The Sevan Podcast - Alix Best | Swolverine COO #992

Episode Date: August 23, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply house doesn't but you're a good dude alex bam we're live good morning good morning it's 7 a.m somewhere yeah where where are you i'm up in reno nevada where are you oh i'm sitting in a kitchen in um newport beach california hold on one second sorry one second welcome to the show everybody everybody. One coffee. One coffee.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'll just leave you in front of everyone by yourself. One coffee cup. I'm like, wait a sec. Where's my – this is truly my security blanket. I had a little panic attack. That's fair. See, I try to be respectful, and I poured mine into this cup. Very good.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I just walked down to the bar that opens at 6 here at Newport Beach. Are you sure you weren't at the bar all night? I was not. I was not. I just walked down to the bar that opens at six here at Newport Beach. Are you sure you weren't at the bar all night? I was not. I was not. I was not. I have three little boys. Those days are long. Actually, say it again. Did you get rained out? Did you get blown away by Hillary? No, no. We spent the day. I guess maybe we missed it by one day, but the day that it was supposed to be big we were at the beach it was 85 degrees oh it's on the story yeah say it again it was a trip yeah where you're in you're in reno you said yeah is that home for you uh yeah okay so you had no hillary up there uh we got like a couple storms out of it for a few days it's been like 65 degrees and windy and
Starting point is 00:02:26 rainy and i washed my car and then it got rained on hey was it hot rain i heard it was actual hot rain here which is kind of uncommon for california i heard it was like hot outside and rainy like hawaii no no okay but i think that's what like kind of the definition of a tropical storm, right? Right. Are you born and raised in California? Yeah. Because I was born and raised in the Bay Area, and every year we have winds that are like 50 or 100 miles an hour that blow through the Golden Gate Bridge. They give warnings.
Starting point is 00:02:58 You remember that? Yeah, I mean, I remember seeing it on the news for sure. I grew up in a little town called Placido. Oh, yeah. Wow. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, get some storms. And then I came up to Reno and went to school here.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And it's weird. You know, everything comes off the Sierras really fast into the bowl here in Reno. And then it just blows out and storms somewhere else. So just to get people caught up real quick, Alex Best is the founder and owner of Swolverine, amongst other things. But that's how I know her. I know her because one of my favorites, Colton Mertens, guzzles her stuff. And now I guzzle her stuff. And so that's how that's how our paths crossed. I'd never met her before, but I was excited to have her on, and Alex was kind enough when we got the approval to do the behind-the-scenes.
Starting point is 00:03:52 She helped out substantially with making sure that the team got there with financial help, and it was cool because, like I said, I was already kind of on the, not kind of, I was already on the Wolverine bandwagon because I'm easily influenced by my favorite athletes and uh so that's that so you live in placerville and you move to the big city so for people who don't know california placerville is like it it's just um it's a really cool little town but it's on your way for the rest of us in the bay area in california on our way to lake
Starting point is 00:04:21 tahoe to go skiing we pass through this little town called Placerville. It's like Peeville. Like everyone's like, oh, I stopped at Peeville before. Yeah. Oh, right. Right. But it's kind of true. You know.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Why Reno? Why Reno? Are you in Nevada? You're in Nevada. That's Nevada, right? Reno, Nevada. Okay. You're on the Nevada side.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Reno is Nevada. Like why Reno now for the company? Or even for you. I'm just curious why you had moved to Reno. I mean, I know it was like exploding, but like, there's other cool places up there too, right? Like there's Auburn, or you could have come down South and West and you could have come to the Bay area. Right. Reno is just an interesting choice. I mean, like Apple went there too, right? Apple, a bunch of people went there.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I mean, yeah. I mean, Nevada. so I just came here for school, for university. So it's not like I like my parents, this city. But yeah, I came here for school. I'm glad I did. It wasn't, you know, sometimes you make the best plans in the world and they don't work out. So you got to have 12 backup plans and sometimes you got to on that 12 plan and that's what Nevada was and you know I mean thinking back on it I'm really glad I did it because I would never be in this position I would have never met my business partner I would have never wouldn't be here so it's it's kind of like I don't know I know it's fine I'm a skier I love mountains grew up on the other side so it's familiar but yeah it's kind of culture shock
Starting point is 00:05:45 and for anyone who doesn't know like um Blasterville is tiny like I think there are 6,000 7,000 people there when I grew up and then I came to a town of 500,000 people and was like how many people went to your high school how many oh yeah I don't you know a lot of people ask me that I should probably find out. I have no idea. But small, you knew everyone in your high school. Yeah. And like, I was very active in high school.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Like I was class president and I was prom queen and I was giving speeches at graduation and doing that kind of thing. So. Okay. I get it. I was thinking, I was like, God, how ambitious is she to start a company like Swolverine? That would make me, that would give me a panic attack even to think to do that. And for you, you were, I don't know, just too many moving parts. It's too many moving parts, too many, I don't want to deal with all the moving parts. Like, I don't want to decide like what knobs go in my kitchen. I don't want to, you know what I mean? Like if I was buying a house, I would go into a panic attack if I had to remodel the kitchen. I don't want to make those decisions. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, people are making decisions.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I have learned to like to make decisions. Yeah. And sometimes you just like, I like this analogy of, you know, being an entrepreneur, being a business owner is like, you know, jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down. And it's a lot like that, you know, and sometimes you smack the ground and the shit sucks but then there's also the days where you know you kind of figure it out and you're flying like a little bird and then we kind of get down safe so then you run back up the hill and do it again tomorrow alex what was your very first um uh business? Did you do something as a little kid? Did you try to sell shoelaces or bracelets? Or did you have any?
Starting point is 00:07:30 It was probably fundraising to play basketball. I don't remember selling things. I wasn't really creative at making things. But I do remember significantly fundraising. I tried to be a Girl Scout. I sucked at it. I wasn't very good at selling cookies and I went to girls camp and was like, you guys suck. I probably shouldn't say that. That might be offensive to some Girl Scouts, but-
Starting point is 00:07:55 No, it was funny. It was funny. Delivery's everything. I've learned that you can say anything you want. I haven't figured out how to do it yet, but you can say anything you want if you deliver it right. I just haven't figured out how to deliver it, but you can. That's why I just giggle. I'm like, well, I'm laughing. You don't think it's funny? I think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:08:12 Oh, awkward. So sports? So you were always doing sports? Yeah. I was like that weird kid with the 12-pack, super tomboy, fundraised a lot for school, for yeah school and and just basketball i think probably would be like my business things if i were to have any but i don't know did you have siblings yeah i was the youngest of four so i was a little shithead running around you know getting away with
Starting point is 00:08:40 everything seeing what not to do learning from everyone else's things that they did wrong. I saw this post. It was my favorite post on Instagram as I dug through it. And you have a hat on backwards and you're in a bikini top and I think you're holding a beer and you say in there, and I showed it to my, I remember showing it to my wife and you said something like, I think you said you weighed 187 pounds in the photo and you were probably just a teenager or, you know, well, let's say you're 21. And you said when life, when life was just about choosing which beer to open or something like that, I'm completely paraphrasing.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And I remember that phase of my life and I, I, and it's truly one of the best phases of my life, but i was never even comfortable in my skin like to really enjoy that and you looked so comfortable and when i saw you i'm like oh i know that girl i know that boy i know that person who is just so freaking comfortable in their skin and like when i would be around those people i realized that all the superficial shit on the outside doesn't matter it's all attitude like if someone has a fucking great attitude you're like wow yeah it's a it's a trip i think it's i didn't start paying attention to my body until it was about then like i had gained a bunch
Starting point is 00:09:58 of weight i had kidney issues like i was like by the way you look great my wife's like there's no way she weighs 187 i was like she says she does there i mean you look fucking you look amazing thanks yeah yeah uh somebody was like she's got posts like danny i was like yeah how tall are you a little bigger a 5'8 yeah crazy that you were 187 and that your body looked crazy my hips hurt man that was the biggest motivator that's what caught my attention so my hips started hurting and I was like, why do I feel like my hips are going to like snap? And then I went clothes shopping and I was like, holy shit. Like what, what, what do you mean? I can't fit into that size by like four or five sizes. Like, so yeah, I didn't, I didn't start paying attention to it then. And it wasn't until I lost the weight that I started having like, it was like, why does this feel this way? Or why does this look that way? And that's
Starting point is 00:10:49 when I started kind of picking myself apart a bit more. But a lot of it, like you're saying, I mean, it's kind of how you show up. And I knowing myself is my values for a really long time. And just kind of being the same person through and through has carried me. But, you know, I'll post up there. Like, I've got cellular. I've got stretch marks. I've got things about myself like I don't terribly love. But if I'm not willing to do something about them, like I have this attitude that I'm not really able to complain about them.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And then if I'm able to do something about them, then why would I complain? Mooney, you guzzle her stuff. Sevan. Yes, that's's correct thank you for the quote that you can quote me on that that's a direct quote here's the thing man that so i i think we're i think we just solved the whole podcast i think you nailed it and it's the reason why i don't it's the reason why i don't get it so i didn't have values i didn't even know what it's the reason why I don't get it. So I didn't have values. I didn't even know. It's not that I didn't even, I didn't have values. I didn't know. I didn't, I didn't even know if I probably had some values. I just didn't know what they are. But, but you, when I see that picture and I saw what you wrote, I'm like, that's the kid. That's
Starting point is 00:11:56 the cool kid. That's who I wanted to hang out with. That was the kid that didn't give a shit. They just had fun. Everyone liked them. They didn't have to worry about the superficial shit. They just were just, they seem so comfortable in their skin. And what you're saying is, is because you had values and that's something now that I have kids, I'm starting to think about values more and more and values are something that someone can't take away from you, right? Like if you're going to be like, Hey, I'm always going to be a nice person, then it's up to me. I'm never, I'm never going to, you know, so you, you were in control of your own life. What do you mean by values too? Could you define that for me? I think values are just like who you will show up as a person, you know, what are constant things. They're not really,
Starting point is 00:12:35 you can change values for sure. Um, but they're going to be the things that carry you through life. Right. And I was fortunate enough to have, you know, my parents, um, my mom especially was always like, Hey, you're being an asshat. Go back to being like this. Go back to being yourself. Stop doing this. Why are you doing that? She challenged me a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And I don't know, values are just, we have this mantra here at Swolverine, and it's how you do anything is how you do everything. Right? And it's kind of this idea of, like, we can all be different people and do different things, but how you do it is how you're going. Right. And it's kind of this idea of like, we can all be different people and do different things, but how you do it is how you're going to do everything else. And so if you're going to be a funny guy, then be a really good funny guy. Or if you're going to, you know, be a shit bag, then be a shit bag. But, you know, you're going to kind of come back to these fundamental things that your gut's going to guide you to. And, you know, if you're doing the right thing, then you're following that. And if you feel panicked, if you feel anxiety, if you feel like that fear or just like
Starting point is 00:13:28 that overwhelm, you're lashing out at people, you're probably not living from a place of like, I actually trust myself to show up authentically as this person, you know? If you lash out, explain that idea to me. If you lash out, you don't trust yourself to show up authentically. Well, it's kind of like, I don don't know you ever get shoved in a corner and you're like you start to like kind of act ways that maybe you wouldn't or say things you wouldn't or whatever and if you really think about it's like why because you're threatened because you're not confident kind of go back to the confidence thing you're not confident in how you're showing up or your behavior you know your behavior is not matching the way you feel about yourself you know i don't know no no we're on to something and tell me did
Starting point is 00:14:10 your parents use the word values at home oh that's a good question maybe how did you know when you had values how was that introduced to you i'm so curious about that. Um, so I grew up, my mom was very Christian and would always kind of go back to like, you know, be a servant's heart, be, you know, you, you lead from the front, you, you're not a follower, you blaze your own path. You do, you know, it's okay if people don't necessarily agree with you, as long as you're not harming them or like taking away from them. Right. And it's kind of like piggybacked a lot into the bible like uh i didn't i don't come from a very educated family um i was the first person to go to school and get a degree like and i think my extended family even so a lot of it comes back to like those conversations of like how do you feel about
Starting point is 00:14:59 who you are what's your heart leading you by and then how do you kind of honor what you've been given and the gifts that you've been given? And actually like exercise them in life, you know? It's interesting. What a great combo, right? You're saying to have a servant's heart, but also lead. Lead and don't follow. So if you just have lead and don't follow, you're an asshole. If you just have serve, don't follow you're an asshole if you
Starting point is 00:15:25 just have serve serve you're just a chump you put the two together and and you have you have like a complete person you have someone who's leading from the front to serve others there you go and but one of them by themselves is probably not so good i mean or could be trouble you could find yourself complimenting other things you know like, like, or other people. Right. I think that's one of the things that like makes this company great. And like, I don't just do it all on my own. I have a business partner. He's amazing. And we're like light and dark, you know, a lot of things that I'm good at and emotional at, he can like piggy out and like not be emotional and be really logical. And then other things, sometimes that ball rolls the other way and
Starting point is 00:16:10 um you know i think that's another reason why you know this is the first time like i've hopped on anything really as a person representing the company i think it's something that happens like naturally as we grow but like we've never been like hey look at me i'm this because i'm the swolverine owner you know it's no, let's let the product speak for themselves. Like, educate yourself. Here's the information to do the decisions or make the decisions about yourself and what you want to do. You know, it's kind of like leading people to that conclusion to like take hold of themselves
Starting point is 00:16:35 and say like, is this right for me, right? And put that position of power and decision like in their hands. I'm kind of tangenting here, but the point being is like, I think growing up, you know, my parents didn't tell me what to do. They gave me a lot of freedom to do what I wanted. I fucked up a lot of it just like because I thought it was the right thing to do. And I didn't know. And I ended up not being what I wanted to do. Right. So like going to Nevada for school wasn't what I wanted to do, but made the most of it, right? And that was 100% my decision. But when you are able
Starting point is 00:17:07 to like empower people to make decisions about themselves, like their health, their school, their life, and you probably know this as being a father, I don't have kids, so I'm not going to speak to it. But, you know, enabling people to pursue that within themselves is much more transcending and much more value seeking if we use that idea than just saying like hey cool take this do that follow this path because at what point do you enable somebody to like stop thinking for themselves uh it's interesting my mom uh had a ton of trust in me i mean i didn't know it as a kid, but in hindsight, and I have a ton of trust in my kids. And because I have, and it sounds like your parents trusted you. When I hear that you used a different word than trust, but they basically let you make, they gave you the tools to make your own decisions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Like did something against like their values, like as parents, like you were out. Right, right. Like it was hearing that I, that my parents were were disappointed in me was the most traumatizing thing. Me too. Me too. I hate me too. And I disappointed a lot and it sucked. Did you?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah. Why? What did you do? Well, just around grades. I just wasn't good at school. My parents put a premium on school. So I disappointed them. And that was really hard, especially if I felt like I was trying.
Starting point is 00:18:29 That's fair. But when you trust people and I do, you know what's interesting? There's like two or three people in your company who've reached out to me, like just to make point of contact, like, Hey, I'm so-and-so. I work at Swolverine or Hey, I'm so-and-so. I work at Swolverine. And part of me is like, well, I mean, it was kind of surprised by that, that there wasn't a more like kind of controlling nature.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Like I don't want the people who work on the podcast reaching out to people necessarily. Like I want to, I want to control like the point of contact with the podcast to be just like with Matt Sousa, the executive producer, right? Like I don't even want to be that point of contact. I want it all to just like kind of funnel, right? But your company, so many, all nice things. Hi, I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:19:14 My boss is going on your podcast or, hey, I saw you drinking Wolverine. Congratulations. Welcome to the family or just shit like that. You know what I mean? And I'm like, oh, this is interesting. She hasn't put her thumb on people maybe the way I would have, you know, or because I would feel like I'm like losing maybe control. Like, wait a second. Wait a second. What are you saying to him? What are you doing? So but I didn't know. I do notice that my kids, because I trust them.
Starting point is 00:19:39 They trust themselves. Yeah. And it makes them very mature for their age. Well, and hopefully too, it enables them to kind of ask themselves like, what's the right thing to do in this situation? You know, like, I don't think boys ever do that.
Starting point is 00:19:56 No, I don't. No. What's the right thing to do? I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to ask him that question. What do you think the right thing to do is?
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'm going to pee outside today. Yes. Wrong. Yeah. You know they'll do that, by the way. That's a perfect example. I have a pretty good-sized yard. They get out of the car.
