The Sevan Podcast - Andrew Zaragoza | Podcast Guru - How the Power Project got BANNED!

Episode Date: March 8, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. We got a wealth of knowledge here, so feel free to jump in too. All right. Sounds good. Can you hear me okay?
Starting point is 00:00:37 I can hear you just fine. Can you hear me? Dude, awesome. I'm on the road, so when I'm on the road, my shit's always a little wonky. Dude, especially when it's live, something always gets weird. Yeah. I'm on the road. So when I'm on the road, my shit's always a little wonky. Dude, especially when it's live, something always gets weird. Yeah. I like it. Hey, dude, I used to, I'm about 2000 shows in. I've been doing a show every morning now at 7am for three years, more or less. And I remember when I would like, guess wouldn't show or something
Starting point is 00:01:02 just like that. Oh yeah. You froze. And I remember when guests wouldn't guess wouldn't show or something just like that. Oh, yeah, you froze. And I remember when guess wouldn't show. I used to fucking like break into a sweat. But now I'm just like, I might bring on the car crash. Let's do it. That's great. That's that's a one one awesome way to look at it. I remember my first couple episodes like I would move my mouth, but like no, no sound came out.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I was always super timid and super freaked out about the whole situation, but you know, a thousand reps and you start getting used to it for sure. Dude, that's like a, my guy, Caleb, you saw down there when we first started this, he wouldn't say a thing. And then the other day I wasn't on a show and he was just on a show alone with Matt Sousa and I couldn't believe it. He was going off. I was like, shit, we got it. I got to leave the show more and just let him go off this is fun that's awesome caleb stories yeah i know and so caleb that's the uh that was the guy in the blue sweater yeah basically how we run the show is he how we started the show is um when we first started the
Starting point is 00:02:00 show he was deployed overseas so he was and he was out in the middle of nowhere so we kind of had him sequestered didn't have to pay him a dime he just did it every morning because he had an hour and a half right and he was like fuck anything else besides being out here in the desert so i would be just me and him every morning and then i have matt suza as the executive producer he comes on probably a third of the time and he he's mostly he's in charge of basically collecting money from people strong arming people and scheduling you gotta have the muscle right gotta have the muscle good cop bad cop yeah our guys our guys in sima and he's one of the most elite jiu-jitsu athletes on the planet so that's our muscle so when it comes to like you know talking to sponsors and stuff we're like
Starting point is 00:02:41 oh cool we'd love to have you on board meet in simsema. And then it's like, oh my gosh, here we go. So yeah, that's a good approach to have towards that sort of thing. What's cool about Nsema too, Andrew, is he has both skills, right? He's completely disarming, charming, gentle. When I met him, I couldn't believe just what an amazing vibe that dude had. But obviously, uh, if you just scratch the surface a little bit, you see he's eminently capable of tying someone into a knot. Yeah, absolutely. He's, uh, he was one of the reasons why I got into jujitsu myself just because like he had been pushing it on me for years at this point. But, um, you know, I was always, again, like I said said super timid always just like the the person that
Starting point is 00:03:27 would shy away from you know confrontation and and just close quarters and stuff and it's like dude i don't like people in my space and you're telling me that you want me to go like roll on the ground with some sweaty dude and have him be on top of me and trying to choke me and stuff it's like no i'm not interested but what ended up happening was along with him and a couple of other people, we had people on the show where they had mentioned how jujitsu like really got them out of a bad situation. And I mean like in immediate situation, like a Badgers Koolian was talking about, he was on a plane where some guy just went nuts. Like he just started freaking out probably on some kind of medication mixed with alcohol or something. And the guy was like, I'm going to kill everybody on this plane.
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I didn't know this, but like stewardess and like people on the plane can't like arrest somebody. They have to ask the person that's going nuts. They have to ask them, Hey, can you put on these zip ties and like put them around your back and and like calm down and so when they asked him when they asked the crazy person that they were like like you know they freaked out even more so bedros got up and he tried to calm him down and sure enough that made him even more upset bedros was able to take him down put him in i think he's i think he took his back or something, but that was after just like a couple of weeks of jujitsu training. He's like, my wife was on the plane. My whole family was on the plane. Nobody was going to be willing to step up to protect everybody. Well, I need to at least protect my family. So he stepped up and he did that. And I was like, damn, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Because right at that time, my son was just born. And I was like, I want him to get into jujitsu. So if I want him to do it, I think I got to do it first. So that way I'm not one of those parents that's like always telling their kid to do this and do that. But they don't actually do it themselves. So I got into it. I have an amazing community that I'm a part of now. I have some of my best friends that I get to talk and hang out with like i was talking to them right before this show as well but yeah there's my boy bedros and like because of that like i'm like such a different person now
Starting point is 00:05:35 like in everything that i do it's it's freaking incredible and that's just one of the reasons why like i can wake up early and do a show like this where like before i probably wouldn't have been able to even like have enough like uh stability to click the button to join because i'd be so nervous from shaking and stuff you think you think um jiu-jitsu gave you that absolutely oh 100 so the definitely the reps right like putting a like as mark would say putting some points on the scoreboard, that absolutely helps. I call them base hits. So like when I would be a full-time photographer and I was, you know, commissioned to like take product shots or take shots of a model or whatever it may be, I'd be like, okay, let me get the basic stuff, right? Let me hit a couple of base hits. All right, cool. I got some stuff that I could deliver to the client. Cool. Now let's start
Starting point is 00:06:23 swinging for the fences. And that's how I developed some confidence with like my work and stuff. And I carried that all the way through into podcasting as well. But doing that helped doing that on the mats. It just like night and day difference because it's like, okay, here's this dude that outweighs me by like 40, 50 pounds. And I just made him literally give up right he tapped like we're practicing it's not a real fight we're having fun we're learning but even still with that you know go back a year ago and i couldn't do stuff like that and it's like yeah all of a sudden you kind of look around your chest is a little bit higher like yep i tapped somebody today like what'd you guys do it's like i didn't do anything so stuff like that absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:05 helped andrew how long have you been doing it jujitsu yeah i started in uh november of 20 or shoot 2022 so yeah a little bit over sorry did i get that right a little bit over a year year and a half we'll say it that way yeah are you are you close to getting your blue belt uh according to a buddy of mine yes um but rumors have it yeah no he just uh so my buddy chris he's like always pushing me to compete and stuff and i really appreciate it and i have competed didn't do very well as my first competition but he's like hey you need to make sure you get a couple more competitions at white belt because come promotion season which isn't like an official season it just once somebody starts getting promoted and then all of a sudden it's like the next person gets promoted and so on and so forth he's like i don't think you're
Starting point is 00:07:53 gonna make it past the next promotion season as a white belt so yeah i gotta just you know quit being such a wuss and go out there and compete it's just one of those things where it's like it's not like a super top priority to be a competitive athlete in jujitsu. Like in SEMA, he's that's his thing. He's trying to become a world champion. Oh, that is in SEMA's thing. I didn't know that. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Everything is everything is for like his ability to become a champion. So like everything he does, all the stuff like he was doing jump ropes in front of the studio yesterday, all that stuff is to help improve his chances of becoming a world champ. And he will get it. I, you know, I believe he'll get it this year at Brown Belt. And then at some point in the future, he'll get it at Black Belt as well. And he's, you know, he's on the brink of doing both of those things, getting a world championship and then also getting his Black Belt. Cause it's going to kind of happen one after another for myself. You know, it's, it's not really my thing. You know, like I'm, I'm not, uh, my thing is this, this is my thing
Starting point is 00:08:54 right here. You know, this is what I love to do. So over the past, since the, since December, I've been focused on building out this studio and actually building out a course for people to like, if anybody's interested, like if someone's listening right now and they're, you know, like, Hey, like I actually, I love podcasting. Maybe I want to take a stab at it, but I don't know where to start. That's what I've been working on. So I pushed a lot of my like priorities onto that and pull them away from everything else, including jujitsu. So right now I'm kind of like on a maintenance phase with jujitsu, but I freak, I cannot wait to get back to being consistent and going, you know, three, four times a week. Cause man, that stuff is therapeutic and you just feel
Starting point is 00:09:33 like a badass and it keeps you in great shape. I haven't, I haven't really done anything that's gotten me shredded without trying quite like jujitsu. So yeah, it's been a lot of fun. Yeah. Um, we will come back to jujitsu because they, um, you said something in one of these posts about how it affected your back. And to tell you the truth, as I was researching you yesterday, you may have pushed me over the edge. I've had some great excuses not to do jujitsu, but I do spend five days a week or six days a week in a jujitsu studio. Um, and I still haven't tried it, but you may push me over the edge. edge um this is you
Starting point is 00:10:05 guys are looking at andrew uh i hope i pronounced this right because i'm really excited about your last name zaragoza yes sir god what a great last name thank you what a great last name uh andrew zaragoza um i met andrew uh a month or obviously i knew who he was from the mark bell uh power project podcast and um greg glassman had the honor of being on that podcast we drove up to Obviously, I knew who he was from the Mark Bell Power Project podcast. And Greg Glassman had the honor of being on that podcast. We drove up to Sacramento, and I got to sit there in the one-man audience and watch. I got to see Andrew's amazing setup. I got to see the studio he built.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And I got to see Nsema and Mark Bell and Greg Glassman have a really great conversation. And then afterwards i was tickled that i got to meet andrew i'm a full uh camera geek computer geek i just don't have as much time for it but i do spend a little bit of time every single day still looking at all the electronic stuff out there and the newest cameras and cables so i was like and then i reached out to you and i said hey i'd love to have you on the show. And particularly at that time, I was really curious because you guys got booted off of YouTube. Right. And that made a huge splash.
Starting point is 00:11:09 But I also was like, Hey, I got to learn more about podcasting setup. Tell me about this course you're, you're embarking on. Yeah, absolutely. I've, you know, I don't want to get like all cheesy and call it like another leap or whatever. But, you know, like when I left my like eight to five job to be a full time photographer, and then that and doing some video work, and then eventually leaving that to be a full time podcaster. definitely like another chapter in my life where I'm going to be helping others do what I love to do and actually instruct things and being an instructor and instruct them on how to do this stuff. And honestly, dude, like hanging out with you that day gave me so much confidence to actually go through with this because I had, I had been, I think I've written three different outlines for an ebook on how to do all this. But again, you get that imposter syndrome, you get all the things,
Starting point is 00:12:12 right? And then you realize like, man, it's kind of, it's kind of a pain in the ass to get all this taken care of and actually write stuff out. So I ended up kind of discovering like, well, what if I put it together in a a in a course where i can be where i'm at right now and talk to you directly and and teach you how to do all this and i'm like okay that i can do but then the imposter syndrome the doubts all that stuff came back in but that day when you were asked you were firing off question after question after question and i was like oh yeah you do it this way you do it that that way. And like, answer, answer, answer. And I sat there after you guys left. It was funny after I was like, Oh, thank you, Mr. Glassman. And he like totally checks me. And he's like, just call me Greg. Okay, sorry, sir. He's like, Greg. Okay. I sat there and I was like, Holy dude. If I if I can help Siobhan with some of this stuff of course I can help several others with similar or lesser questions right because when I got into the game like this is no joke like when
Starting point is 00:13:13 I first started you know following Mark around with a camera he's like hey check out Siobhan and you know he he schooled me on everything that you're doing and he's like that's somebody that you need to be paying attention to because right. I, I had been a photographer, like freelance and you know, I've done like a little bit of content creation. I actually used to film rap videos back in the day. That was a lot of fun. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. Nobody paid me for anything that sucked, but, uh, Hey, that's how, that's how this business starts. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Can I film your wedding? Can I make a rap video for you that's how this that's how this business starts yeah yeah and so with that and i ended up working with mark for a tiny bit of time for free also just to show him that like hey like i'm good enough for you to hire me full time yeah but um anyways so as i'm like getting into this like fitness side of capturing images and videos full time, he's like, that's somebody you need to be paying attention to. So being here right now and then also that conversation we had, that was just like a huge boost in like, okay, yes, dude, like it's time. You need to start doing this and putting this thing together for real. So, you know, you go back to the drawing board, you, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:27 I spent weeks trying to outline everything and then I spent more weeks recording everything and I'm still currently editing everything to try to put the whole package together. So essentially for like anybody that's interested in starting a podcast, this course is going to help you launch, grow. And then if you're interested monetizing a podcast, this course is going to help you launch, grow. And then if you're interested, monetizing your podcast. Now that takes some time, but at least this will give you like a little bit of a blueprint to see exactly how things can actually go. But the first thing that people actually will say is, doesn't everybody have a podcast? Isn't the podcasting space,
Starting point is 00:15:04 isn't it like so oversaturated? Yes, there are millions of podcasts. There's somewhere between three and four million. But check this out. 44% of all those podcasts, they have three episodes or less. And then they finished. So thinking about COVID times and all that stuff when nobody had anything to do they you know they started a podcast thinking like oh this is
Starting point is 00:15:30 going to be cool like something to do they did two or maybe even less and they're like dude i'm not joe rogan yet like this is actually kind of tricky and i don't know what i'm doing so i'm done so again like you chop off a lot of the competition, but I don't even really think you should be looking at it as a competition. If we go even further, 720,000 podcasts have 10 episodes, but only 156 of them are still currently going. So if you want to get in the top 156,000 podcasts in the world. All you have to do in the top 5%. If I heard there's 2.3 million podcasts, like you were saying, already now you're in the top 5%. Right. Yeah. So all you have to do is just keep doing that. Right. So if you, if you put out, let's say one episode a week for 10 episodes, do it again for the 11th, 12th, 13th. And now you're in the top, you know, like you said, the top 5%. Like that's, you know, yeah, it takes work. It's not easy.
