The Sevan Podcast - #862 - I Petty The Fool | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A lot in 90 minutes. Bam! We're live. Look, Matt Souza's here. I thought he... When the music plays, I have to have my mouth so close. Like, I'm acting like a weird job, right? Yeah. But if I appear, I can, like, talk over the music. Good morning. I called Matt at 10 o'clock last night.
Starting point is 00:00:20 He texted me at 9.45, so I wasn't being rude. It wasn't like I was just thinking i could call even though i would and uh i'm like hey dude uh i got to um take the kids somewhere this morning should we start an hour early and we debated back and forth and i want to have enough time to do the whole shtick but then sometimes i come on here and i'm just too tired and i'm not able to give it my all. So Matt and I decided better to come on here rested. Rested. Right? Rested?
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah. Confirmation. It's early. Build me up. Yes. Rested. Yes, yes, of course. I'm still waking up too, and I was disappointed. I don't know what's going on with my espresso machine, but it like poured the tiniest amount of it. Oh, I didn't have enough time.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Life sucks. Hey, do you want to go make another one? Seriously? I'm serious. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Just because it's, it's, there's something up with it. So if I would have thought that I could get out there and do it and come back, I would, but you think you got, you think you got caffeine in there?
Starting point is 00:01:21 There's a little, but here's the deal. I always double fist. So I got this bad boy. This is, this is regular coffee though so dude no really you wow what if that were to spill for those you didn't see susie just held up a cup of coffee and one of those fancy to go cups like the kind like you keep in your house like if to give to really nice guests who have to drive far it's like super thick right yeah yeah it yeah. I love those kind of, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'm almost out of them. Aren't you, you're not afraid that'll spill by your computer? I actually have a little bar mat that they all sit on. So it could spill and it will probably still spill out of the bar mat, but at least it'll have a certain layer of protection. You've taken at least one level of protection. Hi, let's start with andrew tate i i do not know much about andrew tate at all really zero just i just know from probably honestly i would say less than six
Starting point is 00:02:16 clips and no more than two minutes each i've never heard him say anything that i disliked um i love his voice his his affect the sunglasses i like all those things about him but i guess he's he has said some stuff to upset women i don't know if it was like as bad as like women are just cattle and they're meant to ride cock and then shut up i don't know if it was like that i don't know what he how far he took it but i do but i do know that um as i for some reason i'm starting to realize that our sex does actually determine how we biologically best we should we should look at our sex as a as a as a as a leading indicator of how we want our beings to express so i do think i'm starting to think that it's going along these lines of
Starting point is 00:03:04 crossfit right glassman said eat like this move like this, and your DNA will express itself. I'm starting to think that there's some real serious value in all of us knowing how to make our own clothes. I mean, you don't have to be fancy. knowing how to grow our own food. I think that this is more than just like, oh, this is cute or this is home-sending. I think there's some biological need in order for us to express physically, emotionally happiness. I think the further we get away from that. And for a woman, one of those things
Starting point is 00:03:36 that I think that it helps them, one of their biological expressions is having babies. I just, I'm starting to see like, this just has to do with fulfilling your biological destiny. And when you fill your biological destiny, destiny is not the right word. You're happy. And I just think Andrew Tate is onto that. I think if you push away from all of those things that you're biologically made to do, you will be, um, and you allow your mind and your emotion and the internet and YouTube to push away from that. I think you become unhappy.
Starting point is 00:04:04 mind and your emotion and the internet and YouTube to push away from that, I think you become unhappy. So like the perfect world for someone is to be born, uh, get rich sewing and hunting and cooking and doing things that are grounded in earth and, and have a hot chick who will birth your baby or a hot dude who will give it to you. I mean, I just think that that's um i want to try to think of a good uh metaphor i i remember uh hearing that if you drove a car uh only 55 miles an hour all the time and never never you know took the rpms high that eventually i guess there's pistons in the car they go up and down and they hang out in the shaft that a rim will start forming around the forming around the highest place that that piston went. This is a bad metaphor. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I'll come up with one. I think we can go. And then pretty soon you're only able to go 55 or under and never really able to express your true capability of what the engine can do, right? Right. But it was going to be bad because who gives a fuck of a car if a ferrari ever goes 200 or if it only goes 65 um yeah i mean i think there's so much synthetic stuff in our world that the further we get away from it the unhappier we seem to be right but but not for any like psychological reasons or hippie reasons or uh psychological it's a nothing academic nothing uh poetic nothing a christian just for the basic thing that like hey you're a sunflower you're supposed to grow towards the sun ideally you would germinate
Starting point is 00:05:38 at this time of the year and you would flower at this time of the year and and that's how you would express yourself and i'm saying that if you don't fucking sew cook hunt and i don't do those things by the way hold shelter you're the there there'll be a a piece of your happiness that's neglected but part of your you're not you're not you're not going to be expressing you should don't be lost buddy because i think i really am on to something this isn't uh um rocket science wrestlemania no i didn't i don't even know i saw wrestlemania one and then they stopped i don't really cook not really i mean i could good enough if it were up to me i would just eat everything raw pretty much
Starting point is 00:06:25 dude i had a grilled um i had grilled bell peppers yesterday they were crazy i od'd on i had you know you know what those taste like yeah it was it was nuts i must have five of them how's your stomach dude it's good okay must have had five of them. How's your stomach doing? It's good. Okay. I had five grilled probably bell peppers. I had a ton of steak, ton of chicken.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I had a bunch of mozzarella with tomatoes just soaked in garlic. Just sounds delicious. Yeah. Sushi. I love sushi. If I could only eat one thing i'd do sushi really yeah i didn't know that about you and wasabi i like spicy shit i like shit that's uncomfortable like black licorice garlic wasabi horseradish licorice yeah it's disgusting right yeah i would probably if you gave me a stick of black licorice i'd probably dip it in some cayenne pepper and uh and and wasabi
Starting point is 00:07:29 i played the it's the alpha treat right there so andrew tate number one uh so i guess he went to jail who for supposedly trafficking girls. I've heard nothing. I know nothing about it. I know. I know black records. I don't even like the taste of it. But I just love it.
Starting point is 00:07:55 It's the cross you bear. Yeah. And this is just crazy. This almost seems surreal. So I guess he was in jail for almost a year, right? Since last year? Maybe it's not a year. no i think it was like like three or four months okay uh and he's been it sounds like he's had no yard time basically almost like a solitary confinement type type of thing and he's basically saying uh i paced i paced three meter meters i paced i was pacing three meters in a cell with zero electronics or outside contact.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Absolute clarity of mind, real thoughts, real plans, vivid pain. One hour home and I can't stand my phone. Some habits die hard. We must defeat Shantan. Tate tweeted. Let me see what that is. Shaitan. That rhymes with Satan.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Sounds like a different variation. Oh, it is. Shantan spelled Shintan, Arabic Shantan, an unbelievably, an unbelieving class of jinn spirits. Oh, it's alcohol. So it is the devil. Shantan is an evil spirit in Islam, inciting humans to sin by whispering in their hearts. Nothing ever talks to my heart. I don't have a heart like that that I know of.
