The Sevan Podcast - #870 - Banned On YouTube | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 8, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! We're live. I think we're live. Good morning. This is gonna be interesting, cause... The comments are gonna be split in two. Oh boy, oh boy. That sucks. I am live though, right? You guys see me? Bam. Okay. Thank you. Robbie Myers. Thank you. My pussy. My pussy. I'm a Rex. Is that Rastafarian talk? It's interesting. I need to be able to I need to be able to pull this up on both I need to be able to open the Rumble window
Starting point is 00:00:56 to see the Rumble comments. Bruce Wayne, are you in? It's just playing the trailer over and over and over on Rumble. Let me actually see the show but i can see the comments are we on are we on everything are we on rumble are we live on oh no we're not we're having trouble streaming to your destination it's paul we can't get on rumble son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh, my goodness. I see it. If you are on Rumble, I don't even know how to tell you. Oh, I guess I could write streaming to Rumble is not working. Oh, my goodness. Rumble live platform sucks i guess so uh i guess but i want to um check uh twitter or twitch or facebook man that sucks We spent all that time yesterday after the show. Susan and I went in to make sure there's these numbers you have to put in. So basically, I'll explain it to you guys like this. For someone who cares.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm sitting in front of a computer. And there's a software, an online software called StreamYard. It's pretty much just like Zoom, right? It's a variation on Zoom, and it's what allows us to have this writing up here, this Sevan podcast, and it allows me to pull up the comments, and it allows me to do just some trick shit. And I don't actually interact with Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or Rumble or any of the
Starting point is 00:02:51 places we're streaming to. This software is supposed to do it for me. So I just talk to this software and then ahead of time, we set it up so it goes to those other platforms so you can watch it. Well, in order to get on those other platforms, Rumble gives you a special key, well in order to get on those other platforms rumble gives you a special key two special keys they're like numbers passwords that allow you to stream to those channels and and the one for rumble isn't working uh someone's having trouble going live with rumble uh but he's uh live on twitch and twitter oh yeah thank you facebook's and facebook i assume we're live on Twitch and Twitter. Oh yeah, thank you. Facebook's. And Facebook, I assume we're live on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Super laggy at the moment. Man, talk about a buzzkill. Hey, I saw, I went back and I looked at episode 841. It's pretty funny. I wonder if you, I wonder since it is super laggy, I wonder if you're going to be able to see this. Darn it. Hey, it can't be Rumble.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's got to be us because other people are having great success streaming to Rumble. Great success, right? No lag for me. Okay, good. Wait, so I found the episode. And I think, and I found the only spot where we're talking about where we're talking about vaccines on it
Starting point is 00:04:09 doesn't that sound like and it's kind of it's some of you are going to be shocked and some of you are not going to be shocked something we should be doing it's this part coming up here where i talk about remember that video i pulled up where the lady was interviewing bill gates
Starting point is 00:04:30 and it was edited all weird and we figured out that hey this has been you know this is just a manipulation of a bill gates interview well that's the one that's that's the show and it was right we talked about bill gates and uh in the manipulation of this video and it being edited edited to to you know have a super duper bias slant and then after that i uh kenny it was the one it was the one where we were bill gates is being interviewed it'll pop up here in one second yeah this is live now you're live now i am steven You are live now. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Let me see. This video. Okay, it looks like... Here it is. Do you remember this lady? I'll play the audio on. Interview with Bill Gates. You guys are going to love this. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I didn't know pedophilia was a disease. I know. Fuck. Okay, here we go. Oh, shit. This is an interview with Bill Gates. This lady is amazing. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:05:59 What have you contributed to the world? She said, what have you contributed to the world you guys remember this interview you guys remember this it was this episode it was right here this section about bill gates and then right after i talk about the book uh the book i read by forest ma ready called the Moth and the Iron Lung. And that book, that's the book, if you guys don't remember, in the 1890s, the U.S. government made it a law that all farmers had to spray lead and arsenic onto their crops in order to kill a very ravenous gypsy moth and that continued that those laws continued for 40 or 50 years poisoning everyone in the united states who ate food any kind of food because it got into the milk supply and started getting into the animals and the meat supply and basically made everyone susceptible to polio that's the premise of the book and in 1952 when they outlawed that sprain on the crops that was three years before the vaccine was released uh polio basically almost vanished and we talked about
Starting point is 00:07:13 that on this show and that's the show that got uh that's the show that got dinged that's the show that got us pulled off what's weird is did somebody did somebody that shows like a month ago why are they just catching that now i'm wondering if someone went back there and reported that i wonder if someone's just going around and reporting um shows someone just like openly trying to just get the show kicked off like they're spending every day. It's a trip. XFit Jamie, I hate our names. They're all different.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Why couldn't you use the same names? Hey, the good news is we will be back on YouTube in six days. And hey, you know what I'm going to do? I'm not going to, I'm just going to just not talk about it. It looks like, by the way, that the ban will be, or the strike that's against me will be up on July 25th. So basically all I'll try to do is not talk about the vaccine from now until July. I guess July 25th and wait till I get, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:27 get that strike cleared off. It's bizarre, right? I can't, there's stuff I can't talk. I'm not even talking about crazy stuff. That's what's so amazing. I'm just talking about using my discernment, my observation, and my research skills to share with you what I found out about how to stay
Starting point is 00:08:50 healthy. But you can't do that. So weird. It's crazy. Just doesn't seem that it just doesn't seem that bad. All right. So that's where we're at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Elizabeth, Peel, Michael. Sisters in that picture? Ugh, that's one of the reasons I found you. Yeah, you can talk about that word all you want you can talk about that word to little kids all you want but do not uh talk about oh you know what's crazy too is i there's this lady up in canada this filmmaker oh i need to i need to text matt i need to text matt right now about it there's this lady up in canada this filmmaker who's making a movie or uh i think her name is jamie and the lady she's making the movie about
Starting point is 00:09:56 is kristin and i just spoke to him a couple days ago um kristin jamie uh vax movie um the one of the ladies was injured severely injured by the vaccine and they wanted to and they're making a movie about it and she was supposed to come on the show and now she's yes she can't i guess we can't do that can't do that bit uh if you do want to watch the show the show that got me booted it's episode 841 it's on Twitter it's on Facebook
Starting point is 00:10:35 it's on Rumble from March 17th we did two shows that day in the evening we did a CrossFit show so that's that I think i'm still in shock a little bit my life's different than this guy's life who's going to explain this to me who is going to explain this to me what is going on here scott stallings breaks into the red numbers what does that mean the red numbers look at and you know what i like scott for
Starting point is 00:11:06 those who don't know scott stalling's been on the show and he is a crossfitter he's a cool dude i think he's with hwpo wow how is anybody standing by nike anymore that's a weird one what a mess if you need sponsorship to survive what a disaster of a situation you're in right now but look at this guy wearing the stalling overall stallings overalls that's his caddy that's a tight outfit right for shock this is actually the first iron we've seen hit in today fifth player oh no he does have the noble gear on i guess they i guess they were pushing for uh sexualization of kids and all that shit long before nike i don't have long before nike but it was on my radar before nike oh poor scotty to play the fifth first iron
Starting point is 00:12:00 anyway he did he did great. That might be as good as we see all day. Even though he's wearing a shirt of a company that openly supports men competing in women's sports. A birdie try for Scott Stallings. They got a birdie on a hole that they said you shouldn't get a birdie on. Very rare birdie at the fifth. You can't play the hole better than he did. And there's that guy out in the overalls again. A very rare birdie.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Someone's going to explain to me what being in the red is. Hey, good morning. Good morning. Hi. How's it going? It's a little weird. It's a little weird. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I don't feel like myself. I thought it was hilarious that last week you were talking all this trash about Facebook. And now here we are streaming on Facebook. Yeah. Crazy. Right. What was I saying about Facebook last week? Give me a gentle reminder. Gentle. Don't send me anything via Facebook. I never use Facebook. Yes, I wish I had a crow here I could eat. God bless Facebook. I wanted to talk about Nike really quick. Oh yeah, they're doing great, right? I was mad.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I was mad yesterday with this whole Dylan Mulvaney Nike partnership. Yeah. Um, about, I think it was in 2017. Do you know who Alison Felix is? No.
