The Sevan Podcast - #864 - AGOQ and Team Quarterfinal Review w/ Brian Friend

Episode Date: April 3, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Yeah, we're live. We've been live. Ever since Daddy Dave made me go live, we've been live. I don't know how long it's been. It's Caleb eating some beaver. I mean, Caleb Beaver eating. Brian Friend.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I'm coming to you from the Three Plain Brothers compound. Training facility where the fittest, smartest, coolest dad in the world lives. the three-plane brothers compound training facility where the fittest smartest coolest dad in the world lives thought I was gonna say kids ah I am your host
Starting point is 00:00:35 the humble most humble wealthiest most influential person in the CrossFit ecosystem along with my trusted second brain, Caleb. And he needs no introduction. The most knowledgeable man in the CrossFit ecosystem, CrossFit Games ecosystem.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Knows more, shares more, has more insights. Emotionally stable. Coming to you from a shithole city named chicago i live a little north of the shithole he's he it's to balance out his greatness brian friend what's up dude i'm actually i'm pretty excited about this show actually not because it's the age group but it's just been a while. I mean, Chicago does have a nice skyline. It does. It does. When it's burning.
Starting point is 00:01:32 From a distance. From a distance. Yeah, from very afar. A seven-easter's ex-fit Jamie qualified for the Masters semi. Is that true, Jamie Latimer? No one's qualified yet. Yeah, take that, cock-ner. Take ner take that oh what do you mean by that let's just start right there what do you mean no one's qualified yet leaderboard's not finalized correct correct so we'll you know we will talk about the
Starting point is 00:01:57 leaderboard we'll talk about a lot of cool things i, that happened this past weekend. But obviously, it's a massive job to review and score and approve scores for, I mean, besides the team division, I think 16 or 18 other divisions this weekend. So they probably need a week or two. How cool is it that CrossFit has a division for old people how long has it had that oh um let me rephrase that they're not old you're just not as good as the best people because of what um being humans what happens to us uh there's there's a there's a sweet spot where we're the best at physical shit. That's better, right? Yeah, you're basically asking what year did the Masters Division start? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:52 They started before the Teenage Divisions. Let's see if they have them on here. I thought it was 2012. There's a woman named Lynn Knappman that I want to talk about tonight. Her games profile shows games appearances from 2012 all the way through 2022 with no interruptions she's 2012 is that we said yeah she's never finished worse than six at the crossfit games she will miss the crossfit games this year for the first time in the history of her career because she couldn't do a strict handstand push-up uh lynn natman she doesn't have an
Starting point is 00:03:23 instagram account and she wait don't tell me i'm gonna show off to you now she is trained by give me the first letter of his name it's a it's a famous guy see second letter h chase ingram a chase d chad chad schroeder from australia oh chad mckay damn i knew it was so unfamous i just saw it popped up in my search you know chad is listed as her judge for all of the workouts this year i think that's right okay thank you that was really cool of you to help me out like that so i look like I still knew something. Chad McKay.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You only needed four letters. It's awesome. Not bad. And not to mention spelling of the complete first name. For those of you who don't know who weren't around, Chad McKay was a serious contender for winning the games. There was a year where he was absolutely destroying the first couple workouts, and then he was injured.
Starting point is 00:04:25 was a year where he was absolutely destroying the first couple workouts and then he was injured and it was like there he was he was definitely going to the podium i'd say it was going to be hard i think there might have been masters in 2011 now that i think about it either 2011 or 12 but yes chad was a beast and he's a big dude he's a he's maybe one of the original big guys right who was in the in the who is good i'm not talking not talking about like the guys who were at the ranch. We're going to have a throwback tonight, by the way. Something popped up on my radar on the leaderboard. I can't wait until to see if you pick up on it. Look at McKay's calves.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Pretty good, too. That calf on the right looks like – or our left, but his right looks like a testicle. Doesn't it? Yeah, and it's kind of interesting. I mean, when you think about great performers at the CrossFit Games from Australia, who pops – who comes to mind? The great performers from Australia? Yeah. This guy, Chad McKay, Cara Saunders.
Starting point is 00:05:23 You're talking about old school? Men's side oh um god there's this who's who's the guy who is the he's the amazing coach too was a great masters athlete give me the first letter his name Swift Matt Swift Matt Swift but okay Rob
Starting point is 00:05:38 Forte is the one I expected sorry sorry yes yes Rob Forte god Rob I'm a piece of shit for that sorry what say again this is what's so interesting about Rob Fort, Rob Forte. God, Rob. Rob, I'm a piece of shit for that. Sorry. What? Say it again? This is what's so interesting about Rob Forte. Rob Forte, seven games appearances, and his best finish was 12th one time. Chad McKay, which is a lot less well-known, three games appearances, and his worst games finish was 12th.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, he was a savage. I'm telling you, he was going to probably win one year. He never really broke through to podium contention he was 12th this first year he missed here he was ninth and then he was 11th so it's just kind of he was like uh what year did he pull out does that include the year he pulled out he must have taken a 40th one year oh two years after that he withdrew in 2015 other withdrawals that year year were Neil Maddox and Joe Scaley. Oh, Scaley was great too. What a great personality he was. The thing about McKay too, that you knew he was great.
Starting point is 00:06:32 He was the kind of guy who had like the giant posters of him. Like there were three giant posters and one of them at the game somewhere, like the ones that's like six stories tall. And one of them was McKay. Somebody knew, we knew. Yeah, no, I mean, three times at the games average a 10th place finish. That's like, that's pretty good. And then he fizzled out into, uh, now he's a nobody. Now he's just a dude who trained some old lady. Yeah. And I mean, you know, there's,
Starting point is 00:06:56 there's examples like this up and down the leaderboard, you know, there's a lot of athletes who can only make the games one time. There's, you know, a smaller percentage that can make it two to four times. And then there's the, the rarities that can make it you know five plus times when you mention uh lynn uh napman going to the games 12 or 13 or 14 or since 2012 10 times consecutive and that she doesn't make it this year because of uh handstand push-ups are you angry are you bitter uh soccer mom before you answer that brian says lynn natman is missing the games due to lack of a strict handstand push-up uh consolo cruz has made the games with a single single double for double unders and not able to swim just saying for information
Starting point is 00:07:38 yeah this is gonna get to this is gonna get to a bigger picture. We can go. I mean, it doesn't matter where we go first, but this is a bigger picture problem, I would say, with where Adrian is emphasizing skills being critical as a part of your fitness early in the season. So he's putting, you know, we have, we have seen athletes miss the games because they were unable to do high level skills at the qualifier for the games. Sam Briggs, handstand walking 2014,
Starting point is 00:08:16 the year after she won Catherine David's daughter, legless rope climbs the year before 2013 after making 2012. But this is a qualifier. This isn't a qualifier to the games even for these guys they get a top 30 get to advance and so you look at someone like lynn you know so the the testing that has come out for 12 years in a row she's beaten the test every single time and she's made it to the games and performed top six in her age division at every part of that she's aged through two complete divisions and for five years in a row has made it and been in the top six whether they take 20 or 10 whether she's the youngest or the oldest she's done everything that's been asked of
Starting point is 00:08:53 her and when adrian talks about how you know you give me a couple years and you'll start to see my emphasis on on programming and where i you know my wrinkle in the nuance of it compared to the previous programmer. Well, we're seeing it right here is that her performance on the other four workouts would have yielded her somewhere between a fifth and 10th place finish, assuming that she had a comparable finish on the fifth test. Um, but she did zero reps. So she has one movement that she can't do, and it's going to prevent her from even advancing to the next stage. It looks like, I mean, it's how old is she?
Starting point is 00:09:26 She's 63. So she's like right in the middle of that age division. Now has that, she still could possibly get through because she's only two points behind the cut line. Oh, so she's in 31st tied for 31st, but even before,
Starting point is 00:09:41 even within the last hour or two, I think that she's moved up a spot. Wow, wow. Mother of four, grandmother of two, Lynn Natman, has been a constant at the CrossFit Games. This year, Natman qualified for the 13th consecutive Games. This is a post from last year. 13th consecutive last year.
Starting point is 00:10:04 So that would mean that's 22, 21, 20. They must be counting that as a qualifier, even though they didn't count it when they were talking about Rebecca Voigt last week. 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. I don't think that they were masters in 2010. We'd have to check that. But, you know, CrossFit Games Instagram regularly is posting inaccurate information so regularly uh far too regularly far too regularly is there an echo in here brian uh have the have the 60 year old uh lads is it what do you call women if men are lads
Starting point is 00:10:41 what are women ladies ladies have the 60 year old uhold lads and ladies ever done handstand push-ups before at the CrossFit Games? Oh, at the CrossFit Games? Yeah, and in qualifiers. Okay. So the problem with this is she got zero. I mean, does the score last? Some regions get two nights rest.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Some get one night. Unfair. Where some get four events over last? Some regions get two nights rest. Some get one night. Unfair. Where some get four events over three days and others get two. Hold on, Kate. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Don't get all crazy throwing your money around trying to suede the show.
Starting point is 00:11:15 We'll be right back to you. Then who cares if she didn't make it? That's her fault. If this has happened before, right? You've seen handstand pushups before. Sorry. Figure it out girl you're you know no you're not i mean you're not wrong when it comes to competition yeah surely it's uh obviously that's a hole that she has now i you know i haven't gone back and looked to see if it's something that maybe she's got an injury this year that's preventing her from doing
Starting point is 00:11:40 it and it's something that she's been able to do in the past i mean who knows um maybe we could find out but um it's just like let me ask you one more question about let me ask you one more question about that division this one's going to be tough of the the so you're saying 30 people from the age group of 60 to 64 are about to move on and she's and she's not one of them she's just in the cut of those 30 that made it do we know if any of them also did had a zero on the handstand push-ups yes it's the person who's in 23rd and the person who's in 30th wow wow but but you are suggesting that it's worth looking at that maybe it was too soon in the competition to put handstand push-ups in and maybe they should have waited to the semi-finals is that what you're saying not necessarily i do think that there's some some elements of that workout that um
Starting point is 00:12:35 so this is again the the question is a really nuanced question that's addressing what i perceive to be a much bigger picture conversation, I would say somewhat of a problem at this point. And that is basically that I'm not, you know, I can't tell from watching the open to the quarterfinals so far this year, what's the purpose of these competitions, I guess. So, you know, what, like we talk about at the open, there's obviously two main things that are going on is that you want to appeal to the masses. You want to have something that's accessible, easy to administer in a, in a group setting, easy to score, fun, challenging, progressive, and also you're advancing a group of people to the next round, but it's a really wide net. wide net. And so like at the, I think that at the, you know, you do need to have some skills, some strength element, et cetera. But for the most part,
Starting point is 00:13:31 whatever you put there is going to be fine in terms of advancing those people. However, there should still be some element of the open. That's a barrier to entry for the quarterfinals. Like, you know, that's why I, last time we were on here, I told you that I had Mike do that study of more of the 15% thresholds and what would that look like in terms of qualifiers. There are far fewer people who are able to finish in the top 15% across the board in the open than finish in the top 10% overall. It's harder to do, but it's also now you're finding a more capable field for the next stage of competition. Even within those parameters, you would have had women advancing that did not have the prerequisite skills needed for the next stage of competition. Even within those parameters, you would have had women advancing that did not have the prerequisite skills needed for the next stage of competition. Heavy front squats, heavy clean and jerks. I mean, this is for the individuals, but the same
Starting point is 00:14:14 thing applies in the master's divisions. You know, they had similar tests in my opinion, at least in the design, you know, ring muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups, unbroken handstand walks, wall-facing handstand push-ups. Like thisups unbroken handstand walks wall facing handstand push-ups like this test the test was hard at quarterfinals but the barrier to entry the open didn't really do a good job of filtering for people who could do that test obviously the top of the top can all can do all the things but you're you're letting like a big group of people into this competition rewarding them motivating, motivating them, and then giving them something where it's like, I mean, I'm done before I even start. And when you fast forward to
Starting point is 00:14:50 the master's division, you know, you see something like the first test that they had this past weekend, which was a progression. You have lunges of three varying difficulties. You have upper body pulling on the rig, toes to bar, chest to bar, bar muscle up, a natural progression of gymnastics. Pretty much everyone can enter into play, three rounds of the easiest stuff, two rounds of the next most challenging, one round of the most challenging. I think that's great for a quarterfinal because you're accomplishing something similar to the Open is that everyone gets a chance to start because you have a huge group of people who are eligible to take this test. And then as it advances, you're weeding everyone out. And at the end of the day, the best people will finish this workout under the time cap because they have all the skills
Starting point is 00:15:34 and the capacity and they'll separate themselves from everyone else. You go to the next test, test number two, A in this case, and it immediately starts with a movement that none of the people in these divisions have ever been asked to do before the very first rep six wall facing handstand push-ups strict ah so i look at this and i say there's a there's a bigger problem with this workout also which is that they somehow on their computer on on the back end, on their system, they had created something where it was complicated or impossible. I'm not entirely sure which one to enter a score if you got a zero for part A of this workout, for part B of this workout. Part B was the clean?
