The Sevan Podcast - Amanda Barnhart & Jayson Hopper | HWPO - CrossFit Games Athlete

Episode Date: February 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. How are you?
Starting point is 00:01:01 I'm good. How are you? Awesome. I'm awesome. I'm awesome. I'm awesome. It's cold, but you're on the East Coast, you? Awesome. I'm awesome. I'm awesome. I'm awesome. It's cold, but you're on the East Coast, right? Yeah. I'm in Ohio.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Oh, you're in Ohio? Yeah. Why did I think you were in Boston? I was. When I was with Comtrain, I was in Boston. Does your family live in Ohio? Yeah. I grew up in Ohio. I've lived here my whole life except for the year and a half that I was in Boston. Okay. I had gotten confused last night to prepare for this.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I was listening to the Talking Elite Fitness podcast, and you had said you'd moved back home with your family. And I thought for some reason I got confused and thought that was Boston. Oh, awesome. Yeah, that was me talking about moving back from Boston home. Yeah, because we lived in a different area in Ohio before we went to Boston, and then we moved back to where my family is. I think that's probably what I meant. Yeah, and you're stoked to be back in Ohio?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh, my gosh, yeah. There's nothing like being home. I'm like – I'm just a big homebody. I always have been, but super close to my family too. I think it was before the games Um We were going to Um do a podcast
Starting point is 00:02:10 And also oh look I see Caleb I haven't seen Caleb in a long time Hi Caleb Hey good to see you buddy Alright good to see you There's Caleb Oh man it says Hi Caleb he smiled he smiled
Starting point is 00:02:26 you were gonna you were gonna come on the show and um i there was you talked about it on the talking elite fitness podcast basically you adopted a four-year-old child and you were like hey i'm trying to think of the exact words you use but you're like hey now is not the time for me to come on or something like that. Yeah, well, we did not adopt him. But yeah, I just like we were going through a lot of we were going through the legal stuff like it had this fall. It was actually after the games that this happened. But we were it was after the games. It was after the game.
Starting point is 00:03:00 We were going to court and we hadn't gone to court yet. the games we were going to court um and we hadn't gone to court yet and i just didn't feel comfortable getting on any sort of platform and talking about it because like i have a tendency to talk too much i didn't want to say the wrong thing and you know so i was like let's just wait till this is kind of in the clear to where i feel free to talk about it a little a little bit more so so how old are you oh my gosh that's so funny i was like like, I don't know. I'm 32. And you're married? Yes. And your husband's name is Wes?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Mm-hmm. And how long have you been married? We've been married seven years. Oh, awesome. Wow. Congratulations. That's a milestone. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:03:40 We've been together a long time. It's crazy. And how long did you know each other before you got married? Oh, I lost you. You froze. Did I freeze or did she freeze? I went to school for physical therapy school in the summer of 2014. And then Wes and I started dating like early 2015. And then we got married mid-2016.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So 10 years. That's a long time. Yeah, that's awesome. Relationships are like massive achievements, I think, in life. Yeah. Yeah, totally. I agree. I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:32 The reason why I asked how long you were together because taking on another human life, what a – what an amazing challenge, what an amazing opportunity to have. Can you tell me the story? Yeah, I can tell you what I can tell you. So – Let me ask you this before we start. Why can't you tell me certain things because of privacy or because I could, I could, but I just feel like, um, I have shared that he's family and, and sharing more of that, I feel like is just, um, not fair to the family that he came from. Understood. Yeah. He is a relative of ours that we did not have much of a relationship with before the summer. We knew about him we'd met
Starting point is 00:05:06 him like once or twice um we knew that he was in child services um but kind of always felt like it wasn't our place to intervene or do anything about it um this summer though we were let me ask you one quick question child services he was always in child services meaning there was some um child services child child protective services is uh there's something at the home that for some reason the state doesn't think is safe either violence or drug use or just something where the parent the state interferes and it tries to intervene in the kid's life. Yeah. You knew that had been going on prior. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:49 It was one of those things the family talked about that stressed everyone out. Yeah. So we knew from birth that he went into custody. Okay. But we were very distant from the situation. We just knew about it. Fast forward four years later and we like i said we had met him twice during those four years very like at christmas and shit um once was at a
Starting point is 00:06:14 wedding and once was at our house quickly okay family some family yeah both of them were very short interactions um so fast forward to this summer, we got an email, actually started with an email, we got an email from the case worker on his case, saying that he, the court had filed for permanent custody of him. And they wanted him to be with family, because he was not with family at the time. And the way permanent custody battles work is basically like someone's getting custody, and child services obviously wants the child to be with family if he does not end up with his biological parents. Can I ask you a question? One more thing.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Does everyone in the – do they sprinkle everyone in the family with that email? Like, so do 10 people with the last name? We were chosen. Um, how did they choose you? Someone did one of the parents put our name in the hat. Okay. Okay. That's cool. I like that. You're not going to get your kid. Who do you want to have them? Okay. Okay. Wow. Yeah. So we got the email. We were like, whoa. Um, and we weren't completely thrown off by it. We had actually like briefly at one point talked to his father about it possibly happening. But it was just so distant and so not real to us that like it was still very shocking. the following day or that same night i can't remember but and just kind of getting the full story on the situation and where we where we fell into that and obviously we had a lot to think about and a lot to process um but from our understanding was is that they were going to court they were trying to file for permanent custody. Were you the godparents? No.
Starting point is 00:08:05 No, okay. We really had no connection at all other than just relation. So yeah, when they go to court for this, they're trying to decide who's going to get custody. And if permanent custody would have gone to child services and not his parents, then he could have gone in to be adopted by anyone or by whoever was fostering him at the time. And obviously that takes away parental involvement for his entire life. So they wanted to involve families. So once family's involved, it kind of changes the situation and makes it better for the child, obviously. It's called kinship at that point. So they asked us if we wanted to foster by kinship because he's family. Um, so we, first we went and saw him, um, cause we wanted to kind of figure out like what type of situation he was in. Can I pause you there? I want to go back just a second. Of course. You know, um, uh, every family has like something going on like and it's all to degrees like you
Starting point is 00:09:07 have a cousin that smokes and everyone's stressed out they're gonna get cancer or you have a relative who got got a dui and now they're in jail and it's like fucking your mom's sister's kid and you're fucking stressed to the max about it people don't realize like how that affects whole family units like people you don't even know how that affects whole family units. Like people you don't even know that you're related to are stressed out because you're stressing out someone that they love. Right. So it was this one of those pieces in your family that like, um, all we, you always knew somewhere like once a week or every Christmas it came up or everything's even so how so-and-so it was one of those. Yeah, definitely. Uh, a relationship that was like, we have kind of distanced ourselves from
Starting point is 00:09:49 just from different lifestyle choices, but it weighed on the family cause it was family. Yeah, exactly. You still care. You always are worried. Yes. Yeah. You always want one's best for them, even if they're not making the best choices for themselves and what would make you um this it's a it's a full gut check on accountability like what would make all of a sudden you're accountable for something that's you're putting yourself to be accountable like how do you guys talk about it i want to um how do you and wes talk about it like hey why are we accountable for this you know at one how do you at one point like we actually said to ourselves years ago like
Starting point is 00:10:43 that would that child would be better off with us. Like we, we had that like thought. Um, but again, not our place and nothing that like, we felt like was appropriate for us to do at that point. So then this happens. And that's fascinating, isn't it? You just said that like in passing, like you're just really did. Yeah. They can eggs and breakfast and be like man i can't remember if it was like when we found out about the pregnancy or whatever it was it was pretty early on um yeah and that's the kind of thing you keep to yourself because we'd come across like fucked up if you said that out like out loud to someone besides him right and i just said on a podcast but no it's fine now well in hindsight
Starting point is 00:11:25 in hindsight it just shows that you give a shit yeah so um and and you're and you did it you put your money where your mouth is our original thought was like we were terrified i kind of went into this a little bit on the talking elite fitness podcast but just like the the caseworker scared the crap out of us with the behavioral problems that she rattled off about the kid. And that was scary. Like, what type of kid are we going to try to change and mold? And like, do we even have a shot of changing him? Is he going to turn out so bad? Like, you know, I'm sure as a parent, you feel this way with your kid from the beginning, but a kid that you didn't have for the first four and a half years of his life. And he wasn't in a great situation and was in a lot of trauma and it affects them. It's crazy how much it affects them. And he was not a monster by any means, but they kind of described him to be a little bit of a monster um and that scared us so can you give me an example what did they say like he screamed every night before he went to
Starting point is 00:12:30 bed he screamed for an hour or something just like he was just out of control like i mean for four he had gotten kicked out of a lot of daycares and he didn't know his boundaries no one had ever given him boundaries no boundaries at all zero boundaries yeah so from someone who's never parented before it's even more terrifying um so we're like you know this is going to change our lives regardless if this kid was an angel um and then you're you're scaring us to thinking this is going to be like worst case scenario um so we the first thing i wanted to do was figure out like how he was, like the situation he was in, did they want him? Like he was in a foster home for probably about nine months. That seemed like a pretty good situation. So
Starting point is 00:13:14 I actually called the foster mom the next day. And like, you're not even supposed to do that. Like now that I know that now I was just like totally crossed boundaries and was like hey can I call you and she was like oh sure um and I was like can we come see you and she was like oh we don't really do that and I was like well considering the situation awesome you did that though I'm like considering the situation like I'd like to see him like I'm not just gonna say sure we'll take him or whatever so we drove he was about three and a half hours away so that weekend we kind of dropped everything and drove um to see him we went to the house um and it was just chaos like he was just like running around like a chicken with his head cut off screaming and
Starting point is 00:13:59 slapping the tv and just like eating cheetos and And it was just like, well, we were like, okay. I mean, he's not being harmed. They loved him. And they were taking, he was safe. But when you saw that situation and you knew that we were being offered to take him, it was a no brainer that like we could give him a really, really good environment and a really, really good life. And he would be with family and he would get to see his father. And it was a no brainer once we, and he bonded
Starting point is 00:14:30 with us really well. We spent a couple hours with him. He listened to us pretty well. He played with us. Even the caseworkers who had been on his case for years were like, wow, we've never seen him just like gravitate towards people so quickly. So yeah, like we left that weekend being like, we're doing this. Like it, we didn't even really have a full in-depth conversation about it. Wes honestly just looked at me and had tears in his eyes and I was like, we're doing this. And he was like, we're doing this. So, um, and then we went to dinner after that and do you do you check with his parents and your parents first so funny you say that my um Wes does Wes's father passed away a few years ago so um and he doesn't have a great relationship with the rest of his family but my family is heavily involved
Starting point is 00:15:19 my mom was actually with us um because I wanted her, she's worked with kids her whole life. She's, um, been in school. She's watched kids at home. She's helped special needs kids. She's helped. Um, she was actually, Oh, that's huge. It was actually an aid in an elementary school that helped kids with trauma. Like she has done this. Yeah. She's like, man, I've seen way worse. Like this is nothing. Um, and she's like, kids can be changed. They can be molded. She's like, Amanda, I've seen way worse. Like this is nothing. Yeah. Um, and she's like, kids can be changed. They can be molded. It's all about environment. You guys got this. Um, and, and I kind of wanted to be like, and we both looked at her and the rest of my family, but her mostly when was like, are you okay with this? Because you're going to be our
Starting point is 00:15:59 babysitter when I'm at the gym and Wes is at work. Yeah. I would check with my mom too. So I wanted her to be even at 50. If I were to do something like that, I would check with my mom. Well, yeah, I was going to change her life just as much as it was going to change. Yeah. Smart. You're so smart. Yeah. So smart. So yeah, she was, um, 100% on board and she, are you still living? Is the whole family living together or she's just nearby now? She's nearby now we um got a house this fall but last year we were living with them because we hadn't found our house yet and so you have you and wes have her she's part of she's integral in the kid's life oh she sees him every day oh that's awesome yeah she and he loves going to her house he's she's arguably his
Starting point is 00:16:42 favorite person so um she's just really really good with kids she watches my sister's kids too so um this this all happened after the games or before the games before this was um mid-june when we went and visited him oh my god so even even that day of visiting him is it is a day out of your schedule because June, you're really tuning up, right? Yeah. I missed like, I'm basically missed the week. What did I do? I think I went, I, you know, probably crammed a bunch on Thursday. I don't think I trained Friday cause we traveled that day. Um, I don't, I don't remember. I, it was definitely a kind of a shit show. Um, but yeah, that was June.
