The Sevan Podcast - #860 - Sean Pastuch | Evolving Fitness To Function as Healthcare

Episode Date: March 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is that a new background I see on your screen? I know. Isn't that great? I feel special. I feel like you knew I was coming on and you wanted to step your game up. So you put that on for me. You know, it's incredible, Sean. On my birthday, I came in to do my podcast and there was a box of Kleenex next to my desk. And I purposely don't allow Kleenex in my podcast studio. Cause I don't want anyone to think I'm jerking off in here. It's like an insecurity I have. And, and I needed paper towels in here once cause I spilled coffee. And even that was hard for me to get my head wrapped around, but I came in here and this was in here and I'm like, that is really weird. So I thought, oh, my kids must've come in here. I'm going to have to figure that out. I can't have like
Starting point is 00:00:42 them in here, you know, fooling around. And then at the end of the podcast my wife came in with this sign that the audience members had pulled their money together and bought me that sign and my wife knew i cried for 15 minutes straight it'd fuck ruin my whole day yeah dude that's that's a uh there isn't a much bigger compliment than your audience pooling cash together to get you something awesome for your office. Dude. That's cool. Someone – I saw someone from the audience yesterday at some event I was at, and they asked me if I was faking the crying. I said, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:23 That's a hard thing to do for 15 minutes. I said, my eyes didn't. Yeah. And it was 15 minutes. My eyes didn't open the rest of the day. They were permanently Sean. I like you and I feel bad doing this to you, but I, but I'm really wound up. Um, if, uh, maybe you're going to like this. You never know. Some people like this stuff. Some people don't. I received this this morning. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And yeah, I, I told you guys, I told you guys that when Nicole Carroll went to branding and left training that I have no faith in fucking CrossFit anymore. I'm done. I'm fucking done. I know. Don't I look, that's crazy that you think i look good this morning because i looked in the mirror too this morning i was like fuck you are i'm lifting heavy again i front squatted 60 pounds 60 pound d ball five reps on the minute for 30 minutes while i studied sean sean pastuch hold on wait did you pull that d ball
Starting point is 00:02:23 off the ground or did you pull it from from some shelf that made it easy for you? Off the ground, off the ground. Easy, buddy. This is too much man on this screen right now. Easy, buddy. I normally only do front squats with a 40-pound D-ball. I did 60 pounds. Just five reps on the minute for 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I got my swole on. This is crazy. This is fucking idiot world. Listen, listen. Do you know why Danny Spiegel and all these other girls, I'm not picking on her, but she just seems to work so good. Do you know why she poses face down with the G string looking at the camera? Are you asking me my opinion? Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I was a rhetorical, but I'd love your opinion. It gets eyeballs, right? It's attention, right? Yeah. Okay. it gets eyeballs right it's attention right yeah okay and then and then other and then when other people she she gets attention for it they're going to do it also they'll want to replicate it right for some reason people want attention is that fair yeah algebra good i tried i tried that show me it didn't show me there my wife has those photos ladies and gentlemen if for some reason you had to do this if you had to do this behind closed doors because someone had a gun to your head i give you a pass
Starting point is 00:03:42 i love you congratulations on your strength your positioning of it. I'm fucking so proud of you choosing an adequate weight. They allowed you to get into a good posture, but to put this fucking photo on CrossFit training, if for some reason you thought CrossFit, maybe it hasn't lost its way. training if for some reason you thought crossfit maybe it hasn't lost its way maybe there is hope you're wrong you're right you're absolutely have lost your fucking mind and they have lost their fucking mind i don't care if a hundred thousand times she can do that without hitting the baby the one time she can't that lady's life is over well or the babies well of course the babies but i'm a selfish parent i can't even yell at my kid without it fucking shaking me for the next week that i did something inappropriate dude my my newsletter last week was all about how i yelled at my kid
Starting point is 00:04:36 and i never do that yeah fucks your fucks your whole day up yeah i forgot to turn on my beauty light. Sorry. I thought you looked great. I have one of those ring lights that's supposed to make my shit pop. Oh, there you go. Now you can throw the thong on and go face down. This isn't cool, right, Sean?
Starting point is 00:04:59 This is not something I would want my wife doing with our kids. Definitely not. What about the leading fitness and what about the leading health brand, the people who have the cure for the world's most vexing problem a holistic community that supports each other into making healthy choices and this is their main training instagram the only one that didn't get a race do you understand that this is the only count that didn't get erased in 2018 it's their big daddy account and they have they're holding uh uh enough weight to kill that baby if for some reason it were to slip out of her hands or maybe she got the vax and she'd have myocarditis and drop that on the bed well i mean possible it's
Starting point is 00:05:38 also if mom falls down yes right there's a lot earthquake. It's just not it's just not. It doesn't make the training session better. It doesn't. There's a there's something that could have been done. I don't know. I just I'm with you. I don't like it. People are going to. The thing is, Devesh Maharaj, the hammer. Thank you for joining us. I, I care. I care this Much that she's doing it I care this Much you can't even see my arms That CrossFit training is putting
Starting point is 00:06:14 This on the front end this is nuts Dude well I think the point That you're making it's not even a bad It's not even a bad decision dude It's beyond a bad It's several bad decisions in a row by the way baby carriers are stupid well i think the point being here for the people who are who are struggling to get behind it is that um it's the it's the worry that this becomes a thing
Starting point is 00:06:41 that people now think that they need to do in order to fit into the model if that makes sense yeah that's the really bad part yeah you're right that's the we have we have fentanyl in the room and we have a needle and unfortunately now we have someone getting clapping getting a hand clap for using both of them that's yeah you're right it's too far one of your listeners just asked me to turn up the volume are you able to hear me i hear you great ignore them ignore them unless they send you uh ignore them they're they're naughty people it's probably this guy omar cornejo i don't know if it was omar let me see who it is how about you get your ears checked i'm just making sure you can hear me i hear you great thank you uh jay hardell a wise armenian man there's a fucking seat right behind her for the baby.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah. The baby probably got out of the seat. I mean, look, you're, you're a parent. I'm a parent. I can imagine the baby got out of the seat and the kid wanted to be in the way. So mom put the baby on her. She might not have been snatching. She might've been overhead squatting. If we give her all of the possible, that might be made of foam. Those might be styrofoam weights. There's that. She read the influencer weights.
Starting point is 00:07:48 It could be that. It's just, I get the message that you're saying. It's like, look, if the workout called for overhead squats and you had to bring the baby in that day, maybe sub the movement. Justin McClintock. Justin McClintock. Yes. Sounds goodock. Yes. Sounds good here.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Good. Any name with the word Ock in it, I like. Austin Hartman, Sevan's the naughtiest person I know. Yeah, and I would not do that, dude. I let my kid crawl all over the gym. I brought my kid and I threw a blanket down. My kid was everywhere in the gym i would i don't do anything that puts my kid at a completely unnecessary risk there is no your kid is not
Starting point is 00:08:32 an accoutrement what do you think of dogs in that light because dogs running around the gym when people are snatching overhead squatting and whatnot um way way more tolerance for it of course of course there's stories where dogs have been killed and maimed and all that shit but way more tolerance for it. Of course, of course, there's stories where dogs have been killed and maimed and all that shit, but way more tolerant for it. Cause it's just a fucking dog. What's still wrong. What if a dog trips someone? I mean, we've seen there's endless videos, right? On YouTube where people are dropping weights and just missing the dogs. I think the dog's inappropriate too. Even when I deadlift around my dog, I'm like, dude, like, Hey, it's bad for me too what if i make a sudden
Starting point is 00:09:06 movement in um and hurt myself for sure just the risk to reward ratio is um i don't see any reward in having the baby the baby is not benefiting from that at all zero it's not getting some spatial awareness or bonding time with mom or and i never used one of those my wife would use one of those i never used one i think it's bullshit carry your baby until you can't and then set your baby down all the babies i know that have problems with crawling and they do the scoot and all that shit it was because parents thought it was cute to wear their babies in those all the time. And they didn't put their babies on the ground. We have three, we have three daughters.
Starting point is 00:09:49 The first one never crawled and we're seeing it now in the way that she runs and all that. And I'm actually helping her work through it. Did you use a baby carrier with her? Did you use baby carrier? We use it with all three. We use it with all three. So we were soft for all three of our kids. But that's what I was going to say. I don't know if there's a correlation between kids scooting and wearing the carrier because our first one scooted, our next two crawled, and they all got kicked. I would say that there's a correlation between the carrier and your first kid because I think parents hold their kids too much.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Well, I think there's a relationship between the carrier and soft parents i just want my kid to be close to me and i'm like don't you know don't don't go anywhere and i wasn't strong enough to carry her all the time i guess and then come work out with you and and that yeah you need to carry a 40 pound d ball and then the first child also um gets that um doesn't get any benign neglect so what you know what i mean yes like it's it's just i mean we call our first one prince avi when i saw my younger kids could dress themselves before my older kid i was like yeah i fucked this one up it's okay it's got time to fix it yeah what do you think
Starting point is 00:10:59 about scooting you think does that concern you that she didn't crawl oh yeah and we see it now is she i mean she's eight, right? But so I'll tell you a funny story. I think you'll like this. Her first day of real school, like she's, she always thought, she's like, I'm a great athlete. I'm fast. I'm all these things.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I'm the smartest. I'm the best. That's good. Oh yeah. We instill confidence and we never tell her, no, you're not. We just say, yeah, you're fast. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Well, the first day of school, cause she didn't go to school when they had to wear masks. I wasn't sending her to wear a mask and sit in the cubicle as a six-year-old. So her first year in school, the first day they have gym class. And they're outside and they're all running. Comes home from school. She's like, I hate school. I never want to go back. Why do you hate school?
Starting point is 00:11:43 She said, because I was the slowest kid in gym class and i'm like oh man okay so reality kind of sunk in right and mind you when i was her age i was i was very slow i couldn't coordinate my feet my knees my hips none of that and by the time i was a senior in high school i was very fast and i was known for my speed uh in college and afterwards but so i said to her i'm like okay do you want to get better she said yeah so we practiced running like we worked out practicing running every day for until she had been faster than three kids and was comfortable with it yeah but so it wasn't the uh i'm definitely concerned about her gait and things like that. Now when she jumps, her knees go in.
