The Sevan Podcast - Adrian Bozman | Day 4 Recap

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. What a show tonight. Yeah, some great stuff.
Starting point is 00:00:45 You missed it. I started the show, I was having a temper tantrum. I don't think you were on for that part. No. And it's so hard to actually hear what's going on with you guys because there's so much background noise for me, you know? I got into it with that alpaca workout. I didn't like the way it was written. And fucking JR and Will and Taylor were trying to explain it to me. And I was getting hostile.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And then I looked over at the comments. That was a mistake because I was getting tore up in there, too. Oh, man. It was good for me. I enjoyed it. Doing a good beatdown. Oh, did I just see lightning? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Could you hear that? Yeah, I just saw that from behind you. Yeah, no, I can't hear it. Actually, let's see if I can move this real quick. Let me unplug it. Is it downpour insanity? Yeah, can you guys? I don't know if you could see shit.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Holy shit, dude. I just saw more lightning. Yeah, the streets are like flooded right now like I think it's just a reflection so you guys can only really see my monitor but The streets like as the cars drive through there's like wake behind them I just saw more lightning just now at that window than i've seen in the last 10 years in california Yeah, i'll position myself like this so we could still see it the whole time. That's crazy uh position myself like this so we could still see it the whole time that's crazy uh what's the uh
Starting point is 00:02:26 can we should i pull up the weather report i got two monitors i know you don't have all that shit here let me do it thank you uh what what do i type just yeah that's what i do and go holy shit i just saw our buzzsprout numbers have you seen those that's nuts uh what city should I type in? Madison? Madison. Wisconsin. It says it's 74 degrees there right now. Yeah, it's warm.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Like when I was standing outside, chat with you guys as I was coming back into the hotel, it was like hot. I thought the stadium was hot. I was like, man, it's humid in here because of all these people and stuff. And then I thought I paid you to leave, woman. No, you paid me to stay. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:03:14 She gave me the dirtiest look. I'm just messing with you. Try our chicken, the all-natural chicken breast. No, thank you. Okay, sorry. What about the stadium? It smelled like Badoosie. Did you get that this morning from Taylor thinking about JR and his car?
Starting point is 00:03:34 Everyone. Someone introduced that word on the podcast. It's just taken over. I went back and re-listened to that portion with Dr. Tom and Ken. Oh, this morning about the – hey, dude. I wonder if – here's the thing. I don't know if CrossFit's announced anything. What happened to Emily Rall from Canada, and you can go on her Instagram and see she was vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Then you can go on to this guy's account, and he's Canadian, you know, he had to be vaccinated to come into this country. And now I've talked to a handful of doctors and doctors are DMing me and they're like, Hey dude, not, not, not normal. Like, uh, not, not normal at all. These are vaccinated people, by the way, who are DMing me, these are doctors and they're like, Hey, something's up. And it's not just CrossFit. It's everywhere. What's weird is how many people don't know that what's been going on in soccer and basketball and football to all these young men it's a trip right well i mean why would they like as like cross it's not going to put anything out right so if it wasn't for us reporting on it like would anybody know that that happened no no no no. Well, that's weird, too. I do.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Well, part of me wants to know if there's a third or a fourth. I need to see a list of all the people who didn't finish the games. Interesting. Yeah. Thanks. You know, I'm torn because. I'm torn. I'm torn because I'm torn.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I've kind of put myself in a situation where I'm just like brawling with certain people over there. Well, not this guy. Here we go. Shirtless. There's always one shirtless dude on this show. And we keep it going, baby. There's a theme, man. Adrian, are you shirtless because you're going to bed or are you shirtless because you just got completely soaked?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Both. Dude, I have the VIP parking at the front of the Edgewater. And from the time I opened the car door, went to the back where my bag was, and got inside, I was soaked to the bone. It is coming down like crazy out there. Yeah, nuts. It's nothing like that. Oh, well, then let's just go dig in with the hard question. That alpaca, what happens to the alpaca in water?
