The Sevan Podcast - #875 - Hiller's World | NOpen

Episode Date: April 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 um bam we're live oh we're up all right let's do it am i allowed to say that on your station of course um johan lopez all i can say is that you should follow all of the who guidelines and listen to your local authority if you have any questions about what the proper action to do is please visit thank you wouldn't it just be nuts if you got mine shut down too welcome we are no longer outside the matrix barry's back oh my god i recognize all these names now oh it was like all my friends on twitch and when i would see them on twitch and twitter is like they had gone through transition surgery everything was all wonky just everyone's names were different yeah we don't we don't have a thumbnail on i just
Starting point is 00:01:06 looked joe was joe is no longer joe he was josephina i don't know what the female version of caleb is but caleb was no longer caleb he was calebina just kale what's that mean smtp right now SMTP right now suck my tiny penis that's it kind of I don't know what we're doing but I asked Andrew today I said hey will you do a show with me tonight and he said
Starting point is 00:01:34 absolutely and then we discussed and he said oh we should do it on his YouTube station on YouTube look at $4.99 for Hiller I'm going to tell you it feels better when it lands in my in my bank account but i'm still happy for hillary i'm still still happy uh the frisbee show michelle shanks a nice hat um good protect your skin uh with uh hats not
Starting point is 00:01:59 um suntan lotion um uh is coming uh brian just brian's like crazy busy just had some engagements and shit and it's just like he's engaged not those kind of engagements i did actually ask him that recently though if he's like gonna get married or has anything it's not my place to tell you what his answer is let's say yeah what's up um okay uh hey um so today I was talking to Andrew, this is totally off subject. This isn't what the show is about, but today I was talking to Andrew and I was like, dude, man, I've been taking that NL explode now for almost 60 days. And I just don't, I just don't feel like myself. I don't feel like comfortable in my skin. And he's like, really? You don't think you look better? I'm like, no, I'm fucking huge. And he goes, how much do you weigh? And I'm like, I don't
Starting point is 00:02:40 know. I've been on a scale and forever. And when I mean forever, I mean like, i don't know i've been on a scale in forever and when i mean forever i mean like i don't know i don't know if it's definitely at least two months but we have a scale in our bathroom so i went in there and battery's dead and i kind of shook it and battery came to life and and i got on it again just now andrew 174 naked oh baby yeah can we get a picture of you 174 naked i mean this is just my larges don't even fit me in one of these larges don't i mean it's not even you can't even tell you can't even tell no you look good did you see the thing trish put up the other day of you from oh from when i was with alice and nyc yeah like you look good yeah yeah i should i should start wearing wearing – Cutoffs or just – Yeah, cutoffs again. I would have to shave though.
Starting point is 00:03:28 I'm getting like tufts of old man hair. And no, I'm not getting jacked. I'm a tub of shit. You can't even believe how I'm – yeah, that's thick for four feet. It's crazy. Yeah, that stuff. Yeah. So I've been taking a scoop of that and then a teaspoon of creatine.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Now it's basically 60 days. And, uh, you're looking at the back. Remember the matrix? Oh yeah. There it is. So you're telling me, you're telling me that, um, that 5.1, cause, uh, Hiller said, how much creatine are you taking? I said, I'm taking five before and then five, even during the middle of the workout, I'll sometimes I'll stop and take my second dose of creatine. Creatine?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Creatine is how I say it, but I like when you say creatine. Creatine. That's how you say chipotle. Creatine. So you're saying that's not 5.1 grams of creatine? If I had to guess, no. Okay. It's much less than whatever the hell else is written in there
Starting point is 00:04:26 tim brown uh wow and no explode still exists yeah it's funny you say that because i remember this stuff being around maybe when i was 25 30 uh mike the pool boy uh damn seven that's probably 60 penis weight yeah that's true i'd have to switch to the black condoms. They're more slimming. Are those not see-through, like the ones that I remember, the clear ones? Condoms? When's the last time you've seen a condom, used a condom? Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:58 As long as it's longer than it's been. So maybe like seven, eight years ago. Wow. Do you use those? Yeah, fuck yeah, I do. I'm old. I use condoms i'm old i use condoms fuck yeah i use a condom love a condom i love tearing up people always shit on condoms i love ripping open a wrapper it's exciting you know what happens next it's pavlovian it's pavlovian interesting yeah i hadn't really thought about that it's been a long time you just keep them Pavlovian. It's Pavlovian. Interesting. Yeah, I hadn't really thought about that.
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's been a long time. You just keep them in the nightstand or what? Me? Yeah. Yeah, on both sides. Both nightstands. Barry knows. And my wife's so silly, too.
Starting point is 00:05:42 If someone's going to come and clean our house, she'll make sure that they're not sitting on top of the trash can. She's embarrassed. Like they're going to come and clean our house, she'll like make sure that they're not like sitting on top of the trash can. Like she's like, she's embarrassed. Like she's like, they, like, they're going to see that we bone. Like,
Starting point is 00:05:50 do we have three kids? Well, you know, it's embarrassing that you're using condoms. It is. Oh, I thought that was like mature of me. I think that is mature.
Starting point is 00:05:57 That's what happens when you turn 50. Okay, good. And you don't want any more kids running around. I just want her to hurry up and go through menopause. I thought she did go through menopause. What would have told you that? She did.
Starting point is 00:06:11 She told me she did. Oh, well, then there's no thinking. She told you. No, but now she's not. She's not. Now she's not. I don't know what the fuck. You got to be close.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah. Embarrassing. Are you kidding me? I don't really know if it's embarrassing. I'm so proud of myself. Raw raw dog or nothing are they expensive i don't know i have them on order automatic order on amazon and if a and if a box shows up and the first box isn't empty i'm like fuck i'm slipping i keep a steady pressure on myself i don't think i have anything on auto repeat like that just get them off amazon or what just my dog food dog food yeah
Starting point is 00:06:51 i get dog food on amazon dog food condoms i don't even know what um some dehydrated raw shit that's crazy expensive caleb what what's yours? I use Royal Canin. You hear about the farmer's dog? No, what's that? It's... Oh, isn't that what you guys use? The farmer's dog and genuine dog food. We kind of mix it together.
Starting point is 00:07:17 The dogs go crazy over it. They're so hyped. And now they just are always so happy. Give them good dog food and their lives change. It's crazy how that works. Is it just, is it dehydrated meat? That's what we feed our dogs. Dehydrated meat. One of them, it looks like someone threw up into a bag and they love it.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And then the other one is supposed to be no grain dog food that you, that I actually fed them way too much for a while and they blew up. It's way more calorically dense. So I was giving them the same amount that you would give them from something out of the general dog store. And they just got huge. Like what's going on? And then you look at the calorie content,
Starting point is 00:07:52 it's triple and there's no grains in there. Well, that's good. Dogs should not be eating grains. Yeah. And then the freaking vet was trying to tell Alexis's mom that the dogs need grains. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:08:04 wait, what do you mean? No, that's fucking idiocy. Yeah. Why the vet was filled her mind with crap. No, that's idiocy.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah. This is the farmer's dog. It looks like someone vomited in the bowl and they love it. I spent 238 on farmer's dog. Yeah. That to feed my big dogs about a thousand dollars a month in raw dog food. What is this name? Wet mouth sounds.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Jesus. It goes well with the condom talk. Okay. I want to show you something in this YouTube video. So it's a little, it's a little anyway, I'm going to go back down to one 56 here in a minute. I'm going to stop taking,
Starting point is 00:08:46 I'm going to stop taking it. I'm about a week away from finishing my no explode. And then did you do that workout? I sent you. Yeah. I bet it went great. I was embarrassed. I didn't,
Starting point is 00:08:55 I didn't put any weight on the sled. That's fine. You crushed it. And I, and I crushed it. I did the whole thing. And like, uh,
Starting point is 00:09:02 I had a running timer the whole time. And I want to say it was like 16 minutes. Does that seem right? And I pushed the sled a hundred feet. Yeah. Yeah. And, um, and, and it was probably another 30 feet between where the sled was in the, in the hang. And I'm going to tell you this. Don't tell anyone this. Okay. I won't tell anybody that those hangs were really hard for me. Was it harder when you went palms facing yes fuck yes and the first one felt like it stretched out some crazy shit but i um
Starting point is 00:09:33 the last one i was only able to get to 26 seconds and but i did jump back up right away i was peeling off i was peeling off 30 seconds should be nothing for a hang. It shouldn't be. I'm just trying to fix your bicep, dude. Well. How often do you hang? Never? No. To tell you the truth, I hung.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I have been hanging more. I've been doing like some toes to bar. Chill. Chill toes to bar. Like no kipping toes to bar. Chill toes to bar. Probably at least once a week. Oh, strict.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Chill. Anything strict is now chill. Yeah. mean really chill like uh hang set the interval timer for 10 minutes and do six toes to bar in the minute for 10 minutes but every time i'm up there i have to kind of bend my elbow and flex my lat to protect my bicep you know what i mean so i can't even be like this i'm kind of like this yeah you're doing bicep curls right then froning no no fuck that he told you to you know i know but i i i fucked around with it before i even said it and it hurt me you do you do cupping no is that the thing where that seems like something i would do being that i'm armenian oh shit i love check this out sweaty i got this on amazon it was like 20 bucks and i'm not a doctor but i love hitting people with these chops and it's wild that you'll go somewhere and they'll cup you and someone in the comment section's gonna go don't do what hillar's doing but where
Starting point is 00:11:03 does it hurt on your bicep? Is it right here? Yes. Yeah, so I would just throw the cup there. This is nuts, all right? I just jack it up, and then I just basically thread it in the cup. I don't know if you can see it. That was $20 for that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I'm definitely getting that. So you throw it on there, and you just extend it, and you just pump the muscle in and out of the cup and it's nuts can you use cups wrong i mean i don't think so hey have you put that put that on your scrotum oh i don't know about that man and i told you about my my nuts they're just like it's from the compression shorts i don't know if i trust it down there god there it is oh now it's 36 it was definitely 20 in the 20s and i bought it still not bad oh my god hey uh look at all those ratings i need to have a cupping expert come on the show and see if um so like right here i can feel it right at the end.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And I do this on my elbow all the time. I just kind of pop it through. I'm wondering if you see it right there. And then I'm going to pull it in and out of the muscle belly right next to the tendon. When you take that off, will you have a hickey there? Yeah. All the time. And how long will that stay there?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Hey, look at Logan. I'm a chiropractor. I love cupping. Now I wonder how they like my, my method here. I'll just do 20, 30 reps like this. I probably done more than that.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And I take it off and there's that giant hickey on there. And how long will that stay? A couple of days. The one that I really like to do is on my lats. So I'll throw it on my lat and I'll just kind of reach and do a bunch of these. And then I can put my arm way over my head. Hey, Logan, can I fuck up doing cupping, just random cupping? Like if I got that and just started cupping my wife's back all over the place,
Starting point is 00:12:56 could I like hurt? Can you hurt anyone? Caleb, what do you think? You've got a little bit of experience in this now. Yeah, I've heard it works pretty well. I think I've got a little bit of experience in this now yeah i've heard it works pretty well i've i think i've used it once for my back like my erectors are super fucked up for a while and i felt pretty good like almost immediately my erectors are awesome um uh did danny spiegel sign up for the nopen i haven't seen her name populate yet but maybe she's under a different a different
Starting point is 00:13:26 name maybe she's oliver queen this time i need a cupping expert who if anyone knows a cupping expert i want to have them on the show minimum three million followers please i've heard this before the darker the mark the more sore that or more inflammation i think very the more inflamed it is that's what i've heard but uh just leaves a mark caleb do you know when we're off of uh youtube banning um i think it's thursday thursday we should be able to get back on philip to answer your question travis is making a shirt and i'm going to email everyone who signed up for the nopen a discount code for that shirt so it'll be as if you had signed up for the Nopin a discount code for that shirt.
