The Sevan Podcast - #830 - Live Call In Show | Gary Roberts

Episode Date: March 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Oh, I get credit for being on time. That was close. Very close.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Gary, what's up? Forgive me. I have some running left. I just ran a mile. Dude, you're a beast, seriously? I just ran a mile. Dude, you're a beast, seriously? Can you?
Starting point is 00:00:55 I hear that echo. Yeah, give me one second. He ran a mile. Is that to get your game on so you'd be sharp for the show? I needed to. I come bearing gifts. Hi, what time is it? Where are you? A boatload of gifts. 7 a.m. Oh, because you're in Portland?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yes, sir. God, that is so crazy. You're in Portland. That is crazy. Yes, sir. God, that is so crazy. You're in Portland. That is crazy. We just celebrated my father's birthday yesterday. He's no longer with us, but we went out to breakfast to honor Daddy-O.
Starting point is 00:01:36 How long has it been? He died a year ago Thanksgiving, so it's been 15 months. Did you cry today, yesterday? No. No, we just – it was nice to see family. Yeah. Think about them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Seve! What's up, bro? God, life's a trip. People die. I know. It's so weird. Yesterday I had a guy on that kills people. Dude, I was trying to look up the last show to review, and I was scanning through your shows. I'm like, this dude is online a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Every morning, 7 a.m. I can't believe how much you're live. Thank you. Congrats. Thank you. Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it. How many hours are you logging? I try to do anywhere from one and a half to three hours every single day.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Basically, the show is scheduled to go from 7 to 8.30 every day. But sometimes there's two shows if the CrossFit Open is going or if we can't do it, you know, like a guest is good and they stay for three hours or just I guess good is not even the right word. Like yesterday, the show took yesterday, the guest showed up 15 minutes late because he was having technical difficulties. Then it took us probably like 30 minutes to warm up. And then so the show went like, you know, two and a half, three hours. How does the guest kill people? He was with a gun. He's a fucking sniper for Canadian Special Forces for the same group that Devin Loretta was in.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yeah. Yeah. And this dude refused the vaccine and got kicked out, dude, 16 fucking years killing people for the fucking Canadian government. Dude, he killed a guy from 3,500 meters away. By the way,
Starting point is 00:03:37 I told some friends that by the way, who are like some pretty gnarly shooters and they, they, they kind of have to see it to believe it. They said 3,00 meters is just ridiculous like bad guys i hope right yeah yeah bad guys basically i asked this dude gary i said hey how do you justify killing people how do you sleep at night and he said hey you know in my mind i'm paraphrasing but each one of these guys has raped 200 women
Starting point is 00:04:00 yeah so so and if they haven't raped 200 women, basically what I've done is I've, if they've only raped 12 women, then I've saved 188 women from getting raped. ISIS, all ISIS dudes. Um, I could,
Starting point is 00:04:15 I, I could get behind. I mean, yeah, you get behind that. Uh, do you mind, do you read,
Starting point is 00:04:22 what do you think about, what do you think about, this is going to be really harsh. What do you think about dr fauci gain of function research that came out yesterday that he knows he did it and millions of people died at his hands what do we do with him uh seven on my podcast or seven yes hi you didn't listen to me the last time i was on here no wait no i think i did tell me i don't do i i quit politics oh you did this is but i found out this isn't politics i know but i gotta be honest living life is uh like a is a hard work tell me gotcha right so to follow fauci and what's going on with all the business, like I'm just trying to keep diapers clean, bro.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You're a good dude. I like that. I have no issue with that. Hey, you don't worry about a thing I'm going to make. I'm going to handle making the world a better place, erasing pedophilia and scumbags who force our kids to take drugs. And then you just raise a fucking good kid i appreciate that thank you and try to get to crossfit in the dead of winter in portland oregon yeah tell me you ran did you fall today when you ran where do you run a mile i mean it's icy there
Starting point is 00:05:36 right i mean the whole west coast is getting smashed by the way it's been raining at my house for like a month yeah yeah there's a lot of that um i to keep the numbers accurate i uh went down to my gym and uh there's a path and basically the last time i was on your show december 9th i can't believe how long it's been i ran a six six miles in 32 minutes or six minute, six, one mile, six minutes and 32 seconds. Now listen to that, people. Did you hear that? Gary Roberts ran a mile in six minutes and 32 seconds. That is nuts.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yeah. So I needed, a lot has happened since the last time I've been on your show. So I needed to know where I stood. And so I went out and ran a mile. With the pressure knowing that I would ask you how fast you ran it. Of course. And let me guess, 8.03. 7.15. Wow, dude. Great job.
Starting point is 00:06:41 11% drop off. And last time you ran it But you ran it at 6am Right It's freezing cold And what were the conditions you ran it last time Evening I'm probably better
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'm more normalized As a human I do not get up For 6am Or 7am let alone 6 a.m. for anybody but Sevan Matosian. And today you got up and ran and you're talking. Gary, Austin Hartman, Gary, I showed my dad killing the fat man. He's not totally bought yet, bought in yet, but I've got him moving a little more.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I just want to tell you you're awesome and i really appreciate you and love you and if you're ever in um wherever i live you can come visit well thank you austin thanks austin so sebi i i said i brought you a boatload of gifts yeah call them excuses oh good a lot tell me do you want me to get into it? Yeah, yeah. First of all, many months ago, Gary Roberts got some blood work done. He began a journey of TRT. You should watch the other episodes.
Starting point is 00:07:58 We should make a playlist just with them. He's had some ups and downs with it, some struggles with the needles that were fixed, He's had some ups and downs with it, some struggles with the needles that were fixed, some struggles at home regarding whether his his loved ones want him partaking in a TRT replacement. And then and so here we here we are. The Gary Roberts journey. I have a question. Yeah. When you called me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 A week or so ago. And I heard you live for like a, just a half a second before you said hi to me. You said, I quote, I think you said, if this doesn't work out, we'll find another fat man. Is that true? was that intentional um do you have the date i could
Starting point is 00:08:49 go but i don't remember saying that at all i heard it was like you were having a conversation with somebody and i caught the very tippy tippy end of it and i was wondering if that was sometimes the tippy end is just enough women have gotten pregnant just catching a tippy end hey i don't i don't remember that at all uh it says it sounds a little out of context but also i could hear myself like like cracking a joke like that yeah but we're definitely not finding another fat man we're too invested in i took it as hey bro here's the deal oh don't try to leverage are you trying to pick a fight with me no no no i'm just saying i have now three months before you originally stated we have let's do like a year yeah and i have now a three month window to the finish line and that's no shit you've been taking trt now for nine months it's been nine No, I didn't start it right away. I started CrossFit for like six to eight weeks before I took the TRT.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Okay. If you don't remember that. Look it, look it, look it. No, I love Gary. Stop being a bitch, Seve. No, I love Gary. Gary's the man. I'm not finding another fat man. What are you talking about? I don't even care if Gary gets off the TRT. We're going to come on and check with gary we're never letting gary get away till we're going to walk gary gary to his deathbed yeah here's the thing here's the thing i i was i was trying to go over i recapped thank you youtube for adding transcripts because i just skimmed the transcripts from previous episodes to recap what was discussed. And interestingly, that was like, if I started cutting some episodes, that was like halfway season, a pinnacle, six-minute mile.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And anyways, within a couple weeks, my life turned to shit. And, uh, are you still married? Let me tell you, I made, I made, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:10:54 It's got in the garage. You're not in the garage right now. I'm in the garage. I've carved out a little space because I'm too loud for the family, but okay. So you're still married. Cause you're in the garage. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:11:04 I am. But let me tell you, it got close. too loud for the family but okay so you're still married because you're in the garage yeah i am but let me tell you it got close you remember when i first met you i mean not i first met you but we were filming season two and i first met my wife and there was um like her deal breaker was trump oh yeah yeah you had to You wore the I Love Hillary shirt. Right, right. I had to basically... I should have... Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:11:36 We have born two beautiful children. Miracle babies. Like, these babies are epically amazing. And a few people in the beginning days said, hey, you're moving real fast, Gary, with this girl, Caroline. Even I believe you and Tyson thought, whoa, this guy's moving a little fast.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Maybe you should get to know each other a little better before you get married i think i think we still would have ended up together that being said you had a very intimate connection with her i was convinced you i was convinced you loved her i believed you yeah well there's there was some like with trump i was, hey, if you hate Trump, fine. I disavow. I don't care. I don't care about politics enough to pick this battle. But if I did, that would have been a battle not able to be won.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It would have been a – the relationship wouldn't have lasted. not able to be one it would have been a like right the relationship would have lasted well ironically i hated trump then too but now there's nothing that trump can do that would upset me more than uh pedophilia i'm against pedophilia and so you can't be a democrat anymore it's not it's not it's not like um i know i'm off subject here but it's not even debatable anymore but but we but i digress let's go back well i i want to be careful in how i speak because in this situation there's no there's no bad guy it's just opinions differ and uh wait wait a second. Just real quick. In my state, they want my kids to take drugs to go to school, and I have the healthiest kids you've ever known. And so those are bad guys.
Starting point is 00:13:34 My kids can't go to school because my kids won't take mandatory needle-injected drugs. And my kids say, please, thank you. Make eye contact. Take their plates to the table hold doors open for old people can do addition smile help other kids add value wherever they go so there are i i i just i'm not i don't want to fight with you but there are some bad guys like in the state of california that we have uh there are some bad guys okay okay oh okay okay sorry sorry sorry yes okay sorry listen just for now that you said that just to let you know when my daughter uh was you know kindergarten yeah back then
Starting point is 00:14:14 anisa previous wife in season one and two she was against she was never vaccinated and she was like against it and she's like i don't want my kid to have vaccinations. And I really, I was like, okay. Did you think she was crazy? My wife didn't want my kid to get vaccinated either. I thought she was batshit crazy. I didn't even, I didn't, back then, I just,
Starting point is 00:14:38 You're an open-minded guy. I just went with it. Well, anyways, we just went to the school and signed a paper that says you didn't get vaccinated. And they said nothing. Yeah. They were fine. Now, I guess the world is different.
Starting point is 00:14:52 But anyways, let's get on to something that matters. Yes, yes. So you and your wife are having some issues and you're beating around the bush telling me. I just don't want to paint her as like the bad guy. But basically. Are you still together? Are you married? Sebon.
Starting point is 00:15:10 What? Let me tell a story, bro. Okay, tell a story. Let me tell a story. A lot of things happened in December. We went on December 9th. That happened to be the last injection of testosterone that I took. My shipment had run out.
Starting point is 00:15:31 Right. On December 15th, I was effing around in the gym, and I hurt myself doing a muscle-up. I hurt my rib. and I hurt myself doing a muscle-up. I hurt my rib. I was doing banded muscle-ups, and I was popping up to the top of the bar, and my hand slipped off, and I landed on my rib. And then the next day, I went in and did burpees and even worsened it.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And that put me out for like three weeks. So I didn't do CrossFit. Do you think you broke a rib, by the way? Slipping and hitting? I was really nervous. I watched the video and it doesn't look, it doesn't look. Okay. Do you think that two ribs crossed by any chance?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Did you go to? I don't know. It just hurt like a motherfucker. And I was like. Yeah, hurt rib. And you don't swear. So that's pretty, it must've really hurt. And I was like, I was like hurt and you don't swear so that's pretty it must have really hurt and i was like i was like fuck i was just at my peak with seven i was just crushing it with the six minute and here i'm jacked up and i'm out of trt okay so put that in the cap out of trt
Starting point is 00:16:38 injury at the exact same time my wife I, we are really hitting a wall with an issue. And I was like, I'm sticking to my guns. I'm sticking to my guns. I'm going to win this one. And she's like, no, I'm going to win this one. So we were really. Was it around boning? First, it was children.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Then it was boning. Okay. So are we allowed to talk? I'll do a call back to season one. We allowed to talk about sex. Yeah, of course. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:24 So I'm a stay at home father. I do some side gigs on the side to make a little cash, but my wife is the primary. She's the primary. And during this time that I took on this CrossFit project, she was taking on a new job, a leadership role, a lot more stress. And she just had a baby. Our daughter just is a year old. So this time last year, she just had a baby. And when we met, we connected over the fact that she hadn't found the right guy. And I had been in a marriage for 20 something years where it was someone who I, I didn't really feel like there was a connection sexually. I was connected to her sexually,
Starting point is 00:18:14 but I spent those two decades being, you know, a lot of getting, gaining weight in the first season over my life was, you know, due to rejection. You know, you, you're not being wanted by your partner. You gain some weight, you eat more and you, you know, you fill the void, all that business. Well, anyway, so when I met. You want to eat at the Y, they won't let you. So you eat at McDonald's instead.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Right. Okay. So I spent the, the early part of my relationship with Caroline basically saying, she basically said, I said, what are your deal breakers? She said, I need somebody open to be a children. And she said to me, what are your deal breakers? And I said, well, I cannot relive, absolutely cannot relive these particular things regarding my sex life with, I think more specifically, I said, I needed somebody on the same level as me sexually. Yeah. Because I just can't, I can't spend 20 years complaining about sex. Like, right. Right. You know, if you're always the initiator and you're always like asking and sometimes maybe perhaps begging, you know, it's like, Hey, balance it out a little bit. I said,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I can not live under those circumstances. A begging video would go viral, by the way. You wouldn't like the comments, but it's still go viral. Maybe it's worth explaining. So in this early part of our days, obviously she's telling me about her. I'm telling her about me. And as a single girl, you know, she's like, of course I feel you. I feel you. I'd never be, but you know, I, to just succinctly tie it together. Don't worry about that. I'll be a different wife sort of thing. And then now here, five years into our relationship, it's like, oh shit. years into our relationship, it's like, oh shit, it's not just the people. It's just, it's just marriage. She just gets normalized and life and children and jobs. And I'm like, oh, so I started bringing up like, Hey, remember we'd keep something important. And she's like, yeah, but she changes
Starting point is 00:20:42 in five years. You know, we have babies and new job and stress and mortgage. And so we really started to go to battle on, on this issue. And so we get a therapist involved and right around that time, I don't think I talked about this with you on any of the shows, but right around that time the therapist they're really big on consent like huge like they're like they want to consent is so important i'm like obviously consent is important what do you mean like don't put your penis in their mouth if they don't want it what how could there not be consent like they think you're gonna rape your wife let me tell you what does consent mean let me tell you seven when i go to the doctor with my children and i fill out all these questionnaires i feel like they're entirely set up to try to take away your children like
Starting point is 00:21:37 never my kids have never been to the doctor so i have no idea what you're talking about like do you like they literally ask you do you drive around without a seat belt it's like i mean if i did not seat belt my children am i gonna tell you about it only when your mom's blowing me that's what i would tell the doctor because the cp your mom doesn't like the seat belt in her way anyways god oh that's crazy anyways i'm sitting i'm sitting around with the therapist and they're like, do you feel safe in your relationship? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. They said.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Oh, my God. They said that they said, if you do not have in your marriage, all your people out there watching, if you do not have in your marriage, enthusiastic consents, you don't have consents. So if you have sex with your wife and she never opens her eyes, that's not enthusiastic. God damn. Wow. This is a crazy world we live in. So we finished this therapy session. I was like, hey hey they're gonna convince
Starting point is 00:22:45 your wife they're gonna convince that's like i'm convincing someone um i was just reading this thing about paris hilton about how she had sex with her boyfriend and there's these unfortunately it's these right wing fucking nut jobs are saying that basically she was fucking manipulated by the devil but when i read the story she wasn't manipulated by the devil she was 19 years old dating a 31 year old and he asked her if he could film her fucking her end of story she said yes and he sold the tape against her but god that's incredible hey you nailed it they are trying to take your kids from you there's no ifs ands or buts about it why well they're trying to build the case against you and they're trying to end your marriage that therapist is trying to end your marriage they're not trying to help it
Starting point is 00:23:27 i'm like dude the way what you just described i'm like we i cannot i had enthusiastic consent first six months of my marriage but like for the last two years enthusiastic consent i said you're telling me if i don't have enthusiasm that I, that I don't have consent. And so he's like, yeah, you got to wait. You got to wait till you get enthusiastic consent. I said, I, I just don't foresee any marriage where you're always the initiator. And the other person is like tired and stressed and job. the initiator and the other person is like tired and stressed and job and look at me am i ever gonna get enthusiastic consent i have hair on the back of my arms you don't have consent then bro i'm 50 years old my nose is larger than fucking my penis how the fuck am i supposed to
Starting point is 00:24:18 get enthusiastic consent this is crazy dude i to God. I came out of that. Enthusiastic consent. I came out of that. Honey, I'm going to need you to do two backflips. And I'm going to squeeze your vagina. If it doesn't fill a tablespoon of juice, it's not enthusiastic enough. So some things were like. They're going to make your wife hate you with that kind of shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 The biggest issue was when I met Caroline, I was like, Hey man, I'm being a hundred percent honest with you, who I am, my needs and desires. I'm just honest. And it was like, I accept you. I felt heard. I felt accepted. That's why I remember that. I remember when you met her,
Starting point is 00:25:01 it was like you guys were very compatible physically and you liked that. Yeah. So then because of some of these conversations some of the stuff got into a bit shamey like you're a sex addict do you think about sex too often i don't you know i think your ex-wife was right uh oh no and i was ooh, them's fighting words, bro. So then I would say, hey, five years ago it was different. Are you allowed to have sex with other people? No.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Oh. No. So I would bring up five years ago. I said, I feel like there's a bait and switch here because you told me you got me, understood me. And now I'm kind of trying to stand my grounds. We had a problem with the children and I was like, okay, well, I'm going to stand my ground with the sex. So I'm going to be more flexible on the, the, the, the disagreements with the raising of our babies.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Don't you not want to have sex with someone who doesn't want to have sex with you? If I thought my wife didn't want to have sex with me, I would fucking I'd probably go into the refrigerator and eat six gallons of ice cream. And then I'd start crying. Well, that's kind of what happened. I said I basically told her, I said, dude, I
Starting point is 00:26:21 don't foresee you ever. I don't know how long it has to go before there's enthusiastic consent. And the answer is two weeks, two weeks, which is better than I thought. What do you mean? I can go two weeks. What was she saying? Every two, if you don't get enthusiastic consent in two weeks, you can hold her down and take one. No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:47 you asked to consent in two weeks you can hold her down and take one no no in so the reason my wife was so mad yeah caroline don't watch this don't share this with care she's a tmi girl she doesn't want to put her business out there yeah maybe you will let's give her a fake name let's call her judy okay judy's, what are you bitching about? You've had sex probably three times a week since we met. Yeah, that's good. That's good. That's good. She's like, what are you bitching about?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah, I'm with her. I'm with her. I like that. And I'm like, yes, yes. Yeah, the average is good. And she's like, you're bitching. I've had babies. New job.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, but per the therapist, there's no enthusiasm. I was like, I'm just saying I'd like a little more enthusiasm, you know, like the therapist said. And she goes, well, then you need to want it less so I can build up my desire. so I can build up my desire so anyways in December we really had
Starting point is 00:27:48 big fights and I was she was saying it's the TRT she was like it's the TRT and that fucking Sevan we wouldn't be having this problem I am a fucking Sevan I do do fuck a lot so I am a fucking Sevan that's fair
Starting point is 00:28:04 so and here's the thing. I, and we've already gone over this. She's like, you know, you don't get up in the morning at seven o'clock for me, but you'll get up for seven. So that's what she kind of looks at. Like, she thinks I favor you more than, than her in terms of like my ability to like go to CrossFit. That that's a, that's a little bit of a red flag. That's a little weird to come to that conclusion, but, but go on. Right. So anyways,
Starting point is 00:28:40 I did get angry because I felt unheard. And so I raised my voice. I did a angry because I felt unheard. And so I raised my voice. I did a little yelling and she's like, that's TRT business. And the TRT did, we haven't even got into what I think the impacts of while I was on the TRT. And now that I have not been on it since December. Cause I ran out.
