The Sevan Podcast - #857 - 2023 Innova Open Coverage w/ Brian Friend

Episode Date: March 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah bam we're live caleb do i use the or is that only for my show for this show too no no no okay i didn't think so no song i think we should have a specific one for the disc golf shows just like the post production companies have fair do you like those little intro musics? Yeah. You skip through them, don't you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're cheesy. No, I don't skip through anything, but I watch it at like one and a quarter.
Starting point is 00:00:29 I've been watching it one and a quarter time. Yeah. And I wish I could keep the time code up the entire time. I watch it on YouTube. Oh, I wonder if there's a setting in YouTube where I can do that on the TV. I don't know. Does anyone know? Brian Friend, Caleb Beaver on the back end.
Starting point is 00:00:53 This is our fourth golf show, and they are going, as they say, old people say, swimmingly well. Elizabeth, Jeremy3, they are fine. It's a great podcast. I don't know who you're talking to, but okay. Yash, good to see you. Bruce Wayne, agreed. Elizabeth, know who you're talking to but okay uh yash good to see you bruce wayne agreed elizabeth what do you guys think we're they think we're fighting oh they do uh they are fine it's a great oh because uh brian hung up the other day when
Starting point is 00:01:15 i called him during the live show did we talk about that what do you mean like if you said we haven't talked about that i called you and i said hey what's up you said hey i said hey i'm live i'm wondering if we're doing the golf show and you said are we really live and i said yeah and then it was like click and then you left yeah then we probably party i i did for a slight second think oh my god is he was he sleeping we did talk about i remember you called me and you're like oh my god that was amazing when you hung up on me on the show the other day oh yes yes yes my favorite part john heimberg absolutely crushed it easy buddy easy he did okay let's not ruin it let's not ruin it let's not ruin it but i appreciate your passion uh mr
Starting point is 00:02:03 walters i heard you loud and clear. Yes, guests. Mike Hawk, Kenny Walters again. Jeremy, I hope you're wrong as Brian makes a lot of great shows. I think they both realize that they're very important to each other. Brian's athlete connections and savvy. Oh, you guys really do think we're fighting? No,
Starting point is 00:02:19 not in even the slightest. Not even a speed bump. But I appreciate the... If it adds to the interest in the show, we can shake it up a little bit. I'm here for Brian. Thank you, Audrey. Is this the Frisbee stuff again?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Tiz? Paul Scanlon. Good evening, folks. You guys, there is a guy that you're going to see today. Chris Clemens. This guy is fucking the stereotypical Frisbee player. You guys are going to appreciate him. Full-blown, the long hair.
Starting point is 00:02:55 He could be in a Will Ferrell movie. They need to do a Frisbee movie, right? Will Ferrell needs to do a – right? Those comedian guys, don't you think? Will Ferrell, Bill Murray, like they need to do a, yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:03:09 something like that where they do the ice skating. They did the like ABA basketball one. They could definitely do one for disc golf. It would be amazing. Oh, here we go. Here's the drama. Uh,
Starting point is 00:03:17 Ken Walters, a great ghost on yesterday's podcast. Brian hung up on Seve when he called to ask him a question. And on the quarters recap show, Brian popped right after the podcast. Oh, yes. Double tension with Talander. Talander.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Talander. Came here to get hydrated by Sevan. Oh, that's cool. That's sweet. Jonathan Ortega, the guy with the best profile picture in the game. I feel Brian is the type of guy to not half-ass anything. He only full-asses all things. I had the exact same question again today.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Someone goes, why are you doing the Frisbee show? I go, because Brian's full into it. I just want to do anything that anyone's fully into. A gray ghost, the best two in the business. Well, thank you. Is that a girl? Who would have thought the gray ghost was a girl? That's like a boy's
Starting point is 00:04:03 name, right? The gray lady is a girl.'s like a boy's name right the gray lady is a girl it's a ghost from harry potter it is um uh i need more drama uh pretend you're angry at each other all right well i can call him again he can hang up again we can keep it going uh trevor merchant a canadian 11 this thumbnail is amazing i haven't seen it have you seen Merchant, a Canadian $11. This thumbnail is amazing. I haven't seen it. Have you seen it? Is it a Bruce Wayne epic? I don't know what it's from, but it's pretty good. Jethro Cardona hit the like nerds.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Disc golf is fun and interesting. Asshole. Wow. That's Pat Barber? No no it's from the hangover oh is that me and that's brian and i'm in the um little babies outfit yes oh my god well at least they got a little sevens disc golf show and there's a a frisbee the seven podcast on it oh my goodness i'd let you carry me around like that brian i'd put you through a few baseline strength tests and i'd jump right in it's 30-way muscles for time one of them yeah how do
Starting point is 00:05:13 you do that two sets of 15 no oh it's 15 sets of two oh nice okay hey what about the that other question i asked you in that thread can i bring that up or is that for a different show? Just ask it. Okay. There were three errors in regards to Becca Voigt. Where was that posted? How could there be three errors about someone who's been in the games 15 times? I guess for the same reason that there's been errors on the CrossFit Games Instagram page,
Starting point is 00:05:46 emails of the day, uh, news things that go out to athletes and community for the entire year. The, the weights used, um, at 20, at 23.1. Wow. That was, that was pretty crazy. Um, just so you guys know, I'll fill you in in here so it's not just a complete um i took a screenshot of it these were the these were the air uh rebecca voight they said she qualified 14 times she qualified 15 times they said she had uh she has two event wins not just one event win like they they said and she's podium four times uh not three as a master's athlete those were all things that that Brian had to correct. You don't even work for them. They don't pay you or nothing, right?
Starting point is 00:06:30 For the games every year, they pay me a little bit. Oh, to come there and just hang out? Not last year, I guess, but the other years, yeah. Dude, it's crazy. Well, it's nice of you to do that free work for them, to send them that information. Very nice of you. We that free work for them to send them that information very nice of you we're lucky to have you round two part one oh shit i didn't even write the name of the course it's a brand new course never been played before true never been seen before yeah
Starting point is 00:07:01 it wasn't that last week also uh i think so yes but the courses were extremely different uh 12 daily dose 12 daily dose of stuff 49.99 thank you wow hold on brian let's make some money stoked to learn about disc golf thanks for letting me back savvy baby yeah i'm sorry that you got booted there There's very, there's very few. There's all, we just don't, I think we don't, we don't,
Starting point is 00:07:27 there's only, we don't, there's only one thing we really don't tolerate. And I, you couldn't possibly have done it in the chat. So I'm not sure. But welcome back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:39 So how do you, wasn't last week's course, a look at Spiegel's not happy. Wasn't last week's course a, um, look at Spiegel's not happy. Uh, wasn't, um, last week's course also the first time that course had been played. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yep. Interesting. Two weeks in a row. And just give me a sort of a thing real quick. So this, the first three, um, shows we covered first three weeks we covered those were
Starting point is 00:08:06 all part of some point system that goes to some championship but this one we're covering today is not part of that yes and no okay it has a different name it's under a different umbrella so the first three we covered were all what they would say are stops on the pdga disc golf tour of which there are 16 of those and And those are just like your baseline, uh, tournaments. There are these, this is the first silver series event.
Starting point is 00:08:32 There are still points available in the silver series event that contribute to the, the year round, the year long points totals that you'd need to qualify for the tour championships, but they're half as many. So if you, if you usually get a hundred for winning a tournament if you usually get 100 for winning a tournament,
Starting point is 00:08:46 you only get 50 for winning this tournament. So they still contribute, but half as many points. There's not as many of them throughout the year. I think there's five or six maybe. And then in a month or so will come up the first major, and the major are worth one and a half as many points. So in that example you would get 150 points if you want let me ask you this real quick so and i know you answered this i heard
Starting point is 00:09:11 you say it is part of the 16 but is it part of the 16 no this is so i did hear it wrong okay i'm gotta clarify it's not part of one of the 16 but how many of these other events are there that contribute points but aren't part of the 16? Is it half as many points? I thought I heard the guy say that. Is it a regular one? Half as many. So, yeah, there's 16, and they culminate in the Disc Golf Pro Tour Championship.
Starting point is 00:09:37 That's the 16th one of the Pro Tour stops. That will be in the middle of October. Is that championship number 16? Are there 15 that lead to the 16th? Yeah. Okay. And is that one worth points or does you just have to win that one? You have to have enough points to qualify for that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And then once you get in the format for that tournament is different than any of the other tournaments. And there are three, there are three silver or four silver series events also throughout the year. So there's really, there's 19's 19, and there's four majors. So there's actually 23 points earning potentials before the 24th tournament, which is the Tour Championship. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:17 So there's 16 of these, and then there's another eight. Yeah, I mean, we could put up a graphic if you want to see it, what it looks like. Sure. And then how much is with you a document right now called the, it's the fantasy disc golf league. But if you just go to the all tournaments tab, we can see exactly what it's asked.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Are you sending that to, is Caleb on that? I'm sending it to Caleb. Yeah. Okay. So there's 16 of these. How much are these 16 worth each? And then,
Starting point is 00:10:45 and then how much is this silver one? Uh, well, if you win the regular ones that are a hundred, hundreds of maximum points you can earn, but then points tapered down from there. And this one, the max you can earn is 50,
Starting point is 00:10:58 50 and they tapered down from there. Yeah. Okay. Okay, cool. All right. All right. And it was a different production company that I had never seen before that produced this one.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, so the big production companies, Jomez Pro and Gatekeeper Media, will be at all of the big stops. But for these smaller events, there are a lot of other post-production companies that cover disc golf, actually, if you search around on YouTube. This one's called central coast disc golf they've you know also been for a while to your email address um just so you know for anyone who's watching from these production companies of these golf shows if you are watching this uh central coast disc used a shot that i haven't seen in any of the other events that i've watched um in the previous three weeks and it's a wide shot of a guy on the tee and it shows about a complete three or four hundred yards and sorry three or four hundred feet and with that wide shot is the first time
Starting point is 00:12:00 i ever got a perspective of really how far these guys are throwing it. It's a really wide shot. The guy looks like an ant, and then you see the disc go up in the air. And then when you see that, you're like, oh, shit. And just so you know, one of the commentators said something in this podcast, or sorry, in this TV show covering the golf that you should all recognize. Well, at least it really impacted me. Just the distance that they're throwing these,
Starting point is 00:12:28 these guys were saying could be an Olympic event. Meaning even if you didn't have to do golf, even if you didn't have them going towards a basket, if you just line these guys up and just had them throw it as far as they could, people would be blown away. And when I saw these wide shot and I can really throw a Frisbee far, but when they were showing these wide shots, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:44 It was absolutely bonkers i like i've told you before i have not been to a pro disc golf tournament but everyone i know who has been says the same two things you cannot believe how far they throw it and you cannot believe how hard they put it they put it into the basket right it doesn't translate to tv yeah i mean you like you can watch and be like oh that's looks like it hit the chains harder oh man 550 feet but until you see someone throw a disc that's flying in the air 550 feet all right sorry kate i don't know what to tell you then all good we'll get it next time uh herpes yeah yeah let's not blow our load this time caleb
Starting point is 00:13:22 let's save something for episode five. A herpes free since 2003, four 99. All right, Brian, Mr. Friend, you're such an expert at froth. I think he means Frisbee golf.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Tell me the definitions of these three terms. Buttery Richard gets skinny. The fuck is that? I think it would have been helpful to have commas where they're supposed to be uh but i'm guessing that buttery means smooth richard i have no idea and getting skinny probably means that you're like threading a needle through a tight line of trees there you go uh uh 12 daily doses how far do they throw 100 no they're throwing 200 yards there's a you'll see a shot today where a guy throws a 605 feet.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And listen. I can throw it about 100 yards. I was going to say, yeah, in my hey, I don't know about a Frisbee golf, but in my heyday, I could throw just a regular Frisbee from end zone to end zone at a football field, and it was crazy. It would blow people's minds that I could do that. And two of those, I kind of need to see it in person i know it's insane well there's one right in there in santa cruz you can go to it
Starting point is 00:14:31 oh to a tournament yeah oh when is that what's the date on that i have to check definitely going i was sitting in the park today on a bench from, and watching my kids skate like at a hundred feet away. It's a, it's a weird skate park. It's basically, it's a big park, but it's not a skate park. It's like one of the oldest skate parks in the world. It's called Derby. I don't know if you want to bring it up, Caleb, you don't have to, but it's a trip. Oh, master series,
Starting point is 00:15:02 Santa Cruz master's cup presented by Innova Disc. May 13th to the 15th. Yep. Oh, it's the Silver Series event as well. There you go. Oh, well, let's read out to Matt. I'm going to write that guy's name down and look him up on Instagram and try to get him on to promote the event. Maybe I should come out there for that one.
Starting point is 00:15:19 We'll go cover it from the course. Oh, that would be crazy. That would be awesome. Okay so uh i'm sitting on this park bench and i'm looking at this like just piece of concrete that flows through the grass and it's a it's a crazy old school um skate spot and a cop walks up to me and and i look homeless as fuck like i look like this and i'm on the phonealey, and I said, and he doesn't know. Yeah, that's it right there. And I'm sitting on a bench that's that way, probably like 100 feet, 200 feet.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And the cop walks up to me, and I'm on the phone with Haley, and I say to him, I say to Haley, I'm like, Hey, uh, I'm leaving now. And the cop thinks I'm saying that to him. Hey, I'm leaving now. And he goes, you don't have to, you're fine. You're fine. I'm like, Oh, what? And I was like, I wasn't talking to you. And he's like, Oh, Oh, he thought my, I was talking to my wife as you walked up. He's like, Oh, I'm like, how do you know my name? He's like, dude, huge fan of the podcast. As you walked up, he's like, oh, I'm like, how do you know my name?
Starting point is 00:16:24 He's like, dude, huge fan of the podcast. All right. Good to go. He's like, I'm listening to it right now. That would have been great. Hey, I'm getting arrested again. Okay. What's the name of the course, Brian, that we're at?
