The Sevan Podcast - #876 - Better Than Ever | Live Call In

Episode Date: April 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live not even 12 hours 12 hours not even 12 hours 10 hours fun show with andrew hiller last night great show with andrew hiller last night uh-oh you know what's crazy is i can't tell if i'm live anymore since i'm not uh there we go thank you i always need one comment because i can't see all my optics of what's going on on the back end since I'm not on YouTube anymore have just been reduced to almost zero. Seema, good morning. Howdy. Paul, Paul, Paulina, Paulina. Good morning. Robbie Myers, Flatbill Robbie. Good morning, Samantha. Good morning. Live on Facebook. There we go. Bam. Kevin Smith. Famous director.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Good to have you. Panda HD 79. Do they have HD in 79? A Marine with a picture of Matt Souza. Good morning. Eric. Good morning. Oh. Maroon. Maroochian. eric good morning oh maroon maruchian maruchian maruchian 82 good morning arnon mccow morning old chaps english dude so it's not morning for you. Guten Morgen.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Oh, a redhead. God, I love a redhead. I bet you this show has a disproportionate amount of redheads. Buenos dias. From Don Kadik. Don Kadik. Don Kadik. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:44 That's probably some cultural appropriation. I don't see any Latin in you. I've learned so much. I've learned so much since I got off the show last night with Andrew Hiller. Some stuff I'm actually really excited to share with you guys. I need to change this. Something, this, this, this needs to say, this needs to say Paper Street Coffee and California Hormones down there. God, I gotta, I gotta find someone
Starting point is 00:02:14 who can help me with all this. I wonder if I can get Will to help me with all this again. This whole back end's a mess. Seve, how'd it feel to be back on YouTube for a little taste last night? I don't know. To be honest with you, I felt nothing. But, well, that's not true.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's a fair question. I enjoyed recognizing all the names again. I love it when Seve says the dirty names. Did I say Amanda's stack? I didn't say any dirty names. There aren't any more dirty names. They're all gone. Audrey.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Less ass in your profile pic now, but here I am. Finally got the app working. Great. We felt it for you. Good. Good morning, Ms. Math. All right. Let's just start with, I'll just indulge myself for a minute. as a young homeless man attempting to live the aesthetic,
Starting point is 00:03:29 aesthetic, not aesthetic, but ascetic, ascetic lifestyle, I always wondered, kind of, I guess I just took it for granted, why in that period of my life there were just so many women in my life it was it was absolutely nuts that a uh a man like me could uh attract so many women actually you know it's um you know what i was actually thinking yesterday this morning i bet you and this is totally off subject to where i was going about me and women um i don't think Andrew, I think Andrew Hiller would be friends with Danny Spiegel and what's the other gentleman's name
Starting point is 00:04:12 with the long hair, the Masters guy? I don't think Andrew actually judges them for cheating. I don't think he actually, and I need to ask him, I don't think he actually cares. And Hip and Steel, thank you. Hip and Steel.
Starting point is 00:04:28 What's his first name? Michael? Andrew? Susan? Carol? John? John? Mike?
Starting point is 00:04:34 Fuck. I think with the last name I could figure out the first name. Douche? Hip and Steel? No, not exactly. Hi, hi, Dave. Dave. Dave Hip and Steel.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I don't think Andrew actually cares that they cheat in the sense that, like, he doesn't judge them for it. Like, they could still come over to his house and work out and, like, he'd break bread with them. That's how you Christians say it, right? Break bread. They just happen to be. It's like saying that, that like a hunter hates deer. I don't think he hates deer, which is kind of weird because he kills them, right? He may even love deer.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Anyway, it's just what he does. I don't think he has any ill. He's a good person. He's a nice person. ate darren fajitas i ate uh audrey i i ate deer fajitas last night yeah to eat he just likes eating danny yeah jeff's got it right here um to eat yeah he just wants to eat danny and dave that's it wad zombie good morning nick seven you know how you look at people and think how much you could change their lives if they did crossfit i look at people and think how different their lives would be with a bidet so my wife held that thing up yesterday
Starting point is 00:06:01 the bidet you got me and she said what are we going to do with this and i said there's that thing up yesterday the bidet you got me and she said what are we going to do with this and i said there's a i can't use a bidet i don't even like the five thousand dollar bidets i need like a ten thousand dollar bidet i don't even i don't want anything plastic near i don't like plastic i don't like plastic how's that amen wadzami wow audrey jumping on with the bidet any bidet just any ass washing man up and use it i mean i've used one before i like them i like them shut up boogie suzy boogie boogie suzy that must be a typo or something there's no suzy's in here okay anyway but back to back to so this this explains everything
Starting point is 00:06:49 this this explains my whole this this this explains so much to me and in in none of my uh i never i never seemed to um in in my vast harem a young man, none of the women I ever dated were on birth control. None. Zero. Zero. None. Gazillions of women in my life. Great romances. All of them. No, no, no. What do you guys call it? I got pay love, love feasts. No, nothing shallow.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Just off dog. Amazing. But this explains it all. Here we go. I Bruce Vedican in Switzerland who did research that's become known as the sweaty T-shirt study. He got a bunch of guys who were deficient in one part of their immune response. And then a bunch of women who were also deficient in one part. The immune response, it's called the compatibility index. Let's say it has five elements. So they would find a bunch of guys who were low in one or two or number three or number four, whatever. And women who had the same different deficiencies.
Starting point is 00:08:00 My hypothesis was that a woman who's low in factor three won't be attracted to men who are low in factor three. They'll be attracted to men who are high in factor three because then the babies will be healthy, right? So he gets these guys to wear t-shirts for three days and nights with no deodorant, no showers, no soap, nothing. And puts the t-shirts in plastic bags. Then he has the women smell the bags and mark on a piece of paper how attractive they thought the men were. Based only on the smell of paper how attractive they thought the men were based only on the smell of the t-shirts and he found that with 80 of the women they chose as he predicted that they chose the men high in the thing that they were low in and they avoided the men who
Starting point is 00:08:34 were low in the thing that they were low but in about 20 they seemed to be choosing random so he went back and looked at the women again and found that those 20 were on birth control pills so the birth control pill short circuits that response so think of how many couples have gotten together when she's on the pill and they both like louis ck joe's looking into just looking into the distance i i wonder what that louis ck comment was they. They both like Louis C.K. But anyway, that explained it. That explained it. I mean, 20% of all the women on the planet were in love with me,
Starting point is 00:09:18 and I was a smelly homeless guy, and they just knew it. They just knew. I'm worried about Seve streaming last night with hillar i think it violates their ttos what's that mean terms of terms of you you think that i'm just not allowed to be on youtube at all like my face period i don't know. Yeah, this is real. Birth control has fucked up a whole generation. Well, I just know – for me, it was good because it weeded out all those kind of girls. So – and I was extremely strict and disciplined about my condom use. Although when I tell my wife that, she says that there was a period where I was trying to put it in her without a condom.
Starting point is 00:10:14 But I'm in full denial. I'm like, that's not true. That is not true. Anyway, there we go. It would be so funny too. I had all these friends and there were people I know it would be so funny too i would have all these i had all these friends and there were people i know who'd be like you have to have money you have to have a job and you have to have a nice car dude i had the greatest group of the most beautiful talented strong women and i had none of that i was just me just. Just a horny little 20, I don't know, 20 to
Starting point is 00:10:48 25 year old dude. Walked around barefoot. I'm seeing so much stuff on barefoot walking now again. It's like making a comeback again. It's nuts. Stuff about this thing called grounding. You guys know about that? Supposedly like put your feet on the ground and you walk around and it heals you it's literally called birth control audrey i was on it for 15 years got off at 30. it's a trip those studies that talk about how it makes women attracted to beta men's a trip too anyway okay well that that i i'm i'm um very happy about this then we quickly move to 521 today in the show uh absolutely amazing video this is a a a as i as i like to say a museum stole this from greg a museum quality specimen of the left's ambiguity the woke the woke talk oh my goodness i watched last there's this group called the young turks man they are despicable horrible set of people
Starting point is 00:12:13 for the exact same reason um that of what i just did man they are just they bring up these topics and they don't add any logical value to them. They don't speak about them in an open mind. They just push their agenda. There was a – there was that astronomer guy, Neil deGrasse or whatever, whatever that guy's name is, was in a conversation with that little Jewish dude that talks in the high voice and they were having a discussion about transgender
Starting point is 00:12:52 and Neil would not stay on subject and then they would play a clip of it and then these young Turks would talk about how Neil destroyed this little guy what's the what's that guy's name he's really famous um he always wears the yarmulke it's become a theme for this show where i always have to ask people a ben shapiro thank you
Starting point is 00:13:18 yeah it was that neil neil degrasse guy neil is does he have have Tyson in his name too? Neil Tyson DeGrasse? It sounds like some sort of frozen chicken dinner company or something. But he – they're having a discussion, and Neil won't stay on subject. He basically keeps – it's a trick on ad hominem what Neil's doing. He keeps drawing Ben into the conversation instead of staying focused on the conversation. Basically what he does, it's a cousin of ad hominem. Instead of name calling, that's usually what ad hominem is. But also if you draw someone into the conversation, like if you say to them, why do you even care if men play in women's sports? Like as soon as you say that to the person, you've left the debate. You've left the discussion.
Starting point is 00:14:08 You've drawn them into it. Instead of using two minds to solve a problem, you're now arguing with the person. And Neil keeps doing that to Ben Shapiro. And Ben doesn't handle it well. He doesn't handle it bad, but he doesn't catch what Neil's doing. Neil deGrasse Tyson. Yeah, that guy, that guy, I don't know. I haven't heard anything smart. That guy said that he probably is really smart, but he says
Starting point is 00:14:30 a really a lot of dumb shit. It's he doesn't know what science is, first of all, which was fascinating. He tries to define science in that conversation with Ben Shapiro, and he doesn't know what science is. Listen, people, no scientist uh thinks that what they're saying is objective truth they know that it's whatever it's whatever has the greatest predictive value they know that all everything is going to be proven wrong someday it's in constant flux okay you're gonna really like this this is this is great what i'm about to show you this is this is so good whoever sent this to me thank you this is one of the it gets sent a lot of stuff
Starting point is 00:15:16 and even the stuff i like i'm often not impressed by but this is really good holy cow mostly because it's just caught on film it's not even um you know leaves fall from trees all day in my backyard but someone might come back and film it and catch it perfectly that's what this is this is this happens non-stop it's just amazing that it's caught on tape like this yeah i think that guy might be an idiot that neil guy i need to go back and see some of his work but he's uh he's he's confused he's definitely confused he's very close-minded okay um uh by the way i judge you when you talk i judge the shit out of you this girl um jessica i judge the shit out of you everything you say i just think you're smart i'm like oh she's smart so i'm judging you just so you know i don't judge everyone in here but you i judge so jessica says
Starting point is 00:16:20 he says a lot of really dumb shit makes me think he's bought and paid for. And I think, oh, shit, Jessica might be on to something. Because I judge her because I think she's smart. Now, this person, I don't know who this is, says Neil is such an idiot. And I just see it as a comment. No, I don't judge it. I just say, okay. Interesting. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Okay. Ready? You guys ready? Enjoy. Just take a deep breath, hold your coffee in both hands, and look out your window and just really enjoy this. I have a hateful thing. Yeah, I mean, you know, just content that will solicit a reaction,
Starting point is 00:17:05 something that may include something that is slightly racist or slightly sexist, those kinds of things. So you think if something is slightly sexist, it should be banned? No, I'm not saying anything. I'm just curious. I'm trying to say what you mean by hateful content. And I'm asking for specific examples. And you just said that if something is slightly sexist, that's hateful content. Does that mean that it should be banned? Well, you've asked me whether my feed, whether it's got less or more. I'd say it's got slightly more.
