The Sevan Podcast - #832 - Zack Telander | Exposing Liver King AND NickyRod??

Episode Date: March 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Let's go. Yeah, yeah, this is it. This is where the magic happens right here.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Matt, I don't think I've met you. Ooh, let's go. I was thinking about Zach. Is this how we're starting it? I kind of want to, I was telling Matt that I want to get this audio. Okay, this is the thong song already, I know. I have that good of recall. Steve!
Starting point is 00:00:55 I want to get this audio, so like we're 800 shows in, and we don't have like anything fancy. Like we don't have an audio. But I was thinking i should start every show with like 30 seconds of this let's do it we gotta get in trouble for this here we go press play you won't get it i got you ready welcome everybody to the savan podcast with Your host, Matt. And then, and then Caleb do an audio, like cheer.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Can you do like, wait, I know I have a button here somewhere. I knew I had like, isn't it? Do we have something where it's like, ah, damn i knew i had like isn't it do we have something or it's like oh the bang good morning morning will i get in trouble if i play like if i know because
Starting point is 00:01:55 a lot of times these people don't have copyrighted shit um i found that dude I've got some hacks to using uncopyrighted music on YouTube, but I always credit the artist who does it, you know? If I use like little segments. So I'd have to. Okay. Dude, play my theme song. Go to go to. Go here. W.W.W.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Zach Tellender. It's Tellender. Go to a lift companion episode. so just go go to my uh youtube channel zach am i pronouncing your last name right tellender tellender yes okay andrew had to school me yesterday i'm happy to be here guys dude i'm stoked you're here too thanks for coming i thought you were um i i thought you were blowing me off and then um uh yeah so if we go to this is fine this is a lift companion episode uh yeah press play you'll hear my gpt program i got this from a guy on work out is programming really that
Starting point is 00:02:59 important will dylan and zach finally shave off their mustaches that and much more in this episode of the lift companion. Listen to this theme, dude. This from that movie drive. No dude. This guy made this song and it's our song. Now you can see lift compete,
Starting point is 00:03:23 lift companion theme at the bottom. Oh, it's kind of funky, right? Yeah. That's the name of the guy. Kind of funky, right?
Starting point is 00:03:33 On Tik TOK. He, so I'm like, I DM him. I'm like, dude, your music is amazing. Can you make us a song for lift companion?
Starting point is 00:03:40 He's like, yeah, what are you looking for? I'm like, well, I'm going to, I've got to be honest with you. This song that you made is amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:50 He said, take it. I'm like well i'm gonna gotta be honest with you this song that you made is amazing he said take it i'm like fuck yeah dude wow so that's our theme song now for our little show that we do and the show that we do is like i i'm people are gonna start copying it i know it and that's totally fine i'm we're just gonna do better. But what we do is we just mic up and we just fucking lift. And we've had a comedian on. It was so funny. We had this. We had Nicky Rodriguez is a jujitsu guy. We've had Chris. I love Nicky.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Was he? He wasn't wearing underwear. I bet. Did you see his penis flopping around? I love Nicky Rod. Honestly, did you see the outline of his penis no i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention all right you're tall hey it's right at eye level for me oh there it is there it is yeah i'm telling you homie's got a fucking you guys are quick on the draw here i love this you guys are quick on the anytime we make any references
Starting point is 00:04:45 savann you're quick on this or is who's doing these okay oh you can't see him caleb oh caleb caleb i would show you him but then i'd have to kill him caleb stay involved man get like literally every word i say have a fucking page ready for me you know hey zach so he said he you heard it you heard the song and he said just take it yeah i was like uh colton mertens holy shit is that actually colton mertens the he's actually pretty smart he usually what's up to you bro um so uh yeah so i i dm the guy i'm like this is amazing shit and no one really knew about him like he's kind of big on tiktok and uh yeah i was like dude make me anything and he's like not like what what type of stuff do you like i'm like this one that you just made is a fucking fire he's like i'll
Starting point is 00:05:36 send you the the uh let's see if we can find which one it is um hey that's a great idea for a show why hasn't anyone done that before you it's just mic'd up guys working out yeah so basically what happens is like i watched the nikki rod episode where you pass the the dj i around yeah yeah because uh we were we we i and hayden i and hayden yeah we should have had a we had some technical difficulties but yeah we're um that's our thing now um but yeah the the theme song guy gave it to us, we're that's our thing now. But yeah, the, the theme song guy gave it to us and we're, we've been stoking ever since about it. It's been awesome. I'm not even making this up. I'm not even stealing this from you,
Starting point is 00:06:16 but yesterday I was walking around my house in the middle of the afternoon naked. And my wife said the exact same thing you said to that, to that DJ. That's amazing. And I, and I responded the same way the dj did we'll just take it just take it i'm not gonna give you even a i'm not even going to raise parts of my mouth to smile savannah she's she's i'm not even allison nyc who is this i like him already oh just wait allison allison um yeah yeah right you just gotta search my name youtube zach tellender take it all in zach take it all in before i pull her name down there you go okay okay um you popped up on my radar during the um during the uh sad and uh exciting and exhilarating uh uh and positive uh well it's not sad i guess rebirth of uh my friend brian johnson ah brian johnson yeah and whom you've had on the show correct yeah yeah he cried here
Starting point is 00:07:29 um wow interesting yeah he shed a tear it happens now and again do you want to go in or do you want to go into that if you want to i'm i'm i love talking about everything. I'll subscribe to yours if you subscribe to mine. Dude, that's such a fair deal. That is. Should I share my screen? Sure, share whatever you want. How do I share screen? If you click the little present button, I think there's like a TV. It's like a plus.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Ah, yeah. Presents. Is Uncle Lazer Hunter McIntyre's doppelganger who this cat right here zach he doesn't look like hunter uncle laser is uh he's a guest that i had on oh oh that dude you should play the clip when he talks about oh yeah the short yeah he's like a short hunter yeah can you guys see my screen yeah i'll pull it up okay we got it he's just bringing in the show there it is oh all right sorry sorry sorry allison nyc i don't see you anywhere oh wrong platform brother oh yeah only thing only yeah i won't be doing that god you're a dick already zach all right okay uh off to a hot hot start simon welcome to the show so so what are we getting
Starting point is 00:08:51 into here we getting into the uh brian johnson lore or what do you want what do you want from me um i just want to say this uh yesterday when you answered your phone that was really cool by the way oh and and i've never done that in a, 800 shows in where I call random people online. I've always kind of been opposed to it. I thought like there was something maybe like ethically or immoral to call someone and they not know we're live. But then I did you and then I got on a roll and I did Daniel Brandon. And I was two for two and I was just like it really made my day that you answered. But what happened was someone in the comments said, hey, get zach tellender on and so i just pretended like you
Starting point is 00:09:28 weren't coming on today and like that i had your phone number i acted all like a big shot and then when you answered i was like fuck this is this bit slain i'll do literally anything to partake in a bit by the way i will go the distance i will like shave my head just for a fucking two second laugh from a stranger that i don't even know me too isn't laughing great it's the best dude i like so uncle laser we'll sidetrack before we get into liver king uncle laser's a great comedian uh caleb pull him up on on uh yeah oh my fucking god dude this isn't even the funny one go to his go to uncle lasers um does he live near you instagram yeah he lives in austin i'm i'm getting him on my podcast on sunday on sunday or something all right so go down keep going keep going keep
Starting point is 00:10:20 going you'll see where he's in the gym with us. He's a Bob Marley fan. I love Bob. There we go. This one. So maybe it might be the next one. That one has 4.5 million views. Last time I checked. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:10:37 That way. That one has 2,003,000 likes, but 4.5 million views. Anyways. My entire Instagram account has that many likes like yeah cumulatively so this is the video that we did with him anyways this guy is so pure of heart that when we i've hung out with him a bunch like at the bars and and just going out he is like any time that there's tension between a group like at all like it let's say boys are talking shit and it gets a little bit heightened he just comes in and does like clown like jester type of shit
Starting point is 00:11:11 to make everyone laugh and make everyone feel good all he wants all the time is for everyone to feel good like that's it nobel peace prize it's part of his core. It's who he is, and it's so palpable, dude. He's such a good hang. Everything you see, play this video, but everything you see in this video is who he is, 100%. Good. Yeah? Did you smack your dick?
Starting point is 00:11:42 I know. I've been smashing it every time. It's incredible right now. Try to avoid it. Well, you know, I've been smashing it every time. It's incredible right now. Try to avoid it. I've been smashing my dick my whole life, dude. I've been running into walls and shit. It's fine, baby. We're going to be okay. I've built up a callus.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Okay, so... So we're going to... It is okay. so we're gonna um sorry i'm actually wearing a condom right now so that's the thing you know protection that's it that's it that was a typical exchange during that video but uh yeah so so that's uncle laser he does look like he's got the mullet that Hunter McIntyre does. Are you friends with Hunter? No, I don't know him. I've got a bunch of mutual friends.
Starting point is 00:12:33 The world is getting really small, don't you think? Super small, dude. Savan, I used to watch your old-ass shit from early CrossFit crossfit youtube days how old are you 32 god you look so young you know you're like you're like vince vaughn if he got hit with the hot stick i've gotten the vince vaughn shit a lot too because i am balding so i have like you know i've got pretty bad hairline um and i've got a fucking 17 head and i've gotten the vince vaughn thing but yeah i look like and you're huge you are really fucking big i look like you stay next to nicky although he looks pretty rough there bro
Starting point is 00:13:16 yeah that's what i mean i mean you're like the attractive version of vince vaughn oh that's um that he's pretty attractive there dude as a young man well then it's only downhill for you hey how was that um how was that god there's so many questions are we gonna do liver king okay okay sure let's do that okay you guys want me to take you down the the road here please please okay so um i did a video on liver king like right as he was kind of blowing up uh there i think he had probably like 250 000 followers at this point um and the question that i brought up was do these guys who claim natural or don't say anything at all are they really doing that much damage um is it really like that altruistic of us to call these natural or these fake natties out and um get the truth and that was something that i pondered that was like my ethical dilemma that
Starting point is 00:14:16 i had gone through and that was my original video uh fast forward a little bit liver king's passed my mind i've been making tons of videos at this point. And Derek from More Plates, More Dates, he's got a very successful YouTube channel. He's been on Rogan's site. What was your conclusion in that video? It was kind of like, I don't know. You know, I have this theory where we are at a place with, you know, hormones and performance enhancing drugs. you know hormones and performance enhancing drugs similar to where the you remember the dare parts of drug use like when the dare program where um that was kind of a failure where we're trying to
Starting point is 00:14:52 figure out like how do we talk about recreational drugs well if we if we talk about it with abstinence it's not going to work that well um and it's the same thing with sex. Um, probably the sex around like the sixties or sorry, the fifties. Um, we were, it was like abstinence if you, uh, and, and there, there was a kind of a resurgence of abstinence, I think in the eighties, I'm not entirely sure, but if we talk about it on the lines of like, sex is going to kill you, you're going to get an STD or you're going to have a kid or whatever um that's not a positive way of thinking we've we've shown that over time well we're at the point with uh hormones where we're kind of like edging past that turnover where we're like the stigma is kind of going away
Starting point is 00:15:39 a little bit um but it's still just like this unknown. And we think at least the entirety of the internet thinks that if the rock comes out and says, Hey guys, I've I'm on TRT or I'm taking this, this, and this, that that's going to be a good thing. Like that's going to provide some solace for people out there.
Starting point is 00:16:02 When in reality it could, and this is just a potential here it could be somewhat of a negative thing and mark bell who's a good friend of mine also has a really big podcast mark bell power project he was saying we were talking about this on his podcast and he was saying that you know it's like somebody saying hey last night i went to the bar got shit faced and banged a 10 out of 10 but kids don't drink and don't go out to bars a guy is gonna hear that and be like and the last part is gonna not even exist even you could say like you're going to lose two years three years off your life. But I banged a 10.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Every fucking 18 year old on planet Earth is going to go do that thing. So if the rock says, hey, I started taking TRT at this time, an 18 year old is going to be like, I'm not waiting till I'm 35, whatever. I'm going to get on gear right away. It's this truthfulness that we think is going to work out, but might not. And that's just a little theory that I have. It can be argued other way, the other way.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I'm not entirely set on that, but I think it's important in bringing that in. That's a total side thing. As far as the liver King, you know, saga goes, you know, Michael Cashew is.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Yes, I do. I know a D better actually than, than Michael. I met a D better actually than Michael. I met a D back in like 2015 or something. He was on here the other day and he read the Red Hot Chili Pepper lead singer's book that was supposed to be like a rehab story that got you not to do drugs. But he read it and it got him to shoot up drugs because it sounded so fun in the book. Like the D.A.R.E. program.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So, yeah, like the D. the the thing the crazy thing about dare right is like okay if you tell me that if i start smoking weed i will become a heroin addict in three years or whatever the time is uh and let's just say one of my dumb ass friends has some weed and i'm fucking frightened by it. I watched my friend smoke weed. And then the next day we go to lacrosse practice and he scores five goals. I don't think smoking weed is that bad. Okay. What else are the parents lying about?
Starting point is 00:18:17 Right. You know? So now, now in my mind, you did the opposite. You did so far the opposite of what you should have done, which was said, you know, what what like negative aspects of this thing are when you eventually try it or when it comes up, you know. But anyways, fast forward a little bit. Derek, for more plates, more dates. He actually DM me. And this is this is much faster forward.
Starting point is 00:18:44 He's like, um, Hey man, I really like your stuff. I like the way that you make these kind of essay style videos. Uh, you and your editor have something really good going here at that time. I mean, I'm still a pretty small channel compared to, you know, what he has. And he's like, uh, this is a guy that you've already covered before. And, um, before. And I have some pretty interesting information. And I want to, if you're interested, let's do it. I'm like, okay, who is it? He's like, Liver King. And I have some exchanges with him and a bodybuilding coach wherein he explains the drugs that he's been taking and he has the blood work uh to support that and i'm like wow we've got quite the smoking gun here derek so what i did was that night i stayed up to like three or four in the morning making the outline for that video so 40 i i plan i wonder if i still have the outline i don't know somewhere um but i planned it down to the minute what we were going to do. Um,
Starting point is 00:19:47 and I, and I sent it to him as like a proposal and he said, this is, this looks great. Let's get cracking on it. And we actually sat on that for like two or three months. Oh shit. Really? Yeah. Yeah. Because, because Derek has like four different businesses and I'm like, you know, I'm inching. I'm like, let's go,'s go let's go let's go that's the type of person i am i'm like you want to do something let's do it right now i'm ready and it would suck if someone else broke the story because that was a huge story right no one was going to we it was we were one of three people to know me you know so what was happening at the same time that that we were sitting on it though was like some of the most famous shit that that brian johnson was being
Starting point is 00:20:25 a part of and i think namely the ufc thing i always bring this up but i think this is where he was really at the pinnacle of his pop culture kind of facade um was at ufc they're like oh look there's hallie berry and there is you know george clooney and up there's the liver king and you're like whoa dude like this guy is now trans he's you know leapfrogged into pop culture and like getting on every podcast and doing everything he was everywhere you know and um we were sitting on this thing where we knew what we were going to do eventually. It came down. We spent probably, I mean, I remember one session where we got on Zoom.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And we stayed on Zoom. We got on Zoom at like noon, my time. And then we got off of Zoom at like 9 p.m. We were literally on for nine hours straight working on this, on this script. And what we were going to do when we press publish, we knew the thing was going to explode, but it exploded so hard that Derek was here in Austin. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:21:43 He was here in Austin. He was doing Rogan. So me and him, we went to the gym. Is that the first time you met him in person? Yeah. And we went to the gym and I literally, me and Derek walked up to the front desk and we were just saying like,
Starting point is 00:22:01 blah, blah, blah. We were just talking to the front desk and I don't know what came up, but the front desk, I was like, yeah. And like something like blah, blah, blah, blah. We were just talking to the front desk and I don't know what came up, but the front desk guy was like, yeah. And like something like blah, blah, blah, liver King. Right. Because the name liver King and the scandal was so big at this point that people were just trying to like make jokes and shit like you would about Biden or whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Right. Right. They did. He didn't know that Derek and I were the fucking creators of that from 15 minutes earlier before it published right before you headed there so so well it was like it was like probably two days but they didn't even the people in the gym got their information from barstool sports got it from you know fucking vanity fair from rolling stone like they didn't get it from derrick for more plates more dates and zach tellender
Starting point is 00:22:45 that's how that was the craziest thing like i actually didn't get that much exposure from this thing and i watched it i didn't even know you made it until joe rogan's until i saw that joe rogan clip on your instagram account right because it just went it popped up and then everyone took it, which is fine. I don't care. Like it was just crazy to be a part of something like that. So, so yeah. The way I, the way I heard the story is he, he, Derek hired you to edit the charlatan piece.
