38 and then kind of got to that college stage and then decided, oh, drinking and going out and partying. This is so much more fun. Why have I been doing all this working out instead of partying? So I kind of took a little bit of a change of pace and had a few years where I just kind of didn't do any exercise and was more into going out with friends um well yeah I don't I don't regret any of that that definitely gave me a lot of life experience and probably made me more determined when I did get back into sport um to kind of like concentrate on it I don't feel like
Starting point is 00:09:22 I ever missed out on anything because I kind of had the best of both worlds. I like that, how you say that too, because a lot of people, when they take, you know, we get these stories on here where, hey, I started drinking in college and the next thing I know, I'm in rehab. And so I found CrossFit to like help me with that. But I think my experience was more like yours too. I mean, I wish I would have drank just a little bit less maybe and I wish I would have smoked less but but other than that it was a great experience I really really enjoyed it I I loved I loved party yeah no I did and I think I definitely think like then when it got into competing seriously and you had to then start missing out on uh social experiences and missing out on people's birthdays it was kind of easier to say no because i've already kind of lived that life and now it's
Starting point is 00:10:12 time for me to dial things in and concentrate on the hard grind instead of going out and partying leads leads leads that's where you play is that considered semi-pro what is that what what kind of soccer is that you played there four years right uh yeah so i was at um so i played for bradford city and then leeds city and i was never good enough to be a pro football um but we we were like a high level we would play like the fa cup women's fa Cup and kind of like county cups and stuff. So we were a decent level team. I just wasn't talented enough. I wasn't a skillful player. I was just, I had the fitness. I could get back to the ball. I could run up. I could continue running for the whole 90 minutes. So I was one of those kind of reliable players more on my
Starting point is 00:11:07 fitness as opposed to my skill on the ball and then you you quit uh when you were getting injuries from uh football you quit because you had put your priority as a firefighter over uh football and you're like okay i can't get injured and screw this up with my job yeah it just got to the stage where i was in work one day um after playing football the night before and my ankle was so swollen that we'd got back from a job and i couldn't actually get my like fire boot off my foot had like swollen to the size of my boot like fire boot off my foot had like swollen to the size of my boot and I was like I can't be doing this this is kind of ridiculous I was never going to go anywhere with um with football with soccer that it was going to pay me a career that was just kind of my hobby uh so I had to kind of
Starting point is 00:12:02 prioritize working and earning a living to be able to pay for the bills and stuff of doing something like that. I like this notion of celebrating firsts. I like the idea of celebrating the fittest person in the world. I like knowing where the tallest tree in my town is. I liked it. I liked the notion of, uh, knowing, uh, that, um, uh, I don't, I don't remember what, uh, what was it? It's some of, at some event you beat every, uh, let me see. Um, at some event you beat every, let me see, at some event you beat every single person in the workout except for one male. I like that too.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I like contextualizing that in general we think of women as not being as fast and as strong, and then, you know, we see things like what Carrie Pierce did or what you've done where there are these workouts where a woman beats all the men. I like all that. Yeah, I think it's cool. I think that's one thing that kind of is good about CrossFit, especially if the workouts, they get kind of the scaling different, differential corrects between the male and the female,
Starting point is 00:13:24 different differential corrects between the male and the female, that it is kind of like an even race or like when it's Mary and it was body weight, just that kind of where you can actually see the comparison of the male and female competitors. It doesn't come down to the fact that, oh, they're winning because they're a male. They're winning because they're a female. It's like, oh, they're winning because they're a male. They're winning because they're a female. It's like, oh, they're winning because they are actually the fittest at that workout. Right. It was in 2009 at your first CrossFit competition. The first event was a run and you beat everyone, including the boys.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah. Now, and then I also like this notion that you brought CrossFit to an all-male fire station, to an all group of – you started CrossFit and then you brought it to these guys. Yeah, it was really cool. In the fire service, you can. I did my personal training qualification through the fire service to be the fitness instructor for my shift. They asked you to be it, right? Your commander asked you to be it. Yeah. So then. And you were hugely flattered by that.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Oh, obviously, because you're doing things for your fitness and doing things that you enjoy and it's always an honor when somebody else kind of like notices that and sees kind of like what you're doing and then wants you to then share it with other people I think that's one of the greatest compliments is when somebody asks you to share your knowledge or share like what you're doing with other people to teach other people what i don't like is when the celebration i do i do like these celebrations i do like noting i don't like this a perseverating or obsessing on um on trying to make the sexes equal and it was interesting hearing you talk about it in the book because you didn't want so so so basically you were going through the academy and there were a bunch of cuts and someone came from the head office and they just assumed you
Starting point is 00:15:40 had been cut and they're like hey they were like, hey, they were from the DEI council. They were from the Equality Council. And they're like, you can't cut Sam. She's our only female. And the commander's like, yo, Sam beat the dudes. Like, what are you talking about? We're not cutting. It was a judgment. And it brings me to this thing.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Recently, I just saw in Australia, they're lowering the standards for firefighters for the mile and a half run to get more women and I'm thinking to myself I wonder how Sam would feel about that well first of all I hate the idea because you shouldn't lower the standards to get the best women you should set the standards to get the best people yeah I'm kind of with that that notion like if for any job you have a certain requirement, it shouldn't be changed depending on who that is that's going for the job. It literally is when I wanted to join the fire service, I was already kind of physically fit through playing football,
Starting point is 00:16:42 but I wasn't very strong. So I got a gym membership I learned how to lift and I started improving my strength and I trained for a year to to pass these tests and to to be strong enough and to be competitive enough so you should rise to the challenge they shouldn't be like dropping the challenge for you you it should be that people are wanting to rise to that challenge to get in and then I think you know that you're getting the people in the job that really want to be there they've proven because they've passed the tests they've got the fitness they've got the strength and they've worked hard because they really want the job and
Starting point is 00:17:23 they're the ones that are going to be the best fit for the role. And you weren't given respect. You earn respect is what it sounds like from your book. Yeah, no, for sure. And I think that's the best way. If you've earned everything in your life, if you've earned your respect, if you've earned your position, in your life if you've earned your respect if you've earned your position then the people that you're working with and the people that are going to be working either above you or below you it's like they can see that it's not like you've just been given everything and I think I think there's
Starting point is 00:17:59 a greater kind of mutual than respect especially in a job like being a firefighter you're going into burning buildings and doing things where you're looking after each other you're you want to know that the other person's got your back if anything happens you're there for each other and if you've been given everything do you trust somebody that's there because they've been given everything? Or do you trust somebody that's earned that respect and earned that position? I wonder how we balance that. Like, I really do like the idea of celebrating firsts. But it doesn't, it's okay if there's only three female firefighters.
Starting point is 00:18:43 It's just like, for some reason, women don't want to be coal miners. It's okay. Women don't want, there's not a lot of female electricians. It's okay, right? um pilots so i don't know if you heard but they're trying to lower the standard for pilots not they're trying they lowered the standards for pilots at united airlines to let in more women and minorities and i'm thinking to myself nobody wants that right like no no nobody wants a surgeon i don't need our i don't need an armenian surgeon like if armenians are better working at liquor stores then that's where we'll go go work. My dad made a great living working at a liquor store. Yeah. It's a weird... But you did it.
Starting point is 00:19:33 You went to a place that was all male and you succeeded. Yeah. And it's like I'm back in the fire service now. I'm trying to think. Are firefighters in Ohio just, I hope none of your workers work.
Starting point is 00:19:50 How is their fitness? It's not bad. I've definitely seen worse. Uh-oh, uh-oh. The department that I'm at is pretty cool regarding the fitness. That's pretty cool regarding the fitness. It is classed as part of your role on your 24 shift that you do fitness training and each station is equipped with a gym. So I do think that that is a good step.
Starting point is 00:20:26 If the actual department is behind fitness, then at least it helps alleviate that barrier you can't go in and say well i don't have the chance to work out when you're working a 24-hour shift and there's a gym on station fully kitted out for you to use so you were super proud to to be a firefighter in the UK. Is it the same in the United States? You're proud of your service? Yeah, no, definitely. And that was one of the cool things. When I was thinking about getting back into the fire service, I wasn't even sure whether it would be possible for me to do it.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And so the fact that I'm now back doing it and I'm back working in a profession that I loved doing before um just kind of like felt felt right it was like the the progression from being a firefighter going to athlete and now I'm back as a firefighter and definitely feels good and I'm super proud of everything that I've achieved in all the domains. How long have you been a firefighter in Ohio? So I started in the academy in August and we had a five-month academy. So I started with City of Hamilton kind of mid-December. So just recently? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Holy cow. Hey, is that a trip that you're a veteran firefighter and that you started all over in the academy? It was pretty crazy. I'd been out of the service for nine years, so I definitely needed a refresher. That's for sure. And obviously a lot of things have changed different technologies are in different ways of firefighting so it made sense to to do
Starting point is 00:22:15 the academy again um it definitely felt different going going back into being a probationer and in the academy at 40 rather than 20 so it's a it's a big difference hey um what was the were you the oldest person uh yes i was and was there an age where um isn't there an age like i had a friend i have a friend uh here over the hill in sunnyvale who wanted to become a firefighter and they told him he's 37 and they told him he's going to need an exemption because he's too old he's going to have to like and he's really fit but they said hey we don't take people who are 37 yeah so um every department is slightly different. The department that I'm employed with now had a cutoff of 41. So that's why literally I got straight into the academy and got the application and everything rolling as soon as I found out.
Starting point is 00:23:20 I started interviewing and stuff before uh semifinals last year so it was always the the plan to in the summer start and get all my qualifications done so i could be employed before my first birthday is there is there a demographic sam in the fire in the um like you know um the carpet stores in la areA. are owned by Armenian dudes. Jewelry stores in L.A. are owned by Jewish dudes. All the guys who work at Facebook are Indian. Like, is there a demographic for firefighters in Ohio? Is it like all Nigerian immigrants now or?