Starting point is 00:17:34 That's what I'm asking for examples. Can you name one example? I honestly don't. You can't name a single example? I'll tell you why. Because I don't actually use that for you feed anymore because I just don't particularly like it. A lot of people are quite similar. I only look at my followers. Well, hang on a second.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You said you've seen more hateful content, but you can't name a single example, not even one. I'm not sure I've used that feed for the last three or four weeks. Well, then how did you see the hateful content? Because I've been using Twitter since you've taken over for the last six months. Okay, so then you must have at some point seen for you hateful content. I'm asking for one example. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:08 You can't give a single one. And I'm saying... Then I say so that you don't know what you're talking about. Really? Yes, because you can't give a single example of hateful content, not even one tweet, and yet you claimed that the hateful content was high. Well...
Starting point is 00:18:21 That's a false hateful. What do you mean to describe a hateful thing yeah i mean you know just content that will solicit a reaction something that may include something that is slightly racist or slightly sexist those kinds of those kinds of things so you think if something is slightly sexist it should be banned i don't know is that what you're saying i'm not saying how amazing is that he has no example you're sitting? How amazing is that? He has no example. You're sitting in front of Elon Musk telling him that his platform has more hateful and sexist content.
Starting point is 00:18:58 But you don't have one example. Of course you don't. Conjecture. You're being nice. You're being nice by calling it conjecture. Chris Besterfeld. Savon. I'm sorry this happened to you, Savon. I don't know what being canceled feels like, but I'm sure it hurts.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You're only trying to seek the truth. That's it. We love you, and we will follow you anywhere you go. Big love. Sent your way. Oh, thank you. I don't know. I feel like maybe that should have been said at the beginning or the end of the show,
Starting point is 00:19:35 but it's good anywhere. Who am I? I'm an English teacher. It's just some strong sentiment in the middle of the show. It's like I's like i'm running a 400 meter sprint and i'm at the 300 yard line i haven't won the race yet and you threw some roses out at me but but i appreciate it who am i to talk shit thank you but i'm not picking up that rose right now and it doesn't i don't know if it hurts i don't know if hurts is the right word. I have felt a little tripped up though. But I got a bunch of shit going on.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Like a bunch of little things going on. I don't have Caleb and Matt anymore. And that really fucking sucks. I mean that's a... I would take Caleb and Matt before I would take YouTube. Like if I had to choose. Could you want Caleb on every show or YouTube, Caleb? I wouldn't even think twice. I just really miss Caleb.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And I don't really tell, I mean, I tell him that. I don't think he knows like how much I miss him. I mean, we were just on a roll. Oh, you felt compelled. Okay, that was Jesus speaking through you. Yeah, fine. I understand. But I'm still ice skating and doing tricks and you threw roses out there on a roll oh you felt compelled okay that was jesus speaking through you oh fine i understand but i'm still ice skating and doing tricks and you threw roses out there and now i might trip on them
Starting point is 00:20:50 yeah he's so quick he kicks his shit and i'd like any laugh and i can look at him like if i'm feeling a little insecure i can look at him and like he'll laugh at my jokes and shit and like like i like i'm i'm strong with him you know there's bumpers on the show uh samantha hayden seven hasn't been canceled being canceled involves mass public shaming i don't think that's happened this is just a blip on the board i i they did around crossfit though they tried to cancel me in in that little world i don't know if tried's the word. They did. What a fucking amazing job. I did an amazing job. I had an amazing job.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And I was fired for fucking lies and for the exact opposite of the shit I did. Anyway, good kudos to elon fucking shit up excuse me i i didn't know if i wanted to share this not because i just don't know if this is kind of long and i don't know how well it translates to podcast someone the other day called me a youtuber and that kind of got in my head a little bit i'm like am i a youtuber i don't know if i'm a youtuber um but uh this is uh i have i haven't seen this um i've seen a lot of you know the rubik's cube's been around forever back when there were only three tv stations um there would
Starting point is 00:22:20 be cool rubik's cubes tricks on tv you, they would do whole shows of people like setting world records with the Rubik's cube, but I've never seen this. This guy takes a Rubik's cube. That's all messed up and looks at it and then picks up another Rubik's cube that solved and closes his eyes and makes it identical to the the Rubik's Cube that's all messed up. That's crazy. That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I thought it was a joke at first. And then I got hit with the most insane shit I've ever seen today. Yeah, that's a... That's a... That's something. It's a different kind of horsepower. I wonder what other stuff that that translates to. That kind of thinking.
Starting point is 00:23:25 My son carries a Rubik's cube wherever he goes. Can you solve it? Yeah. He memorized something. He memorized. I actually, I don't even know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:37 I don't, I don't even know what he did. Shut the fuck up. Hey hey how row 72 you shut your fucking mouth uh how rights just tell caleb how you feel don't keep it all in if caleb truly loves you he'll wait for you eat a dick. Okay, here we go. What's so crazy about it? He's the one who messed up the first one. He probably just messes it up in a certain pattern. Okay. Magic trick solved.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Okay, fine. Yeah. One down, one up, two to the left, three up, two to the right, three up, two down, one to the right. You mean like that? Like he's got like some sort of, all right. I guess, I guess we need to test, uh, Heidi's hypothesis. We have to give him one that's like messed up that, that I messed up or that you messed up. Yeah, fine. Okay. Uh, Heidi smarter than the host of the show and the Rubik's Cube guy not a problem there's something really cool about African accents you guys like those here in African dudes talk especially the man I like listening to the men talk it's cool it's a nice accent. It's even better than the English accent even.
Starting point is 00:25:07 My gender. I'm a mechanic. Mechanic. That is your gender. What is your gender? My gender. I'm a mechanic. I like the way he turns his head. I'm a mechanic. I'm a mechanic.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I'm a pussy mechanic. I'm a mechanic i'm a mechanic i'm a mechanic i'm a mechanic mechanic mechanic that is your gender yeah what is your gender what is your gender my gender my gender i'm a mechanic i'm a mechanic i'm a mechanic mechanic mechanic that is your gender yeah hey you think that person laughing in the background is laughing at him because of his answer? Or is that like a chicken getting its head cut off? What is your gender? My gender. I'm a mechanic.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Mechanic. Mechanic. That is your gender. God, look at that jacket too. That green jacket. Holy cow. Yeah, South African accent is great. I don't think that's set up. I don't think that's set up. I think that dude just...
Starting point is 00:26:19 I think it's just a joke on just how ridiculous gender is. It can be anything. Ah, here we go. Samantha Hayden with some intelligence. This guy's probably from a place that has real, actual problems. Like no clean water, right? Shit like that. Snakes in your bedroom.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Not like in America where we have to find problems and stuff to complain about. He doesn't understand the question because it's so asinine. where we have to find problems and stuff to complain about. He doesn't understand the question because it's so asinine. Oh, it's a chicken laughing at his answer. That's good. God, Heidi, you're cool. That's good.
Starting point is 00:26:59 That's fast. That's fast. That's really fast. I saw on Patrick Bed David's podcast. I don't know if it's fast. That's really fast. I saw, um, on Patrick, that David's podcast. I don't know if it's real.
Starting point is 00:27:10 I don't know. I don't know if the facts are real from, from his podcast, but I saw on the Patrick bed, uh, that David podcast that, uh, let me see if I can find the exact numbers here. Um,
Starting point is 00:27:24 um, Let me see if I can find the exact numbers here. Bud Light sales have dropped between 30% and 58% across the nation in bottles, cans, and drafts. I think drafts is like when you go into a bar and you pull that handle down. And he also reported this, that the drop is largest in gay bars, meaning gay people aren't stoked on the tranny shit. They're not like, they don't got Dylan Mulvaney's back. I don't know where Patrick Bed David got that stat either,
Starting point is 00:28:01 and I didn't validate it. Because part of me, I'm having trouble believing the go woke, go broke thing. I really am. I really am. Okay, here we go. Real man of genius. Today we
Starting point is 00:28:22 salute you, Mr. Budweiser head of marketing guy. Only you could take a beer and make it 20 years of amazing ad campaigns, and this is where we end up. Not gonna buy it. What the fuck
Starting point is 00:28:38 were you thinking? I mean, that's my sentiment. Oh, this is good. Mr. Ortega. I asked my mom what was my gender. She called me a pendejo. Smacked me and told me to wash dishes.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So, yep, there's that. Wow. I think pendejo is asshole. I'm going to look it up. Let me see. I think pendejo is asshole. I'm going to look it up. Pendejo. It says it's a vulgar and slang, a contemptible person. What does pendejo actually mean? Pendejo.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Mildly vulgar insult for asshole or idiot. So it's not even, wow, it's not even like specific. It's just, just Pendejo, Pendejo, Pendejo. Someone on Facebook said, it's funny to see rednecks finally participating in cancel culture i i don't know i'm feeling a little defensive about that i don't know if that's cancel culture i don't know if that's cancel culture i think that's like i like people people people buy people are into brands right
Starting point is 00:30:07 like i get people will buy stuff like all those women who have bags that have like gucci symbols on them or shit like that you know that i assume all none of those women are buying those bags because they like those bags i think that's all like um a statement you're trying to make right that you're trying to show off a brand that you think adds value to you and then maybe it's just being comfortable and trusting brands right like there's an image so i think budweiser anheuser-busch had built this image and a brand that people were comfortable with, maybe a status. And so I think they feel a little betrayed. It's like this, and it's hard to rebrand.
Starting point is 00:31:02 This is kind of a fascinating thing, a thought about rebranding. So when the Nazis were going to kill the Jews, before the Nazis were going to kill the Jews, they were trying to figure out how they were going to deal with the Jews. And they studied slavery in the United States very closely. And they were trying to figure out how the south dealt with black people and white people it wasn't it wasn't just black people the south was wanted to make all of the blacks and white and white farmers of the north indentured servants no one ever talks about that we're going to talk about that today a little bit i saw something today and uh that i can't even believe did you know that the first slave in the united states was owned by a black man that that i i fucking found that for someone
Starting point is 00:31:52 said it on the internet and i'm like there's no fucking way that can be true and and i fucking did the research and it's fucking 100 true from one of the and you can find it on one of the far left uh rags that the internet has wikipedia it's absolutely nuts but we'll get to that in a second so think about think about what the nazis did they the nazis was a brand right i mean at least to us today maybe back then it was a political party but today it's a brand and it's a really bad brand right like even if like you're a buddhist and you that look like the Nazi symbol, they got – I mean those are older than the Nazi symbol, but no one would dare put those up in front of their house, right? Buddhists are like, fuck that. The Nazis fucked that symbol up, right? So here you go. The Nazis have been unable to rebrand since 1940.
Starting point is 00:32:45 You can't be a Nazi today and be like, yeah, it's a great party. It was really disappointing what happened with the Jews. By the way, they killed just as many non-Jews as Jews. But it's really disappointing what happened with them executing so many people and their plan for eugenics. Like they're struggling to fucking rebrand. Like they're struggling to fucking rebrand. But the Democrats, who even up until the 1960s, that's 20 years after the Nazis voted against the Civil Rights Act, kept wanting to oppress black people. They've had no problem rebranding. They lynched 4,000, more than 4 000 black people and the same
Starting point is 00:33:29 amount of white people in the united states they lynched 8 000 fucking people or something like that in the united states now i know it's not fucking three million jews or two million jews whatever and another two million fucking non-Jews. But the Democrats rebranded like a motherfucker. For some reason, it's like totally okay to be a Democrat. All you have to be is like, oh no, that's the old Democrats. The Nazis, they have been completely unable to do that. Oh, those are the old Nazis.