Starting point is 00:23:18 So, so yeah. So. But you outlined the whole thing. Pretty much. Yeah. But Derek, I mean mean there was a point where like i was like hey man are we gonna do this thing still like because he was busy doing shit and then he spent like like an ungodly amount of time writing this script for his parts which is
Starting point is 00:23:41 a decent massive chunk right and then him and my editor and I were just going, bing, bing, bing, just like trying to figure this thing out, getting draft after draft after draft. But like, he definitely,
Starting point is 00:23:53 I mean, he put in a fuckload of work for this thing, like serious amounts of work. That's exactly what I was looking for. Caleb 4.7 million views on an hour-long video too that's the that's the wild part right absolutely nuts dude crazy it's nuts um and we just we knew it was gonna bang we just we knew it but anyways i bet you it has crazy retention time too my conclusion to to all of this is actually uh quite sympathetic to uh brian johnson and you met him yet no i
Starting point is 00:24:29 haven't um but i like i didn't expect you to say that i've said this on on other podcasts before that like please then say i'm something new fresh something fresh well no no put a twist on it i'm i'm i'm very i'm a very empathetic person and and it's almost it is likely to a fault if somebody can like look me in the eyes and be genuinely sad like there's nothing i can do i have to take them back it's just how i it's just i have to do it and i feel as though like deep down there is a person inside of brian johnson who i just haven't seen um that is is upset and also incredibly deeply flawed and the reason why that's so effective to me is because i feel that deep down there's a person inside zach tellender who's upset and deeply flawed and working on these things and what happens is he he was so he was so large um both figuratively and literally that
Starting point is 00:25:34 this idea of this person struggling inside him he could easily just shove it down and replace it with this fame and uh that's what happened and you know um you may have saved his life you and derek may have saved his life so yeah like set him free that video could have said yeah you may be yeah dude we were sitting there and i was like you know what man like this guy honestly probably has some sort of sense of relief now you know fuck yeah and and um and honest to god like i don't it's it's tough right because i i think i i went after his character and who he is as a person yeah to tell you the truth the part you made was the part that kind of um frustrated me the most just because i i know him right you know i mean like i i text with them and i'm i would say i'm friends with them and that part hurt me because when he
Starting point is 00:26:29 originally came on my podcast i wanted him on before he was the liver king i tried to bring him on as brian johnson before he even had the liver king instagram account because i knew that i had heard the stories that he had saved his kids lives through a carnivore diet and that's where i was kind of barking and he said hey i'm way too shy and i don't know how to talk in public right so and so when i saw him go down this other route and i saw him call him a charlatan that fucking that that stung me i'm not hating on you by the way i get it hey by the way savannah i'm a you know a grown-ass man and i can take disagreement and take people criticizing me and, and because I'm my own biggest critic, so I don't,
Starting point is 00:27:06 I don't mind at all. And it was a beautiful edit. Yeah. Great video. So, so look, my thing with the charlatans is that there is a point. It's like a,
Starting point is 00:27:21 a vent horizon where there's no turning back, where you become the charlatan and before that you're just a salesman you're just making a buck like elizabeth holmes what would you say about her yes exactly like she started off good but there is a turning point yes there is a turning point at which you can make things right and not be a charlatan and you just go past it and you just solidify yourself that's what happened with brian johnson yes he probably absolutely is on to something here with this way of life he absolutely has helped his children um he's an incredibly motivating guy he he stands for so much and he does the right thing so many
Starting point is 00:28:07 times but the lie became just as important if not more important to what made him famous as the thing that he wanted to make him famous fucking great point and that's what made him the charlatan that's uh derrick and i sat on this thing and we're like, look, you could right now, Derek, just pull up the emails, read them, one take. This will get 3 million views. Yeah. But if you want to make a difference and change things, we have to talk about how the liver king and the lie enveloped with each other. And the process at which it happened because it will happen again it has happened in the past it will continue to fucking happen and i was i sat with this for a long time i was like how the fuck are we going to do this one of the things he said was
Starting point is 00:28:59 i want to be at this level of fame at this time. When you say that, when you utter that, when you put that into the universe, you are essentially saying that the message is not important. It is the place. It is where this marker is important to me. So by doing so, like you're circumventing all of the things that you actually cared about and you're becoming this caricature. You're becoming this – we called him a WWE actor essentially. And all that's left behind is the charlatanism. Yeah. The thing, the, the, the tenets, if you will, of charlatans are the sacred knowledge in group out group and, and salesmanship. And, and there's a few others that I have in there. Like jargon is a really good one. Weaponized specificity is another term
Starting point is 00:29:59 that I came up with. That's another good one. But those are the things that like in the right formula done the right way that the law for, for a long enough time, that's what makes you a charlatan. And Brian Johnson, sadly enough, did all of those things. And I was able to point out every single way in which he did it. Right. It's like, at some point you're like, you're sitting there, make doing these things as the charlatan. At some point you're like, nah, sitting there make, doing these things as a charlatan. At some point you're like, nah, fuck it. We'll just do it anyways. You know, my audience isn't really real. There's 3 million of them. How could I, you know, just fucking do it. Fuck it. You know? And we all make these decisions because, you know, I have, uh, you know, almost like 80,000
Starting point is 00:30:40 Instagram followers, almost 200,000, uh, YouTube subscribers, certain points i go like ah fuck it like i gotta make a buck you know i gotta i gotta do this i gotta do that so there's certain aspects where i do make those decisions but if you make them enough people are going to start to notice and and they're going to start to point out those flaws i wish someone would do that to lebron uh good morning absolutely yeah i i agree absolutely good morning seven east does uh seven uh times zach i think it should be a plus sign but we'll get to that later equals best mashup uh seven zach needs to be a regular on the show love his content has great energy good dude i know we're in the courtship process like you're asking me to fuck him already and i haven't even gotten his shirt off 30 minutes
Starting point is 00:31:25 come on yeah regular already my goodness coming that hot i appreciate you mike thank you what what um what do you think basically let's i think we could go down the line he uh he he tried this experiment on experiment out on his kids it worked um let's presume he's following all the tenants because all the people who've gone out and visited him you know seem to be uh to say that like hey i did the the thing where you pull the sled and i saw where he sleeps on the wood and we ate a bunch of fucking balls and let's say he's living that that that lifestyle what does he do to what does he do to come back stronger does he have to sit down in person with you and derek you think what what's the media play on him coming back stronger being being the role model he wants to be and being the change he wants to be in the world um he has to be able
Starting point is 00:32:22 to separate the body from the message because that's what he, he, he glued them together and that's where the lie began. Yeah. The moment he came out of the water with the kettlebells and showed off his body that was absolutely unnatural and claimed it as natural. That is where everything started to go downhill. And if he continues to, to be caricature with a bunch of muscles i personally will not take him seriously or the message that he's saying seriously now it might be able to get out to other people who might do research and do other things it's like one of these it's like casting this massive net and so many you know things sorry my my chart i gotta plug in my
Starting point is 00:33:00 computer i'm casting this massive net and like hoping that you know some people stick around and do the research i wonder if he's still slain business-wise oh he absolutely has to be i um mark was telling me that he runs like the desiccated uh and uh desiccated supplement industry in america like he runs it like basically yeah like the other people who are selling it it's their product it's yeah if you if you want like if i wanted to get desiccated uh you know products yeah it would be very difficult for me to not go through brian johnson right right so cornered by market in that yeah he's slaying he's crushing he's very good business minded guy like all of these things guys like this is the
Starting point is 00:33:46 thing i can compliment him in fucking 10 different ways but it's the combination of all of those together yeah um and and this thing that's where he falls right yeah and you kind of said it because like it was almost like the lie became more famous than the person exactly because every person you came in contact with that new liver king the very first question that came i was like so what do you think you think that's natural or what what do you think in like that conversation so once that conversation was was gone and concluded that it's like is there what is there enough left to keep that fame going hey he's kind of hating i think i saw a post not this one but where he's hating on anabolics now where he's saying it's not one like you can't take it and be ancestral have you seen that no um but look i think i look look at this uh if only
Starting point is 00:34:32 liver king 2.0 could go back in time and give my predecessor a pep talk i tell him that in 60 days you'll feel better look better and function better he wouldn't believe it but i tell him anyway that you're going to hit all-time prs because that's what happens when you stop hiding in a cave or when Zach and Derek shine a light. Well, look, the idea of like, look, people are the most common take is if you take a bunch of anabolics and you go off of them, let's say you have some sort of post cycle and then you go completely off of them. It's going to be very very very arduous and brutal um now if he is able to be like hey you know i'm okay with this new version of myself i won't be as big and bulky and i won't be as strong um and if he's settled and he is comfortable in his life it is absolutely possible for a guy who's tough in the mind.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And we know that he is. Okay. That's what I'm saying. It's like, that's a big, if it is not suggested for someone who's been using TRT and above dose for that long to go completely off. It's not, people are going to say, Hey, this is going to suck. You know, your balls might never come back. Like this is just, and this is scientific guys. This isn't me for never come back. Like this is just and this is scientific, guys.
Starting point is 00:35:46 This isn't me for like fucking joking. Like this is exactly what will happen. And that's like the most common take. Right. But I think I think he can do that if he actually put his mind to it. And it's another challenge. And it could, honest to God, be fun. Like I have a friend.
Starting point is 00:36:02 It's fun to watch. I have a friend who's doing that. His name is Pete Rubish. Caleb, absolutely. have to pull up pete rubish on youtube you pull up some of his deadlifts so hey let me let me play this really quick yeah play it play it i think and then we'll go to pete rubish let's see yeah this is literally 2.0 natty this fuck weekly confessional it's been 59 days natty one more day to celebrate 60. I'm finishing my eighth week, and I'm doing fucking amazing. Liver King 2.0 will crush Liver King 1.0.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So this is just a mashup of his every day. He's claiming 60 days hey and when i hear him talk about all that back fat stuff and those pathologies i'm like okay he's he's that's the that's the flawed part you're talking about right absolutely yes everywhere that's the part that i'm like oh my god give me more i want more that's like as being the person that i am who's like like i said forgiving to a fault holy fuck give me that give me more of it that way like especially as as someone with a with a show with a podcast like you gotta absolutely fiend for shit like that for people coming on and being being real about their pathologies like you say like that is that's what we're looking for give me that how about that movie that uh mark uh
Starting point is 00:37:34 bell's brother made it's got to be one of the greatest movies fiction or non-fiction of all bigger faster stronger yeah dude i'm i'm talking i talk to chris bell all the time yeah one of the great i i need to have him on or ask him the time yeah one of the great i i need to have him on or ask him to come on one of the greatest movies ever and and basically he points the finger at hogan and arnold schwarzenegger for getting us all kind of like uh fucked up in the head of what a man should look like right and and basically you're revisiting that in that video you're revisiting that derrick revisits it all the fucking time and it's one of the messages that he has that people do not really pay attention to but it's kind of par it's like
Starting point is 00:38:12 par for the course if you're doing a lot of like natty or not type of stuff is like the main message here is like we don't actually give a fuck if people are taking steroids. In fact, more power to you if you live a good life, a healthy life, and you do take steroids. Like, that's still very difficult. That is still incredibly impressive. By, like, I personally think that's still impressive. But it's the unrealistic expectations of the male physique that is incredibly damaging, especially, and this is a sidetrack here but my roommate is making a book right now he's writing a book called the mating
Starting point is 00:38:50 crisis he's got an incredibly incredibly successful podcast called modern wisdom his name is chris williamson that dude's your roommate that's my roommate every day smaller world smaller world so i've been i i i know chris yeah so that's crazy tell him i said hi i will small world wow so he this is something that attributes to the mating crisis which we will now deal we will deal with all of the effects of this in 10 years from now you know this this um hyper you know the typical red pillar shit uh i don't know if you know much about red pill stuff it's like pickup artistry type of shit you know but red pill stuff leads to misogyny and basically women are are the object and men you need to go attack
Starting point is 00:39:38 your prey and shit and that's bullshit he kind of combats that but he does say like hey men need some sympathy here because something's happening i've never heard of red pill having anything to do with pickup artist or misogyny oh that's what it is that's what it is yeah so red pill never i've never heard so red pill could be like political meaning like red yeah you know like oh i took the red pill and now i'm like republican but it is mainly red pill comes from pickup artistry and that's like the mating the idea of like women are are determining the it's like a battle we are battling against women they are the object type of thing yes okay so anyways that was that was wait wait wait wait
Starting point is 00:40:20 let me see the title is i bet you this is the new york times or the washington post this is it let me see the title let me see this or forbes or one of those shit rags let me see the title is, I bet you this is the New York times or the Washington post. This is it. Let me see the title. Let me see this or Forbes or one of those shit rags. Let me see what rag this is. Nope. Forward therapy. Savant. Savant. It is important though,
Starting point is 00:40:33 that we are able to be in the middle on this. So look, whether it is some shit rag saying, Hey, red pill is not the, the, the way they're kind of right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Because this idea that like women are the enemy for simply succeeding in this world now and men not succeeding is not the case. Never even thought of that, by the way, my entire life until you just said it. Never even heard that concept, that idea. There is an abundance of stats that show that women are succeeding and men are not right now. And this is very new. Okay. There are more men dropping out of college than ever before. There are more women going to college. There are more women. Women are making more money in inner cities from the ages of 20 to 40 or sorry 20 to 30 than men are entry level and otherwise that has never happened before i could see these are these are somewhat good
Starting point is 00:41:32 things right because before that women stay home don't make money you're dumb all that shit right now we have this what we need is not men being like hey something's wrong here men need to be on top no we need sympathy for the fact that hey this thing that we thought was was necessary is actually damaging in certain ways and that's what chris's book is bringing to the fray and what this whole thing with liver king and and derrick for more plates, more dates. And myself, it, we're just trying to pinpoint like, Hey, this unrealistic expectation or expectation of what men are and men should be and should look like, like from Arnold and Sylvester Stallone and what have you, that's bullshit. And that's actually incredibly damaging.
Starting point is 00:42:20 It's incredibly damaging to the 18 year old kid who doesn't have anything to look forward to in their fucking life. And they see someone like that and they're taking drugs or they're not, or they're claiming natural. And they're like, oh, well, I can't be that. Might as well stay home, do video games and porn. Right. And then that leads to even more increasing of this problem in the mating crisis.
Starting point is 00:42:42 This is ultimately what attracts me so much. Like this is what, like, yeah, I'm just a fitness channel or whatever. But if I look at my demographics, I'm 24 to 35 year old males. 65% is 24 to 35 year old males. And like 50% of them are American. So when I speak, I'm speaking to those guys
Starting point is 00:43:07 and I can't help, but have some sort of some level of sympathy towards them and try to raise them up in some way and give them something to latch onto. I just went to the Arnold this past weekend. I can't tell you how many dudes went up to me and they're just like, dude, you're just such a motivation. Like I watched one of your videos and it like pulled me out of a rut and like all this shit. I'm like, fuck, this is it. This is my mission. This is all I want to do. That's it for me. Like, and so it doesn't have to just stem through like, Hey guys, this is me training today. Like, which is fun to do. And I do that every once in a while. And sometimes people just want to, you know, eat their lunch and watch that. But the is is like how can i help the most people that i can because like that seems
Starting point is 00:43:50 like a pretty like that benefits my morale like i'm getting something out of that you know you can't you kind of lost me i want to go back and ask you this question here real quick so you think that the liver king falls under that category of the arnold and the hogan i was asking absolutely absolutely yeah okay or yeah yes and giving unrealistic expectations to to uh men yes um see like look all he does is show all he does is show off his body and what his body does to say that that's not an important part of his message. Like prove it. Because as of right now, when people see him, they see themselves and they say, wow, I'm now nowhere near that. And body dysmorphia as a male is very serious.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It's very serious, just like it's very serious for a female. It leads to anorexia. It leads to a diff, a bunch of a host of pathologies that will affect your life and the lives of the people around you. That's ultimately like the biggest issue that, that we have here. He claims that there are men, you know, committing suicide at higher and higher rates. And yet he's feeding the very thing that's that's causing that and i'm not i'm not you know this is that that was a pretty damning thing i just said about him but the concept conceptually it's true it's like the the idea story could he be even bigger if he gets off and he keeps us close and he tells us the story it could it could be even bigger he could actually be how fucking amazing would that be the only story that's relevant it could be that someone that someone we all love a redemption
Starting point is 00:45:29 story and we oh fuck i'm on board bro yeah and an opportunity look this is the idea the thing with andrew tate that people fucking did not get at all right some of the you know Some of the, you know, some of the things he said about men struggling were true. Absolutely. But there's videos of him laughing about the fact that he's scamming men. Like there's a video of him saying, talking about one of his women that he had on webcam and he taught and he ran a lot of the webcams like he did a lot of the speaking for them. And one of the things that he said was like, hey, I need to get out of the country. So can you send me some money so I can go to the embassy, get a passport, blah, blah, blah. Guys like, you know, fine.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Here you go. Take the, you know, five thousand dollars or whatever. A month goes by and and he's like, what the hell? Like she's like, i went to the embassy and there's a bunch of problems and then he goes fuck you you're scamming me blah blah like you piece of shit you know you're taking my money from me and then andrew tate says and you know what i say back to them i say oh you're just like every other guy i thought you were different i thought you were much more empathetic to me but it turns out you're just like and you think you're
Starting point is 00:47:05 talking to a woman online you are something is seriously wrong with you you are completely you have lost your shit right this is the man that claims that he's helping men that's the ultimate fucking problem fuck andrew that's interesting this is the man right here every argument that anyone makes is talking about his talking points. No, his actions are shit. And beyond that, like, dude, the women that he beats and torments, I don't give a fuck what people think. Like, oh, these women, you know, they're making these decisions themselves.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I don't give a fuck. A woman can make 10 million shitty decisions. She doesn't deserve to be tormented. He was beating women. Oh, yeah, dude. Beating them, fucking with them, like doing crazy shit to them decisions she doesn't deserve to be tormented he was beating women oh yeah dude beating them fucking with them like doing crazy shit to them because he quote-unquote owned them like that i don't understand why no one ever made those arguments they're undeniable to me i want to help men this guy doesn't want to help men that's simple hey what do you think let me get to this
Starting point is 00:48:00 real quick uh extra sloppy just got here zach is a good dude got to say hi at wadapalooza awesome oh extra sloppy again wow uh or maybe transparency would lead more people to use peds that's exactly what i was the rock is on them and kids want them want what he has they feel like it's okay i'm super on the fence about pd transparency i am too man i don't know the answer i don't know the answer what What do you think – I'm trying to flush out this idea of yours about men and women. What about this idea, and I stand behind it pretty firmly, that women have been – well, not just women. Society has been completely duped into thinking that women should be men and that there's some value in going to Harvard or Stanford or making a living when really the greatest gift a woman has is making babies raising a family and that and that it should be revered especially when i see all the fucking lies that come out of all these uh public institutions i mean harvard is a complete
Starting point is 00:48:56 shit hole when i see someone who comes out of there now i just think that they're a fucking brainwashed liar and it and there's and there's and there's tons of evidence to show that endless evidence to show that uh well yeah just look up stem cell research at harvard and just and just look at just all the fucking it's endless bullshit why not elevate women to what that they're capable of i'm trying to see where you fall on on the fence of that right okay there's an incredible power in being a mom but why have we fucking why have we made it something bad this this gift that women have it's the pendulum swing right it's the um do you agree with that or are you like no fuck that women should be making money and it's the free free love pendulum swing okay um and the the biggest thing here is that women
Starting point is 00:49:41 have a biological clock and men kind of don't. Okay. So their lifespan in order to be professionals and be a mother is very short. So what we've done is we've propped up this idea that women need to be professionals. And that's the, the way that they're going down and they're going to be boss bitches and so
Starting point is 00:49:59 on and so forth. Or women are going to be a peon because they're a mother or, you know, that we've made this a downtrodden term. When I think that it's this big, like I said, the free love pendulum swing. If we swing it so far to where we demonize women for having children, like, yeah, that's fucking wrong. Right. demonize women for having children like, yeah, that's fucking wrong. Right. There's something incredibly powerful about a mother that no man could ever replicate. And that is so unbelievably
Starting point is 00:50:30 respectful and undeniably important to this world. Right. But I also think that women are incredible professionals, very, very good professionals and are incredibly capable in this way. And that the, the, you know, the potential for a woman to have a child should not go in the way of that potential. There are like, and this is one of those things that I guess you kind of have to, you have to realize them and see them in person. I'll tell you, I'll tell you this. I think it is extremely sad for a woman who misses the opportunity to raise a child.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So have birth to a child in her front yard, in the grass front yard, the baby crawl up to the titty and start milking and raise that child till it's 15 years old it's just I don't think that there's any amount of I don't think there's any success that
Starting point is 00:51:35 Kamala Harris has or any enjoyment that could match the success my wife or the happiness my wife has they just can't the media is totally missing out on that um yeah it's just it's just fucking crazy i'm not our level i'm not saying that you demonize that i'm just saying that they're it's so fucking profound to raise and it's spiritually the most of the greatest thing that could ever happen to you too you've created the ultimate mirror so no doubt about it i agree i i think is your mom still alive zach yes yeah i no doubt i think having
Starting point is 00:52:11 children is like that's it for me you know that's and and i agree with you but i i must must take some level of middle ground here um i think that the way that life goes from being born all the way to your 18, your development individually is really slow and it's really hindered due to a lot of the societal structures we have. And so by the time you're a woman and you've graduated college, you've done nothing. You've done absolutely nothing. And you could be an incredibly talented and gifted individual. Like the best you can hope for when you graduate is be the star of the lacrosse team. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Or an Olympian. Who gives a fuck? You've never, ever been able to flex that. Ever. Now, men, we have 25 years to do so we have 25 years to start flexing our individual muscles to be like hey i can do this thing i can do this thing you know even later than that it's just 25 years after about like you know 45 we're not going to be incredibly attractive to you know women who can uh you know bear children right if we have a ton
Starting point is 00:53:24 of status then that can help with that but like men don't have that pressure to be like or sorry men have no pressure they could be like i can kind of sit back try a few things i could try some i could work a shitty job here shitty job there oh i found my niche let me build that up that didn't work okay let me try another one women are like all right all right sweetheart you got five years you better pick the right thing and do what you want and then that biological clock is going to be its ticket so so that's where it's like okay well you know go to college get out of college know your place woman go you know be a be a mom that's not right there has to be something that's
Starting point is 00:54:03 fixing that in some way something that allows for the proliferation of women. It has to. Let me propose this to you. I'll just say one last thing. Go ahead. This is a very – I come from a family of women, and I date women. I'm currently dating a woman who's incredibly talented um and she's about to turn 30 and like uh you know obviously biological clock is ticking yeah we're very serious about that her that's not
Starting point is 00:54:37 her no it's cool dude i'm cool don't i'm you should know by now no judgment brother no judge it's fine it's totally fine. I love how we were so serious. Zach, be chill. Is that your mom? Oh, we got the Pornhub intro. God damn. Hey, we're getting him back again, guys.
