The Sevan Podcast - Abigail Domit is HERE! | 2023 CrossFit Games Prep

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, I saw two people there.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, I know, but y'all. Yeah, I've been in Texas for 10, I know, but y'all? Yeah, I've been in Texas for 10 years, so I kind of have it in quickly. Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, my sister moved there a bunch of years ago, and she got a bunch of y'all. She got a little twang. Do you have twang, too? Will we hear some of that?
Starting point is 00:01:19 I don't think so. Nice to meet you. I'm from the Midwest. It's kind of nice to meet you. I can't believe it. Yeah? I can't believe I to meet you. From the Midwest, it's kind of. Nice to meet you. Yeah. I can't believe it. Yeah. I can't believe I'm meeting you. I can't believe I'm going to meet you in person.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I can't believe you're going to the games. Yeah, in like two weeks. Are you, do you normally get what you want in life, Abigail? Nowadays, yeah, I i say so like that was in like that was an acquired skill yeah yeah to get what you want you you get that as you go you learn how to do that tell me tell me what's the is there is there some secrets you can reveal or is it uh Tell me, tell me what's the, is there, is there some secrets you can reveal or is it, uh, um, just knowing and believing in yourself. I mean, it sounds corny, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:02:24 You said in, um, I was actually just looking at, uhbell spin, Brian spins Instagram account. He's got a post and it says basically that you're single minded person. And I take that as meaning that you're really, you're focused. And I guess, I guess at the, at the center that's discipline and structure and you put that in place and you get what you want. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if I'm going to do something, I'm like all in on it. I'm totally just, it's all television until i get there
Starting point is 00:02:46 so we have some and then i do it we have a crazy connection we have our connections all jacked up yeah it's it's kind of and you're in your in your camera keeps going like this is your can is your phone on a trampoline ah Is your phone on a trampoline? Ah. I can't tell. There we go. Is that better? I'll just not touch the table.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Or maybe it's fine, but maybe it's your AirPods too. Is there a delay? Let me like put them back in. You're awesome. Thank um well let me try oh okay and it's our connection it's our connection it's not um it's not your airpods it's our connection because when you took them out it's still all jacked up are you far from the router is she on her phone? Is that why we lost her?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Someone called. Someone texted. I can go upstairs. I'm on an iPad. I can go upstairs. No. That would be cool. Could you do that?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Awesome. Wonderful. Let's do it. Let's party upstairs. Okay. Close to the router. Thank you. The connection, there's just a crazy delay.
Starting point is 00:04:03 There's a crazy delay. Who in here said it? Barbell spin, yes. Abigail Donut. We will not call her Abigail Donut now that we know her. Now she's Abigail Domit. Is that how you pronounce it? Domit.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Domit. Oh, so I was close. Let's see here. Oh, yeah. was close. Let's see here. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's donut with an M. Yeah. Domet. Oh, I've been calling you Abigail Donut. This should be better. Oh, this is much better. That better?
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. Sweet. how old are you okay 25 until wednesday i'll be 26 happy birthday thank you oh this delays it's gonna be good it's gonna it be good. It's my karma, so I'll stop interrupting people. Hey, tell me where were you born, Abigail? I was born in Michigan. I lived in the Midwest until I was 16, and then I've been in Texas ever since. Your whole family picked up and cruised out to Texas? No, I was born in Michigan. I lived in Missouri for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:05:36 We went to Illinois for a couple years, then came to Texas. My dad was living here. Just spend more time with him. And yeah. So you were living with your mom and you moved out of your mom's house and moved in with your dad in Texas? No, I still kept living with my mom. But we came in, moved in with my dad. They got back together, sort of. Are they still together?
Starting point is 00:06:14 They're like partners for life. Oh, good. Good. Yeah. And you've had a boyfriend forever, too. Oh, man, we we're not gonna be able to do this hey in december 2021 and you've been with him forever though yeah we met in um like august 2016 so it's been a while August 2016. So it's been a while.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Cause he's all over you. Cause he goes back in your Instagram pretty far. You said 2016. What was that? Oh, fuck me. This isn't going to work. Is it? Yeah, this is tough. Hey, have you, where else, where else where have you done podcasts before where in your house have you done podcasts before i've sat here i've sat at the table downstairs and it's always worked no shit do i have to have wi-fi can i can i try yeah try yeah maybe try turning off the wi-fi let's see what happens Do I have to have Wi-Fi? Can I turn off Wi-Fi? Yeah, try.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah, maybe try turning off the Wi-Fi. Let's see what happens. I mean, it's on an iPad. I don't know if it would work. Does it have cell service, that iPad? One second. Okay. Have her leave and come back You wanna try logging out and coming back in?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Reset the router Direct connection Listen, settle down, fucking tech support Look at this Wolverine Ethernet cable Who has an ethernet cable? She's 25, she doesn't even know what an Ethernet cable is. She's all wireless.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I know. Is that better? We'll take two. Okay. So you moved around a shitload. A little bit. So you moved. Is this on cellular now
Starting point is 00:08:25 i just turned off the wi-fi and turned it back on oh we'll see okay hey how did you get your um how did you meet the swolverine people how did you get how do you get a sponsor your first year you already have a sponsor so i met them so I've been with them for almost a year and a half not quite but um it was after the fittest experience in 20 2022 so I don't know I mean that was my first year going pro and at that competition, like there was a pro division and I met them. And I guess they saw that I was getting better quickly and they were interested in me. And I was like, yeah, sure, let's do it. And yeah, I love them. We've been doing it ever since. And I saw you did a podcast with the CEO, the founder of the company, Alex.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah. And it's kind of crazy that they chose you. They only have two individual athletes at the games, right? I think, yeah, they have Alex and Colton. And then Chelsea's in Masters. They have a few, I think. I think Alex and Colton might be the only individuals. Who's Alex?
