The Sevan Podcast - Affiliate Live Call In w/ Chris Cooper from Two Brian Business #894

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Hey. Hi, everyone. Thanks for being here.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Sousa, hi. Good morning. I do a dip. Mornings are crazy. Mornings are wild. Because I open my phone and the whole world just like falls into your face. It's so crazy. I was just watching the video of Christmas Abbott getting in a bar fight.
Starting point is 00:00:51 It was nice. Tomorrow shows me funny. And then I was reading the comments from yesterday's show. Wow. Holy cow. Wow. People are fired up. People are fired up.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Thank you everyone for the education. Everyone needs to settle down just to, just to smidge, but thank you. Wow. We got so much got so much to talk about listen uh we're going to try some we got all sorts of new stuff coming down the pipe uh starting with this show is going to be interesting um i uh expect a lot from our guests because he's always wonderful i'm not sure what to expect from the audience because this is the first time we've done this we were going to do a dating show with um danielle brandon where people could call and get advice on like dating and in her only i guess her street cred is that she's so hot she's had to deal with just a lot of dudes hitting on her and i just like her love her to death um and she's uh raw and real But we couldn't pull that off, right? Or not yet.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Not yet, not yet. But a close sister, cousin to that show would be to have Chris Cooper on. And although he might not be an expert in dating advice, he is an expert in running a small business, specifically gyms. Anywhere on planet Earth where we live. Regardless if you think the earth is flat or round
Starting point is 00:02:05 the advice uh it translates to both that's correct right still works yeah yeah it's awesome it's gonna be it's good advice great stuff always a great guest so we're gonna open up the phone lines and anyone can call in uh two more things we uh we've picked up four sponsors and we've switched to a different uh hosting company A hosting company is basically wherever our podcast, whenever the podcast is done, Sousa beams it up to a hosting company. And then from there it goes to Amazon, Spotify, iTunes. It goes to all of those places. So then you guys can access it through apps.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Well, this guy that we've switched to, his name is Zach. And the name of his company is called Proven Grit. He's picked up a ton of sponsors for us. And I'm going to have to do some readings of those sponsors. So you guys got to bear with me, but I do think that they're going to be fun. One is like for therapy. So like, let's say, let's say you're just, um, we have, and we have a world full of people blaming other people for their problems. So I think that that's a great sponsor for us. We can point you to therapy so you can stop blaming other people and get control of your life. One of them is Manscaped and I already use their shaver. I use their ball shaver on my face. I
Starting point is 00:03:08 don't know if that's going to be a good fit, but I don't usually use it on my genitalia. I've never used it on my genitalia. And then there's, and then there's two other sponsors, but, but I am excited about them, all of it and trying it um i did have some apprehension about doing readings and so we had we've had the sponsors for like two months but i've been avoiding doing it and uh but but yesterday we got on a phone call and i think we can work it into the show so it's funny and i don't want to spend any of that the the truth equity that i've built so um unfundable iundable. I know. And I am concerned that we could lose the sponsors quickly based on how I present them. But, but I do think it will be
Starting point is 00:03:51 good for the sponsors. Just some people might not see it. Okay. Uh, with little, what is, what do they say in vaudeville with little ado, Mr. Chris Cooper, two brain business, Chris, what's up, dude? Hey guys. Great to see you. Thanks for having me. Ha! Twice in a row, Sousa. Sousa and I are trying to put you on top, and we keep messing it up. I do it at the same exact time. I'm not doing it.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You do it. I'm staying in my lane. I'm staying in my lane. There it is. It doesn't matter to me where I go. Now that Sevan is owned by Manscaped, he won't be able to speak about his true feelings about Big Bushes. is uh owned by manscape he won't be able to speak about his true feelings about big bushes listen i love everything natural and i will continue to stay true to my love for whatever creator we have
Starting point is 00:04:34 how he made us you know that's true all right uh chris better frame it uh thanks for coming on this this is this is fun um uh thousands how many how many gyms do you think there are on planet earth um that are uh mom and pop owned is that fair is that fair obviously i don't mean moms and dads but i mean small small boutique gyms that are um where you get where group classes coaching what looks like the crossfit model probably about uh just under 40 000 is our best estimate if you don't count personal training studios in that number group classes and that includes places like west side barbell too like like we have some like just like places in our town that are proud to be just like the, the steel gym, like that includes 40,000, including those.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yeah. Starting strength has, uh, um, I don't know. They have a bunch of franchisees even, but I would also include, uh, like the F 45s and the orange theories in that group. Okay. Number two. And those are, those are basically the F 45 and the orange theory. Those are basically like, um, I'm not really sure how the franchise model works, but it's basically a CrossFit gym, but you have to follow certain rules, right? Like signage and classes and programming and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, I mean, they're corporate owned. Sorry, they're not corporate owned. You become a franchisee. They tell you exactly how to run it. They usually have like one key metric or one kind of twist. So F45, you go in and like all the exercise demos happen on a screen. And there are some low paid coaches circulating to make sure that you're
Starting point is 00:06:13 not actually going to brain yourself with like the dumbbell orange theory. It's a little bit closer to the CrossFit model. It's just like, they're going to focus on your heart rate and they've made that really simple and easy to understand and they usually charge about double what a crossfit gym charges so no oh i didn't know that interesting okay oh yeah at least yeah the uh average owner profit from an orange theory is between 400 000 and 800 000 their first year orange theory could you listen listen let's sign me up let's be smart here could you have suza oh suza owns crossfit livermore this has already gone off the rails but we have to
Starting point is 00:06:51 suza owns crossfit livermore could you have are there any places where there's a crossfit gym and an orange theory in the same building i'm sure there are i don't know any of them uh offhand but it could happen and like so what happens though, is an orange theory is more of an investor asset, where a CrossFit gym is an owner operator business, right? You're buying yourself a job, changing lives that you're passionate about, you're probably going to be delivering. In an orange theory, I'm going to buy the territory, I'm probably never going to coach a class in that gym. And, you know, it's going to cost me whatever their franchise fee is well over a million. And, um, it's funny that the person that they're
Starting point is 00:07:31 touting right now is like their biggest success story is somebody who used to own McDonald's orange theory is like the McDonald's version of CrossFit. And their, their big success story is like this former McDonald's franchisee who sold all of his McDonald's and now he has this healthy business. Oh, wow. So as a success story, you mean as a business person, not as a weight loss story? Right, right, right. I mean, he is losing weight. Good, good on him. You know, he's making these lifestyle choices, but do we in this space, we don't, and I don't do, I do not mean this as a dig at all, but in this space, I don't remember ever celebrating really business owners for their business acumen. We don't hold someone up and be like, oh my God, look at Craig Howard. He has 600 members, and his gym has been running for 15 years, and we don't really do too much of that.
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's mostly like, holy cow, look at this person lost a hundred pounds. Look, this person, their NFL career was over. And now they're, they got one more year by going to Chris Cooper's gym, stuff like that. Well, I do it. So we publish leaderboards every single month about this stuff. The reason that CrossFit HQ has never wanted to do it in the past is because it's really hard to tell who's telling the truth about that. Like, and it's also really hard to quantify who's successful. Like I could have 600 clients and not be making any money at all and still close next month. But I think we've talked about that before. We have, I always forget that. So a two brain business has a leaderboard. Yeah. For different metrics. So most clients is one, you know, highest value per client is one,
Starting point is 00:09:10 most revenue is one, most take home is one. And we publish these, um, we publish them internally every month, but we rotate and publish them anonymously every month too. I guess it's, um, I guess overhead's always a big issue on determining a gym's, uh, success. It's like a metric that can, you know know comparing a gym in manhattan versus uh iowa in the tech business i remember i don't know if it's true this uh to this day anymore but when when i was employed when i was employable uh there was this metric where you wanted your revenue like the gold standard would be your revenue would be one million dollars per employee so if you had a hundred million million company with 100 employees and you were in Silicon Valley, you were the shit, right? That was like – yeah, pretty amazing, right?
Starting point is 00:09:53 And is there something like that for CrossFit too? Is there some number that jumps in your head like, hey, if you have – but not for employees but for clients. jumps in your head like hey if you have but not for employees but for clients like i've heard you say 50 clients is um uh you you stay you keep both nostrils above water and 150 clients and you actually um can buy avocados and consider having a child yeah yeah i mean the the number my words not yours those are the metrics i the avocado yeah avocados per client yes yes exactly well they don't yet because nobody's ever tracked any numbers in crossfit until we did but um that is an interesting metric i think the closest that we would have to that would be arm which is like if you took all your revenue and you divided it by the number of clients you have
Starting point is 00:10:42 the average revenue per member arm should, should be about $205. Okay, yeah, that is exactly what I'm looking for. Okay, that's awesome. You're 10 minutes in, and you're wondering why Chris Cooper. So Chris has a ton of experience, but he also has a ton of experience. He has a ton of clients. From the metrics that I've seen and what I know, he runs the largest consulting, gym consulting business in the world. And not only that, of the, I'm making this number up,
Starting point is 00:11:16 150 people that I've spoke to over the years that have used Two Brain Business, I've only heard one. And it was actually recently where they, um, where it wasn't a fit only one. Now I'm not saying that there hasn't been more than one, but it was only one. And, and I don't know a lot of details about it, but, um, there is a gym in my sphere that's, uh, circling the bowl and, uh, and they've had some interaction. They were already circling the bowl and then they had some interactions with a two brain that, and they're still with two brain, by the way, they haven't given up, but, but I've had some interaction. They were already circling the bowl, and then they had some interactions with Two Brain. And they're still with Two Brain, by the way. They haven't given up.
Starting point is 00:11:50 But I've heard some frustration. But other than that, it's been like a fucking perfect record. Yeah, thanks. Which is pretty crazy, including Matt Souza. That's how I met Matt Souza. My sister told me the story can't be told enough. But basically, I had Chris on the CrossFit podcast. Matt was a listener of the crossfit podcast he heard it he tinkered with his gym with some of the stuff that chris shared he read chris's books and it didn't even purchase that you didn't even
Starting point is 00:12:15 you weren't even a client of theirs right no i couldn't even afford to pay attention at that point so we were and and susa literally called me a couple years later and says hey i owe you something and i said what for he said because when you had chris kooz chris cruza when you had chris cooper on uh sebon it changed it changed my uh life and my gym and for the first time in my life my gym was profitable so uh so that was uh pretty damn amazing. Thanks. Yeah, it's great. And every time we have you on, the feedback's amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:51 We can't have you on enough. Oh, that's great. Well, you taught me to enjoy sparkling water. Oh, no. Oh, no. One of the first times I was at your house, you had this big stack of LaCroix. And it was in case, I think think Haley's nephews ever came over. You wanted to give them an alternative to. Oh, wow. I remember that you were there for that. Yeah. Wow. Okay. I'm the ghost in, in your house. I mean, he's unsettled now. He's like, since then, Chris, I've really tried to stop drinking
Starting point is 00:13:22 sparkling water. We'll talk afterwards. But when my nephews still do come to town, I like to go buy like 10 cases of sparkling water and just stack it in the kitchen because I know it's exciting for them to drink. I think that's what happened. Yeah, come to the uncle's house and get the treat. Seve, oh, LaCroix. I've since switched to the cheaper select brand. You all bought that LaCroix back in the day.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah. Oh, it's free. When would this have been? 2018-ish, I don't know. That's a guess. Yeah, that was the year we were doing the podcast. Yeah, 2017, I can actually tell you because that was a rough period for me,
Starting point is 00:13:55 so I remember it very vividly. There you go. Sousa knows. I know. We didn't even know Sousa. He was a stain on the wall. He was a peon back then. I was just the unread DM.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Yes. That's all I was. Chris is having a summit in Chicago very soon. Can you tell us about the summit? Yeah, so I try to just bring gym owners together once a year and bring in speakers that I think would help what they're going through right now. And so a couple years ago, we had Jocko Willink, we've had Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, some really big names. This year it's June, I believe it's 7th and 8th in Chicago. And we'll
Starting point is 00:14:36 do a couple of days. Kalipa is going to lead workouts every morning. Then he'll, he'll speak a little bit. Dan Martell. there we go right on dan martell will speak i mean there's uh 30 some vendors 400 people have already registered so it's um it's just awesome like i couldn't even get a speaking spot on my own stage this year because the other speakers are so amazing that i got bumped but i mean caller one caller hung up sorry caller uh we didn't get to them fast enough hey and can anyone go or do you have to be a client no anybody can go yeah there's still some tickets i think there's just under 200 tickets left but it will sell out it usually does and uh you know probably half of our clients are crossfit gyms just over half now i think 53 or
Starting point is 00:15:24 something so just over 400 crossfit gyms in the program now, but, um, a lot of them will be there and it's cool though. Like we're going to put you at a table with seven other owners. You're going to make friends for life. You know, people take vacations together with the others that they met at summit. So the whole point is really just to connect you with a, an infrastructure. I'm projecting, but what do you say to the people who are like me, who just don't want to travel? They're adverse to meeting new people and they're socially like, they like their gym. They're good at that. They like coaching, but they're just avoiding going. What would be a selling point? Why go there? Well, I mean, I'm in that boat because we're leaving for Stockholm in about
Starting point is 00:16:04 four or five hours to speak there. And I'm kind of just over the travel right now but um my advice is do it anyway you know you hate it till you start it's like cross right like all right you you hate sex till you start yeah absolutely yeah then you're like all right this is thank you if i if i could say i would i would just recommend going to something like that just for the energy like especially if you've been in it for a long period of time and you could get around like-minded people talk shop you were like oh these are my people i feel like i could have conversations and and take a lot away from that so that's why i would say you should go yeah uh manny spiegel what about a seven chat meet up at the summit? Well, that is a brilliant idea.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yeah. If only Sevan would show up and if only somebody had thought to invite him. Yeah. So, so go, I, I, that, what, what Sousa said really resonates with me because I remember even as a kid, like going to camp or something, and I wouldn't want to go. And every time I went, I was like, Oh my God, that was so great. And I came home reinvigorated for life. So it's one, it's reinvigorating at its bare minimum. Yeah. Yeah. Like I want people to fall in love with owning a gym again. And I know that when you're off by yourself, sitting in your basement programming or whatever, it's easy to question, like, what am I doing here? But the reality is when you're in a room with 600 gym owners and everybody is really excited about owning a gym, you can just gain so much momentum that the rest of the year feels like you're coasting downhill. How many people will be there in total?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Well, 600 tickets anyway, plus some vendors, some speakers. I mean, I'm bringing my staff because I want them to hear from other people and get really fired up about their job. And then what always happens is they come back and they've got their own ideas that they've picked up that they want to run with. And I say, I'm taking the next month off. Great. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah. Yeah. Well, congratulations for doing that. And it's interesting. Do you get a lot of thank yous? Yeah, I do. And I print them out and I stick them on a wall. Sometimes I need them.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah. That's cool. By the way, I already know the next time I have you on why I'm going to have you on. Yesterday when I was digging around on YouTube, I saw two videos that are both within the last three months and I'm very curious what they are and I didn't send them to Susie yet I saw them late last night but they're basically they're sort of I don't know what they're going to be about but it's basic one of them is how to take your business from zero dollars or how I took my business from zero dollars to five million dollars in five years and I was looking at that and I'm like, wow,
Starting point is 00:18:51 I haven't seen Chris really. It was a more ambiguous space. Anyway, I saw that you have an, and you have that video and then you have another video that looks like it was similar, similarly titled to that. And yeah, I'm excited to see those. We get, yeah, we can talk about that, but like my mission right now is just to get, Yeah, we can talk about that. But like my mission right now is just to get especially kids, but everybody thinking about entrepreneurship as a career choice. And so I have a new site called business is good dot com where I'm just presenting the perspective that they don't see. You know, most of our kids are brought up in the Disney world where everybody with money is bad and everybody that's bad has money. And like entrepreneurs are rich because they took from other people and all this other stuff so i'm part of my mission now is just like give people entrepreneurial skill sets um or or options so we can talk about that another
Starting point is 00:19:36 time for sure it sounds like a favorite subject subject of mine uh the bur Dude, happy birthday, Audrey. Okay. Happy birthday, Audrey. Congrats. Happy birthday. You made it. You made it. Dog, dad, baby, CrossFit. Is that really the name of your gym? No, CrossFit Fairway Park. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Good morning from California. Wow, that's a tough place to be. Chris saved my gym. I owe him everything. Thank you, Chris. See you in June. Awesome. Yeah, that is awesome. I want to show you. I promise you guys this show will get going. I want to show you. Is it this video in the email? Did you want me to bring it up?