Starting point is 00:54:58 We just filled it with that one. He will be back just so you know. We're home. I'm home for Christmas and we're playing this game where everyone has like a question in their hands it's like a card game and you hand it to the person and they pick the question they want to answer or something like that and my mom was up and she was the one answering the questions and one of the questions she decided to answer was what's one of her biggest regrets and she said um and this is like this was
Starting point is 00:55:26 really a kind of a life-changing thing that she said and it happened you know during a fucking game during christmas and she's like it's not something that i regret but i was never allowed to play sports and it absolutely ruined me i was all i ever wanted to do was be an athlete and i wasn't allowed to where Where was your mom raised? What state? Illinois. But she, you know, she went to high school in the early 60s. How old's your mom?
Starting point is 00:55:54 She's 70 something. Closer to 80 or 70? Closer to 70. Okay. You have older siblings? Yes. Three older sisters. They all played sports all
Starting point is 00:56:05 through high school they were total jocks and she my mom was never allowed to do that in fact in high school she had to if they they did quote-unquote telephone meets where you would race in your pool and they the coaches would call each other on the phone and they would give each other the times to see what because women were not allowed to race against each other. They were not allowed to partake in sports. It just wasn't what happened. And then she went to college. Uh, she could have been, you know, if title nine had happened, she would have been on easily on any sports team, no question, but they just didn't have it. Not anymore. Dude will be, we'll push her off the team but and and i and i you know i heard that and i was like fuck dude fuck so that whatever ailments we had now like are they as strong as the ailments
Starting point is 00:56:55 women had at that time and i would argue probably not uh but they're still there and they still need to be talked about. How about that? I'm the soft lefty in this fucking conversation. How crazy is that? That is fucking bonkers. You could become the most successful woman in the world. I could? No, no, the hypothetical character, not you.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Well, no, you can't. In my world, you cannot. But in this world, you i don't know but in this world you could that's what that's what i mean i like i don't know how i would have done in the crossfit open if i was a woman um push-ups would have gotten me but i still would have done pretty well i don't i don't mind i don't mind women doing whatever you do whatever the fuck you want i i i don't think that i don't believe that about men like like for example i don't i don't care if women use the men's bathroom restroom i don't think men should use the women's. I don't think that I don't believe that about men. Like, like, for example, I don't care if women use the men's bathroom restroom. I don't think men should use the women's restroom. I don't really give a fuck what women do. I want them to be able to do anything that they want to
Starting point is 00:57:54 do. Here's the fucked up part. I just think that my mom is a very, very, very, very, very successful attorney. Lots of huge names, big cases, saved her money well, became wealthy, did it all. But in hindsight, I think if you asked her if she could do it again, she would have rather raised her kids. But she didn't know that because that's not what you were supposed to do, right? She was in that era of like – and you're right. The other people might be like – I'm sure there's a shitload of moms out there who raised their kids for 20 years right and then they're like fuck i wish i would have like taken i don't think there are a profession i don't know i don't think there are as many and and that's the part that's the part that bums me out is that's
Starting point is 00:58:37 your fucking family yeah damn dude that looks fun yeah holy shit that's a lot of kids where are you i don't see you in there oh shit front left yeah i don't even have any tattoos that's way long ago god that's a great picture hey who's that in the center that looks like joely gentry that lady's hot who's that that's my oldest sister oh yeah she looks great um uh yeah she does fitness too she's um she's uh she like runs classes and stuff fitness classes so yeah it's so and so the only part that trips me out is we've gotten to this spot where um i just feel like i feel like uh women are women should be so proud every every woman should feel like i don't know i i don't want women to miss out on it and think like hey you you you need to become some sort of executive or you need
Starting point is 00:59:33 to compete with men you fucking don't you're already like got some shit going on that's so fucking dope roll with it no it's like dude i have serious talents they fucking do dude and like what is are you gonna marry your current girlfriend i mean no that's a fantastic question it's the worthwhile question you don't just hang out with someone for over a year and like don't consider that so yeah i mean if all goes well that would be the the plan why did your mom have kids? Did you ever ask her that? I didn't. I think they, they, she had kids late. She had kids at her first kid at 31 and she had one at 33. Then she had one at 36 and then she accidentally had one at 40. And that's you. Yeah. My wife had our, her, our first kid at 39 and our twins at 43. Anything possible but it's crossfitter crossfitter not no ivf just
Starting point is 01:00:28 taking just raw dogging and my mom was you know pretty pretty uh she's she's pretty much a lefty at this point you know very very lefty my whole family is my whole world is it's yeah my whole state is but my whole state is it's so sad yeah and i look again what happened to you how are you lefty uh i so here's my evolution politically i uh i moved to texas but that actually didn't have an effect on my like switching oh i'm in a red state gotta turn red it was like no i actually moved to texas and i got involved in youtube so consuming more youtube i concerned consumed more like alternative media and um i just saw some free thinking people you know obviously the back in 2016 it was jordan peterson ben shapiro and all these big names but i've again
Starting point is 01:01:19 that was a pendulum swing it's like me going like all the way to the right. And what I like to do now is actually challenge all of those righty ideas, all of them. Because just like you can't sit on the left and call millions of people a bunch of idiots, you can't sit on the right and call millions of people a bunch of idiots. And so what I, you know, today, I'm not really challenging you, Savan, am I? I don't think so. But yet. I feel, today I'm not really challenging you, Siobhan, am I? I don't think so. But yet I feel something. I feel something. But but it's I feel something. I still like what hugged you.
Starting point is 01:01:53 You're like hugging Dave Castro a little bit. You're you're a little prickly. Like you're you're you're part cactus. I always said, Dave, you're like a fucking cactus. Yeah, but that's how that keeps things interesting, right? If you if I was just a nice warm hug you know you could use it every once in a while but you want a little something to fight against you know a little push pull here hey um what do your parents think about
Starting point is 01:02:13 it well it's interesting that it's interesting it's interesting that you use youtube what do you say so normally i would say if someone like sort of like their views start becoming they start leaving the left and becoming more let's say libertarian i would say they got red pilled but you're saying that that's that's improper uh vernacular what what do you use uh i guess red pilled could be right but there's actually i don't know if you've heard black pill there's also white pill yeah there's also the purple pill. This is all just like 4chan fucking backboards speak that has made it to the mainstream. I just think more free thinking rather than rooting for a home team. And that's what my mom does.
Starting point is 01:02:59 She'll put on MSNBC or CNN and she'll root for the home team. Just like a lot of people will put on Fox and they'll put on Tucker Carlson and she'll root for the home team yeah it's like a lot of people will put on fox and they'll put on tucker carlson and they'll root for the home team it's like right i'm just not i'm not interested in that fucking shit at all i watch people that i disagree with consistently on yeah like i watch them i think it's interesting i i do not it does not it frustrates me a little bit but then at the same time i'm like i'm just gonna go live my life one of the guys that i've been watching a lot of is somebody who savann you would fucking hate who's that hasan piker is he the young turks guy yeah well not young turks he is he's you know the young turks love him uh hasan piker or hasan abi on on uh twitch he's a streamer and he's my age too which
Starting point is 01:03:48 is kind of interesting um i watch a ton of his shit that's a weird photo to post um i watch a ton of his shit and yet i will sit there and disagree with most of it um but for some reason it's kind of compelling it's just oh and he is turkish that's fucking incredible yeah so so yeah that's kind of you know that's that's just my evolution politically i know that we've uh we've gone off here um one thing i've you know i've had this little resurgence in crossfit this is a total segue into something else i've had this little resurgence in CrossFit. This is a total segue into something else. I've had this resurgence into CrossFit, and I spoke on this a little bit on Hiller's show. And what I like is seeing people
Starting point is 01:04:35 that are just very matter of fact. It's like, okay, CrossFit's here. It's been here. It's gonna stay here. Let's sit down and assess things from whatever point we're not just kool-aid drinking smile guys and i'm like why the fuck aren't there any of those people and then you know in comes hiller in comes savant's show i'm like oh here you fuckers are you know so i feel like it's kind of fun to have this way of speaking about crossfit what's so
Starting point is 01:05:05 funny to me is i will shit on crossfit um on my channel uh but i will always come from a position of love and people don't understand that they think all these crossfitters think like ah fuck you man like you don't like crossfit or if i say the other thing i'm like hey by the way a crossfitter snatching 300 over 300 pounds and then being the fastest 500 meter runner aka gee my air most or my arrows or whatever the fuck his name is that's fucking cool that's objectively cool i don't give a fuck if he's a CrossFitter or otherwise. That's objectively cool. People are like, oh, Zach's drinking the CrossFit Kool-Aid again. Even Adam or what Adam Klink did.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Oh, yeah. That thing is nuts. I had Adam Klink on Lift Companion. He's here in Austin. I fucking love Adam. Yeah. Like, that's the shit where I'm like, it's so fun to be in that because, dude, I just did the Open. I posted it to my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:06:06 People are freaking out. People are like, yeah, yeah, this is me, my buddy Dylan, and Adam squatting. People are freaking out. They're like, oh, Zach's back on CrossFit or becoming the thing that he hates. It's like I never said that I hate CrossFit. I just criticize it. God, you're fucking huge. How tall are you?
Starting point is 01:06:24 6'4". Fuck, you look taller asia bartow baby are you friends with him too no he does he live in austin asia bartow i don't know but he was he was one of my guys um i'm friends with brent fukowski that's my big good friend in in the games and um i could see you being related to him you kind of look like him a little bitowski that's my big good friend in in the games and um i could see you being related to him you kind of look like him a little bit oh that's that is a big compliment yeah you kind of look like him your face maybe it's just a mustache zach uh any interest this is from trish investigating the swinging world of seniors in rv parks dm me DM me. Bro, I love how you have meta content. This is what I coin as meta content, Sivan.
Starting point is 01:07:09 It's like you have this inside joke that just keeps fucking coming in and coming in. It makes your collective so strong. Trish, you are a gem. I understand the Trish lore, very surface level, but I understand the Trish lore. And I'm fucking here for it. So I will be DMing you. I will be coming through a swing party. Dude, that video would fucking hit.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Oh, shit. Zach down at the trailer park. Oh, my goodness. Trish, you're amazing. Trish has an Instagram. instagram yes trish does we have some we have quite some characters in this chat here uh jeff bako uh this guy is in his 40s dating a gal who isn't 30 yet and and he is criticizing tate no this guy's he's 32 he's 30 dating a 30 year old what is he talking about come on he's criticizing tate like that has anything to
Starting point is 01:08:06 do with it uh the champ's mother's in the house uh shannon madaris uh good morning uh almost uh time to go to the gym as in justin maderos's mother yeah hey and i only showed you that to show off i just showed that's now i'm just showing off a little flex i apologize i met justin at um at uh the rain booth in in uh how does this account only have 260 followers i don't even think you're a real seven podcast listener if you don't follow this you're crazy yeah you're absolutely out of your mind trish is crazy she evolved too i remember when i was doing that episode of barcelona she asked she paid two dollars for me to lick the screen and now she's got a little more mild mannered. Look, there I am.
Starting point is 01:08:47 She. Hey, this dude's this dude's friends with the liver king. And now he's putting pressure on you. Alan Kestenbaum, two dollars. Zach never said he is going to marry her. Yeah, but look at Alan. He's got a proposal picture as his icon. So he's all about that biased opinion.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Oh, yeah. I'll agree with the home team there dude that's all oh great hey so you met justin where did you meet justin so at the rain booth in columbus and i told him i'm like hey dude we made a few jokes about you on on uh my show uh just like they're for fun it's i love you and he's like oh see ya and then walked away he was like super high energy bouncy kind of guy and he's great yeah he's fucking incredibly insanely talented insanely talented guy um but i think it was one of my instagram posts i'm like because i was doing the open and my the co-host dylan cooper is like like what's this about you be coming across i'm like yeah you you know justin madero's better watch the fuck out dude yeah and then i was telling him basically i call him every night
Starting point is 01:09:49 in the middle of the night i call justin madero's and i go you better watch out bitch and he's like who the hell who the fuck is this but he doesn't say fuck who the frick is this yes and i go it's your worst fucking nightmare dude i'm coming for you zach d linder zach d linder who's dylan cooper your homeboy oh yeah we could get him on i i mean uh he said he's doing a seminar right now in south dakota what's he teach weightlifting and do you teach seminars also i haven't in like a year but yeah i've done like almost 100 and are you are you full time do you have a job like at barnes and noble are you fucking full time on the zach teelander um i'm a volunteer at barnes and noble they um no i i basically committed to i i was doing
Starting point is 01:10:43 the this is a if anyone gives a shit and you want to get into this industry, the best thing you can offer is services, which is coaching. So remote services are the easiest way to get into kind of getting away and like being online and online presence. presence. You do coaching, remote coaching, and it's actually quite easy to get that going. You go up to a friend in real life and you say, hey, I have a certification or I want to get involved in coaching. Can I coach you? The guy's like, okay, that sounds interesting. It's like, I'll program for you. All you have to do is follow it. And it'll be like 50 bucks a month. The reason why you want that monetary exchange is so that you both have this committing accountability to it so they do the program exactly you don't want to do it for free no your first person do not do for free you need the accountability then you do that you get the results you show them you blast it out on social media everyone goes well that's kind of
Starting point is 01:11:40 cool let me do it too you get like 10 clients wow you got 10 clients at 50 bucks you you know we know how this goes just explodes into into something. Now, in order to really proliferate, you have to do content. So when you do content, you know, uh, that's how you can start doing other things. And then the problem with services is that you actually have to give your time the most valuable thing. So if you have 300 clients, you're giving a lot of time, you're making a lot of money and you're very successful, but you're working for that shit. And the goal in any profession is to like work less, do more, you know, to be able to accomplish more with less effort. So for me, it's like, I'm finally able to not coach at all. I took, I'm not coaching at all
Starting point is 01:12:23 anymore. I'm just doing content. Uh, I'm, I'm doing sponsorships. I'm doing all of these things. I want to entertain. It's like, uh, and, and I actually started in content. My content got big. Then I started coaching and then it got bigger. And then I stopped coaching. Um, other people can start the other way where you start coaching and then build content from there. But I'm a naturally just a creative person. Like for me, music is like much more important than any sort of fitness. Like if, if there was no music in the world tomorrow, or it was like, you know, I don't think I could live that. That's how like, it's much a part of my DNA. What do you play? I played drums, guitar, piano, sing, write songs.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Do you still? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Every day. Wow. Do you make any content around that at all? Yeah. I've got some stuff on YouTube you can search.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Go to, let's see. What's a good one? What do you do? I forgot the name of this song. Jesus. I'm on Spotify, too. go to, let's see. What's a good one. What do you do? What's I don't, I forgot the name of this song. Jesus. I'm on Spotify too. What do you think about men?
