The Sevan Podcast - #833 - The Jon Andersen | IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Pro Strongman and Pro Wrestler

Episode Date: March 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. What's up, brother? I said, bam, we're live. I wish I would have captured that.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I love that. What was that? Was it cleaning my glasses? Yeah. I loved it. I loved it. Early morning workout, man. I'm fogging up my glasses.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Oh, yeah. Wow. Trials and tribulation of the fit. You're right. Sometimes I'll come in here. Yeah, that's an amazing phenomenon. Right? It's, you know, that's, you know, when, think of it like this.
Starting point is 00:01:01 When you're generating enough body heat to fog up a pair of glasses you know your metabolism is moving you know you're doing you know you're on your shit when you're when your body heats fogging up glasses yeah hey do you work out with your glasses john you know pretty rarely i mean it depends if it just depends like if i'm in a place where uh i'm outside guaranteed for sure you know it's if i'm in my own space very possibly not uh it just depends like i i'm unfortunately right i'm blind as a goddamn bat now so you know 10 years ago close and far i can like perfect example i could if you held my phone 10 feet away from me i could could read it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Do you have the letters on the iPhone really big? Do you know where the setting is to make your shit bigger? Yeah. I get it big enough that it actually, because otherwise it turns into too many lines. It's hard to read. My dyslexia goes bananas if I got to change lines too much. You're in New Mexico? No no i'm actually in uh in california oh you are okay
Starting point is 00:02:11 yeah we because we were originally i've been a california boy forever um we were actually up in the bay area for you know jesus christ when i graduated oh yeah you're a 415 you're a 415 yeah yeah so so basically i think because you're thinking 414, that's New Mexico. I just, as I was digging through your Instagram, I was looking at some of the pictures of your home. Ah, yeah, yeah. And I just thought it looked like it was the desert. So it totally is.
Starting point is 00:02:38 And so here, check this out. So, God, it was right before Corona. About a year before Corona, we bought this house down in baja mexico and uh loved it down there and it's in the desert you know and uh so when when corona hit you know the bay area just went to hell in a handbag real quick so so many people just kind of like the new york area so many people so tight, it turned, it was, I used to love it there. Anyway, so. Me too. Where were you born? Where were you born?
Starting point is 00:03:09 I was actually born in California, up in Marin County. That's my- Okay. I was born in Oakland. Oh, right across the bay. Yeah. So basically from the time I was born until I was about seven, I was in Marin County. Then my mom remarried. We went up into Portland, Oregon, where I went through all my schooling, graduated from University of Portland with a major in theology, minor in philosophy, came back to California, moved to Marin County because at that time, I think it was the second most expensive county in the country to live. I figured, okay, if I can come
Starting point is 00:03:43 right out of college and keep my head above water here, I'm going to be good anywhere. And so that's, that was the plan go to the fastest moving current I could find, which was great because I knew that I knew that environment. I grew up there when I was, uh, you know, younger. So anyway, long and short of it. So when Corona hit, um, everything went to hell in a handbag and i was like i told my wife i'm like let's let's let's get out of here both of our we had at the time we had two girls that were still in the house that now are in college so we said as soon as they got in college so let's let's get out of here so we basically sold our place in up in Northern Cal and came down into Southern Cal. So we are in, it's like dead in between Vegas and LA.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like the town is called Yermo, but we're 20 minutes outside this little town of like 400 people. And so it's, yeah, so it's a there. And we're here because of this little community. It's like 50 houses, forgive me, 50 or 60 on a private lake and everybody here has two homes so very like-minded people you know nobody's ever here full-time and so but like on holiday weekends everybody's out here rocking having a good time but nobody wants trouble because we're all we're all in a place where you know we've done well for ourselves nobody wants it's not like you know a bunch of
Starting point is 00:05:05 hood hoodlums creating that type of trouble you know so spell year mode for me i'm looking at i'm looking for it on a map y-e-r-m-o yeah and if you basically it's there's a lake uh not too far another reason we moved out here is because it's you know people say why did you move to yarmulke never heard of it exactly gotcha gotcha yeah i'm just oh okay outside of barstow okay yeah okay we're trust me we're not here for any reason other than the fact that we're out in the middle of nowhere and and you still have your home in baja yeah yeah yeah yeah getting ready to getting ready to actually get up pick up a place in vegas so that we can call that our primary uh primary residence to get rid of some of the state taxes it's brutal yeah i get that john were your parents um uh wealthy hippies when i think of marin county i think of wealthy hippies
Starting point is 00:06:01 um you know i wouldn't say wealthy hippies but but we're, you know, we were pretty well off. When my mom remarried up in, we went up to Oregon. She actually married a chemical engineer. Okay. He was actually, he was kind of, you know, he's a stepdad. He's the one who raised me. Really, really smart dude. Graduated from MIT in three years.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Three years. Wow. So, you know, yeah, real smart dude. He was, he was the one who kind of tempered me. He really, really like when I'm, I was seven when I met him and realistically he was my dad and my blood dad was more like a friend. But you know, he told me right when I met him, he says you're going to see me mad about as many thumbs as you can count on your hands. And I don't think he ever, I don't think I ever saw him raise his voice once.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And he actually, he passed away when I was, uh, 21. So 14 years, never saw him raise his voice. You know, my wife, I'm 50 and I've known my wife for a long time since I've been 23. My wife – I'm 50, and I've known my wife for a long time since I've been 23. And when we had kids, one time I was getting angry at the kids, and she said to me, hey, I don't have a problem with you getting mad. I don't have a problem with you getting angry. I don't have a problem with you yelling. I don't have a problem with any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:28 What I have a problem with is, though, is that when shit hits the fan, that you ever show our kids that getting out of control is an option and i remember when she said that i was like yeah getting out of control is fucking it's the least cool thing that any man can do when he's just out of control like when a lion roars he's not out of control he's roaring because he fucking wants to fucking roar and when you say that you're going to see me get mad as many times as i have done when you have get mad it should be because you want to get mad not because shit is a fan and it's some sort of and you've lost control yeah and you've lost control yeah yeah a lion a lion roars to take control not because he's lost control right you know what i mean right very big difference between losing it and getting upset and having to be firm to to basically enforce the boundaries. Yeah. Very different. Very different type of raising a voice, if you will. You know, is that the kind of man you are? You think, too? Are you pretty in control?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah, I'm the same way. I I don't my wife will say the same thing you know that we've been together for god almost 20 years and she's she'll tell she'll be the first one to tell you he's you know i raised my voice at one time and we look back and we kind of giggle it was one of those scenarios that was kind of like a weird misunderstanding. But for the most part, for me, I don't feel good about myself when I raise my voice. Because for me, if someone's going to be aggressive like that, I'll actually do the polar opposite. I'll get more quiet. I don't like the whole idea of i guess it's especially one of my life
Starting point is 00:09:07 right now 51 years old and i've done it's crazy as you get older you just get so much fucking smarter it's unbelievable it's like well i shouldn't say that you realize how little you knew that's a better way to say getting smarter you know you actually realize you're you didn't know shit that's what makes you so much smarter you know i'm gonna turn 51 in march too by the way i was born in 72 where you graduated high school in 90 90 yeah yeah i mean you are the same the same same same yeah but it's it's crazy in the fact that you know i i realize now that you know keeping friction out of your life is actually something that is people don't understand how good that is for the actual your spirit. And, you know, of course, we talk about everybody talks about how, you know, being spiritual is in there. But I think what people
Starting point is 00:09:58 don't realize is when you're an angry person, when you're not centered, your brain is constantly releasing these negative chemicals which beats your body down this is why you know people get sick from worrying too much it's proven fact now and so where am i life right now man i just if something brings friction into my life i'm gonna it's either gonna be a system or a person to smooth that out or i'll eliminate whatever that problem whatever that friction is it's is. Is that why you left the Bay Area? I mean, it's at that point, I mean, I think it was, I mean, I guess you could say kind of yes, but I mean, I just stayed away. I just, I just didn't really go out amongst everybody that was
Starting point is 00:10:41 all pissed off, you know, but I guess from a standpoint of, of like, if you take the route of why we left, yeah, we decided to, we wanted to, it's why we're out here in the middle of nowhere, because we wanted to get into a place where we weren't affected by all of the negativity that was going on around us, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alan Kestenbaum says, uh, Sevan, fix your posture. You look bored. Yeah. Alan Kestenbaum says,
Starting point is 00:11:03 Sevan, fix your posture. You look bored. Listen, jackass. Listen, I'm as erect as I can be. It's just my chair leans back really far. That's it. That's it. Bored.
Starting point is 00:11:16 How can I be bored with John Anderson in front of me? John, J-O-N, Jewish spelling of the name, John. You, John? You're Jewish? No, it's actually Nordic. That's the first time i've ever been called jewish you know that's interesting yeah so it's i see you smart overachiever and jon and i think jew did you call me a smart overachiever is that what you call me yeah yeah that's that's beautiful because most people look at me and think big dummy i know i know who you are.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I've listened to you talk. I know you're a smart overachiever, and you've already said a bunch of smart stuff on this show. What didn't you like about the Bay Area? Was it the masking and the forced injections? Or did your whole politics get turned upside down the last couple years well i guess it was you know it was kind of more of the we in marin county you know we lived on the water it's a beautiful place and there's a lot of money there and yeah so it just turned into like i mean i i honestly i don't leave the house, you know, even when we're in the Bay area, you know, I would, I would leave the house to go to the gym. That's it. You know? But like per example, my wife would
Starting point is 00:12:31 be, you know, she'd be shopping or something like that. And she would park, you know, she'd park like way out in the back of the parking lot. And just so she could kind of keep away from people, because that's what you're supposed to be doing at these times. And she'd not have a mask off, not have a mask on. Nobody be 150 feet close to her. I mean, total, total social distancing. And you get people that are like, you know, she said there'd be people like looking at her and tapping their foot, like, put your mask on. It's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 The Bay Area. And it's like it's so. I love the whole being liberated. know i love the i i'm that's i think being you know having it being in a place where it's okay to be where you won't be who you want i love that that's where that's what we need you know but at the same time leave fucking people alone jesus christ worry about yourself you know stop worrying about everybody else if you worry about yourself this whole thing will be over a lot faster so anyway so it's kind of then the thing that bummed me too was you know you start seeing like homeless camps building up drug now i call them drug camps dude crazy i was driving so then and like an over
Starting point is 00:13:47 in the east bay like in uh berkeley got real bad i was over there one day this is crazy check this out pulled up to a stoplight right and i had my window kind of part way down and there was a guy on the street corner and he was homeless he whips out a syringe shoots himself up standing on the street corner and he was homeless. He whips out a syringe, shoots himself up, standing on the street corner, throws the fucking syringe on the ground and says, this city is dirty. I'm like, dude, you just defined dirty and you're complaining about the city. And I was like, oh my Lord, you know? So, you know, stuff stuff like that and then it was really sad to just see like you know under overpasses you've got just tense people and it was just like whoa man this is like really getting heavy and it was just I don't know I mean myself I liked I'm a believer in creating
Starting point is 00:14:40 my own universe you know I create you know it's like my space is my world you know i'm i'm i practice gratefulness i meditate i do all sorts of things to put me into a position where yeah i mean that's you look at that and how can that not send a negative signal it you know how can your brain not you know put negativity into your into your mind like it's brutal i mean it's like you see that stuff it's like just look at all the stolen objects too dude all of that shit is stolen those shopping carts those bicycles that trash can those trash cans everything they're stolen those tarps those umbrellas those are all stolen from people it is so i look at that and you can hear even hear me like start to talk like i
Starting point is 00:15:25 don't even know really what to say to it it's like whoa i i don't even i don't want that what that is that's negative input going into my universe i don't i don't want that i don't want that that's why we moved out here you know people say why did you move you know when we first moved here you know because like i said the biggest city is or they shouldn't say city barstow which is kind of an armpit of a town even the people that live there will say that um but you know yermo is our address why'd you move you know you came from murray county here why and i was like because we wanted to get away you know what are we looking at there that's oakland that's that's the oakland um oh my god yeah yeah yeah hey and that's no just so people know this isn't like um rare like if you go to
Starting point is 00:16:11 the bay area you'll see it's all over the place yeah you'll think you're in india yeah it's everywhere it's like allison it's everywhere yeah it's everywhere yeah yeah and it's it's just it's really sad like i said it's negative input coming into my mind. So, you know, out here, I mean, literally, it's like I said, we're 50 homes on a private lake. It's a gated community. You can't get in unless you got the code. How's the lake?
Starting point is 00:16:37 Do you swim in the lake? Oh, yeah. You can fish, stock the fish. You can swim. You can boat. You can jet ski. Yeah, I mean, it's, it's a beautiful, it's, it's a, the environment out here is exactly what I want it to be.
Starting point is 00:16:51 That makes sense. I got my gym right on premises. So it's like, it's, it's yeah, it's perfect. What is, what is Trish saying? John, my grandson, Artemis, ran your deep water beginner routine, and I had to buy him all new shirts. He blew up in size overnight. Great programming. Right on. I'm glad that he enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Tell him to keep kicking ass. That's beautiful. Sousa, meet John. John Sousa. Hey, John. Is Trish fucking with us? Is Trish fucking with us? A hundred percent, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Oh, that's brutal you're a hoe you're a hoe trish jesus christ you know i don't know you know the funny part is i get shit like that all the time so it's not that's not abnormal at all right absolutely hey you don't just blow people up you got a bunch of hundred pound weight loss stories on your instagram account oh yeah no i mean it's here's the thing oh she says she's not, I am not. Okay. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Here's the thing that I look at is that really when it comes down to it, I'm in the business and this is not what, you know, when you look at my account, you don't see this, but this is really what's going on. I'm in a business of changing lives. And obviously helping somebody reach their goals,
Starting point is 00:18:07 it's really, it's a little deeper than that. It's helping them do something they didn't think was possible. Whether it's losing 100 pounds or benching 405, whatever that goal is, because I'm a big believer in yes, you can. Obviously you gotta have the proper guidance. You gotta have the proper information. There's a formula to get there. And another thing that can. Obviously, you've got to have the proper guidance. You've got to have the proper information.
Starting point is 00:18:25 There's a formula to get there. And another thing that I promote is, you know, people are so afraid of failure. Failure is, I mean, you can't be successful without failure. I mean, you fail, you learn, you innovate, you repeat. You fail, you learn, you innovate, you repeat. you fail you learn you innovate your repeat like in my own personal discovery of failure like when i was really learning to to use it to the fullest advantage i would get in a squat rack i used to do this all the time 700 pounds because 700 pounds was kind of that that's roughly 10-ish so i pull out 700 pounds 10 Tennis 10 reps at 700.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. Sometimes it'd be nine. Sometimes it'd be 11, but that, that double digit was a nut, you know? Anyway, I'd pull it out. No spotter, no intention of putting it away. And so you're basically going into this realizing I'm going to go until I fail. Do you know how helpful that is in getting your mind to register that failure is necessary? I mean, Michael Jordan had the most, and forgive me if this stat's been taken away from him,
Starting point is 00:19:37 but he had the most game-winning shots ever. Well, he also had to have the most game-losing shots to achieve the most game-winning shot stat. have the most game losing shots to achieve the most game winning shot stats so it's like if if you if you can beat down your perception of failure and get rid of the negative connotation and make it positive and like when i'm helping people in their programs say look i need you to make mistakes those mistakes is gonna that going to tell me how I need to help you. Don't think it's going to be perfect. It's okay. Just move forward. Let the mistakes happen. Those mistakes is how I'm going to help you. Those failures is how I'm going to recognize where you need help. And so the answer to your question about my page and the people I help, as long as the number one thing I want is open-mindedness.
