The Sevan Podcast - All the stories you want to know | Live Call In #978

Episode Date: August 10, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD insurance advisor to learn more. Bam, we're live. I'm seeing names in the chat I've never seen before. Is that cool? You cool with that? New people welcome? Oh, no. Shit.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Shit, shit, shit. I'm really struggling with my notes oh there we go good morning until august 13th until sunday august 13th until august sunday the 13th nah i don't like that august 13th. What's today? August 9th? I don't even understand the sentence. But listen. Games 23. Code Games 23. Lowercase. All the letters are lowercase. G-A-M-E-S 23.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And you're going to go to PaperSTCoffee. It's the abbreviation for street., but you don't spell out street. You do not spell out street, but it doesn't even matter. If you put in Games23, you get 18% off a subscription. If that code doesn't work, you're on the wrong site. Does that make sense? Do you want to drink what i'm drinking
Starting point is 00:02:05 or what ariel lowen is drinking i don't know a bunch of people maybe christine kohlenbrander does she drink that shit i'm wearing different glasses today in the shower the entire morning i was thinking that i'm not going to cut my man bun. I mean, I might still cut it. I'm just telling you what I was thinking. Elizabeth, good morning. Ken O'Connor, good morning. I don't recognize you. Charles, you need a profile picture.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Gavin, you need a profile picture. Emma, good morning. Emma Wines. Why do you whine? Jay Hartle, hey, always good to see you. Bam. Good morning. Oh, this one.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I don't recognize her. Megan Kiambo-Starks. Afternoon from Scotland. Dunks. Hey, what's up, dude? Thank you for putting out fires. Saving old people. Attending cardiac arrests all over your country.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Hey, there's these skateboarding shoes that Nike makes called Dunks. I just found out about them. I want to buy them for my kids, but they're too expensive. David, what's up, dude? Ready to fight with me this morning? I hope so. Greg C. Hey.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Oswaldo. so greg c hey oswaldo uh we have some names for our children and um we're thinking about maybe naming him oswaldo oswaldo i'd love to talk to your parents oswaldo so someone's going to be late again that's procrastinating i don't know something's definitely different something has changed in me there's been a shift it was that week something in that week um ron sutton what's up dude hey you're you when i look at your little picture you look like an old dude. Then when I click on it, you turn young. It's weird. Ruben, what's up, dude? Dildo?
Starting point is 00:04:11 That's pretty good. That's really good. Heidi, do we like this one? Dildo? Dildo? That's good. Marissa. You need a profile pic good morning don't cut it
Starting point is 00:04:29 what if I shaved it around I don't like the straggles I don't like these straggles down low I forgot how much California peptides I'm supposed to shoot into the left arm. I gave myself a big old dose last night. You're supposed to put it, you're supposed to shoot it up right before you go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Big old dose. I think you're only supposed to give yourself. I don't even want to say someone's going to rip on me, but I forget a week of not doing it. And I forget, but I know I gave myself, I know for sure. I gave myself double the dose,
Starting point is 00:05:12 whatever you're supposed to do. Oh yeah. Paper street coffee, 18% off until the, until the 13th. I don't know if that means if the 13th is too late or what? You did not meet Trish. That is bullshit. Joel, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:05:30 Robbie Meyer, Seve, I met Trish. No, you did not meet Trish. You did not meet Trish. Liar. Someone DMed me the other day and they're like, hey, why did 40 Beth make that video about you? I said, I don't know. Because she thinks I'm toxic.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And they said, well, did you attack her first? And I was like, dude, I didn't know who the fuck she was. Someone sent me some cool pictures of her, though, in the crowd. Someone sent me some cool pictures of her, though, in the crowd. I like it that I'm switching to the word imbecile. Do you guys like that? Imbecile. As opposed to the R word.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Imbecile. You guys want me to show you an imbecile this isn't really a big deal people make mistakes right who cares so so so so he screwed up a little bit so whatever right who cares just a little mistake grand canyon one of the earth's nine wonders. Wonders of the world. Literally. Think of that. You know, it's amazing. Grand Canyon, one of the Earth's nine wonders.
Starting point is 00:06:58 First of all, there's seven natural wonders. Everyone knows that. If you don't, now you know. But imagine doing sentences like this this making up sentences like this to the world literally literally it's literally no actually it's not it's all made up it's just made up it's just it's just a dramatization one of the seven natural wonders well you think there's nine. Think of that. Think of that. Just think of that.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Man, this guy is amazing. Amazing. How did you vote for him? The Great Pyramids. the great pyramids colossus of roads i don't even know what that is in the harbor city of roads on the greek island of the same name the hanging gardens of babylon the lighthouse of alexandria the mausoleum of Holy Carnacus, I don't know what that is,
Starting point is 00:08:07 statue of Zeus at Olympia, and the temple of Artemis. The Grand Canyon isn't even one of the, oh, seven wonders of the, oh, that's the wonders of the ancient world. There's a bunch of seven wonders? What if I type in Grand Canyon natural wonder? Grand Canyon.
Starting point is 00:08:38 All the Grand Canyon is featured as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The list also includes the Northern Lights, the Great Barrier Reef, the harbor at Rio de Janeiro, Paracutin in Mexico. What the fuck is that? Victoria Falls on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia and Mount Everest. We got the Grand Canyon.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Blaine, what's up dude hey hanging out dude what the fuck's up with your picture geez louise my goodness america no you did not meet trish i just told you that you did not no one met Trish everyone thinks that there what's that there's a picture going around of her in the uh coliseum I can't remember it's she's with two other people and people think it's real it is not real Emma Wines uh do whatever you want with your hair the thing is I went into supercuts twice and asked them to shave the top and both times the ladies are like,
Starting point is 00:09:46 no, your hair is too nice. No, my hair does not take a long time to grow. It's like a weed. Logan, what's up, dude? Long time. Long time. Long time. I'm excited for Friday's show. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It should be over all the CrossFit stuff. Man, we had Dallin Rosta on last night. If you didn't see that show, you should see that show. It's a killer. It's a great show. He's a great dude. Very generous, very generous with his time. You think this guy has a chance to become president?
Starting point is 00:10:37 This Kennedy dude? Making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling those vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for the injuries caused by vaccines. Wow. So the diabetes medication, the Adderall, the Ritalin, the Concerta, the Advair inhalers, the Albuterol inhalers, the anti-seizure medications, all of those, this is a really great business plan for these companies.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I only have anecdotal information, but my kids have never had ear infections, nose infections, any of those infections. They don't have ADD. They don't have any of that stuff. And they've never taken any drugs. I don't let people inject drugs into my kids even if they have like a white lab coat and they're especially trained by pharma they're still not allowed to if you went to harvard medical school or stanford medical school
Starting point is 00:11:40 and were educated by big pharma, you still don't get, that's not a validity or some sort of credential that I take is allowing you to inject drugs into my kids, especially when they're not already sick. Like you don't get to inject drugs into my perfectly healthy child. You know what's weird about the CrossFit Games is i would wake up in the morning and put shoes on i do not do that i started thinking wow a lot of people do that
Starting point is 00:12:12 that's crazy make people sick and it's all in the lifetime cure they're making six billion off of the drugs and then 60 billion people. 60 billion. To give you an idea, there's 300 million people in the United States. Let's say, just for ease of number, let's say there's 300 million. If each of them... That's $180 a person. $180 a person? Yeah, about.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Is that right? Yeah, let's just say that. $200 a person they make off of. And then another $500 billion. My God. It's a racket. To get Seve to come to Charlotte Classic in November. You know, I'm thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'm feeling... Because I got out of the house I'm feeling like I could do it again I should do it again before I get all anxious and shit right I mean you kind of can't make some of this shit up you see in the news. I don't even – I really don't want to believe this, this one. So you guys know that they made – there was a whole story made up that Trump was colluding with the Russians to rig the election.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And there was no evidence ever found of that, right? to rig the election and there was no evidence ever found of that right and so the the irony is is then the messing with the elections was done by the people who made the story up that he was messing with the election you get the irony in that let's say he's let's say he's messing with the election and people will believe it and therefore that will mess with the election people will think he's colluding with the r. I mean, it's crazy. And it works on the American people. Anyway, then this guy who was leading the investigation for Trump colluding with the Russians is now being charged with colluding with the Russians. Charles McGonigal, a disgraced... I don't know why they have to say that.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Charles McGonigal... Maybe he's not disgraced. Charles McGonigal, former FBI agent involved in the Bureau's probe into alleged Trump-Russia collusion, has himself been charged with illegally working for a Russian oligarch. McGonigal is expected to enter a guilty plea on charges of money laundering and evading U.S. sanctions, according to a Monday court file.
Starting point is 00:14:53 This is a... What? What? This lady... This lady, Greg showed me this article. Greg Glassman showed me this article a while back of a lady who she killed her husband and then wrote a book for her children's book on how to deal with one of your parents' dies. She killed her husband by giving him fentanyl. Hey, did you see Robert De Niro's grandson died of fentanyl overdose?
Starting point is 00:15:34 And the article that publishes it was an accidental death. And I'm thinking to myself, are there any non-accidental um fentanyl deaths like uh did daniel arnson to get savvy to come to the charlotte classic in november that's weird it felt like i just read that a few minutes ago this is one of the uh very few mornings probably you shouldn't share this this is one of the very few mornings... Probably shouldn't share this. This is one of the very few mornings that I didn't poop before the show. We need John Young on to talk normal about Tovar. What do you mean to talk normal about her?
Starting point is 00:16:22 I don't think he's seen any of her work. Right? talk normal about her i don't think he's seen any of her work right i mean because he was at the games the weird thing about robert de niro is he like that fentanyl probably came across the border and he supports the party that wants to keep the border open and i just wonder how he reconciles that. I saw something the other day, and it's unfair to you guys, that I'm, this is, I'm going to tell you this,
Starting point is 00:16:52 this is me throwing a temper tantrum. I can't tell you what inspired this, because, it would be inappropriate. That's not the right word. I would dime someone out. What's the word? But it is inspired by something that I'm not telling you guys. So it's like, and because I'm not telling you guys what inspired it,
Starting point is 00:17:14 it's a little manipulative. And the fact that I'm telling you it's a little manipulative is kind of like a fake kind of sincerity manipulation in its own. Oh, fuck, I don't know what I'm trying to say. But anyway, I'm trying to say but but anyway i'm gonna say it anyway the entire time i worked at crossfit inc the entire time the entire time there were two primary financial engines does anyone want to guess what they are you You in the back. Little girl with the ponytails.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Want to guess what they are? Two biggest primary only financial engines that drove the company. What's this? Hayley Adams has come out with a boyfriend? You seen all the hate Hayley Adams is getting online because of her new boyfriend? No, I love Haley Adams. I'm happy she has a boyfriend. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Being naked with someone you love is awesome. Anyone? Anyone? Two biggest financial engines. No? Okay, fine. It is the affiliate engine, right? So these affiliates around the world, 15,000 of them, or 8,000, however many they are.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Oh, there you go, Justin. Thank you. Jesus. Someone finally gave the shit. No, not sponsorship. Not even close. But thank you, Fiona, for trying. Affiliate fees in the L1.
