The Sevan Podcast - Andrew Hiller Sells an Assault Bike LIVE | Live Call In MEGACAST

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. What's up? I just did something I've never done before. What's that? I came to my studio and the door was open all night.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I think it's California. Well, it was raining all night last night. I mean, it's not wet in here or anything, but it's fucking coldia it's well it was raining all night last night i mean it's not wet in here or anything but it's fucking cold or does it get humid it does the no i could ruin all your camera here if it's too humid no could never but but you know what happened is is i was drinking on the show last night with dave and then he's like hey i'm leaving so i walked him out to his car and i came in and the place is a complete mess like i I didn't really clean up and I'm tripping. Drinking olive oil?
Starting point is 00:01:10 We drank olive oil. So my stomach's been bothering me for like three or four days. And then Dave came over yesterday. And then before the show started, like right before the show started, I did a little shot of espresso. Because I had taken a nap and then I was just like, I'll do a shot of espresso to wake me up. And then we came in here and we drank olive oil and we drank wine. The only saving grace, honestly, was the bread we ate. I mean, it was all good.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I enjoyed the wine. I enjoyed the olive oil. But my stomach's been just kind of just funky. What? How much olive oil would you say you had? Four tablespoons. No, eight tablespoons. Eight tablespoons. Four of each flavor.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Uh, so I was watching his garlic, his garlic, olive oil is good. I asked you if there was garlic. You said lemon and maybe, no, maybe you said garlic. The garlic one's really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good. I told you about that video I watched the other day, that dude eating 50,000 calories, right? Oh, yeah. How do you do it? How do you do it?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Whole bunch of junk food. But he had on the side olive oil as like a filler, right? So if he needed to, it's like, and I actually had a guy growing up telling me when I was in my bodybuilding stage, hey, you want to get some calories and just take shots of olive oil? And I would do it it's effective it's so calorically dense god how much olive oil like an ounce how many calories are an ounce of olive oil oh he actually has some of that shit on here some of those metric god but it is tiny. Oh, it only says that can't be right. 120.
Starting point is 00:02:48 This bottle says there's 17 servings in it at 120 calories a bottle, a serving, 120 calories a serving. Oh, 1.5 ounces in a shot? A jigger? Is a jigger another name for a shot? I don't know. That sounds like something that could get us canceled. No, here, I'll show you.
Starting point is 00:03:10 What's up, Caleb? It's on Google. I mean, a shot, 1.5, a jigger. I never heard of that. Now you have. Don't ever say that word again. We're going to get canceled. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:03:24 17 times 120 equals yeah okay this bottle has 2,000 21 okay this so that's not very calorically dense uh you'd get sick before you got full i wonder what would happen hey if you drank this in a day it would start coming out of your pores you you know what i mean you start to feel oily have you ever done that yeah i have done that dude in high school we did this thing called the apple cider vinegar challenge which is not real we made it up you just drink a cup of apple cider vinegar it had to have been 12 ounces of it and i threw up all over my buddy's bathroom and for years it just smelled like apple cider vinegar in his bathroom yeah it was bad hey uh you drank tried to drink 12 ounces just straight like straight right god i feel like i feel like that could burn a hole in your stomach
Starting point is 00:04:16 not when you're 17 right yeah the liners are thicker at that age uh it would start coming out your ass yeah that it would probably that too totally i can't remember what kind of oil it was but when my wife my wife's water broke and the and she hadn't started having contractions yet and it her water had been broken for two days so there's this kind of oil, castor oil. Oh. And I gave her castor oil, and she immediately went into contractions,
Starting point is 00:04:50 and seven hours later, she had the baby. I mean, she had to drink a lot of castor oil. That's what Dave should have called his oil. Castor oil. And she shit her pants like crazy. So he's right. It does come out of your butt. Yeah. There's a time that we went and made a olive or a
Starting point is 00:05:08 canola oil slip and slide what you did do that got a bunch of tarps uh-huh not on a hill and like the first person that went down pulled all the tarps with them because it didn't work the way we thought it would but then we left him in my buddy's car overnight and it was in the middle of the summer and it baked at like 110 degrees. And he was never able to get the smell of French fry grease out of his car. Wow. He had to sell it. How much canola oil did you use?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Had to have been like five of those big-ass ones from Walmart. And did it work? No. Oh. The first guy went down the hill, and we're going to go sledding in the middle of summer. How are we going to do it? Bunch of tarps and canola oil.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Andrew told us two stories already this morning. Yeah. We got a lot. One was both with fluids. We would do all that stuff. I'm sure Caleb's done it. The gallon of milk challenge. Why not
Starting point is 00:06:02 me? Wait, why not me? Why not me? Do homeless people not me? Why not me? Do homeless people have the means to get five? I wasn't always. I used to go to Target and pick up... This was the dumbest shit ever. We used to go to Target and grab two
Starting point is 00:06:18 gallons of milk and then act like we slipped and then throw the two gallons of milk up in the air and then they would come down and explode all over the Target floor. that's what we would do i've seen that i never did then we would run out of the target like oh shit all right what you got i worked it i worked at this um place called drug barn it's like a cvs and costco fucked each other you know what i mean it's like a mini costco before costco's were big okay they sold shit in bulk and one day i didn't want to be at work so i went over to like the detergent aisle and i and with a box cutter i
Starting point is 00:06:57 cut open a gallon of like clorox and then a gallon of drano and let that and put the bottles next to each other and let them just pour onto each other i I can't, to be honest with you, I can't even remember if it was Drano and Clark's, but two like crazy chemicals until a cloud started like forming. Did it get, did it smell? Yeah. They cleaned, they evacuated the store. No, I didn't get to go home. I had to fucking clean it up. And you did it. I do use kitty litter and shit. And yeah Hazmat, yeah, I tried to do a chemical really a challenge. It is pretty stupid though. That's good. It fits It's on the get puts me on the chart for a dumb shit with liquids. That's the dumbest thing you ever did as a kid. I Had this I had a no, that's not I had this other here's another liquid story
Starting point is 00:07:43 I had with the same stuff. There was this cologne called Dracar that was like really popular with the high school kids. And I had this – I can't remember if it was Algebra 2 or Geometry Teacher. But she would – if she smelled deodorant on, she had an air cleaner in her classroom. This is before – you had never seen an air cleaner in your life back then. She had an air cleaner in her classroom. And if she smelled any – you were not allowed to wear deodorant if you took a class from her and if she smelled anything on you perfumes deodorant hairspray you got kicked out of the class and so one day uh before class before she was there i broke off the little thing that stops
Starting point is 00:08:17 the top the cologne from coming out fast and i poured it into her air filter oh my god that's kind of like an upper decker what's an upper decker it's the one where you take a dump in the tank of someone's toilet oh man it's what you said it's kind of like the gift that keeps on giving like an upper decker oh there's no snow in here oh man the reservoir there's a poop in there i've done that too and upper decker yeah really hey you know that's supposed to be the emergency water if there's like an earthquake in something in california so you ruin their emergency water supply yeah but we live in illinois there's no there's no earthquakes here did you have to sit on the like did you put your feet on the toilet
Starting point is 00:09:02 and sit on the upper yeah well it's like right next to the sink so you kind of put one foot on the sink and one foot on the toilet bowl oh okay damn you kind of look like spider-man up there i had a um i i had a fish tank and i had a party once in high school like one of those ones you have when your parents aren't home and someone poured a wine cooler into my 20 a fish tank and I had a party once in high school, like one of those ones you have when your parents aren't home. And someone poured a wine cooler into my 20 gallon fish tank. It killed everything. No. Oh, the fish were just drunk.
Starting point is 00:09:33 It was weird. I mean, the next day I emptied out like half the tank and refilled it, but it was a trip. It wasn't even a big fish tank, 20 gallons. Damn. Yeah. Crazy, right? Good thing your dad's name isn't Anton. why that's a deuce bigelow reference
Starting point is 00:09:49 i don't know if you get that no puts his fish in the blender makes a margarita some people get that hey um can can we pull up your um your mush video really quick uh caleb yeah um cool i could do it too oh wait is it the mush video, really quick. Caleb. Yeah. Cool. I could do it too. Oh, wait. Is it the mush video? Or wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Maybe it's not that video. I got a lot of videos up recently. I just kind of go. I'm tripping on. I'm tripping. Is that old already? I'm tripping on people's. Is this pinned or something? Oh, no. Oh, no. 10 hours ago. I'm tripping on people's... Is this pinned or something?
Starting point is 00:10:26 Oh, no. Oh, no, 10 hours ago. I'm tripping on people's comments. Which? Why? The Helm of Deros is just a black name. You can't click on it because I can't tag him. No, like, look at... so the premise of this is like, hey, you're saying you go to the Able games. No, this is the wrong one.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I think that's the top one is the one you're talking about, this one with – yeah. Okay. So the premise of this video – let's play the video real quick. What I want to say has nothing to do with that. The comments are nuts. Okay, now I know what you're talking about about i just can't believe we it's how stupid people are i don't understand oh i believe it alexis talked about i made a video with alexis yesterday yeah it's from months ago and she goes you think everyone's so stupid and i go no i don't
Starting point is 00:11:19 i do never cease to amaze me i'm i'm blown away. I was just watching. I was reading the comments also in the Don Lemon, Elon Musk interview. I just can't believe how fucking stupid people are. The stuff they say makes absolutely no sense. It's like, did you not? You should have a little bit of a conversation with yourself before you post. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. Play this really quick, please.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I'm excited to announce that i'm going back to the able games for the third time i made this as a screen recording in about five minutes and everyone's like don't you oh sorry not this video sorry not this video go to sorry this isn't the go to matt frazier's video sorry go to matt fra Fraser's video first. Or to Able Games. Just go to where the original video is. It's on the Able Games. Is it on the Able Games? Yeah, he shared it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's not on his timeline. Okay. It's just – I mean, I don't care, and I don't think you care either way. It's just an observation. But the premise is – let's play this. Let's play this. Guys, I am excited to announce that I'm going back to the ABLE Games for the third time.
Starting point is 00:12:36 It is in Fargo, North Dakota on April 5th and 6th. If you don't know, it is a really special event. Athletes of all skill levels, there are eight categories total, and the athletes compete on the floor at the same time. There's still time to sign up to compete or volunteer. I'll be there volunteering. But it is a really special event. If you haven't been there, look into it.
Starting point is 00:12:58 It's for a great cause. We'll see you out there. So let me see. Excited news alert. We're thrilled to announce that the one and only Matt Fraser is making his third appearance at Able Games. Okay. For the record, I've also heard that this is an amazing event. I had at least five people reach out to me telling me, they're like, ah, this sucks.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I'm like, well, no, no, no. This has nothing to do with them. No, nothing to do with them. Does that mean you're going? Because five people recommended it. That already is a stupid thing. That's already a stupid thing. no, no, this has nothing to do with them. No, nothing to do with them. Does that mean you're going? Because five people recommend it. That already is a stupid thing. That's already a stupid thing.
Starting point is 00:13:27 To think like this is anything besides promotion for the Able games. Correct. I said that to somebody. I'm like, no, no, it's actually good. More people are talking about it. Your perspective is so small if you think anyone talking about this is anything besides promotion for the Able games. I didn't even know what it was.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Right, exactly. No one didn't. And that's why it's cool that Matt's talking about this is anything besides promotion for the able games so i didn't even know what it was right exactly no one didn't and that's why it's cool that's matt's talking about it and then so so the able games tells you even though we already know they tell you get ready as the five times fittest man in the world himself joins us for an unforgettable event matt's personal mantra of hard work pays off guided him to become the most decorated dominant athlete in the sport now he uses it in his business h HWPO. Hard work pays off. Matt's passion for inclusive. Inclusive. Inclusive.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Inclusive. Dan. Matt. Do I need to call Haley again? I think you're having a stroke. Hey, that's just not true. Matt's passion is not for inclusivity. It's for fitting in.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It is. I could argue that forever but um i've never seen anyone from the kkk on his fucking or a flat earther or a um or me i did 20 podcasts with him he never posted a single uh um uh post about that i mean his shit has nothing to do with inclusivity he's running a business i don't believe for a second it's about inclusivity maybe it's for the perception of inclusivity i just not i just don't buy that i don't mean that in a bad way either there's there's just tons of people like that i just think that's a lie matt's passion for inclusive i think it's the wrong words for inclusivity matt's passion for coming across inclusive
Starting point is 00:15:02 maybe that's i don't know matt here how this? Matt does do a lot of good deeds. Like he does do a shitload of good deeds behind the scenes. Like a shitload. He helps a lot of people. He's generous with his time. Like those prison guys. Those guys are spending life in prison. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 What? I was going to say it's like community service. Yeah. Earlier in the show, we were talking about all the stuff that we do as kids and we do like adrenal bombs yeah uh one time we got caught and had to do some community service yeah why not say yeah matt matt's passion for helping others i'll go with that but not inclusivity that's fucking completely fucking idiotic that's not just a lie matt's passion for inclusivity and athleticism and why and why do that why not just do matt's passion for helping others i mean that that i'm fully on board
Starting point is 00:15:50 matt's passion for inclusivity and athleticism perfectly aligns with the spirit of the able games and we couldn't be more honored to have him with us whether you're competing or cheering from the sidelines this is an opportunity to be a part of something truly special so i still don't know what the able games are but it doesn't matter because it's on their instagram account so if you're there you probably know what it is but you have to assume able games is like a play on disabled right so it's their way of being like we're not you already know it's like hey we're not disabled we're able like we're like right so it's okay but if i just saw matt saying that like um there's anyway how many how many followers does that account have able games nothing crazy 1278 okay okay look and look in the first post you can see something's up right
Starting point is 00:16:35 away the guy in the first post something's off with him like he has down syndrome or something right so you just know right there it's some sort of event. Have you ever been to the Special Olympics, Andrew? No. Have you? Yeah. I wasn't. I went like five times in Santa Barbara because I worked with development. Did you go when you were, yeah. Disabled adults.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, so I would take them there. How did they like it? They loved it. It was cool. They loved it. This is probably different, the ABLE games. I'm guessing. That sure looks like the open shirt, the logo.
Starting point is 00:17:06 The Special Olympics, everyone got a medal. Everyone wins. Oh, I hate that. Yeah, I hated that too. Okay, so now let's go to the... Go to the Fraser... Or go to the... Hiller's video.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Hiller's video now. And look at the comments. It's wild. Have you ever seen the movie The Ringer? Is that with Matt Damon? Johnny Knoxville. Nope. So
Starting point is 00:17:32 Matt follows 589 people right? And so the premise of this video is, hey, you're going to the Able Games. You're promoting mush, all of these things, but you don't follow them, right? Correct. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I'm excited to announce that I'm going back to the Able Games for the third time. And then you search. He's going back to the Able Games the third time. And then you search, he's going back to the able games search time. You just search able games. And, and he doesn't, I didn't even know you could do this and he doesn't follow them. No,
Starting point is 00:18:13 you do. He doesn't follow the Dave Castro. And everyone's like, but Dave doesn't follow anybody. Like God. Yeah. That's like one of those dumb comments. Dave doesn't follow anybody. Right dave doesn't follow anybody right
Starting point is 00:18:26 he doesn't follow anybody for hey why should matt follow him could you pause this for a second have you ever had someone call you and be like hey i noticed you unfollowed me or you don't follow oh my god hey dude i i unfollowed everybody at one point when I was competing. Yeah. This is one of the things that resonates with Bill Leahy, right? He's got his sole mission. He's doing one thing. He wants to win the CrossFit Games. And if there's things that take away from that, he wants nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And I found myself wasting time on Instagram, but I needed Instagram because I had a sponsor at the time. It was a supplement company, and I had to post on it. But I didn't want to waste time clicking around on crap, so Iollowed everybody and i had i don't know a couple thousand you did it you did it for yourself to help you mitigate your scrolling right i didn't want to waste time yeah yeah i had that one so i needed it and i didn't want to be tempted and i couldn't delete it like i would like to um but i unfollowed i don't know a couple thousand. And then I had a couple thousand followers and I noticed I lost hundreds, which means that hundreds of people pay attention to that. They unfollowed me because I had unfollowed them.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Like, fuck this guy. Like, like what? I don't even think, I don't even know if I follow my wife or my mom or any of that. Like people will be like, Hey, did you see, I don't even know who I follow. I just randomly follow people you know the main reason why i follow people is if i need to tag them or if they're going to be on the podcast so it's easier to search for them that's it oh i don't have any other what so you follow xavier deruso we were talking about yesterday yeah i just started following him because i texted the other day and i was thinking about having him on
Starting point is 00:20:03 again so i started following xavier deruso hey the other day and I was thinking about having him on again. So I started following Xavier Deruso. Hey, does Pfizer have an Instagram account? Probably. You follow your wife. No worries. You're good. I do? Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah, you're good. Do I follow my mom? Ooh, I don't know. Let me check. All right. Well, I just checked and Travis Kelsey does not follow Pfizer. So you follow your mom. You're in the same.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Devon used to follow me. He doesn't follow me anymore. I really got a new account though. I know that's the, that's the thing. By the time you get to your third account, you're not even worried about who you're following anymore. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I don't even worry about anything on Instagram. Other than it's for me, it's like a dictionary. I just use it to like search it. Yon Clark. Okay. I follow you now. They're done.
Starting point is 00:20:43 There you go. That was easy. Who cares? jake chapman right okay i'm go with that too okay that works but the crossfit one was the most insane one to me why he doesn't follow crossfit and uh he's also known to have been on rogan and not spoken all that highly of crossfit i don't i don't think I follow CrossFit either. I need to make a video on you then. Remember how I said yesterday I couldn't do that?
Starting point is 00:21:11 I got one. I got something. What does that do for somebody though? Like if you're following – Oh, I do follow CrossFit. I do follow CrossFit. Never mind. I could see myself not wanting to follow CrossFit though because I just don't want to make negative content about it and I just think that their social media is so bad that sometimes i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to um you know what i mean maybe there's something like that too there could be i'm just like hey i don't want to be inspired by something shitty but but i
Starting point is 00:21:35 do follow them hey there's there's some comments in there too such as uh maybe matt doesn't even run his own social media and that's like that that's that's completely idiotic too of course he runs no hey why wouldn't what so why wouldn't matt run his own social media give me tell me why uh why did droning run his because uh he didn't want to be addicted to it you don't think fraser i mean i don't think fraser would have that but for some reason people think people with big accounts don't run their accounts why would that be you think that you think that there's someone like at some um uh management company or some uh ad agency or some that knows how to run their account better than them that's better but we'll do it yeah that's completely fucking crazy. Whenever I see that,
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm like, you're fucking crazy. You think The Rock runs his? No. I completely think he runs his. No, I don't. Why wouldn't he? You think you reach so many followers that all of a sudden you just don't run your account? No, not necessarily. You get so rich?
Starting point is 00:22:41 You get so rich? Depends on what you do with it. I don't run my Sevan podcast account. You know why? Because you're so rich? You get so rich? It depends on what you do with it. I don't run my Sevan podcast account. You know why? Because you're so rich. No, to protect me from ruining the account. There you go. I mean, nobody is all that surprised to just see it's a running ad.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Everything on there are ads, ads, ads, ads on Fraser's account. And yours isn't that. But if you post something that doesn't go along with your ad spend, that's why you have people run them like The Rock. Yeah, I think it's crazy to think that Fraser doesn't run his own account. Hey, I think that would be – I don't respect people who don't run their own account really. That's you, dude. I ding them a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You talk about yourself now. Yeah, I ding you a little bit. Well, here's the thing. But then once I find out the reason I'm cool with it, like if Froning just doesn't want to participate in Instagram but he still wants to have a presence on Instagram, I respect that. Do you think he'll run hers? 100%. I don't think anyone in the space... Hey, dude, I don't think one single person in the CrossFit space
Starting point is 00:23:54 doesn't run their own account. How about Dave? 100% runs his own account. The entire time? No, except for when he doesn't. But you know what I mean. but you can totally see why. So there's an event, and he wants to use his following. What if your life is an event?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Say that again? What if your life is an event? The Rock, his entire life is an event. Right, right. And if I heard that, I'm not saying if I didn't hear a reason that I couldn't come around to like understanding it. Anyway, for example, going to what I was saying, someone wrote on there, but Dave doesn't follow anybody as a comparison to what you're saying about he doesn't follow the able games. he doesn't follow the able games and those how where is someone even making that leap dave yeah dave doesn't follow anyone that kind of makes him exempt or froning i think only follows like five people and it's obviously his own accounts that that makes you exempt you can
Starting point is 00:24:58 easily be like okay probably dave doesn't follow people because he doesn't want to scroll or he or because he's in the limelight he doesn't want people to feel bad for the people he follows versus the people he doesn't follow i mean there's a million reasons why you could think that why he doesn't follow people but the whole premise of andrew's video tell me if i'm wrong or right or wrong is matt's claiming hey i've been to this event three times and he's trying to pump it up but obviously he's not really connected to it because he doesn't follow it. Yes. That's the premise, right? Just like mush. Just like mush. Unlike Beam.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Apparently he's got some sort of connection to them as he follows them. Well, I'm guessing. In the CrossFit Games versus CrossFit. I'm guessing he has some ownership in Beam. There you go. Yon Clark, who cares if he follows? He promotes it. He's made content on it. Yeah, and that's fine too. There you go. why would you post this? It's petty. Oh, he doesn't follow me. Let me see this one. Who cares?
Starting point is 00:26:07 I just want to respond with, are you new here to every single one of those? Are you new here? How about this one? Dude, you're just searching for clicks. I want to know why Tyler posts. I want to know, and why did he make that comment? Can we go to Tyler's page?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Sure. Tyler Cantrell. I bet there's some stuff of him lifting. No, he's private. Of course he's private. Why do you have an Instagram? Maybe it's to follow Dave. Of course he's private. Maybe you have an Instagram to follow Dave so you can see the open clues.
Starting point is 00:26:42 At which rate, Matt Fraser has a entire program based off of the CrossFit ecosystem. He does have his pronouns in there. And the open. What? Wow. Wow. Tyler could have been a chick's name. Yeah, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:00 It could have been the chick on the left and now I know that it's the dude on the right. You think Tyler wants to have that in there? Is that a street parking number? Or do you think he's forced to because of his work? What is this? His wife. Why is that her picture?
Starting point is 00:27:20 That's not the same chick, is it? That might be her mom and dad. Okay. That might be two boys. that might be her mom and dad okay that might be two boys that might be her brothers interesting hi tyler i i just don't understand i'm reading these and i'm just like i can i can understand what you're saying by making the post i can't understand what some of these people are saying i can't understand how they made these leaps. Hey, could you argue that anytime you post anything to social media, it's to get
Starting point is 00:27:50 clicks? Is there anything that's ever posted anywhere that doesn't have that purpose? By clicks, you mean for someone to see it? Yes. Yeah. I mean... If you put anything on there, that's the reason. Yeah. Which makes that ridiculously dumb. Yeah, I mean... If you put anything on there, that's the reason. Yeah. Which makes that ridiculously dumb.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, stupid. You just like your wife... If you're lying, if you say no, I want to know why. And then I'm pretty sure I can circle it around it. Yes, it's for having eyes on it. Caleb just married his wife because she has a vagina. No. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Okay, that's not exactly true. That's not the only reason. But if she didn't have one, you wouldn't marry her. No, he's very superficial like that's not exactly true that's not the only reason but if she didn't have one you wouldn't marry her no he's very superficial like that it's true but but if alexis had a body 10 years ago i'd be cool with it too i married that guy because he's rich well and he has a penis don't don't, you know what? I think that you can, if you're a chick and he's rich and he doesn't have a penis, I think that could work too. For some chicks.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I married a rich guy without a penis. If he's got money and he can do some stuff with his, you know. These two got married. Sure. What is this about? Have you seen these? No. Outfit of the night. Going to La Grada with some of our great friends from Austin.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And babe, this outfit is giving quintessential Palm Beach big teeth. I absolutely love this. It's giving Palm Beach vibes, Kentucky vibes, Chanel vibes. What do you want? Thank you, Reagan. I'm wearing a... Is his name Reagan? No, his name is Jet.
Starting point is 00:29:29 And her name is Campbell, but he calls her Pookie. Call her hi. I was just calling for the penis talk. Oh, yeah. I want to jerk you off a little bit. I got that in the toothy. Oh, yeah. Great, right?
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah, shit. I ordered two um i got the the mint and the regular one my wife loves it me my five-year-old my wife we all use it so um kudos to you and all the shit you're doing hey a couple people think it's too salty i always didn't think it was salty enough what did you think were you surprised by that's the that's the first thing my wife said she was like why is there so much salt in it? And I was like, it's supposed to have salt in it, right? Is it CTP? No, Corey.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Sounds like CTP. Hey, the very first one I started with, the tooth powder I started with, man, I tried it again this morning to see if it – and it's crazy salty. Oh, look at Olivia. It is too salty. Wow. I don't know. I don't mind it. I think it's like a perfect amount of saltiness because as soon as I've noticed with your
Starting point is 00:30:34 Matoothian, as soon as I rinse my mouth out afterwards, it's almost like I can taste the sweetness of the water. So it's like the contrast of the salt, sweet. I feel like my breath smells less. I'm not trying to do an ad read for you or anything like that, but I've been asking my contrast of the salt sweet. I feel like my breath smells less I'm not trying to do an ad read for you or anything like that But I've been asking my wife over the last week I'm like, do you feel like your teeth are cleaner and your breath smells better throughout the day? She was like, yeah I feel like my mouth is cleaner
Starting point is 00:30:58 Yeah, it's badass. How's your balloon? Not? Do you know like your two? Oh Your dick ruin inch. That, your dick grew an inch. That is one of the things that happens from a tooth. Wow. Yeah. It's a byproduct.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm also stoked for semifinals. So I'm in North Carolina. You're coming out to Knoxville, you said? Oh, you mean quarterfinals? Oh, semifinals. You know what? I was going to. I was going to. And I to in um uh i'm having
Starting point is 00:31:27 this sticking point with i just don't have a sponsor for knoxville yet i really want to i really really really really really want to i just don't know it's like the main reason i would go all right then i'll look into it but uh also i'm going to carson i'm going to carson for sure what you say seven years sober or seven years getting hit every day? Yeah, seven years vegetarian. I just switched to full-blown carnivore last week. Oh, tell me. Tell me.
