The Sevan Podcast - A-Rod?, Dave's Comment Section & Prescription Drugs

Episode Date: May 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing TD Insurance for Business, with customized coverage options for your business. Because at TD Insurance, we understand that your business is unique, so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Right on time. Look at that. Good afternoon, everybody. I hope everybody's doing well out there. I feel like I need some sort of theme song or something. Just quiet on my end, so I'd like some sort of hype music.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Nothing crazy. Just some sort of... some fun poppy thing to get the day going. How's everybody doing out there? You guys are just having a whole conversation on the side here. Augustus, what's up? Based on the title, this is Sousa's show. Based on the thumbnail, we are four hours behind schedule. Yep. Alex, Peter's correct and correct. Yes, you are correct and correct. How you guys doing? Hope everybody's doing well.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Matt Burns, what's up? How are you doing? Alex, what's going on? All right. We're going to get into a couple of different topics today. As always, I'll bring some really sweet things I found on the internet to you guys and we'll discuss them. But I had a lot of fun last time just kind of scouring through Dave Castro's comments from the weekend review that he did, the most recent one, and kind of having some fun in answering those. Not that there's going to be a million of them on the penalties. What's the over and under? You guys think it's just nothing but penalty talk?
Starting point is 00:01:37 Okay. Hey, you know what? Let's do a test real quick. I went back and I was checking out the comments of the Dave weekend review, and there's a lot of issues with the volume and there's a lot of issues with the volume. There's a lot of issues with the volume. So I apologize about that. I'm going to try to get that fixed right now.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I'm going to bring it up and I'll play it and I'll adjust the volume. We'll troubleshoot it real quick. And if you guys could let me know if you could hear it, that would be amazing. And we'll get that figured out for next time. I do apologize for that. Judy Reed. What's up, Judy?
Starting point is 00:02:06 How you doing? Seth, what's going on, dude? Been loving your stuff lately. Matt, you're a little quiet still from Week in Review, I think. What? Oh. Got it. How's that?
Starting point is 00:02:23 Test, test, test. Too loud? Is that okay? I think it's normally like 68. We'll set it to 69. There we go. Is that good? Does it sound a little bit better now? I'm going to try to test the sound on the thing. I guess this... Okay. All right. So let me know what the volume is like here. I'm just going to bring this up and we'll test it live. I have to do this anyway. So I feel like you guys will get to see in real time working on the show.
Starting point is 00:02:57 April 29th, 2024 at Will Bennett. Hey, Dave. Will Bennett here. How was that? Was that that same super low volume that you guys are hearing on the other one? Hi, Olivia. What's up?
Starting point is 00:03:09 Sounds better. Heidi, louder, please. Are you just saying that so I blow out everybody's eardrums and they leave? Justin, good. Okay. Definitely better than John Young's.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Did you guys see the show last night, the CrossFit Games Update show? When he came back in on the cell phone, I lost it. That was hilarious. Shout out, John Young. it sounds good to me did dave sound good or was it super low it's not terrible but it's not good because i have a feeling it's like it's all the way up on uh youtube and if i turn it up more on my end i'm one of the athletes who took a major hit does that make a difference i went from 12th place in the North American West region to 62nd and out of
Starting point is 00:03:50 semi-final contention. Great. Now the internet's choppy. Dave could be a little louder. All right. We'll screw around with it a little bit more later. I was trying to see if we could troubleshoot it, but it looks like my internet bars are dropping.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So I don't know if that means it's being choppy on your guys' end, which would completely defeat the purpose of trying to fix this. I got some Paper Street Coffee going, which reminds me before we get going here. No, I'm not reviewing the Weekend Review again. I'm'm just gonna look at the comments of it john young stuttering oh my gosh live shows are the most fun yeah absolutely oh the john young stuttering you
Starting point is 00:04:38 guys don't get what it's like to have a 20 year old mac oh don't worry, John. Rumor has it. You might be being taken care of. Okay. Let's bring this up here. Um, speaking of paper street coffee, we got this here from the fittest woman in America. Everyone always asks me, Ariel Ariel what's the secret to your success but it's simple really and now for a limited time you can get your you get your own taste of Dylan for yourself paper street coffee the Dylan that real Paper Street Coffee. The Dylan. Is that real or is that photoshopped? Is that real?