Starting point is 01:13:30 And, um, Oh, here we go. Oh shit. Oh. And that's how you're friends with Finn. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:39 And what was the name of that podcast? I wouldn't say by my heart. It's not the one that I like the most. Yeah, his is, well, Supposed To Be is my, that's my favorite song. Punk Rock NBA. Yeah, he's great, dude. He's great. I DM'd him.
Starting point is 01:13:58 He's like, oh, man, I already watch your stuff. I'm like, oh, shit. Fuck yeah. Oh, shit. You really do play. Yeah. off i'm like oh shit fuck yeah oh shit you really do play yeah remember me how i'm supposed to be there's a time when i'll be fine to take the leap press rewind to cross the lines i couldn't see the one i loved before was mediocrity is this the original song yeah wow who's the dude playing that slide thing uh it's one of my friends you have old people as
Starting point is 01:14:39 friends yeah yeah dude i mean how old are you sav Siobhan? I'm 50. You're my friend. All right. 50. 50. I'm 50. Wow. Hey, do you know, we had a guy on the other day who was a tier one operator out of Canada, JTF2, and now he's in Nashville playing music, Dallas Alexander.
Starting point is 01:15:01 You'd probably like his music. He'd probably like your music. This is my plan, dude.'m i'm gonna make an album it's i mean i've made a i did an ep um but i'm gonna make an album what's an ep um sorry lp limited play limited play ep is extended play lp is five or three to six songs so i think i did five songs um on my youtube oh yeah dude see this is the thing is like um music is fantastic because like there yeah there's a timeline where you can be a pop star right you probably got this guy on your um uh podcast by the way dude so i have a guy he got kicked out of the canadian military for not taking the vaccine and and refusing to wear
Starting point is 01:15:43 a mask and he's funny how that age was a sniper. Yeah. How that shit aged. Like, and he has the longest kills that he shot a guy from 3,500 meters. He has the longest kill in the world. Whoa. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:55 You would like, yeah. I'll introduce you to this guy too. If you want. 100%. Yes. Um, so one of my friends who I met down here,
Starting point is 01:16:04 he won the Irish voice back in 2012. And so I played a gig here. I was just like a open mic and I played a song and I came off stage. It was my my friend who came to watch and he brought him. And then he was like, oh, yeah, you know, I play some music. I'm like, oh, that's great. Like, well, we kept chatting. I went home and he's like, yeah, you can check my stuff up on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I checked it out. I'm like, yo, this guy's fucking amazing. I just you came to my open mic and like I patronize you. He's the next guy. Fucking amazing, dude. So he's sitting. I'm like, hey, Chris, you got to meet my friend. Pat.
Starting point is 01:16:43 And so Chris and I are sitting outside like on our like uh like in our yard pat comes pat's got a guitar i'm like chris just sit here and listen if you want pat starts playing one of his original songs and you could see chris like looking down at his phone and then like looking up like what the fuck and then he starts videoing it like yeah there's something about this dude that i want him to make it so bad he's that good it's crazy what's his name pat burn p-a-t-b-y-r-n-e and you can go to spotify um is he on instagram yep yep same thing. Same thing. Um, but yeah, so that's, that's, I guess I'm where I kind of segued was just saying like, creatively speaking, um, that's where I, I've
Starting point is 01:17:35 just, I'm creative and I'm not incredibly business minded. And, um, so I've gone strictly to content when you ask, do I work at Barnes and Noble? What do I do for a job? This is it. I create shit. By the way, congratulations. That's really cool that you do that. Yeah. Why is there a pipeline of CrossFit to mid-Oli lifters?
Starting point is 01:17:56 What does that mean? I don't understand. What does that mean? I don't even get that. Mid is a slang term, Saban. Mid means shitty. Mid means mediocre. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Meaning people become cross crossfitters, lazy crossfitters become only lifters. That's what I always think. Yeah. But you also have to be good at weightlifting, right? Like you have to have some promise there and weightlifting progress can be kind of fun. Like, right. Like I can go into any CrossFit gym and look like a superhero because I can, you know, snatch more than any of them and clean a jerk more than any of them. And I look like a superhero because i can you know snatch more than any of them and
Starting point is 01:18:26 clean and jerk more than any of them and i look like a superhero yet you know the best crossfitters are snatching the same shit that i'm snatching and clean and jerking the same shit that i'm clean and jerking and that's where it's like fuck you know but that is a great question and a great point you because how does trish know words like mid that's what i was gonna say she's got um because she could be gen z really no with trish you never know well trish is what 50 i think trish i've no i don't even know i don't even know if trish is a dude or i don't know yeah look look look yeah trish is 50 right okay yeah yeah she's probably like 53 yeah lives in arkansas somewhere yes i like it yep she's on the internet quite a bit she's on tiktok she understands these terms
Starting point is 01:19:13 she also enjoys bird watching if you go to her instagram that's the link bird watching I don't fucking know. It's such a thing. Reveal yourself. Josh, Josh, Josh, the God, Zach deserves all the credit. He gets one of the greatest minds and best people in the space.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Oh, wow. What space is that? So much. Tell me about, I mean, you, you really are everywhere right now in, in, in a good in a good way too, not because you got busted for using steroids and selling supplements.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Tell me about Nicky Rod and that whole thing. He's been on the show a few times. As a matter of fact, I text him every month to try to get him back on he's hard to get a hold of but first of all do you think he's natural well I uh oh even Craig Jones
Starting point is 01:20:16 he's not skeptical but he's like you know it's nobody knows anything about anyone like only the person inside knows what's really happening right like i could have a swastika and wear a kkk mask but no one in in in scream racial epithets but no one really knows if i'm racist except for me it could all just be an act a weird it could be an act and yeah if no one sees it no one will know but it's like okay looking at him
Starting point is 01:20:47 he's just you know a big dude he's like six two and he's got long arms and he's got a lot of muscle like that's it like if you don't think that humans can exist like that you're fucking out of your mind like they're if you go to a collegiate football team like there's like 30 nikki ross i'm sorry that's just the way it is there's 30 dudes who look like that okay did he are they are they genetic gear did he say he used to do it no no no he said he never did because uh like the acne that on his back on his back was just brutal but look hey guess what i could be wrong i don't fucking know i don't know this guy i mean like i don't know what he does at home i fucking don't know shit no one knows anything about this guy and no one ever went to go um is it is it weird being tall like so there's this guy and he's a
Starting point is 01:21:35 badass and he's nicky rod and you go and meet him at the blood place to take his blood is it weird when he does he know it's going to be you and it's going to be a guy that's two inches taller than him and 20 pounds heavier than him no i i mean is that always kind of weird like hey i know you're badass but look i'm a big dude too just just weird like like like two black guys passing each other in disneyland and it's all white people and they're like hey is it like that you know what i mean it's all fat white people and two buff black guys pass each other disneyland they're like what are you doing i thought i was the only one here you did a fat black woman a fat black white woman too well what a coincidence look if i'm ever in the same breath of uh nikki rod's physique or size then i'm happy you know but that dude is a serious athlete he's a nice guy and he's he's got
Starting point is 01:22:23 a good head on his shoulders for this shit you know he's got this kind of this air of him of like almost ignorance which is like what you need um not paying attention to fucking detractors or your opponents or anything just being like i'm the fucking man i'm the shit like he's got that air about him i can feel it and i respect the shit out of it and that's what you need. You absolutely need shit like that. I wish there was more of that in CrossFit. I don't know if you guys talk about this, but I'm sure that you have and you do.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I love the community aspect of CrossFit is so palpable. So is the community aspect of jujitsu. Right. I just was talking to kalipa on my podcast yesterday and i was like you know what's when you get finished rolling in jujitsu you stay on the mats for like 30 minutes almost everyone just stays on the mats and talks right what other place are people doing that because if you look at at like, you know, F 45 or orange theory or whatever the fuck people are in and they're out. Even my kids class, all the kids stay and play for 15 minutes.
Starting point is 01:23:33 People are in and out. What other place do people stick around? CrossFit. That means that there's something else there. There's some sort of bond that people have. And that's very interesting. It's very cool. But when you start to compete, fuck community, There's some sort of bond that people have. And that's very interesting. It's very cool.
Starting point is 01:23:51 But when you start to compete, fuck community, fuck like all that. I want to see killers. You know, I want to see guys who are like, nah, fuck you. I'm going to win. Like, I didn't like Roman Krennikov talk some shit at some point. He's like, yeah, I'm just going to beat everyone. I'm going to win. Right. Or something like that
Starting point is 01:24:05 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like i just go faster than them because they're not as fast as me i'm going to beat them like there's not enough of that shit yeah yeah why not he doesn't even know what he's saying though he doesn't even know how he's just great i don't think i think he's just yeah he's got that russian autism you know what i'm saying he's got that he's like they're just they're not concerned for why would they why would they give a shit about your feelings bro this is a competition i'm i'm from out of town man i'm from hard-ass russia sorry i don't speak your language literally and figuratively i had nikki rod's been on the show a couple times and one time i was like so you got you got a girlfriend he goes yeah i think he's engaged now, by the way. And he's like, for a long time, he's like, yeah, 12 years.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I go, what, does she ever get jealous of you? Or like, or like, like, how do you stay focused and be the best jujitsu guy in the world and have a girl in your life? Isn't that just a distraction drama drama? He goes, if there's any drama, just get rid of her. I go, what about you chasing other girls? Like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I go, what?
Starting point is 01:25:04 He's like, look at me. I go, what do you mean? He goes, you whoa, whoa, whoa. I go, what? He's like, look at me. I go, what do you mean? He goes, you think I have ever chased a girl? I don't, John. And he just says it, but he's not joking. Not at all. He's dead serious. It's like what he said to you when he was in the gym.
Starting point is 01:25:17 I was so glad you fucked this up too, Zach. I was watching the video and he's like, so what do you do to prepare? He's like, first I get a fat check. You're like, huh? Do you remember that part? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, yeah. He's like, yeah, first I get a fat check you're like huh do you remember that part yeah yeah yeah yeah i was like yeah he's like yeah first i get a fat check i just love that yeah well i thought he said he goes first i got a fat check i'm like like you're checking your fat you're like like i check spoken like a true fitness guy yeah so yeah this was interesting
Starting point is 01:25:43 derek dm'd me he's like yo dude i've got another thing for you i'm like his little fucking agent so i went out and met him and collected blood and it's a very interesting little exchange your footage of him and then you ended up becoming friends with him yeah yeah you worked out with him yep so it all worked out it's all good are you gonna go over to beat uh wad zombie crossfitter needs it john jones connor mcgrady i agree man and look there could be an evil guy that everyone roots against but i think there's got to be someone talking a little bit of shit micro amounts of shit there's one thing matt fraser said to noah olsen uh in the 2020 like games wrap up thing
Starting point is 01:26:19 you guys remember that when he's like he's like you know when i retire i'll give you the the advice or something about about some workout that they did it was like the lunges toast of our thing and matt's just like i just beat your ass bro i don't need your advice or something like that i'm like fuck yes thank god because you know matt would always do this thing and i always saw the videos he'd finish up with a event and he'd just go and talk with guys like yeah that was so crazy what you did over there and like all this shit i'm like i understand it you're jacked up finally the pressure is off and now you can just like talk and there's that you know i feel the same thing in competitions you just want to like i'm relaxed because the pressure is off but that killer
Starting point is 01:27:07 mindset of being like fuck you dude i beat you i don't need your advice is fucking hilarious and we need more shit like that just i'm going to beat everybody i am roman kramnikov last year in the regionals uh or semifinals whatever the fuck it's called. There's a guy named Scott. There's a guy named Scott Tetlow. And I can't remember who the other guy is. And they came across the finish line. Oh yeah. And one of the guys went to fist bump the other guy.
Starting point is 01:27:33 And he said, while the other guy was on the ground, he goes, get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck away from me. And then Tetlow, then the other guy said, Hey dude, you better fucking watch it. Or when I go in the back, I'm gonna kick the shit out of you. Yes. Yeah. And I'm like, wow, wow it's getting like this shit's getting real like one guy doesn't want to fizzle but hey someone does need to do that one time when the other athletes come around
Starting point is 01:27:54 to try to support you someone needs to be like yo get the fuck out of here yeah like when they do that they come over there and they're like vultures let's go zach you got it i love this community this is what it's all about um what about what about men in women's sports do you have an opinion on that and do you think that i'm do you think just by the fact that i'm wording it like that that i'm being an asshole manipulative that i'm not recognizing you're setting me up like you're setting me up uh no not not to you but just to them because we have a we have a we have a definition of word problem just like the people on the right are so fucking stupid they keep conflating the word gender and sex like fucking morons not realizing that words fucking matter that's why there's a
Starting point is 01:28:38 difference between a snatch and a clean and jerk you can't just call it olympic weightlifting gender the gender there's infinite of them sex there's only two but for some reason uh the people on the left and right they're just ass fucking each other i fucking hate it don't you think don't you think that this like subject's kind of been beat to shit though it's kind of like boring so what do you think makes a successful podcast beating the shit out of topics or i i the reason why so i was on your roommates podcast chris williamson and then i he i was like hey i would love to have you on my podcast he goes yeah and they go i'd love to talk about um what makes a successful podcast he goes hey that's
Starting point is 01:29:17 been beat to death and i was thinking myself i've never heard that topic ever talked about and he goes i don't want to talk about that and then i just stopped talking to him ever talked about and he goes i don't want to talk about that and then i just stopped talking to him just recluse the way um um meaning uh no i don't but but do you think do you think it needs to be talked about when you say it's been talked about to death like i just feel like there's like the reason why i bring it up is there was just a usa weightlifting or something just said that they're going to allow men into women's. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:47 They just said it like a couple days ago. Let me see this article. Okay. Wherever the fuck this was said. Okay. Give me one. Do you know where it's at? Do I need to find?
Starting point is 01:29:55 Oh, you do know, Caleb? Okay. Thank you. Caleb's got it. The reason why I like that Finn guy is because you guys did. Well, you guys did actually start talking about what makes a good youtube channel and how to make content and i really like that part of that um yes the the thesis there was be gentle be gentle but still know where you want to go so savann i think you know you're successful in a way because you just you're not very gentle with the things that you say. And people like that about you. I, you know, but there's going to be a quite, you know, if you
Starting point is 01:30:29 start thinking, Hey, audience, you know, you're following me down this one way. You like me because of this content, which I don't think would, would happen to you, but this is what's happened to Finn. You like me because of this content. Hey, let me change your mind about things. But when i'm doing so let me tell you how stupid you are for thinking the way you think and that's what finn had to deal with it's like all the people that came to him was because he's talked about metal and he did a really good job about it but then these metal heads have this like very idealized like they're ideologues and whenever he strays from that opinion or that mindset, they start to get pissed off.
Starting point is 01:31:05 And so his thing is like, you're getting pissed off. Fuck you. You're wrong type of thing. And in that podcast, I'm telling him, I'm like, dude, just gently nudge them down the way that you want them to think. Right. And be, you know, be, be empathetic to their position, you know, and just see what happens and you'll, you'll see how successful you'll be.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And he's like, dude, I think about that podcast all the time. He's made like, I don't know, 20 videos since then. And he's like, I changed the way that I do this. I have a thought process around it. I'm like, that's, that ultimately is how you can be a successful YouTube channel. Don't be a dick. You can actually garner a fuckload of success from being a dick you can garner a lot of success from being the heel but if you want to do this a long time and have people a collective of people that will trust you and you can trust you have to be empathetic and slightly pushy that's my that's my thesis here here's what i i got from what he was saying i thought he was telling you that i have this crowd of people that loves me for my
Starting point is 01:32:11 knowledge of music but really uh uh this is my my biased obviously coming out politically they don't agree with me or ideologically meaning and what he's what i heard him say is like i'm the kind of person who believes in personal accountability and that my reality is controlled by my inside world and these people believe are victims out here they're uh um they're um they're not free thinkers it's kind of like the fact like if you go you you want to marry this chick because she has the greatest fucking body ever but she um she disagrees with you on every front so you're completely attracted to her body and it's great sex but but fucking ideologically you fucking can't connect at all that's what i that's what i thought he was saying
Starting point is 01:32:55 i thought that was fucking fascinating yeah and that's exactly i'm like yeah but how do you like you're the head of the kkk but you're married to a black woman and it's like fucking up your gig all right you know what i mean it's like oh shit i'm gonna lose being the head of the kkk but you're married to a black woman and it's like fucking up your gig all right you know what i mean it's like oh shit i'm gonna lose being the head of the kkk if they see my wife i love black girls like you're fucked like that's what i feel like this place he's stuck in but that's the place he portrays himself to be stuck in in his mind he's like that's where i'm at but it the reality is not that it's not that stark it's not that bad so he can like person you know and so he can so he can he can honest to god like make these changes and he's made some videos recently that are like not in line with his
Starting point is 01:33:38 people and people are kind of like yeah they're coming around to it of course he gets plenty of hate he gets so much hate on reddit I get a fuckload of hate on Reddit. I got a bunch of hate everywhere. Reddit's a cesspool. And why do you go to Reddit? Why do you go to Reddit? Reddit was my zone, dude. Reddit was my fucking zone.