Starting point is 00:12:25 When she runs, her feet still kind of swing out to the side. And I have to remind her, knees up. You know, there's not a lot of cueing you're going to give to an eight-year-old who's not a natural-born athlete. But it's something that we're actively working on for sure. We crawl around now as rehab. I have no proof of this. I have i've never read this anywhere this is just pure horseshit what i'm about to tell you love it um i think crawling is the holy grail of fitness
Starting point is 00:12:55 and that no kid should ever be taught how to walk or encouraged to walk oh i i don't think that's horseshit i think there's actually plenty of evidence. So you know what a diastasis is? When the stomach, like when you do too many pull-ups when you're pregnant and it rips your stomach open? Well, oftentimes you get it as a result of being pregnant and the pull-ups are revelatory. It doesn't cause it. Okay, darn it. You're ruining my story. No, no.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I'm going to give you supporting evidence. We're all born that way. With diastasis? Oh, I didn't know going to give you supporting evidence. We're all born that way. With diastasis? Oh, I didn't know that. Crawling closes it. Wow. Yes. God, humans are fascinating.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Can you explain that a little bit more to me? Literally, why would, that's why babies kind of have those bulbous stomachs, the muscles haven't come around? That I can't speak to i'm not i'm not clear on on the reason for a bulbous stomach but what i can tell you is that when we're born our it's called the lipalba our abs it's the line that goes down the middle of the six instead of three pack right it divides them in half when we're babies that's not fully formed and solidified and the cross gate patterning of crawling, you know, having yourself on all fours, the plank position, and then the detortion from side to side force that ligament to actually tighten and start to become a line or
Starting point is 00:14:19 it becomes tighter and it forms itself. And so that's why after partum companies like birth fit um start working on reverse curl uh crawling patterns with others to reform the linealba down the middle hey do you have two windows open or is there anyone else on your Wi-Fi? I don't. I have a monitor on behind me. Is it coming up? Is it ruining the screen? Just something. Your connection keeps dropping in and out.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Do you have pretty good Wi-Fi where you're at? It could have just been just a fluke too. Yeah, we have a gig and I'm about seven feet from the router. Okay, from the router. Okay, cool. Yeah, that's fascinating. about seven feet from the okay okay from the router okay cool yeah that's fascinating um i i just i don't i don't know what any of these words mean but i just think that there's not enough that that work that you put in when you're a kid crawling a kid should be rewarded for it
Starting point is 00:15:19 clap for it love for it never encouraged to crawl or to walk because once you stand you you don't you don't ever get on all four again unless you're a fitness female influencer then you'll do some time on all four collecting your your fan base so it's definitely it's definitely a benefit crazy um you you own three crossfit gyms i have owned three CrossFit gyms. I have owned three CrossFit gyms. Right now I own none, but I owned three in my career, yes. Yeah, that's nuts. And then in 2017 was your last ownership of one? Yeah, 2017, December 31st. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:09 There's a lot there, Siobhan. I've spent more money defending CrossFit than probably any other CrossFit affiliate owner in history. Those were all in New York? Yeah. I have a feeling we're going to have to have you on twice already. I'm happy to come on as many times as you want. How old are you? 39. Do i look 39 i guess i guess you were uh 10 years younger than me between 10 and 15 years younger than me which you are there we go yeah because you have a little bit of gray hair but you have really nice skin still you don't have any the wrinkles that's
Starting point is 00:16:39 phase two thank you well the gray hair hair comes from starting businesses and having three daughters and the wrinkles, I guess, come from, from more time. And how old are your daughters? I have four, six and eight. Wow. Yeah. Congrats. You're stoked. Good job. I appreciate that. And you, and you're still married? Still happily married. That comes first, man. Well, I come first, then my wife, then my kids. Dude, that's awesome. You know that's awesome, right? I do.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I'm grateful for it every day. Yeah, that's awesome. Oh, what's this say? Jordan, Harry Jordan. First Michael Cashew, now Sean Pastuch. You've been sending me back to 2017. I know, where was I? I was just behind a camera.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I didn't even know these guys back then. Well, you knew me in 2017. You just didn't know it because I was in one of your documentaries at the CrossFit Games. But Jordan was a brute strength athlete back in 2017. And I used to travel the country doing seminars with them and coaching their athletes with Michael and Matt Bruce and Nick Sorrell and Adrian Conway. And I'm leaving somebody, Chris Hinshaw.
Starting point is 00:17:55 And Jordan used to come to the seminars and work with Brutus and athlete. At Carson, there was that area underneath the stadium where all the athletes were were lying down and they would get worked on were you one of the guys that worked on the athletes down there in carson under the stadium let me yeah in carson well it looked it feels like it's not yet there was that that brown tent next to like the handball courts or whatever they were in the back it was the warm-up area yeah I know I know I wasn't allowed into that area where you're talking about with it under the stadium that
Starting point is 00:18:37 was for sponsors only so oh that's right they had like a lululemon ice bath there and shit you're right that was great I was allowed to come in there because I had the coach band, but I wasn't allowed to bring my table in there. And where would I, did I, did I talk to you while you were working on an athlete? Yeah. So I forget what year the document, I think it was, what was the last year in Carson when Brooke Wells took sixth? Was that 16 or 17? I don't know. Whatever year it was. My business partner at the time was working on Brooke. She was a client of ours.
Starting point is 00:19:15 And you came over to film because she was doing really well. And you were like, hey, are you married? And he thought you meant her. At the time, he's rubbed her butt. Yes. Totally, totally clinically nothing yeah that's one of the highlights of my whole uh over 20 years of interviewing people that's one of my highlights i figured it once it happened we're driving back to the airport i'm like dude you know you're gonna
Starting point is 00:19:36 be in the trailer like that you're in the trailer you're not just in it you're like in the trailer yeah how cool uh kudos to bro Brooke for how well she handled that too. That was a really uncomfortable situation. I was like, okay, Seve, do it. For those of you guys don't understand, there was some guy rubbing Brooke Wells' butt and I just walked over to him and asked him if he was married. And it was supposed to be just a bit, a joke.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah. It's like the kind of stuff you're probably not supposed to talk about if you're the masseuse or the body worker with the super hot fucking uh ridiculous uh athlete yeah it worked out to be TV magic because he said no but he meant not to Brooke right he is married to an woman and he quickly corrected it on camera which made it even better and she handled it so good i was so impressed at how she and i'm always impressed by the athletes that know how to work those moments those scenes um uh i want to go back so can you tell me how you got into crossfit you're you're in your very first gym kind of the
Starting point is 00:20:39 build-up to that yes and then and then hopefully in this this hour and a half in this 90 minutes today, we can at some point figure out, I want to tie that to why you're not owning a gym now. And then talk about a little bit what you do and then maybe have you back on if we, cause I have a feeling we're going to run out of time. Listen, man, this is your show. I'm happy to answer whatever questions you want. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. happy to answer whatever questions you want if we do okay thank you okay thank you um so i was actually i was i was the guy who watched the 2009 crossfit games i think that it was when the technique was terrible but people were trying things that no one had ever done before and i was the hater full disclosure i was in chiropractic school. I've been a personal trainer since 2005. I was like, that's bad movement.
Starting point is 00:21:28 These people are all going to get hurt. That's stupid. That's dumb. No way. Then one of my friends in chiropractic school brought it to our weight room. I was like, just do one workout. So I did one workout. The exhaust, you know, that was hard, humbling.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Frankly, my ego wasn't ready to acknowledge that i wasn't fit and so why were you a good athlete were you a good athlete at that point in my own head right remember my mom told me i was a good jumper runner when i was a baby uh i would i didn't play any sports in college i got recruited to play baseball at quinnipiac and towson and passed it up to go get cut by the team in maryland that's the okay but so you were an athlete so you were an athlete you had you had a reason to believe that you were good okay yeah um because like when i was training at equinox if i was pushing 135 at 150 pounds people were like that guy is a freak yeah but i wasn't i was just a bunch of people who not freaks at all and i've seen one um so anyway i'll get to the long story short um one of my friends named dr chris steppy and he owns a business called barefoot rehab
Starting point is 00:22:40 he was like you have to try dropping in to a CrossFit gym because that's where you're going to be able to get the kind of patients who you want to see. He and I were both practicing a bunch of soft tissue work. So I went to CrossFit Garden City with Dennis Marshall and Jennifer Hunter Marshall when it was still on, I think it was Nassau Boulevard in Garden City. It was like a hole in the wall. It was a hallway gym. Is that New York State? Yeah. Yeah. Long Island. hole in the wall it was a hallway gym is that new york state yeah yeah long island so i remember i walked in the first day i was wearing my nike basketball sneakers with the air bubble right
Starting point is 00:23:13 and there were some kind of presses going on that day and a member was like hey next time you come in you're going to want to wear flat shoes i remember that vividly then they were doing muscle ups and i was like i I could probably do that. And I went and tried and it was, you definitely can't do that. You have no idea what you're doing. And so I, I got hooked. I got the bug for, I had just received really good coaching from Dennis and Jen. There were things that I could do.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I don't know him, but she's out of this world. He's also a great coach. Yeah, awesome. I have a lot of respect for both of them. And long story short, they let me start treating patients out of their gym and working out there. And that's how I got my start in CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then effectively, I was in clinical practice with my father and my uncle in a chiropractic office. And I wasn't, you know, they're very traditional chiropractors. And I was much more soft tissue, exercise, get out of my office. And so I decided to go open my own CrossFit gym with a friend of mine who was running one already somewhere else. We came together. We opened my clinic and a CrossFit gym in Long Beach,
Starting point is 00:24:26 New York in 2011. Our opening day was October 24th, 2011. And there's a lot that goes into that story, but I'll start. I'll just give you this much. We put a sign in the window that said CrossFit coming soon. Here's the phone number to call. People were calling. And the way that we built our original membership base was by working out for free with people who had signed up. We said, if you buy your first month or your year, whatever it is, you get to work with us for free every Tuesday and Thursday at, let's say, 5 o'clock. I don't remember exactly what day or what time it was and by the time that we actually opened our gym like the got our permits and all that kind of stuff we had almost
Starting point is 00:25:10 50 people working out on the sidewalk running up and down the street and we were already considered a menace to our town yeah yeah yeah so that's how we got our start uh oh a little a little a little choppy this morning um i like this dude but is he on brian's old laptop um is he uh brandon waddell is sean pastuch borrowing brian's internet brian's a regular guest i have on the show he used to have ass internet i think it's good now guys easy everyone chill out everyone these are the worst things that come my way today, we're, we're going to do really well. Uh, Trevor, uh, Trevor, I'm going to go with Trevor,
Starting point is 00:25:49 the Trevor, the Polish Trevor. I've seen dogs hit by falling weights in gyms. Oh, that sucks. Uh, David from, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:58 this, this guy from Spain. I mean, they don't even have internet there. They have an hamster. He's like the Mickey D wifi is awful. Shut it. Hey, um, did you, in 2011, had you met your wife yet?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Oh, yeah. Where did you meet her? University of Maryland. Oh, so you guys have been together a long time. I met her in April. I met her in March. We started kind of dating in April of my senior year. Which would be 1990 – no, no, 2000.