Starting point is 00:29:08 You haven't been on since December. Yeah. Yeah. That's what we haven't talked about. I had injuries. I ran out of my supply anyways. Couldn't you just go to the pharmacy and get more? Well, I got more. There was a gap. Okay. There was a three week gap because there was a mistake in my... It really doesn't matter, but my product didn't get to me. Moral of the story is
Starting point is 00:29:34 I injured myself. I ran out of TIT and I'm having this huge fight with my wife. Okay. And because I'm'm 50 i have a physical uh setup in january to go over you know things that happen when you're 50 years old so i'm like listen would it make you she's like i would at least like you to get a second opinion and i was like regarding the trt yeah regarding trt so that's fair That's a fair request. So we had this big battle and just to tie up the little sex thing, I was like, fine,
Starting point is 00:30:11 if you, I'm not getting enthusiastic consent from you. So then I don't want it. And I did, I went two weeks, which is the first time, like in a long since being single, having no lovins.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And dude, that's the first time in five years you've gone two weeks without smashing your wife? She went out of town a few times for work. How about when she has babies? Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No. Obviously, you have babies. Okay, so you get a couple... she gets
Starting point is 00:30:41 a couple months reprieve. They tell you, like like at least minimum four weeks and apparently odin i was kind of a jerk because right at four weeks i was kind of like pressuring her for sex and she was a bit pissed about yeah i don't blame her on that i gave that shit fucking like eight weeks yeah so minus the baby gap but in the regular relationship i'd never just not asked for it for two straight weeks and played more hard to get the moral of the story is two weeks went by and then we had like enthusiastic consent and it was amazing and i was like okay so she's right on a point that if i wait the enthusiasm and desire and the happiness for lovin's does rise so to kind of come closer to the second half of the story we found some common grounds on on our issue but i did you get rid of the
Starting point is 00:31:47 therapist i did i the therapist is is a it sounds scary as shit i i just like i like after one of the therapy sessions he said or caroline said he called me like five minutes later. He's like, do you feel safe in your relationship? Like he was going to turn me in or something. You should tell him you don't feel safe in your relationship with him. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:15 well I did. I was like, bro, I'm like, part of my anger is because I felt gaslit a bit because I was like, okay, I haven't changed in five years. I haven't changed in 20 years. My opinions on sex, love, and marriage are literally identical.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And Caroline's changed, and I basically was like, what happened? She's like, I became a mom. I didn't know. That's fair. I didn't know that becoming a mom would shift a little bit. And I said, that's fine. I can understand the shift. But the shaming and there's something wrong with you business is, is what is unacceptable
Starting point is 00:33:00 and why there's some anger. Cause I'm like, it'd be one thing. You're like hey i i get it and we'll try to work through it but i'm since if you're not hitting someone or you don't have a gun to someone's head then everyone needs to take personal responsibility like hey okay fine i want it more than you okay fine maybe i want it more than you want it but the fucking to go to the unsafe place or the dude that's someone just planting fucked up seeds in your wife's head so to kind of hey what if the therapist would have been like hey your wife's
Starting point is 00:33:30 getting it but she's getting it from other guys what if they would have started planting those seeds in your head i might like it it all right so no no trt you're off of trt explain that to me so you're not getting back on you're done the experiment is over no no no no that's not true so i in january uh i i recover from my injury right around the time that i go see a doctor and they said, well, let's test you. And so they wanted to wait a couple of weeks to test, just to make sure the TRT was out of my system. So I was tested and it came back low and she said, yeah, we're probably going to recommend you go back on the TRT. And she gave a completely valid, like, she's like, this is a hundred percent normal. We, you know, if you have low testosterone as an aging, you know, person, we recommend you do it. And then I went home to the wife.
Starting point is 00:34:48 do it and then i went home to the wife i was like like she kind of talks like you know i did hunter what's hunter's last name is on the last show mcintyre yeah yeah hunter mcintyre was like oh let's show up at the parking lot with dirty needles and do a little backdoor deal with the product he was making a joke like that i really feel like my wife kind of thought testosterone was like that like uh you know like meeting the dealer on the corner and like and i was like it's it's a growing popular legitimate and necessary you, thing to do. As legitimate as insulin. Yeah. My doctor just confirmed. So.
Starting point is 00:35:29 Chemo. So, so, so, so here we are. And I want to tell you. Does your wife think that men should be? Oh, sorry. Go ahead. I'm not going to go there. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Does your wife think that men, that men should be allowed to compete in women's sports? I think that's the one area she probably is more conservative minded oh you mean you mean science minded because we don't do politics on the show you mean science minded just like that's science right right yeah right sorry sorry we don't do politics on this show. Thank you. So anyways, I've been now back at CrossFit, but ironically, three weeks after I came – I don't even know what this means. No, no. I think he wants the mic closer to your mouth. Move cord away from –
Starting point is 00:36:19 He doesn't – I just don't even talk – his name is Barry McCockner. No, no. Gary, put the mic closer to your mouth. You sound sexier when the mic is closer to your mouth. Yeah, thank you. Interestingly, three weeks after I – I love Gary. I miss him all for the lovins.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Thanks, John. I was effing around again in the gym, and I hurt my back. Oh, my God. And I hurt my back. So since I've been off testosterone, I had two injuries, both kind of messing around in the gym. One, I was competing against my buddy Miguel and he was ahead of me and I started watching him. I know, Christine. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Anyways, moral of the story is I do feel worse. One of the reasons why I was interested in going off the TRT is because I was like, the benefits of CrossFit and the TRT were blended because I came back from a situation. I'm not doing any fitness. And I started doing CrossFit, started feeling better when I added the TRT in. And I really wasn't able to distinguish. Am I feeling better, more amazing because I'm doing CrossFit or because of the TRT? So I was interested, not just in the second opinion. But now January, February. I was interested.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I'm like okay. Now I'm going back to the gym. No TRT. And I want to be able to compare the differences. I felt in the summer. And I got to be honest. Say it. That shit didn't work bro.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Oh really? Oh I thought you were going to say you didn't feel anything. No, bro. You felt something. Yeah. It's weird. Hey,
Starting point is 00:38:11 what about your mindset? They, I've heard that like everyone I know says it's like, dude, you're just, you, you're so positive all the time. All the bad shit goes away.
Starting point is 00:38:19 They're like, fuck Xanax and, and fucking, uh, Prozac and any, uh, of those psychiatric drugs. Anyone who's fucking feeling down.
Starting point is 00:38:28 You know, I had a friend, 78 years old. He lost a couple children in a car accident, unfortunately, when he was younger. Died in a car accident. And he was 78. Very, very successful man. Wealthy man. A physician at that. And he told me that he was thinking about committing suicide at 78.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And he said, he got on testosterone TRT. And he said, fucking everything. When all those thoughts went away, gone, gone. I was like, Holy shit. He goes, really? He goes, dude, I wish I would. He goes, and I'm a physician. I thought it was a joke. And he goes, I wish I would have got on it 20 years ago. Yeah. I, I am. a physician i thought it was a joke and he goes i wish i just got on it 20 years ago yeah i i am and i've never heard anyone say anything bad about it i've never heard anyone i've i i don't want to do it because i don't want to be stuck on it my whole life the thought of like being attacked like i don't like being attached to food um but but or coffee even but man i haven't heard one person say anything bad about it. Not one.
Starting point is 00:39:25 No one's like, oh, my piss dribbles out of my dick or I'm too horny or I got violent. Nothing. It's all been positive. So here's the thing. You guys told me if you started, you kind of have to keep going. Right. And that might be bullshit, too, because, I mean, you and I have a friend who had four kids while taking street testosterone, and they took a shitload of steroids. Four fucking kids.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Travis. Yeah, yeah. Have you talked to him? Yeah, I talk to him all the time. Have you? We've rekindled our friendship. I want to ask you about Tyson in the NFL. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:03 After the story, his new name is gary my cock in her oh instead of barry my cock in her gary my cock in her that's fair so i was so i have the two the tests you guys tested before you tested on uh california hormone testing my blood levels yeah and literally when i stopped doing trt the uh it just went down to the same levels before i started taking it so to me i didn't see i didn't see the difference obviously i haven't taken it for like 10 years and then stopped but at least in this window if you want to experiment with the trt and then after six months you want to stop it's just gonna go right back to your pre
Starting point is 00:40:53 trt levels i mean i don't i don't see any short-term harm to try it hey i agree with this kid with kenneth the lab said creating has made me aggressive i don't know if you're joking but create i've not recently but in the past i've taken cretin and uh cretin cretin and uh certain brands will make me just an asshole it's weird so on that topic but i heard trt is the opposite i heard it makes you well so in our relationship we were going to battle on this issue she kept she kept ignoring the issue and she's like this testosterone is in the way and i was like so i i was off the trt and we had i said see the issue is still important. The TRT was completely unrelated. And I still was angry because I was being gaslit and not heard. I kept saying, here's my issue. And then when she talked to somebody else, like the therapist, she'd say, oh, he's mad at me for this.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I was like, I didn't say that. I did not say that. Anyway, so I still am passionate about particular subjects. I can still get heated. And I feel it was unrelated to the TRT. But that being said, the TRT, because we did have some issues in the bedroom, even more so than the gains in the gym, the TRT definitely – if there's anyone out there experiencing low sex drive, that's the biggest area that I noticed. Well, no shit she doesn't want you taking at them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:35 She don't want to bone you, and then you get on something that makes you want to bone twice as much. Yeah, because I used to not wake up. I mean, as a teenager, 20-something, you'd wake up with like morning woods yeah it's been a decade since i've woke up with just like you know guns a blazing and on the trt it was happening often and i was like yeah this is definitely not helping the relationship but hey do you feel like every you have to use every erection uh well that's where i was thrown off because i'm like i i can't like if you have an erection are you like shit this thing has to be used i mean the i'd say that would be a crazy that would be a crazy protocol if every time you were a wrecked, you thought you had to bone, I never thought of that.
Starting point is 00:43:27 That's a lot of boning. Yeah, well, we did get into a fight because I woke up with a morning wood one time and I was like, it'd just be nice to know that I could like... We got in this huge fight. Is sex a duty in marriage? Like, is it a duty? i kind of thought it was but between my wife and the therapist like no it is not a duty it has to be you know enthusiastic consent and i was like god even that conversation it's a weird paradox because i don't think it's a duty either but i think that even if the conversation comes up of whether it's a duty or because i don't think it's a duty either but i think that even if
Starting point is 00:44:05 the conversation comes up of whether it's a duty or not i want to run for the hills do you know what i mean by that i do but when i was when i was when i was courting yeah and caroline and i in our early days, I would have suspected that she would have said, if I said, okay, here's how I know if I'll ever get married again, what kind of wife would you be? If in five years I wake up with a morning wood, would you let me take care of some business and get that out of the way? I believe that five years ago, she would have said, of course, of course, I'd take care of my man. That's what kind of wife I will be. But then now, five years later, with marriage and children and stress, it's like, hey, man, we don't have time for that shit.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Put that junk away. And it's like, there's the... have time for that shit put put that junk away and it's like there's the go run a six minute mile right so that's my thing i was like so people are kind of fake because i didn't think that i was like when i'm and i tell you here's what i would be as a well in her defense things do change you have a kid and things i mean i got kids all over my fucking house i'm lucky like yeah i mean you you timings everything uh sex this is bernie gannon sex shouldn't be a duty but if you have an unwilling partner you pick the wrong one i know it's it's a tough thing i i i would be devastated if my wife goes yeah i just have sex with you because it's a duty that would fucking break my heart. I'd start crying. Trish, $4.99.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Gary, do you not understand that the honeymoon period wears off? You need to be a realist and check your expectations. I mean, there's no way that I could bone with every wood I have. I have wood three times a day. My whole life would get flushed down the toilet. So, man, I'm going to get busted. My whole life would get flushed down the toilet. So. Man, I want to get busted. This is going to come.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Here's the thing. We had this one. Judy, it's just Judy. Here had we had this one fight where I was like. I think. I think you treat your spouse worse as a married couple versus if you were just
Starting point is 00:46:30 long an according process fair fair I get it so that's one of the things my wife's like hey things change in five years get the F over it and I was like did it have to change here? I will sum it up this way. I will sum it up this way. In the very first month I said, listen,
Starting point is 00:46:53 or I would have said, I understand marriage, jobs, stress, all that does impact a relationship. But for me, for me to be happy, I need to be actively still trying to put some adventure into the in the to the intimacy and and keep it fresh and not you know i want to die being the oldest guy still you know do you ever um me and my wife sometimes we'll like won't be getting along and we'll just know that it's time to have sex. Yeah, I still – we don't do make-up sex. Yeah, that's like the – yeah, that's important. If you're not – that's weird.
Starting point is 00:47:42 That's weird because if the issue is – like for us, that's like – even if it's just like we don't even know what we're fighting over, we'll just go to the bedroom and just make it go away. And it goes away. Phew, thanks. I'm glad that went away. Does your does your wife work out does she train so she joins crossfit i think in december i think in december she was going but the job it's it is draining on her so that's where i kind of feel i would think she would be so excited also like i'm so excited that my wife works out every day like that does so much for me mentally and so i would think that also she would be so excited also. Like I'm so excited that my wife works out every day. Like that does so much for me mentally.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And so I would think that also she would be so happy that you work out every day. And to be honest, I find it hard to believe. I think your wife – I'm excited when my wife has friends and passionate relationships. If I was your wife, I would be excited for you that you have this that you and i have this relationship she should be happy for you it's it's i mean you could it could be worse you could be in the room trying to bone her right now instead you're in here talking to me you should thank me give her my address and have her send me a thank you note hey you know we are we are 20. We met each other 20 years ago this year. Who? You and I.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. It's our 20 year anniversary. It's early. We met later in the year. Wow. I think it was October, November, but yeah, 20 years ago, 2003, bro.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Wow. Uh-oh. Are you in trouble? Is that your wife? Hello? Where'd you go? I'm on a Sevan podcast. I'll be done in a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Okay, bye. Who is that? It's my wife. Oh. So to Rat, I don't want to leave you you hanging i sound like she's in a good mood sound like her voice sounded good like she's going to call you to the bedroom yeah she just woke up i don't want to i i feel like we did ditch that therapist i feel like we've made some. Like that sounded like that was a therapist for homosexuals for two men, by the way, not for a man and a woman.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You know what I mean? He sounds like that therapist sounds like it's for like in case one man's beating the other man. Yes. She picked him because she thought. I would identify more with a male figure, but I had it was I, I wasn't feeling it, but I would just like a therapist with a huge rack and wear short skirts. Thank you. But I would like to let your audience know that we've had some progress in the last month. And I feel like we've reached some common ground and maybe some agreements
Starting point is 00:50:21 and the I've see more. I basically was like, hey, I do. Are you back on the juice? Are you back on the juice? Well, I haven't started yet, but I was. I feel like. Let me finish. Let me finish. I just want you.
Starting point is 00:50:37 You have five minutes. Okay. I just want you to know that we are. In December where we were like this, we have, I wanted a little more enthusiasm and she just wanted a little more breaks. Sometimes I feel like we've made an agreement and hopefully all is well, but I was ready when she wasn't seeing my side. I was ready to be like, well, I can't, I told you,
Starting point is 00:51:02 I cannot marry again if you're shaming me because I told you who I was ready to be like, well, I can't, I told you, I cannot marry again. If you're shaming me because I told you who I was and you can't, if you're flipping that script on me, I can't, I can't be in that relationship. And, uh, she was like, you're breaking up our family. If you do that, I said, well, I'm just, just trying to be honest. I'm not about this shaming business. So you don't want to get out of the relationship. No, of course not. I was just trying to be honest. I'm not about this shaming business. But you don't want to get out of the relationship. No, of course not. I was just trying to be tough. I was just holding my ground because
Starting point is 00:51:31 it was an important topic to me. But anyways, I just... I don't sense it. By the way, I don't sense any dissatisfaction amongst... Even with all of this stuff you said, I haven't heard anything that makes me think that you don't love your wife yeah nothing not one thing i mean i'm just i'm very attracted to her and so i am thinking about lovin's a lot maybe she should just wear a tarp i mean ask her
Starting point is 00:52:01 hides her body what is the average number of times a marriage is supposed to have intimacy is there an average like is you won't like the number i bet you i bet you most married couples in this current age dude i bet you those fucking blue hairs at disneyland they just eat i sit around eat ice all day. Those people aren't fucking. No? No. Those dudes watch porn and fucking jerk off into paper towel rolls. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I'm telling you. There's no fucking way. I'd say less than, I'd say they stop. I bet you it's like zero. I bet you it's negative. Negative five. Doing fitness will increase your life. I feel like boning, it will increase your life. I feel like boning.
