The Sevan Podcast - Alexis Raptis & Dallin Pepper | Games Bound

Episode Date: July 18, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's a sad bomb podcast show. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a sad bomb podcast show. Bam, we're live. I just heard the most incredible song someone made for Shut Up and Scribble. Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow. Holy cow. Alexis Raptors coming on. The girl next door. Has she done a Dave interview yet? Ooh, it's hot. Holy shit, it's hot. Holy, holy smokes, it's hot.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Buenos dias, Dr. Dave Boyer. Holy smokes, it's hot. Buenos dias, Dr. Dave Boyer. Kenneth. 6toV, how are you? How are you? I like the intro song. Oh, the Sevan podcast one, yeah. Alexis Raptis should be here any second.
Starting point is 00:01:02 She had a remarkable performance last year. And I think everyone fell in love with her. And her videos do insane on the Training Think Tank YouTube channel. Let's see, 2023, women, individual, games. Here we go. Oh, that's men. It always defaults to men. Good thing for that. Here we go. Let's look at where she fell.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Laura Horvat won the games last year, then Emma Lawson, Ariel Lohan, Gabriella McGowan, Alex Kazan, Alexis Raptis. Catherine David's daughter is gone this year. Emma Carey is gone. Daniel Brandon, who knows? Paige Powers is gone. I think we got, do we have Emma Tall scheduled for her show? Wrap this. A fourth, a twelfth, a twenty-second, a thirteenth, an eighth, a thirteenth, fifth, a third, a fifth, a fifth, a thirty-seventh, a third.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Man, oh man, it's gonna be a wild one this year. Alright, Ms. Raptor should be here any second. Guys, we are doing an affiliate video contest and some of you are submitting videos and not following the rules. You have to submit five videos that are shot in 16 by nine that are between 30 seconds and 90 seconds. Giving us a 40 minute submission
Starting point is 00:02:53 or putting stuff on reels on TikTok and being like, hey, here's my submissions. How about you go fuck yourself? You're not following the rules and you're not gonna win the $5,000 and you're wasting our time and you're pissing me off. the rules and you're not going to win the $5,000 and you're wasting our time and you're pissing me off. There's there's no magic here to getting you out of that mindset of focusing on how you look, but an affiliate is in my opinion by far the best place to help you with that shift. Before
Starting point is 00:03:22 starting at the gym, I was somebody who just always wanted to be smaller and I always wanted to like look a certain way and I was never, never satisfied with my body. All my goals were focused around all of my exercise was like how do I get as small as possible? And so I was like super unhealthy. Like I wasn't eating and all sorts of stuff. Unfortunately like when I had gotten really bad, Megan had me
Starting point is 00:03:50 join here. So it was very quickly that I was like okay well if I want to like lift with all of these other girls and if I want to like keep up with them and if I want to be strong and all those things like I like that this has this has to switch it was like within six months I like realized that switch where it was like all the sudden on my Instagram feed instead of like tiny little people I had like these strong beautiful capable women that could lift hundreds of pounds so this for me has been a whole mindset shift of like, I now appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:04:32 In here, we don't care what you look like as long as you're hitting what you want to achieve. You might not care what you look like, but that's easy for Lexus Raptors to say. Yo! Yeah, I hear you. Now I hear you. Yeah, but I don't hear you on my headphone. I wanted you to be on my headphone. Oh, yeah. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Oh, well. I thought I needed to, but it's fine. Oh, where's the sound coming from? Your computer? Yeah, well, it's actually my iPad. That's why I'm like, I'm looking straight on but it kind of looks crooked. Hey, what about if you go, do you have like a, on your iPad, do you have a little gear down there at the bottom that says settings? No. You don't see like a little gear thing? It says like mute, stop cam settings. Oh yeah, yeah. Hit that settings one and then there should be a tab on the left hand left hand side that says audio
Starting point is 00:05:27 And then choose for your mic choose something Maybe maybe uh, there we go. Oh, although Chris says don't change a fucking thing Okay, now I can hear You're having a good hair day. Is that just greasy, heavy, beautiful hair or is that cream rinsed, brushed hair? What is that? How do you get that? No, this is all natural, baby.
Starting point is 00:05:52 That's just sweat and hard work. Yeah. Do you have crazy thick hair, Alexis? Yeah. Any temptation like before the games to just go el baldo? Bald. Yeah, bald. Yeah, I have a temptation quite often to go bald, but then I think about what that really would mean and
Starting point is 00:06:12 I've never done it. Comment below, should I go bald? We're taking a vote. I wish Kayla was here. We could do a vote. Jeremy, world. No, you wouldn't. I love the shirt. You're a handsome fellow. Thank you. Jeremy gave me this shirt. Jeremy has a club, a dad's club. We bus. Yeah, we bus. I forget what it stands for. Let me see if I can show you the back. We bust heads catch the vibes. Oh, I like that. Oh, I just made a shirt for the games that Says positive vibes on the back. Oh, where can they buy it? Let's now that we're selling things. Let's just get it all out Oh, well, I've only made 30 so
Starting point is 00:07:01 And they're not actually made yet. Maybe a lot for friends So and they're not actually made yet. Maybe. Are they for sale or for friends? Mmm, friends and family and then if there's extra I'll sell them but Hey, did you have the Who's your coach again? What's his name? Adam. And you've been with him forever? Yeah. What's his last name? Rogers. Rogers. That's right. I never had him on the show. I should have him on the show. You should have him. He hates doing podcasts, but he's so good at them.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Is he on Instagram? Yeah, you should message him right now. I am. I totally am. You should also have my dad on the book. Would he come on? Yes. Oh my God. I can't see him watching right now. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:07:48 So it says TTT Adam Rodger. I'd love to have your dad on. Yeah, that's his Instagram. Also, Who's that girl he's with? Is that his wife? Adam? Let me see. Or is that his mom? It's so tiny.
Starting point is 00:08:04 It's so tiny. Looks like a little Asian woman. Is his wife Asian? No, that's gotta be his mom. Okay. And maybe she's just squinting. Or maybe I'm squinting. She's Filipino, so... Oh, okay. So she is Asian. That's Asian. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Adam. Oh, shit. It just sends... And then I just typed Adam and then I went to go put... I'd love to have you on the podcast, but it just sent that off. What did it send? It's just, I typed in his name Adam. Oh. You can unsend it. What?
Starting point is 00:08:36 You can unsend it. No, not if it's the first time. Oh really? You know what I mean? Like I'm not even allowed to, It says, you can't message this account unless they follow you. To connect, it may help to follow them. So I tried to connect with them. Oh. Well, you know him. Will you tell him to check his DM? Oh, I'm gonna make a post in his last video.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Oh, he hasn't posted since July. Yeah, he took a break. Please come on my podcast. I... There's a lady who coaches at your gym. Really? Perrin? Oh Perrin. Perrin. Yeah you should have her on too she's such a good podcaster. Both of them are such good podcasters. So I really wanted to talk to her in the West. Oh. But I didn't approach her because I was afraid to say her name.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I wonder how many people don't talk to me because they're afraid to say my name. Because I didn't... Perrin. Is that her name? Perrin. Yeah, Perrin. Perrin. What's her last name?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Perrin Bear. Perrin Bear. Okay. B-E-H-R. Perrin Bear. Perrin Bear, okay. B-E-H-R. Perrin Bear. Yeah. I DM'd her like this and I said, hey I'd love to have you on my podcast and normally I don't reveal what people said so I'll paraphrase and she responded with something along the lines. This isn't verbatim, but I'd love to as long as we stay in the boundary of talking about certain things. I think that's
Starting point is 00:10:15 what she said and that made me like, and I got scared. No, you should have her on. I should have her on? Okay. Okay. I mean I mean I'm not gonna ask her what kind of birth control she's on. But I may ask her what she recommends to her athletes. She's Yeah, she's awesome. She's so cool. She's a smarty pants, right? She's like a neuroscientist who turned like fuck it. I'm chasing my dream of being a coach. I don't think so, but she is still projecting cuz she's Asian. Yeah, you are a lot of those
Starting point is 00:10:51 Coaches though were actually engineers like Adam and his wife are both engineers. I don't I Feel she was she was I was just wanted to get an Asian joke in there. She did something that was She did something crazy or she was did do something. She did something crazy, or she was like a high-end computer programmer, something. I think she worked in finance or something. I think she did something totally different before coaching.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Right. But she's smart. Oh, and your dad, is your dad on Instagram? Let's do this. Yeah, he is. Okay, what's his Instagram? What's his first name? Probably just JimRapness. Jim. He's on my phone. Rap. I got him.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah. Wow, 167 followers. Really? Good for him. That's more than Travis Mayer. Jim. My one goal was to get to 100K before Travis, and I've already accomplished that. Oh yeah. How is your... Let's see your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I need a competition. I need to... Oh, 156. This profile picture, you look like you're 12. Yeah, I was. So I went was at west coast classic that was in 2021 and people are probably afraid to follow you The only reason why oh wait, no that what that was in 2019 I think that was so long ago. Yeah, how old are you? I'm 25 now. So you're only 20 there. Okay, cuz I was going to have to unfollow you if that picture is of when you were 17. I was going to be like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:12:29 But I went to change it one day last year. And I had multiple people at the gym. As soon as I walked in, they were like, why did you change your profile picture? You've got to change it back. You've got to change it back. Because that was the tank top that I wore at West Coast Classic and it was red and like I think that's when everyone kind of
Starting point is 00:12:50 like started to know who I was and then everyone was like or I think CTP was like When I go to your when I think about your Instagram, I think red and so when I changed it I like totally changed the vibe so then I changed it back and I just haven't changed it since. Yeah. It's a great picture and it stands out. Do you still have that top? Yeah, I do still have that top, but I can't wear it cause it's not tier. Oh, gotcha. Look at you. Who are your sponsors? They're up there. Wait, go back. Uh, okay. Okay. Yeah. Let's look, let's look.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Shameless plug for the people who support Alexis rap this. Tear. Go Wad. Tear. Go Wad. They've been very good to this podcast. ESC Sounds. They've been very good to this podcast. 2Poo Performance. Is 2Poo the one that makes the belts and stuff? Yes. You want to hear a story about with them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 So they reached out. To make a belt with you? No. Oh. They reached out and they wanted some video that we shot of Danielle Brandon. Okay. And they said how much for the video? And we responded it'll be a thousand dollars.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And then I was going to give the thousand dollars to the, I don't even know if we're allowed to do that, but I was gonna give the thousand dollars to the I don't even know I don't even know if we're allowed to do that But I was gonna give the money to the videographer that shot the footage right because I don't pay those guys shit to go To the games and film for me, okay And it was Daniel Brandon swinging swinging something kettlebell or dumbbell or something, okay and Then we didn't hear back from him. Oh, weird. So then they had Daniel Brandon
Starting point is 00:14:31 contact the videographer directly and he gave her five video clips. Oh. Smooth, smooth. Yeah, very smooth. Smooth, too smooth. Smooth. They really didn't wanna pay you. Smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth,
Starting point is 00:14:49 smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth,
Starting point is 00:14:57 smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, smooth, Yeah. Do you want me to send you some tooth powder? I would love some. I um... You would love it. It's 63 five-star reviews. Oh really? I've had tooth powder before. There's a lady who I follow on Instagram and she makes
Starting point is 00:15:14 like all natural products for literally head to toe. Like she's got shampoos, conditioners, body lotions. She has her own protein powder, she's got toothpaste, she's got the mineral powder, she has everything and I loved it. Like I'm out of it now but it was so awesome. It was all natural. Will you text me your address? Yeah I will. Wait so okay how did you get into that? That's so cool. I guess on one of the shows I was talking about it. Is that your last name? Matosian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 And then someone in the comments said, call him Matuthian. Oh my God, that's amazing. And then I had a guest on Tyson Bajan. Do you know who that is? The quarterback for the Chicago Bears. So then he came on and he's like, dude, what's your issue with fluoride? And then I'm like, I don't know I forget
Starting point is 00:16:09 I'm old. So then I after that I started and I don't use I didn't I was using toothpaste without fluoride But then I started really researching it after he said that I'm like god I sounded like a complete jackass not knowing after I talked about it on one show so then I started researching it like crazy and like a complete jackass not knowing after I talked about it on one show. So then I started researching it like crazy and everything I found unanimously, even people who are pro fluoride, people who are anti fluoride, everyone agrees it is a horrible toxin and that it will lower your IQ as a child and you'll never get those points back.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Three to five points in all the studies just makes you tardy. Are you being for real? I'm being totally for real. Wow. No, no, no, no one disputes it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You don't want you don't want fluoride and I'm in the tooth powder is awesome. And the two powders are great. And I noticed that my mom's teeth and my sister's teeth have been are just like so like normal white.