Starting point is 00:16:27 It's not free. Although what we're doing right now is free, right? Like everybody gets to hang out and we get to put this out on the internet for free. But, you know, it does take some, some like initial buy-in, but I have a couple of different options. Like if you just want to, you know, get started with what you have now, like I'm not saying podcast off of your iPhone, but there is a way to do it to where you can connect it to your macbook and it'll actually look really really cool sorry i love all this nerdy stuff man
Starting point is 00:16:53 i get no no go this is exact this is one of the main reasons you're here keep going this is cool and then when it comes to like the the video side like yes it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect you don't have to have multiple angles to be looking extra dynamic. You can have just a simple camera set up right in front of you. The audio, on the other hand, that's where I would say you need to slow down and pay attention and actually get something that's going to make you sound good. And that's what I'm using right now. And this is one of the most popular microphones. And this is the microphone that I recommend the absolute most. This is the Samsung Q2U,
Starting point is 00:17:29 and it's only a $60 microphone and it comes with everything you need to get plugged into your laptop right now. So you can get, if you're digging this sound, you can get this sound for 60 bucks off of Amazon right now. Like it's... Hey, do you have an Amazon store that people can click through so you get credit for it? Yeah yeah uh in the uh the link in my bio on instagram so at i am andrew z i have like a whole storefront for that sort of thing so i appreciate that thank you but um yeah there we are it's me and my wife so down towards the bottom where it's right there that guy right there uh to the left sorry so that's like a more upgraded one. But to the right, to the right one more. That one right there, sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, so that's that microphone right there. Oh, they bumped it up in price. Those headphones are legit because as you guys know, like studio monitors, they're just like a flat sound. It's not going to pump out extra bass. It's not going to mess with the EQ. It's just going to give you like a straight sound of what you're actually recording and that sort of thing. So yeah, that's, that's my recommendation right there. That's, I'm glad I did that beforehand. And just so you know, anyone who starts a podcast, all you need to do is have Graciano Rubio on,
Starting point is 00:18:37 you get him, you get all your gear, have Graciano on the show, and then your show will automatically go to the next level. You'll put on the number of subscribers you need. I need Graciano on the show and then your show will automatically go to the next level. You'll put on the number of subscribers you need. I need Graciano on mine then. Hey dude, I have every piece of equipment in my studio you could ever imagine. I thought I had the best studio in the world
Starting point is 00:18:57 and then I went over and looked at your guys' shit and I looked the way it was set up and I was like, holy shit, I have no idea what I'm doing. I could not believe how clean your setup was. I couldn't believe like I was doing, I'm doing some dumb shit the way I'm running all the cameras through the internet, as opposed to using that black magic box, even though I have one, I don't have that. I didn't, my extra screens is just dumb shit. I didn't have all the camera angles to choose from the way you had your stuff hanging from the ceiling. And there were, there were, I don't remember exactly what it was, but there was, there's some problem with getting an external,
Starting point is 00:19:27 a couple of external monitors working and then one for the group. And I wasn't able to crack that code and you're right away or like, no, you just need to bypass it this way. And I was like, oh my God, I need to be friends with this guy. I need to have the, be able to call this guy at three in the morning and be like, yeah, no, I welcome it. And again, like that's an honor for me to hear from you, sir, because it was so cool to see your setup. Just just hearing that again, it just helps with everything that I'm trying to do. But also, like, if we can be friends, that's fantastic. You know what I mean? Like, I'm happy and ecstatic about that. But yeah, a lot of it is just trial and error.
Starting point is 00:20:01 You know, we we want to have everything perfect right out the gate. And as we know with essentially everything in life, as we get started, we're like, oh, wait a second. I need to, you know, if this, then that. Okay, now I'm here. It's like, oh, but then I got, you know, and then you keep going and going. And so it's like, and it comes with challenges every single time. Like, hey, Andrew, I want to be able to go live every single time. Okay, then we got to do it this way. Oh, I want you to be able to pull up stuff on screen that we talk about on air, but I want us to be able to see it and I want the people to be able to see it. Okay, well, I'm going to need the monitor for that. And then how do I get the signal from here to there, but still into there? And, you know, so all these things, you just have to stop and think, and then you're like, okay, yeah, I could figure this out. And that's what I love about all of this stuff. Like, I mean, literally everything, especially
Starting point is 00:20:53 now with the internet, with YouTube podcasts, everything you can figure it out, right? Like I, I did, I don't have any like actual like education behind any of this stuff. Everything I've ever learned has been through trial and error. And of course, YouTube University. That's like my alma mater. I always go back to YouTube U and I learn everything that way. So if there is a legit educated audio engineer that sees my stuff they'll be able to like poke holes in it and stuff but i'm like hey like i'm over a thousand episodes in you know like 80 million downloads like i think yeah that's wild 80 million downloads as well yeah well it is cool i get to you know
Starting point is 00:21:38 hang out with mark bell every day so there's a lot involved with that. Hey, um, when, when, when I first started speaking about starting a smaller, just beginning, my idea was I was going to podcast from my car because I was in my car so much. So I just mounted a phone in my car and then I was like, Hey, I'm going to do this show. And I was, uh, lucky enough to have a Matt Fraser, the fittest man in the world. And Josh Bridges say they do a weekly podcast with me. And I was like, okay, cool. The first episode was a complete shit show, dude. It was, and I think we got 50,000 views because probably Matt and Josh were on it. Of course, that's why. And I had to pull over into a park with my kids in the back playing and finish the podcast. It was, it was, it was a complete shit show. And I realized, Hey, there is, I don't have a cellular network.
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's going to allow me to do this podcast from my car. It was going to be called Driving My Kids Around, right? And then eventually I came inside and then eventually got the Rodecaster and then just expanding cameras and et cetera, et cetera. But it's interesting. People do just have to start. And the commitment, you have to have a commitment and you have to try to make it past 10 episodes. Yeah, that's my very first podcast. Yeah at dude i love that that's the show perfect crazy right i mean you know it like i mean in my opinion that is kind of perfect but it doesn't have to be
Starting point is 00:23:01 this it doesn't have to be you know what we have at the power project it doesn't have to be this. It doesn't have to be, you know, what we have at the power project. It doesn't have to be Joe Rogan. You know, it could be just like that. Like, look, like Matt has just window lighting, right? Like he doesn't have like, you know, like a legit studio light. And I mean, shoot, if I could get 50,000 views on the video, like I would be ecstatic. So that's really, really cool. And then your kids are in it too. So that's amazing. And then, and then eventually what happens is then I moved inside to like, to my living room and then I moved to another room. And then the crazy part, what really elevated my game is on my birthday one year, my audience surprised me with a sign, a light up sign. So I used to just have no background behind me and they, they put their money together and they bought a sign that said the seven on podcast. And that's kind of where I'm at now, but it's kind of funny, right? Like it was like, it was just an incremental steps. But the one thing I did do is I go on every morning at 7am, uh, regardless. Yeah. So that
Starting point is 00:24:01 sign, I used to just not even have that sign back there. And then they bought me that sign. And then all of a sudden, now I look back at the old shows and I'm like, how did I ever do those shows without a sign? Yeah. I got to have a sign. Yeah. And so in regards to that sign, how did it make you feel when you opened up this package and all of a sudden it's like, holy shit, this connection that i have with with somebody that that prompted them to to do this like that has been amazing right dude i walked into my office and there was a box of kleenex on my desk and i don't keep kleenex or paper towels around in my office because i don't want anyone to think i go in there and jack off i didn't want like anyone to ever be like oh look there's his jack off box so i and i was like, so I had already like an issue with Kleenex being around me.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And I was like, this is really weird. I wonder how this got in here. I assume one of my kids brought it in or was fooling around in my office. And then like 15 minutes into the show, my wife walks in with the sign. She was in cahoots with the listeners. And, dude, I cried. I seriously probably cried for 30 minutes. I could not stop crying it
Starting point is 00:25:05 was it was wild and they bought me an 80 pound dumbbell an 80 pound dumbbell and a sign for my birthday dude it was crazy it was i just wanted to make sure he told that story he didn't he didn't hold back the dude was ball he was balling it was on air it was perfect it was like probably and then i think there was a video associated with it too so it was like a whole thing it was on air it was perfect it was like probably and then i think there was a video associated with it too so it was like a whole thing it was great that's incredible so yeah it kind of along the same line so my buddy uh matthew he sent me that guy right there so yeah that's dope what's it say you can take me everywhere so when so my mom died january 11th of this year and so um when mark's mom died he just went right to his phone and he started you know kind of like it's almost like therapy
Starting point is 00:25:53 he went right to his phone and recorded a podcast about his mom and so he was like hey man i just you know throw it out there do you want to honor your mom the same way I did and record your thoughts right now? I'm like, yes, I do. And so I told this story on, on, on that episode, how, right when I got like, right when I got the phone call, like, you know, so I'm like, you know, devastated, I'm laying down on the ground and my son, he's playing with like all his toys, just having fun. You know, just like a lot of fortunate kids. He has way too many toys, right? He's got a pick of like a his toys just having fun you know just like a lot of fortunate kids he has way too many toys right he's got a pick of like a thousand toys of all the toys he picks the one that that she gave him last right like that was the last gift that she gave him i've never paid attention
Starting point is 00:26:37 to this this freaking toy it's sitting there quiet by itself and i'm like come on kid of all the toys for you to pick you pick that one it's staying by itself and itself. And I'm like, come on kid of all the toys for you to pick. You pick that one. It's staying by itself. And it just all of a sudden goes, you can take me everywhere. And so that just, dude, I was totally just like crying,
Starting point is 00:26:55 going nuts. So my friend Matthew, he heard that on the show and he sent all him. And I think maybe it was like a collaborative thing, but he's the one that sent that over. And I was the same thing. As soon as I opened it, just, just quiet, just start balling. And I'm like a collaborative thing, but he's the one that sent that over. And I was the same thing. As soon as I opened it, just quiet, just start bawling. And I'm like, all this stuff because of a podcast, right?
Starting point is 00:27:11 We can get our thoughts out and we can make these amazing connections. And in my opinion, have so much meaning and purpose in this world, right? It might be taking a little bit too far if you're not really familiar with the reach a podcast has. I've received DMs on people talking about how I've helped them with back issues or our podcast has gotten people to stop drinking or stop doing drugs, all kinds of huge things that we can't figure out in this world, right? Like how do you get somebody to stop drinking? It's like, well, oh, try, you know, not bashing like AA or anything, but like we know the statistics of how unsuccessful stuff like that can be. But yet here's a podcast that somebody listens to. They want to get jacked. They want to get in shape. They want to get in better, you know, overall health. And now that's the thing that prevents them because they get to hang out with me on air like dude of course this thing is so important it's way more important than getting a couple of downloads and a couple of views and you know having a cool sponsor or whatever it may be like this is like life altering and that's really why i got into everything why i got into content creation photography i remember the first time that one of my images made somebody cry. I made a groom cry because I took a picture. I think it was like his dad and like his brother or something. It was like a cool moment that wasn't supposed to happen.
