The Sevan Podcast - Adam Neiffer | The BIG Give Away | Live Call In

Episode Date: December 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, must be mating season and hiking with them is that a squirrel bear run collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles
Starting point is 00:01:00 like you're like me you're in stealth mode too because it's 6 a.m., right? It's 6 a.m. Where are you? I'm downstairs in my house. And you're using your indoor voice. Yeah, or maybe just my 6 a.m. voice. Right, right. Is your family still asleep? My kids and my brother are asleep.
Starting point is 00:01:25 My wife is at the gym for 6 a.m. class. No shit. Yeah, she's there. Because when we scheduled you, I know it was last minute, and Susie said, hey, can you come at 6 a.m.? I'm like, there's no way this dude's going to do 6 a.m. He's West Coast like me. And you're like, no problem. I'm like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Dude, 6 a dude 6am is kind of the best time all right now we know adam knifer 6am 6am anytime uh crossfit fort vancouver heck yeah uh i just i just read uh you guys de-affiliated because you don't want to pay the extra fee no i'm joking uh how many years have you guys been in affiliate? Oh, we're just, we're, we're just about at 15 actually. We're yeah. We'll be at 15, uh, March, uh, next, next year. God, you're awesome. The drama free chugging along, killing it, making people better. Jim CrossFit Fort Vancouver. Uh, yeah, my voice is gone. We, we hosted better, Jim, CrossFit Fort Vancouver. Yeah, my voice is gone.
Starting point is 00:02:26 We hosted the CrossFit Fort Vancouver Championship this weekend. And it's a competition that we do at the gym. It's amazing. It's the 11th year that we've done it. And so, yeah, my voice is getting fully recovered still. Hey, dude, tell me about that. By the way, your newsletter is beautiful. You sent me your newsletter yesterday so I could get some of the nitty-gritty details about what we're going to talk about today, which is nuts.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's epic. It's awesome. Nuts. I can't believe. Someone said, hey, dude, you got to get Adam on about this race. I'm like, blah, blah, blah. Who cares about a race? But I like Adam, so I'll invite him on anyway. And then I read the details. I'm like, blah, blah, blah. Who cares about a race? But I like Adam. So I invite him on anyway. And then I read the details. I'm like, oh my, they weren't joking. So, so we're going to get to that in a second, but tell me, let me, let me set the stage for
Starting point is 00:03:12 some people. How many years have you been to the games? Uh, as an athlete, I was not like 10, 10 years. And then, and then you had a, obviously one of the greatest to ever do it. Uh, Justin Medeiros as a athlete, you have Ellie Turner as an athlete, you have Trista Smith as an athlete. And don't you have some young man who has games aspirations also there? Adam McAdams. Yeah. But he's actually not young. He's he's like 30. He's an old guy in the CrossFit sport, but he is. Oh yeah. He did a semifinals for his first time last year awesome crazy and and then also you have uh you have 100 pound weight loss uh stories that have come out of your gym yeah yeah nuts and
Starting point is 00:03:52 you've been around forever i've seen you i've seen you at events as long as i've been around like you're you're a staple in the community man the crossroads changed my life man and and um and your father? Yeah, two girls. Any more coming? Nothing planned, no sir. Like any of them are, come on. Yeah, yeah. And, okay, so tell me about this championship thing.
Starting point is 00:04:21 You guys do a competition that's just your gym? The championship, I'm biased. I think it's the coolest competition out there. Okay. It started in, I think, 2012 or 2013. And the initial idea was regionals at that time, I think, were so unique and so incredible, but they only happened once a year. And you remember at the end of regionals, everybody was just on this high
Starting point is 00:04:53 that was, was indescribable. And we were like, why don't we do this more often? And so we went to. By that, you mean get the community together, affiliates showing up in their shirts. to by that you mean get the community together affiliates showing up in their shirts uh it had it had it had a really festive feel to it i'm thinking specifically about del mar california yep 100 we hadn't been to del mar yet we were still in the northwest uh region but very similar kids and families and people jumping rope and hugging and bumping into friends you hadn't seen in 10 years it was cool dude but also savage high-level competition, right? Yes. It wasn't like – I mean, there was like –
Starting point is 00:05:29 Serious as a heart attack for some people. Yeah. So we went up to like Rory Zambard and Emily Carruthers and Kevin Simons and some of the top athletes from regionals, and we were like, hey, do you guys want to do a competition before the season starts as a partner competition, just to get that regional group together to kick off the season and have a good time. And they were like, heck yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So when we started it, it was, it was an invitational for any regional athlete from the Northwest region to come compete. And the first several years it was, yeah, it was awesome. It was high level. It was like Cole Sager's first competition. Uh, Sam Quantz came up and he, uh, he competed, um, yeah. How could it be Cole Sager's first competition? If you had to be a, uh, a regional athlete, could other people, other ways of qualifying too? Yeah. I don't know if Cole, I might've said that wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Cole Sager's first competition that he won. Okay. Okay. Early he was a baby. Yeah. Yeah. It was cool. Those guys, those guys competed up here. And then as the, as the sport of CrossFit grew somewhere, I don't know, five, six years later, we were like, Hey, let's, let's invite masters athletes. Let's invite, you know scale divisions and so it's grown from there and and now it's uh yeah scale of rx divisions we we used to host it i think the biggest it got was like 300 athletes at the uh clark county event center at the fairgrounds
Starting point is 00:06:56 and then the last time we did there was january 2020 and then uh from then on we started hosting in the gym and so that's where we're at now. And it's a man, it's so, so fun. There's a lot of athletes, of course, from our gym, but also local athletes from around the area that just come together. And we try to give them an experience that is really high level professional, like the CrossFit games. Obviously it's not the CrossFit games, but if you're a scale division athlete, like, then you are hopefully treated just like the top athletes anywhere in any competition the way it's ran. Hey, next year, if you're going to do it and you'd like some extra eyeballs or publicity on it, please let me know and come on before.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I'd love to talk about it. I'd love to support that. I love the fact that you're doing it in your box. It's cool. It's so fun. Yeah. it'll be almost the same weekend like middle of December is that expensive? does that break the bank?
Starting point is 00:07:53 does that scare you? it sounds expensive no we used to run it a lot bigger I would say that this year the costs were probably probably around $15,000 to put it on. And the revenue was probably, I got to look at it,
Starting point is 00:08:13 but probably $4,000 or $5,000 above that. And anything extra goes to, we have something called the Way Foundation. So anything above breaking even goes to the foundation. And we've never lost goes to the foundation. And, uh, we've never lost money on the competition. We've always at least been able to donate something. Yeah. That's crazy. Cause you know, you can just have a Christmas party at your house and someone's like, or just like some party. Right. And someone's like, Hey, I'm bringing an extra five people. And then you're, and then someone else invites five people and you're like,
Starting point is 00:08:42 shit, I got to go to the store and get $500 brisket and next thing you know you got another extra hundred dollars in paper plates and shit and you're like holy shit i just spent a grand yeah yeah on a party i'm having at my house just to fucking watch a football game and shit can get crazy so i could only imagine uh doing something like this and it being scary that's why i asked yeah i mean i was just i was watching this weekend and it's like man some of those judges on the floor have been judging there for 10 years some of the volunteers
Starting point is 00:09:11 like the two volunteer leads it's their 11th time doing it so we've had some practice which is awesome hey did you see that are you friends with Austin Stack yep Austin Stack he was one of the original competitors in Svet okay did you know that – are you friends with Austin Stack? Yep. Austin Stack, he was one of the original competitors in Svet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Did you know that he's a performance coach over at Mayhem now? I knew he went out there, yeah, because he used to be in our area. He was a Northwest guy, Southern Oregon. Oh, he lives there. He lives there. I don't know where he lives. I saw it in his Instagram profile, and I was tripping. I was like, holy shit, Austin Stack went there too.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Like in a good way, I'm stoked for him. It sounds like a fucking perfect fit, doesn't it? Yeah, dude, that guy's such a stud. Oh my God. Yeah, but I know he moved out of the Northwest. I think he's out there somewhere. He should be in movies. He could play like The Thing or The Incredible Hulk.
Starting point is 00:10:01 He should be some sort of Marvel hero. Dude, and he's got that voice to go with the, to go with the physique too. Yeah. So what, what, what a freak of nature. Okay. Uh, uh, coaching, uh, at a crate, uh, athletes at a crazy high level, uh, running the day-to-day of a gym, uh, having a championship, uh, having two daughters. Um, and then you just, I didn't know this was a yearly thing, by the way, your newsletter is beautiful. So tell me about this race. Is it three years in a row that you've been putting to assembling a posse and going out on a run? Yeah, pretty much, pretty much. Although I cannot take credit for assembling the posse. It was
Starting point is 00:10:40 actually a friend of mine that I met through the gym that introduced me to a sport that I had never even heard of it. I didn't know it was a thing, but it's called adventure racing. And yeah, he was like, hey, do you want to do this race? And I was like, sure, what is it? And he was like, oh, we're going to go like run, bike, paddle, across the, across the mountains and I will have some fun. And I was like, okay, sure. Sounds awesome. Uh, he didn't, he didn't tell me it was like, you know, six days long or something like that at the time. Uh, when I said, yeah, so that was, uh, yeah, I think that was 2021. We did our first expedition length adventure race.
Starting point is 00:11:23 When, when did you realize, race when when did you realize um when did you realize that you were so if you let me go back to it have you done any long you've done a lot of long distance running before kind of running is kind of your bread and butter right like you are a you are known for being able to put the miles i could wake up at three in the morning you're the kind of guy who could run a half marathon. Adam, let's go. Yeah. I'd be on a scooter or something, but you'd run. Like when I was competing in CrossFit, like we, you know, we ran four hundreds and eight hundreds and sometimes a mile,
Starting point is 00:11:53 but I wasn't a long distance runner. I have, I have done more running for sure. Since you know, since, since I got out of like competing in CrossFit regularly, just because I enjoy, I really enjoy being outside and just run on trails and seeing some country and getting out in the mountains. It's like, it's just something that's, it doesn't feel like working out or training.
Starting point is 00:12:14 It's just fun for me. Oh yeah. This race that you did was dangerous. This last race you did was dangerous. I think it's so dangerous that if your wife knew ahead of time she may have asked you not to do it you're probably right you have two daughters i mean i mean you know the audience knows that i'm a bit of a pussy but but it's it's hair it's hairball yeah i don't know if it was if it was dangerous poison you swam with poisonous snakes and uh someone took a uh a needle into the leg so deep
Starting point is 00:12:51 and a pocket knife was used to try to extract it and their decision had to be made to leave the needle in there from the yucca plant because the cut with the pocket knife was too deep it's it's fucking dangerous dude yeah i mean mean, there's some poor decisions were probably made, but the sport in general, basically what happened. And it's in Mexico. Yeah, it's in Mexico. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:14 But, you know, just to like paint a picture so people know what the sport is. Basically what it is, is there's the race organizers are going to give you maps a set of maps in this race there's probably 12 there's probably 30 maps and so they give you a bunch of maps and there's no set race course there is just a series of checkpoints and transition areas so on these maps there's a bunch of like dots that are checkpoint one through whatever. And then there's transition areas. The transition areas are where you switch from running to biking or biking to paddling or paddling to biking.
Starting point is 00:13:56 So you kind of, yeah, alternate between paddling, biking and running. Yeah. And of course, there's like climbing and canyoneering and every race. Not of course, not of course, Adam, normal races don't have that. Not of course. Yeah. So there, the, the race organizers really, there's tons of sleep deprivation. Yeah. There's a lot of that. Yeah. And hallucinating the race organizers like to highlight the local terrain and like what's around there. And so each race is unique. The elite division is teams of four. You've got to have at least one man or one woman on the team. And so you basically try to get from the start to the finish,
Starting point is 00:14:39 hitting every checkpoint and transition area in between, and do it as fast as you can. Tell me about these checkpoints. transition points the transition areas i completely understand you have to get there because that's a moment when the team changes modalities right okay take off your running shoes and put on your biking shoes but tell me about these checkpoints because there's some crazy stories about a particular checkpoint in the uh in your race uh yeah a checkpoint is basically something that is stolen from orienteering it is a little like orange box like it'll be hanging from a tree or from anywhere and then is there anyone there is there are there supplies there or it's just
Starting point is 00:15:17 like hey you have to say you were here there's there's a there's a punch think of it like a like a paper punch yeah it's like a unique kind of uh set of spikes you know a passport so you punch your passport with the punch and that proves that you were there and and that is a component of the race you have to hit all of these checkpoints so it's not when it's a race it's not necessarily like we think of like a linear race like me and you start here and here's the finish line it's like hey guys here's the map here's the 10 check how many checkpoints were there this race there was 28 28 oh god dude which is not many at all for a race this long yeah really yeah yeah it's not long at all oh my and how many days does the
Starting point is 00:16:00 race take we finished in like six and a half days but that's so that's four or five checkpoints a day that's so that's not a lot god that seems like a lot wow no no that's all okay i'll make this race would probably have double that but and they don't tell you they don't tell you the order to get them you have to decide all of that right yes and no there's a pretty intuitive order in a race this long uh you know certainly there are sometimes if there's a collection of checkpoints that are close together, lots of teams might take different paths. Okay. But the trick really is the navigation because you're given these maps and there's no GPS or anything like that. It's a map and a compass to get from point A to point B. It's a map and a compass to get from point A to point B.