Starting point is 00:20:19 They could easily go over like all the way across the yard and pee under a cherry tree, but they'll try to pee by the the front door i'm like dude it stinks yeah how how is that a decision what what are you doing they're like what it's true my sister has kids and they're like they're the best humans i've ever met in my life and it's absolutely amazing how good of a parent she is and it's so funny because she'll like tell me things you know and i'll be like oh you peed off the deck again today or like she'll send me a picture of this little boy but you know and i'll be like i don't know you're doing something right i think she is i'm sure she is uh her her nutrition program is the best you have a nutrition program too yeah so oh my gosh what's up kayla um It's so funny. Yeah. So the Swole Kitchen, we added into Swolverine a couple of years ago now, two, three years. And so you probably know,
Starting point is 00:21:14 we take a very food first approach with the supplements, you know, using very natural ingredients, ingredients that are familiar to the body, but we'd go out to events and stuff where like people would message us and be like, what do I do to lose fat? Or what do I do for this, that, or the other? And, um, you know, seeing the gap and the knowledge and like not being sure where to start or what to eat or how much to eat or macros or anything like that, um, found like a pretty big gap with where that conversation would stop, right? Like we can put as many blog posts about nutrition and like what to eat before you work out and after you work out and things like that on the website. But some people just need a little bit more guidance on what to do and how to do it. So we added in the Swole Kitchen, kind of a playoff of Swolverine, obviously.
Starting point is 00:22:03 We offer meal plans, macrosros one-on-one coaching we do we added in competitive performance or fitness programming a little bit earlier in the year in like march for the first time um we also do online personal training so very one-on-one approach teaching people how to eat teaching them teaching them, you know, why do I have this relationship with food? Why do I feel this way? Why does this food make me feel this way? Why do I think bananas are bad for me? Why shouldn't I eat fruit?
Starting point is 00:22:32 It's just dispelling a lot of that information. And then, you know, using meal plans and macros as a tool to approach food, but really addressing the human and their relationship with their brain and body. Right. So you don't send food out to people no we get that a lot like are you a meal prep company and like i barely cook for myself so that would honestly be my nightmare like starting a like cooking company right right you guys team with anyone to do that uh we were partnering with ice age meals before they kind of dissolved a little bit they were in
Starting point is 00:23:06 reno too right yeah so like we had some mutual athletes like chelsea nicholas colton um and you know a couple other ones here and there throughout the years and nick is amazing and he just is amazing that sucks they dissolved yeah they well, they changed it into Ice Age Culinary. He wanted to go to the cooking route. So I think he's doing that a little bit more, but the meals are not. I think you can still buy some of them, but I don't know. Yeah, he's an amazing guy. He worked with CrossFit HQ a lot when I was over there, and he was a true gentleman.
Starting point is 00:23:44 But what a positive force. He's kind of a force of nature, too. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. He's a whole lot of human in person. Yeah. Like, OK, I can do this.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Hi, Nick. The the I want to go back to the origins of Swolverine. Yeah. So can you tell me the earliest memory you have of the origins of the company? Were you already making your own supplements just at home? No. No. That's a no-no.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Okay. All right. There are people who will do that. We have heard stories of people making supplements in their's a no, no. Okay. All right. There are people who will do that. We have heard stories of people like making supplements in their bathtub. Sure, sure. That's how I do it. I used to grow weed. Yeah. You've got a mushroom tub. You've got a pot. Yes. Yes. All the tubs. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:24:40 So we don't, we've always had the quality standard where, you know, it needs to be the best from the beginning so i remember oh man just getting the first the first products you know we started with three capsules i'm trying to dig up a picture here that's why i'm looking off to the side um we started with a couple capsule products what year 2018 17 18 my capsules you mean like when i used to make my own ecstasy i would get like the the mdma and then i would cut it with something and i'd put them in the capsule yeah of course would you go crystal or powder i was an i was an entrepreneur powder i don't know anything.
Starting point is 00:25:25 But, but it was like that. It was those kinds of capsules, like those little plastic capsules. Yeah. So, but again, I would didn't,
Starting point is 00:25:31 didn't make them. Okay. Okay. Yeah. No, you can tell me the truth later after the podcast. I swear. So I'm pretty clumsy and like, I would probably just like overdose it.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And then people would be like, this is amazing. It'd be like the kind of Jack 3d story. There's meth in it. No, I'm just just overdose it. And then people would be like, this is amazing. It would be like the kind of Jack 3D story. There's meth in it. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, it's kind of some of the earlier memories where we're just getting those products. And then we didn't ever really go out to our friends
Starting point is 00:25:57 and be like, hey, buy this. We started a website. We started writing content. We started making videos. We started, we never- Who's we? Who's we, uh, Walter and I. So Walter is my business partner. So we started the company together.
Starting point is 00:26:10 So if I ever speak in wheeze, that's my, okay. Walter. Okay. Yeah. And, uh, yeah. And so anyways, it's just, we just started simple and we're just like, once we click live on the website, life is just going to change right they will never be the same because it's not going to stop and it never did and it's been
Starting point is 00:26:32 different ever since and there's been you know the challenges of all sorts of things like I remember the first time we got our powder product and we were like it's huge it's a giant bottle what are we doing with this you know and going out to events and just showing up. And I mean, I remember being when we met Chelsea Nicholas in Washington, we're at an event pop up at the gym. We're like, man, she's so fit. Like, you know, and now she's one of our best athletes and friends and just things like that. Starting the company, we never we never took we have never to this day taken investment we don't have any other partners we didn't we started with like 800 bucks if that i mean and that was like scrapping the house for each of our houses for some pennies to throw at it um
Starting point is 00:27:20 we never took ppe through covid um we have never that's when you get money from the government pp yeah okay yeah that was a lot of like the subsidies that helped um yeah i mean kind of went off the deep end there tell me what year you started alex oh it's like 2017-ish, 2018. And so you had another job at the time? Yeah, so I was finishing up school. And, yeah, I was finishing up school. I was managing a dental office and then graduated.
Starting point is 00:28:01 And then we started it not too long after that. I have a more science background like public health kinesiology nutrition they had merged the public health and kines so like I'm in there you know thinking maybe I want to do like health care law for example or like PA school and you're in there with like the MD students and like which is like a whole hodgepodge of weird shit but um and then my business partner is very business oriented always very fitness and health conscious but uh you know econ mba that sorts of thing so together it was like oh my gosh we both have this passion we both have this desire and really realizing that when it came to supplements and working out like i was taking a shit ton of supplements that you know not not to
Starting point is 00:28:43 go names with it but i mean that was kind of a big start of like that, you know, not, not to go names with it, but I mean, that was kind of a big start of like kidney issues and like liver enzymes and like getting sick and like gaining all that weight. And, um, you know, it brought to our attention that a lot of supplements, they don't tell you what it is. They don't tell you why they don't tell you what it's for. It's flashy. It's shiny. It's, you know, at that time, it wasn't so much about influencers being like, hey, take this product. It's great. I don't take it. I actually throw it away and give it to my friends, but do it. And it was just kind of like, well, what about the athlete too? You know, like why, why, why don't products actually help you become a better athlete
Starting point is 00:29:20 or improve like markets of performance? Right. And so we're just kind of like asking all these questions while we sit and look at all these supplements and we're like proprietary this or i can't pronounce that or the other ingredients is like this long right that's when c4 you had like the fold out it's like the other ingredients are on this um and it was just kind of like what the fuck like what it why why am I putting this in my body? I have a health degree. I am, I'm technically considered like a, you know, health professional now that I'm in this industry.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And why am I doing this? Um, and that was kind of the big catalyst for it's like, well, who is out there doing it better? And then we started looking and it was like, nobody is straightforward. Nobody's telling you what it is. Nobody's telling you what's going on. You know, and I think now- The honesty piece,
Starting point is 00:30:12 when you say no one's doing it better, the honesty piece, the transparency piece was huge to you. Oh yeah, yeah. I mean, if I'm gonna put a, you know, apple in my mouth, I'm gonna expect that it's an apple, not, you know, an apple
Starting point is 00:30:24 with like 800 other things on it right like if you're making you know this as dylan drugs if you're gonna sell somebody mdma cut with something then you should probably sell them mdma not you know cocaine that that drug i really just kept for myself but but let's use marijuana that one i didn't really sell that one i kept for myself it was too good to sell but but yeah the marijuana yeah for. You don't want to sell shitty marijuana. And if you do, people will know, or you don't want to sell it underweight or miss it's usually weight is the issue in the weed industry because people it's expensive, right? Bag of leaves is 60 bucks. And people are like, Hey, it's half a bag of leaves. I went home and weighed it. Hey, that's another weird
Starting point is 00:31:00 thing about the supplement industry, by the way, all of your containers have to be so huge. I didn't understand, but like, I understand because i've been paying really close more attention than ever because you guys got the spoon in there so on one hand you get it and you're like this thing's only halfway full but you'll be really pissed if you can't get the spoon in there to screw the the lid on right so all of a sudden i understand i understand this wolverine packaging. Like you have to have enough room so that when you sit the scoop in there, you're not warring with it to get the lid off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Okay. So you bring up an interesting point. So nowadays, now like with the company and establishing Wolverine and our value systems, right? So like proprietary blend-free, clinically does, scientifically proven. Wait, say that again. Say that again. I want to be able to say it too. it again okay recite with me uh proprietary blend free so proprietary blend free meaning proprietary blend free meaning you know it's in our shit we're not hiding it from you yeah yep we tell you the dosage and we tell you the
Starting point is 00:32:00 ingredient um it's not just like a collection of ingredients. Like, hey, it's these five. You don't know how much is in there. Supplements are expensive. Like products that work are expensive. And so a lot of times people will underdose those important ingredients. So if they're on the list, right, like a nutrition label layered on the list, it means it's not very much in there. So proprietary blend free, clinically dosed. So if 3.2 grams of beta alanine is proven to improve endurance by 40%, we put 3.2 grams or more in a single scoop.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Okay. Right. So clinically dosed. And then we go into proven ingredients, scientifically proven. So it's not like we're like, oh, gonna make up this ingredient like that has no studies behind it that has no proof behind it that hasn't ever been in like a clinical setting or pharmaceutical setting right um and that's a product so what i'm getting at is it's funny nowadays once we've established those types of values for the company and the products. Then we get into, well, your bottle is so big.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Why'd your box be like this? It's like, there's always this idea of or picking stuff apart pretty hard. You know, like the, I don't know. It's just silly. You need enough room at the top. I don't want to have to dig the scoop in to get the lid on. Well, and if you do like, you can flip it the other way.
Starting point is 00:33:27 The scoop. Pro tip. Yeah. So like this, like the pre-workout or something. Pro tip. I like that. Then you turn it the other way. If it's too big, turn it the other way.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I'm going to try that. Heidi, is that true? Hi. Is that a pro tip? If it's's too big turn it the other way it seems to be a subject on this um show there's someone in here who gave you heart eyes i know it's been kind of funny it's nice there's some people here in the community that like go to some of the gyms we wholesale with like tree line for example um i don't know just some fun stuff like that somebody was like uh-oh she's reading the comments like hell yeah i'm reading the comments where where is uh yeah someone was um someone was someone was ogling you i think i don't know where uh oh somebody else
Starting point is 00:34:18 brought up uh the colton video too um so i'm glad take over alex go ahead take over take a look alex is a podcast host also so she's not only an entrepreneur she's a founder of a company she runs a uh the swole kitchen but she also has a podcast so go ahead take over tell me what tell me what question do you want me to bring up alex tell me i should have given you login do you you guys use StreamYard? Yeah, those are the most fun too. It's really fun. This WellFriends podcast is fun. I feel like spoiled because I get to hang out for an hour. It's like this.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I get to hang out for an hour with you. It doesn't really seem like work. Okay, tell me. What about the Colton video? Before I cut you off, someone asked a question about the Colton video you were going to answer. Oh, I think people maybe wanted it to be longer um which is i totally agree with you if i could post a 30 minute you know mini movie um but that does take a ton of resources it is like our also first big video like that whilst a lot of people might say like oh it's six minutes long it's not big
Starting point is 00:35:20 it's a lot of you know that and like it's a lot of production dude dude dude there's people like the buttery bros bro that make us look so fucking bad making that video the colton video takes a shit ton of resources i i totally get it hey just so you know for people the conventional wisdom is this if someone asks you to make a video that that we're like that's like five minutes long the bare minimum someone would charge you for that would be five thousand dollars like so so for a finished product the bare minimum for someone's a thousand dollars a minute so someone's like it's like people are like oh y'all are huge and i'm like you're not where as far as like our team goes and as far as like resources and going back to
Starting point is 00:36:06 idea of like not taking finances and not having like investment like if i don't make the money to pay for a video the video doesn't happen right right you know like and it's definitely there's a what i really love too is that we try to have a really open line of communication with our customers so it's like on the chat or on the email, like sending us suggestions or being like, hey, what about this? Right. So for a long time, we kept randomly getting people like strawberry protein and I'm like strawberry protein. Like, really? And then it just happened enough times where we're like, guys, we got to make a strawberry protein. And it's cool because nobody shares those things. And this goes back to negative stuff, too, you know, or somebody
Starting point is 00:36:43 saying like, hey, I want the golden video to be 80 minutes long. And this goes back to negative stuff too, you know, or somebody saying like, Hey, I want the Colton video to be 80 minutes long. And I'm like, awesome. That's the goal now. Right. You too. Me too. I want, I want a series, Netflix series.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Colton. I know. Isn't he such a good human? No, I don't understand how you pick Colton Mertens. There's all these fucking amazing athletes out there. And you have this fucking ding dong that works with pigs and you've chosen. amazing athletes out there and you have this fucking ding dong that works with pigs and you've chosen how it is colton how does colton seriously i want to know go back to the very origins of how you the very first time colton's
Starting point is 00:37:19 name crossed your desk and did you laugh when someone's like you should sponsor him you're like are you kidding me that guy's never going to the games no i bet athletes like crazy and i sit there and then i have conversations with them and i'm like like i'm like hey let's get on a phone call let me know who you are and sometimes i get off a phone call and i'm like so is this person's a doucher we are not gonna work with you could have the best instagram but if like you're not a good human like and you're a good athlete yeah like like in your good athlete, like, I don't, you, there's enough companies that will roll with you. Like, and that's not us, you know? And like,
Starting point is 00:37:51 So tell me why did you, how did you find out about Colton? It doesn't make any sense. The odds of him going to the game are slim to none. He his, his Instagram is endearing. And I think like in the sense that like Matt Fraser did a series where he rebuilt his barn and it was huge on his Instagram. like that stuff when you get to see colton like you know like with the hose like spraying down like pig shit off the wall i think people like that or daniel brandon made a post one time where she just climbed onto a couch she was wearing shorts and an oversized shirt and she just put up the blinds i'm like wow that's the greatest fucking
Starting point is 00:38:21 post ever you know what i mean so and i think Colton does have that endearing quality to him. Like anything he does, everyone's going to be like, what's he doing? Yeah, I think it's just. But how did you pick him? Like, I don't get it. There's nothing flashy about him. There's no, like, what the fuck is the deal? No, there's not.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And if you look at kind of when we've picked up every athlete there wasn't too much flashy about them and i think that's the the biggest thing is that like um you know we watch a gale donut donuts the most beautiful thing that ever came from the heavens domit yeah she looks like uh uh planet earth i present you uh the most beautiful human that ever walked on planet earth and also to balance that out we're giving you colton mertens the guy who raises wiener dogs oh my gosh okay i mean it's a totally like what what's what's the plan here with colton what's the plan here tell me about the plan is just to help people be okay so if we go so this whole thing
Starting point is 00:39:24 colton did look sorry one more thing colton did look, sorry, one more thing. Colton did look really good with his shirt off at the game. I was really, that you don't get to see him with his shirt off very often. He looks, he did look as long as he doesn't stand next to anyone who's like five, 10, he looked like a Chippendale. Yeah. Like a Chippendale. Yeah. Guy a bow tie. Yeah. Yeah. So athletes for us, like if you should just title this podcast value systems. So,
Starting point is 00:39:46 so helping people pursue their ultimate potential looks different for everybody, but everybody has a potential to pursue. Right. And every day to whatever they apply themselves in, whether it's athletics and I'm getting all mushy and I know just stick with me. So it's like, whether it's athletics or personal or being a parent or fighting disease or fighting cancer or whatever they're going to go through they have that ultimate person like pursuit of their potential right so that's why we exist is to say like cool whatever your endeavor is we will help give you that edge because we can so um we always we've watched the leaderboard cross it clung to us in the beginning, like as a community for our products. And I think it kind of goes back to the idea of like the paleo aspect, like the
Starting point is 00:40:30 really simple single ingredients. So we watched the leaderboard and look at athletes and it's not like, it's not, you know, who has the biggest following, who's going to make me the most money. Like the athletes for us are a fun piece of the company that helps us express in a very humanistic way, those value systems. So we reached out to Colton. We reached out to Abby, reached out to Chelsea. Everyone we've talked to says that, you know, cool. We were reaching out. We want to just talk to you, just get to know you as a human. And the first thing I say on the phone call is like, what's up? I'm Alex. I'm going to talk to you get to know you as a human and the first thing i say on the phone call is like what's up i'm alex i'm gonna talk to you today i want to know who you are both in the gym and out of it you know who who are you right and that's just what happens and i mean a lot of people
Starting point is 00:41:15 will say we chose him because it was mullet but the mullet's not there anymore and so he's still still here. The athletes allow us to express our values. So it's not how many Instagram followers they have. It's if you want someone, you want someone who works hard. If that's one of your values, someone who helps old ladies across the street, that's one of your values. You would, you would pick the athlete based on that. Well, integrity basedbased, transparent, right? Like gives people something to say, like, I can relate to this person. Like I can be.
