The Sevan Podcast - #831 - Live Call in Show w/ Andrew Hiller

Episode Date: March 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Because I was having trouble seeing the screen when I wore these glasses. But now I have three crazy monitors and it's so bright in here that I don't have trouble seeing the screen. Dang!
Starting point is 00:00:41 I know this guy. He's got cool hair. Oh, that's what you're talking about with his pecs. Yeah. Crazy. Crazy. Caleb, you can do that, right? Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Your hair's better than that, guys. Definitely better. And I have a better mustache. You know what's crazy? So if I look over at my text messages, you'd be able to see them? I kind of. You'd have to do some serious investigating to be able to see that. No.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Not really. You've got a monitor dedicated to your text messages? I got a kind of. Yeah. My setup's ridiculous. You got bitches in different zip codes? Yeah, exactly. Hoes in different area codes. That one.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Three monitors, huh? Which Mac do you have? Hey, you want to see something? I have the studio Mac completely loaded to the gills. It's the box. It's this big, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Okay. Not the Mac Pro? No. That thing loaded to the gills is like $79,000. I always thought you had that one. No, wouldn't that be great? That's the one you got. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Fill that thing up. Let's see how much that thing cost. Did, wouldn't that be great? That's the one you got. Yeah. Fill that thing up. Let's see how much that thing cost. Did you just pull that up, Caleb? Yeah. Go to buy. That's why Caleb has been missed. Let's go. I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Go to the one. I think there's another one. Oh, yeah. Maybe it's that one I have. That one with all the cores. Yep. Go to that. Is it pretty quick?
Starting point is 00:02:30 Dude. Stupid. Keep going. all the cores yep go to that is it pretty quick dude stupid keep going yeah i get that keep yeah i get that okay go to eight yeah get that hey is this ben bianco jeff's brother yeah oh that's what i have right there i don't have logic pro on it though you got final cut pro yeah i'm sure it's basically nine grand yeah and then i got that fat six thousand dollar monitor with like the it's like a five thousand dollar monitor with a thousand dollar stand i know it's stupid and then and then and then i got the other the the ass monitor they have too that's like 2500 and500, and then I got a Samsung or LG. That's why I have all those cameras. Have you ever seen me go through all my cameras?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yes. Yeah. That's why there's all those cameras because all these monitors have cameras. Hey. Which one do you end up using? The Sony? No, yeah. And then I don't even use any of the cameras on the monitors.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I just use the Sony. The A6100. But I want to get rid of this monitor here so that i'm looking at the table where dave castro is going to sit when he comes how about that thumbnail that bruce made awesome well done uh for seven to buy his children pants to go with those argyle tops good to see you thank you katie i appreciate it wasn't that crazy they're kind of started outgrowing that all their argyle shit and i just put on a whole new god i'm sweating from working out what'd you do do deadlift more no i tried deadlifting yesterday
Starting point is 00:03:53 you'd be actually proud of me what i did yesterday what's that called when you when you put a shit load of weight on and you but you start what's Bulking. Um, and you start with the, the bar higher. So like I kept raising the bar an inch and a half off the ground. So it was easier and easier to lift. Deficit. Opposite of deficit, whatever that is. That's how Alexis was lifting today. But you know, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I didn't even get to, the bar was like nine inches off the ground and I still didn't even get to 295, which is what I pulled pretty easy the other day. Like at 250, I was like, yeah, I'm not liking this. It's just a block pull or a pin deadlift from the pins, but you weren't using pins. Yeah, I was using rubber mats, inch and a half at a time. If you were a power lifter, they say you're pulling pins. I don't even think that's good for me, to tell you the truth. I don't like that starting position.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I like to pull through that position. My back does not like starting from a higher position. Isn't that kind of weird? You always say that, that your back doesn't like it, but you ever ask why instead of just saying it doesn't uncle Butch did uncle Buck dilled me in the shower when I was four. It's a little bit too emotional.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I was looking for a concrete reason that i wanted to show you something earlier can i just show it to you right now yeah hey i was thinking this show we should just go through your instagram your instagram's crazy well why are you red were you skiing or something what the fuck's going on with you i just got done working out too oh that's nice all right are you red? Were you skiing or something? What the fuck's going on with you? I just got done working out too. Oh, that's nice. All right. Are you ready for this? My sunglasses are all fogged up.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah. I see which one I want already. Yeah. He paused this real quick. how quickly one female's rapid ascent can skyrocket with nice cleavage. No amount of intelligent discourse can replace a nice set of boobs. Reminds me of this quote by... Her face is perfect too. Go on. Here in the United States especially,
Starting point is 00:05:56 sex is inflated far beyond its simplest importance. A woman with a sexy body immediately turns it into a weapon for material advancement. The American male is a sucker who perpetuates the extremism of the hoax when a woman realizes how much her body's really worth why wouldn't she exploit it to the master pause oh what i didn't like those two choice of words web it's a weapon jesus criminy oh see this is the sort of stuff that you could do on tiktok but you would use the proper words yeah weaponizing hoax that's a little strong okay i hate this fine lady is not even 21 probably making hundreds of thousands or millions
Starting point is 00:06:31 of dollars the same amount as a neurosurgeon at john hopkins but don't hate the player hit the game what a neurosurgeon at john hopkins shut the fuck up at john hopkins shut the fuck up i ain't i ain't i ain't hey um there's there's yeah it do i i don't yeah that's cool i like that thank you for showing that to me that's cool those are a little more than that as soon as you pulled up that screen i wanted you to click that one within one second i knew which box i wanted to click and it's because of her titties like within one second. Yeah, but this is the type of stuff that I like to see on TikTok. Okay. Oh, damn. It's just people like messing around.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Okay, I'm done. I'm not pulling up anything else. Okay. Weapons of mass destruction. okay you say that weapons of mass destruction it's gonna be hard to top this morning show if you did not see this morning show it was a fucking wrecking ball full steam ahead that's that's the kind of show i really like to do just complete sesame street uh you know, like when Sesame street, like I hate using Sesame street as the example now that it's gone woke. But do you remember being a little kid?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Oh, he's Mr. Rogers. You know, like when the, um, you'd be watching Mr. Rogers and the,
Starting point is 00:07:56 the, the trolley car would come out. That was like my favorite part. And that one, I saw Hiller come on today. It was like, holy shit. And then Daniel Brandon answered and Zach Z lander. and that one i saw hillar come on today it was like holy shit and then daniel brandon answered
Starting point is 00:08:05 and zach z lander zoolander zach zoolander that was cool colton mertens answered the phone no no but he was on the sexiest man alive list i mean everything was uh sean o'keefe ten dollar ten dollar thank you sir are you are you married to matt O'Keefe? Hey, guys from New Hampshire. Hey, is Gary divorced yet? Wow. Serious, Ken? If you're serious, you got to tell me. Really? No. Really? I can't tell what's going on with him. I can't tell what's going on with him. But I will tell you this, a friend of mine who I really trust a lot with, with I think deep insight into this female friend of mine with deep insight into boys and girls told me that she would like to talk to me about him.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And I was like, okay. Yeah, he seems like he's a good... Really? Like how, like, okay, I'll text him right after the show and make sure everything's okay. I always just, my life is just kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like even when it's in chaos. Like even when my wife's angry at me, I'm kind of like having fun. Well, dude, you're not supposed to just stop taking your TRT. Oh, shit. Ken's right on fucking track with his comments. You're not supposed to do that.
Starting point is 00:09:31 It's not healthy. You think that you, by right on track, you think that like, you think that he should be on suicide watch? Is that what you mean? Well, it messes with your hormones and it can cause depression. If you, like people with low testosterone in general go on it. And I think you even talked about the benefits of that from a mental aspect. I didn't think he – he didn't seem depressed to me.
Starting point is 00:09:53 But tell me if I'm wrong. At some point during the show this morning, you even said that people would go on TRT and they'd feel better. Yes, yeah. Think about the opposite. You stopped taking it. Yeah, yeah. I'm not a doctor uh yeah i mean um yeah i've always thought of him as a really positive optimistic guy but um but i will reach out to him i'll text you this you, not the TRT. And I think a lot of people do a lot of different hormonal replacement things.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Text him. Without them to the 10th degree. It's just the biggest version of themselves, whether it be for the best or the worst. This guy's saying text him now. Jesus Christ. I texted him earlier. I said, hey, great show today. Thank you for giving it up.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Hey, you good? I mean, people I'm telling you, I saw a guy at the at the broken science convention and someone said, are you OK? I'm concerned about you. To you? Yeah. I go, what do you mean? He's all you just make yourself so vulnerable, vulnerable. I get concerned about you. Like, what the fuck i i would have my wife on to ask her if she ever thinks that i'm depressed like i just i i don't get sad really i don't at most i get a little frustrated like oh if things aren't really good with my wife i could get a little frustrated like just now i said hey do you want to call it looks like it's
Starting point is 00:11:21 going to stop raining for a couple hours you want to call over the skateboard instructor so the kids can ride the ramp. And she goes, Hey, maybe you should just chill and let the boys chill and you should do your podcast. You've been fucking running them all morning. I was like,
Starting point is 00:11:34 all right, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe they should skateboard. She's like, maybe they should chill. I was like,
Starting point is 00:11:39 are we not on the same page? And I took that personally. That's what, that's your internal dialogue well i i but but i was mostly once i noticed that she has a different opinion than me then i kind of just have to start poking oh you you don't think i'm perfect did i say something like what do you mean anyway and then you're the glasses on because he's been crying. His eyes are all red.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Caleb's cheeks. I actually just thought I was like, hey, I never wear those glasses because I couldn't see with them. But I can see with them now because it's so fucking bright in here. So I'm like, okay, because these are dark. You're telling me it's bright in that room of yours right now? Dude, it's so bright in here. It looks so so dark have you ever gone back and watched a show it looks like you're hanging out in a dungeon oh shit like i'm sean ryan or fucking jocko or some of that shit like i've like got that mood lighting that shit i was making fun of them for caleb you know what i'm talking about doesn't look dark there it looks dark it looks dark whenever you like turn the
Starting point is 00:12:43 camera around and you're showing me the rest the room, it looks bright, but... Well, it is. Like, I can't even see over there it's so bright over here. It's three fucking massive monitors. It's two 27-inch monitors and one 32-inch monitor. Do you have another light? Like, an overhead deal or no? Maybe a backlight?
Starting point is 00:13:02 I have two lights in the room, but they're not on. Here, I'm going to show you. Let's see. Because Caleb looks pretty well lit. What are you doing? Yep, I can see that for sure. What are you doing? You know, I've never really thought of you as an old dude,
Starting point is 00:13:22 but right now you're doing some crap my grandpa would do. He goes, look at this. I just figured out how to use Facebook. Matt Burns has spoken. The thing is, you have to understand that these aren't, these aren't, damn it. What's going on here? I'm trying to, I'm trying to put the phone number up. These aren't um
Starting point is 00:13:46 do you see these glasses here like when i look down i can see perfectly like they're clear on the bottom and they're dark on top yeah nah not bifocals but close by by tinted so like if if like if i was hanging like if i was undressing hillar with my eyes right now he wouldn't know wow hillar upped his lighting i just turned on the light that i never have on and now you look orange you look like you're fake bacon again and i told you alexis won't hit me and then allison and said guys do that damn right oh i know a bunch of guys in high school used to do that i think froning used to do it he used to be orange all the time yeah i noticed that he stopped getting so tan at one point yeah i like him better not orange okay yeah the 30s hillar the 30s the 30s it's the 30s i was just i was checking in with my
Starting point is 00:14:41 wife remember what we were talking about uh earlier today i was like by between like the age of 34 and 37 yes yes you you actually were asking hayley i was like hey don't you remember like between in your 30s especially like 34 to 37 she said and she's like no it was all i was kind of always like that and i was like nah nah nah nah it's like a cup with a hole in it you just can't fill it up when did you guys meet i was 23 or i was probably 23 or 24 i didn't know that some part of me thought that you met when you were upper 20s early 30s god this cup is nice isn't it upper yeah maybe i don't know i don't know the first time i met her i was for sure Nice. Isn't it? Yeah, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I don't know. The first time I met her, I was for sure. I want to tell you, like 16 then? No, she was, I'm, she's three or four years younger than me. Got it. I was trying to trap you. One of my, one of my, one of my friends saw the, one of my friends saw the, oh, yeah, that's nice. How is this – wow, this thing is fucking expensive.
Starting point is 00:15:53 There's no way this cup is $34. You get coffee with it. Oh, a decaf bundle? It's a 50-50 blend. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm drinking, yeah. Excuse me. I wish it wasn't on, yeah. That's what I'm drinking. Yeah. Excuse me. I wish it wasn't on sale. I hate sales.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I hate coffee. I don't blame you. Hey, there's not even any coffee in this cup. I'm just pretending so I could show off the cup. Dude, that cup is awesome, but I can't drink out of it because it's 10 ounces of liquid. Yeah, that's why. Well, look. Look it. Look it. That one because it's 10 ounces of liquid. Yeah, that's why. Well, look, look it. Look it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 That one's what? 16 ounces of liquid? Way more. Way more. Way more. I don't understand coffee cups. Who in their right mind pours a cup of coffee only to go back and get another one in 10 minutes?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Well, that's why all those fucking coffee people, like Rich Froning was even like, this coffee has certain notes. I was like, wow, notes. As in you can hear them as you drink it? No, no, no. Not a musical note. That cup has turned into more of a bourbon cup for me.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I actually thought about putting some hard liquor in here for the show. It's a good size for it, going to be honest. A couple ice cubes? I got one of those that makes the ice balls. You remember when I put together that episode of CrossFit is fucked up, and it was 57 separate instances, and I said we should do a power hour to that? No, say that again. I was looking at Gary's text that no say that again i was reading
Starting point is 00:17:25 i was looking at gary's text message say that again that was a long time ago i made the 57 cut crossfit is fucked up yes yes i wanted to do a live power hour to it and i told you it'd be the first time i'd really drink in three years so it would have been a mess oh that would have been a mess that would have been a bad idea hey so listen to this he i said hey gary are you good and then he responded and he said i wouldn't normally read someone's text message but this is pretty benign he said hey i'm doing a 5k obstacle run with five people tomorrow from my gym i forgot to tell you and i said oh you're the best so there wait a minute he didn't even answer the question he just responded with something
Starting point is 00:18:06 completely unrelated deflecting well he said thanks for checking in i didn't want to read that part got it okay well that was an important part because it made it seem like that part was private thanks for fucking that up for me no it's okay we've gotten too many texts that were basically suicide notes to not be able to do them. You have? Yeah. Boy. Boy. Military people? Yeah, some military, some civilian.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Boy. Recently? No, not in like the past year, I guess. I don't fuck around with that. You're done choosing friends that are suicidal? Yeah, that's what it is. I'm choosing friends. Before we start in, embark on this relationship. How do you feel about killing yourself?