Starting point is 00:28:37 And I happened to like capture it. And he's like, I didn't even know you captured this. Like what the heck? And he just starts crying. So that's when it hit me. I was like, Oh, Capture this. Like, what the heck? And he just starts crying. So that's when it hit me. I was like, oh, like, I'm trying to make an impact on this world, right? Like, this eight to five job where I don't matter, right? Like, I was in medical records.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I just, you know, I wasn't very happy with it. But I noticed one day that, oh, if I disappeared, like, nobody would even notice, right? Like, because the stuff I was doing didn't make any impact on the world. nobody would even notice right like because the stuff i was doing didn't make any impact on the world the images i create and capture like that's going to get printed out that's going to get you know admired and that's going to make somebody feel some type of emotion like oh this this is actually what i need to be doing then that you know progressed into podcasting. And now that impact is like at least 100 times bigger and way better than I could have ever imagined. And man, I think that's why like I seriously, I believe that's why I was put on this planet was to make that type of impact. And now I'm doing it through podcasting and I'm so grateful for it. it um in my world i don't see any of my listeners because i just i do my podcast and then i'm with my kids all day i'm either i'm at some sort of kid event right i homeschool my kids and so i don't i don't ever see any of the listeners and uh i went to the crossfit games last year um to film the
Starting point is 00:30:00 behind the scenes and i that's where all all my listeners were. And that was, that was, uh, that was a crazy moving experience for me to see, um, how kind and generous, really just how generous, um, emotionally, intellectually, you know, everyone wanted to bring me something. And, uh, it was crazy. It's it's cause at that point you realize, holy shit, I really am involved in people's lives. And the other thing too is just trying to keep up in the DMs. I try to respond to – it's hard, but every day I try to go through at least 100 DMs. I try to sit down for an hour or two hours and just at least say thank you or – and mostly the listeners here are just sending me content for the show. They just,
Starting point is 00:30:45 I, things that they want to maybe see on the show, but, but you're right. It is. It's crazy. It's pretty wild. I,
Starting point is 00:30:53 I take it for granted or I'm oblivious to it. I'd say 90% of the time, 95% of the time. But when you do realize it, like when they send you the sign or you see them in person, it's like, holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Yeah. What I was going to say was like, as, as as somebody that's on on this side of the camera you know it some days it legitimately does feel like you're just talking into a wall and like nobody's listening you know because again another weird stat but like at least for our show you know if somebody listens to an episode on monday they're not somebody listens to an episode on Monday, they're not going to listen to the episode on Tuesday. It's like almost like a 50, 50 split where somebody will not continue to keep watching. And so like the same questions get asked over and over, like when we do a live show and stuff. And I was like, dude, like, man, is anybody paying attention? Like, what is like, come on. The thing is, it's just like, yeah, you know, because people
Starting point is 00:31:44 miss stuff, but when you do get some of those DMS or you, you know, like we haven't gone to an expo in a long time, but the last time I went, like people would like recognize me and I'm like, Oh, like this is weird. You know, like weird. It's really weird. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it's a lot of fun. And again, if I can help somebody like make their commute a little bit better or make their work day a little bit better, then I mean, it's my responsibility to continue to do this sort of thing. You said your mom passed away this January 11th? Yeah. How did that happen? cancer. And I know you like, uh, you get, you go down some of these cool rabbit holes, so we can definitely go down that one. But, um, yeah, yeah, it was stomach cancer. She had been fighting it for, I think three years, four years. Uh, I lose track of time again. That's another thing when you're in content creation, it's, you don't know what day it is. Cause we don't work on a Monday through Friday. Right. And as, as I never know what day it is, I'm glad to hear you say that.
Starting point is 00:32:45 I never know. I don't even know what month it is, dude. I don't, I don't know any of that. It's so weird. Yeah. As somebody that,
Starting point is 00:32:52 you know, owns a podcast and runs it, you know, it, I, Monday through Friday doesn't exist. It's kind of like a 24 seven thing, just like a real business owner.
Starting point is 00:33:04 But yeah, so she, she, she passed away and, you know, I, I actually got some shit on the podcast the other day because I had, I had verbally said, you know, on air, like, you know, statistically speaking, at least two or one and a half more persons in my immediate family are going to get cancer, right? Because it's like a 50% chance that we're all going to get cancer. And there's five of us. So I'm like, hey, we got at least one more, potentially one and a half more. And I had said like, yeah, if it's me, I am not going to follow traditional medicine. And we were talking about like the importance of a podcast, right?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Because somebody had put out a video about how like modern day health podcasts are kind of dead because we have all this conflicting information or whatever. And my thing was, no, I'm going to actually listen to the podcasts more than I am going to listen to traditional medicine because I got a first person view about how unsuccessful that was, right? Like I would show up to the doctors and I would say like, Hey, look, she had a cancer in her stomach. I'm like, she, she can't eat anything. I'm like, she can't do anything. Like she's, she's just living off of like injections, right? Like, uh, I forgot what it's called, but she was just getting her nutrition like intravenously. And I'm like, how about we start getting in some, I don't know, collagen protein via like a powdered drink. Like she has no fat on her. She needs some MCT oil. So let's get some MCT oil powder and let's start running with it that way.
Starting point is 00:34:39 They thought I was crazy. I'm like, okay, well, you want to give her Ensure and I'm the crazy person? Right, right. You are telling me. What are the ingredients on Ensure? They're awful. But here's the other thing. They're like, okay, yeah, I know solid foods are hard on you.
Starting point is 00:35:00 But you can have ice cream every once in a while if you want. Oh, my goodness. And I get it, right get it right calories like you're not getting any calories but i'm like elementary school level uh you know cancer prevention cancer treatment you know we all can point to the keto diet working or not working whatever we know what the third ingredient is on that andrew corn maladextrin that cannot be good so that's what i'm saying man so like when i said that you know i got some pushback because people were like you know people are saying what people say and i'm like dude like why would i i don't have any reason to listen to doctor's advice after they told my mom no don't don't, don't, don't have, you know, clean fats, don't have clean proteins.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Sure. Okay. So we have it in stock right now. You know, no big deal. That's going to be the thing that's going to help you feel better. And I'm like, dude, I, unfortunately, you know, she was like, I mean, I don't blame her. She was really scared in that moment. Right. It's like they gave her a, they gave her a death date date and she didn't want that but she was like i'm gonna listen to everything they say and you know do that do everything and you know so obviously and the thing that really got me the the most upset was their their protocol for the whole thing amongst that but they were like yeah we're just gonna do chemo until and they would say stuff like this we're gonna do chemo until the host expires and i'm like the like oh wow and that's the host is meaning your mom and expire as and when my mom dies right that call me
Starting point is 00:36:40 crazy mr doctor person that went to school forever to figure this stuff out like something tells me that that's not right like there has to be a better way because your track record you guys are not doing really good your your batting average is awful there has to be a different way and you know so that's that's essentially what happened and you know i watched it happen i tried to intervene as best i could but you know that was so that's essentially what happened. And, you know, I watched it happen. I tried to intervene as best I could, but you know, that was, so that's what ended up happening. And yeah, so she died in January and a week after that is when the YouTube channel got shut down. So it's been quite a year for me for sure. Yeah. Yeah, man. man hey um uh there is there are protocols out there that turn doctors into docents of death instead of helping you and and their their words um betray them right basically we're going to give you this poison to fight your illness until you die and it's like that doesn't sound like a sound plan just even your wording of it doesn't sound uh um the the, the wording betrays them. You know, someone sent me something a few
Starting point is 00:37:49 days ago on Instagram and they were like, hey, because of, I forget what the word was, but the 1980s, because of protocols and laws that the Republicans passed, it gave corporations a shitload of power. And when they gave those corporations a shitload of power, the corporations ran amok and ran out of control and they started basically running the world so i wrote back to this person and i didn't understand the video they sent me i didn't understand what they i would i would have to do it was just all rhetoric i would have to like actually look in and not take their word on what these people were saying and see what the tax laws were that were passed that were um that were based on the premise of this
Starting point is 00:38:25 video blaming some Republican laws. But I wrote back to the person and I said, let me tell you what I saw. With my own eyes, you're using the discernment of someone telling you this. Let me tell you what I saw. I saw the Democrats in all the blue states during COVID shut down tens of thousands of small businesses and put them out of business while Baskin Robbins, Walmart, and Macy's got to stay open. So what I saw is that the Democrats protected the corporations and then killed the small businesses with their protocol. So you can tell me all of that, but I saw in South Dakota, they didn't force the small businesses to close. I saw what happened. They did in Florida. I saw what they did in Texas and they got to stay open. So you can outsource your own discernment
Starting point is 00:39:12 if you want, but I'm telling you what, what I saw and what I trust my own discernment as a larger portion. Now I'm not saying that there might not be some validity with this person told me, but I couldn't even understand what they were saying. It was, it was indoctrination. Whereas I can actually tell you, Hey, um, there used to be six restaurants here before COVID and now they're all gone because they had to close their stores. And I've had 10 of the business owners on my podcast and they've told me and blah, et cetera, et cetera. So you're right that that's the thing, right? That's, I think what you're describing, you have your own discernment that was like butting up against the, the, the indoctrination that these doctors went through and let's not get it twisted. They are, they are indoctrinated. Now
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm not saying obviously if you get shot by a gun, you need a doctor right away. I mean, right. Absolutely. Yeah. If it's, it's a cute thing. Yeah. Like if I can't stop the bleeding, I'm grateful for doctors. I'm grateful that I live where I live and I can do that. But again, when it comes to cancer or whatever you want, you know, we can talk about COVID, but all this stuff, like it just seems like there is an agenda behind it. And I don't know, have you had a chance to check out dr jack cruz uh if i refresh me maybe i have maybe i haven't so he just he goes pretty hard in the paint with like you know kind of pushing back because he used to be you know somebody on the other side that would follow everything by the book and he was on a podcast and we actually just had him on recently i have to publish that episode still but he will yeah he he mentioned that the like the the the books that people have to deal with in you know in medical school and stuff they're like 95 incorrect so like all the information that these doctors think to be like no i i i have all the answers trust me simpleton. I went to school for this.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Turns out that maybe that the stuff that they learned wasn't even accurate. And like I said, Jack Cruz goes hard, dude. He does not hold back. On the episode, he called us a bunch of clowns because we think that it's calories in, calories out, and food is causing all kinds of issues. And he wasn't really necessarily like actually calling us clowns, but he was calling us because we're on like the fitness side of things. Right. He clowns this,
Starting point is 00:41:31 you clowns that. And he was like pretty abrasive. I loved it. I think, I think it was an amazing podcast and you know, I can't wait to publish that one because again, he talked a lot about sunlight and stuff and all this stuff that you don't hear in a regular medical facility. The only way you're going to hear it is if you tune into a podcast.
