The Sevan Podcast - #829 - Dallas Alexander | Silenced by Canadian Government

Episode Date: March 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Well, I'm live.
Starting point is 00:00:39 It looks like this broadcast was deleted on Facebook. Try creating. No, no, no, no. I'm not doing any of that right now. Mr. Sousa. It looks like we somehow became disconnected from Facebook. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Jeez. Louise. Elizabeth. Good morning. Clay. Doopie. Good morning. Dallas is an awesome human.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Check them out. No, no, no. We're good. We're good. That podcast is five hours. I listened to it in double time. Swiggity swag. What's in the bag?
Starting point is 00:01:15 Okay. We got a confirmation yesterday from Dallas that he was coming on and I text him this morning I wonder if he's coming on holy shit Jessica good morning
Starting point is 00:01:41 Kevin Smith good morning Robbie Myers good morning Miss Latimer good morning Heidi good morning. Kevin Smith, good morning. Robbie Myers, good morning. Miss Latimer, good morning. Heidi, good morning. Omar Conejo. I was looking, I don't usually look at the podcast once I do them because I'm too busy already researching my next podcast, but I made a sub clip from the Froning podcast i was working on it this morning a little bit before this show a sub clips like just like a little 10 minute clip that i pull from it and post on the youtube station to try to get a shitload of views and
Starting point is 00:02:17 make money and and you give it some clickbait title and uh where was i going with this oh and i saw i was like holy shit i brought a lot of energy to the rich froning show i don't know if that's like because i'm excited to see him or i know i have to be on my a game or because i'm nervous i don't know why but i was like wow i was just like a firecracker yesterday seven i feel like you'll enjoy hillar's comment section from yesterday oh uh where in uh tell me in on instagram or uh the the boob tube shooter mcgavin a newcastle was my uh favorite beer by the way in college um when i i used to slang dope too far away to grab when i used to sell weed um you know you could sell a bag of weed for like 60 bucks and if it only cost me like five or ten bucks to grow sell a couple bags of weed and then i would buy a keg of newcastle beer brown newcastle brown ale and god i would feel like
Starting point is 00:03:19 a rock star shooter mcgavin after the rich froning podcast shout out to my man bruce wayne deployed together team leaders and squad leaders together all around good dude knowing him for a decade now wow i'm not sure how all of that is one sentence but i'm gonna say that you after the froning you deployed after the froning podcast i i think i get what you mean uh you know bruce wayne you guys deployed together that's cool uh richard margarine the guys this guy's podcast uh with sean ryan got banned for classified info but then got re-released you think it was great they needed to talk like three times as fast. Three times as fast. I could do without the exchange of gifts in the beginning that took 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:04:12 There's some things, man. There's some things. There's some things. But it's thorough. I listened to the entire thing, five hours. Longest podcast I've ever listened to. You know what it made me want to do? It made me want to get twice as much information out of Mr. Dallas in one third of the time.
Starting point is 00:04:33 With some humor in there. I can't do all the drama and the fucking graphics and the fucking mood music. And it's just jerk off shit to me personally. Roxanne is wonderful. It doesn't happen often, but I'm, but I, but I am actually here for the start of the show. Good vibes. Seven, you should do five hour call in show.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Yeah, I know. Thank you. Everyone cannot be great like you said on. Yeah. Well, if everyone was, it would suck for me. Okay, he's not showing up. Well, at least he showed up for the Sean Ryan podcast. If you want to hear Daleks Alexander, now's the time to switch stations and go. Here, let's look at look at this i was gonna start the show with this
Starting point is 00:05:28 the um the other podcast he's been on don't even talk about his music but um look at this this is uh this is kind of a cool song this is a song this is a song about his longest shot i don't know how much of i how much of this I can play without getting in trouble. Yeah, I've been DMing with this guy. Did you see the new guest, the trans seal? Oh, he was on Sean Ryan. I've been DMing. No, I don't watch that.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I cannot, don't get me started. I don't want to like pick a fight with that dude. But I cannot stand that kind of shit. Any of those ones with the mood lighting and the sets with all the alcohol, it's just poser shit to me. but I cannot stand that kind of shit that any of those ones with the mood lighting and, and the sets with all the alcohol, I just see, it's just poser shit to me.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Okay. Uh, I don't watch that shit. Um, but, but I do want to get that seal on the one that was a tranny and then turn himself back. And I've been DMing with them.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Um, okay. Uh, this, but by the way, this is, this is what, this has got to be the most handsome soldier
Starting point is 00:06:25 who's ever lived too this guy is quite the looker he reminds me of um who's that guy from the sitcoms in the 80s who'd like turn super christian uh he was like in was it family ties or what's that guy's name kurt kurt cameron he kind of gives me a Kurt Cameron, but there's another guy too. This guy definitely looks famous. I think Dallas Alexander is going to be a rock star, country star. Here we go. Listen to this. Listen to his
Starting point is 00:06:56 music a little bit. Adios amigo So glad I seen you I won't be seeing you you. I won't be seeing you around. I won't be seeing you around. Adios, amigo. Adios, amigo.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I've been looking for you since I stepped foot in this town. Since I stepped foot in this town. Since I stepped foot in this town. If you were to ask me, would you ever sing in front of even one person? I would say no. But now I'm full of myself and I can sing with the best of them. Adios, amigo. So this is a song about him. Well, this is a song. Oh, look, I got the trans seal thing up there while he's singing that's not good it's not good uh this is a song you hate country wow
Starting point is 00:07:56 i don't know uh adios amigo is cultural appropriation that's correct uh mr johnny thank you oh that would be one of the first topics i address with him um but uh that is this is oh shit the mouse stopped working already switch mice um this is the song you guys are gonna to love this. You ready? You ready for this? Now you're going to be like, okay, I'm glad I stayed on the air. This is the song that tells about this. And this is some building that these cats hung out in for 50 days.
Starting point is 00:08:38 50. 50 days. They hung out in here for 50 days scouting. I forget what they're in let's just say it's mosul it's only like town i know they hung out in this building for 50 days these dudes and we're just scouting and stalking the the scenery i think it's the tallest building in the town i want to say they were like i forget what floor they're on. But they just looked out this window and measured distances and named all the buildings and basically just owned the landscape. And then he takes this shot. Two dudes take the shot at the same time. I'm just ruining the story.
Starting point is 00:09:18 We don't even need him on. Just tell you. There were two dudes, Dallas and another dude. He doesn't give the dude's name and they both shoot at the same time the bullet takes nine seconds ladies and gentlemen nine seconds to reach its target they see one bullet hit close to the guy and then another bullet dropped the dude yeah i'll play a little bit i don't want to get in trouble for playing this either here we go not more than seven seconds here we go cool right
Starting point is 00:09:51 look at that setup look at that look at a little shaker cup on the table there what do you see on the table there maybe a radio bam look at that and they blasted a dude uh three kilometers away hey do you know do you want to know what ends up happening and this this show's fucking over i'm just gonna tell you what happens this dude by the way this guy is jtf2 i don't know what that stands for i just like saying it but if you ask any of the guys in the U S military, um, they will tell you that they respect the shit out of the JTF two guys,
Starting point is 00:10:30 that there's tier one as they get, meaning they're, they're, uh, are there like our seal team six guys, right? They're the, they're the very,
Starting point is 00:10:38 very, very, very, very, very, very tip of the spear top of the food chain shit. Uh, and everyone respects them.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Everyone who goes out there and ends up working with these guys, meeting guys i you know what i think also i i'm pretty sure that um not only did i can they're not 100 sure but not only did dave as a seal team six guy dave castro do an exchange with uh delta force he also did uh an exchange with uh jt. Oh, okay. Thank you, David. Joint Task Force 2. Yeah, these dudes are crazy, crazy. And you know who else was a JTF2? Maybe, David, you can unfuck me on this, but I think this is true, too. Devin Lorette.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And I think he was, like, the guy there. You guys remember Devin? He's been on the show a few times. The giant arm wrestler dude. He's out there. Anyway, this, um, I don't even think that they knew that this was being filmed when they did this. But basically, this is footage of the shot. They got the fucking shot.
Starting point is 00:11:42 It's kind of crazy. He goes on to say, I'm just ruining the whole show if he comes on i won't even let him on now just like sorry dude already told your story just look stand sit there and look pretty now oh cutie pie little cutie pie dallas alexander cutie pie he he he said they broke the fucking record i think five times that day that's crazy right and they had uh um what's this guy's name david laughing house uh yeah he talks about it yeah they used a prism scope so this guy uh dallas alexander the jtf2 guy that's the canadian special forces guy he went down to tex train. And when he
Starting point is 00:12:25 was training in Texas, they were taking shots that were three kilometers and how they did that because, you know, that, um, they had, because the bullet's going to drop down right after three kilometers. And so the gun has to be pointed up at an angle, but then your scope would be up at an angle. So you couldn't see your target guys following what I'm saying. So if I, if I want to shoot something over here, but, um, but it's three kilometers away i gotta have the gun pointed up is my understandings because the bullet's gonna make an arch so they had a special scope on a special adapter on their scope called it was something a prison scope like david's talking about and that made it i kind of think of it as a periscope, but not like a full 90 degree angles. So when you look through your scope, it gives you a view kind of down lower.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And fucking this, this cat fucking took it over there. It was like a prototype. And he took it over there and, and, and he capped a dude from fucking three kilometers. Totally different headspace than Craig Harrison. Remember we had Craig Harrison on. I fucked that interview up. Chalk that up as a fucking horrible one. But anyway,
Starting point is 00:13:34 that guy held the record 2475 yards. You know why that interview? I fucked that in. I don't know why I fucked it up, but, but I, I, I'm not happy with it because it was an hour
Starting point is 00:13:46 and 17 minutes and I just didn't get much out of him. And it was my fault. He was a great guy. He was an open guy. Hey, um, Travis, where did he get the, um, I made a post about those, uh, CEO cups, which are dope, but, uh, I sent people over to paper street coffee to buy them. And they said that they're not there. Are you selling those? Whoever's selling those needs to put those things front and center. Those things are dope. I hate how people abuse your, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It really is. It really is. When you stand alone at the top of a mountain, not everyone is going to make it up there with you. I'm very happy being up here alone. Chalk this dude up with Daniel Brandon. He's probably banging Daniel Brandon right now. Should I call Daniel Brandon and be like, yo, is Alex Alexander with you? Look under the sheets.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, I don't even know what that means. Richard Margin, they were using 50 cal shooter he keeps talking about that in the interview that he used a 50 cal i have no idea what that means is that this is that this i don't know what this is but anyway they were using a bullet and basically uh he i think he said that it would cause uh he was glad he got out eventually because um it was going to give him tbi uh traumatic that is it wow holy shit so he said it was going to give him a TBI traumatic brain injury. You're telling me that this gun right here in this picture shoots that giant bullet. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Wow. So this, this bullet, look at this thing's bigger than my nose. Context and relativity. It's everything. Always. I mean, you're telling me this bullet fitting that gun
Starting point is 00:15:49 that's a crazy bullet and uh so i guess they were uh they yeah they shot this crazy loud as fuck he says yeah so this guy ends up getting out of the fucking military so we heard we heard a song adios amigo and then we saw uh the footage uh of the shot is in then now the the the the crown jewel of this guy's story is this guy gets, ends up getting kicked out. I'll tell you the story in a little bit longer version. He was called into him. He wouldn't take the injection.
Starting point is 00:16:36 He was in the Canadian military and refused to take the injection. And he's native American. And he went to his tribal chief, which I think might be his granddad or some shit. And, and, uh, it was a tribe of, there were like 400 people on his settlement.
Starting point is 00:16:47 And he goes back to his settlement and he talks to his tribal leader. And he's like, Hey, I don't think I should take this. And the tribal leader's like, no, you should not take it. Do not take it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Do not take it. Dallas. Dallas. Like, all right, I got it. So he didn't want to take it and the tribal leader don't take it so he doesn't take it and he gets called to a meeting with sergeant staff commander lieutenant colonel uh
Starting point is 00:17:20 tiny dick and he gets called into his office. And they're like, hey, Dallas, you got to put a fucking mask on. And he goes, I will not wear a mask. I cannot wear a mask. Dr. Seuss doesn't wear a mask and my ass doesn't wear a mask. I please, sir, I cannot wear a mask. And they're like, you have to wear a mask. And he's like, I will not wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And they say, dude, you put on a fucking mask. And he says, no. And the dude gets all puffy chested. Now, and Dallas says, hey, don't be pointing your fucking nipples up in the sky at me when I'm in the room, motherfucker. And so they go, OK, beat it beat it dude get the fuck out of here and dallas goes hey if everyone in there has a mask on do they and the guy goes yeah and he goes and they feel safe with their masks on the guy goes yeah and he goes and if mass works and the guy goes yeah this is sergeant tiny dick then dallas goes then i don't need a mask
Starting point is 00:18:22 dallas is just dropping bombs on him, right? Knowledge bombs. The guy goes, you know what, Dallas? How about you get the fuck out of here? Since Dallas isn't here, I can tell the story however I want. And when Dallas told him that, get the fuck out of here, he heard from the heavens. He heard his his his people i made that part up he didn't but wouldn't that be cool in the movie he will hear his people like he did his people justice
Starting point is 00:18:55 and uh so so he ends up getting that's it he ends up getting kicked out of the um of the canadian whatever you want to call it, military woke, woke a Terry. Can you fucking believe there's that many pussies in there? What a stud. I didn't appreciate it on the Sean Ryan show. And Sean Ryan keeps at one point, he's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:15 we're the only ones that care like the military guys. It's like, Hey, fuck you. I stood my ground. Like I was stud. And, and this guy, Dallas is such a beast.
Starting point is 00:19:26 So he got kicked out for not wearing a mask and not getting the shot. No, that's not the Dizri dude. Those are, that's disrespectful, dude. That's not a Dizri dude. Don't be disrespectful. Those are, he comes from a tribe in Canada. A small settlement of indigenous people what we call native americans here in the united states and that was that's my characterization of them
Starting point is 00:19:53 uh stevan asked the guest to wear a mask if he's coming on the show and we'll hear well here we are no no guests yeah i get it uh dallas you must wear a mask if you come on the sebon podcast he heard about the rules and uh he said no anthony marquez i only chose your name for the di council makes me choose all mexican names i got i got worse i got coerced to take the injection or I would have been separated without any benefits from the VA. Yeah, I think they tried to coerce him, too. I was going to ask him about that. Anyway, so this guy. So now we know he's a country singer.
Starting point is 00:20:37 We know he has the longest shot in the history of the world. Maybe the top five shots. Maybe he doesn't even have the shot because they don't even know. Oh, there it is. You see the guy running down there? By the way, that house is for sale. If anyone wants to buy that house. And there's a bunch of guys there.