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's a shame. I didn't, I don't have it. It's a, it's a strange name for the course, Brian, that we're at? It's a shame. I don't have it. It's a strange name for the course. But I can't even remember what they called it. Oh, shit. Well, the title of the – honestly, the title of the tournament was pretty dumb. It was so long. It was like the 28th annual Innova Open at Texas State Championships with a course named Brock Park.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That's the word I couldn't think of. A new course, Brock Park. Okay, Brock Park. And was it an old public golf course? Is that what it is? but the course named Brock Park. That's the word I couldn't think of. A new course, Brock Park. Okay, Brock Park. And was it an old public golf course? Is that what it is? It's an old public golf course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And they just built a disc golf course on it. And they actually built two disc golf courses, one for the men and one for the women. So the women played mostly different holes than the guys. Is that normal? They usually have the same baskets or, or T pads and sometimes both, but often, you know, there's, um, maybe you have the same hole, but the men is a par three and the women's a par four, or you'll have two T pads along in a short and the men will play from the long and the women will play from a short or two baskets and the men will play to
Starting point is 00:17:39 the long and the women will play to the short. Hey, is that, is that, is there a common distance, like, uh, 85% of the length of the field or something like they or they'd remove 15 percent of the distance so if it's a thousand foot um men's course they make it 850 for the women and then just keep the par the same 850 par 5 uh not no not necessarily not not a uniform number no uh and then we get into the uh we're going to do a whole show on that later mooney what is a woman but totally fair question okay yeah so the men's are the blue the women's are the pink and this property is massive like that bridge in the middle i think it's like 350 feet long yeah they set up some beautiful shots with that bridge in there.
Starting point is 00:18:25 A lot of people at the event, like 400 people. Yeah. It looks well attended. And you can see here that there's some really long holes. This is a bomber's course. You got to be able to throw it far, but they put up out of bounds everywhere.
Starting point is 00:18:38 So you also have to be accurate. Okay, guys, as you know, all of these events by now, you've probably figured out they are three rounds meaning all the players uh not always three rounds just the ones we've been doing recently are okay take take two as you guys know all the events we've been covering up to this point have been
Starting point is 00:18:54 three rounds this one is actually the first one we did was four rounds oh son of a bitch okay guys listen this event is three rounds and three rounds means that all the players will play 18 holes and they play they they all play the 18 holes in groups of four and then they rest and then they play all the holes in groups of four uh 18 holes and they rest and then they have the final day and each of those days is called uh round one round two and round three and it's on three separate days uh they play the front nine and then the back nine so it's holes one through nine and then holes 10 through 18 so we're going to start and skip straight up to day two like we have every time play the front nine and then the back nine. So it's holes one through nine and then holes 10 through 18.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So we're going to start and skip straight up to day two. Like we have every time. Is that part true? Yeah. Day one was pretty cold day. Some wind and you know, we'll see the guy that the four guys we're going to watch an hour, like four guys that shot the best on that day. And,
Starting point is 00:19:46 uh, humidity was day two was a perfect day as opposed to the first day that Brian was talking about being a cold day, a humidity, not a factor, a perfect day for golf. And we start on whole one. Uh,
Starting point is 00:20:00 Brian is the king of extortion. Don't mess, mess with his airtime again, seven. I don't know what that means, but okay. Extra sloppy question. They don't do staggered starts. No, it's not like a shotgun start. So a lot of times the course designers have a specific, it's like the course is telling a story. So they want you to start at a certain point, go through a stretch of holes, and end at a certain point. So everyone starts at 1 and finishes at 18.
Starting point is 00:20:27 The tee times start early in the morning. The women almost always play first and start between 7 or 8 a.m. And the men usually finish when basically close to sunset. And so a round of the tournament usually lasts all day from the first women's group that tees off to the last men's group that finishes. And is this last card always, does it always go last yeah the the best guys feature card or the lead card always goes last yes for the men okay and there's two terms you'll hear this is the uh like brian said the lead card and then sometimes there'll be a what's called the chase card and they're both filmed and so today and last week we covered the chase card. This week we're just covering the lead card. So, you know, part of that is because this tournament is it's it's not one of those made in 16 stops.
Starting point is 00:21:11 So not all the best players played in this. There are still tons of good players that played the best. Currently the best player in the world played in it. And so we'll get to see a couple of guys that have been close or even that have done well, but haven't made it onto the coverage in the other tournaments. So it's nice that we can learn a few more characters in the story. In the last two weeks, Brian pointed out to us were the closest to, I don't want to call them tournaments. We call these things tournaments in the history of the sport. So they had back to back weeks with just tons of dudes within striking striking distance of the podium the entire three days so keep that in mind i actually was uh watching one
Starting point is 00:21:51 of simon lazat's blogs this week and he said i uh in the middle of that last round i was in 40th place and i finished in second because it was that tight wow he shot really well on the back nine and moved from 40th all the way up to second overall. It's insane. Like, you can't. That's unheard of. Crazy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:10 340. I want to introduce you to a new guy. This guy has the nicest body of any of the players we've covered to date. We have a very, very important person in the chat. He shares my last name. I'm looking. Oh, Kevinvin friend brian can you show the woman on lead or chase card at waco he's talking about the woman that missed all those putts from close range that we covered last time and that's my brother by the way oh kevin hi oh yeah what
Starting point is 00:22:37 happened what happened that's the that's the best woman in the world she's they they say that she's the best at throwing the disc so she's got a great accuracy great distance but her putting is is atrocious at times you guys this looked like um it looked ridiculous do we still have that anywhere caleb okay okay uh the guy you're looking at his name is ezra adderhold uh it almost sounds like a trick name that someone would use in the side ezra adderhold aderhold aderhold uh hadn't hadn't seen him before uh buff tucks his shirt in wears his pants a little too tight uh letting the ladies know he's got a great body uh he is here in the lead card uh and he's one of the guys that I was referring to. He actually has a second place finish at the opening tournament of the year in Las Vegas,
Starting point is 00:23:27 but he was never on either the lead or chase card. He was close, close, close, had a really good final round. Second place is incredible. It was his best finish ever in one of those caliber tournaments. So it's nice that we finally get to see him here. And the guys you're going to see on this round two, part
Starting point is 00:23:43 one, Ezra Adderhold, Kyle Klein, Calvin Vinnie, Heimberg, and Joel Freeman. Those are the four cats that we're going to be following. It may be worth noting that Calvin Heimberg had the hot round or the best round in round one, so he's coming in as a leader starting the day. Minus 10. Minus 10. in round one so he's coming in as a leader starting the day minus 10 minus meaning in the first round he shot uh you do um i mean 10 birdies and eight pars i mean i know that's not what he shot but that's how it is actually exactly what he shot oh well shit there you go and he had a one-stroke lead on joel freeman and a two-shot shot shot lead over Kyle Klein and Ezra Adderall. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Fantastic. Okay. Don't worry, Caleb, if you can't find it, we'll do it. At some point we, you guys were,
Starting point is 00:24:32 you guys will, we'll show you. Oh, look at here. It comes Ezra at her. Hold my beer. Yeah, not bad.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Okay. Look at this. This is just ridiculous. This is the, this is, this is why we haven't covered women's golf yet. Oh man, that's not going to go well. Let me take another shot at that. haven't covered women's golf yet oh man that's not going to go well let me take another shot at that uh we should cover women's golf because of
Starting point is 00:24:49 this okay here we go watch this this is this is evelina did miss the par opportunity she had a moment ago so this is for bogey for bogey for bogey hey what was she looking at it sounded like she hit the cameraman it's sounded like she hit the cameraman. By the way, she was vaccinated just two days prior to this. Just a correlate. Left with. This is almost exactly where she
Starting point is 00:25:16 was two putts ago. Oh, shit. They say that stuff in the commentary or is that a joke? It's so sad to see her going through these putting struggles again this year. She was in the lead for the final round of this tournament last year. She turned off, and then the tournament was out of her hands, and there was no coming back.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Oh, my God. Hey, listen. Can you pause this every show i watch with the men i'm waiting for them to miss that shot and they've never missed it that shot right there like i'm like dude they don't even look at the basket they they look at caleb's got his arms up and is dying caleb's dying in the back there i can see him i mean that was ridiculous it's almost like she was paid to miss that's the movie that's the will ferrell movie right there yeah fake i know how about those birds were fake too what the fuck is up with the recording in the mix of that jethro cardona trying to relate this This was Lauren Fisher on the P bars.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I don't remember that, but that doesn't sound nice. Jeremy Garcia. I make that shot. Eight natties deep. For those of you don't know, natty is a very cheap American beer and he's eight of them is, is like one shot of whiskey man that's pathetic okay we'll leave her alone i'll get her on the show and talk to her about that
Starting point is 00:26:54 okay back to the buff guy uh okay here we go uh uh we're starting off guys uh got a long night ahead of us let's rock and roll ezra adderhold uh 340 off the t hole one looking buff pretty difficult opening hole very few birdies any day it doesn't there's nothing that like seems that difficult about it but the way that the trees are set up in the fairway just you have to beat one tree that has a red stripe on it that you're gonna see you have to stay to the right of that. And he did not. So he came up short of the tree there.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So that's missing the mandatory. But even if you get past that, there's a bunch of other trees that make the shot into the green pretty difficult. And there's out of bounds surrounding the green as the case with most of these holes. So I think there was like two to five birdies every day on this hole. 430. Kyle goes for a shot. So pay attention here. This is this guy's.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Is this the shot? Just massive spike hyzer. He's going over out of bounds the entire time, basically, and he spikes it in there 20, 30 feet away. Oh, okay. I had that wrong then. I said hits a tree and it cost him shot two oh no no sorry sorry sorry he hit a tree on that shot before that there was out of bounds and it bounced his disc back inbounds and then he threw it up from there you're right sorry thank you my notes are all jacked up go back to 4 30 i want to
Starting point is 00:28:23 ask you about this here real quick i think i think this is I think there was a question here. Sorry. OK. OK. That's what it was. Simply what it was. What Brian is saying is that in his first tee, first shot, Kyle hit that tree and then it bounced back in. That's legit. If you hit a tree that's out of bounds and your ball bounces back in, your disc bounces back in, you're good to go. You don't get out of bounds. Yeah ball bounces back in your disc bounces back in you're good to go you don't get out of bounds yeah it's wherever your disc comes to rest if it's inbounds it's good no matter what happened before that how did you remember that remember we rehearsed all of these 17 times before right uh 520 um heimberg calvin vinnie this is the guy that uh brian uh referred to as the best in the biz right now.
Starting point is 00:29:05 This is an awesome drive. And you see even here, he has these this tight tunnel to navigate low ceiling and it's still pretty far. So he doesn't get it all the way to the pin. And that's why there were so few birdies on the day. And then 604 Heimberg going for the putt. Heinberg going for the putt. That's Joel Freeman in the strawberry shirt behind him to the right. And Heinberg misses the birdie. Yep, comes up short there. And he's been putting pretty well, so definitely had a chance there.
Starting point is 00:29:46 We cruise over to hole two. Not a lot of highlights here. We're going to skip straight to the end. Kyle Klein. How old is Kyle Klein? One of my other buddies I played disc golf with is in the chat now. Tim Hartwick. What's up, Tim?
Starting point is 00:29:58 Mr. Hartwick, hi. How are you? Welcome to the show. You guys are making me nervous. Chill. Everyone chill. And he's a massive Calvin Heimberg fan. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Look, people are already busting nuts on us. Look at Aaron Felipe. Someone's going to lose it when Calvin does the basketball shot. Holy crap. Okay. Kyle Klein. How old is this cat, Brian? Kyle's like 22 or 23 maybe.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Okay. Definitely not a CrossFitter. Pretty bad miss for someone of his caliber I would say and look at angry throws his disc down little violence Kyle's got to get his shit together hole three hole three people were cruising along a 1250 A 1250. Heimberg for a second throw. Yeah, and this hole, the green is extremely sloped. As you'll see when they get up there, that's like a really, really severe angle.
Starting point is 00:30:59 This is an amazing shot, but the challenge here is if you go short and you run it and it hits a cage, it's going to roll way further away most likely than you already were. And if you go too long you're putting back at a basically just a drop off to you know if you miss that putt you're going to be 100 plus feet from the basket so getting a good upshot here is critical ezra adderhold uh at 14 uh for the putt commentators are mentioning why this hole is so scary and why this basket is so scary yeah so you have to make a decision here are you just going to lay it up and take the par or are you going to run it knowing that if you miss it's going to be a big consequence he hits the chains barely misses it glances off the outside and i'm assuming we're going to see where his next putt is from uh yep damn you figured me out 1440 so
Starting point is 00:31:42 you guys just saw that uh off the top of the basket and how look how far it went man look how far he is now the reverse angle on this is is really crazy when they show it from the top in a second because like from here it's like oh the basket's right there they turned the camera around and you're like oh my god and you guys can especially since he only missed by an inch or two. Yeah, he's tiny. He's tiny. And that was honestly risky, because if that hits the pole, it could just get up on edge and run again, run back down the hill again.