Starting point is 00:09:16 What's he doing here, just pacing? Yeah, it's just cool, though. Look at him. He looks a little fluffy. I love that look. He's just a little fluffy. I love that look. He's just a thick man. His shoulders and chest look good, though. See the outline of his butt and his little cock and his sweats.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, I love that. That's what a stud. That's how i talk to you on the phone when you just pace just in a pair of sweats with smoking that would fucking the cigar but i just pace and then eventually grace kicks me outside that's awesome do that whatever i tell my phone it's weird uh david weed does anyone believe anything that clown says i can't i can anyone believe anything that clown says? I can't remember anything that he says that I need to believe or not believe. But sure, yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I believe. There's got to be something he said that I believe. Oh, he was charged with nothing. Okay. I did not investigate this piece at all. I know a little bit about it. Oh, tell me. Tell me. What do you know so apparently he was uh charged with trafficking females and then it turned out that when they got the girls that
Starting point is 00:10:32 were the accusers or whatever they basically said no that didn't happen and then the romanian government just kept them in jail for as long as they possibly could like trying to find something on them and could not that's it that's it and right before that he said uh i think he was on like logan paul or something like that and he goes yeah there's three uh three ways the matrix could get rid of you first they cancel you freeze all your bank accounts you know kick you off all social media he goes they already tried that he goes second they jail you he goes and then if that doesn't work they'll kill you they'll kill you and call it suicide or something like that.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And then shortly after that, like a few months later, he literally was arrested. Matt, what is this matrix thing that people keep referring to, this matrix? I think it's just living inside the system and just obeying the television. Is there anything weird about it? Like the cabal, the Illuminati, is there anything like, are we really locked away somewhere? And this is just a, these are just a holograms we're living. I don't take it that far. I just mean, you're just kind of falling with inside the system.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Like the matrix would be like, you get your job at your corporate thing. You follow all the woke protocols. You send your kid to the public school you get all the shots you never question the authorities you never question the doctors what's he doing though why would they give a fuck about him isn't he just an entertainer he just says stuff like yeah get bitches get money be you know stay strong lift weights isn't that his yeah and just he's kind of just like a different version of a fucking rapper isn't he he's like like the religious like a more islamic less hood rapper yeah i would say if you were kind of follow the storyline of andrew tate the reason why he was being attacked according to him and other other you know influencers was because he's mobilizing that you know 15 through
Starting point is 00:12:21 25 age group male and he's basically saying saying, Hey, look, you guys are all being told to be pansies. And I'm going to push back against that really hard. I don't see him as a threat to the system as well. I seem as more entertainment, kind of like a weird kind of wise man, a unique kind of a wise man. He's kind of evolved too. at first and uh zach tillander talked about this a little bit when he said that he would have his um kind of like his only fans like a version of that and i'm butchering this and oversimplifying it but he basically had that and then he would be the guy messaging all the other guys and would kind of scam him for money
Starting point is 00:12:58 and be like hey i want to come visit you but i need 10 grand and then you know a month later like i didn't work but if you send me another 10 sorry you know oh the the tate was doing something like that yeah then he was manipulating the guys chatting to him because he sent the thing was that he says i'm a guy so i know what guys want so i could kind of manipulate them easier you just stand in front of the camera and get naked i made a bunch of money like that i don't know if i should say this next thing They made a bunch of money like that. I don't know if I should say this next thing. It was kind of along the lines of so what.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Not so what to you, but, like, there's nothing wrong with that. Like, if you are reaching out to a girl on Instagram, like, this idea of being catfished is a misnomer to me like like you weren't catfished you're a moron throw this in the pile uh cooking hunting uh working hard meeting girls in person if you're meeting girls online you you've you've um spent some of your happiness equity you won't have happiness that there won't be you're not living out what you're supposed to be doing, cultivating the skills that you need to procure. Caleb, is that a word? Caleb? Caleb, procure a beaver.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Oh, get it? Play on words there. If you're not procuring your own beaver then you won't be happiness if you're if you're uh outsourcing your ability to procure it if you're having it delivered by amazon or tinder or whatever you you won't you won't have happiness either i i'm starting to really uh taking this crossfit thing just to heart um obtain yeah especially with care or effort yeah if you're not getting pussy with care or effort on your own part in your your your uh thank you mr kenneth
Starting point is 00:14:51 i don't even know how i know words i don't i don't isn't that weird yeah Where did they all live? Man, you have to, I hope you, I hope you guys see it. Would anyone refuse to see what I'm saying just because they know they can't live it and they're afraid to live it and so that they want to deny that it might be right. Yeah. I wonder if that's 51% of the people. I think that's my, I think that's my biggest problem with understanding people. Well, people think that they can't, they think that they would be hypocrites. Like people can't sit here and smoke and be like, dude, smoking so bad for you.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Or they can't sit here and eat a chocolate bar and be like, dude, eating chocolate's the worst thing ever for you. Like they think they're being a hypocrite. They can't be like, dude, someone is a hundred percent right. If you can get your own pussy, build shelter, cook, dude, Sevalon is 100% right. If you can get your own pussy, build shelter, cook, do all of these things, like, oh my God, he's totally right. As a woman, even though I'm never gonna have kids,
Starting point is 00:15:55 as a woman, I know that the ultimate expression is for me to have babies and that through that, those mechanisms is really where happiness lies. I wonder if they just can't admit that because they know they're not gonna do it. Do you know what I mean? Like they have an ego in in the way like i know a thousand things i should be doing that would make my life better that i don't do it but i don't deny those things i'm not like that's not true just to protect my ego hey dude i think seriously nick you want to know the truth i think that going into a whorehouse i suspect looking at a girl handing her cash
Starting point is 00:16:29 and fucking the bejesus out of her six six seconds of pumping is uh more real than fucking uh meeting your wife on tinder and living happily ever after so i yeah good old-fashioned buddy rant you know oh yeah i'm open to being wrong um but uh yeah care for the uterus yes oh man care for the uterus that's funny i never thought about that like only fans like the platform in and of itself is like showed up to the digital bunny ranch basically if you're going on only fans you're basically if you're a dude you're talking this is how fucked up you are that's the part i don't want to tell you you're talking to dudes pretending to be girls you're part of the trans
Starting point is 00:17:15 community you are if you do anything online uh for sex here's what's crazy okay let me let me let me let me let me let me lay this out for you you think you're a heterosexual male you've been having uh intimate conversation with someone online that you believe is serious about you you're kindling a relationship the eighth wonder of the world i'll show you i'll show'll show you. I'll show you. Hold on. Hold on. A hot chick. I typed in hot. I'm going to type in hot chick images. Careful, you might get some. You think. Here we go. Here we go. Give me one second. I got it. I got it. I got it. You think that you're having a conversation with this girl online right here? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Her. Her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Okay. Okay. And it's bringing happiness to your life, and you like her, and you send money to her and you're having, and then eventually three years later, something happens, she vanishes or you never see her.
Starting point is 00:18:30 But the truth is you just got quartered by a dude for three years. Who's making money off you. Damn. What are the implications of that? Hey, how many of them you think like know it too, but are just like, whatever, they're so bought into the. Oh God. You know? Oh God. Wow. Wow. that hey how many of you think like know it too but are just like whatever they're so bought into the oh god you know god wow wow i'll take any love i can get yeah just push that thought down like no she's into me it's like going to the strip club being like oh the stripper's really into me dude there's a guy who catfished himself. You can do that.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Hey, arranged marriage is healthier than what I'd say. I bet you 50% of the people are doing out there. I know it's crazy. Arranged marriage. Yeah. Hey, this idea of falling in love with someone and marrying them based on just love is like, this is modern. This is like one or 200 years. This came with sugar. This came with fucking industrialization.
Starting point is 00:19:30 This came with sugar. You guys know that, right? People know that? Do you know anybody that's gotten arranged marriage? Kind of. Kind of. And the one immediately pops to mind. They have four or five kids.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And how's their relationship I guess good they've been married for a fucking long time Paki's Pakistani yeah I know a couple too that were arranged 536 there is a i don't know i don't know what i think about this
Starting point is 00:20:10 this next um i think this is just a fun intimate moment caught on tv i think this is probably in the 2000s but it feels so 1980 to me these are two uh famous you you uh of mma icons i wish i could remember this lady's name she's a one of the top you know commentators uh desk people over at uh ufc super hot crazy professional cool by professional i mean you know nose or shit nose fighting and here she is with rampage jackson and he's getting all wound up around her i can't tell what she's asking here though she said her question is like for lack of a better word is so white how do the homeboys like you how do the homeboys like you wait is that she asked no one says that the homeboys are the
Starting point is 00:21:07 mexicans okay here we go how do the homeboys respond to you because you know i don't necessarily see a lot of bro yeah man black folk love me i love black folk because i'm black black girls love me too man i get hit on by black girls all the time i'll be like i'll be showing my nipple i'll be doing my nipple dance black girls love me man i love them black girls back too man i'll be loving me some black women. Are you black? I love all parts of you. You know black part? What other part are you? I'm Jamaican black and white. She's Jamaican me hornet.
Starting point is 00:21:32 She's hot. That's why I gave her the interview. She's hot. Thank you, real estate. All on camera. All on camera. You know I be humping reporters, so you might not... I've seen it. You might want to get away. I've been a long training camp. Get away from me. Get away. You got a lot of fans. How do the homeboys respond to you?
Starting point is 00:21:48 He's getting wound up. He was, yeah. Hey, I think that's a great call HR, yeah, for sure. I think that's a great characterization of a healthy man right there. That's like a... That's just a healthy dude. Is this the way he's acting you mean yeah i think that that's just yeah that's just like that's just a healthy man yeah he's he's getting in a frenzy he's with some
Starting point is 00:22:16 that chick's like a fucking 10 and he's getting in a frenzy he's trying to keep his shit together right that's like a super alpha entertaining man but but he's he's part joking but part not yeah yeah like more not than is but it is just so he doesn't take it too far and get in trouble hey seven why don't you like marquez uh i like marquez it sucked when he knocked out pacquiao sucked but good i think he i think he's juiced up or sherwood oh pat sherwood and tommy marquez were they douchey to you i don't think i don't douchey to me don't let anyone be douchey to me i thought all you cross the media bros stuck together after the shake-up no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We definitely did not stick together. The shakeup.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Listen, someone fucking walked in the room with a fucking gun and said, stick them up. And some people were like, okay. There were 50 different ways you could react, and we all got to see how each other react oh Hayley Adams was on Sherwood show I saw YouTube thinks I should watch it yeah me too I didn't watch it did you watch it no bro I just got
Starting point is 00:23:37 I experienced emotions of ego that I that I did not like to see in myself honestly I wasn't too I wasn't proud of my subtle. Good for you on cultivating awareness around that emotion. Thank you. Yeah, that is good.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Okay, here, this, I'm going to need help with this. Okay. Your titles are hilarious, sorry yeah thank you okay 532 now i'm i'm gonna show you this and i'm gonna need help so pay attention carefully this is this is i'm gonna need guidance here for this one how you doing all right okay so this is a guy uh comes out he's in slippers and a robe. I think maybe he had something in his mouth. He was smoking.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Maybe it was a toothpick. I don't know. And he walks out on his porch, and there's two – I believe there's two cops, but only one in frame. And the first time – maybe we'll watch this four times, but pay attention to this, what happens here. Sit. Wait, wait, hold on. Sit. Sit.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Sit. Get it? The chicken hawk. Do you remember him? Yep. Yep. Okay, here we go. Police officer Joe and Lamar have an interaction on the porch.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Hey, I'm an investigator headed in from the sheriff's office. What's your name? Stephen Blunt. Stephen Blunt. Yes, sir. Hi. How long have you been staying here? I've been staying here for a while now.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Okay. What are you going to do on the 2 today? Next month, Mr. Chief. Yeah, he's smoking. Okay, so listen. Imagine your job is to pull people over and give them tickets for speeding, running stop signs. If someone's robbing a bank to run in if someone's holding a knife at a little kid's neck to go and check out the situation to help old ladies who've fallen down in the street all of those things it's one encompassing
Starting point is 00:25:55 fucking job now imagine that you're just a regular fucking dipshit like me and you know that that and I have a fucking let's say I have an IQ of like probably like an IQ of 100 somewhere between 95 and 105 and I can assess that these guys have a really tough job a really tough job that it's a huge swath of duties that they have to do. Huge swath.