Starting point is 00:31:52 What's the difference? Well, I did the fasting once a day for a year because of y'all, and I probably gained 15 pounds. Wait, so you fasted one day a week for a year and probably gained 15 pounds um wait so so so later you casted one day a week for a year and you gained 15 pounds yeah because i eat like an asshole the day before right and the day before you beth incoming uh and then so i decided i had to switch it up you know lost muscle a whole bunch of stuff and i was like well what if i try full tried full blown carnivore? So I stopped fasting, um, last week and I went full blown carnivore. And I, I mean, I've never felt, I know it's only a week. I know I got a lot more time to figure it out, but I feel
Starting point is 00:32:32 amazing. Um, and so I'm curious to see what's going to happen over the next few months or so, but yeah, only, only beef, uh, fruit, honey. Um, I'm thinking about adding sweet potatoes in. Why? Why are you adding sweet potatoes? With my workouts, I feel like trying to push the pace. My runs feel a little bit lazy at the end of them. So I'm watching some people in the journey of their carnivore. They've said they've added more fruit, more sweet potatoes. How far are you running?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Experimenting. Pardon me? How far are you running experimenting how pardon me how far are you running usually like a 5k okay hey jr when i stayed with him at the games he threw down just like a pound of blueberries at a time it was crazy just a whole tin so you're right about the more fruit thing too it's so easy to eat a pint of blueberries, dude. It's so funny. You have like five of them. You just eat a whole thing. So easy. Hey, Corey, I would try a lot of ribeye. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Ribeye is so good in the fat and it is so amazing. And eating that fat and ribeyes might make it so you don't want to eat sweet potato too. I would try ribeye. When I was just doing ground beef, it was hard. Do you not like sweet potato? I've been staying away from the lean. I've been doing 85-15. That seems to help too.
Starting point is 00:33:52 I would try ribeye. Who cooks it, you or your wife? My wife won't touch it because she's still a vegetarian. Oh, okay. Yeah, we were vegetarian both for seven years. And so only I cook it. Interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Do you feel like you have more energy now yeah i feel like i'm like on days that i was fasting i felt like i didn't crash throughout the day so i feel like my energy isn't you know topping out and then plateauing and crashing throughout the day so i definitely enjoy that aspect of it but but I'm a little bit, I'm not too far into it. So it's kind of hard to tell. Is this true? Sweet potatoes are gay. Most they're non-binary. Right. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah. I definitely feel more sexual when I eat them. So. More open. You're more, you're more inclusive in your. Yeah. All right, brother. Well, I appreciate y'all all right thank you look the heat one app is getting ready for the quarterfinals uh he just whenever i see the word gay i immediately go to happy really that's healthy something and something and yeah i'm so gay this morning yeah i woke up so gay so what's this i feel pretty i feel pretty and witty and gay and i pity you know no what's up is that mary poppins they're singing on the bridge in anger management oh geez, geez. They stop in the middle of the expressway, and it's like, all right, sing, I feel pretty.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Until you're called. Is that West Side Story? Is it really? No. No, I don't think so. Sebon, did you ever tell Dave about the Heat One app? I'm sure I've talked to him about it. It's getting ready for quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Yeah, I'm just looking. Tyler Watkins sent a screenshot because we're going gonna do some sort of game around taylor dallin jason hopper and colton mertens hey how good was fee speaking of quarterfinals yeah she's she's she's the legit guest i was in and out of that one and then i went back and i kind of re-listened to a lot of it yeah and i know it's kind of worth it when there's somebody who's on her that long. And she was on for what? Two hours, 15, two and a half.
Starting point is 00:36:12 She's not afraid of being, she's not afraid of being herself. She's, she's, you could tell she's enjoying herself. And she likes mush. Yeah. What did you, yeah. What did you think about that? She, well, she just said something on my video and she said like, oh, it's nothing better than the Titanic with a thing of mush. It's like, it's cool. She's cool. Hey. And she leaned into something. She said, oh, there's nothing better than the Titanic with a thing of mush. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And she leaned into it. Hell yeah, she did. She leaned into it. What'd she say? Wrong post, Caleb. We have these posts backwards. Caleb, it's hard keeping the post where he attacks people.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Near, far, wherever you are. Is that a movie reference? No, Titanic. where he attacks people. Near, far, wherever you are. I believe that much goes on. Is that a movie reference? No, Titanic. Sorry. Celine Dion song from Titanic. Let me see what people say about that in the replies. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You win. ESC sounds, Fisi Goffi. I like their account too. ESC sounds. They're not really afraid of I like their account too, E-S-C sounds. They're not really afraid of anything either. No. They are who they are. Let me see their account real quick.
Starting point is 00:37:11 What are they? They're the headphones, right? Yeah. Yeah, I always trip when I see these dudes in the comments. Let me play that video of the girls running. Let me see that. Fake records. Oh, that's grace walton yeah careful with the sound fuck she's hot damn she looks different there doesn't she it's because she's sweaty fucking all-natural girl right there she just destroyed the open too yeah she did do you first uh i believe so
Starting point is 00:37:49 hey i love you remember when froning and camille won the games and everyone said that there was some uh inside thing there where they want them to wind up so they had the best looking people in crossfit win the crossfit games oh maybe maybe you just said she's good looking and i agree grace walton's attractive hey go back in the games it could be huge for crossfit i don't know really i don't think it matt i mean i don't know come on dude it matters the harder that you really yeah because there's a difference between froning and fraser winning the crossfit Yeah. There's a difference between Froning and Fraser winning the CrossFit Games. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:26 There's a difference between Froning and Medeiros winning the CrossFit Games. All right. Meaning they get on the cover of more magazines and they're invited to come more places because of the way they look. Right. Hey, let me see that Grace Walton thing. You know what I find so attractive about her too? This is so weird.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Watching the... I like how she... I like when people are on the runner and they start with their hands on it for a second like that my favorite thing is when you do that a competition all the judges are like get your hands off the rails oh they do yell that at you they're there they get fear or they used to when when the runners first became a thing yeah they would get furious how many warnings do you get for that i don't know i also don't know what they're going to do if you keep your
Starting point is 00:39:05 hands on there they're gonna make you stop there's there's no precaution for that that's interesting but they do get pissed or they used to get pissed i bet they don't anymore the that esc people um it's like um fee when i brought up planet fitness, you, you know that there's people, there's athletes who would come on here who wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. They'd be afraid that like somehow, um,
Starting point is 00:39:30 what they're saying is controversial, not wanting men in women's locker rooms, right. Or men, naked men around for some reason saying not wanting naked men around little girls is somehow become controversial. But, um,
Starting point is 00:39:43 it's the same thing with ESC. They'll just be here in the comments. You, you someone someone proposed this to me the other day i oh no no i saw it in one of your comments they said someone in one of your comments basically said that they were like afraid to follow you because they didn't know on anyone to know they follow you and then after your hayley adams video they subscribed your account account. I'm like, holy shit. Imagine living under that social pressure. That's like not wearing this hat in the open. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:13 Like your MAGA hat. Do you wear that in the open? Fuck no, I'm terrified. It's in his open video. I did put an American flag on the back of my car the other day i bought some really thick latex ones i never took you as a hillbilly a sticker one yeah not like the one that like blows around in the back of the pickup truck yeah still oh okay okay but you know what i mean but i just i put a really thick vinyl one on both my cars that's aggressive right-wing bullshit right there hey i do love the united states though so i don't blame you yeah i just want to keep i want to keep
Starting point is 00:40:51 it in in good in good i want to keep it like in good um i want it to be good here what's the pledge of allegiance these days what is it looking like nobody but i think you i think you have to i think you're supposed to in school i think it's some sort of rule still to say it but you're right people don't you want to know the weirdest thing i went to catholic school growing up and i didn't go to church for i don't know five eight years in a row and i went back and all the prayers were different like what what yeah it was so weird to me new translations translations. Yeah. So I, you know, more progressive, like more progressive. They'd remove certain words and add different words or just change it up.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And I'd be like, this is weird. To what effect? And I never went back to church ever again, because I'm like, if you can just change, what's the truth, then like,
Starting point is 00:41:37 what the hell is any of this? To what, to what effect? I don't know. Like I knew the, our father, I knew the hail Mary. I knew all of those prayers. But the changes to what effect are don't know like i knew the our father i knew the hail mary i knew all of those prayers but the changes to what effect are the changes being made like what do you think they're
Starting point is 00:41:50 trying to accomplish i couldn't even guess okay i i don't know because i don't i didn't like go through that i just know that they were different but i also thought it was like scripture right like this is this is what the religion is and if you can just change it because someone said so or someone thought something differently than i want to say every daughter was i want to say every few years they just go through and like re-translate things from latin basically and it comes out different someone in here will tell me something that makes sense to them and i just don't care to hear it. It makes no sense to me. Look at this comment. Bullshit plus microphone equals podcast.
Starting point is 00:42:31 True. Philip Kelly, do your boys know the Pledge of Allegiance? I don't even know if they know it. I don't know. Oh, Heidi's correct, though. You know, Heidi said something. Prayers can be whatever words you want. That's true.
Starting point is 00:42:42 That's a true statement. Oh, I screwed up. Sorry. And you have no idea what you're saying which is what you just brought up bs plus microphone equals uh podcast hey you're um you're brian that brian friend video you made yeah um i'm gonna ask you a personal question about it please how much money have you made off that should i look yeah you want me to show you you don't have to show me i trust you can i show you i don't know i feel i feel like showing someone your metrics is like showing them you're
Starting point is 00:43:19 like like the backside yes if i were in anyone else's position i would want to see their metrics you sure right that's why i don't like to show anyone my because i know they want to see it oh that's why i like to show them metrics are like boobs there you go holy shit holy shit uh looking good this video has gotten 33000 views. People want to know what this bump was. And this is because that one Tyson Bajan video took off a week after because I released Tyson Bajan video and then I put a little tag
Starting point is 00:43:54 in the Hayley Adams video and people watching that clicked onto the Tyson one and it made it take off like days after I posted it. What do you mean? You mean at the end you sent people from Hayley to tyson and that skyrocketed it yeah wow this video made you 500 it's almost 600 yeah and then when i click around here i always look at like how people watch this on average for 17 minutes so what i think about in this case is I think about Wrigley field,
Starting point is 00:44:26 30,000 people. And I imagine them sitting in Wrigley field for 17 minutes, watching me shout about Brian friend. That's what I imagine. Dan Guerrero. Is that enough for you to make a living? So it's trips. Maybe you don't know this or you just forgot,
Starting point is 00:44:43 but Hiller fit also is very successful programming. I don't know what you call it, but the same shit, whatever that thing that mayhem does or Sentinel training does. Andrew does that also. Yeah, I've got the online program for I have the individual track and I have for five, six years. And now Jethro at chief nation, he actually follows my, uh, affiliate programming. So he was telling me how much people like that over there. I don't know if, I don't know if that's true. I respect the transparency. I don't think that's, I don't know. I don't think that's true. I've shown them before.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Hey, I know, but I just don't think that that's transparent. The answer is no. Hey, do you think that if you belong to an affiliate and your affiliate owner pulls up in a $122,000 Ford Expedition brand new? I don't think anybody would know how much that car costs, but continue. How about a BMW X5 or something? You don't think people would know how much that car costs but continue how about a bmw like x5 or something you don't think people know how much an expedition costs no no like if there's a difference between a suburban and escalade yeah even an even a even a suburban fully how much is a suburban fully loaded same as that same as an expedition i'd assume it's got to be 100 it's like 80 to 100 versus 10080,000 to $100,000 versus $100,000 to $130,000.
Starting point is 00:46:06 I can't imagine you can get a fucking nice Suburban for less than $100,000. Can you? Yep, $72,000. That's for just baseline shit Suburban? New Chevy Suburban. Heidi, this is the coolest dentist. My dentist drives a Hellcat. That's dope.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Can you bring up the Suburban? I'm struggling to believe that it cost because i was going to buy a new sienna the other day and a fully loaded sienna 60 grand has brian texted you i asked him not to because all that can you build one out can you build one out for us like just a good like all right well give me like 10 minutes because it's going to take a while oh really you can't You can't just go to the website? Yeah, I will. I got to like click through everything. You want to just make it a bit? We can make it a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, always. 83 grand for a Suburban, for our Suburban. Maybe I should get it. It was $7,500 to fix my van or I could buy a new one. Oh, my God. I was really upset when I heard you fixed it instead of got a new one. Okay, here we go. A four-wheel drive Suburban.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Just pick all the good, best shit. I want to see how much we like. Wait a minute. Is RST the best version? Is there a row below that or no? No, that's it. That's it? Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:47:23 How about High Country? High country's the one dude all right and wait and keep scrolling down let me see if there's any more like can you click that get the good engine too that's it alif don't be cheap dude sorry you need to have the six to six cylinder v8 absolutely okay okay let's go to the uh what color we want it that's fine whichever one's the most expensive yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course yeah i used to sell cars right yes i did i did for about three or six months somewhere around there in college actually yep those actually. Yep, those. How does that work? Do you make money? Yes. Good job, Caleb, finding the wheel locks. Thank
Starting point is 00:48:10 you. As a sales rep, you don't make money doing what you're doing. It goes right to the manufacturer, then back to the dealership. We can't get wheel locks. Okay, fine. Okay, fine. We won't get wheel locks in. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Interior, here we go. If this doesn't hit $ doesn't hit 100 grand Caleb I'm going to be pissed Make sure you get the bucket seats Do we want jet black mocha Whatever We're just ramping up the price Alright You can't choose back bucket Is that another page
Starting point is 00:48:42 Not here at least There's bucket and bench. We're getting ready to go to packages. Yeah, you need the trailer hitch. You need the interior protection. Absolutely. Trailer view is worth it. Trailering package.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Look at that Airstream. That's $100,000 Airstream. Yes. Oh, good. Yeah yeah okay good good oh 30 yeah get that thing premium pack on the bottom right yep yeah or what about this one the high country deluxe is that yeah yeah yeah sorry you're right you're right and look it's on sale that pisses me off that's not fair oh shit come on caleb let's break a hunji. All right, next options. Here we go. Interior. Included in package. That's a good thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Oh, we want the light, the illuminated emblem. The light is not as much. Oh, that's awesome. You can get all this shit. Hey, just scroll to the bottom. Usually there's just something to click. Yeah, the rear steps oh we don't get rear splash cards okay that's fine panoramic sunroof duh i can't believe we're not over 100 yet this is a great car
Starting point is 00:50:02 polished exhaust tips Of course Engine block eater Of course Adaptive air ride suspension The Brembo brakes Absolutely Just so you got a paid This is wild
Starting point is 00:50:16 That you can get all these options How long does it take to get a car like this Pedro what about a BLM sticker And a Ukrainian We'll get those Don't worry Pedro Good call though I Pedro, what about a BLM sticker and a Ukrainian? We'll get those. Don't worry, Pedro. Good call, though.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I like that. What about BLM sticker and Ukrainian flag stickers? Those. Oh, my God. All these things on here. Dude. Cargo management. Nah.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Skip all this crap. Hold on. Unless there's something really expensive. You don't want to put a kayak on top? No one wants to put a kayak on top. Get me that roof camera mounted large car. You mean the camera. $1,000 option at the bottom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Roof carrier. Yeah. Geez Louise. They really have every option on here. Okay. So it's $100,000. Stupid. Oh, we need a tent. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Come on, guys. We don't need a tent. Yes. Performing. Oh. We're at $100,000 now. Get me the crazy exhaust. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:23 God. Yeah, baby. Yeah, you got to hear us coming from a mile away that's the that's the idea can you get nitrous dude it's a suburban you could throw some on there hey go back to that trailer hitch what's the deal with that trailer hitch why is there one uh keep going up i thought i saw one with balls on the side. No, I must have mislooked at it. I know they make some where there's like four different types of hitches and you can just rotate it around.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Oh yeah, look at that one. It has three balls on it. Yeah, the three different sizes for different towing capacities. Alright. I got mine from Home Depot for like $20. This is a rip-off. That's why you don't do it. No, they don't ripoff. That's why you don't know. They don't rip. They don't
Starting point is 00:52:06 rip you off. How dare you? What are you trying to get sponsored by Chevy? Okay. And it's only 1500 bucks a month. So you totally could have gotten this. How much do you have to put down when you lease a car? None.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Depends on the deals they got. it's is it a toyota-thon or or not let me see go back up to the lease again go back up to the lease uh that's right there lease details let me see that oh only 1544 do it signing oh and this is a lease oh no that means that you're going six years, 72 months at like $2,100 for sure. And at $2,100, you probably got to put down 15%, 20%. Ultra low mileage lease. You do have to put money down on a lease also? Yeah. Oh. I'm just trying to keep driving my 2016 Sienna. Fuck it. Not always. I had a Mazda at one point.
Starting point is 00:53:10 I didn't have to put any money down on it. It was like $175 a month, and it was fantastic. So it's $100,000 for a new Suburban. Yeah. For a fully loaded new Suburban, yes. It's $80,000 for the baseline, and then another $10,000 to $20,000 after you get the stereo and the lights put in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Dude, Sleeky, leases are great. Really? I thought you were never supposed to lease a car. Yeah, why are leases great? Well, if you guys have one, you can write it off the lease right as a business are you on the phone as you're driving to the skate park
Starting point is 00:53:52 always do you use that for work yes no but no yeah wow that no shit my cars are right off if i'm in there talking on the phone have a conversation with your accountant dude i'm always on the phone yeah did you do you drive the car to greg's house where you do the podcast wow wow holy shit crazy y'all are crazy hey why would it why would elise be what about my if you just have a car payment i mean i don't have a car payment but if i did what if you buy a car can you still the thing is you can always write a car off if it's a lease because you're always paying for it and you always have a new car versus at a certain point your car is paid off and you can't write it's not worth anything anymore hey isn't there a limited amount of miles you can drive on a car per year when you learn that actually with my buddy's head like heidi just said meals are also a write-off if you discuss anything business
Starting point is 00:54:47 yeah i knew that but what about what's the miles because i think i drive i'm trying to think i think i drive my car you probably drive too much for it to be at least this one's 40 000 miles and then every mile after that is 25 cents 40 000 a000 a year? Oh, that's a lot. Yeah, because I probably drive 40 miles a day. I probably drive less than 20,000 miles in a year. Graciano. Call me Hillary if you don't abolish the IRS. That's not really in your...
Starting point is 00:55:21 No. Oh, look at John Lavelle. Purchases are right off as well. Work car. not really in your um no no oh look at john lavelle purchases are right off as well work car so if you talk on the phone about work you're talking work in your car the thing is is my kids are even my work i talked to my accountant about that i'm like hey everything i do i'm promoting my kids because with all the fitness shit they do, I should be able to write off all their shit. But he said no. All my gym equipment's a write-off. Oh, here we go. If you make videos and you post it using it, then...
Starting point is 00:55:55 Daniel Jennings, here is why a lease is good. You don't ever have to worry about maintenance and always have a new vehicle. Bad because you always have freaking monthly payments. Depends who you are. So I would never have a lease vehicle bad because you always have freaking monthly payments depends who you are so i would never have a lease he hates monthly payments i hate monthly payments i love them you do i love them more than i love a new car no no i love a new car so much that i could care less oh a lease is usually up to 10 or 15,000 miles per year. 15 is kind of, yeah. If you get a 10,000 mile lease, you're screwed.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Is Graciano an accountant? A tax guy? I thought he was. He is? He does people's taxes? I thought at least he was an accountant. Yeah. You do taxes?
Starting point is 00:56:45 Graciano, lease versus purchase. If he is Grasciano. Lease versus purchase. If he is, he should know. Lease versus purchase. What do you think? Here's the thing, dude. You just paid $7,000 on your purchased car. You just threw it out the window. That's a year's worth of lease payments, you dummy.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Or half a year. It's half a year of lease payments. No. at least a thousand dollars a month i mean if you want that loaded ass freaking truck if you just get like a sixty thousand dollar epic car like you can get a big ass jeep for 60k a wagon here like 70 like a bottom one. Oh, oh. You love that car. Thank you for getting me back on track. So what was the original thought? Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Thank you. Oh, yeah. You're an affiliate. But I do like this, too. Pay your kids a salary and put it in a Roth for them. That's fucking genius. I would definitely rather have $1,500 in my month. Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Hair repair. Okay. Okay. So if an affiliate owner rolls up in a brand new suburban wait are the clients pissed sorry i pulled down kathleen are the clients pissed yes they are right and no and no oh okay it's like two-thirds one-third and pissed maybe not that it might not be the best explanation for it and honestly it's more the internal dialogue you have with yourself about having the hundred thousand
Starting point is 00:58:13 dollar car i believe you let's say you run an affiliate and it's 170 and it's 200 a month to belong there okay and you have um uh 200 clients so you're making 40 a month and and but but your fucking overheads at least 20 000 a month let's say right yeah let's see it's uh so then you raise everyone's affiliate you raise everyone no let's say it's 190 and you raise everyone and you have and you have and you have 200 clients and you raise everyone's membership by ten dollars so now it's 200 even right 999 yeah now you have an extra what so what's 10 uh times 200 is 2 000 so now you have an extra 2 000 a month and then your brand new suburban and month. And you roll up in your brand new Suburban. And a week later, you roll up in your brand new Suburban.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Listen, if I'm the client, I'm stoked. You're in that one third. I know that. There's a third of people who are like, I get it. And then there's a third of people who are like, what the hell? I'm so stoked dollars a month extra so you could drive in your brand new suburban yeah hey dude it's just it's just people it's only 10 bucks yeah it's only 10 bucks and i'm just stoked i'm just just 120. I look at it.
Starting point is 00:59:45 I always go right to a year. Okay. It's 120. Hey dude, some people cancel things because I'm canceling Spotify this year because I can't afford it. It's 10 bucks a month. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Let me, that's a burrito. You're canceling. Do you ever listen to music? Yeah. When I got fired, I got rid of my serious XM. I don't listen. I don't ever listen to music? When I got fired, I got rid of my SiriusXM. I don't ever listen to music in my car or anything anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:10 And if you were a member of that affiliate and then that sort of series of events happens, what do you do? You get fired from CrossFit and the affiliate next week bumps it $10. Do you cancel? Okay, let me ask you this. On the total flip side, have you ever seen the car Sous drives i hate that thing so much the work truck no suza doesn't know that's his dad's car when his car is not working wait a minute no not the truck he calls it the work truck oh yeah yeah a little that little toyota looking thing yeah oh my god if matt suza's driving around he could play a game i used to have a car like this can i find
Starting point is 01:00:46 a car worse than mine and you're just always like looking at do i have the shittiest car i mean matt had matt could drive for a month and not find a car shittier than his on the road his car is fucked up there's a there's an awesome thing about that car it's that you never worry about it which i think is what he likes right you don't pay for it the thing is hey dude i saw it i was in california he drove down to uh newport we were all there and it wouldn't start he couldn't drive home oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so i'm like dude you get a new freaking car. His car is the total car I would see, like, I would be at a gas station in Oakland filling up. Yes, Jeffrey, you do.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And a guy would pull up next to me in that car, and his girlfriend would be in there fucking smoking out of a glass pipe. Both their seats would be fully reclined. There'd be, like, fucking Kentucky Fried Chicken buckets in the back, empty. I mean, his car is worked. I mean, he doesn't keep it like shit. It's clean, but it's just, it's, it's the most tired Honda Civic on the fucking road. I mean, it is fucking worked.
Starting point is 01:01:55 It even sags a little bit. You know what I mean? It's just like, like you just see it and you get tired. You get tired. If you look at it, you're like, this car is tired. So would you, so what, if you look at it you're like this car is tired so would you so what if you're a client what do you think of that when you see your your your your gym i think that if suzu were to roll up in a hyundai mazda new toyota camry something like that you're like thank god and you're kind of happy for him and i think that's what sucks about that job if you're a fucking if you pull up in a fucking r8 and you're a fucking affiliate owner
Starting point is 01:02:28 well i guess if they think other things too like if the whole time everyone knows you also invest in real estate or some shit like they're not making money with them my business partner had a ranger over jesus and we're my affiliate owner business partner yeah did people get pit did people look down frown upon that certain things and aspects of it sure it's just some weird socialist shit to not want your your peer group to fucking your your people around you to be just bawling how many affiliate owners you think drive a Range Rover? Like a new one? Like one that's within five years old? I mean, his was brand new.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Oh, shit. It was also a lease. One. Not a lot. Yeah, one. Yeah, exactly. So few. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:20 So fucking few. I'll tell you what. The money did not come from the affiliate. few i'll tell you what the money did not come from the affiliate when when i when i when i worked at crossfit the people there was i'm trying to think there were one or two people like we all made enough money that we could have driven any car we wanted like i made enough money to drive any car i wanted no fucking yeah sure could i could drive any car i. I really wish you would have done that. It could have got a bent. I could have got a Bentley.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Yeah. Stupid. But I, but I just drove, but I drove a tooth. I still, I still have the car I drove, but there were some people who,
Starting point is 01:03:56 who bought really nice cars, cars that were over a hundred thousand dollars. Okay. The, the, the richest guy for there probably besides Greg, the two richest people there probably besides Greg drove drove just like one of the guys drove like a 2000 bmw like just an old like a girl bmw okay like a powder blue it was just interesting like
Starting point is 01:04:19 i don't know i when i see people in my area driving really nice cars i think they're just i just assume they're throwing their money away Like oh, they're they're gonna be in trouble I totally threw my money away on my car But you also don't love it you do But by that means you drive a car that's outside of your means Oh, yeah I I do that on purpose though. I remember I was at the dealership, and I'm like, this is going to hurt.
