The Sevan Podcast - Adam Hawkins | Significance through Service #980

Episode Date: August 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more to save, nobody seems like Dave.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Save on home and auto like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. Bam bam we're live good to see you dude thanks for doing this oh and now i can't it's great to see you again are you uh recovered from medicine oh yeah totally yeah i i think i came back more recharged than when I left. I came back so fired up. I think our introduction in Madison was perfect. Yeah, that was crazy. Hey, we have a, we have a really bad delay.
Starting point is 00:01:23 We do have a bad delay. Where are you? Is there, Is there anywhere else you could go? I'm in the police academy right now. We should have a pretty good connection. All right. All right. We'll wing it. Yeah. Hey, what happened? What happened at the at the games? Like I saw you and we met, but I hadn't I didn't even recognize you as someone I invited onto the show. Right. Like you are already scheduled to come on this show. And I saw you last week and I didn't even recognize you. Right. Yeah. Oh, dude, this connection is so bad. I don't think we're going to be able to. Yeah. So we came on North Park. And you were, I think...
Starting point is 00:02:12 This is bad. Yeah, my connection is good on this side. That's a bummer. Yeah, mine says it's good, too. Can you do a speed check real quick? Do you know how to do that? I don't know if we've ever done one of these live on the air. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:02:29 I just type in speed check and then Google gives me something? Internet speed check. Google. I'll show you the Ookla one. Go. Yeah. the ukulele one go yeah hey in the comments do i look choppy or does he look choppy which one of us is
Starting point is 00:02:57 can you guys tell who who's which end it's on oh yeah my shit looks fast as fuck my downloads and it's on. Oh yeah, my shit looks fast as fuck. My downloads 450. Let's see what my upload is. And my upload's 12. How's yours? Oh, it's Adam. Good. Ooh, that makes me happy. Adam is choppy. Yes!
Starting point is 00:03:23 Yes! You're always good, Se Good. Oh, that makes me happy. Adam is choppy. Yes. Yes. You're always good, Sevan. Well, thank you. I'm hardwired in. I don't use Wi-Fi on this computer. Are you on the – is there a better network you could switch to? Or maybe you could even switch to your cell phone. You could hots yeah yeah that's what i'm gonna do right now oh you demand thank you sorry adam sorry about this thank you for your patience dude it's all good all right here we go uh adam has been a cop for 20 years maybe maybe more than 20 we're about to find out he found crossFit in 2013.
Starting point is 00:04:06 You will hear all of this again shortly. And he's doing some really cool shit. I think he sent me this shirt also. I never wear anyone else's shirt. This is a dope shirt. RB, what's up? Vindicate, what's up? Oh, i guess i should tell you guys some things real quick since we're here we have some time um go over to uh paper street coffee don't spell out street
Starting point is 00:04:32 use code word seven and you get 18 off on all your subscriptions so that'll be like all the coffee for the rest of your life as long as you don't cancel the subscription you will get 18 off on so that's pretty cool oh and I think the code is Games23. Maybe the code isn't Sebon. Games23. So that's cool. Toespacers is also having a sale. I don't know if that's still going,
Starting point is 00:04:54 but you can use code word Sebon and get 15% off. Dog scratch me. Or you can use Games23 if it still works and you can get 20% off. And there's another – there's a lady here in the comments who has a company called Sabbath Essentials. Sabbath Essentials. And you get 20% off if you use the code word SEV on there, which is cool as shit. Thank you for doing that.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And then, of course, if you want a bicep that works like mine. Wait, which one is it? This one. This bicep is on CA peptides. Oh, good morning, Ms. Burns. There she is. Morning all. If you have any questions about Sabbath essentials, there's Mrs. Burns.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Sabbath Essentials, there's Mrs. Burns. And, of course, every morning, you know what I've been having for breakfast is swolvering. I don't even, that's it. Just a big old cup of swolvering. Hey. How's this? Oh, dude, money.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So much better. Thank you. Awesome. You the man. Yeah. Okay, so we just ran into each other at the game just on accident. We said hi to each other. And then how did I finally figure out?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Did you tell me or how did I figure out? Yeah, so we come off of North Park, my wife and I. And we'll talk about my wife here in a second on the funny joke you made. But you come out and I'm like, hey. And you're like, hey. And then I introduced myself. He gave me a big bro hug, so I appreciate that. And then I pieced it together right there when I heard your name. You absolutely did.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Oh, good. Yeah, yeah. But the thing that was kind of interesting about that, and I want to ask you about that, was there was that guy who came up to you and said, hey, I really want to appreciate, I appreciate you for getting me through cancer. I think that's what the conversation was. And you had to talk to him for about like three or four minutes. And then, and then we eventually got back to it. So I don't wild.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It was wild. Yeah. There were, um, an overwhelming amount of people who said that the podcast got them through something you know what i mean like hey i was the only person in my family who didn't want the injection or i had cancer or it was it was crazy yeah i was completely um i was completely not prepared to uh to handle that it was kind of crazy but it was awesome i loved every second of it. They say you shouldn't enjoy
Starting point is 00:07:26 the intention. I kind of needed that validation because there was so much kind of crazy hype and fear about me showing up there like I was going to start breathing fire and burning buildings down. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:43 I saw your page and I saw that you were, this is your shirt, right? You sent me this. That's a great looking shirt. Yeah. And look at this.
Starting point is 00:07:50 The back's dope. Yeah. Yep. St. Michael's on there. Yeah. It's a, it's a really cool shirt.
Starting point is 00:07:58 I actually saw so many shirts don't make it onto my back. And this one I pulled out and put on my dresser this morning. I'm like, I'm wearing this shit. I really appreciate it. And I really appreciate all support. Yeah, our trip to Madison, for me, was full of gratitude. So my wife and I originally went to Madison in 2017 when I first went there for a 10-year anniversary.
Starting point is 00:08:23 We were there for a 15-year anniversary. We've been together for almost 24 years. So wow. How old are you? How old are you? I am 41. I've been, yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:32 I've been in law enforcement about 20 years. Did you get married at 17? Got married in 2004. So around 25, 25 years old. Okay. And wait, how can you, if you got married when you were 25 and you years old. Okay. Wait, if you got married when you were 25 and you've been married for 24 years, that would make you 49.
Starting point is 00:08:50 We've been together for 24 years. Oh, okay. Okay, so forever. Wow. Congratulations. What an achievement. Yeah, it's been, she's been very supportive. She's a nurse. And a redhead, that was the joke that you said to me. So you're like, hey, you're wrapping your hands around us.
Starting point is 00:09:08 You're like, hey, you're a redhead. And she goes, yes. And I go, I guess we have something in common. Yes. So that was your anniversary. This trip was your anniversary? It was. Yeah. And part of that gratitude part
Starting point is 00:09:25 and you know so appreciative of all of the people who have support law enforcement i i heard your podcast yesterday uh when you and suzer were talking about just a lot of things about law enforcement and you know across the mayhem uh where we're an affiliate you know they supported law enforcement all the way through. Um, Dave Castro, I got to meet Dave real quick. Uh, he's got a shirt too. And just, he said, I really appreciate you. You always stand up for law enforcement. So it was a, it was a great experience full of gratitude. And I was, it was one of the happiest trips that we've had. A lot of guests I have had on the show. When I go back and look in their Instagram accounts, I see this ebb and flow of kind of their posts kind of go with the tide of what's popular and what's not popular.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And when I went back in years, it was really nice to see that there was just this straight line of just integrity all the way through. You pointed your compass at the truth or attempted to it, the truth, and you stayed with it. And I want to tell you, I really, really, really appreciate, um, you made some, anyone can go back and look into his Instagram, but you, uh, what is your Instagram again? It's at, if you just type in Adam Hawkins. Yeah, it's, it's at ironworkshawk. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's why I was always having trouble finding it. And I, and I, and I dug, I dug, you know, way, way, way back into it. And I'm like, wow, this guy has stayed the course. This guy stayed the course. What it's a, it's a great, um, and you're a CrossFitter through and through kind of crazy. Oh, here's through. Yeah. Through and through we
Starting point is 00:11:01 started, uh, um, my wife started right before me, but August of 2013. That's when we started. Hey, Adam, why did you become a cop? That's a great question. I actually stumbled into it. I'm from New Hampshire. Went to the University of New Hampshire. It took me 10 years to get my
Starting point is 00:11:26 associate's degree, so that wasn't very good. Just had a lot of fun and great experience at college. I stepped away. When I went back home, my uncle, who was a cop, he actually says, hey, you want to come by and do some artwork for the police department. So I end up doing that. And the chief at the time said, hey, we have an opening for a dispatch position. So I wasn't doing anything, really had no direction. And I took that position and then quickly found out that, you know, shout out to all the dispatchers out there. It's not the job that I wanted and made a lateral transfer into police work. So I kind of stumbled into it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Is being a dispatcher hard? Extremely hard. They're getting as much information they can, trying to look out for the police officers. It's a lot of stress. Yeah, it seems like it would be a crazy job. And you're kind of, you can't do anything. Yes, you are behind the phone. You try to get as much resources as you can to whatever's going on. And you're kind of limited in that.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And I wanted to be more. I wanted to go out and, you know, it sounds cliche. I've heard the other police officers come on here, but to go out and help people, serve people, serve my community. Hey, so you were a dispatcher. And then from there, you just like, hey, I'm just going to start going to the police academy. You ask some dudes in there, hey, how should I do it? And then you just got on the path.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Yeah. So in New Hampshire, you have to be you can't just go into the police academy. You have to be hired. You have to go through. You just have to go through the process with local police departments, wherever you get hired. And then they sponsor you to go to the academy. And then the academy when I was there was 12 weeks, 16 weeks now. And then I come back and field training and then we're on the job training.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Oh, that's, Oh, I didn't even know that so if i want to become a doctor i apply to medical school i go to medical school and then once i i think i i don't know if this is true but i finished medical school and then i go to hospitals and look for basically what's called an intern what do they call it i'm going to call it an internship but they call it something else someone will say it in the comments but basically i get my degree first what you're saying is it's the other way around for a cop you go into a police station you interview and then if they like you they sponsor you and then they they kind of vouch for you to go to the police academy yeah so the thing that's really great about new hampshire is we have very clearly defined ways to become a police officer. We
Starting point is 00:14:08 have standards and those standards come out of police standards and training. So you have to meet certain criteria. There's like formal backgrounds. It's a very, very thorough process. So yeah, you get hired by the police department and you go through their backgrounds and whatever they want you to do. And then you come to the academy. And then it's still – once you come to the academy, it's still not guaranteed. You got to pass all this stuff. Absolutely. Yep.