Starting point is 00:52:46 It will increase your life. I think healthy. I think healthy couples have sex once a week. Loving Amanda. What's wrong with loving? Get out of here. We would never marry that. Mr. Olson.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Top of the morning to you too, brother. Have a phenomenal weekend. Thank you. Always. Every day is a whole. Every day is ludicrous. Says is a holiday. Okay. Gary went. So when, when should we check back in with you? Like in a month? Yeah. weekend thank you always every day is a whole every day as ludicrous says is a holiday okay
Starting point is 00:53:05 gary when so when when should we check back in with you like in a month yeah one month it went too long because of the injuries and i needed to know what the blood results i didn't want to come on here until i found out what so the synopsis is is that you love your wife marriage is hard you're going through the same struggles that other people do when they have kids there's a lot of ups and downs um you have you have great skin you work out hard and like any old man who works out you've had a few injuries and that the trt from california hormones absolutely works and um hey what have you thought about um maybe just for shits and giggles go on a like try not to ejaculate for two months. What's the longest you've ever gone without ejaculating?
Starting point is 00:53:49 No way, bro. I'm just saying. Just try. Do you know the person who ejaculates more has the lower risk of prostate cancer? I did. I heard that. I have heard that. It literally is healthy for you.
Starting point is 00:54:02 I agree. I'm not opposed to it. I'm not opposed to it. I'm not opposed to it. I'm just saying as a high sexual activity I'm just saying as an experiment it's good to experiment.
Starting point is 00:54:18 What's the longest you've gone without ejaculating in your life? That's a good question. Maybe United States Boot Camp Marine Corps. God, did you in your life uh that's a good question maybe uh united states boot camp marine corps god did you caleb said that some dude underneath him in the bunk underneath him was jacking off yeah some people did do that but there's no privacy and i i what do you think you think you went a week a month it was three months as a boot camp you think you went a week? A month? Three months is boot camp. You think you went three months without ejaculating?
Starting point is 00:54:49 Well, that's how long boot camp is. Here's what I'm going to recommend to you, just as an experiment. You get 220... Just hear me out. You get two 20-pound dumbbells. And you bring them in your house. And any time you want to bust a nut, you just do a set of 20 shoulder to overhead. Yeah. And you try that just for nine days. Nine days.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Okay. Before we go, I have a question for you. Okay. Because I haven't watched your shows. Have you covered ChatGPT? Yes, a little bit. Have you covered it regarding, like, programming? You mean asking it to write software programs?
Starting point is 00:55:29 No, CrossFit programs. No. You can ask that thing to do a program for you? Dude, before we went on, I just went on the chat GPT because I said, hey, chat GPT, are you familiar with with the Fran workout 2159 and thrusters and pull-ups? Can you scale that for me, for someone who's never done CrossFit and someone who's elderly and it's spit out in 15 seconds, it's spit out why you want to scale, how you could scale, it spit out why you want to scale how you could scale why you would want to scale for a new person versus an older elderly person i also went on there and say hey i need uh some programming for the next seven days can you give me seven days of programming for crossfit and it spit out
Starting point is 00:56:18 it spit out programming i think chad chibiti if you haven't covered it it could impact uh you know the individuals who coach famous coaches yeah it's going to be competition for them well it's just ripping off their shit right i did go on there i went on there and i said hey can you tell me why i should get the vaccine and it and it gave me a list of reasons and i said can you tell me why i shouldn't get the vaccine and it said i would never do that that would be irresponsible um and gave this whole thing and i was like oh you're a piece of shit talk to it about blm too it's a it's a full-blown nazi the chad gbt is a full-blown nazi socialist oh go there go there with it try to go there with it yeah it's a burn the jews in the
Starting point is 00:57:06 ovens a mindset but have you tried to use it to like write stuff yeah just like yeah it's all superficial it's all just you can't ask it to go any deeper no but if i if i need to write a professional email i can write right right of course all that professional shit there's nothing deep about it all i agree i agree by deeper i mean you can't right yeah you're not a believer no it's like cnn it's it's like talking to um uh like this guy said the other day if you don't believe that um uh that thing uses the word misogyny and transphobia and racism that that thing is just it's a that chat gbt is just a complete lying machine it's just a superficial covering of everything the way like the news is
Starting point is 00:57:50 like um so so let me give you an example january 6th was an insurrection they just but but and then if you could cnn's never told you why right uh why is it an instruction chat gbt can't answer that there was no fire there was no fire the damage to the capital was 30 million dollars the capital to ferguson was 760 million when was the capital what year january 6th i don't know like just ask it about january 6th because it's only up to 2021. Anything after 2021, it doesn't have. Ask it. Well, ask it about it.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Ask it about it. Wow. Do you ever take a break from the. From logic and depth of conversation and meaning? No, like succumbing your brain with. No, the other day. The other day I was having sex with my wife and I was talking to her about Ferguson. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:58:45 She loves that shit. Turns around. Oh, my God. I have a three-year-old and a one-year-old. I do not have the brain capacity for 2016, man. I was living, eating, breathing the news, the issues. I was no Hillary camp, no Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, I did fucking magic for an hour,
Starting point is 00:59:12 the cheesiest magic ever with my son. You know, like you buy a cardboard box of magic tricks. Sousa, hi. What's up? Hey, listen to this. Let me show you this, too, really quick here gary these are uh just as if you ask this took a this took me about 45 minutes to build up to this yesterday this is um this is avi oh we're just working on some balancing skills that's scary as shit what
Starting point is 00:59:40 he did right there jumping up to that that's amazing bro yeah but the whole time i'm in there i'm explaining to him that there's no such thing as uh racism and transphobia and not into superficial concepts like every time he jumps so the suit is racism real or is it a concept in people's heads he says it's a concept in people's heads why is that he said because you can't touch it in the outside world why is that my dad programmed me to say that why is that hey i said is this was just a symbol of buddhism and enlightenment or is it a symbol of uh hitler and he says it's neither it's just a fictitious uh signifier uh code to reprogram individuals if anyone believes that you're fucking out of your mind the whole
Starting point is 01:00:25 time there i'm telling him god i love you you're the most beautiful creature on the planet tabby i gotta go okay love you bye bye gay bye matt bye hey you know i know there's a god you know how i know there's a god because gary roberts said he had to go that's just god looking out for me maybe Maybe I intimidated him. He didn't want to share any of the spotlight. He's like, fuck this. Suza! Call her high.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Hey, is Gary doing all of the stuff when him and his wife are doing the loving? Like, is he hooking her up, or is he just expecting her to do everything? No, I don't know. I'll ask him, but I assume he goes in the room. He probably, he's probably the kind of guy that likes lingerie and probably like undresses her and probably like rubs her legs and thighs and eats her pussy and then
Starting point is 01:01:15 plays with her nipples. But Hey, let me tell you, women don't want that. That's too much TV. Women just want to just get smashed well apparently not they're just like us no woman wants any fucking no fucking wife wants romance let me tell you I didn't hear Gary say
Starting point is 01:01:38 one other thing about his wife that he loves or that she does that he loves it's only about the loving so maybe that's part of the problem i slightly agree with her yeah i slightly agree with her too actually and he might actually be addicted to sex or it's just like if like there's no if i i think i would turn my wife off if she, if she, um, um, uh, if you called it loving, you'd turn her off.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Well that too. But, or if I just, um, like I don't, um, I don't make it a big deal. Like I, I just, I, I, like I'm not, I, just play it cool. Yeah. Just play it cool. You know what I mean? Like, I've never had, I've had so many fucking long-term relationships, great relationships, and I've never had sex ever, ever, ever, ever once be an issue. I don't even understand it. And I never, when I got married to my wife and we had kids,
Starting point is 01:02:37 just like nothing changed, I feel like. Just as I get older, we just do it less. But that's it. And I have three other dudes I'm competing with that i'm totally cool with competing with i get it i fucking i want to spend time they want to spend time with her i want to spend time with her i get it okay well i still am not so so wait did gary say if he's gonna get back on the trg he said he did well when i said hey so you're done he said no he loved it he said it made him fucking strong yeah i feel like he's gonna sneak it and he's not gonna tell
Starting point is 01:03:10 her that he's back on well that's that's i think that's a fucking i think that's a uh valid assessment that's a good predictor have to take the pussy off the pedestal yeah maybe yeah that's not a that's not a bad idea mason gets it all right guys have a good one yeah adios yeah the allison has he thinks it's his wife's fault um uh even if you do think it's your wife's fault you can't let that come out of your mouth like you have to hide that yeah there's fault, you can't let that come out of your mouth. Like you have to hide that. There's some shit you have to just push down. You definitely don't go to a – if the school asked me shit like that, that was crazy. I hate hearing school stories.
Starting point is 01:03:58 What do you mean school stories? School stories. You want to hear – he said that he fucking – when you take your kids to school, you have to fill out a questionnaire. And the whole questionnaire makes it feel like they're just looking for an excuse to take your kids. One of the questions they ask you is, do you ever put your kid in the car without a seatbelt? What? How many times a week do you shoot up your heroin in front of your kids? One, two. Oh, my God. Answer this and cps will be at your door
Starting point is 01:04:27 oh my god if someone asked me that i'd say the only dangerous thing i do when i drive is when your wife's sucking my dick what a fucking asshole to shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business hey dude you are crazy if you take your kids to the public school you you are fucking nuts you are nuts you're a hundred percent your kid is being programmed yeah a hundred percent yeah a hundred percent by the state. Yeah. Dude. He just we just wanted to use the name Judy. I just wanted him to not feel bad about saying his wife's name. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:05:28 He looked great. Yeah. The fact that he's working out i would i no one should be don't be i i don't see um in in a bag mood no no i'm in a good mood i'm i'm always in a good mood god even when i'm in a bad mood i'm in a good mood Even when I'm in a bad mood, I'm in a good mood. Those, uh, I got my CEO cups from, um, Gabe from Gabe. Yeah, it looks good. I saw that pose. Yeah, dude. They're dope. I'm going to start using them. I just want to wash them out thoroughly. I got excited. He said mine was on the way.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Maybe he'd help out after I said I didn't have mine. When my, when my mother-in-law comes to the house and she'll wash the dishes, she leaves soap on them. Like purposely or is she just distracted? No. And it's made me completely paranoid. Now I go to people's houses or if I go to VRBO, I take a cup from there and I put put it in the water, and you turn the water on, and half the time it has bubbles. Yeah, but like because of the water oxygen? No, no. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I think that too because those bubbles go away quick, not those bubbles. Yeah, they do. No, it's like sudsy. It's like a creek in Palestine. My wife told my mother-in--law that she leaves soap on the dishes yeah someone keeps seeing soap in the dishes what is she how did she respond to it was she like i'm sorry she doesn't get defensive which is really cool oh so she went yeah every hey everyone around me is a democrat everyone around me is a democrat ph Everyone around me is a Democrat, Philip. Everyone. And everyone around you too, Philip. We live in the Bay Area.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Everyone around me, like crazy, like just brain dead, brain, completely brain dead Democrat, like cannot see past secretary said that January 6th is the greatest threat to U.S. democracy since the Civil War. They don't find that alarming. Like, wait a second. I mean, she said that she's repeating Joe Biden's words like you should be like, wait a second. That's that's not right. What just for instance, what about Pearl Harbor? Or 9-11? Or what about the border being open right now
Starting point is 01:07:46 and a million fucking illegals coming in right or what about what's going on in portland baltimore philadelphia new york and los angeles the collapse of those cities as civilizations that's probably worried about january 6th because dudes entered a building i mean you have to at one you have to at some point yeah all my all my family and friends are are um just completely asleep holding on that's pretty good that's pretty good thank you it's a pretty good little sound effect there so what happened did she rinse all the soap off now i know no oh hey it's better i had a great my great grandmother used to like to um so like she would quilt and make these quilts and towards
Starting point is 01:08:42 her later years before she passed she like made this really nice one for us but she left all the needles that hold it in place and she like sewed them into the blanket and so you'd be laying with it and you would like turn the blanket all of a sudden you get stabbed by a needle and you're like what the fuck and then we said that i don't know maybe it was the last dig at us maybe she was too old and forgot that you know what i'm talking about like the buns that have the big like pinhead on it that'll be colorful and like a ball and then you put it into hold it in place and then you sew it yeah she would sew them inside the quilt like no i don't think on purpose but it was like she was so we would like turn and oh and he would feel a little prick did she work for pfizer
Starting point is 01:09:19 oh i didn't send you uh the live calling notes how was how was the work this morning it was great i always have a good time i coach the 4 30 and the 6 i mean the 5 30 and the 6 30 class 5 30 class is awesome i i my jokes and my like i don't know my back and forth with them is pretty crazy sometimes and they handle it well especially barbara who is an avid listener of the show so shout out barbara you always kill it at 5 30 in the morning i just asked my wife for a second cup of coffee yeah that's nice so you like your you like the uh the members oh i love it yeah you call them the clients the members your friends yeah people both member members or or just by their name the athletes do you ever call them the athletes? I don't.
Starting point is 01:10:06 I don't. I never really jumped on that everybody who walks into your gym is an athlete train. It just didn't do much for me. M-A-T-H, your name's not popping up. No. Oh, because it's M-A-T-H. What is this? Who is this guy?
Starting point is 01:10:23 How did he get on? And he's all clean shaven? Is that a clean shave? What's up, dude? Hey. Can I say hey? Did you just take unilateral admin authority and just come on? Well, I was listening to the TRP talk. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:10:40 What? I just love it. That's how passionate you are about something Gary said. Listen, you guys if you get stream yard don't just start giving random yahoo's admin they'll just fucking pop into your show i saw you guys were chopping it up and i just wanted to say you're always welcome hillar i'm just buzzing your body i wouldn't be offended you're always welcome never i was like hey they're hanging i want to i want to step inside the house awesome you're always welcome i'm flattered even don't be did you guys get a flag hey what did you
Starting point is 01:11:11 what is this flag oh no i haven't got that yet i need that you're gonna cover up that bookshelf you hung not too long ago with yeah possibly possibly oh that's interesting suzy your camera is backwards yeah i just noticed that now oh even no but your victos isn't backwards oh no no there we go there we go i'm just an idiot holding the flag backwards yeah that's dope see that presentation collar high no you can't have Sousa's flag I'm just glad Hiller came on today
Starting point is 01:11:52 because I have a bone to pick who is this did we get a name first this is Mark Fuentes we talked a couple weeks ago are you picking Hiller's bone or my bone Hiller's oh good pick bone? Hiller's. Oh, good. Pick his bone.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Hiller, I think he's getting bored. It has to be. Because of the Ryan Fisher post? Because of the Ryan Fisher post? No, it's because of his latest compilation of no reps slash funny amateurs doing the open or whatever you wanted to call it. I don't know what the purpose was, but then he went into Annie's.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Oh, and they saved it for the end too. Like, Oh, this is going to be really good. You guys just wait till the end of the video. Cause you're going to see some gnarly no reps from Annie Thoris daughter. And you have these snatches where they're perfectly fine.
Starting point is 01:12:47 They're perfectly good reps. Maybe not straight over the body. I'm just thinking like, are you, what's going on? Are you, are you bored? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:12:56 Hey dude, uh, you're, I haven't seen this video yet, but you're, you know, don't, this is not an attack at you,
Starting point is 01:13:04 but he got 20 000 views on this in one day we're gonna see a lot of this yeah this has only just begun we're fucked if it's as bad as you think we're fucked he's unstoppable i mean look how beautiful his shirt is he's wearing in this so man by the way hillary you look you look like you got younger yeah i just read a comment on today's video that says i look older with my you know why you look younger i think i think it's because you're not as tan yeah alexis won't let me tan anymore yeah you look younger she won't have sex with me if i go tanning wow hey so so so just open up on him you're saying this is bullshit he's attacking fucking people who are just trying to get fit it's unnecessary and get his fucking hands off
Starting point is 01:13:55 the great annie's thor's daughter her shit's tight well i don't care about the random the random like 32 000 plays crossfitter that might not be theFitter that might not be on the wall before he takes his hands off the tape. I'm talking, you know, and that's like whatever, you know, suits you, suits you, but Annie's reps are all good. Okay. Mark, I got it for you. If you're ready.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Ready. The video does have 20,000 views and we've already pointed out that there's going to be more of this. And this is just something that I had been sent no less than 15 times from people. So they wanted to hear what I had to think about it. And I discussed how I looked at it, and I discussed why it's potentially going to be an issue in the future because people may see that. And if it's not crystal clear that they're good, people may take it one way more and more and more. And I think that's also what I said in the video. I also understand that there's going to be people who look at those and say that they're good.
Starting point is 01:14:52 And I said, it's 60, 40. So if I'm edging on the side of 60% saying, okay, I don't think so. I can see where this could be bad. 40% of people in a year in that camp of people saying that you think that they're good repetitions. And I can understand that as well. However, if I don't use Andy Thor's daughter and that thing that 15 people had already sent to me as the thumbnail and possibly even a topic of discussion at the end, then people like the guy we're watching right now doing handstand pushups in his garage, don't get talked about, or they don't get seen by people. It's just part of the process.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And I understand. Well, go ahead. So you're saying, you're saying it's really about all these, you know, it's all about the little guy, huh?
