The Sevan Podcast - #828 - Rich Froning | Greatest Open Performer of All Time

Episode Date: March 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I put some product in my hair because Rich was coming on. It looks nice. You look good.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Thank you. Bam, we're live. I wonder if Rich uses any product. I wonder if he advertised product. He would probably move the needle on that. Like a certain gel he uses or something? Yeah. There was one year at the games, and I remember asking.
Starting point is 00:01:00 It was in the behind the scenes. It was so funny. And I think I asked behind the scenes. It was so funny. And, uh, I think I asked, uh, James Hobart, I was like, I wonder what kind of, um, uh, suntan, uh, sunscreen Rich uses. And Hobart goes, I don't know, but if you find out that company's going to skyrocket and then Rich walks up and he heard what we were talking about, he goes, I don't use sunscreen. And then Hobart goes, all sunscreen companies are going out of business. Like he didn't miss a beat. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. He's, all sunscreen companies are going out of business. Like he didn't miss a beat. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. He's like all sunscreen companies are going out of business. I don't use sunscreen. Hey dude, I'm looking at this. Uh,
Starting point is 00:01:38 there's, there's a, there's a post, um, that I sent you. In your notes? No, no. It's about the USA weightlifting. Is it USA weightlifting? I need to see exactly what it is. Again, I forget. But someone, some organization, let me see what it is. It was a… A Minnesota court is forcing USA powerlifting to allow transgender women to come to the United States.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Do you want me to bring it up? I have it here. There it is. Trish already knows you there it is trish already knows look at trish already knows oh god i won't bring this up when rich is here hi saved edit the show yeah we'll get back to usa power lifting while when rich is gone oh oh well i can start that hot though hot, though. Dude, that background is sharp. It's just a metal wall. Yeah, it's really sharp. Hey, what's up, Trace? And a boy.
Starting point is 00:02:33 He can't hear you. Say hey. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey. Perfect. What'd I miss? What are we doing? Nothing. I'm just really excited really excited i just leave it at this usa powerlifting is allowing men to compete in the women's class and i just can't wait till a fucking man enters the women's competition at crossfit hey hey let me just ask you this
Starting point is 00:02:56 in all seriousness without it being political at all yep that's not political. That's not political. I don't understand how that's political. You're right. Okay, without getting into the science of it, let me just – I think CrossFit's – It's not science. It's common sense. Sorry. I think CrossFit's too hard. I think CrossFit's too hard.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Like, you know what I mean? Like, I understand, like, if you're a dude and then you, you, you, I don't know. It just seems like powerlifting is easier to, I don't know. It just seems like CrossFit's too hard.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Do you think we're ever going to get a dude who's going to enter the women's comp? I mean, like, like as a serious contender, I mean, I know we already do have it, but do you think,
Starting point is 00:03:41 I don't know. I mean, it's just, like I said, it just comes down to common sense at this point like i would you do it rich you could win it could be money no i don't know if i could win i don't know if i could win man i don't know if i could win a trophy yep win a trophy yeah i just wants to know if I thought, why I didn't think I could win. Your dad's a quitter.
Starting point is 00:04:05 He gets to go over to the women's comp and win. He's a quitter. Well, I think the contention is that they think that those, you and I, and some of us are convinced, oh, that's a pretty girl. Wow. Oh, my goodness. How old's that? That's not Lakeland. Who's that?
Starting point is 00:04:22 That's Violet. Violet just turned five. Wow, Violet. Holy cow. Yeah. They're just swinging on rings, and we're in the back facility, so they're just flipping and jumping and doing all that stuff. Being kids, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:37 Awesome. Yeah, wow. How many? I always ask you this. You have four? Three. Yeah. So the thing is, is that me and you are just convinced me
Starting point is 00:04:46 and you fall in this thing where we're convinced like if you're just born a guy you're born a guy it's like one of those things you can't change right yeah like it's okay to if you want to wear a dress or chop your penis off more power to you but you're still a you're still a guy that's at a certain age yes yes and then and but what like but if you transition someone at three don't i think i personally think that's a i don't i think that's like a beauty because i just saw they transitioned a kid at three you can't do that right that's like you should go to jail for that maybe i i my opinion we should be using common sense at this point yeah and you know my kid wants to be sonic the hedgehog i'm not gonna paint him blue and give him spikes you know right oppressive you're oppressive
Starting point is 00:05:24 you could probably afford that though to have some steel implants put in your kid the first i'm not gonna paint him blue and give him spikes you know right oppressive you're oppressive you could probably afford that though to have some steel implants put in your kid the first of an experiment make him fast nobody you know what travis bagent told me he said i go hey dude you're young enough to where you could create another nfl quarterback as a grandchild yeah and he said yeah he said if my son marries a six foot tall black woman i'll create the greatest athlete who ever lived i was like all right yeah fair enough fair enough fair enough logic's there yeah um um yesterday yesterday we were talking, we were, did a show just kind of like going over the 20, the open this year.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And one of the guys brought up that it was your worst finish. It is my worst finish ever. By far. And they were using that as a kind of a point of like, Hey, maybe something's off with the, with the programming. On one workout slash movement was what buried me really. I mean, if you look at my overall placing, Hey, maybe something's off with the, uh, on one programming on one workout slash movement
Starting point is 00:06:25 was what buried me really. I mean, if you look at my overall place, I, I purposely stay off the leaderboard until the very last very end. And I mean, I knew my thruster was not going to be anything impressive coming back from shoulder and, uh, and, uh, you know, getting my knee back to a functional, um, place. I hadn't been doing a ton of strength work, so I knew it wasn't going to be good. But to see, I guess, what that one workout did to an overall score was a little, I mean, frustrating. So I have a handful of friends who beat people in three workouts. And then because of that workout, they finished worse than their friends. I know a bunch of people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah. I mean, there was one workout that was, well, not even one workout, one movement that was heavily skewed in one direction. The thruster. You're talking about the thruster. Yeah. The thruster. Yeah. The thruster was a, I personally, just not a huge, I love thrusters.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I think they're a great movement. I don't like them for a one rep max movement. I mean, you can test better with a clean and jerk. And I don't love the one, I don't know, a one rep max in the open that you, I guess you do have to work to get to, but don't really have to work to get to. I thought we figured out that was a bad thing to just one rep max in the open. But, you know, it is what it is. It doesn't matter. You know, like for me, when a grand scheme of things, um, just is what it is. So someone else was saying that basically there's, there is no one who's even come close to you in the, in your open record period in the 12 years. I think that would, this was your 12th year of doing the open. And if you add all your placings together, it was like 78.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Yeah. And then now you finished worse than all of your placings put together 120 something yeah so i mean i would compare like myself uh tyler christophel did incredible i think he was like top five or something like that i mean he thrustered 50 more pounds than me so he i mean deserved to be ahead of me but we were almost comparable on every single workout like a couple seconds or a couple reps in every single workout and And he was fourth or fifth. And then the one, I mean, and here's the deal though, is you've got to be well-rounded. And then thruster came up and I'm not good at a thruster.
Starting point is 00:08:32 So that's what happened. Trish 499 split this between the kiddos. They can each buy a candy. Rich, did you get, that's the last thing these kids need. Rich during the thruster, didn't you ever just consider taking a little knee bend and a step forward there and adding about 41 pounds there? Well, you could step forward, but you can't bend your knee. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Well, you kind of can. But how can you step forward without bending your knee? It's a serious question. I don't think you can. I don't think you can. I mean, you can. mean you can i mean i like you have to like waddle but michael does it in the halloween movies okay there you go frankenstein did it frankenstein hey so what happened like 20 minutes before you came on the podcast hillary's like hey you know what you're up for the challenge i'm gonna leave the kids with you while you do this oh no no-5. No, no, no. The kids come with me pretty much.
Starting point is 00:09:27 They go to Mother's Day out a little like kind of preschool thing two days a week. But every other day when I wake up, they're like, you going to the gym? Can I go? And so they're here every single day just wreaking havoc. I mean. Are they homeschooled, Rich? We're not to school yet. That'll be next year.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I don't have the patience to homeschooled, Rich? We're not to school yet. That'll be next year. I don't have the patience to homeschool. I can barely do Lakeland's homework with her without losing my mind. So that's not one of my talents is patience with learning things. What do you mean you can't understand why C makes a sound? Yeah, I'm bad. What about hiring someone to homeschool him? Do you like school? Is the school good by you?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, we have a pretty good elementary school here. I don't really know anymore what the middle school or when we get to that point. Lakeland goes, she's in second grade. And man, she actually really likes going to school and enjoys it. She's a social kid. Really, they all are as trice is pinned underneath a dumbbell at the moment but they're you know they lakeland loves it and so she tried we tried homeschool with her for one year
Starting point is 00:10:34 and she just she well she didn't understand why the little two couldn't um didn't have to do school work while she had to do school work, but she's just done way better with school. Hey, don't do that. At the 10-minute mark, let's take a break from the Rich Froning podcast, and let's just drop a piece of wisdom and schooling on all the listeners. I want to show you a comment here. This is a lesson. If you want to hang out with cool people, this is the most valuable lesson you'll ever learn in your life here we go ladies and watch this comment this comment from johnny and i love johnny thank you for uh johnny you probably threw this up as an alley-oop for me sevan ask rich if he can get michael chandler on the podcast now johnny the lesson here is when
Starting point is 00:11:16 someone's cooler than you and you want to hang out with them you never ask them for anything so if rich was like had a glass of wine i wouldn't ask for a sip of his wine. If he had his arm around Hillary, I wouldn't be like, does she have a sister? If he was smoking a cigarette, I wouldn't ask for one of his cigarettes. It's enough for me that the cooler, like you have to know your hierarchy and the coolness. I can't ask
Starting point is 00:11:38 Rich for stuff like that, but I appreciate the opportunity to teach you how coolness works. I'll reach out to Chandler and see if he'll come on one day. How about oh jesus all right fine there you go fine there you go it worked it worked thank you thank you and and just so you know bigger picture that was high level manipulation on my part to trick richard now he feels bad it's called a guilt trip everybody yeah. Yeah, that was a great lesson. Social experiment.
Starting point is 00:12:09 It was a trip to see you talk about coffee notes. Notes and like you were doing coffee talk in a couple videos. And I was like, wow, Rich uses words like notes. I don't understand like when people are like, oh, it tastes like chocolate with whatever. I'm like, no. I mean, I could definitely like it tastes a little bit more like a Guatemala. I like a Guatemala or some type of like African bean just to switch it up every once in a while. But for me, what I taste, I guess, is like a Guatemala is a little bit more mellow. And then an African bean is a little bit more fruity, I guess.
Starting point is 00:12:38 So I really enjoy coffee now and kind of geek out on it. You think that if you could tell the difference, if I gave you three coffees, you could be like this is an arabic bean this is guatemalan this is african probably not that probably not that refined like i could tell you probably the difference in a guatemalan and african um yeah i think so i think i could do that that's cool i can't do that can you hear my kids being obnoxious in the background you can, it's fine. You can do whatever you want. No, I just don't want everybody else to be like, shut those kids up or something like that. No, no one gives a shit. No, everyone just can't believe you're here. Yeah, she's fine.
Starting point is 00:13:13 They're just, they're, man, these kids, like the best description I've ever heard for them is they're feral. Like. Hey, give them a bag of weed and some rolling papers and throw them outside. Just don't give them a lighter and they'll be fine. They be fine hold on violet stuck in the ring this is good we get to watch oh violet i can let us see this let us at least watch violet stuck in the rings oh yeah yeah yeah that's great yeah i've had that before not with me personally but my kids oh this is awesome. Hey, that girl's faking that.
Starting point is 00:13:47 When your dad's Rich Froning, I'm stuck in the rings. Yeah, yeah. She knows what to do. She's got the manipulation thing down. Yeah. This is an interesting name, Tug Speedman. Tug Speedman, huh? This is Rich's world.