Starting point is 00:14:35 In our curriculum, the other special thing about New Hampshire is that there's only one police academy in New Hampshire. In the entire state. In the entire state so when it comes to curriculum or voice or training and updating trainings state police county local big city whatever label you want to put on the police officer they all come through our doors gotcha oh a residency or fellowship gotcha thank you what doctors do uh justin h some states uh are agency sponsored others are self-certified then hired yeah it makes sense okay uh olivia uh backgrounds in california is a long
Starting point is 00:15:17 ass process hey have the standards dropped um for I always hear that the standards for getting into the military have dropped. And I would just – have the standards dropped for police officers? Not in New Hampshire. Oh, awesome. Wow. Yep, and I end up running into Caleb. And I told Caleb, my kid Caleb, I know you're always talking about law enforcement, military, and the stare and just go down. I was talking about law enforcement, military, and the stare and just go down. New Hampshire is one of the only states, actually the only state that has a physical fitness or requirement attached to their, their certification.
Starting point is 00:15:52 So every three years, a police officer has to take a PT test. No shit. Yes. Wow. So do you ever see dudes in your, so you must see dudes and you're like, oh shit, that guy can't pass the PT test. And then it must be like six months before their pt test they probably like sign up for a gym and they're like hey i better get in shape we see it sometimes uh i try to be a resource to
Starting point is 00:16:14 everyone so if they're need programming or you know they're coming off an injury uh there was a close there was a close friend of mine uh he did. He was trying to get his certification back. Had a hip injury working through CrossFit, getting him up so he was able to get his certification back. But sometimes we do see that because life happens, but we just try to be a resource for everyone to get healthy and fit. healthy and fit. Jessica Valenzuela, our fitness test is a 500 meter row. It's a joke. Yeah, 500 meters doesn't seem quite long enough. No, the state of Vermont used to use a 2,000 meter row as a PT test. That's it? Just a singular one modality, 2,000 meters? Yeah, they used to do it, but then they've gone back to the traditional sit-ups, push-ups in mountain half run. And that's what we use in New Hampshire. Hey, do you remember what the time was for the 2,000 meter row? I do not.
Starting point is 00:17:17 I could probably look it up. You think it was under eight minutes? I hope not. That would be cooking, right? I don't know if I can become a cop in New Hampshire. Hey, what if you don't pass it, Adam? Well, at a particular stage.
Starting point is 00:17:39 So obviously, to get into the academy, you have to pass the PT test. So that's push-ups, mount-up, run. We have waiver processes. If someone gets hurt, then have to pass the PT test. So that's the sit-ups, push-ups, mount-up, run. We have waiver processes. If someone gets hurt, then they can get a medical clearance. But in the end, if you don't pass the PT test, your certification will get suspended. No shit.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So you're a cop for 10 years, and all of a sudden you can't pass the test. You probably get a few tries to pass it, and then if you don't, you're suspended. Yeah, and that can go out to uh two additional years you know yeah we talk about resolving temporary injuries usually resolve themselves within 24 months so there's waiver process an officer can go through uh to get healthy and to get back on the road hey um do cops get drug tested like Are you guys on like regular?
Starting point is 00:18:26 Really? Regularly? You have to take a regular drug test? No, no. Oh. I saw an interesting meme the other day, and it said – god, I wish I could remember it. But it was basically saying for my job, I have to take a drug test. For your job, you should have to take a drug test too, and it for collecting welfare checks it was from getting money from the government and i just thought it
Starting point is 00:18:48 was an interesting proposition like yeah well that's it that's an interesting proposition there should be something maybe something something tied to it it would suck that i i wonder how much welfare money actually does go back into the um drug market. Hey, do you think it's fair to say that most drug addicts are also thieves? Do you think that that's an over-sweeping generalization? Okay, we skipped that question well it's no no no it it is an interesting question just because you know when when people start becoming dependent right you know on certain things you know they'll go to certain levels and and maybe stealing is part of that right um yeah i've dealt with so many different people from so many different walks of life for so many
Starting point is 00:19:44 different things. Okay, let me rephrase it. Is it not an uncommon occupation to be a thief or a drug addict? Do those occupations and habits often go together? Yes. Good. I like that. So just like if you're a cop, a lot of them probably have gym memberships. It's like one of those things that goes together. Well, the thing that's interesting was, did you see the clip from, uh, uh, the, the huge display in the Coliseum when they said 14% of the population only has a gym membership? I didn't see that. Wow. Yep. It was one of the new media pieces they put together. It was,, wow. If we apply that, let's say just the law enforcement, only 14% of law enforcement has access to a gym membership.
Starting point is 00:20:30 That's a problem. You're currently an active police officer? I am. What do you do? What's a typical day? You get in a car and get bad guys? No, that's what I used to do. I spent about 15 years in the Lakes region, that's central New Hampshire. I ran the patrol division out of those 10 years. I was part of the special operations group. So local SWAT team did that for 10 years.
Starting point is 00:21:06 here at the police academy and i was originally assigned to the recruit training bureau so dealing with part-time academy full-time corrections state of corrections academy helping train them use of force firearms pt things like that patrol procedures and then i was promoted to captain and now i run the professional development so that's that's for training for police officers after they get certified. Oh, shit. That's awesome. Yep. So every pull in like like third parties come in and they teach, let's say, interview interrogation or they teach maybe a wellness program. Yep. And that's what I do for the state. Listen to this statistic from Frederick Berling. Nice beard.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Frederick Berling, last year, 28,736 people applied to attend the police academy. 1,501 passed the test. That's in the country of Sweden i wonder what's how big is sweden is it like is it the size of massachusetts it's tiny right i think of it as being tiny or is it like the size of pennsylvania you want to if this thing doesn't work for you this cop thing you're better at the google doing the answering the questions than i am maybe you can take caleb's job maybe i know i like it uh so let me see area you want to do uh area of sweden or do you want to massachusetts sweden land mass so it's in about 10 million people are in oh are in sw Yeah. It says it's a total land area of 447,430 kilometers.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Oh, 172,754 square miles. In Massachusetts, about 7 million people. Oh, wow. Yeah, and in New Hampshire, we have about 1.39 million people. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Massachusetts has how many? And where? Say that again.
Starting point is 00:23:08 So Massachusetts, almost 7 million. Yeah. What only has 1.9 million? New Hampshire. Oh, what state are you in? I'm in New Hampshire. God, they're all the same to me. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:23:20 You're just a bunch of little things. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, it's the Northeast. You should come out here. Sweden is roughly twice the size of great britain holy shit larger than the state of california well fuck me wow okay hey so all so you once someone becomes a cop you're basically your job is to make sure they stay that good and not only that get better whether it be their fitness their ability to get bad guys interact with bad guys work with their co-workers what about things get along
Starting point is 00:23:54 with as they change through the changes that happen to them at the job get along with their family members it's all those kind of like yeah at the police academy we try to push out as many resources as we can obviously when they come to the academy we uh we train them up then they go back to their local agencies and then we provide training to local agencies um yeah just try to get as many resources we can to help them get through their career safe and healthy what what's what what's uh one of the areas where um cops are doing the best where cops thrive you know like you always hear like dentists are number one in suicide rates and seals are number one in divorce rates what's something good that cops is there some stat
Starting point is 00:24:35 out there that's like yeah cops in general are like really good at this probably not going to jail they i want to talk about the lowest rate of all the professions of going to jail. Well, I would argue cops are the best at de-escalation. You know, the amount of interactions that police officers have with people in this country and the almost minuscule levels of deadly force incidents, I think they do that really well. And I think what we're doing really well right now is critical incident management, dealing with people who have mental illness, you know, responding to that and trying to get them to places to be safe and healthy.
Starting point is 00:25:20 It seems like that category has just like broadened, like massive. It has. There's been a huge uptick. We had I think it was it was there was a lot of things that happened in 2020. George Floyd's incident and other things as well that really pushed police training. And that was definitely one of them. really push police training. And that was definitely one of them. I remember Greg Glassman showing me something on, on the CDC website and it was called,
Starting point is 00:25:56 it was like the evolution of what happens when you put societies in lockdowns. And one of the things, obviously it said in there, which they completely botched, it says you never put the healthy people in quarantine ever, ever, ever, ever ever ever and there was another thing in there that says you also never um uh deploy a vaccine during a during the heat of the pandemic because if you do that then you exacerbate the problem both things were ignored which are on the cdc website ironically but there was a third thing in there that all lockdowns end in riots And it's crazy and it's like we We actually went through all that shit But the George Floyd thing was really really bizarre In the sense
Starting point is 00:26:34 That it was one Incident however you look At it I definitely don't look at it the Way a lot of people look at it I don't think I look at it from The fact that I look at it just Totally different than I think a lot of people look at it, I don't think. I look at it from the fact that – I look at it just totally different than I think a lot of people look at it, especially the people who are rioting. And it changed the whole, I feel like, landscape of how people treat police officers. And then everything has just kind of backfired from there.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I feel like I would blame the entire collapse of what we're seeing happen in San Francisco, California, to the fact that the attack civilization has made on police officers. So the people that were supposed to protect our Walmart so we could go in there with our kids and get NyQuil and come home safely, that's been lost in the city of San Francisco. and come home safely, like that's been lost in the city of San Francisco. And I feel like that whole thing that started because the fact that people were angry at police officers and says police officers took a step back, right, because it's a relationship at the end of the day. So police officers have taken a step back in terms of their – I don't want to say in terms of their duties, but they got a delay in their step-nowers before they didn't. So maybe proactiveness? Well, it's kind of like this. Like everyone in society is like, hey, you guys are being too aggressive.
Starting point is 00:28:00 So they're like, okay. So they all took a step back, and they're giving it a one one thousand now before they interact with people with the bad guys and in that one one thousand that we've asked them to take sky crime has skyrocketed like you can just go in with 10 of your friends into an apple store in california and take shit there's actually laws here that you can't stop the guys who are stealing and it's it's it's and i'm and i'm just i'm just tripping on it i'm almost tripping why we even have cops i don't even like yeah so it's interesting uh we are in like a bad movie it's like the purge here it really is weird dude it really is weird i don't know how it is in
Starting point is 00:28:38 new hampshire but it's weird here and that's what i was gonna bring up i've gone out to california a couple times had uh i had friends in San Diego, and then San Maria. They live in San Maria now. So I've gotten to see a little bit of that. A lot of homeless population in San Diego. My buddy's the fire captain in San Maria, by the way. Some pretty gnarly shit he does besides putting out fires, like washing blood off the side of violent shit. Yeah, police officer and firefighters.