Starting point is 00:23:59 I would say it's definitely a higher majority of white males. It is. So that's still a white male job. Firefighter. Yeah. Any Dalmatians? So like I actually found out for the first time why Dalmatians were the fire dog. And it goes back to when horses used to draw the fire cats and Dalmatians are actually naturally even tempered with horses. So that's why Dalmatians were the fire dog. Oh, they're cool dogs.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Yeah. I think they were overbred, right? They started getting a little weird. Yeah. I think that happened with a lot of different dogs. I was reading the same about Dobermans as well, that Dobermans have been overbred. They used to be really good security dogs and stuff like that, and now they've been too overbred,
Starting point is 00:24:59 and the traits that they were bred for are now too strong, and everything else is too weak and stuff like that. You have a pit bull. I have two. They're both rescues. And, um, how,
Starting point is 00:25:12 how come you have a pit bull? When I think of people with pit bulls, I think of people who are like, like, like they want a little bit of trouble in their life. Like they're just looking at not, not that they're bad dogs but but if they do go bad it gets really bad yeah um definitely coming from the uk uh where like you're
Starting point is 00:25:33 not allowed um pit bulls and stuff what really they're illegal in the in the uk yeah um when we when we were getting our first dog uh i was obviously a little like, oh, are we sure? Is this okay? And honestly, our older dog, Groot, he is the softest, most loyal, loving dog you would ever meet. And you couldn't wish for a better dog. ever meet and but you couldn't wish for a better dog and then uh teddy who's our youngest we adopted him there was a litter of seven that needed homes and so we actually fostered two of them and we ended up keeping teddy and he is the highest energy thing i have ever known in my life. But he's also, again, the most loving dog.
Starting point is 00:26:29 All he wants to do is just give you kisses. He's like, just all he wants. When he sees you, it's kisses, kisses, kisses. It's like, how can people say that these are the most vicious dogs when they're just so loving? They're definitely the most vicious dogs when they're just like, they're just so loving. They're definitely, they're people dogs. They just want to be with people all the time. Like for instance, look at this guy, David.
Starting point is 00:26:55 He said pit bulls are the best, but of all the people who listen to the show regularly, he's like one of the most dangerous guys. Like I can just tell by his comments, like if you're in a bar drinking with him, shit could weird he's even got a skull next to his name oh yeah see right yeah good good eye are you on a computer i am yes that's good some people last time you made fun of me and said that you didn't think i had a computer but i didn't have any earphones to plug into the computer. So after the last podcast, I actually bought some plug-in earphones. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Someone told me the other day that Rich Froning doesn't own a computer. Like he doesn't have a laptop. He's just a phone guy. Yeah. I don't know. Like if he does a lot of programming and stuff like that, I'm sure he'd have to have. I think he just has people. i think he just he just has people frowning just has people um uh what
Starting point is 00:27:52 were you doing at the arnold i saw that i saw this i see this picture of you and uh mr schwarzenegger yeah so uh obviously roger the big sponsor of the arnold and so I was just on the booth with Dan Bailey on the Friday and then I was on the booth with Mary and Maddie on Saturday and it was actually really weird security started closing down the booth and pushing all the people away to one side and we're like Arnold's coming through and like shutting everything down so we were getting ready to just take a selfie as he was walking by and he actually stopped and took a photo with us and then um made time to take a photo with all the rogue staff that was there no shit he looks great yeah he definitely doesn't look I mean like how old is he now like 70 he definitely doesn't
Starting point is 00:28:45 look that old yeah wow crazy and how was the event did you like it yeah it's always an interesting place i think definitely good for people watching you know um when the first time i went to the arnold or the mr universe i, I was filming some arm wrestling. And I went there and I was like, man, there's a lot of people here I don't even recognize as human. Their bodies didn't look human to me, whether it was because of surgery augmentations or steroids or just all the stuff stuff you know the extreme because it's it's extreme right it's like the strongest people in the world the fastest people and sometimes i wonder if the crossfit community and i always thought of crossfit as kind of different than them right like because ours i i guess i fancy our sport to be clean and this just to be an expression of our DNA when you when you when you put it under this this lifestyle regimen.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But but other times I wonder, I'm like, oh, shit, am I now part of this like weird group? And I've lost my like I don't know what a regular human being looks like anymore. Like I recalibrated to weirdo world do you ever wonder about that i do think especially when you spend a lot of time in an environment where people work out and people think even in um just your local box the average member looks fitter than the average population where you live so right right like you walk into a starbucks and you're just like now and you're just like oh my god every person in here is obese like there's 42 people in here and i don't reckon one of them doesn't look like they can run 200 yards so i think you just become accustomed to kind of the environment like you're in and the people that you're surrounded by. So that becomes your new norm.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So then when you go to Starbucks or you go to the supermarket and then you actually see the rest of the real population, and especially now working back in the fire service, 90% of the people that we're going to help are people that need help because they're either obese or they have disease or like something wrong with them. And so I'm now seeing a lot of the other extreme where people are so unhealthy that they need help.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Hey, well, I guess that's happened too have you ever been to disneyland no um but i i've definitely seen a lot of uh the photos and i think it was on one of was it one of your shows a while back that you did around disneyland yeah i went to disneyland and i guess now you you wow you just really opened my eyes the arnold is to bodybuilding what sugar consumers are to disneyland yeah they don't look the people there didn't look human to me either like the baseline there is is reset they i mean those people are like in an eating contest. Brian M. You think $2
Starting point is 00:32:09 and what did he say? Sam, Samantha. You will always be one of my faves. Thank you, Brian. Thank you, Brian. Sam, do you think you're ever going to have kids? I don't know. it's something that we've uh talked about um i i love kids um but i don't have the desire to actually pop one out
Starting point is 00:32:38 um so it would either me neither yeah that's right now so it would either be on Nicole or the possibility of adopting. And you are a nurturer and a giver. Like you want to, that's your deal. Yeah. I'm definitely kind of on the wavelength of a child. I like that mentality i'd much rather uh kind of like play around and have fun and then then i don't um lindsey valenzuela said um that you're the most uh the kindest and most generous and thoughtful athlete she's ever worked
Starting point is 00:33:23 with like she can't almost can't even believe that you're like really a competitor. Like that those two beans exist in one person. Well, I don't, I think that we saw it at the CrossFit games too. You don't need to be humble. No one's listening.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's just me and you. We saw it at the CrossFit games too. You won murph right yeah second place out of all the athletes first place amongst the women and then you stayed out there while uh people were dying there were grown men hiding do you remember that underneath little bits of shade trying to get shade grasping at their vests to pull them off and you were just out there helping people take their weight vests off i think that obviously you can see that so many people were struggling and as soon as i've like finished and i'd actually like cooled down a little bit and got a drink
Starting point is 00:34:17 it's like you want to help other people most of the other competitors like off the field we're friends we like work out we like talk talk to each other know each other and so as soon as i'd finish the event that was me being competitive over and then i'm back to like being a friend just like that hey it really was bad right it was carnage there was carnage at the i mean i've never seen i've never seen anything like that yeah funny enough we were talking about it um probably last week and we were talking about um the just like how people can push themselves past like what they should it's like everything in your body is meant to regulate you your mind's meant to stop you going to those extremes that your body's starting to fail and just the fact that Cara Webb was running and like her head's not even like up
Starting point is 00:35:17 straight uh it's yeah it was crazy it's like I there's no way that i could have just walked off and left like people like that it's like so everyone knows it was in the stadium it was in the big stadium um the soccer stadium in los angeles and as people crossed the finish line there were there were electronic signs there wrapped around the entire stadium and they offered a little bit of shade and people were like diving underneath those signs people were pouring water on themselves people were like fall down and were uh the majority of people and they were fighting to get their vests off and sam was over there just helping people take their vests off and pull vests off of people
Starting point is 00:35:59 it was uh i remember benny benny gerard was like, I remember interviewing him and he was like under those signs. It was nuts. It was truly, who, who won, who ended up winning that event? Was that Josh? No, he didn't compete that year. I think it was, was it BK? Okay. BK.
Starting point is 00:36:18 And then you, and then you came in. Yeah. I think. I'm trying to remember what kind of shape B bk when it was in hey why do you think that happens you think that people like actually their their tools of assessment of how wounded they are or like maybe like five minutes behind where they're really at like it catches them like you're fine you're fine you're fine and then you cross over the line and you still don't know it for a few minutes yeah and like the kind of they're all competitors so their desire to win all their desire to not do badly um is greater than the pain of the workout of the voice that's telling them to slow down. I think as well, like a lot of people that, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:09 I was shocked by when it was the start and people were sprinting. I'm like, this is a long workout. It's really, really hot and everybody's sprinting off the start line. So I think a lot of people went out way too hard and then they're still trying to work, but their body has already gone into that red line, so far into that red line that no matter how much they slow down or try to recover, their body is not able to get out of that deficit
Starting point is 00:37:44 that they've dug themselves into what do you think about people who say um that it's negligent on the games team to to have events in that kind of heat do you have any thoughts on that um i mean it was pretty extreme but i think one of the things that crossfit always prided itself on was like testing the fittest under all different circumstances. And the heat plays a huge factor into that. It doesn't have to just be time domain. It doesn't have to be waiting. Like heat or cold, like they play a massive factor into how you can perform.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I agree 100%. I don't think it was ever too hot anywhere, anyhow to compete. And I like this idea that you present where like, hey, if it's hot, you better reel back the competitive side of you and come out a little bit slower. I think it's ridiculous to blame when people say safety first. It's not safety first. It's like, hey, we're testing for the fittest in the world. The whole thing is dangerous even if you don't see it's dangerous because there's 39 other people out there who want to beat you yeah right yeah and that like you said that comes into play it's like if there was a different weight in on a barbell you pace
Starting point is 00:39:11 a workout different if the temperature is really hot you've got to pace the workout different and like a lot of people like complained about the lack of water but the first turnaround point on the run there was a water station and nobody stopped for water apart from me I wasn't thirsty at the time but I took a little I took a little sip of water and threw the rest of the cup over my head and it's like it's keeping cool while you're still already cool like don't wait until you've already overheated it's like you had to like put all these things into place before it got too late and there comes in the play correct me if i'm wrong the importance of doing other sports um sam competed in the biathlon and triathlon at the highest levels at the world championships at
Starting point is 00:40:05 the european championships and those are probably things you learn right those are things you learned in that sport hey dump a water if you don't drink the water at least dump one on the head yeah like that uh so when i retired from playing football soccer um i did like i started running and i was doing the triathlons and stuff. And you do learn the different kind of hydration and fueling techniques that when a workout like Murph, that even though it's a CrossFit workout, it's a longer duration workout. So you need to, you don't just need to think about how I'm going to break up the reps. You're going to need to think about how am i going to hydrate for a long workout when you're in the sun and i think you'll see that's very different now how you see the
Starting point is 00:40:52 athletes and a lot of different athletes are sponsored by different hydration companies and stuff like this and so athletes now are already having these things already in their locker so when it's a longer event they've already got this covered now um i i was sam's judge when she beat telena at waterpalooza during the ring event on tina hills yeah me and telena at waterpalooza that year had a good battle um are you still in contact with her yeah she had twins she did yes so uh i went and stayed with her for a few days um not this water palooza but last year so she was pregnant with the twins just before she uh she had the twins so it was good to good to catch up with her and uh see see where she's living now and stuff
Starting point is 00:41:45 when's the last time when's the last did you did you compete as a masters no do you have any intention um i don't know i did the i did the open um we decided um we decided the day before the open that we would do the Open. So that was... You and Nicole. Me and my coach, sorry. So I'm still working with my coach. Who's that? What's his or her name? James Jousey. He's based in the UK.
