The Sevan Podcast - Adam Neiffer | Coaching the Champ & Saving lives

Episode Date: July 19, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply amazing yeah bam we're live. Yeah. Sounds so good. It does work. Who set you up with that? You're big time.
Starting point is 00:01:10 No, far from that. Look at it. It's even a road. There we go. It's a good one. Did you just get that? Or did you always have that? No, I didn't always have that, but I did one with Jordan Holland. Yes, yes. Dude, it was awesome. He was going to send me one, but then I was like, but I did one with Jordan Holland. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Dude, it was awesome. He was going to send me one, but then I was like, well, which one would you send me? And he sent me a link, and I was like, okay, well, I'll just grab that one. Caleb, what's up, dude? Hey. You can't see Caleb. He's on the back end.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I can see him. What's up, Caleb? Adam Neifer. What's up, dudes? Hi. Adam Neiffer. What's up, dudes? CrossFit Fort Vancouver. Heck yeah. All smiles. Pumped up.
Starting point is 00:01:54 All the time. Adam, when was the first CrossFit Games you went to? 2009. You attended or you were participating? Participating. And have you been to every one since then i did not attend 2019 is that the one where only five people went no i was at the that was 2020 but 2018 was my last year competing on a team and then 2019 uh just Justin just missed, and I didn't go to the games.
Starting point is 00:02:26 And then 2020, we went to Aromas for, like, that COVID games. No, you were at the weird one. Yeah. How many people could he bring? How many could he bring? I mean, I think one, but, like, his whole family was – they had, like an rv outside of the fence where because there was no spectators but of course oh like at the pool area where the
Starting point is 00:02:50 pool was they even went there at the pool area at the field i mean you name it like mama maderas was finding a way to get there no shit would they get up on the roof and cheer him on from the yeah they cheered on the kobe games yeah and i remember somebody asking like who are these people and justin's like i i mean i'm not sure of course of course we knew everybody knew where they were hey was he the only so who was there was sam kwan justin madaris matt fraser of the boys who else was there jeff adler jeff adler yeah and justin and justin yep and did And Justin. And Justin, yep. And did anyone else have fans there besides Justin? I don't think so. Yeah, I doubt it. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Did they also go to Aromas to Dave's house? Oh, yeah, they did actually. Yeah, they allowed – you know what they did? They allowed for the final event at Atlanta. They allowed every athlete to bring one spectator. And Noah Olsen was such a stud. Noah was there too no no right yeah and he was like hey like i don't have anybody here that's gonna come watch so you can have my ticket so both anthony and shanna got to come watch justin for the final event that's awesome and look someone i don't know who this is but i totally remember
Starting point is 00:04:04 all those spectators on top of rv watching that's awesome yeah that must be some employee of crossfit crazy yeah yeah that's sweet wow hey you you're you're you're jim um your affiliate crossfit fort vancouver it's not only a um well how would you characterize it it is it's it's a place where people train to be the fittest on earth but it's also a um a venue for a cure for the world's most vexing problem right yeah i would say that first and competitive athlete uh training ground second yeah no shit yeah yeah 100 because that's the culture you want or because you dictate it that way. Yeah. I mean, that's the priority, right? Like helping people make their lives better through CrossFit. Like that, that's the magic and that's, that's what we do. But then some of those people
Starting point is 00:04:56 also just want to like test limits and see what's possible and like, cool, we'll support that too. But that's definitely the the exception not the norm for sure that kid uh right there on the left the blonde haired kid where that's my kid's uh outfit right there too a wife beater with some jiu-jitsu shorts that's total that's how it's done right that kid that kid if he has a couple scraped up elbows or knees like it's that he's he's doing summer right yeah that shit's gangster i love the i love the white tank top healthy boy yeah my my wife and my mom don't like me calling those shirt white beaters oh yeah i don't know what you call it it's not a tank top it's because they're racist they don't
Starting point is 00:05:37 understand the cultural they they they want to culturally appropriate it and call it a tank top it's not cool here we go here we go lucky camera straps uh games coaches that own affiliates are my favorite uh love your work adam oh that's awesome thanks man um what year what year did you open your affiliate adam 2009 and and then that was the first year you went to the games too yeah yeah exactly um i wonder i had uh i had zia on uh cross the counterculture dude i was just listening to that this morning like on my way to the gym uh yeah what a stud is your so your gym might be in the top 1000 oldest gyms now too maybe top 500 maybe top 100 do you know i don't know who's uh yeah we were probably we were outside the top thousand when we opened for sure but yeah if you're keeping track of how many of those are still around we're probably in the top thousand i would guess
Starting point is 00:06:37 so 2009's 2023 that's um's 11, 14 years. 14 years, that's right. Yeah, crazy. I can't believe how many games you went to. Did you always go as a team? No, there weren't teams in 2009 when you went. So you started as an individual. No, I went, so 2008, I couldn't go.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I was still fighting fire. That was where you could just show up and compete. And I wanted to go so bad. Like, it was itching at me, which is part of the reason that a year later I was, I mean, I quit my job, opened a gym and, um, I, that was the first year of like the true affiliate cup competition. Like I don't even remember it. Yeah. You wouldn't because it was like, there was 105 teams the first day, three workouts, and then that was Friday. Saturday, the teams didn't have any events,
Starting point is 00:07:29 and then Sunday, the top five teams made the finals. We were like 25th or something. I can't remember. We were 26th or something like that. So a straight cut from 105 to 5? Yeah, exactly. So on Saturday, I was like, yeah yeah now people complain about cuts right i uh i got a volunteer help out yeah say that they cut 100 teams they cut 100 teams i think
Starting point is 00:07:56 they i think they actually took six to the finals because they like made a scoring mistake or something somebody's tied i can't remember but yeah um hey you think if you would have made it to the 2009 uh eight games you could have won you could have beat kalipa would you been the champ no nope no no you should have just said yes that no but i i had a great time watching him the next year on the the trail run do you remember that uh that's what we just showed where he like passed out yeah yeah we just showed that what was that last last night a couple nights ago that was crazy yeah it was one of the best moments ever and then he got up and just kept going hey did you actually see it yeah
Starting point is 00:08:36 you were in the stands right there in those makeshift stands dude i was like the second day i just i mean i just i never left like a, like a, we had no money. We had like a, we had eight people sharing a hotel room in, uh, is it Watsonville or Watsonville? Yeah. Whatever. Yeah. And, uh, and like, I was like, after the first day of the games, I was like, I'm, I'm not
Starting point is 00:08:57 going home. I just brought my sleeping bag, stayed there. Um, signed up to volunteer on day two. I thought I was going to get a cool job. And then I was like picking up garbage in the parking lot but then i would sneak away from that and just like watch whatever events i could and i do remember watching jason like yeah it was like a figure eight and he's collapsed yeah and then uh he gets up finishes the event will you pause this real quick i just want to show you guys that's me in the blue shirt with the like a sling on you can see my back with white headphones on oh yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:09:30 filming jason yeah you're right there i was like maybe i was like 50 yards to your right maybe oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah all right let's see it let's see it mr beaver what happens here dude jason man and damn so shit this isn't after the event though this is like he's still got another like what mile or two to run yeah yeah at least a mile yeah because there's like that figure eight like infinity loop type of thing so he's got a long ways to go still yeah crazy and he finishes it and then how how much later was the deadlift like half an hour later he deadlifted the top like he ran the course on the ladder right it finished at 505 or something yeah whoever finished the run last had to start the deadlift first right and the events were back to back and so jason
Starting point is 00:10:24 what's crazy is he didn't even take last place in that event. He got up like five minutes later and started running again. Oh, that's pretty awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. Okay. So you're at that and you were at a team and your team took a sixth and okay. That's good. I love it. Oh, 26th. Yeah. Something like that. Okay. Yeah. It doesn't, 26th. Yeah, something like that. Okay. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I thought that you said that then they adjusted the scoring and it ended up being sixth. No, I think they actually took – they said they were taking five teams in the final, and I think they took six. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's good.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Accuracy in the story is good sometimes. Yeah. Could be wrong. And so at that time um you own crossfit fort fort vancouver you had it yeah yeah that's crazy and are you in the same location you've always been in uh we moved like 200 yards in 2010 just okay because i was working on the day grab a piece of equipment and like head up the street exactly yeah it was not far at all and there was like this yeah just run down uh abandoned airplane hangar and we moved into there and we've been
Starting point is 00:11:29 there ever since did you attended that um that affiliate gathering too it was in your neck of the woods oh the one with zia is that the one that last week yeah yep i did that was uh yeah awesome day man yeah really she so she gave it glowing reviews glowing reviews she even said that the chick next door was going to sell her uh affiliate and after hearing don talk she decided not to that's amazing i heard that one actually on like yeah on your guys's show you had a simple you loved it i mean not that you were on the verge of selling it but you left there invigorated because that's what you want to do right you? You want to go to the affiliate gathering and leave there being like, okay, I'm ready to cure some motherfuckers. Yeah, dude. I left there just stoked.
Starting point is 00:12:13 We've always believed in what CrossFit is and what it does, but I don't think I've been this excited about the leadership for a pretty long time. And tell me why. anything you can point to specifically, you believed in Don, you believed in Austin, you believed in like, what did you, what did you hear? Yeah. I mean, Don's message was super simple. I mean, one of the things he said is like, Hey, raise your hand. If you would be confident of your mom walking into any affiliate anywhere and nobody raised their hand. Right. And so he's like, okay, we can do better and you guys can do better. And I mean, that's, that's pretty much what we, you know, that's, that's what we subscribe to every day in our gyms anyway, is like, it doesn't matter where you start. It doesn't matter where you're at.
