The Sevan Podcast - Affiliate Talk | Live Call In w/ Souza & Beaver

Episode Date: January 29, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
Starting point is 00:00:18 you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. And we'll check in with him. I think he's got some people from the show dropping in at his gym.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Good morning, everybody. Caleb and I are back. Good morning, everybody. Christine. He added Matt and Caleb's name today. No, we added our own names. Good morning. Good morning. Yes, Caleb and I are back today. Sevan is traveling back from the winter mountains where he was hanging out the last week. Oh my gosh, I almost choked on my coffee just to start us out this morning. Caleb, how are you doing? There it is. Off to a great start. I do believe we're going to have Jethro check in with us this morning.
Starting point is 00:01:46 He has some people dropping in over at his gym. So we are going to check in with him. How long has he been open now for? A couple months? Yeah, a few months, I think. It hasn't been very long. But his gym is beautiful. And I would love to go over there if I was close.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Dude, you just did a fancy camera angle switch what was that well i switched i had i found my webcam because i lost it in the move it was under the seat in my truck so i found the webcam and i was like oh let's set it up and i went to set it up and it just doesn't look right so i'm gonna fiddle with that later oh that was cool it was like a it was like a switch yeah it's like uh it's like we're a real production here let me see if i can find jethro's instagram here all i get is beaver and asuza all you get that's more than enough all right let me me send this link over to Jethro here. We'll get him checked in. We'll check out his gym. See him working out.
Starting point is 00:02:50 We got a couple of things on our notes as well. Oh, shit. He's an android. Of course he is. So you know what that means. I have to figure out another way to send him a link. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:05 We can send it to his DMs. Just DM him. He's got a great page, too. Yeah, it looks good. Robert, is this Matt's new show? Yep, it sure is. Christine Young, embarrassing. Yeah, it is. It is for him, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:03:28 A man of such stature, just living with an android. Come on. Right when I saw you bring up that clip of his thing and I saw the PVC pipe, I immediately thought he was coaching somebody who was blind. I don't know why. Just the way that he was standing with that PVC pipe. I was like, wow. Impressive. Yeah, he's getting after it okay let me uh give me one second since i have to go off script here to send him a link um all this beautiful new equipment huge lettering on the wall wow for those guys that can't see it, it's very clean. Everything in there is clean.
Starting point is 00:04:06 The walls are painted this off-white. He's got a beautiful CrossFit Chief Nation logo and American flag. You know how hard it is to find that specific color? Because you can't just get white. You have to get an off-white. And there's no such thing as off-white. I don't even know what the word for it is. But I had such a hard time trying to find an off-white it's like a it's like a i don't even know what the word for it is but i i had such a hard time trying to find like an off-white because that's really just what i
Starting point is 00:04:31 wanted to paint and it's like an antique white an eggshell if you will but that's the thing eggshell is the type of paint actually it's not like a it's not like a color i don't see jay hartle's throwing light gray in there. Oh, wow. It could be a little bit of a light gray. Yeah, Kenneth went eggshell, too. Matt. Audrey.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Matt. Okay. Okay. All right. So I threw the link over to Jethro, so I'm sure they'll be checking with us soon. I think he's got, like, Jody and, like, Garrett over there and, Garrett over there and like everything else like yeah dropping in on a Sunday good for him you could tell he just opened his gym because he's still open on Sundays you don't you don't do that you're you're past the Sunday Sunday classes dude when I first opened up opened up the gym I was like
Starting point is 00:05:20 we're gonna be open from 5 30 a.m till 7 30 p.m we're not closing and literally through the middle of the day i stayed open i had open gym like i was open through sunday to like noon or one or something um same with on saturdays and then quickly you're just like fuck nobody shows up to these like you're there all day for like two people throughout the week yeah between one and three like nobody shows up to the gym and even when you want to like open it up and the funny thing is is like you go back to this perceived value and perceived is such a good word because people will hear this laundry list of like oh you have all these class options you come to open gym during the middle of the day i'm open on sunday they're like all right yeah this is awesome i got lots of options and
Starting point is 00:06:05 then they never fucking come to any of them yeah right it's like it took us a long time to get a 6 30 a.m class because i knew for a fact that everybody that was asking about i'm like are you guys gonna show up because i gotta plug a coach to this i gotta make it work and if i don't ask how do you determine that we can talk about that after this. Yeah. Suze's been cleaning your parking lot. Okay. We got him here. The man. Jethro, what's up, buddy? I'm Harley the man, but that's all good. What's up, guys? How you doing, dude?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Well, great. I got some guests over here. Hi, guys. Hi. What's up? Zevon's traveling right now, so you're stuck with the B team. The B celebrities. We love you guys. Yo, Harley the B team, guys. So how's it going?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Look at that fucking gym, dude. It looks so nice. Radio doesn't do credit. It's awesome in here. So what'd you guys just do? Did you guys just finish up a workout? I did a really nice EMOM and stretched and tried the rope. Yeah, it was fun. what'd you get did you guys just finish up a workout i did a really nice e-mom and uh stretched
Starting point is 00:07:06 and tried the rope yeah it was fun that's awesome yeah is that your first time trying a rope climb oh my god no i can do i i was just saying i can i used to be able to do 10 in a row i can't even do one now well i did i did two but i used to i haven't haven't had access to a rope in a couple of years, so I did pretty good. Oh, awesome. We're like the famous East Coast Sevenistas here. That's true. Yeah. Hardly get as much love on the East Coast. We're spreading the word. Okay. So give us a little walkthrough. So you guys got there early. Like, is this private just for you, or is Jethro open on Sundays?
Starting point is 00:07:45 What's going on? Yeah, no, Jethro has an open gym on Sundays. So I messaged Garrett and Colleen, and we just hooked up today. Yeah, I drove down from Hartford, and they drove from Long Island. Southampton, yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome. So you guys are somewhat close by then, right?
Starting point is 00:08:02 It wasn't too – It was two hours. I'm an hour. About an hour. Yeah. I just threw on an old podcast and drove before, you know what? You're here. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:08:15 So Jethro, give us a little like spin of the gym real quick. And then we'll come back to this because I want to, yeah. Look at that. You are kind of new and have never seen the gym before. So we just opened up. It's going to be two months on the 2nd. We have your basic rig over here. Nice space.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's about 53 by 56, 60 feet by 36. We have rowers. We have the bikes. We have all the good tools that we need to make sure that we have everyone get the fitness in. Like you said and mentioned, we have three bay doors tools that we need to make sure that we have everyone get the fitness in uh like you said and mentioned we have uh three bay doors we can go outside and really have a good time with running you know we have a what we call the recovery room so we do have that good option of people trying to just relax yeah so i'll show you what we got here so you have a little spa oh damn you have a little
Starting point is 00:09:08 sauna that everyone likes to uh relax in we have a really comfy cozy massage chair that hits all the right spots damn and then of course you know if you want to lie down we have the norma text the uh boot system nice anyone who wants to you know recover with their legs well therapy couch love it look at that yeah and of course our branded uh entryway which we uh had to have damn that place looks incredible bro you must be so stoked just yeah my desk and everything you're like a legit business yeah dude so oh wait wait hold on you got the like whiteboard oh wow dude that's no is that wallpaper how did you do that we made stickers damn clap them up on the on the wall like that yeah we uh they're like uh in sections so we made sure we had to clean split your wow at this point right here we change it's actually a dry erase
Starting point is 00:10:10 board okay what are you what are you gonna put up there is that like a movement of the month or like the point yeah so we had we had a little quote here so we took it down so for this we're going to do the open members i'm gonna have my my buddy Derek do the actual CrossFit Games logo. Everyone's going to be signing it as they sign up for the open. That's awesome. Is he the same guy that did the chief logo in the gym? Yep.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Same guy. He's my training partner. He's the one that does all of our graphic design. All of our pages we have on our Instagram. He does all that stuff. Dude, that logo is so dope. We're having a new run of shirts come out, so I got to get you guys a bunch of them with the Chief logo. Hopefully, you don't get canceled about it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Well, we have it thus far. I don't know if the shirt will do it. So, dude, tell us real quick. So you're two months in. How has everything been going? Has it been as you expected? Is the hours manageable? Give me. So you're two months in. How has everything been going? Has it been as you expected? Is the hours manageable?