Starting point is 01:04:49 But every time I get in the car, I get really excited to drive it. It's almost like I get excited to go places. It's like, yes, let's go to the store. Yes, let's go. I know an investment advisor that has a Toyota Camry just to drive to a client meeting, so no one questions his fees and yes he gouges them I've been to CrossFit Mayhem saw the parking lot
Starting point is 01:05:11 everything is 120k and up trucks and SUVs there they are all driving expeditions probably all driving Silverados and Raptors and shit Dave just bought the most expensive car I think he's ever had. Prius. I can see it in a Prius.
Starting point is 01:05:32 What does he have? He has something really nice. It's just a big, it's a work truck, but it's got to have cost $80,000. It's probably like a Ram 250 or 350. It's a big fucking car. It might even be a dually yesterday when i in here that he has uh he said when he picked me up he picked me up in his minivan and i i really like jethro's minivan
Starting point is 01:05:56 what it was better than my minivan yeah spotless oh mine is fucking, mine is a trash can. I think they're very similar. It's got the automatic doors in the back. It's roomy. It's got the cloth seats, which I really like. When you visited me, did you think my house was dirty? Especially not considering you got three kids. Like three kids, I assume it's going to be destroyed.
Starting point is 01:06:23 And it was actually clean for three kids. Yesterday, I house is always clean my wife's always cleaning we have house cleaners come to the house regularly and yesterday dave walked in he's like man your house is clean i'm like what the fuck does that mean call her hi hey hey hey like my mom my mom my wife washes the couch cushions once a fucking month. You know what I mean? The vacuum's always out. Like, I feel like I'm always, always like. Because you got three kids.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Yeah. Call her. Hi. Hey, I need some advice. If you don't mind. You probably called the wrong show. You probably called the wrong show. To be determined.
Starting point is 01:07:04 My kids sick. Like be determined. My kid's sick. Like, really sick. 18 months. Unvaxxed. Birth. She's been before. Wait, hold on one second. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Hold on one second. Hold on one second. This phone's all fucked up. Hold on one second. I want to hear this and I want to give you a clean line hold on are you back hello caller hello hold on caller it'll take it takes a second hello maybe it was maybe it was cluttered i mean there's there's just kid shit everywhere but but it's clean but i mean but there's whole rooms that are just empty where no kid shit's allowed caller hi hello caller hold on caller hold on oh jesus oh i think he i got him and
Starting point is 01:07:55 then i hung up on him again hold on he'll call back right i don't know this is this is i can't tell if this is a real call hello Hello? Why would it be fake? Dude, his kid's sick. I know, but that's why. I hope it's fake. Oh. Caller? Savvy.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Hey, okay, sorry. Kid's 18 months old, unvaxxed, and sick. Yeah, she's been sick before. But, you know, the last time I had the feeling of like, damn, maybe we need to go to the hospital was when my wife was giving birth to her in our home and we didn't go obviously it was home birth and i didn't succumb to that notion uh what do you do home remedies how sick how sick like just vomiting and stuff it's like the craziest nasty cough with all that. You can hear all this shit in her lungs.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Oh, yeah. That's been my house for the last month. I just want to like you just want to I can't describe the feeling, but man, you feel so bad. And she's kind of looking at you like you betrayed her. And she's and she's wheezing at night. Here's what we do. I don't know. Here's what my wife does. She turns on one of those humidifiers by the bed. And then I just make sure I still get my kid out. I still get my kid out. Is your kid, can your kid, like, is it able-bodied?
Starting point is 01:09:14 Does it walk around and stuff? Yeah. Yeah, she does handstand push-ups and all that. And is she laughing? Is she in a good mood? She's still, like, will, like, if we put on music, she'll still dance, but she's kind of whining and wheezing while she's doing it. Is she eating?
Starting point is 01:09:30 It's kind of adorable. She's very needy, and she's not eating, no. Oh, she's not eating? No. Is she pooping and peeing? It's been, you know, definitely less. Fever? Look it at i'm just stealing all a fever she did yeah she did how she did have a fever it it broke it was 102 is she teething she is uh well yeah in and out she's got a bunch of teeth already so um when my when my kids were teething they would always all sorts of weird shit would happen fucking crazy temperatures and um but hey there's something
Starting point is 01:10:11 going around like the like there's definitely something going around look at look at david we jesus christ for fuck's sake go see a doctor i don't know hey how's her how's her color how's her color she's you know She's got like a cold face. She's got red around the nose. It's runny all the time. She's coughing. Eyes are kind of glassy? Yeah, eyes are kind of red and puffy a little bit.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I mean, Jesus Christ, go see a doctor. I get that. Trust me, it's running through my head. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. Someone wrote that. I didn't say that. I didn't say that. Someone someone wrote that. I didn't say that. I know he can fuck himself. You know, I'm battling with that fucker. Don't you fucking think that I know that? Yeah. But the problem is, when we go to the doctor, what are they going to do? They're going to say, I don't know. She's got a cold. Here's some medication. Right. So it's's like i don't know that that solves anything how long has it been going on how long has it been going on just a few days oh chill she's good a few days yeah she's fine i saw 50 burpees for time i like that uh um my kids will be my kids
Starting point is 01:11:20 my kids will have that shit for like two weeks but the eating but the eating thing but you, but you got to make sure you got to get her to eat. Has she thrown up at all yet? No. Oh, that's good. I don't know what you're talking about. She's still drinking water, which is good, obviously. But, yeah, you have this thing in your mind where you're like, I need to go to the doctor. Yeah, I just, you have this thing in your mind where you're like, I need to go to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:11:50 But I don't, once we had the home birth, I had that thought racing through my head. She was in labor for three days. So, you know, I was like, I need to take her to the hospital. And we didn't. And hey, everything's just fine. What did you, what's your wife think about the situation? She's on the same, we're on the same page where we're kind of just contending with our own like weird programming in our head that we need to take her to the hospital and we're like maybe we do but this is also no you know what's your temperature what's your temperature uh it's normal now and she's fine just have a load of water and hang her upside down By the moon boots
Starting point is 01:12:25 She'll be good What? Hey dude Should I buy her a hundred thousand dollars to Broderick? When my kids were teens Here's everything Here you go honey Just sit in here for ten minutes you'll be good
Starting point is 01:12:40 Uh um Sleeky said this is good Trust yourself caller don't let the fear get you down yeah it's like that by the way everything you're going through is totally normal especially for the first child I was totally like that I was 100% like that every time the kids got sick I was fucking tripping
Starting point is 01:12:55 and I would push it down I would try not to say it out loud to my wife especially when they were teething man their temperatures would get crazy fucking high sometimes um listen what some guy wrote it's here's the thing it's a wild day when you take advice from three youtubers over doctors but here's what medical experience yeah right right i'll slap the fuck out of whoever said that i'll slap the fuck he's the part of the fucking problem i know but, that's the thing.
Starting point is 01:13:26 So if I would have read that five years ago, I would have thought it was a dig at us, but it's not. That's how much distrust there is in the fucking medical system. Like, hey, dude, they're going to treat your kid based. It's just. Mason Mitchell, anytime I have health issues, I call into the Sevan podcast too. Let's ask the three most retarded people on the internet.
Starting point is 01:13:53 What did someone say? What? I said, let's ask the three most retarded people. Yeah. Thank you. Hey, dude, I haven't been sick in over 10 years. I know a thing or two about not being sick. It's called Eno Explosion.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I get two scoops first thing in the morning every day, and it got rid of my allergies, and I haven't been sick in a decade. When I was in the seventh grade, I had this pain in my ankle. And it would happen like maybe once or twice a day where i would take a first step and my ankle would give out it was whatever and um and it had been going on for like a year so my mom took me to kaiser and the doctor said hey can i talk to your mom and so i stepped out of the room and they told my mom that they thought i was making it up because uh my mom and dad were divorced when I was five,
Starting point is 01:14:45 and I was seeking attention. That's what the fucking doctor said. Jesus Christ. So we went for a second opinion, and they cast my fucking leg, or they put some sort of brace on my ankle, and they gave me crutches and a bottle of Vicodin. Epic. How old were you? I was in the seventh grade. Okay. put some sort of brace on my ankle and they gave me crutches and a bottle of Vicodin.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Epic. How old were you? I was in the seventh grade. Okay. It's like, dude, uh, what was wrong with it?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Nothing. Who knows? It fucking went away. It was a fucking growing pain. It was fucking nothing. I hear Obby say that sometimes too. When he takes a first step, his foot will give out.
Starting point is 01:15:23 It's probably just some sort of just growing pain. Um, it's, uh, his leg. leg what didn't he just break his leg no or he broke his leg skateboarding the only time the only time i'm trying to think i think the only time we've taken our kids to the doctors is to get their covid shots and only time we've taken our kids to the doctors when they broke and stuff i think we had a broken so my kid told me he broke his elbow and i didn't believe him and then that night at dinner he was eating with his left hand and he's a right-handed kid so we took him to the doctor i was like all right that's i don't know i oh i think you're totally i think you're totally good going to the doctor is always a fucking
Starting point is 01:16:06 crapshoot it's like i would say that they're wrong more than they're right that's the fucking problem they they just are not also just know it's it's it's you just get they're gonna look at her and say she's sick and they're gonna we can prescribe you some motrin i just you know i mean what are they gonna do you can't find anyone you can't find find anyone who won't tell you that fluoride is a neurotoxin. And if you look at the history of fluoride, it was basically they were put into the water system to get rid of it. It was a byproduct of some like metal manufacturing process and it was killing everything in the rivers and streams. And so they fucking invented fluoride in the toothpaste. And it's like and now there's a whole business built around it and they're called fucking dentists and it's just like at some point you have to be like okay hold on jake goes to the
Starting point is 01:16:51 dentist every month for uh no not the dentist he just wants to get his prostate checked out monthly i get it actually his uncle he goes to his uncle every month and this chick almost i appreciate it thanks thanks for all right hey will you call back and keep us posted yes sir oh wait hold on someone said something just scared the shit out of you hold on hold on uh um has chick uh wheezing is no joke i almost died at seven because my mom wouldn't take me in sats at 70 when my aunt took me in oh sats meaning her oxygen saturation hey do you have an apple watch yeah check your kid's oxygen saturation does it work like that i mean i have a watch but i'm not sure it would work on children but you could try it it'll tell you if
Starting point is 01:17:43 it can't it'll tell you if it can't get a good reading right hey caleb i can buy one at walgreens can't i like yes yeah you can you can have a lot no like a two meter like like oxygen because it's gonna be small yes the three youtubers tell that commenter who almost died at seven It was an isolated incident Yeah for sure And I don't even believe I don't even believe her
Starting point is 01:18:12 To be honest Sorry Haschick I just don't I don't believe you Well it's a narrative that the doctor says Yeah exactly It's like your kid could have died Yeah exactly
Starting point is 01:18:19 And then you hear that growing up your whole life I almost died at seven Yeah I get it Yeah It's also when you have a baby in the hospital they tell you all this shit you need and then you look it up and it's like one out of every 500 000 babies gets what they're talking about that they're saying so serious and there hasn't
Starting point is 01:18:33 been one in the state of california in 12 years and you're like wait wait a second wait a second hey do you have anything that you treat like you give them like uh you make them chew on a garlic clove or something like that no good good question but no i i don't when my kids are really i just it's just sleep and water and i still make sure i get them outside so they're and i just walk them like a dog you know i mean i treat them exactly how i would want to be treated when i'm sick get outside get some sunlight walk around just shit like that 20 water and obviously nothing stupid like absolutely like you don't give him cake i don't let him sit around and look at ipads all day like i get them up and you know what i mean like i i
Starting point is 01:19:11 keep them interactive right right okay but i don't got a job so what can i say all right bye all right love you guys thank you bye later bye uh young clark i wish i would have called before uh going to get circumcised yeah hey my best friend growing up got a kid got a kid like he had a kid right yeah he was really superficial and found someone with a vagina and
Starting point is 01:19:38 fuck sure did he did and i got i got him a bottle of explode that he can't open until he's of age oh geez because that kid's never getting And I got him a bottle of Eno Explode that he can't open until he's of age. Oh, geez. Because that kid's never getting sick. And he's going to be addicted for life. He's a lifelong BSN Eno Explode fan.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Sponsor me. It's sitting in his closet. It's like a bottle of wine. It's getting ready. It's going to be all clumped up by the time we can use it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I wonder what. let me see i'm going to type in uh leading causes damn yeah which i called in before going to get
Starting point is 01:20:14 circumcised so i typed in leading causes of death in the United States. And it says heart disease, 700,000. Cancer, 600,000. COVID, 416,000. Accidental injuries, 224,000. Stroke, 162,000. Chronic lower respiratory disease, 142,000. Alzheimer's, 120,000. Diabetes, 103,000.
Starting point is 01:20:41 So it's funny that they use the word causes. You know what's not in there, which is probably number three, is medical mistakes. You can't have that on there. That would make them look terrible. But what's also crazy is think of heart disease from too much sugar. Cancer, probably too much sugar. COVID-19, probably too much sugar. Then there's accidents like falling off a ladder. That's probably not from sugar.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Does your Instagram show you that? What? sugar um then there's accidents like falling off a ladder that's probably not from your instagram show you that what so my algorithm is all people dying no i don't get uh any videos of people if i open up my reels and i scroll through my reels on instagram it'll it'll be here wait a second let's do it here it's the first thing i opened up. There's this dude in a hole, dying. What do you mean, dying? I don't know. What's going on in here? They're in this hole.
Starting point is 01:21:33 No, they're not dying. Oh, it's one of those videos. Oh, jeez. That one wasn't bad. Those OSHA videos where everything's a... What happens here? I don't know. But it doesn't seem good. Maybe not here. Usually you can tell right away.
Starting point is 01:21:48 You scroll a little bit, someone gets hurt. That dude just got kicked by a... Oh, that was a pretty good transition. All right. They changed it a little bit, but it used to be way worse. I don't want to show you mine. Mine is breastfeeding a natural Libre. Well, a zombie.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Yeah, the breastfeeding videos are out of control stick one out of my face I have a lot of fighting right now I have like a lot of fighting oh shit I don't know this you're some 16 year old crossfitting kid he looks like he's pretty good who is that
Starting point is 01:22:22 I don't know but he's skinny that's skinny. That's skinny? Yeah. I mean, not for 16. Is that proven? Kid's tiny. What are you guys talking about?
Starting point is 01:22:34 That kid was yoked. What? What? Have you seen? Hold on. Oh, my God. There's just some weird stuff. There's animals doing animal things like there's cats eating mice oh here's a semi wow this one's cool ready
Starting point is 01:22:50 this is what my algorithm shows me this truck falling off of a bridge oh my god did that guy die i'm sure uh andrew has brian reached out to you at all since making the video i told him not to talk to me i think i actually showed that in the video my last text to him he goes hey dude i want to i want to ask you personally what's going on with athena and i'm like i don't trust you oh i'm not talking to you. Don't talk to me. I've tried. And this is the thing that people don't understand. It's like everything that you see on that video, I told him to his face via phone call. And it was the same thing over and over
Starting point is 01:23:36 again. Like I told him the chest thing three or four times. I'm like, dude, knock it off. You're pissing everyone off. Everyone is upset at you. And I even told him, I'm like, trail the bodies. The thing you heard in that video, I told him at least twice. I'm like, knock it off, cut it out. And then he goes on a public platform. And the most suiting comment in that entire thing was the don't slap Mike Tyson in a bar and not expect to get hit back. Like you slapped us all in the face with that you stupid it's not about me versus brian it's about everyone else versus brian you in particular because you made his life harder remember yeah that part was weird remember how much harder you made brian's life god that part
Starting point is 01:24:16 was weird it was so weird you don't slap steve on in the face and then i expect hillary to just sit there as his bodyguard and be like motherfucker that was weird hey do you have if you had to guess what you think i did to make his life harder what do you think that was i was trying to like think of what i've done to make his life and pay him to do disc golf shows where his freaking bread and butter is crossfit right but that didn't make so you're saying it's ridiculous that he said that didn't make it harder yeah he chose to leave he chose to leave hey I was thinking you were nothing but nice I was thinking about the sports
Starting point is 01:24:48 and then we was no longer talking about fitness I remember like yeah come on let's do it yeah come on let's do it but I have to say that let me pay double I have to think that I guess not did he have to not say no until you gave him money to come on no that's his choice
Starting point is 01:25:06 there you go I was thinking about this the video sporty Beth made about me and like comparing like I was trying to remember how it made me feel I can't really remember I don't think it I don't think it bothered me but I don't honestly remember
Starting point is 01:25:21 but in there there's 500 comments of people saying like, Hey, you're fucking retarded sporty Beth. This is like bullshit. But, but your video has 500 comments agreeing with you. Trail of bodies. Yeah. You don't got one, do you?
Starting point is 01:25:37 What do you mean? Yeah. Trail of bodies out there. We don't know about. Why did you fire from CrossFit? Cause of some, uh, that's a good question. Why Brian? Why did you fire from CrossFit? That's a good question. Why is Brian not with Bar Bend?
Starting point is 01:25:51 It's his own words, fired from Bar Bend. Why is he in Charlotte? He talked about it on the podcast. Do you know what they told me? They told me my position was no longer needed. Didn't they do that to Keith too? Yeah, but Keith didn't get get fired that's what they said well yeah right right i mean technically i guess you could say i wasn't fired either but me and my wife were let go on the same day no longer needed no longer no the position was no longer a position this was eliminated
Starting point is 01:26:23 yeah the position was eliminated that ironic position. The position was eliminated? Yeah, the position was eliminated. Isn't that ironic? Considering they need you more than ever. Yeah, we don't need you anymore, dude. Is that what you think? You think? What's crazy? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:26:38 What do you think? So we know, let me say some things about Brian. We know he adds value. Sure. Yes. Agreed. Okay. And we know he's passionate. Yes. Agreed. And we know he puts in the work.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Agreed. But what happens... He lets you know about it. Say that again? He lets you know about the work, too. Right. But the thing with him is he couldn't stay in his lane. You think it's – or do you think it was a social misstep?
Starting point is 01:27:13 Social missteps or couldn't stay in his lane? Both. Can it be both? Yeah. Why can't it be both? Yeah, it could be. Have you ever been fired from a job no that was the that was the that was the first job i was ever fired from
Starting point is 01:27:34 i'm thinking pretty hard and when i dug around over the years one of the things i heard reported i didn't even know that somewhere in the file that it said that i called um the hr lady previous hr lady i think her name was kyla a cunt i guess there was something in there and then i also i may very very easily could have been true i don't think i don't think i did but I did, but I would never in a million years put it past me. Okay. And then, but not out of the blue. Not like, hey, you cunt. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:28:16 She would have had to have done something to me. Oh, hey, this is his sponsor. Who? HGR CBD. Oh. Respectable response. That seems like a good thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:28:30 So you have never been fired? I don't think so. Then when I really knew that like – That's weird, right? Doesn't everyone get fired from something or let go? I've left every job for like some other job whenever out of the job leave then rosa told someone that um he thought that i should resign after the new york times article and at that point i knew that he was a complete fucking piece of
Starting point is 01:28:57 shit then i knew like then i because the new york times article didn't say anything hey have you seen this thing about this guy at Nickelodeon that's being like, have you seen this thing? I read two articles about what he's being accused of doing. I haven't seen the video. There's a document about it. He didn't fucking do anything. What do you do? Why do they fire him?
Starting point is 01:29:18 They're accusing him. One of the things he's being accused of is being racist because he had black guys play bad guys in some show and that that was stereotypical and i'm like it would be stereotypical to avoid using anybody in particular yeah i'm like and how is that bad i would watch the documentary oh i've had a job have you seen the documentary is he is he he's like gross like he's i know he's gross looking i saw him like the he is the one dictating what was going on in nickelodeon and all the shows are very like suggestive and he like refused to let anybody do anything otherwise and i don't know it's it's pretty it seems it's damning okay i read too i read the usa article on it um he was
Starting point is 01:30:03 accused of asking people for massages. That was part of it, yeah. I think the people in the workplace found it weird. He was accused of asking people to dress risque. Have you guys seen the fucking CrossFit games? No. Those are adults. Double boot.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Oh, so it was kids he was asking to dress? Yeah, all kids. Yeah, I mean, the CrossFit games is, I mean, it is straight. Seriously, guys, it is 30 years ago. That shit is just jerk-off material for Macy's catalog, jerk-off material. Those people are wearing less clothes than fucking Victoria's Secret models now. But okay. I haven't seen the doc.
Starting point is 01:30:41 It was just so disappointing. And the guy is really gross looking. Sorry to say that, but he is, he is, uh, you look at him and in your spidey sense does go off a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Convicting him. It's probably legit. Yeah. I just hate it. Like, like I read the USA. Uh, um,
Starting point is 01:30:59 I read the USA today, uh, article and some other article. And it's just like, Hey dude, I need to know what other article. And it's just like, Hey dude, I need to know what he did. Did he put his, did he ask some fucking kid to suck his dick?
Starting point is 01:31:09 Like what the fuck did this guy do? I think that all, and they just won't say it. Yeah. I think everybody, but that documentary is like tiptoeing around it. It seems like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:31:19 I hate that shit. Just say it. Hey, he's a fucking, he stuck his finger in a fucking four year old vagina. And everyone wanted to jump on me for sharing my text messages with brian but i had to say it that's what it is like if i didn't if i don't put those in there then everyone's like well i don't know i think you're being a little harsh or like look how we look how he talks to me
Starting point is 01:31:40 it's like cool what about that yeah i feel like you left a lot out too here's the thing i i trip on and maybe this is the difference between me and you you you live your life like everything that you do you're okay if it gets published on the front of the new york times sure it's probably even a good thing yeah it's a fucking great thing that's how i think that that's like, you have, you get, you have peace of mind living like that. I think, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I just would have, I don't think I could, I don't, someone would have to do something. I'd have to be really defending myself. Like I'd have to be accused of murder and then be like, no, no,
Starting point is 01:32:19 look, I was with Andrew yesterday. I was tech. I agree with this, David. It is not a dick move that I share those text messages. I don't care because there's not one thing that I've said anywhere that I wouldn't be ready for it to be said everywhere. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I won't say it if you don't mean it. And if you're thinking that it's hiding behind some secret little wall, like you're a moron. It's okay so like if you're a pedophile and you do stuff and you don't think anyone's gonna find out about it is it okay all of a sudden like no don't be a piece of shit behind closed doors
Starting point is 01:32:55 because you think you're safe so let me ask you so you're saying by the way I'm not siding with whether the guy's a fucking pedophile or not I'm just saying the articles you could convict anyone like that I'm not siding with whether the guy's a fucking pedophile or not. I'm just saying, um, uh, the article, the articles are, are you could convict anyone like that.
Starting point is 01:33:09 I can't convict someone just based on what the articles I read. I haven't seen the doc, but it's like, he hasn't done anything wrong. If you read the articles and it's fucking annoying. Um, Andrew, if it,
Starting point is 01:33:21 let me give you some scenarios for the record. I'm not calling Brian a pedophile. People like, or like the bill Cosby thing was reckless. And I go, no, give you some scenarios. For the record, I'm also not calling Brian a pedophile. People like the Bill Cosby thing was reckless. And I go, no, it's a sliding spectrum. No, no. People who brand diminish, like Bill Cosby, and people like Froning, who don't. Anyone who thought that you were implying that he was a pedophile, that was a comedy bit. You guys need to chill, all right?
Starting point is 01:33:41 Yeah, that's fucking insane. Yeah, I'm not saying that. You're dumb. That's fucking. I'm, I'm not saying that. You're dumb. That's fucking – I'm not calling you dumb, Odd. Those are the same fucking morons who think that me asking if Olivia Kerstetter's dad stole her towel when they were sharing a hotel room. It's like, have you not fucking traveled? You're a family of five, and there's two towels in the fucking bathroom.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Like, it's a race to get in there first, you fucking sickos. You go to the front desk and you get more towels. But, but here, here's my, what my wife does that. Okay. I want to give you a sliding scale. You ready? Hiller. If, if someone accused you, if I told you, Hey, never share my fucking text messages with anyone.
Starting point is 01:34:19 And you're like, got you. And, and, but then the, but then the police come to your house and they're like hey uh we know you were at the um uh park and you killed someone yesterday at five o'clock and you're like no look i was texting with someone i'm right here i'm like and i even sent him a picture i was taking a shit and i sent him a picture of my deuce and that was at the same time you're accusing me of being in the park i i get it like it's it's like you have to break the rule right you don't want to go to jail for killing someone when you there's no rule there's no rule there's not to me there's no rule but there's some line like you're not uh so there is no line so if anyone texts with you they should
Starting point is 01:34:57 assume that like hey you don't have uh dear friends and family if you text with andrew you should know that all of them are public part of the public domain slap mike tyson in a bar that's it hey so it's this what you're saying is it's the story of the um mike tyson is a world-renowned fighter who bites people's ears off right right you know this about him right and and you expect to hit that dude in the face, and you also expect for all of a sudden that dude to just be calm. No, dude. What the fuck is this? Sevan just ignoring Hiller when?
Starting point is 01:35:38 Did I just ignore you? Hi, Odd. So what you're saying, it's the story of like it's all with different animals but you're saying that there was a fox that wanted to cross the stream and there's a snake that wanted to cross too and the snake's like hey can i ride on your back to cross the stream and the fox is like nah you can't you can't you're gonna fucking bite me snake's like no i won't the fox is like yes you will and the snake's like i promise you i won't't. And the fox is like, yes, you will. And the snake's like, I promise you I won't. So the fox is like, okay, jump on my back. And they swim across the stream and the fucking snake bites him.
