The Sevan Podcast - #92 - Scott Panchik

Episode Date: July 29, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:53 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Ball walks. What's up, Scott? Hey, what's going on? Scott, do you know Brian? Met Brian, I think, once. Right, Brian?
Starting point is 00:01:13 I think that's right. Yep. Feels right. Scott, what was Sam Stewart doing in that final event? Plus 81. He never left the first round. Did you see that? Or were you too busy winning?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to any of it. I was supposed to do that event. Thanks for coming on, by the way. Yeah, man, absolutely. You have your family in town? I do. We are at an Airbnb right, by the way. Yeah, man. Absolutely. You have your family in town? I do. We are at an Airbnb right here on the lake. So we're enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Okay. And when you say your family, who's staying there with you? So my wife and our little girl, Kinsley, who is two months old. And then Ralph and Bethann Lazaro. And then then my buddy chad who's a chiropractor is uh coming into okay not not your mom and dad not your brother no no they uh so my brother saxon just had twins so my parents are you know very busy uh helping him with, uh, two on two over there. Um, Saxon just had twins. Saxon just had twins. Yeah. Twin girls.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Uh, so identical. Yep. Oh my God. Your parents are in heaven, huh? Oh, they are loving it. They got, and those are the first three grandchildren? No, I've actually older brother that not a lot of people know about that has three girls and one boy. And then we have one girl, and then Saxon has twin girls now. Oh, a lot of girls in the family.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I mean, we went from a family of five boys and one girl. So I have a huge family. And now all the girls are coming. Wait, so you have, there's five boys. You have five siblings? Yep. Four brothers and one sister? Four brothers and one sister.
Starting point is 00:03:17 And more than half the siblings have been to the CrossFit Games. Or at least tried to go to the CrossFit Games. Yep, you got it. Big crew. Are you rolling tight with Saxon this week? to the crossfit games or at least tried to go to the crossfit game games yep you got it big big crew are are you rolling tight with saxon this week or do you guys just do your own thing we're rolling tight and enjoying every minute hey yeah question i have somebody here kind of documenting my weekend i recognize that that handsome man i know who he is all fair game hey before we're even done this that boy will text me and be like
Starting point is 00:03:47 i want a clean copy of this interview and i will sell it to him for a dollar i will sell it to him for a dollar there you go i like um scott how do you make the decision to retire um and then on the follow-up question is how do you make the decision to announce it before instead of after? Yeah, great question. Thank you. Something that we had a nice long ride here, kind of just discussing everything. And for me, it was all year long, it was kind of like, this might be my last year. This could be my last year.
Starting point is 00:04:23 I never really like officially said it. And my buddy Ralph was just like, Hey, you know, what's the deal? Is it, is it your last year or not? Like, at least say it if it is. And the more I realized that no matter what I, what, no matter what happened this weekend, it wasn't good. No matter what happened this weekend, it wasn't good. And I was going to want to come back. And by saying this is my last year, it's given me a lot of joy.
Starting point is 00:04:56 It's taken a lot of weight off my shoulders. And it's allowing me to enjoy every moment of the experience. Because in years past, I focused on winning and what was going to happen, what was the next event. And I was just, it was like me, me, me, me, me. And now by me announcing that this is my final ride, I get to really soak in each moment, even going to the dinner with Dave and just saying like this is my last first dinner here at the CrossFit Games and taking the floor and it was just you know soaking that in and for me it's it's given me peace it's given me the opportunity to like look around and just be more fulfilled because in years past I've looked at my performances come back and I'm just like
Starting point is 00:05:50 fourth place fifth place sixth place uh and it was just it was never enough and I was always felt like I felt like I I needed more I wanted. And I wasn't getting exactly what I wanted. And I realized on the ride down here, just this past month, I've been struggling with some knee issues. I was never going to be fulfilled, accomplished here at the CrossFit Games. And I realized that what is going to fulfill this weekend and let me walk away with my head held high and looking back on my career, being proud of it is enjoying every moment with my family, with my friends and with the other athletes on the floor. And I'm seeing things like I've never