Starting point is 00:17:27 After that happened, we did visits for like a month with him. We would drive to him. So that was taking up my weekend at the, at the foster home you would go to. Well, we would go and like pick him up for the day and then go like take him to a water park or something like that. Um, just to like build the relationship with him. um before he just moved in with us and then it was july 2nd that he moved in with us so how many weeks before the games so so the year so and i'm just pulled up the leaderboard in um in 2022 uh you took 14th at the CrossFit Games. That was the last year Tia Toomey won it. It's like Tia, Mal, Laura, Danielle, Brooke, Emma, you,
Starting point is 00:18:13 Kara Saunders, Gabriella Magawa. I mean, you're just hanging out here with these heavyweights. It's just a crew. Then you move training camps from Comp Training to to hwpo and you're getting settled there and then right after semi-finals as you prepare to go into what should be like highlight season for you family member life reaches out and says hey you want a kid that's four wild dude yeah wow um and crazy so uh crazy accountability right because it's it's another i mean at the end of the day it's just it's it's just another like you're being responsible for a whole nother brain and heart and limbs and shit
Starting point is 00:18:59 everything he does is now and you're and it's totally out of your control i mean that's what kids are there's something you're completely responsible for that you actually have no control over yeah that's good you know what i mean it's like oh shit that is how it feels wow um so so for a month you guys are um so june so all of june and like i guess parts of july as you build up a month outside of the games you're just going back and forth three hours visiting this child yeah we were visiting him in june and then july he was with us so that was i think emotionally a little bit easier for me because the back and forth and the waiting was really hard for me um i was like let's just get him already because like the anticipation of like this when this is going to happen was kind of killing me and i kind of just wanted to get into
Starting point is 00:19:54 my new normal with him being with us um but yeah it was not any easier when he came by any means because like i said the behavioral stuff like we had to um kind of set rules right away and get to work on changing his behaviors and that was not easy yeah that's not it's not fun you couldn't bring him home and like okay here let's start having fun it was like oh shit first things we got a potty train first yeah first yeah i mean literally i mean he when you have trauma like that you're regressed like before he was not potty trained like he should be um still isn't but yeah no i mean of course right um yeah so just like teaching him rules and you know giving him timeouts and
Starting point is 00:20:37 getting structure and like we did we did have a lot of fun and we did involve him in things we got him in the gym right away we got him in the gym right away. We got him in the pool right away. We had him outside. By the way, I heard that story on talking to me fitness. The pool is genius. Good job on the pool. Yeah. You, you needed that. You need a place where he can just do some independent and build some confidence and teach himself some shit. And you just stand back and watch. Right. Yeah. He did so good. It was like,
Starting point is 00:21:03 he just like did not have any physical stamina at all um when he first came like he i mean we had him outside for a little bit he didn't want to run across the driveway or pedal a bike at all you complain about his legs hurting and i'm like he's never used them like he's just sat on the couch in front of a screen eating cheetos um so building that and seeing him like learn to love it and love to be outside and like, it was so cool. Um, and obviously like we were doing a lot of discipline in between there, but like, he was like just exposed to a totally new life, like immediately, like between fun,
Starting point is 00:21:39 discipline, schedule, food. I mean, you name it. How did you get, how did you get them off the shit food? How did you get them off processed food? that crazy it wasn't it wasn't i don't think he's here i don't think he's super picky he definitely wants it and he'll definitely choose it if you give it to him but he he eats most things i give him even now he doesn't fight me too much on it um which is great yeah that's probably so so many parents are like, Oh, he won't eat anything but Cheetos. And I just want to fucking like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Throat punch them. But, but like you didn't, you didn't even accept that. You're like, here's dinner. Here's dinner. Here's chopstick. Yeah. Yeah. We're all eating this.
Starting point is 00:22:18 You eat this or you don't eat. And if you're hungry, you'll eat. And he does. I mean, sometimes he doesn't like, I struggle with breakfast with him because he has to be at school like kind of he doesn't like to wake up and eat and i know if he gets to school and by 10 o'clock he's having a hanger hit him and he's probably misbehaving um so trying to get something down him in the morning i just switched his breakfast yesterday to a protein shake and he like thinks he's getting a milkshake but it's literally protein and blueberries and a little bit of like natural peanut butter and he thinks it's he thinks he's getting a milkshake but he doesn't you know he doesn't fight me on it I either I give
Starting point is 00:22:55 him three options for breakfast we don't even have cereal in the house because he's he he did ask me for cereal for a while yeah we don't eat sugary cereal here like we don't eat that like you can have a piece of toast with an egg and i always try to like something that really irks me is just like carbs by itself you know like if you're gonna have a piece of toast you're gonna eat an egg first you eat the egg first and then and he does it he eats the egg first and then he eats the toast and he knows that he doesn't even get the piece of toast till he eats his egg um and it's i did the exact same thing and my kids i would take him to this bagel place they'd be like we want a bagel i'm like you can get the bagel and egg sandwich yeah and uh nine out of ten times
Starting point is 00:23:36 after they ate the egg they didn't even eat the bagel yeah i mean he doesn't he's half they didn't even care yeah yeah exactly yeah they're like yeah you're so doing the right thing yeah just eat the egg first we're good yeah i and he And he knows, like we talk, I always am like trying to be like, this is healthy. Like we need this. And like, this is what makes you strong. And, and he knows he's always like this healthy, this not healthy. Like he's always asking me that throughout the day. And we'll talk about like, what's a healthy choice that we can make for ourselves. And like, so he wants to make you happy he knows now very much um is eager to please which we saw that at the beginning which yeah use that use my mom like this is a great sign he wants great sign like um so yeah he's
Starting point is 00:24:16 just like he's tough he's a very tough kid um which i found like what do you mean by that he's tough like falls down doesn't cry or like nothing, nothing really faces him. And like, I think they make sense. Like imagine being a kid that's just gotten in trouble your whole life. Like getting in trouble doesn't really phase you because you're just used to it. So with him, we've had to kind of switch. Like he still has consequences. He still stands in timeout. He still, we have to make him realize these choices are not okay. But at the same time, we have to really emphasize, like, doesn't it feel good when you make good choices or when you get to do fun things and when you don't miss out on the things you like, we're really working on emphasizing the good over the bad because the bad is just what he's been used to. And it doesn't really bother
Starting point is 00:25:00 him. Like, he's just like, yeah, I'm in trouble. Who cares? The other problem is that I was a little bit like that too. Like you'll take any attention you can get exactly and so like if someone's mad at you you're kind of like yes all right i got this i got the spotlight on me you learn to you learn to like yeah you learn you learn to be like okay fuck at least someone gives a shit about me yeah that's been the hardest thing for me is like not, not giving into that attention when he's trying to get it from us, like stomping or screaming or yelling my name or, you know, like there's in my, that's where my mom's been so helpful. Like during the first few months where he would do that really bad, she was like, all he wants is your attention right now. And that's
Starting point is 00:25:40 like what you cannot give him. Like he needs to stand there quietly and wait till he can behave and then we'll talk to him like he's calm and he's ready to talk um and i've gotten better at it but it's hard for me to ignore i want to like address it right away um that's um so i i worked with developmentally disabled adults for five years and one of the like foundations of it and it's awesome in relationships too like with my wife is address the person not the behavior so you know what i mean like i'll do something and my wife and my wife's a master at it with me like i'll get catty with her or short or whiny and she'll address me instead of my behavior and the drama just goes away like i she makes space for me to catch that i'm being a jackass. Yeah. Yeah. And that, and that's the way it is with kids too. It's like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But that is a, I, that is like the highest level of a meditation. You're watching yourself and you're like, I want to go over there, but I'm going to watch and let that pass. Right. It's like, it's like just crazy self-awareness. Yeah. It's, it, it teaches you a lot of, a lot of being able to like be calm with yourself and and try to calm yourself down before you talk to them like you never want to
Starting point is 00:26:50 escalate yourself and then take it out on them even though you're frustrated like um they obviously feed off your energy and like if i talked to him calmly he listens a lot better for sure yeah esc sounds amanda and west are two of the best people in the crossfit community i agree thanks harry um sean lenderman uh my wife is a caseworker you would be surprised how many family members just refuse kids that are in their family and let them go to the system i mean dude it's it's a lot of responsibility to take on a kid it made your whole life is your whole the whole course of your life has been changed yeah you said something oh sorry let me get one more in here uh suhoor suhoor moose uh uh this is a beautiful story that will have chapters added over the years it will be the best living book uh we'll ever read um you said something about um a lot of the reason why people don't have kids is they say
Starting point is 00:27:52 you said this on the talking elite fitness podcast the part of the second part i'm going to get to but a lot of people don't have kids because they can't imagine they just they're like hey i'm too selfish hey i'm too selfish and i for sure thought that about me i thought i, I'm too selfish. Hey, I'm too selfish. And I for sure thought that about me. I thought, I'm just way too selfish. And then soon as I had a kid, it was bizarre. It was just like out the door. I didn't even recognize who I am. If in the middle of the night, if someone's throwing up, I'll run over and rub their back.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I don't give a shit. It's so weird. I'm like, who is this guy? I'm just happy to be there. I don't give a shit. It's so weird. I'm like, who is this guy? I'm just happy to be there. Being that the kid, first of all, does he call you mom? He does now. And he chose to do that. Can you tell me that? And then we'll come back to this thing about how you become selfless.