Starting point is 00:11:09 Like give me the little rundown two months in. Yeah, so two months in, we have five classes a day. We have two in the afternoon on Saturday, open gym on Sunday. Fortunately, I've been able to manage it. Everyone's been so accommodating. Everyone's been really, really cool. And we have actually so many people signed up for the open we have over 60 of our membership sign up for the open we're still growing so it's something that's really really exciting uh actually we have the nypd uh crossfit
Starting point is 00:11:39 team coming in here today and doing a workout uh at 10 30 we had i don't know if you guys follow the uh page but we had the FDNY, the Fire Department of New York come in this week, and they actually did a workout here. I know you might have posted it earlier. Thank you from everyone that was here for the FDNY. We have Eric over
Starting point is 00:11:57 here from the NYPD CrossFit team. He is the president. If you want to give us a shout over here. Hey, what's going on, brother? Hey, how you doing? He actually follows the podcast as well. His handle is what on the page? It's DrEvo.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Ah, all right. Matt, I've talked with you on IG. I sent you the L3 study stuff. Oh, right on. Awesome. Thank you. Appreciate it. You're bringing the group together for a workout with the NYPD guys. Is that what you're doing today?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yep. What are you guys going to do? Jethro is going to be, I think it's a Hiller workout, right? Yep. Yep. It's going to be a fun workout.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I'm going to keep it disclosed for now until they, they get here to what we're going to do. We're going to present it to them. It's a partner workout, which is pretty good. So we're pretty excited to have them here and I'm going to have my content creator come on down and take some cool video. I actually have a cool video already with the FDNY that I'm going to post tomorrow. You'll be seeing that all the little excerpts and yeah, everything's
Starting point is 00:12:59 going, going really, really, really well. Garrett, Colleen, little Garrett and Jody came by a little hanging out, had some paper street, Colleen, little Garrett and Jody came by. People hanging out. Had some Paper Street Coffee. Conference of Gabe and the Paper Street Coffee team. I think we're still drinking it, right? We're still drinking it? Nice. That's awesome. Oh, that's
Starting point is 00:13:17 little one. That's little Garrett. Hey, what's up, buddy? How you doing? I'm good. Awesome. Show Matt your skateboards. Oh, dude. You got those for me. You got those for me.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Nope, nope. You're good. You're good. He was going to get it going, so. Dude, well, this was awesome. Thank you so much for kind of inviting us in and showing us around. These little check-ins with you are really cool. I know everybody watching is stoked to see it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And spin us around to our ladies one more time here before we let you guys go. Oh, man. You guys are awesome. Yeah. Bye, guys. I hope you guys enjoyed your workout there. Jethro, don't work out too hard. You'll be all right.
Starting point is 00:14:02 You're going to survive it. I'm going to stretch out. Awesome. Well, thanks so much for checking in with us and for going over there and like hanging out. I mean, this is, this is really cool. You're seeing this community like in action right now in real life and people, Caleb and I are just faces and screens, but look at you guys. Amazing. Well, thank you you ladies thanks for checking in and we uh appreciate you yeah and jethro brother good luck with the workouts keep us posted hey dina whenever you get any of that media stuff like you know what you did with the with the new york firefighters
Starting point is 00:14:39 what you're going to be doing here with the uh police officers like shoot it all away we would love to help promote it and and keep showing what you're doing down there. It's awesome work, man. Yeah, man. Thanks for all your help. My love to everybody over there. Have a safe ride back home. We'll keep you posted. We'll talk to you this week. Thanks, brother. Appreciate you. Later, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Later, man. Peace out, little Garrett. He's out there as well. Damn, his gym looks great, dude. He's stoked. Dude, I know gyms that have been around that don gym looks great, dude. He's stoned. He's got the Norma Tech boots. Dude, I know gyms that have been around that don't have half that shit. That's what it is. Dude, it's fucking wow. His gym is awesome.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, if you're lucky enough and you live by Jethro there and CrossFit Chief Nation, you should definitely go check it out. That place looks incredible. And he's hitting the ground running. He's got a lot of stuff going on, which is great for him. for him i love the fact too like he's already got some of the stuff coming in with the with law enforcement obviously him being a part of that working for that but like along with the fire departments and like everything those are some pretty big entities the fdny because i know that i think they have their own their own barbell clubs and they're kind of i think they're
Starting point is 00:15:42 both affiliated and uh a lot of them work CrossFit events. A lot of them will go volunteer and be judges or work the medical staff and stuff like that. I met a lot of those guys that are so cool. They do a lot in their community. And that's how you do it. You bring them in there like that for workouts and everything else. And then slowly, next thing you know, they're asking, Hey, can you come help us with some of the training stuff? Like, Hey, can we bring these
Starting point is 00:16:07 people in here to expose them to this? And that's how you get those contracts and stuff like that is huge because if you're able to lock down one or two of those, it gives you so much breathing room to the month to month with the keeping up with the membership and everything else there. You know, it's funny, this, uh, my two cents that maybe matt can tag the walls one of the funniest things when i first opened the gym is everybody asked if i was gonna like paint something on there and i was like no like i just thought it looked i i always thought it looked so like tacky when you would come in and there would be this like terrible graffiti like up on it up on the wall and it would like say something like i don't know totally ridiculous
Starting point is 00:16:45 and it just looked it just looked bad it's like it's like like those gyms that have like murals of rich and tia and matt like and then like graffiti lettering around it i don't know i just find yeah it is a little tacky it's not very clean i'm i'm definitely more like enjoy the the aesthetic of clean 100 like when i see jethro's gym it just makes me happy like everything has its place like it feels clean and open and i'm like yes like if i go in there's like gross graffiti on your walls and like there's dust rings around your plates because that last one hasn't been moved then it's like probably not too stoked about that. RB, Sousa, you hosting the Lunger workout
Starting point is 00:17:29 with Hayward Police Department is the same. Yeah, it is the same. And I've been lucky enough to have those guys in. It's actually the SWAT team, the unit that Lunger served with. If that's even what you call it, I probably screwed that up. But the SWAT team that he served with comes in every year to the gym, um, during the summer. And I think we've done it now for four years. Might've been a little bit longer, but yeah, that whole entire group comes in.