Starting point is 00:26:30 From pulling a fucking dead skunk out of the middle of the street to walking up on someone who randomly pulls a gun and shoots at you. That's fucking insane. 15 minutes ago this guy was pulled over with a fucking shovel in his hand taking a skunk out of the street in front of your house a few minutes before then he got called to a call where your son got hit
Starting point is 00:26:58 on a fucking bike by a fucking car and he saved your son's life and did CPR on your fucking son no not 110 95 to 105 max you can't tell me you're worried you you you're you're you're gonna criticize these fucking guys you think that this is some outlier fucking situation we're watching oh that's a great freeze frame suza it was a blunt yeah smoking a blunt well don't get crazy you can see i don't know how you could say blunt he's smoking you could see the pistol oh shit
Starting point is 00:27:38 suza beaver you ain't got shit on Sousa. You're telling me that, let me tell you something, anything, if you act even remotely fucking stupid and a cop clubs you, I don't give a fuck. Fuck you. I give them full carte blanche. Now, that's your fucking dad right there. That's your brother. That's your husband. That's your husband. That's your nephew. That's your daughter.
Starting point is 00:28:11 All he's doing is walking up to this house. That guy said his name was Stephen Blunt. Already being a fucking asshole by smoking in front of a cop already showing that he has no social fucking uh just like just a bitch like you just don't do that you don't walk up and talk to anyone with the blunt in your mouth you're basically already saying you're a scumbag colin kaepernick got upset because his parents thought that cornrows made him look like a fucking hood rat hey fuck you that's the society we live in it's okay they're signifiers yeah exactly the guy at the door wants to die yes i'm going to take it a step further yeah no etiquette thank you was it a loss for words no there's a social uh may lou this is a fucking how could you how could you expect someone to do this man's job
Starting point is 00:29:13 and not have just an abundance of uh compassion for him empathy and work with him when you see him buzzing around your town this man or woman you fucking nuts i don't fucking love cops i fucking hate cops don't get it twisted i fucking hate a cop i question the psychology why you'd want that fucking job did you hey dude i love what they fucking do and i not I am not gonna fucking persecute someone who has the fucking worst job that has an insane swath of fucking duties that come to holding my son in his arm as he takes his last
Starting point is 00:29:53 breath so I can fucking show up because he's been hit by a car to fucking walking up to some guy's house and pulling a gun on him all in the same day fuck you guys those of you who can't even make that connection a gun on them all in the same day. Fuck you guys. Those of you who can't even make that connection
Starting point is 00:30:09 of that and build just a massive amount of empathy and sympathy for them. Dude, I've been in plenty of situations where cops have treated me like complete garbage. Yeah, I wasn't treated great by them. Although I was usually doing dumb shit shit so it is what it is something tells me someone has traffic
Starting point is 00:30:34 court on Monday hey did you read the backstory on this no did you yeah oh tell me just right now it just says this this morning.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Let's watch it one more time before you say it. Watch it one more time. Okay, heads up, people. Here we go. How you doing? All right. Hey, I'm an investigator heading in from the sheriff's office. What's your name?
Starting point is 00:30:56 Steven Blunt. Steven Blunt. Yes, sir. Hi. How long have you been staying here? I've been staying here for a while now. Okay. How long have you been staying here? For a while staying here for a while now. Okay. How long have you been staying here?
Starting point is 00:31:05 For a while. He responds. It looks like he's looking at what he's been up to today. Dude. Are you kidding me? Shopper! Shopper! Shopper! Show me your hands! Dude. Are you kidding me? How are you just not, how do you not see that? And you're just not like, Hey, that's my, that's my father, my son, my nephew, my.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Steven. Steven. I just may sir. Hi. How long have you been staying here? I just manned for a while now. Okay. What are you going to do on Tuesday? Next month, next Tuesday. Okay. No one here has a job where someone's randomly going to pull a gun on you today, and every single person you have to think like that.
Starting point is 00:32:08 No one here, unless you're a fucking cop. You can't put up a – you can't understand why it's so important on how you deal with these people because of the severity of life and death situations they put themselves in every fucking second. Life and death situations they put themselves in every fucking second. How are you just not overflowing with compassion for these fucking guys? Well, Sevan, they chose that job. If that's your response, that's not even a logical comeback. So what? So what?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Different subject. Totally different subject. What I'm saying is that 20 minutes ago, this guy could have been giving your kid CPR, and now someone's fucking pulling a gun on him. And 20 minutes ago, he could have – I agree. You could be like, well, 20 minutes ago, he could have also been harassing some kids for smoking weed and hit them with a baton unnecessarily. I agree. But maybe those kids should have been on the overpass sign smoking weed. I'm saying I give these guys a lot of fucking latitude. Yeah, dude, watch too much John Wick. I agree. It is pretty
Starting point is 00:33:17 impressive that he pulled that out and it looks like he got shots off of both cops. It's pretty crazy. Yeah, how about this? Right, they should have shot him in the leg. How about fuck you? Should have shot him in the leg. Those cops were totally irresponsible.
Starting point is 00:33:39 There could have been someone inside the house that they killed. Where is it? Who wants to argue? Who wants to fight with me? Go ahead, Susan. What's the backstory? Oh,
Starting point is 00:33:51 you're muted. You're muted. Apparently that guy showed up at a school event at Manchester high school with a gun. And so then when he was going to be approached, he fled from the school resource officers. Douglas County deputies were able to track him to the house that you see here where he resulted in the gunfight. And then you got a rover in the driveway. That's a nice car. I'm not I'm not I'm not accepting any any police hate. Sorry. No matter what.
Starting point is 00:34:23 They could be running a prostitution ring. They could be running a prostitution ring. They could be running a sex trafficking ring. Whatever. Bust those guys. Get them out. But that job fucking sucks. And I'm not doing any cop hate. I'm only doing cop love.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I'm not doing fucking guys. I'm for cop accountability. A little bit. Not hate. Not any of that. Maybe some. Hey, in two bit. Not hate, not any of that. Maybe some. Hey, in two years. Not some inordinate amount.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I'm for like a little more leniency on people getting hit with sticks and shit with the batons. I'm a little more. I'm going to let you arrest them with a dump truck, scoop up homeless people, and pour them into the back of a truck. Sorry, drug addicts. I don't know. Go ahead, Sousa. Go ahead. I like to go one step.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I don't think I agree with you. I would back them with those things as long as they first did their due diligence. They did their fucking homework. And if you look at the two cops that were in there, the first guy that was there, if you just look at the body weight on them and stuff, looks a little heavy. I bet you if you were to take a lot of those cops in there and we lined them all up, I would be willing to bet that if you read the job descriptions that you were just reading and then you saw these individuals outside of uniform, you would not pick any of them out or majority of them to save your fucking kids. So the deal is, is that we got to go one step further. We're looking at the result of action. Nobody's looking at the training and what's happening ahead of time. And so I do
Starting point is 00:35:49 think that police need more resources in terms of training. I think these guys should be at the gun range at least twice a day. I think they should be doing twice a week. They should be doing jujitsu twice a week. And then I think they should be held to a really, really high standard in the actions that they take and they carry themselves as prepared individuals and i think a lot of them aren't doing that so if i'm going to give them a massive leeway in the rope and a ton of trust as they work for the state which i'm not i'm always skeptical of the state then i really want to see them doing their due diligence ahead of time i hate cops they're fucking assholes where can i get my fifth booster i just want i just want to just want to do my part
Starting point is 00:36:29 and so i don't really even know if that's like a look even against what you're saying so i want to show you guys something here real quick frank get a profile pic dude i don't give a fuck what it is please please do me a favor uh nobody cares that this dude got shot i agree 100 you're making this a thing no no no no see no no you're you just made it a thing because you made the presupposition that someone that i think that someone cares about this guy getting shot i just think it's a cool video do you see what that do you see what just happened there people he responded to his own reaction and then responded to it he thought savon care thinks that this is some sort of issue with the cops no i just think it's a cool video i don't think that there's any issue and then you're saying no one cares this dude got shot i
Starting point is 00:37:18 yeah i don't care either i do not care this guy well i care in the sense that i'm glad i'm glad that he's not on the streets anymore i just see see it as nothing. By the way, this is a classic museum specimen of someone reading into something, then reacting to what they think that they see, and then putting it back on me. You're making this a thing. think is i like um i um i like i i like proposing to the world that there should be a um and a deeper understanding of what that job is i think so too because they are the thing isn't the thing is you posted it and said i won't allow cop hate yeah but not around this particular incident you're you're too myopic i'm talking big picture i'm just using this as an example have used – listen, I could have used an example of a cop getting a cat out of a tree too. Yeah. I don't think anyone cares about the cat in the tree either. I'm not suggesting. And I just want to address Judy's comment real quick.