Starting point is 00:20:19 Well, first, I want to show him this one. I saw this one this morning. This is a newborn baby. I was just wondering if this is in any of your – can you see the screen okay, Chris? Yeah. This is a newborn baby, and the father is covering it with $100 bills. Is this talked about in any of your books for your entrepreneurial studies? Yeah. I mean people in the Muslim faith whisper a prayer into their baby's ear. I tell people, cover your baby in hundos.
Starting point is 00:20:49 This is crazy. Hey, I heard a stat that every $100 bill in the United States has cocaine residue on it. And I just see that, and I'm like, well, enough of those, and the baby's going to get a bump. Okay. We can't let Chris. We're not done with you yet by the way i caught your science science yes yeah oh yeah i i caught your joke on the uh kalipa podcast that um that that i don't think uh jason caught where you talked about the ease of doing the open workouts i I want to tell you I appreciated that. I don't know if you remember that part, but you made a – Okay. Now, this is a bizarre video.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Some of you are not – most of you are not going to understand why I'm showing Chris this, but you quickly will. Study Chris's face closely as he sees this. I literally have this 20 feet from me. This is – when you ball like chris these are the types of things that you purchase you think ferraris and shit no no so i i did bring that up on the kalipa podcast and i texted him a picture of it like i don't have that no that's that's the kitten that was born and wrapped in $100 bills that buys the treadmill.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And that's the ghetto kitten. Hey, so is this a Canadian thing because your cat can't go outside because it's so cold? So you just put a circle in the house? I mean, it's literally snowing this morning and it's April 26th. So it's funny. I was skeptical when we got it, but she'll run down there and meow until somebody comes to watch her. So it's not just about doing it. It's like,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you know, if nobody took my picture, it doesn't count. It's very CrossFit. All right. If you say, if you say so, that thing is amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And your cat uses it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Probably just does it for the Instagram followers, but right. I want to say,
Starting point is 00:22:44 I want to say what a stupid cat but in probably a couple hours here i'll be running on one in my garage it's not a circle but i guess i'm no smarter than the cat hey it's just so you know um it's beach days here in california so anyone who uh is is hating on california i understand the hatred, but today is a beach day after I get off the phone here with Mr. Cooper. Yeah. Jealous. How many gyms, how many CrossFit gyms, if there are, let's say there's anywhere, let's say there's 10,000 CrossFit gyms right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:21 How many since 2002 have failed? My best guess is half but let me rephrase that sorry how many have closed down i failed seems yeah how many exactly how many have opened and closed down for and we know that a lot of them are because people deploy people get divorces for whatever you know for whatever reason how um the uh there was the there was this thing where they tried to put masks on everyone for two years and stop people from going indoors that thing happened so how many gyms have closed down do you think since 2002 crossfit gyms my best guess is over 10 000 and it's hard to figure that number out but uh honestly like there are ways that you can count affiliates and you can count affiliates
Starting point is 00:24:05 that are actually open by checking their websites and stuff like that and we do that about every quarter so we get an accurate head count but um years ago the first year that they listed all the affiliates on the wall at the crossfit like affiliate thing at the games it was interesting to look at like who wasn't there anymore. And, you know, from my perspective, that means that, you know, unfortunately, there's about 10,000 affiliates who have closed. And it's unfortunate, not because that's a failure, but because we haven't been able to learn anything from them. There's never been anybody saying like, what happened?
Starting point is 00:24:38 Did you deploy? Did you, you know, did you go to business because of masking mandates? Or did you go to business because of masking mandates or did you? Chris? I think like, you know, that's probably a goldmine. And unfortunately, nobody's asking the question. And also the culture up until this point has been such that like nobody had, everybody associates closing with failure.
Starting point is 00:25:04 They don't want to fail. So they don't tell you why they're like, had, everybody associates closing with failure. They don't want to fail. So they don't tell you why they're like, no, I'm ascending in my career to real estate, or I'm, I'm retiring from gym ownership. And those things are valid. Absolutely. But I think we can learn from every single one of those and you know, really help the next generation of affiliates ascend. So man, there's a, there's a lot lot there's a lot of things like that that you just said i was thinking about when you said that about jim's closing and people being embarrassed i was thinking about relationships too when relationships are over i think a lot of people are embarrassed so they spin these negative stories whether they're with your wife your
Starting point is 00:25:37 best friend and they and they spin these stories they try to make them save face. But you probably don't learn from that. So does there need to be a book, How My Gym Failed? And is there a stereotypical failure story? Like, you know how there's like this, the hero's journey. Is there a stereotypical gym failure story? Well, I think because most of us who open a gym are first- time entrepreneurs, there's probably, you know, 10,000 different failure stories. But the one thing they have
Starting point is 00:26:12 in common is they all just ran out of time. So like they either they knew what they had to do to fix it, but they ran out of money, and they just couldn't hang in there long enough, or possibly they were exhausted. I talked to owners all the time who say, I know what to do, but I just, I don't have it in me to go through this for another three or four months. And really, if you track the people who closed down during masking mandates here in Canada, where we had like almost two straight years of lockdowns or mask mandates or whatever, almost everyone that I spoke to said, I give up, not like I'm being forced to close. Some did run out of money and that was unfortunate, but a lot of people were
Starting point is 00:26:52 just so angry or exhausted. So that's it. You either run out of time, you run out of money, or you run out of patience. And I've been, luckily enough um brought into a few negotiations where gyms were being sold to other gyms and typically what happens is if the person that's selling hung in for three more months uh fixed their gym up to a point where it was attractive to a buyer they could probably have gotten double what they actually got for it but they just they don't see a way forward right they've they've like run out of future they can't see a bright light at the end of the tunnel what what about um this is some like new age stuff but what about the just the fact that it's not that that they're not um following their purpose like yeah that's true too yeah do you think that that's often the case or no you
Starting point is 00:27:42 can't it's not i'm looking for like one generic story. You know, like I see someone with tattoos and running shoes and gauge in their ear and they're running down the street and they're covering tattoos and they have the big earrings and they're really skinny. And I think you have former drug addict or, you know, some someone who's been to AA and now they're, they found long, slow distance running and they're working out their shit. Is there, and you're probably right. I bet you, seven out of ten times. Is there a story like that for gyms? Like it really wasn't that person's purpose? Well, for me, I think it's a misunderstanding of their purpose. So for me, like I opened a gym thinking it was going to do well
Starting point is 00:28:22 because I was a really good coach. Or I thought I was a ten out of ten. I was probably a seven out of 10. I was a coach. But I thought, well, I'm a good coach. The next logical conclusion here is open a gym. And what I didn't understand was that I needed to become a really good business owner. Now, if you've been brought up in an environment where you see business ownership, wealth creation, entrepreneurship as evil, then that is not going to align with your values that you picked up from your parents. And you're always going to be in conflict. When it comes time to ask somebody to pay you, you're going to have a real conscious or unconscious problem there. When you have to raise rates or you realize you made a mistake
Starting point is 00:29:03 and you've grandfathered clients, now you have to take that away. Like you're going to struggle on a very deep level. And absolutely that could spike your gym. Hey, so before you open a gym, what I heard you just say is you need to ask yourself the question, are you ready to make money? And silly as that sounds i know tons of people who fit that description of what you just said they think being rich is evil like they see a fancy car drive by and they think bad bad person they don't think oh my god that person must work so hard to get it that's right yeah that's a cultural problem right um so well gym ownership would be perfect for them because it won't happen so they're fine hey well is that do you think do you think um i i know you're not a doctor but do you think medically speaking that's just unhealthy to to see do you think is there any benefit in seeing
Starting point is 00:29:56 someone who's successful and poo-poo them oh my well i'm i think what you'd call like an optimistic skeptic and so i do you know if susan rolls up today and is orange mclaren yeah and and i'm gonna wonder where he got it and i'm very skeptical of people especially online who are like posting pictures of themselves leaning on a ferrari i'm very skeptical of that But once I know how they got there, then yeah, I'm their biggest fan, you know, as long as they didn't have to steal from somebody else to get there. But that's the problem is like real entrepreneurship creates wealth and abundance for other people and they grow the pie for everybody instead of just like taking from everybody else and accumulating wealth and hoarding it, which is unfortunately like, you know, the, the 1% of entrepreneurs who are really highlighted in Walt Disney stories and
Starting point is 00:30:50 every afterschool special. Say that line again, real entrepreneurs. Do you remember what you just said? No, but basically like real entrepreneurs grow the pie for everybody. So for example, like when, um, when an economy is in crisis, who can actually grow the size of the economy, it's only the entrepreneurs, like the government can't grow the economy, the unions can't grow the economy, the bureaucrats can't grow the economy. It's up to the entrepreneurs to build the economy by creating value, and attracting money from other people in a way that serves them back so that the economy can continue to grow and people will keep investing in them. And so if you want to turn an economy around, whether it's your own personal economy or
Starting point is 00:31:37 it's the economy of your business or the economy of your town or your whole nation, the way that you do that is by creating value for other people and that's the message that does not get taught in high school or doesn't show up in disney movies and when you say creating value for other people you mean open a gym hire people hire people to clean the floors hire people to teach their hire people to paint the room you're basically doing real job creation not printing money money and doing job. Yeah. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:06 so for example, like, you know, my gym would have, you know, there's two people who are full time now and about five part timers. Right. But in total,
Starting point is 00:32:14 uh, I would pay corporate taxes of about $150,000 a year. Okay. So that money goes somewhere. I don't know where all of the staff that i have they're paying income taxes between 27 and 42 percent that all goes to the government then everything that they buy they're paying 13 sales tax on that's going to the government like that's what's paying for health care and education and roads and everything else that money isn't derived from the government, right? It's derived from taxes, mostly.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Caller, hi, and thank you. Yeah, thanks for shutting me up. That's good. No, no, you're great, Chris. You're great. There's more there. Hey, what's up, man? Hey, what's up, Siobhan?
Starting point is 00:33:00 Guys, Coop, it's Juco. Hey, Jeff. Hey. guys Coop it's Juco hey Jeff hey I felt compelled to call in because you told the story Siobhan of
Starting point is 00:33:11 you know I was never profitable heard people on the podcast called and I got profitable well I had a similar one and it's a short one but I was sleeping in a hammock in my gym office and I still have the holdup in my office. So I wouldn't forget where I had the hammock, uh, was divorced and failing rent.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Uh, so I had to move out of my rent house. And when Coop was talking about, you know, people run out of time and even more important, like you run out of future. That's like, that was where I was when I called you back in, we've known each other for a while now, I guess, but you know, 2016, 2017. And so my gym was at like just about gross and all over six figures. And the problem with what I was doing was I got into it. I loved people. I wanted to help people, but I didn't think about running a business.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And so kind of like the whole origin story, the story that you see or gym owners hear a story, at least in my experience, was we get into it to help people. But I didn't think about I've got to get into this to run a really good business so that I can actually help people. I've got to get into this to run a really good business so that I can actually help people. And it was doing the business stuff. It was doing the hard things for me, which were putting down some systems, writing down how to greet clients, when is on time to show up for a class and when it's late. All these things that I was missing led me to have this gym close to 200 members, not making any money, good to me outside and being really fit but i mean nothing and so i was in a terrible place and so you know if you don't if you want to like really you know fail like how if you want to write the book i'm like how to fail yeah uh don't track anything and don't see how you're don't see how you're doing so wasn't making anything and then
Starting point is 00:35:06 poop was like yeah but i called him and i was i was out of future man i was out of it and he's like we'll put some things in place in your business first before we get to thinking about get more clients and solve this you know people leaving your gym because you know it's not running really well it's dramatic it's like just run well. It's dramatic. It's like, just run a good business. I mean, today we're still in business. We're about to be our 11th anniversary. Congrats. Congrats, buddy. Yeah. Thanks. Uh,
Starting point is 00:35:35 we're triple what our numbers were way back then. We're more than triple that. Um, I do good. I've got full-time staff, part-time staff, all that good stuff that came from two brains. So there's my like, Hey guys, guys, Two Brains is awesome. What city are you in? West Little Rock. Little Rock, Arkansas. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, our cost of living in deck is dirt. So it's really cheap. It's a lot of money here. Yeah, well, congratulations. This is an awesome story. Congrats, buddy. Thanks. Well, the one question I originally wanted to call in for was
Starting point is 00:36:06 you know i was at this conference not long ago and the guy was asking all the business owners are you in business for money or are you not and of course he's like raise your hand if you're in business for money and no one wants to raise their hand he's like okay raise raise your hand if you're not in business for money at all. And he's basically just trying to convince you to go get a job. He's like, you can do all that. You can still save lives and improve lives for people if you do this. He's like, what's everyone's real answer here?
