The Sevan Podcast - #865 - The Morning Show | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 4, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 just like that good morning jeez louise jeez louise kenneth start that mouth up robbie myers good morning jay hardell good morning i saw you yesterday just talked to you yesterday just hung out with you yesterday just talk to you just talking out with you yesterday Courtney Olson good morning Jethro good morning the shiz Hiller's new video is classic what's Hiller's new video it was the one yesterday was great the one yesterday was absolutely fantastic
Starting point is 00:00:41 this is nuts let's just start let's just start chinese flashed mysterious green laser over hawaii nasa says i don't know if uh i don't i don't know if i'm ready for stuff like this this isn't popular mechanics this isn't like in usa today or msnbc some like just shit rag this is like a dork mag popular mechanics this isn't from like cnn or abc this is an article about some green lasers that were flat. You want to see them? You want to see them? So you don't even have to believe it.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I mean, I guess you still have to believe that this kid, this video came from somewhere. Um, let me, uh, switch screens here. And the people I talked to about what these green lasers are, I asked a few people. It's not good. There they are in the skies over hawaii uh the green laser lights captured with the subaru asai star camera on makai hawaii on january 20th 2023 were most likely from the dqi-1 a chinese atmospheric environment monitoring satellite you're telling me the chinese have an uh atmospheric environment monitoring satellite what does that mean uh if you start googling around about this you won't like what you see uh everyone basically is suggesting uh the same thing that they're targeting uh silos
Starting point is 00:02:33 that they're basically they're they're mapping out all of the missile silos in the united states and marking them with these green lasers there's shit loads of articles on it it's just it's just a little disturbing that this one comes from popular mechanics that it's not from i mean i guess you i guess popular mechanics could be part of the propaganda machine this article has kind of like no slant to it it's just um the the daki one that's the chinese satellite is uh using lidar to monitor uh the earth lidar one of those cameras on the back your iphone is lidar monitoring it's some sort of 3d like mapping shit the cloud aerosol lidar infrared pathfinder satellite observation
Starting point is 00:03:25 has been orbiting for more than 15 years yeah it's uh what a trip what a trip i subscribe to the epoch times and i think the epoch times is owned by chinese people um uh not the tai chi people i think it's owned by the fallen gong people and they fucking hate the Chinese government, right? They're Chinese. And so there's all sorts of like stuff in there that's, I don't know if it's true or not true,
Starting point is 00:04:15 but it sure is antagonistic and inflammatory. It's never like China and the United States are getting along great. It's always like the Chinese are harvesting organs and you're like, geez. Not Falun Dong. Yeah. Not Ladar. great it's always like the chinese are harvesting organs and you're like geez it's not fallen dong yeah not ladar lidar fine lidar philip kelly uh they send so many emails yeah they do yeah the chinese uh david um with more good news this morning the days of being the world's superpower nr1 is soon over for the united states of america jay hartle different form of propaganda different form of propaganda. When people are doing things to children, oh man, here we go.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Like wearing a mask around a child. I talked about it over a year ago, but there's 12 studies or 13 studies all with the same conclusive evidence that if you wear a mask around a child you're basically stopping the child and by a child i think i mean like under the age of two you're basically cutting off more than 51 of how a child learns how to speak there's this assumption that they learn how to speak by listening but studies have shown that like 51 percent of the information they're taking in is from lip reading so we have this whole generation and i see the kids every day by the way at the
Starting point is 00:05:55 skate park if you just talk to any parents who played the um the covid game their kids got issues all of them any of the parents who played the covid game their kids have issues and the parents are quick to talk about it and they're dipshits they talk about it in front of their kids got issues. All of them. Any of the parents who played the COVID game, their kids have issues and the parents are quick to talk about it and they're dipshits. They talk about it in front of their kids. Why are they dipshits for talking about in front of their kids? Because then their kids will live up to what their parents are saying in front of them. The importance of words, right? So basically, if you wear a mask around a child you're hurting a child now you know that you're openly if you wear a mask around a child you're openly hurting the child you're abusing a
Starting point is 00:06:32 child you be well the presupposition there is is that you want a child to learn uh words to be able to speak and to be able to enunciate words and to learn social cues and all of the stuff that's taken away from them when you cover up the everything between underneath the eyes to the chin. Wishing good friend Connie Lingus
Starting point is 00:07:01 a happy birthday. Connie Lingus, happy birthday. I think her name is Connie Lingus, happy birthday. Connie Lingus, happy birthday. I think her name is Connie Lingus, but maybe that's a typo. John Clark, $1,708.99. God, I love how immature everyone is. Immature is good. I think there's something in one of your Bibles that says, only children enter the kingdom of heaven let it be known i just one of my one of my friends i'm hearing has to wear a mask around their brand new born niece or nephew i don't know what it is
Starting point is 00:07:39 because my friend isn't vaccinated or doesn't have the flu shot, so they have to wear masks around the baby. And I'm like, dude, just don't see that baby. You're being fucking completely selfish. Don't go see that baby. I tried to call them yesterday and tell them. People have no idea what they're doing. You know, if you – remember, you know how I like to use that analogy that people just look through the world through a straw?
Starting point is 00:08:07 So give me an example of that in terms of the time – in terms of a time spectrum. You put suntan lotion on yourself to protect yourself, right, from sunburn. That lets you look out one day, right? So you're looking like this. You find out that after doing that for 10 years in a row, you end up having cancer and died. But you could have seen that if you'd have looked at the world like this. But you don't. You refuse and you look like this.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Those are the idiots that wear masks around kids. Those are the idiots who participate in any of the COVID stuff. There's no timeline for them. Those are all the people who just say we should get rid of guns. They never think of the cost. They never tell you what the cost is they don't want to they're they're like they're um they're such simpletons those are the same people who've been wearing shoes their whole life to protect themselves from something that they've never experienced they've been told to protect themselves from and now they got those fucked up toes and bunions and their feet are
Starting point is 00:09:03 pointy and their back hurts. They didn't care. They don't care. They look at the world like this. You look at the world like this. You're just instant gratification. Get rid of guns. No more people die.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Next year, we grab our ankles and take 10 shots from Pfizer. And talking to them is so annoying that's like that john the john stewart clip where that where that guy's i'm comparing um uh protecting uh hey you believe in the constitution but you but you won't allow freedom of speech for trannies in your fucking kids elementary school but you want to protect guns and all these people like fall for it oh john stewart got him there how the fuck is anyone falling for that i'm just tripping this same family they showed me they showed me that the child is laying on a diaper table having his diaper changed and they have a blow dryer pointed at its butt to keep the baby warm
Starting point is 00:10:02 what do you think the implications are of blowing warm air on a baby's butt at two years old what do you think all all of fucking psychology the good stuff and the bad stuff it's all bad all of it is based on i'm chasing stuff from from your past right chasing experiences from your past why would you put a blow dryer on your child's butt because you are uncomfortable with the child you of what you think is the child being cold i saw that the other day there's so many fucking dumb things people do the vast majority of us we were born in a hospital and they and they pricked our feet and took blood samples 10 times there'll be someone in the youtube comments that says someone you have to do that or else the babies will die you have to test for
Starting point is 00:10:56 protein and digestive enzymes and blah blah blah no you don't you don't have to do any of that and the thing is you haven't even thought of the implications of what that stimulus might do we just we live with just absolute complete knuckleheads uh you love saying get rid of 12 daily doses good morning you love saying get rid of guns when people are only yelling not giving them to people with psychiatric issues dude at least tell it how it is come on okay don't give guns to people with psychiatric issues ladies and gentlemen do not give guns to people with psychiatric issues but i would need need to tell you, I have no idea what that means by psychiatric issues. Oh, I know what you mean. Don't give guns to people who are born men
Starting point is 00:11:51 who think they're women or who are born women who think they're men. Okay, I concede. I agree. I 100% agree with you. I'll at least tell it how it is. But I do disagree with you, buddy. I don't know where you live, but my cohort of libtards would like to get rid of guns altogether, except for the ones that
Starting point is 00:12:12 they think protects them. I don't think anyone wants people with psychiatric issues to have guns. I think the thing is, is once again, they're concerned that if you start – that it's a slippery slope, that actually the people in power are the people who want to ban guns. It's just they're just – they just want to make incremental steps. And then I say to you, what's the cost of that if we get rid of guns? This is – is that Jake the Snake Roberts? Or is that Jake, the snake Roberts, or is that, um, Salvador Dali?
