The Sevan Podcast - #861 - Live Call In | The Neuralink

Episode Date: April 1, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I haven't seen these glasses in forever. I haven't seen these glasses in forever. I haven't seen these glasses in forever. When the music plays, can I talk over it? Can you guys hear me talking over it? I have to have my mouth like this close, right? Do any of you ever suspect I'm just not going to show up, that you're going to be here? It's going to be like 7.01, 7.02, and he's going to be like, hey, he didn't show up.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Have I ever not shown up? Savant is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. Wow. My mouth isn't, I should have warmed it up. I should have done my exercises. My wife's father gave me a bunch of exercises to do with my mouth before I come on. I think I've only done them like twice, but they're good.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Every time I do them, I'm happy I do them. That was weird. I was thinking this. I am late. Occasionally, I'm late. One or two minutes late. It's usually something weird happens. it's usually something weird happens.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's usually something weird happens. Like the power went out the day before and I get in here and it's like, Oh shit, nothing's on. Cause I always leave everything on. So then everything needs to be rebooted. But as I've spoken about before, every morning, my life is like my, I wake up at six and then I know I'm
Starting point is 00:01:48 supposed to be at 603 and then 605 and 612 I just I know where I'm where all the way up until the minute the show starts I've done it so many times now I know if I'm like a minute behind somewhere I'm like oh I don't really have enough time to put that mud in my hair today I guess we'll skip that or oh I'd rather look for more content for the live calling show and fool around on my computer. Then I don't know, drink an extra cup of coffee. So it's like that. Oh no. Oh no. How come my life calling notes aren't right. That's not good. I have no, I've no, I've not mastered this. Doesn't this seem to be a reoccurring theme?
Starting point is 00:02:29 Oh my goodness. Oh, no, there they are. They're there. They're there. Here we go. Start off with this. Hey, I really liked the guy yesterday. I really, really liked Pestuch yesterday.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I'm going to tell you, I wasn't particularly nice to him. I don't know if any of you noticed that. He, I almost felt like I was hazing him a bit. My wife was crazy impressed. My wife was crazy impressed. My wife was crazy impressed. My wife was crazy impressed. By hazing, I mean there were topics that could have been,
Starting point is 00:03:16 I'll just tell you, the topic about kids crawling and walking and carrying and scooting. He doesn't even flinch. These are highly emotionally charged topics. Highly. And he was un even flinch. These are highly emotionally charged topics. Highly. And, uh, he was unflinching the same with the vax conversation. Unflinching tells his story.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Doesn't show, um, I shit on him with love. I, I don't want to say I shit on him. Justin, uh, making an astute observation.
Starting point is 00:03:43 The vests are making a comeback. I don't know. I have a lot of them. Yeah, those are when you bring up – every day in my life, I have a conversation with someone where I see them getting – their emotion is blocking themselves from inhibiting, damaging, interfering. What is the word? I say their emotions are interfering.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I'm going to go with interfering. Interfering their ability to do the conversation. And he didn't allow that to happen. I think there's a word for it, like equanimity or equanimous. Is that the word? Does anyone know? There's some yeah and usually when people do that um stuff where they're like when we were talking about that overhead squat thing and he said i would have approached it like this i've been like
Starting point is 00:04:36 fuck you you're pussyfooting around just tell him how it is but he actually wasn't he there's a level i i don't know i appreciated his sincerity and clarity of thought it was pretty awesome uh sean pastuch pastuch pastuch i spelled his name wrong pastuch uh robert cowton good morning seven good morning robert considering one of your boys will become a pro tennis player will you get tennis players on the show to interview i would you know we had um we had i was in communication direct communication with a serena williams coach what's that guy's name and then it just fell through the cracks. I'm going to ramp up having tons of guests on again. Very soon here. I become even more, uh, I become less, less flexible. When I, when I, when I, when i start seeing guests on my schedule i start um i'm there i'd be i lose all flexibility in my schedule i become extremely intense around my schedule
Starting point is 00:05:55 and making sure i'm prepared for guests so it's kind of a nice break for me to um to not have guests uh jeffrey birchfield equanimity look at he's doing uh caleb's job mental calmness composure and evenness of temper especially in a difficult situation yeah yeah i think that's it i thought it was gonna sound a little bit deeper yeah this guy this guy patrick uh mornahan or something or was that how you spell it paulina is that how you spell it paulina yeah i would love to i don't think uh my i don't man tennis i guess all professional sports they reach a point where it's just too hard where it just becomes dangerous you're you're flirting with the margins of, um, of, of, does that,
Starting point is 00:06:48 I don't know if I want to put my kids through that. I don't know if they, I guess it's not up to me. I guess they'll do whatever they're going to do, but I don't think, and, and, and, and they're, uh, they're, uh, they have a handicap. I know you're not supposed to say it, but it's true. They're, they're, they're not going to be tall. i don't think they're going to be tall unless some weird happens yeah see there you go but i guess it doesn't mean um i guess it doesn't mean uh they couldn't do it i mean shit muggsy bogues clive uh sebon did you see the body-worn footage from Nashville?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Disappointing that the cops were all male. Very disappointing that the cops were all male. Very. I would have liked to have seen some tranny on tranny shooting, too. It would have been cool if they had a tranny in the department. I didn't even think about that. That's awesome. Would have been cool if a black guy would have shot a white woman that's what the headline could
Starting point is 00:07:47 have been black man shoots white woman so absurd god we live with fucking morons i it's okay i don't mean that in an offensive way they truly people are truly are stupid someone actually. Someone actually said in the comments on YouTube, you know, that lady holding the weight over her head. Someone baby strapped to you over your baby's head and putting your baby at risk under the guise of working out that that somehow is could be equated to slipping on a banana peel and dying. It's like, and I'm just like, wow, we really do not live with smart people. But what it exposes is how they think that you're drawing. Well, I could die tomorrow. So today I'm going to do a bunch of fentanyl.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Like what? I could die tomorrow. So you know what I'm going to do a bunch of fentanyl. What? I could die tomorrow. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take a mortgage out on my house and spend all that money on coke and whores. What? That's your processing chip? I don't want to live on a planet with those people. Of course. Yes, of course yes of course 100 trans people are three to six times more likely to be on the autism spectrum than normal people cambridge said yeah of course right
Starting point is 00:09:34 i mean of course of course of course it's there is no doubt i said it on here over a year ago that uh being a tranny is a mental illness i don't mean that in like in any negative way at all zero negativity around that even if you're the healthiest tranny of all time if you have a man's body but you think you're a woman or you want a woman's body that's a mental illness it goes back to just accept a healthy person is just accepting shit healthy person is very very accepting of situations of reality they're not fighting with reality the more you fight with reality the more mentally ill you're going to be it's a pretty simple equation but that one's just huge yeah of course you have a huge mental illness and imagine the assholes around you that help you like perpetuate your mental illness. These are fucked up people.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I can't wait. I wish I could be around in 200 years when they read about these people. Wait a second. You're telling me a three-year-old told you that they were transgender, that they were really a, how did they learn what the word transgender meant? You're telling me your three-year-old daughter knew she was a boy and then you took her to the doctor and they started giving her drugs to transform her? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:10:54 This is a direct message I received on Instagram this morning. I run an army recruiting station. The other day, a graduate from the best high school in my area came into my office to take a practice entrance exam. So this guy works in a recruiting office and someone came in because they wanted to join the military.
Starting point is 00:11:23 After this person failed the exam, the recruiter in the office was helping with some basic math. And the kid asked the recruiter, how do you know that one-fourth is 25%? This is a kid who graduated from the premier high school in his area. from the premier high school in his area. The recruiter said, use this simile, you know, like a quarter is one-fourth of a dollar. 25 cents is one-fourth of a dollar.