Starting point is 00:20:25 If someone's not open-minded, I can't help you. Because if you're going to go back to what you think you know, well, clearly that shit wasn't working. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't remember the exact line, but Greg Glassman, the creator of CrossFit, was saying, always talked about, hey, you need to hang out past the margins of CrossFit was saying, always talked about, Hey, you need to hang out past out past the margins of your failure. And then I've heard, I've heard Serena Williams or not Serena. I heard someone talk about Serena Williams in this way that in practice, she should be
Starting point is 00:20:53 failing at least 51% of the times trying stuff that causes a failure or else you are not getting better unless you are failing. Well, it's an interesting idea, but it's, it's, it's impossible to refute, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, anybody who's been very successful will, will completely endorse failing because that's how they get there. And, you know, and to put it a little bit, sometimes people have a hard time swallowing failure like that. So kind of what I say, look, you need to learn to get uncomfortable because when you're uncomfortable, you, you,'re uncomfortable, you're flirting with failure at very least. Some people don't have the guts just to dive in and say, okay, here we go. I'm going to do the best I can. And if I fail, it's okay. You'll get there through working with it. But a
Starting point is 00:21:37 lot of times people don't have, they just don't have the mental strength or the, just the heart or the guts to do it. So the next thing is, okay, let's, let's just get you uncomfortable. Cause when you're uncomfortable, you're willing to do the things you wouldn't do when you're comfortable. And that's, I mean, for me, that's been one of my mottos. I, I've, I've, if I'm comfortable, I start getting nervous because that means I'm not progressing. And the whole idea of like, I have a rigid schedule for myself because that means I'm not progressing. And the whole idea of like, I have a rigid schedule for myself because that schedule keeps me on, you know, basically keeps me uncomfortable when I'm off my schedule. That's when I tend to be, uh, you know, I, I become a little more comfortable
Starting point is 00:22:19 and there are times when I want to be comfortable, but I plan those times. You know, what do you mean your schedule keeps you uncomfortable? Because I make sure every night before I go to bed, I plan the next day and it's planned with detail. It's not just get up and do this and do that. It's planned with detail. So I know what I'm going to be doing. I know how I'm going to be challenging myself and I need to register that some of the shit
Starting point is 00:22:44 that I'm doing gives me, I don't, I, a, I may not to be challenging myself. And I need to register that some of the shit that I'm doing gives me, I don't, I, A, I may not want to do it. B, it might scare me. C, there's just a whole series of things that I look for when I plan my day that tell me it's going to push me outside my comfort zone. It's going to push me into new space because to grow, we can't just repeat the same shit we did yesterday or today. You have to, just like whoever you quoted, you have to constantly be stepping outside your boundaries. That's what keeps you growing. And what people tend to not understand is people get too connected to physical, tangible things. Those don't really make you happy. They're fun to fuck around with, with other people. But what really keeps a person happy is that growth and that achievement,
Starting point is 00:23:30 that daily stepping forward. You know, when, when I go to bed at night and I'm ready to go to sleep because the day was, you know, I know that I pushed myself. I know that I broke some new ground. know that I pushed myself. I know that I broke some new ground. It's like my spirit. It's like that part deep inside me is ready to go to sleep. It's ready to rest and recharge to do it again the next day. If I didn't find a way to progress, then I feel very, I guess I'm uneasy. It's like my spirit is waiting for that. It's like, it's kind of like, you know, spirit food, you know, getting outside your comfort zone, progressing, growing as a person. That's what you, that's, that's what we need to feel whole, you know, to get up and want to do it again the next day. It's,
Starting point is 00:24:20 it's like happiness is like a reaction from something. You know, if you're always searching for happiness, it comes and goes. What people need to understand is there's daily joy. Do you enjoy what you're doing? And if you enjoy what you're doing every day, that's fulfilling. That's what makes a person happy, not just working for the next moment of happiness. Moments of happiness are great. They're definitely part of the equation. But are you challenging yourself enough every day to feel like you're fulfilled? I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:53 it can be as simple as pushing yourself physically further than you did the day before. Pushing yourself physically will bring a person a lot of fulfillment. And I'm not talking about just lifting weights. I'm talking about any level of pushing yourself any type of pushing yourself john as you say this i'm thinking like um bear with me this is uh just off the off the cuff but you could have a um uh 50 000 followers on instagram you could have 100 000 subscribers on youtube you could get up to a subscribers on YouTube. You could get up to a million subscribers on YouTube. You could get up to 10 million on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:25:30 They'll never be fulfillment there because it's all outside of you. Then you could do something like get strong and work out. There is significantly more fulfillment there, but that shit's going to go away. You're not going to uh go away right like you're
Starting point is 00:25:46 not you're not going to be able to bench 700 forever well let me let me let me say one more thing and then i'll relinquish the floor to you but if you learn how to juggle let's say you just learn one new joke every day or you learn one new magic trick every day or you learn how to speak another language or if you i mean because i one time saw the statistics of the difference the number of people who can dribble three balls versus four balls it's like a fucking crazy it's gotta be it's a crazy drop off and then you get up to like 13 or 14 balls and there's like one or two guys in the world that can do it it starts it starts getting like this even like at 10 balls right and as i was hearing you
Starting point is 00:26:25 talk i was like yeah um maybe what that's one of the things that comes with age too that like you you sort those are the things you got to kind of put in the bank right more jokes more magic tricks being able to juggle more balls maybe speak a foreign language just shit you can keep forever that will add to fulfillment. Well, and the thing about like, for me, a big part of fulfillment now is, is like, I'm reading, I'm always studying, I was learning something that learning is a huge part of fulfillment for me. But what you were saying about, you know, training and benching this or whatever those statistics. So what people miss about that is, that's just a gauge, the pounds, the reps. That's just a gauge for your progression.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So as long as you find another gauge for progression, you're still progressing. And that's what people tend to not realize is that, okay, we're talking pounds. We're talking reps. We're talking weightlifting, statistical, you know, progression language. Well, there's a thousand ways to progress, you know, in terms of whether it be you change your style of training. Maybe maybe you're not worried about weight. You're worried about reps. Maybe you just lose interest in lifting weights altogether and you decide to start doing jiu jitsu. Maybe you start to run. doesn't matter the difference is
Starting point is 00:27:46 continue that progression all you got to do life is you're just constantly pivoted you know it's like I mean at 51 I'm not concerned with like I was telling that story about how I became one with failure that was in my 30s I have no interest in putting 700 pounds on my back right squatting tail failure at 51 because that's that's something i did and i i learned what i needed to learn from that i'm on to different types of of uh you know i'm on to they'd say bigger better fish but to you know frying up bigger better you know fish but so it's kind of the truth because as you grow you're always on to something a little bigger and better.
Starting point is 00:28:25 That's the beautiful thing about the progression. And I think that's where so many people just kind of miss it. They find themselves in this trap of life where they're waking up, they're commuting to work, they're doing something they really don't enjoy. Then they got to drive home. By the time they get home, they're tired. Hopefully they can go to the gym because that's the one piece of their day that's going to allow them to feel like they've progressed but a lot of people come home they watch tv they're just they're involved in this just kind of mindless day in day out ritual and they they live for saturday only because it's the
Starting point is 00:29:01 day they don't have to do the shit they don't want to do Monday through Friday. Right. No, no. I mean, I got to be honest. That's the life I live. I'd be mad as hell. No wonder people are pissed off. I mean, living in this life of being completely unfulfilled, whether they know it or not, that's got to be really fucking mad. Have you ever been on a cruise
Starting point is 00:29:25 yeah you know i'm actually uh taking my two of my daughters are in college we're going on a cruise uh a few weeks from now but yeah i've been in a few of them whenever i go on those i and i've only been on one but i see this group of i see that that group of i saw that group of people you're talking about i saw a group of people that i feel like holy shit they worked five years so that they could save the money to sit on this boat need as much sugar as they can for three weeks and i felt sorry for them kind of i don't know if sorry is the right word but i was like holy shit this is a fucked up existence well you mean exactly that's it is. Very unenlightened existence. They've been, see, the thing about it is most people are programmed this way.
Starting point is 00:30:11 They don't even know who or what program. It's like they just watched and they learned all these people around them do the same shit. So they just fall right in line with doing it as well. It's like we're all kind of bred to, you know, shit, the sun's coming and hit me. Is that father? Is that? No, no, you look good. You look good. Okay. It's like we're all kind of bred to you know shit the sun's coming and hit me is that father is that no no you look good you look good okay it's like a movie set yeah so but it's like most of us like going back to failure just the term failure that most of us don't even know why we're afraid of it most people don't know why they avoid it they just know it's uncomfortable nobody ever told them anything that makes why do we avoid it i mean i'll tell you as soon as you as soon as you learn not to avoid it life changes real quick
Starting point is 00:30:54 hey uh i'm gonna close this yeah close the shade one second yeah do do what you gotta do do i do i there we go so so every every day that you're not flirting with failure it's just a missed opportunity yeah i mean honestly what i believe is if if you have, if you plan your day and you can plan failing into your day every day, you're going to be a happier person. But that also means you've redefined what failure is. Failure is a way, is a tool to progress. It's not a tool to get, it's not a tool to get frustrated. It's not a tool to feel bad about yourself.
Starting point is 00:31:43 It's a tool to progress. It's not a tool to feel bad about yourself. It's a, it's a tool to progress. It's just most people they've, it's been, you know, the definition of failure is skewed. They were not taught the proper definition of what failure is. It's you, you cannot be successful without failure. It's just the way it is. I mean, there there's there's no two ways about it and without exception if you're the best at what you do you failed the most well you mean look at look at uh going back to michael jordan you missed 9 000 shots in his career that's a lot of failure to be one of the
Starting point is 00:32:18 best players ever i mean failing 9 000 times i I mean, look what that did to him. Audrey says, Allison, I have the same brain as him. I think she means you. I feel like I have to get the absolute most out of every day, and I'm always doing something. I got to learn something every day, even if it's a fact from Trish. Yes. Trish, this guy is spitting facts.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Eric Brandt, sometimes you are just trying to slow the regression age 69 i am um uh yes definitely 69 uh what um do you sweat every day pretty pretty hardcore oh i i have to break sweat every day i'm a happier person with it but here's the thing it's people think oh is it training no you know what this is this is called promoting your brain to give you the positive chemicals that come along with breaking a sweat you know here here's something that it's it's crazy most people i mean it wasn't until a few years ago that i started to understand some of this stuff so an average and forgive me when me when I use these numbers, they're not exact, but I'm talking from a principle standpoint. A person, an average person has anywhere between like 50 and 100,000 thoughts
Starting point is 00:33:36 per day, right? Most, if not all, I hate to say all because I don't know that for sure, but most of those thoughts are going to be accompanied by a chemical from your brain so if you have primarily negative thoughts your brain is primarily pumping negative chemicals into your bloodstream which means this is i mean literally it's proof now that people can worry themselves sick yeah well now they're trying to prove that people can actually heal themselves with positive thinking. And this is not just, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:10 when you say positive thinking, people dismiss it. Oh, just can't think positively. Everything worked. No, I agree. Thinking key.
Starting point is 00:34:17 It's don't think positive thinking. Think about getting the negative shit out. When I trained, you know, like I've always been a go getter. Like I'm always like I'm up, I'm going. I used to wake up and immediately my brain would go to the problems I had to solve for the day. Well, in many cases that was accompanied with some level of friction or stress. So right away, most of my life, my brain's been releasing negative chemistry into my bloodstream.
Starting point is 00:34:46 way, most of my life, my brain's been releasing negative chemistry into my bloodstream. And I've just been, you know, obviously making me a little uncomfortable right out of bed. So I'm on my way. Yes. But what I didn't realize is that if you start your day and you train your mind to get rid of all the negative thought process and allow your brain to see the good in what's going on around you. You're on a completely different space than when you attack your day. You're getting, you're seeing things differently. You're seeing a more efficient way to get things done. You're using the, you know, the information that you get from a failure is perceived and you learn and you innovate better. That makes sense. It's like,
Starting point is 00:35:26 you can, you, you literally don't think positive thinking, think, get rid of the negative shit, because then you're left with neutral or good thoughts. And I'm telling you right now, it's crazy how much better you can make your day by eliminating the negative shit, the negative thought process, especially in the first, like for me to train myself to do this, I have an alarm that wake that wakes me up. And then two minutes later, I have another alarm, which was just in time for me to finish taking a piss that would remind me that in all that alarm just went off. And it was just reminded me to not let my brain go into that space where I was going to be, I guess, absorbing anything that was stressful. And not that not that that's not part of the day, but get yourself into that positive position first.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Let your brain pump out negative, excuse me, positive chemicals rather than negative. Now you're in a better space to succeed because you see things differently respond differently you know you're we all do better at anything we do if we're happy if we're bummed out just that you know if you got two perceptions you got your happy perception your neck and your unhappy They're different. You see two different things. And so it's pretty crazy how much control we have over our existence if we understand how to manipulate some of this shit. When I see people who are negative,
Starting point is 00:36:59 it's mostly because I think of negativity as people who can't accept what's happening so for instance i'd give you just some stupid example um you you you you uh you go to vacuum your living room and your vacuum doesn't work and you're pissed and it's like there's no reason to be pissed it's a fact then you go to the store and um you meet a chick and uh she gives you a blow job and then the guy behind the counter says that your vacuum has a warranty and you get a new vacuum cleaner for free that's even better. And now you were pissed, but you got a blow job at the vacuum shop and you got a new vacuum cleaner for free. And it's like you totally fucked up by just like you're not. I see people do that all the time around me. you're not um i see people do that all the time around me anytime something that they perceive as negative or a hiccup in their day they turn it into a narrative a negative narrative and i'm it
Starting point is 00:37:52 just seems like such a waste of uh it doesn't seem fun well check this out brother yeah i mean this a lot of the stuff i'm sharing with you is stuff that's been in the last few years of my existence you know this is i mean yeah i was old man shit old man if i had known some of the stuff i'm talking about at 30 yeah it would have been you know it would have been i i can only imagine i don't think oh you know i wish i could change something it would have just i would have had a more i mean already have had a very fulfilled you know journey but i would have learned to soak up and smell more and feel more along the way. But it's, it's crazy because what you're saying is so true, because here's something that if people would understand this, it's a life changer as well. Life happens for you, not to you.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You can realize that the shit that gets dumped in front of you is there for you to get better. So because whatever problem gets dumped in front of you, you realize, okay, when you get, when you overcome that obstacle, there's a better version of yourself waiting for you on the other side. Or you can realize you can play poor me and beat the victim drum. And basically life just keeps spiraling in that position where why me why me versus no this is another opportunity for me to get better so that vacuum breaks okay this is a bummer but you go to the store knowing okay something's good gonna happen because this in your example next thing you know you're getting your dick shot well good i guess the vacuum broke
Starting point is 00:39:23 because i was gonna get a blow job right granted weird example but very true so just like you said okay boom this happens the knee-jerk reactions god damn it erase that push pause okay this this blows but there's gonna be something good to come from that i just don't know what it is yet and when you live in that space where you realize that no matter what happens it's good yeah yeah life is a fucking different place and i'm telling you right now one of the biggest challenges for me was to get the people out of my life who didn't look at it that way because you're you are going you're you're so affected by the people that you spend time with and if you have nothing but negativity getting pumped into you from the people you spend time with it's very very difficult to retrain these thought processes that makes sense
Starting point is 00:40:19 dude a hundred percent i just watched i watched chris rocks um uh stand up last night and at the end he he does a whole uh bit it's on netflix he does a whole bit on when will smith smacked the shit out of him and i'm like thinking he would never you would never take that back for a million dollars what a horrible night and it's the best night of his life at the same time yeah totally wouldn't take i guarantee you he wouldn't take that back for a million bucks no are you kidding me i mean it's just that's exactly it i mean i mean granted like one of here's a perfect example one of my clients he reached out and he said you know he said i'm just looking for a little pick me up he goes i this is the anniversary of one of my children that died shortly after birth five years ago is I'm having trouble getting through the day. Do you have anything you can say to help me?
Starting point is 00:41:14 And I basically sent him a, you know, I communicate with, with my people, um, via like a voice memo. So it's not a text scenario. So they hear my voice and they can talk to me. So it's that type of communication. It's voice to voice. And so I basically explained to him, I said, look, first off, I'm sorry that you're going through that. I can't even imagine how difficult that must have been. However, what you got to remember is that she gave you a gift because she's gone. But because she's gone but because she's gone she's giving you the opportunity to see just how important how special your other children are and if she hadn't passed you would never see things you would never see things the way that
Starting point is 00:41:58 you do so you have to thank her on her anniversary and love her and basically explain to her that, you know, of course you wish she was here, but you thank her for giving you the gift of understanding how special the relationships are. This is the kind of thing when you find the positive and the worst negatives, you realize there are some really powerful shit in there. It's just you've got to realize, okay, this really sucks, and it might take a little time to find that silver lining, but I'm going to find it. And when you do, it makes that bad situation so whole and so special and so powerful.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And if you are dealing with situations, good and bad, but you're finding a way to turn the bad into good and learn from them or progress from them. Life is fucking beautiful place. There's before we got on the show, I was looking for this one clip. I wanted to show you that I never found it, but I stumbled upon another clip. It was on, there's this guy, Chris Williamson, he has a podcast and he was talking about how he doesn't have kids but he's looking forward to having kids and that he was and then he it was kind of funny
Starting point is 00:43:09 is then he started talking about uh maybe i have it right here even let me see he started uh it's a pretty funny um piece because he's talking about having kids and he doesn't know any oh oh yeah this is funny on so many levels but he says this um okay here we go it's this guy right here here we go part of the reason i can't wait to have kids is i can't wait to learn and go deep on parenting yeah the best that you can read he doesn't have kids and he can't wait to go deep on parenting but then then watch this but then he tells us how to raise kids which is just kind of funny kids is set a good example be there for them instilling them the
Starting point is 00:43:45 values that you think would be effective there's not really much else that's left to do yeah i he says be a good example of your kids and i think so many people misunderstand what that means that doesn't mean um don't don't fart don't swear don't um what it means is how you read what John was just saying, how you react to adversity. Really big picture shit. Yep. Because all that other stuff your kid's going to fill in. But how you how your mood, how you react when a rock hits your windshield and cracks it, how you you you how are you getting are you getting mad at shit you can't control yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know are you can't do you take do you love life and that's what that's all you
Starting point is 00:44:31 need to teach your kid it doesn't even fuck all that other nonsense that people are trying to say you teach your kid and and the the thing that i've been totally pushing on my kids is you need to find what you like to do irregardless if you think you can make money doing it and that's what we learn to monetize because if if you like the my biggest blessing was as a little fat fucker i knew what i wanted i had no idea you were a fat kid i was yeah oh yeah that was one of my biggest fucking blessings. I mean, being, I had a whopping learning disability, you know, I mean, I was a late fucking bloomer. I mean, it was like, for me, I had to work twice as hard, just be average the first chunk of my life, which was hands down my biggest blessing. Cause I learned to put in that work and next thing you know, that work ethic was
Starting point is 00:45:22 instilled and I was fucking dumb enough to believe. I was just dumb enough not to believe the people that told me I could not. So I had this brutal work ethic, really good, unwavering. And I knew what I wanted. And I was dumb enough to not listen to the people that told me I was an idiot. So I just kept going. Next thing you know know fucking i'm getting paid to do what i love to do i mean everything that i've done in life is somehow leads back to
Starting point is 00:45:52 lifting weights that's fucking beautiful thing john when i look at the um so i used to go to the um arnold and mr universe to film um arm wrestling competitions i was a filmmaker and uh and then so in the uh in 2005 2006 i started getting into crossfit and i started and that's where i i spent the last 15 of my years my fitness journey but when i used to go to the arnold and the olympia those people look like freaks to me do you know what i mean by that like like like they had pathology like they had pathologies like my i have a buddy um who i'm sure that you know the liver king right and and he and i knew him before he was the liver king and now that he you know he went through the whole steroid scandal if you want to call it that and he came out and basically said, hey, I have these deep insecurities, these pathologies. I'm an insecure, scared man. That's why I did all of this. And he went down that route.