Starting point is 00:32:21 If you guys are wondering also why Caleb pauses, we can never play more than seven seconds, or else we'll potentially to run into issues. Hopefully after a while, these guys will just let us just run with their shit when they realize we're promoting it. Fifteen minutes. This is your first look at Mr. Strawberry Man, Joel Freeman. Joel is one of the probably one of the best 10 or 12 players in the world, but he doesn't get necessarily as much credit or recognition as a lot of the other guys do. And he does like to wear some pretty colorful outfits. Off the top of the
Starting point is 00:32:51 basket, but didn't get a bad roll. 1559. This is a replay. I think. Yeah, this is the slow-mo. Back it up like two seconds yeah oh yes go ahead brian go ahead so basically he stepped in a hole and then he somehow had the discipline or self-control to not throw this shot and the commentators talked about this on the live and also on the post-production is like this is just ridiculous like you shouldn't the disc has to come out of your hand there and in
Starting point is 00:33:29 fact when i asked calvin about it he's like i'm not even sure how i held on to that but the course is in houston and it has areas of the course that have a little bit uneven footing because it's crawfish season and the crawfish push push these little pieces of dirt up that they call chimneys and make for some uneven footing on parts of the course. There are a few holes, some of the longer holes that the athletes were actually trying to, or the golfers are actually trying to lay up short of the areas that the, uh, crawfish were really prevalent in. Uh, is that Napoleon Dynamite? So, so is that, that's a great one. Is, um, that's a great one is um that was that on hole
Starting point is 00:34:06 three that was just prior to that hole i think it was prior to the shot that we showed that he threw like he was gonna throw he had a bad footing didn't throw and then he reset and threw it right up there under the basket uh timothy hartwick those crawfish chimneys almost took my guy out so this is like marshland you're saying that basically crawfish are crawling out of creeks and laying eggs in like soft dirt around there. Yeah, there's just some uneven footing and the crawfish were causing some of it, yes. Problems we don't have in California.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Hole four, 1720. This is a long shot. This is about 20 seconds. I'm not sure how Caleb's going to show us this. Maybe it'll be 30 seconds. But this is an aerial shot this is about 20 seconds i'm not sure how caleb's going to show us this maybe it'll be 30 seconds but this is an aerial of hole four which really will give you a great perspective on just how um how difficult it is what these guys are doing here this is off the t oh maybe i started you too soon maybe you had to go back further sorry we're already at the
Starting point is 00:35:05 bucket sorry caleb yeah this i mean this is uh it's a 400 foot shot but you have to get it you know it's not just a straight straight line like you have to throw it out at those trees and then have it finish left or you have to take a more aggressive line over the left set of trees but if you do that it's a really tight angle and um it's like if you go left early then it's out of bounds so it's a pretty specific line you have to throw it much more than 400 feet it's slightly uphill it probably plays more like 480 feet and those trees on the right side can can knock your disc down so pretty demanding shot here hey so you can't see that basket from the tee no okay uh 18 um joel freeman from the t or strawberry guy guy with the strawberry shirt yeah and i like i said he's an underrated player
Starting point is 00:35:54 in general and one of the things that people underrate for him is just his distance you know he can throw it just about as far as as many of the guys but you don't they don't often talk about it and here he he threw a line drive basically got a nice skip and he's deep in the basket uh one of the things these camera guys do uh that probably everyone just takes for granted is they always show this shot and then they are smart enough to always from here zoom out and just show you how close it is to the basket so you can appreciate how good the shot is a nuance that's vital to the appreciation of the event 1836 ezra adderhold wearing a medium shirt off the tee yeah he and he is well known for his distance throws it very far the tournament he got
Starting point is 00:36:34 second place and was in vegas which is also a really long course this is pretty tight but he clears the corner and that's about as good as you're going to see almost a whole one yeah probably about five feet short uh joel freeman takes the lead in this hole uh calvin with a bogey so calvin did what the one mistake you can't really afford to do here is he came in early and went out of bounds he had to go play to the drop zone which is that blue sign in the distance back there and it's almost impossible to make it so he yeah he just had to lay up from there and take the four hole five we will go straight to the putt at 22 calvin klein going for a yeah yeah that's what i said uh kyle klein uh going for a monster putt yeah so this is another basket where the landing zone is very specific. If you go past the pin, it just kind of tapers off,
Starting point is 00:37:25 and I even think there's some out-of-bounds back there. So to get this to land short and stay like this does is, like, it's incredibly difficult and touchy. It's not the longest hole, but it's a very specific distance control. And that wasn't Kyle Klein. That was Heimberg. It looked like maybe from second shot or off the tee. What I wanted to show you was a Kyle Klein doing a big putt. Maybe it comes right after this. Yeah, probably. And it's par three. So that was, yeah, that was Calvin's
Starting point is 00:37:52 tee shot and he's in a range we would expect them to make birdie from here's Kyle. And this is a very risky putt. Oh man, that's such a good putt. Um, if he misses that it's going out of bounds deep and he's going to take a five on the hole but he hits in the center of the chains high in the basket and it falls in that's rick oh it falls out it's yeah close hit the chains though right yeah yeah hit the chain so this is about as good of a miss as you thought i thought he made this uh 22 20 uh ezra adderhold for for a big big shot yeah so he also came up short and here you can really see like once again he's and remember he had that hole three where he missed and it went long and cost him two shots so here it's not as surprising that he comes up a little bit short it looked like he hit it and rolled off the edge, right?
Starting point is 00:38:46 It hit the cage and fell down. I think it stayed relatively close, though. Trish, thank you. Very generous. 99 cents. Thank you. She's watching on mute. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:38:59 That's the best way to watch it. 2255. When are we going to see Vinny show us that he's the best player in the world? Vinny for a birdie. Pretty good birdie to pick up here. What is that? 15 feet yeah hole six
Starting point is 00:39:30 vinny and joel tied at minus 12 for first place 2505 joel freeman off the t and really now one that one bogey that Calvin had that let Joel back into it. Now, look at that tee, guys. We'll go back and look at that one more time. Can we look at that one more time? What are these guys looking at? We're going to put you in this hole,
Starting point is 00:39:56 and then somewhere outside, there's a basket, and you guys got to just aim towards it. Yeah, so they all get there on Monday or Tuesday and play a couple practice runs ahead of time just to kind of figure out, especially on a a new course what shots they want to throw where are the landing zones on blind blind t shots and this is obviously a blind t shot most of the guys the right-handed players are throwing turnover backhands here because they can get more distance out of it because it'll finish further and flatter joel's choosing to throw a forehand which is just
Starting point is 00:40:22 a more comfortable and consistent shot for him, knowing it'll make his second shot further. But this is just what he feels good with. There is a lot of misinformation out there in the Frisbee golf world. This is not misinformation, although it's hard to believe. China does force the Uyghur Muslims to make disc craft discs. This is 100% true. eager eager muslims to make disc craft disc this is uh 100 true man one of the commentators by the way brian was ripping kind of ripping on disc draft and the other commentator didn't like it did you catch that that was in the in the fourth video part i didn't watch those videos i watched
Starting point is 00:40:55 that one live i didn't watch the post-production gotcha okay uh uh joel freeman also plays with the gator disc he's probably the best in the world with the gator and the gator has a uh a whistle to it which none of the other discs have uh jethro cardona two dollars ah this isn't exactly the kind of compliment i wanted uh this has a mystery science theater 3000 vibe to it uh dollar 99 uh if you'll talk about crossfits oh man this is tough start to the show uh 26 28 kyle klein second shot i'm not we're not prostitutes you can't buy us uh kyle klein second shot oh it looks like I may have gone too far here we go this is it
Starting point is 00:41:46 so he threw back and off the tee now he's choosing to throw forehand pretty tight green here basically an amazing shot beautiful shot 27-20 Ezra adderhold from the bushes and i hear yeah for 27 20 ezra adderhold from the bush yeah he's not very far here but obviously
Starting point is 00:42:14 it's a little uncomfortable and untraditional but we've talked about in the past that these guys are pretty good at making those um you know straddle out from a knee when they're not too far away. Also, I think this was the first hole where Kyle Klein gets a birdie. He's not having a great – yeah, look at him. Those gray marks down at the bottom are all pars, and a homeboy gets his first birdie. Magnus? Just to put it in perspective, by that point, Calvin had made three birdies. Joel had made four birdies.
Starting point is 00:42:44 So he's falling behind the pace magnus holmgren uh 25 billion pesos from mexico just for brian being happy thank you mason mitchell $1.99 for crossfit shut it shut your uh jeremy garcia two dollars i'm giving these golf shows the college try i don't't know what that means, but thank you. Yeah, Magnus. Yeah, tell him. I can shut your mouth. Oh, no, no.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Magnus is cool. Magnus gave money. He can do what he wants. What are you talking about? Easy, Trish. Hole seven. Calvin and Calvin, Calvin Heimberg, the man you're staring at right now, and Joel Freeman are both tied for first place at the tournament.
Starting point is 00:43:31 We're almost at the halfway point for the entire tournament. They're at minus 13, 2850. Vinny, by the way, Vinny, Calvin, and Heimberg are all the same person. You guys getting that? This is Vinny, a 2850 Vinny from the T. this I said it was a really long course but there are three holes on the course like this that are short par 3s less than 300 feet and all of them move left
Starting point is 00:43:54 to right so the the natural left to right moving shot for a right handed player is a forehand but most of these guys are throwing backhand here just it just fits the gap better and that means that they're decent But most of these guys are throwing backhand here. It just fits the gap better. And that means that they're decent shots for left-handed players on the backhand. And we'll see in the final round that a left-hand player makes the lead card.
Starting point is 00:44:15 I think that in general, this course played pretty well for the lefty. As Mr. Beaver was pointing out to you guys with his arrow, Vinny hits a tree dead center 29 17 Joel and that tree collected a lot of discs throughout the days 29 17 Joel Freeman
Starting point is 00:44:36 from the T right after our buddy Vinny and the commentators are basically saying this is a tough forehand shot and but you know we saw Joel go for the forehand when everyone threw backhand earlier on a longer shot. He tries it again here, but he ends up in the same place. Austin Hartman, 999.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I happen to enjoy the disc golf coverage. You jerk-offs. Oh, thank you, Austin. That's really good. Crawdad reparations is a topic we should all discuss. Fair enough. Now you're with me. Now you're on my page.
Starting point is 00:45:05 There you go. I knew you'd come around, buddy. I knew you'd come around. So as Brian was saying, that tree's collecting discs. Vinny and Joel both banged the tree head on. 29-30. Ezra Adderhold, now his turn off the tee. And he gets the turn that you want out of it.
Starting point is 00:45:23 That's what the shot's meant to look like. He's up there on the green. 29-48, Kyle. Kyle Klein. Trying to take the lead here. Not take the lead. He's just trying to get some birdies going. Man, you really like this one.
Starting point is 00:45:40 They're both minus 13. Don't listen to Brian. Kyle's minus 9. No, he says minus 13. Oh, shit. All right, Kyle ain't doing shit. Yeah't listen to brian kyle's trying to kyle's minus nine i no he says minus 13 oh shit all right kyle ain't doing shit yeah listen to brian sorry uh kyle klein here great shot he's uh not trying to take the lead off the t but this is amazing for him because he's closer than all those guys he's probably not expecting them to make it from way back there at least the other two maybe as the russell he thinks i might get a stroke on the entire card here uh heinberg minus 13 freeman minus 13 halfway through the tournament go to the 30 minute mark calvin from 80 feet out i'm so impressed with you by the way thank you i'm even more impressed with you. Whatever you're impressed with me, I'm twice as impressed with you.
Starting point is 00:46:26 This is 80 feet away. And that's outside of circle two. 66 feet is the edge of circle two. So this doesn't even count as a putt. This is considered a throw in. But he putts it with one step forward. And the fact that he can get that much pace and control on a disc from 80 feet away with, and there's no like, this is just coming from between his legs.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Go and try that. That is so, so hard to do. On my live feed the other day, I put a one in from 10 feet away while holding my camera. So that's only eight times as hard. Caleb Beaver making some executive decisions himself, showing that shot twice. Dylan Vowell for the awesome demo team previewing the programming for the Masters athletes.
Starting point is 00:47:12 What the fuck? Dylan, lay off the ayahuasca. This is a Frisbee golf show, but thank you. And we won't be refunding your money. I think he's saying this is the event. Oh, oh, oh, okay. Okay, yeah, great. This would be perfect for Masters.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Now, listen, Joel Freeman, top 15 best player in the world, he just sees Heimberg, Vinny, put one in from 80. What's Joel going to do? 30-27. What's Joel got with the strawberry shirt? From 80 feet himself? Nada. I mean, that's more what you would expect that like that make that calvin had there is that's a that's something special that's rare that's still a great shot from joel though right hitting representing right under the
Starting point is 00:47:57 basket from it's a safe miss yeah safe miss tap in the par move on uh 30 36 ezra adderhold also wants to jump in and try to make a name for himself. Yeah, man. He's in circle two here, so this would count as a putt if he makes it. We've seen him have a couple mishaps from this range already. But the difference here is it's an uphill putt, so you can run it with a lot more confidence. On those previous two that he had from this similar range
Starting point is 00:48:23 or even a little closer, he's just staring at a cliff, a a fall off behind the basket and as much as you want to tell yourself that it's not there it's really hard to ignore that what was that is that 40 feet this is 55 yeah great shot ezra uh we as we finish up hole 7 calvin minus 14 and the lead by one. We roll to hole eight, 1161 feet par five. At 34th longest hole in the course. And this is the one that does have some sketchy footing. You guys can kind of see there. This is actually a good shot of it. The Brown and the sand there on the left.