Starting point is 00:18:42 So there's all these gyms around the world and they pay a nominal uh fee to nominal you can tell i've been brainwashed a little a small fee small tithing to hq and that makes a shitload of money for crossfit hq keeps the wheels turning and then the other thing is uh selling seminars to these two-day insane amazing courses that give you the cure for the world's most vexing problem. Best money you could spend. I truly mean that. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Level one.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Being run by Dave Castro again. Get them now. I was concerned for a while when Nicole wasn't running them. Because eventually, eventually, I don't know when, five years, 10 years, years 20 years but eventually those will be infiltrated and they'll be telling you drinking coke is good i mean that's just the way it is but right now they're amazing go get your fucking l1 the entire time i worked at crossfit hq those departments were run by women i can only remember one man even working in the affiliate department.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And he didn't last long. He lasted a month. The head of the two biggest financial engines in CrossFit Inc. were run by women. Nicole Carroll, Lisa Lugo, and Kathy Glassman. And the affiliate team was almost exclusively women. I don't ever remember there being any boys in there. The entire legal team, I don't remember one male lawyer except for the general counsel, Dale Sarant.
Starting point is 00:20:18 All the other lawyers at CrossFit Inc. were women. Think about that all the lawyers who work for CrossFit I can't remember one dude except for Dale the entire affiliate team the biggest financial engine in the company all women including the head that's arguably the highest executive in the company
Starting point is 00:20:39 the training department Nicole Carroll she co-ran it with Dave but Dave had the games Nicole would give the presentations at the trainer seminars the big ones women Nicole's right hand man
Starting point is 00:20:54 a woman Nicole's next right hand man a woman the entire time I worked there I never thought that though I never once was like oh my god we have a lot of women here this is great go ladies thank you Fiona that's not what I'm going for but thanks thanks anyway. Left hand, man. Thank you. Left hand vagina. It was all women. There was so much vagina running HQ. It was all lies. The.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It was all. It's just crazy. That's good, Heidi. Heidi making reference to a clip earlier from our imbecile in the Oval Office. Nicole's right hand, man, literally. Think of that. That's good. God, Katie, you're good women women women but I never once was like oh my god we have so many women in high places in
Starting point is 00:22:13 this company never once net like you'd be an idiot to think like that you really are an idiot to think like that and it's okay if you're an idiot it's okay if you're an idiot there's i i have huge components of me that are idiot but but don't don't keep pursuing it know that it's holding you back be a role model for everybody there's very few places it matters whether that it's a woman or a man doing the job i'll give you some examples uh the person your baby is breastfeeding off of you want them to be a woman 100 you shouldn't you shouldn't budge on that at all you want titties and a vagina and you want your baby to breastfeed off that uh the person you want defending your family in a fight penis gacking balls street fight you want that you want defending your family in a fight. Penis. Gagging balls.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Street fight. You want that. You want the dude doing that. Just for example. Oh, Matt Burns. This is, I didn't think of this. Seve, did you notice how much Fuliano and Nicole Caro look alike? Fuliano is, they're both hot.
Starting point is 00:23:24 They're both crazy, crazy attractive. and Fuliano has some hair on her that is just nuts I saw her hair come down a few times and it is just like she has blonde hair but it's blonde from the sun not blonde like she was she's a she's a brunette but like her hair is long and so it's blonde like mine in in the back. It's cool. Oh, yeah. Good point, Blaine. Good point. That one does have exceptions, unless you're married to Ronda Rousey.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I agree. I mean, that one wasn't as cut and dry. A woman could, like, if you're tussling with a dude, and your woman could hit him with a bat, it's cool. But you get my point. But I appreciate you fucking up my story the two primary financial engines of CrossFit Inc the entire time I worked there were women
Starting point is 00:24:14 the place was just overrun by vagina and I never once thought of it like that although we need to get rid of those toxic males Dill Smokehouse all the girls in the UFC would kick my ass Although we need to get rid of those toxic males. Dill Smokehouse. All the girls in the UFC would kick my ass. God damn it. You guys are ruining my story. Here, let me send you.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Let me come up with another example. What do you need a dude to do? Maybe you don't need a dude for anything. Maybe the only thing that's 100% is. The same way that no one wants you know how t2 was holding that that dumbbell over a kid no one wants a dumbbell held over them nobody nobody nobody nobody i don't care if you're like oh everyone's different everyone oh don't judge nobody tia doesn't want one nobody it's just one of those things 100 no one wants a dumbbell held over them. And no one wants to breastfeed off a dude. Oh, sperm donor. Okay. God, that's the only job for dudes. I know, but it's so...
Starting point is 00:25:19 Okay, we'll take it. Heidi, but I love men. Yeah, they're cool. What a good place to find a man too, by the way don't know how many of those you know what'd be curious heidi they cross you need to stop asking those stupid questions on the surveys like um are you non-binary that you know all that shit they just need to ask if you're single or not what a good place to go find a mate the crossfit games there's so many good men and women there. Oh, yes, Stephen Flores, opening jars. Yes, I'm a beast. My wife just told me the other day she still can't open the kid's water bottle.
Starting point is 00:26:01 It's the Yeti one. We have the gallon and the half gallon. I have to put it between my legs and hold the two pieces of metal and crank on it i'd open a jar yeah i can definitely who won the yeah i bet you i'm i bet you i could open things that laura horvath can't open oh shit i better be careful that's you guys think that's true where's caleb when you need a pole oh there you go dig butter ha i have to open my wife's yeti too well it's my kids yeti yeah you think that was too far robbie myers he says careful savvy you think that
Starting point is 00:26:40 you think that there's jars she could laura Horvath could open that I couldn't open? Fucking crank on that jar like a mofo. I put that – the Yeti's big, right? I put it between my legs, and I grab those two steel handles, and I just fucking crank that thing. Pops. Matt C. Bro, Horvath could open you up Seve
Starting point is 00:27:05 whatever dear Bill and Katie are you out of your mind uh oh easy settle down Seve how do Bill and Katie sell this and this,
Starting point is 00:27:26 but not CEO shirts? This hat was a trip. I saw this hat at the games, this Dave Castro TDC hat. And look at kind of like, it's like some trippy material. Oh, what do you think this review says let's see um no i don't want to review it i want to read the review how do i oh fine uh great fit
Starting point is 00:27:55 i went small medium i don't have a huge noggin so it fits perfectly thank you dave and rogue for supporting the legend oh that's kind of cute. Hey, this orange one's dope. If you're a worker, if you don't want to get hit at the construction site. Anyway, how do they not sell my, how do they not sell any CEO stuff? Anyway, okay, fine. any ceo stuff anyway okay fine what's a ceo dad hat is that the one with like it doesn't snap in the back it just has like a cloth
Starting point is 00:28:37 um what is that one Oh, maybe this is why they don't sell CEO hacks. They show stuff like this. Hold on. Here we go. Megyn Kelly. She's cool. Action.
Starting point is 00:29:13 A day. this is historic thank god the supreme court has finally seen the light and has ruled that racism in college admissions is no longer allowed the u.s supreme court announces another blockbuster and as i said historic, it is a six to three decision. And the high court, after decades of arguing over this, has finally ruled that it is unconstitutional to consider race in university admissions under the equal protection clause of our constitution. Chief Justice Roberts writing for the majority, quote, eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it. And he goes on from there. What a. I can't stop looking at her teeth. How are her teeth like that? I would lick her teeth. Oh, my God. Are those real? When I see those on people, are those real?
Starting point is 00:30:06 The dentist told me I have perfect teeth when I went the other day and my teeth are all fucked up compared to hers. He's like, man, you have great teeth. Well, yeah, I floss and brush fucking five times a day. Oh no. Hayley Adams' boyfriend has pronouns in his bio? Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Hmm, hmm, hmm. A man bun, fake glasses, big schnoz. My glasses are, my nose is real and my glasses are real. I can't see shit without these. Cave dastro. I would lick her teeth. Hey, you know what's funny, dude? My, the picture of Hiller is crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I've done 1,200 shows and the other day I was in the garden with my dad. Yesterday, not the other day. Yesterday I was in the garden with my dad and we were looking at my tomato plants yeah i watched your show the other day oh cool there's a guy there with the name cave dastro have you seen him i have i have I have. I have. Yep, you made it into my family life. Yes, you did. All right, so you can't let people into college based on their, just solely based on their color of their skin, race. I don't even know what race is anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:47 I've confused myself, completely confused myself. What does that mean, race? I'm not even going to look it up. I'll wait until Caleb's here. You're telling me you wouldn't lick her teeth? Is that what you're telling me? Wow, I stood by Rosie a lot. I stood by Rosie a lot in the media pit.
Starting point is 00:32:16 A lot. I exchanged body heat with Rosie. I don't know what I'm doing with man bun i don't know uh dill malvaney has cost anheuser-busch 27 billion in value i don't know what that sentence means but we'll keep keep going former owner billy bush i guess anheuser-busch says bud light is no longer america's beer and his father and grandfather would have rolled over in their graves. What do you mean would have? They still can roll over in their graves.
Starting point is 00:32:49 It's not would have. They can. That's the whole, that's kind of how that statement works. Okay. Here we go. I think my family, my ancestors would have rolled over in their grave. They were very patriotic. They loved this country and what it stood for. They believed that transgender gays, that sort of thing was all a very personal issue. But it was never meant to be on a beer can and never meant to be pushing people's faces. So they would have they would have never marketed their brands that way.
Starting point is 00:33:35 As you know, A.B. was one of the greatest marketers ever in any in any business. And they were incredible with what they came out with. The Clydesdales, the frogs, the lizards, all the different promotions they had, all the different advertising they had. And the last thing they would have done was to get as controversial as they did, as InBev has with Dylan Mulvaney advertising. Do you think... I don't know, stupid. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Stupid. Here. I don't remember exactly even how that all went down. It feels so long ago. What was that last month? Two months ago. The thing is, it's been conflated now. Like,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I don't care that there was a, like 10 years ago, I wouldn't have cared if there was a tranny on a, on a beer can. It would have been cool. I've been to lots of plays in the cities where there's trannies and I'm, I have no, I have no issue with that whole do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:34:38 It's just when it started becoming pushed on kids, it's just when it started becoming, being pushed on kids, like becoming being pushed on kids. Like crazy being pushed on kids. I mean, the fact that you can mutilate your kid's genitalia and call it medicine is... I can't believe it's 2023. We're not even civilized anymore. We might as well just not even eat with forks and knives anymore. more we might as well just not even eat with forks and knives anymore who cares about soy glop drink anyway it's poison and now poison with tranny ambassador
Starting point is 00:35:14 and so like i like he's saying that he's about american freedom yeah then let let them put whatever they want on a beer can who cares and then we can decide whether we buy it or not. But I guarantee you 10 years ago, I guarantee you 10 years ago, it wouldn't have been a big deal. It's just the connection to kids now. It's all that crazy shit with the kids. It's just nuts.