Starting point is 00:14:08 So it'll be as if you had signed up and had an option to get it for a certain price. So this is kind of like the CrossFit Games. The shirts come late. Right. That's awesome. Wait, they come late at the CrossFit Games? What do you mean? They don't even come at all.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Yeah, there's no shirt for participating in the CrossFit Open. Waterpalooza does the same thing. Those shirts don't show up for like two months. Yeah, I got a shirt for Waterpalooza. I picked it up while I was there, though. Haley mustza does the same thing. Those shirts don't show up for like two months. Yeah, I got a shirt. I picked it up while I was there though. Haley must be listening to the show. I am going through menopause. There's a chance I can get pregnant. Congratulations, Haley.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Explain why again. Why what? Why I'm not on YouTube? Why what? Why she's going through menopause why use a condom i think i already guessed something about you it would be that you would follow the way the sun and the earth move and you would just know when or when not hayley can get pregnant isn't that totally a thing just normal birth control yeah she feels yeah well for a long time she would feel when her uh ovulation
Starting point is 00:15:05 yeah when her eggs would drop that's how we had the twins so can't you just do that and not use a condom then i guess listen i'm not gonna get in an argument with her i'm not i'm not i'm just i'm happy i'm happy i would be happy too i'm always happy that scenario although i was spoiled there was like a three-year period where we didn't use condoms. That was the best part about her being pregnant. And then I was really spoiled. And then we got twins and she made sure that didn't happen again. What was it like going back?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I don't even care. I truly don't, to be honest. I don't even. There is no adaptive division. I'm so simple. I don't want to touch the Cheerio. I don't care if I wear a condom. I'm just, there is no, yeah, it's just, he didn't, he's not, he's not racist. Yeah. Yeah. It's he's not racist. All divisions. He's not adaptivist. Dude. There's a, there's some things in there that I'm,
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'm just totally trying to own. I named it One Division to Rule Them All because I was just putting it together on a whim, and I pulled that out of Lord of the Rings. It's like the one ring to rule them all. I'm like, oh, One Division to Rule Them All. This will be funny. Hey, maybe there should be a one in front of the shirt. There should be a one on the shirt somewhere so they know it's an open one.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Ooh. That's assuming I would do another. There will be. Okay. there should be a one on the shirt somewhere. So they know it's an open one. Ooh, that's, that's assuming I would do another. There will be. Okay. This thing's going to be fucking huge, dude. This thing of having the vagina and the penis in the same division.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's going to be cool. And it's going to, it's going to open up some debate. I can't wait to do a show with Taylor and Jr. And say about how fucked up your programming is that you, it was biased towards women or biased towards men or whatever. Hey, I really hope that I can hear what they have to say about that. That'll be cool.
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's a good show idea. Yeah, this is going to be good. So, I mean, you'll be able to see on the leaderboard too. I mean, if the top 10 are all men or all women,
Starting point is 00:16:56 it'll be incredibly evident. Yeah. You know, it's cool. I decided. Are there scores in already? Sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You're giving a,000 to the winner There is? Yeah, the winner's gonna get a grand Hey, winner I haven't posted anywhere yet You haven't posted that? That's just now? That's just now, yeah
Starting point is 00:17:16 Debuted on the Sevan podcast on Hiller Station $1,000 to the winner Can you get in trouble for hosting me on Is it my station that's banned? Oh, there's the score. Shit. Check it out. Okay, what's the first workout?
Starting point is 00:17:30 I saw the name of it's Dave. It is a seven-minute AMRAP of burpees. Did you not see this video yet? No. Can you, Caleb, can we play the first little bit of it? I want to see what he has to say about this. See if he picks it up at all.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Okay. I have something I want to show you on YouTube that I think you missed. I'm so proud i caught it and you didn't okay okay oh oh i like actually yes this is nice welcome to the 2023 nopen I like this. Actually, yes. This is nice. Welcome to the 2023 Nopin. We're here at Hewlett-Packard HQ to brief the first Nopin workout.
Starting point is 00:18:09 The first workout of the 2023 Nopin is as many reps as possible at seven minutes of burpees. That's it, yeah. Hey, can you find the original video? Dude, that's awesome that's awesome it's right there on youtube you like that did you do it it's so good i asked you earlier oh it's so good i got to watch you watch it oh it's so good did you have anything to do with making the original video of that i i honestly don't remember that was 2012 i don't even remember i mean i i did it i always had a camera in my hand in 2012
Starting point is 00:18:50 but i honestly can't remember what was your camera of choice in 2012 i don't even know probably there was this panasonic 100b or something okay when did you switch to sony i was sony first i was sony then i was pan i was a sony pd 150 or vx 1000 then i was panasonic it was the first high definition then i was canon and now i'm back to sony and there was i did a bunch of other stuff in there i dabbled with other ones but those were my primary what was your first sony of the new the new generation was it the a7s3 or is it no way back the a before the a6000 before the a5000 there was one called the nex and then there was the nex1 nex2 nex3 nex4 nex5 nex6 nex7 and then they switched to the a5000, I had some brownie cameras. I had some film,
Starting point is 00:19:46 but not really, not really, not really. It would be, it would be a press to put, it would be, no. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:58 There, there's a really cool video where you watch an event in Florida. Where I watch an event in Florida. Yeah. You're, you're, you're watching an event in florida where i watch in florida yeah you're you're watching an event that's a highlight reel of a bunch of uh of a competition in florida and um there's at 7 40 in that video there's a guy doing a muscle-up and you and you mentioned that maybe he can't get completely open, a full range of motion at the bottom. Here we go. This is a cool video. Okay. Going back to my roots. Yeah. This is from four or five days ago, six days ago, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Okay. So check this out right here. There we go. This guy can't lock out his elbows, but look at that uprise. He can't lock out his elbows. But look at that uprise. He can't lock out his elbows in extension. Maybe it's just the way that his biceps. Now that one guy was bowlegged on the overhead squats, this guy's biceps are so big it doesn't look like he can lock his elbows. That's the only one I missed. I don't know if you missed it, but did you see how he's turning out at the bottom?
Starting point is 00:21:00 Oh, I mean, that's not really something I look for. So, yeah, I would miss that. What about it? Hey. So, all, I would miss that. What about it? Hey. So, all of a sudden, he can't lock out. He's turning out on the bottom. He's turning out on the bottom. So, have they ever required that in the CrossFit games?
Starting point is 00:21:13 No. Dude, that's coming. I'm pulling a JR here. That's coming. I hope so. Oh, man. Because that's the way they taught it in L1. That's the way they used to teach it in L1 when I learned it.
Starting point is 00:21:24 You had to turn out and then back up, down, one. You had to be like this. Well, it's interesting. Backs of your hands facing each other. Why do you think that? Because it has something to do with gymnastics. And it was something, you know, something had to do with gymnastics and Greg was a gymnast.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And so that's the, that's the, is someone trying to get Hiller banned? No. I highly recommend you follow all WHO guidelines and do whatever Pfizer executives suggest. I started the show with that. Second part of Google YouTube TOS. Violation of this restriction is considered circumvention under the terms of our terms of service and may result in termination of your account. Circumvention? I don't know what that means. Is that circumcision?
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah, I don't know what this means. Are you threatening me? You ever see that Beavis and Butthead? Hey, I'm Cornolio. Are you threatening me? I don't think this is a... Also, I don't think necessarily – I think it's the station that's been banned, not the person.
Starting point is 00:22:31 I don't think I've been banned. Yeah, this is the Hiller podcast. Yeah. That sign in the background, his head's blocking it. It says Hiller cast. Sevan looks like he is rolling boogers in his fingers again. That was very subtle. What did he do?
Starting point is 00:22:54 The background just clicked over. Oh, nice. Oh, good, good. Yeah, good job. That's very good. It's a totally different podcast. Right. I come back right i think i come back on thursday i come back on thursday why do i not see comments here what do you mean jeffrey
Starting point is 00:23:14 birchfield he's on twitch uh uh seven will be like steve will do it from milk boys can't even be in their videos anymore no No shit. He can't. What did he do? You're just going to be banned from YouTube altogether. You can't be on the platform. Wow. What is it? Mason Mitchell, Gymnastics 101.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Not sure how the genius didn't already know that one. Who's the genius, Hiller? Probably me. Really? I don't know. Anyway, I – No, it's Caleb caleb's the genius oh okay well i think that um this is my lack this is my amount of gymnastics knowledge i think it's cool i wouldn't be surprised if we see something like that in the games. What do you think? Would that be easy to enforce? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But the issue really isn't down there. It's up top. Right. So, I mean, if they could do it, I just don't know how it would help the lockout. I'm donating $50 for your first show back. Thank you. I could use it.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Thank you. How is that? You can't get donations on Rumble, right? is you can't get donations on rumble right i think you can get donations on rumble and and twitch and all that i don't think i've turned those on for some reason it's rumble rumble the reason why i hate rumble is because i can't pick the comments up from rumble and show them like i'm showing here so if someone's watching this on rumble right now i can't even see their comments i've had people in my comment section asking where you are and if you're okay yes you can please tell me how sean i would love to know how because the
Starting point is 00:24:54 thing is is stream yard uh for those for when you live stream you have to use a what's called a streaming url and a streaming key and all these other platforms like Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, they automatically populate them. In Rumble, every show, you have to reenter the number. But I'm open. Did you see this one by chance? The Mackenzie Flincham video that I made? I did.