Starting point is 00:17:55 The whole SWAT team comes in. We all do his, uh, hero workout. Um, we have a lot of fun with it and, uh, and yeah, I really enjoy having those guys in the gym. Some of the, some of the people from his family and like other people that were close will come by and do that workout. And that's one of the things that makes me so stoked about owning a CrossFit gym is being able to provide a space and a platform for things like that. Um, because that's where they exist. That's where they belong. That's our base, the first responders and being able to honor them
Starting point is 00:18:22 and their jobs and do it inside the affiliate is an incredible privilege that I enjoy being able to do. Okay, so we run through some of these. Today's going to be kind of a shorter show, speaking of which, because I am going down to the gym here. We are open on Sundays. For the next eight weeks, we do the challenge workout with everybody going through Grace's, um, uh, challenge. So they all show up as a team and, uh, do different workouts and games down on Sundays. So I'll either go down there and film or take some pictures, um, or just help kind of with, uh, some setup or whatever Grace needs. We also do a live, it was every Sunday nights, but now it's shifting for the next two weeks. because she'll be gone this evening and I'll be gone next Sunday. I don't recommend you necessarily come and watch it
Starting point is 00:19:10 because unless you're specific to the challenge, it'll be real boring. Last year, I think I would always see Bruce Wayne pop up and just be like, early TJ coming in, hanging out with this. I hope you get something out of it. Walter, Susan did you know randy johnson was from your town just put a giant big unit on your wall um like the big fat head uh uh thing of rich but instead ours is uh randy johnson yes randy johnson was from livermore um that was like a big thing in our high school because i went to the same high school as him years later and they had this like whole book about him and everything else let's say do they have like a wall dedicated to that guy it's usually it was just yeah it was like a small like shelf where he kept
Starting point is 00:19:54 his book and like not a lot of people not a lot of people uh knew really like if you played baseball or you went to live more high you were like super into it you know what's more famous in livermore is the longest lasting light bulb yeah it's been going over 100 years oh it's still going they have a live webcam to it it's inside of our station dude how does it keep going i don't know 100 years 100 light bulb oh my god it's real and the website is just as old as the light bulb yeah dude that's at a fire station relatively uh close to the gym um actually which is kind of funny all right let's see i don't know if I ever turned on this Bluetooth. Yes, I did. Let me connect it. I don't think the phone's connected.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But if anybody would like to try to call in to see if it's working, it's connecting now. I don't know if it is. Matt, can you explain your contract? I'm curious what your partnership is. Eric, yeah, and I owe you a call, dude. There's a couple of people, and I've talked about this on a few shows, where there's a couple of people that have reached out wondering what I do with the fire department, everything else. And I keep putting it off and being like, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do this show and I'll explain the whole entire thing. And then I just never execute on it. And I do owe you a call, Eric,
Starting point is 00:21:24 because I know I think at some point I exchanged numbers with you or might have even been somebody else. But yeah, so here's how the contract works. Super in a super small little nutshell. We'll keep the details for later. But basically, same thing that Jethro was doing. I was bringing some of the fire department people in that were in charge of the academy. And they saw the way that I trained. We had multiple conversations about here's what I would do if I were in charge of it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Here's what it would look like. Here's where I would put the emphasis on, things like that. And they were really into it. They had already been members of my gym and part of the class. So they knew kind of the philosophy that I had and the way that I ran the affiliate. And they were like, hey, we want to bring you, um, into do these Academy. And basically for me, what I had to do, and this is the most important part for anybody trying to get a contract is you have to be willing to, uh, not willing to, but you have to have something that shows numbers that quantifies
Starting point is 00:22:18 what you're doing. So the two numbers that I used was a mobility assessment where we tested like their ankle, their hips, their overhead, you know, um, position, all that stuff. And then I jotted all of it down, scored all of them on that. And then from there we took their in body scan. So I had their body fat percentage, their skeletal muscle mass and their weight. And then you basically use that as like round department numbers, but those are metrics that you have for each, uh, each recruit in this case. Um, and then I had them, uh, I submitted like a program that was like essentially a long gated on-ramp program where we really focused on overhead squat. I mean, overhead
Starting point is 00:22:55 press squat and hinge and built a lot of capacity in those, uh, main three movements, um, as well as normal, uh, you know, CrossFit style workouts and stuff like that. But that took a while to build up. I didn't just throw them right into the fire. I explained how we're going to build from the ground up. And by week five or six, they would be doing essentially regular CrossFit workouts. Now, here's going to be the controversial thing. When I explained to the fire departments and the recruits that they're going to be doing CrossFit, I also explained to them what they won't be doing in the initial program. And some of those movements include rope climbs. Some of those movements include handstand pushups. Some of
Starting point is 00:23:38 those movements include squat snatches and things like that. The reason why those are void in the academy is because those movements tend to have a higher risk for people that aren't normally exposed to them or don't have capacity in them. So here's what I mean by that. If I program rope climbs into the workout, we could have the argument that those have a lot of utility for the fire department and strain training, and I get that. But if one of those firefighters or one of the recruits rather comes down too quick and breaks their ankle or something silly because they're on the rope, they're going to essentially tell the people, hey, I have to drop out of this academy due to injury because of falling off of the rope. And then the city is going to come to me and say, hey, we need to do we need you to justify why you had our people climbing up a rope when we don't see that as a job task that they'll be doing in the academy. And then you get yourself into a little bit of trouble. So you have to be
Starting point is 00:24:32 willing to justify, not willing to, but you have to justify all the movements in the workouts that you are doing as they relate to the job tasks that the firefighters will be seeing outside of the gym walls. If you can't make a very straight connection to that with people that aren't working out, by the way, then you need to tailor your program differently because that's going to be your biggest thing. You're going to have to justify everything you're doing. And there's a lot of red tape there. And so just be smart about it. Especially a lot of red tape there and so just be smart about it like don't like especially a lot of people these days really conflate the crossfit games with the sport of crossfit i mean with the methodology of crossfit and you have to be able to tailor that methodology or tailor that program
Starting point is 00:25:17 are you looking to just increase like cardiovascular capacity or like their strength or like what are you like looking to do because i mean when you're in a fire academy you're looking at uh like litter carries uh like dummy drags uh hose drags all that kind of stuff running upstairs are you implementing those things or you just you're looking at uh like barbell stuff or machine work or what are you kind of doing when you do yeah that's exactly right so i take all those tasks that you kind of mentioned there and then i find out saying like okay what what exercises and what strain training will better aid them in that right and so to like your your point like the litter carry like we do a lot of farmer carries we do
Starting point is 00:26:02 a lot of deadlifts with the kettlebells because those objects move independently we do a lot of farmer carries. We do a lot of deadlifts with the kettlebells because those objects move independently. We do a lot of regular deadlifts. I have them do a lot of back squat. I have them do a lot of hanging from the bars. I have them do a lot of strict pull-ups. We do a lot of weighted step-ups with just even a 20-pound med ball or a 50-pound slam ball or in between. I have them hold a light kettlebell on one side to do step ups to mimic kind of the holding a chainsaw and stuff like that. So I really try to have a direct, you know, correlation between what the
Starting point is 00:26:31 exercises we're doing and how this will aid them in those movements. What would it cost to get a pole installed in your gym so that they can practice sliding down it? That seems that seems like something that would correlate, right? right yeah like a stair set and then a pole that would be dope we would we would have we'd have to have a separate waiver because i know all the adults in the regular class would try to be climb up there and slide down one thing that we had to your point is um i took like a pulley system and uh we ended up tying some weights to it and having the cord be the same as it is if they were going to hoist the ladder up. So that way they could practice the ladder hoist of the like turn and pull and everything else, but we're able to progressively load the weight at the end of
Starting point is 00:27:13 that, um, uh, rope. So that way we could build them up to whatever the weight is of the ladder or play with those, those different progressions and weight. So yeah, that's what it all is. I know I said that was like in a nutshell and then that was like $20 here. I mean $20. That was like 20 minutes here. I was reading Dusty's question and halfway responded to that.