Starting point is 00:16:46 And it's not, like you said, it's not a linear race, but think of it as an AMRAP. Your goal is to complete and to get as many checkpoints as possible. And if you clear the course, which means you get all of the checkpoints, then the team that does that the fastest wins. Is there a final checkpoint that has to be the final one? Yeah, the race finish. You got to get there to finish.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. There's some sort of line. It's not. So if you, if you get all the checkpoints, um,
Starting point is 00:17:14 and you finish slower than me, but I get to the finish line first and I miss even one checkpoint, then you win. Cause I didn't get all the points. How many, how many teams? So this race was unique in that there were a lot of different distances uh we were 500k there was 200k 100k 500k 30k so i think there was like 80 80 something teams in uh yeah in those different divisions what does that mean 500k that means you guys had to cover 90 kilometers a day on average
Starting point is 00:17:46 80 kilometers yeah it was it was supposedly 500 kilometers the uh there was there was one team that had a their tracker said 592 kilometers so i don't know how long it was i just know it was like six and a half days oh here we go got it so so you're telling me you and these three other cats from your gym did they all do they are they all uh crossfitters from crossfit fort vancouver uh three of us are from crossfit fort vancouver one of our teammates is actually from canada a crossfitter also she's not but she a, she's an honorary one now. So, so three 19 to about from 320, somewhere between three and 400 miles. You guys moved.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. But a lot of that is also on a mountain bike. So it's not like you're just running 300 miles, but also some of it was on a boat. In this one, it was almost all the water was in canyons, like canyoneering. So swimming. Yeah. Swimming, jumping, rappelling. Yeah. All that stuff. In this one, almost all the water was in canyons, like canyoneering.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So swimming. Yeah, swimming, jumping, rappelling. Yeah, all that stuff. A lot of hiking over rocks in water that's not that deep. Did you guys do any paddling? Did you ever get in a canoe or anything? Yeah, there was one paddleboard section. We were on a lake at night in a crazy windstorm and uh it was only a couple hours i know this is out of order and you probably want to tell the story in a certain order
Starting point is 00:19:12 but i'm gonna ask anyway there was another team there that you talk about a lot called the silver riders yeah and at one point i thought i if i was reading correctly you guys came across one of their members who had been separated from the group yep how does their team separate is that like a major fuck up how do you lose did you guys ever lose anyone on your team no it is it is it is a major mess up yes especially where it happened was like we were uh shoot I think four days in on top of a mountain called Potosi, El Potosi. And I mean, this stage of the race was probably 15 kilometers to get to this mountain. We had ridden our bikes to a transition area, left our bikes there. It was 15 kilometers to get to this mountain.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And then the mountain is like, shoot, it's over 12,000 feet. It's up there it's high yeah we it was it was just like raining sideways crazy windy and you couldn't see probably more than like yeah 50 meters yeah that's what it looks like we it's funny because we could see like yeah maybe 50 meters uh it was really rainy, foggy, cloudy up there. It snowed as we were coming down. Dude, that is nuts. You rode your bike 12,000 feet.
Starting point is 00:20:33 No, no. This was on foot. This was on foot. Oh, okay. Either way. And then there's sideways rain. Yeah. It was a cold, cold day.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And a lost rac a lost um uh racer yeah so he was uh he had he had gotten separate from his uh his team they were looking for i know it looks really easy to find the top of a mountain but they were looking for a path to the top of this thing and uh had just gotten separated which is actually against the rules in adventure racing you got to be within 100 meters of your team the whole time. Um, so they lose him, dude,
Starting point is 00:21:08 that is so fucking sloppy. How did they lose him? Man? It's, it's kind of crazy. Like you're, you're kind of, you're kind of looking around for maybe a route or maybe a checkpoint. There was a checkpoint on top of that mountain.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You're looking for stuff. And, uh, you know, it's dark. It's, it's, you can't really see anything.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Um, you're not, did that guy have a compass? What was that guy's plan? Because nothing's marked, right? It's just a, it's just a find your own way, right? I mean, his plan, uh, you have emergency gear, so you have a whistle. Yeah. He blew his whistle. That's how when you found him, was he blowing his whistle? Uh, he was, he wasn't blowing his whistle when we found him, but he was blowing his whistle. Actually. Like him like where the top of the mountain was and uh right after that he blew his whistle and his teammate was close enough that they heard him um so what would you have done like you had a moral responsibility to take him with you though how did right yeah exactly if he
Starting point is 00:21:59 wasn't um able to reunite with his team he would have just joined us and we would have gone to the next transition area with him and uh his teammate would have found him his team would have found him eventually so dude yeah but that's scary that's scary like if you're if you're separated with your from your team there would be no way to communicate with them you know what i mean like so that yeah that would be no one has a phone no one has a phone um a lot of teams will carry one phone as an emergency you got to have it in a sealed container so that you can use it for for navigation um but they do every team has a um like a radio that you can sos like in the case of an emergency yeah but not every not every individual has that. So yeah. Anyway, you're
Starting point is 00:22:47 not thinking that clear when you're out there though. You know, you think about like three, four days in with minimal sleep, like your decision-making just isn't sharp, you know? So that, uh, where do you, so, so, so day one starts and you guys start racing do you start on foot yeah yeah first uh i think maybe first 50k was on foot and are you jogging yeah and do you have all your food with you or do they supply food no you have your team is your team is a lot of uh like a couple of bins let's think of like bins where you would like store your christmas Yeah. You see your bins at your transition areas. So you bring enough food and supplies to get you to your transition area. So that could be six hours away on a short leg, or it could be 36 hours away on a long leg.
Starting point is 00:23:39 So you make sure you have enough supplies, clothes, layers, food, water whatever to get so you have to put water in that bin too no you you carry water like you we have like just water filters um so yeah you carry you carry those so you can get water on the way some transition areas depends on the race some transition areas like they might have water at them other ones so wait a second so not only are you racing but you have to find your own water so like when you go to these streams you're filling like you're filling up some contraption that filters water for you yeah yeah it's just it's not it's not dewormed yourself since you've been back no i feel pretty good it's not like uh it's not like it's it's not that glamorous it's literally like a water bottle that has a filter that screws on the top so like dip the water bottle and you can drink
Starting point is 00:24:29 out of there or you can put it into another container yeah that's legit like i can just do that can i just go to like any stream here in the united states and do that is that legit yeah that's legit yeah could i pee in it what if i peed in it you know i don't know you could you could yeah the gold it seems like the gold standard for the test yeah yeah i'm sure right i'm sure you could we i mean yeah most of the time when we when we get water it's like water that's moving yeah oh okay yeah i mean sometimes it's out of a lake. Like, yeah, it works. So we haven't died yet. Crazy. Oh, something like that.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Is that what you had? Yeah, something like that. Yeah, that would work great. A serving mate. Yeah, yeah, something like that. Caleb, would you do that? You were in the Army or something. Did you guys?
Starting point is 00:25:21 I've never had to do that. But I know it's a thing. All right. Well, like in Mexico, it's pretty standard for Americans to drink bottled water anyway. I just like microplastics. I like microplastics. I don't want leeches and shit. I just want chemicals. Exactly. Like I don't want worms and bugs and you could probably take some, uh, ivermectin or something just as a, uh, precautionary. Uh,
Starting point is 00:25:49 what's it called? A prophylactic. What's the word? Should he take something beaver? The other, I know other people have to take shit, right? Adam,
Starting point is 00:25:54 when they come back, dewormer, ask your team. I bet you they do. I don't know. I don't think so. You don't give a fuck. He's looking a little thin.
Starting point is 00:26:01 He might need to check for worms. What do you weigh right now, Adam? I don't and how tall are you five nine and when you were in peak crossfit shape uh as a young man what was the most you ever weighed 190 no shit 185 185 to 190 somewhere in there you think you had 10 more pounds of muscle on you in your heyday? For sure. In your ass or in your chest or shoulders? Not one spot, just all over. Everywhere? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:26:33 You feel better now with that off you? I felt awesome then. I feel great now. Yeah. I feel better if I'm going to go do an adventure race or run a long ways for sure, but I don't feel better when I put a heavy barbell on my back. Yeah, but I feel awesome. It's great. Bernie Gannon, I like Seve. Uh-oh, here it comes.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But remarks like that would disqualify him from my adventure race team. Oh, not at all. That makes it more fun. You need some of that. Someone who's just paranoid, scared? No, someone that just keeps it light and fun. It's like somebody that can tell stories and keep people awake in the middle of the night, that type of thing. David Weed, Bernie, Sevan can't even start a fire. That's true. You can bring a lighter. I could ride a bike. I can't even change a flat.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Anything crazy like that? Any flat tires? Was there any equipment malfunctions? You're at 12,000 feet and the fucking zipper on your jacket breaks and you're like, holy shit. Yeah, stuff like that all the time. We didn't have any. Actually, yeah, we did have a bike tire that went flat multiple times. We had a derailleur hanger that broke uh on uh on one athlete's bike and so that was a yeah that was a process to kind of figure that
Starting point is 00:27:53 out and get it fixed um because it was kind of working but it just wasn't optimal for a while and and so every time you got a flat someone someone you would get off and and um uh patch it you had a patch kit oh we had a patch kit this one was actually just a valve stem that wasn't seated properly and so we run uh tubeless tires that just have basically like a liquid glue in there if they do uh puncture hopefully if the puncture is small enough they'll kind of seal themselves up but this one wasn't getting a good seal on the valve stem like on day two or three something like that and so it was constantly just having the slow leak it just got some like some of that glue that's inside of the tire as a liquid kind of got like gummed up
Starting point is 00:28:35 and hardened and just didn't didn't let it create a good seal on the valve stem so you guys brought your own bikes yeah yeah you bring your own bikes for sure god this thing sounds expensive yeah it's not it's not it's not an easy sport to get into like just the amount of gear that it's it's insane the amount of gear that you have uh honey uh uh i know the credit card bill is 5900 this month but but i'm going to that adventure race i'm gonna leave you alone with the kids for six days i'm gonna be worthless the two days before and the two days when i get back yeah i know our insurance went up this month i told him i was going to mexico went up an extra hundred dollars a month but yeah all right i love you bye this is spot on this is spot on my wife laura the day before she's like hey have you got that
Starting point is 00:29:24 that insurance yet the special insurance for like crazy injuries in foreign countries yeah not yet i'm like oh no i know you sent me that link and she set it up for me so yeah that's exactly oh my god your conversation is spot on why are you doing stuff like this do you have that itch why are you doing this why can't you just be like get a peloton and just like, like pick the scariest bike rides in the world and just do a couple of tour de France. That seems more up your alley. Get a Peloton.
Starting point is 00:29:52 They probably have a button that says the tour de France and you'll be like, okay, I'm going to do the tour de France here in my living room. I don't know. I don't know. It's just, you know, it's funny. Cause like I, uh, I did a training ride before the race started. That was like 145 miles on a mountain bike. And it took, it, it took a long time. And I have a concept two bike in my garage and dude, I have so much trouble being on there for 30 minutes,
Starting point is 00:30:19 you know, or an hour. It feels, it feels so long to be on there. Right. But when you're outside and you're moving and you're, you know, you're negotiating different terrain and you're seeing stuff like it's just different. It's, you know, it's like, uh, what, like, why do people climb mountains? Cause they're there, you know? Cause, um, and the, the, yeah, just that, the challenge of doing something that scares you a little bit that makes you uncomfortable um the you know the the results on the other side of that are are so cool you know and the the ability to see places that and do things that you just never ever could do otherwise and doing that with uh with for your best friends is crazy just it's uh it's something that is hard to
Starting point is 00:31:05 describe but like man i'm just grateful to be able to do it i will say this there's a four-page write-up i don't know if it's public anywhere but you sent it to me and it sounds like a better time than any concert or uh you know palooza event in the desert or any any that are burning man like it sounds like like it sounds like you got your money's worth it sounds like an absolutely fucking epic epic adventure and some of the the footage i've seen from links on youtube of people jumping into water holes and and the can uh going in those canyons is nuts. Yeah, it's nuts. And that's – yeah, everybody has different things that they really enjoy or light them up, fire them up, make them feel alive. And competition is an amazing place to have that experience and to do that with other people.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And this sport just, for me, takes that to another level it's uh yeah so you're gonna keep doing adventure racing is your thing now you're an adventure racer uh i mean i i gotta get approval from lauren for the next one right but yeah no it's uh it's something actually i did one with my kids this summer um it was maybe uh four or five hours long and they got to do it and it's really just a glorified scavenger hunt, you know? And so, yeah, yeah. They had it. They had like a kids and family version of it.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And they like, again, my kids were scared to do it because they've only seen like these five day grueling events. But then we got out there and, you know, they're finding checkpoints and some of their checkpoints were like a snack or a toy or whatever. And, and before it even ended, they're like, dad, when can we do this again? So yeah, there's something about it. And to be honest, we actually, we included a race in, uh, the CrossFit for Vancouver championship event. Five was an adventurous with a 75 minute time cap. And we went out there on Sunday morning to this kind
Starting point is 00:33:06 of like trail system. I gave all the athletes, we gave all the athletes a map. Um, the night before we, uh, went over all of the ground rules and at check-in on Sunday morning, it was dark. It was, uh, it was really cold and it was raining really hard so this was day two of competition it it ended up uh you know people are tired not everyone was having a great time when they started yeah i cannot tell you the number of athletes that were like that was the most fun uh cross event that i have ever done oh Oh, like they, they were stoked. And it's like, it makes sense, right? Because the way CrossFit started, it wasn't meant to be bottled up in a gym. It wasn't meant to be like that. Our athletes are only good at thrusters and pull-ups, right?
Starting point is 00:33:55 It's, it's meant to be a lifestyle of, of fitness that allows you to be successful in whatever, um, you know, physical demands come up. And so adventure racing is just kind of, for me, it's an ultimate test of the physical element of, I mean, just being able to endure. There's the mental element of you're going to be uncomfortable. There are going to be some really difficult situations mentally. And then there's also the cognitive ability to like navigate, you know, and read maps and figure out where you are and where you're going. And so it's like just this,
Starting point is 00:34:31 this really unique test of, of different elements that for me, I feel like my entire life I've kind of led, led to be able to do stuff like this. And I really, really enjoy it. So yeah, it was cool. Did you have to change your training at all to prepare for this? Did you, I guess you said you did 145 miles on a, uh, on a mountain bike, but is a, is a, is a really good CrossFitter ready for this? Uh, yeah, you want to get some, you want to get some longer runs training and yeah, it's like time on your feet. Like you're going to be on your feet for days and days.
Starting point is 00:35:06 But to be fair, myself and one of my best friends, Ski, we do the class at CrossFit Fort Vancouver five days a week. And then we do something outside on the weekend. So CrossFit is definitely our foundation. But there's a lot of skill elements in the weekend. Right. So CrossFit is definitely our foundation, but there's a lot of skill elements in the sport, you know, like, yeah, climbing mountain biking, that type of stuff that you need to be prepared for. Uh, the name of the race is, uh, I hate your mother. No, La Ruta Madre, La Ruta Madre. It's a Mexico's toughest race. It might be the world's toughest race. It's nuts. Are you going to publish the write-up you did on it anywhere publicly? Oh, shoot.