Starting point is 00:11:52 The kid said, well, sure, but how am I supposed to know one quarter means 25% of something? Those numbers just don't make sense. Close quote. The recruiter then explained, you know, one-tenth is 10%, two-tenths is 20%, and so on and so on. The kid graduated from high school. By the way, they never unfucked the kid. They said the kid left and the kid still didn't understand.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And this person continues to write to me, hey, I wish i could tell you this is an isolated incident but it's not this is the uh this is the norm i don't have particularly smart kids they're just normal kids my kids are so normal the they receive a the only thing that maybe is outside of normal is they receive a lot of attention from their parents the kids don't even go to school my six year old knows all that my six year old knows that 10% is a dime of a dollar it's unreal.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Unreal. It's not just that it's not just that the kids don't know that. It's that they will be unable to think clearly and the richness and depth of their life will be severely limited because their perspective is so narrow we know all those people that another another um caricature of uh mental illness is they see the world like this people those people see the world
Starting point is 00:13:46 through the straw they can't they can't go big picture at all right get rid of guns child killing stop me take all guns off planet earth two years later pfizer is making everyone in the country grab their ankle take an injection and stay locked up for two months because we don't have guns that person never even considered that because they looked through the world through a straw. Oh, Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Okay. I see. Yeah. Yes. Remove that. They can't even see. It's like, it's like,
Starting point is 00:14:17 it's like being in summertime and not having any understanding that sooner or later winter's coming or being in winter and thinking it's like a bad acid trip being that dumb you just think it's never going to be over that's the only thing you see so you get people who just can't think clearly and those that's our cohort those are our colleagues those are the people that vote i hear duane i kind of hear what you're saying the army has no prep camp you can take before boot camp to try to help with this it's how how did you graduate from high school not knowing that 25 of 100 is 25 how did you not know that? How could that be? It's not even math at that point. There's just a certain comprehension, logic, understanding, minimal visualization, minimal.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, that's fair. Kids are nervous at the recruiting office I remember in the second grade I misspelled wood would you like to come to the beach with me and I spelled it W-O-O-D oh my goodness haunts me to this day Frank Frank Jonas frank frank jonas it's almost like you sit there i i am sitting and you think people are saying get rid of all guns
Starting point is 00:15:56 and they aren't they're actually saying just stop selling them to monsters They're actually saying just stop selling them to monsters. Is that what they're saying, Frank? Or are they saying you can't have certain kinds of guns? You can't have these guns today, and then tomorrow you can't have those guns, and then you can't have those bullets? And are they doing it because there's any solution there, Frank? Do they care? We all know where the real killing is happening we know it has nothing to do with these shootings in the schools and whatnot
Starting point is 00:16:31 we all know that everyone knows it's happening in baltimore chicago philadelphia with handguns and that the guns that are doing the majority of the killing have nothing fucking to do with these guns that they're trying to get rid of or put laws on. That's what it comes down to. And at the end of the day, Frank, I think I suspect maybe you're on to something. I think they really are trying to get rid of all guns. I think they are. Do you want me to play that clip by Trudeau where they got rid of you can't buy handguns in Canada?
Starting point is 00:17:07 Trudeau where they got rid of you can't buy handguns in Canada well uh I think we on someone someone uh kicked off 12 doses but uh brought them back I'm I'm I hear you Frank I'm open to the discussion I just tell me what they're actually trying to do because my my perspective on it is is that it's all just a distraction someone can go look I did a piece on it is that it's all just a distraction. Someone can go look. I did a piece on it once. You can go back to 1952. It was some crazy number, like 52% of the schools in the United States taught shooting. Kids were bringing.22s to school and there wasn't a single shooting. No kid ever
Starting point is 00:17:36 got shot that year. And yet 2 million kids brought guns to school that year, legally. And so to be continuously there's so much evidence that it's not the guns endless and on top of that on top of that i just need to know what's gonna what the byproduct is gonna be of your law i know what they want the byproduct to be i know they wanted to put masks on people and stop covid i know they wanted to put masks on people and stop COVID. I know they wanted to give the injections and stop people, but it didn't work. It did everything worse. It made everything worse.
Starting point is 00:18:12 The outcome was atrocious. I don't trust simple-minded people. I don't trust people who see the world like this. And hey, you just have to start applying that logic to other stuff how can 12 000 people die every year falling down the stairs and there isn't a huge campaign to stop to end stairs it would be so easy to do something to the pornography industry. It isn't. I'm not suggesting they do either. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:18:49 There's so many things that could be done. How can Google restrict my ability to say anything of the word injection? But on Snapchat, 13-year-olds can get drugs and cock. drugs and cock i and i and i know that there i only use that as not that two wrongs make a right but that i don't i don't trust the the method that they want people to say stuff like you're saying oh here we go again seven we need to have a seven east is by the fireside where you bring some of us on and get the real stories of your followers like that they're like that they have uh okay uh frank jonas uh does mental illness only occur in the u.s because if the gun problem is actually just mental illness it ain't happening anywhere else i don't even understand that question sorry i mean is does mental illness only occur in the u.s no look at the netherlands
Starting point is 00:19:58 look at the whole country's europe look at at the city of London is one giant brewing pot of fucking insanity. Look at Toronto, Montreal. Because if the gun problem is actually just mental illness, no, oh, it ain't happening anywhere else. What's not happening anywhere else? The gun problem is actually just mental illness. not happening anywhere else the gun problem is actually just mental illness oh you're saying that other places where they have guns i don't i'm not sure exactly what you're saying i'm not sure what you're saying you're saying let's get rid of the guns and don't worry about the mentally ill people at least then they won't be killing each other.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Is that what you're saying? If you're going to blame mental illness on school shootings, I'm not blaming. I'm not blaming. You're blaming guns on school shootings. I'm not blaming. It only happens in this country i hear you i hear you you're saying where in in Canada they don't have that because they don't,
Starting point is 00:21:28 they allow guns in Canada. What else, what else don't they have in other countries that we have? What have you, what else don't they have? Freedom. A wide swath of nationalities and ethnicities. Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe it's too easy to get a gun.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I'm blaming school shootings on the ease of fucked up person to legally buy a weapon. Fair. fair but I think we can clearly say that that person who recently was involved in that Nashville shooting was not a sane person correct? I mean shit
Starting point is 00:22:19 how could anyone do that and be sane right? I was watching the TikTok debate yesterday. Republicans and Democrats wanted to get rid of TikTok and Rand Paul spoke up. He was like, yo, yo, wait a second here. It's pretty cool. It was pretty cool to hear rand paul talk man he can think clearly and i and i went into it being like dude what is rand paul doing we got to get dude like yeah
Starting point is 00:23:02 let's get rid of this shit but after listening to to him, I was like, yeah, he's got, got some great points. He's got some great points. What did he say? He talked about freedom of speech, of course. And he talked about how he was censored by YouTube and by Twitter, and that he didn't appreciate that, and that TikTok is not allowed in China, and so we're no different than the Chinese if we ban TikTok,
Starting point is 00:23:36 and do we want to be like the Chinese? He also mentioned that there's 150 million people in the United States using TikTok, which is crazy to me. I wonder if that's really true. That's nuts. That's half the population. And you have to think right away. If we have 350 million people in this country, let's just take off 100 million for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:23:56 They're kids or they're immigrants or they don't speak English or they don't have access to phones or whatever. Let's just take off 100 million. So that's 250 million. I'll be generous, 300 million. people who are capable of using TikTok. You're telling me half those people use TikTok. That is nuts to me. That is absolutely nuts. Crazy. Anyway, he, he basically says that he says, yeah, we're being just like them. There's gotta be a different solution he said that it's um one of the arguments for banning tiktok was that it's owned by the chinese ramp all says it's not owned by the chinese some chinese have ownership in it
Starting point is 00:24:34 but the majority of is not owned by chinese uh he had some other point oh he said one of the arguments for getting rid of tiktok is that it's tracking all of all of the people the users of it i don't know why anyone would use it i don't know i don't understand why people are using it i don't even have that app on my phone i don't you how would you have time for tiktok i guess maybe if you just do tiktok i don't know how you would have time for tiktok and instagram i guess there's people who have TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter. And then of course there's Reddit and YouTube. I decided that in my mind that Reddit is the lowest form of social media reddit's where reddit's like for people who go to carnivals you know those traveling carnivals where there's like 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 year old men there and they're trying to give meth to have sex with local 14 year old girls that's what i
Starting point is 00:25:36 think of reddit shitty rides shitty flat beer. Everything about it is just shitty. It's like it's the poorest of the... If Disneyland is where you go to eat and pretend to like rides carnivals or where you, I don't know, try to have sex with underage people and do meth. That's what I think of Reddit. Just the worst people.