Starting point is 00:27:36 So Susan K, a million dollar question here. Would you recommend affiliating when opening a new... Wait, what? Would you recommend affiliating when opening a new gym what would you recommend affiliating when opening a new gym now i think he means like would you open the gym and then affiliate later or would you affiliate in as well as opening the gym at the same time oh okay yeah i mean if you're gonna be a crossfit gym be a crossfit gym like i think that you open it if you're going to be using the methodology like slap the name crossfit on your door and and go all in with it um i still think as a newer gym most people are going to be uh searching crossfit gym near me when they first
Starting point is 00:28:18 look for gyms yeah i think that's an that's an important thing that we just noticed on um just like when you're googling crossfit gy, like you have to put like if you're looking specifically for a CrossFit gym and you Google CrossFit gyms, that's what you'll find. But if you're just looking for gyms in general and you're but you intend to look for a CrossFit gym, all you're going to find is like 24 Hour Fitness, Genesis Health, that kind of thing instead of like an affiliate. But you can find the affiliate map if you go to the website and you can find all your affiliates there yeah i would definitely still affiliate because i think that there's a lot of um there's still a lot of good stuff by having crossfit on the name of your gym just in terms of people finding you early on and stuff a lot of the more established gyms that have been around for like five or six years that are deciding like, Hey, I'm no longer an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:29:08 I'm established in my community. Everybody knows who we are. Like that's a little bit of an easier choice for them to make. But when you're first starting out, I think it, I think it's probably necessary. And if you're paying for the methodology, you're still, you're still doing it. You know what I mean? Walter, Caleb and Susie, can we please have Dr. J. Coy back on and retrace everything he can teach us
Starting point is 00:29:29 and update anything about the vid that he learned? Yeah, on X only. I get terrified of these shows. We even had to, we played with his show around a little bit just because that was sketchy. So I think that that's definitely a rumble and X show only i i'm a
Starting point is 00:29:47 little weary of uh youtube these days got a little squirrely when we had dale on but it worked out everything's fine for now i just get a little like freaked out i love having those conversations with dale dale is so he's such an interesting dude. I don't know if the phone is working or this is just, uh, someone calling me direct. Um, hello. It works. Okay. There we go. Did it work or did you just call my number? No, no, it works. Oh, okay. All right. Awesome. Can the people hear me? Cause the phone wasn't working. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It was working yesterday on yours. Yeah. I was driving. I just left Greg's house and I was driving through a dead spot. So I don't know if that matters, but this phone is now forwarding to your phone. Yeah. Yeah. We're good to go.
Starting point is 00:30:35 We can hear you. Great. How's it going? Dude. So good. I'm excited to go home. Yeah. I bet you were away for a little bit, but I also, but I also had a blast. I fully decompressed go home. Yeah, I bet. You were away for a little bit. But I also had a blast.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I fully decompressed. Awesome. Like fully. Yeah, just like starting to walk around Greg's house in my underwear and shit. You know what I mean? Yeah, you were taking a shit with the door open, huh? Getting to that level. Yeah, totally. You were using the bathroom on the other side of the house. You were using the one right next to your room.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah, all that. All that. It was so good. Well well we checked in with jethro oh yeah how's that it was great talking about how nice the gym is dude it's so good he's he's yeah he's stoked he's uh he's doing some great stuff already he's only been open two months you know he's already got the the fire department and the police department yeah it's incredible caleb you you kind of uh you're starting to make it in the world i saw a comment attacking you on youtube the other day someone said something about like how much would it take to give that guy a personality or something is it that same dude in every fucking show same dude i know he's good is it oh yeah yeah so you haven't made it sorry
Starting point is 00:31:45 it's because it's because i i acknowledged him the first time and then now he just he thinks that he's under my skin so he just keeps making the same comment you fed the raccoon by the back door and now he just keeps coming back yeah exactly i'm i'm not gonna acknowledge that one uh just because i he's not he hasn't come up with new material yet. You know, yeah, it's not going to let that one just kind of fester. But yeah, I saw that the first call, the first comment he made, he said that I'm equated me to Brian friend. So that one, that one kind of hurt. Actually, I was a little. Yeah, that one. I was i sheesh that's that's
Starting point is 00:32:26 um so i'm a little recovered from that one that was like last week so i've had some time to like think about it in my head but then he just made the same comment so i'm like all right you need some new new material all of it she likes hey you guys leave leave caleb alone he's gonna take that shit to heart and start talking more on the show. We don't have airtime for him. I got to start my own channel. Oh, he's just, he's just a pretty face. Hey, um, you know, um, whose account I went to for the first time last night, like in two years,
Starting point is 00:33:00 I went to Dan Blazarian's account. Do you remember that guy from like when, I feel like that's like circa 2012 instagram like god yeah definitely how was it so i searched his name and it wouldn't even come up so i had to go to google and i typed in his name and then just put in instagram dude he's like he's he's just he's more he's more savage than ever it's crazy it is it is a crazy account we have it up on here and uh caleb's called it just beaver it's still beaver topia yeah he even got married and he still got all beaver is that real he really got married huh i think this might be the third time he's been married on it oh no he's been married a few times hey but you know what's crazy too is like no matter how cheesy like and ridiculous i want to think it i can't like i see him like
Starting point is 00:33:54 fucking i just see him like surfing behind a fucking yacht and i'm like yeah that's dope you know what i mean like you know what i mean it's like i see hey um rappers have one helicopter in their shots look at all his shots have two helicopters one on the ground and one landing behind it i mean it's just it's just genius i just really i don't know just he's just he's like our modern day hugh heffman yeah i, that's pretty much what he is. He's got this picture here. Yeah, there he is. He's, uh, what is he doing?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Skimboarding? Like, yeah. Wakeboarding. That's like a seven. That's like 10 million, dude. That's a hundred million dollars.
Starting point is 00:34:36 That's a seven story yacht. I have no comprehensive. I have no understanding of money. So that's, that's about as much money as I think. Yeah. That, that,
Starting point is 00:34:43 yeah, that thing's crazy expensive is it a lamborghini i mean it's not his there's no he's renting it he has a plane with his emblem on the uh unless that guy photoshopped it but that he has a plane with an emblem on the uh yeah there's a glare on that on the tail there's a glare on this ping pong table and i definitely thought it was a huge line of coke like instantly i saw the jet that table i'm like whoa that's fucking someone's gonna die yeah dude that's uh he's definitely like the modern day playboy huh here's the thing that i wonder though right like you see all these photos or like the one where he's surrounded by like all these girls and stuff but like you know he's dealing with a shitload of like drama you're not getting like you're not getting how many does he have in this for two four six seven
Starting point is 00:35:34 or eight girls together on this boat and not having to deal with their shit like i'm sorry at some point they are all like bickering and complaining about each other there's a pecking order there's a hierarchy you know like all around them or see like okay girls let's get a photo for instagram does he say that or is that really like they're just fluttering around them like that all the time dude i think you know what here it is here's an analogy that i think our audience will understand and appreciate dan is the uh the board of crossfit and all the chicks are the internal workings so you know how it is everybody's just trying to jock to get close to the top everybody wants to get everybody wants to be the special girl you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:36:17 the one that gets invited first i'd have been an amazing woman i got completely figured out i'd have been an amazing oh my gosh hey hey i watched this um there's this uh author i bet you you'll know his name i forget his name but i watched him do a one-hour lecture yesterday on youtube he's the author of uh coddling america is that the name of the book coddling which sounds familiar yes yes super famous book uh when i was listening to the lecture i didn't know that that was the guy who wrote it basically like if you hate your children like if you really especially if you have daughters if you do if you just want to just completely derail your daughter, get your daughter a cell phone.
