The Sevan Podcast - Andrew Hiller KICKED OUT of the CrossFit OPEN + Ellie Turner - Exemption Denied

Episode Date: February 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Andrew Hiller and I have not talked today.
Starting point is 00:01:03 You must know that. We have not talked This is it This is the first Kyle Landis Not to out-sev on But aren't peptides PEDs Did you see the post I just put up?
Starting point is 00:01:14 No, what did you put up? The email I got Oh, no, I can't wait to see it Real quick It's very interesting Because I was just about to start taking peptides again today I was actually going to start last night and I got too tired and went to sleep. So does that mean I shouldn't take them if I want to do the open?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Don't. Unless you want to get the boot. Well, what if I don't want to do the open? I'm going to take them. What's the window on that? Clearance time? I just mean like I have taken peptides in the past i'm not on them now but i wonder i wonder what like if i if i took them when i was seven let's say or let's say like uh let's say i uh they gave me steroids when
Starting point is 00:01:58 i was seven years old for something that happened to me um nothing did happen to me that required steroids but what i is it just like if you were ever on them? What if you got off? Anyway, let's come back to that. Let's do Ellie and then let's save the steroids thing for last. But not to out-step on. Motherfucker, you just did out me. Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:02:24 How embarrassing. holy cow how embarrassing i don't think i've ever had a bigger smile on my face than when i opened that that post okay we'll get to that one second uh two two big things um first let's talk about ellie turner uh ellie turner applied for an exemption which means if you have to apply for an exemption, that means she applied for an exemption so that she could do regionals or semifinals or whatever they're called in the United States of America. Which means that she didn't qualify for it, but she felt like there was some circumstance that would allow her to do them in the United States instead of go back to her home country in Australia. instead of go back to her home country in Australia. Of course, there's some things that we, Caleb will pull up the rules here and I'll read through them really quick on what you need to have to qualify for an exemption.
Starting point is 00:03:13 But my stance, just so you know, is to be very clear, I don't agree with the rules, but they are the rules and I do think rules should be enforced. So from my couple of times that I've read the rules i don't agree with them but but like i don't i don't adamantly disagree with them either i'm not right how do you think we're gonna have to state that while we may or may not like the rule it is the rule yeah the problem is is people are conflating what the rule is versus what happened to roman what happened to is versus what happened to Roman, what happened to Katrin,
Starting point is 00:03:46 what happened to the dozens of other people applied and they're conflating them all in their head and it's fucking up their ability to think. And none of that has to do with Ellie. No, it has nothing to do with the CrossFit's decision. Oh, look at this. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Thanks, Caleb. Did you say I put this video up? Oh no. Is this, is this your, is this on your YouTube? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:04 I put it, I got to it this morning and I just chopped it up. I was kind of, video up? Oh, no. Is this on your YouTube? Yeah, I put it up. I got to it this morning, and I just chopped it up. I was kind of, you know. Oh, okay, good. Okay, so here it is. This is great. Oh, this is from the rulebook, the CrossFit rulebook 2024 for the 2024 CrossFit Games. Exemptions must be filed with CrossFit Games team by February 1st, 2024,
Starting point is 00:04:26 using this form with a hotlink. Rulings on exemptions will be communicated February 28th by February 28th, 2024. So they'll get back to you in a month. Minimum requirements for an exemption include, but are not limited to, proof of sustained residency in a single country outside of the athlete's country of citizenship beginning on February 1st, 2021. Three years. Proof of residency may include but is not limited to lease agreements, utility bills, government-issued identification, or semen stains on clothing. DNA carbon-copied semen stains.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Okay, good. That's fair. Political hardship. This is number two. Political hardship restricting travel to their expected semifinals. Oh, damn. Uh-oh. Oh, damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Houston, we may have a problem uh restrictions from attending their expected semi-finals due to immigration or visa status restrictions from attending what does that mean so if you're an illegal alien in this country it means if you're gonna get stuck in russia that you have a freaking exemption well he wouldn't have you're talking about roman now he wouldn't have to go back to russia in order to go to korea we already know that because he already competed there in the off season but what we think is happening with roman for those of you who give a shit the thing with roman is we believe that he's fallen under political refugee which means he's no longer a resident of Russia, which means that he's he he has transcended even the exemption.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And there's also another section in that portion of the rulebook that has military clauses, too. So, OK, that's that's good to know. So he wasn't going to Russia. Yeah, Christine, I think that that's a moot point, M.O.O.T, because I don't think he is a quote unquote Russian citizen anymore. I think he falls under this political refugee thing, which they don't go into detail there. But he is not his example. It's not up to him to tell anybody why he's allowed to compete in the United States. It's up to CrossFit to follow the rules. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:06:44 follow the rules right right and i and i and i think it doesn't take much of a stretch of imagination to know that he's comes from a war-torn country where they're trying to grab boys and send them to the front line and he doesn't want he probably doesn't want to do that and uh and i think it's probably pretty clear that he's he's no longer even viewed as a resident of russia as soon as he got here from the second landed here. And so it's not whether he can go to Korea or not. It's where is his residence? Okay, here we go. Here's a little bit more. I'll read you the whole thing. For certain individuals, selecting a competition country region may involve additional considerations. The guidelines below address some uncommon situations for selecting an athlete's competition reason. Military personnel, active duty and reserve in all
Starting point is 00:07:21 branches will compete for the country where they hold citizenship military personnel will compete for that country regardless of temporary duty assignments or deployment u.s and canadian military personnel stationed abroad will be placed in the north america east region okay so even if you're a fucking american military personnel and you're in uh korea you'll still have to come back to the U.S. For instance, I don't think that's fair. But it's the rule. It's fine. Athletes with dual or multiple citizenships may choose which country they would like to represent for the season.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Athletes can only compete for one country. Athletes with dual citizenship must choose which country they will represent by the close of the first week of the Open. Listen, that is not fair. Which part? That if you have dual citizenship, that gives you a privilege.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But that doesn't mean it's wrong. You guys get it? That is not fair because we all don't have dual citizenship. Nothing is fair. Did you pass this by the Godfather? Are we allowed to talk about this? No, I have not passed this by the Godfather. The Godfather can make corrections in edit.
Starting point is 00:08:27 If you guys want to wait, now is time to log off. And you don't have to listen to our speculations. You can wait for the Godfather to weigh in. I don't know if the Godfather has the balls to weigh in. Why would you say that? Just a lot of people don't have the balls to weigh in on this. It's negative. Oh, you would sure think so.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It's negative to go over the rulebook. It's so negative. How dare you go over the rulebook? Hey, listen. And for all of you who think that this is a big deal, let me tell you what's a big deal. Jason Kalipa's kid having cancer and him not thinking twice of dropping out of the games.