Starting point is 00:10:01 Oh. Hey. Oh, Alex Kazan's also a Wolverolverine oh i'd already forgotten hey what we got to reschedule this we can't do this to poor abigail what what what uh where how can we do this better if if i if i don't do this podcast with you right now are you gone forever will we not get you again um it's just hard for the next couple weeks right now is perfect but i don't know i mean also the wi-fi my house has been kind of shitty lately so i don't know if it's if it's that where is your router it's right here behind the couch it is can you climb behind the couch okay i'm just gonna unplug it
Starting point is 00:10:50 that's what we usually do is unplug it and plug it back in um so it's kind of crazy that look at who they have what what a trippy cast of characters i gravitated to the same people that Swolverine did. You, Gazan, and Colton. Yeah, that's kind of weird. Yeah. You guys are kind of on the same wavelength here. Yeah, that's really weird.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Have you met Alex? We competed against each other at semifinals um but i mean i think everybody was kind of in their own like do what you got to do at least i know i was like let's let's get through this weekend so how about colton have you met colton nope and uh and so you go to semifinals and do you believe when you go to semifinals do you actually think you're going to go to the games this year yes absolutely this year yes last year i was a little bit more intimidated wasn't sure uh but this year from start to finish i was very confident. And what year did you find CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:12:10 I started in 2020, like in the spring. And you were a model, so you were a stick, right? Yeah, I've gained like almost 30 pounds since I started. In four years. In three years and some change. You said in that podcast. That was a few months in. Of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Uh-huh. And yeah, because I saw some. and and you you told alex um from swolverine you said in that podcast that basically in the first month you just put on 10 pounds like your body just settled into where it really wanted to be yeah yeah like i feel like the first, like, 10 pounds were very natural. Like, it was just, like, eating intuitively. And then after that, I was actually, like, trying to, like, okay, I'm going to add in more calories here and there. And then just started gaining weight pretty quickly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:21 You're like a new person with 30 pounds on you. I know. Yeah, I mean, everything was different. I got rid of all my clothes and yeah. What is your what is how about your fiance? He meets you and you go through this kind of this dramatic, dramatic, dramatic physical change. I'm guessing also that there's a mental change that goes go uh went through too what's his perspective what does he how does he how does he see your change uh well my husband he's the one who signed me up for cross in the first place um and like i mean he was definitely the first person who really believed in me it was like hey Hey, like you can do this. Like we were watching a documentary and we're watching, um, like David's daughter do these
Starting point is 00:14:12 events and win and all this. And we're just like, Oh wow. Okay. Like, he's like, I could see you doing that. And then, yeah, he signed me up and I was totally against that against it at first though I did not want to go um he started a few months before me and we would go together in the car and I would just like take the car and go like thrift shopping or I would sit in the car and read and then eventually he's like hey actually I signed you up it's a three-month deal. Do what you want with it.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And I was like, oh, well. Of course, now I have to go because I don't want to waste this. And then before we know it, I took over my life. Yeah, that's crazy. Why were you opposed to it at first? You just didn't interest you? Or was there something about it that you found kind of a turnoff? I mean, I didn't care. At first,
Starting point is 00:15:07 I saw it as like, just like the class thing. I didn't care to go participate in a class of people working out. Because I've always worked out. I was like, I'll just go run at home. I'll just do some pushups at home or whatever I need to do to stay fit and stay healthy. And as much as I hate to admit it, I also was against the whole like, oh, I don't want to get bulky type thing, which totally went over my head after the first few months. Because then I'm like, yeah, like I want to get strong. I want to do this for real. How hard did you go in the beginning?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Because there's this line, right? that's like a girl might say, or even a guy might say, hey, I don't want to get bulky. And the comeback line is like, hey, don't worry about it. You don't have the fucking work ethic to get bulky. It's not even, don't worry about it, you pussy. But you literally are the, you're kind of an outlier. I mean, that 185 snatch complex you're doing, that's ridiculous that you've only been doing CrossFit for the little bit amount of time you are and that you're already moving that much weight and that perfectly. And then you also – how much mass you put on.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I mean you are pretty – you're genetically not like the rest of us, right? There's something about you. Like you got a weird dad or mom. One of your parents was like weird. They're both pretty weird. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. Cause I feel like I was able to kind of gain, like if I don't work out for many months
Starting point is 00:16:43 and then I randomly just start doing a bunch of like push-ups every day my arms will just like become shredded like super easily and you know same like with my core or whatever like I'll just lean out quickly or I'll gain some sort of muscle quickly so because I feel like I was never even whenever I was like skinny I wasn't like skinny skinny I was more kind of slim fit I'd say and that was actually something that was not really an issue but it it changed kind of some of the jobs that I would or wouldn't get when I was modeling because they were like oh like you're a little bigger you're or you're more of a fit girl or you're a sporty girl um but i was actually trying to be thin you were trying to be thin
Starting point is 00:17:33 i was trying to be yeah me too um i'm still trying to be thin and then you did that modeling shoot where you couldn't get the boots over your calves. Yeah. You couldn't zip the boots up over your calves. And you were skinny. Yeah. Definitely. Especially when I look at myself now.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Yeah. But genetically, still, there were parts of you that just, no matter how much you just ate lettuce and drank tea, weren't going away yeah because i was never like soft like some people are like skinny and they're like soft where you can kind of grab them and squeeze them down but then there's people who are thin but they're still kind of like hard they're not you can't really compress this yeah it was kind of like that so hugging you is like hugging like a like a stack of two by fours yes something hey what ethnicity yeah you're great oh better what ethnicity are you um i mean i'm white um i actually just took a DNA test recently, though, to find out like what parts of Europe we're from. And I think I'm like mostly French, but like right on the French and German border. But then also on the coast of France.
Starting point is 00:18:58 And then, I mean, there's some Irish thrown in there. There's some. You're not Icelandic. No. No's some. You're not Icelandic. No. No. Interesting. A little bit of Finnish for that. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And you weren't homecoming queen. No. No. But you were barefoot. I was barefoot for a couple years. You were barefoot for a couple years. For a couple years, yeah. I had a total layer of extra feet.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I had that too. Could you put a cigarette out on the bottom of your foot? Yeah. Did you used to do that? Did you smoke American Spirits and then when you were done, you'd put a cigarette out on the bottom of your foot? Yeah. Did you used to do that? Did you smoke American spirits? And then when you were done, you'd put the cigarette out on your heel. Yeah, absolutely. You're not joking. Are you joking?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Only a little bit. Only a little. Yeah. So, so you were dirt toilet. Cause I didn't wear shoes for, I literally didn't wear shoes for i literally didn't wear shoes for two years also and that that soul that i built on the bottom of my foot i could put cigarettes out on it i even stepped on a thumbtack one time and i and i was like oh that's weird and then i pulled a thumbtack out of the bottom of my foot yeah tree branch twigs yeah i mean this is you did have like whenever I would go to work I had to wear shoes um but yeah everywhere else grocery stores gas station school you know yeah it's crazy sometimes I'd pull out like little chunks of glass out of there that I didn't like I would look at the
Starting point is 00:20:39 bottom of my foot and there'd be like a little piece of glass in there I mean regularly like once or twice a month just from just stuck in the soul yeah crazy wow i never met anyone else who had one of those yeah uh she is 100 going to be seven's new favorite athlete i mean we're off to a good start except for the connection this is pretty good the wi-fi connection and and did your boyfriend know you when you were um a dirt twirler? Yeah, that was like around the time we met. I feel like I went through many phases throughout our relationship. And now I'm like, I'm grown into this completely different person. But I mean, I know I'm going to go through another phase in the next four or five years anyways.