Starting point is 00:29:04 I think Bill Grondler talks a lot about Yeah, he's from that area. He was a firefighter in that area. Not exactly, but close. Sorry, but go ahead. Do you have a friend in Santa Maria? No, but to be able to see on San Diego
Starting point is 00:29:19 homeless population a different way of living. Out in the East Coast, after know, after George Floyd, you know, it was a lot of defund the police that we didn't really feel that in the East Coast. We had a lot of support from our state, our governor out here where we actually got more funding. We got more resources. We got more great, great people that were coming in here so our agency actually kind of exploded a little bit in terms of you know all those things the money and the resources so we're actually be able to push out more information and again in new hampshire we're a little bit smaller but we we still deal with all the same types of primes that every other state deals with just a lower frequency because we have lower a lower. But yeah, we're able to push
Starting point is 00:30:05 out a lot of resources and a lot of training. I actually have the person who does our curriculum is actually sitting in a meeting right now working with a representative to get a lot of funding for post-traumatic stress disorder training for police officers in the state. Hey, have you guys become a role model or an example for that? Are people coming to you now, like other states, being like, oh shit, you did the opposite? You increased funding? We have. We've worked. The state of Massachusetts, it's come to us.
Starting point is 00:30:40 They built up their post with certifications, things like that. We've worked with other states. Washington State, one of the programs that came to us for officer wellness was called the ABLE program, Active Bystandership and Law Enforcement. New Hampshire, Washington were the first two states to get onto that. sure Washington were the first two states to get onto that. And what the Active Bystandership program is, is to be able to reduce mistakes, prevent misconduct, promote health and wellness through law enforcement. So yeah, the question and answer is yes, states have come to us to see how we're doing and how we're doing it so well. Washington State came to you guys uh they were a partner in the able program so us in washington state were the first two
Starting point is 00:31:32 um us states to adopt that program and give it to the masses because i think they had i think they they ended up having some real real issues issues with retention, like crazy issues. And they let some crazy shit happen in those cities. They let people take over blocks of that city, including blocks where there were police stations. The citizens took over. Citizens. I don't know if that's the right word. But the people took over blocks of that city for fucking, like, I want to say over a month.
Starting point is 00:32:07 That's wild. Yeah, it is wild. it's like that movie escape from new york yeah we yeah yeah we don't see that here in new hampshire uh but i but i will touch on what you just said about retention yeah tensions is is an issue across the country being able to find people who want to become police officers and then keeping people or police officers in law enforcement throughout their career we we see we're actually seeing an uptick of people who have eight years on they're like no we're gonna leave now for for lots of different reasons two questions two-part question How do I know if I want to become a police officer? What kind of person am I? And then the second thing, could I be listening to this podcast and be like, wow, I live in Seattle, but this sounds really good to be a police officer in New Hampshire. Can someone just move there and pick up a career and do that? Like, do you have to have any like long-term residency there?
Starting point is 00:33:09 No, we're actually, that's exactly what we're seeing in New Hampshire right now is we're seeing a ton of people from out of state coming here. And we have like a reciprocal certification process where you can actually come here, say I worked four years in Massachusetts, and now I want to come on New Hampshire police officer. You can submit all your paperwork. You go through what we call a law package process. So our laws are a little bit different. And you take a test and you, well, you have to do your PT test first.
Starting point is 00:33:42 And then you take the test out or you can sit in with the academy classes. And once you pass through curriculum, you can be a certified police officer. So we are actually seeing an uptick in out of state police officers wanted to come here and be a cop in New Hampshire. Wow. Yeah, because the cops I know in my area, it feels I feel like they're always looking for other stuff. I feel like they're always looking for other stuff. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and again, New Hampshire's safe. I think there's lots of reasons why we're safe.
Starting point is 00:34:12 We have curriculum. We have great training. And a lot of people see – and it's a beautiful state too. So it's – yeah, we welcome them all. Hey, did you play sports as a kid? Were you physically active as a kid? I was. I played basketball all the way through high school. I played AAU basketball.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I had an opportunity to see Division I athletics at the University of New Hampshire as a student coaching assistant. I wasn't part of the athletic department and doing all that stuff, but was able to see that level of dedication in Division I athletics, but I primarily played basketball. Hey, who should become a cop?
Starting point is 00:34:58 How do I know if I'm like, oh, I want to be a cop, but I'm not sure. It seems so hard. A person who generally wants to help people. I love when you put the title of this, Significance Through Service. My father worked for the state of New Hampshire for 42 years in the mental health realm.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So he, I can send you something in the chat, but there's this, this documentary called Lost in Laconia. And they talk about the mental health crisis in Laconia. And he, he worked through that. He worked at the state school until about 94. And then he went over to the state hospital, you know, so seeing my father dedicate his life to people, my grandfathers, my uncles and cousins who were in the military, my wife, my mother was an LNA. What's an LNA? What's an LNA? A licensed nurse assistant, I believe.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Okay. Yeah. OK. So he did that, you know, in him setting the example for me, you know, in in have, you know, creating significance in your life. You know what? I got I got Ben Bergeron's book right over here. He talks about how to build happiness and he talks about gratitude and giving back and building quality relationships. And I think for a police officer, you want to have those things. You want to be able to give back to your community. But yeah, that's kind of why I do the things you want to do. And I think a person who wants to become a police officer, you got to want to be able to give back. You got to want to help people. Hey, here's the thing. This is why I can't. I couldn't do it because someone's going to do something like throw something at my car. And I'm going to get on my car and be like, are you fucking idiot?
Starting point is 00:36:59 I'm just which is a normal human response, which is maybe why I have so much compassion for cops. I have so much fucking compassion. How am I fighting with a guy that just robbed a liquor store and there's 20 people standing around with cell phones and no one's helping me? I hate all of you guys. I would put you all on a rocket ship and send you to fucking Pluto. all on a rocket ship and send you to fucking Pluto. Like this guy is trying to stop the guy who stole from the store so that all of our prices don't go up, and you're sitting there yelling at the cop, calling him a fucking pig. I have like zero tolerance for that.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Like lighting the police station on fire in the riots that they did while there were police officers inside, and they had to be helicoptered off the roof. I don't have – like at that point, I have zero tolerance. I'm just like we'll open fire on the crowd i mean me it's and i feel like i'm a pretty logical person but if you light a building on fire with someone inside then from there you've completely taken off the gloves okay it's time to go nuclear i i just don't know how you do it i don't know how
Starting point is 00:38:01 you it's basically like you're you're challenging society to something but with one arm tied behind your back. We've tied one arm behind it. We've set the cops up for expectations that there's no human being could uphold. The dude Jesus even flipped over, the guy that all these people love, he flipped over a table. And he was God, right? Or the son of or something. I just don't get it. I would be scared i would be scared
Starting point is 00:38:26 to to have to live up to that that level of expectation dude impossible it's impossible and then and then to have a society that's not compassionate towards me i'm not 99 of the time when a cop shoots someone i I'm worried about the cop. Oh, fuck. How is he going to sleep tonight? And I've never heard it once on the news. Been like, oh, shit, that guy killed someone. And people will be like, well, that guy deserves it. He killed two other people. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:38:58 I don't think anyone kills anyone no matter how bad they are. And it's like. Absolutely not. But when it comes to those use of forced encounters, so many different people are affected. During my time on the road, there was multiple incidents where my officers, the officers who worked at my local agencies were involved in those type of incidents yeah and it affects it affects everybody it affects everyone inside the police department it affects the community it affects the people who are involved in the incident the officer and it could be one of those things where the incident is a hundred percent I'll use the term clean and you know it takes months for the officer to come back you know and we're trying to support them all the way through. And because you're right, no one wants that ending. Nobody wants to have that outcome.
Starting point is 00:39:51 There are some things that, you know, it rides to that level of force and they use, you know, proportionality and that's what they have to do to get through that incident. But that's what we're trying to do here is to be able to give resources to police officers and really highlight, hey, we need to support these officers, we need to support the community and get these people through these terrible incidents.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You would want them to always be thinking, do what's right and safe for society as opposed to what's someone else going to think. And it's turned into, I feel like if I was a cop, it would have turned into what someone else is going to think. I remember seeing a video and it was of a 15-year-old boy running. He jumped a fence and he was running and the cop shot him in the back. he jumped a fence and he was running and the cop shot him in the back and then as the story unfolded he had jumped into the backyard of a preschool and he had a gun and he had been shooting at the cops and at that point i'm like yeah my kid's in that fucking preschool that kid i don't care where you shoot him like he can't go into the preschool and it's just like but but but nowadays
Starting point is 00:41:01 the cop might be like hey i can't shoot him because there's 20 phones on me. And yeah, it's – man, you guys have a tough job. Crazy tough job. Yeah. In New Hampshire, do police officers have to be a certain weight? When I was in the Army, obesity was becoming a big issue. Thank you for what you do. Nope. There's nothing we'll wait what if you're seven feet tall can you become a cop yeah hopefully they have big enough cruisers for you but yeah absolutely what if you're a
Starting point is 00:41:38 midget what if you're a dwarf can you become a cop absolutely any any size yeah who uh i was in uh we were in the first couple rows in the call scene and i got to see is it shrunky oh david shrunk yeah yeah he is a giant he's giant so so even if you want to be on police officer you'd be all good uh bailey walker uh set well said savon police officers are amazing people uh that we expect way too much of way too much. And hey, that's the thing, too. Like if if you see a cop go out of your like, I know just from me in the games when someone waves at you or says your name, go out of your way and say hi to them. Make them feel good. Just do your little part of civic duty every time you see a cop to wave or to smile or just say thank you. Just do it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You're contributing. say thank you just do it you're contributing if that can help that cop have this much more patience or be much this much nicer to the next guy because they're just getting called to douche bags all day they're never being called to like oh my god there's an incredible christmas party on block seven and they want to give you a present that's never happened no no no yeah it's uh it's it's the rule you do with 10 of of the population, 90% of the time. You're 20 years in. Couldn't you just retire? It sounds like you're like full steam ahead instead of like looking at the end. Yeah, so when I got into the job, it was – I think you had to be 45 and 20 years on.