Starting point is 00:38:17 By the way, you can get canceled for that, saying that you don't mourn George Floyd, that no one cares. Be careful, Frankie. I don't know if you're kidding. I don't know if you have the stomach to get canceled. Go ahead and Google that. Go ahead. What did Judy say? Judy said, fat or not, they're a heck of a lot braver than everyday folks. Word, word. And I don't disagree with that statement, but the reason why I was commenting on their body weight was because that is a tail sign. If they are doing their jobs outside of the normal duties that is required, their training and and all that stuff and that's just a visual representation of that you could look at somebody and you could know right away hey this guy could probably run a 5k without stopping this guy cannot okay uh frank i'm gonna give you an opportunity to uh ass pound me you ready here we go this is
Starting point is 00:38:58 you frank i'm gonna tee this up for you i'm gonna grab my ankles you guys ready for this uh but this is a security officer that i want to fucking this is a cop that i'd like to take out in the back after the game and fucking beat his ass this cop is a complete douchebag and and i'm open to being like seven you can't have it both ways uh play this second clip this is a man walking out onto a field at a baseball game which i don't advise anyone do and then turning around and facing the crowd and asking his wife to marry him. And watch what the security guard does to him. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:39:34 That link just froze on me. Give me one sec. Oh, that Twitter one? Yeah. Someone send it to me this morning. Hold on. I'm having issues with Twitter. Oh, isn't that funny?
Starting point is 00:39:45 I just clicked it too, and I got the same issue. Yeah, it's like. Oh, I guess you guys won't be bending me over today. I guess it's gone, huh? Is that what that means? Sorry, Frank. Put it away. You're not going to be ass pounding me today.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Basically, it was a guy. It was a security guy a guy was on one knee at a baseball game asking his wife will you marry me from the field and a security guy runs over and tackles him so hard so fucking hard that you're like hey that guy may have fucking chipped a tooth or something or knocked out a molar and uh and i don't like that we all dream of days yeah here we go for uh love the security guard don't trespass get hit guy probably played football yeah you're probably right yeah guy was clearly trespassing oh you saw it okay here it is you like this okay well here's why i'm inconsistent because
Starting point is 00:40:44 like i think this cop should be beaten for doing this to a guy. Look at him. Honey, will you marry me? I love you so much. Oh! Oh, my goodness. The dude that tackled him too,
Starting point is 00:41:03 made such a weak pass to side control there oh my goodness okay so so you see i'm i know some of you think i'm perfect but i'm far from it these are the inconsistencies i struggle with every night when i go to sleep yeah oh man yeah ask monica sells about people that jump the wall and go into their area. That was a tennis player. Something happened to her. I forget. But listen, this guy's on one fucking knee.
Starting point is 00:41:33 He's pulling the Colin Kaepernick. I mean, isn't that the official stance of the NFL? Drop to one knee, suck the cock. I know. See, I want to build all these arguments too. Like, are you kidding me? Is he not streaking? Someone said, but, but the thing, the thing is, is like, I realized the inconsistency because he's out there on the field and he shouldn't be. And those, those cops, their job or whatever,
Starting point is 00:42:04 those guys are is to, um, that's a great body position. You froze it in. Look at that. It's like some character on a video game. The guy standing, you're saying.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah. Uh, Frank Jonas. Uh, it's pretty simple. Don't disrespect cops. Don't get onto the field. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You're right. I just struggle with that one. I said, it's just, I, but you're right. You're with that one i said just but you're right you're right it was just aggressive you know if they would have walked just walked up to him and started talking he wouldn't have like you know he just would have stood there in the same spot
Starting point is 00:42:36 what if it was a ploy though and he would have had a gun or something and it was just a way to like i don't know then we'd be sitting here being like why didn't those cops react faster ken walters uh the the stupid things men will do for pussy that's true i don't follow the rules play stupid games win stupid prizes one knee or not he's crazy could still pull a gun yeah i know well thank you for guys for helping me with that and allowing me to feel vulnerable enough to show you the inconsistencies in my… I mean, it's all the inconsistencies we accept, right? Nobody wants slave labor, but here we are on our iPhones. My beautiful Apple.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yesterday, someone was saying, hey, other countries have just as many crazy people as we do, but they don't have guns. And so their murder rate is way lower. Oh, I heard that like, uh, mental health problems are everywhere, but they're not resulting in gun violence. I want to read this to you. What someone sent me. The US is the equivalent of a third-world country when it comes to mental health stats, most suicides among first-world countries, most drug overdoses, and since the 1960s, lowest rate of institutionalization for crazies. We are the mentally sickest, and we care for them the least, 2020 Common Wealth Study finds. I think that's a misnomer there, by the way. It's not that mentally ill people can't really be cared for. It's the fact that it's like cancer. It's like we have an open border where fentanyl is pouring in we're causing it we have to stop causing it a u.s death deaths per capita have declined 20 percent uh u.s gun deaths
Starting point is 00:44:18 per capita have declined 20 since the 1970s even as the number of guns have exploded recent uptick in gun deaths almost entirely attributed to inner city crime among one race i don't know i don't know if black people are i don't know if i'm comfortable saying that anymore uh strongest correlate for gun deaths is in different parts of america is skin color if you want to use skin color the highest portion of a population made up of a certain race dictate rates of gun deaths all that's true before socioeconomic before gun laws of a given state so this person who sent me this is basically saying hey this shit's all happening the majority of deaths are happening in black neighborhoods and we know
Starting point is 00:45:00 that's true 51 of deaths of murders are are being committed by 6% of the population, which is black men. If you want to break down the population that way, you could, you could easily say, ignore skin color and say 96% of all murders are committed by people who don't have a father and a mom at home. Well,
Starting point is 00:45:18 then that's something we could solve. Right, right. And so these idiots that want to get rid of guns, it's the same as saying you want to get rid of black people. Are you fucking nuts? Are you fucking nuts? Mass shootings happen in areas where good citizens are disarmed, schools, malls, etc.
Starting point is 00:45:39 We have 150 million guns in circulation, but laws in all 50 states that prevent lawful citizens from using them anyway just just another opinion i don't i do think that anyone who starts saying like i i saw a clip uh yet today and where some guys like uh how many deaths do you think trans um being transgender causes and the person's like zero and then he goes and how many deaths do you think gun causes like you're comparing apples and orange and oranges and the criteria for keeping something or getting rid of something is the number of deaths it caused well if that's the truth then we need to get rid of black people and sugar like this and that's coming from the left you never hear anyone on the right saying that hiding their fucking racism and their broken fucking thinking their logic eventually it trickles down buddy just know eventually it trickles down oh no sebon there's common sense
Starting point is 00:46:30 they're not saying that no there's not look it's exact look at all the countries where they ended up getting rid of people it all starts like that the jews are dirty i think the whole entire gun control uh thing is just a massive distraction from actually doing anything that would solve any of these issues. Right. Because it's just polarizing. Now everybody just runs to the home team and they're going to say gun control, which nobody knows what they're talking about or mean because they never put a definition to it because it's different in all 50 states. And then you're going to say, can't take my guns. It's my right.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's my Second Amendment right. And then nothing ever changes no one ever says hey we pulled all the data from all the major school shootings in the last year and we found all these uh key points here seem to be something we could touch on that might actually solve a problem and so here's what we're going to work towards and here's why and here's the data that's going to back that decision no none of no you just get gun control and then everybody argues about gun have you ever done anything with glitter have any have any same thing with abortion abortion is the same way the same way everybody there's nothing that's actually talked about there's no
Starting point is 00:47:33 common ground nobody's trying to solve a problem everybody's just trying to run to the home team that's it that's it and have you ever had the kids play with anything with glitter in the living room god no oh in the kitchen unfortunately in the kitchen it's happened and so what happens it doesn't matter how many times for months in the fucking kitchen yeah your guys's house is clean that glitter is going to be everywhere yep glitter is guns hey uh look frank frank says why is it so easy for black people in inner city to get guns why is it so why is it uh let me rephrase that question why is it so easy for black people in inner city to get guns? Why is it – let me rephrase that question. Why is it so easy for white people to get guns in the inner city? Why is it so easy for white people to get guns in the outer city?