Starting point is 00:14:02 We're just living in it. So, Rich, what do you do with that? Let's go back a second. So when you entered the, did you enter the open kind of on accident? I heard that you just, you weren't necessarily planning on opening it. You just entered it on a whim. Is that true? Yeah. I mean, the, everybody around here is doing it, so I might as well be doing it. Tyler needed somebody to go and do the workout with him. And so I was like, ah, I'm doing the, so I might as well be doing it. Tyler needed somebody to go and do the workout with him.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And so I was like, ah, I'm doing the workout. I might as well. And so I signed up for it. And then every day. With no warm-up, right? I heard you did the first workout with no warm-up. No, I warmed up. I warmed up.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Oh, okay. I'm too old not to warm up at this point. But, yeah, I'm just to the point where it's like, I don't know, every day I went up for 23 to A and B, whatever it was, A and B. And so I didn't get to do the workout on Friday with everybody. And then as the weekend went on, I was like, you know what? I might not even do the workout on Monday. And then Guy was redoing it and Jake was doing it. So I just went ahead and did it.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Like, yeah. So and then you do two, you might as well do three. So now we're here. So is this a trip? This has never been like this for you where we go into this season. And I mean, you have absolutely, it sounds like you have absolutely no plan. You're kind of just feeling around in the dark. Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to feel out, you know, like if I want to, I'm enjoying working out right now
Starting point is 00:15:25 um i'm probably working out just as much as i would if i was competing uh but just trying to have fun with it like if there's days where i don't want to do something i'm like you know what i'm not going to do it so just trying to enjoy fitness i'm i'm going to do that mountain bike race so i've been doing a lot of mountain three days a week some uh little extra session of mountain biking um so yeah i don't know. You know, I, I, the, I guess right now I'm thinking depending on how good or how complicated the workouts are for age group qualifiers and semis, I'll probably do all the online stuff. Um, just cause it's fun. We're going to have people doing it around here and, um, it gives me something to kind of look
Starting point is 00:16:00 forward to, but we'll see about in person this year. don't know i'm gonna try to like this is the last year before the kids go to school uh i got recruited to coach trice's uh coaches pitch team so that's gonna be a disaster and um so we'll see you know i want the kids to have a good summer you know everything always kind of gets shut down during summer because it's peak bus training and game season and uh master's schedule kind of aligns with I'll be, as soon as the kids are done, the, all the online stuff is done till the game. So that might be where I kind of exit this year and we'll, we'll see and make a, make an idea or come up with an idea for the next year and see how everything
Starting point is 00:16:38 goes. Fuck. There's so many good questions popping up. Go ahead. No, but I want, I want to wrap this thing up. Cause I probably can make $500 off this clip. If i get you to say the right thing here as a sub all right leading you down here um um so so have you looked at the schedule has richard lyle froning jr looked at the schedule and seen what you have to do next and what the dates are all the way to competing as a Masters in the games this year? Yeah, so quarterfinals is, age group quarterfinals is the first weekend in April.
Starting point is 00:17:14 I'm Ron Burgundy. And then the semifinals is the final weekend in April. Masters does both of those? Oh, I get it. Then they're done. like you go age group online qualifier semi-finals then it's just the games so then you have basically from may till july till the games hey i i think some of those dudes are juicing does that concern you like i don't i'm not judging them for it but i think some of the masters are like they don't look like fucking
Starting point is 00:17:41 normal dudes isn't it uh trt is that the politically correct term for that now trt it's the stuff it's the stuff i'm peddling testosterone replacement therapy yeah yeah i'm sure i mean there's you can get a therapeutic usage exemption i think i don't know i haven't really looked into it that much but for the games hey if you're gonna do that uh let me know i know someone i want to hook you up with. I think you could get rich. All right. I mean, like, richer. Sorry, richer. Richer. Richard or Richard or.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Richard or. Richard or. Do not do anything like that unless someone's sponsoring you. All right, deal. Hey, there's got, I was also thinking about this. So, okay, sorry, I'm getting distracted again. Go ahead. So, are you going to, what do you think is going to happen do you think you're going to do you think you're going to compete at the um games this year at the games i doubt it um
Starting point is 00:18:32 that's just i mean like i said from may middle of may till july is kind of the i mean that's what the kids get for summer around here they do kind of a year round it's called year-round school it's not really year-round but that's kind of peak of their summer and we've just never really done i mean we have like the covid year we did a kind of cross-country trip um but you know i want to and if i can i'm gonna do a doing a competition um in july it's a master's competition a three-person team um with some friends and like it's against darren my cousin darren he's doing it and then some of my other cousins it's in, I think it's fresh coast, I think in Michigan. And so Michigan. And so, um, yeah, it'd be fun. I, you know, I'm going to, I can't not have some type of goal. So that's why I'm, I am doing the mountain bike thing. Uh uh it's myself jordan webb he's the local softball coach around here
Starting point is 00:19:26 um at cookville high school good friend of ours part of mayhem athlete and then uh steve swift he's actually an engineer i think he's a president of something at um speedway motorsports so nascar uh he's the basically in charge of a lot of the engineering at some of the larger tracks in NASCAR. He's been doing mayhem athlete for a long time, a good friend of mine, too. Are those dudes strong? Are those dudes fit? They're fit. It's going to be fun. It's on the west coast of Michigan, so there's some swimming and some sand running and stuff like that. That'll be a family vacation, take the whole family up there to Michigan.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah. That's where my family is. And then, um, try to catch a tiger's game or something like that. Is Hillary like, fuck, I don't want to go see those Hicks in Michigan.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. No, no. Okay. Okay. Oh, that part of Rich's family that eats possums. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I think it's the opposite. Oh, okay. You're the possum side. Sorry. We're the possum. yeah we're the possum i don't want to go up there to those refined people they use cloth napkins fuck um so so um 10 10 chance you do here's the thing here's what i'm thinking i'm thinking that you're like okay i'm 35 and this is the best chance to win it and And then I could take like cruise for four years.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Yeah. I just don't know. Like I thought that this year, you know, I thought, Oh, I could just cruise. And then I'm in here working out with these guys and working out anyway. So I'm like, all right, we'll see. You know, it's, I don't want to put a percentage on it because I don't know. I hate when people are like, Oh yeah, I'm done, done. I'm never doing this again. And then they're right back. So, um, if it's fun, if I can feel like, you know, you know, my personality, I'm not going just to show up to anything. I want to win whatever I'm doing. So if I feel like I can put in the time and train and, you know, not take away from a fan, my family's experience on the summer, then yeah, I'll, I'll compete. But if not, then, um, then I won't. And first, Hey, that's, I got to make it,
Starting point is 00:21:21 you know, when that one rep max thrusters shows up again, I might be out anyway. Right, right. What about this notion that kind of Scott Panchik is doing so well with reduced training and he's kind of resting on – resting is too strong of a word because he's got to be working hard. But this notion that he he has some shit in the bank like yeah i mean we're all resting right yeah i guess i don't know do you believe that media tells you yeah do you okay so you think that's bullshit you think scott's a savage and he's working as hard as ever oh scott yeah i mean it's like me saying i'm not working out that much but i'm still working out a ton it's just i mean it's just what we do you know like we we talked and we were like you know he's like me saying I'm not working out that much, but I'm still working out a ton. I mean, it's just what we do.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You know, like we we talked and we were like, you know, he's still I guarantee he's still working out hard. You I'm less stressed if I miss something, miss a workout or, you know, if I'm if my body feels beat up, I won't necessarily hit something that I might be on the list or something that everybody else is doing. But I mean, guys like us are just wired a certain way and you can't just not, can't not do it and you can't do anything halfway. It's just, it is what it is. I was watching that, um, Cameron Haynes podcast you did this morning and you talked about, um, doing more than one workout a day. And I had completely forgotten that you were the pioneer or the pioneers of that. Cause I remember coming and visiting you, and it really was like that. It was like what you said in there, oh, no, Rich, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You might die. I remember watching Every Second Counts and Tony Budding, the interview with him, and he's like, yeah, if you do two workouts a day, you might die. And it was like, oh Oh man, are we going to die? And then the first time we like, we did a workout that morning and that afternoon we were bored. We're like, Oh, let's do another workout. See what happens. And we didn't die. And the rest is history. You know, now we're working out 50,000 times a day. Yeah. I remember coming out there and you and Darren working out in the morning and us filming it and then at night going to some like corporate gym and you guys did another workout and it was some fucking crazy muscle-up workout with 20-pound med ball between your legs. It pissed me off so bad.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Guy just watched that video the other day and brought it up to me. He's like, hey, let's do some muscle-up with med ball and I completely forgot about that. And I was like, these guys are crazy. And I remember telling people at HQ, this guy's fucking nuts. Nuts. Psychos. And now it's the norm, right? No, you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 You have to. Or else you'll die if you don't. Right. Hey, wasn't that as far back as when the nickname popped up and it said Tin Man? Tin Man. Yeah. Travis Badgett. Yeah, or Badgett.
Starting point is 00:24:03 He gave me the no heart that I was going to lose the games because I had no heart. Oh, he's what to explain. Tell me that he said that about you. No heart regarding what workout? Uh, no, he just said, I think you might've been doing the interview, but I think you were asking him who's going to win the games or somebody asked him that. And he said, uh, Froning has no heart. And so we, we the tin man yeah oh yeah that's now i need now i'm the tin man because i need oil in my joints you know now it's a different different reason i've got plenty of heart the heart's there but the body's not willing hey what's crazy is it sounds funny now but it was serious as a heart attack people just the way no one used to swap a little parallel no one no one did two workouts a day
Starting point is 00:24:45 no no we were kind of the first that you know like i said when we i remember i remember specifically watching that video and he's like yeah two workouts a day you might die or at a level one they're like you should give all the intensity you have so you can't do another workout you know it is what it is which there is some truth to that. I wish we could go back to not knowing how bad something was going to hurt and painful it is, so you just go at it. We were at the Arnold
Starting point is 00:25:14 this weekend, and we had a little dinner with Bill and Katie, and they have this kind of, I guess, little serving. If they have events, they can cook and do all this stuff. on the video or the the screen in there they were playing the 2010 games it was the final event sure enough i'm getting you know sweaty and worried and just watching how full dummy i went on that first
Starting point is 00:25:37 workout and then basically just drunk for the next 12 minutes 13, and then almost died falling off the rope. So idiot. Uh, what do you, what do you, so where did you have, where did you have, uh, I love the way you say they have this, they have this, well, he doesn't even know Rich doesn't know that he did that. I don't think. Bill and Katie, man, they have, that's awesome. It's a cool little, like little dinner spot they have that they, you know, on their property. No, uh, it's just around their area and it's uh but do they own the restaurant oh it's not really a restaurant per se it's more like a serving area and they when they do venue or events and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:26:15 it was like a small group of probably 15 or 20 people but man it was wait a second like you have a house right yep and then you have a gym yep they have you're telling me that they have a house, right? Yep. And then you have a gym. Yep. They have a, you're telling me that they have a place. It's a building that like they feed people in. It's right next to their, um, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this. I'm going to get in trouble. You're not luring me into this. Like, do you have a bidet? Do you have a bidet, Rich?
Starting point is 00:26:39 I don't. I don't. I, somebody was talking about the clear rear the other day. I want to try it. I don't know what that is. I like it. Can you pull that up? It's a poor man's version of a bidet. So you just add it onto your toilet, basically. I remember the first time I used a bidet was in Korea and I pushed the wrong button because it was in Korean. And you think it's like a water fountain, but it's more like a pressure washer and it kind of
Starting point is 00:27:03 like surprises you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah i got a little penetration from the water yeah do you relax the cheerio or do you tighten it up or is the water supposed to break the plane or not i have not put this on here so i don't know but that's the clear rear here's the thing about um all the new fancy toilets that are like five or ten grand for the toilet they're still made out of plastic i don't like plastic on my toilet i like porcelain porcelain you like the real stuff yeah yeah oh yeah this attaches right on there right no more i don't want blue i don't want that that looks like it's like listerine shooting my ass that could sting i think it's just for the bottle fish i don't think it's a blue one honey Honey, my ass has the best breath.
Starting point is 00:27:46 There he goes. Okay. He must have got a phone call. Stupid calls. Fusion gains. I'm going to Mayhem this weekend for CrossFit weightlifting seminar. I'm going to spend way too much money on merch. My kids, thank you for their college education.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Or if they don't want to go to college, they have to do it for some type of something. I don't know. But they can't get their money until they're at least bettering themselves. We are privileged to hear Rich's kids. They ran out into the main gym, so hopefully they'll leave us alone. Wad zombie. Why don't you have a card? Even if you don't use this guy, you should get a card.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Hey, we actually have an idea for a game. Oh. Angelo is trying to flush out all the details because he's, so I. A board game. Kind of. Almost like a card game. So, like, you know how bad I am with, I don't play video games. I don't do, I just.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I saw you playing some games with your daughter in that. I played Guess Who? I worked her on Guess Who? You did work her. That was awesome. Does she have blue eyes? Well, it's Carol then. Well, you're done. Farrah. your daughter in that guess who i worked her on guess who you did work her that was awesome does she have blue eyes well it's carol then well you're done farrah you just lost and i smashed her on tic-tac-toe a bunch of times too yeah i don't let my kids win anything because you're
Starting point is 00:28:56 the master i like how she looks at the camera he wins because he's the master he's the master yep uh it's never fun with us and family like get togethers because hillary always wants to play games and that's like one of my hidden like i'm pretty decent at trivia i'm pretty good at games and so she starts talking trash well then i don't talk trash but then when i start beating everybody very badly then i start talking trash and then somehow i'm the asshole you know it is what it is but but we had an idea we had an idea this goes back to like Angelo played Pokemon I never played Pokemon I made fun of kids that played Pokemon sorry it's not not made fun of the best thing I ever did but you know um and so Angelo has already like worked
Starting point is 00:29:36 up this game like where you have cards athletes are the cards you can throw down movements to like stump people and like I don't know he's he's got a whole like prototype set up. So maybe we'll reach out to Wad zombie and partner on that. But I want to partner on that too. I love the idea of a game, but you don't actually have to move. I hate those games where it's like, you have to do 10 burpees. No, no, no, no. This is like, this is like you have, you know, you have a rich Froning Carter. And so, you know, like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:30:03 he's pretty decent all around, but he really sucks at running. He couldn't swim and like you have different year models too. And so you could like, somebody has, you know, you're going to play the whatever athlete, the, um, BKG, where, you know, he's going to win, you know, a long distance endurance event and then somebody can throw like stump you with something. So it was just an idea. It was fun. Do you ever say his full name? Do you ever call him you ever say borgman no bkg is too i don't
Starting point is 00:30:30 want to mess it up you know borgman carl goodman's and goodman's um i always i normally hate this question this this topic i fucking hate this topic but first but but i actually like it for some reason now um and it sucks because of how much i i hate it but uh jake chapman is saying going on rogan and here's the thing why i hate it well i'm not gonna say why i hate it um he you at this point i feel like he's missing out by not meeting you i've never met rogan i met cam and i know cam's a good friends with him but i've never actually met joe uh we talked on twitter i guess it's been like three or four years ago and he mentioned about me coming out there and then just kind of ghosted and so i haven't heard anything um from him from his people or whatever so i don't know like you you guys i mean you guys have so much in common now you're having so many paths intersect. Do you want to hear something that I heard?