Starting point is 00:05:31 Does he have his own coffee? Are you guys going to buy the Dylan? My sound seems all jacked up. Yeah, anyhow, go get your Paper Street Coffee, people. It is awesome. Today's podcast of us do ding-dongs. We'll listen to anything. Fondle,
Starting point is 00:05:51 yep, you're pretty much right. Listening to me troubleshoot the Dave Kasher show. Okay, so let's check out some of the comments. So this is from his show that he did yesterday. We already reviewed it. We're going to look at some of these comments. I want to see how many of them... Well, we're going to lead this into that A-Rod thing because he kind of dropped that on us and we just kind of glossed over it yesterday. But I got to thinking about it and I was like, man, why is he talking to A-Rod? Put your speculations in the comments below. Okay, so we're going to start with the ones with the most likes,
Starting point is 00:06:19 which looks to be like Sean's there at 50. Because that's how we do it. Everything's based off how many likes you get. You got zero likes, nobody cares about you. Okay. Sean M3933. The penalty for reviewed videos shouldn't be so harsh that they place the athlete below another athlete
Starting point is 00:06:39 whose video is not reviewed. If there is an athlete that has a top 20 scores on workout two and four, but a 400th place in workout one because of an assessed penalty, obviously something is wrong. It's not too late to make it right, but it seems like the attitude is, oh, well, see you next year. Yeah, better luck next year, kid. Sean M absolutely roasted me in the comment section of the show we did yesterday. He was like, Matt, your restaurant analogy is just dumb. And I agree. I agree with you, Sean. That was a dumb analogy. I'm stupid. I don't know why I said it. In-person sheds are pointless
Starting point is 00:07:21 by this standard then. Yeah. even more pointless if you pay for it and then you still get busted. All right, Alex Windover. Imagine a teacher with a hundred diehard students ready for greatness with tutors and mentors that are hanging on every word she says then by studying all year, doing the homework and asking all the questions,
Starting point is 00:07:44 she issues the test and 35% fail. Teacher looks back and says, well, 65 passed, so I must be doing something right. But maybe we should switch it up next year. What do you think about that? That's funny. Oh, my goodness. Oh, Will. Will's got an A-Rod. Okay, cool. We're talking about the little A-Rod
Starting point is 00:08:06 thing. Having a meat salad. Heidi Crum. Cool. That's cool. What do we got here? Will. Will Brandstetter. A-Rod, president of the board, 2025 majority owner. That's the guess there that's the guess there okay a rod the baseball player yes the baseball player don't worry we're gonna stalk his instagram in a moment here i don't know i guess it's just changing things up yeah yeah geez louise what's up susan what's up dude how you doing crazy that waterpalooza winner. This is a Jimmy's. Oh, Jimmy's Tidham, eight, three, two, five. Crazy that a lot of Palooza winner gets her season devastated by this decision. Make a decision to add an additional test to allow these 1% athletes to make it to the games. Last chance
Starting point is 00:08:59 qualifiers. Again, these athletes are not cheaters. These penalties on such a minuscule detail are bad for the sport. That's kind of thing though, too. Do you think anybody in those videos that got reviewed was like not fit enough to actually have that score? Now I get the standard, it's the standard, but like if you put that aside just for the sake of this conversation and you were like, hey, that allowed somebody with less capacity to pass through. I don't know. I don't think so. 65% is not the overwhelming majority. Okay, we're just going to try to find, see if there's something on A-Rod here.
Starting point is 00:09:37 I hope he's really all open arms. Did it ruin the season? Check the replies. All right, I will, Fondle. Thank you for the social suggestion. On which one? On which one? Check the replies. yeah that is interesting what do you guys think all those should be all the videos should be public right like let the judge and jury decide
Starting point is 00:10:13 across the board I don't follow a ton of these athletes are they posting their videos like Colton does I know he puts just the whole entire thing out there on his YouTube channel why would an athlete not do that? Do you think? Yeah. Why would an athlete not do that?
Starting point is 00:10:32 Alex M. Peter's there, but you're just Alex Peters here. I definitely think that they should be, uh, if you're an athlete, once you put your video to submission, you could hold it hidden behind the,
Starting point is 00:10:43 uh, in the studio and then release it once the workouts are finalized. Why would you not do that? I think you would, uh, I think you'd have more people on your side if you did. I'm just like, are you guys getting blinded by looking at me? Just mindlessly scroll through these. Hi Dave. Are you watching this this there was a couple of those last time and i wonder if he was gonna address it actually i didn't we already know he wasn't why did i why would i even think that dave would care about that um dave reference numbers extremely
Starting point is 00:11:15 disappointed by the way it was judged yeah we get the sediment i really appreciate the transparency of your videos i believe they're serving an intention to pull back the curtain i hope people continue to use this platform for direct communication and asking questions. Great job. I agree. I mean, it is cool.