Starting point is 00:49:02 So this is the type of thing that players would take note of in the practice rounds. And they would, you know, they're trying to throw it far, but they're still trying to maybe avoid these areas. Ezra, I think he went out of bounds on his first shot. And so he's, he's got to throw from not the best footing here. Yeah. It says in the notes, throw, throwing from out of bounds. Hey, okay. Pause this real quick. I thought, I thought when you're, Oh, he didn't even throw it. He held it.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I thought when you went out of bounds, like you got to come in three feet why is he still throwing from out of bounds he's gonna end up throwing from inbounds he did take three steps in and put his mini his little marker down on the ground so when he steps up to the disc here where um he'll be about three feet inbounds oh okay okay have you ever seen anyone get in trouble for stepping going too far stepping over seen anyone like get called out on that uh you're i mean your card mates can call you out i don't know if i can think of a specific example but i'm sure it's happened uh trish uh that boy fruity that's it's interesting interesting okay here we go and she's going to get the second bottle of wine yep as it throws from out of bounds it's a fake throw he hit two dogs ran after it right there no disc was let go
Starting point is 00:50:14 hits a tree comes up short 36 25 joel freeman Comes up short. Struggling on this one. 36-25, Joel Freeman. On the par 5, 1,161 feet. From behind the bush. Yeah, he's pinched up against a tree. And this snap forehand that he throws here with a little bit of turnover and finish, he's one of the best in the world at this shot. That is such a hard shot considering
Starting point is 00:50:45 where he had to throw that disc from and he didn't really get much of a follow-through 36 59 kyle klein drives to the basket also opting for the forehand and we've seen kyle throw you know several forehands here if you guys haven't been following along he won a tournament a couple of weeks ago. He's playing great. And he's a good two way player. He has throws the forehand and the backhand very well. That's parked.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Dylan Val love the content. And Brian just tried to make a joke. When some lose most, I'll shut up now. He got your joke. It's just me. I'm old. We were just talking about with someone about that today.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I don't even get any of the jokes anymore. I'm like, I've reached that. I'm 51. I don't do, I don't even, I don't know what's wrong with me anymore uh 37 29 did we just do that no 37 29 a follow-up from ezra adderhold he tempts a 50 foot putt after we just saw him make one yeah and he needs this to save par he's had a pretty rough hole up to this point and he does get it. And basically what they talk about here is this is the thing that separates the winners from the losers on a disc golf pro tour.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Can you make the putts from 25 to 50 feet when the pressure's on? And so Ezra's got two in a row here. 37-48. Calvin will try to make a big putt for himself yeah nowhere near 80 feet long but that's into a headwind and you know for you know for someone like kyle when he's had gotten off to such a slow start and he's watching calvin play every one of these outside of circle one putts that calvin. It's just like, damn, like this guy's going to be hard to beat. Uh,
Starting point is 00:52:27 38, 10, uh, Joel Freeman. So it should be a routine part for these guys, but he needs it to keep pace. You know, Calvin's at this point,
Starting point is 00:52:38 this is hole number eight, Calvin's birdie hole, five, six, seven, and eight. And Joel, he,
Starting point is 00:52:44 he got, you know, two pars and two birdies on that on those holes so he's not happy about the uh the two pars he needed to make that to keep up and and at this point are they feeling that calvin's on to something uh no it's pretty i mean it's it's really close like uh at this point they're one stroke apart which is what they were at the start of the round so i would say that ezrara and Kyle are realizing we're falling behind, but Joel and Calvin feel like they're in the thick of it right now.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Jeremy eat world $5. Really looking forward to the post disc golf show when Seve and Brian breakdown an episode of Matlock. Brian has no idea what Matlock is true. Oh man. You don't want to know. i didn't watch that show uh that was uh where are we here uh did we do joel free okay so sorry uh 38 35 this is at the end of every hole they choose a slow-mo to highlight this is ezra that. That's a really, really good shot there. A lot of times when people do a jump or a step putt, they just lose it high.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You really have to commit your whole body in that reaching motion straight on a line if you want to keep it low enough when you do the jump putt, and Ezra does it perfectly here. So that's a full body is extending towards the basket. He gets the disc out flat and sneaks it over the rim he doesn't play with underwear i'm just telling you uh uh seven no i'm not a murphy brown guy not matt lock i was more like a hunter or the 18 the dumb shows duke's a hazard. Okay. A whole nine 40, 44 Calvin putting for his fifth birdie.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Can he do it for his fifth birdie in a row? Thank you. Ooh. Yeah. Fifth birdie in a row. And that's seven birdies on the front nine. He had the par on four, the bogey on or the par on one, the bogey on – or the par on one, the bogey on four,
Starting point is 00:54:47 birdied everything else. Okay. So that's the front nine. Calvin doing well. When the show started, they were talking about him as being the best player in the world maybe right now, that he's hot. Has he won – of the first three uh events this year he won one or two he won one uh he had a third place i think i had two third places yeah
Starting point is 00:55:13 but all in the top 10 for sure which is which is pretty amazing right what's the most anyone's won in a year oh i'm not i'm not sure but uh you have to keep in mind that like what you said about the last two tournaments like this is a very very dense stacked field of competitors so to be the guy that's consistently elevating to the top when there's so many players in the mix week in and week out is what's separating him from everyone else right now all right a round two part two so this is holes 10 through 18 same day right how long is the break they took between um uh hole nine and hole 10 no longer shorter than any other just the walk from the basket to the t-pad okay great so so it's just the videos broken into two
Starting point is 00:55:59 but but they don't take a break they don't like, mom doesn't come out with a cooler and orange slices. No. No, okay. Hole 10, par four, 135. Calvin, off the tee. And this shot that he's throwing right here is just a low screaming driver. That's probably, it's either a destroyer or a juggernaut but he's one of these
Starting point is 00:56:26 overstable discs that he has in his bag and he throws that shot with multiple discs better than anyone and he has been for a while for years uh 510 feet almost hits a line judge uh three and this is 720 foot hole you know when you when you're able to take 510 feet off in the first throw, the pros basically, they just assume anything inside 250 feet. I can get it up and down for birdie. So he's putting himself like there, there are people who can get birdies on this whole throwing three 50,
Starting point is 00:56:55 three 50 or three 63, three 360. When you're able to give yourself a second shot, that's only 200 feet in on a 700 plus foot hole, massive advantage. Uh, three 50.yle klein for the putt hole 10 par 4 yeah this is far this i don't even think this is a putt oh he might be outside circle too also but he was out of bounds prior to this and nowhere near doesn't even wait for it to land
Starting point is 00:57:23 just turns around and points his ass at the basket. No, and this is what I'm talking about, that jump putt. If you don't get it coming out flat, then it goes high, and you lose it out to the left, and you're nowhere near making it. 419, Joel Freeman for the putt in the strawberry shirt. And he needs it. You know, Calvin is playing great joel cannot afford to lose another shot i was texting i looked away did he shoot yeah is it i can't tell if it's
Starting point is 00:57:54 in or if it was one of those that fell out again oh good perfect even better you weren't even texting and you fucked that up oh it's in money birdie birdie yeah big big putt for him there so joel and um joel and uh vinnie are the ones fighting for first place joel is this guy in the strawberry shirt and vinnie's the guy that looks like napoleon dynamite yep and they both birdied there again wait wait wait don't ruin it yet 435 can calvin keep up with joel and get the birdie and we didn't see his upshot but puts it much closer and that's pretty routine for him and he makes it look routine as well but it wasn't routine for that lady that we saw earlier no and it wouldn't be routine for for any of us either but calvin is uh that's the best i'll do
Starting point is 00:58:46 that while filming it with my iphone i'll do it i'll do it after the show but still light outside did you see the hole in front of my house you seen the hole i got 600 foot two baskets right in front of my house and you know you should watch more of my live content 510 Joel switched his style from nose down to nose up when he putts I don't I didn't even believe that the commentator said like three times like no one does that and changes style except from last
Starting point is 00:59:15 year he's changed his putting style we're gonna see a slow-mo of it yeah so and we'd have to watch you know comparatively to one from last year but what i think is i think that these guys are learning different putts so that they can use them in different scenarios so you see we've seen the straddle putt i'm not my i can straddle putt but it's not my best putt but there was a period of time where i just practiced the straddle putt
Starting point is 00:59:42 a lot so that when i needed it i was comfortable it. So he might be just working on the nose up putt to like make it a more fine, finely tuned part of his arsenal, but still depending on the wind and the distance, he might switch between the two. I'm not, I'm not really sure. Yeah. That was a nose down. Yeah. And it was, and it's, you know, there's not not a ton of wind but putting into a headwind with the nose up is you know is going to have a very different effect than with the nose down uh nick nick shrouder shrouder shrouder uh did we uh talk about brian hanging up on you i can't remember did we talk about that yes okay uh hole 11 629 the man
Starting point is 01:00:26 the only golf man in the business with an only fans page Ezra Adderhold Brian will tell you how much I hate this throw especially off the tee I want to vomit it's a tough hole
Starting point is 01:00:42 let's see what he does it's a tough hole and one of the options here is it's a tough hole. Let's see what he does. It's a tough hole. And one of the options here is the roller, which he tries, but he turns it too aggressively and it goes out of bounds. Now, the reason why they're trying to roll around this hole is because pretty far away from the basket off the tee shot, there's a low ceiling. And so we, we mentioned that Calvin is the best in the world at throwing those low line drives with really fast discs but if you're not calvin heimberg then to get it all the way through there at the angle that you want is really challenging and still to get enough distance because we that other hole was 720 feet par four this one's 110 feet further than that so you really got to get
Starting point is 01:01:21 enough distance off the t and for most players the roller is the option they feel the best with however it's just out of bounds there's out of bounds all over this course so you have to have you have to get it on the right angle and especially i think with the ground being a little bit unpredictable you're putting some of you know the result into a situation that's somewhat out of your hands hey look, look at, look where Caleb's frozen this shot. Look at that position. Yeah. Oh, uh, it, those guys.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Uh, so, so he throws the roller. Um, you see where it goes out of bounds and there's a bench over there. Can you play that out a little bit one more time, Caleb? Um, what are the odds? And then maybe freeze it as, as it gets to those guys on the bench. Uh, right. Those guys. odds and then maybe freeze it as it gets to those guys on the bench uh right those guys what are the odds those guys are smoking weed um pretty good yeah pretty good okay uh 750 ezra with his second shot he went from a roller second throw third shot.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Oh, okay. Oh, because it went out of bounds and he took a penalty? Okay. And he hits a tree and falls down here again. So a tough hole for Ezra. Hole 11 still. Let's see what Mr. Vinny is doing. 8-29 with a big putt.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Yep. Six birdies in a row at this point. And he's outside the circle here. And those are the putts where if you're his competitor, you're just like, Oh my God. Like I have to birdie everything. Cause this guy, even when he's not throwing it perfectly as making at this point,
Starting point is 01:03:01 every putt that's seven birdies in a row. Well, well don't get excited ahead of yourself, Brian, Joel Freeman, eight 39 also up for for the putt he knows what he has to do he knows what he has to do here we go show him what's up joel the strawberry shirt joel with a gimme uh high and on the left side and that was like a little timid you know i told you earlier that they put it really hard and you can see here, he doesn't put it with a full conviction.
Starting point is 01:03:29 He just kind of like comes back off of it a little. And that's why he misses it on the weak side. And that's not good. He's bummed. I mean, look, it's like, it's a real thing. He's one of the best players in the world, but you're playing in a, in a tournament. You're one of the two guys here in the lead that's battling out with a guy who is just making putts from five feet
Starting point is 01:03:46 behind you hole after hole after hole. And you know, to keep up with that is very challenging. Uh, this is bullshit right here. Uh, I was watching Sean M. Thank you for the bullshit,
Starting point is 01:03:57 by the way. Uh, Sean M. I was watching tutorial video on Frisbee and the guy doing the tutorial said he throws so hard. Sometimes blood comes out of his fingertips. This guy's full shit yeah one of you's full of shit i mean there's sometimes the guys do have problems with their fingers in fact ezra aderhold has for the last couple weeks he and he and brody smith go and play the course ahead of time and put out youtube videos so that
Starting point is 01:04:21 you can learn the course they give you their opinions on them they'll tell you about any changes to the holes from last year, if it's a course that they're repeating and he's had like bandages and tape on his fingers because of, you know, some problems. But I think that guy meant to write the tip of his penis. He throws so hard that blood comes out the tip of his penis.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yeah. Sometimes I read so fast smoke comes out. Some smoke comes out of my eyes. A whole 12. Vinny. Currently, it's seven birdies in a row, as Mr. Friend shared with us. Incredible. 11-15.
Starting point is 01:04:56 We'll go straight to the putt, see how Kyle Klein is doing. Needs to start making some shots, some big shots. And that's more like it. That's what you'd expect to see from Kyle. He's had a pretty slow start, but he's still got many scorable holes to see if he can turn it around and stay on the lead card for the last day. Good point. And is that, is that big? Is that like in CrossFit where you want to be in the final heat?
Starting point is 01:05:20 Are these guys now at this point like, Oh shit, at least I got to stay on the lead guard. Yeah, I think it's massive. I mean, we've talked about it the last two weeks that you know there's never been a winner that came off of anything other than the chase card and i think that the winner comes off the chase card i'm guessing on this but like one out of every 10 times at best so at least 90 of the time i think the winner is coming from the lead card. There's going to be some questions that are less common, but our fan base is new to the sport, so feel free. There are no dumb questions.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Mooney with an important question. So can you get an STD from disc golf? STD stands for sexually transmitted disease. I think if you play in the traditional way, no, but I'm pretty confident Mo you can find a way to figure it out the traditional version no it's a good question mooney don't i don't want anyone to feel stupid 11 40 ezra adderhold for the putt yeah it looks like the tree's in a way but i don't think so because of the stance he probably has a clear line to it. And again, that's the kind of putt you'd expect there, especially on a day with no wind.
Starting point is 01:06:28 And to the right back there, you'll see what looks like a female camera person, but don't anyone worry. It's really a man with just long hair. Don't worry. We're good. 1157 Calvin going for his 8th birdie attempt behind some fucking steel cooler full of natty lights or something
Starting point is 01:06:50 yep we saw Gannon Burp on a similar one over a tree stump last week what the hell is that steel thing is that a trash can what is he shooting behind probably electrical or something I'm not sure unfortunate place to end up,
Starting point is 01:07:05 but Calvin is very, very good at staying focused. He doesn't let stuff like that get in his way. Eight straight birdies. Lots of vape sharing going on. Oh, I bet you it's a crazy vape and chew crowd. That's a good point.
Starting point is 01:07:20 The throwers. No frisbee golf. I don't know. Vape. I could see, but I don't think that I don't think, you know, I don't know about, I don't really know about the pros too much. The throwers. No frisbee goal. I don't know. Vape. I could see, but I don't think that I don't think, you know, I don't know about,
Starting point is 01:07:27 I don't really know about the pros too much. I hope not. I hope I'm wrong, but I could totally see. Look at, Oh yeah. Ezra Adderall. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:34 We know his reputation. Um, uh, yeah. Cause that nicotine does help you focus. 12, 25, Joel Freeman,
Starting point is 01:07:41 the only guy showing Vinnie some looks for a putt on hole 12. Yep, drops it in. That's what you would expect from him. Needed. He's trying to stay in the race, right? Has to. I mean, Calvin's looking lethal. He hasn't missed in eight holes during that stretch.
Starting point is 01:08:08 You know, he's had three pars and a bogey. So he's given he's given strokes away. But when a guy birdies everything, it's it's one of those. What are you what am I supposed to do? Hole 13. You don't fall behind. You don't crack hole Hole 13 earlier today. Do you know what was seen on this course?
Starting point is 01:08:30 A catfish. Close, close. Woodpecker. Reptile. It was a reptile. Copperhead snake. Yes. Hole 13 earlier in the day.