Starting point is 01:36:09 And the fox is like, what the fuck? He's like, dude, I'm a snake. I'm a fucking snake. I'm a snake. I'm a snake. So what you're saying is, is that what you, you make videos for a living that expose people's douchebaggery and if you're gonna be a douchebag to to you that you're that like hey just so you know you might get fucking there's a chance you could get exposed correct yeah hey it's like my
Starting point is 01:36:41 friend came over to my house and i had 50 marijuana plants in the backyard he goes dude you don't smoke don't smoke weed. I'm like, I know. I just wanted to grow it because it's fun. And my friend's a cop. He's like, dude, you can't have more than four plants. I'm like, yeah, but I don't even smoke weed. Who cares? Because they don't give a fuck. I'm like, oh, yeah, you're right. You know what I mean? Like he's like they get paid based on how many busts they make. So I tore out all the plants. And so what you're saying what you're saying is like yeah he's a cop is a cop is a cop a cop is a cop yeah that's the neck of the neck i know can but people have done bad shit to me and i still don't share their text messages or their dms or i try to so.
Starting point is 01:37:30 What's that ring word that happened yesterday? I somebody that was in the that was in the prelims. I haven't seen that yet. I thought that was a ring word. He's doing it right here. He just shoved his face in
Starting point is 01:37:41 his armpit started. And then what happens? He complains he's like hey he bit me yeah i think so and then they went and reviewed it and he goes yep he's disqualified and uh he's like no i didn't do it i didn't do nothing i didn't do anything no way i didn't do that and then they pan over to the guy uh his opponent uh he's still denying it still denying it still denying it and then they panned to his arm they're like oh yeah he did that's not that bad right why is his mouth so small fuck that's a crazy bite dude yeah he got it tattooed on there the next day
Starting point is 01:38:19 he did yeah my god oh that's pretty awesome. I'll sell that out. Oh, shit. The UFC dropped him? No shit. They dropped him. I forgot. Wait a second. So you can kick someone in the head illegally and be a shit?
Starting point is 01:38:39 Do you remember when Peter Yan fucking kicked Aljo in the head? Kneed him in the head illegally? And you get to stay, but you bite someone? It was the guy's first fight. I mean, I think if it's your first fight, you got a lot to prove. And if you... That's so dumb. I give him a pass, dude.
Starting point is 01:38:57 Nah, you're out. I give him a pass. No way. Hey, how hard is boxing? With no biting allowed? I mean, just boxing. Is it hard? So hard.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Do you think, do you, did you see the Heppner Bridges boxing match? Yes. Was it good? No. Who won? It wasn't as bad as I, it could have been though. What would have been bad about it? I mean, they could have just, I mean i i don't really remember it but i just remember
Starting point is 01:39:26 thinking at least they're fucking like have some fucking modica like neither of them look goofy i think bridges like jumped in last minute and fought him no was it yeah hepner was supposed to fight somebody else i thought he was supposed to fight like dave or something and then somebody dropped out and Who won? Heppner did. Heppner's way too big for him. Heppner wants to box me. Should I box him?
Starting point is 01:39:50 He does want to box you? Yeah. He's probably got a little bit more experience than you. I got zero boxing experience. Dude, you do not want to box him. No? You guys are probably the same size, though. Maybe. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Why does he want to box you? Did you say something about his mom yeah are you friends with him or did you does he want to box you because just because he wants he wants to come across a couple times and said hey and i'm fond of him and i think vice versa oh okay never mind what jeff bridges or jeff birchfield said bridges was supposed to fight somebody else and hefner jumped in. It was the other way around. I said it the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:40:29 Yeah, Hefner was too big. Hefner was too big as a giant compared to Josh. Sorry, go ahead. I told him I'd rather wrestle him. I know how to wrestle at least. I just didn't know if he did. I told Medeiros I wanted to wrestle him too because I thought that was a thing. He never responded.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Alright. If that's how Bridges... Bridges is short. Oh, you found it. Yeah. I mean, that's ridiculous. Look how fucking big Hebner is. Dude, this is kind of cool. Josh, it looks amazing.
Starting point is 01:41:06 This was when Halfthor fought, or boxed with... Devin? Devin Lorette, yeah. Same card? I'd say they look good. They look like they know what they're doing, no? Yeah. No one got knocked out, though, huh? No. They got real tired real
Starting point is 01:41:23 quick. Really? Yeah, like you get them a few rounds in out though huh no in the distance they got real tired real quick really yeah like uh you get them a few rounds in and they're just oh that was a fucking shot oh oh shit yeah this would be this would be uh i think i'd get my butt destroyed i'd rather wrestle I'd reach into I think before I would do this damn watch for sure I bet I could hit pretty hard Eddie Hall tore a bicep so he had to withdraw that's right god that's great
Starting point is 01:42:07 and devin's probably 15 years older than half thor that was crazy yeah loretta's looking good have you seen him recently no i was thinking about it inviting him on to the podcast but i always kind of feel like i'm bothering him he's so popular and so busy i would much rather box hip and steel i don't even think he could extend his elbows to get full power out of his punches and then he would unironically blame crossfit for his lack of extension on his elbows yeah look at this dude he looks great he's got another picture where he's like this his forearms look insane how close is he to this how close is he to rest arm wrestling um uh levon gilashvili or whoever that guy is he's supposed to arm wrestle how close are they to that
Starting point is 01:42:55 oh shit the guy posted your you look small damn you see that that's the guy hey look at the guy have you seen the guy he's gonna arm wrestle no is he big hey dude i think this dude's close to 400 pounds i'm not i'm not joking oh oh how much is he benching there oh my god play Play that. What is this fucking nonsense? 260. Oh my God. What is that in pounds? That's 600 pounds.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Something like that. Jeez. Hey, that's the best shape I've ever seen him in. Usually he looks fat as fuck. Yeah, he looks pretty overweight oh my god you think that travis could beat him no no weight class isn't it no that's all the same weight class there's like you go over 265 or something look at the one of his forearms sitting on the on oh yeah have him pick up like one of those preacher curl things yeah let me see that what the fuck's going on here so this is a 250 pound uh 265 265 264
Starting point is 01:44:11 oh does that count oh please what that does that that definitely counts you cannot do that counts you cannot do that he to do his bicep curl he has to already break my one rep deadlift max and look at his dog that's kind of funny that little thing oh of course man and then this little dog oh my god these are the ugliest dogs so that is is hideous. Hideous. You can't think of that. Hey, when is their match? See if you can see, like,
Starting point is 01:44:54 if he has it pinned somewhere. Imagine the smell of him. You think it smells bad? Let me see. When is that match? Devin versus Gielish Vili. April 20th Did you see the liver king bought 300,000 followers on YouTube Oh yeah
Starting point is 01:45:10 That pains me So he's done Liver king's just done Done April 20th 2024 So that's one month away. Devin Lorette versus
Starting point is 01:45:27 Levon Saganashvili. Who else is in here? Is Travis doing this? Michael Todd's pulling. That guy on the left-hand side, he's been on the podcast. I think I've seen him. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:45:40 That one guy looks like the... On the right, the guy looks like the president of Ukraine. Taras Satidis, yeah. President of Ukraine's not wrestling. Look at that one guy looks like the print on the right the guy looks like the president of the Ukraine Tara Satie dis Yeah, president ukraine's on wrestling These names are all insane I'm wrestling is pretty big, huh? Nah Hey, you know, what's cool about arm wrestling?
Starting point is 01:46:01 Heaven's bigger than the sport of arm wrestling. I think you can just like go anywhere and do it as much as you want Go to a bar sir arm wrestling. Devin's bigger than the sport of arm wrestling, I think. You can just go anywhere and do it as much as you want. Go to a bar, start arm wrestling. Make a bunch of money, go home. Travis has a bunch of reels from 5-10 years ago where he's just sitting at a carnival. Hey, you want to arm wrestle me?
Starting point is 01:46:19 He does like 600 people. He beats them all. Oh my god. You can't do that with Cross can't do that with crossfit it's one of the biggest issues with crossfit you have one event across well you could be like hey you could be at a bar and be like hey i could do 10 burpees faster than anyone here and then people line up and you just take them one at a time and then after a little while people like know how fast you can do 10 burpees and there they're waiting for you to get tired. And also, you've got your hands in piss and shit on the bar floor. And no one will take you up.
Starting point is 01:46:51 I see your point. And no one will take you up on your offer. Because they know that they can't do it. Well, it's just too much work. No one even wants to do five burpees. He'd offed himself, really, after the steroid exposure. He just went nuts and doubled down on liver king character i know hey the worst thing he did was he made a video about how he's
Starting point is 01:47:11 back on and he's like it's been out there forever it's been on my website and he put it up like the week before meaning what oh oh claiming that uh i'm still using steroids which i ironically had made a video a couple weeks before that the that he's back on because his physique started to change again and if you know you know you can just tell that his physique is changing and he goes yeah obviously but he had referenced somebody else. So is there a, do you think that his followers on Instagram are fake too? The 2.3 million?
Starting point is 01:47:50 Yes. Once you do it on something like that, you can assume that a lot of, or all of the engagement is not real. There's, there's platforms where you can just pay 500 bucks, a thousand bucks a month, and it'll give you an immediate 500 likes, 1,000 likes per post views.
Starting point is 01:48:09 See how they're all a million? See how they're all a million? Yeah. That means they're fake. Because why? Because you can just buy a million. Oh, oh. If you look at anyone who's got real crap,
Starting point is 01:48:21 like some are good, some are not good, they're up, they're down, they're around. But if they're all very similar or the same, it means you've bought a good portion of them. Hey, what was that vehicle with the giant tires? What the fuck is that thing? That's the I cheated everything mobile. Wow, that thing's fucking wild, huh? So, so dude you want to know what happened is i pay attention to everyone's youtube like you wouldn't believe okay there was a video he put up
Starting point is 01:48:52 with this guy jp sears who i'd never heard of but i think he's a pretty big character in the world that is i can't um i don't i don't understand how jp i like jp sears but i within five minutes of being on his instagram account i was completely exhausted of his shtick but he's very but he's a comedian right he's no no he's a um he's a comedian and he's he's a um and he talks about a lot of like social issues right like like he basically he points out he's he's yeah he's a comedian a lot of satire stuff i'm a comedian and freedom fighter yeah i think that sums him up pretty good and and he's and he's super and he looked he's super buff okay what about this guy who did something with him so liver king does this thing where he has
Starting point is 01:49:37 people out to the ranch and uh he'll do stuff so like this is the video where it's like hey guys i'm still on steroids it's 138 views, which is about what he's worth right now, right? If you make a video on him, you're worth 138,000. You can see that they taper off a little bit. And he's been doing stuff with Jesse James West and some other random people I've never heard of. This dude, Ken Camille, survived the crucible. So his JPCers do the crucible. And this video was taken up and down three or four separate times.
Starting point is 01:50:08 I don't know what they were doing with it, but then randomly it gets 1.7 million views, which is, I mean, I think his most popular video is when he confessed 4 million. Like you get it. Like everyone's going to watch that video. Right.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And then there's nothing close to it. Damn. So, and then you go to the comments i'm on my wrong channel bodded views 1.7 million that was two weeks ago and then a week later someone goes it still has 1.7 million because like because no one's watching it but when you buy them all at once it's they're all at once hey oh if you and youtube policy if they catch you doing that one of the things they can do is kick you off why would someone risk their channel to do that i mean you got enough money i'll just buy another one god i can't see anyone risking their channel and well here's the thing people like why do you care it's like because
Starting point is 01:51:05 he took steroids if you were dumb enough to believe that he was natural which some people were i never thought he was natural but isn't he making his money from selling supplements doesn't he want to like at least like tiptoe out of the room and still be selling supplements and be making money not if you ask him there's a point in time where if you ask him it was all about the message the ancestral tenants and what it did for his children and all that but when you continue to do bullshit like that you're like what are you really doing this for i agree mike mccaskey jp's awesome but i, but I get... My tolerance for him is just like... Once I saw one or two of his things,
Starting point is 01:51:48 I was just done. I was like, okay, I've seen it all. But Andrew, JP Sears is a bunch of people you probably sent over there all at once. Moron. Not JP McCaskey. Anybody who says that. How the F does anyone go about buying followers you google buy youtube followers and it's there's like 10 000 links you can go to yeah a few times at least
Starting point is 01:52:15 once andrew bought followers for someone or john young on the show that was on the show that's right yeah i'm john young barbell and then another time didn't you buy someone 5 000 viewers one time yeah brian friend live live viewers yeah yeah 5 000 live viewers and they held because i was trying to see if crossfit could do that on their live stream which i still suspect that they did how how what would you say you're convinced the the the that they bought uh live viewers 50 percent 75 convinced wow so here's the deal and i know that like the open is over and i know that it's different but But if you have 200,000 live viewers and the events are getting...
Starting point is 01:53:10 Let's see. I'm going to go look. I'm pulling it up. Hey, by the way, thanks for pointing people at the Glinton podcast yesterday. That was cool. Yeah, that was really cool of you.
Starting point is 01:53:20 The Glinton podcast was fantastic. I really liked them. So this one has released... Hey, dude. She was not that good six months ago, dude. I watched her first podcast. the glint podcast was fantastic i really liked them so this one had released hey dude she was not that good six months ago dude i watched her first podcast it was fucking i was like turning bright red i was on with her yesterday i'm like fuck this bitch got control of the show do you think dave will watch this portion of this show of this show yeah no he's gonna be an hour 53 and this is something that dave should see. He should go investigate his team on this.
Starting point is 01:53:45 Okay, go ahead. This one had the most live viewers, almost 200,000. At least that's what the email that we all got said. Which one? 24.3? 24.2. Okay, 24.2. Okay.
Starting point is 01:53:55 This one had half of the live viewers, but it has 200,000 more views. Okay. That would mean that more people would have to go in after And watch it Okay let me push back on that Our Our show that we did Taylor self versus the world
Starting point is 01:54:13 Our last show had Someone said it had 4,000 live views And I never saw it go above 3,000 but I think I saw it go to 4,000 Okay and it's our Least watched show of the three I never saw it go above 3,000, but I think Caleb's got it. I saw it go to 4,000. Okay. And it's our least watched show of the three. Now, not by a lot.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Maybe, you know what I mean? They're all, you could say they're all at 30,000, but we didn't. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's good pushback. How are your comments? And also, I think people thought probably they went over to it. And also, I think people thought probably they went over to it. I think maybe people went over to it because they thought Tia Toomey was going to be on it.
Starting point is 01:54:53 On your show? No, on theirs. Where is it? So there's 24.3. See how many comments that one has. I want to see how many comments it's got. 49. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:12 Half as many comments as the CrossFit stream with one 30th of the amount of views. Yeah. That's weird. Yeah. That's weird. Have you ever seen that? Have you ever seen the comment section of something with a million views? It's just nuts.
Starting point is 01:55:24 They're nuts. Like it'll have like 10 000 comments i'm gonna see if i can find i saw something this morning i scrolled through the nair video the other day just looking through the comments of that one well that one that one you understand why they have so many comments are the comments crazy yeah it's pretty bizarre hey so that was another thing so there's a comment there's a comment on the Dave Castro video from yesterday when he was on the show. And it's like, I hated how CrossFit's gotten so Christian preachy or something. I'm like, there wasn't. You know this guy?
Starting point is 01:55:55 Peter McKinnon. He does camera stuff. No, but I like his office already. It's got the same number of views as the CrossFit show. And it's got 12,000 comments. Whoa. And is that normal for a video that has a million views? It's normal to have more than 100.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Go to a different CrossFit video that has a million. And here's another thing I want to know. Shows that are live with the live chat often have significantly less comments because people oh yeah because people are blowing their load in the chat um let me see um let me see the can i see the open from the previous year yeah let me do it yeah 23 point whatever and let's see let's see how the how those comments are well here's the thing though dude because i've done this i've done this and you haven't been there for a while and this is this is real tinfoil hat stuff here how long have they been buying views for right no never when i was there never when i was there that's what i'm saying yeah i admit
Starting point is 01:56:59 that it's real tinfoil hat stuff all right here's last year here's the uh third workout it's at 760 you know i would tell you if we did that yeah yeah we've never i've never but then again someone could listen you bought views for other people maybe someone bought views for hey my other my other account had um uh a hundred thousand uh um followers on instagram let's say. 90 or 100, I can't remember. And half my people were from fucking India. That's very suspect.
Starting point is 01:57:36 That's where all the bots are. Yeah, but I never fucking bought any followers. So you're saying that all that has to be done is Dave has to go into the back end of YouTube on CrossFit side and see if they're from India or not. I don't know. See a bunch of worm language
Starting point is 01:57:52 then you know. I don't know. I don't want to move away from this topic. I want to see 23. I don't want to move away from this topic. Shut the fuck up. Oh, sorry. So how many comments did it have? Sorry. Where the hell is it? Over here. Same number. And with 75% of the views so they bought four hundred thousand that seems about right I
Starting point is 01:58:15 Buy views for all of Hiller's videos David. I knew it. He told me actually Thank You David Could buying views be considered good business it could but there's just some weird implications about it because if you're buying views and then you're not telling your sponsors that those are purchased views you're misleading them with your popularity right or if you bought by subscribers you're misleading them um and and also it's i don't think it's against youtube policy also you're not allowed to do any of that shit but but i mean i understand that like hey i'm going to make myself i wanted to i would love for someone to give me fucking twenty thousand dollars and i'd love to build
Starting point is 01:58:55 an instagram account that's just fake followers that would be awesome that would be cool you can probably get a million. Dear Savon, my name is Jody and I haven't made a comment on your YouTube in two weeks. Jody? Yeah. Hey, Jody, did I upset you when I said the thing like no women should be commenting on YouTube
Starting point is 01:59:17 when I went off on that? When was that? I don't know. It was just one of my bits I was doing. I don't know, David. I can't know. It was just one of my bits I was doing. Oh, no, David. I can't even... David's looking for a new two-bedroom apartment in Hiller's Head, preferably rent-free. There's a lot of room in this thing. God, please have him move out of my head.
Starting point is 01:59:39 Please, yes, go to Hiller's Head. Please. There's a lot of room in my head. It's big. Fuck, can I? Only thing dirty about my house is David. Okay, here we go. Asymmetric Gears. I have 24 subscribers and somehow I have a video with almost 2,400 views. YouTube plays a lot of games with people. No, they're just testing you out.
Starting point is 01:59:57 That's what they do. If you put a video up, they'll give it some reach and if it does well, people will watch it and then YouTube will give them more of your stuff. Hey, and it's a video up, they'll give it some reach. If it does well, people will watch it and then YouTube will give them more of your stuff. Hey, and it's a video of him thumbing his anus, which is really popular in the algo. I posted a short
Starting point is 02:00:14 the other day and it got like 12,000 views and I haven't posted anything in a while. Then I posted another one the next day and it got like 300. It was similar. That's the whole make good videos thing yeah you make if you make videos people want to watch the i in a perfect world they give to more people the best comment um in the entire show is um from taylor's mom have you
Starting point is 02:00:38 seen this i just i just said i would never read other people's text messages but here i go savon tried to start a chemical fire and Hiller pooped in a water tank of a toilet and they can't believe how stupid people are? Oh, shit. Oh, God. I'm fucking getting out of here. And in the same show,
Starting point is 02:01:01 someone called in to ask for medical advice from those people. Are we the dumb ones? No, we're experimenting. Exactly. Science. It's like 15 and Step Brothers. Like we put liquid paper on the beach.
Starting point is 02:01:19 How about like, look at this. Like this is another. So there's these comments on the internet that are just like, you're just like, okay, that person has down syndrome. Like I'm just here. Like when someone posts something and they just post someone like eating popcorn. But here's another one. Seve loves the sound of his voice.
Starting point is 02:01:39 Is that why you wear the headphones? Yeah. Wait, why is it dumb i know why we're here because one i mean i don't even know how to process that hey when you're doing a show do you feel do you feel it losing steam all right you have to be somewhere or you can feel it just kind of like all right we're done yeah sometimes come and go the reason he was on for as long as she was because it was good i keep it going and you'd never know anywhere to be i'm assuming right i'm never alone in the car and just be like hi savon boy it's nice hearing your voice i You think Sean Woodland does that? This week, driving to Julosco, Sean Woodland.
Starting point is 02:02:29 I don't even know how to process you. I'm wearing my Reebok. It's such a cliche line. You're supposed to read into that. I'm supposed to read into that somehow. I love my own voice. Is that a good thing or is that a bad thing?
Starting point is 02:02:53 It depends. supposed to read into that somehow like i love my own voice like is that a good thing or is that a bad thing it depends did you see the first comment just a dude uh this shit is still going yeah just a douche it's just such a douchey thing to say like come up with something fucking new christy aramo posted a video called crossfit takes over hyrox hey hey dude did you watch the male o'brien hyrox video no i much rather i like the smell my own farts better than the smell of my voice by the way by the way that's a great profile pic uh no i didn't watch the um the who the malo but dude i tried to watch the last two malo brian videos and i say this with peace and love O'Brien. Dude, I tried to watch the last two Mal O'Brien videos, and I say this with peace and love and no dig at her or whatever. Maybe it was the last one.
Starting point is 02:03:29 It's so bad, dude. There's nothing in it. Like nothing redeemable, nothing I learned. No like epic performance. No. It would be like watching. Yeah. Did you see Marcus Philly's Instagram post yesterday?
Starting point is 02:03:50 Where he puts it up and he goes, I don't think that I have any. I don't think I've exceeded my career because of my body. I think I'm summing it up pretty gently there. Oh, please tell me he didn't say that. Here we go. Being jacked is great. Make more friends by being jacked. Okay. Let's hear it. Can we hear? Okay. Here we go. Great conversation starter. People can recognize that I have muscle and it stands out. Does that mean I make more friends or that I have more connections that are meaningful and long-term?
Starting point is 02:04:26 No. I love starting conversations with fitness, but I always make an effort to turn that around on the person that's talking to me and get interested in what they're doing for their fitness and then ultimately figure out what's motivating them in their lives because my muscle mass tells them something about what I value, but I want to use that as a way to understand what they value. And that's how I think you can make friends when you're a jacked person. Being jacked. I don't understand what he's saying. I don't understand what he's saying. I hear this on the opposite end of the
Starting point is 02:04:58 Sporty Beth thing. Pardon me? Say that again? I hear this on the opposite end of the Sporty Beth thing. Okay. It's like he's jacked and people recognize him because of that. And he's trying to say that he hasn't gotten any connections. And he says meaningful connections, which is like an adjective that he chucked on there that might really throw people off. But if you remove that adjective, it's just, I don't think I had made any connections because of my body. And I'm like, dude, weren't you in men's health, dude? Weren't you at the CrossFit games where everyone looked at you?
Starting point is 02:05:31 Wait, is that what he's saying? I, here's, I, I didn't, I honestly, I couldn't process that really, but this is what I heard him say. I don't know if I processed it correctly. This is how I processed what he said. I have a great body and i attract people with my body but the second i start talking to them i try to put the attention on them he does he does say that okay that's how you heard it yeah he maybe he click baited me and i fell for it let me see what did you write let me see let's listen to it one more like are you suggesting that maybe
Starting point is 02:06:03 admittedly i cut it i admittedly I listened to it a couple of times and I'm like I'm just going to comment on the first 10 seconds let me see what you comment you think Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sidney Sweeney agree and let me see what the responses are Sidney Sweeney is great that's the one with the giant tits
Starting point is 02:06:19 let me see the replies on Hiller's thing real quick great now you've made or the giant tits. Okay, let me see the replies on Hiller's thing real quick. Great. Now you've made your way into Philly's comment section. He's done more positive things for fitness and CrossFit than you'll ever do. Before playing your games, I'd probably start by asking myself why.
Starting point is 02:06:39 I don't fucking even understand that comment either. Okay, two. Let me see that. Is that a chick? Can I see her? I want to see her tits. Let me see. is that a chick can i see her i want to see her tits let me see is that a girl it's bronson and they're private oh let's check he looks like jet okay okay he's probably not rich though i i i really like marcus philly um let me see let me see let me see i, being jacked helps make friends. I agree with that, right? Being jacked does help make friends. Yes. Yeah. Now he says no. Just like
Starting point is 02:07:11 having a vagina helps me getting a boyfriend. Can you play it until the point where he says no, please? Jack is a great conversation starter. People can recognize that I have muscle and it stands out. Does that mean I make more friends or that I have more connections that are meaningful and long-term? No. That's it. Do you think that Arnold Schwarzenegger got movie roles, became the governor of Californiaifornia one bodybuilding competitions and is the man he is without his muscle or do you think that's the community is known on euphoria or any other stuff from snl recently without her giant tits no okay but are we talking about marcus philly right now if it isn't for his insane body No or not Yeah that's true
Starting point is 02:08:05 That's all Well if he got really fat we'd be talking about him too Correct That's why I said the same thing as sporty fat But then that Okay okay If every single video he ever did was wearing this big ass shirt We're not talking about
Starting point is 02:08:22 Marcus Philly Hey what if So how should he have changed it hey having a great body is is awesome it's good for making friends of course people love being around beautiful people with beautiful bodies who work hard and everyone in it and I'm emanating health and I'm a good role model for people but also remember it's good to be a good person too I think he is saying that is he's just saying it wrong. I would think he's saying that. I mean, I love Marcus.
Starting point is 02:08:47 I do, too. I like him. I love Marcus Philly. Looking at Marcus Philly's body, I would hate for him to think that, like... And I love the fact my wife has a vagina. As superficial as it sounds, I'm so happy my mom had a vagina. Thank fucking God. And I love looking at him.
