The Sevan Podcast - #869 - Testing On Rumble | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think I'm live. I'm getting kicked off of YouTube. Yeah. Hey, can someone can someone go over to rumble and see if i made it live on there i'm trying to use stream yard i think you can just go to r-u-m-b-e r-u-m-b-l-e and then type in the sebon podcast and you should be good to go hi heidi oh oh interesting i just got a notification from rumble saying i'm live oh that's awesome holy shit okay here we go So I guess I'm subscribed through my phone.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Oh, I hear now. Okay, so you're on. Can you make a comment so I can see, Heidi, if you're in Rumble? I just want to see if comments pop up here in the Rumble chat also. It doesn't even tell me how many people are viewing anymore. It used to do that on YouTube. Unless it takes one viewer crazy i titled the show test uh like april 6th after youtube ban or something like that Anyone? I just want one person to make it.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Can't post comments to custom destinations. Oh, shit. I can't see the comments. Interesting. Okay. Okay. Well, that sucks. I wonder if I go to the actual stream if I can see your comments.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Oh, okay. I can see it. Okay. Got it. Oh, okay, I can see it. Okay, got it. Got it, got it, got it. I see Barbell Spin, Real Steve Miller, Jay Hartle. Can you guys see me and hear me? You're hearing the live chat?
Starting point is 00:03:17 Is it streaming there to the stage channel? Just going live everywhere. YouTube, Bandang. I need someone to tell me if they can see me in because it says i'm live on rumble yes you can see me live interesting can can can you add something else to the chat someone i can hear you can you see me also also I see you I am the I am voiceless well shit that's amazing okay here we go looks like we're gonna be able to fix this by tomorrow we'll go to rumble the seven podcast see if I can see the stream. I would really like to be able to see the comments and be able to interact with you guys. ah it's a trip that i can't see myself visual check is good all checks go okay so i guess this is the way it's gonna have to be It's a trip that I can't see myself.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Visual check is good. All checks go. Okay. So I guess this is the way it's going to have to be. If I want to read the comments, I'm going to have to turn this way. All right. I guess this is where we will be for the remainder of the week, at least for the next seven days. You might as well subscribe
Starting point is 00:05:06 like do whatever it takes if you want to be notified i will definitely be switching over here i guess i guess we could try some stuff and i see you guys still on instagram i'm just not reading these comments now i'll download the new app but only for seven uh give us play by play man what the hell are you trying to do? I am basically, I just, I'm live on Rumble. I just figured it out, but it's going to be, it's none of it's automated. It's going to have to be something I set up every morning, which I guess will become second nature once I, I guess it'll become second nature. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Let me stick this window over here and make the comments bigger. Let me see if I can stream you some stuff. Let me see if I can share screen and all that stuff still. Let me see what's going on here. Okay, let's play this clip. This is from Joe Rogan. Let me see. If you guys can see this.
Starting point is 00:06:14 And. Of every single country that's ever existed other than the United States up until 1776, every fucking country that has ever existed was run by dictators right all of them do you guys get that loud and clear you guys hear joe's little thing every single country up until 1776 was run by dictators oh Oh. Hmm. That's – it says I'm getting an incoming phone call from Coach Bergener. Oh. That's not good that people can just see my phone calls coming in? How do I hang up on that?
Starting point is 00:07:00 Sorry, Coach. Not right now. Okay. Here we go. Okay. And did you guys hear him too? Did you hear Joe loud and clear? Am I going to be able to play? This is the first one where you had elected officials.
Starting point is 00:07:12 This is the first experiment in self-government that actually worked, and it created the greatest superpower the world's ever known. It created the greatest cultural machine, the greatest machine of art and creativity and innovation right fucking here and how did it do that it did it through freedom because when you give people freedom let people do whatever the fuck they want to do they actually find ways to succeed and grow and thrive isn't it ironic that we're starting with this isn't it ironic I didn't even think of that but as soon as
Starting point is 00:07:44 you put the boots to them as as soon as you tell them, you have to do this or you can't do that. You have to listen to me. Now you have a mini dictator. You have one step away from a king. You have one step closer. You're moving one step closer to dictatorship. That's what the fuck is happening.
Starting point is 00:08:00 The history of... Isn't that amazing? This is the clip we start with. The history of... Isn't that amazing? This is the clip we start with. After getting booted off of YouTube. It's apropos. Every single country that's ever...
Starting point is 00:08:16 Let's hear it again. Existed other than the United States. Up until 1776, every fucking country that has ever existed was run by dictators. Right. All of them. This is the first one where you had elected officials. This is the first experiment in self-government that actually worked. And it created the greatest superpower the world's ever known.
Starting point is 00:08:38 It created the greatest cultural machine. The greatest machine of art and creativity and innovation. Right fucking here. And how did it do that it did it through freedom because when you give people free and i'm booted off of youtube just for the week just for the week okay uh all right it says 91 watching now. Okay. That's a good sign. God. God. I am a little bit in shock, I'm going to tell you.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I am a little bit in shock. Let's try sharing something else just for shits and giggles and see how this works. Oh, what about the, let's see if the banners work. Throw the phone number up. You guys see the phone number?
Starting point is 00:09:34 Thanks for doing this with me guys, by the way. I really appreciate you guys doing this. I wanted to just run into the house and just like fucking bang my head on the wall. I'm glad I stayed in the office. I literally stayed in the office i literally
Starting point is 00:09:45 stayed in here this is not something i'm enjoying are you able to pull up comments oh i am not wow uh i am not able to pull up comments wow that sucks wow because the comments aren't integrating with uh J Hardell. Wow. Because the comments aren't integrating with... The comments aren't integrating with... Is that me that has an echo or you? Travis, what's up, dude? It might have been me because I had no volume on. Okay, bitch.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, yeah. I wanted to test the call in to see if people can hear it. Okay, thank you. Your banner is pulled up. Okay, awesome. Hey, you know what sucks is Jay Hartle just pointed out, was asking if I could pull up comments, and I just don't see how I can pull up comments.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I can say, let me see if I can. I just commented. I said hi in the chat. I can see that. Maybe there's chat I can see that maybe there's something you can't pull that up mute user for five minutes manage
Starting point is 00:10:59 everything else is the same no on my end everything like visually is the same no on my end everything like visually is the same as YouTube yeah I don't know I can click on the person's name but it takes me to their rumble account and then
Starting point is 00:11:17 so and then I can click on those three dots it says manage forever for this life I don't even know what these choices then I can click on those three dots. It says manage forever for this life. I don't even know what these, these choices mean. I can do stuff to the person, mute them or kick them off and shit like that. Hmm. Oh, enable slow chat, high chat, pop out chat. Son. No, no post chat.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Say that again, Travis. Can the people in the chat hear me oh that's a good question can you guys hear travis that's a great question i'm glad everyone is doing the troubleshooting for me uh we got you travis okay all right cool yeah everything else like i said on this end everything looks exactly like youtube all right well thank you so so i So I guess the one thing we lose is the chat. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Maybe Caleb in his free time can figure it out. That's like a really fun part of the show. Right. Caleb will figure it out. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:23 All right, cool. All right. Thanks, dude. I appreciate you. Bye. Talk to you later. Cool. All right. Thanks dude. I appreciate you. Bye. That's not a line I use very often. I appreciate you. You can't find me on rumble or you can't.