Starting point is 00:20:59 This part's stupid. You put a blur dot on the guy who gets capped. Which is just dumb. See how they blurred him? Anyway, and they get the guy from three kilometers. If that house were for sale
Starting point is 00:21:24 on my street, it'd be two million uh so thank you dallas for coming on the show it was wonderful um i don't don't worry i didn't mind at all spending five hours what listening to you and sean ryan talk at the slowest speed in the history of mankind and do a podcast how the fuck is that podcast so big my god oh that's hot there's so much hype and while you watch that podcast there's trailers for other podcasts and like whoever his editing and team is should be fucking given a fucking academy award don't burn a bridge sebi that too late i just think it's all cheese dick shit sorry it's okay i can still be his friend he could think
Starting point is 00:22:20 my shit's cheese dick i don't care i would still come on his show if he thinks i'm cheese dick but just all the all the um i so much like it better like how the nelk the nelk brothers do it they just show up with like mics on sticks and shit it's just too much the dark room i know i want to tell you something about jaco too but i know you guys get really defensive in your panties in a twist. I just don't like any of that stuff. Good morning, everyone. I'm here with Echo Daisy Snow White. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Good morning. Although I heard Jocko did do a good one on, um, the Armenian genocide. Yeah. The guest is gone. We covered pretty much, uh, he, but,
Starting point is 00:23:10 but he's very handsome. Uh, he's musically inclined. Um, oh yeah, that would be my totally favorite. I should have definitely listened to him on Andy Stump's podcast. That would have been great.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Woo. Woo. listen to him on andy stump's podcast that would have been great well fuck me i'm kind of excited i'm always oh there he is oh my god now i have to face him after talking all that shit that sucks oh no holy shit okay god i'm an asshole i've been staring at my did you text me and were you like hey dude this shit doesn't work i did a comms check and i'm looking at my face it says you're backstage only the host can see i'm like okay he's probably talking so i'm like i gotta get on youtube and see what's happening here oh he is talking and then i saw a guest i saw a comment saying is like the guest coming on today and i'm like oh no okay so i'm on my phone now so let me just oh i couldn't see if you were in the
Starting point is 00:24:14 back i didn't see you were you on chrome uh yes it's chrome it said use chrome so i use chrome i'm still looking it says you're backstage only the host can see you the host may add you at any time so i'm like sitting here ready oh you know what that means that means like an i see i was just sitting here talking all this crazy shit about you and and i probably sent you the wrong fucking link oh no because you got on with this link so that doesn't mean i sent you the wrong well what i had to do because this link came to the text chat, so I, like, copy and pasted it into Chrome on my MacBook. And I was like, oh, it's got to be good to go. It says I'm backstage right now.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Hey, do you want me to try to send you another invite? Like, so they can be on the computer? Yeah, or are you cool with your phone? That might be better. But right now, the phone's plugged in. As long as the audio's all right, I'll close the door. Dude, you sound great. Oh, well, thank you. You you you sound fantastic well there he is no one no one bails on me see i told you guys all right yeah there we go i told the whole story already let me so all right
Starting point is 00:25:19 well then have a good day yeah it was fantastic you're you're an amazing guest i um i even sung a duet with you i uh send that to me in case we gotta cut it one day i uh i sung a i mean an amazing uh here we go adios amigo so glad i seen you i won't be seeing you around adios amigo dude you're such a stud what what and then and then from there so i introduced you as a singer god it's like you're dead and you came back from the dead it was like a eulogy surprise and then i um then from there we went went to the longest shot. Okay. And I pulled up that footage of – Oh, from the OP? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Let's see. Oh, yeah. What does that mean, OP? You use operation? Oh, no. It's like an observation point, I think. It's a place that you're looking at shit from. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Oh, well, great great let's pull this up and so then i showed him this and then uh and then um the the the people in the audience explained to me that this was a 50 cal uh i can't see on my phone screen what you're holding up but it looks look at it compared to my nose is it a giant bullet that you guys use is it a giant those those are big bullets that we use yes they're fucking gigantic this is crazy yeah they're like little missiles it's almost this one um i don't know if you know this guy's company this this guy has a company um i think he's a congressman now it's called bottle breacher and he makes these turns these 50 50 cals into bottle openers.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I've seen some of these actually, yeah. And then, so one of these guys is you, of these four guys. One of those guys is me, yeah. It's probably the one that's not blurred out. And then we talked, and then I talked about how two guys took the shot at the same time about how you guys probably broke the record five times in a, you know, in a short week period. And then and then I and then I and then I talked about how you left because I told the story about how you wouldn't wear a mask to your. When they were going to spank you for not taking the injection. I talked about how you went and visited your grandfather and I did tribal
Starting point is 00:27:47 leader sounds like, then he went and spoke to the tribal leader. I missed a great bit. Very accurate. Okay. Well, I guess it was great chatting with you. How old are you Dallas? 39 years old. Turn 40 next month actually. 39 years old turn 40 next month actually um and uh you you you went into the you went why did you go into the canadian military are you a patriot or you wanted the challenge those are the two big things i hear from the guys i i know who've gone who want to be tier one guys it's always like they're either up for the challenge or they're patriots i feel like it's more usually they're up for the challenge i think it i think it changes for me
Starting point is 00:28:28 when you're young it's about the challenge and about the ego and about like proving that you know am i enough trying to answer that question and then it it shifts to for me anyway more there's a different purpose and it is you know people around you and country and patriotism but then it's also at that point for me you're exposed to some evil that you see and you're like well i'm not gonna stop now i can still be making a difference 150 cal around at a time you you had a narrative going in your head where you had heard uh um reports from an interrogation yeah well i actually think it was a i can't remember the information came through some chain of intelligence but i can't remember if it was an interrogation
Starting point is 00:29:20 or just a news reporter that wanted to like like a local i don't know i think it was in kurdistan but um anyway we got the information if you're talking about what i think you're talking Interrogation or just a news reporter that wanted to like – like a local – I don't know. I think it was in Kurdistan. But anyway, we got the information if you're talking about what I think you're talking about. Yeah, about the 200 rapes. Yeah. Yeah, that's – And I guess that's – and if I may, you had heard that someone was bragging, an ISIS guy who was bragging that he had raped 200 women. And then so that sort of lets you keep track. Okay, for each one of these guys I get, I basically just stopped 200 rapes.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And whether it's five rapes, 200 or 600, that's what I'm stopping. Yeah. And it was like, you know, it's bad no matter the age. You know, it's bad no matter the age, but I – like we're led to believe that there's a lot of trafficking going on that is super, super young girls. So that's just – it like takes it up even another level in my opinion. When Sean Ryan was talking to you, he also added to that that they showed footage to guys of kids being drowned beheadings all sorts of crazy shit did they do they show you guys that stuff do you remember seeing that stuff uh i watched everything that i could find myself the unit didn't it wasn't like part of a program or whatever uh i just i didn't want to be naive you know and I and I don't yeah I went searching for stuff I said okay if I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:30:49 I'm gonna be exposed to this stuff let me see what my reactions let me see how my brain and my you know physiological responses because there is like you turn on a video some ISIS beheading or whatever like you you fucking feel it in your body um but i didn't want to go into the situation naive so i watched everything that they wanted to show the world i was like okay i got a taste for what these people are all about um yeah but it wasn't like we didn't sit down strapped into a chair or anything put all these videos even even i don't know if you're seeing this video go around but it's a congressman speaking to john stewart and john stewart's making this illogical but but fancy and comical connection between uh protecting uh transgender people from coming to your schools
Starting point is 00:31:38 and freedom of speech and uh and and protecting people's gun rights have you seen this video no anyway i saw it yesterday it's just it's just taking off big now and and protecting people's gun rights have you seen this video no anyway i saw it yesterday it's just it's just taking off big now and and i had a visceral response i know exactly what you mean like you see there's things you see especially things that are done to kids or things that are illogical that you know a lot of people are believing and you start to have like a physical response yeah yeah of course yeah it's crazy oh yeah like this all the epstein shit oh i couldn't even watch the i couldn't even watch the netflix series on epstein i got one season in or one episode in i'm like sorry i can't do this yeah i didn't watch it either i don't know if i it was
Starting point is 00:32:17 that intentional but i was like i mean this guy's obviously a fucking asshole, so you don't get eight hours of my life or whatever it is. How long were you in the Canadian services? Just under 17 years, 16 and a half. Holy shit. So two years of the prep, the bootcamp, the initiation, and then another 14 years at JTF2? Yeah, it was just under 14 years at JTF2. Holy crap.
Starting point is 00:32:54 So you knew the, go ahead. It was busy, that's all. For that amount of time, it's at the pace of a job like that is very crazy. It's doing like looking back and comparing like calendars stuff and that's gone or deployed six to eight months every single year that i was there and there's 2 000 of those guys uh i don't remember what the numbers are on camp it's kind of grown
Starting point is 00:33:19 in the last few years but it's not big um and then there's also like, you know, well, it's a big team employment. So there's like assaulters and supporters. We work together to go and take care of whatever task we are given or asked for and they allow us to do. And crazy respected. I've never heard any guys. I used to work at CrossFit Inc and I used to I worked there in the early days and there were tons of SEALs around and tons of dev group guys
Starting point is 00:33:50 around too and they had nothing but the most positive things to say about JTF2 which is crazy right because those guys aren't notorious for saying positive things about people that they're competing with but just a really quality group of guys, right.
Starting point is 00:34:05 That you worked with. Oh yeah. It like, I'm super grateful for the career that I've had and the people that I met and got to, you know, work side by side with, well,
Starting point is 00:34:16 that includes a lot of American, like we've worked places with your dev group guys and the other dudes. And it's, man, it was a blast so at 20 years would you've gotten a lifetime of retirement uh there would have been a pension that was different but i so you still get a pension well i ended up medically releasing after i get kicked out of uh jgft of dwyer hill oh shit good job on you good on you how did you do
Starting point is 00:34:47 that can you talk about how you did that how you were able to navigate that this is what the story i'm telling myself in my head you were four years away from getting out and they basically told you if you don't take the injection we're kicking you out and they basically were going to leverage your pension against you yeah so that's what they force you to take drugs. That's what they did to a lot of people. That's the whole thing was that everyone I spoke to didn't want to do it. Who did was scared that you're going to get fired. You're going to lose your pension. You're going to lose your VA.
Starting point is 00:35:17 You're going to lose all this stuff. Now, the way it works is currently this job or that job, the job I used to have, the current job I have is not the same. But that job, it's extremely taxing physically, mentally, all these different things. There is a shitload of people working right now that could, by all criteria, medically release from the Canadian Armed Forces. The physical injuries they have are fucking astounding. Mental injuries, all these things, they fit the criteria and more but there's a lot of guys that are they're warriors you're selected for a reason you want to keep giving when you have that sense of purpose um so they don't so when it's like when I am told, oh, you have to do this or these stupid things or you're going to be fired, I started saying, okay, well, then let's look into my medical file and see if I fit the criteria for medical release.
Starting point is 00:36:14 And it just so happens that I did. So, yeah, the pension would have been different if I would have done a few more years. At that point, does it become a race? I felt like it was. Yeah, like a race. Well, I never experienced. Like there's one gun in the room and both of you are going to go for it.
Starting point is 00:36:33 That's right, yeah. Fuck, dude, good on you. You know, do you know who Craig Harrison is? Was he the sniper from the uk yeah i know the name i don't know him personally his his story is so different than yours um yeah i don't know his story very much except for he shot someone really far away i'm like good for you yeah and he's not okay he he's he's uh um yeah it well one he came he came back to the uk and they hated him they started putting death threats on him similar to how your media um put your your friends in harm's
Starting point is 00:37:16 way the media put him in harm's way they released his name when he came back and as the guy who has the longest shot and they weren't supposed to do that and he immediately started getting death threats the uk hates their fucking military i think so crazy and um and he said and he doesn't sleep at night he didn't he didn't have the kind of the sense of purpose that you did he's not he's not sleeping so good at night he's he's um, he's not doing so good. But he also doesn't sound as well-trained as you guys. There was something that you said about how the JTF2 guys, they would always look after your kit, and you always had all the resources you want, and you felt like you were taken care of. And you used this term, a gentleman's course.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah. term a gentleman's course yeah what does that mean because the way he made it seem like when he was out there was like it's like you just show up and you're like scrambling to put a fucking kit together there's just a connex box with shit in it and you're from like other dudes who died or left and you're trying to just get your shit together and he spent a lot of time in uh in kosovo also okay yeah so when i'm talking gentleman's course I can't remember which course I was talking to you or talking about. I think it was a sniper course that I said. I think so, yeah. But you used the term a few times in that podcast.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I listened to that podcast with Sean Ryan all five hours yesterday. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. Double time, double time. While I was on the assault bike. Good job. Oh, there you go. I'm fitter.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Yeah. Nice. You're welcome. While I was on the assault bike. Good job. Oh, there you go. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:38:44 You're welcome. So what I mean is like, there's courses in the military that are not gentlemen's course. And it's like, it's the military. You're getting yelled at. Time is crazy. There's a bunch of stress put on you in that way to assess kind of your responses. I mean, some people I don't even think realize that
Starting point is 00:39:06 that's what it's for, but it's to see how someone responds to just like this nonsense, just getting yelled at and sworn at. And how do you deal with it? And then a gentleman's course is, is something like, uh, let's say you're going to be working on my team and I have a skillset. I want to show you how to be as good as you can so that we will be as good as we can when we work together. Now, there's still a list of things that you have, like baselines and criteria and all the stuff that you have to be able to meet. You have to pass tests. But I want you to pass the test. I want you to be the best fucking shooter you can be.
Starting point is 00:39:42 So how do we make that happen? It changes the way you can be. So how do we make that happen? You know, the, the, it changes the way you teach someone. It changes what type of support you have immediately available for if something happens or like, look, this the priority is this person getting as good as they can be. And that's the way I, I look at a gentleman's course. You also talk about in contrast to that, you talk about the, when you're in selection, It's like – course right that's not they're not trying to get you to stay they're trying to get you to fail i'm understanding yeah very accurate okay okay gentlemen so that's a good way of thinking a gentleman's course they're trying to get you to pass and get knowledge on you uh non-gentleman's course they're trying to weed you out the pussies out yeah the ones who aren't sorry that's so
Starting point is 00:40:39 disrespectful to me the gentlemen who don't aren't capable of the high stress demands of the job is it similar to hell week like the stories we hear of hell week, it sounded like it when you were like, yeah, it's you're on for 24 hours a day for seven days. That kind of was like, I was like, okay, I get it. Yeah. So I've never done how weak, I mean, I've watched videos and stuff and it's, it's a week that is hellish. I don't know. I can't compare the two, but. Like when they tell you, okay, you're going to bed now, it doesn't mean you're going to bed now. That was kind of the connection that I was like, okay, that sounds like that shit.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It's not like, oh, now you can turn it off. No, the whole time you're on and then you're up and you're down. It's all over the place. Yeah. Do the guys ring a bell? Like I hear that they do at the teams. Like if you want to, if you want to if you want to quit you you run yeah i don't know we didn't have a bell sadly because that would have been
Starting point is 00:41:30 kind of cool but uh i think is that a navy thing maybe yeah okay yeah no we just if you want to quit you're gonna find someone to tell and you will no longer be there yeah and and and do a lot of dudes quit like you like you're next to a dude and then you see him run up to the guy and he's like, Hey, I want to go home. Yeah. It's constant.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's yeah. You really, by the end of the week. And I was saying on this, they run a bunch of different cereals. Uh, at, by the end of the week,
Starting point is 00:41:56 it's like, you're like looking around at who's sitting like where everybody go. Dang. Yeah. Do you know Dallas? Do you know, um, lorette yeah i do you do yeah did he get out before you were in no no i got to serve with him a little while uh i was a i was a brand new guy so i got to arm wrestle him oh yeah it's you can imagine i i whooped his ass of course easy that he was old by then he was old he's like
Starting point is 00:42:26 just don't get into arm wrestling because i don't want someone to put me in second place uh no we we did uh we were somewhere training together i was like tasked with the squadron he was in training and he just like is always arm wrestling people and it was it was crazy i was using two hands and like couldn't move him. And he's a super nice guy, too. So he's like, yeah, kid, that's good. That's good. And I'm like, oh, I got to switch arms.
Starting point is 00:42:51 And the next day I woke up, I could barely hold my gun. I'm like, fuck, what did you do, Devin? He's a machine. He's a beast, yeah. What a crazy small world. Yeah. Hey, tell me about where you were born were you born in a small settlement of like 400 people like what we would call like a native american tribe yeah i would know i wasn't
Starting point is 00:43:14 born there i was born in uh the hospital like in edmonton alberta our province is capital uh but i grew up there we moved so my father's from there it's a metis settlement and uh i think we moved back he moved back and we moved when i was like before grade one so whatever age that is you and then and what was that like living there was it uh i'm gonna ask some crazy questions here but uh running water in the house bathrooms in the house dirt roads uh paved roads dirt roads yes uh we got paved roads there was one that kind of went into a little town site that was sort of paved and now there's now there's a decent highway that goes kind of out um so when i when we moved there we moved into the house that my father grew up in
Starting point is 00:44:07 so there was no running water there was no mother the bathroom was like 50 meters behind the house and it was an outhouse uh it was like gas uh wood stove cooking i don't know whatever else you have with no power and no running water. There he is. Yeah, there he is. Is your dad still alive? That's the man. Yeah, he is.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. Congratulations. That's great. Yeah, he's incredible. Yeah. Isn't that weird? At first, I was like, no, of course, they had running water and bathrooms and houses, but you didn't. No.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And eventually, I can't remember how long we lived there and eventually we moved into like a trailer single wide to start i'm created to a house and we were fucking rolling no he's not he's not latino he's he's uh an indigenous he's a he's he's he wears it has feathers and shit both your mom and your dad no so that's uh my mom is white she's french and ukrainian and my father's matey so spell that for me what spell what matey m-e-t-i-s it's like a mixed mixed blood from when the settlers came and uh fell in love with the indigenous ladies or vice versa i guess also could apply. Um, and then there's, there's early, I don't know, half breeds. I'll probably get in trouble for saying that, but I'm one fucking fuck off.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah, no, this is the half breeds is good. I like that. And, and, and what, and what about siblings? Did you go out with siblings on there? Yeah. To a brother, older brother and a younger sister. My brother passed away, sadly. So it's just her and I carrying on the bloodline. Did either of them go into the service, into the military? No, no, no, no. We didn't really have, we didn't have a family history of it or anything.
Starting point is 00:46:04 I just, I talked about something, Sean Ryan, so you heard this, but I was working. No, no, please go ahead. It's good. good yeah I was working in the oil field on an off season like in between hockey seasons I always just wanted to play hockey and then the guy I was working with told me about JTF2 because I had no clue about the military I thought Canada was just
Starting point is 00:46:19 peacekeeping with blue helmets and when he told me about that I looked into it. Sure enough, he's telling the truth. And literally from that fucking weekend, I was hooked on the idea of going to our Tier 1 counterterrorism unit. Hostage rescue. Yeah, hostage rescue stuff. All kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I learned that yesterday from the episode also. Counterterrorism and hostage rescue that was uh jtf2 and um how did your brother pass uh he died of cancer four years ago now so at my age he was like the age that i am right now what kind of cancer uh squamous cell if i'm pronouncing it right i don't know like in his limbs and then spread and he battled back and forth and it was looking good and it wasn't looking good and then just uh he lost the scrap hey is doubt someone in the comments asked if dallas is your real name it is yeah so dallas alexander is my first and my middle name. I started playing music a few years ago around bars and stuff here.
Starting point is 00:47:27 So I was using my first and middle name because I was still in JTF2 at the time. So I keep a little bit of space between because my last name is Flamond. But so now I made a little bit of headway with music. So I'm just first and middle name. made a little bit of headway with music so i'm just first and middle name hey how long ago was it that you um had that incident where um they called you into that meeting and you wouldn't wear the mask oh that was like uh i want to say just over a year because i got out last april and that incident was like maybe a month or two before i got out because they still had like processed me and kicked me out but that was the last day i was ever allowed to go to the
Starting point is 00:48:11 camp i'd worked on for 13 fucking years uh so yeah it's probably like a year so you're so it's fresh this is all this is a whirlwind could you give give me the timeline on what happened? Yeah, could you give me the timeline? And when was the longest shot? When did you do that shot? How long ago was that? We did that. That was 2017. God, what a crazy mix of events coming together, right? I don't know about it. Longest Shot, Stand Up For Your Rights, and music. And the three just kind of coming together.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Mm. And you are out now. You're out now. Just a civilian. That's right. And for how long? I'll be a civilian forever. Just a civilian. That's right. And for how long? I'll be a civilian forever. No, no. Right, right. How long have you been a civilian?