Starting point is 00:41:52 So, again, back to the impact of a podcast, that could potentially save someone's life. Dude, that's incredible. I'm going to ask you, that's a good segue into how you guys got kicked off of YouTube. But before I go there, what if someone wants to get your services to help them with a podcast? Where do they go to? Will you do consulting? Will there be a court? Where do they buy the course? Where do they jump in? dot com. It's not officially like up and running like you can get go there and get updates and whatnot. But that's where everything is going to be. And again, I don't know how to do a website. I don't know how to do any of this stuff. But that's where everything's going to be. So, you know, again, coming soon and that sort of thing. But yeah, towards the end of this conversation, I'll have something cool for people to check out if they are like, again, if you're listening and you like, Hey, maybe I do want to pursue podcasting. I have a really cool gift for you at the end of this podcast that we'll get into. But yeah, that's where everything's going to be. I'm going to, uh, going to do some consulting. Like I'm already doing that now, but like as simple as like one-on-one phone calls,
Starting point is 00:43:00 that's one thing, the course itself, that'll be another thing. All of it's going to be right there at pursue So Vaughn, thank you so much for asking me that question. I really appreciate that. That's a, that's a pro podcast remove right there. Hey, so let's say there's someone who wants to build out a podcast studio. Um, uh, and, and there, let's say in Cancun, could they fly you? Could they be like, Hey, send me an equipment list. They buy all the shit. And then, and then they pay you money and you fly out there and set that shit up for them, pay you five grand and you set that shit up. Yeah, I've, I've done that. So I've done that for, um, Sean Baker. So like the carnivore, so I did his spot, um, uh, in talks
Starting point is 00:43:41 with Mike Dolce to do his. And yeah, that's something that I do. Truth be told, I don't love leaving my house. I don't love leaving the family. I don't like doing that. But for Sean Baker, he's a friend. So I'm like, yeah, of course, I would love to do that. Mike Dolce, same thing. Me and him, we chat every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:44:03 He's actually helping my wife with her diet and stuff. I'm like, dude, I absolutely would love to go help you. It might be a case-by-case basis, but what I'll say for sure is the course will help you speed things up and actually help you decide, okay, wait, maybe I can do this. Or the cool thing it would be is if you're a producer, you can be like, Hey, check out this course and like build it for me. Like that would be like huge for him. Like, that's what you would be able to do, you know, with this thing. So as soon as it's done, it's absolutely yours. But, uh, yeah, that's something that I can do. And again, I just have to really decide if I'm going to open that up to everybody or if it's
Starting point is 00:44:40 just going to be like a referral type of thing. Um, Again, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Like I am learning as I go. So I think like that website, you know, it's like, I don't even know if people are going to actually, like if they sign up for like updates or whatever, if I'm going to figure out how to actually get those updates to them. But I'll figure it out as I go. I've been able to figure out almost everything else out as well.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So yeah, I appreciate it, man. Thank you. But you know what? That's all the the greats do it right like when james cameron i mean he made terminator he had special effects in there he had no idea how to do then he made the titanic he every movie he he embarks on some shit where he's like fuck i have no idea what i'm doing right yeah and and and and they get it done and that's what you've been getting done. How did you guys ever go live? You did go live. Yeah. Yeah. We used to go live every episode. I want to say it was like the first. I don't know, like maybe man, I'm like maybe like the first hundred episodes. I don't remember exactly when we made the switch maybe even further than that but
Starting point is 00:45:46 man you want to talk about figuring things out why did you stop going live um so there's this by pro i didn't know so people kind of there's been these steps but one of my friends um dave castro the director of the crossfit games told me, I'll never come on your podcast unless you do it live. I'm not like I did one with him. And first he said, hey, you have to do them all with me in person. And then he said, you have to do them now. I want to go live or else I'm not going to do them. So it forced me to start going live.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Right. And once I started going live, the byproduct was I started building this core group of listeners who wanted to participate in the podcast. And I was like, I didn't expect that, but that's what I have. And I fucking love it. So I wonder why people stop going live in Joe Rogan used to go live also. Right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:35 So Kayla, if you can go back to like the video side and instead of clicking on live, if you can just click on like the videos and show like what the uh what that looks like so if you're able to tell a difference in the quality of even just the thumbnails here compared to what the live videos look like a lot of stuff just simply got elevated once we stopped going live right because it was like oh shit we we got to go live let me just throw the stock you know thumbnail up there and i'll figure it out later yeah and if i would figure out maybe i wouldn't but with with a regular upload so a couple things happen but with a regular upload i can kind of start with with the title and then go from there so like if we talk about
Starting point is 00:47:23 again even in this conversation like let's say you and your team, you guys think like, okay, the stuff that he was talking about, about like a podcast being meaningful and impactful. That's the main thing we're going to talk about. Or that's the main theme of that episode. Okay, so that's going to be the title. Working title is podcasts are more important than you could ever imagine. When you go and you make like a trailer for that episode, like, okay, he talked about his mom having cancer. That's super important. Okay, that's really cool. But damn, it has nothing to do with the importance of a podcast in that context, right? Okay, so I'm not going to put that in my trailer. Oh, but he talked about this. He talked about that. That's going in the trailer. That's going in the trailer. I'm going to cut up this cool 30-second highlight clip of the episode as long as it is in line with that title. And along with that, the thumbnail will also be in line with that title as well. So now those three big levers, right, the hook, the thumbnail, and the title, all those things are going to be in alignment with each other. When we go live, oh my goodness, I have no idea what I'm going to title this.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I don't have a thumbnail yet. I don't know what we're going to talk about. And that is also fantastic, right? That is one of my favorite things about podcasting is because you go all over the place. But as far as fan engagement, view watch time, view engagement, all these things, retention, all of it has to come from a promise and then executing on that promise. And that promise is the title, the thumbnail, and then that execution comes in that first like 30 seconds so when you do all that it just helps elevate the entire episode because now you're getting way more traction youtube is like oh shoot more people are clicking on this video let's show more
Starting point is 00:49:16 people more people are staying on this episode let's show it to more people and then you can see how like the cascade of all these little tiny wins can end up being a cool, like long video or like, well watched episode. So that was one of the reasons why we slowed down. And we like really wanted to execute well, on each episode, right, want to optimize as much as we can. The other thing, and I think this is potentially why Joe Rogan and a couple of other shows stopped going live. And I don't want to be the guy that says this, but it turned into a business. So when we were going live, it was just a part of my job. I was a photographer, videographer, and podcast producer. And then eventually like host as well. Cause I actually opened my mouth and started talking, but it was kind of just like a, not a side project, but it was something that Mark loved to do on the side,
Starting point is 00:50:15 along with everything he does at slingshot, super training gym, all that stuff. Right. It was just like, I will podcast today. We won't podcast today. That sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Once, and this was with no sponsors. Once we took on sponsors, it was like, okay, we promised these sponsors that they would get a couple of mentions per month or whatever. So like, okay, now we need to. And it's like, oh, by the way, if you guys don't want to stop the podcast in the middle of it to mention sponsor ABC, I have to pump that in later. So what we would do is we would go live and then I would pull that episode down, pump in ads and then republish it. And people would just be so confused. Like, dude, didn't I just watch this yesterday? Like, why? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:50:59 Why am I getting two uploads? And so we just decided, like, all right, let's no longer do live. getting two uploads and so we just decided like all right let's no longer do live let's slow down and like let's really elevate the game by taking our time with optimizing every aspect that we can and then include sponsorships uh ads in the middle of each episode just so that way it's not like like all right so let's pause for you know a couple of seconds have you ever you know blah blah like a real real gross commercial instead. We just pump that in later so that way our conversation right now doesn't get broken up. What do you miss about going live?
Starting point is 00:51:33 Do you miss anything about going live? Oh, as a producer, I miss the fact that it's done. Oh, right, right. Well said. Yeah. I see Caleb back there. Yeah. Posting, dealing with that. Yeah, it's so nice. I just jump up when we get off the air. Caleb and I talk for five minutes and then I just jump up and part. right like you shouldn't have to worry about like what tags should we put on this episode like that would take away from your uh your focus on being a good interviewer and a good host but yeah that that was one of the things the other thing is what you just said the community
Starting point is 00:52:15 yeah what happened to your community were they pissed these guys would fucking come find me and hang me if i didn't go live uh so it wasn't it wasn't too bad but the thing is like yes we we missed out on a lot of cool conversations and connections so we would have our our regulars right like i would see the same you know people over and over like there's this guy named bmock he was there from the very beginning and you know my friend matthew like all these people like they would show up every time and even if they couldn't watch the whole episode, they would just come in, leave a comment like algorithm or what's up, guys, gonna catch it later. Or they would ask questions. And then I, again, as you know, like Caleb, I would be in the back, I would be in the conversation. But then I would be like, oh, you know, so and so just mentioned, hey, like,, Y, Z? And then so they'd be in the show with us. Yeah, that's normal. Yeah, I do whole shows where I just hang out with these guys.
Starting point is 00:53:11 We just talk shit and the whole show. Yeah, so I miss that more than anything right there. Outside of those two teams. Why not do both, Andrew? Why not do both? And then not only not only this like let me give you an example of how supportive these guys are these so there's podcasts that are significantly so i have 3 000 followers on instagram right and this show has
Starting point is 00:53:35 25 000 subscribers there's people who have a million followers on instagram and their shows get 500 000 subscribers or uh uh or their YouTube channel is 500,000 subscribers, but they don't move the needle like this show does. And I credit it to these guys, right. To these 200 to 400 people who are here every single morning. They like every guest I have will text me two days later and be like, Holy shit. I can't believe how many thoughtful people reached out to me. And it's like, and even i'm blown away because of how consistent it is don't you miss that absolutely and like why not do both why not like do one like i don't know why not do both yeah no we we just recently uh implemented live shows on thursdays so we do like it okay we we
Starting point is 00:54:21 yeah because we we've been itching for it right right? We put out the content that we feel is relevant, that we feel is impactful, that is good. But it's like, man, it'd be cool if we could just get a pulse on what the people that actually listen to our show, what they think or what they like. So there you go. So that's our new studio there. Still need a lot of acoustic treatment on that bad boy, but we, we like to go live on Thursdays and we, we have somewhat of a topic like as a, just in case nothing pops up, but man, as soon as we even just like put the link up,
Starting point is 00:54:58 we have people asking questions and it's the best. It is the absolute best. And, and, and, you know, some similar questions get asked almost every single time. But every now and again, we get stumped or we have to really dive a couple layers deep into somebody's very complex question. And we really love and appreciate it. But yeah, that's what we've been doing on Thursdays. And I think it's really helped kind of revive that community again. Not that it was dead.
Starting point is 00:55:25 We have an awesome Discord. Very, very popular Discord that's super active. They're helping each other. I'm like, holy shit. This is incredible. Wow. All these things that spawned off of a podcast that I never thought would be possible. But that community is incredible.
Starting point is 00:55:44 How long have you been doing this live show? Eaton Beaver. Damn, we're live. Dude, Eaton Beaver. Hell yeah. Oh, uh, it's only been a few months, right? Like we just barely brought it back recently and every single time we do it, it gets a little bit better and a little bit better. And you know, the crowd gets a little bit bigger and it's yeah no i'm super grateful that people show up i'm super grateful that somebody's listening to me right now like i'm super grateful for that it's just yeah it's wild man i love it um you recently moved your studio i can only imagine um i know that burden falls on you um why did you move and tell me about the move were you like fuck were you terrified again like going back to kindergarten you're like
Starting point is 00:56:29 can i do this again yeah so the the spot that you visited was in west sacramento and so we moved a little bit down the high uh down uh highway 80 so you moved all that stuff that big warehouse the gym everything moved so everything inside the studio that you saw i moved all that stuff, that big warehouse, the gym, everything moved. So everything inside the studio that you saw, I moved all of that. But what about all the other stuff? Do you guys still have those offices? I mean, that was a massive complex. So the offices are still there as of right now, the warehouse is going to stay, but essentially if you can remember like the door you walked into to get into the studio, right. everything before that is going to be gone
Starting point is 00:57:07 essentially like they're going to rent it out like sublease it to somebody and then eventually somebody's just going to take over so we ended up moving about 15 minutes away from that spot a little bit more west to davis california beautiful spot really really awesome awesome place just an amazing you know area to to be in i was not pumped because that's now an additional 15 minutes if i'm lucky because there's a lot of traffic in that area an additional commute for me so i'm the furthest move there too andrew so that so the super training gym is no more it is okay it's shut down it's completely gone half of the equipment went to mark's place he built out this sick home gym like i'm just man like if obviously if somebody's gonna do it it's gonna be him half of it went there half of
Starting point is 00:57:58 it went to our new spot except we don't even really know what to call it like the power project gym or like we're just not okay so you do have a gym for you and the staff of of yeah your work there okay okay yeah that was a that was a huge priority because when we bring on some savages that have really cool stuff like thinking you know knees over toes guy or anybody if we bring them into just a studio, it'll be cool. But how much cooler is it if we get a workout before the show, if we film some content before the show or after the show or whatever, you know, like that was really important. And the only way you can do that is if you really have your own private gym. And what's cool is like, it's, it's ours, right? Like nobody, like we have a couple of keys and that's it. And it's locked up.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Nobody can just walk in and out. Like it's just our stuff. So the reason why we moved though was because like the store that you saw, the gym that you saw, all that stuff is just going away. I believe Slingshot at some point might have like a walk-in store, but as of right now, it's going online only. So all of that stuff was no longer necessary and so with that it's like well shoot we need to move all the stuff on on this side of the building over here to this side which means the podcast has to figure out where it's going to live so we had to find our own spot essentially that's what happened uh we got not
Starting point is 00:59:23 that we got kicked out, but we decided to move out of mom and dad's house because everything was always under the slingshot umbrella. You know, we had slingshot, we had, so, you know, super training gym, the power project, all these other things. So we're finally like, Hey, like we've been our own business for a while now. It's time to go out and, you know, spread our wings and become our own thing. So that's what we decided to do. And if we're in Davis, we're a little bit closer to Mark. And so if it can be easier for him, and I can have him stick around as long as possible, then that's totally worth it for me, right? Because just like we were saying with you, if you can just come in, podcast, and then bounce,
Starting point is 00:59:59 that's good. That's what it's always been for Mark. And I want it to continue to be that. In regards to the move though, oh my goodness. Yeah, that was a task. And everybody's always willing to help, but it's just one of those things. There's just too many chefs in the kitchen right away. I'm up on a ladder. I'm taking stuff down out of the ceiling. there's not really much anybody else can do the the thing that i really disliked was it was we started moving the like everything i tore everything down like the week of but the move itself was going to happen like friday and and i'm like guys how about we wait till next monday to move and then after that we don't have a guest for like three weeks. Then I can move everything and take my time, start building out the new studio,
Starting point is 01:00:50 make it look good, make it sound good, all this stuff. And they're like, no, let's not wait. Let's do it this weekend. So from Friday to the next Monday, I moved the entire studio because I needed to get it I needed to get it ready up and running for Wednesday to podcast with with Thomas DeLauer and Dom D'Agostino wow those are big guests too like cool at least it's two huge guests that we're gonna have on the show where I have to get all this stuff ready to go but you know again everything you can figure out everything and there's always a way and so were those late nights were you there till like midnight and with those crazy nights oh yeah yeah no absolutely it the job had to get done and there's nobody else that can do it as good as me so i was the guy and i did ask well you have to do it you have to do it because even if someone
Starting point is 01:01:42 else does it you need to be able to troubleshoot it. Right. Yeah. When there's a pop, you need to know where that cable is. You need to know. You have to know everything. Yeah. The angles, all this stuff. Like, where am I going to route these wires? If you know. Yeah. Everything. Right. I did ask somebody to put in some like cross beams for me, you know, because like at the at the old spot, we had a ceiling. This new spot is just like a big warehouse. So this ceiling goes on forever. So I had nowhere to Mount my cameras and we run six cameras, having six tripods and having cables on the floor is just out of the question,
Starting point is 01:02:18 right? That would take the entire spot. So, uh, thankfully, um, no, my boy Tyler, he helped me install some like cross beams
Starting point is 01:02:27 so where i can mount the the cameras off of the off the beams kind of like the way i did at the old spot off of the ceiling so that was really cool being able to do that and then yeah we we got it taken care of and the new spot needs acoustic treatment bad if you were to to design a room to be the worst space to record audio, it would look a lot like what was in there. So it's gotten a lot better. And again, it's forcing me to get really good with my editing because, you know, getting ready to getting rid of the de-reverb. I don't know why in audio we got to confuse the heck out of everybody but basically getting rid of the echo has been a challenge but like it's fine i'm getting over it it's it's doing just fine but yeah so we we moved and i did it in like a couple of days moving that entire studio was a pain but we're up and running
Starting point is 01:03:17 and again now we get to rebuild and make it look a little bit different and a little bit better and just yeah keep keep moving forward. How many years have you been doing it? So total of about six years of podcasting and then like content creation, I don't know, like probably like 13 years at this point now. So you've been working with Mark Bell for six years on the podcast? On the podcast, yes. And then I, I want to say a little bit over eight years in total as a whole so a few months ago you wake up in the morning and all six years of your work is just gone yeah all your subscribers everything the whole channel's just gone like what happens
Starting point is 01:04:01 you type in you you're probably like me you wake up every morning you check the stats you things are going, make sure everything's good. Make sure there's no copyright infringement or strikes or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I like waking up early and, and checking like the numbers and kind of hitting that refresh button to see if I get any comments on, you know, Hey, Hey, how come there's no episode? Like how come the, the video files jacked up or whatever? Like, cause that's right. Why is the audio out of sync? Something right. That day was a little bit different. So I had just hung out with my dad the night before. Again, my, my mom just died the night before was rough. We had a, you know, we, I hung out late at his, at his place. He lives about 30 minutes away from me. So I didn't get home till, oh man, I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I got, I got home late. It was, it was a rough night. And I knew the next, the next morning was kind of like out of the question for me to wake up early to get in here and film stuff. I was like, you know what? It was a rough night. It was just, just, I'm going to turn off the alarms. I'm not going to worry about waking up early.