Starting point is 00:12:59 There's always room for improvement. And, um, like he put his money where his mouth is. I don't know what it costs to put on that event, but here there's like a hundred and something affiliate owners. Um, they allowed us to bring coaches too. We had two, uh, like coaches that came from our gym as well. And, you know, they brought in a bunch of speakers, a bunch of coaches from HQ, flew them all out there, uh, fed everybody lunch. and so it was like a significant investment in both time and and resources for crossfit in the simple effort to help affiliates do better and it's like that's awesome them are Filipino and my mom. My mom fucking loved it, probably her favorite gym experience, loved it. Then moved to Santa Cruz and went to CrossFit Aptos.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Absolutely loved it. um crossfit aptos absolutely loved it then worked out in the gym under hq with michelle moots and um west piatt and hollis and the gang there fucking loved it she probably wants to marry west piatt then then she went over to hollis's gym crossfit santa cruz thought hollis had fallen from the heavens loved hollis loved that gym then a year later after that ended up over at annie's gym annie sakamoto's gym and absolutely loved it i don't but i never vetted those gyms for those five gyms why do you think why why didn't everyone raise their hand why did no one raise their hand is there that really that much of a concern i've never had that concern with my mom i mean i've been to a couple weird crossfit gyms granted um you think my mom just got lucky and she's old you know what i mean she's old she like she
Starting point is 00:14:58 needs like you can't be doing dumb shit to her you know i think i think the vast majority of crossfit affiliates are phenomenal and do outstanding work and i would love my mom to go into 99 of them but there there are also gyms that you know we've dropped into or that um that just have room for improvement and i mean that's one thing that i love for you you know, the system that Greg created, this affiliate system that's not a franchise system is like, if he had told us like, this is how you have to run your gym, I never would have started it. Right. So I love the fact that we have the freedom. But yeah, there's, there are gyms that I have been to that I wouldn't recommend my mom to go to for sure.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Those still exist. that I wouldn't recommend my mom to go to for sure. Those still exist. And so what you heard from Don is like, hey, let's elevate the brand so we feel good about all of our neighbors. And that really stoked you. Let's elevate, sorry, let's not elevate. Yeah, let's elevate the brand.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Let's elevate the quality of training so that the brand, we add value to the brand. Isn't that awesome? Not we're gonna give everyone a free l1 not everyone gets a free 45 pound rogue bumper plate he basically says like hey let's improve the training as a team together yeah and it's good it's good for everyone right the the more better gyms there are the more people we can help everywhere are you are you surprised Don is able to step into that leadership role? Those are big shoes to fill, Glassman shoes.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah. Am I surprised? That's a good question. I don't know that I'm surprised. I don't know that I'm surprised. I guess I'm just more like stoked and grateful that he's, he sees what, what CrossFit is and what we know it is. And those of us that have been around it long enough are just like, yeah, we just, we just know it's the best way to help people. And he wants to help us give that to more people. And I don't know, what do you think, Susie? You you're, you're an affiliate owner too. And you've't know, what do you think, Susie? You're an affiliate owner
Starting point is 00:17:05 too. And you've heard from them. Yeah. Yeah. When we had him at our affiliate gathering, I thought the message was clear. It was concise, but more importantly, it was like- That was a year ago though, right? That was a year ago, right, Matt? In January. Okay. Yeah. January time. He was significantly more green. And I'm sure that he's refined that message with the feedback that he's had as he's kind of moved along so i bet you it's even more compelling now than it was then but no he was just clear and concise and it wasn't it wasn't so much about new things that they were going to do it was most so getting back to the roots of why crossfit is so great
Starting point is 00:17:39 and then just restarting back at the back of the fundamentals is really what it was it's like and on top of that he he really pushed the fact of like with the training courses and stuff, we have the answer. We have the cure, and we need to continue to elevate that, which elevates the brand to bring more people into the affiliates. It's fucked up. For me, it's fucked up if you walk into a gym and they don't say hello. Yeah. Yeah, do you have a lip test lip test adam like if you go and drop into a gym can you tell like within the first few minutes like how the how it's going to go based off of walking through the door um i don't know that i have a
Starting point is 00:18:19 lip test but i do think like savon said if you walk in and there's just like this feeling of being welcome being invited or being inviting it's intimidatingan said, if you walk in and there's just like this feeling of being welcome, being invited or being inviting, it's intimidating for sure. Especially if you've never walked into a CrossFit gym and you see people like doing amazing things, it's easy to see why people would be like, man, there's no way I can do that. But yet they come in and they're like, man, these people are just super positive and fun to be around. And I mean, even people that do CrossFit and, you know, maybe it's not for them still walk away with a good experience of like, yeah, that was, that was cool. There's something special there, you know? So yeah, I don't know that I have a litmus test, but I think that, you know, you've had people that have come to your gym from other gyms and also,
Starting point is 00:19:05 uh, people from your gym that have moved to other places. And, you know, we always talk about, you're never going to replace the community at one CrossFit affiliate to the other, because it's the people, it's the coaches, it's the people that you get to work out with. And they're not going to be the same, but it turns out, I mean, every gym I've ever been to, there's still awesome people there. So, yeah, That's what it is for me. Like when I walk through the door within the first five minutes has the coach taken the time to break the ice for you. Right. And that's a big thing for us. It's like, right. When you walk in, especially if we know you're coming, then I'm going to do, I'm saying you by the name, like you walk through the door and they
Starting point is 00:19:40 have that kind of look of like, Oh shit, here we go. I'm inside. I can't turn around and I'll see you right away. And I'm like, Adam, what's up, man? Hey, you're Adam, right? And like, you just bring the energy and you're like, bring them in right away. And I think that that for me is kind of like a huge differentiator. And even if you're a drop in, like, you know, by the time that drop in leaves your class, do you know where they were from? Do you know why they're here? Do you know what gym they work out with? Just simple things like that, that, that create that connection, which ultimately just makes them feel like, Oh shit, like I belong here. Like, this is cool. Now I'm leaving. I'm high-fiving the people and calling them by name. And people are, you know, saying my name as I leave. And to me, that is probably the most
Starting point is 00:20:16 important part of the experience. I would even argue over the coaching. And the reason why is because they're going to experience that first, right? You build that trust and they have that experience with you. They're not open to your coaching. So it doesn't matter if you're the world's best coach, if you're cold and they walk through the gym and they're like, Hey, what's up, man? And you kind of turn and you're like, Oh, am I in the right spot? Did I need to fill? Yeah. What am I doing? Right. So just make that as easy as possible for them. And next thing you know, you could even be a shitty coach and you give one cue, like hips back. And they're like, wow, you're awesome. Just because of the way you made them feel right when you walked in. Yeah, no, if they have a sense that like,
Starting point is 00:20:51 you care about them, like that's what matters. Yeah. A hundred percent. And that's what, that's what all the great coaches have in common. It's not like what level they are, one, two, three, four, whatever. It's not their, their credentials. It's like, they just care a lot. All the the best coaches they just care so much you know that that's a common thread from my perspective yeah and another thing too is i could tell uh you could tell if a gym has some sort of system that they bring their coaches to and one of the arguments that i hate people what does that mean what does that mean some system they bring their coaches to i'm gonna tell you right now it's because a lot of times the argument is is they go oh you go to an l1 and you have two days and you think you're a
Starting point is 00:21:28 coach it's like no motherfucker you just got the information so you could start that journey as a coach and so for me we start with our what we call like our interns or shadow coaches before they even go to the l1 and then even after even if you have your l1 and you come through my gym you're still going to go through our process because i'm not really that worried about the cues and the technical part. Of course, that's important. So please don't take that out of context, people. But I'm more worried about the relationship you're able to build to the members with the members and then how you're delivering those cues and how the experience of your class altogether. Because like I said earlier, you could have the best coach in the room,
Starting point is 00:22:05 but if you don't have a connection, that coach isn't going to get a chance to display their toolbox. It's not going to happen because they're just turned off by that experience, right? Yeah. There's a jazzercise class that goes on every day that my kids' jujitsu class goes on.
Starting point is 00:22:20 And it's in the room right next door to it. And there's 40 women and they're dancing, right? And every time I walk by it, I'm intimidated. I don't want to look in there. It's uncomfortable for me. And so just imagine walking into a fucking CrossFit class with 20 people up on ropes, slamming weights. You have to have someone – you're so right, Zuzia. If someone just says, oh, my God, hi.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Take a seat. Enjoy. Watch the class. This will be over in three minutes. Make yourself at home and, and look at these freaks work out. Like just make it okay for me to stare. Because when I walk by, I'm like, don't look in there. Don't look, you know what I mean? It's like, yeah, just make the person like in safe, feel safe. And you're at the 51 yard line. A hundred percent. And I mean the, the beauty of like the culture of awesome gyms is like by the time the coach makes that connection, like three people have already
Starting point is 00:23:10 welcomed them and they're just members at your gym. And nobody told them to do it. Right. They just remember their experience when they walked in and three people welcomed them, you know? And that's just like something that I don't think any other gyms anywhere do as well as what we can do in CrossFit. Mm-hmm. A hundred percent. And it shows that they want you to succeed. Right. Right?
