The Sevan Podcast - #873 - Chris Bledsoe | Do UFOs & God Coexist?

Episode Date: April 11, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, I've been in the room, but didn't see down lower on my screen where it said enter the room. And David texted me and said, hey, he can't see. I said, hold on. Well, I this might be my producer calling. Oh, here we go. I think this is a standby. Hello. Hi, this is David standby hello hi this is david do you have chris now oh i'm staring at his beautiful face right now thank you so much
Starting point is 00:00:31 awesome have fun all right brother thank you is uh is david manager relative uh both no no he's a manager he lives in washington dc oh cool Good morning, everyone. Bam, we're live. I apologize. We are still suffering a three or four more days suspension on YouTube, but you can still find us on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, Rumble, etc. Have you ever been booted or suppressed? Has your story, you ever had anyone try to suppress your story? Well, I'm sure it has been yeah for many years but that was back in the day when um yeah absolutely when it first started it was more top secret back then the government classified it that way and um yeah you can read about it in the book all the stuff that happened but
Starting point is 00:01:27 now it's not nobody uh it's like the door is open for anyone now i did uh finish the book last night i listened to the audio version uh and i just want to say thank you what what a uh what a cool gift you've given humanity to share your story. Thank you very much. I really appreciate that. It means a lot. Yeah. How old are you, Chris? I'm 61. And this is a little bit off topic, but not off topic to the book. How's the arthritis? Has it subsided? From where it was, a thousand percent.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah. It's still there. It's rheumatoid. My numbers are low now. What they call a DA score, which is disease activity. But they still want to put me on all this expensive medication. But I came off all of it in 2020, right when COVID hit. All of it in 2020, right when COVID hit. I went from almost wheelchair-bound, which I was in it often,
Starting point is 00:02:31 where it came to where I can walk and do things that I couldn't for a long time there. I belong to this community. We're all pretty nutty health fanatics, right? We believe in everything we eat, and we believe in personal responsibility and accountability and lots of movement. Look, even someone's already throwing a comment out there. Tell them to use zeolite to cleanse out parasites. I don't even know what that means. But have you ever tried a carnivore diet? Well, you know what? I was going vegan because of my love for animals. Yes, sir. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:03:16 My rheumatologist said, no, you absolutely can't because with no immune system, that was when I was really on all this stuff. Right. It would be a disaster because the meat protein gives you, helps your immune system. But somebody told me this week that I should try that. There are some really legitimate practitioners of the carnivore diet that I could put you in touch with who have seen just incredible success with reducing all inflammation by going on the carnivore diet. I had a guest on here. I'm trying to remember his first name.
Starting point is 00:03:55 His last name was Chafee. And he basically – he's just this beautiful, yoked man, right, muscular man. He eats a steak every day at 6 p.m and that's it maybe two that's it that's all he eats and he's a doctor and he's an md could you send me some links for that or i'm gonna i'm gonna set you up with him oh anthony chafee i'm gonna set you up with him for sure uh when we're done absolutely i would really appreciate. I can tell you there for a while I was doing juicing every day and that seemed to help me a tremendous amount as well. I'm still trying it and doing it. It's just my time hasn't allowed me to stay on that track daily. Ever since writing this book, my time has been limited. That's crazy. Well, I benefited from your book. So thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:48 What were you juicing? Kale and beets and everything. Cucumber, just the whole. And it was fresh daily. And it's really expensive to do that too. I mean, I was ordering it online at that time and it just got so expensive. It was hard for me to maintain that.
Starting point is 00:05:14 You're in your shop. Right, my workshop. And in the book, you mentioned that you moved. In your workshop, your home's in North Carolina, is that correct? Yes, sir. North Carolina. And when is it that you moved? There is a site where I'd say a large percentage of the book takes place where you've had most of these encounters. But since then, you've moved. How far have you moved from that house? I moved 25 minutes away up toward town but the the encounters are greater now
Starting point is 00:05:49 than they ever been i mean i've never seen the amount of activity that's happening and it's growing exponentially do you do you know anyone who has have you heard of anyone who's having as many encounters as you? No, sir, and I don't think the government has either. Just so everyone knows, there's so many weird ways to take this interview with Chris. Chris is the author of UFO of God. It's a condensed version autobiography with the main thread of the book being his experiences with the unknown. And these unknowns show themselves to him as orbs. And he was visited by a stunning, almost indescribable, beautiful lady and how it's affected his life at the deepest levels and his interaction with the rest of humanity
Starting point is 00:06:49 and finding what he's supposed to do. And then one of the parts that I was sort of kind of blown away by and I didn't even expect and I can't relate to at all is sort of the social pressures and the social drama that came with telling the world that he had experienced with these orbs and with the unknown on a regular basis and how it affected his entire family. And I thought – I just want everyone to know who's watching this. I'm not here to convince you of anything that he saw is true or not true.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I'll show you some videos that he has taken. Once you get into the book, there's a cohort of people around him that didn't even know him that have come to him. And it seems like all of them eventually experienced the orbs. And the number of sightings, this is – do you see them every day now? Every single day. Every single day you're interacting. Yeah. Let's just say this week, it rained a couple nights.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It didn't last night. I took probably 20 video last night with my daughter and her husband, but I've probably taken 100-plus videos in the last seven days. And most of them of that has been, uh, the, the amazing thing is, is it shifted from being objects flying over in the sky to objects on the
Starting point is 00:08:18 ground now. So they're coming from the sky to the ground, uh, coming within five, 10 feet at times. And I have it on video. And do you know anyone else anywhere on planet Earth that's having these interactions? Well, I'm sure there may be, but I don't know of any.
Starting point is 00:08:37 There's a line at the very end of the book. And I thought I wrote it down here but basically you tell people if you want to have these interactions go out into the night sky and look up and what was the line do you remember the exact line you said well not exactly but you just need to humble yourself and accept that it's real and ask permission to interact and just hold on to your shirt tail because it's a very good chance it's happening. It will happen. And I'll tell you one thing, too, that's amazing. amazing. And I have friends in the government that I, you know, I've been working officially or unofficially with government for 15 years now. And the people writing the Ford or U.S. government, and they vouch for that. But what we have noticed is the amazing amount of folks that have read this book and suddenly start reporting, interacting or seeing these orbs and stuff. So it's what the government calls the hitchhiker effect.
Starting point is 00:09:57 But it really is. It's really happening. Nearly every day somebody writes me and said, you changed my life. And I walk outside and suddenly there's an orb of fear. So I think it's like a truth switch within. Once you realize it's real, it's there. So it's interesting what Manny says. I don't want to have these interactions. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Last night when I finished the book and you said that, i had this kind of a little bit of terror um overcome me because there's almost like a challenge in the book it's 10 o'clock at night and i thought well why don't i go outside look up into the heavens and repeat these words that that chris uh mentions at the end of the book and and and i was i didn't i and i didn't because i was scared like a little kid who's afraid of the dark like that like or like that you know i went under my sheets it was very natural uh to be afraid of that and uh but it's fine it's always been a spiritual thing to me and and reading the book will um just tell you a journey that I went on for the last 16 years or most of my life. But how how blessings have come to others from, you know, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Without giving the story away, there's a lot of people that have been blessed from this physically incurable diseases to you know all kinds of issues cancers so that's that's part of this story I want to pull up a video this one this one rocked me pretty good. It has a tail on it. My Lord, thank you for this. My voice is shaking. You're not going to believe this video. I'm 24 seconds in. I can't believe this video.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, pretty amazing. How far away is that from you? Do you have any idea? Is that like a million miles away? It was a long ways, but I was seeing it. So you can't tell if that's in front of the stars, I guess, right? This is amazing, I'm telling you. There's a good chance that video was SpaceX, you know, but I'm not sure about that.
Starting point is 00:12:31 But there are 2,000 videos on my camera, on my telephone, that I have accumulated over the last two years. And some of them are ground level within feet of me. Yeah. Yeah, let me play this one uh this one's crazy too this is it's so hard to tell from the video how close these things actually are yeah that's about 20 feet away and those purple dots down at the bottom that's the light you're looking at and the one in the upper left hand corner yeah there were more than one there you'll see a white um a white one up here that light blue orb is just sitting there and it'll brighten up very white here shortly down there yeah but that's 40 videos this week of those and they fly out of the forest and fly
Starting point is 00:13:23 right over my head. Right? You know, if there are witnesses here, they see them too with me. That's what we've been studying for 15 years. See that white orb just appear at the bottom? Yeah. So that's 20 feet away from you. No more than 25 feet.
Starting point is 00:13:50 So there's questions just piling up in the side here so in 2007 chris bledsoe had his first interaction it's now 2023 in the book and we've talked about this on this show quite a bit, you believe, at least in the book, I think there's a time where you believe that these interactions occur because of a frequency or an emotional state that you get into. And therefore, that's when the communication begins the same way like you would tune in a radio station on a radio. you would tune in a radio station on a radio? Well, sort of at the very beginning of the book, you'll hear me. I was desperate crying out for help because I had lost everything I had and was dying sick. I mean, I just had a near death experience and I was 46 years old and at the bottom of my life and four children at home the youngest a little girl at nine or ten and three boys the oldest 17 and um i was building 100 homes a year and 9-1-1 hit and destroyed the market and i had 72 houses under construction and just couldn't manage the business anymore. I watched it go away.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And so when I had nothing left, but nothing, I had to put my children on free school lunches. It was that bad. And so I went down to the river and started crying out to whoever's in the sky. I was just looking up at heaven saying, Lord, help me. What do I do? I'm too sick to work. I can't feed my family. And suddenly these big balls of fire appeared and came out of the sky and took me for four hours and brought me back.