Starting point is 02:09:02 But I looked at him first. Right. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. If he had never shown up to the CrossFit Games And looked the way he did He'd have fallen off into the ether like you did He'd have had to start a YouTube channel Damn right I started talking about him for some reason
Starting point is 02:09:22 So that person got really that person got really defensive oh yeah because they like marcus but we like i know but what you're saying is so abstract in there anyway like how would if i saw you if i saw you posted that like i don't even know what that i how do people even know what you're saying like when that guy says um savon loves hearing the sound of his own voice i just want to be like no i don't but what's this person really saying i don't know what you're even like by that comment how could someone get mad at you without first asking a couple questions are you part of aurelius yes yeah yeah yeah the other day he put up like 10 things to have a happy life and his ninth point down there was, if you ever get upset, you're the reason. Oh.
Starting point is 02:10:07 Right? So that guy's upset at my Arnold Schwarzenegger Sidney Sweeney thing. Right? Right. Right. It was on Twitter, but this is the account, right? And, yeah,
Starting point is 02:10:24 that's the guy, though. Stefan, we lost you oh you're back i picked a big booger out of my nose sorry and uh hey that guy in the comment you love hearing your own voice yeah now i think a lot of times you're doing a bit and people lose that oh yeah yeah yeah that's for sure but if you're upset it's usually your own fault i like that uh did i hurt seve's feelings yes and it's a bit i don't remember why we were talking about Marcus in the first place. There was someone else we were chatting about. Oh, Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 02:11:09 Oh, yeah, Mal O'Brien. What about her news video? Everyone likes Mal for the CrossFit stuff. Yeah, did that video get any views as her state? I presume she's just going to be. I mean, it's getting like 20,000 on average, I think. Maybe a couple are cresting 30 40 which is good uh because people want to know what she's up to well i don't know how long that's gonna last right because people
Starting point is 02:11:32 know her as the crossfit chick and in that hyrox video the thing that really kind of irked me was that she's not going there to do anything other than to do it so people are just going to go there to watch her do hyrox people are wanting her to win there to watch her do High Rocks. People are wanting her to win, assuming she'll win, but at some point, she's the same as everybody else. That sucks
Starting point is 02:11:55 if you're just the same as everybody else. We just brought up Schwarzenegger and he would say the worst thing in life you could be is the same as everybody else. Especially you're making content like you got a youtube channel so you gotta you gotta differentiate yourself you gotta be different and if I mean she is different at the moment which is why she's getting 20 you don't even have to differentiate yourself you could just be yourself and you'll be plenty different that's oh sure right okay yeah hey let me ask you this do is is does camille leblanc bazinet have a
Starting point is 02:12:28 agent do you know who that is the chick who won the games oh yeah you mentioned her name earlier uh i don't know if she has an agent have you ever seen her instagram account probably got a million followers yeah do you think that that's an do you do you know anything about her her influence in the space like like is she like when you look at her numbers what do you think she looks great like yeah besides her body like are these good numbers not for a million no it's not are those i think spiegel's got a million so we can compare this to spiegel right okay so she's i'm just seeing a quick just rough average camille has 50 000 are those views or likes what is the what is it okay so let's are you happy if we just say the average is 50 000 yeah okay can we check out spiegel yeah let's check out spiegel i'm just
Starting point is 02:13:18 i i bring this up because so camille's beautiful but she's been out of the space for a long time, and she has a million followers, and she gets 50,000 views per whatever. I wonder what I get. Those are the same as my numbers, by the way, Camille and myself. Okay, so you get 50,000. Danny gets one. Oh, keep going. Let me do a quick mathematical calculation. So Danny, already I can see Danny gets, let's say she gets a million views.
Starting point is 02:13:56 That's fair to say. And she has 1.7 million followers. So she gets a million, and she's an active CrossFit Games athlete who porns, who posts like a pornographic type material, like stuff you'd see on the cover of a porn box or something. And I think all of them are doing that now. But so then. Damn right, Dan. I think all of them are doing that now. So then... Damn right, Dan. Versus what, 50,000? So she has 20 times the amount of eyeballs on her as Camille. Correct.
Starting point is 02:14:39 And why do you think that is? Do you think it's just because Danny is just currently active? Do you think in five years Danny Spiegel is still getting a million views per? It depends. Ten years. Ten years. When did Camille win the games? 2014?
Starting point is 02:14:58 Hey, dude, Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilder. Yeah. And he was an actor. And then he was a politician. Yeah. It's because he's always had to be doing something the rock was in the wwe and then he's in different movies and the movies are even different it's action and then it's comedy and
Starting point is 02:15:14 so spiegel's an athlete and camille was an athlete she tried bodybuilding and right now mal mal was an athlete the best one of the best probably could have been the best and now she's just some chick and what's Mal getting on what's Mal get on hers her can you see mine first I want to see how I Mal's doing real well still you want the podcast
Starting point is 02:15:38 page or your personal page no my personal page let me see how my social media presence is doing let me see how my social media presence is doing. Let me see. Oh, 10,000. That's good. There's me.
Starting point is 02:15:54 So I'm one-fifth. I get 10,000. I'm one-fifth the, oh, maybe 10,000 is gross exaggeration. I'd say it's like 8,000. Okay, 8,000. And Camille had what? 50,000? Yeah. So I'm one sixth. Yeah. One sixth of Camille's
Starting point is 02:16:12 Oh shit, I'm about to break 4,000 followers. Hell yeah. I need to post less Taylor. I think Taylor's fucked my account. I knew there was a reason. Okay. Mal O'Brien.
Starting point is 02:16:28 Let's see her account. Let's see. I think she's doing pretty well still. I mean, I would like to compare it to her time at the games. Two, four. So let's say Mal O'Brien's getting 500,000. She's getting half as many views as Spiegel from just a quick back-of-the-napkin math, but with also one-third the followers.
Starting point is 02:16:54 So she's doing great relative. Correct. Million. Hey, can we go to games-ish? Hey, how about this? How about this, dude? Check this out. I'm getting twice as many
Starting point is 02:17:06 views as i have followers the so ratio wise i'm destroying everybody fact factual people don't want to follow you because they're afraid people will see that they're following you this is pretty consistent and i have a horrible fucking my puss is nasty. Your what? My puss. My vagina looks like a penis. Like a giant Pringle can penis. For some reason, people... I don't get it. Meaning I'm not a chick.
Starting point is 02:17:38 Oh. Like, I guarantee you, on average, the beaver on Instagram has more – athlete beaver gets more followers than penis – dudes with penises. How does that dude Cooper have time to manage all these people? That guy must just – does that dude have a life at all? He's just a pure – He ran the high rocks thing.
Starting point is 02:18:04 Dude, I think he did pretty well in the open. Honestly. Hey dude, he did great at high rocks. Oh, he had some chick on his team. It was wicked fit. I know,
Starting point is 02:18:13 but he has to keep up with that chick. Yeah. Uh, the team one, I think is easier. At least I picked up on it right from what I listened to in the mal video. It's like run a thousand, do something.
Starting point is 02:18:25 And then you get to take a break. But I don't know if that's how they did it, right? They're basically interviewing 5,000-meter runs, which isn't hard. Just used my Matoothian for the first time last night. Loved it. Does it work? Yeah, look at Cooper's machine.
Starting point is 02:18:41 Yeah, I think he's... I think he's... Fisa Goff he said it was his agent but she I mean she probably didn't get much love she only got 50,000 followers but he does but he does Mal and he does
Starting point is 02:18:55 Daniel Brandon and it sounds like he has like intimate relationships with these people like he's not just a You know I mean like he calls him and shit like checks on him Plays pickleball monkey. She's being a monkey. I got a bamboo bamboo Baboon, yeah bamboo. Yeah, whatever. He registered running a merit. He's running a marathon next month. Oh
Starting point is 02:19:22 He also looks like he's 22 years old. Oh It looks like Brandon Luck month. Oh. He also looks like he's 22 years old. He looks like Brandon Luckett. Oh. Doesn't he? A little bit. Yeah. Oh, he's Joss Bridges' agent. Oh. Lab management basically
Starting point is 02:19:41 represents every top athlete. Can I see there? Yeah, let me go to there. Is lab management the guy who posted that nasty thing towards Tia Toomey when she pulled out? He's like convenient. Is that these people? I don't know. Does the guy work there who told people not to come on my podcast?
Starting point is 02:20:00 No. Oh. No, that's Neely. Amanda Barnhart, Hannah Black. David Bradley looks like James Sprague right there. I don't even know who David Bradley is. Doesn't that look like James Sprague with a mullet? Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 02:20:12 Holy shit. Emma Carey. Danielle Brandon, Josh Bridges, Emma Carey. Emma's easy to work with right now. Stephanie Chong. That's like the Nobles inclusivity poster child. Katrin David's daughter. No shit.
Starting point is 02:20:28 Abigail Donut. No shit. Matt Fraser. Annika. Yeah, Fraser. I thought O'Keefe was Fraser. Is O'Keefe part of these people? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:44 Let's check their employees in a second uh christian harris christian harris looks tiny there why are his elbows down uh jason getting ready for a press uh um jason hopper nick matthew justin madaris mal o'brien dallin pepper a Alexis Raptus. Can I ask you something? What do all these people have in common? They're hot. They all eat mush. Oh.
Starting point is 02:21:11 Oh, shit. That's the thing. And that's what it... Wow, look at Fee's legs. All right, now what? Cole Sager, Fee Sagafi, Trista Smith,
Starting point is 02:21:28 Annie Thor's daughter, Ellie Turner. Remind me to ask you something off the air. Sydney Wells. Hey, dude, can you ask me something off the air? Patrick Vellner. My daughter has the most views on the CrossFit IG. Oh, that's the guy. That's the guy that Jason is a former professional baseball player turned certified agent.
Starting point is 02:21:53 Oh, this is the convenience guy, right? Certified agent. Yeah, I think this is the guy who said that. I would love to know what that means. What did he post that on? Oh, the Tia thing, right? Yeah. As an owner of a supplement company,
Starting point is 02:22:07 how is that a fucking good line? As the owner of a scam company, he brings a wealth of knowledge and brand. Why don't they say what supplement company he owns? What's he own? I'm going to go find out. Does he own that? He owns that stuff uh x endurance like the
Starting point is 02:22:25 oh no yeah it does endurance x endurance father of three girls and husband to his wife that's good as opposed to a husband to his husband dre he believe dre he believes his family in family first and taking care of his tribe i I never know what that means, family first. It's like a liver king thing. He thinks of his clients as family. Oh. He's got a big ass family. Father of three girls and husband to his wife. Oh, his wife's name is Dre.
Starting point is 02:22:55 He believes... Oh, that's a weird sentence. I think it's supposed to be father of three girls, husband to his wife, Dre. Period. He believes in family first and taking care of his tribe. He thinks of his clients as family and aims to prioritize them as such. Wow, that's some fucking convoluted shit. So is it family first or Cooper Marsh?
Starting point is 02:23:23 Brandon, look it. With a background in education and sales, Cooper recognizes the importance of communication relationship building and works to be a pro in both. He cherishes the opportunity to help build clients, brands, and he cherishes the opportunity to help build clients, clients, brands, clients, brands. And works to structure the best endorsement for his clients. Clients, clients, brands, clients, brands And works And works to structure the best endorsement
Starting point is 02:23:46 For his clients Clients, clients, clients Listen, just so you know Anyone who wants to sponsor this Podcast I am more interested in you Than in myself I want you to walk away
Starting point is 02:24:04 The opposite Like these people couldn't represent me in myself. I want you to walk away the opposite. Like these people, like these people couldn't represent me. Do you know what I mean? Cause I'm, I'm interested in the brands and making sure they feel like they got their money's worth. I would fucking hate it.
Starting point is 02:24:15 If someone got me, gave me money and I felt like I didn't, um, got them, get them what they wanted. Oh, wait, can I read the other ones?
Starting point is 02:24:22 I want to read the other ones. Zach Long. Do you know him he looks familiar no zach long heads up labs what's lab stand for labs baseball balloons oh uh oh um uh i want to say it starts it stands for liberal as balls. Working in conjunction with major agencies, notorious contract negotiations. Notorious, huh? Tell me. Zach helps clients build their off-field brand and presence to align athletes with companies. So they're trying to get athletes, not brands. This whole thing is about trying to seduce
Starting point is 02:25:06 to let athletes know they've come to the right place, not let brands know they've come to the right place. I just want anyone out there to know that anyway, keep going. Long-ass balls. Ooh, I would not like that. Hiller has long-ass balls. I have the longest ass balls. I do not like long-ass balls.
Starting point is 02:25:22 I judge you for that. Matt O'Keefe wears many different hats. A consultant to brands, representative of athletes. ass balls i do not like long ass balls maddo i judge you for that maddo keith maddo keith wears many different hats a consultant to brands representative of athletes see there it is consultants to brands i like that ceo of hwpo but most most importantly a husband and father if chief isn't on the golf course you can find him at a crossfit event or besides his right hand man matt fraser yeah i was actually pretty impressed that o'keefe came to uh he had to drive six and a half hours each way or something to come to that, to see Hopper.
Starting point is 02:25:48 I think I could probably beat him in golf. Oh, Keith. Yeah. I'm going to call him and ask him. Yeah. What his best score is. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:25:57 If it's, if it's under 85, I can't beat him. Oh, maybe I could. Depends on the course. That's a, that's a really bold statement for a guy who says he spends a lot of time on the course. That's why I said I could beat him. Maybe I could. Depends on the course. That's a really bold statement for a guy
Starting point is 02:26:05 who says he spends a lot of time on the course. That's why I said I could beat him. But I don't know. This is going to be good. Did you know that the Android speaker is down where the mouth is? That makes no sense. The iPhone's where your head
Starting point is 02:26:23 is. There's not very much that makes sense about the Android. Olsen dudes, what's up, man? Hey. Thank you. Thanks for the loot. Your call has been forwarded to voicemail. Come on, O'Keefe. Leave a message.
Starting point is 02:26:41 Hey, Matt. This is Sevan. I'm on live on the podcast. No, because when the show's over, I won't care. Right, right, right. It's a bit, Andrew. It's a bit. It would have been a good bit, too.
Starting point is 02:26:54 It's a failed bit. Okay, let's keep going past O'Keefe. Daniel Robbins. Daniel Robbins was born and raised in California, finding a love for sports early on from high school football to helping the University of Michigan football program with simultaneously earning his master's degree. He's helped build athlete brands for a long time.
Starting point is 02:27:12 You can find Daniel walking his dog or hanging with his wife. I want to know what these guys have done, though. Do you know what I mean? It's like... Isn't Tony Robbins his dad? No shit? I'm making that up. No way. That's good. No no fucking way that would be awesome hey that
Starting point is 02:27:29 yeah i want to know i want to know what um like it's just um uh thruster everyone knows what that is i want i want them to be like hey i built esc sounds from selling one set of headphones to being the leading headset in the CrossFit space. I want it to be like Matuthi. We took on Matuthi and it's the number one seller at CVS. Like, what the fuck did you do? I can fucking promote Trista Smith for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 02:28:00 I don't think you could. I definitely... I could make Trista Smith a million dollars. Okay, please keep going. Deb Graff. Deb grew up on Long Island, New York. Oh, how nice. They included a girl finally.
Starting point is 02:28:15 I thought they were going to be like this podcast and never include women. Deb grew up on Long Island, New York and played volleyball for Stony Brook University. That's cool. Deb grew up on Long Island, New York and played volleyball for Stony Brook University. That's cool. Coaching travel volleyball and having a husband who is in athletics. Being part of the lab team was a perfect fit. What the fuck kind of sentence is this? Coaching traveling volleyball.
Starting point is 02:28:35 You have a husband who's in athletics? Okay. I got a wife who's in. Athletics? I don't know. She's. I got a wife that I'm in. you have a what if she would have said that i have a husband who's in me every night and athletics and athletic she's committed to
Starting point is 02:28:55 helping all lab i would respect her more i would respect her for that she's committing to helping all lab athletes grow okay good i hope so and achieve their goals in whatever capacity what if it would have said she's committed to hurting all the athletes at lab? Deb is married and has two children. That's nice. She manages. Oh, she's in the same boat I'm in, nine and five. She manages a clothing brand called MFLH.
Starting point is 02:29:18 Move fast, move heavy. Oh, wow. Christian Harris's brand. That's the one that reaches out to everybody and wants to send them shirts so that they are a move fast live heavy no one's ever asked me well it's because you didn't make quarterfinals or semifinals you're not vague vague vague nothing is substance yeah that and they message you from christian harris's account because they think that you'll you'll respond then is that true yes oh michelle lee
Starting point is 02:29:45 asian name italian face uh michelle lee was born and raised in syracuse new york and specialized in print and digital marketing for over a decade i need to know what she aids athletes in business development and supports marketing strategy plans when she's not researching the ever-changing marketing landscape, you can find her hanging out with her husband, Alex Lee. You think he's Asian? This is what you do. Hiller, this is what you do.
Starting point is 02:30:10 You're researching the ever-changing market landscape. I sure am. I cannot wait to write my own little profile. That's on your resume. Who would you rather trust? Someone here advising you on how to run your YouTube page or Andrew Hiller? I'll let you know I reached out to these people to tell them how to run their YouTube page, and they showed zero interest. You did?
Starting point is 02:30:32 Oh, yeah. Were you going to charge them? No. Oh, for free? I just wanted to help them out. They said, no, we got it. We have a lady who – Not in as many words.
Starting point is 02:30:43 It just kind of seemed like that it's okay we got a lady though she seems cool she's been doing it for a decade andrew i apologize uh she was cute oh that girl was cute the lead girl was cute um i apologize for the show taking two hours to get good today i yeah how much better is my bio on linkedin i know the difference between a man and a woman like that says everything about me that you need to know racist mega fucking that's what your says right wing like on linkedin i just changed it recently let's say i know there's between a man and a woman yeah that's cool i think i I do too. It's like dick or no dick.
Starting point is 02:31:28 Seve's bio once woke, now broke. But his podcast isn't a joke. Oh, nice. That's nice. Thank you. Hey, that's a shit sandwich. I know the difference between a man and a woman. You use that picture? That's a good picture. I went to a christmas party dressed
Starting point is 02:31:46 like that once as a joke humble monk for 50 years yeah yeah see him over the fast-growing shade of the world history didn't even know it don't outsource my discernment what are your skills public speaking no I don't have I don't have any fucking skills
Starting point is 02:32:12 hey everyone should go and endorse this hey this podcast shit for me I don't think transfers to public speaking you don't I don't know but I would be terrified if there was like six people standing in front of me i had to address them i'd fucking i want to tell our sponsors we've only been endorsed one time for sales
Starting point is 02:32:33 i did i did a live podcast with pedro wadapalooza not this last year but the year before it and i think it does translate you just have to imagine you're doing your thing i would say say that again you what what there was a live podcast that pedro at the guadalupalooza stage whatever that is yeah and he lost all the audio to it for whatever reason but i remember being there and like as long as you think you're just doing a podcast the same we don't believe in coincidences, Hiller. You lost your audio. Uh-huh. He was in here. Maybe he'll say why.
Starting point is 02:33:11 Daniel Robbins was an equipment manager at Michigan, not exactly on the team like his bio suggested. Oh, come on. That's in his LinkedIn. That's not true. Shush. That's crazy. I think it was actually at Cal. Oh, come on. Ooh, he should take that off that's not a
Starting point is 02:33:28 good sign if you went to cal oh wait no equipment manager and wait i'm so and hey if we go back to the lab thing it says he was on the team but here it says equipment manager you're part of the team right you're part of the team you give them You give out the freaking helmets and footballs and shit, right? Shut the fuck up. Hiller's already like, Instagram video, got to go. This is what I'm talking about. No, no, it's here. Daniel Robinson's board.
Starting point is 02:33:58 Helping the university. Okay. All right, all right, all right. Okay, Daniel, you're off. Hey, you want to know how many times a day this happens? Probably 10. What? I'm going to make something up.
Starting point is 02:34:10 We're going to put something up. Damn it. Damn. They're off the hook. Hey, let me see. You got me off the hook. Let me see. Let me go back to that website.
Starting point is 02:34:19 What else is there? I want to see. Hey, HGCBD says that we can see their rates somewhere. I know. I was going gonna go look whose rates the lab i'm assuming by the way if anyone wants to start a show on my podcast they can it's five thousand dollars a month for to do one show a week that seems like a good deal yeah i discovered that yesterday on the glinton things thing. I did hear that. I was like, wow, is that my rate? So this is a $1,200 show right now. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 02:34:51 Right? It's good. We're going back to their website, Caleb. Yeah, I don't see their rates on here, but if you just want to scroll through. I'm going to ask you for the third time in this show, how does Miss Go an electric toothbrush oh oh i don't know i assume i assume fine all right i got one and the toothy and sitting on my counter and i'm kind of lazy as shit when it comes to certain things you haven't tried it yet it's sitting on my counter and i wake up in the morning and i'm like toothpaste my, my tooth is downstairs.
Starting point is 02:35:26 You're kind of unfair as a tester too though, because like you don't use, you don't even need soap because you eat so clean and you live such a clean life. Like you don't smell, your teeth aren't fucked up. I mean, I mean, hold on, go a little slower. Let me see. They support good dudes coffee. Yeah. Stephen Flores. It works well. Jay Shet slower. Let me see. They support Good Dude's Coffee. Here, here, here. Yeah, Stephen Flores. It works well. Jay Shetman. It works well. That's the only way I do it. All right. Everyone says electric toothbrush.
Starting point is 02:35:52 He got Matuthian all the way out to the Isle of Man. Yeah, it was only $50 shipping, right? Just don't turn on the toothbrush till you put it in your mouth. Oh, yeah. The powder will go everywhere. That makes sense.
Starting point is 02:36:12 Hey, I'm seriously going to put a scoop of that and it'll explode in an unflavored Madoothian. And it's going to be fruit punch flavored with some caffeine in there. Wow. It's a nice website oh maddie rogers oh these are did you know oh they represent mitchell hooper also i guess so
Starting point is 02:36:35 maddie rogers also is taking the year off i think from weightlifting yeah i think she's got a oh and scott stalling interesting there's a lot of people that they rostered that are no longer doing anything. Josh Hader is a beast. He is?
Starting point is 02:36:51 Oh, he's amazing. He's probably one of the best at his position, if not the best. Would you ask him advice on if your kids were sick? Would you ask him for advice? Josh Hader? Yeah. No. Oh. Would you ask him advice on if his kids, if your kids were sick, would you ask him for advice? Josh Hader? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 02:37:07 Oh. I had the biggest crush on Colleen. So that chick, I think it's her. I'd say that it was like 95% certainty was used as an avatar in a video game. Like her figure is in a video game. And I don't remember which one. Probably Call of Duty or something. Her whole look changed.
Starting point is 02:37:28 You know what? She started looking like Brooke Enns all of a sudden. Yeah, a little bit. I like Andrea Ager, too. Man, she was hot. Ager Bob. Yep. We're bringing back all the original CrossFit crushes so i think she i think she was like a
Starting point is 02:37:46 virgin or something until she got married too or something wasn't that like her her whole thing i think that was her stick yeah yeah last of us too oh look barbend oh really last of us yeah i love i love pool boys comment i dated her brother's ex-girlfriend. That is a crazy thing. I don't even know who he's talking about, but I just love it. I got to bang someone who's one degree of separation from her. I think Brooke is rescheduled. We have so many people scheduled. You know who we have coming on? We have this guy.
Starting point is 02:38:18 He's like the premier immigration lawyer for Venezuelans coming to the country, and he's having massive issues with Venezuelan gangs. He's coming on. Jorge hooked me up with him. In the 2020 video games, let me punch fascists in the face as myself. Beirut today. Apparently that's what she's supposed to look like.
Starting point is 02:38:38 They used her physique to create an atmosphere in the game. Khalifa made Beirut today. Wow. create an avatar in the game. Kali Faush made Beirut today. Wow. There's a couple managers in the CrossFit space who are genuinely bad news, but Lab do so much
Starting point is 02:38:56 positive to help everyone in this space. I wonder if he's talking about Neely. What does that mean? I wonder what that means if you're a bad manager. You lose sponsorships. If you represent Camille and she has a million followers, I don't know, maybe she's doing well monetizing it.
Starting point is 02:39:20 And maybe that's the point of having a manager. I was at a CrossFit event and it was whoever who is who is camille's agent dave libson she whoever she had an agent and i think i know who it is and i think he's part of that lab management team but i don't know for sure so i won't say his name but i was at a crossfit event in las vegas it was after an open we did at the i think it was an open sam briggs was there camille was there and i want to say it was at the win i had a fat room there crazy room and there was a there was a party there private crossfit party there and people were dancing and getting drunk and this guy walks up to me and fucking gets like standing right in my face and gets like way too close to me and goes do you
Starting point is 02:40:15 know who i am and i go no and he's like i'm camille's agent i go oh what does that do what's an agent i don't really understand and he goes i first of all i can't he was like telling me i can't believe you don't know who i am and then what was the movie with tom cruise jerry mcguire he's like i do what jerry mcguire does and he starts like just fucking like yelling at me i do what jerry mcguire does and i can't believe you don't know who i am god i, I wish I could remember who that was. It was so, the guy was such a douchebag. I think, here, I think I have your answer.
Starting point is 02:40:51 He was the fakest fucking, one of the fakest people I've ever met in the cross-strait. It really stuck with me. I'm like, wow. How do athletes get noticed? It is performance. It is social media following. It's balance for both, Sinclair said. Oh, so it was that guy oh it was that guy camilla the freaking uh the freaking the main dude over there i thought it was him it was crazy dude now granted he was drunk as
Starting point is 02:41:18 fuck but it was so i don't give a shit yeah yeah it's out yeah cocaine yeah it's probably right it probably was coke he was so fucking frustrated that i didn't know who he was or what an agent did it was wild i still don't know what they do hey it only took two hours and 38 minutes to get to the best story in the entire podcast god i wish i could remember the details i just remember just this and i couldn't fucking get away from the fucking dude For like fucking 10 minutes he was like following me around Like posturing on me Do you know who I am?