Starting point is 01:15:34 Like, so it's all about whether they're getting the attention they need. People will see that guy in his garage and they'll say, why, how is it possible that he gave himself 15 repetitions? Why is it that CrossFit is going to not see this and take this score down or even adjust it the way that I showed everybody the way to do that and then this dude with this kid right here in his backyard it'll
Starting point is 01:15:55 just be cool for him to see that there are ways to do the open when you don't have quite the million dollar facility that some people work out out of so yeah it is about the little guy and yes they used annie as clickbait but i still think that's all i needed to hear all right that's all i needed not because not because of the name but just because like and not even because you thought the reps were even questionable well however i do think they're questionable. Do you really think they're questionable? I think that it's 60-40, which is why I said in the video. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about everyone else.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Do you really think those are questionable reps? If I'm Andy Thorstotter and those scores are actually going to be looked at, that's not what my snatches look like. Andrew, Andrewrew i'm asking not if you were here i'm saying he got serious you andrew mark do you think those are actually no reps if i'm on the review team and i look at it in the same lens as the way that people are looking at pistols last year during the quarterfinals. Those are no reps and she gets a minor penalty. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Because we look about James Sprague. Remember how close those things were. Yeah. They were so close and he got a minor penalty. Have you ever been on a review team or been a judge at any company? He's got a whole YouTube channel. It's a fucking, I have been on a review team.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Remember he was the head judge at Zell? He's got a whole YouTube channel. I haven't been on a review team. Remember, he was the head judge at Zelos Games before he got fired. Yeah. What for? For being too critical. He got fired for being too critical. Well, that's a biased statement. He got fired because there was a conflict between what he thought was a no rep
Starting point is 01:17:41 and what the... That's all my fault hillar what uh what was the the jared thought that something was a good rep and should be let go and hillar thought that it shouldn't be and so hillar um they they parted ways i mean amicably as i mean as friends and it's never been spoken about but that is but that is what happened the light of day hillar's like hey it's my reputation on the line i want to be a stickler i want to be like uh as as clear as i can about where my line is and jared said no this is good enough and um well guys for everyone who's saying that this guy is a hater i don't agree because i mark fuentes this is good pushback
Starting point is 01:18:20 this is good mexicans can't be haters they're minorities this is what it's all about thanks for calling and shoving it to me a little bit. Yeah, I think those reps were good too, but I haven't watched the video yet. All right. Enough said. Thanks, man. And I don't really think Tia's juiced up either. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Hey, so when I see this, you're fucking crazy if you see any weightlifting or CrossFit or anything in here, all I see is a fucking three car garage that would fucking be $3 million in my neighborhood. Two fucking water heaters. Are you fucking kidding me? You should do the voiceover on one of my videos. This guy's a motherfucking baller. He got a fucking meat fridge. If he'd move that fat ass of his
Starting point is 01:19:05 you'd see his fucking meat fridge this motherfucker got a meat locker into water heaters how the fuck i want to know what this guy does for a living hey dude that's a five million dollar estate right there i think in in my neighborhood hey whatever that car is a hood scoop on it too it's a nice car whatever it is oh yeah that's fucking crazy oh wait you see a car yeah it's with a camera on the car oh yeah and he don't give a shit he just rests his camera on his car just suck the tripod i would never do that on my fucking sienna i'd be afraid yeah and look how clean his car is a five dollar dog and his fucking dog is a bitch that's a bitch ass punk bitch ass dog yeah but the more punky and bitch ass they get the more expensive they
Starting point is 01:19:50 are look and hit that guy's fucking left arm how big his bicep is in that shot yeah who is this guy yeah but he only did five handstand push-ups and he gave himself 15 oh shit that's why he's in the video he can do what he wants he has two water heaters dude dude this video is nuts so i his feet came off the wall he gave himself that rep apparently this one he he takes 11 total attempts if you want to call it that and bro wait that one wasn't good his feet came back on bro fuck his reps look he got his own handstand wall that's a special piece of wood put up there hey that's that's cedar wood right there yeah that's that's like a 90 piece of plywood at the fucking uh a four by eight at the home depot makes the whole garage smell great oh my god this guy's bawling he is he's got that rogue pull-up bar hanging from the garage set a nice set of rings
Starting point is 01:20:46 dude i don't even own a water heater i have one of those fucking like yeah i have the thing that's like on demand it's fucking like this big it's an energy saver yeah yeah it's fucking crazy um who would you want to interview dead or alive? Well, a dead person interview might not be very good. They might not talk back. Hey, guys, I lost my job yesterday. How much should I demand Sevan pay me to be the new Caleb? $3 million?
Starting point is 01:21:17 Oh, we could pay him the same way we paid Caleb. The crew can help unfuck the last hour in my head. Yeah, no. Probably not. Sorry. A paper street coffee for Hillar's bone fitty that's what i jumped on for to talk about the the trt gary was gary was going on the comment section was all about it it was crazy yeah he gets a rise out of the comment section every time that's for sure holy moly well let's just face it the guy i don't know i don't know
Starting point is 01:21:45 what too much sex is or what not enough is but he i i could not have sex be a part of a conversation in my like relationship more than like we need to have it like i just like just passing in the hallway like my wife will be like hey we should bone soon i'm like yeah i agree and then it's like that's how it comes up yeah she. Yesterday, she just told me. She's like, hey, we need to bounce in. I'm like, I understand. Schedule it in. You're 50.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You're 50. Suze, is that how it happens with you? Not so much. I agree. It's time. We got our 11 o'clock. Let's go. We have more.
Starting point is 01:22:19 My wife and I have more intimacy interrupted by other people than we have intimacy. You just have to just intimacy like you just have to just try you just have to be like okay they're on the other side of the house let's try and we'll be sure you've called me in the middle of alexis and i get i have yeah did you answer i think we looked at one another and she's like you better not and i didn't i called you back right after And I did. I called you back right after. Just put me on speakerphone. I'm cool.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I'm family. Just put me on speakerphone. He sped it up real quick and then he finished up. It was pretty funny. Oh, was that a sound effect? Me breathing into the mic? No, I heard like a cell phone ring, like a prrrr. No, it might have just been on been on urine seven on the cock blocker
Starting point is 01:23:07 i i heard you trying to give him your tidbit about every time you want to bang or jerk off just do some curls yeah just take a fucking break dude what's fucking a take a week off relax relax what's the longest you've gone? He's pretty adamant. One time in college, I used that technique. I went two months. Anytime I had an erection, I just did fucking shoulder presses. I just kept two 20-pound dumbbells in my room. How about that guy you interviewed who wouldn't have sex or release himself until he made a million dollars? Yeah, Patrick Bed-David.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yeah. I think Gary needs to get a little bit of that headspace into him. Yeah. A little self-control. I think it's like, you know, when I told my mom that, oh, did I? Oh, I sent you this. Okay. When I told my mom that Haley and I were going to have kids,
Starting point is 01:23:58 my mom sent me a one-page document on how to do it. What a good mom i don't need that much i remember in third one page document i'm like mom are you nuts what say that again heller catholic grade school i went to and i remember we had a certain way of going about sex ed and it may have been fifth grade i don't it was one of those third or fifth you're you're flipping through the books and it describes how to have sex and you're looking at it and i swear to god the way i read it was you put the penis on top of the vagina and i go whoa that's weird and then it wasn't until like it's a sandwich like it wasn't until maybe a year or two later
Starting point is 01:24:43 that i was like wait a minute i read that wrong it goes in not on top of yeah i read that wrong because i was in fifth grade or whatever you did not read hey what's a preposition amongst friends and on top and around more sense i did when when we were trying to have kids though i would um i would like wait i would i would i would wait. I would try to save up the baby batter until she's like, hey, it's time. So that way you could just – the thought was you'd just get more buckshot in each load. You know what I mean? Do you find that to be the case? More swimmers.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I don't know. She got pregnant so easy. Oh, you're thinking – Like when she ovulates, you just smash it as much. You know, you've hopefully gone like a week without doing it, and then you just drown that thing in baby batter. That's very descriptive. It's like you give it a heavy soaking.
Starting point is 01:25:36 Have you ever heard of that product that makes you jizz more? No. Yeah, it's called Blue Rhino. You get them at a gas station? No, no. There's an entire product like larger loads god that sounds dangerous it's a supplement it comes in a container and um i think more points more dates has it and it's supposed to make you fill up fucking ounces
Starting point is 01:25:58 what yeah i gotta hey it sounds like it makes you pee instead of ejaculate, which is gross. Maybe it's like a 50-50. Carla, $20. Why? Thank you. Jeez. Holy cow. That's very nice of you.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Thanks. That's a cool picture too. I know there's a product for it. I'm going to find it. I'm Caleb today. I'm pulling stuff up onto the screen. It's just jizz products. How come my,
Starting point is 01:26:26 um, my, my notes aren't, um, my notes aren't updated. This is so weird. The ones that start at six, number 16.
Starting point is 01:26:33 Yeah, I have them here. I don't understand. Oh, darn it. There were, I had like 15 and 14 and I had a bunch of shit on there today. It's gone.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Got it. It's called lock and load do they have a video oh doesn't he um have a whole entire the more plates more dates guy derek doesn't have that whole supplement brand like gorilla or something i think I think it's called. Wow, this is crazy. My buddy, while deployed, didn't beat off the last month and took Ropes, which was a similar product, and said he drowned the first girl he hooked up with. Do you know that term, Ropes? Do you guys know what that's referring to?
Starting point is 01:27:19 No. No. Ropes would be like you're shooting so much semen out of your penis that it comes out in long ropes oh gosh this is wow we present alongside the pka podcast lock and load the official load stack this product is compromised of carefully selected amino acids minerals, herbal extracts, nitric oxide precursors, and phospholipids. Lock and load supports an increase in semen volume, fertility, erection quality, blood flow, and more.
Starting point is 01:27:55 So now look at this. The serving size is nine capsules. Nine capsules? Does it have a back picture so we can see how big the capsule is? Hi. You know how it'll do that i don't see i'm not sure i don't think so okay because i wonder if they're like the freaking horse tranquilizer ones too please want to have sex later oh that was okay we heard the response oh sure that's i mean that's that's how it should be, right?
Starting point is 01:28:26 Yeah. Yeah, sure. Whatever. Everyone says that it works over in those comment sections. So if you want to. I would never fucking do anything to fuck with anything inside of my balls. Yeah, me neither. Sevan, you should get
Starting point is 01:28:48 zach uh t lander on oh okay well hold on let's oh well all right uh we'll see you tomorrow hold on let me see uh um let's see zach t lander see uh oh we have released the world we have caleb in the comments
Starting point is 01:29:04 confirming can confirm not beating off for a month allows for rope throwing wow Oh, we have Caleb in the comments confirming. Can confirm not beating off for a month allows for rope throwing. Wow. Wow. I like his icon photo of his dog. That looks like a good dog. Are we sure that's even him? Zach, hi.
Starting point is 01:29:22 This is Sevan. You're live on the air. I'm live. Yeah. I'm sorry to call you on your personal phone, but someone in my comments was saying that I should
Starting point is 01:29:29 get you on my podcast. I was wondering if you're available tomorrow morning. Well, yeah, we said we're good. Don't ruin the don't ruin the bit, Zach. Just act like I'm calling you for the first time.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Don't ruin the bit. Don't ruin the bit. Yeah. Hi. Wow. Hey, I've seen your stuff. Thank you. I'm flattered't ruin the bit. Yeah. Hi. Wow. Hey, I've seen your stuff. Thank you. I'm flattered.
Starting point is 01:29:47 That's awesome. Yeah. What about tomorrow at 7 a.m.? I know it's short notice, but I love you to death and I'd love for you to come on. God, you're killing me. I got to check my schedule. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:59 You know, I think I can make it work. I've got my schedule right here. I'm going gonna have my secretary she's gonna write everything in perfect wow look someone in the comments said jesus it's zach yeah it's zach it is not a voice you're not an imposter right no no this is really me all right yes well thank you i appreciate you picking up your phone and uh we'll see you tomorrow morning thank you for coming on with such a short notice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:26 You know, be a little bit more professional next time. I'll do my best. I'll be wearing a suit tomorrow. Don't worry. Less than 24 hours. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:38 See ya. Much love. Bye. There you go. Zach T. Lander. Nailed it. Hardell.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Anything you want, buddy. I feel like I can't drink my coffee anymore because, Zach T. Lander Nailed it Hardel anything you want buddy I feel like I can't drink my coffee anymore Because Heidi wasn't on the show And then she comes on one comment And then bitches at me because she can hear me swallow into the mic And now I'm like super self conscious about it And she disappears
Starting point is 01:30:58 Can't you just move away Thanks Heidi Oh there's a great It's interesting that Heidi doesn't like the sound of swallowing very interesting there's a whole bit there uh jason t watkins if i were him i wouldn't show tomorrow just to really kill the punchline on the joke well thanks great that's pretty funny oh crossfit did release the worldwide rankings. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:31:28 You want me to pull it up? Don't they always have the wide rankings? Hey, this is now with Hiller here. It's going to be a fight between politics and CrossFit. I like this. Hey, I'll talk politics. I just can't help very much. He's pulling shit up faster than I can get off my high horse on things.
Starting point is 01:31:48 He already had it in queue down there and he was just switching screens. So what are you saying? This is the first time this has been available. Well, if they just posted to their Instagram 16 minutes ago, I mean, we have Halpin. So we've known all this forever. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:32:00 yeah, I've seen this. So nothing new here. As quoting Adrian Bosman from last year's. This is nothing new. Number one, Tia Toomey, then Laura Horvath, then Mal O'Brien, then Haley Adams, then Daniel Brandon. Oh, did you see Daniel Brandon's post yesterday?
Starting point is 01:32:23 Which one? Let's go look it up it's crazy it's crazy suzy you want to you want me to do it he spelled quarterfinals wrong in the first paragraph of course they did fucking of course they did they got kindergarten now listen listen to this listen to this opening model the no the most recent post i i was tripping on this it is look at her hair this which one this one you want to click this one yeah i was just looking at this because she looks really good in that photo oh she looks good in all of them but that one in particular yeah do we want sound oh yeah yeah you got to hear the sound you got to hear her opening
Starting point is 01:32:58 line refresh it and hear the opening line i couldn't even do that okay watch this opening line being a female it's unheard of for women to speak out okay pause being a woman in crossfit i hear it's unheard of for women to speak out is that what she said that's what i heard yes before you what does that mean i don't even know what that means it's unheard of for women to speak out if you're a woman in crossfit speak out like out of their mouth out of their butt out of their hands it's unheard of for a woman to speak out i don't fucking know what that means is there more context because okay let's keep going let's keep going okay let's go Okay, let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Let's keep going. Okay, let's go. Speak up about their opinions or even show any type of emotion. Pause. Women haven't been speaking out about their opinions or their emotions. Holy shit. I, I, I, I've heard, um, I was a victim to some pretty crazy opinions. That's true. pretty crazy opinions.
Starting point is 01:34:04 That's true. I've heard a lot of women, Danielle speak about that. So let's, should we call Danielle now? Let's see. Shall I answer? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Let's see. Let's see if Danielle is going to answer. Hell yeah. We're rolling the dice, baby. Let's see if Danielle will answer. I would call on the, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:34:23 on the other phone, but I'm afraid that, uh, she won't recognize the phone number and not answer. Let's see. Yeah, she definitely won't. Let's see what's going on. I love a toe spacer. My kids wear toe spacers. Yeah, I love a toe spacer.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Hi, Danielle. She answered. Hello. What's up? This is Sevan. Hi. Hello. Hi.
Starting point is 01:34:43 You're live on the air, Danielle. Oh, I am? Yes. Oh. yes what's up i'm ambushing you yeah you are totally ambushing you um first of all i want to tell you i'm gonna make you a shit sandwich ready i love a toast baker i love a toast baser and my kids love toast spacers. That's amazing news. Oh, yeah. In your most recent post, you say that it's unheard of for women to speak out. Yeah. Can you clarify for me? I'm saying I think a lot of women in this space are really scared to speak about their opinions on really anything, which makes sense. I mean, the social media doesn't create a very safe space
Starting point is 01:35:29 for people to put their opinion out there because no matter what your opinion is, it's probably going to get a lot of shit from either side. I think you've done an amazing job, and I know a handful of dudes who are the biggest pussies in the space when it comes to speaking their opinion. I feel like you're trying to take the mantle away from all the men I know a handful of dudes who are way or who are the biggest pussies in the space. I feel like you're trying to take the mantle away from all the men who are pussies out there and give it to the women. And I don't appreciate it. Well,
Starting point is 01:35:55 you don't back yourself up. That's not my problem. True Danielle Brandon form. Can you, can you, uh uh maybe we could uh i could have suza reach out to you and we could schedule to have you on and discuss she blocked my number awesome hey i've been waiting for you guys to reach out thank you yes man holy shit my heart just kind of fluttered i know i'm too i'm not excited i'm gonna ride this high for the rest of the day hey um what about uh tyson bajan did you ever hook up with tyson did you ever go out there no i never went out there but actually um he is looking pretty good isn't he yeah he did great at the combine he killed it yeah that's amazing and and i'm sure
Starting point is 01:36:46 he would still love to work out with you so so um uh stay in touch it's not too big time for me now the fuck no you're the biggest you're the best hey and i'll keep forcing the issue too anytime he's in florida like i'll and i know i'll send a text to try to connect you guys oh my gosh i would love that all right okay so we'll schedule to have you on and, uh, and, um, is Matt there with you? I think he just pulled up. Oh, perfect. Okay. Well tell him I said, hi. Okay. I will. Okay. And I respect him. Okay. Okay. Give him a hug for me. Okay. I like a side hug. Okay. All right. Thank you you danielle you're the best okay thank you yeah you are
Starting point is 01:37:30 susan says you're the best oh he's the best all right bye bye i can't fucking i can't even be aggressive with her i just i started swooning. Yeah. I don't know who I swoon more, Adrian Bosman or fucking Daniel Brandon. I swoon for both of them. I'm fucked. Awesome. You didn't dig in is what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:37:54 No. As soon as she's like, well, I believe that she said something I didn't even agree with. I pivoted. And he's like, okay, yeah, sure. We'll go with that. What do you put on the show? If I were to have fed anything to that conversation, it would have been what she says there is what she's always really done,
Starting point is 01:38:11 which is she's the one who gives the middle finger to everybody. She's the one who goes, this is bullshit. Why are you making me do this while everyone else is having their competition? So she's speaking up as a woman in the space, right? It's the same thing as the Snickers bar thing. He goes, are you really eating that? And are you going to change mattresses? Or have you always done what you're saying you're doing here?