Starting point is 00:26:32 2005. 2005. I was doing me. I was doing me. I was doing me. His internet's clear. I hear and see him fine. Good morning. Okay, good morning to you too. Okay. And then, did you say your dad was a chiropractor? My dad and my uncle, yeah. And just to give people a little idea, chiropractors are people who believe that they kind of align with CrossFit
Starting point is 00:27:04 because they believe that the body can heal itself lifestyle choices are paramount to the success of your health chiropractic i think actually has a lot of similar strengths and it's um that's the best way to put it strengths and it's not weaknesses but it's difficulties that crossfit has in that no two chiropractors are the same okay so to just you know yeah some chiropractors love crossfit some chiropractors would say you nobody should ever do it that kind of weight is way too dangerous i can't tell you the number of people who've come to us because when they first came in it was my doctor told me i should only lift 55 pounds, no more than that. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Well, why not 56? Right. Why not 54? But I meant, sorry, big picture going up to like, you know, the 100,000 foot view. Chiropractic is an empowering. Ideally, a chiropractor would be the kind of person who believes in personal responsibility and accountability. It's like, Hey, if you're a, maybe a regular doctor would be like, Hey, you might be like my back hurts and a regular doctor might give you
Starting point is 00:28:12 orthopedics where a chiropractor would be like, Hey, you should consider walking barefoot for an hour a day. Right. You're more, I think you're more the other way. I think you're more likely to get that in the chiropractor's office, but I, but you'll, you'll run the gamut. You'll get people who tell you, you got to come in every week for the rest of your life and get adjusted or you're going to get sick and die and all that like so it's it's it runs the whole gamut okay um is it um i think of chiropractic what about um it really it's not yeah that sucks i can see that as you're
Starting point is 00:28:40 saying that i'm thinking of chiropractors who what kind are you before i judge tell you which one i don't like a retired one you oh you are retired you don't mess you're not i haven't i haven't touched a patient since december 31st 2017 that was my last day in clinical practice and in the gym i basically exchanged my ownership in in in my practice um handed over the gym to the to my clinical partner uh for the opportunity to pursue what I'm doing now. And now your practice now is strictly the pastooch method. I don't think anyone's ever called it that before, but I'm happy to be the champion. I know. I'm rebranding it. I'm a branding genius. You have to understand. This active life thing isn't going to – I need the pastooch method.
Starting point is 00:29:23 The pastooch method is the same as active. Those of us who know what the active life't, I need the pastooch method. The pastooch method is the same as active. Those of us who know what the active life is, call it the pastooch method. I think you're right. I've been holding myself back with a business name. It sounds good though, doesn't it? I made that up on the fly. That's free. The pastooch method.
Starting point is 00:29:38 800 pages, ladies and gentlemen. 13 months of intensive study. That's right. You can embody and learn the pastouche method you got the time and the book size right uh the name we're gonna we're gonna we can i'll tell you what we'll get together we'll get together off air and we'll brainstorm okay and you can you can make a documentary about our brainstorm all right that's good i like it but but when i was in clinic it was almost exclusively soft tissue work, a little bit of adjusting and a lot of exercise.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So the reason I ended up leaving clinical work, it became uninspiring. Patients would come in and say, how much is this going to cost me and how long do I need to come for? They're basically saying, I don't want to give you money and I want to give you money for as little time as possible. And they would come to me when they were down and out. And when they were back in the game, they were happy. They're like, all right, see you later. Thanks, man. That wasn't fun.
Starting point is 00:30:28 What was fun was when we started to get people actually flying out to the clinic for care because they saw the work that we were doing with athletes and wanting to be a part of it. That's what got me into the Beyond CrossFit affiliate ownership and into starting to work with athletes like Rich Froning, Jacob Heppner, James Newberry, Brooke Wells, Brooke Entz, Sam Briggs. The whole gamut of them all came. Wow, what a great group. Yeah, we had a solid group. And the people flying out to visit, just so people know, active life, the Pestooch method, formerly known as the active life. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:13 When people fly out to see you, that's the equivalent of this sign. There is a crazy validation. You're like, wow. And you never forget who did it. Right. I bet you could name some of the people who put that sign behind you. I'll always remember everything that the number one person who did more for me than anybody else in terms of they were coming out for care from me and gave me more than I could ever give them was Jared Stevens. And that dude is just has a place in my house, in my heart, in my life forever. is just has a place in my house in my heart in my life forever a freak athlete uh uh justin clintock already has the c by the pastiche look at that we're done good job justin dude he needs some wrinkles a few more wrinkles and that and that will set in nicely yeah it's good pastiche method so i like this story um this shit's gonna hurt you I'm up for the challenge of doing this
Starting point is 00:32:07 I embrace it holy shit I'm actually gonna open a gym and teach it all of it and um going into like just um the that acceptance was that was that were you surprised that you accepted it that you flipped the script on yourself are you known for a person who can change their perspective on something? I think – so no. The answer is I would like to believe, yes, I am. What I would also say, though, is that people who knew me five, six, seven years ago who haven't talked to me since, and there's a lot of them, wouldn't recognize me in conversation today. I've gone through a massive personal development experience over the last, since 2016, 15. It was essential for me if I was going to keep my sanity, my marriage, my happiness, any of those kinds of things so there are people from 2016 for you know
Starting point is 00:33:10 and earlier who would say there's no way that that guy could change his mind about anything he would defend you know a pile of shit and call it a pile of gold even even if he knew it was a pile of shit well you have a loyalty problem that's for sure sure. That's what I mean. You're just extremely loyal. Yes. So if you're, if you and your buddies agree to call something a pile of gold and one of you finds out it's a pile of shit, you, you, you stick with your team. I got to respect that. Yeah. Well, I, you know, I think that, uh,
Starting point is 00:33:38 the old me would stick with the team. The new me would stick with the team publicly and then go to the team privately and talk about, Hey guys, I think this is a pile of shit how do we want to how do we want to talk about this and speak to our new awareness here right uh active but by the way i'd like to give you some of my credentials um the dave castro that's mine got it oh nice the manimal for pat barber okay that's mine i didn't know pat barber had the manimal the manimal uh yeah well because he's fallen off the map um and uh one of my good friends that's one of my good friends in costa i understand um and uh um mayhem empire okay i added empire to it well obviously it needed that so i um active life is a personal
Starting point is 00:34:29 development company disguised as a fitness company i like that it's why i stole it from you yeah it works and well what you said was so so how do i how do i make my name on the screen look like your name on the screen oh i just do it here okay tell me what you wanted to say i'm gonna i'm gonna type it in at dr sean pastuch dr sean pastuch let's give him the instagram handle they can come shower me with love or trolling whatever they prefer they can come if you want to shower with dr sean pastuch any kind of showering right there's no o in there i knew it i knew you made me dr pest touch you you added such a layer of creepiness to my name i love it okay there it is uh rest in peace uh your dms dr sean yeah i know He's toast now. There it is.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Okay. Send your dick pics. And so that's a theme that we've heard now twice talking to you. You didn't enjoy the relationship you were having with your clients because of the nature of what you were. They wanted from you, which was just like, put a bandaid on me and kick me out. You wanted different relationships with the people you worked with. And then now you're saying that you had to do personal development in regards to, we were referencing your change of perspective on CrossFit. Like that shit's not easy, right? Well, my change of perspective on CrossFit was, you know, the truth is in that one, that was a selfish decision to decide that it was a good thing. It was something that was going to
Starting point is 00:36:09 make me better. And so I want to make me better. I wanted to be more jacked, more ripped, more athletic, more fit, all of those things. So deciding that CrossFit was a good idea was an easy decision for me when I made the switch into it. The personal development came as a result of me working 17, 18 hour days, Monday through Friday, running a clinic, a CrossFit affiliate, well, two CrossFit affiliates at any given time, an event company that was putting anywhere from 800 to 1200 athletes into the event every single time and never clearing $30,000 a year in income, single time and never clearing $30,000 a year in income, never getting invited to the big, like the big social stuff and wondering why not. And I hired a mentor who I couldn't afford,
Starting point is 00:36:59 right? I was just, I was making less than 30 grand a year. And this guy was a thousand dollars a month for a two hour meeting. But, uh, but I believed that he could help me. So on the first day that we're working together, I'm like, all right, this guy's going to teach me how to get leads, how to close them, like all this stuff, how to price. And he says to me, if you want to be more successful in business, you need to become a better person. And I was like, what are you talking about, man? I treat everybody exactly how I want to be treated. He's like, yeah, you do. And that's the problem. You're a fucking psychopath. People don't want to be treated like a fucking psychopath. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Just like you're just crazy obsessive. Yeah. Him and Jesse Itzler are the two people who've told me in front of groups that I'm a fucking psychopath. You met Jesse Itzler? That's awesome. I want to hear that story too. I paid him to help me too. Wow. I didn't even know you could do that.
Starting point is 00:37:50 You can. So going back to that story. So I asked him, how should I treat people? He's like, that's the question you need to ask them. How do they want to be treated? I'm like, how do I ask? He said, how do i ask he said that's the whole game that's the whole game if you can start to understand how other people want to be treated you stop making it about you and you recognize that it's always your responsibility you'll be successful he taught me nothing about business over the course of that year and it was the first year i ever cracked 100 grand. Could you – two things. Everyone who's listening right now, you need to understand that this guy runs a company now with 32 employees. That's a shitload of people. And he has put his head down, and nothing has come from attention grabbing. And you can clearly see that by the podcast he's gone on and never get more than 32 views.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And you can clearly see that by the podcast he's gone on never get more than 32 views. But he has been extremely fucking successful through self-development, through introspection, through working on himself, and to giving to other people. So he's made a career of helping other people simultaneously while working on himself and making – not neglecting the thought of money. He's admitted that he wants money, but relationships are crazy important to him. He wants rewarding relationships. So in case we don't get to that, you guys have to know all that because it sounds like we're going to dip into some superficial stuff
Starting point is 00:39:14 because I love superficial stuff. How do you do that? Can you give me any tips on what you were saying in regards to how to find out the way people i i immediately get a little defensive like i want to be like fuck you i might i don't care how people want to be treated i treat the way i treat them is good enough i bring the best out of people you know i mean i start hearing this like little story pop up in my head but um if i push that away how do I find out how people want to be treated? If that's, how do I find that out? So I'll give you a really, do I have to pay you a thousand bucks?
Starting point is 00:39:52 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, definitely not. First of all, so just so that you know, and I'll share this with you and your audience and that they can know everything that we teach our clients who do pay us, we give away for free on YouTube, Instagram, our podcasts, our website, everywhere. And I understand that that's kind of a cop-out at the same time, because I understand it's not codified. It's hard to find things. It's not in a certain order. You'd have to like figure out how to put it all together to make it something. So I understand it's kind of a cop-out and we're actually in the process. I don't think so, by the way, but those are your words. I don't think it's a cop-out. I think it's, of a cop-out and we're actually in the process i don't think so by the way but those are your words i don't think it's a cop-out i think it's i i think you're awesome
Starting point is 00:40:27 for that i appreciate that but we're not for two reasons it's your success and other people's success i i hear you and i accept the compliment what i what i'm the reason i'm sharing that is because i understand it's hard for some people to just follow that along because i've that the video you're asking for is on our youtube channel so i guess i go try to find it you're like well there's 2 000 videos on there how am i going to find the one? What's the title? I don't remember. So we're actually building a free website for people that they're going to be able to go find all of this stuff in a codified fashion. So they never need to ask that question. But the answer to your question is the simplest terms. What I was taught is there
Starting point is 00:41:04 are four quadrants in which people generally live. Fast decision-making as compared to slow decision-making, right? So they need a lot of information on the slow side, a little bit of information on the fast side. And then they're either making decisions that are based on emotion or they're making decisions that are based on logic. And so now we put them on these two different axes and we can see somebody is extremely, they need very little information to start and they're very logic driven. So if that person is going to be spoken to the way that they're going to be spoken to, and we're talking about where we're going to dinner, I would say, Hey, I'm looking at Chinese food or sushi. I know you like fish, so I'm thinking sushi for you.