Starting point is 00:41:51 He's a dog breeder. Those are usually frowned upon. That's, I mean, council culture might come after him. Are you concerned about his dog breeding? I'm concerned about, you know, nothing in the contract, unfortunately. Says you can't breed dogs. Let me tell you, you know what's interesting about Colton going to his values in all seriousness, he seems like the kind of guy that would breed dogs and then be unable to sell them. Like he falls in love with his own dogs. Like, like he's like a drug dealer don't get high on your own supply.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Like that dude's going to end up with 30 dogs. It's just going to be the farm next to the farm. He'll be on a horse like herding you know like the commercial with the cat herding was that no no no cat herding commercial i don't have anyone to help me there's a cat herding commercial what's the product oh my gosh it's like a chevy truck or something it was like a super bowl commercial where they're out herding cats like with the cattle ropers no all right sorry i'll look it up though after i promise uh kenneth the lap the swolvering colton video was great but
Starting point is 00:42:52 isn't it supposed to be though hey uh just steal your joke yes but I like it. You're going to be a great co-host for the show. When I had a friend tell me this one time, Travis Bajent, he said to me, there's only two kinds of vacations, too long and too short. If your vacation is too short, you'll want to go back. If it's too long, you'll want you won't want to go back and ruin the vacation. There's no perfect vacation. And I was like, wow. He's like, so always make it a little too short. And that's the same with that video.
Starting point is 00:43:29 There wasn't going to be a perfect length. I'm thinking about what you're putting on. I got you. You know what I mean? So it's like, yeah, good. That's what it was supposed to be. You want more? Great.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You were supposed to want more. Hey, it's kind of like that when I drink the Wolverine. I'm always like, oh, can I have another one? Like what would happen if I doubled – if I just poured myself another pint? You know what I do? People make fun of me. I just take a scoop of the pre-workout, and then I take a scoop of the hydration, and then don't tell anyone this, but it's the secret to how buff I am. I take a scoop of the creatine. And then I't tell anyone this, but it's the secret to how buff I am. I take a scoop of the creatine.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And then I circle it. I just put them in a pint of water. I saw that. Yeah, pull it. And I just circle it. And that's kind of the litmus test because there's a lot of supplements you can't circle like that. They won't dissolve. It'll be all pasty and shit.
Starting point is 00:44:19 This thing all dissolves in there. And then I pretty much just drink it like it's candy. Yeah. Yeah. How do you do it you don't like that technique huh you're you're like hey dude get a shaker cup no no my i was i was laughing because mike commented on your video and was like get this man a shake oh yeah there's a point uh no it's true i'm just trying to think i think it's i think it's awesome so that's like another thing i think people complain about is like uh you know like greens taste like good greens they're like well they of course this grass i don't know the mixture i make with the hydration another thing i do also by the way is the hydration i don't know if anyone else
Starting point is 00:45:04 does this with the sloverine but on days that i'm fasting i take a little bit of the hydration and i put it in a cup of hot water oh really yeah and i just sip it all day like just like just a tiny it's just like flavored water and it's just a hydration and it makes me feel like if i'm feeling like down or dragging i don't know if there's electrolytes in it or I don't know what it is. But then I feel a little like, OK, I'm like firing again. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, so it's kind of funny you bring that up. So somebody was like they're like, stop doing the fake lip lip pucker thing. And I'm like, honestly, OK, I do. Are they talking to me or do you? Oh, my wife does that when she looks in the mirror. I look at her and she's looking at me.
Starting point is 00:45:44 She's like, I'm like, babe, what are you doing? She's like, that's my mirror face. I'm like, I've never seen you do that any other in the mirror i look at her and she's looking here she's like i'm like babe what are you doing she's like that's my mirror face i'm like i've never seen you do that any other time except when you look in there she's like i know i just told you it's my mirror face i'm like dude what the fuck she goes like she's gonna like she's gonna kiss herself she goes yeah i still honestly i do it because my lips are big and so like wrapping them around my big old teeth but truthfully i'm dehydrated so it's not like i do it on purpose like i'm literally trying to get my lips to just like off stick my teeth do you do you feel do you you feel your lips you feel your lips it's kind of like right now like
Starting point is 00:46:18 i'm like oh like i need some water and i don't have any water you can get up and get some don't read the comments if they're being – these guys just like to fuck with you. This is – There's a guy in here with the name Dildo. What's up, Dildo? Oh, Walter White. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Oh, you're not going to like this. Walter White actually died secretly doing chemistry for Swolverine products at the end of the show. Do you know who Walter White is from Breaking Bad? From the show Breaking Bad? I mean at the end of the show. Do you know who Walter White is? I don't know. From the show Breaking Bad? I know of the show. I don't watch TV though and I'm kind of like a movie snob.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Breaking Bad is good. What do you mean? You just referenced the cat commercial on the Super Bowl. I know. It's because I like cats. So people send me cat things. I think my dad sent me that. Do you have kids no no um i i wonder if your love if you have kids if your love for cats would wane probably i mean my love for my cat kind of wanes every other day but you know it's a nice challenge on how to you yeah, I just vacuum 12 times a day. Kenneth DeLapp wants to comment on your – that was the beta alanine dose.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah. I have no idea. I think someone said that you also need to take creatine, but I think you just said you take creatine. That's the mix I make. I do the pre-workout. I do the creatine, make I do the pre-workout I do the creatine and I do the hydration and here's something else I do that's even don't tell anyone this either but sometimes I'll do it
Starting point is 00:47:52 before and after the workout okay or sometimes I'll just have it for breakfast do you just make like creatine pancakes no I just I just drink that and then take off with my kids I'm on my feet all day there's only two hours a day I'm sitting it's when i'm doing the podcast other than that i'm on my feet all day hurting cats yeah logan mars colton's wad zombie card is on ebay for 110 dollars is that true i don't know i don't even know what the't even know what that is. Should I know what that is? I should probably know what that is. Colton Merton's WAD zombie card? There's this guy, WAD zombie, who makes cards.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Nick. Yes. Hey, what about doing cross-promotion like that? Can I tell you this idea? Do not share this with anyone, okay? Everybody just go ahead and stop listening for a second. So Dave Castro is making olive oil, right? I just had a brilliant idea, by the way.
Starting point is 00:48:56 So one of the things I said to him was like, hey, Dave, why don't you put empty shell casings, one, when you send the olive oil as like a brand statement he's like oh that's a good idea because because he's way into guns right so just put an empty shell casing in so buy olive oil and someone will open the box and they'll just do their olive oil it's made you know down the street from his ranch and um and then a shell casing what if you did something like that like um people uh they they got a colton merton like you did some sort of cross promotion with uh cards like that like with the people who make the colton mertens cards but i just even thought this why not why not ride the dave castro train and make something with his olive oil reach out to him yeah and don't and just fucking milk those 750 000 instagram
Starting point is 00:49:43 followers he has he has who are obsessed with him. So going back to our capsule idea, we can make a Wiener Dog capsule? Oh, yes. Really? Can you really do that? Like the Colton Mertens Wiener Dog capsule? Wiener Dog capsule. Hey, what about gummies? What about Wiener Dog gummies? Wiener Dog gummies? That's fair.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's probably actually, that would be a lot more legitimate than a capsule for sure. Dude. Okay. So you have all the ideas already. Fuck my ideas. All right. I like, oh, hey. I like your ideas.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Wiener dog gummy is, is for the cult. What would it be like some sort of like, just like the creatine, creatine gummy, but the cult merms creatine gummy. I have no idea. That's a new thing. That's a new thing that's a new thing so gummies are just not as effective like gummies are cool like i mean i go into the back and eat the gummies when i forgot to eat um uh sometimes when i'm what i don't tell anyone this
Starting point is 00:50:37 either sometimes when i just need a sugar snack i'll go and just pour a handful of like vitamin c gummies in my hand and get 10,000 milligrams and just eat them. I just ate a handful of candy. I know. I need to know if this is true. The Colton Mertens... I think I just pulled it up. I don't know. Hey, do you have the protein?
Starting point is 00:51:01 I don't. No? Oh. I made a Rice Krispiehmm the other day with the protein It's just like it's the same way you make regular rice krispies. You just dump some scoops of protein in it Good, I think the kids would like that man pool boy Seven you should take beta alanine that shit will make your balls and lips itch at the same time Calaning that shit will make your balls and lips itch at the same time.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Shut up, Mike. Do you know him? I do know Mike. He's not very far from here because he's competing. Are you going to be at NorCal Classic? Is that a competition? Yeah, it's here in a few weeks in Sacramento. It's actually in Folsom, but besides the point, we'll be there. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Look at this. This is real. They still have it up? Yeah. I don't know how to use it very well. Logan just sent me a text. Colton Merton's Swolverine CrossFit Limited Release Trading Card. You like that how I squeeze that in there?
Starting point is 00:52:03 This is one of Swolverine's premier athletes this is his 2022 card oh look i can hold over it i can hold the arrow over to zoom wow there he is with his old haircut is 2022 110 and 50 cents wow i don't know how like, yeah. That's neat. My buddy, my buddy Travis tried to tell me I should buy his son's playing card and I didn't buy it. Now a year later, his son's playing card is worth 800 bucks. I've really fucked up. I should have listened. Jeez. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Oh, look, Matt. Matt. Oh, Matt matt you just popped in and put the california peptides qr code up there all right good morning he vanished he just he just popped on for a second left he's trying to pay the bills i pushed too many buttons at once he's just trying to pay the bills oh sell his hair too colton's like a little snippet of colton's hair and then just throw it in like within in random orders and people will be like and you can have a little note in there if you see hair in your product don't worry it's colton's it'll be like the sweltering exclusive yes add to your shake today abby's hair colton's hair for hey can you do that can you make your own um uh uh could
Starting point is 00:53:28 you do a do you guys have something like that where you can make your own supplements no well i mean yeah like you can we have a line of like the single ingredient unflavored products so you can like mix mix and match so like how mike was saying the beta alanine or the creatine monohydrate or the creoplin or the citrulline malate, you can kind of like mix them based on your own dosage. Where do you do that? You do that on the site? I mean, like you buy the individual bottles
Starting point is 00:53:56 and make them. Oh, okay. Okay. I can't like just, there's not a menu where I can just like click add. Okay. No, but that's like, that's pretty much how we started There's not a menu where I can just like click add. Okay. No. But that's like, that's pretty much how we started was it was like mix and match your
Starting point is 00:54:10 product, single ingredient. Like we didn't have the pre, the intro, the post, these kind of like combined products until, you know, maybe a year and a half, two years ago. And that's when we, you know, started reaching that different type of consumer. But, you know, maybe someone who's newer to to supplements who's like, I just want to take a pre-workout or I want to. I don't know what to take. I just want hydration, you know. But for a lot of people like at that higher level, whether you're in bodybuilding or endurance or CrossFit or things like that, need more product or need a higher dosage or need more in that bottle because they're training twice
Starting point is 00:54:46 a day or they're at competitions and things like that um so that's kind of where my mind went when you're talking about mixing your products because it's like i so i don't i'll do the a scoop of the intra i'll do a scoop and a half of beta alanine. So it's like eight grams of beta alanine. I'll take two scoops of citrine a night. Do your balls itch like pool boy said? Dude, my balls are so big. Do they get really itchy? So itchy. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:15 No. Oh. I'm sorry. Oh, it's perfect. No, no, no. I need to know if they're going to itch or not. Yeah. And the tingle does go away.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Like a lot of people are like, oh, there's something wrong with this product. It makes me itchy. And it's like, okay, just bring the dose down. Remembering the idea that like we don't sprinkle our doses, bring the dose down and get used to it. It will go away. And if you're getting itchy, it's a really good indication that you don't have that like readily available for your muscles to call on while you're training so uh there's a whole article on the website about why does beta-alanine make me itchy it will go away you can do more you know like it um you know a better example i think of it making me you itchy is i've had it make me flush so like almost like i feels like i have a
Starting point is 00:56:03 sunburn is for me that's the feeling doesn't make me itch but for like five or ten minutes and for me that's always like okay you better like if you're not working out if you're still fucking around on instagram or in the yard like watering plants you better get in the gym that shit's hitting well yeah i mean it's it's not it's you it's a performance product it's not like a like sit there and see what happens you know and it's it's similar like ecstasy it's not like just it's not ecstasy you just sit there and wait and see what happens it's not marijuana it's a performance product yeah it is and it's like go work out you know like go use it like viagra viagra is a performance product like yo you like it's not like you're just
Starting point is 00:56:43 gonna take it don't don't just sit around yeah exactly so so yeah and it's uh you know if it's too overwhelming then bring that down do like half a scoop or like even a little bit less and work up to it but um yeah i mean it's also good for so not only are you gonna like buffer the buildup of hydrogen and lactic acid right so like that pump keep things moving through the muscle. But you're also, you know, kind of going to the idea of flushing heavy metal toxins and like moving things through the bloodstream and delivering more oxygen so that, you know, and that's why maybe you might feel instead of the tingle, it's a little bit more of like that rush, right? Because your body needs
Starting point is 00:57:20 blood flow and oxygen. And there's a lot of things that happen in the bloodstream. So taking the product, you want to use it. What do you mean? What did you say? It moves toxins through your body? So like heavy metal flushing can be, you know, like if you're increasing blood flow, the blood transit and like, right. Our body has this natural waste system. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah. And just like excrete things and so i mean exercise right like sweating out toxins same kind of concept right um our bodies are amazing things and it's it's kind of that idea too we're like dispelling ideas like oh i gotta do a juice cleanse like no your system is amazing at cleansing things you know maybe stop putting so much shit in it. It would do a better job. There's this thing that – I'm going to fuck it up. Someone will say it right in the comments. But there's this thing that Scientologists do where I think they take a shitload of niacin. Are you a Scientologist?
Starting point is 00:58:19 No. I don't want to preach to you about it if you are one. They take a lot of niacin and then they um go into a sauna and it makes them it makes your skin just get like feel like it's on fire and when i heard about that this is probably like 15 years ago i tried it and it was crazy and i was wondering if that's the same thing but it's supposed to be some like just crazy way to detox yourself they're super scientologists are super anti-drug like like like no drugs at all you know what I mean like no pharmaceuticals no and so I think one of the first things you do and maybe I'm speaking completely out of turn but what they do is
Starting point is 00:58:56 is they give you some huge dose of niacin and they put you through this regular treatment of sitting in a sauna and it's supposed to flush your body out of just all that kind of shit because I because I do I I'm not sure exactly how this works but if you do um i'm gonna say it but anyway but i enjoyed the process whatever that process was i remember 10 or 15 years ago someone told me what the protocol was for the scientologist and i did it and i really enjoyed it it's basically just sitting in a sauna and taking niacin until your skin feels like it's gonna melt away away. And I enjoyed it. Should I be boofing the beta alanine?