Starting point is 00:34:02 These new ones love the Jews. We want reparations for the Jews. We're the new Nazis I'm huge right now I can't even believe how big I am I should have never got on the scale I feel like a giant not in a bad way Robbie Myers Joseph gobbles after branding the Nazis.
Starting point is 00:34:29 He then moved to America to work for the cigarette industry. Is that true? Samantha Hayden, when you control the media and control education, it's a hell of a lot easier to rebrand. Yeah. So that's the problem. I mean, it's crazy that the Democrats were able to rebrand. Remember yesterday when 12 doses was in here and he's like uh those were the old democrats i mean that's the kind of shit your parents tell you those are the old dots it's fine no no no those
Starting point is 00:34:54 are the old democrats these new ones it's great what they do they don't oppress the backs they go to their neighborhoods and hand out needles by the way it's not just the blacks it's anyone poor i should stop saying the blacks. It's a mischaracterization. Skin color has nothing to do with it. Anyway, pendejo. Pendejo. That's what 12 doses is sometimes, a pendejo.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Okay, so beer. It's fun. It's fun. It's cool. No one should be drinking anyway. Alcohol is stupid. Here we go. You're going to love this. This takes a little work.
Starting point is 00:35:35 This is going to be a little slow. Bear with me. It starts fast, but then we're going to have to do a little research together. This is what I saw last night, And I didn't believe this when I saw this. When I heard this. Here we go. Officer Tatum. Who was the first legal slave owner in slavery history in this country? Who was the first legal slave owner? Does anybody know his name? Nobody know his name? Anthony Johnson. Who was the first legal slave owner? The first legal slave owner.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Who was the first legal slave owner in the United States? And it's kind of a misnomer to call it the United States because it wasn't the United States then. But let's move on. You ever heard of Anthony Johnson? What color do you think Anthony Johnson is? He's black. Don't look it up. Don't believe me. I know.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Raise your hand if you if you think I'm lying. Raise your hand. I don't I'm not going to be hurt. I'm not lying. I just I just don't believe you. I just don't believe you. Fuck Whitey. Anthony Johnson, first legal slave owner United.
Starting point is 00:36:36 There's no way the first slave owner in this country could be black. There's no fucking way. In our history of slavery in this country was a black man. Go look it up. OK, fuck you. I'll look it up. Okay, fuck you. I'll look it up. They got his stuff plastered everywhere. They won't tell y'all that in school.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Yeah, why won't they tell me that in school? Oh, those pants are too tight on them? Because they needed to be the white man. Now, I don't know if that's true, if they needed to be the white man. I don't know who he means, they. But there's no way that the first slave in the united states is owned by a black man now i told you in some of my other research that the south didn't want to just enslave blacks that they wanted to come up to the north
Starting point is 00:37:14 and they wanted to enslave all the white farmers too and they basically said it the exact same way klaus schwab said it they said working us, they didn't use the term slave, you will live a better life than being free in the north, meaning we'll make sure you have food, water, and shelter. And that'll be a better life than what you have in the north as a struggling farmer. Devesh Maharaj, picking up on the word legal. So I look up Anthony Johnson.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And what do I find? That originally people, both white and black, both white and black, everyone, tons of people were brought to the United States of America. Let's call it North America because it wasn't the United States back then. They were brought to North America as indentured servants. They were not brought here as slaves. They were brought here as indentured servants where they would work between four and seven years and then they would earn freedom. And then after you worked as an indentured servant
Starting point is 00:38:36 for several years, you were granted land by the colony. Anthony Johnson later then became a tobacco farmer in Maryland he then brought other indentured servants to come work for him he brought an indentured servant to his land to work it, and that indentured servant had a baby. And that baby's name, I forget the first name, I think the first name was Kasor, C-A-S-O-R. C-A-S-O-R. C-A-S-O-R.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Kasur. There's a link here to that guy's name. Oh, maybe it's down here in, let's see. Later life. Kasur lawsuit. Hold on. Biographies. Is it?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Here. It's here. it's here let me see if i can find the link to his name oh here it is uh with his own indentured servants johnson ran his own tobacco farm in fact one of those servants john kasur would later become here it is uh one of the first american first african men to be declared indentured for life. So here's what happened. This guy had an indentured servant on his property. That indentured servant had a kid, and that kid then became the property of Anthony Johnson. And in that wiki article on Anthony Johnson, they call it indentured servant for life. But when you go to John Kassour's page, Anthony Johnson, a black man from Angolan – that must be somewhere in Africa – became the first slave. It says it in here. It's funny how they switched from indentured servant for life to slave.
Starting point is 00:40:53 All of a sudden, that's when the word slave started being used. Eventually, he did set John Kassour free, but John Kassour, by law law became an indentured servant for life, and that was the first slave. Now just think about that. In this, have we defined indentured servant? Just from the two wiki articles I read, indentured servant was someone – and this is still happening all over the world by the way i saw this happening in lebanon when i was there and i saw this happening in the uae when i was there it's basically and we know from uh jorge ventura it's happening here in california they basically bring people to a land so they take like four chinese cats and they're
Starting point is 00:41:39 like hey we'll pay for your travel your housing and your food but you have to come work for us for four years in the united states they bring them bring them to California and you got to water marijuana farms for four years. Indentured servant. And after four years, your shit's paid off. They set you free. I remember 60 Minutes did an article on that, not an article, a piece on that when I was a kid with Mexicans working in the fields in California. They basically did something even worse than indentured servants. They had the Mexicans here working and they made it so that no matter how hard they worked, they always owed the farm factories money. So even after four years of slaving in the fields, picking fucking kale,
Starting point is 00:42:20 when their four years was up, they still owed the farmers money. So they'd be stuck there forever. China and Russia do it with the timber trade. Yeah, that all makes sense. And the indentured servants were not all black. Matter of fact, I think one of the articles I read said that they were equal white and black. Reparations. Reparations. Crazy. and black reparations reparations crazy so i guess it's true first slave owner in the united states is a black dude go figure how does that work into the reparations god the reparations
Starting point is 00:42:58 thing is so fucking crazy it goes against everything we are as a country. Yesterday, so we've had some people on the show who think it's like we're making a mole hill out of an ant hill, an ant hill out of a mole hill, a mole mountain. We're making it a bigger issue than it really is. It's because they don't want to look at the kids. Like, no one gives a fuck if you're a tranny. Just don't fuck with the kids. Mountain out of a molehill. But here it is, man.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Here it is. A sex book for the ABCs. Why? This is what they're trying to teach the ABCs. Why? This is what they're trying to teach the youths, fam? Fam, B is for buy. C is for coming out. D is for drag.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Fam, fire that book. Yo, I'm not fucking winners, and this is what they're trying to teach the youths, Sam? This isn't a joke book. This isn't a joke book. Sam, B is for buy. C is for coming out. D is for drag. Sam, fire that book.
Starting point is 00:44:23 That's a great dropkick. Yeah, I thought so too. Yeah, yeah. Look at two Armenian dudes just understanding movement. No, not Mike Hunt. That's like, that's joke shit. Yeah. And I ask you, and I ask you,
Starting point is 00:44:43 for all you people out there who don't appreciate a good religious person, do you think the author of that book is Muslim or Christian? No. Do you think the author of that book is a libertarian or a republican? No. Do you think that book plants seeds in the kids heads that they shouldn't be thinking about yes yes if you don't know your abcs can you imagine i'm going to teach you the letter the letter b today and i'm going to talk to you about being bisexual. Holy fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Holy fuck. Holy fuck, we live with fucking wackadoodles. Oh, my god. And then these idiots pivot and they're like, hey, you're being homophobic or transphobic. Are you fucking kidding me? That book should be at a fucking bar. Teach them the letter. They don't know the letter. Some kid doesn't know the letter B, but you're going to teach them about bisexuality.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You're a fucking scumbag of the highest order. They don't have so they're always like when you know when you say hey the straight people aren't doing that and people be like because the straight shit's everywhere well I never seen an ABC book introducing kids to sex never not one
Starting point is 00:46:41 you should have to be 21 to buy that fucking book. Okay, 18. Okay, 17. This is, we're going to listen to this a few times. I honestly think this chick is on to something right here. I am not saying we should kill all the stupid people, but let's just start taking some warning labels off some shit. Let it sort itself out.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Look, I am not saying we should kill all the stupid people, but let's just start taking some warning labels off some shit. Let it sort itself out. God, that's good. Hey, what's up with her eyelashes right here? I could count her eyelashes. Like my eyelashes I feel like are just like a wall of shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:37 Like there's so many and they're so close together. But hers are like I can see how many there are danny spiegel's are like that too or is it because they're um like how men lose their hair women lose their eyelashes what the fuck is going on makeup makeup does that like you put on too much makeup and they lost they lost some eyelashes or they're clumped together? She has individual extensions? Well, she should have more of them extended.
Starting point is 00:48:11 How come? I think you're supposed to have like a wall. Like mine are packed fucking together in there. Like you couldn't look through them. It's like a curtain. They're stuck together from the goo oh shit once you go fake you have to have them done all the time fuck that they're combed they're clumped if they were combed cumbrellas wow that's wow
Starting point is 00:48:42 wow oh my goodness sorry we're gonna have to take a break for the show cumbrellas holy shit that's crazy cumbrellas uh cumbrella 18... Oh my god. Holy shit, this is real. Oh my goodness. I don't know if this is real. Wait till you see. This is incredible.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Wow, Justin. You are... Someone give this guy a wrench. This is high-level contribution. or someone give this guy a wrench. This is high-level contribution. A cumbrella. In 1882, London prostitute Gerda Peridel. Peridel? Peridel?
Starting point is 00:49:32 Peridel. Peridel. In 1882, London prostitute Gerda Peridel invented elongated eyelashes or cumbrellas to block semen from getting in working girls' eyes that are worn today as common fashion. That cannot fucking be true. This is the real content.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh, my God. Cumbrellas. Let's get another source for this. This is, hold on. We need another source. Cumbrellas. History. Is there, oh, I wonder if Wiki has a, Hold on. We need another short. Cumbrellas.
Starting point is 00:50:26 History. Is there, oh, I wonder if Wiki has a, Oh my God, USA Today. Oh my God, there's a USA Today. Canadian inventor patented false eyelashes. Okay, hold on. We're going to have to get to the bottom of this. Cumbrellas.