Starting point is 00:35:52 You should because other people who want to do the race are going to want to read it. Yeah, okay. I'll send it to those guys. Maybe they'll put it on their website. You know what I mean? I'll publish it on I'll put a blog article on there. Because you know what i mean it's like i'll publish it on a constant for i'll put a blog article on there because you know what i mean it's like you know like if you know someone who's like hey
Starting point is 00:36:08 i got ingrown toenails so you start searching on google for people who have ingrown toenails what to do it'll be someone will type in la ruta what is la ruta madre mean your mother hates you it's gotta be something i hope it's something nasty what is it mother route mother oh that's not nasty yeah i was hoping that anytime i see the word like mother if it's the toughest race it should be like your mother hates you um tell me about this uh this this dude who got the needle in the calf yeah i got it i got a needle that was you that would happen to you yeah yeah that was uh that's a story in itself yeah can you tell me that story like build up to what you guys were doing what day it was how much you had slept were you hungry and and kind of how
Starting point is 00:36:50 you stumbled across this thing yeah yeah yeah and it's also man it's a good time to just to share the the amazing generosity of the the mexican people that we met like that's like when i think about this race yes yes, it was, it was epic. Uh, yes, it was grueling, but what, like what I'll remember forever is number one, just the, the scenery of, of that part of Mexico, it's called Nuevo, Nuevo Leon. Um, the race was, uh, headquartered in Monterey, which is actually a city of 5 million people. in monterey which is actually a city of five million people wow outside of that city is just incredible mountains like huge summits uh deep canyons it's absolutely yeah that's right outside of town and so um the the topography the scenery around there is is amazing and it's super rugged
Starting point is 00:37:42 you're not going to find a flat spot anywhere once Once you get outside of town, you're either going up or down. Okay. Um, we started, uh, uh, we started day two, we were biking, we got to a transition area. Um, and we were, uh, we had a big mountain to climb over called La Cebolla. Uh, just imagine, uh, probably 5 5 000 feet of vertical climbing over uh really rugged terrain um and like volcanic rugged like is that what you mean like volcanic like jagged rocks and just shitty just nowhere yeah exactly but it's not volcanic it's actually like just ranges get into geology it's just ranges like parallel mountain ranges okay yep really high so we climb up la cebolla and it's getting it's good it's probably uh it's probably midnight uh something like that it's getting dark as we're getting close to the top on day two
Starting point is 00:38:33 or the second night so we're about maybe uh like right around uh 40 hours into the race nobody sleeps on the first night because it's just, if you're sleeping, you're not moving. So first night, all the, at least all the top teams are just racing through the night. And by the second night, that's when you start to get kind of tired. So we're working our way to the top. Yeah. You can see all those mountain ranges. Yep. So we're working our way to the top of this mountain, La Cebolla. And the there's, there's other teams around us. We're working our way to the top of this mountain, La Cebolla. And there's other teams around us. We're not alone at this point. There's other teams around us. And you see teams that are just like stumbling, right?
Starting point is 00:39:12 You're going up steep terrain. There's not like one trail. It's kind of like choose your own path type of terrain. Just kind of scrambling up rocks and like game trails and stuff like that. And some teams are just literally like laying on the ground, sleeping, you know? And we got to the point where we had a couple of teammates that were getting tired. And we had a, I remember we had an interaction that was like, hey, we should probably try to grab a nap.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And Ski was like- Between you and the teammates, between you and your teammates. Yeah, because when you start getting really tired, you're not really moving efficiently you're taking wrong turns you're like moving slow you're stumbling you're you know what i mean it's just not it's not smooth so sometimes uh you know grabbing a quick nap is is the best uh the best fix for that so skis like hey let's get 30 minutes andrew's like 20 minutes skis like 30 23 so we're like okay i'm gonna set my alarm for 25 minutes so i set my alarm for 25 minutes just like
Starting point is 00:40:13 laid down on the side of the trail and uh i woke up i mean falsely like literally laid like you just go in the fetal position on your backpack just on the piece of dirt like scorpions or snakes or anything there i don't know it didn't matter it was cold it was cold it's really cold okay so um i woke up because i was cold and then like 30 seconds later the alarm on my watch went off so i was like okay here we are just like rattle the cages of uh of the other three and off we go and we get to the top of this mountain we get down the other side and there's this little village called la cebolla and there's maybe like i don't know three three or four little like structures imagine like the size of uh almost like the size of a kitchen or a bathroom okay uh this one this one team was like hey they got water
Starting point is 00:41:05 they got water here so you guys can refill and so we go yeah yeah it's just this do people live in those yeah okay so there's more than three there's a yeah okay so there's a few little houses there can you zoom in on that there's not much there's not much
Starting point is 00:41:21 and it looks like it's just in the middle of nowhere oh my gosh there is nothing around there for miles and miles and miles. There's no electricity there I'm taking. Is there electricity there? I don't know. Okay. Anyway, there's this team. They're like, hey, these guys got water. So they invite us into their house, which is actually just a kitchen. I think it's like a cook shack.
Starting point is 00:41:41 their house, which is actually just a kitchen. I think it's like a cook shack. Bedroom is in one of those other little shacks. Damn. We go in there. There's two other teams in there. Two other Mexican teams already in there, plus the two
Starting point is 00:41:59 people that live there. There's 14 of us in this tiny room. A couple of those guys know English. It's 1 in the morning or something what time is it it's 2 30 in the morning okay and uh jesus and franca that live there uh they don't know any english i mean they just i mean they've been living on the side of the mountain for the whole their whole life and somebody one of the mexican uh racers is like hey if you guys are hungry just just let them know. They'll make you some food. And we're like, like in the States when you're doing a long adventure race, like, dude, you ain't going into somebody's house.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Can you eat food there? Can you eat food there? What if you get like diarrhea or something or Montezuma's revenge or some shit? Yeah, it could happen. But, I mean, at that point, you're just like overwhelmed that these people are like inviting us into their house at 2 30 in the morning right and then they're gonna cook us some food like it's it's crazy you know yeah and uh and then franca cooks up like this uh she's got refried beans she's got
Starting point is 00:42:57 those little potatoes like like cut up papitas she's got tortillas she's got literally the best scrambled eggs yeah yeah yeah she's got the best scrambled eggs i've ever had in my entire life like they i don't know she put some kind of like chili in them so they were spicy but not like overpowering and uh and it's just basically like she's just feeding racers and and there's just kind of this like culture like hey we got your back we'll take care of you yeah uh before we leave we gave them some pesos um the guy's like hey just pay her whatever you feel like and so we had uh we had some some pesos in the backpacks and just like you know tell them thank you like it was it was the the hospitality the generosity because
Starting point is 00:43:36 these people you can imagine they don't have you know the they don't enjoy the everyday you know uh convenience you're probably the only excitement they have had there in 10 years. You might be the only. I'm trying to think of anyone else from the West who's ever even been in this village. Exactly. Exactly. I mean, it's completely off the beaten path.
Starting point is 00:43:54 I didn't see one road there that looks like you could even get there by vehicle. It must be just all off-roading vehicles that can get there. The roads. I don't know how a vehicle can even drive on these roads. We biked on them. It's like, yeah, you're exactly right. I don't know how a vehicle can even drive on these roads we biked on them it's like yeah you're exactly right i don't yeah i don't i don't know how hey did you uh paul wants to peters wants to know if you restocked your dildo with batteries did you buy any batteries there uh we brought rechargeables oh good okay so you were fine the whole trip don't worry thank
Starting point is 00:44:19 you paul for your uh concern he's our batteries work in everything right our headlamp our bike lights all that stuff hey do batteries on the headlamp, our bike lights, all that stuff. Do batteries on the headlamps last for six days? No, the batteries will usually last for about a night. You bring enough with you to make sure that you have enough for your headlamp and if it's a bike stage, your bike light.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Then when you get to the transition area, you got extra ones in the bins. 2.30 in the morning, you guys cheat on the race and stop at a uh at a restaurant and eat exactly yeah yeah i said that was the first time that i remember meeting the silver riders okay that we really became yeah they were the ones that were like hey you guys would come on in and grab some food. You stopped at Denny's for some papitas and eggs. Exactly. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Just order the Grand Slam. Yes. Best meal of my life. And yeah, we're in there for long enough. They had like a, they must have had a well or like water coming down the mountain because we were able to refill our waters there. And then we took off. We took off at the same time as the Silver Riders to get down
Starting point is 00:45:25 from the, this mountain down to, I would just call it like the river valley. And that was where the next transition area was. It's called Los Encinos. And we take off and it's really tricky. The navigation is very difficult to get off the mountain. There's just like, there's no trail. There's like – it's really easy to get – to start descending in the wrong place. And if you do, there's kind of no way out. You're going to get cliffed out or just kind of like – What's that mean? That you reach a point where you have to backtrack because it's just too big of a sheer drop? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Okay, dead end. Really rugged. So the silver – and it was it was obviously it's dark at 2 30 in the morning 3 in the morning so they decided the name of your team adam the name of your team crossfit for vancouver okay yeah so let's we we stumble around out there for a couple hours the silver riders decide hey this this ain't worth it till it gets light so they went back up to um lasbolla to actually just like get some sleep and chill out and then try to descend this thing in the light when they can actually find
Starting point is 00:46:30 where they should probably go. Um, we're like, okay, um, we're going to, we're going to keep going for it. So we end up, uh, man, not making really any progress. It's probably smarter to get some sleep in there. Cause you're not really making any forward progress. But when it starts getting light, we do find kind of the way down the mountain. And that leads to that cactus spine that you're talking about where I like jumped over a yucca plant.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And when I straightened my leg, it just stabbed into my calf. For those of you who don't know, I mean, a yuccaucca plants big what were you doing jumping over it was the only way past it they're crazy yeah that was not that was not a good idea yeah so you so one of those fronds went into you yeah the end of that thing is like really woody yeah it's like hard and woody and so my leg just like straightened against it and it's it's not unique to get poked by stuff everything and it went through your pants that
Starting point is 00:47:30 thing went through your pants um i think i was wearing shorts yeah it was yeah again i probably should have been wearing pants but um yeah that thing stuck into your calf it stabbed in and i could feel it break off right away and that like you're getting poked by stuff all the time out there everything is sharp so that's not unique but this was different like i could feel right away that like something wasn't right and so yeah i like my my brain is like no big deal just walk it off and so i like went down the trail like just a few steps before i was like like dropped like i'm like this is like i could feel like where the spine was in my leg i could feel like this physical thing in my leg and then down into my foot was like
Starting point is 00:48:19 like stabbing stabbing pain like like this is day two of the race you're 48 hours in yeah yeah we're probably like 50 hours in this day this is the morning the third morning okay and uh so i'm just like almost like sick to my stomach i'm like this thing has got to come out right now and ski can see the outline of it and i'm like dude is it bleeding bad no it's not bleeding too bad it's just like you can see this thing went in and kind of went down and in and you can see like that there's something in there so a big splinter that's like the size of the tip of his pencil is now broken off in your calf yeah like maybe an inch long and so oh my god my God, I'm like, I'm like, you got to get that thing out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:08 You know, we have like a first aid type of stuff. We're like prepared to be out there. But getting that spine out, even with the tweezers is like you can't find the end of it. So he's like, all right, I'm going to I'm going to cut into it. And Andrew's like, let's let's leave it there. Let's not cut into it because it's you know, you're just like, what's the best thing to do right here? I'm like, you've got to get that thing out. There's no other option.
Starting point is 00:49:32 So Ski takes a pocket. Because the pain is driving – it's hit a nerve or something and you have a sensation even where it's not. Like the bottom of your foot is all fucked up from something going on. It's more like the outside of my foot like below my ankle and like my achilles like deep achilles tendon like way down yeah oh my god whatever it is i don't i don't care about where the spine is at it's the nerve pain or whatever down below that here's some ideas by the way uh jamie latimer says put some robitussin on it yeah david weed said you should have peed on it so just some if you would have had them as
Starting point is 00:50:05 partners if you're looking for partners they're very solution oriented you know what hey we're always looking for for teammates so you know so i'll keep those guys on the list yeah anyway ski cuts in there he cuts through the skin he cuts in he's like hey i'm through the fat i'm into the muscle and he can see the outline of it but but it's always like a layer deeper. Like he can't get a hold of it. When you say he cut through it, what did he use? He had just a fucking Swiss Army knife? Yeah, it's a dull pocket knife. It's like a gas station pocket knife.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yeah. It's not a new one he got for this trip. It's like something he's had around. No, it's like a new one from a gas station. Like just a little tiny one. Oh, my God. It's not heavy. You know what I'm saying it's just like yeah i could find that probably in my garage but oh you got to keep it you got to keep it no we all had one we we all had oh yeah so dude he like he's
Starting point is 00:50:58 going to town it's it's like i'm i'm just like laying on this rock and he's trying to get it out eventually they're like hey we're going too deep. Yeah. Nothing that fancy. Nothing that fancy. No, no, it wasn't that fancy. It just had a blade. Nothing else on there.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I have that one right there, by the way, on my key chain. But I have the one with nail clippers because my kids do jujitsu. So you got to have nail clippers everywhere. Yeah, dude. And those scissors. Those are nice. Yeah. Should have had that one.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Next time. I bet you wish you had some peptides on you. Some TRT. wear yeah dude and those scissors those are nice yeah should have had that one yep next time you wish i bet you wish you had some peptides on you some trt some steroids some epo you take any drugs for this do they drug test did you take a little epo give yourself a little extra endurance dude i took some uh ibuprofen to leave after that you did okay oh yeah but um yeah they bandaged it up because they couldn't get it out so but what about the pain You can't walk the whole reason why you stopped this? Cause you couldn't walk. They have no choice. They have to get it out. Dude. And that, and that's, that's how I felt. But then they're like, we can't keep cutting deeper to go get this thing. It's cause it's like working its way deeper for some, I don't know why it's like, I thought we could just get it
Starting point is 00:51:59 out at first, but like it wasn't happening. So yeah, they banded it up and we need to be at the bottom of the valley at 11 o'clock because if you don't make that time basically it's a race cutoff so if you don't make that time they're like yeah race organizers have already decided ahead of time that if you don't make it there by 11 o'clock you're not going to have enough time to finish the race so you got to basically then yeah scale into a short course so we like yeah just scale it scale it god and and you don't want to do that then you're pissed you feel like that's like yeah i mean that would take yeah that's that's where that's like doing masters at the games that no no that's it it's like worse worse yeah yeah yeah so sorry jamie sorry jamie i take that back. Jamie Latimer.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Sorry. So we just like stumbled down the mountain. We had 1500 meters to descend still when that happened. And we realized that we had three hours. So we needed to send 500 meters an hour on a pretty gnarly terrain. Ski took my pack. So I wasn't carrying weight anymore. And 500 meters an hour god that
Starting point is 00:53:06 sounds so easy like even i could do that yeah it does it you know it's not it's uh it's 15 i could i could bear crawl 500 meters an hour yeah don't don't think of it as distance think of it as like that's the vertical so like 1600 feet okay okay it's something like that. Okay. I mean, it just must be nasty. It's it's rough. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, it's, yeah, it's super rugged, but I do remember seeing like, you're looking at the river Valley and the top of the mountains nearby, you are like 8,000 feet of, of like
Starting point is 00:53:38 difference between the bottom of the top. Like it's, we don't have, like, I've never been around something like that that just has that amount of relief from the bottom of the valley to the top. What's El Capitan? It's like 3,000 feet or something like that. This is huge. It's massive. Dwarfs that shit.