Starting point is 00:18:52 Killing yourself, yeah. You watch The Boys, that TV show? Kind of maxed out on people's suicidal. Yeah. Simon said, oy. And the only other person I've ever heard say that was Billy Butcher. Oy. Oy. Oy. my wife says that sometimes okay um a couple things i would like to now that we're all here let me see oh yep mason mitchell's here we can start uh so is tug speedman a couple months ago you said crossfit was dying well this is the speed round before i
Starting point is 00:19:25 want to go over to your instagram your instagram is fucking smashing uh thanks man um you're welcome um no thank you a couple like a month or two ago we were like oh crossfit's dying all the youtube accounts are dying and now fucking you're absolutely killing it and is nate how's nate edwardson doing is he killing it he's back in the fold yeah is he killing it is he doing good you need to define what killing it is but you know is he getting 10 000 views how's our boy craig richie doing how's the the butt bros doing how's how's everyone doing how's how's our how's uh the talking fitness guys the nothing burger crew morning cock up doing how's everyone doing?
Starting point is 00:20:06 Is everyone just kicking ass or what? I want to overstep Caleb's duties. Caleb just left. He's like, fuck this. He's like, I want nothing to do with Nate. Caleb, will you pull up? Oh, look at, okay, there we go. Okay, let's see how Nate's doing.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Look at that. I watch every single one of these things to see what he's up to. Three days ago, 3,200. Okay, not great. Mal O'Brien is to. Uh, three days ago, uh, 3,200. Okay. Not great. Mal O'Brien is different. Okay. I,
Starting point is 00:20:27 that, that's a good time, but he's got Daniel Brandon's boobs, uh, front and center like that, like that Tik TOK video that you just talked about earlier. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:38 And you got one with 10,000 from 11 days ago. Yeah. So, okay. So he's, uh, he's got, but he's doing the standard the standard thing again right
Starting point is 00:20:47 matt fraser hayley bale uh hayley hayley adams froning froning roman mal mal danielle adrian god adrian looks good in that photo adrian's starting to look like a man dude adrian's one handsome dude i never used to think of him like that. Adrian's starting to look like a man. Dude, Adrian's one handsome dude. I never used to think of him like that, but he's starting to get a little debonair. Who else did you want to look at? Okay. Nate is boring. I don't know if boring is the right word.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I don't think boring is the right word. Fitcom Media, try something else. I just don't think it's boring right five hours ago you can do better what is this this is uh the nothing burger crew oh this is where lauren khalil went uh what's she doing here i don't see anything from her uh 256 from five hours ago 7800 on the one day oh that's good that's good a 344 from the nfl combine 739 okay so if these guys don't talk crossfit their shit just doesn't float yeah well i figured that out too i can't nfl crossfit stuff a bunch of nfl combine yeah they should keep trying though i'm keep trying
Starting point is 00:22:00 who else are we looking at here like keep going. I want to see if they got anything. I think occasionally they get something crazy, like over 20,000. Yeah. How do you go from 25,000 to 1000 CrossFit 23.2 open recap 20. Oh, the pre-show. Okay. So there they're piggybacking off of their,
Starting point is 00:22:20 their, um, okay. They're open. Okay. They're still kind of, they're swim. They're opens up. Okay. They're still kind of, they're swim. They're,
Starting point is 00:22:26 they're not doing so good either. This is important. Uh, but let's address Caleb's upper lip. Has he moved on to the Mexican army? Fair enough. It's not just the Mexican army. Oh,
Starting point is 00:22:40 that can, well, that's big. He just sent $13 Mexican. Hey, I bet you that right there is less than a dollar hold on i'm not even joking i bet you max i bet you magnus just sent us hold on a 13 cents maybe 70 cents mx yeah yeah 70 cents good job magnus he's a pimp thanks man i'm not
Starting point is 00:23:03 even sure who else is oh craig we want to look at craig right hey that's the lowest amount of money anyone's ever sent us i fucking love that hey uh they're like what i don't know if i should i don't know if i should bring this up say like there's like when i think of when i think of the women that I've been intimate with, I don't think of – like I can't tell you who has had the smallest boobs or who's had the biggest boobs or who's had the – I can't think of anything like that. But I guarantee you that every woman, if you ask them who's the dude you were with who had the smallest penis ever and the biggest penis ever, they know. That's how shallow women are. Not us. not us guys
Starting point is 00:23:46 oh andrew's like yeah i know this one bitch i dated she had her tits were so big you know what the other day i was just thinking that i can barely remember the people that i've been with i was thinking i'm like wow that was you do or you don't remember i do not do you wait till you get 50 wait you get people you've been with? I used to try to remember them, and then I reached a certain age, and I just couldn't do it anymore. But I would try to remember them and, like, have nice thoughts about them, send them, like, nice energy. Like, appreciate them for, like, just letting me experience them. And then all of a sudden, just it got – I couldn't figure it out anymore.
Starting point is 00:24:24 You're all the same now? It's just my wife now. No, I don't remember the big... Oh, God. Let me think. I think you're lying, Simon. You don't remember the biggest boobs? Back when I had an Android phone, before everything was iPhone City, I had a list. That list was important to me because i knew i would never forget it and now wow you you made a little a list of the girls you slept with but i never wanted to forget
Starting point is 00:24:50 it was just fond memories right i think that's fair someone forgot those other two it was just oh okay i remember that but now it's just it's like i was four years old i don't remember anything anymore oh man i i i know um none of that money goes to the ukraine i don't i'd let it be known i don't donate i don't even know the difference between hawkeye and and walensky or what's the guy's name kalinsky walensky yeah i i heard the list of three and i forgot every single one of them burns uh okay caller hi hey now how we doing bro uh good just talking about small penises again i thought my ears were ready so that's why i had to call in uh how are you i'm doing good thanks
Starting point is 00:25:40 how are you? I'm doing good. Thanks. Great. Well, let me turn you down here. So I have an echo. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So, yeah. So, uh, just calling to tell you, you got to get in that TRT train, bro. We're not young boys anymore. How old are you?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Very happy. Awesome. It's like life changing. I love it. How old are you? I'll be 49 in May. Okay. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:04 How come your voice, I don't believe you're here's the thing How come your voice I don't believe you're on TRT How come your voice isn't deeper I don't know Yeah better That's better Now you're gonna make me self conscious of it I don't mean to become a little nervous
Starting point is 00:26:14 No no no It's not like you have a high voice But I just Listen to Andrew Andrew I gotta fucking turn the bass down When he talks Come on It's not deep
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah Mike sits on my Adam's apple. I just took 100 milligrams of bull semen. It's working better for Andrew than me, maybe, because you put on a lot of weight. I only put on maybe 10 pounds when I started. I was madding my whole life. I've been training since I was 15 years old, you know?
Starting point is 00:26:40 What'd you start at? Body weight. As far as body weight? Yeah. Or as far as dosage? Both. Body weight. Both.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Body weight, I was probably, I don't know. I guess, honestly, I plus weighed the same 10 pounds for the last 20 plus years. I'm between 188 and 200 pounds or so. Andrew didn't put on more than 10 pounds, did he? Sure I did, dude. He's over 200 pounds now. I thought he was a 195 guy who's now 205. I was 188 when I started, and I can't get under 200 right now.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Wow. And you fasted for 48 hours? Well, at that point, I think I hit 198, but that's with not having eaten for two days. So it's not fair. Wow. In fairness, once I get to 200 pounds, I start to feel fat. And then I get down to 185, then I feel scrawny. I'm all fucked up.
Starting point is 00:27:37 You know what I mean? Hey, how long have you been doing it? Five years now, I guess. Any drawbacks? None that I can honestly say, man. Now that it's available, if you'd asked your doctor 10, 15 years ago, they wouldn't have touched that with a 10-foot pole. But nowadays, why wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:28:00 I could spend $125 a month easy on bullshit supplements that'll do nothing this i know is going to do something i i i do it twice a week and i usually test out at like 1300 to 1500 total fast wow and um are you wanting to bone a lot too like gary um honestly i got a new girlfriend so yeah that's that's she's been wearing me out i'm an old man but yeah it's been fun how old is she she's 40 yeah that's that's the window get it get it the window she's still in the window and um are you are you strong are you stronger you're stronger oh for sure yeah well the big help is the main benefit of hormone replacement is no matter how little sleep you get, no matter how much stress in your life that you have, you are always at those levels.
Starting point is 00:28:56 So for recovery, I started jujitsu also only 14 months ago or so. So I need it. I feel like I hit by a truck after training that. Hey, and you sound very positive. I like to think I'm a positive person. I'm geeking out. I really enjoy your guys' show. I can't say I'm a CrossFit
Starting point is 00:29:16 fan necessarily. I do some functional training for Jujitsu, but I do enjoy your show. I enjoy listening to you. I like that I misjudged you initially, and I thought you were just an absolute bleeding heart tree hugger. And you made me very happy that it's not the case. Fair.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I got some in me, buddy. I got some in me. Well, I mean, we all do if you're a rational, reasonable human being with any kind of compassion. You know what I mean? Yeah, part of me wants to sit under a tree at a park with a 40 and throw a Frisbee all day and fucking i love it i like i'm not a big fan of uh fake titties and i like uh i like i like braless girls and and dirt tour i didn't tell you i like i like corduroy um i don't
Starting point is 00:29:57 like the dead uh grateful dead not not dead people hillard's gratefulateful dead Well, that's like my girlfriend, you know She's an ex-gymnast, so she's tiny You know, an A-cup or whatever have you You know, so Smoking hot to me Yeah, I'm fine with just I like a little dusty I like a dusty girl
Starting point is 00:30:19 I like a Barefoot Yeah, look at Hillard and Caleb She's a dusty Yeah, dusty Like, um, yeah, look at, look at Hillary and Caleb. She said Dusty. Yeah, Dusty. You know, she keeps a trail running every week. I like a girl with a stick collection behind her door, you know, like driftwood she collected and it's like behind her door and shit.
Starting point is 00:30:35 What is that garbage? Oh, that's driftwood I found at the beach 13 years ago. I'm going to do something with it. Yeah, man. Absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah, you need to get into some jiu-jitsu too i think that would be awesome you know i love what you do with your sons they're gonna be fucking killers some kids are they have no idea how lucky they are you know what i mean thank you from for minnesota
Starting point is 00:30:58 no i'm from syracuse new york initially i live in nashville now i retired from the sheriff's department got the fuck out of New York. Oh, you were a cop? I was, yeah. What happens when you retire from a cop because you deal with dirtbags all day and then now you don't? Is it like a whole mood change? Honestly, I feel like I'm human again. I got
Starting point is 00:31:17 a part-time gig. I sell sunglasses for Sunglass Hut and I love it. It's awesome. Yeah. I love Sunglass Hut. Do you get discounts? Oh, fucking A. Half price, man. Yeah, I do. I bought like eight pairs.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I'm wearing Prada and Versace now. Wait, who works at Sunglass Hut? Your girlfriend? He does. No, I do. I do. Oh, oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Wow. Yeah. It's fun. I like it. Oh, you must love my glasses then today. These are crazy. I know. Are those two what you're wearing? I'm trying trying to figure out i think they're versace's uh i couldn't tell from the
Starting point is 00:31:50 side here oh louis louis louis louis louis prescription louis vuitton's prescription yeah that's what i'm talking about so fancy you know i would have kicked my own ass a year ago for wearing versace or fada but now i can can wear it. I had to sell 1,200 CEO shirts to buy these. Dang, but you look great. You know, you look great. Fuck what everybody else does. They're hating.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Wadzami says, now we're realizing all of Sivan's girlfriends were homeless. Let me tell you something. While you fucking frat boys were out fucking playing drinking games, I was raiding your girlfriend. I was the barefoot guy sneaking in the window. You were probably playing guitar or something, too. I don't do it every time.
Starting point is 00:32:31 God, I wish. That was one of the things. I have no music in me. Oh, you missed out, man. You have a guitar with barefoot? It's over, bro. I know. Slay.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I don't want to tie you guys up too much. Thank you for being, thank you for your support. Thank you for not being a CrossFitter. Yeah, no, functional fitness. So yeah, I definitely do a lot of sandbags up, a lot of tire flipping, trying to stay healthy for Jiu-Jitsu. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And thank you for giving me a chance to come around and wake up and being patient with me as I go through my journey of waking up. You know, next we got to get you to church, bro. Easy, easy, easy, easy. Listen, what's the downside? You know, if you're wrong, hey, then whatever. But, you know, if you don't go in it wrong, you know, there's a real downside there.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Good point. Good point. I accept you, Jesus, as my savior. Thank you. You'll come around. I have faith, you all right bye see ya bye now uh where were we talking elite fitness is still in the shitter uh nate but so so let me ask your opinion i i think talking elite fitness is still hurting a little bit what about nate i think he's he's picked up a little bit right this is his golf channel how's it picked up a little bit, right? This is his golf channel. How's it doing?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Oh, shit. It's murdering it. It's murdering. Okay, good. Right. Dude, he used the same picture in six of the last eight videos, and he's murdering. And every video is five minutes long.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Those pictures look like, four of those pictures look like he just found out his girlfriend cheated on him. Oh, boy. I like that he's in a different spot now. He's not in a pantry anymore. All right. So what would you think? Do you think Nate's doing good?