Starting point is 00:50:56 That's one of those things if my mom hears, I'm not going to be allowed to say, I don't think. On social media, a viral claim is forcing false eyelash wearers to confront the beauty accessories alleged lewd history several popular images inaccurately claim a 19th century prostitute invented the cosmetic accessory to protect your eyes from bodily fluids shut the fuck up you mean cum semen
Starting point is 00:51:16 uh uh let's see. The false claim is accompanied by an imagery of contemporary French actress Alice Renault did not invent lashes and she was not a prostitute. Well, that's not the name we were given. While Googling that phrase may generate these results, that does not make the
Starting point is 00:51:45 memes claim true kind of like how the uh everything that they're set out there about the injection uh fake eyelashes were patented by a canadian inventor in 1911 well that doesn't mean anything societies have coveted long eyelashes and individuals have tried many techniques to meet these beauty standards I will tell you this they're definitely used to attract more dick
Starting point is 00:52:17 like I have to assume like if you have fake boobs and fake eyelashes and you straighten your hair and just do all that stuff, I mean I'm guessing – I'm sure someone's going to say, no, they do it for themselves to feel good. What does that mean, to feel – why do those things make you feel good? Well, because you attract more dick. That's fair. Eric says, I believe Urban Dictionary over USA Today any day. That's fair Eric says I believe urban dictionary over USA Today any day that's that's fair
Starting point is 00:52:46 oh shit yeah this is ridiculous as ridiculous as what Ortega is saying would you have an ABC book where C is for cumbrella and teach your kids that? But no, it's okay to teach your kid coming out of the closet for C when they don't even know the fucking alphabet. Anyway, cumbrella, that's good shit. Anyway, cumbrella, that's good shit. Anyway, yeah, I'm all for taking the warning label off of shit. That's fine. I'm totally fine with this. C is for cumbrella women do it to show off for other women
Starting point is 00:53:50 yeah why how come what for so that what for i it's guys that's true elon didn't buy twitter uh elon bought twitter to just to get more pussy it's it's every guy the guy holds the world record for juggling and there's some failed mating strategies you can we can say it more cleanly everything's a mating strategy how about the dalai lama holy shit man is nothing sacred yeah peacocking yeah peacocking yeah which means that they're doing it for code doing it to show off to other women is like hey back down um i don't get it they look fake and ruin your natural lashes. I mean, I think that whenever I look at Sarah Sigmundotter's face and I see her fake eyelashes, I ain't going to lie, I like it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But the fact that if it ruins – I think they're fake. But the fact that it ruins your – and I like Brooke Wells' fake eyelashes. I like eye stuff, mascara. But the fact that if it ruins your real eyelashes can't do it i think that's a mistake i agree with you enormous mistake don't do anything to ruin the good the real shit oh that's fair or because they don't want to we don't want to be the potato of the group yeah i see what you're saying so there's like there's dipshits like me that like guys like
Starting point is 00:55:33 me who are like oh my god look at her giant fake tits and her nice eyelashes like fucking and i can't stop talking to her and there's some girl in the corner who looks like a she hasn't done that so she looks like a potato. She hasn't done that, so she looks like a potato. Yeah. Fucking fair enough. I think the smart Jewish men will still be attracted to the potatoes. Because they know at the end of the day all that other stuff is just bullshit. Listen, think if you had to wait for your wife to get ready 20 minutes every single day. Because she's got to put some fucking vitamin E oil on her fake tits to protect her skin,
Starting point is 00:56:13 and she's got to do another 10 minutes of makeup. That 20 minutes is then 140 minutes a week you're waiting around for with your thumb in your ass. That's two hours a week. That's 104 hours a year. Fuck that. I'll go with the chick that just looks normal. Yeah, I like the natural looking women too. To me, way.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Yeah, muff please. Yes, all that. Thank you. Thank you. All of it. Yeah. I'll take it all. looking women too i mean to me way yeah muff please yes all that thank you thank you all of it yeah i'll take it all just i just need you to maybe grab a handful of pubes once in a while and just take scissors and snip them off just you know what i mean i'm not really i'm not too judgy i don't really want to see the pubes hanging out the side of the bathing suit or like see it like poofy under the bathing suit but during the winter you grow that shit out i think tomorrow i think tomorrow we take our pubic hair conversation to youtube hygiene hygiene yeah exactly after spending so much time in the gym i hate makeup now women i know i recalibrate too
Starting point is 00:57:25 and i don't like women made up either uh sweaty with a ponytail please thank you god you're fucking hot christmas abbott was a perfect example of that sweaty and fucking just worked out hot as shit made up and smiling fake smiling and model photos fucking can't it was like it was like the opposite of before and after yeah god sweaty girl is great anyway okay i love watching my wife work out all sweaty wife come home from pilates my wife does a lot of pilates okay here we go action around the country this image is used as a depiction to explain equality and equity but here's the flawed logic of equity tall gentleman has to give up his crate so that the short person can stand on the crate
Starting point is 00:58:20 here's a better idea instead of watching the game for free from the fence, how about purchasing a ticket to get in the game and sit in the bleachers along with the rest of the crowd? This is the hard truth that no one will tell you. Equity will not fix the dire marriage rate in the black community. 80% of black homes are led by a single parent and statistics show that this has a negative impact on children mentally, socially, and academically. Going woke won't bring daddy home. The answer is not diversity, equity, and inclusion. The answer is faith, family, morality, and education void of special interests. Equity lowers the bar, overlooks merit merit and puts the focus on skin tone only.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Equity is legalized theft because it takes from the productive person and gives to the unproductive. Instead of focusing on the equity, the teachers don't have the ability to even discipline the students and correct their violent behaviors. Woke takes from the productives and gives to the unproductive. We don't need DEI. We need faith, family, and morality. Well, Sevan, can't we have both? No, we cannot.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Well, you're so close-minded. No, one doesn't work. One makes you a codependent Jeremy Eat World this guy has my vote I know he's good oh I got something good for you I got something I'm so proud of I got something I'm so proud of.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's coming. It's coming. Here we go. It's coming. It's coming. One more. We're close to it. We're close to it.
Starting point is 01:00:22 This is good, though, too. You guys are going to enjoy this. This is good, though, too. You guys are going to enjoy this. This is good. This is titled 513. No. Is it 513? People who prioritize drug use over shelter. People who steal your shit as their occupation.
Starting point is 01:00:44 There's people who prioritize drug use over shelter. Those people also, their occupation is to steal your shit. I ask you, I ask you, I ask you, all of you listening, everyone out there in the world, especially the libtards. You are addicted to fucking drugs. Bear with me here. Just think about this. You're addicted to drugs. Your every movement throughout the day is to get more drugs.
Starting point is 01:01:23 The only time you're not moving from one place to another to get more drugs is when you're so high that you can't move. Those of you who smoke cigarettes or who are addicted to coffee, you understand that. Smokers just move from point to point looking for places to smoke. Coffee drinkers, some of them don't realize they're addicted. You want to fuck with them. As soon as they travel, the first thing that they do when they land that night is think, okay, where am I going to get my coffee in the morning? It's how addicts move on different levels. But these people who are truly addicted to like hardcore drugs that aren't widely available, they need to figure out how they're going to get their drugs at all times and how they're going to pay for them, how they're going to pay for them and where they're going to get them.
Starting point is 01:02:03 and how they're going to pay for them, how they're going to pay for them and where they're going to get them. Now, imagine you're that person and you've gotten so bad into your drug addiction that you're fucking on the streets. You're not actually fucking on the streets. You're on the streets. And you're homeless and you prioritize your fentanyl use and your heroin use and your crack use over shelter. Life sucks. You don't have a place to shower. You've given up on showering. You wear dirty clothes. You pee in the streets. You haven't seen your family in months. You feel like you're going crazy. You think more about how you want to quit and how much your life sucks than wanting drugs. Shit gotten really bad but you just can't stop you just can't stop you live in a tent it's freezing cold outside you're starting to get
Starting point is 01:02:57 blisters on yourself you have some disease because you've been using dirty needles. Do you want the Democrats to take care of you and build you shelter and put out a needle exchange? Or do you think it would be best if you were arrested? What would you want? Ask yourself that. What would you want? Would you want a place built for you so that you could do more drugs?
Starting point is 01:03:28 Hang out with more drug addicts? Or would you want to be arrested? Arrested, please. Arrested, please. All the people we've had on this show who are drug addicts and were arrested, they got like that seven days of sobriety. But Stefan, there's drugs in jail. Yeah, you're right. Not like the fucking streets. Hey, if one of my sons, God forbid, is ever in that situation, I hope he fucking gets arrested.
Starting point is 01:03:57 That's like the best fucking thing that could happen to you at that point. You need a fucking rude awakening. You don't need codependence all around you. I'm not suggesting you become a Republican or a libertarian. I'm suggesting that if you're a fucking Democrat, that you're a fucking piece of shit that's exacerbating the problem. You're just a codependent. You never think, what if that was me? What would I want? You would not want clean needles You'd want to be taken off the streets Put into a fucking holding cell So you can get fucking 48 hours of like Think about what you'd want for yourself
Starting point is 01:04:41 Think about what you'd want for your son or daughter Handing out fucking blankets Think about what you'd want for yourself. Think about what you'd want for your son or daughter. Handing out fucking blankets. No, arrest these fucking motherfuckers and put them in holding cells. Take them to jail. It's a win-win for everybody. It's a win-win for everybody fucking housing problem there's no housing problem you're not supposed to say homeless no more did any y'all know that there's better terminology for homeless people yes i knew there'd be somebody here from san francisco
Starting point is 01:05:30 it's unhoused that's what it is and you know what else the girl told me she was mad as hell she said you didn't know that she said also you're supposed to say people who are experiencing homelessness yes and i didn't know that either. And I didn't know that either. She said, you didn't know that? I said, I didn't know we was making up words for homeless mother. She said, excuse me, what would you call them? I was like, I don't know, roof challenged, cardboard enthusiasts, outdooraholics, indooraphobics I'm a comedian I can keep going
Starting point is 01:06:08 I found out you're not supposed to say homeless cardboard enthusiasts money for those of you who live in places where there aren't homeless people, congrats, that's awesome, for those of you living in Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago, man, what a complete shit show,
Starting point is 01:06:38 you have people all around you acting like they're compassionate, and they're just hurting people, around you acting like they're compassionate and they're just hurting people uh most of you know this uh this is like crossfit level one material shit uh where you know greg made sure that people knew the difference between cause and effect and correlate or at least gave him some examples so for example if i um your heart rate is a correlate, right? To, to a bunch of other things. But if I scare you and your heart rate goes up, it doesn't mean you're getting fitter, right? Whereas if you, it's just a correlate, your heart rate spiking, whereas if you run around a track and your heart rate goes up, it's also just a correlate, but you are getting fitter. Everyone understand?
Starting point is 01:07:20 It's just a correlate. It's just a correlate. 55 people scream when they get scared out of 145 scream when they're having sex. It's just a correlate, two different things. You can't hear someone scream and be like, oh, they're scared. But if you had to guess and you were a betting man, maybe you'd guess that they were scared. Unless you had other factors that might be correlates unless like you were at um listening at a bedroom door or it could be you could be scared and having sex correlates versus cause and effect some correlates are stronger than other correlates. Everyone get it? Cigarette smoking and cancer. Cause or just crazy strong correlate? 512. Here we go. Now listen. Listen carefully here, people.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Listen carefully. There's a lot to unpack here. I really like this guy, too. I like his whole demeanor and everything. You hear about this shooting in Texas? Yeah, by a mentally deranged person who thought she was a he. And was, yeah. Wow. Major transphobia coming through here here third shooting by someone who identified as trans and we we won't even talk about it but there was definitely mental
Starting point is 01:08:52 illness there and she targeted vilification he or she targeted christians and actually in the manifesto targeted people like me because she was angry at people like me i'd be angry at people like you too. If I'd been constantly oppressed. Shooting me and shooting my children. No, because we value human life, even though we may disagree, your life has value.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So she said nothing that was transphobic, right? What does transphobic means? It means like you, you, you're afraid of transgender people. It means you don't like someone because they're a man who wants to have a penis? I mean, she didn't say anything like that.