Starting point is 00:15:40 And my Crohn's disease was gone. And so through prayer, that's how it appeared and that's what made it come. And to this day, I do the same thing. I walk out and I say a prayer and ask for their presence. And here they come. 16 years it's been going on like that. And the government's known about it. NASA, the CIA, the DIA, the DOD, even in other countries have all contacted me or studied this and are still doing that to this very day. And these coins, you have dozens of these coins, right? And these are all from sort of proof and commemoration of all the interaction that you've had with the U.S. government in terms of people being like, okay, something's going on. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And you can read in the introduction to my book and the forward or high-level U.S. government officials. and the forward or high-level U.S. government officials. Jim Simivan is the director of clandestine operations. He was essentially one of the highest-ranking guys in the government. He was appointed to his position by the president, and he came into our family's life on this journey years ago. In fact, I'm going up to Delaware to visit with him and his wife and my wife.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And this little boy you hear about in the book that was dying, we're all having a little summer vacation next month on the beach in Delaware. But we stay together. That boy, the boy that had cancer that you interacted with, is he in college now? He is finishing his exams next, the first week of May.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And he'll be a junior his next, when he starts, yeah, he's in college. He's starting his third year in college, and he's about to go to Europe for three months, and, you know, he had a feeding tube. They told us he was going to die, and he was given a make-a-wish, and his mom is a doctor, his grandpa's a doctor, a cardiologist in New York City, very prominent family. His dad was appointed to his job by Bill Clinton. And so they had given up hope to find help for this child.
Starting point is 00:18:16 And President Obama gave him his make a wish and he wanted to be in the army. So they let him go into Pentagon basement and play army with like the Delta Force be in the army so they let him go into pentagon basement and play army with like the delta force and in the dark and so they contacted me and flew me up to washington dc and i was terrified i had no idea what i was doing and i just called on help from the spiritual experience that has steadily been going on and i just asked for this child to be healed and right he had mitochondrial dna disease uncurable meaning he could never eat he had a feeding tube it wasn't cancer and they gave him no time to live one year And they gave him no time to live, one year.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Of course, he's going to be a junior in college this year. Was it 2012 that you met the lady? Yes, sir. Can you tell us about that, meeting the lady? Because that's the pivotal moment that relates also to – well, let me go back one second. Do a lot of people contact you now for healing? Are you getting just bombarded and overwhelmed? It has been that way since all that happened.
Starting point is 00:19:38 In 2012, I've had no shortage of people reaching out. Yeah, dozens a day. And what do they want to do? Do they want to come to you and sit with you and have you pray for them and hopefully have some interaction with the lady through you? Yeah, a lot of them do and do. A lot of them are long distance. For example, there's a scientist by the name of Bruce Fenton. He's on Facebook. That's how I met him. And he'll verify this. He calls me and says, book that's how i met him and he'll verify this he calls me and says chris i have a friend in australia who is a stage four ovarian cancer and they're not giving her much chance to live and she's going in for surgery in like 45 days and he said can you help her i well, send me some of her belongings. Send me a shirt. I just want to pray
Starting point is 00:20:26 over her shirt. And I take it outside and ask these beautiful entities to help her. And so I mailed it back. And it was during COVID when it was at DeWars., it took a month for the shipping to get back over there. And long story short, she goes in for surgery and they put her back under the MRI machine before she went into surgery and it was all gone. And there was a huge celebration, but the doctor said, you know, what in the world happened to you? And she said, I don don't know other than i mailed a t-shirt to a man in america and uh so she's cancer free today uh heidi heidi asked this question is he is he crediting this to god or aliens and the answer is yes right god yeah is it both is it both is is it are they interchangeable well you can you know some people call them aliens, but I believe they're probably. And of course, I don't know. Right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:32 But my my sense is it's the same thing that the people in the old days in the Bible were writing about. They called them angels. A lot of people today call them aliens. And this, I think, is probably one in the same but there may be uh all sorts of stuff out there but my experience has been with balls of fire and light and i have videos of these beings i have more than one video oh i know the instagram is just full of them. It's amazing. Yeah. Have you – I'm looking at the comments here, and some people are making light of it. They're saying – and I'm sure you've seen this, tons of this. Sounds like a TV evangelist. Send me $100, and I'll send you some holy water.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You haven't monetized this, right? You haven't. Never. 16 years I've worked with people. I haven't been to UFO shows. I haven't been saying, look at me. I haven't tried to be on TV. I have turned more offers down, money.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I did a UFO show with Discovery back in 08. They tried to give me money. I wouldn't take it. So now I've never monetized this ever. This is the first time I've ever really gone public with the story with a book, by the way. But now I've always been here to help people that need help and there's no shortage of them uh feel free to feel free to interrupt um just to sum up for people who are listening basically he has this experience in 2007 he shares it with some people he has family
Starting point is 00:23:19 members including a son i can only imagine who he had this experience with. And basically a shit storm occurred then after his family, he was basically ostracized in his small community and it wasn't a pleasant experience. And he basically decided that he wasn't going to go forward and share it anymore. That basically the repercussions of sharing his experience with the unknown was, was damaging his family and his young kids weren't enjoying the experience and the way they were being treated at school. And Chris didn't enjoy the way the community was treating him, so he was going to stay quiet about it. Then he had this experience with this lady in 2012. Hopefully we'll hear about that in just a second.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And that lady basically gave him a mission. Says, hey, basically, you can't forget about this. I'm showing myself to you, so you'll spread the messages that I share with you to the world. And for good or for bad, he has been assigned the duty for sharing the message. And if you read the book, he has done it in a very, always a positive, upbeat manner, honest, and yet delicate, nothing risque or what's that called when you – no embellishment. Like you said, he has very comfortable saying he doesn't know. I don't want to say the book tiptoes around because it doesn't tiptoe around, but he has some very important things to share, and yet he's delicate with how he shares them.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Would you say that's a fair characterization? share, and yet he's delicate with how he shares them. Would you say that's a fair characterization? Absolutely. I don't want to influence anyone. All I can do is prove what's happening. Unlike most people out there, they make a lot of claims. They see Pleiadians and Arcturians, and I'm like, how do they know this? It's not possible. You see a light fly by and suddenly they're they're part of the galactic federation of light it makes no sense for 16 years i filmed this for well since 2012 i never could film it until 2012 when the lady came and she said if you do this i will help you i help you share with the world because we want our presence revealed to the world. And suddenly I began to take pictures of orbs with people in them, dogs in them,
Starting point is 00:25:35 animals, clear to see all around me. And that's when the, when I, you know when I was working with NASA during that time and they caught wind of this after the lady, this dog of mine, this Labrador. Was very badly injured. She had a big gash on her neck and was bleeding to death. And there were a lot of witnesses there. One investigator from Canada by the name of Grant Cameron, he was standing there watching what happened. I had no idea what happened to this dog. I know she was bleeding bad. And every time in a heartbeat, I laid her on the ground and put my hand on her neck and this big gaping hole.
Starting point is 00:26:25 And I cried out, what do I do? She's going to die right here. I can't call the veterinarian. I can't call the ambulance. If I get her in my truck or car, I can't get her. She's going to die. She's going to bleed to death right here. And there was six or eight people standing there.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And Grant had his camera out. And I just cried out out what do I do I looked up at the sky and and suddenly I felt her go limp and um immediately I lifted my hand and that big Gash was gone disappeared in front of everyone and that was that was the beginning of this in 2012 when my mission changed from uh being quiet about it and five years of ridicule and darkness i just went into my own world of helping whoever would call that's how i ended up nasa knew about it. The CIA knew about this dog. That's how I was called to Washington to help this child.
Starting point is 00:27:31 You flipped it. What was the date on that? The dog was in May of 2013. The lady came three times. She came Easter, three Easters in a row. 2012, Easter of 2012, Easter of 2013 and Easter of 2014. Why Easter? I don't know. But that's when she comes.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And this week I filmed this fire all around me. And this week I filmed this fire all around me. I have over 40 videos of this fire burning this yellow flame around me and around my guests and friends. Is that on your Instagram? I haven't shared it publicly. In fact, I was going to tell you, in fact, last Easter, and I'll share this soon, I filmed something that come out of the air flying as big as a small jet with wings glowing orange. When it flew over my head, it turned white and flew south, turned a 90 degree turn and flew out of sight. And I filmed it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:28:46 return and flew out of sight and i filmed it the whole time yeah i heard you on the on your son's podcast uh talk about how you've seen um the orbs as small as baseballs and as large as 737s yeah absolutely chris were you disappointed have you been disappointed that you saw the lady three years in a row and you haven't seen her since? Well, I have seen her since. Okay. So Easter 2019. Okay. That's what I have in my notes. Okay. And then this week, all week, for a month, building up to this Easter has been probably the most incredible experience I've had with filming this phenomenon all around me and my guests, many guests.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And two, this summer, there's a new series coming out on History Channel. And everybody pay attention to it. I can't say any more about it, but they're featuring my family and some of it. And I think you'll get to see just what we're talking about. Are you excited? Yeah, absolutely. I'm not a religious man in the slightest. I do believe in the unknown.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Believe is not the correct word. I have awareness of the unknown. And so when I hear people use the word believe, it always kind of, I don't know if triggered is the correct word I have awareness of the unknown and so when I hear people use the word believe it always kind of I don't know if triggers the right word but it makes me kind of like chuckle inside because I don't believe anything there's things that I use as placeholders but I do have awareness of the unknown and it happened in a very similar fashion that my connection with the unknown happened in a very very similar uh fashion that yours did i was put into a situation where i was ready i i had was ready to give up i wasn't asking for any help i was ready to turn off and i had an experience with a light very different than yours though from to me it seemed like it came out from inside of me and filled the room from
Starting point is 00:30:41 inside of me but but but it basically, it killed me when I saw it. And I was – it killed me in the sense that it erased me. It made it so instead of being me, I'm now something else that can now see me. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but – Yeah, absolutely. But I will tell you this please one more thing I want to get out there and your story
Starting point is 00:31:09 as soon as I started reading your story even before you said it in the book I thought wow this reminds me of Job because I do know the story of Job of all the stories in the Bible I've always been fascinated with that story and there's tons of things but when my dog and we're probably not the only two people who said this the bible that is i've always been fascinated with that story and uh there's tons of things
Starting point is 00:31:25 but when my dog and we're probably not the only two people who said this but um when my dog died and i held my dog in my arms i told my dog i heard it come out of my mouth go to the light go to the light bhagavan go to light and i was like wow who is this talking so there and there's so many things in your book that i could was like, holy shit, this could be my life. If you look in the book, you'll see a picture of that dog that I took of her after we buried her. My children buried her. I was at Cape Canaveral, met the general of her NASA in Florida and was in mission control and had been there almost a week, working and watching a launch and talking with scientists. And I got home.