Starting point is 00:13:33 She's a five time. Okay. So she's a five time Olympian. Um, she's a gold medalist. She's one of the best athletes. She's a black woman. She's one of the best athletes, um, in our generation. She was a Nike athlete and she ran track for the USA in five Olympics. Tell me her name again. Tell me her name again.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And I think it was in 2017, she got pregnant with her daughter. And Nike tried to pay her 30% less of her contracted prices, you know, commissions, because she was pregnant. And now here we are, 2023, Nike is partnering with a transgender woman. This is everything that is wrong with the transgender ideology. They're taking a real woman, a biological woman, trying to pay her less because she's pregnant and she won't be able to write. Like, you know, you're, you're, you're pregnant. You're obviously restricted in movement. You're carrying a baby. And not only that, but they gave her immense pressure to hurry back,
Starting point is 00:14:59 get her body back and start performing again. After she gave birth to her daughter, which was a very traumatic birth. If you read into the story, she gave birth to her daughter at 32 weeks with an emergency C-section due to preeclampsia. So it's a very, I'm sure it was very traumatic for mom, right? I'm sure dad too, but- Hey, one quick thing. One little detail you had off. It's not that they were going to pay her 70%. The article says she said Nike offered her a 70% pay cut. Cut, right. Okay, okay. I misunderstood. Wow, that's crazy. That's insane. Here is a woman who has a uterus and a vagina and actually has periods, has a menstrual cycle.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Here is a real woman. And because she is pregnant, you are going to treat her like that. And now here we are in 2023 and you are going to give Dylan Mulvaney a Nike partnership. I tell you, wearing a sports bra and putting on lipstick and wearing leggings does not make you a woman. You are a woman. It is based on cellular, scientific, biological facts. Not because you wear a sports bra and you prance around like a fucking idiot. Felix has found great...
Starting point is 00:16:21 I really love you right now. Felix has found great success on the track upon returning to competition after the traumatic Life-threatening birth of her now Two-year-old daughter Cameron She broke Usain Bolt's gold medal Record at the World Athletic
Starting point is 00:16:36 Championship ten months after going under the Knife for an emergency C-section Hey Imagine that dude Hey the woke eat the woke I i i don't know this lady allison felix but i almost guarantee you she's woke by the way just by the way the article is written and about wanting female rights the you this is all because um this is going to come out out of context this is all because women want equal rights. I'm putting that in quotes, by the way. This is all because that needs to be explained because that sounds horrible just by itself.
Starting point is 00:17:24 equal rights the thing is is they deserve equal rights based on the fact that they're women just like men deserve equal rights based on the fact that they're men and by that i mean men deserve equal rights but we shouldn't we shouldn't be allowed in women's bathrooms women deserve equal rights but if they want to come in our bathroom they should we're just different right we're different humans and there was another like time article that she was interviewed in and she was talking about like how you know black women have a higher mortality rate and yes there's definitely like yeah that that's all just like yeah exactly there it is right there right that has nothing to do with being black and because she said it like that that that that opens up the woke crowd to her that has to do with socioeconomic it's not like your skin's black and all of a sudden your baby started dying more. She should, people need to say what they mean.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I'm saying it's okay. So shame on Matt Frazier for continuing a partnership with Nike. I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more. If you have a sponsorship with Nike, I tell you what, I'm going in my closet and I know what naturally over the years, I've been here to wait for Nike.
Starting point is 00:18:24 So I don't have too many Nike things left in my closet. Yeah. Um, but I am, I'm done in my closet. And you know what? Naturally, over the years, I've been here to wait for Nike, so I don't have too many Nike things left in my closet. But I'm done with it. I'm not going to give my money. The only way that you're going to make an impact, if you're sitting there thinking, well, what can I do? What can I do? You can stop giving them your money. The same way with Hershey's and just all of Target,
Starting point is 00:18:46 like all of these, just stop giving them your money. Go, there's tons of other companies out there that provide equally good products. And then I just want to circle back to Alison Felix really quick. Yes, I'm sure, you know, she could be woke. I don't really know about her current status and all of that stuff, but you know what she did? She partnered with, I think it was Athleta. And then she made her
Starting point is 00:19:06 own shoe awesome she created she started her own shoe brand she said she gave nike the big middle finger and said i'm done i'm done with you hey the thing is what's scary too is it's only a matter of time like like all those people who are Nike, like Nike's woke company. And they look at, they eat their own. They ate their ass. Coming with Noble. Yeah. Coming with Lululemon.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's coming with all of it. They're all. And so just be aware, be aware of where you spend your money. And if it's something that you feel passionate about, you know, stand up for what you believe in. Why do you think nike is is doing this why do you think these companies are doing this budweiser nike why do you think they're doing i think i think they get too big and i think they're trying to appease to the masses and i think they're too big and there's no actual responsibility in any of
Starting point is 00:20:00 these companies there's too many layers there's too many like safeguards um wait so so you think that this is a smart financial decision on their part you think it's no no no no i think that i think that people are so afraid of getting canceled they self-censor themselves so if you're sitting in a boardroom and this idea gets brought up and if you're the person to say whoa whoa whoa i don't agree with that you are going to be you're going to get the act people are self-censoring themselves i guarantee you there's people high up in that nike organization that do not agree that do not believe in it but they're not going to be the ones to get their balls cut off okay that provides for their family let me me just ask you this, just on a mathematical scale. You have to, and this goes along with what I am, Steve.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Someone in the comments says, I repeat, you cannot make everyone happy. Now, do you think it's financially a smart decision for Budweiser and Nike to do this? Because if you can't make everyone happy and their goal is to make money, I mean, why don't you? Go ahead. I don't see it bringing them any more business. So, no, I personally do not think it's a good financial decision because I don't
Starting point is 00:21:25 see the return on investment for making a decision like this. I only see people getting frustrated and walking away from that product. I'm going to tell you, my own father has been drinking Budweiser for many, many, many years. Guess what he came over two nights ago to my house with a 12-pack of? Dos Aquis. He said, I'm done, Sammy. I'm not buying Budweiser anymore. And he's been drinking it. I mean, the man is 62 years old.
Starting point is 00:21:53 He's been drinking it since he was, I'm sure, 18. And we're talking, like, Bud-heavy, like, loved it, fans through and through. And he came over last night. I couldn't believe it. He had a 12-pack of of dosartis of all things but you know what also is you have to be careful because these brands have so many layers to them so budweiser just doesn't own bud light and budweiser right like they've got bush light they've got they they've got so many different like sub brands underneath the Anheuser-Busch
Starting point is 00:22:30 umbrella. So you have to do your research as a consumer. If you're truly serious about not supporting this woke bull crap agenda, I told myself I wasn't going to swear today cause it was good Friday. So I have already failed that. But you have to be an educated consumer. You just can't be lazy and you just can't go with the flow and whatever is convenient. You have to be an educated consumer. Do you have a husband? I do have a husband. So I would just like to say for your swearing, my daughter, I forgive you for your sins as long as you service your husband today. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Budweiser, Bud Light, Kona, Michelob Ultra, Natural Light, Bush, Stella, Landshark, President P, Ho Garden. Ho Garden. That's one of their beers, a Ho Garden. Shocktop. years ago garden shock top hey why why um so what if why why is it frustrating to see um budweiser put a man who is what what if this was 15 years ago what if let me let me roll back a few things what if there was there weren't men in women's sports and we didn't have this crazy grooming problem on that I don't even know if I want to get into it in today's show. It's getting so fucking dark.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Especially if you have a kid who's in a California school, you better not think this isn't going to happen to you. Yep. Because every single kid in a public school in California is being asked and put in situations that parents don't know about. And someone's like, not everyone. OK, fine. Ninety nine point nine percent. But there are some programs in school right now that I've discovered that are scary. The teachers aren't even privy to them. They're separating the kids from the teachers and putting them in these programs for five hours. the kids from the teachers and putting them in these programs for five hours anyway um what if this was 15 years ago and budweiser had just put this um tranny uh um on the budweiser can and said
Starting point is 00:24:32 hey congratulations i think it's the one year celebration that um that that person she's a woman she's a woman she's a he's a woman she's a woman it's both yeah so that can is a one year celebration can congratulations for pretending to be a woman for a both yeah so that can is a one-year celebration can congratulations for pretending to be a woman for a year what if that was 15 years ago would we care i mean we didn't care about rupaul right or did we it wouldn't have happened it wouldn't have happened 15 years ago but what i'm saying is is that it's not it's not being transgender you have a problem with right it's no i you are correct i do not have a problem with, right? No, you are correct. I do not have a problem with transgender people.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I have a problem with transgender women taking over women's faces. They're erasing womanhood. They're erasing what it means to actually be a woman. And honestly, it's terrifying. You're going to give woman of the year to a transgender woman yeah that is some bizarre shit no that is and and you know what i cannot i cannot believe that lesbian women are not screaming from the rooftop at this i cannot believe it i cannot believe that the real feminists are not screaming from the rooftops on this it blows my mind it blows my mind you know what uh when the marriage
Starting point is 00:25:54 act was passed what was that like maybe i don't know 15 years ago or something um and we were sitting in my living room with my parents i I might need a female co-host regularly. Are you ready? Yeah, I'm ready. I'm very, yeah, I'm totally ready. I've been, I was the gal that called her. Do you have a J job? Do you have a gay job?