Starting point is 00:42:21 And are you in good health? The knee, body the foot the yeah so that's what we so after competing last year with a bad knee i definitely had compensated a lot so the hips were off and everything was all messed up um so when i like started at the fire academy uh we basically for five six months I've just stripped everything back and been doing kind of a bit of a rebuild so I've not really been doing any crossfit I've not been doing any heavy lifting or anything it's just getting the body back to feeling good so that I can be number one strong enough and fit enough to do my job effectively and then hopefully number two get back to doing some CrossFit because I still love it and hopefully get back to kind of feeling good moving in CrossFit again and that was one of the things uh he asked for the video
Starting point is 00:43:27 when i did the uh 23.2 with the shuttle run and the thruster because we've not been doing any heavy barbell uh he asked for the video and he said that it's the nicest I've moved in a long time. He said this time last year, and his words were, you looked like arthritis. Ouch. I was like, well, I probably felt like arthritis as well last year. Working out is therapeutic for you, right you right i mean and you need it and you it seems like you're also you need more than just to work out you that you need goals and challenges and that you're you want to be put in places where you can fail yeah i i love like i love being challenged i
Starting point is 00:44:18 love doing i mean if not i would have retired a long time ago it's kind of like I didn't need to keep going but I I loved it and like every time that I had an injury or and like needed surgery it was always then the challenge of how fit can I get back it was never like when I had shoulder surgery the first thing wasn't I've got to make it back to the games it was like I wonder if I can get back to the same strength or the same like gymnastics volume as I used to and so it was setting smaller goals and then the the bonus when you you reach those goals is you are strong enough and you are fit enough to qualify back for the games when you didn't make it to the games in in 2014 did you have a good cry I didn't cry I got very drunk you didn't you didn't you never cried no because in your book
Starting point is 00:45:18 you don't mention crying either no I think I was more angry It didn't feel real kind of at first. And then it was a little bit of anger. And then it was kind of, I think I felt more like I had to prove something. So I ended up just putting everything into training. And probably 2014 to like the beginning of 2015 was probably the hardest that I've trained and hardest that I've put my body through anything. And I was kind of like the fittest and the strongest that I'd ever been. But I basically entered every off-season competition that was available.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And then my body just started breaking down. And that's when... Was that a fuck you to the world? Oh, I don't think it was to the world. I don't know. I don't know if it was... Like just entering every competition. I mean, it's so...
Starting point is 00:46:20 I mean, now everyone's like so careful what they enter and what they don't enter. And you're just like, I'm doing everything. I'm going to be everywhere. I'm going to show them. With hindsight, it was probably the wrong thing to do. But also, like, how do you know until you've done it? Like, I was on such a good, like, trajectory. Like, I podiumed at every competition that I did.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And it just felt like I was riding the wave. It's like I'd crashed not competing to the Games but then I was back on this epic wave and then literally the week before the Open I crashed back down when I herniated a disc in my back. Yeah, crazy. And then still went to the games. That's definitely more grit than anything else. It was just kind of like determination.
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's like, I didn't go last year. I have worked my ass off for this whole year. There is no way that I'm not making it back to the games this year do you know the last time you did cry um I've cried um I think it was I think it was when we were going to um adopt Teddy the second dog and I had a lot of stress from i think it was around like qualifying for like semi-finals time or something i had a lot of stress and i was just like oh what if we don't get the dog i love them i love him oh good oh good everything just crashed down and like nicole was
Starting point is 00:48:01 like looking at me like oh my god like don't worry we'll we'll get this dog it's fine um uh sam what was your um courtship process like her how do you know how did you know that um you liked her how did she know she liked you was it mutual oh yeah so uh we met training at Conjugate. She was working with Shane Sweat and I was working with Laura Sweat. Where's Conjugate? In Ohio. It's here in Cincinnati. And so we trained with each other a few times at the games. Do you know right away when you see her?
Starting point is 00:48:44 You're like, oh oh yep that I like her so at first I didn't think that she because you're a flirtatious person right you're pretty flirtatious person in person with everyone boys and girls you're pretty you're pretty uh not not not in a creepy way or a sexual way but but you're very, it's very safe around you. You make people feel safe. Yeah. Okay. I'll take that.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Okay. Yeah. So people will open up around you. It can get fun around you very quick. Yeah. And so we'd have fun together. We started doing more training together. And I just thought, obviously I liked her, but I didn't think that she was into me and it turned
Starting point is 00:49:27 out that she was like I was like trying to like hint for ages and you just weren't picking up on it and I was like oh I just didn't think that you liked women and then and then uh yeah uh how do you know how do did she how do you know if it listens i mean i'm just going off my own experience i assume i make the assumption that the vast majority of women like men yeah romantically how the fuck do you know you're kind of fucked if you're a lesbian walking around the world you're like it's like uh i mean is there a sign like do you wear a special earring or is like there's some sort of like how the fuck do you know um i think normally you just have to kind of like talk it out and find out. You just feel around in the dark.
Starting point is 00:50:13 So do you have a boyfriend? So like who was the last person that you were dating? Right, right, right. And I guess people know with you, right? I mean, you're you're you're famous in our sphere, so people know with you. Yeah. So they can approach you also. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Which was kind of like what happened. And then I made a move and she reciprocated. And then the rest is history. Did you ever feel that um um people wanted to date you just because of who you were because you were just a crossfit games champion um that would be fun just to you know have some intimacy with a a notch on my bedpost to have some intimacy with sam briggs uh i definitely think there are people out there and and i'm not hating on those people like shit who wouldn't want to be with you right i mean shit you win the games I definitely think there are people out there. And I'm not hating on those people.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Like, shit, who wouldn't want to be with you, right? I mean, shit, you win the games. I think a lot of CrossFit athletes will agree with some of the messages that come across on Instagram and people that, I think some people feel that they know you because they've followed you and then they feel like they have the right to oh why don't we go hang out why don't we go do this i'm like i'm good thank you because i don't because i don't know you and all those chainsaws in your in your instagram profile freak me out and do you do you like being in a relationship you like the stability of it does
Starting point is 00:51:46 it does it kind of like give you like um what is the relationship to does it give you grounding so you can focus on other stuff in life yeah i mean like you take her for granted like i take my wife for granted i try not to yeah i think i think that's something that a lot of people could do with working on. I don't think people mean to do it, but you just become comfortable and it's just then all of a sudden you're like, oh, damn. But no, I was single for a while, did a lot of traveling, and then it just felt right. It was kind of like the right time the right timing the right person everything just kind of like fell into place and I was still like I was still able
Starting point is 00:52:35 to I think because at the time as well she was still training and competing that she understood what I needed to do it wasn't like oh I can't go out tonight or I can't do this I need to train because she was doing the exact same regime so it actually like fell together really well and in your mom um is she still in the uk yep would you want her to move to the united states and be closer to you uh i definitely think as like uh she gets older and stuff like it would be nice to be closer um i i keep in touch a lot i ring her uh i ring her every week so uh now that i'm back in the fire service you obviously have a lot of things that you see and do that you want to like talk about after work and a lot of the things Nicole
Starting point is 00:53:33 doesn't want to hear so my mom used to be a nurse so she's seen and heard and done all that stuff before so I just bring my mom once a week and like discuss all the discuss all the shit and then i don't have to burden nicole with some of the stuff that we do um like uh one of the first crazy calls you went on you you there was a burning house you went into the house and you and you well you sort of save someone's life you pick someone up and as you pick them up the skin started peeling off of them yeah it's definitely very surreal the um like a burnt body doesn't actually look like a real body like i think because it's like a movie a movie set body right yeah yeah and so like i think which obviously helps because it kind of detaches you from the fact that this was a human.