Starting point is 00:32:11 She had gotten run over by a car, and my family didn't tell me. They didn't want to disturb me. But when I got home, I knew she was dead. Before I walked in the door, I asked them what happened to Nellie, and they told me she was run over but I went out to her grave at night and uh just totally distraught and spoke to her and out of the thin air appeared this white orb which I took a picture of that orb and there is no doubt and there's a Labrador retriever in that orb you can see it playing and um yeah but
Starting point is 00:32:47 and you say in the book and it's very subtle and i think i caught it you say in the book and nelly doesn't even know she's dead right she didn't know she was dead it happened so quick she was still here and i have a sense of uh of seeing and seeing it i see. I have thousands of photos of these things and not just videos. But one thing I wanted to say was in comparison to your story, in 16 years, and I haven't been to church no more than three or four times in 16 years. So if everybody thinks I'm a religious church fanatic, well, that's not true. I was a deacon in the Pentecostal
Starting point is 00:33:26 Holiness Church when it happened they thought I was crazy they thought the devil himself had come and they brought drugs at people with holy water sprinkling my property me and they also
Starting point is 00:33:42 the south is such a different place I'm in California it's so different here yeah well there's no there's no god there's only blue-haired people right well what i wanted to say was um in 16 years i have literally had thousands of people write me i've had a thousand this month or more, but so many write me and said, I never told this story, but I feel like I can share with you. I've never told it for fear of ridicule and. And I don't want my family to know. But all these people come to me and I'd say, OK, before you tell me your experience, I want to know what life was like when it started happening. Tell me something about the time frame of what was happening in your life.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And 99.9 percent of all people, all not not a few, but all of them will always say what you just said. They were ready to give up on life or they lost their husband. They lost their wife. They lost a child. They lost their job. Some tragic problem that's happened with these people cause the paranormal world to come. This force to come around you and you start seeing it not everybody but there's literally thousands have written me and they're all the same thing comes when you're
Starting point is 00:35:12 suffering and struggling um the the only do you know do you know a book um uh um by a gentleman named richard bach he wrote a book called Delusions. Have you? No. The only experience I have with orbs is one night I was sleeping, and all of a sudden I was in space. I was somewhere where it was all black, and it was very real. It wasn't just like a regular dream. And there were hundreds if not thousands of these orbs in the sky it was dark and they were all lit up but they also didn't give light off they were light
Starting point is 00:35:52 unto themselves but i'm saying that and they don't and they didn't give me any light off and when i try i i tried to speak to them and when i spoke to them um i cried like a baby anytime i opened my mouth it just sounded like crying it didn't sound like words makes sense and then um and then i and then i uh i woke up and i and i felt like i landed i felt like i was dropped back in my bed like i had this feeling of falling back into bed and then i went out i immediately went outside it was probably like three in the morning and i was like looking around I was tripping and and that's it and that's a very unique experience for me I don't normally have dreams I can't think of any other dreams that have ever rocked me like that
Starting point is 00:36:32 but those two experiences are my only experiences with um with that um you also said that you had matter from the orbs. You actually saw something come off one of the orbs and you collected it. Could you share that day and what you did with the matter that came from it? I've seen two different types. In fact, one particular type you'll see in the book I write about is – these would be visible orbs that are like a burning fireball, just pure fire. And maybe 30 feet. Is it actually moving like fire?
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's like dancing like fire? It has texture of fire? Okay. It's swirling around these orbs, this rotation. They're always rotating. I don't care if it's as big as a marble or as big as a house. They're rotating, swirling. And you said clockwise right okay and and the there was
Starting point is 00:37:29 metal metal dripping off of uh this orb and this is not the only one but i i had this metal and tom delong got some of it uh and so did that's the blink 182 guy yeah he he uh in fact i took him and lou elizondo on a journey to a couple other friends that collected some of that same metal that was dripping off of orbs and they're you they're testing it in fact the u.s government took some of that and made it classified i'll never get get it back. But there were three pieces of it. Do you regret giving it to them? Well, yeah, now I do in a way because I've been told it's worth a billion dollars
Starting point is 00:38:13 if I could find another piece of it. So I've been steady looking, right? Yeah, yeah. But I gave it away and I didn't ask for anything when I gave it. It was for science. Well, the U.S. government's got it now. And that's fine. The military. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But also these I get a lot of these flames that appear. This little yellow fire. And from that I have camera, I have witnesses seen it and we have photographed it of this material that looks like cotton white cotton and it doesn't sink it just sits there it doesn't the wind will blow it away but if there's no wind it doesn't fall it'll just sit there and when you reach out and touch it it disappears in your hand and i filmed that this year with an academic scientist from oh the university of charlotte um this is the stuff that's uh this stuff uh you're talking about this. No, that's smoke.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I get that a lot too. Um, you can see that smoke going around and around that tree. If you zoom in on it close, you can see it, it, it wraps itself around that tree. And there was a CIA agent with me that night and his wife when that happened. Oh, I do see it right here. You're seeing it swirling around the tree yeah yeah and look to the left you'll see an entity there point you uh to the bottom left where it's look right there that yeah if you look closely you can see a figure there
Starting point is 00:39:58 these are the legs well maybe the i think it's like floating horizontal, but that photo has been studied a lot. And so is that tree, you know, that tree spontaneously combusted three times in one evening. Drenched it with a hose pipe at nine o'clock and it came back at 12. It was a fire again. What is that inside of that tree? was a fire again what what is that inside of that tree those are people's belongings that would come to my house needing prayer or sick with cancers uh all sorts of diseases and they'd bring their belongings and wanted to place them in the tree the tree was pretty famous god uh i i don't i i guess i i was gonna say i don't mean this to be mean, but maybe I can't help it, but to be mean.
Starting point is 00:40:48 But it must have been brutal partying with that house. It was very sad. It sure was. I just couldn't afford it anymore. I got sick. This rheumatoid arthritis nearly killed me and I couldn't work. I couldn't pay for it. I couldn't stay there. So we moved to a little cabin on a pond six years ago, and the phenomenon moved here with me.
Starting point is 00:41:15 It doesn't matter. I've been in Encinitas with Tom DeLonge or a group of other people, producers, and it'll appear over the Pacific and fly right over my head. All of us, 200 feet above us. It's happening more now than ever. In the book, your first encounter in 2007, there was a four-hour lapse in time that you can't remember. This lapse in time, then you spoke to someone, you can't remember this lapse in time. Then you spoke to someone. I can't remember who, but they walked you through some sort of hypnosis or some therapy that told you, hey, basically, whatever happened in that four hours was so traumatic that you purposely compartmentalized it so that you you it doesn't scare you.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Well, is that have you ever found out what happened in those four hours yeah what he told me it was a harvard they worked with john mack at harvard university dr michael o'connell he died a couple years after that when when he came but he started a series of hypnotic regressions on me and the first were to remove the block that they put they blocked my brain they do everybody that way when they take you you just can't remember what happened they have a way of you know suppressing your memory but he said he said what i did is i removed that block but i basically programmed you to where you can't remember all this at one time. Because if you do, it would probably drive you nuts.
Starting point is 00:42:54 It might be very frightening. So what I did was ask for these memories to come over a period of time, but you will remember. Well, I'm still struggling to remember. I do remember greatly being above the earth in something clear. I couldn't see the walls of the floor, but I could see the ground from up above the earth. Very similar to what happened when I was 10 years old. And this is in the book. I was in a hunting accident at 10.