Starting point is 00:36:37 And it only took me 11 years in business and that question being asked to realize, like, I need money. And that question being asked to realize like I need money and I don't need to be afraid of money because I want to help the world in the way that matters to me. And I'm gonna need money to do that. And I need to make money through my business because if I don't, then I'm going to go work somewhere else and I won't be able to help the world in the way that I can. And I know I can. So that flips the script for me with money. And as gym owners, it becomes a lot easier for us mentally. And we go, Hey, we need to make money. We need to run a good business to do that. And then we get to help the world in a really impactful way. And so once you know,
Starting point is 00:37:23 like what you want to do with like your purpose that's great but you're still going to have to run a great business if you're going to do it long term and coop taught me that and i think it just took me you know yeah a long long time to put it into a succinct sentence so uh yeah that was super helpful uh for me and like now i get like, now I get to deal, now I get to fix this lack of income and lack of money and financial security through all the generations of my family. That all gets to end with me. Like I've got my fire and I've got my wife, but I'm able to do it because I have a really solid cashflow asset
Starting point is 00:38:00 business. And I'm investing in other things now with the profits that come out of it. Hey, let me ask you, let me ask you a question. Can I ask you a question here? And this is me, you know, this is me being triggered. How dare you say you want to make money? What about your clients sniffing? What if your clients sniff that the fact that you want to make money, like, do you have to hide that from them? Is that unattractive?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Is that unattractive if they sense that I'm trying to make money? I think that's unattractive about them with the beliefs that they have about money. That's more about their beliefs. I don't hide it
Starting point is 00:38:41 personally. I've bought some single family homes. I'm renting them out to tenants i'm not charging them an equivalent amount of money for rent but like i'm investing in stuff with the profits i make from the gym and i'm happy to show it because i can also you know i also i'm happy that we have full-time members who make their full-time staff that make career money doing something they love and they don't got to go have another job they hate. And we're helping people, but no, not at all. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Thank you. Very good call. Thank you very much. Awesome. Thanks for sharing that. Susan, can you bring up that comment you just brought up? That was a crazy comment. And by the way, I see all your comments on the side, and I will bring them up.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I'm so far behind, but I see tons of comments. I've been writing them down. I've been writing them down, too too so we could kind of reference them. And I got a gazillion questions here for Chris also. Chris Plentis, mentorship shouldn't be cheap if it's worth it, just like our gym prices. But there does need to be a return of investment. That's what they call ROI.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I made 20 times return on investment. So meaning if this guy spent five dollars on on mentorship uh with two brain business he got a hundred dollars back wow that's crazy that's nuts yeah is that guy on the leaderboard um yeah he'd be on a couple of different leaderboards probably wow crazy okay hey now let's say i sign up do i have have access to Chris too? Like other members who have had success? Yeah, so I try to be accessible to everyone. We have huge public Facebook groups where people DM me questions all the time. And as long as it's within the scope of a Facebook message, I try to respond. But I mean to him, to that guy. Let's say I sign up for Two Brain Business. I get a mentor, but I also want to talk to that dude, Chris Plentis. Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:40:29 To the other members. Okay. Of course, yeah. Yeah, that's right. I thought you were talking about me here. I never even mentioned your name. So the thing about like should your members think you're rich, they think you're rich anyway. They think that because you own a business, you are Scrooge McDock, right?
Starting point is 00:40:44 And like what hit this for me was I had a nephew working for me. He was graduating high school and he's like, Hey man, uh, I got the prom coming up. Can I borrow your tuxedo? And I said, tuxedo, like Greg, what would make you think that I own a tuxedo? And he's like, what you own a business? Like, obviously you have a tuxedo. Yeah um so i finally i was like all right i'm making no money everybody thinks i'm making tons of money i might as well just make tons of money and then i can just have lots of money and give it all away uh that's another topic and then you could rent him a tuxedo yeah exactly exactly so rent yeah um uh allison how much money should gym owners be making these days so allison i am super by the way for people who don't know allison uh has owned uh i think at least two
Starting point is 00:41:35 crossfit gyms that i know of yeah and allison will also remember like the original crossfit message board where if you ask that question back then you would be chewed up and spit out like what are you talking about you're in this for the mission you're in this to help people you greedy you know um you buddhist monk yeah no like you you were back then you were expected to martyr yourself for your craft so allison what we say is like with 150 members no matter where you are in the world or or at least in like, you know, North America, you should be able to make $100,000. From there, it should scale up. And so like profit margin should increase. But we generally tell people to start there 150 members 100k net, that's not the average. In fact, if you walked into any random gym, micro gym, CrossFit
Starting point is 00:42:21 gym, whatever worldwide, right now, and there were 12 people there, the person who's making the least amount of money is probably the person that owns the gym because they're attracting high value clients and whatever. But yeah, starting with 100K. The next metric we would look at is like, what is the happiness index for your city? So like, what does it actually take to be able to afford a home, a car, you know, your groceries in a night out on Saturday, that's what your next target should be. And there's a lot of variables that go into that, but yeah. The average, if you take like a mean average across 16,000 gyms worldwide,
Starting point is 00:42:55 the average is under $40,000 per year. It's not good enough. Gyms following our model are generally hitting a hundred K within a couple of years, like take home. What's the going rate for classes these days? Do you mean price for the client or paying the coaches? So that's a good question. I assume she meant for the, for the members, but maybe, but maybe, maybe she meant for the staff. Yeah. So Alison, like this is, these are such great questions.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So if you look at like across again So Allison, like this is, these are such great questions. So if you look at like across again, 16,000 gyms, the average rate that we're paying for classes is $21 per class. Obviously that's not enough, but it's all the gym owner can afford. Right. And in some cases they're even underwater at that. They've got two people showing up there. The people are paying like eight bucks a class. The coach is making 21 and the gym owners losing money on those two people. Um, but if you look at like, what are people actually, what are the members paying? What's more important to look at is like their average revenue per month or ARM instead of the class rate class rate should be minimum one 65, you know, uh, Orange Series up around 400 bucks a month.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And I think we're offering a better service than they are. I'm not sure what F45 is. We have a few of those in Two Brain. But the reality is like the members should be at least 205 a month. What's actually happening though is that the average class, like class membership rate that people are paying worldwide is just under 100 bucks a month like it's not even close to where it has to be um another question from a comment from allison but i think chris can answer this so many crossfit gym owners were coaches or members who just love crossfit they think it will be easy and there
Starting point is 00:44:41 isn't a ton of info about how to run a CrossFit gym for free or low price. I think that there – I think if I may amend what she said a little bit, I think there's a ton of info. Just people don't know where to get it, where to get it, right? A ton of free info, right? You have how many books? Half a dozen at least. I don't know. For gym owners, there's like four.
Starting point is 00:45:06 at least this for gym owners, there's like four. And I think I wrote, I might've written the first one where I specifically mentioned a CrossFit gym because that book sold like 32,000 copies. We publish for free every single day, like 11 times a week, free info. And there is a lot of other free info out there right now too. We've reached, we've, we've started like when Alison and I started, there was no info, right? I think maybe like Nikki Violetti, Rob Wolswife had a blog. And now we're at the other end of the spectrum where there's a lot of info, but there's no filters. It's very tough to tell like who's full of shit or not, you know, or like who's even relevant. And so, you know, our strength is really filtering that stuff with actual data. You know, hey, prove it.
Starting point is 00:45:43 And I can remember even when i was working for crossfit and we were publishing stuff in crossfit journal about business um there was a guy in manhattan and allison will probably know who i'm talking about who had this like amazing gym and so uh seve you know probably who this was too so crossfit like said chris go write a story and so uh two of us went out there and we started doing a story about this gym. And then when we started digging deeper, we're like, wow, this guy wasn't telling us the whole story and he's involved in all these lawsuits. He's not making money. He's probably getting sued three ways from Sunday. And so that type of filtering
Starting point is 00:46:20 takes a lot of money and effort. And that's at the time what CrossFit HQ didn't want to do. They didn't want to vet the stuff that I was saying. They didn't want to track the data. So what CrossFit HQ is doing right now is, is trying to put together courses and even mentorship for gym owners, which is a great first step. And it's exactly what we were doing like 2012. What eventually has to happen though,
Starting point is 00:46:43 is you have to have filters that are proven by data. And that's what we're trying to do more and more every year now i'm trying to see where my um see his man bun there yeah we'll get that each day suza you're fired uh this is if nothing this is an amazing uh i don't know what you call this, a magazine or a book. But not only is it crazy high quality, but this is his commitment to the space. This is called State of the Industry. This is put out by Two Brain and Chris Cooper and Chris Cooper's staff. And this is, I can't tell you how amazing this is. If you're interested in opening a CrossFit gym and you don't have one of these, or if you open a CrossFit gym and you haven't got your hand on this, you're missing out.
Starting point is 00:47:29 If nothing else, this is junk food for you. This is just filled with stats. I think it's answering most of the questions that are coming up in this comments because like what Chris was saying, it's all backed by data. So you could have a question. You could go to that portion in the book. You could look at it, and then you could get a broad spectrum of data in different categories of gyms super useful and you don't have to believe this too you it's it tells you how he collected the data and where he collected it from so you can be like well i think chris's numbers are padded by 10 or i think
Starting point is 00:47:57 his numbers are are short 10 because and that's fair to do that you can bring your own insight and awareness to this to see like okay he he showed me here this thing he has 15 000 people who participated in this one but this one he only has 800 this this these stats need to develop more it's it's like this is just truly remarkable but the reason why i'm not showing you this is also to to for um just a blatant uh hey we have chris cooper on right now this this guy put this together this is i don't this doesn't have a price on it you don't sell this yeah it's free that's it's crazy yeah that's nuts the resource this is crazy yeah hey and you scan this and this gives you the book on your phone uh it gives you something we give away a lot of free prizes so it's hard for me to remember
Starting point is 00:48:49 my book i mean it gives you this thing on your phone this thing's on the on the internet too right yeah yeah you can get a pdf of that but we ship it out um to about you want this yeah people you want this this thing is is like this is yum you definitely definitely want it. Yum, thank you. Very well put together. Thank you. I'm not poo-pooing. This isn't just some gym owner that we have on right here. This is the guy.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And he made himself the guy. This whole thing, it's kind of ironic. This whole thing that we're talking about is Chris's entrepreneurial venture. So it's pretty damn cool uh there was a question in here so this opens up a very um a bunch of i wanted to ask a question after this that what's the best way to leverage the crossfit name you're paying these affiliate fees what's the best way to leverage, get return on that? But let's start here. Personal question for Chris. Why did Chris close his affiliate? And he didn't close it. He just stopped paying his affiliate fees for a while. De-affiliated. Yeah. And then why is, are you, is this accurate? Are you an affiliate again? Yeah. Okay. Can you tell us that journey? Maybe start back just a little bit, like when you became an affiliate and why you became one, just so there's some context.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah, for sure. So we became an affiliate in 07. I think it might even, our contract might say 08 because they didn't actually give me the affiliate until I had my L1, but we started paying. And that's kind of a funny story. So we were Catalyst Fitness even before then. We'd been around for about four years, and I wanted to be CrossFit Catalyst, and the problem was that Greg Everett was Catalyst CrossFit. And so back then, CrossFit HQ had a phone number, and I called it, and I'm like, yo, this is a big deal to me.
Starting point is 00:50:41 And they said, well, here's Greg's cell phone. Why don't you just call him and ask him if it's okay? And like, that's how it was in the glass man or Greg Everett Everett. Yeah. Okay. And so it was like, that's just kind of how it was in the first thousand affiliates. So I don't know what my number was, but I was in the first thousand this, it would have been officially 2008. And then, um, I started working for CrossFit in 2012 on the games team. And then 2013 was hired to have a CrossFit blog called the community page. I did really well at that. So it only lasted about three months, but it, no, it got spiked.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And then I just traveled around doing stuff. That was through HQ. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What year was that? 14, maybe I had just been hired. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What year was that? 14 maybe.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I had just been hired. I had just written this story about doing a powerlifting meet in a prison and meeting all these inmates who were talking about doing CrossFit. And Greg loved it. And that got me a job basically. And then we started this thing called the Community Page. And then through that, I worked a lot with the CrossFit Foundation, including CrossFit for Hope, traveled quite a bit with Greg and his circle, including Seve, you know, and that's how we became friends. But through some of those travels, you know, there were some conversations that left me with kind of like a feeling. kind of like a feeling. And so, you know, I was very close to de-affiliating around,
Starting point is 00:52:12 starting around 2018, things came to kind of a head for me where I was having a values crisis. And then about, what was it? 2020. What's that mean, Chris? A value crisis? First, thanks, Allison. A value crisis is like, you know, the old saying never meet your heroes, right? Well, Greg's taught me a lot. Greg's been an enormous influence in my life. But when I spent time with him in person, I kind of realized, like, I just don't want to be like this guy, you know. And so I, then I was like, well, why am I paying this affiliate fee? And, and I asked him that, like, why am I still paying this affiliate fee? And he said, Chris, this was at his kitchen table in Portland. He's like, if I was using something that somebody else invented, I would want to pay them for it. You know, fair enough, right? You had that conversation with Greg.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah, it's recorded. If you go to forward slash Greg, you can listen to the whole thing. Okay. There's a lot of misconceptions about CrossFit, actually actually that he clears up in that interview that I think every affiliate should listen to. Um, and, and so, you know, we remain close, but he was just like, not a hero that I was aspiring to copy anymore. And, um, so that, that kind of stuff was happening. And then, um, they sold, right. And I was and i was like okay well that's 2020 you're
Starting point is 00:53:26 talking about the sale to uh um berkshire berkshire yeah so you know greg's rationale to me was like you know you should be paying the creator of crossfit which i totally agreed with um and then when it got sold to berkshire i was like well you know i'm not paying greg anymore greg's been paid you know greg earned that money and um i'm not sure if that number is public, so I won't say it, but like, good for him. He's been paid and he's done, but I'm not going to keep paying Berkshire for this. And then, um, we were also going through like massive lockdowns and I'll be candid with you guys. Like the BLM stuff came up in my gym and I said, this doesn't affect me. It doesn't affect a lot of my clients, but it really affects this handful of clients. And I
Starting point is 00:54:11 went to them and talked to them about it and they were like- The Floyd 19 comment. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And I went to them and yeah, after conversation with them, we just took CrossFit off our signage and just left it off. And honestly, it, you know, it didn't make a difference one way or the other to my business. Um, but you kept paying your affiliate fees. You took it off, but you kept paying your affiliate fees. No, we canceled affiliation about a year later.