Starting point is 00:34:14 For golf. How about for CrossFit? Nah. Okay. How about the Talking Elite Fitness guys? How are they doing? Not well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Morning Shot Cup. Everything's doing better. Oh, Morning Shot Cup. up yeah let's go and then let's check let's check the buttery dudes and then let's check uh mr richie give give uh already been on mr richie you missed that oh no yeah i missed it i was talking to uh oh yeah they're doing really well they haven't put up a video since lauren left oh my god good for them oh my god okay hey check that how about uh check the crossfit podcast oh my goodness so morning chalk up yeah kenneth de lapp are they still around wow wow oh they have a profile picture now that's nice they do have a profile picture now. That's nice. They do have a profile picture. Hey, as soon as Adrian Conway came there, they started getting some graphics too, I noticed. Okay, so they're still shit in the bed.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Better, though. They got some videos that are over 100 views. Oh, shit, they got one with 6,000? What is that? Where? Oh, it's got... Oh, that's the one that I was pumping. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Well, that makes sense. I was like, guys, go look at it. Look at the comment section on this video. I love it. Are they getting blasted? No. Bats. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Awesome. Awesome. Bats. The crew. Thank you, crew. That's so cool. Look at all these bats. Go slow.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I can't see them. Hold on. There's Jethro. Algorith these bats go slow i can't see them hold on algorithm how come i don't see the bats what do you mean these this is a bat right here oh okay okay i see it's time they're everywhere yeah they're tiny i can do that i like it yeah i just need you to slow down for my old ass eyes there you go you see him now yeah bats yeah conway's a good dude. Adrian, all my interactions with Adrian have been great. Mr. Conway.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Who do you want to see next? You want to see Craig? Yeah, let's see Craig. Let's see the buttery dudes. Who else is there? Sporty Beth. How's Sporty Beth doing? Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm sure she's doing well. 13.9 thousand. That's great. Sporty Beth, let me see how her channel's doing. Oh, look, she got one. Four and a half thousand. She's doing better than the Talking Leaf Fitness people are. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Shot Beth. And then you didn't see Craig. Yeah, let's see Mr. Ritchie. and then you didn't see Craig. Yeah, let's see Mr. Ritchie. Craig's always doing well. He always gets minimum 60, except for this one. Wow, God.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Just killing it, huh? Quality content from Mr. Craig Ritchie, just murdering it. Dude, look how big Guy looks in that picture. That's why he can't run run he gets out walked by me how big chandler is in this picture oh my god is that did brian friend make that or is that dan bailey vlog one that is dan bailey oh doesn't that kind of look like brian friend it does here yeah how's wiki doing how's wiki doing oh 72 000 subscribers holy smokes dude someone the other day tried to tell me in my comments i believe it was kate foster like you're never going to be able to catch Wiki. And I was thinking the only reason Wiki hit that,
Starting point is 00:37:48 and I'm not trying to crap on him, but it's because he utilized shorts and he has a short in here that got like a million views. Where is it? Do you think it's that or the fact that he's a, he a Fraser promoted him for Fraser promoted him. One point two million views. I don't know about that promotion. What happened there?
Starting point is 00:38:08 He was Fraser's film guy and he was in all sorts of Fraser shit. Potentially. And I really like Wiki, so don't get me wrong. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Five days ago, five thousand. Six days ago, eight point eight. He's doing well. Twenty three point three.
Starting point is 00:38:24 What a disappointment. I hope he's talking about the workout and not his performance because then we're on the same team again um how about we have to see the buttery bros oh buttery bros how is sebi doing sebi's doing good can we do a an analysis of your channel? No. Someone else do my channel, but I'm doing great. Here you go. There's the buttery bros. You have to remember, mine's a podcast,
Starting point is 00:38:58 and I'm fucking murdering it on Spotify and iTunes. Buttery bros can say the same thing, though, I think. No, no, no, sorry. Talking Elite Fitness. They could, but if their numbers are representative on youtube well i i'd be curious i bet you they're not though i bet you they're not all these videos do rather well dude i hope so they put in so much work there's did you see the one they did with uh zach teelander i have not but i think it's this one oh no that's on zach's channel
Starting point is 00:39:26 right now isn't it is it did they do one specifically on him sorry about that specifically on zach no i don't think so i think he was hanging out with him maybe it is that marsden where right there with the beard no that was some other dude oh i was like wow i didn't even know marzen could grow facial hair this guy oh yeah yeah it's not marzen okay so zach is in this video i believe somewhere i saw i saw um is that the rob guy yeah that's the rob current that's the guy that thinks if you don't want men and women sports you're transphobic that sounds ridiculous yeah it's fucking if it's the same guy is that is that the world's strongest gay if yeah if they're at hard work pays off it makes sense yeah that's it and he looks like he's a really strong guy and
Starting point is 00:40:21 i think he is really strong i think he has like world records and shit. Those are those hundred pound steel plates. You don't see those very often. Oh, that's not Rob. Kenneth. The lap says, okay,
Starting point is 00:40:31 fine. Sorry. No. Okay. All right. Good job. Well, I'm glad the buttery bros are doing good.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I want everyone. I hope everyone does good. Maybe it's him who put up the video with the buttery bros i saw him in a video with them oh there they are this is the one because i i've watched it as well see they're they're here that's definitely rob by the way hey i wonder if zach thinks that um heber's on steroids. I've seen pictures of them from back in the day, and it doesn't seem like a stretch to put those two together. Heber is fucking as square as they come. I just cannot see him doing that.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Three on one? You remember this video? I don't even think he's ever had alcohol in his life. You know this video? I'm sure you know this video i i don't even think he's ever had alcohol in his life you know this video i'm sure you know this video you probably recorded it i know who those people are this is dan bailey doing king kong and then fran and then grace he's doing it against everybody is heber in that video yeah he's somewhere oh that was miranda right there that was miranda but miranda's not the one i'm looking for in here that was heber on the left there don't worry he's i think he's the one who does fran
Starting point is 00:41:55 he um there was a point when hebert dan was getting hebert uh to put on a shitload yeah look how different Brooke looks. She's a brick shithouse right there. Oh, that might be Marsden right there on the right. This guy? Yeah. Well, it looks different. He's younger. Right. Well, he is younger. This is from 2000. This is nine years ago.
Starting point is 00:42:21 We got to find a picture of you from nine years ago. Look just like I do now. Oh yeah, for sure. There you go. Miranda. I guess we, I watched that.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I watched that video where Zach talks about where he plays the Ben Bergeron clip and he tries to fit. Yeah. I think that at this point, Dan was trying to get heber to put on as much weight as possible and so heber was eating so much fucking food i remember that he's right here in the blue yeah dude he was weak as a bird when he came to crossfit i don't think he i think he's earned everything he's got yeah like that like he had to work hard to get that
Starting point is 00:43:03 big right there this big was yeah he was so thin dude when he showed up to crossfit i mean like really thin nothing he's done is outside of the realm of possibility and he was in the gym two days he was in the gym twice a day every day kind of shit like i'm telling like he worked as hard as fucking anybody so that there he is and he hasn't cut his hair since this day either true so it's not impossible but if someone told me he was on trt i also wouldn't be surprised no way he has a completely different makeup than he does in this right here no way
Starting point is 00:43:41 uh remember when sevan scorched dan bailey on the podcast during the games last year no but i remember scorching him last week uh ben let uh heber did stem cell no come on jesus crime and you guys wait a minute heber and mars did stem cell out of the country well i don't even know what stem cell is okay fine they did i don't know but i don't think he would do anything um yeah mormons aren't allowed thank you jedediah and remember there's nothing there's oh is he mormon yeah he doesn't even he doesn't even drink he's not even allowed to drink coffee so he's like magic underwear and he has magic underwear and shit you've got proximity bias dude i that's probably true and mars has always been the same this looked the same to me
Starting point is 00:44:21 it's gonna be too tough for me to find a video of him working out with his shirt off i definitely scored someone's mom here we go his shirt's off in this i bet here this is him in 20 oh nice nice find you have to understand that was he he was only that big like on that other and like he was only a fat boy for like a month like you have to understand like he tried really hard to get that big he was eating like i just remember him saying hey dan's got me eating like 5 000 calories a day or some shit 25 yeah with over 2 500 calories actually were pretty hard to get to that weight yeah he worked really hard like i said it's within the realm of it's 10 years he makes it noted that he lost weight to achieve that look, not through on muscle. That's important. Where can I see this video where they did stem cell treatment?
Starting point is 00:45:10 That's crazy. Good. He looks right there though. And that photo. Yeah. That's awesome. Look at his belt. It looks like he's been holding his breath for two minutes though.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Oh, and he's on podium. It's podium ah i knew it i fucking knew it damn i tried some podium at wadapalooza hill or do a natty or not on heber that'd be cool i approve of that you know what's weird is i can never really tell them apart which one's mars uh that's the guy that brooke ends cheated on not heber uh the other guy mars mars long-haired guy is heber do you know that story about how mars found out no are you are you gonna tell us i could hell yeah you want this show to hit 20 000 views i heard that he i heard that she was at a club can i change the name so it's not brooke and mars is it too late for that just call them you and hayley is it too late for that i don't hate any of those i don't hate you i don't i don't i don't even i like both both brooke and mars and so i'm like i'm running that through my processor like hey do you tell stories like this about people you like
Starting point is 00:46:35 and i'm like i'm not sure if you do or not i mean it's nothing bad i don't think it's anything so mars brooke was out they had a trippy relationship already like by trippy i mean i didn't recognize i didn't see it as something like i the kind of relationship i would be in so i was so i always kind of trip on that like oh is that how they treat each other talk to each other not that it was bad it was just different it's not how i'd roll with my wife anyway and she and they were both on a crazy busy schedule and they were both ascending stars in their own right although she had a fucking shit ton of eyeballs on her and this one time i heard she went out to the fucking city and mars gets a picture sent in his dms being like from someone he doesn't even know being like yo
Starting point is 00:47:18 here's your wife at a club making out with this dude and this chick at the same time and for some people's like like instead of mars being like that's cool my wife's having a great time he didn't like that he didn't like some other dude tongue in his wife didn't we talk about this a little bit earlier today it's like what if you found out that that's why you're having such a good time are you really upset about it like yeah i'd probably be a little pissed oh it has been the most tightly kept secret really you think that's a c i mean everyone at h2 knew that story michael c ten dollars i think i heard dave tell that somewhere in his week in reviews it just gets lost
Starting point is 00:47:56 yeah anyway uh brooke would you like to come on the show i'd love to have you michael c says that's not cheating. I know. I know because it's inside a club. It's totally fine. Well, that's how you're rationalizing things. Nothing counts in a club. It's a different area code. It was in the 415.
Starting point is 00:48:15 We're in the 831. Anyway, that's what's crazy, right, about having a fucking million followers like brook or or whatever she has that that someone could see in the club and and fucking and she stands out like a sore thumb right and uh is it the biceps it's everything the lips the titties the bicep the ass the shoulders the fucking crazy blonde hair it's all you see her from a mile away. Yeah, I'm not cool with that. I'd be pissed if I were him too.
Starting point is 00:48:51 You wouldn't be pissed? I probably would. Haley's at a club. My, my heart would probably be broken. I can only hear the internal dialogue. So, I would cry.
Starting point is 00:49:04 So my wife can make me cry so easy if she did something like that i would be fucking like i'd like go in the fetal position maybe not now that i have kids but yeah it was only a kiss i thought that said sporty beth for a minute i go damn we just reviewed her channel and now she's a member convert so um those are these festivals like north coast and stuff like that she really enjoys them and i've got no interest in going it's not my scene but if i got a picture of her there kissing some dude even if there was another chick i'd be like uh-uh that's not cool but you know some people might just be upset also like that that like some dudes might just be upset also. Some dudes might just be upset because they found out about it from someone else. All I would think is how many –
Starting point is 00:49:50 You know what I mean? There's a couple things there. How many dudes have been in there, Brooke? Well, that's true. There's a couple things there, right? One, you're finding about shit. I mean I wouldn't want you to call me and be like, hey, someone – Alexis is in the chat Haley told Alexis that she's not happy with you sexually that's different than a straight-up picture from a rando I agree but it
Starting point is 00:50:15 would still suck I would be fucking heartbroken there would be a trust fucking breaking there like I don't want to find I don't want to find anything out from anyone about my wife except from her anything anything zero right i don't know man someone says some crap about alexis and it's not anything with ground to stand upon i don't really listen to it
Starting point is 00:50:41 or you just ask i just don't let Haley have any friends. Yeah, better. Can I go to Pilates? No. Who are you going to talk to at Pilates? What are they, stretch there? Hey, someone's going to write, I can't believe someone controls his wife
Starting point is 00:50:59 and doesn't let his wife do shit. Shut the fuck up, dude. My wife does whatever she wants. Pipe down, everyone. Someone said that. Someone made that comment somewhere. I can't believe he says he wouldn't let his wife do shit. Shut the fuck up, dude. My wife does whatever she wants. Pipe down, everyone. Someone said that. Someone made that comment somewhere. I can't believe he says he wouldn't let his wife do blah, blah, blah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Alexis is in the chat. Oh, Haley, just text me. It's nice to see Beaver on the show. I don't know if she's talking about Caleb or that shot in the beginning that we opened with, with the girl with the cleavage, but either way. Definitely the girl in the shot with the cleavage. It can't be both. Oh, my kids aren't even home.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I have my wife all to myself. Kids are at my mom's house. We got to end the show. No, I got, she won't be home for a little while. I'm going to tune her up, though. I'm going to tune her up though i'm gonna tune her up if you're wondering what i'm doing afterwards everyone close your eyes i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna do after the show close your eyes everyone take a deep breath
Starting point is 00:51:54 how can we pull up hillary's instagram let's it is a fucking you're gonna do it for the show i was playing along with your thing there i was was going to do it. Deep breath and everything. This is a fucking riot over here. Okay. Let's just start there and go backwards. Let's just start at the most recent one and go backwards. Hey, when I see people have pinned videos, I don't know why, but I just start thinking that they're tools. Hello?