Starting point is 00:28:42 You know, the thing with this is that like, and I don't truly understand this. This is just me trying to understand but it's it's really sad because he doesn't he doesn't understand the concept of mommy and daddy because he's had so many different ones so from a sentimental perspective it doesn't mean that much um anyone who's ever taken care of him he calls mommy or daddy he he uses the term incorrectly a lot he'll be like see his teacher and be like, mommy. I'm like, no, that's your teacher. Or he'll call my sister mommy or, you know, he does not understand family dynamics. And it is truly heartbreaking to try to listen to him. He's trying to understand it. He's trying to understand where babies come from and where his mommy is. Belly mommy is, as I call it um good
Starting point is 00:29:27 I like that so that part like everyone's like oh it's so nice he's calling you mommy I'm like truly from him it's it's not very sentimental I don't mean that to sound harsh but like it's just because he's had four or five mommies um so because we're taking care of him and he knows our um he knows our family terms he doesn't understand them but we've told him that from the beginning and he chooses to call us mommy and daddy and we tell him all the time you can call us whatever you want um but yeah he just kind of gradually started doing it he actually started calling Wes daddy before he started calling me mommy and I don't know if it's just because of like the number of mommies that he's had or whatever it is. They're
Starting point is 00:30:10 both similar numbers, but it's just, it's just a weird, weird, weird concept for him. He just really is not understanding it. And like, I know as he gets older, we'll try to be very clear about like, you know, we are your mom and dad, but we're also this. And, you know, you can call us whatever you choose. Like we're here to be your parents, your mom and dad. So hopefully like as that grows and he understands it and understands who his biological mom and dad is truly, because right now he doesn't understand that either. You know, I think it will just bring a lot more meaning to the situation. And hopefully, like, I obviously would love for him to grow up and, like, continue to call me mom because he means it and he wants to.
Starting point is 00:30:57 But right now he's – it is cute, though. I mean, he definitely is very, very attached to us, and you can feel how much he loves us and like looks up to us um what what so going back to the self-listening what have you what have you seen in yourself that like you're you witness and you're like oh my goodness like this is you amanda yeah um this is crazy so i hate like throw up more than anything i really hate yeah throw up stuff and smell the smells crazy right smell yeah and so the very the very first day he moved to our house it was july 2nd i got him out of the car because he was in the car for three the caseworker brought him to us he was in the car for three hours got out of the car i like held him to give him a hug and he threw up all over me like immediately and i was just i like, I was fine. I didn't even blink. Wow. I was fine.
Starting point is 00:31:49 So I was like, um, that was weird. Cause that's not like me. Um, I'm still, it's crazy what a sign that is. Right. Yeah. Were you so proud? Were you proud of yourself? I was so proud of myself sometimes I'm like proud of myself sometimes. Look at you. You're the best ass wiper ever. I don't love doing that. I don't love it, but I'm good at it. Fuck, I'm good at it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I don't know. I do feel like all of that. Planning stuff. I'm trying to plan his birthday party and little things like that. I didn't even want to plan my own wedding. I just don't care about that kind of stuff. It's not me. But I'm excited to do that for him I'm excited for him to be excited about it there's still some things I suck at like I'm never gonna be okay with him
Starting point is 00:32:33 waking us up in the middle of the night like I'm just like a bear in the middle of the night but um how about how about how were you with kids before like I didn't I don't really I didn't really I don't really like kids I don't really like kids I don't want to play with kids before like i didn't i don't really i didn't really i don't really like kids i don't really like kids i don't want to play with kids i don't know but now i like playing with kids like now yeah it has definitely changed my perspective on kids in general like i see other kids and i'm like oh cute or like i see things that like mean more to me um i was never one to be like oh my gosh look how cute that kid is or look how cute that funny thing is. They said like, and now I appreciate that stuff so much. Like, especially cause he's at the age where he just says the funniest stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So I appreciate that. Are you patient with him like playing catch? Like if you were playing, are you patient with him? I'm trying to be like, I'm trying to, I don't know. I was just this morning, I'm trying to get him to like zip his coat. And like sometimes, you know, and it's so frustrating because he doesn't even try sometimes like you have to try and why my seven-year-old can't do that still he can on certain coats you know how some of them like they're a little flimsy and they get he can't
Starting point is 00:33:34 when it's flimsy if it's a solid coat he can zip it right up but yeah stuff like that's hard to be patient with um but yeah we're working on it other night. He got in trouble at school two weeks ago for misbehaving and like not wanting to write his name. And now we write his name a lot at home at night. And you can tell when he doesn't try and you can tell when he tries. So for me to be like, be patient and be like, okay, like, you can do better. Like, I want to be hard on him and be like, I know you can write your name better than this. You weren't trying. can do better like I want to be hard on him and be like I know you can write your name better than this you weren't trying um but also be like sensitive and be like okay and show him what he's doing wrong like I notice when I just say it's wrong he doesn't respond as well as if I'm like the s is backwards you need to change that um go back and try again and then like he looks forward to like getting a check mark or a smiley face, thumbs up that like he did good that time. And then he like wants to do it again. So it has definitely given me patience and like,
Starting point is 00:34:31 just like little things like that, but I'm definitely still not great at it. Oh, look at this comment. I don't think my view of anyone has improved more after being on the podcast than Amanda. I don't know. Is that a compliment? I don't know is that a compliment
Starting point is 00:34:45 i think it's nice but i'm not sure uh i love you just really bad before i love you i i i would take a stab at it um uh i don't think it's bad i just think that from the outside, because of how we normally see you, you seem just a crazy focused. You look like you're an inside person. What do you mean? To me. You don't seem like an extrovert. Oh, I do. You seem like an introvert, and you seem almost like a statue when you're out there, and you almost seem like a perfect human being and like at night maybe you go to bed standing up like in the closet like like but but but you don't present that way soon as you you're every like i noticed that the last time you're on the podcast you're just
Starting point is 00:35:33 animated and you're great conversationalist and you're just like whoa shit this she's not she's totally different on the field i do think i have a little bit of introvert in me like i do need to be alone and like you know don't love people all the time but I do love like I think one of my gifts is talking and like my dad always tells me I have the gift to gap so I do think I am good at that but I do definitely like especially competing like get quiet and serious and focused and I don't I don't like talking when I'm competing I'll talk to people sometimes but I just like to I'm like talking enough in my brain I don't need to like spew everything out with um my coaches know this like do not sit there and just talk to me in the in the warm-up area I'll just lose my mind hey how are how I want we're not done with the kid stuff obviously but
Starting point is 00:36:21 how are boys and girls different um competing like that are you guys like just totally different competitors i heard this thing the other day that was really interesting it said that women um are significantly more affected by social media because they're more observant and they empathize more and i thought i don't know if those are true but i definitely i'll buy that and be like oh shit that is that is a that is a problem because they'll see all the nuance nuances and facial gestures or whatever and because they'll see all the nuance nuances and facial gestures or whatever and then they'll empathize with it and take the criticism more but like you do see at the crossfit games like um like rich's coach is like making fun of him
Starting point is 00:36:55 for how shitty he's doing you know darren hunsucker i've never seen a girls coach do that to him no you can't you gotta be really careful you gotta be really careful what you say to a female i actually just had a call with why is that what why are we did what do you think it is and like i had a girl on the i had trista smith on the other day and she says yeah i prefer to hang out with boys and i go why she's all because they don't i'm learning from them that not to care about stuff oh my gosh that's what my husband tells me every but i think it's because we're retarded i think it's because we don't um we're not observant and we don't empathize maybe. It's not like the skill we have.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Empathy is a big thing. I always tell my husband that. I'm like, you have no empathy. And he's like, what does that mean? I'm like, exactly. Right. So tell me. Go in on that.