Starting point is 01:08:42 All three were seen at some point. Hole 13, copperhead rattlesnake on the course earlier in the day. We did not see any footage of it. Calvin is minus 19. Second place is minus 15, Joel Freeman. 14-18, Calvin off the tee. This is another one of those short holes that has that turning left to right and calvin overturns it is in the thick bushes there the rough gets pretty thick close to the
Starting point is 01:09:13 basket uh any poison oak possibly some i mean these guys do get poison ivy poison oak occasionally playing uh 14 50 uh k Kyle Klein off the tee. The last shot that we saw like this, Kyle threw the best shot of the four of them. Got the right turn on the disc. I think he throws a disc called an MD1 on these shots. It's just a really, really dependable mid-range from disc mania, and he throws it as well as probably anyone in the world.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Jeff Birchfield doing some fact some fat fact checking there is no copperhead rattlesnake oh shit here we go fuck you hold on standby i'm not letting that slide i'm sort of i sort of uh view myself as a um reptile aficionado rattlesnake copperhead rattlesnake uh oh shit oh shit is the copperhead a rattlesnake uh uh uh the primary most obvious difference between them is that a rattlesnake has a rattle at the end of its tail what the copperhead doesn't my god i am a jackass. No rattle. Jeffrey Birchfield for the win. He got an education. He teaches the sciences at a high level in the college. Fine.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Fine. Fine. Dick. You could have texted me on the side. You got my phone number. You could have texted me. Stick to the insects. You could have texted me. Stick to the insects. You could have texted me, and I could have corrected myself.
Starting point is 01:10:48 You don't have to call me out. Kyle Klein off the tee, 1450. Did we watch that? Yes. Okay. 1540, Vinny from the Bushes trying to keep his birdie streak alive. Yeah, and he messed around with trying to find a different angle to throw this for a long time and it's really difficult to turn your wrist over enough uh on a shot like this we'll see if he's
Starting point is 01:11:11 able to do it he turned it over uh so much that three guys in the uh alley in the galley so proposed to him that's the expected miss right there it's uh him that's the expected miss right there it's uh that's a flipped wrist joke a hole 14 by the way calvin did not get the birdie there the streak is over but he's still minus 19 uh and leading hole 14 uh 1920 uh this is uh calvin's second shot from the bushes doesn't look like he's in the no no no this is a par four this is a second shot from the fairway great this is a great drive he's a perfect angle into the pin this is just a straight shot 300 feet oh oh right right and it doesn't say from the bushes i need to learn how to read i'm getting excited and you can just see that it just turns over again so now he's had two
Starting point is 01:12:02 that t shot on the last hole and this one where both shots turn over off to the right and he's in the thick bushes for the second hole in a row. Hole 14, Vinny just throws his second shot into the bushes, very aggressive throw. I'm about 12 million calories into the assault bike right now. 2014, Calvin for the putt. Now listen up, everyone put your drinks down and pay the putt. Now listen up.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Everyone put your drinks down and pay the fuck attention. You're not going to see this again maybe this year. Just pay attention here, everyone. Okay. I've never, ever seen anything like that. That's's ridiculous that's stoner frisbee right there hey that's got a back spin on it even i think yeah i've tried them because calvin's basically become famous for this putt now he hasn't become famous for it because of doing it in tournaments although he has attempted it and made them in tournaments previously.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Rarely, but he has. There's a putting game that Jomez Production puts out. The post-production company usually has the lead card, and they'll come out usually in the winter when the tour is not in season. They'll film them throughout the season, and then they'll release them in the winter. And in the putting game, they invite some of the best players in the world to do these trick shot putting challenges for to win some cash and create some content and calvin plays in those once in a while and he will set up for his like it's like horse and so he'll call a shot that's a basketball shot over whatever and um he's very very good at them but it's uh you know he's not going to do it if
Starting point is 01:13:41 he doesn't need to he again was looking for every angle to try to see what else he could do, and he said, this is my best chance to make it. So he went for it, and he did, which is amazing. Hey, you can't break branches, Brian? No. Okay, and you can't do any clearing. You can't do anything to modify the environment to get a look at it? Yeah, I mean, there's rules that are specifically written for that.
Starting point is 01:14:01 You can try to establish a stance, but you're not even supposed to grab a tree branch branch and like block it out away with your body you're supposed to like inhibit the surrounding area as little as possible okay and just so you know this was also one of the longest shots i've ever seen anyone take to find i mean he was fiddling around back there a lot i mean he wasn't he wasn't procrastinating he wasn't like fucking around but he was like brian said he was looking uh for shots uh let's take a look i hope someone caught that in uh high def i'm starting to realize that maybe these are the kind of reasons why people spend three hours or 12 hours watching this shit just hoping to see one of these uh 21 23 you're going to get to see the slow-mo of this before we move to hole 15 and i do think that calvin maybe got the birdie on this
Starting point is 01:14:44 look at his this look at his focus look at where his eyes are he is not looking at the basket he's looking at a specific gap in the trees that's the only place he has to get it out and trusting that it's going to have the right spin to get in he's watching the disc he He's not watching the basket. Oh, and you think this whole round I've been saying, what are you supposed to do if you're these other guys? And then he does this on top of it. It's like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Uh, ha. Thank you, Jeff. Okay. Uh, whole, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:24 15, Hole 15. Hole 15. 400 people in the audience. 2205. Calvin. Kyle Klein off the tee. Yeah, and this is a pretty stock hole. I think these guys are, like, if they're looking at the course,
Starting point is 01:15:52 they're marking down this as a birdie. Kyle doesn't like this shot. It comes in way too early, and we've just learned two holes in a row how thick that stuff is right away. When you have a new course, we've talked about this before also, when there's a new course we've talked about this before also when there's a new course the rough is really dense they don't have a time to like beat it up a little bit and so he's he that's not the mess that you want to make on this whole wow this is a phenomenal topic for another show brandon uh waddell by the way phenomenal what is what is
Starting point is 01:16:21 what a trippy phenomenon that is i not not anything cool but it's a trippy phenomenon uh 23 12 ezra i think i'm an ezra outer hold fan and it's not just because uh uh he free balls when he plays i i mean just shit like this here we go making a bold attempt at 75 feet yep he's had a couple long ones go already, and that is – rivals the one we saw from Calvin from 80 feet. To get it – I mean, this is never higher than the top of the basket, and it's on a rope the entire time, and it hits dead center on the pole and falls in. This is a really, really challenging thing to do. And this goes to what Brian was saying,
Starting point is 01:17:01 that we can't appreciate from the video how hard they're throwing it. And why that's important is, is because if you were out there, you'd be timid because you know, if you miss it, it's bad. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 01:17:12 most of us here, the smart thing to do is throw it up under the basket and tap it in for your par. If he misses that, he's going to go 30 feet past it. And he might be in those woods. He's confident enough that he can make that putt coming back. And that's why he's running it.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Uh, 2335, uh, uh, Calvin, uh, Heimberg, the leader has something to say.
Starting point is 01:17:36 How will he respond? Nope. Ezra, you'll only enjoy that long putt for a second. And when you're watching, when you're watching like the actual coverage of this it's insane like at this point you're just like oh my god these guys are just making it from everywhere
Starting point is 01:17:52 and it's I thought it was one of the more fun rounds that I've watched this year yeah this was incredible and what's interesting is at the end of every hole they choose a slow-mo to highlight. Whose will they pick Ezra or Calvin 2445.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Ezra shot was incredible, but he can't get any love. Yeah. And I was watching this and I thought to myself, like, this is the type of thing that I would get frustrated with at CrossFit. I'd be like, Calvin's getting the highlight on every hole. We don't need to interview Tia after every event win
Starting point is 01:18:32 if she's got 10 event wins. Let's hear from someone else. So I really thought they should have given it to Ezra there. That's a great shot. Brian, almost wet watching that free throw putt. Almost. You don't know, Brian. Hole 16.
Starting point is 01:18:47 I think she was talking about herself. Oh. You think that's a girl? She or he? You think that's a she? It looks like in the picture, but maybe that's just his wife. Hole 16. Calvin enters minus 21 with the lead.
Starting point is 01:19:02 Second place, minus 16. I'm guessing that is Mr. Freeman. 26, Vinny off the tee. C. Beaver has it queued up. This is the third of those three under 300-foot holes that are moving from the left to the right.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Calvin hasn't been great on those previously. He gets a pretty lucky tree kick here, and he's inside the bullseye tree kick first i've heard that tree kick that's when you hit the tree but you personify the tree for a romanticized effect as the sports commentator and you call it a tree kick like the tree kicked it right yeah the common phrase is you got some tree love right there tree love more personification a 2709 kyle klein for the putthole 16 kyle's getting a lot of love on this show for a guy
Starting point is 01:19:56 who's trailing whose decision was that i don't know god's god's decision and now uh where will you say this was 16 so kyle has gone on a little run he's birdied on 12 13 14 and 16 and that's what he needed to do uh 27 45 calvin how many birdies can one man get let's see if he can get another one. Look at, if this was that girl, she wouldn't make it. Boom. Just drops it in there. The easiest putt by far. He's had,
Starting point is 01:20:32 look at, look at Adder. Look at, he throws even before Adderhold clears the, uh, the scene. Look at, look at,
Starting point is 01:20:39 yeah, this is great, Caleb. Good job. Look at, look at, geez, Louise.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Yep. There's ready to move on uh hole 17 let's go straight to the putts at 31 kyle klein getting more love on the seven podcast yep par four here um i want to say it's like the easiest hole, but definitely like you can get, you can get birdies going down the stretch here. So all these guys know that the, I think the early part of the course plays a little harder and you can really like you,
Starting point is 01:21:16 I think most of these guys would say it's, it's possible to make birdie on every hole on the back net. Kyle for the birdie 3115. Can Calvin get the birdie 31 15 can calvin get the birdie and that's you know frankly uh shocking at this point after everything that he's made that was one of the easier putts that he's had but for all of his competitors they're like finally like this guy is human. Still, still tough putt.
Starting point is 01:21:47 You see a lot of people miss this shot though, right? 20 feet. Just not tough for him today. Not these guys. I will bet you Calvin misses. Like if there's no wind, I'll bet he misses that putt.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Like two out of a hundred times. Uh, Mooney, uh, just thinking to himself, thinking out loud. I think I want Brian to narrate my wedding video with a complete and total breakdown. What's the lady who's like the best friend of the bride?
Starting point is 01:22:15 What's that lady called? The bridesmaid? Bridesmaid, yeah. The bridesmaid is dressed like a total slut and has had three drinks beyond what she's capable of handling. She appears to be getting up from her table. Uh-huh. Yeah. She's going to the bathroom with one of the men, one of the married men.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Would it be like that? That's how I picture it. People go to weddings just to drill the best ladies. Right? No, no. No, no. Maid of honor. Thank you. A maid of honor thank you i'm made of honor what
Starting point is 01:22:47 did you say bridesmaids they're all bridesmaids and then there's the maid of honor oh the maid yeah yeah any i think all i think just dudes just go to weddings to just try to drill the bridesmaids last hole pretty scenic hole here uh wait wait wait wait wait wait really no no no no no no no no no but we're not there yet hold on here we are no no 32 45 oh yeah okay hold on uh oh shit we are how the fuck did you know oh i forgot to write hole 18 huh beaver he's on it we're ahead of you here okay 32 45 uh go ahead go ahead brian sorry before i well like i was saying earlier you want it when you design a course you want it to tell a story and obviously the dream for any tournament director is that the last hole has a lot of drama
Starting point is 01:23:36 and if you want to have a lot of drama you want to have a lot of let's see that's why it's perfect and if you want to have a lot of drama you want to have good and a good audience where people can be around there and create an environment. And here, as we'll see when they throw, they're throwing into this hillside and there's seating available and the crowd can line the perimeter. So it is a really good setting for a last hole. 32-45. Check this out. We don't talk much about the culture of uh the sport but this is uh at the uh last hole hole 18 round two heimberg uh and uh fist bumping ezra adderhold let's see who else he says hi to a
Starting point is 01:24:16 little love to uh klein and joel freeman now he initiates that and you know who initiates that in crossfit tia annie rich it's it's it's kind of like a little bit of pumpkin like yeah i'm like so confident i'm giving you a little love give you a little my give you a little my love this is a just a disc golf tradition even in the story don't even in the tournaments that i play in and the low lisi tiers intermediate men's divisions we still do this too let me tell you of course you guys do it. But for Heimberg to initiate that, the rest of these guys are freaking out. It's big dog move, big dog. 33-50 Adderhold with his pants that are too tight off the tee.
Starting point is 01:25:03 I'm already excited for one of the guys on the last day's shot on this hole. Oh, we got a long way to go for that. Another hour. You're too excited. But he, you know, great shot there.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Oh, and he gets the roll away, but it can happen. I mean, that's, you know, it's a, it's a tough,
Starting point is 01:25:24 uh, it's tough green. Once again, it's really difficult to go long um but if you're you know if you're short you can get the roll and it's you could say that oh i'm gonna try to play a spike heiser i'm gonna try to get to land it flat but i just i do think there's a little bit of element of luck there that's like you get you get you go into uh you go home with the bridesmaid and she's so drunk she passes out that's what happened to him yeah or it used to be a she but then you take off pants and realize it's 2023 yeah there was an nwa song like that do you remember that song i probably not uh when is uh the hacky sack show uh as soon as this season's up everyone's always saying something about hacky sack i used to be amazing at hacky sack in high school,
Starting point is 01:26:06 but I haven't played it at all since I wasn't a fan of that. I sucked at that. Uh, Calvin Vinnie, 34, 19 off the T the, the big dog fist bumper, the alpha minus 22.
Starting point is 01:26:21 minus 22. He's coming off that missed putt, really his first miss of the round that you'd expect him to make. He gets the ground play that Ezra Aderholt was looking for, and he's probably going to bounce back with another birdie to close out a really impressive front. 34-34, Ezra A adderhold for the putt how is he going to come back from that devastating roll wow this is we saw this earlier well yeah
Starting point is 01:26:53 the other one he was a lot further away this one actually feels makeable oh i thought he made that that's tough that's tough it's really good putt uh 34 50 he made that that's tough that's tough it's really good putt uh 34 50 damn uh 34 uh 50 uh kyle klein for the big putt down at the bottom of the hill and he's you know he's the sixth or seventh ranked player in the world and he had a really a really bad start relative to what they look for here. Through the first 11 holes, he only had three birdies and a bogey. Then he made six out of the last seven birdies to close out his round and honestly keep him in the tournament.