Starting point is 00:54:38 My L1 expired. There was no way for me to get an L1. Um, I tried to do the L1 online. They marked me absent for part of it and i was just like okay i give up so we just let it go but you weren't absent no it's a long story but anyway okay okay okay i don't want to get into that right it's just like but i like it i like another episode yeah somebody made a mistake right and it's not their fault it's nobody's fault i was i was in the divorce mindset with crossfit anyway like anything that pissed me off was going to cause me to de-affiliate so i did
Starting point is 00:55:13 right right you were hanging up by a thread yeah and then um and already like you know around 2019 or when the sale happened i immediately said okay good okay, good. I'm done. Like Greg's been paid. Everybody's good. I'm happy. And Dave Castro called me and he's like, give us six months. Like we're bringing in this new guy and it's going to be amazing. But like, you've got to give us some time, give us till December. And I did that. And then I gave them till June, you know, and then it was like, okay, I'm just, you know, my L1's expired. I can't keep my affiliate. I'm done. So then about, I got in some conversations with Rosa that were also pretty frustrating. And honestly, like there were some conversations
Starting point is 00:55:55 around the APN that were very frustrating. And so part of the reason that my Jim D affiliated was because my own personal relationship with people at HQ is deteriorating too. So there's a lot there. And I don't expect my decision to be copied by anybody else, because I had a unique context that not a lot of people get to have. So several months ago, I got another call from Castro.
Starting point is 00:56:17 He'd been rehired. I got a call from Bill Henninger and just a whole bunch of calls. And it was like, you need to be back under the tent. Can we work this out? And finally, Austin Maliolo said, we're putting together business courses. Will you audit them for us? Tell us what's in there, what's missing.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And I agreed to do it. Now listen how weird that is, people. Chris makes a living helping gyms. And a competitor said hey we are making a competitive course to yours program to yours that we're going to sell can you help us build it and chris said yes right did you say yes uh yeah i mean austin i'll tell you i was i drug my heels a lot but i don't consider crossfit a competitor they're they're a collaborator right i see it i see it as a competitor but go on thanks um well let me ask you this do you think um they made the
Starting point is 00:57:11 cat program for free do you think that's a competitor to let's say mayhem programming i mean it's so many gyms use mayhem um well and love it are they competitors yes because the programming is one or the other, right? Like you're not going to buy two streams of programming. Right. What actually happened, and CrossFit did just release a global mentorship program too, which was ironic because it's like the day that we agreed to sponsor affiliate summits, they started promoting this global mentorship program.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And a lot of people would see that as competition. And it rocked me for, you know, three hours. But what actually happens is this CrossFit affiliates need business coaching. They need data. They need expertise. The global mentorship program is brand new, right? Like they're trying to do this stuff based on the individual experience of the people in the program, I guess. And that's how we started too. So I can't fault it. But now what we found is a decade after doing this is like, we generally ascend people to us anyway. So it doesn't really matter what business mentorship program people start with the best find their way to two brain. And so yeah, I mean, I really have no problem with that. Chris, I'm going to need you to fire up the treadmill.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Do you hear the cat? Is that why? No, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. She literally wants me to. No, I thought that was your kids. Let me out of the basement. Hey, listen.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm totally on board with what people in the comments, their gut reaction is. Fuck that. I'm not paying this fucking guy my last $5,000 to mentor me, blah, blah, blah. I always have that reaction whenever we have Chris on. But here's the deal. phone get the book learn from the book and make us deal with yourself and be like if i can read this book and i can make the money to pay for my mentorship from what i learned from the book then i'll pay for them i mean set yourself up for success challenge yourself i i'm only i'm having this guy on over and over again because people won't shut up about him i'm not having him on for the fucking numbers that's for sure there's no sex drugs and rock and roll in this fucking podcast and if i could have the two books that i read because people ask you was the uh two brain business 2.0 and helped help first wait what are the those are
Starting point is 00:59:34 the ones you read tell me them again yeah two brain business 2.0 and help first right was those the titles chris started having fun yeah yeah those came out together in like 2017 yeah yeah so those were the two books that i got my hands on help first was all about you know selling and how you position yourself it's a great read for your staff and then 2.0 is basically kind of the principles that i assume underlie kind of the mentorship and the programs you bring people through so if you guys are looking for those first initial resources like seven is saying i'm going to read these i'm going to implement these maybe you'll earn a little money from that implementation and then reach out to Chris. That's the best way to do it. And that's, that was similar strategy to what I did and read the books, applied the material.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So Chris drank the Kool-Aid, wanted to help people, had a wife. He didn't say this part, but I know this part, had a wife who would subsidize his desire to be a coach, which I think is a pretty, which I think is a pretty which i think is a pretty uh common story laura connor uh the book really uh helps uh helps helped me a lot thank you um open to crossfit gym uh then uh it did some did some really smart things by the way one of the stories i'm sure there's a ton of stories like this but one of the things that chris did is is similar to some of the guests we've had who own jim's head he got contracts with the city to help people specifically he was helping autistic kids which was a boon to his business there was
Starting point is 01:00:52 a lot of revenue there but basically and then at some point between 2018 and 2020 parted ways uh with crossfit uh didn't survive the what happened at happened at the highest level there in terms of what he wanted to see the direction CrossFit going and then he obviously if Bill Henniger and Dave Castro are calling him to come back under the tent that was influential to him and they what was their
Starting point is 01:01:18 what was their justification or argument did they is it just please do it and you do it because it's Bill and Dave or do they tell you i feel like it was an emotional appeal like hey chris we can make it come back or was there some like hey chris if you do this give me one more chance baby all of your gyms all of your gyms are going to make an extra three thousand dollars uh a year was there anything practical why or was it just emotional appeal? No. I mean, so Nicole was, Carol was also in that conversation and she's like, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:52 what is the actual value of affiliation? And I said, it's, it's like finding an oil well or an oil leak on your property. Like it's, it could be amazing, but if you don't want to know what you're doing, like, it's just going to be a mess and it could be detrimental. And then, um, from there, you know, Dave's thing was like, I'm back. We've got a mission again. And this, you know, what you just said, Sebi was kind of true. Like, I just could not see what the mission was. The mission seemed to be increased shareholder value for Berkshire. And that was the impression that I got of the APN. Like this isn't adding value to affiliates.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It's creating wealth for Berkshire. Like I think that's changed now. I think that's evolved. But at the time, that's certainly the way that things seem to be going. And, you know, so the conversation since then, Dave is like, you know, Allison, I believe it's Andreotti, was ceo for a few months there she was really the cfo i talked to her i talked to dave uh and i talked to bill and you know dave's message was like the mission is back we get it uh and then i saw eric uh sorry not eric um who's the new ceo
Starting point is 01:02:58 again mr fall dawn yeah dawn i saw him on this show and right at the end you asked a question like what should hq be doing and he said getting more people to do CrossFit. And I said, that's it. Like, that's HQ's job. It's not to tell me how to run an affiliate. It's just get people doing CrossFit. And that's the best thing you can do to help me. Hey, that really aligns with Greg's message too, by the way. Exactly. That's caught on with what Greg said for years. too, by the way. Exactly. That's what Greg said for years. Well, it's funny because the closer HQ gets back to the original message, the better they seem to be doing, but that's beside the point. So then from Bill, who I really respect, it was like, look, the best thing that can happen here is that the CrossFit message gets out there and saves lives.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And the way that happens is that affiliates are successful and they last for 30 years instead of like lasting for three years, helping a hundred people and going away. And like the way that these people last 30 years is with you guys. And like, you guys have to be under the tent. And at the same time, Austin was asking, would I audit their course for new gyms?
Starting point is 01:04:08 And so we talked about reaffiliating. The CrossFit Catalyst name was gone, but I actually owned a second affiliate for a while called CrossFit Brain. And when CrossFit for Hope was really big, one of Greg's four initiatives was CrossFit for Brains. And so we talked about building that program. That's right. Yep. And I registered, built that site out. I always forget about this story. This is not a good story.
Starting point is 01:04:33 It's okay. Anyway, when CrossFit for Hope folded, basically there was no need for CrossFit Brain anymore. And so we just kind of folded those tents it wasn't handled well but that's beside the point but i did i was the affiliate on record for crossfit brain and technically that's what we are again now is crossfit brain oh okay i didn't know that yeah um how should so that brings us to this how should crossfit gyms be leveraging the crossfit name i think it's through media i mean if you look at like how to CrossFit gyms actually grow, um, the best thing that they can do is just leverage the old media content. I think the best thing that HQ ever did for CrossFit affiliates was have such an amazing and impressive
Starting point is 01:05:16 media company. And it's not, it's not just because I'm on your show that I'm saying that. And like, not just because you were in charge of that. The first time I ever met Greg in person, maybe 2013, the first thing he says, he stands up in front of the team and he says, CrossFit's a media company, not a fitness company. I never heard him say that again,
Starting point is 01:05:38 but that's the reality, right? I heard him say it. He's told me that a hundred times. He said, he said that he would say that to the whole entire company once a week. Yeah. So there you go. And so like, you know, having that base of media, I didn't even understand as an affiliate until Tyson Oldroyd told me like, hey, we're doing all this so that affiliates can share this media and drive people to their gym. And that was like 2018 before I even had heard that, right. I was a decade into being an affiliate already. And now it's like, well, duh. And, and affiliates are trying way
Starting point is 01:06:10 too hard to win Instagram and Tik TOK right now, when the reality is that they should just be sharing the content that HQ made even 10 years ago. And that's what we'll get people back doing CrossFit again. The games gets attention, but the media content wins hearts and minds. Why, you know, I, um, we had a Rebecca Fuslie on yesterday and there's, there's all of the, and she's a young lady, she's 22 or 23 years old. And there's all these athletes out there who will say things that they wanted. There's just not athletes. There's people out there who will say what they want to do. I want women's rights. I want this. I want that. And her video that she made with her sponsor, this sponsor made a lot of videos like that about people being like, I'm a strong woman. I'm this. I'm this. Making all these declarations.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Her video didn't do any of that. It showed it. Yeah. So powerful. It showed it. It showed it. It showed it. It showed it it showed it it showed it it screamed it so loud without ever making the declaration and why why why don't why what why how come crossfit can't i mean obviously obviously when they bought the company in 2018, there was no more media department left, but why can't they figure it out? Why invest any money in DEI if you really want to – why not just get rid of all those people and make a video every week that shows a black person in a CrossFit gym if that's what you wanted to do? I don't get it. I don't get it. I think it is.
Starting point is 01:07:45 It seems disingenuous and insincere what all these companies are doing. Yeah. So you're right. Instead of taking a public stance on insert any issue, what you actually have to do is – They made a video celebrating that 14 of their – they did content celebrating that 14 of their 17 people in their own games department were women why the fuck would you do that yeah i think you just have to show it yeah yeah just show just just show no one it it cheapens it it cheapens it what my takeaway from that is is like oh wow like it's charity work like i understand doing that like you have someone with down syndrome cleaning your floors at night and you want and you want to show that i get it
Starting point is 01:08:28 but women it um we've already done that with cross it just seems like a huge missed opportunity do you think crossfit ever gets back to media or no that's done no i think they slowly are i think um they're they're doing it now the challenge, and this is tough because I own a media company too, is you don't have that inspirational figurehead, right? It seems like there's several different figureheads at CrossFit right now. You mean just like soundbites pouring off of Greg Glassman? Yeah. There's no Greg, right? And so Greg was this unique combination of passionate founder with charisma who was also incredibly smart and could speak in soundbites. That's so rare.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Tupac and Hemingway wrapped in one. A little bit of Einstein in there. Yeah. I mean, he's got quotables. And it's really what's crazy interesting is that like his his quotables constantly very functional formed high intensity like those don't just roll off the tongue you know but i hear them repeated every single day and unfortunately there's nothing new coming out at that level there is new media coming out there are talented people that have been brought back into the media
Starting point is 01:09:43 department i think and the challenge that they're having right now is that they're using very CrossFit specific language to explain CrossFit to people who've never heard of it before. Right. So, um, but they'll get there. They're going to evolve. They had to start from scratch. They're just going to keep getting better and better. And I am optimistic about the media that they're going to produce. This is is this is kind of going to go against um probably what you think but here's what i think the problem is fine i think that the problem is is that they're too concerned with metrics and micromanaging so what we what greg did is basically he hired a shitload of passionate people and they were allowed to basically just make whatever they wanted. Yeah. Within, within the context of we were,
Starting point is 01:10:27 we had all drank the Kool-Aid, right? Yeah. And so, and so there was, we, we always had 60 pieces of content in the bank and then leaf Edmondson would sit there and be like, okay, we haven't had old people doing anything in a while. We haven't, we haven't had a first muscle up in a while, but we had this library and you didn't have to tell heber and marsden or jay vera or michael dalton what to make or mike coslop like people were just out or myself yeah you would you would send me to your house to do a squat video and i'd come back with like five kids videos because your kids do crossfit and they didn't
Starting point is 01:10:58 even ask me to make it and that shit was just pouring in you know what i mean and it was just and there's a uh i think every tech person that they hire into that company from the valley they're fucking themselves it's further and further away from yeah you're getting further and further away from a really true they just need they just need young people who would just have drank the kool-aid just pouring content into the machine and but i think they're too worried about metrics. And I know that's weird to share you after I celebrated your metric book, but I think that's...