Starting point is 00:11:29 He doesn't have to do this. It's not like it's part of Dave's job or anything like that. But the fact that he is giving that line of communication is really cool. All these are just about these penalties. Everybody, such a corporate HR explanation. It happens from time to time. It happens. Nobody's time. It happens.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Nobody's interested in A-Rod. Am I the only one? Man, they're all unsubscribed. Shit. Patrick Becker, come back! Okay, well, I guess nobody was as interested in the A rod comment as i was huh how do you get it i couldn't well thank goodness for all the drama what else uh would the podcast
Starting point is 00:12:12 talk about for a week straight yeah exactly we would obviously just talk about sporty bat danny spiegel anybody no just the usual the usual go-tos all right so before um we scour a rod because listen i thought it was super interesting when we when dave was talking about it and uh and uh jk uh lance what's your a rod conspiracy exactly dude of course we have to make it's probably nothing but of course we have to make it something right it's a tinfoil hat on it was just interesting that he dropped that like dave seems like a super calculated guy we watch it as answers and how he really takes his time he tries to be thoughtful we know he likes to play mind games like drop little like hints here and there or drop uh little nuggets kind of foreshadowing stuff to come he did it a ton about some potential changes and uh well not even potential factual something
Starting point is 00:13:04 will change in the next crossfit game season at first he made it seem like it might be minor stuff then he made it seem like it might be something really drastic but obviously he's alluding to some sort of change and then the fact that he's also drops that he's talking to a right on the phone about the penalties and the scores that seemed a, that just seemed weird. If you tie all those things together about the changes that are coming and how it might look completely different,
Starting point is 00:13:30 then he's talking to A-Rod about quarterfinal penalties and how it's turning out the way it is. Hmm. That just seemed interesting to me. Why would A-Rod care? Did A-Rod's video submission get dinged for soft knees or what?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Edgar Lonzo, I picked on your picture because you're wearing a suit and tie with a yellow background. So if you were trying to be catchy with that profile pic, definitely worked. Sup, Susan, what camera are you using these days? Your image looks sharp. Need to upgrade my setup.
Starting point is 00:14:02 It's a Sony A a6700 it's relatively cheap it's light i just hook it up to usbc directly into the camera directly into my computer um and away we go thanks crossfit jigsaw did a rod do the open great question anybody in the comments now did a run do theod do the open? Okay, let's check out... Well, first check this out from Rogue. I just thought this was dope. They got the whole thing outfitted for the Steelers.
Starting point is 00:14:37 That's really cool. How much do you think something like that costs? The barbells are all done up. The plates. Damn. Look at that setup.
Starting point is 00:14:57 That is nice. Congrats, Bill and Katie on it. I think they did the Saints years back, too. Do you guys remember the i think the um new orleans saints had their whole entire strength and conditioning place up like upgraded like this with rogue and all decked out with the branding and stuff damn this is nice great job bill and katie that's cool. What else we got here?
Starting point is 00:15:35 Okay, last piece on the penalty stuff and then promise to A-run. If athletes really think they're getting screwed, why aren't they making their videos public for everyone to see? Alex Peters, that's what you were talking about. Yeah, that's something that I find funny because in the ones that when you see people with their devastated crying photo on Instagram and then you swipe over and you watch what they got dinged on with the box jumps, I've only seen one or two reps on repeat.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I haven't seen anybody be like, go watch the video for yourself. Let me know which reps you think I got dinged on, whatever, if they want to have a little outrage about it. By the way, I don't blame them for that i would also be pissed so i didn't mean to say it condescendingly condescendingly okay so let's check out a rod's instagram that's not everybody's instagram this is is he in the open do we know did anybody look i can't like search on at the same time do we know did anybody look i can't like search on at the same time a rod on the board tony martin this is what we're speculating after tinfoil hats people okay so this is him on some podcasts what's
Starting point is 00:16:34 he talking about in a few years you're running the whole content how do you do that why do you do that okay just obviously there's there's some luck involved there and i'm not president and uh coo of endeavor in tko saying that to be humble you you can't you can't script that fortunately i had mentors executives that saw something in me that that had an eye on me that said this is a guy we want to bring along. And when I delivered, they rewarded me. That's rare. And if you're not at a company...
Starting point is 00:17:13 Interesting. What do we got here? Yeah, baby, that's cute. A 50-year-old is 2X more likely to succeed than someone that's 30. Maybe they'll have the bottom line is age is not your barrier. Your mindset is. Okay. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:33 And it's never too late. And it's never too late. I'll give you a few examples. Okay. Michael Bloomberg got fired at 39. He started Bloomberg business shortly after 15 years later he was a billionaire today he's 82 and worth 106 billion dollars he started at the age of 40. okay okay interesting just some whatever motivational speech how can someone who's out there who's young middle-aged
Starting point is 00:18:02 someone who's out there who's young, middle-aged. Chairman and CEO of A-Rod Corp. Owner of the Minnesota Timberwolves and Lynx. Older. Okay. How can they be more like you? What else do we think? A-Rod is looking to invest and buy CrossFit Games now that evaluation is so low.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You think so? I guess, Sousa, what's Bosman's middle name? Charles. Charles. But would you post a crying picture, Sousa? I think not. No, I definitely wouldn't. The crying picture thing was a little weird.