Starting point is 00:06:43 seen them before. It's a good feeling. I thought you were going to have some bullshit, shitty answer. Brian, I'm muted. Half hour drive here. So I had a lot of time to work, work some shit out. Dude, that's an incredible thing. Uh, before I ask you who Ralph is and how dare he ask you a question like that, uh, Brian, I muted your ass because you got your AC on to keep your iPhone cold. So if you want to talk, you got to unmute yourself. But man, the audio is better when I put a zipper on you. Scott, who is Ralph? And that's a tough question for a friend to ask another friend.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, absolutely. That's how you know it's a good friend because, you know, people that really don't care about you aren't going to dig in in those moments. And it's the tough questions that really tell you that those people care about you. that has been in my corner for a long time. He's one of my best friends, manages a lot of partnerships and just has gone above and beyond. And on the way down, he asked me a ton of questions, and that was only one of them. And, you know, honestly, this past month when I hurt my knee, I hurt it early in July. I've had three knee reconstructive surgeries from playing college football. And at the beginning of the month, I just started dealing with some severe
Starting point is 00:08:13 meniscus pain and it's prevented me from doing a lot of things, but I've also been able to train extremely hard through it as well. So there's some things that I feel, you know, really great doing. And then there's some things that are really challenging for me. But through this last month, I've really learned a lot about myself. I've learned, you know, I almost feel like I've unlocked something and it's allowed me to be more joyful. The moments here at the games, but even in training and whenever i made this announcement and i talked to family friends and fans know that this is my last ride too because i want them all to uh one of the questions i've been asking athletes and friends and family i'm
Starting point is 00:08:58 like what's your favorite or what are you most excited about for the crossfit games and when i hear it now i know i can enjoy that and be more in that, in that moment with them. So it's pretty special. It's crazy. It's Hey dude, it's oozing off of you. It's oozing off of you.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's not just words. Like, like I feel it. Um, who is Ralph though? Is he your manager? Yeah. Manager.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Um, just Scott Panchuk fan, man. He's my boy. I like to think he's one of my number one fans. And has he been around with you forever since the beginning? He has not. It was a friendship that kind of started about halfway through my CrossFit career and just has gotten for a year. I was going to make the bold prediction that I thought you were going to win the games this year. And then I saw you run and right, right. But, but, but that was that wasn't in, and correct me if I'm wrong, that finish of a minute and 33 seconds isn't you running. That's you finishing the event.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Is that correct? Yeah. Giving it hell. But I guess what I'm saying by that is you look like you pulled back. You look like something happened and then you pulled back. Yeah, I mean, my knee is not good. Is it pain or does it feel like it's going to snap off when you were sprinting? There's just certain movements that are just not stable.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I just don't feel I can move at 100% efficiency, really. And then there's things that I feel great doing. So it's, it's going to be a little bit of a wild ride and I think a lot of ups and downs. Yeah, it is. I mean, imagine how bizarre that looks to the viewers to see you take a 36th and then take a first with what a workout that, um, you know, I think most of the fans cannot accomplish in a day right i mean everyone can sprint 550 meters and be like i did what scott panchik is not most of the people cannot put 185 pounds squat below parallel um and then push the weight
Starting point is 00:11:17 over their head what did you uh how many times you guys end up doing it 50 that's 55 times you do that? Yeah. So it is a bizarre juxtaposition, right? Yeah, it's bizarre. I feel like I have everything that it takes to stand on that podium, but my knee's giving me some issues, and that's just where I am. How old are you? 33. In November. In November. And how tall are you? Um, 33. And, uh, and November.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And, uh, how tall are you? Uh, five, eight and a half. Don't lie. Don't lie. And how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:11:57 Uh, about 190 pounds. And how much did you weigh your first year of CrossFit? Uh, pretty, pretty similar weight, actually. And has there been a body composition change? Yeah, you do look different.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, you do look different. But you know what? You're one of those guys where you look different at the beginning of a workout than at the end of a workout. Some guys, you don't really see that. But like Pat Barber was notorious for that, right? He'd go out there and look all skinny and scrawny. And then by the end of a workout, he was all swollen buff. It was just, and you kind of have that. Although you don't look, I wouldn't say you look skinny in the beginning of a workout. I'm going to keep my shirt on until the end.