Starting point is 00:21:25 But you're still, Oh, is that you? Can you see that? Yeah. Good. Fine. Caleb.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Holy shit. In Arizona. One time. Wow. A VW bus with a couple of God bless America. Um, uh, stickers that seems,
Starting point is 00:21:46 out of place. I like it. Wow. Yeah. Hey, was that your bus? No. No, I was on a vacation. We were doing Sedona and Grand Canyon trip. And through that phase, the dirt twirler um phase putting cigarettes out
Starting point is 00:22:09 on the bottom of your feet and was it american spirits that you used to smoke no it was like whatever menthol oh i don't know camel did you ever roll your own? No. I wasn't very good at that. You've kept through that piece of you that you still – you're still a simple person. You want a simple life, right? I got that vibe from you too. You're not looking to complicate your shit. No. I mean I just live for fulfillment you know just
Starting point is 00:22:47 fun times and um just see see what i can do and do it tell me about why you stopped wearing shoes do you remember the actual day when you were like, yep, I'm not wearing them anymore. Um, man, I, I, I just, I just thought so differently back then. I don't know. I mean, it was just very, I was just very angsty and just like mad at the world. And it was just kind of my way of rebellion, I guess. So. Where's that oh that's in uh Chichen Itza in Mexico barefoot to Mexico that that was actually with my husband when we first met. Did you meet there?
Starting point is 00:23:49 No, no. We met at the restaurant that I worked at. Oh, tell him you were a waitress? Yes. And was he a patron or was he also a waiter? No, he came in and just started talking to me. But I ended up giving him like my Instagram handle and just told him to message me or whatever. And we ended up setting up a date, but I just I didn't want to I didn't want to date anyone. So we decided to do a three way date with me, my best friend and him.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And so that way there was like no pressure or whatever, no commitment. So the three of us went and we hung out all night and I ended up meeting his brother that day. And we just became really good friends for a while. And then we started dating and now we're married. And you were 17 years old. I had just turned 19. You were 17 years old. I had just turned 19. Oh, just turned 19.
Starting point is 00:24:46 I did. My math is poor. And how long were you friends? But by friends, you mean he didn't smooch you for a while. Your lips didn't touch for a while. No, no. I mean, we would just hang out like for several months, really. And then we just, I mean mean I think it was really also like it got to a point where I just kind of didn't know what to do like I was kind of living with my parents and like he was a little bit older and
Starting point is 00:25:18 I just thought I was like okay is this weird and then I don't know eventually he came over and met my parents and then I was like okay well I guess we're just gonna date now so just like that just casual like that I guess and when did you fall in love with him um
Starting point is 00:25:41 I think on that trip that we took to Chichen Itzi huh? when you went to Chichen Itzi you fell in love yeah when we were in Tulum we were looking at the stars
Starting point is 00:25:58 did you guys drive there? no we flew just the two of you? yes oh shit all right and then you went there and and that was a special trip that was the beginning of the beginning that that's like when we really consider like our official start and then and then he and then he this guy must really know you well he signed you up for crossfit that's a hell of a thing to sign someone up for and um and so you get at it and how many classes do you take before you're like all actually has put me on a good path um
Starting point is 00:26:47 I mean I I really just kind of liked it from the start like I don't know I I started and I was like all right this is okay you know I could I could do it again and we'll go again and then I don't know it kind of just happened quickly like I just I didn't take it super seriously at the start, obviously. I still kind of was interested in, you know, going out and doing my own thing and whatever. But I don't know, it just slowly, I just became a little bit more dedicated and started adding more goals and stuff. But yeah, I mean, I, I, in the beginning I wanted to compete. Like we did our first competition not too long after beginning. No, like, what do you mean not too long? Like months? Like, like a few months. Yeah. See, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Look at – you're not even like – I mean how long ago is that? That's three years ago? I mean you're completely transformed. I mean you already look strong there, but you look strong like how like a 16-year-old girl or 17-year-old girl might look strong. Right, right. Like your legs still look like a little frail and shit like if someone kicked you they could break yeah I mean even today sometimes my coach tells me my legs look like that but oh good coach so so you know right
Starting point is 00:28:19 and have you had you ever and you'd been a gymnast for nine years no I did gymnastics for about three and a half years. Oh, sorry. Level nine gymnast. I went to level nine and then that was when I had stopped. And that took three years. So you accelerated very quickly in gymnastics also. Excelled.
Starting point is 00:28:40 That's actually cheerleading. Because I did cheer all throughout high school. And, and, and how was that? You love gymnastics and you wanted to go to the Olympics? Yeah, but I was too old. I started and like a year after I had been doing it I was talking to my coaches and he's just like he's like man like you know you're you're 12 years old you need to already be going to nationals and winning you know he's like let's talk about a college scholarship but and then you were out at that point you were out um I mean I kept kept going for a little bit longer because I did it before I went. And then right before I went to high school, we moved to Illinois.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And then that was kind of the final draw because the closest gym, I think, was like over an hour away. And it was just I was just already feeling burnt out. Like I had so many growth spurts from previous injuries. Like I just had a totally different body that I was working with at that point. So you broke your back twice. Yes. I broke it the first time when I was 13. Um, and then I broke the same bones again when I was 17. How did you break your back at 13? So the first time was at gymnastics. I was on the high bar about to dismount. I was doing giants. And then I was about to do just like a double back. And so when I let go, I went, I didn't go at an angle. I kind of went
Starting point is 00:30:21 straight up and I went one, two, and then my shins cracked down on the bar and then I came down on my neck and my body just kind of and I laid on the floor did anyone see that yeah my coach was like um he was like hey he's like did you shave your leg today and I was just like no what are you talking like i was like in a state of shock like i thought i was paralyzed and he was like oh he just did and i looked down and it was just like blood and the skin was gone off my shins and so i thought that my neck was broken and that my shins were broken i didn't even think about my back at the time he thought he was being funny saying that to you yeah yeah that's how they were yeah that's what i picture too i picture a scorpion i picture you scorpions do you know what a scorpion is like you yeah yeah i i i wish that there was a video of it
Starting point is 00:31:16 but at the same time me too and so tell me what happens so you're just fucking crumpled mess on the mat and do you have to actually get up yourself and I don't remember I think someone might have picked me up I don't even know what happened I mean at some point we went to the hospital or the doctor or the hospital someone and then we did x-rays and then that's when we found out they were like okay your neck is actually okay but um the three bones in your lumbar did break and then your shins were just um there's just nerve damage so there's just parts of my shins i just will never feel again and then the bones kind of just chipped a bit but did you get put in a wheelchair? No, they just wrapped him up really good. How about your back? I got one of those like molded like turtle shell braces that you just wear everywhere and sleep in and all that.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, shit. I would be scared to death if I was your parents. And then you rebroke that same uh that same spot in your back at 17 yes but that time it was uh stress fracture so it was just from overtime like I felt like the first time we let it heal pretty good but maybe I just I wasn't doing enough to really strengthen that core area and so in cheer there's just a lot of tumbling on the hard surface and so it just was a weak spot and kind of did the same thing so so at 17 your backs you're in excruciating pain you go in for an mri and they're like hey your back's broken dude they're like yeah it's