Starting point is 00:05:52 Do alpacas last in water? Are they waterproof? They're hardy, tough animals. And I'm hoping, well, if it's like rainy, we're going to do it. But if it's like it is right now, we're not doing anything. Yeah, it's nuts right now. But I i'm hoping it's gonna rain itself out i mean what is happening right now outside is not sustainable weather-wise like it's it's gonna my there were rope climbs in that you can do that in the rain fuck it yeah bill says it's no big deal just climb
Starting point is 00:06:19 i love it. I'm trying to think if I've ever climbed a rope in the rain. I mean, I've climbed my ropes when they're wet as shit. I mean, all my ropes are outside. I don't know. Say it again. Wet rope. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:43 In the video that they showed for the preview for that workout at the end of today's insane event um that all of us at home got to watch a video and the people who stayed in the stadium that previewed the alpaca yeah um the guy who's also on this with us matthew souza claims that he saw in the video um people climbing the rope legless and descending legless and then when we went back to look at it we couldn't see observer and when we went back to watch it it's not on the feed anymore because when the feed goes over 12 hours youtube cuts it off so really yes he can't you guys went over 12 hours also it might have looked like they were sitting down when they started to climb too i don't know oh i guess you have to watch the feed again oh what time is the brief tomorrow uh 7 30 7 30 uh a.m uh central time yes sir are you guys going to be uh you guys have been doing some of the briefs on instagram live you think that one
Starting point is 00:07:39 will go or is that out of your off your pace i don't know man that's not your pay grade probably not i don't know i don't know what's going to happen with that one those are really cool by the way because those we can actually steal and it's not there's not a copyright issue so i like that um boss is using this games to collect data next year's program will reflect this also the reason why outliers are winning events this year just wait new zealand oh i think i saw this this is a copy and post from earlier today wait so what did you guys think of that last event you were into it dude okay yeah it was awesome dude it went pretty well i liked i like both renditions i like like the Danny Spiegel just putting the beat down, and then I also like just the war, just dudes blowing their own minds,
Starting point is 00:08:31 watching them wither. It was really like a fight. It really was like a fight. Yes, like a wrestling match with themselves. It really was. And, yeah, I mean, hats off to all of them. I was not thinking they were going to make it that far. It was pretty wild. So tell me about that three 50 bag.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Dude, was that thing assembled already or were you just back there? That's awesome. That's awesome. Bill and Katie saved the day. I was like, well, they're stronger.
Starting point is 00:08:58 This field is stronger than I expected a couple of guys to get to the top. But when we were, I think at the three 30, one of the guys that was counting athletes and how many had dropped out, he radioed me. He's like, I think we still have 16 in. And I was like, what? That can't be possible. So it's great.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I mean, hats off to those guys for being so strong. Damn. So I'm like, well, we're going to do the 340, and then we're going to have a race to sort them out. They're like, yep, I guess that's what we're going to do. Then a couple minutes later, somebody hopped on the radio and said, hey, they built the 350. I was like, yes. That's awesome. You didn't even give it a second thought.