Starting point is 00:49:17 For about a year now. As of April. So April of last year was like my last day in the military. And the Sean Ryan show, the episode I watched watched said it was published nine days ago. What was? The episode that I watched yesterday. Yeah. It said it was published nine days ago. But when did you do that interview? That would have been late January.
Starting point is 00:49:41 So we ended up lining it up with my first trip to Nashville. I was going to do some songwriting. And he's just outside of nashville and so it made sense while i was down there so the date i don't remember it was like i think it was in january had you done any podcast prior to that no and um and so you do that podcast can you walk me through and then what happens the the fallout from that you did that podcast and then he released it and talked to me about not only maybe the notoriety, the attention, but also what happened with the Canadian government. And did the U.S. government get involved in that too? No, or not to my knowledge.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I don't know at this point. Yeah, so I did the podcast. I think it aired – it was early February. podcast i think it aired uh it was early february early i don't remember the initial air date but we ended up doing because you heard it was a very long conversation uh two-part thing so a lot of it was military uh upbringing a military story and kind of the chat about our team making that shot in mosul and then second half was kind of how I got kicked out then some stuff on psychedelics and then like what I'm up to with music so she's me he put it out and the first one I got well so he has a big platform for
Starting point is 00:51:02 one so it kind of a lot of different people to my stuff which was great for music um and then i got a ton of responses from like the guys that are still in the unit uh not all of the guys but a lot and and almost all the ones that i still respect thought i did a great job representing the unit. They were super happy with the podcast. Actually, I'm not going to say this just in case I get some people in trouble. I got some great
Starting point is 00:51:33 feedback and I was happy about that because I wanted to represent the guys I care about in a good way. You were very respectful of your peer group. Very respectful. They're fucking amazing dudes. I consulted with uh because i you were very respectful of your peer group very respectful they're they're fucking amazing dudes like and i i consulted with so many guys before i went on this podcast because i'm like you know i now the government says and i'll get to this so there was these
Starting point is 00:51:56 operational concern operational security concerns which i think are bullshit and i didn't want to have any actual operational security concerns. So I consulted with a bunch of dudes just to be like, okay, here's what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm going to say. Here's some stuff I'm going to leave out. Is there anything else you can kind of think of through our careers? And I just did a bunch of that to try and prep for that show,
Starting point is 00:52:17 knowing that he had a, Sean has a big platform. So the first episode comes out and there is, there's some stuff pointing to like the second episode is going to talk more about the stuff you can't talk about you know stupid masking and fucking mandates and whatever that we had so then because that one was going to come out i think the next week uh canada had one week to try and do whatever they could. So they sent the cease and desist letter down to Sean in Tennessee from, like, the, I don't know, one of the CanSoftCom lawyers or something.
Starting point is 00:52:58 He posted it, actually. You can go check it out if you want, but it's hilarious. There's something mentioning, like, His, the King and a bunch of stuff. Is that on his Instagram? Really? It mentions the majesty is King in the letter, in the letter, in the cease and desist.
Starting point is 00:53:14 It was like something to do with material belongs. Cause he used to like, that always used to be the queen, you know, and then she kicked it. So it's, yeah, there's something like,
Starting point is 00:53:22 but it's, it's ridiculous and hilarious so in my opinion there was a bit of a scramble to make sure that part two didn't come out um and they started you know doing what they thought would be a good idea to make sure that that didn't happen and so they said there was operational security issues in the podcast and this is the one and i this is the one that's posted now yeah so it's really it's out again now so okay okay well we'll take it down and assess if you can tell us you know through the lawyers what what is operational security concern giver we we're all ears. And in my, from what I've heard, there's just like a bunch of mumbling and stumbling because there's nothing there.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Like everything, everything that I talked about and everything they have in terms of content is open source already anyway. So he's like, okay, time's up. We're putting out the episode. So, yeah, that timeline of the last little while is like, I don't know, a couple of months now. From the end of January to wherever we sit right now. And then there's a bunch of different newspaper articles that came out of varying opinions. Some of them reached out to me to get my opinion on it which i respected uh and some of them just took a twist and went off of it which made me laugh a little bit
Starting point is 00:54:52 like what kind of stuff are they saying i i i listened to it the only thing in there that concerned me was the same thing that concerned me with what craig harrison um said is that your own government um celebrated your shot and your boy's shot and thus uh giving a uh not not directly but implicitly giving the the location in uh for those of you who haven't heard that podcast basically they got a guy and we'll talk about it in a second but they got a guy and for anyone who knew guns would know that they would have had to have gotten it from the highest spot in the town they were in thus revealing the location for where the operation was taking place that was the only thing that i was like holy shit well i mean too i'm like okay if we want to talk about actual operational security yeah then like there's some places to point the finger and it's not at me um yeah that was
Starting point is 00:55:47 did they ever point to anything that you said in there because i couldn't find anything that i mean i could see them being concerned that you stood up for yourself like no one wants if i'm trying to keep control of people i mean i don't want anyone hearing your story about how it's so funny that the mass thing was a big deal. Well, and I could even, I thought these were tough guys, but how do these guys allow anyone to tell them to put on masks? My wife is a docile dirt twirling hippie and no one will tell her to put a mask on.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah. Well, the thing that I, the biggest thing, like, cause to me, I really, really am for freedom.
Starting point is 00:56:23 If you want to wear a mask or 10 masks yeah fill your boots you can wear a gas mask all fucking day i don't care right just don't the bank though you can't wear it in the bank it's weird don't say anything yeah that's right not in the bank like don't tell me mine doesn't work unless you're wearing it and the thing at the hill was like we would be having conversations two three four five of us in a room briefing. If there's like one person at some level in the chain of command that believes this, now everyone has to mask up when he comes. And I'm like, this is a massive charade and I'm not taking part in it. I don't care what the repercussions are.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Really, I don't care. I started piling up some like administrative wrist slaps, which had never happened in my career but they're like oh you weren't wearing a mask at this briefing here's your like warning for it's like right in the garbage like this is so stupid and they just kept kind of piling up and uh it still blows my mind i'm like and then i'm you know i'm being told like oh you know maybe you've always been so easy to get along with and stuff. And I think you're changing. Maybe you're going through some stuff. And I'm like, you guys like your deployment, the trauma from the 50 cows that made it so you weren't obeying anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Yeah, something like that. I mean, I definitely have had too many concussions and a bunch of different things that I'll be working on now for a long time. But I'm like, you selected me so that I couldn't be bullied into stupid things. And like, I think outside of the box and use common sense. And now I'm doing that. And you're saying it's time for you to leave. Do you know about hyperbaric chambers? I heard that they're very good.
Starting point is 00:58:02 I don't think they're covered yet by VAC, but maybe I'll. Yeah, brother. If you, if they're very good um i don't think they're covered yet by vac but maybe i'll yeah brother if you uh if they're they're like miracle it's like miracle shit look into that stuff if you have if you have tbi dude okay yeah crazy the the shit that people say that it's been healing yeah was the guy on my show i'll send you a link afterwards it's it's like it's miracle shit okay i'll definitely do it because i can't even like go on the swing set with my daughter right now because i get all fucked up and dizzy like vertigo and stuff that could yeah that could just also i'm like well i'm 50 but that i'm like that too like i used to be able to do handstand go upside down like it was nothing and now it's like if i go upside down i feel like i'm a vomit and i have no i i've shot one gun in my life um are you gonna try to permanently move to the united states uh if the right opportunity presented itself but i also don't i don't want to leave canada
Starting point is 00:58:57 i'm not afraid of these fuckers and i think we have a beautiful country with a lot of good people um and yeah i don't think i'm gonna necessarily go somewhere else just to get away from this stuff i think and like i'm not saying i'm not gonna i don't want to organize rallies and i don't want i can do a bunch of speaking things on freedom but i just with my actions i want to stand for freedom um if that can influence anyone or inspire anyone then i think that's good now that being said my favorite music is in the united states of america around you know nashville or texas so i think we'll definitely do some some living down there at some point i just don't know when i just got back last night from Nashville and I plan on continuing to go back and forth and even down into Texas where most of my
Starting point is 00:59:50 favorite music is, but yeah, long story short, I don't know what we, maybe we'll get a place down there at some point. I want to show you your Instagram account. Oh, thank you. I am Dallas Alexander, a musician. oh thank you uh uh i i am dallas alexander uh musician uh then then uh then metis that's the tribe that you're from uh adventurer um i don't know what this means x sierra from the hill what's that mean means i girl you used to date? Ex. So instead of saying ex-military, ex-boss.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So Sierra is a sniper. I'm an ex-Sierra, ex-sniper from Dwyer Hill, which is JTF2. Oh, I see. Okay. And then family first. Not my ex-girlfriend. You're not just some super hot chick from the tribe, from the Metis tribe. like, you just want to just be like, yo, I used to hook up with this chick. Always got to give the shout out.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Yeah. Um, so you're not look and then look at the, the, the mill stuff is waning. Are you trying to put it behind you a little bit? Uh, no. And you're not, you're not, you're not you don't have jtf2 on here and you're are you are you transforming into a musician 100 like well i've never had it on there i think both worlds will always collide is a big part of me for so long like it's gonna come out in songwriting it's going to i'm not i'm not intentionally trying to like let's put this behind me now because I
Starting point is 01:01:26 love I was I'm super grateful for my career and all the people I met in the places I I got to see um it's it's going to be a part of me forever I think it's it's just maybe not being like there for instance not posted as much because the things I'm doing and I'm excited about is what I'm posting about, you know? So, um, if I, sometimes I'll use like a military picture for, if I think of something that might be cool to say or inspiring or whatever, and I'll keep posting it back up, but no, it's not intentionally becoming less waning. I wonder if they'll ever apologize to you. I wonder if they'll ever apologize to you. I don't know. Canadians seem to apologize for everything, but I don't think this is going to be one of the things they're going to apologize for.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Like in a year or two, they might wake up. Did you see this thing coming out of Spain? It's a little old, but it just popped on my radar. 2,200 famous people, including the president of the largest pharmaceutical company in Spain, all took saline shots. They didn't take the real they've got caught for taking fake injections it doesn't surprise me but no i didn't see it have you seen this book okay i'm just on my phone screen what it says cause unknown it's a book i heard about it edward dow Edward Dowd. I haven't read it, no. Holy shit, dude. How happy are you you didn't take it? Oh, my God. Well, again, I look back and every place that I stood my ground, even though I know I was being a pain in the ass to like some people that I really care about because they're in my chain of command.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I was being annoying at this point to deal with as a soldier because I'm just like, I'm not doing that. I'm straight up not doing that, you know. But I look back and I'm super happy that I stood for what I believed in in those moments every single time. And I'm not like against drugs. If you have a headache and you want to take a Tylenol, give her. If you can't get a boner and you want to take a Pfizer pill, go ahead. I think there's more place to naturally take care of yourself. And I want people to have the freedom to use those products.
Starting point is 01:03:52 And I want the freedom to decide if I'm going to. And that goes for everything. But it especially fucking goes for something that you want to inject me with. That's where I'm like, okay, I really, really want to make those decisions on my own. But Dallas, when you went in, originally, they just pumped you guys full of all sorts of shit, right? There was something about this in particular that caught your eye that you were like, this. This one, yeah, it was weird. Like, I was looking at what was happening in the world.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I'm like, okay, there's this thing popping up. Maybe we'll see. Because in the military, you have a bunch of vaccines you before you go to country x here's a here's whatever most of them are like the whatever they call the dead virus ones but anyway this one came up and i was looking at the demographics that it was affecting and i was like well it's not for me and i've done a a bunch of changes in my life I guess just to really be more cognizant of ingredients and all these different things that we're using in our food and our cleaning products in our house with air and water all these things it's like every part of our life
Starting point is 01:04:54 we we think about what we're consuming um so this came and I was like ah to me it seems more like the flu shot in terms of like my risk for things from my own demographic. Um, I'm going to pass and I do this with the flu shot. It brings work. They're like, we recommend you go get this. I'm like, yeah, I don't need it. I'm not getting it. Right. Uh, and this, that's all I thought off the start was this is exactly the same. And I'm like, I'm also hearing about some negative things, you know, they're like, okay, now don't get whatever AstraZeneca.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Cause of this and that don't go get the Johnson Johnson. Cause there's some issues and it's changing every single week. Right. So I was like, Oh no now don't get whatever, AstraZeneca because of this and that. Don't go get the Johnson & Johnson because there's some issues. And it's changing every single week. So I was like, oh, no, I just want more. When I went in at first, I'm like, I'm not getting it right now. I just want more time. And then the fucking shit show began. I couldn't believe the response just to that.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And I was immediately threatened, like, you're going to be fired. Posted out of this troop that you're in. Immediately? What do you mean immediately? Like how soon? So I declined this on a friday afternoon messaged uh someone in my chain command by monday morning i was being told by like our our squad sergeant major you're going to be fired like kicked out actually i want you out of the troop by the end of the week is what he said like these things that make no sense and i said said this a couple of times, but like literally if I got wasted, drunk and drove my truck through the front gate, the response would have been less historic.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Wow. Wow. I was like, I've never seen anything like this before. They've invested all this time and money into Dallas Alexander. And he's been in its paid back dividends and defending this country and defending the freedoms and getting bad guys. And now all of a sudden you won't take a shot, and it's get the fuck out of here. And you're like – Yeah, and from people –
Starting point is 01:06:33 You've already put too much into me, like one shot and it's over? It's crazy. I couldn't believe it. I was blown away at the response. But then that also made me raise – It reminds me of when I fucked my girlfriend's mom and she wanted to break up with me. I'm like, it's just one mom. After all. It's a joke. That's a joke. That's a joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:51 If that response, it blew my mind and it made me raise an eyebrow. I'm like, OK, well, what else is going on here? Then if this is because it doesn't seem like it's just about like, you know, go get this little thing so you can still deploy. It was it was interesting. How close were you to taking it oh i was like fuck you as soon as someone like so for one me and my own uh stances and everything like if i'm like yeah i don't think i want to do this you will do this my. My immediate response is like, well, now, fuck you. I'm definitely not doing it. Because it couldn't physically make me do it.
Starting point is 01:07:30 You know, at least like their doctors and whatever. What about just telling him to shoot it on the floor? Yeah, but everyone's too scared to take the risk. Because I'm like, look, we're in a unit where we work in some gray space in some places like this to me is a very solvable problem you guys really want that much and i was i was supposed to deploy a little while after uh as a tl on a team and like we're already getting ready you know so i'm like this is super in my opinion this is a very easy thing to solve um meaning just don't give it to any of us
Starting point is 01:08:08 meaning just shoot it on the floor and write off that you gave it to us and let us go about our job yeah i it's just there's nothing entertained you know and then it's funny that you talk about this whatever it was spanish 2000 people are just like fuck that i want saline yeah that's uh let me see i i was just i was just looking at uh last night it's it's um it happened in april and what's crazy is it's all it's all it's all famous people it's um well people with the money know yep and it's all and it's all healthy people too right like you said they don't fit the demographic. Many questions remain over the false COVID-19 vaccination certificates bought by stars for sports personalities and business leaders. Reaction to the news that more than 2,200 prominent Spaniards, including the leader of the country's largest pharmaceutical companies, has been one of resignation and disbelief.
Starting point is 01:09:04 No, it's not these are smart these are smart people yeah i don't disbelieve whatsoever and do you know did any did all of your other buddies take it did everyone there take it not everybody no no some people uh some people stood their ground in their own way uh i won't i'm not gonna get into anyone else's story but right there's just not everybody not everybody bought it do you know anyone who didn't take it who survived the uh firing like who's who's like still there i don't think so uh so the the tl on the sniper team what's the tl or the team leader on that team uh he was being put through the process of being like just fired uh and i got you out with him because i'm not sure where it ended up um but he was being put through the process of being just fired.
Starting point is 01:10:10 And I got chow with him because I'm not sure where it ended up, but he was being tossed. I don't know exactly what happened, but I remember that they were enforcing it in the U.S. military. And then a bunch of dudes were getting kicked out. And then all of a sudden, I think it's about after a year, my timeline might be off. They gave the SEALs an exemption. So, and I'm guessing it's because a shitload of SEALs were saying, fuck you, we're not going to take it, right? That's awesome. So they gave the SEALs. And then recently they've said that they've given now the entire U.S. military, you don't have to take it. But from what I'm hearing, that's just what they're telling the public, that actually in the military if you don't there's all sorts of fucking um penalty punishments and penalties like basically pilots aren't allowed in the air and all sorts of weird shit like yeah you can do it but you can't put your boots on or whatever we uh i don't know where it stands because it was mandated and now
Starting point is 01:10:59 my understanding is it's not except for like you're saying some specific places so i don't know what happened to all of you i know like the people that i was keeping in touch with that are like you know i'm at this part in the release oh yeah they're kicking me out they've denied this and that i don't know where it sits right now but i'm fairly sure i heard that the actual mandate the big blanket one is over or paused and again i don't know go ask cbc they'll tell you exactly what the truth is right when when um uh steven flores can someone confirm that in california gavin newsom is dropping the max and vax mandate for hcp i don't know what hcp is uh i start my clinical rotation in june oh is that some sort of national guard Vax mandate for HCP. I don't know what HCP is.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I start my clinical rotation in June. Oh, is that some sort of National Guard? Healthcare providers, maybe? Oh, mandate for, oh. Maybe. Thank you. Yeah, you guys are good with acronyms, you military guys. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:12:00 We're good at making way too fucking many of them. There's no way Newsom's lifting anything. There's no, hey, how do you get in and out of the united states without the vaccine do you drive over the border because i know you can't fly in here okay fine next question um um a lot of a lot of uh a lot of have you gotten any pushback from, uh, the community for going on Sean Ryan and telling stories? I know that there it's, it's kind of interesting. There's all these podcasts and all these mill guys popping up all over.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Right. They've been around forever telling their stories. And then there's this also this, um, silent professional, uh, creative. Is there any.