Starting point is 00:43:06 But yeah, outside of me loving my job and what I'm doing and helping police officers and CrossFit and all of that, I got two kids, so I got a long way to go. But you could. You're close. You could retire. Yes. And that would be You could retire. Yes. And that would be a crazy loss. I know you're not here to float your own boat, but that would be a crazy loss of a resource to have someone with the experience you have to leave. I would think so. But yeah, we're building a team here. It's not all all just about me i have a great team our in our crossfit program we have another l2 so i'm an l2 uh lieutenant matt terry he's an l2 uh lieutenant
Starting point is 00:43:55 air minahan she's done crossfit for a long time is she armenian is she armenian she's not oh what did you say her last name was uh minahan okay all right no no that's irish right yeah and then so and and then uh we have another uh l1 i just came out of corrections and then the crossfit program here was actually started in 2016 uh by a guy named paul moeller with swift river crossfit uh and then we had another l1 uh he's He does not work here anymore, but Justin Paquette. So CrossFit has been in our, I guess, veins for a long, long time. And then we officially were affiliated last year to formally bring CrossFit methodology, using the terminology, all of that stuff to our recruit classes and to our state. Just so you guys know, 90% of the cops, 95, I don't know, 100% of the cops I've had on the show have always called me ahead of time and been like, Hey, don't bring up this, this, and this. And Adam was, did not do that by the way. Um, uh, so go back to 2016. So, uh, there was a
Starting point is 00:45:03 cop who all did that cop, Paul, did he own Swift River City CrossFit and he was a cop. And so he kind of brought the two together. Yep. So he he he owned. Yeah, I think he owned his own affiliate at the time and then brought the methodology here. And then we were using CrossFit all the way through. And you were stoked since you found it in 2013. You were kind of stoked that it made the way through. And you were stoked since you found it in 2013, you were kind of stoked that it made its way in. When I talk to the recruits now, we talk about health and fitness and finding something that you love to do and
Starting point is 00:45:37 to be active. But I, I come out and say, if you're going to be a police officer in this country, do CrossFit and or fighting discipline. You can learn a lot about yourself in those two. And I was, yeah, you know, coming here, learning from Paul, being able to build the program and then get it to where it is now. It's been a very, very humbling experience. I'm very glad to be here. And tell me about why you affiliated and how that worked.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Why did you guys do that? And it's the police academy that affiliated? It is. We are one of two state agencies that are affiliated with CrossFit. Us and the National Guard. Oh, no shit. Yep. Wow, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:46:30 And what does that mean? So there's someone there who's in charge. Are you in charge of the actual, is there someone there at the police academy who's like, hey, I'm in charge of the physical fitness training, meaning getting people strong and having a good engine? Yes, that would be myself. So part of the overall wellness program, part of that is the crossfit uh and uh in the physical fitness training that we do in the academies so i run the wellness program for the police academy and then i have all of the trainers um and so we have two classes in the morning actually taught uh this morning with
Starting point is 00:47:05 lieutenant matt terry we taught this morning uh he taught six and i was there for the seven o'clock class i like how you call it the crossfit yeah it's the cross the only thing right greg used to call it that too hey are you doing the crossfit like it's a pill or something. Yeah. I think Nicole Carroll called it. Actually. I saw Nicole Carroll. At the games. So, so funny story.
Starting point is 00:47:31 We're at, we're at this really nice restaurant, a deluxe. And we're sitting there and you know, it's the end of the games. It's Sunday night. And we see Austin Maliolo go in. I've known Austin.
Starting point is 00:47:43 He was my L L one L l2 trainer and then this car pulls up and nicole carroll comes out and obviously being across the space i know nicole carroll is just just seeing her she is up she's a powerhouse yeah she is she's a powerhouse so she walks in yeah and then don fall walks in so they must have been doing some sort of you know after after the game did you say hi to nicole i did not she's totally approachable next time bug this shit ever she's so approachable well actually my my wife was standing next to me she's like do not talk to them they're doing they're going no no hey listen i actually wanted to talk to don you know i saw him a couple times talking about—
Starting point is 00:48:27 Don's totally approachable, too. They want to. Do you know what I mean? They know they're on the clock there. They want to. No one in that space is like, no, don't talk to me now. There's no fucking way. Yeah, because I wanted to—
Starting point is 00:48:41 Maybe he'll hear this. to you know maybe you'll hear he'll hear this was uh crossfit used to do a law enforcement training program and um it was greg uh greg eminson i've talked to greg a couple times oh greg amundsen yeah yeah yeah that's right that. Yeah. And he was and he was very vital into planting the seeds early about three years ago. Yeah. Yeah. With the director here talking with him and trying to get and cross it in here is I believe he used to run like an eight hour course for law enforcement and training and things like that. So I I've recently seen maybe the last year or so that's kind of gone away. maybe the last year or so that's kind of gone away yeah and i think it would be you know because military law enforcement that's kind of the roots of of crossfit so i'd like to see something like that come back hey send nicole an email she's receptive to all that you know greg was such a stud he i i could be talking out of turn here but as i recall because i worked with him little bit on it, just like I would talk to him about it when I worked at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:49:48 And I did go to the California Highway Patrol Academy at least twice with him and Dave or something along these lines. And he spearheaded that all by himself. It wasn't like someone's like, hey, Greg, here's money. We were hiring you to do this. He would just be like, hey, I'm doing these talks for free for police academies. And then Greg would be like, okay, you know, we'll pay for your gas or some shit. I don't remember. I'm kind of making that part up, but he was a go getter. That dude, that dude is driven. What a great resource. Yeah. Say something to Nicole. They're so receptive to all that. that she wants to be all of those people there want to be contacted this is my my this is not some official word from crossfit this is the seven podcast they want to be contacted by sane people so just like just like you uh get called to wackadoodles house all day you know you go there and it's a husband and wife fighting over who gets the last m&m and they're fucking got a gun out
Starting point is 00:50:41 over it there's a fucking bunch of affiliates like that I mean just you know so when someone contacts them with some sane shit they'd love that you know what I mean not like hey um I was having seizures because of the color the colors of the games outfits you cannot ever have red again and people they're well easy easy wackadoogle yeah you should totally contact them they love that shit being contacted by sane people who You cannot ever have read again. And people are like, whoa, easy. Easy, wackadoodle. Yeah, you should totally contact them. They love that shit, being contacted by sane people who want to help people. Yeah, so going back to Nicole, one of her recent podcasts,
Starting point is 00:51:17 she was talking about how CrossFit's it. It is the CrossFit, right? And there's no competition. So, you know know getting our affiliation believing in the methodology seeing it work right i think there's one thing of actually you know having an idea of what it is and actually doing it and seeing it and it's helped me tremendously over my career being in a lot of tough situations if you are physically fit you have the ability to handle stress better it is what it is and you have the ability to do your job the way that people expect you to do your job that saxon pancheck interview you did with him when he was caught on the mountain, that cannot happen.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Right. And, you know, I've had conversations with the director about, you know, doing this, promoting health and wellness and bringing a program and believing in CrossFit and do all this stuff. This is this is the hill that I'm willing to die on. This is the sword, you know, you know, at the top of the mountain. We need to push these resources out because there are a lot of police officers who are struggling out there and we need to be there to support
Starting point is 00:52:31 them. And one and how to do that is through CrossFit. This, this is the, I think this is the clip you're talking about. Let's see if I can. First responders. I think fitness is the most important thing. Cause I actually went through i did like my emt before the police academy like two or three years before because i felt like i was being pulled in that direction too when i was younger we had an accident and the firefighters um we felt this accident i fell off a cliff when we were younger and
Starting point is 00:52:59 the firefighters uh they weren't fit enough to get us off the uh the cliff they couldn't carry the stoke baskets up um so my brother ended up carrying the stoke baskets up to us and they're like my back hurts like i can't do this and it's like this is your job like i can't how how can you how can you step in and and try and save people's lives if if you don't feel like you're fit enough um so like that was that was why hey there's two morals to the story there by the way the one is is like yeah i got to get first responders doing crossfit the second one is is thank god his brother does crossfit thank god for all you people out there who do crossfit who then gives you the confidence to run across the street and help an old lady
Starting point is 00:53:39 you save a cat out of a tree uh break up a fight between two kids like it's it's all those people all those the people doing those good things are probably disproportionately crossfitters just because they're capable of them yeah and i think you know you know the that aspect of building community it was it was strange being in madison when i went to madison how nice were they can you how it's like everyone there's on ecstasy it's like dude that's the last place someone's like hey someone got arrested in the parking lot i'm like no shit and they're like yeah it was one of the employees of the venue i'm like yeah no duh you know what i mean like it wasn't one of us yeah and then being inside the venue felt so welcoming and safe.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And that's just what CrossFit's all about is, you know, building that trust with people, building those quality relationships. It was very refreshing to be out there and to experience that. And then, you know, to come back recharged, to be able to get this program, you know, better. You said that you went to a the games like five years prior to that? Went to Madison the first year it was there. Okay, and then hadn't been since and then went again.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah. Was there any letdown this year to you? I thought it was amazing. Yeah, I thought it was one of the best games I've ever been to. I couldn't believe how crowded it was, like I thought it was the best I thought it was one of the best games I've ever been to I couldn't believe how crowded it was like in a good way crowded we showed up
Starting point is 00:55:11 Wednesday and it was packed yeah why was that no one has a job anymore I couldn't believe how packed it was just energy you know I was kind of when dave left when actually when greg left you know
Starting point is 00:55:33 i i made a post about this you know crossfit you know kind of lost was lost a little bit and then when they fired dave i think they got really lost. But once they brought him back, I think it brought so much energy. It especially did for me. And then be able to see what Adrian is doing. I loved one of the things that I loved at the CrossFit game was to see the interactions between Dave, Adrian, and that whole team. So professional. I love watching that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Like I love the, the, um, uh, the workouts and things like that, but I just love watching the teamwork and how it's the, everyone seemed really thoughtful and they cared for each other and they wanted to put out a really, really good product. Uh, it was, it was, it was awesome. Yeah. One, one of the things when they let Dave go, I was frustrated. I was like, Hey, if you're the director of a movie and you have Tom Cruise as one of your actors and the director and Tom Cruise aren't getting along, if you're the producer, you don't fire, probably don't fire Tom Cruise. You fire the director cause you need Tom Cruise. And I did get to see intimate interaction between Don and Dave, uh, at least, uh, at least a half dozen times stuff that, you know, Dave would be like, Hey, don't film this or push me away. And Don's amazing. Like he, he, he knows how to utilize Dave. It was, it was awesome seeing those two work together.