Starting point is 00:48:13 It's just – I can't. Your question is so biased. But okay, fine. If you agree with susan fine i learned that glitter is guns it's easy for everyone to buy guns anyone can get a gun you don't need any like i can go i can go out in the streets right now and find a gun in an hour.
Starting point is 00:48:47 We should make a video. Oh, there you go. No, it's the question is just fucking racist. Just the way you ask it. It's got presuppositions. Why don't you like the taste of cock? Like, what if I asked you that? Like, you don't like the presuppositions in there.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah. How come the last time you sucked cock, you vomited? I didn't. I didn't ever suck cock. What are you talking about? Just down the street from my house in Watsonville, less than a year ago, the cops broke up. I forget what they're called. They're places that just make guns illegally. What are they called? They make the gun parts illegally. White guns, snow guns, ghost guns? Are they called ghost guns?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Yeah, I think that would be the term for them, right? They're just machined. Hey, did you want to throw up the live call-in number number i didn't know if you wanted that banner to run or if we weren't doing that and oh yeah yeah please we'd call everybody put in the comments i'm like five five five twenty nine uh um here here's the thing too you have to know i i lived between these two cities richmond california and oakland, California. And the city that I was in was right in the middle. It's called Berkeley, California, and they're sandwiched in there. And then on the other side of us in the water is San Francisco. And anyway, in Richmond and Oakland were like, you know, they're like Baltimore,
Starting point is 00:50:16 Philadelphia. They were like a murder capitals. Like, you know, they would periodically make a run at being the murder capital of the United States i never saw anyone get killed or shot i never heard gunshots because i didn't i didn't run with those dudes uh 529 this is crazy a pollution perspective one giant cargo cargo ship ship emits as much as 50 million cars. So they're talking about electric cars and helping the planet and blah, blah, blah. Fifteen of these ships right here put in one year put out as much emissions as all the cars on planet Earth. Fuck cars, dude dude that's crazy that's crazy 15 of these ships will you scroll down a little bit i'll read it put out as much emission as a 750 million cars it says um here we go the bottom line one giant container ship pollutes the air as much as 50 million cars yes that's 50 million which means that just 15 ships that size emit as much as
Starting point is 00:51:32 today's entire global car park of roughly 750 million vehicles what is that that's like one car for every 10 people yeah i don't know the math that quick but sounds right to me the ships are where cars were in 1965 utterly uncontrolled free to admit whatever they like in just one of many statistics a car driven 9 000 miles a year emits 3.5 ounces of sulfur oxides while the engine in a large cargo ship produces 5 500 tons that's That's cool. Well, now, you know, drive away, people. Don't worry about your cars. It's nothing. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Perspective's fascinating, isn't it? Yeah, it is. Especially when like a while ago, Newsom gave this whole deal in California. Like we pay higher gas prices because we're so far advanced in our global warming initiatives initiatives that that that's why we pay more did you remember you remember that it's a fucking joke douche that's a joke
Starting point is 00:52:33 uh philip kelly of vallejo richmond berkeley oakland san francisco all cities i have zero desire to visit so my friend so so i i have the i have a lot of friends in berkeley and one of my friends and they're all fucking just hardcore libtards, right? Hardcore. They fucking hate me. They love me, but they fucking hate me. And about a year ago, I told you the story about how one of them, the kid was suspended. Eight or nine year old kid was suspended from school because he called someone the wrong pronoun.
Starting point is 00:53:01 And I told and I'd been sending them articles that that was coming and i said in i talked to him all the time about the sexualization of kids and all this shit and they think that they think that it's like i'm a nut right they think like i've lost my mind like i've gone over to the rush limbaugh side of the world and uh but then but then these things are unfolding in there in there right they have they have the they got upset they had the drag queen uh come to their school and read to their kids. Well, now you know what they have? The Berkeley Unified School District is about to pay reparations to their black students.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Imagine what that's teaching your kids. I hope they do. Give them all money. I hope California just gives everybody reparations. Let's just see what happens. Do it. Bankrupt the state. And then you'll have a completely flawed plan and we can all move on from these ridiculous ideas.
Starting point is 00:53:56 The United States of America, the greatest country on planet Earth, hasn't taken one gun away from a law-abiding citizen in 50 years. It's a BS pussy argument. What is? I don't know what the argument is, but I'll make the assumption. I'm going to take a guess at it, that the government shouldn't take guns away from law-abiding people. Okay. Instead, we hand them to psychos. Oh, I don't – we hand them?
Starting point is 00:54:21 We hand them? We hand them to psychos who shoot up schools. Tell me I'm wrong. Mic drop. You have nothing. Fine. And I don't necessarily think his... I doubt that's true, but I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:54:43 I believe you. I'm sure they've taken one gun away from someone but but i'm but i but i don't see your point i if there's a point to it like yeah i'm cool with that awesome that's cool great i'm glad that seems to be working i'm glad that that i'm not i'm not i don't think i've i'm not sure if the insinuation is there that i was making the argument that i don't think people who want guns who deserve them aren't getting them. I don't think I was saying that. Caller, hi. Yeah, Frank. Frank, hi. Half the country
Starting point is 00:55:12 wants to, Frank. Oh, you are Frank? That's the whole point is that they haven't yet because this handy dandy little thing called the Constitution super inconvenient, I know, but that's why they haven't taken anybody's guns well that is the truth all the libtards i know think that who who
Starting point is 00:55:33 want want gun don't want people to have guns and they all live in cities and they all took the injection and they all grabbed their ankle and they all yelled at my kids when my kids didn't wear a mask. And yeah, it's that crew and the dudes where, uh, the dudes all look like betas and I'm not trying to be a dick at all, but that's the way it looks. They eat bagels and cream cheese every morning. Um, they think that, uh, the hot, they're, they're terrified at the fact that maybe that their doctors can't save their lives. You're, you nailed it. They think, uh, they think that you should give money to homeless people. They feel sorry for black people and Mexicans. Yeah, feel sorry for them.
Starting point is 00:56:14 What are the implications of feeling sorry for them? You're right. I just wanted to throw onto that stereotype. But I think it's pretty accurate. I think it's pretty accurate. You're right. I didn't even think about that. Frank, they do want to take the guns.
Starting point is 00:56:27 What? Say it again. Why does Frank think it proves any kind of point that they haven't taken any guns yet when that's literally all they're talking about and gearing up for? Literally, Biden just said it. That he's trying to pass an assault weapon ban when he can't even define an assault weapon.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Frank says, Caller, no lib wants to take your guns you're spewing fear tactic argument from the nra grow a sack and um have a take of your own god really you just god i don't think so biden biden so biden's the robot that's just lying on tv when he says i want to ban assault weapons oh and how about trudeau made it illegal to buy handguns in his country. I think, Frank, you're wrong. I think that, Frank, I know a lot of libtards. I used to be in that camp not even too long ago.
Starting point is 00:57:12 I remember what they smell like, how they talk, their smile, their condescending nature, their arrogance. I always smelt a little Nazi on my liberal – on my hardcore liberal friends. Do you know what I meant by that? By that, I mean, like, they hated you if you smoked cigarettes. Like, they wanted those people to be, they wanted those people, like, to be, like, hurt. And I was always like, man, that's a little,
Starting point is 00:57:34 like, how are we supposed to put that with the, uh, with our compassion? I've said nothing really to Frank, but he's blocked me in the chat, so I can't even see these comments coming in no Frank wouldn't do that he didn't block you in the chat
Starting point is 00:57:49 I can't see a single one of these comments unless you put it up so Frank's so sensitive to like someone that doesn't like he's all no tell me I'm wrong tell me and he can't even handle
Starting point is 00:57:59 like people saying well Frank has acquiesced a little bit here let me tell you what he just wrote here this is interesting he wants to ban them for future purchase your guns are all safe well frank that doesn't that admit what he just said buddy doesn't matter oh yeah nobody wants to take your guns everybody just wants to take your future guns unblock me uh he didn't block he says he didn't block you hey i don't think he blocked you either. Here's what it is, dude.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I think you have to hit a button on there that says see all comments. So when I watched the show when Suze was hosting it once, and I would only see, I realized that they only saw half my comments because I was commenting so much. Somehow YouTube coals the comments. So Frank is just too much of a troll to be, for all his comments to be seen. I see how it is.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Alright. Anyway, thank you. Thank you for, Frank was kicking my ass. I appreciate you coming in here and giving me some ammo. Yeah, Frank, that is true. The Libtards do want to take your guns. I don't think that's a fear tactic, Frank. Just the future ones, Devon. That's totally different
Starting point is 00:59:05 thank you peace and love okay now listen let's let's let's let's move on i'm i'm not even a big gun guy it's like cops i'm not even a big cop guy yeah i'm not i like the way you laid out a perspective of their job though i think that is important for people to internalize and kind of appreciate yeah just be cool. Just fucking be cool. Stay the fuck away from those assholes. But dude, if you live next door to that guy they shot, do you know how happy you are? You go over there and let someone fucking – you give one of those cops a handy.