Starting point is 00:16:21 Yeah. This is the second workout? Yeah. This is the second workout? Yeah. Okay. And in part, this is where the kind person from Australia who gave $7.99 a few minutes ago's question comes into play. Kate. Is that you're distributing these tests at a fixed time to a variable population. That means that at noon Pacific time when they're released,
Starting point is 00:16:51 everyone in the West Coast can have their lunch, open up the workouts, nice read through them. Pretty much every gym in the world, for the most part, is closed in the middle of the afternoon. You can spend an hour perusing through 12 pages of notes for this workout and come up with a plan and go ahead and do it. That's how much there's 12 pages of description for this workout. Just for work, just for test two. Okay. Wow. Uh, two a and B. Um, but fast forward two hours, I'm in the central time zone and I have from two o'clock to four o'clock on a, on a and B, um, but fast forward two hours, I'm in the central time zone and I have from two
Starting point is 00:17:26 o'clock to four o'clock on a, on a Friday afternoon to get workouts done before the gym's busy for the rest of the night. And if we don't get it done in that time period, and we want to do anything else that day, we have to come back in the evening at eight o'clock fast forward another, uh, well, one hour to the East coast. And that time window gets even tighter. Fast forward to being in Europe where now it's nine or 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock. If you're in Eastern Europe, all parts of Africa, Asia, middle of the night in Australia, it's early morning. Everyone's getting these tests at a different time. Everyone's already aware of when the workout, when the workouts need to be done, but they have to like, not every person competing in this competition just has access to a gym that they can use any time of day or night that they want to.
Starting point is 00:18:09 So they have to make these plans. And that's what I thought was frustrating about this workout in particular was how many nuances there were to it that were different and unnecessarily so different than other things that we've already done this or seen this year. so different than other things that we've already done this or seen this year, whether it's the weights, whether it's the displaying the weights before lifting, whether it's the, a brand new movement for the handstand. Fair is a place where the, uh, they judge pigs. F A R E. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, hold on one second, Brian, you're, you're getting ahead of me. Can you bear with me here? Let me, I'll get you back on track. Bear with me here. Let me contextualize some of this. Is it true that the Open is – half the participants in the Open are Master's age, meaning they're 35 and over? Pretty close to it, yeah. a dickhead but this is this goes kind of in line with how that there's not a um occupational games and we had justin bergs already say that we're doing what matters and whether that was an
Starting point is 00:19:11 accident that he said that or not uh clearly the first responder community is at the base of this community it's where the um it is the foundation without them this fucking thing falls apart whether anyone there knows it or not. And same thing with the masters. So there's a little bit of neglect here maybe. Is that what you're saying? Or not awareness of these guys? Potentially, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Is there a fix for that time problem? Well, so no. Or is it just like America? No, no. That's the reality that we're playing with them. I don't think it's a problem, but knowing that if I was a person who is distributing this test and I knew that, I would be making an effort to make sure that especially the workouts that were needed to be done in that first 24 hour windowed were really simple for everyone to understand.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Ah, I see what you're saying. So there's things we can do to accommodate. Maybe we can't fix the problem, but we can accommodate the problem that's going to arise for those people who have shorter time. Yeah. Right. Okay. For example, and granted, it is true that there was this requirement last year in the age group qualifier or quarterfinal, I believe, but you have to display the weight on a whiteboard or a piece of paper for the one or max clean. Why don't you just do that for the one-ramp max thruster in the open? Just start the season the way that you're going to have that carry out throughout the rest of the season that way. Because everyone who's made this stage of the – not everyone who's competing in the age group quarterfinals this year competed in the age group quarterfinals last year.
Starting point is 00:20:42 There'll be a lot of people that, you know, they made it for their first time or they took a year off last year they just started doing cross in the last year or two and this is brand new to them right but every one of those people has done the open and you've already chosen to have a heavy lift in the open in a almost the exact scenario where there was a metcon and then a fixed five minute window to do a lift just if everyone had to do that in the open no one would think twice about it in the quarterfinals. Everyone, let me, let me ask you this. If they, let's say they forgot and they just thought of it. Now you think they should have just waited until next year to implement it. What's the value of having them pulled a piece of paper up with the weight on it? You know, I think that it's one, actually, I think it's a great idea for them to do that
Starting point is 00:21:21 because it's a lot less likely that there's something lost in translation. You know, like writing the numbers in English is, I would say probably across the global spectrum of people that we're testing here, more likely to have accuracy. Well, then saying the numbers out loud where there's so many different languages
Starting point is 00:21:39 that people could speak potentially. Well, you have to also see the weights in the video. Yeah. So, so that could have been something that could have been if you forgot and you just thought about it just now you could have waited to implement until next year i think probably the other way around you already implemented it last year so you you've had the chance to evaluate whether you liked it or not last year if you like they did that last year sorry i misunderstood for the quarterfinals oh okay okay in the map in the age group quarterfinals last year yes they did um you know so it's not the first time but it's like well if you like it then why didn't you use it in the open this year
Starting point is 00:22:16 and if you didn't like it why did you use it in the quarterfinals there's a uh there's a there's a line in your post you made on Instagram. You said, Hey, your biggest supporters are the people who are doing this. And so let's not complicate things for them or let's not frustrate them. They're the biggest supporters. They're the biggest boosters.
Starting point is 00:22:38 They're the ones who are trying the hardest. They're the ones who have committed the largest portion of their life. They're the ones making, they're the most vocal about, um, about CrossFit. They're the ones making the most posts. They're the ones who've committed the largest portion of their life. They're the ones making, they're the most vocal about, about CrossFit. They're the ones making the most posts. They're the ones who have the most followers. So, so part of your thing is to accommodate them, correct?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah. And I, you know, and I have heard Justin Berg, especially, I think, say that they are, you know, the games team is making an initiative to reach out to different parts of the community to gather information and are, you know, considering that in their decision-making process for this year and for years to come. But when I see the way that they're running these tests, that's not what it looks like. The way that they're administering these competitions to me is showing what I've always kind of felt was the case from HQ is that they're, have elite and,
Starting point is 00:23:35 and you know, integral knowledge of what they're doing, but they're not actually having a great sense of what's going on in the global competitive CrossFit space. And I think that that was, is also abundantly clear in the way that they're distributing and administering the team competition this year.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Oh, what do you, what do you mean by that? Do you have examples? Yeah. I mean, you have the, you know, now this entire conversation is going to go back to the same kind of fork in the road conversation that we've always had is what is the point of the CrossFit Games?
Starting point is 00:24:13 And if the point of the CrossFit Games is to find the single fittest man, woman, and team or affiliate, then the rest of the conversation is irrelevant. then the rest of the conversation is irrelevant. However, in my opinion, if you're going to find the fittest person, you want to see them do the best at the best test against the best field of athletes. Meaning that I don't want to say like, oh, well, Sevan, you won the competition this weekend. Congratulations. And I look around and your opponents were three six-year-old girls and you won the basketball tournament.
Starting point is 00:24:43 It's like, he was the best there. Yeah, but he wasn't going against anyone that was competitive. So who cares? I want to see the best against the best. And I also want to know how they all stack up against each other. That's why I don't like cuts. That's why I don't like changing scoring systems. Pick one, stick with it, give them 15 tests, let them take it, see where the chips fall, and then we'll know. This year, with the introduction of worldwide ranking and strength of field, CrossFit has made an effort to communicate that their intention is still to represent the global population at the Games and that they want to have a field that's at least somewhat reflective of the true competitive nature of competition, like where
Starting point is 00:25:21 the best people are distributed, we'll get more spots so that at the games, we have a higher level of competition across the board. And they've done, and they've made an effort to do that on the individual division. I think that they've not done a great job in that regard and that there are better ways that they could do that. And I think that, you know, as anyone who's been listening to me about this knows, I think that starting with a clean slate at the start of the year this year would have been a good, a good route for that.
Starting point is 00:25:49 But what I really- You're talking about for the worldwide rankings and the strength of field? Yeah. But what I really think would have been cool is to say, well, let's try that with the teams because the teams change every year. So instead of just arbitrarily saying 10 spots here, 10 spots here, two spots there without having any idea of who's competing anywhere, because you don't require them to necessarily sign up or commit to a team in the start of the season, why not let them go through two stages? You could still have however many qualifiers you want. I mean, obviously you're not going to take 30 teams or North America East, but seven, did you know that 17 of the top 30 teams in the world are from North America East right now? And they only get 10 spots to the games. So if you look, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:35 so just like a very, very simple way to do it, you just do the teams, you have them do the open, you have them do the quarterfinals. You look at the top 100 teams worldwide after the quarterfinals you already know that no matter what we're giving one to every continent even if africa doesn't have a team in the top 1000 they're getting one which by the way they do they have a good team over there this year and they usually have one or two good teams but everyone will get at least one and then based on the top 100 after that we're going to distribute um maybe you maybe you want to have a couple minimums fine you know but i don't even think you need it i think if you just distributed based on percentages you'd get a better competition at the games for the team division this year and you can use it as a case study to see if it might be something you want to do with individuals next year
Starting point is 00:27:17 i'm not so lost just maybe half lost um brian i want to go back uh brian's just been shot out of a cannon i'm not lost at all i i've been i've been watching uh some of these ideas percolate in his head um he's just not letting me interrupt he's he's he's he's grabbed the uh i went to the bathroom and he grabbed the wagon and he's running with running the horses brian why do um why do the masters need a quarterfinals and semifinals why not just give it and i'm and i'm not i'm not uh voting for one or another but it seems a little much why not just go open whatever you want to call it the uh semifinals and then the games with these guys personally i think that would make a lot of sense. You do? You do like that?