Starting point is 00:43:29 I was shot point blank in the back with a shotgun, blew a hole in me big as an orange in my left shoulder back here. Right in line with my heart. 350 pieces of lead went through my body there. And I have lead you can see right here on my chest if I pulled my shirt up you could see these black this birdshot but it never touched a vital organ something but I remembered that was my memory of being while I was in unconscious in the hospital. I had a near death and I was looking down from above.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I could see the ground below me and the stars in front of me. And it was just this ultimate peace and quietness. And I wasn't afraid. I could just see. So all my life I've struggled with these strange accidents uh breaking my uh fracturing my spine to uh being burnt badly more than once it was like something was always trying to stop me that's what i always believe something wants to kill me why does these freak accidents happen i bought a brand new car to a 1979 trans ant 2 000 miles on it it ran hot year did you buy that 79 it was a 79 and you bought it in 79 god you're a cool dude burt reynolds shit yeah that was back when that was all happening you know
Starting point is 00:45:01 yeah and but anyhow i raised the hood up and the radiator was just boiling and the radiator cap blew off and put from my neck i jumped back and it just missed my face but it went from this ear all the way to my belt now this whole left arm and i had to have have uh operations on my arm to to debris and you know it was it was terrible but who has a new car that does that you know right right well it was 1979 yeah and it was american um uh uh the the unknown's a trip right um the uh creator of CrossFit, a gentleman named Greg Glassman, his dad was the chief scientist at Hughes Aircraft, is a dear friend of mine. And he has told me basically if it can't be measured, it doesn't exist. And he said there's five kinds of measurement, right? And he goes through
Starting point is 00:46:05 what they are and so it's um but the unknown would mean what and i've and i've joked with him and said um well what if there's a sixth the reason why we can't see the unknown because there's a sixth form of measurement and since we don't have that ability to measure that because measurements is is perception right it's it's it's recording a perception right and so what if there's a sixth kind of sixth kind of measurement and we don't have that and therefore something exists but we refuse to acknowledge it because we can't measure it because we don't have the tool to measure it with does any i'm i'm just feeling around in the dark here does any of that resonate with you well i've heard that but i
Starting point is 00:46:45 can tell you also if you look at the forward in my book by you know jim simivan he tells you that this that the um the college the um invisible college which is a group of about 200 of their top scientists in the world they're invisible You don't know who they are, although I know quite a few of them. They have investigated me and are still investigating me. And I have really messed the minds up of a lot of these scientists
Starting point is 00:47:17 because they would say, if you can't see it, it don't exist. Well, I'm sorry for you because I have shared it with many of them. A peer, John Alexander, very good friend of mine, Colonel, U.S. Army Colonel John Alexander, went to Harvard University, run Los Alamos National Laboratories. He's in my book. He also put me in his book, Reality Denied. And that's because in 2015, he comes to my house. I met him in the very first chapter of my book where we were working with, you know, the danger for the Pope.
Starting point is 00:47:57 But he comes and he wants to go to where it all happened on the Cape River. He wants to go to where it all happened on the Cape River. And I took him down there with my daughter and his wife. And we went down, walked down to the river and come back up to the gate. And it was dark, just starting to get dark. And he said, can we stay here a few minutes until the stars come out? I said, absolutely. So my daughter's sitting in the back seat with her door open and her feet out facing the same direction he and i are leaning against the car and we're looking towards the south and um i knew they were there
Starting point is 00:48:33 i felt them i sensed them and i said john they're here right now and i pointed up and within 10 seconds of me pointing up this uh huge ball of light appeared in a flash, and it flashed like five times, flash, flash, flash, and then it shot off to the south. Well, he writes in his book, Reality Denied, about that experience. And 50 years he's been on the trail for the government of the paranormal. He is the guy. trail for the government of the paranormal. He is the guy. And that was the only second sighting in 50 years of research that he had ever seen.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And by far the most, the best one. But what he tells is about how I told about it before it happened. And that's what got the government and the scientists even more involved because I've done that dozens of times and I've done it on camera. And recently. When, when it's, it seems like recently it's been okay to publish – although these newspapers are so full of shit anyway. But for some reason it's been okay to talk about UFOs mainstream, and we've been seeing – I've seen videos on the internet that show Navy ships with – and they all look like the ones you're taking pictures of too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:50:02 They all look like that one. Yeah, sure do. They all look like the ones you're taking pictures of, too, by the way. They all look like that. Yeah, sure do. You know, hundreds of these orbs circling a Navy ship and things like that. What do you think about that stuff? Do you think, is it a relief to you?
Starting point is 00:50:17 Well, I'll tell you how it all started with the government. It was in 2007 when it happened. I didn't report it for the first 10 months because the community was giving me a fit. And my wife was afraid our children, it was disturbing them. They were little and they were terribly afraid. And then the phenomenon started happening in the house and it never quit. It walked right in. These orbs would appear in the house and flash and out would step these shadowy beings and walk through the walls but when i reported it um and that shit is just scary that i mean that is scary that's in your house that's in your house yeah we have it in the house
Starting point is 00:51:00 all the time it's in the house just a month four we filmed we didn't film them but we had four different orbs in the house appear and fly by or sit there and hover sizzling like electricity and then pops and filled the light uh green light into our living room my wife saw that one, but it's been common for 16 years. But the cool thing was in 2007, if you look at the records, the U.S. government was off the coast of North Carolina with their Navy. The Navy was. And it started with them in 2004. These orbs were circling their ships and their fleet and so they were they were really blown away by it and monitoring it and seeing it and then here comes 07 it's still happening
Starting point is 00:51:54 it was really heightened by then and here goes a report uh to mufon which the government gets all those mufonFON is what? Mutual UFO Network. I had no idea who they were until I decided to, I had to Google, who can I report my sighting to? And they came up. So I did. Well, the government got hold of this object that took me was a 45 foot long, maybe 50 foot. That was my description in writing of what looked like an egg or so laying flat ways or a football, 45, 50 foot long.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And when they called me, they said, we knew right away this was a mighty close to what the pilots were seeing because their radar measured it at the tic-tac at 46 foot. And that's what they told me. So they knew, bingo, here's a guy in North Carolina that's interacting or has been taken by one of these. So here comes the government. Boom.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And they never left. Yeah, and they never left. I know. Robbie Meyer, serious question. Has he ever tried ayahuasca? Have you ever tried ayahuasca? Oh, I'd be afraid to do that. Yeah, me too, even though I've done itahuasca. Oh, I'd be afraid to do that. Yeah, me too, even though I've done it.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Hold on. This video right here trips me out. So the reason why this video trips me out is because this, it actually, I see one of the trees light up. And that means this thing is actually emanating light. There, right there see that yeah pretty crazy eh so that light in the sky that ball is close enough that as it flies over it lights up that tree purple like that and sometimes they come over and they're only um you know a couple hundred feet they they don't look that close. No, it looks so far away.
Starting point is 00:54:06 But they're not very big. These orbs, on average, the most you'll see are in the beach ball or bowling ball size. But sometimes they get great big. And I have some a whole lot closer than that that I haven't shared much with. You can go on my website, my Instagram, and see a lot of those, even closer. Bear with me here as I feel around in the dark. Chris, are these creatures from far away or are these – or am I not even able to actually think about where they're from because they don't play by the same rules of time and space that my primitive monkey brain wants to play in? I wish I had answers, but I don't really have answers.
Starting point is 00:55:05 All I can do is share my story of the last 16 years and all the major players from being contacted by universities to governments and what I do to ask it to come. And I do it openly to some of the things that's happened with people being healed. And I don't say I'm doing that. I think that they do that. I just ask them. But what is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:41 I wished I knew. And I'm working with U.S. government scientists now to try to figure out who are they. But there's a conduit here that they can see it and study it. And they do. And pretty much any time I go out there and ask them to come, here they come. Not every time, but 99 percent of the time. Some as many as 30 or 35 40 orbs will come have you ever touched one
Starting point is 00:56:08 I've had them fly through me wow and did you feel that oh yeah your hair stands up like somebody shot you with electricity very quickly is it a pleasurable experience or unsettling I'm not afraid at all at all i've
Starting point is 00:56:28 never been afraid i was at night it happened but they did something to me to take my fear away and um that'll be demonstrated on this show later this summer i think but um in real time but we'll see but I'm not afraid. You know, I'm 16 years. They could have eaten me a million times and people that are taken, they're usually brought back and they, some perceive it as a beautiful experience. Some perceive it as a negative, but they back they didn't kill them right they didn't need them so you know we got to start figuring out who they are and what what it's about but to answer that question earlier i think they live above us i think they're always there
Starting point is 00:57:20 and i know they hear your thoughts there is absolutely zero doubt in that they're in control, that you won't see them unless they want you to. You won't film them unless they want you to. And they know what you're thinking. Before you think it, they know the direction you're going to look before you look, because they'll line up in a certain way and wait for you to look that way. And when you do, they flash you or appear. Heidi, what is the message the lady wants you to spread? Well, in the book, you can read about this. One thing she told me, she told me quite a few things and I don't share it all, but I will eventually, maybe. But the most important thing that she told me was that the world was, and this was in 2012 when she first came.
Starting point is 00:58:18 And basically, she told me, this is your burden you must bear. You must share what you know to the world. Well, I don't know anything. Well, she said, just share what you know, what you're experiencing. With 2019, she comes back. And I filmed this interaction for 18 minutes. This orb comes out of the pond, hovers over my pond. And there's this glowing figure with an orb inside, right?
Starting point is 00:58:47 And the minute I put the camera on her, it vanished in front of me. So for the next 18 minutes, it started appearing in a ball of light and disappearing. But for the first 10 minutes before I filmed, it was like, oh, my God, this was incredible. filmed, it was like, oh, my God, this was incredible. But she said, trouble's coming. Warn the people. This is in 2019 at Easter. She said, warn the people that trouble's coming to store up and lock your doors and that we're going to awaken the people.