Starting point is 00:17:00 They just have white teeth. I'm like, how do they have such white teeth? But they've been brushing with baking soda and stuff for years. Right? So then I studied it. I researched it. I got with together. I called up Dale King over at DocsBart.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And I was like, hey, can we put together a tooth powder with these ingredients? And then we started sourcing them. And then he did a bunch of tests. And then he put that together. Wow. Look at Chris's third eye came back after he started using Metutian. Oh nice.
Starting point is 00:17:30 He can now see the future. Okay so text me your address and text me Jim's address. I want to send Jim one too. Jim Raptus. Oh okay. Yeah I'll text you that. That's so cool. I want to do something like that one day.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I don't know. Maybe not tooth powder because I don't want to take your product but... Take my product. Do it. I just want to create like healthy natural products. Did you getting sick have kind of push you in that direction? You're like, all right, I'm cleaning this shit out of my body? It was probably around then I feel like I started doing a lot of yeah it probably was because I started having like when my gut got really bad back in the day was when my skin got really bad because the two are connected and I had just horrible hormonal acne on my jaw my cheeks and
Starting point is 00:18:28 How old were you I? Mean this started probably when I was like 1920 is that a controversial Take on acne that it's related to your gut? I mean, I fully believe it. I don't think it's a con. No, I don't think it's a controversial. It's like, I mean, it's not, it's not like consider quack a doodle by people.
Starting point is 00:18:54 No, I mean, I don't think so. Yeah. Okay. Go on. So you, so gut and acne. Yeah. And that's when I started just felt just doing a lot of research and following some different people on Instagram and kind of just realizing that all the stuff that I used growing up
Starting point is 00:19:13 is so toxic. I started really paying attention to food labels, ingredients on skin care products, lotions, sunscreen, everything I was putting on my body. It was very disturbing just how dirty everything was. Perfumes, for example. I would put lotion on my whole body that was just filled with perfume from Bath and Bodyworks, thinking like, oh, I'm putting
Starting point is 00:19:45 something like good on my body when really like affecting. Moisturizing your skin or something. Yeah. It's like totally affecting my hormones. And so I started getting more into that and like just going down that kind of like natural route and I don't know, it's just like super eye-opening and like interesting and it's also I feel like Now there's a lot more products available, but then it was just it was still kind of like new and Not really like talked about and I couldn't really find things that actually worked
Starting point is 00:20:21 And that's why I think it would be cool like I think that think that's why it's cool that you've created this mineral powder because like you know exactly what's in it. You know that you're putting something good in your body. I just think doing something like that one day would be so cool. Here's a good one that one of the listeners started to Sabbath Essentials. Oh wow. What is that?
Starting point is 00:20:44 It's just, it's all sorts of like care products. It's all, my wife uses all this stuff. See, I want to do this. It's cool, right? It's so cool. Lotions, mascara, facial care package. Yeah. Makeup is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah. And this, and this lady makes all of them herself. Oh my gosh. Where does she live? I don't know. Oh. That's so cool. Probably, I always picture it to be somewhere like Alabama
Starting point is 00:21:12 or Missouri, just out in the middle of nowhere. That's how I picture it. Really? I pictured California for some reason. I don't know why. No one from California listens to this show. Oh. It's banned. Oh, it was from the show. This show's banned in California. Don't you live in California?
Starting point is 00:21:27 I do. What part of California? Oh, Florida, Florida. Oh, Florida. Thank you. I love Florida. I'm in Santa Cruz. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:39 And you're in Georgia? Yeah, I'm in Alpharetta. I'm south of San Francisco, like 70 miles. I'm north of LA, 300 miles. Oh, OK. How far are you from Huntington Beach? Are you going to that event? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I am 300 miles. Oh, are you going to go to that event? I am. We're going to do our first Kill Taylor show there live and Taylor's going to do it in front of the audience. Do you know the show we do Kill Taylor on Saturday mornings? No. We do this show every
Starting point is 00:22:25 Saturday. Today it's this week it's on Friday and every in Taylor self does a workout and if oh okay and every week he loo he doesn't get beat the prize goes up 500 bucks. Wait who did he do the workout with? Just by himself. So we go live on the air and he does the workout and it's usually really short like five minutes. Okay. And then and then if you want we have a phone number on the screen and you text me and then I text you A link and then you try to beat him in the workout So yellow host or from Europe text in one week and he won the 1500 bucks What it's every week? What's the workout this week? So this week it's a swim workout and the prize is up to three thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:23:07 What yeah It's friday at 11 a.m Pacific standard time so if you have access to a pool You should be ready to take that fucking money, but taylor i'm telling you taylor's good and no girls ever won We don't want girls winning the very sexy show How long do you have to do the workout? How many hours? So we announced the workout at 8.30 on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Then at 9, the show starts. Or usually the show starts at 9. This week we'll announce the workout in the morning. And then at 11 AM, we'll go live on the Sevan podcast. Then from 11 to 11.15, you'll see Taylor do the workout. And then you can just text us. And then we send you a link and you have your phone there and you hand it to Jim and In mr. Aptus and he holds it and then you're like, okay Taylor I'm gonna put it to you and then you try to beat him in the workout
Starting point is 00:23:54 Most people don't even come close, you know, Taylor really is the fittest man on the planet. People don't realize really? Oh my god No, he didn't make it. Why? I don't know. Bad scoring, bad judging or some shit. But Taylor's so fit. Are you a good swimmer? Yeah, I'm a good swimmer. I'm swimming tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah. So Friday, you can, so Friday, Friday, 11 AM Pacific standard time, you could watch the show, you can be with your friends and you can be like, hold on a second, this workout only takes five minutes. He said, it only takes five minutes. Friday at 11 a.m. Pacific standard time. You could watch the show. You could be with your friends. You could be like, hold on a second. This workout only takes five minutes. He said you need- Oh, it only takes five minutes. Yeah, usually the workouts are very short.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Okay. Like a workout would be, I'm just making this up, but it would be 20 toes to bar, 20 straight can stand pushups, four rounds. And then he does it. And then anyone, and then all these people will try, all these people try to beat him. And then we stream their videos in real time.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like it's all live. Oh, how long are you doing this for? Forever. And eventually yeah and so in in Huntington Beach what we're gonna do is we're going to do I'm so glad you're excited about this. We have people lined up to be sponsors from here until forever. Are you serious? Oh my god it's crazy. Eventually the prize money is gonna go up to a thousand dollars a week The shows are huge too. We have so many we have over a thousand live viewers every week. It's crazy every week It grows and grows and grows But what we're really mean to the contestants
Starting point is 00:25:16 Okay, like abusive. Yeah, we're totally abusive I can do a big if you if you're if you're if you're bathing suits fucked up, we're gonna make fun of you Like if it's going in your butt crack or something, you're gonna get it Good. Yeah, I want to do it. Uh Probably won't be able to do this Friday though, because I've got company in town a boyfriend No, I have fee and oh Fee I love fee Hey, Samantha, which, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh That would be awesome. Yeah. Hey, I really like both those girls. That doesn't surprise me. You're in a team with them.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I know. They're so awesome. After semifinals, either way, if Fi made it or she didn't make it, I was going to make a trip there or she was going to come here. And I just love her. I just love being around her. She's just great vibes. And then Paige, I asked her to train last year,
Starting point is 00:26:28 and I forget. She's pretty busy. But yeah, she's getting here tomorrow. So we're doing a mini. They're both tiny, right? Is Paige small? She was a hockey player. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I thought Paige was like 5'8", but I had her on the show the other day, and she said she's 5'3". No. She is? I'm 5'8, but I had her on the show the other day and she said she's 5'3 No, she is I'm 5'5. I didn't think I was taller than her I'll find out tomorrow. Yeah, but yeah, we're doing like a mini games simulation thing starting tomorrow Like legit like three and four workouts a day for three or four days. Yeah. Yeah Like it's all scheduled out Times everything locations. Well Chris the producer film it Yeah, he's that what CTP stands for Chris the producer. Yeah, I just learned that I Just learned that last week
Starting point is 00:27:20 I wanted I always want I always thought it was just captain but it was all fucked up like it should have been CPT Oh Yeah, sometimes people call him that like CPT. Yeah, that's what I want to call him. That's the default That makes me think of CP California Pizza Kitchen CPK. It's crazy. He didn't get a Media pass I know why? You should tell him to They're pretty good with Media pass. Media pass. I know why. You should tell him to, they're pretty good with, you should tell him to reach out to
Starting point is 00:27:51 Chris Madigan and like ask again if he wants to because they're pretty understanding. You know they're pretty like, yeah they're pretty, from the correspondence I've had with them they seem very understanding and like okay, maybe we made a mistake but but I mean he's truly a legend and to not and his outputs insane and his qualities insane and His historical knowledge is like second to none and it's like hey, how could you not have him on? How could you have them there and all the other I'm sure like There's very few people also, well I shouldn't say that, but all the media people will vouch for him. Like I think all of us
Starting point is 00:28:29 are like, yeah, if anyone should be there, it should be him. Yeah, and it's also like, I want that to be like, I want it all documented. It's like, who knows if this is Travis's last year. Like, I don't know. I thought you were gonna say your last year's like huh okay that makes no gosh no but I still want it to be documented like it could be an amazing season and yeah sure other people are gonna be filming but it's different like I'm with Chris every day he we work like together to make stuff and I'm comfortable around him and we're gonna try and do like behind the scenes stuff but I also don't know what the situation
Starting point is 00:29:10 is gonna be like there like at Madison they were kind of weird about bringing people into that little area before the warm-up area so I don't really know and I don't usually leave the venue all day so it can be hard if your media person isn't allowed back there. I'm texting him now. I'm DMing him now. You should contact HQ and try again. Because he's going to be there either way. Yeah, totally. He made a post acting like he didn't care, but like he should care. I think he does care. I think he's just like whatever like crossfit whatever
Starting point is 00:29:48 control what you can control okay I want to go back to your gut because I think this could be really valuable for people so you're saying you had acne and was related to your gut is there something specifically to get rid of your acne no I look like you have perfect skin oh Oh my gosh. That's the nicest compliment ever because I've had acne for, I think I started having acne in like high school and it's, my skin is not perfect, but like compared to how it was, like this is the... it's hard to say because like this sport is so stressful. So if I'm in the offseason and I'm not competing or there's not things happening like my gut is much
Starting point is 00:30:41 better and I notice my skin is much better. Like when I traveled and got really sick in Bali, my skin, I got off the plane and my skin, it literally looked like I had chicken pox. Like my skin was so bad and it was because my gut was just like in shambles. Just flying there. Yes shambles just flying there Yes, like you got super in there. Oh, so it was just it was disgusting and So I think now it's like managing my gut It like that affects my skin. It's not really I mean, I don't wear like a lot of makeup. I wear a lot of sunscreen. I use like two products on my face and they're all natural. Like I
Starting point is 00:31:32 think for years I kept thinking, Oh, I got to find this perfect whatever product. And I tried literally everything, spent hundreds of dollars and nothing worked. It was literally just like, Why do you do anything to your face? My wife does stuff to her face too. I don't even wash my face. I haven't washed my face since I've been 17 years old. I know and that's what's so annoying. I feel like guys never get acne and they look amazing. Like I just never, I never, I never ever put like, I avoid soap on my face. Really?
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah and I don't put anything on it. For when I had, my kids had lice, so I started putting Cetaphil all over my head and my face. I shaved my head off and I heard Cetaphil, you know that lotion? Yeah. And I heard that if you put that lotion in your hair, lice can't be in there. Oh, really? Yeah, because they can't stick to the hair follicle. And I did notice, I did that for a week,
Starting point is 00:32:23 and then when I would touch My skin my skin was crazy soft So it didn't use lotion. Yeah when I use lotion my skin got so soft Yeah That's basically yeah, I just don't want like dry nasty wrinkly skin. Yeah, so I use lotion but There's no like magic thing. I think one day I'll have to get like, I don't know, like a laser treatment or something when I start getting older. But I think it's all to gut. Did you do elimination diet or do you take any probiotics or super biotics or?