Starting point is 00:37:37 What does your coach say to you? He tells me every day. He's like, stop caring. Why do you care? Why do you care? I'm like constantly. And your coach is a boy? Oh so josh is um josh is my coach and what's his last name godin i don't even know how to say it okay josh godin okay um anyways he we were just i don't even remember what came up in
Starting point is 00:38:00 the conversation i'm i'm deloading this week and i had to like tell him i need to deload like i'm not okay like what does that mean you exercise but light yeah it's i mean it's definitely if you saw it you'd be like this isn't a deload oh it's still it's still a lot yeah it's still a lot and the intensity is still like my 40 minute imam was 28 minutes instead of 40 but it was still hard as shit damn dude who took that picture i mean look at you i think you are so amazing looking when you're on the floor i mean you're amazing looking always but look at you i mean you don't even look real crazy um but anyways i told him not to to try and not understand the
Starting point is 00:38:37 female brain and he has learned he's getting to know me pretty well like knowing when to be quiet and when to speak up and like i'm not afraid to tell him well like knowing when to be quiet and when to speak up and like i'm not afraid to tell him to like back off or be quiet because like we just are are close enough that like he doesn't take it personally at all he's just like okay okay whatever you need um but yeah hey that's an art in itself i'm telling someone to be able to back off um um and give you space because um like i've done that to my wife like like i'm focused on something i'll be like not now and then now all of a sudden i'm in my head like oh shit was i mean to her i'm like well fuck that didn't work i know like now now i'm like
Starting point is 00:39:18 wondering if i was mean to her but i just needed space and now i'm all fucking uh yeah that's why you have to be able to say it like, hey, this is not about you. I just need you to like step back a little bit or leave me alone for a little bit. I don't want to talk about this or, you know, just try to like, especially at the games. Like I have a hard time with wanting to talk about things that are like. I remember one year, one of my coaches wanted to. It was the marathon row. He wanted to talk about how I was going to pace the marathon row.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And I was like, I don't want to talk about it. And he was like, we have to. And I was like, not yet. I don't want to talk about it till right before I have to, like I don't need to sit here and stew on the fact of what pace I'm going to try to hold. I just want to like not even think about the fact that I'm about to row a marathon. Like. That's a ball to move for a coach to say that we have to.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Yeah. We were really good friends. Oh yeah. That's a ball. Wow for a coach to say that we have to. Yeah. We were really good friends. Oh yeah. That's a ball. Wow. Lucky you. And so you can do you lucky you that you have this relationship with this Josh dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It's good. I mean, he knows that some, especially semifinals, I'm like, semifinals is just so stressful. Like there's just no room for air. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:22 that's when I'm like, really, I don't talk at all. Like I'm like, give me the warmup, tell me what to do. And sometimes he'll tell me to do something's when I'm like really I don't talk at all like I'm like give me the warm up tell me what to do and sometimes he'll tell me to do something and I'm just like I'm not doing that I'm like no or he'll be like do five push-ups and I'm like I'll do two like I just do what I want but I want him there to like tell me to support me and be there for me and I always tell him like throughout the weekend or at the end of the weekend like sorry for being grumpy like sorry for being short like you know it's the stress it's not you and he takes it like a champ so the the thought did you ever do are there
Starting point is 00:41:00 thoughts that you just won't let creep in like for example like you have what do you call it if you and Wes haven't adopted um this boy what do you call it oh so yeah i didn't get that far in the story okay sorry so we did go to court uh-huh and they instead of permanent custody they decided on legal custody so if we would have gotten permanent custody we could have adopted him, but we got legal custody, which means we are his legal guardians until he's 18. Um, but there, his, his parents still have rights to see him and rights to know about medical stuff, I think. But, um, so yeah, it doesn't change that much. It's just the fact that like, we would fact that we would have kept him involved with his parents whether we adopted him or not. So it didn't change that much for us.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Right. It's just legally we cannot adopt him. Okay. But I could call him your son? Yeah. Okay. So your son – have you ever thought we bit off more than we can chew? Or do you just not let those thoughts – if you had that thought, would you just push it out?
Starting point is 00:42:13 And how does that – and is it like that at the games too? Is it like that when you have to perform and you don't want to perform? Yeah. Is there any – Sometimes you go there. Sometimes you do go there. You don't stay there though if you don't stay there you if you think it you're like you know like i do think i do remember we were having some really rough weeks um parenting and i was like what are we doing this
Starting point is 00:42:37 sucks um but we would we would never like think that we didn't want to do it or it's just, it's just hard. It's hard in the moment. Um, so you are at a place, you have to do it. There's no going back. You would never let that creep in. You would never do that. You would never be, we would never be able to live with ourselves. Um, and we, we love him. Like we don't want to lose him um what about any what about any resentment or bitterness or um for the fact of how he's impacted your life or what you've done actually what you the more honest to say what you've done for yourself and how it's interrupted maybe other goals you've had towards him no you know like it's not his fault and that's the sad part it's like none of this was his fault he was just born into this um and he doesn't i feel guilty that we didn't get him sooner i feel like
Starting point is 00:43:30 why didn't we do something and we wouldn't have been equipped for it the timing i know is the way it was supposed to be but you can't help when you see him struggle and you see his behavioral issues and you see some of the stuff that like just could have been changed by a better environment right they're like why why couldn't have we been here four years ago right wow good on you i think that's probably healthy that i mean that shows that your mom that shows that you yeah um what about um uh are you are you and your husband very affectionate with them like if you're not used to having a kid around and just being affectionate with the kid, are you guys super affectionate or have you had to work on that? It wasn't hard for me. Probably a little harder for Wes.
Starting point is 00:44:12 He's a pretty affectionate kid once he felt comfortable. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. He'll just come sit on your lap or hold you or. Oh, constantly. Oh, that's good. Kiss me or whatever. Very affectionate.
Starting point is 00:44:24 It wasn't like that right away, though. You can't force, especially someone like him, like you can't force it on him. Like he doesn't want to hug you. He's not going to. But he wants to most of the time. What's the longest he was ever at a foster home? That's a good question. Because what I'm thinking is I wonder if somewhere in the back of his mind he also there's like he knows that this could just be temporary he's he's the saddest things of honest he's said stuff like that to us like yeah to uh at four dude at four he already knows he better have his bags packed right yeah i remember this so vividly we were walking into a quick clinic because he was sick and i was trying
Starting point is 00:45:05 to explain to him what it was because it was inside a grocery store i'm like you know it's a it's a doctor inside and he goes am i gonna stay here and i'm just like no like i almost like started crying i'm like no no no you're staying with us like he thought we were just gonna drop him off there um and that i mean that tells you tells you enough, you know, like he's just, and he's an extrovert. And I think some of it's biological, like he's an extrovert, but he also just will go to anyone, you know, like we're trick or treating the kid would have walked in anyone's house and like stay the night. Like he just is, has been forced to be that way. There has been many times where he'll be like, I gotta stay here
Starting point is 00:45:46 forever. Like he's, he's very confused. I'm not even sure he knows what forever means, but because he uses that word wrong, but he does ask questions like that a lot. So you're just like, it's so sad. Like we always tell him like, you live with us as long as you want to, and you're here and you always have a home here. And like, you know, try to make that very clear to him that you know when he goes and visits other places like this is still always his home um it's i'm gonna i know you didn't ask but um when i when i was growing up um i didn't really my all my whole identity was built around the fact that my parents loved me like i didn't do like I didn't swim or do karate or I wasn't good in school, but I did know my parents loved me. So my kind of my whole identity was around that, that I had that my mom and dad and my sister were so good to me always.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yeah. With my kids, they got their building an identity outside of that. And you probably did, too. Right. Because you were playing sports your whole life. So you had some, uh, you built self-confidence. I never built self-confidence. I got all my confidence from the outside world. I got it from my, from my parents and from my parents. Um, so I, I'm thinking that as he, like, as he gets older, I'm assuming you're going to put them in sports and stuff that he'll start building self-value that he can generate from himself as opposed to what he's getting from you and Wes. But still, some people don't even get that from their parents, right?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah. So I just hear you saying that. I don't know what my point is, but I hear you saying that that how how you and west are instilling that in them and that will that will be huge for him because he just he needs confidence right he needs some sort of foundation so that he can start building um himself on yeah that's a good way of putting it like i haven't thought about it from like his personal confidence perspective um i mean like i said before with like the positive and the negative feedback that like, he's gotten better now. But like when we first would like, because obviously, we were like
Starting point is 00:47:50 over exaggerating if he did something good, like, I mean, I'm talking silly stuff, like the fact that he sat still at the table and ate his food, like he was supposed to, we'd be like, you're doing such a good job sitting there, like, sitting and eating and he would like lose his mind when we complimented him because he couldn't handle it wow wow he would be like acting crazy again just because we complimented him and we're like whoa he's not used to this like um he's gotten better i've seen that behavior in kids that's fascinating i never thought about that i've seen that behavior in kids. That's fascinating. I never thought about that. I've seen that behavior in kids. You give them a compliment. They completely flip out, totally deflected, totally like, Whoa, like start freezing. You're like, Whoa.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Um, it didn't, he didn't know how to handle it. Wow. Uh, Bill, Bill Lewis, um, Amanda and her husband are the nicest people and people really like you thanks Bill do you know who that is? no wow look at that crazy he's like yeah you do I'm your neighbor oh gosh when you when this happens and you take on this
Starting point is 00:49:00 this huge new part of your life does any part of you creep in oh shit I'm never going to compete again my competition days are over did you ever did that has that ever entered okay chapter turn the page yeah yeah i think so um it did yeah i mean every year i'm like i don't know if i'm going to keep doing it or not like you just and last year like last year ruined me. Like I was like, I was at the games and my mind was like, I'm never doing this again. How come? You pulled out, you pulled out, right?
Starting point is 00:49:32 No, I finished. I got cut. Okay. Oh, so you didn't leave because of an injury. I thought maybe you left. I did. I did tear my shoulder, but I was, I, I was able to keep going at that point. I would not, I would not be able to do my celeb Sunday, but I didn't have to.
Starting point is 00:49:46 You were 24th, and if you would have been 20th, you would have been asked to go out on the floor and do that. Yeah, I think I probably would have just stood there. Okay. But yeah, I don't remember what I was saying. You were saying
Starting point is 00:50:02 that you were struggling at the games this year, like basically, this is it. I can't go on. Yeah. It wasn't fun. It wasn't fun. And it's like, this is too much sacrifice. This is too much work.
Starting point is 00:50:11 This is too hard to show up until like really not be enjoying it. And why wasn't it fun? I mean, I was doing terrible, so that's not fun, but I don't know. I don't know. I just just you got fourth in your final event yeah that was the lifting though the olympic total i had a pretty good snatch um when you say you're not having fun is that physically mentally both could you could you can you be doing shitty and have fun or no no no it doesn't work that way absolutely not it's fun when it's over if you're doing it's like oh my god thank god this is over
Starting point is 00:50:56 i just didn't feel like myself i didn't feel like myself all summer or at the games and like you're you're kind of pretending to be yourself and feel like yourself but like deep down you know like i'm not okay this isn't fun i just want this to be over this is an interesting question uh amanda what's the point of competing and then he writes money pride but you know what you could take that question all the way to the hole and be like, what's the point of getting up in the morning? Right. I mean, it's a pretty deep question. What's the point of just even existing?