Starting point is 00:12:49 It's definitely not Salvador Dali. Dilberry. Hi. Good morning. Welcome from Europe. Uh, uh, I really don't want there to be Chinese green lasers.
Starting point is 00:13:09 It's not a slippery slope. It's simple. I know. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. You want to see what astronomy today is showing about the green lasers?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Once again, I tell you, these are not like the shit rags. This is some astronomy thing. How Chinese hypersonic glide vehicle works. How Chinese hypersonic glide vehicle works. Unfortunately, that thing, that glide vehicle, supposedly is directed by targeting lasers from space. Man, I really don't. And then you know what else someone told me yesterday? Maybe this show is like some Glenn Beck show. Someone else told me that the reason why we're not coming clean about it, why there's not more information about it, is because of the millions of dollars that the Chinese have paid to Hunter and to the big guy.
Starting point is 00:14:17 And they got him by the balls. I think that's really true. Someone could actually have our, like something about our president that's so important that doesn't get. I just want to say, dear Joe and Hunter. Joe and Hunter. I'd like to give you a pass on the millions of dollars you took from the Chinese. Not only do I forgive you, but I accept your behavior. I understand drug habits die hard. They're very difficult to deal with.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And that if there's any truth to the fact that the Chinese are holding information – I mean, Hunter, there's already video of you with prostitutes and smoking crack all over the web. It's cool. So the Chinese gave you a couple million. Now can we just fucking come clean with all the information? uh babies are resilient uh i hope he has a lifetime supply of mcdonald's coffee for the ordeal babies are resilient i just don't think it's a good idea to uh be just doing shit to babies without thinking of the implications of what they'll be chasing the rest of their life by the time you're four pretty much all the shit that happened to you you you have to think of yourself as a record for those you know what record is and you spin and the needles put down when you're born and then by the time you're four that record's written and all it does is that start over every four years you pick the time domain i don't give a shit and the only way to change that record is through fucking cultivating awareness, which 99.999% of people aren't going to do.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Cultivate awareness and stillness and channel something new to change their story. But you won't. Be the same story over and over and over again. Don't put a fucking blow dryer on your child's ass. I'll give you another example. i'll give you another example i'm gonna make this presupposition that uh i'm gonna make that presupposition that the smaller unit in which you can manipulate something the greater creative power you have so let's say um those big lego blocks right the big giant ones that aren't made by lego you can't do a lot with
Starting point is 00:16:42 them you can build big shit fast but you can't do anything with a lot of detail then the smaller legos you can like build shit that you know like some guy fucking built a bugatti some guy built a bugatti out of legos that you could actually sit in and drive right oh look dillberry's fitting right in finding the right questions that challenge the legend of you. Look at him. He's just squeezing right into the... The smaller unit in which you can control things, the more creative and the more power you have.
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's why you play classical music for your child or you play live music for your child and not synthesize rap music do you guys get it they can have all that stuff later in the beginning that's why you don't want process stuff think of every the smallest unit most basic simple stuff you can introduce to your child's life there's this daoist saying colors blind the eye taste numb the tongue sounds deaf in the ear that's a child i don't even know if i use the word synthesized right trish i don't know but
Starting point is 00:17:58 just fake instruments fake instruments yeah let your kid just listen to piano solos live and violin solos i'm telling you you give them smaller building blocks you want your kid to be a smaller small building box raw meat raw meat i know i love the fake instruments too it's cool it's cool as shit don't get me wrong i ain't hating i'm just talking about what you want to give kids you don't want to prick their feet with pins you don't put blow dryers in their ass you don't want to protect them from the cold one of the dumbest things i ever did with avi i'm so embarrassed is uh we had one of those warmers for the wipes. The twins didn't get that shit.
Starting point is 00:18:51 You want to be able to be in tune with the smallest increments of things that are going on on the planet. Here we go. The reason why I click on 12 daily doses is it's part of my... I don't know if I'm ready to tell you why. But it's important. I need to lean in to doses.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Just because some wacko told you they want to take guns away doesn't mean it's going to happen. There are stupid people who want to ban meat in cars. You think that's going to happen stop the stupid it's very optimistic of you i appreciate it i like that very very optimistic of you i like that uh okay what oh i have the wrong I have the wrong live calling show here we go here's my notes I've told you this before
Starting point is 00:19:50 and you guys think I'm joking or you think I'm talking about some like some sort of wacko conspiracy you guys think it's oh it's so funny this is just a flopping dick stuff I've told you this before and I'm sticking by my guns it's not it's not it's not a fact this isn't fact god look how big her boobs look here in this picture kelly cook's comedy
Starting point is 00:20:18 it is nice that she's so nice to look at she She's not like, I mean, she's beautiful, but it's not like annoyingly. You're not like, she's not like a sex pot. She's just like really hot. She's cool. But I've told you this before about haircuts and what they mean. I'm telling you again,
Starting point is 00:20:43 there's a certain kind of haircut out there that triggers me and she knows it too listen listen carefully block who no i don't think i haven't seen anything that needs to be blocked no i'm not gonna micromanage block anyone you want i don't give a fuck sorry i apologize ain't did not micromanage. 12 daily doses. Okay, I'm done. No, you're good.
Starting point is 00:21:08 You're good. You're good. I love you all. I realize I ain't changed your minds. Unfortunately, even though I provide a solution with that. No, that's good. I'm cool. Everything you're saying makes sense. No one wants guns in wackadoodles' hands.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And if they do, ban them from the chat. You're good. No wackadoodles with guns. We're all in agreement there. Hey, here's the thing, too. These fucking... These people that we're not digging, these trannies that are groomers, these fucking non-trannies that are groomers, anyone who's a groomer, all these people have one.
Starting point is 00:21:52 These people who are shooting up schools and shit, they have a common denominator. Uh-oh, look at there, Sarah. There you go. You knew, huh? You knew, Sarah. Your beautiful eyes. Look at you staring at me. Don't stare at me.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Don't stare at me. Here we go. This is for you, Sarah. Your beautiful eyes. Look at you staring at me. Don't stare at me. Don't stare at me. Here we go. This is for you, Sarah. You knew. Uh-huh. You knew. Look at that. You're in my head since yesterday.
Starting point is 00:22:15 It sucks. Those people all have the same issue. If you have an asymmetrical haircut or you're a high school shooter, you have the same problem. You just didn't have a good mom and dad at home that's it everyone just needs a good mom and dad at home not even good you just got to have both mom and dad mom and dad you need mom and dad mental health i can't use i don't know if i can use mental health anymore as a as a term that means anything okay here we go now listen i've told you about this forever. Friends went through a breakup.