Starting point is 00:54:00 It's crazy. It's not a vertical face like El Cap. Yosemite is amazing too. So do you get to a checkpoint and they pull that thing out? No, we get to the transition area. There's a race medic. Tell him about it. He's like, okay. Is it still hurting? Oh, it's like, it's, it's bad.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It's ruining the race for you. It's ruining your time. You can't even have fun. I'm just like, like my mind is saying like, there's no way that you can keep going and then my body and then you're like no just take one step just like do the next step do the next step take next step so i get there the race medic uh he doesn't know any english so the race director was there he was interpreting and uh i lay down on the ground and he he goes in he takes off the bandaging and he goes in with a scalpel into the hole that Ski had made to try to get out
Starting point is 00:54:50 well by that time my leg is like crazy swollen so he digs in there this goes on for literally an hour Adam did you bring antibiotics? do you have any drugs or anything? no
Starting point is 00:55:04 this dude has rubber gloves on but the race director is like Adam, did you bring antibiotics? Do you have any drugs or anything? No. No. So he's – this dude has rubber gloves on, but the race director is like – he's poking in there just with his hand. Would you take – in the future, would you recommend antibiotics for a team? What if you got explosive diarrhea or anything? I got some. I got some. But he cut another hole in my leg to try to get it out and when i look back i could just see he had this forceps like an inch and a half into the back of my leg like just digging
Starting point is 00:55:32 i mean just going to town well this went on for an hour and he's like hey man we got to take you to a hospital because did he did he inject you with anything to numb it yeah he did some kind of like local anesthetic in my calf so this was was – I'm not going to pretend it was like – Raw dog. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it was – this went on for an hour. And same thing, he couldn't get it out. He was like, we've got to take you to a hospital to get this thing out.
Starting point is 00:55:59 And I'm like, nope. We're going to – what are the other options? So you heard him be like, look to the guy and go, hospital. And you to like, what are the other options? And you heard him be like, look, did the guy go hospital? And you're like, no, no,
Starting point is 00:56:09 this, the no senior. He was talking to me in English. Oh, so then, uh, no hospital, no, no L hospital.
Starting point is 00:56:17 We got a race. So he, uh, he stitched up both of the, both of the incisions he made. And, um, with the fucking wooden thing in there still with the pencil lead in there.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. Yeah. So he stitched it up and then, uh, he, he wrote on this piece of paper, he wrote me a prescription and told me to go to, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:35 he wrote on there. El fucked. No, he wrote a prescription for this animal. Those fucked up. Oh, we were going to be in this. We were going to go through this village,
Starting point is 00:56:43 like on, cause the next stage was a bike stage. So we were going to go through, uh, El Rayones and he was like, stop at this pharmacy and give them this paper and they're going to give you, uh, an antibiotic. Yeah. Yeah. So dude, so I was on antibiotic by that night. How does this thing eventually come out of you? I don't know. Uh. It's still in there.
Starting point is 00:57:06 It's like, it's, it's weird. Cause when I got home, that's what I told my wife, by the way, last night, it's like,
Starting point is 00:57:15 when's this? I was like, it's still in there. Chill. Be chill. Yeah. No, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:57:21 man. Hey dude, I stepped on a puffer fish. I went to, I went to Mexico, man. I was, uh, Hey dude, I stepped on a puffer fish. I went to, I went to Mexico one time as a dirty hippie just with a pair of shorts and nothing else. Yeah. And I was on the beach and it was fucking hot as shit. Not even the locals. They couldn't believe I was barefoot. I was, I was like five, seven. I had two inches of fucking dead skin on the bottom of my foot. You know what I mean? From being barefoot for two years.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And there was, it was a fishing village, just not a a fishing village it was a fishing family in the middle of nowhere and i stepped on a fucking puffer fish and the fucking needle went through that and i could i could walk on fire no shit the needle went through the bottom of my foot into in in there right and my whole fucking leg went numb even though it was a dead puffer fish my whole leg went numb and i couldn't get it out about a year later one day i'm looking at the bottom of my foot and this fucking over like a three or four day period this hole opened up on the bottom of my foot and i just barely pushed on the bottom foot and this fucking puffer needle thing fell out okay but it took like a year i wonder if your body's gonna push this this thing out eventually. I think so. I think,
Starting point is 00:58:26 you know what I mean? Like one day, just a hole is going to open up on the back of your calf. And it's just, it like makes like the body's crazy, but eventually, but it took a year to put for my body to push it out. I think that's, what's going to happen because like I did go,
Starting point is 00:58:38 I've actually gone to a couple of people once I got home. Yeah. I sent a picture to my friend. That's a nurse. And yeah, the surgeon was like hey like you gotta you gotta go in because that looks like compartment syndrome because my leg was huge by the time like i could race and it was it was it hurt did the pain ever go away
Starting point is 00:58:55 no it like the the the nerve pain down into my my foot is like is it still there yeah yeah and so like it's gotten better oh we need to start a gofundme no i went to the doctor that's the thing i've been there and uh you know one doctor was like hey i think we're gonna go like do more damage to go take it out since it's like in a nerve and then the other one was like hey we can get it out so i was like shoot i don't know what to do and then the third one is like hey let's leave it in there for another week and we'll get you we'll get an mri and just get more information so that that's where i'm at right now i wonder what rich froning would do that's a good question yeah he probably wouldn't have done it in the first place but that part is all he declared
Starting point is 00:59:39 the yucca holy shit yeah he just went further yeah you're lucky it wasn't some fucked up i think yucca might have some like medicinal value too maybe you're just getting a big old dose of a good thing it wasn't like some poisonous plant right although those thorns are obviously on there for a reason to do exactly that like don't fuck like that's telling everything around me don't fuck with me i got a thousand thorns on me yeah it's yeah yeah yeah but i wonder how many people have been penetrated by that plant dude not a lot no a lot a lot it happens a lot yeah yeah yeah but i wonder how many people have been penetrated by that plant dude not a lot no a lot a lot it happens a lot yeah yeah it's just that this one happened to go into the nerve and it got so deep that like oh you'll have you'll never have to worry about diabetes or
Starting point is 01:00:16 high blood pressure ever again there's chemicals in that that reduce swelling and help with diabetes nice nice that's awesome you won't be able to walk ever again without pain but don't worry you're i'll get off my diabetes medication oh my god yeah so anyway that's uh that that happened but the race like yeah the race went on and it was uh, it was awesome. We, we like, uh, yeah, I think we all just are changed because of it. You know what I mean? Like you're definitely changed. Let me ask you,
Starting point is 01:00:54 uh, uh, one more question about the race that you said in there. Um, at one point there are these checkpoints you mentioned where you have to go and there's a special hole punch and you punch your shit to prove you're there and at one point you guys spent two hours looking for a checkpoint that doesn't exist oh yeah that was frustrating i would fucking kill someone that that's good tell me about that and tell me about the psychological experience do
Starting point is 01:01:20 you guys have a powwow afterwards and like okay guys there's a group let's just let that go and not be mad like how do you get past that you don't even really give any you don't give it any of your attention because it's out of your control it's just like hey there's you know it was unfortunate because this was on the we're we're paddleboarding across this lake the checkpoint should have been very simple to find it was was super windy, so it was difficult. And this was the next night after La Cebolla. And it was hard to stay together there because, like, some people were getting blown around by the wind. And basically we were in this lake where there was trees in the lake.
Starting point is 01:01:59 You were walking or paddle boarding? Paddle boarding. But there's, like, the lake, the level of the lake, I don't know how this happens, but, like, the level of the lake is, like know how this happens but like the level of the lake is like at the top of like a bunch of trees so there's like almost like an orchard that's underwater yeah just trees like skeleton trees everywhere so it's really eerie crazy so you're in a marsh i'm thinking florida keys you're in a marsh alligators crocodiles oh no coral snakes-uh. No. Coral snakes, though. Coral snakes. Coral snakes, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Poison venomous snakes. Okay. And yeah, we get... There was a volunteer at this place because it was like a transition area. So we get out there across the lake. When you say volunteer, no habla ingles. No. A little bit. Yeah, a little bit.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Poquito, poquito. Poquito, yeah. Más o menos. Yeah, exactly. That much. We man yeah exactly that much we get to uh we get to like where the checkpoint should be man it's not it should be like a 15 minute out and back i don't realize how long we're out there but we go back and i told this guy like hey the checkpoints it's not that like like where who makes the call not paddle out to this tree where they're supposed to be hanging a tree that's in the water.
Starting point is 01:03:06 There's supposed to be a checkpoint there. There's not who makes the call to abandon it. Cause, cause now, you know, if you abandon that checkpoint, you're fucked. Who makes that? I want to go back to the volunteer and be like, Hey, what's up? Is there really a checkpoint out there? So you have to make the decision. You're already exhausted.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Hey, I have to fucking paddle back now across this lake or this marsh and talk to this guy who doesn't speak english hey where the fuck is the checkpoint yeah and you know that there's a good chance he's gonna be like i can't tell you it's out there asshole yeah yeah exactly exactly so um yeah but in in this case like he was like it's i think he said something like 50 meters from the other shoreline or something like that. Anyway, he's like, yeah, it's like 50 meters in the middle of the lake on the other shoreline. Anyway, he gives me these instructions. I look at literally, paddle back out there. Teammates are, like, in different levels of, like, being tired being tired and like we're not all like
Starting point is 01:04:06 right together at this point but i'm like i looked on every freaking tree like there is there's no checkpoint there and uh so we're out there for a couple hours uh come back again like dude the checkpoint's not there and by that time the race official is there as well the referee yeah yeah and another guy that knows english and spanish and he's like the adrian bosman of the race has shown up yep so i'm like hey cp16 it's not there like yeah i can promise you it's not there we were i'm 100 sure that we were where it should be on the map and it doesn't exist there and the one of the volunteers goes oh and just imagine like it's big waves so
Starting point is 01:04:47 it's like like we're not actually standing up on our paddleboards by this point we're like knee boarding because the wind will move you too fast so um and you're just getting sprayed the whole time and it's cold it's freaking cold at night and i'm like hey guys this checkpoint's not there and this volunteer goes oh yeah the last team that went through there said that they that it was blowing around in the wind they tried to fix it and it blew away and i'm like how the fuck does it blow away it should be like a steel box or something hombre it's like how do you say wind in spanish how you say wind mas i say when oh with both i don't know when mas windy checkpoint no bueno no mas no mas that's fucking crazy oh i forgot to tell you yeah yeah at that point after we had looked at so
Starting point is 01:05:35 you know that that could be frustrating Oh, viento. Ma is windy. Hace viento. Yeah, super windy. So, yeah. El facto, sorry-o. Yeah, but at least for me, the feeling wasn't like, oh, we got aft. El jodido. Oh, like dildo. El jodildo. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:10 Like, my immediate reaction when they told us that was like, because the erased referee, he was like, hey, you guys, because that checkpoint's not there and you guys were out there, we're going to give you credit for the point. The thing is that you can't get these fucking knuckleheads. You not only lose two hours, but you lose two hours of energy that they can't give you back. That was rough for – yeah. Yeah, that's the part I'd be throwing a temper tantrum. But I guess if you're a good racer and you've got a strong mind, you just push. just go dude and the next the next the next thing we did do you know what a cenote is it's like it's like a giant line of blow line of blow giant sinkhole in the ground okay we we bike we get back on it we get off paddleboards get on the bike people are cold by this point because everybody's wet and we have like a 70 meter rappel down into
Starting point is 01:06:45 like a giant cave slash hole filled with water yeah and then you gotta ascend that on a single line like yeah oh that's beautiful wow yep yeah there's a giant yep so basically you're gonna you're gonna ascend or descend so rappel down on a single rope, and then get out of the water, and then ascend on a single rope. Justin Medeiros could have climbed that with all three of you on his back. 100%. No problem. Yeah, and there was actually the team that was ahead of us, they never got out of that hole.
Starting point is 01:07:20 They got too cold and couldn't ascend, so they got pulled up with a winch. Hey, did you have to help rescue that team uh we did help we didn't have to but we did yeah we did so you stopped the race and helped rescue the team that was winning no no what happened is they were there before us it's a great story just go with it their guys got too cold so like they legit couldn't us i mean ascending 70 meters meters on a rope, like it took, it took anywhere from like 20, 20 to 20 minutes to maybe like some people took an hour and a half to get up this rope. I mean, it's, it's really demanding.
Starting point is 01:07:54 But you, but you did help them. You did help pull them up. Yeah. There's like basically like a hand winch. So when they were, they were winching this guy up because he got too cold and he was just like not functioning and so they winched him up and he was like near the top it was dark so i couldn't really see good but i could see his headlamp and they were winching him up one inch at a time so slow and i didn't realize it but i was on a different rope and uh i had passed him
Starting point is 01:08:21 got to the top and they were still like cranking him up, literally with this hand crank. Yeah. I was like, ski, hop on there. And we just got on and cranked as hard as we could for one minute. And got him up. No, we got him a little ways up. We didn't get him all the way up. We took a couple turns to give the volunteers that were doing the rescue a break.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Yeah, it's all like what if you just let go of the handle and like yeah i'm pretty sure it probably had clicks right click i think i don't know i've never seen anything like it yeah it was uh mexico yeah it's mexico exactly and that's that's just kind of how the whole race yeah operates but you're you know you're you're in it with your teammates but also the other people out there, you know, that, uh, that are part of it. So yeah. Yeah. Incredible, incredible, uh, race and experience overall. God, you must've been stoked to get to the airport and fly home though. Yeah, man. By that long, I mean, dang, you start to miss your kids and your family so much. When did you tell your wife about the yucca stuck in your calf?