Starting point is 00:47:05 of all of all of like part like i i want to be buff and i want to have my shirt off but i don't think like i'm and i i want women to just like i want i all the stuff that people say that they don't want people to like i would love it if some woman loved me for superficial reasons like hey i fucking think you're an idiot but i just look at your body and i just want to fuck your shit out i just i just want to take your clothes off yeah can i just fuck you and you never talk to me i'll be like all right that hurts my feelings a little but but i never got that i i'm torn between this like are these men acting out because someone made fun of us because we were little fat boys there's no question for me i mean for most people i'm sure lifting weights has to do with something you're you're like for me i can only truly answer for me but i'll tell you right now i didn't it looks fun being as strong as you it looks fun having your body but it also looks like a shitload of work
Starting point is 00:47:55 and like what what's pushing that what's the sand what's the sand caught in your so my evolution started off because i was that fat little boy. I was the scared little boy. I didn't have self-esteem. And so the weight room is what gave all that to me. Right. And as I realized that I was pretty good at it, you know, there's a phase where it's very superficial. At very first for me, it was just to kind of fill in those voids, which it did. And I became that person where, I mean, keep in mind, physically, you change faster than you mentally. I mean, even at 51, I can still look in the mirror and see that fucking fat little
Starting point is 00:48:30 15 year old boy. So you never really get rid of it. That makes sense. But for me, it started off as filling in the voids, right? Then it turned into more of a superficial thing because you're in your, you know, late teens, early 20s mid 20s where you're really fucking finding yourself you know I mean you have no clue who you are and then as you start to get a little older you start to learn more about yourself and then for me I started to realize this is like I this is what it's like my Prozac. It became a spiritual thing for me pretty quickly. Like I wrote in my first book, I learned more about myself in a squat rack than I have in any other one place on the planet. Like when I was telling you how I would, and 700 pounds was just one
Starting point is 00:49:17 example. I used to do it with every weight. I would do it with four plates, five plates, you just name it. I would put on, I would put on a certain amount of weight and say, okay, plates, five plates, you just name it. I would put on, I would put on a certain amount of weight and say, okay, I'm going to do this until I fail. And for me, it was that it was, it was the journey of, of going deep inside myself. And so it wasn't just, I wasn't the guy that was just doing it to look a certain way. I was doing it to be the guy that, that found a new place in, you know, in my spirit, in my, you know, mental capacity. That's what it turned out to be for me. And then as I got older, you know, and I'm now all of a sudden I became, you know, pro strongman. I, you know, I was wrestling pro bodybuilder. Now all this stuff was, was like a springboard and leverage for me to,
Starting point is 00:50:01 to, you know, have a good life. But the reason I keep doing it, the reason I'll never stop is because it's spiritual. It's like my church. I don't, I mean, granted, in the beginning, it was filling in voids and it was extremely superficial. And then the more I did it, the more I started doing it for me, it became, it's very powerful. It's like, you know, my, like, for example,
Starting point is 00:50:23 my mom did not understand what i was doing i mean said you know many times when are you going to be normal again you know but then as i as she saw my progression in my life and started to understand you know you know because she could see my enjoyment in my life now she says you know i realize now that your training is is like your meditation and it really is because it's that place where i the rest of the world leaves and that's that time you know when meditate like i i do normal meditation now also but keep in mind it's actually a fight for it i do it in this chair actually i sit in this fucking chair at 4 30 in the morning and it's quiet and you know my brain, I get my brain in that positive spot. You
Starting point is 00:51:09 know how fucking difficult it is to keep thoughts from invading your brain. Well, guess what? When you're under a fucking 500 pounds and you're at rep 22 and you don't know when you're going to finally fall down, your brain is fucking clear. Your brain is quiet. There is no other thoughts in there. And so that's the whole thing is to answer your question for me. And I can only truly talk for myself. I'm sure there's similarities for other people, but that's the progression.
Starting point is 00:51:39 It was filling in voids to very superficial because, know to a certain extent your life is kind of superficial because you don't really existence food eating sex yeah you just don't understand who you are yet and then as i started to find myself and find my enjoyment and my pathway of my life's work because my life's work the foundation of my life's work has been lifting weights and having how i use lifting weights to grow and, you know, spiritually evolve. And now I look for ways I don't go into my training with, okay, I need to lift a certain amount of weight. I look at, okay, how do I put the series of exercises together to give me that spot that I want to be in so, so badly. It's like that, that mental spiritual place that I get to visit
Starting point is 00:52:26 every time I train as I get older, I have to train less often, which kind of bums me out. But I realized that if I train too often, I can't, I, my body, my physically, my body won't allow me to go to that place that I want to go to. Does that make sense? Oh yeah. A hundred percent. Um, the thought of uh getting underneath you know uh you know 500 pounds taking 500 pounds off the back squat and telling yourself you're not allowed to put it down until you fail oh it's fucking amazing it's it's tantamount to like if you were in a if you were in your office right now and i threw a king cobra in the room and then locked the door your brain would come to a complete fucking stop yeah you would focus on that cobra and you'd be like holy fuck where where did that thing land you're not
Starting point is 00:53:14 worried about anything else on the planet yeah how the fuck to get out of the office without getting bit your wife could have just died that'll go away because you got to get out of that fucking room i'm telling you. And then, and then, so what happens? And that's the premise of your deep water programming, right?
Starting point is 00:53:29 Swim out to where you think you're going to drown. And then, Hey, listen, when you're surviving, you're not thinking about anything else, baby. You're not thinking about anything else.
Starting point is 00:53:38 But so the, the whole idea of swimming out to shore, swimming offshore, or that set of squats, even when you're done like say that you know i i took a set to where you know i dumped it just that was the point didn't make it what weight it was you had that like supreme like really interesting clarity like we discussed with the cobra right but then after the set or after you get the Cobra out of your office, you still have a,
Starting point is 00:54:08 it doesn't go away. It's, it slowly goes away, but there's a long period of time where that clarity remains. Yeah. And so like when I exercise in the morning, it's not about cardio. It's not about exercise. It's about creating clarity in my mind. about cardio it's not about exercise it's about creating clarity in my mind I do like a you know three minute blitz which is just to fucking get myself huffing and puffing where I can't feel like I I can't continue that pace to the point where okay I gotta stop and as soon as I catch my breath
Starting point is 00:54:39 it's like a whole different you is there and and again i'm it's what i'm explaining is that training for me now is really more of a it's it's more of a quality of life it's spiritual growth it's it's such a different dimension than it once was when i was just going to the gym to you know fuck woes remember that remember the pants we used to wear there were the striped tights and shit you know like the mc hammer shit the hot skins remember the hot skins that were tights you know i don't remember that i don't but but i can i can i think i can see it but i mean now it's like i i prefer to train by myself not in a gym because i anything that's anybody else in my space when I'm training is taking away from my meditation, if you will. It'd be like trying, yeah, there you go. That's the newer version of hot skins. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. See the old ones were just those red lines top to bottom. It was just, there was no other shit. I do remember those. I would, I, I listen, I, I was, I, the most I ever weighed in my life was one 80. I walk around at one 60. That's like what you curl. Like,, I, I, listen, I, I was, I, the most I ever weighed in my life was one 80. I walk around at one 60. That's like what you curl. Like, so I was not allowed to wear pants like that. But you know, the thing about it is, is you were really talking about is learning a skillset here. And I use lifted weights to develop my skillset.
Starting point is 00:56:01 And then I take that skillset and I applied it to everything else I've done. You know, I created and sold my first business as an entrepreneur in my mid-20s. What business were you in, John? So basically I started a painting business. So I had a few other businesses I started right out of college, but they all failed.
Starting point is 00:56:19 And I was like, okay, I need to have, I need to get on the board here. You know, I need to have a win. Even if it's not a win that I think is the most fun, I need to have, I need to get on the board here. You know, I need, I need to have a win, even if it's not a win that I think is the most fun, I need a win. So I started a painting company because I used to paint houses in college. And I would just, I mean, I would just go knock on doors, say, I'll paint your house for 1500 bucks. Well, in those days I could hire a buddy to work for 10 bucks an hour. He was happy as hell. Cost me a few hundred bucks in paint. I'd make a thousand bucks in a week.
Starting point is 00:56:48 You know, as a college kid, this is like 1992. I could make, you know, like four grand a month as a college kid. Yeah. So I was like, okay, I'm graduated. I'm got a major in theology, minor philosophy. Unless I'm going to go be a priest, my education doesn't really help me. I guess I'm going to, you know, I started these other little businesses that failed. So I was like, I'm going to go be a priest, my, my education doesn't really help me. I guess I'm going to, you know, I started these other little businesses that failed. So I was like, I'm going to go back to what I know.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Were you looking for God, by the way? Is that why you chose those majors? Were you looking for God? No, I basically chose those majors because I went to college to, to lift weights. My mom, you know, basically I told her, I said, I want to go for five years i mean keep in mind i i showed up to college at like a fucking probably an eighth grade reading level that's a whole nother story but uh either way i i went to college and just started going to college and then and those days you had a counselor it was a small private school so you actually call you
Starting point is 00:57:42 this is before email call me hey we have to declare a major you know and i'm like well what am i closest to because i'll call you back tomorrow so he calls me back said hey well you're closest to theology and if we do this right and you can pass logic you're gonna get a minor in philosophy also i said well there's the plan let's go wow wow so that's how it went but uh yeah so anyway i basically said okay i'm gonna i was making money as a college kid i'm gonna start a business and do it so first year completely illegal no license no insurance you know got it off the ground uh basically built it up 20 employees sold it year five for half a million bucks and this would have been in jesus christ this would have been in uh early 2000s which is a pretty good grip you know especially for a you know a kid so to speak that's fucking amazing that's for a business you started
Starting point is 00:58:39 in college five years later you sold for a half million and what did you get for the money i get your client list they get in get any of your employees? I didn't even, it wasn't even a business that rolled over from college. It was just, I used to make money in college. There was probably a two-year gap of me failing in other businesses before I started the painting company. Right. That make sense?
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah. So, but no, so when you sell a business, it's kind of weird. I didn't, I learned a lot through that process. And again, this is the whole thing, doing something new. When you do something new, you learn. It's unbelievable. Well, to sell a business, there's a multiplier based upon the strength of the market. When I was selling my business, the multiplier was, I can't remember, I think it was 1.5, but it could be as high as 2.5. So the time that I sold it, I actually was kind of in the bottom part of the market. If I had sold it six or nine months before
Starting point is 00:59:32 or who knows later, I would have got even more money for it. But it was part of my progression. I was ready to turn pro in straw man. So I knew that it was just part of what I needed to do. What they do is you got to sell a business. You have to create a business that operates itself. So I wasn't working in the business. That make sense? I was just the owner of the business. And you can say, okay, look, I'm going to take this function of entity,
Starting point is 00:59:57 and I'm going to sell it and give it to you, and it'll continue to run itself as long as you watch over the bank accounts, that type of thing. You know what I mean? So they look at what the total rep is, and then there's a multiplier. They run it through, and that tells you how much the sale of the business is going to be for. But keep in mind, if I had been working in my business, like if I was estimating or if I was doing something, then it's not really a sale, a sellable business. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:00:23 No. Explain that to me again. That last part, if what? Okay. So let's just say that I was working in the business. Let's say I was estimating or I was running crews. Well, now to sell the business, I'd have to be selling me too. Oh, right, right, right. Okay. If you want to sell a business and walk away, it has to be operating without you having a daily responsibility. I'm not selling this podcast because it has to come with me. having a daily responsibility i'm not selling this podcast because it has to come with me there we go and i guess a lot of companies do do that right like then then if you sell the company they'll be like hey you got to stay on a ceo for two years
Starting point is 01:00:55 yeah and that's and that what that's happening is that's transitioning you out and somebody else in right that makes sense right you know for me i was just ready to cut loose the thing and go start my true life's work which was you know i was i turned pro and strong man it was like it was time to go i was getting you know i was going to europe i mean i was competing it was like my dream was starting to unfold right in front of me it was time to get rid of the shit that i did the painting company basically gave me the ability to continue to chase my dream. I made money.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I had the time to train. You know, probably one of the bigger problems with that was all of a sudden I've got money and I got time. I just about, I almost got distracted fucking off with going to bars and shit because, you know, first time a young kid's got a bunch of money,
Starting point is 01:01:43 a bunch of time. It's easy to get looking at the wrong things, you andrew that's the problem with most crossfit gyms the owner is the business and so then they can't sell the gym i guess is what he's saying because they're yeah um you know you just pointed something out to me um there was a a point in my life where i got rid of everything i own and i wanted to walk the earth as an ascetic, you know, just like Jesus or the Buddha. And when I was in that, I was in that phase for like five years. And when I was doing that, I was the only person I know who didn't do drugs. There was one other guy in five years who wasn't a drug addict.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And you made me, and part of the cool thing about being homeless is you see that the, you can literally sit still and watch that the universe is conspiring to help you that but what most people did because they couldn't handle the intensity of being homeless and being completely unaware of what was going to happen next because you didn't have shelter they get into drugs or or and it's i was just thinking that what an enormously missed opportunity to be homeless but not live life like a religious man and there's this guy i know john his name is door he he was fitness lonnie then he was dorian and now he has some buddhist name and he's been a
Starting point is 01:02:59 monastic monk now for like i want to say he's approaching 10 years and he's never allowed as a monastic monk you're not allowed to eat unless someone gives you food so this motherfucker will go in alabama dude he'll be in alabama like visiting family he's got to wake up at four in the morning put on his buddhist robe and walk around doing what i think they call it alms and he says people people like me and you curious motherfuckers like us will walk up to him be like hey what's up what you doing and he'll be like i'm you know i'm doing my alms and be like oh can i can i buy you some food and and he says it happens and he he gets to witness the universe work to conspire to help him because he he can sit through that kind of that in that intensity that on that
Starting point is 01:03:46 uncertainty that maybe um you get from putting 500 pounds on your back or you get from swimming two miles out of the ocean um uh it's it's still it's fabricated but i don't mean that in a negative way no no i totally i see where you're coming from it's his it's his version of basically of basically quieting down all the noise you know flirting and by flirting with failure and going into the unknown into the absolutely right 100 i love it i love it and that's the thing is that everybody has their own formula to do this just because we're talking about what i've done doesn't mean that's that's somebody else's path that was my path and it was a motherfucker for me to figure out my own path
Starting point is 01:04:29 right i mean right and so i think the biggest thing that for people understand is is just move forward you're you're gonna you're gonna learn from moving forward you're not gonna learn from sitting still trying to fucking figure shit out you know it's the moving forward that not going to learn from sitting still trying to fucking figure shit out. You know, it's the moving forward that's going to give you feedback of what you like, what you don't like, what works, what doesn't work. And that data that you're collecting by continually stepping forward. That's what you need to find, you know, your path, your fulfillment, your enjoyment in life. That makes sense. Yeah. Hey, before you answer, before you before you say i gotta take a piss
Starting point is 01:05:06 forgive me yeah please please i drink i drink before i drink like a liter of water white when i wake up i drink a liter and a half when i'm training so i'm you know two and a half liters deep but hold on one second i love it when the when the guest uh has to pee before me that's uh hey dude that's at least 10 guests that's, that's a win for you there, huh? Yeah. Sousa, if we've had, let's say, 800 shows, 500 guests, I'm at least 10 guests I've out-lattered them. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Meet them so we don't want them to be there. What's up with your voice? No, no, we should hear them. What's up with your voice? Oh, I don't know. Probably just tired uh it sounds it sounds scratchy like you were out singing last night no no this guy 100 pisses like a racehorse oh come on come on come on hey someone wrote in the comments in youtube yesterday
Starting point is 01:06:03 uh soon as you started talking about women, I unsubscribed. Triggered. There's no one who's nicer to women than me. I'm completely happy with the woman being the president of Harvard, but I completely respect and think the most noble thing a woman can do is have kids and raise kids like how the fuck am i ever disrespectful to women hey it's it's not your fault mind boggling do you hate notes here we got we got 18 let's say everybody's awake for 18 hours a day out of those 18 hours a day there's on average 64 800 seconds in that day and on average there's per's per day, 60 to 70,000 thoughts that go through your head, which averages out to about 1.08 thoughts or 0.92, just round it to one thought
Starting point is 01:06:52 per second of the day. And those individuals that react that way are clearly just consuming negative input all the time, whether it be what they're watching, whether it be what they're eating or whether it be what they're hearing. So then all they're doing is they're just waiting to react. So all those thoughts are brewing. Then they have a trigger point. Now I react. So they don't actually have any control over what's happened. It's pre-programmed thoughts of negativity.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yes. That is just waiting to project or reach out. Yeah, I was writing that down when you guys were talking. I was going to say, brother, what you just explained is so fucking crystal clear. I love it. When I hear somebody say it back, because a lot of times when I'm talking about it,
Starting point is 01:07:29 it's almost hard to, I feel like I'm not articulating it very well. Cause I get excited because I'm like, this is something that has changed me so, so much in terms of just keeping, you know, keeping a good position mentally. And then anyway,
Starting point is 01:07:43 yeah, good shit, man. But yeah, i totally agree with you it's like people sometimes they're they're so cocked and ready to react to something negative because all they're doing it's like it think like this you can only give what you have and if you've only got negativity you're only going to give negativity. Think about it. It's like, if I can't give you the oranges that I don't have. Right, right, right. So,
Starting point is 01:08:13 so when you're filled with love and you're filled with optimism, you're going to give a lot of that shit off when you're filled with negativity and hate. Guess what's coming out of you. That's right. Yeah. They call it the black box and crossfit which is like all we're doing is focusing on the the input and then seeing what the output is so if all my inputs are just constantly negative you already know by default that all the all the output that's going to come out is also going to be negative yeah yeah assumptions more than diet andrew hiller i'm a big fan of john's traps and hat you too you too can have those traps and mr hiller um and that um that so that's what the professionally offended are they're just like demanding like i say something nice about uh positive and upbeat about women and someone that thinks i'm saying something
Starting point is 01:08:58 negative they just they're just looking it's all they could find it's all they seek what you see like i'm like wow breastfeeding is a beautiful thing and like five people write in the comments you fucking asshole some women can't breastfeed whoa whoa whoa easy easy you know here's the thing you somebody no matter what a person says yeah there's going to be positive negative reaction and it all feeds back to exactly what we're talking about the people that are primed to look for negativity they're going to find negativity in what you say the people that are primed to look for positivity they're going to find positivity in what you say so it's really has nothing to do with you unless you were trying to be negative that of course
Starting point is 01:09:38 you're going to get attacked from that but if you make a perfectly neutral statement you're going to have people from both sides because they're they're basically giving what they've got. Or like I don't even know if I think in terms of those terms, John. Like if you and I walked into a room and there were 10 women and nine of the women chose to mate with you because of your body and they're like, I want my kids to be strong and turn out like that. And then there's one Jew chick in there who's like he has a giant nose and he looks like he has a tremendous earning potential i'm gonna go with the five foot five armenian guy like i'm not i'm not offended at all like i get it if i'm a woman i don't want a five foot guy who's fat not that i'm fat but i i i want's not – like just accept kind of the truth.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Like I would love to mate with a woman who's six feet tall and 25 years old with hair as thick as fucking ropes. Like don't be fucking offended. Like just – it's okay. We're all working with what the best we have. A vaginal birth is much better than C-section 100% of the time. You fucking assholes. Some of us can't blah blah dude easy yeah yeah yeah i mean it's that's exactly i mean well here's the thing i mean when it comes right down to it is that no matter what you say there's going to be negativity so the way i look at it is
Starting point is 01:11:04 i just don't address it yeah you know like i get i made a living addressing it you know so many of you know so many of like fans and such will come into my dms and different social media say god why don't you defend yourself i said i i don't address that i don't accept or address negativity and it's because it's life is too short to even feel like my wife. She can't look at the stuff that people say, but I'm like, honey, it's okay. You know, it's, it's, it's, it's just the way it is. You know, no matter what. What would someone be negative to you about like saying that your,
Starting point is 01:11:42 your training technique is not the fastest way to get big and you're you're stuck in the fucking 1980s oh dude i mean it's it's oh i mean it's it's keep in mind it's crazy it's social media now it's it's not just me it's it's i shouldn't say anybody who has done something that's outside of the norm see you put your put your ass on the line someone yeah. I mean, it's in, in, forgive me. I hate to make blanket statements, but you'll find, you know, just about everybody has negativity, some sort of hate in their social media. And it's because, you know, it seems that now people they'll spend a little time on social media before they go bed, throwing turds at people. Cause it makes it, they think it makes them feel better about themselves.