Starting point is 00:09:42 When they said they had the 350, you knew. How do you not? mean people are going crazy and we got guys that finished that 340 like what are you what are you gonna do not race them at 350 did you did you try lifting um the lightest of those bags did you did you mess with that what uh the lightest yeah whatever that was the one the lady started with what did they start with 60 yeah yeah i mean i've done a 200 pound bag before and did you mess with them today were you messing with them no oh what's the highest you've gotten on those 200 i haven't really pushed the limit but yeah i i'm trying to
Starting point is 00:10:17 think what the heaviest bag not probably not much more than 200 man it was it was something else okay uh so we're good oh good the yolk now people saw yolks and then and then we saw yolk today but then people were measured for yolks and we haven't seen measured yolks yet it's true true okay and and tomorrow on the score events on the tomorrow and release it three no two more events on the two more that have been released yet three no two more two more additional ones one the morning one everybody knows about now yeah kinda kinda what do you mean kinda i mean well we're still discovering things about it there's a huge difference between climbing a rope and climbing a rope legless and climbing a rope legless up and climbing a rope legless down now it's and climbing a rope in the rain i mentioned it
Starting point is 00:11:06 right right right hey i mentioned the guys in the adaptive class who don't who like lower extremity guys they're so happy they're like oh did you hear about like fuck you yeah now you know what it's like to come down what did you hear about some of those stories coming back from the pool well i just saw a lightning strike in the window behind you matt um i can't remember exactly now because i'm tired but there was a woman i think in the adaptive division that would have placed in like the top 30 women something like that 116 she's neuromuscular or something yeah they highlighted her yeah that's so cool how about uh how about uh lucy campbell beat like uh like 13 dudes yeah that's cool let me tell you we did that swim last night and definitely beat me it's just brutal when you get out oh it's the worst todd
Starting point is 00:12:00 todd whitman and i did it you know cold after our right after I talked to you guys we just like did it what's worse you don't want to pool or you don't want to go back in the pool I did not want to go back in the pool after a couple rounds straight down but I'm not a good swimmer um and I did not want I stood there on the pool deck I really had to make the decision to get back in the water which really i mean i was glad i did that because it gave me perspective when you saw the last round of men particularly go ape shit on that semi-final round and then go right to the buzzer and then immediately dive in and go right into another round of all out. I mean, it's, it's really
Starting point is 00:12:46 impressive what those guys are able to do. Is it so bad when you're done pooling that you're like, if I jump in the pool, I might just have to like go to the bottom and kick off the bottom and turn back. Like you're that exhausted. Like you're not sure how you're going to swim. Uh, I never got, like, I didn't push it to that point and nor do I think I could. But I was really reluctant to put my face in the water. That's for sure. Cause you're breathing so hard. It's yeah. What did the sandbag,
Starting point is 00:13:12 what did the sandbag master, Mr. Pritchard think about the CrossFitters performance? I didn't get a chance to catch up with him afterwards. I really want to ask him. He said something really funny on the live feed. He's like, and you better not use your bicep.
Starting point is 00:13:25 You'll blow out your bicep tendon. I'm like, no, not this group, buddy. Wrong. Not these guys. Yeah. I mean, thankfully, it was good. Like everybody got away with feeling pretty good after that one. A lot of competitors come up to me at the tie break area and just say, hey man, this is really cool.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I'm like, yeah, well, where else do you get to do stuff like this than the CrossFit Games? Dry weight of the new sled. Oh, pop quiz. I can't remember. I got it written down somewhere. 70? It's probably more. It's pretty beefy. And will they be pushing it using the high bar and the low bar
Starting point is 00:14:09 no just the high bar the low bar was too brutal no shit yes it's you know it's got six kettlebells in there in the beginning. Like it's not a joke. It's, yeah. So this is a little bit of an inside joke, not making fun of you, but making fun of me. So bear with me here for a minute. Oh boy, when you got to preface it that way. I got tore up in the comments today because I was having trouble understanding this workout
Starting point is 00:14:41 and I got destroyed. So let's just- Hey, this is one of those ones where it's really simple when you see it laid out. You're like, oh, okay. Yeah. But then when you talk it through, it's like just, it's kind of messy. Oh, thank you. I feel better.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah. It's really simple when you see it on the field. It's like you push, push, push, and then you work your way back. Yo, see that, that's where I was having a problem with. In the write-up, it says you push 126 feet. And I'm like, no, you push 42 feet and kick out two kettlebells. And they're like, yeah, but you push 126 feet. I'm like, yeah, but it doesn't – you only push – I'm glad you said that.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Good, good. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. Wait, so what's the inside joke? The inside joke – people in the comments were like – because the opening line says you push the kettlebell 126 feet with descending weight i'm like that's not what you do you push it 42 feet and unload two kettlebells and fucking jr and taylor are just destroying me well you know what what that is the kind of like narc talk that would have cut us off because we were over schedule when
Starting point is 00:15:41 we got to the 300 pound bag tonight wait wait what do you mean i wait you lost me hey i'm just saying that like there's a number on a spreadsheet that told me that i was supposed to end that event at a particular time and we blew way past it way past it and like good you know fine yeah whatever the people were into it it was a spectacle it was worth it and and i'm saying that the way you're speaking right now you would have you would have pulled the plug at uh 8 15 no sir not even i thought i hope not okay we're done we ran out of youtube time event over well um i'm i'm excited for tomorrow me too i appreciate you coming on um
Starting point is 00:16:27 still have a couple more tricks up my sleeve it's gonna be fun awesome real quick about that alpaca alpaca i can't even say it now i'm too tired alpaca thank you uh i what i really liked about that is when you guys showed on the live stream there how you tied it back to the um essentially the storage box across CrossFit San Francisco and reminding everybody that at a time we didn't have Rogue and all their amazing equipment. It was flipping over metal pieces, dragging stuff around, getting creative with the workouts. And so I just thought that that was really cool, especially showing it live because now you would never think like who would join a gym? It's just outside. It's just a storage crate.