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah. If you were going to have a live semifinal, maybe not, but having three online competitions, I don't know. I think, and I think that, you know, once again, in addition to maybe streamlining the qualifying process a little bit, that you need to, you need, this is another example of CrossFit just doing things what appears to be arbitrarily without really giving much thought to it. And we showed a spreadsheet on here a month or so ago that, you know, depicted this really nicely. But just look at the men's 35 to 39 division. Have you looked at that leaderboard? No, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Let's do it. I got a whole list of people, by the way, that I want to ask you about that I'm excited about. Good. How's Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet doing this year? Let's go to the men's division first. What is Sam Dancer doing? Let me ask you this. Let's just start here honest i'm gonna give you i i you have you have you have to go you have to abstain from your favorite activity whatever that is disc golf for a year
Starting point is 00:29:19 if you get this wrong no i'm I'm not. Do you? I know, but just theoretically, theoretically, do you think thrusters? Okay. Thrusters. I'll play Sam dancer actually makes it. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:34 finishes the game. Let's say he made, I don't think Sam dancer makes it past event one at the games, even if he makes it. I seriously don't. I'm not even joking. I'm not trying to be mean. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's like, he's like a, a school bus put together a big yellow old school bus put together with duct tape. It's cool, but something's going to fall off. And Big Bird did the duct tape job? I guess. Tell me, do you think Sam Dancer actually makes it to the end of the season this year? I hope so. Come on. Just imagine. It's a year of frisbee golf on the line i want to bet that you don't want to bet that okay uh caleb do you want to bet for brian
Starting point is 00:30:18 he's not making it not even close sorry sam love you you can come on the show and commentate we'd love we need a we need athletes but okay so let's talk about these guys you want to talk about how great these dudes are how many beasts there are well first of all if you scroll to the bottom of this page and then you see the number 35 there's page one two three four five and all the way to the right there's 35 so that means 35 pages of 50 men signed up for this division okay 35 000 of these men registered for the open okay they get 10 spots to the games that's 1750 by the way 50 times 35 10 spots to the games okay i am the 7 1750 men signed up for this division i am i bet there's like 10 or 12 other divisions combined that's that's registrants might not equal that is that our james howell is that jr howell right there at 48th yeah oh that's crazy
Starting point is 00:31:22 that's why we went to the bottom of the page holy shit that's crazy yep wow he got fit he got 15th in a workout yeah the running one uh of course the that's the running rope climbs bench press workout it's i mean that workout was written for him what a savage okay um stranded seven pound clean too okay uh so so what you're saying is is that you want more than 10 guys dude you're asking a lot dude go up to the top listen let me ask you this what if i'm not asking are you kidding me i'm asking a lot yeah you're asking a lot because look they i think these guys are lucky they even have a 35 to 40 division, dude. Go to the top. I seriously think that they're lucky.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Do you remember what – I think the Masters used to start at 40. Just look at these names. Look at these people competing here. They got an Asian guy. Brian Wong. Is there an Asian guy? He's from the United States. He won last year.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Oh, he's not Asian? No. Oh. Okay. Scott Panchik, that shot me. Stephen Fawcett, I remember that name. Lars Christensen. I have no idea who that is. Mark Hutchinson, I have no idea who that is. Papadopoulos, I know who that is.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Gideas, I know who that is. Stein Howes, don't know who that is. Julian Lopez, don't know who that is. A Gideas. I know who that is. Stein Howes. Don't know who that is. Julian Lopez. Don't know this. Paul Tremblay. Yep. Wouldn't make it. Elijah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 You don't know all these guys. Kyle Ruth's very good. Elijah Muhammad. Keep going down. Dan Bailey. Ben Stoneberg. Charles. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Hey, wait, what's going on? I'm surprised Ben Stoneberg. Charles. Wow. Hey, wait, what's going on? I'm surprised Ben Stoneberg didn't place higher. It's these guys are all incredible. Like he was incredible. That's one of the probably the most underrated guys in the history of the sport. Go to workout to be in sort by the weights that these guys lifted. And just look at this.
Starting point is 00:33:24 383, 380, 379,4 36 wow crazy yeah i mean you know obviously rich is clean 353 is impressive there's a dozen guys lifting more than that i think he said we have the clip we'll play it i think he said that's the most he's lifted in three years these guys are good i mean they're really good they're showing up in massive up um numbers yeah and um i mean look jr was the year that jr competed at the games he got in on a backfill and he finished eighth like the guys that are coming in 20th have a chance to finish some of them will still have a chance to finish in the top seven or eight at the games. So, so how many do you think, uh, by the way, here's rich, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:10 you can play the audio on this too. There's a great little interview after this. Thanks Caleb. Angelo, Guy. Guy just walked up and put my hip back in. That's the most I've cleaned in about three years. So, yeah, I'll take that. So he also said, hey, can someone put my hip back in place?
Starting point is 00:34:45 My hip back in the socket, something like that. This is a good while we're here. Great question, Jan. Is Rich actually going to compete? Do we know, Brian? I think he'll come on the show this week, by the way. We can find out from the horse's mouth. But do you have you heard anything, Brian?
Starting point is 00:35:00 I have not. I mean, that's one of those things where, you know, I'm definitely not going to bother him about it. I do what he wants to do either way. And obviously, any stage of the competition that he competes in, it's fun to have him in it. And if he does go to the games, that would be awesome. Did you see what they titled the clip? It said Rich Froning returns to individual competition. But he also did say, can someone put my hip back in? Well, that's why you've never heard anyone say, hey, where are you going?
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'm going to watch the individuals when they're going to watch the 60-year-olds. They say I'm going to watch the masters that need to have their hip put back in. Yeah, I will butter him, Dick. I will definitely butter him. Brian, how, how many, how many do you think it's, how many do you think they need? What, what do you think that they should just split them away from the games completely? Just have a master's event, uh, different time of the year. Well, first of all, I'm not saying that every division needs 20 spots. Okay. I think that realistically, and especially when you consider.
Starting point is 00:36:10 How about the girls? Do they get 20? You know, I think you should just look at the numbers. Like it's, it's, I think that in the masters divisions, it makes a lot of sense. And that's what that's. I did, you know, like I said, we have a spreadsheet of that somewhere. I just wasn't prepared for it tonight.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Maybe I could find it. The man from England has spoken. Sam Dancer will 100% make it to and through the games. He's in great shape. Last year, he had a mishap. Mr. Al Chama, I appreciate your input. He is in good shape. And last year, he did have a mishap.
Starting point is 00:36:46 No, he's not fucking making it. He's not going to do it. Sorry. There's no fucking way. I'm telling you, he's put together with duct tape. Good duct tape. It's beautiful. When it's operational, it's great.
Starting point is 00:37:01 How about that guy's team? This guy wants a piece of that. How about the Invictus team? have a made a team's power rankings and i don't want to hear anyone in the comment be like does this show have any organization no you already know that don't don't say stupid shit no it does not we'll get to you we'll get to you in a second uh al chama have to have jorge talk to you about lipping out in the comments here uh is this team doing good yeah yeah they're doing very well it's i i actually think the um team competition this year will be fairly competitive at least i hope they will like they'll be in the they'll definitely have a chance to win.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah. They're my team. Who's on that team. Uh, Fernandez, uh, and Weiss and Chama and don't tell me. And Kim. Well done. Devin Kim. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Well done. That's my team this year. That's, you know, you, you just earned yourself one more. You can call me when you're live on the air one time. Now you heard it, people. It doesn't mean he's not going to hang up, but I got one.
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'll write that down here. Call Brian. I'll write it on my Colton Merton sticker. Call, call Brian. I got one. I'll make a little coupon. Brian, go back. answer me this real quick.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Why don't we know? These aren't finalized yet? What's going on? No, they're just in review. They allow a few days for review. They'll want to ask for some videos, review some stuff, whatever. I don't know how thoroughly they'll do it relative to the teams. It's relative to the teams. It's relative
Starting point is 00:38:45 to the individuals for the teams and the age groups. Like I said, it's, you know, the individuals, although there are 300 qualifiers, men and women in the teams division, there's, you know, it's cumbersome to watch those videos. There's a lot more going on for people doing something instead of one person doing something. And then there's almost 20 different age group divisions. You have to advance 30 people in each one of those. So it's not like the numbers are getting any smaller. It's actually a bigger pool of work. Yeah, it's insane.
Starting point is 00:39:16 When you suggest. And not only that, but it's the same people for the most part that did it last week or two weeks ago. I mean, I don't think i could do that that's like that's ridiculously tedious meaning that these age group online qualifiers also did the quarterfinals for the individual the review team oh the review team oh yeah yeah did you hear like one weekend of that is enough did Did you hear Andrew Hiller's description of that on his video that he put out today? From today, no.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's actually quite amazing. He said he used to work for a company that did quality assurance on cereal boxes. And basically they x-rayed every single cereal box before it went to the shelf. And the reason why they x-rayed them is they were looking for metal inside of the cereal boxes. They used a metal detector and they x-rayed them. And four people had to look at every cereal box and the reason why they had four people look at every cereal box is because they knew people would fall asleep well and that was it yeah it was a fascinating uh that if anyone didn't see hillar's video today it's put out
Starting point is 00:40:19 about 15 hours ago it's a really good description uh of how tedious the review process can be go ahead caleb if i email you an article right now is that gonna work if you email it to the right one to the right okay well i'll put it in there i'll put in the chat i'm sending it to your gmail let me let me let me um talk about um yeah that one let me do a little bit more on Rich. Can we talk about Rich a little bit more? We can, but, you know, sure, we can come back to this. Who – yeah, we'll come right back to this. I just need five minutes of Rich time just for the ratings. I don't really want to talk about him.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Who's more likely to go to the Masters games this year? Rich, who we just don't know what he's going to do, or Sam Dancer, who's held together by duct tape? I would say Sam. All right. You heard it. You will not be playing Frisbee for a whole year. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:20 No, this is just going for the game. I know. Can we pull up Rich's Instagram account? Do you want to see if he has more followers than you still? Yeah. Rich Froney. What's interesting about this is that Rich does not do his own Instagram. So that means he piped off about this and someone did this because I think he avoids social media.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And unless he's on his – yeah, I don't know how he – I think he pretty much – I don't know if he even has the Instagram app on his phone. But look at his most recent post. I sent you a link to it. No, not that one. Oh, here it is. Okay, sorry. Second most recent. This is from Rich Froney.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Arguably the most boring workout I've ever done. The age group online qualifier test three. Can anyone think of some? I'm forgetting. Full workout is up on YouTube channel. And my immediate thought is why I did not enjoy watching it at all. But if you're going to do something different and you're going to make these guys run back and forth that many times, why are they having them touch the ground? Why not? Why not? Why not that change that? Why not remove a barrier? Be like, hey, all you have to do is cross the tape and turn and and the tape has to be clearly be able to see it in the shot and then from there we'll see some innovation and some athletic adaptation that's different than what we've seen in the past about how people change directions do you like this ground touching thing wait you didn't like watching it no i hated it but i don't know if i'm not saying that's relevant. How do you think? I mean, I love watching Rich. I could watch Rich do anything.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Clean his ears, I'd be down. But not 50 times. Like four ear cleanings, I'm good. How do you think the review team feels about this workout? Yeah, the review team must be losing their mind. Can you imagine reviewing this workout? No, no. Just do three people in every division.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Oh, my God. So, one, does it matter that he thinks it's a boring workout what do you think he's really saying boring i mean so this workout i decided to do this workout with the women's bench press weight because i wanted to know i was like it looks ridiculous 50 shuttle runs but but i've not ever done 50 shuttle runs. Definitely haven't done them at the end of a Metcon like that. So I just did the workout to see. I thought it was okay.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I do think if I was going to program it for my affiliate, I would program it as an 800-meter run in the beginning and end, and I think that it would be a much more fun workout. It does kind of suck running there back and forth, but sometimes, um, you know, that's, I view that as an opportunity. So like, that's an opportunity for you to test your mental, um, resiliency. Like, do you just zone out and fall off the pace? Are you able to think of something to keep you motivated and moving? Can you set some kind of a goal to like a little check in for yourself every five or 10 reps to make sure that you're on pace with something or whatever you're trying to execute? So I just kind of use it as an opportunity to do something new. I could definitely see where it's boring and monotonous, but I also can see where there could potentially be some payoff in terms of a mental discipline. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Fair. I want to see Rich do high rocks. God, that would be God seem go up against Hunter. This is, this could be Hunter's last year. Hunter just broke the world record also unofficially. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:59 I'd like to see that too. That'd be crazy. Can we go check out Andrew Hiller's Instagram account? Hiller just called out Rich for not following standard. Let's take a quick peek at that real quick here. Okay. Oh, no. Oh, Nelly. Here we go. Pop this up. Let's read this. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go go how dare you andrew uh i don't think even rich cares i don't think rich
Starting point is 00:45:28 probably truly does not care some people pretend to not care i'm guessing rich doesn't uh i mean he can't i mean not that he doesn't care i'm sure he tried to follow the rules it's not that but but if they're gonna ding him he's probably like what the fuck uh you may use any available flat bench you may place bumper plates under your feet uh he used a yoke which was pretty cool i like the look of that you may not use floor press or use a bench with any incline or decline athletic tape on the bar must be used to establish a 40 inch width no part of your hands may be wider than 40 inches that's stupid if any of your hands makes contact with something at any point the rep will not count now here's the part hiller circled you must use a standard pronated grip your thumb must be wrapped
Starting point is 00:46:13 around the bar it doesn't even make sense why would they require that that's some sort of safety precaution why the fuck would they require that this This is a minor example of the big picture that I was telling you about earlier. Make it easy on yourself. Don't write 12 pages of standards. Limit. Just make it simple. Feet stay on the ground. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Thumb wraps around the bar. Who cares? Who's care? Who's care? Who's care? That's how Armenians say it. English is their second language. Who's care? Who's care?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Wow. But how do they bench press in Armenia? Thumbs around? One handed. Juice to the gills. Wow. Okay. Fair enough. They don't penalize rich for that at all
Starting point is 00:47:08 right that's um well it comes you know it comes back to this in addition to writing you know sometimes tedious standards like that they also outline penalties and grounds for invalidation but we know from individual quarterfinals, for example, that there are athletes who are doing something that was not even what the movement was really. They were doing handstand pushups on a handstand pushup line that wasn't as close to the wall as it was supposed to be. And they didn't get the, it's not like the workout just stopped at that point. And they were given all the reps up to that as if they had done none, which they had actually done none. They were, they were just given a major, a major penalty, a 15% penalty. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:47:49 they didn't even do it. Like 10 inches is not 12 inches. And if you're going to have this at 10 inches and you know that the person did 12 inches and how are you giving credit for those reps? Right. Right. I agree. Is there, what was the penalty for not wrapping your thumb around the bar? Where was that written? Let me ask you this, though. I mean, I've been doing bench presses as long as fucking anyone. I can't think of any benefit to wrapping or not wrapping except for safety.