Starting point is 00:26:18 Do you have a day job? I knew I'd get it. Do you have a day job? I do have a day job. And I also coach CrossFit classes classes and i have four kids um what's your husband do does your husband got enough does your husband have money that you can fuck off with the podcast yeah i don't hey i if it was like a scheduled thing i would work it in for sure i would totally work it in um let's exchange information and make it happen okay don't
Starting point is 00:26:42 get pushy i'm in control of the relationship don't get okay marriage act tell me what about the marriage act okay so it was i think it was like 15 years ago the marriage act was passed and i remember sitting in my living room with my parents and my dad and my mom said you have to draw the line somewhere and as soon as you start moving that line they're going to take an inch and then an inch will eventually become a mile. And they said, next thing you know, people are going to try to start marrying their animals. And I looked at my dad and I said, there is no way on earth. I know. I remember hearing that. And I'm like, what asshole would say that? I remember hearing someone say they're going to let gays marry first and then animals.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And I remember being so disgusted by that person. I'm like, what piece of shit would say that? And guess what? Today in 2023 doesn't seem too crazy. Oh, dude. In California, they just passed a law that parents don't have a right to access. It's okay for schools to separate conversations that they have with your kids from the parents. Like now the schools are allowed to keep secret conversations with the kids.
Starting point is 00:27:51 That is horrific. And if that does not terrify you as a parent, then you should have never become a parent to begin with. Isn't that the premise of, isn't there just two things you need in order to be a successful pedophile? You need kids, and then you need the victims, and then you need in order to be a successful pedophile you need you need kids you need and then you need the victims and then you need the secrecy from the parents isn't that isn't that that's all you need right so the school has your kids and now they have secrecy with your kids i'm not saying that it's a given but it's a pretty it's two really strong correlates they need your kids and they need your kids to shut the fuck up. A very important lesson that I teach my children, even starting, I mean, I just started having
Starting point is 00:28:30 this conversation with my daughter because I heard this piece of advice and I thought that is, that is wonderful. I tell my children, my daughter Kate, and I say, Evelyn, if anybody, if any adult tells you that you need to keep a secret from your mommy or your daddy, you need to know that that is not right. You need to know that no adult should ever ask you to keep a secret from your parents. You need to realize that that's a red flag and you need to come talk to mommy about that. The moment that other adults try to keep secrets from the parents, it is wrong. It is wrong and should not be allowed. And that is a lesson that you need to teach your kids because
Starting point is 00:29:14 they don't know any better. They don't know any better. They, it could be someone that they trust. It could be anybody in their life. Right. And that's how these pedophiles get in. You know, they say for pedophiles it's not mostly stranger right i think they say like oh no it's the people you know yep it's the people you know yes yes you you need to be very explicit when you're explaining that to your child there should be no secrets it's always the people you know who steal from you i'm okay steal from me i still love you i understand uh it's always the people you know who steal from you I'm okay steal from me I still love you I understand it's always the people you know who like talk behind your back I get it I'm not talk behind my back
Starting point is 00:29:50 as long as you'll still be my friend I get like there's so many things I'll accept but it is also always the person you know who's the fucking pedophile hey it's the same thing it's always the pool your kid drowns in that you thought you were protecting your kid from it's always like that absolutely absolutely i could not agree more i could not agree and you
Starting point is 00:30:11 know what's crazy is uh 10 years ago too i i i was very suspect of people who hunted pedophiles and people who spent their times predominantly like money for that thing that Mayhem did where they raised money to stop sex trafficking. Because I always thought – I was always suspect of them that they were the wolf in sheep's clothing because we have a lot of that today. That's what the whole Democratic Party is, right? They're just wolves in sheep's clothing. They're hiding. They're the posse that's out getting the bad guy but they're riding with the posse it's like wait a minute you are the bad guy but now for some reason i've yeah um well thank you crazy yeah thank you um yeah crazy thanks for taking my call. Thanks for introducing us to Alison Felix.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Yeah. Yeah. Um, read up on her and, um, I actually have to hop off because I'm going to go to a class right now. So have a great show and I'll talk to you later. Okay. Don't forget about your husband. Okay. It's a good Friday for a reason. Sure. It's a good Friday for him. I wonder if that's a deal breaker. You go to jerk your husband off and he's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:31:30 That's so sweet. And he's like, well, Sevan told me to. I just got a text from someone. Bro, I'm missing you on YouTube. Man, Twitch breaks up so much. I hate the unnamed callers. Oh, you mean like I need to ask them their names? I don't know. Think about this. Just put it in context. Think about how many kids you know who were injured or killed from COVID. think about how many kids you know who were injured or killed from covid now think about what do you think's higher the kids being groomed in your schools or kids being
Starting point is 00:32:15 injured by covid and think of the think of the actions they took to protect your kids from covid dude it's not even close if you if your child is in a California school if you put your kid in a California school let's say five years ago and they've and they've gone all and they've they're going to do the whole thing there k through 12 your kid will be groomed 100 there's going to be something in there said by one of those fucking teachers that that that um crosses that line into grooming i'm not exaggerating i'm not even it's not even that bold of a statement there's this video someone sent me it's a 30 minute video with a sit-down parent and what's
Starting point is 00:33:02 crazy is all these parents who are coming out they're all Democrats. These aren't Republican parents coming out. Republican parents aren't putting their kids in these situations. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a Republican. Just telling you. Her timing was perfect. I'm going to show you. This is Candace Owen tripping on that dude. That dude who's become a girl and celebrating the year anniversary. Here we go. What is this?
Starting point is 00:33:33 Nike, a huge corporation, has decided to partner with Dylan Mulvaney. He is going to be modeling for them. He is modeling for them as an ad partner sponsoring their women's wear. Is that funny to anybody that just watched that? Is that cute to anybody that just watched that? Is that womanly to any person that just watched that? Do you actually care about women if you deem yourself to be a feminist, even if you don't deem yourself to be a feminist? If you've deemed yourself to be a moral individual, how do you not speak out against the fact that this man wearing woman face is now taking the spots of women what is this night oh and that's what the
Starting point is 00:34:13 caller was saying that it's taking the spots of women 10 and 8 years old know what secrets and help is yep that's a great place to start great advice thank you Audrey in another bathing suit men win again thank you undefeated dude I don't know I don't know how any of these athletes are doing well i know how they're doing it so now you know who all the sellouts are by the way too i mean we already knew who they were
Starting point is 00:34:55 and and i'm i'm not i'm not hating i'm not upset with any of them i don't dislike anyone for it but you do know who all the sellouts are in our in our space in the crossfit space you know they all are i mean some people it was their lifetime goal to be sponsored by nike like that was that was more important to them than being an athlete yeah oh i knew it i'm glad sema saw it too aside from trans issues it also promotes anorexia yes it's exact hey it's so crazy damn you're good sema when i just saw that dude dancing around right there i didn't think anything about trans issues i just saw eating disorder that's right where my brain went that's where i'm like oh that that that poor i actually felt bad for him i was like that uh that's anorexic that someone has a serious eating
Starting point is 00:35:47 disorder i don't know if anorexic is the right word but that's that that that body's in in really really bad shape that's just close to uh needing to be well sema you think you think that that guy's gonna to be hospitalized soon? Oh, shit. Listen to this fucking word fuckery. Sorry, Tommy. Love you. Tommy Ginnakos.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Greek guy. Huge dong. But fucking saying silly shit. I think Nike silos it. What the fuck does that mean? Come on, bro. Bro. I doubt the NFL and NBA stars support support these dude they of course they support these
Starting point is 00:36:25 they have to they have to hey dude i do i do i not support child labor in china of course i do i have a fucking iphone dude. Do I not support censorship? Of course I do. I'm dying like a little bitch to get back on YouTube. Please let me back on. Please, please. I promise I won't talk about the vax for six days. Dude.
Starting point is 00:36:57 No, I'm, uh, I'm Seval Matosian and I'm separate. I'm above that shit. The fuck I am. Nike. They're all sellouts, dude. I don't even know what an Uncle Tom is. I'm above that shit. The fuck I am. Nike. They're all sellouts, dude. I don't even know what an uncle Tom is. I didn't read the book.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I think it's the wrong use, but those are all fucking sellouts. All those dudes who are playing in the NFL and the NBA, they're all black dudes who have their one foot on a black man's neck in order to be where they're at because of the BLM stuff. They're the worst of the worst dude. They They're the worst of the worst, dude. They're the enforcers of the slave plantation mentality. Been going over this for two years. Yeah, well, and simply look at how things,
Starting point is 00:37:36 then Tommy redeems himself, which I appreciate. Thank you, Mr. Tommy. Tommy, the giant hog, Greek Giancos. And simply look at how things have gone for those Jersey Knights in hockey. That's true. Well said. But it doesn't matter. If you're taking the check from them, you're a sellout.