Starting point is 00:59:42 They just fucking killed a dude who was fucking out of school as a danger to kids i'm sorry uh you get a fucking shitload of passes for that that's crazy though just gun in your waistband smoking a blunt going outside and you're like my next action is to shoot these guys in this driveway. The libtards I knew were like so against hunting, but they ate tons of fucking meat. And the thing is, is like they never they you couldn't talk to them about it. There would never be like some sort of like, God, it's a struggle for me. It's so it sucks. Like I for some reason, you know what know what i'm gonna face those fears i'm gonna
Starting point is 01:00:27 take a gun class and i'm gonna go in a hunting class and see because i just feel so bad for animals but i'm like there's there's it's never any of that it's just out there fucking protesting their fucking asses off with no fucking signs of humility jason miller there's a sharp uptick in stabbings in canada right now the guy who got shot is a shit burger yeah i agree philip okay uh let's uh let's go back we've done enough of guns and and cops and cops let's go to uh uh nike is for losers Let's go to racism. I want to go 535.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Let's pivot to something a little easier. A little lighter. Let's pivot. Oh boy. I get it. You don't want to carry a gun. Me neither. Just don't. It's so stressful. I don't even like to carry a knife. Okay. This is the view and this looks like it's so old this looks like it's like fucking 30 or 40 years ago i don't even know who the guest is
Starting point is 01:01:34 but listen to what the guest says here this is pretty funny kick every latino out of this country then who is going to be cleaning your toilet donald trump oh that's in the sense that no you know what i mean like what i'm saying there's more there's more jobs to be in la they always but they don't know so not only no i didn't mean it like that come on wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa you didn't mean it like what wait you didn't mean it like what i'm sorry i didn't hear you didn't mean it like what hey dude so what if that is true that, dude. So what if that is true? That's what I mean. What if that is true?
Starting point is 01:02:08 That's that fucking, that's the racist piece right there. So the fuck what if immigrants come from other fucking countries just like my parents did? You don't think my mom and fucking dad, you don't think my dad came here and my mom and they eloped? My mom was actually born in the States. Her parents were immigrants, but my dad was an immigrant, came here. They eloped. You don't think that they cleaned toilets? The fucking you're right they did.
Starting point is 01:02:39 And now she's saying that that was rude to say that. That wasn't rude. Yeah, who the fuck is going to work in the hotels if we kick out the Mexicans? Well, I'll tell you who. Fifty seven percent of the fucking service industry is white fucking people. So it's not even a fucking racist comment. but their inability to speak honestly is what makes them racist. There's nothing racist about saying, there's nothing rude about saying, who the fuck will clean our toilets in these high-rise fucking Hilton hotels if we don't allow illegals in? And there's nothing shameful about coming to this fucking country
Starting point is 01:03:20 and cleaning fucking toilets. Nothing. Zero. country and cleaning fucking toilets nothing zero there is something racist and there is something elitist about belittling those people feeling sorry for them instead of appreciating them that's where it's at. It's all fake kindness. It's guilt. It's just gross shit. Yash, lots of good hardworking Europeans in London doing these jobs just to send money back to family. That's exactly what my dad did.
Starting point is 01:04:01 That's exactly what my mom and dad did. They cleaned fucking houses so they could send money back to fucking Lebanon to my fucking dad's family. My wife's white as snow and has a house cleaning business for 31 years. She cleans toilets every day. It's fucking nuts. let's play this again these fucking bitches on the view do you understand that this is the systemic racism by their fucking i hate that word calling them elitist but this is all that mental illness all that twisted shit that's all democrat fucking bullshit this fucking bitch rosie perez she's fucking puerto rican she probably has crazy poor roots and she somehow got offended
Starting point is 01:04:50 okay let's go play play one time every latino out of this country and who is going to be cleaning your toilet don't pause pause yeah who well there's some white people who can do it. But besides the point, totally fair comment. Not racist. Not racist. Who is that chick anyway? Kelly Osbourne. The chat already hooked us up. That's awesome. Democrat fuckery. Yeah. I'll step on that. The Republicans are bad too. Fine. I fucking hate a Republican too. Fine. You happy? Okay, go on. I'm more the Malcolm X guild. Like, fuck the Republicans too, but at least they're not fucking lying to me.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Okay, let's go. In the sense that, you know what I mean? Like what I'm saying, there's more jobs to be in L.A. They always are. But they don't. Those are not only. No, I didn't mean it like that. Come on. No, I'm saying. In LA, they always don't know. I didn't mean it like that. Come on. No, I would never.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I challenge anyone to go to Los Angeles and find a fucking Uber driver that's not Armenian. I challenge you. And I'm so fucking proud of that. Go ahead. Will you play this Armenian Uber driver clip? I don't know if we're going to get in trouble for this, but this is. It's in the very bottom.
Starting point is 01:06:17 There's like four clips. Yeah, a minute long. She didn't mean it like that. The fuck she didn't. She meant it exactly like that. Because in L.A., all the fucking people in the hotels that work are Latin. And in San Francisco, they're fucking Filipinos. And each city has its fucking those people, the immigrants that came there.
Starting point is 01:06:36 And by the way, those people who have those jobs for 20 plus years are making over $200,000 a year. Don't fucking think they're not. I got a friend who fucking does the banquets, the Ritz, the Omni, and... God, what's the big one? One more hotel, I'll remember. In San Francisco, makes over $250,000 a year setting tables. Hilton Marriott?
Starting point is 01:07:08 No, no, no, no, no. It's Ritz Omni and not Four Seasons. I can't remember. I'll remember. But it makes over $250,000 a year setting tables for people like Barack Obama, Dave Chappelle. Those are the people he sets tables for. He's had the job for over 20 years. Yeah. Is it the St. Regis? Maybe it is the St.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Regis. Yeah. The tall bluish gray one. Thank you, Olivia. Yeah. He sets fucking tables there. Don't block Frank.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yeah. Someone don't, don't block Frank. We good with that. Do not block Frank. with like do not block frank no do not uh stand down everyone stand down i will i will steal your wrench i will snatch the wrench away if you banned him frank you should get a profile pic even like an eggplant or something uh semi assault weapons or semiotic firearms with large magazines of ammunition that were
Starting point is 01:08:05 designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use sounds like my penis yeah bougie yeah same age as bougie as shit yeah it's cool yeah okay uh here we go armenian this is uh american uber driver versus armenian uber driver you might need a lot yeah here we go. This is American Uber driver versus Armenian Uber driver. You might need a lot. Yeah, there we go. Hey, you call Uber? Yes, sir. Well, that's nice. I just took a long breath.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Hi. What's up, guys? Hey, Jeremy, try to get that hack out prior to calling. Just like, don't wait till I answer and then. Oh, did you hear that? Just a little. The last thing I heard was, sounds like my penis. So there you go.
Starting point is 01:08:53 I got choked up a little bit. I had to call in and I had like 10 things to say, but I'm going to not do that. I'm going to narrow it down. First of all, this is, shout out on that clip that you posted. Was that on a podcast recently? Were you talking about nobody cares about your score and shit like that?
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Local podcast here in Livermore called Through the Grapevine. That was awesome. No, it wasn't. People care about their score. People care. Sounded like some hippie shit.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Yeah, total hippie shit. But hey, so I had I've been reaching out to HQ, working with them for a long time to get on the L1 staff, and I just got an email saying that I am registered now. So I wanted to call in and
Starting point is 01:09:46 report that to you guys. That's an April Fool's joke. That's an April Fool's joke. Holy shit. Holy shit. All the silence was fantastic. I was like, wow, you went through the
Starting point is 01:10:01 vetting process already and you kept that a secret? That's incredible, dude. That's what I you kept that a secret. That's incredible. Oh brother. That was good. I almost wish you would have kept that going longer. That's really good. I was going to try, but you know, Heidi was probably already telling me to shut the hell up. But, uh, no, I had, so one more thing, one more thing. I had this conversation with that woke coach, in my gym and um I don't know how
Starting point is 01:10:27 common this is I I look forward to seeing the comments but she recently she's been doing CrossFit since 2019 maybe she just recently did her L1 shit last year and we're talking the other day and I'm talking about one thing I want to improve at the gym is talking about nutrition and you know obviously it's the thing that drives everything right and she says to me again she's been doing this since 2019 she says and she's a coach at a CrossFit gym she's like I had no idea about all you know meats vegetables little starch, no sugar, all that. Nut seeds, all that. She said I had no idea about that until I did my L1. So four years into the game, three years into the game, you finally did your L1. You didn't know about that stuff?