Starting point is 00:35:48 All right, Jessica. Look at Smiley. Hi. kids now it's all that crazy shit with the kids is just nuts all right jessica um look at smiley hi you could there's a option where you could flip that picture it's called flip or flop and then it would look like you're looking at me instead of away from me now i'm like looking like what is she looking at uh so when people are calling sporty beth out for not thanking you publicly for a media pass well she doesn't need to thank me. We were just pointing out that she knew that she was aware of the discussion. And she was aware that if it wasn't for Hiller seeing her and Hiller telling me and me telling Dave that she wouldn't have got it and then she thanked Dave and then she denied it it's weird someone sent me an incredible thing the other day analysis of her people be nice to her though if it's okay to
Starting point is 00:36:36 ask her like hey why don't I don't know what it's okay but please don't be mean to her like if you travel with a fucking bag of Valium, I mean, something's wrong. I mean, you're a drug addict. Why don't you be traveling with a bag of Valium? Mrs. Burns. Oh, Mrs. Burns, so that package you sent me, my wife pulled all that stuff out and put it on the counter and took a picture of it and sent it to me. She said it's awesome. I'll get back to you on it.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I need to ask her. If you have my phone number, will you text me and remind me? I know that's asking a lot. When you erase one line, you have to erase them all. The involvement and push on kids' sexuality will only get worse. Yeah, you got to pull your kids out uh suzy tell she is aware she has to live with her choices seve's a good dude i know but yeah oh seve i need your address okay text me find someone that has my phone number or send me your phone number in the dms and i'll send you your phone number in the DMs, and I'll send you my phone number. I'm okay with not accepting everybody.
Starting point is 00:37:55 People need to just be okay with that. That's why it's so dumb when people say safety first at the CrossFit Games or accept everyone. No, I'm not really okay with accepting everyone. There's some people I don't want to accept. Hey, dude, I have friends who have had dogs for like 15 years, and their dog's perfectly okay, and then their dog starts not being able to control the bladder, and they kill their dog.
Starting point is 00:38:19 They put their dog down. I'm not okay with that. I would still accept my dog. I'd figure out a way. I was kind of a lead, but whatever. Mr. Jordan Peterson, you can convert kids surgically, so tell me how we can be having this conversation even. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Let's see what he says here. I've played this before. I just like it. Oh, no. The audio's fucked up on this? Video has no sound? Jeez Louise, what happened? It's a good one.
Starting point is 00:39:01 The guy, it's a good one. It's so good. That's too bad the audio got jacked up on that you guys want something funny here how about this this is good this by the way every once in a while you know how i'll tell you guys about this is what social media is for here it is this is it this i told you today what women are for they're for breastfeeding kids i told you what dudes are for opening jars and that's not the only thing that they're for but those are like things that like they're really like they have a strong hold in that department
Starting point is 00:39:34 you know what i mean uh wait wait whoa what is this uh accepting everyone is not being judgment is not being judgmental etc helping us helped us get to this mess we're in yeah i'm not i'm not interested yeah like the needle exchange program like like i accept that you do drugs i'm gonna give you clean needles until we have a solution for you fuck that oh shit here we go damn it really she's so warped that she actually thinks and believes you did a nice thing just so your fans would bug her about it meanwhile if she get just did the right thing and thanked you then your fans would be it's but she doesn't have to thank me it's just that she thanked the wrong person that's all i was saying and i don't even care that she thanked the wrong person but but it's just a story like i'm not like
Starting point is 00:40:33 she doesn't owe me anything i'm just telling the story i just thought it was funny she wouldn't have gotten a media pass if it wasn't for hillar seeing that she didn't have one if it wasn't for me then telling dave and she knows that and then she thanks dave all she had to do is be like hey this seriously how cool would have been like hey that fucking wanker does have one percent of coolness in him he got me a media pass that i would have been like all right i mean i even like it that she calls me a wanker. I think it's kind of endearing. She tried to – I made a post. I made a post.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I don't know if I should – how much? I never know. I never know. how much i never know i never know she was attacking people for being rich or something on on instagram and taylor self got into it with her and she was being she was it was some sort of victim shit and i said hey sometimes you just have to acknowledge things that are in reality you're fat i have a big nose it was some something like that and it's okay but but don't like deny it that set her off on some sort of like delusional tirade that i'm a horrible person but if you're a public figure once you want to be in the public if you're fat then you should be okay people calling you fat if you have a big nose
Starting point is 00:42:04 your teeth are crooked you have a man bun like you just be you're like that's part of the that's part of the gig now if you're short you have a huge dong it's just it's just part of the gig it doesn't it doesn't um it doesn't make her a bad person or doesn't make me a bad person. But I will tell you this. I don't think it's good for her soul that she has a video out there on her YouTube that calls me the most toxic man in CrossFit. That's probably not helping her. Not helping her reputation. Not helping her
Starting point is 00:42:49 integrity. Not helping her soul or whatever. I think it's probably pretty fucking unhealthy for her. This is what the internet's for. This is it. Oh, I didn't even see that picture of Leah Thomas there. Man, Leah Thomas has long legs. Or Ken Thomas. What's his name? Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Here we go. Ready for this? Here we go. To be big, strong motherfuckers, get in turn into women and take over the sport and get million dollar contracts. Get the fuck out the cool, man.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Bro. Like, bro. Get the fuck out the cool, man. track. And put him on the motherfucking NCAA pool, man. Watch pool, man. Put the fuck out the pool, man. Cheater. Cheater. A woman pussy bleed. Motherfucker stake money. Motherfucker stake money. A woman pussy bleed.
Starting point is 00:43:57 It's not acceptable. Go get a motherfucker. Step back. A woman pussy bleed. Motherfucker stake money. Yeah. Motherfucker stake money. A woman pussy bleed. Sit your ass down money. Yeah. Love for the state money. I want that pussy bitch.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Sit your ass down. I don't know who born to you and me, but I'm a talent. Like, bro, get the fuck out of the pool, man. In my mind. Damn. Wow. Oh, you know who that is? Boosie?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Is that someone famous is Boosie is that someone famous Boosie is that a famous rapper or something singer artist musician god yeah get yeah what what is that is uh get the fuck out the pool man is is that I've never even heard that. Is that like, just like, get out of here? Anyway, that, I just love that kind of creativity. Hmm. Jessica Valenzuela man Spiegel kind of rubbed me the wrong way the way she pushed through the crowd with I guess a bodyguard
Starting point is 00:45:10 to avoid any more interactions with people like she was annoyed with people talking to her I heard she's huge I wish I could have seen her and I kind of know what they mean by like huge because like everyone looked there looked huge to me. Like when I watch videos of like Bailey Rail, I think of her as like being like really skinny and like tiny. But really, she just has a small waist and she's a brick shithouse.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And like everyone, like just her shoulders were fucking crazy. Emily Rolfe, you think of her as like some fucking like track star, skinny lady. Fucking A, dude. She is gnarly looking in person when you stand next to her. Emily Rolfe's like a statue. Same with Katrin, David's daughter. Holy shit. These people are so gnarly.
Starting point is 00:45:59 You feel these people's body heat when you interview them. I'm not lying to you. I'm not exaggerating. Cashin walks off the court. She's got a big old smile on her. You put the camera in her face, and you feel her body heat. Everyone is big to you, Seve. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Around my house, I'm a fucking brick shithouse. I'm telling you. Look at these. Look at these. So someone said she's not big. She's not. She didn't look big. Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I thought I saw that. Oh, she's not huge. Oh, OK. You saw her, Barry. Someone said she's a fucking tank she has a boyfriend or is that her bodyguard I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm no one tell him no one tell him how dare you Raphael how dare you no one tell him. How dare you, Raphael? How dare you? No one tell him. Yeah, Bailey is solid.
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's crazy. There's no way. There's no way. Is Danny Spiegel taller than me? I'm 5'5". Of course. Dickhead. I am wondering maybe, though though if I'm shorter than 5'5 because in my mind Colt Mertens was
Starting point is 00:47:28 5'4 and we are the we are the same size get out the pool man get out the pool the name of the book is dissolving illusions if you have kids um what are you serious you seriously don't think i'm five five okay i'm gonna make a video today of someone like one of my kids measuring me that's bullshit audrey you and colin are the same size yeah what did i guess i was oh i guess I guess I – I guess I couldn't –
Starting point is 00:48:08 I don't remember if you're taller than me or not. There's this book, Dissolving Illusions. If you're going to have kids, you've got to read this book or listen to the audio book. I forget how scary it is because it's just so normal for me now but it is scary to push back against the grain and it is weird that you're going to be like oh my god everyone else has done this i should probably do this but you should read some books and start building up some uh information if you're going to have kids or if you have young kids and they're starting to
Starting point is 00:48:45 get on the vaccine schedule. You should really, really read some books about it. You should read that one, Dissolving Illusions and Moth and the Iron Lung. And then just do some other like simple searches. Just just use like just don't let anyone tell you information. You can just go get the information yourself. So pick anything that there's a vaccine for, right? Like anything, right? So measles, for example, and then be like, okay, what year did the vaccine come out? And then it'll say whatever year it says, 1974. And then be like, okay, how many kids died from measles in the 10 years prior to it from 64 to 74? And then look at that and then make an assessment. And if it's like, if it says 3000 kids died from measles in the 10 years prior to it from 64 to 74. And then look at that and then make an assessment. And if it's like,
Starting point is 00:49:25 if it says 3000 kids died from measles in the 10 years prior to it, then ask yourself how many kids were killed accidentally by the injection during those times, a needle broke off in them. They got sepsis. They got a bad batch of the vaccine. Just, just start doing some simple math and weighing the pros and cons. And you will quickly see that none of the math is making sense. But don't take anyone's word for it. Just start doing simple math like that. You don't have to be an anti-vaxxer. You can just be like – it's like the orange is the healthiest fruit in the world, but one out of seven million oranges gives someone food poisoning.