Starting point is 00:09:06 So just to put that in perspective. That was a good scene behind the scenes. Just to put it in perspective, those of you who have some sort of trauma. Okay, let's back to the rules, Caleb. Thank you. I appreciate you making me big. Athletes in the process of applying for new citizenship and justice status will compete for the country where they are a current citizen at the end of the first week of the Open. Athletes will gain a new citizenship after the conclusion of the first week of the Open, will not be able to change their country, and will compete for the original country for which they're registered.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Those are people who are in transition. Triggered. Athletes holding permanent residency in a different country than where they hold citizenship will compete for the country where they hold citizenship. Uh-oh. I'm struggling with that one a little bit. Athletes holding permanent residency in a different country other than where they hold citizenship will still compete for the country where they hold citizenship. If they live in the United States, but they're citizens of Canada, they're going to fall under Canada. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:10:09 But that doesn't say which region. Okay, so that's just regarding the flag next to their name. That's not where they will compete. Which region? Got it. Okay, so that's an important distinction too. Country versus semifinal.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Very important distinction. Matt Reynolds, best question of the day. When do we get another behind the scenes? I believe a Branstetter will make it live immediately following the show. That's a good one. Relevant. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:45 So here's the thing. We're going to have to make some assumption that Ellie didn't meet the requirements for the same requirements that Caleb might meet because he's born in the United States. So Caleb would compete in the East region in the east uh east semi-final and but but she's lived here for a while and she's um uh with the champ she bangs a champ and she's been to the games before and she's lived here a couple years and she trains with a guy uh crossfit fort vancouver which is
Starting point is 00:11:21 in washington i think that's her coach over there, Adam Neiffer. And so she says, hey, guys, and she made some sort of exemption. And I don't know what that is. I don't know if she's wanted by the Australian government for maybe not taking the vaccine. I know they have rules of what you can and can't post on Facebook over there. I don't know what she filed in the exemption. But we do know, you can go to her Instagram and you can do a little research, and you do know that she was in the country, her residency, based on her Instagram,
Starting point is 00:11:55 starts basically around June or July of 2021. So to get the live exemption, she would have had to have been here in February, right? So February, she would have had to have shown here in february right so february she would have had to have shown that she's been here since february of 2021 february 1st 2021 but she wasn't here until june of 2021 or july and whether you agree with that or not those are the rules people don't i don't understand how people don't get that going through yeah going through comment sections everyone's like you don't know what it's like doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter doesn't matter well what i always imagine i don't know
Starting point is 00:12:36 if anyone else would do this is what's the sport gonna look like in five years and if i ever been or 20 years time it's alright everyone's accustomed to the three year rule it's just because it's hot and it's right now and it hurts right but if the year's 2030 and everyone's well damn aware of the three year rule then I mean it's no big deal
Starting point is 00:12:57 could we go to the barbell spin Instagram account something Caleb and I noticed after the show this morning with Greg Glassman was that my spin account doesn't look the same as his i can't see all the comments instagram is either stopping me from seeing all the comments or a shitload of people having you can see uh my poll the other day right i couldn't see your poll no i can't see any polls my poll okay so i'm going to go through these comments uh car saunders who i fucking respect immensely and who is not a sheep
Starting point is 00:13:31 by any means says i'm so disappointed crossfit when does the special treatment for the squeaky wheels end it's been over a decade now uh there is no i have no idea what she's referencing there is no uh special treatment where's the support for the young emerging athletes instead of athletes trying to cherry pick easier regions because maybe they're not good enough anymore? Where's this? Where's this support for the young emerging athletes instead of athletes trying? Yeah, that doesn't. Can you explain?
Starting point is 00:13:56 That doesn't make sense to me either. I wonder if she's talking about like Bailey Rail or because that was a big thing where she was competing in a region that wasn't the. So here. So here's the thing we're very clear for for what we know and the presuppositions we're making it admitting that Ellie for what we know by no means deserves an exemption she comes from a country that she there's not in political turmoil and she didn't make that meet the date requirements so so whether you want her here like I want her here, I'd love for her to compete in this region. It is the rule. Now, you want to drag in other people into it?
Starting point is 00:14:31 We can do that. We can do that. We can go one by one and be like, okay, they fucked up here, they fucked up here. But to start calling it special treatment and all this, now we're getting our thoughts clouded just by emotional responses. Becca Voigt, this is extremely unfair. Ellie Turner has been in the States longer than Roman.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So she's making the presupposition that Roman filed under time, which we know is wrong. So strike that from the record. Wonder if Ellie was a man, would she get the exemption? Huh. There's an emotional one. There's an emotional one. Fascinating since we live in an era when CrossFit is full of shitloads of woke people still working there.
Starting point is 00:15:23 By woke, I mean racist, bigots, choosing people based on their genitalia and their skin color, not on their merit. There's loads of them and so this is this is very disappointing uh in my mind coming from becca voight it's a disservice to just women everywhere it's pure victim card there's there's there's nothing there is it she so she she automatically shows that she's sexist i wonder wonder if Ellie was a hamster if she would get the exemption. If she was a furry? By the way, when I worked at CrossFit Inc., there was no favoritism. And if I want to be really honest with you, there was almost an ax to grind with the winners. It was the exact opposite of what we were always
Starting point is 00:16:05 accused of. It wasn't, hey, Matt and Rich and Annie get special treatment. It was actually like, let's double down on the testing for them, if anything. Cave Dastro, when is the next episode of Matt, Josh, and Stevon podcast? Did I miss it? On a side note, is Beaver in
Starting point is 00:16:21 underground bunker preparing for World War 3? P.S. Can Hiller point his camera a little lower so we can see his chest? My God. I'll do anything for $10. Elisa, bringing gender into this is, yeah, bringing genitalia into this is just, it's a shit show. Hey, at the end of your show from this morning, Shannon Medeiros commented, and I want to know what she meant by that. Do you remember the comment it was something along the lines of your tribe abiding by or like helping people when it comes to movement standards but not by the rule book and from what i understand all we're doing
Starting point is 00:16:55 is trying to abide by the rule book she might know something we don't know well that's the thing i i put in my video that i reached out to, or I was talking to Ellie, right? And she wouldn't tell me. I asked her probably 12 times. You were talking to Ellie since this post came out? Correct. And she wouldn't tell you? No.
Starting point is 00:17:15 So if she knew the truth, why wouldn't she just tell you? Hey, you know, I told this to Alexis. It's like, if I killed somebody and the cops come over and they go, hey, dude, we heard you killed this person. They died right here. And I go, why can't I? I was at a family party. And I show them a picture of me hanging out with my dad.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And there's a timestamp. And then they call my aunt and my uncle and my grandparents. Like, yeah, he was here. It's like, well, I told the cops first thing I could. I reached out and I'm like, or I was talking to her. Hey the what's the deal? Tell me. I heard you killed this person and she couldn't tell me what where she was or why she didn't kill him. Or she didn't want to. I don't know why she wouldn't want to because I just made a video. We're talking about it now and we could be doing the opposite of what we're doing. Why wouldn't Ellie just tell you, hey, just so you know, I met two of the exemptions. I'm a political refugee and I moved in here in January of 2021. And there being idiots there saying my electric bill isn't enough evidence. You're saying that she would have said that you could have been like, fuck. Yeah, send me the electric bill and then I would have gone to war. Not that she owes it to you. No, I would.
Starting point is 00:18:21 But this could be resolved if someone just gave us more. No, I would. But this could be resolved if someone just gave us more. I'm making a video either way. You're doing the podcast either way. It just would have been in her best interest, I believe, or not. But with the evidence we have, CrossFit's done everything right. All right, let's go back.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Let's keep cruising through this. That's correct. That's a very important distinction. With what we know, this is correct. Okay. What are we missing? Let's keep going down. Oh, no, sorry. Okay sorry okay here we go this is absolute horse shit okay i get yeah i get it you're fired up uh well i'd love to watch ellie compete at torian
Starting point is 00:18:55 it's nonsensical that she has been granted and hasn't been granted an exemption nothing nothing said there i like your post is nonsensical. Like, you only get one outburst. This is horseshit. Okay, now we know where you stand. As usual with CFHQ, it's one rule for thee, but not for me. Absolutely not true at all. Who, who, who?