Starting point is 00:18:42 That just seems that's not for me. No, this is interesting. Oh, here he is with Tom Brady. They're going to bring back Noble. Bring Noble back. Okay. Rich person golf course. Well, we know he's got some money.
Starting point is 00:19:07 We know he's into sports. Could be interesting. Asymmetric ears is Elon looking for some write-offs. No, I don't think so. I don't think so. Let's see what he's up to on Wikipedia what we got here
Starting point is 00:19:31 Jake Felton A-Rod will soon be the COO of CrossFit Anti-Doping Greg should loan Dave the money to buy CrossFit then he can be Dana White for CrossFit. Wouldn't that be dope? If somehow Dave's role expanded. If he bought it and made Dave his CEO.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I wonder if that would be good for us, right? Hopefully. Hopefully. Okay, so basically what we're just looking for at this is like, I'm not going to go through any of his history. Nobody gives a... I mean, you guys probably already know or don't care. I'm just basically looking at like what he is doing now. Like I think is the most important part.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Professional career, Texas Rangers, New York Yankees, got paid a gazillion dollars. Opt-out contract uh 2009 postseason 2012 to 10 he's still playing baseball 2015 2016 media career criticism now there's not really much use of performance enhancing drugs there you go Use of performance enhancing drugs. There you go. Yeah. Oh, A-Rock Corp.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Here we go. A holding company in 1996 began making its first investments in 2003. Through the company, Rodriguez has invested in a series of companies in technology, real estate, wellness, and entertainment industries. In 2008, Rodriguez founded Newport Property Construction, a real estate development firm. Okay, that has nothing to do with it. In 2012, he founded Mormon Capital and acquired more than $700 million in real estate. That's still real estate, though.
Starting point is 00:21:15 That's not happening to me. A-Rod has invested in various companies, including Coconut Water, Vitacoco, Wheels Up, Snapchat, and virtual concert startup Waves. Okay. He partnered with Mark Mastroff in 2012 for the energy fitness gym chain in Mexico City. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:39 He invested in NRG Esports alongside with Shaq, Jimmy Rollins, AY Corporate gained rights to develop the UFC brand fitness centers across Southern Florida. Okay. Another interesting point. A-Rod purchased a major equity stake in True Fusion, a Las Vegas-based fitness studio chain.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Oh. There's the rabbit hole we needed. Should do a little digging on his investments. Oh, should we? How deep do we want to go? Real life. Oh, we're getting some hot news in too. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Interesting. Okay. Hold on here. We're getting some real life updates from a source okay i'll check that out in a moment um let's see what he's done the most recent chairman president of dominican-owned beer company okay interesting damn he's doing a lot huh it's our co-living startup, Bungalow Acorns, in the same year, Jennifer Lopez partnered with Heli Health. Okay, it's 2019. Okay, so he's definitely into the fitness thing.
Starting point is 00:22:56 He's got a couple of gyms already. Rodri is partnered with Barstool Sports in 2018 to co-create the Court Podcast. Interesting, family personal life. partnered with Barstool Sports in 2018 to co-create the Court Podcast. Interesting. Family personal life. Other pursuits. In his free time, Rodriguez enjoys golf. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:23:16 He happened to be collecting art. You got to have like a hundred million net worth. What do you like to do? Golf and collect art. You know, just the normal shit um as of 2011 rodriguez was represented by steve uh sports agent dan lozano why can't i pronounce that right now lozano as of John Rosen of WMEIMG. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:52 What do you guys think? Coconut water tastes like shit. Kristen Kelter. Yep. Okay. Cool. Dan Garnett. True Fusion is where all the hotties go for yoga in Vegas. Oh, so it's a yoga studio. Or it's like Pilates Yoga Studio or something. Coconut Water has Jess Lee.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It's there too. I think he started the Coconut Water. Then I think he sold it. Have you seen the new thing with pickle juice he's on now and pickles? He wants to make like a pickle brand. Big Bank Eat Little Bank. Yeah, Alex Peters. That's so deep.
Starting point is 00:24:25 I don't have that button on mine. I don't know where to play it. Okay, so that's kind of interesting, that conversation, and pulling on a couple of threads there to find out why that might be. Now let's check this out. I got this. Okay, last one.