Starting point is 00:31:26 What's that? Tell me. I heard that after Mad On, I heard this, and I'm not making this up. I heard this from, that after having Mad On, he said he'd never have another fucking CrossFitter on again. Oh. That's a fact. I heard that. And I didn't hear that like from like just like some
Starting point is 00:31:45 homeless guy on the street right i heard that from someone who uh who actually knows knows both of them knows rogan and knows matt actually now that i think about it do you know who it is uh suza no um no no no i don't oh i don't i don't know well i guess then i won't be on rogan that'll answer that question yeah it's like some guy dating a hot chick and fucking it up and she's like i'm never dating dudes again you're like wait what wait wait we're not all like this you just picked i don't smell anything like him my dick is not a thimble hey will you play that clip at the top of the notes? How was Cameron?
Starting point is 00:32:26 Man, he was awesome, dude. When we were going, I knew that he ran a lot, but he's probably one of the best runners I've ever seen. Dude has no plan, no fitness experience. He's just like Forrest Gump one day he was like you know I just started running and he is an animal and just a cool dude to hang out with and then uh it was funny I didn't like you running 20 miles with them that was stupid I did not like me running 20 miles either especially no food and thinking hey we're just getting you know we're gonna go he's like we're gonna get some morning miles in four hours later where we've summited two mountains and ran through town and i was fine on the trail but once we got to that freaking uh just pavement running uh it was it
Starting point is 00:33:16 was not a pleasant experience but you know what scott ran the entire thing vandersloot vandersloot yeah he ran the whole thing with a camera so i told scott i said don't let him snipe you from us though um but yeah then that afternoon i mean i learned a ton shooting uh what do you mean snipe you you mean like camera and be like hey scott uh we'll give you a job camera guy yeah for sure i was like wow scott was like no i can't run like that scott dude scott's a g man he uh scott's a dude he's he's awesome just to have around camera wise you know easy for me to interact with on a real level and then is down for anything like we go on those hunts and at no point is he complaining or uh he wants to go over that
Starting point is 00:33:57 next ridge or do whatever so he stays in shape I mean he gets in here every morning at 6 a.m and grind so we got a really good media team that, I mean, fitness, they take it to heart, and they're in here, and it's a ton of fun. But, yeah. There's an intimacy. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, you go ahead. There's an intimacy piece there that's, like, kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Because, like, if you have a falling out with someone you you want it to be the kind of person that won't then like bury you right yeah we always joke there's some burn files here somewhere i guarantee it right and it's kind of like um it's it's interesting i i take i take note of that so i um i watched um andrew hiller was in a relationship with some someone that i was privy to and they had a fucking gnarly fucking hiccup in the relationship and he didn't burn the dude. Really? That's cool.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah. He could have. I mean, that's what he does. Right. And I was like, wow, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It's the world we live in today. It's like you could burn anybody for anything at any point. Like we've all said stupid stuff. Right. And yeah, I mean, that says a lot. I mean, one of my big things with people is loyalty and, you know, I've, I've been burned on that a couple of times and, and have learned through the past, it's a two way street. Like I,
Starting point is 00:35:15 you know, and, and it's hard for me to not understand when people aren't as loyal as I think they should be or should have been. Um, but then, you know, if something is ever said or done, I try to just keep my mouth shut. Cause it's, we're not gonna, you know, everybody's going to have their opinion, opinion regardless. But yeah, I mean, in this day and age with as much media and cameras and, you know, everything is digital that, you know, something can be dug up about anybody about anything. And so, man, it's crazy the world we live in right now with that type of stuff. So to get back to you, like, that's awesome. Like having people like that that aren't just going to, you know, be opportunistic on that and just burn people for whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Right. Like you and Scott, let's say you have some sort of hiccup, right? Yeah. I doubt it, but yeah. There's a code. Yeah. There's a code like once you let someone in so close that like, hey, if we do fight, like we got to walk away. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But you see marriages, Rich, like where the couple gets the divorce and then the fucking one of the – sorry, I'm going to say the wife, but pick what you want.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And then the wife reports the husband for fucking tax evasion. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? We used to fucking have intercourse. Yeah, and then you're just going to burn it down, man. That meant nothing to you? I used to be inside of you. We have a fucking kid together. I mean, it's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I would never fucking do that. I've even thought – but that meant a lot to me that Andrew didn't burn this guy guy and then he totally should have but it was like hey he was intimate with this guy they had a business relationship it fell apart and then he just he yep yeah we've had some people not so much like that but you know like i said it's and it's trying to force what i value onto other people they don't have the same values it's hard you know it is what it is and it's hard for you to trust a camera guy right because he's recording the shit and he takes that shit home with yeah i mean our guys here like we're straight up you know it's it's pretty real and i think that's what i value i guess in our media guys and camera guys is that we can be real so you get the authentic um you get you know you get to know us a little
Starting point is 00:37:24 bit better i mean there are things that are a little um, you get, you know, you get to know us a little bit better. I mean, there are things that are a little bit more polished, I guess, you know, language is usually cleaned up a little bit just because it's more families, you know, we'll get families that watch it. Um, you know, putting your fingers on your crotch and then smelling your hand, you guys edit that stuff out or do you just put that front and center on your, I think you can see how much chalk is around the crotch and see, but you know, it is what it is. Deductive reasoning,
Starting point is 00:37:45 you know, I don't understand how anyone, uh, thinks that that's family appropriate. Uh, it's probably not family appropriate. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Someone, I heard Candace. I want to be like, well, defending it like, well, she didn't have any dildos or butt plugs out. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:02 dude, like, is that where we're at? The lowest common denominator? Well, if it was an elementary elementary school sometimes that's acceptable now so who knows it's weird man it's a fucking halftime show halftime show what's more important is guns never killed anybody sniffing crotches right right what is it a A happy Gilmore to the shirt. Guns don't kill people. I kill people. Is that from happy Gilmore? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 We, we just, we've gone through in a little Adam Sandler, like getting the kids all cut up on Adam Sandler movies. And you know, it started harmlessly with grownups. And then I think now we're like Billy Madison. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:39 Ooh yeah. Maybe that's not. Ah, whatever. Lakeland's like, why is he acting so stupid? Well, that's good. That's the comedy.
Starting point is 00:38:50 You know, it is what it is. Hey, Rich, I bet you on 20 occasions I've started a movie with my kids and 10 minutes in. I'm like, what was I thinking? And I just turned it off. Yeah. So we were talking about this the other day. My favorite movie when i was a child one of my favorite i went you know i went through like ninja turtles and all that stuff terminator
Starting point is 00:39:10 two yeah that was great look at the release date of terminator two i was i think five years old and that was my favorite movie and so you look at like the special effects were out of control when that came out. Do you remember that? It was like, it was incredible. I loved it. But then I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:29 there's so many F bombs. There's so many, whatever. I mean, I'll blame that. That's why my mouth so bad, I guess. But like at one point he cuts his arm off and then like D gloves himself.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Yeah. 91. So I was four when that movie came out four Four years old. And it was my favorite movie. Oh, hold on. It was great. Tom, this better be good. You better... What the fuck is going on here?
Starting point is 00:39:54 Hold on. Sorry. Do you have a call? Okay, hold on. I'm having some issues. Some technical difficulties. So, Rich, sometimes we do a live call-in show and we let people call in. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:40:06 But some people keep the numbers. They got to say, man. This guy kept the number? He went rogue. Would you like to pair a smartphone or tablet? Yes. Okay, hold on. Hold on a second, Tom.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I don't know why it disconnected. Tom, there's a lot of anticipation building for this question. Don't ruin this. Don't ruin this for us. Don't fumble the ball, baby. We'll have to disconnect that thing permanently. Who's Tom? Is this like the bat phone?
Starting point is 00:40:32 Yeah, this guy's an internet friend of mine. Acquaintance? Yeah, meaning I recognize him from the show. Cyberfriend? Oh, shit. Who gave Tom the live call-in number? No, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Okay, go ahead, Tommy. Hey, Rick. So, first of all, I want to say huge fan of everything you do, all the content, everything. I'm about to hang up on your ass. I'm about to hang up on your ass. No, no, no. I got it. It's coming. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:41:06 All right. That's what your mom said. So, so, so there's a whole side group chat, right? From the people who are regulars on the set on podcast. And one of the hot topics lately has been because of Kalika and NTP,
Starting point is 00:41:21 they're reaffiliating kind of revisiting the whole, I'm out. You better be careful. You better not do, I'm out. You better be careful. You better not do nothing crazy to rich. You better be careful. Be gentle. Be gentle. Don't put them on the spot.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Don't go. Okay. I got that finger trigger ready. Yeah. I'm ready to hang up on your ass, Tommy. So one of the things that was brought up in response to the people who were going hard on Jason was,
Starting point is 00:41:43 Hey, there are some superheroes in the space who were kind of on that, was, hey, there are some superheroes in the space who were kind of on that train, too. And, of course, they shared your video. So my question is, it's not super gentle. Looking back, how could you have handled that differently, or how do you wish you had handled that situation? God, I'm going to give you a kudos, Tom.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I'd have never fucking brought that up, and that's about as gentle as you could have brought it up. I would say that a leader of a company, of a movement, needed to have more tact in the situation. When you're in charge of such a large following of people and group of people, man, I think more harm was done if he could have explained his point a little bit better, um, versus one tweet with kind of a, a very,
Starting point is 00:42:31 and, and that's not Greg style. And there had just been, that was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me. There wasn't, that wasn't, you know, I guess that was the one thing that kind of broke it all. Um, you know, just with affiliates and a lot of, there was some frustration on my end from, you know, I felt like we were a big part of the community, the games and what we had kind of done as the groundwork. And then I guess it was 2018 when Greg kind of came in and it felt like he got mad because Dave Sandcastle was bigger than his, Greg was kind of very hands-off and it's his business. He can do what he wants with it. Um, but it was very hands-off, but then
Starting point is 00:43:08 kind of decided to jump back in and kind of take, like I said, wipe out the sandcastle and something I felt like a lot of us, Jason, probably won't include it. Um, you know, we'd, we'd been not since day one, um, but we'd had a big part big part in growing and the growth in the game side as well as the affiliate side as CrossFit collectively. And so, you know, to have those that was part of it and then just not a ton of support from the affiliate side. There was no real help, no real marketing, no, you know, all these kind of not empty promises, but just this, then CrossFit Health came up and what was CrossFit Health? And it just, there was no clear leadership. And I guess that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me on that, that a leader of a company needs to have a little bit more tact when you can take out the whole,
Starting point is 00:44:00 I mean, it did a lot of damage at that point you look at about two or three year span and um a lot of damage was done i mean look at how many affiliates were deactivated you look at what happened with the games numbers you look at uh or the open i guess um participation and then just you know they kind of just on you know i thing, for those of you who don't know, they fired basically a hundred people from HQ and basically the entire media team. And my deal is like, Hey, it's your company. You do what you want, but when it starts affecting others outside, Hey, this is my, my time to, and we never unaffiliated. And I never, never, you know, I said, Hey, we've got to have some type of new leadership.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And CrossFit is such a cool thing and such a good thing. The community is incredible. You know, could it have been? Hold on, Tom. He got a phone call. So he went black. He'll be back in one second. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Is Tom still on the line? I think so. Tom's trying to derail my response. So, yeah. That was Rory who called trying to break this up for Rich Tanks, the Mayhem Empire brand. So, yeah. I don't know. In my rambling there, I kind of touched on your point.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Hey, Rich, I'll pile on with Tom here. You know what just broke my heart's too strong. with Tom here, you know, it just broke, I broke my heart's too strong, but like, like when I go back and see some of the, like, like I was looking at that beyond the white hoard beyond the whiteboard panel. Yeah. And you were on there with some just people that I think are just world-class douchebags. And so that's where you're like, you're, you're basically saying, Hey, this was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Starting point is 00:45:41 But there were some people on there who were close to Greg, much closer than you. And especially even just to be on the whiteboard people like that the mo and kinnick guy and just for them to kind of rally people together and some of those people um like i just think where would the fuck would some of those people be without him but i agree with what you're saying it was it was a tough time and it should have been explained better. But sometimes I see with some of these woke motherfuckers in these panels and I'm like, Jesus, how did Rich get sucked up into that? I will say that I learned a lot about a lot of people in that probably three-week span. Man, I was on a ton of different calls and you kind of learn, oh, this is people's motives. kind of learn, Oh, this is people's motives. Um, yeah, I mean, I'll a hundred percent say that,
Starting point is 00:46:29 you know, you get, do get caught up in the moment and Hey, you see something that you love and are a part of, and, um, you want to try to save it. And, you know, at this point there's no, you know, it was, it was at a very tipping point. You're frustrated. Um, you know, a lot of these people, I didn't know a lot until that point. And then I'm like, I'll get on this call. You know, there was four or five different groups and everybody at some point, somebody was like, Hey, I'll give you the money to buy it. And I was like, I don't want to buy it. I don't want to, you know, I don't want to be that person. It's not my thing. I think, you know, if we, we could have just completely split up, split off from mayhem and been fine. And I didn't want to do that because I know the value of the community and how much we want to be a part of the community, how great we all are together. And I know that name CrossFit, um, we all have that in common.