Starting point is 00:26:09 When I picture someone commenting on Reddit, and I'm sure I'm wrong, but I enjoy indulging in it. When I picture someone commenting on Reddit, I imagine them sitting downstairs in their parents' basement with four 50-inch TVs, the cheapest ones that they game on, like six bowls of half-eaten cereal sitting around. That's kind of how I picture it. TikTok provides infinite 10 to 30 seconds of dopamine. There's no need for thought,
Starting point is 00:26:42 and it just provides entertainment. SF Starnugs, you should get in on the nopen. Is that the thing Hiller's doing? I know I am actually, I spoke to him yesterday for like 20 minutes about it. I was thinking that we were brainstorming an idea of doing a show and then using all the donations from that show as the prize money for it. Ah, Devesh Maharaj. So you're saying Reddit is the social media equivalent of San Francisco.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, probably something like that. I'm sure there are some great things. Depends on which subreddit. There are some great subreddits with amazing, accurate and quality discussions yeah i hear you i'm sure i'm sure i'm sure it's it's probably the thing is is it's probably like 50 valuable you know what i mean like you're editing and you're stuck and your computer's having some issues or you can't figure out why that thing that seals your car window when you roll your window up in your 1994 Toyota Sienna, why the window always hits it and sucks it in and you got to go on there and you find some guy who solved the problem with the Q-tips and the Vaseline. I'm sure it's got tons of stuff like that. Tons.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Mark Higgins, I listen to all the shows but never get the chance to listen live and contribute to the show you're all good dudes except dan bailey thanks mark that's cool is it you're in because you're in europe there you go uh reddit helped me overcome my fear of steroids. Asteroids. Oh, asteroids. Okay. Oh, you went on there and you're like, okay, the planet's not going to get hit by asteroids. That might be mental illness right there. That's totally out of your control. That's the bigger picture.
Starting point is 00:28:39 You see, there it is. That's a great example. Sorry to use the example, Allison. If you have a fear of asteroids, the thing isn't that you have a fear of asteroids that's not that's not that's the small picture what's the big picture what's the big picture that you have thoughts that you let run away and control you because if it's not tomorrow it's going to be ladders right or crosswalks or i told someone uh savannah's getting uh magnanimous i i told someone to eat a dick yesterday maybe i'll pull up the um the clip uh you could say the same for tiktok to be honest
Starting point is 00:29:24 between the ocean of vapid content there's some good info it just takes discerning audience uh frank all social media is accessible unless you're using it for work or activities yeah word i agree i really enjoyed my time on instagram so what am i what am i what am i gonna do okay here we go uh this clip is called liberal therapy burning down a black neighborhood would be frowned upon but if you just say you're protesting donald trump it's okay i mean i could literally show up and start torching local businesses and shit and not only would nobody get mad at me they'd actually call me a hero how does does destroying low income neighborhoods make you a hero?
Starting point is 00:30:08 I don't know. But check this out. I was at a defund the police protest in Minnesota last week and I picked up a trash can, threw it through a laundromat window like I've done dozens of times. This time was different. This time I got arrested and the feds tear gassed me. No media coverage, nobody calling me a hero. What's up with that? That sounds like justice. Or fascism. You think getting arrested for vandalism is fascism? Is it? I don't know what fascism means. Was that it?
Starting point is 00:30:44 No. Do you know if Donald Trump was behind your arrest? Because if he was, it sounds pretty fascist to me. Should I tweet about it? I'm going to tweet about it. No, don't. Can't. Trump canceled my cell service.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Can I borrow someone's phone? To save the country. Normally, burning down a black neighborhood would be- How do we get back? How do we get back to where burning down neighborhoods isn't cool? How do we get back? How do we get back to where burning down neighborhoods isn't cool? How do we get back? David Weed. Instagram is for old people that think they're cool.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I know, but you're probably right. You know, like people like me. You think, is Instagram like a MySpace? It's just a desert of just old, just goofballs on there now. Is that what it's become? Minneapolis equals shithole. Check, check. Is this mic on i know i already played this but in it again do you notice how important words were to tosh tosh cared what words meant you remember that tosh cared and sean cared. Sean cared how you approach topics.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Words were important because they mean something, right? I saw a lady. Not that I agree with this, but one of you guys sent me a clip where a lady was on a, had a talk show. It was in the UK. She was British and the guest used the word cis woman. And the host said, hey, you're not allowed to use that here there's only women here women and men here we don't do cis women you're not changing what i am i'm a woman i mean i think i don't i don't use those terms but i don't care if someone else uses
Starting point is 00:32:38 them it kind of lets us know about them right right? That they're douches. But check this out. This is from the movie Uncle Tom 2. If you haven't seen at least the first one of these, you've got to see it. These are great movies. Negro, black, Afro-American. We have to define ourselves as a group. We have to hyphenize ourselves.
Starting point is 00:33:05 The African-American one is just horrible. We're inconsistent with it. For example, if somebody comes from Morocco or from Libya, we don't call them an African-American. We're only talking about people from sub-Saharan Africa. Okay, fine. Charlize Theron is South African. No, because she's white, but she's from Africa. Yeah, but her ancestors are not from there. Three, four, five generations of them are. No, no. African-American, that's a term that we use for individuals of African descent who survived slavery. Okay, then Obama was not our first African-American president because his father was a Kenyan and they were not a product of slavery. It just breaks down. It just doesn't work. I don't want to be hyphenated. I don't want to be hyphenated. I don't need to be hyphenated.
Starting point is 00:33:45 So there it is again. And here's the thing, going back to that straw thing. It's just not going to work characterizing people by their skin color. It's just not going to work. It's just not going to fucking work. And this guy knows it. A bunch of us know it. It's just not going to work.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's shitty. It's just not going to work. It's shitty. It's more on categorizing. It's just not going to work. It's pointless. It's pointless. It's imagination. It's gender. Colors like gender.
Starting point is 00:34:22 There's just too many variations. It's infinite. I'm never going to be able to peg it down. That documentary is Uncle Tom 2. That's the second one. I think Larry Elder produced these. Thank you, Philip. It's just not going to work. Judging people by color is doing this. Just looking through the straw again. It's not big picture. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:34:47 There's no solution there. It's only relevant in one place. That's your relationship with the sun. It's just not going to work. If you care what words mean. If you don't, you just like the chaos and living a fucking shallow, unhappy life, then fuck it. Roll with it. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Let the confusion just fucking keep rolling around in that head of yours. Never have any clarity there. Only the sooner you start making sure that words mean something, the happier you'll be. You realize that we're just magicians here. Oh, let me see see the show is becoming more sophisticated people like text and shit now oh yeah this good the the show was there yeah someone sent me a a text just now and it shows the the school shooter dead and it says their pronouns were uh was were was worried a little death shooter humor
Starting point is 00:35:51 i'm an i'm an american that's armenian descent right america americans like what your nationality in armenians your ethnicity like armenian is ethnicity is like where the semen and the egg come from and nationality is like where you were born geographically yeah dark humor is funny it's good it's always good there's lots i have so much comedy in today's show i'm kind of proud of today's show i'm bummed uh suze is not here there's so many funny things in today's show okay here we go let's just keep let's just keep it there's three topics we talked about, right? David Weed.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Abortion, racism, and the injection. Here we go. Think about it. You know, racism is a mental impairment. You know what I mean? Like, it actually means their brains aren't as functioning as well. And they've also studied racists, and they've found they have a lower IQ. So, you know, maybe we should be treating racists differently or maybe they should have their own bus
Starting point is 00:37:06 and be like there goes the racists they're going to the park they love that fuck are you looking at fuck maybe every racist should have a carer come on let's go she got a turban that's okay I told you Maybe every racist should have a carer. Come on, let's go.
Starting point is 00:37:28 She got a turban. That's okay, I told you. That's okay. People are allowed to wear turbans, aren't they? She looks different. That's all right. It's okay. I want to get a kebab.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Good, good boy. Now you're getting it. Now you're getting it. If you think about it, you know, racism is a mental impairment. You know what I mean? Full-blown mental impairment, by the way. Racism is for sure mental illness. What's even more twisted is what the left's done with it.