Starting point is 00:24:48 This is... Sports, media, real estate, investments. Oh, this is what they do. Portfolio. Got a little Warren Buffett quote quote that's all i need to see oh man a rod energy acorns yeah that was investment okay i figured that um bungalow man look at all these things he's got going dick sporting goods direct tv eight sleep are we also in cahoots
Starting point is 00:25:30 with a rod facebook okay interesting heidi jump hardback cafe hims and hers damn lysol mastercard holy smokes holy smokes we got pizza professional fighters league wow he has done some stuff huh ufc gyms true fusion okay very interesting very interesting Okay. Very interesting. Very interesting. Some real estate, the Dick's Sporting Goods. That's... All right. That is interesting. Just something to note. Like I was saying yesterday, it just kind of, it just sat in the back of my mind. It was like, why would he, why would he say that? Why would he talk about different changes? Obviously, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:31 what CrossFit has been owned by Berkshire partners for four years now. I don't think that I don't think that Berkshire partners are very happy with kind of the outcomes of CrossFit right now. They just might be looking to offload that sucker sooner rather than later, realizing maybe it's out of the scope of what they could do with it. I mean, we looked at Berkshire Partners and their investment portfolio a couple of times on this show. And CrossFit just kind of seems like it's out there compared to some of the stuff they've done in the past. My feeling is that Berkshire Partners probably got involved thinking Eric Rosa really understood CrossFit and the business of
Starting point is 00:27:09 CrossFit. I think they probably relied on Rosa's past successes. He had a $1.2 billion exit to Oracle from the company he started with DataLogic. So they probably just were like, hey, this dude's got a lot of money. He's backing it. He knows it. Let's go for it. It's got a ton of potential. And then quickly realized, oh, shit, this is not... That analogy often used and even said by Greg on the show last Wednesday was like, he thought he was buying, what was it, Harley-Davidson, and it turns out it was the Hells Angels. I think there was a lot of that.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I think that there wasn't perhaps enough due diligence done by the equity partners. I think they probably just backed Rosa with a lot of money and then realized, oh shit, this isn't going the way we thought. So it would not surprise me if they're trying to get this thing off and in the hands of somebody else who is way more familiar with this industry, has done things like this in the past, and also understands the media side of it. That's why that was an interesting combination when we saw the different stuff in the portfolios because it looks like the A-Rod thing
Starting point is 00:28:13 also understands the media landscape. So there you go. A little real-time investigation on the show. It's a little slow, probably. Probably could have got some of that stuff together ahead of time. But I figured it'd be cool if we did it together. Plus, a lot of you guys were already on to that. And we got some real-time.
Starting point is 00:28:37 No Pfizer, I'm in. Kristen Kelty, yep. I guess this QuickBooks. Fuck, he's got me. Yeah, that was his portfolio with the group he owns that we just went over. And so all the different things in there. They bought Hell's Angels and it turned into a Costco. Was that the quote?
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, they're trying to turn it into a Costco. I don't think it's going that well for them. This is just nothing more than a reminder. I searched for pictures of the old site. Remember when it looked like that?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Remember when it looked like that? For the longest time, there was no updates done to CrossFit main site at all. Present. Interesting. You know, it's funny because like going back to the pyramid that I talked about last week,
Starting point is 00:29:47 we see the different images that are here. And it's like some really awesome looking gyms. They got Dale King's gym in there. That's cool. There's some people playing tennis, probably to show the relationship between the working out and staying active, running some stairs, stuff like that. But the website is driving people to gyms. It looks like you could be like you could
Starting point is 00:30:05 just mimic this template for your own gyms website and it would probably do pretty well so it definitely shows you know the focus of trying to drive people into the gyms i won't bore you guys with my lecture again but obviously i don't necessarily agree with that approach coming from CrossFit HQ. Okay, so I'll let you guys pick this last one here. Do we want to... Well, hold on. I got one more thing.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And then I'll let you guys pick. You're going to have the choice between something really deep, like an LSD trip kind of crazy out there thing, or a poem by Muhammad Ali. Your choice. Whatever you choose. The next one will be on the show the following week. Okay, here's this clip here.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Sorry, I'm trying to bring this up. Forgingly pick a ball. Yeah. Here's this clip here. Sorry. I'm trying to bring this up. Forgingly pick a ball. Yeah. All right. An old topic that we will never let down on this show. So we're asking the question today, should vaccines be mandated? In terms of getting people healthy, let's get them outside and vitamin D let's mandate healthy fisheries. So we all get healthy vitamin D sources. Let's mandate organic foods. Let's mandate regenerative farms. Let's, let's change the subsidies from McDonald's and all these GMOs to organic farms. And these like these beautiful,