Starting point is 00:59:29 I think boofing means sticking it in your butt. Let me see boofing. Oh, boy. I apologize. Whenever I have someone new on, someone will always ask, has she ever listened to the podcast before? I'm like, I don't know. They're like, don't you think you should warn people i'm like no it's normal inserting go ahead oh i was just gonna inserting uh nothing inserting drugs or having someone insert insert
Starting point is 00:59:58 drugs so you can do it or someone else can do it into your body through your anus a better experience is allowing someone to blow the substance inside of you with a straw oh have you ever boofed beta alanine yeah as a health professional um do you have any do you think that you probably shouldn't do that unless you check with your doctor? Yeah, I'm not going to advise on that one. I mean, maybe we'll write an article about it. We'll have raw on, raw of earth, and we can ask him. Oh, I like that emoji, Scientology.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Look at the, don't judge. Just take what you want from, just don't judge. Just take, everyone can take um uh swolverine right scientologists christians atheists heathens the whole yeah yeah everyone can take swolverine and it's it's it's fine it's uh you know anytime anyone has questions or is wondering what's going on or what to do or why certain things are certain ways. And it doesn't matter if it's like nutrition, training supplements, you know, all kinds of stuff. Like we're here as a resource for anyone. You know, the blog has over,
Starting point is 01:01:14 we have written, I want to say it's over like 900 pieces of original content. Like from a not, from a very like objective scientific standpoint just giving people pros and cons what's what's working what's not working what's hype what's not hype like all that kind of stuff about all kinds of things so those are all on the blog well she has not that's a nice body who is that uh i think that's a stock photo oh there's so many her forearms or could use some work then i'll just say that yeah that's fair yeah her forearms are a little bit let me see yeah you have nice forearms yeah those are nice she that she needs to lift up more maybe she probably uses
Starting point is 01:01:59 straps let's face it right you know what i mean like the kind you know what i mean like no i don't use straps you even lived oh look i'm on this wolverine look at me i'm on this wolverine bro that's like like i'm on the edibles i'm on hey i i will i will say this about so when i went to the game so i do take a lot of that stuff and when i went to the the games after not taking it a week, I I'm assuming it's just, I stopped taking creatine for like seven days and like all my clothes fit me differently. And actually they, I kind of enjoyed them. They fit better. Like I just like, I didn't lose,
Starting point is 01:02:37 I probably went from like one 70 to probably like one 64, but, but I just like in, in the same thing i'm here i'm on vacation i don't know vacation but i'm in newport beach for 10 days just living in someone's kitchen for 10 days yeah and i right and i didn't bring any of my stuff with me just so i could take a break from it and i already feel like my body like getting smaller and i like it like i like being small uh so a couple things on that so like one your activity could? Two, you could also not eat very much. Right. But you don't think that you don't think the swolverine taking all that creatine just makes me like more puffy. I feel like just like more, not in a bad way, puffy, but I just feel like I'm just bigger. So especially like my tits, my ass, my waist.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Yeah, dude. It's like injections, right? I'm just kidding. I guess I've never done those, but don't call me on that. Okay. No, no. But yeah, so we do offer two different types of creatine. We have creoclin and we have creatine monohydrate. I have the creoclin. I have the creoclin. You have the creoclin.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yeah. So creoclin is a pH corrected form of creatine phosphate. It's mixed with an alkaline powder. It helps with absorption, reducing bloatingating cramping water retention so some people especially in women since we have a little bit more water uh carrying that uh sorry everyone's been teasing you about the way you say creatine crittin crittin but why do you say it like that because it's it's cooler it's because because uh hold on let me check my notes i'll tell you why i fucking say it like that because it's cooler hold on let me check my notes I'll tell you why I fucking say it like that because
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm not a follower and I lead from the front and I serve others motherfuckers page one notes and page three page four I don't have very many notes I haven't said anything cool but that's why I say crittin crittin okay uh so um so so that yeah and
Starting point is 01:04:32 don't get me wrong i don't feel i don't feel i don't never feel bloated i don't um i don't i can take as much as i've never felt anything weird or any stomach issues or any shitting issues i take as much of the swolverine as i want but um, but I definitely feel when I get off it, I like being little. I feel more – if I could get down to 135, I'd be so happy, emaciated. So that's – I have a pistachio problem. Go ahead. A pistachio problem. I eat too many pistachios.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Do you buy them shelled or unshelled? Now they have them everywhere unshelled. And I can just... Yesterday, literally right before I went to bed, I ate that much. You see that? Like, literally. More, please. Yes. More nuts.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Like, dude, enough to fill this cup. The hour before I went to bed, I ate that much. It's fucking crazy. I'm crazy crazy they're yummy do you get like the weird ones do i get the what no no no because those have like sunflower oil on them and shit my wife doesn't let me eat that stuff i can't do any like vegetable oils so no okay yeah uh yeah Scientologists don't do vegetable oils Scientologists i don't know if that's true i don't know i don't think they care wait wait one thing uh swelverine creacolin alkaline creacolin which is kind of written is an all
Starting point is 01:05:55 american pharma i don't like that word pharma i'm triggered the original manufacturer is american made well that's cool i like america yeah so we have a couple patented products so the crealclin is patented product um beta alanine should come from carneson manufacturer it's a patented product if you're getting generic beta alanine i don't know you know what i mean like really beta alanine is a patented product yeah um so carneson is actually like the company who does a lot of the studies on it. I believe there's over 50-plus studies. It is – the Karnasin beta alanine is, like, the only beta alanine that has been tested out like that, especially being, like, as a manufacturer.
Starting point is 01:06:43 So, it's a pretty neat product. You can also go read the NDIs and then the grass status on the website through Karnasen. The dipotide karnosine, I don't know what that word is, is a physiological important molecule in the human body commonly found in skeletal muscle and brain tissue. Beta alanine is a limiting precursor of carnosine and is among the most used sports supplements for improving athletic performance. You're telling me someone actually has the patent on making that? actually has the patent on making that yeah they have over 55 different clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journals that support the athletic performance benefits of carnicin but they actually own it so when when when matt fraser said that that gave him a third lung that shit sold out like he held that the stock in that company's probably skyrocketed i mean if they're
Starting point is 01:07:41 using carnicin i think that's kind of an interesting thing to like about, you know, the idea why are they talking about this why am i being sold this do they use it what does it do and do it all before and especially when someone's like do it all before you put it in your mouth it's one thing to buy it it's one thing to be like oh i love so and so i'm gonna buy it it's amazing i take it because it's pretty i love so and so but i'm not sure if i want to put it in my mouth. Well, I mean, really? Yeah. Yeah. I'm just following along. Yeah. And it's just like, ask yourself, like, why, why am I taking this and what is the intended effect?
Starting point is 01:08:33 And as I continue to take this, so similar to what you're doing with your supplements, like as I continue to take this, why, what am I expecting of this product? How do I know it's working? You know, and it's the same thing with food because when we start to look at that that we're starting to be like more in control of the results and outcomes from our effort i like this this is really stupid what i'm about to say but it's the truth i like ritual uh the company or like your habits or no i like i like waking up in the morning oh okay make my cup of Wolverine.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Are you going to shit on my coffee real quick? No, no, no. I'm not shitting on it. I like the ritual. I like the ritual of putting in my scoops, stirring it, drinking it, getting in my car, going to the skate park for two or three hours with my kids or going to play tennis with them for two or three hours. Come home, eat something, maybe drink another cup some swolvering stuff and then go work out i like my ritual i like my ritual more than i care what's in it i know that's just fucking crazy but i want like i want to trust my company to like them put the right shit in there i know
Starting point is 01:09:34 it's so stupid for me to say that especially since i question so much shit that's going on but like i just love ritual like even if you would be like hey this actually doesn't do anything for you it just tastes good it's just we just squeezed a lemon into the box. I'd be like, okay, cool. I still like my ritual. But having a company you can trust is important, right? So if you can have a company, then you can have that freedom. But then there's kind of the idea that we talk about a lot in coaching is like rituals or habits or behaviors or eating times, right? Or similar behaviors that you practice every day. your body loves ritual, like physiologically loves habits, loves knowing when it's going to be fed and what it's going to
Starting point is 01:10:11 feel like. Yeah. And that's where it's like the simplicity aspect of it. Like a lot of people are like, oh, I can't take the same thing. Oh, it doesn't have any flavor. I got sick of that flavor. But you know, who doesn't give a shit about flavor necessarily is the person who knows it works. And if it works, then it enables you to do the things in life you want to do and do them better. You're going to be in a better mood, you're going to enjoy them more, you're going to be more present with your kids, you're going to have better sex, you're going to look better, get better workouts, be like more in tune at work. And all those things are so much more important than I think a lot of people put a lot of the pressure on like such small little things that don't matter right question before
Starting point is 01:10:52 you put it in your mouth i'm still stuck on that i'm writing that down uh this is a great question this this gets the podcast way more on track i like this uh trish thank you trish i appreciate this alex would you date a man let this. Alex, would you date a man let's do this. Would you date a man who has cats? Yeah, I mean, for sure. I think if a person is nice to animals they could have whatever kind of animal.
Starting point is 01:11:16 They could have a fox. That says a lot about a person. So you're not judging a man by the kind of if he has a cat. It's not a red flag. Even though you have a cat, it the kind of – if he has a cat. It's fine. It's not a red flag. Okay. Even though you have a cat, it's kind of a red flag for a dude, right? Now, I'm going to tell you something.
Starting point is 01:11:31 I did judge you when you said you had a cat. I mean not a lot, just a tiny bit. I'm like, okay. How many – I'm thinking how many cats does she let them eat on the kitchen counter? Does she have a litter box in the bathroom? Like I start like – I start like – but I didn't ask the questions because I don't want to judge you. But here we go anyway. I mean you can judge for sure.
Starting point is 01:11:51 So yeah. Do you have a litter box in the bathroom? Nope. It's in the laundry room. Oh, God. I hate a litter box. Why? Why do you have to have a litter box?
Starting point is 01:12:00 Can't you just go outside? So I adopted from a friend oh look at you throwing the adopted thing out there for points all right adopted what it is so a seven-year-old uh bangle cat so he glassman has a bangle greg glassman has a bangle he yeah i don't know about that but um they're neat they're kind of like dogs. You have to run them. You have to, like, they don't go outside, though, if you have more of, like, a purebred one. But he was, like. Greg had two.
Starting point is 01:12:31 They both went outside, but one of them got eaten by a mountain lion. Yeah, like, I don't live in a very cool area. So, like, he'd walk outside. And, I mean, he falls, like, off the couch. Like, he's going to walk outside and get smacked by a car real fast. So, we don't do that. But, um but yeah i mean it's a little different like i never grew up having pets in the house so i'm not a super big like indoor pet person um i know a lot of people are like people who like let their dogs just like so this is where i start getting judgy is like let their
Starting point is 01:13:01 dogs do everything you know like slumber sleep in the bed or get I don't know it's just not I mean you could have a horse in the house and I still would probably judge you for that like it doesn't really matter I mean so I vacuum probably like five times a day you know just for like but I did find a litter I'm gonna rant for a second that's wood chips it's almost like pellets it's not like litter, so it doesn't get everywhere. All right, fair enough. David Weed, is she single? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Yeah. I make dinner for two, and I eat both of them. You eat both of what? Both my dinners. Oh, oh wow okay um oh um do you not have time for a mate do i not have time um no i just i don't think it's a matter of time like if i'm going to spend my time with somebody it's going to be like a really cool person but um it's just kind of more so like this idea of who i want to be around who i want to spend my time around is really important to me like if i spend time with you like it's for a good reason it's i don't just like willy-nilly have a ton of friends to just off with i off a lot in college
Starting point is 01:14:23 like i gave myself that time to do that so and yeah and the businesses do take a ton of time i mean in two businesses a podcast like trying to be a good human feed myself remember to feed myself you know so not opposed to it just not like i don't know seeking you're not you don't spend an hour on um on on whatever the dating app is every day swiping around up and down and all around no i think it's also really important too to like align myself with people who support um the values is i'm gosh i sound like a broken record but like oh i love the values who align with that and who kind of live their life similarly and i have just found that like that's not a ton of people and that's okay um so um once again to quote a buddy travis and
Starting point is 01:15:14 i recently said hey he's done hanging around normal people like the normal people he knows already they can be grandfathered in but he's not hanging out with any normal people anymore like if you're not just a just a complete fucking special human being you're on the you don't the door closed for for normal humans when i like kind of lit you know i just had a podcast with um uh a guest and we were talking it was uh matt vincent and we were talking or like trevor bachman or there's just like a lot of people who come on the podcast and like we kind of have like Trevor Bachman or there's just like a lot of people who come on the podcast and like we kind of have this similar idea of like life's fucking short you know what I mean like time you don't get a lot of time and so it's like if you are not around people who are
Starting point is 01:15:56 like supporting you not supporting you but just like challenging you in a good way similar mindset provoking questions provoking thoughts like like this podcast right I don't I've been invited to other podcasts but I like to do this one because I know like you didn't give me any prep you just were like cool show up in 10 minutes you didn't give me any questions you didn't give me any topics and it's been a blast and it's been a blast because it's like thought provoking and questioning and like challenging right like that's a good use of my time but doing things that are like mind numbing or distracting me from like this pursuit of you know where the business is or where i'm going in life is not worth my time and i'd rather sit
Starting point is 01:16:37 by myself than in the company of others that don't you know what i mean oh do i ever yes i'm not better than anybody i'm not like something special i just have standards for my time and the way i interact with people and if our standards don't align then that's okay there's nothing wrong with that but i probably won't go out of my way to go there i unfortunately well i don't know if it's unfortunate unfortunately i am better than other people i i just am i get to the i get to the i get to the airport early so that i can be nice i purposely get to the airport early so i'll be calm and i can be nice to people i purposely when i walk take my dog out i carry extra poop bags so that i could pick up other poop when uh i'm i'm just i'm just there's no words that there's almost nothing that offends me imagine like there's this group of
Starting point is 01:17:32 people there's some people out there who have been posting on the internet that i say some words that offend them imagine being such in my mind i'm so much better than other people because like i like you can't you're not going to say anything there's no i'm not like putting pressure on you for some words you can't say i'm not putting pressure on other people for you can be yourself around me i you can make fun of big noses all you want i'm game so let's do it so Let's do it. There's people who because they're somewhere that they think that I said that's bad that don't want me to sit on the beach in Newport Beach. I mean I'm making this up. But the spirit of what I'm saying is true. And that's why I'm better than other people.
Starting point is 01:18:32 If there were more of me, like people with my values and my acceptance of other people, holy fuck. Holy fuck. Well, and it's kind of like – so I'll challenge you in the sense of like saying, like, have you are you really better than somebody or are you have you just met yourself more than maybe somebody else has? I'm better in terms of the metric of. I know this is abstract and, you know, my dear friend Greg would hate me for this because it's not empirically measured but like i'm happier if what makes me a better person is i'm happier more generous more supportive more giving more accepting person and humanity then yeah i'm significantly like almost everything in my life to me is a bit is just fun but you know your values and you're able to like show up authentically.
Starting point is 01:19:26 So then you can say, right, right. This doesn't align with me or this does. Right. And it's like, OK, it's not because you're fucking hot shit. It's just because like that's the way you present and that's what you believe in. Right. And I work I work there. But like, for instance, I had a guy on here who believes that the the earth is what do you call it?
Starting point is 01:19:46 Flat or stationary or something. Right. And there were people who were like upset. And this guy was upset. This guy's upset that people don't believe him. There's people who are upset that he's on the show. People are calling each other's name, calling him stupid. He's calling people stupid. I'm like, wow, this is this is yeah this is nuts but i mean but i enjoyed it i maybe i'm sick but i enjoyed them fighting i was like this is really like you care that this you're threatened by this guy thinking the earth is flat and you're threatened by thinking that this person and it's just i'm just fascinated by the whole thing. But so anyway, but I appreciate you not thinking that you're better than other people. I don't think that I'm better than you because I think that I'm better than other people.
Starting point is 01:20:31 And I would also understand that if you think I'm a dick for thinking that I'm better than other people. But let's bring this back to fitness. It's not really any different than someone who has like a really good looking body. It was like a fucking trash person. Right. So. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:44 We kind of we know those people. We know those people. You have an amazing body in Right? Oh, right, right. And we know those people. We know those people. You have an amazing body and you're a dickhead. Well, yeah. And it's like, does that make you better? Because you have hard work and ethic and you're in the gym and you're this, that, or the other? Or are you just still a douche?
Starting point is 01:20:58 You know what I mean? Like if you can't... Oh, that's a tangent. But I don't know. Well, I would go back to what you're i guess basically that's because i sort of have the same values that you have in the respect that i'm not i i do think that our value as human beings is what we can offer to other people that's pretty much defines our existence and so like if you can't play the flute and make other people happy then you kind
Starting point is 01:21:22 of suck like you're not doing your part. You know what I mean? Like metaphorically speaking, but you should be providing some sort of value to your fellow man, whether it be growing food, opening doors, being polite, smiling. Like you need to be providing value in order to – that's how I – that's not contrived. I actually feel value from that. Somehow I get it. So let me ask you. Why did you start the podcast? Cliff notes. I don't really know, but the story would go like this. Basically, I used to have a podcast. I was really good at it. I really enjoyed it.