Starting point is 00:37:55 There's no – I mean, if I'm going on YouTube, I'm a sellout. I'm burning some of my brand equity. Yeah, exactly. One of Hopper's goals was said to be sponsored by Nike. Of course, dude. Yeah, it's complete. It's just
Starting point is 00:38:14 yes. Yes, thank you. Yes, they're Pat Sherwood's. We're putting it all together. And it's okay. I'm not saying that... I don't dislike Hopper for being a sellout. But you're never going to hear any of those people admit it.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Never going to hear... Like, their mouths are bought. Their identity's been bought. They're willing to step on three kids and kill three kids so that they don't get put on the train to Auschwitz. I get it. I ain't mad at you. It's your moral character.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You're so God-fearing. You don't even know rule number one about being God-fearing. It's to be free. Only free men commune with God. And women. fearing it's to be free only free men commune with god and women that's the first thing what'd you say it's fearing what did i say fearing fearing fearing fearing yeah god fearing at least i knew what i was trying to say yeah there you go that's fair enough everyone has a price whatever nike pays mad is that amount yeah i'll say it the way i want it fairing god fairing
Starting point is 00:39:38 uh this kind of made me misery likes company right i guess this guy crowder was booted off of youtube nuts his was for something different though uh big tech strikes again you can't even criticize the sexualization of children while on louder with crowder show just criticizing others for sexualizing kids youtube puts puts two strikes on Steven's channel. It's a trip, right? That's a video right there. If you haven't seen it, I don't know if you want to see it, but it's a 13-year-old trans performing stripper-type dances in front of a group of adults it's it's bad
Starting point is 00:40:30 yeah kenny that video is vomiting i know thanks this is a um thanks you like this shirt it's philson i got a bunch of them. My wife told me she was going to buy more hangers yesterday, and I went into a panic. A panic. So I just immediately got rid of 10 things hanging in my closet. And while I was getting rid of them, I saw this.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I'm like, oh, I haven't worn this in forever. Put the sunglasses on. With this shirt, you think? There you go. My beard's getting crazy. Starting to look distinguished. Oh, Yanni, thank you. Oh, shoot, Yanni's picture's changed too.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Son of a gun. It's a nice photo though. He's been canceled like 10,000 times. He actually has a lawsuit against YouTube. I have too many. Eventually, everything I have will just be CEO. Time to shave. Buzz that hair
Starting point is 00:41:44 someone. I know. I was thinking thinking about it i'm thinking about it here we go here we go isn't it weird how look at kyle you got a little woke kid in your uh is your profile pic my brother's girlfriend has a kid in her school on blockers and transitioning there in grades five or six, I believe, dude, it's here. And in. As much as this sounds completely unbelievable to me, I'm starting to think that people are doing it because it's actually trendy. I didn't I didn't I'm starting to really understand that I'm this engagement economy thing and that people actually look at the number there's people close to me who actually look at the number of likes their posts get and shit like that and I'm starting to realize oh shit there's a whole I'm out of it I've turned into one of those old people who can barely work the remote and so if you care about likes on your instagram then i then you must be capable of
Starting point is 00:42:45 fucking almost anything it just seems so bizarre it seems like so trivial to me and then and then so now someone is saying it's cool to be a tranny and so you do that to be a train i think people are actually doing it to try to be cool. Like I'm wearing this jacket and these glasses, but they're willing to go one step further and identify with some sort of weird... Like I'm a female frog. I'm Seva Matosian. I'm a female frog.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It absolutely is because they want to be affirmed and praised and they are offering their kids up on the altar of self affirmation. Yeah. I think it's like, I don't even want to say that out loud, but I think you nailed it. I think that's exactly what's going on. I've written, read a couple articles about it too. Ironically, the most profound one was from a lesbian couple who just absolutely hated themselves that they did that to one of their kids oh no listen it was elissa schultz killing the fucking similes here we go is transitioning going to be kind of like when we all got student
Starting point is 00:44:00 loans for college but we were young and didn't realize the consequences later in life yeah here damn it i wish i wouldn't have brought this topic up i didn't need affirmation on this it's absolutely for attention judy lynn reed says validation etc yeah damn it Sean Lenderman said, I wish I could stick around celebrating my daughter's one year anniversary of finishing cancer treatment. Dude. Wow. Good luck to that. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I'd love to hear more of the story. Thanks for everything you've always contributed in the chat, brother. Thank you. Sounds like that's good news. Kyle G. Sean, amazing. Get out of here. Yesterday, I've been hanging out with a lot of parents because I was at skate camp.
Starting point is 00:45:06 There's a lot of parents there. And I hang out with a lot of parents anyway, usually the same parents because I go to like tennis and skate camp and jujitsu and just all these things I go to. And there's tons of kids and I'm always at these places and there's rotating kids and there's classes before and classes after. So I just see lots of parents. And yesterday I went to tennis class and it's very, it's getting, it's very cold here at night right now. I mean, by very cold, it's 47 degrees with the, with the wind blowing at five to 10 miles an hour. Right. And so the outdoor stuff we do, there's fewer and fewer kids at it. And yesterday I showed up to tennis and there's this
Starting point is 00:45:44 couple there, a cool couple there a cool couple really cool couple and you know what's funny is i think these cats were woke as shit like three or four years ago when i met them and they were their hardcore tech people they come from over the hill silicon valley and they were at some big startups big startups and uh now in the last year i think they've completely flipped the script, but anyway, they have two crazy talented kids. There's these two separate families. Those of you have kids, you know, which families have like the most, I hate to use this word, talented kids, like these kids,
Starting point is 00:46:18 they're driven and they have, they're, they're slightly aggressive And they're driven and they're slightly aggressive. And they have enough focus to learn shit. It's pretty crazy when you see those kids. My kids are not aggressive. My kids are just pure tortoises. They have no rabbit in them. And they're just slow and steady.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Anyway, so we're at tennis. It's freezing yesterday. And it's just my kids and their kids and it's it's long it's a class then a break and then another class you end up being there for like three hours it's freezing and i look at those their parents and i said hey congratulations and they said why i'm like this is the only way this is the only way. This is the only way kids stay on top. If the parents just keep it, just, you can't have any excuses. You can't be like, I want to work out. It's too cold. I'm, I'm too tired. You can't have any excuses. If your kid fails something, I'm blame the parent.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Like, just keep taking your kid back. Keep giving your kid the resources they need to succeed just because it's cold the parents all the parents who didn't take their kids yesterday their kids didn't get to learn whatever lesson my kid learned and you know one lesson my kids learned they got there they were complaining they were cold and they were all bundled up and by the time we left they were in shorts and their tank tops and i'm like oh shit they must be freezing they learned that they can work right through that no i don't ride a skateboard yesterday i actually stood on the skateboard and kicked twice and that was it uh christine uh christine young i don't feel sorry for any parents making medically drastic decisions regarding a sex change for a child that doesn't even have a fully developed brain i feel sorry for the children oh
Starting point is 00:48:08 yeah dude those parents are anyway just keep stick with it don't don't let your kid have excuse and now now granted there's degrees and variations my kids have been consistent now for uh two three four years in their practices their disciplines and so if i go to jujitsu and one of them's like hey my hip hurts they don't have to do it now that doesn't happen very often once a month once every six months once a month, once every six months, once a year. I trust them. There's no stress. I've completely taken all the stress I had about my kids succeeding two years ago completely gone.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Completely gone. I used to want to push them. We're just slow and steady. It's raining here today. I'm going to make a video and post it on my IG, and I already know my kids and I are going to go out and push the sled for an hour in the rain. There's no excuses. Yeah, my kids did cry.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I don't know if they cried when I got on the skateboard yesterday, but they have a one wheel. And if I get on the one wheel, they will literally start crying. Like tears. They're so scared. They view me as a frail old man it's it's kind of cute and kind of lame but i mash them regularly everyone gets mashed at least once a day so that they feel the power my mash i mean just like picked up and tossed across the room onto a bed or i just randomly squeeze them so hard that they knock the wind out of them like they need to know i put my fingers between their fingers and squeeze it until they yelp i let them know that like
Starting point is 00:49:49 i'm not old and frail yesterday i the the 80 pound dumbbell you got me yesterday i i sure i, like, tell me some kid who's 80 pounds. He told me some kid who's 80 pounds, like some big kid in their class. And I go, this is what I could do to him. And I just picked it up and yanked it over my head. I like to do that stuff. Dad should always be doing that stuff for their kids, party tricks. Crowder kicked off of YouTube.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Two strikes. God, that's kind of scary. Hey, someone over at Instagram a couple years ago told me that because I have my boys working out with their shirts off that there's people who will report me. There's people who will report me. And then people were reporting me for all sorts of shit that's like sex shit on kids because I had my three boys working out in the garage with their shirts off. So I erased all that shit. Janelle, my kids love that I can do handstand walk and muscle ups. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:51:00 They love that shit. They want to see their strong parents. So just be consistent. You're going to see. You They want to see their strong parents. So just be consistent. You're going to see. You're going to see. Just be so consistent with your kids. So, so consistent. Come home from a vacation.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You get home at 9 in the morning. Their class isn't until 3. Take them to it. It's okay. One of the parents is always going to be like, it's too much. Can't they rest always gonna be like it's too much can't they rest no it's not too much and no they can't rest and you know what that first day back that you go back to jiu-jitsu you go back the day you got back from your vacation and you walk in there and your kid fools around maybe a little bit or he doesn't want to do it only makes it through half the class. No big deal. You showed up.