Starting point is 00:48:17 I've never heard, right? I mean, I don't wrap. So if you're going to include a standard like that, like this is just me. Do you rap Brian? Yes. Oh, but if you're going to include a standard like that, like someone is there writing this and saying,
Starting point is 00:48:37 are we going to let them put their thumb around the bar? No. Yes. Whatever, whatever you decide on, then the next question should be, and what if they do, or what if they don't, then what's the penalty? Oh, right. If you're going to have a rule, no, no, no, no speeding, no, no going over 55 miles
Starting point is 00:48:55 an hour. You need to know what the penalty is already to look at this rule, by the way, missing or skipping any repetitions or was on the athlete score being adjusted to the last correctly completed rep before the missed or skipped rep. So when I read that, which I don't know if this bullet point is on every single… Read it one more time, Brian. Read it one more time. Missing or skipping any repetitions will result in the athlete's score being adjusted to the last correctly completed rep before the missed or skipped rep. Wow. correctly completed rep before the missed or skipped rep. Wow. So when I read that in relation to the handstand pushup situation I talked about before, I would assume that the workout ends
Starting point is 00:49:31 there. Now this is from this test. Meaning if one round you only did five and you were supposed to do six and you still had a killer score, it doesn't matter. It goes back to where you missed that rep and that's your score. That's what it, I mean, that's what it says there. Right. For sure. that's what it i mean that's what it says there right for sure but i'm reading through all of this and it's an incorrect weight that's grounds for a zero score incorrect distance for shut around zero score incorrect height for rope climb counting 25 feet as 50 feet not visually confirming floor altering the rep scheme incorrect measurements of any part of the setup failure to use registered judge but i read through all of these things and there's no penalty for what does it mean to wrap or unwrap your. So then if there's nothing written that says what happens to the athlete when they do that thing that they're not supposed to do, then what do you do?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Well, I you assume that they know the same reason, like you don't know how much it costs for a speeding ticket, but you assume when they give you the ticket, they already know. Well, you know, in other areas, we saw very clear things written, like you may not leave the frame of the video during the video. And then we saw published videos from CrossFit of athletes doing that and not getting a penalty for it. So what am I supposed to assume there? There's God. Well, then they would claim common sense hey i do want to say this there's that there's that famous line from uh becky marsh or becky harsh or heather marsh or what i don't remember her name but she said uh a thruster you know what that is and and boy once you say that man that's like rich froney knows what a bench press is
Starting point is 00:51:04 i don't care how he does it. Wrapped or unwrapped. You really open up the door for that. Okay. They're not going to penalize him for that. Then why did you write the rule? Because of complete incompetence that's going on over there that's endless. That's endless.
Starting point is 00:51:27 I know. That's endless. that's endless fucking incompetence there i know some of you are like it doesn't matter because because you're it doesn't matter like i have kids and i need to put them to bed and then brushing their teeth is more important to me than any of this but not to some people hey i i actually thought about this today in the shower i hate to be the dead horse think of anything in any fucking sport that's as bad as what they did to laura and um gabby they bragged that it was the most watch open in the history of sport and they put the wrong weights on them they're fucking crazy while we're beating them up a little bit is that true i'm trying to understand what's going on with the pounds and kilograms are you telling me that there was inconsistencies in
Starting point is 00:52:13 the weights again do you just get that spreadsheet i shared with you earlier no i have a whole i have three pages of notes i'm trying to get through before i'm trying to take control of the show back from you a little bit oh okay good what thank you so i just you know how can that be this is a very dense spreadsheet by the way i i did this can i pee first can i pee can i can i run a little uh a little uh yeah what do you want me to do while you pee well i just i'm just gonna run a um can you run that thing that you made a long time ago uh caleb where it's like all the funny things like i treat the mic like a penis oh here i got it okay we'll be right back 55 seconds people what is with this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him
Starting point is 00:52:55 remember the people were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that and this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum. And then right after, there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to handjobs. People without their names and they, uh. No one clipped that and played that on the internet. A thumb with a mustache.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yes. A guy named Johan Lopez called you a thumb with a mustache yes a guy named johan lopez called you a thumb with a mustache wow man that seven on podcast is dull as shit okay you guys have a great day okay you too thanks for calling no i was feeling familial like it was my mom and we're back thank you appreciate everyone's time and patience uh okay that was that that was great i love that uh the so the weights are you explain to me in in third grade very slowly about this inconsistency in weights is this is inconsistency for Europeans versus Americans. Europeans get to lift one pound less. Oh, I just went through this morning
Starting point is 00:54:11 for individual quarterfinals, which is what this is. And then if you scroll down, you'll see the age group quarterfinals tests. And if you scroll below that, you'll see the open. And I just, and every workout that had weights, I just pulled out what the written weights were pounds to kilograms. And then in some cases I did a little math to try to figure it out. So we can, let's go down to the open first. It's at the bottom. Okay. I'm still lost, but I appreciate it. It's good. It it's a big big picture um where i where
Starting point is 00:54:48 is this thing i i i uninvited if i had a big list of people invited on the show and then i uninvited them but thank you for asking barry thanks for making it uncomfortable so the yellow in the open is 23.1 that's for wall balls and it's the top part. And then the second part is for the weights of 45, 65, 95, 115, and 135. And you see the corresponding kilograms on the side.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Yeah. And those are pretty standard and will be standard almost all of the time. The problem is that the word almost has to be included there. The 23.2 B is where you have the lifting test. This is the thruster. And on the test, it says you can use a 45 and a 35-pound barbell. And then if you look to the right on the three bullets on there, there's nothing listed about the weight of the barbells and kilograms for this workout.
Starting point is 00:55:42 There's no conversion table provided for anyone who's using kilograms for this workout. The only directive given is if you're converting kilograms to pounds, it should say LBS instead of BS, round up to the nearest pound. That's the first lifting test of the year. That's also the one that has, you don't have to show your weights, but to me, it's like, if you're going to have a lifting test in the open and you're Adrian Bosman, and you know, what's coming in quarterfinals and you know, what's coming in semifinals. And you know, that at the subsequent stages of the season, that anytime someone's doing a one rep max, there's going to be a weight displayed. Just establish that as a baseline expectation from the open similarly because
Starting point is 00:56:26 let's go to caleb let's scroll up to um so so wait a second so there's an inconsistency so far you've shown sometimes they tell you the kilograms to you sometimes they want you to convert it yourself correct so here if you go to the – Just so anyone knows, any professional outfit usually has – I forget what the book's called. Our CrossFit journal has it. But it's a book with all of the rules you'll follow, the font you'll use, the size of the font and the header, how things – it's a style guide. You'll have a style guide. Yeah. And so these things wouldn't happen if there was someone in charge.
Starting point is 00:57:03 This just shows no one's in charge. There's just no one in charge. And actually the best place that we could go to show this, Caleb, would be the scorecard for test two and A of the age group quarterfinals. The one that's 12 pages long, but we just don't want to go to page number two. And it'll show basically what I'm saying right here for test two B. That for this test, which is in the second stage of the season now they provide a scoring table so we scroll down to page number two and three wait sorry wrong one okay um and and there's a couple things that are notable one is that hold Hold on, hold on. Careful, careful.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Dickhead. Dick sucker. I know what DS stands for. You dick sucker. Careful. I know what you're doing. Careful. You shut your pie hole.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Okay. Sorry. Go on. No, that's good. Um, not, not that there's anything wrong with sucking dick.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Don't, don't, I don't, I didn't mean to throw that into this whole negative category. No one stopped what they're doing. Get back to work. Okay. So this page,
Starting point is 00:58:09 I think this page should have just been in the open when they were a one or a max thruster. And now you've established it as the expectation for how pounds will be converted to kilograms for the rest of the season. It doesn't change in quarterfinals and change again in semifinals and different again at the games. No. Once you establish it, that's what it is for the entire competitive season,
Starting point is 00:58:33 open through games. And if you want to change it, change it in the offseason, reintroduce it with any changes or the same standard as the one before. But they did not provide this in the open. They did provide it for test two of the age group quarter final. So now we have here, except example, one says a barbell that weighs 20 kilograms that has previously been counted as 45 pounds. Now only counts as 44 pounds. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Now you are a practitioner of the CrossFit methodology dating back for nearly two decades. Thank you. So you will know what the definition of work is. Yes. According to CrossFit. I actually have it here. It's kind of a mockery of all of CrossFit by not having the measurements consistent and accurate and repeatable. It is. It's a mockery with the whole methodology. And therefore you will know that if you count the barbell in a one rep max lift as one pound less, that the significance it has on the workout is far inferior to if you count the barbell as two pounds more in a workout that you have to do 72 thrusters and take those extra two pounds through this range of motion 72 times as opposed to one time.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Right. Anyway, I think that I don't care if the bar is going to, if a 20 kilogram bar counts as 44 or 45 pounds, I just want it to count as the same thing every time. And I think that literally every person on earth could agree with that. And somehow the people that are in charge of this competition can't get that right. You know, it's interesting um i listened to that uh interview that um adrian did with uh chase and one of the things that he said in there was that um if they the judging um the the older the older the older movements they and i'm trying to paraphrase this, but obviously, the older movements like a thruster, they'll be more strict on.
Starting point is 01:00:32 The newer movements, they'll be more lenient on. That being said, the one thing that they will do is they will be consistent in the judging. So if they – they're not going to penalize one person for not putting their head through and another person for putting their head through and that they're just going to choose something like just the bar being overhead they're they're going to choose something they're going to stay consistent with it well they're not doing it with what's the most important thing ever and it's the weights they're not being consistent with the weights it's crazy jeremy world a second donation of the day. Where the fuck is my wrench?
Starting point is 01:01:12 You can't buy it. Can you buy a wrench? Do we sell wrenches? We'll sell wrenches. Not for $5, we don't. I'm definitely not getting one. But maybe you want to pull up that article that I sent to Caleb now, since we're talking about this. You should just text it to me.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Not easy to do. Look at Trish. Do we want that power? Can I ask you about some people in particular? Can I ask you about the workouts in general? There were four workouts, correct? Yeah. And the teams also had four well there were five tests for the qualify for the eight for the masters because uh 2a and 2b and there i think there were five scores for the teams because they had uh whatever a and b when they had to do the lifting at the end. Sorry, let me ask this one more time. So these five scores, were they consistent with the teens?