Starting point is 00:51:35 Right. I mean, it's definitely not for money or pride. I don't do anything for pride. I feel like. What does that mean? What's pride? I don't even know what pride means. Pride. I don i don't i feel like it's like an ego thing that sounds egotistical to me but maybe i'm off base with that feeling deep pleasure satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements well you
Starting point is 00:51:57 definitely you definitely weren't feeling that at the games no you do it because that's which is crazy right because you're already there with 40 you already are 40 out of 8 billion people on planet earth that made it there. But for some reason it's still not good enough. Yeah. It feels like a complete failure. I honestly didn't even know what place I got because I just stopped. Like I totally shut off. Um,
Starting point is 00:52:18 but yeah, this is what I've chosen to do. And this is what I've been doing since 2018. And I love competing and I love showing up and the work to get better. I love feeling like I'm getting better. I love chasing that. When you get to a point where you felt like I wasn't getting better this summer, I knew I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I was getting better up to semifinals. I knew I felt really good. And there's just only so much stress your body can handle. And this summer I was in thriving with the HWPO training and which is crazy. So that was an important shift for you also new environment, new people, new programming. Is it really new programming? Everyone's doing, people do different stuff. Yeah, it was very, it was very different from what I was doing. And your body had some adaptations. Yeah, I felt great. Um, I, I was healthy. I was very healthy going into semifinals. Nothing hurt.
Starting point is 00:53:15 I felt fit. I felt ready. Um, coming off of semifinals, this like literally exactly when my life started to change. Um, I don't handle stress well. And I don't know, like, I don't know someone who, I mean, my husband handles it better than me, but like, I don't know how to handle it better than I'm trying to like in these situations. And like, it just affects my training when I'm stressed. Um, more than anything, like if I'm stressed for a couple of days, I feel my body like shutting down when I'm trying. Um, more than anything, like if I'm stressed for a couple of days, I feel my body like shutting down when I'm trying to do a workout. Like I can feel it in my legs. I'm like, this isn't me. My body's still stressed or like physical stress from not getting enough sleep or both mental, mental, more than physical. I feel like I handle the physical more because
Starting point is 00:53:57 I'm used to that. Like, you know, you're a little beat up from training. You can still push in a workout to some degree, you know, like at some point that's going to break once you know, you're a little beat up from training, you can still push in a workout to some degree, you know, like at some point, that's gonna break once you really, really just need a break. But the mental is what gets me like, if I'm super stressed, like I feel like my body went through stress, like headache, like stressed. For a couple of days, I go in the gym. And I know, I know, like within the first or second round of a workout, I can be like, it's not me. It's not here. Like there's a difference between being tired because the workout's hard and being tired because you can't do it. Um, and that was how I felt most of the summer. Like I had a couple of workouts where I was like, I felt like, not even like I was totally thriving, but like, that's how that should feel. Like when you've been doing this this long,
Starting point is 00:54:43 you know, the difference, like, you know, the difference between like, it should feel this way and it shouldn't feel this way. And like, sometimes it's just hard because you're that's training, but there's like, it's like this, I always feel like, I feel like the life has sucked out of me is what I always say. I'm like, you're like moving, but your body's like going through the motions and your legs feel drained and you just, you're not working very hard. Isn't that the first five minutes of every workout? No, no, it's like,
Starting point is 00:55:10 you're not even working that hard. You're just dying. Um, that's kind of how I felt all summer. Let me, let me ask you this because I have no fucking idea what you're talking about. If you're going to go on a run, let's say you're going to go run a mile.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Yeah. Did the first 200 meters just absolutely suck for you? No, if you didn't warm up. Yeah let's say you're gonna go run a mile yeah did the first 200 meters just absolutely suck for you no if you didn't warm up yeah yeah okay okay okay okay good okay that makes me feel better yeah because i fucking like it's so weird like we're not i mean when i start working out it's always like holy when i start warming up i'm like fuck this is yeah there's no fucking way that i'm gonna be working out in 30 minutes and then 30 minutes i'm like i don't even i don't even can't even believe i felt that way 30 minutes earlier. Yeah. So that's my point. Like if, if you feel that way and you get through the warmup phase and you get through your first
Starting point is 00:55:52 couple of rounds of the workout and it doesn't get better or it doesn't change or you get worse or you get worse, you get worse. That's when you really know, like I, um, like if I'm doing something and I do my proper warmup that I always, that's kind of scary. That's when you really know like i um like if i'm doing something and i do my proper warm-up that i always that's kind of scary that's when you know your body's failing you like like my body's failing yeah i can't i can't even kind of imagine that that's like taking off on a thousand mile road trip and 100 miles in you hear some engine noise you're like oh that's not good so that's how i felt all summer leading up to the games and that's pretty much how i felt in every workout at the games so you're like you're out there and you're working out but you're like a shell of yourself you're
Starting point is 00:56:28 just are you and did do you go into denial are you like well maybe i'm not eating right or maybe yeah 100 you start looking at everything but the problem you're like i'm just not good enough that's what i tell myself oh this is actually your fitness like you're just not fit enough like but even though deep down i know the difference like. Like I've done these workouts, like, you know, it's a lot less upsetting to get 20th place and a CrossFit games workout and be like, man, that was me. I pushed so hard. I did everything I could, you know, I didn't get many, no reps. I 20th place was deserved, but the worst feelings are like, especially for me when it's like a workout I should do well in. And I get like, I might get top 10, I might get like seventh or eighth place. But I was just like drowning the whole time. And people like, Oh, you still got top 10. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:14 I should have been first or second, like, you know, but it's you, it feels out of your control, because your body's just not there. Yeah, that's, that's how I felt. So it really was not fun because you're just out there like trying to convince yourself. Okay. You're okay. And trying to convince yourself not to give up because when you feel like that, you just want to give up because it's like, well, what's the point? I'm not like not making any progress. It's interesting. You say that I kept picturing how happy Shelby Neal looked at the Crossfit games
Starting point is 00:57:45 right i i don't even know what place she took maybe she took like bottom 40 but i think this was her first year at the games so you see like when you when you were saying like someone who just is like they know they're performing their best like she just looked like she was she looked happy with herself the whole time as opposed to to you're right. There is a, there is a pressure that you see on the athletes who, who have been to the games over and over, and who have been top 20 over and over. There's a pressure on them. So it's harder for them sort of to feel like every, they, they, they expect more from themselves, I guess. I'm not dismissing what you're saying. You're saying like, Hey, it wasn't functioning perfectly, but I bet you the margins for what you, well, let me ask you,
Starting point is 00:58:29 do you think the margins for what you accept is perfect or also getting smaller and smaller, smaller? Like you're every year you go, you're demanding more of yourself. It's going to be harder to have fun. Yeah, I do think so. But I also think like, like, if you keep losing my train of thought, but I just feel like if you have, like, if you go and you felt like I pushed it it's a lot easier to swallow a 20th place finish um because that's truly where you were um but when you're just like struggling so much physically and then mentally because you're I mean yeah I'm sure you could ask Josh about my mental state at the games but like it it just makes it so much harder because you're you're not thriving like it's not about the placement it's about how you feel and how you execute and what your ability like doing your ability will you will you make it another shot at the games this year
Starting point is 00:59:38 yeah that's a whole nother topic i trying, but my shoulder is still not, um, it's taken a really long time to heal. I was being really stubborn after the games and just was like kind of in denial that it was bad. Um, so I didn't really do anything about it for, you know, I just took time off and then I would come back and try to do something and then it would hurt. And then I would just kind of, I kind of just did that for a while. And i know better like i know that i shouldn't have done that but i honestly didn't think it was that bad um i was like oh i can move my arm i'm fine like i didn't have full range of motion and it hurt pretty bad but is it a labrum tear so yeah i ended up finally in i did this it's embarrassing that i waited this long but i it was the end of
Starting point is 01:00:26 october i did a workout with dumbbells overhead and i couldn't lift my arm the next day and i was like shoot i'm running out of time i need to go get this looked at what is that what is the labrum it's it's like just like a sheath over the shoulder so like you're you're it's like a ball and socket you know like you got your humerus head and you got like the thing that like cups do the labrum is like basically like the suction cup that keeps the ball oh oh oh it adds all the stability to your shoulder it's not a muscle it's like a tendony yes that's the best i've ever heard it explained to me i've had it explained to me so many times it's like have you ever seen i pictured it when you said it like that you know those things that you stick on your mirror um and then and then you turn it and it sticks there or on your windshield and you put your cell phone in it?
Starting point is 01:01:08 You know those cell phone holders? Yeah. The good ones have like a labrum on it. Yeah. So it helps it stick. Yeah. So that thing is torn. You can't have that.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Is it torn like that on the outside like that? I didn't even look at it so i trusted the surgeon so i i was told to have us i don't even know if you were used the word small but it must be small enough because i'm i keep telling myself it must be small if i'm fine but i had a labral tear and i did have a rotator cuff tear as well um obviously not a full rotator cuff tear, but... It's crazy that peptides are illegal if peptides could help heal your labrum. That's fucking nuts. I don't fucking get that. It's not a performance-enhancing drug at that time.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Do you know what I mean? It's like... That doesn't even make sense. What are you going to do about it? So I got... Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a dick. No, it's okay. I got it. That was addressed even make sense. What are you going to do about it? So I got – Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like a dick. No, it's okay. I got it.
Starting point is 01:02:07 That was a gesture at someone else. That was like residual frustration. It's okay. I got a PRP injection in November. PRP? Is that the sugar water that's supposed to like irritate it and then more white cells come and try to heal it faster? Think about it. You're putting red blood cells into your body.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Like red blood cells into your body like red blood cells promote healing okay we're not just reproducing more all the time so like if you can add more to it oh oh they inject it's actually oh okay i thought they take it out and then they put it back they spin it and they put it back in okay okay um so i got that done okay I got that done. Okay. I got that done and I've been rehabbing it like crazy and I've made a ton of progress, but I'm, I'm no, by no means ready. I, I posted this on Instagram last week, but I still can't do a ring muscle up because of pain and weakness. So the timeline, like obviously the open top 25%, not that big of a deal.
Starting point is 01:03:04 If I had to do a muscle-up today, I could. I'm just trying to be smart. But yeah, the season is very unknown just because I don't know how well it's going to hold up. I don't know how fast it's going to progress. I know people have made harder comebacks, so there's hope. I know people have made harder comebacks, so there's hope. This person wrote this, the ESC sounds. Savon, be sure to ask Amanda about her new prehab movement program.