Starting point is 01:22:13 It was fun, and I always wanted to make people laugh ever since I was a little kid. I always wanted to be a comedian. I really liked Abbott and Costello, Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor. I always wanted to be a comedian. I liked the Three Stooges, and I never pursued that. So then when I started doing the CrossFit podcast, it started letting me like do some funny shit and get just, just crazy. And then basically then I got fired from CrossFit and I was just basically sitting around and three people, um,
Starting point is 01:22:35 my wife and Dave Castro, Dave Castro and Matt Sousa, all separately unbeknownst to each other were like, Hey, you should really do a podcast. It's your calling. And I was like, no, no, no. And then my wife gave me the talk. Hey, you're always saying that you live this crazy, charmed life, and the universe is always conspiring to help you. And yet here it is telling you to do a podcast and you're not listening.
Starting point is 01:22:59 I just wanted to point that out to you. It's like obvious to me you're not listening. And I was like, oh. And so I started doing it and um and and now but now in hindsight i could say i do it because um it allows me to do something in the morning from six to nine then i i spend the rest of the day with my kids from nine to uh to seven at night and then from seven to midnight i eat pistachios and prepare for my next podcast so i just i become this i become this creature of habit i become this creature of habit right of just of like how i can live my life but i also don't compartmentalize my life
Starting point is 01:23:35 yeah which i want to ask you about before you run off but but anyway did that answer your question why i do it i'm not really sure why but, and it allows me to try to be funny. So I really, like, I'm just trying to just tell jokes. Are you? Yeah, I'm trying. I fail. Sometimes I just talk about just crazy shit the whole time. That's your flu?
Starting point is 01:23:57 Yeah, that's my – it's trying to be. I want it to be so bad. I want to just tell dirty jokes so bad all the time. Oh, look, I have up there the whole time is she single i was gonna say something like that yeah you can ask me whatever you want i um i'm gonna open up to an extent um i definitely believe in like the aspect of like protecting your peace a little bit i think especially in this day and age of like protecting your peace a little bit. I think especially in this day and age of like social media, like, but, but what do you compartmentalize your life?
Starting point is 01:24:28 Do you have a, like, I don't compartmentalize my life. It's all just one. Like I just have existence. I don't have, I never have, I never have work.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I never have play. I never have a personal life. I don't have a private life. It's just one giant, like me. I think have play. I never have a personal life. I don't have a private life. It's just one giant like me. I think that's a pretty good way to put it. And like going back to like your vacation analogy, you know, like I don't I don't take vacations. You know, I have a couple hours a day. Maybe I'll go hop up to the lake or something and like take some time. But yeah, it's pretty uh it's kind of that that gut feeling of like how am i showing up and am i showing up the way i want to right like if someone were to see me in my
Starting point is 01:25:11 personal life would they still say that i'm the professional i am on this podcast right or and i think that's why too like i kind of like i cuss i i'm funny i'm quirky i'm awkward kind of a cheese ball you know what i mean because like i think it's always sad when people relate to you and attach to you. And then they find out that like, that's not even you, right? Like, that's just like the image you put up on social media, or that's like, you know, the persona that you paint. And that works for some people. But like, my personal brand is just, I'm just me, you know? And if I'm trying to, where I find struggle, and like, when I do try I find struggle and like when I do try to compartmentalize or I just try to be like I gotta pick a niche and I gotta just show up as this and
Starting point is 01:25:50 I'm like I don't want to play that game you know what I mean like I don't being a business owner the game I have to play is to like be the best that I can be and that's, I don't know. Let me ask you this. And I like it. Life is easy when you can just do you, but there's this, let me give you this example. So I would, when this, when this podcast is over, I might go down to the bar here and drink a Bloody Mary. And I won't post that on Instagram because I don't want other people to do.
Starting point is 01:26:24 I don't want to set an example. I don't want people to like, because when I see people smoke cigarettes, it makes me want to smoke. So I wouldn't do that. Um, because I'm not interested in, uh, stimulating that in someone else, right? Oh, someone, someone thinks it's okay. Cause I'm, I'm like that. I see Colton Merton's drinking Swolverine. I drink Swolverine, right? I want to be like Colton. Impressionable kind of thing. I guess. Yeah. And so I don't want, so I don't take a picture, even though I'm having fun and I would love to share with you guys. Oh my God, I'm down at the bar at Newport beach. If anyone's down here, come down here and get, let's get our swerve on. You know what I mean? I just don't want to, I just don't want to be, it's not that I'm trying to protect my image. I don't want to influence other people to do that. On the other hand,
Starting point is 01:27:02 when I did this podcast in between the crossfit podcast and this podcast i did another podcast with matt fraser and josh bridges and when i did that podcast someone had introduced me to these little nicotine pouches and i don't do them anymore but i was doing them during that window and i didn't want anyone to know i did that because um one i wouldn't i don't want my fucking mom and my sister and any of my family to know that i'm fucking addicted nicotine Mm-hmm. like weird habits like shoving dildos in my ass or like anything like i'm hiding like that you know what i mean i'm just like a normal just guy you know like my kids like i'm not into like any like weird shit but for me that was weird chewing tobacco right it's not it's not but i hit it um that's the part that that's the part that um and then like so and now i have this new friend that i made in the last year named andrew hiller and told – he says to me that he doesn't do anything anywhere that he wouldn't be comfortable for the whole world to see.
Starting point is 01:28:10 So I'm thinking to myself, oh, does this guy like not even masturbate to porn unless – like before he masturbates to porn, is he like, hmm, I better – am I supposed to let the whole world see this? Like how far does this fucking guy take this? but the truth is I think that there is this thing that the people who are the absolute most comfortable in their skin actually live their life like that to that fullest authenticity if am what I doing right now I'm okay for the whole world to see on a big screen hovering over planet earth yeah I think that narrative is that well I think that narrative has changed through the years especially with like social media you know what i mean because there's a lot of people who want to see people fail and there's a lot of people who want to judge people and there's a lot of people who are like hey motherfucker you're up there i'm gonna rip you back down here because of this one thing right
Starting point is 01:28:56 right and um because they think it elevates them by the way i don't like that yeah i don't like turning other people down no no, no, I agree. And like, you can be different for sure, but that doesn't, I don't know. So yeah, I think there's a, it's like self-respect and it's like just how you feel about the way you want to carry yourself. You know, like I, I like to be a very respectful person. I'm not going to like go out of my way to be like, you know, but how about your authenticity with yourself? Do you think that like,
Starting point is 01:29:29 like is your goal to not have to compartmentalize your life at all? My goal is not have to like answer to someone else per se. Right. So like, I don't like, well, that's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Like finance. Now you're talking about like financially, right? No, more so like i don't like well that's nice yeah like financial now you're talking about like financially right no more so like um like the idea of how you do anything is how you do everything right and how i do my day is how i'm gonna do my whole day and how i do this one task and apply myself in this whole podcast like once this stops then, then it's like, okay, how do I apply myself 100% here? And how do I apply myself 100% here? And then what that does is like creates like a lot of fulfillment. And if I find that I'm not being fulfilled by a behavior or a schedule or a task or what I'm participating in, then I don't do it. So then it's like, if I'm feeling really good about going out and drinking with the people I'm out drinking with,
Starting point is 01:30:26 then that's great. You know what I mean? I'm not going to hide that from someone. If I feel really shitty doing something and I have like this sense of guilt because I'm overriding with myself and like who I am, I probably shouldn't do it. You know what I mean? Right, right, right. Nicotine's a hell of a drug. Nicotine's a hell of a drug. That shit is addicting. But then there's also the idea of like, you're trying to paint the picture of like who you are and how people respect you for the professional you are. Right.
Starting point is 01:30:54 And that's why you have a hand. And I don't want anyone else to do it. Well, and a lot of people just want to copy things, you know? Right. That's why I did it. I copied someone else. You don't enjoy the first time you put nicotine in your mouth, You're copying someone else. And after a while, you just get addicted. Yeah. I mean, you got to kind of have these little check-ins with yourself. We talked about that in coaching a lot. Check in with yourself. Ask yourself, do I like that I'm doing this? And if you don't, don't do it. And if you do, do it.
Starting point is 01:31:23 You like having a business partner? You like Walter? Oh, Walter is the best. I mean, we tell each other all the time. Not all the time, but every once in a while. It's not like positive affirmation all the time. But it is like, hey, man, I appreciate the shit out of you. I could not imagine doing business with anyone else in this world.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Period. How did you guys meet? We met at a bar here in town. We were getting beers, going back to the idea of beers. And we just started talking. We would talk shit to each other for 10 minutes. And they're like, cool, bye. Oh, it was like a watering hole for you.
Starting point is 01:32:04 So you saw him repeatedly at the same watering hole well Reno's not a very big place so we just kind of started seeing each other more and more and it was just like man like you have a similar mindset to me like wow like you challenge me anyways I challenge you like it was like what do you want to do with your life where are you you know what I mean like where are you going what do you want to do and they're like man supplements and then all of a sudden you know six seven years goes by and you're like wow we have this company we do these things we have these products this is this is rad and it's been an amazing ride and it's been it's been the best ride ever but
Starting point is 01:32:37 yeah you consider yourself a crossfitter uh yeah kind of that was a great sound you made like female tarzan like you just swung out of a tree yeah no um yeah i would uh yeah i mean i i think i look like one too like at least people tell me that a lot it's really funny when people are like well you look like you do a lot of pilates and i'm like i look like you do a lot of Pilates. And I'm like, I look like I would eat someone who does Pilates. My wife does a lot of Pilates. My wife also teaches. I have a lot of respect for it.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Yeah, my wife does a lot of Pilates, a lot of yoga, but she also does a lot of CrossFit also and teaches a bunch of CrossFit. Yeah. I kind of go in like seasons with it, right? So I love the community aspect and I love of go in like seasons with it. Right. Like, so I love the community aspect and I love that it's this, the community that we cater to, but, um, CrossFit for me challenges that really athletic side of me. And I'm really good at like, uh, kind of beating the shit out of myself about it, out about it. Um, so I do it kind of here and there, like I last year sunk my teeth into it and I was like, this is all I'm going to do for like a year that's what I did and then I you know went through the earlier part of
Starting point is 01:33:49 the year in the last couple months like I've just been lifting because that's what I have time for right like I know I know I have certain things that I want to do and my schedule and who I'm around and right now that just means going and lifting real quick and then getting out and going home the the um i don't know i don't know much so bear with me here if this is just complete horseshit but there's all these pitfalls especially in the supplement industry it's the supplement industry is kind of like um crossfit gyms there's so many people who've made the attempt to do it right and so there's like this chris cooper describes is there's these questions you have to ask yourself when you open a CrossFit gym. And one question is, is like, am I going to open one? Well, that's the easiest question to answer. Yes or no. Or then the next thing is, am I going to get a location? Then that one's a little easier.
Starting point is 01:34:33 But eventually there becomes so many fucking questions. Should I have one bathroom? Should I have a shower? What kind of toilet paper should I have? Should I charge more for people if I clean this? And it just spreads off into a million questions and and then there's this metric of what is successful as a crossfit gym well i i've heard i've known a handful of people who've had supplement companies and some really big ones who were really successful but then they made the wrong decision and the shit went sideways and i think that this is a true story this was like 15 years ago but a friend of mine got a deal with walmart to put a supplement in there and that was the beginning of the end for him i forget how it fucking happened but it did something to it
Starting point is 01:35:12 looked like it was going to be a good deal and then basically it turned them upside down it is the as you grow this thing is it is there like a just a crazy steep learning curve like oh that looks good. But Oh, that might not be good. Like, are there some goals? Like when you started like, Oh my God, I can't wait to get into GNC because blah, blah, blah. That means we've made it to, as opposed to you're doing it and you're like, Ooh, that's a fucking trap.
Starting point is 01:35:40 Yeah. So we're very careful to who we associate our image with as a company. Not so much. You came on this show. Walter is very, very good at vetting our partners and who we retail with and makes a lot of those decisions. We have everyone makes good decisions. Everyone makes bad decisions. We all have things that, you know, kind of maybe weren't the best. Um, there are a lot of brands who were big and then are not even around. Right. Or that we've seen. They were synonymous with CrossFit even. I didn't even think of that, but yeah, there were some that were like synonymous
Starting point is 01:36:22 with CrossFit. Yes. Yeah, absolutely. And you watch them come in and you watch them go out and you watch them with their strategy and you watch them with like how they're marketing and how they're selling their product or who's behind it and then all of a sudden it's like um they'll last a year they'll last two years they'll you know them maybe they'll be around a little bit longer um and a lot of people kind of get the taste of a lot of them have investors. A lot of them have people who they report to, but then like think that sinking their teeth into one big thing like Walmart, for example, would be like the make or break it. And it's like with us, it's more of a calculated risk. It's more of a like how many irons can we have in the fire?
Starting point is 01:37:04 You know, and what it's like trial and error always. Marketing and sales is always, you know, try it, fail it, fix it, try it, fail it, fix it, try it, fail it, fuck, fuck, fuck, fix it. Like, and you try not to have like too many fucks in there where you're like, oh, I screwed the pooch on this one. You know? And I think that going back to, I mean, I reiterate our mission, our vision and our value a lot, our three core values. Like we know those things through and through. And if those things are not being applied, those are our basics. And what are they? So transparency, clinically dose, scientifically proven ingredients. Like we help people pursue
Starting point is 01:37:43 their ultimate potential, right? We're a performance driven company, we are not for everyone. We're for the people who want to, you know, invest in themselves and learn what they're putting in their body. And sometimes that means like, we're not the first chosen brand. And that's okay, because we'll be there when your supplements start working or stop working, right? So when you need things to work, and you need things to work consistently, that's where we're going to be. So then when we know these things really well, and we come back to these things as our foundational pieces of like what makes us a business and what we build our products on, then we look at a retailer and we say, does this retailer align? And then what is the calculated risk associated with that retailer, with that partner, or with this sponsoring this, or with that working with this athlete. And that's how we make decisions and making the right choices is really all about, you know, sticking to your core and competitive advantage. We know why we're different and we know how, and we're confident in that. And it's not to say I'm better. That's not to say that we're the only company for someone. It's not black and white like that. But if someone does align with those things and align with that strategy and wants to be a part of that, we want them to be a part of it.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And going back to your question about Colton, about Abby, why do we do that? Yes, it is funny and it is like there's a lot of quirky things about all of us. But at the same time, we all align in our value systems we where we want to go and how we want to be presented and what story we want to tell. And then letting the performance or the product speak for those values. So I don't think you could tell me that you ask Colton. Is there any question you ask Colton and Abigail? And what was the other lady's name? Crystal.
Starting point is 01:39:28 Who? Athlete wise. Yeah. What was the other lady's name crystal who athlete wise yeah what was the crystal christy christy crystal there's a third athlete who's the athlete chelsea chelsea crystal uh is there any is there any like a question or like um like do you do you say to them uh colton abigail chelsea uh if there was a shopping cart and you saw it in the middle of a parking lot, would you roll it away to the holder or would you leave it there? Or like when you have a shopping cart, do you put it away or do you just pop up on the curb like Seve does? Like Seve does. Yeah. Is there some questions you ask them like to find out their values? You say their values align with your company?
Starting point is 01:40:03 I think that's a good one. like to find out their values? You say their values align with your company? I think that's a good one. You know, and like Alex Kazan is also a really good example of another athlete that we work with that has that value system. And it's really like, Superstar, superstar. Well, yeah, but like amazing. Alex Kazan is going to be a superstar. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And it's, and it's like, it's just giving them the floor to express who they are at first, you know, like, tell me about you. What do you like to express who they are at first. You know, like, tell me about you.