Starting point is 00:37:06 I listened to an hour lecture, basically, of what happened in 2012 when Instagram launched and people gave their kids cell phones. It's basically the worst thing you could do to your kid. I know people are going to be like, oh, Salon, once again, extreme, fine. But if you really want to make insecurity, low self-worth, confused about what's important
Starting point is 00:37:28 it's not just get your daughter a cell phone it's like it is demised there were some crazy stats like there were pretty much no incidences of boys doing any cutting that was strictly a female phenomenon yeah until the advent of instagram suicide rates skyrocketing. It is the portal to every horrible statistic that happens to women. For some reason, women are more sensitive and more observant, according to this guy, his theory. And hey, it's all correlates, right? Of course. Yeah. But there isn't a competing theory. Yeah. Well, you know how they so you just see the demise of a whole generation of women and it's it's and the dudes are getting fucked because they're getting addicted to porn right and uh on a but what's crazy is guys think
Starting point is 00:38:19 oh it's that i like pussy or that i like girls or that I'm attracted to that, but actually it hijacks that it's not the pussy or the, that they're going after. It actually becomes the stimulation from the phone. Right. You get intertwined and then you're fucked. Yeah. Well, you know, it's interesting, you know, they say like the only, the real way people could kind of open their mind to new ideas or change them, you know, uh, is by reading because you're listening and opening new ideas, but as you read it, it becomes the voice in your head. So it's, it's harder to argue it. Right. So I wonder how much of that, that plays into this is as I'm looking into something that is, I feel like I'm alone or like it's personal because it's just me and my phone.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Right. And then you're looking in and you're, you're consuming that material and then you're looking in and you're you're consuming that material and then you're also reading and stuff about it like i think that that has the way for it to really plant the seeds of evil in there right because then you start questioning everything you start to play the comparison game all the time with my life sucks look how cool everybody else's life is look how good looking they are look how many friends they are have and what have you and then go yeah they do all they they do all of that dude people looking at likes or how many followers they have everyone should have to lose their instagram account twice i just wish we had a reset you remember that day we talked about this a while back ago and this was probably like maybe even a year ago at this point, but like Instagram had an issue,
Starting point is 00:39:47 and for like a few hours, it just didn't really load for anybody. When your celebration of life is prepaid in advance, it becomes a gift from you to your family later because no one should have to plan for a loss while they're experiencing one. Paying in advance protects your loved ones and gives you the peace of mind you deserve.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Let us help you plan every detail with professionalism and compassion. We are your local Dignity Memorial provider. Find us at Fed up with road rage, gas guzzling, and backseat battles of road trip vacays? Beach, it's time for a reality check. Shift gears to seamless serenity with Sunwing's all-inclusive getaways, which can actually be cheaper.
Starting point is 00:40:37 More margaritas, less mileage misery. It's a road less traveled for a reason. Say no to gas stations and gassy passengers, and yes to Sunwing Savings. Book with your local travel agent or Do you remember this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Hey, that was during some weird time, too, right? It had something to do with Trump or something. And you and I both had the same like outcome with it we were like man i was stoked i was hoping the whole thing would just burn and everybody would have to start over on this new social media right like that's something like
Starting point is 00:41:15 once a year once every like two years they should just just burn the social medias down and let everybody start back over at zero and build it back up. Also, too, the whole buying followers is crazy to me because some people don't realize that. And it's super easy to tell because they'll have hundreds of thousands of followers and you look at what they're posting, their content, and there's zero engagement. Hardly any comments. There's not a lot of engagement with you. You can tell it's fake. But people still won't get that past their minds and will still place more importance on these people with these followers it's nuts should not be allowed to buy them hey you know so when people first started buying so when i used to see check blue check marks in my inbox i would always go to those first
Starting point is 00:41:59 right when people started being able to buy blue check marks i realized oh even though i know they're bought i started going to them first. Like I couldn't surpass it in my mind. I would still watch it. But now I'm numb to it. Yeah. I don't see blue check marks. Now it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:14 They lost their value. Now I've like finally overcome that hurdle. And I just see all, I don't see, I basically assume all blue check marks are bought and those people are pretty much tools. Right. Yep. Yep. It's crazy. But at first, even though I thought that I couldn't circumvent it, I would still go check them first, thinking that it was someone who that it was like somehow because you want to verify people like you want Charles Lawrence who's verified by Instagram because then, you know, his record for the 50 mile world record is real. Right. Instagram because then you know his record for the 50 mile world record is real. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Or if it was a director of a movie and you, you know, you look up a famous actor and there's 15 of them, you want the blue check marks so you know which one's not the fan page. Right. Yeah. But it's lost all that value now. Now it's just like, now it's just, and when I say tools, obviously there's some people who buy it and it helps them with work. Right. Because it pushes your comments to the top and lets you navigate the social media at a higher level. I get that.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm not blaming those people, but if you're not making money off your social media and you got to be check market, like, yeah, you're kind of a tool. Yeah. David weed is asking us if we're okay. I think, I think so. I'm balls deep in your bunghole. I'm perfect. So right now, I guess I'm okay, David. Hey, Andrew Hiller, I'm a tool. And the thing is, too, is, well, so Hiller, there's a perfect example of someone who fucking works it, right?
Starting point is 00:43:44 He's taking full advantage of his blue check mark oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like he's not he's not doing it so for some reason just because he wants the new check mark he's using it so his comments stay at the top so that whatever benefit to get there's even some there's even some discussion that you're less likely to get your account banned oh interesting because you're a paid customer. Yeah, but I had a real verified account and I had my account banned. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, you got swept up in that aggressive shadow ban
Starting point is 00:44:13 and canceling of anybody who is sharing information about the vid. Hey, in the street corner conversation, I'm paraphrasing what he said, but he basically said that at some point, you know, he liked Katrin, but when she would post about him and his followers tripled or whatever, then he started getting confused if he liked what came with her or actually her. Oh, that's interesting. Right? Yeah. That he liked the idea of the attention that the two of them were getting together.
Starting point is 00:44:47 If it was her, like the two kind of got a little conflated. Weird. And maybe he wasn't, was he around long enough to realize that it actually didn't fucking matter? Like, what do you mean? Like the numbers on the screen, right? Like we like have been growing this YouTube channel and stuff like that. At some point you reach a tipping point where there's so much attention and numbers that other opportunities come your way. But at first, and especially if you're just getting the followers because you're of association with
Starting point is 00:45:13 somebody, it's just the numbers changing on a screen. It doesn't actually affect you in life. Other than the value that you're placing on it. Because when you go from zero followers to a thousand followers, you might be like, hey, this is cool. Then from 1000 to 10,000, you're like, cool. Now I got a 10,000.1. It feels like I'm, you know, I've made it in the world of social media, but really there's not a lot of difference in your life between 1000 and 10,000 followers. And then as you go from 10,000, maybe to 50,000 or to a hundred thousand, then things might change. People start to reach out to you or assuming that it's not purchased followers, right? And you're building something, you're building a platform, but a lot of people get stuck between that thousand and 10,000
Starting point is 00:45:55 or even the 10,000 to a hundred thousand and start to think that because that number is changing, they have some sort of importance. The followers we have on the seven podcast even though it's one-fifth of what i used to have are way more valuable than the hundred thousand i used to have yeah a hundred percent because they're engaged and i mean look at this they're going over there and hanging out at jethro's gym and meeting up with each other and they have chats and they're doing their own workouts and all this stuff right like that's a fucking how about semen per year date how about people are dating from the seven easts yeah i mean that's true yeah that's and i also think that's what makes street parking so valuable because they they have done that as people
Starting point is 00:46:35 well you know yeah and they do the meetups and they have you and they're building real relationships off of meeting each other online, which is something that we do here as well, which makes the community special, makes it different. Hey, if I play you something real quick, you want to react to it? Yeah, you know the Matuthean is getting close to coming out. I can't wait. I'm ready. I'll react to it. I can't wait. Do I have to look at the screen?