Starting point is 00:25:19 What did you think? I have some notes. Yeah, unload, like good or bad. I actually put something on my Instagram asking for feedback on that one. I actually really enjoyed it. Once again, it was like new. It was kind of like a new genre for you, right? It was this mix between fiction.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I like the mix between fiction and nonfiction. Like it's a nonfiction piece, but there's a fiction piece to it. But I did, and I really and i maybe this is a testament to how much i like it i really liked her a lot until there were two things she didn't like it when that guy called her babe oh you don't like that no it's like who cares like i just thought oh high maintenance ho and then um and then she didn't like sand on her feet she didn't walk barefoot but i couldn't tell if that was just part of her shtick right that's the cool thing about fiction and and and non-fiction like i can't tell um like was that supposed to be a joke that
Starting point is 00:26:15 she doesn't like to be called babe even though all these guys are like sending her there's all these dms coming about dudes who basically want to fuck her feet and but she's cool but she seems to be uh cool with that and someone calls her babe but she's cool but she seems to be uh cool with that and someone calls her babe and she's like wait a second that's not cool so i couldn't tell if that was a joke well dude it's nuts because as i'm putting all this stuff together they're in and outs about whether or not you're putting on an act and i don't know either yeah yeah exactly right you don't know right right right and then the not liking sand in her feet that was fucking bombing me out too that's like a i like a – I mean, I'm married and have kids.
Starting point is 00:26:48 It's not like I'm – but I'm still like – just take her off the market. If I had to bet, I don't think she likes either of those things, and she was being honest, but – But I don't even care if there's like sand in my sheets. Probably Caleb hates that. You hate that probably, huh, Caleb? Definitely. I don't even care if there's sand in my sheets. Probably Caleb hates that. You hate that probably, huh, Caleb? Definitely. I don't even care if there's sand in my sheets.
Starting point is 00:27:08 None of that shit fazes me. Although I do really like clean sheets. Clean sheets are awesome. Okay, Sean, tell me how I can integrate perfectly with Rumble. Tell me. I noticed that you pulled up a comment where, oh, during that McKenzie video, there's somewhere in the video where something black pops up
Starting point is 00:27:31 in the right-hand corner of the screen that's written. And I thought you were trying to do that subliminally. You like that? You picked up on that? Yeah. Cool. And I kept waiting for it to come back, and it never came back, and I never rewound it and paused it. What was that?
Starting point is 00:27:45 It was one of the comments from the end of the video. I was trying to do the fight club thing where the first 10 minutes of it were, you know, you didn't know what was going on, but at the end of the video you very well understand it's about the feet. So I took some of the comments and I tried to make the cigarette burns that they have in fight club where they just kind of pop in. It's the subliminal message, right? Wow. You know, that they have in fight club where they just kind of pop in it's the subliminal message right wow you know the scene in the fight club no because everyone saw it big cock they put that subliminally in there oh yeah and there's the kid crying in the
Starting point is 00:28:19 movie theater and your splits were pretty good they were decent right yeah it was kind of it was impressive if i were to bet you've got pretty good splits too though yeah they used to be better now they're all fucked up i i it actually inspired me seeing that to see to to mess with them her she's freaking wild with those did did you think so i've never yeah i thought so i like that two of my kids can do all that crazy shit like stand on one foot and then bring their other legs straight up and do all that stuff ari and joseph okay what's wrong with abby he's he's wound so tight why how what i don't know the twins no no obby obby's the older one oh obviously older okay i i also noticed that her mat that she had you stretch on that red one was absolutely disgustingly filthy and that was thrown and
Starting point is 00:29:13 that was throwing me for a loop because if she didn't like sand on her feet how is that mat um yeah there was there was some inconsistencies should i send her a link we'll have her on here why is that mat so dirty? And do you actually not having sand in your feet? No. I know, I know. I didn't notice. Jethro told you to get a tan?
Starting point is 00:29:34 Yeah, that's pretty good. Dude, that mat doesn't look too bad. Dude, that mat is filthy. I think it might be the way it looks. It's supposed to look filthy? Well, dude, I think it might be the way it looks. It's kind of supposed to look filthy. Well, dude, I think it's a pattern. Those are those mics I keep telling you to get, dude. Yeah. Your recording was perfect.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Thanks. Yeah. Your record. It was, it was good. I liked it. From the creation aspect, it was perfect. It blew by. I thought it was one of your better videos actually. Yes. I sent it to a couple couple people before and the biggest miss at what point did you pick up the fact the feet were being the the feet were being looked at i unfortunately i knew that oh because i talked to you i did tell you yeah well that's very interesting i wonder what i would have thought wow look at your forearms yeah they're veiny right yeah that's very interesting. I wonder what I would have thought. Wow. Look at your forearms.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah. They're veiny, right? Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. They're super veiny. It's war. It's going to, when I get dude, when I went to Florida, everything gets
Starting point is 00:30:34 vanier. Everything. I went to a gym called CrossFit hype and I was wearing shorts. I looked down and go okay the testosterone's really working yeah your legs I saw those pictures your legs were crazy veiny it's it's wild and it's the humidity it's the heat in Chicago I'm all constricted all the time do you get veiny in Chicago in the summer yeah oh well there you go so the warmth how do you feel about Florida I i like it i'd move there
Starting point is 00:31:06 i'd move to naples i have no problem with um i i think uh if i moved there i would have like a little bit of an eating disorder but i but i'd be fine with it why i would deal with it because i would never wear clothes if i lived in florida but you live in california no it's different if i lived in naples because it's so hot there and muggy. Like, I would just always be shirtless. Why Naples? Just because it's rich and old people and hot and clean and no crime. And Daniel Brandon's there.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Did I? I forgot that. Thank you, Caleb. That was stupid. Can let me redo that. Ask me that again. Yeah, why Naples? Because Daniel Brandon's there. Okay. Okay. was stupid then can let me redo that ask me that again yeah why naples because daniel brandon's
Starting point is 00:31:45 there okay no because bruce wayne's there is that where bruce is i thought bruce was closer to miami i i you don't like the other side at all i i know i mean i i would like it i i would even do um to be honest with you i would probably even do no, no, I was going to say I would do the Keys, but probably not because the beaches there suck, I think. You are on the beach a lot. Yeah, I was at the beach today. I was on the East Coast. It was nice. California is the transgender brother of Florida. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Oh, did you see that, oh, I'll wait till tomorrow morning. I was going to talk about Bud Light sales. I'm going to say probably not. Okay. Yeah. I was going to talk about Bud Light sales. Okay. So, so NO Explode and you still take NO Explode. 15 years strong.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And how come you don't, how come you don't parade that around like you do C4? Well, I don't know, man, because I think it's just part of me. C4, I have, well, right now I got a can of this over here. This is just water in a can. They're usually just, well, you know what it is. I have the endo explode every day, first thing in the morning. That's pretty, excuse me, that's pretty bougie of you to be drinking liquid death when i see liquid death i think yuppie i i got a case of it because i got so bougie i was at the grocery store and i saw it and i saw that people drinking
Starting point is 00:33:15 it i wanted to know what it was all about because i hate all seltzer water any of it sucks but this is kind of sweet and Drink that. The Polaris stuff is good, although I don't think anyone should drink sparkling water anymore. How come? Something's not right with it. That's what I think. I don't think it counts. It's water.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Call me... What's that call when you won't walk under a ladder? Superstitious? Yeah. Maybe I'm just superstitious yeah maybe i'm just superstitious but i just there's no way i can there's just no way for every cup of coffee do you you have do you have a glass of water or if every drink you have do you have a glass of water no no do you think of it no but maybe maybe when i was younger i used to do that. When I was younger I used to wake up every morning and drink a pint of water.
Starting point is 00:34:08 What is this, Kate? What's cherry limeade? Is there a cherry limeade liquid death? They have different flavors. I'm pretty sure that's probably one of them. When I think of liquid death, I think of women with pink handguns. When you think of liquid death, you think of women with pink handguns?
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah, or like a cheetah cheetah patterned gun or just just cheesy shit i just i not that i i mean i don't hate the brand or anything i just it's like it's like you're so tough that you drink a water called liquid death shut the fuck up shut the fuck up it's just it's too much i I prefer the Red Bull gives you wings. Like just make an absurd claim. Unless it's supposed to be just absurd, liquid death. I kind of like their branding. It's just murder your thirst. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I think it's funny if anything. Okay, well, good. You have a better sense of humor than me. I already told you that I like the fact that it's sweeter than LaCroix, which is just garbage. It tastes like you're drinking an air freshener i agree totally uh there and i unfortunately i love it the coconut feels like um you're drinking uh suntan lotion and for some reason i'm obsessed i also heard that they spray a plastic inside of all of these cans it's like the thinnest and worst plastic that you could possibly have and and
Starting point is 00:35:25 basically it's just putting shit in your water once again i don't know if any of this shit is true i mean i live in california but it's enough to make me be like hey why risk it this is a good comment i would totally have done this in college i would go to the bathroom with a bud light dump it out and fill it up in the sink with water. And then afterwards, Zach, you can put the can in your pants, and everyone can assume you have a huge cock too. Damn. Innovative. So here's what I think. I think that you bring a new element.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I think a lot of these supplements are like, hey, this – it shows some guy who's jacked out of his fucking mind. And it's like this guy takes whatever the the the creatine is and like and all the little kids are like oh my god i'm gonna take that and there's like that distant dishonesty component right like the thing that liver king right right hey take his pills get buff well if no explode you're perfect um you're perfect for them you're openly taking testosterone you know you know who is and you supplement it with it three times a day what'd you say well all right we'll continue your thought please that's it that's it i just think that they'd be perfect for you it allows them to do something really genuine in a in a market of products that
Starting point is 00:36:34 are just so disingenuous and just garbage can i blow your mind really quick i don't know if you knew this but who's that oh rich. Oh, he was sponsored by them? No shit. For the Advocare days. There he is. Do they still sponsor him? No. He's the Advocare guy now.