Starting point is 00:32:59 I take a probiotic. I did do an elimination diet years ago and I mean it's so weird like like I said if I'm stressed certain things like the vegetables and greasy foods that kind of stuff like affects me but if I'm in the off season and I'm like not stressed out at all, I could eat literally anything I wanted and not have an issue. So I think it like really comes down to stress. And then stress affects my gut and then my gut affects my skin. And this is just my ignorance but this is a great point. Men don't have
Starting point is 00:33:43 the same hormonal fluctuations monthly. Yeah, that too. So every month your body is like, am I getting pregnant? I'm not. Am I getting pregnant? I'm not. Yeah. Or I am. I hope not. Do you have a boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:34:00 No. No. But did you have a boyfriend? Did you have a boyfriend? I've had, yeah. did you have a boyfriend? Did you have a boyfriend? I've had yeah, can you have a boyfriend? Yeah, I can Yes No, no, no, no, no one's asked yet. Just me. Just me and I'm married. I'm not asking for myself. Because I'm always fascinated by relationships
Starting point is 00:34:30 when you're trying to perform anything at a crazy high level, right? Because I mean, the only thing I know is like no matter what situation my wife and I are in, our relationship, every time when I go to the podcast room She gives me a kiss and she says okay. Good luck. I love you Like we could have been like in a fucking tornado of a fight Yeah, she knows but she knows she needs to like release me of that
Starting point is 00:34:56 Yeah, you know what it means I can go so I can go just do my thing then she kicked my ass when I get back in the house or not Or whatever so but but it would have to be like that for you too, right? You can't have any yeah You can't have any I don't know drama or Can't be anyone with any hang-ups or anything they have to just they have to be able to roll Yeah, definitely roll. I feel like athlete lifestyle is pretty selfish. I'd have to say like every part of my day I'm doing something to be the best in the
Starting point is 00:35:35 world and like I'm putting myself first to do that and I have to sacrifice things and yeah, it's like not a, it's not a job that you can be this like, at least if you want to be the best, I don't think you can be in a relationship where you have to, where you're the one like constantly serving and doing everything because I mean, I get home and I have no energy to do anything. I'm trying to like survive for myself So like even someone saying um, hey, can you go to a wedding next week? Even just the question alone might fucking trigger you. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, what you see I don't time for that question right now. Yeah. No, but for real. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I know. Especially right now. Weeks leading up to competition, it's like if I get too many texts about too many things, I'm just like, I just want to throw my phone away because I just want to focus on this. And yeah, but life is still going on while we're training for the games, obviously.
Starting point is 00:36:43 But it's just hard to do so many things when you're trying to be the best. Have you, there is a point in, I don't know what the word is, but there's a point in human interaction where you have to be, everyone in your life has to no matter who they are has to be completely understanding that like you may never text them back. Like if you want have you have you and then and then you as the person who owns a phone like I've reached this point where I feel no obligation to
Starting point is 00:37:18 text anyone back. Like like I was fighting to keep up with text fighting to keep up with text and then about a year ago. Oh, I quit. Yeah. Like if you hate me for it, have you reached that point? Like is there a... I haven't. I'm getting there, but I haven't reached that point yet, but I do... But you need to get there, right? I see that number.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh yeah, I want to get there so bad. Like psychologically, you want to be like, okay, fuck it. If you hate, you gotta get to this point. If you hate me, you hate me. I can't do anything about it. I forget myself. I'm also, yeah, I can't do anything about it I forget I'm also Yeah, I'm also the kind of person like if I'm if I need something or I want to talk to someone like I hate Texting I will call you which I think some people hate
Starting point is 00:37:55 But like if I need to get something done or I have a question Like I'm gonna call you because I don't want to wait on a text. I don't want to sit there and text it out I just I hate the whole thing and I hate seeing the numbers at the a text. I don't want to sit there and text it out. I just, I hate the whole thing. And I hate seeing the numbers at the top with how many texts you have too stresses me out. I just want it to go away. Like today. How many do you have right now?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Today was the first day. I can't even tell you how long I went through and I just tapped them all out. I just got rid of all of them. So I'm starting fresh. Did you even read them or you just hit them? I mean, some of all of them. So I'm starting to read them or you just to you just hit I mean some of them like our group chat. Some of them are just whatever things that I thought I was gonna go back to but
Starting point is 00:38:33 If I haven't gone back to it in a week, like sorry, I just don't think it's gonna it's not important that important I guess right now I just looked at my phone and I have 456 unanswered texts. I hate that. Oh is there a button I can push that clears it just to zero? I don't know if there is I want to know because I just want to clear mine every day. Yeah I don't even I don't even look at that number. Yeah. I would fucking lose my shit. Do you have the you? Do you have people? Saved at the top like yeah, I have pinned all now. I have all nine pinned No, I I don't like that. I don't know why I tried it for a day. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:17 Not even like your dad or your mom or if you had a boyfriend or no no one knowing it What about what about Adam Rogers no he didn't get a pin oh that was quick you're like no he probably wishes I texted him less but I got questions you're you're real enero Alexis is so beautiful please no shallow comments, please. So you don't have any direct advice. For you, it's just been, you think mostly like, hey, clean up your diet and just stress. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah, it's hard to manage stress because it's like, how do you keep doing things that you love and how do you keep working? But I think finding something that you're able to do every day, even if it's just like 10 minutes, like for me, I just love taking my dog out into nature and just being alone and like not being on my phone like just I don't know something about being in nature and just like
Starting point is 00:40:30 listening to music or whatever and like praying or I don't know just like that for me just like totally takes that stress away and I feel like if I don't know you just need something. Do you have a pray time? Um I mean I try every like morning and night but I think it's extra magical if I'm like in a field with my dog by myself. And do you catch yourself sometimes just like oh I'm praying like almost like it's not even you praying like you just just catch yourself praying. Like you've done it so much that you just do it. Yeah, sometimes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Or even if it's just like me talking out loud or just like, yeah, just venting to no one. Yeah. You had a remarkable year last year. Thank you. Yeah, that was a good year. And not only that, but I think a lot of people became, grew a strong affinity for you also. Yeah, last year was, I feel like, super special because I got to wear that leader jersey. It didn't end like perfectly as I would have liked, but it definitely just like proved to me that I belong at the top. Like I've, I don't need to
Starting point is 00:41:58 prove anything to anyone anymore. I've proven to myself so many times that whatever comes out like literally it could be anything and I feel confident now to go out there and if I do the best that I can possibly do it'll be enough and I feel like last year like I got that taste I got the leader jersey it was just like it was so awesome it was almost surreal and this year now it's just like All right, I have that but now I have like way more confidence on top of that and I think that's what's dangerous because it's like I'm not putting any placement pressure on myself like
Starting point is 00:42:41 Anyone could post anything and I'm not gonna get in my head about it like I truly just I feel very at peace with just where I'm at and like where my fitness is at I'm having fun so it's like literally like the the podium would be incredible it would just be like a cherry on top, but I'm really just like living my dream right now. So It's just it's all great. Yeah, you got this vibe about you. You're like the hot babysitter. Oh Really? Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you're just relaxed like like yeah Well, it's because it's like, you know, I mean like you seem like you could take care of kids I mean you just you just seem cool It's because it's like, I do better like them. You seem like you could take care of kids.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I mean, you just seem cool. Well, thank you. Yeah. Are you an aunt? No. I wish I was an aunt. Oh, you would be an amazing aunt. I love kids.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I want to be a mom one day so bad. But yeah, I don't know. I just think like- Maybe that's what it is. Maybe that's the vibe. The mom vibe? Yeah, you're cool. I mean, yeah, you're cool I'm like a stoner with all the retardation taken out of you. You know what I mean? Like you know, like I Like that. Yeah, you're just you're just cool
Starting point is 00:43:55 Thank you. But yeah, I Is there a killer in there though to Alexis? Oh my gosh You yeah, you don't want to know what goes through my head when I'm competing. It's crazy because I feel like from the outside people, I would say I'm a nice person, but when I'm competing, I have a lot of aggression. I feel like I'm an aggressive competitor yeah and it's just I love competing it's just I'll do whatever you like tapping into that side of you too I love it oh my gosh I love it so much do you have to call on it or do you just get on the starting line and it's like
Starting point is 00:44:41 oh this bitch is here let's fucking party i mean i'm pretty much there like the adrenaline the crowd like i don't know what it is about performing i just think something about it gives me like a crazy amount of energy that i just i never feel in training and i just think it's so fun Do you remember the first time you felt the like I'm here to win like like you feel like your fangs come out How old you are? Oh I feel like I've always like literally my whole life. I've always just been like crazy aggressive.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Like I've always just been so competitive and like I have two brothers so everything was a race and everything. I just wanted to beat them all the time and like I just always wanted to do more of everything and I don't know. Like I feel like it's just always been like that and then when I found CrossFit it was just like alright to be the best like you almost have to be the toughest and I've always been pretty tough and then it was like alright physically I'm tough and like that mental side as I've gotten stronger mentally like
Starting point is 00:46:06 I've been able to just tap into this place that I feel like most normal humans don't ever want to go to but when I tapped into that and I know like what that can get me that excites me because it's like a feeling that 99.9% of the world like will never let their body do and it feels so good after because you did something like insanely hard that was so painful and it's just like I don't know it's just rewarding it feels so good to do something so crazy challenging. Let me ask you this. So when you look at the other athletes, can you tell who had, do they all have that?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Like look at Dallin Pepper. Oh yeah. All sweet and nice. Yes he's. Friendly, fittest man in America. Has he tapped into his killer yet too? Oh yeah. Oh he has.
Starting point is 00:47:04 We just don't. Yeah you can tell. Oh, he has. We just don't... Yeah, you can tell. Oh, you can tell? You can tell. Yeah. I think so. I mean, yeah, I'm all smiles and everything. I just see Dallin.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Dallin's just like Superman, like catches a bus with a smile on his face. You know what I mean? Like, just with toothpaste commercials and shit. I know, but if you knew... Like, ding! You know what I mean? Like, his smile. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:22 No, he's a killer? Yeah, he's a killer. Like, he just wants to destroy everyone. Like, I think that's all. Yeah. No, he's a killer. Yeah, he's a killer. Like he just wants to destroy everyone. Like I think at the top. Even James Bray? He even wants to destroy James Bray? Yeah, duh. On the competition floor, he wants to destroy everyone.
Starting point is 00:47:36 But I do remember, like I think another cool part about competing is the flow state. Like when you're like so focused on what you have to do, it's like, it's just blank. Like you're just so dialed in. And I remember the first time that happened to me was at a gymnastics meet in Kentucky. And I was like in like, when was it?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Sixth grade probably. And it was the coolest feeling ever. And it was like, my body was just, it was like, I wasn't even thinking, my body was just doing it. And, uh. And you didn't, and it just happens on that, like you don't know how to, it just happens.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Well, at that time, I had no idea what happened. I remember like thinking I need to do that every single meet. Like I need to get there every single meet. And it was really hard because I couldn't. And now I feel like it's a lot easier because I've done it more in CrossFit. But it happens at the games even? Oh yeah when it happens at the games it's like amazing because that's when you want it to happen. But is time to do where. Is it beyond a second wind but a little more? Is it like a third wind? Yeah it's kind of like you just
Starting point is 00:48:51 don't feel the pain as much. It's pretty cool. I love it. Um people are gonna hate me for this. What? But our 45 minutes is up I'll be sending you my bill. Oh my gosh wait, Down said he was gonna pop into our show. Where is he? He's right What but our 45 minutes is up I'll be sending you my bill. Oh my gosh Wait down said he was gonna pop into our show. Where is he? He's right here. He's right Just been waiting Don't you think that you have a killer mentality and that's my leaf head of yours I Was on for the whole thing. I've been listening this whole time. Um, I feel like actually Dallin and I are more similar than I agree.
Starting point is 00:49:30 We'll think. I agree. Yeah. Dallin could be, I don't like male babysitters, but Dallin might, he might be, he might be saying down down. This is weird in general, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Dude shouldn't be left alone with kids, but, but Dallen could be a coach for like a, like a kindergarteners like soccer team. Like he wouldn't, like he's not gonna slap the kids or yell at them. You know, I started a kids crossfit class in my garage when I was 15. Oh, there you go. Yeah. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Do you have the killer in you Dallen? Absolutely. You haven't seen it? No, I just- Want me to show it more? No, I don't know if, I don't know if you need to. I haven't seen it? No, I just... Want me to show it more? No, I don't know if you do. I haven't seen it in Alexis Raptus either. I don't even know if I believe it. She's just all smiley and shit crossing the finish line. Hey. No, she came down here and trained. She's a killer. Yeah. She'll mess you up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah. But you guys see each other. Can anyone make it to the games and not have that? I think you can make it to the games, but I don't think you can be like one of the best. You all make the cuts. Yeah. Probably the first honestly. There's just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:39 There's something about the top athletes, a little psycho. Definitely psycho. There's a handful of you that definitely it stands out. Miss Raphthys, thanks for coming on girl. Yeah, thanks for having me. Have fun. Yeah, fastest 45 minutes later. Wish me luck with Dowling.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yep. Good luck. All right. Bye. Later. Bye. What's up, dude? Not much. You guys have a good time. Alright. Bye. Later. Bye. What's up dude?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Not much. You guys have a good time? I was listening. Dude, she's cool. Yeah, she's dope. I was supposed to go up and train with V and those guys, but I just wasn't feeling like traveling. We're getting a little too close, so I'll probably try and do something before Rogue.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Ideally, we're both there, but try and go up to Georgia, wherever she's at. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're in Jackson, Florida? Jacksonville, yeah. Jacksonville. How's the move?