Starting point is 00:47:08 Do I have to look at the screen? No, no, no, no, no. You're going to hear it. I just want you to think about it. Do you still have these, Caleb? I changed the date on them, but you might not have them. I could bring it up if not, dude. Don't stress it.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Let's see. I got it. Let's go to the very first one that says be a hero what the fuck did I just do you guys hear an echo from me now because now I have it on YouTube also no I don't hear anything at least not yet
Starting point is 00:47:38 looks like you and Caleb are in the same room on my phone yeah we are we decided to get together for this one. Yep. Okay, so to set this up here, this is from the Ice Coffee Hour. This is a podcast with Jack and Graham Stephan, if you guys are familiar with them.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And they're interviewing this famous divorce lawyer, which Sevan knows about because his mother was one. But let's go ahead and play this real quick here, Caleb. I want to be seen as a heroic person. How can a guy be a girl's hero in a relationship? What is heroic but doing the hard thing? The hard thing to do and the right thing to do are almost always the same thing in every sphere of life.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Think about it. Every movie you've ever watched, the hero says to the woman, I got to go. I got to go fight that bad guy, or I got to go take out the villain who's in the saloon, or I got to go on this mission. And she goes, no, please don't. Don't go. Stay. If he went, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Screw that. Let's go back inside. He's not the hero anymore. The hero goes and does what he has to do. He does the hard thing because it's the right thing. Every guy wants to be seen. I think we're fucking lacking heroes in the United States. I think majority of the people would want to just fucking stay inside
Starting point is 00:48:59 or when they see something come up, they'd rather just bust out their cell phone and film it than go out and do the hard thing or act or be the person that they want to see the change in, right? Hey, when, when, uh, so yesterday I was doing a workout with, uh, Greg's, uh, four kids, uh, three girls and a boy and my three boys. And I took them into the garage and it's fucking 38 degrees in there and I'm working them out and i'm like okay uh you're going to do um you're going to do uh 100 pull-ups cumulatively strict pull-ups right yeah and basically when it came down to the end um obby wanted to make sure he always did more than everyone else and he wanted
Starting point is 00:49:40 to make sure that he got did big sets at the end when everyone else was getting. And I could totally tell he was doing it for the three girls in the room. Yeah. And I was so fucking proud of him. He wanted to be the hero. Yeah. And it's like, you know, as a man, if you don't have the desire to want to show off physically, something's wrong with you. Yep. And hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:03 As a kid, I didn't have that capability. And that sucked. that's like i had to forego that and just try to be funny yeah but that hey man you should want to try to you should want to try to show off for girls it's totally fucking healthy that means you're you're on the right track yep yep because here's the thing when you were a kid you still had to earn that right into society right like with your people around you or like amongst your peers like you still had to find a way in even though the physicality piece you weren't going to out pull up anybody but you're going to come in there and make some jokes and add some value to the group some way and i think going back to the conversation with the cell phones that's why it's so dangerous is because when people when kids especially like through that you know 11 to 16
Starting point is 00:50:44 ages they're really trying to find their way in society and like find their way within their social group and in their peers the second they feel that rejection rather than going back to the drawing board and being like how else am i going to get this done they go back and they recluse into the cell phone and then the cell phone's going to validate like hey yeah you're right check out all these other people they're not you know you'll never make it within these groups or within this peer group and then that stops them from ever trying but then also too just creates more of the the issues the feeling of not belonging or or uh loneliness maybe they could find a crossfit gym though and get that cured
Starting point is 00:51:19 hey i did stupid stuff everything's a mating strategy and you start seeing like stupid mating strategies like me taking out the backseat of my 77 Volkswagen Rabbit and putting in 415s. Yep. When I really probably should have been in football practice. You know what I mean? Totally. Everything's a mating strategy, right? Yep. Yeah. That's why there's the guy,, uh, there's the guy, like I had, I was always brushing my hair. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And so there's the guy who's like trying to look good, trying to get girls. And then there's the guy who's just out there just doing shit. Like he's at fucking wrestling practice and didn't care what his hair looks like. Yeah. Yeah. And I think more and more people speak for himself, are actually afraid to, uh, pretty much afraid to be, to be that, um, to be that hero, afraid to step out and do the hard things like everybody just wants it so easy to like especially people that are trying to make money or anything now that just like bitch and complain and you're like dude you have more access
Starting point is 00:52:16 to more things with that cell phone in your pocket than you do with fucking anybody else did before. You know what I mean? Crazy. Do you work out seven days a week, Susan? No. Probably my minimum is like three days a week where I absolutely have to. And then ideally, I work out about six days a week. Caleb, do you work out every day? Yeah, probably in some capacity.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I work out just about every day. And do you work out at your house probably in some capacity I work out just about every day and you do you work out your house or just strictly the gym both sometimes usually I'll go to the gym and work out but if I can't make it there that I'm doing something at the house I've got just I've got the rower and the bike set up in here and a bench for dumbbells and stuff because here like i um because i was here you know in idaho and during the drive during the drive i didn't work out one of the days and then two of the days i didn't work out here and then finally i just put on a fucking ski mask and i just went out in the garage and started working out nice because it was so cold i just can't not i well I did yeah it's so cold dude I just can't not do it I don't know how people I don't know how people don't do it I don't know how you just don't you just I get I just have
Starting point is 00:53:35 to do it if I don't work out my wife knows like I get really irritable or frustrated or like just for no reason but as soon as I work out, it could be like 10, 15 minutes or maybe I'll like work on the house and carry some heavy shit around. As soon as I do that, I feel so much better. I can't do it.
Starting point is 00:53:56 If I don't do it, like I'm not very fun to be around. That's for sure. Especially there's these people, you know, you'll hear these stories. Hey, I did CrossFit for two years,
Starting point is 00:54:04 you know, seven days a week. And then I took a year off. Like, what do you mean you took a year off? Like I said, you'll hear these stories. Hey, I did CrossFit for two years, you know, seven days a week. And then I took a year off. I'm like, what do you mean you took a year off? Like I said, do workout for a year. I'm like, how? Yeah. That would be all these girls that we have, all these girls that we have on the show that were like, um, uh, or like Jennifer say, remember the president of Levi Strauss? She, you do gymnastics seven days a week for 10 years and then you stop one day.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I don't know how people do that that must be a trip that must be a trip for even boys like what if tyson bait what if you played high school you know elementary school junior high high school college and then it's just over yeah hey it's so fucking weird dude and for a lot of people too it's it's over like permanently like they start to drink a little bit more they put on the weight and then they get so far away from that person that they were that they just never come back into the gym or when they go to start again they're like fuck this is really hard i'm i'm done i'm not gonna do this you can tell the people that i went to college with who found something after college when i was so all the people that i played soccer with all the people
Starting point is 00:55:01 that i worked with on the football team you can tell the people who found something to do when they left college and the people who didn't are severely overweight and have, they just work at a desk all day and eat snacks. Like that's all they do. So if they hadn't found some, if they did find something, they'd be in much better shape. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Wait till you go to your 20 year reunion, Caleb, you're going to trip, dude. Oh, we had a 10 and they were like asking me if i wanted to come and i was like absolutely not you guys are you done with it you should go hey dude it's crazy like there's like dudes who like be the star quarterback on the team or the best guy
Starting point is 00:55:35 in the basketball team and like they'll be gorked and shit you know what i mean they'll be 70 pounds overweight metabolic derangement and like not not like can't even hold a conversation it's a trip yeah all right it's like yeah it's a trip dude you'll be blown away there'll be people there that you'll see you'll be like i went to high school with you like i had a bunch of those like i thought i knew everyone in my high school and i was like what the fuck dude we could even get our shit together to like have a 10-year reunion i remember like the the invites started like circling around facebook or something and like I was told by one of my friends, that's like, Hey, you're not really on Facebook, but we're getting these things.