Starting point is 00:54:28 I think one of the worst sort of incidents that you go to, like your car wrecks and your car crashes, because they still look like real humans. they're either already dead or dying and you have to try and treat them, which definitely is harder because they still look real. So you can't kind of like detach from that. I one time walked up on a scene right as a car, a crazy guy had taken a car and drove it into a crowd and there were there were dead bodies everywhere and i was going up to each one of the dead bodies to check on them yeah and and i happened to be filming there this was in isla vista and i remember exactly what you're saying
Starting point is 00:55:16 one guy his face was completely smooshed in yeah but but but but it was still a person yeah like he had a face but it was turned and so you know, our faces are kind of round and our nose sticks out. Their face, his, this dude's face was pushing someone else. The torso was wrong on the body. Yeah. Like, like a Lego guy. And I remember feeling like someone right at that moment, like I was on drugs. Like my brain couldn't process that they were humans it wanted to it couldn't process
Starting point is 00:55:48 them as trying to self-protect it's like you don't want the emotions that's that comes with seeing something like that so your brain tries to like process it and kind of like store it in a way that it's not going to be like traumatic to you it's like if you see this as a lego man or uh like something out of a movie you can store this in a place in your brain where it's not as traumatic as like oh my god you've just like actually seen what you've seen um and especially would you say that you're a person um you're uh i don't know what the word is it's it's it's kind of like empathy i don't know if this is a word would you say you're an empath like do you do you empathize with people do you feel other people um i'm pretty
Starting point is 00:56:38 i'm pretty good at uh kind of getting like the job in hand done I can kind of like separate the emotion I can kind of I don't know block things out in a way so it's kind of like the same as when you're crossfitting and you start hurting you block that pain out it's like when you're working and you've you come up to a scene and you're dealing with something like that you can block that out and you just you're kind of then in a bubble and you're just getting done what you know you need to do yeah it's it's weird because so so much of our life i feel is is just is reflecting other people right i think that's why being a cop is so fucked up right because you're just dealing you're just getting called from one shitty situation to another and just
Starting point is 00:57:29 the whole day you're just reflecting all you're seeing as examples to you are shitty people yeah no for sure it's like um definitely like i could not have gone into the police force the fire service like for me is like yes we have a lot of shitty situations but i always say the majority of the time we're making those situations better so you actually get a sense of elation at the end of it there they are the few jobs where we lose a life or we don't manage to save a property or whatever it is that we're doing. But the number of times that we make the situation better out where the
Starting point is 00:58:11 times that we don't. So you do get a lot more kind of elation out of it than you do the, the sad times. Um, uh, J J uh, bad car wrecks and suicide scenes are still, uh, still live with me. Uh, Jay Hart'll block it out until the job is done. Then you process it after these are probably all like firefighters, nurses, cops. Um, uh, the worst is when a hoarder dies and hasn't been found in a month.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah. Have you, have you had that? Have you been to a house where the body's been there like too long? Luckily I have not. I've heard stories where the body's been there long enough that it was the neighbor in the apartment underneath that reported it because the guy's like ooze was dripping through. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Oh no. And like, I know I'd like, that's one of the things that is probably the worst for me is the smell yeah yeah yeah you can see certain things but once that smell enters like trying to get rid of that smell afterwards my my the a couple nights ago my wife ate some bad meat and she was it was like two or three in the morning and she was throwing up and i went in the bathroom with her yeah and i'm and i'm like uh we're gonna have to flush the
Starting point is 00:59:27 toilet if anything comes out of your mouth we have to flush the toilet as it's coming out of your mouth so i can hang out here i don't why is it that vomit um why does vomit make me want to vomit is there some sort of like it's so weird maybe the smell like makes your gag reflex react as well. You know what else is weird about vomit? Like if you eat something and then you vomit, let's say, let's say you have a cliff bar or something, right?
Starting point is 00:59:54 Whatever your favorite snack you shouldn't be eating is. And you vomit it out. You might not eat that shit for 10 years. Like it can, it stains your brain. You know what I mean? You love asparagus. And then you barf one night. Asparagus
Starting point is 01:00:05 comes out. You're like, never eating asparagus again. Yeah. I can't eat grapefruit. Because you threw up one time after a grapefruit? Not after a grapefruit. Too much grapefruit vodka. Oh, oh. Which has put me off grapefruit altogether. At the
Starting point is 01:00:22 games one year, when it was in Manhattan Beach, beach it was uh dave's birthday and we went out to a place and i had fish and that and i got some sort of food poisoning it's like some sort of fish soup and i didn't eat fish for uh forever robbie myers i have a firefighter friend who had to move a 400 plus pound body out of their house because they were overweight and died a few days ago in their house wow yeah they had uh the on the shift before my shift um the night before they had a 750 pound guy they had to bring from um a second floor how do they do they do a forklift out the window i'm not even joking is that how they do it uh so depending on the size they can do and they have special ambulances now bariatric units to
Starting point is 01:01:13 take larger uh persons um but like a lot of the time now um you'll you can ask for more manning so you'll get the ambulance turning up with the two paramedics on and then you'll get one or two of the fire engines turning up with an extra like three people on each fire engine so you can have a potential of like eight to ten people to just try and a friend of mine is a captain um maybe he's even a chief now he's been a captain for a while uh and he told me that the in their region the leading cause of injury is back injury and i go what's what do you know what the primary thing is he's got dude it's picking people up who fall behind their toilets yeah like getting in weird positions yeah and then i also saw that they have like
Starting point is 01:02:05 now firehouses have um i guess it's been a while but i was surprised when i saw this they have actually like little fork trucks little little forklifts for humans to carry humans around they're little like hand trucks that like you used to move a lot of boxes with but now they have them for humans you guys have one of those We don't have one of those. Maybe I suggest that. Yeah. Hey, any issues being a foreigner and joining the fire? Like any weird hoops you had to jump
Starting point is 01:02:34 through? Are they concerned you're a terrorist or anything? So we have to do a... So funny enough, you have to do a polygraph to get in. Do you have video of that? Post that. It was, I think it was like almost an hour long. And basically you have to sit with your chin on this rest.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Hold on, Sam, one second. Is the polygraph only for foreigners or is it for all firefighters? I think it's for all firefighters. But I think the's for all firefighters. But I think the questions that they asked were maybe. Gator for you? Your chin's like in this rest and your eyes have to line up. Then you're not allowed to blink.
Starting point is 01:03:15 You have to stare at the screen. Then you have a mouse in your hand. And the question turns up and you have five seconds to answer the question. Left for true, right for false. And all of the questions were either about taking drugs stealing or being part of a terrorist organization wow just basically the same questions over and over again but written slightly different yeah it might be uh i was part of isis i was never part of isis but you have to be really quick answering and there's a few of them where i pressed the wrong button i'm like oh fuck oh no i can't move and you're just like i remember thinking
Starting point is 01:03:54 afterwards because you don't find out anything from it it just gets sent to the department that's hiring you and i remember thinking i was like well am i ever going to get the job or somebody's going to come and arrest me for being a terrorist in the next few days i some of those questions require like thinking like did you ever steal anything and you're like i feel like i stole a pack of gum in the third grade oh yeah and then that reminds you oh yeah another time i took a cantaloupe from them oh and then it's just this this this array you start putting together this list bad shit you've done it but you only have like literally i think it might even be three seconds
Starting point is 01:04:31 to answer it has to be like quick uh if you're delaying your answer it's classed as being a lie if you look away or you're at excessive eye movements it's's lying. There's so many little things to it. Do they tell you that ahead of time? When I think, I feel like I look away. When I think, I think I look up. And so are you going to do this for 20 years now? Is that the goal? Be a firefighter for 20 years now is that the goal be a firefighter for 20 years and and retire as a firefighter yeah i think that'll see me too i'm 60 um i can't imagine
Starting point is 01:05:14 that i'd want to be any older than that putting fires out but i mean you look at some of the masters that are in the 60 category and you're like, damn, they could actually be still putting fires out. They look a lot fitter than some of the guys that I'm working with now. And I was going to actually say that. And that is kind of the nice, I guess that's the nice thing about there being so many unhealthy people in the world is that if now, if you're 60, you're probably, you're as fit as like the average 35 year old, maybe, God, as like the average 35 year old
Starting point is 01:05:45 maybe even the average 25 year old as a kid you smoked cigarettes not like properly not like all the time just tried it friends were doing it oh so you didn't have any you don't have a hard quitting story?
Starting point is 01:06:06 No, sorry. Okay, cut that off the list. Anything that you ever had to quit that you didn't want to quit? Like that? Have you ever had any drug addiction? You were drinking like 12 Diet Cokes a day? I don't know. Before CrossFit, I definitely didn't know much about nutrition
Starting point is 01:06:29 and the way i ate and stuff was definitely not conducive of being an athlete um but i think i've always been pretty like strong-willed so like when i decided to do CrossFit and like CrossFitters at the time did the zone diet it was like okay I'm gonna do the zone diet so there was never a kind of like a hard time in between there I used to even plan out if I was going out on Friday night like I would take into the account of what the carbs were in the beer that night and not eat the carbs for the rest of the day to save so that I was still fitting in my zone diet. Yeah. You're a pretty balanced person, always.
Starting point is 01:07:18 You're pretty – you have some – except in your athleticism, there's not really any extreme to you. You're chill. Oh, yeah. I'm a pretty chill person, I would say. You're not fighting demons day to day. You're not like, don't throw up after this meal, Sam. Don't throw up after this meal.
Starting point is 01:07:40 No, I mean, like uh when i was younger there was a time that uh i did like i wouldn't say that i ever like massively struggled with any eating disorder but i think as any teenage girl growing up especially at the time where skinny was the only thing that you could be it was like that's that's the only role models you had so there would there were times like when I was younger that I ever wouldn't eat or I would like try and starve myself going to bed so hungry at night but you're telling yourself that this is good I'll be thin in the morning that's kind of thing or if I didn't do too much like i still do that yeah but it was never kind of long-lived it was uh luckily kind of like the people around me and the support system i have
Starting point is 01:08:35 like i grew to understand that you didn't have to be skinny you were okay just being you you are as far as crossfit athletes go you are pretty slender right yeah um i think like for my height uh a lot of the girls like especially now like are a good like 20 pounds more than me um now i'm not doing as much training. I find it hard to like keep any weight on. Like you could turn yourself into looking like a triathlete in six months, like be one of those tiny little sticks that runs. I think some of those women could never do that. Just, they're just not built like that.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yeah. I think it's different. It's like, I remember like having this conversation with actually Sarah once we were like saying something and we just built different like the bone it's not it's not just like more mass like the bone structure is different like I have very small bone structure like my wrists are so skinny and then you look at like how sarah's built she's just a strong build yeah so even when i was kind of at my like strongest and heaviest like i was only
Starting point is 01:09:54 145 to 150 that was like when i was at my heaviest and my strongest sam a friend of mine one time told me you know the guy too do you remember travis bajan he was a commentator at the crossfit games travis told me that he recommended if you're going to start training a kid young to just really work on their endurance like just really build an insane foundation for endurance and then from, you can sort of parlay that into anything, right? Just really focus, make your kid an endurance savage. And then he'll probably from there can turn into any sport, right? And he said, and you have the endurance that you work on has to be better than the sport you're in. So that's why it's so hard to find endurance training
Starting point is 01:10:44 for fighting because the requirements are so intense with fighting, right? It's just five minutes on against another person. And then you see people like Miko Salo and yourself who came from soccer, right? And were able to parlay that into CrossFit., once you had that engine, you could change it. Do you have any, do you have any thoughts on that of raising young kids? Like that, that your endurance should really be a strong focus. Like definitely like it definitely played well for, for me. But I've always struggled kind of putting putting on the the strength side of things so having an engine is is awesome and is kind of paramount to um the recovery and how you recover
Starting point is 01:11:39 during workouts it's like any workout over that kind of like seven eight minute mark they they're the workouts that I would tend to do well at because of my endurance background I can start recovering as I'm still going um so it definitely plays a big part in that I would just say that they need some kind of doesn't even necessarily have to be like strength but some kind of like power like training in there so that they don't just build a slow twitch machine and that's like that's one of the biggest struggles that I have is my body especially my lower body just wants to be slow twitch It just wants to go steady for long. So trying to train it to move fast or trying to train it to be powerful and strong is very, very hard and kind of against everything that my body wants to do.