Starting point is 01:38:32 Oh, interesting. Yeah. Oh, but Elise Carredal, you pussed out. Hey, I do like that, though. I think it's different, though, than the Snicker bar. I don't see the connection to the Snicker bar thing. What you're saying is, is like,
Starting point is 01:38:46 she has been the one from the beginning. She's not saying that she was ever afraid to speak her opinion or emotion. It doesn't seem disingenuine coming from her to say that. Right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:57 That's how I think about it. I think I just read into it. I thought she was, maybe I didn't read into it. I i just don't agree like i i think that there's just as well let me just say this maybe it doesn't matter i think there's just as many men who aren't speaking their mind as there are women and and and i also don't think that you always need to speak your mind there's tons of shit i don't speak my mind about yeah but you're unbuyable so yeah call someone else keep it going we're two for two hey dude that was that's just crazy that
Starting point is 01:39:35 that uh either of them answered that's awesome like all the listeners like wow seven ones of shit i don't want to fuck that up yeah yeah yeah we'll leave on a high note here yeah yeah i could danielle and don't call rich next and he's gonna be like don't fuck that up yeah yeah yeah we'll leave on a high note here yeah yeah i can danielle and don't call rich next and he's gonna be like don't call me on my personal phone how'd you get the people the laura laura horvath how'd you get this number yeah oh no yeah you know we i i text her one time and that was can you come on the show and that was a response how'd you get this number yeah So good. Fucking, I climbed. I was like a snail that climbed back into my shell.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Yeah, call Fraser. This one's good. What would I say to him? You're live on the air. And then just see what he does from there. I don't, he, he, I, I, he's, he's been very honest with me about where our relationship stands. In the trash. No, it's not in the trash. I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:40:28 I'm just kidding. But it definitely wouldn't be appropriate if I called him. You could call O'Keefe. Okay. What's up? What are we doing? There was a great comedy skit someone sent me the other day that I think you guys would all love. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 01:40:51 My notes are all fucked up. I came out to talk politics when we talk politics. I'm trying to, uh, how about this work boots and a graduation cap? 478. 478. boots and a graduation cap 478 478 i asked um i asked uh rich yesterday what he thought about dudes entering the usa weightlifting competition or powerlifting competition for the girl on the girl's side yeah look at hillar baby face yeah that's what i think hillar looks young i know depends on who you ask i suppose yeah call yevgeny wow that's oh interesting oh i this is
Starting point is 01:41:28 gonna make so i was gonna show this yesterday and and i knew that if i i knew that this was gonna make suza so fucking uncomfortable so i didn't rate and so i didn't show it yesterday yesterday um this uh this is this is this is this is it this is going yeah buckle up people this is it hey this the name of this video the way i titled it is called uh it's called uh work boots and a graduation cap this this is long but this is this is fucking wild brace yourself okay let's do it in the community in the hood toting the gun his This is long, but this is fucking wild. Brace yourself. Okay, let's do it. In the community, in the hood, toting the gun. His bullet is for another nigga. When he loading the gun, he thinking about killing another nigga.
Starting point is 01:42:14 When he put it in his pants pocket, he hollering about this is for a nigga. He never think to pull that trigger and the target is going to be a white face. No nigga, he don't even dream of that. It's a nightmare. If a nigga dream of killing the white man, he wake up in a nightmare. It's, ooh, thank you, Lord. I thought I killed the white man. But he'll fantasize and dream about killing a nigga all day long. Do you support Black Lives Matter? No, I do not support Black Lives Matter. I ain't fighting one bitch, let alone three gay bitches nowhere. And that ain't to disrespect the gay culture. I just think the man is supposed
Starting point is 01:42:44 to lead. And Black Lives Matter, they don't fight disrespect the gay culture. I just think the man is supposed to lead. In Black Lives Matter, they don't fight a nigga that's getting mistreated by the child support system. They ain't showing up when a nigga go on the court with the injustices
Starting point is 01:42:52 of the court system. They wait to a rag-lash nigga like George Floyd, Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, little disrespect fad. They wait till people like that get killed, right?
Starting point is 01:43:00 Police ain't never shot a nigga with his degree cap on. You ain't never seen a police kill a nigga with a pair of work boots. Every nigga... Oh my God!
Starting point is 01:43:12 That dude eat the cereal the whole time. I know, I couldn't stop looking at him. What? I forget this guy's name. This dude just unloads. This is fucking the hood's Jordan Peterson. We need to fucking find this guy and have him on the show.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Yeah, yeah. I've seen a lot of some of that stuff. He's very articulate and he's very intelligent. I can't believe how articulate he is for a black man. That's quite remarkable. That's quite remarkable. He said that to me. God.
Starting point is 01:43:42 He is – he's hood Petersonerson he's lamar peterson hood peterson lamar hood peterson like jordan peterson get it yeah oh he's so well spoken yes he's uh oh see like everybody else is jumping on the bandwagon with you. Why does it have to be he's spitting facts? Why is he spitting? Is that the rap vernacular? Dude, he can't say shit anymore without a B-twist. Wow, that guy looks great with that. Oh, whoa, whoa, what does he look great with?
Starting point is 01:44:14 Peter Hood. Oh, man. Yeah, Mr. So-El, Mr. Soul. Yeah. Oh, my goodness. That guy is so good who is it we got i'm not gonna erase this i want to try to find that guy you don't go on a tiktok ever but there's a couple accounts of accounts on there where they just reacted videos and they're putting up stuff off about how dude it's it's people very similar to him responding to how people were supporting black lives matter during that entire deal and there would be some chick doing something completely out of sorts and the guy would just like do one of these in response because like
Starting point is 01:45:01 what none of us think this way what are you doing over there and it would be some song and you go oh send me those i will i'll see if i have it are you on tiktok uh hillar it's what i do when i use the bathroom i filter through tiktok until i'm done do you have a following on there no no not really so you're not really like active on there huh no i've been told that i need to start putting stuff on there, but there's too many things to keep up with then. I went to my kid's striking class the other day. And the striking class starts at 3.30. And, you know, I like to get there like 10 minutes early, get the gloves on, Let the kids run around a little bit, warm up.
Starting point is 01:45:47 And a lady gets there with her fucking daughter at 3.30. And the class is – it's in a small space, and there's two instructors, and there's like 15 kids. And it's a pretty serious class. They're moving the entire time. There's no fucking games. You're either striking or warming up or throwing feints. It's all around striking and kicking. Everyone's got mouthpieces, and they're sparring, and there's gloves.
Starting point is 01:46:15 And this fucking lady brushes her daughter's hair from 3.30 to 3.50 and then sends her in the class 20 minutes late just sitting there on the side of the fucking mats why well number one tell me what your fucking lady brings her dog into class you fucking jackasses can't you tell that no fucking dog belongs in a martial arts gym no food belongs in a martial arts gym no one wants anything there in a martial arts gym there's i i it was a fucking puppy she brought a puppy there like four days in a row she let the puppy onto the mats wait the people that own it didn't say anything no so that's on them that's not on her that's not well maybe when you're open to the public people are gonna the lowest common denominator is always gonna do the dumbest shit and it's up to the people who own the business
Starting point is 01:47:14 to stop that from happening and not let them do it so that's a hundred percent i just love these people i just can't believe they let it and i have a controversial opinion no dogs in cross in crossfit gyms it's gross yeah i don't know if it's gross but like i i just wouldn't allow it yeah i don't allow it in in mine there's no there's no dogs that are allowed like sometimes if we have like a running workout where it's just 400 meter intervals and that's the whole thing some people bring their dogs and we just have them like stay outside but it's terrible because once the dogs come in like when i first opened i was like yeah we love dogs bring them in until they bite a fucking kid yeah or they pee stupid as shit yeah the peeing is just disgusting yeah
Starting point is 01:47:55 or shit yeah yeah especially at a at a place like a crossfit gym or martial arts gym where people are gonna have their face on the ground yeah 100 can do a burpee yeah it's um hair and fucking dog shit it's uh i just i are you talking about and you know what this this these people that i see do this they they they look like they fit the stereotype usually what's the stereotype just someone who's gonna brush their kids hair um they're just like oblivious to the world around them the way they dress the way they carry themselves the way they just like just like if you saw a white dude sitting at a bus stop with three teeth missing and then the next day you saw him smoking a crack pipe. You would be like,
Starting point is 01:48:45 okay, yeah, he fits the stereotype. It's like, it's that like these people just, they fit the, I just get it. I like,
Starting point is 01:48:53 I see like, like you. Yeah. You're, they're like movie characters to me. Yep. The way you dress, the way you talk,
Starting point is 01:49:00 the way you carry your kids, the way you park your car, everything about you fits the person who also brings their fucking dog in and lets it run on the jujitsu mat and doesn't give a fuck that you're um teaching your kids that it's okay to be 20 minutes late into the class while you're there just because you're brushing the hair uh hair yeah well we're still here on time and it's like but you're not participating and you're doing your own thing so you're not really here on time. Just the stereotypes. I know of a dog that actually got crushed by a barbell.
Starting point is 01:49:29 You do? Yeah. Did it die? It was the gym owner's dog. And no, it was just paralyzed. Oh, shit. Did the gym owner drop the barbell or was it a member? I don't remember that part of the story.
Starting point is 01:49:44 Well, either way it's the dog owner's fault either way this is probably the parent at my kid's gym listening who's calling in hi I wish that would make if I had good listeners
Starting point is 01:50:00 someone would call in and pretend like they were that lady and be like fuck you Sevan, fuck you, Savon. Fuck you and your little kids. You think you're so cool with the three plain brothers. My daughter's gonna fuck them up in the next class, you fucking cunt. I'm gonna flatten your
Starting point is 01:50:15 tires when you're fucking in the class with the three plain brothers. You and your hundred dollar Yeti water bottle. You think you're so cool. You and your boys little ponytails. And they always get new geese. You think you're so cool. You need your boys little ponytails and they always get new geese. Fucking cuck you rich little bitch. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:32 I'm so sorry. I didn't think you listened to the show. It's okay. It's true. It's true that I was jealous when I saw that video this morning of your son jumping from bar to bar to bar and then did a jump swing off that other bar and recited a little lyric. I think it was a lyric.
Starting point is 01:50:53 Yeah, you know, it's great. So he did that once and then he said that lyric. And I'm like, where did you hear that? And he goes, I don't know. And I go, can you do it again? He said, yeah, it's crazy. Wow. I like the clarification that it technically technically wasn't you that was original
Starting point is 01:51:07 yeah that was that was that was yeah what do you say something about i'm married to the game level to there's levels to this game and i'm married to the game yeah i've never said that i say there's levels to this shit but i've never said i'm married to the game i've said don't hate the player hate the game but i couldn't believe when he said that. I was like, wow, you're doing a good job. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Because that is, I get impressed by things much smaller. I have three kids myself. Oh, congratulations. It's fun. Six, five and three.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Yes. Wow. Wow. Hey, so your wife, you don't got the problems. Gary does. Your wife just fucking lets you put it to her.
Starting point is 01:51:48 No, I do have that problem. Oh, something's right. If you got three kids is Gary. So I didn't get to see Gary, but is he the one that people often think are, is a drunk?
Starting point is 01:52:04 Yeah. Uh, maybe, maybe he doesn't't he's not a drinker though so he's definitely not is he on is he on test yeah yeah well he was he's he's on a three-month break is what he's been having too many spontaneous erections that his wife doesn't like okay that when he first came on and spoke about that that was like an epiphany for me because i thought i was the only one not having spontaneous directions but getting kind of like uh like i made the same uh not an ultimatum but when i met she's not my wife yet but we do have kids so it's you know trying to be i want
Starting point is 01:52:40 her to be my wife but i told hey part of dating me is that I'm pretty heavily into the loving as Gary puts it. And going to be, I'll probably be annoying if there's a time where you don't want the loving on a day to day, I don't know, not to sound disgusting or whatever, but, but when Gary spoke about that i was like oh my god how do we deal with this what is the thing that we are supposed to do that makes us not feel ashamed or i don't i don't know i would have to go back and listen to the i think there's millions of you out there who want to bang your wife and your wife doesn't want to or
Starting point is 01:53:21 like doesn't want to as much as you want to yes yes and i know it's partially my fault i wasn't the greatest in the past you know where for gary i don't know if it's his fault what do you mean not the greatest like you cheated on her yeah yeah that'll that that always fucks them up with the trust shit when you cheat on a chick that throws them off that could throw them for a little loot. Which is why I don't blame her. But I don't think Gary ever cheated on her. Hey, here's the thing. They met on Tinder, and they fucked for six months straight. He just sprayed her down with baby batter for six months, yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:58 And then they got married, basically, and had a kid. And he's reliving the exact same thing he had in his last marriage basically is what i'm hearing wow and so at some point you got to be like you got to try something new right like he's got to like try you don't want to lose this wife too i think this is a real i think this is a smart i mean besides the fact that she's a libtard um and she could he could wake her up and um she could awake awaken and uh yeah he should just um he should he should just work on like you know something else like maybe just maybe just masturbate like once every two weeks for a year until she wants it or something. Once every two weeks. I mean.
Starting point is 01:54:50 Hey, let me ask you this. I just realized, I had this epiphany talking to Gary. Do you think that every erection has to be used? Well, it doesn't have to be, or else we'd all be pretty freaking busy. I imagine anyone crt yeah right you're gonna have a super busy day maybe not i know i've taken like some test boosters that are super weak like the erwin natural or whatever it's called uh and it you know that gave me like a few extra boners and if i had to deal with those few extra ones but like it's not always don't don't you see that there's sometimes you're
Starting point is 01:55:25 when you jack off it lacks value if you do it just super quick and it can get you in the habit of busting super quick oh that's what happened to me hey hey here's the thing my erections aren't made for fucking like there's a difference between horny there's a difference between horny erections or intimate erections and just erections like i was like hard like my entire fucking life between the age of 10 and 20 23 and a half hours a day if i wasn't peeing i was hard like those weren't meant to fuck that was my body just my body just is produced like throughout the day i have crazy spontaneous erections and i'm 50 i could like those aren't those aren't those aren't meant for fucking there's a difference as opposed to like i walk by the shower and i see my wife showering and then i yeah do you get what i'm
Starting point is 01:56:18 saying there's a difference between erections yeah definitely yeah there's like some of them you just got to be like hey i'm gonna run this one off yeah not only not only erections yeah definitely yeah there's like some of them you just got to be like hey i'm going to run this one off yeah not only not only erections matter yeah right not exactly yeah some of them are just meant to hang a towel on while you fucking brush your hair brush your teeth and i just feel like gary might not know that or some guys might not know that yeah just good blood flow i just have insane blood flow i'm vascular as a motherfucker yeah yeah there's no fucking way all of those um there's no way you
Starting point is 01:56:51 I can't even use fucking I can only use 2 out of 10 and it's fun using the ones that aren't meant for sex for sex it's kind of fun it's just like those ones are fun but yeah yeah when you get like diamond cutter. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:57:07 Like the ones that kind of hurt because it's been hard for so long. It's like turning purple. What? Extremely relatable. But man, like if I'm serious, if I found out my wife didn't want to have sex with me, I would cry. I would have to be put on suicide watch. I would rather her lie to me push that shit down yeah yeah i've cried but i did want to ask tell me you have aids well it's not a yet gosh this show today but hey i do i do want to um hiller and stevon you you guys honestly truthfully not to be silly
Starting point is 01:57:49 your guys's relationships with your wives slash fiancees are extremely impressive from the outside the way that it seems like you guys have a high level of respect for each other and i'm interested to know if there is some intent behind that or if it just happened magically and you're in the perfect relationship are you talking in relation to having sex or just in general like let me let me see um a caller you're saying just because Hiller's in a relationship where it looks like his fiancée is crazy supportive of his YouTube habit, of the way he's taken over the garage, the long hours he works, the fact that he abuses C4. And you mean just shit like that and that when he is with her, they seem like they're adorable online. And she just seems like a fucking really supportive person.
Starting point is 01:58:46 She pops his zits on his back, shit like that. Fucking right she does. Definitely. Yeah, yeah. Or is it just an act that's part of a facade to keep up for the, so everyone thinks he's cool? They're pretty good at acting, if that's true. But I'm from california and what we
Starting point is 01:59:07 think of when it comes to people from chicago is that they they're not fake they're about as real as it gets so i don't know who people from chicago yeah unless this is a mistake i thought hiller had a relationship with Chicago. Yeah, yeah, he's outside of town. I can sum it up like this. I think every day that she's with me that I'm the luckiest person in the world, and I think that she looks at it the same way. And if there is anything wrong, we always try to fall back on that.
Starting point is 01:59:41 And if there is an issue, it's like, wait wait a minute this is all we've ever wanted so let's say that i want to have sex 50 times a day because i'm on trt i'd be like wait a minute that probably isn't one that doesn't make any sense number two i don't even think it's possible for the female body to do that i understand why there's the breaks that need to be pumped and that's the type of thing that i hear Gary talking about, which is what's going on in her world that maybe would not want. I mean, it's not like it's his fault or anything. It's just sometimes enough is enough.
Starting point is 02:00:14 And when it comes to any issue, and that might be one of them with people who want to have sex too much, just wonder what's going on in their head in their situation remember that everything you do you should be happy and grateful for because you're with that person and we're super fucking happy with one another one another my wife and i kind of have a fallback plan like that too what hillar said um when he said uh we just remind ourselves that we're the luckiest people alive to have each other um my wife and I are kind of fallback plan is at the end of the day, we both are acutely aware that our happiness is our responsibility.