Starting point is 00:52:24 Do you pin videos my eyes are still my eyes are still closed and then i slipped all 10 inches it was as smooth as could be not because her pussy was blown out but because she was so wet california hormones helped me achieve full yeah thank you thank you hillar thank you for those of you who aren't aware of what 10 inches is look at andrew hillar's forearm now just imagine that attached to my waist hey what's up man how are you what's up man it's been a while since i've called in um i i watched hillar's uh i watched hillar's uh's video When he was in the airport look at that Yeah I like that one
Starting point is 00:53:09 Where he's holding the computer he does such a good job Yeah Wait a minute And then I was listening To one of your interviews And I have a question for you Okay before you ask me that question Hold on when Hiller was making That video in the airport and he's holding his computer,
Starting point is 00:53:28 he says hi to someone. And I was like, is he just making that up to be funny? Or do you think that he was really saying hi to a stranger who walked by and was staring at him? What do you think? And then we'll ask Andrew. I think he was making it up to be funny. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:53:40 I think a stranger actually said hi to him. Andrew, drumroll, please. Some kid was looking at me. Awesome okay you win oh hey okay was i semi-erect while i was interviewing rich yes just semi oh that's hilarious okay what your question? I know we've talked a lot about the open and how the open isn't a true test anymore and how it's not achieving what it was used to achieve. I think that's a common thread on everything that I hear. I'm not sure that you've talked about it, but I've said a lot about it. Yeah, I watched one of Andrew Hiller's videos today where he just basically obliterates it. It doesn't matter anywhere for anyone except for people who are going to the games.
Starting point is 00:54:31 The number means nothing anymore. It's a sad day for the Open, actually. Makes me sad a little. But do we agree that its demise was when Glassman was actually at the helm? But that wasn't the nail in the coffin, though. You could keep fucking with it like that, change it, open it up to different countries. But the fact that the ranking doesn't matter for anyone, anyhow,
Starting point is 00:54:58 and no one's like... Someone from CrossFit needs to be like, yeah, we fucked up. And this really should be a test for people who go to the affiliates to see that they're getting fitter as well as rank themselves to other community members and there should be some continuity from year to year to year someone from hq goes we whatever we did we changed it too fast we apologized and we fucked everything up that i mean i agree glad what glassman did but in 18 that was was uh did some damage but it could have recovered but if this thing but but not like this this is like a huge fuck up this is like
Starting point is 00:55:34 putting diesel in your fucking get in your car that runs gas or gas in your car that runs diesel i mean what's what's any difference between this and any workout? Like, this is just like going to your gym and doing a workout, except you had to pay for it. And the ranking, yeah, I still think the ranking system is worthless. Yeah, exactly what Blair Chapman is saying. The ranking is, it's a mockery of itself. It's worse and worthless because it's actually trying to trick us into thinking it does mean something. I mean, that's my take on it. Well, I have kids that play Fortnite
Starting point is 00:56:06 and want to spend an enormous amount of money just to have different skins and rankings online. So I think what they're trying to do is duplicate that. But I'm actually talking about the workouts and the tasks and the inclusiveness that Glassman had the vision of. Do you think it's just been taken too far on that? Well, they went the exact opposite.
Starting point is 00:56:28 It's the least inclusive it's ever been. They fucked, I mean, they shit the bed completely, right? I mean, when Glass, there was 13 people at the games that year that I fucking didn't even know. I'd never even heard of those countries. I'd never even seen people who looked like that. Now everyone looks like they came out, it's back to fucking 2009. I mean, miko's it looks like the guy from finland is the foreigner now i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:56:51 what you mean by inclusive but um the games have never been the games have never been less inclusive less inclusive what i don't know what i mean with inclusive maybe i've just heard it too much careful how you use that word around me that shit triggers me can you tell me more about remember i'm the hr guy remember i'm the hr guy oh that's you right the hr guy with the toaster with the reflection of the penis that's right that's why when hillary was using a measuring tape i thought very fitting did you want to ask him something hillary what were you gonna say i want to know what he meant with that fortnight comment because that might have some insight that I haven't thought about yet. Your kids buy skins to get better prestige.
Starting point is 00:57:28 He's saying it's a waste of money to buy that shit, so why wouldn't you just spend $20 for the Open? But at least with Fortnite, like what he was saying. Oh, okay. No, what I mean is nowadays where it's Clash of Clans or any of those, people just want to feel like they're moving forward in some manner. And, um, you know, again, if you look at the online gaming itself, that's really what it's built around. So how, so how does the open this year match that vision? So ranking,
Starting point is 00:57:58 so I didn't sign up for the ranking. I didn't sign up for the open this year. You know, I almost killed myself to be top 500 in the world in the Masters group and I realized, hey, this just ain't for me. It wasn't worth it to get to that. So I think what was... My status didn't move at all because I didn't participate in the Open. People that
Starting point is 00:58:17 have never participated are ranked higher now because they participated this year. It is what Savon said then. You're spending $20 to get a ranking, which makes you feel important. Yes. But that isn't consistent with previous years. It's not relative to any other ranking ever before.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah, maybe if this is your first year ever, okay, cool. But if you've ever done the open before, if you've been going to an affiliate that's been consistently doing programming, I mean, I appreciate, I'm okay with change, but it needs to be incremental. It needs to be in a way that's relative to the entire community, unless he found out some just magical movement or some magical fucking food or something that just is going to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains just drastically, and it has to be done today. But if not, then yeah, then they shit the bed yeah i mean really shit the bed unless you had some sort of life-altering disease or traumatic experience you should not do worse in the open if you are deemed to be fitter it
Starting point is 00:59:18 doesn't make sense hey katie katie this is the girl who gave 20 at the beginning of the show she's saying i paid money for similar reasons that affiliate owners do it just seems like the right thing to do dang when does that stop katie please tell me you didn't do that for this show that it's because you really love me and want to buy my kids sweaters it's the right thing to do oh shit all right carl well thank you keep your pants all. Talk to you guys later. Okay. I'll do it. This is funny because people keep saying I look younger or older. I don't look like Kayla.
Starting point is 00:59:55 That's younger. You look younger. Thanks. Nicholas Flores. Seven. I love your show. Please stop calling my wife. She's totally in love with you. Okay, fine. I'll stop show. Can you stop calling my wife? She's totally in love with you.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Okay, fine. I'll stop calling. Damn, I read that he was hoping your podcast took off. No, he didn't say that at all. Why would someone say that? It's like telling the space shuttle that's fucking a thousand feet off the surface of the Earth. I hope it takes off. It's already gone.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I hope it lands on the moon. Thank you. Me too. surface of the earth i hope it takes off it's already gone i hope it lands on the moon thank you me too oh we're back nick okay um hillar uh okay so what is going on here tell let's let's play this a couple times how long is this video let's play this a couple times it's about a minute i think it's 54 seconds can we put the audio on this yeah careful oh okay no audio okay no there's no need for the audio and actually what i've got is if you want this thing slowed down for those people who can't
Starting point is 01:01:00 count because he's moving so quick i've got a slowed down version of it too i can pull up no it's okay this is good so basic walk us through what we're looking at what happened here this is the second round uh sorry this is the first round of noah's double unders and this is the third round and at the bottom you've got tony a hq who left me a comment which directed me here and basically what was the workout you could i don't even know the workout did you have to do a certain number is everything if this in in a super strict world would everything that he does after this not count because he didn't fulfill the obligation here that's needed to move on no the way that they would address this if they were to address anything is they'd
Starting point is 01:01:41 likely give him a second per double under missed now the thing that i want to point out but let me ask you this let me just say this say it this is what's fucked up if you're at the crossfit games and you're at the finish line and it's me and fucking justin madaris savamitosian justin madaris and we're doing kettlebell swings and then soon as you reach 50 kettlebell swings you jump up on the stage if i get to 49 and i jump on the stage and then justin gets to 50 and jumps on the stage they send me back down you're and then in that time scott pancheck and colton Mertens pass me, and I take fourth instead of first. When if they would have just penalized me,
Starting point is 01:02:29 I still would have beat Justin Medeiros because I would have just got that one second. Am I right? Yes or no? That's at the games. And if you go to the rule book, you go to the open, and there are separate sections. I believe there's four of them to which you are told what to do with a score like this. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Okay. Fair, fair enough. Okay. So they got, okay, fine. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:49 And you just make a poor adjustment on this one. And there's, because it's for time, I would imagine they would just add two seconds, one per double under that he missed. Brian hates that. I do that by the way. So when I did that thing on the Spiegel last year,
Starting point is 01:03:02 why does he hate it? Why? how could anyone hate what you're doing aren't there rules for a reason i might need to class clarify what it is that i'm doing here here i am showing you that he missed reps and i'm also showing you that crossfit isn't going to do anything about it so he gave himself a time of eight minutes you'll see that that will not change but it's very clear that he missed two double unders and if this dude at the top of the leaderboard doesn't get changed it means that they don't look at freaking anything anywhere
Starting point is 01:03:33 at all yeah it's uh it's wrong now what you're saying is correct but what brian doesn't like is what you're saying because there's different levels to it when it comes to the online competition to which I'm open. I'm open to, I don't care what the rules are. I honestly don't. As long as they're followed, just follow the fucking rules.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Last year, there was a workout in the quarterfinals where it was the pistols, the, the pistols, the GHC setups and the muscle ups. And it was a pretty good number of muscle ups and Spiegel didn't lock really any of them out. So I was making the case that she should have stopped right there,
Starting point is 01:04:05 the same way where you're saying that technically Noah never finished this workout, right? Yeah. But in that case, I think that it's kind of a use-your-brain sort of situation. Spiegel probably wasn't able to do muscle-ups, so she was shorting the range of motion. Clearly, Noah just doesn't have the right count and could do another double under the the movements themselves are this is a double under that's a muscle up level i just i just i just think that there's rules there you go that's all they have to do oh but there but listen to this but but someone said
Starting point is 01:04:45 look at what look what jay sizzle says but it takes over a second to go back and make that one rep up should be 2.5 seconds per rep and i i see i see that point of that too because the fact that he stopped at 49 isn't anyone's problem but his own amen and here's the thing if you don't enforce the rules play the video again caleb could you please you have to enforce the rules you have to enforce the rules would you like to read some comments and then respond to them out sure sure i love how many comments okay uh okay dockham five seconds he loses one point and jeff adler gains one point both in same position glad we caught this yeah cool read to the one i counted 50 and then there's several replies oh hold on let me i counted 50 uh i counted 52 oh uh well so well either way how
Starting point is 01:05:40 many times did you count it hillar quite a few a few. Okay. You're positive it's 49? Positive. As I said, I can pull up the slow motion one for people who haven't done that yet. Hey, so is this guy Nick Asshole, Nick Azar? Is he being sarcastic? I believe so. And then I responded with something even more sarcastic. Can you believe it? I can't believe that dude took the time to type that
Starting point is 01:06:08 so what are we supposed to dock him a second would that really matter dude it's crazy that people it's crazy that people go there let me see the replies to that crazy if he had to do one more double under he would have missed qualifying for quarters ignore my attempt at trolling too late we didn't ignore it crazy if he had to do one more double under he would have missed qualifying for quarters oh yeah so these people don't even fucking get what the fuck is going on and then i respond with another sarcastic comment uh this is why the programming is so important adrian bosman was trying to expose noah and noah will make it through now because of this i think i'm clever that's all you guys the rep works as it that's not the point man no noah's season shouldn't be over i don't think but i think
Starting point is 01:07:00 that we need to see an adjustment on the leaderboard from crossfit to prove that they do anything because right now this is a top 10 score on this workout they're not looking at those and we've seen people we've seen we've seen this thing come down to seconds the whole point of a sport is is to keep tight to the rules um uh wow he did 50 it was a gopro setting that's good good job nick oh i don't oh my god actually oh man all right i gotta do something really quick two things i don't even know if this is where i don't know how you explain to people the importance of the rules these are people who think like if it's a if it's a good catch in the end zone but you didn't get both feet in but it was close enough well what did you say earlier today if 49 is good then what makes 48 not good or yeah what about yeah what about 40 yeah where do you draw the line
Starting point is 01:07:59 right 47 so he he stops it with one snatch left He did five out of the six at 225. He's close enough, right? It's not the same thing. Well, I guess, but if you give him an inch, he'll take a mile at some point. That's what I was trying to say with that Annie video that everyone said the reps were good on. Are they, though? Are you giving her an inch? Is she taking a mile?
Starting point is 01:08:22 As they say, how you do anything is how you do everything noah's score right now is fourth in the world still at eight minutes well what's the next fastest score who's who's fifth jeffrey adler 801 yeah you got to put him after adler you got it yeah you got to put them after Adler you got it yep you got it imagine if there were 100 million people
Starting point is 01:08:50 competing makes a difference you know what else is crazy too is world or even 30 million like they want like Don Fall was saying they want 30 million people but worldwide that is going to affect the worldwide rankings maybe
Starting point is 01:09:04 no sorry because the top thousand people all get the same amount of points except for the first guy never mind all right okay next instagram video okay okay let me want to do something else really cool that'll just drive seven nuts sort by the one sort by part b of 22 point or 23.2 and then go to the 330 lift color not the video rodrigo yeah sorry i brought you on too soon hang tight hillers on a mission and uh so we saw that it was 330 right and this is the seventh best score in the world click on the video please and scroll and then click on the youtube link oh it popped you out there you go and then look at the definition of the title set 117 reps 200 oh shit oh shit oh shit. Oh, shit. And then also,
Starting point is 01:10:07 that guy has the greatest lift. The seventh heaviest lift for the men. And it hasn't been fixed yet? Actually, I didn't first notice the 230. I watched this guy's lift and I looked at it and I go, there's no way that's 330 pounds.
Starting point is 01:10:21 You can just tell by the way he's operating the barbell. And also, he doesn't show any measurements. tell by the way he's operating the barbell. And also, he doesn't show any measurements. He doesn't show the weights on the bar. I think it's like the 11-minute mark. No, no. Caller, hi.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Hello. Hey. Speak your mind. The floor is yours. So, I'm a friend of Hillers this is Brendan what's up Andrew I don't know if you can use the word friend let's just say associate
Starting point is 01:10:53 we are acquaintances anyway so I want to defend this year's Open so first point would be who won the Open this year for the men that's the same argument as saying froning wins the games every year so the games were good tests and we've always said that that's not always the case i don't think it matters um i don't think it matters for like for the top 10 guys really maybe the top 50 guys the top 100 guys i don't i don't
Starting point is 01:11:23 think sorry i didn't mean to dig in. Jeff Adler won. No, I was just going to say 2021, Jeff Adler also won. I like these guys at the top. I like these guys at the top. Makes sense to me. Okay. So there's a handful of people whose rankings have
Starting point is 01:11:39 gone down this year. Here's something, though. In any past Open, when has a lift like the thruster been tested versus like an olympic lift never never never like we had heavy deadlifts right we had heavy deadlifts in 2013 with deadlifts and boxers so basically you guys are using this example of the leaderboard is different this year but we don't have any historical precedent of what the leaderboard would have looked like if a lift like this would have been in those past. I agree.