Starting point is 00:12:38 No, no, don't do that. You'll ruin the ratings. You'll ruin the ratings. Don't do that. Um, so there are, are there any other events that you're just that have been announced that you're just dreading that you're like oh man that one's going to push the knee or do you just have to take it one event at a time yeah we don't know a lot of details for a lot of the events to be honest uh the run the longer run i think is something that could give me some issues i think think it, I think a steady run is obviously better than a sprint. I just could not get that turnover. And that's what I was really struggling with on that sprint. Okay. So as long as it's not a run, you should be pretty
Starting point is 00:13:17 good run. And then like jumping type of jumping. And I haven't squatted anything above 275 in quite some time in like a full ass to grass squat. So we'll see. in terms of the cuts go and there is going to be that of that snatch event and it is going to be in front of the entire stadium right i mean i would guess yeah so that is that that could be really weird for you yeah i don't really know what's gonna happen i didn't know i it's funny because i didn't know what was gonna happen on the sprint either up and if it's funny because I didn't know what was going to happen on the sprint either and it's funny if you watch it I lined up I got down in a sprinting stance like I was running a 40-yard dash and I came off that line as fast as I could and I realized after about 15 yards it wasn't going to happen it was like someone blew out a tire and I was running on three. Yeah, interesting. You can't fall behind in that event, right?
Starting point is 00:14:29 If you fall to the very, very back, you're toast. You can't get past the other guys, right? It's like a wall of meat. Wall of meat. That's running away from you. I was like, I don't know what's going to happen, but we're going to find out. And it was the same thing with the thruster. I knew that was a really good workout for me. And with the squats, I wasn't sure what it was going to up. I was able to do a few reps at 185 and then the adrenaline took over. Like it felt stable enough to move. And,
Starting point is 00:15:01 you know, obviously a wall walk is good. Watch me me do my thrusters i pause a lot at the top i come down a little more controlled and that i think paid off because it breathing under control but it also kept my squat under control as i dropped as i dropped down so it's interesting the commentator said that as you were lowering the bar to your shoulders and your collarbone and you were squatting down that your body was shaking. And I wouldn't have noticed that, but I think I tried to look closely and it did look like you had like a little vibration there, like a little shake. And I don't know if everyone does that or if I just never seen that before or if that's something that was because of your knee. No, I could feel that. I just felt like that before. Or if that's something that was because of your knee. No, I could feel that. I just felt like I was shaking.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Even when I was running, I can feel this. Like it just feels a little, it just feels. Like one of the legs on your coffee table. It's like something's wrong with one of the legs on the coffee table. Yeah. It's not a new coffee table. In the opening ceremonies, you were carrying the how did how did you pull that off that was a great uh they were like scott you're gonna carry that you're gonna carry the flag i was like
Starting point is 00:16:13 are you kidding me that's amazing and uh i just soaked it in man they gave me that flag i was like i'm gonna hold this thing up as high as i can. I'm going to wave it around. I'll pump up the crowd and just get them fired up. Well, it was pretty awesome seeing you carrying it. I have zero interest in the opening ceremonies, but when I saw you carrying the flag, I was like, okay, that's cool. At least I saw that. At least I got to see Scott carrying the flag. And just like take a few laps. But I like uh you should have well yeah your knee can't handle
Starting point is 00:16:53 it um tell me about the kayak um uh brian was mentioned this we're not letting brian talk in this interview apparently um brian said i wonder what scott was thinking about while he sat in that kayak for an hour do you do you recall any of your thoughts in the kayak yes so well first i i'm gonna i'm gonna go back to the swim for a second because i was very very proud of where i came out of the water on my swim this year this was like my best finish on a swim i think i got out of the water in like seventh and i looked around and i was like oh these are the good swimmers i did really well so that was like, Oh, these are the good swimmers. I did really well. So that was like a really cool moment.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And then I got in the kayak and did not do as well. Everybody just started like blowing by me, but it was like a slow go where they're like, Hey Scott, bye Scott. A little ahead of you, Scott. Bye, Scott. A little ahead of you, Scott. How do they pass you?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Is their stroke better than yours? Different strokes, man. Different strokes. Were they stroking faster than you? They were just stroking more efficiently. Wow. What are you going to do? Have you ever been in a kayak before? I took my wife on a date once and we were in a kayak but she was scooting around faster than me so that wasn't