Starting point is 00:33:02 or they asked if i had previous injuries to this and then i told them and then they're like, yeah, it's, or they asked if I had previous injuries to this. And then I, I told them and then they're like, okay, yeah, it's, um, it's fractured again. Any of that stuff haunts you while you're doing CrossFit? No. I mean, I feel like I, everything's just so different now. Like my nutrition is different and like the way I like just the musculature in my body, it's just so much stronger in those areas. I just feel like it just, it would be so hard for that to happen now. I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:37 I did have start having like disc issues in the beginning of CrossFit because I started, I would catch cleans like in a deep deep in the hole where your back kind of hinges and I just I was just lifting with really bad form and so I started having issues um but it just it just wasn't related it was it was um the discs coming out do people think that you um um advanced quickly like the people around you who know you, your coaches, your gym members, your husband? Yeah. Yeah, they do. But that's the thing. I'm not starting, but like, let's say I'm like a year in or I'm two years in. And people would talk about certain competitions.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Like maybe they're like a smaller competition, a little bit more local or something. And they'd be like, Oh yeah, you should do this one next year. But in my mind, I'm like, no, I'm going to the games next year. I'm not going to do that little competition, but I'm not going to say that to them. But that's just how I'm thinking. I'm like, but it's just very matter of fact I'm like no no like this is the trajectory that I'm on and this is how it's gonna go I wonder what makes you what makes you what made you think that you could go to the games I mean
Starting point is 00:34:57 it really is a monumental task you do you know that or do you not know that yeah yeah totally um I don't know I mean definitely in the beginning it seemed it seemed very far-fetched because I would see someone and let's say I'd see a girl snatch like 155 and I'd be like wow like that looks so hard. How am I ever going to do that? Um, but then once you kind of learn a thing or two about technique and, you know, you just put in more time, then you can actually see the results and you're like, oh, I actually am getting stronger and I can do a, a, a Fran unbroken or I, I, you know, it's just things that used to be super, super hard are now like, you can actually do that. And it's, it's just things that used to be super, super hard are now like you can actually do that. And it's crazy to see.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Do you remember the first time in CrossFit that you went to, you know, sort of the pain cave where you're like, oh, shit, like shit was getting weird. Like you might throw up. Was that your first time experiencing that or did you experience that in gymnastics too? I don't think so. No, I feel like I had experienced that before. Um, I also did a lot of like long distance running. Um, and so I would kind of get that feeling sometimes if I'm running or if I was at track practice or something like that. Um, also I remember my brother, he's four years older than me. And whenever he did track for several years,
Starting point is 00:36:28 and he would always talk about how he's like, oh, well, if I didn't throw up at practice, then I didn't do it right. And that was something that kind of stuck with me. And I was like, hmm, I wonder what that would feel like. And then I went on and experienced that. And I was like, okay, I guess that's how it feels. What event did you experience it in in like a 400 or an 800 or? No, I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:36:53 I'm thinking more like at CrossFit that I would actually experience that. You've thrown up doing CrossFit? So if it's like before a competition, like before the first event, I, it's pretty, um, like on the clock that I'm going to throw up. Oh God. I hope I get that on film.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Fuck. I hope I get that on. But, but, um, like I practice. Yeah. Like I'll start,
Starting point is 00:37:18 it's usually like on the rower that I'll start really yakking it out. But so, so, um, you're, you're, you have, you didn't go to, this is your first year of the games right yes and um and you've only been doing crossfit for four years three three okay so we're uh let's say um you're in um madison and um you you've done competitions. You know how it works.
Starting point is 00:37:46 You'll be in the warm up area and then they kind of move you to the corral. And then from the corral, you go out onto the floor. Yes. So where would I, where should I be posted up? If I want to catch you when you're walking from the warm up area to the corral, will you just start like, I mean, I've seen some weird shit there. I remember Fraser throwing up. well you just start like i mean i've seen some weird shit there i i remember fraser um uh uh throwing up i also remember people like scott panchick are funny as shit in there and same
Starting point is 00:38:11 with josh bridges they start like a stand-up routine but what you're saying is is you'll start like heaving is it is it nerves coming up just you're yeah like you start vibrating are you shaking um i don't i don't know something just hits me like what happened at semifinals was like we corralled and then they're like okay you guys two minutes go to the bathroom do what you need and I walked into the bathroom and there was just like that like where a bathroom's very warm and it has that kind of that musk that just like set me off and i was like oh like i some it's whatever i just drank is coming back out but god i like it yeah thank you vindicate seven writes uh follow abigail till she pukes yep
Starting point is 00:38:57 that's good hey um when you uh when you started, were you instantly comfortable around cameras? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, because it's not a person. At the time, I think I was more comfortable in front of a camera than I would have been around people. And I'm like, it's an object. Where in Michigan were you born? Battle Creek. And I'm like, it's an object. So. Where in Michigan were you born? Battle Creek.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Is that, is that, is that Podunk? Podunk? Is that small? Like tiny? Yeah. It's small. I mean, yeah, it's like the cereal bowl of America. That's where Kellogg's was founded. Oh founded oh okay so you have stoplights and shit oh yeah you got a building yeah you got a building how about how about um
Starting point is 00:39:55 how about where you live now what city do you live in now san antonio oh okay oh that's kind of that's kind of like almost a big town god real estate is so cheap in san antonio yeah you think that's home for you you think that's home for you now um seems like it i mean i'm i'm open to whatever but yeah it's it's kind of been home for a bit what about your husband is he is he open to cruising or is he pretty is he situated rooted in there pretty good um he's open to it whatever whatever makes sense you still have a little bit of vagabond in you oh yeah yeah every sometimes i'll get an itch but it's just like I'm just so focused on like
Starting point is 00:40:47 what I have to do that it's like that was one of the things that was really hard I feel like when I first started CrossFit was the fact that you just you have to stay put you have to be in your routine and like you know have access to food and access to a bed that's comfortable and just like stuff like that um but then once i got into it now i'm like it's it's it's definitely just encapsulated who i am but i know there can be some times in the off season where you can just kind of go wherever you end up fuck man, man. Anton is lucky. You are the dream. I got one of those, too. My wife's like that, too.
Starting point is 00:41:31 She don't need shoes. She don't need food. She don't need a place to really sleep. I like it how you're like, this CrossFit shit's weird. You need food and kind of like a place where, a comfortable place to sleep. This shit's weird. God.