Starting point is 02:00:54 And to put that on someone else is completely fucking unrealistic and off the path of true enlightenment. And so if I am mad at her at the end of the day, it's my responsibility to, to, my responsibility to mitigate that. Now, does that mean that you can't talk things out? You can't be like, hey, I'd really appreciate if you didn't use my toothbrush to clean the back of the toilet. I can still say that. Like, hey, I'm really pissed off. I know it's my problem, but could you work with me on that and not use my toothbrush to clean the toilet bowl? But at the end of the day, it is my problem. That is the truth. And my wife and I both know that. And that has been the saving grace of our relationship, that we are responsible for our own happiness so but it's kind of like hillers right we we both have that like that's the that's the light that you can shine on anything to try to make uh the darkness go away and his is you know
Starting point is 02:01:53 yeah like holy fuck i'm upset at hiller because he keeps working till one in the morning and getting up at six i'm not getting any time with them but then she can take that light well fuck i'm still lucky that i have this man and if he's like man she doesn't ever come home till nine and i have to eat dinner by myself he can still shine that light i'm still lucky i have this woman and those that light fucking nukes all the other like uh helps nuke your thought wouldn't it be anywhere else yeah do you do you find it interesting that this is a conversation that is happening through CrossFit? I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:02:28 Because I would not. I guess, you know, I can't call it a CrossFit podcast, but I discovered you guys, each one of you, Sousa, Devon, Andrew Hiller, through CrossFit. And it's just, you you know we're talking about relationships I don't know it is interesting to me there is a level of profoundness that in the fitness community we're all I mean this counts as a mental health conversation
Starting point is 02:02:55 mental health you're totally right CrossFit's mental health fitness is mental health yeah for sure hey that's why I asked Gary if his wife works out. If your fucking mate doesn't work out, you're fucked. I mean, because it's just free fucking drugs for your fucking mate and for you. It's free fucking happy pills.
Starting point is 02:03:16 And they got to be doing something. Even that guy yesterday who was the JFT2 guy, he walks and does heavy lifting. I so fucking approve of that. And they're not actually married though, guys. Barry McCockner, my wife won't sleep with me because I cheat on her. This guy is the worst. He doesn't cheat on her, Barry. He has cheated
Starting point is 02:03:36 on her and a ton of people have cheated on people and I don't think it's a deal breaker. I think that relationships are hard. Now granted, if you're 10 years in and you have three kids and you cheat, that's fucking going to be a problem. If you're going to cheat, do it in the beginning before you have kids. But also, like, you know, he's not married yet. I wasn't married after my first kid either.
Starting point is 02:03:57 And it's – life can be hard, man. Like maybe he works at a strip club. Do you work at a strip club? Do I work at a strip club do you work at a strip club do i work at a strip club yeah no no i i'm a it it still is just as a cliche i'm a musician oh that's cool okay yeah see yeah like you should get a pass occasional pass on an accident i have outlived the days of the past unfortunately well fortunately and unfortunately i don't know i i feel like it's hard to feel like a good person because with cheating if you feel like oh no big deal well then you're not the
Starting point is 02:04:39 greatest person right but then if you know that it's kind of a big deal well then you're definitely not the greatest person so kind of no matter how you slice it it's kind of a big deal, well, then you're definitely not the greatest person. So kind of no matter how you slice it, it's like, well, shoot. I used to be like, oh, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant. I looked at I looked at guys that I kind of, you know, I don't know, I valued them. And I thought they were having a positive influence on people. And I just thought, oh, this is what you do when you are an entertainer or an athlete or something. I think the reason why you don't- High value rich person.
Starting point is 02:05:09 The richer you are, the less that matters on both sides. And I'll fucking say it. If you got a billion dollars and you got a wife and she catches you boning another chick, she's going to fucking slide out and shut the door and not say a damn word. Once you break that $100 million mark, all bets are off and everybody can get mad
Starting point is 02:05:23 in the comments about that thing, but they know it's fucking true. You don't want to be cut off the tit of that dollar bill. You don't want that credit card to stop working. Keep your mouth shut. Hey, listen to – listen to Jan Clark. We have Gary's therapist on. Listen to Chris Rock's newest stand-up on Netflix.
Starting point is 02:05:39 He says that Elon Musk has less cum than any other man alive, that every time he sells a Tesla, his wife blows him, and he's actually got negative cum. That's a lot of fucking Teslas. Hey, listen, I would take that comment back about cheating. Are you fucking kidding me? Listen, Barry, careful. You might want to walk away, Barry, because I'm going to fuck your shit up up right now anyone who doesn't want a big dose of reality i'm about to you should walk away go do something here we go you ready you're in a relationship and it's the best i've talked to hillar about this before you're in a relationship and it's the best relationship
Starting point is 02:06:19 you've ever fucking had you can't believe how happy you are you love your wife it's been fucking five years of bliss you find out for the last five years every tuesday when she goes to the gym she's fucking suza that damn crossfit coach i hate when people fuck Sousa. And instead of realizing that that's been part of the… The recipe of success. Thank you, Sousa. Instead of realizing that's the recipe of success, you're such a fucking ideologue, close-minded, dogmatic, self-sacrificing moron that you don't look at yourself and you leave that person
Starting point is 02:07:10 it's deep baby yeah it's yeah yeah yeah what do you do what do you and i'll tell you how hard it is because this fucking guy right here with the cool eyeballs andrew hiller he said he'd stay with this fucking chick if he found out she used to be a dude. But when I said, what if he found out she's cheating on you this whole time? He's like, oh, I... Fuck that. Pretty hardcore.
Starting point is 02:07:38 I was going to say, the cheating thing, like, yeah, fine. Some people don't like people with fucked up feet either. But I'm not saying, I think it's healthy not to be in a cheating relationship. Don't get me wrong. I think intimacy and commitment and long-term commitment is the way to go for a healthy, strong relationship. You missed the point? You missed the point?
Starting point is 02:08:02 Sorry, go ahead. Have you guys been cheated on not that i know of yeah i had a harem and a couple of the girls had had other dudes and i i didn't like it i didn't like it i didn't like it I didn't like it it's a different circumstance but yeah it's not the greatest of course you missed the point it's a tough one to swallow of course you missed the point
Starting point is 02:08:33 it's a tough motherfucker to follow yeah yeah you wouldn't care? no I would definitely care if I found out Heidi says Sevan you wouldn't care if you found out your would definitely care if i found out heidi says someone you wouldn't care if you found out your wife was taking dick every tuesday no i would absolutely care it was happening for five years and i found out that that's the recipe to my
Starting point is 02:08:57 fucking happiness uh harem uh usually secluded uh house or part of a house allotted to women in some muslim households, not that one. The wives are concubines, female relatives and servants occupying a harem. Closer. Oh, here we go. Number two, a group of women associated with one man. Yes. Hey, what if you put a different twist? Of course you care. That's the point, Heidi. I would care. But how is it that I've been in love with her for five years and now all of a sudden something I didn't know. The point is it's something I didn't know. That's now a part of my success.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Like what if I found out that my wife's favorite dinner that she makes. Well, you guys out there, there's those of you out there who eat Skittles, but there's fucking poison in every bag. But you still love them. You don't get it? You don't get the point? I love Skittles. Sevan, you are the cheaty Sevan. No, I wasn't the cheaty Sevan.
Starting point is 02:10:04 I was a a pimp. Call Daniel Brennan back up and ask her this question. Wait, what if 10 years ago, your sibling got really badly hurt in a hit and run accident. Then 10 years later, you found out that it was your wife that actually hit your
Starting point is 02:10:20 sibling with the car and knew that that happened, but never said anything. Are we still in the same lane as cheating because if we're talking about the breaking of the trust there but it didn't affect you you weren't the one emotionally or physically hurt by it your sibling was but you still got lied to because it was covered up can we play that dude there was this popular duo named Milli Vanilli. They were huge in the 80s, huge. And people found out that they were lip syncing and it wasn't them. And their music went away overnight.
Starting point is 02:10:54 And I'm like, wow, I live with fucking idiots. These people care who sings the song. One of these people killed themselves. I'm like, how you you love a song and you found out that hillar was lying he wasn't singing it it was suza singing it so you stopped listening to the song are you a fucking the most shallow piece of shit that ever lived or what and yes you are and that that was my point like right like if you didn't like you have an ideology that interferes with what makes you happy, you're fucking insane. You being a rhetorical you. You guys still listen to Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 02:11:33 Yeah. And Adam, that's fair, too. I get the point. It's still a deal breaker. I get it. I get it. That's fair, too. Not not not not not for me. Not my wife's never cheated on me as far as i know i don't think she could and here's another thing here's how fucking cool i am if my wife did cheat on me i'd want her to tell me so that she could be free from that secret wow that's how much i fucking love my wife on you and you'd be okay with it i wouldn't be okay with fucking kill me fucking hurt me fucking make me devastated but i want her to fucking tell me because i want to be with her the rest of my life and i want her to be free from any secrets uh-huh but i'm deep and real as a motherfucker yeah this is true thank you thank you god i love you if suze ever dies
Starting point is 02:12:23 you can be you can be my guy that would be a huge deal for me i'm a you god i love you if suze ever dies you can be you can be my guy that would be a huge deal for me i'm a you guys are like you guys are celebrities to me good thank you i'm a celebrity to me too hillary laughing and that's hilarious to me because you don't even know like when you're a fan of athletes or people within you know whatever you hope you run into them you're like oh man i wish I could run into Hiller to say like, Oh dude, fucking thank you for doing TRT. So that maybe some app masters athletes that are doing TRT will be like, okay, here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:12:56 This is really fucked up to do CrossFit at this age. We should be allowed to take a certain amount of milligrams. Everyone should be able to take like a hundred milligrams, you know, per per week or whatever it is and that's just everyone across the board not this is not some cheating thing this is i want to keep doing next year next thing you know though bro will look like those fucking weirdos at the mr universe or the mr olympia or arnold like how soon before fucking hillar looks weird as shit no no one's gonna tell him. He's just all fucking like... I'm a big dude now.
Starting point is 02:13:30 I can't get under 200 for the life of me. Yeah, well, he starts looking like Lee Priest or whatever that guy is. How many milligrams per week are you on? 200. 200?
Starting point is 02:13:45 If Master's athlete is taking 100, they're definitely going to look better, but they're just going to look like... There's a couple of downstream things that'll affect your output or what it'll do to your levels. But usually it's around 150, 200. I can't believe... Look at Cockcutter says...
Starting point is 02:14:04 Oh, sorry. Cockcutter says, I love sorry, Cockcutter says, I love this collar. No one's ever said they like this collar. Anyway, thank you for calling. Let's not ruin it, but before we have you on too long and someone starts hating on you. No problem. Thank you. My name is
Starting point is 02:14:20 Peter, by the way. I'll shoot you. Okay, thank you, Peter. Thanks for having me. Peter Hood. You guys are the best. Bye-bye. Adios. Peter, pumpkin eater. Three kids, a musician.
Starting point is 02:14:32 If Stefan and Hill are your heroes, you need help. Who is Trish? It drives me insane. Because some of the stuff Trish says, well, the majority of the stuff is just hilarious and what about that instagram post that's not really that's not really trish is it at the game no no that was a wad zombie thing if you read the caption she like writes about it but it's just so funny because some of the stuff that is like posted or said is i'm like are you somebody
Starting point is 02:14:59 who is on like the inside and like knows all like some of it's really spot on to where i'm like how the fuck then something's kind of like my face but all of it's hilarious like her instagram is fire that's her so that's not real that's a doctored photo that's a doctored photo it says if you go if you zoom in do you like a little zoom in on the caption of it there? Yeah, I wish I knew how to do that. Okay. A double click. I know. I tried to double click to color.
Starting point is 02:15:30 Hi. This is why they pay me the big bucks. What's going on, guys? What's up to Rick? Hey, Hiller, did it snow down there? Yeah, there's snow. It all melted already, though. It's weird. You want to come help me?
Starting point is 02:15:44 Help you melt it? Well, this has digressed quite a bit. Well, we just went from, like, deep conversations, and now you're just asking Hillary to come shovel your snow? What's happening here? No, I got a flamethrower. You just attach it to a propane tank, and then you go to town on whatever you want.
Starting point is 02:15:59 It's a good time. Oh, my goodness. How come I can't find Trish? I was going to bring up Trish's thing and zoom in so we could see it, but I can't find it. Oh, I just did it for you. Where have you been? Caller, what was your name?
Starting point is 02:16:11 Caller? Caller. I think because Sevan dropped off, we actually can't hear the caller anymore. I wonder if the caller could still hear me. Sorry for razzing you about the snowplow question. I'm sure you were probably going to get into some deep discussion afterward but dude it's called small talk before you get into the real stuff no i hate that shit dude whenever we do meetings and stuff
Starting point is 02:16:33 and like we sit there like i get antsy like i sit i'm i like like to walk in i'm like okay so where are we at what are we doing where are we going like don't fucking talk about a bunch of shit that's wasting our time and i don't care like let's just get to the point right to the point hey did you make it to quarterfinals yeah finished 1160 are they gonna are they gonna say anything about that i didn't put my scores into the leaderboard oh okay okay they couldn't say anything about it there he goes now you're back. Yeah, sorry. When you dropped off, we couldn't. Oh, when I drop off, he goes away? Yeah, he went away. Oh, shit. Oh, I'm sitting here listening to Sousa completely shit on me.
Starting point is 02:17:14 I'm like, what the hell is going on? No, no, no, no, buddy. That was like barely a fart. Wouldn't even call it a shart. I know. I know. I know, Sousa. You're good.
Starting point is 02:17:21 You're good shit. This is Jeremy from Milwaukee. Jeremy, what's up, brother? What's up? What's up, up? I was even going to compliment Susan. I was in Cali over Super Bowl weekend. I was going to compliment how beautiful Livermore was. Now I'm going to take all that back.
Starting point is 02:17:35 Oh, no. Don't do that. Don't hate on Livermore just because of me saying Livermore is not beautiful, though. What do you know? You've been out here. It's just rolling hills. It's one-dimensional. It's brown and green. What do you know? You've been out here. It's just rolling hills. It's one-dimensional. It's brown and green. Does it get green? When you're from Milwaukee,
Starting point is 02:17:51 Wisconsin, I mean, come on, man. That's pretty beautiful. Oh. Did I drop off again? No, no, no. Go, Jeremy. You're about to get dropped off. Oh, I'm going to drop you off I'm going to come at you from a different angle here
Starting point is 02:18:07 about the cheating thing this is how I look at it you can call it self esteem whatever but if I found out I'm recently divorced so whatever but like if I found out that my wife was cheating on me for five years
Starting point is 02:18:23 I wouldn't it wouldn't be like, oh my God, I'm so pissed off. I would look at it like, I'd probably leave her because clearly I'm not needed. If you're finding your happiness with somebody at the gym or wherever, what's the point of me and us? I think you're forgetting that
Starting point is 02:18:44 there's multiple facets to a relationship and you might be zoning in on the sexual facet. Yeah, but I kind of agree with him on that because in the context of what we were talking about when someone would say it is like your relationship's happy, she's super happy and everything else. So is that portion of it like the biggest element
Starting point is 02:19:00 of the happiness? And if it is, that kind of makes you feel like shit. And then you're going to go to what his conclusion was like, well, what's the point of me then? Exactly. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 02:19:12 that's exactly what I'm getting. What's the point of me? I would just assume my dick's too big and she needs some smaller dick. That's what I'm talking about. That's I didn't know Gary was still on the show. That's the I'm talking about. I didn't know Gary was still on the show. That's the only logical answer. Barry McCockner, I still love you guys.
Starting point is 02:19:33 Is Jason Grubb on TRT, do you think? Let's ask Jeremy first. Jeremy, what do you think? Oh, no hesitation. So as a Masters athlete, I'm 37. God, Barry, why? Why, Barry, why? Why do you have to ask that sorry go ahead jeremy sorry just piss i was out in san diego for legends in 2021 you know masters
Starting point is 02:19:55 only um and um jason was there and you know tons of athletes and i could not help but look around and be like what the fuck are these people taking because us older folks don't necessarily look like that unless you're dabbling in something and when i look at jason i'm like oh i don't know like what about testing how do they get away with it then hillar how do they get away with it easy they Hiller, how do they get away with it? Easy peasy? They don't test that legend, but obviously Jason's a game-sass too. I don't know. I have no idea. If you're on a certain level of testosterone. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:20:32 I can see Hiller's digging through Grubb's Instagram. I can see him back in there. I'm fucking hating this. I love Jason. I love Jason too, but look at the guy. He's cheap, you know? I'll let you know this. I've made nanny or nots, and they're very selective.
Starting point is 02:20:47 So I don't just straight up answer questions about this sort of stuff because I'm very detailed on who I choose to do them on for certain reasons. But I will reference something that I heard from a Masters athlete, which is they were aging up from a certain age group to another age group, and they're sitting at an event where there are a handful of masters looking at the people in the age group above them. And they said, so this is what I'm going to look like in five years. And conventional wisdom tells you that as you age, you are going to go lower with your levels of testosterone. You will look worse.
Starting point is 02:21:22 But for some reason, the age group above that group of individuals, remember this i don't want to name them because it might out whomever but there's an age group then there's an age group and they're all like oh so this is what we're going to look like at this point and that's as far as i'll go on this one in particular uh what i think that's a very valid point and hillary the guy you the guy that got all confrontational with you at the at the games, whatever the hell it was, he was an athlete there. What was his name? No, not Hippenstiel, the other one. Mike Dudivore.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Okay, I'm not sitting here, like, throwing accusations out. I'm just saying what I see. But he was there, too. And he doesn't, you know, I think UFC made something on him. That's why he got all pissed off at you. That guy doesn't look
Starting point is 02:22:14 natural, you know? At that age. I'm not trying to throw accusations out there. That dude dwarfed fucking Hiller. I just find it hard to believe that dude that dude was huge dude that dude was so thick in the chest and so wide in the shoulders his fucking whole jawline everything about him he looked like fucking superman
Starting point is 02:22:35 and he's 15 years older than hillary right hillary you're like 31 like he's over a decade older than you why would that guy let me ask you this here's the part i don't understand why would someone like that confront yep i recently went back to the post i made about him too it was a picture of him with two eyeballs on a story on instagram which isn't a whole video it isn't me saying anything it alludes to it but you know what i'm saying right he went out of his way to confront me about the whole situation. All it was was a post where I threw some eyeballs, the emoji eyeballs. I think he was trying to just, it was like a big dick intimidation thing.