Starting point is 00:18:10 so you you knew when this shit was announced you were screwed i was like what in the world a kayak huh but i got out of the water that was the one thing i swam a ton the last two years so i was like this is really cool to see progress in this area and that's what that's what this weekend's about is i i haven't won an event since 2012 i won an event this year i got you know something that i had not done in the last eight nine years where whatever it is I was able to accomplish this year. So I, that's, I am fitter than I've ever been. And that's a great feeling. And I think in years past, I would not be able to sit here and have this conversation. I would not have taken this interview. I would, I would have been sitting there probably looking at the leaderboard,
Starting point is 00:19:02 swiping up and down, refresh looking, okay, what do I need to do? Where am I at? And it's just that, that doesn't seem important anymore. And, uh, I know that no matter what my family, friends are going to love me after this weekend. And I'm going to look back at this career and I'm going to be really proud of it. And that's all anyone can ask for. Yeah, that's, that's cool. I'm actually surprised, surprised that you took the interview, but I'm like, shit, gotta ask, gotta ask. So absolutely. Um, when you, when you heard the weight, did you know right away you were going to go unbroken? I knew I was going to try because I didn't want to squat clean more than 10 times because that was the hardest rep was catching it in the hole. Once I got the bar up overhead,
Starting point is 00:19:57 if you watch, I can kind of control my tempo coming down and I don't get buried in the squat. I was able to kind of control my depth a little more. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning,
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Starting point is 00:21:15 Not whether you could do all the reps unbroken, but that you had to risk it because the squat clean just wasn't worth it. No, I wanted to win. Oh, and you wanted to win those. Every event I'm trying to win i don't i don't care what happens and it's like it's a great feeling to not have any like i don't have any expectations i don't know what's going to happen i know that my fitness is impressive in a lot of areas and I know my knee hurts a few areas. So I'm going to burn it down. And you know, there's a lot of cameras watching, so you can, yeah, there's a lot of cameras watching. So if something falls off, you can go back and find it
Starting point is 00:21:58 later. No big deal. Um, so, so, so you, you kill, you kill that, that you kill your heat. Do you know, do you, do you suspect that it's good enough or are you like, oh man, this next heat's going to have a bunch of monsters in it and they all get to see my score. Yeah, that's tough. When you're in that first heat, I got to the five, the set of five and I was like, okay, you got to start going. I knew no one else was around me. I was like, but you got to start going because the next of five. And I was like, okay, you got to start going. I knew no one else was around me. I was like, but you got to start going because the next heat's going to have some
Starting point is 00:22:29 heavy hitters in it. And they're going to have people pushing through these last few rounds and your transitions need to be fast. You need to pretend like someone's there. So I knew I needed to move quickly through those. And then when I finished, like a little peace of mind, because he was like, man, that was really fast. He's like, I didn't think anybody would, you know, get that under 15. So I was like, okay, that's fine. And then obviously, you know, those are a lot of really thick guys in that heat, regardless of what happened. So I did have some confidence walking off the floor that that was a really, really solid performance.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And then it was just a waiting game. Which round did you, were there any rounds where you thought you were going to put the bar down? I'm assuming the first set of 10, you're like, I got this. But then when you did the 7, 8, 9, no, none. No, I was going to fail a rep before I put it down. Wow. Yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And I wouldn't have done that. And that's like, again, that's something that like, I would have been a little more calculated and maybe overthought some things, but this was one of those moments where I was just like, you got nothing to lose,
Starting point is 00:23:39 man. Have you ever seen the replacements? Is that with Stallone? Those, all those old guys? With Keanu Reeves and I bring in the football team that like. Oh, no, no, I haven't seen it. Okay, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Have you seen every football movie? Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Give you a quick overview. Please, please. In the movie, you know, they have all these like replacements on the field and they're in their last game. And then like the strike's going to be over and Keanu Reeves is in the, in the huddle and he's like pumping them up. And he's like, he's like, guys, he's like, you know, he brings everybody
Starting point is 00:24:14 in. He's like, there is, there is no tomorrow for us. And that makes us very dangerous people. Like it all hyped up. And, you know, it's like one last hurrah so that's awesome that's how that's how i feel about getting fired from crossfit i am now very very dangerous and it's just one it's just dangerous yeah i'm a very on accident on accident i'm a very dangerous person um what is your what did you did you know did tell your wife – was your wife in the car when you were speaking to Ralph about your retirement? Yeah. Does she stay pretty quiet? Does she chime in?