Starting point is 00:41:48 You'll probably, you'll probably, and are your barefoot probably a shitload these days too again right like yeah i like it's good just for my recovery it cools me off you know it feels good to just like feel the ground and like you know, stretch them out. Yeah. Cool. You got any tie dye stuff? Not anymore. Yeah. Gone. I don't know. It's all, it's all workout clothes. Um, uh, so you go to the gym, he signs you up and, uh, did you, are these moves all foreign to you? The clean, the snatch, uh, the deadlift, this kipping pull-up thing, these muscle-ups? Are you just like, what is going on here? Yeah, yeah. I mean, I would get disgusted by whenever people would say the word snatch because I would just think of one of those hooks. Like the big hook that like in the scary movies would hook them.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Oh, yeah. That's just immediately what I would think of. And then like the whole the butterfly stuff i don't know i mean yeah it was all new but it was cool i was like yeah it's if it's something to try then it's like okay i'm down but you had to learn those terms like when they were like a clean you had to be like okay what was that again okay a squat clean okay what's that okay hand clean you had to like you didn't completely foreign right new language or no yeah but i mean it wasn't hard to pick up on all right for me it was no reason to
Starting point is 00:43:17 rub it my face and then and then how about this how about this muscle-up thing how long before you got a muscle-up um so a bar bar muscle up I could do right away but I was doing it wrong my feet would go way above the bar which um I found out that was actually not okay that wouldn't count as a good rep but at first that's how I would always do them because nobody was really telling me anything um and then a ring muscle up I think it was like November or December that I got one. I don't know. It just clicked. But it was the same thing.
Starting point is 00:43:53 My feet would fly way over the rings, and then eventually I had to fix that and make it more of a – like a power power muscle up instead of a glide one and and you would see the boys doing uh fooling around with the rings in the uh gymnastics studio no well wait wait oh oh at gymnastics yeah um no i mean so the gyms that I went to, it was always all female. One time for a very short period, there were some boys, and I just remember they would do like the parallel bars, but I don't even know how they practiced because I swear there wasn't rings there. Like I don't know what they were doing. know what they were doing but and um and the the the snatch how long did it take you before you were able to do a let's say a 95 pound snatch oh I don't know I mean so like when I first when we did our first competition there was like a qualifier before,
Starting point is 00:45:06 or I think it was like a separator event. And one of the events was three minutes to find or three minutes to do three snatches and three clean and jerks. The heaviest way you can do, they don't have to be touch and go. You can drop. And I did those at one 15, but they were like horrendous form
Starting point is 00:45:25 muscle snatch so the first time I did like a 95 bar I don't know I think I just picked it up and just like pressed it up and just called it a snatch no shit okay so you came there strong people must have been tripping
Starting point is 00:45:40 I mean cause I could do like I could like strict pull ups and stuff like that that's just been something i've done all my life right so it's not it was like oh i can't do an air squat or i can't do a push-up like it was never like that and then and then what about 135 when was first time? Do you remember the first time you did a 135 snatch? The first time? Actually, yeah, I think I did that competition in Austin, the fittest experience. That was in January, and we had to do a squat snatch, two overhead squats. That was the complex. And I PR'd at 140. But I don't know if I had done 135 before that. I'm not sure. Maybe, but I remember 140 was the bar. this most recent video you have of you doing this snatch complex at 185.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Was there a time in your life that did you ever look at that and think, Oh, I'll never be able to do that? Or did you were you like, Hey, that's my goal. That's coming. Yeah. Um, I mean, that was me with like, like the 155 165 range. I was like, man, how can I ever do this? Um, but then there was a point where I ended up, uh, got hooked up with this weightlifting coach who was helping me remotely. Um, and so he really taught me a lot about angles and, you know, using your hips for power and stuff like that. Cause at the time I, my, the most I had snatched was 165. And then within like, literally, I think it was like a month and a half, I hit 195. So it was like a 30 pound jump. And then pretty soon after that, I hit 200. And that is your, that's your max snatch, 200 pounds. and that is your that's your max snatch 200 pounds 205 205 this um when i was uh we did a show with um the boys on friday a podcast the crossfit update show and i showed them this
Starting point is 00:47:55 clip of you um doing the 185 uh complex and i'm fucking dumbfounded and impressed where they went with it is like hey how can she do this with 185 but in semifinals only snatch 195 oh yeah that just wasn't a is that like fuck off boys you don't know what
Starting point is 00:48:19 you're talking about or is it like yeah you're right I can do even more yeah I mean that's the thing like I would love to're right, I can do even more? Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. Like, I would love to do that event again just to get more redemption. But it's like, I mean, I don't know. Because at semifinals, I did feel good. And, like, everything was, like, fine. But I just feel so much fitter now.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's more powerful. Um, but yeah, I mean that event at semifinals, that just wasn't a max out event. I don't think anybody, nobody, I don't think anybody really hit their max at that. Maybe some people did, but it was just so different, like, you know, changing the weights and then you had to run and do this and do that. And it just wasn't really a max out type situation yeah i would have loved to hit over 200 but i just wasn't snatching good before that so we had to play it safe just to make sure that we got numbers down so i suspected this early on in the conversation now i'm'm like hearing it in aces. You, you, a lot of athletes who are going to the games are like pushing up against
Starting point is 00:49:28 their glass ceiling. You seem like you don't even, you have no fucking clue where your glass ceiling is. You feel like you're not being pushed out. You sound like you're not being pushed up against anything. Are you, did I just hear you basically say you're fitter and in better shape now than you were at semifinals already?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Oh, definitely. Like, how can that be like i mean there's you know that there's got athletes who are probably just trying to fucking maintain and you're still in this growth yeah i mean it's all about training age you know i mean my training age is three right now so there's just there's just a lot of room for growth. And that's something that my coach tells me because he's very – like the body can always do more than the mind. And it's like whenever your body is constantly getting better, it's hard for your mind to keep up when you're doing these workouts.