Starting point is 00:56:11 If you want to go to it. And then next thing you know, he was like, Oh, everything's, everything's canceled. We're not even having a 10 year. And I was like, okay, great. Oh my God. So I don't even think we're, yeah. I'd be surprised if we, if we even had a 10, 20 year, uh, David, we'd said people that work out every day, don't even think we're, yeah, I'd be surprised if we, if we even had a 10, a 20 year, uh, David Weed said people that work out every day, don't train hard enough. I thought I was going to say like, there's fine. I did. I'm okay with that. We did a workout on Friday. That was, um, 10 deadlifts at 275 pounds, uh, 50 wall balls,
Starting point is 00:56:40 10 rope climbs and then 50 handstand pushups. And it was a 14 minute amrap and after finishing that workout i was like fuck i woke up yesterday i feel like i got hit by a train like a 275 deadlift isn't like crazy for me but having it in a workout um even with the shorter or the lesser reps there paired with that wall ball was was tough plus i'm just getting older i guess in the second third and fourth grade i had this best friend named chad chad polo and we used to always play at recess and we always pretended like we were the bionic man for those of you remember that show and then somewhere and then somewhere our friendship just like like stopped and and in high school i wanted to be
Starting point is 00:57:23 friends with him again but he he was just so i don't know i just couldn't he he was like i don't know if he had out matured me or what i definitely didn't out mature him and i saw him at our reunion at our 20-year reunion right because i went to i went to elementary school junior high in high school and i saw him at our and i said hey dude do you ever wonder what happened to our friendship why we didn't stay friends like from when we were little kids through junior high and high school? Yeah. And he said, yeah, dude, in the fifth grade, my mom died.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Between my fourth and fifth grade year, my mom died of cancer. Oh, shit. You know what I mean? And all of a sudden, and I remember he just went quiet. He just went inside. He was an outside guy like me. You know what I mean? Like extrovert.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Yeah. And then all of a sudden, he introvert right oh fuck and it's it was so crazy to fucking hear that you know 40 years later right what what did that make you feel like we're like oh shit i totally had this whole other thing in my head like horrible for a second yeah like i was like oh fuck but i mean but but i mean i was crazy compassionate myself because i'm a little kid and i didn't know that like hey i should have pushed extra hard to stay close to him yeah yeah he's going through shit yeah and we both lived in a really poor neighborhood right like really poor like like like every other house had trucks in the on the front lawn you know what i mean right tires off yeah you know what i mean uh seeing fights on walking home from school was the norm yeah i mean i think when you're
Starting point is 00:58:51 younger having to deal with life situations like that is tough because your social group and your peers definitely don't have any of the skill set equipped to deal with it like i remember when i had this uh good friend of mine through elementary school or actually still still friends to this day when i see him we still chat and stuff but his name was matt as well and um his uh his dad passed away due to a heart attack like just outside in his front yard uh cleaning his truck actually and um and then i remember it was it was like really tough for him because he was coming back into into school like trying to find himself and um and like all like none of the like none of us like had any any perspective on what that felt like or what that was like or even what to say and so he kind of like you like they start to
Starting point is 00:59:35 get outcasted and then because you're kind of like on your own and reclusing like then kids start to like pick on you because of it and then he always kind of had some anger issues afterwards with like you know understandably so right um and that yeah that fucking sucks you know and even as a parent to to that kid there's nothing really much you could do or a parent of a friend of that kid right like what are you gonna tell your kid a cell phone if one of the parents died to get you get a cell phone oh dude that's one track fucking to suicide right there that's fucking crazy when do you think kids should have cell phones like what age every age is kind of the fuck as long as so as long as you yeah well as long as you can as long as you can yeah um i'm telling you i'll i'll one of the upcoming shows I'll put a link to the lecture I saw it's just all so I mean it's so obvious when I talk to people like it explains everything that's
Starting point is 01:00:32 going on in the crossfit scene to all these young people that I'm around and just the way they interact and they act and like I've just been unfollowing people yeah like yeah it's it's uh I don't even know if I want to open the door right now but Yeah. Yeah. I don't even know if I want to open the door right now. Yeah, I get that. The starve for attention shit, I've been sending some posts to you guys. The starve for attention shit is just wild to me.
Starting point is 01:00:59 It pains me. It's not that I just don't want to see it. I don't want to see it in there. I don't feel like I'm seeing expressions of art. I'm feeling I'm seeing people just like choose just lowest common denominator shit about themselves and putting it on the internet. And it's just fucking, I'm embarrassed for them. And I'm like, maybe I'm just old.
Starting point is 01:01:18 Favorite ice cream flavor and stuff? Not exact. Everyone else's favorite ice cream flavor they're putting up there hey so are you getting pressure from like like like how about these people who don't have perfect bodies but they pose and they do things and post it on the internet to make it look like they have a perfect body right or they could photoshop it or do different things yeah yeah yeah and it's it's like i'm not mad at them for it i'm just sad for them it's just like hey are you getting pressure already from other parents that are saying like hey your kids should be having phones or technology they're gonna fall behind no no you know it's so by the way that
Starting point is 01:01:58 lecture is great on that that that's that's a myth too that that shit doesn't happen but um so one of my sons wants to um to be able to he uses my wife's phone or my wife's ipad to call my mom right so he facetimes my mom using that so my sons do that so he's like hey can i have my own ipad so that i can facetime uh my mom my grandparents my family and i was like oh that's kind of a good idea. And then I was talking to Greg for like five minutes yesterday and he was telling me one of his kids has that and he goes, don't do it. It's stupid. He really goes, yeah, just let them use your wife. Cause I, my kids never, my kids aren't allowed to touch my phone. Right. Like not touch it, not touch it. Yeah. It's not theirs. He set it up. No, they didn't. No, no, they don't touch it. They're not. Hey, my kids aren't.
Starting point is 01:02:48 So here's another thing. If you, um, if I'm with you and I'm like, Hey Matt, look at my phone. Yeah. My kids won't come over and try to look at what, um, I'm showing you. Right. But 99% of my friends, kids do. And I always say to them, Hey, hey that's not appropriate i'm not showing you something like for some reason parents aren't letting their kids know that the eye shot to the screen isn't like i'm not showing if i say hey matt uh look at this and your kid were to come over matt and look i'd be like hey i'm just showing your father right right hey well i think
Starting point is 01:03:21 that goes to a larger thing there There's just kindness and basic social nuances just people just don't get anymore. It's fucking a trip. Well, I think the biggest thing underneath that umbrella is the fact that, and I've seen you do this a lot of times, we'll be in a conversation at your house or something like that. One of the boys will run up and they'll instantly go to inject in the conversation
Starting point is 01:03:43 and you'll stop them and you'll be like, hey, don't you see that we are having a conversation? I need you to stand right there for a moment. We're going to finish this conversation. You can't just come in here and interject like that. And then you'll turn back and you'll address the adult. Hey, sorry about that. OK, what were you saying? Then you have the conversation that when that stops, you immediately turn to your attention and say, OK, now what's going on's going on and then you know then they're able to have the conversation with you hey i would i would
Starting point is 01:04:10 say that out of 10 parents that are in my gym nine of them don't do that they let their kid just be the they dictate everything dude so their kid comes running into the room and mom mom mom mom and then they'll straight stop everything go what and then the whole group of adults have to stay in there and fucking look at your kid where they go oh um um i forgot or oh i want to say something oh that's cute okay and then you let the kid run off and i don't think that most people are aware of what they're actually teaching their fucking kids because their kids don't need that small little piece of attention from them what the kid is actually doing is testing the boundaries and saying hey can i have the attention of everybody in this room
Starting point is 01:04:53 and i'm going to hijack this whole entire conversation and then what ends up fucking happening is like your kid always has to be the center of attention your kid shows up to something and now we all have to fucking stare and stand at your kid and watch them roll around and have these conversations. And then if we go to about your kid and then if we go to have an adult conversation and hang out with each other,
Starting point is 01:05:13 your kid just going to interject and now everything is about them. And then what ends up happening is your kid senses... And no one likes your kid. That's what I was going to say. No one likes your kid. Dude, yes.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Even if that's not true, a healthy parent just always remembers that. No one likes your kid. That's what I was going to say. No one likes your kid. Dude, yes. Even if that's not true, a healthy parent just always remembers that. No one likes your kid. And then what happens is the kids understand body language and social nuance better than most adults because that's a main form of communication for them at this age because they're so observant. So what ends up happening is the adults stop liking them. Your friends stop liking your fucking kids and your kids could sense that. And then it becomes weird. And man, I remember back a day when I was younger, back in my day, like if I came up
Starting point is 01:05:56 and just like interjected like that and in my parents conversation with their friends or something like that, we were always told like, you need to stop. That was rude. Adults are talking in this room unless it's an emergency. And even if it is, you need to come up and immediately state like, Hey, there's an emergency. I need your attention. You know, there was very defined rules of how you acted around other adults and how you presented yourself inside group and social settings.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And I just think that it's gone down the window. All the parents now think their kids are specialists, little snowflake, and we all need to fucking watch them. Do you think it's that the parents don't want to do the hard thing or that the parents are just unconscious and just reacting? I would say majority of them are unconscious. I think that they're not. Unconscious.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah, I think that. They're just reacting. Yeah, and listen, I'm swimming in in the deep end here and i know i don't have kids and stuff but i i watch it and observe it quite a bit and i know that that's the easiest thing to do is just to give them what they want and send them on their way it seems really fucking hard to have to constantly discipline constantly reinforce constantly set boundaries right like it just seems like a relentless task so if you're consistent it doesn't like it doesn't um like so nine out of ten times when i say to my kids okay let's come to the garage and work out they just get up no like yesterday they were watching a movie dude it was seven o'clock at night it was freezing outside like okay boys they're in a dark room i poke my head and i'm like okay come to the garage and
Starting point is 01:07:29 work out and like i'm always like blown away that they come in there and do it but you know why they do it because they've just been doing it yeah it's just ingrained it's all they know and you're it's still in the discipline in them because now they'll have that kind of earned content confidence later on when they go i I don't really feel like this. Well, it doesn't matter if we kind of feel like it or not. The work needs to get done. Right. And then they just kind of work out for an hour.