Starting point is 00:31:37 small, small companies we see here. There's so much more to health that we can mandate that other than injecting something that is completely experimental. And there are so many alternatives and there's so much money involved. Right. And so granted, you know, the people have to rise because money will move, you know, unless we move. She's got a point, huh? She's got a point, huh? A line I've used a couple of times is that you tax what you want to see less of, you subsidize what you want to see more of. So think about that in terms of who's being taxed and why they're being taxed and who's receiving subsidies and why they're receiving those subsidies.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Vindicate. What's up, dude? How you doing? Hey, I got your new shorts. I'm excited to test them out. I just got them a couple of days ago. Thank you. I'm going to give them a run this afternoon.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Vindicate. Susan sent you, you like investigations, start digging in on Northern Spirit. Yeah, that's interesting too, right? Like they just kind of plucked them out of nowhere, it seems like. Didn't you guys hear about them before that? I've never heard of them. But who knows? Maybe they just
Starting point is 00:32:51 know somebody who knows somebody. She's the opposite of Danny Spiegel, that chicken last one. Yeah, it was funny. I was sitting there watching one of the Mindless shows that Grace and I will throw on. And there was a pharmaceutical commercial that popped on the TV. And I was
Starting point is 00:33:11 cracking up because it always ends with, and ask your doctor if whatever is right for you. And you think about it and you're like, who are those commercials for? Maybe they do. I don't know. Maybe you guys know better than I do. But like, does somebody actually like see the commercial and then go in and ask their doctor and be like, hey, I, you know, I saw Ozempic. Can you go ahead and prescribe it to me? And then what does the doctor say then? Like, yeah, sure. It's like, is that how that works?
Starting point is 00:33:35 And then the other portion of that is like, even if that were to be the case, right? You guys know that like the health insurance companies are going to dictate what you're going to use. So at the end of the day, the doctor will prescribe it and the insurance company will kick it back and say, oh, we don't even cover that one. So you got to choose another one. So it's like, who's really even making the prescription at that point, right? And so it's kind of funny when you see those commercials, you just have to ask yourself, how do they get ROI out of this? If nobody could buy their product, why would they have commercials on the TV?
Starting point is 00:34:08 Brand awareness? Okay, maybe. Or maybe it's just because if they throw a shitload of money at the companies that are advertising them, they might have some say in the narrative. some say in the narrative. And they might not report on things that necessarily aren't in the interest of the people that are sponsoring them, which is something to think about because, yeah, Augustus, there you go. You landed on it. Two words, money laundering. Right. You're advertising a product that I just can't even go buy. And even if I could ask my doctor, I still got to get through the insurance company. So the chances of me seeing that commercial and then buying that drug and then the pharmaceutical company actually tracing that back somehow is absolutely insane.
Starting point is 00:35:04 You know that's not how that works. So then you have to ask yourself, okay, so then why do they do it? And then the obvious conclusion becomes, they're just filtering a shitload of money through there so they can control the narrative. Because if you started to find out that prescription drug use is starting to rise in terms of leading causes of death in the US, you might start questioning the validity of these drugs, the rate at which they're being prescribed, maybe, how often they're being prescribed, multiple different types of drugs. You give you this drug to solve this, but then you get these two symptoms.
Starting point is 00:35:40 So we give you these two drugs to solve the symptoms that was occurred by the other prescription drug. And if you started to report on that and look into it, and also not to mention the price hikes and things like this for drugs that are really needed in terms to help people out, and they put a really high price sticker on it because what are you going to do, pay it or die? there's no real talk about that either because the normal sources that would start to come through with the population that still uses a ton of prescription drugs that still watch tv in these corporate news is corporate news stations then they might not they might start questioning the prescriptions that the doctors are handing out they might start questioning the drugs and the rigor of the process in which these drugs are being allowed to be sold and not being pulled off the shelves when there's some obvious issues with them. Prescription drugs are the leading cause of death.