Starting point is 00:23:31 Like they're nice to clients because they want to bring more clients to you because they want you to make more money so that your doors can stay open. Because when you make more money, you're happy and the gym's more secure. So then I have a place to come work out. Yeah. Or they're just like, I mean, maybe that too, but, or they're like, Hey, this is awesome. I love it. It's, it's made a difference in my life. I want to go with somebody else too. Right. Yeah. And there's small things that you could do. Like we have a PR bell, right? So like every time we do it and we'll force the people do it. Like if I see it, I'm like, Hey, have you, have you squatted that
Starting point is 00:24:01 much before? And you get the shy for, it's like, no, I'm like, ring the bell. They're like, I don't want to like bring the bell they're like all right fine and they go and hit it and on cue everybody at the gym knows just yell hey or yeah everybody's cheering yeah that's right so that's a huge so you're it's like i hate to use this word but you kind of gamify it right because then people get those little like boosts as they kind of progress along their journey but the important piece is that the whole gym is sharing in it like go to f45 go to orange theory no one gives a shit like oh you were in the orange zone for five more minutes betty betty like you know pay us five hundred dollars now and leave no one knows you
Starting point is 00:24:34 knows your name your name's not even betty is that what orange theory stands for there's some sort of orange zone yeah so it's like the uh heart rate monitor and when you're in the orange zone that's when you're like you know getting the real good stuff did you know that i don't know that's about as much as i know about i've never been in one hey what do you think someone said the other day i can't remember maybe with sean and tommy show they were talking to don and they were suggesting that the orange theory brand is more popular than crossfitFit. Do you think that that's true or has that ever crossed your mind?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Dude, I mean, I spend all day every day in a CrossFit gym, so I'm the wrong person to ask. Right, right. Okay, yeah, me too. Maybe to me too. I think that that's a perception thing. I'd said this and we had talked about it in the chat a little bit.
Starting point is 00:25:18 We're like, it's because they're in commercial spaces as opposed to Adams in a plane hangar, right? So like the perception might be, Oh, well, every time I go to get my groceries, I see people going into orange theory. So it must be bigger, but really it's, I don't, I don't think that to be the case. Do you have one in CrossFit Fort Vancouver? Is there orange theory there? Do you even know? Like in our city? Yeah. I have no idea. Yeah. How about, how about at 45? Do you know if there's one of those there? I don't know about that either. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. I pretty much go from my house to my gym to the grocery store
Starting point is 00:25:49 and everything in between but if it's not on my path man it's like i wouldn't know that actually somebody just told me like two restaurants they went to today and i was like where are those i've never even been there on your way home oh shit oh shit there's one across i could not it's like what i don't wear that i don't i don't yeah that's like down by the waterfront but i had no idea there's an orange theory there dude you could fly a drone over that's hilarious yeah uh zach l i signed the lease today on a spot to open my crossfit gym today after being a head coach for seven years. Anxious, but unbelievably excited. Heck yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Dude, congratulations, man. That's awesome. Yeah, Zach. I'd like to hear more about that actually too. Dude, not to mention, I mean, shoot, I don't know about you, Sousa, but frick, I'd been coaching for like two and a half years before I opened my affiliate. Like this guy's so well prepared compared to what we were doing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:48 About eight months in of like coaching. And when I had the opportunity, I originally had business partners. I haven't since 2016, but I originally started with business partners. Yeah, man. Guys like that though. I mean, they're so, they're so well equipped to like to start an affiliate. Like he's got so much great experience. And now like the things that
Starting point is 00:27:06 Dawn was talking about that CrossFit is doing for affiliates and coaches, like just in terms of tools that they're providing to help, help affiliates be successful is it's awesome, man. It's just like, there's, there's a, there's an incredible amount of resources available to affiliate owners that are starting today. You know, give me an example. Cause Craig Howard said that to me too. He said, um, there's so many resources available now that if you fail, it's kind of your fault. Uh, yeah. I mean, I, I would say that to be true. Anytime you start something like it's, it's still going to be on you. I mean, like when we started there, you know, it was awesome. We rented a warehouse. We had some like dumbbells from Craig's list. We didn't, we just didn't have much to go off. We
Starting point is 00:27:49 didn't know what the heck we were doing, but we, we knew we were going to give it everything we had. And either way it's on you to, to put in the work, to learn, to, uh, yeah, to either be successful and make it happen or to, to not. And the same thing is true today, but now like this guy that just commented, he's been head coaching at a gym for seven years. So dude, the experience that he has just with like a member management platform, how to onboard people all those types of things. And then CrossFit HQ has provided like this affiliate toolkit that basically has a playbook that gives you a step-by-step process on how to do things. And if you are struggling, there are,
Starting point is 00:28:33 there's mentorships out there that you can get plugged into, whether it's through CrossFit or through other like companies that specialize. We've had Cooper on a bunch of times, like two brain, a bunch of those things, right? Like there's just, there's've had Cooper on a bunch of times, like two brain, yep. Bunch of those things, right? Like there's just, there's a,
Starting point is 00:28:48 there's a lot of opportunity, but at the end of the day, none of that is going to replace your desire to work hard and, you know, care. Yeah. It doesn't matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You still got to put in the work. Oh, this is a great story. I once was coaching a class. I heard another story similar to this to the other day. I once was coaching a class and had an out of town drop in. their backpack at it and it's like and my friend turned around and looked at him they're like it's like fuck that's that's hardcore yeah i feel like it's probably done in all good fun and it's just like i don't know i yeah listen listen up what a good dude adam is someone gets cock blocked and i'm like ah it's all in
Starting point is 00:29:45 good fun i mean like it's just i'll find another girl i was just joking when i told that girl at the bar you were serial killer there's another bar right next to it who cares yeah yeah look at you god you're a fucking good dude yeah i mean there's a lot of i mean that's part of the fun with what we do there's a lot of friendly trash mean, that's part of the fun with what we do. There's a lot of friendly trash talk involved all the time, you know? Yeah. That's part of the course. Yeah, for sure. And one thing I want to know is how have you been? Oh, sorry. Are we going to, no, no, no, no, no. Go ahead. Go ahead. How, how were you able to balance the high level athletes in the gym? Um, with the normal population? What I mean by that is like, I know for a fact, you've had to have this happen where somebody walks in the door and they're like, hey, this is Justin's gym.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I'm going to the games next year. Can you put me on your competitive programming? And you're like five minutes that, you know, they learned how to squat five minutes ago. And you're just like, oh, shit. Like, how do you manage that? I've always wondered how the. That happened today. No shit.
Starting point is 00:30:39 That's a real scenario. Dude. Yeah, but. I don't even have any competitors. I mean, it's like, it's really simple for us like our our bread and butter is is classes right like we run 14 crossfit classes a day in our gym from 5 a.m until 7 30 at night and so like anybody that comes in that's just where they start and if they're excelling in classes and they want to do more like cool we have a we call it
Starting point is 00:31:03 crossfit for vancouver sport so it's basically programming that is geared toward the athlete that wants to compete in the sport of crossfit right so it's the same thing it's crossfit but we just add in a little bit more um of the elements that are commonly seen in sport right so a little bit more olympic weightlifting than our normal crossfit programming um some more gymnastics work some work, maybe some extra conditioning or strength training, depending on kind of the time of year and what we're training for. And then, yeah, people, they still in that sport program, they still start with the class workout. And then the sport programming is supplemental that they do on top of it. And then every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Oh, yeah. and then every once in a while oh yeah so then on uh on saturdays there is a class where those sport athletes like that's the only um only people that can come to that class that's like a dedicated time for them exactly so do you offer an open gym space or time or area yeah all day every day so anybody could just kind of come in how big is your gym how big is that facility it's like 8 000 square feet okay whoa all right yeah it's about the same size as mine but yeah there's it's open gym all day we have like our main class area is like 4 000 and then um we have like a center section that's mostly olympic weightlifting there's classes in there um for for olympic weightlifting classes like yeah maybe maybe five sessions a maybe five sessions a day, five or six, something like that. And it's separated by walls. Like you have like physical,
Starting point is 00:32:28 yeah, there's a wall, but there's two like big openings. So it's separated, but also not. Okay. That's good. Yeah. Cause mine's one big space and it, we tried the open gym thing and you got two people doing Isabel at the same time and the coach is trying to coach. Yeah. Yeah. But there definitely is a very intentional culture of like like the class always has priority yeah so in other words if if susie you're like hey i want to do my extra sport programming or i have this competition coming up i want to like
Starting point is 00:32:57 you know do this extra piece you just like you're always going to touch base with the coach and be like hey i'd love to do this where's the best place to do it? Yeah. Yeah. That's the same exact role we have. Yeah. Yeah. And it just works, you know, it's just, it's been part of our culture since day one, just like when we first started, like people wanted to compete in the sport, but that was the exception. And it's not like their training or goals are more important than, you know, Siobhan's mom that wants to be healthy. Like, so you just work around the class and it just works as long as there's like that culture of respect. And, uh, and it's awesome. I mean, it's no different now with like Justin, Ellie, Trista, those guys being in town. It's like, dude, I mean, all summer, like we're
Starting point is 00:33:35 working, you know, either on the side of the weightlifting class or maybe on the side of the CrossFit class, sometimes jumping into the class. sometimes during an open gym when there's not a class in a certain area. But yeah, it's still the same culture. Can you guys hear my dogs? Yeah. Oh, you can't, Adam? No, I got chainsaw ear. Oh, but you can because you have headphones on, huh, Sousa?