Starting point is 01:12:26 The fact that they didn't go to the gym or they didn't do what they were supposed to do or whatever it is that they're struggling with internally. Well, they're just going to say, oh, well, this guy X, Y, Z, and it somehow makes them feel better. When in actuality, all it does is put them deeper in whatever they're feeling. They just don't know it. Right. You know, but i regret
Starting point is 01:12:46 99 of the things i write on the internet like anytime i respond to someone like later on i'm like i wish i wouldn't have said that to that person you know but but here's the thing brother flip it around people sometimes like if someone makes a comment that it's just they put a lot of effort into it like one of these fucking comments you know like a that you almost you have to scroll to see it i'm like oh my god this guy wrote all this poorly i'll respond i won't do it publicly i'll do it in in like well every once in a while i will but i'll just i'll say i'll say brother are you okay do you you having a bad day do you need a hug you know and because i mean number one it's kind of like holy smokes why did you take 45 minutes
Starting point is 01:13:27 your day to write that whole thing about negative shit and number two if taking shots at me makes you feel better i'll be your punching bag i'm okay either way you know and sometimes i'll say that i'll say hey if if you know taking shots at me makes you feel better i'm your punching bag brother go ahead and you're a good dude. And they just don't. The thing is, they don't know how to respond to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Because they're waiting for me to fire back. Like, Oh, blah, blah. No, I, I,
Starting point is 01:13:55 I won't, I won't step my own character down to do that. I'll go up by saying, are you okay? And maybe have a little fun with it do you need a hug but the bottom line is i'm never gonna throw a turd somebody throws a turd at me i'm not gonna throw a turd back it's i'm no now i'm no better than they are can you imagine like um you drive by john like you fucking asshole you took my parking spot and john looks out he's got a tank
Starting point is 01:14:24 top on he puts his fucking giant arm out the window he's like it's cool brother i'm sorry i love you you're like fuck i just dodged a bullet no you know and the thing about it is i was i tell i told my kids i say look you know you you have to realize that you cannot be affected by what if you're affected by what somebody says to you you're giving that person control yeah i said so if we're walking down let's just say the three of us are walking down the street someone walks up to me and says you know you're you're a fucking cocksucker i say well you you might be right have a wonderful day right you know because it's it just it's not
Starting point is 01:15:02 there's no way that's going to penetrate me and how i get rid of it i basically agree or partially agree because now there's nothing else to say right it's done it's gone right you know and that that's what i want you know when like talk about going back to the the gentleman that was talking about how to raise kids you know it's how to basically not react i think was one of the things you said and when you can that's a huge premise of parenting do not react do not let your kids see you react yes yeah and when and when you and that's something that i grew up with you know i grew up with a real like there was nobody ever raised their voices in the house i grew up in ever i mean i don't ever remember i don't ever remember somebody yelling as a child ever. And you know,
Starting point is 01:15:49 in my house, you know, Do you know how to fight with your wife? Don't you think some fighting is important though? You know, it's crazy because here's the thing. It's going back in my life. There was a period where, and I didn't connect these fucking dots until later but you get in a fight right and then you have this wicked makeup sex right well then what happens is you
Starting point is 01:16:12 start to create the problem looking for the reward oh oh wow and i was like wow motherfucker i can have that fucking killer fucking evening without all the turmoil up front but as people we that's the thing we we end up doing these things and a lot of times we don't even know we're doing it it's not until we step back and start to realize okay let's look at the things that are good and the things that are bad and let's try to understand how we can learn from the things that are bad to promote more good until you actually start to ask yourself questions and truly understand why you're doing what you're doing you it's like you people will just continue to follow this pattern and not having a clue what's what's going on so cut out the middleman don't fight and just have
Starting point is 01:16:58 the sex well you know the thing about it is is what I realize is that, you know, having a disagreement or having a fight, I don't need to be right. I need to be happy. So I'll be wrong to be happy any day of the week. And if I ever find myself lobbying or positioning myself to be right, I pretty much am guaranteeing myself that I'm creating discomfort in my space and I'm doing it to myself because it's not about who's right or who's wrong. It's about creating that, you know, that serenity. It's about creating that fulfilled space. It's about enjoying the people that you love, that you allow in your space, not proving to them you're fucking right. know when you were saying this i was seeing this imagery we have this kind of this big theme
Starting point is 01:17:50 on the um on the show that you should lean into attack so like if someone yells at you you meat head motherfucker you're like that's right or someone like yells me you short motherfucker i'm like you don't even know it used to be five five now five four and when you were when you were describing this like don't be offended i pictured these two cells turning into one like when someone's being aggressive to you just stand stand closer to them and become one with them just kind of like it's okay it's so easy to nullify this shit yeah it's so easy to become one with you yeah yeah and again when someone throws a turd at you and you don't throw a turd back it's over yeah it's over and the best part
Starting point is 01:18:32 is you feel good like it doesn't make a difference how bad someone offends you when you when you act offensive back like in in when i was younger when i you know, act in a way that I wasn't proud of, I would go back and I would apologize to the person and they would say, Oh, you don't have to apologize. And I said, I'll be honest. I'm not doing this for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did this. And I'm not afraid to say it to you, but I'm also saying because this is what I need to do for me to be whole, for me to move forward from this, because I acted inappropriately or I said some things that I shouldn't have said or whatever it was, you know, and it's you feel better about yourself when you know you did the right thing, when you know you acted accordingly we all make mistakes and taking accountability for them I mean my my little girls I've I've actually their goodness the youngest one is 18 now god damn but I pulled them aside that the
Starting point is 01:19:38 two younger ones and pulled them aside and said look I I just I'm going to tell you a couple of stories about how I just didn't, I wasn't very nice to your mom on a few of these occasions. And I'm telling you this because I want you to hear it for me that I recognize it wasn't right. And I'm sorry that I did it. And I'm doing it because I need you to understand that I'm sorry for what i did and it's it's that it's you feel better when you address the things that you've done wrong and you admit you've done wrong and you try to do better right right it's sort of like that catholic confession shit too i guess it just depends if it's truly done because you're supposed to do it or is it done because that's what they tell you to do that's well that's that's the line in the sand you know i i hear we were talking about this the other day on the show like if my if my wife cheated on me um god forbid a huge part
Starting point is 01:20:37 of me would want her to tell me so that she could free herself of the guilt because like i like people like fuck that bitch i dump her well i that's a whole different subject i don't know if i would or if i wouldn't but i don't want to live with someone who has who who has to keep a secret from me i don't i don't want like i don't i don't want anyone i i feel sorry for people who have to keep secrets lies suck yeah yeah that truth will set you free shit is and and i think that it's a cousin to that apology and honesty and transparency. It's like, yeah, for sure. You know, and when you're younger, like when I was younger, I didn't value how powerful honesty was.
Starting point is 01:21:16 And along with that, usually that means you're not honest with yourself either. Because when you're honest, you tend to be honest. And if you're dishonest you're dishonest and that went along with you know when you're not quite being honest to those around you you're usually not quite being honest with yourself and that honesty is what really helps you grow it's like a i'll tie it back to that to that women thing i'll say nice things about women and people will take offense like it was rude because they're not being honest with themselves and the fact is is that they truly
Starting point is 01:21:49 hate women they hate the the the the woman's form they hate a woman and so they project that onto me i give you an example i could wear a shirt that says i love vaginas and someone would be offended and it would be like and why is that do you think that there's something offensive about the vagina and it's thousand folds of skin like what what what i'm sorry and they'll project that onto you i see that word in this new generation of misogyny being thrown around all the time and it's completely misused i see someone is exalting a woman or uplifting a woman appreciating a woman and they see it as hatred well the reason why is somehow they've taught they've been taught that there's something
Starting point is 01:22:29 offensive about the woman and it's like it's like and that goes back to we're talking about people something like they don't really even understand why they believe what they believe they've been programmed a certain way you know kind of like we talked about with failure. Most people don't even know why they veer away from it. Most people aren't honest with themselves enough to realize that they do choose to avoid it. You know, I mean, and it's like that was where I was, you know, where there was a certain point when my early, you know, that's that more surface existence where I hadn't found myself, where I just admitting failure was very difficult for me. It was made me feel very insecure. It kind of went back to that fat little boy that didn't have self-esteem that had a hard time. It wasn't until you started to, you know, really, really be honest and open with yourself, how powerful that shit is.
Starting point is 01:23:20 And when you start to realize, God, why do I i believe this most people don't even know why they believe what they believe it's just right right they've they've just learned it through watching other people in our society so they're reacting to you and in your t-shirt about vaginas or whatever it is yeah they don't even know why they're doing it it's just they've been bred to believe that they should react to a statement like that i've been i've been in the last 10 years addicted maybe even more in the last in the three years uh to get to to i guess the term would be red pilling myself but like waking up to all the things that i believed without understanding them without looking into them like oh shit oh my really i thought that uh let me read this real quick uh extra sloppy
Starting point is 01:24:07 for john people tend to interact more with content they disagree with but too often people take things way too personally kudos to john for having such broad shoulders literally and figuratively right on brother hey what what is the what is the little 9.99 right there what is that i just made i just made ten dollars don't worry about that john don't worry i just made ten dollars off your shoulder don't worry about that i love it no and that's that's that's i'm glad that because realistically we sit here and we talk this way. We hope that it's helping people see a different dimension. But true to what we're saying, a lot of people are going, oh, these fucking dipshits don't have a fucking clue.
Starting point is 01:24:52 They need to do this. They need to do that. Well, we do need to do a lot of it. And we're in the journey of doing things that we need to do, and we're learning in the process. But the difference is that we're not taking our time to talk smack about you i i i saw um uh i don't know if you uh before this president we had an orange haired president named donald trump and he referred to el salvador as a shithole country and people called him racist
Starting point is 01:25:21 for that and i'm looking now there's i don't if you've seen, but there's a lot of viral videos talking about what's going on in El Salvador. El Salvador for the last five years has been the murder capital of planet Earth. They have more murders there per capita than anywhere else on planet Earth. And their president has basically arrested 2% of their population, John, in the last 300 days. They're building these massive prisons. And they haven't had a murder in 300 days in el salvador and clearly he's changed something and dude and these videos are crazy when you see one pop across your feet it's thousands of bald-headed fucking dudes with fucking huge tattoos on their fucking back that say MS 13 and G 13 and fucking me 13 all over them.
Starting point is 01:26:06 And they're all, and it's all men. It's weird. Why don't, how come there's no women in these prisons? Equal, right. But anyway,
Starting point is 01:26:13 and, and I'm thinking to myself, uh, at what point do you just go, okay, maybe he was right. Maybe that country was a shithole. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:24 These are the pictures coming out of fucking El Salvador. Have you seen these? It's fucking nuts, dude. And it's thousands of dudes. What were we looking at there? What are they doing? They're loading them up into prisons. They're just going on the streets and collecting fucking all the gang members.
Starting point is 01:26:40 And the president has a 90% approval rating. And so I see these people. Yeah. And hey, dude, John, if they move, they shoot them. You're fucking kidding me. No, and it's crazy. I didn't even know. I didn't understand what I was looking at at first.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I was like, what am I seeing here? It's like some Hollywood movie. But I'm tripping that like, I'm not defending the orange-haired guy at all. I don't want to. just i it's just a thought experiment like it's it's the murder capital planet earth you can't cut this guy any leeway for calling that country a shithole maybe it's offensive maybe it's too strong maybe it's not it's a lot of things but but it's not racist well but brother but right now i don't know that there's ever been a worse time in our existence to,
Starting point is 01:27:26 to talk about politics. You know, when people say you want to talk about politics, I'll say you, you can, but I won't. Fair. Because,
Starting point is 01:27:35 because no matter, no matter what you, no matter which name you say on either side, someone is going to fucking throw a turd at you. Yep. Right. There's no winning that argument that's it that's probably one of the few guarantees we have in our current society
Starting point is 01:27:51 and is that a reason not to talk about it though how do we talk about it well i mean really what it comes down to is you know people talk about all the time this have to realize okay you're going to get more flack than other topics but if you're entering into a political conversation you have to be smart enough to know that that you're going to be getting some resistance no matter what top one no matter what side you're supporting right so it's kind of like hey if it's fucking pouring rain outside and we go outside and we get wet are we going to have a good fucking cry or do we know we're going to get wet well you talk politics you know you're going to take some heat so don't fucking have a problem with it, you know? Yeah. I think the way we package
Starting point is 01:28:28 that conversation has a lot to do with it too, because if a lot of people start on the fringe, so these guys are idiots. I'm right. You're wrong. How could you think that way? This, and I don't believe that. I actually think 99% of us are really close, tight in the middle, but we all start the argument from out here. So it just depends on how you package it. And then you said something really good, John, earlier when you were talking about the argument, you were saying, I'm just focused on my happiness. So you're actually not focused on winning the argument. You're focused on an outcome that you want, that you've already predetermined before you've
Starting point is 01:29:00 entered the conversation. And so if you do have conversations around topics that are going to be triggering for some air quotes there, then it really depends on what's your outcome for this conversation. So my outcome is to convince you guys of my opinion. I have to start with some sort of common ground. We all agree. And then slowly work my way out to move that needle just a tiny bit.
Starting point is 01:29:21 If I start from way out here and come here, then my outcome is clearly isn't trying to change your mind. It was trying to prove that I'm right. And you guys are wrong. Yeah. And you know, I'll tell you, brother, on that level, when, when I finally learned, it's like, I repeat that to myself, you know, to keep myself in check, I don't need to be right. I need to be happy. And it's, it's when, because, you know, most of us, why shouldn't say most of us, I know I did. And a lot of people that I knew, a lot of people that I actually had to create distance with their existence was to prove they were right. And sometimes it wasn't, you know, it was like, okay, why are we spending so much time? Why do we keep going back to this?
Starting point is 01:30:01 Is, is, does being right that important if being right is that important then i need to create some separation here because when it comes down to it being whole being happy you know being filled with joy these are the things that are important and if being right is going to provide that great but nine times out of ten when people are having some sort of a pissing mess to be right, there's no enjoyment on either side of the equation. When, when an argument and gain an enemy. Yes.