Starting point is 01:11:30 Hey, and I also think that they don't have a singular mission. Like with Greg, there was a vision, and you kind of knew where the North Star is. Now it just seems fragmented, and it seems like they have an identity crisis. Are they a sport? Are they going to just lean towards that way, or are they going to go back to the methodology?
Starting point is 01:11:45 Hold that thought, Chris. Sorry. Hold that thought, Chris. And I'll remind you, call her. Hi. Hey, it's Yvonne. I just wanted to call in. My name is Rory. I'm opening a new affiliate in San Francisco. Yeah. How's the National Guard? How's the National Guard treating you? Have you seen the National Guard there? No, not, not, not in my neighborhood. Cooper, did you know they called the National Guard into San Francisco? No, I didn't. Last week. Yeah. Yeah. They just got a little homeless problem. It's nothing the National Guard can't fix. Okay. Sorry. I derailed the conversation. Go ahead,
Starting point is 01:12:18 caller. And when I mean homeless, I mean drug problem. Imagine your city, the biggest tourist attraction in the world, San Francisco, having a drug problem so big city the biggest tourist attraction in the world san francisco having a drug problem so big they had to call the national guard un-fucking-believable but okay um go ahead call maybe maybe we can solve it with more cross for the police please yes thank you there you go um yeah i just wanted to call in to kind of thank this podcast and Chris for the content that you've produced. I spoke to Matt Sousa like last August, basically told him I was trying to start this journey and he took time out of his day
Starting point is 01:12:56 to like sit on a call with me for like an hour and just talk me through what he went through when he was opening an affiliate. And I think he basically is paying it forward from this podcast being created from conversation between Chris and Savant. So I just want to let you guys know that the content you're producing,
Starting point is 01:13:16 these podcasts, they are impacting people. And I'm in the process of now trying to open an affiliate and further impact more people. I got a question for you. Why San Francisco? For so many reasons. Why San Francisco now? Why not wait?
Starting point is 01:13:34 I mean, obviously, it's going. I mean, basically, San Francisco is going to have to reinvent itself, right? I mean, it is in serious trouble. Why not? Why not in two years, San Francisco? Why not one of the suburbs now? in serious trouble. Why not in two years, San Francisco?
Starting point is 01:13:44 Why not one of the suburbs now? Well, I live in the Richmond district, which is out in the kind of, I guess, almost suburb area of San Francisco. So it's not a complete zombie land in my neighborhood as I walk around day to day. But I guess why wait? Like if businesses like gyms that are trying to impact people in the area,
Starting point is 01:14:10 if we don't start these and try to help turn people's lives around, then if we just wait, it's just going to get worse. Hey, you're always welcome on this show, by the way. How long before you open your gym I'd love to have you on and just talk to you about opening a gym And you nailed it
Starting point is 01:14:28 Those are your words but those are my words too Zombieland it really is a Zombieland out there How long before your gym opens So We're in the process of kind of Doing a little bit of a build out We're hoping by The first week of May
Starting point is 01:14:45 that we can start doing introductory sessions and aim for like a grand opening in either Memorial weekend or the first weekend of June. Awesome. I'd love to have you on there and let me know how I can help promote that in any way. I'll do anything.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I'm stoked for you, dude. Yeah. I want to come out there and see it from, uh, from our conversation last to seeing it materializes is awesome. I want to come out there and check it out. So when you get up and you get rolling, let me know. Yeah. Cause like Matt took his time to talk to me. And then we met again at the affiliate gathering and he was super, super nice. And I,
Starting point is 01:15:22 I want to say that that affiliate gathering was really like helped kind of boost my comfort level in being affiliated with crossfit um also the likes of chris coming back into the crossfit fold jason kalipa coming back into the crossfit fold it kind of cemented my decision that it it is still valuable to be an affiliate of CrossFit because I use the methodology. I'm a coach under the methodology. My wife is also a coach under the methodology. So we would feel that it would be wrong to be doing the methodology and be professionals
Starting point is 01:16:01 underneath that certification and not hold the affiliate title. professionals underneath that certification and not hold the affiliate title. It definitely helped the fact that Chris was willing to come back on board. Khalifa's coming back on board. The affiliate gathering
Starting point is 01:16:15 seems like HQ are getting things more in line. Thank you. Please stay in touch. Will do. Thank you. Hey, DM us if you don't have a copy of Start a Gym and we'll ship you one. thank you please stay in touch will do thank you DM us if you don't have a copy of Start A Gym and we'll ship you one yeah I've done
Starting point is 01:16:31 I got the Start A Gym book and I did get the Start A Gym course as well cool DM him and he'll send you a video of his cat on the wheel then yeah whatever it takes thank you and good
Starting point is 01:16:48 luck dude fuck climbing everest this guy's opening a gym in san francisco yeah that that was like that was the first thing i said i was like where in the city and then when he explained the area i was like okay because it was kind of like the Richmond district, like Daly City over kind of by the college. Like when you and I discussed San Francisco, we think Market Street, Tenderloin, the ghost town of the- Dude, but even Pacific Heights is like- Nob Hill is even bad now. Yeah, people are getting- Homes are getting looted and robbed there.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Chris, this is like our Vancouver, dude. North Point is bad now too, yeah. Yeah, this is like our Vancouver, dude. North Point is bad now too. Yeah, this is like one of the most expensive cities in the world. I'm talking a million dollars for 250 square foot. To park. Yeah, yeah, crazy. The city makes like 8% of its revenue from parking tickets. I mean it's unhospitable, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Crazy. And he's opening a – but there's a ton of rich people there. There's still money in the city that's for sure yeah i i love that he feels compelled to do it like i have to do i have to turn the tide and he is right on that's what the city needs i think is more entrepreneurship especially in gyms yeah it ties back to what you were saying about entrepreneurs they're the only ones who are going to save the place right i think so. One of my beloved listeners, regular listeners, thank you, 12 Daily Doses. Now that you're here, I feel much more safe. Chris, do you think that
Starting point is 01:18:13 different categories of membership for, say, students, seniors, family, or people that want to try CrossFit but can't afford it is a good idea? Or will that just dot, dot, dot. It's one of those things where it seems like a noble idea, but in practical application, it just doesn't work. And the problem is that when you start looking for reasons to discount your rate, and so let's, let's start here. Every CrossFit gym is underpriced already. They cannot afford to be discounting their rate more than they are. If you are charging $400 a month to attend group classes and you wanted to give 20% off for seniors and students, fantastic. But there's nobody in the position where they should be giving these kind of discounts. The second point is fairness.
Starting point is 01:19:07 if I am taking a CrossFit class and I'm getting coaching from you and the person next to me is getting the exact same coaching, but paying 25% less, then we've got a values conflict here. The other, you know, and there's, there's more to this story too. Like obviously you're not opening your gym to make money. You're making, you're opening your gym to have a heart. But what I've learned over the last 20 years of owning a gym is like, you're actually better off making money from your clients and then giving it away to people who actually need it. And so our, the slogan of the business is good website is make lots of money, give it away. You don't do that by like nickeling and diming and negotiating with every single client and looking at every client and saying like, how can I find a way to give that guy 20 bucks off? You're better off to just
Starting point is 01:19:49 provide an amazing service, charge a rate that keeps you around where 150 clients keeps your gym and business and keeps you paid and fed. And then if you have somebody who really, really needs it, then you, the owner, buy that person's membership for them. And you can't do that if you're giving every single person like 20 bucks off. If you want to sell something different to somebody because they make less money, okay, but don't make it the same thing that you're selling everybody else. Because eventually what happens is you fall to the same thing that you're selling everybody else. Because eventually what happens is like you fall to the lowest rate that you're charging. You know,
Starting point is 01:20:28 we, when we opened up, we had discounts for fire, police, military. And then a nurse came in and said, well, what about me?
Starting point is 01:20:34 I work in the Canadian healthcare system. Like that's practically the military. Can I have a discount? Well, hell yeah. And then the next person after her was a teacher who said like, Hey, I got a,
Starting point is 01:20:44 you know, 35 kids in my classroom. Can I have a teacher who said like hey i got a you know 35 kids in my classroom can i have a discount hell yeah you deserve a discount and pretty soon it's like what is your actual price here you know so i just stay out of that mess here here's the two people that i think you should give a discount to i'd like chris and mr suze's feedback one anyone who has concealed carry permit that they can come for free. The second thing is – Just one of those. The second thing is James Newberry.
Starting point is 01:21:14 This fucking guy went to a fucking gym and said, I will come and clean your bathrooms every day for a free membership. Why are you giving someone a discount when when someone else is willing to come there and work for and add value to the space let me um uh and it's not because you're trying to get something from them they're proving that they're going to they're going to at least break even with you meaning they're not going to take from you every person you bring into your um uh into your car let me your car door will only open and close so many times i have a 2016 toyota sienna and that door that um covers where your gas cap is the metal on it has now eroded and the gas cap door is now falling off. It only had so many opening closes.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Your gym only has so many times that people can walk in before the front entryway wears. That bumper plate can only be dropped so many times. It costs everyone money without that person contributing and they're not proving that they want to be there. If they're not saying that they're going to clean your bathroom, fuck them. That's my feeling. Greg used to have this story about visiting Bill and Stacey Russell at CrossFit Cleveland. And he met this woman who was cleaning in exchange for her membership and they were doing it right. It was like, okay, your membership is $130 at the time. This was over a decade ago. And so we will pay you $130 a month to clean this many times. And so Greg met this woman and said, why are you doing this? And she's like,
Starting point is 01:22:51 well, I need to be strong. I need CrossFit. I have a son with a severe disability at home. I can't afford the membership. And so I have to do this. And so Greg was like, well, what's the deal with your son? And it turns out that the son was quadriplegic. She couldn't afford a proper bed or a bathtub or a wheelchair for this kid. And so she had to be the one to lift this kid up in the morning. And of course, she's getting older. The kid's getting older.
Starting point is 01:23:19 He's getting bigger. She's getting smaller. And so, of course, Greg, he bought the kid a wheelchair and a bed and a bathtub and everything. I remember that. I remember that that shit was expensive. It was 10,000 bucks. And, you know, he came back and he was talking to the CrossFit for Hope team. And he said like, that was an epiphany for him that we should just find places where $10,000 will make an immediate and profound difference and just give them the money instead of dropping little drops into like, you know, the St. Jude bucket or the other ones that we were doing at
Starting point is 01:23:49 the time coins for Kenya. And that was profound to me. And it was like, okay, look, if I'm actually profitable in my gym, I can give money to the people who actually need it instead of offering that fireman 20 bucks off because, you know, know he that's not why he became a fireman 100 percent um the and so i think that that pretty much sums up the thing okay for for that that thing right for the for the most part do not give away free memberships it doesn't help anyone i used to tell people too the same thing if i would give someone a free l1 i would say please don't tell anyone yeah because i don't want the other 39 people there who paid a thousand dollars because it devalues their experience that's what yeah yeah and i'm not and it's not fair it's not it's not true it's not true it is worth it is worth a
Starting point is 01:24:38 thousand dollars yeah um and when i was saying we're done there i didn't mean to cut you off chris if you had more no it's okay i was okay okay um uh time and hands-on coaching is what truly makes coaches better in my experience yeah every podcast i do i get a little better there's nothing like more more times under the mic and and longer term mentorship from the owner or head coach makes sense two days at a seminar is not a for real coaching improvement. It adds tools to the toolbox. That's for sure. Tools to the toolbox. Boy, boy.
Starting point is 01:25:09 I don't know if I can agree with that. Do you have thoughts on that? I will say this, Allison. How about this? At bare minimum, going to one of those things could get you a year of motivation. Like it could charge your batteries and get you a year of motivation at bare minimum, right? But I think continued education is crazy important for coaching, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:25:33 Yeah, yeah. And the problem is that like, while Allison might be providing coach mentorship in her gym, most gyms aren't able to do that. The owners doesn't have the bandwidth. And so the best thing that they can do is send their coaches somewhere, a way that it will learn something, but also more importantly,
Starting point is 01:25:49 be inspired for the next year. I think if you go to a two day coaching class and you pick up five cues that you had never learned before, like it's gold, like it's like, it's crazy when you give it someone, when you learn a new cue, I think. That was the best thing about me. Just keep going to as many oh ones as i got to go to because i was i would just learn gazillions of cues yeah exactly and yeah and i like it too for the warm-ups because there's certain things as a coach you just kind of get in this like monotony of and you kind of roll down downhill so to speak so not even necessarily the cues but just providing some
Starting point is 01:26:24 more energy and more fun warm-ups and just a different experience in that manner too those those courses really help with that uh let's see here so so you are a you are a um crossfit brain is a is an affiliate um now it is interesting i do think that that's huge, what that caller said, that they got you and Jason back. I just made this number up one time when I was talking to Sousa, but I bet you if there were 500 new gyms coming in and there were 500 gyms sitting on the fence, they all fell over into the affiliate. Like in one day, it probably made a difference to 1,000 gyms. day it probably made a difference to a thousand gems because i do think that i mean every year right they every year when they send the check everyone has to think about that right that's right yeah it's a new purchase every time it's not it's not like something on your credit card where it automatically bills yeah i'm not sure how it's set up now to be honest i can't remember
Starting point is 01:27:21 maybe it does automatically bill you i think they just switched it now so the affiliate like you have to stop it otherwise it'll pull from the same thing i think so i thought i saw a notice with that uh i didn't see jake's original comment but this isn't this is an interesting thing uh the culture around the world the cultures around the world are so different jake just wants crossfit to be less American because he hates America. I didn't see the original comment, but I think it's crazy important that CrossFit stays as an American brand. Just like I think it's important that Ferrari stays an Italian brand. I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. Do you have any thoughts on that, Chris?