Starting point is 01:12:39 I find it a lot easier to put strength and mass on my upper upper body which tends to be a little bit more dynamic and a little bit more fast twitch so if you have a mixture of that as they're coming up like maybe have them in some kind of endurance like cross country or something but then also have them in gymnastics so they're still doing something where they like having that all out power and that strength would be a good mix or have them in swimming and gymnastics. It's funny. I'd never thought of it. What you just said. Let me see if I understood this correctly. You're saying that not only if you, if you, if you have a good engine, you're good at a 20 minute workout, but then you're ready for the next 20 work minute workout now or later better than someone who doesn't have a good engine.
Starting point is 01:13:24 You learn to recover better too. engine. You're, you're, you learn to recover better too. Yeah. That's, that's fascinating. And it makes complete sense. Yeah. It makes complete sense. Did you love the CrossFit Games? Sorry, go ahead. Oh, definitely. That's what I was going to say. That's why traditionally I would do better like towards the end of like, I do well at the beginning of the games because it would be the endurance events and then i'd kind of be okay and then the last day i would be good
Starting point is 01:13:51 because everybody else is tired and not recovered from four days of competing so i'm not doing any better i've just not got as bad as other people and you loved the crossfit games you knew how to enjoy them were some people it was just a kind of a little bit of a nightmare stress nightmare it seems like you knew how to enjoy them oh it's like i never took anything for granted at least like my first games in 2010 like i wasn't even expecting to qualify for regionals that year let alone the games so kind of I just took every year as that was the bonus to all the training that I was doing I love training I loved pushing my body so the ultimate prize was just being there at the games and getting getting to do what I love in front of thousands of people and with all these other fantastic athletes.
Starting point is 01:14:48 It's funny, I remember that 2010 regionals. It was in a field somewhere. What city was that? So 2010, that was the sectionals in Mildenhall. So we were meant to be on a military base, and literally the day before the sectionals uh in milden hall uh so we were meant to be on a military base and literally the day before the sectionals the uh commander or chief whatever you went from sectionals to games that year so it was sectionals and then it went to regionals in sweden but um it was in the alico headquarters oh yeah i went to both of. I saw you at both of those.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Okay, sorry, sorry. Go back to your story. So the sectional got moved? Yeah, so we were in the parking lot opposite the military base. That's where the field was. It was just a parking lot with a big field around it. I'm trying to think where I was where I saw you competing and it was outside and there were italians there because i remember the italians smoke they were smoking in between events it was crazy so you came to uh that was regionals 2011 in boston not boston um in bolton okay okay yeah that seems like forever ago it was glorious sunshine and everybody got burnt.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And then the last day it rained and we were doing Amanda in the rain. Nuts. Do you remember not ever being able to do a muscle up or could you always do one? No, definitely. It was, so I got kind of a strict muscle up with like a hip pop over first before the big um big swing kit um it definitely didn't come i think i think i started working on
Starting point is 01:16:39 more of a um what you see kind of now um whilst, whilst I was injured in 2012, kind of like that year, while I couldn't use my legs was definitely a big gymnastics focus. Did you, when you saw that movement, were you like, Hey, I'm never going to be able to do that? Or did you think it would be challenging? Did you ever think you'd be amazing at it? Um, I don't know. Yeah. Like I saw it and i was like i want to do that that was like a massive focus when i would go into the gym it's like that's what i want and you'd spend oh i just remember my wrists being like so beat up because you'd go in and you'd get this false grip and you'd just be pulling and pulling and trying and your wrists would just be ripped open it's like okay i'll have to have a rest for two three days okay my
Starting point is 01:17:28 wrists look healed up enough let's go again right would you used to get chafed in your triceps from the straps to like get a pretty good chafing there um yeah and funny enough um i stopped getting that because i had the big um the big kip into like quite a high catch and then not doing muscle-ups for a while. Now I've started doing muscle-ups again. I've been chafing on the triceps. I'm like, damn, what have I, what have I lost? What have I changed? Sam, you have a, you have a shitload of followers on Instagram. I'm losing them by, by the day. day nobody nobody wants a retired athlete 651 000
Starting point is 01:18:09 there's there's you were you were never you never did the pin-up girl kind of uh photos i mean obviously you have a fucking insane beautiful body but you never did the um do you know what i mean the pin-up girls like and i shouldn't just blame it on i shouldn't blame is not right i shouldn't just characterize the women like that the men do that too i think that they call them thirst pics right like just pictures of just where it's just this just staring just at the body or these poses is there a reason why you didn't do that you didn't go that route you didn't um sort of uh show your body like a like a lamborghini you know what i mean someone buys a brand new car and they put
Starting point is 01:18:49 take all these fancy pictures of it why didn't you ever show off your body more like have have those kind of pictures i think like especially when i first came into the spot and for anyone who's listening sam has an amazing body she has a small waist broad shoulders i mean she has a uh it's a fantastic body. A camera could totally take advantage of it and do a million thirst pics. I think when I first came into the sport, I was very body conscious. You see all these girls with six-pack and looking strong. I don't think you ever see yourself kind of as that especially at first and it's like
Starting point is 01:19:25 um the first games I was like I came from a soccer background so I want baggy shorts on I would want more of a baggy t-shirt the I never did gymnastics or anything like that so having something tight fitting or having something showing my body off was never in kind of the spot that I did. So it took me a long time before I even started wearing just a sports bra or booty shots. So that was like a long progression for me. And I think... Did you resent the sport for that at all? Were you like, fuck you, I'm not wearing that.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Fuck you guys. Or did you... And when you finally did switch to it, did you embrace it? Did you like fuck you I'm not wearing that fuck you guys or were you or did you and when you finally did switch to it did you embrace it did you like it I think it was more that um when I did do it it was like that was comfortable to perform in I was like known for my athletic performance and this is what I need to wear to perform well so it was never than a thought of oh my god people are looking at my body it was still people are watching me do what i'm doing if that makes sense yeah yeah i i think in the moment that's probably where all athletes go right i mean once they're once they're performing i mean that's probably why a lot of athletes work out right just kind of shut down their brain yeah um there was there was one outfit in particular that was crazy that
Starting point is 01:20:50 i saw you in it um was it at the invitational or something it was a green one it was a beautiful outfit but i mean it was so fucking tiny i think it was it was a crazy outfit. I wish I could find it. The, um, the green dress. Uh, no, it was, it was some, it was, it was something, it was something like this. Look at this picture. Like, look at this picture. Like there's, there's athletes in their entire, so I had to go through, uh, I had to go through a, this wasn't the top I was talking about, but I had to go through a thousand posts to find this just now, by the way.
Starting point is 01:21:25 Like, like you're, you could litter your entire, what? That was for charity. I'll share my body for charity. I'll do a lot of things for charity. If it's helping some, if it's doing good or helping somebody else, then I'm down for it. You even, you even you, Oh, this is a good picture. Oh, are you, are you training, um, with Emma McQuaid? Yeah. So I'm actually going back to the UK in May. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:57 so I'll be staying with her for a week and then going back and seeing my family. And what is that relationship like are you are you um are you would you say you're her coach a training partner a mentor a friend all a friend uh so she has the same coach as me now um so basically it started um in 2016 um i saw that she had shoulder surgery and was back snatching and we found out that i needed a shoulder surgery so i reached out to her and i was like hey um i hope you don't mind me reaching out i see that you've had surgery you're back training I need to go in for x y and z I would love to speak to you about what you did for rehab and stuff and
Starting point is 01:22:54 because obviously I want to get back training and instead of just being like oh yeah I'll send it she was like oh uh send me your MRI I'll hand it to my physio and it ended up being she I went over to Ireland I stayed with her saw her physio and her surgeon her surgeon did the surgery on me her physio then rehabbed me uh back and I was like back training and back competing within I think I did Dubai that year and came second in Dubai I think it was something like 15 or 16 weeks post-surgery so through that you built a pretty tight friendship that's pretty intense yeah so then I would go back and I'd go over toland and train with her she'd come across to manchester and train with me uh we did that and then i think a year later it might have been she actually started working with my coach and then and then it meant that on training camps and stuff like that we were
Starting point is 01:23:58 together and just became really good friends and good training buddies are you similar athletes no no very different oh that's a cool top that green one there's a cool top yeah that's a really cool top do you ever dress like that anymore? Will you wear any of that stuff when you work out or do you, or are you just in shorts and a t-shirt now when you work out? Like, will you just go to the affiliate and be like that? Um, so actually doing, um, 23.3 was the first time that I took my top off in the gym for a while. Uh, I don't know. I think you feel a little bit different. It's's like i probably don't look much different but because i'm not doing as much training i feel a little bit different
Starting point is 01:24:50 so i just never felt like i should have been taking my top off and um 23.3 do you have a masseuse do you have a do you have a masseuse i do get a sports massage uh like at least like once or twice a month in those in those shadows there on your back these lines are there just crazy knots in there how the god i would fucking love my in my mind my back does look like that but are there is your back knotted to all get out like no it's not too bad like i look after myself uh i do um i do a lot of recovery that that just that photo is just i think amazing jamie looks so tiny in that photo compared to my back yeah that's it that's it that's it that's a crazy photo it's so good well you can't be that i mean you can't be that well i guess i guess i was gonna
Starting point is 01:25:53 say you can't be that um concerned about your body if you post a picture like that i mean because that's about as big as a fucking woman's back can be right i mean that's just just the i mean you you clearly are proud of it is all get out i would be oh definitely and i think like i think when you train in and you um you are performing well like you appreciate your body so much more as well because because of what it is accomplishing is doing yeah yeah for sure uh so firefighting do you own an affiliate in cincinnati no i'm still part owner of uh crossfit black five in manchester at train manchester how come um it was isn't that just headache like more taxes and paperwork and don't you just want to be like all right go away it's we we're all good friends and there's people in place that are doing uh all the roles it's like i took a step back when, um, when I was like competing, uh, properly. So I've never had to be kind of in that main role or anything. And, uh, in the gym that you go to in Cincinnati,
Starting point is 01:27:13 it's a CrossFit gym. Yeah. I train at a CrossFit cornerstone. And how long have you been there? So I started there during the lockdown. My physio, my physical therapist was, they have a location within the gym there. And I was getting treatment. And the owner said, because of the clause that if you're an athlete, you can train as part of your job
Starting point is 01:27:45 she was like I'm more than happy for you to like come in and train there and prior to that I'd just been training in uh the garage so it was really super nice to actually go into a gym and be able to do like kipping pull-ups and muscle-ups and things and not not be just in this tiny garage unit that was slanted and lifting to one side or anything like that so I started training there and um the I think it would have been was it the rug invitational that was first um and I asked if I could do the rug invitational there when they'd first just opened up and they were more than happy to, uh, accommodate. And they were just like, so welcoming. It just felt like home.