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm seeing, I hear him on rumble. Okay. Let me see. Uh, for those of you don't know, uh, we got tossed off of YouTube for the week.
Starting point is 00:12:43 It appears. I don't know why other than I said something that was misleading about a vaccine that went against WHO and there was someone else's guidelines. But like most white men, I succeed at what I do. And so I would like to, in honor of myself, I would like to just celebrate all white men who are back
Starting point is 00:13:10 on top running the world, just kicking ass. Here we go. You look like a lady. You look like a lady. Look at that fighting. They got a dude in there hitting girls. Nuts. Hey, you know if you would have said that five years ago to any of your friends hey uh just so you know five years from now there's going to be uh men beating up women men winning weightlifting competitions
Starting point is 00:14:05 in women's divisions, just all that shit. Men being allowed to compete against women in women's sports. Men setting NCAA women's swimming records, all that. People would have thought you were fucking crazy. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:14:24 We're living it. Anything's possible. I guess that's a good example. Anything's possible. You can do it. Okay. Okay. I wonder if this is going to make me even more fucking agitated.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Sousa, look what happens when you're not at the helm. Yep, I agree. Blame Sousa. I'm such the victim. Okay. American Greatness says South Park called it in 2014. You're right. Someone sent me that clip.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You're absolutely right. I think people's names have changed. There's people in here I don't even recognize anymore. That sucks. I loved looking at your guys' profile pictures. It was like my family album. Judge the shit out of you guys. Now I can't judge you with this shit.
Starting point is 00:15:31 There's got to be a way to pull these up. There's got to be a way to pull these up. There's got to be. What if I just... Can't it just be like the old days where I just drag it over? What if I just, can't it just be like the old days where I just drag it over? Oh, so poopy right now. I'm dreading tomorrow, having to figure all this shit out again tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I quit. They win. Mike says, Mike Bergener says, keep fighting. Mike, I'll call you back afterwards. By the way, I hope you know I went to bat for you on that live stream I went with, with Hiller the other day.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Hi. Hello? Hello, Savant. What's up dude hey I'm watching on rumble that's cool thanks for I appreciate it thank you I know that's a pain in the ass to do all that it's not I've been telling you to go over there for a long time my name
Starting point is 00:16:44 on the YouTube is sean sullivan oh okay i'm american i'm american greatness on rumble okay yeah i love it okay good good i should have a uh oh there it is i see you just wrote that sean sullivan yeah hey you know we we've been having the shows all archived on rumble so all our shows are over there and we've been trying to stream there. The problem is, is every morning, if you want to stream on rumble every morning, you have to, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:10 you have to end, you have to enter in some codes. It's not like automatic. Hey, you know, it's crazy, Sean. Maybe I should,
Starting point is 00:17:16 maybe this is going to help because it's going to increase the viewership on Twitter too. Yes, it will. 100%. Okay. I'm going to try adding this right now To Twitch
Starting point is 00:17:27 And Twitter Okay let's see A description is required for Facebook Okay The show I'll put banned on YouTube Do you know who Stephen Crowder is? I do
Starting point is 00:17:44 It's funny you say that I I do. And when I went to Rumble, his show is being like heavily promoted. Well, he switched. He's still there because YouTube keeps kicking him off. So he switched everything to Rumble and he's getting, I mean, millions of views on Rumble now. Oh, good. Maybe I found my new home. views on rumble now oh good maybe i found my new home yeah the thing is i kind of want to lure i i feel like youtube is a good place to lure libtards who just need to like a regular kind of like beating like i did yeah 100 you know that's what he still does he still he still he still goes on youtube but they have a youtube dump button yeah they start talking about something that YouTube's going to suspend them for, they'll dump it.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Oh. And then they just put it on to, they just, because they're casting live on Rumble all the time. That's where he does his morning show. And then they do it on YouTube too, but they just have a YouTube dump button when they're talking about something that they're going to get suspended for. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And it just is on Rumble. Wow, I like wow i like that yeah hey you know what's funny is i'm really surprised uh probably like 20 people have contacted me this morning that i had no idea watch the show um telling me oh shit you're banned or or it's it's it's spreading fast at least yeah i'm and that kind of makes my ego feel good i'm like you know you know we gotta have our we gotta have our morning savant so hey i i so it did work i'm so we're live on facebook twitch twitter okay so fuck youtube so we'll just do rumble uh twitter oh and look at this oh shit, shit. Okay, I can bring up the comments, just not from people on Rumble. Yeah, I mean, I was commenting. I'm
Starting point is 00:19:34 on the live comments on Rumble. I can see them. Nathan Green said, oh, shit, you're banned. I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did. Look at right now. Can you see? That's a comment from Twitch. Yes. You're live on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm Colin's mom. All right. Yeah. Hey, keep it up, man. You're doing a great job. All right. Thank you. We'll figure it out.
Starting point is 00:20:00 You bet. Hey, that dump button. Do you know how, can you tell me anything else about that dump button that uh crowder uses i'll uh i'll do some research on it see if i can send some stuff oh you're a good dude thank you all right thanks okay bye bye okay here's someone else live on twitch okay there we go crazy uh sema i'm trying to verify accounts on everything. You're a good dude. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:20:33 It's Paulina. Hey, Paulina. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I'm not sure what this is just. I'm not sure where we're going to go or how we're going to pivot. go or how we're going to pivot but i think every morning from now on i need to uh i just need to manually enter in this code to rumble even when we're back on youtube i need to just nurture the rumble account i guess i am not dick butter why Why aren't you guys using the same names? Because you already had accounts over there?
Starting point is 00:21:17 Savon, someone wrote, don't forget where Don Fall worked. Oh, you think Donnie's had his home? No, Donnie's a good dude uh my my clitoris here we go sebon all right barry mccockner my my my instagram is just on i'm way i'm hitting all the wave buttons to you guys uh was the ban from the algorithm picking up the vaccine talk or from user reports uh that's a great question i think the i took a screenshot oh actually i have it right here let me see um it said uh your content was removed due to community violations.