Starting point is 01:30:33 Yeah. And it's like, I'll be wrong all day long to be happy. You know, I wrong and happy or fine with me. What's this mean? Tribal leadership, Michael C.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Maybe a, is that a book reference let's see um i i want to go i want to go back to this thing about about about working out um one of the things that um uh brian johnson the liver king said was is that he worked out for mental health issues that he has severe mental health issues right totally and we talked about that and then he says he took he was working out twice a day and then he said he started taking um uh human growth hormone and and uh performance enhancing drugs so that he because then he started as he got older he felt like he could only work out once okay okay i'll check it out warren bennett bent is this good book you're saying michael c all right tribal leadership put it on there then he's saying that um uh um he could he could only work out once a day because he was getting older and he was and he was a crossfitter so he was putting his you know we put our dick in the dirt and um so then he started doing uh human growth
Starting point is 01:31:42 hormone and performance enhancing drugs so that he could work out twice a day. And instead of that helping the situation, it exacerbated it because then he started working out three times a day. Right. Cause he's like, fuck, I feel great. it's like you said, you don't put 700 pounds on, on the bar anymore. You've reeled it in and maybe you're not working that out as much for therapy. Um, what do you pivot to then for your therapy, for your, uh, mental sustainability as we get older and we can't do, cause I, I do that too. I go in the garage and sweat twice a day too. And sometimes I'm like, fuck, this is getting a little obsessive. It's 11 o'clock at night and i'm out there on the fucking assault bike i've been one of the things that
Starting point is 01:32:29 that's been it's been in my i don't know from the time i was young i grew up on the water as a kid we grew up on the lam river up in oregon um every house i've ever owned as as i shouldn't say there was actually this is true every house i've ever owned has been on the water um to obviously like this house i'm here i've got a pool and then just beyond the pool there's a lake um my house up in up in the bear the same thing on the bay so house of mexico is on the sea of cortez so oh my god you're on the sea of cortez yeah it's beautiful down there oh my god it's so nice yeah this is where i this is my current house right here that's the pool just outside the door if i went to out to the door to my left i'd be right there wow what a good life
Starting point is 01:33:18 you're having so swimming is like one of the bet like for me i sink like a fucking rock so for me to for me for me for me to swim and not have a place to put my feet on the ground i'm fucking working and so here's the thing when it comes down to when you're when you're when you're training is more for for your mental health your spiritual health it it really has more to do with pushing yourself into that space where everything else gets quiet. And if you really wanted to break it down, you put yourself in a little bit of a survival setting and everything else, everything that's around you fades away. All the noise goes away. So how does a person do that? It's clearly, I mean, it's very simple and it's clear.
Starting point is 01:34:07 It's up to them. What do they enjoy? And when you can find a level of enjoyment where you look forward to this daily, you know, event, call it. It's a fucking pretty, like for me, my wife has a gauntlet. You know, it's a revolving staircase you know yeah yeah yeah you turn that motherfucker on 10 you'll be hard pressed to stay on there for three minutes hey do you use that thing yeah i get on like i said you put that thing on level 10 and try to go for three minutes to where you literally your your lungs start expanding the point where they
Starting point is 01:34:42 you you can't your legs don't keep up and you're done. It's basically a StairMaster, but not, it's a StairMaster, like the old school ones. The stairs rotate. Yeah, I've always wanted one of those. On a side note, the fittest man in the world, Matt Fraser, that was like one of his secrets, like he said. He said, dude, this is one of the most underrated tools ever. Oh, dude, I'm telling you right now you put in like when we're like when we're in hotels and such um i'll always go into the stairwell and i'll walk you walk up just go into a fucking stairwell walk up 20 flights of fucking steps yeah oh my lord that fucks you up but in a very very good
Starting point is 01:35:18 way yeah we're actually getting ready to to buy a place over vegas and we're gonna go into a high rise setting because you know it's you know it's just not having to deal with thing but one of the there's no lawn to to deal with there's you know it's everything's taken care of for you but uh thing i love about it is literally the way these things are set up there's there's a stairwell because if the elevators break by law they have to have a stairwell. So literally I can wake up in the morning when I'm in hotels. That's one thing I really look forward to is I have stairwells where I can go up 25 steps, take the fucking elevator to the bottom and start climbing steps.
Starting point is 01:35:59 You you clear out the noise in your life real quickly. Yeah. Yeah. And so when we have our place in Vegas, I'll be to do it there, too, which is great because going on the machine that you just put up on the screen, it does the same thing. But it's it's a little different. It's not the same experience when you're sitting in going up steps and stairwell to me is, is becomes a little bit more fulfilling. It sounds weird to say that, but it's the truth. So, um, uh, more treading water as you get older and less, uh, less pounding yourself. Well, and then what I do too, is I just, I train less. I still will train four or five days a week, but I don't, I can't train. When I was younger, I used to do 20, 25 sets of different exercises. Now I got to thin that way down. You know,
Starting point is 01:36:53 it's crazy how it's the thing I've, this is, this is beautiful. So when you're starting off trying to be wealthy, you fucking work your ass off. And then you get to a certain point where it just becomes so much easier. You, you, you, you learn how to do it. You do it smarter, not harder. And you, and, and your earning potential just keeps getting better and better, even though you don't feel like you're busting your asses hard. Training is the same way. I mean, people say, Oh, look, Oh man, you you must spend like three hours. You must spend like three hours a day in the gym. No, I fucking spend like three hours a week in the gym. Is that true? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:34 Wow. Look at that. You guys would be so fucking blown away to find out how little I have to do to look this way. Because it's like, there's a balance as you get older, you train too much to tear yourself down. That makes sense. When I was younger,
Starting point is 01:37:52 it took all that. It's just like, you know, getting well off financially. You got to fucking burn that minute oil. You, there's no breaks. You got to do what you got to do to get there.
Starting point is 01:38:02 And so, Oh shit. Hold on a second. My, I got to do what you got to do to get there and so oh shit hold on a second my i gotta turn my brightness down i'm running out of battery here has it been raining a lot at your house by the way it's been rain it's been raining a month i'm in santa cruz california it's been raining here a month yeah it's it's i mean it's it's it's we're on the desert so it doesn't rain too much, you know? Okay. But what I was saying was it's crazy how, you know, when you get better, when you get deeper down the path of being well off, you have to do less. It's the same thing with training because you learn exactly what the success formula is,
Starting point is 01:38:42 and you don't do too much. exactly what the success formula is and you don't do too much and around around your physique i've seen on your site basically die you're you're a master of the diet the diet if the diet wasn't on check what i'm saying wouldn't make a it would be wouldn't make a difference i know i know how to eat in a certain way so i can train that three hours a week it looked the way that i do you know you drink alcohol john very rarely very because i'm because here's the thing i'm fucking high on life you put alcohol in me i'm i'm losing my high tomorrow like less than once a month you drink less than once a month yeah i drink a couple times a month? Yeah, I drink a couple times a year. Amazing, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:27 It seems to be a common theme with successful people. Yeah, because it's, again, if you're high every day, per se, high in life, right? And then you drink, you're not high tomorrow because you're fucking hungover because you poisoned yourself. So, okay, I'm going to have three, four hours of feeling loose so I can fuck up the whole next day. Yeah. No fucking way.
Starting point is 01:39:53 It's not a trade I'm going to make. Right. You know? Mm-hmm. And do you consume sugar? Like any refined sugar? No, no. I avoid sugar at all costs hey let me look if you don't mind let me grab my charger because i yeah kept my brightness up too
Starting point is 01:40:12 much we're having a good conversation i don't want to feel like oh please please please please please yeah yeah uh michael c uh five uh levels person can be at life sucks my life sucks i am great and you're not. My life is great. Life is great. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember that. That was a while back.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Have you ever heard a book called Power Versus Force? By Dr. David Hawkins. Have you shown it to me before? I don't think so. I'll write it down. Should I read it? Yeah, that's one that you should listen to. It's just about levels of consciousness and enlightenment and how the further you go up this chart that he has, the more enlightened you are.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I don't know. You should listen to it. I'm going to butcher it oversimplified, but I'm going to re-listen to it. I listened to it probably about four years ago, and a lot of it's always stuck with me, so it's time to redo it. It just reminded me of a lot of stuff that we were talking about here is in that book john can you hear us i can't oh that's awesome yeah because i got you in my ears so i can hear not a problem it's just you can't hear me because i walk away from my microphone is your is your primary vocation programming for other people? Um, and so you're talking about, uh, income. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:41:35 I mean, that's definitely a, I mean, yeah, I mean, that's a piece of it for sure. I mean, when it comes down to it, I don't mean to, I'm not trying to sell like a pompous ass. You can't we're, we're, we're, we're, uh, an hour and 41 minutes in and you haven't yet so go ahead and you have to be you have to be multifaceted yeah i don't really i don't have to do anything in terms of i'm pretty i'm pretty well set you know i mean i don't i own my houses you know i don't owe anything. You know, I could, how did you do that? How did you get set?
Starting point is 01:42:09 How did you become so successful? I mean, besides hard work and dedication and not drinking. So if you really have to answer that question in a way that would, that would, I guess that would be helpful to the audience. I'll answer it this way is that there's a lot of shit that I did, but if you boil it down, it's a skill set. And the skill set that got me where I am will apply to anything. And that's basically, it's the habits that you have. It's the habits you don't have. have it's the habits you don't have it's the the willingness to say no like people say oh i'm gonna do xyz and i'm gonna do blah blah blah no don't do all that don't worry about all that how about
Starting point is 01:42:54 just stop doing these two things that fuck you up really bad can you give me an example like what what would the two things uh let's just say that someone's like uh oh i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna you know let's just use working out right i'm gonna work out twice a day you know i'm gonna i'm gonna really fucking i'm gonna do that i'm all fired up well how about stop eating fucking twinkies at 10 30 at night first because stop eating twinkies at 10 30 at night just removing that behavior pattern will propel you forward without investing all that extra time and energy so it's develop developing a personal skill set my routines is everything without my routines i would not have what i have
Starting point is 01:43:41 period end of story i've had room my the joke i make is it's like i'm kind of like rain man you know you get me out of my routine and i start from who's on first because my because it's like how's the mabin costello reference that was very nice yeah because i'm telling you it's like the the um let me turn my brightness back up so I can see. There we go. Because the skill set of becoming a, and I hate to use this term, but it's kind of the truth, a high performance person. I'm not talking high performance lifting heavy shit. I'm not talking high performance and how you perform physically.
Starting point is 01:44:24 I'm talking high performance and how you perform physically i'm talking high performance and how you navigate life you know like i've always got up early and when i say always keep in mind there's always there's situations i should say i've gotten up early the majority of my life because like when i was wrestling you know when we didn't finish you know we didn't get back to the hotel till one in the morning after a show, I wasn't getting up at five in the morning. Right. Right. But if you look at my life, I've gotten up early. I've always chose to be very, very productive. I have a book that I write in every day at night before I go to bed, I schedule my next day. I make sure like we talked about in that day,
Starting point is 01:45:09 there's shit that's going to challenge me. Things is going to get me outside my comfort zone. Some shit in there that I probably maybe just don't want to do. But in my meditation that morning, I'll actually prime it, meaning I'll actually think about the shit I don't want to do. So I've got, I've already programmed what I'm going to do. Now I just physically got to act it out. But this book is another huge piece. So I've got these books going all the way back. One book is one year. Each page is each day is a whole page. So I have the left column is what I'm doing, where I'm going to be. The middle column is the things I need to get done for the day. The next column over is the calls I need to make. And the far right is, is notes of what's going on. I have this book going back to 1992. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And so what I'm getting at is I'm talking about a skillset. That's not really, that's not really connected to any one thing. It's a skill set.
Starting point is 01:46:05 You can choose to connect to whatever you want. You know, it's the rhythms. It's the patterns. It's keeping yourself in that highly productive mode. Then all you've got to do is say, okay, like, for example, right out of college, I was like, okay, I know that I want to be a big, strong guy. I know I want what I want to do with my life, but I'm not ready. And I was still, even though I was a big dude at that point, I still was the fat little 15 year old boy. They didn't believe it yet.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Yeah. So I need to make, I need to find a way to make money, but I need to make sure I have time to train. So I started, started starting businesses and failed a few times and had my first success, like we talked about. So I took my skill set and created business, and I sold it. I took my skill set, became a pro strongman. Took my skill set, became a pro wrestler. Took my skill set, became a pro bodybuilder. Took my skill set and became, you know, it's like all I'm doing is taking the skill set that I've developed that makes me productive and high performance, if you will, not in lifting shit, high performance and achievement. And I apply it to whatever I want. And if people would focus on their own
Starting point is 01:47:18 personal skill sets at being productive, they would get so much more than they ever believe you again as opposed to what give me an example sorry as opposed to what it what else would i what like as opposed to like chasing girls or drinking or watching netflix or like what do you mean yeah okay well perfect example i get up at four o'clock in the morning because from four to seven that's highly productive time yeah well let's just say i got up at seven right so from four to seven nobody gets up at four in the morning laying a fucking couch i get up at four in the morning so i can kick ass right but then i'm i go to sleep at eight o'clock right if i was awake from eight to 11,
Starting point is 01:48:07 what the fuck do you think I'd be doing? Right, right. That's such a fucking great story. Wasting my fucking time. So all I do is just slide. No one jerks off who gets up at four in the morning. You don't fucking get up at four to watch television. Right. The worst thing you do is maybe like read the newspaper.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Yeah. I mean, you're getting up at four in the morning because you're doing that to be productive so all i mean literally just shifting three hours the other way is a fucking game changer yeah and yes it's a pain in the ass and then here's another there's a couple rules that i was lived by if people are not questioning like Like I, I know that I'm on the right track. If people don't understand me, right. Because ordinary people, they look at me and go, why did you do that? Right. Because that's perfect. If they're not doing that, I'm slipping. Right. Because to be extraordinary, all of the people that are extraordinary are going to understand what you're doing when you're living in that high performance mode does that make sense dude i
Starting point is 01:49:09 was just at this fucking conference with like some of the smartest motherfuckers in the in the world it was fucking crazy it's called the broken science conference and uh this dude uh um greg glassman was up there and that's the founder of CrossFit again. And he said, listen, when they say four out of five dentists recommend blah, blah, blah. The only thing you should be thinking is I want to hear from that motherfucker who didn't recommend it. Exactly. Exactly. What's his deal? You don't give a fuck what those other four guys fucking said.
Starting point is 01:49:40 When it's nine out of doctors say this, you want to talk to the doctors like, nah, don't do that. Yeah. I mean. And that's what you're saying, right? you should know yeah okay okay i mean we were how's this we were kind of like we talked about we talked about how people are kind of just bred to just go to work and blah blah blah well if you were to take like the the really really high performance families and look at their fucking family tree going backwards. Yeah. These fucking kids are being woke up early so they can fucking read. These kids are being woke up early so they can self-improve before they go start their day. Somehow that was fucking lost.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Right. You know, now people wake up. They're fucking late to go. It's so late. They don't eat breakfast. they're fucking late to go so late they don't eat breakfast they're fucking sitting in traffic they're dead it's like their life is a big fucking emergency because that's such a good way to put it wow because all they're doing is they're running from fire to fire the whole idea is get ahead of that curve so there's no fucking fires to put out
Starting point is 01:50:42 and part of that is going to be able to get up early enough to make sure you don't get behind but more importantly make sure you get up to fucking you know better yourself that time when no when the world doesn't pull on you yeah this is where you get ahead it's fucking crazy think about this if you spent one hour a day self-improving, whatever it is, it doesn't make us what you choose. Do the fucking math on that. That's 300 and however many days per year. Do the math on how many,
Starting point is 01:51:15 that's like weeks of work. When you do the math, you realize, holy shit, an hour a day translates into all of this extra time that I've been progressing progressing so you got to look at you know we all have the same amount of time in the day well the question is how are you fucking spending your time because here's the thing you can get more you can get money back you can get your health back you can get everything back but you can't fucking get your time back time is a commodity that no that should say nobody most people don't understand the value of because they got too much of it because
Starting point is 01:51:52 they're doing they're wasting too much of it when you when you are using your time and you realize you're running out of time in your day because you're doing things that you want to do that intrigue you you start to realize holy shit this this fucking shit is like valuable and that's when you start to have people that do things for you so you create time you know like i have a series of we have lots of people around us that do things for us so we have more time you know you know even even for my wife she doesn't work um but you know we have someone that comes in every day. Someone comes into the house for four hours to handle shit around the house. You know, I mean, Do you ever get tired of people being in your house?
Starting point is 01:52:37 That was one of the things as I started making money, I'm like, man, there's always some motherfucker in my house. Like I just want to walk around here naked for a little bit. Like we used to have two nannies and now we don't have nannies anymore and i'm like so happy they're fucking gone i love them but like well i think for for me it's kind of like okay we got we you know we've got big places a lot to take care of yeah we don't have somebody here doing it my wife has got too much to do and it compromises her happiness so it's kind of like chicken egg here you know and then also too it's nice are you okay with those guys staring at your wife you know the bottom line is this i would stare at your wife i'd be like looking at i'd be like one of these like looking out of the corner of
Starting point is 01:53:19 my eyes like well here's the thing it's it's it's a compliment. It is. Yeah. I mean, what's someone says hard not to look at, I would be looking at you like that too. If you came out, I'd be like, well, and that's the thing. We both look at the same way. It's like, okay. If, if, if she sees a female looking at me or I see a male looking at her, it's a compliment to us. We look at it from the, from the, from the right side. You can look at it from the negative side, or you can look at it from the positive side. Again, this goes back to how are you choosing to view your life there's i mean like if you're a one-legged dude and you get angry when people when kids stare at you you got a problem because their kids are going to be staring at you your whole fucking life you're the one
Starting point is 01:53:58 legged dude think like this we could sit here the of us, and we could just go around in a circle. I name one, you name one, you name one. We could all think about things that are negative in our lives. And we could just sit here and just go around in circles and just talk about negativity. Or we could spin that around and we could go the other way and we talk positivity. And what we're doing is we're creating a vortex going in one direction or the next. a vortex going in one direction or the next and it's up to us we as people get to decide which side of the vortex do we want to exist on and the somebody looks at my wife and says oh man blah blah blah thank you yeah she works hard for that right right i hear you brother amen it's a it's a perception thing and that's the again so many people are kind of just programmed to react they don't even know why they're just doing it because somehow they learned that that's what you're supposed to do you know it's like
Starting point is 01:54:58 i mean for me to react it would be defending her like physically you know that that's of course i agree i do whatever i need to do to defend any of my family period end story at that point it's it's not about oh it's about doing what i need to do but if it's just some fucking empty voice that means nothing think of it like this the voices that should actually penetrate you are the ones that you value yeah if you if you love someone and they say something good or bad that should affect you someone that just knocks on my door and says hey do you want to buy this xyz and i say no and they say fuck you i'd say hey you know good luck at the next house. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:55:48 Right. The funnest thing about this gig that I have is those voices are actually content for me. That's like the best part about having a podcast. It's like the same with Instagram. I never scroll. I never. like the best part about having a podcast or it's like the same with the instagram like i never screw i never i like god i spend less than one percent of my time looking at pussy on instagram i'm only i'm only on instagram looking for people to have on my podcast and so i see all these people spending all this mindless time on instagram i'm like fuck this is great i love my fucking dms what do you mean i spend too much time on the phone this is how i found john this is great. I love my fucking DMs. What do you mean? I spend too much time on the phone. This is how I found John.