Starting point is 00:37:00 That's the... He sells supplements? Advocare, you have to sell supplements too, right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's... He sells them at his affiliate. the um that he sells supplements to advocate you have to sell supplements too right yeah he did he i'm pretty sure he's like he sells them at his that is uh affiliate hold on one second hillar go back down go back into where you were right there okay now go up just a little bit more okay now or down a little bit more just a little bit just a little bit go down just okay now look at all what did you type in rich fr Froning BSN. Okay. All those pictures right there. Which one did I, I, I, I took at least one, but which one is like so obvious that I took it. Nope.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I mean, maybe I took that, but I don't, I don't think so. Okay. Oh shoot, dude. This is, this is a tough test. Which one? This one? It's so obvious. I took this one. No, I mean, I want, want i don't this is not it that's it this is it yes this would have been the first one i guessed but i thought look at that even his dad are carrying a mattress and so tennessee with an american flag and look at rich's arm why is this on reddit dude you hate reddit i don't fucking know all my shit's
Starting point is 00:38:03 everywhere i'm a fucking legend it's much fucking legend what oh wait a minute oh it freaking went off of it oh my god sometimes one second i'll fix what happened did you type in big cock and you didn't like the oh i wanted to bring up the bigger version of it there it is it looks jacked here oh yeah that's what happens when you put anything on the edge of a lens. It gets huge. Look how good his dad looks too. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I smoked a, like a, that day I smoked like a Marlboro Light and drank like a six pack of Coors Light. I probably drank, I smoked half a pack of Marlboro Lights and drank a six pack of Coors or something with his dad. While we watch, while we watch Rich work work out like standing next to rich for smoking this is 10 years ago they took this from your blog have you ever have you ever brought your blog up no are you interested in all doing that no i but this is no hey you know you you know who you kind of look like could we go to um could we go to uh hiller's uh youtube page i'm gonna get we'll have caleb here oh everyone get ready i'm gonna ask you who andrew hiller looks like in these two photos i it hit me like a fucking ton of bricks today oh boy
Starting point is 00:39:17 okay scroll up a little bit or down what which what am i supposed to say scroll down down those look at those two pictures right there oh i know without clicking them who does he look like in these two photos let's go let's go people you want me to guess no yeah good wait let's let a few people come i have a thought the rock no not the rock nice guess they ricky ricky ricky ricky ricky ricky ricky ricky dude he's like he's like uh ricky gerard who like hasn't didn't fight alligators he's like just like a little bit like a softer like someone put like a filter on ricky uh ricky i mean ricky's got some crazy angles on
Starting point is 00:40:06 his head ricky looks like he fought like he's ricky has a head of a professional fighter ricky's jacked andrew's more like veal he's just his head's a little soft like it just hasn't bounced off the concrete as much careful i wrestled man but i was no good at it oh fair enough a ricky retard that is not nice that i hope that's a typo yeah crocodiles ricky looks like he's part crocodile ricky's as rugged as they get a soft filter yes i have a soft filter on the ricky gerard face dude do you see it caleb that that one with his arms crossed? Do you see Ricky Garrard? Yeah, it looks just like him.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Which makes me think that Ricky maybe is still juicing. You got your body of evidence. Make a video on it. What makes you think Ricky's juicing? Because he looks like Hiller. No, I don't think Ricky is. I'm just joking. Ricky is not.
Starting point is 00:41:03 I love Ricky. Actually, he's just from Australia. You you know my parents i'm over there i wonder what happened say it again that was a joke i said my parents spent some time in australia who knows oh yeah uh he's like ricky except he doesn't get hurt on uh on the cycling he does man i think we're gonna have ricky on any day i can't wait to talk to him i've ridden some bikes yeah ricky is a sexy ape that is he is so fucking sexy he looks like he's made for like crossfit and fucking like he really does damn i always hope somebody would say that oh shit okay both broken garage shoulder hillary's elbow and they're they're both doped this thing's getting me it's pretty straight when i was doing those hangs today
Starting point is 00:41:53 i got a mirror over there and i was looking at it and i go this is pretty straight this is good what was the um uh hi wad zombie by the way what's up nick um what um what was the can you there was the peptide you were talking to me about today about California hormones about for my bicep. Can you talk about that? BPC 157. B. So for those of you who don't know, I'm fooling around with trying to get, uh, I want to do,
Starting point is 00:42:18 um, I was going to do this workout. Andrew one time wrote this workout on his wall behind him. And it was like a workout that he thought was impossible. And then five years later or whatever, he did it. And it was written up there the whole time. It was on his wall behind him. And it was like a workout that he thought was impossible. And then five years later or whatever, he did it. And it was written up there the whole time. It was like a video he made. Oh, Batman.
Starting point is 00:42:35 The Batman, which makes me ask, are you going to write on your wall 300 pound snatch? Should I do it right now? Yeah. Okay. Okay. So I want to come back to the California hormones peptides thing. Okay. And then, okay. So I want to come back to the California hormones,
Starting point is 00:42:44 peptides thing. Basically, um, Andrew wrote this work in his early videos. When we first met Andrew, um, he, he made a video where he talked about writing a workout on the wall.
Starting point is 00:42:54 It was so fucking hard that, um, he would have to stare at it until he wiped it off. And it took, I don't know, Hiller, how long did it take you? I said five years.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Did it take that long? No, it was eight months, eight months. eight months eight months it wasn't anything crazy it wasn't over a year but it was it was a crazy but it was a crazy workout it scared it scared you you're like uh right well i i thought i knew it was doable just it was it was uh i i would like to do it under 10 minutes still. That's kind of something I've got in my head. What was the workout again?
Starting point is 00:43:33 It was a deadlift at four 95, a back squat at four Oh five, a bench press at three 15, a power statute to 25, 10 unbroken ring muscle ups and a hundred unbroken double unders for three rounds. And you want to do all that in 10 minutes. Yeah. I think Nick Matthew did. I had him do it. I think he did it under 10 minutes. Damn.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Tank Reeves. Maybe Sevan should remove the sand from his vagina. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Take two. Maybe tank Reeves. Maybe someone should remove the sand from his vagina.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And do a bit of test. Okay. So, but there was a video. TB 500. What? Those are peptides? Yep. And they would both help out with your elbow.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Do you think it's weird that a girl so hot knows about peptides? Hell no. That's probably why she's so hot. Oh. What about, so you saw Rich Froning, the Rich Froning interview I did, and you're like, yep. And then you went to a gym and you snatched 235 kind of easy this last week after not snatching for two months.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And you're like, yep, I'm going to do 300. I'm going to do it. Oh, yes, yep, I'm going to put three, I'm going to do 300. I'm going to do it. How did, oh yes, yes, yes. Because it was, it was about as good as I could have imagined it to feel without, yeah. So let me ask you this. The things you talked about, you didn't mention one thing. You said, basically you said, Hey, the window is closing as I get older to do a goal like that. So I might as well, you know, make that a goal. But the one thing that, um, you didn't mention, um, was speed and my speed has dramatically dropped since I've gotten older. I like my, like my, like my reaction time. And that would be another thing that I would say, do some of that shit. It's not not even like it's weird you i've just lost like a little bit of pop you know what i mean a little bit of explosiveness i feel is just gone
Starting point is 00:45:32 and i would agree that this is i mean totally um so get it are you saying that that plays into froning or you're saying that i should do it before my speed goes yeah i would just say that too you don't want your speed i mean this you don't want i i remember being you know 40 years old and being at the crossfit games and filming and watching or you know what however old 38 and watching the masters like 50 year old men snatch like 250 pounds or yeah clean it i'm, these fuckers are slow. That is a fucking clean and slow motion. And I didn't understand it. I thought they just sucked. I thought they were just strong and on steroids and sucked.
Starting point is 00:46:14 But, no, they're old. You're old and you're slow and you just slowed down. You're like an elephant. Yeah. I don't feel slow yet. No, you're not. And you won't feel it until. What time do you start to feel slow? I mean, you're not. And you won't be, you won't feel it. You sure feel slow.
Starting point is 00:46:26 I mean, probably not till I was like old 47 took a while. That took a while to happen. And even now sometimes I still feel fast occasionally, but. What are you doing when you feel fast? Usually sprinting, chasing something like chasing a Frisbee or doing, you know, jumping rope or, um, you know, what's the fastest you've ever felt? You gotta remember, you gotta know something. Yeah. It was running. I used to be, I used to,
Starting point is 00:46:54 I used to be a tow. I used to be, I used to run hours every day catching Frisbees. I used to do shit loads of sprints, catching Frisbees on my toes. I was fast. You ever gone skydiving no is that fast have you done that i felt pretty fast yeah yeah yeah it's cool no i i don't know i don't snap i haven't snatched with the barbell and for probably like four years ago i stopped doing anything and anything that would i mean i haven't injured my back forever. My back's the best it's felt in six years. You did that one workout Olivia did.
Starting point is 00:47:28 It was a barbell, the snatch. That was a snatch? What was the weight on it? It was like 135. Yeah, that probably – was I able to do one? Yeah. I thought so, yeah. That probably broke me.
Starting point is 00:47:39 That was probably stupid. Yeah, you probably fucked up after that. Yeah. That probably broke me. So, yeah, I don't want to be slow and i'm worried about the fact that the tendons ligaments and whatnot are going to be able to do it for much longer i mean but i think those will be able to dude that's the thing i think like you'll be strong for a long time i think you'll be strong into your 60s 50s and 60s like look at jeff jeff strong as fuck i think he's probably the same age i am maybe a little younger or a little i can't remember but he said afraid so so i mean i think
Starting point is 00:48:10 he's like yeah he slowed down too i was fast in my 30s still but um but jeff i think just deadlift set a pr for deadlifting 500 but i mean that's slow as shit right uh the lifts itself yeah the deadlift yeah how roberts uh oh yeah sorry hold that up early 40s for me hillar you'll notice at some point if you keep playing softball oh yeah oh yeah yeah it's like that and your brain sees it and you're telling your body hey it's like that with fast box jumps or something or when i practice footwork with the boys like some sort of like foot drills i'm like shit, my brain is faster than my feet now. My feet aren't just, they're just not doing what they're supposed to be doing. Wait a minute, Mason. I never said I would do this.
Starting point is 00:48:54 I did not say I would do this. Where was I going to find an assault runner? Let me read that. Let me read that. All right.itchell andrew hiller said he was going to do a 5k assault runner test when he was on at wadapalooza i guess he decided against it pussy wow that's aggressive oh whoa i do remember at some point saying that i should test a 5k i don't remember it being at wadapalooza. Okay. Back to my drugs and what – Yes, back to your drugs. Did you see the comments? Kowalski's taking, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So what should I – you're saying that I should – there's a hormone that I should talk to California Hormones about taking that could help me? It's not a hormone. It's a peptide, which is a broken down sequence of amino acids. Let's see. Let's see if I can pull up the article I was telling you to look at. And what do you think it'll do? What do peptides do? It's supposed to vastly decrease the amount of time it takes for it to recover. So every time you mess it up it just would you you would circumvent that time so i would go to california hormones ca punching password seven
Starting point is 00:50:13 and get my blood work done do you need blood work they don't have this and you shouldn't need blood work no let's see here i thought she said they were going to start carrying peptides. There it is. There's your sequence of amino acids. BPC157, in a word, a peptide. A peptide is simply a sequence of amino acids. Lest you be donning a white lab coat and cringing from that simple description, then I'll be more specific. A peptide is a compound consisting of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. It means nothing to me.