Starting point is 00:57:03 It was awesome seeing those two work together. And there's crazy trust there. And that's basically what people need, right? They need to trust. Ben Bergeron taught me that term. What is it? Things can grow at the speed of light when there's trust. So you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Like relationships, any kind of relationship can grow really fast when there's trust. Basically day, day two, when the recruits come in here, that's the first thing that I talked to them about is trust. Yes. Trust is the foundation of all relationships. If you don't have trust, you don't have anything. So how does that apply to police work? You got to build trust with your communities. You got to go out there. You got to serve. Well, you got to, you got to look the part. You got to be fit. If somebody's grandma is lost in the woods, you know, I'm, I'm speaking from experience, you know, she has dementia, she's in the woods, you need to go find her. Like you need to be able to do those things.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Cause when people call the police, I think they almost want a superhero yeah come out there and help them yes yes um and and as a police officer you have to do everything to put yourself and prepare yourself uh for any sort of interaction and again that's why crossfit is is the best is the best training methodology because you are known and unknowable right on that trust issue that's a little off topic, but one of the funny things about trust too is that it goes back to holding people to crazy standards again. If someone breaks your trust, it's no reason to throw them out,
Starting point is 00:58:42 throw the baby out with the bathwater. Like, you now have the power of accepting that and letting the trust keep building. it's no reason to throw them out, throw the baby out with the bathwater. You now have the power of accepting that and letting the trust keep building. So many people want to be like, persecute someone for breaking their trust. And it doesn't have to be that way. I don't live my life, it's one of the things that I learned, I don't know when I learned it, but I learned it at a young age. And some of my best friends have been some of the things that i learned i don't know when i learned it but i learned it at a young age and i've some of my best friends or have been some of the least trustworthy people that i've ever known but um but i invested in like i have to realize like it's on me too because i
Starting point is 00:59:17 held them to that expectation a piece of it is on youtube trust is just a we could do a whole show on it but trust is a trippy thing. You should be worried about other people about making it so you're trustworthy. You shouldn't worry about other people. I guess is the saying. It's more like it. But so many people are worried about other people's trustworthiness. Don't worry if they burn you. You just worry about yourself and good
Starting point is 00:59:38 things are going to keep happening. So that's that. Jenny, it's horrible the patience and self-control oh of becoming a police officer yeah that shit's absolutely nuts um uh did bailey there was another one in here i wanted to read where is it um dina martinez my husband just retired from law enforcement in september of 2020 good time to get out. And his passion for helping others still continues as a retired tactical officer at the Academy here in California. It's in his heart.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Oh, that's cool. What's that mean? Like he retired, but he still goes to the Academy and helps and works. Yeah. So if I retire, I can come back as a part-time police officer, a certain amount of hours that I can work, but I could, you know, let's say, the police academy or a local agency and then come up here and help other recruits and get back in that respect. When you – so you affiliated – I assume you're a nonprofit, so you guys don't pay affiliation fees. We do not. It was waived.
Starting point is 01:00:41 So you guys don't pay affiliation fees? We do not. It was waived. And you affiliated for then for what reason? Just sort of for the integrity piece? And for why even affiliate? Because we want to stand by CrossFit. We're proud of what it's become what what it is going to become um uh to be able to uh get the resources uh i think being in the space for a long time i think crossfit is
Starting point is 01:01:15 is really putting out a lot of great resources um our affiliate is associated with mayhem or mayhem affiliate we do mayhem mayhem programming one of the and does mayhem give that to police departments uh it's something that we uh it's something that we pay for okay yeah but one of the uh the big kind of saving graces is through COVID our police academy never shut down. Wow. But during that time, um, we would, you know, some classes might have been on zoom. Obviously we can't teach firearms and things and driving over zoom, but, uh, you know, you know, some of the lecture based, but one of the big pieces, um, in, in their program was the at home. Right. So I know there was a lot of things that came out of COVID. One of the big pieces in their program was the at-home, right? So I know there was a lot of things that came out of COVID.
Starting point is 01:02:11 One of the best things was to be able to deliver those services, those programming services. Being a coach since 2015 for CrossFit, you know, and dealing with all the things that we're dealing with, it was very nice to be able to have such world-class programming in different scales to those programs. So we could offer it to recruits who are at home. And that's, and that kind of helped us get through, through COVID and then eventually we go and we affiliate and we were putting
Starting point is 01:02:40 the recruits through the, it was, I think ferris bueller theme week so they were doing all that all the stuff this morning was fun hey so some states shut down their cities shut down their um academy so they weren't getting new cops for a period of time i can't speak to specifics but i believe there was wow that's crazy god it's shit like that you don't even think about. You can't have like a lull in the recruitment of cops and firefighters and shit like that, right? No, and that was our priority. We wanted to be, we had to stay open. There was people, you know, we talked about it earlier about retention and recruitment. We have a hard enough time finding people to work. Hey,
Starting point is 01:03:25 we got to get them certified so they can go out and help their communities, right? Because the other part of our wellness program is if we don't have police officers, there's a lot of vacancies and the people who are working the streets, they're working more. So what does that mean? They are away from maybe their gym. They can't go to the gym when they want. They're held over for overtime. They're seeing more bad things, you know, and at the end of the day, it compounds and compounds and compounds. So it was our duty to keep the academy open, keep the professionalism and competence of New Hampshire law enforcement at the highest level so
Starting point is 01:04:06 they can go back and serve their communities so yeah it was a priority and we never shut down hey I'm guessing that if you're a cop and you're kind of like this is just from my perception but the dudes who work in the prisons are kind of like that's like the
Starting point is 01:04:23 fucking shit job and like the cool job is SWAT team where does police academy fall under that like do the other cops like oh he's at adam's a sissy he went over to the police academy just dealing with kids now no because we build so many relationships with and we work with there's about 228 law enforcement agencies in the state and and because we're a smaller state we have ties with with everybody you know so eventually if someone is you know wants to go and give back uh there's an opportunity to do that here at the police academy so i don't think it's a it's a step down it's actually a step up because you get to serve now instead of serving like a community specifically you're serving the police academy, so I don't think it's a it's a step down. It's actually a step up because you get to serve Now instead of serving like a community specifically you're serving the police officers who serve those communities
Starting point is 01:05:17 How many how many how long have you been there at the police academy since 2018? How many cops have graduated in that time You know So we average about 50 officers per crewed academy. So it's been six years. So that's 150. We can do some quick math. Maybe 800, 900. And all of them have heard you probably speak on CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yes. Not even probably. They they have Yes, they have And the importance of health and wellness Do you think they've all done CrossFit? At least one CrossFit workout? All those 800? Yes I know the fact that they have
Starting point is 01:06:01 Dude, that's crazy Hey, I wonder how many I bet you at least one of them has opened an affiliate. I don't know that. I would like to go back and think that maybe they've experienced it here, had a great experience. I know for a fact that people will leave here and go to an affiliate, but that would be interesting to find out. I don't know. People will leave here and go to an affiliate.
Starting point is 01:06:23 But that would be interesting to find out. I don't know. Hey, they got this program with the Army where they're like – I want to say it's at Fort Bragg, but I don't know where it is. Somewhere on the East Coast where they're basically doing one-day courses for all the dudes in this – I don't even know if you call it a platoon, but crew of dudes. And I think they're going to do thousands of them. of dudes and they're i think they're going to do thousands of them but also if you're in the army the army will pay you if you sign up for a level one and take the two-day course they'll they'll pay for it they'll pay for it yeah that that would be kind of great that's a kind of a i wonder if something are there any um states doing that for their police officers or firefighters it seems like a genius investment.
Starting point is 01:07:08 We're rooted law enforcement's rooting CrossFit. That's where it came from. You know, uh, we, we pay for our, our, um,
Starting point is 01:07:17 our trainers here. We, we pay for their, their L1s or their, or the recertification process. Right. Um, but yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:24 I know that I think that was great. What the army didification process. Right. But yeah, I think that was great what the Army did. Crazy. The first time I ever... I think the guy's name was Chip Pugh and he was the strength and conditioning coach
Starting point is 01:07:39 at Tennessee Tech. And Rich was working in the gym there. This is like in 2010 and i think it was him and i apologize if i'm quoting this wrong it was the first time i heard someone say i learned more in my two-day course and there was greater value in my two-day course as a level one than my four years getting my degree in like kinesiology or something and since then i've heard that fucking a thousand fucking times. And it's kind of mind-boggling.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And this was the top dog over there. Sorry, Chip, if I misquoted you and you'd lose your job tomorrow for that. The other thing that I appreciate about CrossFit and how it is being implemented here in our program is that there's a lot of misconceptions about how to get fit so you know especially in law enforcement a lot of people will say because you know why don't we do more running uh running's the only way to get fit and i and i go back to christian shaw i'm like hey christian says he um i think it's two days a week that he has his athletes run. But the thing is, is like, there's not a lot of education when it comes to how to become fit, not strong, not flexible, you know, not a one thing.
Starting point is 01:08:59 How do you become fit? And we're able to take the CrossFit methodology and kind of define those things and then apply it in the police academy. And then it applies to their job. But, yeah, I love CrossFit. Yeah, that's obvious. I love that. I love how obvious it is. Ingles. I Ingles. that cannot be a real flamingo there's no way hey i just thanked about eight cops about you lose count over six for their service while listening to this amazing hero think they were training possibly awesome
Starting point is 01:09:41 you're a good dude appreciate it all. That's an imposter flamingo. Nicole Lancaster, the health and wellness course for FF... What's FF? First Firefighters? Firefighters. Thank you. Has nothing on CrossFit. They tell you this and
Starting point is 01:10:00 that, but there is no follow-through of how to implement the health and wellness. Dina Martinez Seve sebi my husband first found out about crossfit back in 2013 with lapd until this day he continues to stay active and fit at 53 i'm pretty i think lapd and actually i know nypd is affiliated yeah i don't know about and they got that – they work with Amy West over there. Do you know Amy West? I don't. She's an awesome human being. She's a physician.