Starting point is 01:03:35 So you are a physio? I'm a physical therapist, yeah. And so even though you might know how to fix yourself, you just don't want to address your own shit. No, he's, wait, are you asking about what he's referring to? Both, both. I want to know what he's referring to too, but. Okay. Um, well I, of course, like, yeah, it's really hard to treat yourself. Like I know what I need to do, but like, I also need someone else to tell me what to do. So, um, I do a lot of stuff on my own,
Starting point is 01:04:03 but I also get PT programming and obviously regular programming from other people. Like if I tore my labrum, you could, you could talk me through it and help heal me. Yeah. But it's yours. And there's two Amanda's there's Dr. Amanda. And then there's a go Amanda, get out on the field. There's Amanda. Who's always going to try something like that. She probably shouldn't. Um, even though if someone else asked me the exact same thing, I would say absolutely not. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:04:29 But I still have that struggle. Okay. And what is this? What is this cat talking about? The prehab? Okay. So I started this year. The year of everything going on in my life.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I also started my own business. So I'm selling a, a prehab program. Um, I launched my first one in January. So it's a 12 week program where people get to work with me directly for 12 weeks. Um, yeah, there's just like a, it's just an application form to like get on my wait list, but for my next group. my next group so um yeah it's just like a name and stuff but um oh gosh is this you or someone else doing this this is caleb doing it that's one of the listers listeners of the show barry mccalkiner okay go on yes don't wait so they get to work with me directly for 12 weeks.
Starting point is 01:05:30 It's a, it's a 12 week prehab program where they get three times a week of physical therapy programming from me. They have weekly calls with me. They have unlimited chats with me, group chats with me throughout the week. So they basically have full access to me for 12 weeks and get a prehab program and like learn how to move better. So it's for people who are constantly getting injured in CrossFit, don't know how to manage those injuries, don't know how when when to scale or how much to scale or, you know, giving them like good things that you should always do in your warm ups to keep you healthy, like your nips, your your knees, your hips, your back, all of it, shoulders. So yeah, it is I'm three weeks into my first group. And it's honestly going great. Like, it's been so fun to get to work with people
Starting point is 01:06:12 who are like passionate and motivated to learn these learn this stuff. All different types of people. There's someone in my group who's a physical therapist. And then there's someone in my group who's a L3 CrossFit coach's someone in my group who's a l3 crossfit coach and then there's just like moms who are you know trying to get back after pregnancy and want to regain stability and stuff so it's been it's been a ton of fun and very rewarding for me honestly yeah i like that knees and hips together nips that was good yeah that was awesome hey um do you develop this yourself? Was this scary to launch?
Starting point is 01:06:47 Like, did you have to be like, okay, I really fucking know what I'm talking about. Like, Hey dude. Like, yeah, you always have like the imposter syndrome, like good enough to do this. But I'm like, Amanda, you have your doctorate in physical therapy. You've been competing in CrossFit for the last six years. You've helped yourself. You've learned so much. I have so much knowledge that could help people. Is there so much more out there and so much more
Starting point is 01:07:10 that I need to learn? Absolutely. But like, there's just all these little tidbits about how to move your body and what muscles to feel and what exercises to do and to do them right. Like teaching people, one of my pet peeves is just like watching people do crossover symmetry wrong in the gym, like not using their scapulas properly, like teaching people, one of my pet peeves is just like watching people do crossover symmetry wrong in the gym, like not using their scapulas properly, like teaching people how to do that stuff. Right. So when they go to do it, they actually, it actually helps them as opposed to just like blowing through it and not getting any results.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I'll be watching some on Instagram and it'll, it'll have like, just like some real and some guys like, um, I don't't know drop some piece of wisdom like yes do belly breathing and then i and then it has like 35 million views and i look at the fucking comments like belly breathing i never heard of that i'm like what the fuck you take for granted yeah belly breathing motherfucker like what you yeah and it's like it's crazy this stuff you probably know that's second nature to you that other people have never even like, like, Oh, I'm supposed to hold my shoulder blades down when I overhead squat. I'm like, yeah. You know, like, no, I don't know that. Yeah. I need help
Starting point is 01:08:17 on that one. I thought you just quit overhead squatting. That's what I did. Yeah. Just don't do it. If it hurts. Yeah. There's stuff that Yeah. Yeah. There's, there's stuff that you know, that second Nate, there's stuff that you do that you, you would probably even be embarrassed to tell someone cause like you don't want to make them cause like duh, but it's not to other people. Yeah. Not even close to duh. Which is like they hadn't learned it. It's not that they don't want to, but I haven't, I haven't heard this term. Expert blindness is real.
Starting point is 01:08:44 I like that term. Have you heard this term expert blindness is real i like that term x have you heard that term expert blindness expert blindness no um rambler uh amanda tips on internal hip rotation what's i don't even know what that means what's uh oh expert blindness happens when we subconsciously develop a bias as a result of our innate and extensive knowledge on a particular subject. Your expertise fuels your success. It also creates expert blindness. Wow.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Skewing how you see and react to the world. So, I mean, I guess we learn from that, like, never stop learning and don't assume you know everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But also, I don't like being around people who over-explain shit either. They're like, pull out the piece of bread out of the bag. I'm like, listen, motherfucker, I know how to make a sandwich. Yeah, but then, Savan, you work with people and then people ask questions because you didn't explain it enough.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Right, they're like, how come I can't get the bread out? You're like, you're on the wrong side of the bag. You thought that you went over the top with your explanation and it still wasn't detailed enough for some people so it's just how it is sometimes what is internal hip rotation sounds like something my wife would tell me to do when i'm stretching hip your hip joints rotating in instead of out so like if you're doing a a pigeon stretch hip is externally rotated um do you know what this guy's asking i mean tips i mean there's a a 90 90 rotation um like an active rotation thing you can do where you're like i don't know how to explain it like
Starting point is 01:10:12 you're sitting with like one knee up and back and your other one's behind you um and you're rotating back and forth so you're getting active internal and external rotation i think is really good for internal rotation. Oh, look at this guy. Yes, like that. That's the pigeon pose you're talking about, right? His back leg is an internal rotation right now. His back hip.
Starting point is 01:10:34 That's internal rotation. And his front hip is external rotation. And then if you just go back and forth between the two, I don't know if he's going to do that here, but it's a good way to get active range in both. I think that block is totally unnecessary. Yeah, he's just using it to help him so much. Let's see you try it, Svahn. I'm good. I'm good. I'm like Gumby. Also, Svahn, I have to leave in 10 minutes for pickup from school.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Oh, wow. Look at you. You're like a real mom. What's your resting heart rate? Depends. 45-ish. No kidding. Wow. like a real mom oh what's your resting heart rate um depends 45 ish no kidding wow if i'm not rested 52 if i'm rested it's in the low 40s um let me let me push on the open thing a little bit more do you know that you're not doing it but you're just in denial or or are you oh you are okay so so you oh okay so maybe it's or are you, Oh, you are. Okay. So, so you, Oh, okay. So maybe it's the opposite. You are going to do it and you're going to give it your all, but you don't want to say that out loud because someone might be like, Hey, you shouldn't do that. I mean, if I fail, I fail, you know, like I've done everything I could since the beginning of this year to try
Starting point is 01:11:40 and get better. I'm doing everything right right now. I'm getting my fitness back. I'm doing everything I can. My shoulder is not there yet. But lucky for me, top 25% will not be too challenging. And then there's a decent amount of time before quarterfinals. So maybe I just have the worst open of my life,
Starting point is 01:12:06 which is fine. You would like to go to the CrossFit Games again? Yes. Good on you. Hey, thank you. You're welcome. Thanks for sharing all the details about being a new mom at school. It's good.
Starting point is 01:12:23 It's going to change people's lives. I hope so. Yeah. It's changed my life. All right. Please say hi to Wes for me. And I hope to chat soon. Thank you so much,
Starting point is 01:12:35 Vaughn. Appreciate you having me. Yeah. Anytime, girl. See ya. Bye. Amanda Barnhart
Starting point is 01:12:45 cool last name cool girl oh I can't hear you she's way cooler than I thought yeah didn't you think were you on the show last time I thought that too I was like holy shit this chick's cool she should be a regular
Starting point is 01:13:04 hey you know what's crazy so i i saw her at the games even though i had her on the show and we hit it off and she was a great conversationalist and smart smart uh person when i saw her at the games i still got like vibes from her like hey she's in her zone like give her lots of space but then at one point she just came over to me she's like hey how come I haven't how come I haven't
Starting point is 01:13:32 how come I haven't been back on been back how come I have not been back on your show I was like fuck I misread her like I was trying to give her space and like I screwed that up imagine how her coaches feel pardon me?
Starting point is 01:13:49 imagine how her coaches feel when do I approach when do I not you have to be crazy confident around a person like that hey what's up Matt how are you Matt Schindeldecker what's up guys hey Adam Blakeslee man your interviews with her just flow so well it feels familiar so good like she's your sister i feel like she's my sister she's cool as shit
Starting point is 01:14:10 she's she's cool i'm curious what her mom is like i bet you she i bet you it sounds like she has a really cool mom. Hey, I did a, um, Oh, um, I did a,
Starting point is 01:14:37 uh, a show last night. Yeah. Quick one. You are avoiding answering my question. I'm chatting with an old friend. Oh, send me the link. Oh, okay, I'll send you a link, fine.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Look at one of my friends wants to come on the show. I don't know if I should call this person my friend. Jesus Christ, so aggressive. Oh, man, I hate it when our thread um grows like do you stay do you stay up to speed do you read everything in that thread caleb i skim just about everything yeah god sometimes it's like sometimes it's nice like you you know you're about to spend five minutes on the shitter and you haven't looked at it all day you're like oh this is gonna be fun catching up on and then other what that's that's how i felt when i was driving like i would drive and then my wife would start driving and then i would just scroll and watch oh oh yeah that's me hey look at you look at you god
Starting point is 01:16:05 you look clean cut is my mic working? what's up good morning bro hey good morning god that looks like a tough place to train just in the corner of the room like that on the C2 yeah it's a zone 2 day
Starting point is 01:16:21 so I'm not going to the gym which is 30 minutes away a zone 2 I got a C2 bike in my house so yeah hey that sounds like uh who's your that doesn't sound smart a zone two day all you're gonna do is ride that all day be on this thing for an hour i go for a swim might go for a swim it's kind of like a low impact day but day. You let the joints and everything rest, and it's supposed to be just chill. Yeah, so zone two, maybe a swim. Active recovery, essentially.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Will you get, sitting on that seat for an hour, will you have some pimples on your butt in the morning? No, I got nice bike shorts on right now. All right. Made by Specialized, so that doesn't happen to my bum. Got the little pad on the butthole, too. If you did have pimples on your butt,
Starting point is 01:17:16 would you tell us? Yeah, I ain't afraid. You're an open book. Hey, dude, how excited are you about the Open? Dude, I think this is going to be my best year in the Open. Yeah. I'm historically bad at the Open, but this year is my year. Are you concerned about week two of the Open when you're going to have to go against Taylor in front of thousands and thousands of people?