Starting point is 00:50:43 All right, here, what does it do? Okay, what does it do okay what does it do bullet points uh promotes tendon and ligament healing oh i like that uh when administered in drinking water to rats with damaged medial collateral ligaments tendon to bone healing i think that i have something like that going on yep that's why i recommended it counter the damaging side effects of ibuprofen or Advil. I don't take any of that shit. No other single agent has portrayed... Oh, repair the damage from inflammatory bowel disease. Smells like I have that sometimes, but I don't.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Help cure periodontitis. What's that, bad breath? What is that? Yeah, bad breath. Oh, definitely don't have that. Reverse systemic corticosteroid impaired muscle healing. What's a
Starting point is 00:51:35 nosome? My gut's amazing. I don't have any. I shit on command. And but what are their side effects? I have to have any shit on command. But are there side effects? I have to inject that shit?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Yes, sir. Right into the freaking spot that it hurts. You're supposed to local inject it with 31-gauge insulin pen. Caleb, do you have any opinions about this? There it is. It's a really small needle, so it probably won't hurt too bad. It repairs muscles, intestine, teeth, and bone, and more. Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's a sub-Q injection, which is fine. It's not like you're getting a flu shot. A sub-Q injection is just within the skin level, basically, subcutaneous. The thing that's going to be tough with you is it typically comes like this in a powder, and you've got to reconstitute it, which I can see being confusing for you. You take this water and you put it into this bottle in a certain allotment. Was that offensive what he just said, Caleb? Excuse us really quick, Taylor. Caleb, was that offensive what he just said, Caleb? Excuse us really quick, Hiller. Caleb, was that offensive what he just said?
Starting point is 00:52:48 I think so, yeah. I think he called you old. Shit. I get familiar with micrograms. We have 38 more minutes I have to deal with him where I have to push that down, the fact that I was just offended. Oh, look, you can take it orally.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I bet that that works nowhere near as well as injecting it definitely not hayley's never gotten pregnant taking it orally so i orally is definitely not um look at oh i thought this guy was facing the other direction that guy look at that guy has no package oh wait that's his ass that's someone's ass my god God. How about you squat? Please tell me that's a woman. Should I play this video? There are no hips on that thing. And they'll tell me, this is terrible. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:53:33 This is terrible. There you go. How long do you take it for? 250 micrograms. Oh, look at this. Now they're talking to the hippie in me. The BPC-157 induced a very similar feeling to the feeling I experienced when drinking a cup of bone broth.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Oh, that's interesting. What? That's incredible. I really like bone broth, by the way, which is kind of weird. I really like – Orly is more for gut health. Tim Roth. EPC-157. Tim Brown.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's completely natural gastric peptide. Technically not patentable, which is why you won't be getting it from your physician, PT, surgeon. Do you think Sarah is going to sell that? Do you think California Hormones is going to sell it? It's totally in their repertoire. I'm going to ask her. It's not patentable.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Sarah and Hiller. You have BPC 157. i can stop complaining about my elbow are you going to sell bpc 157 how do you reconstitute bpc 157 can you have can you have someone come to my house and shoot me up oh look tank reeves don't take that garbage, Sevan. My goodness. I'll do it for you. Dick butter. I've got some bone froth for you.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I don't know. Dear Bill and Katie. Does Rogue sell? Can you order just peptides online? Yeah. Actually, I think you can. God, what if Rogue just had like a peptide section? Why is it so big?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Oh, okay. It's a, okay. Do you often just go into the new gear on Rogue? No, I try not to. I do it. It's part of like my, you have a click-through thing. Every day you just check a handful of websites. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:43 You guys see if Rogue put up something new. So that you're tempted to buy it or that you might do a video on it either at this point i suppose but i just like to look at it hey what do you think about that thing that uh fraser was using a few years ago that thing this thing i wonder if it would have made them better at crossover single unders that's what i wonder what do you think about that thing did you ever buy one of those no they're like 300 bucks i would have never bought one of those dude you bought liquid death that is the most bougie expensive thing ever i bought one case of it from amazon for like 20 bucks fucking case yeah because i wanted to it was a variety pack i want to try them all i had i tried it it was decent okay while you're there
Starting point is 00:56:26 will you type in 100 foot rope i was actually going to ask killer this i didn't think we'd get to it on the show i didn't read the alpaca when you got a sled because you hate the alpaca you don't understand it no uh i just got the the cheapest like robust one i could get that why would i want the alpaca one because i can put because it comes with that tray right i don't know i think i like the idea of the tray yeah i like the idea of it too mine's dope i got like the dog sled too it's dope i like that one it's just a standard sled yeah and you can put weights on it i i don't even i don't even put weights on it i have my kids stand on it i had my three kids stand on it when I pushed it. With the trade, I'm sitting there. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:57:07 There's no 100-foot rope there. Do you think I should get a 100-foot rope for pulling my sled? That would be awesome. It would be awesome? Oh, yeah. Dear Bill and Katie, I think I ordered
Starting point is 00:57:21 straps with my sled and they never came. Jeffrey, the answer to your question is as soon as it's finalized. Oh, what does that mean? What is that? What's that question? Why does the leaderboard need to be cleaned up? I'm assuming because everyone can see everybody's videos and they can see that there's things that need to be adjusted or invalidated.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And I will not be doing that twice the the rules i believe are incredibly clear i've had a lot of people tell me that they're incredibly clear and with the extent to which we're planning on going through all of that we will not be giving people second chances okay i want to hear more about that let me just uh dear bill and, 100-foot manila pulling rope. 100 foot. Yes. Thank you. Yes. So that's awesome. I may end up getting that. Damn. I'm not sure how long mine is. I don't think it's 100 feet. But you think that's a good idea and then have the kids just stand in one place and pull it?
Starting point is 00:58:18 Dude, they would love it. Okay. I think it's just a pull as it is i don't know if they can't pull a sled they can or can't they can uh well i put a i put a i put over this i put over 100 pounds in a cooler and had them and had them pull it with the rope with the with the uh 15 foot rope to them i i'd like to see that it's on my instagram somewhere i'm not sold on the fact that they'll be able to pull that sled with that rope that rope is heavy oh i see what you're saying then they also got to pull through 100 feet of rope uh-huh oh that's interesting this
Starting point is 00:58:57 is this is it that was quick oh that's not what i was talking about um that's just them pulling the tire that's up that's up a steep-ass hill, too. Oh, my God. Look how cute they are with their haircuts. Is that you in the vest on the right? Is that you? Oh, no. That's Greg. That's Kevin Johnson. That's my boy Kevin Johnson. Double first name.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Kevin Johnson. Look at these dudes. Oh, my oh my god hayley we got to get them haircuts again look how cute they are torque sells a really nice sled rope is that real so dick butter everything he says is sarcastic just like that guy who was talking to you this morning everything you say is sarcastic simon um let me uh ask you about this what was the second workout again 27 21 15 9 ground overhead with the bar hops in between those 72 of those oh say it again 21 27 21 15 9 uh-huh round overhead oh how much weight 95 for the men 65 for the the women. And between each of those, you do 72 hops over the bar. Oh, not burpees.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Just jump back and forth. Just hops. Yeah. Hop up and over. Can you do shuttle back and forth? You can go lateral. You can go facing. You have to be facing.
Starting point is 01:00:26 and forth you can go lateral you can go facing you have to be facing you so i i the only the the biggest rule i tried to state was that you can't jump forward and jump backwards because i don't want people jumping backwards over the barbell and slipping and dying fair i was going to be like hey you should have just let him but fair that's that's good absolute strength overrated i hope so because i don't that's not my strong suit the number one score right now is by a female in this workout and the number two score is by a male cool and then there's a female in eighth how many people entered we're at 740 holy shit when's registration when are these workouts due? Both registration and the workouts are due Monday, the Monday, the 17th at 8 AM central time.
Starting point is 01:01:11 So people have, Holy shit. There's just six more days. Last year during the quarter. That's the chick who's winning that just Jessica Schwartz chick. Well, I know this chick, she lives in Florida and she used to live around me, and I just sent her the workout and asked her if she could record it and do it for me, and she said, yeah, sure. So she named it the Andrew Hiller special.
Starting point is 01:01:34 She didn't know what it was for, and she smoked me. She beat me by two minutes. Look at that. You can't do that. Nice pull, Caleb. Those are no reps. Yeah, Caleb, you're the shit. Why are you blowing up the gains box?
Starting point is 01:01:52 Oh, wow. There you go. That's cool. So the top five receive a gains box, so first through fifth, as will five random people on the leaderboard. Oh, you guys are going to be stoked to get a Gaines box. They're way cooler than you could imagine. There's a lot of shit in there.
Starting point is 01:02:09 There's a lot of stuff. Phillip Kelly, for the first Nopen workout, can the six-inch target be marked on a wall or does it have to be on a rig? Also, Sarah and Paul showed me they're going to be selling peptides at California Hormones soon. You're welcome. Cool. He's wearing a Taylor self hat, too. The answer to the first question
Starting point is 01:02:32 is it can be either. I made a video on it, dude. Did you not watch the video? It was awesome. You can do either, though, to answer the question. Look where he froze the video. You're fully extended. Full extension. Hell yeah. In order to jump, though, to answer the question. Look where he froze the video. Look at, you're fully extended, at full extension. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:48 In order to jump, you have to, no? Yeah. Have you ever done lateral hops over the bar? Not in a workout. You should do this workout at the women's weight. Their snatches? I can't do anything explosive like that. My bicep kills.
Starting point is 01:03:06 No, it's a round overhead. You can do clean and jerks. I can't even do those. I'd have to do single-armed dumbbell. Do it with dumbbells. Just do a snatch. Dumbbell snatch. You think I should get up to 180 pounds?
Starting point is 01:03:19 I'm not even trying to eat a lot right now. You think I should just do it? How much have you ever been? 182. Well, you should get to 183 and then cut. not even trying to eat a lot right now you think i should just have you never been 182 well you should get to 183 and then cut another fucking nine pounds i mean how hard could it be dude i haven't eaten anything i wouldn't i wouldn't want to eat shit sorry go ahead i haven't eaten anything other than beaten vegetables since the time i left jr's
Starting point is 01:03:46 house jules d can confirm video of standards is awesome thank you jules hey good and you're not even trying you just kind of it just happened what's that you're not even trying to eat healthy you just kind of you went there and that was you were eating, and you're just sticking to it? I told JR I was considering being a super-duper CrossFit person, methodology-wise. You were thinking about it, going a level deeper in your embrace of it? You mentioned the other day that everyone skips over the part that nutrition is the most important. Yeah. It's like, hell, I can just do it.