Starting point is 01:27:35 35-25, Calvin. Short, but uphill. That chick could never make this. What's her name? Evelina. Evelina. Evelina from nine feet. Yep.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Birdie's the last, and I think that makes 12 of the last 14 holes that he birdied and 14 of the 18 holes that he birdied on this round. He shoots 13 under par. And there was one other player that also shot 13 under par on this day. And we will get to see him on the final day. Uh, Calvin minus 23, Joel minus 19,
Starting point is 01:28:17 Brian still shit loads of facts left in that brain of his, as we go into round three, round three, part one, main main card we're going to see some people change we'll introduce you to a new guy chris clemens we'll talk about him soon 415 chris clemens oh there he is he's got the first hair of what would be the prototypical stereotypical frisbee golfer uh and uh let's see how he does off the tee. Welcome to the main card,
Starting point is 01:28:48 Chris. And I would say Chris is the best left-handed disc golf player in the world. There is something else about him. That's quite phenomenal. Also puts them in the top two. He's the 25th ranked player in the world currently. And for, so,
Starting point is 01:29:04 you know, that's just, so, you know, that's just to say, you know, the best lefty in the world and his 25th in the world. So you have, you know, there's many things that could go into like be a factor there. But,
Starting point is 01:29:14 um, I think that in just, you know, the default is that some of the courses are designed for the right-handed player. And it just like kind of instinctual to do that. Obviously there's a lot less lefties, but I would think I would, I kind of would think that there would be one that would be, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:30 higher than 25th, at least one. What's interesting too. So you just saw Chris Clemens threw it out of bounds. Instead of taking it from the out of bounds, he's going to retee and a five Oh five. I haven't ever seen, I've seen a reteete before but not quite like this um 505 what was the reason we saw the last rete the guy went like way way out of bounds right like into the bushes and shit so same as golf if you throw your tee shot out of bounds you always have the option to throw your third shot from the tee again. We talked about that this is a pretty difficult hole to birdie.
Starting point is 01:30:06 And so throwing your third tee shot from there, you're assuming that you're going to take a four on the hole. And so double bogey is basically guaranteed. Is Eagle a lefty? No, but he throws left-handed really, really well. I mean, he could probably beat most lefties in the world, yes. Crazy. You mean it's like you made him play the whole game left-handed?
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yeah. Even his putting, I'm sure he's good. Guy's just insane. 624, Joel Freeman for the putt, hole one. He's sitting in second place. He's the only real threat to Heimberg at the moment.'s see what he can do looks like he just got out of jail not a good start hole one not intimidating at all joel no and it's uh yeah so clemens ended up taking the bogey there which we saw the red there in
Starting point is 01:31:04 the bottom right and that means that he after his which we saw the red there in the bottom right, and that means that he, after his second tee shot, he got there in three shots. So if not for that first errant one, he actually could have birdied it. Pretty bad miss for Joel. Obviously would love to get the birdie there, and coming up short on the first hole is never really a good feeling. And we were supposed to see Calvin's putt, but I didn't give Caleb the...
Starting point is 01:31:23 I come up short on the first hole almost every single tournament I play. You do? Yeah, it sucks. Hole two. Oh, look it. No, we're going to get a look at Clemens. Let's see. We'll check out Clemens here.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Hole one, going for the putt. Clemens is one of the fastest players on tours, meaning that once he steps up to a shot, he takes less time than most of the guys to either putt or throw. Hole two. By the way, for any of these guys, it's crazy to be on the main card, by the way. It seems like it's a crazy honor,
Starting point is 01:31:53 and especially for these guys to be playing with Calvin because he's just crushing it, right? Yeah. We did not see this hole in the second round, but this is a really cool shot. It's a low ceiling. You can take a backhand or a forehand at this. There's a little out-of-bounds bunker in front of the hole it's 360 feet and pretty demanding heimberg off the tee say most of the players are going with forehand
Starting point is 01:32:17 here most of the right-handed players and he gets that little anti-skip so the disc is moving to one way but when it hits the ground because of the angle, it kind of straightens it out, and that's exactly what he was playing it for, and he's about 20 feet away. 903, Joel Freeman, second place for the putt. He's the one who shit the bed on that last one. Let's see what he can do. Down by five. One of the best guys in the world.
Starting point is 01:32:41 That's like a pretty easy fix. He'll know exactly what he didn't do and why it came out short, and that's the only thing he'll be focusing on there to make sure that he corrects it extra sloppy uh showing off a little bit uh what happened to the aggro dude he's not in this one i appreciate a little you you're just trying to let us know you know shit that's good i like that i feel you did he play in this one the ag aggro dude? Nick, Nick, whatever. The guy who got in the face of the ref. Oh, Nico LoCastro? Yeah. He did play in this tournament, but he didn't do well enough to get onto any of his cards.
Starting point is 01:33:12 He ended up finishing 14th, tied for 14th on the tournament. Karma. 9-10, hole two. Final round. Vinny for the putt. Fuck this up, Vinny. Give people some hope. It's now up to Vinny to fuck up, so tony. Give people some hope. It's now up to Vinny to fuck up.
Starting point is 01:33:25 So to give the other guy some hope. Not today. Nope. Birdie birdie start. And when, you know, he already had, I think, a four stroke lead coming in. So not looking great at this point for anyone else. We'll skip straight to 12. Oh, no, let's do 10 30
Starting point is 01:33:45 let's look over we'll fly over the hole here's a good look at the hole guys uh 10 30 got the aerial view see the monster bridge yeah this is a par four this is a second shot you got to go over there will be and this is when we saw ezra missed that putt on yesterday that resulted in a three putt 12 Anthony Barella this is another AB this is different than the other AB right no this is him
Starting point is 01:34:14 same AB okay Anthony Barella tough second shot from out of bounds no look at the basket let's see how he deals she's going to try to throw a forehand roller here Out of bounds. No look at the basket. Let's see how he deals. She's going to try to throw a forehand roller here.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Jackass. And he's just laying up to a position. Or not. Yeah, yeah. He threw that shit out of bounds, guys. I think he threw that shit out. He just threw it across the course out of bounds like a kid. He didn't need to do that. That's an unnecessarily aggressive shot.
Starting point is 01:34:46 He's not able to get to the green from there. He could literally just take a little putter and jump putt it out to the middle, and it's going to be 20 or 30 feet further away from where he wanted to be, and that's what he should have done, I think. 1324, Vinny. Mark down that stroke. Remember that stroke. That one that went out of bounds?
Starting point is 01:35:04 Yeah, an unnecessarily stroke he gave away there. 1324, Vinny. Mark down that stroke. Remember that stroke. That one that went out of bounds? Yeah, an unnecessary stroke you gave away there. 1324, Calvin. We saw him absolutely park this one yesterday. That's a good thing. That means when you get it close to the basket. Yeah, and this one comes out low, and he's got like 45 feet uphill. That's a tough putt. If you miss that and it hits the cage, it's rolling all the way down.
Starting point is 01:35:28 14 minutes. Heimberg for the putt. This is a good angle here because you can see just how below the basket he is. He really has got to get it up there. And you see how that bounces up there on edge? Like that can so easily just catch edge and roll all the way down the hill. Hey, 1410, Joel Freeman for the putt. Joel, are you going to do it or not?
Starting point is 01:35:52 Beautiful shot by the cameraman. Beautiful fucking shot, by the way. Yeah, it's very cool. The common miss on a putt like this is low. Any miss is low. But just like Calvin, it got lucky and stuck right there. Calvin gets the bogey. Let's go to 1447 and see Barella's slow-mo that he earned
Starting point is 01:36:16 for hole three in the final round. Yeah, he earns a slow-mo for making a good putt, but he needed this for bogey, and it's a great putt for bogey because you know we know what he's looking at here if this heiser's out and misses to the left side that's down the hill and it's going to be two more strokes to get it in the bucket it already comes after double bogey triple bogey quadruple bogey oh right so calvin and anthony both took a bogey on that hole so So Calvin goes birdie, birdie, bogey. Joel doesn't capitalize on the opportunity to get two strokes back. It is nobody move, nobody get hurt.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I don't think, is it that song, the one where he puts his hand down his pants? I put my hand between his legs all the way up his skirt because this is one that I had to hurt you guys are blown away that i know that i know it someone's like oh shit you ever party with those guys i end up no i have not i would have liked to i was devastated when they are about the same age as them aren't yeah i was dead i am i was devastated when they broke up though i was I was the only kid in school who used to listen to them. Man, that was tough. A7, A9, A6000, or RX10? Oh, to buy?
Starting point is 01:37:36 All great Sony cameras for anyone. I also do Sony camera consulting. I'm not with Brian. Hole 4, a blind hole. You cannot see the basket. Is that what that means? When four, a blind hole. You cannot see the basket. Is that what that means? When they say a blind hole? Yep.
Starting point is 01:37:52 This is the one we looked at yesterday, the one where Calvin went too far inside and out of bounds. Now we got the lefty. And Chris Cummins is not only, I think, the best left-handed player in the world. On his distance shots, he prefers the forehand to the backhand, which for a righty or a lefty is pretty rare and and great hair uh yeah he looks like a fucking hippie and i love that he fits the part but um uh of all the guys who throws with this forehand there may be only one guy on the tour who can throw farther than him with the forehand correct which which Which guy is that? I don't know. They didn't say. You fucked up my story. Made me look like I stole that, which I did.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Okay. 1635. I want you to hear the audio on this. This was the loudest cheer I heard in all four episodes that I watched. Check this out. Here we go. Pretty tricky tee shot. Definitely feels like you just commit to your angle here and then just kind of hold your breath and wait.
Starting point is 01:38:51 That one got through the high branches. Yeah. And I mean, if you say it's the it's the loudest roar that you've heard, you might expect it to be an ace or to be close to going in the basket. They're basically cheering there because he got through the trees like he took a risky line out through all those trees high found the gap in between them and comes back safely involved i heard that it's because every time he throws his girlfriend lifts his shirt her shirt up at the crowd only if he gets through the trees. Oh, okay. 1743, Calvin. No, sorry. 1710, Calvin.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Off the tee. No. Yes. Calvin, off the tee. Yeah, so even we talked about how Joel makes an adjustment from one putt to the next, and these guys are so good that they will make the same adjustment from one day to the next almost all the time. Calvin literally makes the same mistake he made the day before in the same spot with the same disc it was the only hole he bogeyed in either of the first two rounds and now he's guaranteed a bogey here coming off of a bogey
Starting point is 01:39:56 putting him at even par through four holes 1743 vinny for the putt, trying to mitigate the damage. This from the drop zone? Yeah. And I think they said that one guy had made this putt on the day. Nuts. Great throw, though. I mean, great run. That's like, you know, obviously he needs 10 more feet to get in the basket,
Starting point is 01:40:24 but dead on line, safe miss. Good effort. 1756, Chris Clemons, the hippie for the putt. The lefty, you meant. Yeah, the lefty, not the hippie. That is very reminiscent of the one we saw that Joel missed the other day, and he just doesn't finish forward all the way. He kind of pulls back out of it, and that's why I think he leaves it short.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Calvin, SEMA says he's definitely going to win, but now he's only up by two strokes. It's the worst position he's been in all day since the beginning. Let's see what Anthony Barella does off the tee. Have I talked too much? We've talked about Anthony Barellalla before right yeah i think so i just i i knew that there was an ab but i didn't know i kept forgetting his name was anthony barella yeah that's him anthony braille's young guy basically he had an opportunity to to learn
Starting point is 01:41:19 from both paul mcbeth and nate sexton when they went on tour together the three of them in like 2015 or 16. They were all playing for Innova. Paul was winning a bunch of world championships at the time. Nate was one of the 10 best players in the history of the sport, really. So he had these incredible mentors.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Paul eventually left Innova to go play at Discraft and this off season, Anthony Brella left and now is playing at Discraft with Paul. If you were wearing a CEO shirt, you would have made that putt. Thank you, Wadzombie. Get your CEO shirts now at Vindicator. Life is our ex. James Krakowa.
Starting point is 01:41:53 I feel like the chat and the podcast are two different things. I hate this. I hate it when people say this. It's like my wife is talking to her friend in the parking lot and everyone is waiting for them to finish so we can go home. I mean, me and Brian are the old, your wife. God, that guy. 2012, Calvin off the tee.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Did we already do that? Calvin off the tee. We saw Barella off the tee. Calvin off the tee. Great shot for Anthony. This is a hole we saw the previous day. It's hard to get it to stop there. It's really easy to leave it short.
Starting point is 01:42:30 It's really easy to get it to go down the hill long. No Paul McBeth in this event? No, he didn't play. And Calvin does basically just as good as Anthony. 21-15, Barella for the putt. Pretty much, Barella is minus 18, Heimberg minus 23. Barella needs to do some excellent work here. Downhill shot.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Yeah. And that's an easy putt. That's not a far distance for them. But again, when you're staring at a straight drop-off behind the basket, it's so and that's an easy putt like that's not a far distance for them but again when you're staring at a straight drop off behind the basket it's so easy to do that uh 21 25 heimberg for the birdie if he makes this it will be buh-bye to burra uh burrella and it will just be him and freeman there we go yeah and so it's you know, he's not very much closer, but a much, much better angle.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Pin high, no hill that he's looking at. Hole six, 24-10. Joel Freeman, second shot. Yeah, but he's throwing this. He has space to do it here here but he's throwing this snappy forehand gets it to whip in there how old is joel freeman i can't tell if he's 20 or if he's 57 he kind of looks like he's like he's part reptile he looks like an alligator a nice jewish name like a like a like a san diego jew you know uh but ageless but it's got a kind of like a louisiana look to him like he's from the bayou you know anything about him you got a wiki page joel freeman i didn't look it up world rank 11 he's from colorado but it
Starting point is 01:44:18 doesn't have his age on here i think he's probably 28 how about is he wearing another does he wear you ever seen him play with Yama Khan? Have not seen that. So Joel Freeman with the great shot. 24-25. Chris Clemons. The hippie. Second shot. Yeah, and this is, you know, left-handed, backhand.