Starting point is 00:50:04 So then you can make the assessment. You saw that we had – I don't even try to do this stuff, but you saw we had Will Morad on the show, and he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease for two years, and then it was a misdiagnosis. You really have to bring bring back um some simple math yeah read read uh and and this is how we'll bring back polio yeah so another crazy thing about tetanus and polio you should look up how those are transmitted you should look how those transmitted if you look how polio and tet how those are transmitted. You should look how those are transmitted. If you look how polio and tetanus are transmitted, all of a sudden something won't make sense to you. They cannot survive in oxygen.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And these things that I'm saying aren't things that are – there's no one refuting these things. There's no one – there's a book called The Moth and the Iron Lung. Read it. It's the history of polio. Find out how many people died from polio five years prior to the vaccine coming out from polio. See what you're saying there? my grandmother's got polio savvy yeah gary glassman got polio your presupposition is that they got polio i hear you i hear you of course your grandmothers did i give you in a nutshell meeper what happened i've told the story before on here probably suze is not going to like this at all
Starting point is 00:51:50 uh after the civil war there was a shortage of uh cotton there was a shortage of material and they were trying to find new ways to get material into the united states how we could get more threads so what they did was is they started importing silkworms from europe and when they imported the silkworms from europe it introduced a plague to the crops in the united states and the united states government made it mandatory mandatory that all crops in the united states all crops in the united states were sprayed with arsenic and lead. All crops in the United States were forced to be sprayed with arsenic and lead. Do you know how long that went on for?
Starting point is 00:52:33 That went on all the way into three years before the polio vaccine came out. Do you know what happened three years before the polio vaccine came out? Of course not, because no one goes and looks at the numbers. There was a precipitous drop in polio cases. Plummeted. Years and years of all, and it was in everything, by the way wasn't just in the in the crops it got into everything it got into the entire water supply all the meat everything in the united states was contaminated for 60 years with arsenic and lead no one's refuting this stuff you can go go read all about it. And basically what it did is it fucking destroyed the digestive track of the entire fucking country except for places where people didn't follow the rules.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Right? Because there were people, like Amish-style people, who didn't follow the rules and didn't spray their shit. And they didn't get any polio. Polio can't live, doesn't live out here as soon as it gets exposed to oxygen i think it's toast same with tetanus and so basically it has to somehow get inside of you and then pass through a leaky gut and you know what causes a leaky gut? Arsenic and lead. All stuff that no one's refuting to. There's no one.
Starting point is 00:54:17 You can read all about this stuff and no one's like, well, that's bullshit. You know why? Because they can't sum it up into one word like anti-vax. They can't sum it up into one word like anti-vax because all of a sudden then it all just starts making sense this is also true uh currently i think it's been like this for like the last 10 years the most common form of polio now in the world today is vaccine-induced polio that is also true no one's denying that either but it's so much easier just to call people anti-vax. Dallas Cannon, finally catching up live after coaching. Thanks for all the honest content.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Love you, brother. You're welcome. And hey, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not even like sold on it. I'm not even like – but just do your research. Don't let people inject shit – your kids with shit. No, I'm not voting for – I don't think I'm voting for that douchebag. I don't think I'm voting for him. I don't – climate sciences trips me out too it doesn't make any sense to me wait until HQ
Starting point is 00:55:30 approves the final behind the scenes before you start your no plan B again Krista Parham Indian lady with the white lady's first name. God, what does she look like? I want to see her face. Gasoline used to have lead, to which caused lead poisoning.
Starting point is 00:55:53 They still got a big polio problem in India. I did see Vellner's hands. I got great shots of him coming to you in the behind the scenes. Yeah, you don't want leaky gut. Leaky gut's bad. You really, your gut has to, like, your gut needs to be very, very, very, very, very strong.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Look at Joe Biden in the comments. Come on, man. What's up joe yeah i'm guessing behind the scenes will come out in 2024 that's a good question i don't know y'all um i did talk to someone today yesterday i spoke to someone yesterday and i was like hey i think we should start releasing slow-mo content. Like just reels, tons of reels. And we'll probably have between all of us just a terabyte of slow-mo footage in 4K. And we should start releasing just reels of just the athletes doing crazy shit in slow-mo.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Jay Hartle, on the rope climb, the ropes were a little wet and a lot of the athletes hands were also tired they still had the pooling power um but their hands were tired and what were they doing was it were they doing kettlebell swings something made their hands tired i forget what it was and so on the way down their fingers slipping, and it was tearing off the skin on their fingertips, a bunch of them. yeah that's a great one jason plumber you aren't supposed to give your child honey but the vax is fine yeah isn't that hilarious and by the way i'm sure you know jason i'm not preaching to you but as you know that people who avoid giving their um uh kids they follow those rules with peanuts and honey that are recommended by doctors uh their kids end up having like it's like 2 000 times greater chance of having allergies we didn't avoid
Starting point is 00:58:06 any of that shit yeah yeah we're gonna raw footage is better you shut your mouth okay here we go maybe the next president of the United States. Maybe. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Not do long-term studies on a placebo-controlled studies comparing vaccinated populations to unvaccinated populations. You won't do it. Let me just give you one quick other example. The most popular vaccine in the world is the DTP vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. We got rid of it in this country
Starting point is 00:58:44 because it was causing injuries, brain injuries, severe brain injuries or death to one in every 300 children. But we give it to 161 million African children a year. Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support that program and said it saved 30 million lives. The Danish government said, show us the data. He wasn't able to. So they went to Africa and did their own studies. And they looked at 30 years of DTP data. And what they found shocked them all. They found that girls who got the DTP were dying at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls. But they were dying of things that nobody had ever associated with the vaccine. These girls were not dying of diphtheria tetanus and pertussis the vaccine had protected them against them but it had also ruined their
Starting point is 00:59:31 immune system if you do not do long term studies yeah yeah yeah yeah Jake Chapman is this slow-mo. Do you remember the... I don't know if you guys remember this, but when I was a kid, people really wanted to lower their cars. They called it slamming your cars. And Volkswagen Bugs and mini trucks were huge. People would slam the shit out of them,
Starting point is 01:00:00 put them so low to the ground. I don't know if kids still do that. But there was a poor man's version that some of my friends would do and they would get bags of cement and they would put it in their um they would get bags of cement they'd put it in the uh in that front trunk area of their volkswagen bug that's what it's like to me getting a vaccine Hello? We're not saying 49ers anymore? I don't know, we probably should Sorry, thank you for the correction So I've been following Dr. Campbell
Starting point is 01:00:33 And you know what countries are really hammering Their elected officials? New Zealand, Australia, and Great Britain Everything's coming out And guess who's not doing it? The United States of America. Really? Australia's doing it? Good. They should put those people in jail.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And I'm not for that usually, but they should put those people in jail. Dr. Campbell is going to get off of YouTube eventually, sometime soon, because he is just letting the videos fly of all the talks with the elected officials that it is all coming out they knew about all this stuff when they released the vax and it's criminal they all should be put in jail dr campbell uh videos i'm going
Starting point is 01:01:20 i remember watching that guy flip the script That was great Today's video They were talking about In Australia They had Pfizer bring up these two ding dongs They couldn't explain themselves Oh yeah yeah I saw that footage That footage is crazy
Starting point is 01:01:40 That guy was running around in circles There's a spider in here Fuck he's huge crazy. That guy was running around in circles. There's a spider in here. Fuck, he's huge. Hey, Sevan, do me a favor when you talk to Dave. Yeah. The pole, the sled pole event. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I didn't bring, I didn't see it, but Dave was so pissed off at something. He was yelling with Oz at a crew member. It was nuts. Who saw it? He was pacing. Who saw it?
Starting point is 01:02:12 One of my buddies I was with. He was pointing out. Look at Dave. Dave was pointing at the field, yelling with Oz. He grabbed the crew member. They had the red shirts with the crew on it. Afterwards, he talked to Panchik. He was talking panchik like animated and then gave him a fist bump i don't know what it was but it was heated well i'm gonna text dave and ask if he'll come on right now
Starting point is 01:02:34 let me see yeah that'd be awesome he was going nuts uh dave castro there okay Okay. Hey, hey, hey buddy. And you come on my show for five minutes. Now I want to ask you about something in the sled pool event. No description. It said hand over hand, but obviously they never do hand over hand it's just like grab it and pull with your weight or whatever oh he just wrote back
Starting point is 01:03:12 no he knows you're live he doesn't want to do that anymore here's a link in case you change your mind. It was nice working with you. All right. All right. Everyone go watch Dr. Campbell and we'll get that info from Dave
Starting point is 01:03:46 gotta go eat ok bye I just had to decline a job because I didn't want the DTP Matt and I want to move but are stuck until I can find a new career that doesn't require it's why I'm trying to grow my skin care business oh I like that
Starting point is 01:04:04 what is the website for that? What's the website for your skincare business? Put it in there like five times in a row so it catches my eye please se oh maybe what if i just google se skincare how you spend so much time googling fuck you se skincare business I can't read that it's too small Jessica Valenzuela
Starting point is 01:04:58 Jessica you were there how come I didn't get to see you I wanted to see you I wanted a picture with you Jessica Valenzuela see you. I wanted to see you. I wanted a picture with you. Jessica Valenzuela Jessica Valenzuela Pancheck was pulling hard and it wouldn't budge. He told the judge and I guess they didn't do anything to help or couldn't
Starting point is 01:05:18 do anything to help. I don't know. Dildo you don't need to be on his good side for another 11 ish months good point i asked him yesterday if he would come on i forget what he said i ran into him at the airport which is funny his flight got all fucked up he was supposed to fly into we have a local airport here. And he was supposed to fly into it. In Monterey. And his shit got all fucked up. And he was on my flight. He was in the back.