Starting point is 00:37:59 That is, and that's what's even crazier. Stefan, do you not want to open the can of worms that iq is different between races i'm not sure i'm not sure if there are different races here to be honest with you i'm not sure i i think i'm more on the side that there's only one race but there is a fascinating uh wiki page um on uh the internet that um about ashkenazi jews being a standard deviation smarter than the rest of the uh world but like are you saying like armenians are not as smart like are not as smart as nigerians but uh ethiopians are dumber than um finnish people i don't know i don't know i i don't mean i don't care talking about it But there's so much that would need to be defined.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I mean, something's not normal about Nigerians. But I would not say I think it's IQ at all. I think it would be culture. I don't think, how could Chinese people or Asian people or Japanese people be all so much smarter than Americans? For years, they were fucking malnourishedished and that's why they were fucking so small and they were trapped on that island that's a cultural thing i think i don't think that they have like some sort of uh physiological advantage i think that i think that maybe we would be better off I think that maybe different ethnicities
Starting point is 00:39:29 maybe is a better word than race have physical advantages right but I don't know no I don't take what Wiki states as fact but my wife's Ashkenazi and my Jews are Ashkenazi
Starting point is 00:39:44 so I like to just believe it i don't but i do think david that i i don't i'm just gonna say this i don't know if this is true but i think believe that there is some sort of cultural significance to different ethnicities for instance uh one of my friends was joking around about this but there might be some significant truth to it that culturally jews find smart as sexy right and so they breed for smart so culturally yeah someone may find a penis size as sexy someone might find the size of butt and a woman sexy someone might and so if you culturally have these things that you find are attractive then maybe you're breeding for those characteristics
Starting point is 00:40:30 and so eventually you're going to get a group that's you know faster stronger smarter i mean there's a there's a there's a group of men I mean, there's a group of men who stay at the bar until it closes and try to mate with the drunkest chick there, the chick that can barely get out. For some reason, I don't think something's wrong with that. I think that that's called like bottom feeding or something. That's a mating strategy that I don't think probably leads to a Nobel prize winners. But what do I know? I usually listen to 1.5 speed.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Someone used to sound absolutely wasted now at one time. Melissa, like wasted, like drunk. Melissa, there's nothing sexier than intelligence. Yeah, it's cool. Smart people are dope. Girls really like that.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I see I've seen girls swoon around smart guys and rich guys. They really like rich guys. Rich means that you have a lot of the potential to buy a lot, purchase a lot of human energy. You think this is true? You think this is true, what I'm about to show you? This is a woman in a parking lot in a foreign country, meaning
Starting point is 00:41:56 not the United States, and she sees this term, Frauenparkplatz. I should Google that. F-R-A-U-E-N parkplatz. What's a frauen park plot she asks asks her friend here we go is ready for this i think this is true what's a frauen park plots it's for fun it's for a woman so only women can park here yes why go still a little bigger the spots are bigger what Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:42:25 What's a frown? So that's a parking spot, a section in a garage, underground garage for women only. Park spots. You see that? It says women parking. It actually says that on the sign. It's for fun. And it's got a little picture of like, you know, the caricature of something in a skirt,
Starting point is 00:42:44 like some stick figure in a skirt. It's for women. So only women can park here? Yes. Why? Because it's a little bit bigger. The spots are bigger for women. Hey, I'm very comfortable sharing with you that the vast majority of men that drive,
Starting point is 00:43:03 I've seen some amazing female drivers, amazing parallel parking wizards, but, and, and I've been severely disappointed in some of my coolest friends being just really shitty drivers. Uh, but I,
Starting point is 00:43:21 uh, the men are just better drivers in general, much, much, much, much, much just better drivers in general, much, much, much, much, much better, much more confident,
Starting point is 00:43:27 much more offensive drivers. Maybe that's why we get more accidents, but man, this, this, I I'm okay with this. I'm okay with this discriminatory practice. Parking spots are just for women.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'm totally okay with that. You guys cool with that? I don with that i don't i don't think um i'm okay with women using the men's restroom i'm okay with them having their own parking spots do you guys know how to get in and out of a car when it's a tight spot you guys know how to do that does everyone does everyone know how to do that you when you get out of the car so so the door i'm sitting here and the door opens i wrap my head hand my head i wrap my hand around the edge of the door and then i open it up until my knuckles are touching the car you know that that's how you do it and then you squeeze out but the whole time you're squeezing out you have your knuckles in between your steel door and the car next to you do it and then you squeeze out but the whole time you're squeezing out you have your knuckles in between your steel door and the car next to you if it's that tight everyone know
Starting point is 00:44:30 how to do that i've never seen anyone do that but me but not that i've seen a lot of people get out of tight parking spaces but you can't just be you have to put something between your door and their car or it's gonna hit don't gently push your door up against their door no gotta have your hand there hand there so the metal from their car and your door pushing up against each other and then you slide out that's it that's how you get out you don't ever ding someone's car and if you think you are just just move out um there is a it's there's someone in here wrote um asians aren't good drivers
Starting point is 00:45:13 so that's a pretty stereotypical uh comment uh that i've heard my whole life i live around a lot of asians in the bay area there does seem to be a disproportionate of times that i see someone driving 45 in the middle lane with their blinker stuck on or doing something just just really poor dangerous driving overly slow like they're like it's a 107 year old person in the car and you pull up next to it and it's a uh it's an asian person i i cannot lie for my own uh scientific studies um i have noticed that there is a uh yeah yeah the majority of uh liquor stores in my area, you'll see a Middle Eastern guy in there.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Ah, what are you doing, my friend? My dad owned a liquor store, but yeah, I cannot... I don't know if I manifested it or what, but there's no doubt. There's no question that... In my area, I've noticed a lot of uh bad Asian drivers not it's just a correlate maybe all Asians smoke weed I I and therefore it has nothing to do with the fact that they're Asian it has to do with the fact that they're all stoned I don't know
Starting point is 00:46:39 I I don't I don't know like These are just correlates. But what if we had parking spaces that were just for Asians? I don't think I'm okay with that. God, that would be crazy, right? Here's the section. You get like if you're a chick, you get like an extra six six inches but if you're asian you get an extra 12 inches if you're asian chick you get an extra 18 inches uh marquez and higgins in my experience asians are terrible drivers i know but how much experience do you have oh look judy's asian let's see what she says i do drive a honda civic that's a
Starting point is 00:47:23 stereotypical asian Everyone in Northern California drives a... Oh, you changed your profile pic. That's nice. That's nice. Everyone in California drives a Honda. Sousa drives a Honda. Savon, you're 51. You notice everything you think is bad or you don't agree
Starting point is 00:47:41 with, probably. Just like one of those old age things setting in. when I was a kid. No, I noticed the Asian thing along. I, I noticed that just forever ago and peeking in the side of the car. There's a, there's a demographic that doesn't wear their seatbelt too. There's a demographic that litters. There's a demographic that Jay walks. And I'm guilty of categorizing it all all by uh i can't i can't ever think of i've never seen an asian guy jaywalk there take that ever and i lived in berkeley with gazillions of asian people i did save an asian
Starting point is 00:48:20 guy's life one time in berkeley We were crossing the street from the Starbucks. What is that? Not College Avenue. Maybe it's College Avenue. Shoot, I used to know the names of all those streets. We were crossing the street. It was two lanes and then an island and then two lanes. And then it was campus UC Berkeley. And we were all on the side of the street.
Starting point is 00:48:47 The Starbucks was on and a bunch of us crossed to go out to the Island. And when we crossed the guy next to me, what was looking at his phone the whole time, total, like, you know, giant Asian dude, zit it up.