Starting point is 00:41:46 What do you think? They're like, yeah, let's do it. You took all the decision-making out of it for them. They're happy about it. On the other end of the spectrum is the person who needs a lot of information. You say that to them, and they're like, you didn't even ask me any questions about what I'm in the mood for today, what I had yesterday, what I ate for lunch, how my stomach's feeling, what I'm doing tomorrow. And so it's knowing where those people, where people fall in terms of how much information they want,
Starting point is 00:42:12 how emotionally oriented they are as compared to how logical they are. And then just trying to speak to them in their own voice. God, it's almost like you have to interview them before you work with them. You do. So we do so we do we do we're we're um when people come to us we end up turning a lot of people away and referring them to other companies because they wouldn't like the way that we do things um tell me tell me what active life does with this this company where are you based out of uh
Starting point is 00:42:42 long beach california now i'm in long beach York. Um, and otherwise I heard you, I heard one of your podcasts. I would have driven up the coast, sat on the couch in your house. You could have done the podcast. I could have overstayed my welcome. It would have been a really good time. Awesome. Um, our employees are all over the country and somewhat the world. We have staff in Canada. We have staff in Germany and we have staff all over the US, but our headquarters are based in Long Beach, New York. And what does active life do? Who are your clients? Three legs to the stool. One of the legs is the person who today is dealing with aches and pains and difficulty with staying active, right? So our tagline that got us a lot of success there was
Starting point is 00:43:23 get out of pain without going to the doctor or missing the gym we've expanded on that we're able to help people in a more uh complete way than simply helping them get out of pain now but that's the gist of where we are right so if you think about the members in your crossfit gym everybody who is scaling workouts as a result of missing range of motion, injury, aches and pains, old stories they're still telling themselves about fears they have and things like that. Those are the people who CrossFit gyms typically refer to us to help them be better members of their gym. That's one leg of the stool. People who are not in CrossFit gyms come to us for their full program design. You were going to ask something.
Starting point is 00:44:06 This first archetype of this person that you painted, I didn't picture them as a gym person already. Are they a gym person, this person with the aches and pains and just wants – and needs to stay active? It's – the predominance of our client base is already active. Okay. Yes. But a mistake that we've made, if I'm being candid, is we've spoken too much to the audience who is not yet. And what we need to do is highlight the people who've come on board with us who were not
Starting point is 00:44:32 before and the change that they've made. But the predominance of the people who work with us to have a body that feels better, that it can stop failing them. Yeah. Those are people who are already active and understand that what they're dealing with might cause them to lose some of their identities it pertains to an active life and they want to avoid that that's one leg of the story and we're gonna we're gonna revisit that people who are aren't uh aren't in don't i okay it'd be a good place to revisit so we did that for from 2013 until about 2017 exclusively.
Starting point is 00:45:06 We built that into a million-dollar-a-year business. There were a lot of people who need that help. Coaches started asking us, why are my clients working with you instead of working with me? And so the easy answer was, well, because these are the problems they're having, and they're not getting these problems solved in your gym. And so they're looking for a solution somewhere else. So they're coming to us. So coaches started asking, well, would you teach us that solution so that we don't have to continue to have clients come to you, that we can help them? So we started helping coaches and the education of coaches started off as a two day seminar. And the education of coaches started off as a two-day seminar.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And it's evolved from a two-day seminar into now a 13-month core curriculum with what you were describing, an 800-page textbook that we wrote, 18 hours of video content, 996 test questions, one-on-one mentorship, small group mentorship, a community that you're networked to of healthcare providers and other coaches who are like-minded with you. We teach them the business skills to make the money doing the work that fulfills them. So it's really creating a full-blown career for the coach. The third leg of the stool came as a solution to that problem, which was gym owners coming to me and saying, I have one coach in my gym who makes $100,000 a year. I have one coach in my gym who is able to help people who've been on the rower for six months because their Achilles hurts when they run to get back to running. That coach has taken your education. How do I get all of my coaches to take it and all of my coaches to monetize it? So we built systems for gym owners to be able to help their staff build full-time careers in the gym, helping the members for whom group class was coming up short. It helps them not only to solve problems that they're
Starting point is 00:46:57 having that they're aware of, but it also helps them to attract members to the gym who otherwise would be afraid to come because they think that's too intense for me. That's too hard for me. I could never do that. And the mentality of the gym owner is those people are not coming because we're too expensive or because they don't think they can do this. The reality for the client in the real world is I'm not coming because I'm afraid. If there was somebody there to hold my hand and bring me in the door and assess me and design something for me so that I could feel safe in there, I would love to be able to do that. That's aspirational for me. And so we help them do that.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'm going to give you a super rudimentary understanding of what I think I heard. Great. I would love that because I need help with this. And this is me cherry picking. This is me. And I'm going to use that word twice. This is me projecting my own issues, my own movement issues and exercise issues on it. Basically, one leg of the stool is people who are consciously aware that they're cherry-picking workouts. They're seeing stuff on the board the day before, and they're not doing it. I'm not going to run the 5k because, and they have a list of excuses.
Starting point is 00:48:08 The next day, I'm not going to do a part. I'm not going Saturday's partner workout. Cause I'm going to be the weak link and people are going to laugh at me. It's just whatever excuses you're making, you go to a CrossFit gym and you're not getting the most out of it. Cause, um, uh, when you, when you back squat, it hurts L 13. I don't even know if you have an L 13. They just have this litany of fucking excuses and you're going to help them through mental and physical coaching. And maybe, Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:48:30 you just have to stick up for yourself. Motherfucker on, on heavy back squat day. Just tell them, no, just go in there and squat with them and do air squats. Do not be, that's your fault.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You're being a pussy. That's in a pussy. He's been putting a lot of weight on. This is a quote from, uh, this is one of my favorite quotes I've heard from you. Mentally tough is telling yourself and listening that you need a day off. Mentally tough is not like, this is, this is, I've actually never heard this, which is crazy. But the stuff I played from you yesterday from Mark Ripito, which I really like, is quit being a pussy, get in there and lift heavy shit until you break. Well, how about this?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Mentally tough is the opposite. Realizing that you're so fucking sore and that you're, you're over-medicating with fitness for something that happened to you as a kid. And you, now you need to be really mentally tough and take the day off. Can I share, can I share a story about that with you?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Please, please, please. So this is, this is leg one. Okay, go on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 So, so in 2000, whatever year, who cares? The So this is leg one. Okay, go on. Yeah. So in 2000-whatever year, who cares? The years don't matter anymore. I was working with Lindy Barber as a client. She was one of my clients. Special. By the way, real quick, Lindy Barber, an athlete who should have never been out at the regionals
Starting point is 00:49:39 because of some, I think she was born with some fucked up shit in her body, crazy scoliosis. And when she competed at del mar regional it was one of the loudest cheers i've ever heard at any crossfit event in the history of the world even louder than carson or madison it was absolutely nuts okay she's she's an extremely likable person i get the chills hearing you say that because i know how hard she works to just be able to be out there yeah so when i was working with her she came to me as a recommendation from jeremy kinnick who was also a client of mine um another cool dude i love him funny i have a really crazy story about him if you
Starting point is 00:50:14 want to hear it but um lindy was a client of mine we were dealing with some knee issues that she had some back issues that she had and i your spine was an Yeah, it wasn't ideal. So I gave her some guidelines, like here are the bumpers. You don't need to ask me questions as long as the workouts you're doing with the team at Mayhem are within these bumpers. One of the bumpers was that she was not ready yet for cyclic knee loading. Cyclic knee loading means no eccentric phase to the contraction, many reps. So up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down, up, down. Her tendons were not ready for that. It was going to do damage to her.
Starting point is 00:50:51 She knew this. Rich posts, team mayhem is going to live stream a thousand wall balls for time. The ball can't touch the ground. Two balls, one for men, one for women. I saw that go up. I pull out my phone to text Lindy. I get a text from Lindy before I could send one saying, I know I'm not doing it. And I was like, that's mental toughness.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah. Like that, that's people would think the mental toughness is jumping into that workout because you're afraid to disappoint rich. By the something that i did when i was training with rich which was not mentally tough couldn't move my arm for like three weeks i was flopping my arm around but lindy was mentally tough enough to say this is not a workout for me i gotta wait on it not to say that leveraging the social pressure that it that of working out with rich is wrong. You just have to be fucking smart. But if, but if being around rich makes you push extra hard, God bless you.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Go do it. It's, it's towing that line, right? Cause when I, when I, when I was at rich's house working out with, with him,
Starting point is 00:51:57 it was, it was the workouts I would normally do in maybe a two week span. We did on Thursday. And you're not joking. No. I remember that night we had worked out all day. And that night Rich is like, all right,
Starting point is 00:52:11 let's go back to the bar and let's do another one. And we get to the bar and he's like, all right, Sean, what do you want to do? I was like, go to sleep. He's like,
Starting point is 00:52:17 no, what workout do you want to do? I'm like, all right, fine. Let's bench press. Cause I'm thinking like, all right,
Starting point is 00:52:22 I can, I can lay down. I can take this easy. I'll just, I'll just bench. And he's like, all right, bench press. What do you thinking like, all right, I can lay down. I can take this easy. I'll just bench. And he's like, all right, bench press. What should we couple that with? I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. There's no coupling.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Right. So it ends up being 150-pound sandbags over the shoulder. Now there's with a partner. And the bench weight was 225, 205, 185 something like that how much do you weigh how tall are you 155 at the time wow wow um i wasn't able to i was not able to do 225 for sets of 10 like he was asked i scaled the weights down to like 205 um but i get to the sandbag i'm like rich i don't think i can do 55 reps of 150 sandbag over my shoulder. That's a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:08 He's like, what are you – he walks – he's like, what are you weighing? I was like, 150. He's like, you'll be all right. And I did it. I did the workout. God, I love Rich. And we – I felt great for having completed it. It was too much, though. That night we go, we, we, I felt great for having completed it. It was, it was too much though. Um, that night we go to dinner.
Starting point is 00:53:27 My buddy who I had brought with me, um, he was also helping Lindy. We went to cheers with our drinks and I shit, you know, I went like this in my arm, just the drink slammed on the table. I couldn't pick it up the next morning we go and Rich is like, I got a swim workout. So we go to the pool. It was the first time I ever had a panic attack in a pool i grew up swimming i live on an island um two hours of of you know interval training in a pool was a lot then we worked out at the gym again and then that night he designs one last workout and that's when i finally was like dude i'm out i it's it's too much i can't do
Starting point is 00:54:02 55 muscle-ups in a workout. Plus, you know, 200 toes to far and 2000 meters of rowing, but it's, it's the mental toughness line would have been me scaling earlier. And I didn't have that. Right. Right. But it's not saying no to everything. Right. It's not eating just a shitload of food when you went there too. It's a blur. if I'm being honest. Probably not. There wasn't time. When is there time to eat a shitload of food?
Starting point is 00:54:32 We went for barbecue. We worked out. We worked out again. We worked out again. Right. But I'll tell you this about Rich. We're sitting in the sauna after our workout at the pool. And this guy's in there. he's a little bit overweight.