Starting point is 01:10:37 She's a physician, and what's crazy is she also got her film degree from NYU, which is the most prestigious film school you can get it from for whatever that means. And then she's also a physician. And I think somehow, every time I see pictures like these group pictures of the NYPD or the firefighters in New York City doing CrossFit, she's always in them. So she's somehow affiliated with them. Hey, do any of the police departments, since you guys have affiliated or any of the police departments affiliating in the city of New Hampshire or in the state of New Hampshire, has it caught – has it spread? It hasn't caught on. What I will say is there's a friend of mine.
Starting point is 01:11:22 We go back a little bit. He's a firefighter. Uh, his name is Matt Misho and he works for the city of Dover and he's doing a lot of that for his agency. Uh, he, he owns ever proven CrossFit. And I'm pretty sure he, he got them affiliated and he is doing some, some great work over there. So, you know, I'm working on the police side with the team we have over here and he's trying to build that program over there.
Starting point is 01:11:52 And hopefully we can maybe connect in the middle somewhere. But in terms of law enforcement, it hasn't really caught on in terms of agencies affiliating themselves. How long is the academy? Right now, 16 weeks. You ever seen any just crazy transformations in there from the people who start CrossFit in those four months? One of the best things about being here at the police academy
Starting point is 01:12:19 and being able to train officers is the stories and how they reach back out to you and say, hey, I remember, you know, we were in this workout or you taught me this or you taught me that. And then they got into a really bad situation and were able to get through that situation with the training that they have. Like at that point, I could probably retire and walk away and say, hey, I won. But it's nice to get those and we do get those stories uh from time to time what about the nutritional piece uh you you know instead of cops going in and getting a black coffee and filling it with you know the the cream machine and a little thing of donuts you ever hear
Starting point is 01:13:01 cops and you do you tell them that is that part of it like hey dude just go in there get black coffee get a bag of beef jerky and if you need to pick me up do this instead eat an apple yeah part of our we're trying to rework some of the programs that we have here but is a nutritional part so one of our classes that we have it's called intro to pt it's eventually going to be called officer wellness but inside of that we talk about nutrition uh eat meats and vegetables nuts and seeds right yeah uh you know and really pushing what crossfit is and that's and that's why again why we affiliated we were able to you know use those resources and be able to put it into our programs. Hey, is there anything else left you have to do there in that program in terms of its fitness? Is there anything like, man, I really would like to see it grow like this, or I'd like to see a yearly all CrossFitting police officers come together back to the academy or is there is
Starting point is 01:14:06 there any like the thing you're working on that's kind of like a dream around crossfit in the fitness space yeah i would love to you know eventually uh you know non-profit do that bring maybe competitions here wholesale ones uh get peoplees, get people in that spirit. I sent you a couple links in terms of the other things that we're doing for the program. So CrossFit is the physical part, but we're also working with external agencies, state and federal agencies when it comes to giving out resources. state and federal agencies when it comes to giving out resources. There's a program through the Bureau of Justice Assistance called Valor for Blue.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Where did you send me these links? Sorry, where did you send me these links? It was in the previous private chat. Oh, oh, God. Okay, sorry. Okay. Yeah, so there's one that's called Valor for Blue. And a lot of online training.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Valor is the Office of Safety and Wellness Initiative. So they talk about safety and wellness, resiliency, suicide prevention, roadside safety, strengthening partnerships. So there's your Valor for Blue program. And attached to their, their kind of, their sister program, it's called Safe Leo. And what Safe Leo is, is a national suicide awareness for law enforcement. And so they're really putting out a lot of resources, online trainings. We actually brought the Valor program here to New Hampshire, and we had about 70 officers sit through that two-day course. It's actually called the Survive and Thrive course. They have leadership training, online training.
Starting point is 01:15:55 They have training when it comes to financial wellness. You know, I think that's a big part. Ah, yes. Not living outside your means for police officers. So we're working with these. So kind of a dream of mine is to be able to pull everything. We're at the police academy where the only academy in the state, New Hampshire, have one voice, be able to push these programs out to the police officers so they can have whatever resources they need to get through their career. But if I, but if I could have like a, uh, a really cool, uh, gym space, we, we, we have a little gym space. We have, um, you know, a bunch of equipments and kettlebells and plates
Starting point is 01:16:41 and, and, and all of that. that. But we're working on it. It's just a process. But I'm very happy where we are and the direction that we're going. And obviously seeing all these comments that are coming through, you know, if you see a law enforcement officer, go up to them, say thank you, because they're really appreciative.
Starting point is 01:17:00 And they will probably thank you for their support, you know, so we can build those trusts and, you know, we can, I don and you know we can i don't know we can get through our careers hey and um early early on when i started doing podcasts i had um jolie gentry on who is the original crossfit games champion she uh then ended up being a SWAT team i think i want to say in fremont or hayward california and then now she's got some cush desk job. She's been a cop for over 20 years. She's someone important. And I remember her saying something along the lines of, um, uh, every three years they would change, they would rotate you as a cop to a different position. And she said, the shitty
Starting point is 01:17:40 part about that is it took about three years to get comfortable. And then I got some really close friends in town who are cops, like dudes who, who do anything for and they come over to my house and our kids play. And they're basically like my siblings. And they say that their job is to talk to people. They said that's basically what you are as a cop. You're a relationship person. Unfortunately, also, you just also have to accept, and this is the hard one for me to accept accept is that there's a lot of people out there that just suck at that and so there are cops out there who are just fucking shy or they're new to the job and like you'll say hi to them and they can barely
Starting point is 01:18:14 say hi back to you or i i always trip on the fact that like if something's happening with the cops by my house and there'll be 10 cops outside my house and i walk out to see what's going on the most recent one I would expect like just a cop to walk over to me and be like hey dude what's up I just want to let you know that someone drove off into the ravine here instead I gotta fucking question them like I'm fucking begging for information even though there's 10 cops in front of my house but it's okay um and we have this whole generation I'd be curious what your take on it that I think we probably have the least social generation in the history of mankind, right?
Starting point is 01:18:47 These people are looking at their phones, video games. I just think people's skills have just eroded. Technology, you know, text, all that stuff. One of the things I think that should, you know, if people are thinking about coming to law enforcement, have a little bit of life experience, you know, to be able to relate to people, to be able to communicate strongly, going back to the question you had earlier about, you know, what it takes to be a good police officer. Absolutely. You have to be able to communicate powerfully with people, relate to people.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Yeah. But yeah, you're, you're're right on we're seeing it uh i coach you know uh besides crossfit i coach basketball still um interesting different types of people being in the affiliates you know how old are these people who you're coaching in basketball i coach uh third fourth grade five and six and then And then I coach my son. We had a basketball game last night and he is 13 years old. Okay. Oh, so you're around all kids of all ages, pre-pubescent and then the ones that are going through puberty.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Yeah. And then obviously you see people in the affiliates, you know, seven to 70. Yeah. I definitely think that, uh, communication is, is not as strong as it used to be. Hey, totally off subject here, but my mom told me that I was the greatest kid in the world until I turned 13. I don't say that. No, no. My son, he's good.
Starting point is 01:20:15 He's good. And hormones kicked in and fucking, man. I know my son is going to be a great man. Last night, he had his girlfriend go to his basketball game, and we go and we pick her up. And I don't talk to him about this stuff, but, you know, opening the door. Yeah. He's just a good dude.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Oh, I love it. He's a good dude. Yeah. Do you praise him for that afterwards? Like, do you tell him, hey, dude, that was really cool how you opened the door for your girlfriend? Absolutely. And what we try to do, you know, we're getting to the parenting thing, but praise effort.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Yeah. You know what I mean? I just saw something the other day about when it comes to kids and like, oh, you're so smart or you're so this where they start to identify themselves as a i think like a smart kid yeah so when like something they don't do something they feel bad about themselves yeah we're more about the effort uh and the hard work and the consistency that they put into the things that they do my son's uh he is he is a he's a fantastic human being um he's he's a really good basketball player. My daughter, who's 10 years old, she's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:21:31 She dances. She plays basketball. She's active. But they all work very hard. I love my kids, just like you love your kids. I see them, and they work so hard, and they seem so kind. Maybe if we get out to California, I can see them in real life. Oh, that would be awesome.
Starting point is 01:21:52 How often do you come out west? Do you come out west once a year or once every five years? We came out a couple of years ago. We haven't seen our friends in a while. So maybe we'll take a trip to Santa Maria next year. Hey, dude, thanks for coming on. You're all, you're always welcome on the show. If you're any subjects,
Starting point is 01:22:09 topics, uh, you want to talk about from kids to copying to whatever. I don't give a shit. I think you're cool. I like, I like what you're doing. So please come on anytime.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Just reach out. Yeah. The worst I can say is no, sorry. We have Jason. Yeah. Hey, it'll be, it'll be one of those, uh, relationships coming on. Yeah, yeah. Hey, it'll be one of those relationships you like.