Starting point is 00:19:20 Absolutely not true at all. I turned into an owl. Clive McLaughlin, is it not inconsistent with catching a Roman or am I missing something? Absolutely not consistent with Roman. He's a fucking political refugee from a war-torn country where he's no longer a representative of that country of Russia. He has fled there, and he's now here in the fucking United States. There's something in the fucking United States. There's something in the rulebook about political refugees or political hardship.
Starting point is 00:19:54 And then I think from there, it probably even transcends it more because he's not even a resident from there. It's sort of expedited. And the Catrin thing, I don't know all the things about Catrin, but people keep saying there's this video footage of her working out in Iceland for a year. Do you guys not remember she basically lived at ben bergeron's house for a couple years then she was fucking banging that dude brock for a couple years in fucking idaho then maybe she went one year back to iceland and now she's been back in the states banging brock again like dude the only thing that matter bare minimum she's been here six or seven years bare minimum well that that isn't that is important to know i suppose but still it's not we don't know crossfit yeah we we don't know but i'm just saying like if don't give me this just this one-sided like hey um okay she trained there for a year dude she's fucking
Starting point is 00:20:36 been in the states for fucking ever call her hi no hey oh voice voice blocker was that was that like some sort of voice uh recognition was that was that person hello caller caller hi caller hi caller hi caller caller caller. Savant. Hey, what's up, dude? How do you... It's not about Ellie. It's about CrossFit not being consistent. I get that Katrin has been here since 2015 or whatever, but you look at the rules,
Starting point is 00:21:24 she does not meet those rules as outlined in the rule book okay let me uh okay i i want to go down this with you and i'm going to help you prove your prove your point but but if it is inconsistent two wrongs don't make a right we have one if they did fuck up with the only example we have is katrin. Right. And we don't know what they are, but I'm gonna let you present the case here in a second. But Ellie definitely does. Do you agree that Ellie definitely does not meet the rules? The rules? Yes. OK. OK, so let's go to Katrin now. So what's the deal with Katrin? I don't want this to be a conviction of Katrin show, but go ahead, because I know for some people that's a big hang up. this to be a conviction of Katrin's show, but go ahead. Because I know for some people, that's a big hang up. Well, so you look at at section 1.09, and it says that you have to have. So first of all,
Starting point is 00:22:13 permanent residency does not qualify. Right. And I will caveat that last year when she received this, she was in the process of obtaining U.S. citizenship. We don't know if she has it this year. We also don't know if she's applied for it this year. But going back to last year, she had permanent residency. She's been here forever. However, she did not have sustained residency in a single country, the United States, outside of the citizenship. single country the united states outside of the citizenship okay let me ask you this what how long do you if you're here for two years and then you leave for one month and then come back for two
Starting point is 00:22:52 years i'm going to start with one month and we'll move up would that would you say that sustained residency or is one month too long i i think that's fine where you're traveling. But the problem is she left in 21 to compete or to train with Yami and Andy for 21's CrossFit games. And then for the 22 CrossFit games, she used Iceland as her competition region to compete with Andy as an alternate on the team. So she was there competing out of Iceland in 2022. Oh, that was there last year That's a strong point, Spence So you're saying even how did she get That's a strong point
Starting point is 00:23:32 You're saying how did she get to be an alternate Well, let's face this Khan didn't lose his Australian residency Even though he was on that team So maybe that's not a good point. No, but Khan's not trying to compete outside of Australia. The problem is the rules of 2022 when it came to the teams is you had to be competing at that affiliate. You had to be there and train with them most of the time and have documentation that you were living there.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Those are the rules of 2022. In 2022. But not 2023. So now you've had her training in Iceland for part of 21, which is after this February 1st. He's just saying that this is, sorry, spend a whole one second. You're saying this as evidence that she didn't have sustained residency. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Okay. So if we're going to hold Ellie to to the exact same rules which i think you should no i don't think you should hold her to the same rules i think you should hold everyone to the rules of the book you shouldn't hold her up to catrin's rules that's what that's what i mean okay you're gonna say ellie doesn't get in because of the rule book neither does catrin with roman i don't think anybody disagrees of 2023 that he should have received it because of political hardship unable to leave the united states and travel with everything going on with russia however keep in mind he got here and got a three-year visa in 2022 before all the Russia-UK crap came up. So we understand that.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Now it's just a three-year visa. He has permanent residency, which you've already said does not allow him to compete out of the United States. It's not a reason that he can get approved. And he's shown the ability to travel to South Korea for a seminar. So what I'm suggesting, what I'm suggesting, because it says also not limited to is that basically he's a political refugee in that trend.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And if we're going to go by his residency, his residency is now the United States of America. He applied for that before all of that was an issue. He applied for that before all of that was an issue. I understand, but even if we wanted to, we couldn't send him back to represent that country and expect him to come back. And just because – Why? Just because – He can't go to – I don't think – I mean, I think he can go to South Korea.
Starting point is 00:25:56 We know that, but he can't go back to – he can't go back to his home country, which is without probably getting sucked up into the war because he's of age. He's not going back to his home country. I agree with you, but I think that the point isn't where you can travel to, but the political hardship from the country which you come to. I see your point. I see your point because I used to think of it like that also. But that's not how it's – Ben, Ben, Ben, I'm edging you right across. On top of it, if you received an exemption last year, you do not have to reapply, even though that's what the rulebook states.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Athletes that received approval in 23 were sent an email saying, just confirm that your situation is the same as it was last year and you will get an exemption again this year. You will get or will review or will review it no you literally just had to reply back and say yes it's the same don't have to submit the paperwork don't have to provide anything that says you have all of this it's literally yes it's the same as last year giving my exemption i'm good uh clive mclaughlin savvy is that in the rule book you've just said hold people to the rule book is there something about political stuff for war yeah there is there is stuff in there about that no but only for restricting travel we know this travel i i agree i agree i agree when i read that just now i was like oh that restriction travel thing but i do think when it says not limited to that that
Starting point is 00:27:26 roman situation is falls in that circumstance i don't think he should be sent back to and i've changed my opinion on this i don't think he needs to be sent back to to compete for anything that has anything to do with russia anymore but then he shouldn't have gone. It doesn't matter with Russia. I mean, he shouldn't be going to South Korea if he's worried about traveling. No, we're not understanding each other here. It's not the travel.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It's the fact that he doesn't represent that region anymore because he's a political refugee. He's no longer part of that country. I don't think he is. You're assuming that he's a political refugee and that we've given him a different designation. I am am i am i am do have you seen his appeal i have not yeah but he didn't file anything this year and i would say last year and this year are different stories
Starting point is 00:28:18 if you ask pedro i think pedro knows russia you think that this year and last year are different situations with uh what's going on in Russia and the Ukraine than last year? Yes. Okay. The fact that he traveled shows that it is a different situation. I can see last year him not wanting to travel with it escalating at this time. But if he never went to South Korea, I'd probably still be on the same page as what it was in 23 and say, Roman can go. Okay. I'd probably still be on the same page as what it was in 23 and say Roman can go. OK, so but let me say this, even though we disagree on on on Roman and we're we're we're not allowed if we're making the assumption
Starting point is 00:29:05 right on her that it's all about the time of her residency in the United States that she did not qualify and that the rules shouldn't be kept being broken in order to get people in based on the rules yes but what I have heard is that she
Starting point is 00:29:21 was told by CrossFit last year that she would get an exemption this year okay i've also heard that i wonder who would have told her that and if they're still there by the way yeah that's interesting too i was don't know yeah it was there was definitely a different uh head of the games at that point in in your defenseman too also if she was told that and she does have evidence of that if i was crossfit i might honor that you would think they would yeah i might i might honor that i might honor that i think i mean i think at the end of the day the rules that they have set up are not working it's creating inconsistencies it's putting them in a tough position to make these calls, especially since
Starting point is 00:30:05 they will not disclose the rationale or even the bullet point of why they received an exemption. And so it leaves us to speculate. And most likely, it's not being held, the same standard is not being held across every athlete. Well, hey, I think that there's some pretty wild and acceptable nuances with roman situation and and catrin situation romans being the political thing and the fact that clearly catrin david's daughter has been in this fucking country more than she has not in the last i don't know 10 years she's been in the united states of america more again that it doesn't matter if it's that based on the rules of it's the last i don't know 10 years she's been in the united states of america more again that it doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:45 matter if it's that based on the rules it's the last three years she's the the last three years no she could have no that's not true yes it does no that's not true she if she if she had um been in the united states for five years and then she went and trained a year in Iceland. You're saying her shit starts all over again. The rules. If you read the rule book, it says sustained residency in a single country beginning on or before February 1st, 2021. Three years. Wow. It's the last three years. So then now we don't then so we don't know what we need sustained defined then?