Starting point is 00:51:39 You've been there a year now from Naples. All good? Yeah, like seven months through this whole season but it's been great. Honestly, the best thing when we got here was there's like kind of a season. It got cooler. We were wearing long sleeves, hoodies, sweats to the gym. We could have a campfire in the backyard and just stuff like that. In Naples, there's probably five days a year that stand out.
Starting point is 00:52:06 It was like, oh, it's kind of nice out here. Maybe I'll think about bringing a jacket. You don't really need it. And it's you and Fi and Torres and your wife and Fi's husband, her boyfriend. Yeah, her husband. And then we actually brought up the chiropractor. Well, we didn't bring him, he chose to come up here, up the chiropractor Well, we didn't bring him he chose to come up here
Starting point is 00:52:26 but the chiropractor we all worked with in Naples and His girlfriend who's also the chiropractor and then they started a practice out of the gym. We're at so shit that what a good team Wow, yeah They're awesome. That's who well we all hang out play games. That's what we do everything with so How are semi-finals did you like them? It was a blast. It was a very good time hang out, play games, that's who we do everything with. So how were semifinals? Did you like them? It was a blast. It was a very good time.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Learned a couple of things, saw some progress and some things and just have just so much fun competing. And honestly, it makes me excited for the games just to like go hang out with all the boys. Like we're obviously killers, but there's times that it's a lot of good a lot of good fun happening so did you watch James over in the West yeah I watched at least all of the West and all of Europe I don't know if I watched the other ones but when you see James doing so well like that does that inspire you to like are you like oh I can't wait does like take the stress? Like, are you like, oh, I can't wait?
Starting point is 00:53:25 Does it like take the stress off and just make you like, because you know him and you're you know what he's capable of and you're happy for him and like, almost like makes you more excited about semi-finals? Yeah. I also think it like provides some confidence because like I've trained with James so much, so I know where we're at and so like to see him do well. And he absolutely crushed it. Uh, just con adds confidence and excitement to get on the floor. Uh, how are things with your wife? Everything good? Absolutely. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:53:55 how long you guys been married now? Three years. And, uh, any, any surprises, uh, like is she surprised by anything? Does she know what she got herself into? You know, being with a guy who's full-time athlete? Yeah, I think so. Our very first competition married was semi-finals 2021 when we went to the West Coast Classic. That's kind of like the first competition we'd really done together. And I think it was a little bit of a surprise for both of us where I kind of get really
Starting point is 00:54:29 quiet and focused and she wasn't sure what to do. Like if I needed something or if something was like wrong or like we just weren't in a super good flow there. But ever since then, like I've also lightened up a ton since then in competition like we can we're laughing playing Mario Kart on the switch just everything's much more relaxed now and we just figured out what works for us through the season and then during competition as well and then also things are completely different in offseason like everything's much more relaxed but
Starting point is 00:55:02 in season and especially right now we're both there to do a job and we both know that. So when I was just thinking about like Richard's situation and I don't mean to mischaracterize it, but from the outside, what it looked like is he won the games a bunch of times. They were bringing a kid home and it sounded like his wife did not want him doing individual. Not that maybe he did, but she was hugely involved in that decision. But you're so young and early in your career, but do you sense any of that ever?
Starting point is 00:55:34 Like, do you sense any of that, that she's like, hey, just two more years or anything like that? Or no, you're just too young? No, no, I think we're in it for the long haul. We've, we, we're doing things that like not very many people get to do just in terms of competing at the games. But then the opportunities, like we went to London last year for fit fest with all of our friends and we're like doing all these super cool things, the two of us. And we, we moved across the country to just pursue this dream and
Starting point is 00:56:06 we're very aware that there's a timeline on it and it's going to come to an end and So we just want to soak up that as much as we can So she's found value in it too. She's found her place value where she can contribute. It's like it's it's awesome You know, it has to it has to be that way right way, right? Yeah, like I was listening to you and Alexis talk about relationships. And then also making sure on my end, so much is very selfish towards me, say from quarterfinals to the games. And so in the offseason, just definitely making sure I'm returning that.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And I think that can be really hard for some people to understand what balance is. They want it daily. They want the give and get every single day. And that's pretty hard to do as a professional athlete, trying to be the absolute best, where we look at balance in months and years and seasons and so it's just it's we view things a little bit different but it works for us. It's like if the dog throws up in the middle of the night now you don't clean it up but the week after the games you get up at three in the morning and
Starting point is 00:57:18 yeah battery in the fire alarm or clean yeah yeah the dog's. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it fuck. Uh, yeah. That, that's a healthy relationship. That's how I mean, that's, that's what, that's what you need. That's what people sign up for. Right? Yeah. I will go. Well, let's be real. Like even after the games, like when we first got our dog, she was the one getting up. I'm not going to act like I do everything, um, after the games, but I definitely do try and pick it up a little bit on my end. Fittest guy in America last year, we're starting to get closer to the games. When did the games become real?
Starting point is 00:57:58 Is it real already? Do you wake up in the morning? Are you starting to have the dreams? You forgot your shoes. Are you waking up in the morning being like, fuck, are we the dreams like you forgot your shoes and are you waking up in the morning be like fuck was it? Are we leaving today? Like is any of that shit coming in? Uh, you know, the dreams, it's funny you bring up the dreams I've had like probably five or six the whole time I've done CrossFit where like maybe I'm sleeping on my arm funny and
Starting point is 00:58:19 it falls asleep. And in my dream, like I can't do a dumbbell snatch because my arms and noodle like very vivid or like I'm trying to do muscle-ups and my arms asleep same kind of thing but it's actually told Matt today I think by next Wednesday it's gonna be like all right can we can we get to Texas can we start this thing where there will only be a couple more days of like training before we start D-Load and then it's just like the waiting game. Nothing's changing after this next week. You're not going to get that much better than anything. But do you feel this like...
Starting point is 00:58:53 If I would have asked you five months ago about the games, it's so far off. I'm guessing now it's real. Is your suitcase out in your room? No. On the floor already or no no honestly i try and keep that away as long as i can like getting too too amped up about the games or thinking about it too much just like adrenal fatigue i think that's something people overlook like the week leading into the games because there's enough of that happening it the games. It's kind of like knowing your execution date. It's like you're three weeks out and you're like, fuck, it's eminent. Like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Because you're about to go through a really, really challenging four days. But yeah, I prefer to take it just like a day at a time, one workout at a time. If I'm just focused on whatever the next piece is, I'm able to be a little more present and not stress myself out so much. I almost picture it kind of like how women, the month before the baby comes, they'll start doing this thing that's like nesting.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Like your wife will start, you'll notice she's like cleaning more and throwing shit away and she's just doing stuff. like you can just tell you're like, Whoa, she's like, what's happening? Yeah, she, she, but you're, you're, you try and this seems smart. You're trying to keep that away because it's eminent anyway, and there's nothing you can do. It's going to be like, just open your suitcase. Do you have a checklist for your suitcase so you don't forget anything like on paper with little boxes? Yeah I've got a list from like all the years and competitions competing of like stuff to bring and so I always kind of fall back on that and then adjust
Starting point is 01:00:33 each season. And do you learn stuff too like will you bring like will you bring a crossover rope and this rope and these shoes and these goggles and these shorts and just be like fuck you ain't gonna pull one over on me. Yeah, I mean, I've been doing that since I was a teenager. Like, I'll bring like, probably eight or nine different pairs of knee sleeves that are all different for different workouts. I have probably five or six jump ropes there. Probably 10 to 12 different grips for different bars, different rings, different workouts. I overpack and bring way too much stuff, but I've found it's easier to have everything there than wish I had it there.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yeah. Yeah. And how is everything? How's the body? What do you weigh right now? I'm sitting at like 217. Wow. And that's not your competition weight though, is it?
Starting point is 01:01:22 Or is it? That's probably where I'll be at by the time we get to the games. Last year, I want to say I was closer to 215. And the year before, I was 220 and that was just a little too heavy. And how old are you? 22. And so even since last year, you've gone through body composition changes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:47 I think my chest has just gone bigger because I'm finally bench pressing. Yeah, that's why. Oh, you weren't bench pressing for a long time? Well, I've put a lot of emphasis on that just to help with handstand pushups and pressing and dips. As the fittest man in America, do you feel a little bit of a title defense? Yeah, absolutely. And we had a year off of no American on the podium last year, so that was a bit disappointing.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Me and Justin, Jason, we've all had that conversation. That's not okay. I mean, how many gold medals went to, uh, the us like the last nine years? More than that way more than that. Nevermind. Yeah. And, and w wow. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Hey, do you know where you were when, uh, the assassination attempt happened? Do you know where you were when the assassination attempt happened? Do you know where you were? Yeah, I was... We were going to dinner with the two chiropractors that came up and we were getting out of the car and they were standing at the front door and they said Trump just got shot. And I was like, what does that even... what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:03:02 Like, I didn't really know there was a rally happening or anything like that, but yeah. Probably won't forget that. And I'm trying to think, what year were you born? I was not born before 9-11. Okay, so you knew exactly where it's going. So that's like, cause I think I was in the second or third grade when Reagan was shot. And then of course I remember I was in college,
Starting point is 01:03:24 probably stoned and drunk on the couch when 9-eleven happened and Then and then this happened and this cuz this kind of this kind of rocked me for a second Like this took kick me back on my heels for a second. Yeah, like for like minutes I was like what the fuck if you Just my kids started crying one of my kids started crying. I just want to say my old kids. Yeah Yeah, that's gotta be pretty wild for a seven-year-old and like we were in the gym Just we were just all working out all the kids and then someone's like hey my wife came in goes Hey Trump was shot and I turned on the TV and my kids saw it and just started balling
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah, I When you take the time to like actually think about what happened It's pretty surreal. Like, um, it's just wild that that would, that would happen. So I woke up in the morning and was like, okay, today I'm going to take a shot at the fucking former president. That's what we were talking about is like, what's that? What's that kid's day like through that whole day?
Starting point is 01:04:26 Like, geez. They don't know anything yet. Right? Like they haven't told us how long he's been planning it. Like we don't really know anything. Right? No, I've kind of, I've honestly kind of gone down the rabbit hole, but, um, I've I saw today that they, they got access to the phone and then like they finally did today and then
Starting point is 01:04:52 the parents were cooperating and they're getting more information there but they haven't found anything like crazy. Yeah I was gonna say the only thing that I saw about him was that he belonged to a rifle club that he had been shooting a long time. I saw some videos of him as a kid. We saw the Black Rock video where you know And then and then I saw that he was 20 and then I saw an interview with one of his friends saying that he Was picked on a lot He obviously hasn't heard the rifle club or the
Starting point is 01:05:22 Shooting club at the school. He actually didn't make the team or didn't make the cut or something. Oh, he didn't make the team. Yeah, or like I could be wrong. I could have saw something different. But I also heard though, like he currently belonged to some like shooting, like a shooting range or something. Gotcha. And then I also heard I've heard two different reports now, one that they,
Starting point is 01:05:44 they knew he was there for 10 minutes. And then I now one that they they knew he was there for 10 minutes And then I saw another one they knew he was there for 27 minutes. I saw the 27 minutes, too I also heard that there was secret service in the building. He was on top of yeah wild wild I'm a more incompetence guy Yeah, then then a conspiracy guy I'm a more incompetence guy. Yeah. Than a conspiracy guy.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I'm just like, just because I see incompetence everywhere. Yeah. And I'm like, yep, just sounds like just world-class incompetence. Or just, uh, my, me and my wife's biggest pet peeve is, uh, like, now I'm blanking on the word, oh, like situational awareness and like public awareness in an airport. It is mind boggling the decisions people make
Starting point is 01:06:35 and where they stand, like just be aware of where there are lines where people might wanna move, where's a good place to stand, when's a good time to stand wins a good time to stand up like right she My favorite is the person who it's like a running trail by the beach where there's hundreds of people and they have their dog On one of those 20 foot liver And it's like crossing the path and you're like I see that shit every time I go to the beach I'm like what the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 01:07:03 like just It makes no sense. It drives me crazy. And then, yeah, his parents called the cops saying they couldn't find him in the the day of, oh, I heard that too. Yeah. I'm not really an intentionally incompetent guy. I know a lot of people are someone sent me a Joe Rogan clip and he was saying that like we maybe we're in a simulation but I just swear it's just pure stupidity
Starting point is 01:07:28 It's just it's um Have you seen this have you sit down have you seen these videos where This dude works in a liquor store and people buy a lighter and he gives him a pink lighter and they get angry and people buy a lighter and he gives them a pink lighter and they get angry? Yeah, okay. Well, there's this guy and he has this whole series of videos of like upsetting people. So he works in a liquor store and he works behind bulletproof glass and people come into the liquor store and like he gives them a pink bag and they fucking explode on them. They're like, what you think I'm fruity? You think I'm fruity? And it's just hundreds of them, dude. think I'm fruity you think I'm fruity and it's just hundreds of them dude I gotta find that it's crazy I bet that YouTube stations just blowing up huge oh
Starting point is 01:08:11 it's in Chicago and I just I just can't imagine being like I smoke cigarettes and I bought a cigarette lighter and giving a fuck what my fucking cigarette lighter looks like I just can't even I a cigarette lighter and giving a fuck what my fucking cigarette lighter looks like I just can't even I'm not even on the same planet as how easily you're offended by shit. Yeah Yeah, that's I mean so when I see that I'm like, yeah, those are the same people who are cops and our Congressman and like I Mean it's bound to be some of them based on like how many people you see in the airport. How many people are like that?