Starting point is 00:34:01 Is it crazy loud? It's not crazy loud. It's a little background noise. Oh, good. Like I live on a farm? Mm- on a farm that's nice you do kind of though right kind of not really kind of not kind of more of actually no we have chickens now my my daughter wanted three chickens for her birthday so we got three chickens no shit you get eggs every day three eggs every day that's awesome and are you eating them yeah i mean either me or somebody somebody in my family eats them yeah that's awesome hey is that too much work no no my my daughter's 10 and she literally does everything for it can you send me a picture of like where they stay and all that shit when we're done yeah dude i could probably like take my laptop and show you but yeah
Starting point is 00:34:47 hey do you have dogs no not right now oh okay so you don't worry about the dogs killing your chicken no did you just lose a dog what you're saying no but we emma really really really wants one so yeah but you ended up with a chicken. Chickens, yeah. Chickens and a cat. What's the story on the mullets? You don't have a mullet, do you? Are you rocking a mullet?
Starting point is 00:35:12 Dude, I need a haircut, man. My freaking hair. I don't know if it's a mullet or it's just like overgrown, but it's long everywhere now. So, yeah. Anyway, Justin's mullet's epic. He looks fantastic. Oh, man. It's the's the best yeah what's the story on it he he was always wrestling growing up so he never grew his hair out and then when it started growing out it was like wow that's really curly and uh he just kept growing it i think he
Starting point is 00:35:38 lost a bet or something and that's how it started but yeah then when he first moved out here he was like oh shoot i forgot to cut my mullet and then uh he thought my wife wasn't gonna like it and she freaking loved it so it's so um where's he from not stockton he's from that city low die low yeah it's so low die fuck it's so in my mind hey what's the deal with uh his finish at semifinals uh caused you any stress do you guys just like you can talk to me no one's listening tell me the truth like yeah man um for sure the weekend was stressful uh and then afterwards i wouldn't say it it was stressful but it's super motivating like okay i mean mean, dude, he's basically – the last time he didn't win a competition was the 2021 semifinals
Starting point is 00:36:32 or sanctionals. I think it was semifinals then. Hopper and Pancik beat him. And then ever since then, he's won every live competition he's been in. So, yeah, it was – I don't know what the the right description i don't know if frustrating is the right word but i would say motivating is uh kind of how we walked away from the weekend which panchik beat him scott i think it was i think it was hopper and then scott panchik and then justin in 2021 i guess i guess the good news about that is that scott's not even in the games anymore
Starting point is 00:37:03 and jason got a daddy and can daddy and not even allowed to talk to anyone unless he talks to his daddy first. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. So I guess, yeah, I guess shit went downhill for those guys from there, and at least Justin's still in the game. Oh, fifth, not seventh. Fifth.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Fifth, that's right. Yeah, fifth. But there's nothing in – you're're not like you didn't go to bed that night being like i fucked up his training or anything it's just it's just one weekend happened to be the semi-finals get to the games and win that shit i mean that's the goal for sure yeah uh yeah semi-finals i mean the other thing you know in the last really the last few years you know every competition that justin's been in almost everything has gone right you know like and and most of that is a testament to just who he is and how he competes um and like we made some
Starting point is 00:37:54 mistakes at semifinals like no doubt about it and they were super costly and going into semifinals we both felt like man he's the fittest he's ever been but that didn't happen okay to be reflected in the leaderboard. But I mean, you walk away from semifinals and you're like, okay, let's get back to work. Like, I mean, what else are you going to do about it? Right. Are you just going to complain or make an excuse? Or it's like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter why it happened. It's like, let's figure out how to respond to the situation we're in and, uh, and make the most of the next like eight weeks of training leading up to the games. So that that's what we're up to.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Sarah Cooper, Justin said on the coffee pods and wads podcast with Pedro, he got a ton of no reps. Yep. That did happen. But again, not an excuse, just something needs to be better.
Starting point is 00:38:41 We got to tighten it up. Velner said on event five, event five, I think, the one after the heavy snatch, the one with the eight snatches and you get on the treadmill, get on the runner. He said that he looked over at Justin and he said, he was like, what the fuck is Justin doing? He said just Justin basically was running slow.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And it didn't seem, it didn't seem it didn't he didn't like basically hey that's not justin was he trying to pace that or was there any was there any talk about that afterwards or no just yeah like it didn't look like justin it didn't feel like justin didn't look like justin it didn't so you could see that from afar too you're like when you saw him on the runner you're like oh something's wrong with his cadence or his his yeah no he just looked like he was struggling even on the first 800 like the first 800 before the heavy snatch like he was working real hard you know so that's just yeah it's part of it no excuse but um he'll be ready for the games and if adam knifer had a bias if he was not a well-rounded crossfitter that he is his bias would be in in
Starting point is 00:39:46 in the run the guy can run uh justin madaris's coach can fucking run he's got he loves running he's got a little love for running he got a little running addiction even dude i like running yeah you like running yeah super functional right nobody invented running we just it's just like human nature yeah got chase stuff yeah stuff. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, when I think of you, I think of you as a runner,
Starting point is 00:40:09 like a CrossFit runner. Like you got a little hint, like you got a little hinge shot on you. Oh man. Yeah, dude, I I've, I've learned a ton from hinge shot and we've worked with them these last,
Starting point is 00:40:17 uh, a couple of years actually. And, uh, yeah, dude, I love running. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Are you a Wolverine athlete? Am I? No. Oh no. Nope. yeah dude i love running it's cool are you a swolverine athlete am i no yeah oh no no you sure i'm not positive but yeah we have we have uh we have swolverine in our gym though like uh dude they have actually like the best carbohydrate. Cause you know, like after, after people work out, you're like, Hey, you should get some protein and carbs on board. But there just hasn't been a lot of good carbohydrate options other than stuff that's made out of multidextrin, which isn't bad, but Swolverine has a product that's literally just like sweet potatoes and oats. So it's like the same stuff that we would eat anyway. So it's an awesome uh yeah just post
Starting point is 00:41:05 workout carb that i think i don't know we started yeah exactly oh the clean carbs yeah the clean carbs yep yeah what about the one next to it that says post this post mean post workout oh hi i don't know hey do they have something that competes with – do they have like just something, a salt you take, like that LMNT stuff? Does Swolverine make anything like that? Like you would drink on a fasting day? I don't know. Oh, they got a sleepy one. They got all the stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:38 They got a sleepy one. You take that post thing? The carbs? Yeah. You know, I did when I was competing. Dude, I don't really take anything. Like I don't, I'm lucky if I drink a protein shake once every six months, like I just eat, I just eat regular food at this point. But when I was competing for sure. Yeah. Like getting
Starting point is 00:41:55 those like optimal kind of post-workout, uh, you know, windows maybe first half an hour to hour after your workout for sure. Yeah. I shouldn't still do that i just i don't know i did that for so long i'm just like i'll just have lunch well you know their product so that's oh intra are you just shifting us around what's happening oh that's caleb look out i'm looking at this interest stuff that's okay oh yeah that stuff just doesn't have any cal okay five calories oh so it's like an electrolyte type of thing huh i feel like that's the kind of shit i need to take when you fast yeah because i still work out and i sweat like a fucking maniac yeah um this is uh extra sloppy um would adam knifer rather talk about his affiliate,
Starting point is 00:42:46 CrossFit Fort Vancouver, or his chickens, or being Justin's coach? Oh, man, I love talking about all of it. Chicken. I love my affiliate. What do you do with the chicken poop? What do you do with the chicken poop what do you do with the chicken poop it's fertilizer yeah what's that it's fertilizer yeah we do have like some raspberries and some
Starting point is 00:43:14 strawberries and like a little vegetable garden area we also have a green belt so we can just like take the tray out a little chicken uh chicken house and toss it somewhere so is that what you do you use it for fertilizer yeah um what did you tell this guy who said hey um hi uh i'm anthony and i'm pretty fit and uh i'm gonna get on justin's plan uh like today thank you on his what i want to get on justin's plan today today you train justin you you train justin madaris you're the guy oh yeah okay i just tell him to show up and work out all right all right that's seriously that's what you told him come on to the 530 class jump in because yeah i want to come in and train like the champ okay come into the 530 class yeah that's that's where you start um uh uh
Starting point is 00:44:06 adam um i i was in here yesterday you told me to come in 530 class i'm here 5 20 10 minutes early showing you my dedication and uh there's a bunch of fucking ladies in here didn't you hear me i want to be like justin that's where he started too all right fine if you say so yep that's awesome people do ask about justin's program um like what he's what he's following or this or that but um you know and i i'm sure that at some point when justin wants to he'll share all that stuff but um there's not there's not like a justin's program is for him do know what I mean? It changes day to day based on like what he needs. So it's not, it wouldn't be ideal for anybody else. A proprietary blend.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I mean, sure. Did you see this? Will you, will you pull up this picture of, um, that the buttery bros, um,
Starting point is 00:44:59 used, um, of Jeffrey Adler on their thumbnail. Did you see that picture of him? Did I? Yeah. No. What'd you see that picture of him? Did I? Yeah. No. Where did you see this picture?
Starting point is 00:45:08 This picture is crazy. His, the, the distance from his shoulders to his elbows and like his elbows to his fingertips is kind of crazy. What's that called? Your anthro, anthro metrics or anthro.