Starting point is 00:51:51 It's cool. Stick with it. Here it is. I'll play it for you. It's it's not pretty. I don't know how this mom stayed so calm. Wish I had all this. People have been saying to me, close to me, it's like, what's your problem with transgender people? It's not that I have a problem with transgender people at all zero helping our customers lower costs by choosing a year ago that there was a transgender person in my living room we hung out for five hours and watched all the ufc fights which i'm really excited about deliver the safe reliable renewable and that's why i want to be super clear about that hi for those okay here we go sorry i was playing two
Starting point is 00:52:43 audios at once sorry about that that was sloppy okay i should have muted that okay here we go sorry i was playing two audios at once sorry about that that was sloppy okay i should have muted that okay here we go you guys ready california school board i don't even know what that is voted three to two against developing a policy that would lead to increased parental inclusion don't think that this isn't happening everywhere. There's this other video out there where it's a mom sitting down talking about how the entire school, all the kids at the school her daughter goes to, were pulled out for a five-hour class. It was one hour a day for five days. And in that class, because this is in public school in California, they introduced to the kids how to pick your identity. And they gave the kids a whole list of identities to choose from. Can you imagine even, you should not be talking to your kid about things like that.
Starting point is 00:53:53 You don't talk to your kid about identities or gender or any of that stuff. What you do is you instill things into them. I don't know, so that's a little vague. What are you talking about? You're pulling into a parking spot and there's an old lady who wants to pull in too and you were there first. You back out and you be like, go ahead, ma'am, and you take a different one. You just instilled something into your kid. You gave your kid a little piece of your identity. You exampled for them.
Starting point is 00:54:27 You're at the airport and there's an escalator and then there's stairs. You run up the stairs. You've just instilled something in your kid instead of taking the escalator. You tell your kid, hey, I'll carry your luggage and my luggage and I bet you I can still beat you. And you run up those stairs. You just instilled something into your child. You ask your child to draw 10 minutes every single day and then you look at the picture and give them compliments on it. You're not helping your child build their identity. You don't talk to them about that shit.
Starting point is 00:54:58 That's later. That's later. that's later. You can ask them questions. You don't introduce those types of concepts to your kids. You don't let you, you don't, I mean, even like shaving your kid into a fucking mohawk or letting your kid dye their hair or getting piercings, all that shit. That's all spending wisdom equity.
Starting point is 00:55:35 That's – that's – that's – you're taking away, you're closing a door on them being able to cultivate their own presence, their own self-awareness. All of that does that. kids who are good at stuff are such different kids but they're not going to get good at stuff unless you stick with them unless you take them every single day
Starting point is 00:56:20 and be like hey this is what we're going to do for 15 minutes today it really doesn't take a lot by the way my eight-year-old daughter wants to pierce her um uh pierce her ear simple question tell me why why she why she wants to do it because she's seen other kids do it should no one would ever think about putting a hole in their ear really unless someone else did it yeah tell me more eric tell me more oh i see what you did there yeah wow bam thank you shit eric wise a little slow today good shit my eight-year-old daughter wants to pierce her ears simple question tell me why se responds. Other kids are doing it. Eric responds. Yes. Hey, if I had a daughter and she wanted to pierce her ears at eight, I'd be like, oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I wonder if it's going to hurt. I would talk to her about it. And then I'd be like, hey, listen, I really I think it's something that we should wait until you're 14 to do and on your 14th birthday we'll do it and you know what else I'm gonna buy you the coolest earrings ever and blah blah I would make it into something like that I'd push it I'd kick that shit so down the road it would be a different story for my son there it would be a different story for my son there would be I don't know I mean I'm sure it's coming for me my sons
Starting point is 00:57:56 I bought my son's bracelet necklace making kits they've been like making necklaces and bracelets now for everyone and anyone you just love that shit they've been like making necklaces and bracelets now for everyone and anyone you just love that shit my mom made me wait till i was 13 yeah i mean like just
Starting point is 00:58:12 kick some shit needs to be just kicked down the road and and it's not be it's not because having your ears pierced makes you there's nothing inherently bad about it. It's just you're a kid, and you're just twitching from one pile of shit to another. That desire will just go away. It's just – why not just give that one some space? You're putting a hole in your ear. Use that as a tool to teach them a lesson.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Patience. Maturity. Yeah, of course that's it. Right. So that's another great tool right there with this guy saying to Gak, I would like a pierce. Why stop there? Let's go get gauges.
Starting point is 00:59:12 So as a kid, I always thought that, as a kid, I always thought that school dress code was stupid. and then greg glassman explained this to me nah nah school dress code's cool and i go why is that and he says if you have boys who are supposed to wear blue corduroys to school every single day when they fuck around and they try to break the rules they'll try to wear black corduroys or they'll try to wear blue denim or that's where the battle line's drawn right there or if you have a rule that girls have to have their skirt over their knee the battle line's drawn they try to make it just a little shorter so you can see a little bit of their knee and that's where you draw the
Starting point is 00:59:59 battle line some are just completely ridiculous you don't give a shit what color the corduroys are. But you let them experience pushing back and being wild somewhere there. And I loved that explanation. I think that's what Tagak was saying. You now know something that they want. They want to put a hole in their ear. Use that against them. Use that for them.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Use that they want. They want to put a hole in their ear. Use that against them. Use that for them. Use that with them. All comments by Shanna Medeiros will always be read. When my husband wanted to pierce his ear when he was young, his dad said, fine, but then anytime you're in my house, you will wear a dress. Word. Pierced ears are nothing burger. Yeah, here we go. Tell that to Spanish parents in the 80s when if you were a girl,
Starting point is 01:00:59 they would get your ears pierced before you would leave the hospital when you were born. Yeah, and then there's that whole group of people too who get their kids ears pierced before you would leave the hospital when you were born yeah and then there's that whole group of people too who get their kids ears pierced that's the whole thing i didn't know this either this is crazy this was explained to me that's why um all the those parents get their baby's ears pierced and they wear the pink bandanas on their kids and they put all those head things on their kids because they want everyone to make sure that they know that this is a girl dude if you have
Starting point is 01:01:25 kids and people confuse the sex of your kid and you're offended you're an idiot parent no one can tell the fucking difference between a boy and a girl when they're little breakfast plans at the same time uh the comments are all um coming in so like here look here's a facebook icon here's a twitch icon i don't see any twitter everyone's either on twitch or on facebook does it has is anyone on any platform where they're like, hey, this is actually better than YouTube? No, no, sorry. We'll play the video.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Sorry. Beefcake's asking if we decided not to play the video. No, we're going to play it. Thank you for the memory. I just got distracted. Because they don't know me. My name is Aurora Regina, and I am the mother that filed a lawsuit in federal court against chico unified for transitioning my daughter without my knowledge i'm here today to tell my story so parents in the public know what
Starting point is 01:02:30 is going on in our schools last year my 11 year old daughter was in elementary school here at chico unified and her elementary school transitioned her from female to male behind my back shortly before this happened my father had recently passed away. Look at the girl in the front row with the rainbow sticker on her left breast. And I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My daughter was distressed and began questioning her sexuality, so she decided to reach out to a wellness counselor at her elementary school. The day my daughter shared with her guidance counselor that she felt like a boy. The counselor immediately affirmed this new identity. From then on the counselor continued to have one-on-one meetings with my
Starting point is 01:03:11 daughter without my knowledge. During one of those one-on-one meetings, my daughter told the counselor she wanted to tell me about her new idea. Hey, look at the, all the asymmetrical haircuts in the audience too. The handful of them that are in there. Oh shit. I ruined it them that are in there. Oh shit. I ruined it. Son of a bitch. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Oh, do we have to watch the ad again? I'm so sorry. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. Well, you get the gist. You get the gist, right? All right. you get the gist right i dude this is if you're gonna riot over something this is what you riot over i know that's the whole thing right you're worried you're worried about 12 unarmed black men being killed in the United States. When everyone's kids are fucking being fucking forced to take injections.