Starting point is 01:12:43 From any of the people. And again, this is why I consulted with so many of my friends any. From any of the people. And again, this is why I consulted with so many of my friends. Um, any of the, the warriors whose perspective and opinions I care about. No, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:58 every single one was super supportive. And as a matter of fact, overwhelming majority of them think that we need it for recruiting. Like our numbers are dwindling. No one, it doesn't look like a place you want to be in Canadian Armed Forces or even at JTF2. So from, again, the people I care about and the opinions I care about, they've been super supportive. And I think it's great, great for recruiting. And I've got like, I received hundreds and hundreds of messages from young dudes. Like,
Starting point is 01:13:30 I want to join this. Can you give tips? This is something I want to do. This is amazing. I'm glad you're putting this out there. And like our recruiting numbers are like in the hundreds now. So the math doesn't make any fucking sense why they wouldn't say like, Oh, Hey, maybe we could work together. And this is something I talked about before I got out. Like I I went to the unit. I was like, look, I got a bunch of pictures and video from my career. I'm going to be using them kind of to because part of so it's like a two gate thing.
Starting point is 01:14:01 So I'm coming from the military. I want to use these stories to help music, but I also want to use them to inspire like I do with songs. And before getting in the military, I was inspired by stuff that was out there and stories that were out there and things that I'd seen from people previous. And I think it's, it's, it's fair and required to keep pushing that along. So the next generation has something to look at and be like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:24 that resonates with me. I want to go pushing that along to the next generation has something to look at and be like, yeah, that resonates with me. I want to go do that. So I told them that like, fuck a year out, six months out, like, is there someone I could talk to here at the unit? So that when I go post something, you guys don't freak out. So every, I was like, I will vet every single post through this person. As long as it's a professional like hey do this do this not like you will do this because i'll tell them to fuck off but if there's a person here that like i'm gonna i'm gonna post this here's what i'm gonna write do you have any issues with that is it good for the brand that the unit wants moving forward and i was just told yeah someone's gonna be in touch the pafo that's like a public affairs officer and like or someone okay i'm like three months out hey i'm
Starting point is 01:15:06 out in a few months is there anyone and this is well all of this bullshit's going on too you know i'm still trying to reach out because it's better for uh not the unit chain of command because i don't give a shit about them but it's better for the health of the unit and us getting the best warriors we can have two months out one month literally the night i got out it's like midnight i'm like okay i am out of the military at 1201 i've heard nothing i'm i'm posting like tomorrow and just they never reached out i got an email for the public affairs contact them send an email and they're sending back so i'm like okay if you don't care then just down the line don't act like you care and when i got out and started talking about my career i just hear of rumblings and change man and all these meetings happening
Starting point is 01:15:57 and fucking unit-wide emails going out and they were really acting like they cared and you have documentation showing that hey you didn't give a fuck when i was trying to like get guidelines oh yeah yeah crazy when when someone like you leaves there's a there's like just a crazy massive tragedy in the effect of institutional knowledge that's lost. Yeah, maybe not me, but definitely other experienced guys. Wait, why not? Well, of course you, I think you're just saying that to be humble. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Yes. Like there is experience that's lost. Like I, I work taught. They could save lives. They could save lives. Yeah, I agree. Tell me about concussions. How have you had any concussions in the military?
Starting point is 01:16:53 Is it from shooting these big-ass bullets? So, yeah,.50 cal rocks your brain. Like, it – and I started – I actually got my sniper course. So I've done two of them them but in the regular force military so when i was in battalion in edmonton three vp i got my sniper course there i was a sniper we shot a lot of 50 cal 2005 2006 that would have been uh 2006 nope sorry so i got there in 2006 i did my sniper and my reconnaissance course in 2007. Okay. And then I did selection for JTF2 in 2008. You look so young.
Starting point is 01:17:29 That's why it's so hard. It's crazy how long you were in the military. It's crazy. Oh, yeah. It's my Indian blood. Yeah. The fuck were you saying? Oh, concussions.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Yeah. So that gun rocks your brain. But there's also a bunch of other things. Like we do a lot of breaching with explosives. So you're inside a building or a kill house training and stuff. And it's like, depending on what you're going through, those explosions can get pretty big.
Starting point is 01:17:54 That, that rocks your brain. The, like the free fall pair stuff. So a sniper, well, actually everyone now you're doing like high altitude, but with like, you know, you have a rucksack between your legs when you're doing like high altitude but with like you know you
Starting point is 01:18:05 have a rucksack between your legs when you're free falling you have all your gear you have a helmet on that has night vision oxygen tank and mask and so when you go to open your chute after free fall like there's like a whiplash effect and that that adds up for me that ended at the end it's just like kept rocking my brain and i would be all fucked up no shit so and you would feel it in the moment the shoot would jerk you and you would feel like your brain like rattle inside the in like the dead silent of the night when we're jumping i would just hear and then i get like a miniature car wreck every time then And then he's like, I saw yourself out and you get ready and you do your job. But yeah, there's just,
Starting point is 01:18:47 there's all of those kinds of mechanisms of injury readily available. And then the fight fight stuff. So we, we train a lot fighting and sparring and that stuff is, you know, all of these things started bringing on concussion symptoms easier and easier and easier. Well,
Starting point is 01:19:03 like what's the symptom Dallas? What's the symptom? For me it's like light sensitivity, headaches, um, nausea and, and like, it's really struggling to say what's on my mind, like a stutter, almost like it's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't get it out. Oh, I must have, I must have be concussed also. Or you kicked in the head a lot at some point no but i but sometimes i think that i stutter like a motherfucker sometimes yeah so so all of those um memory issues short term and there's just things
Starting point is 01:19:37 i straight up don't remember like even significant things in my life they're just like they're gone i don't know maybe they'll come back someday but those things it was all starting to be concerning and stuff we talked about at work a lot like when in mosul in 2017 when we did make that shot it was like a week of fighting or fighting sniping but we were all shooting so many rounds at the end of the day we'd like sit in the room and look each other just be brain dead and everyone's like yeah you feeling it yeah i'm feeling it when when you're in there this is off subject a little bit do you guys ever get close to running out of ammo um i mean thankfully no not for me uh we generally plan with like what would be the worst case scenario and we make sure we're loaded because i cannot
Starting point is 01:20:25 imagine the feeling of not having ammo and needing it really badly um you were in that room for 50 days i think it ended up being like 52 days and that was through the whole top floor that we had of this of this place but it was like in and out we would go in watch for like a week and nothing really was happening we'd go like resupply some stuff and come back in um the big thing we were there is we were we were prepping the ground and waiting for the iraqis to push from the north and push isis out of like the tail end of kind of downtown where it's really built up and when you when you say you're shooting a lot um what is that like in a time frame like what is that like um you does that gun you just
Starting point is 01:21:05 put in one bullet at a time well there's a magazine on it so you can just rack the bolt excuse me and do it but most of it like after five shots you're not just grabbing around putting it in grabbing around putting it in um yeah so there's there's just lots of and uh and and how many um i'm gonna show this gun again and so these are the guns that's the guns 50 cal and and so and so like how many shots would you shoot out of that gun let's say like if 10 shots in an hour or more uh sometimes more like zero. So most of sniping is just watching. But when it was going, there was a lot of brass on the floor because we're supporting perpendicular to this fight. So if there's an ISIS guy with an advantageous shooting position on, let's say, an Iraqi convoy pushing or soldiers trying to clear these houses, we would engage.
Starting point is 01:22:03 We're not hitting all the time, but they're like, like oh my god what's happening they'll run off from that advantageous position so we're trying to control what was happening on the battlefield that way um and it's more precise than just like trying to drop a bomb danger close to Iraqis and all this other stuff so a lot of it was just kind of shaping and attempting to control what's happening in the, in the battlefield. Obviously we wanted to hit them some handful of times we did, but like most of it was that. So like all the brass on the floor and all the headaches that we had was
Starting point is 01:22:37 not like, you know, 300 kills, although I wish it was, it would be kind of wrangling them up on the battle space and make them do what we wanted this guy right here uh with the with this thing that doesn't look like a gun what what's that what's he doing so that's the spotting scope that i talked about so in this picture right now i'm on the gun like on the left you can kind of just see my like just your butts your butt
Starting point is 01:23:04 pointed at us? Yeah. So normally each gun will have a spotter, like that guy there, sitting behind him. And for the shot, I was sitting, I was a spotter. He was a spotter. And there's two shooters on the guns right there. Yeah, so there's me on the gun. But this is not the actual shot video right here.
Starting point is 01:23:22 This is clever editing. So that view that you see right now is what a spotter is looking at now he's just looking through a spotting scope that has a lot of magnification so he's like like that that's what he sees exactly so he's running the spotter is is running all the inputs of the gun um in a. So he's telling the shooter, like, here's your elevation, here's your wind call. And then if it's a hit, great. It says hit new target. If it's a miss, he'll give a correction to the shooter.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Are there people living in this building? No, there haven't been people in that building for a while. And so what floor are you on? That's the top. I think it was like was it like the ninth floor just like one of saddam's penthouses apparently at one point okay and so the nine floors below you there's no one like no one can hear you guys shooting no so we shared this building with uh well actually no so we shared this building on i think on the fourth floor
Starting point is 01:24:20 there was iraqi i believe they were police um so they knew when we were shooting but like now that you weren't afraid they'd dime you out uh no because if they did they're in the same building and we were we were supporting iraq anyway now there's always concern that information is going from whoever you're working with to the bad guys for sure um but in this case you know if they really like wanted isis to give everything they got to this building for one we have standoff and it would have been incredible if they would have done that because they wouldn't you could see there's a big gigantic open field there between the town and us uh and you'd have to get across that but and that's water right
Starting point is 01:25:07 there too right and there's a river yeah so this is right on the riverbank so if they would have done that they're in the same building as us the effects from you know let's say they tell on us and then they start mortaring which would be the only realistic thing they could do they're they're also getting water down below and and in that that building right that right there that what i'm looking at three kilometers away from there is where the was where the kill happened for the longest shot yeah 3 540 meters god that is absolutely amazing. And, oh, look at this. Dallas, have you ever seen any UFOs? I've seen lots of things that I don't know what they are or unable to identify. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Maybe we'll come back. Have you ever seen any aliens, Dallas? I don't think so. Okay. When you were training in Texas with this prism scope, this piece that you put on your scope, I kind of picture it kind of like – I wonder if I explained this right. When you shoot far away and a bullet takes nine seconds to hit its target, you have to point the gun up a little bit which makes the scope point up which means you can't see your target so you put this prism on that kind of turns your your scope into a periscope so you can see down a little bit great explanation oh awesome okay that's how i described it before you came on when i was pretending to be you and okay and you
Starting point is 01:26:39 had that on the gun and when you were in texas you told the guy when he introduced you to this new piece of equipment hey i'm gonna get the longest shot in the history of fucking sniping with this piece. Sort of. But we, so we were training in Texas, which we did before we went down all the time with a guy named Todd down there of Accuracy First. And it's, I keep giving him shout outs because this is such an unbelievable program and way of shooting and a way of thinking about shooting that I'd never seen before going down there. It's a huge reason why we have had the success that we have had in our unit. But anyway, this, I had already been overseas to Iraq and then we were training to go again and they showed us this piece of kit, this prism. kit this uh prison and i told him and like the guys i was there with and like our sergeant major was there i'm like i promise you on this tour that we're gonna break the world record for the
Starting point is 01:27:30 longest kill i look back it's super funny now it's awesome it's awesome dude since then and he's like you cocky motherfucker coach give me the ball. I'm going to make it. Yeah. When you say that this school in Texas had introduced you to a new way of thinking, I don't know what the word is. Can you give us a nutshell of what you mean by that? Yeah, so his shooting program was just different than I, anything I'd ever seen. I did the Canadian forces sniper course, and then I did ours. And when I did ours, like a JTF too, this is the first time I ever met Todd. And he was the way he, he does a bunch of stuff. He calls cowboy math, but to get like wind calculations and how to win the re how to read the wind.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Um, and then how to use the tools that you have in your scope available to you in a way that most people don't or hadn't ever taught before so just like different dots for quicker engagements um using holds in your reticle versus always just having it on the you know crosshair crosshair, dial up, dial up, crosshair, dial up, dial up, using holds so that you could shoot a lot faster. Yeah, and just how to look at and read, attempt to read the wind. Because you have, imagine a 2K, 3K, like you have a wind that, you know, at your position, and that's the one you have the best idea about. But like, are you looking over ground that is, know is there a valley is there hills is there are there clues out there to use
Starting point is 01:29:09 and we've kind of always done that with sniping but it's just really dialing in because that's the biggest thing like if you have good ammo you have a good gun and you can shoot a it's like you're a stable consistent shooter everyone can do that because it's not it's really not that hard but like a wind is always the biggest baddest factor you make a bad wind call you're not hitting no matter what so he got a lot into that like the art of doing that um yeah it's just a it's a damn good program. Is it open to the public? I don't actually know. Good question. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Go reach out to Todd at Accuracy first because he – I don't know. If it's open to the public, I guess he'll take it. But it's – Ask Dallas what the approximate drop is at 3,500 meters for a.50 cal? What does that mean, drop? Oh, like max ordnance. So like the round, because like you said, you got to point your gun sort of. If you shoot a gun straight, like let's say you're right along the ground and you're zeroed at 100, the round's going to travel.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Eventually, it's going to run out of juice and it's going to die off. With a round going that far you're like essentially tilting your gun like this this is kind of drastic but so that the round can go and run out of steam hopefully right at where your target is um so yeah that question the approximate drop i'm guessing they mean like max ordnance is like the highest point that it is and then how much it drops from there is what it is. Now, also, we're on the ninth story. So there's some – the actual on the ground max order would be higher because it was – And you got some curvature of the earth shit going on at that point too, right?
Starting point is 01:30:57 I mean do you believe the earth is round? Yeah, so there's a – Yeah, me too. If you were to ask me what I believe, truly believe, you would find that there is not too much. If someone tomorrow was like, yeah, the earth is flat, I'd be like, yeah, okay. Hey, I had a flat earther on here. I guess I'm not supposed to call him a flat earther. It's like calling a short person a midget.
Starting point is 01:31:21 But it was quite interesting talking to him. Yeah, I'm open to it too. Although I believe it's round, I'm open to it being flat too. Yeah, for sure. There's been so many things that I've believed before and then I'm like, oh shit, it's not true. And so there's nothing that would surprise me. But anyway, what were we talking about? Yeah, Coriolis effect. So we use like a ballistic calculator.
Starting point is 01:31:43 There's a way that we prep our guns to match with ammo and all this different stuff prior. We use a ballistic calculator to read the weather and barometric pressure, calculate Coriolis effect and all this stuff. Now, we have to give it certain inputs, but then it tells us what a hold will be. But the one thing you can't do is you can't tell wind from where you are, where it is in the middle where it is at a mile where it is down i mean you can because there's ways to learn it but there's no like there's no device yet that's like oh here's what it is um so the max ordinance or i think the drop uh i don't remember the number right now back to my concussions it was really fucking hot when that bullet hits that dude from 3,500 meters away how is that is it going really slow uh no you would you would definitely be in like subsonic travel uh is it less than 100 miles an hour like is it like really slowing down oh man i don't know
Starting point is 01:32:41 the math it was fast enough that he didn't go anywhere. Because at some speed it's horrible when at some slow speed, it's really bad that it hits you. Like, you know what I mean? Like if that thing hits you at 70 miles an hour, that sounds horrible. Like you almost wish it's going like, what's the fastest it's going. He almost, uh, I don't even remember that. Oh yeah. Like the, the muzzle velocity coming out like feet per second ones i i don't remember these numbers man this was like four years ago yeah that was 800 concussions ago hey and um true did i hear that right nine you pull the trigger
Starting point is 01:33:20 and it's nine seconds before the spot can tell you what happens it's like 9.8 or 9.9 seconds flight time uh seven feet per second is 844 at 2500 meters there you go i need to know miles per hour that's that's the only thing it leaves the muzzle at 2,800 feet per second. So it slows down by a third. Do you, do you, do you miss it? You're trained to kill people and now you don't kill people. Do you miss it? I missed deployments. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I always, is it offensive to say that you're trained to kill people? No, Yeah. I always... Is it offensive to say that you're trained to kill people? No. Our focus every single day until we started getting a little woke was on effectively finding and killing people. Yeah. And it's kind of like you're trained to do... It's like, imagine if you were trained to be a trampoline artist and then there were no more trampolines around. It would kind of suck right away yeah uh it depends though if that trampoline artist was like you know what i'm now feeling really passionate about you know growing a garden there's no more trampolines you might miss it but if you have passion moving you forward then you're not going
Starting point is 01:34:38 to look back too much and that's what music is for me right now when when was the first time you started playing music how old were you oh man i don't know i probably got my first guitar around 18 wow uh but i i really didn't play it much i only got it to try and learn a few songs to play at a campfire so it would sit in the corner of my room for i don't know sometimes, sometimes a year or two. And I'm like, oh, yeah, I think I remember a couple of chords and I try and play. Really, really, I started giving her like four. Well, when my brother died, actually. What's the connection with that? Don't waste your life and do try something new and hard.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I didn't feel like i was wasting my life but he uh he had a recording studio in his basement and i've always loved music and i could play a couple campfire songs like i said he's like oh we gotta you gotta come to the studio let's record a song and i was like yeah yeah let's do that i never got around to it um and then it was like at that same time i was seeing music out and I was like that would be really cool to do that as a job like I was starting to see it and at the same time he was now like battling with cancer and when he passed away we never got to you know make a song and it was like all these things were trying to point me that way prior and I was like what the
Starting point is 01:36:04 fuck did I wait for so yeah it was I was it was all in from things were trying to point me that way prior. And I was like, what the fuck did I wait for? So yeah, I was all in from there. And I practiced like every single day as much as possible. Obsessed? I would say pretty close. Like it's definitely a passion. It's like I feel the same drive and passion for it for different reasons. But that same fire, like I'm excited when i wake up to you know do a guitar lesson practice the vocals and write some songs do this and do that um like i did when i
Starting point is 01:36:30 learned about uh jtf2 like when i learned about that i was fired up to go like i was thinking about every day i'd wake up like let's train let's train let's go and uh yeah it's definitely what it is for music now uh divesh maaj, Seve loves to try something new and hard. Easy. Settle down there, buddy. Settle down. One hour a day, three hours a day? Oh, some days it's a lot more than that.