Starting point is 00:22:46 What is this? The chat is filled with hot ass. That's awesome. That would make me feel, I would feel stoked on that. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Don't block 12 daily doses. He's a cash cow for seven. Now someone with a fucking good head on their shoulders. Thank you, Trish. End of the day. Thank you, Trish. Okay, here we go. Now listen to this lady. She got this dramatic haircut afterward as a revenge move against her ex. She's like, if he sees me, he's going to know he missed out on this whole other me.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Like a guy has ever seen a haircut and been like I never got a asymmetrical lob Lisa one of my friends went through a breakup and she got this dramatic haircut afterward as a revenge move against her ex. She's like, if he sees me, he's going to know he missed out on this whole other me. So she's saying that her friend went through a dramatic breakup and then got a crazy fucking haircut to get back at her boyfriend. Like a guy has ever seen a haircut and been like here we go sarah what kind of haircut is it listen sarah what kind of haircut is it listen
Starting point is 00:24:25 i never got a f***ing asymmetrical lob, Lisa. I never got to f*** asymmetrical haircut, Lisa. Yeah. David Weed, just straight to the heart of the issue. Women aren't funny. Hey, God, you're so f***ing 1980s. How is that even a conversation anymore? Listen, asymmetrical haircut means mental illness that's it
Starting point is 00:24:46 that's it you guys we can't ban people unless they're like soliciting children we can't ban people don't we freedom of speech freedom of speech this is the this is the channel of tolerance we can't ban people even Even if they took something from me. I don't want to ban anyone. I don't want anyone reporting my show either. Yeah, blue hair, all that stuff. Yeah. Blue hair, weird haircuts.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Nose rings, all that shit. Just like something happened to you. I mean, unfortunately, I mean, look at, I don't want to use her as an example, but you guys know I've used her as an example before. Look at her hair now and then look at her hair 10 years ago. She's hotter now and she don't got that fucking fucked up haircut and she's cooler now. Way cooler. There you go. Now you know. And it's not just me
Starting point is 00:25:46 everyone knows so don't think I'm all fringing crazy all the athletes almost all the CrossFit athletes have mental illness yes that's correct
Starting point is 00:25:58 no I don't know I don't know if Danielle does Danielle's a different breed Danielle's still young and rebellious and hot and we let's and let's not let's not jump to conclusions outlier
Starting point is 00:26:08 outlier but I but yeah okay I don't mental illness met a handful that girl's probably a handful speaking of handfuls guess who's coming on tomorrow Rich is coming on tomorrow not that he's a handful but he's cool shit
Starting point is 00:26:24 I need to make another run at Danielle Not that he's a handful, but he's cool as shit. I need to make another run at Danielle. Danielle has ligma. What's ligma? Oh, there we go. I like this. Danielle is a saint, yes. There we go.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Oh, shit. Here we go. Here we go. I hadn't, oh, wow. oh shit here we go here we go I had an wow is that that Krivkova's guy's wife is this Susan that guy's wife holy shit I had an asymmetrical haircut I had an asymmetrical haircut in the 80's
Starting point is 00:26:59 and I thought I was cool you're cool now if that's really you. Sevan, do you think Daniel Brandon is going to age well? As in looks? It depends on if she marries someone rich or not. And if she has kids. If she, oh, here we go. Here we go. Sarah and I have some unfinished business. Or laziness in my case, I don't like to spend time on my hair.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Asymmetrical hair you don't have to spend time on? Someone could just say your hair's parted. Maybe I have a mental illness because I don't like things that aren't symmetrical. Okay. There you go. At least I feel somewhat vindicated. Somewhat.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Had my eye removed. What's this? Here we go. This is always fun. I don't do a lot of memes, but I think I have a few today. At the age of five, I identified as a pirate.
Starting point is 00:28:15 My parents took me to the children's hospital. My eye was removed for the patch. One leg was amputated below the knee for my peg leg. My hand was removed for the hook. My pronouns are P and I rate. Arr. I guess the only thing, yeah, I guess a pirate's real.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I guess a pirate's real. It's a signifier for a lifestyle, right? You're on a boat and you steal shit. Like they have pirates off the coast of Somalia. They don't look like that. Those are black pirates. It's a little bit different if you think you're a dude or a girl, but you're the opposite. Had my eye removed.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Man, raising the kids is important. I am by far from perfect. And I'm not saying that to be humble. I really wish I was perfect. But fuck, I'm a goddamn expert. Man, I'm an expert. Man, I'm an expert. I wish a child expert in podcasts could be crazy popular.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I just don't think they are. I'll give you another tidbit. This one's hard to remember. Very difficult to remember very difficult to remember but this is this is for uh this is for people who have really young kids under three under three you ready here it is and you're gonna know this but this you always have to be reminded of this right before your kid falls asleep often your kid falls asleep, often your kid will have these crazy temper tantrums. And it's like 30 seconds before they fall asleep or a minute before they fall asleep or two minutes before they fall asleep. And they'll have these crazy temper tantrums, explosions.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You can't even explain it. And you'll actually try to interact with the kid. You'll either get angry or be too nice or try to feed them something. Or you'll try to have some sort of, you will react to that kid's temper tantrum. And 30 seconds later, you'll look back in your car seat and your kid's asleep. Or you're holding your kid in your arms and they're they're passed out of sleep and you realize what a fucking idiot you were for any interaction you did positive negative that you should have that child just didn't need anything that that's just part of their process for going to sleep sometimes you'll be like oh shit i probably kept him awake an extra 20 minutes too long
Starting point is 00:31:06 because I started trying to interact with him and turned on a TV or tried to deal with it remember don't react if you're not sure what to do don't react it's it's it's very uh that that's like one of the holy grails of information you need if you have a child under three i don't know why they do that i used to have this like crazy um um kind of thought that when i would see them do that that's because they don't want to leave this world they know they're going back to their other world where they came from they're back with god or you're not allowed to swear and listen to two life crew there you go that was 548
Starting point is 00:31:58 um calling lauren's note pick them up and place them in their room safe quiet place or leave them where they are reinforcing nothing negative you mean yes i mean yes nope yes you agree with me oh here we go uh my dad gave me scotch to fall asleep or toothache old school parenting. And now you're an alcoholic. I understand. Look it, look it. Here's more money.
Starting point is 00:32:33 12 daily doses. Don't ban guns. Check background instead. They do background checks already. So true. Not the right background check, dude. Brandon Waddell, uh, background checks are done on all gun purchases. I know it's so hard, right?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Samantha H. Yeah. Don't engage your child at that point. So hard. I think you have to take a test in California to get a gun too. You have to be like, should you point the gun in your, put the gun in your mouth? Like it's like questions like that. If the gun's jammed, do you look,
Starting point is 00:33:11 do you ask your three-year-old child to look down the barrel? Stuff like that. That's that. Oh my God. I i got i saw this this is great news uh you know the the young man we've had on the show several times that that quarterback tyson bagent incredible news i just i i saw this yesterday i'm so excited for him look at this how. How great is this for Tyson Bajan? Listen to this. You guys ready? Here we go. This is from Scientific America. Let you know how smart I am where I get my information. Scientific American just published this article. The Mar Hamlin's collapse highlights the violence black men experience in football. It then made the observation that violence in
Starting point is 00:34:04 football disproportionately affects black men. To alleviate this racial injustice, some have suggested that the NFL implement an affirmative action plan to promote racial diversity and get more white players in the NFL. Now, it's also rumored that Harvard may take over the NFL draft and just pretend that black players are Asian. Please like, comment, and subscribe. Yeah. Please like, comment, and subscribe.
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah, please like, comment, and subscribe, or whatever that is. Wouldn't that be amazing? I think like half this story is true and the other half isn't true. I think Scientific America really did say DeMar Hamlin's collapse highlights the violence and black men experience in football. the violence in black men experience in football uh uh denar hamlin's collapse highlights the violence that men with hair experience in football demar hamlin's collapse highlights the violence that men experience in football demar hamlin's collapse highlights the violence that people who breathe oxygen experience in football.
Starting point is 00:35:13 You see, DeMar Hamlin's collapse highlights the violence men who wear tights experience in life. Yeah, dudes who wear tights like that are going to get, you know, roughed up a little bit in some neighborhoods. It's crazy. say crazy um eric wise uh what if i buy my gun from my homie down at the port of oakland do i need a background check no sir you're good to go give you a pass on that have you seen a oakland now has an instagram account like portland does just showing all the crazy shit once again i like to reiterate for those of you who don't live in the united states most of the united states is not like the shit you see like Most of this shit's really, really good, like where I live. I live 20 miles south of all that chaos
Starting point is 00:35:52 in a small hamlet called Santa Cruz, and life's good. It's sunny. I keep thousands of people out surfing today. Our food is impeccable. Impeccable. i can grow anything i want in my backyard you can have all the guns i want brace yourself i have something really good for you guys today with marjorie taylor green like really good i think this lady's too nice i want i want to show i want to show you this i think this lady is uh i think this lady's too nice but but i like her but i just think she's too nice here we go uh i don't even have her on the screen yet here we go
Starting point is 00:36:42 here we go this is some uh this is some john stewart level manipulation here we go this is just a reminder that a trans child is just like a vegan cat we all know who's making the choices yeah to the parents doing this to their children it doesn't make it cool trendy or with times. But it does make you an abuser. This is just a reminder. There are no vegan cats. None. Zero. There's people who feed that shit. Just like my dog's not a fucking vegan. But if I'm eating a pear, I can just throw him a piece and he eats it. But my dog is not a vegan. He's not a fruit eater. It's domesticated tardation. That a trans child is just like a vegan cat.