Starting point is 00:50:17 So it's hard. You get confused and you don't know that you can actually push it so much harder because your mind thinks that you're still back here when you've already progressed. But yeah, yeah. I'm definitely fitter than before. So, um, uh, I wonder if this is why you're driving, are you driving so much fun and enjoyment because of your growth? mean you're it must be just like every day you're it almost sounds like you're a new person yeah I mean it's it's fun it's cool it's just um it's just weird I mean that this training lately has been it's super tough it's super hard but then once you get been, it's super tough. It's super hard. But then once you get through it,
Starting point is 00:51:06 it's like, wow, like, like some of this training literally has made me feel like a new person, just, just getting through it. I'm like, I feel like I can, you know, throw whatever at me now. But that was just what I say to my coach, you know, I mean, obviously, at the games, I'm going to just like, you know, I'm there to learn and just take everything in and experience it because you know if i if i go and fall on my face that's totally okay if i don't that's also okay but you some people maybe you know once a year once every five years they'll push into the unknown and it's almost like you you sound like you're pushing into the unknown regularly. Yeah, I mean a lot of it is yourself.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Say that again. Sorry, I interrupted you. Say it again. A lot of it's what? A lot of it's just learning yourself and knowing what to do with your body. Yeah. Are you becoming addicted to it uh i mean i've always been addicted to it yeah yeah that's awesome and but maybe that was was that missing in your life when you were modeling maybe I don't know I mean that that was just such a different that was that was a very different time in my life um I don't know that that's I feel like nowadays I just try to be like super thankful because I feel like I just I just I have a blessed life right now, and it's like I don't want to take anything for granted because everything is just awesome. Yeah, that's cool. What about going to the games is a huge undertaking.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Will your parents go to the games, watch you at the games? They are, yeah. What about all the – it become all it's it's all consuming right that's what you are you're full are you full-time training do you have a job no i'm full-time training now and uh what does your husband say about that what's anton say about that that it's kind of like you've just taken on this whole new like career and life and path. Oh, he's totally supportive of it. Yeah, he's like, go for it. Do it.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Don't hold back. Like if you're going to do it, then do it. So, yeah, I mean, he's super excited for me. Does he ever get jealous of your passion? Like it's too much time for that and he wants some of your time um not i don't think so i mean maybe maybe like sometimes it can be hard if like you know family is visiting or there's just there's events coming up though involve traveling or something like that and i have to say no and be like,
Starting point is 00:54:07 okay, I need to stay home for this. Like maybe sometimes stuff like that, but at the same time he understands it's just that there's like a time for everything versus like, like once we get into the off season, and now that I've done one games under my belt, then we can be like, okay, let's regroup and actually be like how like if it's like around the open it's still okay to go and do something outside of like if i need to go travel to do something real quick you know because i don't have to put as much energy into certain things earlier on in the season because I just have more
Starting point is 00:54:45 confidence built let me give you some examples so like he's cool like if he's like hey there's a wedding out of town next weekend let's go and you're like sorry you gotta train or you go somewhere and he's like hey let's get some champagne and you're like nope sorry I'm in training like he just all he just accepts all those things. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. He can have fun no matter what. He doesn't need me to, like, you know. He'll do his thing. Yeah, so he knows how to be the mate to someone who soars high.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you're lucky. Good job. Yeah. Yeah, I made a good choice yeah good job that's awesome um well does he ever faint is he is he is he ever um um kind of blown away by you though like where like he's like holy shit like i didn't know like like all like you've been with someone for 10 years and then all of a sudden they're like I can fly I can fly What? I can fly
Starting point is 00:55:48 I mean that's the thing He believed in me before I believed in myself When it comes to this stuff You know Dude That's so awesome having someone who believes in you. Yeah. That's like the goal in life.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Oh, yeah. You don't hear people talk about that. That's like the ultimate. You need people who believe in you. You want a mom and dad that believe in you. You want siblings that believe in you. You want a mate that believes in you. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Yeah. Oh, there's too much pressure on me. Everyone believes in me. Fuck off. How about the people who no one believes in you that's awesome yeah yeah oh there's too much pressure on me everyone believes in me fuck off how about the people who no one believes in i'll take that pressure and run with it right yeah i mean i don't know what's gonna happen what do you think's gonna happen next year you think that there's you you made it to the games and you think that it's gonna be different um the next year i'm assuming you'll keep training and you'll want to go again you think that that added you'll be as cool as the cucumbers you are now there'll be some added pressure um i don't know i i want to keep um
Starting point is 00:57:01 excelling so i mean we'll we'll see what happens this year. And then, I mean, I kind of know what I want next year. I mean, we're excited because there's so many things that we know we need to work on, but it's just, we can't work on them right now because we're about to go compete in a couple of weeks. But as, as far as as pressure i don't know i mean i i've always kind of liked pressure but i don't want to say that because if there is ever a point where
Starting point is 00:57:34 it feels like too much then i don't want to you know um uh the the coach how did you have is your has your coach ever had a games athlete before who is your coach i don't know who your coach is who's your coach so his name is matt matt bryant um he owns golden line so he i i'm his first individual games athlete that he's coached solely he's like um he's had mentors where he was like the assistant coach where they've um sent games athletes and such and but like him by himself i'm his first individual but he has sent uh several masters sent several Masters athletes as well. And this guy is a coach at the gym that Anton signed you up to
Starting point is 00:58:31 do CrossFit in? No. So he's been here with me to train for the games and then he was with me to train for semifinals. But before that, it was remote so him and his wife kind of hop around right now but him and his wife what sleep around they hop around a little bit um oh like they'll go spend a few months somewhere and then they'll
Starting point is 00:59:02 go be somewhere else so they, they're very nomadic. Oh, so they speak, they speak your language. A bit. And how did you find him? Who recommended him? One of my, one of my good friends, George, he actually kind of, I don't even know. He connected us and was like, oh yeah, this guy's coming in town. He coaches this guy, Trayvon Benton, who lives in Austin,
Starting point is 00:59:33 who is a friend of mine who's also been doing really well in a short amount of time. Oh, there it is. There it is. You said it. He's trained to someone else who's doing really well in a short amount of time. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, we met.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I went and did the camp and we're like, yeah, let's do it. So I told him I was like, I'm going to go to the games this season. So you can coach me. And yeah. How long ago was this this was in november what tell me oh matt uh uh hi matt how are you good good um your camp was wonderful thank you and um i was thinking maybe you could be my coach. Uh-huh. Okay. Well, I know it's November and in two or three months is the open and I'm going to be going to the games. Are you able to, do you want to be part of this or what? And he, sure. Fucking crazy bitch thinks she's going to the games. Yeah, sure. Did I say that out loud? No. Yeah. Like that? Did I say that out loud?
Starting point is 01:00:41 No. Yeah. Like that? I mean, he was totally on board with it. He was like, yeah, I know. Let's do it. He did? Really?
Starting point is 01:00:53 Dude, that's bad shit. You know it's fucking. Do you, does any part of you know it's a little weird to say you're going to the games? I mean, it's not realistic. Yeah. I mean, there was definitely, I mean, that's the thing cause I would definitely get some looks from people or they would be like, you know, okay. Like she thinks she's doing this. Right. But then as it got closer and then they're like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:01:17 she's actually doing pretty well. And like, okay. Yeah. You know? And then right before they're like, okay. Yeah. I think she can do it. But it was definitely during that time period beforehand where people were like are you serious like no way but in my mind i'm like man these people like they don't believe me no it's so fucking hard yeah but I don't know it just made sense
Starting point is 01:01:53 yeah okay fine alright Sabbath essentials $1.99 for my Uber ride from Chicago to Madison thank you I appreciate that congratulations on the on the kissing you do with the blonde girl the flowers in her hair that's cool kissing girls is fun um uh abby
Starting point is 01:02:14 uh what's your oh that's great thank you rambler uh what's your resting heart rate on your apple watch i don't know um i don't even know how to check that. This is like one of the really old ones. I just used it for a timer. That, you know... Holy shit. You don't know... That's amazing. She doesn't even know...
Starting point is 01:02:38 Do you know where your shoes are right now? Do you know where your shoes are right now? I'm just curious. Yeah, my closet's over there. I have shoes everywhere right now? I'm just curious. Yeah, my closet's over there. I have shoes everywhere right now. All right. You have an Apple Watch. So that watch is totally overkill for you?