Starting point is 00:47:10 You know, if you look at us proven hard work pays off, Kalipa, NC fit, whatever it is that the name and under that umbrella CrossFit, we can do so much more together better. And so, um, yeah, yeah. And, you know, being on those panels and some of that stuff, I didn't know any of those people from Adam other than, you know, like one or two that I was like, Oh yeah, yeah. I'll be being on that. And so I understand, I understand the frustration, but it, I, I love Greg, what he did in the beginning, but I think it had kind of outgrown his, uh, and that happens in any business, you know, it happens in anything that it kind of, um, people might be right for a
Starting point is 00:47:52 certain point in a, you know, in somebody's life in business and whatever. And then at some point you're going to have to, um, grow. I, I, um, I don't, but dude, I dude i don't god i feel like that's the conventional wisdom but here's here's what i here's what i'm tripping on i don't think greg thought he was running a business i think he's running a movement right and that and that's why i think we're in a culture crisis right now rich because it's tough because that's what you're running at mayhem yeah that's what street park is running they're running cultures yeah they're running um values they're running value systems they're running cultures and that's why those are flourishing and i this isn't a for so i don't think this is a business and i don't think that they know that i don't
Starting point is 00:48:42 even know if don knows that yet yeah yeah there's and i could be wrong but i'm pretty sure i'm not dude i'm pretty sure i'm not i would i would agree with you you got to have a strong set of values and greg had those values for crossfit yeah hey rich i remember that's why i was uh uh coached at an affiliate during that period of time and I remember having a lot of the same thoughts and concerns that you had we were like where is HQ what are we doing and to give you a little
Starting point is 00:49:14 bit of cover obviously firing the media team was absolutely nuts and you know so it's like it was nuts and I appreciate you going into such depth on that answer. I think a lot of our conversations with folks in the chat was around, you know, your values of loyalty and everything.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And it's just kind of some tension between, you know, obviously like who you are as a person and kind of how that situation went down and the loyalty that a lot of people feel for Greg. So I really appreciate you. I think I do really appreciate it. I think I came to it the, you know, at that point, I didn't feel a two way street of loyalty with Greg, you know, like I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:54 And it wasn't there. Hey, it wasn't there. CrossFit was not loyal to you. You're right about that. I will agree with you on that. They, they, I was in a meeting where the CEO, not not not not Greg or Dave, but the other CEO, Jeff Kane in a room. I've told this story before with the entire fucking executive team there said. The number one place for L1s is mayhem. And that means people are going to the L1 for the wrong reason and we need to stop doing them there and i stood up in this meeting and started yelling at him and i said i don't give a fuck um where they do the l1s if people want to go to an l1 in france to also see the eiffel tower
Starting point is 00:50:39 that's not for the wrong reason right what the fuck is your problem and greg pulled me aside and said hey dude you're acting belligerent i go dude this is fucking idiocy right and you're right so at that point i knew that there was something was wrong with the company and you're right there wasn't a loyalty to you um i never heard it i never heard anyone at hq ever say anything bad about you of course no maybe except for myself and uh yeah but but there wasn't a loyalty to you that there should have been like you had a special relationship with dave you did have a special relationship with greg but the loyalty piece was missing and that that sucked that hurt me i want you to know though i take full credit for the only one who stood up in that meeting and yelled at the ceo
Starting point is 00:51:20 they yelled at him yeah to where they had to fucking break it up. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. I needed acknowledgement. I appreciate that. You see me. You see me, Rich. Hey, Rich, you the man. I'm going to hang up, and I want to say, all right, Pete, Caleb, be here. We're going to miss you, buddy. Caleb will be around. Come on. He's not dead. He was here yesterday.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Thanks, brother. Thanks for the question. I appreciate that, because it was such a... it was a hard time. I think also one thing, too, that shouldn't be underestimated or overlooked is the fact that there was a lot of pent up aggression just because of the situation of COVID at the time. Everybody's gym was shut down. Stress levels were really fucking high. It was like, don't tip the boat. Don't tip the boat. If you were a CrossFit Games athletes two years prior to that, you were drugging through the mud. You weren't even sure if your sport was going to continue on or what the opportunities were going to continue there. So
Starting point is 00:52:11 you have that. Nobody ever got a phone call there. Nobody ever explained the situation or told you guys what happened. So you already felt burned by that. You have all this pent up aggression about the lockdowns and everything that's happening. And then that thing comes into play. So I think we also need to recognize the sequencing of events that happened there that kind of led to some of the actions that are pushed that may not have otherwise happened how those other two things not a sequence before it yeah it was like a you know rug pulled out from underneath you a couple different things like you're saying the games i'm like man i've poured my life into this and kind of you know like this thing has grown and it's getting to a really big point and then it was like
Starting point is 00:52:46 nope we don't do this. And then I actually saw Greg at one of the CrossFit health things. And he walks up to me and he says something to the effect of, you know. That was in Tennessee. I was there, too. It was in Tennessee. And he made a comment to me about something about winning three CrossFit games, which whatever, I don't care when it really comes down to it. I don't care the number or anything is like, but none of that matters. And I was kind of like, it doesn't matter, but it does like, you know, at this point in my career, like, you know, and I, and I felt like, Hey, I was helping, you know, like I've always looked at the CrossFit games is a showcase of what we can do in the affiliates, what's possible. Is it CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:53:29 No. Is it a marketing tool? Is it an expression? Is it something for people that do CrossFit every day that they can level with us? They can do similar workouts. I can't go catch passes from Tom Brady. I can't go, you know, I can go play flag football, but it's nothing like the same playing football. And so CrossFit, I think, has that unique where, hey, I can literally do the exact same workout, almost the same, you know, standards and everything that the pros are doing and feel connected. and can i take a stab at this rich yeah absolutely you were you were never you were always more than open to be the ambassador for the cure to the world's most vexing problem and you were never
Starting point is 00:54:14 used for that instead you and the rest of the athletes were pushed away like a detraction when it's what it should have been and i was a big proponent of this why not get the athletes together they will fucking push that message like let's just use let's whore the games out to say we have the cure for the world's most vexing problem and save people's parents let's do it yeah and it was never it was never utilized instead it was like it was just immediately the thought was their distraction from their magic, and it didn't have to be. We can all work together. Yes, it didn't have to be.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I agree, and I think that's where you felt you were doing your part by showing up at those things, but you weren't being utilized. I could shut the gym down to level ones because – You were more than open to be exploited, and they didn't take advantage of your star power. Instead, it was belittle what you did. Yeah, it was a huge mistake. Yeah. Fucking huge mistake. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And now it's worse than, well, and now it's worse than ever. Yeah, I would agree with that. It's, and I like Don. Have you met Don, Rich? Don seems super nice. Yeah. We've talked in passing more than we've actually sat down and, you know, had a lengthy conversation.
Starting point is 00:55:26 But I mean, from what I what I can tell, he seems to care. And I mean, anybody who's been, you know, a Marine and come back and done the things that he's done, I'm for, you know, and Dave seems to like him, which I value Dave from, you know, me and Dave. I love Dave and and there's loyalty there. And so, like dave dave seems to like him then i'm on hey just so people know i know we've talked about this before when when rich says he loves dave don't think that their relationship has been all fucking roses no no we've had our rough boys play hard yep exactly you know so i think you should just take one quick second and go through the uh i'm going to okay cool because one of them was very interesting from somebody who you like to
Starting point is 00:56:07 argue it so i thought that that was yeah i see it uh thank you thank you uh will rich uh fine master is challenging i don't think two dollars is enough to answer that rich absolutely it will be challenging or it is challenging i don't think i mean there's some fit dudes ben i'm just joking i love you thanks for the money uh rich uh is $500 if you commit to the games for $35 to $39 right now. No, right now. I've got to commit. Pin them down. 12 daily doses of stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:35 I brawled with this dude the other day on the show. Brawled for 20 minutes. Just warring over gun rights. Yeah, I appreciate it. But I like money, and i appreciate it yeah let's make guns illegal for 99 bucks i'm let's make all these for game yeah yeah no values of all yeah yeah uh there's another one down here um okay here we go uh here's just philip kelly rich has been a huge ambassador CrossFit. He's on a level of his own far from we won't do that.
Starting point is 00:57:07 But thank you, Philip. He is on a level of his own. I totally agree. I saw another huge donation in here. From a CrossFit fan, $1.99. That's very sweet of you. Thank you. Maybe that.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Oh, here it is. I got it. Oh, sorry. Rich is back. The man is above reproach what's reproach mean josh lerman god that dude gives a lot of money geez hey i appreciate it uh andrew hiller would like to uh say hi to you send you for bats yeah we're not even doing anything what am i doing that's not hitting standard? Okay, let's – oh, Philip Kelly again. Rich, have you spoken to Greg since?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Have you spoken to Greg? No. I have not. Nope. Oh. And to be fair, I'd only spoken to Greg like three times in my entire 12 years across to that point or 10 years. Oh, no shit. I thought you guys had spoken more.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Okay. No. He was nice. Well, that being said, he was nicer to you than he was to all the other games athletes combined. Let's see what else is down here. Sevan the best at hustling when rich is on the show well thank you rich brings out the best in everyone um jeremy world uh five dollars for seven to actually play the john stewart video so rich can comment on it have you seen the john stewart video i'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:58:37 have you seen it rich no you don't want to see it it's just gonna we don't want his hot take yeah i don't have any social media. That's a blessing. Just saying hi. Oh, you're not messing around with your social media? No. I make the saying and the videos and stuff, but I don't actually physically post it and get on Instagram. I just can't, man. It's just a dark hole.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Okay. I hear that. I don't know why you have to be judgmental against dark holes but that's a different show um so so i want to show you look at look at going back to fun stuff geez thanks for uh thanks tom for taking the show down hey it needed to be done look at look at cameron haynes here this is pretty crazy this is actually so there was a fight this weekend i don't know if you're a ufc fan but um uh there was a fighter named john jones who's like the greatest fighter ever lived and he fought for the heavyweight title this weekend so it's a huge fight right because this guy went
Starting point is 00:59:33 up a weight class he hasn't fought in three years and here's the three biggest commentators in the sport it's daniel cormier the guy on the left and joe rogan in the middle and then john annick in the blue suit and then and then and then watch this this the middle, and then John Anik in the blue suit. And then watch this. This is just as John Jones secures the title and becomes hands down the greatest fighter who ever lived on the planet Earth. Okay, here we go. I don't even know if there's audio to this.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Is that your buddy back there with the hat on? Right there. Cam's been wearing an Into the Storm hat lately. We're getting into the Storm hat. Look, there he is getting hugged, getting manhandled. But that's David Goggins. David Goggins, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yep. Right there. DC was not happy about that. Not happy. Oh, because John Jones lost. Or won, because John Jones won. Right, good point. Is that an Into the Storm hat he's wearing?