Starting point is 00:37:33 A trans child is just like a vegan cat. There are no vegan cats. There are idiots who make their, who force their cats to have, eat vegetables and fruit, and they hurt their cats. They damage their cats. We all know who's making the choices, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 To the parents doing this to their children. It doesn't make it cool, trendy, or worth the times. But it does make you an abuser. Abuser? Is that word strong enough? Is that word strong enough? Your three-year-old child self-diagnosis your three-year-old boy self-diagnosis as a girl and so you help your child remove its genitalia through chemicals in surgery I don't know if abuser is the
Starting point is 00:38:19 right word I don't know if abusers the right word you guys making fun of the way that chick looks I think she looks good she's I like lip gloss lip gloss and eyeliner are two if you if you in the, in the, in the, uh, church of seven oncology, those are acceptable, uh, makeup. I haven't liked them. Johnny Depp, uh, didn't, the only thing I liked about that movie he was doing is that black eyeliner he would wear. No, I've never, I've never worn eyeliner. never I've never worn eyeliner what would be more important what do you think is more important are we address our gun issues or we address this issue I have like five of these today it really is bad it really is bad here we go brace yourself town of rolling stone will be back and we'll be with you every step of the way
Starting point is 00:39:32 and i've that i what i say i i didn't i said rolling fork rolling stone i got my mind going here town of rolling stone will be back and we'll be with you every step of the way. And what did I say? I said Rolling Fork, Rolling Stone. I got my mind going here. Okay, David, that's where you chime in. Go ahead, David, say it. Chime in, David. That's where you say it oh nelly i have friends who think he's okay i have friends who think he's okay i have friends who think he's okay what's up on that's just that could happen to anyone. We see you do that shit every day on your show. OK, fine. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:32 All right. Fine. I hear you. We'll get back to Joe Biden in just a minute. But before I forget, because we are 40 minutes into the show, minute um but before i forget because we are 40 minutes into the show uh we do have to reach our daily our showly quota this is um this is an elephant uh walking uh uh yeah so check this out here we go bumping into the leg just getting caught between your legs that looks like a baby there you go there you go you have no idea how much cock is in my um yeah you have no idea how much cock is in my, um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:27 you have no idea how much cock is in my inbox. You have no idea. I, and I'm not enjoying it because I have to sift through so much to get this. And I'm going to tell you, there is a disproportional amount of black dudes with giant cocks and no one has sent me an Asian dude with a giant cock or a Middle Eastern dude or an Indian dude. I think there was one like maybe Arab dude. The cock, the cock quota. No, it's not dang, it's dong.
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, it's not dang, it's dong. In all honesty, how are there this many people in the world that think Biden is a good choice? Biden doesn't scare me. The massive amount of dumb people scare me. Man, just their hatred for... It's the same thing with they just haven't come to terms with the fact that they're the pedophilia um party either they there's just something that they want to defend so badly it's so weird talk about a fifth wheel yeah i mean imagine imagine that thing I'd like to see the viscosity what comes out of that must be just fucking
Starting point is 00:42:52 crazy I feel like I've seen an elephant come before okay here's a good here's a good one i like this do you guys think this is true it seems um benching your own body weight and back squatting here's the here's the thing back squatting your own body weight and benching your own body weight seem just like yeah no duh anyone can do that if you're especially if you're a dude maybe if you're not a girl but but but the deadlift seems a little high to me i don't know here we go go listen if you can bench press your own body weight and that you can squat your own body weight and deadlift two times your body weight you're part of the five percent of the
Starting point is 00:43:47 strongest humans on earth well and then someone wrote here this guy mr santos it's actually bench 1.5 times squat two times and deadlift 2.5 times yeah i don't think i could ever i never i had to have been in the top. Well, I guess I'm I guess I'm all messed up because we're in the United States. I have to be in the top five percent fittest people in the United States. Just doing pull ups and running and picking something off the ground. I back squatted my body weight like 85 times and I was like, what's the point? Legs were sore for days. Yeah. I remember Rob Orlando did that. He
Starting point is 00:44:33 did a hundred back squats without putting the bar down with 200 pounds. He said it was pretty dumb. say the right things and size doesn't matter one bit like what i'm i have a hundred million dollars in the bank in a fucking private jet you just whisper that into someone's ear and dick size doesn't matter at all i don't know. I think I disagree. I think that if you're a girl, you like a good pounding by a big cock. There's like a surrender. I'm just going to surrender and just get drilled. I think that there's a lot of women who
Starting point is 00:45:27 whether they say it or not I mean I've no girls ever just told me that but I think there's a certain bit of peace and acceptance just
Starting point is 00:45:44 can just submit and just take one just get smashed by a big one that's my opinion I'm open I'm open to getting smashed by a little cock too but I just think. I'm open to getting smashed by a little cock too, but I just think that... I just think... If I was a girl...
Starting point is 00:46:10 If I was a girl... But those women who do like that aren't these women I'm about to show you. This is nuts. This is a trippy. I kind of want to go through this whole Instagram account here. This one's called openly gay animals. I didn't look at any of the other posts.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Someone sent me this. This is real. First of all, first of all, do you think that's a man or a woman? That's incredible. That's real, dude. That's someone protecting themselves from COVID. They thought it was a good idea to put a plastic bag over their head. This is a couple that's put tampons over their face.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Is that what those things are called? Or tampons are the things that look like bullets. Oh, it's sanitary napkins. Look, she's wearing gloves. She has two sets of glasses on her head. Look at this guy. This is real. A paper bag, a garbage bag, gloves. Look at the lady who works there.
Starting point is 00:47:37 This dude is wearing an Alhambra bottle. With a charcoal filter on the top. Thank you, David. It was about time. Greatest country in the world. Pads, pads, it's pads. I ain't gonna lie. That one's pretty crazy. That one's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:48:11 That's like, that's, that one's pretty amazing. Does that guy work there? Or is that guy purchasing something? No, he's purchasing, man.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Look at that register. That register is like from 1980. That lady sits down when she works? Oh, my goodness. Okay, let's keep going. You guys, this was two years ago. You know what's crazy, too? This is a birthday hat.
Starting point is 00:48:48 She's putting a birthday hat over her face. That's a shoe. A dude tied his shoe around his mouth. I know some of you want to say this isn't real. This is fully real. You have to
Starting point is 00:49:03 this is fully real. This is fully real. You have done it. This is fully real. This is a sponge. Do you kind of – I'm going to come back and we'll do a whole racist slant on this too. That's a Rastafarian dude, I think. That's like some Arab Rastafarian, right? Look at him. He's even got his dreads. Dude, if you have dreads, you already have all the diseases of the world in there.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I like to stack a white claw in the back to this Asian guy. That's a that's a bra pad. Those are the things that all the CrossFit game girls games athletes have to wear to make it look like that. There's that they still have boobs. So here's the thing. I totally see this as an Asian guy thing to do. Zero fucks given. Just took that out.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Or maybe that's a shoulder pad. I'm going to go with bra. This right here, just whatever. Just ghetto Arab. Dude, Mexican lady with the sponge? Are you kidding me? That's culturally so perfect. Black dude with a sneaker?
Starting point is 00:50:20 Some Air Jordans as his mask? I mean, this shit, you can't make this shit up i don't know that could be anyone that lady could be white trash too i said it she's just went uh there's no this one yeah that could be anything that honestly that seems a little more asian to me than a black dude. I was really disappointed when the black community participated in COVID. I really thought that they were too smart.
Starting point is 00:50:52 I thought that they just knew. I thought they knew. I thought they didn't give a fuck either. That was a little bit of a letdown in my prejudice and discriminatory beliefs. They kind of dropped a notch as a whole.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Uh, this, uh, I don't, I don't even know what that guy is. I don't know what he is, but look at this asymmetrical haircut on the checker. What do you think she is?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Look at her fucking haircut total total just old people with coronary heart disease and all sorts of shit using just white people using pads zero fucks given there's probably something in these latex gloves that probably shortened her life by a year she doesn't even know and then this thing yeah this thing doesn't even own its own cart this thing is so cheap it uses a plastic bag as a covid mask and it borrows the cart from the store yeah this is just getaway Everyone fits their masks culturally. Yeah, sanitary napkins for a face shield.