Starting point is 01:02:57 Well, I mean, I'll use it for, like, the time, and that's it. When I'm working out, I actually take it off. Lately, we've been working out at this gym that doesn't have a lot of chalk so i actually have to wear the sweat bands and so i'm not gonna wear this but or grips yeah i just take it off it's too much it's too bulky for me but i do like to know the time how are you how are you gonna be let's say there's there's a chance you're kind of new to crossfit but but before you were around there was this before you around there was the games and at the games there was this series called the behind the scenes and this little armenian guy would travel around with his camera
Starting point is 01:03:39 and he would talk to the athletes like while they were back there now there's rumors that this little armenian guy a little bit older now a little grayer is going to be might be back at the games this year with this camera and be back there um like filming people and talking to people it's pretty intense right he's just everywhere how do you think you you would cope with that in that environment um that's fine so for me if people are talking to me about the thing that's actually happening that's totally fine what will what bothers me is if i'm like trying to get in the right headspace and then people who like don't even know what crossfit is are like asking me about like their daily whatever oh this man is extremely sensitive in a great empath from what i hear very sensitive to and very uh in tune with the uh
Starting point is 01:04:41 environment yeah i mean i figured everybody there kind of knows what's going on but i wonder if you'll be friends i wonder if you'll like the boys kind of click up together the girls not as much i wonder if you'll you'll end up getting clicky with any of the girls there like like you know become friends with them have like a comrade there like you become like you and Alex will start becoming friends there yeah yeah I hope so I mean you know be be friends with everyone I usually I actually get really friendly I feel like at competition I don't talk I'm not like a big talker but when I'm at a competition I start getting a little nervous I start like being like way over the top friendly to the point where it's kind of weird. But I can't help it.
Starting point is 01:05:29 You're a good talker. You're a good talker, though. You're a good talker. You talk good. OK, cool. Even with the fucked up connection. Yeah. Luis Lemos.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Look at someone gave me $ 50 because i'm talking to you wow that's crazy right oh yeah do you have a do you have a youtube station nope um we we've talked about it and i just it just seems i i don't know I'm like I'm good with just having Instagram as my social thing and then YouTube I don't want to get too I like to have my own kind of private life
Starting point is 01:06:15 you know but when for a brand like Wolverine to jump on the band like so for for someone like like swolverine by the louis lemos thank you by the way that's exceedingly generous and you always are so generous thank you i hope to meet you someday um the for a brand to jump well tell me about before i say this tell me about the courtship with swolverine so they jump into your dms and they're like I'm just wondering
Starting point is 01:06:45 how does someone know so you talk good and you look good right you're you like you're a good looking human being so I get that but that like doesn't mean shit yeah shit yeah but that doesn't mean shit in in the CrossFit space like
Starting point is 01:07:01 you got to get to the fucking games so tell me a little bit about I don't understand why Wolverine jumped on your bandwagon so early. Tell me about the courtship process. I don't know. I mean, I had just done like that competition and I ended up doing pretty well. I tied for second. And then they reached out they they hopped in my dms and were just like hey you know um nice to meet you yada yada you know I'd like to I mean at first
Starting point is 01:07:35 we were kind of just talking then they're like yeah maybe we could get on a call and talk about working together and then of course I I got all excited and I was like yeah yeah for sure like let's talk and then I I told them they're like what are your goals what are you doing this for and I told them what I'm all about and they were just like okay cool and yeah I mean I was just talking to Alex the whole time and we just jived really well and I thought she was cool and yeah. Do you have an agent? I do now. Yeah, I signed with Lab right after semifinals.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Signed with who? Lab management. So I mostly like, huh? Go ahead. Go ahead. I mostly talk with Cooper Marsh and Daniel Robbins.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Oh. I know Cooper is – he works with Josh. That's how I first heard his name, Josh Bridges. You probably don't know him. He's a grandfather compared to you. Yeah. And then Daniel Brandon. I'm trying to think if there was someone else. And why did you sign with them?
Starting point is 01:09:02 There was a couple agencies that reached out. But I just I just liked the friendliness. It just seemed like we were having kind of just like a genuine conversation, whereas there was another agency um they they were more like hey okay let's hop on email let's look at a contract and just boom boom boom boom um and it just kind of reminded me of like past agencies i've worked with like in modeling and stuff like that was like oh it's kind of more whatever but also the other agencies seem to work a lot more with the european athletes and i saw a lab was with like all the athletes in the States. So I was like, okay, I already, I already kind of like them. So let's do it. And how long has that been?
Starting point is 01:09:37 That was right after semifinals. Oh, wow. Yeah. So basically they saw you were going to the games and it's like this is this is promising yeah and that's what that's when i would kind of expect a swolverine to jump on but for some reason they jumped on before oh yeah they knew something yeah they they've been playing their cards right do you have do you um have you are you sponsored by a coffee company? No.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Do you – are you sponsored by a – oh, shit. Where are my – oh. Are you sponsored by a Toastbacer company? I got their product recently, and I think there might be a meeting soon. What do you think about their product? Oh, you probably shouldn't say until they give you money. Don't say it. Don't say you like it. I fucked up and already said I love it
Starting point is 01:10:33 and they could give two shits about me now. I fucking love these things. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it's feet stuff. I like it. You like feet stuff? I like it. You like feet stuff? I like the, you know. They're like, when you get them, it says in the box, only wear for five minutes.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I'm like, fuck you. I'm wearing these for three hours. Yeah. If I could sleep in them, but if I didn't move around and kick them off, then I would. Right. I could sleep in them, but if I didn't move around and kick them off, then I would. Right. Looking forward to seeing what Abigail Donut can do at the games and the behind-the-scenes footage.
Starting point is 01:11:13 She's so chill. Thanks for having her on, Seve and company. Oh, that's you, Caleb. She was thanking you. Wow. Amazing. Yolana Jennings. Thanks, Yolanda.
Starting point is 01:11:26 All right. Another $5. Isn't that crazy? I'm making all sorts of money off you today. Yeah. Swolverine, we believe in her. Simple as that. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 01:11:37 What are you talking about? We believe in her. Simple as that. Get a cell that she got to. Oh, geez. Please. Part of the interview process. All right. What do I know? I don't. Oh, jeez. Part of the interview process. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:11:46 What do I know? I don't know. Does the toe spacer work? I'm telling you, when I take... I'll wait. Next time I have you on, if they're your sponsor, we'll do a love-in or a hate-in on them. We'll see how that works.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I use small mandarin oranges between your toes. No shit. Wow. How small? Maybe grapes. Grapes, yeah. They would
Starting point is 01:12:19 squish. Your coach says, you tell your coach, I'm going to the games. He says, okay. And you start prepping for the games and the games training. And that, um, did you, after you did the open, were you happy with your results there? After the open? Yeah. I mean, I was kind of blown away because I just wasn't expecting the way the workouts to be. I thought it was just going to be kind of super simple CrossFit, whatever. I was like, okay, if I crack the top 100, that'd be super cool, but I'm not going to stress about it because it doesn't matter or whatever.
Starting point is 01:13:04 But you knew you'd go to quarterfinals yeah and then and then from quarterfinals you made it semifinals and that that was oh kumquats i have a kumquat tree yeah those are probably better those are like little orange you know what those are those little tiny orange they're like little oranges yeah yeah um and then and then there that was the first time you got to see yourself. That's the most pressure, theoretically pressure, that you've been putting in the CrossFit space, right? It's like do or die.