Starting point is 01:09:34 What is transphobic? You don't want to sit on the same toilet as someone who's trans? I mean, it can't be transphobic just to point out a fact right that person over there who's a great dancer is a trans person that's a tranny that's not transphobic right that person over there who just slapped those two kids that's a tranny that's not transphobic right that person who made this cake this is the best cake i ever had is a tranny that's not transphobic right that's just pointing out that it's it's a it's someone parading around as the opposite sex that they were born as as a as a as a signifier
Starting point is 01:10:11 of some quality of theirs you have transphobic is like um you have some sort of irrational like a phobia is like some sort of irrational fear right like if're, isn't there something called like arachnophobia? You're afraid of spiders? Like just all spiders? You have irrational fear of spiders? Okay. Now I'm going to point this out to you. I do like that guy though.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Do you like that guy's demeanor? That kid's cool. Like I would hang with that kid. You hear about this shooting in Texas. Yeah, by a mentally deranged person who thought she was a he and was yeah i like that i could have that could have been me that could have been me in college i hate to say it that dude's even cooler than i am i was wow major transphobia i just like how he says that. Major transphobia.
Starting point is 01:11:05 That's a cool dude. I get it. I get it. He's searching. He's feeling it. He's feeling himself. Third shooting by someone who identified as trans. Now here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:11:17 You guys have heard me say on this show a fucking million times. 51% of all murders by gun in the United States are done by people with black skin. 51%. Now think about that. 51% of all murders committed in the United States with a gun have been done with someone with black skin. Now, you would have to be a complete fucking moron to think that black skin is the cause of making someone a murderer. For some reason, the left has made it okay to use skin as a correlate, skin color as a correlate for everything. So when you say that 51% of all murders in this country are committed by someone with black skin, you you're being manipulative and you're mischaracterizing because you know that there's a lot of dumb people out there who will confuse that black skin as being a cause and not a correlate it's just a fucking correlate
Starting point is 01:12:15 it's like saying that um uh asian people 90 of all physicists are asian and for some reason having slanted eyes makes you a better physicist. There's just no fucking truth to that. These are all just correlates. Now, here we go. This is the part that's going to fucking – that the left doesn't want to acknowledge. It is not just a fucking correlate that fucking trannies are killing people. It is not just a fucking correlate that fucking trannies are killing people.
Starting point is 01:12:51 These trannies are fucking wackadoodles. 99% of them. Oh, look at Planges here. This is going to be fun. This is going to be fun. Here we go. And 99% of all those black people murderers are gang and drug related. All those are volunteering for that lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:13:08 I don't care about them. I care about the innocent kid being gunned down. Fine. Okay. Fine. Whatever. Don't, don't, uh, uh, now here, look at that. The shooter being trans is irrelevant. No, no, no. You know, you know, you know how I know that. Cause no one ever talked about any shooters, gender, sexual orientation ever until now. Hey dude, dude, what are you talking about? Because it was never talked about before and now it is. It can't be true. Shut the fuck up. That doesn't even make sense. That doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Because we've never talked about something before. Hey, dude, I am telling you, if you think that there's happiness plange and chopping off your by the way thank you for coming here i need it i need an antagonist if you think that there's any sanity in chopping off your penis or your titties uh you're you're completely wrong i wish i could i'll tell you this is my bias plange i truly believe that in order to be happy you have to accept yourself i think that's the only way i don't have any strong evidence for that. I'm sorry. And that's my bias. That's my weakness. That's my conjecture. That's my subjectivity. I don't believe that you find happiness by – I don't think you find happiness by getting a nose job. I don't think you find happiness by – matter of fact, I think you push it away. you push it away i think you you create other obstacles i don't think you find happiness by getting fake titties i don't think you find happiness by getting eyelashes i think most of those people end up continuing almost exacerbating their issues
Starting point is 01:14:32 and so to to think that someone who is born with a um if you do not think that trans is a stronger correlate for insanity than having uh melanated skin i'm sorry i disagree with you i don't think skin color has anything to do with any violent activities but i do think being mentally unstable does have to do with violent activities and i do think culture has to do with violent activities and i do think culture has to do with violent activities and i find it's fascinating the trend it is fascinating that trans people can't accept who they're born as and yet they want their their biggest demand is to have other people accept them and and furthermore i would say this i'd say of the shit. This goes to melanated people too. This goes to melanated people too. I'd guess that 99%.
Starting point is 01:15:45 I'm going to hold off on that. Here we go. How do you fucking know what makes or doesn't make someone happy? Hey, dude, how do I know that putting gasoline in a car makes a car go? There's certain mechanisms that are just true for all of us. Yeah, I understand. Think about what you're saying. You're going to someone's head. I agree.
Starting point is 01:16:02 And that's it. I'm going into someone's head. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're absolutely right. And I make myself vulnerable by, I make myself vulnerable by saying that. I don't, I don't have endless examples of proof, but I, but I don't think that there's any happiness on the, by chasing something on the outside. I don't think the world works like that But I don't think that there's any happiness by chasing something on the outside. I don't think the world works like that. I don't think we as humans work like that.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yes, plan just 12 daily doses. And not only that plans, I'm gonna take it one step further. I think people who support that, other people finding happiness on the outside are basically codependents. I think it's the same as you taking needles to someone full of fentanyl and helping them shoot up because that's what they want.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I think that's what you're doing. 99% of the shit that people think that other people don't like about them is made up. That goes for melanated people, Asian people, short Armenian people, and trans people. 99% of it is made up bullshit in their heads. They have been accepted. That's the thing. You think prior to their acceptance, acceptance of themselves plans, not acceptance from people on the outside. That's where you're confused, buddy.
Starting point is 01:17:23 It's about accepting yourself. Anyway, fascinating, right? You'd have to be an idiot to think that fucking skin color has anything to do with violence. Just a correlate. But pure trannies have some serious fucking mental issues. Serious mental issues.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Way off course. Way off course. You can use that as a compass for yourself. If you are going to choose a way to make yourself better on the outside, to make yourself feel better, choose some good shit. Choose some good shit. Usually it has to do with giving something up, not adding something. And by giving something up, I don't mean chopping off your penis. I mean, giving up the thought of having to chop off your penis,
Starting point is 01:18:28 giving up the thought of getting a tattoo, giving up the thought of eating a cake, giving up the thought of buying a new car. Just let those things go. Freedom, freedom. You're shackled by your thoughts. Don't trust those people who want to support you doing fentanyl to find happiness. I don't recommend you trust them.
Starting point is 01:19:00 You need to buy yourself some time in order to figure shit out. Get a gym membership and work out. Tinker with your diet. Learn how to hold your breath for four minutes. Do some things that add value to your fucking self, to your self-esteem. Learn a party chick. Learn how to juggle with four balls. Try masturbating with your left hand. Do a hundred burpees for time. Yeah, all these very simple things. I wonder what they do with the penis. Does it get thrown into the trash? Biohazard.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Come on, Judy. You know what they do with it. You need three penises to make all those folds that your vaginas have. They take all that shit and turn it into a vagina. I don't use the word zombie lightly. Like I said earlier, if you were a zombie, would you want help from the left to keep you on the streets? Or would you want to be arrested and taken to jail and get a few free days of sobriety?
Starting point is 01:20:15 They are real life zombies, people. Is that oxymoron, real life zombies? No, any better. And you look at this video, you would think that it's from, not from America at all, but from some kind of third-world hellhole. Or else maybe from a Hollywood soundstage where they're filming another zombie apocalypse movie. But tragically, the zombie-infested third-world wasteland that you can see in the video is called Philadelphia. Trash and debris littering the streets.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Homeless laying all over the sidewalk. People wandering around hunched over in drugged out stupors. It's a vision of horror and desperation and gloom. Now, this, I believe, is Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia. It's the poorest, most violent part of one of the poorest and most violent cities in America. The violent crime rate around Kensington is 328 violent crimes per 10,000 residents. Now, for comparison's sake, the violent crime rate for the whole nation is 366 per 100,000.
Starting point is 01:21:09 What you can see in the video is what that area and much of the rest of the city looks like all the time, every day, 24-7. This is it. This is an American city, Philadelphia. In fact, if you didn't know any better... Dude. The fucking zombie apocalypse.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Oh, my goodness. Wow. Good shit. good shit um uh plan uh focus on on on parenting dude we need we need better we need more parents we need more parents we need more cops don't worry about the guns dude it's it's you're better than that that's manipulative big big picture dude hunts hunt big picture dude big picture go big game hunting parents encourage people to be better parents that's where it's at dude go big take guns off the street you just that's like you probably like you probably had a stack of N95s too, huh? You thought that was gonna protect
Starting point is 01:22:27 you, the N95s? Go N95s. No. Big picture, dude. Parenting, parenting, parenting. Here we go. This guy's good. This room is in session. This is for the fucking adults. 53 grams of sugar. 57 grams of sugar.
Starting point is 01:22:52 55 grams of sugar. 48 grams of sugar. 83 fucking grams of sugar. You know what that is? It's fucking child abuse because you're the assholes that are fucking giving it to your kids. Welcome to fucking America. Grow the fuck up and do your job as a fucking parent. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, my buddy Travis Bajent told me that if you want your kid to be at the 98 percentile, just don't get him a cell phone and have him do CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:23:35 And your kid will be 98 percent better than all the other kids. It really is that easy. It really is that easy it really is that easy now i'm not saying that's that's the i don't think you should stop there i think you should do more for your kids but the what i see every day out there it is uh it is fucking pathetic, the parenting I see. It is absolutely... Can you imagine people buying their kids Reese's peanut butter cups? Can you imagine giving a 10-year-old boy a cell phone? You are either...
Starting point is 01:24:20 I don't believe in evil or demons but dude that's gotta be up there that's gotta be fucking up there that's gotta be fucking up there man holy shit you can walk around the streets of my town I live in a pretty fit town and I can find kids that are so fucking obese that they're,
Starting point is 01:24:46 that they're damaged for life. Like there there's, they'll have, they'll, they'll have their, their body's been damaged to a point where, you know, it's a 10 year old boy,
Starting point is 01:24:54 but he'll never, he'll, he can never be fit. He can never look like rich Froney no matter what his he's fucked. He damaged his rig. He bent the frame of his car. He damaged his rig. He bent the frame of his car. Imagine thinking buying a peanut butter cup as a treat is a bigger problem than mass shootings in this country.
Starting point is 01:25:23 So I'll give this one sober shot plans and then you and then you can take it and see the big picture. You are so myopic, buddy, that you're not seeing the big picture. But let's just look at it. Do you think if you were to use the metric, I'll give you something very simple and myopic that you can fixate on. Do you think that guns take more days of lives from people living on planet Earth or do you think sugar does? So if you were to take the average age of death of someone killed and then take the average age of that someone dies and figure all
Starting point is 01:25:50 the days that guns take away and then do the same thing with diet what do you think takes away more days it's not even close the food takes away the food takes away way more now let me just to you about some correlates. Do you think that the parents do you think that these shooters have parents who are good parents who didn't stuff candy and sugar and in in give their kids cell phones? Do you think those are the kids who are the shooters or do you think it's the you think it's the parents who didn't feed their kids candy and didn't give their kids cell phones? Who do you think the shooters are? Buddy, you want to spend... You're such a fucking hardcore liberal. It's crazy. You want to pick up trash your whole life instead of convince people to stop littering. And I get it. I get it. I ain't mad at you for that.