Starting point is 01:00:24 Oh, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Wow. He loves himself some Rich Froning. Man, Cam's a good dude. He was, like I said, it was a super, super fun couple days. And, man, he just likes to run and work out. That's what he wants to do and shoot.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Hey, when he picked you up at the hotel, was that your guys' first interaction ever? Yeah. Like in person, really? So we got to see that. We'd text kind of randomly a couple of times. He's a lot like me where if he has his phone when he gets the text, he'll respond right away. But if he does not have his phone, he's probably doing something else.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And you might get a text back like two or three days later. Three to five business days? Yeah, very similar in that regard. So it was cool to connect with him. I'm a big fan. I've been getting into hunting a lot the last couple of years. To hang out with him for a couple of days, see his spread and all the things that he's done. Pick his brain about hunting stuff too.
Starting point is 01:01:16 It's cool. Does he have a day job? He did. He just retired. He was part of public works on the water think the water side um there in eugene oregon and um he's now retired i think he retired in like october or something uh sevan of course rich knows uh ufc do you know ufc do you follow ufc i don't really watch a ton of ufc um i know it and i know chandler chandler's been here a couple times and is good friends with Jim Hensel,
Starting point is 01:01:45 who's here, and so I know Michael pretty well. Did you watch the fight this weekend? I did not. No, Patrick, he doesn't know UFC. I'm telling you, this guy has turned into a family man. There's some clues he's already given. There's some clues he's already given. I watch UFC when my kids are fighting on the floor every night, so there's some clues he's already given us see when my kids are fighting in the floor every night
Starting point is 01:02:05 so there's that you you are seriously considering coaching your kids softball team i got roped into it i'd signed trice up and then the the guy emailed and said hey we need coaches i said i'll 100 support and be an assistant coach unless you absolutely need head coaches and he said we absolutely need head coaches oh that's awesome fucking he slapped that dick on the ass for me that's brilliant hey dude you got to film that for us i well it's weird because it's other kids i know but people are going to want to see that see you in the in that role with kids they're gonna rich is just like pushing kids face down in the don't you cry.
Starting point is 01:02:45 You look like a bitch. Get back out there. Hey, and you were saying that stuff to, what's the guy's name? The camera guy's name? Dre? Dre Strom? Yeah. You told him, hey, you're fucking embarrassment to yourself.
Starting point is 01:02:57 There's people watching you working out right now. You told him that? I may have said something along those lines. Maybe. Almost word for word but yeah that's amazing but that's what people that's what dre needs dre's not one of those like yeah he got up and was good you know like me and dre have that relationship some and that's something i learned with people and being on teams is some people need motivation different
Starting point is 01:03:19 ways and dre needed to be told hey quit quit quit. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. God, that's so good. That's when my wife was giving birth. I can't remember which kid it was. But one of the doulas said that to her. She's like, hey, quit saying no. I don't want to hear no come out of your mouth again. And I wanted to slap that bitch for talking to my wife like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 But my wife's like, it worked. All right, it worked. There you go. Yeah, it worked. Some people need different motivation. Some people need to be told, hey, you're all right. You're going There you go. Yeah. It works. Some people need different motivation. Some people need to, you know, be told, Hey,
Starting point is 01:03:45 you're all right. It's going to be fine. Hey, let's do this. And some people just need to be told they suck. So, um, so you'll,
Starting point is 01:03:52 you'll actually do that. You'll be coaching. You're going to be a coach for a kid softball team. Yeah. It's coaches pitch. So I don't want to be, what does that mean? What does that mean?
Starting point is 01:04:03 You throw the pitches to the balls. Yeah. So it's like a step above above he's also a year and a half what if you get injured doing that no i'm dude man i got the like if we're talking one sport like my glove one sport and one trait of of that sport or skill of that sport my glove hand is pretty good what if you get hit in the head and you have to fucking drink soup through a straw the rest of your life? There's some Christopher Reeves fucking accident. I mean, it's seven and eight-year-olds. Trice is, like I said, a year and a half too young. But I'm not playing tee ball where they set it on the tee.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And so we're going straight to coach's pitch. So it's going to be bad. But I will bow out from coaching when it actually means anything. I don't want to be that guy that they're like, oh, Trice is only playing because his dad's the coach. I don't want any part of that. The parent politics, everybody's favorite part of the league. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:55 Do you pay attention to the NFL draft at all? A little bit. Not as much. I will when the draft comes around. I didn't watch the um is my buddy gonna get drafted stuff man it sounds like it looks like it right i mean he he ran what he ran a 4-8 i think um but as a quarterback that's pretty good there was another quarterback there that was setting all sorts of fucking combine records there was another quarterback there
Starting point is 01:05:22 that didn't even have to do the combines it's some fucking midget from alabama i think i think a lot of a lot is put on the combine where i think from the outside just because there's nothing going on sports wise for nfl people right so i i think they'll look more at game film and things that they've done and kind of those things that you can't uh test for and so i think i think your boy will be fine uh division two hasn't been uh no one's been uh quarterback hasn't been drafted division two since like 98 or something maybe any yeah uh i want to go back up here again i can't believe this guy donated 99 these two guys josh Josh Lerman, that deserves a second. Thank you. Yeah. And 12 dose and 12 doses. A five 89. Can't wait to see rich throwing heat at eight year olds.
Starting point is 01:06:14 That's right. I've already, I've already taught twice the, uh, importance of the brushback pitch. What's that? When they crowd the plate or start talking trash, you throw it their head. It was a wiffle ball. it was a wiffle ball it was a wiffle ball i actually did that hillary was joking around and playing in the front yard with us too and so she hops up there gets in the plate and i threw it behind her oh man you should have seen the look of fire that came from her eyes with the wiffle ball or a real ball no that was a real ball oh my goodness it was behind her it was behind her oh my goodness did did you see arnold this year at the arnold uh i did not
Starting point is 01:06:51 i know yeah no i didn't get to see him i did man they had those medieval like battles that remember uh was it dale saran that used to yeah yeah man that how has nobody died doing that that clip in your video where the guy's taking the shield and driving into the guy's eyeballs is fucking intense crazy right intense man intense i would have watched that like three times but i was in a hurry an axe to the neck like what yeah how has no i think yeah i don't get it you you went into uh crossfit gahanna yep do they know you're coming no that one we just kind of on the fly dropped it i wanted to drop in for friday night lights but we didn't get in till too late and so um just dropped in and and did the they do a mayhem affiliate programming so we try to we're trying to
Starting point is 01:07:45 or i'm trying to whenever i travel uh kind of like dave used to do where he drops into affiliates and just drop in and do the workout with them so it was a ton of fun and were they crazy cool you being there oh yeah they were great we did it in uh crossfit waldrick in um new jersey we told them gave them a heads up um but yeah man it was it was awesome they let us jump right in lakeland uh they had a kids class going on at the same time lakeland jumped in on that and so it was awesome she was in the kind of the back room doing her crossfit kids stuff and i was in there doing the the main class and i mean that's what we're what we're working towards right and want those kids to to jump in and be able she was right in there and ready to go and anyone freak
Starting point is 01:08:23 out when they see you like just walk into their gym it was funny so scott this is scott's like um this was his dream so this guy we're talking and you know i'd never assume people know who i am and this guy had no clue he goes hey uh do you have a youtube channel i think i was watching watching a video a video of you came up on my you know on my this was at the gym this was at crossfit gohana yeah it was at the gym it was at the gym and so it was uh like scott that's scott's dream his second dream is for somebody to see one of our hunting videos yeah not know who i am for crossfit but know who i am for hunting like that's what he wants oh that's cool that's like us yeah yeah i would love it if someone thought call hello caller
Starting point is 01:09:07 hung up from the netherlands yeah that would be awesome if someone knew me as a uh just a regular podcaster not a crossfit podcaster fuck that would be awesome uh luca i don't know what that is is that luca lucas What money is that with an R? A ruby. Rubies. We take all money. Thank you, Luca. And this is what was crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Then Scott interviewed – was Scott Vandersloot who was there with you? Yeah, yep. And then he interviews the dude, and the coach there said that he used to do CAP programming. That's the one that CrossFit sells. Did you watch that video? I've not watched the video yet. It's pretty intense. The guy's like, hey, we did CAP.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I was determined to stay with CAP, and all my coaches were like, we're going to do Mayhem, and I kept fighting with them, and then we switched to Mayhem, and he's like, and Mayhem's like way better. It's a pretty crazy it's a pretty no it's fine i mean it's it's it's very candid it does it's very candid uh but um it's it's quite the um uh crazy endorsement i will i'll say man darren i mean you know darren yeah so darren i just and right after that by the way i dm darren i said hey will you come on the
Starting point is 01:10:23 show i just didn't go today Can you get him on there? Man, it's been cool to see him. He's such an incredible coach. He's good with people. He knows how to motivate people differently. And so he did such a good job when he was the head coach here on the day-to-day coaching stuff. But he is such a poor manager of people and anything that's not inside the gym and so for him to kind of find that niche when they went back um and and take a lead on the
Starting point is 01:10:51 affiliate programming has done an incredible job i mean him and josh work closely together here at mayhem you know tyler uh darren will program the workouts and then josh will say hey you either need to change this josh or j are you talking about j Jake or Josh? No, so Josh Malone. Josh runs Mayhem here. He's COO and then is the head coach. Well, TJ technically is the head coach at the gym, actual physical location of the gym now. But Josh is very involved with that. And so him and Darren go back and forth on, hey, this would be better for general public, you know, because Darren does get a little crazy at times.
Starting point is 01:11:24 And, you know, working with me for so long and us training and programming together for so long. Um, you know, he, he does get a little aggressive at times and you're like, Hey, that's a little, little much, but it's fine. Yeah. So it's good for, um, um, I say all that to say, I'm glad that he's found a niche and does such a good job with it. Everybody that, um, does may him affiliate program loves it and his videos and kind of explains everything and um super proud of him for that i can't wait to i'm gonna ask him some fucked up questions oh get him you need it yeah if you can get him stuttering you're good okay that's when you know you're in darren's head have you ever given rich a bloody nose as my opening my opening with that. I don't even – what's – this is seven –
Starting point is 01:12:06 Pesos. Oh, is that what that is? I think so. MX, maximum peso. Are we rich now? David Aguilar Vazquez. Vazquez. I left CrossFit for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Rich will always be Jordan in my opinion. Came back and all seems fragmented. Glassman out. Trash talk amongst athletes. Decentralization of business model. from crossfit cfhq lots of wokies doing c oh wokies that's no there's a good synopsis huh yeah but i don't think that there's a lot of wokies doing crossfit no no i really don't no i don't think so yeah um uh the only reason why I'm reading this is because you gave $100. This is just complete horseshit. You want to fight with me again, dude?
Starting point is 01:12:49 Come on. Sevan, I watched the pod that the fat British chick who hates you last night. She literally broke you down for all the best reasons. I love you. Creepy Sevan is the best. There is no creepy Sevan. Now we know it's Sevan. Yeah, there is no creepy Sevan.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Now we know 12 doesn't need context for things. That's good. All those quotes were out of context. And thank you. Uh, by the way, uh, David Aguilar.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Thank you. That's Quez. Look at you. I wonder if everyone's going to start using three names now, since he has Richard Lyle. Richard Lyle Froning Jr. Um, there was a question on here.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I wanted to ask Rich also that I saw someone else. Yes, here we go. Andrew Slater. Sevan, can you ask Mr. Froning how the Mayhem Freedom team is coming? Yes, I have on my notes. So what's up with Angelo? How is he doing? Angelo's fit, which worked out this morning.
Starting point is 01:13:40 The team should be good. They've got Zoe from – she was on eighth day. They've got Kyra, um, from out West and then Sam, which Sam is a beast. He's a super fit guys made to semifinals a couple of times, or I think last year.
Starting point is 01:13:55 And, um, I, they, they'll work really well together as a team. Angela is a pretty good, you know, he's,
Starting point is 01:14:01 he's got the experience. Um, so they make it to the games. Yeah, I think so. How about Tyler Cristofal? Will they make it to the games yeah i think so how about tyler christophal will he make it to the games i got i got in a fight with jr yesterday jr says he's gonna make it no doubt i'm like there's no fucking way i hope so just you know seeing what he puts in and i mean he's super fit dude he just you know some weaknesses that always seem to show up but we're trying to work on those things and just happens that most of the time his weaknesses are my strengths so we're just doing more of that because i like doing that stuff anyway so is he is he your training partner right
Starting point is 01:14:34 now yeah i'd say me and tyler probably train together the most he jumps in with us quite a bit um angelo is with us a lot luke parker's with us a lot um The girls kind of do what we do, but they do it together. And just they think they're hilarious. So we just kind of excommunicate them because they're annoying. But Paige killed the open, dude. Dude, Paige crushed it. Paige crushed it. Bailey super fit.
Starting point is 01:14:55 So, man, we got a good crew, a good group of people, good, good group of athletes. I'm loving Paige. I want to get on the Paige train. She's the shit. Yeah. Paige train. Yeah, she's she's crushing it. She was in here earlier. Darren, Darren has kind of taken a little bit more of a lead on her programming day-to-day programming.