Starting point is 01:56:30 This is how I, this is, and I wouldn't, I never like it's, it's so, uh, it's so fun taking other people's shit and then, and then using it to fertilize my garden. Like, Oh, you think I'm mean to women? I'm going to make an hour of content out of that. Thank you. I just fucking love it. Well, you know, because when it comes down to it you know what's another one of my things i would when you get dirty so to speak when life shits on when life shits on you yeah it's fucking fertilizer yeah i've just learned that in the last couple years it's like okay yes this appears to be poop but it's actually gonna make me fucking grow i'm going to rinse it off i'm going to be just fine okay got a little my mouth that sucks but i'll be okay probably 50 million dollars
Starting point is 01:57:12 off of will smith slapping him yes yes god bless will smith that was the that was the best fucking slap on the planet that that yeah i mean yeah i mean jesus christ it was it was yeah so that's that's exactly it. The biggest, our biggest blessings are always what appear to be our biggest challenges. Alan, Alan Kestenbaum. I do a hundred burpees a day, no matter what. It's good for my muscles, my lungs and my heart. It's a habit that has already made me change other bad habits in my life. Thank you, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:57:45 Or thank you, Buddha. Or thank you, someone. Yeah, habits, I'm telling you. Here's another pearl right here. The habits, the good habits you have will help you for the rest of your life. The bad habits you have will plague you for the rest of your life. That's one. Here's another one.
Starting point is 01:58:02 This is a doozy right here. rest of your life that's one here here's another one this is a doozy right here you cannot guarantee your future but you can guarantee the habits that will predict your future that's the skill set i was talking about it's a personal skill set did you not are were you not a goal i was never a goal person but I live a pretty fucking charmed life. And someone explained to me one time. It was actually the founder of Street Parking, Miranda Alcarez. She said if you have good habits and you're passionate – and what was the other one? Do you remember what the other one was, Sousa?
Starting point is 01:58:40 Good habits, passionate, and – fuck, I can't remember. She says your life will be good and i was like oh yeah that's the way my life is i have those three things i'm very passionate i have good habits and that third thing i had that and i was like because i used to always trip on people who had goals right and i'd be like fuck i don't kind of i don't really have like goals i go i guess i guess goals is kind of it's everybody's got their own definition some are real crystal clear like achievement like perfect example like when i was becoming a pro strong my goal was to get my pro card as body my goal was to get my pro card body my goal was to get
Starting point is 01:59:20 a contract as a wrestler very tangible shit but you, when you're going a little deeper than that, it's like, you know, as the growth spiritually, it's hard to put like, okay, I want to achieve this certain thing with my spiritual growth. It becomes more of a, you're, you're, it's, it's, I guess goal would be more of a progression. Does that make sense? Yeah. I always think a goal without a habit attached to that goal is just a wishlist. So if I have a goal and I say something like, hey, I want to do X, my next thought process, and it's funny, John, because we have something
Starting point is 01:59:57 very similar. This is actually a packet of stuff for the year. And I did the same thing with you without even knowing it there a little bit. It's different, but the same. And so each habit, I mean, each goal that I wrote out, the first thing I think is, okay, what skillset or what habit do I need to achieve that goal? And then, and then I focus on the skillset or attaining the habit or the skillset or leaving a habit behind, right? So it's one of those three things. And then that's actually what I focus on to bring me closer to the goal. The goal just creates the vision and the intentionality, the habit in the, in the skillset, uh, create the momentum, the vehicle. Yes. Yes. Because sometimes that goal is just that for momentum, that growth, you know, being a little better today than I was yesterday. That can be a good, but it's not quite so tangible. Like I need to
Starting point is 02:00:45 put this in my pocket, you know, I don't have a, I don't have a bucket list. Like I need to go to Paris or I need three mansions or I, I want to have a Porsche by the time I'm 37. I just, but, but I do have, but, but I guess you're right. Goals incrementally to do better and better every day. And like you said, sort of get, get rid of the bad habits, get rid of the herd of just negativity and shit that's in my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. And this kind of all sits right around that conversation of, you know, when you ask, what did I do to get here? Yeah. I mean, it's literally, it's all about, I mean, we're talking about all of this stuff kind of comes together and it's everybody's formula is going to be different for them, but all the stuff we're talking about is all kind of goes into
Starting point is 02:01:33 creating, you know, that, that thing that everybody's thing is going to be a little different and it's going to apply to different directions in their life, whatnot. But I think the answer just to make that real, go back to it to make sure I didn't sum that up very clear, is it's a personal skill set of being productive, being able to move forward. And part of that skill set is to redefine your failure. So you're moving forward unaltered by the fear of failure,
Starting point is 02:02:03 unaltered by the fear of failure unaltered by the fear of judgment of others because now you're truly moving forward to what is important to you not being altered by judgment or failure and that's where you really make progress dude that's a great clip there's been a lot of them for this through this show hey um what are you doing i'm actually i'm doing actually now a lot of speed speaking and this is i speak on you know basically how fear is your friends how you can literally fail your way to success you know and then of course leadership is a big one too you know i speak on leadership too but this is this is all the shit that we're talking about. It's like most times when I'm talking and I explain, you know, what's going on, people,
Starting point is 02:02:50 it's like they don't even realize that they've been positioned to be afraid of things. They're there. They veer away from things. They veer away from failure. They veer away from being uncomfortable. They don't even know why. They don't even know who told them to do it sometimes there wasn't somebody there wasn't somebody it was they just somehow it was society or it was the people i was raised to avoid discomfort i would dude i hated sweating as a kid now if i don't sweat if i don't sweat every day i feel like my life's a failure i was hey my my wife told me one time
Starting point is 02:03:24 that the only reason why people lie is to avoid discomfort all lying all cheating all stealing the reason why you cheat on a test the reason everything is to reason why you rob a bank it's all to avoid discomfort yeah if you trace it back that's correct because it's some sort of a fast track to get what you could have gotten through dealing with it honestly through being uncomfortable you know so by very that's that's pretty profound for sure you know it's dishonesty you lied to your mom what time did you come home last night 10 o'clock fucking out till one yeah were you smoking any weed fuck no that's for losers yeah you were and all you're doing is you're lying because you're avoiding the discomfort right yeah yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, no, it's crazy.
Starting point is 02:04:07 And the thing about this is like what you just said, so true. But most people have probably never heard that statement or taken a minute to think about it, to understand it. And this is the kind of shit that I think if people's awareness was to be, you know, if their horizons were a little broad and if they were to hear some things that would make them think it would, it would inspire them to take more affirmative steps forward to, to actually go get what they want rather than just kind of following this, you know, I call it the zombie. It's almost like the zombie effect. People are
Starting point is 02:04:40 just kind of raised into this, you know to school get a job have kids raise your family and it's like where i mean granted having kids is wonderful but everybody needs to have self-fulfillment they need to have something that makes them happy because when you're a happy person you give off a different vibe a different energy your kids are happier like kids yeah grow up in really fucking nasty homes and they're nasty adults because they learned that shit because they're right their parents are fucking mad as hell because they got to go to work and they got to do shit they don't want to do right and they don't have enough money to do what they want to do or whatever it is you know it's like it's a learned behavior. Hey, um, are, are you pretty, um, were you pretty physically, uh,
Starting point is 02:05:28 intimate, uh, uh, man and like, like with your kids, did you hold your kids a lot? Were you, were you a touchy feely parent? Yeah. You know, I, I was really, I'm very affectionate. I mean, yeah, affectionate. That's the word I'm looking for. Affectionate. Even to this day. I mean, I have, I have my, my ladies, as I call them, I've got my mom, my wife, and I've got my three daughters. And so I was, I text my three daughters pretty much every, every morning, you know, tell them I love them.
Starting point is 02:06:00 But, you know, I've always been very open about the way I feel towards them. Um, but you know, I've always been very open about the way I feel towards them. And, uh, yeah, I tried to cultivate a very, very comfortable space. Um, you know, there was, you know, the, we always had that friend or someone says, yeah, you know, I never heard my parents say that they loved me, but that wasn't me for sure. You know, I'm, I'm happy to tell, I'm happy to tell you how I feel. Uh, cause it makes me feel good too. And, and your wife, does she, has she always believed in you? You know, she, it's, it's funny, you know, she, and I say this as a joke, but it's, it's honestly, at times it's the truth. I think sometimes she
Starting point is 02:06:45 believes in me more than I believe in myself. Absolutely. Absolutely. Because when, whenever, you know, whenever I'm addressing something that's, that's difficult, that self-doubt is a huge driver for me. I've learned to, I've learned to harness failure. I've learned to harness fear. I've learned to harness self-doubt. I've learned anything that comes into my path, I harness it. Good, bad, or the other. And she's seen it enough from the outside. She knows it's going to happen. As to where I know that I've done it over and over and over, but you always wonder, there's always that moment where, bam, something lands there. Oh, holy shit, this is a little difference. You know, and that moment of self-doubt will hit. I mean, take a deep breath. I always figure out a way to overcome what's in front of me,
Starting point is 02:07:31 but in that moment where it, where it drops down in front of you and it looks different, sometimes that voice will creep into your head, but she always has been the ones that know, listen, you, you always go and it's not that you just get what you want. You know, you find a way to get what you want. Yeah. You know, like in the movies, the cliche is, is you're hanging out with some friends and they like they pass you a joint that you don't really want to smoke or you drink or you do.
Starting point is 02:08:02 You throw a rock at a car passing by that your friends peer pressured you to do. And you made the wrong decision by peer pressure. But it's like that with my wife too what you said it's not only that they she she believes in me but but she actually will help me get on the right path my wife's never pointed to a path and i'm later on like fuck that bitch why did i do what she said i'm always like god damn how did she see that and i didn't and i gotta start running down that path i'm like yeah nailed it and and it's it's crazy because you know like with my wife what she'll usually she's for me she's telling me that i'm doing something where i'm getting off track you know i'm because when i'm in my groove if anything she's trying to tell me to breathe because she's like i you know yeah my wife does that to breathe don't clench your fist relax it's like i'm underwater that's like deep water i'm i'm not swimming i'm swimming underwater
Starting point is 02:08:50 that's how that's how focused i get i don't and we already know you don't float we already know that's right that's right but what she'll say to me is she'll say and this is where i know it's just say i don't think that's a good idea which usually means okay i'm fucking i'm pushing the limits to the point where i haven't calculated my risk versus reward with this next thing i'm about ready to do i'm a little off of my calculation like you know because of course we're constantly moving forward and we're calculating risk versus reward okay the best is this the worst is this can Can I live with the worst? Blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 02:09:26 Well, every once in a while, that risk calculation might be a little off because I'm so focused on getting over an obstacle. And that's where she'll put, hey, I don't think that's a good idea. And sometimes it could even be, I don't think it's a good idea. It could be she sees that I'm eating more than I'm supposed to. So it can be sometimes the littlest or the biggest things but having somebody in your corner that you know is only looking out for you that you trust is a fucking blessing yeah my wife will even be like hey go to the bathroom i'm like how the fuck did you know you know it's like how what how did um do you um was it did you is your relationship with her
Starting point is 02:10:09 accidental just day by day and now it's you know 20 or how long you've been together goodness uh we've been together almost 20 years 18 years and uh so in the beginning, when we first, I mean, I truly thank my lucky stars because when we got together, I was, I just wasn't in really the place where I was looking for what she brought to the, what she brought to the table. And so I was getting out of a relationship that was, I was in my peak of my pro strongman career, getting out of a relationship that has taken a lot of energy away from my goals and all I was looking for was a chick that I could hang out with have some good sex that we were compatible that wasn't going to put wasn't going to start draining my energy again and she was all those things but she was so much more and I just wasn't prepared for what she had to offer and so I guess I kind of kept keeping her at a distance and you know when I when I was saying earlier I actually told our kids um you know hey there's I would tell a few stories about right didn't wasn't really proud of of my behavior
Starting point is 02:11:19 it was during that time period because you know I was just wasn't like I was just, you know, a foul mouth jerk off. I just was just not very polite to a woman that loved me to death that I loved as well. Yeah, that would have been the time frame right there. God, what a cool life you've lived. Oh, man, I tell you, right, brother, you know, and here's the thing. Discipline is freedom. Discipline is first itself love. Then it's freedom because without discipline,
Starting point is 02:11:54 I wouldn't have been doing any of this shit. You know, I went from here. I went from this career to fucking walking out in front of 40, 50,000 people in the Tokyokyo dome oh yeah yeah that's great that's great i mean it was like but it's it's just when it comes down to it that's that you know that that skill set that i was talking about there we go yeah i mean it was like the skill set that you develop in terms of being a productive person and getting rid of sometimes it's not always about creating all these great habits just getting rid of your bad habits first right and then
Starting point is 02:12:31 stacking on a few new good habits and think of like this if your productivity doubles it's almost like you could live twice the life uh for sure i i'm a huge believer that people uh we live in a society where people have it backwards they think they need to add things to their life yeah i don't you don't need to you don't need to um add things to your life you need to stop eating after six o'clock at night you don't you don't yeah there's this you don't need more shit in your house you need to throw some shit away you don't need a microwave you need to throw some shit away. You don't need a microwave. You need to throw your microwave away. Brother. And check this out.
Starting point is 02:13:06 There's, there's one word, two fucking letters that make one word that is not used enough when it comes to getting what the fuck you want. And that is no. Ah, yeah. You want,
Starting point is 02:13:20 you want to go out tonight? No. You want to do this? No, no. I mean, granted it'll set you free because you, you're going to be able to focus on what you want to go out tonight no you want to do this no no i mean granted it'll set you free because you you're going to be able to focus on what you want but the flip side of that like example for me when i really started cooking all my buddies were fucking still going out they're going to parties and i had to say no over and over and over well at a certain point
Starting point is 02:13:42 they're so used to that they just stop inviting you to do shit. You have to realize, you have to realize, listen, it's not that they don't love you or they're just fucking tired of you saying no, right. It's okay. So you have to kind of realize that, you know, it's like, you got what you wanted, but at the same time, you realize you can't take offense to your friends that got tired of you saying no. So they stopped asking. Right. But, but that time, you realize you can't take offense to your friends that got tired of you saying no. So they stop asking.
Starting point is 02:14:07 Right. But that word no, if people would use that word, it would fucking change their lives. Because, again, if you want to be extraordinary, it's something, then you're going to have to say no to the ordinary people a lot because the ordinary people just want to go about their ordinary life and there's nothing wrong with that nothing wrong there it is again my my buddy travis bagent uh i i wonder do you know who that is by any chance it sounds familiar i'm having a i'm not connecting the dots. Anyway, he's the world's best arm wrestler for a while. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:50 Gotcha. And his son's about to get drafted into the NFL. And he told me the other day, just last month on the phone, he goes, hey, dude. I go, what? He goes, I'm done with ordinary people. He goes, what do you mean? He goes, the ordinary people in my life, they're grandfathered in. I'm not going to kick them out.
Starting point is 02:15:04 But no more regular motherfuckers. None. That's it. Zero, dude. Yeah, there's Travis. Savage. Straight up savage, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:12 But that's the truth. Because if the ordinary people, there's nothing wrong with being ordinary and watching TV after work and drinking on the weekends. It's great. But if you want to be extraordinary you need to say no to the lifestyle of the ordinary it's that fucking simple and then don't get fucking butt hurt when they stop inviting you to and i've experienced that too i've experienced that too people just stopped invite people people stopped inviting places yeah my you know my wife
Starting point is 02:15:46 because she was like a social butterfly before we got together and then she's we got together and it was like a whole different story i mean i'm in mode and she supports me totally and she's like a couple years in she's like i don't know why none of my friends are asking me to do anything anymore i said honey because you tell them no all the time, because we're doing what we're doing. We're traveling and we're doing this. I said, you can't look at them like they don't want to see you. You've told them no for the last two years straight.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Of course they're not. My friends never invited me to go camping because they knew that I hated camping, but it would hurt my feelings that they wouldn't invite me. I'm like, you asshole, it's your fault you always say no i've never been invited camping because i think those the people that know me realize that i probably would laugh at the invitations do you do you follow uh judy says i bet he follows dave ramsey you You follow Dave Ramsey? Yeah. I mean, I love, keep in mind all of these people that have this, the thought process in life that helps us expand who we are. I listen to them all because here's the thing. Everybody's message is a little different. And sometimes you have two people that are speaking the same message, but it will hit one person different than the next.