Starting point is 01:07:51 And every time I go, Hey, do you feel better than when we started? And they go, yeah, way better. And I go, okay, go back to your movie. Yeah. Hey, and the crazy thing is, is when you have, when you put those boundaries in your teacher, your kids, how to operate in those social settings or how to, how to operate towards other adults and, and interact with them. And then the adults like your kids, it's like, they get, they get a ton of attention and they get the best out of each adult that they're around. Right. Like you, you know how it is like half the time, like I'm over
Starting point is 01:08:18 at, at your place, you have to be like, dude, come on. You have to come in the studio. We have to get shit done. You can't just keep fucking around with the kids, right? Because I want to be around them. They're fun to be around. And it's funny too because I don't do this on purpose, but you could tell some of the kids that I naturally gravitate towards in the gym when I see them. And I'm like, oh, you know. And it's easy because I know that I could give them a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:08:42 I could hang out with them. And then if I have to like curl it back and be like, hey, sorry, you got to go back into the kid's room or hey, sorry, this has to happen. They're like cool with it too. Right. It's easier to manage. They're like, oh, okay, you're right. Thanks for letting me, you know, come out and hang out
Starting point is 01:08:53 and run around the gym for a minute. By the way, when I do that, when there's other kids around, I'm like, hey, time to work out. And half the kids that aren't my kids will be like, I'm not going. And I'll be like, that's fine. But guess what? They all, they all end up coming.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Of course. They always do. They always end up coming because they see that working out is fun. Hey, you can do a hundred pull-ups. Each of us know you're going to take turns and we're going to get to a hundred. Yep. It's just, it's just, you guys are going to play catch. And if anyone drops the ball, you do a burpee.
Starting point is 01:09:22 I mean, just so easy. Yeah. Yeah. I wish more parents were conscious of that, but you know, that's why we get a bunch of entitled people that are in society. Thanks for letting me call in. I jacked the show. I'm glad the phone works. Yeah. Thanks for doing that. I'm actually, we're going to sign off after this too. I got to head down to the gym for our challenge workout.
Starting point is 01:09:44 So relatively short show this morning, but thanks for calling in and keeping us company. All right, cool. Okay. Safe travels back. Hey, Craig. By the way, if I don't know, it's crazy that we're doing a CrossFit Open, isn't it? Yeah. 2024 CrossFit Games Open Sevan podcast in conjunction with Born... Well, maybe I shouldn't say yet. How exciting.
Starting point is 01:10:07 How exciting. What a Friday Night Lights Pepper, Hopper, Mertens versus Taylor Self in person. J.R. Howell in the house head referee.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Oh, it's going to be dope. Pre-game, post-game. With the bestell in the house head referee. Oh, it's going to be dope. Pre-game, post-game. Hey, what's a... With the best shoe in the business. Hey, Omar asks... I can't even believe it. It's a coup, dude. It's a coup. How did Nike never do this?
Starting point is 01:10:38 How has no one ever done this before? Because we weren't around, dude. 10,000 live listeners, dude. Because we weren't around. We weren't around to make it happen. This is crazy. Oh, we need to release something, by the way. Tomorrow morning, Waterpalooza will become free
Starting point is 01:10:53 for the world, right? Okay. And we're also... Don't we have... And then tomorrow's Monday? Tomorrow's Monday, yeah. Oh, and then we released episode eight tomorrow. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:10 So episode eight tomorrow? Behind the paywall. And then... Oh, yeah. Maybe let's release Wadapalooza Tuesday then. Wadapalooza free for the world on Tuesday. On Tuesday. And then tomorrow we just release episode eight.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Yep. We can release it in the morning. Since we're not doing a podcast in the morning, let's just release it at seven. Okay. There we go. That's the schedule. You cool with that, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:11:28 That sounds great to me. There we go. All right. Done deal. Okay. Thank you. I'll chat with you later. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Safe travels. Ciao. Safe travels. Bye. Bye. Okay, cool. That's awesome. He just helped us fill like 40 minutes of it.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Especially because like not knowing what's going to go on with these like shows and I'm in like a scramble to try to find material for it. And I'm just like, oh man. Okay, so we're going to leave off on this very last one here. It's called Inside CrossFit HQ. Guys, we have footage inside of CrossFit HQ. The actual employees working hard to keep expanding the methodology here. And so Caleb will bring this up. And this is what I imagine it is like. Thought is, okay, this looks like any lab at a university back home. But then it dawns on you that it's completely silent. No one is doing anything. There was no typing, no mouse clicking, nothing. We saw one guy looking at the Google homepage, but he wasn't searching for anything. He was just staring blankly at the screen. The one person we saw there who actually looked like
Starting point is 01:12:39 he knew how to use a computer was of course the one person they wanted us to meet. Hello, how are you? Very nice to meet you as well. Sorry to disturb you while you're working. Yes, actually I was looking for my papers. It's published in the journals. This is about string theory. This is done in collaboration with some foreign scientists in Europe. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:13:11 That's great. Considering North Korea's reputation for complete and total suppression of information, this stop was clearly designed to convince us that they had access to the internet, just like the rest of the world, which we knew wasn't true. And that left us wondering, was anything we were seeing real?
Starting point is 01:13:30 It felt like we were walking through a real room in a shirt. Dude, he was using like Windows 98. Are you kidding me? There's no way. Hello, I am learning things. You must not know about them because I am smarter than you. I love how he did a few more clicks before he could turn to talk to anybody.
Starting point is 01:13:51 He's like, click, click. I'm very involved in this. I saw that and I was like, okay, this is going to be a pretty funny joke here. Small team, guys. Got a lot going on. Everybody's staring at computer screens. Only one person has actual internet access. Just the Google up with nothing being typed in.
Starting point is 01:14:14 That's fucking wild. That's wild, guys. Think about what's happening on other places on this planet. Think about what's happening where you are right now in your fucking nice AC or heated space with your smartphone, ready to watch your football. Football. And yet there's some poor motherfuckers over in another country that don't even get to decide their favorite colors or what they wear. Imagine that.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Imagine that. Imagine that. And then imagine people in the United States that want that to happen here. In the name of equality. Damn. All right, we'll leave you guys with that. Thanks for joining us this morning and hanging out as we rambled over all sorts of different things. Caleb, any parting words before we take off here this morning and hanging out as we ran rambled over all sorts of different things. Caleb, any, any parting words before we take off here this morning? Uh, if you're not already a CEO member, become one,
Starting point is 01:15:10 uh, we'll release the water, blues and doc tomorrow. And then another episode of behind the scenes on Tuesday, um, subscribe to the channel, like the video. We'll see y'all later.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Peace. Adios and goodbye.

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