Starting point is 01:04:24 It's not hard. It's stated right there. You just can't eat crap. What about following main site for a month? That's something I thought about too. I haven't started that yet though. But I figured I would do the base of the pyramid first. What's up, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:04:37 Bruce did that. How did he do? I think he enjoyed it. But he was also like adding stuff on his off days because you know how it's like three days on, one day off or whatever. He was adding an extra day or something. They don't count then. Hey, what about if you did it, you picked it from 2006?
Starting point is 01:04:57 The mainstay workouts? Yeah, instead of doing now. I haven't looked at workouts in a long time, but I don't have any faith in the people over there working in that department. Should we look at them right now? Would that be fun? Sure. Wait, I think I saw Tank up here talking crap. What was he saying?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Tank Johnson? Tank Reeves. My homeboy Tank Reeves. Yeah, what was he saying? Something about not liking bar hops. Burpees and bar hops be Dylan Mulvaney wins the event. Savage. Penalty video.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Okay. Talk shallow depth. Oh, are you using a shallower depth of field on your videos now? You didn't think I'd notice you've changed your, your aperture. You've changed your aperture. It's been that way for a bit. No. Okay. Fine. Okay. I mean, i think you've noticed it before too okay uh why can't your friends fail kids why can't your friends fit what does that mean and i don't even know my notes why can't your friends oh kate good call yeah take that look at you don't even have to fight tank someone's doing it for you get him kate
Starting point is 01:06:07 i like um i told you i've liked him because of his mask that that crazy thing it just pops out has your ass blown up since you've been on testosterone it's bigger for sure yeah because because that effect you're having in your legs I think some people would have in their ass or their chest too. I mean, from what I've seen in individuals and in myself, the biggest thing I can say is whatever you've got going for you will just be even better. Right. For me, it's always been like my chest and my quads and they're bigger. Is the Nopen sponsored by Anheuser-Busch?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Ooh. I wouldn't do that. I don't like beer. But I would do it sarcastically, and it'd be hilarious. Hey, I think the lateral hops are good. Is he just busting your balls? Tank, those are good. I think it's good because – I wondered why they'd never done it before so i second guessed only because of that why have
Starting point is 01:07:10 they never been included and then i thought the only reason would be safety they're kind of sketchy when you get tired or how about this what about this did you think about just going over the bar laterally any way you can but both feet have to be start have to be on the ground at the same time so that it's more of an athletic move like a like a shuttle i don't really understand what you're saying here like basically you can step you can step laterally back and forth over the bar as fast as you want like any thrower starter yeah that's one of the rules you can't do actually it says explicitly in the rules you can't anti-throw a star over the bar. Because that might be cool because that's like a transferable to an athletic move maybe.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I don't disagree with you there. We talked about your N.O. Explode sponsorship. I think that Dear N.O. Explode, you should get a sponsorship. Oh, so Jethro told you to get a tan. And then I got destroyed, dude. Look at this. Dude, a Latin dude should never, like, don't ever take advice from a Latin dude about getting a tan. Oh, yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Damn. I like peeling. You like peeling? Oh, yeah. It's fun. I feel like I earned it. Yeah, Alexis can't even look at me. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:24 She's the skincare girl, right? Look at her. She's already commenting. Dumb. Okay, let's look at some of their workouts, and then when we're done with that, I want to talk about this lie detector test because this is a fucking brilliant idea.
Starting point is 01:08:39 Ooh, yeah. I'm glad you think so. This is a – Hillary came up with this. I honestly can't believe no one's done it yet. Who cares if CrossFit endorses it or not? If it only costs $300 to get a lie detector test and you didn't do it after you got popped, you're a douche. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I'll get you. This is today's workout? Tomorrow. I have three-minute rounds. This workout – uh i have three minute rounds this workout ah the way that i always used to do dot com workouts would be i'd get the team together in the affiliate and on a sunday we'd pick a couple and we would just do them within an hour kind
Starting point is 01:09:18 of monster mash style i don't i wouldn't do this one monster mash style maybe I don't know no no I wouldn't so basically it's 10 front squats 10 box jumps back and forth three rounds and whatever time you have left uh after three minutes you row for max calories no you just do the front squats do the box jumps and then when your remaining time you row for max calories until the three minutes is up. So it's 10 minutes of rowing. Oh, five, three minute rounds. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:49 30 minute workout with 10 minutes of high effort rowing. And it's, it's decent, but I give it a four out of 10. Okay. Next one. This isn't really my, Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Look at all that stuff that they, I didn't even know they write all that stuff. They do. I knew you were just Boston. What is Cheerio? What the fuck country is he from? With the mask that he's wearing in that picture, I would have thought. Amsterdam.
Starting point is 01:10:16 I think he's Canadian. That's Craig. Dude, are we still on the first workout? Hey, how is there so much? I didn't even know they wrote all this shit. Wow. Talk about. workout hey how is there so much i didn't even know they wrote all this shit wow talk about oh angie great workout love it i'd do that okay next there shouldn't be intermediate options for a benchmark workout five deadlifts three uh strict bar muscle-ups, 12 minutes.
Starting point is 01:10:47 How many people do you know who can do a strict bar muscle-up? My thought exactly. Can you do one, Sevan? I mean, definitely not now. I don't ever remember being able to do one. A strict bar muscle-up? Maybe I've done one or two in my life. The only time I've ever seen anybody do it,
Starting point is 01:11:04 their false grip is all the way in the middle of their forearm. Yeah, yeah, and that is the way I think I've done one or two in my life. The only time I've ever seen anybody do it, their false grip is all the way in the middle of their forearm. Yeah, yeah, and that is the way I think I've done it. And I've seen Avi do it. I trained Avi to do one. I don't think he could do it now. Why not? Because you have to do so many negatives. You have to be so light.
Starting point is 01:11:17 That's something you have to grease the groove and be proficient at. You think you're going to try one right now? Yeah. You're crazy. I just don't know if the camera will reach over there. dude there's no way you can do it this is what you do okay here we go i'm gonna chop my worst though hush seven you're not the host wow wow yeah solid solid and the dismount does that count yeah fuck yeah that counts that's crazy massive false grip beautiful yeah crazy cool false grip yeah did you hear that adrian hey were you even um holding on to the bar was that just
Starting point is 01:12:05 pure balance it was like it was one of these so you kind of monkey it yeah so you got to do three of those for freaking 12 minutes yeah man that was good used kip that is a kip you guys got to tell me nothing nothing that if you did it was so minor didn't matter to me not for i'm just doing a main site workout olsen dudes thanks i'm getting all your money dude you are thanks olsen dudes uh can you do three the the thing is can i do three i wonder if you're you i mean you could probably if you got you could probably use a gymnastic grip uh uh kip at the bottom that wouldn't wouldn't count as a kip you know what could probably use a gymnastic grip uh uh kip at the bottom that wouldn't wouldn't count as a kip you know what i mean just a little one bet i'm warmed up now i should try to do three now let's see do it let's see i'm so heavy this is nuts how heavy i am
Starting point is 01:13:01 are you more than 174? I'm about 200. And now I need to not kill. You almost weigh as much as me. Eric, he's calling strict on that. Okay, here we go. Out of focus, Hillary.
Starting point is 01:13:22 That's good. That's for sure good. Oh, that's going that's for sure good oh that's gonna hurt that hurts man that's a crazy oh that one's even better hiller your second one's better yeah it's good little little tiny knee bend but i wouldn't call it a kip that's crazy. God, that hurts. What is this? If you use those win my life grips, you can probably do 10. What's that? I do not know. How's that look? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Wow. Wow. Okay. I'm glad to see that because those look like they hurt thanks crossfit good thing we're gonna work out in the morning right okay uh let's let's look at a few more of these so that one's no good mitchell says kip i think the second one was fair hey so so here i i would i it should be uh what, what are the reps for Nate? Olsen dudes, thanks again, man. For Nate, 963, 1296.
Starting point is 01:14:38 I feel like it's 963. Yeah, I think it is 3-2. Maybe that bar muscle-up should be, maybe that needs to be a triplet, and that bar muscle-up needs to be a 1. 8-4-2. Oh, wow. It is 8-4-2? Correct, yeah, 20-minute AMRAP.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Two muscle-ups, four handstand push-ups, eight swings. Jonathan Ortega, I bet he can't do four. I bet you're right. I bet my skin can't do one more. All right. Let's see the next one. I give that one actually a seven. It's cool that there's something new in there as strict.
Starting point is 01:15:14 I just think. 16. This is the workout we beat to hell. Horrible. Give it a one. It's a one. Sorry, Sadie. It's had nothing to do with Sadie. one very i've seen this before yeah this is old school this one's good this one i don't like at all
Starting point is 01:15:35 oh just roll 5k oh on 25 minute clock five rounds row 50 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds, 40 seconds. Oh, you don't like this? No. How come? Because they used to write just go row a 5K or a 10K, and you wouldn't do it. This one's fine. It just reminds me of Bergeron.
Starting point is 01:15:58 That's all. Interval training? No, just on the rower in particular. I remember him write a bunch of stuff like this. Yeah. Seven programming now. Oh, you mean like that's seven programming? You ever done? Are you saying because I have opinions about workouts? Do you like to know? No, I just stood. Yeah, of course. I love this one. I love anything with the rest. That's why I thought she said seven programming, but she's talking. I think she's just saying because I'm commenting on programming. I think people with the rest. That's why I thought she said seven on programming, but she's talking I think she's just saying because I'm
Starting point is 01:16:26 commenting on programming. I think people forget that I used to work in the department. I ran the department that did all the programming for CrossFit. I ran the fucking department that did all the programming. Because it wasn't the training department that did the programming.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Centipede rope. Okay, go down. go down one more that one gets uh i think it's a five for me i like and you know what i trust your opinion on that i'm a big interval dork this one this one gets an eight i like this one a lot 30 dumbbell snatches 30 toes to bar. I like this one too. So, so far we're probably averaging what, a six? Okay. This one gets a, this one gets a one. Look at Magnus been drinking. Magnus been, Magnus ate the worm at the bottom of the bottle in mexico tonight he ate the the tequila worm do you know do you know the tequila worm hillary i i've only
Starting point is 01:17:32 heard about it in movies i just don't know what it means caleb knows what it is is it is it actually going to make you more drunk than just drinking the tequila no just that country mexico for some reason they think it's cool to put a worm a maggot in the bottle of their tequila bottles oh look i think it was going to show us one well you're welcome if yeah there you go see those worms in the bottom is it gross i think it's pretty gross makes you say dumb shit like magnus just said just like come on those what all those welcome to mexico what else can you put into alcohol like that anything whatever you want um yeah and you go to like a a morgue and you just chop off a whole bunch of penises and you put them in the bottle of your tequila bottles.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Uh, Hey, only 32 on rumble. That's fucking awesome. Are you kidding me? I thought that was funny. Hey, sorry,
Starting point is 01:18:33 sorry, sorry. The bottle. Hey, they get that one. That's a, that's a, that's a small one in there.