Starting point is 01:12:07 I don't, I don't disagree with you. I agree with you 100%. But I don't think that, I don't think that nullifies that it's ass. I don't think that nullifies that it's ass. But we're, we're working off of, so this was my other example. If you have. Brendan, let me just say this real quick. Why not show a heavy thrust?
Starting point is 01:12:26 Like normally, why not show a one rep thruster in the in the in the games and then the following year in the quarterfinals? And then people are like, oh, shit, here it comes. It's coming to the fucking open. That's what that's what I'm saying. I'm saying. And I'm not even saying that particular movement. I haven't looked at the open close enough to know what it is, but I can tell you something wrong but i just don't know i don't know i don't know what it is like maybe you guys do but but there should be so i feel like it should have eased into it i hear what you're saying there's no precedent so how do we know right well then there should have been some warning to the community because i think the games and the affiliates are in the open is kind of there should be some glue right and that glue is your ranking in the open kind of mean, it's supposed to be a tool for your members, right?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Sure. And I had a lot of members who finished better this year, even though the thruster was their worst event. So they can quantifiably say that their fitness got better. I think we're picking on a few people who maybe have gotten used to being at a certain position in the leaderboard and then their weaknesses got exposed.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Like there was nowhere to hide in this open you had to be fit in all capacities to do well in this open excuse me i can't do a workout that's 15 minutes long and i sure as shit did better this year i hid pretty well you saw me a lot of you were able to hide i've been able to hide i've been able to hide in path open because i have good, you know, Olympic lifting or something. But if this, if like something like this would have showed up in a path open, yeah, I probably would have been lower off. Correct. The shuttle run kind of gave you a place to hide, right? Hiller kind of exposed that. Isn't that what the walking is? Yeah, not if you're trying to, no, because the other week,
Starting point is 01:14:07 Hiller jumped off of his chair and went and did, what, 70-some consecutive pull-ups without coming down? Yeah, he's a psychopath, and his hand ripped. That's the only reason why he probably didn't get to 100, yeah. Right. That workout was not determined by whether you walked or ran. It was by how good you could do it, burpee pull-ups, and he's good at both of those movements. Right, amazing at them right
Starting point is 01:14:25 brendan came right so his example of i did better because i walked is bogus because he's great at pull-ups but should i use as an example for why did that but wow bogus if he wanted to if he was not on steroids quote unquote and actually trying to compete he was not on steroids, quote unquote, and actually trying to compete, he would not have walked. He would have run. He would have had to. He would have had to have gone to that dark place to get as good of a score as he could have.
Starting point is 01:14:57 What's the name of your affiliate? Big Shoulders CrossFit. Dear CrossFit HQ, give this guy a fucking waiver on his affiliate fees for 2024. He got your back. Sincerely, Sevan Matosian. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:15 So here's the other, here's another analogy I was going to make. Are you related to Adrian Bosman? Am I related to him? Yeah. No, but he did lead my coach's prep course back in 2013 when I took it. I knew it. You're as biased as me.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Oh, yeah. He's cool as shit, and that's what happened. Proximity bias. Even though it's been eight years, you're still under the spell of the great Adrian Bosman. Man, that guy's amazing. So amazing. I'll give this example and see if it resonates. Let's say you're trying to learn a foreign language.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Let's just say Spanish. And so you're, what you do is you look at past tests as this professor, whatever has given. And most of the tests in the past have included things like colors, shapes, and numbers. You're like, cool. That is what Spanishanish is that's what i'm going to study so you study those things and then the next test comes up and you sit and you look at it and you're like holy crap this is all animals and modes of transportation and geography this is bogus this is not spanish the problem there is that you studied the wrong like
Starting point is 01:16:20 sure you study things that were spanish but you didn't go to the root i agree with you i think it's a perfect analogy i agree with you the thing is is i just think you gotta you gotta introduce the animals slowly or the numbers slowly you gotta let the the family know that it's coming if you want to keep the family together like like okay like like like maybe like maybe brooke should have told much of a jump like brooke maybe should have told mars that she was interested in dating maybe kissing some other guys or girls before he got the photo from the club sure but i guess i mean i think there's plenty of people who did do better this year like i don't I don't think that it's across the board. Like everyone did worse this year who has done it in prior years. Like I have people in my affiliate who
Starting point is 01:17:11 did better this year and we can say, all right, you're better than you were last year too. But I don't just because the test exposed weaknesses for certain people like myself that made my ranking go down. Oh yeah. How bad is it? How old are you? How old are you? Uh, 36. And how much did your ranking go down? Let's get them,
Starting point is 01:17:30 Hiller. Let's get, I, I was in the 85th percentile this year and I finished in the 90th percentile every year, except for my first year in 2012. Ah, not bad.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Okay. Not enough to fucking roast you. All right. Fair. But I mean, like there was never like the year that i there was straight pants and push-ups that was one of my worst you know worst performances but there was other tests that allowed me to like hot like i'm tall and so 2019 that same year there
Starting point is 01:17:56 was the rowing and wall balls workout to kick things off and so it's like i did 99th percentile event that workout with there only being three or four events in this three-week format you have to have a fully well-rounded capacity of fitness because there's nowhere to hide you don't have these extra workouts to save you brendan i gotta have to be good in everything i i gotta ask i really liked the yeah pictures of the animals and the colors and all that analogy it made sense sure so every year you're to expect something that has never been seen before and then how are you supposed to increase your fitness you're just supposed to kind of guess or do you do crossfit yeah correct you increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains and then you train for the unknown
Starting point is 01:18:43 and unknowable and whatever gets thrown thrown at you, you do it. Now, we have certain parameters that we know are probably going to be fairly constant just because they're trying to do this for affiliates. So I don't think there's ever going to be like a 45-minute workout. Like they're going to be 20 minutes or less usually. But think about like if you're talking about the worst test of fitness of all time, 2011 or and 2012 they were all am wrapped and like super short like they weren't nearly as well versed or well-rounded as this year's test there was no like individual test of strength like you can't all right all right all right all right all right brendan earlier today i put out the video i know you saw it and i said you got to keep it easy i
Starting point is 01:19:22 need to know how rich froning does worse than he has in every other open combined and he told me that if he's not good at broad time it goes back to my original point so that goes back to my original point of we do not have a precedent of what he would have done if this type of strength test or something would have shown up he's also in a different stage of his life like you can't you can't ignore that you win with that statement and again you guys keep saying well this isn't about the elite this is about the everyday person it's like and then you keep going back to this rich ronin example like that's fair too okay he finished he finished worse so what he still would be moving on to the age group qualifiers
Starting point is 01:20:06 if he chooses to do that. So his exact ranking isn't the same, but we also don't have a historical precedent of what he would have done if, let's say, a one-rep max desert or one-rep max bench press would have showed up. People would have been all over the room. Oh, he would have messed up
Starting point is 01:20:20 and signed up for the next bench press. Mr. Shoulders. Sure, he would have done well, but there would have been a bunch of strong men who would have jumped in to teach these CrossFitters what a bench press is supposed to be Mr. Shoulders
Starting point is 01:20:34 thank you I appreciate it cool dissenting opinion is always welcome here well not always okay thank you thanks Brendan thanks Brendan hey Brendan how many podcasts have you watched welcome here well not always okay thank you thanks brendan great thanks hey brendan yeah how many how many podcasts have you watched
Starting point is 01:20:49 of yours quite a few okay good i don't have a number but more than more than more than more than four definitely more than four okay i love you bye all right the other example he presented was one of the best counter arguments i've heard can you sum it up in three seconds yeah he finished first in 2021 and finished first this year and now there's a monster and then the other greatest example none of those guys at the top matter that that's fucking how is that a good well if that's your best argument then fuck it well i mean it squashes my froning argument which he also pointed out is kind of uh if you're going to keep talking about the 90 stop talking about froning but if you're going to talk about froning you
Starting point is 01:21:32 should talk about adler like all right okay all right all right now if you bring in everybody else i'm still stuck on what we're what we're talking about the 90 people how are they ever supposed to train for the test of fitness if they never know what the fuck it is oh you train crossfit well we did that i thought and we all did worse or or vastly better and we don't know why next topic oh let's go back yeah let's go back to your instagram i was texting with bill grunler i don't know why i don't have Bill Grundler on more. It's stupid. It's probably one of the biggest we can still draw. Okay, what's this other one?
Starting point is 01:22:09 What's this other one in the middle? Oh, yeah. Poor Ryan Fisher. This one's great. So, Ryan Fisher posted that... Okay, go ahead. Help him set this up. So, tell us what happened here. I kind of feel bad for Ryan. Almost did die. So, I finished the feel bad for Ryan. Almost did die.
Starting point is 01:22:25 So I finished the event. I beat everyone by like minutes. He's saying he won this workout. And number one, he didn't beat anybody. Which is unheard of. I had the world record in the event. Is that what you think?
Starting point is 01:22:38 You think? There's a chance that at some point. I beat the number one athlete in the world at the time. Fisher maintained a solid pace. He cruised to a first place finish overall with a time of 1652. His winning time was indoor. Mine was outdoor on a black parking lot in Southern California. It was like 110 degrees outside.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Oh my God. Froning's a stud. I wish he still wore that headband. What's he doing? Bring that shit back i meant to ask him about that oh legit almost did has has anyone so so he made he made a post on instagram saying he set the world record on this workout and you just kind of called him out on it here i would like to know where his
Starting point is 01:23:23 head was as he was doing this interview. Cause it doesn't look good. Oh, that guy, Scali fit. That guy, Scali fit is another guy I need to have on the podcast. Joe Scali.
Starting point is 01:23:33 He's a fucking legend. Yeah. He won the mile in Murph in 2016, the first mile. And then what happened? God, that guy could have been a super star. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:43 He's why, what happened after that? Same thing happens when you win the mile on Murph in the first mile. He fell off a little bit. Fucking crash. Hey, so has Ryan reached out to you, or has he pulled down the post? No. Oh, and you know what?
Starting point is 01:23:59 Earlier you said something about Brooke and Mars and whether or not you wanted to talk about people that you're friends with friends with yeah i've actually talked with brian and he's cool and i like him in person a lot but the question you always ask is i do this thing and this is what i do i gotta put this thing together or else it's not gonna be who i say i am so here it is that's a great line don't break an arm jerking yourself off that's a fucking great line so yeah in this video he says he had the record by minutes which was not the case you can see it on the leaderboard clear as day you can see that there's a chance that he had the world record depending on what week that regional was but you can see that guido had one
Starting point is 01:24:41 as did froning as he said it maybe he had the world record at his event before anyone else had done it. Well, let's say that's the case. He then says he beat the best guy in the world and then puts up a picture of Froning. All right. And that was never the case. All right. Fuck me. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:57 All right. Tried to jump in front of a moving train and stop it, and I got run over. And Halpin's over here. Thank you, Halpin, for pointing all this out. Hey, Mike Halpin is funny as shit. You know, I'm starting to realize. Why do you say that? He's just funny.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I can't tell if he's trying to be funny, but he's just funny. He's like, he has his own, like, he has his own delivery of like, like, you know, Charlie Chaplin, how his mustache would do that thing? Yeah. I just feel like Halpin, uh mike hapland has that helping what the fuck's that guy's name helping hapland the fucking consonants backwards helping and mike helping um uh he he has his own like i i'm starting to find him humorous like his delivery like he's funny like like getting
Starting point is 01:25:43 clotheslined you know or kicked in the nuts or something like it's that kind like his delivery like he's funny like like getting clotheslined you know or kicked in the nuts or something like it's that kind of like i mean he's so he just dropped it i went over to uh fisher's um instagram account to read what he wrote he's like not even rude about it right yeah he trips you and he's not even rude clotheslined yeah it's like there it is and it's like oh that hurt like a bitch but it's kind of funny yeah mark calderon what's funny about that oh shut up just shut up killer you just shut your trap my cow marco marco marco calderon fisher is my old coach and he's natty he's got a beautiful body i'll leave it at that yeah dry humor or something i don't even know if halpin's trying to be funny but it's he's i'm starting to find him hysterical
Starting point is 01:26:36 okay i don't want to pick on uh i don't want to no come on i don't want to pick on fisher i'm i'm gonna probably they're probably gonna see him soon i won't fucking kick my ass I don't want to. No, come on. I don't want to pick on Fisher. I'm going to probably. They're probably going to see him soon. I'm fucking kick my ass. That's the thing. It's cool. I just don't know why you do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:54 It kind of impress somebody. Well, that guy was impressed. You hear the noise he made? Fucking creamed his pants just in that second. I think that was in relation to the heat on the floor that day it was 110 oh oh um uh janeau winston did uh did they give uh did they give did they step on give more backstory to the mars and brook story earlier i just came on a few minutes ago i don't know what backstory do you want how much it cost to get in the club what time they drove there where the marsian was sitting down when he saw, when he was looking at the picture of his wife making out with another dude
Starting point is 01:27:29 and a chick. I mean, I don't know how much more backstory. I thought you said a chick and a dude. Yeah, what did I say? Dude and a chick? You just said a chick. No, no, it was a chick and a dude, I heard. That's important.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Yeah, chick and a dude. Sorry, chick and a dude. Okay, back to Hiller. Okay, so we've gone through two instagram posts this is good we're on a roll let's get fucking bogged down with anything the next one's conway we should have asked we should have asked brendan what he thinks about fucking not counting all the reps and what's a rep amongst friends when do when does it matter i like that 48 47 okay adrian con conway, 23.3 complainers.