Starting point is 01:40:27 What do you like to do? Who are you? What's your life been like? You know, like, where do you see yourself going? Why do you want to go there? Why is it important? It's never about, oh, I'm going to go to the CrossFit Games. Oh, I'm going to CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:40:39 Critten. Critten. Critten at the CrossFit Games. Critten at the CrossFit Games. With Stevie. Yeah, with Stevie. Yeah. at the chris fit games creating at the chris fit games with stevie that was heavy um yeah i mean it's just kind of like what are you doing in your life to better yourself right because fitness is a privilege moving in our bodies is a privilege it's a blessing it's a gift it is not a given and so it's like if you were never born and you were just stuck a spirit your whole life like
Starting point is 01:41:02 flying around planet earth like fuck can i just get a body like that kind of privilege i'm a six foot alien i swear yeah i mean like kind of you know what i mean like it's like a lot of times you take it for granted and then all of a sudden you get injured and you're like shit like or you get sick man i never knew how important my nose was right right i mean right and so it's like kind of those conversations with athletes it's like why is this important to you hey you could even go as far as to say sorry this is off subject but it's a privilege to to know it's a privilege meaning i remember when i was introduced to crossfit age 34 and one of the workouts was like run 400 meters do as many pull-ups as you can four rounds and when i did it i was like i can't remember the last time i ran as fast as i could
Starting point is 01:41:43 i don't like the word privilege though by the way i'm triggered no it's a hard one it's it's not even though i told you i don't get triggered i got triggered i lied it's okay i kind of triggered myself when i said it but you know it's a gift it's true yeah i good i like it i triggered myself yeah okay so so you listen to them you listen to them but is there any and it's not that they want to make it to the crossfit games it's that they were you going to say that they would they or did you say it's that they want to be the best version they can be in every moment like a crossfit credo like a very basic crossfit
Starting point is 01:42:23 thing is why what's your motive behind your motivation? What is the reason why you're doing this? You know, and it's like you can learn a lot about somebody when you ask them, why are you doing this? Right? Like the podcast. Why did you start a podcast? Cool.
Starting point is 01:42:37 I just learned five things about you. Right? Why did you start Swolverine? Why are you here? Why are you doing this? Why? And when we start to just ask why to people, it's not so much I'm able to project what I want them to perceive me as this happens or you are not like you're not you're not able to like just like you can for a while you can stick
Starting point is 01:42:57 to that story and that narrative but eventually like who you are is going to come out and what you could have been like you could have been like hey why'd you start the podcast like because i wanted to share my wealth and knowledge of crossfit to the world and bring people together in a stronger community you mean like if i would have had like some sort of like why and eventually we're going to get down to a real answer where that probably has nothing to do with the original answer right right okay and so it's like that type of conversation and when the simple question of why comes in it's not everyone's answer is going to be different so and like vetting who we work with or who we align ourselves with like same thing with other people we want to do a giveaway with somebody cool let me talk to the owner why are you a company you want to use people
Starting point is 01:43:41 and take their money we're not going to partner with you we're you know what i mean like we you know, it's kind of some things like that. And I'm like soapboxing a little bit, but it's really important to going back to also like making bad decisions and operationally like people make bad decisions. Who you align yourself with is also can be a very bad decision too. Right? Go ahead. No, no. No, you go ahead go ahead you go ahead who you align yourselves with could be a bad decision also well i think as a business too you know like who are your partners and like who's going to be there when shit hits the fan or you need a favor or you have an athlete like colton and you you need they need something and they need a new partner they need a new um you know they're having issues with tendonitis or they're having issues. You know, how do we align them with a PT or a program or another company?
Starting point is 01:44:31 And strategically, like companies make bad choices when they are, you know, aligned in negative ways or ways that don't support their mission. Right. You just said you're bringing me back to something um if if going back to that compartmentalizing your life and the chewing tobacco versus the drinking versus not wanting to share something with someone versus which is i'm okay with right versus just being trying to guard the secret yourself like if someone took a picture of me at the bar i wouldn't care but it's not my goal to like share it i would have cared if someone would have seen me putting a nicotine pouch in my mouth i did not want that to be part of my i didn't like it wasn't aligned with who i was to who i was right who i wanted to be with who i was this podcast, I, I can't worry about my image because I would run out of energy if I did.
Starting point is 01:45:33 And so you have to align to what you're saying. I ha it has to align to my true values to have the energy to do it. Like if there was anything I was guarding or being fake about, I could not, I would fucking run out of energy. There would be no fucking way. I don't have any time or space in my life to guard anything. The perfect example would be we found – we got a sponsor called Eight Sleep, and we didn't get – it was one of our sponsors. We didn't get organically like we got through you. We just built a relationship with Swolverine just like we ran into you at the bar. We just ran into you on the internet, and we started hanging out, right?
Starting point is 01:46:04 That's how all those people are down at the bottom. I just ran into ran into you on the internet and we started hanging out, right? That's how all those people are down at the bottom. I just ran into all those people on the internet and we started hanging out. Eight Sleep was given to us by someone. Someone went out and found it for us. I don't use Eight Sleep. We didn't know anything about it. They wanted us to do a read.
Starting point is 01:46:18 I'm not doing a fucking read. I'm not endorsing the product. I'm not guarding anything. I'm not going to make anything up to get the money. I can't. It'll fucking ruin the whole show.'s not even because i it's for practical reasons it's not even because of values or morals i just can't do it i'll run out of energy if i do if i go down that pathway and can't talk about something naturally well so suza takes it upon
Starting point is 01:46:37 himself to make a bit commercial for them i got eight sleep and my wife's boyfriend loves it when he fucks her on that side of the bed, I don't even feel it because I'm so comfortable on my side. I can just watch. What? Say it again. I can just watch. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Yeah, exactly. He totally did a commercial like that. And he's like, dude, I don't know if they're going to go with this, but I just did a read for you and I just made up a bunch of shit. So he said,
Starting point is 01:47:04 I said, okay. So we ran the commercial and people loved it and started laughing and they gave us a code word to give $150 off for people. Seven, right. Which was like crazy. I was like happy because you want to offer value to your listeners,
Starting point is 01:47:16 right? That's like the whole thing. Just offer value to your listeners that we don't do any affiliate programming shit where we take money from our sponsors. I'd rather just, we take money from our sponsors, but we don't do it like based on sales. we'd rather never either give us money or don't but but we're not doing give the discounts to the listeners so we played that i had to take a piss
Starting point is 01:47:35 so bad we had ricky mack on the show formerly known as ricky gerard and so we played the commercial and when we came back ricky's like you you know, I got that eight sleep. And they sold a bunch of them and they sold a bunch of them. Cause Ricky's like, that's the shit. But we didn't have to fake anything. You know what I mean? Just the whole bit, the lie, the it's in the same with paper street. I didn't, I didn't, I told paper street, I don't even drink your coffee. He's like, I don't care. I like your podcast. I want to support like the shit you're saying.
Starting point is 01:48:02 And then eventually now I'm addicted to their shit, but it's, it cool yeah it's cool just being authentic it's like what you're saying just you just have to a lot you so now i'm starting to understand sorry i'm putting my story to try to understand your story yeah you're you're aligned to your people yeah and like it true true to that you know like a lot of companies will like like from a strategic standpoint, like they'll go in a completely different line of products. There are something like company, they release skincare. They don't release any new products. There's companies out there that have had the same four products, five products for 12 years. There's the idea of like outsourcing things to cut people, right? Like we want to create unity here.
Starting point is 01:48:46 We're small and we're, we grow with integrity because like we don't want, you know, people coming in here and not feeling connected. So they like some people will outsource shipping, you know, why have a shipping team? Why? Because they're a piece of this company, like controlling the variables and things like that. And, and it's not to say any company is right or wrong.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Hey, I think you're onto something. When CrossFit was, when Greg owned CrossFit, everything was done internally. Yeah. And it was so smart. And he even wanted us, he even had a ship, like if someone ordered a poster, we didn't even want to outsource that.
Starting point is 01:49:19 He wanted the media, the product, everything inside. And it was so much better that way. When it might take longer, I might have to learn how to do some shit I've never learned how to do. Absolutely. You know what I mean? But that will get me further in the long run. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:49:36 Like we're not going anywhere as a company. We're not going anywhere because it's not about hype. It's not about the blueberry razzmatazz and like the the you know do this and pop confetti and feel great and crush your workout and block crash after we're unicorns you know like that's okay if that works for you without your strategy but it's not mine you know and i'll be here in 10-15 years when you still need that product and you've used it for a long time and got you know and you can tell me your story we can sit down on social media or we get you know we get these emails that are so fucking cool man just people sharing their story just completely unprovoked just like hi i'm tim i'm 78 i run
Starting point is 01:50:16 ultras i drink half a bottle of intra during an ultra oh yeah that's cool wow oh tim you're so like sit there i mean there's been times where i sit and cry on my computer because i'm just like how fucking cool is this you know and get to be a part of people's stories and like i mean i have like chills right now it's just it's and i'm just ranting now because i don't remember the original question but like really at the root of a lot of the things that we do they're very emotionally connected but they're very strategic because if we just went on emotion you know i would release a purple shirt tomorrow like what does purple have to do
Starting point is 01:50:50 with our company it doesn't doesn't have shit to do with you know what i mean yeah um what about um what about uh like so when you choose an athlete not choosing like not choosing an ego athlete like some people might be um i don't want to say anyone's name in our field because it's going to seem like a hit in crossfit community but let's say let's say you're uh you're sprite and you want like you think you're the shit because you got lebron right sometimes so we had a sponsor reach out to us recently and be like hey we're increasing your sponsorship and i was like oh that's cool and they go hey just so you know your show sells more for us than all the other athletes together we sponsor and i'm not taking a dig at athletes i'm just
Starting point is 01:51:34 saying and i was like oh that's fucking that's really that's really cool i'm guessing that there's some companies that have made the bad decision um to pick certain athletes to sell their shit because they want the ego of saying that they have those athletes like i'm guessing colton's worked out great for you he's been guessing that i'm guessing that a lot of people fucked up by not picking colton oh i think so for sure yeah i think he has crazy brand value that's that's not that's not viable from's not buyable from. It's really enjoyable to work with. Right. Right. Right. Right. I don't have anything like that. Like truthfully, like I look forward to every time I hear from
Starting point is 01:52:13 Colton or we talk to him or we get to do something with him and it's like, how much more can I do with Colton? And we call that a very, like, so going back to the original idea of like the call of the questions, how is this partnership going to be like mutually respectful and mutually rewarding right and every partnership is different right and so you you do have athletes who they will say instead of an ego it's more transactional not as like relationship based there's some athletes who want to have your number and you're their contact and they want to talk to you and they want to know what's going on in the company and they want to be involved in meetings and they want to think about new products and try new things and do all that kinds of shit. There's athletes who are like, I don't care. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:52:54 Like, send me my supplement when I need it. Do this. Do that. It's transactional. Talk to my agent. See you later. And then you just got to find like what works for you. It also comes down to like the size of company you are too, right?
Starting point is 01:53:07 Right, right. Like I assume Nike is like an example of someone who's just like do it or don't. We'll move on. Next. You know what I mean? And you only have so much time in the day. You can't have so many points of contact. I can't like – I personally can't talk to the sponsors at all because I just don't have time in my day.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Like by talk to them, I mean like like i can't you know what i mean i can't be like the point of contact like they have to like they have to be they have to call susan be like hey we want we're having a sale can you tell stevan to say this and then i'll be like oh okay and then susan will tell me like five times until it sticks and then i'll figure out a way to work it into a bit but but I can't have them call me because I'm at the fucking skate park. I mean, right? And it's the same with you. Like you can't be the point of contact for everyone. Someone can't call you and be like, hey, my Wolverine showed up today late
Starting point is 01:53:55 or my box came damaged. You'll be fucked. You'll get crushed. It happens on the coaching side too. Like that's kind of a little bit of a transition where like I've stepped out of coaching a lot. You were coaching yes i was you mean like the in the kitchen the swolverine kitchen or like like like hey uh squat deeper coaching both oh shit you guys have a gym do you guys have a gym to swolverine have a gym we don't oh oh we're moving in a new building here in a couple weeks. 2024, Swolverine Gym will be opening.
Starting point is 01:54:28 I know. I wish. It just would be nice to not have to drive to the gym. Like self-explanatory. What a great brand name for a fucking huge globo gym, Swolverine. I love a globo gym. Do you like a globo gym? I don't mind.
Starting point is 01:54:43 I love an LA Fitness, a huge building, all don't mind that like i i love an la fitness a huge building all the machines i fuck yeah i love that shit i haven't been in years but i used to love that i love those big places it's kind of locker rooms and saunas and especially when it's cold yeah i love that shit my bones are getting older yeah yeah okay so so so uh uh what else you want to know there was something we were just talking about and i cut you off um before i got excited for the big swolverine gym you can see that though right on the side of like gyms around the world swolverine oh yeah i mean it would be rad it would it's definitely you know like long-term plan like we we plan so far out and walter is a very big visionary like he's like always 15 steps
Starting point is 01:55:31 ahead and then i'm like okay wait come back come back this is what we're dealing with right now you know but uh yeah it's definitely still there is brandon uh brandon is not no. He's an amazing human though. I love him. He's so just like naturally talented. He's smart. When you talk to him, you know you're talking to someone smart too. Oh my gosh, yeah. And so like going back to athletes, so that's a good, so some people are like, well, why did you stop working with them?
Starting point is 01:55:59 Or why aren't you doing this? Or what happened? Did something juicy happen? And it's like, no, nothing happened. It really kind of going back to that alignment. Like one, if you don't use the products, that's not a good fit, right? Like two, if you don't like the products, you don't want to recommend them or don't care to know about them, not a good fit, right?
Starting point is 01:56:20 Or three, like if it's you have like your routine, you're doing things like it's not a one size fits all for an athlete. So that's just why things work and don't work nothing happened but anyways tangent but anyways oh no people come and go um uh uh adam uh blakesley colton won't have the most followers but he's the type of athlete with followers that buy and rebuy i mean the people who like him are fucking loyal as fuck to him i think he doesn't so i think that there's people on instagram who 80 of their followers are following him because they're a train wreck and they want to see it come off the rails right they're like oh this is going to be interesting i don't think colton has one follower who's following waiting to see Colton fail.
Starting point is 01:57:07 I do think that there's people out there. I'll just say this. I think half the people who probably follow Kim Kardashian are just waiting, just want to see the next time Kanye gets arrested in front of her house. You know what I mean? There's no one following Colton who's waiting to see that. Everyone's either interested in his biggest lift, when the wiener dogs go on sale um how he's doing to qualify for the games where they can buy the next shirt like everyone who follows him loves him they are a those 10 000 or 50 000 whatever
Starting point is 01:57:35 followers you have are potent like swarm they're they're about colton well and that's an interesting thing too that you bring up is like the quality of follower is a big deal it It's not necessarily the number of follower. And I think a lot of times people forget, like, it's just one person. If you can affect one person positively or like help them change their mind or their perspective or look at things through a different lens, like one person, if you had 10 people in a room and you got 10 people to like you, or you got 10 people to do something, that's phenomenal. And it's so easy to go on social media and be like, oh, no, 10 people. That's it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:06 What a waste. I should just hide this post. I was like that with this podcast at first. And people, even my own listeners will make fun of it. But we put on 10 new subscribers every day. And I'm so happy with that. And a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:21 And a day. That's a big deal. And some fucking ding dong the other day. I'm not going to drag you into this. But. And a day. That's a big deal. And some fucking ding-dong the other day. I'm not going to drag you into this, but remind me, guys. I want to tell you about something some ding-dong said on some post. Every time someone says something bad about the podcast, the people who listen to the podcast just go over and attack them. It's so lame. No, fuck you.
Starting point is 01:58:41 Let them do whatever they want. They follow this podcast because they like it because we do have strong values over here. We do have firm values. We do have integrity over here. I don't have any problem with someone's fucking with the podcast. I don't want you to be mean to people, but feel free to express your opinion and go over someone saying some dumb shit. Someone says like, hey, seven on the flat earth or go over and unfuck them. Be like, no, he's not. like, Hey, seven on the flat earth or go over and unfuck them. Be like, no, he's not. Well, if you are going to take a stance like that, if you're going to take a hard stance, be open in the conversation. Right. And that's like, give me an example.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Give me an example. Like someone reaching out and be like, your product sucks. Yeah. I'm like, okay, why? And they're like, well, this. Oh, right. And I'm like, oh, well, like beta alanine is a great example, you know, or greens, you alanine makes me itchy what an awful fucking product or greens they just taste like grass okay all right let's explore that let's like unpack that a little bit like i'm not your
Starting point is 01:59:35 fucking supplement therapist but i'm gonna tell you why right supplement therapist that's awesome like you can decide why that product does or doesn't work for you. Nobody's like the greens to your head and is like, you've got to check it. Drink it. Like if you hate it, go eat an apple and a Brussels sprout. Right, right. Or to flip over the lawnmower and scrape out the insides. The last cuttings. But yeah, I mean, it's just kind of being open to that type of conversation.