Starting point is 01:44:40 This is a really, really stock shot. It should just be an easy Heiser finish. Yep, perfect. this is a really really stock shot it should just be an easy heiser finish yep perfect uh 2502 calvin with the second shot looks like joel and chris are putting the pressure on calvin let's see what calvin's got it's an overstable approach disc it It's his signature disc called the Toro. Pretty good. Worst shot of the three, but still good. 25-10 Calvin for the putt since he's furthest from the hole. Heimberg for the birdie.
Starting point is 01:45:23 And it's windy. Day three is windy. Direct headwind. so even though he's pretty close there you gotta you gotta put that through the wind uh everyone got birdies on hole six clemens barella freeman and of course our buddy vinnie hole seven calvin minus 25 uh shortest hole I think on the course of 294 feet, very technical. 27 44. Chris second shot for the putt. Yeah. We saw Calvin make a long one on this yesterday.
Starting point is 01:45:58 We saw Ezra make a long one on this hole yesterday. Chris comes up probably an inch short there. It's the top of the cage. Uh, 2756 Anthony Barella for the putt. Now listen, all the guys just got birdies. They need to follow up with birdies.
Starting point is 01:46:15 They need to put pressure on Vinnie. Weak side. Yep. Good height. Just didn't commit quite enough. Uh, 2815 Joel Freeman freeman dude buddy don't let heimberg run with it
Starting point is 01:46:33 heimberg watching from behind joel keeps the pressure on kinda, that's a good putt. He actually was the only one to make a birdie on that hole. And I think, like you said, it's a shorter hole on the course. They're probably marking it down for a birdie, but it's proven a little bit more difficult to get than we might have thought. Hole eight. Calvin up on Freeman by three strokes,
Starting point is 01:47:05 par five, 1,161 feet, 30, 15 Chris Clemens, only one of two players on the tour with a forehand greater than his backhand. Oh, that was the line.
Starting point is 01:47:18 Hmm. Okay. Off to T. That's crazy. By the way if your forehand is greater than your backhand that doesn't even make sense to me I don't get it
Starting point is 01:47:31 either but when you watch him throw a backhand you're like oh yeah that's not it's not going to be as far as his forehand I obviously don't feel that way about most of the guys and this is a long hole I mean 1161 feet is an eternity ladies and gentlemen we open
Starting point is 01:47:46 the show talking about this next shot we are at 30 33 anthony barella 605 feet leaving his hand at 78 miles per hour slightly uphill watch the young man sponsored by discraft go to work crazy oh my god that is just insane and one thing about anthony barella that everyone always says when you first of all you turn the cameraman like this that's when you know that it was like When you first, when you turn the cameraman like this, that's when you know that it was like different than what everyone else is doing.
Starting point is 01:48:27 It, but people always say about him is he has the highest ceiling in disc golf. Like his, when he's playing at his best putting and throwing, he could beat anyone, but putting it, he doesn't, he just doesn't put it together as,
Starting point is 01:48:38 as well as some of the other guys do. The commentators were saying that a shot a hundred feet shorter would have been a great long shot a hundred feet shorter uh 3309 vinny i think this is his second throw i wasn't sure and i was running out of time so i wasn't going to rewind it i think it might be his third throw okay yeah because he's coming into the basket on the par five and comes up a little short so that should be his third and he's gonna have to have a little putt out from there for birdie okay so now here's the deal does he if you're behind a tree do they let you like move three feet out from around it like what's the deal here watch 34 calvin
Starting point is 01:49:20 how do you get around this tree look at all like that putt went behind the tree and now all of a sudden we're going to see him throw and he's not behind the tree. So the disc is behind the tree and he's standing behind his disc. You get up to 11 inches from your disc. So he can possibly, you know, as long as he's within his toes within 11 inches, and then he can straddle out from there. And keep in mind, he's six foot five. He is? Heimberg is?
Starting point is 01:49:45 Yeah, I think, I think he's six foot five. He is Heimberg is. Yeah, I think, I think he's six, five. He's either six, three or six, five. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:48 So, so where his right foot is right there in that shot, his disc is right in front of it. That's where his disc was. Okay. So you can step out from anywhere, but your foot has to be basically where your disc was or within 11 inches of it.
Starting point is 01:50:01 Yeah. And in this case, because his right foot is behind his desk, his left foot cannot be closer to the basket than his right foot calvin heimberg six five wow i had no idea no wonder he looks like that wow he's way he's way better put together than i imagine for a guy who's six wow he looks pretty good and there are decent i think ab is six three there are a decent number of players the top players that are pretty tall crazy ricky waizaki six five ganon burr is like six seven now eagles over six feet tall
Starting point is 01:50:39 ganon burr is six seven i think so what's crazy is going golf is a short man's game well you can be short but not i guess not frisbee golf pal mcbeth's like i think five nine you know and most people think he's the best players ever played uh okay calvin for the putt hole eight Okay, Calvin, for the putt. Hole eight. That's a really good putt. So, you know, he gets it on this little anizer angle,
Starting point is 01:51:15 and it floats back out, but it's really going straight the entire time. Like, he's aiming at the center of the basket, but the angle, it's a really good putt. Play that a little more, Caleb, if you can. Watch how he runs now that you don't see this too often either look he's like a labrador look at yeah what so he's been running god he moves good for six five brian holy shit that's crazy he's been running in putts these long putts uh throughout the tournament and he just he never like he never really shows a smile.
Starting point is 01:51:45 He's got just this very consistent demeanor of intent and purpose. But at this point in the tournament, he's kind of pulling away. He's still making big putts. And I remember on the flip side here, he's running back at the camera. And I just look at him. I'm like, no one's beating this guy. He's just feeling it right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Don't get carried away. 34. That's what I was thinking at the time same hole joel freeman don't listen to brian joel's good joel's good joel's got him let's see joel for the putt same hole he's not going to be intimidated here he goes nope brian was right um okay 34 12 joel freeman for a putt that's not good right right no it came up a little short. It's happened a few times, but he's beating everyone else in the tournament. Calvin's just playing at a higher level than anyone else on the planet right now. Hole nine. Calvin up by four, minus 26.
Starting point is 01:52:43 36-35. Freeman off the tee. Yeah. Tough shot here. Tight, tight out of bounds on both sides. I think there's OB long also. You see a lot of twos on this hole and a lot of fours uh very short let's see what he does with his next shot joel freeman 3709 what's he gonna do with his second shot it looked like it
Starting point is 01:53:12 was possible to get at least 20 or 30 feet closer to the basket what's he gonna do from here no i never really had a chance i think he's laying it up uh 3720 chris clemson for the putt clemens yeah yeah it doesn't matter he he said he's lucky he gets time on our show chris clem clemens chris clemens the hippie he did not have a great round on round three oh that's tough yeah he should have lit lit some sage and wore a crystal necklace. If you wanted to make that 37, 40 Anthony Barella for the putt. Yeah. Big pot here for AB. If he can make this,
Starting point is 01:53:55 I think he can pull within one of Freeman. Freeman's had a bit of a slow front nine and AB is settling into a little rhythm here. Guys, do you see right behind Barella there? There's a strip that goes from the screen see right behind barello there there's a strip that goes from the screen left to right i think that's marshy right there that's muddy and wet and i think that's where those crayfish also by the way are pushing up their what'd you call
Starting point is 01:54:14 them earlier their towers their the chimneys their chimneys yeah crawfish chimneys uh guys uh the commentators were mentioning how uh joel after every shot, does a little chatter. He talks. He talks to himself. He lets his inside thoughts out and that Joel is not a fan of that behavior that he has, like his muttering and his talking. I didn't hear exactly what he's saying, but I personally like that. And as long as he can – I think it's the story he tells himself about that that's what what's really bothering him and not his antics so if you have if you're if you're
Starting point is 01:54:50 doing antics or talking or frustrated or you know and it's bothering you just accept it just do it like just like miss a shot and be like motherfucker that's it it's fine just don't judge yourself and you're good round three part two i'm not only i'm not only a uh expert on um uh sony cameras uh but i'm also a mental expert either i do consulting in that either parenting expert i'm a bunch of experts um oh oh oh interesting wild oh okay um uh what lenses do you have for the a uh nine you know that's an insane camera macro lenses my friend was uh my friend has the a7, the a9, the a6000, and the RX-10 too. Crazy. Those two camera buffs. Great life.
Starting point is 01:55:49 Okay. We're in the final nine with Calvin Heimberg. Hole 10. Show is coming to an end. This will be the completion of our fourth show. It's definitely one of our best. 416. Vinny, for the putt.
Starting point is 01:56:12 I thought I heard a UFO fly overhead. Did you hear that sound? What was that? I think there was an airplane that flew over here. Oh. It sounded pretty close, though. Vinny keeping the birdies alive. Yep.
Starting point is 01:56:24 Calvin's playing well. He got those two bogeys on three and four. Enemyie on five six eight and now ten so he's moving in the right direction again uh oh wow this is an incredible this is what a what a trippy comment but i but i love it this is like this let's just take a moment to just enjoy friendship right here. My friend loves morbidly obese women. His eyes light up when he talks about them. He's my friend. So I listen.
Starting point is 01:56:51 It's like a fucking children's book. Wow. That's crazy. James is on fucking mushrooms. That is incredible. We have a good group of people here. A five. Joel Freeman.
Starting point is 01:57:05 For par. Come on. A five, Joel Freeman for par. Come on. Come on, Joel. Trying to give Joel some airtime. Brian's like, why the fuck are you showing these shots? Just trying to give him some airtime, buddy. Calvin, minus five after the birdie here. Hole 11, 748. Heimberg.
Starting point is 01:57:22 five after the birdie here. Hole 11, 748. Heimberg. Yeah, I don't think we've seen this hole yet, but it's another one of these screaming line drive shots, low ceiling right at the basket. This is just... It's perfectly thrown. I mean,
Starting point is 01:57:39 it's a perfectly thrown shot. Joel Freeman, 810. What can he do? 0'11". We just saw Calvin put it within 20 of the basket. And it's just, you know, these guys are so good. There's out of bounds left. There's out of bounds right. There's a tree right in front of the basket that you have to get underneath one side or the other.
Starting point is 01:57:58 Calvin throws the backhand. Joel throws the forehand. Both shots are just as impressive. He has this nasty turnover, that snap that we've been talking about, and he gets the flare skip, and it just digs right in there 15 feet. Joel and Calvin kill it off the tee. What's Barella got? 825.
Starting point is 01:58:14 That's a great shot right there, man. That's a beautiful shot. See his arm coming through. I remember watching this hole, and I was was like this is not an easy shot and these guys are just parking it left and right by the way the reason why i chose these three shots is to let you know just how good calvin is he these guys are staying on him and yet calvin minus 27 up by five 855 heimberg for the putt yeah none of these guys are too far away, but you see the flag whip in there. So just depending what side of the basket you're on,
Starting point is 01:58:49 some of these putts are still a little tricky. Oh, that didn't look tricky at all. Is that a birdie, Caleb, if you let that play? Is that a birdie? I didn't see an eagle all day, by the way. Yeah, it's a long course, so pretty difficult course to find an eagle on. I'm trying to check and see if there were any at all. There was a hole-in-one on hole 13 by a guy named Logan Porter that I've never heard of before.
Starting point is 01:59:23 Oh, that's a shame. I need to start knowing stuff like that so I can pull that stuff up. I don't think there's any footage of it. Oh, right. 9-12, Joel Freeman for the birdie. At this point, I think I called Brian. I go, wow, what is going on? You told me there's guys now just basically fighting for second place.
Starting point is 01:59:47 Yeah, and it's actually going to end up being an incredible battle for second place. I know that it's not always exciting as a battle for first place, but that's what we end up with. Freeman for the birdie. Hole 12, Calvin, 1235 off the tee. Commentators mentioned he used a different disc every time on hole 12 when he threw from the tee, which I found bizarre. Could be just a wind. You know, he might have, if it's a headwind compared to a tailwind, he might want a different disc. And also, you know, who knows, maybe you throw a disc on one day and you're like, man, I need like, I need a disc up.
Starting point is 02:00:24 I need to go need a disc up. I need to go one one higher faster than that. And then on the next day, you need to throw your overstable disc instead of your understable based on the wind. Mike Artunian, fellow Armenian. I got to hang with him at the Broken Science Summit, partied with him at Greg's house afterwards. Brian, if you come to Pasadena, a lot of Armenians there, Brian. If you come to Pasadena, I'll introduce you to some nice thick Armenian girls, and we can play the local course, the first disc golf. Is this James' friend that likes thick Armenians?
Starting point is 02:00:55 No, no, different, different. The first disc golf course ever, I think. Wow. Well, that might be the Santa Cruz course. No, Pasadena South, South, way South. The first disc cruz course no pasadena south south way south the first disco of course ever pasadena i call it bullshit mike but no no i might not i just don't know i just don't know 11 50 anthony barella from fitty another beautiful shot by the way yeah really good camera work and that's like a putt that
Starting point is 02:01:26 he makes quite often but uh he's putting with the with the tailwind here and that's going to drop the disc and he just doesn't trust it quite high enough we'll see if calvin does so this this should start above the basket and fall into the chains starts it up at the band and not quite as high as i thought brutal brutal hole 12 uh up by five already easy birdie for the heimberger yeah i mean he birdies there anthony and joel both take a par and at that point you know you're now you're looking at six holes to go. You have to gain a shot on him on every single hole. Hole 13, Calvin up by six. We'll go straight to the putt 15, 18 Calvin from the putt for the putt from the
Starting point is 02:02:20 bushes. He was in the bushes on this one yesterday. He finds himself in the bushes again and i think again it's just not not really has a chance it doesn't really have a chance to make it i mean that's not a that's not a putting stroke i need to ask you a question about a question that's about another question someone has a question in the comments about why you didn't answer one of their previous questions which question would you like to answer why you didn't answer their previous question or do you want me to go back to the first question so you can answer the question they originally asked and
Starting point is 02:02:49 then we'll disregard the second question first one okay well that's nice of you because that's really nice of you uh would you use a hard or soft putter on this shot brian they were talking about uh the previous hole pretty interesting question actually i was playing earlier today i have two hard lunas and two soft lunas in my bag which are the putters uh for disc craft primarily and i've been putting with the hard ones but i was feeling the soft ones today so i think it's more of a feel thing than anything there you go uh okay um i'm gonna do an in the bag video soon, by the way. Oh, captivating. Hole 13, Calvin up by six for the putt from the bushes.