Starting point is 00:48:59 Like, you know, 19 year old Asian kid, five 11, you know, 50 pounds overweight, looking at his phone backpack full of fucking probably physics books and shit and he he thought that and all of us were on this
Starting point is 00:49:19 island and he thought i made a move forward and he thought we were all going to step into the street and then i pulled back and right then a car came and he stepped out into the street i grabbed him by his backpack and pulled him back up onto the curb i saved his life i saved this dude's life you know what he did nothing he didn't he didn't he didn't look up from his phone he didn't thank me he he didn't even say dude don't fucking touch me nothing zero call her hi good i'm just talking about what is i'm like fucking superman if armenian if superman were armenian me and you could say that i disproportionately save asians lives over uh white people's lives so i can't i can't think of anyone white whose life i've saved um hey that's the opposite of asian hate even though even though i'm gonna tell
Starting point is 00:50:23 you i ain't lying It probably made me a little more racist, a little more discriminatory. These fucking Asians, they can't drive or walk. Motherfuckers. But on the other, it depends on how you couch it, how you present it to the world. You could say I have Asian love. I was in love with this
Starting point is 00:50:42 Korean girl in high school. Mira Han. I think she had probably the biggest boobs of any girl in high school. She was little, though, too. Anyway, I digress. Hi. Hi. She was a cheerleader.
Starting point is 00:51:02 She was a cheerleader. She was a cheerleader. Of course they were. Korean-Asian cheerleader with big a cheerleader of course they were Korean Asian cheerleader with big tits okay go ahead sorry not saying that you are but instead of getting offended by the women's parking spot
Starting point is 00:51:16 women's specific parking spot why not look at it that it is easier for women or mothers rather who have car seats to get their kids in and out of their cars a lot easier. I'd love something like that, especially in a parking garage situation. They, at the Whole Foods near my house,
Starting point is 00:51:37 I remember they have spots that are family spots, but I always just park in the handicapped spot. So it doesn't matter to me. I just think regardless, someone's going to look at the negative and see the sign and get offended and see that it's a woman parking spot. Yeah. Hey, there is some. So if you going back to the color thing, you know, it's interesting. That's why the color thing doesn't work in like sex is such a better way to
Starting point is 00:52:04 discriminate because that's the thing, right on one hand you'll hear me be like dude you can't give people jobs um based on the fact that like like you can't give people jobs based on the fact that the color of their skin or whose genitalia they want in their face but here's the inconsistency i am okay with women um having their own parking spots i really am i'm not even joking i'm not even trying to be funny. I'm fully okay with it. I'm okay with doing lots of cool shit for women based on the fact that they have vaginas.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I just think it's people telling them. This is, I think, true for a lot of people telling them how to think, obviously, right? Telling them how to be, telling them how to react, respond. You mean women in general people people people shouldn't do that wait you lost me is this gabe no oh eric eric wise oh hi eric eric you're you're from california you live in stockton uh lodi holy i won't i won't i won't claim i won't claim stockton. Wow. I'm not that hardcore.
Starting point is 00:53:06 You just got some street cred with me, though. That's pretty cool. Hey, thanks. Home of our champion, Justin Madera. Yeah. You ever run into Justin or Shanna or what's the dad's name? Anthony. Yeah, they're at the gym all the time.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Oh, that's cool. Yeah, benevolent sexism. I'm totally, yeah, I'm, yeah, I'm, for pregnant women, women, all sorts of shit like that. Oh, yeah, Shanna says you go to, Eric's awesome, goes to our gym. Look it, she goes to your gym, but you go to her gym. Everyone's taking ownership. Welcome across that loadout. our gym. Look it. She goes to your gym, but you go to her gym. Everyone's taking, everyone's taking ownership.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Volcom CrossFit Low Dice. Great gym. Volcom. Volcrum. What is it? Volcrum? Volcrum. Volcrum.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Oh, that's like, that's like, okay. That's like that thing. Okay. Sorry. What were you going to say?
Starting point is 00:54:01 Did you want to say something? No, just have a terrific day. I got to get the kiddos to school. So, all right. We'll talk to you later, my man. Okay. Sorry. What were you going to say? Did you want to say something? No, just have a terrific day. I got to get the kiddos to school. So. All right. We'll talk to you later, my man.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Okay. Bye. Yeah. Benevolent sexism. I'm totally. Maybe that's just, it's just maybe just the way my mom raised me. Oh,
Starting point is 00:54:28 Nelly, here we go. One of my favorite subjects of all time. Uh, Oh, speaking of Asians, I love this. This is,
Starting point is 00:54:35 this is Asians making fun of white people. Here's payback time for fucking whiteys. This is great. I love this. This is an Asian chick, uh, hot Asian chick. Um, talking about tattoos
Starting point is 00:54:48 you know like there's like the dudes like the the i don't know i guess it's non-asians will have like asian shit like on their neck they got some like symbol that means like dragon well here she's she's an asian chick who got some tattoos some english tattoos i like this symbol that means like dragon. She's an Asian chick who got some tattoos, some English tattoos. I like this. Hey guys, check out my new tattoos. This one right here says happiness. This one right here,
Starting point is 00:55:18 love. And then I got this piece. Pretty badass and cultured, right? Hey guys, check out my new tattoos. This one right here says happiness this one right here love and then i got this peace i like this is this this is this tiktok stuff i like this kind of stuff i think this is cool social media like funny um social commentary i like this i think that that adds value to my life i like that i don't i don't feel like that's a waste of my time uh coach foos uh your profile picture is like an f staying warm by a fire or it's an f who's a protester
Starting point is 00:56:08 who just threw a molotov cocktail at a car and is sitting there admiring their work i'm not sure but a malcolm gladwell talks about stereotypes in relations to social cultural influences so yes most stereotypes are an oversimplified way of explaining difference. TikTok was a great idea. It was hijacked by the OnlyFans and conspiracy theorists. What is that song that all the conspiracy theorists always play. As soon as I hear that, I want to run from it. I don't need music forming that much of my opinion.
Starting point is 00:56:55 When I hear that music, I can't tell if it's trying to tell me if what I'm hearing is scary or if the person who made it is a meth head. I think this is Bob Hope. This is 70 years ago. the way if anyone if anyone's looking for a book to read there's a book called the big lie by dinesh d'Souza the big lie if you want to just a big old dose of red pill if you want to be like okay what is all this shit that what's all these issues someone has with democrats right now why is he so anti-democrat what happened that book will uh will get you on the train it will he's an indian guy or pakistani or something he's something dark darker than most black people i know smart very smart very articulate it's called dinesh
Starting point is 00:57:40 the big lie it's a great audio book, reads well. If you like a lot. No, that's not Don Rickles. That's not Don Rickles. And that's in the middle. That's got to be Bob Hope in the middle. Okay, here we go. The Big Lie, Dinesh D'Souza, great audio book. You'll like it.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Just tons of facts. Some analysis, and you can take it or leave it. You can be like, well, so on. But tons of facts. Tons of facts. You think Dinesh is douchey? When a person dies and is buried,
Starting point is 00:58:20 it seems a certain voodoo priest will have the power to bring him back to life. It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. It seems a certain voodoo priest who have the power to bring him back to life. Horrible. It's worse than horrible because a zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes walking around blindly with dead eyes, following orders, not knowing what they do, not caring. You mean like Democrats? He knew then a zombie with dead eyes walking around following orders.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Bob Hope says like a Democrat. It's like he predicted the future. Come on, man. Come on, man. If Kayla was here, he'd play the Joeiden clip for you come on man the sound effect makes it seem like a real show oh this one i've been wanting to share this one with you you guys are gonna love this one all the christians pull your chair right up to the front, right? Are you in the back? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You, you with the Christ first says Christ husband family on your Instagram account. Yeah. You come, come sit in the front
Starting point is 00:59:34 row for this one. Please come, come, come, come. Yes. Mayhem empire. Please come rich. Yes. Come bring your constituents up to the front. I have something for you. Let the discussion begin. This guy does a pretty good job. He has me for a while, too. He loses me at the end, though. He loses me at the end. I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:59:56 this is almost a win. This is almost a W for the Christian team. Does evil exist? I know some of you just demand that that shit exists just demand that evil exists well so what do you say about what hitler did isn't that evil what do you say about the raping of children and women isn't that evil and you like you're like you you want me to categorize these group of behaviors as evil here we go but this guy i just don't i don't see evil but here we go. This guy, I just don't see evil.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Here we go. Atheist professor wanted to prove to his students that God did not exist. So he asked the question, does evil exist? And they answered, yes, it exists. So he asked, well, did God created everything? The answer, yeah, he created everything. Well, if God created everything? The answer, yeah, he created everything. Well, if God created everything and God created evil, then he is evil in it of himself. A student raised his hand and said, does cold exist?