Starting point is 01:28:35 So I went all the other gyms up and back up. I stayed there and I'm still there now. Are you, when Bill and Katie, um, call you to do something like the rogue booth is part of you are you are you like crazy flattered you're like wait but i'm i'm a firefighter now and like i haven't won the games in nine years and like are you did you call me on accident so funny enough it was me and dan bailey that were on the booth on on Friday and we were saying before it started we were like what if nobody turns up like like did they really mean to just have us two stood here
Starting point is 01:29:14 luckily people came people still wanted photos with us so we were okay do you enjoy that do you enjoy meeting people yeah for sure like um when i first started competing it was very alien to me but now it's like part of the process these are people that have watched us compete and especially when it's like younger children or younger girls that come on they want to see you it's like yes i'm like we're like now making it the norm to be strong and powerful instead of being like skinny and not eat it's like this is what we want children to see this is what we want the younger great to see you. Thank you for having me on. Yeah, you're a cool dude.
Starting point is 01:30:09 You're a cool human being. Thanks for your time. I was I'm always excited to talk to you. And I went through your book again and I listened to a bunch of it again. What tell me what was the name of the book? I just. Hold on. I'll show the picture from my phone.
Starting point is 01:30:31 I listened to the audio book. Oh, yeah. Start Your Engine. Sam Briggs. Look at it. You can tell I've been listening, right? It's the first one there. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:41 I'm not making anything up. Look at it. There I am am there she is thank you uh if there's ever anything i can do for you let me know if you're ever in california let me know i'd love to hang out with you i'd love to i'd love to have a beer with you or seven definitely tell tell nicole i said hi is nicole quiet lady uh i'm definitely the louder one when we're in public at home. She's probably louder than me. If you're in Cincinnati and you are in that region, you'd like to buy a home. It looks like Nicole sells homes. Yeah, she does. So that's what she started during lockdown. She did her
Starting point is 01:31:20 real estate license and she actually started her own company with another guy. They've just celebrated being in business for a year. So if you're in Cincinnati and need any help, she definitely goes the extra mile. She puts in all the effort that she used to put into competing into buying houses. Let's say I buy a house from Nicole. Can I write in the contract that I want to be able to meet you, have lunch with you? I'm sure she'd sell me off like that.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Yes. Okay. Just pretend like you want a house. If you want to meet Sam Briggs. All right, girl. Thank you so much for coming on. Great catching up with you.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And I, I hope our paths cross again soon. Okay. Awesome. Thank you so much for coming on. Great catching up with you. And I hope our paths cross again soon. OK, awesome. Thank you very much. Bye. Bye. Sam breaks, ladies and gentlemen. The Vesh Maharaj, Savan's eye twitches every time Sam mentions who shall not be named. I hope you're joking. I hope my eye wasn't twitching.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Someone come scoop me up in Milwaukee. It's on the way to Cincinnati. For some reason, those towns like that, like Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, for some reason, I want to live there. I don't know why. Man, I went to, from her, from Nicole. Yeah, Sam is so cool.
Starting point is 01:32:43 She was really mellow today. I mean, she's always pretty mellow, but, but but in person, I remember her being a little more joking. Like, I don't know, but she's great. I always felt kind of free around her. You could tell she's one of those people that when she's around, everyone gets a little looser. Like you don't need those two beers, uh, that, that you might need around some people like her.
Starting point is 01:33:07 You just, you just go there. Uh, seven. Remember people to give a like, yes. Look, look.
Starting point is 01:33:15 You know what I think? I think a lot of people watch this on their TV and it's too much work to scroll up and hit the like button from your TV. Cause you got to do with the, with the remote and it's kind of weird. Um, like button from your TV because you got to do with the, with the remote. And it's kind of weird. Somehow that interview was better than I expected. And I had high expectations. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:33 She's so calm. The book's cool. It's a good journey. If you want to, if, if you want to be a CrossFitter, you should definitely read that book. You should definitely read that book you should definitely read that book i like the fact she had this good healthy balance by like she was proud to be doing certain things as a woman but she didn't want any special um she didn't want any special, any preferential treatment.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Jay Hartle, why do you hate Dan Bailey? I don't know if hate's the right word. Sure, fine. What do you want to know? I don't really want to talk about him. I don't want to talk about him. It is my show i've told the story a million times go back and listen find it you know what it is it's i'll tell you what it is
Starting point is 01:34:34 it's stupid ass expectations on my fault i bragged you guys about how like i don't give a fuck about trust and like i try to prance around here like i'm fucking enlightened and things don't bother me he did some shit that fucking bothered me he did some shit that fucking that hurt me about trust and like, I try to prance around here. Like I'm fucking enlightened and things don't bother me. He did some shit that fucking bothered me. It's some shit that fucking, that, that hurt me. I was,
Starting point is 01:34:50 I was vulnerable to him and he did some shit that hurt me. I was in my mind. I was, I was gave him the best version of myself and it wasn't enough. And, uh, and, and he,
Starting point is 01:35:01 um, and when, when the Floyd 19 shit went down, there was multiple reports of him telling people that I should be fired. And I did so fucking much for him that I felt owed. I felt like someone shouldn't hurt me if I do that. And that's my fault. I get it. No one owes me anything.
Starting point is 01:35:21 So, yeah, I have this mentality that I can't be hurt, but, but it's a lie. Just a fucking scared little boy inside somewhere. Not much. There's a little one in there though. There's some of them. And so, I mean, he lived with my family, with my kids. For those of you have kids, that's like the craziest thing that you can do let someone move into your house come into your house when you have kids i take that shit so fucking seriously like crazy seriously yeah if dan and rosa were standing next to you uh who would you throw a bike throw the bike at neither i i don't have any i'm fine i i just um i don't um yeah there's there's too many there's too many crazy i put my i put myself out there too many times for dan for me to just be like even the danny broflex thing
Starting point is 01:36:20 you know i was told i would be fired if i if i proceeded with the danny pro flex thing and i proceeded with it anyway because i felt like it was the right thing to do and just tons of shit like that just put myself out there but i'm maybe i did something to upset him and he's like fuck this guy i don't know maybe i maybe he maybe he was taking a shower once and he heard me laughing in the other room and he thought I could see in the shower and was making fun of his tiny dick. And so he built up a reason to be mad at me. And so, you know, maybe it was like something like that, but it was just, it was just, uh, it's just me feeling like I got, I just got hurt. Uh, It's just me feeling like I got I just got hurt.
Starting point is 01:37:07 Sevan, I sent you an Insta post of Tyson Bajor standing with the noble guy. Oh, no, it's OK. Even woke people need friends, too. I don't even have a problem with that Todd guy. I just think it's fucking hilarious. Those people have to wake up, too. But thank you. Yeah. Every everyone at some point is going to have to wake up.
Starting point is 01:37:24 But it is just fun the irony right they demand people take a drug to work at their work and now we know that drug kills people and now he uses the phrase are my staff killed themselves to get this done and it just I don't care but it's just like imagine if you're one of those people
Starting point is 01:37:42 who's like died or like your sister died your brother died your mom died and those people claim that they're so sensitive to that shit right i just would never i just can't stand that company i just can't they're so they're just rotten people over there and it sucks that so many of my friends are like i have friends who are sponsored by them and shit they're just it's so it's so inconsistent and duplicitous but whatever but i but i want the best for tyson i don't like the nfl either i think the nfl is just rotten to the core too complete scumbags the worst of the worst just i think of their i think that they are a they they
Starting point is 01:38:22 they are at the root of systemic racism uh all the all the horrible things in society drug use dishonesty lying selling out being fake and yet i'm so excited that tyson's going there i mean he worked his whole life to get there i'm so happy for him for him so um i'm i'm excited i'm i'm pumped. I'm positive. I'm positive about it all. No, the NFL is not a fixed game too. Shut up.
Starting point is 01:38:50 No, it's not. No, I don't want to have a private conversation with him. I'm not interested in having a private conversation with him. I'm not interested in the least. He doesn't owe me an apology at all. It's just a story. I don't want to have a private conversation with him. I don't want to have a private conversation with him or Katrin.
Starting point is 01:39:18 I'm not mad at them. I'm not... It's just a story now. You stay at my house for months on end. I let you in. I go out of my way professionally to fucking push you forward. I always go out and live for you. I fucking love you to death. I shower you with kindness.
Starting point is 01:39:36 What I think. Now, maybe I was just a complete fucking asshole to him. I can only know what I know. But in my mind, I was all that to him and then for him to tell people that he thinks i should get fired because i'm part of the toxic environment fuck you and so my my little savvy was hurt right my best wasn't good enough that's it that's all i'm saying no it's okay i can talk away thank you kenneth my best wasn't good enough and so i'm hurt it kind of i guess you could say the same way sam right her best wasn't good enough. And so I'm hurt. It kind of, I guess you could say the same way,
Starting point is 01:40:05 Sam, right? Her best wasn't good enough either. She tried her hardest to make it to the games and her best wasn't good enough and just hurts. Yeah. I'm hurt. I'm wounded.