Starting point is 01:02:13 With the what? The teens, the teams, all the age group, all the age group people, and the teams, were they consistent? The teams had different workouts. Completely different. They weren't consistent with these. There was no like, you know what? Okay, okay, fine.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Okay, just. But, and they had, how many scores did they have? Five. Five also, okay. And did you, starting with the age group online qualifier, did you like the workouts? Well. Let me start bigger picture. Do you like them as a test in their totality do you like the test uh i'm okay with the test yeah okay and i do think i do think that the test
Starting point is 01:02:55 will do a good job of qualifying 30 capable athletes for the next round of competition in each division okay that's fair outside of the fact of that's a good way to put it outside of the fact of the other things that you established that you'd like to see in a test, also ease of score, ease of setup at the gym, uh, not complicating and, uh, the judges, things like that, the, the, the nuances that make totality of it a great test, but in terms of it, picking the fittest, you're happy with it. Yeah. I mean, I just look at the word, like, you know, the first workout with the increasing complexity dumbbell snatch or walking lunges with the dumbbells and the gymnastics movements, like, you know, you have to be fairly well-rounded as
Starting point is 01:03:35 a CrossFit athlete to do well on that workout. You come to the next workout and, and now, you know, you have to have a very high skill pressing movement. And for 99% of the people taking the test, your capacity on a strict handstand pushup facing the wall that you probably haven't practiced very much until maybe this last month is that that's it. If you're good at it, you're going to do well in this workout or not, but you're definitely checking the box of the upper body press. Come to the workout after that. It's a lifting workout, so you're hitting a strength component then you have a long a really long workout you know 30 minute time cap is about as long as you're going to see in an online competition a mile of running two sets of seven legless rope climbs you really you know and a bench press um you get a push pull and run
Starting point is 01:04:20 long time domain and then you have a you know what I think is actually on its own, the best test of the five, which is the thruster rowing, disgusting workout. Um, and I'm get, I would guess that that would probably be the best correlative overall fitness of these five. And you,
Starting point is 01:04:36 what was that workout thruster rowing and what else? That's it. That's it. 27, 21, 59. It was 2015 open workout. Number five.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. All right. 159 it was 2015 open workout number five oh that's interesting yeah all right and for the teams i wasn't as familiar with the team workouts as the as the other ones but i do remember that there seemed to be a lot of weight lifting overhead for the team competition and i would guess that if you looked at that a little bit more closely, it would be disproportionate to pretty much everything else in there. But the workouts were tough and I spent some time looking at the leaderboard today and, you know, all the teams that are on my radar prior to the season starting are filtering right up to the top. So the fittest are prevailing, which is not just one fittest,
Starting point is 01:05:25 but all of the fittest teams are prevailing, including all of the ones from North America East. And therefore, the test was probably pretty good, even if it might have had some redundancy in terms of the skills being tested. And the teams and the masters do not have a worldwide ranking or a strength of field number. Correct. Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I guess I kind of get for the teams, although I might encourage teams to stay together. But why not for Masters? Probably just because every year 20% of the field moves to another division it's pretty hard to track uh there was a the you touched on this briefly there was a there was an issue with um logging the score of the clean after the handstand push-up was that ever fixed or did they basically well i don't know so there, I'm actually not not a hundred percent sure on this anymore. Um, they definitely acknowledge that there was a problem. I'm not sure. CrossFit games did. They made an announcement for those who don't know,
Starting point is 01:06:33 for those who are just tuning in right now, Brian shared with us earlier in the show that there was a part a and a part B and if you scored part a as a zero, they didn't let you put in part B as a number. And now we're hearing Brian's telling us that CrossFit said, Hey, that's's a problem it wasn't meant to be that way we're trying to fix it is that correct yes so i was under the impression that you you could not log a score of zero for part a or that if and and a weight for part, meaning that if you didn't at least do one rep of part A that you couldn't do a score for part B. Um, and there was some, you know, it seemed like the
Starting point is 01:07:11 system, whatever it was preventing people from doing that. I, it, I had heard at some point that there was a zero as a placeholder for part A. And so if you didn't replace the placeholder zero with, by actually pressing zero on your phone or keyboard, that it wouldn't register a score and that without a score, you couldn't enter the weight. I don't know which if it was one and then the other or if it was just the whole time that you if you didn't replace the zero that was already there with a zero. That, you know. Oh, interesting. OK. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yes. Yes. Yes. It was one or the other or both at some point hey you know what would be interesting is to see how many people you know what i would do i would put in a one and then i would put in my second score and then i would just i would either contact them or not and tell them hey just so you know i got a zero but i put in a one and there were people that did that yeah i mean that seems like so you don't get screwed right sure and there were um right but okay yes so like here's you know yes yes however if you're then i'll be curious what you would do so now you start getting some of these emails from people. I would panic, though, too, also, by the way.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Trust me, I would panic. Your Dave or Eubanks or Adrian Bosner or whoever gets these emails at the support staff. Yeah. And they say, hey, you see that? We just got five emails in the last two hours from people who are logging one even though they got zero. Yeah. What should we do? Call IT. Oh, oh no that guy quit um uh tell justin tell adrian fine but if you're justin or adrian if you're the decision maker what are you going to do
Starting point is 01:08:56 hey call someone on it some company you've out so you notify the athletes oh tell okay tell me yeah that's why i don't have that job hey athletes oh right away hey we got it we got it okay you make a public announcement let everyone know stop stressing out don't worry we're on it yes you already emailed all of them to invite them just email them again okay hey we know there's been some some some of you are having issues with the zero as a score for part 2A. And then whatever you want to say. How much money did they pay to enter this? Oh, we know you paid $50 and you want to put in a score.
Starting point is 01:09:38 But again, what if you just took that workout and you just made it 12 um, 12, nine, six going the other way. So you start with the box jumps and GHD. So, you know, everyone's going to get a score and there's no chance of this being a problem. I mean, that's a,
Starting point is 01:09:56 it's very simple. Make it simple. Don't make it. Let me just play devil's advocate. That doesn't alter the workout in any single way that, um, in any way that, uh, ruins the workout. i don't think so yeah okay by the by ruin it i mean accidentally you get the
Starting point is 01:10:15 wrong person in no everyone who got a zero is just going to get a six an 18 or a seven or what is it a 21 20 okay denise in the comments is saying it's fixed okay so then so eventually within two hours of the of the submission deadline i started getting some messages from people saying that cross it was addressing this problem but their correspondence were not the same to everyone. And in one of the correspondence, they said, since you reached out and contacted us before the deadline, we will enter your score for you. Oh. Did you take a screenshot of that that I posted? Oh. Did I?
Starting point is 01:10:56 Yeah. No. Oh, probably. Maybe. Yesterday you said yes. Yeah. Okay. I did.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Do you want to see it? I don't know. Just to get the language right but um but the point is you know where as to me and this is maybe it's just me if i'm getting information from a you know from multiple athletes that are and if i'm getting the information then i'm sure crossfit's getting more information than me contacting them saying that i'm having this problem that i would think oh well this is problem. And if these five people are contacting me, I'm sure that there's 50 others that are going to, or are thinking about it or having the same problem. Why don't we just
Starting point is 01:11:35 communicate with all of them? What's going on, what our plan is to fix it and what we would like, what they should do if they find themselves in this situation. I wonder, Caleb, when I send you texts, is it a shitload of work getting it up on the screen? No. Thank you for your patience regarding your age group quarterfinal test 2A and 2B scores. You can now submit a score of zero. If you did not complete any reps during test 2A, you will need to enter a zero for 2A and then enter your weight in pounds for 2B. Do not leave the field blank. Please enter the actual number zero.
Starting point is 01:12:13 Since you contacted us before the submission deadline, we can help you enter your score if needed. But that wasn't for everyone. Well, so here's the thing. What are they consistently telling us? We have a small team, right? If I have a small team and I see that I'm starting to get the emails, the same email from multiple people, instead of having someone on my small team respond to every single one of those emails individually. And in some cases with different verbiage than this, meaning that there's multiple different responses going out to people having the same problem.
Starting point is 01:12:43 different verbiage than this, meaning that there's multiple different responses going out to people having the same problem. I'm just going to say, whoa, whoa, whoa, let's write one email and cut it off at the head because we don't have the manpower to be responding to all these emails individually. And they're all asking the same question. Uh, Jeffrey, uh, Birchfield, I feel every workout should start with a movement. Anyone can do that way. Uh, this is always this. There's always a score. Hey, even if what Jeff is saying isn't true, there should be a checklist where they go through and be like, hey, are we do we want to put set this problem now that they know there should be this fucking list of things? Are the kilograms to pounds accurate? Is it consistent with all the other one workouts? What have we done in the past with people holding up signs is this really a time we want to introduce something new why are we telling people to wrap their thumb or not wrap their thumb and adding something what is that how does that really affect the test of fitness and if we decide that it does what's the penalty for the people who don't do it and and if it's really just a safety issue just right on there we advise that you wrap your thumb for safety issues.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Would you not condone an unwrapped or some shit? Yeah, there could easily be a checklist of shit that someone who gets paid $300 a week, 300 pesos a week. Did I say $300? 300 pesos a week can do. Well, but here's the thing. Because Adrian will say this. Whoa, whoa, what's this? Even Craig Howard, who's a stud, got a zero score on one of the tests. Did he get a zero on the handstand push-up test?
Starting point is 01:14:08 Yeah, I think he said it was like the first time in the history of him doing online competitions for CrossFit that he's had to take a zero. Why? Is he injured? He couldn't do the handstand push-up, I think. Not sure why. Same as when Naman. He must be injured. Jan Clark, HQ needs to tuck its tail and bring Dave back in full capacity. He was prior to firing.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Well. Well. That would be. The thing is, it's like, how many movements are you going to do? Adrian's competent um he just needs to be set up for success no no what adrian regularly says is you know this is not just him there's a team of people around him and what my question is with what what qualifies those people to be on that team because someone's not asking the right questions and the more people that are
Starting point is 01:15:04 on that team that are not asking these questions, the more people that are in positions that probably they shouldn't be in, in terms of advising for the game, the administration of the game season. And I think that, and you might know better than me, that a lot of the people that are rising up through the ranks there used to thrive in different roles. And as they've stayed there longer, have elevated into maybe more you know senior or authoritative roles where they're maybe not not as qualified for that job as they won the one previous this happens in a lot of professions teachers becoming administrators and you lose your best teachers and they're not even the best administrators are just doing it to make 20
Starting point is 01:15:39 extra thousand dollars a year well said uh yanni uh looking like halle berry look at it how do you have a crazy first name and your last name is smith yanni savon smith hi i got married to someone oh right just some white dude caleb smith uh cf is not going to change anything until athletes speak out rule followers plus they are trying to get paid as in all yanni i really like you fucked athletes don't speak out you're the fucking idiots that got day fired in the first Rule followers plus they're trying to get paid. Yanni, I really like you. Yansa. Fuck the athletes. Don't speak out.
Starting point is 01:16:10 You're the fucking idiots that got Dave fired in the first place. You dipshits. I don't want to hear a fucking word out of you. Shut up and lift, you morons. Okay, so where were we? We don't want your help. Don't worry. Brian's got this.
Starting point is 01:16:23 The fucking hear from the athletes. Subhuman. A Yon Clark, TD CEO. I agree. I married a white dude. That should be it. Well, that's a great sitcom. I married a white.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Do they have that as a sitcom? I married a white dude. It should at least be a T-shirt or an acronym imtwd you have to put the a in there no imwd instead of hard work pays off i married a white dude a bunch of just rich wives it's a show on tv oh no we're the finger pointers a bunch of finger pointers at you no no that's what we do i got my wednesday night lineup now milf manor and how i how i married a white dude i don't know what she is but she's she's looking like Halle Berry. All right. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Maybe it is Halle Berry. Okay. The only, the only, the only two athletes we've really given any love to are Sam Dancer. God, he got a lot of love and Rich Froning and Al Chama got a little love. Can I go through some people and we talk about them?
Starting point is 01:17:45 Let's go one, one for one. You go, then i go for for athletes yeah okay uh how's my boy jason grubb doing by the way if you go to youtube and you type in a um age group online qualifier this guy owns that scene he's he is the he produces more content in that in the last five years than anyone so kudos to him for uh for all that. Now, like I said, I think that these tests are fairly well-balanced. You're going to get someone who's got, you know, good capacity for gymnastics, has the upper body pulling, has upper body pressing is strong and can suffer. So when you look at, when we look at some of these athletes, you're going to see, I mean, I think that this is a good indication of who the front runners are in
Starting point is 01:18:23 most of the divisions for the games as well. Jason Grubbs in the men's 45 to 49, and he crushed it. 44 total points, a first, a second, a seventh, a 14th, and a 20th. And he has almost half as many points as just over half as many points as a second place guy. So what about there was some Russian guy he was tripping on. Vlad, he tapered off some Russian guy he was he was he was glad as a he he tapered off wait he was what cheating
Starting point is 01:18:49 it I don't see there's no there's no there's a Russian guy in seventh but he wasn't threatening to Jason really I just remember Jason had to compete against some dude at there at the wheel wads or wherever the these guys go don wherever these guys go.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Don't these guys have like an event last month or two months ago? Wadapalooza maybe? No, something else. Masters Fitness Collective? Maybe it's that. Masters Legends Championship? And there was a Russian guy there who Jason was tripping on a little bit. Well.