Starting point is 01:15:11 And then I'll kind of look over it too and help, but, um, he's, we just, we're spread. So we have so many athletes going to make sure they get the attention. Um, what, um, and Haley's taking a break. Haley's taking a break. So she should pop in and out of here. Um, she's in Cookville and, um, just taking care of some things. She's going through some, some deep shit, right? Yep. And someone said, Hey, seven, what do you think? And I was like, Hey, we all need to go through some deep shit.
Starting point is 01:15:39 At some point between you're 18 and you're 30, you have to look up to the heavens and say, God, do you see me? Yeah. What the fuck is going on here? You have, you have're 30 you have to look up to the heavens and say god do you see me yeah what the fuck is going on here you have you have to you have to fucking dig a hole and bear yourself and kind yeah you have to do some deep soul searching because the window is going to close once you start having kids and shit right you want to have some sort of breakdown and and in an enlightenment there's an enlightened face that every healthy person goes through right i mean yeah it's just hard to for it to, you know, that's the hard part is, you know, everybody's looking to her and there's some pressure on her to, Hey, to compete. This is
Starting point is 01:16:12 her livelihood. And, you know, I don't want to speak for her, but she's, she's getting there. Um, and told her, Hey, whatever you need from us, we'll, we'll be here. Cause like I said, loyalty for me is a huge thing. and so she's one of us and has been one of us for so long that i want to make sure that she's taken care of and you bring up a good point in public right so like when i i had my fucking soul searching i got rid of everything i owned and i was homeless and i was fucking naked on the beach doing mushrooms and you're right i don't want anyone fuck i don't want that on fucking youtube that wasn't a metaphor that was real yeah no i mean i mean it was just condensed cliff notes version but you're right i don't want anyone fuck i don't want that on fucking youtube that wasn't a metaphor that was real yeah no i mean i mean it was just condensed cliff notes version but you're right i don't want
Starting point is 01:16:49 anyone um you know what i mean i don't want anyone seeing that and and you're right that is what she's um that oh telemarketer and it's not for the public either that's no no exactly like nobody deserves nobody needs that yeah hello hello this is the national police and trooper association we're calling everyone to let them know the new drive is underway like always your support will go to representing the needs are you real person are you recording better equipment you know you're actually talking to a live person oh wow holy i was not expecting that. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Ask them if they lowered their standards. Can you email me? Thank you for your time and have a great rest of your day. Okay. I was going to give you money, but I appreciate it. You hung up. What the fuck? That was weird.
Starting point is 01:17:41 That was a trip. I'm not giving you a lighter. Oh, can you? They need that missing component. No, they need to light that blunt that you gave the papers in. A ladder. Oh, I don't want a lighter. I want a ladder. Thanks for the comparison, Savon.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Hey, would you rather give your kid a lighter or a ladder? Do you get a 12-foot ladder or a lighter? That's a good one. Probably more with a ladder you get a 12 foot ladder and lighter that's probably more with a ladder oh my god and one you can only hurt yourself the other one you could take a lot of stuff down with you yeah that's right um so she's so hayley's still in cookville yeah yeah yeah and and you still see her she's just hanging low yeah she's just kind of hanging low i saw her the other day i mean she'll come in here every once in a while and work out. I was out riding my mountain bike at one of the parks the other day and she was out there walking her dog too.
Starting point is 01:18:31 So, you know, it's just, it's hard. You don't want to be too invasive and, you know, it's like, hey, if you need me, I'm here. And so she's got a good group. She'll figure it out. And you do say that? You say, if you need me, I'm here? Yep. I try to check in on her regularly
Starting point is 01:18:48 if I can. How about like Yeah, okay. I don't know what your relationship with her, but someone is I'm guessing when you say you check on her and she comes in there so there are people in the group who are having
Starting point is 01:19:04 one-on-one time with her, just basically loving on her. No, she doesn't need to say anything. She just needs people to listen to her and just process. Exactly. Hey, and can you relate to what she's going through? Yeah, man. There's pressure. I'd be lying if there were years that I was like, screw this.
Starting point is 01:19:20 I'm just going to go back to the fire department so I don't have all this pressure and um I'm over it you know like there's there's been times and then you know it's just seasons that's why I try to get along get around tours like hey you know you gotta do what's best for you and if that you feel like this is what's best for you then absolutely do it you know luckily for me I don't know just having I liked having around. I feel like Haley at times a little bit more private than me. And so, um, you know, I like groups and my, and my people and, um, and hanging out and it makes other stuff fun. And then I just kind of one day at a time. And so, um, but yeah, I can 1000% relate to part of what she's going through part of it. I can't, um, you know, that's, that's more personal on her side. And, um, it's, it's just, it's tough. It's a lot of pressure to compete every year. And, um, I mean, anybody who's been at the top
Starting point is 01:20:10 level of anything kind of knows that it's what's expected, you know, like when it becomes expected, it's a little less fun. Oh yeah. Well, and you talk about that in the Cameron Haynes, um, podcast also, like, um, you say you point out like the three missteps you had in your CrossFit Games career, like the rope, walking one time, and then the swim. And it's kind of – I was like, oh, shit, yeah, that sucks because when you're expected to win, then the pundits like me, all we're doing is waiting for you to fuck up. Like no one's like, oh, my God, Rich killed it. Everyone's like, okay. Okay, whatever. His okay his shoes untied what a jackass but that's what you know that's
Starting point is 01:20:51 what people go to and that's that's how people make a living so yeah but i mean it's like when that everything you do is under a microscope and especially now like luckily when when i kind of i guess i've grown into where i am currently. Um, there wasn't, you know, we had maybe Twitter, but there wasn't Instagram wasn't big. There wasn't YouTube. There wasn't all this social obligations that you had. And so it was a little bit more intimate, a little bit more private. You know, I remember, you know, just kind of grinding in my garage and doing my thing. And the only time to get or see any real, um, scrutiny or anything like that was like the update show or any videos that came out on when they had a media department.
Starting point is 01:21:30 And, uh, um, you know, those were the only real times to, to read the comments and, and get, you know, you can go down rabbit holes and people on the internet are, are ruthless. And so, um, I didn't live with that. And so now, um, I've grown into that over 12 or 13 years versus just being thrown into it, you know? Hey, um, you, you guys have a significant investment in media. Is that correct? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Significant, right? Like sometimes do you ever look at the numbers and you're like, wow. Yep. But I mean, it feeds everything that we do, you know, like it is the world we live in currently.
Starting point is 01:22:05 And yeah, I also get to look at it like, hey, I've got five, five people that I provide a life for and not a life, but I provide, you know, for them and their family. And, you know, they're doing their job and they have a job. So. And they love that they love. they love yeah well most of the time i think they love it scott loves it that 20 mile run maybe yes right and um and uh the same thing over at uh street parking i i think a great deal of their success is their insane media they have a massive media house over there and on top like my mom's always like hey it's the best uh like you know tutorials or whatever that i've ever seen anywhere their app's great and i think about that and that's just to emphasize how crazy it is that crossfit doesn't
Starting point is 01:22:56 have like i would fucking fire like i could tell you 30 people i'd get rid of right there and just hire media have a media yeah yeah just it's what drives i mean that's what drives the world at this point you know yeah i don't look you try not to look at it from like a complete numbers standpoint because it really is a wash you're losing money technically on media but it supports everything supports it's a life it's a lifeblood of this company you know like it's what what what does it so it? So yeah, it's 2023. If you're not a media forward company, you're not a company anymore. You're not relevant. So you have to start with the media and then build in backwards.
Starting point is 01:23:31 And, but it does a twofold. It's evergreen. So you're always gaining an audience. You're always marketing in. It's also a product. Cause you're going to make some ad dollars off it. You can collect some sponsors and everything else.
Starting point is 01:23:41 So it's, I mean, that's just, it's just insanity. That CrossFit doesn't just charge the lead on that. I didn't really even know they didn't have a media department until we were up there at the open announcement. And, you know, Scott is like, you know, his media head is like,
Starting point is 01:23:57 why don't they have this? Why haven't they done this? Why are there no videos out? Why, blah, blah, blah. Because then, I mean, Scott had a video out the next day. And so it's crazy. crazy dude they have one video guy one and then they have like 10 bosses so what we had is we used to have like three or four five bosses like a boss of the photography department we had the head of media which
Starting point is 01:24:17 is me we had a head of production which was tyson oldroyd we had a head of the journal which is mike wargan but then under them we had like 70 people who were actually creators now they have like 10 admin and one and one it's crazy seems efficient it's fucking crazy and they're not talented people the the i mean the video guy's crazy talented he's a award-winning film no it's a guy named uh jay vera i think dalton's just a contractor too contractor yeah i like dalton i I like Dalton a lot. They're in a world of fucking hurt. Do you have to go pee, Rich? No.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Okay. Can I keep you six more minutes? Yeah. Okay. David Attaway. Two years as a Mayhem affiliate for CrossFit Oviedo, and we love it. Longtime fan of Rich, of course, as well. And when they say Mayhem affiliate for crossfit ovido and we love it long time fan of rich of course as well and and when they say mayhem affiliate meaning they're using your programming yeah okay
Starting point is 01:25:11 um let's see oh god you're putting my kids through school john clark i would love to see heidi gone mushrooms oh that means father in Armenian. Did he misspell? Oh, that is? He did misspell it, but I appreciate the attempt. Justin Zuzumbo, affiliate owner in Utah. What is it? Like Salty Cave CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:25:38 Salty Creek? Salty Beaver? Salty Beaver. Salty Hive. Salty Hive. It's Salty Hive. This is a thanks to Rich and an apology to Sevan from my untimely Collins. Salty beaver? Salty beaver. Salty hive. Salty hive. It's salty hive. Salty hive. This is a thanks to Rich and an apology to Savon for my untimely Collins. You never have to apologize, buddy.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Yes, son. I just love rousing you guys when you guys call. I'm actually flattered that you guys know the number even when I don't put it up. Okay. Let's talk about tampons. The fuck? I've never used one um when when tiger woods hands you a tampon like how flattering would you be if tiger woods took the piss out of you like imagine if you handed someone a tampon at the crossfit games without lifting them dude they would fucking they would fucking be like oh my god i mean how much respect i just wish the world
Starting point is 01:26:31 understood that's tiger woods's way of that guy will never get more respect if the president called him to the white house was that it's a crazy ridiculous i take a used condom from tiger woods. Like it's a crazy compliment when the goat gives you something right. I, that blew my mind. That was such a big deal. People just want to be seen. And you got seen by tiger woods.
Starting point is 01:26:59 Who was it? He handed it to Dustin. Was it a Dustin? I don't even know the guy's name. I think he was fine with it. You know guy's name. I think Dolph is stupid. But he was fine with it. For sure. Dude, he was flattered.
Starting point is 01:27:09 He was flattered. You know, I just – what world are we living in at this point? Oh, my God. Hey, dude. It's so crazy that the world doesn't understand that that truly is a – like that was a compliment he's paying that guy right i see you i recognize just having fun like yeah oh my gosh i just hyper just sensitivity on everything you know or well this this particular thing is just missing the target yeah you're you've completely missed you've completely misread that yeah it's almost like a passing of the torch like tiger's acknowledging that guy is great exactly
Starting point is 01:27:52 i just man in hindsight don't you wish you could have gone back and done that i wish i could have oh he would have killed me though that belt. You know, he threw that belt. Yeah, the belt and the glasses, dude. He would have hit me in the face with it. He would have killed me. Have him. Has he? You have him on here every once in a while, right?
Starting point is 01:28:13 Yeah, he was actually just on a few weeks ago. It was awesome. Has he told you about chucking his belt through the glass window at his house? No. Have him tell you that story. Perfect material. It's great. It's great.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Because we all have meltdowns at one point i took a wiffle ball bat to the side of my you know barn when i was you know like it it happens that's pretty feminine a wiffle ball bat to the side it was the only thing i could find right there hey i love feminine i love feminine full-on just and my neighbor like a super good friend of ours she like comes over a little while after she goes, are you okay? And I was like, yeah, I'm fine. I just missed a snatch like five times and just full on just went dummy on this wall with a whippable bet. Hey, did, um, when did he throw the bell through the window? When was that recent?