Starting point is 01:28:06 If you have a problem with the six-minute workout, chances are you don't get a chance to do much well-programmed CrossFit very often. You should talk with your coach about this. And then Hila responds, I've never liked when individuals complain about a workout. Usually there's some reason behind it. As Adrian stated, as Adrian states, states are usually not prepared for one reason or another. However, what about the open as a whole?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Oh, I'm glad you spelled whole, right? Uh, the yearly benchmark test for all that do CrossFit. That's the point. It's the yearly benchmark. And that's why whenever he says there's no,
Starting point is 01:28:42 there's no, your friend Brendan from shoulder fit, he says there's no comparison. Yeah, friend brendan from shoulder fit he says there's no comparison yeah that's the problem i agree with you that's the problem you're using that to defend it i'm using it to say that's the problem i say worst test of fitness all four tests seen as a whole in crossfit games history and it isn't even close yeah fair both you and adrian because i can't get away from go run a mile and get a time, train all year to do that mile again, and you run it and you do worse. The only thing you're led to believe is that you suck at running worse than you did last year in relation to the thing you're trying to do the best at,
Starting point is 01:29:18 which is CrossFit. So if they're just going to throw a random shit at you and justify it by saying it's CrossFit, but also tell you that it's the test of fitness. They can't be the same thing. It can't be. Dear Mr. Conway, you have a very good point. Hiller as a whole agrees with you. But the other whole that he liked to look at of yours is the wh the the whole of the entire the wholeness of the
Starting point is 01:29:45 entire here we go you mother is this your guy is this mr shoulder fit this is mr shoulder fit uh i agree that all reps should be done okay fine uh and um mr conway on a completely side note if you're gonna have woke people on the crossfit podcast i i appreciate that but please try to unfuck them also thank you he says so there should just be the same workouts each year i've never said that but it would be an easy fix for somebody who isn't talented enough to program and open don't fight with them i don't want to call him back again he already got 11 minutes i like the guy i love an affiliate cool you should be on the affiliate you know what i thought one more if he was on one more minute
Starting point is 01:30:23 i'd want credit for doing an affiliate show go ahead dave castro wrote the workouts for a long time right people had their feelings about him whatever now adrian's writing them and dave castro got caught off at the knees and i think that the biggest fuck up in crossfit history while i know that i've made a bunch of videos about it is that there was no sort of work together towards an end goal which is that's the when you told me that that would be that's brilliant and it would be and you know what that would have helped adrian you're saying like have them do a couple years together so that if there is a fuck up like it doesn't all fall on adrian i mean hell i'm not big on it but they could even lie to us and say, yeah, Dave's helping Adrian. Yes. Like everyone would fall for it. And they'd be like, well, maybe this part of it wasn't Adrian's idea.
Starting point is 01:31:08 We see this was coming from the mind of Dave. And then Adrian go, hey, this is a great idea. Thanks a lot, guys, for helping me through this process. Not here you go. Welcome to the wolves. I do want to say this, too. Not one person has ever said after any of this around programming that adrian's not competent i haven't seen it once no one is even remotely suggesting that is that accurate accurate on both sides you
Starting point is 01:31:34 could absolutely fucking hate the open and no one's suggesting that adrian's not competent or that he shouldn't do it again no one well here's the thing is he's fucking talented as fuck no one's like everyone's just saying that i mean we just didn't like the workouts we just don't think it's it's working it's fitting but the motherfucker is competent no one's no one's saying anything bad about him they're just saying his dog bit someone ah it doesn't really work someone's looking at his dog the wrong way and his dog was about to bite him i don't know uh what were you gonna say before we move on to the next instagram it's just that
Starting point is 01:32:11 the the way and i don't know because i don't know the inner mechanisms of the way that that works but from what we've seen from dave in the past and the documentaries is there's just so much thought that goes into these workouts there's so much thought that goes into these workouts. There's so much testing that goes into them. There's so much secrecy. And the way it looks when stuff like the second week are unveiled are, oh, you didn't see this coming, which makes you think that maybe there wasn't enough guidance, which Dave should have provided.
Starting point is 01:32:42 CrossFit should have helped him out. Yeah. I don't like the word guidance is a little strong, i hear you hey on these grippers i have all these grippers and i picked the two easiest ones to keep on my desk oh this one's way fucking harder the t is harder than the s oh yeah the s be the easiest. I wonder what these letters stand for. I'm not even doing the numbers. I haven't even got to the numbers. Trish, what if the trend is
Starting point is 01:33:11 upward after 10 years, year to year is too tight to look at? If you only get one chance a year and in 10 years you're going to be 40 and you were 31, I don't know. I feel like it's a stretch you get one chance uh dave offered to help offered to help boz boz wasn't interested oh oh nelly where do you have i wonder who that is it makes me wonder who that is extra sloppy
Starting point is 01:33:47 oh nearly what are the chances it's dave none none dave are you extra sloppy i always hey if it is dave he's he's really he's because i'm a nine i'm that he would have to be doing something pretty crazy because uh yeah i'll just tell you i because i suspect because i know normally what he's doing when i'm on the podcast i think a lot of times and i just can't picture he would have to be really slick it would be a crazy slick move well but he is he was a navy seal seal team six i could totally see uh oh okay okay so okay fine So, OK, fine. All right. Probably on his weekly breakdown. Well, OK. To be fair, this could still be Dave. Oh, Adam's saying he said it in a conversation with me. OK. And you guys heard it. OK. I thought that was just something he told me in private.
Starting point is 01:34:41 All right. Well, fuck. Fine. fine okay good it's danny spiegel danny come on the show let's fucking hash this out you can bring one person with you you can bring woolly with you oh boy uh okay back to the instagram you went off the other day is this is this the next one yes okay so is that hip and steel funny come on what is going on here a dave hip making sure he can stay in the field of view on his blackberry preparation for the agoq online qualifier so is this he posted himself on this recently yeah it's actually really impressive because I've seen people who can't do this. You know how expensive that thing is? Oh, he is a dentist.
Starting point is 01:35:30 That thing is fucking expensive. I think it's 20 grand. I think it's 20 grand. I think he mentioned he was a dentist 400 times in that morning chalk up interview. Always helps to get out of the water, especially in February. A bit cold, but always fun. Why are you tagging all these people? You tagged his daughter.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Why tag Lauren Fisher and these people down below? Perhaps they're there. You didn't tag those? No, that's not me. I screen recorded a story of his. This is just a story from Dave Hippensteel. I screen recorded it and posted it because i thought i was funny i felt like a meme account when i made this one okay
Starting point is 01:36:10 it doesn't even really it looks like a like a stunt double see he's just look at the quality of that and he just keeps on coming out of the camera like a lockback monster dude god I want to try writing that come on then I'll read the caption it's so funny what's the caption blackberry the blackberry making sure you can stay in the field of view on this blackberry in preparation for the next stage of competition come on freaking hilarious you have to know some you have to have some insider knowledge of the hip and steel history god I, I thought it was funny. It wasn't as much of a hit as I thought it would be. It's okay. It's good.
Starting point is 01:36:48 It's good. I like the one where he shows him coming out of the water. Like that, yeah. Oh, now he's getting deep. He's just... He's practicing, man. He's getting ready. Hey, hip and steel is gold. He's provided so much
Starting point is 01:37:04 for you. He sure has. Who's your daddy? My favorite name was... Sorry, Caleb? Is this why you don't post yourself doing anything, because you get shit on? Why am I getting shit on in the comments? No, because you're the same age as Hip and Steel.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Oh, yeah, probably. Hey, I am worried. I do like Hip and Steel in general, but I am worried that he should cut his hair. I don't want to be one of those old dudes with the fucking straggly fucking hair holding on for dear life. I don't want to be that guy. As soon as he cuts it, though, he's bald. He's old forever. So what? So what? No, bald dudes look young forever.
Starting point is 01:37:41 I look 40. No. But you could be if you said you were 40 i'd believe you but you don't look 40 i appreciate that yeah you look younger than hiller it's the trt kill how old are you hill looks like he's 30 you look like you're 25 27 there you go you are younger than me you're supposed to be what was I going to say about hip and steel oh we were at
Starting point is 01:38:09 Wadapalooza and I was at the vindicate tent and some people some masters people were talking shit like can you believe that he did that to hip and steel I don't know why anybody likes this guy you didn't do anything to him they were standing outside the booth talking shit about you from afar.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Well, no, if I was here, they'd probably be standing by the GHD back there. And someone goes, Hey, those guys are talking shit or were, and I go,
Starting point is 01:38:34 which guys are, they weren't there anymore. And I go, damn, I wish they would've come and said it to me. Do you ever say anything to Alexis and you're trying to be funny and she gets her feelings hurt. And you're like,
Starting point is 01:38:43 Hey dude, that was funny. Like don't run with it. Don't, don't make anything out of it that you're not supposed to if i say something with my humor to alexis she gets it either never or 20 minutes later so so like i said i'm trying to yesterday i said something to my wife um uh it's not even gonna make sense to you guys but i said something to her and she took it and she took it wrong and i was like hey hey whoa i'm not being a dick at all i'm just having fun with you i love you what are you doing that was just funny i was trying to be funny sorry and um that's
Starting point is 01:39:16 what that's what happened with uh um uh hip and steel like all he had to do was lean into you and he could have had an ally and he just fucked it up. He didn't, he didn't, he didn't, he, he,
Starting point is 01:39:27 he bobbed when he should have weaved and he fucking went in. He, you know what I mean? He got punched in the face when he should have like shown his skill of moving and he keeps, so yeah, but he's got no skill. He's got no boxing skills,
Starting point is 01:39:42 right? The only thing you can do is ride on that magic surfboard yeah yeah yeah he's exactly here what the fuck kind of name is this a question mark he got butthurt when he should have just rolled with the punches yeah yeah there's plenty of people who've rolled with the punches i would say 90 of the time people go oh yeah you're right i'm waiting for noah to say hey i just did a of double unders post, post a story of him doing two double unders. I'm done now. Hey, this friend of mine was telling me that we should do, well, we were talking today and she was like, I was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:40:16 we were just talking about doing shows together in the future. And we were thinking about doing a show, get, you know, that there's Natty or not. What was the other one? Uh, that we talked about you doing Natty or not what's the other one something or not um hot or not there was another one that hillar was going to do we were joking around about it cheating or not what was the one not natty or not but was it in relation to crossfit or something else it was crossfit and you actually made a video on it you actually did it oh dude how come i can't remember i know alexis was gonna do one about skincare and it was gonna go are they wearing makeup or
Starting point is 01:40:55 is that real edited or not photo no no this was you did it on your god damn it don't make me look on your YouTube station. Hiller fit. I think it was something about... It was CrossFit? I don't remember. Hill fit. Not hill fit. Hiller fit. Handicap or not. Oh, handicap or not.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Oh, I did it. Yeah, you did it. Handicap or not. So we were thinking about doing one that's called gay or not. That's it. Just go through the that's called gay or not. Okay. That's it. And just get, just go through the athletes and just gay or not. I would say mostly straight.
Starting point is 01:41:32 I don't know. I don't know. You know, what's amazing is men in the sport of CrossFit. I found having odd tie a date with other men in the sport of CrossFit. Dude, all these dudes obsessed with their bodies eating disorders these dudes definitely a little healthy dose of narcissism healthy dose
Starting point is 01:41:54 healthy dose oh yeah weird you're telling me you have every fucking quality that a gay man has except you don't like Dick. Come on. Come on. I've never, no. Hector's physique has never appealed to me. Are you kidding me? No,
Starting point is 01:42:13 I don't like the way it's made up. Oh my God. He is fucking like, however, Alex Smith. I've looked at him and gone, Dan, that's a nice body.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Yeah. He, he's, his body's perfect too. Natty or not, Alex Smith. I don't want to ruin the next episode. Okay, let's go back to the... Remember what I said earlier? It was mere six hours ago that I said I don't do these unprompted.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Right, right. Totally unfair. Okay, is this the next one? Yes. Okay. Compensating for something? Question mark. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Wait, can you pause this one second? Look at this photo to the right. Is John Young gay? Yes. Hey, listen. Oh, Jeff Bako. I haven't seen him in forever. That's what I was saying. He comes out of nowhere. You can just drop this. Forever. That's what I was saying. He comes out of nowhere. He just drops this.
Starting point is 01:43:08 Hey. Hey. Oh, my God. I'm like a freaking tomato. Look at this screen real quick, and look at this picture of this girl to the right. Yeah, I did that on purpose. Oh, my God. I love Chipotle, girl. I did that on purpose oh my god i love chipotle girl i did that on purpose oh my god someone could fucking wreck shop it with a meme with that
Starting point is 01:43:34 oh my god wad zombie oh my god i love chipotle oh my god okay back to uh oh i forgot i made this one this is a bit ago now wait where was that other one are you compensating for something what's going on here with this compensating one what i don't get this one what is this this is the judge who let the thruster go crap he paused what do i do you're not allowed to do that and this one it's very clear mel's feet are off the ground before her hands move and she gives her a no rep for that wall walk is that good so since it has been pointed out that there's the potential that it could be a hip issue however the only thing happens is mel moves her hands as soon as she's given the no rep, which leads you to believe that the issue was a hand issue.
Starting point is 01:44:28 I just threw three quick hot ones in there real quick. That you're thinking were reps, but she got no reps? Correct. I believe that this rep for Mal is totally a rep. It's totally good. I also believe that this has nothing to do with the hips because Mal moves her hands. You can see it.
Starting point is 01:44:45 She gets the no rep, and then her hands scoot. Right about here. Poor Mal. Yep, they scoot. And she still destroyed this workout? Hell yeah. I think she's at the seventh best score. So the wall walk, 1 million percent should be a rep.
Starting point is 01:45:02 That guy who is operating right there, he pauses on his head, which is allowed, and she begins to no rep him. And then he comes down. And then you think, did he come down because she was about to no rep him? Did he come down because he had to? And then the joke is she's overcompensating for the weeks previous. God bless your Instagram account. Thanks. Yeah, yeah. Nick Schroeder yeah nick shrouder yeah yeah yeah that's exactly what i was thinking what the no rep guy uh not complaining recognizing reps you got to
Starting point is 01:45:34 recognize no reps if you're going to recognize no reps but there's balance in the universe we expect perfection you got to do both look at kayla's a babe she's so hot really i i used to think she was hot too but what go back to that picture of her you like that you like that nose ring that thing is disgusting does she have a nose ring yeah you what has she done to her face she's got a lot of makeup on she punched a bunch of holes in her face you like that no yeah i'm not a fan of that either and and i and i think it's it's a sign of probably something probably better off for a live call-in show here here he goes and he's off hey and i do think she's very attractive but i just think she's fucked herself
Starting point is 01:46:26 up and the clothes they put her in were not good clothes for her either why do i not know who this is is she a personality that i and she used to have like purple or blue hair or something here's the i don't like i don't like made-up girls though i like the dirt twirler girl i like like i like a girl like with a ponytail after she worked out i like a sweaty daniel brandon the less you do to yourself the more attractive you are i believe yeah often yeah wipe keep your butt clean wipe your butt exercise good to go yeah that i didn't yeah i don't think her i don't think that outfit flattering. I don't think that outfit in the middle is flattering. I don't, like, you're going to be in front of, God, her face is perfect, though. Why would she put that hole in her nose?