Starting point is 01:19:22 So this guy's – so how old is he, 47? Is this going to be a big deal if he wins the game at 47 look the guy in second place is legitimately is legitimately good david johnston and he's just aged into this division and mike kern is the same age as him is really good like those are three guys that i know are good in this division but i stink i think that uh jason is um the favorite there's a guy that's in 11th place. He might have even won this division a couple of years ago, but he's 49 now, Justin LaSala.
Starting point is 01:19:49 So he'll probably be the favorites when the 50 division next year. But if he sneaks in at 49 years old, there's always a couple of guys or girls that are able to do this sneak in in the last year of their age division. And I find that like just as impressive as the people winning their division. If you can get in, in the last year eligibility, that on its own is incredible.
Starting point is 01:20:07 Okay. Jason Grove. We like good money on Jason. Good dude. Okay. Your turn. Okay. We'll just flip over to women's 45 to 49.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Okay. And I was shocked when I looked at this leaderboard because I know who the fittest person in this division is. And I was like, wait, where is she? And I saw a couple Brazilian girls in first and second that I've never heard of. A couple, someone from Finland, a woman from South Africa. And then the woman that is the fittest in this division, just aging into it this year is in seventh place, Kelly Friel.
Starting point is 01:20:41 And you look at her performances here. How come I don't know any of these women? I was around back in the day. Kelly's been competing for a long time, but, um, but never in the elite division, the individual division, I was in the master's divisions. Okay. Um, but where's, where's, where's the, um, where's the, I guess, I mean, I was going to say, I guess Annie started in 2009, and she's still going individual.
Starting point is 01:21:07 I guess the girls who started the sport. 10 years ago when she was 35, Kelly Friel, there wasn't a 35 to 39 division. Okay, fair enough. So she had to wait until she was 40. Okay. So she's only had – this is her fifth or sixth year, and she has a good resume. But look at her performances in this quarterfinal. And she has a good resume.
Starting point is 01:21:24 But look at her performances in this quarterfinal. Second place, first place, second place, first place, 149th place. Okay, so, okay, I see what you're doing. The last four years at the Games, first, first, second, second. And once again, you have this movement, this wall-facing strict handstand push-up movement that you're implementing as the first movement in a workout for all age divisions. Well, not all age divisions, but the majority of the age, 35 to 54, and then the teenage divisions. Hey, what if it was fewer reps?
Starting point is 01:22:00 What's the rep scheme on it? It's just a really, really specific thing to be testing basically in isolation for a large percentage of wide range of athletes uh you know of age of athletes and skill of athletes grub is on the juice no he's not okay took care of that thank you thank you barry so i'm not too you know that's like in the case of kelly here i'm not worried at all that's literally one thing. And probably now that she knows it's on the table, you give her five months to work on it. She's going to be a lot better at it is my guess.
Starting point is 01:22:32 And then otherwise she's first and second on every workout. Okay. So she's going to win the games. That's your, that's your girl. Yeah. Okay. Just an example that Lynn Natman had, you know, she didn't do as well on all the other workouts, but she did just as bad on this one, you know, relatively, and it knocked her out of contention to, you know. Mason Mitchell, Savant tasted him.
Starting point is 01:22:55 I mean, tested him. Okay. How about, what about this jokey lady? What's she doing this year? This, this jokey joker lady, the 70 year old lady who climbed the rope a couple of years ago. What's, what's her doing this year this said this the jokey joker lady the 70 year old lady who climbed the rope a couple years ago what's what's her deal 70 years old did is she on the leaderboard somewhere i have no idea but you someone in the comments you mean you know who i'm talking about the jokester the yokey yokester she's got a crazy name and uh and and she climbed
Starting point is 01:23:20 the um she climbed the rope a couple years ago or last year, and everyone's like, holy shit. I want to say she went to the games. Is she doing the – do you see her in the old ladies division? I mean – Mr. Beaver? I don't know her name, but I'm trying to find her right now. What's the oldest you go? 65 plus.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Okay. I'm looking through these – That sucks if I pick the name and we don't get to talk about it. It's your turn again. That's really going to piss me off. You don't even know her name. That's why you're here. I look at Jeffrey Birchfield remembers her. Thank you, Jeffrey.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Thank you. God. 69. Barry McCogner says she's 69. Oh, yeah. This is her name. Yes. Dick off.
Starting point is 01:24:01 That's her name. Thank you, Jamie. Joke Dick off. That's her name. J off that's her name thank you jamie joke dick off that's her name j-o-k-e-d-i-k-h-o-f-f what are you laughing at brian that's really your name joke dick off one of those jokes i'm just to pronounce it wrong Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 01:24:30 Jamie that's a great pick Jamie probably one of the few pictures where she's not working out no sign of her anywhere okay I relinquish the floor but an amazing athlete women 60-64 division. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Entering back into the Masters realm, as she does every other year since 2015, undefeated in her CrossFit Games career, five championships, going for six. Wow. Susan Clark, 19 points, three times times better points wise than the next closest in a division just like uh so let's be honest here does anyone check her birth certificate dude she's 64 she's in the last age of the eligibility and she's crushing everyone i thought there's i thought there's a 65 and older. This is the last year of eligibility in the 60 to 64.
Starting point is 01:25:28 What if she's really 49? CrossFit training, I think, or CrossFit games, someone put up actually a video of her today on their Instagram. I mean, she is the best Masters athlete of all time. She's never lost. God, and she's little dude she won it in 14 15 17 19 21 and she's coming back in 23 and since 15 she takes every other year off i fucking love that about her how many times have you heard me talk about the fact yeah you know that that can work
Starting point is 01:25:59 for some people especially as i get older i don't trust anyone who doesn't have a profile pic. Laura Fonseca. She's not 49. She's a beast. How is she only 123 pounds? She's a feather. Yeah, she's bigger than me. Remember, this is why we don't put any too much emphasis on the weights on the games profile because she could have entered that the day that she made her games profile and unless she changes it,
Starting point is 01:26:28 it never changes. Hey, dude, if that is true, she's probably one of the lightest ever champions even in the teenage division. I mean, that is a, especially for how tall she is, that's tall for 5'5", 123. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Oh, has anyone interviewed her? Is there a podcast on her do i need her i've written about her patrick clark's written about her i don't know about interviews i'm i'm hopeful that i hope there's something out there she yeah she's great and she's from canada doesn't look like it all right susan clark is she on instagram that's not how patrick clark spells his last name either, is it? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Susan Clark. Okay, my turn, right? Mm-hmm. Susan Clark. What's her? Oh, I recognize her. That's from 2021. Yeah, there's no way that's 123 pounds. She's a brick shithouse. What's her? Let me see her Instagram. Go up to the top. She's a brick shithouse. What's her?
Starting point is 01:27:25 Let me see her Instagram. Go up to the top. Look, Ariel Lowen follows her. Oh, my goodness. How am I going to get in touch with her? They just put a video up of her, like, today. I recognize her. She must have been at the games when I was there.
Starting point is 01:27:40 14, 15, 17, 19, 21. Yeah. Look at Laura says she's humble as fuck. Laura, private Instagram. Okay. Laura, will you – my Instagram is Savon Rinstel. Will you – That's her.
Starting point is 01:27:54 Oh, yeah. That's savage. Will you – could you DM me her Instagram? Patrick Clark. She alternates. Yep like brian said okay uh okay i'll mention it to her thank you i'll be very nice i won't swear i'll be on my best behavior it'll be cool i'll mention anything about the vaccine or nothing or being from canada i can't wait for this next one but you you're up. Or Trudeau or anyone. Kyle Kasperbauer. Is he competing? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Please, I can't be 0-2 on that. I actually looked at the leaderboard before I made these picks. No, he's not competing. I didn't. Wait, maybe he's in a different division this year. I get one more if I get another one. No, no. I don't see him. Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Nope. Okay, your turn. I wonder why Kyle isn't competing. You're doing it every other year? Caleb, we got to go to men's 45 to 49 to the leaderboard. This is Jason Grubb's division. Scroll down to number 21
Starting point is 01:29:03 and I want to see what Savant thinks about this guy. Oh, is this Ken Jones? No. We're getting to him. Kevin Jones. Sorry, Kevin Jones. Breck Barry. Do I know him?
Starting point is 01:29:23 Do you know him? He looks very familiar. Breck Berry, four-time CrossFit Games athlete, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. In 2007, fifth place overall behind James Fitzgerald, Brett Marshall, Josh Everett, and Chris Spieler, one spot ahead of Jeremy Thiel. When I was scrolling through the leaderboard early, I'm like, I know that name. And I looked him up. And if you go to his profile,
Starting point is 01:29:49 he hasn't done anything. I mean, he does the open, but beyond that, the last time he was at the games was actually on a team in 2012. I have a theory, but I probably shouldn't say it out loud. It's a little harsh. And Masters in 2016 once, and then nothing else. And here he is popping back up good on him wow that's crazy okay uh 21 that doesn't he but
Starting point is 01:30:11 he's not going right oh he'll make it to the next 30 okay but it's i just thought it was cool and if you go two spots below him another former games athlete i don't recognize him oh yeah i recognize that dude wow two-time games athlete from africa wow yeah that was a big dude so it's kind of cool when some of these guys from way back when and i mean breck barry's at the first four crossfit games yeah that's popping up on a leader board in 2023 he's uh he's american what was his flag yeah right okay i think i'm winning this game by the way yeah you're killing me if it was a competition you're killing me so so that guy did a run three years at aromas all three years hey you know something i'm gonna do what i'll tell you later it's gonna be cool maybe i should have him on too breck berry
Starting point is 01:31:00 that'd be i mean that would be wild like just to talk to i mean rec bearing any interviews with breckberry out there ever i don't know and if there are they're probably by you from 2008 but i'm a master of my craft and i promise you it will be good that would be amazing like i think it'd be so cool to catch up with some of those guys now and say like you showed up in 2007 to the crossfit games like why yeah did you sleep there what were you doing the previous like year two years three years that landed you there did dave enter the open this year dave castro i don't know i never checked uh becca voight becca voight you. She is competing, but she was out of the top 10, I think. Yeah, she's in 11th place in the Masters 40 to 44.
Starting point is 01:31:51 And by the way, they are making changes on the leaderboard because earlier today when I checked, Jen Ryan was winning this division. Now Andrea Pinheiro is winning this division. So there is a live scoring change that's happening for the Masters review process. Do I know who Jen Ryan is, that name? Yeah, Invictus. She's been around for a long time, sometimes competing on a team with them,
Starting point is 01:32:11 sometimes in the master's divisions. Is Becca a concern when she takes 11th or no? Well, in general, no, but also you just kind of look at the performances. So eighth place in the first workout, very cross-footy that's solid 31st in the second one, you know, so she's, I would say relative to her overall skillset and maybe a little below average on the strict handstand pushups,
Starting point is 01:32:33 still not a bad score. Oh, that's so cool. Actually. That is awesome. Oh, there's a girl from my gym who got the exact same in the same division that the exact same number of reps as her on this workout.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Cool. And can we scroll over? I want to see what her worst finishes. Sorry. It's the lift. It's the lift. What? 95th.
Starting point is 01:32:55 She's eight and 12. Okay. The workout. So she did great. Yeah. So on the fitness stuff, really good. The strength, she takes a hit. And then the bigger the field, the bigger that hits going to be.