Starting point is 00:31:31 That's the thing. It's too nebulous. It's not defined well enough. And when you compete in Iceland in a complete CrossFit season season how do you say that you've been a resident of that same of the other country for three years well listen listen it says proof of sustained residency in a single country outside of the athlete's country of citizenship beginning on or before february 1st uh 2021 three years so let's say let's just say for sake of argument that she has proof of residency from february 1st uh 2017 to february 1st of 2021 that's enough then she's in so any three years before so you could be from when you're one to four years old yeah okay i see your point all strong shit spin yep i see your Okay, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Thank you. I appreciate you calling in. See you guys. Bye. Bill Grundler, Brian Spin from the Barbell Spin. Fastest, most reliable news source in the space. Fucking bringing it to the Sebon Podcast. Schooling people. Bill Grundler, once you compete, it should negate
Starting point is 00:32:41 your residency. That's what the Olympics does. What does he mean by that? Once you compete it should negate your residency that's what the olympics does what does he mean by that once you compete i i'd be wondering if he was trying to say is last year roman was north america east last year catrin america west oh that's a good point once he does it yeah once he does it it's it's good it doesn't matter all the other exemptions. You're in. That's how I looked at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I like that. Oh, yeah. It stops it from going back and forth. I like that. Caller, hi. What's up? What's up? I agree with Ben.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I think that there's so much. You know who this is? This is Taylor. Sorry. I know who it is. Thank you. Everyone. Do you have caller ID? Does that work on your thing? It does. I didn't see it was you. No, no, no. there's so much in you know who this is taylor sorry i know who it is thank you everyone do you
Starting point is 00:33:25 have caller id does that work on your thing it does i didn't see it was you no no no it gave your mom it gave your mom's name since your phone's still registered under her name fuck you dude i pay for my own phone bill anyways uh dude i think first off ellie's retarded for going at it with hiller in the dms i think without a doubt she should have somehow like sent him a titty pic or something and tried to get her on his side somehow fair um i don't know how she would anyways here here's the thing you're not going to read anything else after that. Here's the thing. You're not going to get some emotional.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Some emotional appeal is not going to work with Hiller. And so she. So that was a mistake. It sounds like they had an emotional exchange instead of Hiller just wants the facts so he can report on. Right. I think it just to me, it's ridiculous that there's so much inconsistency like brian spin said what like what's what's the point of giving roman an exemption not giving her an exemption giving catch an exemption not giving her an exemption hey it's not that many dude it's two it's two
Starting point is 00:34:34 let's not get carried away it's two roman situation's pretty fucking clear to me and dude he's not a political refugee he doesn doesn't even speak English. Send his act back to Russia, dude. What are you talking about? Listen, listen, listen. Believe my story. The fucking guy doesn't want to go back to Russia and get sucked up into a fucking war. And so he's come here after a lot of hard work to get here. And he's going back. And he came here legally.
Starting point is 00:35:00 He didn't cross the fucking southern border. He didn't cross the Rio Grande. So he's a fucking draft dodger is what you're saying. And listen, and then on top of that, there might be some inconsistencies with the wording, or the wording might have some things that make it so it's not airtight. I agree with what Spin was saying. But Katrin has been here a long fucking time dude
Starting point is 00:35:27 i i understand that living here just go back to why does she get to just go back to iceland 2022 and clearly the person that emailed or did not email ellie saying that she would have the exemption isn't there anymore writing the same rules hey would you give would have the exemption isn't there anymore, writing the same rules. Hey, would you give Ellie the exemption, dude? If you just thought, if it's like, if you saw the rule book. Yeah. How about you, Taylor? Would you? No. I would give none of them the fucking exemption. I'd send Roman to fucking South Korea. I'd tell Katrin to pack her fucking rich ass bags and go compete out of Iceland.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And same thing for Ellie. Unless they have citizenship, do any of them have citizenship? I don't agree with that last part either. You don't agree with what? Sending Roman and Katrin back. I don't agree with that. I think they need to have citizenship. If you don't have citizenship, kick rocks,
Starting point is 00:36:20 bro. I think Roman may have that. Roman has a visa. That's not citizenship. I think he has to be here a certain amount of years before he can apply for that. Roman has a visa. That's not citizenship. I think he has to be here a certain amount of years before he can apply for citizenship. Roman, hey, the world has a stamp of what Roman is. It isn't a Russian. He ain't a Russian.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Why the hell do you send him to Korea? You don't. Because he has to compete in South Korea. What are you? You're a bald white dude with red hair. We can look at you and say, I'm fucking, I am the, I am the fucking iteration of Donald Trump in the comment section.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I'm just saying, I don't think any of them should have any special exceptions made for them. And then you're having someone who, it just seems retarded that you have two people you're willing to make an exception for. And then someone else comes along and it doesn't appeal to your like, feel good emotion. So I'm not going to make an exception. Taylor, someone else comes along and it doesn't appeal to your like feel good emotion so i'm not going to make it either shut up for a second you are ellie turner someone tells you you got to live somewhere for three years and you're like well fuck
Starting point is 00:37:14 right you don't you don't fucking cry cry cry wolf and say oh my god me you're just like all right it looks like new australia or i'm not competing this year He agrees with you Hiller he agrees Yeah I agree with you 100% What do you think Why are we dragging Roman Why are we dragging Roman Why are we dragging Roman and Katrin into this anyway
Starting point is 00:37:38 That's the part that I keep I feel like I'm dealing with my fucking 5 year old kids I got Legos He got Legos Why didn. I got Legos. He got Legos. Why didn't I get Legos? And then I got to be like, well, you got shoes last week. And then the other kid's like, well, he got a pocket knife.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Why didn't I get a pocket? It's like, why can't she just worry about her own shit? Hey, I'm going to tell you this too, Taylor. I'm going to ask you this question. I'm going to ask you this, not tell you this. How much do you think this is affecting her and Justin's training? Oh, well, let me answer one thing real quick. You are both right in the sense that i have no idea what roman circumstances or captain circumstances are i think the fear that people have and probably what i'm basing my assumption off of is i have
Starting point is 00:38:15 a perception of what their exceptions are i don't fucking know so that's that's a good point in terms of justin ellie's training i mean if she's only doing fucking rowing and burpees it sucks to begin with I'll say that I don't know this can't be good someone in their camp needs to be like
Starting point is 00:38:36 hey like they should have never they should have never like someone should have never let this get come to this with her like it should have never let this come to this with her. Like it should have just been, hey, go to Australia. Do it. Don't – you're arguing with reality, and when you argue with reality, it's chaos. And the truth is, and I've mentioned this for the last couple years since Ellie's come on the picture with Justin, having a girlfriend is fucking hard. Having a girlfriend is hard.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Having a fucking girlfriend is hard. And when you want to be fucking great, you need all the fucking support you can that helps people keep your eye on the prize and never take your eye off the prize. I've got a question. What'd you say, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:39:21 This could not take your eye further off of the prize. Yeah, I agree If even for 24 hours Go ahead, Taylor If becoming a If what it takes to become a champion Is what happens at HWTO
Starting point is 00:39:35 Or that video Hiller made of Matt That's what it takes Being like that, or being in an environment like that Do you think it's worth it? To you Each of you, Hiller and Seven Fuck yes or being in an environment like that, do you think it's worth it to you? Yes. Each of you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Hiller and Savant. Fuck yes. Fuck Rocky motherfucking. Shut the fuck up. Yes, yes. Cole, let me tell you, Matt's laughing all the way to the fucking bank. Matt, is he? Yeah, those days are behind him, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:59 He's a bad, here's the only thing, here's the saddest thing, the only sad thing in that entire video that I saw is Matt still lacks the confidence when Matt, when William Tennyson or George Tennyson, whatever that guy's name is, says, is CrossFit Games really make you legitimately the five-time fittest man? And he should look into that guy's fucking eyes and be like, dude, I am a bad motherfucker. I don't think it's the fact that he...