Starting point is 01:05:58 With the peasants. You know, Jay Crouch was in the back too. And Matty Sturt. It doesn't matter. If you're sitting next to someone you love, who cares? If you're in love, if you're sitting next to your chick, fuck. Sitting with the peasants is cool. Oh, this is something.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Sebi, can you please make some Velcro badges for our gym bags? You mean like, say, like, CEO or the Sevan podcast? There were some, someone made some cool stickers. I can't tell what's going on. There's these people in the audience wearing Kilo shirts. And I assumed those people were from Colton Merton's gym. So I was trying to shoot them with my long lens to get B-roll. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:06:50 So like when Colton does something good, we can cut to the shots of those people. Then later on, Sousa told me that those were two brain business people. Fuck it. We'll just call Sousa and find out what they were. Why not? Let's see. I can't believe my phone worked without resetting it up today that's a first i think this is susan's number it says
Starting point is 01:07:12 livermore here we go I'm looking for Mrs. Burns' Oh, my mom's in here? President Utosian? I thought those were special needs. I thought those were special needs TBH. Like, that can't really be my mom. She doesn't... If I don't know what TBH is,
Starting point is 01:07:49 she doesn't know what TBH is. Seven, why does your behind-the-scenes need to be reviewed? Muhammad. Muhammad Ghani. God, I would never think a dude named Muhammad would have a tattoo like that on his back. Call me judgmental, but there's no fucking way. Sevan, why does your behind-the-scenes need to be reviewed
Starting point is 01:08:19 by CFHCuba buttery bros? Ours in Hebrew. And Craig Ritchie are allowed to post on the same day third time third time what third time what lucky if you're saying it's the third time you post it you're lucky i read it once the one out of fucking 500 comments gets read unless you give me money oh i could give you i could make up a bunch of reasons for you I don't know the real reason
Starting point is 01:08:47 but I can make up a real reason the real reason is there's two real reasons one of them I probably shouldn't say but I'm going to say it anyway dude the access I got was fucking insane. I'm telling you. I'm just sitting there with the camera right in fucking Don and Dave's mouth
Starting point is 01:09:18 while they're talking to each other about shit going on at the event. I got Adrian and Dave talking all sorts of like you know details and they would never allow another microphone into i was just fucking everywhere i was giving crazy access no one ever said that to me they're not like hey we're gonna give you extra access um but we're gonna have to review it i just knew it was my idea it wasn't their idea i told dave i'm like hey i won't put out anything without you seeing it first you personally i wanted access it was me it's not them maybe i shouldn't have said it but dude i had crazy
Starting point is 01:09:59 access there were places that i went and shit that i shot every on every hour that no one else could could have possibly got to i still had less access than i used to have but yeah i mean i have no issue with it it's not like that at all i'm i'm i am so lucky that i got the access i got camera all up and bill and katie shit people were told not to go to the rogue area at all. And the rogue area is huge, right? For whatever reason,
Starting point is 01:10:29 right? You have no business being there. I mean, there's all sorts of crazy shit. And there was a moment where I saw sparks flying out everywhere in, in, in the rogue warehouse. And I asked Bill,
Starting point is 01:10:38 I said, Hey, can I go over and film that? And he said, yeah. And they had brought a huge welding kit and there were dudes over there welding something, trying to repair some dolly that they had and i got a whole interview behind
Starting point is 01:10:48 the scenes how rogue comes completely prepared to like fix any of their machines there like they basically bring a little mini shop with them i don't think anyone else is getting that kind of shit tons of stuff like that did i ever did we ever get the website for Mrs. Burns' – I still don't see it. Oh, Sabbath Essentials. Sabbath. Oh, is she Jewish? Is Sabbath like a Jewish thing? Isn't that a Jewish thing?
Starting point is 01:11:15 Sabbath Essentials. Sabbath Essentials. She's got a bunch of books. Sabbath. he's got a bunch of books shopping out at Amazon they're books oh did I spell it wrong hmm Sabbath Essentials I don't see it
Starting point is 01:11:52 oh Kilo is a gym website company oh I think they make my website I think they make my website. That was a good question, though. Sorry if I sounded defensive, because I was. Juan Kerr, strip club access or 35 year old wife access. I don't know what that means, but I think it's funny.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I couldn't find it. Sabbath essentials. Is there, is there, okay. I see that you have it written there, but I, when I look it up, it's just books. Oh, maybe I'll put, um, Sabbaths. Yeah, it's a book series. Skin? Skincare? Once Around the Sun? Is that the name of the website? Anyway. BB is losing viewership big time.
Starting point is 01:13:14 What's BB? Oh, Juan, you should have heard the story I told you yesterday about the Toe Spacers event. Last night on last night's show with uh sarah sigman's daughter okay i mean i can't look anymore at the someone has to send the actual uh oh big boobs buttery I do think if I'm going to say if I this is not official by any means but if there was one other person
Starting point is 01:13:55 that I saw maybe working as hard as me it was Heber and that's it then no one else was even close out of the 150 people there in the media maybe that motherfucker works he's he and he and he's always he's running he's going i think i'd have to add i don't know how this works exactly but i think with heber and marsden um um i think marsden shoots b-roll and Heber shoots like the
Starting point is 01:14:25 other content, the primary content. That's what it looked like to me, but I don't know. I didn't ask him. Hey, shit, there was something I was going to ask you. Is someone will say the college is is what was I going to ask him?
Starting point is 01:14:47 Oh, here we go. Sorry, Sousa. Mrs. Burns, Code Stefan gets everyone 20% off indefinitely. I'll DM the link right now. DM? No, you can't DM. You have to put it. Can you paste it right in here? Paste it in here.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Please. Don't here please don't DM DMs are crazy town banana pants DM is probably the least effective way to get any information hey damn I was gonna ask you something oh Kilo those Kilo
Starting point is 01:15:22 people do they work those Kilo people are they they work for... Those Kilo people are... They make our website? Those people who are in the audience with all the Kilo shirts? Yeah. But do they also work for Two Brain? Correct.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Is Two Brain all the Kilo? Yeah. Oh, shit. I had no idea we were in bed with Chris Cooper. Oh. Oh, shit. I had no idea we were in bed with Chris Cooper. Oh, oh, boy. Yeah. So they reached out and they they do all the websites. That Caladia girl that that emails us once a month. That's a two brain girl. Yeah, I think she's the CEO of theio. Holy shit. I'm so stupid. So what it used to be, there was another name,
Starting point is 01:16:10 Gym Lead Machine, I think it was. And so they used to just do the website. And then Helio now is a website, but it's also like a gym operating software. So you can log into classes, you can charge people and everything. So that way it's all under one are on one platform so you got people that go to your website that could sign right up into your gym and then have profiles in your gym and you could charge them and everything right from there and we should have her on to like explain it and break it down oh yeah we should okay so emma oh okay uh emma wine sent me
Starting point is 01:16:46 there oh i use them for my gym too we got the website for the podcast i switched over my website to them okay so sorry hold on i'm trying to promote too much shit at once sabbath someone sent me their Sabbath. She says she can't put her website in the link below. You totally can. Watch this. I'm going to do it. Yeah, we've done it several times. Just copy paste the URL
Starting point is 01:17:17 into the comments. Oh, this is a fucking nice website look at it guys look at it there it is there I just sent it and I can do it that's Mrs. Burns website
Starting point is 01:17:37 and you get 20% that's awesome 20% off indefinitely if you use code SEVON oh yeah this is all the stuff my wife had out on our kitchen counter yeah my wife's been using it too she likes it a lot
Starting point is 01:17:52 can you eat any of it probably not recommended oh I didn't even show the website okay so that makes sense let's go going back to kilo so and do those people have a relationship to colton mertens uh not that i know of okay because i was going to use them for some reason so oh that's where i was all confused there's also a gym called CrossFit Kilo that Colton Merton
Starting point is 01:18:25 goes to and that's why I was taking pictures of those people because I thought they were cheering for Colton but it ended up it was still good that I took pictures of them video of them because they're our homies at Two Brain. Look how that worked out. They were still
Starting point is 01:18:42 cheering for Colton so that's awesome. Dude. Have you seen Colton they were... I can't believe the synchronicity. It's like it was meant to be. No. Where do I find that? Where are you? Are you on the 580? Yeah, I'm on 580. Basically a parking lot
Starting point is 01:19:01 at this point. If you go to Swolverine's youtube channel it's the video that they posted up yesterday or the day before it's my youtube tab that's open here and it's moose fucking and i remember googling it's moose fucking yeah uh youtube so i go to YouTube and then I should type in Swolverine Colton Mertens? Yep. Do I say his name right? Oh, this is an old video.
Starting point is 01:19:36 No, I just posted Oh, these guys are using the same thumbnail for two different videos. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. That's a mistake. We've definitely never done that. Shit.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Okay, here we go. Let's go from there. He was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. It's like 20 minutes from here. Southeast Iowa. It's like 20 minutes from here, southeast Iowa. I grew up playing a lot of sports. When I was little, I did football, even basketball, baseball. Look, he laughed when he said he even did basketball, and then he laughs. Yeah, that's a great part of it, right? Everything, and then I got into high school and really started
Starting point is 01:20:25 focusing on wrestling. Started wrestling in middle school. I like it whoever edited this is putting effects in black and white footage and trying to show old footage of him but they can't hide the DJI mic on his shirt. That's what I thought too.
Starting point is 01:20:41 You're going to put all that effort in to go out there and film him and shoot this. at least hide the fucking mic. Tuck it under the shirt. Yeah, my God. Well, but it wasn't really, like, super interesting. It was, like, just on the team, but really focused on wrestling. Oh, shit, they got footage of him in here wrestling. You know, learned a lot of things from wrestling about life, discipline.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Actually, it looked like he got tossed. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely statistical things you want to accomplish. You know, number of games, appearances. I like him with his head shape. Placing high, winning the games, breaking records, test records, things like that. And I think that – I've been having – I have swolverine for breakfast. Do you know that? I stopped like...
Starting point is 01:21:28 I have the... I take the hydration, the pre-workout, and the creatine for breakfast. That's what I drink for breakfast. You know, make people feel a certain way when they see me compete or they see somebody that they don't think can
Starting point is 01:21:43 compete at this level because he works all day on a farm or because he's three inches shorter than the next smallest athlete there because of whatever. He doesn't have a coach here with him. He doesn't have anybody to train with. Say that again?
Starting point is 01:21:58 Are we doing anything at Rogue? You know like all the obligatory text messages you sent out after the games like you know i'm like oh thank you dave thank you haynes thank you heather like i did one i did one to bill in haiti oh thank you nice seeing you you know that shit i did all that awesome and and like that's where i'm at. Like, you know what I mean? Like, like, okay. Okay. Fair enough. I'm not trying to make it sound like it's not sincere, but it's, but it's, it's, uh, Oh, that's interesting. Someone said, where seven were you constipated from drinking so much chocolate fuel?
Starting point is 01:22:38 I wasn't constipated cause I was only eating one meal a day, basically a steak, steaks at night, but something, uh, my poop definitely was like, usually it's so easy and like I have to run to the toilet and it was probably a little more pasty. How many of those, uh, Jocko protein shakes did you drink throughout the day? Not the protein drink shakes that I didn't drink too many of those.