Starting point is 00:59:26 We're going to use you and let you film us with film and with witness to help tell the world that we're here and of our existence. And so immediately the interaction went off the charts. And I started talking. I hadn't talked in eight years, roughly, at all. I'd been hidden away, suffering with Crohn's. I was near a wheelchair. I was in a wheelchair, in and out at that time. But suddenly, my health gets better.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Miracles start happening with my family. And then COVID hit in 2020. I was in San Franciscoisco in february of 2020 still telling this warning and this story and when i flew back to fedville within two weeks coveted and that had to be the trouble that they were talking about but um what do you think the waking up piece is well i think they want to she she told me that and this was a a kind of i didn't know what it meant but she said when the red star of regulus appears on the horizon before dawn in the gaze of the sphinx at that time a new knowledge will happen or uh for humanity and so i told some astrologers that actually a literary agent to begin with and
Starting point is 01:00:56 she got in touch with astrologers had no idea what regulus was and any of that. And so it's pretty crazy how that this alignment is going to happen in 2026. And it's a major year. So I think that there's I think we're going to learn about disclosure in a way that is conscience based, not physical, not alien. There may be such a thing, but that's not been my experience. I don't want to diminish anybody else's experience. I just haven't had that. Mine's been with
Starting point is 01:01:36 Beings of Light, which I have on film. I have it on still photo and on video of these glowing white figures coming out of orbs. um i think we're gonna all learn something a new knowledge and maybe a new realm of peace for all of us to come i'm not sure though um you said that what the lady shared with you that you you haven't shared at all that some of it you're keeping why are you keep why aren't you sharing at all um because some of it was
Starting point is 01:02:14 negative images of you know disasters happening to us if we don't wake up and i stay away from speaking any negative i don't want to speak it i don't wake up. And I stay away from speaking any negative. I don't want to speak it. I don't want to think about it. I don't want to talk it. I don't want to see it. I don't watch television other than YouTube. I don't have a television subscription because if I did, it infects your mind.
Starting point is 01:02:40 You get up in the morning and you see the news and wars where your whole day is screwed then because it gets in there and it hampers your ability to awaken. And I can tell you my experiences probably would halt if I did that. So I refrain from speculating or throwing out any negative things that may or may not happen. I don't want to be known as that. I just want to be known as a person that's sharing something amazing with people. And if you're interested, you know, follow me and stay tuned. I can tell you amazing things are coming this year for everybody to see. And you're optimistic about the future.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yeah. I'm always optimistic. I believe that the light will eventually win out. You had this crazy experience. I can't even believe someone did this to you. Someone invited you, like a priest or some religious cat invited you to speak somewhere and share your story. And while you're sharing your story, he stood up and interrupted you and basically pointed at you and was like, hey, demons have taken this guy over. Yeah, basically.
Starting point is 01:04:03 And when I'm reading this in this book, I'm like, this is like some surreal stuff. By the way, for those of us who live on the West Coast of the United States, do you remember that movie Footloose? Yeah. When I hear you, it doesn't even seem like 2023 to me, some of these stories that you're telling. It feels like 1951. We're still in the Bible Belt, right i guess so yeah we're in the bible belt here and um a lot of the reason the government would never talk about this because some of these people in the military and the government believe um believe it may be demonic
Starting point is 01:04:40 or and they have no clue they just don't want to touch it right um but yeah it was one more um ride when i came home telling you know i was out sick and praying somebody whoever you are up there please help me and i was helped but it wasn't what they wanted to hear they didn't even care about that it was you're playing with the devil and i'm like no i wasn't what they wanted to hear they didn't even care about that it was you're playing with the devil and i'm like no i wasn't i was praying to a praying i was actually on my knees seeking help i i was ready to to die yeah i was thinking about you know the the ultimate and the ultimate and, and they, these UFOs appeared, if you want to call them that, I call them orbs, but,
Starting point is 01:05:35 you know, they were UFOs, unidentified balls of fire appeared and took me. When they brought me back, I had no more symptoms after nearly 18 years of dealing with the worst conditions of going to the bathroom 20 times a day. That's how bad it was. And more when it was really bad. Debilitating. That was great enough for me to say something. Why would an alien do that?
Starting point is 01:05:59 Why would an alien care about my sickness? Or why would an alien care about thousands of people that write me and said their husband died and they started having lights in their house or things moving about all sorts so you know i've stayed pretty neutral in what it is and i still do to this day i study with some of the smartest scientists in the world and we go at it together trying to figure it out what is it you know i can't tell you but i know how it's treated me and how it continues to come i always honor it and say a little prayer and say i'm here I'm here.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I appreciate your, your, uh, presence and boom, here they come. Chris, um, prior to 2007, had you had aliens been any part of your life?
Starting point is 01:06:53 UFOs. Had you even given him a second thought? Nope, not at all. Because I was building a hundred homes a year and have four children. Right. Yeah. And a good little father that was tech.
Starting point is 01:07:03 You were a successful businessman. Very successful contractor contractor, builder. Yeah. 20 years I was in business. And when you see this in 2007, does your wife ever think, oh, shit, my husband's lost his mind? I probably should admit him. She absolutely thought that. And the whole community did.
Starting point is 01:07:29 And once NASA come, NASA went around. My friend, one guy from NASA, I wouldn't say the organization, but scientists from there came. there came and it was a nasa scientist that walked next door without me knowing to my mom and dads and said pulled out their badges and flipped them on them both and said you got to stop treating your son like you don't believe him i'm telling you the phenomenon's real and he's telling you the truth so that's been my government experience they came in and helped us when the whole community turned against us. Even the UFO world turned against us because I started believing they were some sort of angelic being. And that was too much for them. It was more about Pleiadians and Arcturians and Galactic Federations and all this stuff which had no sense to me it made no sense
Starting point is 01:08:26 and um but it was people from the government that if you read the book um you'll see what their role was in helping my children my wife and myself overcome this harsh treatment from the community and and so in 2007 you have your first experience and how long after until your wife has an experience weeks within a few weeks two or three weeks they started coming in the house where she saw that must have been a huge relief for you you might did right yeah you need one more person kind of at least one more person to see it so you can That must have been a huge relief for you. Right? Yeah. You need one more person, at least one more person to see it so you can be like... Because after I had my experience, I went on a two-year mission to find just one person who shared the experience with me. Right.
Starting point is 01:09:19 It got you pretty good then. Yeah, it really shook me. And then the experience i had which is crazy you're you are gonna absolutely trip on this i i actually didn't even realize the importance of this until just now to tell you this so i i basically i went everywhere i went to like the buddhist monastery i read the entire bible i for i just began searching for any clue i could have for what this is i went and spoke to the local priest everyone treated me like i was crazy it was fine but i but i was cool with it it was cool
Starting point is 01:09:53 and um it was very unsettling and so what i decided i was going to do was i was going to try to have that experience again and the night the, and I told myself, I'm just going to get in my car and I'm just going to drive North into the mountains. And what ended in the night before I, um, I left, I said, okay, I'm going to take my radio out of my car. So I don't, I'm not distracted by anything. And when I woke up in the morning, uh, there were some robbers trying to steal my radio out of my car and my radio was completely out of my car and I chased them off. So I got to keep my radio, but someone took my radio out of my car for free. Wow. I went on this drive. I got to, I drove like maybe 600 miles, 700 miles. I went to sleep and I was at the Oregon,
Starting point is 01:10:36 Washington border up on the, uh, basically on the West coast of the United States of America. It's, I think it's the Columbia river and it was like three or four in the morning. It was snowing. I was sleeping in the back of my truck and I was freezing. And I'm like, man, I better get up and drive. So I start driving East. I don't know where I'm going. And it's snowing so hard, Chris. And I'm on this highway in the middle of the night and there's no one there. And I pass by and I see a man walking on the side of the road. And I'm like, that guy's going to gonna die if no one gets him i stopped the car i opened the door and a guy gets in and he's carrying a fuck this is in three in the morning he's frozen he's got he looks like an ice cube he's carrying a suitcase he's wearing a leather
Starting point is 01:11:16 jacket he just has like a little hat on and he gets in the car and we drive for like a couple hours and i have the heat on full blast we don't exchange a word and i said to him i said finally i can see he's starting to thought i'm like hey man and the sun's starting to come up like hey man how are you alive and he says i just kept moving the owls keep me alive i have owl friends and they keep me alive they get me alive and for those of you who haven't read the book and i didn't even realize that until just now talking to you and we ended up having a really fucking insane relationship, me and this guy. He basically told me he was the light, and that was it. That was the only confirmation I ever needed.
Starting point is 01:11:50 I never even told him my story. He just told me his. That validated it. And, yeah, that's – The owls is a major part of my life story. Yeah, and it's funny. The owls is a major part of my life story. Yeah, and it's funny.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I never thought of that until just now. That guy who confirmed it to me that he was the light, and then I asked him what kept him alive, and he said the owls. And for you, that's a huge part of your life. Very fascinating. Yeah. Just a coincidence, though. Just a coincidence, Chris. I believe these.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Yeah, there's no coincidence. I believe these, yeah, there's no coincidence. I believe that these beings can appear in manyks or falcons or alligators or, you know, jackals. It's all about nature. It's all about, and in the Bible, there's a story about Ezekiel and this wheel within a wheel. You read the story. Well, this thing lands in front of him, two of them, and he walks between them and out comes this creature with four faces. It has the face of a man, face of an eagle, the face of an ox and the face of a lion. So what's that about? You know, what's it trying to tell him or us by studying that?