Starting point is 01:08:47 Uh, Dallin doesn't even watch videos, uh, about alcohol. No, these are like, these aren't about alcohol. These are funny videos. I saw a funny one today. Um, you could probably search it up, but it was basically a competition to see who could get pulled over with a ticket first. So I saw it on Instagram, but it's probably on YouTube. competition to see who could get pulled over with a ticket first. On YouTube? I saw it on Instagram, but it's probably on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:09:07 But I think it's like a whole series or something. But the guy goes around somebody on the highway, on the median or the shoulder. And so the cop pulls him over. And his buddy who's doing this competition against sees him pulled over on the shoulder. And he goes, perfect. He goes flying by like 110 and the cop goes it's your lucky day And then this other guy wins because he's getting pulled over Uh, it was perfect and it really in it and it
Starting point is 01:09:36 Uh the first to get a ticket challenge. Is it these guys? It looked like that guy. Yeah I just saw like a it was like a minute clip. So I didn't watch the whole thing. But let me see if I can find where which you gotta understand. At the time, this was like peak bull run road rally, baggery. Isn't YouTube on one thing that I do up in the mountains completely by myself. And at five o'clock in the morning I passed a semi in the shoulder
Starting point is 01:10:07 Obviously, I was pulled over the cop, you know came up asked for my license You know, he's looking at the the documents and and Rob Did like a top gun style maverick flyby It's on the side of the road and he did a flyby, I mean, you know, top of fourth gear, deep into the triple digits. This YouTube station has two million subscribers. And it was so offensive that the cop literally threw my license back at me, ran in his car and chased him.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And actually he pulled him over and I went and found another cop, and I did the same. How did you catch the guy? I don't know. He's got to make up with some serious ground. He just goes right past. Have you ever outrun the police, Dallen? No, I don't even got a ticket, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:02 In your whole life? No, I've been pulled over once, but... but Alexis Raptors says you have the killer in you Yeah, I just spent all of the just keep it all in the gym. Keep it on the gym. Keep it all contained Yeah, do you remember the first time you found that? that That gear what would you call it fight? Is it kind of a fight to the death gear? Yeah that gear, what would you call it? Fight, is it kind of a fight to the death gear? Yeah. It's different with CrossFit and then other sports, but I think I've always had
Starting point is 01:11:31 it in like, uh, I was, I've always been very competitive. And I think especially on the baseball team I was on growing up, like we all expected to be winning all the time. And like the coaches, it's actually crazy that the baseball coaches I had then when I was all growing up are very similar to the same coaching style that Matt has currently where it's like a very calm coaching, but there's very high expectations at all times to perform, to execute, to do your job basically. to perform, to execute, to do your job basically.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And I think I just always had that growing up with an expectation to win and to do whatever it takes on the field for your team. What position did you play in baseball? I was a catcher. Isn't there so much that's out of your control in baseball though, that you can kind of like hide the killer?
Starting point is 01:12:22 Like you don't really have to bring or not as a catcher because you're in every play. Yeah, I'm in every, I'm in every play. And ideally, I'm directing the team, like making sure everyone knows where they need to be, what's happening. So that with that part of it, like I had to be very engaged the whole time, like, sure, you can hide in team sports, but like that's just not the atmosphere that that team had created. Like we were all, it was really cool. I mean, we were all like 12, 13, 14,
Starting point is 01:12:54 like that was when I was playing, but it was pretty cool for us to be that age and to understand that. But that's just transferred right over across it. And then I guess there was one event when I was 15. Like I did really poorly that morning on an obstacle course. And then went in and there's... On the CrossFit games?
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah. Yeah. I took almost dead last. I was winning at that point and then I dropped down to second. And there was like a sprint event and I just remember, like that was the first time I ever like really celebrated, got like hyped up at a CrossFit competition and just kind of fell in love with that feeling. That you won the sprint event.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Yeah. And did you do something different? I just came across the finish line like hyped up screaming like like semis kind of thing. But I don't know, I just felt it was like the same way in football like you are trying to dominate the other person physically. It's a similar feeling obviously it's not I can't do anything to the people next to me but in a workout when you're slowly chipping away from somebody and you're just leaving them behind and they are in so much pain they can't continue.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Like you can feed off of that so well because you are physically dominating them in a way. You feel them wilt and it inspires you. Yeah, that's an amazing feeling. Yeah. Or like another one was like the final at semis, the lunges. Within the first 12 feet, I knew I was lunging faster than Roman. And then it felt like I was just floating across the floor. I could have lunged down and back multiple times. Like, oh wow, I don't remember anything else. Didn't hurt. It was just, Oh. I'm just going to keep on stepping. It was pretty cool. Those are the feelings you fight for and yeah, so good.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Uh, 2024 semi-finals, North America East. Uh, boys. 220, 59. Wow. 220, 59, wow. And you took first in that event. Wow, you had an incredible second day, huh? Yeah, that's when we got all the CrossFit stuff. Oh, there's a lot of machines too. Let's be real. And this has to be a Jeffrey... Wow, dude. Holy shit. So this is good. Let me give you some analysis here and you tell me how janky it is.
Starting point is 01:15:38 You and Adler and Roman are the same guy. It's a three-way tie for first place. No game is going to be who can do it for four days. Yeah. Kind of rough, but kind of like the 100,000 foot view, right? Who can do it? This is a little pussy event, six events. Yeah, I mean, we'll have 12, 13 events. There will be more opportunities for people to be exposed. Including myself. Like I'm not going to count myself out of that.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Like everyone's going to see more of what they aren't good at or aren't as good at. But theoretically if we do all six of... You're only three points away from the fittest man in the world. And then the guy who's the second fittest man in the world, you beat by three points. I did. And so theoretically, if you do all six of these workouts again Right, so you just I would love that
Starting point is 01:16:49 Just yeah, just Monday you guys don't leave and Monday you just start them again at number one again I'm just saying like at the semifinals at that point. It just becomes an endurance test, right a Ment a mental endurance test. Oh, I see what you're saying You know what? I mean like you do these six events and in three day, two or three days, and then you just start them again for another two days. And at that, and that's what the games is going to be. Right. I mean, I know it's a little simplistic, but this has got to make you feel really happy because now you know, okay,
Starting point is 01:17:16 I have to be mentally crazy strong and I can fucking win. I can beat these guys. Yeah. Could, could you imagine if Dave, we do Thursday and then we do Friday, obviously it's not happening this year. We do Thursday, we do Friday and then Saturday and Sunday is just a repeat of Thursday and Friday. So many people would be pissed. I would love that. That would mess people up. So it's like the run at the ranch where we sent him back around like times 20. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Before I read this question, do you know what the Oklahoma drill is? What is the Oklahoma drill? I don't like this question. It's a football drill where basically the goal is to just destroy the other person Jesus. Dallin, who wins an Oklahoma drill? Jason or Sevan? Sevan, of course.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Thank you. He's gonna run right under Jason's legs. This guy, I had a Bruno Martens on, Bruno Marinzen from South America, 230 pounds. Is that just too big to win the CrossFit Games, 230? Is there a size where you're just like, sorry dude, you're just too big, like 250. Could anyone ever compete? No, no way. Just no way. Yeah, no. I mean, I know Roman, Roman's pretty big. I want to say he's at least 225 from what I've heard. Um, 230 with... What happens
Starting point is 01:19:01 when certain movements start just destroying you you like running and rope climbs and swimming and like some of these? if he shows up and like does something crazy on the if someone at 230 pounds shows up and does something crazy on the run and Like destroys a bodyweight test then who's to say they can't win at 230 pounds But the numbers so far show that that's more unlikely. I wonder who the heaviest person who's won the games is, like in the last 10 years. I would guess it's probably
Starting point is 01:19:38 Matt at like 195. I think he got over 200 at one point. That's crazy. Jeff and Matt probably way pretty similar. Have you done your interview with Dave yet? Yeah, it was one of the earlier ones, I think, before any events were announced. How'd it go? I thought it was really good.
Starting point is 01:20:00 It was fun. I think it's cool that he's doing that. Yeah, it was fun. It was good. He said something crazy to Yellow Hosta today. He told Yellow Hosta that Fraser was only five, seven, or five, or no, he said that Froning was only five, seven, or five, eight. I was like, the fuck, where the, like, that's not right, right?
Starting point is 01:20:22 Froning's like five, was five, 10, I think, and now he's maybe five nine like maybe he shrunk. Yeah five nine five ten, but definitely not five seven He said he said like a yeah Matt and rich are both five seven. I'm like those two are nowhere near the same How about when yellow asked him or you when yellow like at the seven minute mark, he's like, yeah. Dave's like, so you watched that whole interview? Yeah. Yeah. So like at the seven or eight minute mark, he's like, Hey, so you did really good your first year. And I was like, Oh, you got to say it. Yeah. You got to say he's like, yeah. And then he didn't say it. And then Oh, you got to say it yellow. You got to say he's like, yeah, and then he didn't say it How'd you choose rookie of the year?
Starting point is 01:21:10 It was I was so glad he brought that up Yeah, like They'll do they did two rookies of the year the year before if they Really want to do one for each but like Every single year. It's the highest placing rookie. Like that's pretty much the definition of rookie of the year in my opinion. How could it not be? Is it another spirit of the games award now? Yeah, how could it not be?
Starting point is 01:21:40 It's not good. Measurable, repeatable, observable. How can you? What do you have any? I wonder what happened. You think it's like you think it's like when they put the wrong weights on the on the on Laura Horvats fucking bar, you think it's like that? Or when they did that for the entire hundred bars on the floor in 2017. Oh, did they? At least that's consistent. Yeah, do you remember 17.5 was like the thrusters and double unders and it was like the whole thing was like there's a hundred barbells out on the floor.
Starting point is 01:22:18 There's 10 in each lane, 10 lanes and the workout was supposed to be 135, 95 and the men's bars Were all loaded to 125 because they were the shorty bar. So something got messed up. Oh shit Um, I remember one year in Carson It was a thruster pull-up workout it was outside on The field like not in the stadium but like in the back like and not on the soccer field but just outside on the field, like not in the stadium, but like in the back, like, and not on the soccer field, but just out on some field.
Starting point is 01:22:49 There was a there was a third field, just like a like an outdoor football field. It was there. There was a track out there and Adrian's yelling at Dave to get his attention. And he's just like standing 10 feet away, yelling at him and Dave's like, be quiet, be quiet, like yelling at Adrian back to be quiet. Dave announces the workout I think maybe it was a team workout I can't remember and the workout starts and then Dave goes what and he goes you announced the raw you announced the number for pull-ups that were supposed to be the number for thrusters and the number for thrusters for pull-ups. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And they did it. They did the workout in reverse. And it was probably like, so different. And it went and everyone after that did it at that and I was like, holy. I'm sure it's in the behind the scenes. That year. Whatever year it was. But it was fucking wild. It was so watch that That's why did you watch the Velner interview? I'm like Probably like 10 minutes into it Yeah, it's a whole 30 minute interview. Did you get the part where he?
Starting point is 01:24:02 Or Dave asks him about Chad and he just goes, you run out of ideas? Oh shit. Oh, you haven't got there yet. But I'll tell you what, I wasn't even sure if I was, like the reason why today I actually went there to watch it and YouTube served me up yellow hostas. So I watched it for you. But I heard at one point, Velner goes, um, so you're not monetizing your account.