Starting point is 01:23:03 It was the energy drinks. I drank like don't know five a day that's probably not good for you uh heidi krum i plan to stream rogue with or without permission oh great thank you i guess we're not going to rogue yeah rogue always has great broadcasts. I don't even know if streaming it makes any sense. No, I think she means stealing their stream. Oh, you mean like from her phone? Oh, okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Maybe I'm confused. Elise Carr-Riddow, five a day seems weak. Wow. Oh, Mrs. Burns sent me. Okay, now I have the... Oh, Eric Weiss sent it to me. Thank you, Mrs. Burns sent me Okay, now I have the Oh, Eric Weiss sent it to me Thank you, Eric The Sabbath Essentials I'll have to try something on there
Starting point is 01:23:55 I wonder what in there I could try I got the whole setup in our bathroom It seems like nothing I would i would know what to do with though yeah is there any stuff i could like to put some stuff with some cream on my feet my feet need some love how are your feet and calves and stuff from walking around all day are they smote right now the bottom of my feet were sore yeah me too yeah the bottom of my feet were sore like like they got like muscle like
Starting point is 01:24:28 muscles that i didn't know i had in my feet yeah like the arches of the feet like right the front i did toe space a couple of the nights though toe spacers you did yeah i didn't bring any oh i was serious when i crazy echo i was serious when i uh said that i helped with the paraplegia i was getting i was getting something out of the bottom of my foot like i would and sometimes i hit this angle and it feels like the bottom of my foot is tearing it was like awful feeling at the event at the games at the games you had that no no this was probably like uh a couple weeks before and then i i started messing around with the toe spacers and i would say like it got probably i don't know 75 better just by throwing
Starting point is 01:25:13 the toe spacers on and then i would like stretch my foot with them and it started to help pretty significantly it came back because i was just on my feet all day at the games, but it did help. Code games23 for 20% off. Crazy. Yeah. 2023. I made that mistake yesterday. We don't have a show tonight? No, not tonight.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Okay. I'm going to show a few more videos and go play with my kids. Awesome. Okay. That's the dream. Later. Bye. Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:48 I couldn't handle his audio anymore. I was losing my shit. Uh, what in the New York times article that they wrote about you is bogus. Someone just sent me that text. The other day I was in my search feature on Instagram. You know that thing where they recommend shit to you? If you push the search button, they recommend stuff.
Starting point is 01:26:24 It's like girls in bikinis or a dog eating a cat or fights or all that stuff. Call her. Hi. Hello? Hey, good morning, Seve. Hey, what's up, dude? Hey, I just wanted to say this community is probably the best community I've ever been a part of. It's incredible. What community?
Starting point is 01:26:50 Serve on a podcast. Oh, really? That's cool. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So I just want to give a quick shout out to that Burpee dude. I was out of shape. I used to run a gym.
Starting point is 01:27:03 And I was a little bit out of shape. I started to run a gym and I was a little bit out of shape. I started texting him on social media. Right away, reached right back out to me. We had a little burpee. Dialogue going back and forth for a while. Got me back in shape. Back to training guys in my gym or in my garage.
Starting point is 01:27:20 So it's been a good time. But also... How did you find this podcast oh dude listen I've been following you behind the scenes ever since I got into CrossFit back in
Starting point is 01:27:34 2011 2012 somewhere in there yeah so I love all the stuff you're putting out but you've connected us to pro level athletes who are also accessible and that just that amazes me uh the other day i reached out to josh bridges uh just he put out a video he hadn't been putting anything out for a while so i reach out to him say hey thank you i needed to see this uh thank you for what you're doing for the community.
Starting point is 01:28:08 15 minutes later, I get a DM back from him. Like, that's incredible. So I really appreciate what you're doing for everybody out here. I need to have Josh on again, huh? You do. You do. He's a good dude. He's great.
Starting point is 01:28:20 He's fucking awesome. Josh. Let's see. I'll text him right now. Hey, it didn't. Can I ask you a personal question? Go for it. It didn't bother you?
Starting point is 01:28:43 Like, so you followed me all this time and then you find out that, like, I don't want to give my kids injectable drugs or that, like, I love women or I abhor racism. That didn't bother you? You didn't hate me for those things? I think we're on the same page. Oh, okay. Because some people found out that I love women and that I have no tolerance for racism and that I don't give my kids injectables. And for some reason, they stopped liking me.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Yeah, that's kind of strange. Okay, cool. All right. The more I found out about you, the more I liked you. Oh, wow. Okay, that's that's kind of strange um okay cool all right the more i found out about you the more i liked you oh wow okay we have now listen we have different worldviews okay but our principles are our morals our morals are fairly similar so like i sent you a text one time, and I just want to tell everybody else. I'm a Christian, and the Bible tells us, imitate me as I imitate Christ. So there's a lot of things that you do that are an imitation of Christ. So I can look at those things. I can appreciate them.
Starting point is 01:29:40 I can hold them up on a pedestal and say, this guy's doing good work here. And then there are other things I disagree with and I just let it go. Because that's grace. We just get through it. We have our differences, so what? You know, you're a good dude. I appreciate what you're doing. Like there was a lady in a Nobel Prize shirt with blue hair
Starting point is 01:30:01 that came up and gave me a huge hug at the event. Yeah, it's crazy event and it made me feel i and i hugged the shit out of her back and i really enjoyed it we were giving each other grace but she really liked me too i had a million questions for her of course like hey aren't you supposed to not like me yeah no you just keep doing what you're doing all right um hey is your boy is your boy jesus ever going to come talk to me or what's his deal uh i could i could introduce you all right i don't think you'd like it all right you scared me yeah. Um, you know, I was talking to fall into the hands of an angry God.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Uh, I, I was talking to, um, James Sprague and you know, I make a lot of like off the cuff, uh, comments.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Like if someone like says, uh, I have juvenile sense of humor, you know what I mean? Like I like to throw in a handjob joke every like more frequently than the average person. And James says he used to be like that too, but he doesn't do that anymore since he found God.
Starting point is 01:31:10 And for me, I don't want to give that up. Yeah, well, let me just give you a short, the only reason why people don't come to God on their own is because of accountability and the love of sin and you know we we diminish what sin is so we say oh it's just you know 14 year old yeah just a little joke it's just a little joke it's whatever yeah it doesn't harm anyone and the truth is yeah it usually doesn't harm anyone but uh i can look out across the human uh perspective and go well i'm better than that guy i didn't murder anybody i'm better than that guy i don't lie cheat and steal i'm
Starting point is 01:31:54 faithful to my wife yeah so we look out across it it's just we diminish and we go yeah well i'm doing better than the next guy therefore i deserve I deserve something good. But here's an easy, easy question. Is F45 and Orange Theory, is that CrossFit? No. No. How do you know? Because I know what CrossFit is and I know what CrossFit is. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Exactly. Yeah. So I don't go to F45 and compare it to Orange Theory and go, well, F45 is not CrossFit because I know what Orange Theory is. I go to F45 and I go, how does that line up with what CrossFit is? Nope. You know, adventure racing? Nope. Because I have a straight ruler of measurement to figure that out by.
Starting point is 01:32:46 So I can go through any other comparison in the world and say, well, I'm doing better than this and I'm doing better than that. Therefore, I think I know what it means to be a Christian. I got to go to the ruler. I got to get my straight line sorted out first, my plumb line. the ruler. I got to get my straight line sorted out first, my plumb line. Once I know what the plumb line is, then I can make all my other assessments beyond that. Hey, let me ask you this question. When you called, what did you say? You said something about the community, the Savon podcast community. What did you say about it? I said, it's one of the greatest communities I've ever been a part of. Yeah. That isn't that interesting.
Starting point is 01:33:28 That's interesting because your, your plumb line or your comparisons for that would probably be like your church community. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. What a good, well, that's a huge compliment then. Yeah. Yeah. And I meant it to be that way because, you know, there's, there's a mixed bag of people here and we're all kind of craving the same thing. We want truth. We want transparency.
Starting point is 01:33:48 We want a little – and we want it in an entertaining way, and there's nothing wrong with that, you know. And so we come to you and your group of friends that you've assembled, and it's just – it's a wonderful time. Hey, thank you. What a great – Yeah. What a great, what a great conversation. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:08 I just wanted to pipe you up a little bit because your head's not big enough. Good. Pipe me up. Thank you. Hey, love you, Seve. Love you too. Thank you. Yep.
Starting point is 01:34:16 Bye. Bye. Say my name three times fast. Seve on stick, Seve on stick, Seve on stick set on stick set on stick where were we oh here we go Jesus this guy's gonna tell me about God too here we go hey
Starting point is 01:34:34 hi hey Stephanie it's Nick I was on the gear team in Madison so I wanted to just give you a call oh like the gear team like you were the dudes doing meth in the back doing snorting on the gear team in Madison, so I wanted to just give you a call. Oh, like the gear team, like you were the dudes doing meth in the back, doing snorting all the gear? Yeah, no, not exactly. But no, I was on the call seeing you and I talked for a few minutes.
Starting point is 01:34:55 What did we talk about? Was it the ropes? Was it the 200-foot ropes? We didn't talk about the ropes. We talked about how your wife and kids have been supporting you after you got let go from HQ. Um, how you've kind of made, I would never talk with a stranger about that kind of personal shit.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Are you out of your fucking mind? No, you're a drone. No, you're saying you're praising them for their support and being behind you. God, I'll just strike up a conversation with anyone. What's my problem?
Starting point is 01:35:25 I must be desperate for fucking love. No, it was awesome. I just want to echo the last caller that you had when it comes to the community. So that was my fourth time working at the Coliseum. It's just a melting pot of people in their twenties through their sixties. And, you know, we all come out there in our own time. You know, we, we stay at the state, the dorms,
Starting point is 01:35:51 we're out there at seven o'clock in the morning, we leave when everything is cleaned up and we, we try to make it look elegant. I think you talked about yesterday about how everything is so professional when it comes to the floor and down to the fine details of what's facing the camera and making it look absolutely beautiful so the athletes work out on time with the right equipment and it's and it's correct and um hey dude there was there was a girl there were these two girls when they were laying out that 200 foot rogue rope there were these two girls i mean there were lots of i mean there were hundreds of people around the field setting it up but they were laying out that 200-foot rogue rope, there were these two girls.
Starting point is 01:36:28 I mean, there were hundreds of people around the field setting it up, but they were measuring the distance between the ropes like every eight feet or something to make sure that the ropes were perfectly straight. It was nuts, the attention to detail. Nuts. Exactly. I got to move that earthworm like six times because i was one of the big guys which was epic but yeah we look at you know which direction the rogue is facing things that are straight up and down you know where's the cameras you know every last little detail every time we reset the floor say when they were doing the olympic lifting when they were doing that one rep max snatch and all that when we set those those plates are very intentional about which way they're
Starting point is 01:37:10 facing that they're exactly correct and we do that throughout the whole week and we rehearse we literally walk the floor when nobody is there holding hands to try to learn how to walk together and be straight and we just kind of pour ourselves into that. And then we get to experience. I hope it's somewhere that I can drive to next year. I'm out in Midwest and Ohio. So hopefully somewhere I can drive to and be a part of it again. It was cool to see you kind of squirming around every, you know,
Starting point is 01:37:42 putting that camera right there and talking to folks. And, uh, it was, it was awesome. I picked up a CEO shirt too at paper street. So makes me happy. Thank you. Absolutely. But thanks for everything you're doing. So I just want to call and say thanks and, uh, just echo the last caller about the community that we're a part of here. Thank you. Hey, uh, Barry McOchner says you're a white guy, but you talk like you're a black guy.