Starting point is 02:00:02 And then, and then when you take it from a perspective of like the scientific approach like here's why it physiologically makes you itchy and here's what you can do about it then it's not like oh alex you're full of shit you got your opinion sucks like it's not my opinion i don't have i'm not here to argue with you i'm here to like just help give you the information and if you don't like it that's okay i'm not you know what i mean and i think people want to be like told what to do you the information and if you don't like it that's okay i'm not you know what i mean and i think people want to be like told what to do all the time and told that they're wrong or told that they're right like that like think think for yourself it's okay you know what i mean and like if what you do is different than somebody else that's all right that's what makes
Starting point is 02:00:38 you unique you don't have to be a copycat uh kenneth delapp sebon i love uh the gym i haven't been in uh 10 years but i love it that's like your mom's house i haven't been there in 10 years but i still love her too fond memories thank you kenneth you're a good dude fond fond memories of the old la fitness in your mom's house uh yeah i uh sebon loves to see carnage gee drops 400 pounds on people and he loves it are you talking about at um wadapalooza when they had all the people stacked in there are you going to wadapalooza you want to come hang out at the booth you're having a booth there yeah we'll be in the fountain this year what's that mean uh like in the little around between kind of stages in the fountain
Starting point is 02:01:27 there's a fountain between the stages a lot of people don't know that because it's usually covered but yeah god the thought of going to miami uh kenneth my mom is a saint i know that when i said uh hang out with your mom i meant when she gives me uh my blessings yes she's pretty good at worshiping for sure i'm definitely going to the California one. I can't imagine not going to the California Waterpalooza. You missed my joke. Oh, say it again? Sorry. I love dirty jokes.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Say it again. I'll pretend like a... Kenneth DeLapp, your mom is a saint. She's really good at worshipping people. Yes! Yes! Yes, thank you. She's great at worshipping people. alex we should have a show together yeah i think this is honestly mark moss i feel like this is the alex podcast today guess what it is yay yeah i mean if anyone's out there like you guys would be a waterpalooza
Starting point is 02:02:20 workout classic waterpalooza south i mean west sorry don't know. If you can catch us at an event, definitely do it. We're also not going to talk a little promotion here, but we're helping host a throwdown in Durango, Colorado in the end of September, which would be cool. If anyone is around there, come hang out. Come do
Starting point is 02:02:40 the competition. You can still sign up for it. But yeah, I don't know. We don't, we don't get out too much, but we would love to. And I think if there's enough draw to like, I don't know, I think I love getting, getting out, you know, and just doing like nutrition talks or supplement talks at gyms or like, I don't know, something I don't do a whole lot. I think COVID changed a lot of things for a lot of people. I like to stay home and play with my kids go to skate park don't have kids oh uh fuck yeah the fountain yeah he's probably gonna have a booth there too what if i'm an affiliate and i want to sell
Starting point is 02:03:21 uh swolverine do you you guys do that? Like a, I think. Is that what that's called? Wholesale. Like, I just want to have like, you know, like when people check in, if they want to like buy protein powder or crittin,
Starting point is 02:03:34 uh, they can, do you guys do that? Do you guys do affiliate sell your stuff? Yeah, we definitely do. We, um,
Starting point is 02:03:39 so we have wholesale partners, right? Uh, where you can just on the website and the footer, there's a wholesale application. You can tell us about your business or how you would use a product. You have a really cool program. It's very friendly for people who are in small business. So we really like to kind of going back to the idea of mutual, mutually beneficial partnerships.
Starting point is 02:03:59 Like we really help our partners as much as we can. So, yeah, so we do have wholesale. We do also have like an affiliate program for people who we call the Swole Friends. So people who are trainers, maybe don't have a gym, don't want to carry product, but still have a community that they cater to that people can sign up for as well. And that is in the footer of the Swole Brain website, too. So and again, like I go in there and I manually vet people. Like, I'm like, cool, what do you do? Rachel, you do training, you do this.
Starting point is 02:04:29 And so it's like, welcome to the Swole Collective. You know, like we really care about what's going on. I think I said Swole Friends. So that's not what I meant. It's called the Swole Collective. I like Swole Friends. Swole Friends, yeah. But yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:44 You said you make it easy for easy for small businesses when i used to um one of the things i used to do i used to i mean i would do it both i would sell what uh i guess i would sell weed wholesale and retail i don't know the difference really but one of the things i would do is i would always front this guy four ounces of weed at a time and then and then he would when he he would come back like in a few days and give me 1200 bucks but basically he always had like 1200 on credit right because i was always giving the weed first and then you'd come back with 1200 bucks i know what a great deal right 400 an ounce anyway so then um one time he he came back and he's hey, the cops were behind me and I panicked and I threw the weed out the window.
Starting point is 02:05:27 And I was like, OK. And to be honest with you, I didn't believe him, but it didn't matter. I think I don't I maybe I'm open to being wrong. Maybe he did. I like the guy. And so I said, OK. And so he said, hey, can you give me more weed? And I said, no, it doesn't work that way. Like once you like we're a wash, you don't owe me that $1,200, but now moving forward, you always have to pay at the time you get the product. Yeah. They boothed it. They boothed the front. I don't think you're using that word, right?
Starting point is 02:05:57 I appreciate you trying to squeeze in a vocabulary word from the beginning of the, uh, from the beginning of the episode. I don't think you use that right. That word. Everyone's going to be the episode you know i don't think you use that right that word everyone's gonna be like well i don't think you use that right um yeah oh yes wolverine yes a weed on layaway called oh yeah it's called a front yeah is that what that is look at you you know you guys be a business oriented people there we're fun we're not like complete squares so uh on this on a side note uh whoever's running the instagram account i know or the youtube account i know
Starting point is 02:06:30 you're probably hipper than your boss will you explain to her uh that she's boof wrong uh in the next uh corporate meeting when you guys gather around your zoom call i think that's walter he's probably gonna be like why the fuck did you say that? He boofed it. He will call me out though. I'm using words wrong a lot. Like I'll be like, that's not the way you say that. And I'm like,
Starting point is 02:06:53 okay. Um, what about, um, choosing a athlete? So there's someone who is like, I have 10,000 more followers on Instagram than Colton. And I,
Starting point is 02:07:04 and I placed a higher than Colton. And I, and I placed a higher than Colton at six of the last seven events. They need to be sponsoring me. How do they, how do they reach out to you and should they lose that mindset? Um, or don't reach out to you? The mindset they can. Yeah. So, I mean, anyone who's interested in being an athlete, like it's, They can. Yeah. So, I mean, anyone who's interested in being an athlete, like it's easy to reach out to us on some method of communication, whether it's like the chat, email, DM. I wouldn't recommend DMing me personally about being an athlete. I think that's a little unprofessional. So, like, if you want to be a professional athlete, go to the Soulbrain Instagram. What do you mean don't DM you personally? Oh, don't DM. Don't go to Alex Best's Instagram, but, uh, uh, what do you, what do you mean? Don't DM you personally. Oh, don't DM. Don't go to Alex best Instagram account and DM her personally. You could for sure. But it's like, Hey Al, like, how do I become an athlete? And it's like, well, let's get you back to this Wolverine stuff. You know what I mean? Like the DM, you know, you don't have
Starting point is 02:08:01 Wolverine stuff on your Instagram. I don't have a ton. So it's kind of funny. Like I give away a lot of like the sample shirts and things that I have on. It's something I need to work on. Let's just be honest. But I give away a lot of my stuff. So like this shirt, like I was really excited to find it. But yeah, it's definitely something you need to get better about,
Starting point is 02:08:24 especially being like asking that of people um but anyways long story short oh i see what you're saying you gave away your clothes so you even on your own channel you're not you don't seen wearing swolverine stuff yeah i know it's kind of funny because i'm always like wait why yeah i didn't see any bottles of it on there i don't see you taking it i didn't see like i like if i didn't if i don't read the um your profile i wouldn't know you're affiliated with wolverine just from uh so that's like an example of like negative feedback that i need to hear that i'm like oh really because you want it i don't mean it as negative i thought maybe you
Starting point is 02:09:02 did it on purpose no that's awful that's the worst you just ruined my morning but i ruined it for you guys have an incredible brand logo that just sticks out like like look at look at the comments there this wolverine just fucking jumps out at you right it's blue those lines uh and so yeah so i didn't jump out at me at all on your instagram it's like zero well i will work on it i appreciate that okay i didn't mean it as negative feedback i thought you did it on purpose no honestly you're avoiding i thought you were avoiding no my instagram is like what like if i post on my instagram it's like I ran out of things to do today. We're like, I actually had like a time to think about it.
Starting point is 02:09:47 It's not like I would always prioritize the business over myself. And like, I think that's something that I need to work on a little bit. But yeah, like there needs to be more advantage of it. I used to do some media stuff and here's what I would recommend. Just spitballing to you i don't mean to take i don't mean to take your media director's job i would if you're going to turn over a new leaf and really go hard with the integrating alex best with swolverine the the media components the forward-facing media components i would do a reset by taking that swolverine picture and pasting it as a nine post thing.
Starting point is 02:10:27 You know what I mean? Like, so it's the square. So when people go to your history, there's just a giant, it takes nine posts, right? Three, three, three. And then everything after that, that's like, that's the stamp. It's a dawn of a new era. You follow me? Really?
Starting point is 02:10:48 You feeling me? Yeah. Hey, and I and you do like bathing suit pictures right i do so you can have behind those three white marks like you and your bathing suit or something laying down that's fair okay no no cat no cat do i get another episode in like eight months if i do this for you yeah we can drink and then we will just riot the internet i you know i don't do uh that's it i have a pretty strong uh i don't drink on the internet like i like i don't the one like the other day i did a show after i had been drinking and i immediately pulled it down oh that's i would do the same shit like i mean i wasn't drunk or anything but i just don't want anything on the internet with me like buzzed yeah i mean i don't i don't really like the way i come across
Starting point is 02:11:36 yeah and for somebody who drinks as much as me that's probably not probably not good i'm gonna have to go back and listen to that. Might be more tolerable if you do drink. Sebon still stuck in 2015. What are you talking about? Why? Sebon drank a White Claw on live before. When was that? I think I do remember that.
Starting point is 02:12:00 We're all adults here. We can all consume an alcoholic beverage. I know. I just don't an alcoholic beverage. I know. I just don't like the way, I like to be sober on the show and sharp. Because that's the respect you have for yourself on the show. Right.
Starting point is 02:12:15 Values. Right. Thank you. Well, thank you. This was fun. Easy. Oh my gosh, thank you. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 02:12:26 Yeah. It's my blast. It's um your comment section is wild though it is wild right yeah it's dangerous to look at it um you i once again i can't thank you enough uh and just so you know this is kind of a fucked up thing to say but i was looking at the other i don't want anyone to think that there's any relationship between her being on the show. The reason why Alex is on the show is I was like, oh, I want to talk to someone who runs a supplement company. That's completely it. I haven't had anyone from Toastbacers on. I had BirthFit on long before they gave us money.
Starting point is 02:13:06 I haven't had anyone from – I didn't have California peptides on and I haven't never had Gabe on. So I don't want anyone to think that. I mean, actually, if you think that that's fine, but just so you know, there's no, there's no obligation on my part to there's actually, I don't know if you guys gave us any obligation. No one ever tells me what the, what the people who give us money want. I wouldn't assume that you would listen. right well that's good i mean like it's not a bad thing you know what i mean but it's kind of to say like i do what i want right and it's like i think that's the fun part and i think
Starting point is 02:13:34 like why we align is because it's like i have this mission and vision for my company and my brand yeah what i do and we like to talk shit and have fun and then talk about serious stuff and I mean it it makes sense and it's honestly an honor to be on the podcast and I love you know you guys are in degenerates in the comments I saw that one but it's amazing it's creating community and cohesiveness with people and honestly like as much as I love what we do there are days where I don't there I go days without seeing people you know and so something like this like it hits me in my core and I thank you for the opportunity and the opportunity to share the company and the support you give our athletes and just that I don't know that we're here and able to do it so I'll feel feel good you know awesome well thank you but yeah to meet you
Starting point is 02:14:21 I look forward to our next interaction yeah we'll We'll keep tabs on how your creatine is working. And if anyone wants to, you know, head to the website or have questions or anything, you can also schedule a supplement consult with me. Oh. Or like, I'll just get on the phone with you and talk with you about what you want to do or how you want to do it. And sometimes there's not a product for you. And sometimes it's going to be that you need to eat some real food and eat enough of it so that you can feel really good and do it. And so whatever
Starting point is 02:14:50 you guys need, as far as supplements, nutrition training, like we're here to help you be the best that you can be. So use us to that advantage. Awesome. I love that. Cool. All right, dear. Um, thank you for coming on. on. Congratulations on all your success. It's fun to get closer to you and to get more insight in the company and you as a person. And we'll talk soon. For sure. Thanks, guys. Bye.
Starting point is 02:15:17 Alex Best, A-L-I-X. I kind of like that CA Peptides QR code up there because then it kind of like adds some texture to the to the to the to the Brandon Waddell she's dope yeah cool cool chick right
Starting point is 02:15:37 baddie what's baddie mean what's wrong with deer is deer good you use deer again thank you deer is it like grandpa shit adding me. What's wrong with deer? Is deer good? You used deer again. Thank you, deer. Is it like grandpa shit? Alex, 1999. Damn. Isn't it like 69 or 89 or 59? What is it when you 69 someone? You 89 someone? What is it when you kick someone out? You 86 them. 86, 69. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 02:16:10 Will, how do I know Will Branstad is a hipster? Because he likes these dumbass old school headphones. I love it, Will. You added yourself. Good job. 86, yeah. Of course you love these. 86, yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:24 Of course you love these. I think these were like... Apple used to sell these. These were like their crazy expensive ones. Sebon, your Tyson Bajan cards will be delivered tomorrow. What do you mean Tyson Bajan cards? Is that what you're referencing? Do you have a man bun, Brandon? is that what you're referencing do you have a man bun brandon you're gonna rock a man bun so much better than me you're a big old hoss
Starting point is 02:16:52 when i was talking about doing snatching the 100 pound dumbbell which i haven't forgotten by the way i tried that workout again uh the muscle up dumbbell dumbbell workout. I did it with a 20-pound dumbbell. The first time I tried, I tried with an 80-pound dumbbell. I almost fucking broke my back. I did it with a 20-pound dumbbell and was barely able to do it. And the workout is this. Two snatches, a strict muscle-up from the seated position, starting at the top, lower yourself through, do one, 10 rounds.
Starting point is 02:17:21 And so I'm trying to do that with a 100-pound dumbbell. I did it with a 20-pound dumbbell the other day. I know. Like I said, I started with the 80 and almost fucking killed myself. Anyway, when I said I wanted to snatch the 100-pound dumbbell, Brandon Waddell sends me a video of him snatching with one hand a 135-pound bar, bar with the 45s on. I was like, oh, thanks oh thanks dude appreciate the motivation like
Starting point is 02:17:47 there's a point when someone beats you so bad that um that kills the motivation will brandstetter i can barely see you over my birkenstocks and pour over coffee i just made i want to read you um some comments um that i just don't think comments that I think are just lame. And maybe some good ones too. One of them comes from Turntable, who I really like on the show, but he just said something so lame. I listened to that podcast that Garrett did, The Two Most Controversial People on CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:18:21 I don't know if you guys listened to that. That came out yesterday. people in CrossFit. I don't know if you guys listen to that. That came out yesterday. It's a podcast about these two ladies take, Garrett and her wife's take, I forget her wife's
Starting point is 02:18:34 name, a take on what's going on between Sporty Beth and I don't know, and Danny Spiegel and Andrew Hiller. Let me see. Let me see. I hope I didn't say anything mean to someone. Hold on a second. God, people really love this Tyson, this Tyson agent podcast.
Starting point is 02:19:17 People, man, so many people have reached out to me. That's the thing, by the way, that's a great example. That's a podcast that doesn't have a ton of views, but the reach out on it is insane. The people who are interested in that subject, someone as nuanced as a new quarterback for the Bears is crazy. I even saw some people on Twitter,
Starting point is 02:19:36 some sports writers and shit, commenting on it, reposting it, quoting it. It's kind of crazy. reposting it, quoting it. It's kind of crazy. Vivek Ramaswamy. Oh, the Tyson Bajan comments have just completely taken over my comments.
Starting point is 02:19:55 I wanted to read you this. This is nuts. Um... I know you guys get this I don't know if I'm going to find it but just listen, hear me out and I know you guys get this and I'm beating a dead horse with some of you you cannot make a video about me put it on the internet let's say your average video gets 800 views you can't make a video about me i get 20 000 views that says i'm the most toxic man in
Starting point is 02:20:37 crossfit when i've given my whole life to cross it like as soon as you contextualize that what i've done for crossfit i'm the largest content producer in the journal history. I've made more videos. I've produced more videos. Every metric, as long as I'm alive, there's no one ever going to pass. So many things I've done. I produced more movies. I did the behind the scenes.