Starting point is 01:24:30 And I just think, what do you think about that? Or should they? I love Velner. So this is going to be bad for me to say, but I think he's a socialist fucking moron who wants to fucking keep Dave down for making 39 cents a video. And he's just looking like who the fuck cares if he's monetizing it. That's not even his fucking job. I mean, I know I'm just totally reading into it, but that's right where I took it. I'm like this fucking guy.
Starting point is 01:24:55 These fucking Canadians want to cut every tall poppy down. That's where I went. But I haven't seen it yet. Yeah, that's where I went. Like leave Dave. How about thank you? Can I suck your- Sorry, you're a good dude, Cal, I won't do it. But, man.
Starting point is 01:25:11 When I originally heard, like, oh yeah, Dave should be. But then, the way he explained it, like with working with CrossFit and stuff, it was understandable, it made sense, and it was- The way Dave explained it, I thought it was cool. But none. What's your thought on why Villener asked? Like, was he looking like to like, I got you.
Starting point is 01:25:31 You made $0.39. I mean, you can't be shh. Off of the athletes? Yeah. Is that where he was going with it? Honestly, I don't know. I don't even know if he really cared or if he was just asking. Well, he looked.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Well, I haven't seen the part, but then someone told me, I said, really? I can't wait to see that. And he goes, yeah. And then Velner said, Dave said, how do you know? And he said, that was the first thing I checked. Is that in there? Do you check just by if an ad pops up?
Starting point is 01:25:58 I don't know how you check. And then I, yeah, I don't know. Because I wonder why Dave didn't monetize either. But obviously he's just trying to walk the straight and narrow so people like fucking Pat don't call him out. Anyway, I can't wait to see it and talk about it on Friday. I can't wait to have Pat on and be like, Pat, let people succeed. I love Pat.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I love Pat too. I love Pat too. I talked to Pat quite a bit actually. He's a good dude. Yeah. Try and, I think if you hear Pat do an interview and you're like a younger athlete and you're not listening to it, not trying to learn something, same with like Brent, those guys are pretty open books and they've made enough mistakes that I don't need to make if I could just learn from them Yes, yes
Starting point is 01:26:52 Games athlete just text me Can you make sure I get a spot on kill Taylor on Friday I Wrote back when I said fuck no, but you will get a spot Listen, no one's gonna try. No one's gonna try. It's 3,000 bucks easy 3,000 bucks Friday 11 a.m. I Mean not not for normal. I mean, yeah gonna be so good in the water. He's gonna have a problem in the water Who would that be? That's you know exactly who it is. You know exactly who it is Probably watching this right now. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know exactly who it is this fucking guy This fucking guy
Starting point is 01:27:41 You coming out to the games this year? I am Good. I've been just I've been just schmoozing. I've been schmoozing. We're gonna have you down there. That was, that was fun, that was more fun than the first years, the first year when uh, there was no one to look out for with a camera. Yeah, they have some, they have some pretty strict rules. Listen to this fucking guy, Hold on a second this fucking boy
Starting point is 01:28:06 You're giving me this invite dude. What is this? You know what it is of course it Full round bro, you know I don't even know you're on here. Oh, yeah Hey Listen James you're you no one's gonna try to win it Just drive down to the pool Friday. No one it's gonna be so easy to get in I mean you you won't beat him though. He's a fast swimmer. He's faster than you I don't think he's faster than James. Well, I guess you beat him. He beat you a lot of blues
Starting point is 01:28:38 He's faster, but I've been putting in the work bro. Listen, you got too much muscle on you, dude You're only getting not water. I'm a skinny I'm a Potato right now, bro. You don't know can you tell me do I need to bring dumbbells or a sandbag because no he says no He said no no equipment. He said no equipment. Just no equipment no equipment Okay, cuz my pool is super sus about bringing stuff in there, so he said 25 yards. Oh Great awesome sounds good. I'm there very great Do you want to say hi to Johnny and Aaron? Oh my goodness. Look at these guys or Tega
Starting point is 01:29:16 They aren't they beautiful. Yeah, what's up, Aaron? Yeah, we were just we were just in the water having a good time together You have you're like at the 75% mark for as much muscle as Dallen has on him your swimming day I know I'm getting I'm getting there man one day his core is just rock solid, bro Hey Can you believe these scores James 546 543 and 540 down? He'll three some with Adler and Roman at semis. Oh, you're talking about the semis. I was like, wait,
Starting point is 01:29:47 what are you talking about? Crazy. Yeah, no, Dallin, we all know who really won. Wow. Is that, is that the story we're going with that he actually did beat Adler? He got a bad rep somewhere. What's the story? What, what, what bandwagon can I jump on? I don't think it turned out. I think it turned out exactly how it should have. The whole situation with Roman jumping off the box. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah. Technically would give me three more points, but I also stepped on the line. Oh, that's right. If you want to, it really comes down to we both got a no rep and then yeah so it's okay live to fight another day what do you think should James make the 30-minute drive on Friday absolutely I'll be watching I watch I watch most weeks I've been at the this week I've been at the track every Saturday. It's on Friday this week, isn't it? Friday. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:48 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I feel like it's like the only sucky part is like you're interrupting your training day but like it's $3,000. Who cares? Yeah. I think once that gets over that $1,500. It becomes really enticing. Just waiting for the right workout.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I'm waiting for Taylor to not repeat the exact same sandbag workout over and over. And plus, what does he have in that bag that makes it roll five feet? Yeah, it is really funny. Look at what my dad's eating, bro. He's eating a pure avocado. It's so good. A little salt. It's delicious. here avocado It's so good a little salt it's delicious I expected you to be in a 12 inch sub mr. Mr. Sprague It's good to see you He's gonna win the games this year. I agree
Starting point is 01:31:46 Hey, did your dad Why is your dad? Why's your dad look so chic? Did he get his eyebrows done? Is he getting ready for the games? Why does he look all Paul? I'm not doing the game this year. I got a wedding to go to that weekend Is okay, did you get your eyebrows done? You look like a backstreet boy? We're just enjoying the view we're just enjoying the view here Are you in Idaho? Yeah, we're in Idaho, bro. We're in Coeur d'Alene. Dallin's been here before.
Starting point is 01:32:09 He's been here a few years ago with me. It's a pretty dope spot. All right. It is a cool spot. So we're going to see you Friday. We're doing a back door party here. Yeah, you're going to see me Friday. Sorry, I don't want to interrupt the show.
Starting point is 01:32:17 You can kick me off whenever, bro. Your bachelor parties must be really fun. You guys are going to play Yahtzee and Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going to play Dime. Dime, you're going see me Friday. Sorry. I don't want to interrupt the show you can kick me off whenever bro your bachelor parties must be really fun you guys are gonna play Yahtzee and
Starting point is 01:32:29 Dunking for apples now we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do a lot more than that bro. You're just not gonna see it Where we're clean though, we're clean where were you when the president dodged a bullet? Oh That was I was the shooter, bro. Oh, God. You didn't see me. I should have known not to ask. Hey, if you're going to say controversial stuff, I'm going to I'm going to go pitch it right back to you, bro.
Starting point is 01:33:00 One up you. All right. That was one of you. Yeah. OK, love you, boys. Have a good podcast. Love you, buddy. See you't one up you. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Love you boys. Have a good podcast. Love you buddy. See you Friday.
Starting point is 01:33:10 Good luck. Okay. See you later. Bye bye. Bro, what a wild answer. Did you see in the behind the scenes he pulled his shorts up and he called himself James Spregal. I saw the post from Wadz and I was like what like I expect nothing less but then it wasn't until I watched the behind-the-scenes
Starting point is 01:33:30 I laughed I think I was in the car and I had to like rewind it to hear what I said I love it's so clean where it's like Interviewing someone cuts to James for seven seconds and then it just moves on with zero context. It was amazing. Yeah. I'm James Spriegel. I'm James Spriegel. TaylorPrograms24.1, Dallin calls in and enacts his revenge. Oh.
Starting point is 01:33:52 I'm not doing that one. Hey. Oh, let me ask you. Do you have any regrets of doing the quarterfinals live by any chance? Zero. Zero. Okay. I thought that was the coolest thing. One of the coolest things that's happened all season. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:07 We'll do that again next year. Same guys. Get this round up the posse. Maybe get a Sprager out there. I'll be there. Okay. For sure. That'll be cool. Yeah. You know, that was, um, that, that was our biggest day. Those were our biggest three days in podcast history. Bigger than, yeah, our numbers were out of control. Bigger than any games, coverage, semi-finals, behind the scenes. Yeah, that was awesome. That was a hit because no one else was going live. Yeah, no one was. There was no other content at all. Yeah, that was so cool. Was it a small back at all? Anything?
Starting point is 01:34:46 Not in a bad way, but yeah, I could have taken higher here, or I wouldn't have had to done it here, or any? I mean, I redid one just because I got baited by Jason to go out too hot, but that's on me. That's not because we were doing it hot, but like that's on me. That's not because like we were doing it live
Starting point is 01:35:06 or anything like that. No, it was a good push for a lot of reasons. And then it was also cool to see how many people were watching and like the way the athletes and fans, like we love when they support us but like we got to give them something to watch and entertainment and fun and I enjoy doing that so it was cool. No Paige Powers this year no Colton Mertens did you ever think about that too like do you ever like like fuck that sucks like like yeah
Starting point is 01:35:41 I mean not a dig at Colton Colton's the man but especially page It's just like I mean page really like whoa what the yeah Top ten top ten in the world kind of shit. I Mean Colton's I mean Colton's great, but but I just love Colton too. So there's the most yeah piece with page It's just like holy shit. Yeah, she plays so well actually I Guess it's really her fault and not really her fault, not her fault. I mean, like she could show up to the games and still finish top 10. Absolutely. Yeah. I guess it's like, it could be for whatever reason that you could
Starting point is 01:36:17 not be going to the games. Like it doesn't have to, but it's a penalty or like injuries last year? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And so like, that's another thing when days are just pretty shitty is like, you could just be at home, not training for the games. Like one of the coolest, funnest competitions. It's like, you might as well just go do this workout.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Cause you so cliche, but like you get to do it like that type of thing. But it's true. Like I would rather. It's 100% true. You could not be going to the games. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I would way rather be having to do this workout right now than not be going to the games and do what I love.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Oh, how many did they take in the East? A 12 or no 11. I think 11. Yeah. You could be Seth Stovall and Taylor Self and Tyler Cristofal and Dre Strom, Alex Inyo, Jack Farlow. Oh dude, what happened to Jack Farlow? Is there any news on that? I was, I was talking with him a little bit and um, I don't want to speak too much for him, but basically like he had no go on the first day or two and then you could you could see it starting to come back a little bit on that last day and unfortunately like the timing to not have that extra gear is not the best time.
Starting point is 01:37:34 It's not the best time to have that happen when it's SMF finals. 34, 37, 24 and then fifth, fifth, 11th. Yeah, like that's the Jack we know is that final day. I was pretty bummed to see that happen, but yeah, I didn't hear too much about it from him. Who, is James Sprague your homie, like at the games? Like it seems like you and him like you'll hang like if like if in between like he's the guy you eat your lunch next to and shit yeah it would be
Starting point is 01:38:11 like if you had if you guys were both getting body work you'd pull your tables up next to each other yeah yeah he also like yeah yeah him and Jason um Pat like honestly all the dudes are pretty chill to hang out with and if some people are in the locker room like we're all having a good time but yeah I'll usually be around like James and Jason a little bit so. So that is interesting you've cracked into, so you are one of the cool kids now even velner like you'll hang with like an old-time Rusty fucking yeah, like no no I forced my way in did you follow just follow them everywhere? Seriously, you're like fuck you. I'm hanging out with the cool
Starting point is 01:38:56 Like you're a winner and I'm gonna be a winner and I'm gonna hang out with you. Yeah, one of the first water palooza's I did I Basically just inserted myself wherever Pat was, even if I didn't have anything to say, just to try and feed off his energy and see like just, I liked the energy he put out while competing and I wanted to kind of mimic it a little bit and so, and since then and he's, he's always like, been so good. Like I had just turned 20 at that time and he was very open to chatting with me and just told me to reach out whenever with any questions. So for real, like very good dude. Yonakowski, another one.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Like what the fuck? Yeah, that was- This is the game last year. These are the games- Wins the open, wins quarterfinals. Like everyone was like, is he going to win semis? Like he's on this roll. And yeah, that was, you know, what happened? Does anyone know what happened?
Starting point is 01:39:53 Have you heard rumors? I haven't heard anything on that, but like same thing. It's like, Oh, wait, this is the game stuff. Yeah. This is the games. I was just looking at like all those placements. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Oh, he did. I think he, I think he, he just, he just, this is the games. I was just looking at like all those placements. Yeah Yeah, no, he did I think he did I think he should he just something was wrong I mean he just I Thought there was after the first event. I was like something has to be injured because he's so good at running Let's see where he did European men 13th 34th 11 26 8 15 fourth. Okay. So he started coming back to maybe, maybe just those first three workouts, dude, just really, they were hard. They were hard. Did you go touch and go the last, uh, set of, um, cleaning jerks? No.