Starting point is 01:38:05 I am a white guy, but you talk like you're a black guy. I am a white guy. I don't even know what that means, but thank you. I don't even know. He just means you could sing slow songs. You sound like you sing love songs. Okay. All right. All right, brother. thank you so much for calling all right okay bye that was cool
Starting point is 01:38:30 someone else called well he was calling oh chef from south park is that what he sounds like heidi krim we're all black park is that what he sounds like heidi krim we're all black jeez you guys are harsh okay here we go who care who cares if the if the who cares if it wasn't five kilometers what why do someone i can't figure out why we care uh call her oh barry white barry You got to turn off your YouTube. Hello? Call him. You have to turn off your YouTube.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Savant? Oh, yes, Savant. Yes, this is Savant. Hey, what's up, Savant? This is Rick with FD1 CrossFit. We met at the games in the back near the ice pass. Oh, are you CrossFit Crash's film guy? Media guy?
Starting point is 01:39:38 Negative. I just work on the medical field. Oh, shit. Okay. All right. Where did we meet? We were at the ice buckets talking? We met briefly by the ice bus
Starting point is 01:39:48 I pulled you aside And I was like hey They just cut the deal with ESPN And since you're Such an OG you should write the 30 for 30 Oh that's right That's right That's right
Starting point is 01:40:02 I didn't get a chance to expand on the idea, but you've been so forward-facing and know everything CrossFit. I'm sure the community would just want to know the story or the buildup of how Greg created everything and with the methodology especially. God, it really does need to be done. It is really a remarkable, unique movement. It just makes sense because you know so much about it
Starting point is 01:40:37 as in you're like a director, right? You know a lot about film. Hey, are you at the airport no no i'm at the firehouse i actually got to go but i just wanted to okay you know pick your brain plant that seed man but uh okay don't hurt your back moving don't hurt your back moving 500 pounders all right man okay brother bye that was genuine concern no not mike tyson not sliced alone Take care, brother. Bye. That was genuine concern.
Starting point is 01:41:08 No, not Mike Tyson, not Sly Stallone. Trying to remember exactly what that guy looks like. I remember him talking to me saying I should do a 30 for 30 on CrossFit. Oh, shit. This one's kind of scary. What the fuck is going on here, should be i need to get a go why do you guys wait till the 90 minute mark before you start calling him what the fuck's wrong with you guys hello hi nice for you to call yo it's uh john clark from scotland and you guys make this very brief i just wanted to say the last three fuck making this brief
Starting point is 01:41:43 i love you i can't believe you're calling Good to hear your voice I'm really sorry about Jake Douglas By the way, I'm very sorry What about Jake Douglas? He's fucking Scottish as fuck I don't care where they say he's from He looks like he fell
Starting point is 01:41:58 His face is Scottish as all get out Yeah, well We could all be built like Jake Douglas in Scotland. That would be fantastic. He's Australian. He's not Scottish. Whatever the fuck he is, he looks Scottish as a mofo. Right? He does.
Starting point is 01:42:15 He got that Liberace face. His skin looks like ice. He has the most unique face and skin. He looks like a juiced up version of the guy who used to be on the Star Trek Enterprise. What one? I haven't watched Star Trek. Oh, there was a Scottish guy on there. I'm telling you, Jake Douglas is fucking Scottish.
Starting point is 01:42:34 As fuck. We'll claim him. Okay. We'll claim him. Okay. Anyway, sorry. I took your voice. Good to hear your voice. What's up with you?
Starting point is 01:42:42 That's all. What's up? Tell me something. What's it like in Scotland That's all. What's up? Tell me something. What's it like in Scotland? Is it good? Do you go to a CrossFit gym there? Yeah, it's nice. No, I'm currently banned from the gym. For what? Smoking weed
Starting point is 01:42:55 in the bathroom? I don't know. No, I don't know. I tried to put my coat on last night to get in the door. I'm banned. Oh, do you think it's like an accident or you did something? Are you like you didn't pay your bill? Yeah, yeah. No, I think it's an accident.
Starting point is 01:43:09 I don't know. It must be something to do with the AI, but no idea. Hey, what's... This is boredom for the show, so I'll... What's Scotland like there? What's Scotland like there?
Starting point is 01:43:21 What's up with the people there? What's going on there? You got the same problems, weird shit going on that we have over here they trying to like do weird shit to you guys like like is Scotland one of those countries like there was some country over there like it's like 98% white
Starting point is 01:43:34 but you guys had an Indian guy as your like your prime minister or some weird shit like was that Scotland or Ireland Scotland's prime minister yeah Scotland's prime minister is white and no it's not white. He's Indian. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Yeah, how the fuck does that happen? I'm not for any kind of racism or shit, but your country's 98% white, and you get an Indian guy who hates white people as your... He's overtly racist. He's openly racist. That's the whole of the UK. And then in Scotland, we've just had our prime minister,
Starting point is 01:44:10 like she's basically going to be getting arrested. And the new guy that's in, he's also Indian. But he quite openly speaks about how he wants white people out of power in the UK. Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with people? Get your head around that. He's openly racist. Yeah, what the fuck is wrong with people? Get your head around the dot. He's openly racist. Oh, all right.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Openly racist. No, that is not the same reason why people voted for Obama. I don't think. I don't think. I don't think. I don't know. Maybe I'm an idiot.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I don't think people vote. I'm an idiot, probably. I'm about to say something you guys are going to tear me up for. I was going to say, I don't think people voted for Obama based on his skin color. I think they voted for him because they thought that he was a cool dude. But this country is a melting pot Scotland is just white and then you elected a guy who hates white people something seems fucked up there it's like
Starting point is 01:45:17 it's like it's like Israel fucking electing trying to elect Hitler to be their fucking leader what are you doing oh Mike McCaskey of course they did I know many that admitted that voted for Obama based on
Starting point is 01:45:38 his skin color I mean dude look at the other choice I'm not going to get into it you're going to fucking make the liberal in me come out I don't I really trying to push that down deep down
Starting point is 01:45:51 no shit won't even read this out loud I hear you that he may have been born in that's a great photo Jake I hear you that he may have been born in... That's a great photo, Jake. I hear you that he may have been born in... In... Wherever the fuck you're saying he's born.
Starting point is 01:46:12 England. That's true. I know a ton of women who voted Biden-Kamala because she was a woman. That shit is so crazy. Hey, I guess you're right. I guess it's just, oh shit, Mad Marv. Black people 100% voted for Obama because of his skin color.
Starting point is 01:46:36 That I kind of get. See, that I get, but I don't get white people voting for him for his skin color. But that I get. See, that's my that I get. But I don't get white people voting for him for a skin killer. But that I get. And the reason why I get that is. I can remember a. I can remember how excited I was when George Duke Magin was governor of California and he was Armenian. And I remember being in a big thing because some people in my family didn't vote for him and he was Armenian. So that I kind of get. I'm not saying it's not very sophisticated don't get me don't get me wrong it's stupid but that i get you're black dude living in the united states you've fucking
Starting point is 01:47:12 been here you're fucking 25 years old you've been brainwashed and you're like yeah we got a black president i'm gonna vote for him i get that i get that but being a but but being a imagine a country that's just black people in and and electing. Well, you know, it's funny. Listen to this, Mad Marv. Imagine being a black person in this country and voting for Joe Biden. That's fucking crazy. That's crazier than if you're black voting for someone just because they're black. that's crazier than if you're black voting for someone just because they're black just some dude who's just outwardly just openly racist but under the guise of it being nice wow what a mess this conversation is fascinating to me all of a sudden it became very complex but this i get uh black voters absolutely voted for obama because of his skin color
Starting point is 01:48:03 um you are an idiot oh that's why he got elected black people came out yeah no you're an idiot because you're not listening i'm not suggesting god damn it why'd you have to call me an idiot now i'm pissed hey what okay i'm done i don't mind i don't want to get into this anymore yeah if you vote for me you ain't black yeah i agree thank you i needed that i don't even know what you're talking about but i needed that thank you they calmed me down oh great question ken walters how do you think shelby neal voted i mean i voted for obama but i sure as fuck didn't vote for him because he's black doesn't even fucking make sense to me
Starting point is 01:48:46 but it does make sense to me if he would have been Armenian that I would have voted for him although now I would not vote for an Armenian if they were like I won't vote for anyone who has any tolerance for pedophilia like
Starting point is 01:49:02 the Biden administration does I don't have any tolerance that's what i mean like when i don't accept everyone that can't be my platform i don't care how armenian you are i don't care if it's like i'm gonna vote for myself if i was a liberal now there's no fucking way kids before all that other shit. I want to tell you guys something, something experience I had at the games, but I kind of, I am struggling because I don't want it to keep,
Starting point is 01:49:37 I don't, I'm not sure. I'm not sure. But the demographic of people who I took the most pictures with was very interesting to me. Very, very, very interesting. I should have known, but I didn't expect it. Sevan from Jake Chapman. Would you rather have the arms of a kangaroo or the legs of a chimp? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:50:18 But can I have both? Oh, shit. Dick Butter. You owe us a good story after that lame sarah story geez louise yeah there you go it was a there was let me put it to you this way no one gave a shit i took pictures with plenty of gay dudes loads of lesbians and tons of black people tons and there weren't even tons there and I figured it out I know I know most you're gonna
Starting point is 01:50:52 be like yeah duh Seve that there's two classes of those of people there's people who like there's people who in those classes who I guess someone explained it to me because I'm a little bit slow on the subject sometimes. But they don't want to be around me because I'm not projecting onto them that they're a victim. I'm just seeing them as people. But the public would like you to think that those people don't like me. That somehow I stand against them. But I stand for them 100% because I don't see them as anything different. But it just trips me out. It was like a good reality check for me.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Like, oh shit. The haters. Like there were no haters. All the haters stayed completely the fuck away. If there are any. How did you know they were gay? Well, I made an assessment. I used my prejudice and my discriminatory skills to – first of all, if they said this is my wife, and I at them and they were also a girl how about that
Starting point is 01:52:07 how about that i want to just speak so freely freely about it and just tell you guys how awesome some of the funny stuff was. How did you know they were black? Another good question. I used my prejudice and my discriminatory skills. Discernment. Relativism. Contextualizing.