Starting point is 00:54:46 He's he's young. And he's like, you guys look pretty fit. Do you have any advice for me? And Rich sat there and gave this kid advice for like 10 minutes on how he could, how he could be healthier. And I stayed in the sauna after Rich left. And the kid's like, what do you think of that advice? I'm like, do you know who that guy is?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Right. And he's like, he's like he's like uh no i'm like that's the fittest man in the world take his advice take take as much of his advice as you can that's crazy yeah so so so that's the one was it good advice i don't remember i was i was still wondering how i survived the day right i'm. I'm sure it was good advice. But so the one leg of the stool is helping the athlete who finds himself in the position that something in their life feels broken and they need help without wanting to go back to the doctor again, without medication, without surgery, without abundant rest. They want to get better without having to lose their fitness. They want
Starting point is 00:55:45 to get in shape while they're getting better. We help people do that. That's a chiropractor, isn't it? No, because chiropractic is generally speaking going to be passive care. You're walking in and I'm doing something to your body for you. Okay. That's a chiropractor mindset, ideally, right? Yeah. But now what happens is you know when we first started doing remote program design it was with google sheets fitbot wasn't a thing yet fitbot became true coach we were the one of the first people on fitbot because we were overwhelmed with writing programs for people therapeutic programs right they're not they're not medical programs but they're exercise programs that make you feel better i can get fit at the same time they're like active care before that was here's a here's a ditto with four
Starting point is 00:56:30 exercises on it i circled the number of reps and sets you should do follow it so we we kind of evolved that into no we're going to pay attention to what you're doing in progressive day-to-day week-to-week custom this um this the the stools we're going to get to the second so is it is it like is it wraparound care like is it every is it movement and uh food and we refer out for food thinking okay so we but you do do that you do do that yeah so we typically when people come to us with nutrition issues we send them to a company called level 10 nutrition or level 10 coaching because they have not only nutrition, but, but, um, the mental health that some people who are in need of nutrition support need more than the nutrition support. Do you think that, um,
Starting point is 00:57:15 you think every single professional athlete has an eating disorder? No. Uh, let me, let me, I'm gonna try again. Give me a second do you think that yes the the the function of food is so relevant to people who want to perform at the highest level that do you think that all athletes have some sort of struggle i don't mean that in a pejorative or negative way i know what you're describing because i'm starting like you know the hayley adams thing i'm like yeah go girl like everyone like there's not a i can't believe that there's one female athlete out there or male athlete i mean even
Starting point is 00:57:55 riches alluded to his issues with food on my podcast how the fuck could you not have an issue with food when you're a fucking fuel you're a you're a fuel machine you're one of those funny cars on the racetrack that pulls the wheelie first thing i'll say is um haley was a client too and anybody who has any doubts about that woman's mental toughness just go bang your head against the wall yeah flush it away right right right i watched her do a workout with chris henshaw and i won't mention the person who was on the workout before them, but the person before them quit, and she was still a teenager. Dude, world-class athletes go to Mayhem and openly tell stories of being terrified of Rich being gone and them getting stuck with Haley doing the programming. I believe it.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Like the best of the best being like, dude. I believe it. If Rich is gone, Haley will just run you into the fucking ground to death. She was like 17 at the time or 16 at the time. And this games athlete who was going before her quit on a workout, just said, I can't keep going. Then Haley went and crushed it at 16 years old. And we were all like, damn. And I remember Chris Hinshaw said to her, he's like, you really did well on that.
Starting point is 00:58:59 She's like, yeah, well, I want it. I want it? Yep. That was it. Those are her words. Yeah, well, I want it. Yeah. and then she walked away and we're like oh my god that's a killer yeah so zero doubt about her mental toughness for anybody out there concerned about it yeah um i think that was hey that's an example of her walking away for a year of the mental toughness that you were that quote that i just read from you about hey you got it you got to know mental toughness is knowing when to stop
Starting point is 00:59:28 anyone can be like i'm going to go out there and go through the motions it's raining who cares mental toughness is making difficult decisions difficult decision okay right so so mentally tough people make mentally tough decisions not physically tough ones it's the idea that like it's easier for you to walk into the gym and gut it out because that's where your identity lives. It's where your friends believe that you typically are going to show up. So you saying to your friend group, no, I'm going to take care of my body today is putting your identity at risk. That requires mental toughness. That's what I'm describing when I say that.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Showing up and gutting it out anyway is mentally weak. It's knowing you shouldn't and doing it anyway. That's not tough. I don't remember where we're going with that after that. But so the second leg of the stool, is that what you wanted to know? So the second leg is, the first leg is helping people get through their story, whether it's valid or not, injuries the second leg is um teaching coaches tell people do what we do to do what you do and then uh and then the third leg that was the one i was struggling with is to teach p uh teaching gym owners how to employ
Starting point is 01:00:42 full-time career coaches who do not have administrative duties, cleaning duties, bringing members into the gym duties. They're just great coaches making enough money to be financially free, being great coaches. Is the active life program, the 13-month program, 10 to 15 hours a week, will that teach you everything or do you need that? And does that teach you how to teach people how to move? Is that something you put on top of something? Is that frosting on a cake and candles or is that the cake? I'm not sure. Do you need your level one?
Starting point is 01:01:24 Do you need your level one do you need your level one first so and i so i thought okay um you should have some training experience okay so so we the least training experience that people come in with is things like nurses nurse practitioners physical therapists physical therapy assistants athletic trainers who are used to being in a coaching environment but not a fitness coaching environment. They come in because they're just, they're tired of the wheel that they're on and they want to be able to do something a little bit more transformative for themselves, their family and their friends and their clients. Most of the people, the overwhelming majority of people who come in have experience either
Starting point is 01:02:01 coaching group class or coaching one-on-one or both okay and where you got your original certification is not important to us because we're going to help you we're looking for people with the right attributes not people with the right credentials if that makes sense a couple times i didn't hear you go into it in detail but i heard you allude to the fact um you were referencing you didn't say by cross, but I heard you allude to the fact you were referencing, you didn't say by CrossFit, but I assume you were talking about CrossFit, about the barrier of entry and that it's a two-day course. So I want to make sure that I'm clear on that. Yeah. What you're describing is me describing the fitness industry as having too low a barrier of entry and too low a standard of excellence for the public and the medical industry to trust us to make the reference.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Yes? Maybe. Maybe. I was going to ask you to expound on that. If that is – yeah. I didn't – the areas where I saw you talk about it, you alluded maybe. But I had to read into it. So I was just coming to you for clarification.
Starting point is 01:03:03 But I wanted to argue kind of this other fascinating point that I think you'll had to read into it. So I was just coming to you for clarification, but I wanted to argue a, a, a kind of this other fascinating point that I think you'll like. So go ahead. I don't really know your position. So, yeah. So you're talking about a clip I think you saw from the Gabrielle Lyon podcast that I was on where I was talking about why the medical industry isn't trusting the fitness industry. The fitness industry is like, refer to us, refer to us, refer to us. Where are all of our referrals? Why doesn't the insurance cover us? Yeah. And that's what I was talking about.
Starting point is 01:03:27 So first things first, I would be a fool to neglect that the CrossFit level one is not a two-day course. It's a two-day test of a material log that you were supposed to understand before you come into a two-day course. It's not a two-day test of a material log that you were supposed to understand before you come into a two-day course. It's not a two-day course. And when we walk into gyms, CrossFit gyms as compared to F45s, Orange Theories, your commercial gyms, the average, the best movers are in CrossFit gyms.
Starting point is 01:04:02 The people who are coaching the best are in CrossFit gyms. That's a period, end of sentence. What I'm getting at is the need for there to be more than that. If we want people who are walking the earth right now who don't feel like they're ready for that to be ready for that. right now who don't feel like they're ready for that to be ready for that. If we want the medical industry to start making referrals, I believe what Greg is doing with the MDL-1 and now the MDL-2, I believe, is really smart. Let doctors know what happens inside of an affiliate, but at the same time gives an affiliate owner the license to believe that they're already doing everything that they need to do to be as effective
Starting point is 01:04:45 as they could possibly be when the reality is there's a lot more that they could be doing to be even more effective for an audience who's not ready to come and see them yet totally fair yeah 100 fair um i i don't know i don't know that lady in that podcast. Gabrielle. Yeah. You would like her. You should have her on your show. Yeah. Yes. I, I, I found there being a, okay. Then I won't, then I'll be very careful how, where, how I try. Listen, I, I, I, I, my, my sponsors are California hormones and, um, I don't take a testosterone placement therapy.
Starting point is 01:05:28 And my, um, uh, other big pod, uh, uh, sponsor is, uh, paper street coffee and God, I wish I didn't drink. The part of me that wishes I never drank coffee. I am, I am like, if I could be, I would like to be a breathitarian. What does that mean? Just live off of breathing. breathing oh that would be cool i actually and vagina and vagina sorry useful parent right uh because i need i need my macro nutrients uh i just um i when i saw when i see the ad she's running and that she's reading from the from a script on the podcast you're on
Starting point is 01:06:08 I think she's just doing herself an enormous disservice Like I don't think that the sponsors should be allowed to buy what you say You know, it's interesting. Um, I have a there's a there's a and I love my sponsors I fucking love them I drink paper street coffee like a mofo And i'm so excited to talk to people who get juiced up and get hard dicks and get mental clarity. And I think TRT is better than Xanax from what I know about it. But you're not going to get me to do it or be like, hey, I think it's a good idea to shoot something up twice a week.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I'm just not – I just don't want to do it. And I don't think drinking coffee every morning is my go-to. It's fucking brilliant. I don't think it makes – I want to be fucking closer to God, not fucking closer to my coffee machine. Right. Well, well, that's something that, uh, I've heard Chris Williamson talked about, like not needing it, but deciding that when I want to do it, uh, it adds an edge for me. So I'm, I'm, I'm good. I'm better than everybody at baseline who needs coffee to go. And when I want an accelerant, a performance enhancer, if you will, I can drink the coffee. And I follow what you're saying. That sounds like Chris Williamson. I'm better
Starting point is 01:07:07 than everybody. I know, I know. I'm just joking. Just joking. Just, just freaking. I just want to be careful that I didn't put words in his mouth. It was, it was the better than the version of himself that requires coffee. Okay. All right. You're off the hook, Chris. Awesome. I'll tell him. So what I, what I'm describing there is I got recruited to do some ad reads for our podcast, right? For the Active Life podcast. And there's decent money involved in it. And I'm not ready. I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 01:07:38 And it's not because I don't necessarily believe in the company to be coming our way, but because I wouldn't talk about that company in that way. And so if I'm going to talk about that company, it's going to be my unique experience with that company. And so I hear what you're saying there and I can't speak for her. I'm sure she has her reasons, but I'm more in the camp that you're in, in regards to how I would do reads for ads. We have a new sponsor, i think coming on very soon and they method yes the pastiche method and i believe in them so fucking wholeheartedly it'll be the i mean like i really believe in them it has to do with uh how babies are born okay they come out of the vagina at home and and and and i told them hey right but please write something up. I'll read it.