Starting point is 01:28:00 Not only is there nothing wrong with it, I think it adds a tremendous amount of value. Yeah, I have no context. I know that CrossFit affiliation seems to be growing fastest in Western Europe as a percentage. And that's one reason I was asked to go to Stockholm today to speak to gym owners there, many of which will be CrossFit affiliates. But I don't think that you have to make CrossFit a European brand to appeal to those people or to save their clients lives. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:31 You should join two brain. Wow. Graciano Rubio. Well, that's just, thank you. Thanks. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:39 You pay me to say that. I love that. Thank you. I would also, I would also like to thank the people who say, I will never get a mentor because I was certainly at that point when I was a less mature entrepreneur the first few years, I wanted to figure it out myself. And I figured I was smarter than anybody who was going to tell me different. And I think every entrepreneur has to go through
Starting point is 01:29:01 that path, no matter how long it takes. And I was luckily to be broke and starving and fighting over the grocery bill early and lucked into a mentor and, oh shit, I actually don't know everything, you know? But the people who right now are saying never, never, I'm never going to do that. Like, thank you for saying that because you just make the choice obvious for everybody. I'm in that, I'm in that phase with the podcast there's avenues to make money that i always have an excuse not to do it sure i always have an excuse not to do it it's it's interesting i'm starting to be like wow i sound like a fucking broken record i'm not i'm not being solution oriented i'm not being I'm trying to think who is on here who said it so well.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Like – stop. It's not that funny. Stop, Susan. I don't want to hear about it. No comment. No comment. Yeah, there's a – hey, I need to cross the stream to get to the other side. Well, the water is too high. We can't cross today, and you go back to your house. It's like, no. Are there other crossing points? Are there other – how do you know it's too high. We can't cross today. And you go back to your house. It's like, no, like, are there other crossing points? Are there other, how do you know it's too high? What's your, what's your reason for that? You know? Um, yeah. Yeah. Uh, CrossFit veneration, dropping in quickly, uh, simply to say that two brain business helped me. You don't have to hang out, buddy. Don't drop in quickly. Just hang dropping in quickly, simply to say two brain
Starting point is 01:30:23 business helped me five times my gym revenue and live my perfect day. Well, that's important. That means it's not only increased his money, but he has time for his kids. Yeah. Cutest kids in the business. You know, the storm's out. So this is how we work. A client comes in.
Starting point is 01:30:41 They do really, really well in Two Brain. We find out what they're doing and we publish their story on the podcast. And then some of those clients get hired to mentor other clients. And so what that means is like the people who are doing the mentoring for Two Brain now are more successful and better mentors than I ever was. There's just like an improvement every generation of them. And Storm is a living example of that uh when i met coop i lived in the office now i get to hop off here to go help others proud man it's so cool that and that is kind of the glue with all these people in this community they want to help that's it yeah by the
Starting point is 01:31:16 way uh graciano has been on this podcast uh he is not just a strong man. As a matter of fact, I would say that's second to that giant brain of his that is quite the computer processor. I could definitely understand why he finds two brains so valuable. Oh, cool. Let's talk about something extremely superficial. Okay. Let's talk about the open. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Okay. Let's talk about the open. Okay. How can gyms, should gyms, how can gyms use the open to, if you're a CrossFit gym, should you be using it? Even if you're not a CrossFit gym, should you be using the open? Is it a missed opportunity for gyms who aren't using the open? I think, yeah, I think everybody should do it. We ran it, I think the first year it was online. I looked at it and said,
Starting point is 01:32:07 boy, this seems like a lot of work for, you know, no like return to my gym. And so we just applied the intramural concept that I learned in high school. And we divided everybody into four teams and said, I'm going to give you points for showing up and you know, the winner gets a t-shirt or something. And other people asked what we were doing and we started writing articles about it. And then, you know, first CrossFit HQ hated it and then Rory at HQ loved it and then CrossFit HQ loved it. And then, you know, it kind of became the standard operating procedure, but like the intramural open is really the method to making sure that the open stays super fun, that you get almost all of your clients to do it,
Starting point is 01:32:46 that your coaches don't get burned out and that you make a little bit of money on it. I think HQ should make money on it. It's an amazing event. It's a huge investment for them to do it, but I think that the affiliate owner should be making money on it too. And how's that look like? Hey, join the open and then, and then also pay us $20 extra for the gym. And we'll make sure that at every Friday or every Friday night at this time, you can come and do the workout and put in your numbers. We'll help you put in your numbers. So there's a few options.
Starting point is 01:33:14 So the first is like, we're going to make this a really big team experience, right? So it's going to be 50 bucks. It's going to include a t-shirt. Your name's going to go up on the banner. Um, whatever, we're going to open up these extra times to judge you. So really it's like they're almost paying for more access. Another way to do it is like, okay, look, you want to do the open. You've never competed in anything in your life. We're going to run like a six or eight week prep course that's different from our normal programming, where we're going to help you get your first double under, help you get toes to bar bar finally so when you come up to this competition you're going to have this this collaborative atmosphere full of support and everything in
Starting point is 01:33:55 your favor to actually you know hit a personal best or achieve a personal goal of yours is it a missed opportunity if gyms don't take advantage of the open generally speaking uh i think so i mean you know from my perspective the gyms that tell us that they that they've done it in the past um and just like ran it and everybody paid hq the 20 bucks they generally say like wow this was exhausting or you know i did a lot of this extra work and the gym didn't really benefit from it. But the gyms that don't do it at all miss a massive opportunity to improve retention and client goal setting. Like, you know, if for no other reason you do the open, because it gets your clients excited about doing CrossFit again, right. You know, that week after
Starting point is 01:34:41 the open, we've all seen it, right. People are so excited. Your retention's at like 100%. People are like, next year, muscle-ups, or how do I do an overhead squat better? And they're glad it's over, too, in the same way. They feel like they've accomplished something. Yeah, that's how I always felt after the open. They feel like they've accomplished something. It really builds bonds. And if you're thinking it through and thinking a step ahead, like you can actually recruit new clients from it too, because you know, the, the best, if Savant's doing the open
Starting point is 01:35:09 at my catalyst and like, I want the next best client in the world who would be three times as good a client as Savant, like I want Haley, right? Well, how am I going to get Haley in my gym? Hey, Haley, Savant's doing this, this workout this week. He's really bad at double unders. He could really use your support. Can you show up? Oh, right. Yeah. That's cool. Shit. Craig Howard does that too. Really? Like if you guys want, he, I think he'd even talked about his specific ones and setups and the logistics of it in the podcast that he has about the funeral, uh, open. And I mean, they have, if you Google check out their Instagram,
Starting point is 01:35:45 they have a couple hundred people that are joining it. So he does a really good job with it too. So it's an insane, it could be an insane recruiting tool. Oh, it could be. Yeah. Yeah. Like Craig gets it.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Yeah. I think a lot of people, maybe they just, they're too busy to think of that, but Craig really gets it. And it's sincere. It's sincere. As opposed to an insincere
Starting point is 01:36:06 recruiting tool i can't think of one off the top of my head well insincere would be like hey i'm going to give you a discount um i don't know but i'll give you an answer like okay this is really popular with a lot of gyms like 2018 and so an insincere recruiting approach is you pay us 600 dollars and if you don't lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days, we'll give you the $600 back. Asterisk, you must also complete all these other things. And so at the end of the 30 days, all these people are asking for a refund and it's like, well, no, I got you on this technicality. I'm not giving you your money back. Oh, no, you know, you didn't double knot your sneakers when you showed up on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:36:45 Sorry, no, you didn't double knot your sneakers when you showed up on Tuesday. Sorry, no refund. That's a bait and switch, and it was really popular in CrossFit gyms about four years ago. God, that sounds nauseating. As opposed to, hey, getting the dude's wife to come in who doesn't do CrossFit and cheer him on through the open. It's going to mean something to everybody. Exactly. Jake, which affiliates does Castro travel to? I'm not sure what the context of that
Starting point is 01:37:05 is but dude that guy every city he goes to yeah he goes into a gym and at one point um when i was living in san diego dave went to a new gym every single day in san diego for a hundred days straight it was and he worked out there yeah it was nuts it was that guy if that guy travels anywhere um he goes to uh across the gym it's pretty it's pretty i don't think there's anyone he has to say has he traveled to the most of them and done the most jobs like him or maybe bosman doing the l1s or something oh and now there's people now who have doubled what bosman has i think like there's a guy eric o'connor who's like wow done so many L1s. It's nuts. Wow. Okay. How about this? Is your advice for CrossFit gyms different than non-CrossFit gyms
Starting point is 01:37:52 in terms of the mentoring program? I mean, our advice for every single gym is different, but we follow a general path. And like one misconception is that like Two Brain is not for CrossFit gyms. But the reality is that all the systems that we built were built in CrossFit gyms, right? Like I was a CrossFit affiliate for 13 years or whatever before I de-affiliated. And now I'm back again. And there are something like 30 mentors on the Two Brain team who are affiliates. So if you're looking like strategy, should you have an onboarding process? Yes, that is true for CrossFit gyms. And it's true for, you know, strength and
Starting point is 01:38:33 conditioning collegiate gyms. Should you have one on one available for people who want it? Yes. Whether you're a CrossFit gym, I mean, that's how Greg started. He didn't just open up the doors and start running group classes. That's also true for other facilities. Should you have nutrition coaching? Maybe, you know, so there is a lot of alignment there where things get where things differ is when a target audience is dramatically different. So for example, if we have somebody in our program who's running like a ninja gym, then 90% of their clients are going to be kids. And that's what we're going to structure differently. But for any micro gym, I mean, the model really came from the CrossFit gyms that we were running. And now we're applying them to other other gyms too. franchises who are very rigid in their delivery are now coming to us and saying like, how do we fix this in our franchise? You know? And it's, it's because we were allowed to be flexible with the CrossFit model that we
Starting point is 01:39:33 discovered these things, track data and show proof. Jake Chapman, we have five boxes on the aisle of man. He should come here. Yes, he should. Man, the aisle of man is calling me you know do you know about that motorcycle race that they do there chris i yeah i've i've seen uh some footage or something or maybe you shared something it's nuts it's absolutely nuts i for some and they have a um i noticed through youtube there if you're basically if the viewers the most viewers in different regions have different value if they watch your video. And I think the viewers from Isle of Man are the most valuable viewers anywhere on the planet.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Isn't that a trip? Just a little side note there. There's a big motorcycle race going on in Corona right now, isn't there? There's a former CrossFit affiliate named Scott Thornton racing in it. And this guy was in the NHL for many years and voted most fit and then he um retired from hockey opened up crossfit industry and then um eventually sold that and now he's like racing motorcycles and it sounds like similar stage races uh jake chapman i don't think this is um uh i don't think this is good thinking here if crossfit was truly global they would have global business wanting to sponsor them i don't think it works like that um buddy uh let me give you an example if you look up uh most um the largest gym chains
Starting point is 01:40:58 in the world you probably won't see crossfit on there even though they have 10 times the amount of gyms globally on way more continents than, uh, than any other gym out there. You have to, there there's, there's more CrossFit gyms and there's CrossFit gyms in more countries than there are McDonald's and Starbucks or Subway or Apple or any of those things by far. And it's, it's, you should be careful. I like you. This isn't to dig at all, but you should be careful which metrics you use in order to qualify – not quantify, qualify something. The happiest people I know is the poorest person I've ever met. I think Jake –
Starting point is 01:41:38 And yet being rich is really a shitload of fun, so you just got to be careful. So sorry. Go ahead chris no no i i think jake like that will probably happen like you'll probably see um for example more european partners in the apn or paying sponsorships now it's just in the past for a sponsor to get involved they basically had to come to crossfit like crossfit wasn't soliciting these sponsors maybe other like even reebok they came to crossfit um i don't speaking from our personal experience like we don't go out and look for billing and and booking software to partner with in europe they generally come to us and uh as we're you
Starting point is 01:42:19 know expanding dramatically in europe we're getting more and more of those opportunities and i think that's probably what's going to happen with CrossFit too. I, I'm thinking, I'm thinking about opening a gym and I haven't opened a gym yet. Is that too early to come to Two Brain for a mentorship? We generally say like, you should be about eight weeks out. If, if you're not like all in committed, like, okay, I'm doing this, then yeah, it's too early. You know, I'll send you a copy of start a gym so that you know what factors you should be weighing. But yeah, absolutely. So, so if I have a space and I have my affiliate name and the door's going to open in six weeks, it's not, I could sign up and you think Intubrain would save me a lot of headache.
Starting point is 01:42:59 Yeah. I mean, you could do it before you have a lease. I mean, we can help you with the lease negotiation a ton. And then we can also help you make sure that you've got like clients on day one. I think our record now is 104 clients on day one paying you like you're opening profitable. Wow. Yeah. That's incredible. That wasn't me. I had two clients. Yeah. Their names were Jim and Brandon. I was undercharging them and I ran the gym for the whole day with just them in, and I started to stress that day.
Starting point is 01:43:47 closed in 2015 or something uh and i was just researching it i have it for to do a piece on it on one of my live um call-in shows i don't know if it's still there or not but i remember at one point that there was one there and you can you can google antarctica crossfit and you can see and i started um maybe maybe it was one of those members. I can't remember. There was something about one of the members there that really caught my eye. I think they own a CrossFit gym somewhere else now. But you can Google it.
Starting point is 01:44:16 Jeff, I'll circle back. I got a bunch of notes on it for a live call-in show. It's just my, there's so many crazy things I want to talk about. I think it got buried. But yeah, all seven continents crazy right and of course of course I mean it makes perfect sense right yeah deep freeze crossfit
Starting point is 01:44:30 is what it was called yep at a station in Antarctica yep their Facebook is still up so if you guys google that you'll you'll see it right away okay so if you're in Antarctica go ahead and give a get your yeah it's like 2014 or so was the last thing on them do they accept drop-ins?
Starting point is 01:44:49 Hey, is Winnipeg – I think Winnipeg is colder than Antarctica. I don't know if it's colder, but it's definitely worse. Worse. Oh, that's fair. I'll go with that. Just in general. No, I don't know. Ask Mike Workington.