Starting point is 01:05:08 I'm going to sleep in. Sleep in until like 6, right? When I get up, I met with so many text messages. It's not uncommon that me, Mark, and Nsema will be in a thread and we'll just start sending each other memes or we'll, you know, go whatever. This was different. I'm like, wow, like dude, Encima's texted me like 30 times, like what's going on? And that's where, that's where it started. He was like, where's the channel? How come the channel's not there? Someone deleted the channel, the channel's gone or whatever. You know, like, well, when something like that happens, your, your mind just goes all over the place
Starting point is 01:05:46 when you don't have an answer right it's just like what's like you start thinking like oh who hates us who who who yeah right exactly the company just went rogue and deleted everything as you know they flipped us off and and you know took off you start thinking of all these things and and sure enough like you know i i checked my inbox and i got this just oh man just this stupid email from like the official youtube badge at the top just saying that we you might be disappointed and we understand you're like disappointed i'm gonna fucking kill myself think about about it. Your entire, this is, I don't care how dramatic this sounds.
Starting point is 01:06:28 My entire life's work was wiped off the planet. I had nothing to show for everything I had been working on for the past six years. This was my life. This meant everything to me. I wake up, I go to bed one night working on my dream, working on everything as hard as possible. I wake up the next day. Everything I had been working for was gone. I no longer had a resume to show, hey, if you want to start a podcast, I can help you out. I don't have anything to show for it, but I promise consulting, you know, position or whatever you want to call it. Like, yes, I can do that. How about also that it was your job. You make, you make a living from
Starting point is 01:07:18 the podcast, right? Everything I do comes from podcasting the room I'm standing in the equipment that's running everything the house underwear your underwear you're wearing the underwear the house that's attached to this room the food inside the money that pays to keep everything running all comes from podcasting and in that moment I could not do my job did you go straight there by the way? Like, Oh fuck, I'm going to, my job's over. No, that, that honestly,
Starting point is 01:07:49 um, the, the, the money side of things wasn't even a thought. It was more of, Holy shit. I can no longer get episode two back. It is gone. I can't,
Starting point is 01:08:03 you guys don't automatically back up to rumble or something like that so we we do and we can talk about rumble in a second but like some i don't know like not every episode gets pushed through i don't know how to maybe i'm doing something wrong but yeah so i do that and i have crates full of hard drives that does have everything but i don't have like they're not like fully edited episodes or whatever like the raws now this is your finished body of work with the reactions the comments the whole thing this is your the edits the commercials the shit that you promised sponsors would stay there forever all that shit that the the comments right the the times where somebody mentions hey this is helping me
Starting point is 01:08:47 lose weight hey this is helping me stop drinking or because of the carnivore diet you know i'm no longer in pain or all the you know all these things it's completely gone and and i'm trying to it was worded in a way that we got no answers. It was the most BS thing I had ever experienced where it was something along the lines of you violated one of the policies, right? And again, even that wasn't very clear. Mark posted it on Twitter and Instagram. It's going to be hard to find it because he posts a lot of stuff, Twitter or Twitter and Instagram, it's going to be hard to find it because he posts a lot of stuff, but he posted that. And the, this is where things were like, oh, wait a second. These could actually work out pretty well because of support that we got from that post. But even before that, before I get too much further into it, I understand that we're on their platform, right? Like you can't go into subway and start making your own sandwiches and sell them right at the front of the store.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Right? Like I understand that what I, what I was not okay with was the fact that they just in the middle of the night, boop, your, your, your show's done.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Your YouTube channel's gone and we don't have to tell you why. Oh man, you were able to find dang savage caleb hell yeah so that's the uh the email that they sent out i think uh maybe that was the follow-up after i had said we've confirmed it violates our harmful so so that basically that's the appeal we confirm that violates our harmful and dangerous policy but we know this is probably disappointing news i hate it when they say that shit but it's our job to make sure that youtube is a safe place for all hey was it a bot was it a bot that did it was it technology that banned you guys i'd have to assume so but after talking to a bunch of people so like right when it happened, my buddy Mark, Mark Loebliner,
Starting point is 01:10:47 he actually reached out and we hopped on the phone and he was like, yeah, dude, it's definitely a bot. And then as we're diving into it, he's like, the more we talk, the more I'm convinced that you just pissed somebody off and they were
Starting point is 01:10:58 waiting for you to make a mistake. Right. Because we, we talk a lot about like, you know, like the carnivore diet. We, we, we don't hate on like the vegan diet or anything. But a lot of the stuff that we push man, I think you just kind of got under someone's skin. And they finally saw that you messed up. And they're like, gotcha.
Starting point is 01:11:31 And so they pulled the plug overnight. We had no warnings. We had no strikes on our channel at all. People understand that you can get a YouTube strike and that's kind of like a warning or whatever. I, like most people, thought when you get a strike, you can get another strike, and then that third strike, you're out. But that's actually not the case. You can get a strike and then be completely gone according to what happened to us. And so that's what happened. We got no warning, nothing. Again, that was very similar to the first email I got, which was like, I know you're disappointed, but your YouTube channel is gone and it's not coming back. Again, no information as to what or why it happened.
Starting point is 01:12:17 It was just like, Hey, you're done. See you later. And so that's, that's how it happened. You know, I woke up and, you know, again, the, the, the YouTube channel was toast. And then, so we started like, what happened? Like, dude, I, I literally just put the Sean Baker episode, like set to schedule. I scheduled it out for 7am the next day. And it's, it's not there. Like, why, why is it gone? Like, this doesn't make any sense. And so we, we have like one of our, one of our guys is a YouTube advisor and he's like
Starting point is 01:12:46 yeah it looks like the the channel's gone so let like let's start you did have wait you did have a youtube advisor so yes but not he doesn't work for youtube he's just oh okay guy okay and so he he started kind of like advising us on what we could do next but even he had nothing. And so when Mark put that post out, dude, we had my guy, Jorge, save my life. We had somebody in the comments screaming, just being like, guys, I work for YouTube. Call me, DM me. I can help. And it's like, you never know, right? Like, you never know, especially on social media somebody might just be i don't know saying something just to get attention or whatever but in sema reached out to him got on the phone and sure enough he's like i listen to your guys's show every single day i know for a fact that you guys do not put out any harmful information i actually work in the like sports and recreation department of youtube i am going to fight and help you guys get your channel back and so i was like oh my gosh like we actually might have a chance here he went to whoever that he would have to go to to try to reverse this yeah no no they violated the policy and he's like what policy? And so he came back and he gave us some information, but they're like, yeah, they're very strict and they do not want to bring your channel back. We need some extra context.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Hey, let me ask you this really quick, Andrew. With that loss of the channel, could Mark start a new channel or would he have been banned forever? Yeah. Pardon me? No, you are. I lost you. Sorry. You're good now. Would he have been banned forever or could he start a new channel?
Starting point is 01:14:31 What is the ban? That was the concern, right? That's what we heard also. It was like, hey, once you're banned once, you're kind of banned forever. Right. That's what I heard too. Once you get kicked off, you can never use YouTube again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:43 So at first it was like, well, okay, if we, you know, we lose the channel, we'll start up over again. We've been able to do it once and now we're going to do it even better. So that'll be fine. But then we started hearing stuff like that where it's like, no, once you're, you're kind of blacklisted, you can't come back. So thankfully we never had to dive into it because right. He's okay. The weird thing is too, is the rest of the channels that were associated with were fine. So like the super training gym channel was good.
Starting point is 01:15:10 The Mark smelly belly YouTube channel was good. Like nobody was affected. It was just our podcast channel. So, uh, what was it? Oh, so then,
Starting point is 01:15:20 so we, we started, Jorge comes back and it's like, you guys are fucked. Essentially. that's what he said but he's like i'm gonna bug the hell out of them until they bring your channel back i'm not gonna give up so jorge is this freaking savior so what happened was we have another podcast on our podcast channel with uh this young guy kenny williams an amazing bodybuilder he's
Starting point is 01:15:44 he's only like 21 or 22 and he's a freaking mountain. He's so jacked. He's my favorite bodybuilder of all time. He's incredible. He and Mark have a podcast on our podcast channel. So it's like, you know, we have like a network essentially. He has an affiliate code with a website, I will say, that sells peptides. And so he's like, hey guys, like, is it cool if we put the link in the description? Like, it's just peptides. All right, cool. No big deal. Come to find out, they also sell research chemicals. And if you're in the know, that's basically code for steroids. We didn't know this. So we had to explain in this like letter that we wrote to YouTube. Hey, like we again, we we understand now why why we got booted off.