Starting point is 00:52:16 I know a guy who only subscribes to your page and no others. He's usually here in the chat, says you're high class. I am. others he's usually here in the chat says you're high class i am i'm a former democrat snob elitist i just i'm just not racist that's the only the only thing or maybe i'm racist and i accept it either way i i not participating i don't want to i'm, I don't hate people really. Only the pedophiles. I don't even hate them. I just want them to go away far, far away. Like not, not on this in any existence where I exist. So that was the ethnic COVID masks piece.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Okay. Oh, here's another meme. I like these. Here we go. Here's another meme i like these here we go here's another meme uh kyle sef sefcik uh he's a doctor after two years of homeschooling our children we have talked to and hung out with thousands of other homeless homeless take two after two years of homeschooling our children we have talked to and hung out with thousands of other homeless homeless. Take two. After two years of homeschooling our children,
Starting point is 00:53:30 we have talked to and hung out with thousands of other homeschool parents and children. None of them claim to be trans gay or use pronouns. Literally zero. Isn't that a trip? Isn't that a trip? isn't that a trip? I wonder why that is. Because those parents are really abusive and they hide, and they don't allow their child freedoms
Starting point is 00:54:01 because they don't accept their children. I think that's it okay here we go this is you guys are gonna love this this totally so remember yesterday when that girl was throwing water at alex stein and i was like that's not cool and by the fifth time she threw water at stein i'm like hey like you're not under you need a lesson in the hierarchy here of the planet you need like a reality check like people who don't have that reality check are the kind of people who need to go to prison like if you're a woman and you're five feet tall you have no fucking business throwing water on a man who's six four who's not who's not intact who's not doing anything to you
Starting point is 00:54:37 and at some point i don't care if you're a man or a woman. I personally think you need to be kicked in the chest or slapped across the face really hard. Like you need, you're out of touch with the hierarchy here on planet Earth. Like you're so out of fucking touch with reality. And Sousa said, I don't know, that's a little much. Kick a woman in the chest for throwing water. I agree. It is a little much. But if he did it, I don't know, that's a little much, kick a woman in the chest for throwing water. I agree, it is a little much. But if he did it, I don't think it's bad at all. Like, I think he's doing her a favor.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But here we go. But Sousa did say, hey, if you spit on someone, like, brace yourself. If you spit on someone, brace yourself. Okay, here we go. So that guy, that little guy, just spit on a big giant dude who entered a subway. And the subway train's about to pull away. Thank you. one two oh my goodness oh my goodness two people called at the same time you're not sharing your screen oh shit thank you what the
Starting point is 00:56:49 fuck god thank god there's someone like you oh my goodness no problem how often do i do that how often do i do that i think you've only done it one other time where it like went on forever that's the most embarrassing moment i've had in my life. You're like, your face is like staring off at the screen and you weren't even moving. I'm like, did mine just lock up? Like, oh no, we can't see it. Okay, here we go. Now I feel, here we go. Son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Thank you, Travis. No wonder two people called at the same time. Travis Bellinghaus saves the show. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Small man complex thinking this guy's going to get in the car and go away. But not today. Oh my god, the beast is unleashed. And now he's going to
Starting point is 00:57:30 town, taking him to the ground, getting him in the full mount position and now grounding and pounding his face into hammered or helped by oblivion. My god, he's sending him back in time. I think he just broke his freaking flux capacitor, takes his bag of shit and walks right out the door
Starting point is 00:57:46 like freaking Clint Eastwood. My God, let's take a look at this brutal That guy with his arm hanging out the door, he just got spit on. Someone spit on him. This little guy spit on him. Just as the train's supposed to pull away. You can see little Napoleon douchebag walk up to the door thinking he's safe.
Starting point is 00:58:02 But this is where he said, Oh my God, I screwed up. And Booyah unleashes the beast. He comes out, lands a nice shot to the chin. His knees buckle like a newborn deer. Now his face is starting to look like a hot pocket that exploded in the microwave. I think spitting's too far. Look at what there is.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Boom, spit on him. I thought it was a good idea to continue to spit on this guy who is two times his size. Oh, shit, he spit on him again a double spit oh my good oh my goodness oh my goodness i think it'd be lm yeah don't spit on don't spit on giant black dudes uh dvesh maharaj don't say anything funny or profound for the next 30 minutes while i go to this meeting dan bailey sucks five dollars the kids um good glad he got his ass beat right hey what's up that's why it's so lame what they do. They do that to Alex Stein too. They spit on him. It's, it's, it's despicable.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It's a pretty despicable behavior. Call her. Hi. You know what's crazy? That was karma for that guy. Like instant. Yeah. If anyone knows subways, Allison would know anyone that visited New York Those doors close they never open again Yeah Unless you're a 6 foot 5 black guy They open for you
Starting point is 00:59:32 They know Those doors have diversity training And that's the most popular Train station in the entire subway system That one right there Yep 34th and 10th 34th street How cool is it that yesterday we were talking about like needing to get an ass whooping if you spit and um and there
Starting point is 00:59:52 you go that dude needs a cup of coffee to come back to life right a little paper street coffee oh yeah oh yeah how are you my wife my wife my wife's such a tough critic with uh coffee and we tried the CEO brand. She's like, where'd you get this coffee from? And I was like, paper street coffee. She's like,
Starting point is 01:00:10 you got to buy it right now. I need more. Oh, that's good job, Gabe. I love it. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:00:16 I thought you were Gabe. This is Jethro. Yeah. Good job, Alison. This is Jethro. All right, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:22 See you later. Okay. Hey, did I miss some crazy shit in the chat? I thought I saw a post that where allison was like i made a million dollars bouncing my boobs or something and then i and then i'm like oh shit i must be missing some good shit you're missing a lot of content on the chat okay fuck me meanwhile i'm over here looking at a screen that you guys can't even see
Starting point is 01:00:39 yeah i call i called you too it was buzzing thank you Thank you. I appreciate it. All right, man. Okay. Bye. Bye. Oh, shit. I'm going to see Allison today. I'm going to ask her what she was saying. I'm going to see her at skate camp. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Here it is. This is what I wanted to show you. This is exactly what I wanted to show you. This is just... This is the thing this is i want to say it's just crazy right wing shit i really do i want to say that i'm just myopic or that i'm just manifesting around me uh the stories that i want to see or the stories that i i just keep because i'm stuck in the
Starting point is 01:01:24 algorithm i just keep seeing the same thing over and over and over and over. But I just I don't think it's true. I think that something really weird has gone on with this Democratic Party and something is fucked up, man. up man and they are being the whole party is being used or they are there's disproportionate of fucking people who are abusive to kids in that in that party they're they're codependents of pedophiles and drug users and rapists and all the bad shit and violence and theft they're codependents of all of that under the guise of skin color all sorts of idiotic things freedom freedom of choice allowing like allowing kids 12 years old to start taking hormone blockers just all of these weird things that are just coming out of that party
Starting point is 01:02:19 tank reeves seven when are you going to wake up and realize there's no left and right dude you're still in the matrix what would it let's say let's say i did realize that what would be the outcome i just sit back in the center of the circle and just watch it all go down. It's all perfect. It's all meant to happen. Everything happens for a reason. Is that what I see? Tell me what I see from there. I'm being serious. Tell me what is the perception there. Then would I not act at all? I wouldn't be an actor in the play anymore. I'd just chill. Then would I not act at all?
Starting point is 01:03:03 I wouldn't be an actor in the play anymore. I'd just chill. The point isn't that the right is correct, Mr. Reeves. I don't do a lot of, I don't think I do. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong. I don't do a lot of like, oh my God, the Republicans are so great. Trump's so great. I don't do that. I just, oh my God, the Republicans are so great. Trump's so great. I don't do that.