Starting point is 01:36:59 You can ask. Fingers bleed? Are your tips or fingers all fucked up? There's been times where I thought I legitimately injured my fingers. I'm like that hurts so much there's gotta be something wrong and then just like the next day would just be a little more calloused uh yeah and then there's some because i was playing for multiple years now the last three probably like three to five to six shows in a week sometimes two or three a day and that's like two or three hours of singing. I'll get done on like, Oh my God, my voice.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Scared. Are you, do you ever get scared getting in front of the crowd, Dallas? Uh, Oh hell yeah. The first open mic, when I really was like, I'm going to get going. I could, I learned like, I could play four or five songs. I'm starting to write a little bit. So I started going to open mics. The first open mic I did, I was scared shitless. I was more scared than anything I'd done in the military. And there was like seven people in the bar and they didn't really give a shit about if my song sucked or not.
Starting point is 01:37:55 But I was like, my heart was pounding. Yeah, I've been scared for sure. I can't believe it's crazy to pick that up at 18 how old were it and then already be performing how old were you when you first performed oh this was until probably four years ago now so 22 maybe 20 maybe 2020 was the first time i like went out you were still in you were still in the military when you started performing. Yeah, and that's why I used my first and my middle name, Dallas Alexander, not Dallas Flamonga or whatever. And do you play any other instruments?
Starting point is 01:38:32 No. No piano? No, I would love to learn. I will at some point. It's just I really need to work on my guitar playing to get to the level of where I can start spending time on other instruments instead of the guitar um late to the show did dallas serve with devin he sure did um no i don't think dallas does
Starting point is 01:38:54 what does dallas think of this year's open you're not a crossfitter are you crossfitter no i i enjoy what it i i've done a lot of crossfit i like what it has brought to fitness. Um, and I've got like, we've got the rack and the bumper plates and the rogue stickers in our garage gym. I like that the rogue stickers, but I don't go to, uh, I don't go to like a CrossFit gym though. Okay. Assholes settle down. What's his favorite ice cream. Now he shut it. Uh, he, they're making fun of me. That,
Starting point is 01:39:24 that's a sign that they think I'm asking dumb questions or or someone's asking dumb questions hey um what are you doing to stay in shape uh i i like to just i've dumbed it down a lot and i like to chill out a lot um so i i walk a lot and i do ruck like i ruck march a lot when you say you walk a lot and I do rock, like I rock march a lot. When you say you walk a lot, like what do you mean? Like if you want a coffee and this coffee shop's three miles away, you'll walk there. Six mile walk's like nothing for you, you'll walk there. Yeah, and like, it's like, I want to go enjoy podcasts, fucking five hours long.
Starting point is 01:39:57 I'll just put on a backpack and I'll go for a long walk. And then I try to lift, lift heavy as possible. For the cardio stuff, I like doing hill sprints. I don't know if that's considered in the cardio range and then. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Ass buster.
Starting point is 01:40:12 And then I try and roll like jujitsu wise as much as I can. I'm traveling a lot now for music, so it's, it's sporadic, but I try to keep that going. Uh, you are, how often are you rolling? Oh, if I told you rolling? Oh, if I told you any consistent number, I'd be lying. But when I'm here in Ottawa, I try and go twice a week.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Like I just got back last night and I'm leaving again tomorrow. So where are you going tomorrow? I'm going to Delaware. We're hobos beach for a concert. I'm going to be a part of um you'll fly there or drive i'm gonna drive yeah smart smart man hey so is your life um guitar uh music so that's like writing and playing yeah and then um you you have you have uh who are these people you have uh there's some hot lady in your life oh yeah and uh let me see if i know i had it here somewhere please don't tell me i lost it oh maybe i pulled up a picture of your dad instead hold on let me
Starting point is 01:41:19 see like my and and then there's kids oh yeah i got uh two boys who are teenagers i got a daughter who's two and we got one on the way oh you have a fourth on the way yeah there was a great picture maybe i there's one of her up higher if you're asking about sarah well there was one with the whole family even with the little girl you got that's oh yeah that's just absolutely adorable we'll be on there somewhere. And so are those, are those the three components of your life? Music and family. What was the third one? I don't know. I didn't say it. I was probably just trying to trick you.
Starting point is 01:41:57 And, and, and, and fitness. Health, health, it matters a lot. It's a, it's, I put a lot of priority on it because i'm not going to be able to play songs and be here for my family if my health shit or not in the way that i want like i love being outdoors taking them on adventures yeah that's my boys and my my girls have you carded her how old is she uh my daughter's two no i mean the mean the girl, the mom. Yeah, Sarah, I've carded her, but it could be fake. She looks really young. God, she looks young. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:31 So, wow, you're living a great life, and you have a fourth one on the way. On the way. And what does she think about and your family think about your musical journey? Oh, the amount of support is insane she she is all in she uh there to support in any way that i need and uh yeah and she even has now started listening to country music which i never thought would happen yeah that's awesome it's weird how country music i was a i was a gangster rap kid you know from the 90s 80s and 90s and as i get older i get i turn more and more to country music i like country
Starting point is 01:43:12 music it's great well there was no country artists on the epstein travel logs i'll just say that wow is that really true no willie nelson no kenny rogers no fuck i fucking love it a lot of other artists on yeah and and your leader i think is on there mr trudeau's on there surprise surprise yeah hey what in this oneness where we're all just cells in this creature of light and love what is trudeau's role as is he a cancer is he cancerous so what what is this abomination of a human being if i look at it from why are we being tested to love him well that's the thing if i look at that from my own experience it could be just that how do i respond to something i don't have control of how do i respond to people's opinions that vary greatly from mine how do i let it disrupt my own peace
Starting point is 01:44:12 it could fucking if this was just all a simulation built for me yeah he could very well be here for that role there's these people in your country who were just trying to put food on their table not be forced to take drugs and they were being called misogynists racists that thing man i mean the same thing happened in my country uh gavin newsom did that to us too it's like if you voted for trump you were a racist it's like dude or a misogagist or a homophobe It's like are you kidding me I'll Hold another man's dick So he doesn't have to put his beer down Do not call me a fucking homophobe
Starting point is 01:44:51 But like I'm You guys do that a lot at JTF too I heard By the way It's just it's crazy Yeah Does it seem like it happened really quick To you too that the nut house got The keys to the steering wheel It feels like it happened really quick to you too, that the nut, the nut house got the keys to the steering wheel.
Starting point is 01:45:07 It feels like it happened so quick to me. Yeah. Yeah, it does. It like, it had never been on my radar so much as an adult, just like that. Because I think it was always like,
Starting point is 01:45:19 it was pretty all right. You know, you go back and forth and opinions on how our money was spent and all of this stuff and you know what the government was doing what they weren't and it would be like i don't know if i like that or we could probably change this but then it's just like a hard crazy left turn let's say and uh it was blowing my mind it's like it's like you know when you walk through airports and they have like uh like they'll have like you walk through these long sections and they'll be like a like a kind of like a museum display it'll be like all of the
Starting point is 01:45:48 the barbie dolls from the last 50 years and they have them in glass cases or all lunch boxes or something or or like you know like if you walk through and there would be like the history of of of transgender in the arts now it's like and you wouldn't even think twice about it now it's like every fucking elementary school has a transgender fucking performance at it in california i'm like how did that become in high demand i have no clue how did that become yeah uh um dallas you said something i i had i had a friend sitting next to me in a coffee shop one morning at six in the morning
Starting point is 01:46:31 and he said to me this is we were 20 and he said you know what's crazy about me and you and i said what and he said it was in santa barbara californ He said, if a rock fell from the sky and killed both of us right now, we'd both still be sitting here. And when he said that, I knew exactly what he meant. It was fucking weird. And I heard you say something about when you were on mushrooms about your brother.
Starting point is 01:47:04 That resonated with me on that level does that make sense to you what i just said yeah that that yes and could you explain it better to me like could you give me i don't know if i can do a better job half of the time when i try and explain especially that trip of psilocybin or that journey uh I feel like if you haven't done it, I sound like a complete lunatic. But if you have, then it makes a little bit of sense. And it was just that that was the hardest thing I'd ever gone through. I didn't know. I couldn't, I didn't have the tools to, to resolve any part of it.
Starting point is 01:47:42 I found, so I'd been reading and hearing about psilocybin. So I was like, fuck it, let's do it. And there were some points I had taken from it. Like, you know, I wanted to do a big gigantic dose and I wanted to be in a set and setting that was calming and kind of meditate. Excuse me. And so I was like, I'm going to try it.
Starting point is 01:48:04 And yeah, and part of it was, I was, I didn't know what was going to happen. So like I sent Sarah and my daughter out of the house and like, just check back in and like eight hours or I'll message you when whatever this ride is, is over. Um, but part of it was that, like the thing I'd been struggling the hardest with was my brother passing away. And, uh, it, it was part of this journey that I like went into a very dark, dark place that was about the scaredest I had ever been. Uh, but then he, he like came, visited me in some capacity with almost like an expression of just like why are you having such a hard time
Starting point is 01:48:47 with this like what the fuck like I'm right here still right here the whole in the same space as Bob you know haven't gone anywhere were you sitting down when this happened yeah I was sitting or I was laying on the floor our living room floor actually
Starting point is 01:49:03 and there's carpet in there uh there's carpet in there and and and and he was there with you yeah well it was like this was internal like i had i was i think i might have even had my head covered uh but it was like everything was black and dark and silent like it was like so weird i there's just thoughts um like when my own ego would creep in like this is death or hell like you've you're done and you might you're not coming back from this one perhaps um yeah yeah yeah i like that that's always a fucked up feeling on hallucinogenics oh this isn't this is never gonna end yeah like what did you get yourself into? Yeah. Do you think it was him or it was your image of him that you were talking with? Do you think you were talking? God, I know it's such a I know the question doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 01:49:57 I'm about to ask you. But was it him or was it you? I think it was it. I'll say they or was it you i think was it i'll say they or was it they yeah you guys i i think and i say that because my stance on belief being a very strong word is like who the fuck knows i think that it it just shows us something different that we have not been taught to understand so you know we're taught from a young age, this is how the world is, the way you're perceiving it. Let me explain to you what that means. And it's just a bunch of other people that don't know what the fuck they're talking about. So, you know, this is the world we're in. This is what this means that what this is, you know, it's made up of this amount
Starting point is 01:50:38 of, you know, atoms and elements and all these things. And you're just like, you have to believe them, right? You you're like these are the people that have been here before me my parents and scientists and teachers and religious leaders okay i guess so they're explaining what i see for instance um but i think there's i think there's more missing than we understand for sure and i think that's what it is. That's what I think. Just it's something. And we try to use language the best that we can to describe things that cannot fucking be described. Naming is the origin of all particular things. But the thing that people really have a hard time understanding is that there is something that is no thing. It's not nothing, but it's no thing.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Oh, yeah. And it can't be named. And since you can't name it, you have no origin of a particular thing. And this is kind of that fucked up spot – and that's why we have people. Did you ever listen to Eckhart Tolle? Oh, yeah. The most profound books of my entire life. Right. Which changes – I listen to it or read it all the time.
Starting point is 01:52:00 I always go back to it, and the page I open is always relevant. It's a new earth. Yeah, the dude's made a career of pointing. He's a master of pointing at no thing. Yeah, yeah. He's a master of that, right? Yeah. How about Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching?
Starting point is 01:52:16 Do you like it? Just so I'm not getting it wrong, That's the one with like a million, like smaller lessons. It's, it's, uh, there's, um, it's,
Starting point is 01:52:28 it's the, the, the one I have is it's, um, let me see how many, how many, uh, I don't even know what you would call these sayings.
Starting point is 01:52:37 Yeah. There's like 81. Okay. And, and, and, and, and all in the,
Starting point is 01:52:43 like, um, uh, whoever is planted in the Dow will not be rooted up. Whoever embraces the Tao will not slip away. Her name will be held in honor from generation to generation. Shit like that. The Tao that can't be named is not the eternal Tao.
Starting point is 01:52:56 I have one that is adopted or I don't even know how you would call it to parenting. Oh, was it written by Khalil Gibran by any chance? Do you know who that is? I remember. I'd have you would call it to parenting. Oh, it was, it written by a Khalil Gibran by any chance. Do you know who that is? I remember I'd have to look at my bookshelf, but I have a lot of children. So I read a lot about parenting so I can hopefully do it properly. You like being a dad.
Starting point is 01:53:17 Love it. It's, it's, uh, it's real close to the top of the list of important things. And like, I mean, I like to look after my health so that I can be a father.
Starting point is 01:53:32 But just, it's the most beautiful thing. And they're the best teachers in the universe. Are you going to become wealthy with your musical career? Wealthy, like financially wealthy. Yeah. I mean, that'd be all right, but I'm, I'm really, I'm not going to let it, I mean, knock on wood, it's a guiding light.
Starting point is 01:53:54 I'm using, let that change the, the way I want to do it. So I have two things that are like guiding my music. And that is, I want to learn how to be a really good songwriter. I want to write songs and then I want to play them to people that want to listen. And that's it. I don't want to change my song. So more people want to listen. I don't want to, you know, do something that takes away from that so that there's more streams or income coming in. I want to get the best song, but if what I put out and I'm passionate about, if someone doesn't like it, then don't listen to it. When you were in Texas and you had this thought of how you were going to use this prism, was that the first time in your life that you had made a call like that do you ever remember being a little kid and being like hey no i make
Starting point is 01:54:52 calls like that all the time yeah but i believe in like you hear manifestation i'm sure um i think people believe in it in different ways i believe in it because I've seen it work for me so many times. Like I started training for JTF2 and I'm like, I am going to this unit. Telling you right now, I'm going to this unit. The attrition rate is 90 plus percent, 99. Everyone wants to go to the, you know, I'd hear recruiters like, okay, kid, slow down. First course, okay, slow down. First course. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:25 Slow down. But I think what it does is it just anything manifesting. Like, so if you, if you journal, let's say every morning and you put in there a list of things that you want to happen and you're, you're writing them in a certain way, we, we only have so much focus and you know, everyone's like, yeah, I want to do this. I want to do that. I want to do this. I want to do that. I want to do this. I want that. But then how much of your day speaks to the fact that you want to do that?
Starting point is 01:55:50 How much of your day is proving to you or anyone that you want to do that? And I think that's why I make calls like that. And that's why I'm trying to manifest things. Because I'm like can it'll always bring me back to what do i want to focus on today and can i get a little bit closer to what i want to do and it's super slow like when you're trying to learn guitar learn how to sing it's like some days you're like fuck and the next day like there's a tiny little increment of improvement and then the next day it's like maybe gone two steps back and you focus in okay this is what I'm going to do
Starting point is 01:56:31 and eventually you'll get there and let's say it doesn't happen whatever that is that it is for you like is the journey wasted is you focusing on something you're passionate about staying present in the moment? Hell no. That's the only way to live anyway. So it might mean that your goal was maybe not well thought out. Dude, you, you worded that so good. How much like there's, there's a correlation between making the call and how much effort you're putting in to something. Yeah, I think there is.
Starting point is 01:57:11 Do you have a manager? I do. Yeah, I just got them a little while ago. It's a team that's lovely people. When you were a sniper, did you have a spotter assigned to you uh not assigned like we would be in in debts and we'd work with you know your shooting partner and we'd switch up so like that tour for instance my my spotter and shooter because we switch on the gun is a good buddy because i because i wonder if like you're put you put everything into music but then
Starting point is 01:57:47 do i wonder like if you're going to be happy with your management team do you ever get resentful of people around you who aren't working as hard as you uh no i think where that would happen is if what i've discovered musicians do not have the same and this is a very general statement but like i don't know like timing discipline and like responsibility to what they say necessarily so there's been a couple times you're like you know expecting someone to show up to something and they just don't they're not on time just like i'm like well that's what you said you were gonna be here i understand it uh but resentment to other people no No, no, no, no. Cause I, I don't have a, like, once this happens, I've made it. So I don't really care that much. I, I enjoy learning. I'm working hard at it. It's a passion,
Starting point is 01:58:39 but like, I already play my songs to people that come to listen to them and then I connect with them. That is fucking making it. You know, I spend my day doing shit that I like and love and it keeps me in like a flow state present thing. So like that is making it all the other stuff is things are going to happen because of hard work. And I look I really try to look for opportunity um it's something that i write in the morning when i write in my journal and i do and if something comes along i'll be like i think that might be for me and i explore it um but i don't you know if someone's like not giving her as much as me i don't expect that from anyone either like other people are gonna have different levels of passion for things and music is included i apologize i'm i'm making a uh how are you for time
Starting point is 01:59:34 oh i probably got another my schedule's on my phone i have a call with someone but i'm sure they're good for another little while are you having fun i am having fun okay good all right i don't want to fucking ruin anyone's day hey do you think um uh i like it do you think journaling's crazy important for people who want to have goals or do you think it depends on people or do you think, no, it's a mistake not to journal? No, if you have some, some way of just like, for me, the reason I use it is I use it in this kind of way that's become popular. Like I write down a few things that I'm grateful for. I write down the shit that I want to do or that like I see happening in my future. And that's what I'm chasing after.