Starting point is 02:41:51 Yeah yeah Do you see what I've done to Camille? No I took her like a sponge and I did this So he's not So he's not her agent anymore She's not on the um No she's not worth anything anymore.
Starting point is 02:42:05 He's only... I mean, didn't you see his roster? It's all about who's going on right now. You know what? That may have been cocaine. Now that I think about it. Are they trying to manage you guys? Who, me?
Starting point is 02:42:19 Yeah. No managers ever reached out to me. I got one once. Really? Yeah. Do I know who? I told this person, all I want is more time. Okay, let's see how we can get you more time.
Starting point is 02:42:39 What do you think we need to do? And then I heard that and I'm like, I don't want to answer that for you. Why am I answering this question for you? You're supposed to figure it out. Do I know who it is? Do I know who it is? I don't think so. Hey, dude, if I was an agent, I would...
Starting point is 02:42:58 I like the person though. I like the person. It was cool. You do like the person? Yeah. If I was an agent i was just like yeah you know why an agent would want you right no because to mitigate um let's say lab management um uh yeah let's say all right i know ellie Ellie Turner's on our roster. Stop talking about what you did. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 02:43:25 Yes. Yes. And also. Yes. You hear that mush thing? Nice job. They wouldn't say that because that's too sophisticated for them to understand how good you did for them. But yes.
Starting point is 02:43:41 No, he didn't have a point, Pat. He didn't have. He was just he just wanted to posture on me he just fucking searched me out at the fucking party and was just posturing on me and i'm really quiet and kind of awkward in social settings too like i don't really want i'm not interested in engaging with people i don't know he'd look like an agent he was all slick wearing a fancy suit and and good looking and nice hair. He was good looking.
Starting point is 02:44:07 And he had his beard shaved. He had a special shaver to make all the hairs the exact length or some shit. You know what I mean? What? 5'10". Yeah. He towered. He towered over me.
Starting point is 02:44:21 Oh, let me see. Can you go to CrossFit's page? Frank was saying that his daughter's post has the most views. I think Adam Blakeslee is a little bit behind. I tried to dodge Shredders a little bit. That was two hours ago. There's no one shorter than me. I'd have remembered that.
Starting point is 02:44:43 Let me see. Colton's shorter than you, right? How come we can't see the views on this one? The golden barbell. Oh, real? Oh, okay. Oh, Dave was so funny about the golden barbell yesterday. Is it this one?
Starting point is 02:44:58 Yeah. How many views does that have? 526. It can't be that one. Because there's ones on there with millions of views. If it doesn't have millions of views, either he's incorrect or that's not his daughter. Hey, let me see that again.
Starting point is 02:45:16 That kid has butterfly 581. That little kid had butterfly pull-ups? Holy shit. I'm cold. I'm freezing. I got to go. I'm cold. I'm freezing. I got to go. I'm like starting to shake. What are you, a dog?
Starting point is 02:45:30 No, it's a Will Ferrell. Oh, Will Ferrell. Oh, you didn't. Oh, it's an SNL. Hiller doesn't watch SNL. No. I watched Dune yesterday. Oh, she has 12 million.
Starting point is 02:45:41 Holy shit. The first one? The second one. What did you think? Awesome. Trying to. The first one? The second one. What'd you think? Awesome. Trying to get the first one still. Hey, the lead actor in that movie, there's a... I love drawing parallels between movie things
Starting point is 02:45:55 and real life things. And I don't know the dude's name. Timothee Chalamet? Yeah, he has this line in there where everyone's trying to turn him into this messiah. Right? He's the one. Yeah yeah he's the one to like lead everyone out of the desert and uh he goes no i just want to be the same as everybody else and i was like i turned to alexis and i go this is why everyone's pissed at brian because he wants to be the messiah are you done with Brian videos?
Starting point is 02:46:28 I don't have to be right. There's no rule. Hey, just like I didn't want to make the first one. I don't want to make another one, but like, who knows? I think he's going to go.
Starting point is 02:46:41 I have a sweatshirt. That's a good point. I wonder if I do have a sweatshirt. I have fucking wool socks on. I can't believe I'm cold. It's because I left the door open and it's just freezing here. But you'd think all these monitors I have would keep me warm, right? They're all LED things, right?
Starting point is 02:46:55 Like, this isn't hot. That's why no one will remember your name. That's Troy Achilles. That's a good one. All right. Let me see who's Troy Achilles. That's a good one. Alright. Let me see who's coming on tomorrow. You should have St. Clair on. Oh, tomorrow I have an affiliate
Starting point is 02:47:14 series. Hey, Stefan. It's nice that you finally know who I am. That's how he would start it out. That'd be cool. Yeah, I hope you would. Yeah, that'd be cool. I don't think I've ever had an agent on here besides O'Keefe I don't think so either Wednesday Greg Glassman
Starting point is 02:47:34 Do you have Graybiel on? Graybiel's an agent Oh Oh yeah I did have Graybiel on On Thursday I have Brian Tom Patrick Clark's an agent Oh Give me a minute I'll think of more
Starting point is 02:47:48 I'm just sifting through files in my head Jared Graybill Patrick Clark Give James Neely on no you featured him though Hey what There's an agent Agent named Benji too Yeah he hasn't been on though featured um yeah uh bryant uh owns i think like maybe three or five gyms in hawaii who i've known him for like maybe 20 years now
Starting point is 02:48:16 well the guy the affiliate owner so i have two affiliate owners coming on next week that's awesome actually i don't know if the guy coming on monday is actually an affiliate dan i just hope i just was told that he has a really incredible business model and he teaches classes and matt caps him out at six people what's his last name i don't know let me see i'll look at my instagram maybe i didn't have on snorri snorri wasn't done oh i've had snorri on oh yeah Yeah we have I think a couple times Does he represent Annie The Roast Daughter
Starting point is 02:48:48 You're going to like this when I put in Dan into my post Daniel Oh you got Daniel Kutz I don't have him coming on Oh his This guy's Instagram account Oh it says CrossFit Small business mentor
Starting point is 02:49:03 Purrington Woods Underscore Woods slam Instagram account who's coming out. It says CrossFit. Oh, small business mentor. Purrington Woods underscore Woods slam. P-U-R-I-N-G-T-O-N P-U-R Woods on, yeah. What did I say? Woods slam? Got it. Yeah, that guy's coming on.
Starting point is 02:49:29 And then we have Jack De La Maddalena coming on if you don't know who that is you're crazy oh John Singleton's coming on I've never had him on I like him I like it much more in podcast format I think than in what form than in your bed through life he did uh he did a piece last year on the treadmills, if I recall. And it was just really slow. It was hard to get through. But if it's between two people, it'll be easier, better. We have Jimmy Watson coming on. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 02:50:01 No. That's the Navy SEAL that Andy St slammed on patrick bet david show oh and then andy apologized to him oh oh that sounds good that'll be good then we have jay cooey coming back on that was a big show people loved that show then we have mark mcqueen coming on i think that's uh like a power lifter who's turned into a black belt in jiu-jitsu. We'll find out. Why are all these people asking for Jersey Shore people
Starting point is 02:50:33 like Snooki? Brooke Entz comes on on April 11th. Jake Chapman. How is the cock-ootery person person i remember that show oh that's a good question charcuterie board he had the cock cootery board oh yeah i like stuff like that when am i gonna get to go on a show someone's gonna invite me on a show
Starting point is 02:51:02 i never get invited on this shit when am i gonna get invited on you dumb idiot what you want to show yesterday i know but i want to go on a show on like um young entrepreneurs and um with my matuthian oh you should probably start screaming to the high heavens about it and ask why people don't have you on no one respects me hey why why haven't why haven't any agents reached out to me too hot to handle too cold to hold call the ghostbusters and we're in control hillary's like i didn't know you knew any pop culture shit see i don't even know what you're talking about i'm assuming it's ghostbusters. Too hot to handle, too cold to hold. You call it a Ghostbuster?
Starting point is 02:51:46 I think it was MC Hammer maybe sung that. Oh. Was that Hammer? You're 50. 52. So toxic people don't get agents? Is that? Oh, Bobby Brown, was it?
Starting point is 02:52:01 Bobby Brown, actually. Oh, my God. I would fucking melt if I got the D1 breeder on. I would melt. Has she ever done a podcast? Probably not. I would go bonkers, dude. Probably worried that her whole thing is going to get fucked up. Hey, I'm not even joking you.
Starting point is 02:52:22 I think I could convince my wife to let her move in with us Like I think my wife would do polygamy with her Even I mean my wife doesn't even know she who is this person or this person the d1 breeder She's this making some assumptions about it, but Basically, she the insinuation is is that if you have sex with her you're gonna she's gonna make give you a d1 athlete for sure And I she's gonna be tall you a D1 athlete for sure. She's seven feet tall. No. No one knows the truth. 306,000.
Starting point is 02:52:53 Okay. How tall do you think she is, Caleb? Six foot. You do? That's it? Yeah. This is her? Yeah, this is her too. Look at that fucking hind quarters on her.
Starting point is 02:53:08 She has a Tesla truck. The D one breeder. Crazy, right? Awesome. It started off with just her being like six foot or something. And now it's gotten to the point where she says she's seven. You just, Hey, there's a dude there.
Starting point is 02:53:27 She's standing next to that dude in the middle. That's her brother. That giant lady's her mom. Hey, she probably is 6'3". There you go. No, the dad's 6'3". She's the same. And she's seven foot. She's claiming she's seven foot tall. That's probably also not her dad.
Starting point is 02:53:47 That dude right there in the middle. There you go. He's probably six, two, six, three. I like it when she's standing next to the refrigerator. I like it when she's standing next to the refrigerator. Yeah, she's so awesome. Yeah, she's cool. I wonder if she speaks English.
Starting point is 02:54:15 Does she ever talk in these videos? Let me hear if she's saying anything. That's just a mini fridge, dude. Right, exactly. That is not a mini fridge. The whole house is mini Oh really It's crazy Yeah look at this
Starting point is 02:54:29 Wait a second You don't think she's 210 pounds Let me see the video where she says she's 210 You don't think she's 210 No I'm 210 Jesus no no i'm 210 jesus dude look at his legs compared to hers is that your garage
Starting point is 02:54:56 yeah dude he's just small man look at this your garage right there looks just like oh no it's a little different oh all right she's holding on no way since she was like 30 there we go look at she's on a normal ass barbell you can we know how big she is compared to everything there she's big but she's probably like six two because everyone knows what a barbell is wait let me see what she could pop go back i want to watch that scale one again i want to see if they're like what we could imagine her grabbing him a 25 pound weight she's she had okay so oh they cut they don't zoom in let me see if there's a cut no okay they don't cut there's just no way why does she have to have that belt on maybe she's got weights on the back
Starting point is 02:55:52 hey dude if i bench price to alexis on a barley that they're not like crazy far off in size really i mean just like put my arms on a barbell and she sits in there and you just, how long, how long, how long is a barbell? How long is a barbell? Six feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:10 So go back to it again. Let's see if she, if she put her on, I mean, she's as tall as she is her, her wingspan, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:56:16 Jake, imagine that. Imagine her sitting on your face. Oh, I thought it said spitting. Oh, I read that as spitting i'm like why would i imagine how do i know andrew's gay like a camel oh yeah she dude she's not even six
Starting point is 02:56:32 feet tall if that bar is only six feet long dude a bar is taller than six feet long because my ceiling my bar when i stand my bar up almost touches almost touches my... Oh, no. Dude, you can do this. Come on. Here, you stand up a bar. Stand up a bar and stand next to it. How tall are you? Let's see this. I sit on this bar.
Starting point is 02:56:55 I just want to... No, just stand the bar up. I want to see how it looks next to you. Oh, shit. You have a pit bull? What's wrong with you? Nice body. God.
Starting point is 02:57:02 Good job, Andrew. Oh, look. They think the podcast is over and they're going to get like a walk or something. Hey, Andrew, just take an empty barbell and stand next to it. I want to see. How come one of your dogs has a great body and the other one's fucking obese? Because he's old.
Starting point is 02:57:21 Jesus. Mike Artunian is saying that a bar is seven feet probably seven feet hey caller what's up dude so this A what's up this pool boy
Starting point is 02:57:36 God your voice is deep get off the sauce dude I'm trying to get his level hey you know what the weird fucking thing about that? D1 breeder. This is not pool boy I don't know but I've hung out with pool boy and his voice is not deep like that I don't know you're
Starting point is 02:58:01 Imagining different things. I don't know. Okay, go ahead. Weirdest thing besides she constantly lies and cites. I'm super triggered by this. Don't ask why. But she also promotes her brother's OnlyFans. Her brother's OnlyFans? Yeah. Hold on one second.
Starting point is 02:58:20 Hey, look at my brother's dick. It's fucking weird. hold on one second really shit call her hold on one second don't go i want to talk about penises hold on my second favorite topic hello caller hold on it'll click in in a second hold on do you see that anywhere uh caleb on her account where she's promoting Her brother's penis Hey pool boy you don't sound like yourself at all Hi puppy dog
Starting point is 02:58:54 Hello You gotta remember my girlfriend Is in Australia Oh now your voice is normal That was weird Alright cool I was gonna say like my girlfriend's in Australia So I have all this testosterone So now your voice is normal. Now it's normal. That was weird. Now it's normal. All right, cool. I was going to say, like, my girlfriend's in Australia,
Starting point is 02:59:10 so I have all this testosterone just building up in me. Now it sounds like a real boy. Hey, what do you mean she promotes her brother's OnlyFans? Like, you'll see it, like, in her link tree or something? Like, she'll post it in her stories and shit. That's not hers? She probably doesn't. She obviously has her own fucking OnlyFans,
Starting point is 02:59:30 but she'll, I don't know, she probably doesn't have it in her story now, but every so often she'll post a picture of her and her brother together and she'll post a link to his OnlyFans. I'm going to put in D1 Breeder OnlyFans. D1 Breeder OnlyFans. I'm going to put in D1 Breeder OnlyFans. D1 Breeder OnlyFans. Hey, so you really think she bought that $250,000? Maria, is that her name?
Starting point is 02:59:57 Maria. Oh, yeah. Wow. She has an OnlyFans. It has 1.1 million likes. Oh, no. I no talking about her brothers though I know but I'm not gay it's weird
Starting point is 03:00:11 how do you know that dude because she's posted on her story once no that was the best question on the Gleaton podcast yesterday shit I thought you knew you weren't gay you know uh you know what i you know one of the reasons also why i know why i'm not gay um i'm i've uh i i'm uncut when i see
Starting point is 03:00:35 men kiss it's um we're holding hands it's um you become unsettled, I feel like I'm watching a car accident, kind of. You know what I mean? Like someone pulled a hangnail. It just doesn't... I want to take a step backwards away from it, not a step closer to it. Do you know what I mean? No, I definitely want to Not a step closer to it. Do you know what I mean? No, I definitely want to see it.
Starting point is 03:01:06 I definitely want to take a step closer. If I'm driving down the street and I see a couple making out, I'll look twice. Have you seen Big Daddy? I saw two dudes kissing. I wouldn't look back. With Adam Sandler? Say it again? Did you see Big Daddy with Adam Sandler?
Starting point is 03:01:21 Probably, but I forget. The first time i really saw dudes kiss like that was in that movie that there's the two dudes the lawyer they're just like making out i was like yeah the best friends from college the best friends from college holy shit i can wipe my own ass i can wipe my own ass bull boys seen it well first you need to have sex with a woman and then a man and compare i don't know i wouldn't even know how would you even have sex with a man those are them what if you what if you saw me holding hands in public with uh jorge fernandez well i would accept that more than just like just two fat dudes holding hands. I don't know.
Starting point is 03:02:06 I find you guys are both handsome, Latino, overly groomed men. I don't know. I'd probably call Hiller. Jorge Fernandez is really good looking. He is. That's a great question, Pool Boy. That's a great question. Maybe it's not.
Starting point is 03:02:25 He's a good looking guy. He reminds me of Lou Diamond Phillips. The thought of my tongue touching another man's tongue, though, is. It's like they're too coarse, right? There's something about chicks that are just softer. I feel like I'd have to clean my mouth out after that or something. Maybe that's how my wife feels about kissing me maybe that's how everyone feels about kissing men it's like i don't even understand why alexis likes
Starting point is 03:02:50 me like there's just something about dudes that are just like i don't get it right yeah i'm glad she does but dude look at so soft everywhere and hey this is ethnically this is inappropriate jorge that's not how you spell jorge he called him fucking george can't elaborate george is a gorgeous man for fuck's sake dude it's with a j oh damn i hate these questions jake i never really know what to do with them but generally i go for the ones that look like a chick just makes no fucking sense would you rather shag pool boy with a vagina or andrea agar with a hog my gosh i usually go for the one with a hog because it's usually a hot shape of the penis didn't didn't uh raw uh date andrea agar back in the day? Yes.
Starting point is 03:03:45 The first time I ever heard that question. Did you ever see they were on way back in the day they were on an episode it was a couple's edition, an episode of Fear Factor together with Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 03:04:01 Dude, you can YouTube that right now. Ronnie Teasdale, Andrea Ager. Fear Factor. really dude you can you can youtube that right now you can youtube that right now ronnie fear factor she gets like covered in leeches and she fucking flips out it's hilarious ronnie teasdale uh fear factor uh or like andrea agar fear factor and he just like stares at her like like he's trying to channel energy to her. It's pretty funny. God, she could have fucked Joe Rogan. She could have maybe married him.
Starting point is 03:04:31 I wouldn't go that far. I mean, but I mean, she could have. She could have. She had an opportunity. So did you. Hey. I mean, technically we all did uh there was someone else who oh you know i you know who else you know who um uh else i think maybe dated andre agar was a
Starting point is 03:04:56 fitness lonnie do you remember him dorian who's now a monk yeah oh shit you found it Wow They look like children They're just so They're just little babies So is Rogan How'd you find this Oh shit Oh my god What the hell
Starting point is 03:05:21 Oh this isn't that bad He's eating leeches off her body Yeah this is the dude who eats semen dude What the hell? Oh, this isn't that bad. He's eating leeches off her body? Yeah, this is the dude who eats semen, dude. He doesn't eat semen. He ate semen once. He tasted it. No, dude.
Starting point is 03:05:34 He did it for like a month. It was his life force. I remember. It's okay. I don't care, but it makes eating leeches easier, no? Can you just go online and order leeches? Can we just order? Can I just order a and order leeches? Can we just order? Can I just order a bucket of leeches?
Starting point is 03:05:49 Let's find out. Is he wearing jorts? Has he got his jorts on in this? I didn't see. That's a good question. Hey, Sleeky has a good question. What happens after Andrea dates people? She makes them go off their rocker and then break up. Yeah, it's all downhill after Andrea Yeagerar is that right yeah who else i mean i don't think
Starting point is 03:06:11 ronnie is off his rocker is he well just this lani it's just a little different he's not obviously uh leeches uh can you buy those yeah okay. Okay. Uh, let me see. Let me see. Oh, what's the cost? Let me see. Uh, jumbo. Uh, let's just, let's go large leeches. Let's just be modest. Um, well, maybe not. You can buy them. How much are they? You can buy a, wait, hold on. Let me find a price for you. Okay. Jesus. Was it you, Hiller, that brought up the fact that you can order like elephant shit That was me That was me Is your dog okay? Yeah, this is how it sits
Starting point is 03:06:55 Is your dog okay? Okay, so you can buy 20 to 25 dozen Leeches per pound Oh, so you can buy a pound of leeches Really? 25 le leeches per pound. Oh, so you can buy a pound of leeches. Really? 25 leeches weighs a pound? Does that make sense?
Starting point is 03:07:12 How much does a leech weigh? So for 60 bucks, you can get 25 leeches? How much does a leech weigh? If you want a jumbo leech, you get 12 to 15. It gives you like 12 to 15 per pound. It says like approximately.
Starting point is 03:07:32 Oh, I spelled leech wrong. How about 12 to 15 dozen per pound? Hey, Jethro showed me a video of this dude getting a leech pulled out of his nose. It was crazy. Well, no, this doesn't make sense. They're saying a leech weighs a gram and i think there's 28 grams oh that's probably a small leech then dude oh no that's right that's
Starting point is 03:07:54 about 28 grams in a pound is that what it is yeah okay have you ever eaten a leech no okay have you No. Okay. Have you? No. Damn, Jeremy. Damn. All right. Yeah, Christine, you're right. The dog was ready to get out. Andrea Agar is an anagram for rearranged. Hiller put down the dog.
Starting point is 03:08:25 He's going to get neck pain. Jesus Christ. How many people? All dogs sleep. All dogs sleep like that too. A dog. Hey, when I had that dog, it was a COVID dog,
Starting point is 03:08:32 right? And we would always just sit at my counter. So I put it in my lap and we would just sit on the counter, me and the dog and these people. And now whenever I sit at the counter with anybody, the dog is like, bring me up there, dude.
Starting point is 03:08:42 They're like, talk to me. And now the dog is 70 pounds jesus but she likes sitting like this that's what she does that's awesome uh listen to this look at this comment it's my mindfulness dog right there oh damn where is it someone said imagine having a sick kid and calling seven what's funny funny is imagine wanting to get your kid vaccinated and asking a doctor for advice. Just pour something? I think Pool Boy is still on the line.
Starting point is 03:09:20 It's like going to your drug dealer and asking if it's okay if you do cocaine. Just think about what you're saying for a second. Would you rather ask a mom's advice who has three kids and they're the most important thing to her about whether you should give kids vaccines or someone who gets paid tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands, millions of dollars to give vaccines? Whose advice whose advice do you think is better? I think your advice is better. Yeah, thank you. I mean, it's so obvious. Hell no.
Starting point is 03:10:02 Look how deep they were in that thing. Oh, my. Oh, my. Fuck, no. How do you even know that's it? Oh my god. Jethro told me that the dude said he felt an itchy nose. They go in there with that freaking... They were like way up there, man.
Starting point is 03:10:17 Have you ever had something crawl into your ear? A spider or a fly or anything? Not to my knowledge. One time I had a fucking spider crawl into my ear it was fucking crazy dude oh my god what'd you do i forget how i got it out but i remember when i got it out i think i was like holding my phone or something and looking and i felt something really weird in there and then fucking when it crawled out it was a tiny one and i fucking when it crawled out, it was a tiny one, and I fucking got him, but I was losing my fucking shit, dude. Why'd you let it go in there?
Starting point is 03:10:52 That's a great question. I don't think I let him go in there. Yes, you did. How did you permit that thing to crawl inside your body? It wasn't... Fuck, I let a doctor stick his thumb in my butt, dude.
Starting point is 03:11:05 Do not listen to the BirthFit episode. It's like everything you've ever done led to that situation. You've got the ownership of that spider in your ear. You're right. I know. I take responsibility for it. I have an ear, and that's my fault. Yeah, rethink your decisions.
Starting point is 03:11:18 Yeah. All of your values that led to that point. I agree. I agree. Where did it crawl into your ear? The middle of the amazon like there's spiders there dude oh it's probably in santa cruz there's spiders there too they're everywhere you weren't safe they told my 17 year old probably needs to
Starting point is 03:11:36 get vaccines to go to college and they said and i said we're Thank you. That's a good one. All right. I got to go. I have a mosquito in my ear. How do you do a 24-hour show? Is that even possible? Can you do a 24-hour show? I think you got to do 12 hours at a time. What happens? Streamr kicks you off or YouTube? When I was at Greg's, everyone came up to me and they're like,
Starting point is 03:12:07 what are you rolling around in the sand? Dude, I love that shirt. I have that one in blue. It's great. I have this in blue as well, but the yellow one, everyone was like, what did you do to it? Longest live running stream on YouTube. What's the longest YouTube live stream? I think I only allowed 12 hours. I think we tried to run a stream of just
Starting point is 03:12:25 all of our past shows and shut it off. That is a dope shirt. Does that vindicate? It is. There's someone who supposedly started a live show in 2018 and hasn't stopped. Can we go on it?
Starting point is 03:12:44 It's probably homework radio or something Trippie holds the Guinness World Record for the longest running video blog series on YouTube the number of searches goes alongside oh no that's just the most consecutive personal
Starting point is 03:12:58 what's the oh Trippie TV that's what this is Jake goes on the random live shows i've done that with pickleball how long has that been going it's just the channel i don't it's not the stream how many views does that have 31 000 oh hey dude it says on YouTube there's 400 people watching, but on here it says there's 500 watching. Twitter.
Starting point is 03:13:29 Really? We're starting to get a Twitter following. Hey, dude, I sent a Russell Berger a roadcaster. Uh-oh. And we're going to just start. Oh, did I tell you what Planet Fitness did? You're going to love this. I can't believe I haven't told you this, Taylor.
Starting point is 03:13:46 So after Planet Fitness – I should see if I could find the – after Planet Fitness, after we called Planet Fitness, they sent out a text message. And I'm not saying we're the only ones who did it, but they sent out text messages to all of their managers at all their locations in a group text. And a random listener of this show was on that text thread and got a two-page sheet on how to deal with people when they call in what does it look like one of the things is if um if someone comes into the venue into into the building onto the premises and they say um hey i'm a man i'm a i'm a i'm a transgender if i'm a man. I'm a, I'm a, I'm a transgender. If I'm a man, but I really want to be a woman. I don't know what that one's called, but,
Starting point is 03:14:29 uh, you, you have to, and you're suspect of it. You have to ask for proof. Like if you think that's, and I'm like, and Russell and I were reading this paper and we're like,
Starting point is 03:14:38 how the fuck would you ask for proof? What would the proof be? Pull your pants down. No, but, but you already know the person's a dude, but they're saying they want to go in the girl's locker room. But if they're not a real tranny, you're supposed to ask for proof. That's their policy.