Starting point is 01:40:45 The last two were shaky enough as they were as singles, but then it's like, oh, if I would have gone touch and go, I would have got two more spots. But like, I don't know if I could have. I probably would have done a few and then failed and then had to wait and then finish them in the exact same spot. You mean the last two in the final round in the fifth round? Yeah. They were sketcheded did you fail any
Starting point is 01:41:06 No All right, dude, well, thank you of course you demand that I'm talking yeah, totally I Like that we talked I liked about though that we just talked about a bunch of different shit, too Yeah, just getting on hanging out. It's not even I Didn't even get to read any of the comments. They're always good is Maderas friendly Yeah, Justin's a great great dude to hang out with yeah during competition He has his ups and downs he gets tense but but but it's kind of obvious when you shouldn't approach
Starting point is 01:41:50 him, but anytime I have approached him he's been fucking awesome. Yeah, he's cool. I really like Justin. Good dude. He's got a lot on his plate. Alright dude. Later. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.
Starting point is 01:42:03 You the man. Appreciate it. Just see you soon. Okay, bye. Later. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks, Unaman. Appreciate it, just see you soon. Okay, bye. Bye. Dalton Pepper, fittest man in America. Holy shit, my bladder's gonna pop. I'm Krista Pongwar, this is Tobias Pongwar. I'm 44, age seven.
Starting point is 01:42:23 I'm originally from Hungary, from Budapest, Hungary, and we go to Salty Half CrossFit. I was previously at a different gym. I was looking for a new place and came here. I came during the day when Kiddo was in school. That changed and he had to come with me. I thought I would have to give it up because I didn't have time. I don't have anywhere else to put him, I'm a single mom. The people here were so amazing and accepting that he was here hanging out. It just made it easier to continue. The fact that they welcomed him with open arms and just kind of brought him into the family was huge. I've never felt so
Starting point is 01:43:06 accepted by a community in this community. Most places always looked down on me because of my size or lack of capabilities and never felt that here. Not one judgment. So it was very welcoming and made it very easy to come back I just had a breakthrough. I just Yeah, I had a breakthrough. I just realized something. I don't know if it's... Yeah, I just had a breakthrough. I just realized something with Dalen. Like, once I know someone like Dalen, I don't even need to bring them on to talk to them about CrossFit shit. Turd? No.
Starting point is 01:44:05 Like, I should just talk talked about down about just like Just whatever like he's cool as shit like I Don't need to talk to him about any CrossFit shit like we can sprinkle some in there But like I should just be talking about like yeah, who does he think the shooter is like? Why do you think that kid got picked on you think it's how hard having an overbite? You know, what's your favorite sponsor how do they give you the money like I could just say anything to him he just wants to shoot the shit doesn't have to be like fuck doing it like like just treat him like like a co-host you know what I mean like that's how I should just treat all the guests and
Starting point is 01:44:41 if they can't hang then I just know and then I just don't have them on Like just whatever, you know Talk about the price of like it like if James Frigg was on I could just talk about the price of avocados Ask his dad. Oh, how much were those cycle? You guys got avocado money shit Let a player play I heard the kid didn't actually get picked on dude when you have a fucking underbite you get picked on You're gonna get our boy canceled yeah, someone might get canceled, but you know what I think we're past that now
Starting point is 01:45:19 No one's gonna say anything like We're past any like real canceling stuff. Like the shit like you used to get canceled for like doesn't even matter anymore. Now like now you just truly like before you could be canceled for like saying your favorite color was white and they'd call you white supremacist. Now you can like be honest. You can just be like oh my favorite color is pink or red or you can just say anything now it's fine unless you're just a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Like you can be like yeah I understand why Asian people like now. It's fine. Unless you're just a piece of shit. Like you can be like, yeah, I understand why Asian people like rice. And it's okay. No one like, you know what I mean? Like, no one's gonna be like, well, that was racist. Like it's done. Home Depot lady got canceled. I mean, that's like, that one's right on the line right? Like where would you rate these three things? Okay, I hate black people, I think the president of the united states should be killed and um, uh,
Starting point is 01:46:28 I hate little kids Like like I don't want to work with any of those people. You know what I mean? Like you're the you're the I'm not saying you should cancel them or not. but like if I owned a store, like I'm not going to have like, I'm not going to have a regular on my podcast that hates black people. And I'm not, and I'm not going to have a regular on my podcast. I think the president United States should be killed. I might have a regular on the podcast who hates kids you know what I mean there's just like I just think you can I don't think that's I don't think that's a canceling anyone I think that's just like choosing like who you want to represent your and here's the thing
Starting point is 01:47:22 Greg said it on the show today, like, no one's getting fired because they think it's okay for 10 year olds to get their penises chopped off behind their parents back with the help of the government. No one's getting fired for that. As fucking crazy as that sounds, no one's getting fired for that. But if you like that and you're at work, you also need to be able to take someone being like, are you out of your fucking mind? Like it's a totally fair reaction to someone. There's a line. And I'm open to if someone accuses me of justifying it, but whatever. There's a line.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Do episodes really get flagged or demonetized? I cannot remember a show that hasn't been flagged. I'll tell you. Usually my shows are flagged even before I get off the air. I'll tell you. Hold, and usually my shows are flagged even before I, um, get off the air. I'll tell you, hold on. Uh, keeping it real. This show has not been flagged yet, but usually they're flagged, uh, even before, um, yeah, like, well, like in my house, in my house growing up, you couldn't call someone Hitler like no matter what, unless they were Hitler.
Starting point is 01:48:50 And now they just say that shit on the news. You know what I mean? Like you couldn't, it didn't matter who it was. You weren't allowed to really you weren't. Oh, and Joy Reid is nuts. Did anyone see Joy Reid imply the shooting and photo was staged and that Biden recovering from COVID shows just as much strength as Trump did Saturday? No, that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Yeah, those people are kind of like going crazy on the air, right? I wish I, I'm open to it being staged, but I just need someone to explain to me what that means. I saw Joe Rogan's... someone sent me Joe Rogan's clip today on it. I felt like it maybe wasted my time. I shouldn't have watched it, but... You know, he believes... I think he's afraid to say it. I feel like a lot of times he's afraid to say what he's really thinking, but I think he... I think Joe thinks, because he's constantly probably micro dosing That we live in a simulation
Starting point is 01:49:51 So Flag means you get a The On the back end here the whole show turns yellow There's the writing turns to yellow and then it says hey you've said something that makes it so we're gonna limit running ads on it so you get it demonetized but you can always um appeal it and so it immediately when I get off the show I appeal every show oh this morning show this morning show with Greg is already flagged and under review.
Starting point is 01:50:27 This video may earn limited or no ad revenue due to content identified as not suitable for most advertisers. Oh my god, wait till you see this sponsor we're working on. Simulation just explains so much. Like what? You have to be open to the idea that Trump's team is smarter than anyone is willing to give them credit for. I hate all this censoring. Hey, what's worse, staging or censoring? I say censoring.
Starting point is 01:51:21 Hopefully, Andrew's getting a blowjob right now. Not just smart, Andrew, a man died. Mr. Hiller, do you please? Oh no, no, he's not Jonathan Ortega Dude I'm telling you James spray cannot beat Taylor self in swimming Cannot Oh shit. Taylor's chimed in and says Alexis Raptis has no chance. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:52:22 Let me see. Let me ask him if. Let's ask him if Let's ask it. Let's let's send him a fucking link and ask him if I'm James Sprague says a chance these guys all of a sudden they're interested because it's a thousand bucks. Come on guys. You guys should Being on the show is worth more than any amount of money They were giving away. Let's see if we can get Taylor on. We'll ask him.
Starting point is 01:52:52 I wonder what Andrew thinks. Andrew might even know the full workout. I don't even know the full workout. Sevan, did you see your uncle in the stands behind Trump on Saturday? No. Did you see the smoking hot picture posted? Picture Alexis posted herself. Very 60 albums vibe. No, but I, I like, like, I mean, she's like a, it seems like a daughter to me, but I but
Starting point is 01:53:28 Like some fucking filthy fucking rich dude should start courting her who's cool as shit. I'll look at her. She's so fucking cool No, I don't I don't see I don't see any... Hattie can you? Taylor spread spread wide open. Yeah, I know. I love James, but he has no... Like, I mean, let's face it. Taylor is like so fucking fit.
Starting point is 01:54:01 Okay, here we go. This is a cool video. I watched this. Oh no, not that. There's a video of her crossing the finish line that's pretty crazy. What a waste of- oh this one, Look how fucking happy she is. Happy so attractive. Oh, Alexis Hiller. I don't even know who that is. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Uh, Hiller, I was gonna say I don't even know who that is oh oh oh oh oh uh hillar i was gonna say i don't even know who that is
Starting point is 01:54:46 i know who that is uh alexis what's her last name koalski alexis uh koalski oh shit i don't follow her now i do oh yeah that's awesome. Wow. Yeah, I like that. That's the kind of chick I'd want in college. Yeah, that's cool. That's awesome. I'd wear those pants myself. Damn, that hair is crazy. She looks like she should be dating John Travolta. I can't believe how quickly she has bounced back. This is fucking nuts. This one has boobs in it Dude she couldn't even shit without Andrew fucking a few months ago. No shit like literally couldn't drop a deuce
Starting point is 01:55:59 He had to do everything for her wheeler to the bathroom lower drawers Fucking get a plunger take the poop out Beast C a peptides calm what's that peptide? What's that peptide your? girlfriend took to heal herself BPC 157 no he didn't go off t for her what are you talking about he did it as an experiment for greater assessment in his judging capabilities. Let me see if Taylor's going to weigh in here. Her job at Pepsi didn't prepare her for assassins on a sloped roof. When I saw Alexis Raptus's dad at the games, I started crying.
Starting point is 01:57:31 That's a true story. If I remember correctly, he was Jim. If I remember correctly, Dave was interviewing her on stage in the beer garden and when it was done, Alexis ran over and hugged her dad. And I had this like, I don't know if you call it empathy or what, but I pictured it being me. Somehow like I felt like it was, I was Jim and Alexis was my kid. And I just started crying.
Starting point is 01:58:04 It was nuts Just like a faucet start tears started pouring from my eyes. It was just fucking intense, dude And I don't cry Although I went saw if with my kids a Few months ago and I cried so many fucking times. It's ridiculous. I'm not wearing glasses to the movies anymore. I don't think I can go to a...
Starting point is 01:58:31 I'd never let my kid be in the CrossFit Games. Are you fucking kidding me? Nick, what a great father-in-law Jim Raptis would make. Yeah. Jim rap this would make yeah. Sevon dude, the story you told about obby today was awesome. You should be proud dude. I'm so proud. So proud. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:58:57 I went to before the rap before before I started the show today. I went over and watched their striking class, the twins. I took the twins to striking I missed their jujitsu class because of the podcast, but I but I went to the kids striking class, dude. It's crazy They just watching them Train together. They've been training so long together Ari and Joseph. It's fucking nuts soon They're gonna be able to hold mitts for each other All right if it's fucking nuts. Soon they're gonna be able to hold mitts for each other. Alright, I don't know if I have a show scheduled tomorrow morning but I need one. Let me see what's going on here. Thursday, no there isn't one scheduled.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Oh, oh, there's tomorrow night's Haley Adams and Ricky Gerard. So that's gonna be fun. I saw Haley wearing a CEO shirt in Snapchat that made me love her. I love Ricky. Shut Up and Scribbles on tomorrow 1030 a.m. that's with J.R. Howell, Taylor Self. God that show's gotten so popular. You want to hear something? I really should not play this, but listen, I'll play a little bit for you. Listen. It's a 7-Packet Show. Shut up and scribble.
Starting point is 02:00:28 It's a 7-Packet Show. Shut up and scribble. Taylor, self, and J.R. Howell. It's a 7-Packet Show. Ooh. It's a 7-Packet Show. Ooh. Shut up and scribble.
Starting point is 02:00:40 It's a 7-Packet Show. Ooh. Shut up and scribble. It's a 7-Packet Show. Ooh. Shut up and scribble. It's a 7-Packet Show. Ooh. It's a 7-Packet Show. Oh Fucking amazing And you guys were here when I was doing the show my living room No, I don't snapchat someone sent me a screenshot and a video I
Starting point is 02:01:11 sounds like a wake-up alarm yeah right it's really long too and listen to mine mine so ghetto now no no I mean I'm really appreciative of mine listen to mine I mean, I'm really appreciative of mine. Listen to mine. Listen to mine. Mine's good too. Mine's tight. It's a Saban Pacasso. It's a Saban Pacasso.