Starting point is 01:40:11 It sucks. I get over it. It's just the reality of it. Same with Katrin. Like, well, why would you, why would you repost that?
Starting point is 01:40:21 I was making fucking more than a half a million dollars a year, working 365 days a year to do everything in my fucking power to promote you guys and to love on you guys and it's your first moment of fucking running me over you ran me over a little savvy that's it but it's great fuel now right oh my goodness i goodness. I do. I do. I am going to circle back and probably back the truck up over Julie Foucher again. I heard that she has a podcast out with, I heard she has a podcast. I heard Julie Foucher. You're so good, Philip. I heard Julie Foucher just did a podcast with someone. I can't remember who, but I'm going to listen to it.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And I heard at the end she cries because she's so happy that I better not even make fun of it yet until I listen to it. But I heard at the end she cries because she's so excited because Dawn is going to save CrossFit. But I heard at the end she cries because she's so excited because Don is going to save CrossFit. Man, Julie Foucher is a piece of work. Fucking psychopath. Full blown. Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 01:41:42 I have this recording where she called Greg. Crying. Telling him he has to turn the company over to them to save CrossFit. I have this recording where she called Greg crying, telling him he has to turn the company over to them to save CrossFit. To, to, to them. What'd I say? I didn't, I did.
Starting point is 01:41:55 I not say Don fall. What'd I say? What'd I call him? Donnie, Donnie boy. Me and Don are tight. I can call him Donnie. Donnie.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Oh, Donnie. What's up? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Savant sure has a long list. I mean, I was just in a shootout. I mean, a few years. So I got it. I got a list, you know, like people. Here's the deal. I've told you guys before. You ready? I was in a room with 500 people and a shooter came in and I got to look around the room and see how everyone would react. That's what we got to see. That's what it was like working at CrossFit. I got to see who ran for the door. I got to see who
Starting point is 01:42:38 grabbed, went for a gun. I got to see who held a baby up for protection. I got to see it all. I got to see who went outside the room and then fucking locked the doors from the outside. So when you see that, it just makes for great storytelling. And I'm a storyteller. That's what I do. That's all I have. That's all I have left, actually. That's why when someone called me the other day and they go, you're so fucking dangerous.
Starting point is 01:43:10 I am. I am very dangerous. I think that they're right. I have too many stories and they're too fun. And it's how I put food on my table, telling stories. So in that way, yeah, I'm crazy dangerous. And I have fucking 100 terabytes of photos and documentation and shit like that too so it's it makes it it makes it and i have nothing to lose that's why
Starting point is 01:43:33 so that's why i think a lot of these people now just back off and they don't want to tango and because one of my friends is crazy rich and can hire any lawyer he wants in the world to fuck your shit up. So there's a combination of weird things. And probably I'm willing to do anything so that my kid's life is good. Uh-oh, I've started going through my emails. I shouldn't do that while I'm on the show, right? Are you guys excited?
Starting point is 01:44:06 Oh, do you know what? Damn it. You know what I forgot to bring up? Barry, my cockiner. I lost my friend of 20 years because I didn't get the vax, and he thought I was a threat to his family. Holy shit. I got a story like that here in a second, too.
Starting point is 01:44:24 I meant that Sam fought a lady once a lady named sarah dunn the story's in the book sam fought this chick named sarah dunn for a charity event and in the in the final round they called the fight a tie and sam was like fuck dad that ain't no tie knock that bitch out on her back but anyway and then three days later three days later sam briggs can you fucking believe this is a great story three days later so she had to put on weight for that boxing match she had to get up to 65 kilos kilos so she gets up to 65 kilos right for the fight she knocks this bitch out sam uh sarah dunn and she does it all for charity and then uh sam three days later she she she drops three and a half kilos i think that's like seven pounds and she does that by fucking
Starting point is 01:45:23 late at night with fucking garbage bags on her, fucking riding the fucking assault bike or with blankets on her, trying to lose weight every single night, sweating her ass off. And so three days later, three and a half kilos less, she enters the British rowing world championships or the British championships for rowing because she had to be 61 kilos i guess that that rowing shit's done by weight class cool right gain weight for a fucking boxing match and then fucking lose weight three three days later to enter the rowing competition
Starting point is 01:45:57 yeah um i didn't i don't i didn't lose any friends over the um vaccine but i um i i think more just in general when i got red pilled there were people they were just scared they didn't want to be around because if you're around red pill blue pill people don't want to be around red pill people they don't want to accidentally let the light in which is funny because the red pill people don't mind being around the blue pill people like i don't mind being around those people i don't mind talking to them but for some reason so i've had friends like they don't want to they don't they don't want to talk about uh black lives matter oh you want to see a comment that some fucking chick left me you guys want to look uh this chick left
Starting point is 01:46:47 this fucking this chick left this message if you're gonna write something to me on youtube to think like three or four times before you write it don't just say stupid shit like that i'm gonna be able to be like uh that makes no sense oh i wonder if we're gonna have have Claire Bays on again tomorrow. Do we have a show scheduled for tomorrow evening? God, I'm so excited to speak to Tyson tomorrow, 7 a.m. Let me show you this comment here. Let me see if I can find this comment.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Comments. this comment comments um seven i stopped listening after you started babbling about pyramid schemes oh that's the ronnie teasdale episode where's this uh this lady made a comment i wish i could find it on here but she was telling me that there's been shitloads of incompetent white people running the world for years and it's like you're missing the point i i don't even remember exactly what she was talking about but i could guess that's fine i agree there has been shitloads of incompetent white people running the world for years. I couldn't agree more with you. But what's your point? That we should now hire incompetent people who are Asian or black or Hispanic to help balance it out?
Starting point is 01:48:17 That doesn't even make sense. Two wrongs make a right? How is that? Where are these people's logic? that two wrongs make a right how is that where where are these people's logic what happens is is when you write that shit on youtube you're just showing to me that you've been triggered and that you're not even listening you're not even thinking coherently anymore darn i wish i could find it it's a great example of just being angry hey man i can't be angry if someone – I can't – when the vice president of America West Bank or whatever it was, I forget what it was, in Los Angeles, I have a meeting with her. And she fucking runs 50 banks in LA, and she says, yeah, we don't lend money to Armenians.
Starting point is 01:49:00 It's a policy we have, and if we see the last name I we send them to the uh a district outside of ours to this other these other banks i'm not i don't go oh my god that racist bitch i go yeah there's probably some truth to that they want to make money they want to make money they're not they're not not lending money to armen not, they're not, not lending money to Armenians because they're Armenian. I'm not, if you put, if you put me as captain of a team and you put Jay Hartle as captain of a team and then 20 people, we have 20 people in front of us we've never met before and we have to pick teams to play basketball. I'm not racist ifay hardell and i pick all the black dudes first that doesn't make us racist you have to you have to understand that we're going off of experience that's it the bank's not that's that's, that's not racism. That's not racism.
Starting point is 01:50:07 That's something different. You have to, a saying that all Indian dudes smell like curry, or a bunch of Indian dudes smell like curry, or Indian dudes have pretty strong body odor, that's not racism. If you can't get past that, then we're in serious trouble in this world. And if those things trigger you, then you're fucked. If you see a snake with a fucking big jawline like this, as opposed to the snakes that just look like worms,
Starting point is 01:50:34 you should walk away. That jawline is where fangs hang out. Those are fangs. Venomous, thank you. Venomous, thank you. Venomous, yeah. They got the juice in there. They got those big hollow teeth in there with juice in them.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Yeah, facts, not feelings. This is just the way it is. But if you think that black people are good at basketball because of the color of skin then you're also retarded that's where you have to distinguish has nothing to do with the color of skin it's so somehow culturally they play that sport more than asian kids just like if it's a fucking spelling test pick the fucking indian girl just this isn't this this is not that that is not racism but it's okay to celebrate it like if you're the first also i think it's okay to celebrate
Starting point is 01:51:32 if you're the first indian girl to win the fucking national spelling bee it's fucking cool good on you so it's funny you say that victor i am i need to buy 80 pound dumbbell i said the 70s getting a little don't tell anyone victor the 70s getting a little easy for me i ain't gonna lie ain't gonna lie fucking strong like a bull right now i want to tell you guys some people think that i've been on california hormones that is not true. But, but, uh-oh, I know. But I have, I have, I have dabbled. I have, oh, I don't know if I should say it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Deadlift 295. I know that was kind of easy too. I should show you guys the video. I couldn't even believe it. What's crazy is I just don't deadlift. I'm scared to death of deadlifting.
Starting point is 01:52:27 And it just came right up. Okay, ready? I'm going to tell you what I've been taking a little bit. Just a little bit. Not a lot. No, not DHEA. No, good guess. No.
Starting point is 01:52:40 I bought a jug. I'll show you what I bought. I'll just show you. I shouldn't even say it out loud. I got it on Amazon. Anyone else want to guess what I'm on? I got the juice. Yeah, I've always dabbled in a little creatine.
Starting point is 01:53:01 No, not fake weights, though. Great guess. Great guess. Not fake weights. Let me see if i can and you know what's crazy is it just shows how much uh this is definitely just because i was influenced i've never i've never really i don't think i've dabbled in shit like this in 20 years here okay here we go you guys ready here it is brace yourself nope not monster energy that stuff i got the um i got 60 servings of that no explode and i started taking it like i started like drinking it with a pint of water.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Um, uh, maybe 30 minutes before I work out and, and I, God, I don't really want to endorse that shit. Boo. Look at Kenneth.