Starting point is 01:47:14 Dude. I did not know that was the same chick. Yeah, she has a perfect head, too. She looks Armenian. Dude, I can't believe I didn't know that's who that was i'm kind of there she is she chose a different icon than i did i think she would be she's oh yeah look at like look at her at the beach there i like that there she looks so hot if you ever had a question about whether or not i do things personally
Starting point is 01:47:44 i don't know who this person is it was just what was being presented to me was a little bit out of place so i wrote what are we talking about sorry what huh she is so hot says bruce wayne okay uh look at uh janelle winston clean butts low bar yeah as long as the butt's clean you're good to go okay let's go on uh hillary where are you going in um are we past your bedtime like no dinner but i we can stay if we got stuff no how much longer how much longer do i have how much longer do you need okay perfect uh next let's see the next post there's priorities in this life man where are you going to dinner steak there's a gibson's just the two of you yeah god your dinner bills must be cheap since you guys don't drink alcohol
Starting point is 01:48:37 you'd think so but alexis can eat like a freaking horse see there she goes call her hi hello hey hey hey what's up man oh i know who this is how are you what's up dude who is this uh will branstetter what this is Will? This isn't Will? This is not Will. Oh, all right. Who is this? This is Theo. You know what I'm saying? Oh, Theo.
Starting point is 01:49:12 Hey, what's up, man? How are you? How's it going, man? Good. I'd love to have you as a guest on the show sometime, like for a full two hours. Oh, yeah, for sure. Cool. What do you do for fitness fitness oh you know man i just uh
Starting point is 01:49:30 i wake up in the morning i drink a protein shake um i get off work around five and i hit the gym as soon as i get off man what do you do for work i'm a a welder. Oh, okay. You're the different Theo than I thought you were. Who'd you think I was? I thought you were like the comedian Theo. Yeah, man. When I'm not a comedian, I'm a fucking welder. Hey, everyone's got to have a day job. Like Hiller.
Starting point is 01:50:00 Yeah, man. Yeah, like Hiller. How are your eyes? Do welders, is it guaranteed your eyes are going gonna be fucked up if you're a welder nah man nah nah you just gotta wear like really dark sunglasses okay like really dark yeah man okay like shade like shade five how old are you 37 who taught you how to weld me motherfucker wow self-taught hey good on you that's cool it's not easy right well you see my friend my friend gert you know the one with no arms he was a pretty good way he was a pretty good welder gert who i don't know him gert gert
Starting point is 01:50:43 yeah gert man you know the one with no arms Gert who? I don't know him. Gert. Gert? Yeah, Gert, man. You know, the one with no arms. Fuck, it's over my head. I wish I could get what you're saying. Dude, I love watching Weldon. Gert. Gert. Gert.
Starting point is 01:50:55 G-E-R-T. Gert. Egerton. Egerton, but we took the ed and the on off because that's basically what he is, you know, just a torso. Hey, is he a crossfitter i i mean are there any no arm crossfitters are there any no arm crossfitters i mean he can't really do nothing with his arms you know what i'm saying yeah i love i love the norm. Know what I'm saying? Know what I'm saying, man?
Starting point is 01:51:30 He can't really do nothing with his arms, being that he ain't got none. Right, right. He's not a welder. How'd he lose his arms? Born like that? I think so, man. But he fought everybody in town. Hey, can you see the screen right now? Is this a picture of you right here?
Starting point is 01:51:44 Let's see. Can you see the screen right now is this a picture of you right here let's see can you see the screen right now see this guy no regrets no man all right nah man oh this uh that's my credo no regrets i mean i mean his hair his hairstyle is, but nah, that ain't me. You have no regrets? Dad. Oh, is Hiller going to talk to us about how Hunter McIntyre did him dirty? He did you dirty, Hiller? I got no regrets, man.
Starting point is 01:52:15 I don't think so. Oh, regrets. Oh, is that? Hiller, are you fucking kidding me? This guy, this caller just made a movie reference and you got it? Yes. Holy shit, that's amazing. This guy, this caller just made a movie reference and you got it? Yes. Holy shit. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:52:30 I think this is what he might be talking about. He called me softy. Oh. That's it. Caller, how many shows have you listened to? How many shows? Yeah. I listen to all of them, man. Oh, does it sound like you guys are into like programming and shit right yeah does it sound
Starting point is 01:52:52 like i have a funny accent to you nah everybody's got a funny accent to me right but i'm i'm french i'm french creole i'll be all about them fries. You know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. Do you know Richard Margeron? Richard Margeron. One of the guys in the comments. He's Creole, too. He's from Louisiana, too, I think. Like, near Houma.
Starting point is 01:53:14 Yeah. Yeah. Ain't nothing wrong with N-O-L-A, man. N-O-L-A. Nola. He sounds like Peter's neighbor in office space. Hell, yeah. All right, brother. Well, thanks for calling.
Starting point is 01:53:29 It's been very stimulating. Yeah, man. Talk to you soon. All right. He was cool. I don't think... I mean, I like the accent, but I just... it's not enough. You got to have a cool voice and have some content content i like this
Starting point is 01:53:47 voice me too uh are we gonna get in trouble for showing this no are you pausing it are you kidding thank you who is that jennifer aniston yeah also the quality is so low youtube won't be able to pick up what it is brad pitt used to put it to her i believe so okay next video okay so what's this one oh this was the girl this is just chipotle like hey chipotle you're on you're you're yeah okay got it go ahead tell me what you think about this me i mean it's right i just connected a couple of oh yeah another one no this is the same guy same guy yes yes peter yes gert hello hey hey there what's who oh okay hi
Starting point is 01:54:35 hey there i found this number on the uh the the bathroom stall over on what's woodruff street uh-huh room stall over on Woodrow street. Are you the, are you the person I was supposed to call? I am. I am. How, how can I service you? I have a, uh, I have a juiced up man, a hairy Armenian man and a bald man. He looks like he works at the blue oyster. Which one would you like to speak with? Well, it sounds like you're not taking this serious.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Like I took like three cls for this you know you have a fucking you can have a sore elbow tomorrow morning i mean that's that's three times more i was supposed to say i mean like in case can you do something for me here yeah i have three flavors i have a juiced up guy i have a hairy armenian guy and i told you i have a bald guy from uh it looks like a bouncer at Oyster. You tell me who you'd like to whisper to you while you let one fly. Fucking faggot.
Starting point is 01:55:34 Only on Friday nights. Only on Friday nights. Was that the guy who does a bit? Is that Dick Mertens? I don't know who it is. That's the same guy who just called before though that was uh doing the theo voice i know actually you're right that was jason hopper my bad i don't use that word by the way on this show which word that that f word i don't use that word
Starting point is 01:55:59 wait which f word the word he said when he left i don't use that word oh i don't like that either i don't use the i don't use that word and i don't use the g word unless i'm referring to gay people restricting your vocabulary i don't use it as slang ever i don't think it's nice to do that we have we've entered sesame Street world. Oh, nice. Hey, you know what was crazy in that video that you did with her? You know how you can tell her tits are huge? Because if she's wearing a robe and you can see the outline of her right boob, and you're like, yep, they must be huge.
Starting point is 01:56:37 They're huge. They are. Yeah. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. That's totally different. That's totally different. But you do use the's the thing. That's totally different. That's totally different. But you do use the N-word.
Starting point is 01:56:46 It's totally different. It's, yeah, it's just the vernacular. It's the rap vernacular. I'm fucking hood. I listen to fucking a lot of NWA and shit. Like, fuck you. Yeah. But I don't, I'm not, I don't.
Starting point is 01:57:03 Yeah, the C-word's fine, fine too if you just use them right that the problem with the problem is is like you can't just say that's gay and be like referring to like let's say someone's like wearing like like it's some fucked up rims on their car and that's gay because then what you're insinuating is is that gay is bad and i don't do that or you can't have someone be like um you can't just call someone the the f word just because and have make a double meaning i just don't like the double meaning of the word dragging down homosexuals and using those words as double meaning i don't like it oh shit a blue that's an asymmetrical cut is that i didn't think we had any listeners with asymmetrical cuts oh alexis talked about the hair that's a karen no it's not cut
Starting point is 01:57:52 seven why are you wearing sunglasses because it's bright in here okay i don't think i've ever seen you wear sunglasses i like them thank It doesn't look right in there. No, no, no, no. This is going to be strike three for you. What you got? Don't make me block your ass. I'm not the Theo Vaughn guy, all right? You know, I have a little more class than that.
Starting point is 01:58:15 Okay. But I'm right next to him, dog. He's right here next to me. He's actually, I brought him over for the phone call. Okay, thank you. Let's see. It doesn't look like that's going to happen. Don't use the F word. Go ahead.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Disgusting. It's fucking disgusting. Disgusting. Jeff Baco gays co-opted the word from straights who used to be happy and gay yeah that's fair that's fair i mean and i would use it like that too i'd be like damn my shit's gay today i see hillary and i get all gayed up it means happy no yeah yeah exactly if you look up the definition, I think it's by definition happy. When I'm hanging with the homeboys, I get all gay.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Oh, no. They changed the number one definition. When you say it that way, though. They did pull it up. Let's see. Let's see. Oh. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Yeah, it used to be. You're right. They did change it because when i was a kid it was light-hearted and carefree was first yeah it says dated the dated definition is light-hearted and carefree hey what wow why don't they just throw the sexually romantic attracted into the urban dictionary you know the song i feel pretty yeah no but i like the way you said that pretty i feel pretty and witty and gay you're trying to sing it but not singing please don't sing i'm not gonna sing alexis what are you wearing this is my comfy outfit so outside of my robe it's like a shirt and it's pants and it's soft on the inside do you have you're gonna go to the restaurant wearing
Starting point is 02:00:04 that fuck no i didn't know we were going so i've just been sitting on the inside. Do you have, you're going to go to the restaurant wearing that? Fuck no. I didn't know where we're going. So I've just been sitting on the couch. Oh, Oh. Cause he told you, Oh, he,
Starting point is 02:00:10 he's known he's going to go since like two. He texted me at two saying, if we're going to do the show, we got to be done by six. Cause I'm going to dinner with Alexis. When were you going to tell me? When I came inside to bring you to the steakhouse. Wow.
Starting point is 02:00:22 What a good thing. How do you know that she wasn't going to eat on accident while you're in here fucking around with the show oh you did yes when look at your freaking phone okay patrick mitrovich a great show as always uh hillar any feedback from adrian conway or even boz i don't know if i agree with all of it, but Thrusters was a mishap. No, they don't talk to him. No one wants to talk to Hiller. Do they talk to you?
Starting point is 02:00:51 I tried to have Conway on a show the other day. I just sent him a link. That's kind of how I do it. I go on and I send people links and that's how Zach ended up on. But no, I haven't gotten any feedback, especially from Boz. Fair. Thank you, Patrick mitrovich uh if everyone normalized the usage of the word gay for lighthearted and carefree again
Starting point is 02:01:13 we can take the word back hey do jeff bako and trish ever interact jeff hasn't been here in a long time what a trippy cast of characters jeff where the fuck have you been dude we missed you some people thought jeff was trish have you seen the two of them in the same chat together damn it no yep they're yeah they're both there trish said hi jeff i just don't know who these people are yeah i don't do gay at all i don't do gay at all unless unless i'm like to gay. Like, oh my God, I'm so horny. I wish one of my gay friends was here. I don't do it.
Starting point is 02:01:52 Wait, are you for or against the word gay? I'm for the word gay if it's referring to gay, like homosexual. I don't like it like being used as like a derogatory. Yeah, just like, man, that car is gay or the f1 either i don't like the f word either who has ever said that gay i mean no thank you oh yeah um i don't like that word either i just think those are i think it's mean i think it's unnecessarily mean to use those words like that i feel like that yeah i'm for the n word all you want yeah i'm totally for that party on because it's just it's just fun it's like i just been listening to so much chris rock lately it's just it's not mean it's not mean i'm never like
Starting point is 02:02:38 i would never use that word in that sense in a derogatory form either, the N-word. Do you like the C-word? I mean, I go through phases. Cunt? Gosh, if I really don't like someone, that's what I call them. Yeah, it's nice. Nice having that. Yeah, but no matter how much you didn't like anyone, you would never call them the N-word.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Never. No. Yeah, exactly. I wouldn't. Right. the N-word. Never. No. Yeah. Exactly. I wouldn't. Right. I don't know. I feel you. Cunt comes out a lot, though.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Mm-hmm. And I don't even say N-word. It's rarely that I say N-word. I usually say the word. I think N-word is just stupid. Is there no way to look at the- You're a cunt if you say N-word. There's a breath from which the word i think n word is just stupid is there no way to look if you say n word there's a breath from which the word comes from and it's amazing how some people just don't even see that right a breath like like the the idea from where you're saying what you're saying right well no one ever
Starting point is 02:03:39 calls me on it no one's like well he he's racist no one's ever said that yeah because it doesn't you never how would you say that yeah only joe rogan gets called racist if it's taken out of context you're not there yet god i can't wait god i can't wait till someone puts strings them all together for me someone's gonna go back to episode 803 and they're gonna pull you saying it from this morning this morning was great where you said it four times in a row. As soon as it was sweating bullets. And it was about Danny Spiegel, too. Right. God, that was a fucking brilliant bit.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Are you going to put that video together? Yes, as soon as I can figure out how to screen grab it off Netflix. Oh, my God. What did I miss? Chris Rock has these four ways to garner attention, and Spiegel's kind of home run to all four of them. Three of them.