Starting point is 01:28:58 No, I think it's been probably five or six years, but you need to have him tell the story. It's, oh man, I don't want to do it i don't want to take it from him because it's it's that good i wonder if um i wonder if it was on accident i wonder if his boys were home oh i know he was like training in his barn with some of his like friends i don't know if his boys were home do you sponsor the games no we sponsored the rogue invitational um do you sponsor the open i don't think so you guys don't you don't give money to crossfit to promote mayhem no okay okay because that would be kind of weird that would be kind of weird but but i thought i thought in the open announcement we are an affiliate what i said but we are a CrossFit affiliate.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Yeah, you pay them money. Yeah. But it would be weird. Like, I don't know. Something would, I don't know. Like, if you gave them, let's say, $20,000 to be, like, this to be 23.2. Presented by Mayhem, yeah. Presented by Mayhem.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Because it was presented by Mayhem, wasn't it? No. Oh, it wasn't? By Chipotle, Ihem, yeah. Presented by Mayhem. Because it was presented by Mayhem, wasn't it? No. Oh, it wasn't? By Chipotle, I think, actually. And when they ask you, okay, so let me go back a little bit. Are you just kicking it? And by the way, is Rory fun to travel with? He looks like he keeps everything so light.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Yeah, Rory's good. Scott's good. We had a good time. Rory's just cracking jokes the whole time and just keeping it light yeah and he has camera experience so he knows how to keep he's kind of like darren every once in a while a little protective at times like oh we need to do this and i'm like oh yeah it was good thinking because i don't think about that stuff oh yeah yeah he is protective to it yeah i can see that um uh what about um and i think he takes pride in
Starting point is 01:30:44 in um yeah he always had a lot of pride in his in his duties he takes pride in the fact that he represents mayhem i'm sure um how does that go down that crossfit wants you to come read the workout for 23.2 who calls you like justin uh i guess justin talked to r You know, they found out we were Ari. I think maybe talk to Rory first. I didn't know. No one texts you. It's not like the old days where Dave texts you and goes, Rich, I need you here.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I was really just going to show up to kind of help Roman. And if he needed me, you know, he really probably didn't need me. But I was just there to support him and be a part of that if he needed that. And then they found out we were coming. And when they found out we were coming, they asked if we would be a part of the show. And honestly, I didn't know until we showed up that day that I was reading the workout out. So.
Starting point is 01:31:30 Oh, interesting. Yeah. You looked great in that shirt. That white CrossFit shirt. It was very small, but yeah. That's a noble shirt.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I would assume so. I think the, cause I had to change my pants, even though I had black non-branded pants, I had to wear noble pants. Yeah. You looked yoked as shit in there. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Thanks. I've been working to get my upper body back after that shoulder injury. And what's it like coaching Roman? Not like him for him, but for you. Because I have this theory that you don't like to be coached, but you're realizing in 10 years. And so you don't want to coach people because you presume they're like you but you've turned the corner on that now and you're starting to um just just seeing you talk to him i was like oh shit so rich is like coming out of his shell
Starting point is 01:32:17 like facundo takes the lead on roman and his programming i'm more of like everybody else kind of like i help gee a lot more day to day And I don't want that weird kind of those two are going to be, you know, top level competitors. And so I am, I oversee and kind of Roman will send me programming and what he's doing. And I might tweak or change something that I think might be a little bit different or should be a little bit different. And then, you know, obviously strategy stuff when it comes to competition, I'm there for, you know, that's probably where I have the most experience. And so, um, yeah, I mean, it's fun, you know, it's, you don't want to different athletes are different.
Starting point is 01:32:54 So I'm still trying to learn kind of how everybody and whatever everybody needs, where I didn't need a ton. I just needed somebody to kind of like make things light. Like Darren did. Um, I knew what to do for the most part, but I just needed somebody to tell me, hey, it's going to be all right. Or hey, let's have some,
Starting point is 01:33:09 like just joke around in between and kind of kill that time in between where your brain can kind of go to different spaces. So I guess I'm there more for comic relief than anything. But it didn't look like that though in the video. Like, do you feel insecure giving, like you say to Roman, and I don't sense any insecurity from you at all. But do you feel insecure when you're giving him that advice like, hey, just trace right behind Vellner.
Starting point is 01:33:36 And then when you see him fucking get a little slow down, step on the pedal and fucking – and pass him. Because you're saying that, i'm like i was trying to picture someone telling you that right in your prime sorry you are in your prime in your in 2017 i was trying to picture someone telling you that and you kind of being like hey fuck off i'm not that i ever saw you act like that but i can't imagine anyone trying to give you advice like that yeah it's tough you don't know what you know what they're already thinking and and it's a little bit harder too like i said with roman where you're kind of going through a translator he understands english really well uh but he i don't think he's just not comfortable speaking it but i'm he's way better than he's ever been and so uh yeah i just don't want to
Starting point is 01:34:18 like be hey get this jackass away from me he's being too you know being around too much so it's more like if he comes to me and asks a question that was more my um i'm there and so i love seeing you in that capacity and i can only imagine that it makes him feel so special the weirdest part about that whole deal is like i knew i was mic'd up and they were going to use it for part of the show both athletes are out there on the line and they're playing the show to everybody in the affiliate. They play that whole minute, whatever clip of me talking to Roman right before they're going, it's silent in there. Other than that, my voice, and I hate my voice regardless. And so I'm listening to me talk and then it's like me talking and telling, and Belner just kind of like looks over at me, like what the hell dude. And so I'm just kind of like looks over at me like what the hell dude and so i'm just just kind of like
Starting point is 01:35:06 covering my face it was so velner god i wish i gotta ask velner about that that's awesome it was so uncomfortable and and it's exactly what happened but still it was oh it was so bad okay oh this and then one more question i appreciate rich taking time away from chasing kids around to hop on these podcasts for us. Always the GOAT. I agree. Thanks, Justin. Oh, nice sweatshirt.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Yeah, CEO sweatshirt. The Mayhem brand is bigger than ever. Congratulations on your patience. I mean, what great – who would have thought, you know – Yeah, it's been a good run for sure. That it would just keep growing like this. It's, it's really cool. And it's, it's a testament to who you are. What, what, is there anything else you're working on business wise?
Starting point is 01:35:53 Like what you, you have the coffee, you have the, the meat, um, you have the programming, you have the actual brick and mortar gyms. Is there anything else that you have in the works? I think the big thing, what we're trying to do is actually, you know, narrow down our focus and make sure everything is kind of quality control at this point, making sure we're not spreading too thin and making sure we're doing everything really well. You know, I have like separate passions, like I said, the hunting, the outdoor space. That's something I want to, me personally want to do. I don't know if it'll necessarily be a business thing, but, um, more that I just really enjoy it. I enjoy using my fitness and getting outdoors, but I think, um, we're bringing on a little more people in different
Starting point is 01:36:32 areas where, you know, in programming or in just the athlete side, we had so many athletes that weren't getting attention because we had too many people. And so now we're trying to bring in, you know, coaches to kind of help with that, that align with who we are and kind of what we believe as well as, um, in different areas like apparel and just getting people more help. Whereas, you know, when we started, it was kind of a Jack of all trades people, you know, Dre has been with us since the beginning and I'll use Dre as an example. Dre went from, um, athlete to media, and then we've grown so big media, he switched over to apparel and then from apparel now he's a branding. And then we've grown so big media, he switched over to apparel and then from apparel now he's a branding. And so we've got a guy that kind of run Jesse who
Starting point is 01:37:10 runs apparel kind of number stuff, Dre's more on the creative side. And so it's been cool to have, you know, like, like I said, people that have been with us since the beginning and, and have been a part of it. And so, um, just trying to make sure that we're making, make putting out a good product and that quality controls there. That's our big thing right now. Do you own a Domino's? I don't own a Domino's. I'd love to own a Chick-fil-A. Oh, yeah. Why? Is there a Chick-fil-A in… Yeah, in Cookville? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Yeah, it's awesome. I love Chick-fil-A, but yeah. Have you applied for a Chick-fil-A? No, I don't have time. Dude, it's crazy. I think it's 60,000 applicants a year and they choose less than 1%. I think you need something like 2.5 mil to first just to start it up. Rich, you got to get a Chick-fil-A, dude. That would be crazy. I think you have to work there for like a year or six months too.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Oh, really? That's another thing. I think so. Interesting. Yeah. And you're only allowed to own one. Easy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Easy. Easy. Easy. Hey, have your dad work there for you and just put on a hat and say he's you, dude. That would be mom's expertise, actually. The restaurant stuff's mom. Okay. When's the next hunting video dropping? Miss Riddow.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Spring's coming up. Turkey hunt will be coming out soon. That'll be the game plan. Get a couple turkey hunts in. Maybe a rabbit hunt in Michigan with my up. Turkey, turkey hunt will be coming out soon. So that'll be the game plan is get a couple of turkey hunts in maybe a rabbit hunt in Michigan with my cousins. Hey, always love having you on. Thanks for everything. Thanks for keeping it real. Thanks for, I don't know what you did to the kids if you gave them a robot, a model of Robitussin to play with, but they seem like they're out.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Yeah, they're going. All right, brother. All right. Love you back. Cheers. I love you too rich bye well mr rich froney lyle i didn't know i don't think i knew it was lyle lyle his middle name he's put that up there a couple times tom tom gearan. Took that somewhere unexpected. Getting Adam rich handled it. So good. Not as good as me,
Starting point is 01:39:14 but he handled it good. Yeah. God, I'd kill to see seven take rich hunting, dude. He would hate hunting with me. I'd be like, my feet are cold. My hands are cold. This, this hurts. I do need, hey, you don't even know. I do need a cigarette after that. Wow. It's always nice hanging with Rich. Good stuff. I do a little couple French inhales.
Starting point is 01:39:43 A couple French inhales. A couple French inhales. Amazing. All right. That was good. It was great for me. Yeah. Fucking awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:58 You want to hear something funny? When Avi was 10 months old, I put him on a skateboard, and he would put his knee down, and then he would push with his leg. Yeah, like the dogs that ride the skateboards? Yeah, exactly. Exactly like that. And I uploaded the video to some stock footage house. It's called Junkin Media. it's like stock footage house. It's called junk in media.
Starting point is 01:40:31 And every once in a while they send me a check because someone like bought to use the footage. No shit. Yeah. And yesterday I got a check for $857 from what? Yeah. Yeah. I think it's like 45 cents or like a dollar. Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 01:40:41 That's that's fucking, that's right, boy. You make me that money. Already capitalizing. And then Rich Froning came on today and did the money with Pornhub. Manny C. Serrano.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Thank you, Rich. Thank you, guys. Yeah. We went somewhere else, and I didn't want to bring it back to what Rich has done for the community because you're already moving the show forward a little bit. But at one point, I was going to – we went somewhere else, and I didn't want to bring it back to what Rich has done for the community because you're already moving the show forward a little bit. But I was going to – at one point I was going to jump in and say I think I've gotten like three to maybe four members in the past.
Starting point is 01:41:13 This would all be like 2013 to 2016-ish that came in that were like, I'm here because I want to be Rich Froning. And like bought memberships to the gym and became members. Straight up. I saw him on ESPN on the fucking Sunday noon when they would play it. I watched everything he's put out since then. Now I'm at your gym because I want to sign up. We had one kid that fucking looked exactly like him. Like the puka shell necklace he wore.
Starting point is 01:41:41 The same rogue thing. And then I went back because I watched that day in the life that you did that we were referencing earlier when it was like him and darren i mean i've probably watched that video like like a hundred times it would just play on repeat at my house on the tv in between coaching classes and shit and uh i didn't watch it for a while right and he came in and he was moving around i'm like why does his mannerism look so familiar and i re-watched the day in life and i was like fuck he's acting exactly like him wow to the breath like that and like picking up the like i mean it was so much it was it was like borderline like oh creepy it was like there was a there was some movie like that where one girl copied another girl and then tried to take her husband what movie was that i was a kid when it came out with some scary shit um hey i don't think
Starting point is 01:42:25 it's a stretch to say if there's if there it's let's say there's been 30 000 affiliates in in totality right yeah come and gone over the year come and gone yeah i don't think it's a stretch to say every one of those affiliates on average got at least one person because of rich froning's participation in the sport yeah i think you could make that claim pretty comfortably and and and or let's say years worth of memberships could be yeah yeah i'd say two thousand dollars i mean we got super lucky with him like winning all that and his personality and his values and the in the responsibility that he felt and how he kind of carried the crossfit banner and how i mean i don't know the ins and outs of him and dave's
Starting point is 01:43:09 relationships but rich was doing a lot of stuff in those first years when he won like when he got second place and he got like he was he was making the circuit you know you'd see him at level one yeah the athletes were cool like that back then yeah and so he was doing quite a bit uh for crossfit and he was a great representative of the, of CrossFit, not only the sports side of things, but the community, the methodology, all of it. Jay Hartle, I started CrossFit from seeing Rich on ESPN and I've been coaching since 2014. Yeah. And they played on that Sunday when there's nothing else going down. Hey, are there, there are people watching the, this broadcast right now, but they're behind the broadcast? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 01:43:49 And that's why sometimes the comments don't make sense. After two years, I'm starting to figure this out. Yeah, they're behind a little bit. That happens to me sometimes. Like if you get a phone call or text and I'm listening to a show live, and then you do it, then you come back and you're like, fuck, do I just skip back to live and miss these 10 minutes minutes or should I keep it just moving, just be 10 minutes behind? I started because of Sevan. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Trish, I can't believe Greg told Rich it doesn't matter. Oh, I can. Oh, I can. Interesting. Hey, as much as these guys are savages for what they do and they have odd character quirks and whatnot, don't think for a second Greg is not a savage. Some of the shit that Greg pushed through to bring CrossFit to us is absolutely nuts. A lot of people would – I mean, just even the thing, dude,
Starting point is 01:44:34 the low-carb thing, the squatting below parallel. I mean, for those of you who don't remember, like he had fucking death threats for him for the low-carb thing. Yeah, definitely swimming upstream. Yeah, he was kicked out of so many fucking gyms i mean uh yeah it's uh it's um there's been some savages in this i don't uh i i don't think that um i don't think uh crossfit will ever get back on the tracks and someone may be like well it needs to evolve or you know but i i don't i don't think CrossFit will ever get back on the tracks and someone may be like, well, it needs to evolve or, you know, but I don't,
Starting point is 01:45:09 I don't think it's like that. I think it's misunderstanding what it is. I don't. Yeah. I think it's a once in a lifetime type of thing that we saw. I think so too. Yeah. And also tory from our last affiliate series from last weekend made a great point and he said you know why is it that the affiliates in crossfit aren't kind of lock and step on the mission like if we're going to get 30 30 million new crossfitters like how are we going to do that and what's everybody's role in that mission oh like harry singh was saying yeah yeah yeah and that's some those are some really fundamental questions that were great and need to be answered if that's going to actually materialize.