Starting point is 01:03:27 I just mostly just do libtard bashing. Marjorie Taylor Greene looks like Wilson from Castaway. You mean like that's the volleyball? I don't know. When am I going to wake up? Let me know. I don't know. When am I going to wake up? Fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:43 Help a brother out Stephen Flores it's the globalist versus everyone else okay here we go what do you see unfortunately it's the life is pointless there's no point other than family that's it that's all okay well cool then I'm there I'm good thank you
Starting point is 01:04:03 I still appreciate though the I, cool. Then I'm there. I'm good. Thank you. I still appreciate, though, the I'm there. I think I'm there. I'm not sucking any party's cock, I don't think. the pointless play is um maybe maybe fishing for more souls making since i have a little uh i've created a little space of peace for myself to um share that maybe maybe that's my role Okay, here we go. Here we go. And things she says that are over the top, like the Democrats are a party of pedophiles. I would definitely say so. They support grooming children. They are not pedophiles. Why would you say that? Now, listen, she said she says stuff that's over the top.
Starting point is 01:05:08 And then she says, listen, if some if if if a child told you that they were suicidal. And you reacted to them or an adult, anyone, if anyone told you, hey, I'm suicidal and you said to them, no, you're not. Why would you say that? You're kind of a douchebag right you have to take that you have to take that seriously right someone just told you that they're suicidal you have to take that seriously right you have to get to the bottom of that right you have to get at least talk to them and give them resources right You have to at least talk to them and give them resources, right? She's claiming that there's a whole entire party protecting pedophiles.
Starting point is 01:05:59 We all see it, whether it's intentional or not intentional. We all see it. Tons of us see it. They're protecting pedophiles. They're protecting murderers. They're protecting pedophiles they're protecting murders they're protecting violence they're openly creating situations that make it fucking impossible for fucking black communities to thrive while on the other hand saying that that's what they want to do and support i mean we all see it and she rolls her eyes and says why would you say that not like oh shit can you tell me more? What details do you have?
Starting point is 01:06:26 It's not she's just pushing back on it because it makes her uncomfortable. Because she's a weak, frail lady. Look at the difference in these women, too, by the way. Democrats, Democrats support even Joe Biden, the president himself supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do. She just laid it out. He fully supports that. Joe Biden fully supports that.
Starting point is 01:06:59 That's the Democratic Party. That's the Democratic Party. Reparations. Protect kids from their parents. Allow them to make the decision at the age of 12 to get vaccinated. To start hormone blockers. To keep things from your parents. To have schools where they ask your... To have high schools where the teachers...
Starting point is 01:07:24 They defend the teachers who ask your kids, what are your sexual fantasies, and give me the initials of the person you want to do it to in class. Children. Wow. Look at – and then she did this. She goes, wow. Okay. Rolls her eyes. Okay. All she can do is facial gestures i grew up with that i wish i could tell you i've seen that that is what it's like growing up in libtardville that you have to watch
Starting point is 01:07:57 if you if you don't if you haven't ever been in a blue area this is what it's exactly what it's like talking to liberals there's nothing of value that comes out of their mouth and all they do that's like a subtle form of bullying you see that i mean it doesn't work who cares and things but it does work on kids she says that are over the top like the democrats are a party of pedophiles. I would definitely say so. They support grooming children. They are not pedophiles. Why would you say that? Democrats, Democrats.
Starting point is 01:08:31 All that eye closing when she responses and turning her head. Support. support even joe biden the president himself supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries he does support children being sexualized and transgender surgeries he's okay with he's okay with trannies going into elementary schools and dancing sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children wow wow okay all that the eye roll the look up god it's just fucking you guys are watching me just relive my childhood it's un-fucking-believable i know a fucking thousand ladies like that lady Un-fucking-believable.
Starting point is 01:09:23 I know a fucking thousand ladies like that lady. You can't ask anyone a fucking question. You can't talk to anyone. Yeah, I love watching them squirm now, too. My mother-in-law is a liberal, but if I told her what Marjorie Taylor Greene said, she would agree. Then how can she support the party? Isn't that enough to just jump ship?
Starting point is 01:09:48 That's what I mean. Isn't that enough to just like, okay, as Tank Reef says, I'm in the Matrix, but at least I'm not going to support that in the Matrix? I live in a blue area. None of what you're saying is true. Greene is talking about the same percentage of wackos on the right that think January 6th was cool. I live in a blue area. None of what you're saying is true. What am I saying?
Starting point is 01:10:15 That when I grew up around libtards as a kid, that they did that? They eye-rolled and they never could push back with any facts. It was just emotion and try intimidation. That's not true. How would you even know if that's true? That's 100% true. I'm showing you one right here, a queen of the libtards, Frank, from 60 Minutes. I'm showing you it from the queen of the libtards, and you're saying it's not true.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Green is talking about the same percentage of wackos on the right. and you're saying it's not true green is talking about the same percentage of wackos on the right you you want to compare wow this is fucking amazing be honest with me what are you saying here why why are you jumping from kids getting uh uh molested and a whole party supporting molestation of children whether they know it or not versus people protesting on the capitol by the way you don't there's so much evidence now about the capitol i don't i don't know how you could even bring up january 6th ever again january 6th was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Let me guess. You think that that was
Starting point is 01:11:29 one of the craziest days in U.S. history? You think it was since the Civil War? You think it's gnarlier than... Dude, you think it's gnarlier? Every day during George Floyd, there was a protest somewhere that was gnarlier than January 6th. How come you don't bring up any of those? Hey, you want to know what's not cool? You want to know what's not cool is that OJ Simpson fucking got off for fucking killing someone. You want to know what's not cool is that we don't have the Epstein list.
Starting point is 01:12:02 I'll do 10 more January 6th to get the Epstein list. about you what will you put on the table what will you give up what do you think hey i'll do a hundred more january sixes to bypass uh the code the pandemic the regulations the government put on the pandemic how about you what do you think's worse? One of the fucking pandemics? We'll throw that in Joe Biden's tank? Or, I mean, Bill O'Malley's are just as bad, Jeremy. Just as bad, dude?
Starting point is 01:12:38 They burned down fucking cities, dude. Burn down cities. Oh, shut it. Oj didn't do it yeah oh january 6th was a fucking nothing burger of course january 6th wasn't well yeah it wasn't directly about the pandemic yeah you're right i'm not suggesting it was i'm just saying like there's there's things that happen every day that make january 6th look cool don't like you're just believing some sort of i don't even know how you you compared those don't distract me from the what we're talking about these fucking libtards and everything i am saying is true the spirit of what i'm saying is true it's's 51% true, but I think it's more like 99% true.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Interrupt me ever again. Here you go. Some of you aren't going to want to see this. Some of you probably should leave. This is in France. This is in France. This is in France. This is in France. I'm a party guy.
Starting point is 01:13:56 What party am I? What I, please tell me what fucking party am I? Here we go. tank reeves uh seven i think you should be an anarchist libertarian i think i should be with everyone's mom here we go here we go this is john lachland i'm the director of fvd international i'm speaking to you from the palais de tokyo in paris behind me you can see an exhibition space. I'm not allowed to film in there. I started to film and the guards told me I had to stop. The reason is that there's a painting
Starting point is 01:14:34 in there which shows two children with their hands tied behind their backs being forced to perform oral sex on a grown man. It's an example of the banalization of paedophilia. The French judicial authorities have recently said that this painting should stay, even though an appeal was made against the museum by an organization defending the rights of children. In the name of free expression, therefore, something is now hanging in the public space in Paris, which is designed to banalize the worst forms of sadistic, pedophile pornography. FVD demands that this stop, both in the Netherlands, both in France, and indeed all across the world.
Starting point is 01:15:11 I'm starting to think that the Netherlands is just completely fucking lost. This is John Loughlin, the director of FVD International. I'm speaking... So, I just ask you, do you think that there's... So I just I just ask you, do you think that there's. You know, I'm a I'm a freedom of speech. I'm a freedom of speech guy. I just.