Starting point is 01:33:04 really good. The strength, she takes a hit. And the bigger the field, the bigger that hit's going to be. So when this field gets smaller and the competition gets longer, that a deficiency on a strength test like that will be mitigated relative to everything else that she's excellent at. Okay. I only have one more person. Go ahead. Your turn. Now I want to show that guy from this division that did the lift. Oh, Kevin Jones. Yeah yeah so we had already featured the 35 to 39 year olds that had some impressive lifts and a lot of them but no but this guy who's in the next age division up with the heaviest lift of anyone 384 pounds i uh before you play that uh karina um stevan would know about clever uh i saw kristin clever about a year ago at the ranch. I got to hang with her a bit.
Starting point is 01:33:48 And, um, I don't know if it was her wife or a girlfriend, but it was a really good time. It was actually the, the, it was a really good time. I really enjoyed hanging out with her.
Starting point is 01:33:57 And actually just a couple of days ago, my wife said, Hey, you should get Kristen clever on the podcast. So, uh, I don't know what the question was, but I don't think she still completes competes anymore,
Starting point is 01:34:07 but she's cool as shit. And her body looked insane. I saw her at the ranch. It was at a street parking event at the ranch and her, she looked like she was as fit as ever. Okay, here we go. Who's this guy?
Starting point is 01:34:17 What's this guy? Finals at the granite games last year. And did she look amazing? Yeah. Yeah. She's, she's shredded. She looks, she's taller than i remember probably not to you brian you you're shrinking i know that's probably true um okay
Starting point is 01:34:34 well what's the deal here who's this guy what did he just finished a workout now he has to do another workout no this is the clean at the end of the 2a and 2B. And this is the heaviest anyone lifted this past weekend. This is a 40-year-old guy. In the world? Well, of all the masters who participated, there was a guy in the 35-39 who did one pound less. Or maybe he just counted his barbell differently than him, and that was the difference. He just converted wrong. Wow, this is incredible.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Okay, do we get to see it? Yeah. Oh, that guy looks huge wow wow wow yeah so let's watch again i want to watch people's reaction around him. Man, he doesn't dilly-dally. Wow. Did he break any rules? Is his thumb wrapped? Is he using straps? Is he allowed to use lifters? I think that one would count for everyone except for Matty Rogers. Did he open his hip? Sad.
Starting point is 01:35:45 Why? I don't get it. She got white lights on a clean and jerk, and then they changed it to red lights, and she didn't medal in her 10th straight Pan American championship. Wow. It really fucked her up. And was her lift good? It looked pretty good. It was for a second yeah wow
Starting point is 01:36:07 next second it wasn't uh she competes at rogue invitational still oh yeah clever good point yeah she does that's right and in the legends okay okay uh sam briggs i don't think so no Okay. Okay. Sam Briggs? I don't think so. No. All right. We're done with that game? No, I was going to move on to teams here a little bit. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Okay, okay. Sam Briggs did compete. She did? Yeah. Women's 40 to 44. She's in 25th place again, again, just like this is happening a lot.
Starting point is 01:36:49 10th, 24th, 6th, 5th, 260th. Oh, and that's the handstand. That's the handstand pushup.
Starting point is 01:36:59 That's the lift. The lift. Oh, okay. So, Hey, but, but, but that's,
Starting point is 01:37:02 but that's a, that's a fair lift, right? Yeah. Right? Do you have any issue with this? No, I mean, this could be the argument towards having a third qualifier. Right, okay, right.
Starting point is 01:37:20 So that something like this doesn't happen as often. That's a great, Karina Rain, great question. Sean Ramirez. Is Sam making a run? Did I ask her that? I don't even know if I asked her that when she was on the show last week or two weeks ago or five weeks ago, whenever that was. Sean didn't do the, he registered, but didn't log a score for any workouts okay so something happened to him
Starting point is 01:37:47 because we had him on the show and this was his comeback year yes but he's also 49 so i so he's in he's in the last year of eligibility for his division and it's pretty competitive division quite frankly um there's a lot of good guys there. We already talked about some of them. I think that whether he intended to or not, or whether he needs his body or whatever, um, based on seeing him at masters fitness collective and talking to him a little bit there that taking this season, not too seriously and setting himself up for his 50 year old season to be a good, uh, it will be a much more likely successful comeback here. it will be a much more likely successful comeback here. Jordan Buhat with the professional photo as his profile pic.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Maddie got the signal that she could put it down. That's why she didn't stop moving. Ah, okay. So I'm guessing she was locked out and she dropped it, but then there was some other rule that conflicted with it that you have to hold it still and stop moving. So the judge kind of fucked her. And then they said responsibilities on the athlete. They did some shit like that.
Starting point is 01:38:56 Yeah, more or less. And it's like the ideal situation would be that the order of operations is correct. And the order of operations would be that she does the lift to the standard, then you get the lights, then you drop the bar. Here, she's got the lights. Are you allowed to do a 360 like that? Well, in the end, no. As long as you're on the platform, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:22 So she thought she... Did you see the lights turn red right there? No, I can't even see the lights. Where are they? They blink white and they'll project a light. But when they turn to red, you're really scared. Keep watching. Until she goes down.
Starting point is 01:39:40 Watch her on the ground right here. See that? Oh. So she... watch her on the ground right here see that oh so she oh shit oh so she thinks for a minute she did it yeah because they gave her the down signal see she she explains their correction the final reasoning was two judges pressed their calls white lights signaling the down signal i dropped the bar as you a lifter does and one judge then then changed their weight to red because i had quote unquote not stopped moving before the down signal was given and did not show control of the bar and then exactly like you assumed i was told it was the athlete's job to show full control of the bar regardless of the down signal hold it beyond the dancing and that's kind of what we that's what we were guessing what happened right there's two different rules but one of the rules has a hierarchy over the other rule
Starting point is 01:40:31 yeah and i mean it's uh you know it's uh it's like you're running into the end zone like make sure you run with the ball through the goal line don't don't make it close you know whatever no lift period says tank reach she never controlled it sorry not sorry uh she kept moving though that's on the judges it's not crossfit fuck like neither of them are you know neither neither of them are wrong you know right like it was the judge's fault and it was her fault and um do we want to look at are there are there any kiddos that are worth talking about any uh teens that that you want to be like yes they're next on my list oh okay let's do it i think we should just uh there's always new people in the 14 and 15 division.
Starting point is 01:41:31 I'd rather look at them more closely after the next round when there's only 10 remaining. But for the boys 16, 17 and girls 16, 17, start with the boys, I think. This is going to, so, you know, because in the boys division, none of these guys have any chance of competing with the individual elite men. There's too big of a gap. But there are three guys within three points on this leaderboard and if you are a fan of the teenage divisions and if you're a fan of close competitions and dramatic uh competitions these three guys kate and hogan rj mestra and ty jenkins are going to be putting on a show this year. You can just look and see their performances across the board. 2-1-12-3-4, 7-2-4-4-6, 4-14-1-5-1. There's hardly anything bad there.
Starting point is 01:42:12 You know, a 14th and a 12th out of 15 performances. And they have, what, like about 200 people competing in this division. So these three guys are going to be really, really close the entire year. And this is just a little preview of what's to come in terms of what I will think will be one of the most competitive age group battles at the games this summer. All of these people that we're talking about now,
Starting point is 01:42:33 we won't see their semifinals. They're not televised. This is all more online shit. They go on. They stay online. They're just screwed, right? We're screwed. They're screwed. These are just online. It's online, right? Quarter're screwed. They're screwed. These are just online. It's online, right? Quarterfinals, semifinals.
Starting point is 01:42:47 How about for the teams? Are their semifinals also online? No. Teams will be in person at the same semifinals as individuals. What a shame. What a shame. I guess at least if they were going to do – I guess at least if they were going to do uh if they were only going to have 10 masters they
Starting point is 01:43:09 could at least let them come to semi-finals and let them showcase some of their their shit there the 35 to 39 nice to see them it's tough because it's because they're spread out all over the the world but i think oh and the cost and getting them there okay but i think in you know i think that it's a is another argument in favor of having a, you know, a bigger pool of athletes at the, at the more dense competitive fields because you're, you know, you're, you're less likely to miss out on someone that might actually be incredibly entertaining, talented fit to watch at the games. No more talk after about Maddie.
Starting point is 01:43:42 After this, the judges have three seconds to change a white to a red if they see something wrong after a white light. For example, if the lifter slams the bar down from overhead, they can get red lit after white lights. That's like the cop can change his mind if you're nice to him when he comes up to the window. Okay. Okay, and so the the ladies 16 to 17 yes i'm just gonna let you look at the top three and yeah i you know i'm curious assuming you haven't looked at these yet no i haven't but i'm just i'm curious if miss kerstetter even did them. Oh, there she is. Wow. Oh, and I've heard you mention Lucy. And I've heard you mention all three of these.
Starting point is 01:44:34 I've heard you mention Lucy, Trista, and Olivia Kerstetter. Wow. And all three will be in the next iteration of the top 100 power rankings that are coming out because all three are eligible to compete not only in their, obviously, uh age group semi-final but in the elite individual semi-final as well and i think that they they will because they can do both let me see the strength numbers here just clean uh 225 215 uh 22, 217 and 257. Man, this is a whole nother batch of savages coming up. This is crazy. Look at fourth place at 223.
Starting point is 01:45:13 This is nuts. Yeah. Kerstetter, 257. Jacob Heppner messing with his bad back in the background. Oh my God. Wow. That looked easy. Wow, that looked easy. Wow, that looked easy. Wow.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Wow. Hey, what about, let me ask this. What about her good going team? Pro team, just skipping individual and going team. Do you think she thinks about that? Someone's had to have talked to her about that, right? to get some pro experience instead of messing with the little girls? Can you do that? Can you go team?
Starting point is 01:45:53 Well, she would have had to have been on a team's roster, which she is not. Okay, but she could have maybe. Yeah. Yeah, these other numbers are crazy. The fact that these other two girls are doing so well is nuts. So we don't know what will happen with these three. I can't believe how hard that clean is, and yet she moves so fast. Better, Justin?
Starting point is 01:46:19 From CrossFit? Stinky Hive? Sweet Hive? Salty Hive? I think what's most likely is that each of them will go to their semi-final not qualify as an individual go to the games and we'll have a competitive battle but that in the game setting i think olivia will still beat these two those girls confidence is skyrocketing i mean mean, just because I say that doesn't mean that they can't do it.
Starting point is 01:46:50 These three are very, very fit, very competitive, and I do hope that they go to the semifinal. We saw Hayley Adams do that when she was 16, 17 years old and get a little bit of competition experience there that I think was helpful for her making a transition out into the elite division and can be for these girls as well. Patrick saying she's only 15, but she will be 16 at the games. Is that the deal? Mm hmm. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:47:20 OK. Once again, the information on the game site is wrong. What is going on? I think it shows the age that they'll be at the games. Yes. But I'd really like to see the age that they are now. Mayhem, any good teams this year? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:43 All over the world, actually. But I don't mean ones that are doing the programming. Is Mayhem going to set the record again? The people who do their programming, they're going to have the biggest showing at the games? Yes. But do they have any teams who are training at the Empire, at the Castle, that have a chance?
Starting point is 01:48:04 Well, this one, CrossFit Mayhem Independence, this is Angelo's team. Okay. And that's a good sign that they beat that Oslo Navy Blue team, right? Well, like I said, the teams are, like, the very competitive teams in the world are all filtering towards the top of the leaderboard here. Let me see. teams in the world are all filtering towards the top of the leaderboard here um let me see i think every single team in the top 16 was uh on my radar prior to the season starting as a team to keep an eye on and the other teams after that uh you know once i saw them pop up here, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24.
Starting point is 01:48:47 I mean, there's a lot of good teams out there. But if you're talking about they can win the games, I think there's only three teams that can win the games, maybe four. It's interesting. Okay. I was just checking to see if it's unconquerable. Invictus unconquerable. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:49:18 You can look up inconquerable. It's interesting. Okay. They don't tell you if one's right or wrong. Yeah. What are we talking? This is a game show we're doing. Hi, Brian. What's up? At a senior moment, I got lost into the, into the matrix. Okay. So, so they're,
Starting point is 01:49:40 they're not going to be on the podium this year is what you're saying. Who's that? Mayhem. I don't think so, but you know,elo's team finished fifth last year at the games. I think his team is very similar this year in terms of, you know, experience, talent, whatever. And I think that very likely that they'll finish fourth through eighth at the games.