Starting point is 02:17:05 So one of the things that I always say is if it, listen to these people who talk differently, because this is what will help you reprogram your mind. When your mind is programmed in a certain way and you don't even know why, well, you can reprogram it with someone who speaks differently that will help you understand, you know, like we've talked about some things that hopefully have opened up some people's eyes or whoa i never
Starting point is 02:17:29 thought about that right well that's just the tip of the iceberg you know because there's so many people who have so many good things to say to get us to open our minds to think about things from a different standpoint to help us be the best versions of us, no matter what our own definition is. And, you know, Ramsey, I mean, there's so many good people out there to listen to. And when it comes down to it, I mean, if you break it all down, it's, you know, getting outside your comfort zone. It's realizing it's okay to fail. The roots of the majority of what people talk about are really similar and if you follow you follow it deep enough you'll find that and then
Starting point is 02:18:09 it starts to realize okay all these people that have done really well and are really happy boy some of their common threads are really fucking similar maybe i should pay closer attention you I have to go pee. You do? Excuse me. Got this, Susan? Yeah, sure. I like what you're saying about the common thread between everybody because there's a set of principles, right? been in their lives and to kind of add value in everything they touch and do have that, that common denominator of the same principles that they're operating by in their life, which normally starts with prepping the day, a successful day starts the night before. 100%. 100%, bro. That's the whole book thing is that, I mean, tomorrow's success is planned today.
Starting point is 02:19:02 And one of the things I love about writing in my book is I write down where I'm going to be what I'm going to be doing the things I need to do the calls I need to make and I do that it literally have an alarm goes off at 6 15 that tells me to do that and so by doing that I programmed my mind on what's going to happen tomorrow morning so it's almost like I wake up and of course a lot of times I'll take a quick glance at my book, but the planning, it's almost like, so the, the subconscious is the body of the conscious is the mind. And so really what I'm doing is I'm programming my subconscious. And at that point, my body just carries out these tasks, you know, it's a, it's, but yeah, the, the idea of planning the
Starting point is 02:19:47 night before and carrying out the tasks. And it's like to even sometimes visualize what you're going to be doing can make you execute that task even better. That took you a while to find that groove to stay consistent in that. Cause one thing that I found is like, if I slip off, cause my, I do something very similar, but I kind of do it for the week and I'm actually wrote down notes on how you organize yours and going to be kind of following that system. But one of the things I found is that if I fall off the consistency a little bit, I'm almost, I don't, I don't want to like open it back up because I know what I'm going to be confronted with a bunch of stuff that I had planned out that I, that I didn't do or I didn't accomplish. Right. So how long did it take you to kind of find that rhythm of that preparation? Well, I mean, for me, I've always
Starting point is 02:20:30 been, I don't like the feeling of getting behind. It makes me, I don't know, it gives me, it gives me the, I don't, I feel I'm happier when I'm one step ahead. When I'm one step behind, I become unhappy. I become disappointed in myself. So I learned that and I focused on that. And I realized that just doing my daily task of writing things down, that five minutes brings me so much clarity. I don't want to, I won't make the trade of not doing it. And then once we got telephones that had fucking alarms,
Starting point is 02:21:04 I was like holy shit this is going to be so fucking easy now because i mean i mean i i would say on any given day i have 13 alarms that go off of my phone because they're just transitions it's time to do this time to do that you know and so now when you have an alarm to remind you to do something and then when you can, here's the thing. So here's the answer for you, brother. What you have to do is you have to connect doing that task with something that makes you feel good
Starting point is 02:21:34 because then you want to do it. If the task is something that doesn't bring you joy, it's just a task with no payday. But when you get a reward for your task, you can't wait to do it. Is that the two alarms we've heard? Were those transition alarms? Those were transition alarms, yeah. So we've blown through two of my transitions during the show.
Starting point is 02:21:56 John, why did you do this? When I reach out to you and I ask you to come on the podcast, why do you do it? Or like, why do you do it? Are you like come on the podcast why do you do it or like why do you like what the fuck is this nonsense i'm in i'm in a place right now in my life brother where it's like fuck i mean i'm blessed i mean gee when i was a fat little boy wanting to be a big strong guy and learn to make money yeah if you said look put your fucking pinky on a cutting board, chop it off with a meat cleaver. You can be a pro body. Done.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Right. And then they said, okay, put out your ring finger, chop that one off. And you can also be a, you know, a pro wrestler.
Starting point is 02:22:38 You know, okay. Put your middle finger out. You know, you can be a pro strong. I would be missing three fingers yeah if i if i had the option to choose the life that i've had so i guess what i'm getting at is i'm fucking blessed and now the craziest part about this whole fucking journey dude and this is fucking
Starting point is 02:22:58 mind-blowing all of the all of the the fun and all the achievements and all the accolades are great but the most hands down the most fulfilling part of what i've done and what i'm doing is the basically helping other people the giving back and so when i have a chance to to come on to a platform where i can you know even if we just affected one person's life in this show we did something good yep all right i've got and you know what you you ooze that too it's not it's not even like that's hard to spot from you oh give me brother i'm telling you because oh there's my babies that's we're missing we're missing one of my late, my oldest daughter's not in that picture. That was actually, this is pretty cool.
Starting point is 02:23:48 That was in a, we were actually at a movie premiere where we were all three in the movie. So my little girls, they were extras. They got to go to a red carpet event, walk into a theater and watch themselves on the big screen. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, when it comes down to it, I mean, the bottom line is once you start to realize that
Starting point is 02:24:11 giving back is so much more fulfilling, it's like now it's, it's just like, that's why I'm, I'm going into speaking now because now I'm trying to take, you know, I'm just trying to open up the platform as big as I can. And it's like life can be such a beautiful place. If you just it's like so many people are looking at it from here. And if they just want to hear, it's like, whoa, look how much better it can be. And it's such an easy pivot. can be and it's such an easy pivot and it's like really what it comes down to in many cases just reprogramming some little bits of someone's mind to help them see the redefining a few things like just redefining failure alone can be a life fucking changing thing do you know who tony blower is
Starting point is 02:25:01 name is abel um connect the dots again he he's he's a he's a big um god he had uh he he invented the spear system s-p-e-a-r um he does a lot of combatives training anyway yeah yeah he's a really cool fucking dude he's out of uh uh north county uh san diego uh the spirit this guy right here yeah yeah yep he would fucking love to have you on his podcast i bet can i share his information with you he's a great guy yeah he's so good he's all about that like basically like he's a he's such a fear guy the psychology of fear you guys would have a fucking blast yeah that sounds great i mean and and you know and the whole idea is having these conversations that can benefit somebody listening i mean that's a beautiful thing i mean we didn't this technology that we
Starting point is 02:25:58 have now to communicate on such a mass scale i mean we it we, it it's, it's literally, it's the duty of it's our duty to do this in a way where people do have a positive, they're affected positively from shows like this, because unfortunately I believe that there are just too many people out there that are so much closer to being happy than they think it's, it's like, it's like an illusion there. They, they, they're just looking at the wrong things. they think. It's like an illusion. They're just looking at the wrong things. You know, it's like we talked about. We could all three sit here and share things that are wrong,
Starting point is 02:26:34 or we can go the other way, share things that are right. And you start down a vortex of one way or the next. And the two vortexes are butted out together, and they go opposite directions. Well, if you're trained to go into the right vortex, if you're made aware mentally to travel into the good side, life is so different. Sometimes it's just a matter of just pivoting a little bit.
Starting point is 02:27:00 Audrey says, sir, are you an Enneagram one? This man is speaking to my soul. Do you know about those enneagrams every once in a while someone will mention these in the comments no it is that it's some sort it's a some psychology test where you take it and you fall into like one of four categories but she's obviously taking it and you're speaking to her soul uh this podcast is one of my go-tos to expand my mind uh and help lead a disciplined life. Ramsey, Mind Pump, Sevan, John Delaney. That's awesome. Thank you. You know, one of the things, what you said about getting up
Starting point is 02:27:31 early, I knew when I had kids that it would be, it would never be appropriate for my kids to get up before me. So if my kids got up at six, I need to be up at five. If my kids got up at five, I would need to be up at four. And I would never, the reason why is there stuff you have to do as a parent before your kids are up. And if you don't, you will play catch up. And I would watch my wife sometimes get up after my kids and I'd watch her play catch up. She'd always be stressed out. And I said, Hey, there's a strong correlation here between how your morning goes and whether you get up before your kids, you should never and and you can leverage your ego too it doesn't matter why you get up if you just if it's because you want to be competitive
Starting point is 02:28:09 with some of some jackass in your household your parents your wife your kids just do it leverage your ego if you have to to get up first but there's these things that you keep bringing up that i'm like yeah these are common themes i did them for different reasons but they're huge to my success oh i'm telling you if this is crazy i mean let's just say that you took every billionaire on the planet and there's a shitload of them now because there's since the internet it's so much easier to make money if you look at lots of pharma lots of pharma billionaires last couple years so and let's just say that you take the billionaires and even say the people that are 100 million and above. One of the biggest common themes you're going to find
Starting point is 02:28:51 is they all get up really fucking early. Right. That's like the number one thing. I mean, there's probably, let's just say there's a top 10. Getting up early, I would fucking bet my left arm will be number one. Right. And it's literally, it sounds weird to say, get up early. It will change your life. I mean, obviously you have to get up early, but the intent of bettering yourself, but get up early and read, get up early and go for a walk,
Starting point is 02:29:19 get up early and do something productive. And you will start to see positive changes in your life. really do something productive and you will start to see positive changes in your life even if you just it's not even really specific and focused just fucking do it and it will start to evolve into something specific and focused like you said too if you get up at fucking four you're not going to be wasting your time between 8 and 11 watching some show on netflix you could give two shits about exactly exactly so good yeah i mean are we gonna are we gonna focus on ourselves are we gonna focus on other people through social media or tv well focus on other people you're definitely not growing when you're focused on unless you're watching somebody to learn from them that's understandable like when i do watch television
Starting point is 02:30:02 it's 30 usually 30 minutes a day and it's usually like 30 minutes right before i fall asleep and i'm always listening to somebody who's helping me open my mind and then that's the shit i usually dream about like last night i watched grant cardone and uh oh that's someone someone in the comments said you were a grant cardone guy yeah he so he he knows a fucking you know hard-ass real estate mogul but more than anything it's just he's just go go go and i ended up fucking dreaming about the shit he was talking about all night yeah yeah and so like i was watching god who's i'm watching some uh uh alex hermosi i mean you can watch tony tony robin
Starting point is 02:30:43 there's so many people that you can listen to that will help open your mind about business or spiritual growth or whatever it is. And when you go to sleep, that shit's rolling around your subconscious because your brain actually develops when you're sleeping. And that's another thing that people don't recognize, that they can better themselves when they're fucking sleeping. But let me flip side. It was about two weeks ago. I was this called nick strength and power it's a it's a youtube channel about strength and bodybuilding and stuff and it's fun to see what's happening out there you know one of my podcast co-hosts is a he's still at real high level in bodybuilding and sometimes all how did he do whatnot so i watched this thing before i went to sleep i fucking dreamt about bodybuilding all fucking night
Starting point is 02:31:29 not that that's terribly bad but it definitely is not helping me grow i mean bodybuilding now is is is something that's behind me you know john you can actually ask yourself a question before you go to bed and you get the answer when you wake up in the morning. I'm telling you. It's incredible. The brain's incredible. The subconscious mind works all night long. The question is, are you going to give it something good or bad to chew on?
Starting point is 02:31:55 It's your choice. Hey, it was a great pleasure meeting you. This went swimmingly well. I had no idea where it would go. Absolutely none. you're set you're this this went uh swimmingly well i had no idea where it would go um absolutely not i we didn't even tell i thought we would talk much more about your career and you would tell stories about you know well let's do it again let's do it again all we guys getting thrown off of balconies and sex and drugs and rock and roll usually usually i i would say i don't know that i've ever been on a podcast where we've got it all
Starting point is 02:32:25 done in the first shot so we'll just have to schedule another one awesome yeah well thank you for your your optimism your positivity your candor your generosity with your spirit your wisdom fuck dude you're a cool cat yeah thank you i got a ton out of this well i appreciate you guys it was it was as much fun for me as it was for you guys. And for all you guys listening, um, you know, I spend a lot of time in my, my DMS in my Instagram account. That's if you want to catch me, that's going to be the best way because I mean, I mean, I, again, I, if my, my goal in life now is to affect as many people positively as I can before my time is up. Awesome. I love that goal. All right, brother, uh, John, uh, we have each other's phone numbers,
Starting point is 02:33:11 anything I can do for you. And, uh, and, and I'm sure we're going to do this again. Yeah. Well, just let me know when you want to schedule part two. And obviously, like I said, there's a whole nother side. We didn't even open up. Awesome. Yeah yeah i know you have a lot of good stories i'd like to hear some good stories yeah let's do it let's do it all right brother thank you guys have a beautiful day stay dry wow that was kind of trippy for me because we have a lot of similar things yeah i'm not like they're but mine are like like he's got the fully baked cake in the oven and like i just threw mine in there and started to turn up the temperature and having this episode with him he's like no you got to put it out 400 and you know 25 degrees
Starting point is 02:33:56 make sure to set your timers you know make sure to check on the cake yeah yeah yeah so he like filled in a ton of gaps i'm i'm kind of kind of excited to put some of it into action, to utilize some of it. What did I say yesterday that would upset someone about women? The only thing I heard – I was trying to think. The YouTube comment said – It's irrational. You can't even figure that out. There's no way you could figure that out.
Starting point is 02:34:23 I was thinking to myself. He was the one that kept calling um uh oh uh who was on yesterday uh to zach it's under yeah zach kept calling uh uh lehman nielsen what's the swimmer's name leah thomas okay he's the one who kept calling leah thomas a woman not me what what did i say that was offensive towards women yesterday i did like i was tripping on that i'm like fuck i want to go back and listen to i'm not going to i don't even i i don't think there really was anything that warrant that i mean when i had made that joke a while back and i was like yeah so glad we got this president and the worst thing trump was doing was bringing back manufacturing to the u.s or like that passing one and i got that like the most hateful DM I've ever gotten. Oh, right, right.
Starting point is 02:35:06 And so like, there's no, how am I going to like, you know, I can analyze that or try to figure it out, but why? I don't want to understand that person's mentality. I've never taken the time to sit there and like write out something to insult somebody on something that they've said. Like, I don't want to, I don't want to understand that person. I don't want to take the, I don't want to invest the time into that when I could take that same time and invest it into somebody else who I'm going to get so much more out of.
Starting point is 02:35:29 That's interesting. Greg said you don't want to understand a fucking pedophile or a serial murder to the point where you become them. I was like, oh, God. You start to become empathetic, right? Well, guys, hold on. Let's see it from their point of view.
Starting point is 02:35:42 It's like, no, fucker. There's no... No, we're not even going there with that shit. someone else wrote a cat wrote thought it was your show savvy g surprised everyone liked the show dude was too much uh i don't know if i have the exact sentiment but i knew within the first uh 10 minutes with zach i was like okay i'm gonna just chill and let he he it wasn't um yeah but that makes it easy, especially when he has a bunch of – He's definitely an easy guest. Holy shit, he's so easy. But also maybe if we had a couple more shows together, he would settle down, and it would be a back and forth.
Starting point is 02:36:14 I would like to see him on kind of the live call-in format where we react to stuff on the internet because he does have a different take on a lot of things, and we'll kind of argue those, not argue, but discuss those positions. And I think that'd be cool. I know that, uh, seven, you were actually four women by pushing back. I just want to, I just want to, uh, uh, on letting men compete against women and using their bathrooms, not only for women, but, um, I also, I don't have an issue with the woman becoming president United States or a woman becoming the fucking curing the, the, all the world's problems. What I do have an issue
Starting point is 02:36:45 with is this belittlement like there's something greater than being a mom because there is not and and i stand i stand firmly on my ground there is there is not anything better than being a mom and raising kids now someone's gonna be like well i disagree with you but that's okay but that's not saying anything about um negative about women i mean yeah but but i am disappointed with how society has has i feel like society undervalued that yeah it has shit on that yeah more than undervalued you shit on it and may and set up a system where women are trying to compete with men. It's like, dude, you got some fucking shit you can do that's fucking space travel worthy. You're in charge of the future of the planet
Starting point is 02:37:33 by fucking the babies you make and how you raise them. And the funny part about it, some of the real hardcore radical feminist types will say that, they'll argue that whole point and then they'll also argue that the transgender thing. And then it's kind of like, wait. So essentially, you're just saying then now men could just say that they're women and then go back to that same hierarchy that you were originally fighting against. Right.
Starting point is 02:37:55 Like there's a big flaw in that logic, you know. Savant wishes he could be a mom. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for uh hillary translate uh and michael c invite more people that more followers or is that does he mean with with more followers that's a secret to getting more followers but no it will also bring people
Starting point is 02:38:18 to the platform that may not agree is the intention to get more followers? I don't know. I'm just inviting people that I see that look interesting. I mean, dude, I invite so – Susan and I, like, there's an hour – probably Susan spends an hour every day dealing with the people that I send him to try to get on the show. And I probably spend literally four or five hours a day researching researching people to have on the show i'm not even joking i know it sounds crazy but that's what i do i mean yesterday before i went to bed i watched his shit this guy's shit john anderson shit for two hours i did not think we were going to have the conversations we had no and he's a thousand times cooler than I imagined. I mean, I thought he was cool, but yeah, there's, there's that show had a lot of really good nuggets in it.