Starting point is 01:16:36 How did you guys figure that out? Jorge let you know that was the reason. OK, Jorge had to go. He had to dive deep into like these emails and all kinds of stuff and like where things were flagged but again if we didn't have him we would we would be toast we would have no no explanation we'd have no we would just have to be off of youtube right and that would definitely have impacted my life because like i love first off i love youtube but also what you were saying it's like well shoot like a lot of our our our
Starting point is 01:17:06 traction and attention and growth and reach happens because of youtube and i freaking love youtube i love being on there or on here and so with without him like man a lot of stuff could have happened right a lot of stuff could have changed, right? A lot of stuff could have changed. Were peptides okay? So as far as I understand, peptides are okay. It's kind of still gray area, but they're fine. They're okay. The issue was that this website had research chemicals. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:41 But again, we never got that explanation, and we never would have if it wasn't for Jorge. So we had to write this like long, drawn out email explaining everything that I explained, like, Hey, like, we had no idea. This isn't even our main, like, podcast. Like, this is just like a little sideshow that we have on our YouTube channel. We'll take them completely down. Like, we'll never have them on if everything's cool. We did that. We got that email in right at 4.59 on a Friday. Jorge was like, hey, they're about to be closing up shop. If you can get that email to me right now, I can get it to them and then maybe we can get an answer, but at least we give it to them so that way they have it. It was like the longest weekend ever because we heard nothing after that. What was it? You just sent them an email saying, we'll never do that again. We're so sorry. We didn't know. We just explained everything. We're just like, this is our podcast. We're a health and fitness channel. We focus on just giving out good information. We never, ever promote steroids or we never, ever, you know, tell people where to buy stuff. This was a complete accident
Starting point is 01:18:49 and we did not do our due diligence in looking at what our other shows are promoting. Now, we broke it down again and we showed them like, hey, we thought it was just peptides. We had no idea that they actually sold research chemicals. And, you know, we had said like, hey, like if we if need be, like we'll get rid of that entire show as long as we can have our show or our channel back.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Like we'll do whatever it takes. They didn't say anything about that. They just gave us permission to have our channel back. But that was a super long weekend. Right. Like we heard nothing. channel back but that was a super long weekend right like we heard nothing and then towards the end of monday jorge calls and he's like guys you're getting reinstated in about 15 minutes and we're like oh my gosh like wow oh like he literally saved the day like he saved our freaking
Starting point is 01:19:37 life because he paid attention to the show he liked the show and he happened to work at youtube in the perfect department for it and so without that yeah we wouldn't have our youtube channel and who knows if we'd even be on youtube because of that that whole like weird like ban thing right like once you get blacklisted you're done for life and you know we did ask about like research just really quick research chemicals are different than research use i'm just looking so peptides are not research yeah no are not research chemicals peptides though are can be are considered in part of research use i guess there's a distinction okay yeah so so they had peptides on there but they also had research chemicals so they had sarms they had prohormones they have okay yeah they call those
Starting point is 01:20:30 designer drugs and research chemicals okay yeah they had research oils on there as well and so i'm like oh my gosh they're literally just selling trend probably okay i had no idea and again we we were irresponsible and not looking into those things so yes it was it was our fault that it happened but the fact that they can just pull the plug on anybody in the middle of the night without any warning without any you know like hey you can't do that they they just did it out of again in, literally in the middle of the night at like 12, 12 something AM, the channel was disappeared. And I don't mean again, and then it was back. And then all of a sudden it was back. Could you believe it? Were you kind of in shock when it came back? Like, I can't believe it until I see it. So when we got in touch with Jorge and I realized like oh wait he's legit and he actually
Starting point is 01:21:26 does work there I started kind of believing that it could happen so when we actually got that call yes I celebrated I was stoked I was really happy but I started kind of like feeling like oh wait I think we're gonna be okay because like this just it just doesn't seem right. A channel with, I think we had 340,000 subscribers at that time. That had never had any, we've never done anything wrong to just in the middle of the night, boom, gone. And I'm thinking like, man, we're a really good channel to be partnered up with YouTube. Because we're bringing a lot of views and attention to YouTube. If I'm YouTube, I'm thinking, yeah, actually, no, I think I do want them a part of my platform because they bring a lot of attention, revenue, and a lot of good views to our platform. relationship over the last six years, right? Like I started the YouTube channel from zero, right? It had no subscribers to over 300,000 to say like, ah, this one time that you guys did something is worth removing all of this. It seems silly to me, right? That doesn't,
Starting point is 01:22:37 that doesn't make any sense at all. And so when I started thinking about it, A lot of stuff there doesn't make sense though. A lot of stuff there doesn't make sense. Yeah. I guess I was looking at it from like a business perspective. I'm like, this just doesn't make any sense. And then they got rid of that guy. Will,
Starting point is 01:22:52 Will can do it. Yeah. They got rid of a lot of people. And I think, and I think his channel was fucking enormous. Huge. Yeah. Huge.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Yeah. I don't remember why. Maybe. I don't know why they got rid of him either. Yeah. So when we got a hold of Jorge and then, you know, I'm like, oh wait, this actually might happen where we don't have to restart all the way over. Like, okay. And then we got the phone call and then, yeah, I was very, very happy. And I'm like, all right, cool. Let's get right back to work. You know, and that really is name or is that his code name? No, it's really Jorge. I can't pronounce his last name. I don't remember it either. But no, yeah, Jorge is the man. Wow, that's wild. And do you guys have a – some people's YouTube stations – when I was running the media department at CrossFit, we had a direct contact at YouTube.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Like we had someone who's an account manager or something. contact at youtube like we had someone who's an account manager or something and i've i've had some people on the show i think like um who have uh who is it um tommy g i just guessed on the show tommy g he's got a big account and he has someone he can run all his shows by even before he airs them so that he can be they can be like hey he probably shouldn't show that prostitute doing that he cuts that out you know what i mean like hey he probably shouldn't show that prostitute doing that he cuts that out you know what i mean like he does these invest this guy okay so they they give him a heads up or like someone's carrying a gun and he's like hey maybe you should blur that out yeah 1.39 million subscribers that's definitely holy shit that's oh yeah going to give you some access for sure.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And I think when we, oh, and you know who else I think has a YouTube account manager is DeLauer. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, he has someone over there too. He's somebody else that I'm talking to about like helping out with like the podcast side of things too. Right. Since we had him here, he was like, I need to fly you out. And so hopefully that, that works out as well.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So we, I think we applied for that sort of thing a while ago. And, and we, you know, I don't remember what happened. It doesn't get denied. You just don't hear anything back.
Starting point is 01:24:59 I think. Of course. Our guy is now Jorge though. He's like, Hey, if you ever, if you're ever unsure and you want to run something by me, just go ahead and like send it over and I'll tell you right away.
Starting point is 01:25:11 So yeah, we got something better than just like somebody that that's their job. We got somebody that's like a friend of ours now and he's like, he loves the show. And so he's just like part of the crew. And so again, like there's a lot of cool stuff that came of this now in the moment it sucked but seeing the waves of support from everybody was so huge like yeah i was getting i could not keep up with dms like i was trying like i already had
Starting point is 01:25:37 do a bad job of that so i need to be better like you but i literally could like i'd hit refresh and i would just get so many more and I'm like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Working on it, working on it. Like, you know, we're not giving up.
Starting point is 01:25:47 We're not going to stop fighting. We're going to get the channel back and you know, stuff like that. And another cool thing is like, I got DMS where people were like, Hey, the, the,
Starting point is 01:25:55 the super training channel is still up. I don't know what you guys are talking about. And I'm like, Oh no, we're talking about the podcast channel. Oh, you guys have a podcast. Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:26:05 That's good. So, so guys have a podcast? Oh, shit. That's good. So in regards, again, even in our own freaking, in Mark's fan base, there's people that don't know he has a podcast. So there's always going to be somebody new that's going to download a podcast. So going back to the earlier conversation, the podcasting space is still wide open.
Starting point is 01:26:24 But yeah, man, it was a huge pouring of love from people that love the show. And then meeting up with Jorge and then kind of like looking at it like, wow, I think I was taking this for granted. clicking onto YouTube, period. I go to YouTube every single day, driving, getting ready, whatever it may be. Like, oh, let's check out YouTube. Not even for my own stuff, to learn stuff, to get entertainment, whatever it may be. I use YouTube every single day and I love YouTube. And the fact that our channel got taken down really, really hurt. When we got it back, it was a huge dose of relief. And then also like, like hey you were taking this for granted like you need to appreciate this even more so on top of that like now i'm backing everything up even better you know trying to try to be more organized with my stuff because again i have like you know those big like costco like tubs the black and yellow ones i have multiple like
Starting point is 01:27:23 eight terabyte hard drives just full like those those things are just full of these things and i'm like dude uh i need to go i get those things you know and probably yeah so yeah you're gonna have those for 50 years you're gonna die and someone's gonna find that crate i know i don't know what to do with all my old hard drives it's nice hundreds of them um hey andrew you um've always used, my kids do jujitsu. They've been doing it for since forever. Right. And, um, they do it four or five, six, seven days a week.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And we visit studios when we travel places and all that stuff. But I've always used it as an excuse to not do it because of my lower back. And, and I don't want my lower back hasn't gone out in a few years but it's because i've really cut back on lifting heavy shit off the ground um at least that's what i tell myself you started jiu-jitsu and and you got some back health like you got some reprieve from your back pain yeah absolutely so i I had back pain for nearly two decades. Yeah, that's probably me. Yeah. It essentially, I think where it came from was essentially sitting down for 12 years and
Starting point is 01:28:33 never getting up. I had, I had a job where I would drive for six to eight hours a day. And I did that for six years. Then the next job was in that medical records job where I sat down for eight hours straight for six years. And then, you know, I'd get up and like, oh, my back've always been super skinny. So I was like 165 pounds. And I, I want to say the, the, the squat was two, it was like 235. Right. And this was after hitting a PR of 225. I just kept going up by like, you know, two and a half, five plates. Like I just, I, I five pounds. I mean, I just kept going up and up and up and up to try to see like where I would go. And somebody was watching me, but they weren't giving me good advice because like, no, you look great. You can definitely do more. And so like as I'm coming up, I get like I just I get spooked, right?
Starting point is 01:29:33 Like I don't have the confidence to do it. And so I throw the weight off my back. But when I do that, when I did that, I kind of like pinched my spine, I guess I'll say. Got a little hernia probably or herniated disc. And the next day I bent down to pick up a bar to deadlift and like the pain was insane. I couldn't move. I couldn't walk. I couldn't get into my car. I couldn't get out of the car. And that, that was the start of like, like one of the most depressing,
Starting point is 01:30:03 like years of my life because i couldn't move my wife had to like help me put on my socks and my shoes everything i did was controlled by my back right like if i have to go if i have to go down to pick something up i have to stabilize myself and like slowly be careful to get it up i can't brush my teeth i can't flush the toilet the right way like everything was compromised because of my back so did you have a kid at that time did you have a kid so i have my stepdaughter the like since the beginning of all of this but she was already at an age where she can take care of herself and stuff so it wasn't too but like i wasn't holding her anymore at that
Starting point is 01:30:41 point right that was that's my dread in the last three years or the last time i hurt my back three years ago i had to like crawl and pee in the shower and i was like hey i'm never putting myself through this again because i got to take care of my kids right so i should always went away like in a week okay i never stayed for as long as yours but it would come for a week and it would be just like like just how you described yeah it's it's man it's definitely the most demoralizing thing, right? I would stop popping drugs. I would pop drugs. I would pop a lot of Vicodin and a lot of alcohol just to completely numb it.
Starting point is 01:31:16 That's what I would do. And walk. And I would force myself to walk. Yeah. Damn, man. I would stop popping drugs and walking. I'm grateful that I never went down any prescription route or anything. But I remember when I went to the doctor after I did that squat thing and I couldn't move and stuff. I'm not joking. This isn't hyperbole. This isn't me being dramatic. That first day,
Starting point is 01:31:40 they wanted to schedule me for surgery. They were like, your back is in really bad shape. The x-rays, not even an MRI, the x-rays show that it's a blown herniated disc, and you're never going to be able to lift again. I wish I was lying when I say this, but they were going to schedule you in for surgery as soon as possible because this isn't going to go away. There's no way to fix this isn't going to go away. There's no way to fix this. I ran out of there. I could not wait to get out of that office because I just, I knew I just wasn't going to do surgery. Like there's just no way that I was going to do that. So again, as time moved on, like I would do okay. I would, I never stopped working out, but obviously I had to alter everything, right? Like I wasn't okay. I would, I, I never stopped working out, but obviously I had to alter
Starting point is 01:32:25 everything, right? Like I wasn't really strong at deadlifts because of this. And so like, I'd always be like super shaky and stuff, but it was always compromising everything, unfortunately. So a couple of things happened. So first I met my, my buddy, Doug Brignoli, who I'm not sure if you've heard of him, but he's just an old, old, stubborn man that had an awesome way of training. And he, it sucks, but he died recently also because, not because, but the reason why it got so popularized was because he said, basically like, you're all idiots. Do the research. The vaccines are totally fine. Use me as an example.
Starting point is 01:33:07 If I die suddenly, then you'll know you were right. He died suddenly. Your homeboy died? Yeah. He's an older guy, but he died. Yeah. What did he die from? A heart attack or a stroke?