Starting point is 00:22:08 I thought I read somewhere specifically that it was because I said something that was against WHO and some other organization's guidelines regarding the vaccine. Which is just nuts. I can't even think what I said. which is just nuts. I can't even think what I said. I don't think I'm on here saying crazy shit at all. Like, I don't think I'm even saying anything even remotely. I think on Monday when the guy talks to us about aliens, that's going to be scarier than any vaccine talk.
Starting point is 00:22:49 about aliens that's going to be scarier than any vaccine talk you guys should should uh subscribe to rumble if you want to get notifications because i got a notification on my phone because i'm subscribed to the channel on rumble so if you subscribe to it there at least you get a notification when i go live i have a feeling i'm going to go have to go live again tonight with Sousa we're going to have to figure this out another thing that's interesting is it says my strike oh yeah it says sorry okay here it says show 841 was
Starting point is 00:23:20 banned because of medical misinformation and then it goes straight to a COVID-19 page when you click the button was banned because of medical misinformation. And then it goes straight to a COVID-19 page when you click the button. It's for the safety of our creators and viewers and partners. That's what is our highest priority. Isn't that funny? Their safety,
Starting point is 00:23:39 it's their safety for their creators and viewers. If you take my job away, you're making me feel really unsafe. I'm having you for making money. We look to each of you to help us protect this unique, vibrant community. Oh, that means they want you to snitch. Okay, here it is. YouTube doesn't allow content that spreads medical misinformation
Starting point is 00:24:03 that contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization about COVID-19. This is limited to content that contradicts WHO or local health authorities' guidance on treatment, prevention, diagnosis, transmission, the existence of COVID-19. Oh, shit. You're not even going to believe this. You ready for this? Wow, this is crazy. What this policy means for you, if you're posting content, don't post content on YouTube if it includes the following. You're never going to fucking believe this.
Starting point is 00:25:03 You're not allowed to post content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayers, or rituals in place of medical treatment. So a ritual could be a home remedy, could be drink water and go for a walk in the sun. That could be a ritual and a medical treatment and a home remedy. In place of medical treatment, such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital. Wow. A content that claims that there's a guaranteed cure for COVID-19, content that recommends use of ivermectin or hydrochloroquine for treatment of COVID-19, claims that hydrochloroquine, I don't do any of that stuff, hydrochloroquine is an effective treatment for COVID-19, a categorical claims that ivermectin is an effective treatment for COVID-19, I've never done
Starting point is 00:25:45 that well if i have it's not in more than i haven't done that in a year any of that stuff other content that discourages people from consulting them oh i've definitely done this content that discourages people from uh consulting a medical professional or seeking medical advice i mean i don't know if i've discouraged it, but I haven't discouraged it, but I've told people to question it, to trust their own observation and discernment. Wow. So you can't encourage home remedies, prayer or ritual, in place of medical treatment. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Hey,
Starting point is 00:26:32 so they got the market cornered on this shit. The whole, what's it called? Sickness complex? Sickness industry? They basically own YouTube. Maybe it was having David Weck on because he encourages movement for health. Man, oh man. Well, Sean Lenderman, well, making a Twitch password is pretty stressful i will never be able to log back in um say my name out loud seven my pussy my pussy and my cracks my pussy and my cracks
Starting point is 00:27:19 my pussy me uh beefcakes although both ivermectin and hydrochloric can do help those are his words not mine dear gods of pharma hey isn't it funny too they sell that shit too they just don't want you using that
Starting point is 00:27:38 they still make money off of that they just must not make enough or the patents must be up alright They still make money off of that. They just must not make enough or the patents must be up. All right. Thanks for your help. I guess what we're going to do is I'll be coming. Oh. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah. How did you get in here? Just through StreamYard. God, no. Yeah. How did you get in here? Just through StreamYard. God, I'm glad you're here. I was like, oh, you're doing something new. You're on IG. I thought I was leaving the gym. And then I was like, wait. Wait.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And then I, like, drove here as quick as I could, like, thinking that somehow me being here would solve something. Well, so, so right now we're on rumble. We're on my personal Twitter account. We're on the seven podcast, Twitter account. We're on Twitch and we're on the seven podcast,
Starting point is 00:28:37 Facebook, but it looks like for the next week, every morning we had going to have to punch in rumble codes. Like the API or the stream code or whatever it is? Yeah, because it can't hold it. And then here's another. So here's the two shortcomings. You got to punch the code in every morning.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And you can't pull up the chats. So like someone said over there, cheer up, man. You can't swear in this chat. You just said asshat. Pharma fascism. So basically something happened on show 841 where I said something that went against LHA, local health authority, or WHO in respect to COVID. That's what they're claiming.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And then they gave me a link to a three-hour show, but they won't point to the exact moment I said it. I appealed it. Is it the medical misinformation one? Yeah. Nuts, right? Mm-hmm. misinformation one yeah nuts right I cannot go back to mcconner for two months they're strict with username changes
Starting point is 00:29:51 oh and rumble you can't say fuck in the chat wow let me see if I can type that in can you view it on rumble I just wrote fuck in the chat can you guys see it or does it
Starting point is 00:30:11 I can live chat here but not my laptop guess I'll be glued to my phone are you on rumble reading those yeah I have to have two windows i have to have two windows open and what's crazy too is oh oh now i see us on rumble did you get an echo yeah okay you're gonna i don't think you can get banned from Rumble.
Starting point is 00:30:45 You're going to get banned from Rumble even before you start? You'd think if I just keep my clothes on, it should be fine. Can you do nude stuff on Rumble? I don't know. Let's find out. So really, you guys can't swear in the chat on Rumble? You guys can't type in like, oh, it's sad.