Starting point is 01:09:27 Oh, man. I think I gave her a heads up when I was on the way home. Yeah. You never had a fever or anything weird from that? You never broke out like some infection, nothing? Yeah, dude. I had a fever every night when I got home. Oh. Yeah. Those are either ghosts from Mexico or that yucca thing. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Oh dude. In that, in that giant cenote though, my buddy when we got to the top was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:09:52 did you see all those families living down there? And I'm like, no. He's like, yeah. Like down in the cave, there was, there was kids and families and they were, uh, they were cheering us on. And they were, they were down there and there was, there was kids and families, and they were cheering us on, and they were down there. And, dude, there was nobody down there. That's just – So your team just hallucinated that? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, yeah, which is like not uncommon, but it's super funny when it happens. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. It gets weird. It gets weird out there. That's when it gets really fun. Adam, thanks for coming on. La Ruta Madre. What a crazy journey. Thanks for sharing that. You're a fucking stud.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I always knew you were a stud, but this is like, man. I know you're a humble guy and you're not a attention whore, but please, if you're going to do events like that CrossFit Championship at CrossFit Fort Vancouver, tell me so we can talk about it and drive people to it thank you any way i can yeah thank you thank you that'd be awesome it's it's cool to see what uh yeah just these athletes can do and it was awesome to be able to serve them in that way so dude thanks for having me on too it was it was it's always it's always good to catch up and uh tell some stories cool brother all right uh take care thanks for getting up on too. It was, it was, it's always, it's always good to catch up and tell some stories. Cool brother.
Starting point is 01:11:05 All right. Take care. Thanks for getting up early and, oh no, I guess for you, it's not early. Thanks for being here and we'll talk soon. Dude. Thanks, Devon. Adam Knifer, CrossFit Fort Vancouver. If you want to do crazy shit, contact him.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Cause he's crazy. He was adorable. He's living, he's crazy. He was adorable. He's living, he's living life to the most. God, you're adorable. I just woke up. I went to bed with like wet hair and now I have like all this hair.
Starting point is 01:11:36 There's a joke in there somewhere. Oh my God. Do you know what I found out yesterday? Tell me. Oh, it's so fascinating. I never heard this before because you know, this whole beard thing tell me oh it's so fascinating i never heard this before because you know this whole beard thing like it's i don't it just doesn't do it for me
Starting point is 01:11:50 beards like this stuff beard no remember when you had that long ass beard forever and it was like this thing and apparently not many men can grow a beard so it's like this flex thing where my beard's bigger than yours. Oh, no shit. You know what's crazy is Jew dudes love me when I have that beard. If I'm in New York, Jew dudes nod you because my shit just looks crazy like an Orthodox Jew.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Yours is big. You get 20% off on dynasties. Mine is big. Thank you. I knew he was going to catch that one. Mine is very big. You get 20% off on dynasties. Mine is big. Thank you. I knew he was going to catch that one. Mine is very big. Jeremy World, there she is. Oh, I love Jeremy. I think he's
Starting point is 01:12:34 going to move to my area, he said. I bet he is. Yeah, he is. Beards or makeup for men? I don't wear makeup, so I don't understand it, but okay. Seve with a beard, 102 years old. Seve without a beard, 63.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Fair enough. Damn. So my Instagram's gone. That's why we were chatting this morning. That's why you couldn't find my Instagram. Why? What happened? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Is this the second time? Because you had that other account. I bet you if James Neely was my agent, that wouldn't have happened. It's because I got a shitty agent. Sousa's my agent. I got a shitty agent. Who's James Neely? Wait, who's the shitty agent?
Starting point is 01:13:16 I want to know everything. Just Sousa. Just Sousa. James Neely would never let Sporty Beth's Instagram account go down. Slacking. I'm slackingacking he's not guiding he's not guiding me well this suza guy she's amazing what are you talking about he's the best okay fine what's one instagram account look i got a new one i got a new one that's just my name i'm fucking cool as shit now how did you get that back didn't you used to have that when we worked together
Starting point is 01:13:40 i did not but now it's back with i have seven followers you have seven followers hey you know what's crazy is i don't follow really anyone because it's a new account so there's like just nothing going on there oh look at you that hair sebi is beautiful thank you i know i have epic hair i mean that's like a fabio picture that would be on the cover of like a muslim boom you're not gonna believe this but i actually went down to the beach and posed for that for myself i actually that's i that's not even candid yeah that was planned yeah i went down to the beach licked i licked my lips i put my head down i took that's probably like i took like eight photos i chose that one that's a filter no it's it's uh i. That's my actual skin.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I'm on California peptides. I'm on peptides. Oh, yeah. Nice plug there, huh? Yeah. My nails and my hair and my foreskin are crazy glowing these days. You slipped that last one in there. CJC1295.
Starting point is 01:14:43 My foreskin's never been healthier. Wow. Okay. Okay. Enough about my health. Let's talk about the health of the people talking about health on February 2nd. No, sorry. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking.
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Starting point is 01:15:35 Do I head straight for the squat rack? I could, but this gym has options, like trainers, fitness pros, spotters to back me up. That's crypto on Kraken, powerful crypto tools backed by 24-7 support and multi-layered security. No gang signs on this show, please. February 3rd. February 3rd in Austin, Texasas i also heard yesterday on the weekend review dave castro promoting it dave's going to be there i'm also hearing rumors that um people
Starting point is 01:16:12 there will be drinking jaco fuel really which makes me which makes me think that maybe jaco might be there i saw nicole carroll's gonna be here i'm just telling you just things i i don't know anything about that but that would make me so happy not people drinking Jocko fuel but if Jocko would be there Jocko is there well he'll be there drinking Jocko fuel he always drinks it or he has it in one of those with the straws yeah
Starting point is 01:16:34 does he have like a little backpack or a hat do I really look like a tranny in that picture sometimes I look in the mirror and I think I look like a tranny Seve looks like he's in mid transition in that picture sometimes I look in the mirror and I'm like I look I kind of look like a tranny in that picture sometimes i look in the mirror and i think i look like a tranny seve looks like he's in mid transition in that picture sometimes i look in the mirror and i'm like i look i'm kind of look like a woman really jumped i don't know i could never mistake you for a woman all right good all right you clip that caleb you could never that's good for my brand no one could ever mistake me for a woman.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Never, ever, ever. Thank you. That's awesome. I want to be just a gross dude. So, so, so what, so the, the, the summit is filling up. I noticed like you had a Nicole Carroll. We had McCoy on here. He was great. We had Dr. McCoy on here who masters in bioethics. he's a physician but but also he's a he's a
Starting point is 01:17:28 he's steeped in crossfit yeah deep deep he's a part affiliate owner he has like a medical practice inside his affiliate like he's amazing he's involved with the, with the, like the physician group out of CrossFit. He's awesome. And, um, and, uh, he's got something really cool going on. It looks like with Tia Tumi over there in Nashville. Oh, amazing. I know nothing about that, but it looks like, it looks like he's doing something with his practice inside the proven camp and the proven camp is beautiful. They just bought this big, massive six and a half million dollar building that they're decking out and it's cool i really liked him i really really really liked him yeah he's gonna be he's gonna be great there um and and you're here today to talk about are we giving something away yes we are giving an amazing thing
Starting point is 01:18:22 away so we are giving away two VIP tickets. Okay. Two workouts with Dave. Okay. He goes to like hug Dave because he loves that. He does. He's very touchy feely. So touchy feely. He loves long conversations and a lot of physical affection.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Right? Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Sharing his intimate moments. He cares about what you think and how you feel, and he wants you to express yourself to him. He takes all opinions very seriously.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Loves feedback on the program. Loves feedback. Oh, my God. He loves olive oil. He loves feedback on his olive oil. Yeah, I mean, I'm trying to get the olive oil there, but who knows? He just blanks those questions when I ask him. I also heard you're giving away two – there'll be two hairstylists there who will be doing – you can also win your hair made just like Dave's Castro from the games when he had the cornrows.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yep, I think that's a great idea. That's the Savon exhibition spot. You're sponsoring that. I'm so excited. Thank you so much for confirming that this morning the ceo man very welcome very welcome um yeah so the giveaway sorry tell me no tell me two vip tickets so this is these are vip tickets so you get special seating in the front and you get access to a vip room and so you will have more opportunity to network and possibly speak to the speakers how much are those tickets if i just want to buy one 750 each so that in itself is like 1500 okay two vip tickets you have you get one night at hotel
Starting point is 01:19:56 van zandt which is it's where we're hosting the event and it's a beautiful, beautiful hotel. So one night stay there and then you also get two workout tickets with Dave. And all you have to do to enter this competition, go back to the first slide, is you have to follow me, Matthusa, you, the podcast, because I didn't know that you had this new account, and Dave, tag a friend that you want to go with. The more friends you tag, the bigger your chance of winning.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And then share each slide to your stories. And we will be announcing the winner on Saturday, I think. Right, Matt? Yeah. Okay, so let me reiterate. Let me ask you some questions here. Okay. So you need to – basically, basically guys the most important thing here
Starting point is 01:20:46 it sounds like is this this is a way to get promotion for the event so do your part and it could be a great win for you basically you have to share all the slides in your story so you have to take it take a shot of that you have to um what is it you hit the hit that arrow and put post in story and you have to do that four times because there's four slides. Correct. And then how do we know that people have done that so we can make sure that they did that so that they're entered? Well, I'm just taking screenshots
Starting point is 01:21:13 of every person's name who does that and that they are doing it accurately. So if they don't share all four, I'm not taking a screenshot of their name. Okay, perfect. Okay. And then when you say that there's two tickets to the VIP, is that two separate, there'll be two winners or one winner gets two tickets?
Starting point is 01:21:29 One winner gets two tickets. Oh my God. That is awesome. Yeah. They essentially have to share. There's only one hotel room. And so we can do the hotel room with two queen beds or one king bed, depending if they're a couple or not. And, um, yeah. And workouts with Dave. I mean, that's so fun, dude. That's killer's killer yeah and where are you gonna pick the winner on saturday here on your show no shit so a week from what's today you got three days so from now until friday then after friday we'll have a little bit of time to go through make sure the winner qualified and then we'll jump back on real quick and announce who it's going to be um i i want to see um where's my phone do we have a guest on saturday no but okay but we may have a hunter and hillary oh for saturday morning yeah that's gonna be a big show it's
Starting point is 01:22:18 big car will you come on during that show and tell us who the winner is if you'll have me yeah fuck yeah oh my god you hunter and hillary on the winner is? If you'll have me. Oh my god, you, Hunter, and Hiller on the show doing a giveaway will be absolutely nuts. Those shows are huge. Those guys are crazy. Perfect. Well, I met Hiller once at the games, actually. He was super sweet.
Starting point is 01:22:37 He's a nice man. He's a very nice man. Unless you get on his bad side. Oh, I don't. I don't get on anyone's bad side you don't really warranted then i do oh i just got a text message saying my toothpaste is is about to be made oh my the ceo toothpaste i'm going to release in our first product i've been wanting a product forever to to milk money off of the followers i mean to share with the world to make sure everyone has beautiful teeth.
Starting point is 01:23:06 Wait, Debbie, when's this product going to be available? Soon. Soon. Soon enough. I think in the next year after the behind the scenes come out. Hey, so I will promote this every morning on the show now. So the things I need to talk about every day are the fact that I'm about James Neely. I need to make sure that everyone knows that if you want an agent who
Starting point is 01:23:30 I don't know what the fuck he does. You want to be part of the victim mentality squad, look up James Neely. Who's James Neely? It's an agency. But also, if you want to go to the health summit, please also bring your A game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Bring your A game. Win the tickets and, like, force yourself to talk to strangers. Yep. You know what I mean? Milk the shit out of this if you get back there because these are going to be some high-profile people. Don't be weird. Just be cool.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yeah. I don't mind weird people. I love weird people. weird fine don't let me put you in the box i'm sorry it was fine sorry take that back strike that from the record just be weird be wonderful i love that yeah be wonderful okay yeah matt will be there as well and i mean i know getting you anywhere is a real, um, it's almost like meeting somebody cross country. Look at this. Uh,
Starting point is 01:24:31 Heidi's going to be there and she's going to be milking people. Phenomenal. And she's going to milk people. In the standing position, which we talked about yesterday. Ah, yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Yeah. Exotic milker. Wow. Tell me, I want to run through this day really quick, Karn. You show up there on February 3rd in the morning, you register, and then tell me, walk me through the day. Okay. So Dave's workout is the 12th, the afternoon of the 12th.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So you would have to arrive on Friday. How can it be the afternoon of the 12th. So you would have to arrive. How can it be that second? I mean, second, sorry. Yeah. What's a, what's a, what's a one amongst friends. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, so you show up on the second, you work out with Dave. Correct. Then you sleep in your free hotel room that night. Correct. Then the next morning at eight. Oh, sorry. One more thing. And then you're at the bar that night mingling with Gabrielle Lyons and McCoy and Rhonda Patrick and you and shit.
Starting point is 01:25:28 And maybe see Sousa if you're lucky. Definitely me. Definitely me and Sousa. I can't make promises for anybody else, but I hope so. Right? Oh, and I just bought Dr. Quadwo's book. Quadwo. Yeah, Quadwo.
Starting point is 01:25:41 He's the nicest man in the entire world. He is so much fun and so cool so he's a he's a really really good guy he will definitely be at the bar with us for sure i heard he's paying for all the drinks he's a good dude you're paying for the drinks with your toothpaste sales dude i'm gonna be a fucking toothpaste baron. If we get some there, we definitely got to put some out on the booth. I'll sell some toothpaste for us. Oh, my goodness. God, you have a nice body.
Starting point is 01:26:10 God damn. Thank you. Is that Haley? Yeah. Hi, Haley. She's wearing a sports bra, and she's in my underwear at the coffee machine. My underwear. Her sports bra, my underwear.
Starting point is 01:26:23 We might lose him. He might get milked here. I'm good. I'm good. I'm back. Okay. Oh, sorry. So, sorry. So, Tuesday workout with Dave. No. The second workout with Dave. Every second, there's a workout with
Starting point is 01:26:37 Dave, and it's capped at only 50 people. We may open it up to a little bit more. So, Friday workout with Dave, and then that night come to the bar and have a drink with matt and i and then we just threw that in there and then the next day we have this full summit from 8 until 5 p.m and we have all the speakers that you just showed on screen and we will be adding two panels as well that have not yet been announced, but that will be super cool. There will be exhibitors. So, you know, you will have the opportunity to like mingle with guests
Starting point is 01:27:11 and lunch will be served and drinks the whole day. Well, not drinks, but like coffee, tea, water will be served the whole day. The venue is absolutely beautiful. It's going to be a wonderful experience and a phenomenal opportunity to get to know like-minded people and learn from the best of the best in health and fitness. And if you have a VIP pass, you'll have access to where the speakers are eating lunch. And so you can see if Rhonda Patrick choose with her mouth closed while she eats a sandwich.
Starting point is 01:27:37 I mean, isn't that why everybody wants to come? Cause I can tell you, she's single. Is she single? No, she's married. she has the most phenomenal husband like he's amazing are any of those people single?