Starting point is 01:33:19 Clotting? I forgot what the death certificate said, but it seemed like it was very apparent that it was the thing that we all were telling him that that's going to happen. And it happened. Yes, he was shredded. Yes, he was jacked. He was old. He was on 200 milligrams of TRT, but he wasn't abusing it and he was in great shape. So yeah, there you go. Yeah, maybe that's the right guy i'm not sure fact check fact check these nuts so anyway god the fact check is such a joke when i when i met him he showed me a cool yeah that is him ah dougie damn it damn it. Freaking boomer. He was so cool. He was just so damn aggressive, right? Like if you went against what his beliefs were, he yelled at you and told you you were wrong. But when it came to training, he had his awesome way of implementing biomechanics and just really focusing on muscle growth. So he had what he called the brig 20. Um, I believe his website is still up, And he has like, yeah, dude, he was Jack. So this was him. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:34:32 this was him really young and training a different way. But look at that on the left side. That's him when I met him, like just insanely shredded, just super jacked. And again, just, just in his sixties looking better than a lot of people. And so with his break 20 movements, he didn't use a barbell at all. It was all cable machine stuff. Wow. And at that time I was like kind of just chasing the pump because like, I couldn't really squat anymore. I couldn't do a deadlift without being in insane pain. So I'm like, ah, let me just focus on like chasing the pump. And then I met him and he's like, yeah, I don't use a barbell. And he was in insane shape. I'm like, I need to learn more. Dove deep into all of his stuff, learned everything, all the ins and outs of like this, like biomechanics approach to,
Starting point is 01:35:21 to training. I started to get jacked and I wasn't in any pain from the workouts. All of a sudden the workouts started making me feel better the way they're supposed to. So I minimized those injuries and I minimized the overall pain that was in that came from. Can you squat now? Can you air squat now? Can you squat now? I can, I can squat. Yeah. Yeah. I'm good with that now. And then we'll get to the, I guess if you're doing juj squat. Yeah. Yeah. I'm good with that now. And then we'll get to the, I guess if you're doing jujitsu. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:46 Yeah. Right. So that, that helped alleviate some pain. Then I met the guys over at Gota. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that whole movement. They get pretty aggressive online as well. It's kind of like,
Starting point is 01:36:00 um, it's, it's them functional patterns. And then my boy, David Weck, like everybody's always arguing about, right. About like the proper, um, it's, it's them functional patterns. And then my boy, David Weck, like everybody's always arguing about, about like the proper movement patterns and what's natural and what's this, what's that. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:36:12 I just pick and choose a little bit from all of them and they're all really good people. Wick's wild, huh? Wick's a cool, what a trippy cat. He's been on the show. I really enjoyed him. He's such my energy. I love Mr. Weck, man. He's always so fiery. He's, he's funny. Cause he'll be like,
Starting point is 01:36:28 Oh yeah, that was actually after the second time I went crazy. Not the third time, actually. Right. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:36:35 So even with David Weck stuff, like I started following these, like I'll call them postures and like learning how to like move my body correctly, not standing with my feet, duck foot, you know, and putting all the weight on my heels and, you know, kind of what Goda will say getting in your back chain. So instead of like slouching over actually like arching the back and relieving some of that pain, I'm like, oh, shoot, I didn't know I could actually just do that with moving myself. So I got to the ground and I started doing these movement patterns, not necessarily stretches, but just stuff that started, again, alleviating the pain. So as I'm doing that, I'm starting to feel even better. I'm walking more. I'm walking with my feet straight, realizing like, oh, this is actually feeling like I'm
Starting point is 01:37:21 decompressing my back right now, because I'm not walking with my right foot out and my left foot straight, right? That's just how I walked for some reason. That's just what happened. And then once I straightened everything out, like I could feel everything starting to like decompress. It was, it was wild. It was a crazy experience. So it started with awareness. Yes. That's exactly the best way to put it. I started understanding like, oh, shoot, I'm always slouched over one way or the other, or I walk like a duck, or I'm just not paying attention. I'm just sloppy with all of my movements. of go to, you know, he worked with me, helped get me out of pain, helped me just be more mobile too. It felt great. Then, you know, came jujitsu and oh, sorry, real quick. Another guy movement doc forgot his actual name, but he's at movement doc on Instagram. You know, he told me like, okay, cool. Now that we've alleviated the pain from getting in their back to a back chain, let's focus on like rolling it out the other way. And like, so like basically like elongating and extending and like crunching and doing that sort of thing like a cat cow then i got into jiu-jitsu and all these positions that i was terrified to be in right like wait you
Starting point is 01:38:39 want me to be on the floor and have my feet up in the air and then potentially being crunched down or just have somebody's pressure on my stomach to like just blow out my you know my sternum and my spine and all this like no there's no way i can't i can't do that but what ended up happening was yeah that's my boy right there robbie ellis sorry sir that's his name so what happened was i start getting put into these weird positions and that somehow unlocks like it's sort of like uh it started greasing the groove that's what happened right i started being put in these weird positions where i'm literally like my my heels are over my head as somebody's like passing my guard and I don't break. I'm like, wow, this is crazy. So it started just building up so much resilience and it started unlocking like, you know, it's sort of like when you have like a pain, like a pain area where like you can brush up against it.
Starting point is 01:39:41 And it's like, oh, I know I can only bend over this far before the pain starts hurting. It blew right past that. And now all of a sudden there's no longer that wall. I can just go straight through it. Wow. Yeah. And we had a Dr. Gil Headley on the show.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Amazing human. He was explaining how like things can get like calcified and, and like, like the less you move it, the more cemented stuff can get inside your body. And he was like, like the less you move it, the more cemented stuff can get inside your body. And he was like, what you were doing was you were getting fluid back into those spots that you never moved. Right. Cause as you have back pain, like, okay, I have to brace myself here.
Starting point is 01:40:17 I can't, you know, I can't bend over. I can't curl over. I can't do all these things. I have to be careful. Right. I have to be stable. Like, like you're going for like the world record squat. You got to, you know, and tighten up the belly and do all these things right i have to be careful right i have to be stable like like you're going for like the world record squat you gotta you know and tighten up the belly and do all these things he's like when you started moving and getting put into these bad situations uh bad
Starting point is 01:40:34 positions bad what you did was you brought fluid back to those dry areas and you started softening those areas and you started gaining mobility and you started being able to move in those ways without pain. And so that's what, that's really what it was that kicked it off. And dude, almost two decades of back pain gone because of jujitsu along with the other things I did. Right. Right. Jujitsu was like the last nail in the coffin like hey you don't have back pain anymore so you're no longer a person with back pain don't identify as that because you're good yeah really really like had like a whole you know burial of back pain when i competed so yeah that's me look at that do you like there's no way i would have been able to do that you know a little bit
Starting point is 01:41:23 like a while ago that That's Gil Headley. Dude's amazing. But, you know, I love jujitsu. It's so much fun. And again, getting put into those weird spots and then being on the attacking side. There's Charlie Zamora. Not sure if you're familiar with him. But you know what I saw?
Starting point is 01:41:41 I saw, by the way, that's a great story. I love hearing that. Yeah. I saw, I saw, by the way, that's a great story. I love hearing that. Um, yeah, so definitely do. I, I encourage you to get into it just to, just to get familiar with rolling on the ground, you know, that's what, well, I do do a lot of that. I do do, I do, I do lie on the ground a lot, uh, with my kids and, um, and, and, and, and I try to let them pass my guard. Right. And I do that until I'm pouring in sweat or I try to pass their guard, you know, without, you know, just using strength. I do roll around with them a lot. I'm still pretty mobile. I'm just, I just have the, I just don't want to be injured. Right. And I can still move good. I can still squat, you know, ass to grass. I can still do, you know, pull-ups I can run around, I can throw a Frisbee. But I just, when I wake up in the morning, it still hurts. And so, like, I have to work through that for the first two or three hours. But you're right.
Starting point is 01:42:32 I need to try. I need to start doing some formal jiu-jitsu. I cannot believe. Did you see this guy compete two nights ago? I missed it. But, dude, Nicholas Marigali is my dude. He's so incredible. i cannot believe what an animal this guy is he called nicky rod nicky fraud just right up there on stage i was like
Starting point is 01:42:56 holy shit dude the the beef between those two camps is so good for jujitsu, but I know people in both camps and it, it, I don't know, man, I just, it sucks. Right. Because it's like watching your two,
Starting point is 01:43:11 two groups of friends, not like each other. And you're like, you guys are more similar. Like, I mean, they all used to be one group and that's what happened. Like they all split up in their,
Starting point is 01:43:20 their own ways. And I really like Craig Jones and Nikki Rod and J Rod rod and jay rod too yeah you're you're right i mean it was so fun watching them compete uh all good guys jones is insane yeah and he's so funny dude i want to have that guy on the show dude yeah they said andrew when craig when craig jones won this weekend at ufc fight pass um they put the mic in his face and they're like you know they asked him a question he goes first i just want to thank my sponsors none of this would be possible without steroids i mean his yeah just just straight just straight transparency i gotta clip that i gotta post that somewhere dude it's crazy it's in the commentator doesn't even know what to do. He's like, uh...
Starting point is 01:44:06 Oh, here it is. I wouldn't give it up. I wouldn't be here today without the power of steroids. Thanks to my sponsor, Evertime. I don't know if he's a coupon code beating. It's like, holy shit. You can see the guy with the microphone. He looks over at somebody like,
Starting point is 01:44:23 uh, what should I do right now? And that's a, that's a, who is that? That's a, a Piazza. That's an accomplished UFC fighter, right? So, I mean, the, the UFC is not used to that kind of a transparency. I don't know if, um, it looks like the UFC is going to take over the jujitsu scene. Man. Uh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:44 I have no idea on, on that side side of things it was an amazing show i would go that ufc fight pass was amazing it would that was it was incredible yeah uh flow grappling does a really good job with that sort of stuff too no that wasn't ken florian that was a uh mike pieza but i understand but i respect the uh confusion. Okay. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah. No, uh, flow grappling does a really good job. Like their events are really good as well. Uh, all the IBJJF stuff. I'm a nerd for it.
Starting point is 01:45:12 So I really love watching it. I like watching dudes in the geek. Cause that's how I, I, I train in the geek. Also. I, I like kind of slowing things down and having grips every time I've done no
Starting point is 01:45:22 geek. I get like kicked in the nuts or something weird happens where I get like a, not, not like a injury injury, but I'm just like, fuck, I'm going to feel that tomorrow. And this guy's the best in the gi in the world.
Starting point is 01:45:33 Right. And now when he's switching to no gi and he's in, he now he's, he's saying he's the best in the world at no gi. It's kind of amazing. He says, I'm holding, he said in the show,
Starting point is 01:45:42 he's holding the mantle for his training partner, Gordon Ryan. Yeah. Yeah. I would say that yes he's he's definitely the best in the gi in nogi i think there's definitely an argument for it the only thing is i mean not the only thing but the the amazing thing i should say is like he hasn't been training nogi for very long at all right he's like a newbie when it comes to it and he is making some very very like insanely well-established dudes you know like he he fought uh oh i think it was a kanan duarte and he just made him look bad like he he literally just outclassed him and here is a you know again a very like well-experienced grappler and he's just like
Starting point is 01:46:26 made him quit essentially marigali such a nice guy too um he definitely has the um like he's putting out the persona like kind of like a gordon ryan thing but talking to him in person i'm sure gordon's the same way marigali's an amazing instructor i went out to texas and i took his classes every single day that i was there amazing instructor i went out to texas and i took his classes every single day that i was there amazing instructor one of the coolest things ever was we were training we were drilling the technique for the day and people were like heavy mouth breathing and he just stopped everybody he's like if you're breathing through your mouth you are doing it wrong you need to slow down focus on technique and breathe through your nose i'm like oh shit
Starting point is 01:47:05 like that's what i'm trying to do you know like that's what i've been focusing on but it's cool that no one really talks about that unless it's like in me and in sema or you know somebody that we have on the show in regards to like nasal breathing but here he was really just stopping class saying no you need to be doing this and the guy's a savage he's he's being trained right now by uh my buddy uh jimmy house so that's why he's getting so damn strong so he's got him dead lifting huge weight he's got him doing all kinds of stuff jimmy is a he's a black belt also dude's a savage one of my buddies doesn't that dude fight in the ufc does jimmy house fight in the ufc no he actually just got into pro wrestling.
Starting point is 01:47:45 Oh, okay. Yeah. I mean, he'd probably do really well in the UFC. He's literally built like a house, but he's just like a block of muscle that also moves extremely well. So, yeah. That's one of the key ingredients why Merigali is literally just running through people right now is because of that strength aspect that Jimmy's helping him with. God, you know a lot of people. It's cool. Podcasting is amazing, man.
Starting point is 01:48:22 Even in the CrossFit world, I now have hung out with Greg Glassman because of this show. That's pretty huge. I've podcasted with Rich Froning. That was also another incredible experience because when I first got into fitness, he was like my idol. Like he was like the, like, Oh my gosh, like if I just keep training, maybe I'll look like him one day. Right. And then we podcasted. And so it was like, man, that, and then now even today, like stuff coming full circle is, Like, man, that and then now even today, like stuff coming full circle is just incredible. And the relationships and the like the network of people that I now have is like I'm just super grateful it all came because of podcasting. Wild. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Mark Bell now has a live show Thursday, which is cool. And Andrew has a website called Did I say that right? No, Pursue Podcasting. Oh, look it. I can't even spell. But. Pursue.