Starting point is 01:26:47 No one's disagreeing with you. But you're just so small picture. It's your job as a parent to take care of your kids. Don't poison your fucking kids. I know, Plangeche you're saying i know you've already admitted that you think that if no one's ever thought of something before that no one knew can think of it and you also think that if everyone else is giving your kids candy you should give your kids candy we've already established that about you you're you're you're you you agree with whatever the masses agree we know that about you already
Starting point is 01:27:25 you don't have to keep pounding that into us you say you're a bad parent if you buy them peanut butter cup damn straight I'm saying that I'm damn straight you are doing bad parenting when you feed your kid processed shit when i open a bag of salami and let my kids just eat it fucking which i do i'm not being a good parent that's 100 true
Starting point is 01:27:58 the difference between me and you is that i could admit that stuff you here's what i think i think that you've done so much bad shit that you somehow you feel like it would be wrong you think it's you think it's okay to give a 10 year old boy a cell phone irrelevant your kids your kids are eating them when you aren't around dude i promise and promise. And that makes, look at your premise, and that makes it okay. Wow. Wow. It doesn't matter if they're eating it when I'm around or not around. Not in my control.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Man. Anyway, it's good. keep the victim shit alive do not feed your kids that shit do your best not to feed your kids that shit nitrate-free salami i just i prefer not to feed my kid anything processed and i'm and i'm fucking no i feed them processed shit every day there's something i feed them you know it's like beefcakes it's like the lara bar right it only has three ingredients or the rx bar it only has four ingredients but i still prefer not to i'd rather just but i do it i'm guilty of it but i prefer like to just get some dates and put them in a bag and take some fruit and then you know um even even the rotisserie chicken i get you know i feel like that's better rip off some pieces off a rotisserie chicken and throw it into a plastic bag or
Starting point is 01:29:30 ideally a glass a glass container we've moved more and more towards glass shit um it's okay not to be perfect it's okay it's okay you should be failing every day if you're not failing every fucking day no you know what my did did no we didn't do easter baskets they did um my my oh uh they did i so i didn't wasn't involved in that, but my wife did eggs around the house or around the backyard, around the yard. And they did, um, mostly it was a, uh, stones in there, like little rocks. They like rocks. Like my wife went to like some sort of polished rock store or maybe she ordered them on Amazon. I didn't ask her and they had polished rocks, but they also each had this one little bag of gummies. And it wasn't, um, it wasn't like, you know, they were packaged, like they would look like gummies, like from whole foods, like they were supposed to be good for you gummies. I'm sure they weren't right. Um, but, uh, it's, you should be failing every day. But you should be failing every day. You should be failing every day.
Starting point is 01:30:50 If I go somewhere to a store, I do my best. If I take my kids to Jamba Juice, I see the frozen yogurt, and I'm like, hey, can you sub that frozen yogurt with some bananas? I'm just doing my best. Yeah. Yeah. You gave your kid gummies. What a shitty dad you are.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Yes. It's okay. It's okay to be a shitty dad. It's okay. It's okay. It's fine. Every day I do shitty stuff. I do.
Starting point is 01:31:23 I do. There's a whole. I am. I am not perfect. I'm there's a whole I am I am not perfect I'm just trying send me money planche god please I hope you've been saving I hope every time you wanted to send me money you've been saving it so when we're back on YouTube you could hook a brother up oh my goodness I don't let my kids drink out of plastic either. I try not to. I got all glass cups. Little tiny ones.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I just do my best. I just do my best. I just work on it. Yes. You just said five minutes ago you're a bad parent. If you give your kids true, you are. Yes. I'm a bad parent.
Starting point is 01:32:05 There's yes. Salaam alaikum. I don't think I used that right. Yes. I'm going to do all sorts of bad shit with them. I've taken them to fucking Jack in the Box. Through the drive-thru. God, they were so impressed.
Starting point is 01:32:26 They couldn't believe food came out of a hole of a building. They were tripping. I did get in trouble for that. My wife lets me do whatever the fuck I want. And it's probably because I'm not into anal at all. I find the butthole disgusting. But my wife lets me do whatever I want, but I did get in trouble for that.
Starting point is 01:32:44 disgusting but um my wife lets me do whatever i want but i did get in trouble for that i uh taking them to uh jack and hey listen that's why i'm such a good mate i don't um i don't uh i'm not like my wife yells my not yells but my wife gives me a stern like do not take them to jack in the box again i do not approve approve of that. Like, she never tells me shit like that. But when she tells me that, I don't say back to her, well, you gave them gummies for Easter. I do not say that. I don't think that. I don't worry about that.
Starting point is 01:33:15 I stay in my own fucking lane. And I go, okay, my wife didn't like that. I'm not doing that. Now, my wife said the other day when she's like, and I cower a little bit. I'm like, I know I fucked up. I know I fucked up. She made those fucking kids and she told me not to take them to Jack Marks again. I know I fucked up.
Starting point is 01:33:44 That's not good. That is not fucking good. That was a huge mistake. I shouldn't have done that. I wish I wouldn't have done it to her kids. But let me tell you, when the tennis instructor calls and says, hey, I have a private that opened on this Thursday and I want you to start coming and bringing one of your kids. My wife's like, oh, fuck, how are we going to fit that into the schedule? I'm like, hey, don't worry about that.
Starting point is 01:34:08 We're lucky that this guy wants to work with our kids. And I push back there. No, I don't think sugar is good in moderation. I don't think sugar is good in moderation. I don't think a little bit of, I don't think that, I want to agree with you. I want to find a place where we can kumbaya. I don't think a little bit of peanut butter in the gas tank of my Sienna is okay. I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't. I don't.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I don't. I don't think it's cool when a chick walks by me and I'm holding my hand's wife and a chick walks by me with giant fucking tits and I stare at him. I try not to. But like maybe I'll stop and tie my shoe to get a peek or something. It's like someone walks by with a Great Dane. It's like I'm going to look. I'm going to look. I'm going to look. Wow, holy fuck, look at the size of those dogs.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Doesn't make it right. I don't think it makes me a bad person to stare at the dogs. But no, I don't think a little bit of sugar is okay. I don't. And I'm okay with it. I don't think a little bit of smoking is okay. But I'm okay with that And I'm okay with it. I don't think a little bit of smoking is okay. But I'm okay with that. I'm okay with that.
Starting point is 01:35:29 I think you should feel ashamed. I think people should feel shame. I think if you throw litter out your car window, you should feel ashamed. You should be embarrassed. If not, I think something's wrong with you. Caleb Beaver? Caleb's always... Now, here's the thing. Here's the problem with Caleb. He's 25. He's young. here's the thing here's the problem
Starting point is 01:35:45 with Caleb he's 25 he's young he wants to live life on the edge he probably he probably throws espresso beans
Starting point is 01:35:54 in the air and catches them not worried that when they land they might chip the enamel on his teeth probably puts
Starting point is 01:36:01 his girlfriend his wife's hot as fuck whatever she wants if she wants a couple fingers in his ass he's young I'm not Caleb and I are different places in our life putting fingers in someone's ass is illegal
Starting point is 01:36:17 I don't feel guilty I do not feel guilty I do not feel guilty I do't feel guilty. I do not feel guilty. I do not feel guilty. I do not feel guilty. I do not. Yeah, here. Janelle, thank you. Sugar is not good at all, but you can choose to eat it.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Yeah. I don't feel guilty. Trust me. I don't. I don't. I'm just not in denial. I don't smoke cigarettes, but I'm not like I hate smoking. I fucking love smoking.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Now this is kind of weird. What I'm about to show you, this is kind of weird. This I'm struggling with. I'm all about finding your voice. kind of weird this i'm struggling with i'm all about like finding your voice i like it when um uh i like it when uh andrew hiller explores new stuff i like it when i explore new stuff on the show like when i do people's voices that makes me feel a little uncomfortable i'm it's a little weird for me um i the i like doing like showing the guys jumping around with the cocks flopping in the pants it makes me feel uncomfortable but I do it because I think it's funny.
Starting point is 01:37:26 And I think you guys think it's funny. And I think it makes us all feel uncomfortable, but the same way like black licorice makes us feel uncomfortable. Like I'm for exploring. I'm off. I'm, I'm okay. I, I, I, I'm, I'm proud of ourselves in, in, in the cohort and our team when people explore stuff, like it's cool. Jeremy does that. Jeremy world does that, that father's program where all the dads hang out together that shit makes me feel uncomfortable but then when he went he went to yosemite i want to hear about it i'm curious about
Starting point is 01:37:56 it i ate a sardine the other day i know i don't like sardines but i ate one anyway i'm okay with exploring but this this is what i'm about to show you is a little much i don't know if this is exploring this just seems just downright disingenuous as fuck to me your body literally needs sugar to survive you want to go there buddy come on of course yeah you have a pair it's cool have a pair talking about uh we're talking about uh uh hot chocolate with whipped cream we're talking about cotton candy talking about gummy bears we're talking about twizzlers hmm twizzlers yeah i like play pears too pears are great okay check this guy out this guy is a fucking piece of work this is almost unbelievable this is tennessee representative justin j pearson here's a video of him from 2016
Starting point is 01:39:00 versus versus 2023 and like i said I'm okay with people exploring. Oh, I was somewhere the other day where there were frozen Snicker bars. There were Snicker bars frozen in a freezer. And someone ate one, and then there was one bite left, and they walked by and handed it to me. Hmm. Hmm. handed it to me. Oh yeah. Red vines. You're right. Red vines either way. Yeah. Red vines. Yeah. I was a, as a kid, I loved a red vine. Okay. This guy, this is a piece of work that you stand. Try to watch this with compassion. Try to be like uh okay he's just you know like those kids who are like goth and then they're not goth or like you know just some extreme behaviors that kids go
Starting point is 01:39:52 through just maybe think of this or or like um uh you know um uh when uh tommy marquez first started working at crossfit he was like one of those guys with the huge gauges in his ears and now he's a uspn commentator oh yes i'm talking you know like just find like there's just some transitions that people go through just just searching trying to find where they fit in exploring but but this i don't know this is a bit much wait they're all here here we go with organizations from the booty I don't know, this is a bit much. Wait, is there audio? Oh, here, here we go.
Starting point is 01:40:30 With organizations from the Boone Democrats to the Boone Republicans, I want to bring together different voices, dissenting voices, voices that may be more liberal or more conservative, in order that we can reach a point of sort of the radical middle. It seemed like the NRA and gun lobbyists might win, but oh, that was good news for us. I don't know how long this Saturday in the state of Tennessee
Starting point is 01:40:52 might last, but oh, we have good news, folks. We've got good news that Sunday always comes. Justin J. Pearson, I want to do this by partnering with organizations from the Putin Democrats to the Putin Republicans. That's the same guy. I want to bring together different voices, dissenting voices, voices that may be more liberal or more conservative. Man, you hate Tommy. He seems like a good dude. I don't hate Tommy. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:41:25 What are you talking about? I don't hate sugar either. Sugar tastes so good. Sugar. Caramel. I love caramel. I love ice cream. Mmm. I love caramel I love ice cream hmm my brain is open plunge
Starting point is 01:41:52 do you think that if I say that most trannies are um uh mentally insane you think that that's um ripping trannies that's's ripping trannies? That's not ripping trannies. I didn't rip Tommy. I told you a fucking story about him. You live a very complicated and difficult
Starting point is 01:42:16 life. You need to just be chill. You think when you cut someone off and they flip you off that they're like, that that person really hates you? They don't they're just fucking they're pissed you cut them off it was an accident oops sorry he he was a you said when he got he was a douche to me he's still a douche to me he's still a douche i don't hate him that's not a rip dude these are observations a poisonous spider bites you and kills you these are i'm not ripping on a spider that's what it does
Starting point is 01:42:49 wow i have a kid who does that i have a kid who who can eat slowly it's bizarre i'm really impressed with that that ability that is amazing. Well, it's a little out of context. You're right. If I just called him just a douche, it's a little out of context, but I didn't. I didn't just call him a douche. It's a little out of context, but I didn't. I didn't just call him a douche. There's a lot of stories there. You're taking it out of context.