Starting point is 01:53:57 I know cheater, right? Fucking all juiced up. Um, uh, to look at Victor trash. So you're on meth now. Oh, I know i shouldn't have been vulnerable to you guys you assholes uh john clark seven you don't need no no explode
Starting point is 01:54:15 well something happened you know what maybe it's good you think there's meth in there no i don't i don't feel uh and explode no explode is trash there we go uh gabe the pre-workout of champs thank you i um i just heard uh hillar talk about it and about making your skin crawl and all that so it does not definitely doesn't make my skin crawl but i've been taking a scoop of that before i work out and um i've been uh i've been just fucking around a little bit and it kind of motivates me a little bit you know what i mean because i add a roll is next no i don't i've never even tried adderall i do want to try adderall um next he'll be slamming c4s come on guys come on knew i shouldn't have shared that with you guys
Starting point is 01:55:07 hey two of you jackasses will end up buying that stuff two scoops and you'll i would never i can't imagine taking two scoops i don't need to deadlift more than that. I was cool with that. I'm cool with that. So Tyson Bajan is coming on tomorrow. He went to the Combine this past weekend, the NFL Combine. I've seen some video footage from it. He looked absolutely fantastic. You guys want to see this pass he threw? So crazy. Tyson Bajan. so crazy uh tyson
Starting point is 01:55:46 uh i wonder if i have to type in nfl um videos hey so caleb's gone no more Caleb. That's it. Just gone. Like he had to go back to his day job. Isn't that crazy? Fucking nuts. Oh, Tyson Vagent Combine.
Starting point is 01:56:25 I want to show you this. They call this throwing it in the bucket. I think that's what they call it, throwing it in the bucket. Let me see if I can find this. No, not that. Oh, not that one. Broad jump. He did the broad jump tyson vagent number one pick an nfl draft tyson vagent son prepares oh what's that anyway i'll make sure i have it tomorrow let's see nfl combine oh maybe it's on my oqb drill is this it no maybe it's on my maybe i put it on my instagram anyway he throws this pass and the guy's looking and it's it's i don't know it's 50 yards
Starting point is 01:57:19 and the guy's running he just looks up over his head and it lands in his hands i don't know if he's gone forever i don't know oh yeah so you guys are freaking out about caleb i can fill in for caleb um some weekdays it's 7 a.m man 7 a.m pacific standard time i need someone i need someone who's fucking crazy like i need another dude who's in the military who's stuck somewhere is what I really need. It's just an ass job. I'm in cybersecurity.
Starting point is 01:57:49 I can take over. Sevan, just don't move on from there. Oh, you mean from NO Explode? I won't. I'm good. And when I run out of that, I'm too cheap to even buy more. What about a poor, yeah, poor, yeah, yeah. Poor vet stuck at home. Who's like, I would love like, what if we just got some like drug addict?
Starting point is 01:58:13 Like we just felt sorry for him, but he just ran the back end like Caleb did. I'm stuck, but I'm busy doing things. All right. I can do it. How much does it pay? It's horrible pay. You have to, you have to find a way. It's horrible pay. And if you talk too much or do something to piss me off, I'll snap at you. Ask Caleb. You're always under complete scrutiny not to fuck up my stories or my pacing or the rhythm I'm on. I just, see like this, like, sorry, Jeremy,
Starting point is 01:58:47 I have to use this example. Hit me up offline, Seve. I may be able to help you. Like right away, that dude, Jeremy's out. That's it. That's it. He's out.
Starting point is 01:58:58 I may be able to help. I need someone who'd be like, dude, I'll fucking do anything. I'll be there every day at 7 a.m. for a year, I promise. And if you need a handy, I'll just close my eyes and take one for the team. Like that's what I need someone who'd be like dude I'll fucking do anything I'll be there every day at 7am for a year I promise and if you need a handy I'll just close my eyes and take one for the team like that's what I need so that's
Starting point is 01:59:12 that's the kind of job it is there's no niceties there's no hit me up or can I it's like I there's no middle ground I'm either like I'm either in love with you or I'm talking shit behind your back to Suze about how much I hate you. And I wish Suze would get rid of you. Those are the only two. And Caleb, that's like, it's going to be impossible to replace Caleb. If he says something I don't like, I snap at him after the show.
Starting point is 01:59:46 And yet he still has to be confident and just keep going, pressing forward. Just be like comfortable in his own skin and do it. I don't know how he does it. If I was 26 or 27, I'd be like, fuck this. The white man has been running the back end of your podcast, messing it up. It's time for Jeremy because he's black. Fair enough. Fair enough. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:00:10 No pay minimum wage. I don't pay. Listen, honestly, in my mind, I'm like, oh, my God, you're so lucky you get to work with me. He's in the military. He's in the military. I'm not joking about that. I really do think that. I'm like'm like holy fuck you get to work with me you're so fucking lucky i hope someday brian i hope someday i'm rich so i can fucking um and brian and i can talk about like that's all the contention between brian friend and myself this motherfucker tries to stand up for himself and tell me like he needs
Starting point is 02:00:42 money and shit like a fucking married couple me and brian like brian tries to stand up for himself and tell me like he needs money and shit. Like a fucking married couple, me and Brian. Brian tries to get money for my other people. I think it's about time you start paying so-and-so. Shut the fuck up. I ain't paying nobody. Pay them. Can't get a fucking.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Huh. I got to fucking beg Gabe to send coffee. Get a fucking pay him. But the show is killing it. We're doing it. We're doing it right. Okay. So tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Tyson Bajan. And I appreciate all of you guys for that. I don't take you guys for granted. Not you. I take the get to get. No, I don't. I don't take the, even the guests for granted. Okay.
Starting point is 02:01:30 Tomorrow morning, 7am Tyson Bajan. And then I think in the evening, we're going to have a Brian for trolling the leaderboard and, Oh, here. Yes. Vindicate,
Starting point is 02:01:40 get your CEO gear. See, this is my kind of person. He pays me to sell my shit this is what i mean this is how unbalanced the relationships are with me uh get your ceo gear and vindicate how do you not have a seat dude these shirts are so dope hey my kids love their fucking gold shirts look at that shit we get some gray hairs on there and i got some if you have broad shoulders and you're not one of those dudes who likes his shit tight on them like around his
Starting point is 02:02:12 titties like this is a large and this thing fits me so good and i have crazy i'm like i'm like built like spongebob square pants i'm telling you and the sleeves are kind of they're not too loose so when you flex like you get they they tighten up kind of they're not too loose so when you flex like you get they they tighten up a little bit but not too tight that's a great fucking shirt i love this shirt i love it that you know what i love even more i love it that hillar loves it he's always wearing it too i love that yeah it's awesome um uh money uh, money and nudity is the only way to get Sevan's attention. That's fair. I, yeah, I'm a large.
Starting point is 02:02:50 I sent you a medium. No, I'm a large. All the mediums end up going to the wayside. I have to be so fucking skinny to fit into a medium because I have, I have, I have giant lats and giant tits for my size. I have giant lats and giant tits for my size. But a large isn't too long on me either, which is kind of crazy. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:03:13 The tit thing. I broke the code on the tit thing. So a friend of mine told me that her and her girlfriend did that. And they said there's no fucking way real tits do that. And that I nailed it exactly right real tits go in circles and they they don't even like it real tits when you shake around they don't even they just they're they're they can't ever get on the same page real tits don't get on the same page unless it's up and down fake tits get on the real on the real page side to side and up and down real tits will only get on the same page up and down, like if you're running with the bra on.
Starting point is 02:03:49 But side to side, no, they don't do that. They do not do that. Yes, real tits have a mind of their own, yes. And they start kind of like circling. They start making circles. Oh, we got it. Bruce, you don't have a CEO shirt? Bruce, I got to get you a ceo shirt by the way guys
Starting point is 02:04:05 bruce wayne has been killing all you guys all you people but have been who've been helping me with uh the thumbnails you're absolutely killing it and bruce wayne has just been savage complete savage with them i'm so i'm so happy i wonder if that's why our viewership's gone up you guys want to see the boo video again who doesn't want to see that right oh i don't i don't even know if i have access to it on my computer anymore i went from not wanting to show that to like letting you guys know I take NO Explode. I've really opened up to you. I don't see it. Oh, is this it?
Starting point is 02:04:51 This never gets old? No, that's not it. All right. You guys won't be seeing the boobs today. They're probably on. I sent them to Caleb. Corey Leonard, I'm only here for the boobs. Oh,essica you were totally wrong you were totally wrong your your creds as a chick just went down the toilet you're totally wrong you have to have two shirts on yeah sorry they'll be they'll be here we'll we'll get that clip back oh shit bullshit i had two girls in the gym do it and they have real boobs
Starting point is 02:05:36 they did not you're fucking full of shit you did not you did not they didn't get their tits synced like that going like that there's no no they did not you're full of shit you know what someone told me they're like i know why you do someone a friend of mine called me he goes i know why you do those bits and i go why and they go because you just want people to send their boobs to you it's like wow i didn't even think of that by the way seven if you ever need someone to test those videos on send away I have no shame oh you mean like if I
Starting point is 02:06:10 like I don't need to test them sometimes I see stuff like that I'm like who do I send this to to like um like I don't know who to send this to like I showed it to my wife and then what like I need one other I guess I need a partner in crime.
Starting point is 02:06:26 He's like, holy shit. Yeah. That shit's gotta kill your boobs. That can't be good for them at all. But what's funny is this friend of mine, who's a girl, she was like pissed at me that I didn't send it. She's texted me. She's like, Hey, numb nuts. Send those videos to me.
Starting point is 02:06:43 I'll, I'll tell you anything you want to know about the titties. I was like, all right, thanks. Yeah. Real dicks go side to side and up and down and round and round. Yeah. The dick's so versatile. The penis is very versatile. I know. Sorry, Bruce. God, this is a tough show. I know. Sorry, Bruce. God, this is a tough show. Tough way to end the show. I'm appalled. No, no, it wasn't Allison. No, I did. I did. I did at the Superbowl party. No, I did at the UFC party. Show it to Allison's husband. And he liked it. He, I, or at least, I don't know. You never know with guys, right? Like maybe a guy might just feel like he has to maybe say he liked it. Or at least, I don't know. You never know with guys, right?
Starting point is 02:07:25 Like maybe a guy might just feel like he has to maybe say he likes it, I guess. I don't know. But I had had like probably three or four white claws diluted with six sparkling waters. And so I started sharing the video. Okay. I will sharing the video. Okay, I will see you guys 7 a.m. tomorrow. I'll see you twice tomorrow. Okay, bye-bye.

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