Starting point is 02:00:21 And that's what I want to keep fresh in my mind. And then I write down a few things I'm going to do that day. Why do you write down what you're grateful for? I sense this huge power in being in gratitude. I just haven't figured it out. Yeah, well, it's just in, even if it's as brief as just thinking about that thing, for that moment, it is fucking impossible
Starting point is 02:00:42 for you to be stressed or anxious or somewhere not present with that thought so like i take a sip of this water and i'm like okay i'm grateful for like delicious it is how i drink whatever it is it could be super small but you in that brief moment you you can't be somewhere else like your your thoughts are on gratefulness and i think even if you just do it for that small amount of time in the morning now i try to bring it into my entire day but that's one part of the price i'm like okay i'm doing it right now so even if i'm all fucked up all day long my brain's all over the place i'm
Starting point is 02:01:15 thinking about the past i'm thinking about the future i'm regretting this i'm anxious about this for that moment i am going to be present this is why i love doing like a cold plunge so much we have a nice backyard and i'm like you are fucking present in that thing no matter what's going on in your life burpees are like that burpees are like that yeah burpees for time will uh i always say if you're having a shitty day do 100 burpees for time it will unfuck you you that's another dao saying stop thinking your problems will end oxygen deprivation will fucking snap anyone out of feeling sorry for themselves. They'll pull their shit together quick.
Starting point is 02:01:48 That's right. Yeah, cold. Yeah. You know, when my boys, sometimes if they're in the shower and they're fighting, I have two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old. And if they're like, they're not fighting, but they're getting too rambunctious in there, I'll go fill up a huge fucking bucket of cold water. Black. Yeah, and just pour it on them and they're oh i'm like yeah yeah welcome back to the present moment yeah we we are we're here
Starting point is 02:02:12 hey what do you think about um semen uh i never wanted to join the navy no not that not that kind not okay like uh kind that reside in my balls. Yeah. Do you think that there's some magical – like there's this, hey, that's a lot of fucking energy, and it makes babies when it mixes with the egg, and you better not just be like just wasting that shit. You better not just be just like sitting around jerking off to porn all day. You better not. Yeah, so I read that. that shit you better not just be just like sitting around jerking off to porn all day you better yeah so i read that porn is a different issue but uh i read that a few places and a few times now
Starting point is 02:02:50 i don't know what i think about it what if it's like the prism on the end of the scope like i was trying to like think it's like some funny like it's like the magic juice like that you put that you need to manifest stuff through? Then none of my manifestations would have come true. Right, right, right, right. You've let some semen out? I mean, at least four times you've let it out. Exactly, at least four times.
Starting point is 02:03:17 But I was not saving it up in between all those. I'll tell you that much right now. I don't know how I feel about this. Part of me thinks... You think it's maybe not the semen I misunderstood and it's more like the discipline around it could be energy of the thought around it or the distraction maybe it has nothing to do with the actual juice it could be but i've heard the same thing i've heard the same thing um yeah and i don't know i i'm more of like uh we were real blessed to be doesn't matter what your opinion on anything is.
Starting point is 02:03:48 You either evolved to get here from a big mathematical bang or someone created you and were put here. Either way, we have been given the gift of orgasm. Yeah, and procreation, right. About the fucking craziest, best thing in this universe. So I don't want to not not do that man hell no um you there's this book uh that you probably would like it's called stranger in a strange land okay and it was written in the 50s and they say it's a sci-fi novel but it's not really a sci-fi novel it's a it's it's really a spiritual novel. It's written by Robert – I think the guy's name is Robert Heinlein.
Starting point is 02:04:31 And I think he was friends with Ray Bradbury and the Scientology dude. And the Dianetics guy and Alfred Hitchcock. I think those four cats were like peers. They were like peers. They were all peers. Oh, wow. Crazy, right? And, you know, Hitchcock, right?
Starting point is 02:04:51 He wrote The Birds and Psycho. Okay. So in this movie, there's a creature from another planet. And one of the things he says is all the other beings in the universe that have the capability of being enlightened are asexual. Humans are the only beings on the planet that can be enlightened but also procreate. You guys have completely fucked it up. And it's a fascinating thought. It's kind of like what you said it's like we we can have our cake and eat it uh to uh possibly on uh on i mean my my my my crew is so soft listen oh my god that's why i'm not
Starting point is 02:05:35 enlightened i don't know because you let too much uh oh my god seve come on what the well that's a hell of a transition jesus christ next we'll be discussing edging what oh heinland what did i say is it is it robert heinland no it's not the semen podcast it's the sevan podcast god there's some good shirts yeah these these guys they they act like they didn't know i wasn't going to mention. Hey, if you're going to talk about mushrooms, you've got to also be able to talk about a semen. Would you want your child to enter the military?
Starting point is 02:06:18 Do you have any goals for your children? I want them to do whatever they find passion in doing. Craig Harrison said it's not natural to kill people. I don't think I agree. You don't agree? Not sure what he's saying or what he's up to. The way I think about it, I don't think I agree. You don't think it's in in in conflict with nature because look at nature fucking great point um but i i see us all as kind of mirrors here
Starting point is 02:06:59 not kind of i think we are all just mirrors reflecting each other right that's why alone time is so valuable because you don't have anyone reflecting and validating your bullshit. So you have to kind of sit with it. And then if you see another being whose life has ended, it's a weird thing to mirror. Like somewhere there's a disconnect there maybe. like somewhere there's a disconnect there maybe but all you're seeing is you're seeing a different part of the the like it's just another transformation in life is all you're seeing so like i don't believe after that happens you go anywhere necessarily it's an ugly part because our ego uh has been told and then maybe experiences this after
Starting point is 02:07:47 who knows that that is the end. Cause the only thing you has now is trying to keep you all over the fucking place during this lifetime. It's trying to hold the nonsense that is Sevan Matosian together. That's right. Yeah. So it doesn't want to disappear because if energy doesn't go anywhere, let's say these, you know, these scientists have it right. So it doesn't want to disappear because if energy doesn't go anywhere,
Starting point is 02:08:07 let's say these, you know, these scientists have it right. And in that case, you're, you know, we're going to leave this, this shell that we're in, but it's going to be somewhere and then that body is going to make plants grow and it's going to feed animals that are going to kill other animals and we're going to come kill them. And I just think I think it's all such an extremely not I don't say natural, but like it's it's a part of this. Like you can't you can't love being born and then just fear and hate dying. You don't get you can't have one without the other you know at least for now fuck who knows what happened with science but like so i i look at death the same saying it is 100
Starting point is 02:08:52 this part of our existence um as me talking to you when you've been you you've you've done the psilocybin experiment three times, correct? Three times, yeah. Do those thoughts ever come up about your job as a sniper when you're on them, and have you had any moments where you... This is going to be a dickhead thing to say
Starting point is 02:09:19 with a presupposition, and I apologize. I don't mean this this way, but where you feel like you've asked for forgiveness from, from, from the world, or if you've maybe asked for guidance, I hope you know that I'm just trying to do the best I can because it is the most serious thing that you've done on the, it is. It's gotta be one of the most intense things you could do on the planet. Right. I mean, I mean, it's up there with, I mean,
Starting point is 02:09:42 we were talking about having sex earlier and making babies but then also taking an another life it's pretty intense uh it's intense but i don't um i don't know i've tried to keep really consciously keep my head when in these chaotic places that are battle spaces um so i've never i've never killed anyone where i'm like maybe that guy was you know brought along for the wrong reason and now i there's a sentiment that i agree with when people are like we shouldn't be killing and there shouldn't be war fuck i totally agree let's let's all not do it we could get everyone to agree right now and start building towards you know how about everyone on the planet having like a decent life i'm all for it the implementation of that unfortunately is so far to this point in human history fucking impossible
Starting point is 02:10:41 so while you are saying don't kill don't go to war while you're doing that one person is raping 200 little girls one person is is cutting off someone's head one person is ravaging entire lands and destroying history and museums and just anything in their way they're running over it so i'm like okay you go over there and talk about not killing and no war and then i'm going to go over here and try and make a better place so that hopefully someday your opinion can happen. Wow, wow. That is fucking crazy what you just said. That's some potent shit.
Starting point is 02:11:19 Well, it's the mix. That was profound what you just said. That's valuable for people. Well, you're over there. That was profound what you just said. That's valuable for people. Well, you're over there. I'm over here protecting you. So I'm over here making sure this dude doesn't rape and kill you so that you can create a world where there's peace. Yeah. Before this motherfucker comes and kills you.
Starting point is 02:11:36 Takes all kind of people. And it's just you can't. We try this, right? Like you build a school in Al Qaeda or Taliban run Afghanistan. Great. You build a school, girls go there and then Taliban comes and throws acid on them. You didn't do anything. Like you gave them a place to target. So without sorting out some stuff and we have a foundation of like, okay, let's all agree that we're at least not going to throw acid on the little girls that go to school now maybe we can build a school um but that's just like a full circle long-winded
Starting point is 02:12:12 way of saying that i do not have anything in my brain that has ever been touched with psilocybin because i don't i don't there's really i don't feel bad about any of it. I thought it was for the greater good, as cliche as that is. My – when the founder of CrossFit and the CEO, it spread to seven continents and 15,000 gyms. When George Floyd died, he said, I will not mourn George Floyd's death, and some people got really upset at that. Well, I will not mourn George Floyd's death. And some people got really upset at that. Well, I don't either. Yeah, and I don't either. And it's kind of crazy because I have zero tolerance for someone driving around on the streets high on alcohol, fentanyl, and methamphetamines because I have three little kids that could be riding their tricycle in the street. little kids that could be riding their tricycle in the street and it's it's it's um the whole thing is uh fascinating to me um that that's not even as bad as raping uh little girls and boys
Starting point is 02:13:14 by the by the truckloads yeah um but but i don't um and that was the third time i hate to make this so contentious and bring up mr floyd but that was the third or fourth time he had been pulled over while driving under fentanyl. I saw the videos. He always yelled, I can't breathe. And it's just crazy to me. At some point, he was going to hit a pedestrian and kill someone. That's just what happens eventually. The odds are.
Starting point is 02:13:43 And you're right it's like um what if we had a sniper on every uh top and they knew building in major city and they knew that if you were drinking and driving and there was a kid within fucking 500 yards you they just put a bullet in your head part of me is like it's crazy what what uh why why do you think some why do you think some men um process it i mean each man processes this differently right you seem like do you talk to men who aren't processing it as well as you do you think you're processing this whole thing well relative to your peer group i think that part of it, yes. I'm friends with all kinds of mixed experiences, I guess. Yeah, because it's so chaotic and crazy that I don't even know if it's possible for everyone to process it the exact same way.
Starting point is 02:14:41 But I went into it. It's just I was very intentional with it. So when I, when I was doing my sniper course, the original one in the Canadian armed forces, I was like, okay, we like the way the instructor spoke and all this stuff. I was like, I knew I wanted to go to JTF to, to counter terrorism and all this stuff. Um, but when the way we were talking and training, I'm like, okay, this, this is real. This is for killing people. And I never wanted to go down the path.
Starting point is 02:15:06 I don't know if you've read On Killing or On Combat, those books. No. Should I? Yeah, I think they're great books. They talk about the mindset of how some of these military programs were made, let's say in the Marines or whatever, and why you always hear terms used to dehumanize who you're fighting. You know, like you just pick a war and they had a dehumanizing name.
Starting point is 02:15:30 I never wanted to buy into that because I wanted to know that every single time we call an airstrike or send a sniper around or whatever, that's a human being being killed. And I think that helps in the later processing if you're still making that decision it's not like i was trained or brainwashed or tricked into doing it or the circumstances of the intensity i'm making a deliberate decision right now so you have to make a decision and it's instead of covering it up uh with all these other things that aren't real like dehumanizing them and just like, oh, I had to do it for war. Because that all needs to be unboxed later somehow.
Starting point is 02:16:11 Like it's going to come out somehow. So I think it's like the processing of it on the front end or during. Do they train you for that? Do they tell you that? No, like I wasn't trained. It was just the way i was thinking about it because i read those books and and it was recommended that we read them and what i got out of it was that i'm like i don't want to dehumanize then if this is why it's being
Starting point is 02:16:36 trained but then why it's such a hard time to process it later um they need to tell you that shit it's like smoking they tell you it's bad for you. Fuck if it's bad for you. Someone should tell you don't ever do nicotine because you will eventually have to quit and it's so fucking hard to quit. And then you're going to think about wanting it all the time. And it's like just don't do nicotine so you never have to quit. And they need to tell the guys that like, hey, just so you know, we're going to be conscious when you kill people so you don't have to fucking unpackage that shit later. The more conscious you are now and you process it now and the more true you are to yourself now,
Starting point is 02:17:10 the better you'll deal with it later. And if not, because you hear the stories, the crazy stories, right? Of the fucking five guys that get the tomahawks and start scalping the people and just the fucking madness, right? Wad Zombie, it's crazy that there are only two types of people that wear Hawaiian shirts, middle-aged golfers and the world's most dangerous men.
Starting point is 02:17:32 This guy can speak Canadian Magnum. Oh yeah. Like Magnum PI. Holy shit. It's fucking an updated Mac. I Dallas. Oh shit. Oh,
Starting point is 02:17:48 he just fucked Seve up. Yeah. I always get fucked up on my guests. So what? I mean, I'm easy to fuck up. Yeah. He's just dropping bombs on me right now.
Starting point is 02:17:56 Okay. What is this? A diverse Maharaj, a wad zombie. I'm neither. And I'm half, half my closet is Hawaiian shirts. Oh,
Starting point is 02:18:03 just something's wrong with you. If you're not dangerous and you wear Hawaiian shirts oh my goodness um um the the the Sean Ryan show and then and then then you went on Andy Stump's podcast yeah went to Montana for a little little visit and uh he's a good talker too yeah Yeah. Was that your first time meeting him? Yeah. Yeah, both when I went were the first time meeting both of them. And then what's next for you? Well, right now it's a big focus on music and songwriting.
Starting point is 02:18:39 I've had a handful of podcasts reach out, but I'm going to just chat with as many people as want to talk um how come because i think there are things that i and like even let's say none of the controversial newspaper headline stuff comes out even though i think it's important for people to know like look i was in this unit that people really hold on a like on a pedestal let's say and even they lost their fucking minds so like there's i got a ton of messages of people like you know i felt i was so alone in these decisions that i've made and so on and so on and i'm super happy to hear that you know i wasn't yeah so for one that's it but even if none of that stuff ever comes out
Starting point is 02:19:22 and it's just about music uh or whatever else I want people to come give my music and songs a chance. And if they don't like them, then don't listen to them. I'm okay with that. But I've really connected with people through music. Like I've had people at shows crying when they come talk to me. And that like something in some of the lyrics I've written or whatever has helped. Uh, and I want to continue to do that. So the more people that I talk to, you know, in things like this is maybe the more people that either come out to a show or that, or that listen and might find some kind of inspiration.
Starting point is 02:20:00 How long have you had this phone number, your cell phone? Uh, not that long. Why did you change it? I just changed it after I got out of the military. Your phone number? Yeah. How come? I didn't want to have that phone number anymore.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Fair. Okay. All right. All right. Back off, Sebi. Back off. And I hate changing phone numbers yeah i could be a pain in the ass i thought about it for a while uh but i was like you know what i like my new phone number yeah and you're an iphone guy i am yeah they can make it so
Starting point is 02:20:40 easy that's why yeah they can gather all my information and do whatever they want with it. But everyone's doing it anyway. So. Okay. Don't change this phone number. Okay. Okay. And,
Starting point is 02:20:52 and, and if you do text me and give me your new phone number. Deal. Got a deal. Yeah. Cause we need to stay in contact because you're going to become a big time and I'm going to become big time. And it will be fun to. Let's be big time. Yeah, it'll be, it'll be fun to be big time together.
Starting point is 02:21:13 Thank you for everything you've done. Thank you for processing in a healthy way. Thank you for being a role model to human beings everywhere, holding your head up high, being a man of dignity, integrity, human beings everywhere holding your head up high being a man of dignity integrity um honesty uh loyalty just you're you're fucking a great dude man i i try to do all those things and i don't do them perfectly i'll say that right now yeah all we can do is try me too what about what one of the last questions what about um uh detergent for your clothes what do you use for detergent for your clothes uh we use like a natural thing my wife picks she's very or fiance
Starting point is 02:21:49 rather she's very into uh very into making sure there's no chemicals in this house yeah no tide you're not allowed to use tide no if someone even comes here that uses tide she is sensitive she's like oh i can smell it oh yeah i have one of those too my wife has just put the kibosh on me like recently yeah to me i don't it i grew up with it and like the little things you like put in the dryer smell like whatever mountain fresh mountain spring breeze or yeah like i still it's like a nostalgic smell for me we don't use it because i mean i agree with her completely we're on the same page it's just i don't have the same sensitivity to it because i'm like yeah do you use soap in the shower i use soap i use a natural show a soap uh i don't it's a funny discussion topic because they ask about my hair a lot for some fucking reason uh but i don't use shampoo or conditioner i don't yeah i don't use shampoo or i haven't
Starting point is 02:22:39 you i haven't watched that's awesome i haven't used shampoo in fucking years shampoo is retarded especially when you have good hair you have good hair i have good hair I haven't used shampoo in fucking years. Shampoo is retarded, especially when you have good hair, you have good hair. I have good hair. You don't need shampoo. Well, it's like extra steps and it's a bunch of extra. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:53 Acting. Would you ever go into acting or movies? I mean, if it was, if there was an opportunity presented, uh, sure. I'm sure it'd be fun.