Starting point is 01:33:54 That's where Olympic weightlifting, that's where it happened for me. So I was like, CrossFit was like, here's how you snatch. Here's how you clean and jerk. I'm like, okay, cool. And I got into it. I'm like, wait a minute, wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute why am i listening to the crossfit seminar fucking staff on how to snatch and clean and jerk and how to be good at it when there's guys like dimitri klokov and luja jun and kendrick ferris and there's fucking like
Starting point is 01:34:18 they're not lifting the same way they're lifting differently like what the fuck is this so i'm like okay i want to do that i fuck crossfit i want to do that i want to get good at that and so i where were the places i could do that like youtube had some videos but there was reddit weightlifting and at the time when i joined there was like 30 000 people now there's like over 120 000 on reddit weightlifting and it sucks now in my opinion it's not as good um but that was like our collective of places what year was that what year was that sorry to cut you off 2014 okay and so when i started my youtube channel i started doing vlogs of like me being like hey guys going to the gym like gonna do a crossfit workout gonna do some like weight training, whatever. And then I posted it to CrossFit Reddit.
Starting point is 01:35:06 And one guy said to me, Savan, you're going to love this shit. One guy said to me, he's like, hey, well, your video is kind of cool. Had some good editing, but you're not that attractive. You're not that good at CrossFit. You haven't even told us what the fuck you're doing. And I'm like, us what the fuck you're doing and i'm like first off fuck you second off yeah that makes sense one of the other things he said one of the other things he said was what are you good at
Starting point is 01:35:37 oh shit that was my fault was it yep oh that was my fault you know what happened uh do you know what happened caleb i was looking i was looking is caleb frozen too hey i accidentally kicked him out of the street i saw a fucking window down here yeah it was it was his shared one I was just letting it run I was like what the fuck is that And I just got rid of it
Starting point is 01:36:11 So you kicked him from the studio Yeah I kicked him off But he can come back He can come back I'm gonna text him While that's going on What the fuck trish you are an ass clown someone is still stuck in the us versus them mentality that is driven by emotion he will hopefully get past it jesus christ you don't fucking know what the fuck you're trying to
Starting point is 01:36:36 listen it's it's it's it's it's me and it's people trying to put their thumb up my fucking ass and uh and i'm not and now that i have kids i'm not going to tolerate that so in that respect you're right but i used to be a uh us i used to be it's all of us and um us versus them but but now that i have kids and you wouldn't understand trish because you don't have any kids you know so you wouldn't understand that we know yeah you wouldn't understand here it is here it is here it is hey let me let me finish this story yeah sorry that was my fault i kicked you off sorry that was an accident so no no it's all good um so he said he said to me he's like
Starting point is 01:37:16 what are you good at and i'm like okay i've been coaching at this point in time i think it was like 2015 i was coaching crossfit full-. Like I was getting a salary, which is wild for 2015. That's wild. Um, like I was getting a check and I was coaching like four or five classes a day. I was doing, I was on ramping. I must have taught a shit you not a thousand people how to snatch and clean a jerk. And I came up with these ways of doing it. And so the guy was like, what are you good at? I'm like, I'm pretty fucking good at teaching weightlifting in a way that not many CrossFitters have. So my first video was three tips to like help you snatch. And what I did was I compared Emily Bridgers, who's a really, you know, great, great CrossFitter, um, actually pretty decent lifter,
Starting point is 01:37:59 but her technique was off because like, it was this CrossFit style of lifting at that time. And I was like, here's what she's doing wrong. Here's the things that I coach that are that like combat this because this is the issue that I consistently see. We can learn the lifts like this as opposed to otherwise. And I put that video on Reddit weightlifting. I got like 30 comments. People being like, wow, this is great.
Starting point is 01:38:25 It was a five minute video. Like keep making these and we'll watch them. And I remember I got emails for every subscriber I got. And this was way back in the, I mean, 2016. I didn't like, I don't think that's a feature anymore. If it was, that'd be insane. Um, but I got 25 emails and I was like, oh my God, I just got 25 subscribers in one night. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Something's happening here. I had like 300 views, fucking 300 views. People watching my shit like, holy God damn. So I made a video a week for three years straight. No shit. Yeah. And then I got up to like, you know, 70,000 or something like that. And here I am now at 200,000.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Like I really have never had a boom. I never, if you look at my social blade or whatever the fucking thing is called, it's just this. I have literally just kept touching the algorithm for six, over six, seven years now. Like do not miss. And so, so that's like my birth what a great story yeah and it's that's so motivational hopeful hey and the thing is too you're gonna reach a tipping point i think that that will be exponential not like you're looking for it but that's what tends
Starting point is 01:39:37 to happen you have this slow build slow build then you have that overnight success it's just like boom and then you're kind of everywhere and the stuff starts to populate all over the place um like you said like i'm not i'm not looking for it because if i if you look for shit like that it's just it's elusive yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you think about um uh uh fast ascent fast decline oh it's it's palpable i've had i know so many people have done it so many yeah so well good because we're on it we're not on that page well i've always said i was afraid of that i was like i don't want this because that usually just comes down are you guys growing are you guys growing we're good yeah we put on three subscribers every day we're swimming upstream algorithm
Starting point is 01:40:19 what's the metric like what's it look like it is it is it's like that it's like that it's it's it's it's three to three to 20. Like we'll probably put on 20 subscribers with you. It'll be like our biggest jump in a month. But we put on three to 20 subscribers every day. I and we kill on on iTunes and Spotify. We do kill over there. So I came up with this thing.
Starting point is 01:40:41 And this is also, I think, a part of physics. But if it exists, it will succeed. So as long as you exist, just continue to exist just over enough time horizon. You will get like, you have to, you have to,
Starting point is 01:40:53 because like if you exist for so long and you just suck, suck, suck, like you're going to end up quitting. Right. Right. You just keep going. Like,
Starting point is 01:41:00 this is the idea behind the markets. Keep your shit in long enough. It's going to happen again. Right. You know, right, right, right. I i i said this uh uh sorry i said this on another podcast i said it yesterday it's kind of interesting and i just got a text regarding i said the interesting thing about being a woman is you'll always remember the biggest cock you ever had and the smallest cock you've ever had those i'm sure that those will stick in your mind and i go for men it's not like that like i don't remember the smallest tits or the biggest tits i just i just don't remember that and this this girl i know just text me and she said if women shove their rock hard tits into a hole in your body you would absolutely remember the biggest
Starting point is 01:41:39 and smallest you've ever had basically she's saying she she agreed with me i like that when i get confirmation from a woman that's a little bit of a um digression not non-sequitur but yeah i just saw the text come in sorry yeah it is a different it's it's like physically biologically entirely different experience for women to have sex and than it is for men right right and if you saw this big or penis this big you're gonna remember those two you're gonna i would remember i know the biggest penis i've ever seen oh we've heard about it there yeah one of my friends i remember the smallest now that i think about it was in a shower at uc santa barbara one of my friends um that i was ridiculously small that i met like quickly when i was on youtube um he saw that i was doing well and he like DM me
Starting point is 01:42:25 and we, you know, whatever. He had a video that popped off and it was like, there was just a hot chick in his video squatting. And he was like teaching her how to squat. And the only reason it popped off was because there was a hot chick and he's like, wow, I could keep doing this. So he kept doing it and he took off subscribers went up. And then dude, like by the time I was talking to him he was getting no views no nothing no engagement or anything that's the the big skyrocket you know you built yourself up on a on a house of cards like you know it sucks now what's really cool is you brought the conversation back around that was of course i did so what's really cool is the
Starting point is 01:43:01 people who can go viral take that viral shit and run with it. And then they're actually talented or they have the know-how in order to keep that audience engaged. Those are the true heroes. Those people are fucking freaks. You know, they did it the wrong way, but then they're like, fuck, I'll do whatever it takes to keep people around. And they did it. You know, that's that. It's hard off the top of my mind.
Starting point is 01:43:23 I can't really think about it. they did it you know that's that it's hard off the top of my mind i can't really think about it but like that chick bad baby who was she was the catch me outside chick oh yeah right um she is still incredibly famous yeah that was that's nuts yeah that's a 15 minutes of fame thing that's a less than 15 minutes of fame thing and yet she she's still around. That's super impressive. And that's got to be commended in certain way. Like whether, you know, whether or not you think about how legitimate bad babies fucking music is, which I'm sure it's atrocious. But either way, she's still relevant, at least to my knowledge, not relevant to me. But.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Yeah, 16 million. Dude, just off that one line on in it was settled hell long ago and then like somehow resurfaced and can i hear the line i don't remember i don't know what you guys can i hear the line she was like an unruly teen that told her mom to fuck off and had a bunch of sex and was doing drugs and she was like 13 or 14 and one of the therapists or something like that told her you know hey you got to straighten up she She's like, oh, anybody could get it. Catch me outside then. Catch me outside. Like she was going to go fight her outside.
Starting point is 01:44:28 Fight to fight. Oh, oh. Because you're too streetwise? Yep. And all these hoes laughing like it's so funny. Talking about the audience. Like they're laughing at us. Did you say the hoes are laughing?
Starting point is 01:44:44 Yep. So the audience are but catch me outside how about that that's it that's it that's what all of it was built off of catch me outside how about that in like years later where's the beef where's the beef now she's 16 million followers. You know, that's that, that's an interesting one, right?
Starting point is 01:45:08 Because that's everything that we do not say we want to do. We want to build slowly. We want to have this thing that we can, you know, continually get good on and build this nice base. She did not do that. There's always going to be those outliers though. You know,
Starting point is 01:45:20 there's always a, yeah. 7.6 million views on that years ago. But what's crazy is her account now has more followers than that has views which is pretty fucking impressive oh yeah i got kicked off of instagram zach yeah and you got a new one now yeah yeah is that because you were doing too much righty shit when um they were banning people for that for that yeah because i was because i was wondering where the the the covid came from which is hilarious by the way because the times just came out and they're like hey uh came from a lab in wuhan which is
Starting point is 01:45:52 fucking so insane dude careful your mom might be listening careful your mom might be listening hey um you met mike ditka oh yeah yeah mike dick is like a close family friend because so my dad's a sports writer like a like what's wild is what's wild to me is like i'm more recognizable than my father now but my whole life like we would go you know at the airport walk around chicago like we'd be stopped in the street and be like oh my god you're rick tellender you know never in a million years that i think i would have somewhat of the level of success as my father like i just always assumed like i'll never live up to his you know his uh prowess dude look how far your eyes look apart though you're fucking your eye your head fucking grew around your eyeballs yeah does your girlfriend have a huge head no it's tiny it's a pinhead
Starting point is 01:46:46 fucking crazy does your girlfriend have a huge head no it's tiny it's a pinhead oh i've got a massive dome piece dude my my i my wife has a tiny head too but i think that um that's if you want to be like i think the hottest chicks in the world have giant heads like gal gadot like the wonder woman oh bethany or bethany shadburn i think a giant head is so if you have a daughter she might have a giant head yeah so i i basically like was always around you know sports figures and stuff and what's crazy is the bears practiced next door to my house like literally we there used to not be a uh there there wasn't a fence so hallis hall was in lake forest and we could walk through like a tiny little wooded area and get on the field where the bears were practicing my dad just so yeah my dad was uh you know writing columns for the sun times chicago sun times at that time so there's a picture of
Starting point is 01:47:38 walter payton on our on our front porch wow sitting on our front porch yeah and um yeah and then your mom with the shotgun being like what are you doing here what you need boy jesus christ savon what just i mean it's texas where where it's it's where was it chicago where was it lake forest illinois and so yeah so then then um yeah um so that's that's how i grew up was just around those things and so mike dicka was one of those guys that we just we always knew and dick i had this restaurant that we always went to my family and i you know we went to uh dick is down in in chicago on chestnut street and it recently closed which is fucking tragic but that was our that was our family spot and if he was in he was coming to talk to us so that's where i got that picture with him yeah that's that's crazy
Starting point is 01:48:29 cool hey do you think it influenced you how you treat famous people by the way your dad treated famous people like it was no yep 100 explain that to me i just heard that concept the other day yeah a buddy of mine was telling me that when he was around famous people and his kids were there so chris acts so cool like they were just regular people so that his kid would see hey it's just regular people my i mean my roommate chris like we i've met a ton of pretty fucking famous people and we just shoot the shit with them and then they're like oh you're pretty cool let me get your number and then we would become friends it's like you know uh on a smaller level i've had people like this one guy dm'd me he he does jujitsu and he's a really good musician and he's like hey man
Starting point is 01:49:13 if you ever want to jam in austin i'm here like i like your music and i checked him out i checked out his page he's a famous musician guy no it's just this is just a normal dude he just like he just was a fan he's a fan i'm I'm like, yeah, come, come by. Then we jammed and like became close friends. And now we're just good friends. Right. That's awesome. How did he get into your DMs and get a response?
Starting point is 01:49:31 But I didn't. Well, Savant. Shit's getting weird. Eventually you did. Eventually. I had to talk to someone who had to talk to someone who had to talk to you that's i was like killer get me on savan's podcast and he's like he's trying to reach out to you i'm like what i didn't fucking know that anyways so that's what i'm saying it's like
Starting point is 01:49:53 meeting meeting you know meeting a a famous person or whatever like did you learn that from your dad though was your dad cool and then you were like oh yeah there's a picture on somewhere on my instagram of my dad standing across from michael jordan like literally talking shit and i used to see this shit all the time and my dad would literally not but he would like talk shit with michael jordan like they would just sit across from each other and fucking talk at each other they weren't like he wasn't like oh hey michael like it's like no this is a guy who i'm gonna write about he knows i'm gonna write about him this is a relationship that we have this is a working relationship you know we're and and the wildest thing man if you watch the last dance that that um documentary on netflix now my dad's in it a few times he's got a few interviews um
Starting point is 01:50:47 because he was like at the forefront of knowing the bulls and michael he had like some serious behind the scenes access that like no one had um once michael finds out that like you're worthwhile working with like you're in his you know you're one of the media guys he's in sports illustrated fucked up. Sports Illustrated wrote something bad about Michael. He never worked with him again. Wow. Still to this day.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Wow. Do you know how much of a fucking mistake that is from Sports Illustrated? Yeah. That's a huge. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Yeah. So cool. They're fucking chatting, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:22 What is that? The Bible on CDs? Holden, what the fuck is jordan holding is that jesus on a cd cover probably like shaw day or some shit okay you know but they're just talking music you know and and um so yeah that's that's like how i kind of learned that another thing dude i bring me the horizon uh chris is good friends with bring me the horizon. It's a very famous metal band. And like they did shit with MGK and they did shit with Ed Sheeran. Like they're pretty,
Starting point is 01:51:52 pretty goddamn popular. You watched a documentary about them. You mentioned in an interview, I saw you do, I wrote them down here, bring me the horizon, heavy metal band you work with. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:01 So I, Chris was like, do you want to go to, this concert and we're gonna get you know backstage passes and we'll hang out with them like cool sounds great i'm like do you mind if i bring my camera he's like yeah fine whatever as we're the day before he's like hey the boys want to train i'm like wow that's cool so i found a gym in houston I picked them up. So I got the fucking bring me the horizon in my truck. Me, Chris shotgun, bring me the horizon behind me. We go to the gym and I just shoot the training session.
Starting point is 01:52:35 I'm just, we're just fucking chatting shit and training. And then we get in the car. I drive them back to the stadium where they were playing. And they're like, yeah yeah if you guys want to watch we're gonna do soundcheck dude while they're doing soundcheck i'm literally just walking on stage and like walking around wherever the fuck i want i've got crazy videos of this shit how fun yeah yeah and oh my god they're so fucking young dude they're not anymore though oh they're not they're like dude in a second from the right looks like he's fucking 16.
Starting point is 01:53:07 They're like mid 30s, actually. All right. Yeah. So so it was wild. And then, you know, an hour before they go on, they're playing FIFA in the back room and we're just sitting there, you know, and then they go on and there's like people who dresses those guys. People just fucking dying when they go on stage. Like girls collapsing and crying. Like this is the level of fucking stardom we're talking about here.