Starting point is 00:40:26 And the fact that he doesn't have the balls to say that, I do, I do. What do you think it is? I think it's because he doesn't want to say the word CrossFit. Oh, whatever it is, it looks like a miserable way to live your life. Like, when you're a fucking bar of gold, it's okay to tell the world you're a bar of gold.
Starting point is 00:40:43 That motherfucker is a bar of fucking gold he has an inconsistency he's he's misrepresenting himself as maybe trying to be humble or blah blah fuck that be you you are a bad man own it killer would that be worth it to you to have that environment to live in that environment to have that life is that how you would live if it depends on what you want or win the game it depends on what you want and he said he wanted to be the best he has people there that tell him that he they want to be the best and they didn't mean it they just didn't know they didn't mean it right so the answer i agree with that i just don't think people are aware of what they do or do not want and he should have also said this
Starting point is 00:41:25 taylor he should also said this not only am i a bad man but any tom dick or fucking harry or carol can get to the fucking 85 yard line of where i'm at by joining an affiliate that's how fucking potent this thing that's why you will tennyson can't go upside down because you're a fucking dork taylor taylor tay Taylor. No, what's that? What? We're surrounded by a bunch of people who do stuff, and they're pretty good at it. And let's just take what I do, for example. I put on 30,000 plus YouTube people in a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:41:59 And let's just say somebody wants to do that, and I tell them what they have to do. And I say, you got to make a video a day for a good amount of time. You got to to get better at editing every single day, and you've got to be constantly trying to look for content to turn into YouTube stuff. And they're like, yeah, I want to do it. Let's go. And I have had no less than a dozen people who I've given this information to, to the point of now frustration and madness on my part, where I'm like, this is the formula. This is all you got to do. And after like two weeks, they all drop off because they don't actually want to do it. That's what Fraser stuck with. Your question.
Starting point is 00:42:28 The courage to do what they don't have the courage. People don't have the courage to do what Matt Fraser did. Yeah. So it takes incredible mental strength. I think you do to an extent what Fraser does. There just looks different to you because you know what you want. And he did it, dude. That guy has the code.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Whether he can coach or not, fucking, Hiller basically showed he doesn't know how to coach. Yeah, he should have said, not only am I a bad motherfucker, but I'm a bad coach, too. That's what he should have said in the fucking video. But that dude has it. Okay, back to the story.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Thank you, Taylor, for calling in. Taylor versus the world coming. Taylor will be going up against Dallin Pepper, Jason Hopper, and Colton Mertens in what will be the fucking most amazing open series the world's ever seen. Mary Mansour, who is also a fan of the Toe Spacers. I have a European visa and if I spend more than three months in the USA it'll cancel my visa
Starting point is 00:43:29 which makes me think Katrin has citizenship okay she's been here since what 2015 2016 uh uh Braylon wowesus fucking supermodel i will be the best you will know my name
Starting point is 00:43:51 that guy looks like jack reacher brother you are one fucking studly looking dude but you're old as dirt and you ain't going nowhere he's coming though he's coming how the hell did you find him like that did okay if you go through the chat you can click on any profile that comment you find them uh maybe he's gonna win the legends competition that's what he means can we go through a few more of these comments it sounds spin took the wind out of the room by fucking like he brought all the all the facts. Just so you know, no matter where you stand, everyone we've heard on the show now agrees that the rules are the rules. OK, let's keep going.
Starting point is 00:44:34 This is stupid and they know it. They never made Tia travel back to Australia. That's not true, by the way. More idiocy. We haven't seen one good comment. And in the meantime, Tia is heading back to Nashville. What the fuck? She's been here for fucking years. yet katrin continues to get approvals talked about that you have no idea what you're talking about hey you think that we're haters imagine writing
Starting point is 00:44:56 dumb shit like this on a fucking look at all the fucking haters these are the fucking haters these are the people who fucking hate hq can't have a fucking conversation and they're just emotionally retarded will she ever compete qualify this year with her back injury great question imagine trying to earn a living from this sport and the goalposts keep moving i don't i don't know if we i don't know if we've proven that the goalposts have moved although if they did tell her the next year she would come and she has it in writing i think they kind of have to uh allow that call her hi that's what i thought uh cross it but hey dude if uh you're a kid and you go to your mom and your mom says yeah i'll get you ice cream for dinner
Starting point is 00:45:43 and then you're in the car and your mom and dad are both in i'll get you ice cream for dinner and then you're in the car and your mom and dad are both in the car and you're driving home it's like mom said we can get ice cream and dad's like fuck you no we're not getting ice cream what do you do well you got me there because my wife sorry hayley my wife has said to my kids before hey you can chew a piece of gum and i walk in the house and i see him chewing i just walk up and put my hand out they're like mom said so i'm like she was wrong sorry that's what's happening with the rule book right now yeah so so fuck you got me there uh crossfit but you let roman krennikoff unfair oh simon you must be really fun to be in a relationship with unfair how about i send you to fucking russia and you get
Starting point is 00:46:21 to join the military there uh car sanders uh hey mate uh standing up for roman roman is a bit of a unique situation she goes on and explains it uh japanese tourist um oh i thought i saw one said jeb uh what's your dad's name uh okay never mind okay let's keep going we don't even know you don know the little dudes have gum. Why not? A bunch of reasons. I fucking hate gum. A bunch of reasons. Gum's stupid. Gum is way, way dumber than people think for your brain. Okay, go back the other way.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Sorry. You don't want your teeth clicking. No, not that far. Just to AZ. I'm just going to read the main ones. Okay, here we go. AZ Outsider. That's bullshit. CrossFit Games. Why does Rome get to say get rid of all the stupid crap and let the cream rise to the top? Yeah, great. Great. They got to change the rule book then.