Starting point is 00:17:08 What do you guys even do here? And that's how it started. I filmed you there a handful of times, boss. Yeah, absolutely. You guys had a rope that hung. We made a rope. You and Kim and one of your friends from out of town, we made a rope climbing video That's right. It hung from underneath just some fucking,
Starting point is 00:17:26 like a fire exit stairs or something on the building next door or something. Yes. Do you remember that? Yeah, for sure. Oh, well, this comment says, Bob's programming this year has been awesome. Thanks for coming on the podcast to do the recaps.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Eric Ootley. Hey, my pleasure, man. Glad to do it. Glad I still got the juice to do it. Pretty eric ootley hey my pleasure man glad to do it i was glad i still got the juice to do it pretty tired so there's no plan b it's this workout is going this alpaca is going well the plan b is like if we have to delay you know well then we will but we can't delay the stuff coming at the coliseum um because it's got tv stuff associated with it we have to run on schedule so we'll see what happens but is there a workout like if you delay delay delay and then
Starting point is 00:18:12 it can't happen i'll be like okay everyone 100 100 burpees for time like is there like a there is a desperation plan no no no not like that it would be it would be like a flip-flopping of certain elements to you know keep the keep the TV stuff the same and then move other things elsewhere. But no matter what, you'll get the three workouts in? Yeah, that's the plan. Met Boswin, he was an intern at CF San Fran. The outdoor rig was brutal. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:42 That's in the 90s, 1990s. wow that's in the 90s 1990s hey well just like at uh crosswind san francisco if it's outside of the rain it's outside in the rain i remember watching a video there there's what happens when it rains and everybody's like we work out i don't true story many many days uh since been soaking wet but yeah that yeah the early days uh nothing was available and you just did it and it didn't matter. I don't know. I think there's still utility in a lot of that. This is like my total old man card. It's true.
Starting point is 00:19:15 People don't know how good they got it. They walk into these amazing 10,000 square foot facilities with so much beautiful equipment. And I mean, that's awesome. That's great. I'm glad it's progressed that far. But that stuff is just kind of, you know, whatever. But you don't need it. With a little bit of creativity, a little bit of space,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you can get really, really fit without a lot of that stuff, even if it's really nice to have. So people shouldn't forget that. Jamal Smith, will Boz do a show discussing the whole games? Sure. Awesome. All right, dude, thank you. I got to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'll see you again. Peace, bye. You know Boz wants to have him do it in the light rain, cherry on top. My favorite workout was Mur it in the light rain cherry on top. My favorite workout was Murph in the rain, 2019. I don't know if I remember that. Uh,
Starting point is 00:20:15 our rigs were outside. It was crazy. Yeah. There's a lot of content that came out of that CrossFit San Francisco back in the day. Do you think the games will ever take place outside of the USA? Ever? That's a good question. Boz, so much nicer to you than Dave.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Laugh out loud. I laugh out loud. Dave's pretty nice to me. Marine Corps wads with live ammo got me going in the morning, rain included. Boss, super smart, great replacement. My favorite workout, Seve, not the games workout. Oh, oh. What workout did you do today, Seve?