Starting point is 00:31:19 No Heidi. Yeah, no. No nudity in Rumble. I see Kenneth DeLapp in Rumble. Yeah, those comments yeah no no nudity in rumble i see kenneth the lap and rumble yeah those those comments i'm never going to be able to pull up this is going to be a fucking mess uh beefcakes you can't get banned from twitch though be careful no nudity all right or calling people virgins are you serious yeah remember we had uh what's his face on i thought that was just twitch i thought it was Twitch.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You couldn't do that. Yeah, that's what you're talking about, right, Twitch? No, Rumble. We're on Rumble. Well, no. I don't know. I don't want to get kicked off of any of the other ones. So I guess what you're saying is – I guess that's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I mean I don't think we've had – I don't think we have any viewers on Twitch. Oh, all of these are on twitch now wow how is heidi drunk in love who's she dating what happened to her we'll never know because we can't see the chat wait we could go through a second channel though right temporarily yeah that's what we're doing so do you see do you see up top it shows all the channels we're on? Uh-huh. Okay. So tomorrow when I get on the show, I need to wake up. I need to go through the – I'm going to do it again tonight because I'm going to need to practice.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, we could do it tonight. Okay. You basically go to oh this cause it you know at the top where it tells us where it distributes to you oh shit I have to do this I can't wait till it won't be scheduled if I wait till tomorrow morning to do it I have to do it now
Starting point is 00:33:00 for what rumble or youtube for rumble I have to schedule tomorrow's show now okay it's just it's just a live calling show tomorrow right yeah it was weird it was kind of like i knew something was not right this morning when i woke up i was like huh it just felt off yeah i'm like i'm not really feeling it today i don't normally wake up like that and then life's like well we'll challenge you give you a little something to feel you won't feel something here you go fuck uh i think we were banned we were
Starting point is 00:33:39 banned because we broke a who guideline world health organization guideline that youtube follows on show 841 we're banned for a week mike uh stefan pull up uh john b they don't know that's heidi's boyfriend singing or boyfriend's a singer are you fucking with me no? No, it's not fucking with me. They don't know. Yeah, that hat does say asshat. Hillary got me this for my birthday. That's not... Oh, that's funny.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Oh, shit. Hey, you can't. Someone says Rumble isn't too bad. You just can't curse in the chat. Here's the problem with Rumble. I can't pull up the comments. And so now I have two rows of comments coming. So you guys are going to get neglected who are watching on Rumble.
Starting point is 00:34:36 But also, like, what do you mean you can't swear? I just swore. I can say fuck. You're telling me that that didn't just pop up in there someone tell me if it popped up in there do you guys see that it's letting me curse
Starting point is 00:34:55 yeah it's letting me curse too you can't figure out why you're banned that's how they get around banning people for no reason well yeah they told me what episode why you're banned. That's how they get around banning people for no reason. Yeah. Well, yeah, they showed, they told me what episode. I'm starting to think that someone reported it.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I'm starting to think that like we ass pounded someone and they didn't like it. And so they just. Yeah. Caleb. I see Caleb on Instagram Caleb we need your help dude
Starting point is 00:35:26 we got booted for the week Caleb we got booted fuck okay I'm gonna take a break alright you gonna give me a call yeah I'm gonna go to my other computer
Starting point is 00:35:52 we're migrating over to man that sucks hey well the good thing is this I think we're gonna start covering some slap fighting stuff and they're exclusive on rumble uh mike sauer uh let me see are you uh are you uh what does he say here are you banned from going live or also posting if only from live you can post a video before you go live saying that you're going live uh posting anything we get no posting for a week.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Nothing. For a second, I was like, oh, this is kind of cool. I'll take a week off, but now I'm getting a little pissed. Oh, you can swear in the Rumble chat it just won't post. Man, we live in a weird world. What does anyone care? I know. It's so weird uh can we permanently ban yash in 12 daily doses no come on please don't we're all permanently banned yeah yeah so Seve can't see comments
Starting point is 00:37:05 I can see comments oh 1980 but I have to look over here to see the Rumble comments and the only comments that I can see in real time come from Facebook, Twitch, and Twitter and I can't pull your guys' up from Rumble either
Starting point is 00:37:19 they are the snitches who are the snitches? yeah someone's the snitches who are the snitches yes someone's the snitches oh no they're not the snitches I don't think so never mind it was wooly braziers
Starting point is 00:37:40 snitched if possible anything's possible and we only think that because we talk shit Razors, she's snatched by possible. Anything's possible. And we only think that because we talk shit. Trying to see what's happening with it now. Oh! No, I don't think 12 Daily Doses does that stuff. I don't think that person was giving money, whoever 12 Daily Doses was.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I don't think you give money and then there was just a disagreement on. Yeah, 12 Daily Doses is cool. That was a single issue thing, I think. That was just guns. We like people that argue. Hey, Heidi is here. Oh, okay. She said, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:38:25 I went to Twitch. It's not even populating our videos either. Whose pole do I have to smoke to get a wrench? I don't even know. I don't think anyone had. There are no more wrenches. All the wrenches were through YouTube. No one else still has a wrench, right?
Starting point is 00:38:43 No. Hey, if Ricky was a wrench, right? No. Hey, if Ricky was a victim of karma, Sean, then so am I a victim of karma. Ricky could get on TRT and speed up his recovery. Dude, that's exactly what I was thinking. Pull himself out of the testing pool and immediately get juiced to the gills. Yeah, it's weird. It's not even populating the other shows.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Did you hear an echo? I heard something. It sounded super slight, though. I couldn't make it out. How does Beefcakes have a crown you need more mods for what everyone's cool what the fuck do we need a mod for i don't even know how to make a mod look at ortega's in here i'm this bitch. Why do you have a crown next to your name, Beefy? Ricky's going to need the juice to make his recovery.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, just to ban people who talk about Ricky and juice? There's no moderator needed. No one's doing anything crazy. Sevan, they were shadow banning you already on YouTube. Likely a more systemic campaign to get you off. We can talk more. Oh, okay. I commented on the Talking Elite Fitness video recently
Starting point is 00:40:13 and Nikki went after me like minutes after I posted a comment. Oh, where's that? Is that on their YouTube? Let's go look at that. That'll give me. Some pleasure. On this really depressing day. Damn. It's okay we'll be back in a um we'll be back in a uh
Starting point is 00:40:56 oh oh they got that video oh that's awesome they have that video now pinned as their video. Did you see the show Hiller and I did where we pulled up the Talking Elite Fitness thing that they're doing, that Lauren Khalil is doing? The Death By? That's what the segment's called, right? I'm not sure, but they talked about making athlete videos public. Yeah. Did you guys slam them on that? Basically.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I mean, she slammed herself. We just pointed it out. Oh, here's a little – they need – someone wrote, they need Hiller and Bryan on the show. It was a good – yes, it was a good shorter episode, but I think extended it another half hour to 45 minutes and bring in two more people outside of CrossFit staff who really know their stuff and it could have went from good to great just my opinion either way love everyone can't wait for semi-finals in the games and someone else wrote oh i can just pull this up
Starting point is 00:42:16 um someone else wrote uh talking elite fitness won't even say hillary's name let alone invite him on their show uh they're scared of criticism of big cog that is crossfit you'll notice they rarely ever are critical of crossfit organization uh lauren khalil says no one here is scared of criticism and we are more than open to discussing issues in the sport, but in a productive way. That's a jab, Lauren. That's why I chose guests with various opinions to appear on the show. I love hearing counterarguments and various viewpoints, which is why I think this show can be beneficial to try. I think what Lauren means is, let me paraphrase what Lauren just said.