Starting point is 01:45:03 He lived there for years and years, and now he lives lives in northern ontario oh he doesn't live there anymore no they moved to um like a in between uh winnipeg and me there's like some really really remote little towns he lives in a cabin now is there internet there internet? Yeah, we all have amazing internet thanks to Elon Musk. Oh, is everyone using Starlink there? I am and he is. This is Starlink I'm on with you right now? Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Holy shit. Wow. I was thinking about going to Armenia for a few months, and I was like, I can't because I can't trust the internet out there. But then I guess I could just get Starlink. Yeah, Starlink's great. Yeah, and when I say Armenia, I mean out in the country in Armenia. Wow.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I didn't think Starlink was fast enough to run a YouTube show. That's crazy. Deep Freeze CrossFit was opened by Daniel Jose jose daniel danielle daniel jose two first names a united states air force veteran of 10 years who is now a flight line mechanic working for a private private contractor at mcmurdo station very cool there you go. Another very practical question. Should coaches be allowed to date members? Okay, so Heidi, early on, I thought it would be a really smart idea to make a rule that you cannot date a member. And then one of my coaches, Mike, who's been with me since 2005, was like, I work here at 6 a.m. and i work here at 9 p.m when else am i going to meet
Starting point is 01:46:47 anybody and i said uh okay mike but if you start dating a member like either you fire her as a member or you marry her and so he married her hey well does that answer the question though should coaches be allowed to date members sorry idea that's a pretty subjective question in my perspective i don't think you should coach your girlfriend so if it's like um you know she's in your class she should go to a different class if she's your personal training client she should work with a different trainer maybe you know i just think there there's inevitably going to be some friction or conflict there. It's a trip too because if you make a hard rule that you can't – all you're going to do is get people who lie to you.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Oh, yeah. Yeah, right? I mean people – you can't stop people from – intimacy, it's like put a steel wall between a man and a woman. They're going to find a way to get through it or around it. Yeah. a man and a woman they're going to find a way to get through it or around it yeah unfortunately it's like it's one of those things where you know i don't make rules that i can't enforce anymore and like you can't enforce that unfortunately most of the time it's going to end badly and the member is going to leave but that's part of it i married my crossfit coach good for you yeah i i think too the big difference is like when people see dating and like the harms
Starting point is 01:48:07 that come from it you're talking about like uh you know the young 20 something year old coach with the ripped six pack that goes out drinking with all the members at the end and is like kind of has his new prospect each month like that involved that should involve a conversation with that individual coach but if you have somebody who's attracted to each other and is developing a relationship you should probably just let that, let that continue on. I'm marrying my coach in a week and a half, Chase Bryant, Tyler Watkins. I got my wife when I worked at a gym. It's going to happen. I mean, what better place to meet them, right? Yeah, exactly. Oh, you know, what is interesting though, is that we do have someone in the
Starting point is 01:48:43 comments. I haven't seen him today in a gym. He goes to a gym in Spain, and he said he's had like 11 one-night stands at his gym with 11 different women. And that just seems like that could just really complicate shit. Yeah. Just have a client just come in and just start tearing through the – whether it's a man or a woman, just start tearing through the clientele, boning all the clientele. It could add some tension. Luckily, we haven't had to deal with that. What if they're all in the same class? We have a problem at our gym.
Starting point is 01:49:17 You know some of the mentors have heard that, though. We have a client at our gym, and it's a problem. What's the problem? He's just tearing through all the married women. Oh, shit. I appreciate you coming on. I think we can train the crew if maybe – I know this is a lot of your time, but maybe we can do some regular shows with you.
Starting point is 01:49:43 We're very open to it. No, that's not the right word. It would be our honor to have you on like 30 minutes once a month. You know what I mean? Yeah, that'd be great. And just let people call in. If no one calls in, we'll talk about catwheels. But what time zone are you in?
Starting point is 01:49:58 What time is it where you're at? Eastern. It's 10 to 12. Okay, so you're three hours ahead. I think it might be better also maybe to do a nighttime show. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Try it out at nighttime show and see if, I mean, we did get a good group of callers, but if we do a nighttime show, maybe more people will also call in because they won't be in the middle of their workday. Yeah. Great guys. Happy to serve. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Awesome. Yeah. Good luck with the summit. I really, really, really do appreciate the invite. I really do want to go. It's my own personal pathology that's keeping me from leaving my, anywhere that I can't drive. Totally understand. I mean, yeah, I get that today for sure. But it's always just the journey, right? Like once you're there, it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:50:45 And so I'm going to take an overnight flight to Stockholm tonight. And when I get there tomorrow, I will be extremely excited to see all the CrossFit affiliates, our team members, and other gym owners too. Is it too late for people to attend that? I think they can possibly still get tickets at Yeah, I think so. Ben Bergeron is also speaking at this one. And there are some, there are a lot of speakers for sure.
Starting point is 01:51:14 Like there are several really big and important mentors on our team going to speak. Awesome. All right, Dan. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. We'll be sending out a text and reschedule something like a month. Wonderful. Thank you. Take care. Awesome. Thanks right, dude. I look forward to speaking with you again soon. We'll be sending out a text and reschedule something in like a month. Wonderful. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Take care. Awesome. Thanks, Chris. See you. Yeah, we could do that quite a bit. We didn't even get to some of the questions on Instagram or anything too, so there's lots of room there. Tons of questions.
Starting point is 01:51:39 Yeah, tons of stuff. You could go so many different angles with it, right? There's so much meat on the bone for this topic. Flying messes with Seve's arthritis not true but i appreciate it i have enough excuses i don't need yours thank you uh alaska last frontier homestead a friend of mine uh and coach slept with several of the female athletes in the gym we attended and two men that's fine that's DEI. Their house is on still. You can't smoke it on the plane. I don't smoke, but I...
Starting point is 01:52:12 Yeah, I don't know where that comes from. Does the... What if your CF coach started coaching you at a young age and you are now married once they are legal age? Okay, guys. I knew where that's what was going. I could already see it in the comments. I said what I said.
Starting point is 01:52:36 I'm getting torn up over on YouTube like I did something. Will had a great question that we got to open up. Hi, Kat. What's up's up girl long time no see Seve the marriage counseling show is back on today Topic sex Oh good thank you Oh my goodness Suze's underwear are too tight and he's very uncomfortable Andrew how would you know
Starting point is 01:52:58 How the fuck do you know about Suze's underwear Remember that A bloke affiliate owner who is taking pictures of members arses and posting them no send me a link for investigative purposes for purposes okay what were you gonna say i was gonna say uh will had a good question about like the 30 million new crossfitters that don has his sights set on And that would have been a great question for Chris to kind of dissect. Like, is that just a slogan? How is he going to get there? Is there data back that you could do that?
Starting point is 01:53:32 You know, just those type of questions of breaking that down and unpacking it for us. Yeah, that is. Because, I mean, and it was a good point, right? Who was it? Was it Hari, the affiliate owner that we had on? And he was, say, asshat? affiliate owner that we had on and he was say asshat oh that's uh hillary got me that it just sits on my just hanging um
Starting point is 01:53:53 carlos hi thank you buddy i really appreciate it thank you very much thank you and thank you for your contribution to the show uh on all aspects not just the money but your comments also thank you and thank you for your contribution to the show uh uh on all aspects not just the money but your comments also thank you but yeah he had said like hey that's a really great harry from uh new york crossfit or crossfit new york and he was like yeah that's a great slogan but the question is like how are you making that happen like what are the steps that are going to take to bring in 30 new million crossfitters i'm going to help all women to get liberated and be strong i'm gonna get 30
Starting point is 01:54:26 million people women to it's the same thing right yeah okay show me do it like what how where insurance worldwide worldwide yeah just like business hey it's it's it's the people who are gonna have the biggest podcast show in the world and they bought all the equipment but they're just not doing podcasts yep it's just uh you got the room you got all the fancy stuff and you talk about it a lot but you just don't sit in a seat and make it happen right yep yeah hey someone sent me a um a dm no a text and they're like hey why um because you know garrett glinton is uh thinking about doing a podcast and they're like why don't you bring someone like that in on your channel and let them make a podcast on your platform and let them do one one a week there? Like just basically.
Starting point is 01:55:13 Yeah, I think after their first hundred episodes, we'd consider that. Right. Oh, I see what you're saying. You know what I mean? She proves herself, does a hundred episodes. We support it. We watch them. And then we're like, fuck.
Starting point is 01:55:23 Yeah. Yeah. Like 50, you know she gets to that first like like year six months if you do it twice a week or once a week because the thing is is like um and if i love the thought of that though by the way i don't think it's great especially someone like her with such like a unique perspective that would be valued by a ton of people yeah and i mean we've always talked about this being more of a network than a singular focus right like there's lots of different avenues and people who could host the shows and could
Starting point is 01:55:47 have its own, uh, flavor and spinoff. But I just think that the first thing is just consistency. Cause it's, people think this is a lot of like, oh, this is fun. I'm going to have this and all this is going to happen. And they don't realize the work and discipline that it actually takes that to get something like this going. I remember the CrossFit game is behind the scenes guy who tastefully would let the camera drift up and down as female athletes would walk by the good old days.
Starting point is 01:56:10 Listen, I don't like the way you worded that at all. Can I tell you something? I'm going to tell you something. 100%. 100%. 100%. I probably shouldn't do this on Chris's podcast because it's just – but thank you.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I appreciate it. I appreciate how you said tastefully, but – I appreciate it. I mean, thank you for the money, Michael. I'm so misunderstood. I don't even think like that at all. No, I'm not going to do it. Not now. We'll start with another one.
Starting point is 01:56:48 Dude, I'm so excited about our podcast Thursday, Hiller. Oh, shut it, David. It's not. No, it's not like that. I don't even think like that. I'm 51 years old. I've never looked at a girl on the street and been like started like doing her in between my ears. Never. not once.
Starting point is 01:57:12 I just don't do that. I've never thought, oh, I'm going to I'm going to film this girl's like ass because it's her ass. Like I don't think of filming the ass any different than like the face or the back or the knees or the I never it would be like 90. Yeah, I'm triggered. Yeah. No, too late. I am triggered. I'm triggered. It was all about camera movement to me or 99% of the time it was about camera movement to me. And if I, and if I did a slow-mo that showed an ass jiggling, it had nothing to do with, it was the ass. It was just like, I'd be like, holy shit. Look at that mound of flesh, like moving. If I saw calves jiggle like that, it was the same way. And then, so people would be like, oh, it's perverted or it's the ass you bring that to that and i'm glad you bring that to that enjoy that but i'm not doing that i'm not thinking even thinking like that in the in the slightest yesterday i was filming obby's calves as he
Starting point is 01:57:55 was walking i couldn't believe his calf development and how it went down into his achilles uh tendon his achilles tendon is massive for an eight-year-old boy it's like a grown- ass man from all the jumping. It's like a fucking, it's thicker than mine. And he's just a little boy. And I was filming it. And now I'm thinking like,
Starting point is 01:58:12 Oh, if that was a girl, someone be like, you're perving out on her. No, I'm fucking looking at the Achilles tendon. I'm just kidding. It's just like,
Starting point is 01:58:21 but I'm glad you guys like it. You can enjoy like the ass bouncing around for you if that's what like you want to run over and put your face in it you need to pull cereal out of it do what like i'm yeah yeah i like looking at armpits i love kate gordon's big ass fucking crazy armpits yeah you're more of a hamstring guy anyways they don't know shit i do like a hamstring hey going back to what suzu was saying about the difficulty of running a show you know you have these two powerhouses
Starting point is 01:58:51 Catch and David's Daughter and the Daughter podcast let's look Catch and David's Daughter and Annie Thor's Daughter a fucking beautiful camera set up two fucking amazingly catching david's daughter and uh annie thor's daughter a fucking beautiful camera setup two fucking amazingly uh beautiful women a super accomplished fucking crazy articulate um shitload of followers but but i i'm just gonna look in real time what they're uh
Starting point is 01:59:19 i haven't looked but they started a a podcast. And let me see. I'm trying to see when the last time they did one. Episode five right here, 18,000 views two months ago. That's our last one. That's the most recent one. Yeah, that's the most recent one. Oh, no. Well, they did something at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 01:59:40 This isn't really on them. Oh, yeah. That was a lot. Two months ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that shit's hard, man. It is. patapalooza this isn't really on them oh yeah that was this one two months ago yeah but that that shit's hard man it is i was trying to see because there was something like a certain percentages because like podcasts start all the time but there was like this massive uh filter system to get past the first 25 episodes so it was like if 100 podcasts start you know
Starting point is 02:00:04 only five of them make it past 25 consistent episodes or something like that. Michael C, you get another $5 for the trauma I caused you. I'm so sorry, Seve. I love you. Don't be a pussy. Okay, thank you. I can't help it. I am. I am what I am. I am what I am. And I think we're even seeing that not making it past the first 25 episodes with the daughters. And those people – and they have massive feedback for their podcast. They started and it was like 50,000 views, right? So are you willing to –
Starting point is 02:00:36 Maybe even more. Yeah, maybe even more. So are you willing to do those first 25 episodes and know that nobody is going to watch it? I mean I did it for, I did it for three years, once a week from 2017. I started the, uh, on, uh, on a new year's Eve and the most watched one of all time was when I did yours three years after that. Well, thank you. Yeah. It got all 200 views. It was crazy. Same as coffee pods and wads. I'm a needle mover. Hey, um, uh, Jeff, can um uh jeff can you jeff can you
Starting point is 02:01:07 text to jeff do you have my phone number how do you not have my phone number can you dm me that and then i'll dm you my phone number and then um so you can text me stuff like that like workouts i am a man of your senior position i think i i belong i would appreciate to know any workouts you have for me um oh here it is barry put it in there 100 cal row 50 dumbbell snatches uh 14 minutes 100 cal row oh what's this what's what that workout the tree oh uh jeffrey Birchfield was saying he sent me a workout. And I think Barry is saying since I think Barry's like just doing me a service and like bringing it back up. Here's the thing with Katrin and Annie. You have to.
Starting point is 02:01:56 And this was the cool thing about hanging out with Greg. You have to give people if you're going to do a podcast and do it regularly, you have to give the machine input. Right. if you're going to do a podcast and do it regularly you have to give the machine input right so someone has to ask annie and katrin hey um there was no rape in uh in iceland there was less than three rapes in iceland a year and all of a sudden you your immigration policy changed and now you let in i forget what i think it's people from portugal gypsies from portugal or somewhere this is like 15 years ago and all of a sudden rapes quadrupled. What are your thoughts on that? And it's like, uh,
Starting point is 02:02:26 it's fucking hard to talk about, but, but, but you, you, the whole thing of the podcast is for some reason you like the person you're watching, right?