Starting point is 01:18:39 That was penis. Where did that come from? The more they donated, it's on their driver's license. They're a donor. Cameron Hiller. I just finished Dave one Oh three. Wow. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:51 that's great. That's a big dude. That's a lot of cock on that guy. Wow. I think I'm going to, you have to have done that workout, right? Seven minutes burpees.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Me. You, I don't, I burpees? Me? You. I can't ever remember doing it. It sounds absolutely horrible. I bet Caleb has. Yeah, I have. And I think I'm going to do it again this weekend. No shit?
Starting point is 01:19:15 Yeah. Did you sign up for the Nopin, Caleb? I did. Yeah. You're a badass. God, you're a badass. I think I was drunk when I did it. Even better.
Starting point is 01:19:26 I'm going to make a shirt that says that. It's going to be on the shirt. I was drunk when I signed up for this. Okay. Lie detector test. Andrew made this video that basically suggests that if you pop for drugs, that a lie detector, you know, pop for, if you pop for drugs, that a lie detector, you know, pop for, if you test positive,
Starting point is 01:19:50 if you do a CrossFit event and you test positive, and people spend all this money and go jump through all these hoops, that maybe a cheap way just to solve the problem, since there's so much complaint about the testing and the protocols and blah, blah, blah, just all that shit that we just do one lie detector test. And it's a very interesting thought, but I'll take it one step further and be like, if you popped, just go take a lie detector test yourself. That would be awesome, wouldn't it? Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Like, there's like that chick in South Africa. Which one? The one where they fucked up her sample. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh. They admittedly fucked up her sample. These are burns.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Yeah. Go take a lie detector test. And then, I mean, fuck, then maybe even consider suing CrossFit. I mean, it's crazy. It's just a lie detector. I mean, I think it's awesome uh what's the chick's name the cool girl over at um uh nelly nelly oh i can't believe uh rich froning's girl ellie cabord yeah ellie to take to take a lie detector test and then post the results right
Starting point is 01:21:00 it's cheaper than um i mean or don't i mean like or you know there's other if you did do it don't take the lie detector test did i get into this this actually came up because i ran into somebody who had been put through one and they did it as a professional in the police atmosphere and it was either they took the test passed the test or they lost their job which is hilarious because they're not admissible in court apparently that's how it worked for this person and this person then told me goes if it was good enough for us why is it not good enough anywhere else and it would probably be pretty cool if it were to happen at the crossfit level so the video just stemmed from that because i thought it was a great idea there hey can you can you tell me give me more details on that story like what
Starting point is 01:21:51 like what were the what did they do was were they a police officer like can you no come on really yeah it's probably about it oh shit okay then let me ask you some questions and hopefully you slip up you're telling me a friend of yours worked in a police department a friend of mine someone you know worked in a police department no i barely know this person you heard a story about a guy who worked in a police department from the person themselves okay you you you ran into someone who you – randomly. Yes. And they told you a story. Hey, I worked in a police department. Were they a police officer? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:31 And they told you a story about how they were accused of something, and if it would have been true, they would have lost their job. Correct. But they took a lie detector test, and they passed, and so they got to keep their job. Correct. And it was because drugs were missing out of the evidence room. I didn't say that. to keep their job. Correct. And it was because drugs were missing out of the evidence room. I didn't say that. You did not say that.
Starting point is 01:22:52 Like Dick Butter. I love Dick Butter is so good. You drove by a police department. And I had a thought driving by that police department that somewhere in there may have had a chance to lose their jobs. No. Okay. To somebody, but it was a police officer.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Correct. And why can't you tell us the details story? You think it would reveal too much. You were told not to share. I wasn't told not to share. It's just one of those things where I don't, like I said, this isn't a friend.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I barely know this person. And I think that it was actually pitched to me as a good idea for a video, but at no point did I ask if I should include any of this stuff. So I guess it will never get back to him. Andrew Hiller would be the most strict police officer ever. Wow, dude, Tyler,
Starting point is 01:23:41 you just opened up a very interesting thing. Andrew. Yeah. What's up? If you were at a stop sign and someone ran a stop sign and you were a cop and just rolled through it, nothing like almost caused an accident or anything, just rolled through a stop sign and you were there to give stop sign tickets would there be any way a person could talk you out of it you think is there any way a person could talk talk about a stop sign ticket yeah if you were caught no yeah because if it's my job to give stop sign tickets i'm gonna give a stop sign ticket and then if someone rolls past a stop sign that's
Starting point is 01:24:22 one less i gotta try to get at the end of the month right like oh there's one okay hillar hillar's a good guy and seven can't believe it that's not come on that's not even close to true i know he's a good guy it's half true no it's not i can believe it and i'm a bad guy no i can but he is a good guy and i always believe it so it's still half true. Dude, look at Jeffrey Burchfield is just like high on the icons. Dude, if it's your job to give stop sign tickets, first of all, I would never want that job. Right. Because I've received stop sign tickets and I was like, son of a, I was basically stopped.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I've ran all the stop signs, but a cop did let me. My most recent one, probably like three years ago, a cop let me off. I told the cop, the cop said, where are you going? You're such in a hurry. It was a lady. Dude, I was with JR. Yeah. Oh, this is good.
Starting point is 01:25:20 We're going to his affiliate, right? And we're sitting there. And I think we had just picked up a couple of C4s. We're sitting at a stoplight. Did JR drink a C4? Yeah. Oh, you were thinking that maybe you shouldn't even reveal that either. Yeah, but I think he's cool. God, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Did you see his tooth is missing? You saw that also? He says he's lisping like Mike Tyson. He said he bit into a mango and his tooth fell out. No way. Anyway. So we're sitting at this stoplight and I'm talking to him. Wait, sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:51 His party's this weekend, right? I mean, it's a CrossFit event, CrossFit competition. It's a team competition. What did I say, party? You said party. Oh, okay. So you're at a stoplight with JR. And I'm looking at him.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I'm talking to him and he goes, dude, a bee just flew into that guy's car, like right in front of us. And I had no idea how he saw that. But then in the car, you see the guy freaking out. He's like wailing. He opens the car door up. And I go, dude, if I hadn't seen that bee, I would just see this guy freaking out in this car. But then I also thought if he rolled past the stop sign because of this, I'd probably give him a pass. Like, well, there's a fucking bee in this car.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Hey, it was this big. That's how big the bee was. That's how he saw it. What is that, a Packers sticker? No, just a coin. A coin Chase sent me. Oh. But it's about the size of a giant bee.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Yeah, I don't know how he spotted it's about the size of a giant bee yeah i don't know really but the dude was wailing uh so um so the lie detector test it's uh i think it's it seems like a no-brainer i mean just how easy would it be oh you popped how accurate take this test or don't. How accurate are those? The first thing I find says it's 98% accurate, but I just don't believe that. I don't believe that either. I think it's 70%, 80%.
Starting point is 01:27:16 I think they're all fucking bullshitting. The older I get, the more annoyed I get by bad drivers. Me too. I want cops ticketing minors driving infractions everywhere all day long. Me too. Me too. And me too. God, getting old is awesome.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I was walking with my mom today and I told her basically I hate old people too. She's an old person. I know, but my mom's different. I mean, I wonder if everyone feels that way about her. I don't know. But she was just telling me that when you're old, people treat you different. I mean, I wonder if everyone feels that way about her. I don't know, but she was just telling me that people, when you're old, people treat you different.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Like it's just like some young people are really outgoing. Some aren't. And I was like, yeah, when I was little, I hated old people. They sucked. I wonder how hip and steel feels about young people.
Starting point is 01:28:01 I just, when I think of old people, I just think of closed minded. When you think of old people, you think they're closed-minded? Yeah. Just like, get off my lawn. Just not fun. Just closed-minded.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Just not fun. What are they doing on your lawn? Right. I don't know. Taking a bong rip? That'd be all right. I'd like to watch this. Look at, like me and Dylan are fucking or something.
Starting point is 01:28:29 You know I never would have found Sevan without Hiller. Dude, that's your inside thoughts. Old man yells at cloud. That was a Bosman video I did recently. This is a... I know what Hip and steel thinks of hillar
Starting point is 01:28:46 have you spoken with him what does he think i'd like to know he won't talk to me dude i tolerate so much shit from my from i i'm i'm not there i'm cool you don't think that i'm just i'm just cool like when other old like there's these kids all around my town who do wheelies, and then they do the wheelies and ride straight at your car, and then at the last minute turn away. Doing wheelies is huge in my town. For some reason, it's like white trash heaven.
Starting point is 01:29:13 It's like the hood rat white kids love that shit. And I always cheer the kids on. And it's so funny because when I yell at them, they get all defensive. I'm going to get upset. I'm like, dude, that was fucking awesome. I yell i yelled out my window they're like what what i said that was awesome they're like oh oh thanks i throw a stick in between their spokes i i can't wait till my kids are a little older and they can just get out of the car and just beat people up they could do that now dude they're gonna know. They're going to be so cool. I can't wait for them to be maybe 16.
Starting point is 01:29:49 They'll be weapons. They're going to be living weapons. I know. It's going to be fun. I hope I don't get them killed. You're going to be 60 at that point. I like hip and steel. I'm not fighting hip and steel to the death.
Starting point is 01:30:02 I like everything about hip and steel except his hair. Yeah, he's got to cut that. Yeah. Or dye it. I think my mom told me I should wash my hair. And my wife told me I should get a haircut. You with a buzz cut would be wicked. Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:30:21 What about the beard? Keep the beard. Make it all one length. What do you the beard make it all one length what do you mean it is all one length yeah we should caleb can you what do you mean by that wait what do you mean by that instagram worries with allison yeah he's got a really different look at that point and he's pretty jacked what do you mean what do you mean make it look different? Look at you. Look at those sideburns. That's nuts. Hey, I'm probably out of my mind right there. I'm trying to just keep my shit together and not look at her tits the whole entire time.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Do you ever see my eyes look down at her tits? I'm probably just having an internal war. Oh, she's also covering them because she's worried about you. Oh, now she stopped. Oh, I just... Oh. I think I'm doing a good job. I'm doing a good job.