Starting point is 00:42:58 That was our first show, and yes, we know we had some ass people on, but we're doing our best. Taylor said, listen to the pod fairly frequently and it's obvious there's hesitancy to criticize HQ and always defending HQ what does it do anyway I'm surprised you spend so much time like replying back to those people.
Starting point is 00:43:43 I didn't apply or call it Andrew or anyone specific because I wasn't referring to anyone specific only she knows the truth of that but I call bullshit on that I also agree with you calling out athletes for not meeting the standards is not attacking but there are generally speaking loads of people online who are in fact not experts and who do not offer solutions or constructive criticism, but who berate people and do not better the individuals of the community by doing so.
Starting point is 00:44:15 To me, it's not about these athletes not taking accountability, nor is it about critics who notice or highlight issues in our sport. It's about going after people for things that aren't related related to the standards or even, or the event at hand. Look at, she is still hasn't said anything. We have no fucking idea what she's talking about. Here she goes again. We don't,
Starting point is 00:44:34 we, we, we have to just make shit up. What, who and what are you talking about? Can you give us one fucking example or leaving their comments in a brutal non-constructive way dude i would way rather have brutal and non-constructive than ambiguous douche woke baggery like comments like this just everything's ambiguous of course it is everything is fucking
Starting point is 00:44:59 ambiguous with ambiguity you act like a fucking scared freak. Yeah, well then... Professional athletes are not... And stop using the word professional and experts. You don't even fucking know what you're talking about. Who gives you the fucking authority to say someone's fucking an expert? Professional athletes are not going for a spot at the games or not. We're all humans and should be treated with respect. What the fuck does that mean god she is a joke without specifics there's no accountability right no it's just it's just it's just coward it's just more cowardice yeah well if i'm just super ambiguous with what i'm
Starting point is 00:45:43 telling you you can never really like hold me to my my statements and and since uh nikki since you do want solutions let me help you with some solutions so i'm not so i'm not uh fucking ambiguous i didn't imply or call andrew or anyone out specific because i wasn't referring to anyone specific of course you were you had to have been referring to someone specific. You're just randomly saying that there's these people out here and there's no one in your mind. There's these animals in my backyard and they eat the roots of my trees, but I'm not referring to any gophers in specific. Oops, did I say gophers?
Starting point is 00:46:19 It's not fucking giraffes in my backyard. I live in California. I also agree with you calling athletes for not meeting the standards is not attacking but they're generally speaking loads of people online like who like who name one who are in fact not experts what the fuck is an expert tell me one expert in the field Tell me one expert in the field. Hello and welcome to the live stream. We are live coming to you. My correspondent, Matt Souza from Livermore, California,
Starting point is 00:46:56 just outside of Silicon Valley is live with me now. Souza, can you look out a window and tell me, is the weather perfect today for doing CrossFit? I know you're an expert in CrossFit and the weather. Good to have you. I'm sorry to wake you up so early, Mr. Sousa. I know you're a busy, busy man. Blah. Well, there are some clouds and it looks like something,
Starting point is 00:47:16 but I don't want to get too specific to call anybody out here, but there is some weather. Yeah. It's here. You're not an expert. I mean, if I just start talking in that voice, I'm – I know, Jethro. It's the anchorman voice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I mean that's the whole thing. Yeah. Well, thank you, Mr. Sousa, for coming on the show. I'll let you go now. I'll let you go. You don't like the – maybe you don't like the way you maybe you don't like the intonation or the aggressiveness maybe you're not used to testosterone i think it's just trying to mimic the other bullshit that's out there right like i want
Starting point is 00:47:58 to be sports center but who do berate people and do not better the individuals or community by doing so. Give us an example. What's the example? Who's berating people not to try to make them better individuals in the community? Let us know. I do apologize. There are some – and when I don't give the details, it's because I just can't. It's because I don't want to get fucking sued or because I can't reveal my sources. Like I know people who work at HQ who have slept with a lot of fucking married people and that's how they got their fucking job. And I don't want to say how I know it or who they are because I just don't want to get sued. I don't want to tip the boat like that.
Starting point is 00:48:49 And I apologize for that ambiguity. I'm guilty of that. But fuck, man, you are a chicken shit fucking sissy. But you can't criticize women. Why? Are you inferior? why can't i criticize women criticize your fucking dog criticize the way your parents raised you it's it's about going after people for things that aren't related to the standards or the events at hand. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:49:28 You mean, is that in reference to me saying that Danny Spiegel's shirt's too small? We're not allowed to talk? That's not even berating her. Sousa, do you think that this cashmere sweater makes me look like an old man no i think it looks quite nice on you oh well see i i don't you fuck that bit up susan oh sorry
Starting point is 00:49:54 i mean uh yes that's what you're making well here i'll do it then susa i really wish you wouldn't come on here wearing a sports jacket from rogue this is a professional show can't you see the way i'm dressed you're not on brand damn it i'm not a professional please excuse me uh sean lenderman for suck fuck's sake you can say fuck i think only you can i don't think they uh over on rumble in the free zone. They're not allowed to say fuck. Hey, I, both Nikki and Lauren go strong on the idea that you can't criticize without offering solution. Nathaniel green.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I haven't seen any of that from Lauren. I feel. They were talking about fucking sports though. That's the whole entire point of the pundit, right? Is the talk about it? Is it a size? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Is it a value way? Is this speculate? Is the, am I allowed to talk about it? Is to criticize? Is to evaluate? Is to speculate? Is to... Am I allowed to talk about Rich Froning's nipples? Yeah, I am. Oh, Sevan, make sure you turn on the donate option on Twitch. Jesus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Or morning. Write that on your list of things to do, Sousa. Twitch won't let you say, fuck, shit, cock either. Yeah, well, Beaver, you just did all of them. Oh, that's Caleb. Where is Caleb? Caleb's at work. He's on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:51:12 He's Twitching right now. Professional athletes are not going for a spot at the games. We are all humans and should be treated with respect. I'm viewing this on Twitch now. Well, I hope you don't think I'm disrespecting you. Take it all as constructive criticism. Excuse me. That was disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I think that was a little disrespectful. Well, thank you for whoever said I should go. Oh, okay. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Our fearless leader, why can women criticize men but not the other way around hypocrites uh j someone just donated five dollars somewhere i'm on i'm viewing on twitch to see if i could figure out oh man i would love it if we could uh out Rumble, how to pull the comments up. When I tried to, it said you couldn't, that the platforms aren't compatible.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I don't even – why can women criticize? I don't know, Mr. Reid or Mrs. Reid. Oh, Judy, Judy. I think men can criticize women and women can criticize men. I just don't like even like it being a man and woman's thing, I guess, is my point. Like just transcend it all together. Like just people can do what they want. It doesn't even matter.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Like, Susie, your shirt's too small. And it doesn't matter whether he's a dude or a girl. Like I don't get i don't get how like someone goes there you can't criticize what ethnicity are you you're italian portuguese no you can't you can't criticize uh uh latin does that make you latin you're latin is it i don't think so over there on the other side oh oh, Portuguese. Yeah, Portuguese, not Brazilian. Isn't that funny? I just went straight to Brazilian. Yeah. Okay, you're European.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You can't criticize Europeans. Please, not in my presence. Yeah. Professionals would never do that. Bully me on all of them. O.J. Simpsons. Bully me everywhere.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I feel like... Look at Caleb still trying to figure out the swear words. He's having chat charrettes over there. The one underneath it, sweet, it works. Well, we're holding steady with a gang load of viewers over on Rumble. 138. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Oh, it doesn't show the number up here. Okay, interesting. And so those other 30 must be on the other platforms. Interesting. We'll smooth this out, guys. Yeah, those other 30 are on Twitch. Yeah, we will smooth this out. Yeah, don't you worry. We'll figure this out, guys. Yeah, those other 30 are on Twitch. Yeah, we will smooth this out. Yeah, don't you worry.