Starting point is 01:15:41 I just I just this is. Throw that on top of the Marjorie Taylor green shit and the libtard roll in their eyes. Why would Biden? Europe is lost, Savon. Oh, no. I know. Sometimes I feel like that, like people don't realize the U.S. is the last stronghold. But the sickness is here.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I just saw someone sent me something from their college. From, what's the college? I'll show you. This is just a fucking trip. You see this? You guys aren't going to like this. This is Smith College. show you this is just a fucking trip you see this you guys aren't gonna like this this is uh smith college prestigious college very prestigious college one of the best small colleges in the country and in their uh quarterly magazine they just released be prepared for continued audacity of fat people and it's um and it says uh the fat liberation movement is here
Starting point is 01:16:52 so now this thing this these behaviors that are killing people and keeping pharma alive and shortening people's lives is now a liberation movement yeah i think it is hyper liberal and it is uh i think you're right and and i suspect you're right i think it is all female and and honestly my my friend who went there is uh got some um is torn when i when i when i speak to her i can tell she. She's, she has more libtard disease than I do, but, um, or we're, we're, we're all, what's that called? When, uh, we're all rehabbing. Dude, are you kidding me? David, we, America's the biggest shithole. Come on, man. Come on, man. No, I'm telling you it's not. I haven't been to enough of America.
Starting point is 01:17:48 It's fucking amazing here. My wife gave me some feedback for yesterday's show. There was a part in the show where I was saying, hey, this lady has her boobs out, and I'm not anti-boob, but the boobs are a distraction. And then someone in the comments said, hey, when you have your jugs out, no one will ever take anything that comes out of your mouth seriously. And my wife said when she heard that, she said that when I say the F word, it's the same thing as jugs, basically. That's some pretty harsh feedback, but I appreciated it. She's saying when I say the F word like 30 times in a row, it's like having tits out. Not as cool probably.
Starting point is 01:18:32 But there's some. This is it. I'm telling you this is it. This is it. This is more of my childhood. Maybe that's what this show is. This show is just you guys watching me do self-therapy on my childhood. This is it. This is more of my childhood. Maybe that's what this show is. This show is just you guys watching me do self-therapy on my childhood. This is it. This is my childhood right here. You ready? Here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Love. Love everyone. Accept everyone for who they are, their differences, their inequalities. Just tolerance and love and acceptance. What do you think of Donald Trump? F*** him. Oh God. Die. Gotcha, bitch! That's how it is. Where's the message of the day? Love. Love everyone. Accept everyone for who they are,
Starting point is 01:19:16 their differences, their inequalities. Just tolerance and love and acceptance. What do you think of Donald Trump? F*** him. Oh God. Die. That's it. That sums it up. That just sums it up. Tolerance and love.
Starting point is 01:19:47 That's it. That's my, I just summed up my whole childhood for you. Frail women who haven't worked a day in their life, dictating what everyone does, including all the men around them. And by the way, not my mom.
Starting point is 01:20:04 My mom was a hard-working badass and uh fake kindness completely fake kindness completely fake kindness and tolerance completely fake and benign. It's like kindness as an image. Kindness as just an image, not as a value. And I wonder if you would like to kind of backtrack or apologize on characterizing the CRTC as a small group of privileged insiders closest to the Prime Minister. And I would also ask him if he would like to define the word woke. I asked one of his colleagues as well for that definition, and I'd like to see what he has to say. Thank you. They're off the opposition. Actually, I will backtrack. It is a big group of insiders, Madam Speaker. It is a big,
Starting point is 01:21:00 sprawling bureaucracy with far too many people working for it. There will be less people working for the CRTC when I'm prime minister because they'll have less power and they'll have a hell of a lot less to do when I restore freedom of speech and freedom expression online and on the Internet. And as for the definition of woke, woke has one purpose, only one purpose, plenty of pretexts, but only one purpose, control. plenty of pretexts but only one purpose control it is designed to divide people by race by gender by ethnicity by religion by vaccine status and any other way that they can divide people into groups because why then you can justify having a government to control all those groups no more woke we need uh we don't care who's at our graduation we don't care who's at our wedding we don't care if you're vaccinated or not we don't care if you're a man who thinks he's a woman or a woman who thinks he's a man
Starting point is 01:21:51 we don't care about any of that but you know who does to the point to where they're willing to kill you if you don't if everyone if there aren't 13 different graduations at the college, there isn't money set aside to hire a Bangladesh transgender pygmy men.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I know, it's crazy. No way he's Canadian, right? More wokeness, less guns is the answer. Just a giant show bashing. The libtards today. We are not conservative. I don't know what we are. Can't speak for you.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Oh, here's another one, man. I'm on a roll. I didn't realize. Oh, here we go. Here we go. So there's a funny, there's so many funny comments in this. This is hard for me to believe is even real. And I did some a little bit. I did about 10 minutes of fact checking and it appears to be real. Oh, look, shit. Jake Lockhart like this. This is the coach for Mayhem. We had him as a guest on the show. This is this is kind of this is unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Trish, you are conservative. Don't be a pussy. Just say it. OK, here we go. This is this is nuts. Here we go. You got the vaccination. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Are you OK? I mean, you see. No, it works. Or, you know, or the mom and dad or the neighbor or when you go to church or when you're. No, I really mean it. There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people. kid wanted to find out whether or not there were there's a man on the moon or whatever you know something or you know whether those aliens are here or not you you you got the vaccination yeah i don't think that that's edited i believe that is one continuous contiguous clip Ridiculous clip. I can understand why some people think this is AI generated and it's fake. It's just too absurd. But ladies and gentlemen, this is the officially most powerful man alive.
Starting point is 01:24:48 It's truly unreal is that what you heard he well he just admitted to the aliens is that what you heard i don't know i I'm enjoying today's show thank you this is this is uh I wish I could say this is, this is why words are so important. This is why words are so important. I'm going to let you play this like three times. He's, uh, he's going places, maybe not to college. I don't know. I think he is going to college.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Listen to this. See if you can understand what's going on here. What'd you make? A homeless shelter, huh? Yeah. When we were kids, we called that a fort. Yeah. What'd you make? I don't know. A homeless shelter, huh? Yeah, when we were kids, we called that a fort. Yeah, what'd you make? A homeless shelter, huh?
Starting point is 01:25:52 Yeah, when we were kids, we called that a fort. The dad's asking, or the grandfather, some adult male's asking, hey, what is that? And he said it's a homeless shelter. Yeah, what'd you make's a homeless shelter. No. What did you make? A homeless shelter. A homeless shelter, huh? Yeah, when we were kids, we called that a fort. Unreal.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Unreal. That's not even a joke. Stop laughing. Stop laughing. Stop laughing. That's not even a joke. Mark Fuentes, why do you keep restating what we can all hear? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:29 They got a little Joe Biden in me? I don't know. I didn't even know you could hear it. I didn't even know there was anyone listening. You don't want me to add anything to it just play clips take my toys out of the sandbox
Starting point is 01:26:56 and leave this probably doesn't deserve to play on the show but i'm going to punish you with it from mark fuentes everyone else take a potty break this probably isn't this is probably below you guys but here we go so do you remember like 18 months ago when they really started in with all of the toxic masculinity nonsense it didn't make sense to me at the time because masculinity is a good thing being a strong man is a good. And they're over here trying to turn everybody into soy boy beta males. And then about a year ago, they started appropriating women and taking away from us everything that we are and calling us birthing people and chest feeding. And that seemed really odd too. And I didn't quite understand that
Starting point is 01:27:42 either. And then about six months ago, they started trying to groom the children, and it all made perfect sense. Because if you don't have a strong male to protect the family, and motherhood isn't a thing anymore, you don't have moms that will come and rip a person apart from scene to scene that's trying to hurt their children, it's really easy for the pedophile to come in and take the children. This is psychological warfare, and it's a war on words. Stand strong and protect the babies. One thing I, it's always been about words. It's always been about words.