Starting point is 01:08:26 But if I read it and it's not what I think, then I just won't read it. But you're right. I'm torn because part of me is I'm so happy for Brooke Wells that she's selling snicker bars. But I hate the fact that if she's not really eating them, can she tell the truth about them? Can you tell the truth about them like that that was tell the truth i just want i just don't want people to not be able to tell the truth well that was a question i i grilled uh austin maliolo and gary gains on when they came on my podcast about oh yeah yeah that's actually how you popped on my radar because you had them on yeah yeah um i talked to them about the like what their thoughts on the monster
Starting point is 01:09:04 kins that made it look like athletes are drinking monster at the finish line, but, but actually had water in them and really small print. So I'm with you. Like I, for me, it's all about transparency. I liked how, even if I don't agree with Dave, I liked how Dave hit it face on, on his Instagram. He said, Hey dude, this shit's sugar-free. I liked how Dave hit it face on on his Instagram. He said, hey, dude, this shit's sugar-free. And it's like, okay, now there's a dialogue. If someone can then push back and be like, well, I don't think CrossFit should get behind aspartame or sugar-free or whatever the fuck they put in it. But just to run away from it, I – yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:57 People – Greg taught me this kind of idea. When you do, the reason why he never wanted the word CrossFit on like iPad covers or on socks or on bars or any of that, because he thought that every time we use the name, we were spending the brand equity. Sure. And we don't want to spend any brand equity at any cost and when i saw those three commercials that she did like it just um on her show the show you were on it just i was just like wow i don't uh i kind of just wanted to hit the reset on everything she said to me like uh-oh you know what i mean like and i don't know her as a person but i'm just like uh that's not true what she's saying i can say i can say this um gabrielle is a very high integrity person and so as a lot of people i've never heard anything bad about her you're not you're one of many who've told me that she's no i don't i don't take what you're saying as a knock on her personally i think what you're saying is a way that her message makes it harder for you to trust her right yeah yeah exactly and she's a fucking doctor
Starting point is 01:10:48 she's a stud yeah okay so i've worked with her as a client my wife has worked with her as a client my uncle has worked with her as a client like she's she's world class and i would recommend anybody looking at her stuff to talk to her. She's phenomenal. I'm an incredible connector. She's a great friend. I see what you're saying as a reasonable, constructive criticism that she would love to hear from you. Oh, okay. God, your mentors have really taught you how to handle people. You know what? It's, I had to learn. i was very combative for a long time yeah and what if you what if you were to cure me of that and then my show was nothing your show would still be great um you know our clients have taught me too um we had a client one time i was i was
Starting point is 01:11:37 i was going really hard at the four ninths model at the what model four ninths pay model for coaches okay like it's it's a it's a payment method that the gyms use to figure out how much they should pay their coaches for personal training and things of that nature and i don't want to bastardize what it is um but i i disagree with it as a principle and so i was making all of these posts of like they were they were funny objectively i don't not subject. They were fucking funny, Sivan. Like, you know, pictures of people winning Olympic medals saying paying your coaches what they need to be paid to be financially free. Next to a wrestler with another wrestler's balls on his head saying the four-ninths model.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Like, that's funny. I'm sorry. But I didn't know that there was a specific company in the space who was sharing that as their thing. And I didn't know that some of our clients were actually using it, our coaching clients, not gym owners. We don't work with gym owners yet. And two of our clients, a guy named Chris Wagner and a guy named Medial Amin reached out to me at the same time. Israeli guy? Israeli guy? I believe he's Lebanese. Great name. Great name. Tell him I approve approve i'll let him know they reached out to me in the same day and they're like hey man you're kind of bullying us you're not telling us what we should do you're just telling us what we're doing bad and and it feels shitty
Starting point is 01:12:54 i was like damn they're right so i was driving to invictus boston for a seminar where we were going to be teaching coaches and i pulled the car over and I went on Instagram and I did an Instagram live apologizing for misunderstanding how my message was affecting other people who were hearing it and promising to come up with a better solution. So it's, it's my mentors, but it's also having really good clients who have really good ideas who you should listen to i i i played this um clip yesterday of uh um mark ripito do you know who that is i do know who that is and he's looking at the camera and he's got that big old block head and i he looks like he's on supplements and he's strong and he's charismatic and he's got that fucking accent that's so awesome. And he's like, don't be a pussy.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Work out and lift that extra rep. And if you don't go to failure, then you're a fucking bitch. And this is how you get stronger. And I really like that. And then this morning, I really – that moves me. And then this morning, I was like, man, I better let people know that I have the intelligence to modify what I'm hearing. So for me, what I heard is yesterday it was raining here and I wanted to do sled pushes in my front yard. And I heard myself in my voice say, you can't do sled pushes. It's raining outside. And then another voice said, dipshit, you leave your sled out in the rain. So I went out there and I do sled pushes. Don't tell anyone this.
Starting point is 01:14:32 This is so embarrassing. I do sled pushes with no weight on it. Dog sled too. 50 feet. And then I drag it backwards 50 feet. And I rest 30 seconds. And I do that for 30 minutes. So for me, it's not doing that extra
Starting point is 01:14:47 squat. It's not having an, I take what people say and modulate it for what it means to me to not be a pussy for me to not be a pussy. It's not do not put more weight on to get stronger, but, um, uh, to not let the rain stop me from going out and working. And I guess a lot of people don't see a lot of people can't do that. Right. Well, so that's why you have to go on and apologize about the four nine method because people feel bullied.
Starting point is 01:15:13 No, I would not apologize for the four nines method because what I do is I tell people, um, instead of coming out in public and just talking about what's wrong with everything, why don't you supply away? Something could be better. And all I was doing was coming i see i see okay okay yeah that's um i feel like
Starting point is 01:15:37 that that's been a fun uh topic of content for me lately also is – yeah, exactly that. You nailed it. There's this thing – there was this thing Elizabeth Akunwale posted on her Instagram account where she said that – do you know who that is? Yeah. A black lady. In 2017, we had 40 athletes at the games we were working with. I know all of them. Okay. And so she made this post like it's something about like is CrossFit ready to talk about why black people aren't welcome in CrossFit gyms. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? And then nothing said. And then there's 800, 900 comments now saying, yeah, I don't feel welcome. I don't feel welcome. I don't feel welcome. welcome but not not one thing is like um uh or are these athletes just saying i'm gonna stand up for women what i'm doing is standing up for women i stand up for women i believe in women's right i'm gonna stand up but no one's saying anything no one's saying like hey one of the ways that we can all stand up for women is to uh make sure that when a woman enters the room to stand up you you know,
Starting point is 01:16:47 I know someone's gonna be like, someone that's sexist. That's not what they mean. Who cares? Just know there's so little practical advices being given out. It's more just, it, there's a, there's a premium put on, put on pointing out the problem and not on like, Hey, can you object? Can you object can you can you instead of writing you don't feel welcome can you give me three reasons three things i can do to make it so you feel more welcome yes but you know why they're not doing that because they're not i mean i can the reason i would suggest is because they don't believe it's and the they is whoever they are i'm not talking about black people i'm talking about women about women. I'm not talking about Asian people. I'm not talking about Jewish people. I'm talking about anyone who is in a position of you make me uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:17:31 It's not having reasonable solutions that would resolve the situation for you to come forward with. I had – It makes you so vulnerable when you point to something specific too. Right, because now what does that mean to you? Right, right. And now I can say, hey, that's your fault, and everyone's terrified of you doing that. Right. Well, so here's the thing, right? Here's the nuance line.
Starting point is 01:17:57 The reason why we say we're a personal development company disguised as a fitness company is because we are teaching coaches, gym owners, individuals, how to have different conversations with themselves before they have conversations with other people that would come out totally differently if the way they spoke to themselves was more mature, more thoughtful. So think of it this way, right? I can come out and I can say all of the things about what CrossFit gyms could do to make more money, help more people be more effective and deliver on their promises more frequently. If I say it the wrong way, which I often do, people hear me saying, CrossFit's bad. You're shitty. Do this better. You don't know what you're talking about and so there's this line if
Starting point is 01:18:46 i go the other way people hear oh he's saying everything i'm doing is great it would just be nice if i added this little thing and the answer is it's somewhere in between and so the way that we present information it's important that everybody is able to hear what we intend with the information that we're sharing does that make sense that that takes us back to the first point we brought up about talking people how they want to be talked to or or the or how i came at the lady with um the the weight holding over a baby's head and i want to damn the entire company for and be like they've completely lost their way shut it down and you're like hey there's there's you're more like you said something a little more palatable.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Well, the way I would, if I was in your position and I was putting that on and I wanted to call that out, the way I probably would have done it would have been to have said, I'd like to know what CrossFit is trying to say with this post. Why they think they said that with this post. And if they consider these risks. And if the answers to those questions are all answers that at least have thought behind them, I don't have to like them. But I can acknowledge that they have thought it through as compared to they're just following some nonsensical trend that they think is going to get them eyeballs. God, this is why I need guests. Anyone who thinks that I don't need guests, this is why I need guests. Yeah, that's great. So, you know, that's, and so right away, since I can't come up with any, that's a fair way to say it. That's, is that what open-minded is? I think it's,
Starting point is 01:20:18 or am I being manipulative? No, I think it's, I think it's what empathy is. Here's the thing, right? I genuinely want to know what other people are thinking and why other people are doing things that they're doing. Because if I understand those things, then I can either say, I get that. And that's great for you. I'm not talking to that audience. I apologize for saying something that you thought was about what you're doing with your audience that I actually think is great. That's not what I was talking about at all. I'm talking about this audience over here, who you're not talking to. Can we agree about that? Yes. Well, that's where our mix-up was, and I blew that. I apologize. I went on a two-year long, so to give you some insight here about apologizing. I am nobody's bitch. Let me be clear about that. I don't think anybody who works with me or comes across me would suggest Sean's a pushover. He's soft. He's nice. We all, you know, we're active. I was such a nice company. We're not nice. We're honest and we're transparent and we have meaningful culture that lets everybody feel safe
Starting point is 01:21:23 because you never have to worry about what that person's thinking because they're going to tell you. You also know that they're going to try to tell you in the way that you can best hear it. So all of that to say, I think that empathy is understanding what someone else is genuinely going through. And for a long time, when I divided with my first business partner, we were good friends, right? Like good friends growing up in my wedding party, good friends. And we split and it wasn't pretty. Um, the mentor I hired that first one was like, eventually you need to apologize to that guy. And I was like, for what? And I can go down all the whole list of things that he did that I felt like were wrong. And I couldn't think of anything I did that was wrong. And he's like, you might, you might not
Starting point is 01:22:09 have done anything on the same scale as what he did. But if you were the guy walking in a dry forest who dropped a match by accident and you set an entire town on fire, you're not an arsonist. You didn't mean to set the town on fire. The fire was much more significant than you dropping a match, but you have to acknowledge that you might've dropped a match. And so I started a two-year apology tour, starting with my wife for not wearing a wedding ring that I wear now every day, explaining that I didn't know it was important to you. I didn't think about why me not wearing it said I wasn't proud to be your husband,
Starting point is 01:22:42 and I am proud to be your husband. I do want people to know that I love you. I do want people to know that I love you. I do want people to know that I'm taken and I love you. And I ordered a wedding ring and I apologized for that. And I went all the way, took me two years. I apologized to about 40 people and I ended with my original business partner. And the truth was,
Starting point is 01:22:58 I said, look, I don't know what I did specifically to put a wedge in our relationship, but I apologize for it. You deserved a better friend. You deserved a better business partner. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:23:12 that's, I found that really valuable. That's one of those stories as you're telling it, I'm going through my list, right? Yeah. Start with the easy ones. Why, um, um, how did you know your wife wanted you to wear a wedding ring? She would ask from time to time, like, Hey, why don't you, why don't you try one of those? I
Starting point is 01:23:39 don't remember what the silicone ones are called. Why don't you try one of those? Yeah. I'm like, Oh yeah, I guess that would be easier to take on and take off. cone why don't you try one of those yeah i'm like oh yeah i guess that would be easier to take on and take off that's annoying okay um but she never put my wife is incredible the best fucking woman on the planet um never pushed me to do it and the moment that i realized it was important to her and that i was making a selfish decision about myself to not wear it. I was like, no, this thing's never coming off again. I'm making a note. How do you think I should ask my wife?