Starting point is 00:24:54 She would support me regardless of what I choose to do, whether it's here or this is it. It's amazing to have a woman like that. She's also done so much for me this year. The buttery bros are out there. He's the one that's been cutting the grass for the last. Oh, that's awesome. We have a riding mower,
Starting point is 00:25:18 but she's been cutting the grass, crushing it at home. And I wouldn't have been able to train. Even like, you know, our girls 10 months these last 10 months she is just crushed it and i i feel like i won the lotto there because she's not only beautiful she she takes really good care of me and our daughter. She's not only beautiful, but she could mow a mean lawn. I don't know if you saw, I saw on Matt's Instagram today, he shows that he's coming to the CrossFit Games and he's leaving his front door
Starting point is 00:25:59 and Sammy's carrying all the luggage and he's got his sunglasses on, just like talking to the camera. And then he's like, oh, shit. Or no, he doesn't have a sunglass because, oh, shit, I forgot my sunglasses. And he runs in the house and she's like carrying a luggage. Funny. And I what I think of you, it would be a great video. You should have McCoy make it for you when after this, you're basically sitting on the porch with your legs up, sipping a lemonade, you know, like trimming your nails or filing down and your wife's, your wife's just going back and forth with the mower.
Starting point is 00:26:29 CrossFit training is hard. A lot of sacrifice. After you decide this in the car, who's the first person you call? To tell, do you call your mom and dad? Do you call Saxon? No, I want to to kind of announce it i didn't want it like it's really challenging whenever many people in my family and so many people from our community and it was just it would be really hard to just like go down that line and like where do you stop so i was just like you know what i'm gonna make this announcement you know i don't think anyone in my family is gonna be upset if they don't hear it straight from me uh right and i was like okay let's you know let's piece together the words
Starting point is 00:27:15 and we're sitting here figure it out and they're like what do you want to write what do you want to write like one last ride let's go and instagram and and it caught fire and everyone knows now everybody knows it's it's it's hard for people um i'll use this example just like you could you could have a friend who weighs two two is 200 pounds overweight and they lose 100 pounds right Or they lose 200 pounds and you would think everyone around them would be happy, but yet it's hard for people when the people around them change. For some reason, it's just hard. Like as human beings, we just don't let people change. Change is hard. Change is hard for anyone in any circumstance. And I feel like as years have gone on, we struggle more and more with change. Yeah. Which is unfortunate because change can be really good too.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yes, of course. I can't think of any bad change that happened in my life. All the change has been good. Maybe not in the moment, it's hard, but I never look back and be like, oh shit, I want to go back to the old way. Yeah. Yeah, because sometimes the worst place to be is standing still you know a lot of a lot of people are like that in their lives well it could be in any aspect of your life and it's just like it's a
Starting point is 00:28:36 very scary place is that loop that lukewarm kind of space and there was a point in my career where i felt like i was kind of sitting there i'd'd come back from the games. I'm just like, that wasn't enough. That wasn't enough. And after a lot of years, I'm just like, I was not proud of what I did. And it really took, you know, this final year for me to look back and be like, man, I'm really, I'm really proud. And I've changed, like I've changed as a person. And I feel like this changes that happen, even just like with my knee, it's, you know, I could be having the worst day ever in the, in my gym at home and my knees giving me hell walk in and my little girls just smiling and giggling and just joyful playing and, you know, with their toys. And it's just like,
Starting point is 00:29:26 all that goes away. And that's like a huge life change. And I think just like that joy that I see in her, I want to display that this weekend in these moments with, with everyone. And that was a big, that was a big reason. Like I wanted everyone to know that this is my last year. Everyone. And that was a big, that was a big reason. I wanted everyone to know that this is my last year. So when they see me going wild with that American flag and pumping them up, enjoy it together. And I'm going to give them, I'm going to give them a lot of these and a lot of these. That's awesome. When you get, when you were,
Starting point is 00:30:00 when you were interviewed after that heat, you were holding your daughter and you said something basically like, it doesn't get better than this, or I feel like a winner already. I do. I feel like I've already won. As a fan, I got a little nervous. I was like, oh shit, oh shit, is he going to let his foot off the gas? That doesn't sound like a guy who's fighting a dragon. the gas like that that doesn't that doesn't sound like a guy who's fighting a dragon but then to hear you say describe uh event number four that you were like hey i there was no calculation it was just go and if the weight didn't go up that would be that we would all find out together basically yeah it's kind of like that hey if you think about it it's a little it's a little
Starting point is 00:30:42 dangerous a little dangerous it's a yeah it's it take the little out it's dangerous it's dangerous i i mean this was the first day of a crossfit uh games we had four events i took in in two out of four of them i took a first and a third those are like two of my best placings on a day one and And I could argue, yeah, my knee's a little banged up, but I could also say like half those events went damn good and I'm ready to put on more of those. And it's all going to come out. What does Dave want us to display?