Starting point is 00:47:12 But they're following the fucking rules. If you want it to be just fucking the open and then go straight to the games, a lot of us would be on board. We don't give a fuck what country. Bingo. That's the answer. I'm totally down for that. But it's not the rules, people. I'm especially disappointed in the men call her hi can you not crinkle shit thank you uh rinsing my hands oh sorry i got your shit wrong can you not rinse your hands
Starting point is 00:47:36 hey question why couldn't it just be where everybody goes to the closest region and then the top accumulative scores goes to the games not like top five from northwest and northeast go trying to make a competition pop overall what was that because they're trying to make it a competition oh and i want i just understood what that guy was saying hillary you can answer the question but i just want to explain to people what he's saying this guy is saying hey um don't have a a strength of field score none of that everyone just goes to whatever semi-final they want just go to the one closest to you it's convenient and it doesn't matter who you beat or who you don't beat there you could take last place there but if you're top 40 in the world you still go to the games that's fucking
Starting point is 00:48:21 competition and last year at tory and i'm in my video this morning the flooring was different so the scoring wasn't even comparable and then it's another thing that helped yes made made notable in there which is if ellie is on the brink of a competition it's like it's it's it's uh it's a good idea but it doesn't really work when you're trying to make a sport fun to watch. I don't know about that. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with it. I like it. I like going straight from the open to the games. Why don't you know about that? How is it exciting to watch? Because, oh man, I'd be on the edge of my seat.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Say North America West goes first, but then Europe's last. I don't know who makes it in until the end of that fourth week or fifth week of competition you know so it adds a little bit more first three weeks are kind of just there i mean they're exciting to watch you just won't know until it's all over hey call wouldn't there be a competitive advantage for week four Wouldn't there be a competitive advantage for week four? Caller, listen. Yeah, there would be.
Starting point is 00:49:29 You're getting the wrath of get with the programming. I'm tired of ignorant arguments. You would have to do all the events all on the same weekend at the same time and the same floor plans. It's not possible. Okay, caller. Thank you. We're not going to fix the problem now. I appreciate it. Let's go back.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I just want to look at the jackasses in the LE3. Get with the program. Go. Oh, sorry, caller. Thank you. We're not going to fix the problem now. I appreciate it. Let's go back and just... I just want to look at the jackasses in the LE3. Get with the program. Go pound sand. Sorry, caller. He was going to say pound sand. Get with the programming. What's your dad's name? You need to change your last name to Dota version of your quest. Just hating. Go fuck yourself. This is extremely unfair.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Keep going. Sorry. You got to go way down now. I think we're past all these. Let me guess. No, keep going. Have you heard one that has nothing to do with either Catrin and Roman or emotion? Take three components out and is there one comment like that? Just mine. Keep going. I think we've read all these. Okay, that works.
Starting point is 00:50:24 That's the ones i just said i whole uh funny tia doesn't have uh i wholeheartedly agree that the circumstances of athletes vary greatly for a multitude of reasons some facing challenges this is from becca voight her second post after saying it has to do with penis and vagina facing challenges far more significant than others however the emphasis placed on nationality seems disproportionate crossfit known for its secrecy regarding decisions, leaves us with the speculation. Although I acknowledge that gender
Starting point is 00:50:50 might not be directly linked to this issue, it serves as a segue to highlighting an important point. What? That you're a fucking sexist? Despite the numerous remarkable women contributing to our community, the narrative in our sport remains largely dominated by women. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:51:07 No one gave a shit. I couldn't even tell you who won the game. Men's field last year, the games. Jeffrey Heather. It was the fucking Laura Horvath show. You're out of your fucking mind. Sorry, Becca. You're out of your mind, dude. So women's competition has been ruling for a while.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Cry me a fucking river. I'm sorry for Ellie. It's totally unfair and disappointed. You've said nothing. You swallow your own words next time, please. But it's just like everything in life. Some of us get the extra cake and some of us can't wait forever.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Shut it. Look, can you imagine that? Can wait? Why are you waiting for the cake? Just go to Australia. Listen, Ellie you imagine that can wait? Why are you waiting for the cake? Just go to Australia. Listen, Ellie should have made her appeal. She should have known that it was fucking completely ridiculous for the presuppositions we're making. She should have got her response and looked at Justin and been like, damn, no blowjobs for you for a week.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I'm going to Australia. Bring this fucker home. That's it. That's what Matt Fraser would do do that's what froning would do hey dude i got it i got it this is perfect imagine i see that thing that dave put up on instagram and imagine there's a world where i sit here and i'm like everyone's on steroids are you kidding me why don't you let me in and then all the comments are like you're so right you're so right just look at this this guy oh my god this girl and they're all like i feel so bad for you
Starting point is 00:52:30 you're the only one who's open about it could you imagine that okay we're pivoting with that let's pivot uh so uh we'll wait for the whole thing i just thought that was a perfect like no let's do we're at 51 minutes let's pivot uh we We will keep you posted on the Ellie story. I want to thank you for everyone who called in. I didn't think anything was said was ignorant. I think Spin, Taylor, I think everyone has some strong points. I appreciate everyone. The only thing that's ridiculous is don't bring in just dumb shit to it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 The dumb shit by saying unfair, deserved, blaming Catrin, blaming Dragging Roman. Like, hey, focus on what's at hand you're not helping ellie's situation by doing that shit okay uh this post says due to public admission of using performance enhancing drugs we have removed andrew hiller from the crossfit games open we notified him via email and as with all athletes in this situation he has the right to now imagine i make the appeal the same way that you assume ellie would in the situation and i'm pissed off that they didn't test me because there's comments in there and they're like what they didn't even test him oh well when i get tested i'm still not fucking here on j on february
Starting point is 00:53:37 of 2021 i've moved like i'm still five months short uh john ge, seven. Are you going to get kicked out for your open use of peptides? Be careful. Well, that's who knows? Maybe I'm not on them now. I was actually going to start last night and then I was going to start today. And now I'm like,
Starting point is 00:53:56 Hmm. So I'm not on them now. Should I pull up the email? I'm ready whenever. Oh, let's, let's, let's listen to the Dave Castro address the community
Starting point is 00:54:06 as he promotes his extra virgin olive oil. Hey, this is pretty wild because this is going to be one of his most watched reels. This is awesome. And he's plugging the oil. I like it. Smart genius. Are you guys, do you have ownership in the business, olive oil business? Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:54:24 So effective immediately, we have removed Andrew Hiller from the open and all other stages of the competition. We just sent him an email letting him know. And the reason we are doing that is because of his open acknowledgement of using performance enhancing drugs in the competition. We have a drug policy that he is clearly violating and he is letting the world know through his social media and through his channels that he is in the open and doing performance enhancing drugs and we cannot and will not tolerate that. So we made the decision to remove him from the games based on the fact that he is saying he is on performance enhancing drugs. This situation is unique in that we have caught other athletes using performance enhancing drugs through the drug testing that we do at various stages. We've caught athletes using
Starting point is 00:55:20 PEDs at the games, through semifinals, through some of the out of season testing we do. But I don't think I can remember a situation where we have actually had an athlete who's very vocal about it and then just continued on through the competition. So he, of course, has the right to appeal as all athletes do in this situation. And we will handle the appeal as we do with all other athletes so that's the news if you appeal it i have two questions for you if you appeal it do they have to come out and test you that's a great question maybe i'm gonna appeal it and then my second question already but i maybe maybe i will just for the the sake of it just to see how the appeal thing goes and then my second 100 bucks on open sign up so maybe they should throw me a bone oh yeah do you get your
Starting point is 00:56:15 money back i don't think so um uh you have said on several occasions that you are using exogenous. Oh, Mr. Hiller. Is this from Curtis Bowler? Yeah, I got the whole thing over here if you want it. That's the top of it. Mr. Hiller, you have openly admitted to the use of prohibited substances. This violates CrossFit's drug testing policy. You have said on several occasions that you are using exogenous testosterone. I don't think I've ever heard you use that word.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Have you? I've used exogenous testosterone. I don't think I've ever heard you use that word. Have you? I've used exogenous testosterone for months. Uh, you've also said you use the peptide CJC 1295 and I, but Moralin exogenous testosterone is the class of anabolic agent CJC 1295. And the EPA Moralin are in the class of peptide hormones, growth factors related to substances, and mimics. Mimetics. These substances are prohibited in the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 00:57:10 competition. You are provisionally suspended pending the outcome of an appeal. How long is your suspension? It doesn't say, but I would assume it'd be four years. Do you think they had to go through all your YouTube videos to figure out what
Starting point is 00:57:25 you're actually taking? That's what I was thinking when he, when he mentioned CJC and Ipan Morel and I'm like, Oh dude, they've seen some videos. Very specific. Uh huh. Especially if they haven't tested you.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Right. I haven't meant, I think I've only mentioned that in a video or two out of 700 or so. 80, 90% of the people, uh, um, at HQ, they just hit refresh on um on hillarfit at youtube waiting that their their workday consists of uh writing down everything he says instead of like
Starting point is 00:57:57 getting things done it's uh worrying about what andrew's gonna say i wish i was joking oh look at that look at that oh you wish you were joking. Isn't it hearsay? No actual proof. Oh, okay. Am I showing anything here? I don't think so. My 37,000 emails in there.