Starting point is 01:43:29 You're taking it out of context. You're right. But if I called you small-minded and unable to hold two thoughts in your brain at the same time, that's not ripping on you. That's just a description of who you are and who you've demonstrated you are planned you're easily offended how's that you like to run with the herd finally starting to think i wasn't popular anymore caller hi how you doing i'm good i'm good why isn't why haven't people been calling in i don't know scared scared i think it's scared i mean you're pretty intimidating guy i'm I'm scared. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a hundred.
Starting point is 01:44:26 You know, I'm big. I'm big. I'm 175 pounds right now. I'm a big man. 171. Five. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:38 I'm actually, I haven't actually seen 175. I saw 174 yesterday, but I wanted to round it up. That's a. Crittin. That's got to be close to the biggest... Critton, Critton. That's got to be close to the biggest you've ever been, no? Yeah, 182 is the biggest I've ever been. How much do you weigh? About 200, 205.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Oh, fuck. Couldn't you have lied? Couldn't you have been like 157? That's what I meant. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah, my bad. Yeah, and I was actually talking to Hillary yesterday and I was like thinking
Starting point is 01:45:05 hey maybe them and i think i've been for 60 days i've been taking i think anywhere between five and ten gram uh grams milligrams whatever two big scoops of creatine creatine okay and so i think i've put on at least 10 pounds from that do you feel more, do you feel the effects of the stronger or anything like that? I'm not sure, but I haven't deadlifted heavy in years, and I deadlifted 295 the other day
Starting point is 01:45:35 kind of easy, and I was like, wow, that was weird. That did look easy. That was impressive. McMass says I'm 175.55. That's 29.1% body mass index index i think that means i'm fat i mean i am fat right now there's no doubt yeah with the pa i'm i'm a blob i you uh you run at all yeah i do dude i'm exercising like three times a day that's what's crazy i run on the i i push a push a sled almost every other day um i spend a
Starting point is 01:46:07 shitload of time on the fucking assault bike at least 30 minutes a day um i uh run on the runner i don't run outside but i run on the runner maybe you're retaining a lot of water i'm sure that's what it is i'm sure that's what it is but i but it's crazy because i put i probably put an inch on my waist my my belt my belt i had to like go an extra hole i'm on the i'm the largest i'm the biggest i've ever been around my waist oh what does haley think she doesn't know she doesn't give a fuck a good woman yeah and i and what's interesting is i am i am actually horn way more horny than i've been like usually i'm more horny than I've been. Like, usually I'm just horny like twice a day, morning, night.
Starting point is 01:46:50 And now I'm just pretty revved up. Dude, that's good right there. You sure, like, someone didn't slip you some California hormones? I don't think so. You never know what's in this shit. Maybe I should have that shit tested. I don't know. It sounds like it's working. Mr. Armenia, goodbye. 5 5454 are they telling me goodbye no no no no
Starting point is 01:47:08 where are you calling from what state I'm in Milwaukee oh this is Jeremy yeah oh I didn't I didn't recognize your voice first sorry I'm horrible at that no you're good you talk to a lot of people no I heard you were talking about the uh
Starting point is 01:47:27 the man the dad thing and uh oh yeah yeah yeah the dad thing yes tell me and the text uh that i sent you the other day um super long text about one of the guys right portland portland guy right well i thought we had laid it to rest he and i I, I told, you know, you saw the conversation. I let it be. Right. Um, we use that Marco Polo app. He sent me yesterday. It's 35 minutes explanation of why what I said was triggering offensive. Uh, you, you name it uh because he has a lot of trans friends go figure in portland uh they are the most compassionate nice people they are this they are that that's my that's my experience too by the way all the trans friends that i've ever had
Starting point is 01:48:22 are the nicest coolest fucking people they're so fucking cool i did no no doubt they're same yep yep yeah okay same for sure right and so i'm like you know i'm listening to all of this and i guess i'm how do i do first of all do i and all and and and most of the gay dudes I've known have been assholes. That's true. Most of the gay guys I've known end up being assholes. Closed-minded, judgmental, fucking dicks, not fun. Most. And when I mean most, I mean like 51%. I was going to say most, but it wouldn't be like 90%.
Starting point is 01:49:00 Yeah, it would be a little lower for sure. Yeah. But I would love to have a gay dudes as neighbors christians and gay dudes oh for sure absolutely all day yeah if i have to pick a demographic so so i'm like how do i like 35 minutes are going off about how remember this all started with me posting on instagram a jordan clip, him talking about PCU has to die, you know, blah, blah, blah, just what. And so he messages me, do you like Jordan Peterson
Starting point is 01:49:32 or what do you think of Jordan Peterson? And I say, you know, I like him. And then he goes off on this whole, well, he's against women. He's derogatory towards women. He doesn't acknowledge people's pronouns. He does this, that, and the next. I'm like, why are you, you know, why are you coming at me? And you know who I am. He's in a group. So you know who I am. You know how I feel about people. I love everybody.
Starting point is 01:49:56 I'm not judging nobody, but let's, let's be honest here. There is a clear correlation between poor mental health and the trans community and cutting off body parts and thinking that you can change from the outside what's going on inside it's so i don't know how do i do i and how do i respond to this gentleman i would always ask questions sure i would say that i would all i would always ask questions the the close my that those people know they're so vehement about what they're talking about because they know the dam's about to break just you have to think of it in terms of it's the same as the ufo thing they cannot we cannot believe we've been on the wrong team. So it's so fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:50:49 This chick DM me the other day and she's like, one of my parents I found out is a child molester. I just imagine that's what it's like. Like, let me read, let me read something to you that plans wrote here. Oh, where is this push to indoctrinate children that's a bs narrative
Starting point is 01:51:05 that doesn't exist this is the same thing that was done in the 50s with homosexuals imagine plans finds out that he sent his kids to an indoctrination camp for 13 years right just fucking so hard to process dude it's so fucking hard to process you the the enorm and you can just tell like he anytime i say something he thinks i'm i feel ashamed or i feel guilty he's stuck in his head he keeps jumping to a conclusion he doesn't realize what it's like to be at peace he's always reading into everything and he's doing that because he's guarding something yeah what he's guarding is his his ability to perceive the truth oh look at this and so that's what that's what your homeboy is doing. Your homeboy is processing.
Starting point is 01:51:46 You fucking put a crack in the dam. And that 35 minutes is him trying to putty up the dam. Well put. Uh, plans, um, Armenia, four,
Starting point is 01:51:57 five, four. I DM Tommy and asked him why someone was all over him, all over him. What the fuck are you talking about? Why would you do that? Oh, I know why. Why would you do that oh i know why why would you do that god you're what are you fucking a 15 year old tiktok user why would you do that but anyway and he responded i love seven i hope he's well he may love me and he may hope i'm well but he also know he didn't answer the question he knows exactly why i'm all
Starting point is 01:52:24 over him and he won't dare fucking talk about it. And that's okay. I don't blame him. I'm not mad at him for it. He said his piece. It got back to me, and now he's terrified of fucking being sued into oblivion by fucking Greg. I get it. He said some fucked up, crazy
Starting point is 01:52:39 shit about me that's not true, and he also let it out on his fucking Patreon. Everyone here knows Plange. Maybe you're the only one who doesn't know i think plans if you listen long enough and keep an open mind your damn is gonna break my friend but i don't i don't i don't then it's entertaining to hear you get owned i don't i don't fucking hate tommy and tommy may love me and we may be on the men's and all that may be true but he knows exactly why he's not telling you the truth. He wants to turn the page and I don't fucking blame him. I don't fucking blame him for wanting to turn the page.
Starting point is 01:53:12 It's better to turn the page. It's better to fucking be in love with people and get along and should be cool. I, I, I, it's cool, but to fucking DM him and tell him why I'm all over him.
Starting point is 01:53:22 I mean, just more woke ambiguity shit. Why don't you just tell him just what I said? Or fucking mind your own business. Right. That's freaking wild. That's kind of disturbing. Well, I appreciate you.
Starting point is 01:53:38 Thank you. I had to call in because I heard the dad thing and then needed some advice needed some advice, you know, and, and I, you know, the dam's about to break. So yeah, I'll create some space on that. And then, uh, I love it. Yes. Create some space. Get back to him.
Starting point is 01:53:54 Okay. You're a good dude. All right, sir. You're a good dude. I appreciate you. Bye. Shaski Sobe. Missing seeing you at the tube as I don't get notifications here.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Not into Facebook much. Keep rolling. Savon and crew. What kind of dog is that? Cool picture. Happy people. Okay, this is my favorite thing I've heard all day. This, God, I love this.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Here we go. This actually made me happy. media and creators were quick to talk about the end of the dollar as a global reserve currency. And while it's easy to get swept up in this de-dollarization frenzy, it's important to remember that the yuan, China's official currency, and the so-called successor to the dollar is still used less than the Swiss franc on a global basis, a currency issued by a nation of just 8 million people. My point is, while de-dollarization is trending up, without something dramatic like a default, it doesn't look like a nation with only 8 million people uses the swiss franc
Starting point is 01:55:27 i wonder what country that is and uh and it's still used more than the chinese yon which has a country with over a billion people right closer to two billion so that's good news like the dollar's getting dethroned anytime soon here's's where it gets interesting, though. The U.S. isn't just going to sit back and watch its dominance get chipped away at. In recent months, we've seen the establishment of new military bases in the Philippines, multiple high-profile visits to Taiwan, and expanded trade ties in Africa, all with the goal of reasserting the U.S. and the dollar as the major power. So stick with me. There was one geopolitical move by the U.S. a few months ago which might have the most potential, which was when the U.S. quietly allowed five oil companies to resume operations in Venezuela on a small scale. Chevron Corp.
Starting point is 01:56:11 Did you hear that? We've allowed fucking oil American companies to start digging out oil in Venezuela again. This is crazy. Operation Halliburton, Schoenberger, Baker Hughes, and Weatherford. The reason that this is such a big deal is because Venezuela has the most proven oil reserves of any country on earth, but it's barely produced since 2017 due to sanctions. But with China pushing more into the Middle East every day and with the dollar under more pressure than ever, there's a lot of reasons why the US would want to reopen trade ties with a country like Venezuela. If the president of Venezuela, Maduro, is on good behavior, we could see more sanctions lifted in the coming months. If this happens, not only would this shift global oil production firmly into the Americas and reaffirm the dollar as a global reserve currency, but this would also
Starting point is 01:56:52 mean that the five companies that have restarted operations in Venezuela are potentially sitting on a gold mine. Because of this, going forward, I'm going to keep an eye on three main things from these five companies. Corporate jet flights to Venezuela by these company executives, lobbying activity by them mentioning the word trade or Venezuela, and lastly, any stock purchases of these companies by politicians, especially those who sit on energy or trade committees. Because let's face it, if anyone knows about a new energy or trade policy regarding Venezuela, it will be them. I make all this data public on my website, CorpoQuant, if you want to check it out for yourself. Good luck, and thanks for watching. God, I love that.
Starting point is 01:57:27 That's kind of good, right? That's optimistic, right? That's good, right? Beef Case, I asked Sevan a million times on chat about his issues with Tommy. He never responded, so I asked him, Jesus, everyone acting like I stole his stuff you can it's been it's been hashed out over the last two years i don't want to go back and bring it up mostly out of respect for
Starting point is 01:57:52 tommy to be tell you the truth it's not a fun story to tell but everyone here knows it or you can go back or find someone who's talked about it or but uh it's like it's like um it's like uh um it's like tommy had a wife and i had a wife and we went on a double date and we swapped wives and and fucking a lot of hearts were broken and it's a disgusting gross thing and uh we don't want to talk about it anymore it's like that like like but but you're welcome to dig into it and look into it i'm not going to bring it up on this show maybe on some other show i don't know maybe it. I'm not going to bring it up on this show. Maybe some other show. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll get drunk and bring it up again.