Starting point is 01:50:03 No, I did not just have a stroke, but I appreciate you. If anyone ever sees me have a stroke on here, please text my wife immediately. What about that team that Nistler and Taylor are on? Well, that's the Nashville or East Nashville proven team that's at the top of the leaderboard. That really bums me out that they're over there on that team. That really bums me out.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Why? Because I want them to stay at Mayhem. I'm a traditionalist. They were somewhere else before mayhem why don't you want them to stay with oc3 i just wanted that to be their last stop okay well that's different um but you know uh taylor williamson's partner nick johnson is a integral part of of proven's coaching team and that's like where she lives and trains um they changed though you know this the rules for teams this year and so it made it a lot easier on andrea she can stay home most of the year and be where she likes to be with all the people she likes to be around and come come and train with her longtime teammate
Starting point is 01:51:02 for the parts of the season that they need to. Tola. What would the D who are the dudes on Angelo's team? Tola Marconio who, you know, on Angelo's team. Oh, on Angelo's team.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Uh, him and Sam Demeester. Are they better than Tola? And who's the other guy? Tim Paulson. Are they better than Tola and Tim Paulson? No. Collectively.
Starting point is 01:51:28 No. Angelo is such a strange athlete like in training or whatever he's great he's good but you put him in the like when he's the guy that shows up when it matters so i would like i would take him as a number two on any team in the world and say that they have a chance but if he's the number one guy then they like the other guy needs to be knocking on the door as soon as them no then he would be two to rich run that that oh okay so if you're making a team and the guys and you're gonna say they're a batman and robin if angela's your robin you're in contention to win the games okay because you're batman then i i don't know then you need to be like now if you if you put him in someone like even like sam with andrea and taylor that are arguably the two best women
Starting point is 01:52:12 to ever do it instead of kyra milligan and zoe jones who they're very good but they're not andrea nissler and taylor williamson now you might maybe have a chance with angela being your strongest male michael c to answer your question any insight in why nistler and the other girl taylor did not join angela i think brian was saying that basically one of their husbands i think taylor's husband works over uh at proven as a coach it seems like a no-brainer for him to cruise over there right i think he's a more senior position than that now maybe even like an executive role. Oh, yes. I remember those positions.
Starting point is 01:52:48 Okay. And did we talk about Houdet's team? They were sitting there, fourth place overall in the world, first place in Europe. Very good team. You know, Andre Houdet is obviously a multiple-year games athlete. The other athletes on his team you might not be as familiar with, but Ninka van Overveld and Julian Krag,
Starting point is 01:53:12 they have a lot of team experience at the games on other teams. And then Julie Hugar is the fittest woman in Denmark traditionally and very capable as well. In the team competition, I'll take talent over experience, but if talent's on the same level, then give me the experience. So just by the nature of the talent of the athletes on this team, they're going to rise past most teams in the team division. But when you start to say, okay, now you have to put them against teams
Starting point is 01:53:44 that are similarly talented, like the Invictus team like the proven team like the oslo team but they have more experience competing as a team or in a team competition then i'd take the the competitive experience in the team environment over the talented but new to the team division any anything any bad news you've heard about the invictus team anything that makes you concerned injuries uh pregnancies like uh alchama and and jorge yeah and uh devin and and weiss no i haven't heard nothing but good stuff all good uh they could win it they could they could stand uh first place yeah i actually think that um that's what like people should if i was telling the story of the team competition this year i would say
Starting point is 01:54:30 you know obviously the the reigning champs are gone but the the teams that were second and third at the podium the last two year and the team that's been second place the last two years are both coming they're both coming back full power with one objective which is to get on top of the podium. And CrossFit Invictus and CrossFit Oslo both definitely have a chance to do that. But two of the four people that won the CrossFit team competition last year are still there. And that's the girls on the CrossFit Proven team. They've brought in two experienced veterans in the sport, one of them with team experience,
Starting point is 01:55:01 one of them not so much, but Tim Paulson is, is one of the, I would say is one of the more underrated, you know, CrossFit competitors of the recent generation, six or seven games qualifications is really, really hard to do. And he didn't start doing it until he was a little bit older. Like he wasn't one of those guys that was qualifying when he was 21, two, three, like he had to work for it. And then when he got there, he loved it and he wanted to stay there. Despite getting married and despite having kids and despite owning a business, he's found a way to remain good.
Starting point is 01:55:30 I have really no doubts about him as being a great team member as well. It just seems like he's a very, very experienced crossfitter and I think he's also cerebral enough to integrate into that team well. I think they are just as likely to win as either Invictus or Oslo.
Starting point is 01:55:46 It is truly a crazy team, right? Now that you, if you start looking at it, you have those two girls that just go wherever they need to just go. And they're basically just hit men. Wherever they go, they just kill shit, right? Nistler and Taylor. I mean, they're legends. Straight, just fucking legends then you have tim paulson who's just a straight legitimate crossfit games individual athlete
Starting point is 01:56:12 what did he ever has he ever won an event at the crossfit games i don't think so but like we can verify but fuck shit up yeah no no event wins at the CrossFit Games. But maybe some second and thirds. He's ruined some people's days. The thing is, to make it six times to the CrossFit Games. Crazy. That's what he's done? He has six individual appearances? I think six in a row.
Starting point is 01:56:37 That's nuts. Yeah. And he's coming out of the Northeast in some of those years. In 2017 and 2018, we were there. In 2018, that's a stacked field. and he's finding his way through it. And then, you know, 2019, 2020, he makes it online 2021. He makes it back in a new format. Like he's navigated all the changes of the season, all the different qualifying paths, all the competitive being in one of the most competitive divisions. And he finds a way to get there and he does, you know, not amazing
Starting point is 01:57:04 while he's there, but getting there six times in a row just instantly puts you into this category of someone that I would want on my team because that's a person that doesn't have a weakness like we see with some of these Masters athletes that might just instantaneously keep them out one year. And I think, not that Tola wasn't great enough to begin with, but he spends a year with Annie, a training season with Annie, and he's only that much better.
Starting point is 01:57:30 Yeah, those dudes are savages. I think there's more to it than that. I think that the expectations of that team were not met last year, and he moved his whole life to Iceland to win the CrossFit Games, and they didn't even make the podium. So I'm thinking he's coming into this season with a chip on his shoulder. And from what I'm thinking he's coming into this season with a chip on his shoulder. And from what I'm hearing and thinking,
Starting point is 01:57:53 I think that as an athlete, Tola is maturing this offseason into having maybe more discipline in his routines, in his life, or attacking the things that have been holding him back from maybe reaching his max potential. And I think he's still young enough to do that. I think we're going to see the best version of Tola that we've ever seen this season. Man, that's depressing that Annie's team didn't make a team.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Is Annie, so Annie's going individual this year. She is. And I think she's, uh, when, you know, outside of Mal and Laura,
Starting point is 01:58:19 I think she's the next most likely to podium at the games this year. Dang. Well, that's the thing. All the people from that team, except for Khan, are still competing this year, just in different avenues. Lauren Fisher's looking pretty good so far back in the individual field. Katrin's competing again as an individual. She was alternate on that team, of course.
Starting point is 01:58:45 I knew we should have ended the show. I knew we should have ended the show. I knew we should have ended the show before you said something. No, no, no. It's just to say that. He's tired, people. He's tired. 157 minutes of genius. And then he tells you Lauren Fisher's doing pretty good. Come on, buddy.
Starting point is 01:58:57 She's surprised me so far. Okay. And I'm curious. She's not going to the games. She's not going to the games. Well, it's not. Anyone who thought they were going out West and we're going to have an easy time making the games in the women's division is going to have a news
Starting point is 01:59:10 flash. It's not going to be easier. Right. I can't wait. I'm so excited to go to Pasadena. When is our, what shows do we have coming up? What do we got?
Starting point is 01:59:26 What do we got coming up? What do we got coming up? Aren't we due for a rankings update, top 100 best CrossFitters of all time? Or is it currently competing? Is that top 100 currently competing? I'll update the power rankings for this season so that it'll only include athletes who are still remaining as eligible competitors for the individual season this year there's like 40 there's over 40 athletes that i had to remove from the male and female list combined since january because they're no longer they're either going team they're injured they retired they got pregnant they didn't compete
Starting point is 02:00:00 or they didn't qualify so we moved all of those bumped up a bunch of athletes who are going to be relevant. Some of them are going to be relevant competitors, possibly for fringe game spots. But more likely as people that might be in that position a couple of years down the road. So we'll get to learn some new names in the scene this year. And then I'm also going to do that for the teams worldwide. Now that we actually have an idea of what the teams are when are we doing that not this upcoming week but maybe
Starting point is 02:00:29 the week after okay uh there was a um uh no you guys can go this show's over brian and i're just going to chat a little bit now thank you i appreciate you great show thanks for coming caleb thank you brian great thank you um brian um i noticed that there was a uh frisbee competition this week why aren't we doing a frisbee show tomorrow you told me that there well i just saw because i've been watching so much frisbee i saw paul mcbeth is playing this weekend he's playing at the throw down the mountain tournament in florida at the course that he now owns he actually bought it this past week as well oh and why aren't we covering that uh it's not a it's not a big tournament is it a silver series oh it's an eight here oh oh wow wow. Good. Wow. Caleb, that was just showing off.
Starting point is 02:01:26 That was just gratuitous showing off. Wait, wait. Don't show this. I'm actually going to go watch this right now. Now, look at this. This camera works looks a little dark. No, no, no. I don't want to see this.
Starting point is 02:01:38 No, because the points are showing down there. Yeah, I'm literally going to go watch this once we get off the air. Okay. I don't know what happened you don't think that maybe we should um cover this tomorrow even just like a little bit uh that's well so first of all it's not the same kind of speed of turnaround on the production so it'll be like a day. Have the final rounds done. That was the final round. No, it was not a disc golf. That's a round. Oh no,
Starting point is 02:02:11 you're right. That's round two front nine. Okay. Okay. So the, the final round will come out sometime tomorrow and I'll watch it probably tomorrow night. Okay.
Starting point is 02:02:21 So we might, we might cover this. No, we might not. Do you know a guy named Philo is? Yes. Brathwaite? Yeah, Philo Brathwaite, yeah. Is he still playing?
Starting point is 02:02:39 Mm-hmm. Crazy. He's the one black guy in disc golf that i've told you about yeah that's cool and he commentates for disc golf network sometimes as well and sometimes for some of the post-production companies uh he was in one of their videos three years ago hey did you see the girl um there was some girl there was a there was a girl uh there was a girl who she threw the Frisbee. It was a controversial play this weekend at the Mountain. She threw the Frisbee, and as she let go, she leaned on a tree.
Starting point is 02:03:16 I haven't seen this, no. And it's not allowed to lean on the tree, and she called herself for the penalty. But a penalty can't go into place unless two people see it and no one else saw it someone has to second it so she's telling the people that she's playing against hey you gotta second this they're like we didn't see it they're like what do you mean you're supposed to be watching me they got this on tape and they're like we were looking at your feet we didn't look at your hand and in the video you can barely see she leans on the tree because the video is from the side fascinating frisbee golf people fascinated what was the ruling the nuances a judge came over and was like i say i don't want to ruin it for you but i didn't understand it it could be good for the show i didn't i didn't really understand this isn't the women's division jane he got caleb oh He got Caleb? Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:04:06 James Krikava. Please stop, Sevan. Not until we go down to zero viewers. I will not. Controversial disc golf play. I can't imagine that level of drama. Okay. Tomorrow we have a live call-in show, 7 a.m.
Starting point is 02:04:28 I will be here. Caleb is still protesting until he hears back from HR. He's put in several complaints about me. So he's only working weekends now. All right. Thank you, Brian. Thank you. You make watching old people compete fun. Can you imagine if you weren't doing what you're doing? The void.
Starting point is 02:05:03 I just want to say, on behalf of all 518 people still watching, thank you. Everyone go over to Brian's DMs. No, not his DMs. He didn't want to go through his DMs. Don't close your DMs. Just go to his Instagram and tell him thank you. Not Caleb, though. Okay. Bye-bye.

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