Starting point is 00:31:22 And I can't wait to see what it is. Um, they, the commentators were talking about how, um, I'm assuming it was Shane or they were referencing, but they said Brooke Wells was talking to her coach and they were trying to come up with a plan, whether to do it broken or unbroken. And everyone was talking about that. That was like the big talking point for the commentators. And basically they were saying that as Brooke Wells went out there, they still didn't have a plan together. I don't know if this is true. This is just how I heard the commentator say it. And that, um, she didn't have a plan and that she was just going to wing it. Well, it's, and, and, you know, when the athletes have a plan, they know they're going to put the bar down before we do as the viewer. Right. But it's kind of interesting. Um, you have
Starting point is 00:32:03 a plan and your plan is that you don't know what your plan is. That we're going to that you're going to throw a brick on the gas pedal. And if the car doesn't explode before it goes over the finish line, you're a winner. My buddy, Jack, that this year, have you ever seen the Little Rascals? Yes. Not that. I don't know if i've seen any of the new ones but i used to watch it as a kid the black and white ones you know the blur too that's like the the washer or dryer they like make out of their go-kart at the end and it explodes to the finish line yeah he keeps calling me the blur too oh that's awesome um is your mom
Starting point is 00:32:42 is your mom worried about your knee like and your dad like are they like oh you're our greatest creation like like like like it would like it would be really really hard for me to watch my kid participate in it i mean my kid's only six but it would be really hard if he's injured to see him out there yeah so i think my parents have with six kids, there was always a fire. And I think it really comes down to how am I responding from it? They would be hurting if I was out on the floor displaying pain and sadness. displaying pain and sadness. And, but when they see me out on the floor, joyful and excited and soaking in the atmosphere, that's what they want. And that's what my, that's what my want to, they want to just see me happy. Like my little girl today, I want to be able to tell her
Starting point is 00:33:42 that I didn't quit and that I gave it everything that I had in every event. And she's not going to care whether I win the CrossFit Games or not. That's really been for me. And the pressure that we put on ourselves as athletes is for us. Loved ones around us, they're going to love us no matter what. They're going to support us no matter what. And if we want to do it again, they're gonna love us no matter what they're gonna no matter what and if we want to do it again with us and i think honestly the family and friends of the athletes competing may have a more stressful weekend than us
Starting point is 00:34:19 because like you said they don't know what's going to happen they have no idea what is going to happen and we at least have a little control okay i'm going to break it up i'm going to do this i'm going to do that no idea they don't know if you got more in you or if you're tapped out but they're going to love you hard which is that's all we can ask for yeah you said two two interesting things there that you're right. All you, if you're doing your job right as a parent, all you want to do is see your kid happy. That being said, we are desensitized to the fact because we're in the CrossFit community that no sane person thinks it's safe to hold 185 pounds over your head.