Starting point is 02:23:02 I'd probably like, I've never done acting, so I probably wouldn't be a great actor. They'd have to deal with that. But if they found some way around that, it would be interesting. I think a book. my computer and plug away poorly structured sentences uh yeah but if they sit me with someone who wants to tell this story of my life for some fucking reason then yeah i'll go i'll go chat with them the story man the the story this the few stories that i've heard of yours are great this i mean the the journey into jtf uh two is great. And then what you did when you were there. And then that, that final scene when you fucking wouldn't put on the mask,
Starting point is 02:23:51 did you ever get embarrassed for your friends who were wearing masks? Like you're like, dude, what are you doing all the time? But again, they want to, but I know they didn't want to, that was the problem.
Starting point is 02:24:01 They didn't want to, and they still did it. And I'm like, dude, what are you doing? That part sucks to see and it's like i got you like i got you i'll i'll go with you you don't have to yeah and it almost would you know just like everything we're like a lot of people if we have numbers you stand your ground it's gonna be different decisions made but if one person gets kicked out of camp not wearing a mask they're like okay well that wasn't so bad carry on with the masking like yeah thank you for coming on dude thanks for having me great meeting you and and uh and
Starting point is 02:24:37 that guy jay uh nara that brought us together uh good what a great guy he's doing his part and i and i really appreciate it hey have you talked to the kid the 17 year old kid who stood up in Canada no you know who I'm talking about no which kid are we talking about if this was on the news I'd watch it so sometimes I miss stuff last month I got he'd probably love to hear from you
Starting point is 02:24:58 17 year old kid fucking in Canada some of the girls at his high school were upset because they were letting boys use the women the girls at his high school were upset because they were letting boys use the women's bathroom at the high school. And the 17 year old boy stood up for the girls. And then he, and then he organized a protest in front of the school and they fucking sent
Starting point is 02:25:16 the police and arrested him. Oh, wow. For standing up for boys, not to use the girl's restroom. He should get a fucking medal for that. Yeah. Well, boys not to use the girls restroom he should get a fucking medal for that yeah well and when the time passes that we have collectively lost our minds and maybe he will i hope so yeah it's gonna
Starting point is 02:25:33 pass yeah i think so this too shall pass everything's gonna fucking pass whether we like it or not all right man i will be watching uh i'm excited for uh our reunion remember do not any circumstance change my phone number do not change your phone number without texting you all right much peace and love dallas yep thank you bye what about this show caught his eye enough to come on well he I think we had a mutual friend and he's doing everything he's doing he's he wants to tell his story
Starting point is 02:26:19 and the reason he gave is the same reason why I felt so good posting all the why I don't care that I got kicked off of Instagram because basically, um, there were so many people around who are scared to speak up for themselves and they start to feel crazy. Like they're the only one who thinks the way they do. And he was fucking basically standing up for them. That was my most common DM during the so-called pandemic, was people saying thank you for speaking your mind. I was starting to feel crazy. Great, great show. Thank you. I started off a little weird, but I warmed up to him.
Starting point is 02:27:07 That was me. That wasn't him. That wasn't him. And I was supposed to get off at, believe it or not, I was supposed to get off at 830 to take my kids skateboarding. Now I'm not sure what I'm doing hi hi babe hi
Starting point is 02:27:30 how's it going good so skateboarding got cancelled I cancelled it Josh hasn't responded but oh no he did respond I see the email he said
Starting point is 02:27:43 oh he did he said I understand I hope to see you Oh, he did? He said, I understand. I hope to see you next week. Oh, I didn't see that. Okay. So I'm still doing the podcast for a few minutes. Is it raining? It's actually not raining now.
Starting point is 02:27:58 It kind of just stopped. Okay. Maybe I'll take the kids up to Scotts Valley. Dude, Heidi, you should see her body. It's nuts. Jeff Birchfield says, hi, Haley. Oh, no, he says, ah, Haley. Ah, Jeff.
Starting point is 02:28:19 Look out the door. I know I kind of can't see because i have this massive passion fruit vine out the window and i can't see if it's raining okay hey dude my fucking friends called me at 5 37 and 552 and 8 37 this morning my friends like what is wrong with my friends like dude don't call me at five and don't call me at eight. I'm on the podcast. They don't even know. Some friends. All right. That's funny.
Starting point is 02:28:51 I love you. I'm going to hang out here with these guys for a little bit and then I'm going to come inside. Okay. Sounds good. Are you going to Pilates or anything like that? Have fun with your real friends. Thank you. Do you need to come?
Starting point is 02:29:04 Are you going somewhere? Do you need, do you have a, are you going somewhere? Do you have something scheduled? I think at noon I was going to take a yoga class. Okay, cool. Fine. I'll,
Starting point is 02:29:11 I'll be out in a little bit. Okay. Okay. I love you. Bye. Thank you. I love you. Bye.
Starting point is 02:29:16 Bye. Bye. All right. Well, there's that. Oh, yeah. I, there's that. Oh, yeah. I am frustrated that I don't have Caleb and Sousa.
Starting point is 02:29:41 I'm not at peace with it. You have to know I am not at peace with it. You have to know I am not at peace with it. I'm not enjoying it. I feel like I'm in the back seat of my parents' station wagon. Yeah, I'm not. I don't um uh no oh now she's saying she wants to take 11 o'clock class no i i got the kids i got the kids i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not this sucks without them i'm yeah and i and i'm there's like a tinge of me is feeling sorry for myself This sucks without them.
Starting point is 02:30:27 There's a tinge of me feeling sorry for myself. Part of me is like, okay, I'll do the show by myself and it'll still be good, but it's just not as good. I'm not paying attention the way I should be. Stupid. My grandson Artemis. Oh, here we go. Oh, you're Greek? My grandson Artemis has lots of time on his hands when he is medicated. He is very alert and effective.
Starting point is 02:31:05 What the fuck? No, you can't look inside my cupboards. Can we play? Let's look inside my cupboards. No. Oh, thank you, Mason. You're doing great. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:31:21 This one was pretty good though, asshole. Don't put though at the end. Do you see what though does to that sentence adam though for your guy of your size your tick is pretty big though how's that? I didn't do swell. I know, I know, I know when I'm failing, I don't need you,
Starting point is 02:31:54 anyone to fucking feel sorry for me either. Tell me any stupid shit. Like you did good. Excuse me. Here we go. I got really negative. You did pretty good? Eat a dick.
Starting point is 02:32:12 I've gotten bitter all of a sudden. Okay, guys ready for this? This is going to be good. Fucking psychos. These fucking nut jobs. Ready? Here we go. Admiral Levine. March is Women's History Month, which is why we're all here.
Starting point is 02:32:28 March is Women's History Month, which is why we're all here. You know, you are a pioneer and have smashed many glass ceilings. You are a pioneer and you've smashed many glass ceilings. Uh-oh. Who do you think the woman is? You think it's like, I'm going guess it's tia to me tia to me because i mean fuck she's like she's the shit what does that mean to you what does that mean to you that you've smashed so many get glass ceilings you know it's women's uh history month in march does it mean to have women's history month be celebrated in this way here we go here we go thank you for that question and thank you it's a fucking dude
Starting point is 02:33:14 it's a dude this by the way i don't know if you guys know this, but this dude is the assistant secretary general of health for the United States of America. And this dude parades around like a woman. This dude was also in 2019 or 20. in 2019 or 20 i don't know if i'm going to get this right but the uh uh uh secretary general of health for the state of pennsylvania or for new jersey do you guys want me to look it up i'll look it up afterwards and give it to you accurately and this dude pulled his mother out of a nursing home while sending thousands of other old people into nursing homes where they died of covid but pulled his 93 year old mother uh out of out of a nursing home it's fucking insane dude it's insane this dude fucking killed other old people while saving his own mom and now this dude is getting an award for being like some special woman during women's
Starting point is 02:34:33 history month your kind comments you know so how would you convince me that this isn't how do those people i was trying to read on why why people think that this is a woman if you just tell people you're a woman. And they're saying it's because they've done some deep internal searching that validates them as a woman. And that this idea that the womb and the vagina and the titties and the ovaries and the chromosomes are just superficial reasons. Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Hey. Once again.
Starting point is 02:35:12 Once again. This is a partisan issue. Because there's no. There's no Republicans who believe this. Do you get that? This is like a reason why you can't be a Democrat. No matter what you get that? This is like a reason why you can't be a Democrat no matter what you hate
Starting point is 02:35:27 that the Republicans do. Like if you're like, ah, the Republicans only support rich people. Whatever the Republicans are doing, you can't, yeah, it looks like a legit comedy sketch.
Starting point is 02:35:38 Yes. It looks like a legit comedy sketch. You won't be eating your lunch today. This isn't fucking lunch eating time what month is men's history month oh that's a good point hey we should just make a men's history month let's listen to what this fucking quack nut job has to say i think women's history month is an opportunity for women to support each other women's History Month is an opportunity for women to support each other.
Starting point is 02:36:05 Women's History Month is a chance for women to support each other. I think that we need to work to empower each other and to provide mentorship and an opportunity for success. So if someone opens the door, like we've been discussing, well, then that... What if Rachel Levine is the nicest person in the world but she's just confused and does really okay maybe maybe maybe this maybe rachel levine's the nicest person in the world god that's an md could you imagine going to that can is that the right pronoun to that for fucking any medical advice door is open for more people to go through in the future.
Starting point is 02:36:46 And that's what I hope that my appointment sort of provides that opportunity is that other women, other women. I'm just studying these other women right now. Yeah, she's mansplaining. Someone wrote she's mansplaining someone wrote she's mansplaining oh this is fucking what that a part of the lgbtqi plus community have the opportunity uh to uh to follow their dreams and to maybe go beyond what they might have expected follow your dreams and fuck everything up for real women i guess i guess if that's your dream i wish they would just come out and be
Starting point is 02:37:32 honest and be like yeah my whole thing is is i'm just here to fuck shit up for other women i've never seen an admiral with only three ribbons i don't even know what that is i that's the whole thing is the biggest joke is uh that she's the secretary of health yeah he she it the that up down it's it's it's bizarro world i wish i could gather all the fucking libtards up in my family and be like, how, how, how, how, what ground do you stand on to stay a Democrat?
Starting point is 02:38:19 I saw the funniest thing. Oh, let's see. I better be careful going through these. I don't want to show you guys the same thing oh let's see i better be careful going through these i don't want to show you guys the same thing twice i don't know how updated this list is but i saw something funny is this it no not this hey what did you guys think about that pharma exec in spain that article i pulled up in the middle of the show in spain there's 2200 celebrities and the fucking president of the largest pharma company in spain that didn't get the shot they
Starting point is 02:38:52 just shot themselves up with uh saline nuts okay look at this i don't know where this is this looks like uh this looks like it's um some sort of testimony uh in congress this is hilarious this is fucking crazy and i don't like to use the word libtards because i don't want to alienate um uh democrats from watching this show but like we've reached that point where it doesn't it it doesn't even matter i mean you just honestly in my mind liberal and pedophile are almost synonymous if not synonymous like you are a you are a proponent of pedophilia forced drug mandates you're you it's, it's crazy. Does anyone else agree with me? Does anyone else like, yep, exactly.
Starting point is 02:39:51 I mean, I don't see any, I don't, I don't see any way around it. That's why all the people I love, I want to convince them like, hey, dude, how are you supporting this? I don't care. Dems aren't joining here. Really? You don't think that we could get some Democrats to watch this show? Where is it?
Starting point is 02:40:11 Liberals from decades ago are not the same thing now. Yeah, I agree. Or maybe they are. Here's the thing. I was a liberal from decades ago, and I kind of was the same thing as them. You just don't know it because you're pretending to be kind you feign compassion oh those poor black people and poor mexicans let's just let's just carve away a few spots for them in college and push out some white people it's like
Starting point is 02:40:38 this man i don't it's it's just you kind of just stop being a pollywog and you grow up into a frog. Okay, wait till you hear this. Listen to – I'm going to play this like three times. This is fucking – this is pretty funny. Listen to what this guy is saying. He's basically saying – okay, just listen. I came to Congress that I found out infection-acquired immunity was a novel concept. to Congress that I found out infection-acquired immunity was a novel concept. Yeah, I guess we knew about it since 430 BC of the Athenian plague until 2020, and then we didn't know about it for
Starting point is 02:41:13 three years, and now we know about it again. It wasn't until I came to Congress that I found out infection-acquired immunity was a novel concept. So she's saying, this lady, Mrs., I don't know what her name is, but she's saying, it wasn't until I came to Congress that I found out that natural immunity is a novel concept, meaning it's a new concept. She thought it had been around forever, and she came to Congress, and now she's realizing, oh, it's a new concept. And this guy is responding with like yeah we knew about natural immunity in 430 bc all the way to 2020 then we forgot about it for three years and now we remember it again it's fucking just spot on yeah i guess we knew about it since 430 bc of the athenian plague until 2020 and then we didn't know about it for three years and now we know about it again
Starting point is 02:42:05 it was just so you know that guy i don't know who those guys are but the guy third over from the left is jay badacharya like like there don't become more there's not more prestigious living scientists in the world than him and he he that guy got canceled for his work he did on the on COVID statistics he's a he's a he's like a I don't know what his credentials are but it's like two things like he's an MD and a PhD
Starting point is 02:42:34 he's a PhD MD it's something crazy or or maybe he has a PhD like in astronomy and in mathematics I mean it's his credentials are nuts there were vaccines before there was the word vaccine vaccine I mean, his credentials are nuts. There were vaccines before there was the word vaccine. This world. Oh, maybe we have a clue here if Trish is a boy or a girl imagine that walks into the that imagine rachel levine walks into the stall next to you and starts ripping ass if you've ever
Starting point is 02:43:13 been in a men's restroom you know men at that age are ripping and grunting and splooting out loud yeah is the men's restroom is a is a trip i don't know if women do it, but like, especially when you're a little kid and you go in there and some fucking like 50-year-old dude, fat dude puts his arm up on the stall and you hear his pants unzip
Starting point is 02:43:35 and he's like, oh, like he fucking gave birth and you're just a little kid peeing. You're like, dude, you gots to chill. You think it was really inappropriate that I asked him about semen? You're crazy.
Starting point is 02:43:55 You guys are fucking soft. Or as they say in the hood, you guys are pussies. or as they say in the hood, you guys are pussies. You guys want to see something really crazy? I don't know if you guys are ready for this. Should I wait till the live calling show tomorrow? It's fucking so good.
Starting point is 02:44:22 It's so good. I think it'll make, uh, uh, Caleb and, and Sousa uncomfortable too. That's why I think I should save it. Yeah, I think I should save it. I think I'll save it. I want to see, I want to watch them get uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:44:43 What's this? This is called, this one's called, oh, oh, this one's good. Okay want to watch them get uncomfortable. What's this? This is called. This one's called. Oh, oh, this one's good. OK, let's leave on this. This is a great one to leave on. Here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:44:53 OK, I'm ready. This one's fantastic. OK, you guys ready? This is good. Enjoy yourself. Deep breath. OK. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Women, I know they look at sex differently. Most women, I know they look at sex like buying a car. You're like, can I see myself in this long term? Is it safe? Is it reliable? Could it kill me? Most guys, I know they look at sex like parking a car. We're like, there's a spot.
Starting point is 02:45:25 There's a spot. There's another spot. Oh, I have to pay. Nevermind. Handicapped. Hope no one sees this. Jeez. Look at that lady.
Starting point is 02:45:41 Look at that ladies. Holy shit. Let's look at her account. My goodness. That's a lot of woman. How does she decide what to do? Oh, so she's just some hot chick who does reaction videos. Wow. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:46:11 Holy smokes. Oh, that's a lot of woman we won my sister creates champions wow holy smokes look at that outfit it's like it's like a onesie yeah let's see if there's any oh oh she's she's oh she's really um what's that called archived she's really uh limited the number of photos that you can see of her. All right. That face was great. Okay. Thank you, guys. I don't know who's coming on tomorrow. Oh, no. Gary doesn't come on. Did someone say Gary comes on tomorrow? I think we have a live call-in show tomorrow. Oh you guys. I don't know who's coming on tomorrow. Oh, no. Gary doesn't come on.
Starting point is 02:47:07 Did someone say Gary comes on tomorrow? I think we have a live call-in show tomorrow. Oh, shit. It's Gary Roberts comes in tomorrow. Okay. So it's TRT Friday. We're going to find out about his journey with California hormones. It'll be good. You guys, for those of you who get overwhelmed by his high energy,
Starting point is 02:47:25 just settle in and enjoy him. He's a firecracker. He just is who he is. He's so judgmental. We just had a guy on who kills people. Gary, you have it scheduled. Okay, good. No, no, I'm sad.
Starting point is 02:47:42 Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not sad. I'm not sad me I'm not sad I'm not sad I'm not then on Saturday we have Zach Tlander Zach I think that's his name Zach Tlander Zach is the dude
Starting point is 02:47:57 who helped edit the video that that other guy the natty or not guy released about the liver king doing steroids and there's a section in there that defines what a charlatan is and this zach teelander guy heard edited that section so and uh and and i think he i Hiller had him on live, so it'll be fun to talk to him and find out what, what he's up to, Zach Teabagger, no, no, not Zach Teabagger, Zach Teelander, Zach Teelander, oh, yeah, yeah, okay, what's this, what's this, a shirt pre-sale ends today,
Starting point is 02:48:40 oh, the Savonistas apparel, what about gabe everyone wish travis good luck on a surgery tomorrow oh shit you're having surgery tomorrow on what travis but more importantly where do they get the um cups where do they get the ceo cups those cups are awesome i made a sick post about them you know what's funny is i made this post with these ceo cups and a will brandstetter noticed that i got a katrin david's daughter clock up in my um in my garage yeah what's up with this uh you guys i don't really get sad it's very rare it's it's very very very oh here rare. Oh, here's Travis. Travis, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 02:49:29 Too much to keep up within the chat. Where do people get these CEO cups from? Okay, so you didn't see Gabe's post earlier. He said they will be coming out soon, and they will be on his site.