Starting point is 01:52:44 I did not know Shelby Neal was black. I have no fucking idea. I'm not perfect. Oh, shit. Oh, awesome. Josh Bridges already got back to me. That's cool. I said, Josh, time to have you back on.
Starting point is 01:52:58 He said, I know. God, he's a good dude. I see color.. I see color. I definitely see color. Oh, shit. Will, why didn't you shoot 4k son of a bitch really why didn't you shoot 4k will just uh brandsteader sent me a text says he shot 1080p 120 all weekend i wonder why i didn't shoot 4k hmm I honestly don't know where it is
Starting point is 01:54:04 but there are some people who know who've been talking. I heard someone ran into someone at the airport and had a discussion and that it is out. It is leaked. Where the next place where the games will be. So, but I honestly think nothing's in stone or else they would have announced it already i don't think like they're hiding it for any reason hey so i was in that search feature on instagram you know
Starting point is 01:54:30 like where they like recommend shit and they recommended this this was in my recommendations they recommend me stuff that has the black square on it that says false information. Like, why would you do that? Why are you recommending something to me that's... That says it's false? Does that make sense to anyone? Can anyone explain that? So then I clicked on it, and I watched it,
Starting point is 01:55:13 although I don't remember watching this actually, off stage after his 4th of July address, and look as he walks by the crowd of people, supposedly there to support him, they're all holding up their phones, if you look closely, it looks as they the phones aren't even turned on you can't make this stuff up honestly and speaking of biden we all know he's been oh well that's bullshit that's just the way that camera films iphone screens that's just sloppy news reporting
Starting point is 01:55:41 wow geez louise i wonder what the fact checker said there that's probably the one time only time i agree with the facts checker but why the fuck are they suggesting me stuff to me that's false uh do you guys know who douglas murray is anyone anyone douglas murray what books did he write i know he's written some hugely popular books i think he's an english guy out of the uk mega mega intellectual he wrote he wrote the madness of crowds that's his big book i think The Madness of Crowds in 2017 The Madness of Crowds I haven't read this book yet I need to read this book I remember when Greg read this
Starting point is 01:56:36 he was like dude you gotta read this the war on the west he's brilliant this guy's fucking brilliant every time i see him in an interview i'm like man i'd love to be friends with him or have him on the podcast this is him on the right and uh here we go embarrassing yourself that's probably why people wouldn't want to come to your show embarrassing yourself you know what I'll tell you who's really embarrassing
Starting point is 01:57:12 I'm not a member of the queer community you stupid sod I'm not a member of the queer community the person who ultimately is genuinely embarrassing himself but the entire thing the LGBTQIA+, the fact that there's more and more people
Starting point is 01:57:27 who are coming under this particular... It's not a real thing. It's bullshit. Total horseshit. And just one of the things that's very annoying in this era is that there are these steaming piles of horseshit in front of us all. And we're all meant to sort of shovel our way through them. I just don't have time.
Starting point is 01:57:46 And I might pay somebody else to shovel the whole shit for me. But I just don't have time for this crap. I don't have time for people to keep adding letters. My view has always been there's no such thing as a gay community anyway. That's just the gays. Lesbians and gays don't get on famously, have very little in common. Both are very suspicious of bisexuals. Have nothing to do with transgender.
Starting point is 01:58:10 There is no bigger chasm in the world than gay men and asexuals. None. Like the idea that in a bar, in a gay bar, you know, you know you're like hey you're hot i'm asexual uh i don't know they have their own hookup apps where they don't meet um there's just nothing in common that keeps you as far away from other people yeah yeah exactly exactly and uh keeps people's clothes on. And then there's just, then there's one that's like the queer
Starting point is 01:58:47 one. Well, queer, as far as I can see, is only, I did a bit of this in Madness of Crowds, but it only means either, ooh, look at me, I'm fascinating. No, you're not. You dyed your hair purple. You're boring. Or it's I'm straight, but I
Starting point is 01:59:03 want a bit of the intersectional pie. So I'll go like, oh, I'm queer. There was a guy at Oxford who was teaching who said that. And he was like, oh, one of my students came over and said, it's so nice to see myself represented by a lecturer. And I think this guy painted his nails or some crap like that. And he's a straight guy. He's married to a woman.
Starting point is 01:59:22 You're talking about queer. And queer used to be an insult to gay people. It still is an insult to gay people. Then it's appropriated by some straight guys and girls because they think it'll make them interesting. Find another way to be interesting. It's sort of grotesque. The alphabet people stuff doesn't really interest me.
Starting point is 01:59:43 I just get on with their lives. They've bored me enough. But there's also the fact as well that, do you know... It's so fascinating too. I think we played a clip the other day on the show about how the black community basically is a psyop too. These terms, black community, gay community. he's good jake chapman i'd rather listen to rj rkj try to talk i don't know i like douglas Oh, Murray's great. Oh, okay. What? Shit. Fuck diversity.
Starting point is 02:00:31 Just let things, just let everything be. Oh, oh, what is this? Oh. Oh, fascinating. Okay. All right. I'm trying to schedule some fun show for you guys Friday get some pipe hitters on
Starting point is 02:00:50 alright thanks guys 9am 2 hour show wow great show I will see you guys who's on tomorrow I ran into a guy at the games Two hour show. Wow, great show. I will see you guys. Who's on tomorrow? I ran into a guy at the games who's going to be on this week, and I had forgotten that he's even supposed to be on the show. He's like, I'm coming on your show next week.
Starting point is 02:01:15 I'm like, oh, you are? Oh, shit. Oh, tomorrow's another live call-in show. Maybe I'll get a guest tomorrow. Running out of shit to say. And tomorrow also Taylor and JR have a show on, their programming show. That's going to be fire i wonder like i wonder what that's going to be like god i hope they don't fucking go too hard at the games and fuck shit up for me but if they do they do adam hawkins is coming on
Starting point is 02:01:39 i think like he's a green beret or some shit and a CrossFitter or something he's got some sort of charity thing he does with the military and then Friday night the CrossFit Games update show and I keep telling Sousa I don't want to have CrossFitters on but then I sent him hey can you get Kalipa on and Bridges on keep fucking up okay
Starting point is 02:02:02 Dildo see you later Miss Burns thank you Sabbath Essentials thank you uh sabbath essentials thank you uh jake gazan gazan would come on oh yes okay perfect all right that's awesome let's do that uh matt souza i don't know why i didn't think about that and uh oh i'm trying to get ricky garrard of matt Part of Matt Souza and what's your wife's name? Alex. Alex Gazan. Alex, can you come on the podcast Friday night for a few minutes? And then I sent her a heart. I hope's okay oh Mariah Moore okay I would get Mariah Moore on
Starting point is 02:02:51 I'll get Mariah on I know I hey dude you don't know how bad I want Ricky Garrard on you know I have two I have a phone number for him what time is it in Australia right now can someone tell me I would fucking cold call this motherfucker want me just to call him on Instagram holy shit look at this photo of Danielle Brandon flipping the pig um oh Gazan already responded oh shit we're getting some pipe hitters uh how would I call Ricky on Instagram? What time is it there? Can someone tell me? Who cares, right?
Starting point is 02:03:29 Fuck it. Just call him on Instagram. Like, what's it going to do? Ricky Garrett. Oh, shit. Yo, Sevan. Yeah, let's do it. I'll reply back to Sousa if he's the date and time man.
Starting point is 02:03:45 Yeah, how come we have to use IG? I want your digits like we are friends or some shit. Fuck it, I'm calling him. FaceTime him? friends or some shit. Fuck it, I'm calling him. FaceTime him? Can you guys hear it? Oh, let me see. It says calling Ricky Garrett.
Starting point is 02:04:27 I know, I want to hear his take on the game so bad I want his take on the game is more than John Young sorry John, John you're my second most interested it says it's calling him I can't believe I own a purple shirt what the fuck's wrong with me I would not have ever worn purple, and now I wear this shirt all the time. It's one of my favorites.
Starting point is 02:05:00 Hey, what am I going to do? It's going to take me two days to rebuild my office. How? No answer. Damn. It's going to take me two days to build out my office. How am I going to do shows? 252-4051.
Starting point is 02:05:29 What am I going to How am I going to do How am I going to do shows JR will be on tomorrow's show I saw JR at the games He's busy as shit Oh shit I got a DM from Adam Clink I saw JR at the games. He's busy as shit. Oh, shit. I got a DM from Adam Klink.
Starting point is 02:05:50 Oh. I'm going to call Adam Klink. That could be fun. I need to get him on the show. Oh, I wonder if he would come on Friday, too. Copy. oh I wonder if he would come on Friday too copy I'm gonna get Adam Klink on too he went there as Laura's coach I don't think like he's really Laura's coach oh shit I heard some
Starting point is 02:06:15 crazy shit I heard that a coach got kicked out I heard a coach got kicked out for not being a real coach. But that doesn't even make sense to me because I thought you could get Adam Klink. Put him in my contacts. I feel a little bit cooler bit cooler i'm gonna walk around today being like yeah i gotta have a clink's phone number um uh hey this is seven just make like contact right just like what's up
Starting point is 02:06:59 um i heard a dude guy i was it no no no not Fraser not I don't want to say who it is but I'm going to try to get the dude on I heard he got kicked out because he wasn't the athletes real coach but I didn't think it mattered I thought you could give your athletes your coaches pass to anyone oh shit
Starting point is 02:07:27 alright Gazan is in so now we have god I wonder if I could get Adler to come on Friday for a few minutes or his wife his coach I did see Max Elhaj of all the people I saw To come on Friday for a few minutes. Or his wife. His coach.
Starting point is 02:07:46 I did see Max Elhaj. Of all the people I saw at the CrossFit Games that I'm probably the most bummed that I didn't talk to. Is Max. I just saw him in passing. I didn't even get to interview him once. I don't even believe in hate crimes. What the fuck's a hate crime? Aren't all crimes hate crimes? The hate crime numbers have risen in the rest of the UK
Starting point is 02:08:07 and dropped in Scotland since 2021. I don't even believe in that shit. Like, whatever. Sorry. It's not a dig at you. you need another back-end person Seve yeah dude of course the thing is is here's the thing no matter how hard you try,
Starting point is 02:08:50 if you come to try to work on this show, you're going to fall short of what my expectations are. So, um, let alone, um, yeah, there's just, there's just no way. There's just no way there's just no way it's like I'm so lucky I found
Starting point is 02:09:12 fucking Caleb and Sousa like I can't even fucking believe it like I never fucking talk to Caleb I don't know if I've ever called Caleb on the phone but if I do a night show he's here he just shows up. There he is. Oh, look. There's Caleb. It's crazy.
Starting point is 02:09:33 It's just... It's a thankless fucking just grind until someday maybe it's not gonna be. Alright. Love you guys. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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