Starting point is 02:04:27 Three of them. I thought she had all four. She's the infamous one. She's really got an upper game and that's. Oh, you're right. She needs to say a sex. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 02:04:39 If, if, if Siegel, if Siegel, if Siegel, maybe that should be her nickname. If Siegel, if Siegel, if Siegel. Maybe that should be her nickname. If Siegel, if Siegel would do a sex video, a sex tape, it would be especially if it was like with some some basketball player or some shit, it would be fucking.
Starting point is 02:04:59 She would get catapulted into the stratosphere. Which one do you guys know if she spells her name danny space e l l e for danielle oh you think her name is danielle it is go look up her fucking instagram danielle her name is danielle but it's spelled with a space in between wasn't there another good crossfit athlete with the last name Spiegel or Eagle? Who was that girl? There was a really good CrossFit girl. Danielle.
Starting point is 02:05:31 That's how you spell Danielle. Holy hell, it's Danielle. Good point out. Just saying. Who is that other girl? It's kind of white trash. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 02:05:44 I like it. Beaver has spoken yeah if you're gonna do something infamous it's got to be it's like you got to do like um you got to do something crazy oh wait i wanted to where's the comment i was trying to pull up i just fucked you sorry this one this is what happens when you're the... What is it that you say? You're the leader of the fastest growing company's media team in the history of mankind. Yes, that's true.
Starting point is 02:06:12 You think she'll take my advice? If she were smart. Yeah. That one hurt me. That one kind of hurt me. Is that to strengthen your hands? I'm nervous because you're on the show now. So now I'm fidgeting.
Starting point is 02:06:34 So you can speed off faster. Can I see more of Hiller's Instagram? The female energy is throwing off his vibe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We brought Claire on. He just about lost his mind. Oh, this is good. Yeah, we brought Claire on and he just about lost his mind. Oh, this is good. Oh, oh yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:47 Let's play that eat nuts and seeds one really quick. Let's play that one real quick. Sorry, because I like it when Greg talks in this one. Let's go. Okay, here we go. You probably have a great engine and love a good shipper. Can you tell me what kind of oil the meat is cooked in? Rice bran oil?
Starting point is 02:07:00 Okay. These oils are very high in linoleic acid. And not omega-3s in general, because that would also include linoleic acid and not omega-3s in general, because that would also include linoleic acid. I don't want you getting that. What can we say? We're fans of Chipotle. Oh my God.
Starting point is 02:07:13 I love Chipotle. Chipotle is my life. It wreaks havoc in your body, in your cell membranes, in your mitochondria. Humans would never have gotten this much linoleic acid. Now you can easily get three tablespoons of rice bran oil in your burrito or burrito bowl at Chipotle. Our chips, delicious. Do you eat them in your burrito bowl as nachos?
Starting point is 02:07:35 Nearly 10,000 free entrees during our show. You must love double unders then. Nice choice, simple, elegant. You probably have a great friend time oh lots of greens you probably have a great engine and love a good chipper can you tell me it's fucking good dude you like that one hey i uh jessica valenzuela i hate to say it uh i eat chipotle all the time it got me and it got me sick never again uh you you eat it all the time too right hillary are you used to i haven't eaten it since i made that video how gross how long oh it's only been a week okay but since i put that up
Starting point is 02:08:10 there used to be one by my house i don't know in my 30s and i used to take hayley there all the time until she's just put her foot down you know you know have you ever taken um alexis somewhere and like you know she doesn't like the place but you love it so much and then you take her there one day and she won't order and you're like, oh, I guess we're not coming here again. That kind of hurts your heart so you never go back there? She usually gets something or we just don't go, right?
Starting point is 02:08:34 Andrew wouldn't. No. I'm so not picky that we just go wherever. If you know I don't want to go somewhere, you won't take me. Yeah, that's totally how it works. I feel bad, but you just
Starting point is 02:08:49 can't do it. You're a good dude, Mr. Hiller. Or you're a beta bitch. One of the two. You choose. I think he's a good dude. I'm so comfortable in my masculinity that I don't give a fuck about where I eat my food.
Starting point is 02:09:06 Fair enough. I just want to make her happy because it's the manly thing to do. Thanks. Oh, that's who it is. Daniel Seidel. Thank you. Yes. Old school.
Starting point is 02:09:16 Yes. Remember, she never made it to the games, did she? She was so good at some shit. God. Okay. Daniel? Yeah. I know some shit. God. Okay, next. Yeah. I know that name. Yeah, I think she's tried to make a few comebacks, but I remember her being angry.
Starting point is 02:09:32 She was an angry woman. Oh, is that her? Yeah. Yeah, she was a savage. What about this chick? She was like a fucking crazy games hopeful and I don't and I just think that like she had some
Starting point is 02:09:50 huge holes so she just couldn't cross the cross into the world of crossfit greatness something tells me I made a video on her I just don't remember what it was about which drives me nuts but her and Danny Spiegel are kind of the same
Starting point is 02:10:06 person to me. Beaver's the man. Good job. No, you the man. No, you the man, he says. Okay, back to... Okay, what are we? Okay, let's watch this. What are we? Fine.
Starting point is 02:10:23 I'll do it myself. Oh, this is about thrusters and the feet moving. That's good to me. Hey, that girl did 242. 240. That looked good, right? Two. That was great.
Starting point is 02:10:41 Was that good? Yeah, that looked amazing. Who is that? Oh, it is 242. looked amazing who is that she's 42 okay who is that she is an athlete who many have not heard of is that kelsey keel that's kelsey keel right how much did she do that's crazy that rep is fine right right okay the issue is the the squatting and they made it very clear in the judges course that anything at parallel does not count. Then it has to be below parallel.
Starting point is 02:11:09 It must be below parallel to which that looks to be the carbon copy picture of the judge's course for what at parallel looks like. Wow. But then you'll also hear the very not random podcast where the head former head judge Bosman, current director says, did you see the best thruster? Wow. Wow. But then you'll also hear the very not random podcast where the head, former head judge Bosman, current director says, did you see the best thruster from the female? It was like two 40. So he's, oh, that girl was low enough. This is Kelsey Keel.
Starting point is 02:11:39 She's totally low enough. Oh no, man, dude. So, I mean, that does, that's what I have right there. Meeting the standard versus what at parallel means. Did you blow up below or does it actually say that is it has it highlighted like that in the it's highlighted like this in the judge's course it's been black bold like that yes oh they're fucking tampering see that's the thing dude that's the thing it's like like why do you like, no one can't like, I don't think killer cares if she,
Starting point is 02:12:08 if she's low enough or not. The point is, is she's, it's not following the rules. Right. I care because if this is the thing and you've got Bosman on very, not random saying that that's the best thruster, you're sending a message to the whole world that this is exactly
Starting point is 02:12:25 the way you should be squatting because you don't want to get an inch of movement otherwise yeah that's what i'm saying you don't if they said parallel or above you wouldn't care is what i'm saying but they said below parallel correct not yeah you don't care what the standard is you care what the rules are well There's a difference. Are you saying that's not below parallel? I'm asking you if you think that's not below parallel. I don't think that that's below parallel. The confusion there is what her quad is versus what her knee is.
Starting point is 02:12:57 I'm looking at her hip crease. Are you looking at her quad or are you looking at her knee? I guess her knee to her hip crease. That shadow back there on the left side. Alexis and I have actually gone back and forth on this one before. No way. That is below parallel. I mean, maybe like right there, but it is below.
Starting point is 02:13:18 And she gets lower. That's fucking below parallel. She has spoken, but I disagree. I mean, she can't get any lower. What do you want her to do? She can get lower. Can I kick someone out of the chat?
Starting point is 02:13:34 How do I kick someone out of the chat? Will you kick her out of the chat? You just have to use the three dots and then you can either put them in timeout or block them. I have to go to YouTube? No, no, you can either put them in timeout or block them. I have to go to YouTube? No, no, you can do it in StreamYard. No, it's not you.
Starting point is 02:13:51 No, Alexis, he's not kicking you out of the chat. Stefan, you can tell me to go. How do I... I think one of the wrenches will kick that douchebag out. Oh, there he is. Oh, look, Bruce already wrote who. Bruce is on it.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Yeah. Dude, I just want to... Who is this chick? I want to see how well she squats. Do you want me to do it? What's her name? He's gone. That person's gone. They stopped commenting. They know.
Starting point is 02:14:22 You don't want to mention who it is? No, not really. I don't want to give them any uh attention you can say all sorts of dumb shit in there you can make mom jokes don't be a fucking just just tool bags yeah just don't be just a fucking just a hater like we take all sorts of shit you can tell me that you'd love to lick my asshole i'm open to that but don't be a fucking, don't be mean. I don't, I don't see the person anymore. They're gone.
Starting point is 02:14:51 I really want to know who it was. Cause I've been keeping up with them. I just didn't see anything mean. It was, they were talking about you. What did they say? I don't want to say it. They can't hurt my feelings. I know.
Starting point is 02:15:00 Probably wouldn't hurt you. I just thought it was stupid. Wasn't necessary. Tell me, I need to know. I love it. Jeff. I just thought it was stupid. It wasn't necessary. Tell me. I need to know. I love it. Jeff Baco, my heart is racing. I didn't even know you had a heart.
Starting point is 02:15:12 Oh, shit. There's Trish and Jeff. See? Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It was no one. They called you the F word. I don't even care if you called me the F word.
Starting point is 02:15:25 That's even fine now i'm looking through the comments because i just want to know i am on roids uh jeff bako honestly thought it was me thank you for the shut the fuck up you would never get kicked out of here are you kidding me apparently we're so fucking smart and fun we blocked richard margarine at one point on accident, I think. Oh, we did? Yeah. I got a DM be like, um, am I in timeout? There's people in here who are just family, I feel like. Like, alright, that's
Starting point is 02:15:54 the fucking uncle that farts in the chair. That is just how this bitch squats. Yes, and she shouldn't be rewarded for it. I'm not saying she's rewarded. All right, let's go on to the next video, please. I think I blocked someone once. Kenneth the laughing.
Starting point is 02:16:13 Okay, I covered this earlier with no information other than. Okay. So tell us what this one's about. What's this one about? The video was brought to my attention. I think this is again through helping. He goes, did you really look at that? Because it was in Portuguese, I believe.
Starting point is 02:16:31 So I couldn't read the caption and I was tagged in it as was he. And if you translate it, it says something about Sasha in the video being edited. So after you do that, you can see that the judge in the background will glitch. Oh, this is the sasha nevis thing okay we beat this into the ground next video sorry it's been beaten up a little bit okay well yeah yeah it comes out that it was a gopro editing issue and she's completely fine there was no cheating it was just a learning lesson which everyone knows of now i hope uh this is the best i've been able to come up with from is this the exact is this the same thing oh this
Starting point is 02:17:04 is the next post. CrossFit Games says fluid motion. Okay, we've already beat this into the ground, too. We don't even know what a thruster is, right? We still don't know. No, just Becky Harsh knows. Okay. Oh, no, let's keep going.
Starting point is 02:17:23 Let's pass the thruster. We might be done here. Our work might be done. Cool, I like her. Oh, yeah, that's the person that someone said he looked like. That's what I'm going to show Sal. All right, we're done. We got no more?
Starting point is 02:17:37 Can I see the whole entire hill or can I see just the home screen? Let me see if there's anything with any nudity. I don't think I got any nudity. I got my Dave Castro prediction. Oh, Jeff Baco's been in transition. That's why he hasn't been here. You should have a show with Jeff and Trish just as black screens where they're talking with some sort of voiceover thing.
Starting point is 02:18:07 It would be great. One of them called in. You think that was Jeff Baker who called in that one time, like on his birthday or something? Yeah, and then he ran off with the cliffhanger. And we never saw him again, right? Never again. Yeah, that was a trip. He did put a video up.
Starting point is 02:18:24 All right, guys uh thank you uh tomorrow morning we have zach uh tea lander it's it's tellander how do you know because he said you had to say like smell okay zach zach tellander is it zeke or zach well i think that's zach tellander i like tea lander Zeke or Zach? I think that's Zach. Tellander. I like T-Lander. Well, go with it then. All right. All right. That's it.
Starting point is 02:18:59 Take my glasses off. I'm going back in the house now. Pocket's bright in here. Are those prescription as well, the other ones, or no? Yeah, yeah, they are. I can't. I don't see so good without them. Prescription.
Starting point is 02:19:17 Hello? Is that you, Heller? Buy or buy, vocal? They're subscription glasses. Prescription prescription not subscription they're both thanks for letting us go to dinner you guys are good dudes you deserve to eat
Starting point is 02:19:34 I'm gonna go eat too are you gonna eat Caleb yeah probably Matt Burns says oh here we go who's this this is good uh mr wayne final word please hey how you doing everyone good how are you i'm good beaver how you doing great good to hear good to talk to you hi it's pretty late out here how everyone? Just wanted to call to say hi to everyone. And I'm excited about the podcast and where it's going to go.
Starting point is 02:20:10 Awesome. Thank you. Hey, today's thumbnail is fucking brilliant. So good. I can't thank all the credit. That's a team effort. Wad Zombie did some of that? Yes.
Starting point is 02:20:22 Yes. Yeah, that thing is crazy. Wad Zombie, Beaver, and I, we... Yeah, that thing is crazy. The three-eyed zombie, beaver, and I. Yeah, that shit is. We're making fun of you. Yeah, thank you. All right. All right, well.
Starting point is 02:20:34 Thanks for calling in, and I'll see you soon. Talk to you soon. Awesome work on the thumbnail, Bruce. Good night. Thanks, Bruce. Bye, Bruce. Anita B. Janeow. Anita B. Janeow. Janeow? Is that Anita B.? bruce anita b jane now anita b jane jane jane jano is that anita b i need to be a j now i need to is that a joke name anita bj now oh i need a bj thank you happy birthday i need a bj now
Starting point is 02:20:59 i wouldn't have gotten that. Me either. I'm too fucking stupid. Did you not get Barry McCocken or two? I knew that one. That was not even hard. It says cock right there. I need a BJ now. I need a BJ now. I can't wait for there to be a Jack Mehoff in the comments. We've had it.
Starting point is 02:21:22 Alright guys, I'll see you tomorrow morning, 7am Pacific Standard Time. Everyone be good. Bye-bye.

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