Starting point is 02:20:54 I worked more hours. I mean like I have no problem saying that I'm up there with Nicole, Dave, and Greg Glassman. Like I'm in a world all by myself. glassman like like i'm in a world all by myself and then to call me the most toxic man there put that video on the internet and then to have any rules on how i retaliate is crazy and and to to people are like well he's um he did say some mean things or i've never even said anything mean to her i don't stop try this i've never tried to stop her from um uh going to the games i never try i'm not i don't go out of my way to hurt any of these people. Everything I do with these people is just a fucking bit.
Starting point is 02:21:30 There's no like, well, they just need to get together and talk and listen to each other. Dude, imagine going out of your way to make a video. Oh, someone's like, let me finish that thought. Imagine going out of your way to make a video to try to destroy someone who doesn't even know you, who's trying to raise three kids at home. While you're addicted – she's addicted to Valium. She's admitted to being addicted to Valium. She's a drug addict. And then also celebrating that you've been diagnosed with seven mental illnesses, which, as I recall, she did. I'm exempt from, like, I'm exempt from whatever I do,
Starting point is 02:22:18 and I still haven't done anything mean to her. Someone made a comment on one of her videos, you should call the cops on him. You've told him to leave you alone many times. First of all, you've never told me to leave you alone. Second of all, I'm not harassing you at all. I'm not doing anything about it. I'm not doing anything. I didn't say to her, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, you're a fat girl. Never said anything like that. I made one comment where she was fighting in the comments and she was saying some shit that was just completely delusional, not grounded.
Starting point is 02:22:55 And I said, hey, in the same way that you're fat and the same way that I have a big nose, it's just empirical. It just is. My nose is large relative to other people and you're obese relative to what's a healthy human being. That's it. It wasn't even like it was, it was put in the context of just saying, uh, trying to get someone grounded in reality. Today is a sunny day. Like yesterday was a rainy day. Other dumb shit people are saying is that I was somehow, I gave her the media pass and I somehow wanted to thank you. I didn't want to thank you. I'd have never brought it up.
Starting point is 02:23:30 I'd have never mentioned it to you guys. No one would ever know. She took the DM from Dave, cut my name out and posted it and thanked Dave. She did it. She continued the story. And now for me, it's just a fun bit. And every time someone says something wrong about it
Starting point is 02:23:53 or puts it in the wrong context or illustrates it wrong, I just enjoy bringing it up. Turntable wrote in the comments somewhere, it's lame how the people who listen to the Sevan podcast go over and attack other people when when they attack him how is that lame they are blatantly these people homophobic racist and sexist blatantly. And fatphobic. And fatphobic.
Starting point is 02:24:29 And they overcompensate by pretending to embrace those things. And yet they accuse me of those things when they, we all know anyone who can see that they are. Right? As soon as you start this statement with that poor fat girl or that poor Mexican girl or that poor girl because she's a girl, you've already admitted that you have a bias towards people for that reason. You can't then be like, I helped them because they were a poor Mexican girl. Well, you obviously think that they're less than you because they're a girl, because they're poor, because they're obese, whatever.
Starting point is 02:25:07 You've already just outed yourself. None of us are looking at anyone like that. None of the healthy people. So, so, Turntable says don't go over there and smash those people like hey dude like go over and smash whoever you want if they're saying dumb shit we're not we're not i'm not sitting over here throwing rocks at
Starting point is 02:25:39 i'm going out of my way to make videos to throw rocks at other people's homes. What was the thing? Keep your name out of my fucking mouth. Dude, how crazy are you that I have? I have a good friend, Athena Perez. She's a friend. I have a relationship with her.
Starting point is 02:25:55 My mom has a relationship with her. My sister does like she's, I would consider her a family friend. Like if she lived in the same neighborhood, like I would, we'd walk our dogs and shit together. Do you know what I mean? I take my kids over to her house,
Starting point is 02:26:04 like take my kids over to her house like take my kids over to her house i can't say that about more than a half dozen people she lived in my neighborhood to be friends with her i've always supported her always because i like her she's just a homie the same same way I would support if Matt Sousa were to do a competition at his gym, I would support it. So imagine I'm supporting her and I find out she's doing this seminar in my hood. She invites me there. I'm like, dude, not only do I want to come take it, I want to come come filming, give you the footage so we can promote the shit out of it. And she's like, all right, cool. And now this person is like, dude, you're trying to stop it.
Starting point is 02:26:48 You're contacting Athena and trying to stop me from going over. First of all, I don't care. But second of all, do you think Athena and I are like friends? I don't use that word lightly. We're like friends, not like internet friends. I don't use that word lightly. We're like friends, not like internet friends. And so if someone from here doesn't – like if you don't see that as just being a dipshit – imagine going to my mom's house and being like, yeah, you should disown your son because he said retard on the air. My mom's going to be like, what? So my son, are you kidding me? Just planted three fruit trees in my yard.
Starting point is 02:27:28 He brings his grandkids over here. Whenever he has extra fruit on his trees, he brings it over. You are not my friend, Dick Butter. You're my internet friend. Most of you guys, I think if we got to know each other, we'd hate each other. But I'm like friends with Athena. Like I've hung out with her. I go to dinner with her. talk about shit besides crossfit audrey
Starting point is 02:27:51 what a sad life though wasting their time trying to destroy it on the back it's crazy hey it basically sums it up just all like this just imagine your life being involved trying to cancel other people i sincerely wish the best for her station i sincerely wish her best on her journey uh um the beth girl um on whatever she wants to do. Except. If you fuck with me. Then it's just. You're just going to become part of my three ring circus. And my party.
Starting point is 02:28:32 How big is what? I don't know. On a good day. Like on my best day. How big is it? It's crazy. It's crazy. On my best day.
Starting point is 02:28:41 It's crazy. I used to have a nickname for it. I'm not ready to share it, though. But it's fun. It was fun. It's fun. I'm old now, though. Just chilling.
Starting point is 02:29:00 You guys want to hear a crazy story? Want to hear an insane story do any of you guys know who off of Mendez is over the art of jiu-jitsu AOJ in Southern California if you don't you could look it up he has a brother Guy Mendez and Hoffa Mendez and they own a Called AOJ. And yesterday I took my kids there. It's crazy. I almost feel like I should probably settle down. It was crazy.
Starting point is 02:29:39 You go in there, it's the biggest kids program I've ever seen. It's probably like 200 kids. I don't know. Four classes going on simultaneously. That dude greets us when we get there I think that guy is probably like a seven times Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world champion I'm sure I think he's won the
Starting point is 02:29:54 Abu Dhabi combat challenge at least a couple times I saw more black belts yesterday at that gym than I've seen in my whole life I bet you I saw more black belts yesterday at that gym than I've seen in my whole life. I bet you I saw six black belts. There's these, they have these three black belts that were on the kids, on the kids platform. The platforms at this Jiu-jitsu academy are raised off the ground
Starting point is 02:30:27 like a foot off the ground they're massive big the classes and the parents kind of sit below like a foot below and on that big mat there were three black belts teaching the kids classes each class had six instructors and i think there was a black belt in almost everyone. I saw this kid who was a green belt teaching one of their kids classes. He was like one of the best instructors I've ever seen anywhere. And he was a kid. He's probably like 15, 16. But when we got there, the two most confident, three most confident, it was a blue belt, a purple belt, and a black belt. And they walked up to my kids. Thick, thick, long black hair.
Starting point is 02:31:10 I'm guessing they're Mexican girls. There's something south of the border. The most confident, beautiful three human beings like you've ever seen. Just walk right up to my boys. Come on, up and greet them. Two of my boys are crying, scared to death. Bring them up onto the mat. Oh, it was crazy.
Starting point is 02:31:37 So good to see. My boys did two classes there in a row. They did one kid's class, got acclimated then did another kid's class lots of great kids there uh of course in my eyes my kids were standouts also in the class great movers gentlemen eye contact shaking hands thoughtful polite uh incredible incredible experience wow i was so proud of them i was so proud proud of their jiu-jitsu coaches, Nico and McKenna, and where they got their start over at Garth Taylor because they exemplified gentlemen and martial arts. I don't know, credo.
Starting point is 02:32:17 I don't know what the term is. But they got to talk to Hoffa Mendez, and he said, hey, how long have you guys been doing jiu-jitsu? And my oldest son was like, four years. He's eight, and he can say that, four years. There were almost no blonde people there, which is, jiu-jitsu seems a trip. Almost all black hairs.
Starting point is 02:32:44 It's like, I'd say it's 10% blondes. And the rest, it's all either Asian or south of the border. And then some Armenians. There are probably a couple of Jews there. Well, my kids were Jews. Armenian Jews. Middle Eastern Jews. Are Jews considered Middle Eastern?
Starting point is 02:33:04 I guess so. Anyway, what a crazy experience. We're going to go there every day now. I'm so excited. I can't tell you the stress of taking your kids somewhere new like that, where there's such a folklore about the place. It was cool. That hair is racist.
Starting point is 02:33:30 It was the most racist hair you've ever seen, dude. Their hair was incredible. I would pull a... After I leave town, I'll pull up pictures and I'll point out to you all their instructors. There was this dude, Mateo, and then there were these three girls and it was nuts.
Starting point is 02:33:48 You can just tell, dude. 21-year-old girl with a black belt is like a sight to reckon. Her confidence is like on another level, but mixed with this crazy humility, even, even all those, all those people there, that whole gym carries itself with such poise. It's nuts. And I immediately called their instructors. I was like, Oh, your boys held their own. It was cool. And some other good shit happened. I don't want to jinx myself, but I'll tell you guys more, more stories. It was good. It was, it was an incredible experience.
Starting point is 02:34:25 The hospitality, the, the what's interesting also is just like, you know, we're, we're on in Santa Cruz, California, the parking lot's full of like beat up trucks,
Starting point is 02:34:33 Priuses and minivans. This, this parking lot's full of just like G wagons and shit. Kenneth, the lab, every BJJ place has a dude named Mateo. Yeah, exactly. 21-year-old black belt, don't look at her wrong or raise your voice.
Starting point is 02:35:00 Dude. These, these, these. I don't know if I should call them kids, but all these – there were 18 instructors. I'd say the oldest one was maybe 30. The youngest one was maybe 15. They were on another level. You could just tell. The whole place carries itself so well. I'm excited to go in there and watch an adult class. No, Jake, this isn't live.
Starting point is 02:35:35 Sorry, we're not live anymore. This is prerecorded now. Thank you, though, for checking in. All right. all right um gonna hang out with Sarah and her family today in the morning take the boys surfing also um
Starting point is 02:36:03 um what's your opinion on Greg saying jiu-jitsu fucks up ligaments or something um Milos Pabovic what's your opinion on Greg saying Jiu Jitsu fucks up ligaments or something amongst those lines I don't remember did he say that did he say that last night it definitely everything has their own wear and tear on you right
Starting point is 02:36:20 they had a they had a they had a kids class going while my kids were there that was a class where all the kids are homeschooled and they do two a days already oh yeah Gary Roberts
Starting point is 02:36:40 tonight I forgot about that Hiller and Gary Roberts will be coming on tonight I forgot about that. Hiller and Gary Roberts will be coming on tonight. I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding me. Oh, today, Thursday. What's today?
Starting point is 02:36:56 So what the fuck is today? Let me open this calendar. Okay. Oh, Wednesday. I think tomorrow, uh, is a shut up and scribble episode also,
Starting point is 02:37:05 or is that today? Shit, I don't know. No, that's tomorrow. I blame Sousa for scheduling too many things. And then last night at the last minute, I'm like, hey, can you schedule a podcast for Toronto? You want to know what it is? Gary called me yesterday and he's got some footage of Tyson Bajan. He wanted to show me. I was like, Oh, can I play it on the air? It's actually, it's good. You guys are, for those of you who are Bajan fans,
Starting point is 02:37:37 you guys are going to be pretty impressed by this. like behind me like just like handwritten back here like who's coming on that would be kind of cool that's actually a good idea a whiteboard with all the people's uh names on it names on it. Oh, Wadzombie, Taylor wouldn't show us the picture you told us to demand. So you know what's funny, Wadzombie? He called me. He's like, did you send that picture to Wadzombie? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 02:38:16 And he's like, well, he keeps talking about it in the comments. I'm like, oh, because I told him to bug you. Dude, you got to see that picture. I'm telling you, it's the craziest picture ever. Silence of the Lambs. I'll give you that hint. Silence of the lambs. I give you that hint. Silence of the lambs. You got to see this picture. You got to see it. Absolutely nuts. No pun intended. I have a CEO flag. I should have traveled with it. I could have put that, put it back there, right? Adam Blakeslee says, uh, need caleb to send you a ceo flag
Starting point is 02:38:46 oh wow dick butter this get a whiteboard and write donations on it while you show us your ass that's that would be cool i do kind of like that this is that has its own appeal trying to think if there's anything i want to share here before something funny leave on leave on a good note go to my live calling show notes oh okay here i got this you guys want to see something okay uh i'm gonna play this video and before i start this bit, I want to tell you, I don't understand the last joke. So, which shouldn't surprise anyone. But I'm going to play this, and then you guys, someone's going to have to explain to me this last joke, okay? Because I do not get it for the life of me.
Starting point is 02:39:43 Okay. You guys ready? Here we go. You can jump off a cliff to see who hits the bottom first. Who wins? Society. Why do Americans never make jokes about mass sh**? Because it's always too soon.
Starting point is 02:40:02 Where do you find a dog with no legs? Where I left it what did the cannibal do after dumping his girlfriend he wiped his bum why was wait oh i get it right what did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend he waved his bum meaning he ate her and shit her out. Okay, I get that one. Okay, I get that one. Isn't Helen Keller any good at driving? Because she was a woman.
Starting point is 02:40:34 What is the difference? I don't approve of that joke. I do not approve of that, no matter how true it is. It's between Jesus and a picture of Jesus. You can hang the picture on the wall with one nail. How do you get a nun pregnant? The bitch.
Starting point is 02:40:54 I don't get it. How do you get a nun pregnant? The beach? The bitch? How do you get a nun pregnant? The bitch? The beach? How do you get a nun pregnant? The beach? I don't get that one.
Starting point is 02:41:11 How do you get a nun pregnant? The beach. And that one rocked the house. That guy in the back is like, I'm done. I don't get... Oh, someone else wrote it too. Right here. Look at this. I don't get the oh, someone else wrote it too. Right here, look at this. I don't get the nun joke.
Starting point is 02:41:27 Oh, I thought it was a dress up her as an altar boy. I thought it was, how do you get a nun pregnant? Just fuck the, oh, just fuck the bitch. Oh. Oh, so no one gets that joke. The way I've always heard the punchline was, have an altar boy fart in a... Ew. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:41:59 I don't know if I get that. Audrey, it's time to work out. You didn't get the dog one? Which was the dog one? I think I got all of them. The dog one? Anyway. Alright.
Starting point is 02:42:24 Well, that's good. Usually there's someone in the comments that's like, you idiot, it means this. And no one did that. that's good usually there's someone in the comments that's like you idiot it means this and no one did that that's good where's David Weed when you need him alright I will see you guys this evening gonna be a wild show Hiller, Gary Roberts we will be talking about
Starting point is 02:42:43 Gary and I will be talking about our long relationship with travis bajan and tyson bajan 1400 dms it's absolutely nuts those dms are i don't know why it says 14 but patrick clark says seven with 14 dms unanswered i'm telling you it's Patrick Clark says, Sevan with 14 DMs unanswered. I'm telling you, it's... There's... Dude. On a final note, I have relatives who communicate with me through DMs. Listen.
Starting point is 02:43:13 If you have something to say to me, which is fine, you can. But if you have something to say to me that's important, like a mutual relative died or something, please send me a text. You have my number. You can text me. I mean, I'm not talking about like my sister, my sister, like, will send me like a, you know, like, um, don't, don't, don't send me Instagram reels. You want me to go to in my text. I'm just talking about like real conversation. Like people will be like, send me a DM, like, Oh, how's, how's, how's your mom doing? And it's like, what am I relative? I'm like, dude,
Starting point is 02:43:42 are you fucking kidding me? how's your mom doing? And it's like, what am I relative? I'm like, dude, are you fucking kidding me? And then we have this conversation going and I'm,
Starting point is 02:43:51 and I start to stress out that I'm going to miss it and they're going to be upset at me. Do not do that. All right. Bye.

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