Starting point is 02:49:44 They're not not gonna be together okay can you hear that music playing oh nearly last night of me uh revealing because i just got this yeah they're so slick oh my goodness oh yeah he'll have those on the site too hey and you know what's uh funny about this video you guys are about to see i'm going to go over here and there's a catcher and david's daughter a clock up on the wall there and someone's horns on her head with a red marker
Starting point is 02:50:21 and i didn't do it but one day I just saw it had horns on it. I was like, wow. Who's been in your house that would have done it? I don't know. Could have been any number of people. Who's up to date on my who's my friends and who's not.
Starting point is 02:50:42 Where is it? I think it was one of your kids. Okay, see, they don't even know what horns are. Well, maybe. CEO flags are back up on the site as well. Okay, that's cool. You're getting yours. I'm waiting on the frickin' manufacturer of the patches.
Starting point is 02:50:58 It's taking forever. So, here's to have the patches in. I'll be sending yours out. Patches? Like, they stick to backpacks? Yeah, dude. Did you not see that? No. Well, maybe I did.
Starting point is 02:51:10 I'm not a patch. I'm not a big patch guy. I don't even, I'm not. Wait, is not Gary Roberts from arm wrestling? Thumbnail is some shirtless muscle dude. Yeah, it's Gary Roberts from arm wrestling, but he's all juiced up now. He's on the TRT.
Starting point is 02:51:25 TRT. All right, well, thank you. I'm having surgery. Oh, yeah, what surgery? What are you having? I'm not transitioning, though. Oh, darn it. Darn it.
Starting point is 02:51:35 You'd be a sweet piece of ass. No, nobody wants to see that. Are you having your appendix taken out? No, two artificial discs in my neck. Nobody wants to see that. What are you, are you having your appendix taken out? Uh, no, two artificial discs in my neck. You're having artificial discs put in. Yep. Wow,
Starting point is 02:51:53 dude, that's intense. I have, uh, I've always had spinal stenosis. So as soon as I get any kind of herniation, it fucks up everything. Um, so getting two discs pulled out, two new ones put in
Starting point is 02:52:08 cause my right arm, so my, uh, I've had issues with my right arm for a while and like in my trap area. Um, so my, I've lost an inch and a half in size of my right arm. So my, my left arm's an inch and a half bigger than my right, like bicep area. Wow. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:52:32 So I think it's, oh yeah. So in the chat, Jake Chapman, we were chatting about it a while ago. He had a similar surgery and he said it fixed almost everything. Cause like my right hand falls asleep at random. Okay. Because the nerves are getting pinched off. When will you know if it's successful? When will you know?
Starting point is 02:52:55 Jake is saying 100,000% better by the weekend. So hopefully by Saturday. I'll be having surgery during the show because I won't be able to tune in tomorrow I wonder how long before you're boning again 24 hours it'll be with myself but that's okay well that's good
Starting point is 02:53:15 safe in the recovery direction maybe we'll need some California hormones after that nice I actually checked We'll need some California hormones after that. Nice. Could use them. I actually checked on, uh,
Starting point is 02:53:31 like stem cells and they said not for cervical stuff. They don't work. Oh, Oh, you saw that when I pulled up with drew drew looks like a cop, doesn't he? Yeah. I checked with a few different people and they said for like knees and knees and shoulders
Starting point is 02:53:46 and that kind of stuff stem cells are great but anything neck related they don't work and i have stenosis so it's not going to fix that the problem there's been so much fraud around stem cell research. It's fucking crazy. So much fraud. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, there's stem cell clinics here. I'm like, I didn't even know they were illegal. Are you sure these work?
Starting point is 02:54:13 Yeah. There's so much fraud coming out of coming out of Harvard specifically. Yeah. That doesn't surprise me. But cool. You're ending the show. All right. I'm just surprise me. But cool. You're ending the show. All right. I'm just,
Starting point is 02:54:28 I've already started. What'd you think of the rich? Did you listen to the rich frowning podcast? Did you listen to the rich? I did. I wouldn't, I wanted to call in, um,
Starting point is 02:54:37 but you guys got off the topic. So, okay. We'll talk about this. If you have time, go ahead. I made, I made,
Starting point is 02:54:44 so, you know, that video I made of Danny that I didn't post and you guys tried to share it and the audio didn't work. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. That was funny.
Starting point is 02:54:53 Yeah. Yeah. So I made a post on my, on my, or I made a, yeah, a story on my account about the whole crumble bullshit and the girls who eat and how she posts those girls who eat, which I think is a great, it's a great message, but all you
Starting point is 02:55:12 do is post yourself eating bullshit. Right. The average gym goer sees this and thinks, well, I can eat that too. I work out. And I just, I hate the fricking messaging. And I put in my post that no one else will say this. So I hate the freaking messaging and and I put in my post that no one else will say this so I'm going to say it this is bullshit and I was wondering like what the response was going to be and I had I bet I don't know how many there were but 90% female
Starting point is 02:55:39 response all saying thank you applauding and all this like why don't you guys say something if you feel that way and it was the same thing with yesterday being national women's day and i said i'm glad i surround myself with strong women who don't feel like they need a day to be celebrated that they're strong women right and exact same thing 90 of the responses i got were from women saying thank you that. That messaging is such bullshit. I do. I do. I do like first though. Like I lurked like the first man who ran a four minute mile.
Starting point is 02:56:12 Then I'm okay with like the first woman who ran a four minute while I'm okay with like the first woman president. I'm okay with like, and then, and then I'm over it. Then let's move on. Like, okay.
Starting point is 02:56:21 Right. But it has nothing to do with the fact that they're a woman or a man or, or it's like the first midget to qualify for the fact that they're a woman or a man or or it's like the first midget to qualify for the crossfit games not in the midget category like i'm okay with that first one-armed guy to ever do but then after that i'm just like all right that's just what one-armed guys do now they can all snatch 225 like i'm done with it like shut the fuck up like you you better snatch 226 if you want it to be like better yeah it's like yeah i don't know enough is enough you don't get to keep national women's day what the fuck does that mean national women's day so i put it
Starting point is 02:56:54 in the comments i said so all right get your ass back in the kitchen today like what what are you celebrating you want to celebrate a fucking woman celebrate that fucking woman in in texas who's in congress maya flores she came to this fucking country as a field worker and now she's a congresswoman yeah celebrate that yeah celebrate fucking that did you uh i don't know if you saw i had to step away from the show the the women of courage award yesterday. Yes, it's complete.
Starting point is 02:57:27 I'm going to show it here. It's complete. And my problem is I can say as much as I want about it and it doesn't matter. I'm going to get labeled as a hater. If women don't start speaking up, you're things are going to get taken away By men How about this
Starting point is 02:57:47 Did you see that On that post The guy from HWPO Fuck I'll pull that shit up Oh Jesus The world's strongest gay Is basically calling people transphobic Who
Starting point is 02:58:04 That guy's a fucking asshat Are you fucking serious That is not transphobic who he that guy's a fucking asshat are you yeah that that is not transphobic at all not in that kind of name calling he's doing that just to try to intimidate people and freak people out that guy at hwpo is saying i forget what his name is the world's Strongest Gay. He basically Where is that post? I Where is that post? I want to pull that post up. You guys want to fucking talk about something crazy? This is fucking nuts. Let me see if I can find it. Rob Kearney.
Starting point is 02:58:40 Rob Kearney. Women of Courage. Is this it? Women of Cour of courage no no it's on Instagram women of courage war holy shit the liberals are so fucked Charlie Chaplin bean flicking live birth CNN fact check this
Starting point is 02:58:56 oh here it is isn't it yeah yes here it is here it is okay got it I just blew the whole next live calling show okay listen look at this here we go good job Charlie now you got me all fired up I gotta take a piss I want to get off and now here I just blew the whole next live calling show. Okay, listen, look at this. Here we go. Good job, Charles. Now you got me all fired up. I got to take a piss. I want to get off.
Starting point is 02:59:08 And now here we go. Here we go. Look at this fucking shit. We're going to make this a three-hour show. Okay, here we go. A Minnesota court is forcing USA Powerlifting to allow... Powerlifting to allow transgender women to compete against biological women. The court says USA Powerlifting was, quote, making a person pretend to be something different
Starting point is 02:59:29 and had violated the Minnesota Human Rights Act with its longstanding policy. USA powerlifting is now considering an appeal. Paul Bossie is the president of 100 percent raw powerlifting federation. And hey, dude, you're not transphobic. If you don't want men in, um, let me tell you what transphobic is. Transphobic would be like, if you think that, um, uh, trans people are dumb, like just because they're trans or like you pass some sort of judgment on them that like that, that without getting to know them, I don't need to get to know you to know them. I don't need to get to know you to tell you if you're a man or a woman.
Starting point is 03:00:14 It has not, I get no say in it and neither do you. Do you know what it means like to be racist? Like racist doesn't mean like, um, uh, uh, black people in general, like eating watermelon. That's not racist. That's just a just uh that's using your discrimination racist would be like or saying that uh in general black people are faster than white people i don't know if that's true i'm just making that up that might just be like a false presupposition but racist would be like saying uh black people don't uh shouldn't be able to live in this neighborhood because they're black and black people aren't cool that's racist you're dumb fuck. There's a distinction. Do you not understand the distinction? Like, if something is a fact, it's a fucking fact. And if it's an opinion.
Starting point is 03:00:53 And so this guy, this fucking guy, I wish I could find what he says. And you know what it is? Dude, you've been duped. You think because you're fucking gay, because you have a dick and you love dick, that you need to defend these fucking psychopaths? Hey, dude, you're doing a disservice to these people. You're actually a bad person. You know what you are?
Starting point is 03:01:16 You're someone who is harmful to people with a mental illness by exacerbating their problems. Damn, is his post down? How come I can't get through? How come I can't find it? Well, and it's harmful to women and that's my that's my issue that too i can i can scream it as much as i want it isn't going to change anything and like i said i'm going to get labeled as a fucking hater the women have to start speaking up on this shit this is yeah everything here it is this is the hwpo shit. This is the W. Or they're going to lose everything. Here it is.
Starting point is 03:01:46 This is the HWPO guy, right? This is the guy that works with Matt and O'Keefe. It says, I love how this is twisted to say biological men. Not twisted. What? As if I would be able to compete in the women's division tomorrow. There are rules in place and scientific guidelines scientific guidelines is that supposed to be give you some sort of authority dude to follow there's scientific guidelines oh my god oh my god i guess so you uh there there's much scientific as they are arbitrary uh headlines like this are why transphobia is more prominent than ever no people like you are why there's transphobia
Starting point is 03:02:37 because what you do is you fucking kill the discussion with your fucking insanity and name calling and trying to intimidate people i wrote in here uh not letting men compete against women isn't transphobic and you know this you just throw the term out there to intimidate people we all see what you're doing you you you can't you can't articulate your point so you attack i get it you're the guy that likes other guys dick dicks but that doesn't entitle you to anything especially being intellectually lazy yeah he thinks because he likes dicks and he has a dick he can come in here and fucking like be like
Starting point is 03:03:13 uh i'm the gay guy and i can talk no no no one gives a fuck dude yeah good point jiggy josh i I wonder if he was a woman if he would feel the same way because it doesn't affect the men's division just the women's hey dude I can't wait I can't wait until a dude fucking wins the
Starting point is 03:03:37 CrossFit games in the women's division I'm so excited I'm so fucking excited I can't wait to see what these fucking libtards, how they handle this. It's crazy. I don't
Starting point is 03:03:53 understand how people can't figure this out. You fucking idiots. You're mean. You're mean people. You're mean to those who are mentally ill you're mean to women
Starting point is 03:04:09 and you're bullies I don't like it I won't tolerate it I can't believe Matt Nokeef tolerate it I don't want to work with woke people I don't want to work with woke people. I don't want to work with woke people.
Starting point is 03:04:27 I really don't. I always look at it as I have three daughters who bust their ass every day to try and get somewhere. And I don't want somebody coming in who takes one of their positions because they check a box. coming in who takes one of their positions because
Starting point is 03:04:43 they check a box. You know, this Rachel Levine, was that her name? The dude who's parading as a woman. Solely in that position because of what they... And she killed old people.
Starting point is 03:05:01 That's not hyperbole. That's not hyperbole. She killed old people. I'm not, and that's not hyperbole. That's not hyperbole. She killed old people. I can't wait to see the first woman winning the man's division. I know. You know what? One of my liberal friends said to me yesterday, they go, well,
Starting point is 03:05:15 are there women in the men's divisions? I'm like, uh, no, it doesn't work that way. Oh shit. My podcast is premiering. I'm double.
Starting point is 03:05:26 So I have two shows on at the same time now. No, I don't think I think just I don't know what the fuck Matt was thinking. Working with that dude. I don't know what he was thinking. It's funny to me. I was thinking about this yesterday. I don't know the guy either. Maybe he's really cool and he just
Starting point is 03:05:45 needs to be unfucked maybe he just needs to be like maybe he maybe he needs to be unfucked the thing is is a lot of those people were tricked because they got their lgbt thing fucking hijacked by the by the right by the trannies and i maybe maybe I just don't know, but it seems like the only time you see trans people being put into power is when it's a man who has become a woman. I don't see it the other way around. Right. And is that because they can use that? Like if you,
Starting point is 03:06:22 if you now attack them, we know you're attacking a woman. How dare you here's the thing here's the thing i think though i don't i don't know this for if i don't know this for a fact i would be curious to see what what the feedback is on this but i think a lot of the women who want to become men something traumatic happened to them like like in life i think the men that want to become women, I think that somewhere along the line, someone confused them and it didn't take much. Right. I wanted to carry my sister's flute to school because I thought it made her look cool. I thought painting your nails was fun.
Starting point is 03:07:27 I loved all that shit. Right. But I, it would have sucked if someone would have in my life would have interpreted that as I want to be a girl. That would have fucking sucked. Yeah. What if they saw that and then they bought me a Barbie set and just started me down that path? You don't need to do that.
Starting point is 03:07:56 No, there's things at those ages that kids just fucking do. They're not trying to figure themselves out. It's just what you do as kids. That doesn't mean you start guiding them into that path. Did you see, God, we're just going on a roll here.
Starting point is 03:08:17 I don't know much. You could be dead tomorrow. That's the only reason why I'm letting you on so long. You could be dead tomorrow. Thanks. You're welcome dead tomorrow. Thanks. I did put in my doctor's orders. If I become a vegetable, do not reset the day. So, yeah, he might not see me.
Starting point is 03:08:34 I remember playing Barbie dolls with girls because it was role playing. Hell, yeah. And I remember taking their clothes off, too. I loved Barbies and being very disappointed with what I found. No, where I was going to, uh, Jeffrey star.
Starting point is 03:08:48 So man who, I mean, he's super famous, uh, has a makeup line and all kinds of shit. Um, he was on a podcast recently saying like slamming all the trans nonsense. And I mean,
Starting point is 03:09:03 he's, he's a gay man who he dresses as a woman looks like a woman and he like this trans stuff is such bullshit dude why has it become so popular to have a fucking trans performance at your fucking elementary school your high school it's bizarre it's disgusting it's it's act it's some weird acting out. Someone's Tug Speedman. My son is four and just wants to lift weights, play in the mud, and fart, then laugh. My boys like
Starting point is 03:09:32 doing that stuff too, but they like other stuff. They like drawing. They like making bracelets. They like mailing letters. One of my boys is into brushes and shit, likes brushing his hair. You did put girls' tights on him, so how are you going to answer that?
Starting point is 03:09:52 Yeah, they still wear a lot of girls' tights. Almost always. Although, I think Avi's transitioning to boy shit. Don't use that word. Boy shit? Transition. My boy is finally transitioning to a boy right
Starting point is 03:10:11 alright well thank you Travis good luck tomorrow and I'll reach out to you tomorrow good luck cool I'll be in touch okay bye see ya Okay, bye. See you. That's the, I put a clickbait video up of, it says, is Rich Froning doing Masters?
Starting point is 03:10:37 I think it's going to do well and make me some money. All right. alright my George Floyd George Floyd pink Floyd not pink Floyd Floyd Mayweather hat my other Floyd Mayweather hat oh shit look at this here's a here's a DVD of one of my first movies our house here's a DVD of a that I made a while back, many, many years. It's called Seymour Buds, and I went around and showed people's grow operations.
Starting point is 03:11:34 Here's a DVD of Pooling John, arm wrestling movie I made. Desert Runners, another movie I made every second counts what's a DVD it's good alright when I look back there all i see is alexis raptus that's good what daniel brand's talking about good she can talk about it i'm okay with when she can talk about it go ahead daniel brand can do what she wants i give her a pass
Starting point is 03:12:23 i'm okay with a little a little women's empowerment I'm okay with the first woman who fucking uh climbs half dome uh fucking without a rope but don't don't don't don't do it to such a point that you do yourself a disfavor and like we're fucking shocked that a fucking woman can tie her own shoes and chew gum at the same time that's that's basically what they're doing and you're separating yourself from the herd instead of instead of distinguishing yourself for your accomplishments um you're separating yourself from the herd you don't want to do that you don't want to do that you don't want to make it seem like you're comparing yourself to men starts to get weird
Starting point is 03:13:06 uh all right i will see you guys uh tomorrow it was a good time thank you dallas alexander bye

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