Starting point is 00:36:37 This is the headline of the latest Broken Science article. You guys know I like to share one of these each week, And that kind of brings me to the point of this one here. As always, I'll let you guys go and read the article. But it talks about different studies that are being done in terms of how much prescription drugs are actually playing a role in the cause of death. There's something super interesting inside this article, too, where it talks about how they're recording stuff. You guys remember this before, you that long ago, when you didn't die of COVID, you maybe died with COVID. So then they checked the box, COVID. That might be something similar to what's happening with these prescription drugs and when people are dying from them,
Starting point is 00:37:19 how they're being categorized. The article is very interesting, but one point I wanted to put out here is that as they started to cite, not the article, but current data on prescription drug deaths, they realized a lot of the stuff that they were citing had the mean publication year of 1973, which is extremely outdated. And the drug deaths have increased dramatically in the last 50 years. An example was 37,000 drug deaths were reported to the FDA in 2006, and 123,927,000 10 years later, which is a 3.3 times as many. 3.3 times as many from before. So go check this article out. They're publishing them every single week. You could get in on the conversation by logging in, or you could just go check it out. So head on over to the Broken Science Initiative, read a little bit more of
Starting point is 00:38:17 that. I wanted to draw the attention to it because you had asked, well, if they were that bad, why aren't we hearing more about it? We just solved that problem because drug companies are throwing a lot of money at media distribution. No, I'm talking fast. My mouth starts to get super dry. All right. So did you guys vote here? Do you want to go LSD deep for the philosophical point of the day? Or do we want to listen to a poem by Muhammad Ali?
Starting point is 00:38:49 Let's see. He's opposite of Daniel Spiegel. I don't know if anybody. Survival of the fittest. That didn't count. Doesn't count as a vote. I thought there was at least one vote for the LSD. Oh, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Daniel, YouTube demonization for medical misinformation in three, two, one. Yeah. Yep. That's it, right? That's exactly it. You nailed it. Because if all the money is being funneled into these companies from the pharmaceutical companies, they control the narrative. They control the narrative. Okay, deep. Here we go. A couple of them, three of them deep. Okay, perfect.
Starting point is 00:39:34 All right. This one's kind of crazy. This one's kind of crazy. Okay, a little food for thought for today. Here we go. Isn't it weird how so many versions of you exist in people's minds? Some know you as the shy person that doesn't talk. Some know you as the annoying person that won't stop talking.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Some see you cold and mean. Others find you caring and kind. The gist is, the person you think of yourself exists only for you, and even you don't know who that really is. Every person you meet, have a relationship with, or make eye contact on the street with, creates a version of you in their heads.
Starting point is 00:40:25 You're not the same person to your mom, your dad, your sibling, than you are to your coworkers, your neighbors, or your friends. There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there in people's minds. A you exists in each version, and yet your you itself isn't really a someone at all. You're not responsible for the version of you that exists in others' minds. There are versions of you that only exist because other people give them oxygen. And you are not obliged to keep those other versions alive to make other people happy. Isn't it weird how so many versions...
Starting point is 00:41:04 Trippy. Tri many versions Trippy. Trippy. That could just be summed up in, you know what, you don't really control people's perceptions of you sometimes so if you try to please everybody, it's an endless game there. RB, how about reduced healthcare
Starting point is 00:41:23 premiums for proof of fitness or proactive measures to reduce their exposure? Exactly. Which could also be the ultimate play of CrossFit, which is data collection, right? If you think about that, if you started to think about, if you collected data on, let's say you're just like average CrossFitter. So let's say somebody goes to CrossFit three times a week. Let's say they kind of follow maybe like a 70-30 on the diet. So I drank a little bit on the weekends. They kind of eat some not so good for you foods, but majority of the time, they're pretty dialed in, right? They're lean, they're fit. You could tell like, what is the healthcare cost on that
Starting point is 00:42:06 individual? And when you know that, you know, the figure's probably risen, but 80 cents of every dollar goes to treating like chronic diseases, to managing those symptoms for like a long period of time. If you have just as average CrossFitter that starts at 30 and let's say stays with it for, for life, what do you think the healthcare cost on that person is compared to the average American in terms of pharmaceutical costs, in terms of hospital visits, managing ongoing care, especially as they get older? I guarantee you that there's a drastic difference there. And if CrossFit controlled all the messaging and Big Pharma didn't, how many people you think would slowly move to that direction over time and the healthcare costs would start to drop dramatically?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Interesting, right? interesting right and if you had the right people involved and you started to take every single one of these crossfit affiliates whatever the number is 11 000 12 000 15 000 whatever they're always all ever-changing but let's just say it's just you got 5 000 gyms to participate right so half them are like yep we're gonna you know do these certain data points on every single one of our members here in perpetuity and collect and send it to you over time. And then CrossFit HQ gets all that data over periods of time and could essentially have a different form of healthcare, right? I mean, I definitely don't know enough about the healthcare system and how financing of that would all work. But I just imagine that data is king. And if you were to have them on CrossFit affiliates in the type of healthcare that a CrossFit affiliate is providing over an average of 10 years, let's just call it just that sample size, it would be pretty interesting to see the cost on those individuals on the healthcare system versus the average American.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Because I guarantee you, it ain't the average CrossFitter that's in there sucking up all the dollars. Because I guarantee you, it ain't the average CrossFitter that's in there sucking up all the dollars. Greg should start an insurance company. Would be interesting, right? I mean, that would be the long-term play for me. I would build in that whole media, education, coaches. Those first three rungs would be huge to getting the word out there. Converting people to CrossFitters, to the methodology, to the lifestyle of being responsible for their own health and fitness. Collecting all the data from that, individuals