Starting point is 02:03:34 This is ridiculous. Ridiculous. Yeah, and the last time he had to do that, he didn't turn it enough. This time he did get the correct turn on it, but he was way further back. And so kind of seeing um similarly to the tournament that he lost because of that one hole where he just had like five strokes over par on hole 12 and they lost in the tournament he's now had two holes two days in a row hole four and hole 13 where he's been way out of position bogeyed hole four both days and parred hole 13 both days. I think my beard grew a half inch.
Starting point is 02:04:07 The show is so long. Hole 14, 2024. Anthony Barella with the flat bill, but not gangsta. But not gangsta. Although I do think he had some ear piercings. Yeah, he does. He wears the big glasses got the chain man that they are big dudes yeah and he's had a bunch of these kind of awkward stance putts and he just hasn't been able to find it all day on those on the awkward ones i mean he's playing
Starting point is 02:04:41 fine but you'd want to make one out of three of those. It's 1135 in Chicago. The temperatures drop below 30 degrees and Brian's heat just turned on. Only experts with headphones on would notice that sound. 2035. 1035. 1035. Uh,
Starting point is 02:04:57 uh, 2035. You're still showing Clemens at this point. Heimberg. No, I don't know what the fuck he's doing there. He's, he's toast.
Starting point is 02:05:04 Get it, get the hell out of there i like his headband oh c beaver's just giving him some love c beaver just likes a man with long hair 2035 calvin for the putt it's i gave him the wrong time code he's looking for uh he's acting cool while he looks for calvin because i fucked his shit up so he was in the woods on this one the day before where he had to do the basketball putt. He looks like he's about five feet to the right and he's got an open putt. God, this guy looks like he's wearing a wig. Occasionally,
Starting point is 02:05:34 he does cut his hair a bit shorter. It's remarkably different. 2055, Joel Freeman, also from the Bushes. Also from the Bushes, but no obstruction here so pretty much expecting to make it if you look at the bottom at this
Starting point is 02:05:52 point Freeman's at 23 Burrell is at 23 so Anthony's reeled him in and he's toast and he's toast with that miss he's toast a hole 15 22 15 Vinny off the team they both they both made par there so they're still
Starting point is 02:06:09 even going into hole 15 and this was like when you say they you mean Freeman and Barella yeah okay and the last four holes of this card were there was even though Calvin had a big lead these were really really fun holes to watch 22 15 Calvin off the tee Calvin had a big lead. These were really, really fun holes to watch.
Starting point is 02:06:26 22-15. Calvin off the tee. That's one of his things, that kind of shoulder roll he always does to set his posture. Big high spiking forehand. Is it going to get there? Yeah. And like we said, this is one of the ones that they're probably eyeing up as a birdie uh 2237 clemens the chick magnet off the tee and this is the kind of guy this guy smokes weed out of a chillum you know what a chillum is you know what that is yeah i've never smoked weed out of a chillum it's it's like the kind of dumb shit they have in the parking lot
Starting point is 02:07:05 of the Dave Matthews band it's like you could smoke out of a pipe you could have a joint you could have a blunt you could have a bong but there's these jackass hippies that smoke out of a chillum and it's basically like a tube and you have to hold your hand like this in a special way and then like put the pipe through your fingers oh it looks like Caleb's on it and then you go
Starting point is 02:07:21 yeah it's so stupid but for some reason it's popular with the long hairs there's like there's like some sort of tribal feeling to it you know what i mean like anyway that you know that guy smokes out of a chill yeah people i know shit i've been around if you see a woman with armpit hair you assume she has a chilling yes yes yes yes yes and i have no problem with armpit hair on women i like that shit wild okay uh so we've just seen calvin off the t crushed it mr clemens the chillum smoker crushed it 22 59 anthony barella getting more time on the Sevan podcast off the tee. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:07 And all these guys have big forehands. I mean, Clements throws the backhand there, which is a pretty easy shot for the lefties, but these guys, this is a under 400 foot forehand. And like I said, they're just should be lining up a bunch of birdies here. And finally off the tee.
Starting point is 02:08:22 This is the last time I swear you're going to see all these guys. This is just like homage to the fact that we just watched them for two hours 2319 joel freeman the other three guys have killed it they call this man the alligator they do that they do now he looks like an alligator he's got the forehead of a fucking some sort of like prehistoric alligator some reptilian freeman as good if not better than the rest. What a stud. 24-15, but let's go back to Heimberg for the putt. Yeah, so all of these guys are within 20 feet of the basket, and I think they just all knocked down their pars.
Starting point is 02:09:01 Birdies, birdies, brother, birdies. All knocked down their birdies, yeah. Birdies, brother. Birdies. I'll knock down the birdies. Yeah. A hole 16. Let's make this quick. 26-55. Vinny for the putt. Just a tap in. Easy upshot.
Starting point is 02:09:21 Hole 17. Let's look why Chris Clemens is not in the lead off the tee this is a crazy shot there's out of bounds like immediately to the right is out of bounds he hits one of these trees but you would just want it to push and then finish way to the left that tee shot and his disc would have done that but he hit the basically the first line of trees and that hurts yeah he's too far back now uh 30 30 joel freeman for the putt sitting in second place trying to fight off anthony barella from taking some of his prize money yep and they had gone par par on hole 14 birdie birdie on hole 15 birdie birdie on hole 16 and joel knocks down the birdie putt here on 17 incredible shot 30 45 anthony barella for the
Starting point is 02:10:17 putt what's he got and most of this time we've been seeing joel trying to keep up with calvin now joel putting the pressure on Anthony here. He makes it. So they're three birdies in a row matching each other going into the last hole. 30 58 Calvin for the putt. Hey, what happened to Jordy? Let's take a pause in the in the action. Jordy Grimillion in the house.
Starting point is 02:10:40 How did Jordy do with the are the final numbers in? I know he was like 66 67 68 brian's pivoting to another page in his computer the crossfit information is never more than a few clicks away we're checking the leaderboard to see if jordy will be going to the semi-finals everyone please stand up look to the heavens and said dear god please jord. Brian. I haven't found it yet. All right, fine. Sorry, Jordy. We won't know until later.
Starting point is 02:11:10 I'm in the middle of a golf show. 65. There's no. Yeah, there you go. So he climbed up one. That's not good, right? Jordy, people still have to register. Five people might not register, and he still might go. He might go team or some good, right? Jordy, people still have to register. Five people might not register, and he still might go.
Starting point is 02:11:28 He might go team or some shit, right? I already see one person that's definitely going team ahead of him. That's not exactly the way. Okay. Okay, let's focus on the discs here. Okay, fine. Jordy's trying to get some escapism from his fucking troubled life, and instead we've turned the eye on him.
Starting point is 02:11:45 I apologize. Calvin for the putt, 3058, hole 17. For a par though, I believe, and hole 17 for Calvin. So that's it, you know, formality at this point. One hole left. One hole left. This is the shot right here that i was looking forward to watching the reason being i was watching i was i was uh watching this and obviously uh realized anthony and joel are tied and i'm just like this is the perfect shot for anthony barella he's just gonna
Starting point is 02:12:19 throw this massive spike kaiser and i bet's going to stick five feet from the basket. And then he throws this shot. Anthony Borrella off the tee hole 18. Look at this angle. He's throwing that so high, so far to the right, the baskets up there on the Hill, like we talked about,
Starting point is 02:12:40 and he gets the full distance out of it's two feet away. And just so you know, the importance of that Borrella is minus 26. Freeman is minus 26 freeman is minus 26 they're fighting for second place yeah and joel has to watch that and then try to respond no one on the chase card is is is on their back james proctor went into the clubhouse at 26 under par okay so they needed a birdie to separate from james looks like anthony's gonna get one a birdie to separate from James. Looks like Anthony's going to get one.
Starting point is 02:13:05 A Barella off the tee. Brian's happy with the throw. Let's see Heimberg off the tee. Our boy Vinny, 6'5", still growing. Looks like he could be Napoleon Dynamite. Doesn't need it here, but you know if you're about to win the tournament, you always want to end with a little highlight, so he's going to try to stick this one close
Starting point is 02:13:22 and hopefully get one more birdie. He's about 20 feet to the left, but he's's pin high so he doesn't have much elevation to deal with 33 25 a resident chillum smoker off the tee oh we're giving like clements with the forehand actually really cool to see the forehand on this shot. And, you know, the spikes it in there, a little roll. Really, that's a really good forehand. 33-40. Trying to bring the money home. Joel.
Starting point is 02:13:59 So he had the worst drive of the group. And he has to make this putt, otherwise he's going to fall to third. And if he misses it, he could fall to fourth or fifth. Oh, great pauses. Caleb, adding tension to the show. Freeman, uphill, no wind. That is such an awesome putt. I didn't know.
Starting point is 02:14:22 I didn't think he'd make that. He's missed a lot easier putts than that throughout the tournament, but that was awesome, and he's obviously pretty happy with it. Salaam alaikum. Strawberries, day one. Lime, day two, with a little bit of that jailhouse vibe with the stripes. Top 15 in the world, Brian, you were saying in the beginning of the show? Yeah, he's currently ranked 11th.
Starting point is 02:14:44 Bad dude. Anthony Barella's ranked 11th. Bad dude. Anthony Barella's ranked 12th. Bad dude. 34-20, Heimberg for the putt. Hey, what happens here if he just decides, like, hey, I don't want to play, and he just throws it off into the water? Can you just take a – can you forfeit a hole and just take a certain number? I'm not sure, actually. Okay.
Starting point is 02:15:05 34-20, Heimberg for the putt on the Sabbath. Good to go. Easy putt. He ends up shooting 10 under on round one, 13 under on round two, 10 under on round three. He was the hot round in the first round. Anthony Borella tied him in the second round, and only one player, Alden Harris, shot better than him in the first round. Anthony Borrella tied him in the second round and only one player, Alden Harris shot better than him in the third round.
Starting point is 02:15:28 So pretty dominating victory for Calvin six shot win when we, you know, we've seen some of the closest tournaments in the history of the sport the last couple of weeks. We know that not all the best players in the world are playing in this, but you know, those guys are just lurking outside the top 10. They can certainly challenge him and they did for a while,
Starting point is 02:15:45 but at the end of the day, he's just playing too good right now. Heimberg, Calvin, Vinny hasn't finished outside the top three all season. Second win of the season. Shot a minus 33. Varela minus 27. Freeman minus 27. That's a tie. Who do they decide wins the tie and how?
Starting point is 02:16:05 No, they just split the money and the points. That's a tie. Who do they decide when it's a tie and how? No, they just, they split the money in the points. Wow. All right. Meaning they add the second place money and third place money together and then split that money. I think so.
Starting point is 02:16:14 Yeah. Fantastic. Oh, three messages in the private chat. Okay. I guess I won't read those out loud. Wow. I didn't know you guys were having that sidebar in there.
Starting point is 02:16:22 That's crazy. Uh, no six time champ. No, Brian, we didn't see, uh, having that sidebar in there. That's crazy. No six-time champ. No, Brian, we didn't see no Macbeth this weekend, correct? Well, Macbeth's the six-time world champion. Ricky Wysocki, who's Macbeth's primary rival over the last decade and we haven't seen play yet this year, is a six-time Texas state champion winner. And I think he's undefeated at the Texas state champions. Now, they've all been in a different course than this one, but yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:49 So we've got a new winner for the Texas state champions this year. New winner for Texas state champion. First time on the golf course. Okay. What about next week? Man, look at my hair. It looked like a lion.
Starting point is 02:17:03 Why didn't you tell me? It looked like, why didn't you roar at me when you saw me? What about next week man look at my hair it looked like a lion why didn't you tell me i look like why don't you roar at me when you saw me uh what about next week the next tournament is the music city open which is in april 7th oh thank god oh that's not next week is it no we got two weeks oh yeah i need a little break but all the all the top players will be back for that one. And then we'll see. There's another Silver Series after that. But then there's the first major of the year.
Starting point is 02:17:34 So I don't know if we'll do the other Silver Series or not. What are we going to do if the semifinals fall on a weekend when there's Frisbee? We just do what we do. We just handle our business. We're professionals. We do it all. Maybe I've already looked at that. So there's a silver series event.
Starting point is 02:17:52 The first week, there's nothing the second week. And then there's a, the Portland open is on the third week of semifinals. So there's only one week that we would have a, possibly have a duplicate, but the week after that, there's no disc golf. So we would have a possibly have a duplicate but the week after that there's no disc golf so we could just push that one a couple days god i hope antifa
Starting point is 02:18:10 fucking shuts down the portland one like they burn the grass or do something they sacrifice one of their own on the course that's a that's an that course is also on a ball golf course it's very long a lot of rollers you'll love it uh ladies and gentlemen the takeaway from today's show the copperhead is a venomous snake that does not have a rattle thank you for joining us we'll see you tomorrow morning seven a.m six standard time seven on podcast still no guests you know i want to tell you this one thing ryan do you know that there's a show called MILF Manor? Do you know about that show?
Starting point is 02:18:49 Yes, it's come up in conversations recently amongst some people at the gym. And I wanted to do a review of it. So every time an episode came out two days later, Andrew Hiller and I, just like this show, but instead of time code for the golf shots, I would have a whole list of time codes of just shit, and then Andrew and I would talk about it. But the season is done. It's done. All nine shows are done. Do you feel retroactive?
Starting point is 02:19:20 No, I need to find some sort of reality show that every week that would be so weird to hear you talk about MILF Manor I could do it for the challenge on MTV that's the only reality show I could do it for it's called The Challenge
Starting point is 02:19:37 yeah but I don't really love the one they have going on now we'd have to wait for like a better season alright see you guys tomorrow We'd have to wait for like a better season. All right. See you guys tomorrow. Nine hours, 10 hours. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 02:19:54 Oh, Caleb. Thank you. You're a good dude. You like doing these shows, Caleb?

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