Starting point is 00:54:07 We'll figure this out. Searching it on Rumble right now. I want to see it. Let's hear from these guys for a second. God, I was so ready to just go. It's amazing what friendship does when you showed up, how much better I feel. Oh, I'm glad. That's good.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I was like driving over here all nervous. So much so that I stole the remote to the clock of the gym. Oh, oh. Do you have to take it back? I will afterward. I'll have to run it back. Albert's got it, though. He's innovative.
Starting point is 00:54:42 We have another remote there. Tell me if you hear anything in here that's not true. i want to know if you guys hear anything in here that's not true trump say it is biden chuck schumer and crazy nancy pelosi are the sinister faces of this corrupted lawless political establishment they enrich their families in ukraine china russia while they set violent criminals loose without charges, while prosecuting their political opponents for fabricated crimes. They legalize mass robberies and cheer for BLM and Antifa rioters, ransacking our cities while they hold nonviolent protesters without trial, destroy their lives. non-violent protesters without trial destroy their lives. They indoctrinate your children to hate their parents while calling you a hateful racist. They stick the FBI on mothers at school board meetings while they teach four-year-olds to pick their own genders. Would you like to change your
Starting point is 00:55:40 gender? And they say it's absolutely fine for a boy or man to participate in women's sports i don't think so they use big tech to censor you they use the deep state to spy on you they use the media to slander you they use the legal system to persecute you it is a persecution all the while they claim as they are the ones defending democracy. They say they are the ones that are going to defend your democracy and your justice. It's a lot of bullshit. That's what it is. When did Trump say this? Tell me. Tell me what's not true.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Armenia 454. Can you guess who i am jay hardell man i i was looking into all that stuff you know when uh biden went to the ukraine and was celebrating the fact he got the attorney general uh who was looking into hunter biden there uh fired remember that he said hey if he i mean it's public no no one has to be like think that this is a conspiracy anyone can look it up you can see the video where biden's like hey he's gloating he's sitting in a chair and he's like hey if uh i told him if we wouldn't give him a billion dollars if they uh didn't drop the case basically if they didn't fight well if they didn't fire the attorney general and then you saw a couple months ago the attorney general of the british virgin uh islands opened up
Starting point is 00:57:11 a case against jp morgan investigating their relationship with jeffrey epstein and then joe biden flew to the british uh islands british virgin islands for a vacation four days later their attorney general was fired. And now all the emails are out between Jeffrey Epstein and the president. What's his name? Jess Saley of JP Morgan. So basically, there's a shitload of emails, right? Yeah, it's twelve hundred emails, tons of stuff. But it crazy that biden is openly flying around and getting
Starting point is 00:57:45 attorney generals fired who are investigating epstein and his son it's just crazy it doesn't i mean they're protecting their wall street buddies that doesn't surprise me at all both sides of the fence protect their little darling darlings on wall street and vice versa it's crazy it's you know it is it is really crazy i guess i lived in a delusional world where i didn't think we were this corrupt a 50 and here's the even crazy part 50 of the people that live in the u.s would argue and then defend what you just what you just said like they would argue that he wasn't there to fire attorney generals because it has nothing to do with it. And they would defend him and his ability to fly there and do that. Oh, that Attorney General got fired
Starting point is 00:58:29 for a reason. You don't understand. It's not that reason. It's a different reason. I'm open to that, but someone needs to talk about it. It's just too much of a coincidence that it happened twice. It ain't no coincidence. And the JP Morgan guy now, they got 1,200 emails between him and Epstein talking about which Disney characters he wants to be with. That's how disney princesses that's what's in the email that's the code they
Starting point is 00:58:51 talk in the menu yes yes yes the menu is in disney princesses hey by the way anyone go google it this is all just like me this shit's in the mainstream media it's not well, there's certain people that outlive presidencies and stuff. And what I mean by outlive is not physically outlive them, but I mean their term of president. So you have those directors of the CIA and those bank presidents and those CEOs that are in for 20 plus, 30 plus years. And those presidents are a revolving door every four years every eight years right after their term is over so it's like when you're become president i imagine you get caught up to speed on how shit really runs and then you just do a good job in your four years to look fun look good look good present good stuff keep the people angry at each other but make sure none of our stuff gets screwed with don't come over here and play in our sandbox the money's gonna be the money's gonna be
Starting point is 00:59:44 we're gonna print what we want to print you know don't you worry about what we got going on i wonder if all those dudes are scared they're gonna get shot for sure like every president it's it's like it's just it's like part of the job like like like you know the people like who hold up the signs when kids cross the street? Those people don't worry about getting – yeah, the crosswalk guard. Those people don't worry about getting hit by cars, do they? I don't know. That's a good question. Like every job has its risks, I guess.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Yeah. The dangers that come with the job. Yeah. Man, being president sounds hairy. Yeah. I've been president sounds hairy. Yeah. I've been seeing this kind of shit now for like a year. And I don't get this. And people send me this stuff, and I don't get this stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I don't get why this is a big deal at all. I don't get what they're saying. They think we won't notice the lies are repeatedly telling us in the Matrix. I don't get this at all. Why do people care about this? Watch this. Watch this. This is one guy on the left, Deval Patrick from 2006, and then Obama repeats what he says in 2007.