Starting point is 01:17:42 I ain't worried about that little dude. No? thousands and thousands of people. I ain't worried about that little dude. No. I went to Charlotte two years ago. I beat him in his own gym in, I think, 22.1. So I've made it my home there. I'm comfortable.
Starting point is 01:17:56 But he's coming to your gym, right? Week two, we're going to do it at Crash? Oh, I have no idea. He doesn't tell me anything. But if that's the case, then even better. I feel even more comfortable is there anything you're concerned about are you like oh are you gonna like oh
Starting point is 01:18:10 shit if there's a rower that week or if there's pistols or if there's something Taylor has a chance of beating me no the only thing that Taylor is really really good at is swimming I don't think it's gonna be in the open yeah hey in the two years that he's been kind of just out just kind of like being a cry baby
Starting point is 01:18:29 have you just like surpassed him in your in your skill like have you just like left him in the dust like if it was motorcycle racing is he still racing 50s and you're racing 250s now he's just there's definitely no it there's definitely levels to it you know yeah we kind of talked about the other day like a few years ago we were kind of I mean he's extremely fit don't get me wrong but there is a little bit of experience that I have just having gone to the games a few years and so he doesn't have that experience under his belt and I feel like taking a few years off experience under his belt and I feel like taking a few years off for him as I mean he hasn't really lost anything but I just feel like I've gained so much over the last two years um but he can absolutely kick my butt in a few workouts I mean if they're drawn up for him like he's really good
Starting point is 01:19:21 at free muscle ups really good good at legless rope climbs. So, I mean, I'm not saying it would be a cakewalk, but I feel like it would definitely be pretty easy. Who's he have the best chance of beating, you, Colton, or Dallin? I feel like it depends on the workout. Yeah, I knew you were going to say that. I feel like Colton. I don't think he has a chance, Colton, or Dallin? I feel like it depends on the workout. Yeah, I knew you were going to say that. I feel like Colton. I don't think he has a chance against Colton.
Starting point is 01:19:50 He doesn't have a chance against Colton? No. No. I mean, Colton is really good at everything he's good at. So Colton's just going to be, just because of the size, is going to crush the open. I think he probably has the best chance against Down.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Just because Down's a lazy sack of shit? Yeah. He's too big for the open. He moves too slow. And Taylor's probably going to molly-wop him. Keith Knapp, Jason should come help me put up my rig For his zone today
Starting point is 01:20:29 Where do you live Keith? I think he's in Ohio Hey two years ago Your first trip to the CrossFit Games You did it out of What city do you live in? Come on man Spartanburg? Yes Is it really? Did I get it right? Out of what city do you live in? Come on, man.
Starting point is 01:20:45 Spartanburg? Yes. Is it really? Did I get it right? Sort of. Greenville. Greenville. That's right.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Greenville. You did it out of Greenville. Then you did a year out of Vermont. And now you did a year back in Greenville. Are you glad to be back? So good. So good. So glad.
Starting point is 01:21:06 It really is the best place on earth. I feel like everybody says that about the home. Nah, you're true. You emphasized your love for your home more than anyone I've ever had on the show. Like, you really, I mean, when I first met you, you're like, yeah, there's nothing really that can get me out of, like, my little town and then and then you kind of you but but it's it's cool you were brave and you went and you left you know against maybe your better judgment you went and you train you learn the secrets of the master and now you're back home yeah back home um yeah i feel like it took me to it took me leaving to actually appreciate it a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yeah. That's cool. I appreciate my friends. Appreciate the, just the resources I have around here. Who is your best, who is your best friend? Do you have a guy friend that's your best friend? Uh, not really. Like I just got a bunch of brothers. Is there anyone you'll call and you'll just like say like three words to and then hang up like do you have relationships like that yeah yeah yeah for sure um but I feel like I got my hands and you know I have like a background in sports and so I got a
Starting point is 01:22:17 bunch of really good friends from sports and college and then I got CrossFit. So Dallin's probably my best friend within this space. And then I got a bunch of people that I grew up in with the church, and so I got people in that kind of space. And so it's different, like, best friends. Why Dallin? When did you and Dallin bond? Why Dallin? When did you guys bond?
Starting point is 01:22:39 He came to Vermont before the games in 2023 for a week and kind of hit it off there. Yeah, that's cool. It seems like you guys are close. They are pretty cool. Tell each other our workouts and we'll let you know that. What about
Starting point is 01:23:00 the Wadapalooza? Now that it's been a couple months? I said we should do a follow-up podcast. Yeah, yeah. So I'm out here asking you to send the link. Oh, God, you're a good dude. Hey, that day you wanted to do it, I would have totally done it.
Starting point is 01:23:23 I think I was driving in a snowstorm or some shit. Whatever, dude. Hey, you're always welcome on. I don't care who's on. If I had the President of the United States on and you asked for a link, I'd kick him off. I'd be like, yo, get the fuck out of here. I'll remember that. Hey, your wife's cooler than I imagined.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Every time I see her, she's a really light-hearted gal, huh? She is. Did you see the post from last night? No. Wow. But every time I see her in a shot, she's laughing. I was like, it looks like you really found your fucking mate, like someone who's just chill and fun.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Is it on your post? Yeah. Let's see. Is that her filming? Oh, okay, let's see is that her filming okay let's see not her filming but um look at she's a good good southern girl with two first names grace ann yeah okay let's see action hey guys uh i just wanted to bring you along on a piece of my training today. Start real strong with some burpees, you know.
Starting point is 01:24:27 Just the goal here is to move and move fast. You go up and down and up and down this lovely box. Then I hopped on over to the treadmill, and here the goal again is, well, to move. the goal again is well to move so faster better is is the summary uh for this whole little uh whole little piece we're working on uh something called i believe it a mech con so we move and we move fast and then we move to these things that to me are like a v up on the floor. But, I mean, on a bar. You hold on. That's what you do. You just hold on to the bar and your legs go up and down
Starting point is 01:25:10 as, once again, fast as possible. From there, we move on to the tread again. Or airliner. We're calling it a tread. It's so funny. Hey, Jason, whose idea was it to make this? Well I did a
Starting point is 01:25:28 Reel the other day and I had a voiceover And She thought it was funny and then I made one yesterday With the exact This footage And she was like that's not funny people are gonna Not watch this at all because it's 90 seconds long It's kind of boring
Starting point is 01:25:43 The way i kind of set it up and so i deleted it and then i had an idea it's like a tiktok thing where it's a tiktok train where girls would put on makeup and guys would do the voiceover of like what's happening like kind of like what she just did to me like i'm putting on this stick don't know what this is but it's really funny with makeup um and so i just was like hey let's you do the voiceover um let's just see if it's funny and it was just funny yeah it's good it's smart okay so good i'm glad to hear that you didn't come up with that yourself you stole it from a tiktok girl hey have you read Brooke Wells' book yet? No.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Oh, okay. She hasn't sent it to me. Just get the, you need the audio book. Oh. Did she read it? I heard she does read it. Okay. I haven't heard it yet either.
Starting point is 01:26:41 I need to get the audio book too. Oh, look. Look, I just got a pop-up on my Instagram saying, it looks like you misused this feature and you've been temporarily blocked. Why does that happen? Why does that always happen to me? Look at this on top of Jason Hopper's page.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Interesting. You ever get that? No. Very good dude. All right. Anything else you want to say? Anything else you want to leave us with, Mr. Hopper? No.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Just have a great day. When we go to do our next podcast, that's longer than five minutes long. I'm going to text Sousa right now and have him schedule you. All right. You're hard to schedule. You have all the – you have like – you're like you're hard to schedule you have all the you have like uh uh you're like you can't do it this day and this time you're a tough dude to schedule asking what he's holding on the bike right now currently holding 320 watts is that zone that zone two one two for me
Starting point is 01:27:43 it's all relative. You probably get on this bike and pull a 320 and you probably die. Oh, please. That's why it's kind of hard to talk about. All right. I'm going.
Starting point is 01:28:00 I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to have a bump looked at that's on my back. That's not good. Well, I think it's someone... So one of the people in the chat had me send it to them, and they sent it to their mom, and their mom said it was a wart.
Starting point is 01:28:16 What do you think? I heard that cancer... If you have cancer, the edges won't be defined. It'll be just like a fucking mess around the borders and my shit is like crazy to find like a wart and i was like oh cool i've never been so excited that i have a wart that's disgusting i have a question for you yeah go ahead what do you think of uh tucker crawson interviewing putin oh i can't wait to see that today i'm really excited it's gonna be amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Are you going to watch that live? Yeah. I'm kind of nervous. I don't know. I just don't know if Tucker will actually ask the right questions or Putin will kind of use Tucker to basically spread his own propaganda. Well, he's going to do that for sure, right? I mean, you kind of can't blame him for that. He's for sure going to do that.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I know, but dude, if he can just ask the right questions that are hard to kind of pinpoint why he's doing everything, then, well, it could be a good interview. But if he just goes there and just serves all his needs, then it could be good. Did you see Putin's State of the Union by any chance? To his country, to his people? One of the things he says is he said, hey, you know,
Starting point is 01:29:32 and I don't know what's true and what's not true. He said, hey, I've always been the kind of person who thinks that people should be left alone and they should be able to love and basically be with whoever they want to be. But that country over there in the West is now trying to normalize pedophilia, and I don't think we should do that in our country. It was a fucking, it was a crazy state of the union. That's a good look.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Yeah, it was pretty good. I was like, well, I kind of like, I mean, maybe it's just a rhetoric. I don't think that's how you spell wart, W-O-R-T. Dude, hold on. I got to address these comments about Nikki Haley in the chat. I didn't see anything about Nikki Haley. Oh, is Hopper still voting for...
Starting point is 01:30:11 Oh, you're a Nikki Haley fan, huh? Alright, hold on. Let me address this. Yeah. I'm judging the shit out of you right now. So address it. First of all, I went to high school with her daughter. Oh, that's cool. Did you guys make fun of her because she was an Indian kid? No. So address it. First of all, I went to high school with her daughter. Oh, that's cool. She is a...