Starting point is 01:13:24 Forces of nature. Jeffrey Burchfieldchfield sebon are you saying you were abducted by aliens no i i abducted the alien you didn't hear the story i i abducted the alien right no one fucking abducts me i'm a grown-ass man i abducted the alien yeah that's pretty cool i abducted the alien maybe one day i've told the story before i don't like to tell it very often okay it's funny when i'm reading the book i i'm like man why is he so tripped out by all this stuff but then when it's time for me to tell my story i don't want to share my story either i don't i don't want to share uh i shared it enough in the beginning and um there becomes a point where I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:14:08 I don't want to – Sevan's alien had a sore orifice. Yes, I probed the alien. The alien didn't probe me. That's correct. Isn't the internet a fabulous place? Yeah, it is. Isn't the internet a fabulous place? Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Do you have a calendar, Chris, that's just full of people visiting? Do you have a calendar, and is it electronic, or do you have a big one on your wall? No, I have a Google calendar it stays full all the time i mean literally every day with uh people or podcasts and or my travels where you know i'll be in utah in two days and um maybe in la in two weeks so are you going to moab i know i can't say where i'm going but i'm going to do some more filming out there um why why utah it's just i wrote about it in the book if you read my book you'll see that i feel horrible every time you say that because i just i just listened to it all in two days and i'm like oh shit what parts you talking about my experience with the lady yes i believe uh uh utah resonates very highly with
Starting point is 01:15:32 that okay yeah some desert canyon out there is drawing me to the canyons the petroglyphs and you know i don't know what all it means I'm just on a journey trying to figure this out. It's the most complex thing, more complex than anything known to man, cancer or any of it. And we haven't even scratched the surface of what this phenomenon is, but it's in total control,
Starting point is 01:16:03 complete control of our lives. Are you having fun? Yes, sir. First time in years. It wasn't always easy, but I am very thankful that I got to publish this book and have had thousands of people writing me with beautiful stories of how they were touched and how they're seeing the phenomenon now and how it connected dots for them. And I'm just – I'm happy for that beyond measure. This guy is being a smartass, but we'll actually make a – we'll make something good of this. We'll make something.
Starting point is 01:16:50 It's strange how aliens select certain people instead of sharing their message with everyone. So that – it is – it really is – I love the way you said this. There's an emotional posture, a frequency, an image you hold on to. There's a way you describe revisiting. Is it similar to the this this when you interact with them? Is there you know, the first interactions with them is like, holy shit, I surrender. You're surrendering to the heavens. Take me. I'm ready to die. You have the interaction. Is there any piece of that that's still related? That kind, I don't want to use the word submissiveness, but acceptance? Yeah, to this very day, what I experienced that night, what you're talking about there, I surrendered.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I thought I was going to die. I thought they were there to kill me. And this being spoke to me and said, no, you don't understand. We're here to help you, not hurt you. And that's when... When you say it spoke to you, it speaks to you in English?
Starting point is 01:17:57 Yeah, loud and clear. But his mouth never moved. I just heard this voice. And that's the way they speak to me today. That's how I know in advance they're here. I've proven it with scientists and government people and on camera, which a lot of people that tune in will get to see. I hear them. I hear them with images.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I don't hear them with a voice. You don't hear this audible voice in my head it's set when that being was standing there i heard it but um and when the lady came i heard that voice but now it's they i know when they're near because suddenly like i'm talking with you and i'm looking at you we're having a conversation Suddenly my eyes glaze over and I see these visions, these images of this orb sitting above my house. And even I write about it, my manager, David. David is in the last chapter of the book.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And we talk about him being here when we first met. And he came from Washington, D.C. to visit because he had an experience that really rocked his world. His wife had cancer and they had three newborn babies, triplets, triplets. Wow. And he had the hardest time, you know, he was he had to take care of these babies and his wife with cancer. and it was the end of the world and suddenly he's in washington and this this this craft appears in front of him and he pulls the car over and gets out with all these cars going by and he sees it so he reaches out to friends and they point him to me and when he came here now we're best friends I love him how's his wife she's fine she's healthy and his children
Starting point is 01:19:48 are now 14 years old but he comes here and the we just hit it off really quickly because he's sitting in my house my daughter and husband her husband got got up to go get carry out food from the local restaurant and it's just dark good and we were talking and suddenly i had that image i said david they're here now they're they're right there above us and he jumps up he's closest to the front door and opens the door and looks up and there it is to 300 feet hovering over our house and suddenly looks back when i out, I'm looking the other direction, and here come two more. And I said, David, I mean, David looked at me while he's filming with his cell phone.
Starting point is 01:20:31 He said, he just said, my God, how did you know that? John Alexander told me you knew when they were here before, before and ahead of time. And so this telepathic images they give you. I imagine it happens to a lot of people. You just don't realize it, what's happening. I was actually thinking that too. Do you think a lot of people have had interactions
Starting point is 01:20:59 and people were just in denial? Yeah, 100% I do. Thousands. Were just in denial because it's too scary to overwhelm us yeah i think that's a hundred percent correct and i think that's what they're doing now is starting to appear worldwide which i predicted that the the being told me that in 2019 we're going to start appearing around the world in big numbers because we're gonna we want our presence known you need to tell what you know we're going to help you with witnessing camera and i told that to the
Starting point is 01:21:32 right people and let me tell you they're seeing it just like norad talked about you know seeing these things well it won't all balloons they're seeing them around the world people are starting to film them groups of people so it's there's there's something happening what about when the president i'm not the current president the prior president president trump when he formed the um i think it was like a fifth branch of the military right the space the space branch right any thoughts on that well i really don't i don't know um i do know people that work there or have worked there and um i've become friends with or will become but i can't really say what you know i don't know And you haven't tried, you haven't done ayahuasca, you haven't done mushrooms, you haven't done, no.
Starting point is 01:22:29 No. I'm a father with four beautiful children and two grandchildren. One's handicapped. He's paralyzed from the waist down. One of your children is? I don't remember that from the book. One of my grandchildren. Oh, grandchildren.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Two grandsons. Okay. How did he get paralyzed? A car wreck from a drunk when he was six. Oh, grandchildren. Two grandsons. Okay. How did he get paralyzed? A car wreck from a drunk when he was six years old. Broken. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:22:59 How old is he now, Chris? He's 13. 13. 13. What's his name? Vincent. Hey, do all of those guys have experiences? Is everyone in your family seeing the orbs now? All of them.
Starting point is 01:23:17 All. Do you have any friends who haven't seen it? Like I come over to your house every day and I hang out with you and we play backgammon and we talk about like the good old days. And I talked about how the time I slept with my girlfriend and your transam and I didn't tell you, but I've never seen the orb. Very few, if any. Most everybody comes here, gets to experience. Didn't used to be that way. But since 2019, it's been unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Unbelievable. Yeah, I walk. I took 40 videos one night and 56 one night last week. You ever do anything crazy like take the hose out there with you and try to squirt them or be like, hey, leave an egg just some ridiculous off the wall have you ever try any experiments hang like a bunch of cans and see if they can make them rattle just no because it's such a humbling um thing to me to to be in their presence it's like i'm seeking wisdom i'm seeking um information and, you know, I'm very reverent to this phenomenon because it's so powerful. It's unbelievable how powerful it is. And I can hear it in your voice in the videos, by the way. It's very obvious that you,
Starting point is 01:24:39 that none of this has become mundane to you. every video you're just you uh you seem like a guy who's so thankful yes and that's uh it should be with everyone if it allows you to interact with it and and you have to have that type of uh feeling inside that you know know, humble yourself and, and, and seek. I write that in the book, seek and you'll find, knock and the door will be open because that rings true to me with this phenomenon. Jeremy says, no, he doesn't do that stuff because he's mature. He's making fun of me, like squirt it with a hose or something easy. how how about this chris what about like if i i mean i suspect someone's watching me through my camera anyway on my phone all the time just i just believe just and i think it's been admitted like the nsa is just recording everything anyway but how about stuff like intimacy with your wife
Starting point is 01:25:46 and you just know that those guys are around? Well, I don't worry about it at all. You don't? You just... You just stop watching porn. No porn ever anymore. I never watched that in my life.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I always thought it was unclean to me it is unclean yeah i've been i've been pretty much a father and um a husband and a grandfather my wife and i'll be married 40 years this june 25th you're in a crazy rare club You see orbs and you've never watched porn. I don't watch porn. Think of that. You're like in the 1% in two categories on planet Earth. So you just – you accept them. You accept them. I accept them because they gave me a gift, and that was a healing that I struggled.
Starting point is 01:26:46 17 and a half years with unbelievable problems with my digestive system. Going to the bathroom 25 times in a day is the worst thing you can ever imagine. You get up to go to work, and before you get a half a mile down the street, you're back in the restroom. Can't socialize. you can't go to parties you can't drink alcohol i couldn't drink anything but water or maybe a sprite for 18 years and suddenly it's all gone and now i drink you know i'm drinking coffee i couldn't drink coffee for all those years and orange juice stuff i loved it all was taken away because of that
Starting point is 01:27:26 disease and i cried out for help for that and the ability to get started over well they came and they granted that but it was the community it was the people it was the church that turned on me and the family, even the schools. The children there made fun of my children and their father. And it really just nearly destroyed us for the longest time. And what it did, it isolated us as a family unit. Government people came in and said, look, you know, we just want you to stay away from the UFO world and all that. We'd like to study this in its pure form without you having any ideas put in your head by other people.