Starting point is 02:02:36 And you want, you want to give them input and then see, and see what comes out the other side. What does seven on seven? What does seven think about tattoos? What does someone think about anal? What does someone think about opening a crossfit gym in san francisco there's some there you there's some enjoyment of watching my processor work and so how much risks am i willing to make to let you or myself put stuff in and then be intimate enough and vulnerable
Starting point is 02:02:59 enough to then spit it out and um and how much perspective can i bring to it based on my life experiences that's another thing problem with you know talking to young people you you hold up a rubik's cube and they may only look at it from one side right everything that they've seen on youtube about the rubik's cube as opposed to the time when i was indian i saw an elephant uh take a shit and a rubik's cube fell out of his ass and it's because I was in India, and I was around elephants. There's more than one side to that Rubik's Cube. Yeah. What does someone think about cable ties?
Starting point is 02:03:33 Love them. Love them. Oh, my gosh. Is it true when you crap out that cord back behind you? Oh, is that what that is? Asshole. Hey, listen. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:03:43 Listen, listen. Is that what he's – oh, my goodness. Hey, what are you doing on Saturday? Could I come over? Yeah. This Saturday? I got a bunch of stuff I need to bring you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:03:51 What is this Saturday? Let me see. And then I'm going to fix that cord for everybody. Here's the thing. I want to buy more. This is like audio foam. I want to buy more audio foam and just put a piece underneath this, and then you won't even see it.
Starting point is 02:04:04 There you go. You know what I mean? Yep. Maybe just blend. Saturday is the 29th. I would love to see you Saturday. Okay, cool. I'm going to try to make that happen.
Starting point is 02:04:17 Bring your bathing suit. We'll go to the beach. Yep. Oh, that sounds awesome. Real quick, oh, my gosh. If I say this, you're probably going to give me so much shit for this. So with my schedule getting super busy, I love being able to talk to and field all this stuff. And yes, Swayfish.
Starting point is 02:04:33 No, he has no time for you. No. Vanessa, I would love to. There is a little link in my Instagram. It's actually to a calendar and it's linked to my Google calendar. So it has a couple open slots in there. So if you click that, I know you're going i don't even i felt like such a douche putting it in there but i didn't have a choice no he doesn't have time for any of you oh my goodness
Starting point is 02:04:54 and i was like i put it in the link of my uh thing and i was like i was like damn it i'm gonna put this up and then they'd be like oh you're a big influence now you gotta gotta mark a count oh i don't give a fuck about that. I know you're not doing it for that. I know you're doing it to be nice. What the fuck? Where's Sousa? How come you don't come up in my shit?
Starting point is 02:05:19 Do I not follow you? The Sousa. No, I'm just kidding. You probably have to type my whole name h wait don't i just put an m what's what's your instagram account isn't it m suza no it's my whole it's my whole name yeah m-a-t-t-h-t-h-e-w and the suza is actually the o is a zero that's probably why it didn't pop up because see all that see that guy took it from me a bunch of people took it there it is there it is so where do i go right there calendar oh my god this is crazy so if you click it it'll
Starting point is 02:05:53 take you and then you could select a time i mean it's synced up with my calendar these are open days uh how come i can't choose saturday because i'm on the live call with you and i'm going to your house oh wow i try to update it do not use this because like if you look there's a couple of other things that are still there that aren't actually open slots somebody asked me for my tiktok handle the other day. Oh, shit. There goes my phone number. Oh, shit. You can't see it. You can't see it. I just went over.
Starting point is 02:06:28 Oh, my God. I just went over and scheduled the time, and I saw my phone number pop on the screen. I was like, oh, I fucked myself. Do you guys know? Have I ever told a story about what happened between me and Rory, about how I gave out his phone number online? What are you doing now? Are you going to give out your number?
Starting point is 02:06:52 No. You don't need to book a time. You just power call me. You know how to do it. That's true. Stop helping people besides me. All right. No. Okay, confirm. Now I'm just going to get flooded with a bunch of fake ones of these oh my goodness uh
Starting point is 02:07:15 one time on the crossfit podcast uh i i had i had rory rory on uh mckernan on the guy over there i think he's like the manager of the um he just came through mayhem empire awesome rory is 75 hard man his body's crazy and uh i mean so he was on the podcast and we were facetiming each other even though he was on the podcast we were playing around with facTime and I showed my phone and you could see his phone number. And then and then the show went live and he said, hey, why didn't you cut my phone number out? Because we didn't do that show live. And I said, oh, sorry, it was an accident because it wasn't an accident. And I go, of course, it was an accident. And I got all really defensive and puffy chested, which like for me to Rory's like this.
Starting point is 02:08:04 an accident and i got all really defensive and puffy chested which like for me to rory's like this and uh and he's like hey would that have happened if it was greg or dave's phone number and i was fucked after that i was like nope you win checkmate and uh that was the end of me and i think since then we we we had some sort and i admitted it i was like nope it wouldn't have all right i lose that argument and uh and that i don't i think since then we've that was like basically yeah even though i've defended him many times he had some pretty fucked up shit happen to him at crossfit did a lot of people call and did he and i defended him no no no no no a lot of people didn't call like like less than a handful but but, but he still, he still wanted his privacy. And he, but you know, also he is the kind of person where he deals in the metric of respect and he brought him in for him. It may, he may have felt disrespected. You know what I mean? It may have not even had anything to do with the phone number because especially too when you were like what that would happen to dave and greg and you were like nope and then he was like okay so you view me as beneath them almost yeah maybe something like that yeah exactly in the hierarchy of respect he wasn't like i knew a dude that got fresh out of prison and almost started a fight with a
Starting point is 02:09:17 convenience store worker because he wouldn't look him in the eye wow yeah and he was like give me a man you're gonna look me in the eye watch look me nine like got all like hot and heavy because it was he was being disrespectful i don't know that's i don't think we're always done time though that's hardcore yeah this is this is exciting about damn time yeah are you gonna talk about this at all or no not really okay um uh i mean i know i i think i know what's going on i just met here yeah uh this um i i cut this this rig is pretty crazy so this is just a um this is just a piece of metal down here and then this is a handle and i and i have tons of stuff like this i could suza as suza is my witness you cannot imagine how
Starting point is 02:10:12 much camera just stuff i have i i'm like a store yeah radio shack i literally said that yeah yeah you have a radio shack inside there anyway and i have so many of these DJI cameras and DJI 2 cameras and shit like that just from previous life. So recently, I saw that you could hook up a microphone to their newest iteration of this camera. And this camera has a gimbal on it. This is a camera and gimbal in one. And actually, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it would be nice if this camera was just even a little bit bigger. So the screen would be bigger, like twice this size. But basically I've hooked up this professional microphone and I have a
Starting point is 02:10:52 wireless microphone for two different channel recording. I have this camera that shoots in 4k on a gimbal. And then I have this other camera that shoots on a gimbal and then I have other ones. And so I've started making, and I just thought this is like camera porn for people who are into cameras and video equipment yeah i like that some of my favorite photos was when you would be at the hotel at the games and you'd have that whole all your stuff laid out and just post pictures of it a poacher of it yeah because then i would like zoom in and look at it and be like
Starting point is 02:11:20 okay what is he using okay should i get that oh that shit's way too expensive for me to buy okay okay i'll stick with my phone and uh and look at obby's film you can see obby has the obby's really got into filming so this camera i carry around so he can use it now oh that's cool but basically i'm i'm um and he's always like, is that going to be in your new movie? Is that stuff I shot going to be in your new movie? He's always there. But, um, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm documenting some stuff. I'm going to, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm pretty pumped up. Uh, helping those, those little Osmos are great. Is that what they're called?
Starting point is 02:12:01 I thought the Osmo was the one that your phone went on. No, I think he's right. I think it's just that little that little dji camera i think it's called the osmo dji technology um oh let's see dji oh yeah so just to clarify, and I don't know if Halpin was talking about what I was showing, but this is the Osmo, which is slightly different and much less expensive. This thing basically holds your phone. This thing is awesome. I have one of these, too. I don't use it because I have a case on my phone and I have the big phone if I had a little phone with no case um I would I would use this thing all the time it's just a pain in the ass with the um what the case the case but man for 159 bucks this thing is crazy yeah this thing is I mean if you want smooth shooting the thing that i have is not the um osmo i have uh this is the stuff i've been using these are dji pockets oh okay and then and then i got this one with um
Starting point is 02:13:14 this creator combo you need this thing if you're going to do any real shooting you need that thing uh right there if you can do any professional shooting with that what that allows you to do start hooking up professional mics as soon as i saw that i'm like oh fuck so like you could you have that on the camera then you clip a mic onto somebody else or something like that yeah i put a shot look at like like in that picture i had i can cook a click a hook um to my i made it so i can hook two mics up to it so that so well now that you're interested i'll share with you this is really cool i think what i've, I'm pretty proud of myself. Um, let me see if I can find a back to that seven rinsed. Uh,
Starting point is 02:13:56 so basically this, this camera here, right. Um, Oh, sorry. This camera here that you see right here. I'm circling with the X. If you, um, right there on this left-hand side, there's a plug that comes out and I hook it to, this is the,
Starting point is 02:14:17 to like the receiver for the mics or something to the receiver. And that receiver has two wireless mics hooked up to it. Ah, okay. that's cool okay yeah and one of them i plug into the shotgun mic oh so there it is that thing is plugged into the camera and then this thing has two wireless mics hooked up to it and one of them one of the wireless mics i have mounted here and i plug in the shotgun mic and the other one i just have sitting here on this bench and i could clip it on anyone clip it on myself clip it on my subject i could attach it to another shotgun mic then put it on a boom pole nice yeah it's cool that's cool yeah i'm pretty crazy how small it all is now too
Starting point is 02:14:57 right yeah like all that just fits in your pocket it's incredible yeah i just it's i'm just i'm just documenting some stuff i'm just documenting some things but i think but i think it'll be uh i think i'll be able to turn to something feature length thanks yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty excited about the way i have it set up i'm i'm very excited where do you clip it if they're naked? Then you need a... They wear a necklace. Well, you could do that, yeah. Or a boom operator. The necklace is not an uncommon method.
Starting point is 02:15:36 No, no porn. No porn. All right. Tomorrow, wow, we made it through the week yep kinda it's a wednesday we got some tomorrow we'll be able to talk about uh anything and everything it's gonna get crazy tomorrow right tomorrow's thursday tomorrow's thursday and we have two shows live colin show and then a state of the union show in the evening oh we have a show tonight yeah i was gonna say and you got this golf, we have a show tonight. Yeah, I was going to say, and you got disc golf.
Starting point is 02:16:06 Okay, we have a disc show. Oh, and I need to prepare for that right now. The disc golf show. Can I show you one more thing just while I'm indulging myself? Have you seen this? Have you seen this? I don't see it. Oh, yeah, yeah, shit.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Sorry. Have you seen this oh yes yeah is this ridiculous yes I just keep like when I was telling you before I was like
Starting point is 02:16:34 you're gonna just there's gonna be this tipping point and he's just gonna be like exponentially like you're just gonna be like holy shit where did all these tricks and how did all this come in
Starting point is 02:16:42 and when I watched that I thought I saw it on Haley's though is it the same one she may have reposted it okay this this is all one run yeah it's so good and uh good yeah this thing is crazy here we go and he's just trying he's just trying to clear that whatever that thing is called, the tabletop. He's just trying to clear it. Yeah, pyramid.
Starting point is 02:17:08 Pyramid. Pyramid. And he's been trying for like over a year. Oh my god. And now he clears it, and I can't even believe it. Look at this. It resets. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:18 Stop. Roll gear. And then he was working on that grind for about an hour before he was able to get that grind i'm just so proud of him that's my favorite right there the manual yeah it's so sick oh my god it's so dude it's yeah he it's good it's getting crazy i love watching him evolve and skate yeah it's a good time yeah and people don't realize how actually hard that is everything dude so hard really really tough like he's so fluent it looks like the board's an extension
Starting point is 02:17:57 of him so he just kind of floats around and stuff like that and you kind of look at it and you're like okay but that is that's hard that's hard to do the timing to clear that pyramid and and the balance for the manual coming up the lip that way and then to be able to control the board across the back down that's not yeah he makes it look easy it's not i i'm guessing that's that's he's been riding for three years and i'm gonna say he rides an hour every other day on average that's like almost like a thousand hours of no maybe not that much maybe maybe a thousand hours of effort yeah has he gotten his ollie down yet no he's gonna get that ollie down and that's that's the linchpin he's gonna get that down yeah and he's gonna start jumping over boards he's gonna
Starting point is 02:18:43 start jumping off shit and then the flip tricks will come and yeah then you're gonna it's gonna be amazing i mean he has a one inch ollie right so he can jump off of big things but he can't clear things like more than four stairs he can't jump more than four stairs or anything like that but he can't do like a like a legit ollie like you know where you not yet but once he gets that foot slide and the pop timing yes where he gets the board to lift he'll get that and yeah it'll be because all of a sudden it'll go from like i'm telling you it's just that little tipping point and he gets that in the linchpin it's like this whole world opens up of tricks it's like you move to this next level and he doesn't even know what's going to be there and then we'll hurl on fakie hurl on nollie
Starting point is 02:19:21 get him to start skating switch soon if you already have it switch he's skating switch and fakie dude it's crazy yeah yeah he's dropping in he's doing seven foot drop-ins fakie it's nuts yeah yeah yeah it's it's fucking really cool yeah all right uh guys um i'm actually going to spend about an hour prepping for the Frisbee golf shows that we're going to do tonight. And then it's off to the skate park. And I will see you guys later. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:50 Pro tag is crazy. I've watched pro tag. Pro tag is crazy. Yeah. I've watched some of it. It's the athleticism is nuts. All right, guys.
Starting point is 02:20:03 Talk to you guys soon. Chris Cooper. Thank you for coming on. Bring your, bring, everyone bring their fucking A game tomorrow. We're gonna go, we'll go hard. I know, I know people want to tear me up a little bit, and I'm ready for it. I'm ready
Starting point is 02:20:15 for a spiritual, physical shedding. Let's do it tomorrow. Love you guys, and talk to you soon, Susie. Thanks for coming on. Bye-bye.

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