Starting point is 01:28:13 If you don't know that now, then you haven't been listening to the show or I haven't convinced you or something. Why is the O wringled on your shirt? So I got this from Azar X and I told them, I said, Hey, your printer fucked my shirt up. And do you know what he said? It's supposed to be that way. Mark Fuentes, Sevan, in your own words, what the hell did she just say? Thank you. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Good dude. It's just words. They're slowly, they just, they just take the words and bend reality with it right before your eyes. It's not pedophilia. It's about accepting people for their attraction to kids. You're so closed-minded,
Starting point is 01:28:55 that kind of shit. It's not mRNA. It's a vaccine, that kind of shit. Life is unfair. I want to ask this guy where he came up with this shit. Where do you come up with this shit? Do you ever ask yourself questions who you would be without this story? Listen to this shit where do you come up with this shit do you ever do you ever ask yourself questions who you would be without this story listen to this shit this is this is what's happening in our schools they're being programmed
Starting point is 01:29:34 to be racist under the guise of not being racist we would disagree with the fact that it is systematically harder for some people in this country based on the color of their skin to excel in work, in their career, in education because of the color of their skin. Would you disagree with that fact? All of- Would you disagree with that fact? You fucking cunt.
Starting point is 01:29:55 He should be slapped for that. That institutional racism is gone. All of it. 100% of it is gone. Yeah. Yeah. There's no institution. There's no racism that the government approves of.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Nobody can get rid of the racism of human beings, the racism in human hearts. And that's going to stay. And I lived overseas for seven years. This is the least racist country on the planet. This is the most multi-ethnic, most peaceable country on the planet. Is it harder to be black than white in some instances? You bet. Do I think that a black person has less of a chance of getting a job at this point? No, not if he's qualified. I think he's probably has more of a chance because people are looking to hire, you know, multi-ethnically. But part of life is that it's unfair. And so if you're going to make life fair, you have to start crushing people. And then you have a government that can make you stop talking, thinking and feeling the things that you feel.
Starting point is 01:30:42 And then you're no longer free so freedom entails a certain amount of unfairness would you disagree with that anytime you make shit fair freedom's gone it's called jail seven are people born gay or do they choose seven are people you're asking me to choose between if someone someone comes out of their mom's vagina or or a doctor cuts open the mom's stomach and pulls them out from a c-section you're asking me that's what you mean by born, right? Like when you leave your mother's womb, one way or another, alive.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Whether you choose which kind of genitalia arouses you, which of the sexes arouses you to want to climax, is that i'm trying to understand what gay means gay is who you want to climax with the person you want the sex that you want to interact with relative to your own sex that you want to climax with is that and you're asking me if that's designated in the womb or the split second you come out or if it's a choice? I don't know. But I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. If you took all the girls off planet Earth, there'd be a lot of dudes sucking dick in, sometimes I say six months, but I think it's more like 90 days. I think as human beings, we calibrate very quickly. real hating black men
Starting point is 01:32:45 who hate white people and you take one of them and you put them on an island with 600 white girls and 1200 Asian girls and they, I don't know why more Asian girls, but they quickly recalibrate and forget that they hate white people and Asian people and they start fucking them
Starting point is 01:33:01 and loving them and start defending them I know that people can recalibrate very very easy and if you don't think so it's because you haven't tried oh jay hartle it's not gay if it's in prison all right well i fucked up my theory i don't know i don't know i don't know the answer to that i don't know whether you're i don't know i don't't know. I don't know the answer to that. I don't know whether you're, I don't know. I don't, I have no idea, but I do know, I do suspect I have spoken to many people who had something happen to them as a child. Oh, here, look, M gay life chose me. So she's
Starting point is 01:33:37 saying she was born like that. By the way, I don't think you can actually know either. I don't think you can know what happened to you when you were one or when you were two or when you were six months old. I don't know. There's so many factors. When you flip a coin, some people will say, hey, it's a 50-50 chance if it lands on heads or tails. That's how some people think. That's how some people think. There's other people that know that it's actually determined by the way the environment that that coin was flipped in and how it was flipped.
Starting point is 01:34:15 And that it's not a 50-50 chance. Get your head wrapped around that. Get your fucking head wrapped around that get your fucking head wrapped around that and so we all know i bet you m knows them too a lot of people who some shit happened to them at a young age that was sexual and it and it changed their their course um it made um it changed their course their sexuality all the circumcised i bet you all the circumcised men had their fucking their course. It changed their course, their sexuality. I bet you all the circumcised men had their fucking course changed. We've talked about this before. I don't know if I want to go into it and bug all the dudes who had their skin clipped right now.
Starting point is 01:35:03 But basically, when I talk to men who are circumcised versus men who aren't circumcised, the way we talk about sex is completely different. It's way more of an intellectual fucking thing for men who are circumcised i fucking had 12 gazillion fucking uh whatever those things are that allow you to feel ripped off the head of their penis when they were born a matter of fact i'm going to go out on a limb here and frank and say no only men who are circumcised are gay yep that's my answer you cannot alter a person's brain it's not possible you're spewing nonsense alter a person's brain there was um i worked with uh mentally disabled adults for many years 24 hours a day i remember reading this crazy study that you could take someone um uh with uh who was born mentally
Starting point is 01:35:58 disabled you know some sort of like you know biological difference in their brain and then you could take someone who was physically abused and then you could take someone who was physically abused and then you could take someone what was the third one who had trauma like like a motorcycle accident and you could see that it was basically all the same thing and some of the patterns and some of the development of the brain uh frank you really have to open your mind you cannot alter a person's brain here listen i'm gonna help you out right now go into your refrigerator find the moldiest bag of bread you can so it just looks green and eat it and go for a long walk in the full forest can't alter your brain take 50 fucking hits of acid dude and then come fucking back i don't i
Starting point is 01:36:52 don't even know if i said i'm not sure what i said that made you say that but you're fucking out of your mind oh here we go imagine in this day thinking that homosexuality is chosen chosen Thinking that homosexuality is chosen. Chosen? Imagine. Dude, you're like that libtard lady. You're like that libtard lady I just said. You're rolling your eyes and not saying anything. Do you want to have this conversation or not?
Starting point is 01:37:29 Imagine thinking it's chosen meaning meaning you're saying that like you're saying that um i i know what you're saying but i don't think anyone is saying i don't think anyone is saying that but i don't think you should be so closed-minded what you're saying is that that there's not a single person on planet earth who is born liking – well, here. How about this? You're saying that there's not a single person born on Earth, man, who likes pussy but is like, you know what? I'm going to choose dick. Well, first of all, I'm going to say you're completely wrong. There's got to be at least one.
Starting point is 01:37:56 But on the other side, Frank, how about this? By implication, you're suggesting that there's no one born who says, hmm, I really like dick, but you know what? I'm going to have some pussy because, dude, there's millions like that. Oh, I just fucked you up. God, I just fucked you up. All right. We can continue tomorrow. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:38:24 Those hits of acid ain't going to make you fuck dudes if you weren't born gay. Listen, listen. You haven't hung out with enough meth heads, dude. Every person who fucking went to a fucking real college and fucking partied knows a handful of dudes who were straight as fuck, who did fucking meth and stayed up for three months who ended up with dick in their mouth but we're way off target here i know that wasn't the point of your uh question hey dude if you're gay it's cool i'd like i like there's not like if you're born like
Starting point is 01:38:55 that cool it's cool but frank if you if you don't think that there's some people out there like a lot of them who something really bad happened to them at a young age like a girl something bad happened to you like your dad's your dad's your dad's best friend raped you and it was such a fucking bad experience that you're fucking terrified of men so you do everything in your power to be a lesbian to get protected from a piece of shit man then you're crazy dude then then like you just haven't you you everything in your power to be a lesbian, to get protected from a piece of shit, man. Then you're crazy, dude. Then like you just haven't – you live in a fucking bubble.
Starting point is 01:39:31 You need to move to the fucking Bay Area and start talking to lesbians. All right. Free education. I charge $1,000 an hour. I've just raised my rates from $500 an hour for any parenting consulting. It's only for uh elites okay love you guys see you tomorrow twice tomorrow i think i think we got frony coming on tomorrow yeah yeah and here's another thing yeah you can get plenty yeah anyway i'm not gonna
Starting point is 01:39:56 everyone enjoy any genitalia they want i i don't care i'm totally and and i'm totally fine if you're if you're an adult and you're a man and you'd like to taste dick or be my guest, I do. You're in, you please continue to donate to the show. Thank you.

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