Starting point is 03:14:55 So they are a dude. So if I walk into a Planet Fitness and they see me in the women's locker room, but they think that I'm not a real tranny. They need proof. They need proof. They're allowed to ask for proof. They have penises, right? Always. Not always. Sometimes they get bottom surgery and it gets removed. Yeah. It depends, I guess, on how far you go in your commitment to it. How do you, yeah. So I think they ask, I think they ask for a check. I think I've heard that. And I think they, I believe they ask for a checklist paper that one,
Starting point is 03:15:27 you have to have an elementary school that can back the fact that you read to a bunch of kids in a library. Number two, I think you have to have something that proves that you, something that proves that you voted Democrat. Ukrainian bumper sticker on your car. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 03:15:43 Oh, and then you have to have like some sort of a free palestine thing i think i think blacks are inferior oh you have to my i don't think uh my country shouldn't have a border oh yeah something like that hey that actually is a pretty good idea like to jump piggyback on the russell burger prank call thing yeah you guys should like pretend to be drag queens or some shit and just call elementary schools asking if you can come in and oh shit oh that's so good oh my god oh my hey dude that show is only going to be on um that show is not going to be on
Starting point is 03:16:21 youtube guys that's a ride don't be a, guys. That's a riot. Don't be a bitch. Sorry. Don't be a bitch. Sorry. That's a fucking great idea. That's a fucking... Oh, shit. What are you calling? I was calling Russell Berger to tell him that idea. That's a fucking great idea.
Starting point is 03:16:38 Oh, my God. Call... Oh, my God. Hey, dude, we'll take it one step further. What's called the pedophilia reading hour. Pedophiles who want to read to kids. What else is on that sheet from the planet fitness? You want me to pull it up?
Starting point is 03:16:57 I can send it to, um, I can send it to, uh, Caleb, Nick. We don't want to be on the phone for an hour hearing the same thing over and I can send it to Caleb. Nick, we don't want to be on the phone for an hour hearing the same thing over and over again. I think any conversation I've had.
Starting point is 03:17:16 Absolutely no avail. And by avail, I mean, I don't care to hear what they have to say. I'm going to send this to you, Caleb. Okay. Guys, I'm freezing. I'm starting to shake a little bit. My kneecaps are cold. I'm wearing shorts. How cold is your garage right now?
Starting point is 03:17:38 60-something. How cold is your room? How cold is your room? I don't know. How cold is it outside there? The manager wrote – or the HR or whoever this came from wrote, hello, all please read, and if you have any questions, let me know. We've been getting calls about this, and it's important you follow the script.
Starting point is 03:18:11 If these questions are asked, let me see if I can read this shit. Cool. If members wish to cancel responding to a member complaint. So if someone complains that there's a dude in the woman's thing, you're supposed to say, thank you for sharing your concerns. I understand that the issue is important to you. Planet Fitness, we're committed to creating a non-intimidating yeah not intimidating there's a six-foot dude with a dick in the fucking girls room welcoming environment for our members our gender identity non-discriminatory policy states that members and guests may use all gym facilities based on their self-reported gender.
Starting point is 03:18:48 Our policy also includes provisions in case. But that's the whole thing. Bathrooms aren't supposed to be gender specific. They're sex specific. Our policy also includes provisions in case the staff feels that any individual is fraudulently representing themselves as a member of the opposite gender. If a member of our staff believes that an individual is misrepresenting their gender for fraudulent purposes, we will ask members for proof of their gender identity. Dude, you are, it is fraudulent to, if you have a penis and you claim you're a woman, you're a fraud. Our locker rooms are off for offer private changing areas for members seeking privacy. If you feel uncomfortable changing the private changing areas in the locker room, we can provide additional private changing areas such as tanning rooms. I would rather my wife go into the men's locker room and use a private changing room in there than a woman's locker room where men are allowed.
Starting point is 03:19:40 Because any man who wants to fucking go into a woman's locker room is fucking mentally ill do not comment or say no comment grant interviews or allow anyone to film inside the club instead simply say i'd be happy to provide you with contact information to for the public relations team a member of the team will get uh right back to you regarding your request. Wait, Seve, you think any man who wants to go into a woman's locker room is mentally ill? Yes. I would push back and say I think most men would love to go into a woman's locker room. They're just morally smart enough to fucking know it's wrong.
Starting point is 03:20:25 Okay, maybe you're right. There's a nuance there. If you try to go into a woman's locker room, you're mentally ill. Hi, my name is Sevan Matosin, and I'm the manager at this Planet Fitness location. And it's been brought to my attention that you are not behaving in a way that supports our judgment-free atmosphere. Or, hi, my name is Sevan Matosin. I'm the manager of this location. We take our judgment-free atmosphere. Or, hi, my name is Seba Matosi. I'm the manager of this location. We take our judgment-free atmosphere very seriously, and it's brought to my attention that you may be behaving
Starting point is 03:20:51 in a way that doesn't support our atmosphere. Hey, that's what's so cool about Dave's Week in Review. This is the fucking world we live in, and we don't get this from him. At Planet Fitness, you know what I mean mean he's not reading from a fucking script at planet fitness we're committed to creating a non-intimidating welcoming environment for our members no you're fucking not the majority of fucking female members do not want to be in there with fucking dicks hey we got to get a chick on the show who's a member of a Planet Fitness and
Starting point is 03:21:27 regularly goes into the locker rooms. Make a notation to their... We expect that our members will respect the boundaries of other members. No, you don't. By practicing modesty in the locker rooms and remaining covered as much as possible.
Starting point is 03:21:44 However, our locker rooms do offer private changing areas. In the locker room, we can provide additional private changing areas such as the tanning rooms. Make a notation in their member file. For example, first warning for member regarding maintaining a judgment-free environment. Any subsequent issues should be addressed immediately and may result in termination.
Starting point is 03:22:00 Oh, what the fuck? Back. I worked in a day spa and had to let some trans dude I think it's just a dude into the woman's changing room I'm glad I quit that job dude 10 years ago you'd gone to jail for that shit yeah they hate women they for surely hate women this stuff's unbelievable
Starting point is 03:22:28 it's fully unbelievable and i told you about how i was telling my liberal neighbors about this right and they were like that can't be true like i got a buddy who works at his school and he said that there's a there's an individual there who will run around yelling obscenities like a kid racial slurs right but they're on the spectrum diagnosed and you're not allowed to say anything to the kid or the parents of the kid. So the kid can just do, it's got a free pass to do whatever it wants in the school. And my buddy's got to deal with the fact that like parents of the child, the children that'll get yelled at by this kid,
Starting point is 03:23:18 like come in and like, there's nothing we can do. It's protected by state law. And, and the thing is the kid's kids not that far gone. They know what they're doing. And they take full advantage of it. You can walk up to some dude's nose.
Starting point is 03:23:33 You're a fat bitch. This podcast fucking sucks. And they can't do anything to the kid. That's the world that you live in because they're protected by rules. The plan to fix this nonsense is to not vote Democrat, no matter what, just default always to Republican.
Starting point is 03:23:50 Just find, like, if that's your issue, like it is mine. Like, I don't want, I don't, I love women. And then, um, and then, and then, and then don't be afraid to speak up. That's the whole thing. We're in the vast majority. It's just, everyone's so afraid to speak up. That's the whole thing. We're in the vast majority. It's just everyone's so afraid to speak up. Oh, I used to work at CrossFit Spokane,
Starting point is 03:24:14 and it was sharing space with the children's ballet studio. We had a couple trans men, and they used to threaten us because we didn't let them use the woman's bathroom. Yeah, I'm going to threaten them with my fist in their face. Yeah. That's crazy. That's it. Have you that that's it have you seen that video have you seen that video of that black lady trying to use a um uh basically fighting off a trans man because her daughter i go to jail for punching a trans dude in the face for trying to go
Starting point is 03:24:37 into a locker room with little girls in it like yeah i'm cool with that yeah I'm cool with that. Yeah, I'm cool with that too. Get out of here. No, this is my right. Go fuck yourself. It's your right. What does it mean when a trans man threatens you? Like, threaten to put their nutsack on your drum set? Like, what does that mean?
Starting point is 03:25:13 Jake Chapman fisting their what right god damn what is the what is the um what how what is the ratio how many people are raped in the united states every year rapes in usa yearly how many people are raped in the USA every year? In 2022, there were 133,000 reported rape cases in the United States. How many of those do you think are women on man? At least one. That's my
Starting point is 03:25:38 go-to answer. On average, there are 463,000 victims of rape 12 years or older every year in the United States. Holy fuck. I find that so hard to believe. Because if there's 150 million women in the United States, that would be 1 in 300 women is raped every year in the United States. That's fucking wild.
Starting point is 03:25:59 How many men are raped in the USA? Kenneth says less than 10. Nick says 10,000. Oh, and I bet you it's by other men too. I don't know if I've ever seen a chimp using a frog as a flashlight. There's that crazy fucking stat where it's like someone tried to argue that more men are raped than women. Well, then it's by men. Then it's like someone tried to argue that that more men are raped than women well then it's by men then it's by men but yeah but it's like dude who the fuck do you think is doing the raping in the
Starting point is 03:26:30 in the prisons yeah i guess that's my point i guess we i just don't i just don't i i can't think of one case i've heard um i saw my wife was watching a show of like um my wife watched a show where a man was raped um it was one of those like it was one of those he was chained to a wall it was one of those game of thrones shows like um what are some of those other shows vikings it was like vikings and she told me about it and i watched it and it turned me on i think i i think i railed my wife before that scene was over Like did she finger the dude in the butt like no, no, no He was chained to the wall and she just sat on his cock and he was like no no, you know what I mean? Like he's just
Starting point is 03:27:13 And dude, she was so fucking hot. How do you get hard? Listen, buddy, like if you don't want it, like if you don't want it, you're not gonna get listen There's so much testosterone coursing through hillers veins. if he was chained to a wall i could fuck his dick i mean come on it's a fucking guy it's a fucking guy uh maybe a fucking dude dudes are just dudes pulp fiction hey listen if i had you chained to a wall pool boy and i was like hey you either get hard so i can sit on your cock or i'm gonna chop it off with this pair of scissors you'd close your eyes and just start thinking of your fucking girl in australia like sorry a pair of bolt cutters janelle winston you start touching a dick it's gonna get hard fuck that should be on a t-shirt if you start touching a dick it's gonna get hard yeah
Starting point is 03:28:07 she brings up a good point which kind of freaks me out sometimes because i know you guys have had this happen to you before where you're sitting down at like a haircut and your your arm is like on the armrest yeah and as your barber is like maneuvering around you like your hand accidentally brushes his penis and you always wonder, is he going to chub up? Listen, I've never had that happen to me. He brushed against my mouth one time with his penis, but never my arm.
Starting point is 03:28:33 I always used to get my hair cut by ladies and then it was just boobs on my shoulder all the time. Dude, if a dude's cutting my hair, I'm sitting like this. I do like how it's like, you bring up a a good point though because there's one time the barber no fucking way listen my penis doesn't brush up against anyone unless i meant it to happen yeah if you gotta pass somebody and you squeeze by you give them your butt but yeah hey he did it on purpose pool boy you're so your barber touched your you with
Starting point is 03:29:05 his penis on purpose let's just say come on i don't blame him yeah hey i probably i probably shouldn't i probably shouldn't tell you this story but in in in high school i i had a creepy friend who would offer to give uh like crack girls backs you know like how you're like hey cross your arms and then they come up behind and they pick pick them up and like crack their back that way he would he would do that so he would feel his his penis brush their butt shut the fuck up it was the creepiest fucking thing it was weird like back in high school you just laugh about it but now looking back you're like that dude was a fucking weirdo what's he doing now jail i don't know probably reading the kids in libraries i didn't know john young was on the podcast is that a waffle
Starting point is 03:29:57 well that i'm eating yeah it's salami and cheese from last night when dave was in here i just got hungry. Okay, John. Yeah, this is a John Young move. I don't know how I've seen you eat on the show other than like yesterday, right? That was the point of the show. I'm cold and so fidgety. I'm so fucking uncomfortable in my own skin right now. Hey, I got a bag of trail mix that I shouldn't have around because the bag has 10,000 calories in it and I can go through a bag
Starting point is 03:30:26 every four days. It's like one of those big ass ones from Costco, right? It does, yeah. It's like 50 degrees in Santa Cruz so it's probably like 45 in your garage. No, who me? I'm not in my garage.
Starting point is 03:30:44 I'm just in my... I'm in a room. Oh, I thought your studio was in your garage? No. Who, me? I'm not in my garage. I'm just in my... I'm in a room. Oh, I thought your studio was in your garage. It's kind of garage adjacent, right? Slumby is really happy. Yeah, man. Wait a minute. Trail Mix from Costco is $44
Starting point is 03:30:59 on Amazon? That's not what it costs in the store. Oh, my God. In the store, it's like $15. What was the idea? Oh, call libraries and see if we can read there. Oh, it's a two-pack. Your call has been
Starting point is 03:31:17 Damn. I bet you Russell's in church. Probably. There it is. Damn. $40. Oh, it's a two pack oh four pounds eight years trail mix are there seed oils in that i mean there's seeds but there's probably seed oils in the m&ms right yeah canola oil yep you see it yeah i don't see canola oil. And I see red 40. That's the freaking M&M's though. This stuff is great. So good.
Starting point is 03:31:53 I could eat a bag of that in a day. I watched that video of the dude eating 50,000 calories in a day and I've been trying to figure out if I could do it. The mukbang guy? Could you do that, Pool Boy? Could you eat 50,000 calories in a day? Dude, fuck no There's this I don't know if hillar's talking about the same dude, but there is like a guy on uh, instagram that will post like
Starting point is 03:32:16 Videos of him just eating outlandish amounts of food and like one of them will be like, uh trying to eat the same diet as this from ex-woman from the 600 pound life and he's just fucking gorging is it Eric the electric yeah yeah yeah that guy
Starting point is 03:32:36 that's the dude yeah man he went and he got this burger he's skinny it's fucking nuts how skinny he is but he eats so much it's like Leah Shuck Kiefer where's this burger look He went and he got this burger. And he's skinny. It's fucking nuts how skinny he is, but he eats so much. It's like Leah Shutkever. Where's this burger? Look at this burger he got. The meal macros. I used to, every time I used to, in college,
Starting point is 03:32:55 I used to go to the movies like, I don't know, four times a month. And every time I ate a whole pound of peanut M&M's. Dude, peanut M&M's are the worst ones. What? Yeah, dude. How?
Starting point is 03:33:13 Why? Oh, boy. Peanut or regular M&M's? I'm peanut, by the way. All the way peanut. Peanut or peanut butter M&M's? Do you know why the peanut, Hiller? Because you can play with it in your mouth.
Starting point is 03:33:24 You can put it in there, and then you crack it like a squirrel, and then you kind of extract the nut and eat it and separate it. That's kind of gay, dude. All right. Still, I don't know why I think it's better. You should change your answer to that final question on gelatin yesterday. How do you know? Oh, shit. Wait, what's going on here?
Starting point is 03:33:50 What the fuck is this? I forgot about epic mealtime. The boys want to go to your mom's house. Oh. Is that guy still going? Epic mealtime? I don't know. Oh, he is. 3,500. Occasions of tits.
Starting point is 03:34:08 This was good. I put gel in my hair. Did you? Yeah, for that. When are you getting another haircut? Soon. It's getting long. They have 134 subscribers now.
Starting point is 03:34:21 Are there any bad comments? I think I liked all of them no there's nothing bad they're all good everyone was because they're all friends of yours I liked them all too see that Hiller sent me dang
Starting point is 03:34:38 epic mealtime used to be huge I remember epic mealtime Janelle's become like one of my favorite listeners because of that one comment. Isn't that amazing? Which one? Which comment? She said, if you touch a penis, it gets hard. That is a good comment.
Starting point is 03:34:54 God, that's such a good comment. I think Janelle's in love with my wife, too. If you touch a penis, it gets hard. Facts. All right. Thanks, Pool Boy, for calling. You're welcome. I want to talk to you soon.
Starting point is 03:35:13 Is it time to pee? All right. Let's go pee. Okay, bye. Hey, Janelle's also a chick, though. If I touch a dude's penis, I don't think it should get hard. It might, but it shouldn't. And she's a hot chick, too.
Starting point is 03:35:28 Yeah. Definitely a hot chick. But, like, I don't know. Dude's dick shouldn't get hard if I touch him. It shouldn't. What if his eyes are closed and doesn't know it's your hand? That's different. Does your dick get hard when you touch it?
Starting point is 03:35:51 I am a dude. We're going to take this thought back to the lab. Hiller will be back tomorrow with some more. He's going to do some research. Yeah, but, oh, God. Do you worry your dick's going to get hard if some dude holds it? Yes. I got to go find a dude today to touch to grab my dick.
Starting point is 03:36:12 Go to Kaiser. They'll touch it. No glove. What's at Kaiser? Hey, just a hospital. That's where the doctor touched my dick with. A cow with hands. No gloves. you ever get
Starting point is 03:36:26 these just blood blister or just leave it there yeah they're fun i like it when they get really dry and then picking the blood out of it with like like a pin yeah the dry blood i found out if you rip it off right away it hurts and if you leave it there it doesn't hurt yes yeah hundred dollars says hillary gets hard when a dude puts a finger in his ass I mean that's a weird amount of money Wait a minute I think this is where Extra sloppy lives
Starting point is 03:36:59 Will you hold my dick I think this is where this is going You live in Antioch, California? No, there's an Antioch over here, too. Oh. Jeez. Hey, is it ghetto? Because Antioch, California is ghetto as fuck.
Starting point is 03:37:16 I don't think it's ghetto. Come in. Joey, come in. Janelle said, Caleb, you have to shave a dude for surgery, but you got to hold the dick. He doesn't show up. It has not happened to me but i've heard people like when they had when you were getting like a vasectomy or something and the urologist is a female and she's really hot the urologist
Starting point is 03:37:36 will come in and the dude will just be hard so but it's nice because then it's just like if it just shoots up then it's laying on his stomach when she's shaving so it just kind of gets out of the way what shoots up like if you're if your dick not I didn't mean like shoots up I mean like if it lays up oh okay then it can be out of the way if you can I'm like what are you doing with that dick
Starting point is 03:37:58 that's making it shoot up I mean like it wrecked itself that is probably the best part about a dick though. Seeing how far you can shoot stuff out of it. Like pee, other stuff. Like when I go,
Starting point is 03:38:12 when I, when our bathroom is being worked on, I go outside and I pee and I try to see how far I can shoot it. I had a buddy who could shoot his pee really far. We used to do this thing where we would hold our pee for a long time, drink a bunch of water all day yeah my my neighborhood growing up was unincorporated and there was no street lights no nothing and we would just like walk with our dicks in our hand and see how far we could pee
Starting point is 03:38:36 and we would measure it and like that's the road yeah we were just like walking piss like you know waddle and pee at the same time. And I think that we have a, we have a spreadsheet somewhere to see how far we could walk and piss. I think, I think we have like hundreds of feet. That's why boys should not be allowed in girls' locker rooms. Cause there's no girls who do this shit. Wow. Do you walk backwards and you do it or you walk forwards and you did it?
Starting point is 03:39:04 It's better if you walk sideways. Cause you can kind of like, you can, you you do it or you walk forwards and you did it it's better if you walk sideways because you can kind of like you can you can do one of these right like when you're right yeah yeah yeah yeah because yeah if you walk backwards it's not as fast and it kind of like wiggle waggles yeah right and you lose some distance yeah buddy but and then that same buddy whenever we go to the bathroom it was always right next to where we'd be sitting and it just i'm like a fire hose got unleashed i wonder and because that reason i would always win the p line too because i i'm like you you pee too fast dude i wonder if women understand how men work too like Like my wife can be showering and like, we don't have like our bathroom doesn't have a shower, our door. We don't have a door to our shower, bathroom or cover anything. Like our bathroom is just this one room and there's a shower in it. I'll just get half mass even though like Like it's not even me I'm not even
Starting point is 03:40:04 Thinking about her I'm not even like interested I'm not but like your penis is like Oh naked woman and it just starts like filling Filling Yeah just like hey Yeah it's like yeah it senses like It might need it's like it's like Senses it might be needed
Starting point is 03:40:19 But I'm like what are you doing like what like Like it's not even It's not even related to anything. It's just not even time to party. It does feel like we're all on board with this, right? Like your dick fills up. Hi, baby. I love you.
Starting point is 03:40:36 It's just weird. I don't know. I don't think women are like that. I think if women get – I don't think women are like that. I think that if they're – I don't think they're like that. I don't think, I don't know. Maybe they are. But for dudes, it's like, it's not even like part of you.
Starting point is 03:40:52 It's got its own like agenda. Alexis would totally talk about this if you were around right now. It's your responsibility. It's like a creature that lives on you. And sometimes you're just not, you're not in sync with it. We will never understand. Yeah. We heard, I actually talked about this last night about just being a spontaneous just in the penis is like looking it senses that there's a nude
Starting point is 03:41:15 woman so it's like hey like do i need to be ready like no it's cool just settle down and we're good just walking by. We will never understand. Yeah. Alexa doesn't get it. She says she's jealous. She knows she can come up to me at any minute, any day, and I'll just be like ready to roll. Yeah. That ain't how they work.
Starting point is 03:41:38 She, they, apparently. Got to get them in the mood. Now, on the flip side, dudes. How many dudes, how many guys do you know that just have erectile dysfunction shit because that blows my mind that blows my mind doesn't really make much sense to me and honestly the only time i ever experienced any of that was when i was like three months deep into stopping taking testosterone i like, that's not as hard as normal. That's the only time I have erectile dysfunctions when I'm asleep. Or if I'm in the middle of a workout.
Starting point is 03:42:14 Dude, I wake up with a boner all the time. Yeah. Because you're awake. Because you're awake. Matt Burns. No. I've always heard that's just urine, dude. So I think that's all right.
Starting point is 03:42:34 Just pee. Yeah. God, I don't even like that word squirted. You ever drink the drink called squirt? Yeah. On accident. i thought it was sprayed i was lied to it's not it's not spray i should put some olive oil on this fuck it on what my my room is just full of food from dude i am starving me too
Starting point is 03:43:02 and you're just over there eating. I know. What an asshole. This is what it's like when your affiliate owner rolls up with an expedition. Right. You're just like, Jesus, dude. I'm going to put a little of Dave's olive oil. The garlic's really good. If you're going to get one,
Starting point is 03:43:20 get the garlic one. It's crazy. Can you buy it now? Blackout whiskey dick in college i don't know what that's like i've never had whiskey dick either whenever i drink whiskey it just it just lasts forever that's a good thing yeah i know huh if you have vodka is it different no i would say with whiskey and tequila, it's about the same. Well, what about vodka? Vodka, I've never had an issue with vodka, but it's not like an... You told me that there wasn't an issue with whiskey either.
Starting point is 03:43:55 You said it was... No, yeah, whiskey and tequila is better, but with vodka, it's no different. It's just like a regular... I've never been so drunk that my dick didn't work. Never. I've been fucking destroyed. I could be vomiting at the toilet
Starting point is 03:44:13 and fuck something. It doesn't even work like that. I don't understand that. Yeah, when people complain about whiskey dick, I don't... That makes no sense. There's not even like... That's beta cuck shit. If my dick's not hard, I just don't want to fuck.
Starting point is 03:44:33 I've never like... Here's the three bows. Oh. Meaning me eating? Sorry. I think so. I just wish I had food in here, dude.
Starting point is 03:44:54 There's your dick's not hard and you don't want to fuck. There's your dick's hard and you want to fuck and there's your dick's hard and you don't want to fuck. But there's never I want to fuck
Starting point is 03:45:04 and your dick's not hard I don't even know how no there is there's people who have that dude I think they're lying I think they must really not want to fuck oh there's probably a part of that okay I'm guessing that's the only way I can relate to it hmm
Starting point is 03:45:28 oh my god. The garlic olive oil is so good. You know, it sounds like you still got some bread stuck in there. There's a little bit of a rasp to your voice that I've never heard before. This garlic's so good.
Starting point is 03:45:43 Listen. Or it's turning you into a man. I'm having like a placebo drunkenness too, even though I haven't had any alcohol. I feel like the wine's here. This is dangerous right here. Over the microphone. Dude, this is a buttload of olive oil.
Starting point is 03:46:02 What is wrong with you? Jesus. You think that's too much? I'm covering the whole piece of bread with it. You just turned that 80-calorie piece of bread into a 300-calorie piece of bread. Now you know I got a fucking muffin. Muffin time. Look at that.
Starting point is 03:46:19 See that oil? Oh, you can see the oil. Yeah, it looks good. It does. It's so good. What kind of bread is that? Is it seasoned? His wife made it. I don't know what it is. The texture is crazy. I was trying to find her page to order some, but I can't find it.
Starting point is 03:46:32 It's vagina bread. It tastes like vagina. Shit, I'm spilling. I'm not sure I want to eat vagina bread. Maybe. He's probably had 3,000 calories of olive oil today. You may have. And the salami. You eat so much fat,
Starting point is 03:46:51 which is fine. Don't judge me. Hey, I like it really a lot. I like it quite a bit with Parmesan cheese on there. Not the greatest stuff either. Good Parmesan is good. Oh, Kenneth. Okay, good point yeast bread vagina yeah okay
Starting point is 03:47:09 all right is the show over fuck we're four hours have we ever done a four hour show no this is the longest show we've ever done I still hour show? No. This is the longest show we've ever done. I still have the original. This is the first ever. You can never have this. You're never going to open it, are you? It's like Borat.
Starting point is 03:47:37 You can't ever have this. My wife. I used mine and filled it with water. Oh, you got one? Oh, you used it filled with water. Yeah, there's still olive oil in here. What does this mean? This isn't true.
Starting point is 03:48:03 Stevan doesn't lick poon well? Who told told him it'd be a horrible rumor if that got out don't tell sporty beth to make a video on it who told him that the worst the worst poon liquor in crossfit what was i getting oh My dog hates this knife. He hears it and he just jumps. Here he comes. The husky does. Why?