Starting point is 00:21:05 Sub on, Seve on. What did I do today? Hey, we'll say though, inside the, uh, what do we call it? The stadium or the Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Um, it was awesome. It was really awesome to be there live. And like when I'm sure you guys saw it at home at the broadcast, but like when they were, then when they were like stuck there and they're trying to position their hands a little bit lower on the bag or when it was kind of frozen here, they're trying to inch it up like that place was going nuts. And the energy in there was crazy. It was really cool. Yeah, when that stadium gets loud, it's crazy. I did I did 100 calories in 10 minutes on the assault bike.
Starting point is 00:21:40 And then I did 20 calories on the assault bike 20 push-ups unbroken and 20 what's that thing i this thing oh the um fuck whatever that thing is i did 10 of those each direction and i did that for five rounds so i ended up doing a couple hundred calories on the assault bike uh 100 push-ups and sets of 20 i'm trying to increase my um in the mace the mace yeah the mace i'm basically i'm i'm sort of fucking with doing bigger and bigger sets of push-ups right now and i normally do 10 or 15 but i'm gonna start doing just sets of 20 i'm broken and lots of them because i'm afraid that uh i'm gonna be doing cindy publicly soon and i don't want to look i'm it's usually the air squats that fuck with me but i don't want it to be the push-ups that's for sure
Starting point is 00:22:26 uh yeah thanks hey i had an interesting question if you're on a roll of questions right here there was a uh guy that was sitting behind me his name was gabe and he asked a question that i thought was kind of funny he said if you had to choose and you had to be stuck in the room with one person and your options were eric rose or katrin david's daughter who would you pick katrin david's daughter all fucking day katrin david's daughter's cool as shit she's awesome it's just our fucking our shit got like she fucking went nuts for a second like same with dan i'm sure he's nice as shit these dan was like my legit friend but when you but when you get stuck on the wrong side of but when you get stuck on the
Starting point is 00:23:05 wrong side of the story you get stuck on the wrong side of the story and it's like and i had a fucking blast with katrin and she's charming as fuck but she got stuck on the wrong side of the story i wouldn't want to be i don't want to be on anyone's that side of anyone's story unless i can combat it unless i can like be like well actually this is what happened or you're right i did do that you know what i mean like what if she were to come back catch and be like you're right i did do that motherfucker you are misogynist and you did do this you did follow me into the dressing room runtime and try to uh hand me toilet paper under the door it's like no let's talk about i mean you know i mean if she had something like that right but but but instead it was just malicious it was like it was like
Starting point is 00:23:42 keying someone's car no i missed it but but i did i katrin's fun eric rose is not fun eric rose is not fun it's like being on the yellow bus with him and i'm not joking i'm not saying that like light-hearted it's not it's not fun in his presence uh i miss brian friend in the podcast i think you mean on in yeah i guess he could be in i have no room making fun of anybody's grammar well every time i'm putting in comments i'm like halfway doing it and paying attention and then i go back and i read my comment and i'm like i completely screwed that where where is that just anytime i comment something on youtube because i'm usually just like real quick or something like that. And I just hit send before I proofread it.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And then I look back and I'm like, that was terrible. And Grace hates it when I use bad grammar. She's my editor. Grammar, please. Yeah, big time. Ricky winning proof someone was wrong that you can skip the games and come back and win. Skip it for four years and work your ass off.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Here's the thing, Ruben. i feel you on that but i'm talking about people who retire like like annie might be able to come back and and and do good rich i think could come back and do good i'm talking about i think specifically i was talking about people who retire and and get off the – not get off the juice. Get off the training regimen. When you stop training and you become on – you lose touch with the pain cave and that lifestyle, I think – but maybe you're right. Maybe – I don't think – I think I deserve a little wiggle room there. I think wrong is a little harsh. Yeah, the pancake part you're right about because the second you get a little space from that, it's so hard to push yourself like that on workouts. Parker Mayo, Sevan, go to bed. Watching every minute of your content this week has been incredible. Okay, fine. Bye.

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