Starting point is 01:00:58 I'm not asking anybody to take a chance on me. I'm asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations. I'm not just asking you to take a chance on me. I'm also asking you to take a chance on your own aspirations. So what?
Starting point is 01:01:18 So he took a line from him. What do I... I mean, why does it have to... What's this have to do with the Matrix or they thought we wouldn't notice? Why not just be like, look, he plagiarized this dude's speech. I haven't spent much of my life in politics, which most of you know, but I spent enough time in Washington to know how much we need to change Washington. I haven't spent a lot of time learning the ways of Washington, but I've been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change. And I'm Ryan Wolf.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Okay. Yeah, I know the music, right? The music. It's like, dude. Oh, look, there's Gal. Good dough. Gal, good dough. Wonder Woman.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Stefan, you were so much better covering CrossFit. So much better covering your mom. I don't get... Our greatest responsibility is to serve our Treasure Valley communities. This thing made it all over Instagram like a thousand times over. So what? So a thousand TV stations got the same script to read. Of course they did.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I don't get the – I don't get where I'm supposed to run away. Yeah, what am I supposed to be like tripping on? I'm not tripping. Why does it have to be like some sort of matrix things? Why can't it just be like, hey, all the Fox affiliates. Sorry, I'm ending Instagram. Not safe.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Discard video. I don't. It's weirder to me that people are like surprised by that than it is that they're not. You know what I mean? Like they saw that like. Or just show it and be like, hey, these guys all get scripts. Don't make it into some sort of fucking like crazy shit with fucking haunting music and like some conspiracy theory. Right. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I hate that conspiracy theory music like that song. And then that other one that is always played. Yeah, it's simple as that. A lot of speech writers take from other speeches. It's probably the same freaking people writing them within that year. It's probably the same writers that they had hired and they just recycled those lines. Yeah, I mean, I mean, I mean, I'm glad it's being pointed out to us. I like that it's being pointed out.
Starting point is 01:03:36 But it doesn't need a spin on it. You can make the same video at my gym with all the different coaches at the different class times saying the same script of the same workout. Right, right, right, right. Did you know that all the CrossFit gyms are following main site? You're so sensitive. Oh, dude, you don't even know how sensitive I am. I'm so – wait, hold on. I felt a pubic hair grow on my scrotum.
Starting point is 01:04:08 I'm not only sensitive, but I have crazy, crazy self-awareness. You're so sensitive. Thank you. I thought you were alpha. You thought I was alpha. You thought I was alpha. Uh-oh. And filled with testosterone.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Your mom's mouth is filled with my testosterone. You sound like a baby. I think there's this statement, only children enter the kingdom of heaven. Why are you showering me with such such love i am a child i am a child and i apologize for your thoughts still your mind child watch your mind i'm doing a fucking show you ding dong that's fucking I tripped when I walked in the room fell on my face and got a bloody nose that's how this show started wait really no but I mean that's what it feels like getting
Starting point is 01:05:20 kicked off of YouTube right yes and I'm trying to fucking assemble the show together. And you write in the comments, you're better when you do CrossFit. And I'm sensitive because I fucking comment. Now I'm saying I come in your mom's mouth. Like, leave me the fuck alone, you jackass. I'm just a fucking regular dude. So sensitive. There's nothing fucking alpha about me at all.
Starting point is 01:05:42 Just a fucking just a fucking fucking ding dong is that supposed to fucking like make me is my supposed to be sad because i'm sensitive yeah i'm sensitive as fuck dude that's hilarious i'm a savant hey it's pretty funny that's like somebody like crashing into your car in the parking lot and then then you come out you're like oh man somebody crashed my car so it's like hey dude don't be so sensitive I'm trying to do something here and you're talking shit to me yeah fucking hurt my feelings so what yeah you hurt me good
Starting point is 01:06:12 you went yeah you got me let me do a couple mama jokes good hey all the McDonald's have the same menus too we need conspiracy music we need Caleb on the back end did you know that all of the McDonald's have the same menus too. Oh, play the – we need conspiracy music. We need Caleb on the back end. Did you know that all of the McDonald's are part of the Matrix?
Starting point is 01:06:29 Why do you say that so often? They all have the same menu. I don't get – but I'm open to someone saying, no, dude, you don't get it. So tell me. There we go. So just tell me. There we go. So just tell me. There you go. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:51 There you go. That's, thank you. And that profile pic too, there's something about it just makes me feel good. Because he looks like he married an Amish woman. Look at his chest.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah, like Adam. You will not look at my wife's ankles. Pervert. you will not look at my wife's ankles pervert is Adam wearing a bow tie in there confirmed nice somebody called me Jesus so that's nice God there's so much fun stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I guess we'll save it for tomorrow. Did you see they asked the president of the prime minister of New Zealand if he knows what a woman is? No. Oh, I bet you that was golden. Oh, my God, dude. This is a leader of a country. Let me see if I can...
Starting point is 01:07:50 Chick chokes out, boy, dumber than Joe. Yeah, this one's called Dumber Than Joe Biden. This is unreal. I wonder if we're going to get in trouble for playing this. Son of a bitch. God dang it. I don't know. This is on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:08:11 See, that's how they get you. Now we're all gun shy. First of all, how is that your leader? He looks CGI as fuck, doesn't he? It looks literally like it's, yeah yeah like it just cuts off right there at the arms and torso you can like click them and move them to the side you just be a head and torso yeah it's just green screen right yeah and i'm digging that mic setup did you hear that how's I just wanted to ask you, given comments by Keir Starmer in Britain, how do you and how does this government define a woman?
Starting point is 01:08:49 Did you hear that? How does this government define a woman? To be honest. Labia minora, cervix, titties. Sean, that question's come slightly out of left field for me. It is a weird question. I totally agree. I'm with them. I'm with them so far.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Like, what are you, a fucking idiot? Why are you asking me what a woman is? I'm cool with that so far. The, well, biology, sex, gender. Okay, biology. Yeah, okay, I'm with you. Sex. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Gender. What, gender? How did you get that in there? People define themselves. People define themselves. People define... Oh, my God. What a fucking tool. Ladies and gentlemen, I do not... I am a huge proponent of not arguing your limitations.