Starting point is 01:00:53 He said, of course. Have you never been cold? The student answer, cold does not exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Is that true? Is that physics? Cold does not exist. It's just the absence of heat. Is that word fuckery or
Starting point is 01:01:12 is that true? I need to think about that. But I really like that. I like what he said right there. You measure temperature by how much heat is in the atmosphere. So he asked another question. Does darkness exist?
Starting point is 01:01:30 Professor said, yes, of course. The citizen replied, again, sir, you're wrong. Darkness does not exist. Darkness is the lack of light. Yeah, that's fucking, I just, I can't tell if this is poetry. I can't get my brain wrapped around this part. But I really like it. Darkness does not exist. It's just the absence of light.
Starting point is 01:01:57 You measure how dark it is by the lack of light. The student asked the final question, sir, this evil exists. The professor said said of course it exists having seen the crime all hey so the presupposition there's is if it can't be measured it doesn't exist that's it got it i got it jeff you proud of me if it can't be measured this guy suggesting it doesn't exist there's a lot of there's a br a Bruce Wayne saying it's word fuckery. It's poetry.
Starting point is 01:02:25 It's word fuckery. Absolute zero is the absence of any heat. And listen, that's an Indian guy saying it. We all know we're racist here and that the Indian guy must know. See how that works. Racism, uh, adding street cred to people's perception. Yeah, Jeff would know. I know, that's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Jeff would know. Or at least he could weigh in on it. Oh, here we go. Jeff, yes, it's lowering of average kinetic energy of a molecular system. I don't even, what the fuck does that mean? It's a yes or no question. Can't you say something that, can't you answer it the way Devesh did is it cold is just lack of heat
Starting point is 01:03:15 Sevan please read Mere Christianity and come back to us oh stop come back to us how about I come on your back around the world stood and answered sir evil does not exist at least not onto itself evil is simply the absence of god evil is what happens when men don't have god's love yeah that's the part where he fucked up because we started in the beginning that god created everything and now
Starting point is 01:03:44 he's talking about the absence of god and then he lost me like he had me i was following along oh this is good oh yeah yeah yeah i'm with you i'm with you i'm feeling it we're traveling into the unknown their hearts evil is like cold when there is no heat and darkness when there's no lights professor sat down the student's name albert ein Einstein. Jesus is the light of the world, and darkness cannot overcome it. Please help me share this message. Type it in in the comments section. God bless you. Is that a science lesson or is that religious?
Starting point is 01:04:16 The music angers me. It didn't anger me, but I appreciate the fact that it angered you. I know. I know. Oh, we nailed it at the end. By saying it's Albert Einstein. No, he,
Starting point is 01:04:35 he fucked himself at the end, Jeff, that he unraveled all of his shit at the end. Later, Matt. I know you think that was that you would think that was einstein i don't know i didn't fact check that that's the thing that's the if if suzer or caleb were here think of how much richer the show would be caleb pulled that up and be like no that wasn't einstein or yeah that actually does say right here it was einstein we have a second source now jeremy's just dropping bombs God created science
Starting point is 01:05:09 duh the end is the whole point knucklehead well then he unraveled his shit I did a man live living on whale's belly for a whole week that sounds gross i don't know i could probably do that i would just have to get used to the smell science
Starting point is 01:05:42 do you not know what science is i'll tell you most people don not know what science is? I'll tell you. Most people don't know what it is. In a nutshell, in a nutshell, science is the process and the facts that we gather
Starting point is 01:05:58 that allow us to gain the perspective on something that gives us the greatest predictive value of its behavior forward in time or backward in time so climate science would be to let us know what gives us the greatest predictive value of what the weather is going to be like tomorrow but that same theory that allows us to predict what the weather is going to be like tomorrow should also be able to be placed on data to let us know what the weather was yesterday and it should work both forward and backward in time that's all that's how all science works it's just it's just it's just the predictive
Starting point is 01:06:35 value of something you have these symptoms that allows us to predict in three days you will be sick or you will be healthy. The science around COVID was atrocious. The predictive value was absolutely astonishingly bad. Anyone could have. It was so bad. And so that's why people get confused, right? Gravity was created as a a prediction as a model to predict how things travel around and react behave in our atmosphere so someone can correct me on this but but gravity does not work that that those models don't work at a crazy tiny tiny level things don't behave the same on a really tiny level that they do
Starting point is 01:07:27 around us me throwing an apple up in the tree juggling balls but it's just it's just it's just prediction it's just predictive value there's no truth to it you can't you can't you can't believe you can only believe science you cannot know anything You can only believe science. You cannot know anything. As soon as someone says that, then you're kind of left their realm. They're starting to go into zombie land. They've fallen asleep a little bit.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Or a lot. But it's fun. I'm not saying it's bad. Oh, here we go. Here we go. This is. I don't know about any of this stuff. This is like raw stuff. I know nothing about this stuff. It says here, what happens when we connect our skin with the surface of the earth? I personally don't feel any of this i walk barefoot all the time thank you here we go jeff the subatomic scale newton uh physics doesn't work thank you i knew there was a smart way to say it
Starting point is 01:08:35 uh so so i i don't i don't know but i walk barefoot a lot and i i when i saw this i looked over my wife and i go hey you need to make sure you walk barefoot every day she's like i'm on i do i think i'm doing some sled pushing barefoot my i fuck my toes up pushing the sled kind of like numb on the tips okay here we go well listen to this and enjoy this just motivate you to do something new even if it's not true, I don't think it matters. I tried to figure out how much charge the body takes in when you touch the earth. What happens is the body saturates with electrons practically instantaneously. I don't even know what electrons are.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Your body saturates with electrons? I don't even know what electrons are. Saturates, saturate, your body saturates with electrons. Those are. It's so fast that you can't measure. He said it's saturated so fast that you can't measure it. You can't measure what, how fast it saturates or whether it does saturate or not. You would have to take some measurement of how many electrons were in your body to begin with right so electrons from the earth enter the body right away and they coat the red blood cells so that the cells repel each other and then they can't clump and the blood viscosity goes down did you hear that that's the part I really liked.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Listen to that part. You walk barefoot, your body gets flood with electrons. The electrons surround each individual cell and give space in between them and changes the viscosity of your blood. It's easier for the heart to pump the blood.
Starting point is 01:10:32 The blood pressure goes down. All kinds of cardiovascular issues, they go away. I look at before grounding and after grounding. I don't even see the difference. Just one has more, whatever those balls are in their cells. That's the thing. I don't know if this is true,
Starting point is 01:10:51 but, but I'm still a proponent. I'm still a proponent. I'm, I'm, I'm open. I'm, I'm open.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm signing up. I'm going, um, No shit. Oh, we're going to get James Newberry on the show. I'm excited.
Starting point is 01:11:19 So I know at least one of you will walk barefoot more. I know I see that, and I will be walking more. I know I see that and I will be, I'll be walking more. Ah, yes. Heidi, let's talk about viscosity. Don't be starting now on viscosity. I know. I thought about it. Does it change the viscosity of all the fluids?
Starting point is 01:11:38 That's how I thought about it. Barefoot, barefoot, barefoot. barefoot, barefoot, barefoot. Here we go. We haven't done abortion today, right? No abortion, no. I mean, this is a chill show, right? Chill.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Everything's chill, nothing too heavy. A lot of just racism, just hanging out in the world of comedy, racism, right? Here we go. Enjoy. This is a good Friday show. Friday, Thursday, what's today? Here we go. How's it going, man? Have any of y'all ever been having a conversation with somebody and they end up saying a word that you don't know? Okay, one dumbass like me. The rest of y'all just walk a dictionary, split a shit, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I know I'm not the only one that talks to somebody. They bring up an unfamiliar word in the middle of the conversation. I hate when it happens, but when it does, I'll grab my phone and I'll ask Siri right in the middle of the shit. I don't care. My coworker didn't show up for work one day. As soon as he walked into the office, I asked him, I was like, hey, man, what happened to you yesterday? We needed you.