Starting point is 01:49:15 You should get Purpose too. I like Purpose too. All right. Yeah. And then so a cool thing that I wanted to do. So if anybody is interested, so like if you listening right now, if you've ever found yourself like commenting back on the podcast, cause I used to do that all the time, I'd be in the car, somebody would say something and I would start talking to them too. I always wanted to do this, but like, I just never had like the way to do it. I didn't even know where to start. but like, I just never had like the way to do it.
Starting point is 01:49:43 I didn't even know where to start. So if you are that person, maybe you want to see like, hey, what does it take to actually like start a podcast in regards to like equipment and stuff? You can go to slash Zavon and you guys will get a free podcast equipment purchasing guide. And I break down everything.
Starting point is 01:50:00 I break down a ton of stuff as in regards to like video audio. So that's me. Don't, don't play that right now though. Oh wow. Look at, there's all sorts of shit I don't even know about. Look at, yeah, you can scroll down and you'll see like there's a, you know, so there's a guide. So just fill that out and you'll get instant access to a, to a, again, a purchasing guide from everything from like audio, video, a little bit of software. I do a video breakdown of how I do this. And also like, if you wanted to get started today, like you can get started for like less than 300 bucks. That includes microphone, camera, and lights. It's a really, really cool thing. I wanted to make it accessible for everybody.
Starting point is 01:50:40 So like if money's an issue, like we can start very, very low, but get sounding really good and get looking really good. Or if you wanted to do like a more of a like a like if you have a bigger budget, you have you want to do this for like a company brand awareness or whatever. I have that in the guide as well. So again, I'm just really grateful to be here. And if somebody is listening and you gave me your ears, then I am extremely grateful. Thank you so much. Yeah, thanks for doing that. I love adding value to the customers. So it's forward slash Sevan? Yes. That's cool. I didn't even know you were going to do that. That's crazy. Yeah. And just again, it's taking this amazing opportunity that you've given me and just like
Starting point is 01:51:19 not taking it for granted because I know the reach that a podcast can have. So I'm just extremely grateful. Yeah. And then Instagram is at I am Andrew Z that's across the board. I don't post that much, but I'm going to, it's just, again, my, my head's I've had the blinders on recording this pot or this podcast course, just to try to make sure I leave no stone unturned, because again, I want to help you launch, grow and monetize your show. Awesome. Hey dude,
Starting point is 01:51:48 you're, um, as this thing evolves, if there's anything else you ever want to share, you're always welcome to come on the show. Like I said, we go every morning at 7am. Uh,
Starting point is 01:51:55 you have a lot of stories. Uh, we just barely scratched the surface. We can chop it up and talk about, uh, the first time someone took a nasty fart on the show. I mean, I'm sure there's a ton of funny stories. I really appreciate stories. Yeah. So all that stuff. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:52:11 I really appreciate you coming on Andrew and, uh, I look forward to continuing the friendship and, uh, talking to you offline, man. You're a good dude. Absolutely. And I'm extremely grateful. Thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate it. And again, whatever, like, cause we've been texting each other. So all those questions, whether it's you matt caleb whoever just you guys have my number now so literally ask me any questions i love to do this sort of thing so yeah let's let's just keep the conversation going all right brother thank you uh say hi say hi to sema and mark for me thank you and have a great day. See you. Thank you. Ciao. I can't even fucking breathe. Oh.
Starting point is 01:52:55 I needed to blow my nose like 20 times. That's a great dude. That's a cool dude. What a wealth of knowledge. Yeah, no doubt. He's awesome. Can we get Jorge's number? I know.
Starting point is 01:53:03 God, I hope we never need it. Jesus Christ almighty. We're going gonna need him on speed dial soon i apologize for saying jesus jesus oh i know there's some great shows on today i don't know what they are thank you what the programming is going to be on today. I don't know what they are. Thank you with the programming is going to be on today. Hey, I'm going to, I'm going to offer that dude like a bag of gold coins.
Starting point is 01:53:33 He lives an hour from me or no two hours, three hours from me to come down and Tinker in my studio. That'd be awesome. Yeah. I'm going to ask him. He made it so easy easy i was looking at that amazon like his little click-through thing yeah yeah it's so easy you just you can add what everything that you would need and it's everything you would need like if you were going to start
Starting point is 01:53:56 from zero yeah you should put it all in your cart order it then you can set it up on your own when you get here the only thing that would suck is just cable management. That's it. So I'm on answer my text message and I'll become a member of the show. Listen, I want to tell you something funny about text messages. So many, so many of you have my phone number now and I don't put people's names in when
Starting point is 01:54:17 they come in. So just assume that half the time I'm talking to you, I really don't know who you are. So if you're like, great show, I'm like, thanks dude. What are you doing today?
Starting point is 01:54:24 You should know that that's just complete., I really don't know who you are. If you're like, great show, I'm like, thanks, dude. What are you doing today? You should know that that's just complete... I fucking don't even know. I don't even know. You're like, I'm texting someone, and I'm like, you guys are all just the same person to me. It's all just Jeremy.
Starting point is 01:54:39 It's all just Jeremy world. I was going to say it was Heidi, but Jeremy's cool, too. It's all just Heidi. I think you're all just Jeremy world. I was going to say it was Heidi, but Jeremy's cool too. It's all just Heidi. Yeah. I think you're all just, yeah. I don't even, did you really text me,
Starting point is 01:54:52 Frank? Dude, yesterday I went through and answered like 300 because I'm at Greg's house now. So I'm just chilling. And the kids were in the pool. I went through and answered 300 text message. It must be so weird to people. Like they're like,
Starting point is 01:55:03 Hey, do you want to get lunch? And it's like two weeks later. I'm like, oh, no, sorry, I can't. But I don't even say, I don't even apologize for being late or nothing. Even from my own mom, dude, I'm opening text. My mom's like, I'm coming over to pick up the boys. And it's like a two-weeks-old text, and I just hard it. You did that.
Starting point is 01:55:19 There was a thread that somebody sent a message to, and I was like, hey, can I use this? And then he- Oh, was that yesterday or a couple days ago? was like hey can i use this and then oh is that yesterday or a couple days ago yeah that thumbnail i remember that too like i used that thumbnail like a month ago two months ago my shit is a mess it's like he's he must be going through it yeah it is a fucking mess the thing is is when i give people my phone number like i like every if i've gave you my phone number i i i i don't give it out to everyone i must like you or want to do something like there's this there's this guy um who who wants to get the news who's going to do the newsletter for us they just don't have the fucking bandwidth right now to like figure out
Starting point is 01:56:00 how we're going to do that it That is a lot, but he's, he'll do the whole thing. I just need to call him and just be like, okay. It's like, Oh, we got someone doing the sub clip station now. Oh really?
Starting point is 01:56:12 Yeah. Sweet. That'd be awesome. Uh, and I, and I think I found someone who will do the Portuguese station. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:21 I went through my Instagram too. I know yesterday I had hours and hours just sitting by the pool sounds nice um can you pull up the like some of our friends um like this get with the programming has a show today does around the whiteboard has a or coffee pods and wads has an around the whiteboard okay um that one's today let's see what time who's on that uh tyler tyler walkins nick johnston from proven oh wow uh josh marillo actually oh shit so hayley adams coach uh the ceo proven and um our very own the founder of the heat one app wow crazy okay okay i'm starting to hate this new youtube layout what the fuck oh i hate it so yeah but should be
Starting point is 01:57:12 a good episode for uh for those three be interesting did you see we had another record day yesterday did you see the numbers this morning they're fucking insane by the way are they i haven't they're insane i look during the middle of the show normally I when Andrew was like I check YouTube every day I was like fuck I haven't checked the numbers this morning they're fucking nuts that's awesome I thought get with the programming had one today then maybe they're just releasing it
Starting point is 01:57:38 I thought get with the programming did like a leaderboard show yeah they did one yesterday it was the 24.1 I thought Get With The Programming did a leaderboard show. Yeah, they did one yesterday. It was the 24.1 recap. Oh, okay. Hiller just came out with his episode with Emma Lawson,
Starting point is 01:57:57 a little documentary, I guess, with her. Oh, yeah, because he ran into her at the Arnold. Okay, that's cool. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. Who else? All right. I think that's it. Sorry if I forgot you. Get with the programming has prediction show today.
Starting point is 01:58:16 Oh, okay. Oh, there you go. So they do have something. Oh, look here. Look it, look it. Here is my name. Save it. Why is this texting? Okay. look here look at look at here's my name save it yeah i'm just texting
Starting point is 01:58:25 okay you know what's cool is for some reason oh i don't even have my phone near me when when people text you i like it when it says maybe it's so and so so that way you can just go add them to your context i hate having to type in people's names and shit. That's I think that's when somebody says, Hey, this is like, hi, this is Caleb, blah,
Starting point is 01:58:48 blah, blah, blah. And then it's like, Oh, this could be Caleb. And then you can just add it from there. So if you text them,
Starting point is 01:58:54 just put your name in there and then it'll pop up like that. Okay. I'm saving you into my computer, but my computer is not connected to my phone. You can share my location with you. No, thank you. Yeah, it looks like Get With The Programming has an episode in about an hour. Hour 15.
Starting point is 01:59:12 Okay. Right before Coffee Pods and Wads, you can watch Get With The Programming, and then I'll run right into Coffee Pods and Wads. Okay. Tomorrow we have three shows, guys. Tomorrow's nuts. So tomorrow morning we start with...
Starting point is 01:59:30 Tomorrow morning we start with... Oh! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know who this guy is. This is the guy whose daughter's like... Oh, that's so funny. I know this account more than I know you, Frank. Winter DeBak, his daughter has 18,000 followers on Instagram. She did 24.1.
Starting point is 01:59:58 Can you hear that? No. Dog is barking? Dog is eating your cat? The tornado siren's going. No shit? Yeah. You're not scared?
Starting point is 02:00:10 No. It's first Wednesday of the month. They always play it. So this is the dude in the chat. Frank, this is his daughter's YouTube account. This is crazy. Oh my God. That's incredible. Oh look, we can see Frank too in this one. Jesus Christ, Frank. What are you, 14? Yeah, no shit.
Starting point is 02:00:36 You have a kid already? Do you adopt her or something? Show some patience, dude. Never heard of contraception? Oh my God. That is adorable. Oh my God, that is adorable. Oh my God, you're kidding me. What is she, like four, three? Maybe even younger, dude.
Starting point is 02:00:54 I need to start getting my niece to do that. Fuck, that's crazy. I just started getting my niece to use the rings in our house. She just started swinging from them. And now every time she comes over, she just wants to run up and down with the rings. Yeah. That's how it starts.
Starting point is 02:01:10 That's awesome. Yeah, that's cool. And then we started just like picking her up and putting her on the pull-up bar and having her new pull-ups. And we made obstacle courses with the plates and stuff. And he loves it. That's awesome.
Starting point is 02:01:24 God, kids are so fucking cool i see that stroke damn damn better than obby damn damn but i'm gonna make my i'm gonna make some more kids tonight now that you've responded to all your dms and text messages you got time yeah damn your kids are doing tennis too frank that is awesome god watching my kids play tennis is insane all right oh so tomorrow morning so tomorrow morning i have hay Hayley Adams and Hilleron at the same time. You guys should go nuts in the comments.
Starting point is 02:02:09 Ask any questions you want. Like, did they bone? Shit like that. And then right after they announced 24.2. Well, last time I told you we were going to come on after they announced 24.2, but we came on before. So I don't know. But around noon
Starting point is 02:02:25 it's an all star cast it's me it's Grundler it's JR Taylor and John Young I mean that show is going to be dope will you be here for that Caleb for the announcement show Thursday tomorrow
Starting point is 02:02:40 yes okay and Caleb so like six windows full it's going to be fun and then in the evening we'll do just an update show we'll talk about 24.1 we'll talk about 24.2 and really we'll just find out what the fucks we'll get talk about who thinks who's going to win between uh taylor and uh hopper because that's uh we're doing that show friday night that show is going to be off the hook oh we're starting the show one hour early we're starting it at 4 night. That show is going to be off the hook. Oh, we're starting to show one hour early. We're starting at 4 PM Pacific standard time. We are starting to show one hour early 4 PM Pacific standard time.
Starting point is 02:03:12 I wonder if Jason and Taylor know that on Friday. All right. That's it. Thanks again to Andrew Zadagoza for coming on. What a good dude. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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