Starting point is 01:10:01 A huge. And I apologize for what I'm about to say but it is it is the truth as i know it you do not get to choose your sex it's assigned yeah you could and i'm not saying that you can't pretend to be a different sex than the one you're born you can all you want and you can be great at it and i'm not opposed to it you do you i think it's okay all you want. And you can be great at it, and I'm not opposed to it. You do you. I think it's okay if you want to dress in blackface. I think it's okay if you want to pretend
Starting point is 01:10:30 like you're a Chinese guy. I don't care that Vanilla lip-synced all their songs and that it wasn't really them singing. I don't care about any of that. Like, you do you. I'm so open. As Nikki Brazier says, I respect all of those things. her last name is a porn company
Starting point is 01:10:49 that nikki brazier girl isn't there something kind of weird about that because of the stance she has on so many things? Maybe she's the kid who got fucked up because of that last name and she's overcompensating. How old is she? Do you know? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:15 She's a mom. Someone's mom. Well, I mean, my cousin's a mom. She's 14. He's like 19. His girlfriend's like 17 or 18 or something. Hey, did you see the sign language lady though when she asked for the definition?
Starting point is 01:11:32 She actually gave it. Oh, she did? She went like this. No, you're fucking with me. Oh, that would have been awesome. She's like, that's's how I define it. And their own genders. Keir Starmer has said that he believes 99.9% of women do not have penises.
Starting point is 01:11:57 99.9% of women do not have penises. That's what he just told. He told the. penises that's what he just told he told the this is the this is the this is the new president of new zealand or prime minister this is the dude this is the country by the way that locked everyone up and thought that they were going to stop covid from spreading and then when they opened back up it fucking ravaged their country their shit skyrocketed high and their rates were higher than anywhere in the world ever. Them and Australia got fucking tossed up.
Starting point is 01:12:27 By the way, and don't anyone say, well, they didn't know. Everyone knew. It's in all the guidelines. You don't lock up healthy people during a pandemic, and you don't deploy a vaccine during a pandemic. Everyone knows that. Everyone knew that. That's WHO CDC fucking 101.
Starting point is 01:12:45 And if you don't believe me, go Google that shit. Everyone knows that. Everyone knew that. That's WHO CDC fucking 101. Race in the Beats in New Zealand. And if you don't believe me, go Google that shit. You can go find it on their websites. That shit's still there. And you know what else also happens after lockdowns? Riots. They got it all laid out in the CDC. These events, they know how they happen. There's a pattern to them.
Starting point is 01:13:05 And someone goes, and that's why you got banned. I'd ask again, how do you define what a woman is? I'm asking you, Chris Hipkins, how do you define a woman? I think as I've just indicated, I wasn't expecting that question,
Starting point is 01:13:28 so it's not something that I've pre-formulated an answer on. He just said, I don't have a pre-formulated answer on what a woman is. Dude, I would accept anything like like uh creature that makes babies that carries babies to term unless you're a seahorse i think the dudes carry the babies over there in seahorse world but um in terms of gender identity i think people define their gender identity for themselves sean on fucking real hey there's there's a video going around right now too where they're talking to a uh a dude who's trying to be a girl and he's like i make a six-figure job i have a i um
Starting point is 01:14:20 i own a house he the the dude's talking to matt walsh and matt walsh goes well what makes you think you're a guy and the only reason this person can give why he thinks he's a guy is because the people around him his friends accept him as a guy or a woman fucking i'm so confused basically it's a guy that wants to be a woman and matt walsh says hey what makes you think you're a woman? He says, because people accept me as a woman. He's like, so you're a determining factor that you feel like a woman is how people treat you? And this guy goes, yeah. Like he couldn't say it was something from inside.
Starting point is 01:14:57 It was all determined from how the outside world sees him. By the way, that's mental illness, by the way. That is being extremely vulnerable. You do not want to, uh, I do not, I do not want to walk around the rest of the day and be tripping on, um, that guy saying that he thought I was an alpha and that I'm sensitive. And you don't want to be tripping the rest of the day that someone made fun of you. That means the outside world got you. That's the, that's that, you know, that person's living rent free in your brain. You don't want to be tripping the rest of the day that someone made fun of you. That means the outside world got you. That's that person's living rent-free in your brain. You don't want to allow that.
Starting point is 01:15:30 That is mental illness. I'll tell you, some kid, my son the other day had two pretty bad skateboarding accidents and had a big, not, not like bad, bad, but had a huge bruise on, on both hips, big bruises, the size of my hand. So we went to jujitsu and he warmed up and he started rolling and he's like, he came over to the side and he's like, Hey dude, my hips really hurt. I said, I sit the day out. No big deal. So one of the people he was rolling with there uh called him a baby and and a couple times called him a baby for sitting out and he had told me when he came over hey i don't want to sit out
Starting point is 01:16:10 and i said why i said because the other kids are going to think i'm a baby i'm like dude who cares i i feel you it sucks when people say shit like that but don't even don't even trip like and when we went home i i talked to him about it. Like people are always going to be saying stuff like that. You know who you are. The very next day. The very next day, the kid that called him a baby and was taunting him. Pulled out of got beat up in the prior class and then pulled out of the jiu jitsu class. They want to get tossed up again.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I go, yeah, look at seeing that's a lesson in projecting yeah look who look who called you baby yesterday and was teasing you yesterday and didn't do class today and that's how it'll be always yeah right yeah it was so i was so stoked i was like yeah great example but it's good you can't protect your kids from that shit uh okay uh what the heck twitch is woke as shit why because of the the swearing thing they got it all buckled oh i keep forgetting to look over here hi bear savvy man this live chat was a little hard to get going i deleted my rumble account last year uh the matrix to grab attention unfortunately some people need to be drawn to see how deep the control over the narrative goes before they
Starting point is 01:17:31 still think this is actually news okay fair enough um another good thing i'm waiting for people this is uh i don't even know this guy's username. I'm waiting for people to claim they are birds and start jumping out of buildings. That would be awesome. That would be an objective truth right there, huh? All right, guys. Thank you. Susan and I will convene later today, and we will see you tomorrow. It looks like we will just be on these same accounts tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Thanks for dealing with us. I will be more organized tomorrow. I will be more sensitive tomorrow, and I will have more your mom jokes tomorrow. OJ Simpson, thank you for the content and for playing. All right. Sevan, I'm teaming myself OBS for you. What's that mean?
Starting point is 01:18:34 He said teaching. That's what he means. I'm teaching myself OBS for you. What's that, OBS? I think it's a way that we can hook up to Rumble and pull comments and stuff, maybe. We're all going to learn a lot about that shortly here. I think it's a way that we could hook up to Rumble and pull comments and stuff maybe. Oh. We're all going to learn a lot about that shortly here.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Okay. Love you guys. Yeah, anyone – Oh, yeah. Twitch. Anyone, please DM Sousa. Not the Sebon podcast, not me. DM Sousa if you can help with this. My DMs are so hard to get through.
Starting point is 01:19:08 But I do get through them, but it's usually like at fucking 1 in the morning. Yeah, send it to me. Okay. We'll get it sorted out. All right, guys. Thank you. See you soon. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And then I think you have to.

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