Starting point is 02:01:31 Everybody's welcome. Peace and love. It's a Saban Pacasso. Bam, we're live. Yeah, that's good. I like mine. I like mine. I like theirs too though, I'm envious.
Starting point is 02:01:48 Jesus Christ is Taylor coming on? The fuck, I'm just gonna call Taylor, fuck him. It's late, but whatever, I don't care. Okay. Hey, this is Taylor. If you could leave your name and phone number and a brief message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. Bye. James Sprague thinks that he can James Sprague, James Sprague, James Sprague thinks that he can beat you in the workout on Friday. The first one sounds like you should be on mushrooms. Are you holding a hermit crab miss, can you?
Starting point is 02:03:02 Are you holding a hermit crab miss? Can you? Wait, you see wait, you see this sponsor recording a woman to call me call Let me call this sponsor is crazy Let me call Suza. Matt Suza. I am going to do a show tomorrow morning though. Even if it's not scheduled, you don't see it scheduled, I am going to do one. And 6 8 3 1.
Starting point is 02:03:41 Oh shit. What's courting mean? You know, like courting. Courting, you know, like courtship. Like, hey girl, what's your name? Want to go out to dinner? I'll bring candles and a tablecloth, shit like that you guys ever heard Andrew's voice message Andrew's is the best Andrew's is the best Miss Kenya, I hope you're not going to try on Friday. No point. No point. No point, Miss Kenya.
Starting point is 02:04:32 No, no, Matt Burns. Don't get her hopes up. That $3,000 is a long five minutes. I'll save Andrews for some other time. Andrew's is awesome. It's awesome because it's so Andrew. It's so Andrew. Jeff Jeffrey Birchfield Chris Birchfield. Hi. Oh, it's Chris to Chris Biesterfeld. Chris Chris Biesterfeld. Chris, Chris Biesterfeld. Courting means you take a buggy ride
Starting point is 02:05:09 with a chaperone behind you making sure you're being appropriate. We had a video go viral. Did you guys know that? It's the first video on the Sevant podcast that's ever gone viral. Did you guys see it? Oh, I said yes, I am for the hermit crab. Oh, Jeremy world., I am for the hermit crab. Oh Jeremy world, uh, holy crap Jeffrey. What was life like in the 1800s? Geez Louise
Starting point is 02:05:58 You guys know did you guys see that we had a video go viral it's kind of weird Let me see if I can find it. What do you mean by viral, Seve? I'll show you. This one. I wonder. This one right here. The show that Ang, angelo was on yeah the secret service guy
Starting point is 02:06:29 The show angelo was on We talked about with a guy called in from the show who used to be on trump secret service detail and I never make fucking clips and I was running out the house and I made this clip It took me like three minutes and I titled it interview with Trump secret service agent. And it just went to 121,000 views. Kind of crazy. Some people were like offended by the fact that I asked if a woman should be doing it.
Starting point is 02:07:23 It's like how the fuck is that offensive? I was chatting with some friends today and I realized that the more easily you're offended, and I think I realized this before but I'd forgotten it, the more... 100,000 views since last night. I know it's crazy. The more easily you are offended, the more easily it is to control you. People are controlled by how easily they get offended, the easier it is to control you. That's how people control you. That's how they move you. That's how they in the 1800s. Seth, Seve I watched the clip before I watched the whole interview with Angelo. That's why, and I haven't talked about this in so long, that's why just imagine how easy
Starting point is 02:08:51 it is to control Jewish people and black people. Because when they are born, there are words here waiting for them to control them and offend them. Just imagine, we're all complicit in it. There's a word that when you're born as a little black baby, you're six minutes old, and there's already a word waiting for you to offend you your whole life and to control you. It's fucking nuts. It's absolutely fucking nuts Hey, hey, no, hey
Starting point is 02:09:35 Hey, yeah Okay. Yeah, what's up without revealing too much? How'd that call go with the sponsor today? It's on hold I left her a message and hope I'll be talking to her tomorrow it's weird that it's a she right yeah because of what it is yeah you mean an FDA approved device it's not weird at all. Is it FDA approved? Yeah, did you read the little informational thing on it? No. Oh Oh, yeah, you got to read the thing off to you. Hold on one second. Hold on He got that weird popping sound that fucks the clips up
Starting point is 02:10:24 Hello Hi, hey Hello? Hi. Hey. Sousa. Yeah. Hey. All I saw was is that they've sold over a million devices or contraptions or whatever you want to call it at 200 bucks a pop. And I know that contraption must only cost 20 bucks to make. So and I know that, and I heard that they struggle to find anyone to sponsor so I just assume they must be just uh uh flush with cash and and I just think it's a and it's a perfect fit for us
Starting point is 02:11:01 for the kilp payo show I'm gonna kill a payout show. Or just all around. Jesus Christ. Every day. No, he does not. Sorry, I'm talking to Taylor. No he does not know the workout other than swim. And no equipment.
Starting point is 02:11:20 Why didn't, why didn't Taylor answer his fucking phone? What's he, what's he upset about? Equipment why didn't why didn't Taylor answer his fucking phone? What's he what's he upset about James is not a better swimmer than me and he's stupid if he thinks he is Yeah, I I know that I think Taylor's the fittest man alive dude Well, we're about to find out yeah, I don't think I think he's the fit I in my mind. That's that's good. Yeah. Um, are you driving home from the gym? I'm standing outside of it right now.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Oh, do you have any more classes to coach tonight? No. I'm done. I'm so excited. I don't mean to keep bugging you about the sponsor. I try usually just to act cool Yeah, I think I think she is she on East Coast time zone. I Don't know. I didn't I didn't see I didn't look at her area. Did you see your email signature? Let me look real quick. Is it cool? Yeah. Okay I'm opening the email. I don't see a signature
Starting point is 02:12:46 Do I have to click a button to open up more? No, it should have just been at the bottom of her email. Oh Wow. Oh, wow. Oh Yeah, she's from New York 9-1-7 that mate now it all makes sense. Okay. Yeah That makes sense and then it was like late afternoon and it was like late evening for her yeah and that makes sense New York City baby New York City yeah yeah if you go in there there's like a little word document too if you pull it you could read the whole thing The latest and greatest in fitness products. Did you open it up or are you just reading the email?
Starting point is 02:13:34 I opened up the document. That's what it calls it. The latest and greatest in fitness products. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It optimizes the health. Sure does it's just as important as exercising It's part of oh, it's part of this guy's fitness routine Wow Oh, they have a hundred dollar model who's who's reviewing it
Starting point is 02:14:05 Someone from Maxim They have a hundred dollar model who's reviewing it Someone from Maxim No, no, no, I mean out of us. Oh, oh I'd Taylor Nice I'll give it a shot. I'll review it. That'll be for the members only, right? Live. Oh, wow. Show them what you're adding to your new exercise routine.
Starting point is 02:14:38 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not about men's health is really what it comes down to All right, well I'm excited Yeah Me too. So hopefully we get over tomorrow and I like it down if that's if your assumptions are correct That could be pretty that could be a pretty good fit for us, huh? Jeremy world says they don't have your size homie
Starting point is 02:15:03 Jeremy world says they don't have your size homie No, yeah, that's for certain All right. What did you say? Sorry? I missed it. What'd you say? You're going home? Nothing. Yeah. Yeah Okay All right, thank you. Oh, um. Hey, that was cool. You think Alexis is gonna, uh,
Starting point is 02:15:28 is gonna, is gonna do the next Kill Taylor show? No, no, no. I was listening to you. She sound pumped. She sound excited, didn't she? She did, but at the end of the day. Then she came with excuses immediately after. Oh, that's what you want.
Starting point is 02:15:43 Yeah, at the end of the day, everyone's a little scared. At the end of the day everyone's a little scared Then the day everyone's a little got a little little they're a little tepid And then and everyone really knows how how fit he is like here's the thing everyone saw what happened in quarterfinals Right. No one wants any of that. They know it. Yeah. Yeah. No one wants a piece of that. And he wasn't training, dude. He wasn't training for it. Remember when he wasn't even going to do the quarterfinals to begin with? Right, right. And then he did it and then he made it semis. And then here's the thing. And he's kind of he's adjusted the workout so that unit like he's not gonna
Starting point is 02:16:25 Let you beat him like without working hard anymore. He kind of like turned the page on that and he's like, yeah You yeah, you're gonna hurt I've noticed that and no straight up like yeah, and everyone knows that like yeah, if it's the hurt games There's no one who can hurt like him. I think that's undisputed. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, which is crazy because when you get the normal people that do it, they don't, they fall off the pace immediately on the first round. Right. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:16:52 Like that just shows how fucking crazy it is. He's the hurt machine. Yeah. So I'm excited to see what he brings on Friday. All right. All right. I'll talk to you later. Okay. Thanks, dude. Bye.
Starting point is 02:17:07 Bye. Matt Souza. Every show needs a good executive producer. Oh, they had a 98 year old woman speak at the Republican convention. That's crazy. That's what I'm going to go do. I'm going to go in there and watch that.. I'm just sending something to my mom that I know I shouldn't send, but I'm sending it anyway.
Starting point is 02:18:17 I guess that guy Mendez's wife is Armenian. The guy who just went to jail. What's his name? Um, uh, what's the guy's name? Um, Bob Mendez, Bob Mendez wife. Oh, Bob Mendes wife. Oh shit. She looks so different now. Oh, wow. She looks.
Starting point is 02:19:00 Oh, she's really changed her look now that he's going to jail Man so this guy's going to jail Oh Shit is she being tried to now Bob Mendez his wife could lose home income and serve prison time oh my god oh no i think she was trying to divorce him to oh she's completely changed her look she looks way different now oh that sucks. Your husband's a criminal and so you go to jail too. Man, they found gold bars at his house.
Starting point is 02:20:15 Geez Louise. I need some gold bars. All right. Oh, Bob Mendez, Bob Mendez. JJ, can we get a day in advanced equipment list for the pool workout? I work at a school and need to bring weights. He said that you don't need any equipment He said you only need a pool
Starting point is 02:20:59 And he's I think I think Oh Taylor's in here short, I don't know what that means I think he's just rolling up to a fucking public pool. I Think the whole thing is like, gonna be sketchy this week. I finished, I finished the boys. Or whatever, I watched, I'm done. Whatever, I watched all four seasons. Is it over? How many seasons are there they really see more please tell me they're not really see more
Starting point is 02:21:31 I've had my fill of gay porn for this lifetime the boys Season five is there season five the boys Star on black noir how season four sets up The boys star on black noir how season four sets up the boys is about to make its biggest political statement yet are they gonna transition the little boy will there be a boy season five it's been renewed for a fifth season this will also be its concluding chapter. Is there a new one? Alright. Oh yeah, Bob Mendes' son is a congressman.
Starting point is 02:22:25 Jesus. What a mess. Oh, the last West Coast classic behind the scenes is public. Okay, that's cool. God, I hope I get good access at the games. Oh man. God I hope I get good access at the games. I'm such a prima donna I could go there and I get what I want and like did you guys know I'm a pre-Madonna does that come off on the show? I don't know when TaylorSelf said on youtube is running biden ads on your videos as long as they pay the money the mula
Starting point is 02:23:34 Uh, no sevan you come across very manly on the show, okay good. Oh very tall too. Uh, I have a feeling you're being facetious now I have a feeling you're being facetious now. Sebi, I hope we connected the games this year since you dodged me every night last year. I will definitely be dodging everyone at night. When is the behind the scenes getting released North America East? I could ask right now. When is the behind the scenes getting released North America East? I could ask right now.
Starting point is 02:24:06 When is North America East being released? Yeah, I could have a complete meltdown if I don't get what I want. Just go in my head and just be like, it's ugly. Mendez was also implicated in allegations of underage prostitution and the Dominican Republic years ago. Somehow. He skated on that Excuse me Yeah, I get up so early at the at the games I get up at four and I usually run ragged till like six or seven Then I'll try to find Caleb and we'll have a margarita Then I'll run back to my hotel room or the house wherever I'm staying. I'll charge batteries
Starting point is 02:24:53 I'll try to do a late-night podcast with the boys. I'll go to bed and repeat And I don't know if there's I don't know what's going on with booths this year I don't think paper Street coffee is gonna be there And that was kind of the only time I came out To show my face Yeah, Jonathan Ortega, yeah, he did the same thing bro at the the game's 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. Easy, nonstop, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:25:40 Good seeing you guys. We got a show scheduled for tomorrow morning. Love you guys. Thank you, Dallin. Thank you, Lexus Raptus. Bye bye.

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