Starting point is 01:58:29 But that's it. I mean, it's nothing anyone's hiding. It was all fucking hashed out. Kind of publicly. More publicly than ever. But in a fun way, I enjoyed it. There were some things that weren't nice, and I prefer love. But it also made for good content.
Starting point is 01:58:52 So that's that. So, I mean, you could go back. We're 800 episodes in now. I'm not mad at you for your being curious, but I'm not doing it. I'm not dragging me and Tommy's shit back up again. I don't think. I don't want to.
Starting point is 01:59:13 I just don't want to. And I don't hate the guy. But I will tell you this. I bet you if he did, I bet you if you had the relationship that I had with him, you'd hate him. How's that? I predict fucking that. I'd predict 99% of the people who are in my position would fucking hate
Starting point is 01:59:33 someone. If, if they had the relationship that I had with him, but I don't, I don't, I'm not, I don't, I have kids.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I'm cool. It's like, it's like nothing. It's like nothing bad happened to my kids. Why should I be upset? Do you guys like the fact that the yawn? That's kind of good news, right? Because I've been kind of freaked out about the petrodollar, right?
Starting point is 01:59:59 I'm just glad about the U.S. economy. I've been freaking out. about us losing, about the U.S. economy. I've been freaking out. A matter of fact, I would even go this far. The nicest thing I'm doing, the proof that I fucking like Tommy is that I'm not bringing it up. That, I mean, that right there is evidence.
Starting point is 02:00:22 Right? I mean, fuck. I think that shows that we've turned the page and that, like, Ian Hinn could go out with gloves and play a game of catch. Play a game of catch. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:00:37 I wouldn't play catch with Tommy. Probably throws too hard. Maybe with, like, a foam ball. Okay, here we go over two hours liberals are hilarious it's funny how black liberals only think that conservatism deals with white people guess that explains why most african countries are conservatives guess that explains why most liberal countries are european y'all done drained the white liberal Kool-Aid. Did any of y'all even listen to Malcolm X and what he said about the liberals? If we would have kept our conservative values,
Starting point is 02:01:10 we wouldn't have role models like Cardi B. Funny how y'all so indebted to y'all party that y'all would completely ignore what they're doing to the children. This racism is all beyond. Black liberals are hilarious. It's funny how black liberals only think that conservatism deals with white people.
Starting point is 02:01:26 I guess that explains why most African countries are. You're welcome. I mean, thank you. Oh, this is an interesting if you want to bang your wife, so do other people. Wow. OK, this is an interesting. Oh, I wonder what this is. Okay. This is, that's what I wrote for this one. 512. If you want to bang your wife,
Starting point is 02:01:56 so do other people. That's fair, right? I mean, that's, that makes sense, right? Right. Here we go. Action. But what this brochure does not talk about when it comes to living here are the sometimes very noisy and rowdy next door neighbors. First day we move in, my wife and I go out to the pool and someone starts screaming, they want to fuck my wife. Look, there he is. There's a guy saying he's going to fuck my wife. Hey, Vato, I'm going to fuck your wife. You heard him right. Inmates from the Miami Federal Detention Center yelling. But what this brochure does not talk about when it comes to...
Starting point is 02:02:35 Hey, Vato, I want to fuck your wife. I don't know. Do you think that's an actual recording or the news people had them? Or do you think the news people added that in? You think that's an edit? So living here are the sometimes very noisy and rowdy next door neighbors. First day we move in, my wife and I go out to the pool and someone starts screaming, they want to fuck my wife. Look, there he is pool and someone starts screaming, they want to fuck my wife. Look, there he is.
Starting point is 02:03:07 There's a guy saying he wants to fuck my wife. Hey, Vato, I want to fuck your wife. You heard him right. Inmates. The guy in Miami sounds like a fucking hick from the south, and the inmate sounds like he's fucking from East L.A. Hey, Vato, I want to fuck your wife. Anyway, don't build a jail next to the fancy pool, expensive condo pool or the other way around.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Or close the windows, close the windows or just don't care. Like like if you want to bang your wife, so to other people, like, so be it. Just know that that's a fact that that's just the way the world works. You're not the only one that wants to drill your wife. So there you go. Now, you know, now,
Starting point is 02:04:00 you know, okay, here we go. I don't know what this is. This one did. This one didn't have anything written next to it let's see what this guy has to say this is caleb if he was iranian iranian caleb just read this study on breast cancer and i guess as much as it's not surprising
Starting point is 02:04:17 it was still shocking to read this group in the uk removed the tumors from 20 breasts to study them and analyze them and in 19 out of 20, so 95% of these tumors, they found parabens. And I guess we shouldn't be surprised. But for those of you that don't know, parabens are these chemicals essentially used as preservatives that are commonly found in your cosmetics. In the EU, many of them are completely banned. They're illegal. And the ones that are still allowed are highly restricted in their use. In Canada and the US are completely unrestricted because they believe that there's no evidence that they hurt you. Meanwhile, they are completely hormone disrupting. They mimic estrogens as they enter
Starting point is 02:04:52 your body, which fuel things like breast cancer. And this study found 95% of the tumors add parabens in them. I just read this study on- Wow. Wow. Okay. So you got to go up to your wife and be like, hey, are you using parabens? I don't know. Maybe research this. Make sure it's true. Make sure it's a strong enough correlate. Parabens.
Starting point is 02:05:18 I'm so glad I don't wear makeup or suntan lotion or any of that shit. All right. Oh, 503. Wow, this could be a way to start the next show. Another great morning. Okay, here. This will be funny. This is from the Bee Chief, so this must be funny. This must be good.
Starting point is 02:06:02 This might be a good way to end the show right here. This must be good. This might be a good way to end the show right here. And action. Mr. Dillon, in your experience, are these fact checkers apolitical, neutral, fact-based researchers? No, that's a pretty good joke. They are not. a pretty good joke uh they are not um they you know that guy on the right right there dr badacharya by the way next to the uh head of the uh the b um that guy was at a party at greg's house a couple months back uh he is a phd and an md uh from stanford and uh six months before and he's pro hardcore pro injection pro vax and about six months after COVID came out him and John Iannotti's did a study that basically proved that COVID had been around a year before anyone knew.
Starting point is 02:07:08 And they proved it by testing people in the San Francisco Bay Area. And then that dude, Jay Bhattacharya, was canceled for it. Even though he's pro-injection, pro all that shit, he got canceled because he said COVID came out a year before it was supposed to come out and fucked up the story. And the guy who did the story, and don't forget, this guy's a PhD and an MD. And I think he's a PhD like in mathematics or something. And then not only that, but he did the study with John Ioannidis,
Starting point is 02:07:35 who is the most published scientist living in America, probably the world today, and you might think, well, who gives a fuck? Those guys are all corrupt. And John Iannotti will not speak anywhere where he is paid to speak. He only speaks for free. So fascinating to see these two next to each other.
Starting point is 02:08:03 The hardcore conservative on the left, hardcore Democrat on the right, and yet both agreeing that the censorship is completely out of control. And the whole fact checking apparatus, there's just there's unbelievable hubris in the whole project. You know, this idea, especially when we're talking about medical information, too. I often hear people going back to say that it was based on what we knew at the time that we were saying that this was true or that this was false. All that is is an admission that our knowledge changes over time. It's a knockdown argument against censorship. If knowledge changes over time, you should never try to say that these are the facts, these are the only things that you can say.
Starting point is 02:08:39 Everyone who says something opposing to that should be silenced. It's a knockdown argument against censorship in favor of open debate, which is the fastest, fastest and best way to get to the truth. Mr. Dillon. Bam. I don't know what this says, but I know I'm going to like it. Seema. So did we just get fat so rapidly that the flu affected obese people too quickly and hospitals got overrun like their data analysts are freaky? They had to see it coming then.
Starting point is 02:09:15 I'm not sure what you're saying, but yes. We did get sick very quickly. And instead point i mean we we all know um heart disease type 2 diabetes alzheimer's all those things are just distractions um it's like it's like saying you have an infection in your finger and never acknowledging there's a splinter in there it's like um it's it's just crazy someone thinks i'm liberal i'm definitely not i'm a common sense uh apolitical independent i hate both parties i hate people that act like 1776 is now i hate liberals that pretend bathrooms should be shared and sports should be played by both genders
Starting point is 02:10:09 sports should be played by both genders uh i'm saying they need a way to pay for the overrun of hospitals so they made a fake catastrophe to pay for it oh fair enough yeah or or it's not even a fake catastrophe right it's a real catastrophe but they're just like hey let's really focus in on this catastrophe um and instead of fixing it, let's just get more money. But the sentiment is the same. Yeah. I don't think – I don't know how I feel about that word fake. It's just not looking at the root of the problem. It's the same thing with the guns and the N95s.
Starting point is 02:10:44 It's like no one wants to look at the root of the problem it's the same thing with the guns and the n95s and it's like no one wants to look at the root and they keep saying well this we need to do this in the meantime until and that's not how the world works when you put a band when you fix something um and you don't and you don't cut it out at its root. Almost always you exacerbate the problem. It's like building a seawall to protect the coast. The sides just erode faster on either side of the seawall. And that's the problem. You want to – anything you want to do with guns is just going to – it's like a balloon. You're going to squeeze it on one end, and all the air is going to manifest into a problem on the other end.
Starting point is 02:11:24 Just fix the fucking problem and the and the problem is this and faith family and morality we don't have any like it's it's okay that we don't agree with um uh it's okay that you don't agree with the pledge of allegiance it's actually good it's okay if you're not christian it's actually good. I know I used to be there too. These fucking wackadoodles, they believe in fucking God and all this. Who cares? It doesn't matter if they're right or wrong. We're trying to – it doesn't matter. We're trying to cross a – we're trying to all get the same thing. We want something. Isn't getting what you want more important than being right? You're hit by a car crossing the street
Starting point is 02:12:27 you're in a wheelchair the rest of your fucking life but it wasn't your fault you were right you had the green light who gives a fuck every day you wish that you would have just let that car go instead of looked at me like fuck you I'm going do you know what's more vile than feeding your kids sugar arguing other people's weaknesses for them. Your mental illness is not curable.
Starting point is 02:13:14 Just so you know, you say you're not a liberal, but you have the ideology of a liberal. So I get it. I say I'm not conservative and people are like, you have the ideology of a conservative. I get it. So I believe you. You're not a liberal, but you have the ideology of a liberal. You you've made it a full time job to argue other people's limitations plans and you should not do that. It is it is one of the most vile of things you can do to another human being is extremely oppressive. is extremely uh oppressive it is is it and when you do that that's when you um have the uh massa slave uh or relationship because those people want you to argue their limitations for them
Starting point is 02:13:55 you're taking power from them and taking power for yourself okay love you guys i will see you guys uh tomorrow morning unless um uh there's always a chance that Brian Friend and I could come on. And you use this word common sense because it would be too hard to – because it's hiding. It means nothing, common sense. That means nothing. Eric Weiss, thank you, 1999. Love you guys. Peace. Maybe I'll see you guys tonight with Mr. Friend. Maybe not. Thank you to California Hormones Thank you to Paper Street Coffee Thank you to Mr. Caleb and the executive producer
Starting point is 02:14:30 Of the show, Mr. Matthew Sousa See you guys tomorrow, maybe on YouTube

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