Starting point is 01:27:51 on the um any of the speakers single? no no none of them I mean we're not hey is the is the MC single? she is the is the is the MC single? She is. She is.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Booyah. Here's the deal. I'm going to be I'm choosing to consciously remain very single for a very long time. I recently tried online dating. It was a disaster. I think that just puts a target on your back i will not date anyone oh yeah bitch well it'll take a lot to win me over but anyway bring your diamonds and emeralds in your best game people the mc is single uh do you know who did the website for me who leaf this website yeah oh my god it looks beautiful the description he had under my name was literally the worst description you've ever seen oh he's a little
Starting point is 01:28:53 bit of a robot he's good at building shit but he's what did he say woman woman author has been author of sugar free you know what i mean like once organized a conference in South Africa. Oh, shit. Oh, I know. Look at cock. Karn will be married in three months.
Starting point is 01:29:16 I know. Okay. We can have a bet on that for sure. Let's do it. Oh, look at this. A paper street coffee is going to be there. Gabe and I will be there too.
Starting point is 01:29:23 Holy shit. It's going to be there. She was one of the first people who purchased a ticket it was i love her and i love she's great i'm actually drinking tyler right now he's my favorite i don't mean to um uh i don't mean to fuck gabe but if you and paulina is a special human being anyone she like gabe got her uh to be part of the paper street brand but man if anyone can poach her you want to work with her this is a this is just you know like when you meet young people and you're like oh shit this person is gonna kill it yeah she's got the work ethic the smile the personality the presence she got she's the whole package she's cool and she's a brilliant
Starting point is 01:30:05 athlete as well uh-huh yeah on top of it all yeah gabe was great what that's code for she'd be a great baby maker genetics she's like d if you want a d1 athlete uh yeah there you go paulina's paulina's your chick yeah listen i'm not sure paulina was up for us like trying to hook her up on the show like i'm not i'm just saying she's i've seen her i've seen her she's if like if you're if you're a dude who's like halfway got good genetics she'll make you a fucking professional athlete like this chick's like a she's a freak yeah look at her yeah and she's so nice yeah she'll also be there so part of the i come up to her waist, by the way,
Starting point is 01:30:46 people, if you're wondering. Yeah. Polina will be at us with us at the bar for drinks as well. Dude, she's not old enough that she is not old enough to be at the bar. Dude, she's going to hang out.
Starting point is 01:30:58 She's going through puberty still. How old is she? She's little. She's a little kid. I think she's like 20 or 21, right? Yeah. I don't think so. Oh, well, she probably can's little. She's a little kid. I think she's like 20 or 21, right? She probably can't drink more than two cups of coffee. She's sitting at the kiddies table just outside.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Right. Okay. Yeah. Perfect. This will be an inclusive event. Kids can sit outside the bar. Look at all Ortega knows. Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. I apologize for that. I no idea she's 21 she's 21 we're good we're good oh is she yeah she says i'm 21 look at karn's getting really nervous and shit
Starting point is 01:31:33 yeah i don't want to be arrested for something i don't even drink so to have me arrested for having somebody else drink when i don't even drink would be awful. How long have you been sober? I'm in my 20th year. So like I can only come once I completed that year, this year. How stoked are you? It's the best thing in my whole life. Like I would have nothing if I didn't have my sobriety. And I say that with complete honesty,
Starting point is 01:31:58 I would lose whatever I put in front of my sobriety. I will lose. I had a conversation about this yesterday. My sister's 20 years sober, I think. Yeah. I know she's going to be like, I'm 21 and a half years. How dare you? She can call me in a minute. What do you mean? Explain to me, you wouldn't have anything say, explain that to me. Well, my sobriety is the most important thing in my life, right? If I don't work my program of recovery and if I don't
Starting point is 01:32:25 constantly work on my character defects by working, and I truly believe in the 12-step program and better myself as a person, change my mindset, my attitude, call myself up on my bullshit, I will lose every opportunity that I have because I will go straight back into that act of addiction that even if I don't drink that, you know, dry drunk behavior. That is a true phenomenon. Dry drunk. Yeah. Oh, without a doubt. So many people don't drink, but they're still assholes. And so, you know, it's like, it's so important for me to constantly work on myself and put my sobriety first. And sobriety is not just not drinking. It's working on, like, working this 12-step program, like, working on, like, making amends, taking stock of my day, being grateful, you know, everything.
Starting point is 01:33:13 What does that mean, taking stock of your day? It means at the end of the day, looking at my day and being like, well, what was I successful in? What did I suck in? Who do I owe amends to? What can I do better? And how do I let go of this day? And journaling that, like, writing it down and then praying and saying goodnight and thank you and may tomorrow be a good day. You love that, huh?
Starting point is 01:33:36 When I think of you, I think of you as this person that you don't like to talk shit about people you have a lot of like you're you're one of those people like like like like there's this guy james neely and i've been just fingering his anus for the last couple days and i don't i don't know if he likes it or doesn't like it but you wouldn't like doing that to someone because you're a nice person like i can tell you're the kind of person who does not want to hurt other people or like even like fuck around like you don't play you don't play like if i've ever like you're the kind of person who's like if you yelled at your dog you feel bad right away like you don't you want to be you i think of you as a person who strives to be a good person i don't think i strive to be a good person i think i genuinely am a good person that's
Starting point is 01:34:23 what i mean that's what i mean you keep yourself in check yeah yeah but i don't suffer fools gladly like if you fuck with my family or my friends like yeah you're out like that's the thing okay let me read about that and but i also see you as a warrior so you're a fighter but you don't want to hurt people so you got kind of like this um you got like i'm not really a fighter um so no you're a lover i think you but you're a survivor like you survive shit like if i was on the titanic i'd want to hold your hand when i jumped off like well she ain't drowning well i mean here's the thing right like so much addiction like everything's rooted in childhood trauma like i've had a really really tough life like it sounds and looks like it's been amazing from the outside but the stuff that i've been through and have been hard what
Starting point is 01:35:10 yeah i said that's what you get for being so hot good oh my god but i mean whatever hey you have a good relationship with your parents though yeah i have a great relationship well my parents though. Yeah, I have a great relationship. Well, my mother doesn't remember who I am anymore. But apart from that – Your mom has dementia? She was diagnosed with Parkinson's about 10 years ago. And then in the last year, it got really, really bad with dementia.
Starting point is 01:35:39 Parkinson's and dementia. And so she's in a home. Like my dad had to send her, like book her into a facility where people can take care of her 24 seven because he couldn't do it anymore. In South Africa? Yeah, in Cape Town. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And I mean, that's why like this health message is so important because I think there's such a misconception about what health is and that we don't have to worry about it in our 20s and our 30s. And we only really have to start being healthy at the age of like 40, 50. And that's not true at all. You know, I think I was speaking to Nicole Carroll the other day about this concept of training for health versus training for fitness, right? And so many of the games athletes and the really high
Starting point is 01:36:17 like profile athletes, they train for fitness, and you'll see them eating this awful junk food. They train for fitness and you'll see them eating this awful junk food. And they almost glamorize it. But those diseases, the diseases that show up later in life, they start. Their foundation is set when we are young, no matter how fit we appear to the outside. Like these things take so much time to manifest. And so I think it's so important for us to realize that being healthy is not just this like cyclical thing that we go through and like doing carnivore every now and then or doing it. It's like this consistent behavior that we have to engage in to make sure that we are healthy for as long as possible. It's not about living as long as possible, right?
Starting point is 01:37:02 So many people live a long life, but they have carers, they're hooked up to machines, they're in wheelchairs, like what's the quality of life? I would rather live a shorter life and be healthy and active and be able to walk around, do whatever like fuels my passion, then be like 92 years old, but have to have been looked after for 20 years. Oh, that would oh that would be a burden to society right yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't want to be burned on society anyway so that i think what is what drives like this passion that i have for health and education and like why this conference is so important to me is because people have to realize that it starts like so early on and the only person who's responsible for our health is us no one else right for us no amount of money nothing i mean look at steve jobs right all the
Starting point is 01:37:53 money in the world like all the success in the world and he he dies of an awful cancer and the suffering and stuff that he had to go through you know so it's it's this equalizer, this big equalizer. It doesn't matter your status, your creed, your financial abundance. It can take you out at any time if you don't focus on it constantly. you don't try you won't get there so it's like smoking you may have to try 20 times good for you try 21st time if you you may need to try getting changing your lifestyle a hundred times and so you maybe do carnivore for a month like me and then fall off the wagon and then do carnivore for two months but just keep trying oh just keep yeah just just keep trying yeah absolutely none of us have the perfect thing i mean if i at how my stuff's evolved and keeps changing and growing according to how I get to know myself and my body, it's so interesting. I can tell you, though, that the CrossFit prescription is the very best in creating health. The nutrition prescription, the workout, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:39:02 That sense of community. Yeah, the support from the community. That's what we're going to be discussing in this conference and i had this most amazing talk with tommy wood the other day who's one of the speakers and he's done a lot of research in this how communities shape our concept of health and longevity and health span and if we are not surrounded like loneliness the the sergeant surgeon general whatever his name is like he released the thing about loneliness what is say that again sorry my mom was calling me say that again oh my god rotary i love her i know mom don't call during the show again please sorry go ahead so anyway so the Surgeon General released this report that said that loneliness is the biggest killer, especially coming out of COVID.
Starting point is 01:39:51 And how, you know, people die because they feel isolated and they feel lonely. And so CrossFit brings together every component of what we need to be healthy as individuals. A sense of community and belonging, the most phenomenal and effective workout. And this like what we have to eat nutritionally, like what we have to do to be healthy. And then the whole mindset component as well, like we learn how to do really, really difficult things and push ourselves beyond what we thought we were capable of doing. And that translates into every single area of our lives, not just inside the walls of the affiliate.
Starting point is 01:40:31 You can say something now. I'm just, I don't want to say what I'm going to say. You have to step on. Jedediah Snell sent easy on the wheelchairs. We still thrive. Fine. Okay. A couple of you dudes in the wheelchairs we still thrive fine okay a couple of you dudes
Starting point is 01:40:46 in the wheelchairs no I didn't mean it like yeah sorry uh she's uh Karin's always hated the adaptive athletes I'm really sorry I'm sorry uh you're such an asshole it's just crazy listening to you talk because it's just so old school it's like, I'm like talking to like my, like you and I have the same mentors in the space. Like we grew up in that CrossFit where like, that's all we, we're just broken records. Like I'm listening to you talk. I'm like, oh, this is what I sound like five times a day. This, yeah. It's like, fuck, this is, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:19 Like, dude, what are you doing? Like, just follow that right there. There's the CrossFit journal. Just follow that shit. You're fine. You don't need any advice from Kaiser or doctors or, I mean, look at even the glass guy on here at a fucking yucca plant broke off and they just sewed it shut. He's fine. He's a CrossFit. Just sew that thing back in there. Yeah. But here's the interesting thing as well.
Starting point is 01:41:36 It's, um, you know, it's just the fitness in a hundred words. It's nothing. It's, you don't even have to go any deeper than that. But Hey, Sandy, don't you think it's so interesting how Dave has shifted his perspective on nutrition? You mean by leaning more and like getting more and more removing carbs from his diet more and more? Yes. And fasting? Yes. Well, I think part of it comes with age, too. Like, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:42:04 That's my point. Part of it comes with age. Yeah. OK, go ahead. Tell me. What do you think? What's your part of it comes with age too. Like that's the thing. That's my point. Part of it comes with age, right? Yeah. Okay. Go ahead. Tell me, what do you think? What's your analysis of it? No, that's the point is that like, you think you can do whatever you want in your twenties and then it starts catching up on you and then you have to shift and make these changes when you're in your like forties because you know, you're going to end up diabetic because you have a family history of it.
Starting point is 01:42:21 And so like. Or stroke or whatever. Yeah. If we can really hammer home that message and it's just literally like eating clean working out having a sense of community like just go to a crossfit affiliate that actually understands that this methodology works which will be all of them since the level two is required required, which they'll all understand. Yeah. Absolutely. I don't know what that cost is. God, Sousa should fucking –
Starting point is 01:42:48 I'm not going to listen to this conversation. Sousa should what? I'm not getting into – oh, my gosh. You know Sousa's video is the most popular video that I've ever posted. Oh, really? Yeah. What video is that? Where is that?
Starting point is 01:43:01 Caleb, do you know what it's at? Here's the thing. Sousa's fully on board. Sousa wants to not only. Sousa wants to not only make not only the level two requirement to open a fucking gym, he thinks that it should be, fuck this five-year thing. He wants to see them even closer
Starting point is 01:43:13 together. He's all on the what'd you say? I said I don't agree with them paying the full price each time. I just want to make that clear. Yeah, instead of being a thousand, he wants it to be $980. $999. $999, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:29 Sousa's really all about, he, more and more, and I don't know if he's stated this, but I'm just giving my analysis of Sousa. More and more as we get pushed, he falls in the camp of really wanting to improve quality of the gyms in their totality. You're doing standup? Look how adorable he is.
Starting point is 01:43:49 Look how skinny he is. He looks like a little pinner there. Do you even work out? Let me see that. Play that shit. Let me see what he's working on. My name is Matt. I own CrossFit Livermore.
Starting point is 01:43:57 My business cures chronic disease. Yeah, you like that? It saves lives. And you look better naked. Wait, hold on. Hold on, you guys. Sousa looks like quagmire holy shit oh yeah we'll come back to susan in a minute let's see for those you don't know look
Starting point is 01:44:21 at quagmire can we play a little look at that giggity for those you don't know quagmire is the pervert on on family god damn it oh my god giggity oh great your nicknames are so fucking sticky now too i am fucked thank you for that thanks that's That's good. Hey there, sweetie. How old are you? 16. 15? We are first. Mom! Giggity, giggity, giggity.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Oh, shit. James Neely needs a fucking... His whole team... need to i need to if you're if james neely is your agent i need to uh that team needs a uh team zero or something all of his at all of if you're represented by neely you need a nickname okay back to uh oh sorry i want to know about this james neely guy like who he? I can't even find him if I search for him. Like how can he be a good agent? He doesn't want to be found. He represents just a, he represents a bunch of people in the, in the CrossFit ecosystem.