Starting point is 01:53:34 And we're just like hanging out with them. And so for me, it was like, it's kind of a, once you get in the, you know, you, like crossfitters aren't very famous but if someone follows them like you know daniel brandon or whatever you follow them that they're like wow this person's my hero but like savan you've chat with daniel brandon she's a friend you know it's just that's a smaller level it's like okay let's elevate that a little bit like there are some guys who do crossfit like alex rodriguez was hanging out at Waterpalooza with a bunch of people. You know, it's just, there's levels. He was J-Lo's ex-husband, the baseball dude.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Yeah. Yeah. He's rocking a baller suit too. And he just came strutting down the front. And then actually Kalipa, I was standing next to Kalipa and he's like, hey Rod. He turns like, what up guys? And just keeps on trekking through. It was, it was funny to see that yeah so it's like it's you just
Starting point is 01:54:28 i don't know it's just just how things end up happening if to answer your question and and you learn that from your dad you think yes of course yeah i mean i i the the people who i've i was literally like three years old like looking up like this yeah like oh my god there's fucking luke longley my dad just goes up shakes his hand he's like hey luke how you doing you know i'm like what the fuck is this you know looking back and forth and that's like just you know how it works and another thing too is like you know there's nothing wrong with being like hey can i get your picture because you want to show your friends like hey i met this person i i this is someone who i cherish this is a moment i cherish that's totally fine but i find that the mental
Starting point is 01:55:15 you know remembering just walking up to someone shaking their hand and being like hey you know you're this is amazing this is what you did here is great and just talking to him for a little bit and being like all right well uh i'll talk to you or i'll see you later bye or i'll never see you again whatever it was nice to meet you bye like that is so i cherish that no matter what wouldn't matter what position i'm in i cherish that so much more than a picture so much more does this mean you're twice as good as me what do you mean zach tellender is greater than seven and it's two greater than science two times two i um a friend of mine the other day um uh travis bajan professional arm wrestler guy you probably love to have on your podcast too by the
Starting point is 01:55:58 way um his son his son just broke the all-time nfl NFL passing record in college of all time, best college passer in the history of college football. Wow. He told me that whenever he would be around fucking really famous people and his son was around, he would do that. He would just make sure that it's completely fucking casual. So the other day I was at a party and Rodney Mullen was there. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 01:56:22 Fuck, do I know who Rodney Mullen is? Of course I do, Siobhan. How dare you? And so my kids were there. And my kids were there. And so I sat down and talked to Rodney, just chill, for like an hour and a half. But just making sure my son would see, like, hey, it's just me and Rodney just fucking shooting the shit. And hey, you know, it's funny to say this.
Starting point is 01:56:42 I hate to brag. No, I don't really hate to brag. When I left there, Rodney asked me for my phone number hey could i have a phone number and i and i did chub up a little bit i did chub a little so what one thing i could say is like another thing is like don't just be a fanatic and a sheepish fanatic what's that mean what you're doing is automatically lowering yourself saying that like admiring is amazing so for instance yeah yeah i admire all the people yeah yeah i still admire people chris i admire chris i am a massive fan of chris williamson and yet i'm gonna open up the fucking door to so we have like two separate houses it's pretty cool we set up i open up the
Starting point is 01:57:23 door i go what's up you boner? Like that's, I'm opening it up and I'm talking shit to him immediately, but I like love him. I think he's incredibly talented. I'm on his side. I'm his biggest fucking fan. Okay. So in that way, I'm not like, oh my God, Chris Williamson. And I'm as fucking like little sheep, you know, I'm not like that.
Starting point is 01:57:42 When I see it, it's like, if you still fanboy over him, it i see it it's like if you're a fan boy over him it's like it's like rich i've been with rich a thousand times look i treat him like a dude but i fucking love him to i still let him know hey dude i'm a fan don't fuck around exactly it's it's like when people they separate themselves from harry styles like these women are like oh my god harry styles he is such a God. It's like, dude, it's one thing to be like obsessed with his music and think he's fucking talented. And maybe even think he's hot and be attracted to him. It's another thing to say, I am a fucking worm. I am a sheep. This is a person who is better than me, literally a better human than I am.
Starting point is 01:58:22 I believe that there is no human that's better than another human in that way. But there are people who are more talented, more skilled, what have you, do you see what I mean? It's like, it's important that that person who's a fan does not become a sheep. Right. And I, that distinction is so important. And I think it's fucking awesome that you're able to do that in a, in a micro way with Rodney Mullen in front of your kids. And I think maybe my dad did that to me. I don't know if he did that purposefully, but I think that's fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:58:51 I mean, yeah, don't get me wrong. I still showed him a great deal of respect. Even my friends. That's how I feel. I don't want friends that I don't look up to. What's he doing?
Starting point is 01:59:00 Window cleaner. Chris is bitching at me. He's in Vegas. I have to let the window cleaner in. I'll be back in a second. That's, I know you made it. You got a window cleaner chris is bitching at me he's in vegas i have to let the window cleaner and i'll be back in a second that's i know you made it you got a window cleaner i think those are the people you need to surround yourself with yeah that's it paulina fucking nailed it and it's funny because that's what travis said to me the other day too he said hey i'm not letting hanging around normal people anymore yeah the people you should have people around you that you
Starting point is 01:59:21 uh look up to you should have yeah it should be fucking rodney mullin michael jordan they're really gonna help you propel to be better in life right if you in a lot of people hide from that because they don't want to be challenged in that way so it's so much easier to get a group of friends where you're like you know the the most successful quote-unquote one there it's kind of like when the uh when like the the chick who's like a six or or five just hangs out with all like threes you know what i mean so every picture she's in the center like and you're like yeah yeah yeah as opposed to being the five around tens you know uh much much greater i'll take it yeah what. What am I going to do? I'm old. I don't know the vernacular.
Starting point is 02:00:07 I'm not fucking roommates with Chris Williamson, but I am. I am. But I am roommates with the three playing brothers. And he left. Oh, you lost the window cleaner. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't answer the doorbell quick enough. This podcast is too important.
Starting point is 02:00:23 So life is good. You guys have a fucking window cleaner cleaner chris asked for it dude i don't fucking need a window cleaner fuck off uh uh the guest is hostile um jonathan adams you love to brag uh savon loves to brag uh it's my favorite uh trait about savvy um oh oh you want to know another thing that chris this you're gonna love this savann yeah okay so in the uk chris williamson is a huge podcaster out of the uk he moved to the united states he's a good dude um i was on his show um it was very awkward this is one of my favorite life lessons uh again this should be for men and women alike um uh coming from the uk a term that they talk about or a term that they say is called cutting down the
Starting point is 02:01:13 tall poppy have you heard about this have you heard this yeah so this is a thing that is it's part of some cultures in the u.s but because the u.s has this more like capitalistic and like cultures in the u.s but because the u.s has this more like capitalistic and like hap like happy-go-lucky like golden retriever mindset we're not as cynical uh we're not as skeptical uh like in general uh but in the uk yes uh australia new zealand yeah so in the uk they're like dude do not brag about your accomplishments to the point of like really this being a negative thing. Like if someone starts to succeed and excel, people are going to cut you down. It's a socialist phenomenon, by the way. It's a completely socialist phenomenon.
Starting point is 02:01:57 Well, I don't know because this is look, England was doing shit like this long before they were this like crazy kind of socialist. Canada, Finland, they're all tall poppy places. was doing shit like this long before they were this like crazy kind of socialist Canada Finland they're all tall poppy places okay Savan barring your righty ideal idealistic type of narrative here um I'm sorry I'm just checking you a little bit I love it I love it you're very welcome um so like one thing he was telling me he's like it's palpable that like the amount of like i don't talk about anything he's like i don't talk about anything with my friends like nothing about the things that i do the things that i'm gonna do because the moment that i do people are gonna be like oh chris is a is a is a cunt you know what i mean
Starting point is 02:02:40 he's just showing off he's just bragging he's braggadocious and um what's you know that there's good reason for that like it's nice to have people who are modest and like irish people especially like are fucking modest people and um chris was like i gotta get out of connor mcgregor right except that's what and they fucking hate him dude they hate him in dublin i've so many people are like i don't they don't even talk about him there okay um so so uh yes tall poppy tall poppy so basically during the pandemic chris is trapped in his house his podcast is kind of success it's like going up you know he's literally not allowed to leave his house okay and he's like the weather is shit everything sucks he's like i need to get
Starting point is 02:03:31 the fuck out of here i'm like cool i'm moving my place you want to move in together uh he's like cool let's do it we get this place down here had you met him before had you met i was on his show i was on a show like fucking four years ago or something i've been on like eight times i thought he escaped to the uae he did for a little bit okay yeah that was a that was a cool move he did okay that was a little bit later so so anyways he moves here and he's like you know the first thing i noticed that he's like you're a very excitable person not many people in the uk are excitable like they don't want to show that they're like something really stokes them. You know, this is a protective mechanism. It makes sense.
Starting point is 02:04:07 Okay. Uh, so he gets here and his mindset changes and he's like, you know, I feel comfortable talking about things with you because you're happy for me. And I'm like, and I remember I walked up to him. I'm like, Chris, we have to make sure that we can share our victories with each other. And we never stopped doing it. I literally said this to his face. He's like, agreed. And we fucking, we, we shook each other's hands. So now it's like, yo dude, I just had a video, get a hundred thousand views and blah, blah, blah. He's like, fuck. Yeah, dude. You know, like it's not this thing where we're showing off to each other.
Starting point is 02:04:45 We need this ability to raise each other up and to be happy for each other's accomplishments. And that's something that, that I would wholeheartedly suggest to anyone listening or watching that you do with your friends, share your victories and embrace each other's victories. It makes a bond so much stronger and it lifts you even further. I agree. The one issue with that though hold on one second tell him suza and i i'm gonna go pee real quick okay how are you on time uh mr zach oh i can go i just i just i gotta train at some point okay i gotta pee hold on i want to keep you on for a few more minutes yep i think that the the confidence of the people that you
Starting point is 02:05:23 surround yourself with is a big factor in that. Because if I'm not very confident and I see your success and I start spinning the story in my head that your success is taking away from my success or worse, we start doing the ego protector. Well, Zach only did this because of this or that's only happening because of this. And he got lucky. And right. And so it's hard to find those people at first because that's you won't see it right away and sometimes that chatter starts to happen behind the scenes right yeah confidence is like the ultimate catalyst man yeah if a a non a not
Starting point is 02:05:58 confident man is a scary one hey what would you what would you say like how if somebody is hearing this and they feel that they're kind of not confident and insecure, like, is there anything that you, that you would suggest? Like, is there something that helped you get yourself there? Cause you seem super confident and whatever, like it doesn't matter. But I'm not though. You know, I'm not, I'm just, I guess I'm, I'm comfortable in myself and I'm comfortable on the mic. I'm comfortable talking people. Fuck. I've got problems. I've got issues. I've got, you know, I've got problems i've got issues i've got you know i've got maybe comfortable is a better word rather than confident you're just more comfortable in your own skin well it's like you know people people don't care about you
Starting point is 02:06:35 so use that as a weapon you know people don't you you think people are watching you and you think they're judging you and talking shit about you they're not so use that as a weapon do what you want and if they are talking shit about you or whatever they're not worth your fucking time you cannot be told that enough no one can be told that enough but it's a very difficult thing to do i i struggle with it a lot you know a negative comment can throw me off the edge i'm like jesus christ i got 3 000 comments you know you put on that one negative one that's you know this is a typical thing that people see but it's like i think confidence is also how you interact with the world around you it's not just how you take in the world and and then you react it's like you can put out things
Starting point is 02:07:16 into the world that will allow you to become confident one is just being nice and being an enjoyable person to be around it It is the most important thing. Positive attitude is so contagious. Chris said in a study, there's like a massive meta-analysis of relationships. He just told me this yesterday, that the number one characteristic that was in all successful relationships was, characteristic that was in all successful relationships was, and I forget the exact words, but it was like basically being somebody that the other person wanted to be around, like in being like, oh, it was like a nice disposition was the word, a nice disposition. That was it.
Starting point is 02:07:59 It's like people don't realize how fucking unbelievably valuable that is. Look someone in the eyes, smile, understand where they're coming from, and just be a nice person. And oh my God, you can get so far in this world. Yeah, people underestimate a positive attitude is bringing a ton of value. And if you find these people that are really successful in life, like if you get to next to Jeff Bezos and you're like, okay, I want to get close to this guy. You have nothing to fucking offer him essentially. Right. You can't buy him anything. It's like, how do I add value to this? But if you show up with a really good, positive attitude and you have energy and people just gravitate towards that, that is the value that you could bring.
Starting point is 02:08:37 You don't need to look much further than being that person. Sounds like white privilege or, or, or you could just be born with a huge cock not all but they're still lucky seven oh god you know i so right before the fraser uh video that i did i think that was probably the biggest podcast get that i had was fraser because like at the time he was very hard to get a like get a hold, um, when did you do that at Waterpalooza? Oh, recently. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Everyone wants to touch Matt Fraser. Everyone wants contact with him. And I was lucky enough to get it because I had a bunch of connections with HWPO people. And right before I actually said this on a vlog, but I took it off cause I looked like dog shit. So on my, on,
Starting point is 02:09:22 on the screen, like my bags under my eyes, I didn't really sleep that well the night before i just looked like shit but i took it out and the thing that i said to the camera was god you're huge look at you you're fucking giant you're fucking huge sorry go ahead the thing the thing that i said to the camera before uh as we were taking the elevator up to this this space where we did the podcast the thing that i said was just care like just care that's all i'm telling myself because i'm pretty nervous right now um you know this is a pretty high pressure situation just care
Starting point is 02:09:58 you've always cared about matt fraser don't change any of that now like i i've watched matt fraser for so long i was on the matt fraser train long before people knew that now like i i've watched matt fraser for so long i was on the matt fraser train long before people knew who he was like i watched uh the live stream of the ecc do you remember that event the fucking one that bergeron used to put on yeah i'm like i know this guy i know matt fraser is good it's like 2015 or some shit 2016 i don't remember i i and like i've been watching him since then i know his whole. I'm a big fan of his weightlifting. Cause I'm a weightlifter, like just care. And like that interview, I can't tell you how many CrossFitters were like, dude, I've seen so many interviews with Matt Fraser, but you and him connected on a serious level. I mean, fuck, we both cried like in, in part of it.
Starting point is 02:10:41 Wow. Yeah. Shit. Yeah. And like all it was because i was looking at the guy's eyes and like genuinely caring for him like genuinely gave a fuck it wasn't like i was like so what was it like to win the crossfit games you know being on a podcast i don't fucking care i actually i actually don't care about that i care about about you. Tell me who are you? You know, I want to know more like genuinely. So I was able to depict that. And I think if we're looking at confidence, if we're looking at like ways to succeed in this world, just care about the person you're talking to. Wow.
Starting point is 02:11:17 Have a nice disposition and things go well. It's fucking amazing. It's crazy. You know, I cared about one of my guests and the podcast went fucking amazing um i was like wait what i was like which guest i don't know i went yeah well it's it's it's interesting to hear you say that too because you've been around so many high-profile people that Matt would be the one where you'd have that talk. But those are the talks you have to have with yourself when you do the things. I almost have a talk with like that. I'm so excited every morning when I come out here to do my podcast.
Starting point is 02:12:01 I can't fucking believe I get to do it. do my podcast i can't fucking believe i get to do it and so i kind of i feel a maybe a cousin to what you're saying about um uh kind of just like them and my my thing is is i never want anyone to feel i feel like this is my living room and when i people come to my house i want them to leave happier no matter what no matter who they are that's amazing yeah you know what i mean i want them to have some good food i want to have some good drink and I want them to have like a good, like a, like leave healthier sort of feeling about themselves. I want people to,
Starting point is 02:12:31 I, I like, I believe in people. I believe in people. There's this thing that someone wrote down here. English people don't like braggarts. My, my friend Travis Bajan is like the biggest braggart I know,
Starting point is 02:12:43 but he never says he's better than other people and i fucking love that so that is okay so and i fucking like that that's like he doesn't he i'm the i'm so fucking great i'm so fucking strong like he does all this and then when he's arm wrestlers like that dude's the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived and i'm about to beat him so you know what i mean and it's like i fucking love that this is the this is the key right he would be a dick if he wasn't confident this is what matt was kind of getting at okay so you if you're braggadocious and you're not confident you're gonna some sort of egotistical asshole nature of you is gonna come out and you're gonna be flawed but if you're a confident man
Starting point is 02:13:19 yeah and you and you have this air of confidence in this bragging it's actually incredibly attractive but that's the only time that it is so your friend is that guy yeah and he is that guy and if you've been around someone who's not confident and is a braggadocious person they end up being like a pathological liar they end up you know being a shitty person to be around wow and that's kind of what happened to connor he was so confident and the bragging was attractive and then he kind of crossed the line as he got later into his career, and he started becoming a little nasty. And it made it hard to like him because he was nasty. He became venomous.
Starting point is 02:13:53 This is another thing. I had Chris on my show. We did an extensive talk on this, and it was, we love winners, and it's really fucked up. It's actually it's actually, it's something that I battle with every day. Anyone can get away with anything. If they win,
Starting point is 02:14:16 it is fucking crazy. Anyone can get away. What you're talking about? Logan, Paul, Logan, Paul, the day, two weeks or a month.
Starting point is 02:14:24 I don't know how long after he gets caught doing one of the biggest crypto scams red-handed his drink company gets bought as the drink for the ufc oh that what's it called that is one of the biggest right one of the biggest fucking victories you could take and everyone forgot about it yeah it was this is the world we live in savannah he was purposely scamming people i mean whether it was purposeful or not i mean the guy coffee zilla who exposed it was just on rogan he was just on rogan and he um this is what the the big thing was wow yeah wow people have already forgot about it because logan paul is a winner and i battle with this fucking daily savant this is my inner inner monologue every day it's like what does the world even fucking mean we're all just
Starting point is 02:15:22 popcorn eating foam finger holding consumers who want to watch the home team win it doesn't matter morality doesn't matter ethics don't matter none of it matters as long as you win and it is fucked can you give me another example tiger woods that's exactly what i was saying what do you mean what's his what was his what did he do i mean he did quite a few things you know he was a very very afflicted person he cheated on his wife tons of times uh you know fucking had like an ambient freak out in his car like he was a tormented soul though so that's a little bit different like i would call him a victim of his surroundings like a hundred percent his life was just not a very healthy one to live from childhood and on right from the get-go lance armstrong took a beating i don't know if i was
Starting point is 02:16:12 beating he hasn't come back quite yet but alex rodriguez people forget about like the amount of bullying he lance armstrong bullied people yeah that sucked that was the only thing that's like the reporters and shit the lawsuits yes and and just talking shit and dragging their name through the mud that's where things you know that's where that's where it's like lance armstrong doesn't you know but it you know yeah if more people could comment it's like we care about winners i mean fucking andrew tate for a long time we didn't give a fuck about all the crazy shit that he said. He's a winner. Look at his money. Look at his Bugatti. You know, it's like, it's really.