Starting point is 02:23:17 Like, shut up, dude. Like, you know, stop talking about it because, you know, he's afraid the more you talk about it, the more light comes to it and guess what happens in the more light comes to something. And I don't know, or, or I'm completely wrong. And maybe he's natural. Ah, you give him too much credit for that one. He's playing chess. He goes, if I confront him, I will be talked about.
Starting point is 02:23:43 I don't know, man. I have my doubts. You look around. I mean, I'm natural as all get up and I, I, I, I'm put together pretty well. I see black dudes in the park. I see black dudes in the park. Well, I'm pull up bars and shit in their sixties and seventies Japanese dudes too. And I don't think they're on shit and they look fucking jacked out of their mind.
Starting point is 02:24:05 I feel you. I feel you. I feel you. Sorry, Luke. Okay. Well, nice talking to you. Hey, you guys have a good one. Okay. Thanks, Jeremy. Later, dude.
Starting point is 02:24:18 What is this clip? Who cares? Okay, got it. Who the fuck cares? Got it. I'm that guy that asked why you're playing it. Who the fuck cares? Okay, got it. Who the fuck cares? Got it. I'm that guy that asked why you're playing it. Who the fuck cares? How do I make this bigger?
Starting point is 02:24:32 I'm nervous that she doesn't have a helmet on. She's clearly a professional. She doesn't need a helmet. I can't even believe... Instagram's amazing, isn't it? I want to know how she's doing that with a GoPro and turns it around without doing anything with her hands. Oh, maybe it's an iPhone.
Starting point is 02:24:52 Well, no, it said right there, shot on the GoPro. But how did she turn it? She just has huge fake tits and she rides a motorcycle. Hey, how do you know they're fake? How do you know they're fake? Yeah, those are real right uh no jordan's at a 360 gopro yeah that's that's some good like ride music right there that's exactly what i envision riding the motorcycle
Starting point is 02:25:22 i just needed to bring the show back on course after uh I envision riding a motorcycle. I just needed to bring the show back on course after. This has been a wild show. Is it okay if I book 11 a.m. hot Pilates class? Yeah. I tried to pull up TikTok, but the freaking sound just started going wild. I had the one I wanted to show you. I sent the the one to you guys but it isn't the entire video it's just the intro clip to where then the black dude is just kind of looking at her like no what is that oh boy has anyone seen the new uh chris rock um
Starting point is 02:25:56 sorry has anyone seen the new chris rock uh stand up on netflix um i've seen half of it i've seen half of it not the whole thing yet there's a section in there where he talks about how to get attention i just want to leave it at this you want me to pull it up i got it you can we can't play any of it hey are you gonna make a video about it if you'd like me to but remember i told you i couldn't maybe i can pull it off a stream yard. It's not working. Dude, see what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 02:26:29 Look, it just blacks it out. Oh, because it knew we were about to play it on YouTube? Yeah, see, it doesn't let you play it. Oh, wow. See if the audio works. See if the audio works. It does, but are you really willing to risk that? Just play like two seconds of it. Let me see what happens.
Starting point is 02:26:43 All right, you're the boss. Let's see no we can't hear it anything oh okay yeah interesting i can i fell asleep watching a few nights to get you but dude there's this thing in there hey just film your tv with your phone i'm gonna do it and send it to you i'm not some ratchet asshole, but I'll do it. There's a scene in there where he says that the four ways... He says, first of all, we're addicted to attention as
Starting point is 02:27:14 a society. Whatever. Okay. We're addicted to attention. Fine. I think we've always been addicted to attention. But then he says the four ways to get attention are show your ass, do something that makes you infamous, you know, like rob a bank, talk shit about someone, attack someone more popular than you. Just whatever. Slap, you know, do something infamous, right?
Starting point is 02:27:34 Kill a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo. Yeah. Yeah. Kill a gorilla. Did someone do that? That happened? Harambe, man. What?
Starting point is 02:27:41 Who killed him? The zoo did. After the child jumped in there they killed that gorilla you don't know about this no but that's another crazy track that's another crazy thing too hey that's how stupid we are in the society how about when they pulled down a sandusky's fucking statue and they took 300 wins off his fucking football career because he diddled some kids that's what i mean that's the same stupidness for like breaking up with your wife for cheating on you it's like it's not enough
Starting point is 02:28:11 just to say she's cheating on you it has to be something else it's not enough it's not enough what was the third thing okay so sorry show your ass infamy um uh be really good at something like serena williams be the best uh tennis player in the fucking uh uh world or golf whatever she does and then the fourth thing is um uh play the victim play the victim thank you yes show your ass do something that makes you infamous be really good at something or play the victim which is the easiest of the four hey but there's people in this community there's athletes in this community that do all four yeah diversify there's an athlete in the community oh look just straight marketing genius yeah that's good
Starting point is 02:29:14 show as much ass as you can do something makes you infamous fight with other people in other podcasts uh be fucking amazing at something fuck she's yeah so good at fucking crossfit number four play the victim world yeah she's world class at three of them she hasn't found anyone really good to fight with yet to make her infamous like she gotta like we need a sex tape or like she has to fuck leonardo dicaprio or but dude stand by yeah she's a fucking marking i saw that i fucking called hiller and i was like jumping on my mattress like a baby i'm like dude this bitch is fucking brilliant yeah and i've since said i can't get the freaking screen recording and i don't want to do it all ratchet. I want to do it well.
Starting point is 02:30:06 This chick is fucking, how fucking much ass has she shown? How shown? She's fucking only getting better at CrossFit. She's so fucking good. She can do it all, run, handstand, push-ups, and pick up heavy shit. This bitch is fucking incredible. And she's the world-class fucking victim she's like the lebron of fucking victims wait a minute well he plays the victim too i mean he plays the crazy
Starting point is 02:30:35 victim i can't go to target 1.6 mil dude nailed it there we go got a body pic got i'm really good at something pic and then we have our so probably a victim no there's the victim the victim videos right there that tier video that's the victim perfect there we go no pick the fourth picture this one maybe maybe it is the tier video be your own fucking valentine yeah that's the victim too that's the victim too. That's the victim too. Is that right? That's all the victim. Tell me how. Like it's stupid. It's like some like hardcore feminist like she – I don't need a man. I don't need anyone.
Starting point is 02:31:14 I could be my own Valentine. It's the total – it's like, dude, no one's buying it. Like cool. Being alone is cool. Sitting on a mountaintop is cool. I love it. But Valentine's, being alone is cool. Sitting on a mountaintop is cool. I love it. But Valentine's Day is about intimacy with other people.
Starting point is 02:31:30 Like, be your own Valentine. No, be your own source of spiritual fucking power and security and happiness and oneness. But it's fucking Valentine's Day. Don't drag your feminist bullshit into Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is about fucking getting drunk and eating candy and fucking. But anyway, either way, it's brilliant infamous yeah that's that's about as yeah she needs something way better than that yeah so i pretend to ass pound fucking gay dudes yay yay child's play yeah let's see the later target i do that too so the fuck what i want her to do something crazy like mel gibson wait get pulled over and just start slamming jews i fucking hate jews you gotta already be famous to say that or or what jessica griffith did let the let let let
Starting point is 02:32:20 a let a bad word slip out of your mouth. I like how you danced around that. Hey, she could do it really good, too. She could be like, dude, I was sucking this nigga's dick so hard. And then let that clip slip out. Yeah, there you go. I can't believe how big this nigga's dick was. And then it's like, she's infamous. But it better be someone like like lebron or kanye
Starting point is 02:32:45 it's the moon and even if you miss you're still in the stars right i just i'm i my risk yeah right my respect for her is um like i'm just fucking otherworldly and i was in school was in session when chris rock was saying that. And I was like, holy fuck. Danny Spiegel is my fucking daddy. Hey,
Starting point is 02:33:11 can we use those four to our advantage in any way? Look at Jason. Momoa by sponsor. Look at Jason. Momoa is fucking Instagram account. This motherfucker showing ass. Jason Momoa. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:26 And hey, and I watched this. I watched this fucking a hundred times. Look at Jason Momoa's most recent Instagram post. I looked at his ass like I zoomed. I tried to zoom in on his ass. I couldn't. I tried to zoom in.
Starting point is 02:33:44 I was the reason I was trying to see if he had a hairy butt. Does he? I couldn't. I tried to zoom in. The reason why, I was trying to see if he had a hairy butt. Does he? I couldn't tell. He has a fucking great ass, though. He's, do you see his Instagram? I know, I don't know. I wouldn't know how to spell it either. Let me see.
Starting point is 02:33:59 Yeah, I got it. It was in my search. This one? I got it. Yeah, yeah, the first one. Yeah, look at this fucker. This thing is his, this, this? Yeah, this, the first one. Yeah, look at this fucker. This thing is this? Yeah, this guy, Danny Spiegel ain't got shit on him.
Starting point is 02:34:08 She's a little fledgling compared to him. You're telling me we see his butt in this video? Yeah, yeah, yeah, play it, play it. Watch, play this. Play the audio, play the audio. Okay. I like the way he walks, too. Like he's got a huge dick.
Starting point is 02:34:22 Look at it, kind of like a duck, like Dave Castro. Look at it. too like he's got a huge dick look at like kind of like a duck like dave castro look at it's awesome right hey how long before hillar shows us some ass i was thinking about doing it right now honestly oh boy but don't get dunk hey what's he why does he have zielinski up there put hit the zielinski one in the upper right i know he has an incredible ass i know that's the thing too what oh we can't hear the audio first look at uh oh no he's promoting a fucking disney movie i paused it because I don't want to get in trouble. Oh, God.
Starting point is 02:35:07 Is that Zelensky? Is that the Ukrainian? Oh, my God. Momoa is a fucking ass clown. Disney. Jesus Christ. First look at Renovations. No, yeah.
Starting point is 02:35:21 No, thank you. Oh, that's Jeremy Renner, not Zelensky. That's Jeremy Renner not Zelensky that was Jeremy Renner I don't know who that is who is it he plays Hawkeye because you've never seen a freaking movie it looks like fucking am I off does it look like the Ukrainian leader
Starting point is 02:35:39 dude I like this guy he kind of reminds me of james newberry he fucks uh uh this dude bangs uh lisa bonet i don't know who that is she's got that is either she's got to be 15 years older than him cosby's daughter from the cosby show no shit uh magnus holmgren seve don't start buddy if disney offers you 10 million you will put your own dick in your mouth uh magnus uh um well we'll have to wait and see would you move the podcast studio to a booth in Disney World? It's a million dollars. I'm picking up my shit right now.
Starting point is 02:36:32 Hey, dude, I'm clean compared to the shit that fucking Disney shows, that Disney supports. I can see it now. There's just the freaking Magic Kingdom in the background. That'd be awesome. Today we're joined with Donald Duck. Hey, I swear to you, it's coming it is coming uh danny spiegel is going to do something that's so infamous that's going to be uh make me hate the fact that i'm not friends with her that i fucked up that relationship it's coming we could still be
Starting point is 02:36:57 friends there there's still time there's no opportunity yeah for sure has there ever been anyone in the crossfit space who's done something like that infamous to the level of i mean other than ryan fisher telling a judge he was gonna kill him oh hell it worked but that's still in our space hey that that that josh newman guide was pulling a pretty big like money scam in new york but i'm trying to think of anyone i mean floyd greg's the only with the floyd 19 thing yeah that counts um we're just not big enough she's gonna have to make the leap she's gonna have to she's gonna have to like i mean brooke entz was fucking around in hollywood and was in some maybe she fucked someone and like some video would come out there is it does this count thought that katrin
Starting point is 02:37:46 was the four of four i mean i don't she was on sports illustrated yeah she did that new naked thing but she's not really i don't see people like fetishizing her or like like i mean uh danny's just a full phone danny's is that's just it's just a full phone uh full-blown fetishizing her or like like i mean uh danny's just a full phone danny's a is that's just it's just a full phone uh full-blown fetish material her whole account is i mean it's just i don't see i don't see katrin is a sex symbol i don't know like i i'm danny's just good or i don't see catcher trying to be a sex symbol whereas i see danny's caught in some weird web of tna or maybe she's not caught she's weaving i don't want to like fuck i don't know i should make a video the top 10 top biggest sex symbols in crossfit there's there's a website where they already have these ranked. There is? Really? Yeah. Who's number one?
Starting point is 02:38:46 I'll pull it up. Let's see. Who's your number one? Oh, you think Katrin is hot, too? I don't think Katrin is. Katrin looks like Jay Leno, kind of, like a moon. I mean, I find her. She's the most attractive Jay Leno-looking person I've ever seen. But I don't think she like she's earned her beauty
Starting point is 02:39:06 I can't I can't really explain it I don't think I think if Katrin's not a crossfitter and in the limelight you don't I'm guessing you don't find her attractive Wolverine made this oh perfect $1.99 to see Hiller's cheeks
Starting point is 02:39:22 it's gonna be more than that. Oh, I see. And I guess Katrin could be infamous because she's fucking the hockey player dude, but I think she's more famous than the hockey dude. Unless we see a video come out, I wouldn't say that was infamous. So Swolverine put up a 16 hottest women in CrossFit post. This is a Colton Merton sponsor? Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 02:39:43 God, he better be number one. This is the women. I don't even know who that is that top one she's out of crossfit hype oh it's just anybody in crossfit though not like athletes and it doesn't have to be games athletes oh we got daniel brandon daughter that's i think all these all these women are crazy attractive so the gazan bethany shed yeah well wait can we go back uh gazan gazan is like totally underrated hot uh bethany shadburn's head is the most incredible head ever that's like what her head oh okay, okay. Just a weird... Her cranium. She's fucking Wonder Woman. Look at her fucking giant... I mean, it's fucking Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 02:40:31 That's Gal Gadot. I thought she was referring to her as the throat goat or something there. I don't know. Holy moly. Even I knew what he was talking about there. I did too. It's a bit... I don't know who that is. I don't know who that is daniel dunlap jessica adroski i don't know who
Starting point is 02:40:51 that is you know this one's hamming oh yeah just because she takes oh is that joe i don't recognize her but i know the name she does stuff with danny and allison scuds right right cogwin i think that this is someone that was brought up recently on the show. Brian said she's competing this year. Oh. Oh, she looked like she really leaned out. Oh, is she on roids? Look at her shoulders.
Starting point is 02:41:13 Her? Checks out. Checks out. As I always say, I need to do some research. You know why people liked her, by the way? She kept her boobs. That girl kept her boobs for a while just jessica conlon she had a lot of boob shots in the early days
Starting point is 02:41:28 rare commodity and this is the person who was on top i don't know who she is the prima hi tommy is that that maybe that used to be a dude uh katrin's is that katrin david's daughter yeah she's pretty yeah there's some great there's some great photos of her there's mal o'brien now mal o'brien i think it was just a kid yeah yeah like like like like just scroll like that like you're a pedophile if you whoever put her on the list she still had to get a permission slip signed to do the open announcement like yeah like that exactly uh all of them yes they can come over to the barbecue edgar gill thompson invited i don't know who they are but she you know they can all come they could have gave her a better picture i should give her a better picture they cannot
Starting point is 02:42:13 mal cannot come to the barbecue kelly stone yeah that's a crazy body when you see ass from the back ass from the front you know what i like and i didn't even notice till just now because i was they had all of their lifts on here that's cool yeah um gazan too i don't know because i think of gazan as a woman she's she's seasoned she's been through some shit when i but you're but you're right her face is pretty young they also have a men so we're going to talk about the men now oh okay oh adler's totally underrated listen that fucking dude could be a suit model that dude's totally underrated someone needs to do something with this like he just needs like just a little bit of like something and he's a supermodel i he kind of reminds me of superman you know who henry yes yes he's better looking
Starting point is 02:43:04 than him even. It's just someone just needs to do something to him a little bit. Malcolm, what a fool. I don't know who that is. He won the Open not too long ago, didn't he? He was top five. Sam? Cornwise is super handsome, I agree, except he got that funny accent.
Starting point is 02:43:22 Cole? No, Grayshaber. God, I think of Grayshaber as a little boy still too. Bring him back next year. Bring him back next year. Can you believe that there is an article on the supplement website on the hottest CrossFitters? Smart.
Starting point is 02:43:35 It's on the content right now. Dylan Pettit, but you've never even heard of him. No, he looks like he fell out of the 50s kind of. I like him. Yeah, but he looks jacked. Look at him. Super jacked. Yeah like him. Yeah, but he looks jacked. Look at him. Super jacked. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:43:47 Yeah. Yeah. He's a good-looking dude. What is he? Wait, what ethnicity is that dude? Is he from Brazil? Yeah, he looks... Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 02:43:58 Oh, that's it. Philip Kelly. How is Khan not at the top? Yeah, Khan... If he's not on this list, this list is bullshit. Adler is super handsome. That's a good way to describe Adler. Cedric's the point. Yeah, Khan. If he's not on this list, this list is bullshit. Adler is super handsome. That's a good way to describe Adler. Cedric the point.
Starting point is 02:44:08 Okay, you've lost me with this guy. What? Yeah, have you heard? You can't have an accent like that and be on this list. Yeah, but also, he blocked my Instagram. You can't put him on this list. He blocked you? Right.
Starting point is 02:44:21 He can't do muscle-ups that well. Shit. Is this? I've never heard of this guy. You know who they't do muscle-ups that well. Shit. Is this? I never heard of this guy. Neither have I. You know who they need on here is Jorge Fernandez. There he is.