Starting point is 01:45:32 He's an agent and he's been telling people like that they shouldn't come on my, that they shouldn't associate with me as a person and, and in people that he thinks for some reason I'm bad or something. I don't know what he thinks. He must've not seen my, my, uh, my full resume of what a nice person I am, but, but, and I've asked him to stop talking about it and he, and he won't. So now I'm just going to start talking about him all the time and about how successful he is as an agent or unsuccessful. He is as an agent where where does he i mean he represents sporty beth and craig richie and the in the buttery bros and uh uh and others and a lot of his athletes that he represents i really like and they've come on the show they're here here's his crew this is these are his people brent fikowski but meanwhile these got like this guy this guy this guy craig richie i don't know if you know who he is but he went to the games and he's complaining that he didn't make a lot of
Starting point is 01:46:27 money at the games or that he actually lost money. And I'm thinking to myself, well, I made a ton of money at the games. And I love, and more importantly than I made a ton of money, my, my contract, I'm so proud of my contribution and everyone's going to be proud of my contribution. And it's going to be great for CrossFit. And I'm more concerned about what I can give to the ecosystem than what I can take from it. As much as I joke CrossFit. And I'm more concerned about what I can give to the ecosystem than what I can take from it. As much as I joke around about how much I take from it, I think everyone knows that.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Like, I'm fucking here to serve and to fucking give, and you won't see me making videos crying about how shitty CrossFit is or how shitty the games are like James Neely's athletes. And if you're an agent like James Neely, you should be advising your people on what nice things to say about CrossFit and how to make money for them instead of complaining. Oh, God, Jamie Simmons is so great. God, that's like an adult. That's a woman amongst girls.
Starting point is 01:47:20 You would love her, Karin, this chick Jamie Simmons and her husband. They're such good people. Fuck. I take them as neighbors. What? We had both of them on the show, right? For sure. I can't even remember, but I just really like her.
Starting point is 01:47:35 They're so charismatic. What's that called when someone's super attractive and you're pulled to them? She has magnetism. Magnetic. Yeah, they have magnetism as a couple. Yeah. Hot. Yeah. Right. Thank you. Hot. Giggity. No, she's more than hot. I mean, she's, she's, they're both very attractive. But anyway, okay. Let's go back to Susie. Sorry. I keep getting distracted by my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, sorry i keep getting distracted by my by my let's go back to uh susan okay susan where are you here what is this scene here where you're
Starting point is 01:48:11 you're look like you're a stand-up comedy club so that's at a place called almost famous in livermore that's where we ran the small business mixer i did back in july and what we did is we set up a camera um with trevor uh out here and we did one of these for each of the business so you came in if you owned a business we sat you down real quick asked you a few questions about it then we cut that up and then we gave it back to you for you to put on your social media so thank you for coming dude you don't have time for this what are you doing you should be just pumping the podcast look at you you're everywhere yeah by the way don't tell me that suza doesn't do curls look
Starting point is 01:48:40 at those fucking arms it's getting a little it's getting a little weird buddy look at those arms getting a little weird yeah t's kick it in all right action what is it it's functional fitness it's uh exercise it's exercise for the body mind and soul i think that that would be it i just think uh i just think health's on the forefront of people's minds you know there's no such thing a magic pill. You're getting a lot of stuff sold to you, and majority of it is just marketing. It's just there's nothing that's going to help you more than yourself, getting in the gym, being active, and then getting around like-minded people. The energy that's going to drive from that, I promise, I promise, I promise it'll make you better. And the best part about better is you get to define what that is, not me. You come in, you decide that you want to make some changes in your life and maybe things aren't going right whether it's work relationships
Starting point is 01:49:28 all the above but i guarantee you if you start working on yourself everything else comes back in alignment we'll get you in the gym we'll make sure it's not scary promise is not scary we'll get you working out all right isn't that so good you're a beastie, you're a beast. A beast. So I go, oh my God, okay, it cures chronic disease and you look good naked. That's what I latch onto. Chase Ingram, way better than me, better human. He's like, you define what better is. Simple, elegant, perfect.
Starting point is 01:50:02 Yeah, that message was insane, Matt. Thank you. And I was screaming, Heidi, because we were at a loud party in a mixer and I couldn't even hear my own voice. And David, I don't got time to breathe, baby. I'm fueled by passion. Yeah. My passion, son. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:18 I'm not a simple kid like you. You got to do your Wim Hof, David. You got to do your Wim Hof. Yeah. Sousa is not on Dave Castro's arm program. He's not. Hey, I'm actually going to be leading my bicep workout at the workout at the health center. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:36 For health. Gary Pierce will be there doing abs by Gary. And if you want arms, you can get arms fucking. If you want baseball, little baseballs on your bicep, you want that little pop. Arms by Sousa. It's all about the squeeze. It's all about the squeeze. Will Branstetter.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Matthew Sousa is a great chief marketing officer. Great to have him in the C-suite. I agree. I agree. Do you have your level one, Sousa? I got my level two. He did his level two this weekend.
Starting point is 01:51:12 How was it? Cool. Second time. It was good. It was good. I enjoyed it. Hey, he called me.
Starting point is 01:51:17 He's like, dude, he called me or probably I called him and he's driving home from Sacramento. He had to travel a little bit, just a hundred miles to get it. Karn. And he's like, dude, I go, what? what he goes it's just as good as it always was i'm like who'd you have he's like busy being uh uh did do who jesse uh ward yeah and zach pine
Starting point is 01:51:37 yeah he was susan was stoked yeah yeah which is kind of kind of he he's you know he's been an affiliate for 10 years he's got a little bit of that know-it-all in him so for him to go there and and you know he's he's got that entitlement that 10-year affiliate entitlement shit so for him to go there and like it's crazy yeah a little bit of that egotism you know what i'm saying it's like if someone tells me how to podcast if james neely's like telling people not to hang out with me. I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm cool. Shit. Smile. Make it famous.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Hey, you are making James Neely famous. I never heard this man's name until you started saying it. I think you are doing so much more for him. He doesn't want to be. He doesn't. He doesn't want to be famous. He's he. I'm just an agent.
Starting point is 01:52:22 I'm just here to help people. Oh, shit. No truth in that uh it's funny because you'd see it so if people realize what you just realized they would be able to leverage this to their advantage rather than trying to push against it but that's because they view themselves as the the good guys just trying to help and now we're being attacked what listen the only reason he's an agent is because he could never get famous so now he has to surround himself with famous people so that he can have some validity yeah and make money off of other people that's my playbook let me ask you this karen if if a sponsor gives you money do you feel stressed to make sure that they get their value
Starting point is 01:53:02 stevie i feel stressed about everything. I feel stressed that the attendees are not going to have a good experience. I feel stressed that the sponsors are not going to be happy. I feel stressed. The speakers are going to be like disappointed. Like I feel stressed about everything. I feel stressed that Matt's not going to have enough, like, like a good time hanging out with me.
Starting point is 01:53:21 Like, all right. All right. Like two days ago, susan's like hey i'm having a call with birth fit i'm like what's wrong are we not mentioning them enough are they not happy did i say something bad about them because they give us they give us a little bit of money and he's like no no i'm just checking in with them so he checks in with them and he gets a and i call him i'm like dude how was the call perfect he's like they're great time they love the way you're repping the brand they love they love they're getting lots of people who are
Starting point is 01:53:44 reaching out and who want to um you know get consulting with on on having babies and i'm like so fucking happy because i don't want to take i just want i want to give more than people are giving me i want to make sure that like i want people to think they're getting something over on me yeah absolutely yeah oh my god we're fucking we're killing it someone ain't charging a shit we're killing it and i'm like oh good i'm cool yeah wait who runs birth foot this chick named lindsey can't do she's a fucking stud she just had a baby and she's married to lance can too who's old school as shit he may have been around before me too he's like been around forever oh uh red shirt i think we had we may have had her on a panel when you're at the games you
Starting point is 01:54:26 would love her i'm sure yeah she's real and and but not like you know some people who are real just kind of like ghetto real like bitch real she's not bitch real she's just cool that's not real that's scary yeah scary hi who's that ari the kids are still so cute yeah i love those oh my god my kids are so cute love hanging out with them well yeah yeah how we do it said he did more for sporty beth than her agent yeah true i don't even know oh yeah this is oh it's one of his clients oh shit look at this wow uh graciano rubio i did the uh birth fit seminar and highly recommend it wow no shit oh i'd like to have you want to talk about that graciano he's coming to the conference just to bring it back to what we're supposed to be talking about the summit i heard that when the speakers are up there he'll be up there on stage just squatting 300 pounds for reps yeah
Starting point is 01:55:25 we're gonna try and do the longest squat in the world history so the world yeah setting the world record for the longest squat 45 Haley has to do that all the time flat-footed squat yeah just longest squat in the world okay guys I've gotta go take my kids to school. All right. Everyone loves you. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for sharing your, what's that called?
Starting point is 01:55:54 Your presence, grace. It's like brilliance, but not like, I mean, you're smart too, but like your Everest, yeah, your glow. Thanks for sharing your dream of life. I love you guys. So you've always been my favorite person. Like anytime we had a work trip and you were there, I knew, oh my God, look at the child in the background.
Starting point is 01:56:14 I knew that we were going to laugh and have the best time regardless of what was happening. Always. You are the best, the most fun. Tell James Neely. Tell James Neely. I'm going to call him right now. I'll pass you his phone number. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:32 All right. Okay, perfect. Thanks, guys. Love you, dear. Bye, Ms. Thompson. Bye. Bye. Karin Thompson, February 2nd and 3rd. 2nd, if you're cool enough to work out with Dave Castro, if you're cool enough to work out with Dave Castro.
Starting point is 01:56:49 If not, then you're not. Caleb Beaver with the rep in the Patagonia. Dude, Caleb, wow. Are you on a couch? How are you sitting like that at all? It's a fucking wooden chair. I never see you sit like that. He's got the lounge look.
Starting point is 01:57:05 He just kicked back. Caleb's six foot. Yeah. Oh, shit. Was that at the house? Was that at the Shattuck Inn? This was left over. I was sitting on the other day, but it broke in half.
Starting point is 01:57:15 So I had to switch out to a different wooden chair. Hey, listen. That's going to be one of those chairs like in 15 years when Caleb's old. He's going to refinish that's gonna be like a project chair what are you doing oh this was originally with the house and i'm just refinishing me and my uh seven-year-old son are sanding it down and uh there are a few things in here that i think we're gonna refinish there's a one of those vending machines like one of those beaver vending machines like you know they like put a quarter in you twist the knob and it drops
Starting point is 01:57:43 out like candy and shit i've seen one where you pull it a pack of cigarettes comes out those were cool similar but not the same and then there's a old pepsi refrigerator like uh oh oh refrigerator and it's got like a bottle opener on the side with like or drops the caps into the things or eventually we'll probably redo all that stuff oh that's dope dude north fade out wow eric are you from berkeley they do have a north face outlet in berkeley a beaver vending machine they got that in japan why is that when we do this view my face is so freaking close but your guys's isn't even scott a mile away from my laptop that's's why. He's like, are you going to crawl through the camera? I was like, I know. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:58:27 Every time I go to the zoo. I need to get a camera. What camera should I buy? I don't know. You'd like to set up in there for shallow depth of field? Yeah. I just need to film shit. I need to make stuff. Oh, A6700. Sony A6
Starting point is 01:58:43 A6700. A6700. 6700. That's the go-to camera. 7707 hundred a Sony ace a six a six seven zero zero sixty seven hundred That's the go-to camera. Hey, um So I'm not I'm not I'm not Yeah, that's it God so nice It's such a crazy night. I can't believe there's technology like this. I know it's got a little package deal. Was that what happened? Be all I need that 18 by 135 millimeter lens too. Or should I get like a 35? I would get, I would invest in a 24 millimeter. I would invest in a lens that has an F one eight. See that there's those, those F's you need your lens. You need, I would get the smallest, the widest lens you can get smallest millimeter you can get that's f1.8 so like 24 millimeter
Starting point is 01:59:29 yeah i was gonna get one and walk down over by like the area kind of like downtown area live more and start like interviewing some of the homeless people oh and make youtube shorts out of it oh and then test for something that we've been talking about for a while but just like start cutting some reps and some chops the reason why i wouldn't use a 35 millimeter 1.8 is because this camera has something on it that's called a crop sensor so this is important thanks for bringing it up yeah yeah probably at least a 20 a crop sensor so when you put a 35 millimeter lens on this camera it's probably a 48 millimeter lens so it's it's hard to get a wide a wide shot or one four yeah because i like the way that because when you were going up and filming behind the scenes and stuff you kind of just you you like hold it here so you're almost like eye level with the people and i noticed that but you got to be
Starting point is 02:00:20 relatively close right so is that the lens that you were using i used it i used a 24 millimeter okay i don't know if i should uh i'm gonna try to show this real quick i'm just gonna walk up to him be like hi can i film you for a second i'll give you 10 bucks and they say yeah ask him like a list of questions and then i'll contribute a little bit give him some money this is um this is like some of the behind the scenes that's uh this hasn't been approved I'm breaking the rules big time by showing this to you
Starting point is 02:00:56 big time I'm not supposed to show anything until it gets approved by Dave here we go episode one it's in Dave's hands oh shit they show anything until it gets approved by Dave. There's our schedule. Here we go. Episode one. It's in Dave's hands. Oh, shit. Me and Merton's.
Starting point is 02:01:11 There it is. Back to back. Is my hair really that gray? Look at that. I'm excited for these bikes. You were on a lot of biking last year. You did? Do you feel it being here?
Starting point is 02:01:26 Like, hey, I've been here before. Look at these people. Mertens, Moritz Feibig. Look at Souza. Souza. I should ask. God damn it. I should ask.
Starting point is 02:01:37 I should have bought that jersey off him. Look at this. Look at this. Nick Matthew. Cole Sager. that jersey off him uh look at this look at this nick matthew cole sager oh my goodness some flashbacks oh my goodness yeah oh my goodness look at this shit adrian bosman it's so good especially if you're a listener of like the show and you know all like the nuances and like the inside jokes like i mean it's still gonna be great even if you don't like don't get me wrong at all but like that little extra special stuff that'll be in there that you guys will totally get that maybe avid listeners of the show won't is gonna be really fucking cool and that's
Starting point is 02:02:20 one of the things i'm super excited about because there's so much um nuance in there and carry over from the show um yeah it's gonna be awesome i'm excited i can't wait for people to see it so just so you know after every show um we after every one of these we premiere immediately after there will be a special vip room uh that you can pay fifty dollars and listen to me talk for an hour and a half about what that was like filming that episode so fifty dollars fourteen episodes so that's seven hundred dollars and you can be in all the vip rooms uh with me afterwards and you get a free ticket to our live meetup when that happens yeah yeah star to line me up at a Starbucks somewhere. Sorry, Gabe.