Starting point is 01:11:15 Like it kind of like threw me back. It kind of reaffirmed what I was saying, that we need to do a better job of talking about nutrition. But I'm just curious your you guys thoughts or if you if you is that surprising is that like it really threw me back to hear that uh it doesn't surprise me um you could ask a shitload of p i mean at the bottom of the pyramid is food and a lot of people probably don't even know what the pyramid is, and Greg has openly said in front of thousands of affiliates, hey, I'm the fitness guy, and I wish I could lie to you,
Starting point is 01:11:51 but if you just did the nutrition part of CrossFit, you'd be fine. I told her that, actually. I told her that. He's said that many, many, many, many times. You just got to do the nutrition part, and you're good. The rest is just icing on the cake. And unfortunately, including myself, a lot of us are more focused on the other part. And, um, it's just where we're at, uh, nutrition and metabolic conditioning, then gymnastics and weightlifting and then sport. And, uh, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's crazy,
Starting point is 01:12:20 right? That's up to the affiliates, right? They need to have that, um, that poster up or painted on the walls and mural, the fitness in a hundred words. Um, that has to be that, that's just, that's just the affiliate owners. It's on our wall. Yeah. And I just came. Yeah. And it should be, I think it should be on every, uh, across the gym. I just came back to this affiliate. I started back in 2013 and I'd been gone and I came back and they absentee owners, they don't, they're barely there. So it's kind of like more, more or less a co-op without being a co-op, but that the methodology has been lost.
Starting point is 01:12:58 And honestly, it seems like since Greg left, that's kind of the trend of this gym. And other CrossFit gyms I've seen, the wokeness. They hate Greg Glassman because of COVID. You're Floyd 19. And so screw anything he says. No, but I'll still do the workouts. But everything else, it's like, eh, you know, it's just really sad to see.
Starting point is 01:13:23 And I just felt like calling in and talking about that scene if that is common and see what the comments say i do not mourn george floyd's death not even a little bit hey um you know what would be cool jeremy is if there was like so you know those calendars when you're a little kid they're like word calendars and like it was like a square oh it's like this like you would have one of these and someone would buy it for you at christmas and then it would have a word and there'd be the word it'd be cool if there was like one of those um like there was a sticky pad that you could stick on the wall every day and it was a great glassism and then and the coach could just read it like it like it wouldn't hurt if
Starting point is 01:14:02 once a week a coach just started every class with today you are partaking in a program that has the cure for the world's most vexing problem. This means that you care. That problem is sickness through metabolic, poor diet and poor conditioning. And you guys should all be proud of yourself that you're participating. You know, just give them the fucking the fucking one minute talk you're participating in something that's not only better for you but you're going out and reflecting in your community and you should all love yourself for it i mean you could say that to every fucking in a class once every day you could say that you could have like you could have something like crossfit pledge of allegiance these people are
Starting point is 01:14:44 fucking we're fucking amazing. Do you know why we're amazing? Not because we're cool, but because we're surrounded by shit bags. Everyone who sees us out in public is like, wow, that person takes care of themselves. We're like fucking role models. Yeah, I actually had that at a grocery store. I was wearing a hoodie. And some dude came up to me.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Black guy with the hoodie? Hey, man, you. Black guy with the hoodie? Black guy with the hoodie. Yeah. Yeah you. Black guy with the hoodie. Black guy with the hoodie. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I had a gun on me. No, he comes up and he's like, man, you work out?
Starting point is 01:15:12 And I'm not thinking about it. I'm like, what? And I'm like, yeah, you could tell through your sweater, man. You look jacked. And we talked for like 15 minutes. I was like, damn. Then I took him home. It was great.
Starting point is 01:15:31 No, I do feel at the gym gym I am like the black gray glass and because I all everything you just said I'm the one that's saying I don't hear too many other unfortunately I'm not trying to dog my my fellow coaches but uh unfortunately there's you don't hear too much of that it's just a lot of complaining and a lot of a lot of shit you hear something like, I didn't know about the food nutrition stuff until last year. Really? Like, that's kind of sad. Isn't that interesting? They have opinions about Floyd-19, but they don't know about the food stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Service workers, Jeremy, 57.7% in the United States are white. 15.7% are African-American or white. 15.7% are African American or black. No, no, sorry. 15.7% are Hispanic or Latino. 13% are African or black. And 7% are Asian, in case you were wondering. I needed that stat there. We can move up to where you guys are talking about San Fran and become a service food.
Starting point is 01:16:24 We're going to make 200 G's a year. That's what I'm talking about. You need 20. You got to be in there the 20 years so you can get the, um, you got to be like at three hotels. My buddy says he gets hit on a shitload by gay dudes too. I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:36 my friend's totally okay with it. I'm used to that. Yeah. Well then there you go. Then you, yeah. So Kelly hits on me all the time. I believe it
Starting point is 01:16:45 alright brother thank you yeah I love you guys have a good day okay bye that was a great idea you just dropped there I wrote it down yeah but like just a sheet right you can make a big one
Starting point is 01:17:01 anyway no I'm starting the class with the pledge of allegiance thing for a couple of them. See how that works out. Oh, like a CrossFit Pledge of Allegiance? Yeah. Yeah. And it can just be about how great you are. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:17:14 So this is what it's like getting into an Uber car where Heidi lives, like Milwaukee. Madison, right here. Here we go. Come on in, partner. Thank you. Come on and buckle up there for me. Here, I got some. Here we go. Come on in, partner. Thank you. Come on and buckle up there for me. Here, I got some water for you.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Charger. We're just going to let it roll. We're going to do the stop thing. You can let it roll. Let's see what happens. You call Uber? Come on, my friend. Hiya, Saper. you think i'm joking look at this racism warming up the tortillas hey you can pause this hey you don't think i've not seen something similar to this growing up my whole life that's like break out the ouzo you'll warm bread anywhere armenians will warm bread anywhere they just need some form of heat that's very funny i was surprised i looked up uh um uber drivers by uh ethnicity and armenians
Starting point is 01:18:28 don't make a significant amount even at all but in la they're all armenian yeah have you seen that documentary how they like sleep in their cars and in san francisco or like rent an apartment with multiple other uber drivers and shit like that no that sounds cool yeah it's cool i would do that shit as a young man it kind of reminded me of you yeah a little bit they're making bank too uh 534 uh jorge our homeboy jorge jorge floyd what if his name would have been jorge what if they'd have been like hey he's mexican jorge jorge uh look at this we'll listen to this for like a minute this but this is this is a um i don't even know if we should play this it's but this is basically who's the guy we have on the show uh alex stein this is just basically an alex stein bit
Starting point is 01:19:20 like someone wrote no way this guy is real ethan's on to him anyway if you see this we're not even going to play this you should watch it it's basically just making a mockery of reparations and it's fucking awesome it's it's almost more fun as you watch this to watch the people in the background maybe i'll leave this and we'll use it for a different show it's too long right now uh 533 your kids are learning about gender and oral sex and learning to how to be a victim and how to be offended this is that's what your kids are doing because your kids your kids are in the public school system here comment what are their pronouns yeah yeah you like that look at these are fucking kids look at this head movement look at these kids oh seven they're gonna hurt themselves god that kid's head movement is so fucking good the kid in the red
Starting point is 01:20:23 seven they're teaching they're teaching boys and girls to hit each other God, that kid's head movement is so fucking good. The kid in the red. Sam on their teaching. They're teaching boys and girls to hit each other. You're saying any of that shit. You're missing the fucking complete point. Put in any activity in there. Dude. Quick. Amazing, right? These are what kids are capable of but no this is what your kids should
Starting point is 01:20:50 be doing all day and by the way if you that little girl ever tries to get snuck up on by some creep dude he's gonna get a fistful won't even realize it this is what your kids and when they learn that footwork they'll learn math and they'll learn physics. Confidence. This is what your kids should be doing all day. Not being anywhere near anyone talking to them about sex or gender. You don't think your kids doing this learn respect, patience, humility, acceptance. They're not even boxing, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Like, for those of us who are familiar with just fighting, this is just, no one's even getting hurt here. This is nothing. They're just fucking having a little fun. This is just a gentle sparring session. Those aren't even fucking full punches. Your kid won't miss out on anything i guarantee you these kids are better at math from the just the from the what they've learned through boxing than fucking 90 of the kids their age in the united states you have your kids in school being taught insane shit yeah yeah it's just a little spar yeah it's nothing i'll say when they're gonna get brain damage no you say that because
Starting point is 01:22:03 you fucking think that because of what bullshit you've been told there's nothing happening there or no shots to the fucking head nothing and they were slipping around on the floor like crazy yeah they were Nick Chapman not wearing nanos I could give two fucks fair enough I agree fuck those kids it's just crazy to think
Starting point is 01:22:22 that's just such a huge departure from the bullshit that so many of our kids are being taught send your mama link how about that i didn't even see hillary in the comments i'm getting off in a minute yeah off getting off getting off it's very important that we talk to our kids about their emotions
Starting point is 01:22:56 drag queens reading in a library never killed anybody with a gun yeah yeah it just fucked them up for the rest of their life. Today, kids, instead of going to class, we're going to hold up
Starting point is 01:23:10 our Black Lives Matter sign and we're going to march through town. Not my kids. My kids are actually going to be playing with black kids and Mexican kids and Filipino kids at the skate park where your kids are told to accept people. My kids will be accepting people. I won't even fucking,
Starting point is 01:23:42 won't even be a fucking topic for them. Jackasses. kids will be accepting people i don't even fucking won't even be a fucking topic for them jackasses i'm gonna integrate your fucking white kid into something get them into fucking jiu-jitsu and go to a tournament yeah get them into basketball you want to teach your kid about fucking black kids get them into fucking basketball being a fucking pussy right i mean right uh listen i know the other kids are, uh, doing a sociology one 50, uh, the, uh, race wars and this and that, and that, uh, we're going to, I know basketball is kind of dumb, but I want you to be immersed in black culture. Yeah. It's basically just saying, Hey, you're actually going to deal with and learn, um, how to, uh, you know, accept and work with different cultures rather than read theory about it
Starting point is 01:24:25 with your local teacher with pink hair. Go to a fucking black church and sign your kid up for fucking basketball camp. Sevan, are there racial differences? This is a setup right here, right? As soon as Trish asks a question, I know I'm being set up. Like she just threw her pencil on the ground. Now I have to pick it up. You know, I just see the question mark know i'm being set up like she just threw her pencil on the ground now i have to pick it up you know i just see the question mark i'm like i'm fucked don't click it savvy but i can't uh seven are there racial differences that aren't learned behavior
Starting point is 01:24:55 what are they i don't understand the question like like are there things that aren't learned that you would be like um uh yeah that's the, oh, oh, I see what you're saying. You're saying like, are there things that just Armenian people do or black people do or white people do that are part and parcel with that comes relevant to their skin color? Yeah, not, yeah, there are. Black people don't get sunburned. There's one. Your turn. Now you think of one not you there you go look at look at he's like look at look at that i know don't answer that right i know i know i
Starting point is 01:25:34 ain't talking thank you i was gonna agree with your uh the black your black church thing oh don't be so limited in your believing what's, what's conscious and not. That's a good response though. She has, that's not a behavior. And, uh, I'm convinced now,
Starting point is 01:25:50 like after attending the funeral on Thursday that I went to that, I, I'm putting money aside so I could get a all, uh, black gospel choir to be at my services. For you when you die. Yeah. And they're going to just hold it down.