Starting point is 01:45:51 30 million people is a lot of fucking people, dude. Yeah, you're right. Janelle Winston, Sevan, honestly, the CrossFit podcast truly ignited my passion for CrossFit, much more so than the games, which I like. Yeah, I love the games too. I like the people at the games. i like the more i like the people at the games i like the stories but the stories you told inspired me yeah thank you well it inspired me too i'm kind of sad because a lot of people won't ever experience this but carson like the stub hub center or whatever it was called before that the home depot center is when it started i
Starting point is 01:46:19 think that it was stub hub center but regardless that time period, like 2012 to that 2014, that crowd that was there and the feeling that it had, it was like walking into a big affiliate. Like you just felt like you knew everybody. You were all part of the same tribe. Like you were all under the same roof together. And it was just, I mean, the nicest, really fit, good looking crowd of people you would ever come across. They really fucked up that last year.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I don't know if you remember this. When they put the vendor village out in front. So you didn't need a ticket to get in to vendor village. You could just go through vendor village. Do you remember what I'm talking about? Yeah. Yeah. And that changed it quite a bit. You needed that little bit of the gatekeeping there to make sure that only CrossFitters were on the other side of that. Oh, why was it hair? Was it hairy in there in Vendor Village? Yeah. I mean, it was just a different group because a lot of people were just going off the street.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Oh, I don't need tickets to come through here? Okay. Also, too, you were going back to like, it was CrossFitters. So you could have your shit up and everywhere. You don't have to worry about people walking off with stuff. But when you're just wandering off the street because you live in the neighborhood and kind of meander in there, it was just a little different. Yeah, I never experienced that.
Starting point is 01:47:26 That's interesting. Yeah, and I think they thought it would drive more sales. I don't know if it did or if it didn't, if that was successful, but it definitely changed the feeling a little bit. Justin, do you guys think individual affiliates can carry the OG, Greg? Yeah, they can carry. Boy, I'm not sure I understand the question. Yeah, that's interesting.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I don't understand that. But I could make up an understanding for it. I mean, clearly people – the gyms that – there are gyms that are doing CrossFit still. Still, I think Rich's gym probably still has a really pretty good CrossFit vibe to it. I assume Craig Howard's does. Oh, sure. I assume Suze's does. Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see how the culture shifts as time goes on. There is a – people start gyms, the good CrossFit gyms, because they're passionate about the message.
Starting point is 01:48:40 And so I think the affiliates will stay true to CrossFit longer than the business. The problem is, and this is to no fault of anyone's, is that CrossFit was not a business to Greg. So like this podcast isn't a business to me at all, no matter how much. I want to even say like there's friends of mine and and and suzes who are like so into the business side of crossfit and you can tell that they run it like a business and then there's gyms that aren't run like businesses and there's just a better vibe there crossfit was never run like a business by greg it was his passion it was his tool to express what he wanted to say to the world and that will never come back and and so and we don't know if the if this thing can succeed as a business because it never was a
Starting point is 01:49:34 business and these aren't words of poetry this isn't melodrama i'm just telling you the truth it just somehow functioned and and made money and so it could stay afloat in the world and have a voice and hire people but it was not a fucking business it was not selling blankets it was not like well it wasn't a traditional business in the way that a lot of the business-minded people look at it or how people would normally perceive it yeah he wasn't selling cookies and looking to expand his brand and then have different kinds of cookies and then start selling cookie sheets. And then there wasn't – there was never a business plan.
Starting point is 01:50:09 Right. But I would say if I could add to that, some of the best CrossFit gyms have to have a little bit of both. It's a dichotomy that you manage. Right, right, right. It's not a problem that you solve. Yeah, and if there weren't people who didn't if there weren't some people who managed the money i mean don't get me wrong there were things that looked like a business to the average person but it was just like it was a necessity to keep the lights on but there were a lot of dumb business decisions made at crossfit that were absolutely
Starting point is 01:50:42 brilliant for the community right right that would have never happened if it was someone running a business. And to your point, like when we do stuff at the CrossFit gym, nobody's sitting down and saying, okay, we're going to do this community event. We're going to bring everybody together. And we're like, okay, what's our return on this investment? Right? So you don't view it like that. You just do the community event. You know that it's going to bring value to everybody and you might get a dollar amount return on that, but that's not why you do the community event so similar to like what you were saying with the decision some of the decisions greg made at hq yeah i think i've been to mayhem before i don't remember to be honest but i think i have i i can't tell if i've just seen it a bunch on video or if
Starting point is 01:51:17 i've been there i have this feeling that we're going to go out there and do a live podcast at a train bridge yeah that'd be cool but i've been out there i've been out there and do a live podcast at a track bridge. Yeah, that'd be cool. But I've been out there. I've been out there, uh, uh, at least, um, I mean,
Starting point is 01:51:28 I've been out there a bunch before there was a mayhem for sure. I don't know if I've been out there since there's a mayhem. I'm out there definitely before. Um, anyway, I'm having fun. Uh, Oh dude, I had an incredible call with bruce wayne today
Starting point is 01:51:47 i talked to him too you did did he tell you what i said to him um nope i don't think so i basically said that's the first time i've ever talked to him i think maybe besides like maybe at wadapalooza i I said, I called him. I said, hey, dude. He goes, hey. I said, I don't think people get it, but I think you get it. He said, yeah. I said, this thing is eventually going to take off.
Starting point is 01:52:24 And I want to bring people in now who have enough time to just let me manipulate them and exploit them and work your fucking ass off for free. And I think you're the guy i said but eventually i think that this thing's gonna fucking i think we're on the brink of this thing taking off and this thing like making money like you can make a hundred thousand dollars a year watching the fucking podcast that are watching it for free maybe three hundred thousand a year you know what i mean and he's like yeah like he was just like yeah like i know yeah and i go and you watch every podcast and you're fucking cool and you're sending all these thumbnails. What if I, what if we just give you access to the Instagram account? He said, great. And I said, but you can't, you can't, I go, they don't give me access to Instagram account.
Starting point is 01:52:56 You can't like pretend like to be me. You can't say vaccine shit or talk about racism. You got to keep it like super clean. So of course I wouldn't give you access either. He said something funny like that. you gotta keep it like super clean so of course i wouldn't give you access either he said something funny like that and then i said and then can you just go around the internet and post to the sevan cup podcast cool shit like you know you see like someone who lost 50 pounds and you're like hey great did he tell you all this um no no no but i got the cliff notes version of it okay i'm like
Starting point is 01:53:19 never say anything negative just always say positive shit like hey great job like uh you lost 50 pounds i'm super stoked for you if rich gets sets of pr and something hey great job and just go around and just make posts for us and just just charge with the instagram account and he's like yeah i'm down awesome and i and if not hey so no one knows i'm not like trying to claim this idea is my own i talked to suze about this like this maybe a month or two ago. And Sousa said he was game. But then I just got the... Hiller asked me today, he's like,
Starting point is 01:53:51 hey, have you ever met Bruce Wayne? And I go, not really. He's like, dude, he's a good dude. And then I was like, okay, shit. I got to step on this. So then I'm like, hey, Bruce, you got to get together with Sousa and get the login.
Starting point is 01:54:01 You like it? Yeah, we got him set up. He already made a post. Oh, no shit? Yep, got us 40 more people to this, yeah, we got them set up. He already made a post. Oh, no shit. Yep. Got us 40 more people to this or 50 more people to this show. Oh, uh,
Starting point is 01:54:10 Heidi, uh, why, why, uh, that's why I can't be in charge of the, uh, Instagram wouldn't necessarily be all positive.
Starting point is 01:54:17 You mean charge of something? We need to find something. Fair enough. Anyway, I'm so excited. I feel like, I feel like, cause you know, astetter did such an amazing
Starting point is 01:54:26 job and kept that breathing the life into that thing oh he killed it yeah and then now and now we have bruce wayne over there kind of is uh version two and but but i was actually thinking i got this idea from hillary yeah he should just be cruising around with that account just spreading love all over uh ig that's a great idea oh i uh he's a good dude paper coffee i got a huge box today from paper street coffee oh lucky i've been living on my gas station ship for the last couple months oh gabe oh my god gabe hook up susan that's all right i like it to go to all the like everybody else into you to you. I'm the least important one. The box smells so stanky.
Starting point is 01:55:09 In a good way. I carried it from my mail room at the Three Plain Brothers estate into the house. And I'm like, damn, this thing stinks. I loved it. There we go. There he is. I don't even know his real name. I think maybe I do.
Starting point is 01:55:28 But when he answered the phone, he goes, this is Bruce Wayne. I was kind of excited. Yeah, he's going to do great. So stupid. I should have jumped on this a month or two months ago when you first said it. Well, I like to have a little bit of period, like a little feeling out period. You let it happen. You kind of throw it out there, and you let it periculate,
Starting point is 01:55:50 and then you pull the trigger on it. Sometimes you jump in too quick, and it doesn't work out the way you want it to. But this one I felt is right. Jack Mosley, wait, so Bruce Wayne handles the social media, and the number one guest calls himself Batman? I know it's weird.
Starting point is 01:56:02 That part is weird. I agree, that's some weird shit. A lot of synergy there. yeah what does does does we didn't run um bruce through the uh dei council i wonder if he i took care of him he knows he's got it please does he fit any of our demographic does he check any boxes yeah we got a couple of them checked with him so we're good to go yeah he fits it did he used to be a woman we yes and we got it we just we just need a couple more people and then we're gonna come on here and boast and say this podcast has and we're gonna start blaming everybody off and oh it's gonna be incredible all right i have to pee um thank you
Starting point is 01:56:38 thank everyone there is a chance so tomorrow tomorrow morning we have a live call-in show it looks like saturday we have no we have dallas d morning we have a live call-in show. It looks like Saturday we have. No, no, no. We have Dallas. Dallas tomorrow, Friday live call-in. Oh. Yep. Oh, shit. Dallas. Oh, tomorrow's show is going to be crazy, guys.
Starting point is 01:56:51 It's going to be good. Yeah. Okay. So, and we might do a late night show. Not tonight, but. Possibly Thursday evening. Okay. Bruce used to be a black woman.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Okay. Well, that's awesome. Perfect. We've heard enough. You're hired be a black woman. Okay. Well, that's awesome. Perfect. We've heard enough. You're hired. You're it. Miss Valenzuela. Hello.
Starting point is 01:57:13 Thank you. I'm just excited. I got to be on the show today. It's 11 o'clock. Time is perfect. Hugh. Yeah. I broke my pen cap off.
Starting point is 01:57:23 Okay. All right. Wait, you want okay all right bye okay okay i want to see wait before we go i want to see how big this show is i think it was a big show yeah it was a big show he crushed it rich uh people really like people really come on to watch rich people really like rich i noticed a couple of the members of my gym were in here commenting. I'm like, oh, you guys never watch a live call. Rich is here.
Starting point is 01:57:48 We all are. Yeah, assholes. Asshole. Oh, I don't even see the show. Never happened then. Oh, my God. Last night's show is huge, too. Yeah, those do great.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Oh, okay. Here. Oh, yeah. This is a big show. God bless Rich. He's a man. All right. Um, John Stewart video. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's a, we got a live call on that one. Yeah. We need some time. Very soon. I watched it like 10 more times today. It really, it really triggers me.
Starting point is 01:58:21 I watched it like 10 more times today. It really, it really triggers me. All right. I love you guys. Susie, you demand executive producer of the seven podcast, Mr.
Starting point is 01:58:33 Matthew Sousa. Thank you for coming on the show. Oh, thanks for having the middle of the day. I know you have a day job. Stoked to be here. You have a day wife. You have a nighttime wife.
Starting point is 01:58:41 All right, guys, we will see you soon. Bye.

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