Starting point is 02:39:09 Uh, more parenting shows and convos. I agree. I, I would love to do that too. Um, I love that stuff. Yeah. People should be begging to be on your show.
Starting point is 02:39:18 And some people are, that's the thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We have, we got some of those too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:39:24 We got a lot of those. Um, the thing is, is that as soon as someone wants to come on the show, it's usually kind of like a, it's a different kind. It's a weird show. Like even,
Starting point is 02:39:37 even Zach, I guess said to Hiller that he wanted to be on the show and he kind of fit into that guest the way it turned out, who wants it to be on the show there's something different about people that pursue the show versus people that i pursue i can't quite put my thumb on it um susan make a fucking book list already wow aggressive uh brandon graham moms run the world your career will replace you and not care your kids will miss you yeah there's a good point yeah that's that's some powerful shit um love the
Starting point is 02:40:15 instagram post of your kids thrusters uh one post and kickboxing the next hey you want to see something really weird yeah but it's gotta be kind of quick because i gotta go to the gym okay you can leave well i'll show you and then you but i kind of i want to see it now i hate leaving the shows early because i feel like i miss out on a bunch of stuff oh you you do you i i do and i selfishly want it to be about me and when i on my time yes i posted this um the chris rock thing thing is so worth watching. So I posted this, I took a video. Oh, Hiller, you're going to trip on this. So yes, last night before I went to bed,
Starting point is 02:40:55 I posted this Chris Rock video. And look, it only has 15 plays. And that means that somehow Instagram is blocking this. For sure. For sure. For sure. It's crazy. How could this not have... You can't even comment on it? Oh, no, it's because you're...
Starting point is 02:41:19 No, it has zero comments. Oh, Hillary said, dude, I commented. Comment. It has zero comments. Oh, Hillary said, dude, I commented. You commented. I don't see it on there. Yeah. Oh, did you comment on the other one? Maybe you commented on this one.
Starting point is 02:41:37 Oh, that's got two comments. Yeah. You commented on this one. Impressive. Yeah. He says, I'm sure I'm not sure i've seen those kind of numbers
Starting point is 02:41:47 on this platform how do you do it i've never seen how could something be up for seven hours and only have seven plays yeah it's so fucking weird hey so when you guys watch this Chris Rock thing, at the very end, he walks off stage and it shows him walking off stage and he's almost in tears. The end is really emotional for him because he talks about his relationship with Will Smith. And then he says something at the end about basically what it means to be black in this country. It is some fucking really powerful, what it means to be black in this country it is it's some fucking really powerful beautiful shit to be honest and um it's um yeah it's i want more you guys to see it before i talk about it but he walks off the stage and he walks into the back and um there's no one there for him to hug there's two security guards there
Starting point is 02:42:48 and they take them and they walk them like probably 100 feet to a door and you see him walk off stage and it's like at the end of that show i've never seen a man who needs to hug someone more than fucking what i saw with chris rock right there like you really need someone to hug and uh yeah it's a trip please watch that and tell me what you guys think kenneth uh kenneth uh uh the lap i said i'm looking at your message numbers gives me anxiety i know it's great i mean it's crazy you should see his text message numbers it's oh what message numbers? What are you talking about? On the screen, we can see your DMs. It says 19. Oh, dude, there's like 400.
Starting point is 02:43:30 Dude, there's 500 DMs in there. And this morning, I already answered 100 of them. It never goes above 20 for some reason. It's a never-ending game, dude, because every time you respond, people reply. I haven't touched mine in a little bit just because I've been crazy busy with my increased coaching schedule the last week. And so I haven't even opened it.
Starting point is 02:43:49 I'm like, fuck. It's not even showing up on your page. Oh, the Chris Rock one? When you go there, you can't even see it? Yeah, they did something. Yeah, probably some weird algorithm thing because it's the show. Oh, look at that. Just went to your Instagram. That video isn't even showing up yeah okay so that's why it got crushed because it's a
Starting point is 02:44:11 recording of a chris rock and they're doing everything and they can't that's like hillar and um hillar the other day tried to just even pull it up on stream yard through netflix and it gets blocked when i do it yeah i have this clip of uh you know gary vaynerchuk is uh yeah gary v and he's in breakfast club this is probably like in 2019 maybe 18 when he recorded it and it's him literally coining the phrase karen because he's on there and he's like yeah and i'm like mama like don't be a karen and then everybody in the breakfast comes laughs they're like who's karen what's this why are you calling him karen and then he like explains the story so i took it i clipped it and i was like hey let's just put this on a youtube short to see if it's
Starting point is 02:44:51 one of those random youtube shorts that gets like hundreds of thousands of views because it's gary v breakfast club and coining the phrase karen so like uh probably about three months ago i uploaded it on my youtube as a short and it and it started to take off right away, like faster than anything else on the YouTube channel. I think it had like 250 views within the first like five minutes or something. Wow. And then it went away. They blocked it from being subbed because it was a copyright.
Starting point is 02:45:16 Oh, shit. So since I pulled it from that out of context and like even changed a little bit of it, it's still like the algorithm still recognized it. And as it started to go, it just went shut down um uh for so there's that i want to say one thing about parenting too by the way i i never thought i would be a good parent never wanted to be a parent and once i had kids uh it's weird like there was some sort of something happened to me i i'm possessed to not be selfish and to focus on my kids and i don't even recognize the
Starting point is 02:45:47 person i've become so no one should be afraid that so much shit will just happen um biologically you'll basically start turning into your parents and i had really loving caring parents so um lucky uh yeah like I agree. Lucky. It's a bit much, but worth watching. Oh, the Chris Rock. Yeah, it is a bit much. There's a couple of things in there that he says that are just completely fucking idiotic. But I think it's worth watching.
Starting point is 02:46:22 The whole January 6th thing he does is just fucking retarded. Okay. All right. Do you think calling a country a shithole is racist? Sorry, I know you have to go. We'll do a live calling show. Yeah. No, I don't think it is.
Starting point is 02:46:38 I don't think it's racist. Maybe like rude, right? Or lax tact. I think it was just, uh, it's a murder capital of the plant of planet earth where more humans are killed. I mean, that's kind of a shithole, right? I mean, a hundred percent. But the thing is, is, is that it's just, it's focusing on the wrong things. They're not actually focusing on the context of what's being talked about.
Starting point is 02:46:59 They're just focusing on the way that that was packaged. Right. And, and another thing that they said i guess trump said um uh that he thought maybe a judge was biased because the judge was mexican and he was judging a case with mexicans in it and they called that racist but the irony there is is that no black people want or white no black people want a jury that's all white people right and and they they purposely choose juries that aren't white people when there are black people want a jury that's all white people right and they they purposely choose juries that aren't white people when there are black people that's everyone does that and yet they're calling the i'm just like the same people who are calling him racist are the ones who are
Starting point is 02:47:35 like that was completely unfair written house didn't have any black people on his jury i mean you know what i mean it's like you it goes back to what zach was saying yesterday you can't have it both ways which Which is it? Yeah. Are we picking juries because of their color of their skin or are we not? Right. Double standard. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:47:51 What is going on here? We love a good double standard. Did you see? I know you got to go. Did you see Tucker Carlson was on Nelk Boys? Yes, I saw that he was on Nelk Boys. No, I haven't watched it yet. I'm waiting.
Starting point is 02:48:06 I got some time today I'm going to carve out, and I like to think that I'm going to program some workouts and listen to that at the same time, which I'll probably do one and not the other. Okay. Have you watched it yet? I watched clips of it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:48:21 I watched clips of it. The NSA hacked his signal account and they totally did yeah i mean they hacked everything anyone who thinks that signal or telegram or anything everything is being watched yeah for sure 80 of you that are addicted to porn hub the government has all the content of you looking into your camera like oh they got it they got it just now it just no hey i have this theory that like uh cars wouldn't be allowed these days like if you had the gas filled car in cash it's like the last bit of uh freedom yes that we truly have because now you could take a couple hundred dollars in cash you can hop in your car with no cell phone device it's got to be old car can't be
Starting point is 02:49:04 a tesla because don't you don't you fucking forget everybody cash. You could hop in your car with no cell phone device. It's got to be an old car. It can't be a Tesla because don't you fuckers forget. Everybody knows where you're at in your Tesla. It could be controlled from a central location. Yes. But a car these days can't. You get in the work truck that I got, the old 07 Honda Civic with a couple hundred dollars in cash and no cell phone, no electronic devices, and I take off. You won't be able to know where I am or track me. Every Escalade can be turned me that every escalate can be turned
Starting point is 02:49:25 off almost every car can be every car now because if it's got the whole digital and it's got airplane your iphone hooks up to it everything else that means that you're you could be tracked your car could be uh messed with from a central location a remote central location somewhere else and here's the thing too let's say you want to kill someone and you're like okay i'm going to turn all that shit off well then they got evidence showing that you turned all that shit off why is that shit turned off you're fucked okay but now I really really got to run because I'm okay
Starting point is 02:49:51 bye okay okay thank you Susan okay bye I can't kick you off you gotta kick your okay bye bye that's my truck doesn't even have a clock well there you go anything you can do with a device someone else can i'm not sure what that means but i like it
Starting point is 02:50:12 um i i i think the show has was before the truth came out about january 6th and his defense oh come on no one no but here's no one no one you can't anyone who thought that january 6th in his defense oh come on no no but here's no one no one you can't anyone who thought that january 6th was trying to take the government over is fucking batshit crazy you can go so what i did is i went to abc news and i went straight to their thing and i first i watched the entire donald trump talk and then i went and got the transcripts from CNN and I did that or vice versa. I watched on CNN and I got the transcripts from ABC News because I like to go to the most liberal, hateful places. And it was it was all they already had permits to march on the Capitol. He said, we're going to go there and march peacefully. And then I don't need I don't care if they would have fucking run in the building
Starting point is 02:51:05 and burn the whole place down it still wouldn't have been an insurrection you can't take over a building and then it takes over the government it doesn't work like that that's retarded that's like thinking you take two weeks off the calendar and then all of a sudden all our lives are being shortened by two weeks that building is not the government it's just a fucking building like what the fuck is wrong with people but the fact that there was no fire the fact that there were no guns oh someone there were guns okay a gun or two guns or three guns not like insurrection there's dude in your mall i just found out one of my friends that i hang out with all the time always has a gun on them
Starting point is 02:51:38 i have a handful of friends who always have guns on them libtard friends so there's always a gun somewhere i mean it's just it's just horseshit nonsense there was never a second i'm not attacking you either judy i'm just rifting off of what you said there's always there was never a moment to think that um there was never a moment to think that uh that january 6th was an insurrection that's just fucking crazy talk just absolute crazy talk what does this say yeah stay strapped always it's all good thank you judy um yeah they forgot about the riots billions of dollars done i've said this a million times 760 million dollars in damage just to ferguson which is a shithole town
Starting point is 02:52:33 little shithole town 760 million dollars just damaged just down to ferguson only 30 million at the capital like come on uh i'm looking at a quote um oh shit really is that how i i guess andrew hiller said i can never tell them apart which one is marston which one is heber and then i responded marston is the one brooke ends cheated on holy shit that was my response and then and then it's a someone sent me a screenshot of uh caleb's face someone sent me a comment uh dm saying that was the funniest show that they'd ever listened to and that made me so happy god i love it when this shit's funny what do you think happens if i play this clip what happens if i play this clip this one right here this quick do you think it even plays just oh yeah yeah it plays what who's not working wow
Starting point is 02:53:34 so i was in i'll tell you what the clip's about you ready seven read your dms live fuck that the thing the reason why I can't do that is because people tell me some crazy shit in there. Um, although it's, it's an interesting, I could start another account and do that. What if I started another account and did that? That could be a bit, um, that could be another bit. So I remember being i was in kenya with greg and we were driving and we passed by this gas station and there were like 20 guys hanging out in front of it right just standing around and he goes hey see that right there and i go yeah he goes that's the worst fucking thing you could ever see in society i go what's that he goes middle of the day 20
Starting point is 02:54:22 unemployed fucking men between the age of 18 and 25. He goes, that is a really, really, really bad sign. And I was like, wow, that is some fucking insightful shit. hey, I would love to live in a part of town. Or he says, the part of town you want to live in is the part of town where you see women, sweaty women walking around in sweatpants and Lululemon at 1215 in the afternoon. That's the part of town you want to live in. You want to live in a part of town where there's tons of women who voluntarily don't work, who are voluntarily unemployed, and at 12, 15 are walking out of a soul cycle. That's where you want to live. And he's making several points there. And there's some really fucking interesting, implicit,
Starting point is 02:55:19 yet very poignant comments he's making about the roles that men and women have also. It's very, very interesting. And it's okay. It's nothing bad. Yeah. It's okay. It's okay that there's a cohort of women who are married to men who have made enough money so that the women can work out at 12, 15 in the day.
Starting point is 02:55:40 He goes on to say that my ex-wife is the smartest woman in the world. 1215 in the day. He goes on to say that, uh, my wife, my ex-wife is the smartest woman in the world. We got a, uh, we, uh, we got a divorce and she got half and she's never said anything funny in her life. Meaning I'm the one who tells all the jokes. She got half the money. Anyway, he goes on to say the part of town you don't want to live in is the part of town at 1215 in the afternoon you see grown men riding kids bikes and if none of you ever lived in the fucking hood which i've spent many years in the hood you know exactly what he's talking about grown men riding kids bikes i know exactly what that looks like
Starting point is 02:56:21 riding kids bikes. I know exactly what that looks like. And it's true. And it made me right away. Think about Jon Stewart complaining about gun violence and kids. There's I wrote, I wrote in this, I wrote in this Chris rock piece,
Starting point is 02:56:42 unemployed men are thousands of times more dangerous than guns, but you'll never hear Jon Stewart or any of the people who mistake symptoms for problems talk about that. Unemployed young men are a scourge on society. They are fucking the worst. I don't know what the stats are, but I guarantee you 90% of the people who shoot people are unemployed young men. Guarantee it. But they don't want – that's the whole problem with the whole Jon Stewart thing. That's the whole problem with the gun control. They don't want to look at what the cost is of that.
Starting point is 02:57:21 What do we give up? And on the other hand, what's the cost is of that what do we give up and on the other hand what's the real problem the problem is we fucking we have a society with fucking shitloads of unemployed men without fathers yeah exactly thank you borders wide open fentanyl problems no fathers women, women being rewarded. That was another thing that this guy, John Anderson, said. He talked about rewarding people. You fight so that you can have makeup sex, and then you start purposely fighting. I mean, that's the whole thing with – that's the argument of why there are so many single moms
Starting point is 02:57:56 because they reward single moms for being single. For example, in San Francisco, if you're a single mom and you're Latino or you're a tranny, you can be part of an experimental program that gives people universal income. It's nuts. Same thing happened with COVID. They addressed the symptoms. They didn't address the issue. We know that COVID didn't kill anyone except for people who are addicted to refined carbohydrates. Nobody. Nobody. Not one. issue we know that covid didn't kill anyone except for people who are addicted to refined carbohydrates nobody nobody not one and the same thing with homelessness there's no there's no such thing as homelessness we have a drug problem and so what are they going to do they want to find a
Starting point is 02:58:42 way to put these people in homes because they think they're homeless. Well, now all we have are hotels full of drug users. I mean, it's not even sustainable. What it does is it exacerbates the problem. When you address the symptom and not the problem, not the disease, you most often exacerbate it. Same with type 2 diabetes. Every time someone takes insulin, they're shortening their life. All you got to do is quit eating Snicker bars. Or only eat the ones that Brooke Wells eats.
Starting point is 02:59:18 Ben Shapiro's three tips. Don't have kids out of wedlock. Maintain a decent job. Graduate from high school. Yeah, I mean,'s um but you know uh make guns illegal criminals will still get them we'll just make a law-abiding citizens become criminals yeah and that's another thing too the uh right very well said and that's another thing like i don't want to hear shit like about what people in new zealand think about guns
Starting point is 02:59:43 you live on a fucking island that's smaller than fucking one of our major cities with fewer people. Like, shut the fuck up. You don't even know what the fuck's going on over here. I say that with peace and love. Yeah, exactly. Give us your used needles and we will exchange them for sterile ones. Yeah. And none of that shit is working.
Starting point is 03:00:04 Good morning, geez Louise. Oh, I was actually going to take my kids to church today. for sterile ones yeah and none of that shit is working uh good morning geez louise oh i was actually going to take my kids to church today believe it or not it would have been the first time they'd ever been to church these uh two girls um that my boys do jujitsu with uh invited the boys to their church today so i was like yeah i'd do that. Take the two Jew boys to, to the church. All right. Well, thank you for the show. Thank you for John Anderson. Great show. I will see you guys tomorrow. Tomorrow's going to be a crazy guest, Adam Kramer. It's going to be another good one. I want to do a show at night, a live calling show, but usually by the time it gets to nighttime,
Starting point is 03:00:43 I'm already prepping for the next morning's podcast. No. Was it the girl's mom who likes to brush her hair before class? No. It was a guy who was a father who has two daughters and he's got fucking neck prison neck tattoos people like kids kids who do jiu-jitsu their parents are fucking a piece pieces of work but this dude's a really cool dude and he's got two really cool daughters, and I thought it was nice that they invited us to church.
Starting point is 03:01:26 Mexican chicks from Watsonville. Church starts at 10. It's 10 now. Oh, yeah, disc golf show tomorrow. Shit, I got so much disc golf to watch today and tomorrow. I got so much disc golf to watch today and tomorrow. Paulina, you look like you might play disc golf or date a disc golf guy. Happy birthday week, Sevan.
Starting point is 03:01:54 Thank you. All right. I will see you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Or maybe a surprise show tonight. Yeah, probably Catholic. You're right. Racist. Okay. Bye-bye.

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