Starting point is 01:22:27 It's just, hey, it'll be straightforward. And a no, a no, and a yes is a yes. But again, I want to say thank you to you. Thank you to your crew. As advertised, got to speak with Matt. I was introduced to Patrick and is it? Oh, Patrick Rios and Bella. That was my first time working with them.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Are they amazing or what? They are amazing. Yeah, we had breakfast with them and they're great. And just your whole crew, unbelievable, welcoming. You didn't have to talk and stop and talk to us. Felt so welcomed and so appreciative. And thanks to everyone in the comments to supporting law enforcement.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Just keep doing that. felt so welcome and so appreciative. And thanks to everyone in the comments to supporting law enforcement. Just, just keep doing that. Just, it is swinging back. I think the, the pendulum is swinging. I think that we're seeing in New Hampshire, hopefully you'll see it back out West as well,
Starting point is 01:23:19 but just go out there, support a police officer. And again, if, if anybody needs anything for me, just reach out. I'll be happy to help you. And you're on Instagram. They can just DM you.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Absolutely. You're at – oh, there it is. Iron Works Hawk. Works Hawk. Iron Works Hawk. Okay. All right, dude. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Thanks, Yvonne. Have a good one. Have a great day. Yep, you as well. Okay, bye. alright dude thank you very much thanks Yvonne have a good one have a great day yep you will bye bye Adam Hawkins works at the police academy 20 years cop New Hampshire ran into him at the CrossFit Games had already seen him I had run across his Instagram account
Starting point is 01:23:58 and I'm like oh I gotta have this dude on 20 years in the police academy or 20 years as a cop and now working in the police academy got a CrossFit affiliate go figure right i think there's a ton my husband is a law enforcement officer and was in the army a lot of his friends in law enforcement were ex-military oh the question was uh a lot of ex-military become cops all right military become cops alright good thing I'm getting out of the
Starting point is 01:24:31 CrossFit space I had some other notes here I'm so glad we got his internet situation fixed I should probably clip the first two minutes of that show throw it away anything special for the 1000th uh show in a couple weeks i don't think so golf foxtrot yankee i thought we're like on 1200 i tell people we're on 1200 Steve Adam can you sign off on a
Starting point is 01:25:08 fix a ticket asking for a friend sorry I should have got that you know it's crazy I'd been where are where are my toast oh here they are they're black so they're hard to see on deck no they smell fine they smell good they don't have that
Starting point is 01:25:23 they don't smell like brie cheese Krista Parham should have asked him about his craziest stories while being a police officer okay Jake Chapman would you rather only ride a unicycle for transport yes or have a giant toenail on your forehead
Starting point is 01:25:57 it's a fucking amazing question vindicate i've been doing morning spacing during the shows this week yeah good job uh i've been so what i've been doing is i've been after the show i put the when i go out in the morning instead of eating breakfast i've been um since i've been home i've been just doing um i have these three products from swolverine i have the pre-workout which doesn't have caffeine in it or creatine i don't think someone better check that before don't quote me on that but i do the pre-workout and then i do a scoop of their creatine and then i do a scoop of their hydration i mix it then I do a scoop of their hydration, and I mix it up in a cup.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Not shake it. I mix it with a spoon. And it mixes nicely. It's not clumpy at all. I throw that down. Steve Flores, so here's the deal. Souza says that he thinks he's going to be able to get a sponsor who is a ice bath sponsor and it's one of those ones that has a filter because i won't do any of the other ones i'm
Starting point is 01:27:11 not gonna i have well water i'm not gonna uh keep refilling my it has a chiller it has a chiller that's what it has it has a chiller i don't care if the water's clean i'm not gonna waste water and so he thinks he's gonna get that as a sponsor and they're gonna send one to me and i'm so excited about it and they sell saunas he thinks he might be able to give me a sauna too i'm so excited i was talking to heber about it he says it's a complete total life game changer how the fuck am i going to get in that ice bucket with my shirt off there's no fucking way i'm showing anyone the world me with my shirt off there's there's just no way there's no way how am i supposed to promote it if it's not me getting into it how am i supposed to
Starting point is 01:28:01 fulfill my sponsorship obligations i think we have a call with them today what am i gonna have to lie to them i was thinking about making my kids do it or my wife how am i gonna do it draw some abs on with a marker dude i i look like um i cannot i cannot you've been training your whole life for this fucking great fuck you mr fucking bicep wear a surf rash guard oh so you can see the fucking 18 rolls tires that make up my body no thank you tires that make up my body no thank you
Starting point is 01:28:50 mad marv uh take greg's lead and stop drinking white claws and those insecurities will melt off the midsection oh no it's not it's not like that but thank you i stopped eating for a year i'd still be fucking i've what is it i've body dysmorphia and seven mental illnesses or something i've what am i supposed to say maybe i'll just maybe maybe i'll just cut to like like right like when like like right as my titties go in. Just use a chest freezer like Alexis Raptus. No, this thing has got a filter. I'm excited about it. So I don't know if I want to do this right now. Do you guys want to talk about...
Starting point is 01:29:48 this right now do you guys want to talk about there's this there's this chick in my comments who's losing her fucking mind her name's kate foster i want to i want to read something that she wrote i can't tell if she's on to something or not let me see if i can find it um no that's colton mertens oh here we go comments okay click on comments um oh first of all there's this laura horvat video we put out who would win in a fight and people are saying that they don't like la Laura like dude it the whole thing is a joke like what do you know how much better the world would be if everyone was like me yeah I said it like everyone lighten up it's a joke that you don't have to weigh in on if you like someone or not because she won't shake my hand or it's just a
Starting point is 01:30:42 joke the whole thing is a joke it's a giant bit and if it's not on her part who cares for me it is it's just fun it's just totally fun one person you should see what one person wrote uh oh he here it is listen to this this this is this is the right take on the lower horvat sevan thing this is some guy named uh burn 1808 the lauren sevan psychodrama is one of the most fun feuds in the extended crossfit malou yeah it's just fun it's just a story to follow along it's just fun it's improv i mean we haven't talked we're not like i don't have like a uh a thread with her on the side okay today we today we're going to fight like this, and then we're going to do like this. It's not like that, but like there's got to be, there's an unspoken just like, hey, we're dancing.
Starting point is 01:31:33 The Seven Podcast Laura Horvath interview episode 122 is a classic. Laura is all about an uncompromising, icy bluntness, and Seven, as usual, are playful but insightful imp. I don't know what that means. It doesn't sound good. The immovable object versus the irresistible force. That being said, in a fight, Sevan could neither overpower or outrun her. That's probably true.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Even climbing a tree would be an unsuccessful strategy. Can you imagine she's chasing me like a bear and I'm like, I'm not a tree. I would pay to see a Sevan-Laura buddy movie where they would have to work together. Laura's physicality and Sevan's not really sure what he brings to the table actually to save the world oh yeah give that a fucking thumbs up yeah dude like chill everyone like what do you mean you don't like laura the fuck you're talking about i need that i need her it's the same thing with uh oh yeah here it is
Starting point is 01:32:22 listen to this listen to this crazy shit this is from chick some chick named kate foster 9743 hi kate what's up girl your followers have been harassing her about thanking you my father harassing her listen listen this is about the sporty beth thing listen you can't you can't make a video about someone that's called the most toxic man in crossfit and then start setting rules and boundaries it does it that's not how it's the same thing i view sporty bet the same way i view laura horvath same way i viewed it used to be andrew hiller it's just a courtship process i don't view any of these people like it's just a courtship process but that but but but the gloves are off dude like hey you don't get to like make any rules now she doesn't get to make any rules she can't talk about the what did you call them your followers your followers and there's no my followers.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Your followers have been harassing her about thanking you. How did she make that video and now you're accusing me of harassing her or anyone in harassing her? Do you not understand how that works? You lit my house on fire and now you're yelling at me as I wash my house down that water's getting on your house? Fuck you. Politely. Once you lit my house on fire, any way I choose to put it out,
Starting point is 01:33:56 you can't comment on. You get that? You can't comment on how I'm, you can't judge me for the impact of me trying to put out my fire that you started is affecting you, you cannot do that fucking brilliant metaphor, good job I don't know what Olivia's saying but she's arguing with me yeah there is
Starting point is 01:34:23 Zevi David Weed, here we go again but she's arguing with me. Yeah, there is, Evie. Oh. David Weed, here we go again. Thank you, Matt Marf. Thank you. You're a man of great vision. Look, my followers hate me even. What do you mean my followers, Kate Foster? This guy, here we go again.
Starting point is 01:34:42 They're making fun of me. My followers blow me. Seve, we will do what you say. We can't think for ourselves. Please tell us what to say and to do. We are your robots. Support Wolverine. How's that? Have you seen her zucchinis no but um i picked two zucchinis last night my wife is so fucking cool i picked two zucchinis um last night and i put them in the refrigerator or my kid actually joseph picked them i was out there watering plants and he picked them and then i took them inside and i put them in the refrigerator and asked my wife if she could work them into dinner. And she did. It was cool. She worked them in. At first she looked at me like, you know, like,
Starting point is 01:35:31 I don't think so. But then she did last night when I had dinner, I was like, Oh, what these chunky things in here? Kind of like they weren't fully steamed. I loved them. So I haven't seen, I don't know who's, you're trying to sporty Beth grows zucchinis too. So I haven't seen, I don't know who's, you're trying to, Sporty Beth grows zucchinis too? I'll show you my zucchinis today. I'll go outside and show them to you. Okay, back to Sporty Beth. For someone who doesn't care about this issue, this is four times your podcast has addressed this.
Starting point is 01:36:02 Dude, 99% of the shit I bring up, I don't care about. I don't see the correlation there. I'm bringing up 800 more times. You're shaming me for how many times I'm bringing it up? No fucking great content here. What are you talking about? Some of your supporters have literally harassed for months. Dude, Kate, there is a video on her channel that's her most popular video ever by tenfold telling saying with my name on it and my picture on it calling me a douche
Starting point is 01:36:35 like you're walking around starting fires and you're yelling at me she's walking around starting fires she constantly has a matchlet trying to burn me that's what that video is and you're upset every time someone tries to put it out like shut the front door please kate please you're better than that oh like that you're better than that and then she says ps you need page wrong more often well at least we agree there give you a thumbs up on that comment and a thumbs down on the other one dude chill i'm gonna bring up sporty beth now every day just because i'm a contrarian seve calm down chill buddy chill emma vines uh did you hear about that influencer that died from malnutrition because she was doing
Starting point is 01:37:23 a raw vegan diet i feel like sporty beth is the same and is spreading harmful info on mindset habits. How do you die from it? I have no issue with a raw vegan diet. How long did they do it? Seve, just wear the hate as a badge of honor. Trust me, I do. I'm loving every second of it. I don't want anyone to be mean to
Starting point is 01:37:45 her either oh golf golf a foxtrot yankee i think the biggest issue unfortunately is that it seems like you care what she thinks and does so how let's say let's say i do so what let's say i go to bed every night being like oh fuck i wonder what's 40 bad things about me oh my god um shit what uh i don't i don't get how that the biggest issue unfortunately is that but what if i don't either way it doesn't matter i'm having fun with the whole fucking thing i'm glad even even as i rail kate for writing such fucking nonsense i'm glad she did oh thank you you just uh seven um just sent you the raw vegan diet to your dm okay thank you the chick that died
Starting point is 01:38:49 dildo can we get stickers or pins that say sporty beth fan club here's the only thing here's the only thing if you um um here's the only part that i actually thought of that was kind of like fucked up what if like laura i'm dancing with i danced with hill or there's people i dance with in community you know i've been dancing with um um who's the guy uh i've been uh i like over at invictus the giant dude i keep talking about the guy called ai bryce okay there's just tons of dudes that are just people that i just fuck with right it um what maybe sporty beth doesn't know that this is all just fun and games and then also like maybe she really does have like i mean she makes posts like she has been diagnosed with seven mental illnesses or something and she she may she says she travels with a bag of valium like maybe it's not the person to maybe i should leave her in that respect maybe i should leave her alone like maybe i am but i don't think so she someone just sent me a link to another video she made this
Starting point is 01:39:57 morning about me i watched the first one i don't think i'm gonna watch the first one. I don't think I'm going to watch the second one. I would be willing to bet Seve doesn't lose sleep over much, but certainly wouldn't be something trivial like Sporty Beth. The only thing I ever lose sleep over is if I ever have money issues. And I'm sure then the next thing is going to be like when um when when my kids like start staying out late at night i probably won't like that but i don't like the thought of like outstanding debt it stresses me the fuck out yeah that's what i'm thinking if she doesn't want to play she needs to leave me alone but that's the thing to explain that to k Kate. I'm going to talk about her every day.