Starting point is 01:24:12 I don't wear a wedding ring. She's never asked me to wear one. She might not care. My wife is a woman. But I got her a wedding ring. I got her just a gold band. Just like a solid gold band. And I told her, Hey, I want, I want you to wear it. Well, I didn't say I want you to wear this. I said, I want you if you wear this to never be worried about losing it or damaging it.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Don't ever feel like you have to take it off for pull-ups, deadlifts, scraping it on the concrete to do pushups outside. I don't, I don't want to give you anything that's going to cause you any headache. If it rolls down the drain, I'll get you you a new one don't give two fucks about it right um i don't want to burden her with it but but she liked it and she wore it sure i would i would need to know your wife to to suggest how i would think you should do that yeah and it might not be important to her at all maybe i'll wait till i'll just call her on live on the podcast one time. So I have all my friends. There you go. There you go.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Turn it into a bit. Haley. Hi. Hi, Savant. Like when Bert Kreischer called his wife at the cabin. Who, what?
Starting point is 01:25:17 Who's that? Bert Kreischer, the comedian, Bert Kreischer. No, I don't know. Is this a movie reference? No.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Oh, Bert Kreischer is a comedian I don't know. Is this a movie reference? No. Oh. Bert Kreischer is a comedian, a stand-up comedian. He did a show on Netflix called The Cabin, which was like five episodes where he brought other comedians on, and he went and lived in the woods and did ridiculous stuff. And he used to call his wife when he was drunk and high and stuff like that, and he would ask her very emotional and serious questions, and it was hilarious. I'm definitely going to watch that now.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Seve, the third leg. We talked about the third leg. That's the gym. You want to talk about the third leg some more? I think, frankly, given your audience, I think the most relevant leg is the second one. Because I think that right now coaches believe that showing up to class and doing a great job and modifying for everybody is great coaching. And I believe that that's the first step to great coaching. It's the awareness step. And I think that there's a really fun and valuable conversation that could be had around
Starting point is 01:26:22 what is great coaching? What is world-class coaching? What is required to be able to deliver that to people? What should you receive as a reward for delivering that to people? There's so much martyrdom in the fitness industry, in CrossFit specifically as well, no less so than personal training or anywhere else, where it's like, I don't do this for the money. Well, that's why you're broke. You should do it for the money. And it should be the only thing that you were willing to do for money because you love it so much. You can't imagine doing anything else for money because you just love coaching so much. And so in order for you to only coach, you need to get paid enough to coach. So you don't have to do anything else in order to get
Starting point is 01:27:12 paid enough to coach. So you don't have to do anything else. You need to change people's lives predictably, consistently, and you need to know whose lives you can't change. And you need to be able to refer those people out to other people. And that for me, that's the, the reason we educate gym owners is because we want them to be able to inspire and employ great coaches. The reason that we work with individuals is because there aren't enough great coaches yet that those individuals still need us.
Starting point is 01:27:42 There's a day that will come that they won't need us anymore. What do you think about this phrase? I wish I had a better one to give you about bringing it. What does that mean? Yeah, I don't know. That sounds to me like the moniker of great coaches care the most.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Yeah. It's bullshit. It is bullshit? Well, it is bullshit. Well, it's bullshit if you just say it and you can't define it. Right. Right. Right. Okay. I agree with that. I agree with that. Right. What does it mean to care? But okay. What does it mean to care? Have you thought about that? Of course. It's all I think about. And what does it mean to care? It's, it's genuinely understanding what somebody needs, how they need to be spoken to, how they need to be heard, who they need to get their support from, and refusing to accept their money for anything other than what they need.
Starting point is 01:28:40 So if somebody comes to you and they're not going to be able to get the results that they're asking you for in your group environment because they need nutrition coaching, they need accountability, whatever the thing is, right? And they're like, I don't want to start with nutrition coaching, but I will start with your gym membership. You are wildly aware that that person is going to fail and you sold them anyway. That's not caring. That is not caring. That is not caring. Caring is telling them, I will only take your money if I can do so in a complete way to solve the problem that you asked me to solve. I'm selfishly, as you say all this, I think about it in terms of my job. Well, in your job, I would suggest that caring is asking people the hard questions that make everybody uncomfortable that are worth hearing the answers to.
Starting point is 01:29:39 So whether that's yourself or your guests. One of the things I value most about Michael Cashew is a friend, the guy who you had on a few weeks ago. Yeah, he's cool. Yeah. He's cool. We once had a conversation where he was like, Hey man, I want to do something with you. So what's that? He's like, can we talk for, uh, an hour? And for the first 15 minutes, I'm going to tell you what you do really well. And for the next 15 minutes, I'm going to tell you what you really need to work on to be a better friend. And then you tell me for 15 minutes what I do really well. And the next 15 minutes, you tell me what I need to work on to be a better friend. And we decided to do it over two calls, each of them being an hour. Is this serious or is it just a practice? No, 100%. But do you know what I mean by that question? Like, was it to work directly on your relationship or was it a practice that you guys wanted to – like you and I might go outside and I'd be like, hey, let's race.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Let's race. And the thing is I don't really care who's faster, me or you, Sean, but I need someone to push me and give me some stimulus. Yeah. Were you guys really racing to see who is faster? Were you guys really trying to work on your relationship or was it a practice just so both of you could work on something? It's both. Our relationship was good. And that's why we were able to do this. OK. Oh, that's like meditating when things make sure you practice things when things are good because if you wait till when shit hits the fan yeah my wife and i hired a sex and relationship coach when our relationship was at its peak okay because that's when we could say like hey i don't like when you do that thing right right
Starting point is 01:31:18 well that could be a whole episode do you talk about that publicly about what my sex life yeah your sex and relationship coach experience i'd be happy to talk about the experience with the coach i don't think i don't think your audience i think you're better off having her on but are you glad you did that absolutely absolutely someone was telling me about a experience they had with the relationship the other day i'm like run from that fucking thing dude yeah what that what that coaching helped me understand is the difference between being, um, a really good husband and being a really good man. Oh, that's cool. I probably could use some help with that. Uh, David weed. Is he vaxxed? Uh,
Starting point is 01:32:02 no, he's not. Uh, Chiropractors don't get vaccinated. I did get vaxxed. He's not a chiropractor. Sorry. He did get vaxxed. What happened for me was this. I made a deal with my parents. This is the true story. I'm very sorry. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:32:16 My parents were asking me, get vaxxed, be careful year-round, get vaxxed, be careful year-round. And I was like, you guys aren't exercising. You do not get to ask me to change my life so that you can feel safer without changing yours so that you can actually be safer. So if you start exercising three days a week and watching the food that goes into your mouth, I will go get vaxxed because I've put more ridiculous things into my body in my life. That's not the thing that's going to kill me. Right. They started exercising
Starting point is 01:32:49 three days a week. We, they got coaches from active life to help them do it. And I got vaccinated. Is any part of them like, Oh shit, we're sorry. Uh, no, I think parts of them are like, yeah, we probably made more of a big deal out of it than it needed to be but i don't think they're like oh shit we're sorry because everything seems to have worked out ladies and gentlemen do not ask your kids to take intravenous drugs it's it's in the it's in the parenting handbook i'm working on it's number one i saw i saw a great reel the other day. Are you freaked out at all, Dr. Sean Pastuch?
Starting point is 01:33:29 I was for a little bit. There was some time in my business when things were – we were spending a lot of money on investment. And we were putting a lot of money out knowing that it all wasn't going to come back at the same time. And I just don't like watching the bank account go down. Yeah, me neither. Me neither. So – and it was going down come back at the same time. And I just don't like watching the bank account go down. It's me neither. Me neither. So, um,
Starting point is 01:33:47 and it was going, are you Jewish? Yeah. Oh God. You're a good dude. Are you Ashkenazi? Yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Um, is your wife Ashkenazi? My wife's a Shiksa. What is that? Another kind of Jew? A non Jew. Oh, Shitska.
Starting point is 01:34:04 Shiksa. You know, my wife's an Ashkenazi. We got the, we got the 23 and me, false name, of course, for one of the kids. He came back 51% Ashkenazi and 49% Armenian. Look at that. Yeah. It's crazy. Anyway, sorry. Go on. Okay. So you're married. So you're a Jewish, a scared, money going out, money going out. So you're a Jewish, a scared money going out, money going out. And there, and like, there were some nights where I was like, I felt my heart beating really, really, really hard.
Starting point is 01:34:33 And this is before anything came out about the myocarditis stuff. And I just never had a good feeling about getting the shots, even though I was like, I'm going to do it because I just, I don't have a really good argument against it. I just, I don't. Look at my mom's in the comments. You're such a good son. Thank you, Rosemary. But so, but so, but so I didn't, it's one of those things where I'm not a virologist.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I'm not, I'm none of those things. And I did not have a good reason not to do it. Right. I didn't have like, I could explain all this stuff that I heard on podcasts and watch on TV. And like, I don't trust that guy, but I didn't have a good reason not to do it. Right. I didn't have it. Like I could explain all this stuff that I heard on podcasts and watch on TV. And like, I don't trust that guy, but I didn't have a good reason not to do it. And the thing that got me over the top was, you know, protect the people around you. And I think, frankly, they made a huge mistake with all of that because I experienced hurricane Sandy and Long Beach, right? The year before us was hurricane Irene, not that big of a deal,
Starting point is 01:35:24 but they evacuated everybody and then made it difficult for us to get back into town. So the next year when Sandy came, everyone was like, fuck you. I'm not leaving. And so now you had cars, boats, everything was destroyed and people stayed behind. If I didn't have the flu, my wife and I and our pit bull would have been in our ground floor apartment when six feet of water came in. And you'd be dead. I would have. I'm a survivor, Sivan. Yeah, my mom speaks fluent Armenian.