Starting point is 01:26:05 It's going to be a party and it's going to be a be a good time i should not i should fucking not tell this story but i'm going to because that would be this story's crazy i wonder if i'm gonna get in trouble for this uh black people do get sunburned okay my bad uh mr mike sour $1.99 forant to eat the chocolate balls you're an asshole this is if I was black I'd be pissed though that this is such a small dick yeah it's not proportional
Starting point is 01:26:38 that's not correct when when Dave Castro's dad passed away they held services at the ranch and I got there to the ranch for the services and it's fucking
Starting point is 01:26:58 shit loads of fucking black people and shit loads of fucking white trash people hell's angel motherfuckers with motorcycles and hell fucking black people and shitloads of fucking white trash people, hell's angel motherfuckers wake with motorcycles and hell's angels jackets and shit. And the black people are the church people. And so the fucking,
Starting point is 01:27:15 the, the, the singers that his Dave's dad went to a black church. So like the minister, all that shit, it was like the weirdest cultural mix of shit i have ever fucking seen you know what i mean yeah in watsonville yeah the the people who sing the guy who does the reading his wife it was all like in this black affect and hallelujah and he's going to
Starting point is 01:27:38 the lord and see that's what i'm talking about it was it was uh i'd never seen anything like that, but yeah, that's what you're, that's what you're going to have. You should ask Dave if you can use the ranch when you die. Oh yeah. Perfect. It's all set. I was like, afterwards, I was like, Dave, who the fuck are these people? He's like, that's who my dad went to church with. I go, how about the fucking guys with the hell's all the motorcycles and hell's angels
Starting point is 01:28:06 jackets he's like those are my dad's business associates like all right all right uh gal gadot in the um in the uh chat ladies and gentlemen with her big ass head uh disguised as courtney olsen no one get that. That's a wonder woman right there. Wow. Pretty cool, right? You didn't even know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:30 I'm just like surprised that there's so many good, like good looking women that listen to the show. Me too. Well, maybe we're being catfished. Hey, you know, it's funny too,
Starting point is 01:28:40 is that is gal. There's probably so many fucking, uh, you know, she has to use that fake name because she'll get canceled out of la if she's throwing that fake profile pic too uh look at mike you've started a trend of money nibble uh from the side of the shaft yes yes oh i see so it's not so no one knows that i'm gay if i eat the uh if i eat the dick from the side
Starting point is 01:29:08 yeah from the side if you eat it like a hot dog if i just put the whole put it in like this like yeah like this like you okay you eat your hot dogs oh shit look at this fergie crossfit graveyard at the ranch, 10K for a plot. Wow. Oh, my goodness. If he's ever back with the games, they're like, run up, touch that tombstone, run back. Yash, I use SPF 30 moisturizer or a regular moisturizer and then SPF 50. Oh, there you go. You think that really is Yash, that picture?
Starting point is 01:29:47 Yep. That's one of the most unique looking people I've ever seen in my life. That's probably just a dime a dozen, though, if you're in India or wherever he's from, Bangladesh or Pakistan. What is that guy? Yash, what are you? I'm sure I've asked you before. R. Farley, $4.99. thank you uh no someone what what what are you oh no that's not your picture okay all right your english is better than mine oh what do you oh you're an english dude
Starting point is 01:30:19 but is that you or not? I think it's him. He says no. Wait, I don't get that. So you don't send Facebook links, but you can send YouTube links. Me personally.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Yeah. I don't do Facebook. Oh, you mean in the, in the, in the chat? Yeah. Shannon. I wasn't sure what she's talking about.
Starting point is 01:30:46 I don't know. I don't know. Your profile pic is perfect. Hers? Yeah. Eat it like Nicky Rod ate the banana. Oh, did he fold it in half and shove it in? Oh, Godot.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Godot. Godot. Thank you, Mark Fuentes. Godot. Gal Godot. Godot. Thank you, Mark Fuentes. Godot. Gal Godot. I like that. The 199 eat the dick. Let me see if there's anything.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Did you guys see the man who broke the... Oh, shit. I got to go. Darn it. Yeah, I know. I just thought that too. Someone said Republicans believe in angels and guns. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:43 I'm cool with that if you want to say that. Will you play 523 real quick? I got to tell my wife I'm coming out. Yeah, I'm warming up that, if you want to say that. Will you play 523 real quick? I got to tell my wife I'm coming out. Yeah, I'm warming up the car now. Okay. Okay. Let's see how long 523 is. This one's good.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Look, Andrew Hiller, 99 cent. No, thanks, Dean. Okay, let's play. Here we go. God, this one is so crazy. We got got to save that we can't show that one this is crazy what this guy says this fucking teacher asked his daughter a teacher at his school gave the classroom an assignment who would you like to and then it was like have oral sex with have sex sex with, have anal with. What? And then put the initials next to the people's names.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Dude, if you did that to my daughter, if I sent my kid to school and you did that to my daughter. Oh, dude. Go home with your homework and share it with your parents. There's so much good stuff in here. God, Nike sucks. Please no one buy Nike. They are a shit brand. They are so fucking horrible. But let me see a 522 if we can finish with just some talk about what pieces of shit Nike are.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Is there anything good there? It's a clip. Wait, who's blocking who? Yaz has me clocked for real. Oh, clock blocked cock blocked oh yeah okay let's play this god nike's such a shit brand do not support these pieces of shit they're those same people especially if you're fucking melanated how could you support anyone who's holding your people back like that as a whole.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Here we go. He knows his white adopted parents loved him, but they were very problematic things that occurred during his upbringing. Do we have the video of that? What's the problematic thing? Do you have the video, Taylor? Play the video of this, Taylor. Oh, your hair is not professional. Oh, you look like a little thug. Your mom said that to you. Yeah. And those become spaces where it's like okay how do i navigate this situation now but it also has informed you cut your fucking hair oh my god a parent didn't like their kids haircut never has happened in history welcome to being a child
Starting point is 01:34:02 and having parents as a black man who used to be a black boy black teenager uh when i had an afro and i was getting cornrows and stuff same thing happened to me and i don't have white parents i have a black mom and a black dad who did not like that especially when i started wearing chuck taylor's and snoop dogg had that murder case we're gonna play that again and you see that murder case. We're going to play that again. And you see, that's people seeing what they want to see. That's why they feel sorry for the fucking Mexican house cleaners.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Please. Please, unfuck. Do your part and unfuck a libtard today. Love you guys. I don't know what's going to happen tonight. Tomorrow. Lots of guests getting ready to come in. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Suzy and a man. Great seeing you. Bye-bye. Bye.

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