Starting point is 01:13:34 You knew your season was either going to come to an end or you were going to fulfill this dream. Yeah. Yeah. And how did Abigail Domet manage that pressure of semifinals? I mean, it was great. Yeah, there was definitely like a turning point in the weekend because I feel like starting out, it was like, OK, this is okay. I know I can do it. I know I can keep getting more points. But there's just a few events where things just – they didn't go perfectly and that's fine. But there came a point where I was like, okay, we need to decide.
Starting point is 01:14:17 If we're going to go, we need to start getting more points and getting some higher scores. You had that talk with yourself. You're like, shit, I'm not doing it. I'm not, I'm not performing. Like I never thought like, Oh, it's not going to happen. I mean, maybe like the tiniest, tiniest thought, but it was just like, okay. I mean, we still have four more events. Like that's tons of time to move. So yeah, I mean there, there was some pressure, but it was good. It was good pressure. Sorry. That's me. I'm making noise over here. I want to, uh, Caleb, could you pull up the CrossFit games leaderboard? Sorry. Oh, there's no,
Starting point is 01:14:56 no, this is good. Oh my. Oh, emotional. You cry. You're crying. Oh yeah. I'm S I'm so emotional. Oh, that's awesome wow and um and what's um what's uh anton say to you is he is he somewhere back there like close like ready to grab you yeah he was probably like 20 feet away from me and is he crying too i i'm not sure i i think he might have teared up a little bit like where you had he still had the straight face but like the eyes might have had like a little glisten in them yeah right he was proud god damn he must have been proud. Yeah, for sure. Do your mom and dad know what to expect at the games? Like, are they, it's going to be intense for them.
Starting point is 01:16:05 he was like following the games more than I was like whenever Rogue Imitation was happening he was like watching it all when he was like traveling for work or whatever and he's like messaging me about it it's like oh you're watching Rogue right now I'm like what you're watching that and he would send me stuff from CrossFit and so he he pays attention a lot um he's probably my number one fan. But, I mean, they're both just like, I mean, they're, I don't know. It'll be intense for sure. I already know my mom's going to cry and all that. Yeah, it's super intense. What about, what hotel are you staying at? Are you staying nearby the venue?
Starting point is 01:16:41 You got a good spot? Yeah, I don't remember which hotel it is. Do they hook you up with it? Do they hold a room for you and they're like, hey, stay here. It's close. And then you do it through CrossFit? So everything was kind of getting – originally we wanted an Airbnb just to have like the full kitchen and everything. But then everything was booked right away.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So, well well we did find a hotel that did have a little kitchen in it so we need to use that because we're going to be there for like nine days or whatever um and so we got everything booked and then eventually like um I mean my agency was just like oh yeah like we we can hold a room for you and all this but we already had everything booked and so we're like we'll just keep what we have and we can hold a room for you and all this, but we already had everything booked. And so we're like, we'll just keep what we have. And we got a room car anyways. So. I wonder how long before you're just like a coop.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I'm going to need two rooms this year at the games. Yeah. It's coming. Yeah. Instead of just like, Hey, we can hold a room for you and you can pay for it. It's like, I'm going to need two rooms at the games. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:48 For sure. Alex. Yeah, I know you sent the packages of the Swolverine supplements. I want them opened and set on my kitchenette over at the Four Seasons. Uh-huh. Yeah. Only Evian. The glass bottles.
Starting point is 01:18:00 You know I don't drink that BPA shit. Thank you. God, it's going gonna be so fun yeah exactly man you're stoked um well thank you for coming on i'm pumped to meet you you're cool as shit yeah you're fun you're cool beyond thank you for having me yeah and and uh you have a you have a great support team. Out of your two parents, who's the buff one? Out of your mom and dad.
Starting point is 01:18:30 I mean, they're both really strong. I mean, my dad's in great shape. Is he all muscular and shit, though? Is he like, does he like have traps? No, he's just kind of naturally lean he just he cycles a lot does he have a big butt or his jeans big and his can you kind of see his butt in his jeans he cycled his butt off he rode his bike he's got big calves big calves okay yeah cool but i feel like my mom's like very mentally strong and so your your coach's
Starting point is 01:19:08 pass anton gets it so my coach is gonna get it i mean we're we're gonna figure we're gonna figure something out how to get it you need anton down there yeah yeah that's what, okay. Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah. You need to know you have to know somebody Cooper, Cooper, Cooper knows somebody. Yeah. We, we've been talking about it. So. Okay. Awesome. Um, um, if by chance our paths ever cross, it'll be an honor to meet you and stick a camera in your face. For sure. Awesome. All right. right uh have a have a uh have a great evening and um yeah you're a rock
Starting point is 01:19:51 star i'm excited to know you and to uh see you progress you're amazing miss abigail domit thank you so much all right good night see you later good night supermodel if you cycle your butt off you're not doing it right the glutes are a major mover and propel pedal stroke oh
Starting point is 01:20:15 well thank you did you watch the fights last night Caleb your internet is ass right now Did you watch the fights last night, Caleb? God, Caleb, your internet is ass right now. Holly Holm has... It's amazing how fighters just don't have big asses. I mean, she could have a big ass, but you can just tell she doesn't train it, right? I guess they don't want to carry that extra weight.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Don't need that dump truck. Yeah, they don't want to carry that extra weight. They don't need that dump truck. Yeah, they don't need the dumper. What was that brand that I coined the term yesterday? Dump truck hotties. Dump truck hotties. Dump truck hotties. Well, Sebon has a new favorite athlete. That chick is fucking cool.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yeah, she's dope. They have to make weight, Sebi. I guess, yeah. All right. I'd have kept her on another 15 minutes, but I'm a fucking mess. I have to pee so fucking bad. My eyes are turning yellow.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I'm glad I stayed on long enough for Luis Lemos to give me 50 bucks. That was crazy. Yeah, he's always in there. He's a good dude. Yeah. Oh, the ninja choke was savage. You should go back and watch how that... I'm not digging Donut over Danielle.
Starting point is 01:21:42 I'm not fucking all up in Danielle. I'm not. I'm fucking all up in Danielle shit. I love Danielle. But Donut is cool as shit. Yeah, Abigail. As I get to know her better, I really want to explore with her. She is a freak of nature. I can't tell if she knows that or not. You think she knows, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:22:01 I don't know. I feel like she's still trying to find her confidence or something. She doesn't realize the power. Find her confidence? I feel like her confidence is fucking through the fucking roof. Okay. All right. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Okay, I have to pee. I can't fight with you right now. Love you guys. See you guys tomorrow at 7 a.m. Tomorrow's show tomorrow morning is going to be fucking amazing. It's probably the only non-CrossFit show we're doing all week or in two weeks or five weeks. Okay. Bye.

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