Starting point is 00:45:22 He's massive. I didn't realize how big he was. I always thought of him as a little guy you see that caleb the this thing oh yeah that picture he looks huge there doesn't he so do heber and mars though criminy dude yeah he looks fit look at here okay that's ai enhanced do you think clearly no i'm just kidding no those guys are fit man we have a we have we actually have a saying about jeff adler oh this is good oh yeah what is it it's gonna be something nice don't get excited no no it's so nice it's like hey
Starting point is 00:46:02 so have you ever like seen somebody get close to the finish line and just ease off the gas? And then somebody else that's like, just so hungry and is willing to die for points, just like pass them within the last hundredth of a second. I think Merton's actually did that at the semifinal on that running event. You were talking about like baseball slid in past and like beat somebody that he had no business beating. Cause that person was just kind of like dogging it to the finish line.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Um, so in, yeah, that 2020 games Adler passed Justin after they ran that corn sack all the way up the Hill Adler passed him in like the last like 10 feet. And so from then on, it's like, do not get Adler'd like, cause, cause like that
Starting point is 00:46:48 moment of like, Hey, that didn't need to happen. That was just purely an effort thing at the end of that workout. What's that? That was at the 2020 games, right? Yeah. 2020. Yeah. The corn sack sprint all the way up the Hill at the ranch. Yeah. Justin eased off the gas and Adler like smoke past him and beat him by like, you know, 10th of a second. And it's like, okay, learn from that. Don't get Adler. Don't get Adler. Yeah. It is not, you know, obviously that it just happened to be Adler that did it to him. Right. And, uh, so it's like, Oh, you remember that? Like when you finish, you finish like you mean it and that's uh something he's lived by ever since pool boy i competed against justin before at the first norcal classic in 2019 he got the stomach
Starting point is 00:47:36 flu and still destroyed all of us true he was throwing up between every event. PRs all day. Wait, I know whose podcast that is. Oh, that's Craig Howard's. Yeah, and Jamie Lee. Yeah, I love Adam. What a guy. Those guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:54 I love you too. I love you, Craig. They had Nicole Carroll on. Oh, wow. And before she came on, Craig said he was nervous, and that made me feel so good because I'd be shitting my pants if I was having her on. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:48:08 She's cool. She's easy. Is she intimidating to you? I guess. She just really knows her shit. Oh, here it is. Oh, there you go. Hey, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:17 This is what it means to get Adler'd. I think if I remember correctly, Justin, like, looks back, and he's like, fuck. Oh, dude. Oh, he's like, fuck. Oh, dude. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Oh, no. And there's only five guys there. Oh, no. See that? Oh, right there. Totally unnecessary, right? That's why you die for points all the way across the finish line. Hey, play a little more. Let's see their times. times let's see their times give us a few more seconds there mr beaver credit to jeff man yeah i guess it was less than a second 0.22 so 13 and 9 it's 22 uh 22 hundredths. Hundredths of a second. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. Sneaky, it says. That's true. Oh, they had Dale King today on PRs all day. Yeah, Dale's a stud. You know Dale King? I actually don't know Dale King. You know of him?
Starting point is 00:49:16 Mm-mm. Oh. Doc Spartan? He got a crazy affiliate, dude. Oh, really? Yeah. What affiliate is it? CrossFit meth crossfit meth head i don't know but crossfit portsmouth but he took all these crackheads and like he's turned them into coaches
Starting point is 00:49:33 and then then he then he had them open a business that makes soap and then they make kettlebells and like he basically has a rehab uh affiliate and he it's in and like, I think, a fentanyl capital, the United States kind of area. It's all fucked up there. Yeah. Yeah, he's a really good dude. This guy probably wakes up every morning with crazy purpose. I think he's got a documentary about it coming out, too. That's him right there.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh, he does? Yeah, no, I don't know. Yeah, we were talking about it. Sounds like it's going to be gnarly like the stories coming out of it so so that um that affiliate gathering gave you uh that gave you that gave you some oomph some juice some faith yeah for sure for sure similar to like when when when greg would do affiliate i don't know what he called him but he did gatherings right and it just it just i don't. It gives you that like pulse on the leadership and just gives you that, I don't know that belief in like, heck yeah, this is why we do what we do. It fires you up to
Starting point is 00:50:36 have like, you know, just take some extra pride in what you do. I feel like a lot of sideways though. Couldn't it like what like it could go sideways that's the thing that i'm always tripping on hey do you remember do you remember in seattle when he did that and uh it did go sideways but it was also hilarious at the same time like people popped off at all of the gatherings he did yeah yeah people got fucking crazy no but you got you got uh at at that one in seattle you actually like got heated i started yelling from the crowd back at one of the affiliate lead people yeah yeah yeah oh yeah defending greg basically oh good yeah i probably got in trouble for that
Starting point is 00:51:15 you know yeah i mean there there are certain you know there are probably certain affiliate owners that want more you know they want they want want HQ to do something for them. And I've never had that expectation. I've always felt like, Hey, like here it is as an affiliate owner, you guys have provided this, this brand and this system for us to go out and improve people's lives. And as a result, people have walked through the doors in our gym for 14 years and I've done zero marketing ever in our, like we've never done any marketing and people have continuously showed up, you know, like I don't need anything more from CrossFit, but the fact that they are willing to give more and invest more in affiliates is like, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:52:00 That's cool. And it sounds like good. No, no, you go ahead. But I don't have an expectation. Like, Hey, I want this from you guys. I expect this from you guys. Right. It's, it's not that way at all. Like if, if all we ever got was, Hey, we got CrossFit on the outside of the building, dude, it's great. It also sounds that there was some healthy, um, There was some healthy peer pressure that Don was instilling in the culture. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yeah. Right? Yeah, definitely. Like, hey, guys, you better fucking live up. We all got to stick together, and you better fucking live up to the quality of training that's needed so that we all represent each it's kind of like you you know what i mean you know like when someone's saying some crazy shit on instagram and then you go over and check their profile and it says christian and you're like jesus yeah you know what i mean like what jesus can butt kick your ass tonight you're like you ain't christian uh crossfit vancouver is a special place amazing community i was just talking about
Starting point is 00:53:02 shanna today wasn't i uh i thought i'd said something to upset her because i hadn't seen her in the comments in a long time i told suza like fuck i think i got on the wrong side of madaris's dude unless you said something bad about her boy i was just talking about his body oh by the way you got vindicated from you had nothing but okay oh right all right we'll get back to shannon a minute okay so um there is kind of a health that is that's how i'm interpreting with what part of the affiliate gathering is yeah yeah but it definitely definitely like the the tone or the the like emotion that he was coming from was like
Starting point is 00:53:38 you guys you know as trainers are the best in the world. And we are incredibly appreciative of the hard work that you guys do because without the affiliates, CrossFit HQ is nothing. Right. And he, and he was, he, he definitely made that point across before he's like, Hey, we got to be better. Right. And it wasn't like, Hey, you guys suck. You got to be better. It was more like, no, he's working really hard. When I say he, I'm talking about the leadership is working really hard to improve what they're doing. And it just by default makes you want to improve what you're doing. You know, it wasn't at all like, hey, we're coming down on you. We got to make this better.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Right. I don't know how to describe it. No, no. But I pictured it sort of like you're being at church. You're your pastor at church. I don't go to church, but your pastor at church is like all of you represent this church and all of you represent God. So the next time you pull into a parking space and you pull up at the same time, you roll down your window and you say after you, ma'am or sir, and you find another parking spot. You turn the other cheek for your brethren and you're like, oh, yeah, that's what we do.
Starting point is 00:54:41 We do good shit. And so like live up and represent our church well. And he's basically like there was a piece of that like, oh, yeah, that's what we do. We do good shit. And so like live up – represent our church well. And he's basically – like there was a piece of that like, hey, guys, we need to be – we need to have faith in each other and support each other. And we need to offer the best coaching in a place that our moms would fucking feel comfortable – we would feel comfortable sending each other's moms. 100%. That's like the nicest thing I could ever say to a guy. Fuck, I'd be stoked if you dated my sister. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Like when I was younger. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd be stoked if my mom went mean? Like when I was younger, I'd be stoked if my mom went to your gym. Yeah. And it was like, like something we, we say all the time in our gym, like we do a hero workout every month and we always, you know, we always say, Hey, we don't have to, we get to, right. Here's this hard grueling workout. No, we don't have to always making you do it. We get to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Right. These, these people sacrifice something for us that allows us to do cool stuff, like express our fitness in any way that we want. And so we don't, we don't have to, we get to, and that's, that's how I feel about, you know, being a CrossFit affiliate. And then after he delivered that message, he, or they, the way, and Katie Hogan is like the affiliate rep that put it all together. And they did an incredible job of following that up with like, Hey, here's some ways that we can help. So they had a best hour of their day there to help with, uh, to give a talk about like
Starting point is 00:55:51 some business coaching. And then, um, Nicole Aquin, she came in and talked about nutrition and how to do a better job of like, cause that's another area where we can improve as affiliates. Most of us aren't doing enough in terms of like, you know, supporting people in terms of nutrition. I think we're doing a pretty good job in terms of fitness for the most part, but like, I know in our gym, at least there's lots of opportunity to serve people. Uh, what do you mean? You just told people to go out and buy Wolverine. I think that's, you're doing a fantastic job. Exactly. So there was that. And then we had lunch and then the afternoon, Denise Thomas,
Starting point is 00:56:30 she had, I mean, it was the best, it was, it was the best. I don't want to call it a lecture. She just talked about coaching development and excellence in coaching. And then Chris McDonald,
Starting point is 00:56:41 who's another level four coach did a little practical. Hey, I'm going to, I'm going to coach five people on the overhead squat and coaches got to watch that. And they, yeah, they just kind of showed us through action, like what's possible in terms of what excellence looks like in coaching. Um, had some great conversations around that. And then we broke out into, uh, just like round table affiliate owner or coach or gym manager groups and, uh, just kind of whiteboarded, you know, common issues that gyms might be having and, you know, how we would approach different situations and just kind of, uh, yeah, collaborate on that. Cause sometimes when you're an affiliate owner, um, or, or a coach, like you can get on an
Starting point is 00:57:22 island, uh, and just like, you know, kind of get stuck in your own way sometimes and not maybe have a lot of people to reach out to, even though there's a bunch of other, you know, owners and coaches going through a lot of the same things. And so, you know, it just kind of provided that opportunity to collaborate with other people. It was pretty cool. And I think that's where Zia was talking about the gal saying like, hey i was ready to sell and and i'm not doing that anymore so i mean that's a pretty powerful like change over the course of six hours or whatever it was dude that's a crazy testimony yeah um uh cross it needs a lot more Adam Knifers. There's only one Adam Knifer, and he's the best.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I don't know why I started reading like that. Adam, did they have a sales process thing in there? Like in the roundtable discussions? Did somebody get up and talk about actually, like, Hey, when someone walks into your gym, like for lack of better words, how do you sell them on CrossFit? They're curious. They came in. Did you guys do those? Uh, no, not, not that specifically, but there were some, uh, yeah, almost like situations where they were like, hey, here's the situation. Not role-playing, but here's a situation.