Starting point is 00:44:35 that could opt in, CrossFit affiliates that want to opt in. Imagine if you started collecting it from the beginning. Holy shit. Like, not even like super early, but maybe just like 2010. You're just like, hey, we're implementing this data system. Here's what we need to track it. Here's how you do it. Implement it, and we'll give you $500 off your affiliate fee
Starting point is 00:44:58 for participating in this. And the longer you do it and the more accurate you do it, we'll even give you some bonus handouts, right? And then CrossFit just collects all that data. Would be interesting. What does a hundred-year-old need a million dollars for, Jake? Their feeding tube? Could be.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Caveman move. Due to inflation, we have to constantly drive the cost of health care up to maintain stock prices i don't doubt it i don't doubt it that's an interesting deep dive too like what are the rising uh health care costs over the years like starting from like let's say you know i don't know how far back they collected this data but if you could get it back from something like in the 40s until now, I bet you that healthcare cost starts to dramatically increase at some point. There's probably a steady curve as drugs and other things become invented and go to market.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Then all of a sudden, you hit this hockey stick when we see this huge rise of obesity in the United States and all over the world for that matter. Jake Chapman, CrossFit, what's your BMI? Do you do 10,000 steps? Fuck off. I mean, exactly. These metrics that are being set to also by the health insurance companies, most of them, I mean, if you're an average CrossFitter, your BMI is probably considered like obese. It's crazy. It's crazy. That, uh, RB, that JFK P class video is nuts. Sure is. It sure is. I mean, imagine, um, imagine a country of mostly people like that as opposed to a bunch of entitled fucking college protesters inside their tents with their safety uh right to assemble and protest here in the united states
Starting point is 00:46:56 screaming death to america holy shit did you guys see uh i only saw it as a clip, but there was like this Joe Rogan clip in there. He was talking, Joe Rogan was talking about how closely aligned that is with that video from probably like the early 80s. In terms of ushering in communism. It's nuts. All right. That's all I got for you guys today. Super busy week. Super busy week.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Okay. I'm going to save some of these for next time. Yeah, the show is a little bit different. We just kind of dug in on some things. If you guys liked it, I know it was a little slow, a little choppy at the beginning. But we settled in. We investigated. Super curious about liked it, I know it was a little slow or choppy at the beginning, but, uh, we settled in, we investigated super curious about a rod and what could come from that or
Starting point is 00:47:50 what conversations are at least being had. Um, could be, could be interesting after this CrossFit game season. I think, uh, if I were to make a prediction about it, I would say
Starting point is 00:48:06 between the ending of the games and maybe just after the start of the new year, we might see some big changes to CrossFit if I were to make a prediction. And I'm not sure exactly what that means. If I were to guess, I would say it'd be sold. It could be, imagine it like broke apart so you had like CrossFit as like Brookshire Partners sees it.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So they're just trying to drive people to affiliates and just sell affiliates. And then somebody like A-Rod comes in and like breaks it apart. And then just separates the crossfit games from it like buys it as its own separate thing i don't know i don't know could be interesting but i think one of those would definitely be my guess it's sold crossfit games are broken off and sold as a piece of it or the crossfit games season completely gets flipped upside down i think one of three
Starting point is 00:49:08 of those things um is bound to happen especially based off listening to dave's show uh yesterday han cf level two suza saw you this weekend at the of competition cool do you come say hi there's a couple people that said hi yeah that was cool it was a good competition they did a good job with that um likely as in a vested interest in not holding on to that cash what was that before cross fat a rod does like to spend money on things yep ownership stake yeah we did a whole live uh deep dive oh hans didn't say hi wanted to say to say hi, but was distracted competing. Yeah, definitely. Hope you had a good time at it. Hope you had a good time at it. Get that Netflix money. We listening in on the phone call before this show?
Starting point is 00:49:52 Chris? A-Rod Corp is a VC firm. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. I'm starting. Jake Chapman. I'm thinking they start opening HQ- gyms, corporate own gyms. Yep. I had thought that for a little bit too.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I don't, I don't know if they will though. I don't know. Daniel Garrity. We sat here and stared at a Blake screen for 30 minutes at 7. So the bar was set low today. Yes. Yes. Kenneth.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Bam. We're not live. righty guys short show today thank you very much for joining as always i'll be back uh next week and we'll continue down the rabbit hole of the crossfit conspiracy theories be good to each other thanks so much for uh joining and listening

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