Starting point is 01:35:57 So you would have done doggy style in the basement. That's a great story. And that's important. I do want to take this back to the beginning of the show. Um, anyone who has any questions about what injections to take and they would like my opinion or how much weight you should hold over your baby's head. I, I, I do see myself, um, as, uh, I don't know if I'm an expert, but I am very, I have a very, I believe in my opinion a lot about how much weight you should hold over a baby's head, especially when you're in a compromised position and when the baby's strapped to you and can't get away if the weight were to fall. I mean, can you imagine if that, it's not even like that weight could hit the baby and push it away. No, that's a fractured skull.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Yeah. and push it away no that's it that that's a fractured skull yeah or what if it fell behind the baby and decapitated it fell between the baby i i just i don't understand okay so anyway i know some stuff about that stuff i have some strong opinions um sean um i've never had i can't remember a guest ever. Well, I like you. That's, I'm going to say it like that. I don't want to reveal too much. I like you.
Starting point is 01:37:10 Oh, I want the rest of the compliment. I appreciate the like. No, because it reveals something about you that I, that it's not my place to reveal. Go for it. Um. I'm circumcised. You, usually if a guest courts me, I run. I follow you. So you, and you,
Starting point is 01:37:26 and we had a little bit of a courtship process and I, and I, and I was trying to ignore you. So what you're describing is you're trying to protect me from the audience knowing that I asked you to come on instead of you asking me to come on. Yes. Yes. A friend of mine is Chris Williamson who runs the modern wisdom podcast. I don't know if you've heard of him or not. I was on his podcast.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Perfect. It was a despicable experience. I should have listened to my inner voice and not have done it. I'm sure. I like him, but I hated the experience. Did you? Yes, I hated it. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:37:56 So anyway. But I do like him. But I do like him. Sure. I asked him how I could get on more podcasts. I was like, look, man, I know what we're doing is important. And in the past, I've always struggled with the idea of telling people they should interview me. Like I'm who the fuck am I? Why am I going to tell people to interview
Starting point is 01:38:14 me? They should just decide they want to do it. Um, and he was like, no, you got, you have to reach out to people. You have to tell people that you want to be on um and so i just took his advice how's it working for you really well i i hated seeing how many podcasts you've been on and how few views they got and i just you're seeing you're seeing our podcast on youtube i imagine no it was it was just you being on others like clips and like just other other ones that you've done with just other people random people as i was looking through and i just i i didn't like that when i saw that yesterday i'm like why is he doing so many podcasts here's the thing that you don't um
Starting point is 01:38:57 there's people who've asked to come on and i think that they have something to say and then i realized oh shit they just wanted attention they have fucking nothing to fucking that they have something to say and then I realize, oh shit, they just wanted attention. They have fucking nothing to fucking say. They have no Hurricane Sandy experience. They have no experience with a sex counselor. They have no experience at running a business. They have no experience with they're not willing to tell the story about why they got the injection. I mean,
Starting point is 01:39:17 do you know how many people just heard that story and are like, that's the exact same boat I'm in? I imagine a lot. Yeah, fuck yeah. That's the most fucking relatable story has been on this podcast all year. That's the exact same boat I'm in. I imagine a lot. Yeah, fuck yeah. That's the most fucking relatable story that's been on this podcast all year. That's the fucking, you just told it. Everyone's been afraid to say it because they're afraid I'm going to judge the shit out of them,
Starting point is 01:39:34 which I am. Well, listen, you don't have to worry about me sharing that. There's only two guests in prior history. Maybe I'm getting, it's cause I'm lazy, but, um, I'll, I'll talk you up as I talk myself up. There's only two guests in prior history, uh, Brian Shantosh and, uh, Josh Bridges that I ever scheduled immediately after the show is over. And I would like to add you to that list and have Sousa, uh, reach out to you and schedule
Starting point is 01:40:04 you back up for more conversation. I got a whole two pages of notes. I didn't have to touch any of them. There's a ton of stuff that I think you and your audience would enjoy that we didn't talk about. And I'd be happy to talk about it as many times as you want. You said something that I think is important to come back to. You said, why is he doing so many podcasts? It's practice, man. Oh yeah. It's practice. So I've said things today that I would not have been able to say the way I said them today. Had I not
Starting point is 01:40:37 said them a hundred times prior. And there are some things that i said today that previously would have gotten me really nervous and saying them out loud would have been something i questioned whether i should do or not yeah and i was able to say them today with confidence because i've said them in the past i see no cracks in your armor zero well i'm not i don't have any armor on that's why well then there you go what you said right there is people ask me, why are you doing a fucking Frisbee show? I do this weekly Frisbee show. And I said, because my guests get my, the guy I'm doing it with really cares and I want practice. I want reps.
Starting point is 01:41:15 Yeah. Well, I want you to know that every time you come on, I will give it my all. I will bring it. I will try to be as present as I fucking can and bring the best out of you. And I will take, I take you as a guest can and bring the best out of you and i will take i take you as a guest like crazy serious like all my guests crazy serious i have no doubt i was impressed with um just seeing that like you guys asked me for content that you could review and i hated that he did that i hated that he did that you like that when susan did that i was like why
Starting point is 01:41:42 did he do that well i i offered it i said is there anything oh i'm like this motherfucker just gave me homework well but you did the homework i did of course i always do the homework i never come on i'll work till three in the fucking morning i'm not coming on here and getting caught off guard well i was impressed by that yeah okay you should know that and i'm trying to impress my guests too that's part of the fun trying to impress the guests it's something i tell any young guy who comes to me or any frankly anyone who's like hey you have a really good relationship with your wife like what's one piece of advice that you would give me and i was like stop trying to impress her and start trying to be impressed by her
Starting point is 01:42:16 oh yeah yeah i love being impressed by my wife yeah that's i love being impressed by my wife yeah i like impressing her too but i go out to the garage to watch her work out just because I'm, I want to be impressed. It's, it, it's the best way to impress somebody is to try to be impressed by them. Yeah. I didn't even think of it like that.
Starting point is 01:42:36 Wow. I see what you're saying. It's a wormhole, man. It's a good one. It's a fun one. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:42:43 it's, but if you don't have a wife that's impressing you, you need talk to her about that too you need to give your wife time to show off for you showing off for your mate is cool or think about why you're unwilling to allow your wife to impress you right oh what is it what is it about you that like if she's great what what's there right uh anthony uh mar mar torano seven there's so much more to what active life is doing the pastuche method is something that the world needs to hear about i can't believe you got the name wrong let's go let's do this again let's fucking go all right brother thanks for coming on yeah man i really appreciate you having me despite the fact that i accorded you and and your internet is kicking ass uh you we set the bar low and then we went we promised very little
Starting point is 01:43:30 and then we we uh we we delivered what's that there's some business line we delivered on a lot or something under promise and over deliver yes yeah uh i will have a suza um uh hopefully reach out and maybe in the next uh 30 days we can get back on and, and, and, and get at it. We'll pick up a little bit where we left off, um, talking about, uh, don't worry about having an agenda. You don't need an agenda, man. I, I, I came on here today cause I, I enjoy your ability to be, uh, transparent to say how you believe that it is.
Starting point is 01:44:03 And I just, I enjoy conversations with people like that. Cool. So whatever comes, comes next time. Thank you. Thank you. Awesome, brother. All right. I will talk to you in the next month.
Starting point is 01:44:15 All right. We'll talk soon. All right, brother. Thank you. Wow. That is nuts. That guy's cool, right? That guy's crazy cool.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Let me figure this shit out real quick here. Hold on. Do you guys like him? Yeah. Good dude, right? Jay Hartle. Yeah, that's a good dude. He got all the friends.
Starting point is 01:44:48 That's why I'm so fucking judgmental. I just he liked he so sweet to Chris and to Gabrielle Lyons. And he's just such a good dude. I'm just over here. Just like judgmental fucking. He's awesome. God, I have this friend that I wonder if I should say sorry. Hello, you've reached Haley.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Leave a message. I guess we'll ask Haley. Oh, yeah, we're calling Haley. Find out if she needs a wedding ring or not. No, no, no. If I need to wear a wedding ring. I just have her on. I i mean everyone knows i'm married um okay so we're interviewing people again that's cool don't hold weights steal weights over your baby's head don't hold anything
Starting point is 01:45:45 heavy over your baby's head over anyone's head maybe your own head uh nathaniel seems a lot of people in here i've never seen before interview jama who's jama send me a dm with their instagram account just buy a groove ring and start wearing i don't know what's that oh no i'm not doing the rubber if that's one of the rubber ones i'm not thinking i don't think i'm doing that i'm not a fan of rubber it's one of the things in my old age i've worn so many rubbers i wonder i wonder how much i wonder how many toxins i've taken in from wearing all the rubbers i've worn oh jamal jamal hill yeah dude i have jamal hill's home phone number and i can't and i can't get him
Starting point is 01:46:40 on uh did you see adam's talks with Boz and the psychic? I started watching it and I'm going to be completely frank with you. I was completely disgusted and jealous. Like I didn't think I, I don't know if jealousy is the right word. I don't know if I experienced jealousy, but I experienced something that I was like, maybe disappointment.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Something was, something was a miss, but there's no, I'm too stubborn and self-centered and arrogant to watch it. I cannot. Maybe I'll interview. I can ask Boz to come on and ask him about Haley. I'd like that.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Weird kind of humility. kind of humility um if if you think you might should wear a ring and are concerned about it means you need to wear one i definitely oh oh here we go here we go let's do this real quick hey hi um hi i'm. I'm almost ready. I'm going to come out there in a minute. The show went great. Oh, awesome. Yeah, that dude was way cooler than I ever imagined. Oh, well, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:47:54 I like that. I could learn shit from him. Awesome. I can't wait to watch. I need to ask you something. Are we live? We are. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:48:14 Do you want me to wear a wedding ring? Do you want me to wear a wedding ring? Do you want me to wear something on my hand that lets the world know that I'm, that we're married? I never thought of it, honestly. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:48:32 All right. All right. Well, then the money that we were going to spend on, say that again. I always have a ring on my finger, my ring finger. Oh,
Starting point is 01:48:42 is it the one I bought you? Is that gold one I bought you yeah all the rings I own you bought me all the three rings I own you own three rings and I bought them all for you yeah okay
Starting point is 01:48:56 four if you include the ones from Armenia it doesn't fit me I bought you a ring from Armenia I mean of course I bought you a ring from Armenia I mean of course I bought you a ring from Armenia Okay The boys are in the car Okay here we go I love you Okay love you
Starting point is 01:49:14 Okay bye Ladies and gentlemen Great show with Sean Pastuch Not Pastuch And he is The founder of Active Life, a wealth of experience, both in the outside world and between his ears. He will be coming on again, hopefully in the next month. We'll find out if he really meant that he had a good time. But there's so much.
Starting point is 01:49:38 That was fun. That was easy for me. And we'll try to get him to change the name of Active Life to the Past Stooge Method. I think that there's something a little more, uh, um, uh, richer about that. I like the brand value of the past stooge, uh, method. All right, guys. I love you guys. I will see you. I don't think we're doing a show tonight. I never know. And, um, I will see you guys tomorrow morning. I apologize for those of you who want guests. I think tomorrow morning is a live call-in show, but I will try to find us a guest and move by.

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