Starting point is 02:03:09 I mean a Paper Street Coffee store opening near you. $50. Maybe I pay that once. Good enough. Well, then for you, we'll divide it by 14. VIP room with Givvy. With Giggity. Sounds gay. No, what do you mean? Of course it's gay, yes. It soundsaby With Giggity Sounds gay No what do you mean of course it's gay yes
Starting point is 02:03:26 It sounds gay Giggity I'd pay 50 for a handy That's also part of the VIP experience For a sitting down handy it's 75 For a standing handy it's 50 If you want to get milked 100
Starting point is 02:03:41 You lay in a plank and we get underneath Would you like me to disarm your erection sir would you like me to disarm you oh it's not pointing my nose oh shit this looks like it might be good how we do it i'm starting a company called no bullshit where i tell you up front that my products suck, and once you pay for them, you might not get them. Oh, that's hilarious. Dang, Jedidais Nelson is always sitting. He only gets the 50.
Starting point is 02:04:20 No, he always has to pay for the $75 handy. He's punished for the $75 handy. Get the option fucked up. He's punished for being in a chair. Sorry, it's always $75 for you. But wait a minute. It's called a standee. Yeah, a standee. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:04:40 I'm going to ask my wife for a standee. Well played, Heidi. Well done. Well done done it's so good throwing the urban dictionary please someone wants a standee oh my god uh geez louise uh i like it when my jokes make it on the screen i know imagine how high heidi is her shit's – she's just fucking crushed. She brings a lot of quality stuff. She's a screen skank. She's always on the screen.
Starting point is 02:05:12 Her comments are – she's got multiple flavors. A standee. Oh, wow. I got a standee last night in the unisex restaurant from a tranny. It was awesome. Receiving a handy wellness – holy shit. Did you just put that in there that was in there that was in there oh my god i don't know if i like uh heidi more because she has an extensive
Starting point is 02:05:31 vocabulary or less because she didn't make that up holy shit a standee she was so horny when i got home she pulled down my shorts and gave me a standee. I don't think you really pull down the shorts for a standee. Well, I get maybe a little bit. Wow. A little breathing room in there. A standee. Oh, that's incredible. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:05:58 I wonder when the last time James Neely got a handjob is. Look who wrote it in. Eaton. Oh, god. Eaton Holgood. Wow. That's an incredible name, dude. That is wild.
Starting point is 02:06:26 Okay. Oh, so there's other versions of the standee. Yes, sir. All right. Let me see my phone. Let me see who's on. My vision's all fucked up. I got up up too early i'm getting up too early this 5 a.m shit suck oh tomorrow's great glassman yeah you're still doing the same thing right early start uh yeah oh yeah we better tell him hey there's two things um wednesday's show uh that uh coffee
Starting point is 02:07:03 pods and wads is doing, that Pedro is doing. Yeah. I kind of want to troll that show. What do you mean? Like play it on here or like be there? Yeah, play it on here. Talk shit about them as they go. Like Mystery Science Theater, like in real time.
Starting point is 02:07:16 Oh, while they're live, be live? Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. So that show, for those of you who don't't know that show that that's a really good show it's pretty pedro is fucking funny and it's at 12 o'clock uh pacific standard time it's this it's this uh real whiteboard show thing what's it called whiteboard around yeah and he already got a sponsor for james did you get j Neely, did you get him that sponsor? How's that getting people sponsors, James?
Starting point is 02:07:53 James, maybe you should find someone to buy all of Craig Ritchie made a video complaining about all the clothes he has in storage. And I kind of feel bad for him. That sucks. That's he's got he ordered all this hustle gear and it's just sitting around storage and he has to pay for the storage of it oh dude's all his cash is tied up in inventory and he's taking a loss each month yeah it's to the point where it comes where you just got to give that shit away right and you just got to get out of storage so you don't have to pay for it so um little coin off it so uh i don't know james probably better be focused on that shit than i'm worried about telling people that it's not a good idea to you know that's interesting
Starting point is 02:08:32 i don't follow craig richie closely at all but the the size of his platform and stuff you would think that they would move a decent amount of merchandise so somewhere along the line somebody made a decision whether they their hands you know they got a little uh too greedy thinking like hey we sold these last two out we need a ton of inventory on hand so we don't have that and and miss the mark on the scarcity model people might have been buying it because it was actually scarce um so that would be i'd i'd be curious as to find out like what were the things that led up to that occurring and who were making who's making those decisions not to like blame just in general, like just cause I'm curious.
Starting point is 02:09:07 You should throw in some words like business acumen and shit into that. Just like when you talk about business, just use the word acumen. Yeah. I wonder whose choice that was and what, what the, how that affects what their business acumen is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:21 That, that really sucks. And it will, it will, that's when your overhead is when your nuts overheads higher than what you really should be paying uh that's probably why whatever craig went through that's six hundred thousand dollars he lost in the last two years thanks um or whatever it is he was saying he lost um yeah that sucks meanwhile pedro just a fucking humble school teacher teaching the second grade to fucking inbred Irish kids on an island out in the middle
Starting point is 02:09:51 of the Pacific got a sponsor yeah hey when Hilla made that video about the hustle made stuff that was again another such a huge missed opportunity for collaboration if I was Craig and I saw that immediately when I saw that video I would have hit him up and been like, hey, how are you willing to do something with me? I really appreciate your efforts here.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Like, let's try to release a fucking no rep shirt through hustle. Yeah, yeah. Immediately just drop all you go and go. Yep. So many opportunities, even just getting, you know, how Hillary. Are you an agent? How do you know this kind of stuff? No.
Starting point is 02:10:24 Hey, here's the thing. Neely can't even offer that kind of advice because he has so many fucking clients he can't even watch them like that. You know what I mean? He can't – I would assume that that's his only focus though, right, is that list of people. Dude, between watching Sporty Beth videos and probably his biggest client, I think, is Fikowski. So he's probably got to give Fikowski a lot of attention. I'd be kind of bummed, though, guys. Listen, Craig gets more views than I have subscribers. And yet, for some reason, I found the games to be bountiful with opportunities for making money
Starting point is 02:11:05 and i don't even have a clothing brand i just got a big nose and i hug people and you look good doing it and i actually work the whole event i work my ass off and i give my product is to give to people it just doesn't it doesn't make uh doesn't make i think he did i think melissa i think craig i think craig might be a really good dude to be honest somewhere in there um he's just in a just got the wrong agent but um he did i think he did reach out to i think he did reach out to hillar and say hey thanks for your help what's going to be hard though is is when your next three videos are still feeling sorry for yourself and your brand is hustle, it's just a – it's going to be weird.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Yeah. I wonder how much of it, too, is the agents feeding into it. Like, oh, you're so good. You've got to protect your platform. Don't associate with these. Don't bring these people on. That could be a negative image for you. You've just got to keep doing what you're doing stay in your lane and what people don't realize is like especially in this world of like what'd you do for me lately you really have to keep like reinventing yourself reinventing your brand
Starting point is 02:12:18 being in the ecosystem and associating with other media outlets that you can that that kind of fit it's yeah it's crazy that's why you keep suggesting we just pivot from ceo to bdp right big dick pimp that's yeah that's right it's just a larger audience pull you want you're always like we need to rebrand we're gonna rebrand soon uh um uh this can't be good right here here we go hi jake chapman savvy did you see the coin they found with your face on it no i didn't jake tell me about it what what was it oh wait it's something where i get destroyed i'm sure oh right give me like a deez nuts joke yeah Yeah. Like Tommy G is like the ultimate in substance and Craig Ritchie videos are the ultimate in not substance.
Starting point is 02:13:26 And I don't mean that as a dig. I just mean that in terms of observation. So if you're not going to be putting out substance, the least you should do is fucking get people at least addicted to your daily shit. Get them on some sort of daily dose. Yeah. And I wonder too if they when craig sat down and was like hey we could invest a bunch of this money in the inventory for a custom made or like i wonder if there was a conversation of like hey rather than doing that what if we took some of
Starting point is 02:13:54 this money invested in the media infrastructure so you could put out more content across more platforms faster with doing a little bit less work like just be the guy with the camera be the guy talking then hand that stuff off to your team and it just gets distributed like if you're going to invest your 600 000 do that and spread that over the next couple of years just so you just have this sea of content coming across every platform yeah and then just rebuild and then keep the scarcity model with the hustle made you'd probably end up selling way more t-shirts but most importantly your relevance would would continue it seems like it's just him like filming and editing and everything else i mean again i don't know but that would be my advice is like take some of that money invest in a media infrastructure invest in a
Starting point is 02:14:32 t-shirt hey what do you what do you do you think that they see the irony in the fact that the product is called hustle but he's he's he's not hustling maybe he thinks that he is and the truth is maybe he is we don't know but he's portraying it like he's not like you know you know the whole thing dan bailey's working out and snot's pouring out of his nose and it's because it doesn't have to be but it's because he's not stopping to wipe it up you know what i mean he's just fucking... He's ham. He's hammy. He's ham-lito. Hard as a motherfucker. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:15:12 So, yes, but yeah. I'm a fan of Craig Ritchie, and this is hilarious. Oh, thank you. It's my goal to make people laugh. I wonder if you would find it the same. James Neely's hilarious. Well, thank you. My goal to make people laugh. I wonder if you would find it the same. James Neely is hilarious. Hilarious.
Starting point is 02:15:31 Guess what he's dressing up for Halloween this year? James Neely. Guess what he's dressing up as? A leech? An agent. Oh. Damn. Ouch. I didn't bring my sunglasses, so every time we do oh damn ouch I didn't wear my sunglasses so every time we do an agent talk
Starting point is 02:15:48 I throw my sunglasses on listen if I'm an athlete and I'm out there I would cozy up to Matt Sousa and be like hey Matt do you think you could help me get a sponsor sorry I'm completely stretched to my abilities here and I need sponsors do not leave
Starting point is 02:16:06 him alone this is this is how i do it matt listen i really like working out and i know most athletes out there uh like they want agents so that they can work out and like make a living i have a totally different approach i work out and i'm so blessed that i get to work out that i want to help someone else grow their business oh this was so fuck matt i'm telling you someone do this so matt what i want to do is what can do you have people that i can help grow their business i this i know this sounds completely fucking mind-boggling to you fucking scumbag leeches out there but bear with me here you fake it till you make it look at uh i have this beautiful body i work out every day i'm way into health who i just want someone
Starting point is 02:16:51 to use me how can i how can i help further someone else's brand awesome i don't i don't know it sounds crazy right yeah what what stuff are you currently using right now that you enjoy? What brands do you like? Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. You know, okay. Thank you. I thought, thank you, Matt. And thanks. It's nice to have the conversation. See, guys, I already got him in the conversation. That's cool you'd ask, Matt. You know, I'm really into those barbell cartel, cartel barbell, barbell cartel pants. I subscribe subscribe to the gains box even though i really can't financially afford it but i do and um the gains box was really cool and i got these barbell cartel pants so and i always get cool shit out of the gains box anyway so i kind of if if and i and i and i go to the barbell cartel website and i think they i think like i'd like to take some
Starting point is 02:17:42 pictures of myself and send them to them and be like, they can use these to help sell their pants. Do you think you could help me do that? Yeah. Are you going to work out today? I am. I am actually, I work out three times a day, Matt. Matter of fact, I'm working out right now. I'm getting a standing handy. I'm getting a stand. Matter of fact, I'm giving a standy right now, Matt. Warming up by giving someone a standy. Let's go ahead and let's take a couple of shots. I'm going to walk you through this. You're going to film it on your phone. Make sure that we got it in that cinematic mode. First, you're going to show the logo of the pants.
Starting point is 02:18:09 You're going to show yourself adjusting around. I want to see you in the standee position. We're going to do a slow-mo of those pants slowly coming down, focused on the logo only, right? We're going to send it over to my team of editors. They're going to edit it up to make it look real fucking cool. We're going to send it to them for free. And we're going to say're gonna say hey guess what tevon loves your guys's stuff he works out three times a day he's gearing to go up to the games we have a bunch of uh cool stuff that we want to
Starting point is 02:18:33 collaborate with you guys but check out this free piece of uh media that we made to show you what what direction we would go and see if it fit and work with your brand oh my god that's awesome and then when we package it up we send it. So we're providing value before we ask. And then we say, hey, Bar Rockets Cartel, someone really loves to wear your stuff. He does it all the time in all of his videos. We would love to find some sort of partnership here. Are you guys willing to have the discussion?
Starting point is 02:18:56 And here's what the video looked like. And we can get some more of these going. Yeah. And in the meantime, they can go ahead and just use it because I really like them. Yep. Provide first. Provide that value first.
Starting point is 02:19:08 Jeffrey Burchfield sounds like BS. Oh, wow. Sounds like you'll never be a client. We'll get to the bench press spandex, okay? Hi, Mark Bell. This is my client, Jeffrey Burchfield. He's 75 years old, but can bench press 315 pounds. He can bench press 355.
Starting point is 02:19:29 Here's a quick video we made of him. Hey, so that shirt is on backwards? For sure. So she put the shirt on backwards so her titties could be in my face? Obviously.
Starting point is 02:19:44 Oh, that is fucking great i don't have one of those shirts i want one so bad i got the blue uh ceo shirt i haven't worn it yet i brought it on this trip i'm so excited blue is great on me i when i when i get when i participate in the uh i've only in the standee i've only been on the receiving end of the standee. I'm sorry to say I've limited scope. That's hardly the fun end. I'm the one getting disarmed, but I pretty much just stand there. Just kind of like, hey, if you could hold on to something, it would be cool too. Like overhead, like a pull-up bar or something.
Starting point is 02:20:25 Just stand there. You just lean in. See, now you're adding modifications. That was the stock standing. Now we added some mods. I would lean forward a little. I'd lean forward a little. All right.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Looks like Jeffrey's in. Oh, cool. All right. Yeah, cool. All right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. All right. So Jeffrey's in. Oh, cool. All right. Yeah, cool. All right. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 02:20:48 All right, guys. See you guys tomorrow. Greg Glassman. Caleb Beaver. Matt Souza. Thank you, Connor Thompson, for coming on. I'm excited about the giveaway. We'll be doing the giveaway finishing up on Saturday.
Starting point is 02:21:02 It's for the CrossFit Health Conference in Austin, Texas. Dave Castro will be there. Nicole Carroll. Maybe Jocko will be there. Gabrielle Lyons. Mr. McCoy. A couple people I can't say their names. Rhonda Patrick. Not because I can't tell
Starting point is 02:21:20 you because it's a secret because I just can't pronounce them. And everyone say a prayer you because it's a secret because i just can't pronounce them and uh everyone say a prayer for adam knifer for those of you who pray that that yucca plant thing uh gets out or something find its way mr schindeldecker good always to see you oh look at yo matthew let's chat look at i already your first client oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna be we'll definitely be working with uh what what shindledecker's got going on i really like his brother look at that get my wife a job over there trying to get her a job over there with shindledecker uh the man who wakes up every day with uh reason to live matt shindledecker
Starting point is 02:22:01 love you guys bye

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