Starting point is 01:04:11 And then this shit, this shit is crazy. By the way, this is all the stuff that a year ago that everyone says wasn't happening. Otter was in elementary school here at Chico Unified, and her elementary school transitioned her from female to male behind my back. Shortly before this happened, my father had recently passed away, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My daughter was distressed and began questioning her sexuality, so she decided to reach out to a wellness counselor at her elementary school. The day my daughter shared with her guidance counselor that she felt
Starting point is 01:04:45 like a boy, the counselor immediately affirmed this new identity. From then on, the counselor continued to have one-on-one meetings with my daughter without my knowledge. During one of those one-on-one meetings, my daughter told the counselor she wanted to tell me about her new identity. The counselor ignored her request and did nothing to support her in letting me know what was going on at school. Throughout her transition, my daughter changed very quickly, was bullied, and as a result was very unhappy. And because her school kept this transition a secret from me, she was on her own. I'm a busy working mother just like the rest of you. Before this happened to our family, I would have not believed this was going on in our schools, especially at the elementary level. I want everyone to know, I understand that I want everyone to understand
Starting point is 01:05:31 that I want a space for our LGBTQ and trans community members to feel safe and supported, but the policy currently in place at Chico Unified has been damaging to our family, and I am not up here talking about what could happen if you continue this policy. I am up here telling you what did happen to our family. This was the time when she needed me the most and you kept it a secret from me. I understand that you are trying to find ways to create a safe environment for all children within our district, but keeping secrets from parents is not the way to do it. Treating every parent as a potential threat to their kids is wrong. I know it's easy to make up a narrative when it comes to my case. I know it's easy for
Starting point is 01:06:11 people to judge and say my daughter must have not felt safe or supported, and that's the reason for telling her counselor. But regardless of what people say, I love my children, and there isn't anything they could ever do to change that. It wouldn't have mattered to me whether my daughter continued to identify as a male. I would love her the same. It's a slippery slope to allow any adult in our schools to keep secrets from parents for any reason. The actions the school board district took to immediately exclude me from supporting my daughter was very damaging to her and our family. She was very young and didn't understand what being transgender really meant
Starting point is 01:06:45 or the obstacles she would face going through a transition. The school transitioned her and left her to figure it out on her own. It seems to me the district is getting it wrong on both sides. You don't know how to handle these very serious and sensitive situations because once you transitioned her,
Starting point is 01:07:01 you left her to handle it all by herself, the bullying and the staff even outing her thank you dude it's vomitous that's i i'm it's so weird that stuff makes me feel militant i can't believe how calm she is you transition someone's kid God I want to say that's like death penalty shit I want to say that's like so close to killing someone you transition someone you help transition someone someone's 11 year old daughter and didn't tell them and then when they said
Starting point is 01:07:43 they wanted to tell their mom, you ignored their requests? Did you see what the mom said? And the kids don't know the consequences of being transitioned? Of course they don't. Yeah, I know, right? Here it is. And that's what's coming.
Starting point is 01:08:03 It's got to be what's coming. This is ridiculous. If I found out this was happening to someone, I would fuck you up. Yeah. I'd be in jail. Yep. I know. That's the thing, though, too. Most of these people this is happening to, do you think that that lady, that she's liberal? By the way, this, the person who sent me this article is one of the most liberal people i know and they live in berkeley california and their kids go to the uh berkeley unified they're in the berkeley unified school district and they're slowly starting to wake up i'm so happy when they send me this shit i'm like yeah dude
Starting point is 01:08:41 because he's he's in the school district where these experiments take place yeah uh she appeared uh just burnt and worn out from fighting well she did she said she had breast cancer too alex mallard i can't believe this is really happening in the world i know that's that's how i feel i cannot believe this No, that's how I feel. I cannot believe this. Oh, you know, part of me wants to steer away from all this.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Part of me thinks because I'm focused on it, it exists. I know that's some fucking hippy-dippy shit. so about a week ago my friend sends me this video and they're in and they're hanging out with this guy and they say to me in the video hey this is a pretty famous dude um he created a cash app and he said it was something called Squarespace. I don't even know what that is. And they made a video with them and sent it to me. And then two days ago, maybe it was one day after my friend sent me this video,
Starting point is 01:10:18 this dude's dead in San Francisco. That shit's weird, right? That shit's so weird I think the guy's name was his name Billy Lee or something Hollywood moguls Democrat daughter slams liberal San Francisco after cash apps founder murdered dude San Francisco is a shithole.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I wonder what they're going to do there. I wonder what they're going to do with the city. It is a disaster. Lee, the 43-year-old founder of Cash App, was fatally stabbed at 2.30 a.m. Tuesday in the Rincon Hill area of San Francisco. Man, it's so dangerous. It's so dangerous there.
Starting point is 01:11:10 If you're thinking about visiting California, do not visit San Francisco. Do not. There's so many great places. Go to Truckee or Lake Tahoe or Yosemite. Man, oh, man. I don't know if you guys saw. I probably won't bring this up.
Starting point is 01:11:38 But there was, oh, yep, here it is. Shit, maybe I will bring it up. Eh. I mean, this is just for all the people who are I don't know. Today's a dark day. Got kicked off of YouTube. I'm admitting that I'm going to be a sellout until July.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I found out my friends suck nike cock uh brazil man kills four children with hatchet at daycare center when i was younger i was 20 something i was riding in a car somewhere and i remember hearing a radio story say a bus in peru drives off cliff 27 children dead. And I was like, holy shit, that's crazy. Not that those people died, but that I was in California and it was being reported to me through a little radio in a car.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I was like, how could they like, I would never know about this. Well, here we go. 2023. We were all sitting in different places. And there's a new story that broke yesterday of a man in Brazil who walked
Starting point is 01:12:44 into a daycare center and killed fucking four kids with a hatchet all the kids were between the age of five and seven I have nothing else to say on that fuck that story done with that story bye bye anyone want to say anything about that dumbass story
Starting point is 01:13:01 yeah okay let's just go darker oh my goodness oh good uh kenny uh 2014 seven what are your thoughts on aliens before this abducted guy comes out dude so teesdale ronnie teesdale raw came over once like two years ago to my house and hung out with me for a couple of days. And one of the topics he was interested at the time was aliens. And I did not like the topic. I did not like the topic.
Starting point is 01:13:35 I am porous. As someone made fun of me yesterday for being sensitive, I am very sensitive. I am very sensitive. Very, very sensitive. And that shit freaked me out. what are your thoughts on aliens wait rob was at your house yeah he drove up here in that batman car this is a couple years ago he hung out for a couple days i wouldn't be surprised if he comes to my house again my dog doesn't like him though that's what sucks my dog's fucking gnarly and big and very aggressive very aggressive i don't know dude i just know the book is freaking me out. I'm powering through it. The guy who's coming on Monday, the book he wrote is UFO of God. yeah uh some some uh natalie uh with the big swear words uh some of the politicians look like aliens yeah biden looks like an alien i'm trump is starting to look like an alien in his old age
Starting point is 01:15:18 how about um the the lady laurie lightfoot yeah yeah yeah, yeah. Thank you. Full blown. Right out of the bar. Isn't there a bar scene in Star Wars? She's straight out of the bar in Star Wars. Like where Jabba the Hutt kicks it. I can't wait to show you this video. I can't wait to show you this
Starting point is 01:15:41 video. Is that videos on YouTube? Oh. This video is so good. Fight breaks out after Ted Cruz refuses. Let me see if I can find this on YouTube. There it is.
Starting point is 01:16:06 This is nuts. I'm going to start this at I don't know what kind of trouble I'm going to get in for showing this. I'm going to start this at 426. This is Ted Cruz. I apologize. We've talked about this a lot on the show. But this is Ted Cruz.
Starting point is 01:16:45 over in the Ukraine was investigating Hunter Biden and Joe Biden for their relationship and accepting money from China and somehow involving the Ukraine. And their attorney general had opened up a case against Hunter investigating it and into Joe, the big guy. And then how Joe Biden then went over to the Ukraine and was bragging. Remember, I've told this story probably 20 times on the show. Joe Biden went over to the Ukraine, told him, fire the attorney general. And if you don't, I'm going to, I'm not going to give you your billion dollars in benefit packages from the United States. And he said, I'm leaving your country in six hours on a flight and that person better be fired before I leave. And that person was fired. Well, here it is. This person is interviewing, which is I forget who the guy who he's interviewing is, but I think it'll become evident
Starting point is 01:17:29 once we get going. But here it is. Here's the story. I think this is recent. I think this is just a few days ago. OK, listen up. But rather, it is official corruption from the then vice president, the United States, Joe Biden, and now the president of the United States, Joe Biden. Let me ask you, while his son was on the board of Burisma, making a million dollars a year. So one of the odd things was that Hunter Biden was on the board of a company called Burisma, making eighty six thousand dollars a month. And I believe Burisma was an oil company in the Ukraine. And not only does Hunter not speak Ukrainian, but he knows nothing about oil. Did Joe Biden do anything that benefited the corrupt oligarch who was paying his son? Vice President Biden led our efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine. Let me ask you the question again. Did Vice President Biden led our efforts to fight corruption in Ukraine. Let me ask you the question again. Did Vice President Joe Biden do anything that benefited the corrupt oligarch who was paying his son a million dollars a year?