Starting point is 01:40:46 My whole show is about threads, narratives, reflecting. That's my whole fucking show. That's the premise of the whole fucking show. Keeping you guys engaged with just fucking different stories out there. Premises, ideas, narratives. You think she hates me because I'm Jewish? But I'm not Jewish. I'm not Jewish. You can like me.
Starting point is 01:41:12 And I don't hate, even though I have three sons that are Jewish, I don't even hate anti-Semites. I've never even met an anti-Semite. I don't even believe those exist by the way. That's another thing. Y'all chill. Say this six times fast. Sev on stick. by the way that's another thing y'all chill say this six times fast seven stick oh yeah this shit is crazy why why the fuck would you bring this up
Starting point is 01:41:36 golf fox start yankee wait till your kids start driving at night and let me know how all the non-sleeping feels. Fuck. Dude, I live on an old country highway. Right? One lane in each direction. No bike lane. And there's fucking kids riding up and down this fucking old highway on those stupid ass electric bikes without helmets invite her on the show no i don't think i want to do that hey dude here's the thing i i there was a rattlesnake i had in a cage and it hadn't eaten in two months and I started getting worried about it.
Starting point is 01:42:26 So I put my hand in there to hold an injured mouse and the rattlesnake bit me. Whose fault is that? Mine, right? So that's basically what happened. At the end of the day, I'm completely irresponsible. There was this person a week before that I – I'm tussling with someone who posts about their mental illnesses and carries around a bag of Valium.
Starting point is 01:42:57 I'm not putting my hand completely in the fucking cage. I'm not stupid. I mean, who the fuck – we were just talking about trust on the show who the fuck thinks that like someone's going to give you a media pass with an ulterior motive get the fuck out of here whack-a-doodle that's cool it's fine there's i had some other things in my notes okay kate i hope you got your fix. Isn't it the irony, too, that Kate says I bring it up so much times, but then she brings it up in the comments instead of letting it die?
Starting point is 01:43:32 That's the irony, too. I fucking love it. Oh, dude. Doesn't it? That's 80% of everyone's problem. Yeah, there you go. Excuse me. So I want to hear some gas money for you.
Starting point is 01:43:52 That'll get you a gallon or so, right? Yes. Also, your podcast talked about what you and who you'd like. Don't like it. F off. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Jeremy, give me a little backbone. I got your back. Talk about whatever you want. This guy reached out to me and said he works for some organization that really, really pushes the polio vaccine. And I'm like, hey, dude. Go watch this. If you want to get really armed to the gills, go watch this Instagram post I did yesterday.
Starting point is 01:44:34 It's four minutes long. I played it at 1.25 speed. It's absolutely nuts what people have fallen for. It's absolutely nuts. How is it the vaccine didn't come out until 55, but polio started going away in 1952? Isn't that just like a basic fucking question? And then they immediately pulled the polio vaccine,
Starting point is 01:45:00 immediately, because it was giving more people polio than inoculating them. And then it didn't come out again until 1961 or something you don't hear any of that shit notice that my notice that that what i posted too isn't being fact-checked and they're fact-checking everything right now on instagram it's crazy you don't have to you don't have to be an anti-vaxxer you can just ask some common questions i told you that car number seven won the race but you see car number seven broke down on lap eight you're gonna be like how did it win the race i mean it's a totally fucking fair question
Starting point is 01:45:41 You're going to be like, how did it win the race? I mean it's a totally fucking fair question. It's a – just ask like some simple fucking questions. I'm not asking you to get conspiracy or anything weird. It's your fucking kids. Just ask yourself a few simple questions. That's it. Like remember early, early on in the podcast, we had the guy who was head of the largest psychiatric ward in Stockholm?
Starting point is 01:46:20 And he said if you're dying at 82 years old with COVID and the average age of death in the nation is 80 years old, then you didn't die of COVID. You died with COVID. I mean there's just some like who do we live with who are we living with tank reads if you ever want to talk black pill savvy i'm your man get get me on for a 20-minute chat. I probably should. Yeah, I've talked to him about this. Maybe he's going to come on more and more.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Maybe we can talk about it. It's not a favorite subject of his, I'll tell you that, polio. Oh, Pauly G. Oh, here we go. I didn't mean to out you, buddy. Yeah, maybe we can have him on. By the way, I like your profile picture very high end brandy
Starting point is 01:47:30 Philip Kelly two years ago today I went to the ICU with COVID what is black pill I don't even know what black pill? I don't even know what black pill is. Paper street. Oh, Tyson Bajan. Oh,
Starting point is 01:47:51 two things. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:47:53 Two things. Um, I wanted to offer up a free tickets, uh, for sporty Beth to go to Tyson Bajan's, uh, preseason game, Chicago bears this Saturday.
Starting point is 01:48:04 She can go ahead and send me a DM, and I'll go ahead and get her those free tickets. 50-yard line. 50-yard line. I just can't help it. But he does have a game. I want to say it's 1 p.m. Eastern time, Saturday. And then don't forget, tonight on Showtime, Dalton Rasta's fighting.
Starting point is 01:48:27 And you know who else is fighting on that card is Steve Mowry. I don't know if you guys remember him. He's been on the show twice, Tall Steve. He's either like 6'7 or 6'10 or something like that. He's a heavyweight. He's also undefeated. He's also fighting on that card. Tank, do we follow each other on Instagram?
Starting point is 01:48:46 You have another name? I think you do. Oh, here we go. Sean Lenderman, Bajan got listed behind Nathan Peterman on the depth chart. Not good for Bajan. They do? They have a depth chart?
Starting point is 01:49:03 A depth chart? Depth? Depth. But isn't it good that he hasn't been cut yet? Savon's dog. I'm the most toxic dog in all of CrossFit. Golf, Fox, Trot, Yankee. Yeah, you know what's crazy? All our numbers have doubled since the games. It's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:34 Tonight's show is going to be nuts. David Weed, your boy ain't that good. Dude, what the fuck do you know, dude? Yeah, thank you, Sean. He's very good and still has plenty of time to shine. And Peterman is trash.
Starting point is 01:49:54 I don't know who that is. But I'm subscribing. You shut it, David. I want to hear a fucking thing out of you. I'm going to subscribe to the NFL Network today I bet you my T count goes up my belly grows by fucking
Starting point is 01:50:10 6 inches Sean Lenderman listen David listen listen David listen Bajan is actually impressing a lot of people Rambler, prayers to Maui. Is that the island they get?
Starting point is 01:50:31 Ah, David, you son of a... Is Maui on fire? Is that what's going on? Jeremy World, I think so too I bet something happens in David's pants when Seve yells at him I would actually I would be
Starting point is 01:51:00 so honored if like he has a belt around his neck and one hand on his junk. And when I yelled at him, he would go for it for full release. That wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Thank you, David. I liked it too. Thank you. I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest. Okay. I wouldn't be bothered in the slightest.
Starting point is 01:51:24 Okay. Tonight, we'll have Miss Danielle Brandon on for a few minutes. And then we will have... I don't know who comes on next. Ariel Loewen? No, no. Yeah, Ariel Loewen? No, no. Yeah, Ariel Loewen. And then Alex Gazan. And then, and then after that, Colton Mertens.
Starting point is 01:52:06 All being hosted by the greatest CrossFit commentator of all time from ESPN what does ESPN stand for ESPN sports network what the fuck does the E stand for in ESPN something sports network everyday sports network anyone
Starting point is 01:52:24 anyone so Chase Ingram will be there and and Sports Network? Everyday Sports Network? Anyone? Anyone? So Chase Ingram will be there. And, and, the podcast favorite and very own, cultivated from a small little embryo to the superstar he is today, John Young. Oh, Entertainment Sports Network.
Starting point is 01:52:44 No shit. Okay. i had no idea i read i read that book um um why are they having all the fun or those guys have all the fun it was the the history of espn i actually listened to the audiobook what a great book my My God, that was an amazing book. No, not Sean Woodland. Just Chase. Chase, John Young, myself, and then guests will be coming in. I'm sure Caleb and Suze will be
Starting point is 01:53:15 in the back. Who is this from? Uh. Shit. Who is that from? Um. God. Someone sent me a text that says I missed your call, but I don't know who that is. Just says their phone number. Who the fuck is that? Oh, oh oh i know who that is oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes uh
Starting point is 01:54:16 i called uh dylan yesterday over at guadalupalooza i think i have a competition problem i need to grow a set of balls and see if I can do anything with Bill and Katie over at Rogue. I am scared to death to fucking ask them. Seve has a coke nail. Oh, shut up and scribble was great yesterday. I was going to actually call Taylor today
Starting point is 01:54:39 and ask him how it went. I have a Berkey filter. Yes, I do. I have a Berkey. What do, I do. I have a Berkey. What do you want to tell me about it? Oswaldo Gonzalez, Seve's the best arm wrestling commentator of ESPN. I was fucking good at it.
Starting point is 01:54:53 Man, I was good at it. Does Seve have a Megan Fox thumb? I sure don't. I have a regular thumb. I'm regular. I'm super regular. I'm just, evidently, I'm small. Like I'm regular. Like I have a. I'm super regular. I'm just, I'm just, evidently I'm small, but like I'm regular, like I have a normal amount of chest hair.
Starting point is 01:55:11 My feet are, Oh, one of my pinky toes is my pinky toes are weird. Like I don't have toenails on them and they're turning to the side, but other than that, I'm pretty normal. Huge. I have a huge, uh, yeah. All right. Yeah, there you go. Thank you, Magnus. Thank you. Sevan is big but also tiny. Yeah, Berkey. I think Berkeys are illegal in California. Why is that, Philip? Bizarre. Hey, I was reading about it, and it says because they clean the water too good or something I don't know what the fuck's going on all right everyone say three times as fast as
Starting point is 01:55:55 they can sporty Beth sporty Beth sporty Beth see you guys tonight bye-bye

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