Starting point is 00:58:49 How would you address this in your gym? Yeah. There were conversations like that, but there wasn't really a presentation on, hey, here's a sales process. That's good. I'm glad they refined it. They had us do a specific sale process thing, and we like turned the chairs around to the person in front of you. And you had to like role play and like sell them on the, on the gym. And that part was a little clunky for, for us as affiliate owners.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I like how you're in that situation more than. No, I didn't. I don't. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't feel like anything was like contrived. Like, Hey, pretend this and have these conversations that just feel like so awkward that they're not even helpful it was more like hey get in a group with six here's three questions each person gets you know whatever it was two minutes on the clock
Starting point is 00:59:33 go around and share your perspective on that and then that really just like evolved into yeah I mean I think in my group there were six and it was just like yeah we we just end up like going different directions in the conversation what felt useful and especially you know there was there was one coach there that same thing he was like man i don't know i'm super burned out i don't know what to do and the other five people in the group were like dude i've actually like been in that same spot and here's what i did right or here's something that really helped me um so no i thought every piece of the day was high value and same thing with like the two coaches that came from our gym. I mean, they, they got back on the ride home, just stoked. Like, you know, and they weren't like, Oh man, I had to go, you know, spend an eight hours at like
Starting point is 01:00:17 this continuing education course. They were happy to be there. That's amazing. So that tells me that they're learning from each affiliate gathering refining it and improving it that's awesome yeah yeah yeah i'd go back dude 100 i'd go to the next one for sure you know what's cool i don't know who was in the comments uh when we talked to z i think maybe it was katie uh hogan but she said you could also go to any any affiliate gathering you want they don't have to be the ones in your area so you could go to to the one in Texas. You could go to the one in the East Coast. You could go to the one in a foreign country if you wanted to. Affiliates are welcome to all of them, which is cool,
Starting point is 01:00:53 which is the way it should be. But it's kind of a cool – it's a cool clarification. Sousa is killing it with that. Killing it. Good job, Sousa. Thanks, guys. You're a real affiliate owner too, Sousa. I'm a real boy.
Starting point is 01:01:09 When do you fly into – where are the games this year? Carson? Madison? When are you flying to Madison? I'm going on Saturday the 29th. Saturday the 29th. How about you? I don't know if I'm going.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I don't know. Nice. I don't know what I'm doing. All right. Let's check it. I don't know if i'm going i don't know nice i don't know what i'm doing all right let's check it i don't know if for some reason i were to go there you're gonna be you have a coach's pass he's not he's not giving it to like his mom or something the coach's pass yeah you'll be down there hopefully yeah no actually actually our goal our goal this year is the the triple crown we want to have a from from the gym we want to have one uh team champ one uh individual and then a masters oh yeah who's your masters uh nathan lauren no pressure nathan has he ever been to the games before yeah uh he was on the team that won it in 2010 he was on the team in uh 11 12 and 13 and then i think he's been two or
Starting point is 01:02:14 three times since then as a master um but how do you do um he's done pretty good yeah he's been like i think third is his highest finish as a masters. What's the age category? He's in the 50 to 54. Can you pull that up, Caleb? 50 to 54 leaderboard for the games? I'll tell you if he has any fucking chance in winning. You tell me. Yeah, I'll let you know. And then your individuals are Mr. Medeiros and Miss Turner?
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yep, that's right. And then who's your team? Trista Smith. Trista Smith. Has she ever been to the games? Is she there? Yeah. She's over here left-handed.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Has she ever been to the games? Twice. Oh, no, no. He's going to take second to that guy with the fucked up name. Artur Komorowski. Yeah, Poland. Sorry. I don't recognize. Yeah. Poland. Sorry. I don't recognize.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Why don't I recognize any of these guys names? I'm bad. I'm betting on Nate. Just so you know. Yeah. Me too. Actually. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:14 He's 50. He's young. He's, he's like the baby in the group. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Fit.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Good dude. Excited to go. Five 11, 190 pounds. Yeah. Athlet, good dude, excited to go. 5'11", 190 pounds. Yeah. Athlete, man. He's an athlete. All right. And what about the girl, the teen? What's her deal? Is it her first year? Trista, no, it's her third year. She's an old one. She's a 17-year-old. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah oh shit she
Starting point is 01:03:47 well how did she uh she competed at semi-finals for the individuals too no shit yeah like a cursed at her yep no shit yeah all right let's see her in the gym let's make any pictures of her in Fort Vancouver? That was there. Yeah. All right. There she is upside down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Dude, she's fired up. She gives, I mean, she trains with Justin LA every day and she gives them a run for their money. What's her, um, what's her,
Starting point is 01:04:17 uh, what was her placement last year at 16? Fourth. Okay. And now she's the big dog. I mean's hungry is she uh is she home is she homegrown is she uh um a washington girl or is she for uh import like justin and ellie she's from tri-cities washington so she's from just up the road and uh my brother actually went to the affiliate that Trista's mom and dad own, Fallout CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:04:47 And then – You poached a fucking athlete from the parents of an affiliate owner? Affiliate owners? You poached her? No, dude. I haven't actually known her since she was five or four. Four or five. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Anyway, her and her family used to come out to the ranch that my parents run cows on and they'd come out and brand calves and and do stuff like that and uh and then she yeah just grew up in the gym and then uh yeah we uh reconnected with her parents like i don't know a few years ago a couple years ago and we've been working together ever since. Look at your left arm. Look at that fucking tricep definition. Thank you for noticing. Yeah, I appreciate that. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Fucking crap. You only get that if you smoke a lot of crack. You got to get real skinny. That's the secret right there. The meth diet. My God, you're shredded. Are you shredded right now, dude? I don't know about that. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I don't know about that. You look good with your shirt off right now? Mediocre at best. You got two beers to take it off? Does your training wane as there becomes more pressure to focus on these other guys for the games? Like, is this your this yes and no like my training is not a priority for sure like i you know when you're i mean i think a lot of affiliate owners are probably in a similar boat of like hey you kind of put yourself last a
Starting point is 01:06:17 lot so that you can be there and serve other people but um certainly with the the games crew like i i would definitely i definitely don't make my own training a priority except that I, I don't miss training. Like, it's not like I'm trying to be the fittest I can be, but like, dude, I'll go out every morning. It doesn't matter. Like I'll still train for sure. And usually that, what that looks like for me is like probably four classes a week in the affiliate. I'll just go to like four or five classes a week. And then, yeah, sometimes I'll do something outside
Starting point is 01:06:49 or occasionally jump in with the crew if it feels useful. Or if they're like, man, if they really don't want to do a workout, then maybe I'll do it just so that, you know, they got no leg to stand on when it comes to that. Oh, that's cool's cool you'll do that like if the class is like moaning and bitching you'll be like all right fuck it i'm getting in with you guys no no i'm not talking about the class there's none of that there's none of that moaning stuff going on in the class that's that's whatever oh you're talking about the big dogs like if justin uh ellie or tristan or uh what's the guy's name lawrence nate yeah nate yeah naked squirrely. You'll be like,
Starting point is 01:07:25 you ever just beat Nate just to put him in his spot because he's pity? You're just like, fuck you, dude. Dude, it depends, man. It depends on what it is. He'll put me in my place on a lot of things. Shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Is he strong? He's strong, but man, that guy, he's got an incredible engine, especially like on the machines. Yeah. Yeah, that's weird for an old guy. it's impressive yeah it's awesome hey um if i do um decide to make it out to madison i really look forward to talking to you putting a camera in your face yeah heck yeah dude be a pleasure man yeah um thanks for coming for coming on. I hope it works out. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 01:08:09 We're hoping. Thanks for coming on. You're the man. I'm excited for the future across it. A great endorsement from you and Zia. Kind of crazy. Congratulations to the whole West Coast affiliate team and to Don. I'm pumped. Sounds like you got great things going
Starting point is 01:08:27 and I hope that you guys reach all your goals with all the game stuff dude thanks man thanks for sharing the stories too it's awesome we'll talk soon later boys thanks Sousa thanks Caleb bye boys you're a good dude
Starting point is 01:08:44 you remembered my name Thanks, Adam. Thanks, Caleb. Bye, boys. You're a good dude. You remembered my name. You remembered my name. You're the only one who thinks this is a cool show. Just so you know. Everyone else is like, fuck. Everyone's like, it's clickbait. You didn't talk about Justinin enough 1999 hang up yeah yeah why would i go to the games i have to stay i have to stay here miss uh kathy wow kathy
Starting point is 01:09:19 is it really with an ie i've never seen that what's wrong with you people it's a why kathy did you break up with your boyfriend? Why did you cut him out of the picture? I have questions. Kathy, I have stuff to do here. I have to run this show here. I'm a worker. Oh, there she is.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Kathy's gone. Thank you. Nothing like getting some approval from someone's mom. Hey, I don't know if i ever circled back and talked to you shanna but i forgot my name from those margaritas people were like damn savvy you were tossed up and they make a good margarita damn dude it was like a vegetable salad in there there were like cucumbers and jalapenos it was crazy looking forward to seeing them at the games.