Starting point is 01:12:48 He's like, oh, man, I had to take my dad to the phlebotomist. Hey, Siri, what is a dad that's actually my mama's favorite joke she fuck with that shit why is that funny I'm barefoot while I rail your mom says coley i don't know that's a little forced i hope you're barefoot but it's a little forced it's a little forced for a mama joke you know that one trish that's golden is that old school it's oh kind of just like the method like the the change of direction yeah it's good i like it big word that one was titled big words big words words
Starting point is 01:13:55 oh my goodness speaking of a golden one i probably haven't shown this in a hundred shows so here you go you guys get it again again. It rotated back in. You ever dig through someone's Instagram and then they have the same picture of themselves like, you know, like seven times. And it's usually like a good picture of them or it's like a picture of them holding hands with like Sylvester Stallone or some moment that they're proud of. I always wonder, do they know that they've used that seven times as I'm scrolling through? Or do they? that they've used that seven times as i'm scrolling through or do they do they forget they like the picture and they forget like a year passes and they're like oh you know what i'm going to show the world that i one time met sylvester stallone they show that shit again pay close attention especially if you're a parent listen listen Listen. Listen. Listen. but the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it. Then when he finds out there's a hook in it, it's too late.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Wrong ideas come packaged with so much glitter, it's hard to convince him that other things might be better in the long run. All a parent can do is say, wait, trust me, and try to keep temptation away. Who's to say? There it is. I've told you guys this recently. I'll tell you again.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I make my kids do stuff. And I, and I, and I try to keep in, in a funnel or in a activity that I know that they can succeed in. I don't want them to do something that the net result is failure, right? And the reason why I came up with this,
Starting point is 01:15:52 how I came up with this is when I went to school, there became a point, I don't remember when, sometime between third and fifth grade that I fell behind and I couldn't catch up. I didn't catch up. I didn't have the skills, the tools, whatever. For some reason, I didn't catch up. I didn't have the skills, the tools, whatever. For some reason, I didn't catch up. And then so from the third grade to me graduating from high school was horrible. And then into college was horrible because I was just so far behind. then I had developed these other skills of how to pass, right? How to get by in school that weren't the traditional skills. They weren't the skills of, uh, here's the assignment,
Starting point is 01:16:32 do the work, study, pass the test and move on. I did. I didn't, I didn't have those skills. so there's this program called kuman that my kids do and basically you do some math work and if you don't pass you stay there and you keep working on it and you keep working on it until you pass you eventually learn success you learn that you may not pass this sheet of paper for 20 days but eventually you'll pass it because you put in the hard work and passed it. And you won't move on until you've passed it. And it's like that with all the things I do with them. Jiu-jitsu, they're not going to get the belt until they're proficient. Skateboarding, they're not going to learn chicks. They're not going to jump off 10 feet until they off of one foot piano tennis tennis is a tricky one tennis is a tricky one tennis is in the reason why tennis is the tricky one is because there are there becomes an there's a group of there's a class the way tennis works and the way some sports works
Starting point is 01:17:42 is you can only stay as good. There's an age component. There's an age component, right? At least the program my kids are in. So there's a class for kids that let's say are six and let's say that are eight and under, right? And that's the class they start in and then they graduate. But if you're 12 and you've never played tennis before, they won't put you in the class with those kids that are under eight. So you have to start in another class and it's kind of an accelerated class.
Starting point is 01:18:10 So you'll miss some of the fundamentals. You won't be able to master it like someone who started at four or five or six. You just won't. Unless your family goes out of its way to put you through the rigor and get you the private training and all the stuff you need. Tennis is hard. It's way more complicated than you could ever imagine if you don't play or you don't watch someone try to learn it. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:18:34 The nuances are crazy with what you do with the racket. But anyway, that's it. I'm not going to put my kid in something that through hard work that they can't pass. I'm not going to put my kid in something that they can that they that through hard work that they can't pass i'm not going to let them quit they're not going to they don't get to quit i hear parents say that shit all the time well my kid doesn't want to do this anymore they lost interest in it no no they didn't everyone loses interest in everything there's nothing everyone wants to do every yeah you have to easiest game ever yeah tennis easiest game that's why they invented pickleball pickleballs for retards and old people and people who just want to play tennis for leisure it's slowed down tennis
Starting point is 01:19:20 as zach jones i played tennis every day for two hours in high school, and I was still pretty mediocre at the end of the day. Shit is hard. Someone spends more per month on his kids than the liver king spends on performance-enhancing drugs. You don't even know. Coley, I feel like that's with anything having years of foundational experience will set you up for success more than someone who starts later yeah i guess i just mean with tennis you're right you're you're right obviously if you start jiu-jitsu at 30 you're not going to roll with the kids class it's just to play competitive tennis.
Starting point is 01:20:06 So you would have a better chance starting jujitsu at 16 and becoming a world champion jujitsu practitioner than you would starting tennis at 16. There's just no, there's no way it there's just, there's so much, so much time has to be put in to work on those nuances. I mean, those racket sports, you almost have to be autistic at some point. Those tennis players are weird.
Starting point is 01:20:33 If you ever watch one of those things, the Australian Open or something, they're a trip. Yeah, pickleball is great for non-athletes. Pickleball is great. I'm just teasing. Yeah, pickleball is great. Yeah, lookletes i know pickleball is great i'm just teasing yeah pickleball is great yeah look at novak started at four yeah and my kids started really early too and i don't realize how how uh good they are until i take them somewhere and someone comments on, wow, they're fucking amazing. But it's just because the guy who taught them taught them the nuances.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Short show today. Very short show today going to breakfast I normally just eat eggs out of the pan that are left over okay I'll leave you with one one last thing here
Starting point is 01:21:40 yeah it was it was full-blown racism Friday here here here on the seven on podcast you're gonna love this i don't know how you i don't know how anyone hears this even though this is just funny and then reconciles being woke still like soon as you hear this how how can you how can you do any like i'm black or i'm white or how can you do any like this guy's just clowning you if you're woke just clowning you the wristbands what are you new to the show on cold days i wear wristbands i've always worn wristbands when it's cold then i take them off and it's like oh i sweat when i wear wristbands i start getting really warm
Starting point is 01:22:20 let me tell uh i've really i've really part of me thinks it's just lazy every time i call hayley like i'm just okay uh good morning um hi good morning hi hey um could you get the boys um dress and I'll take them to breakfast we are doing that right now all right
Starting point is 01:22:54 okay what time I'll probably be done are you leaving I probably will leave in five or ten minutes oh wow okay just a normal shit clean underwear girls pants wife beater minutes. Oh, wow. Okay. Just a normal shit, clean underwear, girl's pants, wife beater, on-dial sweater, just the regular
Starting point is 01:23:11 shit. I'm just going to have them go in my pajamas. You don't like that? No. Okay. Love you. I'll change them. Love you. Bye. My kids don't even own pajamas. I think pajamas are a Okay. Love you. Bye. Pajamas. My kids don't even own pajamas.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I think pajamas are a tool, tool of the man. Okay. Here we go. You guys ready? I know some of you are like, Oh my God, the show's going to be over. That sucks. And some of you are like, thank God. Here we go. Here we go. Guys. All right. Yeah. I love the Irish. You know why the Irish are great? Because they're one of the last groups you can shit on and you guys never complain. I mean, think about all the Irish terms. It's like Irish coffee. That's just coffee with booze in it.
Starting point is 01:23:54 You know, or Irish goodbye. That's where you get too drunk and forget to say bye. Or I'm going to beat you like a redheaded stepchild. No one says they're Irish, but we know what the fuck's going on there. And they keep changing all these team names like the Indians or the Guardians or the Redskins or the Commanders. You ever see the fighting Irish?
Starting point is 01:24:12 Just a fucking drunk midget with his hat cock ready to go. Nobody bitches. You guys are tough. You never complain. And, you know, you guys are called the they call me the N-Words of Europe. And if you rearrange the letters in ginger. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:30 God, Mark Norman is good, isn't he? There you go, Irish. I just want to play that. He is so funny, Mason. I agree. He is so funny. Anyone who ever complains, I don't feel welcome here or this or that. I just want to get them a pair of headphones and put that on their ears.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Savon's calls to Haley sound a lot like a Netflix documentary when the police released the last call from a murderer who gets killed near her. You saw him a few weeks ago. That's crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. God, that must've been so good.