Starting point is 00:58:14 The deadline. Oh, okay. So here we go. You're provincially, provisionally suspended pending the outcome of any appeal. You have 72 hours from the receipt of this email to notify CrossFit if you intend to submit a written appeal. If you plan to appeal these findings, please provide in your written response a comprehensive list of your supplements and medications. The deadline for the 72 hours is February 3rd, 2024 at 1 p.m.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Hey, so what if you did write that you're taking those things but you still appeal it? Hey, so what if you did write that you're taking those things, but you still appeal it? I mean, I'm sure that they're going to say something like, you said it, so you're out. We've denied it because you've admitted it. Thanks for the appeal, but whatever, bro. I mean, how many people have had appeals adjust anything other than... I mean, the biggest thing we've seen is it's gone from a four-year to a two-year, and that's probably the best case scenario. I get two years out of four because they won't test me. I know you don't train like a games athlete and I know genetics
Starting point is 00:59:14 vary from people to people, but there are people who competed the CrossFit games who look like they're doing more steroids and then like look like they're on steroids more than you look like they're doing more steroids than, than like look like they're on steroids more than you look like you're on steroids. There are people at the games who use steroids. And that's not me speculating you dumb shits. That's a, those are facts with 1000% certainty have done. Hey,
Starting point is 00:59:43 they needed to kick you out though, right? Team CrossFit Chief Nation will refund your entry fee. Banned. Caller, hi. Hey, what's up? I have a question for Hillard. Yes. I wanted to see, like, was that your ultimate goal to like get caught?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Like, I know, like, it's been like the premise of like any attention is good attention. And I didn't know if like this sort of like the plan of like attention surrounding that, where it's like, did CrossFit find me even though I'm only saying I'm using steroids? Like, was that kind of the goal to see if CrossFit's doing their job? Let me change one thing about the question
Starting point is 01:00:15 because I was thinking that question too. I wasn't going to use attention. I was using that, like, he's basically a detective in our space. And I was wondering if he, this, I haven't asked him this yet, but I was wondering like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:00:26 did you do this all along? Because you know that they were supposed to kick you out. And if they didn't, then you, you would, they would have gotten a video of being like, dude, they let people do steroids.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So who say they're on steroids, do the games. Like, did you have a plan? I, and actually this parallels really well with the Ellie conversation because last year they didn't kick me out. I just didn't put my workout scores in. Right. I was in the same position. Oh yeah. Last year you were saying you're on steroids and they let you do the open. it's kind of been the nuance of a lot of my videos,
Starting point is 01:01:06 which is there are people doing it and they're hurting people in certain positions. So I didn't put any scores in this year preemptively. They yanked me, which means that maybe Dave has something to do with it. I don't know what the difference is this year from that last year, but I don't care because the question from the caller, yes, because this is what should happen.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Right. I would have honestly, I'd like liked it if they had done it. Let's say somehow it would have never happened because I'm not in the shape to make a semifinal, but it would have been cool if they tested me there right away like Dekarankar was on the other day. You're walking up to register, and they slap you with a drug test. That would have been perfect.
Starting point is 01:01:41 This is great too. Either way, they did the right thing go ahead caller sorry oh no that's exactly what i was getting at yeah it all right they did the right thing yeah but they didn't do it last year that's interesting i forgot about that they knew last year and they didn't do it it is interesting right i i i i don't know this for a fact i have no idea but i'm guessing it's not like a Dave decision. I'm guessing that's way below his pay grade. Also, I pass the drug test if I get to the semifinals.
Starting point is 01:02:15 That's the craziest thing. I would have passed it. You would have? Yes. You have that record everywhere showing, and I think I've even had myself injecting on one of those videos but you're never i wouldn't have failed it hillar i mean could you lay off the peds have them test you uh see if you pass and then go back and say you were using them to prove the
Starting point is 01:02:36 athletes can sneak by the testing protocols give me three weeks i pass yeah that's the thing with the peptides too i don't think a rough 10 days definitely three weeks but 10 days for sure and i pass and the peptides go through your system even faster right it's like two days or something yes so him bring up the peptides like you'll never see that anywhere no one's testing positive for peptides ever uh same thing with hgh and the testosterone i'm good in 10 days interesting all right uh caller thank you thanks guys uh hey can i see the um can i see the way yeah good good job i'm cool with it yeah like once again, like once again, that's, that's, they're following the rules. It is, it is, it is a little weird because you're just saying you do it. I just feel like,
Starting point is 01:03:34 whatever. I just feel, I just wish they would have sent someone out to test you. Can they do that? Can they send someone out to test someone who signed up for the open? They did last year. Hodges, I think it was her name
Starting point is 01:03:45 daniella the girl the girl yeah they sent someone out and she was just doing the open she finished like in the thousands and she like i think i titled the video this is how you ruin a sport which is right now that i think about it because the fuck i'm i but julian roland hillar has been across its most effective marketing tool and they know it uh once once again i do like hillar's point that like hey if he were to go the the ellie route he would be sitting here fucking complaining saying it's bullshit i've done so much for like he'd be talking about everything other than the fact that he's on steroids.
Starting point is 01:04:25 And I broke the rule or that other people are on it. And so he should get to be on it and all that other shit. Good. Right. It's really good. It's like the, it's like Dave knew that we'd be doing this show and we could butt him up against one another. It's like he knew. And that's why he did it. That's what you got. That's another thing I was wondering how genius of it is this too because the ellie thing's getting all this momentum from fucking the wokarazzi and then all of a sudden you'd fucking drop a bomb on on hiller's side of the fence and now you got it's like the whole donald trump thing just pivot just keep i can't wait to see what happens tomorrow. Every day, drop a new bomb.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Ian Arsvold, what Hiller is saying, whatever I knew, it was coming. But if he was actually trying to compete at the games but not on steroids, it would be a different conversation. But I am on steroids. Yeah. What? Yeah. I think you answered that perfectly, but you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I think you answered that perfectly But you are Maybe Ellie's trying to compete at the games and is not on steroids Or Ellie is trying to compete at the games And hasn't broken a rule I don't know What are all these people trying to get me hung Listen I've been very clear
Starting point is 01:05:38 I've been very clear I've been very clear I just need to know what the time domain is And I'll come out but i'm like i am not on uh peptides at this time i am not i've done two bottles in my whole life yeah i got i got a buddy who was a gymnast so like he was short right probably sophomore year uh high school he was five one five two and like his growth plates hadn't shut off yet. The doctors told him so. They gave him HGH and next thing you knew he was 5'11".