Starting point is 01:31:13 I feel like every time you're blinking, you're actually looking down. Dude, you know what I didn't realize until just now? That's a visor. Yeah, I was going to say that. You were in a visor. you just looked away like oh my god i'm doing it i'm not looking down hey just just so you know you know how short i am imagine how short she is oh yeah it's like two little kids oh i may have just looked at her boobs i may have just looked at them i don't know i'm seeing i'm fucking doing an awesome job thank god for fucking low low definition um low definition cameras right
Starting point is 01:31:51 then we can zoom in 420p or something god mason mitchell allison is smoking hot yeah she's still smoking hot she's it's the scene she's still she's she's has like perfect skin she's smoking you said she was at the broken science thing yeah i see her like i see her every day i hang out with her her family her and her husband they're cool they're easy i see him every day around town although i think she i'm concerned that they're going to be moving where to i don't know if i can tell you to where that cop lives that you won't tell me what he did. Oh, and I'll see him in South Carolina. All right. I got nothing else.
Starting point is 01:32:33 No one called in. We use Hiller station. This is titled. Nope. In 2023, dude. Is that, that's good,
Starting point is 01:32:43 right? Yeah, but we talked, we talked about it. Oh oh we did we did there's still time to register until monday right this is the first of many nopens there's t-shirts coming soon right and um and you can register uh registration still open the first two workouts have been announced right there's over 700 people have registered. There's prize money, and there's also gains boxes.
Starting point is 01:33:10 And C4 packages. And there's some hot chick C4 packages, and there's some crazy hot chick Jessica, maybe even Jewish, Jewish hot chick doing the demo, Jessica Schwartz. You said that during the semifinals last year too. That she was Jewish or she was hot? I think you picked her for your fantasy team because she had an amazing body no because and because she had a jewish last name uh you're right yes this look at this um you even have a timer for a countdown that's competition corner but it's cool wow oh and also lot proof has the app set up where there's an open preset
Starting point is 01:33:49 and yes you can be on steroids to do the nopen no drug testing no drug testing hey maybe some could say it's even encouraged although that's not the official stance of anyone challenges are drug tested it's a good question. I'm going to do them. I made a video on that tomorrow. It's for tomorrow. I'm going to do the road challenges and see if they get mad at me. How often do they have them?
Starting point is 01:34:15 Like once a month, apparently. No, they don't care, dude. Like half their athletes are on drugs. You're right. They can't care. There's a dude in the bench press. The bench I've got, the adjustable one with colors, that dude's on some stuff. He's huge.
Starting point is 01:34:32 In the ad? Yes. He's bent over doing the dumbbell row, and he's just massive. Jeffrey Burchfield, 64th. In the Nopen? That's where I guess, yeah, you'd have to be, right? Where else would he be at 64th? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:34:48 64 years old? I don't know. So you're 51st right now? Yeah. I'm 31st. Can you beat a 20-minute dead hang? No. Hell no.
Starting point is 01:35:00 My mom said that some lady at CrossFit, I'm probably not supposed to say this, but I don't know why, but some lady at CrossFit – what fucking CrossFit gym? I think she goes to CrossFit's Santa Cruz West. It's Annie's gym. Annie – Sockamoto? Thank you. Annie Sockamoto's gym. They did a – they hung in class. Thank you. Annie Sakamoto, Jim. They hung in class.
Starting point is 01:35:26 I think my mom hung for over a minute, but she said there was some 70-plus-year-old lady in there that hung for four minutes. Oh. Dude. You know, that's the number one indicator of life expectancy is grip strength. That's crazy. I think I told my mom something like that. I didn't say it as smooth as you just said it,
Starting point is 01:35:46 but I shared something like that with her. I think I've said that maybe like that. I didn't say it as smooth as you just said it, but I shared something like that with her. I think I've said that maybe a thousand times in my life. He's 54th in age. Oh, that means he's 54 years old. Okay. Some climber put up a 20-minute-plus dead hang from a bar. Yeah, I remember that. Try an hour.
Starting point is 01:36:04 They did it the second year, too, and they did it for an hour a dead hang i don't really understand that what do you mean it's 60 minutes is it does that make sense what are you metric no no no i i understand the amount of time i just just – like a five-minute mile seems more doable. Like if someone would be like, hey, Sevan, we're going to kill you in a year if you either run a five-minute mile or the only way we're not going to kill you is if you do a five-minute mile or hang for an hour. I'm going to go for the five-minute mile. They're going to kill me either way i'm just saying that in our uh i don't understand i don't understand the physiology of it look at that that guy
Starting point is 01:36:55 are you fucking kidding me no man he does it look at this he's going this i don't like this setup it just gives me bad vibes there's a chair in a living room and he's why does his girlfriend have a hood on because this is an execution witness protection there's two clocks there and look at how he cocks his head off to the side what's that about he's relaxed he's kind of sleeping i think he does it to keep weight on more on one side than the other. Oh, no shit. Yeah, he like shifts his weight one side to the other. So he has to keep both hands on the entire time.
Starting point is 01:37:33 But if he swings to one side, he can release the grip a little bit on one side versus the other. Oh, look at you, Hiller, two times play. Hey, Hiller, maybe we should do a show where we just watch this guy hang. I mean, he's not going to do very much, but I'm in. He's even swinging a little bit. It's only because it's in two times speed. That's the breeze.
Starting point is 01:38:00 The tree's not moving, though, so I think he may have edited this because if he's moving and the tree isn't, there's a breeze. No, it's his body. I know, I'm messing with you. Oh yeah, he is watching TV, right? Wow. I wonder if he put this pull-up bar up in the living room just to do this event so he could watch TV while he did it. He's just hanging out.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Oh, he moved over a little bit. Oh, he's moving around. I think he's got a really big penis. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think I saw that, too. Look at it. I think I saw it. You're definitely starting to see some helmet.
Starting point is 01:38:40 How did he go an hour without an erection? Excuse me? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, why does he have shoes on? How did he go an hour without an erection? Excuse me? Why does he have shoes on? How did he go an hour without masturbating? I don't understand. I know. I was thinking that too, Sean.
Starting point is 01:38:59 He should have taken his shoes off. Sean, are you going to tell me? Was it you who's going to tell me how to do comments on Rumble, on how to have the comments pulled up? Hey, can we listen to the audio for a second on this? Yeah. I want to hear this. Can you hear that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Oh, he's going to war. Oh, he's a foreigner. Oh, he's going to war. Oh, he's a foreigner. Oh, he's really struggling for that hour. Hey, is this like a thousand burpees? It's just a bad idea? Or is this good? Does he get stronger from this? I don't think he gets... I mean, he's got to get better at hanging.
Starting point is 01:39:51 I wonder how good that... Look at his forearms, dude. Oh, he... Yeah, wow. He's experiencing something that we'll never experience in his arms right now. Oh, she took her hood off. Oh, his tendons and shit are just like all contracting right something weird's going on what is he doing dude move dude yeah he yeah he went he got rabbed oh fuck you ever wonder what
Starting point is 01:40:17 his other videos are all right so he put that up a year ago, and since, he's done 100 pull-ups. Oh, that's him? Yeah. That's the same guy? Apparently. Dude, he looks way more yoked now. He does. It's kind of a weird movement he's got going there.
Starting point is 01:40:38 It's like a reverse butterfly. Okay. Oh, 570 in 30 minutes what's this gonna look like oh is he jumping no but this guy's a freak yeah strict-ish I know he's a freak
Starting point is 01:40:59 what else you got dead hang while watching the Simpsons what is the gladiator challenge with a gopro What else you got? Dead hang while watching The Simpsons. What is the gladiator challenge with a GoPro? This looks interesting. Oh. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:41:16 This is cool. Someone has hung rings on a bridge. Oh, I would do this 100%. This is cool. Would you do this? I would want to try to do it. I mean, the worst thing that happens is you fall in the river. Yeah, I would definitely do this. I'd probably need to do this a bunch of times, though, to figure this out.
Starting point is 01:41:33 I'm not. This is cool. This is like American. I want to see a wide angle of this. So he catches it and then swings back the other way every time? Should I go to the end? His one right back squat is 95. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 01:41:50 How do you get back? What? Is that what he's doing? You have to swing both ways every time? There's more to it. Like, he gets across, and then there's some other stuff. Oh, this is a good video we just found, I think. All right, so he got across, and now he's on this net.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Oh, this is a good video we just found, I think. All right, so he got across, and now he's on this net. Foreign country. They'd never allow that in the States. Why not? I don't know. There'd be some sort of... Not in California. Shit wouldn't be up to code.
Starting point is 01:42:18 I want that built in my backyard. I don't even know what it is, and I want that. This looks super dangerous. You're going to slit your hand on the way that they cut into that metal but i'm cool with it this is cool up yeah don't grab that when do you announce workout three hiller monday as soon as the other one deadline is hit so the deadline hits and the other one comes out. How many workouts total?
Starting point is 01:42:48 I have not said that. And it's girls and boys do all the workouts? So dead hang for time could be one of the workouts. It could be. What's after this weird looking thing? And that's pretty easy to do. It's equipment that everyone would have. And do men traditionally have better or worse at dead hang?
Starting point is 01:43:09 I could actually go to that rogue leaderboard and check it out. I did do that. I was kind of clicking around on some old leaderboards to see how the men and the women compared. Dude, it's American Ninja Warrior. Oh, well, when you put it that way, it's not as cool anymore. Oh, there you go. There's your wide angle, man. Oh, yeah, when you put it that way, it's not as cool anymore. Oh, there you go. There's your wide angle, man. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:28 So you have to catch it and then go back. Yeah, that looks so fun. That looks cool. I wonder how many people in the world would be able to do this. You know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, and you have to swing with not very many because they couldn't do that part. What's that? That part might be hard for me, too. You have to let with not very many because they couldn't do that part. What's that?
Starting point is 01:43:46 That part might be hard for me, too. You have to let go with one arm for a long time. A lot of people can. Dude, most people in the world cannot. Well, I don't know about the world, but the United States cannot hang with one arm, even for like one second. Yeah, see, that's not a good thing, if you ask me. How can you hang easily with one arm oh yeah i did that road challenge i think i only made it to four and a half or something minutes i'm gonna go see if i can hang with one arm if you can do one arm at a time you can hang for a while here you go one arm pull-up i was so close to having a one-arm pull-up at one point
Starting point is 01:44:32 one pull-up rest 30 seconds one arm pull-up rest 30 seconds this is his workout i mean this is ridiculous the way he. That's the same guy. Same guy. Oh shit. Wow. Yeah. Good for you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:44:58 I've, I've got my fill of this guy. Look at hung like a horse. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Great show. they'll get hung like a horse alright thank you thank you great show is there anything else did we talk about the Nopen
Starting point is 01:45:11 you satisfied yeah oh yeah good to have you back on YouTube I think right so tomorrow is my last day of suspension should be yeah god that's cool Yeah So tomorrow's my last day of suspension? Should be, yeah God, that's cool
Starting point is 01:45:28 Alright guys, thank you Thank you Andrew Hiller for having me on your station On your show Thank you, my show I'm very sorry for anything I said That broke and violated the rules Of the boob tube Buh-bye

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