Starting point is 01:25:22 He's killer live. I bet. I bet. I bet. Yeah, how do you justify? All of those things he said are true about Irish people. It just crushed them. There's things that you know there's things that you know like when someone when when you pour something super hot into a styrofoam cup and you feel the styrofoam cup start to get a little soft or when or when the lid at starbucks the coffee's so hot that the lid at starbucks doesn't stay on
Starting point is 01:26:03 because it's it's either changed it's so hot that it melted the plastic lid or did something that deformed the edge of the cup up there. You know that something happened there. Uh-oh. That thing off-gassed or it melted or something happened and now I'm going to drink it or eat it. You know. You know you're not stupid. You know. Uh-oh. You're not sure what the implications are, but you know. And that's the same thing with when you go to Ireland.
Starting point is 01:26:42 You get off the plane and you start looking at those people and you're like, I know something's not right here. These people have been trapped on a fucking island for so fucking long and only fucked each other. And they got something weird here. Their dogs have something weird. Their dogs are weird. What kind of dog is that? Labrador. Looks nothing like our Labrador. Little cross-eyed, little narrower in the head. Just weird. Just weird. Just is what it is. It just is, is, is what it is. I'm going to say it right now. I would rather be a black than Irish. You know, when those, those things, when they ask, would you, would you, anyone in here want to be a black man?
Starting point is 01:27:29 My God, I can't believe it. That's so poignant. Yes. I w what's my choice. Do I have to be an Irish guy from Ireland? I'll choose a black guy. Especially if it's Jesus Christ, wasn't he black? especially if it's Jesus Christ. Wasn't he black? The Dave Castro, Seve. Sorry, I couldn't make today at 3 p.m. Let's reschedule for April the 1st.
Starting point is 01:27:52 I'll be there for sure. Is he still on the schedule? Jesus Christ. One more phone call. Let's see if we can. Is he really on there? Is that true? Let's see. Um, Oh,
Starting point is 01:28:11 Oh, someone tried to call me from Instagram at four 50 in the morning. Don't do that. Did you know that, that on your iPhone, it tells you, it said tells you. It said someone tried to call me. But on my iPhone numbers, like where my phone numbers come in. Where my phone calls come in. That's not Dave. What are you talking about? Of course that's Dave. That's not Dave what are you talking about of course that's Dave
Starting point is 01:28:45 that's definitely Dave oh you think it was the chat I'm not in that chat yo hey hey um is Dave still on the can we take Dave off the schedule Yeah I thought I had moved
Starting point is 01:29:08 Are we live right now We are I thought I had adjusted that So it shouldn't populate Maybe you have The comments are just harassing me You probably have I didn't even check I just thought I'll call Sousa right now
Starting point is 01:29:22 Fuck these guys Yeah double check it though But I thought I did because I also pushed, uh, uh, Danielle Brandon show when I did that at the same time. But I don't know if that, I don't know if Dave's is still populating.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I'm hearing rumors that you're not going to be working on the show anymore. Those aren't, those can't possibly be true, right? Cause you haven't, you only do live calling shows now on the weekend. I don't do a lot of phone. Oh,
Starting point is 01:29:44 what are you talking about? My clip, my clip for my new studio don't do live calling shows. Oh, what are you talking about? My clip? My clip for my new studio? Yes, yes. You see that? Yes. Oh, man. You got a sign?
Starting point is 01:29:50 Wait a second. That's your studio? Yeah, you got a sign. And I spent $100,000 and I built out a whole studio. Okay. Now I feel better. No. That's a local podcast called through the grapevine.
Starting point is 01:30:06 That's Livermore centric. Grace and I went on it. It'd be a podcast about the nutrition challenge. You see what? Okay. Okay. I did see that. That was a great clip.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Thank you. You, you really don't think anyone in your gym cares what their time is. You don't think that like, I like to beat people and workouts. Beating people is fine, but here's's the thing like when you're starting out when you're doing crossfit no it doesn't matter everybody's terrified in some of the people that that would like care about their times and are just getting started usually start short cutting all their reps because they're more focused on comparison and not on improve and
Starting point is 01:30:45 not on improvement and the biggest thing i thought about is even some of the even some of the athletes that are better in the gym i'm like hey dude you gotta train sometimes not every day it's competition you know what i mean right i i hear i hear you but i i do think that when people go in the gym they want to win then the workout starts and 30 seconds in you forget that you want to win because you're just fighting to fucking get your next breath. And then when the workout's over, you're like, okay, who did I beat? Isn't that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Yeah. And you can still do that. You can still do that. It's just something that I just don't, we just don't like foster the gym. Like I'm not going to come to you. Hey, Sevan, hurry up. Caleb's five reps ahead. You got to catch it.
Starting point is 01:31:20 You know what I mean? Oh, right. Right. Okay. I just don't want that shit to turn into street parking. Like it's fun competing. I mean, yeah, you could be competitive. The timer will always be there.
Starting point is 01:31:28 The people will always be around you. The standards always set by the movement. So you still have the parameters to compete. You want to be a bitch. You want to be a fucking bitch. Come to my house or go to street parking workout. Street parking should be CrossFit. Leave your ego at the door. Street parking in seven house should be, uh, uh, leave your ego at the door
Starting point is 01:31:45 Street parking in Savant's house should be Bring your ego with you Don't worry you can totally keep your ego Don't worry just come on Bring your ego with you and defend it at all times Yeah I'm going to get in so much trouble if Miranda hears that She's going to send me Send me a text hey asshole
Starting point is 01:32:00 One thing you will be stoked about is We actually provide baby carriers at CFL now. So if you want to do your kettlebell, please watch that is with a baby or two babies strapped heel. You're more than welcome to brother. I've been totally, I've been totally, um,
Starting point is 01:32:16 uh, unfucked. It's totally okay to leave your fentanyl out and your booze out and your needles and leave the stove on because anything could happen anytime you could slip on a banana and die tomorrow. So don't even worry about, uh, protecting your kids or putting your kids in harm's way. It's just, don't even worry about it, but thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Risk mitigation is beta. Yeah. Beta beta move. Oh, Dick butter shots fired at my,
Starting point is 01:32:42 at my Bay Miranda. I don't, uh, when, uh, we we go to, I don't even look into traffic. I just stand at my phone and hope the hand of an angel reaches out and pulls me back onto the curb. Good. Thank you. That's me. Thank you. Hey, me, do you remember in the Lily, do you remember the Lilliputians, Oliver's Travel?
Starting point is 01:33:02 Like when they're shooting those arrows at the giant and they just bounce off them they can't do anything to them yeah that's like yeah that's like me talking shit about miranda no no one don't get your panties in a twist people i'm a fucking she's she's a giant and i'm just a lily pucian dude you can't even call that talking shit that wasn't talking shit that was just that was some fun razzing like if you don't do that and you're friends you should be worried because then you're not really that close in the relationship i don't know if you guys know this but last night i was at greg's house and allison bishop allison nyc was on a instagram call with like the group of cross with the group of, I guess people from the seven on podcast. I'm not sure,
Starting point is 01:33:46 but while she was on it, she was talking into her camera and I was watching her and her baby was breastfeeding and her baby came off of her boob. Oh, and I think the whole team saw a nipple last night. I think, I don't know. I don't look at Rob Myers.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Yes, that's correct. Hey, if that is correct, I want everybody to do us a favor please donate 4.99 to the podcast right now that was not free we set that up you're welcome now listen uh trish i love this community 4.99 now listen um those if that i thought that all those people got together uh to because they you know just because they liked each other. I realized last night after seeing Alison on the call that they are not on there for,
Starting point is 01:34:29 they're only on there for one reason. All right. Thanks. All right. I'll talk to you later. Bye. Yeah. You missed it.
Starting point is 01:34:43 All right, guys. Love you guys. Uh, see you either. Uh, see you soon. I'm not sure when,
Starting point is 01:34:47 but I'll see you guys very soon. Bye. Bye.

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