Starting point is 01:30:26 Did you guys make fun of her because she was an Indian kid? No. She is from South Carolina. She's a former governor for South Carolina. So that's where my loyalty originally lied. And then I started hearing some comments she makes and I'm not
Starting point is 01:30:49 I'm no longer a candidate so you're not behind her anymore she's no longer a candidate for me but yeah I was before she started saying some crazy stuff but it sucks that she plays the woke card the victim card that that part really turned me off like she's like feel sorry for herself because she's
Starting point is 01:31:08 a woman or she was feeling sorry for herself i guess she's claiming she's um uh indian uh microsoft not casino um so it's like i just did that's such a that's such a turnoff dude i literally said dude this comment says offers the worst to be like taylor bro come on dude hey dude he looks like that's like somebody running for president in your in your city like you would show some sort of yeah loyalty hey i think it shows that you're loyal and that actually you have intimacy with the candidate that those of us who don't what did you say you used to bang her daughter what were you saying i wasn't listening all the way i was distracted by that vein on your arm what were you saying about a daughter you're sick dude all right well i'm just just i just struggle listening i'm just a little old man trying to find his way on youtube just a little old man youtuber
Starting point is 01:32:00 um listen y'all y'all like i'm not like i'm into politics like like that like i'm not keeping up with it all the way like yeah i'm hey i'm gonna have you on we'll just talk about putin that's i'm so excited let's both watch it and talk about putin hey i made a video last someone just said i was uh someone said i made a video last night someone said i was spewing hate i didn't think i was spewing any hate. I thought I was funny as shit. Wait, say that again? I made a video last night, a 10 minute video.
Starting point is 01:32:32 It's just a news video. I do 10 news stories in 10 minutes. And I thought it was funny as shit. And someone said I was spewing hate. I was kicking rad around a little bit. It's just all fun and games. Someone said they would like a show talking politics with Hopper.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Oh, yeah, that would be awesome. Putin and Hopper. Hold on, let me read these. Dude. Y'all are funny. Y'all are good people, hey subscribe to my my youtube channel everybody i just started posting some what is it what what is your youtube channel jason hopper yeah pull it up with a y with a y jason hopper with a y
Starting point is 01:33:20 pull it up holy shit look at you your first video already has 13 000 views look at you i know y'all subscribe i just subscribed it's kind of i'm going for like an unedited organic type feel i feel like everybody in this space who has youtube channels you mean lazy you're lazy yeah it's all edited it's all done up it's just dude dude look at that you have you have 13 000 views with only 4 000 subscribers do you know how good that ratio is i don't know that that's fucking amazing you don't know what you don't know but yeah i'll go like and subscribe more content coming out i'm gonna try to get it. I want to read some of the comments in here from your video. I'm going to read it.
Starting point is 01:34:08 Rick, do a video of Jason trying to add up his total crossovers with a calculator. That's my boy, Trey. He's funny. A great idea and love the behind the scenes. Oh, yeah, yeah. Man, what a superstar. The Patrick Rios behind the scenes made you. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Yeah. So I'm going gonna try to do things i got i got three ideas we're kind of cooking up we're gonna do the sessions that are kind of just me kind of what the video first video was be working out organic no really not many cuts and the second idea is me and taylor are going to start a series where we just set up a camera and do a workout together. 1v1. Keep score. Keep people entertained. Oh, that would be cool. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:34:53 And then the other idea would just be me or Grace Ann doing her blog, posting it on my YouTube. Kind of just blog outside of the gym of us. So we got some things in the work. Hey, Justin Lance, a political show with a host, Jason Hopper, dude,
Starting point is 01:35:13 Jason, we should, as we get closer to the election, if who, I mean, you've been known to be a pussy and run into a hole before. Like we were, we, we had a good thing going and then you fucking ran away.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Should I run for president? What do y'all think about me leaving this country? But listen, if your balls stay outside of you and your balls keep dropping, we should do a show in September, October, November as we run up to the presidency. Jason.
Starting point is 01:35:42 The Jason and Stevon political show. I want to hear what people think about me leaving this country. Leaving this country? What do you mean? Oh, yeah, yeah. Come on, comments. Let's see. I know y'all trust me.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Oh, that's not true. Jonathan Ortega, political show with Jason is like Snoop Dogg comment that is not true I think the fact that he knew that he knew that Tucker was going to interview Putin is very promising
Starting point is 01:36:14 very promising I am very aware things going on economic stakes the wars in Ukraine right now he's not just another pretty face the border issue um all i do i'm in it all um and i feel like i i have what it takes i have what it takes to to get us moving in the right direction and make america great again point
Starting point is 01:36:43 point one. I don't know. But y'all should trust me. I trust you. Let's see what else. More than I did a year ago. Yeah, I would,
Starting point is 01:36:59 I got a lot of, I don't want to, I don't want to share everything that I have in store, but just know it's all, all good things. And I feel like we can, uh, get back to where everybody's happy again, living in America. Sorry. I was reading text messages and listening to you at the same time. I apologize. You deserve my undivided attention.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Okay, ladies and gentlemen, Jason Hopper, I'm leaving too. I've got to go to the doctor. Wish me luck, Jason. Say good luck. Don't worry, it's not cancer, Seve. No cancer, brother. And then how much time do you have on the bike? Five minutes left.
Starting point is 01:37:45 Okay, will you say a little prayer for me? Lord, we pray, Lord, for healing or whatever is on your back. Lower back. Lower back, left side. Yeah, we pray for healing. We pray for just a renewing of Siobhan's back, whatever that looks like, Lord. And we pray, Lord lord for just peace and blessings over his entire family as he goes through the doctor whatever news he gets back we pray for
Starting point is 01:38:11 good news lord we have everything we need in jesus today you have everything that you need your family has everything that they need you're taken care of, brother. You're going to be good. Amen. Caleb, don't laugh, dude. If you had a ward on your back, you'd be fucking happy as fuck that Jason's praying for you. Be cool. All right, Jason. Love you, dude. All right, bro. Thanks for blessing the show. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:38:38 There he goes. Jason Hopper. Okay. Dude. Caleb, hit that mute button. I couldn't. I can't believe. What a sweet that mute button. I couldn't. I can't believe. What a sweet man. He just prayed for me. Yeah, what a good dude.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I know. And I feel better. Amen. Like even David Weed. Amen. All right. See you guys soon. I don't think I have a. So so good to see you caleb we have
Starting point is 01:39:08 to catch up i don't know where you've been hey did you did you watch that little news show i made yesterday no i'm going to after this yeah i thought i watched the first few minutes and it was spicy it's hot um um i thought you were running from something rapid fire oh I just got some good news about another project we can do that's awesome are you going
Starting point is 01:39:52 do you plan on going to any semi-finals I don't know we will see alright tomorrow Russell Berger wow crazy show tomorrow that's gonna be so fun I haven't talked to Russell in forever excuse me
Starting point is 01:40:16 the wart hey oh Jonathan Ortega I'll be at both oh cool I need to hang out with you a little bit I would like to if you'd make time for me Mr. Ortega I'll be at both oh cool I need to hang out with you a little bit I would like to if you'd make time for me Mr. Ortega um uh
Starting point is 01:40:31 someone told me I'm going to go there I'm going to a dermatologist right at Kaiser and someone told me I'm going to go there and they're going to lance it off with like a razor and then send it for a biopsy so I'll try to take a picture of it and post it maybe they'll let you keep it you should ask them i think they have to send it in they don't need all of it right uh it lands it off and then and then throw it in a stir fry a mushroom wart and a steak stir fry tonight don't tell my wife to tell her there's a little prize in there
Starting point is 01:41:04 it's just like the umbilical cord, right? You dry it up, and then you gotta desiccate it or whatever, and then you eat it. Oh, there you go. Yeah, and then you get rid of the cancer that way. And then that way it never comes back. Consume it, digest it, kill it. Hey, will we get a Putin review
Starting point is 01:41:20 show tonight? Man, that would be cool. Let me see I'm gonna call Greg maybe Greg will want to watch that and come on and talk about Putin me Greg and Hopper on Putin what a fucking the trio you didn't know you needed yeah that took a turn I did not anticipate that
Starting point is 01:41:43 I love it. Oh, so how come no one's complaining that behind the scenes episode 10 hasn't been released? it's not ready yet is it proved proved no oh yeah maybe I should call Dave and just see what the fuck's going on your call has been forwarded to um Savon, what do you think about the Bridges comments towards Tiller? I thought it was fucking hilarious. I think it was all funny as shit.
Starting point is 01:43:11 I love seeing him get fired up. Yeah, I love Josh. He's so funny. It's so good. On a 1 to 10 I suspect that I'm off course that if most people's sensitivity to oh sorry hold on one second
Starting point is 01:43:33 give me one one He muted himself. Okay. Maybe we'll get an answer on episode 10. That'd be kind of cool. And everybody can watch it. It's pretty good. You guys will all like it.
Starting point is 01:44:11 If you guys liked the last episodes, you'll like this one for sure. Looks like we have a few other projects lined up too. You don't even know. Hey, Ernienie Weather's great It's cool I didn't Hi Caleb Thank you
Starting point is 01:44:31 Just fucking leave me hanging out here All I heard was The weather's great Dan Guerrero The rookie hour not the rookie hour the fucking rookie life it's the fucking rook on a one that people are so fucking um uh listen if you're when when you're when someone makes fun of your nipples if it bothers you you you're not even like on the same level as me like there's there's no amount of making fun of my nipples that could affect me could have the whole world just telling me making fun of my
Starting point is 01:45:10 nipples and i i just and so what's that i'm talking about well someone's gonna get it someone's gonna understand listen it's's the yeah. Augusta said I use AI to alter my nipples so that people don't make fun of them I'm pretty sure that AI makes nipples look worse makes them look deformed and shit nipples so that people don't make fun of them. I'm pretty sure the AI makes nipples look worse. Makes them look deformed and shit. Same with your hands. It can't do hands.
Starting point is 01:46:14 Hands will give you a third finger or something. Fuck up your shit. Maybe it is a third nipple. Maybe they're just going to lance off a third nipple. Maybe they're just going to lance off a third nipple. Weather for the weekend is really nice. South Carolina is beautiful this time of year alright talk to you guys soon
Starting point is 01:47:02 Caleb thank you stay warm bye bye

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