Starting point is 00:35:03 55 times one slip. I mean, I i mean it doesn't happen thank god knock on wood but one slip and and horrible shit can happen i mean i don't know you've been an athlete your whole life but when i first started doing crossfit and i would you know do thrusters with 95 or 135 i would scare the shit out of my dad yeah and so yeah there's a there's that um yeah but you're in control of the weight so it's not scary to you and i think after work for this long there's a little bit of trust there as well i think you're safer than football one's a little different than you know year 10 right right and there's no one trying to spear their their helmet into your head i think it's probably a lot less stressful than that
Starting point is 00:35:48 um what what's going on with saxon is he still getting better every year yes yeah are you proud of your brothers him and his brother are both getting better every are you proud of your brothers? Him and his brother are both getting better every day. And I'm really proud of them. My sister actually made some too, which was really cool. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:12 And what's her name? Yeah. I wonder if I knew that if Brian was here, Brian would tell you everything that there's to know about her stuff. You didn't even know. She played basketball. She played college basketball. And she's a coach. And she's been in our gym for the last two to three years.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Their own affiliates. So they left. So I had like a season with them. I had a season with my sister. And we have a teenager this year as well that was really cool. So I've had some like opportunities. We have a teenager this year as well. That was really cool.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So I've had some like opportunity. Really, you know, not just family, but really great, you know, people and athletes. Are you enjoying that? I think that's what has allowed me to do this this long. I really do. I think that I couldn't complain. I came in and they were 19 20 21 years old i guess feeling oh we feel good ready to get ready to rock and roll okay me too and uh and i started training with visa goffey and you know qualified for the games a couple years ago,
Starting point is 00:37:25 and she had an invite taken back last year, unfortunately, with the circumstances that were going on in the world. And now we have a team competing this year as well. Having those athletes around me has allowed me to pour a lot of what I love about the sport into and seeing them progress in the sport is just as rewarding to me as hitting a new PR. Like new PRs don't come very often anymore. Honestly, I've been trying to just maintain the strength that I have and get better at, you know, things that are weaknesses or challenges for me. So when I see athletes that are, you know, things that are, are weaknesses or challenges for me. So when I see athletes that are,
Starting point is 00:38:07 you know, getting ring muscle-ups for the first time in our gym or, you know, qualifying for the CrossFit games, it's, I, I, it just gives you a good feeling inside. Yeah. Daniel, um, Brian was here. It's too bad he's not here now now and he told a story about how they were going to have daniel brandon run the sprint by herself the 550 meter sprint and the reason why is because she had been with carrie pierce and bethany shadburn who had tested positive for covet yeah and they were going to have her run the sprint by herself. And that Sam Briggs spoke up and said, no, I'll run with her. And then Laura Horvath and someone else, I forget who said, I'll run with her. What do you think about that? I think that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I think that's awesome, too. It's just awesome. It's something that she's going to remember that for the rest of her life. And that's like things that you can't teach people that. You can demonstrate it and you can lead. Like that's a leader. You mean what? Like Sam Briggs. Yeah, that's a leader.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Going against the grain, that's like doing the right, the easy thing is what most people would do. All right. Well, thanks, Scott. I wish I could, I wish I could tell you this to be the last time I bug you. I will bug, I will bug you again. I know you're crazy busy, super low pressure. If you're not on the show, if you can't do the next interview, I bug you about the amount of shit I talk will be very little because you did so good on this interview. I appreciate that. So shirt. What?
Starting point is 00:39:51 Shirt on to the finish and then off. Am I okay to take it off at the beginning? Oh, take it off right in the beginning. This is the last hurrah. You're going to put on 20 pounds and your body's never going to look so good. Take that shit off and let the world see it. Plus, this is the – You got to put a little message out to the media, like lots of pictures,
Starting point is 00:40:14 lots of things. Send them all to me because I'm going to be like, that was me. That was me. I think you're screwed with the media since you came on this podcast so um congratulations on the baby um thank you god uh after the games maybe we can do just a whole podcast and talk about raising kids and what it's like and and what you learned i'd love to hear more about um your yeah well it sounds like it's kind of funny i i think i think it's your mom it's it's some panchic that i've talked with on in the instagram and the dms and i always presume it's your mom and i always feel foolish because i get on my high horse about everything
Starting point is 00:40:56 i know about kids and then she'll pop in i'll be like well shit i'm not gonna make three amazing kids like you did like go away don't watch what I'm doing. You already you already did it. So your parents have done an amazing. You're doing a great job, man. You're doing a great job. All right. Cool. I'm trying. All right, buddy. All right, dude. I'll talk to you soon. OK, slap McCoy on the ass for me. You got it. All right. Cool. All right. Bye. You got it. All right, cool. All right, bye. Guys, Scott Panchik.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Oh, wow. What a gentleman. That actually got me a little bit emotional. He kind of blew me away. I wasn't expecting him to have such an honest and real answer about what he's doing and why he announced his retirement. It appears that it would be something someone would do that. It's almost like a selfish thing, but the way he presented it, it's like, he's, he's letting us all in. We're all in the know now and we can all see, um, enjoy, enjoy his, uh, freedom. I am putting feelers out to everyone. Oh, looks like Colton Mertens. Looks like we might have him on the hook too.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Let's see what we can do to get Brian back on and maybe we'll get to interview Colton later this evening. Anyway, thanks for checking in live. We will keep you posted and we're out. Thank you.

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