Starting point is 01:06:10 He grew 10 inches. I'm wondering that is the ultimate performance enhancer. He's never done it since, but he's 5'11 for the rest of his life. He's not losing that height. You're going to get better power output. never done it since but he's 5 11 for the rest of his life he's not losing that height uh you're gonna get better power output your your limb lengths make you better at just about every single lift not every single lift but many of them made him a worse gymnast but he was done competing and you wonder like does that does that take him out same thing with your you and your peptides uh scott lockridge i imagine there are tens of thousands of masters doing the open on trt 100 Does that take them out? Same thing with you and your peptides.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Scott Lockridge, I imagine there are tens of thousands of masters doing the open on TRT, 100%. Yeah. Were you on peptides since you signed up for the open? I don't think so. I don't know that, though, for a fact, but I don't think so. All the days just meshing one. I haven't done it in a long time. I'm lazy. Hey, dude, haven't you ever heard the saying, don't incriminate yourself?
Starting point is 01:07:04 Yeah, but it's fine. Even if like if they kick me out, they kick. You get pulled over by a cop. You know how fast you were going? No. Listen, if I get kicked, as long as it doesn't affect my ability to go do the behind the scenes, I'm fine. I'm on a podcast. OK, I'd like to read a few of the comments. I'm just curious what's going on on on Hill podcast. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I'd like to read a few of the comments. I'm just curious what's going on, on, um, on Hiller's thread. I just want to see a few more of those, uh, comments before I go play with the kids.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It's raining here. Um, Hey, the J Douglas Douglas one is kind of messed up. What's Jake Doug. What's what? Like he's going to pop that open and he should just take that as a compliment as always but but you're letting people like jake douglas compete
Starting point is 01:07:49 who have obviously used a fuck ton to build mass and he has okay so here's the thing that's that's calling in catrin and that's the catrin roman thing right if if you had to ask me i would say that there's a he's got a point like jake douglas is a freak right but for this conversation jake douglas doesn't apply no right whether he is on steroids or not like i don't in either way jake should look at that and i hope it doesn't like fuck him like his head you know i hope he's like yes i'm fucking huge right thank you uh ken walters i love uh hiller's sign language for shot can i see that again oh for short oh for short short oh i think that's what i did i don't know okay let's keep scrolling uh uh mr beaver uh he's single-handedly getting more people to open and crossfit has in the last couple years you guys should be paying him i agree 217 likes that's cool it doesn't mean that um
Starting point is 01:08:49 juicing in the event but uh i agree uh hear me out two categories the supercharged crossfit games and the natty games okay cool i like that refund is 20 or we riot i'd refund it i think it's cool to refund dude i'd love dave but this is bullshit just because someone is openly admitting to something doesn't prove that he's actually doing it insane i know i do think that they should have tested you i would i would have really liked had they had done that would you've got grabbed your camera and been like hey dude i gotta film this sorry right what's really funny is that people believe that any of these athletes are natty lance alistrom was never caught in the test in his whole career he's just going to sign up under a movie character's name uh so they do watch his videos that's one hell of an uh olive oil shirt promo chasing uh this is what we wanted let's see if
Starting point is 01:09:36 he's passing the drug test i know that's kind of what i want to see too uh look at a picture of frazier when he was winning and compare that to now yes i understand he isn't training as hard and eating less the comparison is two different people that's not the difference between a few thousand calories and training more often just my opinion so this guy's accusing fraser of it but once again like none of these people were admitting it on youtube uh did you test him uh my state publicly he's on peds but may not be taken any similar to how all the games athletes say they're they aren't taking peds but are holy. Holy shit, that one's strong. Wow.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Thousands of people participate, so if drugs were a concern, they would test each participant. Not true. Petition to stop drug testing across the country. Okay. I never read the comments so fast. 69 likes. Where is the positive test?
Starting point is 01:10:24 So basically it's the same thing on um people are people are pretty chill here yeah yeah yeah i cannot wait my my third thought maybe my fourth thought was i can't wait to see the reddit thread on this one there's gonna be one um someone in the comments did say we'd like to see Taylor Self versus Hiller. So Hiller doesn't know this, or maybe he does. But if for some reason Dallin Pepper or Jason Hopper or Colt Mertens break out with some severe general herpes and can't compete, we will immediately fly Hiller in as the backup.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Yeah, that would be fucking awesome to see Hiller and Taylor go. You want to see something? This might incriminate me a little bit more this is a peptide injection right there yeah right there it took me all of uh 14 seconds to do so i'll show it i'll show you again. The video is only 10 seconds long. Play. Right there, you pinch, you poke, you push. Does that hurt? No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You barely feel it. Curtis Buller is over there smiling. He's like, God. We don't see your face though. And you don't know what's in the syringe. Hey, dude. Water. My buddy. and you don't know and you don't know what's in the syringe hey dude um water my buddy look at this there you go quit lying for attention we know that it's insulin right yeah my um my my buddy goes to uh my buddy's about six five uh pale white dude and he goes to traffic court in in oakland and it's a courtroom he's the only white dude and he goes to traffic court in Oakland
Starting point is 01:12:05 and it's a courtroom. He's the only white dude in there and there's like 50 black people in there and the judge goes he was in there for running a stoplight and the judge goes how do you plead? And he goes guilty or not guilty? My friend goes not guilty. So the judge
Starting point is 01:12:22 takes this big fucking monitor that he has on his desk and spins it around so the whole courtroom can see it and it's his face driving his fucking jeep running the red light and he said it was like the fucking arsenio hall show like everyone started laughing and hooting and hollering like you got fucked up and he said it was crazy. Oh, that's awesome. Like, what'd you do? He said, yep, guilty. He said, I paid the fee. That's very funny. But you can't see Hiller's face shooting up.
Starting point is 01:12:51 All right. Okay. And we don't know what's in the needle. I like this. Hiller just put up a video of ejection. Let me check. I didn't see Fraser do that. Ellie, I hope whatever you're going going through you get through this quickly uh katrin and roman i'm sorry this keeps coming up every year for you guys
Starting point is 01:13:11 crossfit keep working hard keep doing what you're doing uh i i know for a fact uh at least when i was there you guys are just doing the best you can that there's no fucking uh home cooking um i know not everyone believes that, but I believe that. And I hope Ellie and Justin get through this as quick as they can. It's not fucking helping anyone's training. Reality just is reality. You never know. What if you die tomorrow and this was all a waste?
Starting point is 01:13:35 So have fun. Get at it. Work hard. Sign up for the Open. Any final words, Caleb? Jump on them. Don't tell anyone, and you're good.
Starting point is 01:13:47 words caleb ca jump on them don't tell anyone and you're good uh if you if you have if you have not signed up for the um wadapalooza uh ca peptides documentary if you haven't watched that yet you have to watch that it's the best behind the scenes ever made made by patrick rios and team and uh the behind the scenes number eight uh will be released very, very, very shortly. Bye-bye.

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