Starting point is 01:18:31 He did not. He did not. Well, it's interesting. Someone who disagrees with you, Mr. Kent, is Joe Biden. And I want to read from what he said on January 23rd, 2018, at the Council of Foreign Relations. Quote, this is Joe Biden speaking. And I went over, I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee. And I'd gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, the prosecutor that was investigating Burisma. And they didn't. So Biden continues. I said, no, I'm not going to. We're not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You are not the president. The president said, I said, call him. I said,
Starting point is 01:19:15 I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars. I said, you're not getting the billion dollars. I'm going to be leaving here. And I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said, I'm leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. By the way, you don't have to take Ted Cruz's word for this or my word. You can hear Joe Biden bragging about this. The video is out there. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. Let me ask you something. Do you think Joe Biden holding a billion dollars hostage to force the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor that is investigating the corrupt oligarch who's paying his son a million dollars a year? Did getting that prosecutor fired benefit that oligarch?
Starting point is 01:19:57 Thank you, Senator Cruz. Senator Van Hollen. Are you going to allow him to answer the question, Madam Chairman? I am not going to allow him to answer the question. Why are you covering for the vice president? Do you not want to answer the question, Madam Chairman? I'm not going to allow him to answer the question. Why are you covering for the vice president? Do you not want to answer that question? He said that the vice president has nothing to benefit. I think it's unfortunate for you, Senator Cruz, to put in position that are uncomfortable the nominees to be our ambassadors. Did you hear what she just said? She just said it's unfortunate, Senator Cruz, that you're putting the nominees who are to be our
Starting point is 01:20:26 ambassadors in uncomfortable situations isn't that what you would want at a hearing like this yeah you heard that right Riley is that crazy is that fucking crazy that's woke talk that's woke talk
Starting point is 01:20:43 this isn't your dinner table That's woke talk. That's woke talk. This isn't your dinner table. This isn't your daughter brought her boyfriend home and you're trying to act cool and not make him feel uncomfortable, although maybe you should make him feel uncomfortable too. This is fucking, this is questioning people who are going to be the ambassadors to the United States of America. Yeah, New World Order shit. I'm going to rewind that so you guys can hear that one more time.
Starting point is 01:21:17 This is fucking nuts. I know. When I heard that, I'm so glad you caught that. Listen to this. Listen to this one more time. Ted Cruz just wants an answer to the question. Senator Van Hollen. Are you going to allow him to answer the question, Madam Chairman? I am not going to allow him to answer the question. Why are you covering for the vice president? Do you not want to answer that question? He said that the vice
Starting point is 01:21:36 president has nothing to benefit. I think it's unfortunate for you, Senator Cruz, to put in position that are uncomfortable the nominees to be our ambassadors. Okay, this is his sworn testimony. This is his sworn testimony. I understand that you want to cover for the vice president. That he is going to raise those concerns anytime he has responsibility. Was his testimony true or false that Biden did nothing to benefit the oligarch? I don't know what his testimony was.
Starting point is 01:22:00 She had expression on her face that she just did that. I'm not. I just want to move on. But you won't let him answer. I asked a yes-no question. Will you allow him to answer the yes, no question? Yes. You can answer yes or no. Thank you. The prosecutor who was fired by the Ukrainian parliament did nothing to investigate Sljicevsky in everything that Vice President Biden, the State Department, and the U.S. Embassy did,
Starting point is 01:22:22 acted in good faith to reduce corruption and help the ukrainians so firing him did not benefit the thank you senator cruz senator van holland unreal unreal and then we know what happened uh last month over at the british virgin islands their attorney general also got fired. It's a weird one. It's a weird one. Man, it's corrupt. Seven, well, they're corrupt on both sides. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:22:56 I'm not arguing they're not. I'm not arguing they're not. We just happened to be in a war with Ukraine. We got a laptop out there that shows Hunter smoking crack, being with prostitutes and whores, getting 10% for the big guy. This is kind of a textbook. That guy, Bill Lee, that I told you who was just killed in San Francisco,
Starting point is 01:23:40 he was walking home at 2.30 in the morning. I think he was actually at a party with my friend, and that video that my friend sent me was from that party. Because they sent me the video like at 3 in the morning. Anyway, so this guy right here, believe it or not, this is a man you're looking at.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Actually, I don't know that for certain. But this is a police commissioner, Kevin Benedicto. I think this is a Mexican man who's so obese that he's Asian now. You know what I mean? He has so much face fat that it squished his eyes down, which is neither here nor there, of course. Just an observation.
Starting point is 01:24:26 He says, we don't know. So this is him talking. This is just a museum specimen quality of woke talk. This is if you listen to what I was saying about Nikki Brasier the other day, how they don't say anything. Listen to this. We have no idea what this guy is talking about. You have to read into everything
Starting point is 01:24:46 woke people say and that makes you woke when you read into it here we go feel like uh some people out there on the media and social media that are exploiting uh this horrific incident for for political gain and this was this was a and a crime, and it's under investigation. You heard it from the chief. Yet so much of the coverage in this short amount of time has been a significant amount of misrepresenting facts, of fear-mongering, and of trying to exploit this tragedy. We don't know all the facts. The department will update the public and the commission when we do, but I find it premature and distasteful to try to fit this horrifying act of violence into a preconceived narrative and use it to advance a political agenda
Starting point is 01:25:38 and would discourage people from reading the fear-mongering and the politicization and things on Twitter, including things by the CEO of Twitter. Including things by the CEO of Twitter. We don't know what he's talking about. We don't know what was exploited. We don't know what's being exaggerated. We have no idea. We have to read into it.
Starting point is 01:26:02 But, and, if we do read into it but and if we do read into it what he's upset about we do read into it what he's upset about is the fact that people are saying san francisco is a shithole and the cops aren't doing their job well four people were stabbed in a 72 hour period in in San Francisco. And Elon said, hey, yep, basically San Francisco's got a crime problem. But, of course, he won't say any of it. It's like when they all talk about Hiller, too. They just say his fucking name. They're scared. They're pussies.
Starting point is 01:26:39 They're cowards. You think Jason Hopper's going to speak up Or say anything about Nike Or Matt No they're in silos It doesn't mean they support it They take money Fuck the fuck it doesn't The fuck it doesn't.
Starting point is 01:27:11 I'll do everything in my power to keep my kids off of YouTube even though I'm there without me being supervising. Because every time you... I know what's on there. Why would you want people to be affiliated with a company like all the Noble people? Why would you want to be affiliated with a company that openly supports OutWod, who supports men and women's sports? Why is Noble doing that? There's no money in it for them.
Starting point is 01:27:47 OutWod's not any significant purchaser of noble we already know their shoes suck i've heard it from three of the best athletes in the space so how much money did they give mal or tia to do that shit and it's okay. Like take their money, but just know. It's going to happen to all those people too. Don't think it's not. Those people who are participating in the woke economy. who are participating in the woke economy that can come for those people's kids.
Starting point is 01:28:31 And those people will not be able to push back on it at all because they took money from them. They're susceptible to it. Man, oh man, San Francisco. Still expensive as all get out. Haven't done any cock talk in a while. So let's do a little cock talk here. The shuttlecock is the piece of equipment that's hit around in badminton. I personally – oh, the net.
Starting point is 01:29:14 I didn't realize the net was that high in badminton. Did you guys? I didn't realize it was that high. I thought it was like more – I don't remember it being that high. Anyway, here we go. We played some pickleball. Might as well show some just next level shuttlecock handling. Looks like it's co-ed teams.
Starting point is 01:29:36 And, you know, in that other video, it was the girl on the right who kind of took over. And in this video, it's the guy on the right who kind of takes over. But this is I think this is I think this is way cooler than pickleball. Oh, good eye. Good eye, dude. Some of those angles are crazy. Crazy angles, right? I know, Travis.
Starting point is 01:30:47 That's some serious cock handling. Yeah. Yeah, that's, anyway. That's my rebuttal to the old pickleball. Isn't it funny? They got those names, both those shuttle. Badminton has the shuttlecockcock and then there's pickleball. Never thought of that. This is a shirt from 1982.