Starting point is 01:10:07 I love the conversation. Great show. Sean Sullivan, come on. Go to the games. I don't like going to the games. I've got kids to raise. Yeah, I've got shit to do. Don't you have a plane ticket to Chicago? Detail. Look at Kathy. Look how Kate spells her name.
Starting point is 01:10:24 K-A-T-E. Oh, that's my CrossFit coach, not my boyfriend. I totally understand Kathy, too. She signed up for a YouTube account, and then they asked for a picture, so she's just scrubbing through her desktop looking for a picture, and she just throws one up. She doesn't actually think she's ever going to comment on anything now she does and she's like fuck what did i get myself into oh no i can't undo it you're gonna come in next show with a
Starting point is 01:10:51 different picture i hope um unsubbing if you don't go to madison you've been warned dick butter you don't got the balls dick butter butter. You're just a stick of butter. I crack myself up with my own jokes. Seve can't go to the games. He has tickets to the Cubs game. Now the truth comes out. I watched Dave's. Dave did not.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Wyatt, worst kept secret ever. Even Dave mentioned it on his Week in Review. I watched his Week in Review. He didn't mention it. He's trying to trick you. Like that time my mom found out the dog got a weed brownie. I understand, Kathy. That's how your parents feel about how they spelled your name.
Starting point is 01:11:39 They spelled your name with an I-E thinking it's cute, and one year later they're like, fuck, what did we do? I named one of my dogs, a great Dane one time, Bhagavan. Bhagavan? Yeah, Bhagavan. What a jackass. Bhagavan, come here, boy. Yeah, yeah. How do you call that dog?
Starting point is 01:12:00 Bhagavan. I think Bhagavan means, like, God or guru or something. The Buddha is referred to as Bhagavan in ancient and medieval Theravada Mahayana Tantra Buddhist text where it connotes Lord blessed one called Bhagavan. The supreme being or absolute truth. Bhagavan. Yeah, or Kathy. No, I yeah or Kathy nah I don't know no definitely not Kathy no there's no IE
Starting point is 01:12:32 like that Rosie we love you see Craig's comment Craig Howard no where is it oh I look forward to not seeing from Craig Howard from PR's daily Oh. I look forward to not seeing you from Craig Howard from PR's Daily.
Starting point is 01:12:52 The only podcast brave enough to interview Nicole Carroll. I look forward to not seeing you when you are not at the games not working. All right. Craig, are you making the road trip back there again? Let me ask you a question suza here what a mess oh shit what month is this july july man it's going by so fast okay so uh two more podcasts today so tomorrow morning says carolyn lambre at 7 a.m i'm very excited about that. And you know why too?
Starting point is 01:13:26 She's a good talker. So I don't – like she'll work. By the way, Adam Neifer is not a good talker, and he ended up being a great talker. Not that he's not a good talker, but he could – he's a good listener I should say. But today we got him going. Yeah. but today we got him going. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Carol Lambre, and then it says Man on Angonies at 8, but that's not. Who? Man on Angonies is not coming at 8 a.m. Yeah. Oh. Well, at 7.45. Oh, she is. Yep.
Starting point is 01:14:01 You're thinking of the next show. With Sahar Kai, she's coming on. You got people mixed up. Oh, okay. Yep. Oh, you're thinking of the next show. With Sahar Kai, she's coming on. You got people mixed up. Oh, okay. Okay. So Man on Anganese comes. Okay. So Carolyn Lambre at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Man on Anganese at 745. Correct. Then tomorrow night, Alex Gazan at 630. And Sahar Kai and Matilda Garns together at 715. That's right. You guys want to watch an absolute fucking train wreck of a show? Come tomorrow
Starting point is 01:14:30 at 7.15 and watch me try to figure that one out. It's like I'm a world-class juggler with three balls. And no one's really impressed, but I'm really good at three with three balls. 487 kaleb how many people in the united states can juggle three balls you know i know you think it's in the millions definitely if you survived that bad connection yesterday
Starting point is 01:15:01 and pulled pulled that one out yeah but dome its face fucking could carry anything that's right even if it freezes like it's yeah abigail donut can carry anything but 30 of the population the united states can juggle three balls so what is that 30 million times uh three let's say so nine so 100 million people in the united states can juggle three balls how many people can juggle four balls it's got to be less than a million it's got to just drop dramatically yeah uh i think it looks like to juggle five it's like uh 30 500 000 yeah i don't believe that do you think's true? That many people can juggle five balls. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:49 That's right. Yeah. Oh, I saw a post in there from a guy named Matt day. Oh, there it is. You can juggle three balls. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Everyone in here can, Matt, we're all CrossFitters. You cannot juggle five balls. Eat a dick. You can't do four. Yeah. Thank you, Matt. Look at he's, I was being aggressive with you, but you're confirming dick. You can't do four. Yeah, thank you, Matt.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Look, I was being aggressive with you, but you're confirming me. You strike my aggressive tone from the record. Juggling balls. Yeah, with my hands. What else am I going to juggle balls with? Why it's coming. Oh, my goodness. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Okay, okay. Wow, look at Caleb. That that's bullshit that is bullshit okay so here it is three p I don't even know how we got on this oh about interviewing that's what it's going to be like interviewing tomorrow I'm gonna tomorrow you guys are going to see me try to juggle four balls for the first time for the yeah it's gonna be mess. And I don't think either of those girls' English is their first language. It's going to be – okay, God, their connection better be good. But anyway, three balls, 200 million people. Four balls, 5 million people.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Five balls, a half a million. Six balls, 50,000. Seven balls, 10,000. Eight balls, only 1,000 people. Is that in the United States or in the world? balls only a thousand people in the united is that in the united states or in the world i think it's that might be in the world oh that makes me feel way better that might be true now we're on to something good yeah now we're look at only two people in the world can juggle 12 balls based on this algorithm yes oh this isn't like a survey like no this isn't like a legitimate oh No, this isn't like a legitimate.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Oh, Caleb, you didn't need to say that. I was just trying to be truthful, okay? Fuck that. The commenters would have corrected you quick if you did it anyways. Exactly. No, we would get fact-checked by Instagram. Peer-reviewed. This is a peer-reviewed study.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Partly true. I don't know if you've gotten your boys into juggling yet. No, but I will. Thank you, Kate. I'm sure they'll be quick. Kate, who spells her name right? Champion. A lot to live up to.
Starting point is 01:17:57 When you guys are watching the CrossFit Games, I'll be juggling balls. It'll be your first female, female, male. We're only used to a house full of dudes here. It's going to be a little... Who the fuck is Ben Beaver? Where do you see Ben Beaver? It was who created the algorithm for the Japanese.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Oh, I saw. Bernie Gannon. A Wolverine. that was who created the algorithm for the gentleman oh i saw oh uh bernie gannon oh a swolverine you need to sponsor the sevon podcast number one supplement on the number one cf podcast oh it's not a bad idea hey what do you think that a guy went from the from the hebel show he dumped all this money into it remember It was just A and a bunch of underscores. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He disappeared. Yeah, he wanted to just brawl with that dude. That's dope.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Anytime we need a little cash, we just start talking about it and he'll show up and start throwing in questions. Seve, it's an awesome drill when you throw the boys a ball while they're bouncing. Yeah, we do so much of that. If I think of it, I'll order some Wolverine pre-workout.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And some of their, what was the other shit called? Intra. Yeah. And I don't want to take the, I just like drinking the sleep stuff I would take just because yeah, I just, I just,
Starting point is 01:19:38 cause I just want to just drink shit. Like it was like a nightly routine, you know, like, yeah. And like drink it at night it's the problem i think strong coffee maybe made some sleep shit and it ended up getting so like it was powder but it got so hard in there because i took me
Starting point is 01:19:57 like two years to drink it also i had like i had a butter knife and i'd have to break out yeah i still used it i had to break off chunks like this crouton yeah my crouton is lumpy now too my crouton is just get some new creatine i'm i'm frugal i'm frugal maybe swallowing will hook it up do you know what i got do you know what i actually i got let's let's pull this up really quick i didn't tell you this susan i got t i got bpc 157 t 500 or something can you pull that up on the california peptide site it's out of my pay grade right there i got that today and i got a big bottle of the water the bacteria radioactive electrostatic water whatever the fuck that is i want to read what that t by 500 is and i was thinking about i finished one bottle of the
Starting point is 01:20:53 peptides in my bicep yeah yeah tb 500 there it is yeah where should i stick that experience extraordinary benefits of bbc 157 peptide a revolutionary compound designed to promote healing and support tissue repair with the body can we read more is there more shit oh um enhanced tissue healing bbc 157 peptide accelerates the healing process by stimulating the production of growth factors and promoting angiogenesis the formation of new blood vessels experience faster recovery from injury surgeries and other conditions allowing you to get back to your active lifestyle sooner reduce inflammation tendon and ligament support gut health optimization where's the 500 thing i
Starting point is 01:21:36 want to know about what that is it doesn't say anything about the the tb what's the tb i don't know i keep my shit in the fridge there's tp 500 oh experience uh enhanced tissue repair promotes accelerated healing and damaged tissues including muscle tendons ligaments reduces inflammation helps alleviate pain and swelling improve flexibility and range of motion, enjoy greater mobility and the ability to perform daily activities, strengthening connective tissues, help prevent injuries through stronger ligaments and tendons, enhance muscle growth and recovery.