Starting point is 02:16:50 I need to pay more attention to this. Yeah, think about it. Just look at it next time. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe start looking at the world through that. Shamelessness gets you very far. Shamelessness gets you very far.
Starting point is 02:17:03 You know, there was a, i don't know exactly the the the you know the the finite definition of harikari or harikaru or seppuku or whatever it was called but it's essentially like falling on the sword yeah like if you have this shame instead of bearing your instead of you know striking your family name down they they ritual suicide it's um what about what about kobe bryant that's another example yeah yeah but but we don't even know how do you even know if he raped that woman we we don't we look that's the that's the thing it's like we don't really that that's a tricky one and here's another thing too mike tyson you know here's the thing savannah is like some people are redeemable and this is like this is what i love it's like we have this we want narratives to exist we want good guy bad guy
Starting point is 02:17:52 we want this arc of who to root for and all that and the fucked thing is in life nothing ends up like that that's why for me uh um what was that show that everyone watched that with the dragons and shit? Oh yeah. Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones. That's why game of Thrones was so compelling to me was, it was like, everyone wants to root for the Starks.
Starting point is 02:18:16 It's like, well, you didn't really know that the Starks for like a long time, they fucked over, you know, a bunch of different people. Like, like there's,
Starting point is 02:18:24 how about when the first episode is they kill the kid they push the kid off the building and by the end of the series those people are heroes yeah i'm like how the fuck does that happen like oh yeah you you you know it's like you hate these families for doing these things but yet these families all they care about is themselves they care about the family name it's like yeah would you do anything different it's like the things that call into question sons of anarchy same way you couldn't figure out who who is the good guy and who are you yeah uh the uh the best one right now is succession it's one of my favorite ones everyone's like oh i love siobhan oh i love him i'm like oh well siobhan's a piece of shit you know or or this person's a piece of like you cannot
Starting point is 02:19:04 root for any of these people you can't or, or this person's a piece of like, you cannot root for any of these people. You can't root for anyone because people are afflicted with doing bad things. Morality bends and all of these things happen. That what, that's what makes for a compelling ass story. It's like Mike Tyson is so interesting. You want him to be the bad guy, or you want him to be the good guy. You don't really know. Now he's on this philosophical thing. It's pretty cool. It's pretty interesting. interesting yeah is he a raper achilles or is he the reincarnation of the buddha right you know it's like it's these are this is why i'm always middle on everything savannah it's like why i feel as though i've never figured anything out and i'm just constantly questioning everything because
Starting point is 02:19:39 the moment that i start to think oh this is the way things are is when i'm led down some sort of ideology that i just i will i'll regret i'll regret being behind um how about omar from uh the wire you know i didn't watch the wire you're gonna hate me for that there's these two shows that i would recommend oh he was uh he was a gangster nothing but good things about the wire yeah he was a gangster who wore a trench coat and carried a shotgun in his trench coat and he was the hardest dude in the show but he was also gay i fucking loved that was my and when he would come on the screen i'd like almost come to the edge of my seat and there's another show you should watch um deadwood if you're an artist and a creative person you should watch deadwood because a lot of that fucking show is written in iambic pentameter and it will fuck whoa yeah and a lot of people don't know that and it will blow your fucking mind like a shakespearean
Starting point is 02:20:30 dude fucking on fucking real okay you will be so sad that both of these the wire and deadwood are such short series you will be so sad i gotta tell you i like it you do like that yeah i like that they ended it um just like uh what's the show uh ozark oh my goodness here we go look ozark the story arc slam done we're done it's over they knew that they were gonna do was it four seasons they knew i thought it was seven it was six and a half or seven and a half seasons ozarks no no no no it was four i would say four okay i'm gonna bet seven caleb please i'm i'm almost positive it's four seven seasons it's gonna end up being five right down the middle just while while we wait for him to oh okay four seasons okay so is
Starting point is 02:21:18 it wait wait wait wait yeah four seasons they dude they're like we know we're gonna start here we know we're gonna end here okay then We know we're going to end here. Okay, then maybe it took seven years to come out. Give me that. Give me seven years it took to come out. Okay, fine, fine. I'll give you that. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Starting point is 02:21:32 True Detective season one. Okay? Opens the story, closes the story. It's over. Yeah, that series went on. They started different story arcs and different shit. I didn't even watch it. That's one of the greatest seasons.
Starting point is 02:21:44 That is one of the greatest seasons in television history true i love shit where they just end it just end the shit i don't need it anymore end it on good note and and we'll always remember you for being the great thing that you were how about sons of anarchy when they fought he kills his mom at the end that was fucking nuts i didn't watch sons of anarchy, but I saw that last episode where he kills himself. You didn't miss anything. Hey, I got some bad news for you. What is it? So just relax. Could you play the clip?
Starting point is 02:22:12 I just saw this today, and I don't know if a lot of people know this. Uh-oh. But there's an actual live video of it, and I wanted to show you guys here on the Savant Podcast first. You recognize the character. live video of it and i wanted to show you guys here on the savon podcast first uh you recognize the character for those of you who have a uh you know like are very emotional you might want to just brace yourself for this here we go oh boy action all the days became so long sorry guys did you really very sorry sorry
Starting point is 02:22:49 it's it's not funny but Zach is that's how some men process hard things Zach's a big man it's hard for him to be in touch with his emotions so he laughs but Mario was I mean for a lot of us he was huge
Starting point is 02:23:06 he was he was huge um 620 pounds what i mean have you do you have you ever taken performance enhancing drugs me yeah no how is how can i didn't even know that was possible unless you were on drugs to deadlift 620 pounds. 660 is my best. It is? Yeah. Is there a video of it in here? It's on there somewhere.
Starting point is 02:23:34 You run this motherfucker. They can't stop you on a fucking Tuesday. How are they going to stop you? How the fuck are they going to stop you? Get up off the fucking couch. Look at yourself in the mirror. Just spit it out. Look how happy you are. I'm going out there to get what's belonged to me.
Starting point is 02:23:49 Hey, well, how much did you deadlift the very first time you deadlift in your life? Four thirty five. I deadlifted ninety five pounds the first time I ever deadlifted. There was a guy at some globo gym who's like, hey, I was like, teach me how to do that he's like sure i put 95 pounds i remember the day i remember the day i did it i didn't even know like i i'd done cleans in college and in high school and back squatted a bunch and like i just i'm built for the deadlift savann first off that's like the only thing i'm good at like objectively pretty good at um and i didn't understand the deadlift because i'm like dude my knees are in the way like i'm gonna scrape my legs like so super weird so the this crossfit
Starting point is 02:24:31 coach taught me and one day we just deadlifted i had done some cleans before that and i just kept going up in weight it was fucking crazy just i kept going and i got to 435 and everyone's like what the fuck, dude? And then like about, are you going to end up doing 700 pounds? No, dude, 660. I was sore and I was like fucked up for at least a week. What do you mean fucked up? Like neurologically, like twitching and shit.
Starting point is 02:25:00 Yeah. Yeah. This is it. Oh my God. They're steel fucking plates. I don't know why that matters but it scares me they have to be at that point because they don't fit on the bar yeah they would fit yeah yeah oh my god dude how much do you weigh there like 250 to maybe oh you're just a crumb okay so what happens after
Starting point is 02:25:27 you do that for a week dude i couldn't look at a bar i'm not even kidding you i just did like no it was weird it's like i didn't even want to like touch a barbell i felt so fucked from it i was jacked up on like 600 milligrams of caffeine. I was in this dude, that was like a 40 pound PR. And I was like going nuts. When did you know you were going to go in there and do that? The day of we were,
Starting point is 02:25:55 so I was at Nick with Nick bear and I was like, well, okay, I'll just do like a chest day with you. Cause I didn't want to interrupt. Like you, you meet up with these big names and you're like, I just to train with you get some content like i don't want to be a burden to you right and he and i was like yeah man he's like well you know we could do some fun
Starting point is 02:26:13 shit go heavy on bench press like man he's like man i thought you know you'd want to come in here and deadlift i'm like wait you want to deadlift he's like yeah i was like let's fucking deadlift he's like all right let's fucking deadlift and He's like, all right, let's fucking deadlift. And then we just like did that. It's hilarious. And then did any part of you feel like you were big dicking him by doing that? Maybe a little bit. He's done 700 though. Oh, shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:36 He's all right. Yeah. Holy that. And that's the guy that that's the guy that like runs 20 miles too, right? Yeah. He was, he's a big runner. You know, the thing is the, the,
Starting point is 02:26:45 the thing about like 700. Yeah. The thing about these big, like, uh, these big names, like I actually know a lot of people that have pulled over 600, like a lot like Dylan,
Starting point is 02:26:58 my, the guy that I hang out with and train with like every day, he pulls, I can't believe how strong he is. He snatches like a freak. Yeah. He could pull 600 pull 600 easy we've we i've pulled 600 with him like three or four times and so yeah he's just he's just built for that shit too i don't know we just um i also wonder if somehow working out with strong people like it just you see other people doing it and you it becomes possible to you yeah which is why it's amazing that CrossFitters can do what they do because
Starting point is 02:27:25 like, they're never training with actually strong people, you know, like they're it's a, what I love about CrossFitters is that they're gamers, you know, they can, um,
Starting point is 02:27:40 they can like, just when it comes time to be, they're like, all right, you guys got to snatch. Here you go. And then they just like use the crowd and they're like just when it comes time to be they're like all right you guys got to snatch here you go and then they just like use the crowd and they're like oh i just pr'd by like 10 pounds like what the fuck are you talking about yeah you know like brent i i'm pretty sure brent when in that snatch event i don't know if it was it wasn't last year no years ago yeah it was a while ago in that snatch event like i'm pretty sure he didn't snatch that heavy all year like ever not even close and like knowing him like if it's i'm pretty sure it's a good day for him he snatched 300 i think he's 290 oh 290 yeah and like a good
Starting point is 02:28:17 day of snatching for him like a really good day is like 275 or 280 but like regular day is going to be right from 245 to 265 and that's really good that's really strong but he's able to just go after like a whole week of competing and just be a psychopath and do 290 like that's why i love crossfitters they're gamers yeah you gotta be just like a fucking gamer and a weirdo and there's too much calculation in weightlifting sometimes there's too much calculation in powerlifting it It's just like, these guys need everything to be set. Their program needs to be perfect and dialed for the right moment. A lot of people don't have that thing in them. That's just like, fuck it. You know? And that's all CrossFitters have. And it's awesome. Um, um, play, play, uh, Caleb,
Starting point is 02:28:58 can you play that piece about the power, the power lifting, how they're letting, um, um, dudes enter women's powerlifting. Do you think – here's the thing I was thinking. I was thinking we're never going to have a man enter the women's competition in CrossFit because it's just too hard. Like you could do it in powerlifting, but you just can't do it in CrossFit. It's just too much shit going on. Okay, here we go. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 02:29:21 USA Powerlifting must let transgender athletes – that's meaning people who are born one sex and switch to the other. That's what transgender means. But USA Powerlifting must let transgender athletes compete in women's division after losing discrimination case. Oh, I wonder if they can compete the other way. Like could you be a woman and just get juiced to the gills and enter the men's? I don't hear a lot of that that happening anyway how do you do you have an opinion on this i know you said it was beat i know you said it's been beat well i talked about it with leah thomas and one of the things that you had leah thomas on your show no no i talked about it oh with her with her oh you know and with him like if you look at like a no, it's just a numbers thing like the. Like I have an involvement in swimming and that my sisters swam.
Starting point is 02:30:12 I'm basically like I grew up in a swimming family, which is like swimming is like a very cultish thing. It's very, very serious shit. world is and to be a national champion let alone make it to ncaa finals uh like the final heat of ncaa championships as a female it's great is super hard super fucking hard and one of the things that there was uh if you pulled up this video, um, Caleb, I think you might be able to pull it up, but there's a, there's an article being like Leah Thomas, you know,
Starting point is 02:30:55 sadly got 11th place in her 200 meter. She was ranked first or whatever, and sadly got 11th place in the 200, you know, glossing over the fact that she won the 500, won it. And then first off 11th place is fucking insanely good. And it's like, you are elite. You have a potential to be on the greatest Olympic team in the country, in the world, which is the United States. Like this is nothing to scoff at, but they were, you could tell that they were obviously trying to show that this hype around Leah Thomas being unfair was not really that unfair
Starting point is 02:31:31 because, because, uh, of, uh, you know, 11th place in something or didn't even make the finals, you know, like, Oh, Oh, that makes it so that it's like any less unfair, which is bullshit, which is what I called out. That's basically all I talked about on my YouTube video. So in this instance, it's like, well, you know, like, let's just look at the numbers. How did this person perform as a male? And then as a female, how are they performing?
Starting point is 02:31:58 If there's a stark difference, there's something going on here. Like, we can't just just don't deny the numbers. It's it's a objectively it's right there there's no other argument right then when we get into this philosophical or you know article or we get into this argument where like i think the the waters get really muddied and um things become more political and you know people are calling each other bigots and what have you i think that's when it's or even transphobic because i don't see it's transphobic at all to not want men into in in women's competitions i don't i think that those people who say that don't even know what the word transphobic means yeah i mean that's that's just like everyone
Starting point is 02:32:42 calling everyone racist when yeah so you're trying to intimidate me when I love partying with trannies. I don't have a fucking issue with it at all. It's one of my favorite things to do. I did it a shitload as a kid. I don't... Enjoy a good tranny party? Hey, so I saw some statistic that the fastest woman in the United States in the 400 that there's 500 high school boys who can outrun her. And when I see shit like that – and then what's kind of interesting is to talk about this at the end of the show because at the beginning of the show, we were talking about the importance of women finding their way in a world where they can fulfill all their dreams.
Starting point is 02:33:24 And now you have fucking dudes shitting on them.'s just it's fucking weird to me i i feel like i mean did you see the boy in canada um the 17 year old boy in canada who got fucking arrested at his high school because he stood up for fucking girls um boys using the girls restroom at the high school so it's fucking nuts i just think that so much of the conversation is directed towards such a minor amount of people you know they take over so much of the space and okay i see what you're saying you're saying that we want to like if we want to help millions and millions of women why is the conversation always about this fraction of a percent of people? And it's like, that's again, I'm coming from this position of like, I, I don't want to
Starting point is 02:34:11 put any skin in the game. I don't want to involve any emotional thought into this shit at all. Right. Well, we, maybe it's different for me cause I don't have daughters, but right. Plan on having daughters at some point, you know, I don't know. This problem and it happened in in um in california um recently it well in the last couple years actually i don't know i don't know what state it happened in actually but but it happened in the united states where there was a
Starting point is 02:34:32 there was a a boy who was dressing as a girl and he went to high school and he salted a girl in the bathroom and the school didn't do anything about it they just transferred that boy to another school and then fucking at that other school he raped a girl in the bathroom. This happened last year or two years ago. And then when the father – and it finally reached national attention because when the father went to the school board meeting to protest, they arrested him. It was fucking crazy. But you're right. Like is it just a one-off out of 350 million people in the fucking country?