Starting point is 03:48:35 Did you hear him? Yeah, what the hell? Yeah, he made a little noise. Let me see. Where's the dog? We're getting reported to animal control for sure I don't know he doesn't like the sound of it This dog isn't even fed dude
Starting point is 03:48:57 You say this dog's fed He's got all this fur Yeah I couldn't enunciate words that require tongue coordination He's got all this fur. Yeah. Hmm. I couldn't enunciate words that require tongue coordination. Like a laughter? That's a strong piece of evidence. Come on.
Starting point is 03:49:14 Come on. I'm telling you, Dad. Olivia, my dog hates when my husband racks his gun, but my husband loves my rack. It's like a Dr.uss uh oh he loves you these dogs are so chill i told seven that uh my dad wanted me to watch his dog and my dad my dad's dog is a menace so he was here for an hour and i brought him back imagine that his dad's going i was really disappointing you hillary his dad's dog is a menace. So he was here for an hour and I brought him back. Imagine that.
Starting point is 03:49:46 His dad's going. I was really disappointed in you, Hiller. His dad's going out on vacation. His dad's going on vacation for a week. And he says, hey, Andrew, can you watch my dog? Andrew's like, sure. Andrew brings the dog to his house. Has him there for two hours.
Starting point is 03:49:59 Loads of dog back up in the car. Takes him back to his dad's house. His dad's trying to leave fucking town. My dad shouldn't have a piece of shit dog. Just being an asshole to your other dogs or what? Yeah, it was being an asshole to the white dog. The white dog is a male. And the other dog was doing this.
Starting point is 03:50:19 And it was licking his dick. And I'm like, leave my dog alone, dude. No, they like that. No, no, no, no. You're projecting. You're projecting. My dog didn't like that no no no no you're projecting you're projecting i don't even like that you should yeah i had these three great danes and there was and they had a pecking order right and every morning the alpha would get up and take a piss and the other two males would lap a few sips of his piss every morning you're saying so you're saying i'm just telling you it was crazy does anyone else
Starting point is 03:50:50 ever had a dog that did that you ever seen a female dog lift its leg that's why i um uh this chick i know she was so fucking hot and she had the fucking greatest fucking body and she'd wear these white this white beater with these giant tits this is in college but she was such a fucking femme douche nozzle she was it sucked that she i mean she was trying to be a boy so hard she had a boy haircut and god she was fucking annoying especially because she was so hot and she had this fucking boxer that was a female and it would fucking lift its leg to piss and it was like holy fuck your dog is you it was crazy that's cool your animals are like a mirror of you anyway if it means well that means ned seven had a gay harem of Danes.
Starting point is 03:51:48 My dad's dog comes in. The first thing it does, and I've never seen this before, it comes in over the backyard. It puts its ass on the tree and starts shitting on it. Oh, yeah. One of my Danes used to only shit in bushes. It would shit in bushes. Yeah.
Starting point is 03:52:02 It's so weird. I don't know what it means, but I didn't like it very much, and it was just like a bad omen. This isn't going to last very long. By the way, you don't know about the history of that dog. It's got a history. Like, if I'm my dad, I honestly don't even ask him to watch it in the first place, and I don't know why I said that.
Starting point is 03:52:20 What do you mean your dog has a history? Not my dog. His dog. Your dad's dog. What do you mean it has a history? Like Pablo Escobar used to own it, that. What do you mean your dog has a history? Not my dog. His dog. Your dad's dog. What do you mean it has a history? Like Pablo Escobar used to own it? Or like, what do you mean? Yeah, that dog is a cocaine addict.
Starting point is 03:52:30 You got to freaking coke it up every 30 minutes or it loses its shit. Damn. Do you know what every guy thinks? She just needs a good railing. Yeah, and my friend who is dating her was fucking like he was into crazy shit. Like he probably licked her butthole or they probably did like his rusty trombone when like someone's eating your ass and jerking you off. They probably did shit like that.
Starting point is 03:52:54 He was a freak. He was a freak. Never done any stuff like that. I didn't do that. You're not into that? No. No. Like normal not into that? No. No. Like normal plus, I'd say.
Starting point is 03:53:10 You think David Weed's into that weird shit? Rusty Trombone? Just all the weird shit. He does weird shit, right? Let's see. Yeah. No, I don't know. I can't tell by looking at but I thought it was
Starting point is 03:53:25 funny licking butthole is freaky question mark yes any other questions I agree yeah licking bottle I just know that's not normal You nailed him Okay, he's into it rusty trombone Hey, what if there was some correlate that we could spot like any dude with the handlebar mustache Um gets pegged You have your 80 of the guys have handlebar mustaches get paid anderson and that's to josh bridges and that's to compensate for the fact that they get pegged
Starting point is 03:54:11 if licking butthole is freaky then call me chris angel hey you ever watch hey if you're of that stuff back, the Criss Angel stuff? No, I hate him. Dude, dude, you have to watch some of it. It'll be like, it's the worst. He's an asshole. Okay. I ran into him once.
Starting point is 03:54:40 He was a fucking dick. Okay. What did he do? He tried to fight me. i was talking to some hot chick at a fucking at a at a private party at a casino and he just he came up to me with a fucking the biggest bouncer you've ever seen like one of those seven foot tall just fat dudes and just fucking just was like just straight up like and someone came up to me and they're like hey dude that guy keeps talking about you you should leave he's He's going to fucking come over here and fight you.
Starting point is 03:55:06 And he'd already come over like three times. I was at the party. I'd been there for like three hours. This chick that I had no chance in a million years with was fucking talking to me, the super hot chick. I don't even know what I was. I probably couldn't even say five words to her. I was probably still in my fucking gay phase. Aldry?
Starting point is 03:55:23 I don't even remember. 30? So you're saying that. it was at an arm wrestling party it was after a big arm wrestling event in vegas well it makes sense vegas and he and yeah he tried to finger me no he was just a fucking asshole it was like i was like what the fuck is going on there's there's something happening here how the fuck could you be threatened by me there's two truths you're either threatening or chris angel has a spot on the lab management roster hey you know who i am he's friends with sinclair hey and you know what's crazy i had no idea who he was i had no. Did he have the long hair and all that? Yeah, he looked just like he looks in like... Yeah, he looked just like that. Super skinny.
Starting point is 03:56:11 But just an asshole. I was having anal sex in high school. Wow. Teammates named me Brown Banana. Stop having anal when we woke up one morning to blood. Hopefully, blood everywhere. Hopefully. Okay.
Starting point is 03:56:33 You're a day drinker, aren't you? Jesus Christ. You ever done that before? No, no, never had anal. It's not as good. As the other holes? As the other holes? You do it because you hear all this crazy stuff about it,
Starting point is 03:56:55 and then you're like, all this prep and all this ramp up, and it's like, eh. I had this friend who was dating this chick, and she always wanted it in the ass. Always wanted it. I was about to say that, too. Chicks sometimes are into it. And then she kicked him to the curb, and he told me his one regret was he should have just fucked her in her ass. He never did it?
Starting point is 03:57:19 No, he never did it. Oh, come on. Like, what? I wouldn't do it for—there't you i wouldn't do it for there's no fucking way i would stick my penis in someone's butthole there's no way dude there's no it's not like your penis has an eyes ears and a mouth and nose and stuff it's fine before i even have sex with a girl listen every time right before i have sex with my life what my wife i take a piece of duct tape and cover her
Starting point is 03:57:49 butthole hey i think i saw on your nightstand i duct tape all the butthole i put a duct tape on any chick i've ever had sex with before i have sex with her, I put a piece of duct tape on her butthole. Make sure nothing comes out of there. Butthole. Listen, butthole. Vagina hole. You put your penis in the butthole. B-U-T-T. Yeah. Yeah, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Anal is cool because the girl is willing to be embraced by you. Embarrassed. Oh, embarrassed by you. Like you like hey you're willing to have my penis in your butthole that's pretty funny i saw some i saw a clip on instagram the other day some guys like yeah you've never no one no man has ever said to a woman can i make love to your butthole the butthole does not get me in love too.
Starting point is 03:58:47 I would disagree. There's probably people out there who love buttholes. Here's what I think. There's someone out there for everyone and everything. CrossFat, and to think Brian Friend wanted money to be on this show. Here's what i think and i'm totally open to the fact that i'm wrong but i still think it i think all the dudes who are into anal it's because they got fucking uncle buck got their butthole why would uncle buck so there's just a chain of butthole fuckers and they hit like their entire lineage it's like once you've been but well there was a first one there was like adam there was like
Starting point is 03:59:29 adam of butthole fucking like the first guy obviously and then everyone after yeah it's a lineage of butt butt touchers yeah and yeah so i just think like i think like if you're a dude so ridiculous listen to me i think that if if you yeah i think that if, if you, yeah, I think that if you, if you want to fuck a chick in the ass, it's because some dude did it to you, but you're somehow,
Starting point is 03:59:51 um, you're somehow living that out. And some chick asked is like, now deal with your pathology. No, like a vampire bite. Oh, Zach. No, man man it's because of all the porn Yeah that's probably true too
Starting point is 04:00:08 Probably the porn doesn't help I mean you get all sorts of great ideas I mean bad ideas from porn They do a lot of butt stuff in there Didn't you edit a porno once Yeah I didn't there was of butt stuff in there? Didn't you edit a porno once? Yeah, I didn't. There was no butt stuff in there. But God, like, that's like, that's like, I don't like you go to Pornhub and then it's like,
Starting point is 04:00:33 you're going through the thumbnails looking for something that's going to work for you. And it's, there's one that says like gaping. It says like gaping. And it's the shots of just like a butthole that's so wide open that you just you're just like what? Like you could put a fucking you could put a fuck. You could put I could put my fucking paper street coffee mug in there. Like what the fuck is wrong with people? Not me.
Starting point is 04:00:58 Yeah, they have no they have no discernment. Thank you. It started with Mormons. God damn. Oh, shit. That would make sense. Is that true? Well, because Mormons can't have sex unless, because they started soaking too.
Starting point is 04:01:16 Is that true? Soaking? Yeah. Yeah. They can't have sex unless they're married. This is the closest, this is the Most accurate thing I think It's insatiable horniness and you just Want to rip her apart so you devour every hole
Starting point is 04:01:30 Like I kind of like I understand The frenziness that sex can get into Yeah like next thing yeah I get that Hmm I get that You just want to you're just like you just you can't get close enough so you put your dick in her ass oh i don't know man i love you so much honey let me prove it to you
Starting point is 04:02:04 No. Seveon, since we're here, tell us the story of you losing your Virginia. I'll tell you this. I'm not going to tell you the story, but I'll tell you this. I had this girlfriend from when I was 15, 16, 17, 18, four years. I went to the junior prom, senior ball with her. She's captain of the cheerleading team. She was so fucking cool. I went to the junior prom, senior ball with her. She's captain of the cheerleading team. She was so fucking cool. I did not fucking deserve her. I do not know what her fucking problem was.
Starting point is 04:02:31 She was so fucking cute and so nice, and she was just the coolest chick ever. And when I was 16, I had my own apartment. Oh. And we dated for like, I don't know, the first two years, 15 and 16. I got someone coming to pick up an assault bike. They're here right now. Oh.
Starting point is 04:02:51 All right, that's a good time to end the show. Shit, no. He's walking to my garage right now. Yeah, that's fine. What's wrong? You can't do two things at one time? You can't be on the show and your dog will bite him there he is
Starting point is 04:03:08 do you know who it is no I don't know who it is some dude from the Facebook marketplace let's see let's watch you operate I didn't even watch the show even ladies and gentlemen what you are seeing is
Starting point is 04:03:24 a live it's not even a dramatization it's actual um andrew hiller selling his assault bike live on the air brought to you by paper street coffee ca peptides and birth fit i need to sell my assault bike, too. I want an echo bike. Dear Bill and Katie, Jesus, send me an echo bike already for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 04:03:53 For sure. Oh, wow, nice. Here, you're coming to make a guest appearance. Making a guest appearance. Hey, guys, this is Alex. How's it going? Alex, what's up, dude? I'm a fan of the show.
Starting point is 04:04:04 Thank you. So you're getting the assault bike? I am. I'm getting an assault bike, putting together a little garage gym, and I need some machines, so Andrew's going to sell me one here. When you get home today, are you going to be so excited and just make yourself fucking get sick on it? We'll see. We'll see.
Starting point is 04:04:19 I worked out this morning already, so maybe we'll find something to do to hurt on it later. We'll see. Yeah, you have to do an inaugural, you know, like 50 cows for time or something and just hurt. 50 cows for time. That's rough. What's your 50 cow for time?
Starting point is 04:04:33 I have no idea. I've never done that. I've done it once a long time ago. It's been a while. Yeah, you got to get on there and hurt. How has it been doing business with Andrew? Good. It's fine.
Starting point is 04:04:44 I mean, he's been a little slow answering. Yeah, you got to get on there and hurt. How has it been doing business with Andrew? Good. It's fine. He's been a little slow answering me on Facebook, but I don't check Facebook much either, so I get it. Oh, my God. That thing looks brand new. It's like a nice one. Pretty sweet deal. I initially told Andrew if I – I messaged him. I said, hey, if I beat you in 24.3, would you give me the bike for 300 bucks? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 04:05:11 And then I think he messaged me like a day or two later. I had already done it. I think he beat me by a little bit, right? What did you get? I got 14.11. Good job, dude. Dang, awesome. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 04:05:23 He finished it. I had a little bit of a knee injury that was only about my third or fourth time doing thrusters or squatting since october since wadapalooza but made it through the open so and he cheats he's you know he's on performance enhancing drugs i know yeah he's not he's not not clean so yeah he's a cheater. Maybe I need to get, get on that in, uh, We know a guy, a girl, we know a team. Okay.
Starting point is 04:05:50 Well, Hey dude, congrats on the bike. Good to meet you. Thank you. Yeah. Nice to meet you. I'm going to help him out.
Starting point is 04:05:55 Okay. You want to check it out? You want, you want to ride it? I'll take a quick, just make sure that it wouldn't be awesome if it didn't work When you got on it right now and Andrew was selling A fucking lemon
Starting point is 04:06:08 Hey dude the monitor doesn't work Oh you're stupid getting rid of that Andrew that's a chain one the chain ones are Awesome Yes I got no more room in here what do you think there's no room in here right You can barely walk around Damn your home gym sucks I got no more room in here. What do you think? There's no room in here, right? You can barely walk around. Yeah, it's pretty crammed.
Starting point is 04:06:28 Damn, your home gym sucks. No, that's what I said. It's pretty crammed in here. Dang, that's cool. You going to get an echo bike, Andrew? I've got an echo bike, yeah. Hey, do you live in Chicago? I live about an hour north from here, so near the Wisconsin border. Oh, okay. Is it bad do you live in chicago i live about an hour north from here so near the wisconsin
Starting point is 04:06:47 border oh okay is it bad where you live or is it good uh it's good it's good okay yeah alex is coming is there a shitload of crime where you're at um where i live exactly it's not too bad but uh i have a buddy who's a police officer in uh walk keegan illinois you familiar yeah yeah it's pretty uh it's pretty bad over there yeah i bet yeah i bet the country the the the major metropolises have gone to shit yeah yeah not not great up there but no i'm not too bad where I live. Are you kind of by Joe Neal's? By where? Joe, across from Kenosha. Not too far from Kenosha. I'm just before the Wisconsin border, but not too far from there.
Starting point is 04:07:32 How's Hiller's neighborhood? Is it pretty bougie? There's some nice houses in there, but it's pretty nice, yeah. I figured. He's soft. That makes sense. Yeah, super soft. There's some monsters on the corner.
Starting point is 04:07:43 Yeah, there's some nice houses for sure. And his house looks like a log cabin, huh? It does. Yeah, super soft. There's some monsters on the corner. Yeah, there's some nice houses for sure. And his house looks like a log cabin, huh? It does. It does, yeah. It's so weird. It's somewhere like you'd imagine Jeffrey Dahmer to live. I guess you could say that. That's me, yeah.
Starting point is 04:07:56 There you go. I just made a hard trend video, a couple of serial killers. Yeah. You're lucky you're on the camera. I've done a workout with Brian's friend before. I've met him before, yeah. How was it? Did you beat him?
Starting point is 04:08:04 I did. It was last year's quarterfinal deadlift, or was it maybe the year before? Deadlift rope time workout. Was it at the affiliate that he used to work at? It was, yeah. My gym doesn't have the tall enough ceiling, so I knew someone who knew him, so we went to his gym to do it. God, it's such a small world.
Starting point is 04:08:22 It is. Hey, so when you went on Facebook, did you know you were buying the bike from Andrew Hiller? Not initially until I looked at the name, and then I recognized the name, and then, yeah, I thought small world, I guess. Did you get a lot of offers, Andrew? There's another guy who wanted it, but he was
Starting point is 04:08:38 coming from Indiana, and he goes, I would need to check it out, and Alex was just like, hey, I'll pick it up if I beat you, and I'm like, you want it anyway? I'll know I beat you. You can have it. It's cool. Awesome, dude.
Starting point is 04:08:52 Good to meet you. Congrats. Good to meet you. I'll be right back. Okay, enjoy. Roll this thing out. Actually, I don't know if I'll be able to open this. We'll try.
Starting point is 04:09:04 All right. Cool. Making sales. Does that guy look like he could finish the workout? Yeah. He looks strong? Yeah, he looks strong. I would say yes. I think he looks like he's finished the workout.
Starting point is 04:09:22 He's in the person. All right. I think the bread's kicking in. I'm ready for a nap. All that olive oil? Oh, okay. So there's nothing more to the story, but basically I was dating her when I was 15, 16, 17, 18,
Starting point is 04:09:48 and it wasn't until, and she would spend the night at my house all the time, and it just wasn't a, I don't know, it wasn't a priority for me to have sex. I don't know. And she'd made it clear like a year before we ever had sex that we could, but for some reason, it just wasn't a priority for me. Wow. You shit the bed. No Wow. You shit the bed. No, I never shit the bed.
Starting point is 04:10:09 I didn't have whiskey, dick. I just, I don't know. I just, I had never eaten fruit from the tree, so I never, I never, I, oh, because you loved her. Maybe. I loved her to death. She was so fucking cool. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 04:10:31 I didn't even know you could put anything in the vagina. I remember it was two years before I even put a finger in her. I didn't even know what I thought the vagina was. I was like, remember how when Feece Agafi said she didn't even know until two years ago that you couldn't just get pregnant at any time? It was only a once-a-month thing for a small window? Yeah, that's how naive I was. I was just like...
Starting point is 04:10:53 I was so excited when I found out the vagina was actually a hole. I was like, wow. The good old days. It's quite a mysterious orifice yeah it's magical zach god the day those days of first exploring the female body were the best yeah always prophylactic always i still i wake up in the morning. I put a condom on. I'm like part of the, uh, just wear it around all day.
Starting point is 04:11:27 Just in case. Yeah. Easy access. A vagina. Chris and vaginas are the best. It's consensus. All right. I'll wait for Andrew to come on.
Starting point is 04:11:41 I have to go. Is your, is your day ruined now, Caleb? Cause we did a four-hour podcast pretty much yeah i'm not sure what i'm gonna do the rest of the day we were gonna go work out i guess we probably still can got time is she texting you like where the fuck are you what are you doing uh she texted me saying i just listened to the butt stuff conversation i
Starting point is 04:12:01 thought that was pretty funny the which which part? Conversation? The butt stuff conversation. Oh, your wife has a good sense of humor. Yeah. She's around it all the time. Fucking firefighters talking about everything. She gets it. Is Echo better than Assault?
Starting point is 04:12:20 Yes. I really like the chain. If you're a bike rider, I wonder what Mason Mitchell thinks. I think of him as a bike rider. I wonder which one he prefers. Oh, dang. Look at this next comment. If he's setting up a garage gym, have him reach out to me,
Starting point is 04:12:42 and I'll get him a street parking membership if you guys see this in time. Oh, that's really fucking cool. Julian, what's up, dude? That's really fucking cool. Look at that. Come back. Andrew. Andrew.
Starting point is 04:12:59 I wonder if they drove off. You can probably message him. You think he carried his phone out there? Look at that. The benefits of listening to the podcast you run into julian alcarez small world yeah dang that's so cool i didn't even think that was him at first what if you saw julian alcarez what if you saw julian alcare, pool boy and Jorge holding hands? Hey,
Starting point is 04:13:29 uh, Hiller, what if you saw Julian Alcarez and Jorge Fernandez and pool boy holding hands? The three amigos. Yeah, there you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:13:40 All right. He'll give that dude a free street parking membership. If you guys see him oh Julian's here yeah oh I just got his phone number oh wait Don falls in the comments too
Starting point is 04:13:55 he'll give him a free membership to an affiliate shit dueling no I just made that up Julian jumped onto the show four hours in he accidentally stumbled across it while he was youtubing on how to fix uh something under the kitchen sink probably yeah that's uh i missed your virginity story oh there's nothing to it it's just basically i had this girl for four years and i just i you know why i finally had sex with her i was 17 and i would just remember no I was 18 I turned 18 I was senior in high
Starting point is 04:14:26 school and I just thought it was time I remember thinking shit I should do this should try this how was it it was awesome how many times did you have sex with her after that probably like 10 times like anytime I saw her like fucking like I went nuts
Starting point is 04:14:41 and then what and 40 years 30 years i had sex when i was 18 i'm 51 it's been just fucking fucking yeah just lots of fucking since i wish no this didn't end the relationship no but, but what ended up happening is I did not treat her well. You became too much about the sex? No, I was just interested in like, we went to City College together
Starting point is 04:15:13 and there were just too many girls I was interested in. I just went fucking bonkers. I just went bonkers. That was pre-harm. I was probably more cheating then. I just had so many fucking girlfriends. Interesting. And I fucked it up.
Starting point is 04:15:30 And then she got a boyfriend and that really gutted me. You cheated? She got a boyfriend? Gutted me, dude. Gutted me. And here's the thing, too. He was older than me
Starting point is 04:15:43 and he was so much cooler than me he was like it was he was so much cooler than me that hurt god that hurt i wonder what she's up to now she married a dude i saw her like 20 years ago like at my 10 year reunion or something she married a dude in the coast guard i just think i lived i feel kind of bad for anyone who ever dated me because like if i don't know because i just i lived i have the fucking best life and i ended up with the best wife i almost just feel like i don't know you think any of
Starting point is 04:16:24 these people like see that you've got a podcast now click in and they're like, yup, that's him. I don't know. No one from my past ever reaches out to me. No one's ever like, Hey, I went to high school with you. I know my most recent ex-girlfriend is like, yep, that makes sense. That checks out with what I'm up to. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 04:16:49 In relation to just about everything. Is she having fun with her life? Yeah. She lives in New York. We met up with her when we were there. We're cool with her, Alexis and I. Do you think she's like, fuck, I should have kept Andrew. That looks like such a fun life.
Starting point is 04:17:11 I don't know. Not really part of the conversation. I'm just, call me full of myself, but if I'm like some lady out there and I dated me and then I'm looking at like the life that i've created around me i would be like fuck fuck that up but you need to assume that they also don't really like what they got going on i just see most people's lives around me and i'm just like i i i uh full of himself who me pepperoni pizza versus sausage it's like you got all this pepperoni pizza And you're like this is awesome
Starting point is 04:17:48 And they don't even like it That's a good point I only like sausage Or like I don't even like meat on my pizza Cheese is the way to go I don't know It's just I We're living it up eating our pepperoni pizza
Starting point is 04:18:04 Oh see look at My ex-fiance I don't know. It's just, I, I'm like, I'm more living it up eating our pepperoni pizza. Oh, see, look at, uh, my ex fiance and I follow each other on IG. And sometimes I feel bad that my life is so much better now than it was with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 04:18:15 I don't feel bad, but I, but I just think, um, like I just live a fucking charmed life. I live fucking such a good life. Fucking. I'm fucking around with two
Starting point is 04:18:25 dudes on a fucking podcast my all my three sons came in and kissed me goodbye where do they go they're going to fucking their grandmother's house my mom's house who i can't wait to fucking get off the show and go hang out over there then i'm gonna work if if uh now this is interesting but now for any reason alexis and i weren't together anymore and then I go and have some kids, and then she sees I got all these kids. I know she doesn't want any of them. She'd be like, oh, he got kids? Thank God. Maybe, maybe.
Starting point is 04:18:55 I know what your take is on people and children and all that, but as far as I know, she doesn't want any, and neither do I. Right. She'd be like, oh, damn, he ruined his life with those kids. There was this girl that I was dating, and I remember she really wanted to settle down. This is good. What's the difference from pizza oven,
Starting point is 04:19:19 and what's the difference from a pizza oven and a butt? One doesn't fart when you pull the pepperoni out. You think that person made that up? That seems like a homemade joke. That guy is a creative. I like cross fat. What were you saying? I don't know.
Starting point is 04:19:37 Nothing. Not even important. All right. I want to go. I had fun. Thank you. Oh, 420, dude. 420.
Starting point is 04:19:44 You got to go. I had fun. Thank you. Oh, 420, dude. 420. Nice. You got to go, bro. Dude, I had no idea we were going to do a four-hour one. It's cool. But when I said that guy was coming over at one, this is how I set things up. I'm like, oh, yeah, sure. Come at one. And then I completely forget about it.
Starting point is 04:19:58 It's your fault that it's four hours and 20 minutes long. Okay. I'll come. It's 100% your fault your fault your responsibility you're doing your cause your root your source because i know that at 150 when i wanted to get off a part of you in your mind was like fuck that i'm not letting him get off i know we're at 420 and i'm thinking that right now another thing about the way that i set things up is I also don't know what's
Starting point is 04:20:26 coming. I don't know who's going to show up at my house next. All right. Let me guys, Andrew say bye. Bye everyone. Bye.

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