Starting point is 01:22:18 It's a convenient and safe synthetic peptide that is easy to use and safe when used as directed. How about when it's not directed? Used as not directed. The TB500BPC combined peptides TB500 is same as BPC. Oh, then why did I get that one? It's the same, same, same? Same but different. Why why why big a at this point you should start hitting that rad 140 no it's not like that i don't think i'm not
Starting point is 01:22:52 i'm not getting like it's not like that i mean i don't think it's like that i did deadlift 185 today for three nice Nice. Deadlift? Bodyweight. Like that screen it froze on you there, Caleb. That's a good look. Oh, it's gone. Look at Will Branstetter wants me to read this shit
Starting point is 01:23:13 so we can get a fucking strike on the show. Look at him. Look at you, Will. You know, back to St. Perkulis. I'm not taking anything I have to take my whole life.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Why take peptides? Just take TRT from your doc. I'm not taking any, I'm not taking anything I have to take my whole life why take peptides just take TRT from your doc I'm not taking any I'm not doing any no no cock nothing's happened to my cock either it's just normal normal healthy cock I don't want to take I don't want to be I don't want
Starting point is 01:23:40 to have to take something for the rest of my life so want to be i don't want to have to take something for the rest of my life so i suzy suzy can you deadlift 405 for reps yeah caleb can you that's a long way for caleb to bend over yes you can do that for reps too yeah i did um i i i seriously did uh i did three nothing special but i did three at the end of my today, I did three deadlifts with 205 on the minute for 10 minutes just as kind of like a cool down. It wasn't easy. I mean it was easy, but it wasn't easy. Look at Mason Mitchell.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Prove it. Hey, did Nick Matthew ever get back to us? Speaking of crop tops? No. No, he did not. Next bit wars me and Caleb. Just two dudes rested a lot. You're just going to see me in a fetal position the whole time.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Just both of us coming out way too hot because we have too much adrenaline and then just gassing out far through. You'll see me just guffing. Did we text Nick's Matthew? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Hey, I don't know about all games coaches,
Starting point is 01:25:03 but I would like to interview all the games coaches, but any games athletes that you know, individuals, if you ever hear any of them say they weren't invited, tell them that we want them. We meant to invite them. Caleb and I went through every single person and invited them. I just want to keep,
Starting point is 01:25:18 I know I said that in this morning show, and I said it a couple of days ago. Oh, I should have Darren Hunsucker on. That's a great idea. Oh, that is a great idea. That's a fucking brilliant idea. Did him who nick matthew yeah i don't do we have his phone number yes um text him again it can't hurt well let me check my uh i would like to have him on again one sec Nick I don't have his number
Starting point is 01:25:47 then we DM'd him for sure because he was well maybe not for sure maybe I shouldn't say that I heard him here as DM'd okay I'm going to do it again N-I-C-K-M-A-T-H Nick Matthew
Starting point is 01:26:04 I follow him now I followed him no I did not DM him M-A-T-H Nick Matthew. Oh, I don't know. I follow him now. I followed him. No, I did not DM him. Oh, shit. How the fuck did that happen? We'd love to have you on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I turned in my rankings today to the Barbell Spin. Did you guys turn in yours yeah no I change some people based on how much I like you me too I feel better getting that
Starting point is 01:26:42 off my chest if Brian spin hears that he should just kick me out for saying that I feel better getting that off my chest. If Brian Spinn hears that, he should just kick me out for saying that. I swear to God. It's like saying I peed on the floor at your house and I didn't wipe it up. Spit on the floor. Oh, someone just DM me Nick Matthews' personal information. Create your contact.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Didn't we have him on the show? I thought we had him on the show. I thought we had him on the show too. I'm going to share the contact with you. If you want to bug him, that would be cool. Yeah, absolutely. You will just do that? Just fuck with him? No, not like I'll ask him to be on the show. I'm not saying prank call him,
Starting point is 01:27:21 but I'm just saying like... Definitely fuck with him. Hey Nick, it's me, Madigan. Just leaving another voicemail. Yeah. Last one. And I am going to send this the third text I've sent Daniel Brandon. No, second.
Starting point is 01:27:38 You sent her one. I sent her one. Yeah. You sent her one saying she was the coolest person you know. I said, has anyone ever told you how cool you are, Miss Brandon? Well. Are you just going to continue your own conversation? You are cool as shit. Cool as shit, cool as ice.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Cool as ice. Cool as ice? Yeah. No? No, you got to like. I'm from the 80s. I'm from the 80s. That's how I got blocked.
Starting point is 01:28:04 That's how you got blocked? Tell her she's as cool as ice? You got to hit her with your fire on God. What if I'm like, hey, what if I text her this? Hey, Daniel, I lost Matt Torres's number. And then she got back to me right away. Here it is. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Hey, you want to go? Yeah. Oh. All right. Oh, look it. Look it. 80 song. Willing to sacrifice.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Oh, no. See, you know. Yeah. Caleb and I definitely know that one. Okay. Wow. Wow. How we do it?
Starting point is 01:28:52 Keeping the fucking wackadoodle comments coming. Lazar and Gazan on the podium this year. I love it. All right. Adam Neiffer, great guest. Tomorrow really the shitstorm begins, guys. Yeah. It's going to be Carolyn Lambre, Manon Anganese in the morning, Alex Kazan, Sahar Kai in the evening.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Then Wednesday, Rebecca Wittesen, and then Bronislawski. Thursday, Spencer Pancheck, Jelly, Jesty Hostie. I don't see Christine Kolenbrender on Wednesday. Oh, she's not in my calendar. I have to add you to it. Well, that's nice of you. Spencer Pancheck, Jelly, Hostie, Christine Kolenbrander, Taylor and JR Programming, Arthur
Starting point is 01:29:33 Seminoff, Kelly Baker. Then on Friday, Ariel Lowen, Shelby Neal. I can't tell you how excited I am to meet Shelby Neal. Redheads are cool. My wife's a redhead. Your wife a redhead, Beaver? Stoked for redheads, man. Is your wife a redhead?
Starting point is 01:29:54 No, she's for now. And I don't see anyone Friday night. Is that good? Do we take Friday off? No, we have the CrossFit Games update show. Oh, fuck me. And then on Saturday the 22nd, no one in the morning.
Starting point is 01:30:12 No, that wasn't an available slot. Awesome. Maybe we should have Greg on that Saturday. Yeah, that'll work. You only have that 90 minutes before you head out to tennis usually. So we decided that was going to be a little breather day, and then it picks right back up on Sunday.
Starting point is 01:30:30 And then Emila DeRue. Yep. And then J.R. Howell at night. And then I think there's two athletes that just got back to me that'll go in the Sunday slot and then potentially one the next following Wednesday. Is it Alexis Raptus? It is. She's one of them, yeah. Is it Alexis Raptus? It is.
Starting point is 01:30:45 She's one of them, yeah. I'd like to talk to her. And Caroline Stanley. Oh, awesome. Yeah. Wow. We're fucking doing this. Dude, we sent out 80 invites.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Yeah, JR Prediction Show is next Sunday. Sunday evening, yeah. I think it's unfair to call it a prediction show. I think it's just like we should just call it Games Workouts Released. Can we call it that? Yeah, why not? We're going to get ridiculed by the clickbait.
Starting point is 01:31:19 How we do it? The 90s called and they want Caleb's webcam back. Hey. It's totally fair. He deserves worse. That's like the nicest thing you could say to him. Alright. I need to chill.
Starting point is 01:31:36 See you guys tomorrow morning. I think tomorrow morning's show with Carolyn Lambert is going to be fascinating, by the way. I'm getting some like... she's basically the female version of Shane Orr, in my mind. So I'm pretty fucking excited. That's a compliment. I think so.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Yeah, that's like a real compliment right there. You're as cool as ice. What? It's cool, right? Yeah. That's good. That cool as ice. Well, it's cool, right? It's good. That'll get her. Uh, Danielle, I promise I won't talk about your nipple piercings.
Starting point is 01:32:12 That's going to be my next fucking text to her. Yes, that's safe space. Okay. Bye. We'll.

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