Starting point is 01:28:15 It's not that that was the reason. They just wanted me to to keep my experience mine, because sometimes people take on each other's experience knowing or not knowing and that's what they told me so in the beginning of the show you called that what did you call that the something effect when people take on other people's experiences
Starting point is 01:28:37 I don't know if I called it anything but that that's what the NASA folks told me that a lot of people might see a light in the sky and then they go researching or they're they had an experience and they're really still wondering what happened but suddenly some people just start knowing all the answers and i'm leery of anybody that knows the answers to this. Because we really don't. We don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:29:08 We don't know who they are. We don't know what they want. We just know it's real. And I've been proven that in a massive way. But we're still an infant at trying to figure out what it is. But I know how it's affected my life and other people and what i do to make it come and that's my contribution to this study of this phenomenon it's just to help us you know see it you got to see it to study it right well
Starting point is 01:29:40 or perceive it some way do you maybe maybe you don't even have to see it. Maybe you just have to have some perception of it. Right. It's changed your whole perspective on consciousness, right? I heard your son ask you, Dad, what is God? And to me, you know, you got people in Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Jerusalem, and they're all saying, my God is this and your God is that. Well, God is God. You know, none of us can perceive what God is and you can't label God as anything. It's just there's just a powerful force above us that undoubtedly created all this and what it is we can only imagine and so i think the world needs to take a step back and we need to figure out we don't have the uh facts and we shouldn't be killing one another over my god is better than your god
Starting point is 01:30:43 because all we can do is imagine God. We've never seen him. We don't know what he looks like. We don't know what he is or what he cares for. So I think this is where we're heading in our future is a realization that we need to all stop and think about this and stop killing each other. That's what the lady would like. I know that. Do you, do you process things like, um, the more mundane things like, uh, like, like corporate, like this thing that just happened to the planet. There's a, at least this is what the news is telling us.
Starting point is 01:31:24 There's a corporation out there, um, Moderna, and AstraZeneca, and they made billions of these liquid inside of a needle, and they tried to inject everyone on the planet with it. Do you process stuff like that? Do you think about stuff like that? Or do you even keep that at a distance? Because that's a pretty trippy phenomenon, right? We're a creature living on this planet, and these four or five big companies want us all to inject ourselves with some liquid that none of us really know what it is.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Yeah, I really don't like to comment on that. Okay, and that's fair. Yeah, that's fair. And that's fair. Yeah. That's fair. But in relationship, those are the things that you like – or we have a whole country that's – you seem like a guy who sees us more as one. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:24 And yet there's all these fragments of different countries, different races, different ethnicities, different groups, different sexes, just the whole thing. But that's not your shtick at all no i just see us all as one under some magical creation that we need to put everything else aside and try to figure out a truth here and how it might benefit us i think there's a huge benefit from knowing um this but i think they're wanting us to to grow up and quit killing one another and yeah you know so that's just something i i believe but i don't know if i'm correct right uh hurt you and and hurting each other yeah it's terrible it's i can't fathom it because my experience before this happened i'm in the boone and crockett record book for killing bear i was shot at 10 years old i shot my first deer at five i grew up in the woods on the country on on a farm and I hunted and it was a way of life. And I didn't, I didn't, I had no,
Starting point is 01:33:30 I wouldn't say the word. It was a cruel way to do animals, you know, to hunt for sport. And, but when the lady came, she made me understand that all life is special. Even the bugs, if they run from you, they don't want to die. They're afraid. And it's not my right to take any life. And so I was transformed from that old person that shot bears and deers and animals to someone that picks a bug up in my house and takes him outside.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Yeah. someone that picks a bug up in my house and takes him outside yeah wishes him well because however dumb that might sound that's what this phenomenon has done to me it transformed me transformed my heart towards humanity and towards everybody and that's why i've spent the last you know 10 11 years trying to help the sick, not on TV, not doing movies. I could have done that. I've had the authors, documentaries and all, but I've chose to stay private and try to help others. Chris, I'm going to ask you something and get your sort of advice if you think I'm thinking clearly on this. So the other day, I have two six-year-old sons and an eight-year-old son.
Starting point is 01:34:48 My six-year-old son already comes up to me and says, hey, there's a spider in the entryway. Come look at it. And I look at it, and it's the tiniest spider you've ever seen, right? The size of a head of a pencil lead. And I go, oh, okay. And I go get a paper towel. He's like, don't kill him. I'm like, why not? Because he doesn't want to be killed. I'm like, all right, you're right. He's like, oh, okay. And I go get a paper towel. He's like, don't kill him. I'm like, why not?
Starting point is 01:35:05 He's like, because he doesn't want to be killed. I'm like, all right, you're right. He's like, take him outside. So I spend 15 minutes until the spider is exhausted. He finally climbs on the paper towel. I go, okay, we'll set the paper towel outside now, and we'll come back in the morning. And I'm thinking, wow, what a healthy perspective, right? Like, it's unnecessary.
Starting point is 01:35:20 Don't kill the creature. Yeah, I'm exactly like that. And I love that you told me that beautiful children six years old yeah awesome right that's beautiful i mean he has a heart for every living thing and that's what we all got to learn so so then let me ask you this then the next day i'm with my eight-year-old and we're getting off the freeway and there's a lady there and she's holding a sign and it says i have three kids I need money blah blah blah and my son says hey Heidi that means father and I mean will you give her some money I said no he said but don't you
Starting point is 01:35:54 feel bad for her I said I feel very bad for her and and he said well why don't you give her money you could help her right and I said I could give her money and i said but here's the problem and it was what and i go i don't know if it will help her and i i i if there if she was playing the violin or if she was juggling or if she was doing something that i thought was bettering herself or working or adding value um i would give her something but right now if i give her something. But right now, if I give her something, what I'm doing is I'm reacting to my heart to sort of appease an uncomfortability that I'm not willing to sit with. I just didn't – I don't want to – and I was homeless myself for many years. But I didn't want to – and by the way, the 99% of the people I was homeless with were drug addicts. That was actually the thing. They weren't homeless.
Starting point is 01:36:47 They had chosen drugs over shelter. What do you think about that? Should it just be like – I mean I know I have kids, but a part of me does want to just put on a white sheet and get a staff and just walk out into the world and give everything fucking away. What do I care? Take it and let the cards fall where they may. But here I am making this kind of social decision not to reward a beggar because, as Gandhi said, begging is still a profession. And I don't want to encourage that profession. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Starting point is 01:37:22 Yeah. And I'm open. Be just blunt with me be like no jackass give her the money don't be a dick before i was before i was experiencing all this i was that person that would say well they you know i'd criticize them they uh they could be working they could be doing this but after my experience it's like these poor people, whatever their problem is, and if you're giving them money so they can buy drugs, that would probably be something that weighs on my conscience bad.
Starting point is 01:37:54 But if it was a lady with three children or needing three children, I'm the guy that gives them the last dollar I got. There's a lady that she's 60 years old and she sells newspapers for 50 cent beside the street yeah i like that though at least now she's offering i want to reward this con like i think our only value as humans is what we offer to other humans right but i would be the guy that stops and gives her five dollars if i have it in my pocket. Right. You know, because I don't want to judge. I don't want to be that person that judges. I just want to feel like, Lord, I did something good,
Starting point is 01:38:32 and I hope it helps this person in some way or another. You can't give to everyone, but that's been my transformation of feeling very sorry for these people, no matter what their situation is. But you have to have some discernment. You just can't give to everybody, right? It's just not enough to do it. And I wanted to encourage him to feel that, that what he felt was right.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Right, exactly. You should feel some pain. You should have empathy. You should be able to look at another human being who's hurting. Because most people just look away. They won't even look at the homeless guy. They won't say hi to him. They won't smile at him. They won't give them a hug. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:18 But I don't want to encourage that. I want to encourage him to sit with those perceptions. Absolutely. And I love the way your children think. I mean, that's – it's innocence. You raise them up right, and it sounds like you're doing a great job of that. Oh, well, thank you. I want to raise my kids well, and I want to be funny.
Starting point is 01:39:42 Yeah. And I want us to stay true to God. I don't know if it's in that order. Is there a mailing list that people can get on so that when you're this – is it a movie that's coming out or is it a TV show? What's coming out in the summer? Well, it's a new series. I can't say anymore because of an NDA, but this summer there's a new series on the History Channel coming out. And they're going to feature my family, most of them, or at least three of my children.
Starting point is 01:40:19 One is a data scientist at a university, and he couldn't be here for a week. had a scientist at a university and he couldn't be here for a week. Um, but I think it's going to open some eyes, big time. Um, and is there any way that I could, well, I'd like to, is there any, is there a mailing list I can get on? Do you have a mailing list that announces like things that you're doing? Well, I'll tell you what, my website is, uh, is where you can find me ufo of it's the same as the book title and there you can find a link to amazon to buy the book but also you can see testimonies and we're just now starting to we're going to be posting upcoming events. And, yeah, you'll be able to find where we're going to be and what we're going to be doing soon on this website. Hey, look, this lady that you're having this interaction with in this picture
Starting point is 01:41:18 also kind of mirrors the lady that's on the cover of your book. Yeah, isn't that's um that was a beautiful young lady she i was in pasadena for alien con a few weeks back and it's just this beautiful young lady and her grandma walks up and they saw something while out in the backyard it hovered over them and shot away and they were on a journey to find uh the truth of what or you know some kind of answers and they stopped by my booth and uh she was just like uh like a little child and so innocent and my manager took that photo because of um it just turned out to be a beautiful thing. Oh, it's a great photo.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Yeah. You guys look like you're connected. Yeah. When your son started the podcast, did you have any concerns? Were you like, oh, maybe he shouldn't be doing this? His name's Ryan, right? Ryan, yeah. Bledsoe Said So is his podcast. And he's been extremely successful there.