Starting point is 01:31:21 It's a golf event. Swing for the retarded. it's a golf event, a golf event, Swing for the Retarded. This video has no sound. That was June 6, 1982. June 6, 1982, there was an event called Swing for the Retard to raise money for mentally disabled children and adults
Starting point is 01:31:51 there you go now there was nothing wrong with that until people said there was something wrong with that it was all dandy. It was all dandy. swing for the retard and then all of a sudden it wasn't cool we had an oriental rug in my living room and then all of a sudden one day it became not cool growing up as a kid and all of a sudden one day it became not cool it went growing up as a kid and all of a sudden became one day it wasn't cool i remember not to say oriental
Starting point is 01:32:49 rug i didn't question it i just followed the rules all of a sudden it wasn't okay to say oriental oh and for the gun people for the people who love the gun debate let us never make it uh forget about the great gun debate. How fun. What are some of the favorite topics on the show? Abortion. Race. And now gun control.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Here we go. AR-15. Nashville AR-15. If only there was a pattern so the nashville shooter actually used a caltech sub 2000 which is chambered nine millimeter which is not an ar-15 by any stretch of the imagination and has the same rate of fire as any glock or nine millimeter pistol would have also five of those shooters were gay non-binarybinary, or trans. So there is a pattern, but probably not the pattern I think you want us to find. Nearly 20 million Americans own an AR-15,
Starting point is 01:33:53 and they wake up every morning and do not commit a mass shooting with that AR-15. The problem is with individuals who are making bad decisions as individuals. It has never been and will never be the guts. Synagogue. Damn. Just dropping bombs. Jeremy, world, this is great. You mean to tell me a retard didn't wake up one day and say, wow, that's offensive? Where is Trish?
Starting point is 01:34:29 We don't get Trish for a week. CK, my AR-15s haven't shot anyone. Where is Trish? All right. Well, we did it. We did a show. Pretty happy. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. I mean, there was a buzzkill i woke up and i was tripping i don't want i don't like change i don't want new i don't want change i wanted to always do
Starting point is 01:35:13 the show from this room by the way i was when i was watching some old shows man the show was ghetto before you guys got me this sign this sign is really up my game thank you anyway I do think Susan was giving me a little pep talk yesterday and I don't think he was just doing it just to um I think I think he meant that I think this is going to be I think this is going to be good I think big picture this is going to be good I think this is going to be good to be forced to go on to rumble every single day i need to learn how to use rumble we'll try to go live again rumble tomorrow susan and i will sit down try to figure out i almost can guarantee you we will go live tonight we're going to have to go live and troubleshoot this we're going to have to schedule
Starting point is 01:35:59 a show at some point today what i'm guessing is going to happen is susan and i are going to schedule a show that's going to go live on rumble and susan and i will try to actually activate on it because what happened is there was some problem with some codes when we tried to activate it on this morning we didn't go live on rumble are we aiming for rumble or twitch uh viewers the pro sarah it's a great question we We don't even know. The problem is this. I'd like to be on Rumble, but Rumble, the comments, we haven't been able to figure out how they integrate with StreamYard, the software we're using.
Starting point is 01:36:40 So the only comments I can see in real time, I can't see any of the people on Rumble. I can only see the comments over here that are from Twitch and Facebook and Twitter. There's no comments from Twitter, which is fascinating. Everyone's gone to Twitch. Yeah, exactly. Does someone have to watch and report a violation so your haters are watching and nitpicking everything? I'm torn.
Starting point is 01:37:03 Some people are telling me there's haters who are reporting every show. So I don't know what the current, the plan is right now for no other reason than just we need to be able to do it is to get this thing streaming on all the platforms simultaneously. So when we were on YouTube, we just kind of gotten lazy. Every once in a while, Facebook would drop off.
Starting point is 01:37:31 We never got Rumble to work properly, and we just gave up on it. We were paying for the service. We just never did it. It was relatively cheap, $10 a month or something. But now that we've been booted off of YouTube, we need to figure it out. So hopefully by sometime this week, even when we do go back to youtube we will still be streaming on rumble simultaneously like i said the only shitty thing about rumble is i can't see the comments over here on the side of this stream yard software so i can't bring them up i can't bring them up like
Starting point is 01:37:59 this i 100 think it's haters uh did youtube YouTube actually say what the problem was or just say the episode? That's messed up if they don't pinpoint why. They didn't give me a time code. They told me what episode and what the violation was. They said it was because I was suggesting. to suggest alternate methods, prayers, or practices or rituals in curing COVID-19 or fighting COVID-19. They go against WHO or the LHA guidelines. LHA is local health authority. And all I can think, I didn't watch that show too closely, but all I can think is somewhere in that show, I said something like, hey, if you want to have your best fight against
Starting point is 01:38:48 COVID, don't eat sugar and exercise daily. I probably said something like that. And that right there is a ritual or a suggestion on how to cure from COVID. You can't do that on YouTube. You're not allowed to. You have to be very careful how you word it. Yes. If you say that line that I say often, show me one healthy person, show me one person who works out and doesn't eat sugar, who's not obese, who's died from COVID, just one, that could be taken that I'm giving the cure for COVID. And don't
Starting point is 01:39:25 for a second not start to make the connection that when the government and the government is being super duper manipulated by pharma, when the government and the media are in control and cahoots
Starting point is 01:39:42 and they're working together like that, don't think for a second it's not it's not it's not fascist listen to this it's not fascist people that make a fascist country it's not nazis that end up getting jews killed it's not um communism none of that stuff matters at all it's only one thing when the media and the government are in bed together that's when it happens you could have an entire country full of nazis that want to just burn jews it cannot happen until the government and the media are in cahoots together you have to understand that. Caller. Hi. What's up, dude? So I don't know if you guys follow Dr. John Campbell. He is a doctor over in England. Yeah. He actually got a strike as well. So he freaked
Starting point is 01:40:36 out that he's got 15 years of content. So what he had to do is he had a pivot. He had to say, this is the information is not for me to decide. It's up for you to decide. He totally changed the way he gave his information out. That's what they're going after you for. You're giving your opinion, not based on fact, which we know is fact, but they're playing it as your opinion. Which is what they did before. Yeah, sure. Right. I mean, yeah. Which is what they did before Yeah sure right I mean yeah that's that I mean you probably
Starting point is 01:41:07 Are on to something Yeah all those people are very very Careful how they word stuff Yep to the point where like Now it's just well it's not for me To decide it's for you to decide and he's totally changed It up so I bet it matters It's all it's all it's all Tonya it's all money It's all, it's all talking. It's all money. It's all money.
Starting point is 01:41:26 It's just all money. Big sponsors, influence and money. The, the, the board members for Coke sit on the, we're former members of the FDA. We're former members of the CDC who sit on the board of Nike. You sit on the board of Apple. It's all just an incestual pool of people's needs and wants and interests co-mingling to yeah. Scott Gottlieb's
Starting point is 01:41:52 first job after he left as FDA director? Yeah. Head of Pfizer. Head of Pfizer? Yeah, there you go. Yeah. And he's going to Coke next. Yeah. Alright, dude. Good luck. Love you. Thank you. Yep.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Love you too. Yeah. All these things are 100% monitored and censored. It's crazy. But, but censored based on the interests of the people who are paying the money. The laws, what he calls the five laws are the basic description of the structure of existence.
Starting point is 01:42:28 So number one is you exist. There's nothing you can do to change that. You can change your form, but you cannot change the fact that you exist. The reason for that, very stupidly simply, is you can't become non-existent because by definition, non-existence doesn't exist. That's its definition, to not exist. Therefore, that which does exist just exists. That's its quality and cannot become that which doesn't exist because there's no such thing as non-existence by definition.
Starting point is 01:42:56 So that's number one. Number two is everything is here and now, which basically means space and time are an illusion, a projection of our consciousness. Everything actually exists all at once. It's all accessible right here. You just have to change your frequency in order to access it because that's how they're separated. They're separated by frequency, just in the same way that TV programs are separated by frequency, even though they may all be running at the same time. Number three is the one is the all, the all or the one, which means there is only one thing and
Starting point is 01:43:23 everything that seems different is made out of that one thing because there's nothing else to make anything from. Number four is what you put out is what you get back. Sometimes people on earth translate this as the law of attraction. And something important to say about that, because even though it's not incorrect to say that, well, you have to be the vibration of a thing to attract it. The idea of the way it's usually stated here is, in my opinion, incomplete. And people are left thinking, I have to learn what that vibration is to attract the things that I need in life. That I disagree with. You are already giving off that vibration because that's your natural core vibration is to attract what you need in life. If those things aren't manifesting, it's not because you're not the vibration of the
Starting point is 01:44:10 attraction. It's that you are blocking them from coming. You're stopping the vibration from bringing them to you with negative and fear-based beliefs. So it's not an issue of having to learn to attract. It's an issue of having to learn to stop blocking what you're attracting naturally. And law number five is everything changes except the laws. Those are the structure that don't change, but everything else changes.
Starting point is 01:44:35 Perspective, experience, beliefs, it all changes and it's changing constantly. I'll see you guys this evening for a test. If you're around, join us. If not, thank you. I'll see you in the morning. Love you guys this evening for a test if you're around join us if not thank you i'll see you in the morning love you guys bye

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