Starting point is 02:35:03 But on the other hand if it's you're you're you know hey you could use the cop you could use the cop argument there how many cops are like stops and everything else and then we focus on the point yeah i was just gonna say that i was just gonna say the bad apple on that side with the cops i'm like so what if cops it's like hey it's the price we pay for having the bad apple the bad apple argument you have you can't just use the bad apple argument when it suits you you have to use it for everything yeah that's that's a fucking great point you guys yeah and i mean look and another thing too is like savann you should kind of get on the uh anti-cop train as a righty just saying and you could have
Starting point is 02:35:42 cop friends that's fine but like there's a a whole structure around why the police exist which is to uh like enforce corruption and even more bullshit into society like if you actually look at the the uh the like how cops like the reason why cops even had started in the first place and what they were actually supposed to uphold this is back like you know almost centuries ago at this point and then to what they are now i see them as like this bureaucratic extension of the government that has it's like its own entity and they have complete impunity as you know agents to go around and fuck with people with with no recourse like the libertarian mindset hey just get rid of the irs get rid of the cops just let it i i yeah i mean i guess you
Starting point is 02:36:32 could call libertarian it's a little bit nihilistic my friend michael malice do you know who michael malice is no so he was just on rogan like this week um i went to his house for chris's birthday that's a crazy name michael malice yeah crazy he's he's russian descent great guy oh i i know who he is yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh he's a nihilist and some of the things that he says he's like on the same hand like you're seeing the thing where it's like leftists and righties like they end up meeting yes yeah yes like that would be that would be like hating cops and shaking hands like leftists and very right people should should all hate cops because cops are just an extension of big daddy government you know and they're just like this bureaucratic disgusting at its worst the cops are literally the worst fucking thing ever
Starting point is 02:37:23 right and i think they're at their best and at their best they're the cops are literally the worst fucking thing ever right and i think and at their best and at their best they're the best thing ever the best yeah it's like dude how fucking crazy is it that something bad can happen and you call an agency and they come to save your life right on the fucking phone dude like think about it just like that that's insane and that's amazing i don't want that to go away but but it's it's nice to be able to call that into question at some point if it's yes being abused which it is it needs accountability for sure yeah the court system is just a money-making like oh the court system is fucked yeah and revenue generator for an extension it's like
Starting point is 02:38:00 what could generate revenue for the cops the the court system. No cases actually go to court. They're all like paid for or absolved or like there's always some sort of settlement. Like I'm talking like if you've been to like county courts or whatever, you just walk in. Like nothing actually goes to a jury trial. It's always just here's the cash exchange. Here's the cash exchange. Go see the here's the cash exchange go see the teller yeah there's nothing yeah go see the teller there's nothing different i mean the judge is like hardly involved and and there's nothing different from like the way that the the the
Starting point is 02:38:35 it's like a a branch of that is the cops and so that's why it's like it's interesting to start kind of questioning that a little bit i know i i i agree with you also um there was an aussie lifter who was trans at the olympics uh new zealand new zealand for us americans it's the same yeah sure uh dark lord rev on zach i love what you do savvy keep up the sick collabs thank you thank you is this a collab sure why were you on um chris's podcast eight times and do you hold the record i think i do um because i'm a good friend and so sometimes things will happen this he uses me sometimes um that's nice i like being used yeah so two two or three times i've been on just like hey here's my guest zach talender the other times it's like hey zach there's some topics i need to talk about
Starting point is 02:39:22 so i can make clips will you be a guy that i can bounce shit back oh that's awesome yeah so he'll be like we'll pull up like five six seven different topics i'll literally sit in this is my studio faces this direction his studio faces this direction we have one wall in between us so i will literally sit here and i will talk on his podcast as if i'm not in the same fucking building as him oh can you hear what's going on in his room yeah yes we're on the sometimes we're on shows we're doing shit at the exact same time the mic can't hear it but i can hear it you know through through everything it's pretty funny where is he now i'm gonna text him he's in vegas he's doing uh a video with or he's doing a podcast
Starting point is 02:40:06 with alex hormozy ah oh we tried to get mr hormozy on is hormozy in um i thought he lived in newport no he's been in vegas for a while now i think yeah good tax laws there and then also he can live wherever the fuck he wants are you happy with where you live i love it i fucking love it have you ever lived in california no do you want to the socialist state that is california savon what the fuck you promoting that shit we're recruiting i mean fuck dude if you have money it's a fucking great place i mean yeah dude like the crate where do you live in santa cruz so is that one of the places where it's like ah what a beautiful 72 degree day it is today yes like literally 300 days of the year yes that is worth all of the money in the fucking planet yeah it's pretty it's pretty good yeah it's it's pretty good oh i wonder how come and it costs you i haven't chris's does he have
Starting point is 02:41:06 the same phone number maybe chris modern wisdom here i'll he i said i asked him dude this is so fucking he's such a go he's such a go-getter i kind of i get his newsletter and of um he of all the people that i've ever come across that i've watched in this last like five years he's one of the biggest go-getters i've ever fucking come across it's kind of fucking maddening dude imagine living with a fucking guy what imagine living with the fucking guy i'm literally like i gotta go i gotta do something chris is doing something again i gotta fucking do something like i gotta make a video here i gotta do that you know it's like i gotta get a sponsorship for this thing it's like he doesn't have kids he doesn't have kids right no fuck no no because people say to me i can't believe
Starting point is 02:41:53 you do a show every morning at 7 a.m i'm like i and i think of chris williams williams williams son williamson yeah and i think this fucking guy does a show every day probably and then he goes and flies somewhere and he's fucking getting sponsors and he's doing newsletters like when my shit's done here i i go play with my kids for eight hours and then i don't start again until eight o'clock at night yeah when i prep for my next guest that's the fucking goal you're living the dream bro you kidding me well i'm you know what i'm doing i'm old and so i'm parlaying all my life experience you know i made movies in 100 countries i've done just crazy shit i've been to all the continents i've seen it all right and um uh i i'm just parlaying that experience now that i'm 50 into a podcast career i guess
Starting point is 02:42:38 i mean i think uh dude i'm trying to i guess I'm not trying to. I am. You just get to go fucking hang with your kids, too. That's so great. Are you going to have kids? Fuck yeah, bro. How many are you going to have? You think you'll have a family of four? At least I would like to have at least two kids proliferate, bro.
Starting point is 02:43:01 Yeah. How long more? There's nothing more based than having children in my opinion what's that mean base base it's like the antithesis of woke oh god have you heard that comedian that skit where he says hey if you're gonna have kids you should consider uh and you're in your uh democrat you should consider having a republican wife if you want someone who wants to raise their kids have you heard that no oh it's a fucking great bit. I mean,
Starting point is 02:43:26 I come from a family of liberals and we all are very prolific. Like my sisters have three kids each. So it wasn't me. When you call me a righty, it hurts a little bit. I want to tell you what you are though. It hurt. It's like,
Starting point is 02:43:38 it's like holy. It's like, it's like putting holy water on me. It really, you know what I mean? I feel, I seriously, I just feel a little bit like a vampire.
Starting point is 02:43:45 And like, every time you call me a righty, like you're holding up a cross. Yeah. It burns. I really, uh, I don't like it.
Starting point is 02:43:53 Do you like that? Matt, do you like that? I've come on this show and kind of like give Savant a twinge of shit. I fucking love it. And I think I've, I've watched his mind working now too. We're going to have some interesting conversations on our live call.
Starting point is 02:44:05 Do you think I'll hate him or I'll like him? Do you think I'll immediately get defensive when we get off and I'll call you and I'll be just talking shit? What an asshole. Wow, I fucking really liked him. He's cool. I really liked him. He's cool. Either way, I'll make a mark. You already have.
Starting point is 02:44:20 I'm going to go inside and take my shirt off and see if there's burns and welts on me and shit. This is what it's about though. bringing people on so we can have conversation. No one just wants an echo chamber all the time. Right, right. How about that video in the beginning where you tell Andrew Hiller to eat a bag of dicks? Yeah, because I just like— Had you met him yet?
Starting point is 02:44:40 No. Oh, that's great then. Yeah. We probably DMed a few times and shit. And people were like, oh my god, are you beefing with Hiller? I'm like, no, dude. I'm just being fun. This is so good. no i mean oh that's great then yeah we probably dm'd a few times and shit it's like and people are like oh my god are you beefing with hillar i'm like no i'm just being fun like this is so good here we go the bad you can eat a dick you can eat a dick hey how lucky hey were you ever um at 16 were you like 6'4", 120 pounds?
Starting point is 02:45:05 Were you ever that guy? I was 6'2". Yeah, I was like 6'2 at 16 and like 170, 160. Oh, so you were never super gangly. I mean, I was, bro. You were? Yeah. And you move good for a big guy.
Starting point is 02:45:19 You don't have any giraffe in you. You're not like just a newborn giraffe where you have to get up slowly. That's what people call me. That's literally, look at this oh the giraffe wow this is my shirt barbell makes these that's my favorite animal too wow that's crazy i have a self i want to show you something real quick hold on one second oh this is good now we got a little show and tell happening. People call me the giraffe. That's why it's like, uh, it's my thing. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:45:49 Too tall for weightlifting. There was a famous graffiti artist out here in the Bay area, drafta, and he just would draw drafts on everything. So, and then jujitsu, they call me giraffe. That's this is a, this is a self portrait I made of myself. And I was a giraffe. Someone take a screenshot of this. And hey, and then this is me, and my penis is a bird of paradise, and I'm trying to lure women with it.
Starting point is 02:46:16 You see that? That's amazing. Crazy, right? That's great. Holy shit, this is a good place to end the podcast. I think I'm feeling good about you right now. Okay, good. I think that's feeling good about you right now. Okay, good. Good.
Starting point is 02:46:26 It's all tattered and shit too. Like it's been around. Got all fucked up. What medium is that in? That's just colored pencil. Oh, you had no idea. Nice.
Starting point is 02:46:41 I don't know where to put it now. Oh yeah. I got to frame it on the, on the floor. That's a good spot. Uh, Mr. Oh, yeah, you got to frame it. On the floor, that's a good spot. Mr. Zach Tellender, thank you. Yeah, thanks for having me, guys. Yeah, text me anytime. I don't keep my phone by my bed, and you're always welcome. I really do want to say that being on the show touches me.
Starting point is 02:47:03 I don't really normally ever get nervous and i was a little nervous because i wanted you to um i wanted to like i wanted you to leave with good feelings we want a relationship like you accomplished something today yeah it's great man fuck i love this shit i could do this shit all day you know and and i liked it how you answered the phone yesterday that really fucking warmed my heart you made me feel like I was like a real, like a radio DJ or podcaster. Like, look, I know people. It just was like double whammy. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:47:33 Well, that's good, man. I'll definitely try and send this out to my people to watch because I want people that follow me to watch what you're doing here as well. And thanks for the energy you bring into the crossfit space it's killer yeah i mean i i want to do more shit with crossfit for sure i definitely do i love the i genuinely like the athletes um and like crossfit training is sometimes really really fun so hey did you get to talk with j-rod much nicky's brother yeah he's cool too i had him on the podcast i really like him yeah he's great he's hilarious yeah yeah funny guy all right um i will
Starting point is 02:48:12 uh see you around talk to you soon all right see ya later dude ciao brother thank you i like him a lot son of a bitch i like him a lot you know what's funny is i found their content just popped up in my like explore page I like him a lot. Son of a bitch. I like him a lot. I like him a lot. You know what's funny is I found their content just popped up in my, like, explore page, and they have, like, the microphone, like, clipped to the beanie. And at first I saw it, I was like, what is this? You know, like, you're almost kind of coming with it. Like, I'm going to not like these guys. And then I watched, like, 30 of their videos.
Starting point is 02:48:41 Hey, that's gangster. Does that work? Does that work? It works fantastic. Mic on the beanie? Mic on the beanie. It's just them lifting. And I was like, Hey, that's gangster. Does that work? Does that work? It works fantastic. Mike on the beanie, Mike on the beanie. It's just them lift it. And it's cool.
Starting point is 02:48:49 I heard him describe it. And one of the videos I was watching of his last night and he was like, yeah, it's like a, partly a podcast, partly weightlifting, uh, videos in part like technique.
Starting point is 02:48:57 And it truly is. They've kind of like have that triage of it. And it's really entertaining him and Dylan do a great job. A liberal used to mean someone uh bernie gannon uh a liberal i wonder if this is uh what's the girl's name the other gannon on the show katie i wonder if it's related to katie bernie gannon a liberal used to mean someone who's open-minded i agree uh to make society work better yeah that's what i thought too now it's more associated with grift and tearing everything down, even things that work well.
Starting point is 02:49:26 Yeah, I think that's fair. Sevan, you need to frame that and put it in glass. Agreed. Anyway, yeah, that was cool. Hiller said that I would really like him, and he was right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think he – I would like to dig into the fact it was interesting i i do like that comparison uh he he he really brought some uh context to it i always say hey
Starting point is 02:49:54 you know it was only 12 unarmed black men um that were uh um killed in the fucking united states and out of 365 million traffic stops relative to how much violence there is you know committed by people with melanated skin blah blah blah and he's saying he's throwing that and like hey we got to take the good with the bad and he's saying hey motherfucker like how many fucking trannies are raping girls in bathrooms right and you can't have it both ways like oh so on you're okay with fucking cops killing black people but you're not you but for some reason all of a sudden when it comes to girl trannies and girls you got a problem with a handful of them getting fucking raped it's a fucking gnarly it's a gnarly
Starting point is 02:50:34 argument he fucked me up i was like oh wow okay i was gonna give him some prison numbers but but in in try to push back on it but i do do, but I, I, I respect the argument. I respect the, it's not even an argument we were having. I respect the discussion contextualizing it. Hey, here's an orange next to an apple. This is why they're different. Just cause they're round. They're not the same thing. A Will Branstad or they do the same now with shows like full swing. All the golf golfers have those D a dji lab mics on their hats oh no shit wow
Starting point is 02:51:07 yeah it's an incredible setup yeah it's a good little setup there so beautiful records and redundancy uh i'm gonna take off my louis and put back on my tom fords it is bright in there though because when you lean forward i could see like how bright it is off like yeah those screens it's bright it's fucking hey i can turn off my light i don't even need that um because the screen's so bright why don't you just turn down the brightness of your screen uh because i like it i don't know oh okay i mean i'm not like squinting i thought it was bothering you or something i think there's a lot of this too. This was the word I was looking for the other day when we were chatting. So Austin's the hive.
Starting point is 02:51:53 Oh, what is it called when you learn something and then see it everywhere? The phenomenon is called Bader-Meinhof, a phenomenon of frequency of illusion. Like the criminal that only sees purses and wallets and doesn't see you know birds and sunsets yeah you never you buy a gray honda civic because you never see a gray honda civic and then after you buy it you only see gray honda civics yeah yeah yeah like how much and the and the fucking algorithm doesn't help that, right? Oh, it pushes it. Yeah. Yeah. And then it makes you believe that, oh, see, this is everywhere. Same with the news, though.
Starting point is 02:52:30 It's not about the algorithm. It could be the news. They just perpetuate and then plant the seed about, like, these are the biggest issues that we're facing right now, and here's a ton of media behind it, and then they just pull back, and now you see it everywhere. Colton, hi. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:52:45 Appreciate it. Yeah, yeah. The media is everywhere. Colton, hi. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, yeah, the media is good at that, Mr. Souza. Mm-hmm. The television. All right. I flew by with him, too. It's almost three hours. I didn't see much.
Starting point is 02:53:00 Vittorio. There's a difference between innocent children being raped and an unarmed person. I totally agree. And it wasn't like a just the context just adding some context to it but i i agree and i don't think i think he knows and it wasn't a comparison i think it was a comparison that like there's a lot of interaction all the time and what we're focusing on is kind of these anomalies and the bad parts that happen yeah it's not as prevalent as you think it is hi sorry to interrupt are you able to take the voice oh yeah what time um they have to be there at 10 15 okay all right i'll take them or do you want me to do it no no no i want to do it i want to do it are you sure yep okay i love you love you bye
Starting point is 02:54:02 as bishrel used to say land the plane in the CF podcast that's good I was watching some of those recently some of the old ones hey Stefan do you know if anyone's willing to pass me their pre-sale access code to buy tickets to the games?
Starting point is 02:54:25 I don't. But I'll read that if anyone wants to. Vital Vidal Para. Go ahead and get it. All right, guys. You know, I was actually thinking it might be interesting to do a show with Zach and – Hiller. And Andrew Hiller.
Starting point is 02:54:48 I don't know how much Zach wants to get – here's the – you know why I was prepared to take Zach in some crazy directions that we didn't go in? Because I saw him in another podcast with that guy saying – Finn saying he kind of wants out of the fitness space. But I also – Wait, Zach wants out of the fitness space? i also um wait zach zach wants out of the fitness space like he wants to start at spanned yeah zach tell under the guy was just on yeah did he kind of that he doesn't want to just be in the fitness space and so i was prepared to like go some other places with him it was interesting that his roommate is chris williamson and that was a true
Starting point is 02:55:22 story when i was inviting chris on and then he had rules about what I could and couldn't talk about. I was like, fuck that you're not coming on the show. I do like the guy that, do you remember that guy? That was the guy I went on and he wanted to talk about raising kids. And he kept asking me to put things in lists. And I was like,
Starting point is 02:55:37 I don't think like that. So I was struggling. But then, but then when I brought up with Zach about, Hey, or what do you think about, um, uh, men and women's sports and goes, don't you think it's been talked about ad, like ad nauseum too much?
Starting point is 02:55:51 And that, and he kind of didn't want to talk about that. But then what's interesting is then when we, when we circled back around to it, he did talk about it and he kind of had this thing that I liked that was like this denzel morgan freeman thing around racism like if we don't talk about it it might go away it's like down to that daoist thing i don't know i gotta explore all that i gotta think about all that i don't know if it works like that but i fucking like him man he's uh he's awfully sophisticated for 34, 32, 32. Yeah. Bring Alexis on even more of Hiller. Can't come on.
Starting point is 02:56:34 Uh, nice. Uh, Paulina, that was quick. Thank you. What did Paulina do? Uh, max thruster was a two 40.
Starting point is 02:56:41 Who's max thruster is two 40. Oh, his. was that what it was passcode viscosity yes alright guys thank you if you wonder what I'm going to be doing in 20 minutes I'm going to be sitting there all wide eyed with my fucking
Starting point is 02:57:01 heart all warm staring at my boys train jiu jitsu over with Nico and McKenna over in Santa Cruz, California. Four miles from my house. Caleb will be eating something. And Sousa will be eating something too, probably. Yeah, I'm going to jog to the gym. It's time to eat. You are?
Starting point is 02:57:21 Yeah. Oh, that's badass. Is it raining at your house? Do you care if it is? You'll still be jogging if it's raining yeah why not you won't and you won't see anyone else out fuck no i get i get in that mentality i was so i oftentimes will do this mile sled drag it's like actually a 1.2 mile sled drag this is before the barbarian stuff i just have always done it and so every once in a while and when i started to see the people driving by especially when they're just alone in their car wearing a mask like driving i was like yeah you motherfuckers are in your car and i'm out here doing this and
Starting point is 02:57:51 you need me so that way you could be how you are you need and i give them that goggins mode you know and you're like i'm out here because you're not motherfucker you're a bragger you're i got it yeah catch me outside though how about that yeah catch me outside, though. How about that? Yeah, catch me outside. I can't believe that's you. Okay. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you, Sousa.
Starting point is 02:58:11 We'll see you guys. Oh, do we have a live calling show tomorrow morning? No, we have John Anderson, I think. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tomorrow's going to be fun. Okay. I want my calendar up in front of me. Yeah, just John Anderson.
Starting point is 02:58:25 John Anderson, Adam Kramer, some disc golf stuff coming up we got quarterfinals talk we got mr bridges back on the show oh we have an affiliate series on thursday from chile is that the guy from chile the guy from chile yep and then on uh friday we'll see what comes up maybe a live call in there maybe we'll plug it with the guest saturday we got a live call and sunday we'll up. Maybe a live call in there. Maybe we'll plug it with a guest. Saturday, we got a live call. And Sunday, we'll most likely have a live call. All right. Have another show tonight. All right, fine.
Starting point is 02:58:52 God damn. We're making clips tonight.

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