Starting point is 01:42:25 And I have had to rein him in on a few things not to give away some of the stuff I didn't want told. But he's a grown man. And he's done a fabulous job. And I love him. And I think I'll stick beside him to the day I die. And I'm happy where he is. His podcast has touched a lot of people. Brother, great having you on the show.
Starting point is 01:42:57 I have your contact information. You have my phone number. I would love to stay in touch. I would love to stay in touch. And this summer when the maybe you can share this with David and also have my producer send David an email. But when your show is about to come out, I'd love to have you back on and and help you promote it. Get more eyeballs on it. You have a fantastic message. Your optimism and your clarity and your singularity and focus of love and kindness is real, brother. I appreciate it. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:43:34 I'm honored to be on your show. Even on my website, you can find the Instagram account where I post videos. Yes. And my Facebook. So, um, but yeah, stay in touch and you've got my email now,
Starting point is 01:43:53 so you can catch me at any time and I would absolutely love to come back on. Awesome. All right, Chris, uh, congratulations. What an exciting time. Congrats on the book. And, uh, I know we're going to talk again. I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:44:12 Absolutely. I appreciate you, my friend. Thank you so much. Cheers. Bye. UFO of God. My first UFO story. Huh? I need to have guests on. No more live calling shows. I'm never doing another live calling show. Only guests. I love hearing other people's stuff.
Starting point is 01:44:41 I believe them. I believe them. I believe them enough to not believe them. I don't really believe him. I believe him. I believe him enough to not believe him. I don't really... I mean, what can I possibly know? There's got to be dumber shit I believe. I fully believe him. He's having some interaction. It's fascinating that his whole family
Starting point is 01:45:04 and all these people around him are having the same interactions no i'm not sad he wouldn't do the vaccine talk if i know from reading the book that uh he has a way more faith in medicine than uh oh than i do oh i need to put him in touch with anthony chafee that guy needs to get on the carnivore diet. I can just, uh, yeah, that guy needs someone who, uh, someone from our world to, to, um, oh, here we go. That's another great way. Uh, I believe that he believes too. Yeah. I believe he believes. Yep. It's Olson. Yep, for sure. Yeah. You don't believe in God, but this you believe. Well, I don't I don't need to believe in God. That's ridiculous. I know God. I've told you, you know that, Mr. Wayne. I know God. I know I know the unknown. I have awareness of the unknown.
Starting point is 01:46:00 I know God. I know the unknown. I have awareness of the unknown. I don't. It's one of the few things I know. I have awareness of the unknown. Ooh, that's good. I like that.
Starting point is 01:46:12 Oh, yeah. I didn't. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's on that orange juice and Sprite day. I know. It's killing me. When he said orange juice, I wasn't sure if I should start a lecture. Like, dude, you can never drink orange juice.
Starting point is 01:46:23 if I should start a lecture like, dude, you can never drink orange juice. The thing is, I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept there are other beings in the universe. Okay. I think we all accept that. I think it's just terrifying. I mean, one of you guys do it. Tonight in the middle of the night, go outside and look up to the heavens, drop to one knee and say, I beg of you.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Interact with me. Seve, I can't wait until we give our prime subs to Seve to give him that money. Our prime subs. I don't understand. I don't understand. Someone I know just showed me a photo of orbs and what I looked like a central docking ship in the sky over Minneapolis from 2018. Send me that.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Where is that? What's this uh so with twitch if you have amazon prime you can use a free sub they give you a set like a sandwich a sub you can give a free sam i don't know what subway here we go i just i had just given my prime sub away before seve had to get on here what the hell is this i don't even know what you guys are talking about i can't even figure it out uh jeremy uh i have had the and this odd obsession with the unknown since i was a child this just reignited that obsession. Oh, subscription, subscription. Yeah. Give me up. It's basically like giving seven. It's basically giving seven like $3 for free. Meaning you can give me $3, but it doesn't cost you anything. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely do that.
Starting point is 01:48:23 I promise you I won't be giving it to some, someone begging for money on the side of the freeway. Unless an orb tells me to do that. Then if an orb told me to do that, then I'd do that. I saw, did you see that locals account? I forwarded you the email, Bruce. I don't know. I don't know what we're doing with it, but I just wanted you guys to see that I'd signed up.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Yeah, give me. No, someone wouldn't want us to give money. No, give money. Give it all. I don't even know how you get money. I was surprised the first time we got money on YouTube. Pleasantly surprised. Okay.
Starting point is 01:49:03 I like that. I liked having a guest on. It's been a while. I got to ask Sousa right now to see if he can get Ricky Garrard on. Should I call Sousa? You guys want to hear that call? Ricky. I'm going to start. Ricky and Sousa.
Starting point is 01:49:34 Matt. Sousa. Chat? Oh. Matt. Can we get Ricky on the schedule ASAP? He's on Sydney time. get the blink 182 guy on tom delong i don't know how he didn't touch them you know i think greg might be friends with that guy or know that guy uh if you get tom del, I'm going to lose my shit. Why? Oh, look, you don't even have your hat on.
Starting point is 01:50:28 You're flat, Bill Robbie. Why? I feel bad for Ricky Garrett. He had a good shot at the podium. God, how excited is Velner? No, I'm not doing the open. No open. But I'm a big supporter of it.
Starting point is 01:50:50 What can I do to support it? Oh, okay. I can DM him right now. Is he on Instagram? He's not going to see a DM. Let's see how many. You know who would be interesting to have on and talk about the orbs with is Courtney Hunt. Do you remember her?
Starting point is 01:51:12 I wonder what she thinks of the orbs in quantum computing and all that stuff. Let me see. Search Tom DeLong. Tom DeBlass. Everyone has a fucking checkmark now. It's fucking crazy. Oh, this guy has a million. Oh, this guy has an alien for his profile picture. This Tom DeLonge dude.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Okay, Tom. Tom, I just had Chris Bledsoe on my podcast. I'd love to have you on. Okay. I'd love to have you on okay there Mike Hunt someone you got to get Emily Kaplan back on man what for what are we gonna talk about
Starting point is 01:52:07 what do you mean what are we gonna talk about tell me what are we gonna talk about she's a great guest huh she's fiery so the guy doesn't watch porn you gotta like how i got that in there right the porn part and the um and having sex around the house with your wife and fucking aliens are watching emily's the best it's emily caplan from the crossfit book i'm uh i'm texting with brian right. Oh, should we call Brian? Should we fuck with Brian? Let's do it.
Starting point is 01:52:49 I think we're doing a Frisbee show tomorrow. I'm going to call him on the... You know, Brian's in my favorites. Let's see. What if I said his number out loud? He'd be pissed. I think we're doing a Frisbee show tomorrow. We're supposed to do it tonight, but I got too busy. I got all consumed with this UFO book.
Starting point is 01:53:10 I would have kept that guy on longer, too, but I was afraid when he said he had to go to the bathroom all the time, I was afraid like, oh, shit, this guy probably got to go to the bathroom. Get Laura Horvat on. Oh, my God, I'd love to get Laura on or Hayley Adams on. I really would like to get Laura or Hayleyvat on. Oh, my God. I'd love to get Laura on or Hayley Adams on. I really would like to get Laura or Hayley Adams on. Just seen that episode the other day. Brian and Sevan got railed.
Starting point is 01:53:39 I love getting railed. I might go inside and get railed right now. Nothing. The wireless customer you are calling is... Nothing like a good railing. What's an abolition? Brian is busy with his morning ablutions. He knows now that the podcast is on at this time and not to answer the phone. Oh.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Yeah, he's screening his calls. Let's see if I can get him to call this number. I don't even know the live call number. 928-583-3903. Oh, shit. Hey, I'm live on the air. What are you talking about? I was just talking about UFOs, and I was just wrapping up the show,
Starting point is 01:55:09 and I thought I'd give you a call so that people could hear your voice. Oh, okay. A Frisbee show tomorrow? Yep. Tomorrow night? Music City Open. Tomorrow night, yeah, Music City Open. It's going to be good, right?
Starting point is 01:55:27 You're saying it's amazing? Yeah, I mean, it's just a continuation of what we've been seeing this year. Just an incredibly competitive field with a lot of players having a chance down to the end. And the winner ends up not being the person you expect. Wow. Awesome. Why are you in such a good mood this morning? I've been on like the precipice of death for several days and I'm feeling better now. Oh, that's awesome. All right. Well, thank you for not hanging up on me. Um,
Starting point is 01:56:00 everyone, everyone in the comments is happy to hear your voice. We'll be, uh, we'll be back at it tomorrow. All right. Good to talk to you, buddy. Looking forward to it. Okay. Bye. Tomorrow evening, Frisbee show with Brian.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Oh, my goodness. Devesh Maharaj. Sevan loves getting railed but won't put a chocolate penis in his mouth. Definitely racist. It's because the penis is dark brown. Not true. that is not true it sounds like brian was sick i'll call him and find out what was wrong all right uh thank you everyone uh thank you to uh uh chris bledsoe great guy
Starting point is 01:56:39 and i will see you guys uh tomorrow morning 7 a.m. I don't think we have a guest yet. We need one. Yeah, Brian just said, call me when you're off the air. Okay. Love you guys. Good day. Cornejo, cornejo. Bye-bye, bye-bye.

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