Starting point is 02:44:31 Oh, yeah. On Porter. On Porter. Yeah, Jorge. Yeah. Mitch Wagner. He's a good boy. Hey, I'm going to make a list of the hottest dudes. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 02:44:40 Like top 10? I'm going to do it the next time Brian comes on and does the top 100. There he is. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. What are you going to do, like top 10? I'm going to do it the next time Brian comes on and does the top 100. There he is. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. He's a sponsored athlete.
Starting point is 02:44:54 Wow, Colton. Colton's looking good with his new haircut. I wasn't a fan of his mullet. I'm liking his short hair. Hell Fisher. I don't know who that is. 8.360. Juice. Brandon Luckett.
Starting point is 02:45:05 Good dude on the show. Brandon Luckett, yeah. Good dude. Doesn who that is. 360. Juice. Brandon Luckett. Good dude on the show. Brandon Luckett, yeah. Good dude. Doesn't compete anymore. You can't. Patrick Brothers, like you get all three of them. All three of them. It's probably because they couldn't decipher which was which,
Starting point is 02:45:13 so they're like, fuck it, just wrap them up. Right. Good looking dudes. Okay. Well, Scott got better looking as he got older. I can't. They freaking threw their own athlete, Colton Mertens, on there. I'm not mad about it, but
Starting point is 02:45:28 Where's JR? That's a good point. JR definitely belongs on that list. A shirtless JR is a dangerous JR. Don't leave your kids or your wife around him. There's these articles everywhere. That's not the one I was looking for,
Starting point is 02:45:44 but I didn't even i didn't enjoy that i don't know okay i won't pull up anymore then yeah i apologize no no don't apologize it's fun it's good it's good to do stuff that i don't enjoy i'm stronger for it did everyone else enjoy it keep growing i made that video on mel when she wasn't locking out her muscle ups and then she blocked me on Instagram and everyone's like, you're picking on a little girl. And I go, hey, just so you know, she's 18. I'm not picking on, but that list is different. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:46:13 I know. Yeah. I don't like strolling past that. You know, it was a big, it was a big thing when I worked at crossfit there were some big discussions and debates on what the teenage athletes should be wearing like that they shouldn't be wearing the same shit that the adults wear because the shit the adults wear is is uh my words not there is too slutty provocative and whorish wow but my words not theirs but that's the implication right like if you if you have the adults in an outfit and the kids can't be in that outfit, like there's – how is a douche that puked on the Air Runner and Regionals? Why does that make him a douche?
Starting point is 02:46:49 Yeah, why is that a douche? What? I can love him for that. I think it's pretty funny. I don't think he's a douche at all. Audrey. Jiggy Josh, I bet that he was dangerous when he had his shirt off because he's irresistible.
Starting point is 02:47:04 And I'm not insinuating what he would do with your kids. He just becomes your daddy. That's what happens when JR enters the room shirtless. Oh, my God. You guys are twisted. Don't even defend that shit, Sousa. No, don't even. John's from the UK.
Starting point is 02:47:20 He doesn't understand the vernacular. Your daddy. Who's your daddy? What is this record that's being talked about? The podcast is approaching the record. Probably close to the three-hour mark, but you've gone over three hours. I think Dallas yesterday was 315, 317 or something. I want to say there was a four-hour podcast once on accident. A four-hour?
Starting point is 02:47:46 No, Susie, who's your daddy is the worst saying. What rock have you guys been under? I don't like that saying. I'm actually with Janelle there. Who's your daddy? Yeah. It's like, that's kind of, it's like, You say J.R. when the question is asked, say J.R.
Starting point is 02:48:01 J.R. Has he got his shirt off? Yep, there he is. That's what's so weird about it. Just say J.R. chisels out of granite i think mark bell was almost four hours i oh yeah yeah good job i can't believe we play 473 i can't fucking believe i had so many good clips and they're not in here from it's so bums me out i wonder what happened to him how he lost lost him. For 73, you said? Yeah. Now, the thing is, in film school, I learned from watching Charlie Chaplin said this,
Starting point is 02:48:30 a great joke only comes after a good joke. A great joke only comes after a good joke. Now, this one's fucking amazing. Here we go. Hold on. I tried to do a shortcut to me. Oh, no. The pregnant girl and the child inside her have in common.
Starting point is 02:48:47 Both are thinking, oh, no, my mom's going to kill me. Any joke can be funny with the right delivery, except abortion jokes, because there is no delivery. Jesus Christ. One more time. 18-year-old pregnant girl and the child inside her have in common. Both are thinking, oh, no, my mom's gonna kill me any joke can be funny with the right delivery except abortion jokes because there is no delivery jesus christ oh my goodness triple whammy this medium of like i, how many mediums were used there?
Starting point is 02:49:25 Memes and splicing and jokes and words and what a fucking crap. Forums? Yeah. Pulled up Discord. Oh my goodness. That was fucking brilliant. I didn't laugh at that, but it was cute. All right.
Starting point is 02:49:42 It was the cutest abortion joke I've ever heard. Okay. Okay. Now. but it was cute all right it's the cutest abortion joke i've ever heard okay uh okay now uh no one disputed when i said that that finger gesture rihanna made that was it was finger banging and she was it like that it was was it like that or was it the whole well she had this she separated her fingers and she did a little turn in so that it was like as hillar would say no no was it hillar like as hillar would say no no was it hillar were you hillar said who was it who said that you don't lay the penis on the vagina you thought you laid it on me yeah that was you yeah that's fifth grade andrew and how to yeah she she showed that you put it in the vagina um but but this is a for the root i want to show you
Starting point is 02:50:22 this 472 a bean flicking this is the title this is bean flicking and want to show you this 472, a bean flicking. This is the title. This is bean flicking. And she was flicking the bean. Look at you. Leon Clark even knows. Yeah, she was flicking the bean for sure. It was a diddle.
Starting point is 02:50:33 Yes. Thank you. Yes. Oh, my goodness. So here we go. Here we go. Here we go. The most that you've ever played with yourself in one day. I don't count times, but there have been multiple days yesterday included
Starting point is 02:50:45 where i'll just like lay around watch tv and like flick the bean like it's like i'm not even like trying to get off like i'm literally just there like in a state of pleasure the entire i don't know solid six to seven hours it's it's pretty bad what is the most introduce this chick to gary what introduce this chick to Gary. Oh my gosh. What kind of podcast is this? Grace walked into the room and she's like, what is playing right now? Bean flicking. Hi, Grace.
Starting point is 02:51:13 Always nice to see your face. She could hear it as it's playing and she's like, what is happening? I mean, you know what I mean? I mean, that's the stuff that you said he was looking for. Yeah, totally. Totally. I mean, maybe that's what he thought he was getting himself into and then things change and he's just thinking what the hell man I have the hormone levels of a 25 year old what what happened with you oh my goodness and then he got and then he got on um uh did I miss Gary yeah the first hour of the show is Gary. Just swipe the thing all the way back.
Starting point is 02:51:45 Yeah. Hey, listen, when you, let's get grace on the show. No, no, only no, no one wants, well, I shouldn't say that. Hiller wants his wife on the show. I know. I don't want my wife on the show ever. I think she did great. Alexis is a hit dude. People, people are love on her. And the comment section definitely there's been like three haters about her speaking up against the spiegel video on tyr that's she didn't speak up against it she just said that she is she stated her opinion about how she views women in
Starting point is 02:52:19 certain positions and where she views herself as a business owner and she doesn't like it when she's held up to any higher standard because she's a woman she goes no i just want to be cool is that a video on your on on hill on the on your youtube yeah i haven't seen it yet yeah so i it's called danny andrew tate spiegel oh oh oh yeah yeah i can't wait to see that i've been saying seven we get outshined by his wife possibly yes alexis is fire alexis is based i'm obsessed with her uh love alexis uh seven's content isn't broadcast it's broadcast oh that kind of sucks that's why you need that's why you need to get grace on here grace come back um but uh janelle tom who is that janelle tomlinson j oh jason tomlinson that name sounds familiar.
Starting point is 02:53:06 Oh, he was saying the podcast, the longest one. Oh, that was the affiliate owner who had the Bonnie and Clyde shit. Yeah, 3.56. Three hours, 56 minutes. Three hours and 56 minutes? I got to go in six minutes. Yeah, same with me. What was the question?
Starting point is 02:53:27 Was that your shoulders that just cracked? was that day my elbow you can hear that yeah definitely now i feel like heidi when i swallow gross clip that clip that when i swallow uh 295 295 this one says recycling to save the planet listen carefully hold on I did this sea of notes here you regret coming on Hillary
Starting point is 02:53:53 you're like fuck I didn't know it was going to be this long oh no I just no part of me thought it would run up until my
Starting point is 02:53:58 the person I had at noon but I'm cool with it oh this is gonna this is fucking crazy wait recycling to save the planet remember greta thunberg here we go y'all already don't drink milk but for the people who do drink milk this is what we're doing today they is recycling spoiled milk and refiltering this shit and
Starting point is 02:54:20 refiltering this shit and selling that shit again, man. I would never drink milk because we didn't even know I already don't. Seriously. Guys, what is this? This shit is disgusting. They're recycling old milk. How do you do that? I'm already like $1,000
Starting point is 02:54:42 for all the stuff with this shit. Oh, yeah. They're recycling the milk, boiled milk, that's it, Recycling drink milk. I'm on vitamin D. Vitamin D my ass. Game on. He just, what do they do with it? Holy smokes. They repurpose it and sell it. He's saying that they pour that milk back into that vat, filter it, and then put it back and resell it to the public. Wow.
Starting point is 02:55:20 I drink milk, too. Fairly regularly, and now it's kind of grossed out, but I'll still drink it. Holy shit. Okay. Before you, 296, we got to get through some of these 296. I can't believe that. I know. I can't believe it either.
Starting point is 02:55:36 Feel free not to believe everything you see on the show. I'll block that out. I will block that out. Okay. Here we go. Oh, you're going to love this, Sousa. For those of you that are watching this right now, you don't want anything from the government. The only thing you want from the government is for them to stay out of your business. That's it.
Starting point is 02:55:58 As less government as absolutely possible. If you think the government is ever going to take care of you and make all your hopes and dreams come true, you are out of your mind. It's not how it works. All you young people. Don't even budge a little, people. Don't even budge a little. Yeah. It's that notion of like, oh, well, somebody else should take care of this.
Starting point is 02:56:23 The government can pay for it. And the complete misunderstanding that the government has no money. It's just your future tax dollars and your kids' futures tax dollars. Don't let them take your guns. No matter how many kids die from gun violence, don't let them take your guns. Because on the other side of that will be so much fucking death and destruction. They don't want you to know that. But's there it's waiting for you uh 293 freedom it's an emotional appeal when they say that
Starting point is 02:56:55 no kids were dying from guns in the 50s and they were more legal than ever then uh 293 this says it's a piece of cake you get three meals a day and you don't have to do shit wake up eat get high wake up eat get high repeat a homeless woman shared this with me why it's so easy to be homeless she was brutally on honest they are loving us to death this is portland this is what i've been telling you guys for 800 shows. There's no such things as homeless people. There's people who've put the priority of doing drugs over shelter. But what about mental health issues? None of that matters. That's just a distraction. The mental health component is nothing. But Sevan, that's not fair. How can you say that? Because you don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg. They're not any more mentally
Starting point is 02:57:44 unstable than any of you would be if I made you take meth or asked you to take meth every day for 30 days. It's not like that. You're conflating issues. Go ahead. Hit play on this. It's a piece of cake, really. I mean, that's why you probably got so many out here
Starting point is 02:58:03 because they feed you three meals a day. You don't have to do shit, but stay in your tent or party. Or if you smoke a lot of dope, you can do that. What else? What else, Melissa? What else do I say? I'm being interviewed. Yeah, that's really it. It's like you wake up, you go eat a blanché, get high. Go eat a blanché for lunch, get high. Go eat dinner, get high. And that's all you do all day long, every day. I'm being honest. Liberations, you're going to see hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of black people fall under that despair. They're two years away from spending all of their fucking money and becoming full-blown fucking drug addicts.
Starting point is 02:58:59 It's the fastest way to fuck people. Which way is that? Give them money. That's like – They'll immediately convert it to fucking drugs and alcohol. And then they'll run out so quick, all of that money will still end up back at Bezos. It's like – it's just complete fucking insanity. That will be the outcome of it. You're thinking you're doing something benevolent by paying – first of all, the idea of reparations is completely preposterous.
Starting point is 02:59:24 They should pay me fucking reparations. We should – before they pay black people. I'm a full-blown abolitionist. My people weren't even here when it happened. But if you do that, you will just see that demographic just fall into complete despair. No one ever got better. Just look at the lotto winners. Yeah, there's a huge statistic. 90% of the lotto winners end up being fucking completely broke in jail and drug addicts. All the NBA players, all the NFL players, all the MLB players, like anybody that's given a bunch of money that doesn't know how to manage it, it usually ruins their lives, and then it cycles right back up to all the people who have it in the first place. And all of us who know those people who that's happened to,
Starting point is 03:00:11 we're witnesses of it. Sorry, go ahead, Hillary. Oh, no. I just thought how if I won the lottery, I'd buy CrossFit, and it would ruin my life. It'd be a good way to ditch probably $230 million of your winnings. Oh, $230 million. You could buy this thing for $25 million.
Starting point is 03:00:28 You think so right now? Yeah, I know. I don't think you could buy it for $25 million, though. Thanks for letting me jump on. You shouldn't buy it for more than $25 million. Bye, Hiller. Bye. Nice seeing you, buddy.
Starting point is 03:00:38 Okay. I got to run, too. Where the fuck are you going? I have a meeting right now. Oh. Is it for sponsorship? No. Oh. They canceled five minutes ago uh we have some changes after watching today's episode all right uh thanks for coming on dude i'm gonna hang out and talk to these guys a little bit about what's coming up okay awesome okay i'll thank
Starting point is 03:01:02 you i'll see you later i'll call you later uh mr suze executive producer of the seven podcast thank you for joining us daniel brandon how cool you answered your phone uh zeke zack at t lander thank you for coming on and of course always mr hiller what a fucking cool surprise uh gary roberts um keeping us updated on what life looks like in portland holy shit damn we're getting spoiled today i know i that's how i felt too i feel like i got spoiled today too how fucking cool that danielle called or that she answered that was nuts i didn't think there was a chance answer um so tomorrow oh uh i know most you don't give a shit about this but on monday it sounds like we're doing another frisbee show sounds like this weekend there's a lot of crazy frisbee i just got a text from brian friend um but uh where are we? Calendar Friday.
Starting point is 03:02:06 Okay. We had live call with Gary, uh, tomorrow morning. We have Zach, uh, T lander. Uh,
Starting point is 03:02:12 and then, Sunday we have John Anderson. Do you guys know who that is? Uh, let me show you his Instagram real quick. Uh, John Anderson. I think this guy's going to be fun. This guy.
Starting point is 03:02:40 Thrive and Transformations. Damn, this guy is yoked. Oh, here here let's click this one on hormones let's see beef it's filled with toxicity hormones and all stuff they use to raise it that's the problem toxicity fat cells like a toxic waste bin that's where all the toxicity gets stored so you buy a cheap beef a couple bucks a pound, it's going to be filled with toxicity. So what you do, you put it into a pot, you boil, put some water in there, you boil it, all the fat rises to the top, you dump that off, you strain it out. Now you're left with basically dry, unpalatable, not very good tasting beef, but then you take this avocado oil or here's some olive
Starting point is 03:03:27 oil and you stir it back into the beef. Now you've taken that two, $3 a pound ground beef. I don't even know if that's true. You've turned it into more of an essential fats type ground beef. The fat in beef, it's filled with. Yeah, this dude, this dude's why you're not making the progress you're looking for. The body lives in one of two modes, survive or thrive. Most of you are probably in survival mode. The reason you're going to know this is because. Hey, I'm excited to meet this guy.
Starting point is 03:03:58 He's cool. He's passionate. He's yoked out of his mind. Oh, more testosterone, sugar free into your shaker you can see legends of iron god he's huge oh look there's his chick vibrate anyway this is gonna be a good one i'm excited always fun meeting new people makes me a little anxious but
Starting point is 03:04:27 first milk and now you'll never eat beef again i have so much beef in my refrigerator even his sunglasses are on trt it's possible that i don't think that's trt, right? That's he's, he's on, he's on something. Okay. Uh, let me see if I can give you guys any insights for next week too. Oh, Adam Kramer. Oh, that's going to be a good one. Uh, I think that guy was from, I better not. I think that guy, I think that's a cartel guy.
Starting point is 03:05:01 He was intimate with the cartels. We'll find out. Uh, Oh no. we have a game show on tuesday that sucks quarterfinals talk oh josh bridges is coming back on wednesday of next week oh shit on thursday the owner of uh uh i think it's crossfit santiago it's a lot it's it's it's the old it's the first crossfit gym in chile It might be the first CrossFit gym in South America. The guy's name is Pavel Sanz. That guy's coming on on Thursday.
Starting point is 03:05:31 That's going to be good. That's going to be a good affiliate series show. Holy shit, that's Thursday the 16th. Oh, that's my birthday. Friday, we don't have anyone scheduled. Oh, and next Saturday, we have Phillip Kelly on. Oh, that'll be awesome. scheduled uh oh sat and next saturday we have philip kelly on oh that'll be awesome that philip is um philip's been a guest on the show uh at least a couple times we did a full show on him
Starting point is 03:05:51 he was uh got covid was in the hospital for like 40 or 50 days and he's been uh fucking with california hormones so that'll be nice to see how he's doing all right greg greg you say greg greg we all know who philip is greg greg who um um all right thanks guys great show lots of surprises today that's what's cool about this show always lots of surprises seven uh you see i did see where jorge was uh was he in ohio at the uh at the at the or at the oil spill? We reached out to him and tried to get him on a couple nights ago,
Starting point is 03:06:51 and he couldn't come on. I'll keep bugging him, though. He's very responsive. I want to get Nicky Rod back on, too. It'll be interesting to see what Zach Tlander says about Nicky Rod tomorrow. When is Greg Glassman coming on i don't know that is a good question i need to bug him all right i will uh talk to you guys soon buh-bye

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